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Accept QR code login token, logging in the app that generated it: auth.acceptLoginToken
Add an existing telegram user as contact: contacts.addContact
Add/remove sticker from recent stickers list: messages.saveRecentSticker
Adds a user to a chat and sends a service message on it: messages.addChatUser
Answer an inline query, for bots only: messages.setInlineBotResults
Answers a custom query; for bots only: bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery
Apply changes to multiple stickersets: messages.toggleStickerSets
Associate a group to a channel as discussion group for that channel: channels.setDiscussionGroup
Associate a stickerset to the supergroup: channels.setStickers
Ban/unban/kick a user in a supergroup/channel: channels.editBanned
Cancels a request for creation and/or delete info on secret chat: messages.discardEncryption
Chanages chat name and sends a service message on it: messages.editChatTitle
Change media autodownload settings: account.saveAutoDownloadSettings
Change privacy settings of current account: account.setPrivacy
Change the phone number of the current account: account.changePhone
Change the photo of a channel/supergroup: channels.editPhoto
Change the username of a supergroup/channel: channels.updateUsername
Changes chat photo and sends a service message on it: messages.editChatPhoto
Changes username for the current user: account.updateUsername
Check if a username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup: channels.checkUsername
Check the validity of a chat invite link and get basic info about it: messages.checkChatInvite
Confirm a phone number to cancel account deletion, for more info click here »: account.confirmPhone
Confirms creation of a secret chat: messages.acceptEncryption
Delete all messages sent by a certain user in a supergroup: channels.deleteUserHistory
Delete all temporary authorization keys except for the ones specified: auth.dropTempAuthKeys
Delete messages in a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteMessages
Deletes a device by its token, stops sending PUSH-notifications to it: account.unregisterDevice
Deletes a user from a chat and sends a service message on it: messages.deleteChatUser
Deletes messages by their identifiers: messages.deleteMessages
Deletes several contacts from the list: contacts.deleteContacts
Edit the default banned rights of a channel/supergroup/group: messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights
Edit the description of a group/supergroup/channel: messages.editChatAbout
Enable/disable message signatures in channels: channels.toggleSignatures
Find out if a media message's caption can be edited: messages.getMessageEditData
Finish account takeout session: account.finishTakeoutSession
Generate a login token, for login via QR code. : auth.exportLoginToken
Get SHA256 hashes for verifying downloaded CDN files: upload.getCdnFileHashes
Get SHA256 hashes for verifying downloaded files: upload.getFileHashes
Get a document by its SHA256 hash, mainly used for gifs: messages.getDocumentByHash
Get a list of channels/supergroups we left: channels.getLeftChannels
Get all chats, channels and supergroups: messages.getAllChats
Get all groups that can be used as discussion groups: channels.getGroupsForDiscussion
Get changed emoji keywords: messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference
Get dialogs manually marked as unread: messages.getDialogUnreadMarks
Get highscores of a game sent using an inline bot: messages.getInlineGameHighScores
Get inactive channels and supergroups: channels.getInactiveChannels
Get info about a channel/supergroup participant: channels.getParticipant
Get info about an emoji keyword localization: messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages
Get info about multiple wallpapers: account.getMultiWallPapers
Get information about a language in a localization pack: langpack.getLanguage
Get information about all languages in a localization pack: langpack.getLanguages
Get link and embed info of a message in a channel/supergroup: channels.exportMessageLink
Get live location history of a certain user: messages.getRecentLocations
Get localized name of the telegram support user: help.getSupportName
Get media autodownload settings: account.getAutoDownloadSettings
Get message ranges for saving the user's chat history: messages.getSplitRanges
Get phone call configuration to be passed to libtgvoip's shared config: phone.getCallConfig
Get poll results for non-anonymous polls: messages.getPollVotes
Get promotion info of the currently-used MTProxy: help.getProxyData
Get saved Telegram Passport document, for more info see the passport docs »: account.getSecureValue
Get stickers attached to a photo or video: messages.getAttachedStickers
Get the admin log of a channel/supergroup: channels.getAdminLog
Get the participants of a supergroup/channel: channels.getParticipants
Get unread messages where we were mentioned: messages.getUnreadMentions
Get web login widget authorizations: account.getWebAuthorizations
Gets back the conversation history with one interlocutor / within a chat: messages.getHistory
Hide/unhide message history for new channel/supergroup users: channels.togglePreHistoryHidden
Import a chat invite and join a private chat/supergroup/channel: messages.importChatInvite
Installs a previously uploaded photo as a profile photo: photos.updateProfilePhoto
Intialize account takeout session: account.initTakeoutSession
Invite users to a channel/supergroup: channels.inviteToChannel
Invoke the specified query using the specified API layer: invokeWithLayer
Invoke with the given message range: invokeWithMessagesRange
Invokes a query after a successfull completion of previous queries: invokeAfterMsgs
Invokes a query after successfull completion of one of the previous queries: invokeAfterMsg
Load channel statistics graph asynchronously: stats.loadAsyncGraph
Log out an active authorized session by its hash: account.resetAuthorization
Log out an active web telegram login session: account.resetWebAuthorization
Logs in a user using a key transmitted from his native data-centre: auth.importAuthorization
Look for updates of telegram's terms of service: help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate
Mark channel/supergroup history as read: channels.readHistory
Mark channel/supergroup message contents as read: channels.readMessageContents
Mark new featured stickers as read: messages.readFeaturedStickers
Marks message history within a secret chat as read: messages.readEncryptedHistory
Method for fetching previously featured stickers: messages.getOldFeaturedStickers
Modify the admin rights of a user in a supergroup/channel: channels.editAdmin
Obtain configuration for two-factor authorization with password: account.getPassword
Register device to receive PUSH notifications: account.registerDevice
Registers a validated phone number in the system: auth.signUp
Report a message in a chat for violation of telegram's Terms of Service: messages.report
Report a peer for violation of telegram's Terms of Service: account.reportPeer
Request a reupload of a certain file to a CDN DC: upload.reuploadCdnFile
Resend the code to verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method: account.resendPasswordEmail
Reset all active web telegram login sessions: account.resetWebAuthorizations
Resets all notification settings from users and groups: account.resetNotifySettings
Resolve a @username to get peer info: contacts.resolveUsername
Returns a list of available wallpapers: account.getWallPapers
Returns basic user info according to their identifiers: users.getUsers
Returns current configuration, including data center configuration: help.getConfig
Returns data for copying authorization to another data-centre: auth.exportAuthorization
Returns full chat info according to its ID: messages.getFullChat
Returns info on data centre nearest to the user: help.getNearestDc
Returns information on update availability for the current application: help.getAppUpdate
Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings: account.getNotifyExceptions
Returns localized text of a text message with an invitation: help.getInviteText
Returns the current user's contact list: contacts.getContacts
Returns the list of messages by their IDs: messages.getMessages
Returns the support user for the 'ask a question' feature: help.getSupport
Save a message draft associated to a chat: messages.saveDraft
Saves a part of file for futher sending to one of the methods: upload.saveFilePart
Search for messages and peers globally: messages.searchGlobal
Send a result obtained using messages.getInlineBotResults: messages.sendInlineBotResult
Send scheduled messages right away: messages.sendScheduledMessages
Send the verification email code for telegram passport: account.sendVerifyEmailCode
Send the verification phone code for telegram passport: account.sendVerifyPhoneCode
Send typing event by the current user to a secret chat: messages.setEncryptedTyping
Sends a custom request; for bots only: bots.sendCustomRequest
Sends a message with a file attachment to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedFile
Sends a request to start a secret chat to the user: messages.requestEncryption
Sends a service message to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedService
Sends a text message to a secret chat: messages.sendEncrypted
Set sensitive content settings (for viewing or hiding NSFW content): account.setContentSettings
Set the callback answer to a user button press (bots only): messages.setBotCallbackAnswer
Start a conversation with a bot using a deep linking parameter: messages.startBot
Submit requested order information for validation: payments.validateRequestedInfo
Terminates all user's authorized sessions except for the current one: auth.resetAuthorizations
Toggle contact sign up notifications: account.setContactSignUpNotification
Try logging to an account protected by a 2FA password: auth.checkPassword
Updates current user profile photo: photos.uploadProfilePhoto
Upload encrypted file and associate it to a secret chat: messages.uploadEncryptedFile
Validates a username and checks availability: account.checkUsername
Verify a new phone number to associate to the current account: account.sendChangePhoneCode
Verify a phone number for telegram passport: account.verifyPhone
Verify an email address for telegram passport: account.verifyEmail
Verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method: account.confirmPasswordEmail
Complete phone call E2E encryption key exchange »: phone.confirmCall