--- title: user description: Indicates info about a certain user image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # Constructor: user [Back to constructors index](index.md) Indicates info about a certain user ### Attributes: | Name | Type | Required | Description | |----------|---------------|----------|-------------| |self|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Whether this user indicates the currently logged in user| |contact|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Whether this user is a contact| |mutual\_contact|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Whether this user is a mutual contact| |deleted|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Whether the account of this user was deleted| |bot|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Is this user a bot?| |bot\_chat\_history|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Can the bot see all messages in groups?| |bot\_nochats|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Can the bot be added to groups?| |verified|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Whether this user is verified| |restricted|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Access to this user must be restricted for the reason specified in `restriction_reason`| |id|[int](../types/int.md) | Yes|ID of the user| |access\_hash|[long](../types/long.md) | Optional|Access hash of the user| |first\_name|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|First name| |last\_name|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|Last name| |username|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|Username| |phone|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|Phone number| |photo|[UserProfilePhoto](../types/UserProfilePhoto.md) | Optional|Profile picture of user| |status|[UserStatus](../types/UserStatus.md) | Optional|Online status of user| |bot\_info\_version|[int](../types/int.md) | Optional|Version of the [bot\_info field in userFull](../constructors/userFull.md), incremented every time it changes| |restiction\_reason|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|Restiction reason| ### Type: [User](../types/User.md) ### Example: ```php $user = ['_' => 'user', 'self' => Bool, 'contact' => Bool, 'mutual_contact' => Bool, 'deleted' => Bool, 'bot' => Bool, 'bot_chat_history' => Bool, 'bot_nochats' => Bool, 'verified' => Bool, 'restricted' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'first_name' => 'string', 'last_name' => 'string', 'username' => 'string', 'phone' => 'string', 'photo' => UserProfilePhoto, 'status' => UserStatus, 'bot_info_version' => int, 'restiction_reason' => 'string']; ``` Or, if you're into Lua: ```lua user={_='user', self=Bool, contact=Bool, mutual_contact=Bool, deleted=Bool, bot=Bool, bot_chat_history=Bool, bot_nochats=Bool, verified=Bool, restricted=Bool, id=int, access_hash=long, first_name='string', last_name='string', username='string', phone='string', photo=UserProfilePhoto, status=UserStatus, bot_info_version=int, restiction_reason='string'} ```