<?php function ___install_madeline() { if (count(debug_backtrace(0)) === 1) { die('You must include this file in another PHP script'.PHP_EOL); } $old = false; if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 5) { if (PHP_MINOR_VERSION < 6) { throw new \Exception('MadelineProto requires at least PHP 7.1 to run'); } $old = true; } if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 7 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION === 0) { $old = true; } if ($old) { $newline = PHP_EOL; if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { $newline = '<br>'.$newline; } echo "**********************************************************************************$newline"; echo "**********************************************************************************$newline$newline"; echo "YOU ARE USING AN OLD AND BUGGED VERSION OF PHP, PLEASE UPDATE TO PHP 7.3$newline"; echo "PHP 5/7.0 USERS WILL NOT RECEIVE PHP UPDATES AND BUGFIXES: https://www.php.net/eol.php$newline"; echo "PHP 5/7.0 USERS WILL NOT RECEIVE MADELINEPROTO UPDATES AND BUGFIXES$newline$newline"; echo "SUPPORTED VERSIONS: PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3+$newline"; echo "RECOMMENDED VERSION: PHP 7.3$newline$newline"; echo "**********************************************************************************$newline"; echo "**********************************************************************************$newline"; unset($newline); } // MTProxy update $file = debug_backtrace(0, 1)[0]['file']; if (file_exists($file)) { $contents = file_get_contents($file); if (strpos($contents, 'new \danog\MadelineProto\Server') && in_array($contents, [file_get_contents('https://github.com/danog/MadelineProtoPhar/raw/2270bd9a94d168a5e6731ffd7e61821ea244beff/mtproxyd'), file_get_contents('https://github.com/danog/MadelineProtoPhar/raw/7cabb718ec3ccb79e3c8e3d34f5bccbe3f63b0fd/mtproxyd')]) && ($mtproxyd = file_get_contents('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/mtproxyd?v=new'))) { file_put_contents($file, $mtproxyd); return; } } // Template strings for madelineProto update URLs $release_template = 'https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/release%s?v=new'; $phar_template = 'https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline%s.phar?v=new'; // Version definition $custom_branch = defined('MADELINE_BRANCH') ? MADELINE_BRANCH : null; if ($custom_branch === '') { // If the constant is an empty string, default to the latest alpha build $custom_branch = 'master'; } else if ($custom_branch === null) { // If the constant is not defined, default to the latest stable build $custom_branch = ''; } $release_branch = "-$custom_branch"; if ($release_branch === '-') { $release_branch = ''; } $release_fallback_branch = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'], '000webhost.io') && $custom_branch === null) { $release_branch = '-deprecated'; $release_fallback_branch = '-deprecated'; } if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5) { $release_branch = '5'.$release_branch; $release_fallback_branch = '5'.$release_fallback_branch; } elseif (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 7 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION === 0) { $release_branch = '70'.$release_branch; $release_fallback_branch = '70'.$release_fallback_branch; } // Checking if defined branch/default branch builds can be downloaded if (!($release = @file_get_contents(sprintf($release_template, $release_branch)))) { if (!($release = @file_get_contents(sprintf($release_template, $release_fallback_branch)))) { return; } $release_branch = $release_fallback_branch; } if (!file_exists('madeline.phar') || !file_exists('madeline.phar.version') || file_get_contents('madeline.phar.version') !== $release) { $phar = file_get_contents(sprintf($phar_template, $release_branch)); if ($phar) { file_put_contents('madeline.phar', $phar); file_put_contents('madeline.phar.version', $release); } } } ___install_madeline(); require 'madeline.phar';