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"minimum-stability": "stable", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-0": { "cash": "src/" } } } maximumSize = $size; } /** * Get the value cached with this key * * @param int|string $key The key. Strings that are ints are cast to ints. * @param mixed $default The value to be returned if key not found. (Optional) * @return mixed */ public function get($key, $default = null) { if (isset($this->data[$key])) { $this->recordAccess($key); return $this->data[$key]; } else { return $default; } } /** * Put something in the cache * * @param int|string $key The key. Strings that are ints are cast to ints. * @param mixed $value The value to cache */ public function put($key, $value) { if (isset($this->data[$key])) { $this->data[$key] = $value; $this->recordAccess($key); } else { $this->data[$key] = $value; if ($this->size() > $this->maximumSize) { // remove least recently used element (front of array) reset($this->data); unset($this->data[key($this->data)]); } } } /** * Get the number of elements in the cache * * @return int */ public function size() { return count($this->data); } /** * Does the cache contain an element with this key * * @param int|string $key The key * @return boolean */ public function containsKey($key) { return isset($this->data[$key]); } /** * Remove the element with this key. * * @param int|string $key The key * @return mixed Value or null if not set */ public function remove($key) { if (isset($this->data[$key])) { $value = $this->data[$key]; unset($this->data[$key]); return $value; } else { return null; } } /** * Clear the cache */ public function clear() { $this->data = array(); } /** * Moves the element from current position to end of array * * @param int|string $key The key */ protected function recordAccess($key) { $value = $this->data[$key]; unset($this->data[$key]); $this->data[$key] = $value; } }{ "name": "kelunik/certificate", "description": "Access certificate details and transform between different formats.", "type": "library", "minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true, "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "keywords": [ "certificate", "certificates", "openssl", "x509", "pem", "der" ], "support": { "issues": "" }, "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "ext-openssl": "*" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6 | 7" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Kelunik\\Certificate\\": "lib" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.x-dev" } } } commonName = $commonName; $this->organizationName = $organizationName; $this->country = $country; } public function getCommonName() { return $this->commonName; } public function getOrganizationName() { return $this->organizationName; } public function getCountry() { return $this->country; } }pem) === false) { throw new InvalidCertificateException("Could not convert 'OpenSSL X.509' resource to PEM!"); } if (!($this->info = \openssl_x509_parse($cert))) { throw new InvalidCertificateException("Invalid PEM encoded certificate!"); } } public function getNames() { $san = isset($this->info["extensions"]["subjectAltName"]) ? $this->info["extensions"]["subjectAltName"] : ""; $names = []; $parts = \array_map("trim", \explode(",", $san)); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (\stripos($part, "dns:") === 0) { $names[] = \substr($part, 4); } } $names = \array_map("strtolower", $names); $names = \array_unique($names); \sort($names); return $names; } public function getSubject() { if ($this->subject === null) { $this->subject = new Profile(isset($this->info["subject"]["CN"]) ? $this->info["subject"]["CN"] : null, isset($this->info["subject"]["O"]) ? $this->info["subject"]["O"] : null, isset($this->info["subject"]["C"]) ? $this->info["subject"]["C"] : null); } return $this->subject; } public function getIssuer() { if ($this->issuer === null) { $this->issuer = new Profile(isset($this->info["issuer"]["CN"]) ? $this->info["issuer"]["CN"] : null, isset($this->info["issuer"]["O"]) ? $this->info["issuer"]["O"] : null, isset($this->info["issuer"]["C"]) ? $this->info["issuer"]["C"] : null); } return $this->issuer; } public function getSerialNumber() { return $this->info["serialNumber"]; } public function getValidFrom() { return $this->info["validFrom_time_t"]; } public function getValidTo() { return $this->info["validTo_time_t"]; } public function getSignatureType() { // if (!isset($this->info["signatureTypeSN"])) { throw new FieldNotSupportedException("Signature type is not supported in this version of PHP. Please update your version to a higher bugfix version. See:"); } return $this->info["signatureTypeSN"]; } public function isSelfSigned() { return $this->info["subject"] === $this->info["issuer"]; } public function toPem() { return $this->pem; } public function toDer() { return self::pemToDer($this->pem); } public function __toString() { return $this->pem; } public function __debugInfo() { return ["commonName" => $this->getSubject()->getCommonName(), "names" => $this->getNames(), "issuedBy" => $this->getIssuer()->getCommonName(), "validFrom" => \date("d.m.Y", $this->getValidFrom()), "validTo" => \date("d.m.Y", $this->getValidTo())]; } }assertSame("169720774684715272062536722760177705551647", $cert->getSerialNumber()); $this->assertSame("US", $cert->getIssuer()->getCountry()); $this->assertSame("Let's Encrypt", $cert->getIssuer()->getOrganizationName()); $this->assertSame("Let's Encrypt Authority X1", $cert->getIssuer()->getCommonName()); $this->assertFalse($cert->isSelfSigned()); $this->assertSame(\trim($raw), \trim((string) $cert)); $this->assertSame(\trim($raw), \trim($cert->toPem())); $this->assertSame(\trim($raw), \trim(Certificate::derToPem($cert->toDer()))); $this->assertSame(["commonName" => "", "names" => ["", ""], "issuedBy" => "Let's Encrypt Authority X1", "validFrom" => \date("d.m.Y", 1445636100), "validTo" => \date("d.m.Y", 1453412100)], $cert->__debugInfo()); } public function testLocal() { $raw = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/data/localhost.pem"); $cert = new Certificate($raw); $this->assertSame("localhost", $cert->getSubject()->getCommonName()); $this->assertTrue($cert->isSelfSigned()); } public function testSignature() { $raw = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/data/"); $cert = new Certificate($raw); try { $type = $cert->getSignatureType(); $this->assertSame("RSA-SHA256", $type); } catch (FieldNotSupportedException $e) { $this->markTestSkipped("Signature type not supported, see"); } } public function testDerToPem() { $pem = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/data/localhost.pem"); $der = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/data/localhost.der"); $this->assertSame($der, Certificate::pemToDer($pem)); $this->assertSame($pem, Certificate::derToPem($der)); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testInvalidDerType() { Certificate::derToPem(0); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testInvalidPemType() { Certificate::pemToDer(0); } /** * @expectedException \Kelunik\Certificate\InvalidCertificateException */ public function testInvalidPem() { Certificate::pemToDer(""); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testNonString() { new Certificate(0); } /** * @expectedException \Kelunik\Certificate\InvalidCertificateException */ public function testInvalidPemConstruct() { new Certificate(""); } public function testPemNormalization() { $raw = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/data/"); $modified = \str_replace("-----\n", "-----\n\n", $raw); $cert = new Certificate($modified); $this->assertNotSame(\trim($raw), \trim($modified)); $this->assertSame(\trim($raw), \trim($cert->toPem())); } }{ "name": "psr/http-message", "description": "Common interface for HTTP messages", "keywords": ["psr", "psr-7", "http", "http-message", "request", "response"], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "PHP-FIG", "homepage": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Psr\\Http\\Message\\": "src/" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev" } } } getQuery()` * or from the `QUERY_STRING` server param. * * @return array */ public function getQueryParams(); /** * Return an instance with the specified query string arguments. * * These values SHOULD remain immutable over the course of the incoming * request. They MAY be injected during instantiation, such as from PHP's * $_GET superglobal, or MAY be derived from some other value such as the * URI. In cases where the arguments are parsed from the URI, the data * MUST be compatible with what PHP's parse_str() would return for * purposes of how duplicate query parameters are handled, and how nested * sets are handled. * * Setting query string arguments MUST NOT change the URI stored by the * request, nor the values in the server params. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated query string arguments. * * @param array $query Array of query string arguments, typically from * $_GET. * @return static */ public function withQueryParams(array $query); /** * Retrieve normalized file upload data. * * This method returns upload metadata in a normalized tree, with each leaf * an instance of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface. * * These values MAY be prepared from $_FILES or the message body during * instantiation, or MAY be injected via withUploadedFiles(). * * @return array An array tree of UploadedFileInterface instances; an empty * array MUST be returned if no data is present. */ public function getUploadedFiles(); /** * Create a new instance with the specified uploaded files. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated body parameters. * * @param array $uploadedFiles An array tree of UploadedFileInterface instances. * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid structure is provided. */ public function withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles); /** * Retrieve any parameters provided in the request body. * * If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded * or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, this method MUST * return the contents of $_POST. * * Otherwise, this method may return any results of deserializing * the request body content; as parsing returns structured content, the * potential types MUST be arrays or objects only. A null value indicates * the absence of body content. * * @return null|array|object The deserialized body parameters, if any. * These will typically be an array or object. */ public function getParsedBody(); /** * Return an instance with the specified body parameters. * * These MAY be injected during instantiation. * * If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded * or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, use this method * ONLY to inject the contents of $_POST. * * The data IS NOT REQUIRED to come from $_POST, but MUST be the results of * deserializing the request body content. Deserialization/parsing returns * structured data, and, as such, this method ONLY accepts arrays or objects, * or a null value if nothing was available to parse. * * As an example, if content negotiation determines that the request data * is a JSON payload, this method could be used to create a request * instance with the deserialized parameters. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated body parameters. * * @param null|array|object $data The deserialized body data. This will * typically be in an array or object. * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an unsupported argument type is * provided. */ public function withParsedBody($data); /** * Retrieve attributes derived from the request. * * The request "attributes" may be used to allow injection of any * parameters derived from the request: e.g., the results of path * match operations; the results of decrypting cookies; the results of * deserializing non-form-encoded message bodies; etc. Attributes * will be application and request specific, and CAN be mutable. * * @return array Attributes derived from the request. */ public function getAttributes(); /** * Retrieve a single derived request attribute. * * Retrieves a single derived request attribute as described in * getAttributes(). If the attribute has not been previously set, returns * the default value as provided. * * This method obviates the need for a hasAttribute() method, as it allows * specifying a default value to return if the attribute is not found. * * @see getAttributes() * @param string $name The attribute name. * @param mixed $default Default value to return if the attribute does not exist. * @return mixed */ public function getAttribute($name, $default = null); /** * Return an instance with the specified derived request attribute. * * This method allows setting a single derived request attribute as * described in getAttributes(). * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated attribute. * * @see getAttributes() * @param string $name The attribute name. * @param mixed $value The value of the attribute. * @return static */ public function withAttribute($name, $value); /** * Return an instance that removes the specified derived request attribute. * * This method allows removing a single derived request attribute as * described in getAttributes(). * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes * the attribute. * * @see getAttributes() * @param string $name The attribute name. * @return static */ public function withoutAttribute($name); }getHeaders() as $name => $values) { * echo $name . ": " . implode(", ", $values); * } * * // Emit headers iteratively: * foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { * foreach ($values as $value) { * header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value), false); * } * } * * While header names are not case-sensitive, getHeaders() will preserve the * exact case in which headers were originally specified. * * @return string[][] Returns an associative array of the message's headers. Each * key MUST be a header name, and each value MUST be an array of strings * for that header. */ public function getHeaders(); /** * Checks if a header exists by the given case-insensitive name. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return bool Returns true if any header names match the given header * name using a case-insensitive string comparison. Returns false if * no matching header name is found in the message. */ public function hasHeader($name); /** * Retrieves a message header value by the given case-insensitive name. * * This method returns an array of all the header values of the given * case-insensitive header name. * * If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return an * empty array. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return string[] An array of string values as provided for the given * header. If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST * return an empty array. */ public function getHeader($name); /** * Retrieves a comma-separated string of the values for a single header. * * This method returns all of the header values of the given * case-insensitive header name as a string concatenated together using * a comma. * * NOTE: Not all header values may be appropriately represented using * comma concatenation. For such headers, use getHeader() instead * and supply your own delimiter when concatenating. * * If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return * an empty string. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return string A string of values as provided for the given header * concatenated together using a comma. If the header does not appear in * the message, this method MUST return an empty string. */ public function getHeaderLine($name); /** * Return an instance with the provided value replacing the specified header. * * While header names are case-insensitive, the casing of the header will * be preserved by this function, and returned from getHeaders(). * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * new and/or updated header and value. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @param string|string[] $value Header value(s). * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid header names or values. */ public function withHeader($name, $value); /** * Return an instance with the specified header appended with the given value. * * Existing values for the specified header will be maintained. The new * value(s) will be appended to the existing list. If the header did not * exist previously, it will be added. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * new header and/or value. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name to add. * @param string|string[] $value Header value(s). * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid header names or values. */ public function withAddedHeader($name, $value); /** * Return an instance without the specified header. * * Header resolution MUST be done without case-sensitivity. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes * the named header. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name to remove. * @return static */ public function withoutHeader($name); /** * Gets the body of the message. * * @return StreamInterface Returns the body as a stream. */ public function getBody(); /** * Return an instance with the specified message body. * * The body MUST be a StreamInterface object. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return a new instance that has the * new body stream. * * @param StreamInterface $body Body. * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the body is not valid. */ public function withBody(StreamInterface $body); } * [user-info@]host[:port] * * * If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current * scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included. * * @see * @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format. */ public function getAuthority(); /** * Retrieve the user information component of the URI. * * If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty * string. * * If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value; * additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the * user value, with a colon (":") separating the values. * * The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST * NOT be added. * * @return string The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. */ public function getUserInfo(); /** * Retrieve the host component of the URI. * * If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string. * * The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 * Section 3.2.2. * * @see * @return string The URI host. */ public function getHost(); /** * Retrieve the port component of the URI. * * If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme, * this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port * used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null. * * If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return * a null value. * * If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return * the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null. * * @return null|int The URI port. */ public function getPort(); /** * Retrieve the path component of the URI. * * The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or * rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all * three syntaxes. * * Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as * defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically * do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g. * the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task * of the user to handle both "" and "/". * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3. * * As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as * delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded * form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance. * * @see * @see * @return string The URI path. */ public function getPath(); /** * Retrieve the query string of the URI. * * If no query string is present, this method MUST return an empty string. * * The leading "?" character is not part of the query and MUST NOT be * added. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.4. * * As an example, if a value in a key/value pair of the query string should * include an ampersand ("&") not intended as a delimiter between values, * that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%26") to the instance. * * @see * @see * @return string The URI query string. */ public function getQuery(); /** * Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. * * If no fragment is present, this method MUST return an empty string. * * The leading "#" character is not part of the fragment and MUST NOT be * added. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.5. * * @see * @see * @return string The URI fragment. */ public function getFragment(); /** * Return an instance with the specified scheme. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified scheme. * * Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case * insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required. * * An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme. * * @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified scheme. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes. */ public function withScheme($scheme); /** * Return an instance with the specified user information. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified user information. * * Password is optional, but the user information MUST include the * user; an empty string for the user is equivalent to removing user * information. * * @param string $user The user name to use for authority. * @param null|string $password The password associated with $user. * @return static A new instance with the specified user information. */ public function withUserInfo($user, $password = null); /** * Return an instance with the specified host. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified host. * * An empty host value is equivalent to removing the host. * * @param string $host The hostname to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified host. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid hostnames. */ public function withHost($host); /** * Return an instance with the specified port. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified port. * * Implementations MUST raise an exception for ports outside the * established TCP and UDP port ranges. * * A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port * information. * * @param null|int $port The port to use with the new instance; a null value * removes the port information. * @return static A new instance with the specified port. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid ports. */ public function withPort($port); /** * Return an instance with the specified path. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified path. * * The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or * rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all * three syntaxes. * * If the path is intended to be domain-relative rather than path relative then * it must begin with a slash ("/"). Paths not starting with a slash ("/") * are assumed to be relative to some base path known to the application or * consumer. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded path characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getPath(). * * @param string $path The path to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified path. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid paths. */ public function withPath($path); /** * Return an instance with the specified query string. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified query string. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded query characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getQuery(). * * An empty query string value is equivalent to removing the query string. * * @param string $query The query string to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified query string. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid query strings. */ public function withQuery($query); /** * Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified URI fragment. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded fragment characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getFragment(). * * An empty fragment value is equivalent to removing the fragment. * * @param string $fragment The fragment to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified fragment. */ public function withFragment($fragment); /** * Return the string representation as a URI reference. * * Depending on which components of the URI are present, the resulting * string is either a full URI or relative reference according to RFC 3986, * Section 4.1. The method concatenates the various components of the URI, * using the appropriate delimiters: * * - If a scheme is present, it MUST be suffixed by ":". * - If an authority is present, it MUST be prefixed by "//". * - The path can be concatenated without delimiters. But there are two * cases where the path has to be adjusted to make the URI reference * valid as PHP does not allow to throw an exception in __toString(): * - If the path is rootless and an authority is present, the path MUST * be prefixed by "/". * - If the path is starting with more than one "/" and no authority is * present, the starting slashes MUST be reduced to one. * - If a query is present, it MUST be prefixed by "?". * - If a fragment is present, it MUST be prefixed by "#". * * @see * @return string */ public function __toString(); }=7.0.0" }, "require-dev": { "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.0", "phpunit/phpunit" : "^6.0", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.9.2", "phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^0.9.0", "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^0.9.4" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "League\\Uri\\": "src" }, "files": ["src/functions_include.php"] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "LeagueTest\\Uri\\Parser\\": "tests" } }, "suggest": { "ext-intl" : "Allow parsing RFC3987 compliant hosts", "league/uri-schemes": "Allow validating and normalizing URI parsing results" }, "scripts": { "phpcs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run --allow-risky=yes --ansi", "phpstan-src": "phpstan analyse -l max -c phpstan.src.neon src --ansi", "phpstan-tests": "phpstan analyse -l max -c phpstan.tests.neon tests --ansi", "phpstan": [ "@phpstan-src", "@phpstan-tests" ], "phpunit": "phpunit --coverage-text", "test": [ "@phpcs", "@phpstan", "@phpunit" ] }, "scripts-descriptions": { "phpcs": "Runs coding style test suite", "phpstan": "Runs complete codebase static analysis", "phpstan-src": "Runs source code static analysis", "phpstan-test": "Runs test suite static analysis", "phpunit": "Runs unit and functional testing", "test": "Runs full test suite" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.x-dev" } }, "config": { "sort-packages": true } } * @license (MIT License) * @version 1.4.1 * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $uri = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) { League\Uri\parse($uri); } * @license (MIT License) * @version 1.4.1 * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; /** * An exception thrown if the IDN support is missing or * the ICU is not at least version 4.6. * * @see * @package League\Uri * @author Ignace Nyamagana Butera * @since 1.4.0 */ class MissingIdnSupport extends Exception { } * @license (MIT License) * @version 1.4.1 * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use UnexpectedValueException; /** * A class to parse a URI string according to RFC3986. * * @see * @package League\Uri * @author Ignace Nyamagana Butera * @since 0.1.0 */ class Parser { /** @deprecated 1.4.0 will be removed in the next major point release */ const INVALID_URI_CHARS = "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\10\t\n\v\f\r\16\17\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\30\31\32\33\34\35\36\37"; /** @deprecated 1.4.0 will be removed in the next major point release */ const SCHEME_VALID_STARTING_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; /** @deprecated 1.4.0 will be removed in the next major point release */ const SCHEME_VALID_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+.-'; /** @deprecated 1.4.0 will be removed in the next major point release */ const LABEL_VALID_STARTING_CHARS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; /** @deprecated 1.4.0 will be removed in the next major point release */ const LOCAL_LINK_PREFIX = '1111111010'; const URI_COMPONENTS = ['scheme' => null, 'user' => null, 'pass' => null, 'host' => null, 'port' => null, 'path' => '', 'query' => null, 'fragment' => null]; /** @deprecated 1.4.0 will be removed in the next major point release */ const SUB_DELIMITERS = '!$&\'()*+,;='; /** * Returns whether a scheme is valid. * * @see */ public function isScheme(string $scheme) : bool { static $pattern = '/^[a-z][a-z0-9\\+\\.\\-]*$/i'; return '' === $scheme || 1 === preg_match($pattern, $scheme); } /** * Returns whether a hostname is valid. * * @see */ public function isHost(string $host) : bool { return '' === $host || $this->isIpHost($host) || $this->isRegisteredName($host); } /** * Validate a IPv6/IPvfuture host. * * @see * @see * @see */ private function isIpHost(string $host) : bool { if ('[' !== ($host[0] ?? '') || ']' !== substr($host, -1)) { return false; } $ip = substr($host, 1, -1); if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return true; } static $ip_future = '/^ v(?[A-F0-9])+\\. (?: (?[a-z0-9_~\\-\\.])| (?[!$&\'()*+,;=:]) # also include the : character )+ $/ix'; if (1 === preg_match($ip_future, $ip, $matches) && !in_array($matches['version'], ['4', '6'], true)) { return true; } if (false === ($pos = strpos($ip, '%'))) { return false; } static $gen_delims = '/[:\\/?#\\[\\]@ ]/'; // Also includes space. if (1 === preg_match($gen_delims, rawurldecode(substr($ip, $pos)))) { return false; } $ip = substr($ip, 0, $pos); if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return false; } //Only the address block fe80::/10 can have a Zone ID attach to //let's detect the link local significant 10 bits static $address_block = ""; return 0 === strpos((string) inet_pton($ip), $address_block); } /** * Returns whether the host is an IPv4 or a registered named. * * @see * * @throws MissingIdnSupport if the registered name contains non-ASCII characters * and IDN support or ICU requirement are not available or met. * */ protected function isRegisteredName(string $host) : bool { // Note that unreserved is purposely missing . as it is used to separate labels. static $reg_name = '/(?(DEFINE) (?[a-z0-9_~\\-]) (?[!$&\'()*+,;=]) (?%[A-F0-9]{2}) (?(?:(?&unreserved)|(?&sub_delims)|(?&encoded))*) ) ^(?:(?®_name)\\.)*(?®_name)\\.?$/ix'; if (1 === preg_match($reg_name, $host)) { return true; } //to test IDN host non-ascii characters must be present in the host static $idn_pattern = '/[^\\x20-\\x7f]/'; if (1 !== preg_match($idn_pattern, $host)) { return false; } static $idn_support = null; $idn_support = $idn_support ?? function_exists('idn_to_ascii') && defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // added because it is not possible in travis to disabled the ext/intl extension // see travis issue if (!$idn_support) { throw new MissingIdnSupport(sprintf('the host `%s` could not be processed for IDN. Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6.', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $ascii_host = idn_to_ascii($host, IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $arr); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (false === $ascii_host && 0 === $arr['errors']) { throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The Intl extension is misconfigured for %s, please correct this issue before proceeding.', PHP_OS)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return 0 === $arr['errors']; } /** * Returns whether a port is valid. * * @see */ public function isPort($port) : bool { static $pattern = '/^[0-9]+$/'; if (null === $port || '' === $port) { return true; } return 1 === preg_match($pattern, (string) $port); } /** * Parse a URI string into its components. * * @see Parser::parse * * @throws Exception if the URI contains invalid characters */ public function __invoke(string $uri) : array { return $this->parse($uri); } /** * Parse an URI string into its components. * * This method parses a URI and returns an associative array containing any * of the various components of the URI that are present. * * * $components = (new Parser())->parse(''); * var_export($components); * //will display * array( * 'scheme' => 'http', // the URI scheme component * 'user' => 'foo', // the URI user component * 'pass' => null, // the URI pass component * 'host' => '', // the URI host component * 'port' => 42, // the URI port component * 'path' => '', // the URI path component * 'query' => 'query', // the URI query component * 'fragment' => '', // the URI fragment component * ); * * * The returned array is similar to PHP's parse_url return value with the following * differences: * *
  • All components are always present in the returned array
  • *
  • Empty and undefined component are treated differently. And empty component is * set to the empty string while an undefined component is set to the `null` value.
  • *
  • The path component is never undefined
  • *
  • The method parses the URI following the RFC3986 rules but you are still * required to validate the returned components against its related scheme specific rules.
  • *
* * @see * @see * * @throws Exception if the URI contains invalid characters */ public function parse(string $uri) : array { static $pattern = '/[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]/'; //simple URI which do not need any parsing static $simple_uri = ['' => [], '#' => ['fragment' => ''], '?' => ['query' => ''], '?#' => ['query' => '', 'fragment' => ''], '/' => ['path' => '/'], '//' => ['host' => '']]; if (isset($simple_uri[$uri])) { return array_merge(self::URI_COMPONENTS, $simple_uri[$uri]); } if (1 === preg_match($pattern, $uri)) { throw Exception::createFromInvalidCharacters($uri); } //if the first character is a known URI delimiter parsing can be simplified $first_char = $uri[0]; //The URI is made of the fragment only if ('#' === $first_char) { $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; $components['fragment'] = (string) substr($uri, 1); return $components; } //The URI is made of the query and fragment if ('?' === $first_char) { $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; list($components['query'], $components['fragment']) = explode('#', substr($uri, 1), 2) + [1 => null]; return $components; } //The URI does not contain any scheme part if (0 === strpos($uri, '//')) { return $this->parseSchemeSpecificPart($uri); } //The URI is made of a path, query and fragment if ('/' === $first_char || false === strpos($uri, ':')) { return $this->parsePathQueryAndFragment($uri); } //Fallback parser return $this->fallbackParser($uri); } /** * Extract components from a URI without a scheme part. * * The URI MUST start with the authority component * preceded by its delimiter the double slash ('//') * * Example: //user:pass@host:42/path?query#fragment * * The authority MUST adhere to the RFC3986 requirements. * * If the URI contains a path component, it MUST be empty or absolute * according to RFC3986 path classification. * * This method returns an associative array containing all URI components. * * @see * @see * * @throws Exception If any component of the URI is invalid */ protected function parseSchemeSpecificPart(string $uri) : array { //We remove the authority delimiter $remaining_uri = (string) substr($uri, 2); $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; //Parsing is done from the right upmost part to the left //1 - detect fragment, query and path part if any list($remaining_uri, $components['fragment']) = explode('#', $remaining_uri, 2) + [1 => null]; list($remaining_uri, $components['query']) = explode('?', $remaining_uri, 2) + [1 => null]; if (false !== strpos($remaining_uri, '/')) { list($remaining_uri, $components['path']) = explode('/', $remaining_uri, 2) + [1 => null]; $components['path'] = '/' . $components['path']; } //2 - The $remaining_uri represents the authority part //if the authority part is empty parsing is simplified if ('' === $remaining_uri) { $components['host'] = ''; return $components; } //otherwise we split the authority into the user information and the hostname parts $parts = explode('@', $remaining_uri, 2); $hostname = $parts[1] ?? $parts[0]; $user_info = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[0] : null; if (null !== $user_info) { list($components['user'], $components['pass']) = explode(':', $user_info, 2) + [1 => null]; } list($components['host'], $components['port']) = $this->parseHostname($hostname); return $components; } /** * Parse and validate the URI hostname. * * @throws Exception If the hostname is invalid */ protected function parseHostname(string $hostname) : array { if (false === strpos($hostname, '[')) { list($host, $port) = explode(':', $hostname, 2) + [1 => null]; return [$this->filterHost($host), $this->filterPort($port)]; } $delimiter_offset = strpos($hostname, ']') + 1; if (isset($hostname[$delimiter_offset]) && ':' !== $hostname[$delimiter_offset]) { throw Exception::createFromInvalidHostname($hostname); } return [$this->filterHost(substr($hostname, 0, $delimiter_offset)), $this->filterPort(substr($hostname, ++$delimiter_offset))]; } /** * validate the host component. * * @param string|null $host * * @throws Exception If the hostname is invalid * * @return string|null */ protected function filterHost($host) { if (null === $host || $this->isHost($host)) { return $host; } throw Exception::createFromInvalidHost($host); } /** * Validate a port number. * * An exception is raised for ports outside the established TCP and UDP port ranges. * * @param mixed $port the port number * * @throws Exception If the port number is invalid. * * @return null|int */ protected function filterPort($port) { static $pattern = '/^[0-9]+$/'; if (null === $port || false === $port || '' === $port) { return null; } if (1 !== preg_match($pattern, (string) $port)) { throw Exception::createFromInvalidPort($port); } return (int) $port; } /** * Extract Components from an URI without scheme or authority part. * * The URI contains a path component and MUST adhere to path requirements * of RFC3986. The path can be * * * path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty * / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" * / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment * / path-rootless ; begins with a segment * / path-empty ; zero characters * * * ex: path?q#f * ex: /path * ex: /pa:th#f * * This method returns an associative array containing all URI components. * * @see * * @throws Exception If the path component is invalid */ protected function parsePathQueryAndFragment(string $uri) : array { //No scheme is present so we ensure that the path respects RFC3986 if (false !== ($pos = strpos($uri, ':')) && false === strpos(substr($uri, 0, $pos), '/')) { throw Exception::createFromInvalidPath($uri); } $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; //Parsing is done from the right upmost part to the left //1 - detect the fragment part if any list($remaining_uri, $components['fragment']) = explode('#', $uri, 2) + [1 => null]; //2 - detect the query and the path part list($components['path'], $components['query']) = explode('?', $remaining_uri, 2) + [1 => null]; return $components; } /** * Extract components from an URI containing a colon. * * Depending on the colon ":" position and on the string * composition before the presence of the colon, the URI * will be considered to have an scheme or not. * *
  • In case no valid scheme is found according to RFC3986 the URI will * be parsed as an URI without a scheme and an authority
  • *
  • In case an authority part is detected the URI specific part is parsed * as an URI without scheme
  • *
* * ex:! * * This method returns an associative array containing all * the URI components. * * @see * @see Parser::parsePathQueryAndFragment * @see Parser::parseSchemeSpecificPart * * @throws Exception If the URI scheme component is empty */ protected function fallbackParser(string $uri) : array { //1 - we split the URI on the first detected colon character $parts = explode(':', $uri, 2); $remaining_uri = $parts[1] ?? $parts[0]; $scheme = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[0] : null; //1.1 - a scheme can not be empty (ie a URI can not start with a colon) if ('' === $scheme) { throw Exception::createFromInvalidScheme($uri); } //2 - depending on the scheme presence and validity we will differ the parsing //2.1 - If the scheme part is invalid the URI may be an URI with a path-noscheme // let's differ the parsing to the Parser::parsePathQueryAndFragment method if (!$this->isScheme($scheme)) { return $this->parsePathQueryAndFragment($uri); } $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; $components['scheme'] = $scheme; //2.2 - if no scheme specific part is detect parsing is finished if ('' == $remaining_uri) { return $components; } //2.3 - if the scheme specific part is a double forward slash if ('//' === $remaining_uri) { $components['host'] = ''; return $components; } //2.4 - if the scheme specific part starts with double forward slash // we differ the remaining parsing to the Parser::parseSchemeSpecificPart method if (0 === strpos($remaining_uri, '//')) { $components = $this->parseSchemeSpecificPart($remaining_uri); $components['scheme'] = $scheme; return $components; } //2.5 - Parsing is done from the right upmost part to the left from the scheme specific part //2.5.1 - detect the fragment part if any list($remaining_uri, $components['fragment']) = explode('#', $remaining_uri, 2) + [1 => null]; //2.5.2 - detect the part and query part if any list($components['path'], $components['query']) = explode('?', $remaining_uri, 2) + [1 => null]; return $components; } /** * Convert a registered name label to its IDNA ASCII form. * * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release * * @deprecated 1.4.0 this method is no longer used to validate RFC3987 compliant host component * @codeCoverageIgnore * * Conversion is done only if the label contains none valid label characters * if a '%' sub delimiter is detected the label MUST be rawurldecode prior to * making the conversion * * @return string|false */ protected function toAscii(string $label) { trigger_error(self::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed in the next major point release', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (false !== strpos($label, '%')) { $label = rawurldecode($label); } static $idn_support = null; $idn_support = $idn_support ?? function_exists('idn_to_ascii') && defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46'); if (!$idn_support) { throw new MissingIdnSupport(sprintf('the label `%s` could not be processed for IDN. Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6.', $label)); } $ascii_host = idn_to_ascii($label, IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $arr); if (false === $ascii_host && 0 === $arr['errors']) { throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The Intl extension is misconfigured for %s, please correct this issue before proceeding.', PHP_OS)); } return $ascii_host; } /** * Returns whether the registered name label is valid. * * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release * * @deprecated 1.4.0 this method is no longer used to validated the host component * @codeCoverageIgnore * * A valid registered name label MUST conform to the following ABNF * * reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) * * @see * * @param string $label */ protected function isHostLabel($label) : bool { trigger_error(self::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed in the next major point release', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return '' != $label && 63 >= strlen($label) && strlen($label) == strspn($label, self::LABEL_VALID_STARTING_CHARS . '-_~' . self::SUB_DELIMITERS); } /** * Validate an IPv6 host. * * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release * * @deprecated 1.4.0 this method is no longer used to validated the host component * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @see * @see */ protected function isIpv6Host(string $ipv6) : bool { trigger_error(self::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed in the next major point release', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if ('[' !== ($ipv6[0] ?? '') || ']' !== substr($ipv6, -1)) { return false; } $ipv6 = substr($ipv6, 1, -1); if (false === ($pos = strpos($ipv6, '%'))) { return (bool) filter_var($ipv6, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6); } $scope = rawurldecode(substr($ipv6, $pos)); if (strlen($scope) !== strcspn($scope, '?#@[]')) { return false; } $ipv6 = substr($ipv6, 0, $pos); if (!filter_var($ipv6, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return false; } //Only the address block fe80::/10 can have a Zone ID attach to //let's detect the link local significant 10 bits return 0 === strpos((string) inet_pton($ipv6), ""); } } * @license (MIT License) * @version 1.4.1 * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ if (!function_exists('League\\Uri\\parse')) { require __DIR__ . '/functions.php'; } * @license (MIT License) * @version 1.4.1 * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use InvalidArgumentException; /** * An exception thrown on parse attempts of invalid URIs. * * @see * @package League\Uri * @author Ignace Nyamagana Butera * @since 0.2.0 */ class Exception extends InvalidArgumentException { /** * Returns a new Instance from an error in URI characters. * * @return static */ public static function createFromInvalidCharacters(string $uri) { return new static(sprintf('The submitted uri `%s` contains invalid characters', $uri)); } /** * Returns a new Instance from an error in URI characters. * * @return static */ public static function createFromInvalidScheme(string $uri) { return new static(sprintf('The submitted uri `%s` contains an invalid scheme', $uri)); } /** * Returns a new Instance from an error in Host validation. * * @return static */ public static function createFromInvalidHost(string $host) { return new static(sprintf('The submitted host `%s` is invalid', $host)); } /** * Returns a new Instance from an error in port validation. * * @return static */ public static function createFromInvalidHostname(string $hostname) { return new static(sprintf('The submitted hostname `%s` is invalid', $hostname)); } /** * Returns a new Instance from an error in port validation. * * @param string|int $port * * @return static */ public static function createFromInvalidPort($port) { return new static(sprintf('The submitted port `%s` is invalid', $port)); } /** * Returns a new Instance from an error in Uri path component. * * @return static */ public static function createFromInvalidPath(string $uri) { return new static(sprintf('The submitted uri `%s` contains an invalid path', $uri)); } } * @license (MIT License) * @version 1.4.1 * @link * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; /** * Returns whether the URI host component is valid according to RFC3986. * * @see * @see Parser::isHost() */ function is_host(string $host) : bool { static $parser; $parser = $parser ?? new Parser(); return $parser->isHost($host); } /** * Returns whether the URI port component is valid according to RFC3986. * * @see * @see Parser::isPort() */ function is_port($port) : bool { static $parser; $parser = $parser ?? new Parser(); return $parser->isPort($port); } /** * Returns whether the URI scheme component is valid according to RFC3986. * * @see * @see Parser::isScheme() */ function is_scheme(string $scheme) : bool { static $parser; $parser = $parser ?? new Parser(); return $parser->isScheme($scheme); } /** * Parse an URI string into its components. * * This method parses a URL and returns an associative array containing any * of the various components of the URL that are present. * * @see * @see * @see Parser::parse() * * @throws Exception if the URI contains invalid characters */ function parse(string $uri) : array { static $parser; $parser = $parser ?? new Parser(); return $parser->parse($uri); } /** * Generate an URI string representation from its parsed representation * returned by League\Uri\Parser::parse() or PHP's parse_url. * * If you supply your own array, you are responsible for providing * valid components without their URI delimiters. * * For security reasons the password (pass) component has been deprecated * as per RFC3986 and is never returned in the URI string * * @see * @see */ function build(array $components) : string { $uri = $components['path'] ?? ''; if (isset($components['query'])) { $uri .= '?' . $components['query']; } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $uri .= '#' . $components['fragment']; } if (isset($components['host'])) { $authority = $components['host']; if (isset($components['port'])) { $authority .= ':' . $components['port']; } if (isset($components['user'])) { $authority = $components['user'] . '@' . $authority; } $uri = '//' . $authority . $uri; } if (isset($components['scheme'])) { return $components['scheme'] . ':' . $uri; } return $uri; }{ "name": "league/uri", "type": "library", "description" : "URI manipulation library", "keywords": [ "url", "uri", "rfc3986", "rfc3987", "rfc6570", "psr-7", "parse_url", "http", "https", "ws", "ftp", "data-uri", "file-uri", "middleware", "parse_str", "query-string", "querystring", "hostname", "uri-template" ], "license": "MIT", "homepage": "", "authors": [ { "name" : "Ignace Nyamagana Butera", "email" : "", "homepage" : "" } ], "support": { "forum": "!forum/thephpleague", "issues": "" }, "require": { "php": "^7.2", "ext-json": "*", "psr/http-message": "^1.0", "league/uri-interfaces": "^2.1" }, "require-dev": { "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.16", "phpunit/phpunit" : "^7.0 | ^8.0", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12", "phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^0.12", "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^0.12" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "League\\Uri\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "LeagueTest\\Uri\\": "tests" } }, "conflict": { "league/uri-schemes": "^1.0" }, "scripts": { "phpcs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run --allow-risky=yes --ansi", "phpstan-src": "phpstan analyse -l max -c phpstan.src.neon src --ansi", "phpstan-tests": "phpstan analyse -l max -c phpstan.tests.neon tests --ansi", "phpstan": [ "@phpstan-src", "@phpstan-tests" ], "phpunit": "phpunit --coverage-text", "test": [ "@phpcs", "@phpstan", "@phpunit" ] }, "scripts-descriptions": { "phpcs": "Runs coding style test suite", "phpstan": "Runs complete codebase static analysis", "phpstan-src": "Runs source code static analysis", "phpstan-test": "Runs test suite static analysis", "phpunit": "Runs unit and functional testing", "test": "Runs full test suite" }, "suggest": { "league/uri-components" : "Needed to easily manipulate URI objects", "ext-intl" : "Needed to improve host validation", "ext-fileinfo": "Needed to create Data URI from a filepath" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "6.x-dev" } }, "config": { "sort-packages": true } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $components = ['scheme' => 'https', 'host' => '', 'path' => '/5.0']; for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) { League\Uri\Http::createFromComponents($components); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require __DIR__ . '/../src/UriString.php'; $components = ['scheme' => 'http', 'host' => '', 'path' => '/5.0']; for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) { League\Uri\UriString::build($components); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require __DIR__ . '/../src/UriString.php'; $uri = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) { League\Uri\UriString::parse($uri); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $template = '{foo}{?query,limit}'; $uriTemplate = new League\Uri\UriTemplate($template); $data = ['foo' => 'foo', 'query' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'limit' => 10]; for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) { $uriTemplate->expand($data); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface as Psr7UriInterface; use function explode; use function implode; use function preg_replace_callback; use function rawurldecode; use function sprintf; final class UriInfo { const REGEXP_ENCODED_CHARS = ',%(2[D|E]|3[0-9]|4[1-9|A-F]|5[0-9|A|F]|6[1-9|A-F]|7[0-9|E]),i'; /** * @codeCoverageIgnore */ private function __construct() { } /** * Filter the URI object. * * To be valid an URI MUST implement at least one of the following interface: * - League\Uri\UriInterface * - Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface * * @param mixed $uri the URI to validate * * @throws \TypeError if the URI object does not implements the supported interfaces. * * @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface */ private static function filterUri($uri) { if ($uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface || $uri instanceof UriInterface) { return $uri; } throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The uri must be a valid URI object received `%s`', is_object($uri) ? get_class($uri) : gettype($uri))); } /** * Normalize an URI for comparison. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * * @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface */ private static function normalize($uri) { $uri = self::filterUri($uri); $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; $path = $uri->getPath(); if ('/' === ($path[0] ?? '') || '' !== $uri->getScheme() . $uri->getAuthority()) { $path = UriResolver::resolve($uri, $uri->withPath('')->withQuery($null))->getPath(); } $query = $uri->getQuery(); $fragment = $uri->getFragment(); $fragmentOrig = $fragment; $pairs = null === $query ? [] : explode('&', $query); sort($pairs, SORT_REGULAR); $replace = static function (array $matches) : string { return rawurldecode($matches[0]); }; $retval = preg_replace_callback(self::REGEXP_ENCODED_CHARS, $replace, [$path, implode('&', $pairs), $fragment]); if (null !== $retval) { list($path, $query, $fragment) = $retval + ['', $null, $null]; } if ($null !== $uri->getAuthority() && '' === $path) { $path = '/'; } return $uri->withHost(Uri::createFromComponents(['host' => $uri->getHost()])->getHost())->withPath($path)->withQuery([] === $pairs ? $null : $query)->withFragment($null === $fragmentOrig ? $fragmentOrig : $fragment); } /** * Tell whether the URI represents an absolute URI. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri */ public static function isAbsolute($uri) : bool { $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; return $null !== self::filterUri($uri)->getScheme(); } /** * Tell whether the URI represents a network path. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri */ public static function isNetworkPath($uri) : bool { $uri = self::filterUri($uri); $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; return $null === $uri->getScheme() && $null !== $uri->getAuthority(); } /** * Tell whether the URI represents an absolute path. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri */ public static function isAbsolutePath($uri) : bool { $uri = self::filterUri($uri); $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; return $null === $uri->getScheme() && $null === $uri->getAuthority() && '/' === ($uri->getPath()[0] ?? ''); } /** * Tell whether the URI represents a relative path. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri */ public static function isRelativePath($uri) : bool { $uri = self::filterUri($uri); $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; return $null === $uri->getScheme() && $null === $uri->getAuthority() && '/' !== ($uri->getPath()[0] ?? ''); } /** * Tell whether both URI refers to the same document. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri */ public static function isSameDocument($uri, $base_uri) : bool { $uri = self::normalize($uri); $base_uri = self::normalize($base_uri); return (string) $uri->withFragment($uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null) === (string) $base_uri->withFragment($base_uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null); } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface as Psr7UriInterface; use function is_scalar; use function method_exists; use function sprintf; final class Http implements Psr7UriInterface, \JsonSerializable { /** * @var UriInterface */ private $uri; /** * New instance. */ private function __construct(UriInterface $uri) { $this->validate($uri); $this->uri = $uri; } /** * Validate the submitted uri against PSR-7 UriInterface. * * @throws SyntaxError if the given URI does not follow PSR-7 UriInterface rules */ private function validate(UriInterface $uri) { $scheme = $uri->getScheme(); if (null === $scheme && '' === $uri->getHost()) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('an URI without scheme can not contains a empty host string according to PSR-7: %s', (string) $uri)); } $port = $uri->getPort(); if (null !== $port && ($port < 0 || $port > 65535)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The URI port is outside the established TCP and UDP port ranges: %s', (string) $uri->getPort())); } } /** * Static method called by PHP's var export. */ public static function __set_state(array $components) : self { return new self($components['uri']); } /** * Create a new instance from a string. * * @param string|mixed $uri */ public static function createFromString($uri = '') : self { return new self(Uri::createFromString($uri)); } /** * Create a new instance from a hash of parse_url parts. * * @param array $components a hash representation of the URI similar * to PHP parse_url function result */ public static function createFromComponents(array $components) : self { return new self(Uri::createFromComponents($components)); } /** * Create a new instance from the environment. */ public static function createFromServer(array $server) : self { return new self(Uri::createFromServer($server)); } /** * Create a new instance from a URI and a Base URI. * * The returned URI must be absolute. * * @param mixed $uri the input URI to create * @param mixed $base_uri the base URI used for reference */ public static function createFromBaseUri($uri, $base_uri = null) : self { return new self(Uri::createFromBaseUri($uri, $base_uri)); } /** * Create a new instance from a URI object. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri the input URI to create */ public static function createFromUri($uri) : self { if ($uri instanceof UriInterface) { return new self($uri); } return new self(Uri::createFromUri($uri)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getScheme() : string { return (string) $this->uri->getScheme(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getAuthority() : string { return (string) $this->uri->getAuthority(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getUserInfo() : string { return (string) $this->uri->getUserInfo(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getHost() : string { return (string) $this->uri->getHost(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPort() { return $this->uri->getPort(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPath() : string { return $this->uri->getPath(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getQuery() : string { return (string) $this->uri->getQuery(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFragment() : string { return (string) $this->uri->getFragment(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withScheme($scheme) : self { $scheme = $this->filterInput($scheme); if ('' === $scheme) { $scheme = null; } $uri = $this->uri->withScheme($scheme); if ($uri->getScheme() === $this->uri->getScheme()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * Safely stringify input when possible. * * @param mixed $str the value to evaluate as a string * * @throws SyntaxError if the submitted data can not be converted to string * * @return string|mixed */ private function filterInput($str) { if (is_scalar($str) || method_exists($str, '__toString')) { return (string) $str; } return $str; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withUserInfo($user, $password = null) : self { $user = $this->filterInput($user); if ('' === $user) { $user = null; } $uri = $this->uri->withUserInfo($user, $password); if ($uri->getUserInfo() === $this->uri->getUserInfo()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withHost($host) : self { $host = $this->filterInput($host); if ('' === $host) { $host = null; } $uri = $this->uri->withHost($host); if ($uri->getHost() === $this->uri->getHost()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withPort($port) : self { $uri = $this->uri->withPort($port); if ($uri->getPort() === $this->uri->getPort()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withPath($path) : self { $uri = $this->uri->withPath($path); if ($uri->getPath() === $this->uri->getPath()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withQuery($query) : self { $query = $this->filterInput($query); if ('' === $query) { $query = null; } $uri = $this->uri->withQuery($query); if ($uri->getQuery() === $this->uri->getQuery()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withFragment($fragment) : self { $fragment = $this->filterInput($fragment); if ('' === $fragment) { $fragment = null; } $uri = $this->uri->withFragment($fragment); if ($uri->getFragment() === $this->uri->getFragment()) { return $this; } return new self($uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->uri->__toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function jsonSerialize() : string { return $this->uri->__toString(); } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface; use League\Uri\Exceptions\FileinfoSupportMissing; use League\Uri\Exceptions\IdnSupportMissing; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface as Psr7UriInterface; use function array_filter; use function array_map; use function base64_decode; use function base64_encode; use function count; use function defined; use function explode; use function file_get_contents; use function filter_var; use function function_exists; use function idn_to_ascii; use function implode; use function in_array; use function inet_pton; use function is_scalar; use function method_exists; use function preg_match; use function preg_replace; use function preg_replace_callback; use function rawurlencode; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function strlen; use function strpos; use function strspn; use function strtolower; use function substr; use const FILEINFO_MIME; use const FILTER_FLAG_IPV4; use const FILTER_FLAG_IPV6; use const FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE; use const FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN; use const FILTER_VALIDATE_IP; use const IDNA_CHECK_BIDI; use const IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ; use const IDNA_ERROR_BIDI; use const IDNA_ERROR_CONTEXTJ; use const IDNA_ERROR_DISALLOWED; use const IDNA_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_TOO_LONG; use const IDNA_ERROR_EMPTY_LABEL; use const IDNA_ERROR_HYPHEN_3_4; use const IDNA_ERROR_INVALID_ACE_LABEL; use const IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_HAS_DOT; use const IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG; use const IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_COMBINING_MARK; use const IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_HYPHEN; use const IDNA_ERROR_PUNYCODE; use const IDNA_ERROR_TRAILING_HYPHEN; use const IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII; use const IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_UNICODE; use const INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46; final class Uri implements UriInterface { /** * RFC3986 invalid characters. * * @link * * @var string */ const REGEXP_INVALID_CHARS = '/[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]/'; /** * RFC3986 Sub delimiter characters regular expression pattern. * * @link * * @var string */ const REGEXP_CHARS_SUBDELIM = "\\!\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;\\=%"; /** * RFC3986 unreserved characters regular expression pattern. * * @link * * @var string */ const REGEXP_CHARS_UNRESERVED = 'A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.~'; /** * RFC3986 schema regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_SCHEME = ',^[a-z]([-a-z0-9+.]+)?$,i'; /** * RFC3986 host identified by a registered name regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_HOST_REGNAME = '/^( (?[a-z0-9_~\\-\\.])| (?[!$&\'()*+,;=])| (?%[A-F0-9]{2}) )+$/x'; /** * RFC3986 delimiters of the generic URI components regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_HOST_GEN_DELIMS = '/[:\\/?#\\[\\]@ ]/'; // Also includes space. /** * RFC3986 IPvFuture regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_HOST_IPFUTURE = '/^ v(?[A-F0-9])+\\. (?: (?[a-z0-9_~\\-\\.])| (?[!$&\'()*+,;=:]) # also include the : character )+ $/ix'; /** * Significant 10 bits of IP to detect Zone ID regular expression pattern. */ const HOST_ADDRESS_BLOCK = ""; /** * Regular expression pattern to for file URI. */ const REGEXP_FILE_PATH = ',^(?/)?(?[a-zA-Z][:|\\|])(?.*)?,'; /** * Mimetype regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_MIMETYPE = ',^\\w+/[-.\\w]+(?:\\+[-.\\w]+)?$,'; /** * Base64 content regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_BINARY = ',(;|^)base64$,'; /** * Windows file path string regular expression pattern. */ const REGEXP_WINDOW_PATH = ',^(?[a-zA-Z][:|\\|]),'; /** * Supported schemes and corresponding default port. * * @var array */ const SCHEME_DEFAULT_PORT = ['data' => null, 'file' => null, 'ftp' => 21, 'gopher' => 70, 'http' => 80, 'https' => 443, 'ws' => 80, 'wss' => 443]; /** * URI validation methods per scheme. * * @var array */ const SCHEME_VALIDATION_METHOD = ['data' => 'isUriWithSchemeAndPathOnly', 'file' => 'isUriWithSchemeHostAndPathOnly', 'ftp' => 'isNonEmptyHostUriWithoutFragmentAndQuery', 'gopher' => 'isNonEmptyHostUriWithoutFragmentAndQuery', 'http' => 'isNonEmptyHostUri', 'https' => 'isNonEmptyHostUri', 'ws' => 'isNonEmptyHostUriWithoutFragment', 'wss' => 'isNonEmptyHostUriWithoutFragment']; /** * All ASCII letters sorted by typical frequency of occurrence. * * @var string */ const ASCII = " eiasntrolud][cmp'\ng|hv.fb,:=-q10C2*yx)(L9AS/P\"EjMIk3>5Tscheme = $this->formatScheme($scheme); $this->user_info = $this->formatUserInfo($user, $pass); $this->host = $this->formatHost($host); $this->port = $this->formatPort($port); $this->authority = $this->setAuthority(); $this->path = $this->formatPath($path); $this->query = $this->formatQueryAndFragment($query); $this->fragment = $this->formatQueryAndFragment($fragment); $this->assertValidState(); } /** * Format the Scheme and Host component. * * @param ?string $scheme * * @throws SyntaxError if the scheme is invalid */ private function formatScheme(string $scheme = null) { if ('' === $scheme || null === $scheme) { return $scheme; } $formatted_scheme = strtolower($scheme); if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_SCHEME, $formatted_scheme)) { return $formatted_scheme; } throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The scheme `%s` is invalid', $scheme)); } /** * Set the UserInfo component. * * @param ?string $user * @param ?string $password */ private function formatUserInfo(string $user = null, string $password = null) { if (null === $user) { return $user; } static $user_pattern = '/(?:[^%' . self::REGEXP_CHARS_UNRESERVED . self::REGEXP_CHARS_SUBDELIM . ']++|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; $user = preg_replace_callback($user_pattern, [Uri::class, 'urlEncodeMatch'], $user); if (null === $password) { return $user; } static $password_pattern = '/(?:[^%:' . self::REGEXP_CHARS_UNRESERVED . self::REGEXP_CHARS_SUBDELIM . ']++|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; return $user . ':' . preg_replace_callback($password_pattern, [Uri::class, 'urlEncodeMatch'], $password); } /** * Returns the RFC3986 encoded string matched. */ private static function urlEncodeMatch(array $matches) : string { return rawurlencode($matches[0]); } /** * Validate and Format the Host component. * * @param ?string $host */ private function formatHost(string $host = null) { if (null === $host || '' === $host) { return $host; } if ('[' !== $host[0]) { return $this->formatRegisteredName($host); } return $this->formatIp($host); } /** * Validate and format a registered name. * * The host is converted to its ascii representation if needed * * @throws IdnSupportMissing if the submitted host required missing or misconfigured IDN support * @throws SyntaxError if the submitted host is not a valid registered name */ private function formatRegisteredName(string $host) : string { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // added because it is not possible in travis to disabled the ext/intl extension // see travis issue static $idn_support = null; $idn_support = $idn_support ?? function_exists('idn_to_ascii') && defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $formatted_host = rawurldecode($host); if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_HOST_REGNAME, $formatted_host)) { $formatted_host = strtolower($formatted_host); if (false === strpos($formatted_host, 'xn--')) { return $formatted_host; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$idn_support) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('the host `%s` could not be processed for IDN. Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6.', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $unicode = idn_to_utf8($host, IDNA_CHECK_BIDI | IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ | IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_UNICODE, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $arr); if (0 !== $arr['errors']) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : %s', $host, $this->getIDNAErrors($arr['errors']))); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (false === $unicode) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('The Intl extension is misconfigured for %s, please correct this issue before proceeding.', PHP_OS)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $formatted_host; } if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_HOST_GEN_DELIMS, $formatted_host)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : a registered name can not contain URI delimiters or spaces', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$idn_support) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('the host `%s` could not be processed for IDN. Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6.', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $formatted_host = idn_to_ascii($formatted_host, IDNA_CHECK_BIDI | IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ | IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $arr); if ($arr === []) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Host `%s` is invalid', $host)); } if (0 !== $arr['errors']) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : %s', $host, $this->getIDNAErrors($arr['errors']))); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (false === $formatted_host) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('The Intl extension is misconfigured for %s, please correct this issue before proceeding.', PHP_OS)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $arr['result']; } /** * Retrieves and format IDNA conversion error message. * * @link */ private function getIDNAErrors(int $error_byte) : string { /** * IDNA errors. */ static $idnErrors = [IDNA_ERROR_EMPTY_LABEL => 'a non-final domain name label (or the whole domain name) is empty', IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG => 'a domain name label is longer than 63 bytes', IDNA_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_TOO_LONG => 'a domain name is longer than 255 bytes in its storage form', IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_HYPHEN => 'a label starts with a hyphen-minus ("-")', IDNA_ERROR_TRAILING_HYPHEN => 'a label ends with a hyphen-minus ("-")', IDNA_ERROR_HYPHEN_3_4 => 'a label contains hyphen-minus ("-") in the third and fourth positions', IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_COMBINING_MARK => 'a label starts with a combining mark', IDNA_ERROR_DISALLOWED => 'a label or domain name contains disallowed characters', IDNA_ERROR_PUNYCODE => 'a label starts with "xn--" but does not contain valid Punycode', IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_HAS_DOT => 'a label contains a dot=full stop', IDNA_ERROR_INVALID_ACE_LABEL => 'An ACE label does not contain a valid label string', IDNA_ERROR_BIDI => 'a label does not meet the IDNA BiDi requirements (for right-to-left characters)', IDNA_ERROR_CONTEXTJ => 'a label does not meet the IDNA CONTEXTJ requirements']; $res = []; foreach ($idnErrors as $error => $reason) { if ($error === ($error_byte & $error)) { $res[] = $reason; } } return [] === $res ? 'Unknown IDNA conversion error.' : implode(', ', $res) . '.'; } /** * Validate and Format the IPv6/IPvfuture host. * * @throws SyntaxError if the submitted host is not a valid IP host */ private function formatIp(string $host) : string { $ip = substr($host, 1, -1); if (false !== filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return $host; } if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_HOST_IPFUTURE, $ip, $matches) && !in_array($matches['version'], ['4', '6'], true)) { return $host; } $pos = strpos($ip, '%'); if (false === $pos) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : the IP host is malformed', $host)); } if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_HOST_GEN_DELIMS, rawurldecode(substr($ip, $pos)))) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : the IP host is malformed', $host)); } $ip = substr($ip, 0, $pos); if (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : the IP host is malformed', $host)); } //Only the address block fe80::/10 can have a Zone ID attach to //let's detect the link local significant 10 bits if (0 === strpos((string) inet_pton($ip), self::HOST_ADDRESS_BLOCK)) { return $host; } throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : the IP host is malformed', $host)); } /** * Format the Port component. * * @param null|mixed $port * * @throws SyntaxError */ private function formatPort($port = null) { if (null === $port || '' === $port) { return null; } if (!is_int($port) && !(is_string($port) && 1 === preg_match('/^\\d*$/', $port))) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The port `%s` is invalid', $port)); } $port = (int) $port; if (0 > $port) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The port `%s` is invalid', $port)); } $defaultPort = self::SCHEME_DEFAULT_PORT[$this->scheme] ?? null; if ($defaultPort === $port) { return null; } return $port; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public static function __set_state(array $components) : self { $components['user'] = null; $components['pass'] = null; if (null !== $components['user_info']) { list($components['user'], $components['pass']) = explode(':', $components['user_info'], 2) + [1 => null]; } return new self($components['scheme'], $components['user'], $components['pass'], $components['host'], $components['port'], $components['path'], $components['query'], $components['fragment']); } /** * Create a new instance from a URI and a Base URI. * * The returned URI must be absolute. * * @param mixed $uri the input URI to create * @param null|mixed $base_uri the base URI used for reference */ public static function createFromBaseUri($uri, $base_uri = null) : UriInterface { if (!$uri instanceof UriInterface) { $uri = self::createFromString($uri); } if (null === $base_uri) { if (null === $uri->getScheme()) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('the URI `%s` must be absolute', (string) $uri)); } if (null === $uri->getAuthority()) { return $uri; } /** @var UriInterface $uri */ $uri = UriResolver::resolve($uri, $uri->withFragment(null)->withQuery(null)->withPath('')); return $uri; } if (!$base_uri instanceof UriInterface) { $base_uri = self::createFromString($base_uri); } if (null === $base_uri->getScheme()) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('the base URI `%s` must be absolute', (string) $base_uri)); } /** @var UriInterface $uri */ $uri = UriResolver::resolve($uri, $base_uri); return $uri; } /** * Create a new instance from a string. * * @param string|mixed $uri */ public static function createFromString($uri = '') : self { $components = UriString::parse($uri); return new self($components['scheme'], $components['user'], $components['pass'], $components['host'], $components['port'], $components['path'], $components['query'], $components['fragment']); } /** * Create a new instance from a hash of parse_url parts. * * Create an new instance from a hash representation of the URI similar * to PHP parse_url function result * * @param array $components */ public static function createFromComponents(array $components = []) : self { $components += ['scheme' => null, 'user' => null, 'pass' => null, 'host' => null, 'port' => null, 'path' => '', 'query' => null, 'fragment' => null]; return new self($components['scheme'], $components['user'], $components['pass'], $components['host'], $components['port'], $components['path'], $components['query'], $components['fragment']); } /** * Create a new instance from a data file path. * * @param resource|null $context * * @throws FileinfoSupportMissing If ext/fileinfo is not installed * @throws SyntaxError If the file does not exist or is not readable */ public static function createFromDataPath(string $path, $context = null) : self { static $finfo_support = null; $finfo_support = $finfo_support ?? class_exists(\finfo::class); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$finfo_support) { throw new FileinfoSupportMissing(sprintf('Please install ext/fileinfo to use the %s() method.', __METHOD__)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $file_args = [$path, false]; $mime_args = [$path, FILEINFO_MIME]; if (null !== $context) { $file_args[] = $context; $mime_args[] = $context; } $raw = @file_get_contents(...$file_args); if (false === $raw) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The file `%s` does not exist or is not readable', $path)); } $mimetype = (string) (new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME))->file(...$mime_args); return Uri::createFromComponents(['scheme' => 'data', 'path' => str_replace(' ', '', $mimetype . ';base64,' . base64_encode($raw))]); } /** * Create a new instance from a Unix path string. */ public static function createFromUnixPath(string $uri = '') : self { $uri = implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', explode('/', $uri))); if ('/' !== ($uri[0] ?? '')) { return Uri::createFromComponents(['path' => $uri]); } return Uri::createFromComponents(['path' => $uri, 'scheme' => 'file', 'host' => '']); } /** * Create a new instance from a local Windows path string. */ public static function createFromWindowsPath(string $uri = '') : self { $root = ''; if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_WINDOW_PATH, $uri, $matches)) { $root = substr($matches['root'], 0, -1) . ':'; $uri = substr($uri, strlen($root)); } $uri = str_replace('\\', '/', $uri); $uri = implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', explode('/', $uri))); //Local Windows absolute path if ('' !== $root) { return Uri::createFromComponents(['path' => '/' . $root . $uri, 'scheme' => 'file', 'host' => '']); } //UNC Windows Path if ('//' !== substr($uri, 0, 2)) { return Uri::createFromComponents(['path' => $uri]); } $parts = explode('/', substr($uri, 2), 2) + [1 => null]; return Uri::createFromComponents(['host' => $parts[0], 'path' => '/' . $parts[1], 'scheme' => 'file']); } /** * Create a new instance from a URI object. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri the input URI to create */ public static function createFromUri($uri) : self { if ($uri instanceof UriInterface) { $user_info = $uri->getUserInfo(); $user = null; $pass = null; if (null !== $user_info) { list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $user_info, 2) + [1 => null]; } return new self($uri->getScheme(), $user, $pass, $uri->getHost(), $uri->getPort(), $uri->getPath(), $uri->getQuery(), $uri->getFragment()); } if (!$uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The object must implement the `%s` or the `%s`', Psr7UriInterface::class, UriInterface::class)); } $scheme = $uri->getScheme(); if ('' === $scheme) { $scheme = null; } $fragment = $uri->getFragment(); if ('' === $fragment) { $fragment = null; } $query = $uri->getQuery(); if ('' === $query) { $query = null; } $host = $uri->getHost(); if ('' === $host) { $host = null; } $user_info = $uri->getUserInfo(); $user = null; $pass = null; if ('' !== $user_info) { list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $user_info, 2) + [1 => null]; } return new self($scheme, $user, $pass, $host, $uri->getPort(), $uri->getPath(), $query, $fragment); } /** * Create a new instance from the environment. */ public static function createFromServer(array $server) : self { list($user, $pass) = self::fetchUserInfo($server); list($host, $port) = self::fetchHostname($server); list($path, $query) = self::fetchRequestUri($server); return Uri::createFromComponents(['scheme' => self::fetchScheme($server), 'user' => $user, 'pass' => $pass, 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'path' => $path, 'query' => $query]); } /** * Returns the environment scheme. */ private static function fetchScheme(array $server) : string { $server += ['HTTPS' => '']; $res = filter_var($server['HTTPS'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); return false !== $res ? 'https' : 'http'; } /** * Returns the environment user info. * * @return array{0:?string, 1:?string} */ private static function fetchUserInfo(array $server) : array { $server += ['PHP_AUTH_USER' => null, 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => null, 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => '']; $user = $server['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $pass = $server['PHP_AUTH_PW']; if (0 === strpos(strtolower($server['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']), 'basic')) { $userinfo = base64_decode(substr($server['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 6), true); if (false === $userinfo) { throw new SyntaxError('The user info could not be detected'); } list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $userinfo, 2) + [1 => null]; } if (null !== $user) { $user = rawurlencode($user); } if (null !== $pass) { $pass = rawurlencode($pass); } return [$user, $pass]; } /** * Returns the environment host. * * @throws SyntaxError If the host can not be detected * * @return array{0:?string, 1:?string} */ private static function fetchHostname(array $server) : array { $server += ['SERVER_PORT' => null]; if (null !== $server['SERVER_PORT']) { $server['SERVER_PORT'] = (int) $server['SERVER_PORT']; } if (isset($server['HTTP_HOST'])) { preg_match(',^(?(\\[.*]|[^:])*)(:(?[^/?#]*))?$,x', $server['HTTP_HOST'], $matches); return [$matches['host'], isset($matches['port']) ? (int) $matches['port'] : $server['SERVER_PORT']]; } if (!isset($server['SERVER_ADDR'])) { throw new SyntaxError('The host could not be detected'); } if (false === filter_var($server['SERVER_ADDR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { $server['SERVER_ADDR'] = '[' . $server['SERVER_ADDR'] . ']'; } return [$server['SERVER_ADDR'], $server['SERVER_PORT']]; } /** * Returns the environment path. * * @return array{0:?string, 1:?string} */ private static function fetchRequestUri(array $server) : array { $server += ['IIS_WasUrlRewritten' => null, 'UNENCODED_URL' => '', 'PHP_SELF' => '', 'QUERY_STRING' => null]; if ('1' === $server['IIS_WasUrlRewritten'] && '' !== $server['UNENCODED_URL']) { /** @var array{0:?string, 1:?string} $retval */ $retval = explode('?', $server['UNENCODED_URL'], 2) + [1 => null]; return $retval; } if (isset($server['REQUEST_URI'])) { list($path) = explode('?', $server['REQUEST_URI'], 2); $query = '' !== $server['QUERY_STRING'] ? $server['QUERY_STRING'] : null; return [$path, $query]; } return [$server['PHP_SELF'], $server['QUERY_STRING']]; } /** * Generate the URI authority part. */ private function setAuthority() { $authority = null; if (null !== $this->user_info) { $authority = $this->user_info . '@'; } if (null !== $this->host) { $authority .= $this->host; } if (null !== $this->port) { $authority .= ':' . $this->port; } return $authority; } /** * Format the Path component. */ private function formatPath(string $path) : string { $path = $this->formatDataPath($path); static $pattern = '/(?:[^' . self::REGEXP_CHARS_UNRESERVED . self::REGEXP_CHARS_SUBDELIM . '%:@\\/}{]++\\|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; $path = (string) preg_replace_callback($pattern, [Uri::class, 'urlEncodeMatch'], $path); return $this->formatFilePath($path); } /** * Filter the Path component. * * @link * * @throws SyntaxError If the path is not compliant with RFC2397 */ private function formatDataPath(string $path) : string { if ('data' !== $this->scheme) { return $path; } if ('' == $path) { return 'text/plain;charset=us-ascii,'; } if (strlen($path) !== strspn($path, self::ASCII) || false === strpos($path, ',')) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The path `%s` is invalid according to RFC2937', $path)); } $parts = explode(',', $path, 2) + [1 => null]; $mediatype = explode(';', (string) $parts[0], 2) + [1 => null]; $data = (string) $parts[1]; $mimetype = $mediatype[0]; if (null === $mimetype || '' === $mimetype) { $mimetype = 'text/plain'; } $parameters = $mediatype[1]; if (null === $parameters || '' === $parameters) { $parameters = 'charset=us-ascii'; } $this->assertValidPath($mimetype, $parameters, $data); return $mimetype . ';' . $parameters . ',' . $data; } /** * Assert the path is a compliant with RFC2397. * * @link * * @throws SyntaxError If the mediatype or the data are not compliant with the RFC2397 */ private function assertValidPath(string $mimetype, string $parameters, string $data) { if (1 !== preg_match(self::REGEXP_MIMETYPE, $mimetype)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The path mimetype `%s` is invalid', $mimetype)); } $is_binary = 1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_BINARY, $parameters, $matches); if ($is_binary) { $parameters = substr($parameters, 0, -strlen($matches[0])); } $res = array_filter(array_filter(explode(';', $parameters), [$this, 'validateParameter'])); if ([] !== $res) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The path paremeters `%s` is invalid', $parameters)); } if (!$is_binary) { return; } $res = base64_decode($data, true); if (false === $res || $data !== base64_encode($res)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The path data `%s` is invalid', $data)); } } /** * Validate mediatype parameter. */ private function validateParameter(string $parameter) : bool { $properties = explode('=', $parameter); return 2 != count($properties) || 'base64' === strtolower($properties[0]); } /** * Format path component for file scheme. */ private function formatFilePath(string $path) : string { if ('file' !== $this->scheme) { return $path; } $replace = static function (array $matches) : string { return $matches['delim'] . str_replace('|', ':', $matches['root']) . $matches['rest']; }; return (string) preg_replace_callback(self::REGEXP_FILE_PATH, $replace, $path); } /** * Format the Query or the Fragment component. * * Returns a array containing: *
  • the formatted component (a string or null)
  • *
  • a boolean flag telling wether the delimiter is to be added to the component * when building the URI string representation
  • *
* * @param ?string $component */ private function formatQueryAndFragment(string $component = null) { if (null === $component || '' === $component) { return $component; } static $pattern = '/(?:[^' . self::REGEXP_CHARS_UNRESERVED . self::REGEXP_CHARS_SUBDELIM . '%:@\\/\\?]++|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; return preg_replace_callback($pattern, [Uri::class, 'urlEncodeMatch'], $component); } /** * assert the URI internal state is valid. * * @link * @link * * @throws SyntaxError if the URI is in an invalid state according to RFC3986 * @throws SyntaxError if the URI is in an invalid state according to scheme specific rules */ private function assertValidState() { if (null !== $this->authority && ('' !== $this->path && '/' !== $this->path[0])) { throw new SyntaxError('If an authority is present the path must be empty or start with a `/`'); } if (null === $this->authority && 0 === strpos($this->path, '//')) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('If there is no authority the path `%s` can not start with a `//`', $this->path)); } $pos = strpos($this->path, ':'); if (null === $this->authority && null === $this->scheme && false !== $pos && false === strpos(substr($this->path, 0, $pos), '/')) { throw new SyntaxError('In absence of a scheme and an authority the first path segment cannot contain a colon (":") character.'); } $validationMethod = self::SCHEME_VALIDATION_METHOD[$this->scheme] ?? null; if (null === $validationMethod || true === $this->{$validationMethod}()) { $this->uri = null; return; } throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The uri `%s` is invalid for the data scheme', (string) $this)); } /** * URI validation for URI schemes which allows only scheme and path components. */ private function isUriWithSchemeAndPathOnly() : bool { return null === $this->authority && null === $this->query && null === $this->fragment; } /** * URI validation for URI schemes which allows only scheme, host and path components. */ private function isUriWithSchemeHostAndPathOnly() : bool { return null === $this->user_info && null === $this->port && null === $this->query && null === $this->fragment && !('' != $this->scheme && null === $this->host); } /** * URI validation for URI schemes which disallow the empty '' host. */ private function isNonEmptyHostUri() : bool { return '' !== $this->host && !(null !== $this->scheme && null === $this->host); } /** * URI validation for URIs schemes which disallow the empty '' host * and forbids the fragment component. */ private function isNonEmptyHostUriWithoutFragment() : bool { return $this->isNonEmptyHostUri() && null === $this->fragment; } /** * URI validation for URIs schemes which disallow the empty '' host * and forbids fragment and query components. */ private function isNonEmptyHostUriWithoutFragmentAndQuery() : bool { return $this->isNonEmptyHostUri() && null === $this->fragment && null === $this->query; } /** * Generate the URI string representation from its components. * * @link * * @param ?string $scheme * @param ?string $authority * @param ?string $query * @param ?string $fragment */ private function getUriString(string $scheme = null, string $authority = null, string $path, string $query = null, string $fragment = null) : string { if (null !== $scheme) { $scheme = $scheme . ':'; } if (null !== $authority) { $authority = '//' . $authority; } if (null !== $query) { $query = '?' . $query; } if (null !== $fragment) { $fragment = '#' . $fragment; } return $scheme . $authority . $path . $query . $fragment; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __toString() : string { $this->uri = $this->uri ?? $this->getUriString($this->scheme, $this->authority, $this->path, $this->query, $this->fragment); return $this->uri; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function jsonSerialize() : string { return $this->__toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return array{scheme:?string, user_info:?string, host:?string, port:?int, path:string, query:?string, fragment:?string} */ public function __debugInfo() : array { return ['scheme' => $this->scheme, 'user_info' => isset($this->user_info) ? preg_replace(',:(.*).?$,', ':***', $this->user_info) : null, 'host' => $this->host, 'port' => $this->port, 'path' => $this->path, 'query' => $this->query, 'fragment' => $this->fragment]; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getScheme() { return $this->scheme; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getAuthority() { return $this->authority; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getUserInfo() { return $this->user_info; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getHost() { return $this->host; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPort() { return $this->port; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPath() : string { return $this->path; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFragment() { return $this->fragment; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withScheme($scheme = NULL) { $scheme = $this->formatScheme($this->filterString($scheme)); if ($scheme === $this->scheme) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->scheme = $scheme; $clone->port = $clone->formatPort($clone->port); $clone->authority = $clone->setAuthority(); $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } /** * Filter a string. * * @param mixed $str the value to evaluate as a string * * @throws SyntaxError if the submitted data can not be converted to string */ private function filterString($str) { if (null === $str) { return $str; } if (!is_scalar($str) && !method_exists($str, '__toString')) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The component must be a string, a scalar or a stringable object %s given', gettype($str))); } $str = (string) $str; if (1 !== preg_match(self::REGEXP_INVALID_CHARS, $str)) { return $str; } throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The component `%s` contains invalid characters', $str)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withUserInfo($user = NULL, $password = null) { $user_info = null; $user = $this->filterString($user); if (null !== $password) { $password = $this->filterString($password); } if ('' !== $user) { $user_info = $this->formatUserInfo($user, $password); } if ($user_info === $this->user_info) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->user_info = $user_info; $clone->authority = $clone->setAuthority(); $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withHost($host = NULL) { $host = $this->formatHost($this->filterString($host)); if ($host === $this->host) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->host = $host; $clone->authority = $clone->setAuthority(); $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withPort($port = NULL) { $port = $this->formatPort($port); if ($port === $this->port) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->port = $port; $clone->authority = $clone->setAuthority(); $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withPath(string $path) { $path = $this->filterString($path); if (null === $path) { throw new \TypeError('A path must be a string NULL given'); } $path = $this->formatPath($path); if ($path === $this->path) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->path = $path; $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withQuery($query = NULL) { $query = $this->formatQueryAndFragment($this->filterString($query)); if ($query === $this->query) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->query = $query; $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function withFragment($fragment = NULL) { $fragment = $this->formatQueryAndFragment($this->filterString($fragment)); if ($fragment === $this->fragment) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->fragment = $fragment; $clone->assertValidState(); return $clone; } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriException; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; use League\Uri\Exceptions\TemplateCanNotBeExpanded; use function array_filter; use function array_keys; use function explode; use function gettype; use function implode; use function in_array; use function is_array; use function is_bool; use function is_scalar; use function is_string; use function method_exists; use function preg_match; use function preg_match_all; use function preg_replace; use function preg_replace_callback; use function rawurlencode; use function sprintf; use function strpos; use function substr; use const ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY; use const PREG_SET_ORDER; /** * Defines the URI Template syntax and the process for expanding a URI Template into a URI reference. * * @link * @package League\Uri * @author Ignace Nyamagana Butera * @since 6.1.0 * * Based on GuzzleHttp\UriTemplate class in Guzzle v6.5. * @link */ final class UriTemplate { /** * Expression regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_EXPRESSION = '/\\{ (? (?[\\.\\/;\\?&\\=,\\!@\\|\\+#])? (?[^\\}]*) ) \\}/x'; /** * Variables specification regular expression pattern. * * @link */ const REGEXP_VARSPEC = '/^ (?(?:[A-z0-9_\\.]|%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+) (?\\:(?\\d+)|\\*)? $/x'; /** * Reserved Operator characters. * * @link */ const RESERVED_OPERATOR = '=,!@|'; /** * Processing behavior according to the expression type operator. * * @link */ const OPERATOR_HASH_LOOKUP = ['' => ['prefix' => '', 'joiner' => ',', 'query' => false], '+' => ['prefix' => '', 'joiner' => ',', 'query' => false], '#' => ['prefix' => '#', 'joiner' => ',', 'query' => false], '.' => ['prefix' => '.', 'joiner' => '.', 'query' => false], '/' => ['prefix' => '/', 'joiner' => '/', 'query' => false], ';' => ['prefix' => ';', 'joiner' => ';', 'query' => true], '?' => ['prefix' => '?', 'joiner' => '&', 'query' => true], '&' => ['prefix' => '&', 'joiner' => '&', 'query' => true]]; /** * @var string */ private $template; /** * @var array */ private $defaultVariables; /** * @var string[] */ private $variableNames; /** * @var array, * joiner:string, * prefix:string, * query:bool * }> */ private $expressions; /** * @var array{noExpression:UriInterface|null, noVariables:UriInterface|null} */ private $cache; /** * @var array */ private $variables; /** * @param object|string $template a string or an object with the __toString method * * @throws \TypeError if the template is not a string or an object with the __toString method * @throws SyntaxError if the template syntax is invalid * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the template variables are invalid */ public function __construct($template, array $defaultVariables = []) { $this->template = $this->filterTemplate($template); $this->parseExpressions(); $this->defaultVariables = $this->filterVariables($defaultVariables); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public static function __set_state(array $properties) : self { return new self($properties['template'], $properties['defaultVariables']); } /** * @param object|string $template a string or an object with the __toString method * * @throws \TypeError if the template is not a string or an object with the __toString method */ private function filterTemplate($template) : string { if (!is_string($template) && !method_exists($template, '__toString')) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The template must be a string or a stringable object %s given.', gettype($template))); } return (string) $template; } /** * Parses the template expressions. * * @throws SyntaxError if the template syntax is invalid */ private function parseExpressions() { $this->cache = ['noExpression' => null, 'noVariables' => null]; /** @var string $remainder */ $remainder = preg_replace(self::REGEXP_EXPRESSION, '', $this->template); if (false !== strpos($remainder, '{') || false !== strpos($remainder, '}')) { throw new SyntaxError('The submitted template "' . $this->template . '" contains invalid expressions.'); } preg_match_all(self::REGEXP_EXPRESSION, $this->template, $expressions, PREG_SET_ORDER); $this->expressions = []; $foundVariables = []; foreach ($expressions as $expression) { if (isset($this->expressions[$expression['expression']])) { continue; } /** @var array{expression:string, operator:string, variables:string, pattern:string} $expression */ $expression = $expression + ['operator' => '', 'pattern' => '{' . $expression['expression'] . '}']; list($parsedVariables, $foundVariables) = $this->parseVariableSpecification($expression, $foundVariables); $this->expressions[$expression['expression']] = ['variables' => $parsedVariables] + $expression + self::OPERATOR_HASH_LOOKUP[$expression['operator']]; } $this->variableNames = array_keys($foundVariables); } /** * Parses a variable specification in conformance to RFC6570. * * @param array{expression:string, operator:string, variables:string, pattern:string} $expression * @param array $foundVariables * * @throws SyntaxError if the expression does not conform to RFC6570 * * @return array{0:array, 1:array} */ private function parseVariableSpecification(array $expression, array $foundVariables) : array { $parsedVariableSpecification = []; if ('' !== $expression['operator'] && false !== strpos(self::RESERVED_OPERATOR, $expression['operator'])) { throw new SyntaxError('The operator used in the expression "' . $expression['pattern'] . '" is reserved.'); } foreach (explode(',', $expression['variables']) as $varSpec) { if ('' === $varSpec) { throw new SyntaxError('No variable specification was included in the expression "' . $expression['pattern'] . '".'); } if (1 !== preg_match(self::REGEXP_VARSPEC, $varSpec, $parsed)) { throw new SyntaxError('The variable specification "' . $varSpec . '" included in the expression "' . $expression['pattern'] . '" is invalid.'); } $parsed += ['modifier' => '', 'position' => '']; if ('' !== $parsed['position']) { $parsed['position'] = (int) $parsed['position']; $parsed['modifier'] = ':'; } $foundVariables[$parsed['name']] = 1; $parsedVariableSpecification[] = $parsed; } /** @var array{0:array, 1:array} $result */ $result = [$parsedVariableSpecification, $foundVariables]; return $result; } /** * Filters out variables for the given template. * * @return array> */ private function filterVariables(array $variables) : array { $filter = function ($key) : bool { return in_array($key, $this->variableNames, true); }; $result = array_filter($variables, $filter, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); foreach ($result as $name => &$value) { $value = $this->normalizeValue($name, $value, true); } unset($value); return $result; } /** * @param mixed $value the value to be expanded * * @throws \TypeError if the type is not supported * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the value contains nested list * * @return string|array */ private function normalizeValue(string $name, $value, bool $isNestedListAllowed) { if (is_array($value)) { if (!$isNestedListAllowed) { throw TemplateCanNotBeExpanded::dueToNestedListOfValue($name); } foreach ($value as &$var) { $var = $this->normalizeValue($name, $var, false); } unset($var); return $value; } if (is_bool($value)) { return true === $value ? '1' : '0'; } if (null === $value || is_scalar($value) || method_exists($value, '__toString')) { return (string) $value; } throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The variable ' . $name . ' must be NULL, a scalar or a stringable object `%s` given', gettype($value))); } /** * The template string. */ public function getTemplate() : string { return $this->template; } /** * Returns the names of the variables in the template, in order. * * @return string[] */ public function getVariableNames() : array { return $this->variableNames; } /** * Returns the default values used to expand the template. * * The returned list only contains variables whose name is part of the current template. * * @return array */ public function getDefaultVariables() : array { return $this->defaultVariables; } /** * Returns a new instance with the updated default variables. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified default variables. * * If present, variables whose name is not part of the current template * possible variable names are removed. * */ public function withDefaultVariables(array $defaultDefaultVariables) : self { $defaultDefaultVariables = $this->filterVariables($defaultDefaultVariables); if ($defaultDefaultVariables === $this->defaultVariables) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->defaultVariables = $defaultDefaultVariables; return $clone; } /** * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variable contains nested array values * @throws UriException if the resulting expansion can not be converted to a UriInterface instance */ public function expand(array $variables = []) : UriInterface { if ([] === $this->expressions) { $this->cache['noExpression'] = $this->cache['noExpression'] ?? Uri::createFromString($this->template); return $this->cache['noExpression']; } $this->variables = $this->filterVariables($variables) + $this->defaultVariables; if ([] === $this->variables) { $this->cache['noVariables'] = $this->cache['noVariables'] ?? Uri::createFromString(preg_replace(self::REGEXP_EXPRESSION, '', $this->template)); return $this->cache['noVariables']; } /** @var string $uri */ $uri = preg_replace_callback(self::REGEXP_EXPRESSION, [$this, 'expandExpression'], $this->template); return Uri::createFromString($uri); } /** * Expands a single expression. * * @param array{expression:string, operator: string, variables:string} $foundExpression * * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables is an array and a ":" modifier needs to be applied * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables contains nested array values */ private function expandExpression(array $foundExpression) : string { $expression = $this->expressions[$foundExpression['expression']]; $joiner = $expression['joiner']; $useQuery = $expression['query']; $parts = []; /** @var array{name:string, modifier:string, position:string} $variable */ foreach ($expression['variables'] as $variable) { $parts[] = $this->expandVariable($variable, $expression['operator'], $joiner, $useQuery); } $nullFilter = static function ($value) : bool { return '' !== $value; }; $expanded = implode($joiner, array_filter($parts, $nullFilter)); $prefix = $expression['prefix']; if ('' !== $expanded && '' !== $prefix) { return $prefix . $expanded; } return $expanded; } /** * Expands an expression. * * @param array{name:string, modifier:string, position:string} $variable * * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables is an array and a ":" modifier needs to be applied * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables contains nested array values */ private function expandVariable(array $variable, string $operator, string $joiner, bool $useQuery) : string { $value = $this->variables[$variable['name']] ?? ''; $arguments = [$value, $variable, $operator]; $method = 'expandString'; if (is_array($value)) { $arguments[] = $joiner; $arguments[] = $useQuery; $method = 'expandList'; } $actualQuery = $useQuery; $expanded = $this->{$method}(...$arguments); if (is_array($expanded)) { list($expanded, $actualQuery) = $expanded; } if (!$actualQuery) { return $expanded; } if ('&' !== $joiner && '' === $expanded) { return $variable['name']; } return $variable['name'] . '=' . $expanded; } /** * Expands an expression using a string value. */ private function expandString(string $value, array $variable, string $operator) : string { if (':' === $variable['modifier']) { $value = substr($value, 0, $variable['position']); } $expanded = rawurlencode($value); if ('+' === $operator || '#' === $operator) { return $this->decodeReserved($expanded); } return $expanded; } /** * Expands an expression using a list of values. * * @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables is an array and a ":" modifier needs to be applied * * @return array{0:string, 1:bool} */ private function expandList(array $value, array $variable, string $operator, string $joiner, bool $useQuery) : array { if ([] === $value) { return ['', false]; } $isAssoc = $this->isAssoc($value); $pairs = []; if (':' === $variable['modifier']) { throw TemplateCanNotBeExpanded::dueToUnableToProcessValueListWithPrefix($variable['name']); } /** @var string $key */ foreach ($value as $key => $var) { if ($isAssoc) { $key = rawurlencode((string) $key); } $var = rawurlencode((string) $var); if ('+' === $operator || '#' === $operator) { $var = $this->decodeReserved($var); } if ('*' === $variable['modifier']) { if ($isAssoc) { $var = $key . '=' . $var; } elseif ($key > 0 && $useQuery) { $var = $variable['name'] . '=' . $var; } } $pairs[$key] = $var; } if ('*' === $variable['modifier']) { if ($isAssoc) { // Don't prepend the value name when using the explode // modifier with an associative array. $useQuery = false; } return [implode($joiner, $pairs), $useQuery]; } if ($isAssoc) { // When an associative array is encountered and the // explode modifier is not set, then the result must be // a comma separated list of keys followed by their // respective values. foreach ($pairs as $offset => &$data) { $data = $offset . ',' . $data; } unset($data); } return [implode(',', $pairs), $useQuery]; } /** * Determines if an array is associative. * * This makes the assumption that input arrays are sequences or hashes. * This assumption is a trade-off for accuracy in favor of speed, but it * should work in almost every case where input is supplied for a URI * template. */ private function isAssoc(array $array) : bool { return [] !== $array && 0 !== array_keys($array)[0]; } /** * Removes percent encoding on reserved characters (used with + and # modifiers). */ private function decodeReserved(string $str) : string { static $delimiters = [':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@', '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=']; static $delimitersEncoded = ['%3A', '%2F', '%3F', '%23', '%5B', '%5D', '%40', '%21', '%24', '%26', '%27', '%28', '%29', '%2A', '%2B', '%2C', '%3B', '%3D']; return str_replace($delimitersEncoded, $delimiters, $str); } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Exceptions; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriException; class TemplateCanNotBeExpanded extends \InvalidArgumentException implements UriException { public static function dueToUnableToProcessValueListWithPrefix(string $variableName) : self { return new self('The ":" modifier can not be applied on "' . $variableName . '" since it is a list of values.'); } public static function dueToNestedListOfValue(string $variableName) : self { return new self('The "' . $variableName . '" can not be a nested list.'); } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface as Psr7UriInterface; use function array_pop; use function array_reduce; use function count; use function end; use function explode; use function gettype; use function implode; use function in_array; use function sprintf; use function str_repeat; use function strpos; use function substr; final class UriResolver { /** * @var array */ const DOT_SEGMENTS = ['.' => 1, '..' => 1]; /** * @codeCoverageIgnore */ private function __construct() { } /** * Resolve an URI against a base URI using RFC3986 rules. * * If the first argument is a UriInterface the method returns a UriInterface object * If the first argument is a Psr7UriInterface the method returns a Psr7UriInterface object * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri * * @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface */ public static function resolve($uri, $base_uri) { self::filterUri($uri); self::filterUri($base_uri); $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; if ($null !== $uri->getScheme()) { return $uri->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($uri->getPath())); } if ($null !== $uri->getAuthority()) { return $uri->withScheme($base_uri->getScheme())->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($uri->getPath())); } $user = $null; $pass = null; $userInfo = $base_uri->getUserInfo(); if (null !== $userInfo) { list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $userInfo, 2) + [1 => null]; } list($uri_path, $uri_query) = self::resolvePathAndQuery($uri, $base_uri); return $uri->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($uri_path))->withQuery($uri_query)->withHost($base_uri->getHost())->withPort($base_uri->getPort())->withUserInfo((string) $user, $pass)->withScheme($base_uri->getScheme()); } /** * Filter the URI object. * * @param mixed $uri an URI object * * @throws \TypeError if the URI object does not implements the supported interfaces. */ private static function filterUri($uri) { if (!$uri instanceof UriInterface && !$uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The uri must be a valid URI object received `%s`', gettype($uri))); } } /** * Remove dot segments from the URI path. */ private static function removeDotSegments(string $path) : string { if (false === strpos($path, '.')) { return $path; } $old_segments = explode('/', $path); $new_path = implode('/', array_reduce($old_segments, [UriResolver::class, 'reducer'], [])); if (isset(self::DOT_SEGMENTS[end($old_segments)])) { $new_path .= '/'; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // added because some PSR-7 implementations do not respect RFC3986 if (0 === strpos($path, '/') && 0 !== strpos($new_path, '/')) { return '/' . $new_path; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $new_path; } /** * Remove dot segments. * * @return array */ private static function reducer(array $carry, string $segment) : array { if ('..' === $segment) { array_pop($carry); return $carry; } if (!isset(self::DOT_SEGMENTS[$segment])) { $carry[] = $segment; } return $carry; } /** * Resolve an URI path and query component. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri * * @return array{0:string, 1:string|null} */ private static function resolvePathAndQuery($uri, $base_uri) : array { $target_path = $uri->getPath(); $target_query = $uri->getQuery(); $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; $baseNull = $base_uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; if (0 === strpos($target_path, '/')) { return [$target_path, $target_query]; } if ('' === $target_path) { if ($null === $target_query) { $target_query = $base_uri->getQuery(); } $target_path = $base_uri->getPath(); //@codeCoverageIgnoreStart //because some PSR-7 Uri implementations allow this RFC3986 forbidden construction if ($baseNull !== $base_uri->getAuthority() && 0 !== strpos($target_path, '/')) { $target_path = '/' . $target_path; } //@codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return [$target_path, $target_query]; } $base_path = $base_uri->getPath(); if ($baseNull !== $base_uri->getAuthority() && '' === $base_path) { $target_path = '/' . $target_path; } if ('' !== $base_path) { $segments = explode('/', $base_path); array_pop($segments); if ([] !== $segments) { $target_path = implode('/', $segments) . '/' . $target_path; } } return [$target_path, $target_query]; } /** * Relativize an URI according to a base URI. * * This method MUST retain the state of the submitted URI instance, and return * an URI instance of the same type that contains the applied modifications. * * This method MUST be transparent when dealing with error and exceptions. * It MUST not alter of silence them apart from validating its own parameters. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri * * @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface */ public static function relativize($uri, $base_uri) { self::filterUri($uri); self::filterUri($base_uri); $uri = self::formatHost($uri); $base_uri = self::formatHost($base_uri); if (!self::isRelativizable($uri, $base_uri)) { return $uri; } $null = $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null; $uri = $uri->withScheme($null)->withPort(null)->withUserInfo($null)->withHost($null); $target_path = $uri->getPath(); if ($target_path !== $base_uri->getPath()) { return $uri->withPath(self::relativizePath($target_path, $base_uri->getPath())); } if (self::componentEquals('getQuery', $uri, $base_uri)) { return $uri->withPath('')->withQuery($null); } if ($null === $uri->getQuery()) { return $uri->withPath(self::formatPathWithEmptyBaseQuery($target_path)); } return $uri->withPath(''); } /** * Tells whether the component value from both URI object equals. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri */ private static function componentEquals(string $method, $uri, $base_uri) : bool { return self::getComponent($method, $uri) === self::getComponent($method, $base_uri); } /** * Returns the component value from the submitted URI object. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri */ private static function getComponent(string $method, $uri) { $component = $uri->{$method}(); if ($uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface && '' === $component) { return null; } return $component; } /** * Filter the URI object. * * @param null|mixed $uri * * @throws \TypeError if the URI object does not implements the supported interfaces. * * @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface */ private static function formatHost($uri) { if (!$uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface) { return $uri; } $host = $uri->getHost(); if ('' === $host) { return $uri; } return $uri->withHost((string) Uri::createFromComponents(['host' => $host])->getHost()); } /** * Tell whether the submitted URI object can be relativize. * * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri * @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri */ private static function isRelativizable($uri, $base_uri) : bool { return !UriInfo::isRelativePath($uri) && self::componentEquals('getScheme', $uri, $base_uri) && self::componentEquals('getAuthority', $uri, $base_uri); } /** * Relative the URI for a authority-less target URI. */ private static function relativizePath(string $path, string $basepath) : string { $base_segments = self::getSegments($basepath); $target_segments = self::getSegments($path); $target_basename = array_pop($target_segments); array_pop($base_segments); foreach ($base_segments as $offset => $segment) { if (!isset($target_segments[$offset]) || $segment !== $target_segments[$offset]) { break; } unset($base_segments[$offset], $target_segments[$offset]); } $target_segments[] = $target_basename; return self::formatPath(str_repeat('../', count($base_segments)) . implode('/', $target_segments), $basepath); } /** * returns the path segments. * * @return string[] */ private static function getSegments(string $path) : array { if ('' !== $path && '/' === $path[0]) { $path = substr($path, 1); } return explode('/', $path); } /** * Formatting the path to keep a valid URI. */ private static function formatPath(string $path, string $basepath) : string { if ('' === $path) { return in_array($basepath, ['', '/'], true) ? $basepath : './'; } if (false === ($colon_pos = strpos($path, ':'))) { return $path; } $slash_pos = strpos($path, '/'); if (false === $slash_pos || $colon_pos < $slash_pos) { return "./{$path}"; } return $path; } /** * Formatting the path to keep a resolvable URI. */ private static function formatPathWithEmptyBaseQuery(string $path) : string { $target_segments = self::getSegments($path); /** @var string $basename */ $basename = end($target_segments); return '' === $basename ? './' : $basename; } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri; use League\Uri\Exceptions\IdnSupportMissing; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; use function array_merge; use function defined; use function explode; use function filter_var; use function function_exists; use function gettype; use function idn_to_ascii; use function implode; use function inet_pton; use function is_scalar; use function method_exists; use function preg_match; use function rawurldecode; use function sprintf; use function strpos; use function substr; use const FILTER_FLAG_IPV6; use const FILTER_VALIDATE_IP; use const IDNA_ERROR_BIDI; use const IDNA_ERROR_CONTEXTJ; use const IDNA_ERROR_DISALLOWED; use const IDNA_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_TOO_LONG; use const IDNA_ERROR_EMPTY_LABEL; use const IDNA_ERROR_HYPHEN_3_4; use const IDNA_ERROR_INVALID_ACE_LABEL; use const IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_HAS_DOT; use const IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG; use const IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_COMBINING_MARK; use const IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_HYPHEN; use const IDNA_ERROR_PUNYCODE; use const IDNA_ERROR_TRAILING_HYPHEN; use const INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46; /** * A class to parse a URI string according to RFC3986. * * @link * @package League\Uri * @author Ignace Nyamagana Butera * @since 6.0.0 */ final class UriString { /** * Default URI component values. */ const URI_COMPONENTS = ['scheme' => null, 'user' => null, 'pass' => null, 'host' => null, 'port' => null, 'path' => '', 'query' => null, 'fragment' => null]; /** * Simple URI which do not need any parsing. */ const URI_SCHORTCUTS = ['' => [], '#' => ['fragment' => ''], '?' => ['query' => ''], '?#' => ['query' => '', 'fragment' => ''], '/' => ['path' => '/'], '//' => ['host' => '']]; /** * Range of invalid characters in URI string. */ const REGEXP_INVALID_URI_CHARS = '/[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]/'; /** * RFC3986 regular expression URI splitter. * * @link */ const REGEXP_URI_PARTS = ',^ (?(?[^:/?\\#]+):)? # URI scheme component (?//(?[^/?\\#]*))? # URI authority part (?[^?\\#]*) # URI path component (?\\?(?[^\\#]*))? # URI query component (?\\#(?.*))? # URI fragment component ,x'; /** * URI scheme regular expresssion. * * @link */ const REGEXP_URI_SCHEME = '/^([a-z][a-z\\d\\+\\.\\-]*)?$/i'; /** * IPvFuture regular expression. * * @link */ const REGEXP_IP_FUTURE = '/^ v(?[A-F0-9])+\\. (?: (?[a-z0-9_~\\-\\.])| (?[!$&\'()*+,;=:]) # also include the : character )+ $/ix'; /** * General registered name regular expression. * * @link */ const REGEXP_REGISTERED_NAME = '/(?(DEFINE) (?[a-z0-9_~\\-]) # . is missing as it is used to separate labels (?[!$&\'()*+,;=]) (?%[A-F0-9]{2}) (?(?:(?&unreserved)|(?&sub_delims)|(?&encoded))*) ) ^(?:(?®_name)\\.)*(?®_name)\\.?$/ix'; /** * Invalid characters in host regular expression. * * @link */ const REGEXP_INVALID_HOST_CHARS = '/ [:\\/?#\\[\\]@ ] # gen-delims characters as well as the space character /ix'; /** * Invalid path for URI without scheme and authority regular expression. * * @link */ const REGEXP_INVALID_PATH = ',^(([^/]*):)(.*)?/,'; /** * Host and Port splitter regular expression. */ const REGEXP_HOST_PORT = ',^(?\\[.*\\]|[^:]*)(:(?.*))?$,'; /** * IDN Host detector regular expression. */ const REGEXP_IDN_PATTERN = '/[^\\x20-\\x7f]/'; /** * Only the address block fe80::/10 can have a Zone ID attach to * let's detect the link local significant 10 bits. */ const ZONE_ID_ADDRESS_BLOCK = ""; /** * Generate an URI string representation from its parsed representation * returned by League\Uri\parse() or PHP's parse_url. * * If you supply your own array, you are responsible for providing * valid components without their URI delimiters. * * @link * @link * * @param array{ * scheme:?string, * user:?string, * pass:?string, * host:?string, * port:?int, * path:string, * query:?string, * fragment:?string * } $components */ public static function build(array $components) : string { $result = $components['path'] ?? ''; if (isset($components['query'])) { $result .= '?' . $components['query']; } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $result .= '#' . $components['fragment']; } $scheme = null; if (isset($components['scheme'])) { $scheme = $components['scheme'] . ':'; } if (!isset($components['host'])) { return $scheme . $result; } $scheme .= '//'; $authority = $components['host']; if (isset($components['port'])) { $authority .= ':' . $components['port']; } if (!isset($components['user'])) { return $scheme . $authority . $result; } $authority = '@' . $authority; if (!isset($components['pass'])) { return $scheme . $components['user'] . $authority . $result; } return $scheme . $components['user'] . ':' . $components['pass'] . $authority . $result; } /** * Parse an URI string into its components. * * This method parses a URI and returns an associative array containing any * of the various components of the URI that are present. * * * $components = (new Parser())->parse(''); * var_export($components); * //will display * array( * 'scheme' => 'http', // the URI scheme component * 'user' => 'foo', // the URI user component * 'pass' => null, // the URI pass component * 'host' => '', // the URI host component * 'port' => 42, // the URI port component * 'path' => '', // the URI path component * 'query' => 'query', // the URI query component * 'fragment' => '', // the URI fragment component * ); * * * The returned array is similar to PHP's parse_url return value with the following * differences: * *
  • All components are always present in the returned array
  • *
  • Empty and undefined component are treated differently. And empty component is * set to the empty string while an undefined component is set to the `null` value.
  • *
  • The path component is never undefined
  • *
  • The method parses the URI following the RFC3986 rules but you are still * required to validate the returned components against its related scheme specific rules.
  • *
* * @link * * @param mixed $uri any scalar or stringable object * * @throws SyntaxError if the URI contains invalid characters * @throws SyntaxError if the URI contains an invalid scheme * @throws SyntaxError if the URI contains an invalid path * * @return array{ * scheme:?string, * user:?string, * pass:?string, * host:?string, * port:?int, * path:string, * query:?string, * fragment:?string * } */ public static function parse($uri) : array { if (!is_scalar($uri) && !method_exists($uri, '__toString')) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The uri must be a scalar or a stringable object `%s` given', gettype($uri))); } $uri = (string) $uri; if (isset(self::URI_SCHORTCUTS[$uri])) { /** @var array{scheme:?string, user:?string, pass:?string, host:?string, port:?int, path:string, query:?string, fragment:?string} $components */ $components = array_merge(self::URI_COMPONENTS, self::URI_SCHORTCUTS[$uri]); return $components; } if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_INVALID_URI_CHARS, $uri)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The uri `%s` contains invalid characters', $uri)); } //if the first character is a known URI delimiter parsing can be simplified $first_char = $uri[0]; //The URI is made of the fragment only if ('#' === $first_char) { list(, $fragment) = explode('#', $uri, 2); $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; $components['fragment'] = $fragment; return $components; } //The URI is made of the query and fragment if ('?' === $first_char) { list(, $partial) = explode('?', $uri, 2); list($query, $fragment) = explode('#', $partial, 2) + [1 => null]; $components = self::URI_COMPONENTS; $components['query'] = $query; $components['fragment'] = $fragment; return $components; } //use RFC3986 URI regexp to split the URI preg_match(self::REGEXP_URI_PARTS, $uri, $parts); $parts += ['query' => '', 'fragment' => '']; if (':' === $parts['scheme'] || 1 !== preg_match(self::REGEXP_URI_SCHEME, $parts['scontent'])) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The uri `%s` contains an invalid scheme', $uri)); } if ('' === $parts['scheme'] . $parts['authority'] && 1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_INVALID_PATH, $parts['path'])) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The uri `%s` contains an invalid path.', $uri)); } /** @var array{scheme:?string, user:?string, pass:?string, host:?string, port:?int, path:string, query:?string, fragment:?string} $components */ $components = array_merge(self::URI_COMPONENTS, '' === $parts['authority'] ? [] : self::parseAuthority($parts['acontent']), ['path' => $parts['path'], 'scheme' => '' === $parts['scheme'] ? null : $parts['scontent'], 'query' => '' === $parts['query'] ? null : $parts['qcontent'], 'fragment' => '' === $parts['fragment'] ? null : $parts['fcontent']]); return $components; } /** * Parses the URI authority part. * * @link * * @throws SyntaxError If the port component is invalid * * @return array{user:?string, pass:?string, host:?string, port:?int} */ private static function parseAuthority(string $authority) : array { $components = ['user' => null, 'pass' => null, 'host' => '', 'port' => null]; if ('' === $authority) { return $components; } $parts = explode('@', $authority, 2); if (isset($parts[1])) { list($components['user'], $components['pass']) = explode(':', $parts[0], 2) + [1 => null]; } preg_match(self::REGEXP_HOST_PORT, $parts[1] ?? $parts[0], $matches); $matches += ['port' => '']; $components['port'] = self::filterPort($matches['port']); $components['host'] = self::filterHost($matches['host']); return $components; } /** * Filter and format the port component. * * @link * * @throws SyntaxError if the registered name is invalid */ private static function filterPort(string $port) { if ('' === $port) { return null; } if (1 === preg_match('/^\\d*$/', $port)) { return (int) $port; } throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The port `%s` is invalid', $port)); } /** * Returns whether a hostname is valid. * * @link * * @throws SyntaxError if the registered name is invalid */ private static function filterHost(string $host) : string { if ('' === $host) { return $host; } if ('[' !== $host[0] || ']' !== substr($host, -1)) { return self::filterRegisteredName($host); } if (!self::isIpHost(substr($host, 1, -1))) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Host `%s` is invalid : the IP host is malformed', $host)); } return $host; } /** * Returns whether the host is an IPv4 or a registered named. * * @link * * @throws SyntaxError if the registered name is invalid * @throws IdnSupportMissing if IDN support or ICU requirement are not available or met. */ private static function filterRegisteredName(string $host) : string { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // added because it is not possible in travis to disabled the ext/intl extension // see travis issue static $idn_support = null; $idn_support = $idn_support ?? function_exists('idn_to_ascii') && defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $formatted_host = rawurldecode($host); if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_REGISTERED_NAME, $formatted_host)) { if (false === strpos($formatted_host, 'xn--')) { return $host; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$idn_support) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('the host `%s` could not be processed for IDN. Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6.', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $unicode = idn_to_utf8($host, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $arr); if (0 !== $arr['errors']) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The host `%s` is invalid : %s', $host, self::getIDNAErrors($arr['errors']))); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (false === $unicode) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('The Intl extension is misconfigured for %s, please correct this issue before proceeding.', PHP_OS)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $host; } //to test IDN host non-ascii characters must be present in the host if (1 !== preg_match(self::REGEXP_IDN_PATTERN, $formatted_host)) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Host `%s` is invalid : the host is not a valid registered name', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$idn_support) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('the host `%s` could not be processed for IDN. Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6.', $host)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $retval = idn_to_ascii($formatted_host, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $arr); if ($arr === []) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Host `%s` is not a valid IDN host', $host)); } if (0 !== $arr['errors']) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Host `%s` is not a valid IDN host : %s', $host, self::getIDNAErrors($arr['errors']))); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (false === $retval) { throw new IdnSupportMissing(sprintf('The Intl extension is misconfigured for %s, please correct this issue before proceeding.', PHP_OS)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if (false !== strpos($retval, '%')) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Host `%s` is invalid : the host is not a valid registered name', $host)); } return $host; } /** * Retrieves and format IDNA conversion error message. * * @link */ private static function getIDNAErrors(int $error_byte) : string { /** * IDNA errors. */ static $idn_errors = [IDNA_ERROR_EMPTY_LABEL => 'a non-final domain name label (or the whole domain name) is empty', IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG => 'a domain name label is longer than 63 bytes', IDNA_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME_TOO_LONG => 'a domain name is longer than 255 bytes in its storage form', IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_HYPHEN => 'a label starts with a hyphen-minus ("-")', IDNA_ERROR_TRAILING_HYPHEN => 'a label ends with a hyphen-minus ("-")', IDNA_ERROR_HYPHEN_3_4 => 'a label contains hyphen-minus ("-") in the third and fourth positions', IDNA_ERROR_LEADING_COMBINING_MARK => 'a label starts with a combining mark', IDNA_ERROR_DISALLOWED => 'a label or domain name contains disallowed characters', IDNA_ERROR_PUNYCODE => 'a label starts with "xn--" but does not contain valid Punycode', IDNA_ERROR_LABEL_HAS_DOT => 'a label contains a dot=full stop', IDNA_ERROR_INVALID_ACE_LABEL => 'An ACE label does not contain a valid label string', IDNA_ERROR_BIDI => 'a label does not meet the IDNA BiDi requirements (for right-to-left characters)', IDNA_ERROR_CONTEXTJ => 'a label does not meet the IDNA CONTEXTJ requirements']; $res = []; foreach ($idn_errors as $error => $reason) { if ($error === ($error_byte & $error)) { $res[] = $reason; } } return [] === $res ? 'Unknown IDNA conversion error.' : implode(', ', $res) . '.'; } /** * Validates a IPv6/IPvfuture host. * * @link * @link * @link */ private static function isIpHost(string $ip_host) : bool { if (false !== filter_var($ip_host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return true; } if (1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_IP_FUTURE, $ip_host, $matches)) { return !in_array($matches['version'], ['4', '6'], true); } $pos = strpos($ip_host, '%'); if (false === $pos || 1 === preg_match(self::REGEXP_INVALID_HOST_CHARS, rawurldecode(substr($ip_host, $pos)))) { return false; } $ip_host = substr($ip_host, 0, $pos); return false !== filter_var($ip_host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) && 0 === strpos((string) inet_pton($ip_host), self::ZONE_ID_ADDRESS_BLOCK); } }{ "name": "league/uri-interfaces", "description" : "Common interface for URI representation", "keywords": [ "url", "uri", "rfc3986", "rfc3987" ], "license": "MIT", "homepage": "", "authors": [ { "name" : "Ignace Nyamagana Butera", "email" : "", "homepage" : "" } ], "require": { "php" : "^7.1", "ext-json": "*" }, "require-dev": { "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.0", "phpunit/phpunit" : "^7.0|^8.0", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12", "phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^0.12", "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^0.12" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "League\\Uri\\": "src/" } }, "scripts": { "phpcs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run --allow-risky=yes --ansi", "phpstan": "phpstan analyse -l max -c phpstan.src.neon src --ansi", "test": ["@phpcs", "@phpstan"] }, "scripts-descriptions": { "phpcs":"Runs coding style test suite", "phpstan":"Runs php static code analysis compliance test", "test": "Runs all the test suite" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "2.x-dev" } } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use League\Uri\Exceptions\IdnSupportMissing; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; interface UriComponentInterface extends \JsonSerializable { /** * Returns the instance content. * * If the instance is defined, the value returned MUST be encoded according to the * selected encoding algorithm. In any case, the value MUST NOT double-encode any character * depending on the selected encoding algorithm. * * To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3. * or RFC 3987 Section 3. By default the content is encoded according to RFC3986 * * If the instance is not defined null is returned */ public function getContent(); /** * Returns the instance string representation. * * If the instance is defined, the value returned MUST be percent-encoded, * but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters * to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3. * * If the instance is not defined an empty string is returned */ public function __toString() : string; /** * Returns the instance json representation. * * If the instance is defined, the value returned MUST be percent-encoded, * but MUST NOT double-encode any characters. To determine what characters * to encode, please refer to RFC 3986 or RFC 1738. * * If the instance is not defined null is returned */ public function jsonSerialize(); /** * Returns the instance string representation with its optional URI delimiters. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode any * characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to RFC 3986, * Sections 2 and 3. * * If the instance is not defined an empty string is returned */ public function getUriComponent() : string; /** * Returns an instance with the specified content. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified content. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded content characters. * * A null value is equivalent to removing the component content. * * * @param ?string $content * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. * @throws IdnSupportMissing for component or transformations * requiring IDN support when IDN support is not present * or misconfigured. */ public function withContent(string $content = null) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; /** * @extends \IteratorAggregate */ interface QueryInterface extends \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the query separator. */ public function getSeparator() : string; /** * Returns the number of key/value pairs present in the object. */ public function count() : int; /** * Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object. * * The pair is represented as an array where the first value is the pair key * and the second value the pair value. * * The key of each pair is a string * The value of each pair is a scalar or the null value * * @return \Iterator */ public function getIterator() : \Iterator; /** * Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object. * * The return type is as a Iterator where its offset is the pair key and its value the pair value. * * The key of each pair is a string * The value of each pair is a scalar or the null value * * @return iterable */ public function pairs() : iterable; /** * Tells whether a pair with a specific name exists. * * @see */ public function has(string $key) : bool; /** * Returns the first value associated to the given pair name. * * If no value is found null is returned * * @see */ public function get(string $key); /** * Returns all the values associated to the given pair name as an array or all * the instance pairs. * * If no value is found an empty array is returned * * @see * * @return array */ public function getAll(string $key) : array; /** * Returns the store PHP variables as elements of an array. * * The result is similar as PHP parse_str when used with its * second argument with the difference that variable names are * not mangled. * * If a key is submitted it will returns the value attached to it or null * * @see * @see * * @param ?string $key * @return mixed the collection of stored PHP variables or the empty array if no input is given, * the single value of a stored PHP variable or null if the variable is not present in the collection */ public function params(string $key = null); /** * Returns the RFC1738 encoded query. */ public function toRFC1738(); /** * Returns the RFC3986 encoded query. * * @see ::getContent */ public function toRFC3986(); /** * Returns an instance with a different separator. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the query component with a different separator */ public function withSeparator(string $separator) : self; /** * Sorts the query string by offset, maintaining offset to data correlations. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified query * * @see */ public function sort() : self; /** * Returns an instance without duplicate key/value pair. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the query component normalized by removing * duplicate pairs whose key/value are the same. */ public function withoutDuplicates() : self; /** * Returns an instance without empty key/value where the value is the null value. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the query component normalized by removing * empty pairs. * * A pair is considered empty if its value is equal to the null value */ public function withoutEmptyPairs() : self; /** * Returns an instance where numeric indices associated to PHP's array like key are removed. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the query component normalized so that numeric indexes * are removed from the pair key value. * * ie.: toto[3]=bar[3]&foo=bar becomes toto[]=bar[3]&foo=bar */ public function withoutNumericIndices() : self; /** * Returns an instance with the a new key/value pair added to it. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified query * * If the pair already exists the value will replace the existing value. * * @see * * @param ?string $value */ public function withPair(string $key, string $value = null) : self; /** * Returns an instance with the new pairs set to it. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified query * * @see ::withPair */ public function merge(string $query) : self; /** * Returns an instance without the specified keys. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified component * * @param ...$keys */ public function withoutPair(...$keys) : self; /** * Returns a new instance with a specified key/value pair appended as a new pair. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified query * * @param ?string $value */ public function appendTo(string $key, string $value = null) : self; /** * Returns an instance with the new pairs appended to it. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified query * * If the pair already exists the value will be added to it. */ public function append(string $query) : self; /** * Returns an instance without the specified params. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified component without PHP's value. * PHP's mangled is not taken into account. * * @param ...$keys */ public function withoutParam(...$keys) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; interface PathInterface extends UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the decoded path. */ public function decoded() : string; /** * Returns whether or not the path is absolute or relative. */ public function isAbsolute() : bool; /** * Returns whether or not the path has a trailing delimiter. */ public function hasTrailingSlash() : bool; /** * Returns an instance without dot segments. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the path component normalized by removing * the dot segment. * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withoutDotSegments() : self; /** * Returns an instance with a leading slash. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the path component with a leading slash * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withLeadingSlash() : self; /** * Returns an instance without a leading slash. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the path component without a leading slash * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withoutLeadingSlash() : self; /** * Returns an instance with a trailing slash. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the path component with a trailing slash * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withTrailingSlash() : self; /** * Returns an instance without a trailing slash. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the path component without a trailing slash * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withoutTrailingSlash() : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; interface UserInfoInterface extends UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the user component part. */ public function getUser(); /** * Returns the pass component part. */ public function getPass(); /** * Returns an instance with the specified user and/or pass. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified user. * * An empty user is equivalent to removing the user information. * * @param ?string $user * @param ?string $pass */ public function withUserInfo(string $user = null, string $pass = null) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; interface DataPathInterface extends PathInterface { /** * Retrieve the data mime type associated to the URI. * * If no mimetype is present, this method MUST return the default mimetype 'text/plain'. * * @see */ public function getMimeType() : string; /** * Retrieve the parameters associated with the Mime Type of the URI. * * If no parameters is present, this method MUST return the default parameter 'charset=US-ASCII'. * * @see */ public function getParameters() : string; /** * Retrieve the mediatype associated with the URI. * * If no mediatype is present, this method MUST return the default parameter 'text/plain;charset=US-ASCII'. * * @see * * @return string The URI scheme. */ public function getMediaType() : string; /** * Retrieves the data string. * * Retrieves the data part of the path. If no data part is provided return * a empty string */ public function getData() : string; /** * Tells whether the data is binary safe encoded. */ public function isBinaryData() : bool; /** * Save the data to a specific file. */ public function save(string $path, string $mode = 'w') : \SplFileObject; /** * Returns an instance where the data part is base64 encoded. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance where the data part is base64 encoded */ public function toBinary() : self; /** * Returns an instance where the data part is url encoded following RFC3986 rules. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance where the data part is url encoded */ public function toAscii() : self; /** * Return an instance with the specified mediatype parameters. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified mediatype parameters. * * Users must provide encoded characters. * * An empty parameters value is equivalent to removing the parameter. */ public function withParameters(string $parameters) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; interface HostInterface extends UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the ascii representation. */ public function toAscii(); /** * Returns the unicode representation. */ public function toUnicode(); /** * Returns the IP version. * * If the host is a not an IP this method will return null */ public function getIpVersion(); /** * Returns the IP component If the Host is an IP address. * * If the host is a not an IP this method will return null */ public function getIp(); /** * Tells whether the host is a domain name. */ public function isDomain() : bool; /** * Tells whether the host is an IP Address. */ public function isIp() : bool; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; interface IpHostInterface extends HostInterface { /** * Returns whether or not the host is an IPv4 address. */ public function isIpv4() : bool; /** * Returns whether or not the host is an IPv6 address. */ public function isIpv6() : bool; /** * Returns whether or not the host is an IPv6 address. */ public function isIpFuture() : bool; /** * Returns whether or not the host has a ZoneIdentifier. * * @see */ public function hasZoneIdentifier() : bool; /** * Returns an host without its zone identifier according to RFC6874. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance without the host zone identifier according to RFC6874 * * @see */ public function withoutZoneIdentifier() : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; interface PortInterface extends UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the integer representation of the Port. */ public function toInt(); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; /** * @extends \IteratorAggregate */ interface SegmentedPathInterface extends \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, PathInterface { /** * Returns the total number of segments in the path. */ public function count() : int; /** * Iterate over the path segment. * * @return \Iterator */ public function getIterator() : \Iterator; /** * Returns parent directory's path. */ public function getDirname() : string; /** * Returns the path basename. */ public function getBasename() : string; /** * Returns the basename extension. */ public function getExtension() : string; /** * Retrieves a single path segment. * * If the segment offset has not been set, returns null. */ public function get(int $offset); /** * Returns the associated key for a specific segment. * * If a value is specified only the keys associated with * the given value will be returned * * @param ?string $segment * * @return int[] */ public function keys(string $segment = null) : array; /** * Appends a segment to the path. */ public function append(string $segment) : self; /** * Prepends a segment to the path. */ public function prepend(string $segment) : self; /** * Returns an instance with the modified segment. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the new segment * * If $key is non-negative, the added segment will be the segment at $key position from the start. * If $key is negative, the added segment will be the segment at $key position from the end. * * @param ?string $segment * * @throws SyntaxError If the key is invalid */ public function withSegment(int $key, string $segment = null) : self; /** * Returns an instance without the specified segment. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified component * * If $key is non-negative, the removed segment will be the segment at $key position from the start. * If $key is negative, the removed segment will be the segment at $key position from the end. * * @param ...$keys remaining keys to remove * * @throws SyntaxError If the key is invalid */ public function withoutSegment(...$keys) : self; /** * Returns an instance without duplicate delimiters. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the path component normalized by removing * multiple consecutive empty segment */ public function withoutEmptySegments() : self; /** * Returns an instance with the specified parent directory's path. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the extension basename modified. * * @param ?string $path */ public function withDirname(string $path = null) : self; /** * Returns an instance with the specified basename. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the extension basename modified. * * @param ?string $basename */ public function withBasename(string $basename = null) : self; /** * Returns an instance with the specified basename extension. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the extension basename modified. * * @param ?string $extension */ public function withExtension(string $extension = null) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use League\Uri\Exceptions\IdnSupportMissing; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; interface UriInterface extends \JsonSerializable { /** * Returns the string representation as a URI reference. * * @see */ public function __toString() : string; /** * Returns the string representation as a URI reference. * * @see * @see ::__toString */ public function jsonSerialize() : string; /** * Retrieve the scheme component of the URI. * * If no scheme is present, this method MUST return a null value. * * The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 * Section 3.1. * * The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be * added. * * @see */ public function getScheme(); /** * Retrieve the authority component of the URI. * * If no scheme is present, this method MUST return a null value. * * If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current * scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included. * * @see */ public function getAuthority(); /** * Retrieve the user information component of the URI. * * If no scheme is present, this method MUST return a null value. * * If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value; * additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the * user value, with a colon (":") separating the values. * * The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST * NOT be added. */ public function getUserInfo(); /** * Retrieve the host component of the URI. * * If no host is present this method MUST return a null value. * * The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 * Section 3.2.2. * * @see */ public function getHost(); /** * Retrieve the port component of the URI. * * If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme, * this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port * used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null. * * If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return * a null value. * * If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return * the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null. */ public function getPort(); /** * Retrieve the path component of the URI. * * The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or * rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all * three syntaxes. * * Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as * defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically * do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g. * the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task * of the user to handle both "" and "/". * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3. * * As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as * delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded * form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance. * * @see * @see */ public function getPath() : string; /** * Retrieve the query string of the URI. * * If no host is present this method MUST return a null value. * * The leading "?" character is not part of the query and MUST NOT be * added. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.4. * * As an example, if a value in a key/value pair of the query string should * include an ampersand ("&") not intended as a delimiter between values, * that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%26") to the instance. * * @see * @see */ public function getQuery(); /** * Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. * * If no host is present this method MUST return a null value. * * The leading "#" character is not part of the fragment and MUST NOT be * added. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.5. * * @see * @see */ public function getFragment(); /** * Return an instance with the specified scheme. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified scheme. * * A null value provided for the scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme * information. * * @param $scheme = NULL * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withScheme($scheme = NULL); /** * Return an instance with the specified user information. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified user information. * * Password is optional, but the user information MUST include the * user; a null value for the user is equivalent to removing user * information. * * @param $user = NULL * @param $password = NULL * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withUserInfo($user = NULL, $password = null); /** * Return an instance with the specified host. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified host. * * A null value provided for the host is equivalent to removing the host * information. * * @param $host = NULL * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. * @throws IdnSupportMissing for component or transformations * requiring IDN support when IDN support is not present * or misconfigured. */ public function withHost($host = NULL); /** * Return an instance with the specified port. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified port. * * A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port * information. * * @param $port = NULL * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withPort($port = NULL); /** * Return an instance with the specified path. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified path. * * The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or * rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all * three syntaxes. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded path characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getPath(). * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withPath(string $path); /** * Return an instance with the specified query string. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified query string. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded query characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getQuery(). * * A null value provided for the query is equivalent to removing the query * information. * * @param $query = NULL * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withQuery($query = NULL); /** * Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified URI fragment. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded fragment characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getFragment(). * * A null value provided for the fragment is equivalent to removing the fragment * information. * * @param $fragment = NULL * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withFragment($fragment = NULL); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; interface FragmentInterface extends UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the decoded fragment. */ public function decoded(); } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use League\Uri\Exceptions\IdnSupportMissing; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; interface AuthorityInterface extends UriComponentInterface { /** * Returns the host component of the authority. */ public function getHost(); /** * Returns the port component of the authority. */ public function getPort(); /** * Returns the user information component of the authority. */ public function getUserInfo(); /** * Return an instance with the specified host. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified host. * * A null value provided for the host is equivalent to removing the host * information. * * @param ?string $host * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. * @throws IdnSupportMissing for component or transformations * requiring IDN support when IDN support is not present * or misconfigured. */ public function withHost(string $host = null) : self; /** * Return an instance with the specified port. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified port. * * A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port * information. * * @param ?int $port * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withPort(int $port = null) : self; /** * Return an instance with the specified user information. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified user information. * * Password is optional, but the user information MUST include the * user; a null value for the user is equivalent to removing user * information. * * @param ?string $user * @param ?string $password * * @throws SyntaxError for invalid component or transformations * that would result in a object in invalid state. */ public function withUserInfo(string $user = null, string $password = null) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use Throwable; interface UriException extends Throwable { } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Contracts; use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError; /** * @extends \IteratorAggregate */ interface DomainHostInterface extends \Countable, HostInterface, \IteratorAggregate { /** * Returns the labels total number. */ public function count() : int; /** * Iterate over the Domain labels. * * @return \Iterator */ public function getIterator() : \Iterator; /** * Retrieves a single host label. * * If the label offset has not been set, returns the null value. */ public function get(int $offset); /** * Returns the associated key for a specific label or all the keys. * * @param ?string $label * * @return int[] */ public function keys(string $label = null) : array; /** * Tells whether the domain is absolute. */ public function isAbsolute() : bool; /** * Prepends a label to the host. */ public function prepend(string $label) : self; /** * Appends a label to the host. */ public function append(string $label) : self; /** * Returns an instance with its Root label. * * @see */ public function withRootLabel() : self; /** * Returns an instance without its Root label. * * @see */ public function withoutRootLabel() : self; /** * Returns an instance with the modified label. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the new label * * If $key is non-negative, the added label will be the label at $key position from the start. * If $key is negative, the added label will be the label at $key position from the end. * * @throws SyntaxError If the key is invalid */ public function withLabel(int $key, string $label) : self; /** * Returns an instance without the specified label. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the modified component * * If $key is non-negative, the removed label will be the label at $key position from the start. * If $key is negative, the removed label will be the label at $key position from the end. * * @param ...$keys * * @throws SyntaxError If the key is invalid */ public function withoutLabel(...$keys) : self; } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Exceptions; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriException; class FileinfoSupportMissing extends \RuntimeException implements UriException { } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Exceptions; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriException; class IdnSupportMissing extends \RuntimeException implements UriException { } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare (strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\Exceptions; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriException; class SyntaxError extends \InvalidArgumentException implements UriException { } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Php73; /** * @author Gabriel Caruso * @author Ion Bazan * * @internal */ final class Php73 { public static $startAt = 1533462603; /** * @param bool $asNum * * @return array|float|int */ public static function hrtime($asNum = false) { $ns = microtime(false); $s = substr($ns, 11) - self::$startAt; $ns = 1000000000.0 * (float) $ns; if ($asNum) { $ns += $s * 1000000000.0; return \PHP_INT_SIZE === 4 ? $ns : (int) $ns; } return array($s, (int) $ns); } }{ "name": "symfony/polyfill-php73", "type": "library", "description": "Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.3+ features to lower PHP versions", "keywords": ["polyfill", "shim", "compatibility", "portable"], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Nicolas Grekas", "email": "" }, { "name": "Symfony Community", "homepage": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\": "" }, "files": [ "bootstrap.php" ], "classmap": [ "Resources/stubs" ] }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.15-dev" } } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Symfony\Polyfill\Php73 as p; if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300) { if (!function_exists('is_countable')) { function is_countable($var) { return is_array($var) || $var instanceof Countable || $var instanceof ResourceBundle || $var instanceof SimpleXmlElement; } } if (!function_exists('hrtime')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/Php73.php'; p\Php73::$startAt = (int) microtime(true); function hrtime($asNum = false) { return p\Php73::hrtime($asNum); } } if (!function_exists('array_key_first')) { function array_key_first(array $array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { return $key; } } } if (!function_exists('array_key_last')) { function array_key_last(array $array) { end($array); return key($array); } } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ class JsonException extends Exception { } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Php71; /** * @author Dariusz Rumiński * * @internal */ final class Php71 { public static function is_iterable($var) { return \is_array($var) || $var instanceof \Traversable; } }{ "name": "symfony/polyfill-php71", "type": "library", "description": "Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.1+ features to lower PHP versions", "keywords": ["polyfill", "shim", "compatibility", "portable"], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Nicolas Grekas", "email": "" }, { "name": "Symfony Community", "homepage": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php71\\": "" }, "files": [ "bootstrap.php" ] }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.15-dev" } } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Symfony\Polyfill\Php71 as p; if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70100) { if (!function_exists('is_iterable')) { function is_iterable($var) { return p\Php71::is_iterable($var); } } }{ "name": "symfony/polyfill-php72", "type": "library", "description": "Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.2+ features to lower PHP versions", "keywords": ["polyfill", "shim", "compatibility", "portable"], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Nicolas Grekas", "email": "" }, { "name": "Symfony Community", "homepage": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\": "" }, "files": [ "bootstrap.php" ] }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.15-dev" } } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Php72; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas * @author Dariusz Rumiński * * @internal */ final class Php72 { private static $hashMask; public static function utf8_encode($s) { $s .= $s; $len = \strlen($s); for ($i = $len >> 1, $j = 0; $i < $len; ++$i, ++$j) { switch (true) { case $s[$i] < "": $s[$j] = $s[$i]; break; case $s[$i] < "": $s[$j] = ""; $s[++$j] = $s[$i]; break; default: $s[$j] = ""; $s[++$j] = \chr(\ord($s[$i]) - 64); break; } } return substr($s, 0, $j); } public static function utf8_decode($s) { $s = (string) $s; $len = \strlen($s); for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $len; ++$i, ++$j) { switch ($s[$i] & "") { case "": case "": $c = \ord($s[$i] & "\37") << 6 | \ord($s[++$i] & "?"); $s[$j] = $c < 256 ? \chr($c) : '?'; break; case "": ++$i; // no break case "": $s[$j] = '?'; $i += 2; break; default: $s[$j] = $s[$i]; } } return substr($s, 0, $j); } public static function php_os_family() { if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { return 'Windows'; } $map = array('Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'DragonFly' => 'BSD', 'FreeBSD' => 'BSD', 'NetBSD' => 'BSD', 'OpenBSD' => 'BSD', 'Linux' => 'Linux', 'SunOS' => 'Solaris'); return isset($map[PHP_OS]) ? $map[PHP_OS] : 'Unknown'; } public static function spl_object_id($object) { if (null === self::$hashMask) { self::initHashMask(); } if (null === ($hash = spl_object_hash($object))) { return; } return self::$hashMask ^ hexdec(substr($hash, 16 - \PHP_INT_SIZE, \PHP_INT_SIZE)); } public static function sapi_windows_vt100_support($stream, $enable = null) { if (!\is_resource($stream)) { trigger_error('sapi_windows_vt100_support() expects parameter 1 to be resource, ' . \gettype($stream) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $meta = stream_get_meta_data($stream); if ('STDIO' !== $meta['stream_type']) { trigger_error('sapi_windows_vt100_support() was not able to analyze the specified stream', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // We cannot actually disable vt100 support if it is set if (false === $enable || !self::stream_isatty($stream)) { return false; } // The native function does not apply to stdin $meta = array_map('strtolower', $meta); $stdin = 'php://stdin' === $meta['uri'] || 'php://fd/0' === $meta['uri']; return !$stdin && (false !== getenv('ANSICON') || 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI') || 'xterm' === getenv('TERM') || 'Hyper' === getenv('TERM_PROGRAM')); } public static function stream_isatty($stream) { if (!\is_resource($stream)) { trigger_error('stream_isatty() expects parameter 1 to be resource, ' . \gettype($stream) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $stat = @fstat($stream); // Check if formatted mode is S_IFCHR return $stat ? 020000 === ($stat['mode'] & 0170000) : false; } return \function_exists('posix_isatty') && @posix_isatty($stream); } private static function initHashMask() { $obj = (object) array(); self::$hashMask = -1; // check if we are nested in an output buffering handler to prevent a fatal error with ob_start() below $obFuncs = array('ob_clean', 'ob_end_clean', 'ob_flush', 'ob_end_flush', 'ob_get_contents', 'ob_get_flush'); foreach (debug_backtrace(\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 ? DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS : false) as $frame) { if (isset($frame['function'][0]) && !isset($frame['class']) && 'o' === $frame['function'][0] && \in_array($frame['function'], $obFuncs)) { $frame['line'] = 0; break; } } if (!empty($frame['line'])) { ob_start(); debug_zval_dump($obj); self::$hashMask = (int) substr(ob_get_clean(), 17); } self::$hashMask ^= hexdec(substr(spl_object_hash($obj), 16 - \PHP_INT_SIZE, \PHP_INT_SIZE)); } public static function mb_chr($code, $encoding = null) { if (0x80 > ($code %= 0x200000)) { $s = \chr($code); } elseif (0x800 > $code) { $s = \chr(0xc0 | $code >> 6) . \chr(0x80 | $code & 0x3f); } elseif (0x10000 > $code) { $s = \chr(0xe0 | $code >> 12) . \chr(0x80 | $code >> 6 & 0x3f) . \chr(0x80 | $code & 0x3f); } else { $s = \chr(0xf0 | $code >> 18) . \chr(0x80 | $code >> 12 & 0x3f) . \chr(0x80 | $code >> 6 & 0x3f) . \chr(0x80 | $code & 0x3f); } if ('UTF-8' !== $encoding) { $s = mb_convert_encoding($s, $encoding, 'UTF-8'); } return $s; } public static function mb_ord($s, $encoding = null) { if (null == $encoding) { $s = mb_convert_encoding($s, 'UTF-8'); } elseif ('UTF-8' !== $encoding) { $s = mb_convert_encoding($s, 'UTF-8', $encoding); } if (1 === \strlen($s)) { return \ord($s); } $code = ($s = unpack('C*', substr($s, 0, 4))) ? $s[1] : 0; if (0xf0 <= $code) { return ($code - 0xf0 << 18) + ($s[2] - 0x80 << 12) + ($s[3] - 0x80 << 6) + $s[4] - 0x80; } if (0xe0 <= $code) { return ($code - 0xe0 << 12) + ($s[2] - 0x80 << 6) + $s[3] - 0x80; } if (0xc0 <= $code) { return ($code - 0xc0 << 6) + $s[2] - 0x80; } return $code; } } * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Symfony\Polyfill\Php72 as p; if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200) { if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && !function_exists('sapi_windows_vt100_support')) { function sapi_windows_vt100_support($stream, $enable = null) { return p\Php72::sapi_windows_vt100_support($stream, $enable); } } if (!function_exists('stream_isatty')) { function stream_isatty($stream) { return p\Php72::stream_isatty($stream); } } if (!function_exists('utf8_encode')) { function utf8_encode($s) { return p\Php72::utf8_encode($s); } function utf8_decode($s) { return p\Php72::utf8_decode($s); } } if (!function_exists('spl_object_id')) { function spl_object_id($s) { return p\Php72::spl_object_id($s); } } if (!defined('PHP_OS_FAMILY')) { define('PHP_OS_FAMILY', p\Php72::php_os_family()); } if (!function_exists('mb_chr')) { function mb_ord($s, $enc = null) { return p\Php72::mb_ord($s, $enc); } function mb_chr($code, $enc = null) { return p\Php72::mb_chr($code, $enc); } function mb_scrub($s, $enc = null) { $enc = null === $enc ? mb_internal_encoding() : $enc; return mb_convert_encoding($s, $enc, $enc); } } }{ "name": "paragonie/random_compat", "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7", "keywords": [ "csprng", "random", "polyfill", "pseudorandom" ], "license": "MIT", "type": "library", "authors": [ { "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", "email": "", "homepage": "" } ], "support": { "issues": "", "email": "", "source": "" }, "require": { "php": ">=5.2.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*" }, "suggest": { "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes." }, "autoload": { "files": [ "lib/random.php" ] } } operators might accidentally let a float * through. */ try { /** @var int $min */ $min = RandomCompat_intval($min); } catch (TypeError $ex) { throw new TypeError('random_int(): $min must be an integer'); } try { /** @var int $max */ $max = RandomCompat_intval($max); } catch (TypeError $ex) { throw new TypeError('random_int(): $max must be an integer'); } /** * Now that we've verified our weak typing system has given us an integer, * let's validate the logic then we can move forward with generating random * integers along a given range. */ if ($min > $max) { throw new Error('Minimum value must be less than or equal to the maximum value'); } if ($max === $min) { return (int) $min; } /** * Initialize variables to 0 * * We want to store: * $bytes => the number of random bytes we need * $mask => an integer bitmask (for use with the &) operator * so we can minimize the number of discards */ $attempts = $bits = $bytes = $mask = $valueShift = 0; /** @var int $attempts */ /** @var int $bits */ /** @var int $bytes */ /** @var int $mask */ /** @var int $valueShift */ /** * At this point, $range is a positive number greater than 0. It might * overflow, however, if $max - $min > PHP_INT_MAX. PHP will cast it to * a float and we will lose some precision. * * @var int|float $range */ $range = $max - $min; /** * Test for integer overflow: */ if (!is_int($range)) { /** * Still safely calculate wider ranges. * Provided by @CodesInChaos, @oittaa * * @ref * * We use ~0 as a mask in this case because it generates all 1s * * @ref (32-bit) * @ref (64-bit) */ $bytes = PHP_INT_SIZE; /** @var int $mask */ $mask = ~0; } else { /** * $bits is effectively ceil(log($range, 2)) without dealing with * type juggling */ while ($range > 0) { if ($bits % 8 === 0) { ++$bytes; } ++$bits; $range >>= 1; /** @var int $mask */ $mask = $mask << 1 | 1; } $valueShift = $min; } /** @var int $val */ $val = 0; /** * Now that we have our parameters set up, let's begin generating * random integers until one falls between $min and $max */ /** @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ do { /** * The rejection probability is at most 0.5, so this corresponds * to a failure probability of 2^-128 for a working RNG */ if ($attempts > 128) { throw new Exception('random_int: RNG is broken - too many rejections'); } /** * Let's grab the necessary number of random bytes */ $randomByteString = random_bytes($bytes); /** * Let's turn $randomByteString into an integer * * This uses bitwise operators (<< and |) to build an integer * out of the values extracted from ord() * * Example: [9F] | [6D] | [32] | [0C] => * 159 + 27904 + 3276800 + 201326592 => * 204631455 */ $val &= 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; ++$i) { $val |= ord($randomByteString[$i]) << $i * 8; } /** @var int $val */ /** * Apply mask */ $val &= $mask; $val += $valueShift; ++$attempts; /** * If $val overflows to a floating point number, *... or is larger than $max, *... or smaller than $min, * then try again. */ } while (!is_int($val) || $val > $max || $val < $min); return (int) $val; } } 2147483647) { $buf = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i += 1073741824) { $n = $bytes - $i > 1073741824 ? 1073741824 : $bytes - $i; $buf .= \Sodium\randombytes_buf($n); } } else { /** @var string|bool $buf */ $buf = \Sodium\randombytes_buf($bytes); } if (is_string($buf)) { if (RandomCompat_strlen($buf) === $bytes) { return $buf; } } /** * If we reach here, PHP has failed us. */ throw new Exception('Could not gather sufficient random data'); } }= 70000) { return; } if (!defined('RANDOM_COMPAT_READ_BUFFER')) { define('RANDOM_COMPAT_READ_BUFFER', 8); } $RandomCompatDIR = dirname(__FILE__); require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'byte_safe_strings.php'; require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cast_to_int.php'; require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'error_polyfill.php'; if (!is_callable('random_bytes')) { /** * PHP 5.2.0 - 5.6.x way to implement random_bytes() * * We use conditional statements here to define the function in accordance * to the operating environment. It's a micro-optimization. * * In order of preference: * 1. Use libsodium if available. * 2. fread() /dev/urandom if available (never on Windows) * 3. mcrypt_create_iv($bytes, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM) * 4. COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1')->GetRandom() * * See for our reasoning behind this particular order */ if (extension_loaded('libsodium')) { // See random_bytes_libsodium.php if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50300 && is_callable('\\Sodium\\randombytes_buf')) { require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'random_bytes_libsodium.php'; } elseif (method_exists('Sodium', 'randombytes_buf')) { require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'random_bytes_libsodium_legacy.php'; } } /** * Reading directly from /dev/urandom: */ if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/') { // DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/' on Unix-like OSes -- this is a fast // way to exclude Windows. $RandomCompatUrandom = true; $RandomCompat_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'); if (!empty($RandomCompat_basedir)) { $RandomCompat_open_basedir = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, strtolower($RandomCompat_basedir)); $RandomCompatUrandom = array() !== array_intersect(array('/dev', '/dev/', '/dev/urandom'), $RandomCompat_open_basedir); $RandomCompat_open_basedir = null; } if (!is_callable('random_bytes') && $RandomCompatUrandom && @is_readable('/dev/urandom')) { // Error suppression on is_readable() in case of an open_basedir // or safe_mode failure. All we care about is whether or not we // can read it at this point. If the PHP environment is going to // panic over trying to see if the file can be read in the first // place, that is not helpful to us here. // See random_bytes_dev_urandom.php require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'random_bytes_dev_urandom.php'; } // Unset variables after use $RandomCompat_basedir = null; } else { $RandomCompatUrandom = false; } /** * mcrypt_create_iv() * * We only want to use mcypt_create_iv() if: * * - random_bytes() hasn't already been defined * - the mcrypt extensions is loaded * - One of these two conditions is true: * - We're on Windows (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/') * - We're not on Windows and /dev/urandom is readabale * (i.e. we're not in a chroot jail) * - Special case: * - If we're not on Windows, but the PHP version is between * 5.6.10 and 5.6.12, we don't want to use mcrypt. It will * hang indefinitely. This is bad. * - If we're on Windows, we want to use PHP >= 5.3.7 or else * we get insufficient entropy errors. */ if (!is_callable('random_bytes') && (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/' || PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50307) && (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/' || (PHP_VERSION_ID <= 50609 || PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50613)) && extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { // See random_bytes_mcrypt.php require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'random_bytes_mcrypt.php'; } $RandomCompatUrandom = null; /** * This is a Windows-specific fallback, for when the mcrypt extension * isn't loaded. */ if (!is_callable('random_bytes') && extension_loaded('com_dotnet') && class_exists('COM')) { $RandomCompat_disabled_classes = preg_split('#\\s*,\\s*#', strtolower(ini_get('disable_classes'))); if (!in_array('com', $RandomCompat_disabled_classes)) { try { $RandomCompatCOMtest = new COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1'); if (method_exists($RandomCompatCOMtest, 'GetRandom')) { // See random_bytes_com_dotnet.php require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'random_bytes_com_dotnet.php'; } } catch (com_exception $e) { // Don't try to use it. } } $RandomCompat_disabled_classes = null; $RandomCompatCOMtest = null; } /** * throw new Exception */ if (!is_callable('random_bytes')) { /** * We don't have any more options, so let's throw an exception right now * and hope the developer won't let it fail silently. * * @param mixed $length * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType * @throws Exception * @return string */ function random_bytes($length) { unset($length); // Suppress "variable not used" warnings. throw new Exception('There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system'); return ''; } } } if (!is_callable('random_int')) { require_once $RandomCompatDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'random_int.php'; } $RandomCompatDIR = null;GetRandom($bytes, 0)); if (RandomCompat_strlen($buf) >= $bytes) { /** * Return our random entropy buffer here: */ return (string) RandomCompat_substr($buf, 0, $bytes); } ++$execCount; } while ($execCount < $bytes); /** * If we reach here, PHP has failed us. */ throw new Exception('Could not gather sufficient random data'); } } $st */ $st = fstat($fp); if (($st['mode'] & 0170000) !== 020000) { fclose($fp); $fp = false; } } } if (is_resource($fp)) { /** * stream_set_read_buffer() does not exist in HHVM * * If we don't set the stream's read buffer to 0, PHP will * internally buffer 8192 bytes, which can waste entropy * * stream_set_read_buffer returns 0 on success */ if (is_callable('stream_set_read_buffer')) { stream_set_read_buffer($fp, RANDOM_COMPAT_READ_BUFFER); } if (is_callable('stream_set_chunk_size')) { stream_set_chunk_size($fp, RANDOM_COMPAT_READ_BUFFER); } } } try { /** @var int $bytes */ $bytes = RandomCompat_intval($bytes); } catch (TypeError $ex) { throw new TypeError('random_bytes(): $bytes must be an integer'); } if ($bytes < 1) { throw new Error('Length must be greater than 0'); } /** * This if() block only runs if we managed to open a file handle * * It does not belong in an else {} block, because the above * if (empty($fp)) line is logic that should only be run once per * page load. */ if (is_resource($fp)) { /** * @var int */ $remaining = $bytes; /** * @var string|bool */ $buf = ''; /** * We use fread() in a loop to protect against partial reads */ do { /** * @var string|bool */ $read = fread($fp, $remaining); if (!is_string($read)) { /** * We cannot safely read from the file. Exit the * do-while loop and trigger the exception condition * * @var string|bool */ $buf = false; break; } /** * Decrease the number of bytes returned from remaining */ $remaining -= RandomCompat_strlen($read); /** * @var string $buf */ $buf .= $read; } while ($remaining > 0); /** * Is our result valid? * @var string|bool $buf */ if (is_string($buf)) { if (RandomCompat_strlen($buf) === $bytes) { /** * Return our random entropy buffer here: */ return $buf; } } } /** * If we reach here, PHP has failed us. */ throw new Exception('Error reading from source device'); } } RandomCompat_strlen($binary_string)) { return ''; } return (string) mb_substr((string) $binary_string, (int) $start, (int) $length, '8bit'); } } else { /** * substr() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload * * This version just uses the default substr() * * @param string $binary_string * @param int $start * @param int|null $length (optional) * * @throws TypeError * * @return string */ function RandomCompat_substr($binary_string, $start, $length = null) { if (!is_string($binary_string)) { throw new TypeError('RandomCompat_substr(): First argument should be a string'); } if (!is_int($start)) { throw new TypeError('RandomCompat_substr(): Second argument should be an integer'); } if ($length !== null) { if (!is_int($length)) { throw new TypeError('RandomCompat_substr(): Third argument should be an integer, or omitted'); } return (string) substr((string) $binary_string, (int) $start, (int) $length); } return (string) substr((string) $binary_string, (int) $start); } } } 2147483647) { for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i += 1073741824) { $n = $bytes - $i > 1073741824 ? 1073741824 : $bytes - $i; $buf .= Sodium::randombytes_buf((int) $n); } } else { $buf .= Sodium::randombytes_buf((int) $bytes); } if (is_string($buf)) { if (RandomCompat_strlen($buf) === $bytes) { return $buf; } } /** * If we reach here, PHP has failed us. */ throw new Exception('Could not gather sufficient random data'); } } operators might accidentally let a float * through. * * @param int|float $number The number we want to convert to an int * @param bool $fail_open Set to true to not throw an exception * * @return float|int * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType * * @throws TypeError */ function RandomCompat_intval($number, $fail_open = false) { if (is_int($number) || is_float($number)) { $number += 0; } elseif (is_numeric($number)) { /** @psalm-suppress InvalidOperand */ $number += 0; } /** @var int|float $number */ if (is_float($number) && $number > ~PHP_INT_MAX && $number < PHP_INT_MAX) { $number = (int) $number; } if (is_int($number)) { return (int) $number; } elseif (!$fail_open) { throw new TypeError('Expected an integer.'); } return $number; } }{ "name": "paragonie/constant_time_encoding", "description": "Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding (Base-64, Base-32, Base-16)", "keywords": [ "base64", "encoding", "rfc4648", "base32", "base16", "hex", "bin2hex", "hex2bin", "base64_encode", "base64_decode", "base32_encode", "base32_decode" ], "license": "MIT", "type": "library", "authors": [ { "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "Maintainer" }, { "name": "Steve 'Sc00bz' Thomas", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "Original Developer" } ], "support": { "issues": "", "email": "", "source": "" }, "require": { "php": "^5.3|^7" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*", "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2", "vimeo/psalm": "^0.3|^1" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\": "src/" } } } > 2) . static::encode6Bits(($b0 << 4 | $b1 >> 4) & 63) . static::encode6Bits(($b1 << 2 | $b2 >> 6) & 63) . static::encode6Bits($b2 & 63); } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; if ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $dest .= static::encode6Bits($b0 >> 2) . static::encode6Bits(($b0 << 4 | $b1 >> 4) & 63) . static::encode6Bits($b1 << 2 & 63); if ($pad) { $dest .= '='; } } else { $dest .= static::encode6Bits($b0 >> 2) . static::encode6Bits($b0 << 4 & 63); if ($pad) { $dest .= '=='; } } } return $dest; } /** * decode from base64 into binary * * Base64 character set "./[A-Z][a-z][0-9]" * * @param string $src * @param bool $strictPadding * @return string * @throws \RangeException */ public static function decode($src, $strictPadding = \false) { // Remove padding $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); if ($srcLen === 0) { return ''; } if ($strictPadding) { if (($srcLen & 3) === 0) { if ($src[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { $srcLen--; if ($src[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { $srcLen--; } } } if (($srcLen & 3) === 1) { throw new \RangeException('Incorrect padding'); } } else { $src = \rtrim($src, '='); $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); } $err = 0; $dest = ''; // Main loop (no padding): for ($i = 0; $i + 4 <= $srcLen; $i += 4) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, 4)); $c0 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[1]); $c1 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[4]); $dest .= \pack('CCC', ($c0 << 2 | $c1 >> 4) & 0xff, ($c1 << 4 | $c2 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c2 << 6 | $c3) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3) >> 8; } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $c0 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[1]); if ($i + 2 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[3]); $dest .= \pack('CC', ($c0 << 2 | $c1 >> 4) & 0xff, ($c1 << 4 | $c2 >> 2) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[2]); $dest .= \pack('C', ($c0 << 2 | $c1 >> 4) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1) >> 8; } elseif ($i < $srcLen && $strictPadding) { $err |= 1; } } if ($err !== 0) { throw new \RangeException('Base64::decode() only expects characters in the correct base64 alphabet'); } return $dest; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 6-bit integers * into 8-bit integers. * * Base64 character set: * [A-Z] [a-z] [0-9] + / * 0x41-0x5a, 0x61-0x7a, 0x30-0x39, 0x2b, 0x2f * * @param int $src * @return int */ protected static function decode6Bits($src) { $ret = -1; // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) $ret += $src - 0x41 + 1; // -64 $ret += (0x40 - $src & $src - 0x5b) >> 8 & $src - 64; // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) $ret += $src - 0x61 + 26 + 1; // -70 $ret += (0x60 - $src & $src - 0x7b) >> 8 & $src - 70; // if ($src > 0x2f && $src < 0x3a) $ret += $src - 0x30 + 52 + 1; // 5 $ret += (0x2f - $src & $src - 0x3a) >> 8 & $src + 5; // if ($src == 0x2b) $ret += 62 + 1; $ret += (0x2a - $src & $src - 0x2c) >> 8 & 63; // if ($src == 0x2f) ret += 63 + 1; $ret += (0x2e - $src & $src - 0x30) >> 8 & 64; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits($src) { $diff = 0x41; // if ($src > 25) $diff += 0x61 - 0x41 - 26; // 6 $diff += 25 - $src >> 8 & 6; // if ($src > 51) $diff += 0x30 - 0x61 - 26; // -75 $diff -= 51 - $src >> 8 & 75; // if ($src > 61) $diff += 0x2b - 0x30 - 10; // -15 $diff -= 61 - $src >> 8 & 15; // if ($src > 62) $diff += 0x2f - 0x2b - 1; // 3 $diff += 62 - $src >> 8 & 3; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } }= 0) { $length = self::safeStrlen($str) - $start; } else { $length = -$start; } } // $length calculation above might result in a 0-length string if ($length === 0) { return ''; } return \mb_substr($str, $start, $length, '8bit'); } if ($length === 0) { return ''; } // Unlike mb_substr(), substr() doesn't accept null for length if (!is_null($length)) { return \substr($str, $start, $length); } else { return \substr($str, $start); } } } 0x2d && $src < 0x30) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -45 $ret += (0x2d - $src & $src - 0x30) >> 8 & $src - 45; // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) ret += $src - 0x41 + 2 + 1; // -62 $ret += (0x40 - $src & $src - 0x5b) >> 8 & $src - 62; // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) ret += $src - 0x61 + 28 + 1; // -68 $ret += (0x60 - $src & $src - 0x7b) >> 8 & $src - 68; // if ($src > 0x2f && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x30 + 54 + 1; // 7 $ret += (0x2f - $src & $src - 0x3a) >> 8 & $src + 7; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits($src) { $src += 0x2e; // if ($src > 0x2f) $src += 0x41 - 0x30; // 17 $src += 0x2f - $src >> 8 & 17; // if ($src > 0x5a) $src += 0x61 - 0x5b; // 6 $src += 0x5a - $src >> 8 & 6; // if ($src > 0x7a) $src += 0x30 - 0x7b; // -75 $src -= 0x7a - $src >> 8 & 75; return \pack('C', $src); } } "Zm9v" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base64Encode($str) { return Base64::encode($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base64 decoding * * "Zm9v" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base64Decode($str) { return Base64::decode($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base64 (URL Safe) encoding * * "foo" -> "Zm9v" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base64UrlSafeEncode($str) { return Base64UrlSafe::encode($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base64 (URL Safe) decoding * * "Zm9v" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base64UrlSafeDecode($str) { return Base64UrlSafe::decode($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32 encoding * * "foo" -> "MZXW6===" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base32Encode($str) { return Base32::encodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32 encoding * * "MZXW6===" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base32Decode($str) { return Base32::decodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32-Hex encoding * * "foo" -> "CPNMU===" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base32HexEncode($str) { return Base32::encodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32-Hex decoding * * "CPNMU===" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base32HexDecode($str) { return Base32::decodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base16 decoding * * "foo" -> "666F6F" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base16Encode($str) { return Hex::encodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base16 decoding * * "666F6F" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function base16Decode($str) { return Hex::decode($str); } } 0x2d && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -45 $ret += (0x2d - $src & $src - 0x3a) >> 8 & $src - 45; // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) ret += $src - 0x41 + 12 + 1; // -52 $ret += (0x40 - $src & $src - 0x5b) >> 8 & $src - 52; // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) ret += $src - 0x61 + 38 + 1; // -58 $ret += (0x60 - $src & $src - 0x7b) >> 8 & $src - 58; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits($src) { $src += 0x2e; // if ($src > 0x39) $src += 0x41 - 0x3a; // 7 $src += 0x39 - $src >> 8 & 7; // if ($src > 0x5a) $src += 0x61 - 0x5b; // 6 $src += 0x5a - $src >> 8 & 6; return \pack('C', $src); } } 96 && $src < 123) $ret += $src - 97 + 1; // -64 $ret += (0x60 - $src & $src - 0x7b) >> 8 & $src - 96; // if ($src > 0x31 && $src < 0x38) $ret += $src - 24 + 1; // -23 $ret += (0x31 - $src & $src - 0x38) >> 8 & $src - 23; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 5-bit integers * into 8-bit integers. * * Uppercase variant. * * @param int $src * @return int */ protected static function decode5BitsUpper($src) { $ret = -1; // if ($src > 64 && $src < 91) $ret += $src - 65 + 1; // -64 $ret += (0x40 - $src & $src - 0x5b) >> 8 & $src - 64; // if ($src > 0x31 && $src < 0x38) $ret += $src - 24 + 1; // -23 $ret += (0x31 - $src & $src - 0x38) >> 8 & $src - 23; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5Bits($src) { $diff = 0x61; // if ($src > 25) $ret -= 72; $diff -= 25 - $src >> 8 & 73; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * Uppercase variant. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5BitsUpper($src) { $diff = 0x41; // if ($src > 25) $ret -= 40; $diff -= 25 - $src >> 8 & 41; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } /** * Base32 decoding * * @param string $src * @param bool $upper * @param bool $strictPadding * @return string */ protected static function doDecode($src, $upper = \false, $strictPadding = \true) { // We do this to reduce code duplication: $method = $upper ? 'decode5BitsUpper' : 'decode5Bits'; // Remove padding $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); if ($srcLen === 0) { return ''; } if ($strictPadding) { if (($srcLen & 7) === 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < 7; ++$j) { if ($src[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { $srcLen--; } else { break; } } } if (($srcLen & 7) === 1) { throw new \RangeException('Incorrect padding'); } } else { $src = \rtrim($src, '='); $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); } $err = 0; $dest = ''; // Main loop (no padding): for ($i = 0; $i + 8 <= $srcLen; $i += 8) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, 8)); $c0 = static::$method($chunk[1]); $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); $c5 = static::$method($chunk[6]); $c6 = static::$method($chunk[7]); $c7 = static::$method($chunk[8]); $dest .= \pack('CCCCC', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c1 << 6 | $c2 << 1 | $c3 >> 4) & 0xff, ($c3 << 4 | $c4 >> 1) & 0xff, ($c4 << 7 | $c5 << 2 | $c6 >> 3) & 0xff, ($c6 << 5 | $c7) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4 | $c5 | $c6 | $c7) >> 8; } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $c0 = static::$method($chunk[1]); if ($i + 6 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); $c5 = static::$method($chunk[6]); $c6 = static::$method($chunk[7]); $dest .= \pack('CCCC', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c1 << 6 | $c2 << 1 | $c3 >> 4) & 0xff, ($c3 << 4 | $c4 >> 1) & 0xff, ($c4 << 7 | $c5 << 2 | $c6 >> 3) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4 | $c5 | $c6) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 5 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); $c5 = static::$method($chunk[6]); $dest .= \pack('CCCC', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c1 << 6 | $c2 << 1 | $c3 >> 4) & 0xff, ($c3 << 4 | $c4 >> 1) & 0xff, ($c4 << 7 | $c5 << 2) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4 | $c5) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 4 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); $dest .= \pack('CCC', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c1 << 6 | $c2 << 1 | $c3 >> 4) & 0xff, ($c3 << 4 | $c4 >> 1) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 3 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); $dest .= \pack('CC', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c1 << 6 | $c2 << 1 | $c3 >> 4) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 2 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $dest .= \pack('CC', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff, ($c1 << 6 | $c2 << 1) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $dest .= \pack('C', ($c0 << 3 | $c1 >> 2) & 0xff); $err |= ($c0 | $c1) >> 8; } else { $dest .= \pack('C', $c0 << 3 & 0xff); $err |= $c0 >> 8; } } if ($err !== 0) { throw new \RangeException('Base32::doDecode() only expects characters in the correct base32 alphabet'); } return $dest; } /** * Base32 Decoding * * @param string $src * @param bool $upper * @param bool $pad * @return string */ protected static function doEncode($src, $upper = \false, $pad = \true) { // We do this to reduce code duplication: $method = $upper ? 'encode5BitsUpper' : 'encode5Bits'; $dest = ''; $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); // Main loop (no padding): for ($i = 0; $i + 5 <= $srcLen; $i += 5) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, 5)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $b3 = $chunk[4]; $b4 = $chunk[5]; $dest .= static::$method($b0 >> 3 & 31) . static::$method(($b0 << 2 | $b1 >> 6) & 31) . static::$method($b1 >> 1 & 31) . static::$method(($b1 << 4 | $b2 >> 4) & 31) . static::$method(($b2 << 1 | $b3 >> 7) & 31) . static::$method($b3 >> 2 & 31) . static::$method(($b3 << 3 | $b4 >> 5) & 31) . static::$method($b4 & 31); } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; if ($i + 3 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $b3 = $chunk[4]; $dest .= static::$method($b0 >> 3 & 31) . static::$method(($b0 << 2 | $b1 >> 6) & 31) . static::$method($b1 >> 1 & 31) . static::$method(($b1 << 4 | $b2 >> 4) & 31) . static::$method(($b2 << 1 | $b3 >> 7) & 31) . static::$method($b3 >> 2 & 31) . static::$method($b3 << 3 & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '='; } } elseif ($i + 2 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $dest .= static::$method($b0 >> 3 & 31) . static::$method(($b0 << 2 | $b1 >> 6) & 31) . static::$method($b1 >> 1 & 31) . static::$method(($b1 << 4 | $b2 >> 4) & 31) . static::$method($b2 << 1 & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '==='; } } elseif ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $dest .= static::$method($b0 >> 3 & 31) . static::$method(($b0 << 2 | $b1 >> 6) & 31) . static::$method($b1 >> 1 & 31) . static::$method($b1 << 4 & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '===='; } } else { $dest .= static::$method($b0 >> 3 & 31) . static::$method($b0 << 2 & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '======'; } } } return $dest; } } 0x30 && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -47 $ret += (0x2f - $src & $src - 0x3a) >> 8 & $src - 47; // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x77) ret += $src - 0x61 + 10 + 1; // -86 $ret += (0x60 - $src & $src - 0x77) >> 8 & $src - 86; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 5-bit integers * into 8-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return int */ protected static function decode5BitsUpper($src) { $ret = -1; // if ($src > 0x30 && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -47 $ret += (0x2f - $src & $src - 0x3a) >> 8 & $src - 47; // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x57) ret += $src - 0x41 + 10 + 1; // -54 $ret += (0x40 - $src & $src - 0x57) >> 8 & $src - 54; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5Bits($src) { $src += 0x30; // if ($src > 0x39) $src += 0x61 - 0x3a; // 39 $src += 0x39 - $src >> 8 & 39; return \pack('C', $src); } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * Uppercase variant. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5BitsUpper($src) { $src += 0x30; // if ($src > 0x39) $src += 0x41 - 0x3a; // 7 $src += 0x39 - $src >> 8 & 7; return \pack('C', $src); } } 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) $ret += $src - 0x41 + 1; // -64 $ret += (0x40 - $src & $src - 0x5b) >> 8 & $src - 64; // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) $ret += $src - 0x61 + 26 + 1; // -70 $ret += (0x60 - $src & $src - 0x7b) >> 8 & $src - 70; // if ($src > 0x2f && $src < 0x3a) $ret += $src - 0x30 + 52 + 1; // 5 $ret += (0x2f - $src & $src - 0x3a) >> 8 & $src + 5; // if ($src == 0x2c) $ret += 62 + 1; $ret += (0x2c - $src & $src - 0x2e) >> 8 & 63; // if ($src == 0x5f) ret += 63 + 1; $ret += (0x5e - $src & $src - 0x60) >> 8 & 64; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits($src) { $diff = 0x41; // if ($src > 25) $diff += 0x61 - 0x41 - 26; // 6 $diff += 25 - $src >> 8 & 6; // if ($src > 51) $diff += 0x30 - 0x61 - 26; // -75 $diff -= 51 - $src >> 8 & 75; // if ($src > 61) $diff += 0x2d - 0x30 - 10; // -13 $diff -= 61 - $src >> 8 & 13; // if ($src > 62) $diff += 0x5f - 0x2b - 1; // 3 $diff += 62 - $src >> 8 & 49; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } }> 4; $hex .= pack('CC', 87 + $b + ($b - 10 >> 8 & ~38), 87 + $c + ($c - 10 >> 8 & ~38)); } return $hex; } /** * Convert a binary string into a hexadecimal string without cache-timing * leaks, returning uppercase letters (as per RFC 4648) * * @param string $bin_string (raw binary) * @return string */ public static function encodeUpper($bin_string) { $hex = ''; $len = Binary::safeStrlen($bin_string); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $chunk = \unpack('C', Binary::safeSubstr($bin_string, $i, 2)); $c = $chunk[1] & 0xf; $b = $chunk[1] >> 4; $hex .= pack('CC', 55 + $b + ($b - 10 >> 8 & ~6), 55 + $c + ($c - 10 >> 8 & ~6)); } return $hex; } /** * Convert a hexadecimal string into a binary string without cache-timing * leaks * * @param string $hex_string * @return string (raw binary) * @throws \RangeException */ public static function decode($hex_string) { $hex_pos = 0; $bin = ''; $c_acc = 0; $hex_len = Binary::safeStrlen($hex_string); $state = 0; if (($hex_len & 1) !== 0) { throw new \RangeException('Expected an even number of hexadecimal characters'); } $chunk = \unpack('C*', $hex_string); while ($hex_pos < $hex_len) { ++$hex_pos; $c = $chunk[$hex_pos]; $c_num = $c ^ 48; $c_num0 = $c_num - 10 >> 8; $c_alpha = ($c & ~32) - 55; $c_alpha0 = ($c_alpha - 10 ^ $c_alpha - 16) >> 8; if (($c_num0 | $c_alpha0) === 0) { throw new \RangeException('hexEncode() only expects hexadecimal characters'); } $c_val = $c_num0 & $c_num | $c_alpha & $c_alpha0; if ($state === 0) { $c_acc = $c_val * 16; } else { $bin .= \pack('C', $c_acc | $c_val); } $state ^= 1; } return $bin; } }{ "name": "danog/magicalserializer", "description": "Serialize Volatile, Threaded or any other internal PHP class!", "type": "library", "license": "AGPL-3.0-only", "homepage": "", "keywords": ["pthreads", "volatile", "serialize", "threading", "serializable"], "authors": [ { "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "" } ], "autoload": { "psr-0": { "danog\\": "src/" } } } a = ['lel', ['lel', [new a()]]]; $a->b = new a(); $a->b->c = [new a()]; $a->b->c[0]->d = 'cos'; $a->b->c[0]->e = new b(); $a->b->c[0]->e->f = new a(); $a = [$a]; file_put_contents('test', serialize($a)); var_dump(serialize($a), $a); var_dump(unserialize(file_get_contents('testb')));. */ namespace danog; trait Serializable { public final function __construct(...$params) { if (count($params) === 1 && is_array($params[0]) && isset($params[0]['originalclassnamepony'])) { unset($params[0]['originalclassnamepony']); foreach ($params[0] as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, chr(0) . get_class($this) . chr(0)) === 0) { $key = substr($key, strlen(get_class($this)) + 2); } elseif (strpos($key, chr(0) . '*' . chr(0)) === 0) { $key = substr($key, 3); } elseif ($key[0] === "\0") { $key = substr($key, 1); } $this->{$key} = \danog\Serialization::extractponyobject($value); } return; } if (method_exists($this, '__magic_construct')) { $this->__magic_construct(...$params); } elseif (method_exists($this, '___construct')) { $this->___construct(...$params); } } public final function fetchserializableobject($hash) { $values = get_object_vars($this); if (method_exists($this, '__sleep')) { $newvalues = []; foreach ($this->__sleep() as $key) { $newvalues[$key] = $values[$key]; } $values = $newvalues; } return new \danog\PlaceHolder($hash, get_class($this), $values); } }. */ namespace danog; class Serialization { public static $extracted = []; public static function unserialize($data) { foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) { if (isset(class_uses($class)['danog\\Serializable'])) { $namelength = strlen($class); if (strpos($data, 'O:' . $namelength . ':"' . $class . '":') === false) { continue; } $data = explode('O:' . $namelength . ':"' . $class . '":', $data); $stringdata = array_shift($data); foreach ($data as $chunk) { list($attributecount, $value) = explode(':{', $chunk, 2); $attributecount++; $stringdata .= 'O:17:"danog\\PlaceHolder":' . $attributecount . ':{s:21:"originalclassnamepony";s:' . $namelength . ':"' . $class . '";' . $value; } $data = $stringdata; } } self::$extracted = []; $data = self::extractponyobject(unserialize($data)); self::$extracted = []; return $data; } public static function extractponyobject($orig) { if (isset($orig->realactualponyobject)) { return self::extractponyobject($orig->realactualponyobject); } if (is_array($orig) || $orig instanceof \Volatile) { foreach ($orig as $key => $value) { $orig[$key] = self::extractponyobject($value); } return $orig; } if (is_object($orig) && !isset(self::$extracted[$hash = spl_object_hash($orig)])) { self::$extracted[$hash] = true; foreach ($orig as $key => $value) { $orig->{$key} = self::extractponyobject($value); } } return $orig; } public static function serialize($object, $not_compatible = false) { self::$extracted = []; $object = serialize(self::createserializableobject($object)); self::$extracted = []; if ($not_compatible === true) { return $object; } $object = explode('O:17:"danog\\PlaceHolder":', $object); $newobject = array_shift($object); foreach ($object as $chunk) { list($attributecount, $value) = explode(':{', $chunk, 2); $attributecount--; list($pre, $value) = explode('s:21:"originalclassnamepony";s:', $value, 2); list($length, $value) = explode(':', $value, 2); $classname = substr($value, 1, $length); $value = $pre . substr($value, $length + 3); $newobject .= 'O:' . strlen($classname) . ':"' . $classname . '":' . $attributecount . ':{' . $value; } return $newobject; } public static function createserializableobject($orig) { if (is_object($orig) && $orig instanceof \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP) { $orig = false; } if (is_object($orig)) { if (isset(self::$extracted[$hash = spl_object_hash($orig)])) { return self::$extracted[$hash]; } if (method_exists($orig, 'fetchserializableobject')) { return $orig->fetchserializableobject($hash); } self::$extracted[$hash] = $orig; } if (is_array($orig) || $orig instanceof \Volatile) { foreach ($orig as $key => $value) { $orig[$key] = self::createserializableobject($value); } } return $orig; } }. */ namespace danog; class PlaceHolder { public function __construct($hash, $originalclassnamepony, $elements) { Serialization::$extracted[$hash] = $this; $this->originalclassnamepony = $originalclassnamepony; foreach ($elements as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = Serialization::createserializableobject($value); } } public function __wakeup() { $this->realactualponyobject = new $this->originalclassnamepony(get_object_vars($this)); if (method_exists($this->realactualponyobject, '__wakeup')) { $this->realactualponyobject->__wakeup(); } } } 2: leg = legendre(n, p) else: leg = n & 1 if leg == 1: prime += [p] mod_root += [int(mod_sqrt(n, p))] log_p += [log(p, 10)] num_prime += 1 elif leg == 0: return p p = next_prime(p) # size of the sieve x_max = len(prime)*60 # maximum value on the sieved range m_val = (x_max * root_2n) >> 1 # fudging the threshold down a bit makes it easier to find powers of primes as factors # as well as partial-partial relationships, but it also makes the smoothness check slower. # there's a happy medium somewhere, depending on how efficient the smoothness check is thresh = log(m_val, 10) * 0.735 # skip small primes. they contribute very little to the log sum # and add a lot of unnecessary entries to the table # instead, fudge the threshold down a bit, assuming ~1/4 of them pass min_prime = int(thresh*3) fudge = sum(log_p[i] for i,p in enumerate(prime) if p < min_prime)/4 thresh -= fudge smooth = [] used_prime = set() partial = {} num_smooth = 0 num_used_prime = 0 num_partial = 0 num_poly = 0 root_A = isqrt(root_2n / x_max) while True: # find an integer value A such that: # A is =~ sqrt(2*n) / x_max # A is a perfect square # sqrt(A) is prime, and n is a quadratic residue mod sqrt(A) while True: root_A = next_prime(root_A) leg = legendre(n, root_A) if leg == 1: break elif leg == 0: return root_A A = root_A * root_A # solve for an adequate B # B*B is a quadratic residue mod n, such that B*B-A*C = n # this is unsolvable if n is not a quadratic residue mod sqrt(A) b = mod_sqrt(n, root_A) B = (b + (n - b*b) * mod_inv(b + b, root_A))%A # B*B-A*C = n <=> C = (B*B-n)/A C = (B*B - n) / A num_poly += 1 # sieve for prime factors sums = [0.0]*(2*x_max) i = 0 for p in prime: if p < min_prime: i += 1 continue logp = log_p[i] inv_A = mod_inv(A, p) # modular root of the quadratic a = int(((mod_root[i] - B) * inv_A)%p) b = int(((p - mod_root[i] - B) * inv_A)%p) k = 0 while k < x_max: if k+a < x_max: sums[k+a] += logp if k+b < x_max: sums[k+b] += logp if k: sums[k-a+x_max] += logp sums[k-b+x_max] += logp k += p i += 1 # check for smooths i = 0 for v in sums: if v > thresh: x = x_max-i if i > x_max else i vec = set() sqr = [] # because B*B-n = A*C # (A*x+B)^2 - n = A*A*x*x+2*A*B*x + B*B - n # = A*(A*x*x+2*B*x+C) # gives the congruency # (A*x+B)^2 = A*(A*x*x+2*B*x+C) (mod n) # because A is chosen to be square, it doesn't need to be sieved val = sieve_val = A*x*x + 2*B*x + C if sieve_val < 0: vec = set([-1]) sieve_val = -sieve_val for p in prime: while sieve_val%p == 0: if p in vec: # keep track of perfect square factors # to avoid taking the sqrt of a gigantic number at the end sqr += [p] vec ^= set([p]) sieve_val = int(sieve_val / p) if sieve_val == 1: # smooth smooth += [(vec, (sqr, (A*x+B), root_A))] used_prime |= vec elif sieve_val in partial: # combine two partials to make a (xor) smooth # that is, every prime factor with an odd power is in our factor base pair_vec, pair_vals = partial[sieve_val] sqr += list(vec & pair_vec) + [sieve_val] vec ^= pair_vec smooth += [(vec, (sqr + pair_vals[0], (A*x+B)*pair_vals[1], root_A*pair_vals[2]))] used_prime |= vec num_partial += 1 else: # save partial for later pairing partial[sieve_val] = (vec, (sqr, A*x+B, root_A)) i += 1 num_smooth = len(smooth) num_used_prime = len(used_prime) if num_smooth > num_used_prime: used_prime_list = sorted(list(used_prime)) # set up bit fields for gaussian elimination masks = [] mask = 1 bit_fields = [0]*num_used_prime for vec, vals in smooth: masks += [mask] i = 0 for p in used_prime_list: if p in vec: bit_fields[i] |= mask i += 1 mask <<= 1 # row echelon form col_offset = 0 null_cols = [] for col in xrange(num_smooth): pivot = col-col_offset == num_used_prime or bit_fields[col-col_offset] & masks[col] == 0 for row in xrange(col+1-col_offset, num_used_prime): if bit_fields[row] & masks[col]: if pivot: bit_fields[col-col_offset], bit_fields[row] = bit_fields[row], bit_fields[col-col_offset] pivot = False else: bit_fields[row] ^= bit_fields[col-col_offset] if pivot: null_cols += [col] col_offset += 1 # reduced row echelon form for row in xrange(num_used_prime): # lowest set bit mask = bit_fields[row] & -bit_fields[row] for up_row in xrange(row): if bit_fields[up_row] & mask: bit_fields[up_row] ^= bit_fields[row] # check for non-trivial congruencies for col in null_cols: all_vec, (lh, rh, rA) = smooth[col] lhs = lh # sieved values (left hand side) rhs = [rh] # sieved values - n (right hand side) rAs = [rA] # root_As (cofactor of lhs) i = 0 for field in bit_fields: if field & masks[col]: vec, (lh, rh, rA) = smooth[i] lhs += list(all_vec & vec) + lh all_vec ^= vec rhs += [rh] rAs += [rA] i += 1 factor = gcd(list_prod(rAs)*list_prod(lhs) - list_prod(rhs), n) if factor != 1 and factor != n: break else: continue break return factor # divide and conquer list product def list_prod(a): size = len(a) if size == 1: return a[0] return list_prod(a[:size>>1]) * list_prod(a[size>>1:]) # greatest common divisor of a and b def gcd(a, b): while b: a, b = b, a%b return a # modular inverse of a mod m def mod_inv(a, m): a = int(a%m) x, u = 0, 1 while a: x, u = u, x - (m/a)*u m, a = a, m%a return x # legendre symbol (a|m) # note: returns m-1 if a is a non-residue, instead of -1 def legendre(a, m): return pow(a, (m-1) >> 1, m) # modular sqrt(n) mod p # p must be prime def mod_sqrt(n, p): a = n%p if p%4 == 3: return pow(a, (p+1) >> 2, p) elif p%8 == 5: v = pow(a << 1, (p-5) >> 3, p) i = ((a*v*v << 1) % p) - 1 return (a*v*i)%p elif p%8 == 1: # Shank's method q = p-1 e = 0 while q&1 == 0: e += 1 q >>= 1 n = 2 while legendre(n, p) != p-1: n += 1 w = pow(a, q, p) x = pow(a, (q+1) >> 1, p) y = pow(n, q, p) r = e while True: if w == 1: return x v = w k = 0 while v != 1 and k+1 < r: v = (v*v)%p k += 1 if k == 0: return x d = pow(y, 1 << (r-k-1), p) x = (x*d)%p y = (d*d)%p w = (w*y)%p r = k else: # p == 2 return a #integer sqrt of n def isqrt(n): c = n*4/3 d = c.bit_length() a = d>>1 if d&1: x = 1 << a y = (x + (n >> a)) >> 1 else: x = (3 << a) >> 2 y = (x + (c >> a)) >> 1 if x != y: x = y y = (x + n/x) >> 1 while y < x: x = y y = (x + n/x) >> 1 return x # strong probable prime def is_sprp(n, b=2): if n < 2: return False d = n-1 s = 0 while d&1 == 0: s += 1 d >>= 1 x = pow(b, d, n) if x == 1 or x == n-1: return True for r in xrange(1, s): x = (x * x)%n if x == 1: return False elif x == n-1: return True return False # lucas probable prime # assumes D = 1 (mod 4), (D|n) = -1 def is_lucas_prp(n, D): P = 1 Q = (1-D) >> 2 # n+1 = 2**r*s where s is odd s = n+1 r = 0 while s&1 == 0: r += 1 s >>= 1 # calculate the bit reversal of (odd) s # e.g. 19 (10011) <=> 25 (11001) t = 0 while s: if s&1: t += 1 s -= 1 else: t <<= 1 s >>= 1 # use the same bit reversal process to calculate the sth Lucas number # keep track of q = Q**n as we go U = 0 V = 2 q = 1 # mod_inv(2, n) inv_2 = (n+1) >> 1 while t: if t&1: # U, V of n+1 U, V = ((U + V) * inv_2)%n, ((D*U + V) * inv_2)%n q = (q * Q)%n t -= 1 else: # U, V of n*2 U, V = (U * V)%n, (V * V - 2 * q)%n q = (q * q)%n t >>= 1 # double s until we have the 2**r*sth Lucas number while r: U, V = (U * V)%n, (V * V - 2 * q)%n q = (q * q)%n r -= 1 # primality check # if n is prime, n divides the n+1st Lucas number, given the assumptions return U == 0 # primes less than 212 small_primes = set([ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,101,103,107,109,113, 127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173, 179,181,191,193,197,199,211]) # pre-calced sieve of eratosthenes for n = 2, 3, 5, 7 indices = [ 1, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,101,103,107,109,113,121,127,131, 137,139,143,149,151,157,163,167,169,173, 179,181,187,191,193,197,199,209] # distances between sieve values offsets = [ 10, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 8, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2,10, 2] max_int = 2147483647 # an 'almost certain' primality check def is_prime(n): if n < 212: return n in small_primes for p in small_primes: if n%p == 0: return False # if n is a 32-bit integer, perform full trial division if n <= max_int: i = 211 while i*i < n: for o in offsets: i += o if n%i == 0: return False return True # Baillie-PSW # this is technically a probabalistic test, but there are no known pseudoprimes if not is_sprp(n, 2): return False # idea shamelessly stolen from Mathmatica # if n is a 2-sprp and a 3-sprp, n is necessarily square-free if not is_sprp(n, 3): return False a = 5 s = 2 # if n is a perfect square, this will never terminate while legendre(a, n) != n-1: s = -s a = s-a return is_lucas_prp(n, a) # next prime strictly larger than n def next_prime(n): if n < 2: return 2 # first odd larger than n n = (n + 1) | 1 if n < 212: while True: if n in small_primes: return n n += 2 # find our position in the sieve rotation via binary search x = int(n%210) s = 0 e = 47 m = 24 while m != e: if indices[m] < x: s = m m = (s + e + 1) >> 1 else: e = m m = (s + e) >> 1 i = int(n + (indices[m] - x)) # adjust offsets offs = offsets[m:] + offsets[:m] while True: for o in offs: if is_prime(i): return i i += o if __name__ == "__main__": parser =ArgumentParser(description='Uses a MPQS to factor a composite number') parser.add_argument('composite', metavar='number_to_factor', type=long, help='the composite number to factor') parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help="enable verbose output") args = parser.parse_args() print mpqs(args.composite) # NOTICE!!! This is copied from import sys import random def primesbelow(N): # #""" Input N>=6, Returns a list of primes, 2 <= p < N """ correction = N % 6 > 1 N = {0:N, 1:N-1, 2:N+4, 3:N+3, 4:N+2, 5:N+1}[N%6] sieve = [True] * (N // 3) sieve[0] = False for i in range(int(N ** .5) // 3 + 1): if sieve[i]: k = (3 * i + 1) | 1 sieve[k*k // 3::2*k] = [False] * ((N//6 - (k*k)//6 - 1)//k + 1) sieve[(k*k + 4*k - 2*k*(i%2)) // 3::2*k] = [False] * ((N // 6 - (k*k + 4*k - 2*k*(i%2))//6 - 1) // k + 1) return [2, 3] + [(3 * i + 1) | 1 for i in range(1, N//3 - correction) if sieve[i]] smallprimeset = set(primesbelow(100000)) _smallprimeset = 100000 def isprime(n, precision=7): # if n == 1 or n % 2 == 0: return False elif n < 1: raise ValueError("Out of bounds, first argument must be > 0") elif n < _smallprimeset: return n in smallprimeset d = n - 1 s = 0 while d % 2 == 0: d //= 2 s += 1 for repeat in range(precision): a = random.randrange(2, n - 2) x = pow(a, d, n) if x == 1 or x == n - 1: continue for r in range(s - 1): x = pow(x, 2, n) if x == 1: return False if x == n - 1: break else: return False return True # def pollard_brent(n): if n % 2 == 0: return 2 if n % 3 == 0: return 3 y, c, m = random.randint(1, n-1), random.randint(1, n-1), random.randint(1, n-1) g, r, q = 1, 1, 1 while g == 1: x = y for i in range(r): y = (pow(y, 2, n) + c) % n k = 0 while k < r and g==1: ys = y for i in range(min(m, r-k)): y = (pow(y, 2, n) + c) % n q = q * abs(x-y) % n g = gcd(q, n) k += m r *= 2 if g == n: while True: ys = (pow(ys, 2, n) + c) % n g = gcd(abs(x - ys), n) if g > 1: break return g smallprimes = primesbelow(10000) # might seem low, but 1000*1000 = 1000000, so this will fully factor every composite < 1000000 def primefactors(n, sort=False): factors = [] limit = int(n ** .5) + 1 for checker in smallprimes: if checker > limit: break while n % checker == 0: factors.append(checker) n //= checker limit = int(n ** .5) + 1 if checker > limit: break if n < 2: return factors while n > 1: if isprime(n): factors.append(n) break factor = pollard_brent(n) # trial division did not fully factor, switch to pollard-brent factors.extend(primefactors(factor)) # recurse to factor the not necessarily prime factor returned by pollard-brent n //= factor if sort: factors.sort() return factors def factorization(n): factors = {} for p1 in primefactors(n): try: factors[p1] += 1 except KeyError: factors[p1] = 1 return factors totients = {} def totient(n): if n == 0: return 1 try: return totients[n] except KeyError: pass tot = 1 for p, exp in factorization(n).items(): tot *= (p - 1) * p ** (exp - 1) totients[n] = tot return tot def gcd(a, b): if a == b: return a while b > 0: a, b = b, a % b return a def lcm(a, b): return abs(a * b) // gcd(a, b) print(primefactors(int(sys.argv[1]))[0]). */ namespace danog; class PrimeModule { public static function native_single($what) { if (!is_int($what)) { return false; } foreach ([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23] as $s) { if ($what % $s === 0) { return $s; } } $g = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $q = (rand(0, 127) & 15) + 17; $x = rand(0, 1000000000) + 1; $y = $x; $lim = 1 << $i + 18; for ($j = 1; $j <= $lim; $j++) { list($a, $b, $c) = [$x, $x, $q]; while ($b != 0) { if (($b & 1) != 0) { $c += $a; if ($c >= $what) { $c -= $what; } } $a += $a; if ($a >= $what) { $a -= $what; } $b >>= 1; } $x = $c; $z = $x < $y ? $y - $x : $x - $y; $g = self::gcd($z, $what); if ($g != 1) { break; } if (($j & $j - 1) === 0) { $y = $x; } } if ($g > 1) { break; } } $p = $what; return min($p, $g); } public static function native($what) { $res = [self::native_single($what)]; while (array_product($res) !== $what) { $res[] = self::native_single($what / array_product($res)); } return $res; } public static function python_single($what) { if (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $res = trim(shell_exec('timeout 10 python ' . __DIR__ . '/ ' . $what . ' 2>&1')); if ($res == '' || is_null($res) || !is_numeric($res)) { copy(__DIR__ . '/', getcwd() . '/'); $res = trim(shell_exec('timeout 10 python ' . getcwd() . '/ ' . $what . ' 2>&1')); unlink(getcwd() . '/'); if ($res == '' || is_null($res) || !is_numeric($res)) { return false; } } $newval = intval($res); if (is_int($newval)) { $res = $newval; } if ($res === 0) { return false; } return $res; } return false; } public static function python($what) { $res = [self::python_single($what)]; if ($res[0] === false) { return false; } while (array_product($res) !== $what) { $res[] = self::python_single($what / array_product($res)); } return $res; } public static function python_single_alt($what) { if (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $res = trim(shell_exec('python ' . __DIR__ . '/ ' . $what . ' 2>&1')); if ($res == '' || is_null($res) || !is_numeric($res)) { copy(__DIR__ . '/', getcwd() . '/'); $res = trim(shell_exec('python ' . getcwd() . '/ ' . $what . ' 2>&1')); unlink(getcwd() . '/'); if ($res == '' || is_null($res) || !is_numeric($res)) { return false; } } $newval = intval($res); if (is_int($newval)) { $res = $newval; } if ($res === 0) { return false; } return $res; } return false; } public static function python_alt($what) { $res = [self::python_single_alt($what)]; if ($res[0] === false) { return false; } while (array_product($res) !== $what) { $res[] = self::python_single_alt($what / array_product($res)); } return $res; } public static function wolfram_single($what) { $query = 'Do prime factorization of ' . $what; $params = ['async' => true, 'banners' => 'raw', 'debuggingdata' => false, 'format' => 'moutput', 'formattimeout' => 8, 'input' => $query, 'output' => 'JSON', 'proxycode' => json_decode(file_get_contents(''), true)['code']]; $url = '' . http_build_query($params); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Referer:' . urlencode($query)]); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $res = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true); curl_close($ch); $fres = false; if (!isset($res['queryresult']['pods'])) { return false; } foreach ($res['queryresult']['pods'] as $cur) { if ($cur['id'] === 'Divisors') { $fres = explode(', ', preg_replace(["/{\\d+, /", "/, \\d+}\$/"], '', $cur['subpods'][0]['moutput'])); break; } } if (is_array($fres)) { $fres = $fres[0]; $newval = intval($fres); if (is_int($newval)) { $fres = $newval; } return $fres; } return false; } public static function wolfram($what) { $res = [self::wolfram_single($what)]; while (array_product($res) !== $what) { $res[] = self::wolfram_single($what / array_product($res)); } return $res; } public static function native_single_cpp($what) { if (!extension_loaded('primemodule')) { return false; } try { return factorize($what); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } } public static function native_cpp($what) { $res = [self::native_single_cpp($what)]; if ($res[0] == false) { return false; } while (($product = array_product($res)) !== $what) { if ($product == 0) { return false; } $res[] = self::native_single_cpp($what / $product); } return $res; } public static function auto_single($what) { $res = self::native_single_cpp($what); if ($res !== false) { return $res; } $res = self::python_single_alt($what); if ($res !== false) { return $res; } $res = self::python_single($what); if ($res !== false) { return $res; } $res = self::native_single((int) $what); if ($res !== false) { return $res; } $res = self::wolfram_single($what); if ($res !== false) { return $res; } return false; } public static function auto($what) { $res = self::native_cpp($what); if (is_array($res)) { return $res; } $res = self::python_alt($what); if (is_array($res)) { return $res; } $res = self::python($what); if (is_array($res)) { return $res; } $res = self::native((int) $what); if (is_array($res)) { return $res; } $res = self::wolfram($what); if (is_array($res)) { return $res; } return false; } private static function gcd($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) { return $a; } while ($b > 0) { list($a, $b) = [$b, self::posmod($a, $b)]; } return $a; } private static function posmod($a, $b) { $resto = $a % $b; if ($resto < 0) { $resto += abs($b); } return $resto; } private function primesbelow($N) { $correction = $N % 6 > 1 ? true : false; $N_Array = [$N, $N - 1, $N + 4, $N + 3, $N + 2, $N + 1]; $N = $N_Array[$N % 6]; $sieve = []; for ($i = 0; $i < (int) $N / 3; $i++) { $sieve[$i] = true; } $sieve[0] = false; for ($i = 0; $i < (int) ((int) pow($N, 0.5) / 3) + 1; $i++) { if ($sieve[$i]) { $k = 3 * $i + 1 | 1; $startIndex1 = (int) ($k * $k / 3); $period = 2 * $k; for ($j = $startIndex1; $j < count($sieve); $j = $j + $period) { $sieve[$j] = false; } $startIndex2 = (int) (($k * $k + 4 * $k - 2 * $k * ($i % 2)) / 3); $period = 2 * $k; for ($k = $startIndex2; $k < count($sieve); $k = $k + $period) { $sieve[$k] = false; } } } $resultArray = [2, 3]; $t = 1; for ($i = 1; $i < (int) ($N / 3) - $correction; $i++) { if ($sieve[$i]) { $resultArray[$t + 1] = 3 * $i + 1 | 1; $t++; } } return $resultArray; } private function isprime($n, $precision = 7) { $smallprimeset = $this->primesbelow(100000); $_smallprimeset = 100000; if ($n == 1 || $n % 2 == 0) { return false; } elseif ($n < 1) { throw new Exception('Out of bounds, first argument must be > 0'); } elseif ($n < $_smallprimeset) { return in_array($n, $smallprimeset); } $d = $n - 1; $s = 0; while ($d % 2 == 0) { $d = (int) ($d / 2); $s += 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $precision; $i++) { // random.randrange(2, n - 2) means: // $a = mt_rand(2, $n - 3); // maybe $n would be bigger that PHP_MAX_INT $a = mt_rand(2, 1084); $x = bcpowmod($a, $d, $n); if ($x == 1 || $x == $n - 1) { continue; } $flagfound = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $s - 1; $j++) { $x = bcpowmod($x, 2, $n); if ($x == 1) { return false; } if ($x == $n - 1) { $flagfound = 1; break; } } if ($flagfound == 0) { return false; } } return true; } private function pollard_brent($n) { $n = (int) $n; if ($n % 2 == 0) { return 2; } if (bcmod($n, 2) == 0) { return 2; } if (bcmod($n, 3) == 0) { return 3; } // $y = mt_rand(1, $n-1); // $c = mt_rand(1, $n-1); // $m = mt_rand(1, $n-1); // Again, $n may be bigger than PHP_MAX_INT // also, small numbers has a big affect in a good performance $y = 2; $c = 3; $m = 4; $g = 1; $r = 1; $q = 1; while ($g == 1) { $x = $y; for ($i = 0; $i < $r; $i++) { // $y = gmp_mod( (bcpowmod($y, 2, $n) + $c) , $n); $y = bcmod(bcpowmod($y, 2, $n) + $c, $n); } $k = 0; while ($k < $r && $g == 1) { $ys = $y; for ($j = 0; $j < min($m, $r - $k); $j++) { // $y = gmp_mod( (bcpowmod($y, 2, $n) + $c), $n ); $y = bcmod(bcpowmod($y, 2, $n) + $c, $n); // $q = gmp_mod($q * abs($x-$y), $n); $mul = bcmul($q, abs($x - $y)); $q = bcmod($mul, $n); } $g = $this->gcd2($q, $n); $k += $m; } $r *= 2; } if ($g == $n) { while (true) { // $ys = ( bcpowmod($ys, 2, $n) + $c ) % $n; $ys = bcmod(bcpowmod($ys, 2, $n) + $c, $n); $g = $this->gcd2(abs($x - $ys), $n); if ($g > 1) { break; } } } return $g; } public function primefactors($n, $sort = false) { $smallprimes = $this->primesbelow(10000); $factors = []; $limit = bcadd(bcsqrt($n), 1); foreach ($smallprimes as $checker) { if ($checker > $limit) { break; } // while (gmp_mod($n, $checker) == 0) { while (bcmod($n, $checker) == 0) { array_push($factors, $checker); $n = bcdiv($n, $checker); $limit = bcadd(bcsqrt($n), 1); if ($checker > $limit) { break; } } } if ($n < 2) { return $factors; } while ($n > 1) { if ($this->isprime($n)) { array_push($factors, $n); break; } $factor = $this->pollard_brent($n); $factors = array_merge($factors, $this->primefactors($factor)); $n = (int) ($n / $factor); } if ($sort) { sort($factors); } return $factors; } private function gcd2($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) { return $a; } while ($b > 0) { $a2 = $a; $a = $b; $b = bcmod($a2, $b); } return $a; } }{ "name": "danog/libdns-json", "homepage": "", "description": "Encoder/decoder for google's JSON DNS message format based on libdns", "keywords": [ "dns", "doh", "dns-over-https", "https", "json", "libdns", "message" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [{ "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "" }, { "name": "Chris Wright", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "daverandom/libdns": "^2.0.1", "ext-json": "*" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "danog\\LibDNSJson\\": "lib" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "danog\\LibDNSJson\\Test\\": "test" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" } }, Chris Wright */ class JsonDecoder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory */ private $packetFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory */ private $messageFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory */ private $questionFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder */ private $resourceBuilder; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder */ private $typeBuilder; /** * @var \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContextFactory */ private $decodingContextFactory; /** * Constructor. * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory $packetFactory * @param \LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory $messageFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory $questionFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder $resourceBuilder * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder $typeBuilder * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContextFactory $decodingContextFactory * @param bool $allowTrailingData */ public function __construct(PacketFactory $packetFactory, MessageFactory $messageFactory, QuestionFactory $questionFactory, ResourceBuilder $resourceBuilder, TypeBuilder $typeBuilder, DecodingContextFactory $decodingContextFactory) { $this->packetFactory = $packetFactory; $this->messageFactory = $messageFactory; $this->questionFactory = $questionFactory; $this->resourceBuilder = $resourceBuilder; $this->typeBuilder = $typeBuilder; $this->decodingContextFactory = $decodingContextFactory; } /** * Decode a question record. * * * @return \LibDNS\Records\Question * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the record is invalid */ private function decodeQuestionRecord(array $record) : Question { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName */ $domainName = $this->typeBuilder->build(Types::DOMAIN_NAME); $labels = \explode('.', $record['name']); if (!empty($last = \array_pop($labels))) { $labels[] = $last; } $domainName->setLabels($labels); $question = $this->questionFactory->create($record['type']); $question->setName($domainName); //$question->setClass($meta['class']); return $question; } /** * Decode a resource record. * * * @return \LibDNS\Records\Resource * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the record is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When a type subtype is unknown */ private function decodeResourceRecord(array $record) : Resource { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName */ $domainName = $this->typeBuilder->build(Types::DOMAIN_NAME); $labels = \explode('.', $record['name']); if (!empty($last = \array_pop($labels))) { $labels[] = $last; } $domainName->setLabels($labels); /* @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $resource */ $resource = $this->resourceBuilder->build($record['type']); $resource->setName($domainName); //$resource->setClass($meta['class']); $resource->setTTL($record['TTL']); $data = $resource->getData(); $typeDef = $data->getTypeDefinition(); $record['data'] = explode(' ', $record['data'], $typeDef->count()); $fieldDef = $index = null; foreach ($data->getTypeDefinition() as $index => $fieldDef) { $field = $this->typeBuilder->build($fieldDef->getType()); $this->decodeType($field, $record['data'][$index]); $data->setField($index, $field); } return $resource; } /** * Decode a Type field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type $type The object to populate with the result * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the Type subtype is unknown */ private function decodeType(Type $type, $data) { if ($type instanceof Anything) { $this->decodeAnything($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof BitMap) { $this->decodeBitMap($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof Char) { $this->decodeChar($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof CharacterString) { $this->decodeCharacterString($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof DomainName) { $this->decodeDomainName($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof IPv4Address) { $this->decodeIPv4Address($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof IPv6Address) { $this->decodeIPv6Address($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof Long) { $this->decodeLong($type, $data); } elseif ($type instanceof Short) { $this->decodeShort($type, $data); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown Type ' . \get_class($type)); } } /** * Decode an Anything field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything $anything The object to populate with the result * @param int $length * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeAnything(Anything $anything, $data) { $anything->setValue(\hex2bin($data)); } /** * Decode a BitMap field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap $bitMap The object to populate with the result * @param int $length * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeBitMap(BitMap $bitMap, $data) { $bitMap->setValue(\hex2bin($data)); } /** * Decode a Char field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Char $char The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeChar(Char $char, $result) { $value = \unpack('C', $result)[1]; $char->setValue($value); } /** * Decode a CharacterString field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString $characterString The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeCharacterString(CharacterString $characterString, $result) { $characterString->setValue($result); } /** * Decode a DomainName field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeDomainName(DomainName $domainName, $result) { $labels = \explode('.', $result); if (!empty($last = \array_pop($labels))) { $labels[] = $last; } $domainName->setLabels($labels); } /** * Decode an IPv4Address field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address $ipv4Address The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeIPv4Address(IPv4Address $ipv4Address, $result) { $octets = \unpack('C4', \inet_pton($result)); $ipv4Address->setOctets($octets); } /** * Decode an IPv6Address field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address $ipv6Address The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeIPv6Address(IPv6Address $ipv6Address, $result) { $shorts = \unpack('n8', \inet_pton($result)); $ipv6Address->setShorts($shorts); } /** * Decode a Long field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Long $long The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeLong(Long $long, $result) { $long->setValue((int) $result); } /** * Decode a Short field. * * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Short $short The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeShort(Short $short, $result) { $short->setValue((int) $result); } /** * Decode a Message from JSON-encoded string. * * @param string $data The data string to decode * @param int $requestId The message ID to set * @return \LibDNS\Messages\Message * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When a type subtype is unknown */ public function decode(string $result, int $requestId) : Message { $result = \json_decode($result, true); if ($result === false) { $error = \json_last_error_msg(); throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not decode JSON DNS payload ({$error})"); } if (!isset($result['Status'], $result['TC'], $result['RD'], $result['RA'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Wrong reply from server, missing required fields'); } $message = $this->messageFactory->create(); $decodingContext = $this->decodingContextFactory->create($this->packetFactory->create()); //$message->isAuthoritative(true); $message->setType(MessageTypes::RESPONSE); $message->setID($requestId); $message->setResponseCode($result['Status']); $message->isTruncated($result['TC']); $message->isRecursionDesired($result['RD']); $message->isRecursionAvailable($result['RA']); $decodingContext->setExpectedQuestionRecords(isset($result['Question']) ? \count($result['Question']) : 0); $decodingContext->setExpectedAnswerRecords(isset($result['Answer']) ? \count($result['Answer']) : 0); $decodingContext->setExpectedAuthorityRecords(0); $decodingContext->setExpectedAdditionalRecords(isset($result['Additional']) ? \count($result['Additional']) : 0); $questionRecords = $message->getQuestionRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedQuestionRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $questionRecords->add($this->decodeQuestionRecord($result['Question'][$i])); } $answerRecords = $message->getAnswerRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedAnswerRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $answerRecords->add($this->decodeResourceRecord($result['Answer'][$i])); } $authorityRecords = $message->getAuthorityRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedAuthorityRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $authorityRecords->add($this->decodeResourceRecord($result['Authority'][$i])); } $additionalRecords = $message->getAdditionalRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedAdditionalRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $additionalRecords->add($this->decodeResourceRecord($result['Additional'][$i])); } return $message; } }, Chris Wright * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright , * @license MIT License */ namespace danog\LibDNSJson; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory; use LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory; use LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\RDataBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\RDataFactory; use LibDNS\Records\RecordCollectionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinitionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; use LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContextFactory; /** * Creates JsonDecoder objects. * * @author Daniil Gentili , Chris Wright */ class JsonDecoderFactory { /** * Create a new JsonDecoder object. * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager * @return JsonDecoder */ public function create(TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager = null) : JsonDecoder { $typeBuilder = new TypeBuilder(new TypeFactory()); return new JsonDecoder(new PacketFactory(), new MessageFactory(new RecordCollectionFactory()), new QuestionFactory(), new ResourceBuilder(new ResourceFactory(), new RDataBuilder(new RDataFactory(), $typeBuilder), $typeDefinitionManager ?: new TypeDefinitionManager(new TypeDefinitionFactory(), new FieldDefinitionFactory())), $typeBuilder, new DecodingContextFactory()); } }, Chris Wright * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace danog\LibDNSJson; /** * Creates QueryEncoder objects. * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Daniil Gentili , Chris Wright */ class QueryEncoderFactory { /** * Create a new Encoder object. * * @return \LibDNS\Encoder\Encoder */ public function create() : QueryEncoder { return new QueryEncoder(); } }, Chris Wright * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace danog\LibDNSJson; use LibDNS\Messages\Message; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageTypes; /** * Encodes Message objects to query strings. * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Daniil Gentili , Chris Wright */ class QueryEncoder { /** * Encode a Message to URL payload. * * @param \LibDNS\Messages\Message $message The Message to encode * @return string */ public function encode(Message $message) : string { if ($message->getType() !== MessageTypes::QUERY) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid question: is not a question record'); } $questions = $message->getQuestionRecords(); if ($questions->count() === 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid question: 0 question records provided'); } $question = $questions->getRecordByIndex(0); return \http_build_query([ 'cd' => 0, // Do not disable result validation 'do' => 0, // Do not send me DNSSEC data 'type' => $question->getType(), // Record type being requested 'name' => \implode('.', $question->getName()->getLabels()), // Record name being requested 'ct' => 'application/dns-json', ]); } }create(); $response = $decoder->decode($message, 0); $response->setType(MessageTypes::QUERY); $encoder = (new QueryEncoderFactory())->create(); $request = $encoder->encode($response); $this->assertInternalType('string', $request, "Got a " . \gettype($request) . " instead of a string"); \parse_str($request, $output); $this->assertNotEmpty($output); $this->assertArrayHasKey('cd', $output); $this->assertArrayHasKey('do', $output); $this->assertArrayHasKey('ct', $output); $this->assertArrayHasKey('type', $output); $this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $output); $this->assertEquals($output['cd'], 0); $this->assertEquals($output['do'], 0); $this->assertEquals($output['ct'], 'application/dns-json'); $this->assertEquals($output['type'], $response->getQuestionRecords()->getRecordByIndex(0)->getType()); $this->assertEquals($output['name'], \implode('.', $response->getQuestionRecords()->getRecordByIndex(0)->getName()->getLabels())); } public function provideValidQueryPayloads() { return [['{ "Status": 0, "TC": false, "RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false, "CD": false, "Question": [ { "name": "", "type": 1 } ], "Answer": [ { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" } ], "Additional": [ ], "edns_client_subnet": "" }', 2], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": true,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 28}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 28, "TTL": 7092, "data": "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946"}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 1}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 300, "data": ""},{"name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 300, "data": ""}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3]]; } /** * Test query encoding of invalid DNS payloads. * * @param $request * @return void * * @dataProvider provideInvalidQueryPayloads */ public function testEncodesInvalidQueryPayloads($request) { $encoder = (new QueryEncoderFactory())->create(); $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $encoder->encode($request); } public function provideInvalidQueryPayloads() { $decoder = (new JsonDecoderFactory())->create(); return [[$decoder->decode('{ "Status": 0, "TC": false, "RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false, "CD": false, "Question": [ { "name": "", "type": 1 } ], "Answer": [ { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" } ], "Additional": [ ], "edns_client_subnet": "" }', 2)], [$decoder->decode('{ "Status": 0, "TC": false, "RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false, "CD": false, "Question": [ ], "Answer": [ { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" } ], "Additional": [ ], "edns_client_subnet": "" }', 2)]]; } }assertInstanceOf(QueryEncoder::class, (new QueryEncoderFactory())->create()); } }assertInstanceOf(JsonDecoder::class, (new JsonDecoderFactory())->create()); } }create(); $response = $decoder->decode($message, $requestId); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $response); $this->assertEquals(MessageTypes::RESPONSE, $response->getType()); } public function provideValidJsonPayloads() { return [['{ "Status": 0, "TC": false, "RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false, "CD": false, "Question": [ { "name": "", "type": 1 } ], "Answer": [ { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" } ], "Additional": [ ], "edns_client_subnet": "" }', 2], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": true,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 28}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 28, "TTL": 7092, "data": "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946"}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 1}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 300, "data": ""},{"name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 300, "data": ""}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true,"RA": true,"AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[ {"name": "","type": 6}],"Answer":[ {"name": "","type": 6,"TTL": 3493,"data": " 2031387933 10000 2400 604800 3600"}]}', 3]]; } /** * Test decoding of invalid JSON DNS payloads. * * @param string $message * @param int $requestId * @return void * * @dataProvider provideInvalidJsonPayloads */ public function testDecodesInvalidJsonPayloads($message, $requestId) { $decoder = (new JsonDecoderFactory())->create(); $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $decoder->decode($message, $requestId); } public function provideInvalidJsonPayloads() { return [['{lmfao "Status": 0, "TC": false, "RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false, "CD": false, "Question": [ { "name": "", "type": 1 } ], "Answer": [ { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" }, { "name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 3599, "data": "" } ], "Additional": [ ], "edns_client_subnet": "" }', 2], ['xd{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": true,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 28}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 28, "TTL": 7092, "data": "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946"}]}', 3], ['whaaa{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 1}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 300, "data": ""},{"name": "", "type": 1, "TTL": 300, "data": ""}]}', 3], ['xdxdxxxxx{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3], ['{"TC": false,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RA": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3], ['{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true, "AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[{"name": "", "type": 15}],"Answer":[{"name": "", "type": 15, "TTL": 86400, "data": "0"}]}', 3], ['xd', 0]]; } }{ "name": "danog/dns-over-https", "homepage": "", "description": "Async DNS-over-HTTPS resolution for Amp.", "keywords": [ "dns", "doh", "dns-over-https", "https", "resolve", "client", "async", "amp", "amphp" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "" }, { "name": "Chris Wright", "email": "" }, { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "amphp/cache": "^1", "amphp/parser": "^1", "danog/libdns-json": "^0.1", "daverandom/libdns": "^2.0.1", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/http-client": "^4", "amphp/dns": "^1", "ext-filter": "*", "ext-json": "*" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\DoH\\": "lib" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\DoH\\Test\\": "test" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" } } httpClient = $httpClient; $this->nameserver = $nameserver; if ($nameserver->getType() !== Nameserver::GOOGLE_JSON) { $this->encoder = (new EncoderFactory())->create(); $this->decoder = (new DecoderFactory())->create(); } else { $this->encoder = (new QueryEncoderFactory())->create(); $this->decoder = (new JsonDecoderFactory())->create(); } parent::__construct(); } protected function resolve(Message $message) : Promise { $id = $message->getID(); switch ($this->nameserver->getType()) { case Nameserver::RFC8484_GET: $data = $this->encoder->encode($message); $request = new Request($this->nameserver->getUri() . '?' . \http_build_query(['dns' => \base64_encode($data), 'ct' => 'application/dns-message']), "GET"); $request->setHeader('accept', 'application/dns-message'); $request->setHeaders($this->nameserver->getHeaders()); break; case Nameserver::RFC8484_POST: $data = $this->encoder->encode($message); $request = new Request($this->nameserver->getUri(), "POST"); $request->setBody($data); $request->setHeader('content-type', 'application/dns-message'); $request->setHeader('accept', 'application/dns-message'); $request->setHeader('content-length', \strlen($data)); $request->setHeaders($this->nameserver->getHeaders()); break; case Nameserver::GOOGLE_JSON: $data = $this->encoder->encode($message); $request = new Request($this->nameserver->getUri() . '?' . $data, "GET"); $request->setHeader('accept', 'application/dns-json'); $request->setHeaders($this->nameserver->getHeaders()); break; } $response = $this->httpClient->request($request); return call(function () use($response, $id) { $response = (yield $response); if ($response->getStatus() !== 200) { throw new DoHException("HTTP result !== 200: " . $response->getStatus() . " " . $response->getReason(), $response->getStatus()); } $response = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); switch ($this->nameserver->getType()) { case Nameserver::RFC8484_GET: case Nameserver::RFC8484_POST: return $this->decoder->decode($response); case Nameserver::GOOGLE_JSON: return $this->decoder->decode($response, $id); } }); } } */ public static abstract function connect(DelegateHttpClient $httpClient, Nameserver $nameserver) : self; /** * @param Message $message * * @return Promise */ protected abstract function resolve(Message $message) : Promise; protected function __construct() { $this->messageFactory = new MessageFactory(); $this->onResolve = function (\Throwable $exception = null, Message $message = null) { if ($exception) { $this->error($exception); return; } \assert($message instanceof Message); $id = $message->getId(); // Ignore duplicate and invalid responses. if (isset($this->pending[$id]) && $this->matchesQuestion($message, $this->pending[$id]->question)) { /** @var Deferred $deferred */ $deferred = $this->pending[$id]->deferred; unset($this->pending[$id]); $deferred->resolve($message); } }; } /** * @param \LibDNS\Records\Question $question * @param int $timeout * * @return \Amp\Promise<\LibDNS\Messages\Message> */ public final function ask(Question $question, int $timeout) : Promise { return call(function () use($question, $timeout) { if (\count($this->pending) > self::MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS) { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->queue[] = $deferred; (yield $deferred->promise()); } do { $id = \random_int(0, 0xffff); } while (isset($this->pending[$id])); $deferred = new Deferred(); $pending = new class { use Amp\Struct; public $deferred; public $question; }; $pending->deferred = $deferred; $pending->question = $question; $this->pending[$id] = $pending; $message = $this->createMessage($question, $id); try { $response = $this->resolve($message); } catch (StreamException $exception) { $exception = new DnsException("Sending the request failed", 0, $exception); $this->error($exception); throw $exception; } $response->onResolve($this->onResolve); try { // Work around an OPCache issue that returns an empty array with "return ...", // so assign to a variable first and return after the try block. // // See // See $result = (yield Promise\timeout($deferred->promise(), $timeout)); } catch (Amp\TimeoutException $exception) { unset($this->pending[$id]); throw new TimeoutException("Didn't receive a response within {$timeout} milliseconds."); } finally { if ($this->queue) { $deferred = \array_shift($this->queue); $deferred->resolve(); } } return $result; }); } private function error(\Throwable $exception) { if (empty($this->pending)) { return; } if (!$exception instanceof DnsException && !$exception instanceof DoHException) { $message = "Unexpected error during resolution: " . $exception->getMessage(); $exception = new DnsException($message, 0, $exception); } $pending = $this->pending; $this->pending = []; foreach ($pending as $pendingQuestion) { /** @var Deferred $deferred */ $deferred = $pendingQuestion->deferred; $deferred->fail($exception); } } protected final function createMessage(Question $question, int $id) : Message { $request = $this->messageFactory->create(MessageTypes::QUERY); $request->getQuestionRecords()->add($question); $request->isRecursionDesired(true); $request->setID($id); return $request; } private function matchesQuestion(Message $message, Question $question) : bool { if ($message->getType() !== MessageTypes::RESPONSE) { return false; } $questionRecords = $message->getQuestionRecords(); // We only ever ask one question at a time if (\count($questionRecords) !== 1) { return false; } $questionRecord = $questionRecords->getIterator()->current(); if ($questionRecord->getClass() !== $question->getClass()) { return false; } if ($questionRecord->getType() !== $question->getType()) { return false; } if ($questionRecord->getName()->getValue() !== $question->getName()->getValue()) { return false; } return true; } }validateNameserver($nameserver); } $this->nameservers = $nameservers; $this->httpClient = $httpClient ?? HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault(); $this->cache = $cache ?? new ArrayCache(5000, 256); $this->configLoader = $configLoader ?? (\stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? new WindowsConfigLoader() : new UnixConfigLoader()); $this->subResolver = $resolver ?? new Rfc1035StubResolver(null, $this->configLoader); } private function validateNameserver($nameserver) { if (!$nameserver instanceof Nameserver) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid nameserver: {$nameserver}"); } } public function getNameservers() : array { return $this->nameservers; } public function isNameserver($string) : bool { foreach ($this->nameservers as $nameserver) { if ($nameserver->getHost() === $string) { return true; } } return false; } public function getHttpClient() : DelegateHttpClient { return $this->httpClient; } public function getCache() : Cache { return $this->cache; } public function getConfigLoader() : ConfigLoader { return $this->configLoader; } public function getSubResolver() : Resolver { return $this->subResolver; } }uri = $uri; $this->type = $type; $this->headers = $headers; $this->host = \parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_HOST); } public function getUri() : string { return $this->uri; } public function getHost() : string { return $this->host; } public function getHeaders() : array { return $this->headers; } public function getType() : int { return $this->type; } public function __toString() : string { return $this->uri; /* switch ($this->type) { case self::RFC8484_GET: return "{$this->uri} RFC 8484 GET"; case self::RFC8484_POST: return "{$this->uri} RFC 8484 POST"; case self::GOOGLE_JSON: return "{$this->uri} google JSON"; }*/ } }getSubResolver(); if ($resolver instanceof Rfc8484StubResolver) { throw new ConfigException("Can't use Rfc8484StubResolver as subresolver for Rfc8484StubResolver"); } $this->cache = $config->getCache(); $this->configLoader = $config->getConfigLoader(); $this->subResolver = $resolver; $this->dohConfig = $config; $this->questionFactory = new QuestionFactory(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function resolve(string $name, int $typeRestriction = null) : Promise { if ($typeRestriction !== null && $typeRestriction !== Record::A && $typeRestriction !== Record::AAAA) { throw new \Error("Invalid value for parameter 2: null|Record::A|Record::AAAA expected"); } return call(function () use($name, $typeRestriction) { if (!$this->config) { try { (yield $this->reloadConfig()); } catch (ConfigException $e) { $this->config = new Config([''], []); } } switch ($typeRestriction) { case Record::A: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return [new Record($name, Record::A, null)]; } elseif (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { throw new DnsException("Got an IPv6 address, but type is restricted to IPv4"); } break; case Record::AAAA: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return [new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]; } elseif (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { throw new DnsException("Got an IPv4 address, but type is restricted to IPv6"); } break; default: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return [new Record($name, Record::A, null)]; } elseif (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return [new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]; } break; } $name = normalizeName($name); if ($records = $this->queryHosts($name, $typeRestriction)) { return $records; } // Follow RFC 6761 and never send queries for localhost to the caching DNS server // Usually, these queries are already resolved via queryHosts() if ($name === 'localhost') { return $typeRestriction === Record::AAAA ? [new Record('::1', Record::AAAA, null)] : [new Record('', Record::A, null)]; } if ($this->dohConfig->isNameserver($name)) { // Work around an OPCache issue that returns an empty array with "return ...", // so assign to a variable first and return after the try block. // // See // See $records = (yield $this->subResolver->resolve($name, $typeRestriction)); return $records; } for ($redirects = 0; $redirects < 5; $redirects++) { try { if ($typeRestriction) { $records = (yield $this->query($name, $typeRestriction)); } else { try { list(, $records) = (yield Promise\some([$this->query($name, Record::A), $this->query($name, Record::AAAA)])); $records = \array_merge(...$records); break; // Break redirect loop, otherwise we query the same records 5 times } catch (MultiReasonException $e) { $errors = []; foreach ($e->getReasons() as $reason) { if ($reason instanceof NoRecordException) { throw $reason; } $error = (string) $reason; //->getMessage(); if ($reason instanceof MultiReasonException) { $reasons = []; foreach ($reason->getReasons() as $reason) { $reasons[] = (string) $reason; //->getMessage(); } $error .= " (" . \implode(", ", $reasons) . ")"; } $errors[] = $error; } throw new DnsException("All query attempts failed for {$name}: " . \implode(", ", $errors), 0, $e); } } } catch (NoRecordException $e) { try { /** @var Record[] $cnameRecords */ $cnameRecords = (yield $this->query($name, Record::CNAME)); $name = $cnameRecords[0]->getValue(); continue; } catch (NoRecordException $e) { /** @var Record[] $dnameRecords */ $dnameRecords = (yield $this->query($name, Record::DNAME)); $name = $dnameRecords[0]->getValue(); continue; } } } return $records; }); } /** * Reloads the configuration in the background. * * Once it's finished, the configuration will be used for new requests. * * @return Promise */ public function reloadConfig() : Promise { if ($this->pendingConfig) { return $this->pendingConfig; } $promise = call(function () { (yield $this->subResolver->reloadConfig()); $this->config = (yield $this->configLoader->loadConfig()); }); $this->pendingConfig = $promise; $promise->onResolve(function () { $this->pendingConfig = null; }); return $promise; } private function queryHosts(string $name, int $typeRestriction = null) : array { $hosts = $this->config->getKnownHosts(); $records = []; $returnIPv4 = $typeRestriction === null || $typeRestriction === Record::A; $returnIPv6 = $typeRestriction === null || $typeRestriction === Record::AAAA; if ($returnIPv4 && isset($hosts[Record::A][$name])) { $records[] = new Record($hosts[Record::A][$name], Record::A, null); } if ($returnIPv6 && isset($hosts[Record::AAAA][$name])) { $records[] = new Record($hosts[Record::AAAA][$name], Record::AAAA, null); } return $records; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function query(string $name, int $type) : Promise { $pendingQueryKey = $type . " " . $name; if (isset($this->pendingQueries[$pendingQueryKey])) { return $this->pendingQueries[$pendingQueryKey]; } $promise = call(function () use($name, $type) { if (!$this->config) { try { (yield $this->reloadConfig()); } catch (ConfigException $e) { $this->config = new Config([''], []); } } $name = $this->normalizeName($name, $type); $question = $this->createQuestion($name, $type); if (null !== ($cachedValue = (yield $this->cache->get($this->getCacheKey($name, $type))))) { return $this->decodeCachedResult($name, $type, $cachedValue); } /** @var Nameserver[] $nameservers */ $nameservers = $this->dohConfig->getNameservers(); $attempts = $this->config->getAttempts() * \count($nameservers); $attempt = 0; /** @var Socket $socket */ $nameserver = $nameservers[0]; $socket = $this->getSocket($nameserver); $attemptDescription = []; $exceptions = []; while ($attempt < $attempts) { try { $attemptDescription[] = $nameserver; /** @var Message $response */ try { $response = (yield $socket->ask($question, $this->config->getTimeout())); } catch (DoHException $e) { // Defer call, because it might interfere with the unreference() call in Internal\Socket otherwise $exceptions[] = $e; $i = ++$attempt % \count($nameservers); $nameserver = $nameservers[$i]; $socket = $this->getSocket($nameserver); continue; } catch (NoRecordException $e) { // Defer call, because it might interfere with the unreference() call in Internal\Socket otherwise $i = ++$attempt % \count($nameservers); $nameserver = $nameservers[$i]; $socket = $this->getSocket($nameserver); continue; } $this->assertAcceptableResponse($response); if ($response->isTruncated()) { throw new DnsException("Server returned a truncated response for '{$name}' (" . Record::getName($type) . ")"); } $answers = $response->getAnswerRecords(); $result = []; $ttls = []; /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ foreach ($answers as $record) { $recordType = $record->getType(); $result[$recordType][] = (string) $record->getData(); // Cache for max one day $ttls[$recordType] = \min($ttls[$recordType] ?? 86400, $record->getTTL()); } foreach ($result as $recordType => $records) { // We don't care here whether storing in the cache fails $this->cache->set($this->getCacheKey($name, $recordType), \json_encode($records), $ttls[$recordType]); } if (!isset($result[$type])) { // "it MUST NOT cache it for longer than five (5) minutes" per RFC 2308 section 7.1 $this->cache->set($this->getCacheKey($name, $type), \json_encode([]), 300); throw new NoRecordException("No records returned for '{$name}' (" . Record::getName($type) . ")"); } return \array_map(function ($data) use($type, $ttls) { return new Record($data, $type, $ttls[$type]); }, $result[$type]); } catch (TimeoutException $e) { // Defer call, because it might interfere with the unreference() call in Internal\Socket otherwise $i = ++$attempt % \count($nameservers); $nameserver = $nameservers[$i]; $socket = $this->getSocket($nameserver); continue; } } $timeout = new TimeoutException(\sprintf("No response for '%s' (%s) from any nameserver after %d attempts, tried %s", $name, Record::getName($type), $attempts, \implode(", ", $attemptDescription))); if (!$exceptions) { throw $timeout; } throw new MultiReasonException($exceptions, $timeout->getMessage()); }); $this->pendingQueries[$type . " " . $name] = $promise; $promise->onResolve(function () use($name, $type) { unset($this->pendingQueries[$type . " " . $name]); }); return $promise; } private function normalizeName(string $name, int $type) { if ($type === Record::PTR) { if (($packedIp = @\inet_pton($name)) !== false) { if (isset($packedIp[4])) { // IPv6 $name = \wordwrap(\strrev(\bin2hex($packedIp)), 1, ".", true) . ""; } else { // IPv4 $name = \inet_ntop(\strrev($packedIp)) . ""; } } } elseif (\in_array($type, [Record::A, Record::AAAA])) { $name = normalizeName($name); } return $name; } /** * @param string $name * @param int $type * * @return \LibDNS\Records\Question */ private function createQuestion(string $name, int $type) : Question { if (0 > $type || 0xffff < $type) { $message = \sprintf('%d does not correspond to a valid record type (must be between 0 and 65535).', $type); throw new \Error($message); } $question = $this->questionFactory->create($type); $question->setName($name); return $question; } private function getCacheKey(string $name, int $type) : string { return self::CACHE_PREFIX . $name . "#" . $type; } private function decodeCachedResult(string $name, int $type, string $encoded) { $decoded = \json_decode($encoded, true); if (!$decoded) { throw new NoRecordException("No records returned for {$name} (cached result)"); } $result = []; foreach ($decoded as $data) { $result[] = new Record($data, $type); } return $result; } private function getSocket(Nameserver $nameserver) { $uri = $nameserver->getUri(); if (isset($this->sockets[$uri])) { return $this->sockets[$uri]; } $this->sockets[$uri] = HttpsSocket::connect($this->dohConfig->getHttpClient(), $nameserver); return $this->sockets[$uri]; } private function assertAcceptableResponse(Message $response) { if ($response->getResponseCode() !== 0) { throw new DnsException(\sprintf("Server returned error code: %d", $response->getResponseCode())); } } }{ "name": "danog/tgseclib", "type": "library", "description": "PHP Secure Communications Library (+Telegram-specific AES IGE primitives) - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.", "keywords": [ "security", "crypto", "cryptography", "encryption", "signature", "signing", "rsa", "aes", "blowfish", "twofish", "ssh", "sftp", "x509", "x.509", "asn1", "asn.1", "BigInteger" ], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Jim Wigginton", "email": "", "role": "Lead Developer" }, { "name": "Patrick Monnerat", "email": "", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Andreas Fischer", "email": "", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Hans-Jürgen Petrich", "email": "", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Graham Campbell", "email": "", "role": "Developer" } ], "require": { "paragonie/constant_time_encoding": "^1", "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0", "php": ">=5.6.1" }, "require-dev": { "phing/phing": "~2.7", "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.35|^5.7|^6.0", "sami/sami": "~2.0", "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "~2.0" }, "suggest": { "ext-libsodium": "SSH2/SFTP can make use of some algorithms provided by the libsodium-php extension.", "ext-openssl": "Install the OpenSSL extension in order to speed up a wide variety of cryptographic operations.", "ext-mcrypt": "Install the Mcrypt extension in order to speed up a few other cryptographic operations.", "ext-gmp": "Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations." }, "autoload": { "files": [ "phpseclib/bootstrap.php" ], "psr-4": { "tgseclib\\": "phpseclib/" } } } * login('username', $agent)) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); * echo $ssh->exec('ls -la'); * ?> * * * @category System * @package SSH\Agent * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2014 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link * @internal See */ namespace tgseclib\System\SSH; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent\Identity; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\PublicKeyLoader; /** * Pure-PHP ssh-agent client identity factory * * requestIdentities() method pumps out \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent\Identity objects * * @package SSH\Agent * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Agent { /**#@+ * Message numbers * * @access private */ // to request SSH1 keys you have to use SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES (1) const SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES = 11; // this is the SSH2 response; the SSH1 response is SSH_AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER (2). const SSH_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER = 12; // the SSH1 request is SSH_AGENTC_RSA_CHALLENGE (3) const SSH_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST = 13; // the SSH1 response is SSH_AGENT_RSA_RESPONSE (4) const SSH_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE = 14; /**#@-*/ /**@+ * Agent forwarding status * * @access private */ // no forwarding requested and not active const FORWARD_NONE = 0; // request agent forwarding when opportune const FORWARD_REQUEST = 1; // forwarding has been request and is active const FORWARD_ACTIVE = 2; /**#@-*/ /** * Unused */ const SSH_AGENT_FAILURE = 5; /** * Socket Resource * * @var resource * @access private */ private $fsock; /** * Agent forwarding status * * @var int * @access private */ private $forward_status = self::FORWARD_NONE; /** * Buffer for accumulating forwarded authentication * agent data arriving on SSH data channel destined * for agent unix socket * * @var string * @access private */ private $socket_buffer = ''; /** * Tracking the number of bytes we are expecting * to arrive for the agent socket on the SSH data * channel * * @var int * @access private */ private $expected_bytes = 0; /** * The current request channel * * @var int * @access private */ private $request_channel; /** * Default Constructor * * @return \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException if SSH_AUTH_SOCK cannot be found * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors * @access public */ public function __construct($address = null) { if (!$address) { switch (true) { case isset($_SERVER['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']): $address = $_SERVER['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']; break; case isset($_ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']): $address = $_ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']; break; default: throw new BadConfigurationException('SSH_AUTH_SOCK not found'); } } $this->fsock = fsockopen('unix://' . $address, 0, $errno, $errstr); if (!$this->fsock) { throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to connect to ssh-agent (Error {$errno}: {$errstr})"); } } /** * Request Identities * * See "2.5.2 Requesting a list of protocol 2 keys" * Returns an array containing zero or more \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent\Identity objects * * @return array * @throws \RuntimeException on receipt of unexpected packets * @access public */ public function requestIdentities() { if (!$this->fsock) { return []; } $packet = pack('NC', 1, self::SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES); if (strlen($packet) != fputs($this->fsock, $packet)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed while requesting identities'); } $length = current(unpack('N', fread($this->fsock, 4))); $packet = fread($this->fsock, $length); if (strlen($packet) != $length) { throw new \LengthException("Expected {$length} bytes; got " . strlen($packet)); } list($type, $keyCount) = Strings::unpackSSH2('CN', $packet); if ($type != self::SSH_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to request identities'); } $identities = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $keyCount; $i++) { list($key_blob, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $packet); $temp = $key_blob; list($key_type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $temp); switch ($key_type) { case 'ssh-rsa': case 'ssh-dss': case 'ssh-ed25519': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': $key = PublicKeyLoader::load($key_type . ' ' . base64_encode($key_blob)); } // resources are passed by reference by default if (isset($key)) { $identity = (new Identity($this->fsock))->withPublicKey($key)->withPublicKeyBlob($key_blob); $identities[] = $identity; unset($key); } } return $identities; } /** * Signal that agent forwarding should * be requested when a channel is opened * * @param \tgseclib\Net\SSH2 $ssh * @return bool * @access public */ public function startSSHForwarding($ssh) { if ($this->forward_status == self::FORWARD_NONE) { $this->forward_status = self::FORWARD_REQUEST; } } /** * Request agent forwarding of remote server * * @param \tgseclib\Net\SSH2 $ssh * @return bool * @access private */ private function request_forwarding($ssh) { if (!$ssh->requestAgentForwarding()) { return false; } $this->forward_status = self::FORWARD_ACTIVE; return true; } /** * On successful channel open * * This method is called upon successful channel * open to give the SSH Agent an opportunity * to take further action. i.e. request agent forwarding * * @param \tgseclib\Net\SSH2 $ssh * @access private */ public function registerChannelOpen($ssh) { if ($this->forward_status == self::FORWARD_REQUEST) { $this->request_forwarding($ssh); } } /** * Forward data to SSH Agent and return data reply * * @param string $data * @return string Data from SSH Agent * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors * @access public */ public function forwardData($data) { if ($this->expected_bytes > 0) { $this->socket_buffer .= $data; $this->expected_bytes -= strlen($data); } else { $agent_data_bytes = current(unpack('N', $data)); $current_data_bytes = strlen($data); $this->socket_buffer = $data; if ($current_data_bytes != $agent_data_bytes + 4) { $this->expected_bytes = $agent_data_bytes + 4 - $current_data_bytes; return false; } } if (strlen($this->socket_buffer) != fwrite($this->fsock, $this->socket_buffer)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed attempting to forward data to SSH agent'); } $this->socket_buffer = ''; $this->expected_bytes = 0; $agent_reply_bytes = current(unpack('N', fread($this->fsock, 4))); $agent_reply_data = fread($this->fsock, $agent_reply_bytes); $agent_reply_data = current(unpack('a*', $agent_reply_data)); return pack('Na*', $agent_reply_bytes, $agent_reply_data); } } * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link * @internal See */ namespace tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\ECDSA; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; /** * Pure-PHP ssh-agent client identity object * * Instantiation should only be performed by \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent class. * This could be thought of as implementing an interface that tgseclib\Crypt\RSA * implements. ie. maybe a Net_SSH_Auth_PublicKey interface or something. * The methods in this interface would be getPublicKey and sign since those are the * methods phpseclib looks for to perform public key authentication. * * @package SSH\Agent * @author Jim Wigginton * @access internal */ class Identity implements PrivateKey { /**@+ * Signature Flags * * See * * @access private */ const SSH_AGENT_RSA2_256 = 2; const SSH_AGENT_RSA2_512 = 4; /**#@-*/ /** * Key Object * * @var \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA * @access private * @see self::getPublicKey() */ private $key; /** * Key Blob * * @var string * @access private * @see self::sign() */ private $key_blob; /** * Socket Resource * * @var resource * @access private * @see self::sign() */ private $fsock; /** * Signature flags * * @var int * @access private * @see self::sign() * @see self::setHash() */ private $flags = 0; /** * Curve Aliases * * @var array * @access private */ private static $curveAliases = ['secp256r1' => 'nistp256', 'secp384r1' => 'nistp384', 'secp521r1' => 'nistp521', 'Ed25519' => 'Ed25519']; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param resource $fsock * @return \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent\Identity * @access private */ public function __construct($fsock) { $this->fsock = $fsock; } /** * Set Public Key * * Called by \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent::requestIdentities() * * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PublicKey $key * @access private */ public function withPublicKey($key) { if ($key instanceof ECDSA) { if (is_array($key->getCurve()) || !isset(self::$curveAliases[$key->getCurve()])) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported curves are nistp256, nistp384, nistp512 and Ed25519'); } } $new = clone $this; $new->key = $key; return $new; } /** * Set Public Key * * Called by \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent::requestIdentities(). The key blob could be extracted from $this->key * but this saves a small amount of computation. * * @param string $key_blob * @access private */ public function withPublicKeyBlob($key_blob) { $new = clone $this; $new->key_blob = $key_blob; return $new; } /** * Get Public Key * * Wrapper for $this->key->getPublicKey() * * @param string $type optional * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getPublicKey($type = 'PKCS8') { return $this->key; } /** * Sets the hash * * @param string $hash * @access public */ public function withHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; $hash = strtolower($hash); if ($this->key instanceof RSA) { $new->flags = 0; switch ($hash) { case 'sha1': break; case 'sha256': $new->flags = self::SSH_AGENT_RSA2_256; break; case 'sha512': $new->flags = self::SSH_AGENT_RSA2_512; break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hashes for RSA are sha1, sha256 and sha512'); } } if ($this->key instanceof ECDSA) { switch ($this->key->getCurve()) { case 'secp256r1': $expectedHash = 'sha256'; break; case 'secp384r1': $expectedHash = 'sha384'; break; //case 'secp521r1': //case 'Ed25519': default: $expectedHash = 'sha512'; } if ($hash != $expectedHash) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash for ' . self::$curveAliases[$key->getCurve()] . ' is ' . $expectedHash); } } if ($this->key instanceof DSA) { if ($hash != 'sha1') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash for DSA is sha1'); } } return $new; } /** * Sets the padding * * Only PKCS1 padding is supported * * @param string $padding * @access public */ public function withPadding($padding) { if (!$this->key instanceof RSA) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only RSA keys support padding'); } if ($padding != RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1 && $padding != RSA::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('ssh-agent can only create PKCS1 signatures'); } return $this; } /** * Determines the signature padding mode * * Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw * * @access public * @param string $padding */ public function withSignatureFormat($format) { if ($this->key instanceof RSA) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only DSA and ECDSA keys support signature format setting'); } if ($format != 'SSH2') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only SSH2-formatted signatures are currently supported'); } return $this; } /** * Returns the curve * * Returns a string if it's a named curve, an array if not * * @access public * @return string|array */ public function getCurve() { if (!$this->key instanceof ECDSA) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only ECDSA keys have curves'); } return $this->key->getCurve(); } /** * Create a signature * * See "2.6.2 Protocol 2 private key signature request" * * @param string $message * @param int $padding optional * @return string * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException if the algorithm is unsupported * @access public */ public function sign($message) { // the last parameter (currently 0) is for flags and ssh-agent only defines one flag (for ssh-dss): SSH_AGENT_OLD_SIGNATURE $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CssN', Agent::SSH_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST, $this->key_blob, $message, $this->flags); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $packet); if (strlen($packet) != fputs($this->fsock, $packet)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed during signing'); } $length = current(unpack('N', fread($this->fsock, 4))); $packet = fread($this->fsock, $length); list($type, $signature_blob) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Cs', $packet); if ($type != Agent::SSH_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to retrieve signature'); } if (!$this->key instanceof RSA) { return $signature_blob; } list($type, $signature_blob) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $signature_blob); return $signature_blob; } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { throw new \RuntimeException('ssh-agent does not provide a mechanism to get the private key'); } /** * Sets the password * * @access public * @param string|boolean $password */ public function withPassword($password = false) { throw new \RuntimeException('ssh-agent does not provide a mechanism to get the private key'); } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Common\Functions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField; /** * Common String Functions * * @package Functions\Strings * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Strings { /** * String Shift * * Inspired by array_shift * * @param string $string * @param int $index * @access public * @return string */ public static function shift(&$string, $index = 1) { $substr = substr($string, 0, $index); $string = substr($string, $index); return $substr; } /** * String Pop * * Inspired by array_pop * * @param string $string * @param int $index * @access public * @return string */ public static function pop(&$string, $index = 1) { $substr = substr($string, -$index); $string = substr($string, 0, -$index); return $substr; } /** * Parse SSH2-style string * * Returns either an array or a boolean if $data is malformed. * * Valid characters for $format are as follows: * * C = byte * b = boolean (true/false) * N = uint32 * s = string * i = mpint * L = name-list * * uint64 is not supported. * * @param string $format * @param $data * @return mixed */ public static function unpackSSH2($format, &$data) { $format = self::formatPack($format); $result = []; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($format); $i++) { switch ($format[$i]) { case 'C': case 'b': if (!strlen($data)) { throw new \LengthException('At least one byte needs to be present for successful C / b decodes'); } break; case 'N': case 'i': case 's': case 'L': if (strlen($data) < 4) { throw new \LengthException('At least four byte needs to be present for successful N / i / s / L decodes'); } break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$format contains an invalid character'); } switch ($format[$i]) { case 'C': $result[] = ord(self::shift($data)); continue 2; case 'b': $result[] = ord(self::shift($data)) != 0; continue 2; case 'N': list(, $temp) = unpack('N', self::shift($data, 4)); $result[] = $temp; continue 2; } list(, $length) = unpack('N', self::shift($data, 4)); if (strlen($data) < $length) { throw new \LengthException("{$length} bytes needed; " . strlen($data) . ' bytes available'); } $temp = self::shift($data, $length); switch ($format[$i]) { case 'i': $result[] = new BigInteger($temp, -256); break; case 's': $result[] = $temp; break; case 'L': $result[] = explode(',', $temp); } } return $result; } /** * Create SSH2-style string * * @param $elements[] * @access public * @return mixed */ public static function packSSH2(...$elements) { $format = self::formatPack($elements[0]); array_shift($elements); if (strlen($format) != count($elements)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('There must be as many arguments as there are characters in the $format string'); } $result = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($format); $i++) { $element = $elements[$i]; switch ($format[$i]) { case 'C': if (!is_int($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Bytes must be represented as an integer between 0 and 255, inclusive.'); } $result .= pack('C', $element); break; case 'b': if (!is_bool($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A boolean parameter was expected.'); } $result .= $element ? "\1" : "\0"; break; case 'N': if (is_float($element)) { $element = (int) $element; } if (!is_int($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An integer was expected.'); } $result .= pack('N', $element); break; case 's': if (!is_string($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A string was expected.'); } $result .= pack('Na*', strlen($element), $element); break; case 'i': if (!$element instanceof BigInteger && !$element instanceof FiniteField\Integer) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger or tgseclib\\Math\\Common\\FiniteField\\Integer object was expected.'); } $element = $element->toBytes(true); $result .= pack('Na*', strlen($element), $element); break; case 'L': if (!is_array($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An array was expected.'); } $element = implode(',', $element); $result .= pack('Na*', strlen($element), $element); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$format contains an invalid character'); } } return $result; } /** * Expand a pack string * * Converts C5 to CCCCC, for example. * * @access private * @param string $format * @return string */ private static function formatPack($format) { $parts = preg_split('#(\\d+)#', $format, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $format = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i += 2) { $format .= substr($parts[$i - 1], 0, -1) . str_repeat(substr($parts[$i - 1], -1), $parts[$i]); } $format .= $parts[$i - 1]; return $format; } /** * Convert binary data into bits * * bin2hex / hex2bin refer to base-256 encoded data as binary, whilst * decbin / bindec refer to base-2 encoded data as binary. For the purposes * of this function, bin refers to base-256 encoded data whilst bits refers * to base-2 encoded data * * @access public * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function bits2bin($x) { /* // the pure-PHP approach is faster than the GMP approach if (function_exists('gmp_export')) { return strlen($x) ? gmp_export(gmp_init($x, 2)) : gmp_init(0); } */ if (preg_match('#[^01]#', $x)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The only valid characters are 0 and 1'); } if (!defined('PHP_INT_MIN')) { define('PHP_INT_MIN', ~PHP_INT_MAX); } $length = strlen($x); if (!$length) { return ''; } $block_size = PHP_INT_SIZE << 3; $pad = $block_size - $length % $block_size; if ($pad != $block_size) { $x = str_repeat('0', $pad) . $x; } $parts = str_split($x, $block_size); $str = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { $xor = $part[0] == '1' ? PHP_INT_MIN : 0; $part[0] = '0'; $str .= pack(PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 ? 'N' : 'J', $xor ^ eval('return 0b' . $part . ';')); } return ltrim($str, "\0"); } /** * Convert bits to binary data * * @access public * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function bin2bits($x) { /* // the pure-PHP approach is slower than the GMP approach BUT // i want to the pure-PHP version to be easily unit tested as well if (function_exists('gmp_import')) { return gmp_strval(gmp_import($x), 2); } */ $len = strlen($x); $mod = $len % PHP_INT_SIZE; if ($mod) { $x = str_pad($x, $len + PHP_INT_SIZE - $mod, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $bits = ''; if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) { $digits = unpack('N*', $x); foreach ($digits as $digit) { $bits .= sprintf('%032b', $digit); } } else { $digits = unpack('J*', $x); foreach ($digits as $digit) { $bits .= sprintf('%064b', $digit); } } return ltrim($bits, '0'); } /** * Switch Endianness Bit Order * * @access public * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function switchEndianness($x) { $r = ''; // from for ($i = strlen($x) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $b = ord($x[$i]); $p1 = $b * 0x802 & 0x22110; $p2 = $b * 0x8020 & 0x88440; $r .= chr(($p1 | $p2) * 0x10101 >> 16); } return $r; } /** * Increment the current string * * @param string $var * @return string * @access public */ public static function increment_str(&$var) { for ($i = 4; $i <= strlen($var); $i += 4) { $temp = substr($var, -$i, 4); switch ($temp) { case "": $var = substr_replace($var, "\0\0\0\0", -$i, 4); break; case "": $var = substr_replace($var, "\0\0\0", -$i, 4); return $var; default: $temp = unpack('Nnum', $temp); $var = substr_replace($var, pack('N', $temp['num'] + 1), -$i, 4); return $var; } } $remainder = strlen($var) % 4; if ($remainder == 0) { return $var; } $temp = unpack('Nnum', str_pad(substr($var, 0, $remainder), 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT)); $temp = substr(pack('N', $temp['num'] + 1), -$remainder); $var = substr_replace($var, $temp, 0, $remainder); return $var; } } * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File; /** * Pure-PHP ANSI Decoder * * @package ANSI * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class ANSI { /** * Max Width * * @var int * @access private */ private $max_x; /** * Max Height * * @var int * @access private */ private $max_y; /** * Max History * * @var int * @access private */ private $max_history; /** * History * * @var array * @access private */ private $history; /** * History Attributes * * @var array * @access private */ private $history_attrs; /** * Current Column * * @var int * @access private */ private $x; /** * Current Row * * @var int * @access private */ private $y; /** * Old Column * * @var int * @access private */ private $old_x; /** * Old Row * * @var int * @access private */ private $old_y; /** * An empty attribute cell * * @var object * @access private */ private $base_attr_cell; /** * The current attribute cell * * @var object * @access private */ private $attr_cell; /** * An empty attribute row * * @var array * @access private */ private $attr_row; /** * The current screen text * * @var array * @access private */ private $screen; /** * The current screen attributes * * @var array * @access private */ private $attrs; /** * Current ANSI code * * @var string * @access private */ private $ansi; /** * Tokenization * * @var array * @access private */ private $tokenization; /** * Default Constructor. * * @return \tgseclib\File\ANSI * @access public */ public function __construct() { $attr_cell = new \stdClass(); $attr_cell->bold = false; $attr_cell->underline = false; $attr_cell->blink = false; $attr_cell->background = 'black'; $attr_cell->foreground = 'white'; $attr_cell->reverse = false; $this->base_attr_cell = clone $attr_cell; $this->attr_cell = clone $attr_cell; $this->setHistory(200); $this->setDimensions(80, 24); } /** * Set terminal width and height * * Resets the screen as well * * @param int $x * @param int $y * @access public */ public function setDimensions($x, $y) { $this->max_x = $x - 1; $this->max_y = $y - 1; $this->x = $this->y = 0; $this->history = $this->history_attrs = []; $this->attr_row = array_fill(0, $this->max_x + 2, $this->base_attr_cell); $this->screen = array_fill(0, $this->max_y + 1, ''); $this->attrs = array_fill(0, $this->max_y + 1, $this->attr_row); $this->ansi = ''; } /** * Set the number of lines that should be logged past the terminal height * * @param int $history * @access public */ public function setHistory($history) { $this->max_history = $history; } /** * Load a string * * @param string $source * @access public */ public function loadString($source) { $this->setDimensions($this->max_x + 1, $this->max_y + 1); $this->appendString($source); } /** * Appdend a string * * @param string $source * @access public */ public function appendString($source) { $this->tokenization = ['']; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($source); $i++) { if (strlen($this->ansi)) { $this->ansi .= $source[$i]; $chr = ord($source[$i]); // // single character CSI's not currently supported switch (true) { case $this->ansi == "\33=": $this->ansi = ''; continue 2; case strlen($this->ansi) == 2 && $chr >= 64 && $chr <= 95 && $chr != ord('['): case strlen($this->ansi) > 2 && $chr >= 64 && $chr <= 126: break; default: continue 2; } $this->tokenization[] = $this->ansi; $this->tokenization[] = ''; // switch ($this->ansi) { case "\33[H": // Move cursor to upper left corner $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->old_y = $this->y; $this->x = $this->y = 0; break; case "\33[J": // Clear screen from cursor down $this->history = array_merge($this->history, array_slice(array_splice($this->screen, $this->y + 1), 0, $this->old_y)); $this->screen = array_merge($this->screen, array_fill($this->y, $this->max_y, '')); $this->history_attrs = array_merge($this->history_attrs, array_slice(array_splice($this->attrs, $this->y + 1), 0, $this->old_y)); $this->attrs = array_merge($this->attrs, array_fill($this->y, $this->max_y, $this->attr_row)); if (count($this->history) == $this->max_history) { array_shift($this->history); array_shift($this->history_attrs); } case "\33[K": // Clear screen from cursor right $this->screen[$this->y] = substr($this->screen[$this->y], 0, $this->x); array_splice($this->attrs[$this->y], $this->x + 1, $this->max_x - $this->x, array_fill($this->x, $this->max_x - $this->x - 1, $this->base_attr_cell)); break; case "\33[2K": // Clear entire line $this->screen[$this->y] = str_repeat(' ', $this->x); $this->attrs[$this->y] = $this->attr_row; break; case "\33[?1h": // set cursor key to application case "\33[?25h": // show the cursor case "\33(B": // set united states g0 character set break; case "\33E": // Move to next line $this->newLine(); $this->x = 0; break; default: switch (true) { case preg_match('#\\x1B\\[(\\d+)B#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor down n lines $this->old_y = $this->y; $this->y += $match[1]; break; case preg_match('#\\x1B\\[(\\d+);(\\d+)H#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor to screen location v,h $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->old_y = $this->y; $this->x = $match[2] - 1; $this->y = $match[1] - 1; break; case preg_match('#\\x1B\\[(\\d+)C#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor right n lines $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->x += $match[1]; break; case preg_match('#\\x1B\\[(\\d+)D#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor left n lines $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->x -= $match[1]; if ($this->x < 0) { $this->x = 0; } break; case preg_match('#\\x1B\\[(\\d+);(\\d+)r#', $this->ansi, $match): // Set top and bottom lines of a window break; case preg_match('#\\x1B\\[(\\d*(?:;\\d*)*)m#', $this->ansi, $match): // character attributes $attr_cell =& $this->attr_cell; $mods = explode(';', $match[1]); foreach ($mods as $mod) { switch ($mod) { case 0: // Turn off character attributes $attr_cell = clone $this->base_attr_cell; break; case 1: // Turn bold mode on $attr_cell->bold = true; break; case 4: // Turn underline mode on $attr_cell->underline = true; break; case 5: // Turn blinking mode on $attr_cell->blink = true; break; case 7: // Turn reverse video on $attr_cell->reverse = !$attr_cell->reverse; $temp = $attr_cell->background; $attr_cell->background = $attr_cell->foreground; $attr_cell->foreground = $temp; break; default: // set colors //$front = $attr_cell->reverse ? &$attr_cell->background : &$attr_cell->foreground; $front =& $attr_cell->{$attr_cell->reverse ? 'background' : 'foreground'}; //$back = $attr_cell->reverse ? &$attr_cell->foreground : &$attr_cell->background; $back =& $attr_cell->{$attr_cell->reverse ? 'foreground' : 'background'}; switch ($mod) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart case 30: $front = 'black'; break; case 31: $front = 'red'; break; case 32: $front = 'green'; break; case 33: $front = 'yellow'; break; case 34: $front = 'blue'; break; case 35: $front = 'magenta'; break; case 36: $front = 'cyan'; break; case 37: $front = 'white'; break; case 40: $back = 'black'; break; case 41: $back = 'red'; break; case 42: $back = 'green'; break; case 43: $back = 'yellow'; break; case 44: $back = 'blue'; break; case 45: $back = 'magenta'; break; case 46: $back = 'cyan'; break; case 47: $back = 'white'; break; // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd default: //user_error('Unsupported attribute: ' . $mod); $this->ansi = ''; break 2; } } } break; default: } } $this->ansi = ''; continue; } $this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1] .= $source[$i]; switch ($source[$i]) { case "\r": $this->x = 0; break; case "\n": $this->newLine(); break; case "\10": // backspace if ($this->x) { $this->x--; $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = clone $this->base_attr_cell; $this->screen[$this->y] = substr_replace($this->screen[$this->y], $source[$i], $this->x, 1); } break; case "\17": // shift break; case "\33": // start ANSI escape code $this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1] = substr($this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1], 0, -1); //if (!strlen($this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1])) { // array_pop($this->tokenization); //} $this->ansi .= "\33"; break; default: $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = clone $this->attr_cell; if ($this->x > strlen($this->screen[$this->y])) { $this->screen[$this->y] = str_repeat(' ', $this->x); } $this->screen[$this->y] = substr_replace($this->screen[$this->y], $source[$i], $this->x, 1); if ($this->x > $this->max_x) { $this->x = 0; $this->newLine(); } else { $this->x++; } } } } /** * Add a new line * * Also update the $this->screen and $this->history buffers * * @access private */ private function newLine() { //if ($this->y < $this->max_y) { // $this->y++; //} while ($this->y >= $this->max_y) { $this->history = array_merge($this->history, [array_shift($this->screen)]); $this->screen[] = ''; $this->history_attrs = array_merge($this->history_attrs, [array_shift($this->attrs)]); $this->attrs[] = $this->attr_row; if (count($this->history) >= $this->max_history) { array_shift($this->history); array_shift($this->history_attrs); } $this->y--; } $this->y++; } /** * Returns the current coordinate without preformating * * @access private * @param \stdClass $last_attr * @param \stdClass $cur_attr * @param string $char * @return string */ private function processCoordinate($last_attr, $cur_attr, $char) { $output = ''; if ($last_attr != $cur_attr) { $close = $open = ''; if ($last_attr->foreground != $cur_attr->foreground) { if ($cur_attr->foreground != 'white') { $open .= ''; } if ($last_attr->foreground != 'white') { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->background != $cur_attr->background) { if ($cur_attr->background != 'black') { $open .= ''; } if ($last_attr->background != 'black') { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->bold != $cur_attr->bold) { if ($cur_attr->bold) { $open .= ''; } else { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->underline != $cur_attr->underline) { if ($cur_attr->underline) { $open .= ''; } else { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->blink != $cur_attr->blink) { if ($cur_attr->blink) { $open .= ''; } else { $close = '' . $close; } } $output .= $close . $open; } $output .= htmlspecialchars($char); return $output; } /** * Returns the current screen without preformating * * @access private * @return string */ private function getScreenHelper() { $output = ''; $last_attr = $this->base_attr_cell; for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->max_y; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= $this->max_x; $j++) { $cur_attr = $this->attrs[$i][$j]; $output .= $this->processCoordinate($last_attr, $cur_attr, isset($this->screen[$i][$j]) ? $this->screen[$i][$j] : ''); $last_attr = $this->attrs[$i][$j]; } $output .= "\r\n"; } $output = substr($output, 0, -2); // close any remaining open tags $output .= $this->processCoordinate($last_attr, $this->base_attr_cell, ''); return rtrim($output); } /** * Returns the current screen * * @access public * @return string */ public function getScreen() { return '
' . $this->getScreenHelper() . '
'; } /** * Returns the current screen and the x previous lines * * @access public * @return string */ public function getHistory() { $scrollback = ''; $last_attr = $this->base_attr_cell; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->history); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= $this->max_x + 1; $j++) { $cur_attr = $this->history_attrs[$i][$j]; $scrollback .= $this->processCoordinate($last_attr, $cur_attr, isset($this->history[$i][$j]) ? $this->history[$i][$j] : ''); $last_attr = $this->history_attrs[$i][$j]; } $scrollback .= "\r\n"; } $base_attr_cell = $this->base_attr_cell; $this->base_attr_cell = $last_attr; $scrollback .= $this->getScreen(); $this->base_attr_cell = $base_attr_cell; return '
' . $scrollback . '
'; } } * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; /** * Pure-PHP ASN.1 Parser * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ASN1 { /**#@+ * Tag Classes * * @access private * @link */ const CLASS_UNIVERSAL = 0; const CLASS_APPLICATION = 1; const CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC = 2; const CLASS_PRIVATE = 3; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Tag Classes * * @access private * @link */ const TYPE_BOOLEAN = 1; const TYPE_INTEGER = 2; const TYPE_BIT_STRING = 3; const TYPE_OCTET_STRING = 4; const TYPE_NULL = 5; const TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER = 6; //const TYPE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR = 7; //const TYPE_INSTANCE_OF = 8; // EXTERNAL const TYPE_REAL = 9; const TYPE_ENUMERATED = 10; //const TYPE_EMBEDDED = 11; const TYPE_UTF8_STRING = 12; //const TYPE_RELATIVE_OID = 13; const TYPE_SEQUENCE = 16; // SEQUENCE OF const TYPE_SET = 17; // SET OF /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * More Tag Classes * * @access private * @link */ const TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING = 18; const TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING = 19; const TYPE_TELETEX_STRING = 20; // T61String const TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING = 21; const TYPE_IA5_STRING = 22; const TYPE_UTC_TIME = 23; const TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME = 24; const TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING = 25; const TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING = 26; // ISO646String const TYPE_GENERAL_STRING = 27; const TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING = 28; //const TYPE_CHARACTER_STRING = 29; const TYPE_BMP_STRING = 30; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Tag Aliases * * These tags are kinda place holders for other tags. * * @access private */ const TYPE_CHOICE = -1; const TYPE_ANY = -2; /**#@-*/ /** * ASN.1 object identifiers * * @var array * @access private * @link */ private static $oids = []; /** * ASN.1 object identifier reverse mapping * * @var array * @access private */ private static $reverseOIDs = []; /** * Default date format * * @var string * @access private * @link */ private static $format = 'D, d M Y H:i:s O'; /** * Filters * * If the mapping type is self::TYPE_ANY what do we actually encode it as? * * @var array * @access private * @see self::encode_der() */ private static $filters; /** * Current Location of most recent ASN.1 encode process * * Useful for debug purposes * * @var array * @access private * @see self::encode_der() */ private static $location; /** * DER Encoded String * * In case we need to create ASN1\Element object's.. * * @var string * @access private * @see self::decodeDER() */ private static $encoded; /** * Type mapping table for the ANY type. * * Structured or unknown types are mapped to a \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element. * Unambiguous types get the direct mapping (int/real/bool). * Others are mapped as a choice, with an extra indexing level. * * @var array * @access public */ const ANY_MAP = [ self::TYPE_BOOLEAN => true, self::TYPE_INTEGER => true, self::TYPE_BIT_STRING => 'bitString', self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING => 'octetString', self::TYPE_NULL => 'null', self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER => 'objectIdentifier', self::TYPE_REAL => true, self::TYPE_ENUMERATED => 'enumerated', self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING => 'utf8String', self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING => 'numericString', self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING => 'printableString', self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING => 'teletexString', self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING => 'videotexString', self::TYPE_IA5_STRING => 'ia5String', self::TYPE_UTC_TIME => 'utcTime', self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME => 'generalTime', self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING => 'graphicString', self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING => 'visibleString', self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING => 'generalString', self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING => 'universalString', //self::TYPE_CHARACTER_STRING => 'characterString', self::TYPE_BMP_STRING => 'bmpString', ]; /** * String type to character size mapping table. * * Non-convertable types are absent from this table. * size == 0 indicates variable length encoding. * * @var array * @access public */ const STRING_TYPE_SIZE = [self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING => 0, self::TYPE_BMP_STRING => 2, self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING => 4, self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING => 1, self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING => 1, self::TYPE_IA5_STRING => 1, self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING => 1]; /** * Parse BER-encoding * * Serves a similar purpose to openssl's asn1parse * * @param string $encoded * @return array * @access public */ public static function decodeBER($encoded) { if ($encoded instanceof Element) { $encoded = $encoded->element; } self::$encoded = $encoded; $decoded = [self::decode_ber($encoded)]; // encapsulate in an array for BC with the old decodeBER return $decoded; } /** * Parse BER-encoding (Helper function) * * Sometimes we want to get the BER encoding of a particular tag. $start lets us do that without having to reencode. * $encoded is passed by reference for the recursive calls done for self::TYPE_BIT_STRING and * self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING. In those cases, the indefinite length is used. * * @param string $encoded * @param int $start * @param int $encoded_pos * @return array|bool * @access private */ private static function decode_ber($encoded, $start = 0, $encoded_pos = 0) { $current = ['start' => $start]; $type = ord($encoded[$encoded_pos++]); $start++; $constructed = $type >> 5 & 1; $tag = $type & 0x1f; if ($tag == 0x1f) { $tag = 0; // process septets (since the eighth bit is ignored, it's not an octet) do { $temp = ord($encoded[$encoded_pos++]); $loop = $temp >> 7; $tag <<= 7; $tag |= $temp & 0x7f; $start++; } while ($loop); } // Length, as discussed in paragraph 8.1.3 of X.690-0207.pdf#page=13 $length = ord($encoded[$encoded_pos++]); $start++; if ($length == 0x80) { // indefinite length // "[A sender shall] use the indefinite form (see if the encoding is constructed and is not all // immediately available." -- paragraph $length = strlen($encoded) - $encoded_pos; } elseif ($length & 0x80) { // definite length, long form // technically, the long form of the length can be represented by up to 126 octets (bytes), but we'll only // support it up to four. $length &= 0x7f; $temp = substr($encoded, $encoded_pos, $length); $encoded_pos += $length; // tags of indefinte length don't really have a header length; this length includes the tag $current += ['headerlength' => $length + 2]; $start += $length; extract(unpack('Nlength', substr(str_pad($temp, 4, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -4))); /** @var integer $length */ } else { $current += ['headerlength' => 2]; } if ($length > strlen($encoded) - $encoded_pos) { return false; } $content = substr($encoded, $encoded_pos, $length); $content_pos = 0; // at this point $length can be overwritten. it's only accurate for definite length things as is /* Class is UNIVERSAL, APPLICATION, PRIVATE, or CONTEXT-SPECIFIC. The UNIVERSAL class is restricted to the ASN.1 built-in types. It defines an application-independent data type that must be distinguishable from all other data types. The other three classes are user defined. The APPLICATION class distinguishes data types that have a wide, scattered use within a particular presentation context. PRIVATE distinguishes data types within a particular organization or country. CONTEXT-SPECIFIC distinguishes members of a sequence or set, the alternatives of a CHOICE, or universally tagged set members. Only the class number appears in braces for this data type; the term CONTEXT-SPECIFIC does not appear. -- */ $class = $type >> 6 & 3; switch ($class) { case self::CLASS_APPLICATION: case self::CLASS_PRIVATE: case self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC: if (!$constructed) { return ['type' => $class, 'constant' => $tag, 'content' => $content, 'length' => $length + $start - $current['start']] + $current; } $newcontent = []; $remainingLength = $length; while ($remainingLength > 0) { $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $start, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { break; } $length = $temp['length']; // end-of-content octets - see paragraph 8.1.5 if (substr($content, $content_pos + $length, 2) == "\0\0") { $length += 2; $start += $length; $newcontent[] = $temp; break; } $start += $length; $remainingLength -= $length; $newcontent[] = $temp; $content_pos += $length; } return [ 'type' => $class, 'constant' => $tag, // the array encapsulation is for BC with the old format 'content' => $newcontent, // the only time when $content['headerlength'] isn't defined is when the length is indefinite. // the absence of $content['headerlength'] is how we know if something is indefinite or not. // technically, it could be defined to be 2 and then another indicator could be used but whatever. 'length' => $start - $current['start'], ] + $current; } $current += ['type' => $tag]; // decode UNIVERSAL tags switch ($tag) { case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: // "The contents octets shall consist of a single octet." -- paragraph 8.2.1 //if (strlen($content) != 1) { // return false; //} $current['content'] = (bool) ord($content[$content_pos]); break; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_ENUMERATED: $current['content'] = new BigInteger(substr($content, $content_pos), -256); break; case self::TYPE_REAL: // not currently supported return false; case self::TYPE_BIT_STRING: // The initial octet shall encode, as an unsigned binary integer with bit 1 as the least significant bit, // the number of unused bits in the final subsequent octet. The number shall be in the range zero to // seven. if (!$constructed) { $current['content'] = substr($content, $content_pos); } else { $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $start, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $length -= strlen($content) - $content_pos; $last = count($temp) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $last; $i++) { // all subtags should be bit strings //if ($temp[$i]['type'] != self::TYPE_BIT_STRING) { // return false; //} $current['content'] .= substr($temp[$i]['content'], 1); } // all subtags should be bit strings //if ($temp[$last]['type'] != self::TYPE_BIT_STRING) { // return false; //} $current['content'] = $temp[$last]['content'][0] . $current['content'] . substr($temp[$i]['content'], 1); } break; case self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING: if (!$constructed) { $current['content'] = substr($content, $content_pos); } else { $current['content'] = ''; $length = 0; while (substr($content, $content_pos, 2) != "\0\0") { $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $length + $start, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $content_pos += $temp['length']; // all subtags should be octet strings //if ($temp['type'] != self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING) { // return false; //} $current['content'] .= $temp['content']; $length += $temp['length']; } if (substr($content, $content_pos, 2) == "\0\0") { $length += 2; // +2 for the EOC } } break; case self::TYPE_NULL: // "The contents octets shall not contain any octets." -- paragraph 8.8.2 //if (strlen($content)) { // return false; //} break; case self::TYPE_SEQUENCE: case self::TYPE_SET: $offset = 0; $current['content'] = []; $content_len = strlen($content); while ($content_pos < $content_len) { // if indefinite length construction was used and we have an end-of-content string next // see paragraphs,,, 8.1.5, and (for an example) if (!isset($current['headerlength']) && substr($content, $content_pos, 2) == "\0\0") { $length = $offset + 2; // +2 for the EOC break 2; } $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $start + $offset, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $content_pos += $temp['length']; $current['content'][] = $temp; $offset += $temp['length']; } break; case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: $current['content'] = self::decodeOID(substr($content, $content_pos)); break; /* Each character string type shall be encoded as if it had been declared: [UNIVERSAL x] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING -- X.690-0207.pdf#page=23 (paragraph 8.21.3) Per that, we're not going to do any validation. If there are any illegal characters in the string, we don't really care */ case self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and space case self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING: // Upper and lower case letters, digits, space, apostrophe, left/right parenthesis, plus sign, comma, // hyphen, full stop, solidus, colon, equal sign, question mark case self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING: // The Teletex character set in CCITT's T61, space, and delete // see case self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING: // The Videotex character set in CCITT's T.100 and T.101, space, and delete case self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING: // Printing character sets of international ASCII, and space case self::TYPE_IA5_STRING: // International Alphabet 5 (International ASCII) case self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING: // All registered G sets, and space case self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING: // All registered C and G sets, space and delete case self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING: // ???? case self::TYPE_BMP_STRING: $current['content'] = substr($content, $content_pos); break; case self::TYPE_UTC_TIME: case self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME: $current['content'] = self::decodeTime(substr($content, $content_pos), $tag); default: } $start += $length; // ie. length is the length of the full TLV encoding - it's not just the length of the value return $current + ['length' => $start - $current['start']]; } /** * ASN.1 Map * * Provides an ASN.1 semantic mapping ($mapping) from a parsed BER-encoding to a human readable format. * * "Special" mappings may be applied on a per tag-name basis via $special. * * @param array $decoded * @param array $mapping * @param array $special * @return array|bool|Element * @access public */ public static function asn1map($decoded, $mapping, $special = []) { if (isset($mapping['explicit']) && is_array($decoded['content'])) { $decoded = $decoded['content'][0]; } switch (true) { case $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_ANY: $intype = $decoded['type']; // !isset(self::ANY_MAP[$intype]) produces a fatal error on PHP 5.6 if (isset($decoded['constant']) || !array_key_exists($intype, self::ANY_MAP) || ord(self::$encoded[$decoded['start']]) & 0x20) { return new Element(substr(self::$encoded, $decoded['start'], $decoded['length'])); } $inmap = self::ANY_MAP[$intype]; if (is_string($inmap)) { return [$inmap => self::asn1map($decoded, ['type' => $intype] + $mapping, $special)]; } break; case $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE: foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $option) { switch (true) { case isset($option['constant']) && $option['constant'] == $decoded['constant']: case !isset($option['constant']) && $option['type'] == $decoded['type']: $value = self::asn1map($decoded, $option, $special); break; case !isset($option['constant']) && $option['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE: $v = self::asn1map($decoded, $option, $special); if (isset($v)) { $value = $v; } } if (isset($value)) { if (isset($special[$key])) { $value = call_user_func($special[$key], $value); } return [$key => $value]; } } return null; case isset($mapping['implicit']): case isset($mapping['explicit']): case $decoded['type'] == $mapping['type']: break; default: // if $decoded['type'] and $mapping['type'] are both strings, but different types of strings, // let it through switch (true) { case $decoded['type'] < 18: // self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING == 18 case $decoded['type'] > 30: // self::TYPE_BMP_STRING == 30 case $mapping['type'] < 18: case $mapping['type'] > 30: return null; } } if (isset($mapping['implicit'])) { $decoded['type'] = $mapping['type']; } switch ($decoded['type']) { case self::TYPE_SEQUENCE: $map = []; // ignore the min and max if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) { $child = $mapping['children']; foreach ($decoded['content'] as $content) { if (($map[] = self::asn1map($content, $child, $special)) === null) { return null; } } return $map; } $n = count($decoded['content']); $i = 0; foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { $maymatch = $i < $n; // Match only existing input. if ($maymatch) { $temp = $decoded['content'][$i]; if ($child['type'] != self::TYPE_CHOICE) { // Get the mapping and input class & constant. $childClass = $tempClass = self::CLASS_UNIVERSAL; $constant = null; if (isset($temp['constant'])) { $tempClass = $temp['type']; } if (isset($child['class'])) { $childClass = $child['class']; $constant = $child['cast']; } elseif (isset($child['constant'])) { $childClass = self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC; $constant = $child['constant']; } if (isset($constant) && isset($temp['constant'])) { // Can only match if constants and class match. $maymatch = $constant == $temp['constant'] && $childClass == $tempClass; } else { // Can only match if no constant expected and type matches or is generic. $maymatch = !isset($child['constant']) && array_search($child['type'], [$temp['type'], self::TYPE_ANY, self::TYPE_CHOICE]) !== false; } } } if ($maymatch) { // Attempt submapping. $candidate = self::asn1map($temp, $child, $special); $maymatch = $candidate !== null; } if ($maymatch) { // Got the match: use it. if (isset($special[$key])) { $candidate = call_user_func($special[$key], $candidate); } $map[$key] = $candidate; $i++; } elseif (isset($child['default'])) { switch ($child['type']) { case ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER: $map[$key] = new BigInteger($child['default']); break; //case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: // if (!isset(self::$reverseOIDs[$name])) { // return null; // } //case ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN: default: $map[$key] = $child['default']; } } elseif (!isset($child['optional'])) { return null; // Syntax error. } } // Fail mapping if all input items have not been consumed. return $i < $n ? null : $map; // the main diff between sets and sequences is the encapsulation of the foreach in another for loop case self::TYPE_SET: $map = []; // ignore the min and max if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) { $child = $mapping['children']; foreach ($decoded['content'] as $content) { if (($map[] = self::asn1map($content, $child, $special)) === null) { return null; } } return $map; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($decoded['content']); $i++) { $temp = $decoded['content'][$i]; $tempClass = self::CLASS_UNIVERSAL; if (isset($temp['constant'])) { $tempClass = $temp['type']; } foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (isset($map[$key])) { continue; } $maymatch = true; if ($child['type'] != self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $childClass = self::CLASS_UNIVERSAL; $constant = null; if (isset($child['class'])) { $childClass = $child['class']; $constant = $child['cast']; } elseif (isset($child['constant'])) { $childClass = self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC; $constant = $child['constant']; } if (isset($constant) && isset($temp['constant'])) { // Can only match if constants and class match. $maymatch = $constant == $temp['constant'] && $childClass == $tempClass; } else { // Can only match if no constant expected and type matches or is generic. $maymatch = !isset($child['constant']) && array_search($child['type'], [$temp['type'], self::TYPE_ANY, self::TYPE_CHOICE]) !== false; } } if ($maymatch) { // Attempt submapping. $candidate = self::asn1map($temp, $child, $special); $maymatch = $candidate !== null; } if (!$maymatch) { break; } // Got the match: use it. if (isset($special[$key])) { $candidate = call_user_func($special[$key], $candidate); } $map[$key] = $candidate; break; } } foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (!isset($map[$key])) { if (isset($child['default'])) { $map[$key] = $child['default']; } elseif (!isset($child['optional'])) { return null; } } } return $map; case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: return isset(self::$oids[$decoded['content']]) ? self::$oids[$decoded['content']] : $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_UTC_TIME: case self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME: // for explicitly tagged optional stuff if (is_array($decoded['content'])) { $decoded['content'] = $decoded['content'][0]['content']; } // for implicitly tagged optional stuff // in theory, doing isset($mapping['implicit']) would work but malformed certs do exist // in the wild that OpenSSL decodes without issue so we'll support them as well if (!is_object($decoded['content'])) { $decoded['content'] = self::decodeTime($decoded['content'], $decoded['type']); } return $decoded['content'] ? $decoded['content']->format(self::$format) : false; case self::TYPE_BIT_STRING: if (isset($mapping['mapping'])) { $offset = ord($decoded['content'][0]); $size = (strlen($decoded['content']) - 1) * 8 - $offset; /* From X.680-0207.pdf#page=46 (21.7): "When a "NamedBitList" is used in defining a bitstring type ASN.1 encoding rules are free to add (or remove) arbitrarily any trailing 0 bits to (or from) values that are being encoded or decoded. Application designers should therefore ensure that different semantics are not associated with such values which differ only in the number of trailing 0 bits." */ $bits = count($mapping['mapping']) == $size ? [] : array_fill(0, count($mapping['mapping']) - $size, false); for ($i = strlen($decoded['content']) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { $current = ord($decoded['content'][$i]); for ($j = $offset; $j < 8; $j++) { $bits[] = (bool) ($current & 1 << $j); } $offset = 0; } $values = []; $map = array_reverse($mapping['mapping']); foreach ($map as $i => $value) { if ($bits[$i]) { $values[] = $value; } } return $values; } case self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING: return $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_NULL: return ''; case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: return $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_IA5_STRING: case self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING: case self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING: case self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING: case self::TYPE_BMP_STRING: return $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_ENUMERATED: $temp = $decoded['content']; if (isset($mapping['implicit'])) { $temp = new BigInteger($decoded['content'], -256); } if (isset($mapping['mapping'])) { $temp = (int) $temp->toString(); return isset($mapping['mapping'][$temp]) ? $mapping['mapping'][$temp] : false; } return $temp; } } /** * DER-decode the length * * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4. See * {@link X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information. * * @access public * @param string $string * @return int */ public static function decodeLength(&$string) { $length = ord(Strings::shift($string)); if ($length & 0x80) { // definite length, long form $length &= 0x7f; $temp = Strings::shift($string, $length); list(, $length) = unpack('N', substr(str_pad($temp, 4, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -4)); } return $length; } /** * ASN.1 Encode * * DER-encodes an ASN.1 semantic mapping ($mapping). Some libraries would probably call this function * an ASN.1 compiler. * * "Special" mappings can be applied via $special. * * @param string $source * @param array $mapping * @param array $special * @return string * @access public */ public static function encodeDER($source, $mapping, $special = []) { self::$location = []; return self::encode_der($source, $mapping, null, $special); } /** * ASN.1 Encode (Helper function) * * @param string $source * @param array $mapping * @param int $idx * @param array $special * @return string * @access private */ private static function encode_der($source, $mapping, $idx = null, $special = []) { if ($source instanceof Element) { return $source->element; } // do not encode (implicitly optional) fields with value set to default if (isset($mapping['default']) && $source === $mapping['default']) { return ''; } if (isset($idx)) { if (isset($special[$idx])) { $source = call_user_func($special[$idx], $source); } self::$location[] = $idx; } $tag = $mapping['type']; switch ($tag) { case self::TYPE_SET: // Children order is not important, thus process in sequence. case self::TYPE_SEQUENCE: $tag |= 0x20; // set the constructed bit // ignore the min and max if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) { $value = []; $child = $mapping['children']; foreach ($source as $content) { $temp = self::encode_der($content, $child, null, $special); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $value[] = $temp; } /* "The encodings of the component values of a set-of value shall appear in ascending order, the encodings being compared as octet strings with the shorter components being padded at their trailing end with 0-octets. NOTE - The padding octets are for comparison purposes only and do not appear in the encodings." -- sec 11.6 of */ if ($mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_SET) { sort($value); } $value = implode('', $value); break; } $value = ''; foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $source)) { if (!isset($child['optional'])) { return false; } continue; } $temp = self::encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key, $special); if ($temp === false) { return false; } // An empty child encoding means it has been optimized out. // Else we should have at least one tag byte. if ($temp === '') { continue; } // if isset($child['constant']) is true then isset($child['optional']) should be true as well if (isset($child['constant'])) { /* From X.680-0207.pdf#page=58 (30.6): "The tagging construction specifies explicit tagging if any of the following holds: ... c) the "Tag Type" alternative is used and the value of "TagDefault" for the module is IMPLICIT TAGS or AUTOMATIC TAGS, but the type defined by "Type" is an untagged choice type, an untagged open type, or an untagged "DummyReference" (see ITU-T Rec. X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4, 8.3)." */ if (isset($child['explicit']) || $child['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $subtag = chr(self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6 | 0x20 | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . self::encodeLength(strlen($temp)) . $temp; } else { $subtag = chr(self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6 | ord($temp[0]) & 0x20 | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . substr($temp, 1); } } $value .= $temp; } break; case self::TYPE_CHOICE: $temp = false; foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (!isset($source[$key])) { continue; } $temp = self::encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key, $special); if ($temp === false) { return false; } // An empty child encoding means it has been optimized out. // Else we should have at least one tag byte. if ($temp === '') { continue; } $tag = ord($temp[0]); // if isset($child['constant']) is true then isset($child['optional']) should be true as well if (isset($child['constant'])) { if (isset($child['explicit']) || $child['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $subtag = chr(self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6 | 0x20 | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . self::encodeLength(strlen($temp)) . $temp; } else { $subtag = chr(self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6 | ord($temp[0]) & 0x20 | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . substr($temp, 1); } } } if (isset($idx)) { array_pop(self::$location); } if ($temp && isset($mapping['cast'])) { $temp[0] = chr($mapping['class'] << 6 | $tag & 0x20 | $mapping['cast']); } return $temp; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_ENUMERATED: if (!isset($mapping['mapping'])) { if (is_numeric($source)) { $source = new BigInteger($source); } $value = $source->toBytes(true); } else { $value = array_search($source, $mapping['mapping']); if ($value === false) { return false; } $value = new BigInteger($value); $value = $value->toBytes(true); } if (!strlen($value)) { $value = chr(0); } break; case self::TYPE_UTC_TIME: case self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME: $format = $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_UTC_TIME ? 'y' : 'Y'; $format .= 'mdHis'; $date = new DateTime($source, new DateTimeZone('GMT')); $value = $date->format($format) . 'Z'; break; case self::TYPE_BIT_STRING: if (isset($mapping['mapping'])) { $bits = array_fill(0, count($mapping['mapping']), 0); $size = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($mapping['mapping']); $i++) { if (in_array($mapping['mapping'][$i], $source)) { $bits[$i] = 1; $size = $i; } } if (isset($mapping['min']) && $mapping['min'] >= 1 && $size < $mapping['min']) { $size = $mapping['min'] - 1; } $offset = 8 - ($size + 1 & 7); $offset = $offset !== 8 ? $offset : 0; $value = chr($offset); for ($i = $size + 1; $i < count($mapping['mapping']); $i++) { unset($bits[$i]); } $bits = implode('', array_pad($bits, $size + $offset + 1, 0)); $bytes = explode(' ', rtrim(chunk_split($bits, 8, ' '))); foreach ($bytes as $byte) { $value .= chr(bindec($byte)); } break; } case self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING: /* The initial octet shall encode, as an unsigned binary integer with bit 1 as the least significant bit, the number of unused bits in the final subsequent octet. The number shall be in the range zero to seven. -- */ $value = $source; break; case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: $value = self::encodeOID($source); break; case self::TYPE_ANY: $loc = self::$location; if (isset($idx)) { array_pop(self::$location); } switch (true) { case !isset($source): return self::encode_der(null, ['type' => self::TYPE_NULL] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_int($source): case $source instanceof BigInteger: return self::encode_der($source, ['type' => self::TYPE_INTEGER] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_float($source): return self::encode_der($source, ['type' => self::TYPE_REAL] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_bool($source): return self::encode_der($source, ['type' => self::TYPE_BOOLEAN] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_array($source) && count($source) == 1: $typename = implode('', array_keys($source)); $outtype = array_search($typename, self::ANY_MAP, true); if ($outtype !== false) { return self::encode_der($source[$typename], ['type' => $outtype] + $mapping, null, $special); } } $filters = self::$filters; foreach ($loc as $part) { if (!isset($filters[$part])) { $filters = false; break; } $filters = $filters[$part]; } if ($filters === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('No filters defined for ' . implode('/', $loc)); } return self::encode_der($source, $filters + $mapping, null, $special); case self::TYPE_NULL: $value = ''; break; case self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING: case self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING: case self::TYPE_BMP_STRING: case self::TYPE_IA5_STRING: case self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING: $value = $source; break; case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: $value = $source ? "" : "\0"; break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('Mapping provides no type definition for ' . implode('/', self::$location)); } if (isset($idx)) { array_pop(self::$location); } if (isset($mapping['cast'])) { if (isset($mapping['explicit']) || $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $value = chr($tag) . self::encodeLength(strlen($value)) . $value; $tag = $mapping['class'] << 6 | 0x20 | $mapping['cast']; } else { $tag = $mapping['class'] << 6 | ord($temp[0]) & 0x20 | $mapping['cast']; } } return chr($tag) . self::encodeLength(strlen($value)) . $value; } /** * BER-decode the OID * * Called by _decode_ber() * * @access public * @param string $content * @return string */ public static function decodeOID($content) { static $eighty; if (!$eighty) { $eighty = new BigInteger(80); } $oid = array(); $pos = 0; $len = strlen($content); $n = new BigInteger(); while ($pos < $len) { $temp = ord($content[$pos++]); $n = $n->bitwise_leftShift(7); $n = $n->bitwise_or(new BigInteger($temp & 0x7f)); if (~$temp & 0x80) { $oid[] = $n; $n = new BigInteger(); } } $part1 = array_shift($oid); $first = floor(ord($content[0]) / 40); /* "This packing of the first two object identifier components recognizes that only three values are allocated from the root node, and at most 39 subsequent values from nodes reached by X = 0 and X = 1." -- */ if ($first <= 2) { // ie. 0 <= ord($content[0]) < 120 (0x78) array_unshift($oid, ord($content[0]) % 40); array_unshift($oid, $first); } else { array_unshift($oid, $part1->subtract($eighty)); array_unshift($oid, 2); } return implode('.', $oid); } /** * DER-encode the OID * * Called by _encode_der() * * @access public * @param string $content * @return string */ public static function encodeOID($source) { static $mask, $zero, $forty; if (!$mask) { $mask = new BigInteger(0x7f); $zero = new BigInteger(); $forty = new BigInteger(40); } if (!preg_match('#(?:\\d+\\.)+#', $source)) { $oid = isset(self::$reverseOIDs[$source]) ? self::$reverseOIDs[$source] : false; } else { $oid = $source; } if ($oid === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid OID'); } $parts = explode('.', $oid); $part1 = array_shift($parts); $part2 = array_shift($parts); $first = new BigInteger($part1); $first = $first->multiply($forty); $first = $first->add(new BigInteger($part2)); array_unshift($parts, $first->toString()); $value = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!$part) { $temp = "\0"; } else { $temp = ''; $part = new BigInteger($part); while (!$part->equals($zero)) { $submask = $part->bitwise_and($mask); $submask->setPrecision(8); $temp = (chr(0x80) | $submask->toBytes()) . $temp; $part = $part->bitwise_rightShift(7); } $temp[strlen($temp) - 1] = $temp[strlen($temp) - 1] & chr(0x7f); } $value .= $temp; } return $value; } /** * BER-decode the time * * Called by _decode_ber() and in the case of implicit tags asn1map(). * * @access private * @param string $content * @param int $tag * @return string */ private static function decodeTime($content, $tag) { /* UTCTime: GeneralizedTime: */ $format = 'YmdHis'; if ($tag == self::TYPE_UTC_TIME) { // says "the seconds // element shall always be present" but none-the-less I've seen X509 certs where it isn't and if the // browsers parse it phpseclib ought to too if (preg_match('#^(\\d{10})(Z|[+-]\\d{4})$#', $content, $matches)) { $content = $matches[1] . '00' . $matches[2]; } $prefix = substr($content, 0, 2) >= 50 ? '19' : '20'; $content = $prefix . $content; } elseif (strpos($content, '.') !== false) { $format .= '.u'; } if ($content[strlen($content) - 1] == 'Z') { $content = substr($content, 0, -1) . '+0000'; } if (strpos($content, '-') !== false || strpos($content, '+') !== false) { $format .= 'O'; } // error supression isn't necessary as of PHP 7.0: // return @DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $content); } /** * Set the time format * * Sets the time / date format for asn1map(). * * @access public * @param string $format */ public static function setTimeFormat($format) { self::$format = $format; } /** * Load OIDs * * Load the relevant OIDs for a particular ASN.1 semantic mapping. * Previously loaded OIDs are retained. * * @access public * @param array $oids */ public static function loadOIDs($oids) { self::$reverseOIDs += $oids; self::$oids = array_flip(self::$reverseOIDs); } /** * Set filters * * See \tgseclib\File\X509, etc, for an example. * Previously loaded filters are not retained. * * @access public * @param array $filters */ public static function setFilters($filters) { self::$filters = $filters; } /** * String type conversion * * This is a lazy conversion, dealing only with character size. * No real conversion table is used. * * @param string $in * @param int $from * @param int $to * @return string * @access public */ public static function convert($in, $from = self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING, $to = self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING) { // isset(self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE[$from] returns a fatal error on PHP 5.6 if (!array_key_exists($from, self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE) || !array_key_exists($to, self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { return false; } $insize = self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE[$from]; $outsize = self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE[$to]; $inlength = strlen($in); $out = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $inlength;) { if ($inlength - $i < $insize) { return false; } // Get an input character as a 32-bit value. $c = ord($in[$i++]); switch (true) { case $insize == 4: $c = $c << 8 | ord($in[$i++]); $c = $c << 8 | ord($in[$i++]); case $insize == 2: $c = $c << 8 | ord($in[$i++]); case $insize == 1: break; case ($c & 0x80) == 0x0: break; case ($c & 0x40) == 0x0: return false; default: $bit = 6; do { if ($bit > 25 || $i >= $inlength || (ord($in[$i]) & 0xc0) != 0x80) { return false; } $c = $c << 6 | ord($in[$i++]) & 0x3f; $bit += 5; $mask = 1 << $bit; } while ($c & $bit); $c &= $mask - 1; break; } // Convert and append the character to output string. $v = ''; switch (true) { case $outsize == 4: $v .= chr($c & 0xff); $c >>= 8; $v .= chr($c & 0xff); $c >>= 8; case $outsize == 2: $v .= chr($c & 0xff); $c >>= 8; case $outsize == 1: $v .= chr($c & 0xff); $c >>= 8; if ($c) { return false; } break; case ($c & 0x80000000) != 0: return false; case $c >= 0x4000000: $v .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); $c = $c >> 6 | 0x4000000; case $c >= 0x200000: $v .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); $c = $c >> 6 | 0x200000; case $c >= 0x10000: $v .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); $c = $c >> 6 | 0x10000; case $c >= 0x800: $v .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); $c = $c >> 6 | 0x800; case $c >= 0x80: $v .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); $c = $c >> 6 | 0xc0; default: $v .= chr($c); break; } $out .= strrev($v); } return $out; } /** * Extract raw BER from Base64 encoding * * @access private * @param string $str * @return string */ public static function extractBER($str) { /* X.509 certs are assumed to be base64 encoded but sometimes they'll have additional things in them * above and beyond the ceritificate. * ie. some may have the following preceding the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- line: * * Bag Attributes * localKeyID: 01 00 00 00 * subject=/O=organization/OU=org unit/CN=common name * issuer=/O=organization/CN=common name */ $temp = preg_replace('#.*?^-+[^-]+-+[\\r\\n ]*$#ms', '', $str, 1); // remove the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- stuff $temp = preg_replace('#-+[^-]+-+#', '', $temp); // remove new lines $temp = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' '], '', $temp); $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? Base64::decode($temp) : false; return $temp != false ? $temp : $str; } /** * DER-encode the length * * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4. See * {@link X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information. * * @access public * @param int $length * @return string */ public static function encodeLength($length) { if ($length <= 0x7f) { return chr($length); } $temp = ltrim(pack('N', $length), chr(0)); return pack('Ca*', 0x80 | strlen($temp), $temp); } /** * Returns the OID corresponding to a name * * What's returned in the associative array returned by loadX509() (or load*()) is either a name or an OID if * no OID to name mapping is available. The problem with this is that what may be an unmapped OID in one version * of phpseclib may not be unmapped in the next version, so apps that are looking at this OID may not be able * to work from version to version. * * This method will return the OID if a name is passed to it and if no mapping is avialable it'll assume that * what's being passed to it already is an OID and return that instead. A few examples. * * getOID('2.16.840.') == '2.16.840.' * getOID('id-sha256') == '2.16.840.' * getOID('zzz') == 'zzz' * * @access public * @param string $name * @return string */ public static function getOID($name) { return isset(self::$reverseOIDs[$name]) ? self::$reverseOIDs[$name] : $name; } } * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PublicKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; /** * Pure-PHP X.509 Parser * * @package X509 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class X509 { /** * Flag to only accept signatures signed by certificate authorities * * Not really used anymore but retained all the same to suppress E_NOTICEs from old installs * * @access public */ const VALIDATE_SIGNATURE_BY_CA = 1; /**#@+ * @access public * @see \tgseclib\File\X509::getDN() */ /** * Return internal array representation */ const DN_ARRAY = 0; /** * Return string */ const DN_STRING = 1; /** * Return ASN.1 name string */ const DN_ASN1 = 2; /** * Return OpenSSL compatible array */ const DN_OPENSSL = 3; /** * Return canonical ASN.1 RDNs string */ const DN_CANON = 4; /** * Return name hash for file indexing */ const DN_HASH = 5; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * @access public * @see \tgseclib\File\X509::saveX509() * @see \tgseclib\File\X509::saveCSR() * @see \tgseclib\File\X509::saveCRL() */ /** * Save as PEM * * ie. a base64-encoded PEM with a header and a footer */ const FORMAT_PEM = 0; /** * Save as DER */ const FORMAT_DER = 1; /** * Save as a SPKAC * * Only works on CSRs. Not currently supported. */ const FORMAT_SPKAC = 2; /** * Auto-detect the format * * Used only by the load*() functions */ const FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT = 3; /**#@-*/ /** * Attribute value disposition. * If disposition is >= 0, this is the index of the target value. */ const ATTR_ALL = -1; // All attribute values (array). const ATTR_APPEND = -2; // Add a value. const ATTR_REPLACE = -3; // Clear first, then add a value. /** * Distinguished Name * * @var array * @access private */ private $dn; /** * Public key * * @var string * @access private */ private $publicKey; /** * Private key * * @var string * @access private */ private $privateKey; /** * Object identifiers for X.509 certificates * * @var array * @access private * @link */ private $oids; /** * The certificate authorities * * @var array * @access private */ private $CAs; /** * The currently loaded certificate * * @var array * @access private */ private $currentCert; /** * The signature subject * * There's no guarantee \tgseclib\File\X509 is going to re-encode an X.509 cert in the same way it was originally * encoded so we take save the portion of the original cert that the signature would have made for. * * @var string * @access private */ private $signatureSubject; /** * Certificate Start Date * * @var string * @access private */ private $startDate; /** * Certificate End Date * * @var string * @access private */ private $endDate; /** * Serial Number * * @var string * @access private */ private $serialNumber; /** * Key Identifier * * See {@link RFC5280#section-} and * {@link RFC5280#section-}. * * @var string * @access private */ private $currentKeyIdentifier; /** * CA Flag * * @var bool * @access private */ private $caFlag = false; /** * SPKAC Challenge * * @var string * @access private */ private $challenge; /** * OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ private static $oidsLoaded = false; /** * Recursion Limit * * @var int * @access private */ private static $recur_limit = 5; /** * URL fetch flag * * @var bool * @access private */ private static $disable_url_fetch = false; /** * Default Constructor. * * @return \tgseclib\File\X509 * @access public */ public function __construct() { // Explicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax // if (!self::$oidsLoaded) { // OIDs from RFC5280 and those RFCs mentioned in RFC5280#section- ASN1::loadOIDs([ //'id-pkix' => '', //'id-pe' => '', //'id-qt' => '', //'id-kp' => '', //'id-ad' => '', 'id-qt-cps' => '', 'id-qt-unotice' => '', 'id-ad-ocsp' => '', 'id-ad-caIssuers' => '', 'id-ad-timeStamping' => '', 'id-ad-caRepository' => '', //'id-at' => '2.5.4', 'id-at-name' => '', 'id-at-surname' => '', 'id-at-givenName' => '', 'id-at-initials' => '', 'id-at-generationQualifier' => '', 'id-at-commonName' => '', 'id-at-localityName' => '', 'id-at-stateOrProvinceName' => '', 'id-at-organizationName' => '', 'id-at-organizationalUnitName' => '', 'id-at-title' => '', 'id-at-description' => '', 'id-at-dnQualifier' => '', 'id-at-countryName' => '', 'id-at-serialNumber' => '', 'id-at-pseudonym' => '', 'id-at-postalCode' => '', 'id-at-streetAddress' => '', 'id-at-uniqueIdentifier' => '', 'id-at-role' => '', 'id-at-postalAddress' => '', //'id-domainComponent' => '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25', //'pkcs-9' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9', 'pkcs-9-at-emailAddress' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.1', //'id-ce' => '2.5.29', 'id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier' => '', 'id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier' => '', 'id-ce-keyUsage' => '', 'id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod' => '', 'id-ce-certificatePolicies' => '', //'anyPolicy' => '', 'id-ce-policyMappings' => '', 'id-ce-subjectAltName' => '', 'id-ce-issuerAltName' => '', 'id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes' => '', 'id-ce-basicConstraints' => '', 'id-ce-nameConstraints' => '', 'id-ce-policyConstraints' => '', 'id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints' => '', 'id-ce-extKeyUsage' => '', //'anyExtendedKeyUsage' => '', 'id-kp-serverAuth' => '', 'id-kp-clientAuth' => '', 'id-kp-codeSigning' => '', 'id-kp-emailProtection' => '', 'id-kp-timeStamping' => '', 'id-kp-OCSPSigning' => '', 'id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy' => '', 'id-ce-freshestCRL' => '', 'id-pe-authorityInfoAccess' => '', 'id-pe-subjectInfoAccess' => '', 'id-ce-cRLNumber' => '', 'id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint' => '', 'id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator' => '', 'id-ce-cRLReasons' => '', 'id-ce-certificateIssuer' => '', 'id-ce-holdInstructionCode' => '', //'holdInstruction' => '1.2.840.10040.2', 'id-holdinstruction-none' => '1.2.840.10040.2.1', 'id-holdinstruction-callissuer' => '1.2.840.10040.2.2', 'id-holdinstruction-reject' => '1.2.840.10040.2.3', 'id-ce-invalidityDate' => '', 'rsaEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1', 'md2WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.2', 'md5WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.4', 'sha1WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.5', 'sha224WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.14', 'sha256WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.11', 'sha384WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.12', 'sha512WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.13', 'id-ecPublicKey' => '1.2.840.10045.2.1', 'ecdsa-with-SHA1' => '1.2.840.10045.4.1', // from 'ecdsa-with-SHA224' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.1', 'ecdsa-with-SHA256' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.2', 'ecdsa-with-SHA384' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.3', 'ecdsa-with-SHA512' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.4', 'id-dsa' => '1.2.840.10040.4.1', 'id-dsa-with-sha1' => '1.2.840.10040.4.3', // from 'id-dsa-with-sha224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-dsa-with-sha256' => '2.16.840.', // from 'id-Ed25519' => '', 'id-Ed448' => '', 'id-RSASSA-PSS' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.10', //'id-sha224' => '2.16.840.', //'id-sha256' => '2.16.840.', //'id-sha384' => '2.16.840.', //'id-sha512' => '2.16.840.', //'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94' => '1.2.643.2.2.4', //'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001' => '1.2.643.2.2.3', //'id-GostR3410-2001' => '1.2.643.2.2.20', //'id-GostR3410-94' => '1.2.643.2.2.19', // Netscape Object Identifiers from "Netscape Certificate Extensions" 'netscape' => '2.16.840.1.113730', 'netscape-cert-extension' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1', 'netscape-cert-type' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1.1', 'netscape-comment' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1.13', 'netscape-ca-policy-url' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1.8', // the following are X.509 extensions not supported by phpseclib 'id-pe-logotype' => '', 'entrustVersInfo' => '1.2.840.113533.7.65.0', 'verisignPrivate' => '2.16.840.1.113733.1.6.9', // for Certificate Signing Requests // see 'pkcs-9-at-unstructuredName' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.2', // PKCS #9 unstructured name 'pkcs-9-at-challengePassword' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.7', // Challenge password for certificate revocations 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.14', ]); } } /** * Load X.509 certificate * * Returns an associative array describing the X.509 cert or a false if the cert failed to load * * @param string $cert * @param int $mode * @access public * @return mixed */ public function loadX509($cert, $mode = self::FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT) { if (is_array($cert) && isset($cert['tbsCertificate'])) { unset($this->currentCert); unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); $this->dn = $cert['tbsCertificate']['subject']; if (!isset($this->dn)) { return false; } $this->currentCert = $cert; $currentKeyIdentifier = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier'); $this->currentKeyIdentifier = is_string($currentKeyIdentifier) ? $currentKeyIdentifier : null; unset($this->signatureSubject); return $cert; } if ($mode != self::FORMAT_DER) { $newcert = ASN1::extractBER($cert); if ($mode == self::FORMAT_PEM && $cert == $newcert) { return false; } $cert = $newcert; } if ($cert === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($cert); if (!empty($decoded)) { $x509 = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\Certificate::MAP); } if (!isset($x509) || $x509 === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->signatureSubject = substr($cert, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); if ($this->isSubArrayValid($x509, 'tbsCertificate/extensions')) { $this->mapInExtensions($x509, 'tbsCertificate/extensions'); } $this->mapInDNs($x509, 'tbsCertificate/issuer/rdnSequence'); $this->mapInDNs($x509, 'tbsCertificate/subject/rdnSequence'); $key = $x509['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $x509['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'] = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; $this->currentCert = $x509; $this->dn = $x509['tbsCertificate']['subject']; $currentKeyIdentifier = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier'); $this->currentKeyIdentifier = is_string($currentKeyIdentifier) ? $currentKeyIdentifier : null; return $x509; } /** * Save X.509 certificate * * @param array $cert * @param int $format optional * @access public * @return string */ public function saveX509($cert, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($cert) || !isset($cert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } switch (true) { // "case !$a: case !$b: break; default: whatever();" is the same thing as "if ($a && $b) whatever()" case !($algorithm = $this->subArray($cert, 'tbsCertificate/subjectPublicKeyInfo/algorithm/algorithm')): case is_object($cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): break; default: $cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo'] = new Element(base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\\r\\n]#', '', $cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey']))); } if ($algorithm == 'rsaEncryption') { $cert['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = null; $cert['tbsCertificate']['signature']['parameters'] = null; } $filters = []; $type_utf8_string = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; $filters['tbsCertificate']['signature']['parameters'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['signature']['issuer']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['issuer']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['subject']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['algorithm']['parameters'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['authorityCertIssuer']['directoryName']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; //$filters['policyQualifiers']['qualifier'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['distributionPoint']['fullName']['directoryName']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['directoryName']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; /* in the case of policyQualifiers/qualifier, the type has to be \tgseclib\File\ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING. \tgseclib\File\ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING will cause OpenSSL's X.509 parser to spit out random characters. */ $filters['policyQualifiers']['qualifier'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutExtensions($cert, 'tbsCertificate/extensions'); $this->mapOutDNs($cert, 'tbsCertificate/issuer/rdnSequence'); $this->mapOutDNs($cert, 'tbsCertificate/subject/rdnSequence'); $cert = ASN1::encodeDER($cert, Maps\Certificate::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $cert; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: return "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($cert), 64) . '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'; } } /** * Map extension values from octet string to extension-specific internal * format. * * @param &array $root * @param string $path * @access private */ private function mapInExtensions(&$root, $path) { $extensions =& $this->subArrayUnchecked($root, $path); if ($extensions) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($extensions); $i++) { $id = $extensions[$i]['extnId']; $value =& $extensions[$i]['extnValue']; $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($value); /* [extnValue] contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the extension type identified by extnID */ $map = $this->getMapping($id); if (!is_bool($map)) { $decoder = $id == 'id-ce-nameConstraints' ? [static::class, 'decodeNameConstraintIP'] : [static::class, 'decodeIP']; $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map, ['iPAddress' => $decoder]); $value = $mapped === false ? $decoded[0] : $mapped; if ($id == 'id-ce-certificatePolicies') { for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); $j++) { if (!isset($value[$j]['policyQualifiers'])) { continue; } for ($k = 0; $k < count($value[$j]['policyQualifiers']); $k++) { $subid = $value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['policyQualifierId']; $map = $this->getMapping($subid); $subvalue =& $value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['qualifier']; if ($map !== false) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($subvalue); $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); $subvalue = $mapped === false ? $decoded[0] : $mapped; } } } } } } } } /** * Map extension values from extension-specific internal format to * octet string. * * @param &array Ref $root * @param string $path * @access private */ private function mapOutExtensions(&$root, $path) { $extensions =& $this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($extensions)) { $size = count($extensions); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($extensions[$i] instanceof Element) { continue; } $id = $extensions[$i]['extnId']; $value =& $extensions[$i]['extnValue']; switch ($id) { case 'id-ce-certificatePolicies': for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); $j++) { if (!isset($value[$j]['policyQualifiers'])) { continue; } for ($k = 0; $k < count($value[$j]['policyQualifiers']); $k++) { $subid = $value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['policyQualifierId']; $map = $this->getMapping($subid); $subvalue =& $value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['qualifier']; if ($map !== false) { // by default \tgseclib\File\ASN1 will try to render qualifier as a \tgseclib\File\ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING since it's // actual type is \tgseclib\File\ASN1::TYPE_ANY $subvalue = new Element(ASN1::encodeDER($subvalue, $map)); } } } break; case 'id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier': // use 00 as the serial number instead of an empty string if (isset($value['authorityCertSerialNumber'])) { if ($value['authorityCertSerialNumber']->toBytes() == '') { $temp = chr(ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6 | 2) . "\1\0"; $value['authorityCertSerialNumber'] = new Element($temp); } } } /* [extnValue] contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the extension type identified by extnID */ $map = $this->getMapping($id); if (is_bool($map)) { if (!$map) { //user_error($id . ' is not a currently supported extension'); unset($extensions[$i]); } } else { $value = ASN1::encodeDER($value, $map, ['iPAddress' => [static::class, 'encodeIP']]); } } } } /** * Map attribute values from ANY type to attribute-specific internal * format. * * @param &array Ref $root * @param string $path * @access private */ private function mapInAttributes(&$root, $path) { $attributes =& $this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($attributes)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($attributes); $i++) { $id = $attributes[$i]['type']; /* $value contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the attribute type identified by type */ $map = $this->getMapping($id); if (is_array($attributes[$i]['value'])) { $values =& $attributes[$i]['value']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++) { $value = ASN1::encodeDER($values[$j], Maps\AttributeValue::MAP); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($value); if (!is_bool($map)) { $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); if ($mapped !== false) { $values[$j] = $mapped; } if ($id == 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest' && $this->isSubArrayValid($values, $j)) { $this->mapInExtensions($values, $j); } } elseif ($map) { $values[$j] = $value; } } } } } } /** * Map attribute values from attribute-specific internal format to * ANY type. * * @param &array $root Ref * @param string $path * @access private */ private function mapOutAttributes(&$root, $path) { $attributes =& $this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($attributes)) { $size = count($attributes); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { /* [value] contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the attribute type identified by type */ $id = $attributes[$i]['type']; $map = $this->getMapping($id); if ($map === false) { //user_error($id . ' is not a currently supported attribute', E_USER_NOTICE); unset($attributes[$i]); } elseif (is_array($attributes[$i]['value'])) { $values =& $attributes[$i]['value']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++) { switch ($id) { case 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest': $this->mapOutExtensions($values, $j); break; } if (!is_bool($map)) { $temp = ASN1::encodeDER($values[$j], $map); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($temp); $values[$j] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\AttributeValue::MAP); } } } } } } /** * Map DN values from ANY type to DN-specific internal * format. * * @param &array $root * @param string $path * @access private */ private function mapInDNs(&$root, $path) { $dns =& $this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($dns)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($dns); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($dns[$i]); $j++) { $type = $dns[$i][$j]['type']; $value =& $dns[$i][$j]['value']; if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof Element) { $map = $this->getMapping($type); if (!is_bool($map)) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($value); $value = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); } } } } } } /** * Map DN values from DN-specific internal format to * ANY type. * * @param &array $root * @param string $path * @access private */ private function mapOutDNs(&$root, $path) { $dns =& $this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($dns)) { $size = count($dns); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($dns[$i]); $j++) { $type = $dns[$i][$j]['type']; $value =& $dns[$i][$j]['value']; if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof Element) { continue; } $map = $this->getMapping($type); if (!is_bool($map)) { $value = new Element(ASN1::encodeDER($value, $map)); } } } } } /** * Associate an extension ID to an extension mapping * * @param string $extnId * @access private * @return mixed */ private function getMapping($extnId) { if (!is_string($extnId)) { // eg. if it's a \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element object return true; } switch ($extnId) { case 'id-ce-keyUsage': return Maps\KeyUsage::MAP; case 'id-ce-basicConstraints': return Maps\BasicConstraints::MAP; case 'id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier': return Maps\KeyIdentifier::MAP; case 'id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints': return Maps\CRLDistributionPoints::MAP; case 'id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier': return Maps\AuthorityKeyIdentifier::MAP; case 'id-ce-certificatePolicies': return Maps\CertificatePolicies::MAP; case 'id-ce-extKeyUsage': return Maps\ExtKeyUsageSyntax::MAP; case 'id-pe-authorityInfoAccess': return Maps\AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax::MAP; case 'id-ce-subjectAltName': return Maps\SubjectAltName::MAP; case 'id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes': return Maps\SubjectDirectoryAttributes::MAP; case 'id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod': return Maps\PrivateKeyUsagePeriod::MAP; case 'id-ce-issuerAltName': return Maps\IssuerAltName::MAP; case 'id-ce-policyMappings': return Maps\PolicyMappings::MAP; case 'id-ce-nameConstraints': return Maps\NameConstraints::MAP; case 'netscape-cert-type': return Maps\netscape_cert_type::MAP; case 'netscape-comment': return Maps\netscape_comment::MAP; case 'netscape-ca-policy-url': return Maps\netscape_ca_policy_url::MAP; // since id-qt-cps isn't a constructed type it will have already been decoded as a string by the time it gets // back around to asn1map() and we don't want it decoded again. //case 'id-qt-cps': // return Maps\CPSuri::MAP; case 'id-qt-unotice': return Maps\UserNotice::MAP; // the following OIDs are unsupported but we don't want them to give notices when calling saveX509(). case 'id-pe-logotype': // case 'entrustVersInfo': // case '': // szOID_ENROLL_CERTTYPE_EXTENSION case '': // szOID_CERTSRV_CA_VERSION // "SET Secure Electronic Transaction Specification" // case '': // id-set-hashedRootKey // "Certificate Transparency" // case '': // "Qualified Certificate statements" // case '': return true; // CSR attributes case 'pkcs-9-at-unstructuredName': return Maps\PKCS9String::MAP; case 'pkcs-9-at-challengePassword': return Maps\DirectoryString::MAP; case 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest': return Maps\Extensions::MAP; // CRL extensions. case 'id-ce-cRLNumber': return Maps\CRLNumber::MAP; case 'id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator': return Maps\CRLNumber::MAP; case 'id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint': return Maps\IssuingDistributionPoint::MAP; case 'id-ce-freshestCRL': return Maps\CRLDistributionPoints::MAP; case 'id-ce-cRLReasons': return Maps\CRLReason::MAP; case 'id-ce-invalidityDate': return Maps\InvalidityDate::MAP; case 'id-ce-certificateIssuer': return Maps\CertificateIssuer::MAP; case 'id-ce-holdInstructionCode': return Maps\HoldInstructionCode::MAP; case 'id-at-postalAddress': return Maps\PostalAddress::MAP; } return false; } /** * Load an X.509 certificate as a certificate authority * * @param string $cert * @access public * @return bool */ public function loadCA($cert) { $olddn = $this->dn; $oldcert = $this->currentCert; $oldsigsubj = $this->signatureSubject; $oldkeyid = $this->currentKeyIdentifier; $cert = $this->loadX509($cert); if (!$cert) { $this->dn = $olddn; $this->currentCert = $oldcert; $this->signatureSubject = $oldsigsubj; $this->currentKeyIdentifier = $oldkeyid; return false; } /* From RFC5280 "PKIX Certificate and CRL Profile": If the keyUsage extension is present, then the subject public key MUST NOT be used to verify signatures on certificates or CRLs unless the corresponding keyCertSign or cRLSign bit is set. */ //$keyUsage = $this->getExtension('id-ce-keyUsage'); //if ($keyUsage && !in_array('keyCertSign', $keyUsage)) { // return false; //} /* From RFC5280 "PKIX Certificate and CRL Profile": The cA boolean indicates whether the certified public key may be used to verify certificate signatures. If the cA boolean is not asserted, then the keyCertSign bit in the key usage extension MUST NOT be asserted. If the basic constraints extension is not present in a version 3 certificate, or the extension is present but the cA boolean is not asserted, then the certified public key MUST NOT be used to verify certificate signatures. */ //$basicConstraints = $this->getExtension('id-ce-basicConstraints'); //if (!$basicConstraints || !$basicConstraints['cA']) { // return false; //} $this->CAs[] = $cert; $this->dn = $olddn; $this->currentCert = $oldcert; $this->signatureSubject = $oldsigsubj; return true; } /** * Validate an X.509 certificate against a URL * * From RFC2818 "HTTP over TLS": * * Matching is performed using the matching rules specified by * [RFC2459]. If more than one identity of a given type is present in * the certificate (e.g., more than one dNSName name, a match in any one * of the set is considered acceptable.) Names may contain the wildcard * character * which is considered to match any single domain name * component or component fragment. E.g., * matches but * not f*.com matches but not * * @param string $url * @access public * @return bool */ public function validateURL($url) { if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } $components = parse_url($url); if (!isset($components['host'])) { return false; } if ($names = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName')) { foreach ($names as $name) { foreach ($name as $key => $value) { $value = str_replace(['.', '*'], ['\\.', '[^.]*'], $value); switch ($key) { case 'dNSName': /* From RFC2818 "HTTP over TLS": If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead. */ if (preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#', $components['host'])) { return true; } break; case 'iPAddress': /* From RFC2818 "HTTP over TLS": In some cases, the URI is specified as an IP address rather than a hostname. In this case, the iPAddress subjectAltName must be present in the certificate and must exactly match the IP in the URI. */ if (preg_match('#(?:\\d{1-3}\\.){4}#', $components['host'] . '.') && preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#', $components['host'])) { return true; } } } } return false; } if ($value = $this->getDNProp('id-at-commonName')) { $value = str_replace(['.', '*'], ['\\.', '[^.]*'], $value[0]); return preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#', $components['host']); } return false; } /** * Validate a date * * If $date isn't defined it is assumed to be the current date. * * @param \DateTime|string $date optional * @access public * @return boolean */ public function validateDate($date = null) { if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } if (!isset($date)) { $date = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $notBefore = $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notBefore']; $notBefore = isset($notBefore['generalTime']) ? $notBefore['generalTime'] : $notBefore['utcTime']; $notAfter = $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notAfter']; $notAfter = isset($notAfter['generalTime']) ? $notAfter['generalTime'] : $notAfter['utcTime']; if (is_string($date)) { $date = new DateTime($date, new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $notBefore = new DateTime($notBefore, new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $notAfter = new DateTime($notAfter, new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); switch (true) { case $date < $notBefore: case $date > $notAfter: return false; } return true; } /** * Fetches a URL * * @param string $url * @access private * @return bool|string */ private static function fetchURL($url) { if (self::$disable_url_fetch) { return false; } $parts = parse_url($url); $data = ''; switch ($parts['scheme']) { case 'http': $fsock = @fsockopen($parts['host'], isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : 80); if (!$fsock) { return false; } fputs($fsock, "GET {$parts['path']} HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs($fsock, "Host: {$parts['host']}\r\n\r\n"); $line = fgets($fsock, 1024); if (strlen($line) < 3) { return false; } preg_match('#HTTP/1.\\d (\\d{3})#', $line, $temp); if ($temp[1] != '200') { return false; } // skip the rest of the headers in the http response while (!feof($fsock) && fgets($fsock, 1024) != "\r\n") { } while (!feof($fsock)) { $data .= fread($fsock, 1024); } break; } return $data; } /** * Validates an intermediate cert as identified via authority info access extension * * See for more info * * @param bool $caonly * @param int $count * @access private * @return bool */ private function testForIntermediate($caonly, $count) { $opts = $this->getExtension('id-pe-authorityInfoAccess'); if (!is_array($opts)) { return false; } foreach ($opts as $opt) { if ($opt['accessMethod'] == 'id-ad-caIssuers') { // accessLocation is a GeneralName. GeneralName fields support stuff like email addresses, IP addresses, LDAP, // etc, but we're only supporting URI's. URI's and LDAP are the only thing // discusses if (isset($opt['accessLocation']['uniformResourceIdentifier'])) { $url = $opt['accessLocation']['uniformResourceIdentifier']; break; } } } if (!isset($url)) { return false; } $cert = static::fetchURL($url); if (!is_string($cert)) { return false; } $parent = new static(); $parent->CAs = $this->CAs; /* "Conforming applications that support HTTP or FTP for accessing certificates MUST be able to accept .cer files and SHOULD be able to accept .p7c files." -- A .p7c file is 'a "certs-only" CMS message as specified in RFC 2797" These are currently unsupported */ if (!is_array($parent->loadX509($cert))) { return false; } if (!$parent->validateSignatureCountable($caonly, ++$count)) { return false; } $this->CAs[] = $parent->currentCert; //$this->loadCA($cert); return true; } /** * Validate a signature * * Works on X.509 certs, CSR's and CRL's. * Returns true if the signature is verified, false if it is not correct or null on error * * By default returns false for self-signed certs. Call validateSignature(false) to make this support * self-signed. * * The behavior of this function is inspired by {@link openssl_verify}. * * @param bool $caonly optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function validateSignature($caonly = true) { return $this->validateSignatureCountable($caonly, 0); } /** * Validate a signature * * Performs said validation whilst keeping track of how many times validation method is called * * @param bool $caonly * @param int $count * @access private * @return mixed */ private function validateSignatureCountable($caonly, $count) { if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->signatureSubject)) { return null; } if ($count == self::$recur_limit) { return false; } /* TODO: "emailAddress attribute values are not case-sensitive (e.g., "" is the same as "SUBSCRIBER@EXAMPLE.COM")." -- implement pathLenConstraint in the id-ce-basicConstraints extension */ switch (true) { case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): // self-signed cert switch (true) { case !defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] === $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject']: case defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->getIssuerDN(self::DN_STRING) === $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING): $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier'); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case !$subjectKeyID: case isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: $signingCert = $this->currentCert; } } if (!empty($this->CAs)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->CAs); $i++) { // even if the cert is a self-signed one we still want to see if it's a CA; // if not, we'll conditionally return an error $ca = $this->CAs[$i]; switch (true) { case !defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] === $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']: case defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer']) === $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']): $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $ca); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case !$subjectKeyID: case isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: if (is_array($authorityKey) && isset($authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']) && !$authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']->equals($ca['tbsCertificate']['serialNumber'])) { break 2; // serial mismatch - check other ca } $signingCert = $ca; // working cert break 3; } } } if (count($this->CAs) == $i && $caonly) { return $this->testForIntermediate($caonly, $count) && $this->validateSignature($caonly); } } elseif (!isset($signingCert) || $caonly) { return $this->testForIntermediate($caonly, $count) && $this->validateSignature($caonly); } return $this->validateSignatureHelper($signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject); case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']): return $this->validateSignatureHelper($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject); case isset($this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']): return $this->validateSignatureHelper($this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject); case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']): if (!empty($this->CAs)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->CAs); $i++) { $ca = $this->CAs[$i]; switch (true) { case !defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'] === $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']: case defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer']) === $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']): $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $ca); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case !$subjectKeyID: case isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: if (is_array($authorityKey) && isset($authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']) && !$authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']->equals($ca['tbsCertificate']['serialNumber'])) { break 2; // serial mismatch - check other ca } $signingCert = $ca; // working cert break 3; } } } } if (!isset($signingCert)) { return false; } return $this->validateSignatureHelper($signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject); default: return false; } } /** * Validates a signature * * Returns true if the signature is verified and false if it is not correct. * If the algorithms are unsupposed an exception is thrown. * * @param string $publicKeyAlgorithm * @param string $publicKey * @param string $signatureAlgorithm * @param string $signature * @param string $signatureSubject * @access private * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException if the algorithm is unsupported * @return bool */ private function validateSignatureHelper($publicKeyAlgorithm, $publicKey, $signatureAlgorithm, $signature, $signatureSubject) { switch ($publicKeyAlgorithm) { case 'id-RSASSA-PSS': $key = RSA::loadFormat('PSS', $publicKey); break; case 'rsaEncryption': $key = RSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); switch ($signatureAlgorithm) { case 'md2WithRSAEncryption': case 'md5WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha1WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha224WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha256WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha384WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha512WithRSAEncryption': $key = $key->withHash(preg_replace('#WithRSAEncryption$#', '', $signatureAlgorithm))->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Signature algorithm unsupported'); } break; case 'id-Ed25519': case 'id-Ed448': $key = EC::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); break; case 'id-ecPublicKey': $key = EC::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); switch ($signatureAlgorithm) { case 'ecdsa-with-SHA1': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA224': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA256': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA384': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA512': $key = $key->withHash(preg_replace('#^ecdsa-with-#', '', strtolower($signatureAlgorithm))); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Signature algorithm unsupported'); } break; case 'id-dsa': $key = DSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); switch ($signatureAlgorithm) { case 'id-dsa-with-sha1': case 'id-dsa-with-sha224': case 'id-dsa-with-sha256': $key = $key->withHash(preg_replace('#^id-dsa-with-#', '', strtolower($signatureAlgorithm))); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Signature algorithm unsupported'); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Public key algorithm unsupported'); } return $key->verify($signatureSubject, $signature); } /** * Sets the recursion limit * * When validating a signature it may be necessary to download intermediate certs from URI's. * An intermediate cert that linked to itself would result in an infinite loop so to prevent * that we set a recursion limit. A negative number means that there is no recursion limit. * * @param int $count * @access public */ public static function setRecurLimit($count) { self::$recur_limit = $count; } /** * Prevents URIs from being automatically retrieved * * @access public */ public static function disableURLFetch() { self::$disable_url_fetch = true; } /** * Allows URIs to be automatically retrieved * * @access public */ public static function enableURLFetch() { self::$disable_url_fetch = false; } /** * Decodes an IP address * * Takes in a base64 encoded "blob" and returns a human readable IP address * * @param string $ip * @access private * @return string */ public static function decodeIP($ip) { return inet_ntop($ip); } /** * Decodes an IP address in a name constraints extension * * Takes in a base64 encoded "blob" and returns a human readable IP address / mask * * @param string $ip * @access private * @return array */ public static function decodeNameConstraintIP($ip) { $size = strlen($ip) >> 1; $mask = substr($ip, $size); $ip = substr($ip, 0, $size); return [inet_ntop($ip), inet_ntop($mask)]; } /** * Encodes an IP address * * Takes a human readable IP address into a base64-encoded "blob" * * @param string|array $ip * @access private * @return string */ public static function encodeIP($ip) { return is_string($ip) ? inet_pton($ip) : inet_pton($ip[0]) . inet_pton($ip[1]); } /** * "Normalizes" a Distinguished Name property * * @param string $propName * @access private * @return mixed */ private function translateDNProp($propName) { switch (strtolower($propName)) { case 'id-at-countryname': case 'countryname': case 'c': return 'id-at-countryName'; case 'id-at-organizationname': case 'organizationname': case 'o': return 'id-at-organizationName'; case 'id-at-dnqualifier': case 'dnqualifier': return 'id-at-dnQualifier'; case 'id-at-commonname': case 'commonname': case 'cn': return 'id-at-commonName'; case 'id-at-stateorprovincename': case 'stateorprovincename': case 'state': case 'province': case 'provincename': case 'st': return 'id-at-stateOrProvinceName'; case 'id-at-localityname': case 'localityname': case 'l': return 'id-at-localityName'; case 'id-emailaddress': case 'emailaddress': return 'pkcs-9-at-emailAddress'; case 'id-at-serialnumber': case 'serialnumber': return 'id-at-serialNumber'; case 'id-at-postalcode': case 'postalcode': return 'id-at-postalCode'; case 'id-at-streetaddress': case 'streetaddress': return 'id-at-streetAddress'; case 'id-at-name': case 'name': return 'id-at-name'; case 'id-at-givenname': case 'givenname': return 'id-at-givenName'; case 'id-at-surname': case 'surname': case 'sn': return 'id-at-surname'; case 'id-at-initials': case 'initials': return 'id-at-initials'; case 'id-at-generationqualifier': case 'generationqualifier': return 'id-at-generationQualifier'; case 'id-at-organizationalunitname': case 'organizationalunitname': case 'ou': return 'id-at-organizationalUnitName'; case 'id-at-pseudonym': case 'pseudonym': return 'id-at-pseudonym'; case 'id-at-title': case 'title': return 'id-at-title'; case 'id-at-description': case 'description': return 'id-at-description'; case 'id-at-role': case 'role': return 'id-at-role'; case 'id-at-uniqueidentifier': case 'uniqueidentifier': case 'x500uniqueidentifier': return 'id-at-uniqueIdentifier'; case 'postaladdress': case 'id-at-postaladdress': return 'id-at-postalAddress'; default: return false; } } /** * Set a Distinguished Name property * * @param string $propName * @param mixed $propValue * @param string $type optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function setDNProp($propName, $propValue, $type = 'utf8String') { if (empty($this->dn)) { $this->dn = ['rdnSequence' => []]; } if (($propName = $this->translateDNProp($propName)) === false) { return false; } foreach ((array) $propValue as $v) { if (!is_array($v) && isset($type)) { $v = [$type => $v]; } $this->dn['rdnSequence'][] = [['type' => $propName, 'value' => $v]]; } return true; } /** * Remove Distinguished Name properties * * @param string $propName * @access public */ public function removeDNProp($propName) { if (empty($this->dn)) { return; } if (($propName = $this->translateDNProp($propName)) === false) { return; } $dn =& $this->dn['rdnSequence']; $size = count($dn); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($dn[$i][0]['type'] == $propName) { unset($dn[$i]); } } $dn = array_values($dn); // fix for affecting PHP 7.2 if (!isset($dn[0])) { $dn = array_splice($dn, 0, 0); } } /** * Get Distinguished Name properties * * @param string $propName * @param array $dn optional * @param bool $withType optional * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getDNProp($propName, $dn = null, $withType = false) { if (!isset($dn)) { $dn = $this->dn; } if (empty($dn)) { return false; } if (($propName = $this->translateDNProp($propName)) === false) { return false; } $filters = []; $filters['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); $dn = $dn['rdnSequence']; $result = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dn); $i++) { if ($dn[$i][0]['type'] == $propName) { $v = $dn[$i][0]['value']; if (!$withType) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $type => $s) { $type = array_search($type, ASN1::ANY_MAP); if ($type !== false && array_key_exists($type, ASN1::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { $s = ASN1::convert($s, $type); if ($s !== false) { $v = $s; break; } } } if (is_array($v)) { $v = array_pop($v); // Always strip data type. } } elseif (is_object($v) && $v instanceof Element) { $map = $this->getMapping($propName); if (!is_bool($map)) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($v); $v = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); } } } $result[] = $v; } } return $result; } /** * Set a Distinguished Name * * @param mixed $dn * @param bool $merge optional * @param string $type optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function setDN($dn, $merge = false, $type = 'utf8String') { if (!$merge) { $this->dn = null; } if (is_array($dn)) { if (isset($dn['rdnSequence'])) { $this->dn = $dn; // No merge here. return true; } // handles stuff generated by openssl_x509_parse() foreach ($dn as $prop => $value) { if (!$this->setDNProp($prop, $value, $type)) { return false; } } return true; } // handles everything else $results = preg_split('#((?:^|, *|/)(?:C=|O=|OU=|CN=|L=|ST=|SN=|postalCode=|streetAddress=|emailAddress=|serialNumber=|organizationalUnitName=|title=|description=|role=|x500UniqueIdentifier=|postalAddress=))#', $dn, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i = 1; $i < count($results); $i += 2) { $prop = trim($results[$i], ', =/'); $value = $results[$i + 1]; if (!$this->setDNProp($prop, $value, $type)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get the Distinguished Name for a certificates subject * * @param mixed $format optional * @param array $dn optional * @access public * @return array|bool */ public function getDN($format = self::DN_ARRAY, $dn = null) { if (!isset($dn)) { $dn = isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']) ? $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'] : $this->dn; } switch ((int) $format) { case self::DN_ARRAY: return $dn; case self::DN_ASN1: $filters = []; $filters['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); return ASN1::encodeDER($dn, Maps\Name::MAP); case self::DN_CANON: // No SEQUENCE around RDNs and all string values normalized as // trimmed lowercase UTF-8 with all spacing as one blank. // constructed RDNs will not be canonicalized $filters = []; $filters['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $result = ''; $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); foreach ($dn['rdnSequence'] as $rdn) { foreach ($rdn as $i => $attr) { $attr =& $rdn[$i]; if (is_array($attr['value'])) { foreach ($attr['value'] as $type => $v) { $type = array_search($type, ASN1::ANY_MAP, true); if ($type !== false && array_key_exists($type, ASN1::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { $v = ASN1::convert($v, $type); if ($v !== false) { $v = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $v); $attr['value'] = strtolower(trim($v)); break; } } } } } $result .= ASN1::encodeDER($rdn, Maps\RelativeDistinguishedName::MAP); } return $result; case self::DN_HASH: $dn = $this->getDN(self::DN_CANON, $dn); $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash = $hash->hash($dn); extract(unpack('Vhash', $hash)); return strtolower(Hex::encode(pack('N', $hash))); } // Default is to return a string. $start = true; $output = ''; $result = []; $filters = []; $filters['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); foreach ($dn['rdnSequence'] as $field) { $prop = $field[0]['type']; $value = $field[0]['value']; $delim = ', '; switch ($prop) { case 'id-at-countryName': $desc = 'C'; break; case 'id-at-stateOrProvinceName': $desc = 'ST'; break; case 'id-at-organizationName': $desc = 'O'; break; case 'id-at-organizationalUnitName': $desc = 'OU'; break; case 'id-at-commonName': $desc = 'CN'; break; case 'id-at-localityName': $desc = 'L'; break; case 'id-at-surname': $desc = 'SN'; break; case 'id-at-uniqueIdentifier': $delim = '/'; $desc = 'x500UniqueIdentifier'; break; case 'id-at-postalAddress': $delim = '/'; $desc = 'postalAddress'; break; default: $delim = '/'; $desc = preg_replace('#.+-([^-]+)$#', '$1', $prop); } if (!$start) { $output .= $delim; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $type => $v) { $type = array_search($type, ASN1::ANY_MAP, true); if ($type !== false && array_key_exists($type, ASN1::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { $v = ASN1::convert($v, $type); if ($v !== false) { $value = $v; break; } } } if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_pop($value); // Always strip data type. } } elseif (is_object($value) && $value instanceof Element) { $callback = function ($x) { return '\\x' . bin2hex($x[0]); }; $value = strtoupper(preg_replace_callback('#[^\\x20-\\x7E]#', $callback, $value->element)); } $output .= $desc . '=' . $value; $result[$desc] = isset($result[$desc]) ? array_merge((array) $result[$desc], [$value]) : $value; $start = false; } return $format == self::DN_OPENSSL ? $result : $output; } /** * Get the Distinguished Name for a certificate/crl issuer * * @param int $format optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getIssuerDN($format = self::DN_ARRAY) { switch (true) { case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer']); case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer']); } return false; } /** * Get the Distinguished Name for a certificate/csr subject * Alias of getDN() * * @param int $format optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getSubjectDN($format = self::DN_ARRAY) { switch (true) { case !empty($this->dn): return $this->getDN($format); case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject']); case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']); } return false; } /** * Get an individual Distinguished Name property for a certificate/crl issuer * * @param string $propName * @param bool $withType optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getIssuerDNProp($propName, $withType = false) { switch (true) { case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'], $withType); case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'], $withType); } return false; } /** * Get an individual Distinguished Name property for a certificate/csr subject * * @param string $propName * @param bool $withType optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getSubjectDNProp($propName, $withType = false) { switch (true) { case !empty($this->dn): return $this->getDNProp($propName, null, $withType); case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject'], $withType); case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject'], $withType); } return false; } /** * Get the certificate chain for the current cert * * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getChain() { $chain = [$this->currentCert]; if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } if (empty($this->CAs)) { return $chain; } while (true) { $currentCert = $chain[count($chain) - 1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->CAs); $i++) { $ca = $this->CAs[$i]; if ($currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] === $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']) { $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', $currentCert); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $ca); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case is_array($authorityKey) && isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: if ($currentCert === $ca) { break 3; } $chain[] = $ca; break 2; } } } if ($i == count($this->CAs)) { break; } } foreach ($chain as $key => $value) { $chain[$key] = new X509(); $chain[$key]->loadX509($value); } return $chain; } /** * Set public key * * Key needs to be a \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA object * * @param object $key * @access public * @return bool */ public function setPublicKey(PublicKey $key) { $this->publicKey = $key; } /** * Set private key * * Key needs to be a \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA object * * @param object $key * @access public */ public function setPrivateKey(PrivateKey $key) { $this->privateKey = $key; } /** * Set challenge * * Used for SPKAC CSR's * * @param string $challenge * @access public */ public function setChallenge($challenge) { $this->challenge = $challenge; } /** * Gets the public key * * Returns a \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA object or a false. * * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { if (isset($this->publicKey)) { return $this->publicKey; } if (isset($this->currentCert) && is_array($this->currentCert)) { foreach (['tbsCertificate/subjectPublicKeyInfo', 'certificationRequestInfo/subjectPKInfo'] as $path) { $keyinfo = $this->subArray($this->currentCert, $path); if (!empty($keyinfo)) { break; } } } if (empty($keyinfo)) { return false; } $key = $keyinfo['subjectPublicKey']; switch ($keyinfo['algorithm']['algorithm']) { case 'rsaEncryption': return RSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); case 'id-ecPublicKey': case 'id-Ed25519': case 'id-Ed448': return EC::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); case 'id-dsa': return DSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); } return false; } /** * Load a Certificate Signing Request * * @param string $csr * @param int $mode * @return mixed * @access public */ public function loadCSR($csr, $mode = self::FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT) { if (is_array($csr) && isset($csr['certificationRequestInfo'])) { unset($this->currentCert); unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); unset($this->signatureSubject); $this->dn = $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']; if (!isset($this->dn)) { return false; } $this->currentCert = $csr; return $csr; } // see if ($mode != self::FORMAT_DER) { $newcsr = ASN1::extractBER($csr); if ($mode == self::FORMAT_PEM && $csr == $newcsr) { return false; } $csr = $newcsr; } $orig = $csr; if ($csr === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($csr); if (empty($decoded)) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $csr = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\CertificationRequest::MAP); if (!isset($csr) || $csr === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->mapInAttributes($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); $this->mapInDNs($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/subject/rdnSequence'); $this->dn = $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']; $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); $key = $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'] = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; $this->publicKey = null; $this->publicKey = $this->getPublicKey(); $this->currentKeyIdentifier = null; $this->currentCert = $csr; return $csr; } /** * Save CSR request * * @param array $csr * @param int $format optional * @access public * @return string */ public function saveCSR($csr, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($csr) || !isset($csr['certificationRequestInfo'])) { return false; } switch (true) { case !($algorithm = $this->subArray($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/subjectPKInfo/algorithm/algorithm')): case is_object($csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): break; default: $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo'] = new Element(base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\\r\\n]#', '', $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey']))); } $filters = []; $filters['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/subject/rdnSequence'); $this->mapOutAttributes($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); $csr = ASN1::encodeDER($csr, Maps\CertificationRequest::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $csr; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: return "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($csr), 64) . '-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----'; } } /** * Load a SPKAC CSR * * SPKAC's are produced by the HTML5 keygen element: * * * * @param string $spkac * @access public * @return mixed */ public function loadSPKAC($spkac) { if (is_array($spkac) && isset($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) { unset($this->currentCert); unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); unset($this->signatureSubject); $this->currentCert = $spkac; return $spkac; } // see // OpenSSL produces SPKAC's that are preceded by the string SPKAC= $temp = preg_replace('#(?:SPKAC=)|[ \\r\\n\\\\]#', '', $spkac); $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? Base64::decode($temp) : false; if ($temp != false) { $spkac = $temp; } $orig = $spkac; if ($spkac === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($spkac); if (empty($decoded)) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $spkac = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge::MAP); if (!isset($spkac) || $spkac === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); $key = $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'] = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; $this->publicKey = null; $this->publicKey = $this->getPublicKey(); $this->currentKeyIdentifier = null; $this->currentCert = $spkac; return $spkac; } /** * Save a SPKAC CSR request * * @param array $spkac * @param int $format optional * @access public * @return string */ public function saveSPKAC($spkac, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($spkac) || !isset($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) { return false; } $algorithm = $this->subArray($spkac, 'publicKeyAndChallenge/spki/algorithm/algorithm'); switch (true) { case !$algorithm: case is_object($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey']): break; default: $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki'] = new Element(base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\\r\\n]#', '', $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey']))); } $spkac = ASN1::encodeDER($spkac, Maps\SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $spkac; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: // OpenSSL's implementation of SPKAC requires the SPKAC be preceded by SPKAC= and since there are pretty much // no other SPKAC decoders phpseclib will use that same format return 'SPKAC=' . Base64::encode($spkac); } } /** * Load a Certificate Revocation List * * @param string $crl * @param int $mode * @return mixed * @access public */ public function loadCRL($crl, $mode = self::FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT) { if (is_array($crl) && isset($crl['tbsCertList'])) { $this->currentCert = $crl; unset($this->signatureSubject); return $crl; } if ($mode != self::FORMAT_DER) { $newcrl = ASN1::extractBER($crl); if ($mode == self::FORMAT_PEM && $crl == $newcrl) { return false; } $crl = $newcrl; } $orig = $crl; if ($crl === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($crl); if (empty($decoded)) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $crl = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\CertificateList::MAP); if (!isset($crl) || $crl === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); $this->mapInDNs($crl, 'tbsCertList/issuer/rdnSequence'); if ($this->isSubArrayValid($crl, 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions')) { $this->mapInExtensions($crl, 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions'); } if ($this->isSubArrayValid($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates')) { $rclist_ref =& $this->subArrayUnchecked($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'); if ($rclist_ref) { $rclist = $crl['tbsCertList']['revokedCertificates']; foreach ($rclist as $i => $extension) { if ($this->isSubArrayValid($rclist, "{$i}/crlEntryExtensions")) { $this->mapInExtensions($rclist_ref, "{$i}/crlEntryExtensions"); } } } } $this->currentKeyIdentifier = null; $this->currentCert = $crl; return $crl; } /** * Save Certificate Revocation List. * * @param array $crl * @param int $format optional * @access public * @return string */ public function saveCRL($crl, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($crl) || !isset($crl['tbsCertList'])) { return false; } $filters = []; $filters['tbsCertList']['issuer']['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; $filters['tbsCertList']['signature']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; $filters['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; if (empty($crl['tbsCertList']['signature']['parameters'])) { $filters['tbsCertList']['signature']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NULL]; } if (empty($crl['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'])) { $filters['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NULL]; } ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($crl, 'tbsCertList/issuer/rdnSequence'); $this->mapOutExtensions($crl, 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions'); $rclist =& $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'); if (is_array($rclist)) { foreach ($rclist as $i => $extension) { $this->mapOutExtensions($rclist, "{$i}/crlEntryExtensions"); } } $crl = ASN1::encodeDER($crl, Maps\CertificateList::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $crl; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: return "-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($crl), 64) . '-----END X509 CRL-----'; } } /** * Helper function to build a time field according to RFC 3280 section * - Validity * - This Update * - Next Update * - Revoked Certificates * by choosing utcTime iff year of date given is before 2050 and generalTime else. * * @param string $date in format date('D, d M Y H:i:s O') * @access private * @return array|Element */ private function timeField($date) { if ($date instanceof Element) { return $date; } $dateObj = new DateTime($date, new DateTimeZone('GMT')); $year = $dateObj->format('Y'); // the same way ASN1.php parses this if ($year < 2050) { return ['utcTime' => $date]; } else { return ['generalTime' => $date]; } } /** * Sign an X.509 certificate * * $issuer's private key needs to be loaded. * $subject can be either an existing X.509 cert (if you want to resign it), * a CSR or something with the DN and public key explicitly set. * * @param \tgseclib\File\X509 $issuer * @param \tgseclib\File\X509 $subject * @param string $signatureAlgorithm optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function sign($issuer, $subject) { if (!is_object($issuer->privateKey) || empty($issuer->dn)) { return false; } if (isset($subject->publicKey) && !($subjectPublicKey = $subject->formatSubjectPublicKey())) { return false; } $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($issuer->privateKey); if (isset($subject->currentCert) && is_array($subject->currentCert) && isset($subject->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { $this->currentCert = $subject->currentCert; $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['signature']['algorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; if (!empty($this->startDate)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notBefore'] = $this->timeField($this->startDate); } if (!empty($this->endDate)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notAfter'] = $this->timeField($this->endDate); } if (!empty($this->serialNumber)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['serialNumber'] = $this->serialNumber; } if (!empty($subject->dn)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject'] = $subject->dn; } if (!empty($subject->publicKey)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo'] = $subjectPublicKey; } $this->removeExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); if (isset($subject->domains)) { $this->removeExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName'); } } elseif (isset($subject->currentCert) && is_array($subject->currentCert) && isset($subject->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { return false; } else { if (!isset($subject->publicKey)) { return false; } $startDate = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $startDate = !empty($this->startDate) ? $this->startDate : $startDate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); $endDate = new DateTime('+1 year', new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $endDate = !empty($this->endDate) ? $this->endDate : $endDate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); /* "The serial number MUST be a positive integer" "Conforming CAs MUST NOT use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets." -- for the integer to be positive the leading bit needs to be 0 hence the application of a bitmap */ $serialNumber = !empty($this->serialNumber) ? $this->serialNumber : new BigInteger(Random::string(20) & "" . str_repeat("", 19), 256); $this->currentCert = ['tbsCertificate' => [ 'version' => 'v3', 'serialNumber' => $serialNumber, // $this->setSerialNumber() 'signature' => ['algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm], 'issuer' => false, // this is going to be overwritten later 'validity' => [ 'notBefore' => $this->timeField($startDate), // $this->setStartDate() 'notAfter' => $this->timeField($endDate), ], 'subject' => $subject->dn, 'subjectPublicKeyInfo' => $subjectPublicKey, ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm], 'signature' => false]; // Copy extensions from CSR. $csrexts = $subject->getAttribute('pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest', 0); if (!empty($csrexts)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['extensions'] = $csrexts; } } $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] = $issuer->dn; if (isset($issuer->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', [ //'authorityCertIssuer' => array( // array( // 'directoryName' => $issuer->dn // ) //), 'keyIdentifier' => $issuer->currentKeyIdentifier, ]); //$extensions = &$this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['extensions']; //if (isset($issuer->serialNumber)) { // $extensions[count($extensions) - 1]['authorityCertSerialNumber'] = $issuer->serialNumber; //} //unset($extensions); } if (isset($subject->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $subject->currentKeyIdentifier); } $altName = []; if (isset($subject->domains) && count($subject->domains)) { $altName = array_map(['\\tgseclib\\File\\X509', 'dnsName'], $subject->domains); } if (isset($subject->ipAddresses) && count($subject->ipAddresses)) { // should an IP address appear as the CN if no domain name is specified? idk //$ips = count($subject->domains) ? $subject->ipAddresses : array_slice($subject->ipAddresses, 1); $ipAddresses = []; foreach ($subject->ipAddresses as $ipAddress) { $encoded = $subject->ipAddress($ipAddress); if ($encoded !== false) { $ipAddresses[] = $encoded; } } if (count($ipAddresses)) { $altName = array_merge($altName, $ipAddresses); } } if (!empty($altName)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName', $altName); } if ($this->caFlag) { $keyUsage = $this->getExtension('id-ce-keyUsage'); if (!$keyUsage) { $keyUsage = []; } $this->setExtension('id-ce-keyUsage', array_values(array_unique(array_merge($keyUsage, ['cRLSign', 'keyCertSign'])))); $basicConstraints = $this->getExtension('id-ce-basicConstraints'); if (!$basicConstraints) { $basicConstraints = []; } $this->setExtension('id-ce-basicConstraints', array_unique(array_merge(['cA' => true], $basicConstraints)), true); if (!isset($subject->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $this->computeKeyIdentifier($this->currentCert), false, false); } } // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $tbsCertificate in case there are any \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $tbsCertificate = $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']; $this->loadX509($this->saveX509($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $issuer->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['tbsCertificate'] = $tbsCertificate; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Sign a CSR * * @access public * @param string $signatureAlgorithm * @return mixed */ public function signCSR() { if (!is_object($this->privateKey) || empty($this->dn)) { return false; } $origPublicKey = $this->publicKey; $this->publicKey = $this->privateKey->getPublicKey(); $publicKey = $this->formatSubjectPublicKey(); $this->publicKey = $origPublicKey; $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($this->privateKey); if (isset($this->currentCert) && is_array($this->currentCert) && isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo'])) { $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; if (!empty($this->dn)) { $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject'] = $this->dn; } $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo'] = $publicKey; } else { $this->currentCert = ['certificationRequestInfo' => ['version' => 'v1', 'subject' => $this->dn, 'subjectPKInfo' => $publicKey], 'signatureAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm], 'signature' => false]; } // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $certificationRequestInfo in case there are any \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $certificationRequestInfo = $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']; $this->loadCSR($this->saveCSR($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $this->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['certificationRequestInfo'] = $certificationRequestInfo; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Sign a SPKAC * * @access public * @param string $signatureAlgorithm * @return mixed */ public function signSPKAC() { if (!is_object($this->privateKey)) { return false; } $origPublicKey = $this->publicKey; $this->publicKey = $this->privateKey->getPublicKey(); $publicKey = $this->formatSubjectPublicKey(); $this->publicKey = $origPublicKey; $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($this->privateKey); // re-signing a SPKAC seems silly but since everything else supports re-signing why not? if (isset($this->currentCert) && is_array($this->currentCert) && isset($this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) { $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki'] = $publicKey; if (!empty($this->challenge)) { // the bitwise AND ensures that the output is a valid IA5String $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['challenge'] = $this->challenge & str_repeat("", strlen($this->challenge)); } } else { $this->currentCert = ['publicKeyAndChallenge' => [ 'spki' => $publicKey, // quoting , // "A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Defaults to an empty string if not specified." // both Firefox and OpenSSL ("openssl spkac -key private.key") behave this way // we could alternatively do this instead if we ignored the specs: // Random::string(8) & str_repeat("\x7F", 8) 'challenge' => !empty($this->challenge) ? $this->challenge : '', ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm], 'signature' => false]; } // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $publicKeyAndChallenge in case there are any \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $publicKeyAndChallenge = $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']; $this->loadSPKAC($this->saveSPKAC($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $this->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['publicKeyAndChallenge'] = $publicKeyAndChallenge; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Sign a CRL * * $issuer's private key needs to be loaded. * * @param \tgseclib\File\X509 $issuer * @param \tgseclib\File\X509 $crl * @param string $signatureAlgorithm optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function signCRL($issuer, $crl) { if (!is_object($issuer->privateKey) || empty($issuer->dn)) { return false; } $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($issuer->privateKey); $thisUpdate = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $thisUpdate = !empty($this->startDate) ? $this->startDate : $thisUpdate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); if (isset($crl->currentCert) && is_array($crl->currentCert) && isset($crl->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { $this->currentCert = $crl->currentCert; $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['signature']['algorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; } else { $this->currentCert = ['tbsCertList' => [ 'version' => 'v2', 'signature' => ['algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm], 'issuer' => false, // this is going to be overwritten later 'thisUpdate' => $this->timeField($thisUpdate), ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm], 'signature' => false]; } $tbsCertList =& $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']; $tbsCertList['issuer'] = $issuer->dn; $tbsCertList['thisUpdate'] = $this->timeField($thisUpdate); if (!empty($this->endDate)) { $tbsCertList['nextUpdate'] = $this->timeField($this->endDate); // $this->setEndDate() } else { unset($tbsCertList['nextUpdate']); } if (!empty($this->serialNumber)) { $crlNumber = $this->serialNumber; } else { $crlNumber = $this->getExtension('id-ce-cRLNumber'); // "The CRL number is a non-critical CRL extension that conveys a // monotonically increasing sequence number for a given CRL scope and // CRL issuer. This extension allows users to easily determine when a // particular CRL supersedes another CRL." // -- $crlNumber = $crlNumber !== false ? $crlNumber->add(new BigInteger(1)) : null; } $this->removeExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $this->removeExtension('id-ce-issuerAltName'); // Be sure version >= v2 if some extension found. $version = isset($tbsCertList['version']) ? $tbsCertList['version'] : 0; if (!$version) { if (!empty($tbsCertList['crlExtensions'])) { $version = 1; // v2. } elseif (!empty($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates'])) { foreach ($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates'] as $cert) { if (!empty($cert['crlEntryExtensions'])) { $version = 1; // v2. } } } if ($version) { $tbsCertList['version'] = $version; } } // Store additional extensions. if (!empty($tbsCertList['version'])) { // At least v2. if (!empty($crlNumber)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-cRLNumber', $crlNumber); } if (isset($issuer->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', [ //'authorityCertIssuer' => array( // ] // 'directoryName' => $issuer->dn // ] //), 'keyIdentifier' => $issuer->currentKeyIdentifier, ]); //$extensions = &$tbsCertList['crlExtensions']; //if (isset($issuer->serialNumber)) { // $extensions[count($extensions) - 1]['authorityCertSerialNumber'] = $issuer->serialNumber; //} //unset($extensions); } $issuerAltName = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName', $issuer->currentCert); if ($issuerAltName !== false) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-issuerAltName', $issuerAltName); } } if (empty($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates'])) { unset($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates']); } unset($tbsCertList); // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $tbsCertList in case there are any \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $tbsCertList = $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']; $this->loadCRL($this->saveCRL($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $issuer->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['tbsCertList'] = $tbsCertList; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Identify signature algorithm from key settings * * @param object $key * @access private * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException if the algorithm is unsupported * @return string */ private static function identifySignatureAlgorithm(PrivateKey $key) { if ($key instanceof RSA) { if ($key->getPadding() | RSA::SIGNATURE_PSS) { return 'id-RSASSA-PSS'; } switch ($key->getHash()) { case 'md2': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': return $key->getHash() . 'WithRSAEncryption'; } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms for RSA are: md2, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512'); } if ($key instanceof DSA) { switch ($key->getHash()) { case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': return 'id-dsa-with-' . $key->getHash(); } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms for DSA are: sha1, sha224, sha256'); } if ($key instanceof EC) { switch ($key->getCurve()) { case 'Ed25519': case 'Ed448': return 'id-' . $key->getCurve(); } switch ($key->getHash()) { case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': return 'ecdsa-with-' . strtoupper($key->getHash()); } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms for EC are: sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512'); } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported public key classes are: RSA, DSA, EC'); } /** * Set certificate start date * * @param string $date * @access public */ public function setStartDate($date) { if (!is_object($date) || !is_a($date, 'DateTime')) { $date = new DateTime($date, new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $this->startDate = $date->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); } /** * Set certificate end date * * @param string $date * @access public */ public function setEndDate($date) { /* To indicate that a certificate has no well-defined expiration date, the notAfter SHOULD be assigned the GeneralizedTime value of 99991231235959Z. -- */ if (strtolower($date) == 'lifetime') { $temp = '99991231235959Z'; $temp = chr(ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME) . ASN1::encodeLength(strlen($temp)) . $temp; $this->endDate = new Element($temp); } else { if (!is_object($date) || !is_a($date, 'DateTime')) { $date = new DateTime($date, new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $this->endDate = $date->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); } } /** * Set Serial Number * * @param string $serial * @param $base integer Optional * @access public */ public function setSerialNumber($serial, $base = -256) { $this->serialNumber = new BigInteger($serial, $base); } /** * Turns the certificate into a certificate authority * * @access public */ public function makeCA() { $this->caFlag = true; } /** * Check for validity of subarray * * This is intended for use in conjunction with _subArrayUnchecked(), * implementing the checks included in _subArray() but without copying * a potentially large array by passing its reference by-value to is_array(). * * @param array $root * @param string $path * @return boolean * @access private */ private function isSubArrayValid($root, $path) { if (!is_array($root)) { return false; } foreach (explode('/', $path) as $i) { if (!is_array($root)) { return false; } if (!isset($root[$i])) { return true; } $root = $root[$i]; } return true; } /** * Get a reference to a subarray * * This variant of _subArray() does no is_array() checking, * so $root should be checked with _isSubArrayValid() first. * * This is here for performance reasons: * Passing a reference (i.e. $root) by-value (i.e. to is_array()) * creates a copy. If $root is an especially large array, this is expensive. * * @param array $root * @param string $path absolute path with / as component separator * @param bool $create optional * @access private * @return array|false */ private function &subArrayUnchecked(&$root, $path, $create = false) { $false = false; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $i) { if (!isset($root[$i])) { if (!$create) { return $false; } $root[$i] = []; } $root =& $root[$i]; } return $root; } /** * Get a reference to a subarray * * @param array $root * @param string $path absolute path with / as component separator * @param bool $create optional * @access private * @return array|false */ private function &subArray(&$root, $path, $create = false) { $false = false; if (!is_array($root)) { return $false; } foreach (explode('/', $path) as $i) { if (!is_array($root)) { return $false; } if (!isset($root[$i])) { if (!$create) { return $false; } $root[$i] = []; } $root =& $root[$i]; } return $root; } /** * Get a reference to an extension subarray * * @param array $root * @param string $path optional absolute path with / as component separator * @param bool $create optional * @access private * @return array|false */ private function &extensions(&$root, $path = null, $create = false) { if (!isset($root)) { $root = $this->currentCert; } switch (true) { case !empty($path): case !is_array($root): break; case isset($root['tbsCertificate']): $path = 'tbsCertificate/extensions'; break; case isset($root['tbsCertList']): $path = 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions'; break; case isset($root['certificationRequestInfo']): $pth = 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'; $attributes =& $this->subArray($root, $pth, $create); if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { if ($value['type'] == 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest') { $path = "{$pth}/{$key}/value/0"; break 2; } } if ($create) { $key = count($attributes); $attributes[] = ['type' => 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest', 'value' => []]; $path = "{$pth}/{$key}/value/0"; } } break; } $extensions =& $this->subArray($root, $path, $create); if (!is_array($extensions)) { $false = false; return $false; } return $extensions; } /** * Remove an Extension * * @param string $id * @param string $path optional * @access private * @return bool */ private function removeExtensionHelper($id, $path = null) { $extensions =& $this->extensions($this->currentCert, $path); if (!is_array($extensions)) { return false; } $result = false; foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { unset($extensions[$key]); $result = true; } } $extensions = array_values($extensions); // fix for affecting PHP 7.2 if (!isset($extensions[0])) { $extensions = array_splice($extensions, 0, 0); } return $result; } /** * Get an Extension * * Returns the extension if it exists and false if not * * @param string $id * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path optional * @access private * @return mixed */ private function getExtensionHelper($id, $cert = null, $path = null) { $extensions = $this->extensions($cert, $path); if (!is_array($extensions)) { return false; } foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { return $value['extnValue']; } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of all extensions in use * * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path optional * @access private * @return array */ private function getExtensionsHelper($cert = null, $path = null) { $exts = $this->extensions($cert, $path); $extensions = []; if (is_array($exts)) { foreach ($exts as $extension) { $extensions[] = $extension['extnId']; } } return $extensions; } /** * Set an Extension * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical optional * @param bool $replace optional * @param string $path optional * @access private * @return bool */ private function setExtensionHelper($id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true, $path = null) { $extensions =& $this->extensions($this->currentCert, $path, true); if (!is_array($extensions)) { return false; } $newext = ['extnId' => $id, 'critical' => $critical, 'extnValue' => $value]; foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { if (!$replace) { return false; } $extensions[$key] = $newext; return true; } } $extensions[] = $newext; return true; } /** * Remove a certificate, CSR or CRL Extension * * @param string $id * @access public * @return bool */ public function removeExtension($id) { return $this->removeExtensionHelper($id); } /** * Get a certificate, CSR or CRL Extension * * Returns the extension if it exists and false if not * * @param string $id * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getExtension($id, $cert = null, $path = null) { return $this->getExtensionHelper($id, $cert, $path); } /** * Returns a list of all extensions in use in certificate, CSR or CRL * * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path optional * @access public * @return array */ public function getExtensions($cert = null, $path = null) { return $this->getExtensionsHelper($cert, $path); } /** * Set a certificate, CSR or CRL Extension * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical optional * @param bool $replace optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function setExtension($id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true) { return $this->setExtensionHelper($id, $value, $critical, $replace); } /** * Remove a CSR attribute. * * @param string $id * @param int $disposition optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function removeAttribute($id, $disposition = self::ATTR_ALL) { $attributes =& $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); if (!is_array($attributes)) { return false; } $result = false; foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] == $id) { $n = count($attribute['value']); switch (true) { case $disposition == self::ATTR_APPEND: case $disposition == self::ATTR_REPLACE: return false; case $disposition >= $n: $disposition -= $n; break; case $disposition == self::ATTR_ALL: case $n == 1: unset($attributes[$key]); $result = true; break; default: unset($attributes[$key]['value'][$disposition]); $attributes[$key]['value'] = array_values($attributes[$key]['value']); $result = true; break; } if ($result && $disposition != self::ATTR_ALL) { break; } } } $attributes = array_values($attributes); return $result; } /** * Get a CSR attribute * * Returns the attribute if it exists and false if not * * @param string $id * @param int $disposition optional * @param array $csr optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getAttribute($id, $disposition = self::ATTR_ALL, $csr = null) { if (empty($csr)) { $csr = $this->currentCert; } $attributes = $this->subArray($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); if (!is_array($attributes)) { return false; } foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] == $id) { $n = count($attribute['value']); switch (true) { case $disposition == self::ATTR_APPEND: case $disposition == self::ATTR_REPLACE: return false; case $disposition == self::ATTR_ALL: return $attribute['value']; case $disposition >= $n: $disposition -= $n; break; default: return $attribute['value'][$disposition]; } } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of all CSR attributes in use * * @param array $csr optional * @access public * @return array */ public function getAttributes($csr = null) { if (empty($csr)) { $csr = $this->currentCert; } $attributes = $this->subArray($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); $attrs = []; if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attrs[] = $attribute['type']; } } return $attrs; } /** * Set a CSR attribute * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param int $disposition optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function setAttribute($id, $value, $disposition = self::ATTR_ALL) { $attributes =& $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes', true); if (!is_array($attributes)) { return false; } switch ($disposition) { case self::ATTR_REPLACE: $disposition = self::ATTR_APPEND; case self::ATTR_ALL: $this->removeAttribute($id); break; } foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] == $id) { $n = count($attribute['value']); switch (true) { case $disposition == self::ATTR_APPEND: $last = $key; break; case $disposition >= $n: $disposition -= $n; break; default: $attributes[$key]['value'][$disposition] = $value; return true; } } } switch (true) { case $disposition >= 0: return false; case isset($last): $attributes[$last]['value'][] = $value; break; default: $attributes[] = ['type' => $id, 'value' => $disposition == self::ATTR_ALL ? $value : [$value]]; break; } return true; } /** * Sets the subject key identifier * * This is used by the id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier and the id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier extensions. * * @param string $value * @access public */ public function setKeyIdentifier($value) { if (empty($value)) { unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); } else { $this->currentKeyIdentifier = $value; } } /** * Compute a public key identifier. * * Although key identifiers may be set to any unique value, this function * computes key identifiers from public key according to the two * recommended methods ( RFC 3280). * Highly polymorphic: try to accept all possible forms of key: * - Key object * - \tgseclib\File\X509 object with public or private key defined * - Certificate or CSR array * - \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element object * - PEM or DER string * * @param mixed $key optional * @param int $method optional * @access public * @return string binary key identifier */ public function computeKeyIdentifier($key = null, $method = 1) { if (is_null($key)) { $key = $this; } switch (true) { case is_string($key): break; case is_array($key) && isset($key['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $method); case is_array($key) && isset($key['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $method); case !is_object($key): return false; case $key instanceof Element: // Assume the element is a bitstring-packed key. $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key->element); if (empty($decoded)) { return false; } $raw = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]); if (empty($raw)) { return false; } // If the key is private, compute identifier from its corresponding public key. $key = new RSA(); if (!$key->load($raw)) { return false; // Not an unencrypted RSA key. } if ($key->getPrivateKey() !== false) { // If private. return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key, $method); } $key = $raw; // Is a public key. break; case $key instanceof X509: if (isset($key->publicKey)) { return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key->publicKey, $method); } if (isset($key->privateKey)) { return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key->privateKey, $method); } if (isset($key->currentCert['tbsCertificate']) || isset($key->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo'])) { return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key->currentCert, $method); } return false; default: // Should be a key object (i.e.: \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA). $key = $key->getPublicKey(); break; } // If in PEM format, convert to binary. $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); // Now we have the key string: compute its sha-1 sum. $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash = $hash->hash($key); if ($method == 2) { $hash = substr($hash, -8); $hash[0] = chr(ord($hash[0]) & 0xf | 0x40); } return $hash; } /** * Format a public key as appropriate * * @access private * @return array|bool */ private function formatSubjectPublicKey() { $format = $this->publicKey instanceof RSA && $this->publicKey->getPadding() & RSA::SIGNATURE_PSS ? 'PSS' : 'PKCS8'; $publicKey = base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\\r\\n]#', '', $this->publicKey->toString($format))); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($publicKey); $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $mapped['subjectPublicKey'] = $this->publicKey->toString($format); return $mapped; } /** * Set the domain name's which the cert is to be valid for * * @param $domains[] * @access public * @return array */ public function setDomain(...$domains) { $this->domains = $domains; $this->removeDNProp('id-at-commonName'); $this->setDNProp('id-at-commonName', $this->domains[0]); } /** * Set the IP Addresses's which the cert is to be valid for * * @access public * @param $ipAddresses[] optional */ public function setIPAddress(...$ipAddresses) { $this->ipAddresses = $ipAddresses; /* if (!isset($this->domains)) { $this->removeDNProp('id-at-commonName'); $this->setDNProp('id-at-commonName', $this->ipAddresses[0]); } */ } /** * Helper function to build domain array * * @access private * @param string $domain * @return array */ private function dnsName($domain) { return ['dNSName' => $domain]; } /** * Helper function to build IP Address array * * (IPv6 is not currently supported) * * @access private * @param string $address * @return array */ private function iPAddress($address) { return ['iPAddress' => $address]; } /** * Get the index of a revoked certificate. * * @param array $rclist * @param string $serial * @param bool $create optional * @access private * @return int|false */ private function revokedCertificate(&$rclist, $serial, $create = false) { $serial = new BigInteger($serial); foreach ($rclist as $i => $rc) { if (!$serial->compare($rc['userCertificate'])) { return $i; } } if (!$create) { return false; } $i = count($rclist); $revocationDate = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $rclist[] = ['userCertificate' => $serial, 'revocationDate' => $this->timeField($revocationDate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'))]; return $i; } /** * Revoke a certificate. * * @param string $serial * @param string $date optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function revoke($serial, $date = null) { if (isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { if (is_array($rclist =& $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates', true))) { if ($this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial) === false) { // If not yet revoked if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial, true)) !== false) { if (!empty($date)) { $rclist[$i]['revocationDate'] = $this->timeField($date); } return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Unrevoke a certificate. * * @param string $serial * @access public * @return bool */ public function unrevoke($serial) { if (is_array($rclist =& $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { unset($rclist[$i]); $rclist = array_values($rclist); return true; } } return false; } /** * Get a revoked certificate. * * @param string $serial * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getRevoked($serial) { if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $rclist[$i]; } } return false; } /** * List revoked certificates * * @param array $crl optional * @access public * @return array|bool */ public function listRevoked($crl = null) { if (!isset($crl)) { $crl = $this->currentCert; } if (!isset($crl['tbsCertList'])) { return false; } $result = []; if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { foreach ($rclist as $rc) { $result[] = $rc['userCertificate']->toString(); } } return $result; } /** * Remove a Revoked Certificate Extension * * @param string $serial * @param string $id * @access public * @return bool */ public function removeRevokedCertificateExtension($serial, $id) { if (is_array($rclist =& $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $this->removeExtensionHelper($id, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/{$i}/crlEntryExtensions"); } } return false; } /** * Get a Revoked Certificate Extension * * Returns the extension if it exists and false if not * * @param string $serial * @param string $id * @param array $crl optional * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getRevokedCertificateExtension($serial, $id, $crl = null) { if (!isset($crl)) { $crl = $this->currentCert; } if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $this->getExtension($id, $crl, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/{$i}/crlEntryExtensions"); } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of all extensions in use for a given revoked certificate * * @param string $serial * @param array $crl optional * @access public * @return array|bool */ public function getRevokedCertificateExtensions($serial, $crl = null) { if (!isset($crl)) { $crl = $this->currentCert; } if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $this->getExtensions($crl, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/{$i}/crlEntryExtensions"); } } return false; } /** * Set a Revoked Certificate Extension * * @param string $serial * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical optional * @param bool $replace optional * @access public * @return bool */ public function setRevokedCertificateExtension($serial, $id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true) { if (isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { if (is_array($rclist =& $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates', true))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial, true)) !== false) { return $this->setExtensionHelper($id, $value, $critical, $replace, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/{$i}/crlEntryExtensions"); } } } return false; } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * BaseDistance * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class BaseDistance { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectPublicKeyInfo * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SubjectPublicKeyInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['algorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'subjectPublicKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Validity * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Validity { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['notBefore' => Time::MAP, 'notAfter' => Time::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ECPrivateKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ECPrivateKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => [1 => 'ecPrivkeyVer1']], 'privateKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING], 'parameters' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + ECParameters::MAP, 'publicKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DistributionPoint * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DistributionPoint { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['distributionPoint' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + DistributionPointName::MAP, 'reasons' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + ReasonFlags::MAP, 'cRLIssuer' => ['constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + GeneralNames::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertificateSerialNumber * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertificateSerialNumber { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * BasicConstraints * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class BasicConstraints { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['cA' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false], 'pathLenConstraint' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DisplayText * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DisplayText { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['ia5String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING], 'visibleString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING], 'bmpString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BMP_STRING], 'utf8String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ExtKeyUsageSyntax * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ExtKeyUsageSyntax { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => KeyPurposeId::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RDNSequence * * In practice, RDNs containing multiple name-value pairs (called "multivalued RDNs") are rare, * but they can be useful at times when either there is no unique attribute in the entry or you * want to ensure that the entry's DN contains some useful identifying information. * * - * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RDNSequence { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, // RDNSequence does not define a min or a max, which means it doesn't have one 'min' => 0, 'max' => -1, 'children' => RelativeDistinguishedName::MAP, ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DistributionPointName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DistributionPointName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['fullName' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + GeneralNames::MAP, 'nameRelativeToCRLIssuer' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + RelativeDistinguishedName::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * MaskGenAglorithm * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class MaskGenAlgorithm { const MAP = AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * UniqueIdentifier * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class UniqueIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PBEParameter * * from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PBEParameter { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['salt' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING], 'iterationCount' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * IssuingDistributionPoint * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class IssuingDistributionPoint { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['distributionPoint' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + DistributionPointName::MAP, 'onlyContainsUserCerts' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true], 'onlyContainsCACerts' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true], 'onlySomeReasons' => ['constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + ReasonFlags::MAP, 'indirectCRL' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 4, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true], 'onlyContainsAttributeCerts' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 5, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RSAPublicKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RSAPublicKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['modulus' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'publicExponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Curve * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Curve { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['a' => FieldElement::MAP, 'b' => FieldElement::MAP, 'seed' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'optional' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * netscape_ca_policy_url * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class netscape_ca_policy_url { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RelativeDistinguishedName * * In practice, RDNs containing multiple name-value pairs (called "multivalued RDNs") are rare, * but they can be useful at times when either there is no unique attribute in the entry or you * want to ensure that the entry's DN contains some useful identifying information. * * - * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RelativeDistinguishedName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AttributeTypeAndValue::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CRLDistributionPoints * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CRLDistributionPoints { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => DistributionPoint::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * NetworkAddress * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class NetworkAddress { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * netscape_cert_type * * mapping is from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class netscape_cert_type { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'mapping' => ['SSLClient', 'SSLServer', 'Email', 'ObjectSigning', 'Reserved', 'SSLCA', 'EmailCA', 'ObjectSigningCA']]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * BuiltInStandardAttributes * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class BuiltInStandardAttributes { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['country-name' => ['optional' => true] + CountryName::MAP, 'administration-domain-name' => ['optional' => true] + AdministrationDomainName::MAP, 'network-address' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + NetworkAddress::MAP, 'terminal-identifier' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + TerminalIdentifier::MAP, 'private-domain-name' => ['constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + PrivateDomainName::MAP, 'organization-name' => ['constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + OrganizationName::MAP, 'numeric-user-identifier' => ['constant' => 4, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + NumericUserIdentifier::MAP, 'personal-name' => ['constant' => 5, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + PersonalName::MAP, 'organizational-unit-names' => ['constant' => 6, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + OrganizationalUnitNames::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * TBSCertificate * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class TBSCertificate { // assert($TBSCertificate['children']['signature'] == $Certificate['children']['signatureAlgorithm']) const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ // technically, default implies optional, but we'll define it as being optional, none-the-less, just to // reenforce that fact 'version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, 'mapping' => ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'], 'default' => 'v1'], 'serialNumber' => CertificateSerialNumber::MAP, 'signature' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'issuer' => Name::MAP, 'validity' => Validity::MAP, 'subject' => Name::MAP, 'subjectPublicKeyInfo' => SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP, // implicit means that the T in the TLV structure is to be rewritten, regardless of the type 'issuerUniqueID' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + UniqueIdentifier::MAP, 'subjectUniqueID' => ['constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + UniqueIdentifier::MAP, // doesn't use the EXPLICIT keyword but if // it's not IMPLICIT, it's EXPLICIT 'extensions' => ['constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + Extensions::MAP, ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * FieldElement * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class FieldElement { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CPSuri * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CPSuri { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * IssuerAltName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class IssuerAltName { const MAP = GeneralNames::MAP; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PostalAddress * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PostalAddress { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'optional' => true, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => DirectoryString::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * OtherPrimeInfo * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OtherPrimeInfo { // version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'prime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // ri 'exponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // di 'coefficient' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AuthorityKeyIdentifier * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AuthorityKeyIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['keyIdentifier' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + KeyIdentifier::MAP, 'authorityCertIssuer' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + GeneralNames::MAP, 'authorityCertSerialNumber' => ['constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + CertificateSerialNumber::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AlgorithmIdentifier * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AlgorithmIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['algorithm' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'parameters' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'optional' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AttributeValue * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AttributeValue { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PKCS9String * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS9String { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['ia5String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING], 'directoryString' => DirectoryString::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralSubtrees * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class GeneralSubtrees { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => GeneralSubtree::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AccessDescription::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RC2CBCParameter * * from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RC2CBCParameter { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['rc2ParametersVersion' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true], 'iv' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertificateIssuer * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertificateIssuer { const MAP = GeneralNames::MAP; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CountryName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CountryName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, // if class isn't present it's assumed to be \tgseclib\File\ASN1::CLASS_UNIVERSAL or // (if constant is present) \tgseclib\File\ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC 'class' => ASN1::CLASS_APPLICATION, 'cast' => 1, 'children' => ['x121-dcc-code' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING], 'iso-3166-alpha2-code' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]], ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PBKDF2params * * from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PBKDF2params { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ // technically, this is a CHOICE in RFC2898 but the other "choice" is, currently, more of a placeholder // in the RFC 'salt' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING], 'iterationCount' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'keyLength' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true], 'prf' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP + ['optional' => true], ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DHParameter * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DHParameter { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['prime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'base' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'privateValueLength' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * OneAsymmetricKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OneAsymmetricKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1', 'v2']], 'privateKeyAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'privateKey' => PrivateKey::MAP, 'attributes' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + Attributes::MAP, 'publicKey' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + PublicKey::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * TBSCertList * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class TBSCertList { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'], 'optional' => true, 'default' => 'v2'], 'signature' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'issuer' => Name::MAP, 'thisUpdate' => Time::MAP, 'nextUpdate' => ['optional' => true] + Time::MAP, 'revokedCertificates' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'optional' => true, 'min' => 0, 'max' => -1, 'children' => RevokedCertificate::MAP], 'crlExtensions' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + Extensions::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RSAPrivateKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RSAPrivateKey { // version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['two-prime', 'multi']], 'modulus' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // n 'publicExponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // e 'privateExponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // d 'prime1' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // p 'prime2' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // q 'exponent1' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // d mod (p-1) 'exponent2' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // d mod (q-1) 'coefficient' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // (inverse of q) mod p 'otherPrimeInfos' => OtherPrimeInfos::MAP + ['optional' => true], ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AccessDescription * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AccessDescription { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['accessMethod' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'accessLocation' => GeneralName::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * NumericUserIdentifier * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class NumericUserIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertificationRequestInfo * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertificationRequestInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1']], 'subject' => Name::MAP, 'subjectPKInfo' => SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP, 'attributes' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + Attributes::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PBMAC1params * * from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PBMAC1params { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['keyDerivationFunc' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'messageAuthScheme' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Attributes * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Attributes { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => Attribute::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertPolicyId * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertPolicyId { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DssSigValue * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DssSigValue { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['r' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 's' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * EncryptedData * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EncryptedData { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertificationRequest * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertificationRequest { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['certificationRequestInfo' => CertificationRequestInfo::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * HoldInstructionCode * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class HoldInstructionCode { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CRLNumber * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CRLNumber { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectAltName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SubjectAltName { const MAP = GeneralNames::MAP; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyQualifierInfo * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PolicyQualifierInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['policyQualifierId' => PolicyQualifierId::MAP, 'qualifier' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * FieldID * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class FieldID { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['fieldType' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'parameters' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'optional' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * HashAglorithm * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class HashAlgorithm { const MAP = AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['publicKeyAndChallenge' => PublicKeyAndChallenge::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AnotherName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AnotherName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['type-id' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'value' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralSubtree * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class GeneralSubtree { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['base' => GeneralName::MAP, 'minimum' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, 'default' => '0'] + BaseDistance::MAP, 'maximum' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + BaseDistance::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RevokedCertificate * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RevokedCertificate { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['userCertificate' => CertificateSerialNumber::MAP, 'revocationDate' => Time::MAP, 'crlEntryExtensions' => ['optional' => true] + Extensions::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * SpecifiedECDomain * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SpecifiedECDomain { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => [1 => 'ecdpVer1', 'ecdpVer2', 'ecdpVer3']], 'fieldID' => FieldID::MAP, 'curve' => Curve::MAP, 'base' => ECPoint::MAP, 'order' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'cofactor' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true], 'hash' => ['optional' => true] + HashAlgorithm::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PublicKeyInfo * * this format is not formally defined anywhere but is none-the-less the form you * get when you do "openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout" * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PublicKeyInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['publicKeyAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'publicKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * NoticeReference * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class NoticeReference { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['organization' => DisplayText::MAP, 'noticeNumbers' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 200, 'children' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PublicKeyAndChallenge * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PublicKeyAndChallenge { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['spki' => SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP, 'challenge' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * UserNotice * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class UserNotice { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['noticeRef' => ['optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + NoticeReference::MAP, 'explicitText' => ['optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + DisplayText::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DSAParams * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DSAParams { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['p' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'q' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'g' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Certificate * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Certificate { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['tbsCertificate' => TBSCertificate::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateKeyInfo * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PrivateKeyInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1']], 'privateKeyAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'privateKey' => PrivateKey::MAP, 'attributes' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + Attributes::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertificatePolicies * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertificatePolicies { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => PolicyInformation::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AttributeTypeAndValue * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AttributeTypeAndValue { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['type' => AttributeType::MAP, 'value' => AttributeValue::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DigestInfo * * from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DigestInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['digestAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'digest' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Extension * * A certificate using system MUST reject the certificate if it encounters * a critical extension it does not recognize; however, a non-critical * extension may be ignored if it is not recognized. * * * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Extension { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['extnId' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'critical' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false], 'extnValue' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Trinomial * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Trinomial { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyMappings * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PolicyMappings { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['issuerDomainPolicy' => CertPolicyId::MAP, 'subjectDomainPolicy' => CertPolicyId::MAP]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PrivateKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * KeyPurposeId * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class KeyPurposeId { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DSAPublicKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DSAPublicKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyQualifierId * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PolicyQualifierId { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * TerminalIdentifier * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class TerminalIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CRLReason * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CRLReason { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ENUMERATED, 'mapping' => [ 'unspecified', 'keyCompromise', 'cACompromise', 'affiliationChanged', 'superseded', 'cessationOfOperation', 'certificateHold', // Value 7 is not used. 8 => 'removeFromCRL', 'privilegeWithdrawn', 'aACompromise', ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * OrganizationName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OrganizationName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PublicKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PublicKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectDirectoryAttributes * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SubjectDirectoryAttributes { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => Attribute::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DirectoryString * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DirectoryString { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['teletexString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING], 'printableString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING], 'universalString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING], 'utf8String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING], 'bmpString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BMP_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * KeyIdentifier * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class KeyIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectInfoAccessSyntax * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SubjectInfoAccessSyntax { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AccessDescription::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * InvalidityDate * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class InvalidityDate { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralNames * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class GeneralNames { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => GeneralName::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * DSAPrivateKey * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DSAPrivateKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'p' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'q' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'g' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'y' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'x' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * KeyUsage * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class KeyUsage { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'mapping' => ['digitalSignature', 'nonRepudiation', 'keyEncipherment', 'dataEncipherment', 'keyAgreement', 'keyCertSign', 'cRLSign', 'encipherOnly', 'decipherOnly']]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * CertificateList * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class CertificateList { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['tbsCertList' => TBSCertList::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * NameConstraints * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class NameConstraints { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['permittedSubtrees' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + GeneralSubtrees::MAP, 'excludedSubtrees' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + GeneralSubtrees::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * EcdsaSigValue * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EcdsaSigValue { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['r' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 's' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Time * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Time { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['utcTime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTC_TIME], 'generalTime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ECPoint * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ECPoint { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ExtensionAttribute * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ExtensionAttribute { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['extension-attribute-type' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'extension-attribute-value' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyInformation * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PolicyInformation { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['policyIdentifier' => CertPolicyId::MAP, 'policyQualifiers' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 0, 'max' => -1, 'optional' => true, 'children' => PolicyQualifierInfo::MAP]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 4, // ub-domain-defined-attributes 'children' => BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute::MAP, ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PBES2params * * from * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PBES2params { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['keyDerivationFunc' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'encryptionScheme' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Prime_p * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Prime_p { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateKeyUsagePeriod * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PrivateKeyUsagePeriod { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['notBefore' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME], 'notAfter' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Pentanomial * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Pentanomial { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'k1' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // k1 > 0 'k2' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // k2 > k1 'k3' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * OrganizationalUnitNames * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OrganizationalUnitNames { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 4, // ub-organizational-units 'children' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING], ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * OtherPrimeInfos * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OtherPrimeInfos { // version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => OtherPrimeInfo::MAP]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PersonalName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PersonalName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'children' => ['surname' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'given-name' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'initials' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'generation-qualifier' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * RSASSA_PSS_params * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RSASSA_PSS_params { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['hashAlgorithm' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + HashAlgorithm::MAP, 'maskGenAlgorithm' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + MaskGenAlgorithm::MAP, 'saltLength' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, 'default' => 20], 'trailerField' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, 'default' => 1]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['type' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING], 'value' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AttributeType * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AttributeType { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class GeneralName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['otherName' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + AnotherName::MAP, 'rfc822Name' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'dNSName' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'x400Address' => ['constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + ORAddress::MAP, 'directoryName' => ['constant' => 4, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true] + Name::MAP, 'ediPartyName' => ['constant' => 5, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + EDIPartyName::MAP, 'uniformResourceIdentifier' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING, 'constant' => 6, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'iPAddress' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING, 'constant' => 7, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true], 'registeredID' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, 'constant' => 8, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Name * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Name { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['rdnSequence' => RDNSequence::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['encryptionAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'encryptedData' => EncryptedData::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * AdministrationDomainName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class AdministrationDomainName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, // if class isn't present it's assumed to be \tgseclib\File\ASN1::CLASS_UNIVERSAL or // (if constant is present) \tgseclib\File\ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC 'class' => ASN1::CLASS_APPLICATION, 'cast' => 2, 'children' => ['numeric' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING], 'printable' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]], ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ECParameters * * ECParameters ::= CHOICE { * namedCurve OBJECT IDENTIFIER * -- implicitCurve NULL * -- specifiedCurve SpecifiedECDomain * } * -- implicitCurve and specifiedCurve MUST NOT be used in PKIX. * -- Details for SpecifiedECDomain can be found in [X9.62]. * -- Any future additions to this CHOICE should be coordinated * -- with ANSI X9. * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ECParameters { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['namedCurve' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'implicitCurve' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NULL], 'specifiedCurve' => SpecifiedECDomain::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * netscape_comment * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class netscape_comment { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Attribute * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Attribute { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['type' => AttributeType::MAP, 'value' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AttributeValue::MAP]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Extensions * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Extensions { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, // technically, it's MAX, but we'll assume anything < 0 is MAX 'max' => -1, // if 'children' isn't an array then 'min' and 'max' must be defined 'children' => Extension::MAP, ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ORAddress * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ORAddress { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => ['built-in-standard-attributes' => BuiltInStandardAttributes::MAP, 'built-in-domain-defined-attributes' => ['optional' => true] + BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes::MAP, 'extension-attributes' => ['optional' => true] + ExtensionAttributes::MAP]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * EDIPartyName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EDIPartyName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'nameAssigner' => ['constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + DirectoryString::MAP, // partyName is technically required but \tgseclib\File\ASN1 doesn't currently support non-optional constants and // setting it to optional gets the job done in any event. 'partyName' => ['constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true] + DirectoryString::MAP, ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ExtensionAttributes * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ExtensionAttributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 256, // ub-extension-attributes 'children' => ExtensionAttribute::MAP, ]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateDomainName * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PrivateDomainName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => ['numeric' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING], 'printable' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * Characteristic_two * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Characteristic_two { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'm' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // field size 2**m 'basis' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'parameters' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'optional' => true], ]]; } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ReasonFlags * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ReasonFlags { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'mapping' => ['unused', 'keyCompromise', 'cACompromise', 'affiliationChanged', 'superseded', 'cessationOfOperation', 'certificateHold', 'privilegeWithdrawn', 'aACompromise']]; } * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * ASN.1 Raw Element * * An ASN.1 ANY mapping will return an ASN1\Element object. Use of this object * will also bypass the normal encoding rules in ASN1::encodeDER() * * @package ASN1 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Element { /** * Raw element value * * @var string * @access private */ public $element; /** * Constructor * * @param string $encoded * @return \tgseclib\File\ASN1\Element * @access public */ public function __construct($encoded) { $this->element = $encoded; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * NoKeyLoadedException * * @package NoKeyLoadedException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class NoKeyLoadedException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * UnsupportedAlgorithmException * * @package UnsupportedAlgorithmException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedAlgorithmException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * BadConfigurationException * * @package BadConfigurationException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BadConfigurationException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * UnsupportedCurveException * * @package UnsupportedCurveException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedCurveException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * NoSupportedAlgorithmsException * * @package NoSupportedAlgorithmsException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class NoSupportedAlgorithmsException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * ConnectionClosedException * * @package ConnectionClosedException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class ConnectionClosedException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * FileNotFoundException * * @package FileNotFoundException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class FileNotFoundException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * BadModeException * * @package BadModeException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BadModeException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * UnsupportedOperationException * * @package UnsupportedOperationException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedOperationException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * InconsistentSetupException * * @package InconsistentSetupException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class InconsistentSetupException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * UnsupportedFormatException * * @package UnsupportedFormatException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedFormatException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * UnableToConnectException * * @package UnableToConnectException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnableToConnectException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * InsufficientSetupException * * @package InsufficientSetupException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class InsufficientSetupException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Exception; /** * BadDecryptionException * * @package BadDecryptionException * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BadDecryptionException extends \RuntimeException { } * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\StreamCipher; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use tgseclib\Exception\BadDecryptionException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of ChaCha20. * * @package ChaCha20 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class ChaCha20 extends Salsa20 { /** * The OpenSSL specific name of the cipher * * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_openssl = 'chacha20'; /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: // PHP 7.2.0 (30 Nov 2017) added support for libsodium // we could probably make it so that if $this->counter == 0 then the first block would be done with either OpenSSL // or PHP and then subsequent blocks would then be done with libsodium but idk - it's not a high priority atm // we could also make it so that if $this->counter == 0 and $this->continuousBuffer then do the first string // with libsodium and subsequent strings with openssl or pure-PHP but again not a high priority return function_exists('sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt') && $this->key_length == 32 && ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key) && $this->counter == 0 || $this->counter == 1) && !$this->continuousBuffer; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: // OpenSSL 1.1.0 (released 25 Aug 2016) added support for chacha20. // PHP didn't support OpenSSL 1.1.0 until 7.0.19 (11 May 2017) // if you attempt to provide openssl with a 128 bit key (as opposed to a 256 bit key) openssl will null // pad the key to 256 bits and still use the expansion constant for 256-bit keys. the fact that // openssl treats the IV as both the counter and nonce, however, let's us use openssl in continuous mode // whereas libsodium does not if ($this->key_length != 32) { return false; } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { $this->setup(); if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM) { return $this->encrypt_with_libsodium($plaintext); } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)). * At least if the continuous buffer is disabled. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { $this->setup(); if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM) { return $this->decrypt_with_libsodium($ciphertext); } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } /** * Encrypts a message with libsodium * * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $text */ private function encrypt_with_libsodium($plaintext) { $params = [$plaintext, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key]; $ciphertext = strlen($this->nonce) == 8 ? sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(...$params) : sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(...$params); if (!$this->usePoly1305) { return substr($ciphertext, 0, strlen($plaintext)); } $newciphertext = substr($ciphertext, 0, strlen($plaintext)); $this->newtag = $this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key && strlen($this->nonce) == 12 ? substr($ciphertext, strlen($plaintext)) : $this->poly1305($newciphertext); return $newciphertext; } /** * Decrypts a message with libsodium * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $text */ private function decrypt_with_libsodium($ciphertext) { $params = [$ciphertext, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key]; if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } if ($this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key && strlen($this->nonce) == 12) { $plaintext = sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(...$params); $this->oldtag = false; if ($plaintext === false) { throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } return $plaintext; } $newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); if ($this->oldtag != substr($newtag, 0, strlen($this->oldtag))) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } $this->oldtag = false; } $plaintext = strlen($this->nonce) == 8 ? sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(...$params) : sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(...$params); return substr($plaintext, 0, strlen($ciphertext)); } /** * Sets the nonce. * * @param string $nonce */ public function setNonce($nonce) { if (!is_string($nonce)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nonce should be a string'); } /* from "Note also that the original ChaCha had a 64-bit nonce and 64-bit block count. We have modified this here to be more consistent with recommendations in Section 3.2 of [RFC5116]." */ switch (strlen($nonce)) { case 8: // 64 bits case 12: // 96 bits break; default: throw new \LengthException('Nonce of size ' . strlen($nonce) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only 64-bit nonces or 96-bit nonces are supported'); } $this->nonce = $nonce; $this->changed = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setNonce() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setNonce() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } $this->enbuffer = $this->debuffer = ['ciphertext' => '', 'counter' => $this->counter]; $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = false; if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key = true; if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM) { return; } $this->createPoly1305Key(); } $key = $this->key; if (strlen($key) == 16) { $constant = 'expand 16-byte k'; $key .= $key; } else { $constant = 'expand 32-byte k'; } $this->p1 = $constant . $key; $this->p2 = $this->nonce; if (strlen($this->nonce) == 8) { $this->p2 = "\0\0\0\0" . $this->p2; } } /** * The quarterround function * * @param int $a * @param int $b * @param int $c * @param int $d */ protected static function quarterRound(&$a, &$b, &$c, &$d) { $a += $b; $d = self::leftRotate($d ^ $a, 16); $c += $d; $b = self::leftRotate($b ^ $c, 12); $a += $b; $d = self::leftRotate($d ^ $a, 8); $c += $d; $b = self::leftRotate($b ^ $c, 7); } /** * The doubleround function * * @param int $x0...$x16 */ protected static function doubleRound(&$x0, &$x1, &$x2, &$x3, &$x4, &$x5, &$x6, &$x7, &$x8, &$x9, &$x10, &$x11, &$x12, &$x13, &$x14, &$x15) { // columnRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x4, $x8, $x12); static::quarterRound($x1, $x5, $x9, $x13); static::quarterRound($x2, $x6, $x10, $x14); static::quarterRound($x3, $x7, $x11, $x15); // rowRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x5, $x10, $x15); static::quarterRound($x1, $x6, $x11, $x12); static::quarterRound($x2, $x7, $x8, $x13); static::quarterRound($x3, $x4, $x9, $x14); } /** * The Salsa20 hash function function * * On my laptop this loop unrolled / function dereferenced version of parent::salsa20 encrypts 1mb of text in * 0.65s vs the 0.85s that it takes with the parent method. * * If we were free to assume that the host OS would always be 64-bits then the if condition in leftRotate could * be eliminated and we could knock this done to 0.60s. * * For comparison purposes, RC4 takes 0.16s and AES in CTR mode with the Eval engine takes 0.48s. * AES in CTR mode with the PHP engine takes 1.19s. Salsa20 / ChaCha20 do not benefit as much from the Eval * approach due to the fact that there are a lot less variables to de-reference, fewer loops to unroll, etc * * @param string $x */ protected static function salsa20($x) { list(, $x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7, $x8, $x9, $x10, $x11, $x12, $x13, $x14, $x15) = unpack('V*', $x); $z0 = $x0; $z1 = $x1; $z2 = $x2; $z3 = $x3; $z4 = $x4; $z5 = $x5; $z6 = $x6; $z7 = $x7; $z8 = $x8; $z9 = $x9; $z10 = $x10; $z11 = $x11; $z12 = $x12; $z13 = $x13; $z14 = $x14; $z15 = $x15; // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); // columnRound $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 16); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 12); $x0 += $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x0, 8); $x8 += $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x8, 7); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 16); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 12); $x1 += $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x1, 8); $x9 += $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x9, 7); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 16); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 12); $x2 += $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x2, 8); $x10 += $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x10, 7); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 16); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 12); $x3 += $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x3, 8); $x11 += $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x11, 7); // rowRound $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 16); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 12); $x0 += $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate($x15 ^ $x0, 8); $x10 += $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate($x5 ^ $x10, 7); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 16); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 12); $x1 += $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate($x12 ^ $x1, 8); $x11 += $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate($x6 ^ $x11, 7); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 16); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 12); $x2 += $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate($x13 ^ $x2, 8); $x8 += $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate($x7 ^ $x8, 7); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 16); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 12); $x3 += $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate($x14 ^ $x3, 8); $x9 += $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate($x4 ^ $x9, 7); $x0 += $z0; $x1 += $z1; $x2 += $z2; $x3 += $z3; $x4 += $z4; $x5 += $z5; $x6 += $z6; $x7 += $z7; $x8 += $z8; $x9 += $z9; $x10 += $z10; $x11 += $z11; $x12 += $z12; $x13 += $z13; $x14 += $z14; $x15 += $z15; return pack('V*', $x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7, $x8, $x9, $x10, $x11, $x12, $x13, $x14, $x15); } } * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * Base Class for all block cipher classes * * @package BlockCipher * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BlockCipher extends SymmetricKey { } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use tgseclib\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\ECDSA; /** * Base Class for all stream cipher classes * * @package AsymmetricKey * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AsymmetricKey { /** * Precomputed Zero * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected static $zero; /** * Precomputed One * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected static $one; /** * Format of the loaded key * * @var string * @access private */ protected $format; /** * Hash function * * @var \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash * @access private */ protected $hash; /** * HMAC function * * @var \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash * @access private */ private $hmac; /** * Supported plugins (lower case) * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var array * @access private */ private static $plugins = []; /** * Invisible plugins * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var array * @access private */ private static $invisiblePlugins = []; /** * Supported signature formats (lower case) * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var array * @access private */ private static $signatureFormats = []; /** * Supported signature formats (original case) * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var array * @access private */ private static $signatureFileFormats = []; /** * Available Engines * * @var boolean[] * @access private */ protected static $engines = []; /** * The constructor */ protected function __construct() { self::initialize_static_variables(); $this->hash = new Hash('sha256'); $this->hmac = new Hash('sha256'); } /** * Initialize static variables */ protected static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(self::$zero)) { self::$zero = new BigInteger(0); self::$one = new BigInteger(1); } self::loadPlugins('Keys'); if (static::ALGORITHM != 'RSA' && static::ALGORITHM != 'DH') { self::loadPlugins('Signature'); } } /** * Load the key * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return AsymmetricKey */ public static function load($key, $password = false) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $components = false; foreach (self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'] as $format) { if (isset(self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM]) && in_array($format, self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM])) { continue; } try { $components = $format::load($key, $password); } catch (\Exception $e) { $components = false; } if ($components !== false) { break; } } if ($components === false) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('Unable to read key'); } $components['format'] = $format; $new = static::onLoad($components); return $new instanceof PrivateKey ? $new->withPassword($password) : $new; } /** * Load the key, assuming a specific format * * @param string $key * @param string $type * @param string $password optional * @return AsymmetricKey */ public static function loadFormat($type, $key, $password = false) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $components = false; $format = strtolower($type); if (isset(self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'][$format])) { $format = self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'][$format]; $components = $format::load($key, $password); } if ($components === false) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('Unable to read key'); } $components['format'] = $format; $new = static::onLoad($components); return $new instanceof PrivateKey ? $new->withPassword($password) : $new; } /** * Validate Plugin * * @access private * @param string $format * @param string $type * @param string $method optional * @return mixed */ protected static function validatePlugin($format, $type, $method = NULL) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!isset(self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format][$type])) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException("{$type} is not a supported format"); } $type = self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format][$type]; if (isset($method) && !method_exists($type, $method)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException("{$type} does not implement {$method}"); } return $type; } /** * Load Plugins * * @access private * @param $format */ private static function loadPlugins($format) { if (!isset(self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format])) { self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format] = []; foreach (new \DirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../' . static::ALGORITHM . '/Formats/' . $format . '/') as $file) { if ($file->getExtension() != 'php') { continue; } $name = $file->getBasename('.php'); $type = 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\' . static::ALGORITHM . '\\Formats\\' . $format . '\\' . $name; $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($type); if ($reflect->isTrait()) { continue; } self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format][strtolower($name)] = $type; if ($reflect->hasConstant('IS_INVISIBLE')) { self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM][] = $type; } } } } /** * Returns a list of supported formats. * * @access public * @return array */ public static function getSupportedKeyFormats() { self::initialize_static_variables(); return self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys']; } /** * Add a fileformat plugin * * The plugin needs to either already be loaded or be auto-loadable. * Loading a plugin whose shortname overwrite an existing shortname will overwrite the old plugin. * * @see self::load() * @param string $fullname * @access public * @return bool */ public static function addFileFormat($fullname) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (class_exists($fullname)) { $meta = new \ReflectionClass($fullname); $shortname = $meta->getShortName(); self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'][strtolower($shortname)] = $fullname; if ($meta->hasConstant('IS_INVISIBLE')) { self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM] = strtolower($name); } } } /** * Returns the format of the loaded key. * * If the key that was loaded wasn't in a valid or if the key was auto-generated * with RSA::createKey() then this will return false. * * @see self::load() * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getLoadedFormat() { if ($this->format === false) { return false; } $meta = new \ReflectionClass($this->format); return $meta->getShortName(); } /** * Tests engine validity * * @access public * @param int $val */ public static function useBestEngine() { static::$engines = [ 'PHP' => true, 'OpenSSL' => extension_loaded('openssl'), // this test can be satisfied by either of the following: // // 'libsodium' => function_exists('sodium_crypto_sign_keypair'), ]; return static::$engines; } /** * Flag to use internal engine only (useful for unit testing) * * @access public */ public static function useInternalEngine() { static::$engines = ['PHP' => true, 'OpenSSL' => false, 'libsodium' => false]; } /** * __toString() magic method * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->toString('PKCS8'); } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * @access public * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; $new->hash = new Hash($hash); $new->hmac = new Hash($hash); return $new; } /** * Returns the hash algorithm currently being used * * @access public */ public function getHash() { return $this->hash->getHash(); } /** * Compute the pseudorandom k for signature generation, * using the process specified for deterministic DSA. * * @access public * @param string $h1 * @return string */ protected function computek($h1) { $v = str_repeat("\1", strlen($h1)); $k = str_repeat("\0", strlen($h1)); $x = $this->int2octets($this->x); $h1 = $this->bits2octets($h1); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $k = $this->hmac->hash($v . "\0" . $x . $h1); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); $k = $this->hmac->hash($v . "\1" . $x . $h1); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); $qlen = $this->q->getLengthInBytes(); while (true) { $t = ''; while (strlen($t) < $qlen) { $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); $t = $t . $v; } $k = $this->bits2int($t); if (!$k->equals(self::$zero) && $k->compare($this->q) < 0) { break; } $k = $this->hmac->hash($v . "\0"); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); } return $k; } /** * Integer to Octet String * * @access private * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $v * @return string */ private function int2octets($v) { $out = $v->toBytes(); $rolen = $this->q->getLengthInBytes(); if (strlen($out) < $rolen) { return str_pad($out, $rolen, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { if (strlen($out) > $rolen) { return substr($out, -$rolen); } else { return $out; } } } /** * Bit String to Integer * * @access private * @param string $in * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected function bits2int($in) { $v = new BigInteger($in, 256); $vlen = strlen($in) << 3; $qlen = $this->q->getLength(); if ($vlen > $qlen) { return $v->bitwise_rightShift($vlen - $qlen); } return $v; } /** * Bit String to Octet String * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ private function bits2octets($in) { $z1 = $this->bits2int($in); $z2 = $z1->subtract($this->q); return $z2->compare(self::$zero) < 0 ? $this->int2octets($z1) : $this->int2octets($z2); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Traits; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; /** * Fingerprint Trait for Private Keys * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ trait Fingerprint { /** * Returns the public key's fingerprint * * The public key's fingerprint is returned, which is equivalent to running `ssh-keygen -lf`. If there is * no public key currently loaded, false is returned. * Example output (md5): "c1:b1:30:29:d7:b8:de:6c:97:77:10:d7:46:41:63:87" (as specified by RFC 4716) * * @access public * @param string $algorithm The hashing algorithm to be used. Valid options are 'md5' and 'sha256'. False is returned * for invalid values. * @return mixed */ public function getFingerprint($algorithm = 'md5') { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'OpenSSH', 'savePublicKey'); if ($type === false) { return false; } $key = $this->toString('OpenSSH', ['binary' => true]); if ($key === false) { return false; } switch ($algorithm) { case 'sha256': $hash = new Hash('sha256'); $base = base64_encode($hash->hash($key)); return substr($base, 0, strlen($base) - 1); case 'md5': return substr(chunk_split(md5($key), 2, ':'), 0, -1); default: return false; } } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Traits; /** * Password Protected Trait for Private Keys * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ trait PasswordProtected { /** * Password * * @var string|bool */ private $password = false; /** * Sets the password * * Private keys can be encrypted with a password. To unset the password, pass in the empty string or false. * Or rather, pass in $password such that empty($password) && !is_string($password) is true. * * @see self::createKey() * @see self::load() * @access public * @param string|boolean $password */ public function withPassword($password = false) { $new = clone $this; $new->password = $password; return $new; } } * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * Base Class for all stream cipher classes * * @package StreamCipher * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class StreamCipher extends SymmetricKey { } * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * PrivateKey interface * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ interface PrivateKey { public function sign($message); //public function decrypt($ciphertext); public function getPublicKey(); public function toString($type, array $options = []); public function withPassword($string); } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw Signature Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Raw { /** * Loads a signature * * @access public * @param array $sig * @return array|bool */ public static function load($sig) { switch (true) { case !is_array($sig): case !isset($sig['r']) || !isset($sig['s']): case !$sig['r'] instanceof BigInteger: case !$sig['s'] instanceof BigInteger: return false; } return ['r' => $sig['r'], 's' => $sig['s']]; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { return compact('r', 's'); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; /** * OpenSSH Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSH { /** * Default comment * * @var string * @access private */ protected static $comment = 'phpseclib-generated-key'; /** * Binary key flag * * @var bool * @access private */ protected static $binary = false; /** * Sets the default comment * * @access public * @param string $comment */ public static function setComment($comment) { self::$comment = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $comment); } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * $type can be either ssh-dss or ssh-rsa * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $type * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } // key format is described here: // if (strpos($key, 'BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY') !== false) { $key = preg_replace('#(?:^-.*?-[\\r\\n]*$)|\\s#ms', '', $key); $key = Base64::decode($key); $magic = Strings::shift($key, 15); if ($magic != "openssh-key-v1\0") { throw new \RuntimeException('Expected openssh-key-v1'); } list($ciphername, $kdfname, $kdfoptions, $numKeys) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sssN', $key); if ($numKeys != 1) { // if we wanted to support multiple keys we could update PublicKeyLoader to preview what the # of keys // would be; it'd then call Common\Keys\OpenSSH.php::load() and get the paddedKey. it'd then pass // that to the appropriate key loading parser $numKey times or something throw new \RuntimeException('Although the OpenSSH private key format supports multiple keys phpseclib does not'); } if (strlen($kdfoptions) || $kdfname != 'none' || $ciphername != 'none') { /* OpenSSH private keys use a customized version of bcrypt. specifically, instead of encrypting OrpheanBeholderScryDoubt 64 times OpenSSH's bcrypt variant encrypts OxychromaticBlowfishSwatDynamite 64 times. so we can't use crypt(). bcrypt is basically Blowfish with an altered key expansion. whereas Blowfish just runs the key through the key expansion bcrypt interleaves the key expansion with the salt and password. this renders openssl / mcrypt unusuable. this forces us to use a pure-PHP implementation of bcrypt. the problem with that is that pure-PHP is too slow to be practically useful. in addition to encrypting a different string 64 times the OpenSSH implementation also performs bcrypt from scratch $rounds times. calling crypt() 64x with bcrypt takes 0.7s. PHP is going to be naturally slower. pure-PHP is 215x slower than OpenSSL for AES and pure-PHP is 43x slower for bcrypt. 43 * 0.7 = 30s. no one wants to wait 30s to load a private key. another way to think about this.. according to wikipedia's article on Blowfish, "Each new key requires pre-processing equivalent to encrypting about 4 kilobytes of text". key expansion is done (9+64*2)*160 times. multiply that by 4 and it turns out that Blowfish, OpenSSH style, is the equivalent of encrypting ~80mb of text. more supporting evidence: sodium_compat does not implement Argon2 (another password hashing algorithm) because "It's not feasible to polyfill scrypt or Argon2 into PHP and get reasonable performance. Users would feel motivated to select parameters that downgrade security to avoid denial of service (DoS) attacks. The only winning move is not to play" -- */ throw new \RuntimeException('Encrypted OpenSSH private keys are not supported'); //list($salt, $rounds) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sN', $kdfoptions); } list($publicKey, $paddedKey) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $key); list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $publicKey); list($checkint1, $checkint2) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $paddedKey); // any leftover bytes in $paddedKey are for padding? but they should be sequential bytes. eg. 1, 2, 3, etc. if ($checkint1 != $checkint2) { throw new \RuntimeException('The two checkints do not match'); } self::checkType($type); return compact('type', 'publicKey', 'paddedKey'); } $parts = explode(' ', $key, 3); if (!isset($parts[1])) { $key = base64_decode($parts[0]); $comment = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : false; } else { $asciiType = $parts[0]; self::checkType($parts[0]); $key = base64_decode($parts[1]); $comment = isset($parts[2]) ? $parts[2] : false; } if ($key === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $key); self::checkType($type); if (isset($asciiType) && $asciiType != $type) { throw new \RuntimeException('Two different types of keys are claimed: ' . $asciiType . ' and ' . $type); } if (strlen($key) <= 4) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $publicKey = $key; return compact('type', 'publicKey', 'comment'); } /** * Toggle between binary and printable keys * * Printable keys are what are generated by default. These are the ones that go in * $HOME/.ssh/authorized_key. * * @access public * @param bool $enabled */ public static function setBinaryOutput($enabled) { self::$binary = $enabled; } /** * Checks to see if the type is valid * * @access private * @param string $candidate */ private static function checkType($candidate) { if (!in_array($candidate, static::$types)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The key type is not equal to: ' . implode(',', static::$types)); } } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @access public * @param string $publicKey * @param string $privateKey * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $options) { list(, $checkint) = unpack('N', Random::string(4)); $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $paddedKey = Strings::packSSH2('NN', $checkint, $checkint) . $privateKey . Strings::packSSH2('s', $comment); /* from : Note that the length of the concatenation of 'packet_length', 'padding_length', 'payload', and 'random padding' MUST be a multiple of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger. */ $paddingLength = 7 * strlen($paddedKey) % 8; for ($i = 1; $i <= $paddingLength; $i++) { $paddedKey .= chr($i); } $key = Strings::packSSH2('sssNss', 'none', 'none', '', 1, $publicKey, $paddedKey); $key = "openssh-key-v1\0{$key}"; return "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 70) . "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----"; } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Crypt\AES; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; /** * PuTTY Formatted Key Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PuTTY { /** * Default comment * * @var string * @access private */ private static $comment = 'phpseclib-generated-key'; /** * Sets the default comment * * @access public * @param string $comment */ public static function setComment($comment) { self::$comment = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $comment); } /** * Generate a symmetric key for PuTTY keys * * @access public * @param string $password * @param int $length * @return string */ private static function generateSymmetricKey($password, $length) { $symkey = ''; $sequence = 0; while (strlen($symkey) < $length) { $temp = pack('Na*', $sequence++, $password); $symkey .= Hex::decode(sha1($temp)); } return substr($symkey, 0, $length); } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password * @return array */ protected static function load($key, $password) { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (strpos($key, 'BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY') !== false) { $data = preg_split('#[\\r\\n]+#', $key); $data = array_splice($data, 2, -1); $data = implode('', $data); $components = call_user_func([static::PUBLIC_HANDLER, 'load'], $data); if ($components === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to decode public key'); } if (!preg_match('#Comment: "(.+)"#', $key, $matches)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key is missing a comment'); } $components['comment'] = str_replace(['\\\\', '\\"'], ['\\', '"'], $matches[1]); return $components; } $components = []; $key = preg_split('#\\r\\n|\\r|\\n#', trim($key)); $type = trim(preg_replace('#PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: (.+)#', '$1', $key[0])); $components['type'] = $type; if (!in_array($type, static::$types)) { $error = count(static::$types) == 1 ? 'Only ' . static::$types[0] . ' keys are supported. ' : ''; throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($error . 'This is an unsupported ' . $type . ' key'); } $encryption = trim(preg_replace('#Encryption: (.+)#', '$1', $key[1])); $components['comment'] = trim(preg_replace('#Comment: (.+)#', '$1', $key[2])); $publicLength = trim(preg_replace('#Public-Lines: (\\d+)#', '$1', $key[3])); $public = Base64::decode(implode('', array_map('trim', array_slice($key, 4, $publicLength)))); $source = Strings::packSSH2('ssss', $type, $encryption, $components['comment'], $public); extract(unpack('Nlength', Strings::shift($public, 4))); $newtype = Strings::shift($public, $length); if ($newtype != $type) { throw new \RuntimeException('The binary type does not match the human readable type field'); } $components['public'] = $public; $privateLength = trim(preg_replace('#Private-Lines: (\\d+)#', '$1', $key[$publicLength + 4])); $private = Base64::decode(implode('', array_map('trim', array_slice($key, $publicLength + 5, $privateLength)))); switch ($encryption) { case 'aes256-cbc': $symkey = self::generateSymmetricKey($password, 32); $crypto = new AES('cbc'); } $hashkey = 'putty-private-key-file-mac-key'; if ($encryption != 'none') { $hashkey .= $password; $crypto->setKey($symkey); $crypto->setIV(str_repeat("\0", $crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3)); $crypto->disablePadding(); $private = $crypto->decrypt($private); } $source .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash->setKey(sha1($hashkey, true)); $hmac = trim(preg_replace('#Private-MAC: (.+)#', '$1', $key[$publicLength + $privateLength + 5])); $hmac = Hex::decode($hmac); if (!hash_equals($hash->hash($source), $hmac)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('MAC validation error'); } $components['private'] = $private; return $components; } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @access private * @param string $public * @param string $private * @param string $type * @param string $password * @param array $options optional * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, $type, $password, array $options = []) { $key = "PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: " . $type . "\r\nEncryption: "; $encryption = !empty($password) || is_string($password) ? 'aes256-cbc' : 'none'; $key .= $encryption; $key .= "\r\nComment: " . self::$comment . "\r\n"; $public = Strings::packSSH2('s', $type) . $public; $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $source = Strings::packSSH2('ssss', $type, $encryption, $comment, $public); $public = Base64::encode($public); $key .= "Public-Lines: " . (strlen($public) + 63 >> 6) . "\r\n"; $key .= chunk_split($public, 64); if (empty($password) && !is_string($password)) { $source .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); $hashkey = 'putty-private-key-file-mac-key'; } else { $private .= Random::string(16 - (strlen($private) & 15)); $source .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); $crypto = new AES('cbc'); $crypto->setKey(self::generateSymmetricKey($password, 32)); $crypto->setIV(str_repeat("\0", $crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3)); $crypto->disablePadding(); $private = $crypto->encrypt($private); $hashkey = 'putty-private-key-file-mac-key' . $password; } $private = Base64::encode($private); $key .= 'Private-Lines: ' . (strlen($private) + 63 >> 6) . "\r\n"; $key .= chunk_split($private, 64); $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash->setKey(sha1($hashkey, true)); $key .= 'Private-MAC: ' . Hex::encode($hash->hash($source)) . "\r\n"; return $key; } /** * Wrap a public key appropriately * * This is basically the format described in RFC 4716 ( * * @access private * @param string $key * @param string $type * @return string */ protected static function wrapPublicKey($key, $type) { $key = pack('Na*a*', strlen($type), $type, $key); $key = "---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----\r\n" . 'Comment: "' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['\\\\', '\\"'], self::$comment) . "\"\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . '---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----'; return $key; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; /** * PKCS1 Formatted Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS { /** * Auto-detect the format */ const MODE_ANY = 0; /** * Require base64-encoded PEM's be supplied */ const MODE_PEM = 1; /** * Require raw DER's be supplied */ const MODE_DER = 2; /**#@-*/ /** * Is the key a base-64 encoded PEM, DER or should it be auto-detected? * * @access private * @param int */ protected static $format = self::MODE_ANY; /** * Require base64-encoded PEM's be supplied * * @access public */ public static function requirePEM() { self::$format = self::MODE_PEM; } /** * Require raw DER's be supplied * * @access public */ public static function requireDER() { self::$format = self::MODE_DER; } /** * Accept any format and auto detect the format * * This is the default setting * * @access public */ public static function requireAny() { self::$format = self::MODE_ANY; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Crypt\AES; use tgseclib\Crypt\DES; use tgseclib\Crypt\TripleDES; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; /** * PKCS1 Formatted Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS1 extends PKCS { /** * Default encryption algorithm * * @var string * @access private */ private static $defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = 'AES-128-CBC'; /** * Sets the default encryption algorithm * * @access public * @param string $algo */ public static function setEncryptionAlgorithm($algo) { self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = $algo; } /** * Returns the mode constant corresponding to the mode string * * @access public * @param string $mode * @return int * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the block cipher mode is unsupported */ private static function getEncryptionMode($mode) { switch ($mode) { case 'CBC': case 'ECB': case 'CFB': case 'OFB': case 'CTR': return $mode; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unsupported block cipher mode of operation'); } /** * Returns a cipher object corresponding to a string * * @access public * @param string $algo * @return string * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the encryption algorithm is unsupported */ private static function getEncryptionObject($algo) { $modes = '(CBC|ECB|CFB|OFB|CTR)'; switch (true) { case preg_match("#^AES-(128|192|256)-{$modes}\$#", $algo, $matches): $cipher = new AES(self::getEncryptionMode($matches[2])); $cipher->setKeyLength($matches[1]); return $cipher; case preg_match("#^DES-EDE3-{$modes}\$#", $algo, $matches): return new TripleDES(self::getEncryptionMode($matches[1])); case preg_match("#^DES-{$modes}\$#", $algo, $matches): return new DES(self::getEncryptionMode($matches[1])); default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($algo . ' is not a supported algorithm'); } } /** * Generate a symmetric key for PKCS#1 keys * * @access private * @param string $password * @param string $iv * @param int $length * @return string */ private static function generateSymmetricKey($password, $iv, $length) { $symkey = ''; $iv = substr($iv, 0, 8); while (strlen($symkey) < $length) { $symkey .= md5($symkey . $password . $iv, true); } return substr($symkey, 0, $length); } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ protected static function load($key, $password) { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } /* Although PKCS#1 proposes a format that public and private keys can use, encrypting them is "outside the scope" of PKCS#1. PKCS#1 then refers you to PKCS#12 and PKCS#15 if you're wanting to protect private keys, however, that's not what OpenSSL* does. OpenSSL protects private keys by adding two new "fields" to the key - DEK-Info and Proc-Type. These fields are discussed here: DES-EDE3-CBC as an algorithm, however, is not discussed anywhere, near as I can tell. DES-CBC and DES-EDE are discussed in RFC1423, however, DES-EDE3-CBC isn't, nor is its key derivation function. As is, the definitive authority on this encoding scheme isn't the IETF but rather OpenSSL's own implementation. ie. the implementation *is* the standard and any bugs that may exist in that implementation are part of the standard, as well. * OpenSSL is the de facto standard. It's utilized by OpenSSH and other projects */ if (preg_match('#DEK-Info: (.+),(.+)#', $key, $matches)) { $iv = Hex::decode(trim($matches[2])); // remove the Proc-Type / DEK-Info sections as they're no longer needed $key = preg_replace('#^(?:Proc-Type|DEK-Info): .*#m', '', $key); $ciphertext = ASN1::extractBER($key); if ($ciphertext === false) { $ciphertext = $key; } $crypto = self::getEncryptionObject($matches[1]); $crypto->setKey(self::generateSymmetricKey($password, $iv, $crypto->getKeyLength() >> 3)); $crypto->setIV($iv); $key = $crypto->decrypt($ciphertext); } else { if (self::$format != self::MODE_DER) { $decoded = ASN1::extractBER($key); if ($decoded !== false) { $key = $decoded; } elseif (self::$format == self::MODE_PEM) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected base64-encoded PEM format but was unable to decode base64 text'); } } } return $key; } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $type * @param string $password * @param array $options optional * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($key, $type, $password, array $options = []) { if (empty($password) || !is_string($password)) { return "-----BEGIN {$type} PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END {$type} PRIVATE KEY-----"; } $encryptionAlgorithm = isset($options['encryptionAlgorithm']) ? $options['encryptionAlgorithm'] : self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm; $cipher = self::getEncryptionObject($encryptionAlgorithm); $iv = Random::string($cipher->getBlockLength() >> 3); $cipher->setKey(self::generateSymmetricKey($password, $iv, $cipher->getKeyLength() >> 3)); $cipher->setIV($iv); $iv = strtoupper(Hex::encode($iv)); return "-----BEGIN {$type} PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\r\n" . "DEK-Info: " . $encryptionAlgorithm . ",{$iv}\r\n" . "\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($cipher->encrypt($key)), 64) . "-----END {$type} PRIVATE KEY-----"; } /** * Wrap a public key appropriately * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $type * @return string */ protected static function wrapPublicKey($key, $type) { return "-----BEGIN {$type} PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END {$type} PUBLIC KEY-----"; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Crypt\DES; use tgseclib\Crypt\RC2; use tgseclib\Crypt\RC4; use tgseclib\Crypt\AES; use tgseclib\Crypt\TripleDES; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted Key Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS8 extends PKCS { /** * Default encryption algorithm * * @var string * @access private */ private static $defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = 'id-PBES2'; /** * Default encryption scheme * * Only used when defaultEncryptionAlgorithm is id-PBES2 * * @var string * @access private */ private static $defaultEncryptionScheme = 'aes128-CBC-PAD'; /** * Default PRF * * Only used when defaultEncryptionAlgorithm is id-PBES2 * * @var string * @access private */ private static $defaultPRF = 'id-hmacWithSHA256'; /** * Default Iteration Count * * @var int * @access private */ private static $defaultIterationCount = 2048; /** * OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ private static $oidsLoaded = false; /** * Sets the default encryption algorithm * * @access public * @param string $algo */ public static function setEncryptionAlgorithm($algo) { self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = $algo; } /** * Sets the default encryption algorithm for PBES2 * * @access public * @param string $algo */ public static function setEncryptionScheme($algo) { self::$defaultEncryptionScheme = $algo; } /** * Sets the iteration count * * @access public * @param int $count */ public static function setIterationCount($count) { self::$defaultIterationCount = $count; } /** * Sets the PRF for PBES2 * * @access public * @param string $algo */ public static function setPRF($algo) { self::$defaultPRF = $algo; } /** * Returns a SymmetricKey object based on a PBES1 $algo * * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey * @access public * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES1EncryptionObject($algo) { $algo = preg_match('#^pbeWith(?:MD2|MD5|SHA1|SHA)And(.*?)-CBC$#', $algo, $matches) ? $matches[1] : substr($algo, 13); // strlen('pbeWithSHAAnd') == 13 switch ($algo) { case 'DES': $cipher = new DES('cbc'); break; case 'RC2': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); break; case '3-KeyTripleDES': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); break; case '2-KeyTripleDES': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case '128BitRC2': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case '40BitRC2': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(40); break; case '128BitRC4': $cipher = new RC4(); $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case '40BitRC4': $cipher = new RC4(); $cipher->setKeyLength(40); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("{$algo} is not a supported algorithm"); } return $cipher; } /** * Returns a hash based on a PBES1 $algo * * @return string * @access public * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES1Hash($algo) { if (preg_match('#^pbeWith(MD2|MD5|SHA1|SHA)And.*?-CBC$#', $algo, $matches)) { return $matches[1] == 'SHA' ? 'sha1' : $matches[1]; } return 'sha1'; } /** * Returns a KDF baesd on a PBES1 $algo * * @return string * @access public * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES1KDF($algo) { switch ($algo) { case 'pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC': return 'pbkdf1'; } return 'pkcs12'; } /** * Returns a SymmetricKey object baesd on a PBES2 $algo * * @return SymmetricKey * @access public * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES2EncryptionObject($algo) { switch ($algo) { case 'desCBC': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); break; case 'des-EDE3-CBC': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); break; case 'rc2CBC': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); // in theory this can be changed $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case 'rc5-CBC-PAD': throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('rc5-CBC-PAD is not supported for PBES2 PKCS#8 keys'); case 'aes128-CBC-PAD': case 'aes192-CBC-PAD': case 'aes256-CBC-PAD': $cipher = new AES('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(substr($algo, 3, 3)); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("{$algo} is not supported"); } return $cipher; } /** * Initialize static variables * * @access private */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!static::$childOIDsLoaded) { ASN1::loadOIDs(is_array(static::OID_NAME) ? array_combine(static::OID_NAME, static::OID_VALUE) : [static::OID_NAME => static::OID_VALUE]); static::$childOIDsLoaded = true; } if (!self::$oidsLoaded) { // from ASN1::loadOIDs([ // PBES1 encryption schemes 'pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.1', 'pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.4', 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.3', 'pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.6', 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.10', 'pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.11', // from PKCS#12: // 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC4' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd2-KeyTripleDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'id-PBKDF2' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.12', 'id-PBES2' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.13', 'id-PBMAC1' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.14', // from PKCS#5 v2.1: // 'id-hmacWithSHA1' => '1.2.840.113549.2.7', 'id-hmacWithSHA224' => '1.2.840.113549.2.8', 'id-hmacWithSHA256' => '1.2.840.113549.2.9', 'id-hmacWithSHA384' => '1.2.840.113549.2.10', 'id-hmacWithSHA512' => '1.2.840.113549.2.11', 'id-hmacWithSHA512-224' => '1.2.840.113549.2.12', 'id-hmacWithSHA512-256' => '1.2.840.113549.2.13', 'desCBC' => '', 'des-EDE3-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.3.7', 'rc2CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.3.2', 'rc5-CBC-PAD' => '1.2.840.113549.3.9', 'aes128-CBC-PAD' => '2.16.840.', 'aes192-CBC-PAD' => '2.16.840.', 'aes256-CBC-PAD' => '2.16.840.', ]); self::$oidsLoaded = true; } } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ protected static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (self::$format != self::MODE_DER) { $decoded = ASN1::extractBER($key); if ($decoded !== false) { $key = $decoded; } elseif (self::$format == self::MODE_PEM) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected base64-encoded PEM format but was unable to decode base64 text'); } } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $meta = []; $decrypted = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo::MAP); if (strlen($password) && is_array($decrypted)) { $algorithm = $decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['algorithm']; switch ($algorithm) { // PBES1 case 'pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd2-KeyTripleDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC4': $cipher = self::getPBES1EncryptionObject($algorithm); $hash = self::getPBES1Hash($algorithm); $kdf = self::getPBES1KDF($algorithm); $meta['meta']['algorithm'] = $algorithm; $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); extract(ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBEParameter::MAP)); $iterationCount = (int) $iterationCount->toString(); $cipher->setPassword($password, $kdf, $hash, $salt, $iterationCount); $key = $cipher->decrypt($decrypted['encryptedData']); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER 2'); } break; case 'id-PBES2': $meta['meta']['algorithm'] = $algorithm; $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); $temp = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBES2params::MAP); extract($temp); $cipher = self::getPBES2EncryptionObject($encryptionScheme['algorithm']); $meta['meta']['cipher'] = $encryptionScheme['algorithm']; $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); $temp = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBES2params::MAP); extract($temp); if (!$cipher instanceof RC2) { $cipher->setIV($encryptionScheme['parameters']['octetString']); } else { $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($encryptionScheme['parameters']); extract(ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\RC2CBCParameter::MAP)); $effectiveKeyLength = (int) $rc2ParametersVersion->toString(); switch ($effectiveKeyLength) { case 160: $effectiveKeyLength = 40; break; case 120: $effectiveKeyLength = 64; break; case 58: $effectiveKeyLength = 128; break; } $cipher->setIV($iv); $cipher->setKeyLength($effectiveKeyLength); } $meta['meta']['keyDerivationFunc'] = $keyDerivationFunc['algorithm']; switch ($keyDerivationFunc['algorithm']) { case 'id-PBKDF2': $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($keyDerivationFunc['parameters']); $prf = ['algorithm' => 'id-hmacWithSHA1']; $params = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBKDF2params::MAP); extract($params); $meta['meta']['prf'] = $prf['algorithm']; $hash = str_replace('-', '/', substr($prf['algorithm'], 11)); $params = [$password, 'pbkdf2', $hash, $salt, (int) $iterationCount->toString()]; if (isset($keyLength)) { $params[] = (int) $keyLength->toString(); } call_user_func_array([$cipher, 'setPassword'], $params); $key = $cipher->decrypt($decrypted['encryptedData']); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER 3'); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only PBKDF2 is supported for PBES2 PKCS#8 keys'); } break; case 'id-PBMAC1': //$temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); //$value = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBMAC1params::MAP); // since i can't find any implementation that does PBMAC1 it is unsupported throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only PBES1 and PBES2 PKCS#8 keys are supported.'); } } $private = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\OneAsymmetricKey::MAP); if (is_array($private)) { if (isset($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters']) && !$private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] instanceof ASN1\Element && isset($decoded[0]['content'][1]['content'][1])) { $temp = $decoded[0]['content'][1]['content'][1]; $private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] = new ASN1\Element(substr($key, $temp['start'], $temp['length'])); } if (is_array(static::OID_NAME)) { if (!in_array($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'], static::OID_NAME)) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' is not a supported key type'); } } else { if ($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] != static::OID_NAME) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only ' . static::OID_NAME . ' keys are supported; this is a ' . $private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' key'); } } if (isset($private['publicKey'])) { if ($private['publicKey'][0] != "\0") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The first byte of the public key should be null - not ' . bin2hex($private['publicKey'][0])); } $private['publicKey'] = substr($private['publicKey'], 1); } return $private + $meta; } // EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo and PublicKeyInfo have largely identical "signatures". the only difference // is that the former has an octet string and the later has a bit string. the first byte of a bit // string represents the number of bits in the last byte that are to be ignored but, currently, // bit strings wanting a non-zero amount of bits trimmed are not supported $public = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\PublicKeyInfo::MAP); if (is_array($public)) { if ($public['publicKey'][0] != "\0") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The first byte of the public key should be null - not ' . bin2hex($public['publicKey'][0])); } if (is_array(static::OID_NAME)) { if (!in_array($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'], static::OID_NAME)) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($private['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' is not a supported key type'); } } else { if ($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] != static::OID_NAME) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only ' . static::OID_NAME . ' keys are supported; this is a ' . $private['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' key'); } } if (isset($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters']) && !$public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] instanceof ASN1\Element && isset($decoded[0]['content'][0]['content'][1])) { $temp = $decoded[0]['content'][0]['content'][1]; $public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] = new ASN1\Element(substr($key, $temp['start'], $temp['length'])); } $public['publicKey'] = substr($public['publicKey'], 1); return $public; } return false; } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $attr * @param mixed $params * @param string $password * @param string $oid optional * @param string $publicKey optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($key, $attr, $params, $password, $oid = null, $publicKey = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = ['version' => 'v1', 'privateKeyAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => is_string(static::OID_NAME) ? static::OID_NAME : $oid, 'parameters' => $params], 'privateKey' => $key]; if (!empty($attr)) { $key['attributes'] = $attr; } if (!empty($publicKey)) { $key['version'] = 'v2'; $key['publicKey'] = $publicKey; } $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\OneAsymmetricKey::MAP); if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { $salt = Random::string(8); $iterationCount = isset($options['iterationCount']) ? $options['iterationCount'] : self::$defaultIterationCount; $encryptionAlgorithm = isset($options['encryptionAlgorithm']) ? $options['encryptionAlgorithm'] : self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm; $encryptionScheme = isset($options['encryptionScheme']) ? $options['encryptionScheme'] : self::$defaultEncryptionScheme; $prf = isset($options['PRF']) ? $options['PRF'] : self::$defaultPRF; if ($encryptionAlgorithm == 'id-PBES2') { $crypto = self::getPBES2EncryptionObject($encryptionScheme); $hash = str_replace('-', '/', substr($prf, 11)); $kdf = 'pbkdf2'; $iv = Random::string($crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3); $PBKDF2params = ['salt' => $salt, 'iterationCount' => $iterationCount, 'prf' => ['algorithm' => $prf, 'parameters' => null]]; $PBKDF2params = ASN1::encodeDER($PBKDF2params, Maps\PBKDF2params::MAP); if (!$crypto instanceof RC2) { $params = ['octetString' => $iv]; } else { $params = ['rc2ParametersVersion' => 58, 'iv' => $iv]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\RC2CBCParameter::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); } $params = ['keyDerivationFunc' => ['algorithm' => 'id-PBKDF2', 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element($PBKDF2params)], 'encryptionScheme' => ['algorithm' => $encryptionScheme, 'parameters' => $params]]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\PBES2params::MAP); $crypto->setIV($iv); } else { $crypto = self::getPBES1EncryptionObject($encryptionAlgorithm); $hash = self::getPBES1Hash($encryptionAlgorithm); $kdf = self::getPBES1KDF($encryptionAlgorithm); $params = ['salt' => $salt, 'iterationCount' => $iterationCount]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\PBEParameter::MAP); } $crypto->setPassword($password, $kdf, $hash, $salt, $iterationCount); $key = $crypto->encrypt($key); $key = ['encryptionAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => $encryptionAlgorithm, 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element($params)], 'encryptedData' => $key]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo::MAP); return "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----"; } return "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; } /** * Wrap a public key appropriately * * @access public * @param string $key * @param mixed $params * @return string */ protected static function wrapPublicKey($key, $params, $oid = null) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = ['publicKeyAlgorithm' => ['algorithm' => is_string(static::OID_NAME) ? static::OID_NAME : $oid, 'parameters' => $params], 'publicKey' => "\0" . $key]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\PublicKeyInfo::MAP); return "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; } } * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * PublicKey interface * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ interface PublicKey { public function verify($message, $signature); //public function encrypt($plaintext); public function toString($type, array $options = []); public function getFingerprint($algorithm); } * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\Common; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\BinaryField; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\Exception\BadDecryptionException; use tgseclib\Exception\BadModeException; use tgseclib\Exception\InconsistentSetupException; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; /** * Base Class for all \tgseclib\Crypt\* cipher classes * * @package Base * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich */ abstract class SymmetricKey { /**#@+ * @access public * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Counter mode. * * Set to -1 since that's what Crypt/Random.php uses to index the CTR mode. * * @link */ const MODE_CTR = -1; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode. * * @link */ const MODE_ECB = 1; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode. * * @link */ const MODE_CBC = 2; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode. * * @link */ const MODE_CFB = 3; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode (8bit) */ const MODE_CFB8 = 38; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Output Feedback mode. * * @link */ const MODE_OFB = 4; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using Galois/Counter mode. * * @link */ const MODE_GCM = 5; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using streaming mode. */ const MODE_STREAM = 6; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Infinite Garble Extension mode. */ const MODE_IGE = 7; /**#@-*/ /** * Mode Map * * @access private * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const MODE_MAP = ['ctr' => self::MODE_CTR, 'ecb' => self::MODE_ECB, 'cbc' => self::MODE_CBC, 'cfb' => self::MODE_CFB, 'cfb8' => self::MODE_CFB8, 'ofb' => self::MODE_OFB, 'ige' => self::MODE_IGE, 'gcm' => self::MODE_GCM, 'stream' => self::MODE_STREAM]; /**#@+ * @access private * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ /** * Base value for the internal implementation $engine switch */ const ENGINE_INTERNAL = 1; /** * Base value for the eval() implementation $engine switch */ const ENGINE_EVAL = 2; /** * Base value for the mcrypt implementation $engine switch */ const ENGINE_MCRYPT = 3; /** * Base value for the openssl implementation $engine switch */ const ENGINE_OPENSSL = 4; /** * Base value for the libsodium implementation $engine switch */ const ENGINE_LIBSODIUM = 5; /** * Base value for the openssl / gcm implementation $engine switch */ const ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM = 6; /**#@-*/ /** * Engine Reverse Map * * @access private * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::getEngine() */ const ENGINE_MAP = [self::ENGINE_INTERNAL => 'PHP', self::ENGINE_EVAL => 'Eval', self::ENGINE_MCRYPT => 'mcrypt', self::ENGINE_OPENSSL => 'OpenSSL', self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM => 'libsodium', self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM => 'OpenSSL (GCM)']; /** * The Encryption Mode * * @see self::__construct() * @var int * @access private */ protected $mode; /** * The Block Length of the block cipher * * @var int * @access private */ protected $block_size = 16; /** * The IV length multiplier of the block cipher * * @var int * @access private */ protected $iv_length_multiplier = 1; /** * The Key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string * @access private */ protected $key = false; /** * The Initialization Vector * * @see self::setIV() * @var string * @access private */ private $iv = false; /** * A "sliding" Initialization Vector * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var string * @access private */ protected $encryptIV; /** * A "sliding" Initialization Vector * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var string * @access private */ protected $decryptIV; /** * Continuous Buffer status * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @var bool * @access private */ protected $continuousBuffer = false; /** * Encryption buffer for IGE, CTR, OFB and CFB modes * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var array * @access private */ protected $enbuffer; /** * Decryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var array * @access private */ protected $debuffer; /** * mcrypt resource for encryption * * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once. * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode. * * @see self::encrypt() * @var resource * @access private */ private $enmcrypt; /** * mcrypt resource for decryption * * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once. * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode. * * @see self::decrypt() * @var resource * @access private */ private $demcrypt; /** * Does the enmcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized? * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Twofish::setKey() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Twofish::setIV() * @var bool * @access private */ private $enchanged = true; /** * Does the demcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized? * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Twofish::setKey() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Twofish::setIV() * @var bool * @access private */ private $dechanged = true; /** * mcrypt resource for CFB mode * * mcrypt's CFB mode, in (and only in) buffered context, * is broken, so phpseclib implements the CFB mode by it self, * even when the mcrypt php extension is available. * * In order to do the CFB-mode work (fast) phpseclib * use a separate ECB-mode mcrypt resource. * * @link * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::setupMcrypt() * @var resource * @access private */ private $ecb; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * Only relevant if $continuousBuffer enabled * and $engine == self::ENGINE_MCRYPT * * It's faster to re-init $enmcrypt if * $buffer bytes > $cfb_init_len than * using the $ecb resource furthermore. * * This value depends of the chosen cipher * and the time it would be needed for it's * initialization [by mcrypt_generic_init()] * which, typically, depends on the complexity * on its internaly Key-expanding algorithm. * * @see self::encrypt() * @var int * @access private */ protected $cfb_init_len = 600; /** * Does internal cipher state need to be (re)initialized? * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setIV() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() * @var bool * @access private */ protected $changed = true; /** * Does Eval engie need to be (re)initialized? * * @see self::setup() * @var bool * @access private */ protected $nonIVChanged = true; /** * Padding status * * @see self::enablePadding() * @var bool * @access private */ private $padding = true; /** * Is the mode one that is paddable? * * @see self::__construct() * @var bool * @access private */ private $paddable = false; /** * Holds which crypt engine internaly should be use, * which will be determined automatically on __construct() * * Currently available $engines are: * - self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM (very fast, php-extension: libsodium, extension_loaded('libsodium') required) * - self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM (very fast, php-extension: openssl, extension_loaded('openssl') required) * - self::ENGINE_OPENSSL (very fast, php-extension: openssl, extension_loaded('openssl') required) * - self::ENGINE_MCRYPT (fast, php-extension: mcrypt, extension_loaded('mcrypt') required) * - self::ENGINE_EVAL (medium, pure php-engine, no php-extension required) * - self::ENGINE_INTERNAL (slower, pure php-engine, no php-extension required) * * @see self::setEngine() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @var int * @access private */ protected $engine; /** * Holds the preferred crypt engine * * @see self::setEngine() * @see self::setPreferredEngine() * @var int * @access private */ private $preferredEngine; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * Only used if $engine == self::ENGINE_MCRYPT * * @link * @link * @see self::setupMcrypt() * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt; /** * The openssl specific name of the cipher * * Only used if $engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL * * @link * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_openssl; /** * The openssl specific name of the cipher in ECB mode * * If OpenSSL does not support the mode we're trying to use (CTR) * it can still be emulated with ECB mode. * * @link * @var string * @access private */ protected static $cipher_name_openssl_ecb; /** * The default salt used by setPassword() * * @see self::setPassword() * @var string * @access private */ private $password_default_salt = 'phpseclib/salt'; /** * The name of the performance-optimized callback function * * Used by encrypt() / decrypt() * only if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @var Callback * @access private */ protected $inline_crypt; /** * If OpenSSL can be used in ECB but not in CTR we can emulate CTR * * @see self::openssl_ctr_process() * @var bool * @access private */ private $openssl_emulate_ctr = false; /** * Don't truncate / null pad key * * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var bool * @access private */ private $skip_key_adjustment = false; /** * Has the key length explicitly been set or should it be derived from the key, itself? * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @var bool * @access private */ protected $explicit_key_length = false; /** * Hash subkey for GHASH * * @see self::setupGCM() * @see self::ghash() * @var BinaryField\Integer * @access private */ private $h; /** * Additional authenticated data * * @var string * @access private */ protected $aad = ''; /** * Authentication Tag produced after a round of encryption * * @var string * @access private */ protected $newtag = false; /** * Authentication Tag to be verified during decryption * * @var string * @access private */ protected $oldtag = false; /** * GCM Binary Field * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::ghash() * @var BinaryField * @access private */ private static $gcmField; /** * Poly1305 Prime Field * * @see self::enablePoly1305() * @see self::poly1305() * @var PrimeField * @access private */ private static $poly1305Field; /** * Poly1305 Key * * @see self::setPoly1305Key() * @see self::poly1305() * @var string * @access private */ protected $poly1305Key; /** * Poly1305 Flag * * @see self::setPoly1305Key() * @see self::enablePoly1305() * @var boolean * @access private */ protected $usePoly1305 = false; /** * The Original Initialization Vector * * GCM uses the nonce to build the IV but we want to be able to distinguish between nonce-derived * IV's and user-set IV's * * @see self::setIV() * @var string * @access private */ private $origIV = false; /** * Nonce * * Only used with GCM. We could re-use setIV() but nonce's can be of a different length and * toggling between GCM and other modes could be more complicated if we re-used setIV() * * @see self::setNonce() * @var string * @access private */ protected $nonce = false; /** * Default Constructor. * * $mode could be: * * - ecb * * - cbc * * - ctr * * - cfb * * - cfb8 * * - ofb * * - ige * * - gcm * * @param string $mode * @access public * @throws BadModeException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { $mode = strtolower($mode); // necessary because of 5.6 compatibility; we can't do isset(self::MODE_MAP[$mode]) in 5.6 $map = self::MODE_MAP; if (!isset($map[$mode])) { throw new BadModeException('No valid mode has been specified'); } $mode = self::MODE_MAP[$mode]; // $mode dependent settings switch ($mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: case self::MODE_CBC: $this->paddable = true; break; case self::MODE_IGE: $this->iv_length_multiplier = 2; case self::MODE_CTR: case self::MODE_CFB: case self::MODE_CFB8: case self::MODE_OFB: case self::MODE_STREAM: $this->paddable = false; break; case self::MODE_GCM: if ($this->block_size != 16) { throw new BadModeException('GCM is only valid for block ciphers with a block size of 128 bits'); } if (!isset(self::$gcmField)) { self::$gcmField = new BinaryField(128, 7, 2, 1, 0); } $this->paddable = false; break; default: throw new BadModeException('No valid mode has been specified'); } $this->mode = $mode; } /** * Sets the initialization vector. * * setIV() is not required when ecb or gcm modes are being used. * * @access public * @param string $iv * @throws \LengthException if the IV length isn't equal to the block size * @throws \BadMethodCallException if an IV is provided when one shouldn't be * @internal Can be overwritten by a sub class, but does not have to be */ public function setIV($iv) { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ECB) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('This mode does not require an IV.'); } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Use setNonce instead'); } if (!$this->usesIV()) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('This algorithm does not use an IV.'); } if (strlen($iv) != $this->block_size * $this->iv_length_multiplier) { throw new \LengthException('Received initialization vector of size ' . strlen($iv) . ', but size ' . $this->block_size * $this->iv_length_multiplier . ' is required'); } $this->iv = $this->origIV = $iv; $this->changed = true; } /** * Enables Poly1305 mode. * * Once enabled Poly1305 cannot be disabled. * * @access public * @throws \BadMethodCallException if Poly1305 is enabled whilst in GCM mode */ public function enablePoly1305() { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Poly1305 cannot be used in GCM mode'); } $this->usePoly1305 = true; } /** * Enables Poly1305 mode. * * Once enabled Poly1305 cannot be disabled. If $key is not passed then an attempt to call createPoly1305Key * will be made. * * @access public * @param string $key optional * @throws \LengthException if the key isn't long enough * @throws \BadMethodCallException if Poly1305 is enabled whilst in GCM mode */ public function setPoly1305Key($key = null) { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Poly1305 cannot be used in GCM mode'); } if (!is_string($key) || strlen($key) != 32) { throw new \LengthException('The Poly1305 key must be 32 bytes long (256 bits)'); } if (!isset(self::$poly1305Field)) { // 2^130-5 self::$poly1305Field = new PrimeField(new BigInteger('3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb', 16)); } $this->poly1305Key = $key; $this->usePoly1305 = true; } /** * Sets the nonce. * * setNonce() is only required when gcm is used * * @access public * @param string $nonce * @throws \BadMethodCallException if an nonce is provided when one shouldn't be */ public function setNonce($nonce) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Nonces are only used in GCM mode.'); } $this->nonce = $nonce; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Sets additional authenticated data * * setAAD() is only used by gcm or in poly1305 mode * * @access public * @param string $aad * @throws \BadMethodCallException if mode isn't GCM or if poly1305 isn't being utilized */ public function setAAD($aad) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && !$this->usePoly1305) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Additional authenticated data is only utilized in GCM mode or with Poly1305'); } $this->aad = $aad; } /** * Returns whether or not the algorithm uses an IV * * @access public * @return bool */ public function usesIV() { return $this->mode != self::MODE_GCM; } /** * Returns whether or not the algorithm uses a nonce * * @access public * @return bool */ public function usesNonce() { return $this->mode == self::MODE_GCM; } /** * Returns the current key length in bits * * @access public * @return int */ public function getKeyLength() { return $this->key_length << 3; } /** * Returns the current block length in bits * * @access public * @return int */ public function getBlockLength() { return $this->block_size << 3; } /** * Returns the current block length in bytes * * @access public * @return int */ public function getBlockLengthInBytes() { return $this->block_size; } /** * Sets the key length. * * Keys with explicitly set lengths need to be treated accordingly * * @access public * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { $this->explicit_key_length = $length >> 3; if (is_string($this->key) && strlen($this->key) != $this->explicit_key_length) { $this->key = false; throw new InconsistentSetupException('Key has already been set and is not ' . $this->explicit_key_length . ' bytes long'); } } /** * Sets the key. * * The min/max length(s) of the key depends on the cipher which is used. * If the key not fits the length(s) of the cipher it will paded with null bytes * up to the closest valid key length. If the key is more than max length, * we trim the excess bits. * * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all null bytes. * * @access public * @param string $key * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ public function setKey($key) { if ($this->explicit_key_length !== false && strlen($key) != $this->explicit_key_length) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('Key length has already been set to ' . $this->explicit_key_length . ' bytes and this key is ' . strlen($key) . ' bytes'); } $this->key = $key; $this->key_length = strlen($key); $this->setEngine(); } /** * Sets the password. * * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows: * {@link pbkdf2} or pbkdf1: * $hash, $salt, $count, $dkLen * * Where $hash (default = sha1) currently supports the following hashes: see: Crypt/Hash.php * * @see Crypt/Hash.php * @param string $password * @param string $method * @param $func_args[] * @throws \LengthException if pbkdf1 is being used and the derived key length exceeds the hash length * @return bool * @access public * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ public function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2',...$func_args) { $key = ''; $method = strtolower($method); switch ($method) { case 'pkcs12': // from case 'pbkdf1': case 'pbkdf2': // Hash function $hash = isset($func_args[0]) ? strtolower($func_args[0]) : 'sha1'; $hashObj = new Hash(); $hashObj->setHash($hash); // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt $salt = isset($func_args[1]) ? $func_args[1] : $this->password_default_salt; // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096. $count = isset($func_args[2]) ? $func_args[2] : 1000; // Keylength if (isset($func_args[3])) { if ($func_args[3] <= 0) { throw new \LengthException('Derived key length cannot be longer 0 or less'); } $dkLen = $func_args[3]; } else { $key_length = $this->explicit_key_length !== false ? $this->explicit_key_length : $this->key_length; $dkLen = $method == 'pbkdf1' ? 2 * $key_length : $key_length; } switch (true) { case $method == 'pkcs12': /* In this specification, however, all passwords are created from BMPStrings with a NULL terminator. This means that each character in the original BMPString is encoded in 2 bytes in big-endian format (most-significant byte first). There are no Unicode byte order marks. The 2 bytes produced from the last character in the BMPString are followed by 2 additional bytes with the value 0x00. -- */ $password = "\0" . chunk_split($password, 1, "\0") . "\0"; /* This standard specifies 3 different values for the ID byte mentioned above: 1. If ID=1, then the pseudorandom bits being produced are to be used as key material for performing encryption or decryption. 2. If ID=2, then the pseudorandom bits being produced are to be used as an IV (Initial Value) for encryption or decryption. 3. If ID=3, then the pseudorandom bits being produced are to be used as an integrity key for MACing. */ // Construct a string, D (the "diversifier"), by concatenating v/8 // copies of ID. $blockLength = $hashObj->getBlockLengthInBytes(); $d1 = str_repeat(chr(1), $blockLength); $d2 = str_repeat(chr(2), $blockLength); $s = ''; if (strlen($salt)) { while (strlen($s) < $blockLength) { $s .= $salt; } } $s = substr($s, 0, $blockLength); $p = ''; if (strlen($password)) { while (strlen($p) < $blockLength) { $p .= $password; } } $p = substr($p, 0, $blockLength); $i = $s . $p; $this->setKey(self::pkcs12helper($dkLen, $hashObj, $i, $d1, $count)); if ($this->usesIV()) { $this->setIV(self::pkcs12helper($this->block_size, $hashObj, $i, $d2, $count)); } return true; case $method == 'pbkdf1': if ($dkLen > $hashObj->getLengthInBytes()) { throw new \LengthException('Derived key length cannot be longer than the hash length'); } $t = $password . $salt; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $t = $hashObj->hash($t); } $key = substr($t, 0, $dkLen); $this->setKey(substr($key, 0, $dkLen >> 1)); if ($this->usesIV()) { $this->setIV(substr($key, $dkLen >> 1)); } return true; case !in_array($hash, hash_algos()): $i = 1; $hashObj->setKey($password); while (strlen($key) < $dkLen) { $f = $u = $hashObj->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++)); for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; ++$j) { $u = $hashObj->hash($u); $f ^= $u; } $key .= $f; } $key = substr($key, 0, $dkLen); break; default: $key = hash_pbkdf2($hash, $password, $salt, $count, $dkLen, true); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($method . ' is not a supported password hashing method'); } $this->setKey($key); return true; } /** * PKCS#12 KDF Helper Function * * As discussed here: * * {@link} * * @see self::setPassword() * @access private * @param int $n * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash $hashObj * @param string $i * @param string $d * @param int $count * @return string $a */ private static function pkcs12helper($n, $hashObj, $i, $d, $count) { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $blockLength = $hashObj->getBlockLength() >> 3; $c = ceil($n / $hashObj->getLengthInBytes()); $a = ''; for ($j = 1; $j <= $c; $j++) { $ai = $d . $i; for ($k = 0; $k < $count; $k++) { $ai = $hashObj->hash($ai); } $b = ''; while (strlen($b) < $blockLength) { $b .= $ai; } $b = substr($b, 0, $blockLength); $b = new BigInteger($b, 256); $newi = ''; for ($k = 0; $k < strlen($i); $k += $blockLength) { $temp = substr($i, $k, $blockLength); $temp = new BigInteger($temp, 256); $temp->setPrecision($blockLength << 3); $temp = $temp->add($b); $temp = $temp->add($one); $newi .= $temp->toBytes(false); } $i = $newi; $a .= $ai; } return substr($a, 0, $n); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * $plaintext will be padded with additional bytes such that it's length is a multiple of the block size. Other cipher * implementations may or may not pad in the same manner. Other common approaches to padding and the reasons why it's * necessary are discussed in the following * URL: * * {@link} * * An alternative to padding is to, separately, send the length of the file. This is what SSH, in fact, does. * strlen($plaintext) will still need to be a multiple of the block size, however, arbitrary values can be added to make it that * length. * * @see self::decrypt() * @access public * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { if ($this->paddable) { $plaintext = $this->pad($plaintext); } $this->setup(); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { $oldIV = $this->iv; Strings::increment_str($this->iv); $cipher = new static('ctr'); $cipher->setKey($this->key); $cipher->setIV($this->iv); $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext); $s = $this->ghash(self::nullPad128($this->aad) . self::nullPad128($ciphertext) . self::len64($this->aad) . self::len64($ciphertext)); $cipher->encryptIV = $this->iv = $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $oldIV; $this->newtag = $cipher->encrypt($s); return $ciphertext; } if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $cipher = clone $this; unset($cipher->poly1305Key); $this->usePoly1305 = false; $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext); $this->newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); return $ciphertext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_EVAL) { $inline = $this->inline_crypt; return $inline('encrypt', $plaintext); } if ($this->mode === self::MODE_IGE) { return $this->handleIGE($plaintext, $this->encryptIV, true); } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_STREAM: return openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); case self::MODE_ECB: return openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); case self::MODE_CBC: $result = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->encryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = substr($result, -$this->block_size); } return $result; case self::MODE_CTR: return $this->openssl_ctr_process($plaintext, $this->encryptIV, $this->enbuffer); case self::MODE_CFB: // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's: // {@link} $ciphertext = ''; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv =& $this->encryptIV; $pos =& $this->enbuffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->encryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($plaintext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $this->block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, $i); } $overflow = $len % $this->block_size; if ($overflow) { $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, -$overflow) . str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $iv = Strings::pop($ciphertext, $this->block_size); $size = $len - $overflow; $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$overflow); $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $overflow); $ciphertext .= $block; $pos = $overflow; } elseif ($len) { $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } return $ciphertext; case self::MODE_CFB8: $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->encryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if (($len = strlen($ciphertext)) >= $this->block_size) { $this->encryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } else { $this->encryptIV = substr($this->encryptIV, $len - $this->block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } return $ciphertext; case self::MODE_OFB: return $this->openssl_ofb_process($plaintext, $this->encryptIV, $this->enbuffer); } } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_MCRYPT) { if ($this->enchanged) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->encryptIV)); $this->enchanged = false; } // re: {@link} // using mcrypt's default handing of CFB the above would output two different things. using phpseclib's // rewritten CFB implementation the above outputs the same thing twice. if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB && $this->continuousBuffer) { $block_size = $this->block_size; $iv =& $this->encryptIV; $pos =& $this->enbuffer['pos']; $len = strlen($plaintext); $ciphertext = ''; $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i); $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true; } if ($len >= $block_size) { if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === false || $len > $this->cfb_init_len) { if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === true) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $iv); $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = false; } $ciphertext .= @mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, substr($plaintext, $i, $len - $len % $block_size)); $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size); $len %= $block_size; } else { while ($len >= $block_size) { $iv = @mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $ciphertext .= $iv; $len -= $block_size; $i += $block_size; } } } if ($len) { $iv = @mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv); $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$len); $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len); $ciphertext .= $block; $pos = $len; } return $ciphertext; } $ciphertext = @mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $plaintext); if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->encryptIV)); } return $ciphertext; } $buffer =& $this->enbuffer; $block_size = $this->block_size; $ciphertext = ''; switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $ciphertext .= $this->encryptBlock(substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size)); } break; case self::MODE_CBC: $xor = $this->encryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $block = $this->encryptBlock($block ^ $xor); $xor = $block; $ciphertext .= $block; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $xor; } break; case self::MODE_CTR: $xor = $this->encryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $buffer['ciphertext'] .= $this->encryptBlock($xor); } Strings::increment_str($xor); $key = Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $key = $this->encryptBlock($xor); Strings::increment_str($xor); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext']; } } break; case self::MODE_CFB: // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's: // {@link} if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv =& $this->encryptIV; $pos =& $buffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->encryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($plaintext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i); } while ($len >= $block_size) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $ciphertext .= $iv; $len -= $block_size; $i += $block_size; } if ($len) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, $i); $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len); $ciphertext .= $block; $pos = $len; } break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $ciphertext = ''; $len = strlen($plaintext); $iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $ciphertext .= $c = $plaintext[$i] ^ $this->encryptBlock($iv); $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $c; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($len >= $block_size) { $this->encryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size); } else { $this->encryptIV = substr($this->encryptIV, $len - $block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } break; case self::MODE_OFB: $xor = $this->encryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['xor'])) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $buffer['xor'] .= $xor; } $key = Strings::shift($buffer['xor'], $block_size); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $ciphertext .= substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor; } $key = $xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) { $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor']; } } break; case self::MODE_STREAM: $ciphertext = $this->encryptBlock($plaintext); break; } return $ciphertext; } /** * Decrypts a message. * * If strlen($ciphertext) is not a multiple of the block size, null bytes will be added to the end of the string until * it is. * * @see self::encrypt() * @access public * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext * @throws \LengthException if we're inside a block cipher and the ciphertext length is not a multiple of the block size * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->paddable && strlen($ciphertext) % $this->block_size) { throw new \LengthException('The ciphertext length (' . strlen($ciphertext) . ') needs to be a multiple of the block size (' . $this->block_size . ')'); } $this->setup(); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM || isset($this->poly1305Key)) { if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); } else { $oldIV = $this->iv; Strings::increment_str($this->iv); $cipher = new static('ctr'); $cipher->setKey($this->key); $cipher->setIV($this->iv); $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext); $s = $this->ghash(self::nullPad128($this->aad) . self::nullPad128($ciphertext) . self::len64($this->aad) . self::len64($ciphertext)); $cipher->encryptIV = $this->iv = $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $oldIV; $newtag = $cipher->encrypt($s); } if ($this->oldtag != substr($newtag, 0, strlen($newtag))) { $cipher = clone $this; unset($cipher->poly1305Key); $this->usePoly1305 = false; $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext); $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } $this->oldtag = false; return $plaintext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_EVAL) { $inline = $this->inline_crypt; return $inline('decrypt', $ciphertext); } if ($this->mode === self::MODE_IGE) { return $this->handleIGE($ciphertext, $this->decryptIV, false); } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_STREAM: $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); break; case self::MODE_ECB: $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); break; case self::MODE_CBC: $offset = $this->block_size; $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->decryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$offset, $this->block_size); } break; case self::MODE_CTR: $plaintext = $this->openssl_ctr_process($ciphertext, $this->decryptIV, $this->debuffer); break; case self::MODE_CFB: // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's: // {@link} $plaintext = ''; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv =& $this->decryptIV; $pos =& $this->buffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->decryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($ciphertext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $this->block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $this->blocksize $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i); $ciphertext = substr($ciphertext, $i); } $overflow = $len % $this->block_size; if ($overflow) { $plaintext .= openssl_decrypt(substr($ciphertext, 0, -$overflow), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); if ($len - $overflow) { $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$overflow - $this->block_size, -$overflow); } $iv = openssl_encrypt(str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $plaintext .= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$overflow); $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$overflow), 0, $overflow); $pos = $overflow; } elseif ($len) { $plaintext .= openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->decryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if (($len = strlen($ciphertext)) >= $this->block_size) { $this->decryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } else { $this->decryptIV = substr($this->decryptIV, $len - $this->block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } break; case self::MODE_OFB: $plaintext = $this->openssl_ofb_process($ciphertext, $this->decryptIV, $this->debuffer); } return $this->paddable ? $this->unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_MCRYPT) { $block_size = $this->block_size; if ($this->dechanged) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->decryptIV)); $this->dechanged = false; } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB && $this->continuousBuffer) { $iv =& $this->decryptIV; $pos =& $this->debuffer['pos']; $len = strlen($ciphertext); $plaintext = ''; $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i); } if ($len >= $block_size) { $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $len - $len % $block_size); $plaintext .= @mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv . $cb) ^ $cb; $iv = substr($cb, -$block_size); $len %= $block_size; } if ($len) { $iv = @mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv); $plaintext .= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$len); $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$len), 0, $len); $pos = $len; } return $plaintext; } $plaintext = @mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $ciphertext); if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->decryptIV)); } return $this->paddable ? $this->unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext; } $block_size = $this->block_size; $buffer =& $this->debuffer; $plaintext = ''; switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $plaintext .= $this->decryptBlock(substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size)); } break; case self::MODE_CBC: $xor = $this->decryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); $plaintext .= $this->decryptBlock($block) ^ $xor; $xor = $block; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $xor; } break; case self::MODE_CTR: $xor = $this->decryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $buffer['ciphertext'] .= $this->encryptBlock($xor); } Strings::increment_str($xor); $key = Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size); $plaintext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); $key = $this->encryptBlock($xor); Strings::increment_str($xor); $plaintext .= $block ^ $key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext']; } } break; case self::MODE_CFB: if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv =& $this->decryptIV; $pos =& $buffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->decryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($ciphertext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i); } while ($len >= $block_size) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); $plaintext .= $iv ^ $cb; $iv = $cb; $len -= $block_size; $i += $block_size; } if ($len) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $plaintext .= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, $i); $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, $i), 0, $len); $pos = $len; } break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $plaintext = ''; $len = strlen($ciphertext); $iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $plaintext .= $ciphertext[$i] ^ $this->encryptBlock($iv); $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $ciphertext[$i]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($len >= $block_size) { $this->decryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size); } else { $this->decryptIV = substr($this->decryptIV, $len - $block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } break; case self::MODE_OFB: $xor = $this->decryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['xor'])) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $buffer['xor'] .= $xor; } $key = Strings::shift($buffer['xor'], $block_size); $plaintext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $plaintext .= substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor; } $key = $xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) { $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor']; } } break; case self::MODE_STREAM: $plaintext = $this->decryptBlock($ciphertext); break; } return $this->paddable ? $this->unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext; } /** * Get the authentication tag * * Only used in GCM or Poly1305 mode * * @see self::encrypt() * @param int $length optional * @return string * @access public * @throws \LengthException if $length isn't of a sufficient length * @throws \RuntimeException if GCM mode isn't being used */ public function getTag($length = 16) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && !$this->usePoly1305) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Authentication tags are only utilized in GCM mode or with Poly1305'); } if ($this->newtag === false) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('A tag can only be returned after a round of encryption has been performed'); } // the tag is 128-bits. it can't be greater than 16 bytes because that's bigger than the tag is. if it // were 0 you might as well be doing CTR and less than 4 provides minimal security that could be trivially // easily brute forced. // see // for more info if ($length < 4 || $length > 16) { throw new \LengthException('The authentication tag must be between 4 and 16 bytes long'); } return $length == 16 ? $this->newtag : substr($this->newtag, 0, $length); } /** * Sets the authentication tag * * Only used in GCM mode * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $tag * @access public * @throws \LengthException if $length isn't of a sufficient length * @throws \RuntimeException if GCM mode isn't being used */ public function setTag($tag) { if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key) && method_exists($this, 'createPoly1305Key')) { $this->createPoly1305Key(); } if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && !$this->usePoly1305) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Authentication tags are only utilized in GCM mode or with Poly1305'); } $length = strlen($tag); if ($length < 4 || $length > 16) { throw new \LengthException('The authentication tag must be between 4 and 16 bytes long'); } $this->oldtag = $tag; } /** * Get the IV * * mcrypt requires an IV even if ECB is used * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $iv * @return string * @access private */ protected function getIV($iv) { return $this->mode == self::MODE_ECB ? str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size) : $iv; } /** * Handle mode-independant IGE encryption/decryption * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @param string $encryptIV * @param bool $encrypt * @return string * @access private */ private function handleIGE($plaintext, &$encryptIV, $encrypt) { if (strlen($plaintext) % $this->block_size) { throw new \LengthException('The input length (' . strlen($plaintext) . ') needs to be a multiple of the block size (' . $this->block_size . ')'); } $iv_part_1 = substr($encryptIV, 0, $this->block_size); $iv_part_2 = substr($encryptIV, $this->block_size); $ciphertext = ""; for ($i = 0, $length = strlen($plaintext); $i < $length; $i += $this->block_size) { $indata = substr($plaintext, $i, $this->block_size); $outdata = $indata ^ $iv_part_1; switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: if ($encrypt) { $outdata = openssl_encrypt($outdata, static::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); } else { $outdata = openssl_decrypt($outdata, static::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); } break; case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: if ($encrypt) { if ($this->enchanged) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->encryptIV)); $this->enchanged = false; } $outdata = @mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $outdata); } else { if ($this->dechanged) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->decryptIV)); $this->dechanged = false; } $outdata = @mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $outdata); } break; case self::ENGINE_INTERNAL: if ($encrypt) { $outdata = $this->encryptBlock($outdata); } else { $outdata = $this->decryptBlock($outdata); } break; } $outdata = $outdata ^ $iv_part_2; $ciphertext .= $outdata; $iv_part_1 = $outdata; $iv_part_2 = $indata; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $iv_part_1 . $iv_part_2; } return $ciphertext; } /** * OpenSSL CTR Processor * * PHP's OpenSSL bindings do not operate in continuous mode so we'll wrap around it. Since the keystream * for CTR is the same for both encrypting and decrypting this function is re-used by both SymmetricKey::encrypt() * and SymmetricKey::decrypt(). Also, OpenSSL doesn't implement CTR for all of it's symmetric ciphers so this * function will emulate CTR with ECB when necessary. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @param string $encryptIV * @param array $buffer * @return string * @access private */ private function openssl_ctr_process($plaintext, &$encryptIV, &$buffer) { $ciphertext = ''; $block_size = $this->block_size; $key = $this->key; if ($this->openssl_emulate_ctr) { $xor = $encryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $buffer['ciphertext'] .= openssl_encrypt($xor, static::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); } Strings::increment_str($xor); $otp = Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $otp; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $otp = openssl_encrypt($xor, static::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); Strings::increment_str($xor); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $otp; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext']; } } return $ciphertext; } if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], strlen($plaintext)); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, strlen($ciphertext)); if (!strlen($plaintext)) { return $ciphertext; } } $overflow = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size; if ($overflow) { $plaintext2 = Strings::pop($plaintext, $overflow); // ie. trim $plaintext to a multiple of $block_size and put rest of $plaintext in $plaintext2 $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($plaintext . str_repeat("\0", $block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); $temp = Strings::pop($encrypted, $block_size); $ciphertext .= $encrypted . ($plaintext2 ^ $temp); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($temp, $overflow); $encryptIV = $temp; } } elseif (!strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt($plaintext . str_repeat("\0", $block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); $temp = Strings::pop($ciphertext, $block_size); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $temp; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = openssl_decrypt($encryptIV, static::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); if ($overflow) { Strings::increment_str($encryptIV); } } return $ciphertext; } /** * OpenSSL OFB Processor * * PHP's OpenSSL bindings do not operate in continuous mode so we'll wrap around it. Since the keystream * for OFB is the same for both encrypting and decrypting this function is re-used by both SymmetricKey::encrypt() * and SymmetricKey::decrypt(). * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @param string $encryptIV * @param array $buffer * @return string * @access private */ private function openssl_ofb_process($plaintext, &$encryptIV, &$buffer) { if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) { $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ $buffer['xor']; $buffer['xor'] = substr($buffer['xor'], strlen($ciphertext)); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, strlen($ciphertext)); } else { $ciphertext = ''; } $block_size = $this->block_size; $len = strlen($plaintext); $key = $this->key; $overflow = $len % $block_size; if (strlen($plaintext)) { if ($overflow) { $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, -$overflow) . str_repeat("\0", $block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); $xor = Strings::pop($ciphertext, $block_size); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $xor; } $ciphertext .= Strings::shift($xor, $overflow) ^ substr($plaintext, -$overflow); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $buffer['xor'] = $xor; } } else { $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size) ^ substr($plaintext, -$block_size); } } } return $ciphertext; } /** * phpseclib <-> OpenSSL Mode Mapper * * May need to be overwritten by classes extending this one in some cases * * @return string * @access private */ protected function openssl_translate_mode() { switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_IGE: return 'ige'; case self::MODE_ECB: return 'ecb'; case self::MODE_CBC: return 'cbc'; case self::MODE_CTR: case self::MODE_GCM: return 'ctr'; case self::MODE_CFB: return 'cfb'; case self::MODE_CFB8: return 'cfb8'; case self::MODE_OFB: return 'ofb'; } } /** * Pad "packets". * * Block ciphers working by encrypting between their specified [$this->]block_size at a time * If you ever need to encrypt or decrypt something that isn't of the proper length, it becomes necessary to * pad the input so that it is of the proper length. * * Padding is enabled by default. Sometimes, however, it is undesirable to pad strings. Such is the case in SSH, * where "packets" are padded with random bytes before being encrypted. Unpad these packets and you risk stripping * away characters that shouldn't be stripped away. (SSH knows how many bytes are added because the length is * transmitted separately) * * @see self::disablePadding() * @access public */ public function enablePadding() { $this->padding = true; } /** * Do not pad packets. * * @see self::enablePadding() * @access public */ public function disablePadding() { $this->padding = false; } /** * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer. * * Say you have a 32-byte plaintext $plaintext. Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets * will yield different outputs: * * * echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 16)); * echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16)); * * * echo $rijndael->encrypt($plaintext); * * * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer. Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates * another, as demonstrated with the following: * * * $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 16)); * echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16))); * * * echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16))); * * * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output. With it enabled, they yield different * outputs. The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption / * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled. When it's disabled, they remain constant. * * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the \tgseclib\Crypt\*() object changes after each * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant. For this reason, it's recommended that * continuous buffers not be used. They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them), * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems. * * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() * @access public * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ public function enableContinuousBuffer() { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ECB) { return; } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('This mode does not run in continuous mode'); } $this->continuousBuffer = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer. * * The default behavior. * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @access public * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ public function disableContinuousBuffer() { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ECB) { return; } if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { return; } $this->continuousBuffer = false; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see self::__construct() * @param int $engine * @access private * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: $this->openssl_emulate_ctr = false; $result = $this->cipher_name_openssl && extension_loaded('openssl'); if (!$result) { return false; } $methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); if (in_array($this->cipher_name_openssl, $methods)) { return true; } // not all of openssl's symmetric cipher's support ctr. for those // that don't we'll emulate it if ($this->mode === self::MODE_CTR && in_array(static::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $methods)) { $this->openssl_emulate_ctr = true; return true; } else { if ($this->mode === self::MODE_IGE) { return true; } } return false; case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: return $this->cipher_name_mcrypt && extension_loaded('mcrypt') && in_array($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, @mcrypt_list_algorithms()); case self::ENGINE_EVAL: return method_exists($this, 'setupInlineCrypt'); case self::ENGINE_INTERNAL: return true; } return false; } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see self::__construct() * @param string $engine * @access public * @return bool */ public function isValidEngine($engine) { static $reverseMap; if (!isset($reverseMap)) { $reverseMap = array_map('strtolower', self::ENGINE_MAP); $reverseMap = array_flip($reverseMap); } $engine = strtolower($engine); if (!isset($reverseMap[$engine])) { return false; } return $this->isValidEngineHelper($reverseMap[$engine]); } /** * Sets the preferred crypt engine * * Currently, $engine could be: * * - libsodium[very fast] * * - OpenSSL [very fast] * * - mcrypt [fast] * * - Eval [slow] * * - PHP [slowest] * * If the preferred crypt engine is not available the fastest available one will be used * * @see self::__construct() * @param string $engine * @access public */ public function setPreferredEngine($engine) { static $reverseMap; if (!isset($reverseMap)) { $reverseMap = array_map('strtolower', self::ENGINE_MAP); $reverseMap = array_flip($reverseMap); } $engine = strtolower($engine); $this->preferredEngine = isset($reverseMap[$engine]) ? $reverseMap[$engine] : self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Returns the engine currently being utilized * * @see self::setEngine() * @access public */ public function getEngine() { return self::ENGINE_MAP[$this->engine]; } /** * Sets the engine as appropriate * * @see self::__construct() * @access private */ protected function setEngine() { $this->engine = null; $candidateEngines = [self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL, self::ENGINE_MCRYPT, self::ENGINE_EVAL]; if (isset($this->preferredEngine)) { $temp = [$this->preferredEngine]; $candidateEngines = array_merge($temp, array_diff($candidateEngines, $temp)); } foreach ($candidateEngines as $engine) { if ($this->isValidEngineHelper($engine)) { $this->engine = $engine; break; } } if (!$this->engine) { $this->engine = self::ENGINE_INTERNAL; } if ($this->engine != self::ENGINE_MCRYPT && $this->enmcrypt) { // Closing the current mcrypt resource(s). _mcryptSetup() will, if needed, // (re)open them with the module named in $this->cipher_name_mcrypt @mcrypt_module_close($this->enmcrypt); @mcrypt_module_close($this->demcrypt); $this->enmcrypt = null; $this->demcrypt = null; if ($this->ecb) { @mcrypt_module_close($this->ecb); $this->ecb = null; } } $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; } /** * Encrypts a block * * Note: Must be extended by the child \tgseclib\Crypt\* class * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected abstract function encryptBlock($in); /** * Decrypts a block * * Note: Must be extended by the child \tgseclib\Crypt\* class * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected abstract function decryptBlock($in); /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * Only used if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * Note: Must extend by the child \tgseclib\Crypt\* class * * @see self::setup() * @access private */ protected abstract function setupKey(); /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine and flush all $buffers * Used (only) if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setIV() * * - disableContinuousBuffer() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setIV() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() * @access private * @internal setup() is always called before en/decryption. * @internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } $this->changed = false; if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key) && method_exists($this, 'createPoly1305Key')) { $this->createPoly1305Key(); } $this->enbuffer = $this->debuffer = ['ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true]; //$this->newtag = $this->oldtag = false; if ($this->usesNonce()) { if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM && !in_array($this->engine, [self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM])) { $this->setupGCM(); } } else { $this->iv = $this->origIV; } if ($this->iv === false && !in_array($this->mode, [self::MODE_STREAM, self::MODE_ECB])) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM || !in_array($this->engine, [self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM])) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No IV has been defined'); } } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv; if ($this->mode === self::MODE_IGE) { $this->decryptIV = implode('', array_reverse(str_split($this->decryptIV, $this->block_size))); } switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: $this->enchanged = $this->dechanged = true; if (!isset($this->enmcrypt)) { static $mcrypt_modes = [self::MODE_IGE => MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, self::MODE_CTR => 'ctr', self::MODE_ECB => MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, self::MODE_CBC => MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, self::MODE_CFB => 'ncfb', self::MODE_CFB8 => MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, self::MODE_OFB => MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB, self::MODE_STREAM => MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM]; $this->demcrypt = @mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', $mcrypt_modes[$this->mode], ''); $this->enmcrypt = @mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', $mcrypt_modes[$this->mode], ''); // we need the $ecb mcrypt resource (only) in MODE_CFB with enableContinuousBuffer() // to workaround mcrypt's broken ncfb implementation in buffered mode // see: {@link} if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB) { $this->ecb = @mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ''); } } // else should mcrypt_generic_deinit be called? if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB) { @mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->key, str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size)); } break; case self::ENGINE_INTERNAL: $this->setupKey(); break; case self::ENGINE_EVAL: if ($this->nonIVChanged) { $this->setupKey(); $this->setupInlineCrypt(); } } $this->nonIVChanged = false; } /** * Pads a string * * Pads a string using the RSA PKCS padding standards so that its length is a multiple of the blocksize. * $this->block_size - (strlen($text) % $this->block_size) bytes are added, each of which is equal to * chr($this->block_size - (strlen($text) % $this->block_size) * * If padding is disabled and $text is not a multiple of the blocksize, the string will be padded regardless * and padding will, hence forth, be enabled. * * @see self::unpad() * @param string $text * @throws \LengthException if padding is disabled and the plaintext's length is not a multiple of the block size * @access private * @return string */ protected function pad($text) { $length = strlen($text); if (!$this->padding) { if ($length % $this->block_size == 0) { return $text; } else { throw new \LengthException("The plaintext's length ({$length}) is not a multiple of the block size ({$this->block_size}). Try enabling padding."); } } $pad = $this->block_size - $length % $this->block_size; return str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr($pad)); } /** * Unpads a string. * * If padding is enabled and the reported padding length is invalid the encryption key will be assumed to be wrong * and false will be returned. * * @see self::pad() * @param string $text * @throws \LengthException if the ciphertext's length is not a multiple of the block size * @access private * @return string */ protected function unpad($text) { if (!$this->padding) { return $text; } $length = ord($text[strlen($text) - 1]); if (!$length || $length > $this->block_size) { throw new BadDecryptionException("The ciphertext has an invalid padding length ({$length}) compared to the block size ({$this->block_size})"); } return substr($text, 0, -$length); } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * Stores the created (or existing) callback function-name * in $this->inline_crypt * * Internally for phpseclib developers: * * _setupInlineCrypt() would be called only if: * * - $this->engine === self::ENGINE_EVAL * * - each time on _setup(), after(!) _setupKey() * * * This ensures that _setupInlineCrypt() has always a * full ready2go initializated internal cipher $engine state * where, for example, the keys already expanded, * keys/block_size calculated and such. * * It is, each time if called, the responsibility of _setupInlineCrypt(): * * - to set $this->inline_crypt to a valid and fully working callback function * as a (faster) replacement for encrypt() / decrypt() * * - NOT to create unlimited callback functions (for memory reasons!) * no matter how often _setupInlineCrypt() would be called. At some * point of amount they must be generic re-useable. * * - the code of _setupInlineCrypt() it self, * and the generated callback code, * must be, in following order: * - 100% safe * - 100% compatible to encrypt()/decrypt() * - using only php5+ features/lang-constructs/php-extensions if * compatibility (down to php4) or fallback is provided * - readable/maintainable/understandable/commented and... not-cryptic-styled-code :-) * - >= 10% faster than encrypt()/decrypt() [which is, by the way, * the reason for the existence of _setupInlineCrypt() :-)] * - memory-nice * - short (as good as possible) * * Note: - _setupInlineCrypt() is using _createInlineCryptFunction() to create the full callback function code. * - In case of using inline crypting, _setupInlineCrypt() must extend by the child \tgseclib\Crypt\* class. * - The following variable names are reserved: * - $_* (all variable names prefixed with an underscore) * - $self (object reference to it self. Do not use $this, but $self instead) * - $in (the content of $in has to en/decrypt by the generated code) * - The callback function should not use the 'return' statement, but en/decrypt'ing the content of $in only * * * @see self::setup() * @see self::createInlineCryptFunction() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @access private * @internal If a Crypt_* class providing inline crypting it must extend _setupInlineCrypt() */ //protected function setupInlineCrypt(); /** * Creates the performance-optimized function for en/decrypt() * * Internally for phpseclib developers: * * _createInlineCryptFunction(): * * - merge the $cipher_code [setup'ed by _setupInlineCrypt()] * with the current [$this->]mode of operation code * * - create the $inline function, which called by encrypt() / decrypt() * as its replacement to speed up the en/decryption operations. * * - return the name of the created $inline callback function * * - used to speed up en/decryption * * * * The main reason why can speed up things [up to 50%] this way are: * * - using variables more effective then regular. * (ie no use of expensive arrays but integers $k_0, $... * or even, for example, the pure $key[] values hardcoded) * * - avoiding 1000's of function calls of ie _encryptBlock() * but inlining the crypt operations. * in the mode of operation for() loop. * * - full loop unroll the (sometimes key-dependent) rounds * avoiding this way ++$i counters and runtime-if's etc... * * The basic code architectur of the generated $inline en/decrypt() * lambda function, in pseudo php, is: * * * +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | callback $inline = create_function: | * | lambda_function_0001_crypt_ECB($action, $text) | * | { | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['init_crypt']; // general init code. | * | // ie: $sbox'es declarations used for | * | // encrypt and decrypt'ing. | * | | * | switch ($action) { | * | case 'encrypt': | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['init_encrypt']; // encrypt sepcific init code. | * | ie: specified $key or $box | * | declarations for encrypt'ing. | * | | * | foreach ($ciphertext) { | * | $in = $block_size of $ciphertext; | * | | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['encrypt_block']; // encrypt's (string) $in, which is always: | * | // strlen($in) == $this->block_size | * | // here comes the cipher algorithm in action | * | // for encryption. | * | // $cipher_code['encrypt_block'] has to | * | // encrypt the content of the $in variable | * | | * | $plaintext .= $in; | * | } | * | return $plaintext; | * | | * | case 'decrypt': | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['init_decrypt']; // decrypt sepcific init code | * | ie: specified $key or $box | * | declarations for decrypt'ing. | * | foreach ($plaintext) { | * | $in = $block_size of $plaintext; | * | | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['decrypt_block']; // decrypt's (string) $in, which is always | * | // strlen($in) == $this->block_size | * | // here comes the cipher algorithm in action | * | // for decryption. | * | // $cipher_code['decrypt_block'] has to | * | // decrypt the content of the $in variable | * | $ciphertext .= $in; | * | } | * | return $ciphertext; | * | } | * | } | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * See also the \tgseclib\Crypt\*::_setupInlineCrypt()'s for * productive inline $cipher_code's how they works. * * Structure of: * * $cipher_code = [ * 'init_crypt' => (string) '', // optional * 'init_encrypt' => (string) '', // optional * 'init_decrypt' => (string) '', // optional * 'encrypt_block' => (string) '', // required * 'decrypt_block' => (string) '' // required * ]; * * * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param array $cipher_code * @access private * @return string (the name of the created callback function) */ protected function createInlineCryptFunction($cipher_code) { $block_size = $this->block_size; // optional $init_crypt = isset($cipher_code['init_crypt']) ? $cipher_code['init_crypt'] : ''; $init_encrypt = isset($cipher_code['init_encrypt']) ? $cipher_code['init_encrypt'] : ''; $init_decrypt = isset($cipher_code['init_decrypt']) ? $cipher_code['init_decrypt'] : ''; // required $encrypt_block = $cipher_code['encrypt_block']; $decrypt_block = $cipher_code['decrypt_block']; // Generating mode of operation inline code, // merged with the $cipher_code algorithm // for encrypt- and decryption. switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext.= $in; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_text = str_pad($_text, strlen($_text) + (' . $block_size . ' - strlen($_text) % ' . $block_size . ') % ' . $block_size . ', chr(0)); $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); ' . $decrypt_block . ' $_plaintext.= $in; } return $this->unpad($_plaintext); '; break; case self::MODE_CTR: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->encryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->enbuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_buffer["ciphertext"].= $in; } $_key = \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::shift($_buffer["ciphertext"], ' . $block_size . '); $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_key = $in; $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_plaintext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["ciphertext"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["ciphertext"]; } } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->decryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->debuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_buffer["ciphertext"].= $in; } $_key = \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::shift($_buffer["ciphertext"], ' . $block_size . '); $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_key = $in; $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_ciphertext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["ciphertext"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["ciphertext"]; } } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_CFB: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_buffer = &$this->enbuffer; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $_iv = &$this->encryptIV; $_pos = &$_buffer["pos"]; } else { $_iv = $this->encryptIV; $_pos = 0; } $_len = strlen($_text); $_i = 0; if ($_pos) { $_orig_pos = $_pos; $_max = ' . $block_size . ' - $_pos; if ($_len >= $_max) { $_i = $_max; $_len-= $_max; $_pos = 0; } else { $_i = $_len; $_pos+= $_len; $_len = 0; } $_ciphertext = substr($_iv, $_orig_pos) ^ $_text; $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, $_ciphertext, $_orig_pos, $_i); } while ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . '; $_iv = $in ^ substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $_ciphertext.= $_iv; $_len-= ' . $block_size . '; $_i+= ' . $block_size . '; } if ($_len) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_iv = $in; $_block = $_iv ^ substr($_text, $_i); $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, $_block, 0, $_len); $_ciphertext.= $_block; $_pos = $_len; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_buffer = &$this->debuffer; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $_iv = &$this->decryptIV; $_pos = &$_buffer["pos"]; } else { $_iv = $this->decryptIV; $_pos = 0; } $_len = strlen($_text); $_i = 0; if ($_pos) { $_orig_pos = $_pos; $_max = ' . $block_size . ' - $_pos; if ($_len >= $_max) { $_i = $_max; $_len-= $_max; $_pos = 0; } else { $_i = $_len; $_pos+= $_len; $_len = 0; } $_plaintext = substr($_iv, $_orig_pos) ^ $_text; $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, substr($_text, 0, $_i), $_orig_pos, $_i); } while ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_iv = $in; $cb = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $_plaintext.= $_iv ^ $cb; $_iv = $cb; $_len-= ' . $block_size . '; $_i+= ' . $block_size . '; } if ($_len) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_iv = $in; $_plaintext.= $_iv ^ substr($_text, $_i); $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, substr($_text, $_i), 0, $_len); $_pos = $_len; } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_len; ++$_i) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext .= ($_c = $_text[$_i] ^ $in); $_iv = substr($_iv, 1) . $_c; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $this->encryptIV = substr($_ciphertext, -' . $block_size . '); } else { $this->encryptIV = substr($this->encryptIV, $_len - ' . $block_size . ') . substr($_ciphertext, -$_len); } } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_len; ++$_i) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_plaintext .= $_text[$_i] ^ $in; $_iv = substr($_iv, 1) . $_text[$_i]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $this->decryptIV = substr($_text, -' . $block_size . '); } else { $this->decryptIV = substr($this->decryptIV, $_len - ' . $block_size . ') . substr($_text, -$_len); } } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_OFB: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->encryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->enbuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_buffer["xor"].= $_xor; } $_key = \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::shift($_buffer["xor"], ' . $block_size . '); $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_ciphertext.= substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . ') ^ $_xor; } $_key = $_xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_plaintext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["xor"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["xor"]; } } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->decryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->debuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_buffer["xor"].= $_xor; } $_key = \\tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings::shift($_buffer["xor"], ' . $block_size . '); $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_plaintext.= substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . ') ^ $_xor; } $_key = $_xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_ciphertext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["xor"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["xor"]; } } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_STREAM: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; ' . $encrypt_block . ' return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; ' . $decrypt_block . ' return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_IGE: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $_encryptIV = &$this->encryptIV; if ($_plaintext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { throw new \\LengthException("The input length ($_plaintext_len) needs to be a multiple of the block size (' . $block_size . ')"); } $iv_part_1 = substr($_encryptIV, 0, ' . $block_size . '); $iv_part_2 = substr($_encryptIV, ' . $block_size . '); for ($i = 0; $i < $_plaintext_len; $i += ' . $block_size . ') { $indata = substr($_text, $i, ' . $block_size . '); $in = $indata ^ $iv_part_1; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $in = $in ^ $iv_part_2; $_ciphertext .= $in; $iv_part_1 = $in; $iv_part_2 = $indata; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $_encryptIV = $iv_part_1.$iv_part_2; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $_encryptIV = &$this->decryptIV; if ($_plaintext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { throw new \\LengthException("The input length ($_plaintext_len) needs to be a multiple of the block size (' . $block_size . ')"); } $iv_part_1 = substr($_encryptIV, 0, ' . $block_size . '); $iv_part_2 = substr($_encryptIV, ' . $block_size . '); for ($i = 0; $i < $_plaintext_len; $i += ' . $block_size . ') { $indata = substr($_text, $i, ' . $block_size . '); $in = $indata ^ $iv_part_1; ' . $decrypt_block . ' $in = $in ^ $iv_part_2; $_ciphertext .= $in; $iv_part_1 = $in; $iv_part_2 = $indata; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $_encryptIV = $iv_part_1.$iv_part_2; } return $_ciphertext; '; break; // case self::MODE_CBC: default: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $in = $this->encryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . ') ^ $in; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext.= $in; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $in; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_text = str_pad($_text, strlen($_text) + (' . $block_size . ' - strlen($_text) % ' . $block_size . ') % ' . $block_size . ', chr(0)); $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); ' . $decrypt_block . ' $_plaintext.= $in ^ $_iv; $_iv = $_block; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_iv; } return $this->unpad($_plaintext); '; break; } // Before discrediting this, please read the following: // @see // @see eval('$func = function ($_action, $_text) { ' . $init_crypt . 'if ($_action == "encrypt") { ' . $encrypt . ' } else { ' . $decrypt . ' }};'); return \Closure::bind($func, $this, static::class); } /** * Convert float to int * * On ARM CPUs converting floats to ints doesn't always work * * @access private * @param string $x * @return int */ protected static function safe_intval($x) { switch (true) { case is_int($x): // PHP 5.3, per, introduced "more consistent float rounding" case (php_uname('m') & "") != 'ARM': return $x; } return fmod($x, 0x80000000) & 0x7fffffff | (fmod(floor($x / 0x80000000), 2) & 1) << 31; } /** * eval()'able string for in-line float to int * * @access private * @return string */ protected static function safe_intval_inline() { switch (true) { case defined('PHP_INT_SIZE') && PHP_INT_SIZE == 8: case (php_uname('m') & "") != 'ARM': return '%s'; break; default: $safeint = '(is_int($temp = %s) ? $temp : (fmod($temp, 0x80000000) & 0x7FFFFFFF) | '; return $safeint . '((fmod(floor($temp / 0x80000000), 2) & 1) << 31))'; } } /** * Sets up GCM parameters * * See steps 1-2 of * for more info * * @access private */ private function setupGCM() { // don't keep on re-calculating $this->h if (!$this->h || $this->h->key != $this->key) { $cipher = new static('ecb'); $cipher->setKey($this->key); $cipher->disablePadding(); $this->h = self::$gcmField->newInteger(Strings::switchEndianness($cipher->encrypt("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"))); $this->h->key = $this->key; } if (strlen($this->nonce) == 12) { $this->iv = $this->nonce . "\0\0\0\1"; } else { $s = 16 * ceil(strlen($this->nonce) / 16) - strlen($this->nonce); $this->iv = $this->ghash(self::nullPad128($this->nonce) . str_repeat("\0", 8) . self::len64($this->nonce)); } } /** * Performs GHASH operation * * See * for more info * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @access private * @param string $x * @return string */ private function ghash($x) { $h = $this->h; $y = ["\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"]; $x = str_split($x, 16); $n = 0; // the switchEndianness calls are necessary because the multiplication algorithm in BinaryField/Integer // interprets strings as polynomials in big endian order whereas in GCM they're interpreted in little // endian order per // big endian order is what binary field elliptic curves use per // we could switchEndianness here instead of in the while loop but doing so in the while loop seems like it // might be slightly more performant //$x = Strings::switchEndianness($x); foreach ($x as $xn) { $xn = Strings::switchEndianness($xn); $t = $y[$n] ^ $xn; $temp = self::$gcmField->newInteger($t); $y[++$n] = $temp->multiply($h)->toBytes(); $y[$n] = substr($y[$n], 1); } $y[$n] = Strings::switchEndianness($y[$n]); return $y[$n]; } /** * Returns the bit length of a string in a packed format * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::setupGCM() * @access private * @param string $str * @return string */ private static function len64($str) { return "\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', 8 * strlen($str)); } /** * NULL pads a string to be a multiple of 128 * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::setupGCM() * @access private * @param string $str * @return string */ protected static function nullPad128($str) { $len = strlen($str); return $str . str_repeat("\0", 16 * ceil($len / 16) - $len); } /** * Calculates Poly1305 MAC * * On my system ChaCha20, with libsodium, takes 0.5s. With this custom Poly1305 implementation * it takes 1.2s. * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @access private * @param string $text * @return string */ protected function poly1305($text) { $s = $this->poly1305Key; // strlen($this->poly1305Key) == 32 $r = Strings::shift($s, 16); $r = strrev($r); $r &= "\17\17\17\17"; $s = strrev($s); $r = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger($r, 256)); $s = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger($s, 256)); $a = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger()); $blocks = str_split($text, 16); foreach ($blocks as $block) { $n = strrev($block . chr(1)); $n = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger($n, 256)); $a = $a->add($n); $a = $a->multiply($r); } $r = $a->toBigInteger()->add($s->toBigInteger()); $mask = ""; return strrev($r->toBytes()) & $mask; } } * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $signature = $private->sign($plaintext); * * echo $public->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified'; * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\PublicKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Parameters; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; /** * Pure-PHP FIPS 186-4 compliant implementation of DSA. * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DSA extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string * @access private */ const ALGORITHM = 'DSA'; /** * DSA Prime P * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $p; /** * DSA Group Order q * * Prime divisor of p-1 * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $q; /** * DSA Group Generator G * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $g; /** * DSA public key value y * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $y; /** * Signature Format * * @var string * @access private */ protected $format; /** * Signature Format (Short) * * @var string * @access private */ protected $shortFormat; /** * Create DSA parameters * * @access public * @param int $L * @param int $N * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\DSA|bool */ public static function createParameters($L = 2048, $N = 224) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } switch (true) { case $N == 160: /* in FIPS 186-1 and 186-2 N was fixed at 160 whereas K had an upper bound of 1024. RFC 4253 (SSH Transport Layer Protocol) references FIPS 186-2 and as such most SSH DSA implementations only support keys with an N of 160. puttygen let's you set the size of L (but not the size of N) and uses 2048 as the default L value. that's not really compliant with any of the FIPS standards, however, for the purposes of maintaining compatibility with puttygen, we'll support it */ //case ($L >= 512 || $L <= 1024) && (($L & 0x3F) == 0) && $N == 160: // FIPS 186-3 changed this as follows: //case $L == 1024 && $N == 160: case $L == 2048 && $N == 224: case $L == 2048 && $N == 256: case $L == 3072 && $N == 256: break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid values for N and L'); } $two = new BigInteger(2); $q = BigInteger::randomPrime($N); $divisor = $q->multiply($two); do { $x = BigInteger::random($L); list(, $c) = $x->divide($divisor); $p = $x->subtract($c->subtract(self::$one)); } while ($p->getLength() != $L || !$p->isPrime()); $p_1 = $p->subtract(self::$one); list($e) = $p_1->divide($q); // quoting , // "h could be obtained from a random number generator or from a counter that // changes after each use". PuTTY (sshdssg.c) starts h off at 1 and increments // it on each loop. wikipedia says "commonly h = 2 is used" so we'll just do that $h = clone $two; while (true) { $g = $h->powMod($e, $p); if (!$g->equals(self::$one)) { break; } $h = $h->add(self::$one); } $dsa = new Parameters(); $dsa->p = $p; $dsa->q = $q; $dsa->g = $g; return $dsa; } /** * Create public / private key pair. * * This method is a bit polymorphic. It can take a DSA/Parameters object, L / N as two distinct parameters or * no parameters (at which point L and N will be generated with this method) * * Returns the private key, from which the publickey can be extracted * * @param $args[] * @access public * @return DSA\PrivateKey */ public static function createKey(...$args) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if (count($args) == 2 && is_int($args[0]) && is_int($args[1])) { $params = self::createParameters($args[0], $args[1]); } else { if (count($args) == 1 && $args[0] instanceof Parameters) { $params = $args[0]; } else { if (!count($args)) { $params = self::createParameters(); } else { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Valid parameters are either two integers (L and N), a single DSA object or no parameters at all.'); } } } $private = new PrivateKey(); $private->p = $params->p; $private->q = $params->q; $private->g = $params->g; $private->x = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $private->q->subtract(self::$one)); $private->y = $private->g->powMod($private->x, $private->p); //$public = clone $private; //unset($public->x); return $private->withHash($params->hash->getHash())->withSignatureFormat($params->shortFormat); } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool * @access protected * @param array $components */ protected static function onLoad($components) { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if (!isset($components['x']) && !isset($components['y'])) { $new = new Parameters(); } else { if (isset($components['x'])) { $new = new PrivateKey(); $new->x = $components['x']; } else { $new = new PublicKey(); } } $new->p = $components['p']; $new->q = $components['q']; $new->g = $components['g']; if (isset($components['y'])) { $new->y = $components['y']; } return $new; } /** * Constructor * * PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class */ protected function __construct() { $this->format = self::validatePlugin('Signature', 'ASN1'); $this->shortFormat = 'ASN1'; parent::__construct(); } /** * Returns the key size * * More specifically, this L (the length of DSA Prime P) and N (the length of DSA Group Order q) * * @access public * @return array */ public function getLength() { return ['L' => $this->p->getLength(), 'N' => $this->q->getLength()]; } /** * Returns the current engine being used * * @see self::useInternalEngine() * @see self::useBestEngine() * @access public * @return string */ public function getEngine() { return self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods()) ? 'OpenSSL' : 'PHP'; } /** * Returns the parameters * * A public / private key is only returned if the currently loaded "key" contains an x or y * value. * * @see self::getPublicKey() * @access public * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getParameters() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); $key = $type::saveParameters($this->p, $this->q, $this->g); return DSA::load($key, 'PKCS1')->withHash($this->hash->getHash())->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); } /** * Determines the signature padding mode * * Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw * * @access public * @param string $padding */ public function withSignatureFormat($format) { $new = clone $this; $new->shortFormat = $format; $new->format = self::validatePlugin('Signature', $format); return $new; } /** * Returns the signature format currently being used * * @access public */ public function getSignatureFormat() { return $this->shortFormat; } } * * * * @category Crypt * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH\PublicKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH\Parameters; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP (EC)DH implementation * * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DH extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string * @access private */ const ALGORITHM = 'DH'; /** * DH prime * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $prime; /** * DH Base * * Prime divisor of p-1 * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $base; /** * Create DH parameters * * This method is a bit polymorphic. It can take any of the following: * - two BigInteger's (prime and base) * - an integer representing the size of the prime in bits (the base is assumed to be 2) * - a string (eg. diffie-hellman-group14-sha1) * * @access public * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\DH|bool */ public static function createParameters(...$args) { $params = new Parameters(); if (count($args) == 2 && $args[0] instanceof BigInteger && $args[1] instanceof BigInteger) { //if (!$args[0]->isPrime()) { // throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The first parameter should be a prime number'); //} $params->prime = $args[0]; $params->base = $args[1]; return $params; } elseif (count($args) == 1 && is_numeric($args[0])) { $params->prime = BigInteger::randomPrime($args[0]); $params->base = new BigInteger(2); return $params; } elseif (count($args) != 1 || !is_string($args[0])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Valid parameters are either: two BigInteger\'s (prime and base), a single integer (the length of the prime; base is assumed to be 2) or a string'); } switch ($args[0]) { // see and //, appendex E case 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1': $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE65381FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1': // 2048-bit MODP Group case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256': $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see case 'diffie-hellman-group15-sha512': // 3072-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A93AD2CAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see case 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512': // 4096-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D7' . '88719A10BDBA5B2699C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8' . 'DBBBC2DB04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2' . '233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127D5B05AA9' . '93B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934063199FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see case 'diffie-hellman-group17-sha512': // 6144-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D7' . '88719A10BDBA5B2699C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8' . 'DBBBC2DB04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2' . '233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127D5B05AA9' . '93B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C93402849236C3FAB4D27C7026' . 'C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AE' . 'B06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1B' . 'DB7F1447E6CC254B332051512BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92EC' . 'F032EA15D1721D03F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E' . '59E7C97FBEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA' . 'CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58BB7C5DA76' . 'F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632387FE8D76E3C0468' . '043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E6DCC4024FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see case 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512': // 8192-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D7' . '88719A10BDBA5B2699C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8' . 'DBBBC2DB04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2' . '233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127D5B05AA9' . '93B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C93402849236C3FAB4D27C7026' . 'C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AE' . 'B06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1B' . 'DB7F1447E6CC254B332051512BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92EC' . 'F032EA15D1721D03F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E' . '59E7C97FBEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA' . 'CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58BB7C5DA76' . 'F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632387FE8D76E3C0468' . '043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E6DBE115974A3926F12FEE5E4' . '38777CB6A932DF8CD8BEC4D073B931BA3BC832B68D9DD300741FA7BF8AFC47ED' . '2576F6936BA424663AAB639C5AE4F5683423B4742BF1C978238F16CBE39D652D' . 'E3FDB8BEFC848AD922222E04A4037C0713EB57A81A23F0C73473FC646CEA306B' . '4BCBC8862F8385DDFA9D4B7FA2C087E879683303ED5BDD3A062B3CF5B3A278A6' . '6D2A13F83F44F82DDF310EE074AB6A364597E899A0255DC164F31CC50846851D' . 'F9AB48195DED7EA1B1D510BD7EE74D73FAF36BC31ECFA268359046F4EB879F92' . '4009438B481C6CD7889A002ED5EE382BC9190DA6FC026E479558E4475677E9AA' . '9E3050E2765694DFC81F56E880B96E7160C980DD98EDD3DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid named prime provided'); } $params->prime = new BigInteger($prime, 16); $params->base = new BigInteger(2); return $params; } /** * Create public / private key pair. * * The rationale for the second parameter is described in : * * "To increase the speed of the key exchange, both client and server may * reduce the size of their private exponents. It should be at least * twice as long as the key material that is generated from the shared * secret. For more details, see the paper by van Oorschot and Wiener * [VAN-OORSCHOT]." * * $length is in bits * * @param Parameters $params * @param int $length optional * @access public * @return DH\PrivateKey */ public static function createKey(Parameters $params, $length = 0) { $one = new BigInteger(1); if ($length) { $max = $one->bitwise_leftShift($length); $max = $max->subtract($one); } else { $max = $params->prime->subtract($one); } $key = new PrivateKey(); $key->prime = $params->prime; $key->base = $params->base; $key->privateKey = BigInteger::randomRange($one, $max); $key->publicKey = $key->base->powMod($key->privateKey, $key->prime); return $key; } /** * Compute Shared Secret * * @param PrivateKey|EC $private * @param PublicKey|BigInteger|string $public * @access public * @return mixed */ public static function computeSecret($private, $public) { if ($private instanceof PrivateKey) { // DH\PrivateKey switch (true) { case $public instanceof PublicKey: if (!$private->prime->equals($public->prime) || !$private->base->equals($public->base)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The public and private key do not share the same prime and / or base numbers'); } return $public->publicKey->powMod($private->privateKey, $private->prime)->toBytes(true); case is_string($public): $public = new BigInteger($public, -256); case $public instanceof BigInteger: return $public->powMod($private->privateKey, $private->prime)->toBytes(true); default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$public needs to be an instance of DH\\PublicKey, a BigInteger or a string'); } } if ($private instanceof EC\PrivateKey) { switch (true) { case $public instanceof EC\PublicKey: $public = $public->getEncodedCoordinates(); case is_string($public): $point = $private->multiply($public); switch ($private->getCurve()) { case 'Curve25519': case 'Curve448': $secret = $point; break; default: // according to only X is returned $secret = substr($point, 1, strlen($point) - 1 >> 1); } /* if (($secret[0] & "\x80") === "\x80") { $secret = "\0$secret"; } */ return $secret; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$public needs to be an instance of EC\\PublicKey or a string (an encoded coordinate)'); } } } /** * Load the key * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return AsymmetricKey */ public static function load($key, $password = false) { try { return EC::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } return parent::load($key, $password); } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool * @access protected * @param array $components */ protected static function onLoad($components) { if (!isset($components['privateKey']) && !isset($components['publicKey'])) { $new = new Parameters(); } else { $new = isset($components['privateKey']) ? new PrivateKey() : new PublicKey(); } $new->prime = $components['prime']; $new->base = $components['base']; if (isset($components['privateKey'])) { $new->privateKey = $components['privateKey']; } if (isset($components['publicKey'])) { $new->publicKey = $components['publicKey']; } return $new; } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * @access public * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('DH does not use a hash algorithm'); } /** * Returns the hash algorithm currently being used * * @access public */ public function getHash() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('DH does not use a hash algorithm'); } /** * Returns the parameters * * A public / private key is only returned if the currently loaded "key" contains an x or y * value. * * @see self::getPublicKey() * @access public * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getParameters() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); $key = $type::saveParameters($this->prime, $this->base); return self::load($key, 'PKCS1'); } } * setKey('abcdefg'); * * echo base64_encode($hash->hash('abcdefg')); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package Hash * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @author Andreas Fischer * @copyright 2015 Andreas Fischer * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\AES; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; /** * @package Hash * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Andreas Fischer * @access public */ class Hash { /**#@+ * Padding Types * * @access private */ //const PADDING_KECCAK = 1; const PADDING_SHA3 = 2; const PADDING_SHAKE = 3; /**#@-*/ /** * Padding Type * * Only used by SHA3 * * @var int * @access private */ private $paddingType = 0; /** * Hash Parameter * * @see self::setHash() * @var int * @access private */ private $hashParam; /** * Byte-length of hash output (Internal HMAC) * * @see self::setHash() * @var int * @access private */ private $length; /** * Hash Algorithm * * @see self::setHash() * @var string * @access private */ private $hash; /** * Key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string * @access private */ private $key = false; /** * Nonce * * @see self::setNonce() * @var string * @access private */ private $nonce = false; /** * Hash Parameters * * @var array * @access private */ private $parameters = []; /** * Computed Key * * @see self::_computeKey() * @var string * @access private */ private $computedKey = false; /** * Outer XOR (Internal HMAC) * * Used only for sha512/* * * @see self::hash() * @var string * @access private */ private $opad; /** * Inner XOR (Internal HMAC) * * Used only for sha512/* * * @see self::hash() * @var string * @access private */ private $ipad; /** * Recompute AES Key * * Used only for umac * * @see self::hash() * @var boolean * @access private */ private $recomputeAESKey; /** * umac cipher object * * @see self::hash() * @var \tgseclib\Crypt\AES * @access private */ private $c; /** * umac pad * * @see self::hash() * @var string * @access private */ private $pad; /**#@+ * UMAC variables * * @var PrimeField */ private static $factory36; private static $factory64; private static $factory128; private static $offset64; private static $offset128; private static $marker64; private static $marker128; private static $maxwordrange64; private static $maxwordrange128; /**#@-*/ /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $hash * @access public */ public function __construct($hash = 'sha256') { $this->setHash($hash); } /** * Sets the key for HMACs * * Keys can be of any length. * * @access public * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key = false) { $this->key = $key; $this->computeKey(); $this->recomputeAESKey = true; } /** * Sets the nonce for UMACs * * Keys can be of any length. * * @access public * @param string $nonce */ public function setNonce($nonce = false) { switch (true) { case !is_string($nonce): case strlen($nonce) > 0 && strlen($nonce) <= 16: $this->recomputeAESKey = true; $this->nonce = $nonce; return; } throw new \LengthException('The nonce length must be between 1 and 16 bytes, inclusive'); } /** * Pre-compute the key used by the HMAC * * Quoting, "Applications that use keys longer than B bytes * will first hash the key using H and then use the resultant L byte string as the actual key to HMAC." * * As documented in * when doing an HMAC multiple times it's faster to compute the hash once instead of computing it during * every call * * @access private */ private function computeKey() { if ($this->key === false) { $this->computedKey = false; return; } if (strlen($this->key) <= $this->getBlockLengthInBytes()) { $this->computedKey = $this->key; return; } $this->computedKey = is_array($this->hash) ? call_user_func($this->hash, $this->key) : hash($this->hash, $this->key, true); } /** * Gets the hash function. * * As set by the constructor or by the setHash() method. * * @access public * @return string */ public function getHash() { return $this->hashParam; } /** * Sets the hash function. * * @access public * @param string $hash */ public function setHash($hash) { $this->hashParam = $hash = strtolower($hash); switch ($hash) { case 'umac-32': case 'umac-64': case 'umac-96': case 'umac-128': $this->blockSize = 128; $this->length = abs(substr($hash, -3)) >> 3; $this->hash = 'umac'; return; case 'md2-96': case 'md5-96': case 'sha1-96': case 'sha224-96': case 'sha256-96': case 'sha384-96': case 'sha512-96': case 'sha512/224-96': case 'sha512/256-96': $hash = substr($hash, 0, -3); $this->length = 12; // 96 / 8 = 12 break; case 'md2': case 'md5': $this->length = 16; break; case 'sha1': $this->length = 20; break; case 'sha224': case 'sha512/224': case 'sha3-224': $this->length = 28; break; case 'sha256': case 'sha512/256': case 'sha3-256': $this->length = 32; break; case 'sha384': case 'sha3-384': $this->length = 48; break; case 'sha512': case 'sha3-512': $this->length = 64; break; default: if (preg_match('#^(shake(?:128|256))-(\\d+)$#', $hash, $matches)) { $this->paddingType = self::PADDING_SHAKE; $hash = $matches[1]; $this->length = $matches[2] >> 3; } else { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("{$hash} is not a supported algorithm"); } } switch ($hash) { case 'md2': case 'md2-96': $this->blockSize = 128; break; case 'md5-96': case 'sha1-96': case 'sha224-96': case 'sha256-96': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': $this->blockSize = 512; break; case 'sha3-224': $this->blockSize = 1152; // 1600 - 2*224 break; case 'sha3-256': case 'shake256': $this->blockSize = 1088; // 1600 - 2*256 break; case 'sha3-384': $this->blockSize = 832; // 1600 - 2*384 break; case 'sha3-512': $this->blockSize = 576; // 1600 - 2*512 break; case 'shake128': $this->blockSize = 1344; // 1600 - 2*128 break; default: $this->blockSize = 1024; } if (in_array(substr($hash, 0, 5), ['sha3-', 'shake'])) { // PHP 7.1.0 introduced support for "SHA3 fixed mode algorithms": // if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0 || substr($hash, 0, 5) == 'shake') { //preg_match('#(\d+)$#', $hash, $matches); //$this->parameters['capacity'] = 2 * $matches[1]; // 1600 - $this->blockSize //$this->parameters['rate'] = 1600 - $this->parameters['capacity']; // == $this->blockSize if (!$this->paddingType) { $this->paddingType = self::PADDING_SHA3; } $this->parameters = ['capacity' => 1600 - $this->blockSize, 'rate' => $this->blockSize, 'length' => $this->length, 'padding' => $this->paddingType]; $hash = ['tgseclib\\Crypt\\Hash', PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 ? 'sha3_64' : 'sha3_32']; } } if ($hash == 'sha512/224' || $hash == 'sha512/256') { // PHP 7.1.0 introduced sha512/224 and sha512/256 support: // if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0) { // from $initial = $hash == 'sha512/256' ? ['22312194FC2BF72C', '9F555FA3C84C64C2', '2393B86B6F53B151', '963877195940EABD', '96283EE2A88EFFE3', 'BE5E1E2553863992', '2B0199FC2C85B8AA', '0EB72DDC81C52CA2'] : ['8C3D37C819544DA2', '73E1996689DCD4D6', '1DFAB7AE32FF9C82', '679DD514582F9FCF', '0F6D2B697BD44DA8', '77E36F7304C48942', '3F9D85A86A1D36C8', '1112E6AD91D692A1']; for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $initial[$i] = new BigInteger($initial[$i], 16); $initial[$i]->setPrecision(64); } $this->parameters = compact('initial'); $hash = ['tgseclib\\Crypt\\Hash', 'sha512']; } } if (is_array($hash)) { $b = $this->blockSize >> 3; $this->ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), $b); $this->opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c), $b); } $this->hash = $hash; $this->computeKey(); } /** * KDF: Key-Derivation Function * * The key-derivation function generates pseudorandom bits used to key the hash functions. * * @param int $index a non-negative integer less than 2^64 * @param int $numbytes a non-negative integer less than 2^64 * @return string string of length numbytes bytes */ private function kdf($index, $numbytes) { $this->c->setIV(pack('N4', 0, $index, 0, 1)); return $this->c->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", $numbytes)); } /** * PDF Algorithm * * @return string string of length taglen bytes. */ private function pdf() { $k = $this->key; $nonce = $this->nonce; $taglen = $this->length; // // Extract and zero low bit(s) of Nonce if needed // if ($taglen <= 8) { $last = strlen($nonce) - 1; $mask = $taglen == 4 ? "\3" : "\1"; $index = $nonce[$last] & $mask; $nonce[$last] = $nonce[$last] ^ $index; } // // Make Nonce BLOCKLEN bytes by appending zeroes if needed // $nonce = str_pad($nonce, 16, "\0"); // // Generate subkey, encipher and extract indexed substring // $kp = $this->kdf(0, 16); $c = new AES('ctr'); $c->disablePadding(); $c->setKey($kp); $c->setIV($nonce); $t = $c->encrypt("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"); // we could use ord() but per // unpack() doesn't leak timing info return $taglen <= 8 ? substr($t, unpack('C', $index)[1] * $taglen, $taglen) : substr($t, 0, $taglen); } /** * UHASH Algorithm * * @param string $m string of length less than 2^67 bits. * @param int $taglen the integer 4, 8, 12 or 16. * @return string string of length taglen bytes. */ private function uhash($m, $taglen) { // // One internal iteration per 4 bytes of output // $iters = $taglen >> 2; // // Define total key needed for all iterations using KDF. // L1Key reuses most key material between iterations. // //$L1Key = $this->kdf(1, 1024 + ($iters - 1) * 16); $L1Key = $this->kdf(1, (1024 + ($iters - 1)) * 16); $L2Key = $this->kdf(2, $iters * 24); $L3Key1 = $this->kdf(3, $iters * 64); $L3Key2 = $this->kdf(4, $iters * 4); // // For each iteration, extract key and do three-layer hash. // If bytelength(M) <= 1024, then skip L2-HASH. // $y = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $iters; $i++) { $L1Key_i = substr($L1Key, $i * 16, 1024); $L2Key_i = substr($L2Key, $i * 24, 24); $L3Key1_i = substr($L3Key1, $i * 64, 64); $L3Key2_i = substr($L3Key2, $i * 4, 4); $a = self::L1Hash($L1Key_i, $m); $b = strlen($m) <= 1024 ? "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0{$a}" : self::L2Hash($L2Key_i, $a); $c = self::L3Hash($L3Key1_i, $L3Key2_i, $b); $y .= $c; } return $y; } /** * L1-HASH Algorithm * * The first-layer hash breaks the message into 1024-byte chunks and * hashes each with a function called NH. Concatenating the results * forms a string, which is up to 128 times shorter than the original. * * @param string $k string of length 1024 bytes. * @param string $m string of length less than 2^67 bits. * @return string string of length (8 * ceil(bitlength(M)/8192)) bytes. */ private static function L1Hash($k, $m) { // // Break M into 1024 byte chunks (final chunk may be shorter) // $m = str_split($m, 1024); // // For each chunk, except the last: endian-adjust, NH hash // and add bit-length. Use results to build Y. // $length = new BigInteger(1024 * 8); $y = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($m) - 1; $i++) { $m[$i] = pack('N*',...unpack('V*', $m[$i])); // ENDIAN-SWAP $y .= static::nh($k, $m[$i], $length); } // // For the last chunk: pad to 32-byte boundary, endian-adjust, // NH hash and add bit-length. Concatenate the result to Y. // $length = strlen($m[$i]); $pad = 32 - $length % 32; $pad = max(32, $length + $pad % 32); $m[$i] = str_pad($m[$i], $pad, "\0"); // zeropad $m[$i] = pack('N*',...unpack('V*', $m[$i])); // ENDIAN-SWAP $y .= static::nh($k, $m[$i], new BigInteger($length * 8)); return $y; } /** * NH Algorithm * * @param string $k string of length 1024 bytes. * @param string $m string with length divisible by 32 bytes. * @return string string of length 8 bytes. */ private static function nh($k, $m, $length) { $toUInt32 = function ($x) { $x = new BigInteger($x, 256); $x->setPrecision(32); return $x; }; // // Break M and K into 4-byte chunks // //$t = strlen($m) >> 2; $m = str_split($m, 4); $t = count($m); $k = str_split($k, 4); $k = array_pad(array_slice($k, 0, $t), $t, 0); $m = array_map($toUInt32, $m); $k = array_map($toUInt32, $k); // // Perform NH hash on the chunks, pairing words for multiplication // which are 4 apart to accommodate vector-parallelism. // $y = new BigInteger(); $y->setPrecision(64); $i = 0; while ($i < $t) { $temp = $m[$i]->add($k[$i]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 4]->add($k[$i + 4])); $y = $y->add($temp); $temp = $m[$i + 1]->add($k[$i + 1]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 5]->add($k[$i + 5])); $y = $y->add($temp); $temp = $m[$i + 2]->add($k[$i + 2]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 6]->add($k[$i + 6])); $y = $y->add($temp); $temp = $m[$i + 3]->add($k[$i + 3]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 7]->add($k[$i + 7])); $y = $y->add($temp); $i += 8; } return $y->add($length)->toBytes(); } /** * L2-HASH: Second-Layer Hash * * The second-layer rehashes the L1-HASH output using a polynomial hash * called POLY. If the L1-HASH output is long, then POLY is called once * on a prefix of the L1-HASH output and called using different settings * on the remainder. (This two-step hashing of the L1-HASH output is * needed only if the message length is greater than 16 megabytes.) * Careful implementation of POLY is necessary to avoid a possible * timing attack (see Section 6.6 for more information). * * @param string $k string of length 24 bytes. * @param string $m string of length less than 2^64 bytes. * @return string string of length 16 bytes. */ private static function L2Hash($k, $m) { // // Extract keys and restrict to special key-sets // $k64 = $k & "\1\1"; $k64 = new BigInteger($k64, 256); $k128 = substr($k, 8) & "\1\1\1\1"; $k128 = new BigInteger($k128, 256); // // If M is no more than 2^17 bytes, hash under 64-bit prime, // otherwise, hash first 2^17 bytes under 64-bit prime and // remainder under 128-bit prime. // if (strlen($m) <= 0x20000) { // 2^14 64-bit words $y = self::poly(64, self::$maxwordrange64, $k64, $m); } else { $m_1 = substr($m, 0, 0x20000); // 1 << 17 $m_2 = substr($m, 0x20000) . ""; $length = strlen($m_2); $pad = 16 - $length % 16; $pad %= 16; $m_2 = str_pad($m_2, $length + $pad, "\0"); // zeropad $y = self::poly(64, self::$maxwordrange64, $k64, $m_1); $y = str_pad($y, 16, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = self::poly(128, self::$maxwordrange128, $k128, $y . $m_2); } return str_pad($y, 16, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * POLY Algorithm * * @param int $wordbits the integer 64 or 128. * @param BigInteger $maxwordrange positive integer less than 2^wordbits. * @param BigInteger $k integer in the range ... prime(wordbits) - 1. * @param string $m string with length divisible by (wordbits / 8) bytes. * @return integer in the range ... prime(wordbits) - 1. */ private static function poly($wordbits, $maxwordrange, $k, $m) { // // Define constants used for fixing out-of-range words // $wordbytes = $wordbits >> 3; if ($wordbits == 128) { $factory = self::$factory128; $offset = self::$offset128; $marker = self::$marker128; } else { $factory = self::$factory64; $offset = self::$offset64; $marker = self::$marker64; } $k = $factory->newInteger($k); // // Break M into chunks of length wordbytes bytes // $m_i = str_split($m, $wordbytes); // // Each input word m is compared with maxwordrange. If not smaller // then 'marker' and (m - offset), both in range, are hashed. // $y = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); foreach ($m_i as $m) { $m = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($m, 256)); if ($m->compare($maxwordrange) >= 0) { $y = $k->multiply($y)->add($marker); $y = $k->multiply($y)->add($m->subtract($offset)); } else { $y = $k->multiply($y)->add($m); } } return $y->toBytes(); } /** * L3-HASH: Third-Layer Hash * * The output from L2-HASH is 16 bytes long. This final hash function * hashes the 16-byte string to a fixed length of 4 bytes. * * @param string $k1 string of length 64 bytes. * @param string $k2 string of length 4 bytes. * @param string $m string of length 16 bytes. * @return string string of length 4 bytes. */ private static function L3Hash($k1, $k2, $m) { $factory = self::$factory36; $y = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger()); for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $m_i = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(substr($m, 2 * $i, 2), 256)); $k_i = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(substr($k1, 8 * $i, 8), 256)); $y = $y->add($m_i->multiply($k_i)); } $y = str_pad(substr($y->toBytes(), -4), 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = $y ^ $k2; return $y; } /** * Compute the Hash / HMAC / UMAC. * * @access public * @param string $text * @return string */ public function hash($text) { if ($this->hash == 'umac') { if ($this->recomputeAESKey) { if (!is_string($this->nonce)) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been set'); } if (!is_string($this->key)) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been set'); } if (strlen($this->key) != 16) { throw new \LengthException('Key must be 16 bytes long'); } if (!isset(self::$maxwordrange64)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $prime36 = new BigInteger("\0\0\0\17", 256); self::$factory36 = new PrimeField($prime36); $prime64 = new BigInteger("", 256); self::$factory64 = new PrimeField($prime64); $prime128 = new BigInteger("a", 256); self::$factory128 = new PrimeField($prime128); self::$offset64 = new BigInteger("\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 256); self::$offset64 = self::$factory64->newInteger(self::$offset64->subtract($prime64)); self::$offset128 = new BigInteger("\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 256); self::$offset128 = self::$factory128->newInteger(self::$offset128->subtract($prime128)); self::$marker64 = self::$factory64->newInteger($prime64->subtract($one)); self::$marker128 = self::$factory128->newInteger($prime128->subtract($one)); $maxwordrange64 = $one->bitwise_leftShift(64)->subtract($one->bitwise_leftShift(32)); self::$maxwordrange64 = self::$factory64->newInteger($maxwordrange64); $maxwordrange128 = $one->bitwise_leftShift(128)->subtract($one->bitwise_leftShift(96)); self::$maxwordrange128 = self::$factory128->newInteger($maxwordrange128); } $this->c = new AES('ctr'); $this->c->disablePadding(); $this->c->setKey($this->key); $this->pad = $this->pdf(); $this->recomputeAESKey = false; } $hashedmessage = $this->uhash($text, $this->length); return $hashedmessage ^ $this->pad; } if (is_array($this->hash)) { if (empty($this->key) || !is_string($this->key)) { return substr(call_user_func($this->hash, $text,...array_values($this->parameters)), 0, $this->length); } // SHA3 HMACs are discussed at $key = str_pad($this->computedKey, $b, chr(0)); $temp = $this->ipad ^ $key; $temp .= $text; $temp = substr(call_user_func($this->hash, $temp,...array_values($this->parameters)), 0, $this->length); $output = $this->opad ^ $key; $output .= $temp; $output = call_user_func($this->hash, $output,...array_values($this->parameters)); return substr($output, 0, $this->length); } $output = !empty($this->key) || is_string($this->key) ? hash_hmac($this->hash, $text, $this->computedKey, true) : hash($this->hash, $text, true); return strlen($output) > $this->length ? substr($output, 0, $this->length) : $output; } /** * Returns the hash length (in bits) * * @access public * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->length << 3; } /** * Returns the hash length (in bytes) * * @access public * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return $this->length; } /** * Returns the block length (in bits) * * @access public * @return int */ public function getBlockLength() { return $this->blockSize; } /** * Returns the block length (in bytes) * * @access public * @return int */ public function getBlockLengthInBytes() { return $this->blockSize >> 3; } /** * Pads SHA3 based on the mode * * @access private * @param int $padLength * @param int $padType * @return string */ private static function sha3_pad($padLength, $padType) { switch ($padType) { //case self::PADDING_KECCAK: // $temp = chr(0x06) . str_repeat("\0", $padLength - 1); // $temp[$padLength - 1] = $temp[$padLength - 1] | chr(0x80); // return $temp case self::PADDING_SHAKE: $temp = chr(0x1f) . str_repeat("\0", $padLength - 1); $temp[$padLength - 1] = $temp[$padLength - 1] | chr(0x80); return $temp; //case self::PADDING_SHA3: default: // from return $padLength == 1 ? chr(0x86) : chr(0x6) . str_repeat("\0", $padLength - 2) . chr(0x80); } } /** * Pure-PHP 32-bit implementation of SHA3 * * Whereas BigInteger.php's 32-bit engine works on PHP 64-bit this 32-bit implementation * of SHA3 will *not* work on PHP 64-bit. This is because this implementation * employees bitwise NOTs and bitwise left shifts. And the round constants only work * on 32-bit PHP. eg. dechex(-2147483648) returns 80000000 on 32-bit PHP and * FFFFFFFF80000000 on 64-bit PHP. Sure, we could do bitwise ANDs but that would slow * things down. * * SHA512 requires BigInteger to simulate 64-bit unsigned integers because SHA2 employees * addition whereas SHA3 just employees bitwise operators. PHP64 only supports signed * 64-bit integers, which complicates addition, whereas that limitation isn't an issue * for SHA3. * * In KECCAK[C] is * defined as "the KECCAK instance with KECCAK-f[1600] as the underlying permutation and * capacity c". This is relevant because, altho the KECCAK standard defines a mode * (KECCAK-f[800]) designed for 32-bit machines that mode is incompatible with SHA3 * * @access private * @param string $p * @param int $c * @param int $r * @param int $d * @param int $padType */ private static function sha3_32($p, $c, $r, $d, $padType) { $block_size = $r >> 3; $padLength = $block_size - strlen($p) % $block_size; $num_ints = $block_size >> 2; $p .= static::sha3_pad($padLength, $padType); $n = strlen($p) / $r; // number of blocks $s = [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]]; $p = str_split($p, $block_size); foreach ($p as $pi) { $pi = unpack('V*', $pi); $x = $y = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_ints; $i += 2) { $s[$x][$y][0] ^= $pi[$i + 1]; $s[$x][$y][1] ^= $pi[$i]; if (++$y == 5) { $y = 0; $x++; } } static::processSHA3Block32($s); } $z = ''; $i = $j = 0; while (strlen($z) < $d) { $z .= pack('V2', $s[$i][$j][1], $s[$i][$j++][0]); if ($j == 5) { $j = 0; $i++; if ($i == 5) { $i = 0; static::processSHA3Block32($s); } } } return $z; } /** * 32-bit block processing method for SHA3 * * @access private * @param array $s */ private static function processSHA3Block32(&$s) { static $rotationOffsets = [[0, 1, 62, 28, 27], [36, 44, 6, 55, 20], [3, 10, 43, 25, 39], [41, 45, 15, 21, 8], [18, 2, 61, 56, 14]]; // the standards give these constants in hexadecimal notation. it's tempting to want to use // that same notation, here, however, we can't, because 0x80000000, on PHP32, is a positive // float - not the negative int that we need to be in PHP32. so we use -2147483648 instead static $roundConstants = [[0, 1], [0, 32898], [-2147483648, 32906], [-2147483648, -2147450880], [0, 32907], [0, -2147483647], [-2147483648, -2147450751], [-2147483648, 32777], [0, 138], [0, 136], [0, -2147450871], [0, -2147483638], [0, -2147450741], [-2147483648, 139], [-2147483648, 32905], [-2147483648, 32771], [-2147483648, 32770], [-2147483648, 128], [0, 32778], [-2147483648, -2147483638], [-2147483648, -2147450751], [-2147483648, 32896], [0, -2147483647], [-2147483648, -2147450872]]; for ($round = 0; $round < 24; $round++) { // theta step $parity = $rotated = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $parity[] = [$s[0][$i][0] ^ $s[1][$i][0] ^ $s[2][$i][0] ^ $s[3][$i][0] ^ $s[4][$i][0], $s[0][$i][1] ^ $s[1][$i][1] ^ $s[2][$i][1] ^ $s[3][$i][1] ^ $s[4][$i][1]]; $rotated[] = static::rotateLeft32($parity[$i], 1); } $temp = [[$parity[4][0] ^ $rotated[1][0], $parity[4][1] ^ $rotated[1][1]], [$parity[0][0] ^ $rotated[2][0], $parity[0][1] ^ $rotated[2][1]], [$parity[1][0] ^ $rotated[3][0], $parity[1][1] ^ $rotated[3][1]], [$parity[2][0] ^ $rotated[4][0], $parity[2][1] ^ $rotated[4][1]], [$parity[3][0] ^ $rotated[0][0], $parity[3][1] ^ $rotated[0][1]]]; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $s[$i][$j][0] ^= $temp[$j][0]; $s[$i][$j][1] ^= $temp[$j][1]; } } $st = $s; // rho and pi steps for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $st[(2 * $i + 3 * $j) % 5][$j] = static::rotateLeft32($s[$j][$i], $rotationOffsets[$j][$i]); } } // chi step for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $s[$i][0] = [$st[$i][0][0] ^ ~$st[$i][1][0] & $st[$i][2][0], $st[$i][0][1] ^ ~$st[$i][1][1] & $st[$i][2][1]]; $s[$i][1] = [$st[$i][1][0] ^ ~$st[$i][2][0] & $st[$i][3][0], $st[$i][1][1] ^ ~$st[$i][2][1] & $st[$i][3][1]]; $s[$i][2] = [$st[$i][2][0] ^ ~$st[$i][3][0] & $st[$i][4][0], $st[$i][2][1] ^ ~$st[$i][3][1] & $st[$i][4][1]]; $s[$i][3] = [$st[$i][3][0] ^ ~$st[$i][4][0] & $st[$i][0][0], $st[$i][3][1] ^ ~$st[$i][4][1] & $st[$i][0][1]]; $s[$i][4] = [$st[$i][4][0] ^ ~$st[$i][0][0] & $st[$i][1][0], $st[$i][4][1] ^ ~$st[$i][0][1] & $st[$i][1][1]]; } // iota step $s[0][0][0] ^= $roundConstants[$round][0]; $s[0][0][1] ^= $roundConstants[$round][1]; } } /** * Rotate 32-bit int * * @access private * @param array $x * @param int $shift */ private static function rotateLeft32($x, $shift) { if ($shift < 32) { list($hi, $lo) = $x; } else { $shift -= 32; list($lo, $hi) = $x; } return [$hi << $shift | $lo >> 32 - $shift & (1 << $shift) - 1, $lo << $shift | $hi >> 32 - $shift & (1 << $shift) - 1]; } /** * Pure-PHP 64-bit implementation of SHA3 * * @access private * @param string $p * @param int $c * @param int $r * @param int $d * @param int $padType */ private static function sha3_64($p, $c, $r, $d, $padType) { $block_size = $r >> 3; $padLength = $block_size - strlen($p) % $block_size; $num_ints = $block_size >> 2; $p .= static::sha3_pad($padLength, $padType); $n = strlen($p) / $r; // number of blocks $s = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; $p = str_split($p, $block_size); foreach ($p as $pi) { $pi = unpack('P*', $pi); $x = $y = 0; foreach ($pi as $subpi) { $s[$x][$y++] ^= $subpi; if ($y == 5) { $y = 0; $x++; } } static::processSHA3Block64($s); } $z = ''; $i = $j = 0; while (strlen($z) < $d) { $z .= pack('P', $s[$i][$j++]); if ($j == 5) { $j = 0; $i++; if ($i == 5) { $i = 0; static::processSHA3Block64($s); } } } return $z; } /** * 64-bit block processing method for SHA3 * * @access private * @param array $s */ private static function processSHA3Block64(&$s) { static $rotationOffsets = [[0, 1, 62, 28, 27], [36, 44, 6, 55, 20], [3, 10, 43, 25, 39], [41, 45, 15, 21, 8], [18, 2, 61, 56, 14]]; static $roundConstants = [1, 32898, -9223372036854742902, -9223372034707259392, 32907, 2147483649, -9223372034707259263, -9223372036854743031, 138, 136, 2147516425, 2147483658, 2147516555, -9223372036854775669, -9223372036854742903, -9223372036854743037, -9223372036854743038, -9223372036854775680, 32778, -9223372034707292150, -9223372034707259263, -9223372036854742912, 2147483649, -9223372034707259384]; for ($round = 0; $round < 24; $round++) { // theta step $parity = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $parity[] = $s[0][$i] ^ $s[1][$i] ^ $s[2][$i] ^ $s[3][$i] ^ $s[4][$i]; } $temp = [$parity[4] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[1], 1), $parity[0] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[2], 1), $parity[1] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[3], 1), $parity[2] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[4], 1), $parity[3] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[0], 1)]; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $s[$i][$j] ^= $temp[$j]; } } $st = $s; // rho and pi steps for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $st[(2 * $i + 3 * $j) % 5][$j] = static::rotateLeft64($s[$j][$i], $rotationOffsets[$j][$i]); } } // chi step for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $s[$i] = [$st[$i][0] ^ ~$st[$i][1] & $st[$i][2], $st[$i][1] ^ ~$st[$i][2] & $st[$i][3], $st[$i][2] ^ ~$st[$i][3] & $st[$i][4], $st[$i][3] ^ ~$st[$i][4] & $st[$i][0], $st[$i][4] ^ ~$st[$i][0] & $st[$i][1]]; } // iota step $s[0][0] ^= $roundConstants[$round]; } } /** * Rotate 64-bit int * * @access private * @param int $x * @param int $shift */ private static function rotateLeft64($x, $shift) { return $x << $shift | $x >> 64 - $shift & (1 << $shift) - 1; } /** * Pure-PHP implementation of SHA512 * * @access private * @param string $m * @param array $hash * @return string */ private static function sha512($m, $hash) { static $k; if (!isset($k)) { // Initialize table of round constants // (first 64 bits of the fractional parts of the cube roots of the first 80 primes 2..409) $k = ['428a2f98d728ae22', '7137449123ef65cd', 'b5c0fbcfec4d3b2f', 'e9b5dba58189dbbc', '3956c25bf348b538', '59f111f1b605d019', '923f82a4af194f9b', 'ab1c5ed5da6d8118', 'd807aa98a3030242', '12835b0145706fbe', '243185be4ee4b28c', '550c7dc3d5ffb4e2', '72be5d74f27b896f', '80deb1fe3b1696b1', '9bdc06a725c71235', 'c19bf174cf692694', 'e49b69c19ef14ad2', 'efbe4786384f25e3', '0fc19dc68b8cd5b5', '240ca1cc77ac9c65', '2de92c6f592b0275', '4a7484aa6ea6e483', '5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4', '76f988da831153b5', '983e5152ee66dfab', 'a831c66d2db43210', 'b00327c898fb213f', 'bf597fc7beef0ee4', 'c6e00bf33da88fc2', 'd5a79147930aa725', '06ca6351e003826f', '142929670a0e6e70', '27b70a8546d22ffc', '2e1b21385c26c926', '4d2c6dfc5ac42aed', '53380d139d95b3df', '650a73548baf63de', '766a0abb3c77b2a8', '81c2c92e47edaee6', '92722c851482353b', 'a2bfe8a14cf10364', 'a81a664bbc423001', 'c24b8b70d0f89791', 'c76c51a30654be30', 'd192e819d6ef5218', 'd69906245565a910', 'f40e35855771202a', '106aa07032bbd1b8', '19a4c116b8d2d0c8', '1e376c085141ab53', '2748774cdf8eeb99', '34b0bcb5e19b48a8', '391c0cb3c5c95a63', '4ed8aa4ae3418acb', '5b9cca4f7763e373', '682e6ff3d6b2b8a3', '748f82ee5defb2fc', '78a5636f43172f60', '84c87814a1f0ab72', '8cc702081a6439ec', '90befffa23631e28', 'a4506cebde82bde9', 'bef9a3f7b2c67915', 'c67178f2e372532b', 'ca273eceea26619c', 'd186b8c721c0c207', 'eada7dd6cde0eb1e', 'f57d4f7fee6ed178', '06f067aa72176fba', '0a637dc5a2c898a6', '113f9804bef90dae', '1b710b35131c471b', '28db77f523047d84', '32caab7b40c72493', '3c9ebe0a15c9bebc', '431d67c49c100d4c', '4cc5d4becb3e42b6', '597f299cfc657e2a', '5fcb6fab3ad6faec', '6c44198c4a475817']; for ($i = 0; $i < 80; $i++) { $k[$i] = new BigInteger($k[$i], 16); } } // Pre-processing $length = strlen($m); // to round to nearest 112 mod 128, we'll add 128 - (length + (128 - 112)) % 128 $m .= str_repeat(chr(0), 128 - ($length + 16 & 0x7f)); $m[$length] = chr(0x80); // we don't support hashing strings 512MB long $m .= pack('N4', 0, 0, 0, $length << 3); // Process the message in successive 1024-bit chunks $chunks = str_split($m, 128); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $w = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $temp = new BigInteger(Strings::shift($chunk, 8), 256); $temp->setPrecision(64); $w[] = $temp; } // Extend the sixteen 32-bit words into eighty 32-bit words for ($i = 16; $i < 80; $i++) { $temp = [$w[$i - 15]->bitwise_rightRotate(1), $w[$i - 15]->bitwise_rightRotate(8), $w[$i - 15]->bitwise_rightShift(7)]; $s0 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s0 = $s0->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $temp = [$w[$i - 2]->bitwise_rightRotate(19), $w[$i - 2]->bitwise_rightRotate(61), $w[$i - 2]->bitwise_rightShift(6)]; $s1 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s1 = $s1->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $w[$i] = clone $w[$i - 16]; $w[$i] = $w[$i]->add($s0); $w[$i] = $w[$i]->add($w[$i - 7]); $w[$i] = $w[$i]->add($s1); } // Initialize hash value for this chunk $a = clone $hash[0]; $b = clone $hash[1]; $c = clone $hash[2]; $d = clone $hash[3]; $e = clone $hash[4]; $f = clone $hash[5]; $g = clone $hash[6]; $h = clone $hash[7]; // Main loop for ($i = 0; $i < 80; $i++) { $temp = [$a->bitwise_rightRotate(28), $a->bitwise_rightRotate(34), $a->bitwise_rightRotate(39)]; $s0 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s0 = $s0->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $temp = [$a->bitwise_and($b), $a->bitwise_and($c), $b->bitwise_and($c)]; $maj = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $maj = $maj->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $t2 = $s0->add($maj); $temp = [$e->bitwise_rightRotate(14), $e->bitwise_rightRotate(18), $e->bitwise_rightRotate(41)]; $s1 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s1 = $s1->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $temp = [$e->bitwise_and($f), $g->bitwise_and($e->bitwise_not())]; $ch = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $t1 = $h->add($s1); $t1 = $t1->add($ch); $t1 = $t1->add($k[$i]); $t1 = $t1->add($w[$i]); $h = clone $g; $g = clone $f; $f = clone $e; $e = $d->add($t1); $d = clone $c; $c = clone $b; $b = clone $a; $a = $t1->add($t2); } // Add this chunk's hash to result so far $hash = [$hash[0]->add($a), $hash[1]->add($b), $hash[2]->add($c), $hash[3]->add($d), $hash[4]->add($e), $hash[5]->add($f), $hash[6]->add($g), $hash[7]->add($h)]; } // Produce the final hash value (big-endian) // (\tgseclib\Crypt\Hash::hash() trims the output for hashes but not for HMACs. as such, we trim the output here) $temp = $hash[0]->toBytes() . $hash[1]->toBytes() . $hash[2]->toBytes() . $hash[3]->toBytes() . $hash[4]->toBytes() . $hash[5]->toBytes() . $hash[6]->toBytes() . $hash[7]->toBytes(); return $temp; } } * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $signature = $private->sign($plaintext); * * echo $public->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified'; * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\PublicKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Parameters; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed448; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps\ECParameters; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of EC. * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EC extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string * @access private */ const ALGORITHM = 'EC'; /** * Public Key QA * * @var object[] */ protected $QA; /** * Curve * * @var \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base */ protected $curve; /** * Signature Format * * @var string * @access private */ protected $format; /** * Signature Format (Short) * * @var string * @access private */ protected $shortFormat; /** * Curve Name * * @var string */ private $curveName; /** * Curve Order * * Used for deterministic ECDSA * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected $q; /** * Alias for the private key * * Used for deterministic ECDSA. AsymmetricKey expects $x. I don't like x because * with x you have x * the base point yielding an (x, y)-coordinate that is the * public key. But the x is different depending on which side of the equal sign * you're on. It's less ambiguous if you do dA * base point = (x, y)-coordinate. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected $x; /** * Context * * @var string */ protected $context; /** * Create public / private key pair. * * @access public * @param string $curve * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\PrivateKey */ public static function createKey($curve) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } $curve = strtolower($curve); if (self::$engines['libsodium'] && $curve == 'ed25519' && function_exists('sodium_crypto_sign_keypair')) { $kp = sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(); $privatekey = EC::loadFormat('libsodium', sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey($kp)); //$publickey = EC::loadFormat('libsodium', sodium_crypto_sign_publickey($kp)); $privatekey->curveName = 'Ed25519'; //$publickey->curveName = $curve; return $privatekey; } $privatekey = new PrivateKey(); $curveName = $curve; $curve = '\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\' . $curveName; if (!class_exists($curve)) { $curveName = ucfirst($curveName); $curve = '\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\' . $curveName; if (!class_exists($curve)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $curveName . ' is not supported'); } } $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $curveName = $reflect->isFinal() ? $reflect->getParentClass()->getShortName() : $reflect->getShortName(); $curve = new $curve(); $privatekey->dA = $dA = $curve->createRandomMultiplier(); if ($curve instanceof Curve25519 && self::$engines['libsodium']) { //$r = pack('H*', '0900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'); //$QA = sodium_crypto_scalarmult($dA->toBytes(), $r); $QA = sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey($dA->toBytes()); $privatekey->QA = [$curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($QA), 256))]; } else { $privatekey->QA = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $dA); } $privatekey->curve = $curve; //$publickey = clone $privatekey; //unset($publickey->dA); //unset($publickey->x); $privatekey->curveName = $curveName; //$publickey->curveName = $curveName; if ($privatekey->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $privatekey->withHash($curve::HASH); } return $privatekey; } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool * @access protected * @param array $components */ protected static function onLoad($components) { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if (!isset($components['dA']) && !isset($components['QA'])) { $new = new Parameters(); $new->curve = $components['curve']; return $new; } $new = isset($components['dA']) ? new PrivateKey() : new PublicKey(); $new->curve = $components['curve']; $new->QA = $components['QA']; if (isset($components['dA'])) { $new->dA = $components['dA']; } if ($new->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $new->withHash($components['curve']::HASH); } return $new; } /** * Constructor * * PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class */ protected function __construct() { $this->format = self::validatePlugin('Signature', 'ASN1'); $this->shortFormat = 'ASN1'; parent::__construct(); } /** * Returns the curve * * Returns a string if it's a named curve, an array if not * * @access public * @return string|array */ public function getCurve() { if ($this->curveName) { return $this->curveName; } if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { $this->curveName = $this->curve instanceof Curve25519 ? 'Curve25519' : 'Curve448'; return $this->curveName; } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $this->curveName = $this->curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'Ed25519' : 'Ed448'; return $this->curveName; } $params = $this->getParameters()->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => true]); $decoded = ASN1::extractBER($params); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($decoded); $decoded = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], ECParameters::MAP); if (isset($decoded['namedCurve'])) { $this->curveName = $decoded['namedCurve']; return $decoded['namedCurve']; } if (!$namedCurves) { PKCS1::useSpecifiedCurve(); } return $decoded; } /** * Returns the key size * * Quoting, * * "The size of a set of elliptic curve domain parameters on a prime * curve is defined as the number of bits in the binary representation * of the field order, commonly denoted by p. Size on a * characteristic-2 curve is defined as the number of bits in the binary * representation of the field, commonly denoted by m. A set of * elliptic curve domain parameters defines a group of order n generated * by a base point P" * * @access public * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->curve->getLength(); } /** * Returns the current engine being used * * @see self::useInternalEngine() * @see self::useBestEngine() * @access public * @return string */ public function getEngine() { if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context) ? 'libsodium' : 'PHP'; } return self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods()) ? 'OpenSSL' : 'PHP'; } /** * Returns the public key coordinates as a string * * Used by ECDH * * @return string */ public function getEncodedCoordinates() { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return strrev($this->QA[0]->toBytes(true)); } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve->encodePoint($this->QA); } return "\4" . $this->QA[0]->toBytes(true) . $this->QA[1]->toBytes(true); } /** * Returns the parameters * * @see self::getPublicKey() * @access public * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getParameters($type = 'PKCS1') { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'saveParameters'); $key = $type::saveParameters($this->curve); return EC::load($key, 'PKCS1')->withHash($this->hash->getHash())->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); } /** * Determines the signature padding mode * * Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw * * @access public * @param string $padding */ public function withSignatureFormat($format) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $new = clone $this; $new->shortFormat = $format; $new->format = self::validatePlugin('Signature', $format); return $new; } /** * Returns the signature format currently being used * * @access public */ public function getSignatureFormat() { return $this->shortFormat; } /** * Sets the context * * Used by Ed25519 / Ed448. * * @see self::sign() * @see self::verify() * @access public * @param string $context optional */ public function withContext($context = null) { if (!$this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Only Ed25519 and Ed448 support contexts'); } $new = clone $this; if (!isset($context)) { $new->context = null; return $new; } if (!is_string($context)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('setContext expects a string'); } if (strlen($context) > 255) { throw new \LengthException('The context is supposed to be, at most, 255 bytes long'); } $new->context = $context; return $new; } /** * Returns the signature format currently being used * * @access public */ public function getContext() { return $this->context; } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * @access public * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && $hash != 'sha512') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Ed25519 only supports sha512 as a hash'); } if ($this->curve instanceof Ed448 && $hash != 'shake256-912') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Ed448 only supports shake256 with a length of 114 bytes'); } return parent::withHash($hash); } /** * __toString() magic method * * @return string */ public function __toString() { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return ''; } return parent::__toString(); } } * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\StreamCipher; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use tgseclib\Exception\BadDecryptionException; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Salsa20. * * @package Salsa20 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Salsa20 extends StreamCipher { /** * Part 1 of the state * * @var string|false */ protected $p1 = false; /** * Part 2 of the state * * @var string|false */ protected $p2 = false; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @var int */ protected $key_length = 32; // = 256 bits /** * Block Length of the cipher * * Salsa20 is a stream cipher * so we the block_size to 0 * * @var int */ protected $block_size = 0; /**#@+ * @access private * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Salsa20::crypt() */ const ENCRYPT = 0; const DECRYPT = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Encryption buffer for continuous mode * * @var array */ protected $enbuffer; /** * Decryption buffer for continuous mode * * @var array */ protected $debuffer; /** * Counter * * @var int */ protected $counter = 0; /** * Using Generated Poly1305 Key * * @var boolean */ protected $usingGeneratedPoly1305Key = false; /** * Default Constructor. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\Salsa20 */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct('stream'); } /** * Salsa20 does not use an IV * * @return bool */ public function usesIV() { return false; } /** * Salsa20 uses a nonce * * @return bool */ public function usesNonce() { return true; } /** * Sets the key. * * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16 or 32 are supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Sets the nonce. * * @param string $nonce */ public function setNonce($nonce) { if (strlen($nonce) != 8) { throw new \LengthException('Nonce of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only an 64-bit nonce is supported'); } $this->nonce = $nonce; $this->changed = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Sets the counter. * * @param int $counter */ public function setCounter($counter) { $this->counter = $counter; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Creates a Poly1305 key using the method discussed in RFC8439 * * See */ protected function createPoly1305Key() { if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } $c = clone $this; $c->setCounter(0); $c->usePoly1305 = false; $block = $c->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 256)); $this->setPoly1305Key(substr($block, 0, 32)); if ($this->counter == 0) { $this->counter++; } } /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setNonce() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setNonce() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } $this->enbuffer = $this->debuffer = ['ciphertext' => '', 'counter' => $this->counter]; $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = false; if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key = true; $this->createPoly1305Key(); } $key = $this->key; if (strlen($key) == 16) { $constant = 'expand 16-byte k'; $key .= $key; } else { $constant = 'expand 32-byte k'; } $this->p1 = substr($constant, 0, 4) . substr($key, 0, 16) . substr($constant, 4, 4) . $this->nonce . "\0\0\0\0"; $this->p2 = substr($constant, 8, 4) . substr($key, 16, 16) . substr($constant, 12, 4); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) */ protected function setupKey() { // Salsa20 does not utilize this method } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { $ciphertext = $this->crypt($plaintext, self::ENCRYPT); if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $this->newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); } return $ciphertext; } /** * Decrypts a message. * * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)). * At least if the continuous buffer is disabled. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } $newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); if ($this->oldtag != substr($newtag, 0, strlen($this->oldtag))) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } $this->oldtag = false; } return $this->crypt($ciphertext, self::DECRYPT); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @param string $in */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { // Salsa20 does not utilize this method } /** * Decrypts a block * * @param string $in */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { // Salsa20 does not utilize this method } /** * Encrypts or decrypts a message. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $text * @param int $mode * @return string $text */ private function crypt($text, $mode) { $this->setup(); if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $iv = pack('V', $this->counter) . $this->p2; return openssl_encrypt($text, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv); } $i = $this->counter; $blocks = str_split($text, 64); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { $block ^= static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $i++) . $this->p2); } return implode('', $blocks); } if ($mode == self::ENCRYPT) { $buffer =& $this->enbuffer; } else { $buffer =& $this->debuffer; } if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $ciphertext = $text ^ Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], strlen($text)); $text = substr($text, strlen($ciphertext)); if (!strlen($text)) { return $ciphertext; } } $overflow = strlen($text) % 64; // & 0x3F if ($overflow) { $text2 = Strings::pop($text, $overflow); if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $iv = pack('V', $buffer['counter']) . $this->p2; // at this point $text should be a multiple of 64 $buffer['counter'] += (strlen($text) >> 6) + 1; // ie. divide by 64 $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($text . str_repeat("\0", 64), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv); $temp = Strings::pop($encrypted, 64); } else { $blocks = str_split($text, 64); if (strlen($text)) { foreach ($blocks as &$block) { $block ^= static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $buffer['counter']++) . $this->p2); } } $encrypted = implode('', $blocks); $temp = static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $buffer['counter']++) . $this->p2); } $ciphertext .= $encrypted . ($text2 ^ $temp); $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($temp, $overflow); } elseif (!strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $iv = pack('V', $buffer['counter']) . $this->p2; $buffer['counter'] += strlen($text) >> 6; $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt($text, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv); } else { $blocks = str_split($text, 64); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { $block ^= static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $buffer['counter']++) . $this->p2); } $ciphertext .= implode('', $blocks); } } return $ciphertext; } /** * Left Rotate * * @param int $x * @param int $n * @return int */ protected static function leftRotate($x, $n) { $r1 = $x << $n; if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8) { $r1 &= 0xffffffff; $r2 = ($x & 0xffffffff) >> 32 - $n; } else { $r2 = $x >> 32 - $n; $r2 &= (1 << $n) - 1; } return $r1 | $r2; } /** * The quarterround function * * @param int $a * @param int $b * @param int $c * @param int $d */ protected static function quarterRound(&$a, &$b, &$c, &$d) { $b ^= self::leftRotate($a + $d, 7); $c ^= self::leftRotate($b + $a, 9); $d ^= self::leftRotate($c + $b, 13); $a ^= self::leftRotate($d + $c, 18); } /** * The doubleround function * * @param int $x0...$x16 */ protected static function doubleRound(&$x0, &$x1, &$x2, &$x3, &$x4, &$x5, &$x6, &$x7, &$x8, &$x9, &$x10, &$x11, &$x12, &$x13, &$x14, &$x15) { // columnRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x4, $x8, $x12); static::quarterRound($x5, $x9, $x13, $x1); static::quarterRound($x10, $x14, $x2, $x6); static::quarterRound($x15, $x3, $x7, $x11); // rowRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3); static::quarterRound($x5, $x6, $x7, $x4); static::quarterRound($x10, $x11, $x8, $x9); static::quarterRound($x15, $x12, $x13, $x14); } /** * The Salsa20 hash function function * * @param string $x */ protected static function salsa20($x) { $z = $x = unpack('V*', $x); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { static::doubleRound(...$z); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) { $x[$i] += $z[$i]; } return pack('V*',...$x); } /** * Calculates Poly1305 MAC * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @access private * @param string $text * @return string */ protected function poly1305($ciphertext) { if (!$this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key) { return parent::poly1305($this->aad . $ciphertext); } else { /* sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt does not calculate the poly1305 tag the same way sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt does. you can see how the latter encrypts it in Salsa20::encrypt(). here's how the former encrypts it: $this->newtag = $this->poly1305( $this->aad . pack('V', strlen($this->aad)) . "\0\0\0\0" . $ciphertext . pack('V', strlen($ciphertext)) . "\0\0\0\0" ); phpseclib opts to use the IETF construction, even when the nonce is 64-bits instead of 96-bits */ return parent::poly1305(self::nullPad128($this->aad) . self::nullPad128($ciphertext) . pack('V', strlen($this->aad)) . "\0\0\0\0" . pack('V', strlen($ciphertext)) . "\0\0\0\0"); } } } * setKey('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package TripleDES * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Triple DES. * * @package TripleDES * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class TripleDES extends DES { /** * Encrypt / decrypt using inner chaining * * Inner chaining is used by SSH-1 and is generally considered to be less secure then outer chaining (self::MODE_CBC3). */ const MODE_3CBC = -2; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using outer chaining * * Outer chaining is used by SSH-2 and when the mode is set to \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher::MODE_CBC. */ const MODE_CBC3 = self::MODE_CBC; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\TripleDES::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private */ protected $key_length = 24; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::cipher_name_mcrypt * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'tripledes'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int * @access private */ protected $cfb_init_len = 750; /** * max possible size of $key * * @see self::setKey() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::setKey() * @var string * @access private */ protected $key_length_max = 24; /** * Internal flag whether using self::MODE_3CBC or not * * @var bool * @access private */ private $mode_3cbc; /** * The \tgseclib\Crypt\DES objects * * Used only if $mode_3cbc === true * * @var array * @access private */ private $des; /** * Default Constructor. * * Determines whether or not the mcrypt or OpenSSL extensions should be used. * * $mode could be: * * - ecb * * - cbc * * - ctr * * - cfb * * - ofb * * - 3cbc * * - cbc3 (same as cbc) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::__construct() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param string $mode * @access public */ public function __construct($mode) { switch (strtolower($mode)) { // In case of self::MODE_3CBC, we init as CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC // and additional flag us internally as 3CBC case '3cbc': parent::__construct('cbc'); $this->mode_3cbc = true; // This three $des'es will do the 3CBC work (if $key > 64bits) $this->des = [new DES('cbc'), new DES('cbc'), new DES('cbc')]; // we're going to be doing the padding, ourselves, so disable it in the \tgseclib\Crypt\DES objects $this->des[0]->disablePadding(); $this->des[1]->disablePadding(); $this->des[2]->disablePadding(); break; case 'cbc3': $mode = 'cbc'; // If not 3CBC, we init as usual default: parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { self::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'des-ede3'; $mode = $this->openssl_translate_mode(); $this->cipher_name_openssl = $mode == 'ecb' ? 'des-ede3' : 'des-ede3-' . $mode; } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the initialization vector. * * SetIV is not required when \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::MODE_ECB is being used. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setIV() * @access public * @param string $iv */ public function setIV($iv) { parent::setIV($iv); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setIV($iv); $this->des[1]->setIV($iv); $this->des[2]->setIV($iv); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 128 and 192 bits. * * If you want to use a 64-bit key use DES.php * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey:setKeyLength() * @access public * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 192: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128 or 192 bits are supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Triple DES can use 128-bit (eg. strlen($key) == 16) or 192-bit (eg. strlen($key) == 24) keys. * * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that. * * @access public * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::setKey() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKey() * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { if ($this->explicit_key_length !== false && strlen($key) != $this->explicit_key_length) { throw new \LengthException('Key length has already been set to ' . $this->explicit_key_length . ' bytes and this key is ' . strlen($key) . ' bytes'); } switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: $key .= substr($key, 0, 8); break; case 24: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16 or 24 are supported'); } // copied from self::setKey() $this->key = $key; $this->key_length = strlen($key); $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; $this->setEngine(); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setKey(substr($key, 0, 8)); $this->des[1]->setKey(substr($key, 8, 8)); $this->des[2]->setKey(substr($key, 16, 8)); } } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @access public * @param string $plaintext * @return string $cipertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { // parent::en/decrypt() is able to do all the work for all modes and keylengths, // except for: self::MODE_3CBC (inner chaining CBC) with a key > 64bits // if the key is smaller then 8, do what we'd normally do if ($this->mode_3cbc && strlen($this->key) > 8) { return $this->des[2]->encrypt($this->des[1]->decrypt($this->des[0]->encrypt($this->pad($plaintext)))); } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @access public * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->mode_3cbc && strlen($this->key) > 8) { return $this->unpad($this->des[0]->decrypt($this->des[1]->encrypt($this->des[2]->decrypt(str_pad($ciphertext, strlen($ciphertext) + 7 & 0xfffffff8, "\0"))))); } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } /** * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer. * * Say you have a 16-byte plaintext $plaintext. Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets * will yield different outputs: * * * echo $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8)); * echo $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8)); * * * echo $des->encrypt($plaintext); * * * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer. Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates * another, as demonstrated with the following: * * * $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8)); * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8))); * * * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8))); * * * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output. With it enabled, they yield different * outputs. The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption / * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled. When it's disabled, they remain constant. * * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the \tgseclib\Crypt\DES() object changes after each * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant. For this reason, it's recommended that * continuous buffers not be used. They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them), * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::enableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() * @access public */ public function enableContinuousBuffer() { parent::enableContinuousBuffer(); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[1]->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[2]->enableContinuousBuffer(); } } /** * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer. * * The default behavior. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::disableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @access public */ public function disableContinuousBuffer() { parent::disableContinuousBuffer(); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->disableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[1]->disableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[2]->disableContinuousBuffer(); } } /** * Creates the key schedule * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::setupKey() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { switch (true) { // if $key <= 64bits we configure our internal pure-php cipher engine // to act as regular [1]DES, not as 3DES. does the same. case strlen($this->key) <= 8: $this->des_rounds = 1; break; // otherwise, if $key > 64bits, we configure our engine to work as 3DES. default: $this->des_rounds = 3; // (only) if 3CBC is used we have, of course, to setup the $des[0-2] keys also separately. if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setupKey(); $this->des[1]->setupKey(); $this->des[2]->setupKey(); // because $des[0-2] will, now, do all the work we can return here // not need unnecessary stress parent::setupKey() with our, now unused, $key. return; } } // setup our key parent::setupKey(); } /** * Sets the internal crypt engine * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setPreferredEngine() * @param int $engine * @access public */ public function setPreferredEngine($engine) { if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setPreferredEngine($engine); $this->des[1]->setPreferredEngine($engine); $this->des[2]->setPreferredEngine($engine); } parent::setPreferredEngine($engine); } } * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $ciphertext = $public->encrypt($plaintext); * * echo $private->decrypt($ciphertext); * ?> * * * Here's an example of how to create signatures and verify signatures with this library: * * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $signature = $private->sign($plaintext); * * echo $public->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified'; * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\PublicKey; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use tgseclib\Exception\InconsistentSetupException; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; /** * Pure-PHP PKCS#1 compliant implementation of RSA. * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class RSA extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string * @access private */ const ALGORITHM = 'RSA'; /**#@+ * @access public * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() */ /** * Use {@link Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding} * (OAEP) for encryption / decryption. * * Uses sha256 by default * * @see self::setHash() * @see self::setMGFHash() */ const ENCRYPTION_OAEP = 1; /** * Use PKCS#1 padding. * * Although self::PADDING_OAEP / self::PADDING_PSS offers more security, including PKCS#1 padding is necessary for purposes of backwards * compatibility with protocols (like SSH-1) written before OAEP's introduction. */ const ENCRYPTION_PKCS1 = 2; /** * Do not use any padding * * Although this method is not recommended it can none-the-less sometimes be useful if you're trying to decrypt some legacy * stuff, if you're trying to diagnose why an encrypted message isn't decrypting, etc. */ const ENCRYPTION_NONE = 4; /** * Use PKCS#1 padding with PKCS1 v1.5 compatibility * * A PKCS1 v2.1 encrypted message may not successfully decrypt with a PKCS1 v1.5 implementation (such as OpenSSL). */ const ENCRYPTION_PKCS15_COMPAT = 8; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * @access public * @see self::sign() * @see self::verify() * @see self::setHash() */ /** * Use the Probabilistic Signature Scheme for signing * * Uses sha256 and 0 as the salt length * * @see self::setSaltLength() * @see self::setMGFHash() * @see self::setHash() */ const SIGNATURE_PSS = 16; /** * Use a relaxed version of PKCS#1 padding for signature verification */ const SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1 = 32; /** * Use PKCS#1 padding for signature verification */ const SIGNATURE_PKCS1 = 64; /**#@-*/ /** * Encryption padding mode * * @var int * @access private */ protected $encryptionPadding = self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP; /** * Signature padding mode * * @var int * @access private */ protected $signaturePadding = self::SIGNATURE_PSS; /** * Length of hash function output * * @var int * @access private */ protected $hLen; /** * Length of salt * * @var int * @access private */ protected $sLen; /** * Label * * @var string * @access private */ protected $label = ''; /** * Hash function for the Mask Generation Function * * @var \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash * @access private */ protected $mgfHash; /** * Length of MGF hash function output * * @var int * @access private */ protected $mgfHLen; /** * Modulus (ie. n) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $modulus; /** * Modulus length * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $k; /** * Exponent (ie. e or d) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $exponent; /** * Default public exponent * * @var int * @link * @access private */ private static $defaultExponent = 65537; /** * Enable Blinding? * * @var bool * @access private */ protected static $enableBlinding = true; /** * Smallest Prime * * Per , this number ought not result in primes smaller * than 256 bits. As a consequence if the key you're trying to create is 1024 bits and you've set smallestPrime * to 384 bits then you're going to get a 384 bit prime and a 640 bit prime (384 + 1024 % 384). At least if * engine is set to self::ENGINE_INTERNAL. If Engine is set to self::ENGINE_OPENSSL then smallest Prime is * ignored (ie. multi-prime RSA support is more intended as a way to speed up RSA key generation when there's * a chance neither gmp nor OpenSSL are installed) * * @var int * @access private */ private static $smallestPrime = 4096; /** * Sets the public exponent for key generation * * This will be 65537 unless changed. * * @access public * @param int $val */ public static function setExponent($val) { self::$defaultExponent = $val; } /** * Sets the smallest prime number in bits. Used for key generation * * This will be 4096 unless changed. * * @access public * @param int $val */ public static function setSmallestPrime($val) { self::$smallestPrime = $val; } /** * Create a private key * * The public key can be extracted from the private key * * @return RSA * @access public * @param int $bits */ public static function createKey($bits = 2048) { self::initialize_static_variables(); static $e; if (!isset($e)) { $e = new BigInteger(self::$defaultExponent); } $regSize = $bits >> 1; // divide by two to see how many bits P and Q would be if ($regSize > self::$smallestPrime) { $num_primes = floor($bits / self::$smallestPrime); $regSize = self::$smallestPrime; } else { $num_primes = 2; } $n = clone self::$one; $exponents = $coefficients = $primes = []; $lcm = ['top' => clone self::$one, 'bottom' => false]; do { for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { if ($i != $num_primes) { $primes[$i] = BigInteger::randomPrime($regSize); } else { extract(BigInteger::minMaxBits($bits)); /** @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ list($min) = $min->divide($n); $min = $min->add(self::$one); list($max) = $max->divide($n); $primes[$i] = BigInteger::randomRangePrime($min, $max); } // the first coefficient is calculated differently from the rest // ie. instead of being $primes[1]->modInverse($primes[2]), it's $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1]) if ($i > 2) { $coefficients[$i] = $n->modInverse($primes[$i]); } $n = $n->multiply($primes[$i]); $temp = $primes[$i]->subtract(self::$one); // textbook RSA implementations use Euler's totient function instead of the least common multiple. // see $lcm['top'] = $lcm['top']->multiply($temp); $lcm['bottom'] = $lcm['bottom'] === false ? $temp : $lcm['bottom']->gcd($temp); } list($temp) = $lcm['top']->divide($lcm['bottom']); $gcd = $temp->gcd($e); $i0 = 1; } while (!$gcd->equals(self::$one)); $coefficients[2] = $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1]); $d = $e->modInverse($temp); foreach ($primes as $i => $prime) { $temp = $prime->subtract(self::$one); $exponents[$i] = $e->modInverse($temp); } // from : // RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE { // version Version, // modulus INTEGER, -- n // publicExponent INTEGER, -- e // privateExponent INTEGER, -- d // prime1 INTEGER, -- p // prime2 INTEGER, -- q // exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1) // exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1) // coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p // otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL // } $privatekey = new PrivateKey(); $privatekey->modulus = $n; $privatekey->k = $bits >> 3; $privatekey->publicExponent = $e; $privatekey->exponent = $d; $privatekey->privateExponent = $e; $privatekey->primes = $primes; $privatekey->exponents = $exponents; $privatekey->coefficients = $coefficients; /* $publickey = new PublicKey; $publickey->modulus = $n; $publickey->k = $bits >> 3; $publickey->exponent = $e; $publickey->publicExponent = $e; $publickey->isPublic = true; */ return $privatekey; } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool * @access protected * @param array $components */ protected static function onLoad($components) { $key = $components['isPublicKey'] ? new PublicKey() : new PrivateKey(); $key->format = $components['format']; $key->modulus = $components['modulus']; $key->publicExponent = $components['publicExponent']; $key->k = $key->modulus->getLengthInBytes(); if ($components['isPublicKey']) { $key->exponent = $key->publicExponent; } else { $key->privateExponent = $components['privateExponent']; $key->exponent = $key->privateExponent; $key->primes = $components['primes']; $key->exponents = $components['exponents']; $key->coefficients = $components['coefficients']; } if ($components['format'] == PSS::class) { // in the X509 world RSA keys are assumed to use PKCS1 padding by default. only if the key is // explicitly a PSS key is the use of PSS assumed. phpseclib does not work like this. phpseclib // uses PSS padding by default. it assumes the more secure method by default and altho it provides // for the less secure PKCS1 method you have to go out of your way to use it. this is consistent // with the latest trends in crypto. libsodium (NaCl) is actually a little more extreme in that // not only does it defaults to the most secure methods - it doesn't even let you choose less // secure methods //$key = $key->withPadding(self::SIGNATURE_PSS); if (isset($components['hash'])) { $key = $key->withHash($components['hash']); } if (isset($components['MGFHash'])) { $key = $key->withMGFHash($components['MGFHash']); } if (isset($components['saltLength'])) { $key = $key->withSaltLength($components['saltLength']); } } return $key; } /** * Constructor * * PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class */ protected function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->hLen = $this->hash->getLengthInBytes(); $this->mgfHash = new Hash('sha256'); $this->mgfHLen = $this->mgfHash->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Integer-to-Octet-String primitive * * See {@link RFC3447#section-4.1}. * * @access private * @param bool|\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param int $xLen * @return bool|string */ protected function i2osp($x, $xLen) { if ($x === false) { return false; } $x = $x->toBytes(); if (strlen($x) > $xLen) { return false; } return str_pad($x, $xLen, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Octet-String-to-Integer primitive * * See {@link RFC3447#section-4.2}. * * @access private * @param string $x * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected function os2ip($x) { return new BigInteger($x, 256); } /** * EMSA-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE * * See {@link RFC3447#section-9.2}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @param int $emLen * @throws \LengthException if the intended encoded message length is too short * @return string */ protected function emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode($m, $emLen) { $h = $this->hash->hash($m); // see switch ($this->hash->getHash()) { case 'md2': $t = "0 0\f\6\10*H\r\2\2\5\0\4\20"; break; case 'md5': $t = "0 0\f\6\10*H\r\2\5\5\0\4\20"; break; case 'sha1': $t = "0!0\t\6\5+\16\3\2\32\5\0\4\24"; break; case 'sha256': $t = "010\r\6\t`H\1e\3\4\2\1\5\0\4 "; break; case 'sha384': $t = "0A0\r\6\t`H\1e\3\4\2\2\5\0\0040"; break; case 'sha512': $t = "0Q0\r\6\t`H\1e\3\4\2\3\5\0\4@"; break; // from case 'sha224': $t = "0-0\r\6\t`H\1e\3\4\2\4\5\0\4\34"; break; case 'sha512/224': $t = "0-0\r\6\t`H\1e\3\4\2\5\5\0\4\34"; break; case 'sha512/256': $t = "010\r\6\t`H\1e\3\4\2\6\5\0\4 "; } $t .= $h; $tLen = strlen($t); if ($emLen < $tLen + 11) { throw new \LengthException('Intended encoded message length too short'); } $ps = str_repeat(chr(0xff), $emLen - $tLen - 3); $em = "\0\1{$ps}\0{$t}"; return $em; } /** * MGF1 * * See {@link RFC3447#appendix-B.2.1}. * * @access private * @param string $mgfSeed * @param int $maskLen * @return string */ protected function mgf1($mgfSeed, $maskLen) { // if $maskLen would yield strings larger than 4GB, PKCS#1 suggests a "Mask too long" error be output. $t = ''; $count = ceil($maskLen / $this->mgfHLen); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $c = pack('N', $i); $t .= $this->mgfHash->hash($mgfSeed . $c); } return substr($t, 0, $maskLen); } /** * Returns the key size * * More specifically, this returns the size of the modulo in bits. * * @access public * @return int */ public function getLength() { return !isset($this->modulus) ? 0 : $this->modulus->getLength(); } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * Used with signature production / verification and (if the encryption mode is self::PADDING_OAEP) encryption and * decryption. * * @access public * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; // \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash supports algorithms that PKCS#1 doesn't support. md5-96 and sha1-96, for example. switch (strtolower($hash)) { case 'md2': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': case 'sha224': case 'sha512/224': case 'sha512/256': $new->hash = new Hash($hash); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms are: md2, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha224, sha512/224, sha512/256'); } $new->hLen = $new->hash->getLengthInBytes(); return $new; } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used for the mask generation function * * The mask generation function is used by self::PADDING_OAEP and self::PADDING_PSS and although it's * best if Hash and MGFHash are set to the same thing this is not a requirement. * * @access public * @param string $hash */ public function withMGFHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; // \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash supports algorithms that PKCS#1 doesn't support. md5-96 and sha1-96, for example. switch (strtolower($hash)) { case 'md2': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': case 'sha224': case 'sha512/224': case 'sha512/256': $new->mgfHash = new Hash($hash); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms are: md2, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha224, sha512/224, sha512/256'); } $new->mgfHLen = $new->mgfHash->getLengthInBytes(); return $new; } /** * Returns the MGF hash algorithm currently being used * * @access public */ public function getHash() { return $this->mgfHash->getHash(); } /** * Determines the salt length * * Used by RSA::PADDING_PSS * * To quote from {@link RFC3447#page-38}: * * Typical salt lengths in octets are hLen (the length of the output * of the hash function Hash) and 0. * * @access public * @param int $sLen */ public function withSaltLength($sLen) { $new = clone $this; $new->sLen = $sLen; return $new; } /** * Returns the salt length currently being used * * @access public */ public function getSaltLength() { return $this->sLen; } /** * Determines the label * * Used by RSA::PADDING_OAEP * * To quote from {@link RFC3447#page-17}: * * Both the encryption and the decryption operations of RSAES-OAEP take * the value of a label L as input. In this version of PKCS #1, L is * the empty string; other uses of the label are outside the scope of * this document. * * @access public * @param string $label */ public function withLabel($label) { $new = clone $this; $new->label = $label; return $new; } /** * Returns the label currently being used * * @access public */ public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } /** * Determines the padding modes * * Example: $key->withPadding(RSA::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1 | RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); * * @access public * @param string $label */ public function withPadding($padding) { $masks = [self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP, self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1, self::ENCRYPTION_NONE, self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS15_COMPAT]; $numSelected = 0; $selected = 0; foreach ($masks as $mask) { if ($padding & $mask) { $selected = $mask; $numSelected++; } } if ($numSelected > 1) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('Multiple encryption padding modes have been selected; at most only one should be selected'); } $encryptionPadding = $selected; $masks = [self::SIGNATURE_PSS, self::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1, self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1]; $numSelected = 0; $selected = 0; foreach ($masks as $mask) { if ($padding & $mask) { $selected = $mask; $numSelected++; } } if ($numSelected > 1) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('Multiple signature padding modes have been selected; at most only one should be selected'); } $signaturePadding = $selected; $new = clone $this; $new->encryptionPadding = $encryptionPadding; $new->signaturePadding = $signaturePadding; return $new; } /** * Returns the padding currently being used * * @access public */ public function getPadding() { return $this->signaturePadding | $this->encryptionPadding; } /** * Returns the current engine being used * * @see self::useInternalEngine() * @see self::useBestEngine() * @access public * @return string */ public function getEngine() { return 'PHP'; } /** * Enable RSA Blinding * * @access public */ public static function enableBlinding() { static::$enableBlinding = true; } /** * Disable RSA Blinding * * @access public */ public static function disableBlinding() { static::$enableBlinding = false; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect233k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(233, 74, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'); $this->setBasePoint('017232BA853A7E731AF129F22FF4149563A419C26BF50A4C9D6EEFAD6126', '01DB537DECE819B7F70F555A67C427A8CD9BF18AEB9B56E0C11056FAE6A3'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('8000000000000000000000000000069D5BB915BCD46EFB1AD5F173ABDF', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; //use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; //class secp256k1 extends Prime class secp256k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798', 16), new BigInteger('483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('3086D221A7D46BCDE86C90E49284EB15', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('FF1BBC8129FEF177D790AB8056F5401B3D', -16)]; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('114CA50F7A8E2F3F657C1108D9D44CFD8', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('3086D221A7D46BCDE86C90E49284EB15', -16)]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('7AE96A2B657C07106E64479EAC3434E99CF0497512F58995C1396C28719501EE', -16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect193r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(193, 15, 0); $this->setCoefficients('0163F35A5137C2CE3EA6ED8667190B0BC43ECD69977702709B', '00C9BB9E8927D4D64C377E2AB2856A5B16E3EFB7F61D4316AE'); $this->setBasePoint('00D9B67D192E0367C803F39E1A7E82CA14A651350AAE617E8F', '01CE94335607C304AC29E7DEFBD9CA01F596F927224CDECF6C'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000000000000015AAB561B005413CCD4EE99D5', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect131r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(131, 8, 3, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients('07A11B09A76B562144418FF3FF8C2570B8', '0217C05610884B63B9C6C7291678F9D341'); $this->setBasePoint('0081BAF91FDF9833C40F9C181343638399', '078C6E7EA38C001F73C8134B1B4EF9E150'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0400000000000000023123953A9464B54D', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect571k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(571, 10, 5, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'); $this->setBasePoint('026EB7A859923FBC82189631F8103FE4AC9CA2970012D5D46024804801841CA443709584' . '93B205E647DA304DB4CEB08CBBD1BA39494776FB988B47174DCA88C7E2945283A01C8972', '0349DC807F4FBF374F4AEADE3BCA95314DD58CEC9F307A54FFC61EFC006D8A2C9D4979C0' . 'AC44AEA74FBEBBB9F772AEDCB620B01A7BA7AF1B320430C8591984F601CD4C143EF1C7A3'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '131850E1F19A63E4B391A8DB917F4138B630D84BE5D639381E91DEB45CFE778F637C1001', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp224r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000001', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE', 16), new BigInteger('B4050A850C04B3ABF54132565044B0B7D7BFD8BA270B39432355FFB4', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('B70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21', 16), new BigInteger('BD376388B5F723FB4C22DFE6CD4375A05A07476444D5819985007E34', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF16A2E0B8F03E13DD29455C5C2A3D', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class prime256v1 extends secp256r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp192k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFEE37', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D', 16), new BigInteger('9B2F2F6D9C5628A7844163D015BE86344082AA88D95E2F9D', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE26F2FC170F69466A74DEFD8D', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('00B3FB3400DEC5C4ADCEB8655C', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('8EE96418CCF4CFC7124FDA0F', -16)]; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('01D90D03E8F096B9948B20F0A9', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('42E49819ABBA9474E1083F6B', -16)]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('447A96E6C647963E2F7809FEAAB46947F34B0AA3CA0BBA74', -16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp112r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD2088', 16), new BigInteger('659EF8BA043916EEDE8911702B22', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('09487239995A5EE76B55F9C2F098', 16), new BigInteger('A89CE5AF8724C0A23E0E0FF77500', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E7628DFAC6561C5', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp224k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFE56D', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('A1455B334DF099DF30FC28A169A467E9E47075A90F7E650EB6B7A45C', 16), new BigInteger('7E089FED7FBA344282CAFBD6F7E319F7C0B0BD59E2CA4BDB556D61A5', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000000000000000001DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A971769FB1F7', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('00B8ADF1378A6EB73409FA6C9C637D', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('94730F82B358A3776A826298FA6F', -16)]; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('01DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A972769FCC8B', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('4D2100BA3DC75AAB747CCF355DEC', -16)]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('01F178FFA4B17C89E6F73AECE2AAD57AF4C0A748B63C830947B27E04', -16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect113r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(113, 9, 0); $this->setCoefficients('00689918DBEC7E5A0DD6DFC0AA55C7', '0095E9A9EC9B297BD4BF36E059184F'); $this->setBasePoint('01A57A6A7B26CA5EF52FCDB8164797', '00B3ADC94ED1FE674C06E695BABA1D'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000108789B2496AF93', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP384t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A7' . '1874700133107EC53', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901' . 'D1A71874700133107EC50', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('7F519EADA7BDA81BD826DBA647910F8C4B9346ED8CCDC64E4B1ABD11756DCE1D2074AA263B8' . '8805CED70355A33B471EE', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('18DE98B02DB9A306F2AFCD7235F72A819B80AB12EBD653172476FECD462AABFFC4FF191B946' . 'A5F54D8D0AA2F418808CC', 16), new BigInteger('25AB056962D30651A114AFD2755AD336747F93475B7A1FCA3B88F2B6A208CCFE469408584DC' . '2B2912675BF5B9E582928', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC31' . '03B883202E9046565', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class prime192v3 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('22123DC2395A05CAA7423DAECCC94760A7D462256BD56916', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('7D29778100C65A1DA1783716588DCE2B8B4AEE8E228F1896', 16), new BigInteger('38A90F22637337334B49DCB66A6DC8F9978ACA7648A943B0', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7A62D031C83F4294F640EC13', 16)); } } * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class Curve25519 extends Montgomery { public function __construct() { // 2^255 - 19 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFED', 16)); $this->a24 = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('121666')); $this->p = [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(9))]; // 2^252 + 0x14def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('1000000000000000000000000000000014DEF9DEA2F79CD65812631A5CF5D3ED', 16)); /* $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('486662'), // a ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger(9), new BigInteger('14781619447589544791020593568409986887264606134616475288964881837755586237401') ); */ } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Modifies the scalar as described at * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, Integer $d) { //$r = strrev(sodium_crypto_scalarmult($d->toBytes(), strrev($p[0]->toBytes()))); //return [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($r, 256))]; $d = $d->toBytes(); $d &= "" . str_repeat("", 30) . ""; $d = strrev($d); $d |= "@"; $d = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($d, -256)); return parent::multiplyPoint($p, $d); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class prime192v2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('CC22D6DFB95C6B25E49C0D6364A4E5980C393AA21668D953', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('EEA2BAE7E1497842F2DE7769CFE9C989C072AD696F48034A', 16), new BigInteger('6574D11D69B6EC7A672BB82A083DF2F2B0847DE970B2DE15', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE5FB1A724DC80418648D8DD31', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP224r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('68A5E62CA9CE6C1C299803A6C1530B514E182AD8B0042A59CAD29F43', 16), new BigInteger('2580F63CCFE44138870713B1A92369E33E2135D266DBB372386C400B', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('0D9029AD2C7E5CF4340823B2A87DC68C9E4CE3174C1E6EFDEE12C07D', 16), new BigInteger('58AA56F772C0726F24C6B89E4ECDAC24354B9E99CAA3F6D3761402CD', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect163r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(163, 7, 6, 3, 0); $this->setCoefficients('07B6882CAAEFA84F9554FF8428BD88E246D2782AE2', '0713612DCDDCB40AAB946BDA29CA91F73AF958AFD9'); $this->setBasePoint('0369979697AB43897789566789567F787A7876A654', '00435EDB42EFAFB2989D51FEFCE3C80988F41FF883'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF48AAB689C29CA710279B', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect409k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(409, 87, 0); $this->setCoefficients('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'); $this->setBasePoint('0060F05F658F49C1AD3AB1890F7184210EFD0987E307C84C27ACCFB8F9F67CC2C460189EB5AAAA62EE222EB1B35540CFE9023746', '01E369050B7C4E42ACBA1DACBF04299C3460782F918EA427E6325165E9EA10E3DA5F6C42E9C55215AA9CA27A5863EC48D8E0286B'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE5F' . '83B2D4EA20400EC4557D5ED3E3E7CA5B4B5C83B8E01E5FCF', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk409 extends sect409k1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp128r2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { // same as secp128r1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('D6031998D1B3BBFEBF59CC9BBFF9AEE1', 16), new BigInteger('5EEEFCA380D02919DC2C6558BB6D8A5D', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('7B6AA5D85E572983E6FB32A7CDEBC140', 16), new BigInteger('27B6916A894D3AEE7106FE805FC34B44', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('3FFFFFFF7FFFFFFFBE0024720613B5A3', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect283r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(283, 12, 7, 5, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '027B680AC8B8596DA5A4AF8A19A0303FCA97FD7645309FA2A581485AF6263E313B79A2F5'); $this->setBasePoint('05F939258DB7DD90E1934F8C70B0DFEC2EED25B8557EAC9C80E2E198F8CDBECD86B12053', '03676854FE24141CB98FE6D4B20D02B4516FF702350EDDB0826779C813F0DF45BE8112F4'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEF90399660FC938A90165B042A7CEFADB307', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP320t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F9' . '2B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F92B9EC7893EC28' . 'FCD412B1F1B32E24', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('A7F561E038EB1ED560B3D147DB782013064C19F27ED27C6780AAF77FB8A547CE' . 'B5B4FEF422340353', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('925BE9FB01AFC6FB4D3E7D4990010F813408AB106C4F09CB7EE07868CC136FFF' . '3357F624A21BED52', 16), new BigInteger('63BA3A7A27483EBF6671DBEF7ABB30EBEE084E58A0B077AD42A5A0989D1EE71B' . '1B9BC0455FB0D2C3', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D4' . '82EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp192 extends secp192r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp256 extends secp256r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk163 extends sect163k1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class prime239v1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('6B016C3BDCF18941D0D654921475CA71A9DB2FB27D1D37796185C2942C0A', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('0FFA963CDCA8816CCC33B8642BEDF905C3D358573D3F27FBBD3B3CB9AAAF', 16), new BigInteger('7DEBE8E4E90A5DAE6E4054CA530BA04654B36818CE226B39FCCB7B02F1AE', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFF9E5E9A9F5D9071FBD1522688909D0B', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP160r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('340E7BE2A280EB74E2BE61BADA745D97E8F7C300', 16), new BigInteger('1E589A8595423412134FAA2DBDEC95C8D8675E58', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('BED5AF16EA3F6A4F62938C4631EB5AF7BDBCDBC3', 16), new BigInteger('1667CB477A1A8EC338F94741669C976316DA6321', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09', 16)); } } * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class Curve448 extends Montgomery { public function __construct() { // 2^448 - 2^224 - 1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->a24 = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('39081')); $this->p = [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(5))]; // 2^446 - 0x8335dc163bb124b65129c96fde933d8d723a70aadc873d6d54a7bb0d $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . '7CCA23E9C44EDB49AED63690216CC2728DC58F552378C292AB5844F3', 16)); /* $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('156326'), // a ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger(5), new BigInteger( '355293926785568175264127502063783334808976399387714271831880898' . '435169088786967410002932673765864550910142774147268105838985595290' . '606362') ); */ } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Modifies the scalar as described at * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, Integer $d) { //$r = strrev(sodium_crypto_scalarmult($d->toBytes(), strrev($p[0]->toBytes()))); //return [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($r, 256))]; $d = $d->toBytes(); $d[0] = $d[0] & ""; $d = strrev($d); $d |= ""; $d = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($d, 256)); return parent::multiplyPoint($p, $d); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect163r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(163, 7, 6, 3, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '020A601907B8C953CA1481EB10512F78744A3205FD'); $this->setBasePoint('03F0EBA16286A2D57EA0991168D4994637E8343E36', '00D51FBC6C71A0094FA2CDD545B11C5C0C797324F1'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('040000000000000000000292FE77E70C12A4234C33', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect239k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(239, 158, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'); $this->setBasePoint('29A0B6A887A983E9730988A68727A8B2D126C44CC2CC7B2A6555193035DC', '76310804F12E549BDB011C103089E73510ACB275FC312A5DC6B76553F0CA'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('2000000000000000000000000000005A79FEC67CB6E91F1C1DA800E478A5', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP256t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5374', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('662C61C430D84EA4FE66A7733D0B76B7BF93EBC4AF2F49256AE58101FEE92B04', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('A3E8EB3CC1CFE7B7732213B23A656149AFA142C47AAFBC2B79A191562E1305F4', 16), new BigInteger('2D996C823439C56D7F7B22E14644417E69BCB6DE39D027001DABE8F35B25C9BE', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp160k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { // same as secp160r2 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC73', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000007', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('3B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB', 16), new BigInteger('938CF935318FDCED6BC28286531733C3F03C4FEE', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('0096341F1138933BC2F505', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('FF6E9D0418C67BB8D5F562', -16)]; $this->basis[] = ['a' => new BigInteger('01BDCB3A09AAAABEAFF4A8', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('04D12329FF0EF498EA67', -16)]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('645B7345A143464942CC46D7CF4D5D1E1E6CBB68', -16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class prime239v2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('617FAB6832576CBBFED50D99F0249C3FEE58B94BA0038C7AE84C8C832F2C', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('38AF09D98727705120C921BB5E9E26296A3CDCF2F35757A0EAFD87B830E7', 16), new BigInteger('5B0125E4DBEA0EC7206DA0FC01D9B081329FB555DE6EF460237DFF8BE4BA', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF800000CFA7E8594377D414C03821BC582063', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect131r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(131, 8, 3, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients('03E5A88919D7CAFCBF415F07C2176573B2', '04B8266A46C55657AC734CE38F018F2192'); $this->setBasePoint('0356DCD8F2F95031AD652D23951BB366A8', '0648F06D867940A5366D9E265DE9EB240F'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0400000000000000016954A233049BA98F', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistb409 extends sect409r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp160r2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { // same as secp160k1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC73', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC70', 16), new BigInteger('B4E134D3FB59EB8BAB57274904664D5AF50388BA', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('52DCB034293A117E1F4FF11B30F7199D3144CE6D', 16), new BigInteger('FEAFFEF2E331F296E071FA0DF9982CFEA7D43F2E', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000000000351EE786A818F3A1A16B', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class prime239v3 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('255705FA2A306654B1F4CB03D6A750A30C250102D4988717D9BA15AB6D3E', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('6768AE8E18BB92CFCF005C949AA2C6D94853D0E660BBF854B1C9505FE95A', 16), new BigInteger('1607E6898F390C06BC1D552BAD226F3B6FCFE48B6E818499AF18E3ED6CF3', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFF975DEB41B3A6057C3C432146526551', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class prime192v1 extends secp192r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP160t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620C', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('7A556B6DAE535B7B51ED2C4D7DAA7A0B5C55F380', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('B199B13B9B34EFC1397E64BAEB05ACC265FF2378', 16), new BigInteger('ADD6718B7C7C1961F0991B842443772152C9E0AD', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect193r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(193, 15, 0); $this->setCoefficients('0017858FEB7A98975169E171F77B4087DE098AC8A911DF7B01', '00FDFB49BFE6C3A89FACADAA7A1E5BBC7CC1C2E5D831478814'); $this->setBasePoint('01F481BC5F0FF84A74AD6CDF6FDEF4BF6179625372D8C0C5E1', '0025E399F2903712CCF3EA9E3A1AD17FB0B3201B6AF7CE1B05'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01000000000000000000000000C7F34A778F443ACC920EBA49', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk233 extends sect233k1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp160r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('1C97BEFC54BD7A8B65ACF89F81D4D4ADC565FA45', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82', 16), new BigInteger('23A628553168947D59DCC912042351377AC5FB32', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP384r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A7' . '1874700133107EC53', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('7BC382C63D8C150C3C72080ACE05AFA0C2BEA28E4FB22787139165EFBA91F90F8AA5814A503' . 'AD4EB04A8C7DD22CE2826', 16), new BigInteger('4A8C7DD22CE28268B39B55416F0447C2FB77DE107DCD2A62E880EA53EEB62D57CB4390295DB' . 'C9943AB78696FA504C11', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('1D1C64F068CF45FFA2A63A81B7C13F6B8847A3E77EF14FE3DB7FCAFE0CBD10E8E826E03436D' . '646AAEF87B2E247D4AF1E', 16), new BigInteger('8ABE1D7520F9C2A45CB1EB8E95CFD55262B70B29FEEC5864E19C054FF99129280E464621779' . '1811142820341263C5315', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC31' . '03B883202E9046565', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect571r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(571, 10, 5, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '02F40E7E2221F295DE297117B7F3D62F5C6A97FFCB8CEFF1CD6BA8CE4A9A18AD84FFABBD' . '8EFA59332BE7AD6756A66E294AFD185A78FF12AA520E4DE739BACA0C7FFEFF7F2955727A'); $this->setBasePoint('0303001D34B856296C16C0D40D3CD7750A93D1D2955FA80AA5F40FC8DB7B2ABDBDE53950' . 'F4C0D293CDD711A35B67FB1499AE60038614F1394ABFA3B4C850D927E1E7769C8EEC2D19', '037BF27342DA639B6DCCFFFEB73D69D78C6C27A6009CBBCA1980F8533921E8A684423E43' . 'BAB08A576291AF8F461BB2A8B3531D2F0485C19B16E2F1516E23DD3C1A4827AF1B8AC15B'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'E661CE18FF55987308059B186823851EC7DD9CA1161DE93D5174D66E8382E9BB2FE84E47', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP224t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FC', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('4B337D934104CD7BEF271BF60CED1ED20DA14C08B3BB64F18A60888D', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('6AB1E344CE25FF3896424E7FFE14762ECB49F8928AC0C76029B4D580', 16), new BigInteger('0374E9F5143E568CD23F3F4D7C0D4B1E41C8CC0D1C6ABD5F1A46DB4C', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk283 extends sect283k1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp128r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('E87579C11079F43DD824993C2CEE5ED3', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('161FF7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86', 16), new BigInteger('CF5AC8395BAFEB13C02DA292DDED7A83', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp112r2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { // same modulo as secp112r1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('6127C24C05F38A0AAAF65C0EF02C', 16), new BigInteger('51DEF1815DB5ED74FCC34C85D709', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('4BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643', 16), new BigInteger('ADCD46F5882E3747DEF36E956E97', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp192r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $modulo = new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16); $this->setModulo($modulo); // algorithm 2.27 from /* in theory this should be faster than regular modular reductions save for one small issue. to convert to / from base-2**8 with BCMath you have to call bcmul() and bcdiv() a lot. to convert to / from base-2**8 with PHP64 you have to call base256_rshift() a lot. in short, converting to / from base-2**8 is pretty expensive and that expense is enough to offset whatever else might be gained by a simplified reduction algorithm. now, if PHP supported unsigned integers things might be different. no bit-shifting would be required for the PHP engine and it'd be a lot faster. but as is, BigInteger uses base-2**31 or base-2**26 depending on whether or not the system is has a 32-bit or a 64-bit OS. */ /* $m_length = $this->getLengthInBytes(); $this->setReduction(function($c) use ($m_length) { $cBytes = $c->toBytes(); $className = $this->className; if (strlen($cBytes) > 2 * $m_length) { list(, $r) = $c->divide($className::$modulo); return $r; } $c = str_pad($cBytes, 48, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $c = array_reverse(str_split($c, 8)); $null = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; $s1 = new BigInteger($c[2] . $c[1] . $c[0], 256); $s2 = new BigInteger($null . $c[3] . $c[3], 256); $s3 = new BigInteger($c[4] . $c[4] . $null, 256); $s4 = new BigInteger($c[5] . $c[5] . $c[5], 256); $r = $s1->add($s2)->add($s3)->add($s4); while ($r->compare($className::$modulo) >= 0) { $r = $r->subtract($className::$modulo); } return $r; }); */ $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('64210519E59C80E70FA7E9AB72243049FEB8DEECC146B9B1', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('188DA80EB03090F67CBF20EB43A18800F4FF0AFD82FF1012', 16), new BigInteger('07192B95FFC8DA78631011ED6B24CDD573F977A11E794811', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF99DEF836146BC9B1B4D22831', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP512r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC' . '66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('7830A3318B603B89E2327145AC234CC594CBDD8D3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA82' . '53AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CA', 16), new BigInteger('3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C' . '1AC4D77FC94CADC083E67984050B75EBAE5DD2809BD638016F723', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('81AEE4BDD82ED9645A21322E9C4C6A9385ED9F70B5D916C1B43B62EEF4D0098EFF3B1F78E2D' . '0D48D50D1687B93B97D5F7C6D5047406A5E688B352209BCB9F822', 16), new BigInteger('7DDE385D566332ECC0EABFA9CF7822FDF209F70024A57B1AA000C55B881F8111B2DCDE494A5' . 'F485E5BCA4BD88A2763AED1CA2B2FA8F0540678CD1E0F3AD80892', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA' . '92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistb233 extends sect233r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP192t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86294', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('13D56FFAEC78681E68F9DEB43B35BEC2FB68542E27897B79', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('3AE9E58C82F63C30282E1FE7BBF43FA72C446AF6F4618129', 16), new BigInteger('097E2C5667C2223A902AB5CA449D0084B7E5B3DE7CCC01C9', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP192r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('6A91174076B1E0E19C39C031FE8685C1CAE040E5C69A28EF', 16), new BigInteger('469A28EF7C28CCA3DC721D044F4496BCCA7EF4146FBF25C9', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('C0A0647EAAB6A48753B033C56CB0F0900A2F5C4853375FD6', 16), new BigInteger('14B690866ABD5BB88B5F4828C1490002E6773FA2FA299B8F', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp224 extends secp224r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp256r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296', 16), new BigInteger('4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect163k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(163, 7, 6, 3, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'); $this->setBasePoint('02FE13C0537BBC11ACAA07D793DE4E6D5E5C94EEE8', '0289070FB05D38FF58321F2E800536D538CCDAA3D9'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('04000000000000000000020108A2E0CC0D99F8A5EF', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp384r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('B3312FA7E23EE7E4988E056BE3F82D19181D9C6EFE8141120314088F5013875AC656398D8A2ED19D2A85C8EDD3EC2AEF', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7', 16), new BigInteger('3617DE4A96262C6F5D9E98BF9292DC29F8F41DBD289A147CE9DA3113B5F0B8C00A60B1CE1D7E819D7A431D7C90EA0E5F', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC7634D81F4372DDF581A0DB248B0A77AECEC196ACCC52973', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp384 extends secp384r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP320r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F9' . '2B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('3EE30B568FBAB0F883CCEBD46D3F3BB8A2A73513F5EB79DA66190EB085FFA9F4' . '92F375A97D860EB4', 16), new BigInteger('520883949DFDBC42D3AD198640688A6FE13F41349554B49ACC31DCCD88453981' . '6F5EB4AC8FB1F1A6', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('43BD7E9AFB53D8B85289BCC48EE5BFE6F20137D10A087EB6E7871E2A10A599C7' . '10AF8D0D39E20611', 16), new BigInteger('14FDD05545EC1CC8AB4093247F77275E0743FFED117182EAA9C77877AAAC6AC7' . 'D35245D1692E8EE1', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D4' . '82EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp521 extends secp521r1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; class Ed448 extends TwistedEdwards { const HASH = 'shake256-912'; const SIZE = 57; public function __construct() { // 2^448 - 2^224 - 1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger(1), // -39081 new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF6756', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('4F1970C66BED0DED221D15A622BF36DA9E146570470F1767EA6DE324' . 'A3D3A46412AE1AF72AB66511433B80E18B00938E2626A82BC70CC05E', 16), new BigInteger('693F46716EB6BC248876203756C9C7624BEA73736CA3984087789C1E' . '05A0C2D73AD3FF1CE67C39C4FDBD132C4ED7C8AD9808795BF230FA14', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . '7CCA23E9C44EDB49AED63690216CC2728DC58F552378C292AB5844F3', 16)); } /** * Recover X from Y * * Implements steps 2-4 at * * Used by EC\Keys\Common.php * * @param BigInteger $x * @param boolean $sign * @return object[] */ public function recoverX(BigInteger $y, $sign) { $y = $this->factory->newInteger($y); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $u = $y2->subtract($this->one); $v = $this->d->multiply($y2)->subtract($this->one); $x2 = $u->divide($v); if ($x2->equals($this->zero)) { if ($sign) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate (x2 = 0)'); } return clone $this->zero; } // find the square root $exp = $this->getModulo()->add(new BigInteger(1)); $exp = $exp->bitwise_rightShift(2); $x = $x2->pow($exp); if (!$x->multiply($x)->subtract($x2)->equals($this->zero)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate'); } if ($x->isOdd() != $sign) { $x = $x->negate(); } return [$x, $y]; } /** * Extract Secret Scalar * * Implements steps 1-3 at * * Used by the various key handlers * * @param string $str * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function extractSecret($str) { if (strlen($str) != 57) { throw new \LengthException('Private Key should be 57-bytes long'); } // 1. Hash the 57-byte private key using SHAKE256(x, 114), storing the // digest in a 114-octet large buffer, denoted h. Only the lower 57 // bytes are used for generating the public key. $hash = new Hash('shake256-912'); $h = $hash->hash($str); $h = substr($h, 0, 57); // 2. Prune the buffer: The two least significant bits of the first // octet are cleared, all eight bits the last octet are cleared, and // the highest bit of the second to last octet is set. $h[0] = $h[0] & chr(0xfc); $h = strrev($h); $h[0] = "\0"; $h[1] = $h[1] | chr(0x80); // 3. Interpret the buffer as the little-endian integer, forming a // secret scalar s. $dA = new BigInteger($h, 256); $dA = $this->factory->newInteger($dA); $dA->secret = $str; return $dA; } /** * Encode a point as a string * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function encodePoint($point) { list($x, $y) = $point; $y = "\0" . $y->toBytes(); if ($x->isOdd()) { $y[0] = $y[0] | chr(0x80); } $y = strrev($y); return $y; } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { return $this->extractSecret(Random::string(57)); } /** * Converts an affine point to an extended homogeneous coordinate * * From : * * A point (x,y) is represented in extended homogeneous coordinates (X, Y, Z, T), * with x = X/Z, y = Y/Z, x * y = T/Z. * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (empty($p)) { return [clone $this->zero, clone $this->one, clone $this->one]; } if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; return $p; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } // from list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; $b = $x1->add($y1); $b = $b->multiply($b); $c = $x1->multiply($x1); $d = $y1->multiply($y1); $e = $c->add($d); $h = $z1->multiply($z1); $j = $e->subtract($this->two->multiply($h)); $x3 = $b->subtract($e)->multiply($j); $y3 = $c->subtract($d)->multiply($e); $z3 = $e->multiply($j); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } if (!isset($p[2]) || !isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { return !$p[1]->equals($q[1]) ? [] : $this->doublePoint($p); } // from list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2) = $q; $a = $z1->multiply($z2); $b = $a->multiply($a); $c = $x1->multiply($x2); $d = $y1->multiply($y2); $e = $this->d->multiply($c)->multiply($d); $f = $b->subtract($e); $g = $b->add($e); $h = $x1->add($y1)->multiply($x2->add($y2)); $x3 = $a->multiply($f)->multiply($h->subtract($c)->subtract($d)); $y3 = $a->multiply($g)->multiply($d->subtract($c)); $z3 = $f->multiply($g); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect113r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(113, 9, 0); $this->setCoefficients('003088250CA6E7C7FE649CE85820F7', '00E8BEE4D3E2260744188BE0E9C723'); $this->setBasePoint('009D73616F35F4AB1407D73562C10F', '00A52830277958EE84D1315ED31886'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000D9CCEC8A39E56F', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect233r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(233, 74, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '0066647EDE6C332C7F8C0923BB58213B333B20E9CE4281FE115F7D8F90AD'); $this->setBasePoint('00FAC9DFCBAC8313BB2139F1BB755FEF65BC391F8B36F8F8EB7371FD558B', '01006A08A41903350678E58528BEBF8A0BEFF867A7CA36716F7E01F81052'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01000000000000000000000000000013E974E72F8A6922031D2603CFE0D7', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect283k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(283, 12, 7, 5, 0); $this->setCoefficients('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'); $this->setBasePoint('0503213F78CA44883F1A3B8162F188E553CD265F23C1567A16876913B0C2AC2458492836', '01CCDA380F1C9E318D90F95D07E5426FE87E45C0E8184698E45962364E34116177DD2259'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE9AE2ED07577265DFF7F94451E061E163C61', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistt571 extends sect571k1 { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; class Ed25519 extends TwistedEdwards { const HASH = 'sha512'; /* Per EdDSA has several parameters, one of which is b: 2. An integer b with 2^(b-1) > p. EdDSA public keys have exactly b bits, and EdDSA signatures have exactly 2*b bits. b is recommended to be a multiple of 8, so public key and signature lengths are an integral number of octets. SIZE corresponds to b */ const SIZE = 32; public function __construct() { // 2^255 - 19 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFED', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( // -1 new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEC', 16), // a // -121665/121666 new BigInteger('52036CEE2B6FFE738CC740797779E89800700A4D4141D8AB75EB4DCA135978A3', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('216936D3CD6E53FEC0A4E231FDD6DC5C692CC7609525A7B2C9562D608F25D51A', 16), new BigInteger('6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('1000000000000000000000000000000014DEF9DEA2F79CD65812631A5CF5D3ED', 16)); // algorithm 14.47 from /* $this->setReduction(function($x) { $parts = $x->bitwise_split(255); $className = $this->className; if (count($parts) > 2) { list(, $r) = $x->divide($className::$modulo); return $r; } $zero = new BigInteger(); $c = new BigInteger(19); switch (count($parts)) { case 2: list($qi, $ri) = $parts; break; case 1: $qi = $zero; list($ri) = $parts; break; case 0: return $zero; } $r = $ri; while ($qi->compare($zero) > 0) { $temp = $qi->multiply($c)->bitwise_split(255); if (count($temp) == 2) { list($qi, $ri) = $temp; } else { $qi = $zero; list($ri) = $temp; } $r = $r->add($ri); } while ($r->compare($className::$modulo) > 0) { $r = $r->subtract($className::$modulo); } return $r; }); */ } /** * Recover X from Y * * Implements steps 2-4 at * * Used by EC\Keys\Common.php * * @param BigInteger $x * @param boolean $sign * @return object[] */ public function recoverX(BigInteger $y, $sign) { $y = $this->factory->newInteger($y); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $u = $y2->subtract($this->one); $v = $this->d->multiply($y2)->add($this->one); $x2 = $u->divide($v); if ($x2->equals($this->zero)) { if ($sign) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate (x2 = 0)'); } return clone $this->zero; } // find the square root /* we don't do $x2->squareRoot() because, quoting from "For point decoding or "decompression", square roots modulo p are needed. They can be computed using the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm or the special case for p = 5 (mod 8). To find a square root of a, first compute the candidate root x = a^((p+3)/8) (mod p)." */ $exp = $this->getModulo()->add(new BigInteger(3)); $exp = $exp->bitwise_rightShift(3); $x = $x2->pow($exp); // If v x^2 = -u (mod p), set x <-- x * 2^((p-1)/4), which is a square root. if (!$x->multiply($x)->subtract($x2)->equals($this->zero)) { $temp = $this->getModulo()->subtract(new BigInteger(1)); $temp = $temp->bitwise_rightShift(2); $temp = $this->two->pow($temp); $x = $x->multiply($temp); if (!$x->multiply($x)->subtract($x2)->equals($this->zero)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate'); } } if ($x->isOdd() != $sign) { $x = $x->negate(); } return [$x, $y]; } /** * Extract Secret Scalar * * Implements steps 1-3 at * * Used by the various key handlers * * @param string $str * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function extractSecret($str) { if (strlen($str) != 32) { throw new \LengthException('Private Key should be 32-bytes long'); } // 1. Hash the 32-byte private key using SHA-512, storing the digest in // a 64-octet large buffer, denoted h. Only the lower 32 bytes are // used for generating the public key. $hash = new Hash('sha512'); $h = $hash->hash($str); $h = substr($h, 0, 32); // 2. Prune the buffer: The lowest three bits of the first octet are // cleared, the highest bit of the last octet is cleared, and the // second highest bit of the last octet is set. $h[0] = $h[0] & chr(0xf8); $h = strrev($h); $h[0] = $h[0] & chr(0x3f) | chr(0x40); // 3. Interpret the buffer as the little-endian integer, forming a // secret scalar s. $dA = new BigInteger($h, 256); $dA = $this->factory->newInteger($dA); $dA->secret = $str; return $dA; } /** * Encode a point as a string * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function encodePoint($point) { list($x, $y) = $point; $y = $y->toBytes(); $y[0] = $y[0] & chr(0x7f); if ($x->isOdd()) { $y[0] = $y[0] | chr(0x80); } $y = strrev($y); return $y; } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { return $this->extractSecret(Random::string(32)); } /** * Converts an affine point to an extended homogeneous coordinate * * From : * * A point (x,y) is represented in extended homogeneous coordinates (X, Y, Z, T), * with x = X/Z, y = Y/Z, x * y = T/Z. * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (empty($p)) { return [clone $this->zero, clone $this->one, clone $this->one, clone $this->zero]; } if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; $p[3] = $p[0]->multiply($p[1]); return $p; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } // from list($x1, $y1, $z1, $t1) = $p; $a = $x1->multiply($x1); $b = $y1->multiply($y1); $c = $this->two->multiply($z1)->multiply($z1); $h = $a->add($b); $temp = $x1->add($y1); $e = $h->subtract($temp->multiply($temp)); $g = $a->subtract($b); $f = $c->add($g); $x3 = $e->multiply($f); $y3 = $g->multiply($h); $t3 = $e->multiply($h); $z3 = $f->multiply($g); return [$x3, $y3, $z3, $t3]; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } if (!isset($p[2]) || !isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { return !$p[1]->equals($q[1]) ? [] : $this->doublePoint($p); } // from list($x1, $y1, $z1, $t1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2, $t2) = $q; $a = $y1->subtract($x1)->multiply($y2->subtract($x2)); $b = $y1->add($x1)->multiply($y2->add($x2)); $c = $t1->multiply($this->two)->multiply($this->d)->multiply($t2); $d = $z1->multiply($this->two)->multiply($z2); $e = $b->subtract($a); $f = $d->subtract($c); $g = $d->add($c); $h = $b->add($a); $x3 = $e->multiply($f); $y3 = $g->multiply($h); $t3 = $e->multiply($h); $z3 = $f->multiply($g); return [$x3, $y3, $z3, $t3]; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class sect409r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(409, 87, 0); $this->setCoefficients('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '0021A5C2C8EE9FEB5C4B9A753B7B476B7FD6422EF1F3DD674761FA99D6AC27C8A9A197B272822F6CD57A55AA4F50AE317B13545F'); $this->setBasePoint('015D4860D088DDB3496B0C6064756260441CDE4AF1771D4DB01FFE5B34E59703DC255A868A1180515603AEAB60794E54BB7996A7', '0061B1CFAB6BE5F32BBFA78324ED106A7636B9C5A7BD198D0158AA4F5488D08F38514F1FDF4B4F40D2181B3681C364BA0273C706'); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001E2' . 'AAD6A612F33307BE5FA47C3C9E052F838164CD37D9A21173', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP256r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('7D5A0975FC2C3057EEF67530417AFFE7FB8055C126DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9', 16), new BigInteger('26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9BBD77CBF958416295CF7E1CE6BCCDC18FF8C07B6', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('8BD2AEB9CB7E57CB2C4B482FFC81B7AFB9DE27E1E3BD23C23A4453BD9ACE3262', 16), new BigInteger('547EF835C3DAC4FD97F8461A14611DC9C27745132DED8E545C1D54C72F046997', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP512t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC' . '66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC' . '66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F0', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('7CBBBCF9441CFAB76E1890E46884EAE321F70C0BCB4981527897504BEC3E36A62BCDFA23049' . '76540F6450085F2DAE145C22553B465763689180EA2571867423E', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('640ECE5C12788717B9C1BA06CBC2A6FEBA85842458C56DDE9DB1758D39C0313D82BA51735CD' . 'B3EA499AA77A7D6943A64F7A3F25FE26F06B51BAA2696FA9035DA', 16), new BigInteger('5B534BD595F5AF0FA2C892376C84ACE1BB4E3019B71634C01131159CAE03CEE9D9932184BEE' . 'F216BD71DF2DADF86A627306ECFF96DBB8BACE198B61E00F8B332', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA' . '92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class secp521r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFC', 16), new BigInteger('0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF1' . '09E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B50' . '3F00', 16)); $this->setBasePoint(new BigInteger('00C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D' . '3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2FFA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5' . 'BD66', 16), new BigInteger('011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E' . '662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD1' . '6650', 16)); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFA51868783BF2F966B7FCC0148F709A5D03BB5C9B8899C47AEBB6FB71E9138' . '6409', 16)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Math\BinaryField; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\BinaryField\Integer as BinaryInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 + x*y = x^3 + a*x^2 + b * * @package Binary * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Binary extends Base { /** * Binary Field Integer factory * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BinaryFields */ protected $factory; /** * Cofficient for x^1 * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Cofficient for x^0 * * @var object */ protected $b; /** * Base Point * * @var object */ protected $p; /** * The number one over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(...$modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new BinaryField(...$modulo); $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger("\1"); } /** * Set coefficients a and b * * @param string $a * @param string $b */ public function setCoefficients($a, $b) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $a)); $this->b = $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $b)); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point * * @param string|BinaryInteger $x * @param string|BinaryInteger $y */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !is_string($x) && !$x instanceof BinaryInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Binary::setBasePoint() must be a string or an instance of BinaryField\\Integer'); case !is_string($y) && !$y instanceof BinaryInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Binary::setBasePoint() must be a string or an instance of BinaryField\\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [is_string($x) ? $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $x)) : $x, is_string($y) ? $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $y)) : $y]; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } if (!isset($p[2]) || !isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { return !$p[1]->equals($q[1]) ? [] : $this->doublePoint($p); } // formulas from list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2) = $q; $o1 = $z1->multiply($z1); $b = $x2->multiply($o1); if ($z2->equals($this->one)) { $d = $y2->multiply($o1)->multiply($z1); $e = $x1->add($b); $f = $y1->add($d); $z3 = $e->multiply($z1); $h = $f->multiply($x2)->add($z3->multiply($y2)); $i = $f->add($z3); $g = $z3->multiply($z3); $p1 = $this->a->multiply($g); $p2 = $f->multiply($i); $p3 = $e->multiply($e)->multiply($e); $x3 = $p1->add($p2)->add($p3); $y3 = $i->multiply($x3)->add($g->multiply($h)); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } $o2 = $z2->multiply($z2); $a = $x1->multiply($o2); $c = $y1->multiply($o2)->multiply($z2); $d = $y2->multiply($o1)->multiply($z1); $e = $a->add($b); $f = $c->add($d); $g = $e->multiply($z1); $h = $f->multiply($x2)->add($g->multiply($y2)); $z3 = $g->multiply($z2); $i = $f->add($z3); $p1 = $this->a->multiply($z3->multiply($z3)); $p2 = $f->multiply($i); $p3 = $e->multiply($e)->multiply($e); $x3 = $p1->add($p2)->add($p3); $y3 = $i->multiply($x3)->add($g->multiply($g)->multiply($h)); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } // formulas from list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; $a = $x1->multiply($x1); $b = $a->multiply($a); if ($z1->equals($this->one)) { $x3 = $b->add($this->b); $z3 = clone $x1; $p1 = $a->add($y1)->add($z3)->multiply($this->b); $p2 = $a->add($y1)->multiply($b); $y3 = $p1->add($p2); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } $c = $z1->multiply($z1); $d = $c->multiply($c); $x3 = $b->add($this->b->multiply($d->multiply($d))); $z3 = $x1->multiply($c); $p1 = $b->multiply($z3); $p2 = $a->add($y1->multiply($z1))->add($z3)->multiply($x3); $y3 = $p1->add($p2); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Returns the X coordinate and the derived Y coordinate * * Not supported because it is covered by patents. * Quoting , * * "Due to patent issues the compressed option is disabled by default for binary curves * and can be enabled by defining the preprocessor macro OPENSSL_EC_BIN_PT_COMP at * compile time." * * @return array */ public function derivePoint($m) { throw new \RuntimeException('Point compression on binary finite field elliptic curves is not supported'); } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $lhs = $y->multiply($y); $lhs = $lhs->add($x->multiply($y)); $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $x3 = $x2->multiply($x); $rhs = $x3->add($this->a->multiply($x2))->add($this->b); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public function getModulo() { return $this->modulo; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getA() { return $this->a; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getB() { return $this->b; } /** * Returns the affine point * * A Jacobian Coordinate is of the form (x, y, z). * To convert a Jacobian Coordinate to an Affine Point * you do (x / z^2, y / z^3) * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[2])) { return $p; } list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $z = $this->one->divide($z); $z2 = $z->multiply($z); return [$x->multiply($z2), $y->multiply($z2)->multiply($z)]; } /** * Converts an affine point to a jacobian coordinate * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; $p['fresh'] = true; return $p; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b * * @package Prime * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Prime extends Base { /** * Prime Field Integer factory * * @var \tgseclib\Math\PrimeFields */ protected $factory; /** * Cofficient for x^1 * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Cofficient for x^0 * * @var object */ protected $b; /** * Base Point * * @var object */ protected $p; /** * The number one over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * The number two over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $two; /** * The number three over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $three; /** * The number four over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $four; /** * The number eight over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $eight; /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(BigInteger $modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new PrimeField($modulo); $this->two = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(2)); $this->three = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(3)); // used by jacobian coordinates $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); $this->four = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(4)); $this->eight = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(8)); } /** * Set coefficients a and b */ public function setCoefficients(BigInteger $a, BigInteger $b) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger($a); $this->b = $this->factory->newInteger($b); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point * * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $x * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $y * @return PrimeInteger[] */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !$x instanceof BigInteger && !$x instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\\Integer'); case !$y instanceof BigInteger && !$y instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [$x instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($x) : $x, $y instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($y) : $y]; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Adds two "fresh" jacobian form on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianAddPointMixedXY(array $p, array $q) { list($u1, $s1) = $p; list($u2, $s2) = $q; if ($u1->equals($u2)) { if (!$s1->equals($s2)) { return []; } else { return $this->doublePoint($p); } } $h = $u2->subtract($u1); $r = $s2->subtract($s1); $h2 = $h->multiply($h); $h3 = $h2->multiply($h); $v = $u1->multiply($h2); $x3 = $r->multiply($r)->subtract($h3)->subtract($v->multiply($this->two)); $y3 = $r->multiply($v->subtract($x3))->subtract($s1->multiply($h3)); return [$x3, $y3, $h]; } /** * Adds one "fresh" jacobian form on the curve * * The second parameter should be the "fresh" one * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianAddPointMixedX(array $p, array $q) { list($u1, $s1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2) = $q; $z12 = $z1->multiply($z1); $u2 = $x2->multiply($z12); $s2 = $y2->multiply($z12->multiply($z1)); if ($u1->equals($u2)) { if (!$s1->equals($s2)) { return []; } else { return $this->doublePoint($p); } } $h = $u2->subtract($u1); $r = $s2->subtract($s1); $h2 = $h->multiply($h); $h3 = $h2->multiply($h); $v = $u1->multiply($h2); $x3 = $r->multiply($r)->subtract($h3)->subtract($v->multiply($this->two)); $y3 = $r->multiply($v->subtract($x3))->subtract($s1->multiply($h3)); $z3 = $h->multiply($z1); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Adds two jacobian coordinates on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianAddPoint(array $p, array $q) { list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2) = $q; $z12 = $z1->multiply($z1); $z22 = $z2->multiply($z2); $u1 = $x1->multiply($z22); $u2 = $x2->multiply($z12); $s1 = $y1->multiply($z22->multiply($z2)); $s2 = $y2->multiply($z12->multiply($z1)); if ($u1->equals($u2)) { if (!$s1->equals($s2)) { return []; } else { return $this->doublePoint($p); } } $h = $u2->subtract($u1); $r = $s2->subtract($s1); $h2 = $h->multiply($h); $h3 = $h2->multiply($h); $v = $u1->multiply($h2); $x3 = $r->multiply($r)->subtract($h3)->subtract($v->multiply($this->two)); $y3 = $r->multiply($v->subtract($x3))->subtract($s1->multiply($h3)); $z3 = $h->multiply($z1)->multiply($z2); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } // use jacobian coordinates if (isset($p[2]) && isset($q[2])) { if (isset($p['fresh']) && isset($q['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianAddPointMixedXY($p, $q); } if (isset($p['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianAddPointMixedX($q, $p); } if (isset($q['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianAddPointMixedX($p, $q); } return $this->jacobianAddPoint($p, $q); } if (isset($p[2]) || isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to Jacobi coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { if (!$p[1]->equals($q[1])) { return []; } else { // eg. doublePoint list($numerator, $denominator) = $this->doublePointHelper($p); } } else { $numerator = $q[1]->subtract($p[1]); $denominator = $q[0]->subtract($p[0]); } $slope = $numerator->divide($denominator); $x = $slope->multiply($slope)->subtract($p[0])->subtract($q[0]); $y = $slope->multiply($p[0]->subtract($x))->subtract($p[1]); return [$x, $y]; } /** * Returns the numerator and denominator of the slope * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function doublePointHelper(array $p) { $numerator = $this->three->multiply($p[0])->multiply($p[0])->add($this->a); $denominator = $this->two->multiply($p[1]); return [$numerator, $denominator]; } /** * Doubles a jacobian coordinate on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePoint(array $p) { list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $z2 = $z->multiply($z); $s = $this->four->multiply($x)->multiply($y2); $m1 = $this->three->multiply($x2); $m2 = $this->a->multiply($z2->multiply($z2)); $m = $m1->add($m2); $x1 = $m->multiply($m)->subtract($this->two->multiply($s)); $y1 = $m->multiply($s->subtract($x1))->subtract($this->eight->multiply($y2->multiply($y2))); $z1 = $this->two->multiply($y)->multiply($z); return [$x1, $y1, $z1]; } /** * Doubles a "fresh" jacobian coordinate on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePointMixed(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $s = $this->four->multiply($x)->multiply($y2); $m1 = $this->three->multiply($x2); $m = $m1->add($this->a); $x1 = $m->multiply($m)->subtract($this->two->multiply($s)); $y1 = $m->multiply($s->subtract($x1))->subtract($this->eight->multiply($y2->multiply($y2))); $z1 = $this->two->multiply($y); return [$x1, $y1, $z1]; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } // use jacobian coordinates if (isset($p[2])) { if (isset($p['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianDoublePointMixed($p); } return $this->jacobianDoublePoint($p); } list($numerator, $denominator) = $this->doublePointHelper($p); $slope = $numerator->divide($denominator); $x = $slope->multiply($slope)->subtract($p[0])->subtract($p[0]); $y = $slope->multiply($p[0]->subtract($x))->subtract($p[1]); return [$x, $y]; } /** * Returns the X coordinate and the derived Y coordinate * * @return array */ public function derivePoint($m) { $y = ord(Strings::shift($m)); $x = new BigInteger($m, 256); $xp = $this->convertInteger($x); switch ($y) { case 2: $ypn = false; break; case 3: $ypn = true; break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('Coordinate not in recognized format'); } $temp = $xp->multiply($this->a); $temp = $xp->multiply($xp)->multiply($xp)->add($temp); $temp = $temp->add($this->b); $b = $temp->squareRoot(); if (!$b) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to derive Y coordinate'); } $bn = $b->isOdd(); $yp = $ypn == $bn ? $b : $b->negate(); return [$xp, $yp]; } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $lhs = $y->multiply($y); $temp = $x->multiply($this->a); $temp = $x->multiply($x)->multiply($x)->add($temp); $rhs = $temp->add($this->b); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public function getModulo() { return $this->modulo; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getA() { return $this->a; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getB() { return $this->b; } /** * Multiply and Add Points * * Adapted from * * @return int[] */ public function multiplyAddPoints(array $points, array $scalars) { $length = count($points); foreach ($points as &$point) { $point = $this->convertToInternal($point); } $wnd = [$this->getNAFPoints($points[0], 7)]; $wndWidth = [isset($points[0]['nafwidth']) ? $points[0]['nafwidth'] : 7]; for ($i = 1; $i < $length; $i++) { $wnd[] = $this->getNAFPoints($points[$i], 1); $wndWidth[] = isset($points[$i]['nafwidth']) ? $points[$i]['nafwidth'] : 1; } $naf = []; // comb all window NAFs $max = 0; for ($i = $length - 1; $i >= 1; $i -= 2) { $a = $i - 1; $b = $i; if ($wndWidth[$a] != 1 || $wndWidth[$b] != 1) { $naf[$a] = $scalars[$a]->getNAF($wndWidth[$a]); $naf[$b] = $scalars[$b]->getNAF($wndWidth[$b]); $max = max(count($naf[$a]), count($naf[$b]), $max); continue; } $comb = [ $points[$a], // 1 null, // 3 null, // 5 $points[$b], ]; $comb[1] = $this->addPoint($points[$a], $points[$b]); $comb[2] = $this->addPoint($points[$a], $this->negatePoint($points[$b])); $index = [ -3, /* -1 -1 */ -1, /* -1 0 */ -5, /* -1 1 */ -7, /* 0 -1 */ 0, /* 0 -1 */ 7, /* 0 1 */ 5, /* 1 -1 */ 1, /* 1 0 */ 3, ]; $jsf = self::getJSFPoints($scalars[$a], $scalars[$b]); $max = max(count($jsf[0]), $max); if ($max > 0) { $naf[$a] = array_fill(0, $max, 0); $naf[$b] = array_fill(0, $max, 0); } else { $naf[$a] = []; $naf[$b] = []; } for ($j = 0; $j < $max; $j++) { $ja = isset($jsf[0][$j]) ? $jsf[0][$j] : 0; $jb = isset($jsf[1][$j]) ? $jsf[1][$j] : 0; $naf[$a][$j] = $index[3 * ($ja + 1) + $jb + 1]; $naf[$b][$j] = 0; $wnd[$a] = $comb; } } $acc = []; $temp = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for ($i = $max; $i >= 0; $i--) { $k = 0; while ($i >= 0) { $zero = true; for ($j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) { $temp[$j] = isset($naf[$j][$i]) ? $naf[$j][$i] : 0; if ($temp[$j] != 0) { $zero = false; } } if (!$zero) { break; } $k++; $i--; } if ($i >= 0) { $k++; } while ($k--) { $acc = $this->doublePoint($acc); } if ($i < 0) { break; } for ($j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) { $z = $temp[$j]; $p = null; if ($z == 0) { continue; } $p = $z > 0 ? $wnd[$j][$z - 1 >> 1] : $this->negatePoint($wnd[$j][-$z - 1 >> 1]); $acc = $this->addPoint($acc, $p); } } return $this->convertToAffine($acc); } /** * Precomputes NAF points * * Adapted from * * @return int[] */ private function getNAFPoints($point, $wnd) { if (isset($point['naf'])) { return $point['naf']; } $res = [$point]; $max = (1 << $wnd) - 1; $dbl = $max == 1 ? null : $this->doublePoint($point); for ($i = 1; $i < $max; $i++) { $res[] = $this->addPoint($res[$i - 1], $dbl); } $point['naf'] = $res; /* $str = ''; foreach ($res as $re) { $re[0] = bin2hex($re[0]->toBytes()); $re[1] = bin2hex($re[1]->toBytes()); $str.= " ['$re[0]', '$re[1]'],\r\n"; } file_put_contents('temp.txt', $str); exit; */ return $res; } /** * Precomputes points in Joint Sparse Form * * Adapted from * * @return int[] */ private static function getJSFPoints(Integer $k1, Integer $k2) { static $three; if (!isset($three)) { $three = new BigInteger(3); } $jsf = [[], []]; $k1 = $k1->toBigInteger(); $k2 = $k2->toBigInteger(); $d1 = 0; $d2 = 0; while ($k1->compare(new BigInteger(-$d1)) > 0 || $k2->compare(new BigInteger(-$d2)) > 0) { // first phase $m14 = $k1->testBit(0) + 2 * $k1->testBit(1); $m14 += $d1; $m14 &= 3; $m24 = $k2->testBit(0) + 2 * $k2->testBit(1); $m24 += $d2; $m24 &= 3; if ($m14 == 3) { $m14 = -1; } if ($m24 == 3) { $m24 = -1; } $u1 = 0; if ($m14 & 1) { // if $m14 is odd $m8 = $k1->testBit(0) + 2 * $k1->testBit(1) + 4 * $k1->testBit(2); $m8 += $d1; $m8 &= 7; $u1 = ($m8 == 3 || $m8 == 5) && $m24 == 2 ? -$m14 : $m14; } $jsf[0][] = $u1; $u2 = 0; if ($m24 & 1) { // if $m24 is odd $m8 = $k2->testBit(0) + 2 * $k2->testBit(1) + 4 * $k2->testBit(2); $m8 += $d2; $m8 &= 7; $u2 = ($m8 == 3 || $m8 == 5) && $m14 == 2 ? -$m24 : $m24; } $jsf[1][] = $u2; // second phase if (2 * $d1 == $u1 + 1) { $d1 = 1 - $d1; } if (2 * $d2 == $u2 + 1) { $d2 = 1 - $d2; } $k1 = $k1->bitwise_rightShift(1); $k2 = $k2->bitwise_rightShift(1); } return $jsf; } /** * Returns the affine point * * A Jacobian Coordinate is of the form (x, y, z). * To convert a Jacobian Coordinate to an Affine Point * you do (x / z^2, y / z^3) * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[2])) { return $p; } list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $z = $this->one->divide($z); $z2 = $z->multiply($z); return [$x->multiply($z2), $y->multiply($z2)->multiply($z)]; } /** * Converts an affine point to a jacobian coordinate * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; $p['fresh'] = true; return $p; } } * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 = x^3 + a*x + x * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Montgomery extends Base { /** * Prime Field Integer factory * * @var \tgseclib\Math\PrimeFields */ protected $factory; /** * Cofficient for x * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Constant used for point doubling * * @var object */ protected $a24; /** * The Number Zero * * @var object */ protected $zero; /** * The Number One * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * Base Point * * @var object */ protected $p; /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(BigInteger $modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new PrimeField($modulo); $this->zero = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger()); $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); } /** * Set coefficients a */ public function setCoefficients(BigInteger $a) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger($a); $two = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(2)); $four = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(4)); $this->a24 = $this->a->subtract($two)->divide($four); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point * * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $x * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $y * @return PrimeInteger[] */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !$x instanceof BigInteger && !$x instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\\Integer'); case !$y instanceof BigInteger && !$y instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [$x instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($x) : $x, $y instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($y) : $y]; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Doubles and adds a point on a curve * * See * * @return FiniteField[][] */ private function doubleAndAddPoint(array $p, array $q, PrimeInteger $x1) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[1])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to XZ coordinates'); } list($x2, $z2) = $p; list($x3, $z3) = $q; $a = $x2->add($z2); $aa = $a->multiply($a); $b = $x2->subtract($z2); $bb = $b->multiply($b); $e = $aa->subtract($bb); $c = $x3->add($z3); $d = $x3->subtract($z3); $da = $d->multiply($a); $cb = $c->multiply($b); $temp = $da->add($cb); $x5 = $temp->multiply($temp); $temp = $da->subtract($cb); $z5 = $x1->multiply($temp->multiply($temp)); $x4 = $aa->multiply($bb); $temp = static::class == Curve25519::class ? $bb : $aa; $z4 = $e->multiply($temp->add($this->a24->multiply($e))); return [[$x4, $z4], [$x5, $z5]]; } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Uses the montgomery ladder technique as described here: * * * * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, Integer $d) { $p1 = [$this->one, $this->zero]; $alreadyInternal = isset($x[1]); $p2 = $this->convertToInternal($p); $x = $p[0]; $b = $d->toBits(); $b = str_pad($b, 256, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($b); $i++) { $b_i = (int) $b[$i]; if ($b_i) { list($p2, $p1) = $this->doubleAndAddPoint($p2, $p1, $x); } else { list($p1, $p2) = $this->doubleAndAddPoint($p1, $p2, $x); } } return $alreadyInternal ? $p1 : $this->convertToAffine($p1); } /** * Converts an affine point to an XZ coordinate * * From * * XZ coordinates represent x y as X Z satsfying the following equations: * * x=X/Z * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (empty($p)) { return [clone $this->zero, clone $this->one]; } if (isset($p[1])) { return $p; } $p[1] = clone $this->one; return $p; } /** * Returns the affine point * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[1])) { return $p; } list($x, $z) = $p; return [$x->divide($z)]; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2 * * @package Prime * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class TwistedEdwards extends Base { /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * Cofficient for x^2 * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Cofficient for x^2*y^2 * * @var object */ protected $d; /** * Base Point * * @var object[] */ protected $p; /** * The number zero over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $zero; /** * The number one over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * The number two over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $two; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(BigInteger $modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new PrimeField($modulo); $this->zero = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(0)); $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); $this->two = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(2)); } /** * Set coefficients a and b */ public function setCoefficients(BigInteger $a, BigInteger $d) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger($a); $this->d = $this->factory->newInteger($d); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !$x instanceof BigInteger && !$x instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\\Integer'); case !$y instanceof BigInteger && !$y instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [$x instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($x) : $x, $y instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($y) : $y]; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getA() { return $this->a; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getD() { return $this->d; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Returns the affine point * * @return \tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[2])) { return $p; } list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $z = $this->one->divide($z); return [$x->multiply($z), $y->multiply($z)]; } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public function getModulo() { return $this->modulo; } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $lhs = $this->a->multiply($x2)->add($y2); $rhs = $this->d->multiply($x2)->multiply($y2)->add($this->one); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Base * * @package Prime * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Base { /** * Doubles * * @var object[] */ protected $doubles; /** * NAF Points * * @var int[] */ private $naf; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Finite Field Integer factory * * @var \tgseclib\Math\FiniteField\Integer */ protected $factory; /** * Returns a random integer * * @return object */ public function randomInteger() { return $this->factory->randomInteger(); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a FiniteField integer * * @return object */ public function convertInteger(BigInteger $x) { return $this->factory->newInteger($x); } /** * Returns the length, in bytes, of the modulo * * @return integer */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return $this->factory->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Returns the length, in bits, of the modulo * * @return integer */ public function getLength() { return $this->factory->getLength(); } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Uses the montgomery ladder technique as described here: * * * * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, FiniteField\Integer $d) { $alreadyInternal = isset($p[2]); $r = $alreadyInternal ? [[], $p] : [[], $this->convertToInternal($p)]; $d = $d->toBits(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($d); $i++) { $d_i = (int) $d[$i]; $r[1 - $d_i] = $this->addPoint($r[0], $r[1]); $r[$d_i] = $this->doublePoint($r[$d_i]); } return $alreadyInternal ? $r[0] : $this->convertToAffine($r[0]); } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return FiniteField */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $dA = BigInteger::randomRange($one, $this->order->subtract($one)); return $this->factory->newInteger($dA); } /** * Sets the Order */ public function setOrder(BigInteger $order) { $this->order = $order; } /** * Returns the Order * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public function getOrder() { return $this->order; } /** * Use a custom defined modular reduction function * * @return object */ public function setReduction(callable $func) { $this->factory->setReduction($func); } /** * Returns the affine point * * @return object[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { return $p; } /** * Converts an affine point to a jacobian coordinate * * @return object[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { return $p; } /** * Negates a point * * @return object[] */ public function negatePoint(array $p) { $temp = [$p[0], $p[1]->negate()]; if (isset($p[2])) { $temp[] = $p[2]; } return $temp; } /** * Multiply and Add Points * * @return int[] */ public function multiplyAddPoints(array $points, array $scalars) { $p1 = $this->convertToInternal($points[0]); $p2 = $this->convertToInternal($points[1]); $p1 = $this->multiplyPoint($p1, $scalars[0]); $p2 = $this->multiplyPoint($p2, $scalars[1]); $r = $this->addPoint($p1, $p2); return $this->convertToAffine($r); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 = x^3 + b * * @package KoblitzPrime * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class KoblitzPrime extends Prime { // don't overwrite setCoefficients() with one that only accepts one parameter so that // one might be able to switch between KoblitzPrime and Prime more easily (for benchmarking // purposes). /** * Multiply and Add Points * * Uses a efficiently computable endomorphism to achieve a slight speedup * * Adapted from * * @return int[] */ public function multiplyAddPoints(array $points, array $scalars) { static $zero, $one, $two; if (!isset($two)) { $two = new BigInteger(2); $one = new BigInteger(1); } if (!isset($this->beta)) { // get roots $inv = $this->one->divide($this->two)->negate(); $s = $this->three->negate()->squareRoot()->multiply($inv); $betas = [$inv->add($s), $inv->subtract($s)]; $this->beta = $betas[0]->compare($betas[1]) < 0 ? $betas[0] : $betas[1]; //echo strtoupper($this->beta->toHex(true)) . "\n"; exit; } if (!isset($this->basis)) { $factory = new PrimeField($this->order); $tempOne = $factory->newInteger($one); $tempTwo = $factory->newInteger($two); $tempThree = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(3)); $inv = $tempOne->divide($tempTwo)->negate(); $s = $tempThree->negate()->squareRoot()->multiply($inv); $lambdas = [$inv->add($s), $inv->subtract($s)]; $lhs = $this->multiplyPoint($this->p, $lambdas[0])[0]; $rhs = $this->p[0]->multiply($this->beta); $lambda = $lhs->equals($rhs) ? $lambdas[0] : $lambdas[1]; $this->basis = static::extendedGCD($lambda->toBigInteger(), $this->order); ///* foreach ($this->basis as $basis) { echo strtoupper($basis['a']->toHex(true)) . "\n"; echo strtoupper($basis['b']->toHex(true)) . "\n\n"; } exit; //*/ } $npoints = $nscalars = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) { $p = $points[$i]; $k = $scalars[$i]->toBigInteger(); // begin split list($v1, $v2) = $this->basis; $c1 = $v2['b']->multiply($k); list($c1, $r) = $c1->divide($this->order); if ($this->order->compare($r->multiply($two)) <= 0) { $c1 = $c1->add($one); } $c2 = $v1['b']->negate()->multiply($k); list($c2, $r) = $c2->divide($this->order); if ($this->order->compare($r->multiply($two)) <= 0) { $c2 = $c2->add($one); } $p1 = $c1->multiply($v1['a']); $p2 = $c2->multiply($v2['a']); $q1 = $c1->multiply($v1['b']); $q2 = $c2->multiply($v2['b']); $k1 = $k->subtract($p1)->subtract($p2); $k2 = $q1->add($q2)->negate(); // end split $beta = [$p[0]->multiply($this->beta), $p[1], clone $this->one]; if (isset($p['naf'])) { $beta['naf'] = array_map(function ($p) { return [$p[0]->multiply($this->beta), $p[1], clone $this->one]; }, $p['naf']); $beta['nafwidth'] = $p['nafwidth']; } if ($k1->isNegative()) { $k1 = $k1->negate(); $p = $this->negatePoint($p); } if ($k2->isNegative()) { $k2 = $k2->negate(); $beta = $this->negatePoint($beta); } $pos = 2 * $i; $npoints[$pos] = $p; $nscalars[$pos] = $this->factory->newInteger($k1); $pos++; $npoints[$pos] = $beta; $nscalars[$pos] = $this->factory->newInteger($k2); } return parent::multiplyAddPoints($npoints, $nscalars); } /** * Returns the numerator and denominator of the slope * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function doublePointHelper(array $p) { $numerator = $this->three->multiply($p[0])->multiply($p[0]); $denominator = $this->two->multiply($p[1]); return [$numerator, $denominator]; } /** * Doubles a jacobian coordinate on the curve * * See * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePoint(array $p) { list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; $a = $x1->multiply($x1); $b = $y1->multiply($y1); $c = $b->multiply($b); $d = $x1->add($b); $d = $d->multiply($d)->subtract($a)->subtract($c)->multiply($this->two); $e = $this->three->multiply($a); $f = $e->multiply($e); $x3 = $f->subtract($this->two->multiply($d)); $y3 = $e->multiply($d->subtract($x3))->subtract($this->eight->multiply($c)); $z3 = $this->two->multiply($y1)->multiply($z1); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Doubles a "fresh" jacobian coordinate on the curve * * See * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePointMixed(array $p) { list($x1, $y1) = $p; $xx = $x1->multiply($x1); $yy = $y1->multiply($y1); $yyyy = $yy->multiply($yy); $s = $x1->add($yy); $s = $s->multiply($s)->subtract($xx)->subtract($yyyy)->multiply($this->two); $m = $this->three->multiply($xx); $t = $m->multiply($m)->subtract($this->two->multiply($s)); $x3 = $t; $y3 = $s->subtract($t); $y3 = $m->multiply($y3)->subtract($this->eight->multiply($yyyy)); $z3 = $this->two->multiply($y1); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $lhs = $y->multiply($y); $temp = $x->multiply($x)->multiply($x); $rhs = $temp->add($this->b); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } /** * Calculates the parameters needed from the Euclidean algorithm as discussed at * * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger[] */ protected static function extendedGCD(BigInteger $u, BigInteger $v) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $zero = new BigInteger(); $a = clone $one; $b = clone $zero; $c = clone $zero; $d = clone $one; $stop = $v->bitwise_rightShift($v->getLength() >> 1); $a1 = clone $zero; $b1 = clone $zero; $a2 = clone $zero; $b2 = clone $zero; $postGreatestIndex = 0; while (!$v->equals($zero)) { list($q) = $u->divide($v); $temp = $u; $u = $v; $v = $temp->subtract($v->multiply($q)); $temp = $a; $a = $c; $c = $temp->subtract($a->multiply($q)); $temp = $b; $b = $d; $d = $temp->subtract($b->multiply($q)); if ($v->compare($stop) > 0) { $a0 = $v; $b0 = $c; } else { $postGreatestIndex++; } if ($postGreatestIndex == 1) { $a1 = $v; $b1 = $c->negate(); } if ($postGreatestIndex == 2) { $rhs = $a0->multiply($a0)->add($b0->multiply($b0)); $lhs = $v->multiply($v)->add($b->multiply($b)); if ($lhs->compare($rhs) <= 0) { $a2 = $a0; $b2 = $b0->negate(); } else { $a2 = $v; $b2 = $c->negate(); } break; } } return [['a' => $a1, 'b' => $b1], ['a' => $a2, 'b' => $b2]]; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * EC Private Key * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PrivateKey extends EC implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Private Key dA * * sign() converts this to a BigInteger so one might wonder why this is a FiniteFieldInteger instead of * a BigInteger. That's because a FiniteFieldInteger, when converted to a byte string, is null padded by * a certain amount whereas a BigInteger isn't. * * @var object */ protected $dA; /** * Multiplies an encoded point by the private key * * Used by ECDH * * @param string $coordinates * @return string */ public function multiply($coordinates) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { if ($this->curve instanceof Curve25519 && self::$engines['libsodium']) { return sodium_crypto_scalarmult($this->dA->toBytes(), $coordinates); } $point = [$this->curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($coordinates), 256))]; $point = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($point, $this->dA); return strrev($point[0]->toBytes(true)); } if (!$this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $coordinates = "\0{$coordinates}"; } $point = PKCS1::extractPoint($coordinates, $this->curve); $point = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($point, $this->dA); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve->encodePoint($point); } if (empty($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The infinity point is invalid'); } return "\4" . $point[0]->toBytes(true) . $point[1]->toBytes(true); } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @access public * @param string $message * @return mixed */ public function sign($message) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $dA = $this->dA->toBigInteger(); $order = $this->curve->getOrder(); $shortFormat = $this->shortFormat; $format = $this->format; if ($format === false) { return false; } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context)) { $result = sodium_crypto_sign_detached($message, $this->toString('libsodium')); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-' . strtolower($this->getCurve()), $result) : $result; } // contexts (Ed25519ctx) are supported but prehashing (Ed25519ph) is not. // quoting , // "The Ed25519ph and Ed448ph ... SHOULD NOT be used" $A = $this->curve->encodePoint($this->QA); $curve = $this->curve; $hash = new Hash($curve::HASH); $secret = substr($hash->hash($this->dA->secret), $curve::SIZE); if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $dom = !isset($this->context) ? '' : 'SigEd25519 no Ed25519 collisions' . "\0" . chr(strlen($this->context)) . $this->context; } else { $context = isset($this->context) ? $this->context : ''; $dom = 'SigEd448' . "\0" . chr(strlen($context)) . $context; } // SHA-512(dom2(F, C) || prefix || PH(M)) $r = $hash->hash($dom . $secret . $message); $r = strrev($r); $r = new BigInteger($r, 256); list(, $r) = $r->divide($order); $R = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $curve->convertInteger($r)); $R = $curve->encodePoint($R); $k = $hash->hash($dom . $R . $A . $message); $k = strrev($k); $k = new BigInteger($k, 256); list(, $k) = $k->divide($order); $S = $k->multiply($dA)->add($r); list(, $S) = $S->divide($order); $S = str_pad(strrev($S->toBytes()), $curve::SIZE, "\0"); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-' . strtolower($this->getCurve()), $R . $S) : $R . $S; } if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $signature = ''; // altho PHP's OpenSSL bindings only supported EC key creation in PHP 7.1 they've long // supported signing / verification // we use specified curves to avoid issues with OpenSSL possibly not supporting a given named curve; // doing this may mean some curve-specific optimizations can't be used but idk if OpenSSL even // has curve-specific optimizations $result = openssl_sign($message, $signature, $this->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => false]), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result) { if ($shortFormat == 'ASN1') { return $signature; } extract(ASN1Signature::load($signature)); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? $format::save($r, $s, $this->getCurve()) : $format::save($r, $s); } } $e = $this->hash->hash($message); $e = new BigInteger($e, 256); $Ln = $this->hash->getLength() - $order->getLength(); $z = $Ln > 0 ? $e->bitwise_rightShift($Ln) : $e; while (true) { $k = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $order->subtract(self::$one)); list($x, $y) = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($this->curve->getBasePoint(), $this->curve->convertInteger($k)); $x = $x->toBigInteger(); list(, $r) = $x->divide($order); if ($r->equals(self::$zero)) { continue; } $kinv = $k->modInverse($order); $temp = $z->add($dA->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($order); if (!$s->equals(self::$zero)) { break; } } // the following is an RFC6979 compliant implementation of deterministic ECDSA // it's unused because it's mainly intended for use when a good CSPRNG isn't // available. if phpseclib's CSPRNG isn't good then even key generation is // suspect /* // if this were actually being used it'd probably be better if this lived in load() and createKey() $this->q = $this->curve->getOrder(); $dA = $this->dA->toBigInteger(); $this->x = $dA; $h1 = $this->hash->hash($message); $k = $this->computek($h1); list($x, $y) = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($this->curve->getBasePoint(), $this->curve->convertInteger($k)); $x = $x->toBigInteger(); list(, $r) = $x->divide($this->q); $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $h1 = $this->bits2int($h1); $temp = $h1->add($dA->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); */ return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? $format::save($r, $s, $this->getCurve()) : $format::save($r, $s); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); return $type::savePrivateKey($this->dA, $this->curve, $this->QA, $this->password, $options); } /** * Returns the public key * * @see self::getPrivateKey() * @access public * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $format = 'PKCS8'; if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { $format = 'MontgomeryPublic'; } $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $format, 'savePublicKey'); $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->curve, $this->QA); $key = EC::loadFormat($format, $key); if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return $key; } $key = $key->withHash($this->hash->getHash())->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $key = $key->withContext($this->context); } return $key; } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * SSH2 Signature Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SSH2 { /** * Loads a signature * * @access public * @param string $sig * @return mixed */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $sig); if ($result === false) { return false; } list($type, $blob) = $result; switch ($type) { // see case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': break; default: return false; } $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ii', $blob); if ($result === false) { return false; } return ['r' => $result[0], 's' => $result[1]]; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $s * @param string $curve * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s, $curve) { switch ($curve) { case 'secp256r1': $curve = 'nistp256'; break; case 'secp384r1': $curve = 'nistp384'; break; case 'secp521r1': $curve = 'nistp521'; break; default: return false; } $blob = Strings::packSSH2('ii', $r, $s); return Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $curve, $blob); } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\File\ASN1 as Encoder; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps\EcdsaSigValue; /** * ASN1 Signature Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ASN1 { /** * Loads a signature * * @access public * @param array $key * @return array */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $decoded = Encoder::decodeBER($sig); if (empty($decoded)) { return false; } $components = Encoder::asn1map($decoded[0], EcdsaSigValue::MAP); return $components; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { return Encoder::encodeDER(compact('r', 's'), EcdsaSigValue::MAP); } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Signature\Raw as Progenitor; /** * Raw DSA Signature Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Raw extends Progenitor { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH as Progenitor; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; /** * OpenSSH Formatted EC Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSH extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-ed25519']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $parsed = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($parsed['paddedKey'])) { $paddedKey = $parsed['paddedKey']; list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $paddedKey); if ($type != $parsed['type']) { throw new \RuntimeException("The public and private keys are not of the same type ({$type} vs {$parsed['type']})"); } if ($type == 'ssh-ed25519') { list(, $key, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sss', $paddedKey); $key = libsodium::load($key); $key['comment'] = $comment; return $key; } list($curveName, $publicKey, $privateKey, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ssis', $paddedKey); $curve = self::loadCurveByParam(['namedCurve' => $curveName]); return ['curve' => $curve, 'dA' => $curve->convertInteger($privateKey), 'QA' => self::extractPoint("\0{$publicKey}", $curve), 'comment' => $comment]; } if ($parsed['type'] == 'ssh-ed25519') { if (Strings::shift($parsed['publicKey'], 4) != "\0\0\0 ") { throw new \RuntimeException('Length of ssh-ed25519 key should be 32'); } $curve = new Ed25519(); $qa = self::extractPoint($parsed['publicKey'], $curve); } else { list($curveName, $publicKey) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $parsed['publicKey']); $curveName = '\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\' . $curveName; $curve = new $curveName(); $qa = self::extractPoint("\0" . $publicKey, $curve); } return ['curve' => $curve, 'QA' => $qa, 'comment' => $parsed['comment']]; } /** * Returns the alias that corresponds to a curve * * @return string */ private static function getAlias(BaseCurve $curve) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $name = $reflect->getShortName(); $oid = self::$curveOIDs[$name]; $aliases = array_filter(self::$curveOIDs, function ($v) use($oid) { return $v == $oid; }); $aliases = array_keys($aliases); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aliases); $i++) { if (in_array('ecdsa-sha2-' . $aliases[$i], self::$types)) { $alias = $aliases[$i]; break; } } if (!isset($alias)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException($name . ' is not a curve that the OpenSSH plugin supports'); } return $alias; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $key = Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-ed25519', $curve->encodePoint($publicKey)); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $key; } $key = 'ssh-ed25519 ' . base64_encode($key) . ' ' . $comment; return $key; } $alias = self::getAlias($curve); $points = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $key = Strings::packSSH2('sss', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $alias, $alias, $points); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $key; } $key = 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $alias . ' ' . base64_encode($key) . ' ' . $comment; return $key; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(Integer $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $password = '', array $options = []) { if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { if (!isset($privateKey->secret)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key does not have a secret set'); } if (strlen($privateKey->secret) != 32) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key secret is not of the correct length'); } $pubKey = $curve->encodePoint($publicKey); $publicKey = Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-ed25519', $pubKey); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('sss', 'ssh-ed25519', $pubKey, $privateKey->secret . $pubKey); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $options); } $alias = self::getAlias($curve); $points = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $publicKey = self::savePublicKey($curve, $publicKey, ['binary' => true]); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('sssi', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $alias, $alias, $points, $privateKey); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PuTTY as Progenitor; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; /** * PuTTY Formatted EC Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PuTTY extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Public Handler * * @var string * @access private */ const PUBLIC_HANDLER = 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH'; /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $types = ['ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-ed25519']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $components = parent::load($key, $password); if (!isset($components['private'])) { return $components; } $private = $components['private']; $temp = Base64::encode(Strings::packSSH2('s', $components['type']) . $components['public']); $components = OpenSSH::load($components['type'] . ' ' . $temp . ' ' . $components['comment']); if ($components['curve'] instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if (Strings::shift($private, 4) != "\0\0\0 ") { throw new \RuntimeException('Length of ssh-ed25519 key should be 32'); } $components['dA'] = $components['curve']->extractSecret($private); } else { list($temp) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i', $private); $components['dA'] = $components['curve']->convertInteger($temp); } return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(Integer $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $password = false, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $public = explode(' ', OpenSSH::savePublicKey($curve, $publicKey)); $name = $public[0]; $public = Base64::decode($public[1]); list(, $length) = unpack('N', Strings::shift($public, 4)); Strings::shift($public, $length); // PuTTY pads private keys with a null byte per the following: // if (!$curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $private = $privateKey->toBytes(); if (!(strlen($privateKey->toBits()) & 7)) { $private = "\0{$private}"; } } $private = $curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve ? Strings::packSSH2('s', $privateKey->secret) : Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); return self::wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, $name, $password, $options); } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { $public = explode(' ', OpenSSH::savePublicKey($curve, $publicKey)); $type = $public[0]; $public = Base64::decode($public[1]); list(, $length) = unpack('N', Strings::shift($public, 4)); Strings::shift($public, $length); return self::wrapPublicKey($public, $type); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; /** * libsodium Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class libsodium { use Common; /** * Is invisible flag * * @access private */ const IS_INVISIBLE = true; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { switch (strlen($key)) { case 32: $public = $key; break; case 64: $private = substr($key, 0, 32); $public = substr($key, -32); break; case 96: $public = substr($key, -32); if (substr($key, 32, 32) != $public) { throw new \RuntimeException('Keys with 96 bytes should have the 2nd and 3rd set of 32 bytes match'); } $private = substr($key, 0, 32); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('libsodium keys need to either be 32 bytes long, 64 bytes long or 96 bytes long'); } $curve = new Ed25519(); $components = ['curve' => $curve]; if (isset($private)) { $components['dA'] = $curve->extractSecret($private); } $components['QA'] = isset($public) ? self::extractPoint($public, $curve) : $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(Ed25519 $curve, array $publicKey) { return $curve->encodePoint($publicKey); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(Integer $privateKey, Ed25519 $curve, array $publicKey, $password = '') { if (!isset($privateKey->secret)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key does not have a secret set'); } if (strlen($privateKey->secret) != 32) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key secret is not of the correct length'); } return $privateKey->secret . $curve->encodePoint($publicKey); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime as PrimeCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; /** * XML Formatted EC Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class XML { use Common; /** * Default namespace * * @var string */ private static $namespace; /** * Flag for using RFC4050 syntax * * @var bool */ private static $rfc4050 = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $temp = self::isolateNamespace($key, ''); if ($temp) { $key = $temp; } $temp = self::isolateNamespace($key, ''); if ($temp) { $key = $temp; } $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (substr($key, 0, 5) != '' . $key . ''; } if (!$dom->loadXML($key)) { libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not appear to contain XML'); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); $curve = self::loadCurveByParam($xpath); $pubkey = self::query($xpath, 'publickey', 'Public Key is not present'); $QA = self::query($xpath, 'ecdsakeyvalue')->length ? self::extractPointRFC4050($xpath, $curve) : self::extractPoint("\0" . $pubkey, $curve); libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); return compact('curve', 'QA'); } /** * Case-insensitive xpath query * * @param \DOMXPath $xpath * @param string $name * @param string $error optional * @param bool $decode optional * @return \DOMNodeList */ private static function query($xpath, $name, $error = null, $decode = true) { $query = '/'; $names = explode('/', $name); foreach ($names as $name) { $query .= "/*[translate(local-name(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='{$name}']"; } $result = $xpath->query($query); if (!isset($error)) { return $result; } if (!$result->length) { throw new \RuntimeException($error); } return $decode ? self::decodeValue($result->item(0)->textContent) : $result->item(0)->textContent; } /** * Finds the first element in the relevant namespace, strips the namespacing and returns the XML for that element. * * @param string $xml * @param string $ns */ private static function isolateNamespace($xml, $ns) { $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (!$dom->loadXML($xml)) { return false; } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $nodes = $xpath->query("//*[namespace::*[.='{$ns}'] and not(../namespace::*[.='{$ns}'])]"); if (!$nodes->length) { return false; } $node = $nodes->item(0); $ns_name = $node->lookupPrefix($ns); $node->removeAttributeNS($ns, $ns_name); return $dom->saveXML($node); } /** * Decodes the value * * @param string $value */ private static function decodeValue($value) { return Base64::decode(str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $value)); } /** * Extract points from an XML document * * @param \DOMXPath $xpath * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @return object[] */ private static function extractPointRFC4050(\DOMXPath $xpath, BaseCurve $curve) { $x = self::query($xpath, 'publickey/x'); $y = self::query($xpath, 'publickey/y'); if (!$x->length || !$x->item(0)->hasAttribute('Value')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Public Key / X coordinate not found'); } if (!$y->length || !$y->item(0)->hasAttribute('Value')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Public Key / Y coordinate not found'); } $point = [$curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($x->item(0)->getAttribute('Value'))), $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($y->item(0)->getAttribute('Value')))]; if (!$curve->verifyPoint($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } return $point; } /** * Returns an instance of \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base based * on the curve parameters * * @param \DomXPath $xpath * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base|false */ private static function loadCurveByParam(\DOMXPath $xpath) { $namedCurve = self::query($xpath, 'namedcurve'); if ($namedCurve->length == 1) { $oid = $namedCurve->item(0)->getAttribute('URN'); $oid = preg_replace('#[^\\d.]#', '', $oid); $name = array_search($oid, self::$curveOIDs); if ($name === false) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Curve with OID of ' . $oid . ' is not supported'); } $curve = '\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\' . $name; if (!class_exists($curve)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $name . ' is not supported'); } return new $curve(); } $params = self::query($xpath, 'explicitparams'); if ($params->length) { return self::loadCurveByParamRFC4050($xpath); } $params = self::query($xpath, 'ecparameters'); if (!$params->length) { throw new \RuntimeException('No parameters are present'); } $fieldTypes = ['prime-field' => ['fieldid/prime/p'], 'gnb' => ['fieldid/gnb/m'], 'tnb' => ['fieldid/tnb/k'], 'pnb' => ['fieldid/pnb/k1', 'fieldid/pnb/k2', 'fieldid/pnb/k3'], 'unknown' => []]; foreach ($fieldTypes as $type => $queries) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $result = self::query($xpath, $query); if (!$result->length) { continue 2; } $param = preg_replace('#.*/#', '', $query); ${$param} = self::decodeValue($result->item(0)->textContent); } break; } $a = self::query($xpath, 'curve/a', 'A coefficient is not present'); $b = self::query($xpath, 'curve/b', 'B coefficient is not present'); $base = self::query($xpath, 'base', 'Base point is not present'); $order = self::query($xpath, 'order', 'Order is not present'); switch ($type) { case 'prime-field': $curve = new PrimeCurve(); $curve->setModulo(new BigInteger($p, 256)); $curve->setCoefficients(new BigInteger($a, 256), new BigInteger($b, 256)); $point = self::extractPoint("\0" . $base, $curve); $curve->setBasePoint(...$point); $curve->setOrder(new BigInteger($order, 256)); return $curve; case 'gnb': case 'tnb': case 'pnb': default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $type . ' is not supported'); } } /** * Returns an instance of \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base based * on the curve parameters * * @param \DomXPath $xpath * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base|false */ private static function loadCurveByParamRFC4050(\DOMXPath $xpath) { $fieldTypes = ['prime-field' => ['primefieldparamstype/p'], 'unknown' => []]; foreach ($fieldTypes as $type => $queries) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $result = self::query($xpath, $query); if (!$result->length) { continue 2; } $param = preg_replace('#.*/#', '', $query); ${$param} = $result->item(0)->textContent; } break; } $a = self::query($xpath, 'curveparamstype/a', 'A coefficient is not present', false); $b = self::query($xpath, 'curveparamstype/b', 'B coefficient is not present', false); $x = self::query($xpath, 'basepointparams/basepoint/ecpointtype/x', 'Base Point X is not present', false); $y = self::query($xpath, 'basepointparams/basepoint/ecpointtype/y', 'Base Point Y is not present', false); $order = self::query($xpath, 'order', 'Order is not present', false); switch ($type) { case 'prime-field': $curve = new PrimeCurve(); $p = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $p); $curve->setModulo(new BigInteger($p)); $a = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $a); $b = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $b); $curve->setCoefficients(new BigInteger($a), new BigInteger($b)); $x = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $x); $y = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $y); $curve->setBasePoint(new BigInteger($x), new BigInteger($y)); $order = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $order); $curve->setOrder(new BigInteger($order)); return $curve; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $type . ' is not supported'); } } /** * Sets the namespace. dsig11 is the most common one. * * Set to null to unset. Used only for creating public keys. * * @param string $namespace */ public static function setNamespace($namespace) { self::$namespace = $namespace; } /** * Uses the XML syntax specified in */ public static function enableRFC4050Syntax() { self::$rfc4050 = true; } /** * Uses the XML syntax specified in */ public static function disableRFC4050Syntax() { self::$rfc4050 = false; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve || $curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('TwistedEdwards and Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } if (empty(static::$namespace)) { $pre = $post = ''; } else { $pre = static::$namespace . ':'; $post = ':' . static::$namespace; } if (self::$rfc4050) { return '<' . $pre . 'ECDSAKeyValue xmlns' . $post . '="">' . "\r\n" . self::encodeXMLParameters($curve, $pre, $options) . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'PublicKey>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'X Value="' . $publicKey[0] . '" />' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Y Value="' . $publicKey[1] . '" />' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . ''; } $publicKey = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); return '<' . $pre . 'ECDSAKeyValue xmlns' . $post . '="">' . "\r\n" . self::encodeXMLParameters($curve, $pre, $options) . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'PublicKey>' . Base64::encode($publicKey) . '' . "\r\n" . ''; } /** * Encode Parameters * * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param string $pre * @param array $options optional * @return string|false */ private static function encodeXMLParameters(BaseCurve $curve, $pre, array $options = []) { $result = self::encodeParameters($curve, true, $options); if (isset($result['namedCurve'])) { $namedCurve = '<' . $pre . 'NamedCurve URI="urn:oid:' . self::$curveOIDs[$result['namedCurve']] . '" />'; return self::$rfc4050 ? '' . str_replace('URI', 'URN', $namedCurve) . '' : $namedCurve; } if (self::$rfc4050) { $xml = '<' . $pre . 'ExplicitParams>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'FieldParams>' . "\r\n"; $temp = $result['specifiedCurve']; switch ($temp['fieldID']['fieldType']) { case 'prime-field': $xml .= '<' . $pre . 'PrimeFieldParamsType>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'P>' . $temp['fieldID']['parameters'] . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n"; $a = $curve->getA(); $b = $curve->getB(); list($x, $y) = $curve->getBasePoint(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $temp['fieldID']['fieldType'] . ' is not supported'); } $xml .= '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'CurveParamsType>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'A>' . $a . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'B>' . $b . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'BasePointParams>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'BasePoint>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'ECPointType>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'X>' . $x . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Y>' . $y . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Order>' . $curve->getOrder() . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n"; return $xml; } if (isset($result['specifiedCurve'])) { $xml = '<' . $pre . 'ECParameters>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'FieldID>' . "\r\n"; $temp = $result['specifiedCurve']; switch ($temp['fieldID']['fieldType']) { case 'prime-field': $xml .= '<' . $pre . 'Prime>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'P>' . Base64::encode($temp['fieldID']['parameters']->toBytes()) . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n"; break; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $temp['fieldID']['fieldType'] . ' is not supported'); } $xml .= '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Curve>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'A>' . Base64::encode($temp['curve']['a']) . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'B>' . Base64::encode($temp['curve']['b']) . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Base>' . Base64::encode($temp['base']) . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Order>' . Base64::encode($temp['order']) . '' . "\r\n" . ''; return $xml; } } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime as PrimeCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary as BinaryCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; /** * Generic EC Key Parsing Helper functions * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ trait Common { /** * Curve OIDs * * @var array */ private static $curveOIDs = []; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Use Named Curves * * @var bool */ private static $useNamedCurves = true; /** * Initialize static variables */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (empty(self::$curveOIDs)) { // the sec* curves are from the standards for efficient cryptography group // sect* curves are curves over binary finite fields // secp* curves are curves over prime finite fields // sec*r* curves are regular curves; sec*k* curves are koblitz curves // brainpool*r* curves are regular prime finite field curves // brainpool*t* curves are twisted versions of the brainpool*r* curves self::$curveOIDs = [ 'prime192v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1', // J.5.1, example 1 (aka secp192r1) 'prime192v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.2', // J.5.1, example 2 'prime192v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.3', // J.5.1, example 3 'prime239v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.4', // J.5.2, example 1 'prime239v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.5', // J.5.2, example 2 'prime239v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.6', // J.5.2, example 3 'prime256v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // J.5.3, example 1 (aka secp256r1) // 'nistp256' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // aka secp256r1 'nistp384' => '', // aka secp384r1 'nistp521' => '', // aka secp521r1 'nistk163' => '', // aka sect163k1 'nistp192' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1', // aka secp192r1 'nistp224' => '', // aka secp224r1 'nistk233' => '', // aka sect233k1 'nistb233' => '', // aka sect233r1 'nistk283' => '', // aka sect283k1 'nistk409' => '', // aka sect409k1 'nistb409' => '', // aka sect409r1 'nistt571' => '', // aka sect571k1 // from 'secp192r1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1', // aka prime192v1 'sect163k1' => '', 'sect163r2' => '', 'secp224r1' => '', 'sect233k1' => '', 'sect233r1' => '', 'secp256r1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // aka prime256v1 'sect283k1' => '', 'sect283r1' => '', 'secp384r1' => '', 'sect409k1' => '', 'sect409r1' => '', 'secp521r1' => '', 'sect571k1' => '', 'sect571r1' => '', // from 'secp112r1' => '', 'secp112r2' => '', 'secp128r1' => '', 'secp128r2' => '', 'secp160k1' => '', 'secp160r1' => '', 'secp160r2' => '', 'secp192k1' => '', 'secp224k1' => '', 'secp256k1' => '', 'sect113r1' => '', 'sect113r2' => '', 'sect131r1' => '', 'sect131r2' => '', 'sect163r1' => '', 'sect193r1' => '', 'sect193r2' => '', 'sect239k1' => '', // from /* 'c2pnb163v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.1', // J.4.1, example 1 'c2pnb163v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.2', // J.4.1, example 2 'c2pnb163v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.3', // J.4.1, example 3 'c2pnb172w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.4', // J.4.2, example 1 'c2tnb191v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.5', // J.4.3, example 1 'c2tnb191v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.6', // J.4.3, example 2 'c2tnb191v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.7', // J.4.3, example 3 'c2onb191v4' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.8', // J.4.3, example 4 'c2onb191v5' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.9', // J.4.3, example 5 'c2pnb208w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.10', // J.4.4, example 1 'c2tnb239v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.11', // J.4.5, example 1 'c2tnb239v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.12', // J.4.5, example 2 'c2tnb239v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.13', // J.4.5, example 3 'c2onb239v4' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.14', // J.4.5, example 4 'c2onb239v5' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.15', // J.4.5, example 5 'c2pnb272w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.16', // J.4.6, example 1 'c2pnb304w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.17', // J.4.7, example 1 'c2tnb359v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.18', // J.4.8, example 1 'c2pnb368w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.19', // J.4.9, example 1 'c2tnb431r1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.20', // J.4.10, example 1 */ // // 'brainpoolP160r1' => '', 'brainpoolP160t1' => '', 'brainpoolP192r1' => '', 'brainpoolP192t1' => '', 'brainpoolP224r1' => '', 'brainpoolP224t1' => '', 'brainpoolP256r1' => '', 'brainpoolP256t1' => '', 'brainpoolP320r1' => '', 'brainpoolP320t1' => '', 'brainpoolP384r1' => '', 'brainpoolP384t1' => '', 'brainpoolP512r1' => '', 'brainpoolP512t1' => '', ]; ASN1::loadOIDs([ 'prime-field' => '1.2.840.10045.1.1', 'characteristic-two-field' => '1.2.840.10045.1.2', 'characteristic-two-basis' => '1.2.840.10045.1.2.3', // per, gnBasis "not used here" 'gnBasis' => '1.2.840.10045.', // NULL 'tpBasis' => '1.2.840.10045.', // Trinomial 'ppBasis' => '1.2.840.10045.', ] + self::$curveOIDs); } } /** * Explicitly set the curve * * If the key contains an implicit curve phpseclib needs the curve * to be explicitly provided * * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve */ public static function setImplicitCurve(BaseCurve $curve) { self::$implicitCurve = $curve; } /** * Returns an instance of \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base based * on the curve parameters * * @param array $params * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base|false */ protected static function loadCurveByParam(array $params) { if (count($params) > 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('No parameters are present'); } if (isset($params['namedCurve'])) { $curve = '\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\' . $params['namedCurve']; if (!class_exists($curve)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $params['namedCurve'] . ' is not supported'); } return new $curve(); } if (isset($params['implicitCurve'])) { if (!isset(self::$implicitCurve)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Implicit curves can be provided by calling setImplicitCurve'); } return self::$implicitCurve; } if (isset($params['specifiedCurve'])) { $data = $params['specifiedCurve']; switch ($data['fieldID']['fieldType']) { case 'prime-field': $curve = new PrimeCurve(); $curve->setModulo($data['fieldID']['parameters']); $curve->setCoefficients(new BigInteger($data['curve']['a'], 256), new BigInteger($data['curve']['b'], 256)); $point = self::extractPoint("\0" . $data['base'], $curve); $curve->setBasePoint(...$point); $curve->setOrder($data['order']); return $curve; case 'characteristic-two-field': $curve = new BinaryCurve(); $params = ASN1::decodeBER($data['fieldID']['parameters']); $params = ASN1::asn1map($params[0], Maps\Characteristic_two::MAP); $modulo = [(int) $params['m']->toString()]; switch ($params['basis']) { case 'tpBasis': $modulo[] = (int) $params['parameters']->toString(); break; case 'ppBasis': $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($params['parameters']); $temp = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\Pentanomial::MAP); $modulo[] = (int) $temp['k3']->toString(); $modulo[] = (int) $temp['k2']->toString(); $modulo[] = (int) $temp['k1']->toString(); } $modulo[] = 0; $curve->setModulo(...$modulo); $len = ceil($modulo[0] / 8); $curve->setCoefficients(Hex::encode($data['curve']['a']), Hex::encode($data['curve']['b'])); $point = self::extractPoint("\0" . $data['base'], $curve); $curve->setBasePoint(...$point); $curve->setOrder($data['order']); return $curve; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $data['fieldID']['fieldType'] . ' is not supported'); } } throw new \RuntimeException('No valid parameters are present'); } /** * Extract points from a string * * Supports both compressed and uncompressed points * * @param string $str * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @return object[] */ public static function extractPoint($str, BaseCurve $curve) { if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { // first step of point deciding as discussed at the following URL's: // // $y = $str; $y = strrev($y); $sign = (bool) (ord($y[0]) & 0x80); $y[0] = $y[0] & chr(0x7f); $y = new BigInteger($y, 256); if ($y->compare($curve->getModulo()) >= 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('The Y coordinate should not be >= the modulo'); } $point = $curve->recoverX($y, $sign); if (!$curve->verifyPoint($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } return $point; } // the first byte of a bit string represents the number of bits in the last byte that are to be ignored but, // currently, bit strings wanting a non-zero amount of bits trimmed are not supported if (($val = Strings::shift($str)) != "\0") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('extractPoint expects the first byte to be null - not ' . Hex::encode($val)); } if ($str == "\0") { return []; } $keylen = strlen($str); $order = $curve->getLengthInBytes(); // point compression is being used if ($keylen == $order + 1) { return $curve->derivePoint($str); } // point compression is not being used if ($keylen == 2 * $order + 1) { preg_match("#(.)(.{{$order}})(.{{$order}})#s", $str, $matches); list(, $w, $x, $y) = $matches; if ($w != "\4") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The first byte of an uncompressed point should be 04 - not ' . Hex::encode($val)); } $point = [$curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($x, 256)), $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($y, 256))]; if (!$curve->verifyPoint($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } return $point; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The string representation of the points is not of an appropriate length'); } /** * Encode Parameters * * @todo Maybe at some point this could be moved to __toString() for each of the curves? * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param bool $returnArray optional * @param array $options optional * @return string|false */ private static function encodeParameters(BaseCurve $curve, $returnArray = false, array $options = []) { $useNamedCurves = isset($options['namedCurve']) ? $options['namedCurve'] : self::$useNamedCurves; $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $name = $reflect->getShortName(); if ($useNamedCurves) { if (isset(self::$curveOIDs[$name])) { if ($reflect->isFinal()) { $reflect = $reflect->getParentClass(); $name = $reflect->getShortName(); } return $returnArray ? ['namedCurve' => $name] : ASN1::encodeDER(['namedCurve' => $name], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } foreach (new \DirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../../Curves/') as $file) { if ($file->getExtension() != 'php') { continue; } $testName = $file->getBasename('.php'); $class = 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\' . $testName; $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($class); if ($reflect->isFinal()) { continue; } $candidate = new $class(); switch ($name) { case 'Prime': if (!$candidate instanceof PrimeCurve) { break; } if (!$candidate->getModulo()->equals($curve->getModulo())) { break; } if ($candidate->getA()->toBytes() != $curve->getA()->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidate->getB()->toBytes() != $curve->getB()->toBytes()) { break; } list($candidateX, $candidateY) = $candidate->getBasePoint(); list($curveX, $curveY) = $curve->getBasePoint(); if ($candidateX->toBytes() != $curveX->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidateY->toBytes() != $curveY->toBytes()) { break; } return $returnArray ? ['namedCurve' => $testName] : ASN1::encodeDER(['namedCurve' => $testName], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); case 'Binary': if (!$candidate instanceof BinaryCurve) { break; } if ($candidate->getModulo() != $curve->getModulo()) { break; } if ($candidate->getA()->toBytes() != $curve->getA()->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidate->getB()->toBytes() != $curve->getB()->toBytes()) { break; } list($candidateX, $candidateY) = $candidate->getBasePoint(); list($curveX, $curveY) = $curve->getBasePoint(); if ($candidateX->toBytes() != $curveX->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidateY->toBytes() != $curveY->toBytes()) { break; } return $returnArray ? ['namedCurve' => $testName] : ASN1::encodeDER(['namedCurve' => $testName], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } } } $order = $curve->getOrder(); // we could try to calculate the order thusly: // // if (!$order) { throw new \RuntimeException('Specified Curves need the order to be specified'); } $point = $curve->getBasePoint(); $x = $point[0]->toBytes(); $y = $point[1]->toBytes(); if ($curve instanceof PrimeCurve) { /* * valid versions are: * * ecdpVer1: * - neither the curve or the base point are generated verifiably randomly. * ecdpVer2: * - curve and base point are generated verifiably at random and curve.seed is present * ecdpVer3: * - base point is generated verifiably at random but curve is not. curve.seed is present */ // other (optional) parameters can be calculated using the methods discused at // $data = ['version' => 'ecdpVer1', 'fieldID' => ['fieldType' => 'prime-field', 'parameters' => $curve->getModulo()], 'curve' => ['a' => $curve->getA()->toBytes(), 'b' => $curve->getB()->toBytes()], 'base' => "\4" . $x . $y, 'order' => $order]; return $returnArray ? ['specifiedCurve' => $data] : ASN1::encodeDER(['specifiedCurve' => $data], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } if ($curve instanceof BinaryCurve) { $modulo = $curve->getModulo(); $basis = count($modulo); $m = array_shift($modulo); array_pop($modulo); // the last parameter should always be 0 //rsort($modulo); switch ($basis) { case 3: $basis = 'tpBasis'; $modulo = new BigInteger($modulo[0]); break; case 5: $basis = 'ppBasis'; // these should be in strictly ascending order (hence the commented out rsort above) $modulo = ['k1' => new BigInteger($modulo[2]), 'k2' => new BigInteger($modulo[1]), 'k3' => new BigInteger($modulo[0])]; $modulo = ASN1::encodeDER($modulo, Maps\Pentanomial::MAP); $modulo = new ASN1\Element($modulo); } $params = ASN1::encodeDER(['m' => new BigInteger($m), 'basis' => $basis, 'parameters' => $modulo], Maps\Characteristic_two::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $a = ltrim($curve->getA()->toBytes(), "\0"); if (!strlen($a)) { $a = "\0"; } $b = ltrim($curve->getB()->toBytes(), "\0"); if (!strlen($b)) { $b = "\0"; } $data = ['version' => 'ecdpVer1', 'fieldID' => ['fieldType' => 'characteristic-two-field', 'parameters' => $params], 'curve' => ['a' => $a, 'b' => $b], 'base' => "\4" . $x . $y, 'order' => $order]; return $returnArray ? ['specifiedCurve' => $data] : ASN1::encodeDER(['specifiedCurve' => $data], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Curve cannot be serialized'); } /** * Use Specified Curve * * A specified curve has all the coefficients, the base points, etc, explicitely included. * A specified curve is a more verbose way of representing a curve */ public static function useSpecifiedCurve() { self::$useNamedCurves = false; } /** * Use Named Curve * * A named curve does not include any parameters. It is up to the EC parameters to * know what the coefficients, the base points, etc, are from the name of the curve. * A named curve is a more concise way of representing a curve */ public static function useNamedCurve() { self::$useNamedCurves = true; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve448; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Montgomery Curve Private Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class MontgomeryPrivate { /** * Is invisible flag * * @access private */ const IS_INVISIBLE = true; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { switch (strlen($key)) { case 32: $curve = new Curve25519(); break; case 56: $curve = new Curve448(); break; default: throw new \LengthException('The only supported lengths are 32 and 56'); } $components = ['curve' => $curve]; $components['dA'] = $components['curve']->convertInteger(new BigInteger($key, 256)); // note that EC::getEncodedCoordinates does some additional "magic" (it does strrev on the result) $components['QA'] = $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\MontgomeryCurve $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(MontgomeryCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { return strrev($publicKey[0]->toBytes()); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Montgomery $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(Integer $privateKey, MontgomeryCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $password = '') { return $privateKey->toBytes(); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; /** * "PKCS1" (RFC5915) Formatted EC Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return ['curve' => self::loadCurveByParam($key)]; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } $components = []; $components['curve'] = self::loadCurveByParam($key['parameters']); $temp = new BigInteger($key['privateKey'], 256); $components['dA'] = $components['curve']->convertInteger($temp); $components['QA'] = self::extractPoint($key['publicKey'], $components['curve']); return $components; } /** * Convert EC parameters to the appropriate format * * @access public * @return string */ public static function saveParameters(BaseCurve $curve, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve || $curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('TwistedEdwards and Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } $key = self::encodeParameters($curve, false, $options); return "-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END EC PARAMETERS-----\r\n"; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(Integer $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $password = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve || $curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('TwistedEdwards Curves are not supported'); } $publicKey = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $key = ['version' => 'ecPrivkeyVer1', 'privateKey' => $privateKey->toBytes(), 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element(self::encodeParameters($curve)), 'publicKey' => "\0" . $publicKey]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, 'EC', $password, $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed448; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted EC Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * OID Name * * @var array * @access private */ const OID_NAME = ['id-ecPublicKey', 'id-Ed25519', 'id-Ed448']; /** * OID Value * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_VALUE = ['1.2.840.10045.2.1', '', '']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { // initialize_static_variables() is defined in both the trait and the parent class // when it's defined in two places it's the traits one that's called // the parent one is needed, as well, but the parent one is called by other methods // in the parent class as needed and in the context of the parent it's the parent // one that's called self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $isPublic = strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'privateKey' : 'publicKey'; switch (true) { case !$isPublic && $type == 'publicKey': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims non-public key but DER encoded string claims public key'); case $isPublic && $type == 'privateKey': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims public key but DER encoded string claims private key'); } switch ($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['algorithm']) { case 'id-Ed25519': case 'id-Ed448': return self::loadEdDSA($key); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['parameters']->element); $params = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); $components = []; $components['curve'] = self::loadCurveByParam($params); if ($isPublic) { $components['QA'] = self::extractPoint("\0" . $key['publicKey'], $components['curve']); return $components; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key['privateKey']); $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); if (isset($key['parameters']) && $params != $key['parameters']) { throw new \RuntimeException('The PKCS8 parameter field does not match the private key parameter field'); } $temp = new BigInteger($key['privateKey'], 256); $components['dA'] = $components['curve']->convertInteger($temp); $components['QA'] = self::extractPoint($key['publicKey'], $components['curve']); return $components; } /** * Break a public or private EdDSA key down into its constituent components * * @return array */ private static function loadEdDSA(array $key) { $components = []; if (isset($key['privateKey'])) { $components['curve'] = $key['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] == 'id-Ed25519' ? new Ed25519() : new Ed448(); // 0x04 == octet string // 0x20 == length (32 bytes) if (substr($key['privateKey'], 0, 2) != "\4 ") { throw new \RuntimeException('The first two bytes of the private key field should be 0x0420'); } $components['dA'] = $components['curve']->extractSecret(substr($key['privateKey'], 2)); } if (isset($key['publicKey'])) { if (!isset($components['curve'])) { $components['curve'] = $key['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] == 'id-Ed25519' ? new Ed25519() : new Ed448(); } $components['QA'] = self::extractPoint($key['publicKey'], $components['curve']); } if (isset($key['privateKey']) && !isset($components['QA'])) { $components['QA'] = $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); } return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $optiona optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return self::wrapPublicKey($curve->encodePoint($publicKey), null, $curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'id-Ed25519' : 'id-Ed448'); } $params = new ASN1\Element(self::encodeParameters($curve, false, $options)); $key = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params, 'id-ecPublicKey'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(Integer $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $password = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return self::wrapPrivateKey("\4 " . $privateKey->secret, [], null, $password, $curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'id-Ed25519' : 'id-Ed448', $curve->encodePoint($publicKey)); } $publicKey = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $params = new ASN1\Element(self::encodeParameters($curve, false, $options)); $key = [ 'version' => 'ecPrivkeyVer1', 'privateKey' => $privateKey->toBytes(), //'parameters' => $params, 'publicKey' => "\0" . $publicKey, ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, 'id-ecPublicKey', '', $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve448; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Montgomery Public Key Handler * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class MontgomeryPublic { /** * Is invisible flag * * @access private */ const IS_INVISIBLE = true; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { switch (strlen($key)) { case 32: $curve = new Curve25519(); break; case 56: $curve = new Curve448(); break; default: throw new \LengthException('The only supported lengths are 32 and 56'); } $components = ['curve' => $curve]; $components['QA'] = [$components['curve']->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($key), 256))]; return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Montgomery $curve * @param \tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(MontgomeryCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { return strrev($publicKey[0]->toBytes()); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * EC Public Key * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PublicKey extends EC implements Common\PublicKey { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Verify a signature * * @see self::verify() * @access public * @param string $message * @param string $signature * @return mixed */ public function verify($message, $signature) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $shortFormat = $this->shortFormat; $format = $this->format; if ($format === false) { return false; } $order = $this->curve->getOrder(); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if ($shortFormat == 'SSH2') { list(, $signature) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $signature); } if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context)) { return sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached($signature, $message, $this->toString('libsodium')); } $curve = $this->curve; if (strlen($signature) != 2 * $curve::SIZE) { return false; } $R = substr($signature, 0, $curve::SIZE); $S = substr($signature, $curve::SIZE); try { $R = PKCS1::extractPoint($R, $curve); $R = $this->curve->convertToInternal($R); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } $S = strrev($S); $S = new BigInteger($S, 256); if ($S->compare($order) >= 0) { return false; } $A = $curve->encodePoint($this->QA); if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $dom2 = !isset($this->context) ? '' : 'SigEd25519 no Ed25519 collisions' . "\0" . chr(strlen($this->context)) . $this->context; } else { $context = isset($this->context) ? $this->context : ''; $dom2 = 'SigEd448' . "\0" . chr(strlen($context)) . $context; } $hash = new Hash($curve::HASH); $k = $hash->hash($dom2 . substr($signature, 0, $curve::SIZE) . $A . $message); $k = strrev($k); $k = new BigInteger($k, 256); list(, $k) = $k->divide($order); $qa = $curve->convertToInternal($this->QA); $lhs = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $curve->convertInteger($S)); $rhs = $curve->multiplyPoint($qa, $curve->convertInteger($k)); $rhs = $curve->addPoint($rhs, $R); $rhs = $curve->convertToAffine($rhs); return $lhs[0]->equals($rhs[0]) && $lhs[1]->equals($rhs[1]); } $params = $format::load($signature); if ($params === false || count($params) != 2) { return false; } extract($params); if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $sig = $format != 'ASN1' ? ASN1Signature::save($r, $s) : $signature; $result = openssl_verify($message, $sig, $this->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => false]), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result != -1) { return (bool) $result; } } $n_1 = $order->subtract(self::$one); if (!$r->between(self::$one, $n_1) || !$s->between(self::$one, $n_1)) { return false; } $e = $this->hash->hash($message); $e = new BigInteger($e, 256); $Ln = $this->hash->getLength() - $order->getLength(); $z = $Ln > 0 ? $e->bitwise_rightShift($Ln) : $e; $w = $s->modInverse($order); list(, $u1) = $z->multiply($w)->divide($order); list(, $u2) = $r->multiply($w)->divide($order); $u1 = $this->curve->convertInteger($u1); $u2 = $this->curve->convertInteger($u2); list($x1, $y1) = $this->curve->multiplyAddPoints([$this->curve->getBasePoint(), $this->QA], [$u1, $u2]); $x1 = $x1->toBigInteger(); list(, $x1) = $x1->divide($order); return $x1->equals($r); } /** * Returns the public key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); return $type::savePublicKey($this->curve, $this->QA, $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC; /** * EC Parameters * * @package EC * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Parameters extends EC { /** * Returns the parameters * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type = 'PKCS1', array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); return $type::saveParameters($this->curve, $options); } } * * * * @category Crypt * @package Random * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; /** * Pure-PHP Random Number Generator * * @package Random * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Random { /** * Generate a random string. * * Although microoptimizations are generally discouraged as they impair readability this function is ripe with * microoptimizations because this function has the potential of being called a huge number of times. * eg. for RSA key generation. * * @param int $length * @throws \RuntimeException if a symmetric cipher is needed but not loaded * @return string */ public static function string($length) { if (!$length) { return ''; } try { return \random_bytes($length); } catch (\Exception $e) { // random_compat will throw an Exception, which in PHP 5 does not implement Throwable } catch (\Throwable $e) { // If a sufficient source of randomness is unavailable, random_bytes() will throw an // object that implements the Throwable interface (Exception, TypeError, Error). // We don't actually need to do anything here. The string() method should just continue // as normal. Note, however, that if we don't have a sufficient source of randomness for // random_bytes(), most of the other calls here will fail too, so we'll end up using // the PHP implementation. } // at this point we have no choice but to use a pure-PHP CSPRNG // cascade entropy across multiple PHP instances by fixing the session and collecting all // environmental variables, including the previous session data and the current session // data. // // mt_rand seeds itself by looking at the PID and the time, both of which are (relatively) // easy to guess at. linux uses mouse clicks, keyboard timings, etc, as entropy sources, but // PHP isn't low level to be able to use those as sources and on a web server there's not likely // going to be a ton of keyboard or mouse action. web servers do have one thing that we can use // however, a ton of people visiting the website. obviously you don't want to base your seeding // solely on parameters a potential attacker sends but (1) not everything in $_SERVER is controlled // by the user and (2) this isn't just looking at the data sent by the current user - it's based // on the data sent by all users. one user requests the page and a hash of their info is saved. // another user visits the page and the serialization of their data is utilized along with the // server environment stuff and a hash of the previous http request data (which itself utilizes // a hash of the session data before that). certainly an attacker should be assumed to have // full control over his own http requests. he, however, is not going to have control over // everyone's http requests. static $crypto = false, $v; if ($crypto === false) { // save old session data $old_session_id = session_id(); $old_use_cookies = ini_get('session.use_cookies'); $old_session_cache_limiter = session_cache_limiter(); $_OLD_SESSION = isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : false; if ($old_session_id != '') { session_write_close(); } session_id(1); ini_set('session.use_cookies', 0); session_cache_limiter(''); session_start(); $v = (isset($_SERVER) ? self::safe_serialize($_SERVER) : '') . (isset($_POST) ? self::safe_serialize($_POST) : '') . (isset($_GET) ? self::safe_serialize($_GET) : '') . (isset($_COOKIE) ? self::safe_serialize($_COOKIE) : '') . self::safe_serialize($GLOBALS) . self::safe_serialize($_SESSION) . self::safe_serialize($_OLD_SESSION); $v = $seed = $_SESSION['seed'] = sha1($v, true); if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) { $_SESSION['count'] = 0; } $_SESSION['count']++; session_write_close(); // restore old session data if ($old_session_id != '') { session_id($old_session_id); session_start(); ini_set('session.use_cookies', $old_use_cookies); session_cache_limiter($old_session_cache_limiter); } else { if ($_OLD_SESSION !== false) { $_SESSION = $_OLD_SESSION; unset($_OLD_SESSION); } else { unset($_SESSION); } } // in SSH2 a shared secret and an exchange hash are generated through the key exchange process. // the IV client to server is the hash of that "nonce" with the letter A and for the encryption key it's the letter C. // if the hash doesn't produce enough a key or an IV that's long enough concat successive hashes of the // original hash and the current hash. we'll be emulating that. for more info see the following URL: // // // // see the is_string($crypto) part for an example of how to expand the keys $key = sha1($seed . 'A', true); $iv = sha1($seed . 'C', true); // ciphers are used as per the link below. also, see this link: // // switch (true) { case class_exists('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\AES'): $crypto = new AES('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\Twofish'): $crypto = new Twofish('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\Blowfish'): $crypto = new Blowfish('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\TripleDES'): $crypto = new TripleDES('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\DES'): $crypto = new DES('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\RC4'): $crypto = new RC4(); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException(__CLASS__ . ' requires at least one symmetric cipher be loaded'); } $crypto->setKey(substr($key, 0, $crypto->getKeyLength() >> 3)); $crypto->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3)); $crypto->enableContinuousBuffer(); } //return $crypto->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", $length)); // the following is based off of ANSI X9.31: // // // // OpenSSL uses that same standard for it's random numbers: // // // (do a search for "ANS X9.31 A.2.4") $result = ''; while (strlen($result) < $length) { $i = $crypto->encrypt(microtime()); // strlen(microtime()) == 21 $r = $crypto->encrypt($i ^ $v); // strlen($v) == 20 $v = $crypto->encrypt($r ^ $i); // strlen($r) == 20 $result .= $r; } return substr($result, 0, $length); } /** * Safely serialize variables * * If a class has a private __sleep() it'll emit a warning * @return mixed * @param mixed $arr */ private static function safe_serialize(&$arr) { if (is_object($arr)) { return ''; } if (!is_array($arr)) { return serialize($arr); } // prevent circular array recursion if (isset($arr['__phpseclib_marker'])) { return ''; } $safearr = []; $arr['__phpseclib_marker'] = true; foreach (array_keys($arr) as $key) { // do not recurse on the '__phpseclib_marker' key itself, for smaller memory usage if ($key !== '__phpseclib_marker') { $safearr[$key] = self::safe_serialize($arr[$key]); } } unset($arr['__phpseclib_marker']); return serialize($safearr); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Exceptions\NoKeyLoadedException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; /** * Raw RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PrivateKey extends RSA implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Primes for Chinese Remainder Theorem (ie. p and q) * * @var array * @access private */ protected $primes; /** * Exponents for Chinese Remainder Theorem (ie. dP and dQ) * * @var array * @access private */ protected $exponents; /** * Coefficients for Chinese Remainder Theorem (ie. qInv) * * @var array * @access private */ protected $coefficients; /** * Public Exponent * * @var mixed * @access private */ protected $publicExponent = false; /** * RSADP * * See {@link RFC3447#section-5.1.2}. * * @access private * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $c * @return bool|\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsadp($c) { if ($c->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $c->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { return false; } return $this->exponentiate($c); } /** * RSASP1 * * See {@link RFC3447#section-5.2.1}. * * @access private * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $m * @return bool|\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsasp1($m) { if ($m->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $m->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { return false; } return $this->exponentiate($m); } /** * Exponentiate * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected function exponentiate(BigInteger $x) { switch (true) { case empty($this->primes): case $this->primes[1]->equals(self::$zero): case empty($this->coefficients): case $this->coefficients[2]->equals(self::$zero): case empty($this->exponents): case $this->exponents[1]->equals(self::$zero): return $x->modPow($this->exponent, $this->modulus); } $num_primes = count($this->primes); if (!static::$enableBlinding) { $m_i = [1 => $x->modPow($this->exponents[1], $this->primes[1]), 2 => $x->modPow($this->exponents[2], $this->primes[2])]; $h = $m_i[1]->subtract($m_i[2]); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[2]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[1]); $m = $m_i[2]->add($h->multiply($this->primes[2])); $r = $this->primes[1]; for ($i = 3; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { $m_i = $x->modPow($this->exponents[$i], $this->primes[$i]); $r = $r->multiply($this->primes[$i - 1]); $h = $m_i->subtract($m); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[$i]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[$i]); $m = $m->add($r->multiply($h)); } } else { $smallest = $this->primes[1]; for ($i = 2; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { if ($smallest->compare($this->primes[$i]) > 0) { $smallest = $this->primes[$i]; } } $r = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $smallest->subtract(self::$one)); $m_i = [1 => $this->blind($x, $r, 1), 2 => $this->blind($x, $r, 2)]; $h = $m_i[1]->subtract($m_i[2]); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[2]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[1]); $m = $m_i[2]->add($h->multiply($this->primes[2])); $r = $this->primes[1]; for ($i = 3; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { $m_i = $this->blind($x, $r, $i); $r = $r->multiply($this->primes[$i - 1]); $h = $m_i->subtract($m); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[$i]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[$i]); $m = $m->add($r->multiply($h)); } } return $m; } /** * Performs RSA Blinding * * Protects against timing attacks by employing RSA Blinding. * Returns $x->modPow($this->exponents[$i], $this->primes[$i]) * * @access private * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $r * @param int $i * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ private function blind($x, $r, $i) { $x = $x->multiply($r->modPow($this->publicExponent, $this->primes[$i])); $x = $x->modPow($this->exponents[$i], $this->primes[$i]); $r = $r->modInverse($this->primes[$i]); $x = $x->multiply($r); list(, $x) = $x->divide($this->primes[$i]); return $x; } /** * EMSA-PSS-ENCODE * * See {@link RFC3447#section-9.1.1}. * * @return string * @access private * @param string $m * @throws \RuntimeException on encoding error * @param int $emBits */ private function emsa_pss_encode($m, $emBits) { // if $m is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. $emLen = $emBits + 1 >> 3; // ie. ceil($emBits / 8) $sLen = $this->sLen !== null ? $this->sLen : $this->hLen; $mHash = $this->hash->hash($m); if ($emLen < $this->hLen + $sLen + 2) { return false; } $salt = Random::string($sLen); $m2 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" . $mHash . $salt; $h = $this->hash->hash($m2); $ps = str_repeat(chr(0), $emLen - $sLen - $this->hLen - 2); $db = $ps . chr(1) . $salt; $dbMask = $this->mgf1($h, $emLen - $this->hLen - 1); $maskedDB = $db ^ $dbMask; $maskedDB[0] = ~chr(0xff << ($emBits & 7)) & $maskedDB[0]; $em = $maskedDB . $h . chr(0xbc); return $em; } /** * RSASSA-PSS-SIGN * * See {@link RFC3447#section-8.1.1}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @return bool|string */ private function rsassa_pss_sign($m) { // EMSA-PSS encoding $em = $this->emsa_pss_encode($m, 8 * $this->k - 1); // RSA signature $m = $this->os2ip($em); $s = $this->rsasp1($m); $s = $this->i2osp($s, $this->k); // Output the signature S return $s; } /** * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN * * See {@link RFC3447#section-8.2.1}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @throws \LengthException if the RSA modulus is too short * @return bool|string */ private function rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign($m) { // EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding // If the encoding operation outputs "intended encoded message length too short," output "RSA modulus // too short" and stop. try { $em = $this->emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode($m, $this->k); } catch (\LengthException $e) { throw new \LengthException('RSA modulus too short'); } // RSA signature $m = $this->os2ip($em); $s = $this->rsasp1($m); $s = $this->i2osp($s, $this->k); // Output the signature S return $s; } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @access public * @param string $message * @return string */ public function sign($message) { switch ($this->signaturePadding) { case self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1: case self::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1: return $this->rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign($message); //case self::SIGNATURE_PSS: default: return $this->rsassa_pss_sign($message); } } /** * RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT * * See {@link RFC3447#section-7.2.2}. * * For compatibility purposes, this function departs slightly from the description given in RFC3447. * The reason being that RFC2313#section-8.1 (PKCS#1 v1.5) states that ciphertext's encrypted by the * private key should have the second byte set to either 0 or 1 and that ciphertext's encrypted by the * public key should have the second byte set to 2. In RFC3447 (PKCS#1 v2.1), the second byte is supposed * to be 2 regardless of which key is used. For compatibility purposes, we'll just check to make sure the * second byte is 2 or less. If it is, we'll accept the decrypted string as valid. * * As a consequence of this, a private key encrypted ciphertext produced with \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA may not decrypt * with a strictly PKCS#1 v1.5 compliant RSA implementation. Public key encrypted ciphertext's should but * not private key encrypted ciphertext's. * * @access private * @param string $c * @return bool|string */ private function rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt($c) { // Length checking if (strlen($c) != $this->k) { // or if k < 11 return false; } // RSA decryption $c = $this->os2ip($c); $m = $this->rsadp($c); $em = $this->i2osp($m, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } // EME-PKCS1-v1_5 decoding if (ord($em[0]) != 0 || ord($em[1]) > 2) { return false; } $ps = substr($em, 2, strpos($em, chr(0), 2) - 2); $m = substr($em, strlen($ps) + 3); if (strlen($ps) < 8) { return false; } // Output M return $m; } /** * RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT * * See {@link RFC3447#section-7.1.2}. The fact that the error * messages aren't distinguishable from one another hinders debugging, but, to quote from RFC3447#section-7.1.2: * * Note. Care must be taken to ensure that an opponent cannot * distinguish the different error conditions in Step 3.g, whether by * error message or timing, or, more generally, learn partial * information about the encoded message EM. Otherwise an opponent may * be able to obtain useful information about the decryption of the * ciphertext C, leading to a chosen-ciphertext attack such as the one * observed by Manger [36]. * * @access private * @param string $c * @return bool|string */ private function rsaes_oaep_decrypt($c) { // Length checking // if $l is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. if (strlen($c) != $this->k || $this->k < 2 * $this->hLen + 2) { return false; } // RSA decryption $c = $this->os2ip($c); $m = $this->rsadp($c); $em = $this->i2osp($m, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } // EME-OAEP decoding $lHash = $this->hash->hash($this->label); $y = ord($em[0]); $maskedSeed = substr($em, 1, $this->hLen); $maskedDB = substr($em, $this->hLen + 1); $seedMask = $this->mgf1($maskedDB, $this->hLen); $seed = $maskedSeed ^ $seedMask; $dbMask = $this->mgf1($seed, $this->k - $this->hLen - 1); $db = $maskedDB ^ $dbMask; $lHash2 = substr($db, 0, $this->hLen); $m = substr($db, $this->hLen); $hashesMatch = hash_equals($lHash, $lHash2); $leadingZeros = 1; $patternMatch = 0; $offset = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($m); $i++) { $patternMatch |= $leadingZeros & $m[$i] === "\1"; $leadingZeros &= $m[$i] === "\0"; $offset += $patternMatch ? 0 : 1; } // we do & instead of && to avoid // to protect against timing attacks if (!$hashesMatch & !$patternMatch) { return false; } // Output the message M return substr($m, $offset + 1); } /** * Raw Encryption / Decryption * * Doesn't use padding and is not recommended. * * @access private * @param string $m * @return bool|string * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k */ private function raw_encrypt($m) { if (strlen($m) > $this->k) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } $temp = $this->os2ip($m); $temp = $this->rsadp($temp); return $this->i2osp($temp, $this->k); } /** * Decryption * * @see self::encrypt() * @access public * @param string $ciphertext * @param int $padding optional * @return bool|string */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { switch ($this->encryptionPadding) { case self::ENCRYPTION_NONE: return $this->raw_encrypt($ciphertext); case self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1: return $this->rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt($ciphertext); //case self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP: default: return $this->rsaes_oaep_decrypt($ciphertext); } } /** * Returns the public key * * @access public * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS8', 'savePublicKey'); if (empty($this->modulus) || empty($this->publicExponent)) { return false; } $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent); return RSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key)->withHash($this->hash->getHash())->withMGFHash($this->mgfHash->getHash())->withSaltLength($this->sLen)->withLabel($this->label)->withPadding($this->signaturePadding | $this->encryptionPadding); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, empty($this->primes) ? 'savePublicKey' : 'savePrivateKey'); if ($type == PSS::class) { if ($this->signaturePadding == self::SIGNATURE_PSS) { $options += ['hash' => $this->hash->getHash(), 'MGFHash' => $this->mgfHash->getHash(), 'saltLength' => $this->sLen]; } else { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('The PSS format can only be used when the signature method has been explicitly set to PSS'); } } if (empty($this->primes)) { return $type::savePublicKey($this->modulus, $this->exponent, $options); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $this->exponent, $this->primes, $this->exponents, $this->coefficients, $this->password, $options); /* $key = $type::savePrivateKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $this->exponent, $this->primes, $this->exponents, $this->coefficients, $this->password, $options); if ($key !== false || count($this->primes) == 2) { return $key; } $nSize = $this->getSize() >> 1; $primes = [1 => clone self::$one, clone self::$one]; $i = 1; foreach ($this->primes as $prime) { $primes[$i] = $primes[$i]->multiply($prime); if ($primes[$i]->getLength() >= $nSize) { $i++; } } $exponents = []; $coefficients = [2 => $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1])]; foreach ($primes as $i => $prime) { $temp = $prime->subtract(self::$one); $exponents[$i] = $this->modulus->modInverse($temp); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $this->exponent, $primes, $exponents, $coefficients, $this->password, $options); */ } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH as Progenitor; /** * OpenSSH Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSH extends Progenitor { /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ssh-rsa']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $parsed = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($parsed['paddedKey'])) { list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $parsed['paddedKey']); if ($type != $parsed['type']) { throw new \RuntimeException("The public and private keys are not of the same type ({$type} vs {$parsed['type']})"); } $primes = $coefficients = []; list($modulus, $publicExponent, $privateExponent, $coefficients[2], $primes[1], $primes[2], $comment, ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i6s', $parsed['paddedKey']); $temp = $primes[1]->subtract($one); $exponents = [1 => $publicExponent->modInverse($temp)]; $temp = $primes[2]->subtract($one); $exponents[] = $publicExponent->modInverse($temp); $isPublicKey = false; return compact('publicExponent', 'modulus', 'privateExponent', 'primes', 'coefficients', 'exponents', 'comment', 'isPublicKey'); } list($publicExponent, $modulus) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ii', $parsed['publicKey']); return ['isPublicKey' => true, 'modulus' => $modulus, 'publicExponent' => $publicExponent, 'comment' => $parsed['comment']]; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { $RSAPublicKey = Strings::packSSH2('sii', 'ssh-rsa', $e, $n); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $RSAPublicKey; } $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $RSAPublicKey = 'ssh-rsa ' . base64_encode($RSAPublicKey) . ' ' . $comment; return $RSAPublicKey; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { $publicKey = self::savePublicKey($n, $e, ['binary' => true]); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('si6', 'ssh-rsa', $n, $e, $d, $coefficients[2], $primes[1], $primes[2]); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PuTTY as Progenitor; /** * PuTTY Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PuTTY extends Progenitor { /** * Public Handler * * @var string * @access private */ const PUBLIC_HANDLER = 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH'; /** * Algorithm Identifier * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $types = ['ssh-rsa']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $components = parent::load($key, $password); if (!isset($components['private'])) { return $components; } extract($components); unset($components['public'], $components['private']); $isPublicKey = false; $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ii', $public); if ($result === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } list($publicExponent, $modulus) = $result; $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('iiii', $private); if ($result === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $primes = $coefficients = []; list($privateExponent, $primes[1], $primes[2], $coefficients[2]) = $result; $temp = $primes[1]->subtract($one); $exponents = [1 => $publicExponent->modInverse($temp)]; $temp = $primes[2]->subtract($one); $exponents[] = $publicExponent->modInverse($temp); return compact('publicExponent', 'modulus', 'privateExponent', 'primes', 'coefficients', 'exponents', 'comment', 'isPublicKey'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('PuTTY does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } $public = Strings::packSSH2('ii', $e, $n); $private = Strings::packSSH2('iiii', $d, $primes[1], $primes[2], $coefficients[2]); return self::wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, 'ssh-rsa', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { return self::wrapPublicKey(Strings::packSSH2($e, $n), 'ssh-rsa'); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * XML Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class XML { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => false, 'primes' => [], 'exponents' => [], 'coefficients' => []]; $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (substr($key, 0, 5) != '' . $key . ''; } if (!$dom->loadXML($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not appear to contain XML'); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $keys = ['modulus', 'exponent', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'inverseq', 'd']; foreach ($keys as $key) { // $dom->getElementsByTagName($key) is case-sensitive $temp = $xpath->query("//*[translate(local-name(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='{$key}']"); if (!$temp->length) { continue; } $value = new BigInteger(Base64::decode($temp->item(0)->nodeValue), 256); switch ($key) { case 'modulus': $components['modulus'] = $value; break; case 'exponent': $components['publicExponent'] = $value; break; case 'p': $components['primes'][1] = $value; break; case 'q': $components['primes'][2] = $value; break; case 'dp': $components['exponents'][1] = $value; break; case 'dq': $components['exponents'][2] = $value; break; case 'inverseq': $components['coefficients'][2] = $value; break; case 'd': $components['privateExponent'] = $value; } } libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); foreach ($components as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && !count($value)) { unset($components[$key]); } } if (isset($components['modulus']) && isset($components['publicExponent'])) { if (count($components) == 3) { $components['isPublicKey'] = true; } return $components; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Modulus / exponent not present'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '') { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('XML does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } return "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($n->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($e->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . '

' . Base64::encode($primes[1]->toBytes()) . "

\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($primes[2]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($exponents[1]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($exponents[2]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($coefficients[2]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($d->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . '
'; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { return "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($n->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($e->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ''; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * Microsoft BLOB Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class MSBLOB { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** * Public/Private Key Pair */ const PRIVATEKEYBLOB = 0x7; /** * Public Key */ const PUBLICKEYBLOB = 0x6; /** * Public Key */ const PUBLICKEYBLOBEX = 0xa; /** * RSA public key exchange algorithm */ const CALG_RSA_KEYX = 0xa400; /** * RSA public key exchange algorithm */ const CALG_RSA_SIGN = 0x2400; /** * Public Key */ const RSA1 = 0x31415352; /** * Private Key */ const RSA2 = 0x32415352; /**#@-*/ /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $key = Base64::decode($key); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Base64 decoding produced an error'); } if (strlen($key) < 20) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } // PUBLICKEYSTRUC publickeystruc // extract(unpack('atype/aversion/vreserved/Valgo', Strings::shift($key, 8))); /** * @var string $type * @var string $version * @var integer $reserved * @var integer $algo */ switch (ord($type)) { case self::PUBLICKEYBLOB: case self::PUBLICKEYBLOBEX: $publickey = true; break; case self::PRIVATEKEYBLOB: $publickey = false; break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => $publickey]; // switch ($algo) { case self::CALG_RSA_KEYX: case self::CALG_RSA_SIGN: break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } // RSAPUBKEY rsapubkey // // could do V for pubexp but that's unsigned 32-bit whereas some PHP installs only do signed 32-bit extract(unpack('Vmagic/Vbitlen/a4pubexp', Strings::shift($key, 12))); /** * @var integer $magic * @var integer $bitlen * @var string $pubexp */ switch ($magic) { case self::RSA2: $components['isPublicKey'] = false; case self::RSA1: break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $baseLength = $bitlen / 16; if (strlen($key) != 2 * $baseLength && strlen($key) != 9 * $baseLength) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $components[$components['isPublicKey'] ? 'publicExponent' : 'privateExponent'] = new BigInteger(strrev($pubexp), 256); // BYTE modulus[rsapubkey.bitlen/8] $components['modulus'] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 8)), 256); if ($publickey) { return $components; } $components['isPublicKey'] = false; // BYTE prime1[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['primes'] = [1 => new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256)]; // BYTE prime2[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['primes'][] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256); // BYTE exponent1[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['exponents'] = [1 => new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256)]; // BYTE exponent2[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['exponents'][] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256); // BYTE coefficient[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['coefficients'] = [2 => new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256)]; if (isset($components['privateExponent'])) { $components['publicExponent'] = $components['privateExponent']; } // BYTE privateExponent[rsapubkey.bitlen/8] $components['privateExponent'] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 8)), 256); return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '') { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('MSBLOB does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } $n = strrev($n->toBytes()); $e = str_pad(strrev($e->toBytes()), 4, "\0"); $key = pack('aavV', chr(self::PRIVATEKEYBLOB), chr(2), 0, self::CALG_RSA_KEYX); $key .= pack('VVa*', self::RSA2, 8 * strlen($n), $e); $key .= $n; $key .= strrev($primes[1]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($primes[2]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($exponents[1]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($exponents[2]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($coefficients[1]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($d->toBytes()); return Base64::encode($key); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { $n = strrev($n->toBytes()); $e = str_pad(strrev($e->toBytes()), 4, "\0"); $key = pack('aavV', chr(self::PUBLICKEYBLOB), chr(2), 0, self::CALG_RSA_KEYX); $key .= pack('VVa*', self::RSA1, 8 * strlen($n), $e); $key .= $n; return Base64::encode($key); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * PKCS#1 Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false]; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\RSAPrivateKey::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { $components += ['modulus' => $key['modulus'], 'publicExponent' => $key['publicExponent'], 'privateExponent' => $key['privateExponent'], 'primes' => [1 => $key['prime1'], $key['prime2']], 'exponents' => [1 => $key['exponent1'], $key['exponent2']], 'coefficients' => [2 => $key['coefficient']]]; if ($key['version'] == 'multi') { foreach ($key['otherPrimeInfos'] as $primeInfo) { $components['primes'][] = $primeInfo['prime']; $components['exponents'][] = $primeInfo['exponent']; $components['coefficients'][] = $primeInfo['coefficient']; } } return $components; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\RSAPublicKey::MAP); if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } return $components + $key; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { $num_primes = count($primes); $key = ['version' => $num_primes == 2 ? 'two-prime' : 'multi', 'modulus' => $n, 'publicExponent' => $e, 'privateExponent' => $d, 'prime1' => $primes[1], 'prime2' => $primes[2], 'exponent1' => $exponents[1], 'exponent2' => $exponents[2], 'coefficient' => $coefficients[2]]; for ($i = 3; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { $key['otherPrimeInfos'][] = ['prime' => $primes[$i], 'exponent' => $exponents[$i], 'coefficient' => $coefficients[$i]]; } $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\RSAPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, 'RSA', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { $key = ['modulus' => $n, 'publicExponent' => $e]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\RSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, 'RSA'); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted RSA-PSS Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PSS extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_NAME = 'id-RSASSA-PSS'; /** * OID Value * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.113549.1.1.10'; /** * OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ private static $oidsLoaded = false; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Initialize static variables */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!self::$oidsLoaded) { ASN1::loadOIDs(['md2' => '1.2.840.113549.2.2', 'md4' => '1.2.840.113549.2.4', 'md5' => '1.2.840.113549.2.5', 'id-sha1' => '', 'id-sha256' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha384' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/256' => '2.16.840.', 'id-mgf1' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.8']); self::$oidsLoaded = true; } } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false]; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'private' : 'public'; $result = $components + PKCS1::load($key[$type . 'Key']); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'KeyAlgorithm']['parameters']); if ($decoded === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to decode parameters'); } $params = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\RSASSA_PSS_params::MAP); if (isset($params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters'])) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters']); if ($decoded === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to decode parameters'); } $params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\HashAlgorithm::MAP); } else { $params['maskGenAlgorithm'] = ['algorithm' => 'id-mgf1', 'parameters' => ['algorithm' => 'id-sha1']]; } if (!isset($params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm'])) { $params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = 'id-sha1'; } $result['hash'] = str_replace('id-', '', $params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm']); $result['MGFHash'] = str_replace('id-', '', $params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters']['algorithm']); $result['saltLength'] = (int) $params['saltLength']->toString(); if (isset($key['meta'])) { $result['meta'] = $key['meta']; } return $result; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = PKCS1::savePrivateKey($n, $e, $d, $primes, $exponents, $coefficients); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); $params = self::savePSSParams($options); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = PKCS1::savePublicKey($n, $e); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); $params = self::savePSSParams($options); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params); } /** * Encodes PSS parameters * * @access public * @param array $options * @return string */ private static function savePSSParams(array $options) { /* The trailerField field is an integer. It provides compatibility with IEEE Std 1363a-2004 [P1363A]. The value MUST be 1, which represents the trailer field with hexadecimal value 0xBC. Other trailer fields, including the trailer field composed of HashID concatenated with 0xCC that is specified in IEEE Std 1363a, are not supported. Implementations that perform signature generation MUST omit the trailerField field, indicating that the default trailer field value was used. Implementations that perform signature validation MUST recognize both a present trailerField field with value 1 and an absent trailerField field. source: */ $params = ['trailerField' => new BigInteger(1)]; if (isset($options['hash'])) { $params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = 'id-' . $options['hash']; } if (isset($options['MGFHash'])) { $temp = ['algorithm' => 'id-' . $options['MGFHash']]; $temp = ASN1::encodeDER($temp, Maps\HashAlgorithm::MAP); $params['maskGenAlgorithm'] = ['algorithm' => 'id-mgf1', 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element($temp)]; } if (isset($options['saltLength'])) { $params['saltLength'] = new BigInteger($options['saltLength']); } return new ASN1\Element(ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\RSASSA_PSS_params::MAP)); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Raw { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a array - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (isset($key['isPublicKey']) && isset($key['modulus'])) { if (isset($key['privateExponent']) || isset($key['publicExponent'])) { if (!isset($key['primes'])) { return $key; } if (isset($key['exponents']) && isset($key['coefficients']) && isset($key['publicExponent']) && isset($key['privateExponent'])) { return $key; } } } $components = ['isPublicKey' => true]; switch (true) { case isset($key['e']): $components['publicExponent'] = $key['e']; break; case isset($key['exponent']): $components['publicExponent'] = $key['exponent']; break; case isset($key['publicExponent']): $components['publicExponent'] = $key['publicExponent']; break; case isset($key[0]): $components['publicExponent'] = $key[0]; } switch (true) { case isset($key['n']): $components['modulus'] = $key['n']; break; case isset($key['modulo']): $components['modulus'] = $key['modulo']; break; case isset($key['modulus']): $components['modulus'] = $key['modulus']; break; case isset($key[1]): $components['modulus'] = $key[1]; } if (isset($components['modulus']) && isset($components['publicExponent'])) { return $components; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Modulus / exponent not present'); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @return array */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { return ['e' => clone $e, 'n' => clone $n]; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_NAME = 'rsaEncryption'; /** * OID Value * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1'; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false]; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'private' : 'public'; $result = $components + PKCS1::load($key[$type . 'Key']); if (isset($key['meta'])) { $result['meta'] = $key['meta']; } return $result; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { $key = PKCS1::savePrivateKey($n, $e, $d, $primes, $exponents, $coefficients); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], null, $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { $key = PKCS1::savePublicKey($n, $e); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, null); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps\DigestInfo; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; /** * Raw RSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PublicKey extends RSA implements Common\PublicKey { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Exponentiate * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ private function exponentiate(BigInteger $x) { return $x->modPow($this->exponent, $this->modulus); } /** * RSAVP1 * * See {@link RFC3447#section-5.2.2}. * * @access private * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $s * @return bool|\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsavp1($s) { if ($s->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $s->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { return false; } return $this->exponentiate($s); } /** * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY * * See {@link RFC3447#section-8.2.2}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @param string $s * @throws \LengthException if the RSA modulus is too short * @return bool */ private function rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify($m, $s) { // Length checking if (strlen($s) != $this->k) { return false; } // RSA verification $s = $this->os2ip($s); $m2 = $this->rsavp1($s); $em = $this->i2osp($m2, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } // EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding // If the encoding operation outputs "intended encoded message length too short," output "RSA modulus // too short" and stop. try { $em2 = $this->emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode($m, $this->k); } catch (\LengthException $e) { throw new \LengthException('RSA modulus too short'); } // Compare return hash_equals($em, $em2); } /** * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY (relaxed matching) * * Per {@link RFC3447#page-43} PKCS1 v1.5 * specified the use BER encoding rather than DER encoding that PKCS1 v2.0 specified. * This means that under rare conditions you can have a perfectly valid v1.5 signature * that fails to validate with _rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify(). PKCS1 v2.1 also recommends * that if you're going to validate these types of signatures you "should indicate * whether the underlying BER encoding is a DER encoding and hence whether the signature * is valid with respect to the specification given in [PKCS1 v2.0+]". so if you do * $rsa->getLastPadding() and get RSA::PADDING_RELAXED_PKCS1 back instead of * RSA::PADDING_PKCS1... that means BER encoding was used. * * @access private * @param string $m * @param string $s * @return bool */ private function rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_relaxed_verify($m, $s) { // Length checking if (strlen($s) != $this->k) { return false; } // RSA verification $s = $this->os2ip($s); $m2 = $this->rsavp1($s); if ($m2 === false) { return false; } $em = $this->i2osp($m2, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } if (Strings::shift($em, 2) != "\0\1") { return false; } $em = ltrim($em, ""); if (Strings::shift($em) != "\0") { return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($em); if (!is_array($decoded) || empty($decoded[0]) || strlen($em) > $decoded[0]['length']) { return false; } static $oids; if (!isset($oids)) { $oids = [ 'md2' => '1.2.840.113549.2.2', 'md4' => '1.2.840.113549.2.4', // from PKCS1 v1.5 'md5' => '1.2.840.113549.2.5', 'id-sha1' => '', 'id-sha256' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha384' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512' => '2.16.840.', // from PKCS1 v2.2 'id-sha224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/256' => '2.16.840.', ]; ASN1::loadOIDs($oids); } $decoded = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], DigestInfo::MAP); if (!isset($decoded) || $decoded === false) { return false; } if (!isset($oids[$decoded['digestAlgorithm']['algorithm']])) { return false; } $hash = $decoded['digestAlgorithm']['algorithm']; $hash = substr($hash, 0, 3) == 'id-' ? substr($hash, 3) : $hash; $hash = new Hash($hash); $em = $hash->hash($m); $em2 = $decoded['digest']; return hash_equals($em, $em2); } /** * EMSA-PSS-VERIFY * * See {@link RFC3447#section-9.1.2}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @param string $em * @param int $emBits * @return string */ private function emsa_pss_verify($m, $em, $emBits) { // if $m is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. $emLen = $emBits + 7 >> 3; // ie. ceil($emBits / 8); $sLen = $this->sLen !== null ? $this->sLen : $this->hLen; $mHash = $this->hash->hash($m); if ($emLen < $this->hLen + $sLen + 2) { return false; } if ($em[strlen($em) - 1] != chr(0xbc)) { return false; } $maskedDB = substr($em, 0, -$this->hLen - 1); $h = substr($em, -$this->hLen - 1, $this->hLen); $temp = chr(0xff << ($emBits & 7)); if ((~$maskedDB[0] & $temp) != $temp) { return false; } $dbMask = $this->mgf1($h, $emLen - $this->hLen - 1); $db = $maskedDB ^ $dbMask; $db[0] = ~chr(0xff << ($emBits & 7)) & $db[0]; $temp = $emLen - $this->hLen - $sLen - 2; if (substr($db, 0, $temp) != str_repeat(chr(0), $temp) || ord($db[$temp]) != 1) { return false; } $salt = substr($db, $temp + 1); // should be $sLen long $m2 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" . $mHash . $salt; $h2 = $this->hash->hash($m2); return hash_equals($h, $h2); } /** * RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY * * See {@link RFC3447#section-8.1.2}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @param string $s * @return bool|string */ private function rsassa_pss_verify($m, $s) { // Length checking if (strlen($s) != $this->k) { return false; } // RSA verification $modBits = strlen($this->modulus->toBits()); $s2 = $this->os2ip($s); $m2 = $this->rsavp1($s2); $em = $this->i2osp($m2, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } // EMSA-PSS verification return $this->emsa_pss_verify($m, $em, $modBits - 1); } /** * Verifies a signature * * @see self::sign() * @param string $message * @param string $signature * @return bool */ public function verify($message, $signature) { switch ($this->signaturePadding) { case self::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1: return $this->rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_relaxed_verify($message, $signature); case self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1: return $this->rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify($message, $signature); //case self::SIGNATURE_PSS: default: return $this->rsassa_pss_verify($message, $signature); } } /** * RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT * * See {@link RFC3447#section-7.2.1}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @param bool $pkcs15_compat optional * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k - 11 * @return bool|string */ private function rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt($m, $pkcs15_compat = false) { $mLen = strlen($m); // Length checking if ($mLen > $this->k - 11) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } // EME-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding $psLen = $this->k - $mLen - 3; $ps = ''; while (strlen($ps) != $psLen) { $temp = Random::string($psLen - strlen($ps)); $temp = str_replace("\0", '', $temp); $ps .= $temp; } $type = 2; // see the comments of _rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt() to understand why this is being done if ($pkcs15_compat && (!isset($this->publicExponent) || $this->exponent !== $this->publicExponent)) { $type = 1; // "The padding string PS shall consist of k-3-||D|| octets.... for block type 01, they shall have value FF" $ps = str_repeat("", $psLen); } $em = chr(0) . chr($type) . $ps . chr(0) . $m; // RSA encryption $m = $this->os2ip($em); $c = $this->rsaep($m); $c = $this->i2osp($c, $this->k); // Output the ciphertext C return $c; } /** * RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT * * See {@link RFC3447#section-7.1.1} and * { OAES}. * * @access private * @param string $m * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k - 2 * $this->hLen - 2 * @return string */ private function rsaes_oaep_encrypt($m) { $mLen = strlen($m); // Length checking // if $l is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. if ($mLen > $this->k - 2 * $this->hLen - 2) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } // EME-OAEP encoding $lHash = $this->hash->hash($this->label); $ps = str_repeat(chr(0), $this->k - $mLen - 2 * $this->hLen - 2); $db = $lHash . $ps . chr(1) . $m; $seed = Random::string($this->hLen); $dbMask = $this->mgf1($seed, $this->k - $this->hLen - 1); $maskedDB = $db ^ $dbMask; $seedMask = $this->mgf1($maskedDB, $this->hLen); $maskedSeed = $seed ^ $seedMask; $em = chr(0) . $maskedSeed . $maskedDB; // RSA encryption $m = $this->os2ip($em); $c = $this->rsaep($m); $c = $this->i2osp($c, $this->k); // Output the ciphertext C return $c; } /** * RSAEP * * See {@link RFC3447#section-5.1.1}. * * @access private * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $m * @return bool|\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsaep($m) { if ($m->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $m->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { return false; } return $this->exponentiate($m); } /** * Raw Encryption / Decryption * * Doesn't use padding and is not recommended. * * @access private * @param string $m * @return bool|string * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k */ private function raw_encrypt($m) { if (strlen($m) > $this->k) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } $temp = $this->os2ip($m); $temp = $this->rsaep($temp); return $this->i2osp($temp, $this->k); } /** * Encryption * * Both self::PADDING_OAEP and self::PADDING_PKCS1 both place limits on how long $plaintext can be. * If $plaintext exceeds those limits it will be broken up so that it does and the resultant ciphertext's will * be concatenated together. * * @see self::decrypt() * @access public * @param string $plaintext * @return bool|string * @throws \LengthException if the RSA modulus is too short */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { switch ($this->encryptionPadding) { case self::ENCRYPTION_NONE: return $this->raw_encrypt($plaintext); case self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS15_COMPAT: case self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1: $pkcs15_compat = $this->encryptionPadding & self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS15_COMPAT; return $this->rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt($plaintext, $pkcs15_compat); //case self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP: default: return $this->rsaes_oaep_encrypt($plaintext); } } /** * Returns the public key * * The public key is only returned under two circumstances - if the private key had the public key embedded within it * or if the public key was set via setPublicKey(). If the currently loaded key is supposed to be the public key this * function won't return it since this library, for the most part, doesn't distinguish between public and private keys. * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return mixed */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); if ($type == PSS::class) { if ($this->signaturePadding == self::SIGNATURE_PSS) { $options += ['hash' => $this->hash->getHash(), 'MGFHash' => $this->mgfHash->getHash(), 'saltLength' => $this->sLen]; } else { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('The PSS format can only be used when the signature method has been explicitly set to PSS'); } } return $type::savePublicKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $options); } /** * Converts a public key to a private key * * @return RSA */ public function asPrivateKey() { $new = new PrivateKey(); $new->exponent = $this->exponent; $new->modulus = $this->modulus; $new->k = $this->k; $new->format = $this->format; return $new->withHash($this->hash->getHash())->withMGFHash($this->mgfHash->getHash())->withSaltLength($this->sLen)->withLabel($this->label)->withPadding($this->signaturePadding | $this->encryptionPadding); } } * setKey('abcdefgh'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package DES * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use tgseclib\Exception\BadModeException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of DES. * * @package DES * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class DES extends BlockCipher { /**#@+ * @access private * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::setupKey() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\DES::processBlock() */ /** * Contains $keys[self::ENCRYPT] */ const ENCRYPT = 0; /** * Contains $keys[self::DECRYPT] */ const DECRYPT = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Block Length of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int * @access private */ protected $block_size = 8; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private */ protected $key_length = 8; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'des'; /** * The OpenSSL names of the cipher / modes * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::openssl_mode_names * @var array * @access private */ protected $openssl_mode_names = [self::MODE_ECB => 'des-ecb', self::MODE_CBC => 'des-cbc', self::MODE_CFB => 'des-cfb', self::MODE_OFB => 'des-ofb']; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int * @access private */ protected $cfb_init_len = 500; /** * Switch for DES/3DES encryption * * Used only if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * @see self::setupKey() * @see self::processBlock() * @var int * @access private */ protected $des_rounds = 1; /** * max possible size of $key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string * @access private */ protected $key_length_max = 8; /** * The Key Schedule * * @see self::setupKey() * @var array * @access private */ private $keys; /** * Shuffle table. * * For each byte value index, the entry holds an 8-byte string * with each byte containing all bits in the same state as the * corresponding bit in the index value. * * @see self::processBlock() * @see self::setupKey() * @var array * @access private */ protected static $shuffle = ["\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0\0\0", "\0\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0\0", "\0", "\0", ""]; /** * IP mapping helper table. * * Indexing this table with each source byte performs the initial bit permutation. * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $ipmap = [0x0, 0x10, 0x1, 0x11, 0x20, 0x30, 0x21, 0x31, 0x2, 0x12, 0x3, 0x13, 0x22, 0x32, 0x23, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x60, 0x70, 0x61, 0x71, 0x42, 0x52, 0x43, 0x53, 0x62, 0x72, 0x63, 0x73, 0x4, 0x14, 0x5, 0x15, 0x24, 0x34, 0x25, 0x35, 0x6, 0x16, 0x7, 0x17, 0x26, 0x36, 0x27, 0x37, 0x44, 0x54, 0x45, 0x55, 0x64, 0x74, 0x65, 0x75, 0x46, 0x56, 0x47, 0x57, 0x66, 0x76, 0x67, 0x77, 0x80, 0x90, 0x81, 0x91, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x82, 0x92, 0x83, 0x93, 0xa2, 0xb2, 0xa3, 0xb3, 0xc0, 0xd0, 0xc1, 0xd1, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xe1, 0xf1, 0xc2, 0xd2, 0xc3, 0xd3, 0xe2, 0xf2, 0xe3, 0xf3, 0x84, 0x94, 0x85, 0x95, 0xa4, 0xb4, 0xa5, 0xb5, 0x86, 0x96, 0x87, 0x97, 0xa6, 0xb6, 0xa7, 0xb7, 0xc4, 0xd4, 0xc5, 0xd5, 0xe4, 0xf4, 0xe5, 0xf5, 0xc6, 0xd6, 0xc7, 0xd7, 0xe6, 0xf6, 0xe7, 0xf7, 0x8, 0x18, 0x9, 0x19, 0x28, 0x38, 0x29, 0x39, 0xa, 0x1a, 0xb, 0x1b, 0x2a, 0x3a, 0x2b, 0x3b, 0x48, 0x58, 0x49, 0x59, 0x68, 0x78, 0x69, 0x79, 0x4a, 0x5a, 0x4b, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0x7a, 0x6b, 0x7b, 0xc, 0x1c, 0xd, 0x1d, 0x2c, 0x3c, 0x2d, 0x3d, 0xe, 0x1e, 0xf, 0x1f, 0x2e, 0x3e, 0x2f, 0x3f, 0x4c, 0x5c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6c, 0x7c, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x4e, 0x5e, 0x4f, 0x5f, 0x6e, 0x7e, 0x6f, 0x7f, 0x88, 0x98, 0x89, 0x99, 0xa8, 0xb8, 0xa9, 0xb9, 0x8a, 0x9a, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0xaa, 0xba, 0xab, 0xbb, 0xc8, 0xd8, 0xc9, 0xd9, 0xe8, 0xf8, 0xe9, 0xf9, 0xca, 0xda, 0xcb, 0xdb, 0xea, 0xfa, 0xeb, 0xfb, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0xac, 0xbc, 0xad, 0xbd, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x8f, 0x9f, 0xae, 0xbe, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0xcc, 0xdc, 0xcd, 0xdd, 0xec, 0xfc, 0xed, 0xfd, 0xce, 0xde, 0xcf, 0xdf, 0xee, 0xfe, 0xef, 0xff]; /** * Inverse IP mapping helper table. * Indexing this table with a byte value reverses the bit order. * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $invipmap = [0x0, 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0, 0x8, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4, 0xc, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x1c, 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc, 0x2, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2, 0xa, 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea, 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0x6, 0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6, 0xe, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe, 0x1, 0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1, 0x9, 0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9, 0x5, 0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5, 0xd, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed, 0x1d, 0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd, 0x3, 0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3, 0xb, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb, 0x1b, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb, 0x7, 0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7, 0xf, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box1 * * Each box ($sbox1-$sbox8) has been vectorized, then each value pre-permuted using the * P table: concatenation can then be replaced by exclusive ORs. * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox1 = [0x808200, 0x0, 0x8000, 0x808202, 0x808002, 0x8202, 0x2, 0x8000, 0x200, 0x808200, 0x808202, 0x200, 0x800202, 0x808002, 0x800000, 0x2, 0x202, 0x800200, 0x800200, 0x8200, 0x8200, 0x808000, 0x808000, 0x800202, 0x8002, 0x800002, 0x800002, 0x8002, 0x0, 0x202, 0x8202, 0x800000, 0x8000, 0x808202, 0x2, 0x808000, 0x808200, 0x800000, 0x800000, 0x200, 0x808002, 0x8000, 0x8200, 0x800002, 0x200, 0x2, 0x800202, 0x8202, 0x808202, 0x8002, 0x808000, 0x800202, 0x800002, 0x202, 0x8202, 0x808200, 0x202, 0x800200, 0x800200, 0x0, 0x8002, 0x8200, 0x0, 0x808002]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box2 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox2 = [0x40084010, 0x40004000, 0x4000, 0x84010, 0x80000, 0x10, 0x40080010, 0x40004010, 0x40000010, 0x40084010, 0x40084000, 0x40000000, 0x40004000, 0x80000, 0x10, 0x40080010, 0x84000, 0x80010, 0x40004010, 0x0, 0x40000000, 0x4000, 0x84010, 0x40080000, 0x80010, 0x40000010, 0x0, 0x84000, 0x4010, 0x40084000, 0x40080000, 0x4010, 0x0, 0x84010, 0x40080010, 0x80000, 0x40004010, 0x40080000, 0x40084000, 0x4000, 0x40080000, 0x40004000, 0x10, 0x40084010, 0x84010, 0x10, 0x4000, 0x40000000, 0x4010, 0x40084000, 0x80000, 0x40000010, 0x80010, 0x40004010, 0x40000010, 0x80010, 0x84000, 0x0, 0x40004000, 0x4010, 0x40000000, 0x40080010, 0x40084010, 0x84000]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box3 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox3 = [0x104, 0x4010100, 0x0, 0x4010004, 0x4000100, 0x0, 0x10104, 0x4000100, 0x10004, 0x4000004, 0x4000004, 0x10000, 0x4010104, 0x10004, 0x4010000, 0x104, 0x4000000, 0x4, 0x4010100, 0x100, 0x10100, 0x4010000, 0x4010004, 0x10104, 0x4000104, 0x10100, 0x10000, 0x4000104, 0x4, 0x4010104, 0x100, 0x4000000, 0x4010100, 0x4000000, 0x10004, 0x104, 0x10000, 0x4010100, 0x4000100, 0x0, 0x100, 0x10004, 0x4010104, 0x4000100, 0x4000004, 0x100, 0x0, 0x4010004, 0x4000104, 0x10000, 0x4000000, 0x4010104, 0x4, 0x10104, 0x10100, 0x4000004, 0x4010000, 0x4000104, 0x104, 0x4010000, 0x10104, 0x4, 0x4010004, 0x10100]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box4 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox4 = [0x80401000, 0x80001040, 0x80001040, 0x40, 0x401040, 0x80400040, 0x80400000, 0x80001000, 0x0, 0x401000, 0x401000, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x0, 0x400040, 0x80400000, 0x80000000, 0x1000, 0x400000, 0x80401000, 0x40, 0x400000, 0x80001000, 0x1040, 0x80400040, 0x80000000, 0x1040, 0x400040, 0x1000, 0x401040, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x400040, 0x80400000, 0x401000, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x0, 0x0, 0x401000, 0x1040, 0x400040, 0x80400040, 0x80000000, 0x80401000, 0x80001040, 0x80001040, 0x40, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x80000000, 0x1000, 0x80400000, 0x80001000, 0x401040, 0x80400040, 0x80001000, 0x1040, 0x400000, 0x80401000, 0x40, 0x400000, 0x1000, 0x401040]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box5 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox5 = [0x80, 0x1040080, 0x1040000, 0x21000080, 0x40000, 0x80, 0x20000000, 0x1040000, 0x20040080, 0x40000, 0x1000080, 0x20040080, 0x21000080, 0x21040000, 0x40080, 0x20000000, 0x1000000, 0x20040000, 0x20040000, 0x0, 0x20000080, 0x21040080, 0x21040080, 0x1000080, 0x21040000, 0x20000080, 0x0, 0x21000000, 0x1040080, 0x1000000, 0x21000000, 0x40080, 0x40000, 0x21000080, 0x80, 0x1000000, 0x20000000, 0x1040000, 0x21000080, 0x20040080, 0x1000080, 0x20000000, 0x21040000, 0x1040080, 0x20040080, 0x80, 0x1000000, 0x21040000, 0x21040080, 0x40080, 0x21000000, 0x21040080, 0x1040000, 0x0, 0x20040000, 0x21000000, 0x40080, 0x1000080, 0x20000080, 0x40000, 0x0, 0x20040000, 0x1040080, 0x20000080]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box6 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox6 = [0x10000008, 0x10200000, 0x2000, 0x10202008, 0x10200000, 0x8, 0x10202008, 0x200000, 0x10002000, 0x202008, 0x200000, 0x10000008, 0x200008, 0x10002000, 0x10000000, 0x2008, 0x0, 0x200008, 0x10002008, 0x2000, 0x202000, 0x10002008, 0x8, 0x10200008, 0x10200008, 0x0, 0x202008, 0x10202000, 0x2008, 0x202000, 0x10202000, 0x10000000, 0x10002000, 0x8, 0x10200008, 0x202000, 0x10202008, 0x200000, 0x2008, 0x10000008, 0x200000, 0x10002000, 0x10000000, 0x2008, 0x10000008, 0x10202008, 0x202000, 0x10200000, 0x202008, 0x10202000, 0x0, 0x10200008, 0x8, 0x2000, 0x10200000, 0x202008, 0x2000, 0x200008, 0x10002008, 0x0, 0x10202000, 0x10000000, 0x200008, 0x10002008]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box7 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox7 = [0x100000, 0x2100001, 0x2000401, 0x0, 0x400, 0x2000401, 0x100401, 0x2100400, 0x2100401, 0x100000, 0x0, 0x2000001, 0x1, 0x2000000, 0x2100001, 0x401, 0x2000400, 0x100401, 0x100001, 0x2000400, 0x2000001, 0x2100000, 0x2100400, 0x100001, 0x2100000, 0x400, 0x401, 0x2100401, 0x100400, 0x1, 0x2000000, 0x100400, 0x2000000, 0x100400, 0x100000, 0x2000401, 0x2000401, 0x2100001, 0x2100001, 0x1, 0x100001, 0x2000000, 0x2000400, 0x100000, 0x2100400, 0x401, 0x100401, 0x2100400, 0x401, 0x2000001, 0x2100401, 0x2100000, 0x100400, 0x0, 0x1, 0x2100401, 0x0, 0x100401, 0x2100000, 0x400, 0x2000001, 0x2000400, 0x400, 0x100001]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box8 * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $sbox8 = [0x8000820, 0x800, 0x20000, 0x8020820, 0x8000000, 0x8000820, 0x20, 0x8000000, 0x20020, 0x8020000, 0x8020820, 0x20800, 0x8020800, 0x20820, 0x800, 0x20, 0x8020000, 0x8000020, 0x8000800, 0x820, 0x20800, 0x20020, 0x8020020, 0x8020800, 0x820, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8020020, 0x8000020, 0x8000800, 0x20820, 0x20000, 0x20820, 0x20000, 0x8020800, 0x800, 0x20, 0x8020020, 0x800, 0x20820, 0x8000800, 0x20, 0x8000020, 0x8020000, 0x8020020, 0x8000000, 0x20000, 0x8000820, 0x0, 0x8020820, 0x20020, 0x8000020, 0x8020000, 0x8000800, 0x8000820, 0x0, 0x8020820, 0x20800, 0x20800, 0x820, 0x820, 0x20020, 0x8000000, 0x8020800]; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @access public * @throws BadModeException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($this->key_length_max == 8) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { self::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'des-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'des-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the key. * * Keys must be 64-bits long or 8 bytes long. * * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKey() * @access public * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { if (!$this instanceof TripleDES && strlen($key) != 8) { throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of size 8 are supported'); } // Sets the key parent::setKey($key); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encryptBlock() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { return $this->processBlock($in, self::ENCRYPT); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decryptBlock() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { return $this->processBlock($in, self::DECRYPT); } /** * Encrypts or decrypts a 64-bit block * * $mode should be either self::ENCRYPT or self::DECRYPT. See * {@link Feistel.png} to get a general * idea of what this function does. * * @see self::encryptBlock() * @see self::decryptBlock() * @access private * @param string $block * @param int $mode * @return string */ private function processBlock($block, $mode) { static $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $sbox4, $sbox5, $sbox6, $sbox7, $sbox8, $shuffleip, $shuffleinvip; if (!$sbox1) { $sbox1 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox1); $sbox2 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox2); $sbox3 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox3); $sbox4 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox4); $sbox5 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox5); $sbox6 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox6); $sbox7 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox7); $sbox8 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox8); /* Merge $shuffle with $[inv]ipmap */ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $shuffleip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$ipmap[$i]]; $shuffleinvip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$invipmap[$i]]; } } $keys = $this->keys[$mode]; $ki = -1; // Do the initial IP permutation. $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $block); list($l, $r) = [$t['l'], $t['r']]; $block = $shuffleip[$r & 0xff] & "" | $shuffleip[$r >> 8 & 0xff] & "@@@@@@@@" | $shuffleip[$r >> 16 & 0xff] & " " | $shuffleip[$r >> 24 & 0xff] & "\20\20\20\20\20\20\20\20" | $shuffleip[$l & 0xff] & "\10\10\10\10\10\10\10\10" | $shuffleip[$l >> 8 & 0xff] & "\4\4\4\4\4\4\4\4" | $shuffleip[$l >> 16 & 0xff] & "\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2" | $shuffleip[$l >> 24 & 0xff] & "\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1"; // Extract L0 and R0. $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $block); list($l, $r) = [$t['l'], $t['r']]; for ($des_round = 0; $des_round < $this->des_rounds; ++$des_round) { // Perform the 16 steps. for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL: // // Merge key schedule. $b1 = $r >> 3 & 0x1fffffff ^ $r << 29 ^ $keys[++$ki]; $b2 = $r >> 31 & 0x1 ^ $r << 1 ^ $keys[++$ki]; // S-box indexing. $t = $sbox1[$b1 >> 24 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox2[$b2 >> 24 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox3[$b1 >> 16 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox4[$b2 >> 16 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox5[$b1 >> 8 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox6[$b2 >> 8 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox7[$b1 & 0x3f] ^ $sbox8[$b2 & 0x3f] ^ $l; // end of "the Feistel (F) function" $l = $r; $r = $t; } // Last step should not permute L & R. $t = $l; $l = $r; $r = $t; } // Perform the inverse IP permutation. return $shuffleinvip[$r >> 24 & 0xff] & "" | $shuffleinvip[$l >> 24 & 0xff] & "@@@@@@@@" | $shuffleinvip[$r >> 16 & 0xff] & " " | $shuffleinvip[$l >> 16 & 0xff] & "\20\20\20\20\20\20\20\20" | $shuffleinvip[$r >> 8 & 0xff] & "\10\10\10\10\10\10\10\10" | $shuffleinvip[$l >> 8 & 0xff] & "\4\4\4\4\4\4\4\4" | $shuffleinvip[$r & 0xff] & "\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2" | $shuffleinvip[$l & 0xff] & "\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1"; } /** * Creates the key schedule * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key'] && $this->des_rounds === $this->kl['des_rounds']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key, 'des_rounds' => $this->des_rounds]; static $shifts = [ // number of key bits shifted per round 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, ]; static $pc1map = [0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x8, 0x4, 0x4, 0xc, 0xc, 0x2, 0x2, 0xa, 0xa, 0x6, 0x6, 0xe, 0xe, 0x10, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x12, 0x12, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x16, 0x16, 0x1e, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x20, 0x28, 0x28, 0x24, 0x24, 0x2c, 0x2c, 0x22, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x2a, 0x26, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x38, 0x34, 0x34, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x32, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x3a, 0x36, 0x36, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x40, 0x40, 0x48, 0x48, 0x44, 0x44, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x42, 0x42, 0x4a, 0x4a, 0x46, 0x46, 0x4e, 0x4e, 0x50, 0x50, 0x58, 0x58, 0x54, 0x54, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x52, 0x52, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x56, 0x56, 0x5e, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x60, 0x68, 0x68, 0x64, 0x64, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x62, 0x62, 0x6a, 0x6a, 0x66, 0x66, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x70, 0x70, 0x78, 0x78, 0x74, 0x74, 0x7c, 0x7c, 0x72, 0x72, 0x7a, 0x7a, 0x76, 0x76, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x80, 0x80, 0x88, 0x88, 0x84, 0x84, 0x8c, 0x8c, 0x82, 0x82, 0x8a, 0x8a, 0x86, 0x86, 0x8e, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x90, 0x98, 0x98, 0x94, 0x94, 0x9c, 0x9c, 0x92, 0x92, 0x9a, 0x9a, 0x96, 0x96, 0x9e, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0xa4, 0xa4, 0xac, 0xac, 0xa2, 0xa2, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xa6, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xae, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xba, 0xba, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc4, 0xc4, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xc2, 0xc2, 0xca, 0xca, 0xc6, 0xc6, 0xce, 0xce, 0xd0, 0xd0, 0xd8, 0xd8, 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xda, 0xda, 0xd6, 0xd6, 0xde, 0xde, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xec, 0xec, 0xe2, 0xe2, 0xea, 0xea, 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xee, 0xee, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf4, 0xf4, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xfa, 0xfa, 0xf6, 0xf6, 0xfe, 0xfe]; // Mapping tables for the PC-2 transformation. static $pc2mapc1 = [0x0, 0x400, 0x200000, 0x200400, 0x1, 0x401, 0x200001, 0x200401, 0x2000000, 0x2000400, 0x2200000, 0x2200400, 0x2000001, 0x2000401, 0x2200001, 0x2200401]; static $pc2mapc2 = [0x0, 0x800, 0x8000000, 0x8000800, 0x10000, 0x10800, 0x8010000, 0x8010800, 0x0, 0x800, 0x8000000, 0x8000800, 0x10000, 0x10800, 0x8010000, 0x8010800, 0x100, 0x900, 0x8000100, 0x8000900, 0x10100, 0x10900, 0x8010100, 0x8010900, 0x100, 0x900, 0x8000100, 0x8000900, 0x10100, 0x10900, 0x8010100, 0x8010900, 0x10, 0x810, 0x8000010, 0x8000810, 0x10010, 0x10810, 0x8010010, 0x8010810, 0x10, 0x810, 0x8000010, 0x8000810, 0x10010, 0x10810, 0x8010010, 0x8010810, 0x110, 0x910, 0x8000110, 0x8000910, 0x10110, 0x10910, 0x8010110, 0x8010910, 0x110, 0x910, 0x8000110, 0x8000910, 0x10110, 0x10910, 0x8010110, 0x8010910, 0x40000, 0x40800, 0x8040000, 0x8040800, 0x50000, 0x50800, 0x8050000, 0x8050800, 0x40000, 0x40800, 0x8040000, 0x8040800, 0x50000, 0x50800, 0x8050000, 0x8050800, 0x40100, 0x40900, 0x8040100, 0x8040900, 0x50100, 0x50900, 0x8050100, 0x8050900, 0x40100, 0x40900, 0x8040100, 0x8040900, 0x50100, 0x50900, 0x8050100, 0x8050900, 0x40010, 0x40810, 0x8040010, 0x8040810, 0x50010, 0x50810, 0x8050010, 0x8050810, 0x40010, 0x40810, 0x8040010, 0x8040810, 0x50010, 0x50810, 0x8050010, 0x8050810, 0x40110, 0x40910, 0x8040110, 0x8040910, 0x50110, 0x50910, 0x8050110, 0x8050910, 0x40110, 0x40910, 0x8040110, 0x8040910, 0x50110, 0x50910, 0x8050110, 0x8050910, 0x1000000, 0x1000800, 0x9000000, 0x9000800, 0x1010000, 0x1010800, 0x9010000, 0x9010800, 0x1000000, 0x1000800, 0x9000000, 0x9000800, 0x1010000, 0x1010800, 0x9010000, 0x9010800, 0x1000100, 0x1000900, 0x9000100, 0x9000900, 0x1010100, 0x1010900, 0x9010100, 0x9010900, 0x1000100, 0x1000900, 0x9000100, 0x9000900, 0x1010100, 0x1010900, 0x9010100, 0x9010900, 0x1000010, 0x1000810, 0x9000010, 0x9000810, 0x1010010, 0x1010810, 0x9010010, 0x9010810, 0x1000010, 0x1000810, 0x9000010, 0x9000810, 0x1010010, 0x1010810, 0x9010010, 0x9010810, 0x1000110, 0x1000910, 0x9000110, 0x9000910, 0x1010110, 0x1010910, 0x9010110, 0x9010910, 0x1000110, 0x1000910, 0x9000110, 0x9000910, 0x1010110, 0x1010910, 0x9010110, 0x9010910, 0x1040000, 0x1040800, 0x9040000, 0x9040800, 0x1050000, 0x1050800, 0x9050000, 0x9050800, 0x1040000, 0x1040800, 0x9040000, 0x9040800, 0x1050000, 0x1050800, 0x9050000, 0x9050800, 0x1040100, 0x1040900, 0x9040100, 0x9040900, 0x1050100, 0x1050900, 0x9050100, 0x9050900, 0x1040100, 0x1040900, 0x9040100, 0x9040900, 0x1050100, 0x1050900, 0x9050100, 0x9050900, 0x1040010, 0x1040810, 0x9040010, 0x9040810, 0x1050010, 0x1050810, 0x9050010, 0x9050810, 0x1040010, 0x1040810, 0x9040010, 0x9040810, 0x1050010, 0x1050810, 0x9050010, 0x9050810, 0x1040110, 0x1040910, 0x9040110, 0x9040910, 0x1050110, 0x1050910, 0x9050110, 0x9050910, 0x1040110, 0x1040910, 0x9040110, 0x9040910, 0x1050110, 0x1050910, 0x9050110, 0x9050910]; static $pc2mapc3 = [0x0, 0x4, 0x1000, 0x1004, 0x0, 0x4, 0x1000, 0x1004, 0x10000000, 0x10000004, 0x10001000, 0x10001004, 0x10000000, 0x10000004, 0x10001000, 0x10001004, 0x20, 0x24, 0x1020, 0x1024, 0x20, 0x24, 0x1020, 0x1024, 0x10000020, 0x10000024, 0x10001020, 0x10001024, 0x10000020, 0x10000024, 0x10001020, 0x10001024, 0x80000, 0x80004, 0x81000, 0x81004, 0x80000, 0x80004, 0x81000, 0x81004, 0x10080000, 0x10080004, 0x10081000, 0x10081004, 0x10080000, 0x10080004, 0x10081000, 0x10081004, 0x80020, 0x80024, 0x81020, 0x81024, 0x80020, 0x80024, 0x81020, 0x81024, 0x10080020, 0x10080024, 0x10081020, 0x10081024, 0x10080020, 0x10080024, 0x10081020, 0x10081024, 0x20000000, 0x20000004, 0x20001000, 0x20001004, 0x20000000, 0x20000004, 0x20001000, 0x20001004, 0x30000000, 0x30000004, 0x30001000, 0x30001004, 0x30000000, 0x30000004, 0x30001000, 0x30001004, 0x20000020, 0x20000024, 0x20001020, 0x20001024, 0x20000020, 0x20000024, 0x20001020, 0x20001024, 0x30000020, 0x30000024, 0x30001020, 0x30001024, 0x30000020, 0x30000024, 0x30001020, 0x30001024, 0x20080000, 0x20080004, 0x20081000, 0x20081004, 0x20080000, 0x20080004, 0x20081000, 0x20081004, 0x30080000, 0x30080004, 0x30081000, 0x30081004, 0x30080000, 0x30080004, 0x30081000, 0x30081004, 0x20080020, 0x20080024, 0x20081020, 0x20081024, 0x20080020, 0x20080024, 0x20081020, 0x20081024, 0x30080020, 0x30080024, 0x30081020, 0x30081024, 0x30080020, 0x30080024, 0x30081020, 0x30081024, 0x2, 0x6, 0x1002, 0x1006, 0x2, 0x6, 0x1002, 0x1006, 0x10000002, 0x10000006, 0x10001002, 0x10001006, 0x10000002, 0x10000006, 0x10001002, 0x10001006, 0x22, 0x26, 0x1022, 0x1026, 0x22, 0x26, 0x1022, 0x1026, 0x10000022, 0x10000026, 0x10001022, 0x10001026, 0x10000022, 0x10000026, 0x10001022, 0x10001026, 0x80002, 0x80006, 0x81002, 0x81006, 0x80002, 0x80006, 0x81002, 0x81006, 0x10080002, 0x10080006, 0x10081002, 0x10081006, 0x10080002, 0x10080006, 0x10081002, 0x10081006, 0x80022, 0x80026, 0x81022, 0x81026, 0x80022, 0x80026, 0x81022, 0x81026, 0x10080022, 0x10080026, 0x10081022, 0x10081026, 0x10080022, 0x10080026, 0x10081022, 0x10081026, 0x20000002, 0x20000006, 0x20001002, 0x20001006, 0x20000002, 0x20000006, 0x20001002, 0x20001006, 0x30000002, 0x30000006, 0x30001002, 0x30001006, 0x30000002, 0x30000006, 0x30001002, 0x30001006, 0x20000022, 0x20000026, 0x20001022, 0x20001026, 0x20000022, 0x20000026, 0x20001022, 0x20001026, 0x30000022, 0x30000026, 0x30001022, 0x30001026, 0x30000022, 0x30000026, 0x30001022, 0x30001026, 0x20080002, 0x20080006, 0x20081002, 0x20081006, 0x20080002, 0x20080006, 0x20081002, 0x20081006, 0x30080002, 0x30080006, 0x30081002, 0x30081006, 0x30080002, 0x30080006, 0x30081002, 0x30081006, 0x20080022, 0x20080026, 0x20081022, 0x20081026, 0x20080022, 0x20080026, 0x20081022, 0x20081026, 0x30080022, 0x30080026, 0x30081022, 0x30081026, 0x30080022, 0x30080026, 0x30081022, 0x30081026]; static $pc2mapc4 = [0x0, 0x100000, 0x8, 0x100008, 0x200, 0x100200, 0x208, 0x100208, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x8, 0x100008, 0x200, 0x100200, 0x208, 0x100208, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000008, 0x4100008, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000208, 0x4100208, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000008, 0x4100008, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000208, 0x4100208, 0x2000, 0x102000, 0x2008, 0x102008, 0x2200, 0x102200, 0x2208, 0x102208, 0x2000, 0x102000, 0x2008, 0x102008, 0x2200, 0x102200, 0x2208, 0x102208, 0x4002000, 0x4102000, 0x4002008, 0x4102008, 0x4002200, 0x4102200, 0x4002208, 0x4102208, 0x4002000, 0x4102000, 0x4002008, 0x4102008, 0x4002200, 0x4102200, 0x4002208, 0x4102208, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x8, 0x100008, 0x200, 0x100200, 0x208, 0x100208, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x8, 0x100008, 0x200, 0x100200, 0x208, 0x100208, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000008, 0x4100008, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000208, 0x4100208, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000008, 0x4100008, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000208, 0x4100208, 0x2000, 0x102000, 0x2008, 0x102008, 0x2200, 0x102200, 0x2208, 0x102208, 0x2000, 0x102000, 0x2008, 0x102008, 0x2200, 0x102200, 0x2208, 0x102208, 0x4002000, 0x4102000, 0x4002008, 0x4102008, 0x4002200, 0x4102200, 0x4002208, 0x4102208, 0x4002000, 0x4102000, 0x4002008, 0x4102008, 0x4002200, 0x4102200, 0x4002208, 0x4102208, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20008, 0x120008, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20208, 0x120208, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20008, 0x120008, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20208, 0x120208, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020008, 0x4120008, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020208, 0x4120208, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020008, 0x4120008, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020208, 0x4120208, 0x22000, 0x122000, 0x22008, 0x122008, 0x22200, 0x122200, 0x22208, 0x122208, 0x22000, 0x122000, 0x22008, 0x122008, 0x22200, 0x122200, 0x22208, 0x122208, 0x4022000, 0x4122000, 0x4022008, 0x4122008, 0x4022200, 0x4122200, 0x4022208, 0x4122208, 0x4022000, 0x4122000, 0x4022008, 0x4122008, 0x4022200, 0x4122200, 0x4022208, 0x4122208, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20008, 0x120008, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20208, 0x120208, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20008, 0x120008, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20208, 0x120208, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020008, 0x4120008, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020208, 0x4120208, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020008, 0x4120008, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020208, 0x4120208, 0x22000, 0x122000, 0x22008, 0x122008, 0x22200, 0x122200, 0x22208, 0x122208, 0x22000, 0x122000, 0x22008, 0x122008, 0x22200, 0x122200, 0x22208, 0x122208, 0x4022000, 0x4122000, 0x4022008, 0x4122008, 0x4022200, 0x4122200, 0x4022208, 0x4122208, 0x4022000, 0x4122000, 0x4022008, 0x4122008, 0x4022200, 0x4122200, 0x4022208, 0x4122208]; static $pc2mapd1 = [0x0, 0x1, 0x8000000, 0x8000001, 0x200000, 0x200001, 0x8200000, 0x8200001, 0x2, 0x3, 0x8000002, 0x8000003, 0x200002, 0x200003, 0x8200002, 0x8200003]; static $pc2mapd2 = [0x0, 0x100000, 0x800, 0x100800, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x800, 0x100800, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000800, 0x4100800, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000800, 0x4100800, 0x4, 0x100004, 0x804, 0x100804, 0x4, 0x100004, 0x804, 0x100804, 0x4000004, 0x4100004, 0x4000804, 0x4100804, 0x4000004, 0x4100004, 0x4000804, 0x4100804, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x800, 0x100800, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x800, 0x100800, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000800, 0x4100800, 0x4000000, 0x4100000, 0x4000800, 0x4100800, 0x4, 0x100004, 0x804, 0x100804, 0x4, 0x100004, 0x804, 0x100804, 0x4000004, 0x4100004, 0x4000804, 0x4100804, 0x4000004, 0x4100004, 0x4000804, 0x4100804, 0x200, 0x100200, 0xa00, 0x100a00, 0x200, 0x100200, 0xa00, 0x100a00, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000a00, 0x4100a00, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000a00, 0x4100a00, 0x204, 0x100204, 0xa04, 0x100a04, 0x204, 0x100204, 0xa04, 0x100a04, 0x4000204, 0x4100204, 0x4000a04, 0x4100a04, 0x4000204, 0x4100204, 0x4000a04, 0x4100a04, 0x200, 0x100200, 0xa00, 0x100a00, 0x200, 0x100200, 0xa00, 0x100a00, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000a00, 0x4100a00, 0x4000200, 0x4100200, 0x4000a00, 0x4100a00, 0x204, 0x100204, 0xa04, 0x100a04, 0x204, 0x100204, 0xa04, 0x100a04, 0x4000204, 0x4100204, 0x4000a04, 0x4100a04, 0x4000204, 0x4100204, 0x4000a04, 0x4100a04, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20800, 0x120800, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20800, 0x120800, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020800, 0x4120800, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020800, 0x4120800, 0x20004, 0x120004, 0x20804, 0x120804, 0x20004, 0x120004, 0x20804, 0x120804, 0x4020004, 0x4120004, 0x4020804, 0x4120804, 0x4020004, 0x4120004, 0x4020804, 0x4120804, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20800, 0x120800, 0x20000, 0x120000, 0x20800, 0x120800, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020800, 0x4120800, 0x4020000, 0x4120000, 0x4020800, 0x4120800, 0x20004, 0x120004, 0x20804, 0x120804, 0x20004, 0x120004, 0x20804, 0x120804, 0x4020004, 0x4120004, 0x4020804, 0x4120804, 0x4020004, 0x4120004, 0x4020804, 0x4120804, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20a00, 0x120a00, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20a00, 0x120a00, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020a00, 0x4120a00, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020a00, 0x4120a00, 0x20204, 0x120204, 0x20a04, 0x120a04, 0x20204, 0x120204, 0x20a04, 0x120a04, 0x4020204, 0x4120204, 0x4020a04, 0x4120a04, 0x4020204, 0x4120204, 0x4020a04, 0x4120a04, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20a00, 0x120a00, 0x20200, 0x120200, 0x20a00, 0x120a00, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020a00, 0x4120a00, 0x4020200, 0x4120200, 0x4020a00, 0x4120a00, 0x20204, 0x120204, 0x20a04, 0x120a04, 0x20204, 0x120204, 0x20a04, 0x120a04, 0x4020204, 0x4120204, 0x4020a04, 0x4120a04, 0x4020204, 0x4120204, 0x4020a04, 0x4120a04]; static $pc2mapd3 = [0x0, 0x10000, 0x2000000, 0x2010000, 0x20, 0x10020, 0x2000020, 0x2010020, 0x40000, 0x50000, 0x2040000, 0x2050000, 0x40020, 0x50020, 0x2040020, 0x2050020, 0x2000, 0x12000, 0x2002000, 0x2012000, 0x2020, 0x12020, 0x2002020, 0x2012020, 0x42000, 0x52000, 0x2042000, 0x2052000, 0x42020, 0x52020, 0x2042020, 0x2052020, 0x0, 0x10000, 0x2000000, 0x2010000, 0x20, 0x10020, 0x2000020, 0x2010020, 0x40000, 0x50000, 0x2040000, 0x2050000, 0x40020, 0x50020, 0x2040020, 0x2050020, 0x2000, 0x12000, 0x2002000, 0x2012000, 0x2020, 0x12020, 0x2002020, 0x2012020, 0x42000, 0x52000, 0x2042000, 0x2052000, 0x42020, 0x52020, 0x2042020, 0x2052020, 0x10, 0x10010, 0x2000010, 0x2010010, 0x30, 0x10030, 0x2000030, 0x2010030, 0x40010, 0x50010, 0x2040010, 0x2050010, 0x40030, 0x50030, 0x2040030, 0x2050030, 0x2010, 0x12010, 0x2002010, 0x2012010, 0x2030, 0x12030, 0x2002030, 0x2012030, 0x42010, 0x52010, 0x2042010, 0x2052010, 0x42030, 0x52030, 0x2042030, 0x2052030, 0x10, 0x10010, 0x2000010, 0x2010010, 0x30, 0x10030, 0x2000030, 0x2010030, 0x40010, 0x50010, 0x2040010, 0x2050010, 0x40030, 0x50030, 0x2040030, 0x2050030, 0x2010, 0x12010, 0x2002010, 0x2012010, 0x2030, 0x12030, 0x2002030, 0x2012030, 0x42010, 0x52010, 0x2042010, 0x2052010, 0x42030, 0x52030, 0x2042030, 0x2052030, 0x20000000, 0x20010000, 0x22000000, 0x22010000, 0x20000020, 0x20010020, 0x22000020, 0x22010020, 0x20040000, 0x20050000, 0x22040000, 0x22050000, 0x20040020, 0x20050020, 0x22040020, 0x22050020, 0x20002000, 0x20012000, 0x22002000, 0x22012000, 0x20002020, 0x20012020, 0x22002020, 0x22012020, 0x20042000, 0x20052000, 0x22042000, 0x22052000, 0x20042020, 0x20052020, 0x22042020, 0x22052020, 0x20000000, 0x20010000, 0x22000000, 0x22010000, 0x20000020, 0x20010020, 0x22000020, 0x22010020, 0x20040000, 0x20050000, 0x22040000, 0x22050000, 0x20040020, 0x20050020, 0x22040020, 0x22050020, 0x20002000, 0x20012000, 0x22002000, 0x22012000, 0x20002020, 0x20012020, 0x22002020, 0x22012020, 0x20042000, 0x20052000, 0x22042000, 0x22052000, 0x20042020, 0x20052020, 0x22042020, 0x22052020, 0x20000010, 0x20010010, 0x22000010, 0x22010010, 0x20000030, 0x20010030, 0x22000030, 0x22010030, 0x20040010, 0x20050010, 0x22040010, 0x22050010, 0x20040030, 0x20050030, 0x22040030, 0x22050030, 0x20002010, 0x20012010, 0x22002010, 0x22012010, 0x20002030, 0x20012030, 0x22002030, 0x22012030, 0x20042010, 0x20052010, 0x22042010, 0x22052010, 0x20042030, 0x20052030, 0x22042030, 0x22052030, 0x20000010, 0x20010010, 0x22000010, 0x22010010, 0x20000030, 0x20010030, 0x22000030, 0x22010030, 0x20040010, 0x20050010, 0x22040010, 0x22050010, 0x20040030, 0x20050030, 0x22040030, 0x22050030, 0x20002010, 0x20012010, 0x22002010, 0x22012010, 0x20002030, 0x20012030, 0x22002030, 0x22012030, 0x20042010, 0x20052010, 0x22042010, 0x22052010, 0x20042030, 0x20052030, 0x22042030, 0x22052030]; static $pc2mapd4 = [0x0, 0x400, 0x1000000, 0x1000400, 0x0, 0x400, 0x1000000, 0x1000400, 0x100, 0x500, 0x1000100, 0x1000500, 0x100, 0x500, 0x1000100, 0x1000500, 0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x11000000, 0x11000400, 0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x11000000, 0x11000400, 0x10000100, 0x10000500, 0x11000100, 0x11000500, 0x10000100, 0x10000500, 0x11000100, 0x11000500, 0x80000, 0x80400, 0x1080000, 0x1080400, 0x80000, 0x80400, 0x1080000, 0x1080400, 0x80100, 0x80500, 0x1080100, 0x1080500, 0x80100, 0x80500, 0x1080100, 0x1080500, 0x10080000, 0x10080400, 0x11080000, 0x11080400, 0x10080000, 0x10080400, 0x11080000, 0x11080400, 0x10080100, 0x10080500, 0x11080100, 0x11080500, 0x10080100, 0x10080500, 0x11080100, 0x11080500, 0x8, 0x408, 0x1000008, 0x1000408, 0x8, 0x408, 0x1000008, 0x1000408, 0x108, 0x508, 0x1000108, 0x1000508, 0x108, 0x508, 0x1000108, 0x1000508, 0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x11000008, 0x11000408, 0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x11000008, 0x11000408, 0x10000108, 0x10000508, 0x11000108, 0x11000508, 0x10000108, 0x10000508, 0x11000108, 0x11000508, 0x80008, 0x80408, 0x1080008, 0x1080408, 0x80008, 0x80408, 0x1080008, 0x1080408, 0x80108, 0x80508, 0x1080108, 0x1080508, 0x80108, 0x80508, 0x1080108, 0x1080508, 0x10080008, 0x10080408, 0x11080008, 0x11080408, 0x10080008, 0x10080408, 0x11080008, 0x11080408, 0x10080108, 0x10080508, 0x11080108, 0x11080508, 0x10080108, 0x10080508, 0x11080108, 0x11080508, 0x1000, 0x1400, 0x1001000, 0x1001400, 0x1000, 0x1400, 0x1001000, 0x1001400, 0x1100, 0x1500, 0x1001100, 0x1001500, 0x1100, 0x1500, 0x1001100, 0x1001500, 0x10001000, 0x10001400, 0x11001000, 0x11001400, 0x10001000, 0x10001400, 0x11001000, 0x11001400, 0x10001100, 0x10001500, 0x11001100, 0x11001500, 0x10001100, 0x10001500, 0x11001100, 0x11001500, 0x81000, 0x81400, 0x1081000, 0x1081400, 0x81000, 0x81400, 0x1081000, 0x1081400, 0x81100, 0x81500, 0x1081100, 0x1081500, 0x81100, 0x81500, 0x1081100, 0x1081500, 0x10081000, 0x10081400, 0x11081000, 0x11081400, 0x10081000, 0x10081400, 0x11081000, 0x11081400, 0x10081100, 0x10081500, 0x11081100, 0x11081500, 0x10081100, 0x10081500, 0x11081100, 0x11081500, 0x1008, 0x1408, 0x1001008, 0x1001408, 0x1008, 0x1408, 0x1001008, 0x1001408, 0x1108, 0x1508, 0x1001108, 0x1001508, 0x1108, 0x1508, 0x1001108, 0x1001508, 0x10001008, 0x10001408, 0x11001008, 0x11001408, 0x10001008, 0x10001408, 0x11001008, 0x11001408, 0x10001108, 0x10001508, 0x11001108, 0x11001508, 0x10001108, 0x10001508, 0x11001108, 0x11001508, 0x81008, 0x81408, 0x1081008, 0x1081408, 0x81008, 0x81408, 0x1081008, 0x1081408, 0x81108, 0x81508, 0x1081108, 0x1081508, 0x81108, 0x81508, 0x1081108, 0x1081508, 0x10081008, 0x10081408, 0x11081008, 0x11081408, 0x10081008, 0x10081408, 0x11081008, 0x11081408, 0x10081108, 0x10081508, 0x11081108, 0x11081508, 0x10081108, 0x10081508, 0x11081108, 0x11081508]; $keys = []; for ($des_round = 0; $des_round < $this->des_rounds; ++$des_round) { // pad the key and remove extra characters as appropriate. $key = str_pad(substr($this->key, $des_round * 8, 8), 8, "\0"); // Perform the PC/1 transformation and compute C and D. $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $key); list($l, $r) = [$t['l'], $t['r']]; $key = self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$r & 0xff]] & "\0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$r >> 8 & 0xff]] & "@@@@@@@\0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$r >> 16 & 0xff]] & " \0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$r >> 24 & 0xff]] & "\20\20\20\20\20\20\20\0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$l & 0xff]] & "\10\10\10\10\10\10\10\0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$l >> 8 & 0xff]] & "\4\4\4\4\4\4\4\0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$l >> 16 & 0xff]] & "\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\0" | self::$shuffle[$pc1map[$l >> 24 & 0xff]] & "\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\0"; $key = unpack('Nc/Nd', $key); $c = $key['c'] >> 4 & 0xfffffff; $d = $key['d'] >> 4 & 0xffffff0 | $key['c'] & 0xf; $keys[$des_round] = [self::ENCRYPT => [], self::DECRYPT => array_fill(0, 32, 0)]; for ($i = 0, $ki = 31; $i < 16; ++$i, $ki -= 2) { $c <<= $shifts[$i]; $c = ($c | $c >> 28) & 0xfffffff; $d <<= $shifts[$i]; $d = ($d | $d >> 28) & 0xfffffff; // Perform the PC-2 transformation. $cp = $pc2mapc1[$c >> 24] | $pc2mapc2[$c >> 16 & 0xff] | $pc2mapc3[$c >> 8 & 0xff] | $pc2mapc4[$c & 0xff]; $dp = $pc2mapd1[$d >> 24] | $pc2mapd2[$d >> 16 & 0xff] | $pc2mapd3[$d >> 8 & 0xff] | $pc2mapd4[$d & 0xff]; // Reorder: odd bytes/even bytes. Push the result in key schedule. $val1 = $cp & 0xff000000 | $cp << 8 & 0xff0000 | $dp >> 16 & 0xff00 | $dp >> 8 & 0xff; $val2 = $cp << 8 & 0xff000000 | $cp << 16 & 0xff0000 | $dp >> 8 & 0xff00 | $dp & 0xff; $keys[$des_round][self::ENCRYPT][] = $val1; $keys[$des_round][self::DECRYPT][$ki - 1] = $val1; $keys[$des_round][self::ENCRYPT][] = $val2; $keys[$des_round][self::DECRYPT][$ki] = $val2; } } switch ($this->des_rounds) { case 3: // 3DES keys $this->keys = [self::ENCRYPT => array_merge($keys[0][self::ENCRYPT], $keys[1][self::DECRYPT], $keys[2][self::ENCRYPT]), self::DECRYPT => array_merge($keys[2][self::DECRYPT], $keys[1][self::ENCRYPT], $keys[0][self::DECRYPT])]; break; // case 1: // DES keys default: $this->keys = [self::ENCRYPT => $keys[0][self::ENCRYPT], self::DECRYPT => $keys[0][self::DECRYPT]]; } } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupInlineCrypt() * @access private */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { // Engine configuration for: // - DES ($des_rounds == 1) or // - 3DES ($des_rounds == 3) $des_rounds = $this->des_rounds; $init_crypt = 'static $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $sbox4, $sbox5, $sbox6, $sbox7, $sbox8, $shuffleip, $shuffleinvip; if (!$sbox1) { $sbox1 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox1); $sbox2 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox2); $sbox3 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox3); $sbox4 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox4); $sbox5 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox5); $sbox6 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox6); $sbox7 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox7); $sbox8 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox8);' . ' for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $shuffleip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$ipmap[$i]]; $shuffleinvip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$invipmap[$i]]; } } '; $k = [self::ENCRYPT => $this->keys[self::ENCRYPT], self::DECRYPT => $this->keys[self::DECRYPT]]; $init_encrypt = ''; $init_decrypt = ''; // Creating code for en- and decryption. $crypt_block = []; foreach ([self::ENCRYPT, self::DECRYPT] as $c) { /* Do the initial IP permutation. */ $crypt_block[$c] = ' $in = unpack("N*", $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; $in = unpack("N*", ($shuffleip[ $r & 0xFF] & "\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10") | ($shuffleip[ $l & 0xFF] & "\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01") ); ' . ' $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; '; $l = '$l'; $r = '$r'; // Perform DES or 3DES. for ($ki = -1, $des_round = 0; $des_round < $des_rounds; ++$des_round) { // Perform the 16 steps. for ($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) { // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL: // // Merge key schedule. $crypt_block[$c] .= ' $b1 = ((' . $r . ' >> 3) & 0x1FFFFFFF) ^ (' . $r . ' << 29) ^ ' . $k[$c][++$ki] . '; $b2 = ((' . $r . ' >> 31) & 0x00000001) ^ (' . $r . ' << 1) ^ ' . $k[$c][++$ki] . ';' . $l . ' = $sbox1[($b1 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox2[($b2 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox3[($b1 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox4[($b2 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox5[($b1 >> 8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox6[($b2 >> 8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox7[ $b1 & 0x3F] ^ $sbox8[ $b2 & 0x3F] ^ ' . $l . '; '; // end of "the Feistel (F) function" // swap L & R list($l, $r) = [$r, $l]; } list($l, $r) = [$r, $l]; } // Perform the inverse IP permutation. $crypt_block[$c] .= '$in = ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80\\x80") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40\\x40") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10\\x10") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08\\x08") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04\\x04") | ($shuffleinvip[ $l & 0xFF] & "\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02\\x02") | ($shuffleinvip[ $r & 0xFF] & "\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x01"); '; } // Creates the inline-crypt function $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction(['init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'init_encrypt' => $init_encrypt, 'init_decrypt' => $init_decrypt, 'encrypt_block' => $crypt_block[self::ENCRYPT], 'decrypt_block' => $crypt_block[self::DECRYPT]]); } } * setKey('abcdefghijklmnop'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $aes->decrypt($aes->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package AES * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2008 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of AES. * * @package AES * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class AES extends Rijndael { /** * Dummy function * * Since \tgseclib\Crypt\AES extends \tgseclib\Crypt\Rijndael, this function is, technically, available, but it doesn't do anything. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Rijndael::setBlockLength() * @access public * @param int $length * @throws \BadMethodCallException anytime it's called */ public function setBlockLength($length) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('The block length cannot be set for AES.'); } /** * Sets the key length * * Valid key lengths are 128, 192, and 256. Set the link to bool(false) to disable a fixed key length * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Rijndael:setKeyLength() * @access public * @param int $length * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 192: case 256: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . $length . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128, 192 or 256 supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Rijndael supports five different key lengths, AES only supports three. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Rijndael:setKey() * @see setKeyLength() * @access public * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 24: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * DSA Private Key * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PrivateKey extends DSA implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * DSA secret exponent x * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $x; /** * Returns the public key * * If you do "openssl rsa -in private.rsa -pubout -outform PEM" you get a PKCS8 formatted key * that contains a publicKeyAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier and a publicKey BIT STRING. * An AlgorithmIdentifier contains an OID and a parameters field. With RSA public keys this * parameters field is NULL. With DSA PKCS8 public keys it is not - it contains the p, q and g * variables. The publicKey BIT STRING contains, simply, the y variable. This can be verified * by getting a DSA PKCS8 public key: * * "openssl dsa -in private.dsa -pubout -outform PEM" * * ie. just swap out rsa with dsa in the rsa command above. * * A PKCS1 public key corresponds to the publicKey portion of the PKCS8 key. In the case of RSA * the publicKey portion /is/ the key. In the case of DSA it is not. You cannot verify a signature * without the parameters and the PKCS1 DSA public key format does not include the parameters. * * @see self::getPrivateKey() * @access public * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS8', 'savePublicKey'); if (!isset($this->y)) { $this->y = $this->g->powMod($this->x, $this->p); } $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $this->y); return DSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key)->withHash($this->hash->getHash())->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @access public * @param string $message * @return mixed */ public function sign($message) { $format = $this->format; if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $signature = ''; $result = openssl_sign($message, $signature, $this->toString('PKCS8'), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result) { if ($this->shortFormat == 'ASN1') { return $signature; } extract(ASN1Signature::load($signature)); return $format::save($r, $s); } } $h = $this->hash->hash($message); $h = $this->bits2int($h); while (true) { $k = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $this->q->subtract(self::$one)); $r = $this->g->powMod($k, $this->p); list(, $r) = $r->divide($this->q); if ($r->equals(self::$zero)) { continue; } $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $temp = $h->add($this->x->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); if (!$s->equals(self::$zero)) { break; } } // the following is an RFC6979 compliant implementation of deterministic DSA // it's unused because it's mainly intended for use when a good CSPRNG isn't // available. if phpseclib's CSPRNG isn't good then even key generation is // suspect /* $h1 = $this->hash->hash($message); $k = $this->computek($h1); $r = $this->g->powMod($k, $this->p); list(, $r) = $r->divide($this->q); $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $h1 = $this->bits2int($h1); $temp = $h1->add($this->x->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); */ return $format::save($r, $s); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); if (!isset($this->y)) { $this->y = $this->g->powMod($this->x, $this->p); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $this->y, $this->x, $this->password, $options); } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * SSH2 Signature Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class SSH2 { /** * Loads a signature * * @access public * @param string $sig * @return mixed */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $sig); if ($result === false) { return false; } list($type, $blob) = $result; if ($type != 'ssh-dss' || strlen($blob) != 40) { return false; } return ['r' => new BigInteger(substr($blob, 0, 20), 256), 's' => new BigInteger(substr($blob, 20), 256)]; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { if ($r->getLength() > 160 || $s->getLength() > 160) { return false; } return Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-dss', str_pad($r->toBytes(), 20, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($s->toBytes(), 20, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT)); } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\File\ASN1 as Encoder; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * ASN1 Signature Handler * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class ASN1 { /** * Loads a signature * * @access public * @param string $sig * @return array|bool */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $decoded = Encoder::decodeBER($sig); if (empty($decoded)) { return false; } $components = Encoder::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DssSigValue::MAP); return $components; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { return Encoder::encodeDER(compact('r', 's'), Maps\DssSigValue::MAP); } } * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Signature\Raw as Progenitor; /** * Raw DSA Signature Handler * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Raw extends Progenitor { } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH as Progenitor; /** * OpenSSH Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSH extends Progenitor { /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ssh-dss']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $parsed = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($parsed['paddedKey'])) { list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $parsed['paddedKey']); if ($type != $parsed['type']) { throw new \RuntimeException("The public and private keys are not of the same type ({$type} vs {$parsed['type']})"); } list($p, $q, $g, $y, $x, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i5s', $parsed['paddedKey']); return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x', 'comment'); } list($p, $q, $g, $y) = Strings::unpackSSH2('iiii', $parsed['publicKey']); $comment = $parsed['comment']; return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'comment'); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, array $options = []) { if ($q->getLength() != 160) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSH only supports keys with an N (length of Group Order q) of 160'); } // from : // string "ssh-dss" // mpint p // mpint q // mpint g // mpint y $DSAPublicKey = Strings::packSSH2('siiii', 'ssh-dss', $p, $q, $g, $y); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $DSAPublicKey; } $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $DSAPublicKey = 'ssh-dss ' . base64_encode($DSAPublicKey) . ' ' . $comment; return $DSAPublicKey; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '', array $options = []) { $publicKey = self::savePublicKey($p, $q, $g, $y, ['binary' => true]); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('si5', 'ssh-dss', $p, $q, $g, $y, $x); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $options); } } 160 kinda useless, hence this handlers not supporting such keys. * * PHP version 5 * * @category Crypt * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PuTTY as Progenitor; /** * PuTTY Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PuTTY extends Progenitor { /** * Public Handler * * @var string * @access private */ const PUBLIC_HANDLER = 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH'; /** * Algorithm Identifier * * @var array * @access private */ protected static $types = ['ssh-dss']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $components = parent::load($key, $password); if (!isset($components['private'])) { return $components; } extract($components); unset($components['public'], $components['private']); list($p, $q, $g, $y) = Strings::unpackSSH2('iiii', $public); list($x) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i', $private); return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x', 'comment'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = false, array $options = []) { if ($q->getLength() != 160) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSH only supports keys with an N (length of Group Order q) of 160'); } $public = Strings::packSSH2('iiii', $p, $q, $g, $y); $private = Strings::packSSH2('i', $x); return self::wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, 'ssh-dsa', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { if ($q->getLength() != 160) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSH only supports keys with an N (length of Group Order q) of 160'); } return self::wrapPublicKey(Strings::packSSH2('iiii', $p, $q, $g, $y), 'ssh-dsa'); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * XML Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class XML { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (substr($key, 0, 5) != '' . $key . ''; } if (!$dom->loadXML($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not appear to contain XML'); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $keys = ['p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'j', 'seed', 'pgencounter']; foreach ($keys as $key) { // $dom->getElementsByTagName($key) is case-sensitive $temp = $xpath->query("//*[translate(local-name(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='{$key}']"); if (!$temp->length) { continue; } $value = new BigInteger(Base64::decode($temp->item(0)->nodeValue), 256); switch ($key) { case 'p': // a prime modulus meeting the [DSS] requirements // Parameters P, Q, and G can be public and common to a group of users. They might be known // from application context. As such, they are optional but P and Q must either both appear // or both be absent $components['p'] = $value; break; case 'q': // an integer in the range 2**159 < Q < 2**160 which is a prime divisor of P-1 $components['q'] = $value; break; case 'g': // an integer with certain properties with respect to P and Q $components['g'] = $value; break; case 'y': // G**X mod P (where X is part of the private key and not made public) $components['y'] = $value; // the remaining options do not do anything case 'j': // (P - 1) / Q // Parameter J is available for inclusion solely for efficiency as it is calculatable from // P and Q case 'seed': // a DSA prime generation seed // Parameters seed and pgenCounter are used in the DSA prime number generation algorithm // specified in [DSS]. As such, they are optional but must either both be present or both // be absent case 'pgencounter': } } libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); if (!isset($components['y'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key is missing y component'); } switch (true) { case !isset($components['p']): case !isset($components['q']): case !isset($components['g']): return ['y' => $components['y']]; } return $components; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * See * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { return "\r\n" . '

' . Base64::encode($p->toBytes()) . "

\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($q->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($g->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Base64::encode($y->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . '
'; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; /** * PKCS#1 Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @package RSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAParams::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return $key; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAPrivateKey::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return $key; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return $key; } throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } /** * Convert DSA parameters to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @return string */ public static function saveParameters(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g) { $key = ['p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\DSAParams::MAP); return "-----BEGIN DSA PARAMETERS-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Base64::encode($key), 64) . "-----END DSA PARAMETERS-----\r\n"; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '', array $options = []) { $key = ['version' => 0, 'p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g, 'y' => $y, 'x' => $x]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\DSAPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, 'DSA', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { $key = ASN1::encodeDER($y, Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, 'DSA'); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw DSA Key Handler * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Raw { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param array $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a array - not a ' . gettype($key)); } switch (true) { case !isset($key['p']) || !isset($key['q']) || !isset($key['g']): case !$key['p'] instanceof BigInteger: case !$key['q'] instanceof BigInteger: case !$key['g'] instanceof BigInteger: case !isset($key['x']) && !isset($key['y']): case isset($key['x']) && !$key['x'] instanceof BigInteger: case isset($key['y']) && !$key['y'] instanceof BigInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $options = ['p' => 1, 'q' => 1, 'g' => 1, 'x' => 1, 'y' => 1]; return array_intersect_key($key, $options); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '') { return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x'); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y'); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_NAME = 'id-dsa'; /** * OID Value * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.10040.4.1'; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $isPublic = strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'privateKey' : 'publicKey'; switch (true) { case !$isPublic && $type == 'publicKey': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims non-public key but DER encoded string claims public key'); case $isPublic && $type == 'privateKey': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims public key but DER encoded string claims private key'); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['parameters']->element); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER of parameters'); } $components = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAParams::MAP); if (!is_array($components)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping on parameters'); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type]); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $var = $type == 'privateKey' ? 'x' : 'y'; $components[$var] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); if (!$components[$var] instanceof BigInteger) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } if (isset($key['meta'])) { $components['meta'] = $key['meta']; } return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '', array $options = []) { $params = ['p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DSAParams::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($x, Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $y * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, array $options = []) { $params = ['p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DSAParams::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($y, Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * DSA Public Key * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PublicKey extends DSA implements Common\PublicKey { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Verify a signature * * @see self::verify() * @access public * @param string $message * @param string $signature * @param string $format optional * @return mixed */ public function verify($message, $signature) { $format = $this->format; $params = $format::load($signature); if ($params === false || count($params) != 2) { return false; } extract($params); if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $sig = $format != 'ASN1' ? ASN1Signature::save($r, $s) : $signature; $result = openssl_verify($message, $sig, $this->toString('PKCS8'), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result != -1) { return (bool) $result; } } $q_1 = $this->q->subtract(self::$one); if (!$r->between(self::$one, $q_1) || !$s->between(self::$one, $q_1)) { return false; } $w = $s->modInverse($this->q); $h = $this->hash->hash($message); $h = $this->bits2int($h); list(, $u1) = $h->multiply($w)->divide($this->q); list(, $u2) = $r->multiply($w)->divide($this->q); $v1 = $this->g->powMod($u1, $this->p); $v2 = $this->y->powMod($u2, $this->p); list(, $v) = $v1->multiply($v2)->divide($this->p); list(, $v) = $v->divide($this->q); return $v->equals($r); } /** * Returns the public key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); return $type::savePublicKey($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $this->y, $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; /** * DSA Parameters * * @package DSA * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Parameters extends DSA { /** * Returns the parameters * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type = 'PKCS1', array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); return $type::saveParameters($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $options); } } * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\File\X509; /** * PublicKeyLoader * * @package Common * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PublicKeyLoader { /** * Loads a public or private key * * @return AsymmetricKey * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional */ public static function load($key, $password = false) { try { return EC::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } try { return RSA::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } try { return DSA::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } try { $x509 = new X509(); $x509->loadX509($key); $key = $x509->getPublicKey(); if ($key) { return $key; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } throw new NoKeyLoadedException('Unable to read key'); } } * setKey('abcdefghijklmnop'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package Rijndael * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2008 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; use tgseclib\Exception\BadModeException; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use tgseclib\Exception\BadDecryptionException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Rijndael. * * @package Rijndael * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Rijndael extends BlockCipher { /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * Mcrypt is useable for 128/192/256-bit $block_size/$key_length. For 160/224 not. * \tgseclib\Crypt\Rijndael determines automatically whether mcrypt is useable * or not for the current $block_size/$key_length. * In case of, $cipher_name_mcrypt will be set dynamically at run time accordingly. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::engine * @see self::isValidEngine() * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rijndael-128'; /** * The Key Schedule * * @see self::setup() * @var array * @access private */ private $w; /** * The Inverse Key Schedule * * @see self::setup() * @var array * @access private */ private $dw; /** * The Block Length divided by 32 * * @see self::setBlockLength() * @var int * @access private * @internal The max value is 256 / 32 = 8, the min value is 128 / 32 = 4. Exists in conjunction with $block_size * because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $block_size. We could * derive this from $block_size or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu * of that, we'll just precompute it once. */ private $Nb = 4; /** * The Key Length (in bytes) * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private * @internal The max value is 256 / 8 = 32, the min value is 128 / 8 = 16. Exists in conjunction with $Nk * because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $key_length. We could * derive this from $key_length or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu * of that, we'll just precompute it once. */ protected $key_length = 16; /** * The Key Length divided by 32 * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private * @internal The max value is 256 / 32 = 8, the min value is 128 / 32 = 4 */ private $Nk = 4; /** * The Number of Rounds * * @var int * @access private * @internal The max value is 14, the min value is 10. */ private $Nr; /** * Shift offsets * * @var array * @access private */ private $c; /** * Holds the last used key- and block_size information * * @var array * @access private */ private $kl; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @access public * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256. * * Note: phpseclib extends Rijndael (and AES) for using 160- and 224-bit keys but they are officially not defined * and the most (if not all) implementations are not able using 160/224-bit keys but round/pad them up to * 192/256 bits as, for example, mcrypt will do. * * That said, if you want be compatible with other Rijndael and AES implementations, * you should not setKeyLength(160) or setKeyLength(224). * * Additional: In case of 160- and 224-bit keys, phpseclib will/can, for that reason, not use * the mcrypt php extension, even if available. * This results then in slower encryption. * * @access public * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 160: case 192: case 224: case 256: $this->key_length = $length >> 3; break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128, 160, 192, 224 or 256 bits are supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Rijndael supports five different key lengths * * @see setKeyLength() * @access public * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 20: case 24: case 28: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32 are supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Sets the block length * * Valid block lengths are 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256. * * @access public * @param int $length */ public function setBlockLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 160: case 192: case 224: case 256: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128, 160, 192, 224 or 256 bits are supported'); } $this->Nb = $length >> 5; $this->block_size = $length >> 3; $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: return function_exists('sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available') && sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available() && $this->mode == self::MODE_GCM && $this->key_length == 32 && $this->nonce && strlen($this->nonce) == 12 && $this->block_size == 16; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM: if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { return false; } $methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); return $this->mode == self::MODE_GCM && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0', '>=') && in_array('aes-' . $this->getKeyLength() . '-gcm', $methods) && $this->block_size == 16; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: if ($this->block_size != 16) { return false; } self::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'aes-' . ($this->key_length << 3) . '-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'aes-' . ($this->key_length << 3) . '-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); break; case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: $this->cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rijndael-' . ($this->block_size << 3); if ($this->key_length % 8) { // is it a 160/224-bit key? // mcrypt is not usable for them, only for 128/192/256-bit keys return false; } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { $tables =& $this->getTables(); } $t0 = $tables[0]; $t1 = $tables[1]; $t2 = $tables[2]; $t3 = $tables[3]; $sbox = $tables[4]; $state = []; $words = unpack('N*', $in); $c = $this->c; $w = $this->w; $Nb = $this->Nb; $Nr = $this->Nr; // addRoundKey $wc = $Nb - 1; foreach ($words as $word) { $state[] = $word ^ $w[++$wc]; } // fips-197.pdf#page=19, "Figure 5. Pseudo Code for the Cipher", states that this loop has four components - // subBytes, shiftRows, mixColumns, and addRoundKey. fips-197.pdf#page=30, "Implementation Suggestions Regarding // Various Platforms" suggests that performs enhanced implementations are described in Rijndael-ammended.pdf. // Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=20, "Implementation aspects / 32-bit processor", discusses such an optimization. // Unfortunately, the description given there is not quite correct. Per aes.spec.v316.pdf#page=19 [1], // equation (7.4.7) is supposed to use addition instead of subtraction, so we'll do that here, as well. // [1] $temp = []; for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) { $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $c[1]; $k = $c[2]; $l = $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $temp[$i] = $t0[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $t1[$state[$j] >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $t2[$state[$k] >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $t3[$state[$l] & 0xff] ^ $w[++$wc]; ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } $state = $temp; } // subWord for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $state[$i] = $sbox[$state[$i] & 0xff] | $sbox[$state[$i] >> 8 & 0xff] << 8 | $sbox[$state[$i] >> 16 & 0xff] << 16 | $sbox[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0xff] << 24; } // shiftRows + addRoundKey $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $c[1]; $k = $c[2]; $l = $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $temp[$i] = $state[$i] & 0xff000000 ^ $state[$j] & 0xff0000 ^ $state[$k] & 0xff00 ^ $state[$l] & 0xff ^ $w[$i]; ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } return pack('N*',...$temp); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { static $invtables; if (empty($invtables)) { $invtables =& $this->getInvTables(); } $dt0 = $invtables[0]; $dt1 = $invtables[1]; $dt2 = $invtables[2]; $dt3 = $invtables[3]; $isbox = $invtables[4]; $state = []; $words = unpack('N*', $in); $c = $this->c; $dw = $this->dw; $Nb = $this->Nb; $Nr = $this->Nr; // addRoundKey $wc = $Nb - 1; foreach ($words as $word) { $state[] = $word ^ $dw[++$wc]; } $temp = []; for ($round = $Nr - 1; $round > 0; --$round) { $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $Nb - $c[1]; $k = $Nb - $c[2]; $l = $Nb - $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $temp[$i] = $dt0[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $dt1[$state[$j] >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $dt2[$state[$k] >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$state[$l] & 0xff] ^ $dw[++$wc]; ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } $state = $temp; } // invShiftRows + invSubWord + addRoundKey $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $Nb - $c[1]; $k = $Nb - $c[2]; $l = $Nb - $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $word = $state[$i] & 0xff000000 | $state[$j] & 0xff0000 | $state[$k] & 0xff00 | $state[$l] & 0xff; $temp[$i] = $dw[$i] ^ ($isbox[$word & 0xff] | $isbox[$word >> 8 & 0xff] << 8 | $isbox[$word >> 16 & 0xff] << 16 | $isbox[$word >> 24 & 0xff] << 24); ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } return pack('N*',...$temp); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { // Each number in $rcon is equal to the previous number multiplied by two in Rijndael's finite field. // See static $rcon = [0, 0x1000000, 0x2000000, 0x4000000, 0x8000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x1b000000, 0x36000000, 0x6c000000, 0xd8000000, 0xab000000, 0x4d000000, 0x9a000000, 0x2f000000, 0x5e000000, 0xbc000000, 0x63000000, 0xc6000000, 0x97000000, 0x35000000, 0x6a000000, 0xd4000000, 0xb3000000, 0x7d000000, 0xfa000000, 0xef000000, 0xc5000000, 0x91000000]; if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key'] && $this->key_length === $this->kl['key_length'] && $this->block_size === $this->kl['block_size']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key, 'key_length' => $this->key_length, 'block_size' => $this->block_size]; $this->Nk = $this->key_length >> 2; // see Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44 $this->Nr = max($this->Nk, $this->Nb) + 6; // shift offsets for Nb = 5, 7 are defined in Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44, // "Table 8: Shift offsets in Shiftrow for the alternative block lengths" // shift offsets for Nb = 4, 6, 8 are defined in Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=14, // "Table 2: Shift offsets for different block lengths" switch ($this->Nb) { case 4: case 5: case 6: $this->c = [0, 1, 2, 3]; break; case 7: $this->c = [0, 1, 2, 4]; break; case 8: $this->c = [0, 1, 3, 4]; } $w = array_values(unpack('N*words', $this->key)); $length = $this->Nb * ($this->Nr + 1); for ($i = $this->Nk; $i < $length; $i++) { $temp = $w[$i - 1]; if ($i % $this->Nk == 0) { // according to , "the size of an integer is platform-dependent". // on a 32-bit machine, it's 32-bits, and on a 64-bit machine, it's 64-bits. on a 32-bit machine, // 0xFFFFFFFF << 8 == 0xFFFFFF00, but on a 64-bit machine, it equals 0xFFFFFFFF00. as such, doing 'and' // with 0xFFFFFFFF (or 0xFFFFFF00) on a 32-bit machine is unnecessary, but on a 64-bit machine, it is. $temp = $temp << 8 & 0xffffff00 | $temp >> 24 & 0xff; // rotWord $temp = $this->subWord($temp) ^ $rcon[$i / $this->Nk]; } elseif ($this->Nk > 6 && $i % $this->Nk == 4) { $temp = $this->subWord($temp); } $w[$i] = $w[$i - $this->Nk] ^ $temp; } // convert the key schedule from a vector of $Nb * ($Nr + 1) length to a matrix with $Nr + 1 rows and $Nb columns // and generate the inverse key schedule. more specifically, // according to (section 5.3.3), // "The key expansion for the Inverse Cipher is defined as follows: // 1. Apply the Key Expansion. // 2. Apply InvMixColumn to all Round Keys except the first and the last one." // also, see fips-197.pdf#page=27, "5.3.5 Equivalent Inverse Cipher" list($dt0, $dt1, $dt2, $dt3) = $this->getInvTables(); $temp = $this->w = $this->dw = []; for ($i = $row = $col = 0; $i < $length; $i++, $col++) { if ($col == $this->Nb) { if ($row == 0) { $this->dw[0] = $this->w[0]; } else { // subWord + invMixColumn + invSubWord = invMixColumn $j = 0; while ($j < $this->Nb) { $dw = $this->subWord($this->w[$row][$j]); $temp[$j] = $dt0[$dw >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $dt1[$dw >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $dt2[$dw >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$dw & 0xff]; $j++; } $this->dw[$row] = $temp; } $col = 0; $row++; } $this->w[$row][$col] = $w[$i]; } $this->dw[$row] = $this->w[$row]; // Converting to 1-dim key arrays (both ascending) $this->dw = array_reverse($this->dw); $w = array_pop($this->w); $dw = array_pop($this->dw); foreach ($this->w as $r => $wr) { foreach ($wr as $c => $wc) { $w[] = $wc; $dw[] = $this->dw[$r][$c]; } } $this->w = $w; $this->dw = $dw; } /** * Performs S-Box substitutions * * @return array * @access private * @param int $word */ private function subWord($word) { static $sbox; if (empty($sbox)) { list(, , , , $sbox) = self::getTables(); } return $sbox[$word & 0xff] | $sbox[$word >> 8 & 0xff] << 8 | $sbox[$word >> 16 & 0xff] << 16 | $sbox[$word >> 24 & 0xff] << 24; } /** * Provides the mixColumns and sboxes tables * * @see self::encryptBlock() * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @see self::subWord() * @access private * @return array &$tables */ protected function &getTables() { static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { // according to (section 5.2.1), // precomputed tables can be used in the mixColumns phase. in that example, they're assigned t0...t3, so // those are the names we'll use. $t3 = array_map('intval', [ // with array_map('intval',...) we ensure we have only int's and not // some slower floats converted by php automatically on high values 0x6363a5c6, 0x7c7c84f8, 0x777799ee, 0x7b7b8df6, 0xf2f20dff, 0x6b6bbdd6, 0x6f6fb1de, 0xc5c55491, 0x30305060, 0x1010302, 0x6767a9ce, 0x2b2b7d56, 0xfefe19e7, 0xd7d762b5, 0xababe64d, 0x76769aec, 0xcaca458f, 0x82829d1f, 0xc9c94089, 0x7d7d87fa, 0xfafa15ef, 0x5959ebb2, 0x4747c98e, 0xf0f00bfb, 0xadadec41, 0xd4d467b3, 0xa2a2fd5f, 0xafafea45, 0x9c9cbf23, 0xa4a4f753, 0x727296e4, 0xc0c05b9b, 0xb7b7c275, 0xfdfd1ce1, 0x9393ae3d, 0x26266a4c, 0x36365a6c, 0x3f3f417e, 0xf7f702f5, 0xcccc4f83, 0x34345c68, 0xa5a5f451, 0xe5e534d1, 0xf1f108f9, 0x717193e2, 0xd8d873ab, 0x31315362, 0x15153f2a, 0x4040c08, 0xc7c75295, 0x23236546, 0xc3c35e9d, 0x18182830, 0x9696a137, 0x5050f0a, 0x9a9ab52f, 0x707090e, 0x12123624, 0x80809b1b, 0xe2e23ddf, 0xebeb26cd, 0x2727694e, 0xb2b2cd7f, 0x75759fea, 0x9091b12, 0x83839e1d, 0x2c2c7458, 0x1a1a2e34, 0x1b1b2d36, 0x6e6eb2dc, 0x5a5aeeb4, 0xa0a0fb5b, 0x5252f6a4, 0x3b3b4d76, 0xd6d661b7, 0xb3b3ce7d, 0x29297b52, 0xe3e33edd, 0x2f2f715e, 0x84849713, 0x5353f5a6, 0xd1d168b9, 0x0, 0xeded2cc1, 0x20206040, 0xfcfc1fe3, 0xb1b1c879, 0x5b5bedb6, 0x6a6abed4, 0xcbcb468d, 0xbebed967, 0x39394b72, 0x4a4ade94, 0x4c4cd498, 0x5858e8b0, 0xcfcf4a85, 0xd0d06bbb, 0xefef2ac5, 0xaaaae54f, 0xfbfb16ed, 0x4343c586, 0x4d4dd79a, 0x33335566, 0x85859411, 0x4545cf8a, 0xf9f910e9, 0x2020604, 0x7f7f81fe, 0x5050f0a0, 0x3c3c4478, 0x9f9fba25, 0xa8a8e34b, 0x5151f3a2, 0xa3a3fe5d, 0x4040c080, 0x8f8f8a05, 0x9292ad3f, 0x9d9dbc21, 0x38384870, 0xf5f504f1, 0xbcbcdf63, 0xb6b6c177, 0xdada75af, 0x21216342, 0x10103020, 0xffff1ae5, 0xf3f30efd, 0xd2d26dbf, 0xcdcd4c81, 0xc0c1418, 0x13133526, 0xecec2fc3, 0x5f5fe1be, 0x9797a235, 0x4444cc88, 0x1717392e, 0xc4c45793, 0xa7a7f255, 0x7e7e82fc, 0x3d3d477a, 0x6464acc8, 0x5d5de7ba, 0x19192b32, 0x737395e6, 0x6060a0c0, 0x81819819, 0x4f4fd19e, 0xdcdc7fa3, 0x22226644, 0x2a2a7e54, 0x9090ab3b, 0x8888830b, 0x4646ca8c, 0xeeee29c7, 0xb8b8d36b, 0x14143c28, 0xdede79a7, 0x5e5ee2bc, 0xb0b1d16, 0xdbdb76ad, 0xe0e03bdb, 0x32325664, 0x3a3a4e74, 0xa0a1e14, 0x4949db92, 0x6060a0c, 0x24246c48, 0x5c5ce4b8, 0xc2c25d9f, 0xd3d36ebd, 0xacacef43, 0x6262a6c4, 0x9191a839, 0x9595a431, 0xe4e437d3, 0x79798bf2, 0xe7e732d5, 0xc8c8438b, 0x3737596e, 0x6d6db7da, 0x8d8d8c01, 0xd5d564b1, 0x4e4ed29c, 0xa9a9e049, 0x6c6cb4d8, 0x5656faac, 0xf4f407f3, 0xeaea25cf, 0x6565afca, 0x7a7a8ef4, 0xaeaee947, 0x8081810, 0xbabad56f, 0x787888f0, 0x25256f4a, 0x2e2e725c, 0x1c1c2438, 0xa6a6f157, 0xb4b4c773, 0xc6c65197, 0xe8e823cb, 0xdddd7ca1, 0x74749ce8, 0x1f1f213e, 0x4b4bdd96, 0xbdbddc61, 0x8b8b860d, 0x8a8a850f, 0x707090e0, 0x3e3e427c, 0xb5b5c471, 0x6666aacc, 0x4848d890, 0x3030506, 0xf6f601f7, 0xe0e121c, 0x6161a3c2, 0x35355f6a, 0x5757f9ae, 0xb9b9d069, 0x86869117, 0xc1c15899, 0x1d1d273a, 0x9e9eb927, 0xe1e138d9, 0xf8f813eb, 0x9898b32b, 0x11113322, 0x6969bbd2, 0xd9d970a9, 0x8e8e8907, 0x9494a733, 0x9b9bb62d, 0x1e1e223c, 0x87879215, 0xe9e920c9, 0xcece4987, 0x5555ffaa, 0x28287850, 0xdfdf7aa5, 0x8c8c8f03, 0xa1a1f859, 0x89898009, 0xd0d171a, 0xbfbfda65, 0xe6e631d7, 0x4242c684, 0x6868b8d0, 0x4141c382, 0x9999b029, 0x2d2d775a, 0xf0f111e, 0xb0b0cb7b, 0x5454fca8, 0xbbbbd66d, 0x16163a2c, ]); foreach ($t3 as $t3i) { $t0[] = $t3i << 24 & 0xff000000 | $t3i >> 8 & 0xffffff; $t1[] = $t3i << 16 & 0xffff0000 | $t3i >> 16 & 0xffff; $t2[] = $t3i << 8 & 0xffffff00 | $t3i >> 24 & 0xff; } $tables = [ // The Precomputed mixColumns tables t0 - t3 $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, // The SubByte S-Box [0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x1, 0x67, 0x2b, 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76, 0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0, 0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15, 0x4, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x5, 0x9a, 0x7, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75, 0x9, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84, 0x53, 0xd1, 0x0, 0xed, 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x2, 0x7f, 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8, 0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2, 0xcd, 0xc, 0x13, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73, 0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, 0xde, 0x5e, 0xb, 0xdb, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0xa, 0x49, 0x6, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79, 0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x8, 0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x3, 0xf6, 0xe, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e, 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf, 0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0xd, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0xf, 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16], ]; } return $tables; } /** * Provides the inverse mixColumns and inverse sboxes tables * * @see self::decryptBlock() * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @see self::setupKey() * @access private * @return array &$tables */ protected function &getInvTables() { static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { $dt3 = array_map('intval', [0xf4a75051, 0x4165537e, 0x17a4c31a, 0x275e963a, 0xab6bcb3b, 0x9d45f11f, 0xfa58abac, 0xe303934b, 0x30fa5520, 0x766df6ad, 0xcc769188, 0x24c25f5, 0xe5d7fc4f, 0x2acbd7c5, 0x35448026, 0x62a38fb5, 0xb15a49de, 0xba1b6725, 0xea0e9845, 0xfec0e15d, 0x2f7502c3, 0x4cf01281, 0x4697a38d, 0xd3f9c66b, 0x8f5fe703, 0x929c9515, 0x6d7aebbf, 0x5259da95, 0xbe832dd4, 0x7421d358, 0xe0692949, 0xc9c8448e, 0xc2896a75, 0x8e7978f4, 0x583e6b99, 0xb971dd27, 0xe14fb6be, 0x88ad17f0, 0x20ac66c9, 0xce3ab47d, 0xdf4a1863, 0x1a3182e5, 0x51336097, 0x537f4562, 0x6477e0b1, 0x6bae84bb, 0x81a01cfe, 0x82b94f9, 0x48685870, 0x45fd198f, 0xde6c8794, 0x7bf8b752, 0x73d323ab, 0x4b02e272, 0x1f8f57e3, 0x55ab2a66, 0xeb2807b2, 0xb5c2032f, 0xc57b9a86, 0x3708a5d3, 0x2887f230, 0xbfa5b223, 0x36aba02, 0x16825ced, 0xcf1c2b8a, 0x79b492a7, 0x7f2f0f3, 0x69e2a14e, 0xdaf4cd65, 0x5bed506, 0x34621fd1, 0xa6fe8ac4, 0x2e539d34, 0xf355a0a2, 0x8ae13205, 0xf6eb75a4, 0x83ec390b, 0x60efaa40, 0x719f065e, 0x6e1051bd, 0x218af93e, 0xdd063d96, 0x3e05aedd, 0xe6bd464d, 0x548db591, 0xc45d0571, 0x6d46f04, 0x5015ff60, 0x98fb2419, 0xbde997d6, 0x4043cc89, 0xd99e7767, 0xe842bdb0, 0x898b8807, 0x195b38e7, 0xc8eedb79, 0x7c0a47a1, 0x420fe97c, 0x841ec9f8, 0x0, 0x80868309, 0x2bed4832, 0x1170ac1e, 0x5a724e6c, 0xefffbfd, 0x8538560f, 0xaed51e3d, 0x2d392736, 0xfd9640a, 0x5ca62168, 0x5b54d19b, 0x362e3a24, 0xa67b10c, 0x57e70f93, 0xee96d2b4, 0x9b919e1b, 0xc0c54f80, 0xdc20a261, 0x774b695a, 0x121a161c, 0x93ba0ae2, 0xa02ae5c0, 0x22e0433c, 0x1b171d12, 0x90d0b0e, 0x8bc7adf2, 0xb6a8b92d, 0x1ea9c814, 0xf1198557, 0x75074caf, 0x99ddbbee, 0x7f60fda3, 0x1269ff7, 0x72f5bc5c, 0x663bc544, 0xfb7e345b, 0x4329768b, 0x23c6dccb, 0xedfc68b6, 0xe4f163b8, 0x31dccad7, 0x63851042, 0x97224013, 0xc6112084, 0x4a247d85, 0xbb3df8d2, 0xf93211ae, 0x29a16dc7, 0x9e2f4b1d, 0xb230f3dc, 0x8652ec0d, 0xc1e3d077, 0xb3166c2b, 0x70b999a9, 0x9448fa11, 0xe9642247, 0xfc8cc4a8, 0xf03f1aa0, 0x7d2cd856, 0x3390ef22, 0x494ec787, 0x38d1c1d9, 0xcaa2fe8c, 0xd40b3698, 0xf581cfa6, 0x7ade28a5, 0xb78e26da, 0xadbfa43f, 0x3a9de42c, 0x78920d50, 0x5fcc9b6a, 0x7e466254, 0x8d13c2f6, 0xd8b8e890, 0x39f75e2e, 0xc3aff582, 0x5d80be9f, 0xd0937c69, 0xd52da96f, 0x2512b3cf, 0xac993bc8, 0x187da710, 0x9c636ee8, 0x3bbb7bdb, 0x267809cd, 0x5918f46e, 0x9ab701ec, 0x4f9aa883, 0x956e65e6, 0xffe67eaa, 0xbccf0821, 0x15e8e6ef, 0xe79bd9ba, 0x6f36ce4a, 0x9f09d4ea, 0xb07cd629, 0xa4b2af31, 0x3f23312a, 0xa59430c6, 0xa266c035, 0x4ebc3774, 0x82caa6fc, 0x90d0b0e0, 0xa7d81533, 0x4984af1, 0xecdaf741, 0xcd500e7f, 0x91f62f17, 0x4dd68d76, 0xefb04d43, 0xaa4d54cc, 0x9604dfe4, 0xd1b5e39e, 0x6a881b4c, 0x2c1fb8c1, 0x65517f46, 0x5eea049d, 0x8c355d01, 0x877473fa, 0xb412efb, 0x671d5ab3, 0xdbd25292, 0x105633e9, 0xd647136d, 0xd7618c9a, 0xa10c7a37, 0xf8148e59, 0x133c89eb, 0xa927eece, 0x61c935b7, 0x1ce5ede1, 0x47b13c7a, 0xd2df599c, 0xf2733f55, 0x14ce7918, 0xc737bf73, 0xf7cdea53, 0xfdaa5b5f, 0x3d6f14df, 0x44db8678, 0xaff381ca, 0x68c43eb9, 0x24342c38, 0xa3405fc2, 0x1dc37216, 0xe2250cbc, 0x3c498b28, 0xd9541ff, 0xa8017139, 0xcb3de08, 0xb4e49cd8, 0x56c19064, 0xcb84617b, 0x32b670d5, 0x6c5c7448, 0xb85742d0]); foreach ($dt3 as $dt3i) { $dt0[] = $dt3i << 24 & 0xff000000 | $dt3i >> 8 & 0xffffff; $dt1[] = $dt3i << 16 & 0xffff0000 | $dt3i >> 16 & 0xffff; $dt2[] = $dt3i << 8 & 0xffffff00 | $dt3i >> 24 & 0xff; } $tables = [ // The Precomputed inverse mixColumns tables dt0 - dt3 $dt0, $dt1, $dt2, $dt3, // The inverse SubByte S-Box [0x52, 0x9, 0x6a, 0xd5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xa5, 0x38, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xa3, 0x9e, 0x81, 0xf3, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0x7c, 0xe3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9b, 0x2f, 0xff, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8e, 0x43, 0x44, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xcb, 0x54, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x32, 0xa6, 0xc2, 0x23, 0x3d, 0xee, 0x4c, 0x95, 0xb, 0x42, 0xfa, 0xc3, 0x4e, 0x8, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xd9, 0x24, 0xb2, 0x76, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x49, 0x6d, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x25, 0x72, 0xf8, 0xf6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xd4, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0x65, 0xb6, 0x92, 0x6c, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xfd, 0xed, 0xb9, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xa7, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x84, 0x90, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x0, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xd3, 0xa, 0xf7, 0xe4, 0x58, 0x5, 0xb8, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x6, 0xd0, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x8f, 0xca, 0x3f, 0xf, 0x2, 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x3, 0x1, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x6b, 0x3a, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4f, 0x67, 0xdc, 0xea, 0x97, 0xf2, 0xcf, 0xce, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x73, 0x96, 0xac, 0x74, 0x22, 0xe7, 0xad, 0x35, 0x85, 0xe2, 0xf9, 0x37, 0xe8, 0x1c, 0x75, 0xdf, 0x6e, 0x47, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0x71, 0x1d, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x89, 0x6f, 0xb7, 0x62, 0xe, 0xaa, 0x18, 0xbe, 0x1b, 0xfc, 0x56, 0x3e, 0x4b, 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x78, 0xcd, 0x5a, 0xf4, 0x1f, 0xdd, 0xa8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x7, 0xc7, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7f, 0xa9, 0x19, 0xb5, 0x4a, 0xd, 0x2d, 0xe5, 0x7a, 0x9f, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0xef, 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x3b, 0x4d, 0xae, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61, 0x17, 0x2b, 0x4, 0x7e, 0xba, 0x77, 0xd6, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0xc, 0x7d], ]; } return $tables; } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupInlineCrypt() * @access private */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { $w = $this->w; $dw = $this->dw; $init_encrypt = ''; $init_decrypt = ''; $Nr = $this->Nr; $Nb = $this->Nb; $c = $this->c; // Generating encrypt code: $init_encrypt .= ' static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { $tables = &$this->getTables(); } $t0 = $tables[0]; $t1 = $tables[1]; $t2 = $tables[2]; $t3 = $tables[3]; $sbox = $tables[4]; '; $s = 'e'; $e = 's'; $wc = $Nb - 1; // Preround: addRoundKey $encrypt_block = '$in = unpack("N*", $in);' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= '$s' . $i . ' = $in[' . ($i + 1) . '] ^ ' . $w[++$wc] . ";\n"; } // Mainrounds: shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) { list($s, $e) = [$e, $s]; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $t0[($' . $s . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($' . $s . ($i + $c[1]) % $Nb . ' >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($' . $s . ($i + $c[2]) % $Nb . ' >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[ $' . $s . ($i + $c[3]) % $Nb . ' & 0xff] ^ ' . $w[++$wc] . ";\n"; } } // Finalround: subWord + shiftRows + addRoundKey for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $sbox[ $' . $e . $i . ' & 0xff] | ($sbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);' . "\n"; } $encrypt_block .= '$in = pack("N*"' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= ', ($' . $e . $i . ' & ' . (int) 0xff000000 . ') ^ ($' . $e . ($i + $c[1]) % $Nb . ' & 0x00FF0000 ) ^ ($' . $e . ($i + $c[2]) % $Nb . ' & 0x0000FF00 ) ^ ($' . $e . ($i + $c[3]) % $Nb . ' & 0x000000FF ) ^ ' . $w[$i] . "\n"; } $encrypt_block .= ');'; // Generating decrypt code: $init_decrypt .= ' static $invtables; if (empty($invtables)) { $invtables = &$this->getInvTables(); } $dt0 = $invtables[0]; $dt1 = $invtables[1]; $dt2 = $invtables[2]; $dt3 = $invtables[3]; $isbox = $invtables[4]; '; $s = 'e'; $e = 's'; $wc = $Nb - 1; // Preround: addRoundKey $decrypt_block = '$in = unpack("N*", $in);' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= '$s' . $i . ' = $in[' . ($i + 1) . '] ^ ' . $dw[++$wc] . ';' . "\n"; } // Mainrounds: shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) { list($s, $e) = [$e, $s]; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $dt0[($' . $s . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($' . $s . ($Nb + $i - $c[1]) % $Nb . ' >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($' . $s . ($Nb + $i - $c[2]) % $Nb . ' >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[ $' . $s . ($Nb + $i - $c[3]) % $Nb . ' & 0xff] ^ ' . $dw[++$wc] . ";\n"; } } // Finalround: subWord + shiftRows + addRoundKey for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $isbox[ $' . $e . $i . ' & 0xff] | ($isbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($isbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($isbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);' . "\n"; } $decrypt_block .= '$in = pack("N*"' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= ', ($' . $e . $i . ' & ' . (int) 0xff000000 . ') ^ ($' . $e . ($Nb + $i - $c[1]) % $Nb . ' & 0x00FF0000 ) ^ ($' . $e . ($Nb + $i - $c[2]) % $Nb . ' & 0x0000FF00 ) ^ ($' . $e . ($Nb + $i - $c[3]) % $Nb . ' & 0x000000FF ) ^ ' . $dw[$i] . "\n"; } $decrypt_block .= ');'; $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction(['init_crypt' => '', 'init_encrypt' => $init_encrypt, 'init_decrypt' => $init_decrypt, 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block]); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see self::decrypt() * @see parent::encrypt() * @access public * @param string $plaintext * @return string */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { $this->setup(); switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: $this->newtag = sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt($plaintext, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key); return Strings::shift($this->newtag, strlen($plaintext)); case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM: return openssl_encrypt($plaintext, 'aes-' . $this->getKeyLength() . '-gcm', $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $this->nonce, $this->newtag, $this->aad); } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see parent::decrypt() * @access public * @param string $ciphertext * @return string */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { $this->setup(); switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } if (strlen($this->oldtag) != 16) { break; } $plaintext = sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt($ciphertext . $this->oldtag, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key); if ($plaintext === false) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Error decrypting ciphertext with libsodium'); } return $plaintext; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM: if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, 'aes-' . $this->getKeyLength() . '-gcm', $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $this->nonce, $this->oldtag, $this->aad); if ($plaintext === false) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Error decrypting ciphertext with OpenSSL'); } return $plaintext; } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } } * setKey('12345678901234567890123456789012'); * * $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024); * * echo $blowfish->decrypt($blowfish->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package Blowfish * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish. * * @package Blowfish * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @access public */ class Blowfish extends BlockCipher { /** * Block Length of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int * @access private */ protected $block_size = 8; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'blowfish'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int * @access private */ protected $cfb_init_len = 500; /** * The fixed subkeys boxes ($sbox0 - $sbox3) with 256 entries each * * S-Box 0 * * @access private * @var array */ private static $sbox0 = [0xd1310ba6, 0x98dfb5ac, 0x2ffd72db, 0xd01adfb7, 0xb8e1afed, 0x6a267e96, 0xba7c9045, 0xf12c7f99, 0x24a19947, 0xb3916cf7, 0x801f2e2, 0x858efc16, 0x636920d8, 0x71574e69, 0xa458fea3, 0xf4933d7e, 0xd95748f, 0x728eb658, 0x718bcd58, 0x82154aee, 0x7b54a41d, 0xc25a59b5, 0x9c30d539, 0x2af26013, 0xc5d1b023, 0x286085f0, 0xca417918, 0xb8db38ef, 0x8e79dcb0, 0x603a180e, 0x6c9e0e8b, 0xb01e8a3e, 0xd71577c1, 0xbd314b27, 0x78af2fda, 0x55605c60, 0xe65525f3, 0xaa55ab94, 0x57489862, 0x63e81440, 0x55ca396a, 0x2aab10b6, 0xb4cc5c34, 0x1141e8ce, 0xa15486af, 0x7c72e993, 0xb3ee1411, 0x636fbc2a, 0x2ba9c55d, 0x741831f6, 0xce5c3e16, 0x9b87931e, 0xafd6ba33, 0x6c24cf5c, 0x7a325381, 0x28958677, 0x3b8f4898, 0x6b4bb9af, 0xc4bfe81b, 0x66282193, 0x61d809cc, 0xfb21a991, 0x487cac60, 0x5dec8032, 0xef845d5d, 0xe98575b1, 0xdc262302, 0xeb651b88, 0x23893e81, 0xd396acc5, 0xf6d6ff3, 0x83f44239, 0x2e0b4482, 0xa4842004, 0x69c8f04a, 0x9e1f9b5e, 0x21c66842, 0xf6e96c9a, 0x670c9c61, 0xabd388f0, 0x6a51a0d2, 0xd8542f68, 0x960fa728, 0xab5133a3, 0x6eef0b6c, 0x137a3be4, 0xba3bf050, 0x7efb2a98, 0xa1f1651d, 0x39af0176, 0x66ca593e, 0x82430e88, 0x8cee8619, 0x456f9fb4, 0x7d84a5c3, 0x3b8b5ebe, 0xe06f75d8, 0x85c12073, 0x401a449f, 0x56c16aa6, 0x4ed3aa62, 0x363f7706, 0x1bfedf72, 0x429b023d, 0x37d0d724, 0xd00a1248, 0xdb0fead3, 0x49f1c09b, 0x75372c9, 0x80991b7b, 0x25d479d8, 0xf6e8def7, 0xe3fe501a, 0xb6794c3b, 0x976ce0bd, 0x4c006ba, 0xc1a94fb6, 0x409f60c4, 0x5e5c9ec2, 0x196a2463, 0x68fb6faf, 0x3e6c53b5, 0x1339b2eb, 0x3b52ec6f, 0x6dfc511f, 0x9b30952c, 0xcc814544, 0xaf5ebd09, 0xbee3d004, 0xde334afd, 0x660f2807, 0x192e4bb3, 0xc0cba857, 0x45c8740f, 0xd20b5f39, 0xb9d3fbdb, 0x5579c0bd, 0x1a60320a, 0xd6a100c6, 0x402c7279, 0x679f25fe, 0xfb1fa3cc, 0x8ea5e9f8, 0xdb3222f8, 0x3c7516df, 0xfd616b15, 0x2f501ec8, 0xad0552ab, 0x323db5fa, 0xfd238760, 0x53317b48, 0x3e00df82, 0x9e5c57bb, 0xca6f8ca0, 0x1a87562e, 0xdf1769db, 0xd542a8f6, 0x287effc3, 0xac6732c6, 0x8c4f5573, 0x695b27b0, 0xbbca58c8, 0xe1ffa35d, 0xb8f011a0, 0x10fa3d98, 0xfd2183b8, 0x4afcb56c, 0x2dd1d35b, 0x9a53e479, 0xb6f84565, 0xd28e49bc, 0x4bfb9790, 0xe1ddf2da, 0xa4cb7e33, 0x62fb1341, 0xcee4c6e8, 0xef20cada, 0x36774c01, 0xd07e9efe, 0x2bf11fb4, 0x95dbda4d, 0xae909198, 0xeaad8e71, 0x6b93d5a0, 0xd08ed1d0, 0xafc725e0, 0x8e3c5b2f, 0x8e7594b7, 0x8ff6e2fb, 0xf2122b64, 0x8888b812, 0x900df01c, 0x4fad5ea0, 0x688fc31c, 0xd1cff191, 0xb3a8c1ad, 0x2f2f2218, 0xbe0e1777, 0xea752dfe, 0x8b021fa1, 0xe5a0cc0f, 0xb56f74e8, 0x18acf3d6, 0xce89e299, 0xb4a84fe0, 0xfd13e0b7, 0x7cc43b81, 0xd2ada8d9, 0x165fa266, 0x80957705, 0x93cc7314, 0x211a1477, 0xe6ad2065, 0x77b5fa86, 0xc75442f5, 0xfb9d35cf, 0xebcdaf0c, 0x7b3e89a0, 0xd6411bd3, 0xae1e7e49, 0x250e2d, 0x2071b35e, 0x226800bb, 0x57b8e0af, 0x2464369b, 0xf009b91e, 0x5563911d, 0x59dfa6aa, 0x78c14389, 0xd95a537f, 0x207d5ba2, 0x2e5b9c5, 0x83260376, 0x6295cfa9, 0x11c81968, 0x4e734a41, 0xb3472dca, 0x7b14a94a, 0x1b510052, 0x9a532915, 0xd60f573f, 0xbc9bc6e4, 0x2b60a476, 0x81e67400, 0x8ba6fb5, 0x571be91f, 0xf296ec6b, 0x2a0dd915, 0xb6636521, 0xe7b9f9b6, 0xff34052e, 0xc5855664, 0x53b02d5d, 0xa99f8fa1, 0x8ba4799, 0x6e85076a]; /** * S-Box 1 * * @access private * @var array */ private static $sbox1 = [0x4b7a70e9, 0xb5b32944, 0xdb75092e, 0xc4192623, 0xad6ea6b0, 0x49a7df7d, 0x9cee60b8, 0x8fedb266, 0xecaa8c71, 0x699a17ff, 0x5664526c, 0xc2b19ee1, 0x193602a5, 0x75094c29, 0xa0591340, 0xe4183a3e, 0x3f54989a, 0x5b429d65, 0x6b8fe4d6, 0x99f73fd6, 0xa1d29c07, 0xefe830f5, 0x4d2d38e6, 0xf0255dc1, 0x4cdd2086, 0x8470eb26, 0x6382e9c6, 0x21ecc5e, 0x9686b3f, 0x3ebaefc9, 0x3c971814, 0x6b6a70a1, 0x687f3584, 0x52a0e286, 0xb79c5305, 0xaa500737, 0x3e07841c, 0x7fdeae5c, 0x8e7d44ec, 0x5716f2b8, 0xb03ada37, 0xf0500c0d, 0xf01c1f04, 0x200b3ff, 0xae0cf51a, 0x3cb574b2, 0x25837a58, 0xdc0921bd, 0xd19113f9, 0x7ca92ff6, 0x94324773, 0x22f54701, 0x3ae5e581, 0x37c2dadc, 0xc8b57634, 0x9af3dda7, 0xa9446146, 0xfd0030e, 0xecc8c73e, 0xa4751e41, 0xe238cd99, 0x3bea0e2f, 0x3280bba1, 0x183eb331, 0x4e548b38, 0x4f6db908, 0x6f420d03, 0xf60a04bf, 0x2cb81290, 0x24977c79, 0x5679b072, 0xbcaf89af, 0xde9a771f, 0xd9930810, 0xb38bae12, 0xdccf3f2e, 0x5512721f, 0x2e6b7124, 0x501adde6, 0x9f84cd87, 0x7a584718, 0x7408da17, 0xbc9f9abc, 0xe94b7d8c, 0xec7aec3a, 0xdb851dfa, 0x63094366, 0xc464c3d2, 0xef1c1847, 0x3215d908, 0xdd433b37, 0x24c2ba16, 0x12a14d43, 0x2a65c451, 0x50940002, 0x133ae4dd, 0x71dff89e, 0x10314e55, 0x81ac77d6, 0x5f11199b, 0x43556f1, 0xd7a3c76b, 0x3c11183b, 0x5924a509, 0xf28fe6ed, 0x97f1fbfa, 0x9ebabf2c, 0x1e153c6e, 0x86e34570, 0xeae96fb1, 0x860e5e0a, 0x5a3e2ab3, 0x771fe71c, 0x4e3d06fa, 0x2965dcb9, 0x99e71d0f, 0x803e89d6, 0x5266c825, 0x2e4cc978, 0x9c10b36a, 0xc6150eba, 0x94e2ea78, 0xa5fc3c53, 0x1e0a2df4, 0xf2f74ea7, 0x361d2b3d, 0x1939260f, 0x19c27960, 0x5223a708, 0xf71312b6, 0xebadfe6e, 0xeac31f66, 0xe3bc4595, 0xa67bc883, 0xb17f37d1, 0x18cff28, 0xc332ddef, 0xbe6c5aa5, 0x65582185, 0x68ab9802, 0xeecea50f, 0xdb2f953b, 0x2aef7dad, 0x5b6e2f84, 0x1521b628, 0x29076170, 0xecdd4775, 0x619f1510, 0x13cca830, 0xeb61bd96, 0x334fe1e, 0xaa0363cf, 0xb5735c90, 0x4c70a239, 0xd59e9e0b, 0xcbaade14, 0xeecc86bc, 0x60622ca7, 0x9cab5cab, 0xb2f3846e, 0x648b1eaf, 0x19bdf0ca, 0xa02369b9, 0x655abb50, 0x40685a32, 0x3c2ab4b3, 0x319ee9d5, 0xc021b8f7, 0x9b540b19, 0x875fa099, 0x95f7997e, 0x623d7da8, 0xf837889a, 0x97e32d77, 0x11ed935f, 0x16681281, 0xe358829, 0xc7e61fd6, 0x96dedfa1, 0x7858ba99, 0x57f584a5, 0x1b227263, 0x9b83c3ff, 0x1ac24696, 0xcdb30aeb, 0x532e3054, 0x8fd948e4, 0x6dbc3128, 0x58ebf2ef, 0x34c6ffea, 0xfe28ed61, 0xee7c3c73, 0x5d4a14d9, 0xe864b7e3, 0x42105d14, 0x203e13e0, 0x45eee2b6, 0xa3aaabea, 0xdb6c4f15, 0xfacb4fd0, 0xc742f442, 0xef6abbb5, 0x654f3b1d, 0x41cd2105, 0xd81e799e, 0x86854dc7, 0xe44b476a, 0x3d816250, 0xcf62a1f2, 0x5b8d2646, 0xfc8883a0, 0xc1c7b6a3, 0x7f1524c3, 0x69cb7492, 0x47848a0b, 0x5692b285, 0x95bbf00, 0xad19489d, 0x1462b174, 0x23820e00, 0x58428d2a, 0xc55f5ea, 0x1dadf43e, 0x233f7061, 0x3372f092, 0x8d937e41, 0xd65fecf1, 0x6c223bdb, 0x7cde3759, 0xcbee7460, 0x4085f2a7, 0xce77326e, 0xa6078084, 0x19f8509e, 0xe8efd855, 0x61d99735, 0xa969a7aa, 0xc50c06c2, 0x5a04abfc, 0x800bcadc, 0x9e447a2e, 0xc3453484, 0xfdd56705, 0xe1e9ec9, 0xdb73dbd3, 0x105588cd, 0x675fda79, 0xe3674340, 0xc5c43465, 0x713e38d8, 0x3d28f89e, 0xf16dff20, 0x153e21e7, 0x8fb03d4a, 0xe6e39f2b, 0xdb83adf7]; /** * S-Box 2 * * @access private * @var array */ private static $sbox2 = [0xe93d5a68, 0x948140f7, 0xf64c261c, 0x94692934, 0x411520f7, 0x7602d4f7, 0xbcf46b2e, 0xd4a20068, 0xd4082471, 0x3320f46a, 0x43b7d4b7, 0x500061af, 0x1e39f62e, 0x97244546, 0x14214f74, 0xbf8b8840, 0x4d95fc1d, 0x96b591af, 0x70f4ddd3, 0x66a02f45, 0xbfbc09ec, 0x3bd9785, 0x7fac6dd0, 0x31cb8504, 0x96eb27b3, 0x55fd3941, 0xda2547e6, 0xabca0a9a, 0x28507825, 0x530429f4, 0xa2c86da, 0xe9b66dfb, 0x68dc1462, 0xd7486900, 0x680ec0a4, 0x27a18dee, 0x4f3ffea2, 0xe887ad8c, 0xb58ce006, 0x7af4d6b6, 0xaace1e7c, 0xd3375fec, 0xce78a399, 0x406b2a42, 0x20fe9e35, 0xd9f385b9, 0xee39d7ab, 0x3b124e8b, 0x1dc9faf7, 0x4b6d1856, 0x26a36631, 0xeae397b2, 0x3a6efa74, 0xdd5b4332, 0x6841e7f7, 0xca7820fb, 0xfb0af54e, 0xd8feb397, 0x454056ac, 0xba489527, 0x55533a3a, 0x20838d87, 0xfe6ba9b7, 0xd096954b, 0x55a867bc, 0xa1159a58, 0xcca92963, 0x99e1db33, 0xa62a4a56, 0x3f3125f9, 0x5ef47e1c, 0x9029317c, 0xfdf8e802, 0x4272f70, 0x80bb155c, 0x5282ce3, 0x95c11548, 0xe4c66d22, 0x48c1133f, 0xc70f86dc, 0x7f9c9ee, 0x41041f0f, 0x404779a4, 0x5d886e17, 0x325f51eb, 0xd59bc0d1, 0xf2bcc18f, 0x41113564, 0x257b7834, 0x602a9c60, 0xdff8e8a3, 0x1f636c1b, 0xe12b4c2, 0x2e1329e, 0xaf664fd1, 0xcad18115, 0x6b2395e0, 0x333e92e1, 0x3b240b62, 0xeebeb922, 0x85b2a20e, 0xe6ba0d99, 0xde720c8c, 0x2da2f728, 0xd0127845, 0x95b794fd, 0x647d0862, 0xe7ccf5f0, 0x5449a36f, 0x877d48fa, 0xc39dfd27, 0xf33e8d1e, 0xa476341, 0x992eff74, 0x3a6f6eab, 0xf4f8fd37, 0xa812dc60, 0xa1ebddf8, 0x991be14c, 0xdb6e6b0d, 0xc67b5510, 0x6d672c37, 0x2765d43b, 0xdcd0e804, 0xf1290dc7, 0xcc00ffa3, 0xb5390f92, 0x690fed0b, 0x667b9ffb, 0xcedb7d9c, 0xa091cf0b, 0xd9155ea3, 0xbb132f88, 0x515bad24, 0x7b9479bf, 0x763bd6eb, 0x37392eb3, 0xcc115979, 0x8026e297, 0xf42e312d, 0x6842ada7, 0xc66a2b3b, 0x12754ccc, 0x782ef11c, 0x6a124237, 0xb79251e7, 0x6a1bbe6, 0x4bfb6350, 0x1a6b1018, 0x11caedfa, 0x3d25bdd8, 0xe2e1c3c9, 0x44421659, 0xa121386, 0xd90cec6e, 0xd5abea2a, 0x64af674e, 0xda86a85f, 0xbebfe988, 0x64e4c3fe, 0x9dbc8057, 0xf0f7c086, 0x60787bf8, 0x6003604d, 0xd1fd8346, 0xf6381fb0, 0x7745ae04, 0xd736fccc, 0x83426b33, 0xf01eab71, 0xb0804187, 0x3c005e5f, 0x77a057be, 0xbde8ae24, 0x55464299, 0xbf582e61, 0x4e58f48f, 0xf2ddfda2, 0xf474ef38, 0x8789bdc2, 0x5366f9c3, 0xc8b38e74, 0xb475f255, 0x46fcd9b9, 0x7aeb2661, 0x8b1ddf84, 0x846a0e79, 0x915f95e2, 0x466e598e, 0x20b45770, 0x8cd55591, 0xc902de4c, 0xb90bace1, 0xbb8205d0, 0x11a86248, 0x7574a99e, 0xb77f19b6, 0xe0a9dc09, 0x662d09a1, 0xc4324633, 0xe85a1f02, 0x9f0be8c, 0x4a99a025, 0x1d6efe10, 0x1ab93d1d, 0xba5a4df, 0xa186f20f, 0x2868f169, 0xdcb7da83, 0x573906fe, 0xa1e2ce9b, 0x4fcd7f52, 0x50115e01, 0xa70683fa, 0xa002b5c4, 0xde6d027, 0x9af88c27, 0x773f8641, 0xc3604c06, 0x61a806b5, 0xf0177a28, 0xc0f586e0, 0x6058aa, 0x30dc7d62, 0x11e69ed7, 0x2338ea63, 0x53c2dd94, 0xc2c21634, 0xbbcbee56, 0x90bcb6de, 0xebfc7da1, 0xce591d76, 0x6f05e409, 0x4b7c0188, 0x39720a3d, 0x7c927c24, 0x86e3725f, 0x724d9db9, 0x1ac15bb4, 0xd39eb8fc, 0xed545578, 0x8fca5b5, 0xd83d7cd3, 0x4dad0fc4, 0x1e50ef5e, 0xb161e6f8, 0xa28514d9, 0x6c51133c, 0x6fd5c7e7, 0x56e14ec4, 0x362abfce, 0xddc6c837, 0xd79a3234, 0x92638212, 0x670efa8e, 0x406000e0]; /** * S-Box 3 * * @access private * @var array */ private static $sbox3 = [0x3a39ce37, 0xd3faf5cf, 0xabc27737, 0x5ac52d1b, 0x5cb0679e, 0x4fa33742, 0xd3822740, 0x99bc9bbe, 0xd5118e9d, 0xbf0f7315, 0xd62d1c7e, 0xc700c47b, 0xb78c1b6b, 0x21a19045, 0xb26eb1be, 0x6a366eb4, 0x5748ab2f, 0xbc946e79, 0xc6a376d2, 0x6549c2c8, 0x530ff8ee, 0x468dde7d, 0xd5730a1d, 0x4cd04dc6, 0x2939bbdb, 0xa9ba4650, 0xac9526e8, 0xbe5ee304, 0xa1fad5f0, 0x6a2d519a, 0x63ef8ce2, 0x9a86ee22, 0xc089c2b8, 0x43242ef6, 0xa51e03aa, 0x9cf2d0a4, 0x83c061ba, 0x9be96a4d, 0x8fe51550, 0xba645bd6, 0x2826a2f9, 0xa73a3ae1, 0x4ba99586, 0xef5562e9, 0xc72fefd3, 0xf752f7da, 0x3f046f69, 0x77fa0a59, 0x80e4a915, 0x87b08601, 0x9b09e6ad, 0x3b3ee593, 0xe990fd5a, 0x9e34d797, 0x2cf0b7d9, 0x22b8b51, 0x96d5ac3a, 0x17da67d, 0xd1cf3ed6, 0x7c7d2d28, 0x1f9f25cf, 0xadf2b89b, 0x5ad6b472, 0x5a88f54c, 0xe029ac71, 0xe019a5e6, 0x47b0acfd, 0xed93fa9b, 0xe8d3c48d, 0x283b57cc, 0xf8d56629, 0x79132e28, 0x785f0191, 0xed756055, 0xf7960e44, 0xe3d35e8c, 0x15056dd4, 0x88f46dba, 0x3a16125, 0x564f0bd, 0xc3eb9e15, 0x3c9057a2, 0x97271aec, 0xa93a072a, 0x1b3f6d9b, 0x1e6321f5, 0xf59c66fb, 0x26dcf319, 0x7533d928, 0xb155fdf5, 0x3563482, 0x8aba3cbb, 0x28517711, 0xc20ad9f8, 0xabcc5167, 0xccad925f, 0x4de81751, 0x3830dc8e, 0x379d5862, 0x9320f991, 0xea7a90c2, 0xfb3e7bce, 0x5121ce64, 0x774fbe32, 0xa8b6e37e, 0xc3293d46, 0x48de5369, 0x6413e680, 0xa2ae0810, 0xdd6db224, 0x69852dfd, 0x9072166, 0xb39a460a, 0x6445c0dd, 0x586cdecf, 0x1c20c8ae, 0x5bbef7dd, 0x1b588d40, 0xccd2017f, 0x6bb4e3bb, 0xdda26a7e, 0x3a59ff45, 0x3e350a44, 0xbcb4cdd5, 0x72eacea8, 0xfa6484bb, 0x8d6612ae, 0xbf3c6f47, 0xd29be463, 0x542f5d9e, 0xaec2771b, 0xf64e6370, 0x740e0d8d, 0xe75b1357, 0xf8721671, 0xaf537d5d, 0x4040cb08, 0x4eb4e2cc, 0x34d2466a, 0x115af84, 0xe1b00428, 0x95983a1d, 0x6b89fb4, 0xce6ea048, 0x6f3f3b82, 0x3520ab82, 0x11a1d4b, 0x277227f8, 0x611560b1, 0xe7933fdc, 0xbb3a792b, 0x344525bd, 0xa08839e1, 0x51ce794b, 0x2f32c9b7, 0xa01fbac9, 0xe01cc87e, 0xbcc7d1f6, 0xcf0111c3, 0xa1e8aac7, 0x1a908749, 0xd44fbd9a, 0xd0dadecb, 0xd50ada38, 0x339c32a, 0xc6913667, 0x8df9317c, 0xe0b12b4f, 0xf79e59b7, 0x43f5bb3a, 0xf2d519ff, 0x27d9459c, 0xbf97222c, 0x15e6fc2a, 0xf91fc71, 0x9b941525, 0xfae59361, 0xceb69ceb, 0xc2a86459, 0x12baa8d1, 0xb6c1075e, 0xe3056a0c, 0x10d25065, 0xcb03a442, 0xe0ec6e0e, 0x1698db3b, 0x4c98a0be, 0x3278e964, 0x9f1f9532, 0xe0d392df, 0xd3a0342b, 0x8971f21e, 0x1b0a7441, 0x4ba3348c, 0xc5be7120, 0xc37632d8, 0xdf359f8d, 0x9b992f2e, 0xe60b6f47, 0xfe3f11d, 0xe54cda54, 0x1edad891, 0xce6279cf, 0xcd3e7e6f, 0x1618b166, 0xfd2c1d05, 0x848fd2c5, 0xf6fb2299, 0xf523f357, 0xa6327623, 0x93a83531, 0x56cccd02, 0xacf08162, 0x5a75ebb5, 0x6e163697, 0x88d273cc, 0xde966292, 0x81b949d0, 0x4c50901b, 0x71c65614, 0xe6c6c7bd, 0x327a140a, 0x45e1d006, 0xc3f27b9a, 0xc9aa53fd, 0x62a80f00, 0xbb25bfe2, 0x35bdd2f6, 0x71126905, 0xb2040222, 0xb6cbcf7c, 0xcd769c2b, 0x53113ec0, 0x1640e3d3, 0x38abbd60, 0x2547adf0, 0xba38209c, 0xf746ce76, 0x77afa1c5, 0x20756060, 0x85cbfe4e, 0x8ae88dd8, 0x7aaaf9b0, 0x4cf9aa7e, 0x1948c25c, 0x2fb8a8c, 0x1c36ae4, 0xd6ebe1f9, 0x90d4f869, 0xa65cdea0, 0x3f09252d, 0xc208e69f, 0xb74e6132, 0xce77e25b, 0x578fdfe3, 0x3ac372e6]; /** * P-Array consists of 18 32-bit subkeys * * @var array * @access private */ private static $parray = [0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x3707344, 0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0, 0x82efa98, 0xec4e6c89, 0x452821e6, 0x38d01377, 0xbe5466cf, 0x34e90c6c, 0xc0ac29b7, 0xc97c50dd, 0x3f84d5b5, 0xb5470917, 0x9216d5d9, 0x8979fb1b]; /** * The BCTX-working Array * * Holds the expanded key [p] and the key-depended s-boxes [sb] * * @var array * @access private */ private $bctx; /** * Holds the last used key * * @var array * @access private */ private $kl; /** * The Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private * @internal The max value is 256 / 8 = 32, the min value is 128 / 8 = 16. Exists in conjunction with $Nk * because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $key_length. We could * derive this from $key_length or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu * of that, we'll just precompute it once. */ protected $key_length = 16; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @access public * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Key lengths can be between 32 and 448 bits. * * @access public * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { if ($length < 32 || $length > 448) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes between 32 and 448 bits are supported'); } $this->key_length = $length >> 3; parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7') < 0 && $this->key_length != 16) { return false; } if ($this->key_length < 16) { return false; } self::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'bf-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'bf-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key]; /* key-expanding p[] and S-Box building sb[] */ $this->bctx = ['p' => [], 'sb' => [self::$sbox0, self::$sbox1, self::$sbox2, self::$sbox3]]; // unpack binary string in unsigned chars $key = array_values(unpack('C*', $this->key)); $keyl = count($key); for ($j = 0, $i = 0; $i < 18; ++$i) { // xor P1 with the first 32-bits of the key, xor P2 with the second 32-... for ($data = 0, $k = 0; $k < 4; ++$k) { $data = $data << 8 | $key[$j]; if (++$j >= $keyl) { $j = 0; } } $this->bctx['p'][] = self::$parray[$i] ^ $data; } // encrypt the zero-string, replace P1 and P2 with the encrypted data, // encrypt P3 and P4 with the new P1 and P2, do it with all P-array and subkeys $data = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i += 2) { list($l, $r) = array_values(unpack('N*', $data = $this->encryptBlock($data))); $this->bctx['p'][$i] = $l; $this->bctx['p'][$i + 1] = $r; } for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j += 2) { list($l, $r) = array_values(unpack('N*', $data = $this->encryptBlock($data))); $this->bctx['sb'][$i][$j] = $l; $this->bctx['sb'][$i][$j + 1] = $r; } } } /** * Encrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { $p = $this->bctx['p']; // extract($this->bctx['sb'], EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sb'); // slower $sb_0 = $this->bctx['sb'][0]; $sb_1 = $this->bctx['sb'][1]; $sb_2 = $this->bctx['sb'][2]; $sb_3 = $this->bctx['sb'][3]; $in = unpack('N*', $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i += 2) { $l ^= $p[$i]; $r ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]) ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]); $r ^= $p[$i + 1]; $l ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]) ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]); } return pack('N*', $r ^ $p[17], $l ^ $p[16]); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { $p = $this->bctx['p']; $sb_0 = $this->bctx['sb'][0]; $sb_1 = $this->bctx['sb'][1]; $sb_2 = $this->bctx['sb'][2]; $sb_3 = $this->bctx['sb'][3]; $in = unpack('N*', $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; for ($i = 17; $i > 2; $i -= 2) { $l ^= $p[$i]; $r ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]) ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]); $r ^= $p[$i - 1]; $l ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]) ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]); } return pack('N*', $r ^ $p[0], $l ^ $p[1]); } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupInlineCrypt() * @access private */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { $p = $this->bctx['p']; $init_crypt = ' static $sb_0, $sb_1, $sb_2, $sb_3; if (!$sb_0) { $sb_0 = $this->bctx["sb"][0]; $sb_1 = $this->bctx["sb"][1]; $sb_2 = $this->bctx["sb"][2]; $sb_3 = $this->bctx["sb"][3]; } '; $safeint = self::safe_intval_inline(); // Generating encrypt code: $encrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("N*", $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; '; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i += 2) { $encrypt_block .= ' $l^= ' . $p[$i] . '; $r^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]') . '; $r^= ' . $p[$i + 1] . '; $l^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]') . '; '; } $encrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("N*", $r ^ ' . $p[17] . ', $l ^ ' . $p[16] . ' ); '; // Generating decrypt code: $decrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("N*", $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; '; for ($i = 17; $i > 2; $i -= 2) { $decrypt_block .= ' $l^= ' . $p[$i] . '; $r^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]') . '; $r^= ' . $p[$i - 1] . '; $l^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]') . '; '; } $decrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("N*", $r ^ ' . $p[0] . ', $l ^ ' . $p[1] . ' ); '; $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction(['init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'init_encrypt' => '', 'init_decrypt' => '', 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block]); } } * setKey('abcdefgh'); * * $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024); * * echo $rc2->decrypt($rc2->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package RC2 * @author Patrick Monnerat * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use tgseclib\Exception\BadModeException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of RC2. * * @package RC2 * @access public */ class RC2 extends BlockCipher { /** * Block Length of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int * @access private */ protected $block_size = 8; /** * The Key * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::key * @see self::setKey() * @var string * @access private */ protected $key; /** * The Original (unpadded) Key * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::key * @see self::setKey() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @var string * @access private */ private $orig_key; /** * Don't truncate / null pad key * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::clearBuffers() * @var bool * @access private */ private $skip_key_adjustment = true; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\RC2::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private */ protected $key_length = 16; // = 128 bits /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rc2'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int * @access private */ protected $cfb_init_len = 500; /** * The key length in bits. * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @see self::setKey() * @var int * @access private * @internal Should be in range [1..1024]. * @internal Changing this value after setting the key has no effect. */ private $default_key_length = 1024; /** * The key length in bits. * * @see self::isValidEnine() * @see self::setKey() * @var int * @access private * @internal Should be in range [1..1024]. */ private $current_key_length; /** * The Key Schedule * * @see self::setupKey() * @var array * @access private */ private $keys; /** * Key expansion randomization table. * Twice the same 256-value sequence to save a modulus in key expansion. * * @see self::setKey() * @var array * @access private */ private static $pitable = [0xd9, 0x78, 0xf9, 0xc4, 0x19, 0xdd, 0xb5, 0xed, 0x28, 0xe9, 0xfd, 0x79, 0x4a, 0xa0, 0xd8, 0x9d, 0xc6, 0x7e, 0x37, 0x83, 0x2b, 0x76, 0x53, 0x8e, 0x62, 0x4c, 0x64, 0x88, 0x44, 0x8b, 0xfb, 0xa2, 0x17, 0x9a, 0x59, 0xf5, 0x87, 0xb3, 0x4f, 0x13, 0x61, 0x45, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0x9, 0x81, 0x7d, 0x32, 0xbd, 0x8f, 0x40, 0xeb, 0x86, 0xb7, 0x7b, 0xb, 0xf0, 0x95, 0x21, 0x22, 0x5c, 0x6b, 0x4e, 0x82, 0x54, 0xd6, 0x65, 0x93, 0xce, 0x60, 0xb2, 0x1c, 0x73, 0x56, 0xc0, 0x14, 0xa7, 0x8c, 0xf1, 0xdc, 0x12, 0x75, 0xca, 0x1f, 0x3b, 0xbe, 0xe4, 0xd1, 0x42, 0x3d, 0xd4, 0x30, 0xa3, 0x3c, 0xb6, 0x26, 0x6f, 0xbf, 0xe, 0xda, 0x46, 0x69, 0x7, 0x57, 0x27, 0xf2, 0x1d, 0x9b, 0xbc, 0x94, 0x43, 0x3, 0xf8, 0x11, 0xc7, 0xf6, 0x90, 0xef, 0x3e, 0xe7, 0x6, 0xc3, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0xc8, 0x66, 0x1e, 0xd7, 0x8, 0xe8, 0xea, 0xde, 0x80, 0x52, 0xee, 0xf7, 0x84, 0xaa, 0x72, 0xac, 0x35, 0x4d, 0x6a, 0x2a, 0x96, 0x1a, 0xd2, 0x71, 0x5a, 0x15, 0x49, 0x74, 0x4b, 0x9f, 0xd0, 0x5e, 0x4, 0x18, 0xa4, 0xec, 0xc2, 0xe0, 0x41, 0x6e, 0xf, 0x51, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0x24, 0x91, 0xaf, 0x50, 0xa1, 0xf4, 0x70, 0x39, 0x99, 0x7c, 0x3a, 0x85, 0x23, 0xb8, 0xb4, 0x7a, 0xfc, 0x2, 0x36, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x55, 0x97, 0x31, 0x2d, 0x5d, 0xfa, 0x98, 0xe3, 0x8a, 0x92, 0xae, 0x5, 0xdf, 0x29, 0x10, 0x67, 0x6c, 0xba, 0xc9, 0xd3, 0x0, 0xe6, 0xcf, 0xe1, 0x9e, 0xa8, 0x2c, 0x63, 0x16, 0x1, 0x3f, 0x58, 0xe2, 0x89, 0xa9, 0xd, 0x38, 0x34, 0x1b, 0xab, 0x33, 0xff, 0xb0, 0xbb, 0x48, 0xc, 0x5f, 0xb9, 0xb1, 0xcd, 0x2e, 0xc5, 0xf3, 0xdb, 0x47, 0xe5, 0xa5, 0x9c, 0x77, 0xa, 0xa6, 0x20, 0x68, 0xfe, 0x7f, 0xc1, 0xad, 0xd9, 0x78, 0xf9, 0xc4, 0x19, 0xdd, 0xb5, 0xed, 0x28, 0xe9, 0xfd, 0x79, 0x4a, 0xa0, 0xd8, 0x9d, 0xc6, 0x7e, 0x37, 0x83, 0x2b, 0x76, 0x53, 0x8e, 0x62, 0x4c, 0x64, 0x88, 0x44, 0x8b, 0xfb, 0xa2, 0x17, 0x9a, 0x59, 0xf5, 0x87, 0xb3, 0x4f, 0x13, 0x61, 0x45, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0x9, 0x81, 0x7d, 0x32, 0xbd, 0x8f, 0x40, 0xeb, 0x86, 0xb7, 0x7b, 0xb, 0xf0, 0x95, 0x21, 0x22, 0x5c, 0x6b, 0x4e, 0x82, 0x54, 0xd6, 0x65, 0x93, 0xce, 0x60, 0xb2, 0x1c, 0x73, 0x56, 0xc0, 0x14, 0xa7, 0x8c, 0xf1, 0xdc, 0x12, 0x75, 0xca, 0x1f, 0x3b, 0xbe, 0xe4, 0xd1, 0x42, 0x3d, 0xd4, 0x30, 0xa3, 0x3c, 0xb6, 0x26, 0x6f, 0xbf, 0xe, 0xda, 0x46, 0x69, 0x7, 0x57, 0x27, 0xf2, 0x1d, 0x9b, 0xbc, 0x94, 0x43, 0x3, 0xf8, 0x11, 0xc7, 0xf6, 0x90, 0xef, 0x3e, 0xe7, 0x6, 0xc3, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0xc8, 0x66, 0x1e, 0xd7, 0x8, 0xe8, 0xea, 0xde, 0x80, 0x52, 0xee, 0xf7, 0x84, 0xaa, 0x72, 0xac, 0x35, 0x4d, 0x6a, 0x2a, 0x96, 0x1a, 0xd2, 0x71, 0x5a, 0x15, 0x49, 0x74, 0x4b, 0x9f, 0xd0, 0x5e, 0x4, 0x18, 0xa4, 0xec, 0xc2, 0xe0, 0x41, 0x6e, 0xf, 0x51, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0x24, 0x91, 0xaf, 0x50, 0xa1, 0xf4, 0x70, 0x39, 0x99, 0x7c, 0x3a, 0x85, 0x23, 0xb8, 0xb4, 0x7a, 0xfc, 0x2, 0x36, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x55, 0x97, 0x31, 0x2d, 0x5d, 0xfa, 0x98, 0xe3, 0x8a, 0x92, 0xae, 0x5, 0xdf, 0x29, 0x10, 0x67, 0x6c, 0xba, 0xc9, 0xd3, 0x0, 0xe6, 0xcf, 0xe1, 0x9e, 0xa8, 0x2c, 0x63, 0x16, 0x1, 0x3f, 0x58, 0xe2, 0x89, 0xa9, 0xd, 0x38, 0x34, 0x1b, 0xab, 0x33, 0xff, 0xb0, 0xbb, 0x48, 0xc, 0x5f, 0xb9, 0xb1, 0xcd, 0x2e, 0xc5, 0xf3, 0xdb, 0x47, 0xe5, 0xa5, 0x9c, 0x77, 0xa, 0xa6, 0x20, 0x68, 0xfe, 0x7f, 0xc1, 0xad]; /** * Inverse key expansion randomization table. * * @see self::setKey() * @var array * @access private */ private static $invpitable = [0xd1, 0xda, 0xb9, 0x6f, 0x9c, 0xc8, 0x78, 0x66, 0x80, 0x2c, 0xf8, 0x37, 0xea, 0xe0, 0x62, 0xa4, 0xcb, 0x71, 0x50, 0x27, 0x4b, 0x95, 0xd9, 0x20, 0x9d, 0x4, 0x91, 0xe3, 0x47, 0x6a, 0x7e, 0x53, 0xfa, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0xb4, 0xa8, 0xbc, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x8, 0xca, 0x8f, 0x14, 0xd7, 0xc0, 0xef, 0x7b, 0x5b, 0xbf, 0x2f, 0xe5, 0xe2, 0x8c, 0xba, 0x12, 0xe1, 0xaf, 0xb2, 0x54, 0x5d, 0x59, 0x76, 0xdb, 0x32, 0xa2, 0x58, 0x6e, 0x1c, 0x29, 0x64, 0xf3, 0xe9, 0x96, 0xc, 0x98, 0x19, 0x8d, 0x3e, 0x26, 0xab, 0xa5, 0x85, 0x16, 0x40, 0xbd, 0x49, 0x67, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x94, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0xc1, 0x9b, 0xeb, 0x45, 0x28, 0x18, 0xd8, 0x1a, 0x42, 0x7d, 0xcc, 0xfb, 0x65, 0x8e, 0x3d, 0xcd, 0x2a, 0xa3, 0x60, 0xae, 0x93, 0x8a, 0x48, 0x97, 0x51, 0x15, 0xf7, 0x1, 0xb, 0xb7, 0x36, 0xb1, 0x2e, 0x11, 0xfd, 0x84, 0x2d, 0x3f, 0x13, 0x88, 0xb3, 0x34, 0x24, 0x1b, 0xde, 0xc5, 0x1d, 0x4d, 0x2b, 0x17, 0x31, 0x74, 0xa9, 0xc6, 0x43, 0x6d, 0x39, 0x90, 0xbe, 0xc3, 0xb0, 0x21, 0x6b, 0xf6, 0xf, 0xd5, 0x99, 0xd, 0xac, 0x1f, 0x5c, 0x9e, 0xf5, 0xf9, 0x4c, 0xd6, 0xdf, 0x89, 0xe4, 0x8b, 0xff, 0xc7, 0xaa, 0xe7, 0xed, 0x46, 0x25, 0xb6, 0x6, 0x5e, 0x35, 0xb5, 0xec, 0xce, 0xe8, 0x6c, 0x30, 0x55, 0x61, 0x4a, 0xfe, 0xa0, 0x79, 0x3, 0xf0, 0x10, 0x72, 0x7c, 0xcf, 0x52, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xee, 0x44, 0xd3, 0x9a, 0x57, 0x92, 0xd0, 0x5a, 0x7a, 0x41, 0x7f, 0xe, 0x0, 0x63, 0xf2, 0x4f, 0x5, 0x83, 0xc9, 0xa1, 0xd4, 0xdd, 0xc4, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xd2, 0x77, 0x81, 0x9, 0x82, 0x33, 0x9f, 0x7, 0x86, 0x75, 0x38, 0x4e, 0x69, 0xf1, 0xad, 0x23, 0x73, 0x87, 0x70, 0x2, 0xc2, 0x1e, 0xb8, 0xa, 0xfc, 0xe6]; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @access public * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: if ($this->current_key_length != 128 || strlen($this->orig_key) < 16) { return false; } self::$cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'rc2-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc2-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 8 to 1024. * Calling this function after setting the key has no effect until the next * \tgseclib\Crypt\RC2::setKey() call. * * @access public * @param int $length in bits * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKeyLength($length) { if ($length < 8 || $length > 1024) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys between 1 and 1024 bits, inclusive, are supported'); } $this->default_key_length = $this->current_key_length = $length; $this->explicit_key_length = $length >> 3; } /** * Returns the current key length * * @access public * @return int */ public function getKeyLength() { return $this->current_key_length; } /** * Sets the key. * * Keys can be of any length. RC2, itself, uses 8 to 1024 bit keys (eg. * strlen($key) <= 128), however, we only use the first 128 bytes if $key * has more then 128 bytes in it, and set $key to a single null byte if * it is empty. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKey() * @access public * @param string $key * @param int|boolean $t1 optional Effective key length in bits. * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key, $t1 = false) { $this->orig_key = $key; if ($t1 === false) { $t1 = $this->default_key_length; } if ($t1 < 1 || $t1 > 1024) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys between 1 and 1024 bits, inclusive, are supported'); } $this->current_key_length = $t1; if (strlen($key) < 1 || strlen($key) > 128) { throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes between 8 and 1024 bits, inclusive, are supported'); } $t = strlen($key); // The mcrypt RC2 implementation only supports effective key length // of 1024 bits. It is however possible to handle effective key // lengths in range 1..1024 by expanding the key and applying // inverse pitable mapping to the first byte before submitting it // to mcrypt. // Key expansion. $l = array_values(unpack('C*', $key)); $t8 = $t1 + 7 >> 3; $tm = 0xff >> 8 * $t8 - $t1; // Expand key. $pitable = self::$pitable; for ($i = $t; $i < 128; $i++) { $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i - 1] + $l[$i - $t]]; } $i = 128 - $t8; $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i] & $tm]; while ($i--) { $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i + 1] ^ $l[$i + $t8]]; } // Prepare the key for mcrypt. $l[0] = self::$invpitable[$l[0]]; array_unshift($l, 'C*'); $this->key = call_user_func_array('pack', $l); $this->key_length = strlen($this->key); $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * Mostly a wrapper for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt, with some additional OpenSSL handling code * * @see self::decrypt() * @access public * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $temp = $this->key; $this->key = $this->orig_key; $result = parent::encrypt($plaintext); $this->key = $temp; return $result; } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * Mostly a wrapper for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt, with some additional OpenSSL handling code * * @see self::encrypt() * @access public * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $temp = $this->key; $this->key = $this->orig_key; $result = parent::decrypt($ciphertext); $this->key = $temp; return $result; } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encryptBlock() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { list($r0, $r1, $r2, $r3) = array_values(unpack('v*', $in)); $keys = $this->keys; $limit = 20; $actions = [$limit => 44, 44 => 64]; $j = 0; for (;;) { // Mixing round. $r0 = ($r0 + $keys[$j++] + (($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3 ^ $r1) & 0xffff) << 1; $r0 |= $r0 >> 16; $r1 = ($r1 + $keys[$j++] + (($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0 ^ $r2) & 0xffff) << 2; $r1 |= $r1 >> 16; $r2 = ($r2 + $keys[$j++] + (($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1 ^ $r3) & 0xffff) << 3; $r2 |= $r2 >> 16; $r3 = ($r3 + $keys[$j++] + (($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2 ^ $r0) & 0xffff) << 5; $r3 |= $r3 >> 16; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 64) { break; } // Mashing round. $r0 += $keys[$r3 & 0x3f]; $r1 += $keys[$r0 & 0x3f]; $r2 += $keys[$r1 & 0x3f]; $r3 += $keys[$r2 & 0x3f]; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } return pack('vvvv', $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decryptBlock() * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { list($r0, $r1, $r2, $r3) = array_values(unpack('v*', $in)); $keys = $this->keys; $limit = 44; $actions = [$limit => 20, 20 => 0]; $j = 64; for (;;) { // R-mixing round. $r3 = ($r3 | $r3 << 16) >> 5; $r3 = $r3 - $keys[--$j] - (($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2 ^ $r0) & 0xffff; $r2 = ($r2 | $r2 << 16) >> 3; $r2 = $r2 - $keys[--$j] - (($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1 ^ $r3) & 0xffff; $r1 = ($r1 | $r1 << 16) >> 2; $r1 = $r1 - $keys[--$j] - (($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0 ^ $r2) & 0xffff; $r0 = ($r0 | $r0 << 16) >> 1; $r0 = $r0 - $keys[--$j] - (($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3 ^ $r1) & 0xffff; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 0) { break; } // R-mashing round. $r3 = $r3 - $keys[$r2 & 0x3f] & 0xffff; $r2 = $r2 - $keys[$r1 & 0x3f] & 0xffff; $r1 = $r1 - $keys[$r0 & 0x3f] & 0xffff; $r0 = $r0 - $keys[$r3 & 0x3f] & 0xffff; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } return pack('vvvv', $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3); } /** * Creates the key schedule * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { if (!isset($this->key)) { $this->setKey(''); } // Key has already been expanded in \tgseclib\Crypt\RC2::setKey(): // Only the first value must be altered. $l = unpack('Ca/Cb/v*', $this->key); array_unshift($l, self::$pitable[$l['a']] | $l['b'] << 8); unset($l['a']); unset($l['b']); $this->keys = $l; } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupInlineCrypt() * @access private */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { // Init code for both, encrypt and decrypt. $init_crypt = '$keys = $this->keys;'; $keys = $this->keys; // $in is the current 8 bytes block which has to be en/decrypt $encrypt_block = $decrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("v4", $in); $r0 = $in[1]; $r1 = $in[2]; $r2 = $in[3]; $r3 = $in[4]; '; // Create code for encryption. $limit = 20; $actions = [$limit => 44, 44 => 64]; $j = 0; for (;;) { // Mixing round. $encrypt_block .= ' $r0 = (($r0 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF) << 1; $r0 |= $r0 >> 16; $r1 = (($r1 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF) << 2; $r1 |= $r1 >> 16; $r2 = (($r2 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF) << 3; $r2 |= $r2 >> 16; $r3 = (($r3 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF) << 5; $r3 |= $r3 >> 16;'; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 64) { break; } // Mashing round. $encrypt_block .= ' $r0 += $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]; $r1 += $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]; $r2 += $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]; $r3 += $keys[$r2 & 0x3F];'; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } $encrypt_block .= '$in = pack("v4", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);'; // Create code for decryption. $limit = 44; $actions = [$limit => 20, 20 => 0]; $j = 64; for (;;) { // R-mixing round. $decrypt_block .= ' $r3 = ($r3 | ($r3 << 16)) >> 5; $r3 = ($r3 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF; $r2 = ($r2 | ($r2 << 16)) >> 3; $r2 = ($r2 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF; $r1 = ($r1 | ($r1 << 16)) >> 2; $r1 = ($r1 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF; $r0 = ($r0 | ($r0 << 16)) >> 1; $r0 = ($r0 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF;'; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 0) { break; } // R-mashing round. $decrypt_block .= ' $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[$r2 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;'; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } $decrypt_block .= '$in = pack("v4", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);'; // Creates the inline-crypt function $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction(['init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block]); } } * setKey('12345678901234567890123456789012'); * * $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024); * * echo $twofish->decrypt($twofish->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package Twofish * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use tgseclib\Exception\BadModeException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish. * * @package Twofish * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @access public */ class Twofish extends BlockCipher { /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'twofish'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int * @access private */ protected $cfb_init_len = 800; /** * Q-Table * * @var array * @access private */ private static $q0 = [0xa9, 0x67, 0xb3, 0xe8, 0x4, 0xfd, 0xa3, 0x76, 0x9a, 0x92, 0x80, 0x78, 0xe4, 0xdd, 0xd1, 0x38, 0xd, 0xc6, 0x35, 0x98, 0x18, 0xf7, 0xec, 0x6c, 0x43, 0x75, 0x37, 0x26, 0xfa, 0x13, 0x94, 0x48, 0xf2, 0xd0, 0x8b, 0x30, 0x84, 0x54, 0xdf, 0x23, 0x19, 0x5b, 0x3d, 0x59, 0xf3, 0xae, 0xa2, 0x82, 0x63, 0x1, 0x83, 0x2e, 0xd9, 0x51, 0x9b, 0x7c, 0xa6, 0xeb, 0xa5, 0xbe, 0x16, 0xc, 0xe3, 0x61, 0xc0, 0x8c, 0x3a, 0xf5, 0x73, 0x2c, 0x25, 0xb, 0xbb, 0x4e, 0x89, 0x6b, 0x53, 0x6a, 0xb4, 0xf1, 0xe1, 0xe6, 0xbd, 0x45, 0xe2, 0xf4, 0xb6, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x95, 0x3, 0x56, 0xd4, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0xc3, 0x8e, 0xb5, 0xe9, 0xcf, 0xbf, 0xba, 0xea, 0x77, 0x39, 0xaf, 0x33, 0xc9, 0x62, 0x71, 0x81, 0x79, 0x9, 0xad, 0x24, 0xcd, 0xf9, 0xd8, 0xe5, 0xc5, 0xb9, 0x4d, 0x44, 0x8, 0x86, 0xe7, 0xa1, 0x1d, 0xaa, 0xed, 0x6, 0x70, 0xb2, 0xd2, 0x41, 0x7b, 0xa0, 0x11, 0x31, 0xc2, 0x27, 0x90, 0x20, 0xf6, 0x60, 0xff, 0x96, 0x5c, 0xb1, 0xab, 0x9e, 0x9c, 0x52, 0x1b, 0x5f, 0x93, 0xa, 0xef, 0x91, 0x85, 0x49, 0xee, 0x2d, 0x4f, 0x8f, 0x3b, 0x47, 0x87, 0x6d, 0x46, 0xd6, 0x3e, 0x69, 0x64, 0x2a, 0xce, 0xcb, 0x2f, 0xfc, 0x97, 0x5, 0x7a, 0xac, 0x7f, 0xd5, 0x1a, 0x4b, 0xe, 0xa7, 0x5a, 0x28, 0x14, 0x3f, 0x29, 0x88, 0x3c, 0x4c, 0x2, 0xb8, 0xda, 0xb0, 0x17, 0x55, 0x1f, 0x8a, 0x7d, 0x57, 0xc7, 0x8d, 0x74, 0xb7, 0xc4, 0x9f, 0x72, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x22, 0x12, 0x58, 0x7, 0x99, 0x34, 0x6e, 0x50, 0xde, 0x68, 0x65, 0xbc, 0xdb, 0xf8, 0xc8, 0xa8, 0x2b, 0x40, 0xdc, 0xfe, 0x32, 0xa4, 0xca, 0x10, 0x21, 0xf0, 0xd3, 0x5d, 0xf, 0x0, 0x6f, 0x9d, 0x36, 0x42, 0x4a, 0x5e, 0xc1, 0xe0]; /** * Q-Table * * @var array * @access private */ private static $q1 = [0x75, 0xf3, 0xc6, 0xf4, 0xdb, 0x7b, 0xfb, 0xc8, 0x4a, 0xd3, 0xe6, 0x6b, 0x45, 0x7d, 0xe8, 0x4b, 0xd6, 0x32, 0xd8, 0xfd, 0x37, 0x71, 0xf1, 0xe1, 0x30, 0xf, 0xf8, 0x1b, 0x87, 0xfa, 0x6, 0x3f, 0x5e, 0xba, 0xae, 0x5b, 0x8a, 0x0, 0xbc, 0x9d, 0x6d, 0xc1, 0xb1, 0xe, 0x80, 0x5d, 0xd2, 0xd5, 0xa0, 0x84, 0x7, 0x14, 0xb5, 0x90, 0x2c, 0xa3, 0xb2, 0x73, 0x4c, 0x54, 0x92, 0x74, 0x36, 0x51, 0x38, 0xb0, 0xbd, 0x5a, 0xfc, 0x60, 0x62, 0x96, 0x6c, 0x42, 0xf7, 0x10, 0x7c, 0x28, 0x27, 0x8c, 0x13, 0x95, 0x9c, 0xc7, 0x24, 0x46, 0x3b, 0x70, 0xca, 0xe3, 0x85, 0xcb, 0x11, 0xd0, 0x93, 0xb8, 0xa6, 0x83, 0x20, 0xff, 0x9f, 0x77, 0xc3, 0xcc, 0x3, 0x6f, 0x8, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xe7, 0x2b, 0xe2, 0x79, 0xc, 0xaa, 0x82, 0x41, 0x3a, 0xea, 0xb9, 0xe4, 0x9a, 0xa4, 0x97, 0x7e, 0xda, 0x7a, 0x17, 0x66, 0x94, 0xa1, 0x1d, 0x3d, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xb3, 0xb, 0x72, 0xa7, 0x1c, 0xef, 0xd1, 0x53, 0x3e, 0x8f, 0x33, 0x26, 0x5f, 0xec, 0x76, 0x2a, 0x49, 0x81, 0x88, 0xee, 0x21, 0xc4, 0x1a, 0xeb, 0xd9, 0xc5, 0x39, 0x99, 0xcd, 0xad, 0x31, 0x8b, 0x1, 0x18, 0x23, 0xdd, 0x1f, 0x4e, 0x2d, 0xf9, 0x48, 0x4f, 0xf2, 0x65, 0x8e, 0x78, 0x5c, 0x58, 0x19, 0x8d, 0xe5, 0x98, 0x57, 0x67, 0x7f, 0x5, 0x64, 0xaf, 0x63, 0xb6, 0xfe, 0xf5, 0xb7, 0x3c, 0xa5, 0xce, 0xe9, 0x68, 0x44, 0xe0, 0x4d, 0x43, 0x69, 0x29, 0x2e, 0xac, 0x15, 0x59, 0xa8, 0xa, 0x9e, 0x6e, 0x47, 0xdf, 0x34, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xcf, 0xdc, 0x22, 0xc9, 0xc0, 0x9b, 0x89, 0xd4, 0xed, 0xab, 0x12, 0xa2, 0xd, 0x52, 0xbb, 0x2, 0x2f, 0xa9, 0xd7, 0x61, 0x1e, 0xb4, 0x50, 0x4, 0xf6, 0xc2, 0x16, 0x25, 0x86, 0x56, 0x55, 0x9, 0xbe, 0x91]; /** * M-Table * * @var array * @access private */ private static $m0 = [0xbcbc3275, 0xecec21f3, 0x202043c6, 0xb3b3c9f4, 0xdada03db, 0x2028b7b, 0xe2e22bfb, 0x9e9efac8, 0xc9c9ec4a, 0xd4d409d3, 0x18186be6, 0x1e1e9f6b, 0x98980e45, 0xb2b2387d, 0xa6a6d2e8, 0x2626b74b, 0x3c3c57d6, 0x93938a32, 0x8282eed8, 0x525298fd, 0x7b7bd437, 0xbbbb3771, 0x5b5b97f1, 0x474783e1, 0x24243c30, 0x5151e20f, 0xbabac6f8, 0x4a4af31b, 0xbfbf4887, 0xd0d70fa, 0xb0b0b306, 0x7575de3f, 0xd2d2fd5e, 0x7d7d20ba, 0x666631ae, 0x3a3aa35b, 0x59591c8a, 0x0, 0xcdcd93bc, 0x1a1ae09d, 0xaeae2c6d, 0x7f7fabc1, 0x2b2bc7b1, 0xbebeb90e, 0xe0e0a080, 0x8a8a105d, 0x3b3b52d2, 0x6464bad5, 0xd8d888a0, 0xe7e7a584, 0x5f5fe807, 0x1b1b1114, 0x2c2cc2b5, 0xfcfcb490, 0x3131272c, 0x808065a3, 0x73732ab2, 0xc0c8173, 0x79795f4c, 0x6b6b4154, 0x4b4b0292, 0x53536974, 0x94948f36, 0x83831f51, 0x2a2a3638, 0xc4c49cb0, 0x2222c8bd, 0xd5d5f85a, 0xbdbdc3fc, 0x48487860, 0xffffce62, 0x4c4c0796, 0x4141776c, 0xc7c7e642, 0xebeb24f7, 0x1c1c1410, 0x5d5d637c, 0x36362228, 0x6767c027, 0xe9e9af8c, 0x4444f913, 0x1414ea95, 0xf5f5bb9c, 0xcfcf18c7, 0x3f3f2d24, 0xc0c0e346, 0x7272db3b, 0x54546c70, 0x29294cca, 0xf0f035e3, 0x808fe85, 0xc6c617cb, 0xf3f34f11, 0x8c8ce4d0, 0xa4a45993, 0xcaca96b8, 0x68683ba6, 0xb8b84d83, 0x38382820, 0xe5e52eff, 0xadad569f, 0xb0b8477, 0xc8c81dc3, 0x9999ffcc, 0x5858ed03, 0x19199a6f, 0xe0e0a08, 0x95957ebf, 0x70705040, 0xf7f730e7, 0x6e6ecf2b, 0x1f1f6ee2, 0xb5b53d79, 0x9090f0c, 0x616134aa, 0x57571682, 0x9f9f0b41, 0x9d9d803a, 0x111164ea, 0x2525cdb9, 0xafafdde4, 0x4545089a, 0xdfdf8da4, 0xa3a35c97, 0xeaead57e, 0x353558da, 0xededd07a, 0x4343fc17, 0xf8f8cb66, 0xfbfbb194, 0x3737d3a1, 0xfafa401d, 0xc2c2683d, 0xb4b4ccf0, 0x32325dde, 0x9c9c71b3, 0x5656e70b, 0xe3e3da72, 0x878760a7, 0x15151b1c, 0xf9f93aef, 0x6363bfd1, 0x3434a953, 0x9a9a853e, 0xb1b1428f, 0x7c7cd133, 0x88889b26, 0x3d3da65f, 0xa1a1d7ec, 0xe4e4df76, 0x8181942a, 0x91910149, 0xf0ffb81, 0xeeeeaa88, 0x161661ee, 0xd7d77321, 0x9797f5c4, 0xa5a5a81a, 0xfefe3feb, 0x6d6db5d9, 0x7878aec5, 0xc5c56d39, 0x1d1de599, 0x7676a4cd, 0x3e3edcad, 0xcbcb6731, 0xb6b6478b, 0xefef5b01, 0x12121e18, 0x6060c523, 0x6a6ab0dd, 0x4d4df61f, 0xcecee94e, 0xdede7c2d, 0x55559df9, 0x7e7e5a48, 0x2121b24f, 0x3037af2, 0xa0a02665, 0x5e5e198e, 0x5a5a6678, 0x65654b5c, 0x62624e58, 0xfdfd4519, 0x606f48d, 0x404086e5, 0xf2f2be98, 0x3333ac57, 0x17179067, 0x5058e7f, 0xe8e85e05, 0x4f4f7d64, 0x89896aaf, 0x10109563, 0x74742fb6, 0xa0a75fe, 0x5c5c92f5, 0x9b9b74b7, 0x2d2d333c, 0x3030d6a5, 0x2e2e49ce, 0x494989e9, 0x46467268, 0x77775544, 0xa8a8d8e0, 0x9696044d, 0x2828bd43, 0xa9a92969, 0xd9d97929, 0x8686912e, 0xd1d187ac, 0xf4f44a15, 0x8d8d1559, 0xd6d682a8, 0xb9b9bc0a, 0x42420d9e, 0xf6f6c16e, 0x2f2fb847, 0xdddd06df, 0x23233934, 0xcccc6235, 0xf1f1c46a, 0xc1c112cf, 0x8585ebdc, 0x8f8f9e22, 0x7171a1c9, 0x9090f0c0, 0xaaaa539b, 0x101f189, 0x8b8be1d4, 0x4e4e8ced, 0x8e8e6fab, 0xababa212, 0x6f6f3ea2, 0xe6e6540d, 0xdbdbf252, 0x92927bbb, 0xb7b7b602, 0x6969ca2f, 0x3939d9a9, 0xd3d30cd7, 0xa7a72361, 0xa2a2ad1e, 0xc3c399b4, 0x6c6c4450, 0x7070504, 0x4047ff6, 0x272746c2, 0xacaca716, 0xd0d07625, 0x50501386, 0xdcdcf756, 0x84841a55, 0xe1e15109, 0x7a7a25be, 0x1313ef91]; /** * M-Table * * @var array * @access private */ private static $m1 = [0xa9d93939, 0x67901717, 0xb3719c9c, 0xe8d2a6a6, 0x4050707, 0xfd985252, 0xa3658080, 0x76dfe4e4, 0x9a084545, 0x92024b4b, 0x80a0e0e0, 0x78665a5a, 0xe4ddafaf, 0xddb06a6a, 0xd1bf6363, 0x38362a2a, 0xd54e6e6, 0xc6432020, 0x3562cccc, 0x98bef2f2, 0x181e1212, 0xf724ebeb, 0xecd7a1a1, 0x6c774141, 0x43bd2828, 0x7532bcbc, 0x37d47b7b, 0x269b8888, 0xfa700d0d, 0x13f94444, 0x94b1fbfb, 0x485a7e7e, 0xf27a0303, 0xd0e48c8c, 0x8b47b6b6, 0x303c2424, 0x84a5e7e7, 0x54416b6b, 0xdf06dddd, 0x23c56060, 0x1945fdfd, 0x5ba33a3a, 0x3d68c2c2, 0x59158d8d, 0xf321ecec, 0xae316666, 0xa23e6f6f, 0x82165757, 0x63951010, 0x15befef, 0x834db8b8, 0x2e918686, 0xd9b56d6d, 0x511f8383, 0x9b53aaaa, 0x7c635d5d, 0xa63b6868, 0xeb3ffefe, 0xa5d63030, 0xbe257a7a, 0x16a7acac, 0xc0f0909, 0xe335f0f0, 0x6123a7a7, 0xc0f09090, 0x8cafe9e9, 0x3a809d9d, 0xf5925c5c, 0x73810c0c, 0x2c273131, 0x2576d0d0, 0xbe75656, 0xbb7b9292, 0x4ee9cece, 0x89f10101, 0x6b9f1e1e, 0x53a93434, 0x6ac4f1f1, 0xb499c3c3, 0xf1975b5b, 0xe1834747, 0xe66b1818, 0xbdc82222, 0x450e9898, 0xe26e1f1f, 0xf4c9b3b3, 0xb62f7474, 0x66cbf8f8, 0xccff9999, 0x95ea1414, 0x3ed5858, 0x56f7dcdc, 0xd4e18b8b, 0x1c1b1515, 0x1eada2a2, 0xd70cd3d3, 0xfb2be2e2, 0xc31dc8c8, 0x8e195e5e, 0xb5c22c2c, 0xe9894949, 0xcf12c1c1, 0xbf7e9595, 0xba207d7d, 0xea641111, 0x77840b0b, 0x396dc5c5, 0xaf6a8989, 0x33d17c7c, 0xc9a17171, 0x62ceffff, 0x7137bbbb, 0x81fb0f0f, 0x793db5b5, 0x951e1e1, 0xaddc3e3e, 0x242d3f3f, 0xcda47676, 0xf99d5555, 0xd8ee8282, 0xe5864040, 0xc5ae7878, 0xb9cd2525, 0x4d049696, 0x44557777, 0x80a0e0e, 0x86135050, 0xe730f7f7, 0xa1d33737, 0x1d40fafa, 0xaa346161, 0xed8c4e4e, 0x6b3b0b0, 0x706c5454, 0xb22a7373, 0xd2523b3b, 0x410b9f9f, 0x7b8b0202, 0xa088d8d8, 0x114ff3f3, 0x3167cbcb, 0xc2462727, 0x27c06767, 0x90b4fcfc, 0x20283838, 0xf67f0404, 0x60784848, 0xff2ee5e5, 0x96074c4c, 0x5c4b6565, 0xb1c72b2b, 0xab6f8e8e, 0x9e0d4242, 0x9cbbf5f5, 0x52f2dbdb, 0x1bf34a4a, 0x5fa63d3d, 0x9359a4a4, 0xabcb9b9, 0xef3af9f9, 0x91ef1313, 0x85fe0808, 0x49019191, 0xee611616, 0x2d7cdede, 0x4fb22121, 0x8f42b1b1, 0x3bdb7272, 0x47b82f2f, 0x8748bfbf, 0x6d2caeae, 0x46e3c0c0, 0xd6573c3c, 0x3e859a9a, 0x6929a9a9, 0x647d4f4f, 0x2a948181, 0xce492e2e, 0xcb17c6c6, 0x2fca6969, 0xfcc3bdbd, 0x975ca3a3, 0x55ee8e8, 0x7ad0eded, 0xac87d1d1, 0x7f8e0505, 0xd5ba6464, 0x1aa8a5a5, 0x4bb72626, 0xeb9bebe, 0xa7608787, 0x5af8d5d5, 0x28223636, 0x14111b1b, 0x3fde7575, 0x2979d9d9, 0x88aaeeee, 0x3c332d2d, 0x4c5f7979, 0x2b6b7b7, 0xb896caca, 0xda583535, 0xb09cc4c4, 0x17fc4343, 0x551a8484, 0x1ff64d4d, 0x8a1c5959, 0x7d38b2b2, 0x57ac3333, 0xc718cfcf, 0x8df40606, 0x74695353, 0xb7749b9b, 0xc4f59797, 0x9f56adad, 0x72dae3e3, 0x7ed5eaea, 0x154af4f4, 0x229e8f8f, 0x12a2abab, 0x584e6262, 0x7e85f5f, 0x99e51d1d, 0x34392323, 0x6ec1f6f6, 0x50446c6c, 0xde5d3232, 0x68724646, 0x6526a0a0, 0xbc93cdcd, 0xdb03dada, 0xf8c6baba, 0xc8fa9e9e, 0xa882d6d6, 0x2bcf6e6e, 0x40507070, 0xdceb8585, 0xfe750a0a, 0x328a9393, 0xa48ddfdf, 0xca4c2929, 0x10141c1c, 0x2173d7d7, 0xf0ccb4b4, 0xd309d4d4, 0x5d108a8a, 0xfe25151, 0x0, 0x6f9a1919, 0x9de01a1a, 0x368f9494, 0x42e6c7c7, 0x4aecc9c9, 0x5efdd2d2, 0xc1ab7f7f, 0xe0d8a8a8]; /** * M-Table * * @var array * @access private */ private static $m2 = [0xbc75bc32, 0xecf3ec21, 0x20c62043, 0xb3f4b3c9, 0xdadbda03, 0x27b028b, 0xe2fbe22b, 0x9ec89efa, 0xc94ac9ec, 0xd4d3d409, 0x18e6186b, 0x1e6b1e9f, 0x9845980e, 0xb27db238, 0xa6e8a6d2, 0x264b26b7, 0x3cd63c57, 0x9332938a, 0x82d882ee, 0x52fd5298, 0x7b377bd4, 0xbb71bb37, 0x5bf15b97, 0x47e14783, 0x2430243c, 0x510f51e2, 0xbaf8bac6, 0x4a1b4af3, 0xbf87bf48, 0xdfa0d70, 0xb006b0b3, 0x753f75de, 0xd25ed2fd, 0x7dba7d20, 0x66ae6631, 0x3a5b3aa3, 0x598a591c, 0x0, 0xcdbccd93, 0x1a9d1ae0, 0xae6dae2c, 0x7fc17fab, 0x2bb12bc7, 0xbe0ebeb9, 0xe080e0a0, 0x8a5d8a10, 0x3bd23b52, 0x64d564ba, 0xd8a0d888, 0xe784e7a5, 0x5f075fe8, 0x1b141b11, 0x2cb52cc2, 0xfc90fcb4, 0x312c3127, 0x80a38065, 0x73b2732a, 0xc730c81, 0x794c795f, 0x6b546b41, 0x4b924b02, 0x53745369, 0x9436948f, 0x8351831f, 0x2a382a36, 0xc4b0c49c, 0x22bd22c8, 0xd55ad5f8, 0xbdfcbdc3, 0x48604878, 0xff62ffce, 0x4c964c07, 0x416c4177, 0xc742c7e6, 0xebf7eb24, 0x1c101c14, 0x5d7c5d63, 0x36283622, 0x672767c0, 0xe98ce9af, 0x441344f9, 0x149514ea, 0xf59cf5bb, 0xcfc7cf18, 0x3f243f2d, 0xc046c0e3, 0x723b72db, 0x5470546c, 0x29ca294c, 0xf0e3f035, 0x88508fe, 0xc6cbc617, 0xf311f34f, 0x8cd08ce4, 0xa493a459, 0xcab8ca96, 0x68a6683b, 0xb883b84d, 0x38203828, 0xe5ffe52e, 0xad9fad56, 0xb770b84, 0xc8c3c81d, 0x99cc99ff, 0x580358ed, 0x196f199a, 0xe080e0a, 0x95bf957e, 0x70407050, 0xf7e7f730, 0x6e2b6ecf, 0x1fe21f6e, 0xb579b53d, 0x90c090f, 0x61aa6134, 0x57825716, 0x9f419f0b, 0x9d3a9d80, 0x11ea1164, 0x25b925cd, 0xafe4afdd, 0x459a4508, 0xdfa4df8d, 0xa397a35c, 0xea7eead5, 0x35da3558, 0xed7aedd0, 0x431743fc, 0xf866f8cb, 0xfb94fbb1, 0x37a137d3, 0xfa1dfa40, 0xc23dc268, 0xb4f0b4cc, 0x32de325d, 0x9cb39c71, 0x560b56e7, 0xe372e3da, 0x87a78760, 0x151c151b, 0xf9eff93a, 0x63d163bf, 0x345334a9, 0x9a3e9a85, 0xb18fb142, 0x7c337cd1, 0x8826889b, 0x3d5f3da6, 0xa1eca1d7, 0xe476e4df, 0x812a8194, 0x91499101, 0xf810ffb, 0xee88eeaa, 0x16ee1661, 0xd721d773, 0x97c497f5, 0xa51aa5a8, 0xfeebfe3f, 0x6dd96db5, 0x78c578ae, 0xc539c56d, 0x1d991de5, 0x76cd76a4, 0x3ead3edc, 0xcb31cb67, 0xb68bb647, 0xef01ef5b, 0x1218121e, 0x602360c5, 0x6add6ab0, 0x4d1f4df6, 0xce4ecee9, 0xde2dde7c, 0x55f9559d, 0x7e487e5a, 0x214f21b2, 0x3f2037a, 0xa065a026, 0x5e8e5e19, 0x5a785a66, 0x655c654b, 0x6258624e, 0xfd19fd45, 0x68d06f4, 0x40e54086, 0xf298f2be, 0x335733ac, 0x17671790, 0x57f058e, 0xe805e85e, 0x4f644f7d, 0x89af896a, 0x10631095, 0x74b6742f, 0xafe0a75, 0x5cf55c92, 0x9bb79b74, 0x2d3c2d33, 0x30a530d6, 0x2ece2e49, 0x49e94989, 0x46684672, 0x77447755, 0xa8e0a8d8, 0x964d9604, 0x284328bd, 0xa969a929, 0xd929d979, 0x862e8691, 0xd1acd187, 0xf415f44a, 0x8d598d15, 0xd6a8d682, 0xb90ab9bc, 0x429e420d, 0xf66ef6c1, 0x2f472fb8, 0xdddfdd06, 0x23342339, 0xcc35cc62, 0xf16af1c4, 0xc1cfc112, 0x85dc85eb, 0x8f228f9e, 0x71c971a1, 0x90c090f0, 0xaa9baa53, 0x18901f1, 0x8bd48be1, 0x4eed4e8c, 0x8eab8e6f, 0xab12aba2, 0x6fa26f3e, 0xe60de654, 0xdb52dbf2, 0x92bb927b, 0xb702b7b6, 0x692f69ca, 0x39a939d9, 0xd3d7d30c, 0xa761a723, 0xa21ea2ad, 0xc3b4c399, 0x6c506c44, 0x7040705, 0x4f6047f, 0x27c22746, 0xac16aca7, 0xd025d076, 0x50865013, 0xdc56dcf7, 0x8455841a, 0xe109e151, 0x7abe7a25, 0x139113ef]; /** * M-Table * * @var array * @access private */ private static $m3 = [0xd939a9d9, 0x90176790, 0x719cb371, 0xd2a6e8d2, 0x5070405, 0x9852fd98, 0x6580a365, 0xdfe476df, 0x8459a08, 0x24b9202, 0xa0e080a0, 0x665a7866, 0xddafe4dd, 0xb06addb0, 0xbf63d1bf, 0x362a3836, 0x54e60d54, 0x4320c643, 0x62cc3562, 0xbef298be, 0x1e12181e, 0x24ebf724, 0xd7a1ecd7, 0x77416c77, 0xbd2843bd, 0x32bc7532, 0xd47b37d4, 0x9b88269b, 0x700dfa70, 0xf94413f9, 0xb1fb94b1, 0x5a7e485a, 0x7a03f27a, 0xe48cd0e4, 0x47b68b47, 0x3c24303c, 0xa5e784a5, 0x416b5441, 0x6dddf06, 0xc56023c5, 0x45fd1945, 0xa33a5ba3, 0x68c23d68, 0x158d5915, 0x21ecf321, 0x3166ae31, 0x3e6fa23e, 0x16578216, 0x95106395, 0x5bef015b, 0x4db8834d, 0x91862e91, 0xb56dd9b5, 0x1f83511f, 0x53aa9b53, 0x635d7c63, 0x3b68a63b, 0x3ffeeb3f, 0xd630a5d6, 0x257abe25, 0xa7ac16a7, 0xf090c0f, 0x35f0e335, 0x23a76123, 0xf090c0f0, 0xafe98caf, 0x809d3a80, 0x925cf592, 0x810c7381, 0x27312c27, 0x76d02576, 0xe7560be7, 0x7b92bb7b, 0xe9ce4ee9, 0xf10189f1, 0x9f1e6b9f, 0xa93453a9, 0xc4f16ac4, 0x99c3b499, 0x975bf197, 0x8347e183, 0x6b18e66b, 0xc822bdc8, 0xe98450e, 0x6e1fe26e, 0xc9b3f4c9, 0x2f74b62f, 0xcbf866cb, 0xff99ccff, 0xea1495ea, 0xed5803ed, 0xf7dc56f7, 0xe18bd4e1, 0x1b151c1b, 0xada21ead, 0xcd3d70c, 0x2be2fb2b, 0x1dc8c31d, 0x195e8e19, 0xc22cb5c2, 0x8949e989, 0x12c1cf12, 0x7e95bf7e, 0x207dba20, 0x6411ea64, 0x840b7784, 0x6dc5396d, 0x6a89af6a, 0xd17c33d1, 0xa171c9a1, 0xceff62ce, 0x37bb7137, 0xfb0f81fb, 0x3db5793d, 0x51e10951, 0xdc3eaddc, 0x2d3f242d, 0xa476cda4, 0x9d55f99d, 0xee82d8ee, 0x8640e586, 0xae78c5ae, 0xcd25b9cd, 0x4964d04, 0x55774455, 0xa0e080a, 0x13508613, 0x30f7e730, 0xd337a1d3, 0x40fa1d40, 0x3461aa34, 0x8c4eed8c, 0xb3b006b3, 0x6c54706c, 0x2a73b22a, 0x523bd252, 0xb9f410b, 0x8b027b8b, 0x88d8a088, 0x4ff3114f, 0x67cb3167, 0x4627c246, 0xc06727c0, 0xb4fc90b4, 0x28382028, 0x7f04f67f, 0x78486078, 0x2ee5ff2e, 0x74c9607, 0x4b655c4b, 0xc72bb1c7, 0x6f8eab6f, 0xd429e0d, 0xbbf59cbb, 0xf2db52f2, 0xf34a1bf3, 0xa63d5fa6, 0x59a49359, 0xbcb90abc, 0x3af9ef3a, 0xef1391ef, 0xfe0885fe, 0x1914901, 0x6116ee61, 0x7cde2d7c, 0xb2214fb2, 0x42b18f42, 0xdb723bdb, 0xb82f47b8, 0x48bf8748, 0x2cae6d2c, 0xe3c046e3, 0x573cd657, 0x859a3e85, 0x29a96929, 0x7d4f647d, 0x94812a94, 0x492ece49, 0x17c6cb17, 0xca692fca, 0xc3bdfcc3, 0x5ca3975c, 0x5ee8055e, 0xd0ed7ad0, 0x87d1ac87, 0x8e057f8e, 0xba64d5ba, 0xa8a51aa8, 0xb7264bb7, 0xb9be0eb9, 0x6087a760, 0xf8d55af8, 0x22362822, 0x111b1411, 0xde753fde, 0x79d92979, 0xaaee88aa, 0x332d3c33, 0x5f794c5f, 0xb6b702b6, 0x96cab896, 0x5835da58, 0x9cc4b09c, 0xfc4317fc, 0x1a84551a, 0xf64d1ff6, 0x1c598a1c, 0x38b27d38, 0xac3357ac, 0x18cfc718, 0xf4068df4, 0x69537469, 0x749bb774, 0xf597c4f5, 0x56ad9f56, 0xdae372da, 0xd5ea7ed5, 0x4af4154a, 0x9e8f229e, 0xa2ab12a2, 0x4e62584e, 0xe85f07e8, 0xe51d99e5, 0x39233439, 0xc1f66ec1, 0x446c5044, 0x5d32de5d, 0x72466872, 0x26a06526, 0x93cdbc93, 0x3dadb03, 0xc6baf8c6, 0xfa9ec8fa, 0x82d6a882, 0xcf6e2bcf, 0x50704050, 0xeb85dceb, 0x750afe75, 0x8a93328a, 0x8ddfa48d, 0x4c29ca4c, 0x141c1014, 0x73d72173, 0xccb4f0cc, 0x9d4d309, 0x108a5d10, 0xe2510fe2, 0x0, 0x9a196f9a, 0xe01a9de0, 0x8f94368f, 0xe6c742e6, 0xecc94aec, 0xfdd25efd, 0xab7fc1ab, 0xd8a8e0d8]; /** * The Key Schedule Array * * @var array * @access private */ private $K = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 0 * * @var array * @access private */ private $S0 = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 1 * * @var array * @access private */ private $S1 = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 2 * * @var array * @access private */ private $S2 = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 3 * * @var array * @access private */ private $S3 = []; /** * Holds the last used key * * @var array * @access private */ private $kl; /** * The Key Length (in bytes) * * @see Crypt_Twofish::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private */ protected $key_length = 16; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @access public * @throws BadModeException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 128, 192 or 256 bits * * @access public * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 192: case 256: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . $length . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Rijndael supports five different key lengths * * @see setKeyLength() * @access public * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 24: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key]; /* Key expanding and generating the key-depended s-boxes */ $le_longs = unpack('V*', $this->key); $key = unpack('C*', $this->key); $m0 = self::$m0; $m1 = self::$m1; $m2 = self::$m2; $m3 = self::$m3; $q0 = self::$q0; $q1 = self::$q1; $K = $S0 = $S1 = $S2 = $S3 = []; switch (strlen($this->key)) { case 16: list($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]); list($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[9]] ^ $key[1]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]]; $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]]; $B = $B << 8 | $B >> 24 & 0xff; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff; } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $s4] ^ $s0]; $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $s5] ^ $s1]; $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $s6] ^ $s2]; $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $s7] ^ $s3]; } break; case 24: list($sb, $sa, $s9, $s8) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]); list($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]); list($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[5], $le_longs[6]); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[17]] ^ $key[9]] ^ $key[1]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[18]] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[19]] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[20]] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]]; $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[21]] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[22]] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[23]] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[24]] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]]; $B = $B << 8 | $B >> 24 & 0xff; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff; } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $s8] ^ $s4] ^ $s0]; $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $s9] ^ $s5] ^ $s1]; $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $sa] ^ $s6] ^ $s2]; $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $sb] ^ $s7] ^ $s3]; } break; default: // 32 list($sf, $se, $sd, $sc) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]); list($sb, $sa, $s9, $s8) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]); list($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[5], $le_longs[6]); list($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[7], $le_longs[8]); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[25]] ^ $key[17]] ^ $key[9]] ^ $key[1]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[26]] ^ $key[18]] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[27]] ^ $key[19]] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[28]] ^ $key[20]] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]]; $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[29]] ^ $key[21]] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[30]] ^ $key[22]] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[31]] ^ $key[23]] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[32]] ^ $key[24]] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]]; $B = $B << 8 | $B >> 24 & 0xff; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff; } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $sc] ^ $s8] ^ $s4] ^ $s0]; $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $sd] ^ $s9] ^ $s5] ^ $s1]; $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $se] ^ $sa] ^ $s6] ^ $s2]; $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $sf] ^ $sb] ^ $s7] ^ $s3]; } } $this->K = $K; $this->S0 = $S0; $this->S1 = $S1; $this->S2 = $S2; $this->S3 = $S3; } /** * _mdsrem function using by the twofish cipher algorithm * * @access private * @param string $A * @param string $B * @return array */ private function mdsrem($A, $B) { // No gain by unrolling this loop. for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) { // Get most significant coefficient. $t = 0xff & $B >> 24; // Shift the others up. $B = $B << 8 | 0xff & $A >> 24; $A <<= 8; $u = $t << 1; // Subtract the modular polynomial on overflow. if ($t & 0x80) { $u ^= 0x14d; } // Remove t * (a * x^2 + 1). $B ^= $t ^ $u << 16; // Form u = a*t + t/a = t*(a + 1/a). $u ^= 0x7fffffff & $t >> 1; // Add the modular polynomial on underflow. if ($t & 0x1) { $u ^= 0xa6; } // Remove t * (a + 1/a) * (x^3 + x). $B ^= $u << 24 | $u << 8; } return [0xff & $B >> 24, 0xff & $B >> 16, 0xff & $B >> 8, 0xff & $B]; } /** * Encrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { $S0 = $this->S0; $S1 = $this->S1; $S2 = $this->S2; $S3 = $this->S3; $K = $this->K; $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = $K[0] ^ $in[1]; $R1 = $K[1] ^ $in[2]; $R2 = $K[2] ^ $in[3]; $R3 = $K[3] ^ $in[4]; $ki = 7; while ($ki < 39) { $t0 = $S0[$R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R0 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R1 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R2 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[++$ki]); $R2 = $R2 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R2 << 31; $R3 = ($R3 >> 31 & 1 | $R3 << 1) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[++$ki]); $t0 = $S0[$R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R2 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R3 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R0 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[++$ki]); $R0 = $R0 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R0 << 31; $R1 = ($R1 >> 31 & 1 | $R1 << 1) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[++$ki]); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart return pack("V4", $K[4] ^ $R2, $K[5] ^ $R3, $K[6] ^ $R0, $K[7] ^ $R1); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } /** * Decrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { $S0 = $this->S0; $S1 = $this->S1; $S2 = $this->S2; $S3 = $this->S3; $K = $this->K; $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = $K[4] ^ $in[1]; $R1 = $K[5] ^ $in[2]; $R2 = $K[6] ^ $in[3]; $R3 = $K[7] ^ $in[4]; $ki = 40; while ($ki > 8) { $t0 = $S0[$R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R0 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R1 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R3 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[--$ki]); $R3 = $R3 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R3 << 31; $R2 = ($R2 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R2 << 1) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[--$ki]); $t0 = $S0[$R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R2 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R3 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R1 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[--$ki]); $R1 = $R1 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R1 << 31; $R0 = ($R0 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R0 << 1) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[--$ki]); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart return pack("V4", $K[0] ^ $R2, $K[1] ^ $R3, $K[2] ^ $R0, $K[3] ^ $R1); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupInlineCrypt() * @access private */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { $K = $this->K; $init_crypt = ' static $S0, $S1, $S2, $S3; if (!$S0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[] = (int)$this->S0[$i]; $S1[] = (int)$this->S1[$i]; $S2[] = (int)$this->S2[$i]; $S3[] = (int)$this->S3[$i]; } } '; $safeint = self::safe_intval_inline(); // Generating encrypt code: $encrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = ' . $K[0] . ' ^ $in[1]; $R1 = ' . $K[1] . ' ^ $in[2]; $R2 = ' . $K[2] . ' ^ $in[3]; $R3 = ' . $K[3] . ' ^ $in[4]; '; for ($ki = 7, $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= ' $t0 = $S0[ $R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[($R0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R0 >> 24) & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[($R1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $S1[ $R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R1 >> 16) & 0xff]; $R2^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '$t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[++$ki]) . '; $R2 = ($R2 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R2 << 31); $R3 = ((($R3 >> 31) & 1) | ($R3 << 1)) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[++$ki] . ')') . '; $t0 = $S0[ $R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[($R2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R2 >> 24) & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[($R3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $S1[ $R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R3 >> 16) & 0xff]; $R0^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[++$ki] . ')') . '; $R0 = ($R0 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R0 << 31); $R1 = ((($R1 >> 31) & 1) | ($R1 << 1)) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[++$ki] . ')') . '; '; } $encrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("V4", ' . $K[4] . ' ^ $R2, ' . $K[5] . ' ^ $R3, ' . $K[6] . ' ^ $R0, ' . $K[7] . ' ^ $R1); '; // Generating decrypt code: $decrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = ' . $K[4] . ' ^ $in[1]; $R1 = ' . $K[5] . ' ^ $in[2]; $R2 = ' . $K[6] . ' ^ $in[3]; $R3 = ' . $K[7] . ' ^ $in[4]; '; for ($ki = 40, $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= ' $t0 = $S0[$R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R0 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R1 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R3^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '$t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[--$ki]) . '; $R3 = $R3 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R3 << 31; $R2 = ($R2 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R2 << 1) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[--$ki] . ')') . '; $t0 = $S0[$R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R2 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R3 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R1^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '$t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[--$ki]) . '; $R1 = $R1 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R1 << 31; $R0 = ($R0 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R0 << 1) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[--$ki] . ')') . '; '; } $decrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("V4", ' . $K[0] . ' ^ $R2, ' . $K[1] . ' ^ $R3, ' . $K[2] . ' ^ $R0, ' . $K[3] . ' ^ $R1); '; $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction(['init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'init_encrypt' => '', 'init_decrypt' => '', 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block]); } } * setKey('abcdefgh'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $rc4->decrypt($rc4->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @category Crypt * @package RC4 * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\StreamCipher; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of RC4. * * @package RC4 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class RC4 extends StreamCipher { /**#@+ * @access private * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\RC4::_crypt() */ const ENCRYPT = 0; const DECRYPT = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Block Length of the cipher * * RC4 is a stream cipher * so we the block_size to 0 * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int * @access private */ protected $block_size = 0; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\RC4::setKeyLength() * @var int * @access private */ protected $key_length = 128; // = 1024 bits /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string * @access private */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'arcfour'; /** * The Key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string * @access private */ protected $key; /** * The Key Stream for decryption and encryption * * @see self::setKey() * @var array * @access private */ private $stream; /** * Default Constructor. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @return \tgseclib\Crypt\RC4 * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct('stream'); } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { if ($this->continuousBuffer) { return false; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7') >= 0) { $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc4-40'; } else { switch (strlen($this->key)) { case 5: $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc4-40'; break; case 8: $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc4-64'; break; case 16: $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc4'; break; default: return false; } } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * RC4 does not use an IV * * @access public * @return bool */ public function usesIV() { return false; } /** * Sets the key length * * Keys can be between 1 and 256 bytes long. * * @access public * @param int $length * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid */ public function setKeyLength($length) { if ($length < 8 || $length > 2048) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys between 1 and 256 bytes are supported'); } $this->key_length = $length >> 3; parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key length * * Keys can be between 1 and 256 bytes long. * * @access public * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { $length = strlen($key); if ($length < 1 || $length > 256) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bytes is not supported by RC4. Keys must be between 1 and 256 bytes long'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @access public * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { if ($this->engine != self::ENGINE_INTERNAL) { return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } return $this->crypt($plaintext, self::ENCRYPT); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)). * At least if the continuous buffer is disabled. * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @access public * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->engine != self::ENGINE_INTERNAL) { return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } return $this->crypt($ciphertext, self::DECRYPT); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { // RC4 does not utilize this method } /** * Decrypts a block * * @access private * @param string $in */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { // RC4 does not utilize this method } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupKey() * @access private */ protected function setupKey() { $key = $this->key; $keyLength = strlen($key); $keyStream = range(0, 255); $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = $j + $keyStream[$i] + ord($key[$i % $keyLength]) & 255; $temp = $keyStream[$i]; $keyStream[$i] = $keyStream[$j]; $keyStream[$j] = $temp; } $this->stream = []; $this->stream[self::DECRYPT] = $this->stream[self::ENCRYPT] = [ 0, // index $i 0, // index $j $keyStream, ]; } /** * Encrypts or decrypts a message. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @access private * @param string $text * @param int $mode * @return string $text */ private function crypt($text, $mode) { if ($this->changed) { $this->setup(); } $stream =& $this->stream[$mode]; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $i =& $stream[0]; $j =& $stream[1]; $keyStream =& $stream[2]; } else { $i = $stream[0]; $j = $stream[1]; $keyStream = $stream[2]; } $len = strlen($text); for ($k = 0; $k < $len; ++$k) { $i = $i + 1 & 255; $ksi = $keyStream[$i]; $j = $j + $ksi & 255; $ksj = $keyStream[$j]; $keyStream[$i] = $ksj; $keyStream[$j] = $ksi; $text[$k] = $text[$k] ^ chr($keyStream[$ksj + $ksi & 255]); } return $text; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * DH Private Key * * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PrivateKey extends DH { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Private Key * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $privateKey; /** * Public Key * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger * @access private */ protected $publicKey; /** * Returns the public key * * @access public * @return DH */ public function getPublicKey() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS8', 'savePublicKey'); if (!isset($this->publicKey)) { $this->publicKey = $this->base->powMod($this->privateKey, $this->prime); } $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->prime, $this->base, $this->publicKey); return DH::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); if (!isset($this->publicKey)) { $this->publicKey = $this->base->powMod($this->privateKey, $this->prime); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->prime, $this->base, $this->privateKey, $this->publicKey, $this->password, $options); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DH\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * "PKCS1" Formatted DH Key Handler * * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $components = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DHParameter::MAP); if (!is_array($components)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping on parameters'); } return $components; } /** * Convert EC parameters to the appropriate format * * @access public * @return string */ public static function saveParameters(BigInteger $prime, BigInteger $base, array $options = []) { $params = ['prime' => $prime, 'base' => $base]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DHParameter::MAP); return "-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($params), 64) . "-----END DH PARAMETERS-----\r\n"; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DH\Formats\Keys; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use tgseclib\File\ASN1; use tgseclib\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted DH Key Handler * * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_NAME = 'dhKeyAgreement'; /** * OID Value * * @var string * @access private */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.113549.1.3.1'; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool * @access private */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @access public * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $isPublic = strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'privateKey' : 'publicKey'; switch (true) { case !$isPublic && $type == 'publicKey': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims non-public key but DER encoded string claims public key'); case $isPublic && $type == 'privateKey': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims public key but DER encoded string claims private key'); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['parameters']->element); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER of parameters'); } $components = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DHParameter::MAP); if (!is_array($components)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping on parameters'); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type]); switch (true) { case empty($decoded): case !is_array($decoded): case !isset($decoded[0]['content']): case !$decoded[0]['content'] instanceof BigInteger: throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER of parameters'); } $components[$type] = $decoded[0]['content']; return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $prime * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $base * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $prime, BigInteger $base, BigInteger $privateKey, BigInteger $publicKey, $password = '', array $options = []) { $params = ['prime' => $prime, 'base' => $base]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DHParameter::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($privateKey, ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @access public * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $prime * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $base * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $prime, BigInteger $base, BigInteger $publicKey, array $options = []) { $params = ['prime' => $prime, 'base' => $base]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DHParameter::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($publicKey, ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params); } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common; /** * DH Public Key * * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PublicKey extends DH { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Returns the public key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); return $type::savePublicKey($this->prime, $this->base, $this->publicKey, $options); } /** * Returns the public key as a BigInteger * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public function toBigInteger() { return $this->publicKey; } } * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH; /** * DH Parameters * * @package DH * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Parameters extends DH { /** * Returns the parameters * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type = 'PKCS1', array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); return $type::saveParameters($this->prime, $this->base, $options); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PKCS8; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * OpenSSL Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package Engines * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSL { /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return extension_loaded('openssl') && static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $e * @param Engine $n * @return Engine */ public static function powModHelper(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n) { if ($n->getLengthInBytes() < 31 || $n->getLengthInBytes() > 16384) { throw new \OutOfRangeException('Only modulo between 31 and 16384 bits are accepted'); } $key = PKCS8::savePublicKey(new BigInteger($n), new BigInteger($e)); $rsa = RSA::load($key); //$rsa->setPublicKeyFormat('PKCS1'); $plaintext = str_pad($x->toBytes(), strlen($n->toBytes(true)) - 1, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // this is easily prone to failure. if the modulo is a multiple of 2 or 3 or whatever it // won't work and you'll get a "failure: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line" // error. i suppose, for even numbers, we could do what PHP\Montgomery.php does, but then what // about odd numbers divisible by 3, by 5, etc? if (!openssl_public_encrypt($plaintext, $result, "{$rsa}", OPENSSL_NO_PADDING)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(openssl_error_string()); } $class = get_class($x); return new $class($result, 256); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; /** * Pure-PHP 32-bit Engine. * * Uses 64-bit floats if int size is 4 bits * * @package PHP32 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PHP32 extends PHP { /**#@+ * Constants used by PHP.php */ const BASE = 26; const BASE_FULL = 0x4000000; const MAX_DIGIT = 0x3ffffff; const MSB = 0x2000000; /** * MAX10 in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10 = 10000000; /** * MAX10LEN in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10LEN = 7; const MAX_DIGIT2 = 4503599627370496; /**#@-*/ /** * Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @var string */ protected static $modexpEngine; /** * Engine Validity Flag * * @var bool */ protected static $isValidEngine; /** * Primes > 2 and < 1000 * * @var array */ protected static $primes; /** * BigInteger(0) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP32 */ protected static $zero; /** * BigInteger(1) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP32 */ protected static $one; /** * BigInteger(2) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP32 */ protected static $two; /** * Initialize a PHP32 BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::initialize() */ protected function initialize($base) { if ($base != 256 && $base != -256) { return parent::initialize($base); } $val = $this->value; $this->value = []; $vals =& $this->value; $i = strlen($val); if (!$i) { return; } while (true) { $i -= 4; if ($i < 0) { if ($i == -4) { break; } $val = substr($val, 0, 4 + $i); $val = str_pad($val, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($val == "\0\0\0\0") { break; } $i = 0; } list(, $digit) = unpack('N', substr($val, $i, 4)); $step = count($vals) & 3; if ($step) { $digit >>= 2 * $step; } if ($step != 3) { $digit &= static::MAX_DIGIT; $i++; } $vals[] = $digit; } while (end($vals) === 0) { array_pop($vals); } reset($vals); } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see parent::__construct() * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return PHP_INT_SIZE >= 4; } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function add(PHP32 $y) { $temp = self::addHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function subtract(PHP32 $y) { $temp = self::subtractHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function multiply(PHP32 $y) { $temp = self::multiplyHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function divide(PHP32 $y) { return $this->divideHelper($y); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP32 $n * @return false|PHP32 */ public function modInverse(PHP32 $n) { return $this->modInverseHelper($n); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32[] */ public function extendedGCD(PHP32 $n) { return $this->extendedGCDHelper($n); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function gcd(PHP32 $n) { return $this->extendedGCD($n)['gcd']; } /** * Logical And * * @param PHP32 $x * @return PHP32 */ public function bitwise_and(PHP32 $x) { return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x); } /** * Logical Or * * @param PHP32 $x * @return PHP32 */ public function bitwise_or(PHP32 $x) { return $this->bitwiseOrHelper($x); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param PHP32 $x * @return PHP32 */ public function bitwise_xor(PHP32 $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * @param PHP32 $y * @return int < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @access public * @see self::equals() * @internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do. */ public function compare(PHP32 $y) { return $this->compareHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param PHP32 $x * @return bool */ public function equals(PHP32 $x) { return $this->value === $x->value && $this->is_negative == $x->is_negative; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param PHP32 $e * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function modPow(PHP32 $e, PHP32 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param PHP32 $e * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function powMod(PHP32 $e, PHP32 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param PHP32 $min * @param PHP32 $max * @return false|PHP32 */ public static function randomRangePrime(PHP32 $min, PHP32 $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param PHP32 $min * @param PHP32 $max * @return PHP32 */ public static function randomRange(PHP32 $min, PHP32 $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function pow(PHP32 $n) { return $this->powHelper($n); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32[] $nums * @return PHP32 */ public static function min(...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32[] $nums * @return PHP32 */ public static function max(...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param PHP32 $min * @param PHP32 $max * @return bool */ public function between(PHP32 $min, PHP32 $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\OpenSSL as Progenitor; /** * OpenSSL Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSL extends Progenitor { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions\EvalBarrett; /** * PHP Default Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DefaultEngine extends EvalBarrett { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions\PowerOfTwo; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine; /** * PHP Montgomery Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Montgomery extends Base { /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $n * @param string $class * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ protected static function slidingWindow(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n, $class) { // is the modulo odd? if ($n->value[0] & 1) { return parent::slidingWindow($x, $e, $n, $class); } // if it's not, it's even // find the lowest set bit (eg. the max pow of 2 that divides $n) for ($i = 0; $i < count($n->value); ++$i) { if ($n->value[$i]) { $temp = decbin($n->value[$i]); $j = strlen($temp) - strrpos($temp, '1') - 1; $j += $class::BASE * $i; break; } } // at this point, 2^$j * $n/(2^$j) == $n $mod1 = clone $n; $mod1->rshift($j); $mod2 = new $class(); $mod2->value = [1]; $mod2->lshift($j); $part1 = $mod1->value != [1] ? parent::slidingWindow($x, $e, $mod1, $class) : new $class(); $part2 = PowerOfTwo::slidingWindow($x, $e, $mod2, $class); $y1 = $mod2->modInverse($mod1); $y2 = $mod1->modInverse($mod2); $result = $part1->multiply($mod2); $result = $result->multiply($y1); $temp = $part2->multiply($mod1); $temp = $temp->multiply($y2); $result = $result->add($temp); list(, $result) = $result->divide($n); return $result; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Power Of Two Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PowerOfTwo extends Base { /** * Prepare a number for use in Montgomery Modular Reductions * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function prepareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { return self::reduce($x, $n, $class); } /** * Power Of Two Reduction * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { $lhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = [1]; $result = $lhs->bitwise_and($rhs->subtract($temp)); return $result->value; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Montgomery Modular Exponentiation Engine with interleaved multiplication * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class MontgomeryMult extends Montgomery { /** * Montgomery Multiply * * Interleaves the montgomery reduction and long multiplication algorithms together as described in * {@link HAC 14.36} * * @see self::_prepMontgomery() * @see self::_montgomery() * @access private * @param array $x * @param array $y * @param array $m * @param string $class * @return array */ public static function multiplyReduce(array $x, array $y, array $m, $class) { // the following code, although not callable, can be run independently of the above code // although the above code performed better in my benchmarks the following could might // perform better under different circumstances. in lieu of deleting it it's just been // made uncallable static $cache = [self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => []]; if (($key = array_search($m, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $m; $cache[self::DATA][] = self::modInverse67108864($m, $class); } $n = max(count($x), count($y), count($m)); $x = array_pad($x, $n, 0); $y = array_pad($y, $n, 0); $m = array_pad($m, $n, 0); $a = [self::VALUE => self::array_repeat(0, $n + 1)]; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $temp = $a[self::VALUE][0] + $x[$i] * $y[0]; $temp = $temp - $class::BASE_FULL * ($class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31); $temp = $temp * $cache[self::DATA][$key]; $temp = $temp - $class::BASE_FULL * ($class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31); $temp = $class::addHelper($class::regularMultiply([$x[$i]], $y), false, $class::regularMultiply([$temp], $m), false); $a = $class::addHelper($a[self::VALUE], false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); $a[self::VALUE] = array_slice($a[self::VALUE], 1); } if (self::compareHelper($a[self::VALUE], false, $m, false) >= 0) { $a = $class::subtractHelper($a[self::VALUE], false, $m, false); } return $a[self::VALUE]; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Montgomery as Progenitor; /** * PHP Montgomery Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Montgomery extends Progenitor { /** * Prepare a number for use in Montgomery Modular Reductions * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function prepareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { $lhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = array_merge(self::array_repeat(0, count($n)), $x); $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } /** * Montgomery Multiply * * Interleaves the montgomery reduction and long multiplication algorithms together as described in * {@link HAC 14.36} * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { static $cache = [self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => []]; if (($key = array_search($n, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $x; $cache[self::DATA][] = self::modInverse67108864($n, $class); } $k = count($n); $result = [self::VALUE => $x]; for ($i = 0; $i < $k; ++$i) { $temp = $result[self::VALUE][$i] * $cache[self::DATA][$key]; $temp = $temp - $class::BASE_FULL * ($class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31); $temp = $class::regularMultiply([$temp], $n); $temp = array_merge(self::array_repeat(0, $i), $temp); $result = $class::addHelper($result[self::VALUE], false, $temp, false); } $result[self::VALUE] = array_slice($result[self::VALUE], $k); if (self::compareHelper($result, false, $n, false) >= 0) { $result = $class::subtractHelper($result[self::VALUE], false, $n, false); } return $result[self::VALUE]; } /** * Modular Inverse of a number mod 2**26 (eg. 67108864) * * Based off of the bnpInvDigit function implemented and justified in the following URL: * * {@link} * * The following URL provides more info: * * {@link} * * As for why we do all the bitmasking... strange things can happen when converting from floats to ints. For * instance, on some computers, var_dump((int) -4294967297) yields int(-1) and on others, it yields * int(-2147483648). To avoid problems stemming from this, we use bitmasks to guarantee that ints aren't * auto-converted to floats. The outermost bitmask is present because without it, there's no guarantee that * the "residue" returned would be the so-called "common residue". We use fmod, in the last step, because the * maximum possible $x is 26 bits and the maximum $result is 16 bits. Thus, we have to be able to handle up to * 40 bits, which only 64-bit floating points will support. * * Thanks to Pedro Gimeno Fortea for input! * * @param array $x * @param string $class * @return int */ protected static function modInverse67108864(array $x, $class) { $x = -$x[0]; $result = $x & 0x3; // x**-1 mod 2**2 $result = $result * (2 - $x * $result) & 0xf; // x**-1 mod 2**4 $result = $result * (2 - ($x & 0xff) * $result) & 0xff; // x**-1 mod 2**8 $result = $result * (2 - ($x & 0xffff) * $result & 0xffff) & 0xffff; // x**-1 mod 2**16 $result = $class::BASE == 26 ? fmod($result * (2 - fmod($x * $result, $class::BASE_FULL)), $class::BASE_FULL) : $result * (2 - $x * $result % $class::BASE_FULL) % $class::BASE_FULL; return $result & $class::MAX_DIGIT; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; /** * PHP Dynamic Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EvalBarrett extends Base { /** * Custom Reduction Function * * @see self::generateCustomReduction */ private static $custom_reduction; /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * This calls a dynamically generated loop unrolled function that's specific to a given modulo. * Array lookups are avoided as are if statements testing for how many bits the host OS supports, etc. * * @param array $n * @param array $m * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $n, array $m, $class) { $inline = self::$custom_reduction; return $inline($n); } /** * Generate Custom Reduction * * @param PHP $m * @param string $class * @return callable */ protected static function generateCustomReduction(PHP $m, $class) { if (isset($n->reduce)) { self::$custom_reduction = $n->reduce; return $n->reduce; } $m_length = count($m->value); if ($m_length < 5) { $code = ' $lhs = new ' . $class . '(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs = new ' . $class . '(); $rhs->value = [' . implode(',', array_map('self::float2string', $m->value)) . ']; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; '; eval('$func = function ($x) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; //self::$custom_reduction = \Closure::bind($func, $m, $class); return $func; } $lhs = new $class(); $lhs_value =& $lhs->value; $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); list($u, $m1) = $lhs->divide($m); if ($class::BASE != 26) { $u = $u->value; } else { $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, 2 * $m_length); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); list($u) = $lhs->divide($m); $u = $u->value; } $m = $m->value; $m1 = $m1->value; $cutoff = count($m) + (count($m) >> 1); $code = ' if (count($n) > ' . 2 * count($m) . ') { $lhs = new ' . $class . '(); $rhs = new ' . $class . '(); $lhs->value = $n; $rhs->value = [' . implode(',', array_map('self::float2string', $m)) . ']; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } $lsd = array_slice($n, 0, ' . $cutoff . '); $msd = array_slice($n, ' . $cutoff . ');'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim('msd'); $code .= self::generateInlineMultiply('msd', $m1, 'temp', $class); $code .= self::generateInlineAdd('lsd', 'temp', 'n', $class); $code .= '$temp = array_slice($n, ' . (count($m) - 1) . ');'; $code .= self::generateInlineMultiply('temp', $u, 'temp2', $class); $code .= self::generateInlineTrim('temp2'); $code .= $class::BASE == 26 ? '$temp = array_slice($temp2, ' . (count($m) + 1) . ');' : '$temp = array_slice($temp2, ' . ((count($m) >> 1) + 1) . ');'; $code .= self::generateInlineMultiply('temp', $m, 'temp2', $class); $code .= self::generateInlineTrim('temp2'); /* if ($class::BASE == 26) { $code.= '$n = array_slice($n, 0, ' . (count($m) + 1) . '); $temp2 = array_slice($temp2, 0, ' . (count($m) + 1) . ');'; } */ $code .= self::generateInlineSubtract2('n', 'temp2', 'temp', $class); $subcode = self::generateInlineSubtract1('temp', $m, 'temp2', $class); $subcode .= '$temp = $temp2;'; $code .= self::generateInlineCompare($m, 'temp', $subcode); $code .= 'return $temp;'; eval('$func = function ($n) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; return $func; //self::$custom_reduction = \Closure::bind($func, $m, $class); } /** * Inline Trim * * Removes leading zeros * * @param string $name * @return string */ private static function generateInlineTrim($name) { return ' for ($i = count($' . $name . ') - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($' . $name . '[$i]) { break; } unset($' . $name . '[$i]); }'; } /** * Inline Multiply (unknown, known) * * @param string $input * @param array $arr * @param string $output * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineMultiply($input, array $arr, $output, $class) { if (!count($arr)) { return 'return [];'; } $regular = ' $length = count($' . $input . '); if (!$length) { $' . $output . ' = []; }else{ $' . $output . ' = array_fill(0, $length + ' . count($arr) . ', 0); $carry = 0;'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { $regular .= ' $subtemp = $' . $input . '[0] * ' . $arr[$i]; $regular .= $i ? ' + $carry;' : ';'; $regular .= '$carry = '; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($subtemp / 0x4000000);' : '$subtemp >> 31;'; $regular .= '$' . $output . '[' . $i . '] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $regular .= '(int) ('; } $regular .= '$subtemp - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $carry'; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? ');' : ';'; } $regular .= '$' . $output . '[' . count($arr) . '] = $carry;'; $regular .= ' for ($i = 1; $i < $length; ++$i) {'; for ($j = 0; $j < count($arr); $j++) { $regular .= $j ? '$k++;' : '$k = $i;'; $regular .= ' $subtemp = $' . $output . '[$k] + $' . $input . '[$i] * ' . $arr[$j]; $regular .= $j ? ' + $carry;' : ';'; $regular .= '$carry = '; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($subtemp / 0x4000000);' : '$subtemp >> 31;'; $regular .= '$' . $output . '[$k] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $regular .= '(int) ('; } $regular .= '$subtemp - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $carry'; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? ');' : ';'; } $regular .= '$' . $output . '[++$k] = $carry; $carry = 0;'; $regular .= '}}'; //if (count($arr) < 2 * self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF) { //} return $regular; } /** * Inline Addition * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @param string $result * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineAdd($x, $y, $result, $class) { $code = ' $length = max(count($' . $x . '), count($' . $y . ')); $' . $result . ' = array_pad($' . $x . ', $length + 1, 0); $_' . $y . ' = array_pad($' . $y . ', $length, 0); $carry = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $length; $i+=2, $j+=2) { $sum = ($' . $result . '[$j] + $_' . $y . '[$j]) * ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' + $' . $result . '[$i] + $_' . $y . '[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . '; $sum = $carry ? $sum - ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . ' : $sum;'; $code .= $class::BASE === 26 ? '$upper = intval($sum / 0x4000000); $' . $result . '[$i] = (int) ($sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $upper);' : '$upper = $sum >> 31; $' . $result . '[$i] = $sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $upper;'; $code .= ' $' . $result . '[$j] = $upper; } if ($j == $length) { $sum = $' . $result . '[$i] + $_' . $y . '[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= ' . self::float2string($class::BASE_FULL) . '; $' . $result . '[$i] = $carry ? $sum - ' . self::float2string($class::BASE_FULL) . ' : $sum; } if ($carry) { for (; $' . $result . '[$i] == ' . $class::MAX_DIGIT . '; ++$i) { $' . $result . '[$i] = 0; } ++$' . $result . '[$i]; }'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim($result); return $code; } /** * Inline Subtraction 2 * * For when $known is more digits than $unknown. This is the harder use case to optimize for. * * @param string $known * @param string $unknown * @param string $result * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineSubtract2($known, $unknown, $result, $class) { $code = ' $' . $result . ' = $' . $known . '; $carry = 0; $size = count($' . $unknown . '); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $size; $i+= 2, $j+= 2) { $sum = ($' . $known . '[$j] - $' . $unknown . '[$j]) * ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' + $' . $known . '[$i] - $' . $unknown . '[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; if ($carry) { $sum+= ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . '; } $subtemp = '; $code .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($sum / 0x4000000);' : '$sum >> 31;'; $code .= '$' . $result . '[$i] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= '(int) ('; } $code .= '$sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $subtemp'; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= ')'; } $code .= '; $' . $result . '[$j] = $subtemp; } if ($j == $size) { $sum = $' . $known . '[$i] - $' . $unknown . '[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; $' . $result . '[$i] = $carry ? $sum + ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' : $sum; ++$i; } if ($carry) { for (; !$' . $result . '[$i]; ++$i) { $' . $result . '[$i] = ' . $class::MAX_DIGIT . '; } --$' . $result . '[$i]; }'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim($result); return $code; } /** * Inline Subtraction 1 * * For when $unknown is more digits than $known. This is the easier use case to optimize for. * * @param string $unknown * @param array $known * @param string $result * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineSubtract1($unknown, array $known, $result, $class) { $code = '$' . $result . ' = $' . $unknown . ';'; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < count($known); $i += 2, $j += 2) { $code .= '$sum = $' . $unknown . '[' . $j . '] * ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' + $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] - '; $code .= self::float2string($known[$j] * $class::BASE_FULL + $known[$i]); if ($i != 0) { $code .= ' - $carry'; } $code .= '; if ($carry = $sum < 0) { $sum+= ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . '; } $subtemp = '; $code .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($sum / 0x4000000);' : '$sum >> 31;'; $code .= ' $' . $result . '[' . $i . '] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= ' (int) ('; } $code .= '$sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $subtemp'; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= ')'; } $code .= '; $' . $result . '[' . $j . '] = $subtemp;'; } $code .= '$i = ' . $i . ';'; if ($j == count($known)) { $code .= ' $sum = $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] - ' . $known[$i] . ' - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; $' . $result . '[' . $i . '] = $carry ? $sum + ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' : $sum; ++$i;'; } $code .= ' if ($carry) { for (; !$' . $result . '[$i]; ++$i) { $' . $result . '[$i] = ' . $class::MAX_DIGIT . '; } --$' . $result . '[$i]; }'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim($result); return $code; } /** * Inline Comparison * * If $unknown >= $known then loop * * @param array $known * @param string $unknown * @param string $subcode * @return string */ private static function generateInlineCompare(array $known, $unknown, $subcode) { $uniqid = uniqid(); $code = 'loop_' . $uniqid . ': $clength = count($' . $unknown . '); switch (true) { case $clength < ' . count($known) . ': goto end_' . $uniqid . '; case $clength > ' . count($known) . ':'; for ($i = count($known) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $code .= ' case $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] > ' . $known[$i] . ': goto subcode_' . $uniqid . '; case $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] < ' . $known[$i] . ': goto end_' . $uniqid . ';'; } $code .= ' default: // do subcode } subcode_' . $uniqid . ':' . $subcode . ' goto loop_' . $uniqid . '; end_' . $uniqid . ':'; return $code; } /** * Convert a float to a string * * If you do echo floatval(pow(2, 52)) you'll get 4.6116860184274E+18. It /can/ be displayed without a loss of * precision but displayed in this way there will be precision loss, hence the need for this method. * * @param int|float $num * @return string */ private static function float2string($num) { if (!is_float($num)) { return $num; } if ($num < 0) { return '-' . self::float2string(abs($num)); } $temp = ''; while ($num) { $temp = fmod($num, 10) . $temp; $num = floor($num / 10); } return $temp; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Classic Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Classic extends Base { /** * Regular Division * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { $lhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Barrett extends Base { /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * See {@link HAC 14.3.3} / * {@link MPM 6.2.5} for more information. Modified slightly, * so as not to require negative numbers (initially, this script didn't support negative numbers). * * Employs "folding", as described at * {@link thesis-149.pdf#page=66}. To quote from * it, "the idea [behind folding] is to find a value x' such that x (mod m) = x' (mod m), with x' being smaller than x." * * Unfortunately, the "Barrett Reduction with Folding" algorithm described in thesis-149.pdf is not, as written, all that * usable on account of (1) its not using reasonable radix points as discussed in * {@link MPM 6.2.2} and (2) the fact that, even with reasonable * radix points, it only works when there are an even number of digits in the denominator. The reason for (2) is that * (x >> 1) + (x >> 1) != x / 2 + x / 2. If x is even, they're the same, but if x is odd, they're not. See the in-line * comments for details. * * @param array $n * @param array $m * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $n, array $m, $class) { static $cache = [self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => []]; $m_length = count($m); // if (self::compareHelper($n, $static::square($m)) >= 0) { if (count($n) > 2 * $m_length) { $lhs = new $class(); $rhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $n; $rhs->value = $m; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } // if (m.length >> 1) + 2 <= m.length then m is too small and n can't be reduced if ($m_length < 5) { return self::regularBarrett($n, $m, $class); } // n = 2 * m.length if (($key = array_search($m, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $m; $lhs = new $class(); $lhs_value =& $lhs->value; $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $m; list($u, $m1) = $lhs->divide($rhs); $u = $u->value; $m1 = $m1->value; $cache[self::DATA][] = [ 'u' => $u, // m.length >> 1 (technically (m.length >> 1) + 1) 'm1' => $m1, ]; } else { extract($cache[self::DATA][$key]); } $cutoff = $m_length + ($m_length >> 1); $lsd = array_slice($n, 0, $cutoff); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) $msd = array_slice($n, $cutoff); // m.length >> 1 $lsd = self::trim($lsd); $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($msd, false, $m1, false); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) $n = $class::addHelper($lsd, false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 (so basically we're adding two same length numbers) //if ($m_length & 1) { // return self::regularBarrett($n[self::VALUE], $m, $class); //} // (m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1) - (m.length - 1) == (m.length >> 1) + 2 $temp = array_slice($n[self::VALUE], $m_length - 1); // if even: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == m.length + 2 // if odd: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == (m.length - 1) + 2 == m.length + 1 $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($temp, false, $u, false); // if even: (m.length + 2) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length + 1) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = array_slice($temp[self::VALUE], ($m_length >> 1) + 1); // if even: (m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length - (m.length >> 1)) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($temp, false, $m, false); // at this point, if m had an odd number of digits, we'd be subtracting a 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) digit // number from a m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 digit number. ie. there'd be an extra digit and the while loop // following this comment would loop a lot (hence our calling _regularBarrett() in that situation). $result = $class::subtractHelper($n[self::VALUE], false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); while (self::compareHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $m, false) >= 0) { $result = $class::subtractHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $m, false); } return $result[self::VALUE]; } /** * (Regular) Barrett Modular Reduction * * For numbers with more than four digits BigInteger::_barrett() is faster. The difference between that and this * is that this function does not fold the denominator into a smaller form. * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ private static function regularBarrett(array $x, array $n, $class) { static $cache = [self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => []]; $n_length = count($n); if (count($x) > 2 * $n_length) { $lhs = new $class(); $rhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs->value = $n; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } if (($key = array_search($n, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $n; $lhs = new $class(); $lhs_value =& $lhs->value; $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, 2 * $n_length); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; list($temp, ) = $lhs->divide($rhs); // m.length $cache[self::DATA][] = $temp->value; } // 2 * m.length - (m.length - 1) = m.length + 1 $temp = array_slice($x, $n_length - 1); // (m.length + 1) + m.length = 2 * m.length + 1 $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($temp, false, $cache[self::DATA][$key], false); // (2 * m.length + 1) - (m.length - 1) = m.length + 2 $temp = array_slice($temp[self::VALUE], $n_length + 1); // m.length + 1 $result = array_slice($x, 0, $n_length + 1); // m.length + 1 $temp = self::multiplyLower($temp, false, $n, false, $n_length + 1, $class); // $temp == array_slice($class::regularMultiply($temp, false, $n, false)->value, 0, $n_length + 1) if (self::compareHelper($result, false, $temp[self::VALUE], $temp[self::SIGN]) < 0) { $corrector_value = self::array_repeat(0, $n_length + 1); $corrector_value[count($corrector_value)] = 1; $result = $class::addHelper($result, false, $corrector_value, false); $result = $result[self::VALUE]; } // at this point, we're subtracting a number with m.length + 1 digits from another number with m.length + 1 digits $result = $class::subtractHelper($result, false, $temp[self::VALUE], $temp[self::SIGN]); while (self::compareHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $n, false) > 0) { $result = $class::subtractHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $n, false); } return $result[self::VALUE]; } /** * Performs long multiplication up to $stop digits * * If you're going to be doing array_slice($product->value, 0, $stop), some cycles can be saved. * * @see self::regularBarrett() * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @param int $stop * @param string $class * @return array */ private static function multiplyLower(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative, $stop, $class) { $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); if (!$x_length || !$y_length) { // a 0 is being multiplied return [self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false]; } if ($x_length < $y_length) { $temp = $x_value; $x_value = $y_value; $y_value = $temp; $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); } $product_value = self::array_repeat(0, $x_length + $y_length); // the following for loop could be removed if the for loop following it // (the one with nested for loops) initially set $i to 0, but // doing so would also make the result in one set of unnecessary adds, // since on the outermost loops first pass, $product->value[$k] is going // to always be 0 $carry = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $x_length; ++$j) { // ie. $i = 0, $k = $i $temp = $x_value[$j] * $y_value[0] + $carry; // $product_value[$k] == 0 $carry = $class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - $class::BASE_FULL * $carry); } if ($j < $stop) { $product_value[$j] = $carry; } // the above for loop is what the previous comment was talking about. the // following for loop is the "one with nested for loops" for ($i = 1; $i < $y_length; ++$i) { $carry = 0; for ($j = 0, $k = $i; $j < $x_length && $k < $stop; ++$j, ++$k) { $temp = $product_value[$k] + $x_value[$j] * $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = $class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - $class::BASE_FULL * $carry); } if ($k < $stop) { $product_value[$k] = $carry; } } return [self::VALUE => self::trim($product_value), self::SIGN => $x_negative != $y_negative]; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; /** * PHP Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Base extends PHP { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** * Cache constants * * $cache[self::VARIABLE] tells us whether or not the cached data is still valid. */ const VARIABLE = 0; /** * $cache[self::DATA] contains the cached data. */ const DATA = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * The most naive approach to modular exponentiation has very unreasonable requirements, and * and although the approach involving repeated squaring does vastly better, it, too, is impractical * for our purposes. The reason being that division - by far the most complicated and time-consuming * of the basic operations (eg. +,-,*,/) - occurs multiple times within it. * * Modular reductions resolve this issue. Although an individual modular reduction takes more time * then an individual division, when performed in succession (with the same modulo), they're a lot faster. * * The two most commonly used modular reductions are Barrett and Montgomery reduction. Montgomery reduction, * although faster, only works when the gcd of the modulo and of the base being used is 1. In RSA, when the * base is a power of two, the modulo - a product of two primes - is always going to have a gcd of 1 (because * the product of two odd numbers is odd), but what about when RSA isn't used? * * In contrast, Barrett reduction has no such constraint. As such, some bigint implementations perform a * Barrett reduction after every operation in the modpow function. Others perform Barrett reductions when the * modulo is even and Montgomery reductions when the modulo is odd.'s modPow method, however, * uses a trick involving the Chinese Remainder Theorem to factor the even modulo into two numbers - one odd and * the other, a power of two - and recombine them, later. This is the method that this modPow function uses. * {@link Montgomery Reduction with Even Modulus} elaborates. * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP $n * @param string $class * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP */ protected static function powModHelper(PHP $x, PHP $e, PHP $n, $class) { if (empty($e->value)) { $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = [1]; return $x->normalize($temp); } if ($e->value == [1]) { list(, $temp) = $x->divide($n); return $x->normalize($temp); } if ($e->value == [2]) { $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = $class::square($x->value); list(, $temp) = $temp->divide($n); return $x->normalize($temp); } return $x->normalize(static::slidingWindow($x, $e, $n, $class)); } /** * Modular reduction preparation * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return array */ protected static function prepareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { return static::reduce($x, $n, $class); } /** * Modular multiply * * @param array $x * @param array $y * @param array $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return array */ protected static function multiplyReduce(array $x, array $y, array $n, $class) { $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($x, false, $y, false); return static::reduce($temp[self::VALUE], $n, $class); } /** * Modular square * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return array */ protected static function squareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { return static::reduce($class::square($x), $n, $class); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * BCMath Engine. * * @package BCMath * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class BCMath extends Engine { /** * Can Bitwise operations be done fast? * * @see parent::bitwise_leftRotate() * @see parent::bitwise_rightRotate() * @access protected */ const FAST_BITWISE = false; /** * Engine Directory * * @see parent::setModExpEngine * @access protected */ const ENGINE_DIR = 'BCMath'; /** * Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @var string */ protected static $modexpEngine; /** * Engine Validity Flag * * @var bool */ protected static $isValidEngine; /** * BigInteger(0) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ protected static $zero; /** * BigInteger(1) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ protected static $one; /** * BigInteger(2) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ protected static $two; /** * Primes > 2 and < 1000 * * @var array */ protected static $primes; /** * Test for engine validity * * @see parent::__construct() * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return extension_loaded('bcmath'); } /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!isset(self::$isValidEngine)) { self::$isValidEngine = self::isValidEngine(); } if (!self::$isValidEngine) { throw new BadConfigurationException('BCMath is not setup correctly on this system'); } $this->value = '0'; parent::__construct($x, $base); } /** * Initialize a BCMath BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ protected function initialize($base) { switch (abs($base)) { case 256: // round $len to the nearest 4 $len = strlen($this->value) + 3 & 0xfffffffc; $x = str_pad($this->value, $len, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $this->value = '0'; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 4) { $this->value = bcmul($this->value, '4294967296', 0); // 4294967296 == 2**32 $this->value = bcadd($this->value, 0x1000000 * ord($x[$i]) + (ord($x[$i + 1]) << 16 | ord($x[$i + 2]) << 8 | ord($x[$i + 3])), 0); } if ($this->is_negative) { $this->value = '-' . $this->value; } break; case 16: $x = strlen($this->value) & 1 ? '0' . $this->value : $this->value; $temp = new self(Hex::decode($x), 256); $this->value = $this->is_negative ? '-' . $temp->value : $temp->value; $this->is_negative = false; break; case 10: // explicitly casting $x to a string is necessary, here, since doing $x[0] on -1 yields different // results then doing it on '-1' does (modInverse does $x[0]) $this->value = $this->value === '-' ? '0' : (string) $this->value; } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { if ($this->value === '0') { return '0'; } return ltrim($this->value, '0'); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { if ($twos_compliment) { return $this->toBytesHelper(); } $value = ''; $current = $this->value; if ($current[0] == '-') { $current = substr($current, 1); } while (bccomp($current, '0', 0) > 0) { $temp = bcmod($current, '16777216'); $value = chr($temp >> 16) . chr($temp >> 8) . chr($temp) . $value; $current = bcdiv($current, '16777216', 0); } return $this->precision > 0 ? substr(str_pad($value, $this->precision >> 3, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -($this->precision >> 3)) : ltrim($value, chr(0)); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath $y * @return BCMath */ public function add(BCMath $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcadd($this->value, $y->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath $y * @return BCMath */ public function subtract(BCMath $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcsub($this->value, $y->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function multiply(BCMath $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcmul($this->value, $x->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param BCMath $y * @return BCMath */ public function divide(BCMath $y) { $quotient = new self(); $remainder = new self(); $quotient->value = bcdiv($this->value, $y->value, 0); $remainder->value = bcmod($this->value, $y->value); if ($remainder->value[0] == '-') { $remainder->value = bcadd($remainder->value, $y->value[0] == '-' ? substr($y->value, 1) : $y->value, 0); } return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($remainder)]; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @return false|BCMath * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath $n */ public function modInverse(BCMath $n) { return $this->modInverseHelper($n); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity. * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. Bezout's identity states that there exist integers x and y such that * 693*x + 609*y == 21. In point of fact, there are actually an infinite number of x and y combinations and which * combination is returned is dependent upon which mode is in use. See * {@link Bezout's identity - Wikipedia} for more information. * * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function extendedGCD(BCMath $n) { // it might be faster to use the binary xGCD algorithim here, as well, but (1) that algorithim works // best when the base is a power of 2 and (2) i don't think it'd make much difference, anyway. as is, // the basic extended euclidean algorithim is what we're using. $u = $this->value; $v = $n->value; $a = '1'; $b = '0'; $c = '0'; $d = '1'; while (bccomp($v, '0', 0) != 0) { $q = bcdiv($u, $v, 0); $temp = $u; $u = $v; $v = bcsub($temp, bcmul($v, $q, 0), 0); $temp = $a; $a = $c; $c = bcsub($temp, bcmul($a, $q, 0), 0); $temp = $b; $b = $d; $d = bcsub($temp, bcmul($b, $q, 0), 0); } return ['gcd' => $this->normalize(new static($u)), 'x' => $this->normalize(new static($a)), 'y' => $this->normalize(new static($b))]; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function gcd(BCMath $n) { extract($this->extendedGCD($n)); /** @var BCMath $gcd */ return $gcd; } /** * Absolute value. * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ public function abs() { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = strlen($this->value) && $this->value[0] == '-' ? substr($this->value, 1) : $this->value; return $temp; } /** * Logical And * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_and(BCMath $x) { return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x); } /** * Logical Or * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_or(BCMath $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_xor(BCMath $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = bcdiv($this->value, bcpow('2', $shift, 0), 0); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = bcmul($this->value, bcpow('2', $shift, 0), 0); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * @param BCMath $y * @return int < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @see self::equals() * @internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do. */ public function compare(BCMath $y) { return bccomp($this->value, $y->value, 0); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param BCMath $x * @return bool */ public function equals(BCMath $x) { return $this->value == $x->value; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function modPow(BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function powMod(BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ protected function powModInner(BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { try { $class = self::$modexpEngine; return $class::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } catch (\Exception $err) { return BCMath\DefaultEngine::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } } /** * Normalize * * Removes leading zeros and truncates (if necessary) to maintain the appropriate precision * * @param BCMath $result * @return BCMath */ protected function normalize(BCMath $result) { unset($result->reduce); $result->precision = $this->precision; $result->bitmask = $this->bitmask; if ($result->bitmask !== false) { $result->value = bcmod($result->value, $result->bitmask->value); } return $result; } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param BCMath $min * @param BCMath $max * @return false|BCMath */ public static function randomRangePrime(BCMath $min, BCMath $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param BCMath $min * @param BCMath $max * @return BCMath */ public static function randomRange(BCMath $min, BCMath $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Make the current number odd * * If the current number is odd it'll be unchanged. If it's even, one will be added to it. * * @see self::randomPrime() */ protected function make_odd() { if (!$this->isOdd()) { $this->value = bcadd($this->value, '1'); } } /** * Test the number against small primes. * * @see self::isPrime() */ protected function testSmallPrimes() { if ($this->value === '1') { return false; } if ($this->value === '2') { return true; } if ($this->value[strlen($this->value) - 1] % 2 == 0) { return false; } $value = $this->value; foreach (self::$primes as $prime) { $r = bcmod($this->value, $prime); if ($r == '0') { return $this->value == $prime; } } return true; } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @see self::isPrime() * @param BCMath $r * @return int */ public static function scan1divide(BCMath $r) { $r_value =& $r->value; $s = 0; // if $n was 1, $r would be 0 and this would be an infinite loop, hence our $this->equals(static::$one) check earlier while ($r_value[strlen($r_value) - 1] % 2 == 0) { $r_value = bcdiv($r_value, '2', 0); ++$s; } return $s; } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function pow(BCMath $n) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcpow($this->value, $n->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath[] $nums * @return BCMath */ public static function min(...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath[] $nums * @return BCMath */ public static function max(...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param BCMath $min * @param BCMath $max * @return bool */ public function between(BCMath $min, BCMath $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } /** * Set Bitmask * * @return Engine * @param int $bits * @see self::setPrecision() */ protected static function setBitmask($bits) { $temp = parent::setBitmask($bits); return $temp->add(static::$one); } /** * Is Odd? * * @return boolean */ public function isOdd() { return $this->value[strlen($this->value) - 1] % 2 == 1; } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @return boolean */ public function testBit($x) { return bccomp(bcmod($this->value, bcpow('2', $x + 1, 0), 0), bcpow('2', $x, 0), 0) >= 0; } /** * Is Negative? * * @return boolean */ public function isNegative() { return strlen($this->value) && $this->value[0] == '-'; } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return BCMath */ public function negate() { $temp = clone $this; if (!strlen($temp->value)) { return $temp; } $temp->value = $temp->value[0] == '-' ? substr($this->value, 1) : '-' . $this->value; return $temp; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * Base Engine. * * @package Engine * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Engine implements \Serializable { /** * Holds the BigInteger's value * * @var mixed */ protected $value; /** * Holds the BigInteger's sign * * @var bool */ protected $is_negative; /** * Precision * * @see static::setPrecision() */ protected $precision = -1; /** * Precision Bitmask * * @see static::setPrecision() */ protected $bitmask = false; /** * Recurring Modulo Function * * @var callable */ protected $reduce; /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base */ public function __construct($x, $base) { if (!isset(static::$primes)) { static::$primes = [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997]; static::$zero = new static(0); static::$one = new static(1); static::$two = new static(2); } // '0' counts as empty() but when the base is 256 '0' is equal to ord('0') or 48 // '0' is the only value like this per if (empty($x) && (abs($base) != 256 || $x !== '0')) { return; } switch ($base) { case -256: case 256: if ($base == -256 && ord($x[0]) & 0x80) { $this->value = ~$x; $this->is_negative = true; } else { $this->value = $x; $this->is_negative = false; } static::initialize($base); if ($this->is_negative) { $temp = $this->add(new static('-1')); $this->value = $temp->value; } break; case -16: case 16: if ($base > 0 && $x[0] == '-') { $this->is_negative = true; $x = substr($x, 1); } $x = preg_replace('#^(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]*).*#', '$1', $x); $is_negative = false; if ($base < 0 && hexdec($x[0]) >= 8) { $this->is_negative = $is_negative = true; $x = Hex::encode(~Hex::decode($x)); } $this->value = $x; static::initialize($base); if ($is_negative) { $temp = $this->add(new static('-1')); $this->value = $temp->value; } break; case -10: case 10: // (?value = preg_replace('#(?value) || $this->value == '-') { $this->value = '0'; } static::initialize($base); break; case -2: case 2: if ($base > 0 && $x[0] == '-') { $this->is_negative = true; $x = substr($x, 1); } $x = preg_replace('#^([01]*).*#', '$1', $x); $temp = new static(Strings::bits2bin($x), 128 * $base); // ie. either -16 or +16 $this->value = $temp->value; if ($temp->is_negative) { $this->is_negative = true; } break; default: } } /** * Sets engine type. * * Throws an exception if the type is invalid * * @param string $engine */ public static function setModExpEngine($engine) { $fqengine = '\\tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . static::ENGINE_DIR . '\\' . $engine; if (!class_exists($fqengine) || !method_exists($fqengine, 'isValidEngine')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("{$engine} is not a valid engine"); } if (!$fqengine::isValidEngine()) { throw new BadConfigurationException("{$engine} is not setup correctly on this system"); } static::$modexpEngine = $fqengine; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * @return string */ protected function toBytesHelper() { $comparison = $this->compare(new static()); if ($comparison == 0) { return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), $this->precision + 1 >> 3) : ''; } $temp = $comparison < 0 ? $this->add(new static(1)) : $this; $bytes = $temp->toBytes(); if (!strlen($bytes)) { // eg. if the number we're trying to convert is -1 $bytes = chr(0); } if (ord($bytes[0]) & 0x80) { $bytes = chr(0) . $bytes; } return $comparison < 0 ? ~$bytes : $bytes; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toHex($twos_compliment = false) { return Hex::encode($this->toBytes($twos_compliment)); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBits($twos_compliment = false) { $hex = $this->toBytes($twos_compliment); $bits = Strings::bin2bits($hex); $result = $this->precision > 0 ? substr($bits, -$this->precision) : ltrim($bits, '0'); if ($twos_compliment && $this->compare(new static()) > 0 && $this->precision <= 0) { return '0' . $result; } return $result; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $n * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine|false * @internal See {@link HAC 14.64} for more information. */ protected function modInverseHelper(Engine $n) { // $x mod -$n == $x mod $n. $n = $n->abs(); if ($this->compare(static::$zero) < 0) { $temp = $this->abs(); $temp = $temp->modInverse($n); return $this->normalize($n->subtract($temp)); } extract($this->extendedGCD($n)); /** * @var BigInteger $gcd * @var BigInteger $x */ if (!$gcd->equals(static::$one)) { return false; } $x = $x->compare(static::$zero) < 0 ? $x->add($n) : $x; return $this->compare(static::$zero) < 0 ? $this->normalize($n->subtract($x)) : $this->normalize($x); } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when serialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @return string */ public function serialize() { $val = ['hex' => $this->toHex(true)]; if ($this->precision > 0) { $val['precision'] = $this->precision; } return serialize($val); } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when unserialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @param string $serialized */ public function unserialize($serialized) { $r = unserialize($serialized); $temp = new static($r['hex'], -16); $this->value = $temp->value; $this->is_negative = $temp->is_negative; if (isset($r['precision'])) { // recalculate $this->bitmask $this->setPrecision($r['precision']); } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->toString(); } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * Will be called, automatically, when print_r() or var_dump() are called */ public function __debugInfo() { return ['value' => '0x' . $this->toHex(true), 'engine' => basename(static::class)]; } /** * Set Precision * * Some bitwise operations give different results depending on the precision being used. Examples include left * shift, not, and rotates. * * @param int $bits */ public function setPrecision($bits) { if ($bits < 1) { $this->precision = -1; $this->bitmask = false; return; } $this->precision = $bits; $this->bitmask = static::setBitmask($bits); $temp = $this->normalize($this); $this->value = $temp->value; } /** * Get Precision * * Returns the precision if it exists, -1 if it doesn't * * @return int */ public function getPrecision() { return $this->precision; } /** * Set Bitmask * @return Engine * @param int $bits * @see self::setPrecision() */ protected static function setBitmask($bits) { return new static(chr((1 << ($bits & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xff), $bits >> 3), 256); } /** * Logical Not * * @return Engine|string */ public function bitwise_not() { // calculuate "not" without regard to $this->precision // (will always result in a smaller number. ie. ~1 isn't 1111 1110 - it's 0) $temp = $this->toBytes(); if ($temp == '') { return $this->normalize(static::$zero); } $pre_msb = decbin(ord($temp[0])); $temp = ~$temp; $msb = decbin(ord($temp[0])); if (strlen($msb) == 8) { $msb = substr($msb, strpos($msb, '0')); } $temp[0] = chr(bindec($msb)); // see if we need to add extra leading 1's $current_bits = strlen($pre_msb) + 8 * strlen($temp) - 8; $new_bits = $this->precision - $current_bits; if ($new_bits <= 0) { return $this->normalize(new static($temp, 256)); } // generate as many leading 1's as we need to. $leading_ones = chr((1 << ($new_bits & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xff), $new_bits >> 3); self::base256_lshift($leading_ones, $current_bits); $temp = str_pad($temp, strlen($leading_ones), chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($leading_ones | $temp, 256)); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts binary strings $shift bits, essentially multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param $x String * @param $shift Integer * @return string */ protected static function base256_lshift(&$x, $shift) { if ($shift == 0) { return; } $num_bytes = $shift >> 3; // eg. floor($shift/8) $shift &= 7; // eg. $shift % 8 $carry = 0; for ($i = strlen($x) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $temp = ord($x[$i]) << $shift | $carry; $x[$i] = chr($temp); $carry = $temp >> 8; } $carry = $carry != 0 ? chr($carry) : ''; $x = $carry . $x . str_repeat(chr(0), $num_bytes); } /** * Logical Left Rotate * * Instead of the top x bits being dropped they're appended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ public function bitwise_leftRotate($shift) { $bits = $this->toBytes(); if ($this->precision > 0) { $precision = $this->precision; if (static::FAST_BITWISE) { $mask = $this->bitmask->toBytes(); } else { $mask = $this->bitmask->subtract(new static(1)); $mask = $mask->toBytes(); } } else { $temp = ord($bits[0]); for ($i = 0; $temp >> $i; ++$i) { } $precision = 8 * strlen($bits) - 8 + $i; $mask = chr((1 << ($precision & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xff), $precision >> 3); } if ($shift < 0) { $shift += $precision; } $shift %= $precision; if (!$shift) { return clone $this; } $left = $this->bitwise_leftShift($shift); $left = $left->bitwise_and(new static($mask, 256)); $right = $this->bitwise_rightShift($precision - $shift); $result = static::FAST_BITWISE ? $left->bitwise_or($right) : $left->add($right); return $this->normalize($result); } /** * Logical Right Rotate * * Instead of the bottom x bits being dropped they're prepended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ public function bitwise_rightRotate($shift) { return $this->bitwise_leftRotate(-$shift); } /** * Returns the smallest and largest n-bit number * * @param int $bits * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine[] */ public static function minMaxBits($bits) { $bytes = $bits >> 3; $min = str_repeat(chr(0), $bytes); $max = str_repeat(chr(0xff), $bytes); $msb = $bits & 7; if ($msb) { $min = chr(1 << $msb - 1) . $min; $max = chr((1 << $msb) - 1) . $max; } else { $min[0] = chr(0x80); } return ['min' => new static($min, 256), 'max' => new static($max, 256)]; } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bits * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return strlen($this->toBits()); } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bytes * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return strlen($this->toBytes()); } /** * Performs some pre-processing for powMod * * @param Engine $e * @param Engine $n * @return bool|Engine */ protected function powModOuter(Engine $e, Engine $n) { $n = $this->bitmask !== false && $this->bitmask->compare($n) < 0 ? $this->bitmask : $n->abs(); if ($e->compare(new static()) < 0) { $e = $e->abs(); $temp = $this->modInverse($n); if ($temp === false) { return false; } return $this->normalize($temp->powModInner($e, $n)); } return $this->powModInner($e, $n); } /** * Sliding Window k-ary Modular Exponentiation * * Based on {@link HAC 14.85} / * {@link MPM 7.7}. In a departure from those algorithims, * however, this function performs a modular reduction after every multiplication and squaring operation. * As such, this function has the same preconditions that the reductions being used do. * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine $n * @param string $class * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ protected static function slidingWindow(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n, $class) { static $window_ranges = [7, 25, 81, 241, 673, 1793]; // from's oddModPow function //static $window_ranges = [0, 7, 36, 140, 450, 1303, 3529]; // from MPM 7.3.1 $e_bits = $e->toBits(); $e_length = strlen($e_bits); // calculate the appropriate window size. // $window_size == 3 if $window_ranges is between 25 and 81, for example. for ($i = 0, $window_size = 1; $i < count($window_ranges) && $e_length > $window_ranges[$i]; ++$window_size, ++$i) { } $n_value = $n->value; if (method_exists(static::class, 'generateCustomReduction')) { static::generateCustomReduction($n, $class); } // precompute $this^0 through $this^$window_size $powers = []; $powers[1] = static::prepareReduce($x->value, $n_value, $class); $powers[2] = static::squareReduce($powers[1], $n_value, $class); // we do every other number since substr($e_bits, $i, $j+1) (see below) is supposed to end // in a 1. ie. it's supposed to be odd. $temp = 1 << $window_size - 1; for ($i = 1; $i < $temp; ++$i) { $i2 = $i << 1; $powers[$i2 + 1] = static::multiplyReduce($powers[$i2 - 1], $powers[2], $n_value, $class); } $result = new $class(1); $result = static::prepareReduce($result->value, $n_value, $class); for ($i = 0; $i < $e_length;) { if (!$e_bits[$i]) { $result = static::squareReduce($result, $n_value, $class); ++$i; } else { for ($j = $window_size - 1; $j > 0; --$j) { if (!empty($e_bits[$i + $j])) { break; } } // eg. the length of substr($e_bits, $i, $j + 1) for ($k = 0; $k <= $j; ++$k) { $result = static::squareReduce($result, $n_value, $class); } $result = static::multiplyReduce($result, $powers[bindec(substr($e_bits, $i, $j + 1))], $n_value, $class); $i += $j + 1; } } $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = static::reduce($result, $n_value, $class); return $temp; } /** * Generates a random number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ public static function random($size) { extract(static::minMaxBits($size)); /** * @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ return static::randomRange($min, $max); } /** * Generates a random prime number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ public static function randomPrime($size) { extract(static::minMaxBits($size)); /** * @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ return static::randomRangePrime($min, $max); } /** * Performs some pre-processing for randomRangePrime * * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return bool|Engine */ protected static function randomRangePrimeOuter(Engine $min, Engine $max) { $compare = $max->compare($min); if (!$compare) { return $min->isPrime() ? $min : false; } elseif ($compare < 0) { // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max $temp = $max; $max = $min; $min = $temp; } $x = static::randomRange($min, $max); return static::randomRangePrimeInner($x, $min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return Engine */ protected static function randomRangeHelper(Engine $min, Engine $max) { $compare = $max->compare($min); if (!$compare) { return $min; } elseif ($compare < 0) { // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max $temp = $max; $max = $min; $min = $temp; } if (!isset(static::$one)) { static::$one = new static(1); } $max = $max->subtract($min->subtract(static::$one)); $size = strlen(ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0))); /* doing $random % $max doesn't work because some numbers will be more likely to occur than others. eg. if $max is 140 and $random's max is 255 then that'd mean both $random = 5 and $random = 145 would produce 5 whereas the only value of random that could produce 139 would be 139. ie. not all numbers would be equally likely. some would be more likely than others. creating a whole new random number until you find one that is within the range doesn't work because, for sufficiently small ranges, the likelihood that you'd get a number within that range would be pretty small. eg. with $random's max being 255 and if your $max being 1 the probability would be pretty high that $random would be greater than $max. phpseclib works around this using the technique described here: */ $random_max = new static(chr(1) . str_repeat("\0", $size), 256); $random = new static(Random::string($size), 256); list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max); $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max); while ($random->compare($max_multiple) >= 0) { $random = $random->subtract($max_multiple); $random_max = $random_max->subtract($max_multiple); $random = $random->bitwise_leftShift(8); $random = $random->add(new static(Random::string(1), 256)); $random_max = $random_max->bitwise_leftShift(8); list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max); $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max); } list(, $random) = $random->divide($max); return $random->add($min); } /** * Performs some post-processing for randomRangePrime * * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return bool|Engine */ protected static function randomRangePrimeInner(Engine $x, Engine $min, Engine $max) { if (!isset(static::$two)) { static::$two = new static('2'); } $x->make_odd(); if ($x->compare($max) > 0) { // if $x > $max then $max is even and if $min == $max then no prime number exists between the specified range if ($min->equals($max)) { return false; } $x = clone $min; $x->make_odd(); } $initial_x = clone $x; while (true) { if ($x->isPrime()) { return $x; } $x = $x->add(static::$two); if ($x->compare($max) > 0) { $x = clone $min; if ($x->equals(static::$two)) { return $x; } $x->make_odd(); } if ($x->equals($initial_x)) { return false; } } } /** * Sets the $t parameter for primality testing * * @return int */ protected function setupIsPrime() { $length = $this->getLengthInBytes(); // see HAC 4.49 "Note (controlling the error probability)" // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart if ($length >= 163) { $t = 2; } else { if ($length >= 106) { $t = 3; } else { if ($length >= 81) { $t = 4; } else { if ($length >= 68) { $t = 5; } else { if ($length >= 56) { $t = 6; } else { if ($length >= 50) { $t = 7; } else { if ($length >= 43) { $t = 8; } else { if ($length >= 37) { $t = 9; } else { if ($length >= 31) { $t = 12; } else { if ($length >= 25) { $t = 15; } else { if ($length >= 18) { $t = 18; } else { $t = 27; } } } } } } } } } } } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return $t; } /** * Tests Primality * * Uses the {@link Miller-Rabin primality test}. * See {@link HAC 4.24} for more info. * * @param int $t * @return bool */ protected function testPrimality($t) { if (!$this->testSmallPrimes()) { return false; } $n = clone $this; $n_1 = $n->subtract(static::$one); $n_2 = $n->subtract(static::$two); $r = clone $n_1; $s = static::scan1divide($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $t; ++$i) { $a = static::randomRange(static::$two, $n_2); $y = $a->modPow($r, $n); if (!$y->equals(static::$one) && !$y->equals($n_1)) { for ($j = 1; $j < $s && !$y->equals($n_1); ++$j) { $y = $y->modPow(static::$two, $n); if ($y->equals(static::$one)) { return false; } } if (!$y->equals($n_1)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks a numer to see if it's prime * * Assuming the $t parameter is not set, this function has an error rate of 2**-80. The main motivation for the * $t parameter is distributability. BigInteger::randomPrime() can be distributed across multiple pageloads * on a website instead of just one. * * @param int|bool $t * @return bool */ public function isPrime($t = false) { if (!$t) { $t = $this->setupIsPrime(); } return $this->testPrimality($t); } /** * Performs a few preliminary checks on root * * @param int $n * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine */ protected function rootHelper($n) { if ($n < 1) { return clone static::$zero; } // we want positive exponents if ($this->compare(static::$one) < 0) { return clone static::$zero; } // we want positive numbers if ($this->compare(static::$two) < 0) { return clone static::$one; } // n-th root of 1 or 2 is 1 return $this->rootInner($n); } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2 * * @param int $n * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine * @internal This function is based off of {@link this page} and {@link this stackoverflow question}. */ protected function rootInner($n) { $n = new static($n); // g is our guess number $g = static::$two; // while (g^n < num) g=g*2 while ($g->pow($n)->compare($this) < 0) { $g = $g->multiply(static::$two); } // if (g^n==num) num is a power of 2, we're lucky, end of job // == 0 bccomp(bcpow($g, $n), $n->value)==0 if ($g->pow($n)->equals($this) > 0) { $root = $g; return $this->normalize($root); } // if we're here num wasn't a power of 2 :( $og = $g; // og means original guess and here is our upper bound $g = $g->divide(static::$two)[0]; // g is set to be our lower bound $step = $og->subtract($g)->divide(static::$two)[0]; // step is the half of upper bound - lower bound $g = $g->add($step); // we start at lower bound + step , basically in the middle of our interval // while step>1 while ($step->compare(static::$one) == 1) { $guess = $g->pow($n); $step = $step->divide(static::$two)[0]; $comp = $guess->compare($this); // compare our guess with real number switch ($comp) { case -1: // if guess is lower we add the new step $g = $g->add($step); break; case 1: // if guess is higher we sub the new step $g = $g->subtract($step); break; case 0: // if guess is exactly the num we're done, we return the value $root = $g; break 2; } } if ($comp == 1) { $g = $g->subtract($step); } // whatever happened, g is the closest guess we can make so return it $root = $g; return $this->normalize($root); } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * @param int $n * @return Engine */ public function root($n = 2) { return $this->rootHelper($n); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param array $nums * @return Engine */ protected static function minHelper(array $nums) { if (count($nums) == 1) { return $nums[0]; } $min = $nums[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($nums); $i++) { $min = $min->compare($nums[$i]) > 0 ? $nums[$i] : $min; } return $min; } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param array $nums * @return Engine */ protected static function maxHelper(array $nums) { if (count($nums) == 1) { return $nums[0]; } $max = $nums[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($nums); $i++) { $max = $max->compare($nums[$i]) < 0 ? $nums[$i] : $max; } return $max; } /** * Create Recurring Modulo Function * * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of * modular exponentiation * * @return callable */ public function createRecurringModuloFunction() { $class = static::class; $fqengine = !method_exists(static::$modexpEngine, 'reduce') ? '\\tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . static::ENGINE_DIR . '\\DefaultEngine' : static::$modexpEngine; if (method_exists($fqengine, 'generateCustomReduction')) { $func = $fqengine::generateCustomReduction($this, static::class); $this->reduce = eval('return function(' . static::class . ' $x) use ($func, $class) { $r = new $class(); $r->value = $func($x->value); return $r; };'); return clone $this->reduce; } $n = $this->value; $this->reduce = eval('return function(' . static::class . ' $x) use ($n, $fqengine, $class) { $r = new $class(); $r->value = $fqengine::reduce($x->value, $n, $class); return $r; };'); return clone $this->reduce; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity. * * @param Engine $n * @return Engine */ protected function extendedGCDHelper(Engine $n, Engine $stop = null) { $u = clone $this; $v = clone $n; $one = new static(1); $zero = new static(); $a = clone $one; $b = clone $zero; $c = clone $zero; $d = clone $one; while (!$v->equals($zero)) { list($q) = $u->divide($v); $temp = $u; $u = $v; $v = $temp->subtract($v->multiply($q)); $temp = $a; $a = $c; $c = $temp->subtract($a->multiply($q)); $temp = $b; $b = $d; $d = $temp->subtract($b->multiply($q)); } return ['gcd' => $u, 'x' => $a, 'y' => $b]; } /** * Bitwise Split * * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits * * @param int $split * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engine[] */ public function bitwise_split($split) { if ($split < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('Offset must be greater than 1'); } $mask = static::$one->bitwise_leftShift($split)->subtract(static::$one); $num = clone $this; $vals = []; while (!$num->equals(static::$zero)) { $vals[] = $num->bitwise_and($mask); $num = $num->bitwise_rightShift($split); } return array_reverse($vals); } /** * Logical And * * @param Engine $x * @return Engine */ protected function bitwiseAndHelper(Engine $x) { $left = $this->toBytes(true); $right = $x->toBytes(true); $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right)); $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($left & $right, -256)); } /** * Logical Or * * @param Engine $x * @return Engine */ protected function bitwiseOrHelper(Engine $x) { $left = $this->toBytes(true); $right = $x->toBytes(true); $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right)); $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($left | $right, -256)); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param Engine $x * @return Engine */ protected function bitwiseXorHelper(Engine $x) { $left = $this->toBytes(true); $right = $x->toBytes(true); $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right)); $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($left ^ $right, -256)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; /** * Pure-PHP 64-bit Engine. * * Uses 64-bit integers if int size is 8 bits * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PHP64 extends PHP { /**#@+ * Constants used by PHP.php */ const BASE = 31; const BASE_FULL = 0x80000000; const MAX_DIGIT = 0x7fffffff; const MSB = 0x40000000; /** * MAX10 in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10 = 1000000000; /** * MAX10LEN in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10LEN = 9; const MAX_DIGIT2 = 4611686018427387904; /**#@-*/ /** * Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @var string */ protected static $modexpEngine; /** * Engine Validity Flag * * @var bool */ protected static $isValidEngine; /** * Primes > 2 and < 1000 * * @var array */ protected static $primes; /** * BigInteger(0) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP64 */ protected static $zero; /** * BigInteger(1) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP64 */ protected static $one; /** * BigInteger(2) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP64 */ protected static $two; /** * Initialize a PHP64 BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::initialize() */ protected function initialize($base) { if ($base != 256 && $base != -256) { return parent::initialize($base); } $val = $this->value; $this->value = []; $vals =& $this->value; $i = strlen($val); if (!$i) { return; } while (true) { $i -= 4; if ($i < 0) { if ($i == -4) { break; } $val = substr($val, 0, 4 + $i); $val = str_pad($val, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($val == "\0\0\0\0") { break; } $i = 0; } list(, $digit) = unpack('N', substr($val, $i, 4)); $step = count($vals) & 7; if (!$step) { $digit &= static::MAX_DIGIT; $i++; } else { $shift = 8 - $step; $digit >>= $shift; $shift = 32 - $shift; $digit &= (1 << $shift) - 1; $temp = $i > 0 ? ord($val[$i - 1]) : 0; $digit |= $temp << $shift & 0x7f000000; } $vals[] = $digit; } while (end($vals) === 0) { array_pop($vals); } reset($vals); } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see parent::__construct() * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8; } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function add(PHP64 $y) { $temp = self::addHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function subtract(PHP64 $y) { $temp = self::subtractHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function multiply(PHP64 $y) { $temp = self::multiplyHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function divide(PHP64 $y) { return $this->divideHelper($y); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP64 $n * @return false|PHP64 */ public function modInverse(PHP64 $n) { return $this->modInverseHelper($n); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64[] */ public function extendedGCD(PHP64 $n) { return $this->extendedGCDHelper($n); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function gcd(PHP64 $n) { return $this->extendedGCD($n)['gcd']; } /** * Logical And * * @param PHP64 $x * @return PHP64 */ public function bitwise_and(PHP64 $x) { return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x); } /** * Logical Or * * @param PHP64 $x * @return PHP64 */ public function bitwise_or(PHP64 $x) { return $this->bitwiseOrHelper($x); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param PHP64 $x * @return PHP64 */ public function bitwise_xor(PHP64 $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * @param PHP64 $y * @return int < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @access public * @see self::equals() * @internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do. */ public function compare(PHP64 $y) { return parent::compareHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param PHP64 $x * @return bool */ public function equals(PHP64 $x) { return $this->value === $x->value && $this->is_negative == $x->is_negative; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param PHP64 $e * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function modPow(PHP64 $e, PHP64 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param PHP64 $e * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function powMod(PHP64 $e, PHP64 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param PHP64 $min * @param PHP64 $max * @return false|PHP64 */ public static function randomRangePrime(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param PHP64 $min * @param PHP64 $max * @return PHP64 */ public static function randomRange(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function pow(PHP64 $n) { return $this->powHelper($n); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64[] $nums * @return PHP64 */ public static function min(...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64[] $nums * @return PHP64 */ public static function max(...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param PHP64 $min * @param PHP64 $max * @return bool */ public function between(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * GMP Engine. * * @package GMP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class GMP extends Engine { /** * Can Bitwise operations be done fast? * * @see parent::bitwise_leftRotate() * @see parent::bitwise_rightRotate() * @access protected */ const FAST_BITWISE = true; /** * Engine Directory * * @see parent::setModExpEngine * @access protected */ const ENGINE_DIR = 'GMP'; /** * Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @var string */ protected static $modexpEngine; /** * Engine Validity Flag * * @var bool */ protected static $isValidEngine; /** * BigInteger(0) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP */ protected static $zero; /** * BigInteger(1) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP */ protected static $one; /** * BigInteger(2) * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP */ protected static $two; /** * Primes > 2 and < 1000 * * Unused for GMP Engine * * @var mixed */ protected static $primes; /** * Test for engine validity * * @see parent::__construct() * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return extension_loaded('gmp'); } /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!isset(self::$isValidEngine)) { self::$isValidEngine = self::isValidEngine(); } if (!self::$isValidEngine) { throw new BadConfigurationException('GMP is not setup correctly on this system'); } if ($x instanceof \GMP) { $this->value = $x; return; } $this->value = gmp_init(0); parent::__construct($x, $base); } /** * Initialize a GMP BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ protected function initialize($base) { switch (abs($base)) { case 256: $this->value = gmp_import($this->value); if ($this->is_negative) { $this->value = -$this->value; } break; case 16: $temp = $this->is_negative ? '-0x' . $this->value : '0x' . $this->value; $this->value = gmp_init($temp); break; case 10: $this->value = gmp_init(isset($this->value) ? $this->value : '0'); } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { return (string) $this->value; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBits($twos_compliment = false) { $hex = $this->toHex($twos_compliment); $bits = gmp_strval(gmp_init($hex, 16), 2); if ($this->precision > 0) { $bits = substr($bits, -$this->precision); } if ($twos_compliment && $this->compare(new static()) > 0 && $this->precision <= 0) { return '0' . $bits; } return $bits; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { if ($twos_compliment) { return $this->toBytesHelper(); } if (gmp_cmp($this->value, gmp_init(0)) == 0) { return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), $this->precision + 1 >> 3) : ''; } $temp = gmp_export($this->value); return $this->precision > 0 ? substr(str_pad($temp, $this->precision >> 3, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -($this->precision >> 3)) : ltrim($temp, chr(0)); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param GMP $y * @return GMP */ public function add(GMP $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value + $y->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param GMP $y * @return GMP */ public function subtract(GMP $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value - $y->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function multiply(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value * $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param GMP $y * @return GMP */ public function divide(GMP $y) { $quotient = new self(); $remainder = new self(); list($quotient->value, $remainder->value) = gmp_div_qr($this->value, $y->value); if (gmp_sign($remainder->value) < 0) { $remainder->value = $remainder->value + gmp_abs($y->value); } return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($remainder)]; } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * @param GMP $y * @return int < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @access public * @see self::equals() * @internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do. */ public function compare(GMP $y) { $r = gmp_cmp($this->value, $y->value); if ($r < -1) { $r = -1; } if ($r > 1) { $r = 1; } return $r; } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param GMP $x * @return bool */ public function equals(GMP $x) { return $this->value == $x->value; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @param GMP $n * @return false|GMP */ public function modInverse(GMP $n) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = gmp_invert($this->value, $n->value); return $temp->value === false ? false : $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity. * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. Bezout's identity states that there exist integers x and y such that * 693*x + 609*y == 21. In point of fact, there are actually an infinite number of x and y combinations and which * combination is returned is dependent upon which mode is in use. See * {@link Bezout's identity - Wikipedia} for more information. * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP $n * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP[] */ public function extendedGCD(GMP $n) { extract(gmp_gcdext($this->value, $n->value)); return ['gcd' => $this->normalize(new self($g)), 'x' => $this->normalize(new self($s)), 'y' => $this->normalize(new self($t))]; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function gcd(GMP $n) { $r = gmp_gcd($this->value, $n->value); return $this->normalize(new self($r)); } /** * Absolute value. * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP * @access public */ public function abs() { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = gmp_abs($this->value); return $temp; } /** * Logical And * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_and(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value & $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Or * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_or(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value | $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_xor(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value ^ $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { // 0xFFFFFFFF >> 2 == -1 (on 32-bit systems) // gmp_init('0xFFFFFFFF') >> 2 == gmp_init('0x3FFFFFFF') $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value >> $shift; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value << $shift; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function modPow(GMP $e, GMP $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function powMod(GMP $e, GMP $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ protected function powModInner(GMP $e, GMP $n) { $class = self::$modexpEngine; return $class::powModHelper($this, $e, $n); } /** * Normalize * * Removes leading zeros and truncates (if necessary) to maintain the appropriate precision * * @param GMP $result * @return GMP */ protected function normalize(GMP $result) { unset($result->reduce); $result->precision = $this->precision; $result->bitmask = $this->bitmask; if ($result->bitmask !== false) { $flip = $result->value < 0; if ($flip) { $result->value = -$result->value; } $result->value = $result->value & $result->bitmask->value; if ($flip) { $result->value = -$result->value; } } return $result; } /** * Performs some post-processing for randomRangePrime * * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return GMP */ protected static function randomRangePrimeInner(Engine $x, Engine $min, Engine $max) { $p = gmp_nextprime($x->value); if ($p <= $max->value) { return new self($p); } if ($min->value != $x->value) { $x = new self($x->value - 1); } return self::randomRangePrime($min, $x); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param GMP $min * @param GMP $max * @return false|GMP */ public static function randomRangePrime(GMP $min, GMP $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param GMP $min * @param GMP $max * @return GMP */ public static function randomRange(GMP $min, GMP $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Make the current number odd * * If the current number is odd it'll be unchanged. If it's even, one will be added to it. * * @see self::randomPrime() */ protected function make_odd() { gmp_setbit($this->value, 0); } /** * Tests Primality * * @param int $t * @return bool */ protected function testPrimality($t) { return gmp_prob_prime($this->value, $t) != 0; } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2 * * @param int $n * @return GMP */ protected function rootInner($n) { $root = new self(); $root->value = gmp_root($this->value, $n); return $this->normalize($root); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function pow(GMP $n) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value ** $n->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param GMP[] $nums * @return GMP */ public static function min(...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param GMP[] $nums * @return GMP */ public static function max(...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param GMP $min * @param GMP $max * @return bool */ public function between(GMP $min, GMP $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } /** * Create Recurring Modulo Function * * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of * modular exponentiation * * @return callable */ public function createRecurringModuloFunction() { $temp = $this->value; $this->reduce = function (GMP $x) use($temp) { return new GMP($x->value % $temp); }; return $this->reduce; } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @param GMP $r * @return int */ public static function scan1divide(GMP $r) { $s = gmp_scan1($r->value, 0); $r->value >>= $s; return $s; } /** * Is Odd? * * @return boolean */ public function isOdd() { return gmp_testbit($this->value, 0); } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @return boolean */ public function testBit($x) { return gmp_testbit($this->value, $x); } /** * Is Negative? * * @return boolean */ public function isNegative() { return gmp_sign($this->value) == -1; } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return GMP */ public function negate() { $temp = clone $this; $temp->value = -$this->value; return $temp; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * Pure-PHP Engine. * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class PHP extends Engine { /**#@+ * Array constants * * Rather than create a thousands and thousands of new BigInteger objects in repeated function calls to add() and * multiply() or whatever, we'll just work directly on arrays, taking them in as parameters and returning them. * * @access protected */ /** * $result[self::VALUE] contains the value. */ const VALUE = 0; /** * $result[self::SIGN] contains the sign. */ const SIGN = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Karatsuba Cutoff * * At what point do we switch between Karatsuba multiplication and schoolbook long multiplication? * * @access private */ const KARATSUBA_CUTOFF = 25; /** * Can Bitwise operations be done fast? * * @see parent::bitwise_leftRotate() * @see parent::bitwise_rightRotate() * @access protected */ const FAST_BITWISE = true; /** * Engine Directory * * @see parent::setModExpEngine * @access protected */ const ENGINE_DIR = 'PHP'; /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!isset(static::$isValidEngine)) { static::$isValidEngine = static::isValidEngine(); } if (!static::$isValidEngine) { throw new BadConfigurationException(static::class . ' is not setup correctly on this system'); } $this->value = []; parent::__construct($x, $base); } /** * Initialize a PHP BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ protected function initialize($base) { switch (abs($base)) { case 16: $x = strlen($this->value) & 1 ? '0' . $this->value : $this->value; $temp = new static(Hex::decode($x), 256); $this->value = $temp->value; break; case 10: $temp = new static(); $multiplier = new static(); $multiplier->value = [static::MAX10]; $x = $this->value; if ($x[0] == '-') { $this->is_negative = true; $x = substr($x, 1); } $x = str_pad($x, strlen($x) + (static::MAX10LEN - 1) * strlen($x) % static::MAX10LEN, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); while (strlen($x)) { $temp = $temp->multiply($multiplier); $temp = $temp->add(new static($this->int2bytes(substr($x, 0, static::MAX10LEN)), 256)); $x = substr($x, static::MAX10LEN); } $this->value = $temp->value; } } /** * Pads strings so that unpack may be used on them * * @param string $str * @return string */ protected function pad($str) { $length = strlen($str); $pad = 4 - strlen($str) % 4; return str_pad($str, $length + $pad, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { if (!count($this->value)) { return '0'; } $temp = clone $this; $temp->bitmask = false; $temp->is_negative = false; $divisor = new static(); $divisor->value = [static::MAX10]; $result = ''; while (count($temp->value)) { list($temp, $mod) = $temp->divide($divisor); $result = str_pad(isset($mod->value[0]) ? $mod->value[0] : '', static::MAX10LEN, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $result; } $result = ltrim($result, '0'); if (empty($result)) { $result = '0'; } if ($this->is_negative) { $result = '-' . $result; } return $result; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { if ($twos_compliment) { return $this->toBytesHelper(); } if (!count($this->value)) { return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), $this->precision + 1 >> 3) : ''; } $result = $this->bitwise_small_split(8); $result = implode('', array_map('chr', $result)); return $this->precision > 0 ? str_pad(substr($result, -($this->precision + 7 >> 3)), $this->precision + 7 >> 3, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT) : $result; } /** * Performs addition. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return array */ protected static function addHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { $x_size = count($x_value); $y_size = count($y_value); if ($x_size == 0) { return [self::VALUE => $y_value, self::SIGN => $y_negative]; } elseif ($y_size == 0) { return [self::VALUE => $x_value, self::SIGN => $x_negative]; } // subtract, if appropriate if ($x_negative != $y_negative) { if ($x_value == $y_value) { return [self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false]; } $temp = self::subtractHelper($x_value, false, $y_value, false); $temp[self::SIGN] = self::compareHelper($x_value, false, $y_value, false) > 0 ? $x_negative : $y_negative; return $temp; } if ($x_size < $y_size) { $size = $x_size; $value = $y_value; } else { $size = $y_size; $value = $x_value; } $value[count($value)] = 0; // just in case the carry adds an extra digit $carry = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $size; $i += 2, $j += 2) { //$sum = $x_value[$j] * static::BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$j] * static::BASE_FULL + $y_value[$i] + $carry; $sum = ($x_value[$j] + $y_value[$j]) * static::BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= static::MAX_DIGIT2; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1 $sum = $carry ? $sum - static::MAX_DIGIT2 : $sum; $temp = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($sum / 0x4000000) : $sum >> 31; $value[$i] = (int) ($sum - static::BASE_FULL * $temp); // eg. a faster alternative to fmod($sum, 0x4000000) $value[$j] = $temp; } if ($j == $size) { // ie. if $y_size is odd $sum = $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= static::BASE_FULL; $value[$i] = $carry ? $sum - static::BASE_FULL : $sum; ++$i; // ie. let $i = $j since we've just done $value[$i] } if ($carry) { for (; $value[$i] == static::MAX_DIGIT; ++$i) { $value[$i] = 0; } ++$value[$i]; } return [self::VALUE => self::trim($value), self::SIGN => $x_negative]; } /** * Performs subtraction. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return array */ static function subtractHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { $x_size = count($x_value); $y_size = count($y_value); if ($x_size == 0) { return [self::VALUE => $y_value, self::SIGN => !$y_negative]; } elseif ($y_size == 0) { return [self::VALUE => $x_value, self::SIGN => $x_negative]; } // add, if appropriate (ie. -$x - +$y or +$x - -$y) if ($x_negative != $y_negative) { $temp = self::addHelper($x_value, false, $y_value, false); $temp[self::SIGN] = $x_negative; return $temp; } $diff = self::compareHelper($x_value, $x_negative, $y_value, $y_negative); if (!$diff) { return [self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false]; } // switch $x and $y around, if appropriate. if (!$x_negative && $diff < 0 || $x_negative && $diff > 0) { $temp = $x_value; $x_value = $y_value; $y_value = $temp; $x_negative = !$x_negative; $x_size = count($x_value); $y_size = count($y_value); } // at this point, $x_value should be at least as big as - if not bigger than - $y_value $carry = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $y_size; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $sum = ($x_value[$j] - $y_value[$j]) * static::BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1 $sum = $carry ? $sum + static::MAX_DIGIT2 : $sum; $temp = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($sum / 0x4000000) : $sum >> 31; $x_value[$i] = (int) ($sum - static::BASE_FULL * $temp); $x_value[$j] = $temp; } if ($j == $y_size) { // ie. if $y_size is odd $sum = $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; $x_value[$i] = $carry ? $sum + static::BASE_FULL : $sum; ++$i; } if ($carry) { for (; !$x_value[$i]; ++$i) { $x_value[$i] = static::MAX_DIGIT; } --$x_value[$i]; } return [self::VALUE => self::trim($x_value), self::SIGN => $x_negative]; } /** * Performs multiplication. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return array */ protected static function multiplyHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { //if ( $x_value == $y_value ) { // return [ // self::VALUE => self::square($x_value), // self::SIGN => $x_sign != $y_value // ]; //} $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); if (!$x_length || !$y_length) { // a 0 is being multiplied return [self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false]; } return [self::VALUE => min($x_length, $y_length) < 2 * self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF ? self::trim(self::regularMultiply($x_value, $y_value)) : self::trim(self::karatsuba($x_value, $y_value)), self::SIGN => $x_negative != $y_negative]; } /** * Performs Karatsuba multiplication on two BigIntegers * * See {@link Karatsuba algorithm} and * {@link MPM 5.2.3}. * * @param array $x_value * @param array $y_value * @return array */ private static function karatsuba(array $x_value, array $y_value) { $m = min(count($x_value) >> 1, count($y_value) >> 1); if ($m < self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF) { return self::regularMultiply($x_value, $y_value); } $x1 = array_slice($x_value, $m); $x0 = array_slice($x_value, 0, $m); $y1 = array_slice($y_value, $m); $y0 = array_slice($y_value, 0, $m); $z2 = self::karatsuba($x1, $y1); $z0 = self::karatsuba($x0, $y0); $z1 = self::addHelper($x1, false, $x0, false); $temp = self::addHelper($y1, false, $y0, false); $z1 = self::karatsuba($z1[self::VALUE], $temp[self::VALUE]); $temp = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z0, false); $z1 = self::subtractHelper($z1, false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); $z2 = array_merge(array_fill(0, 2 * $m, 0), $z2); $z1[self::VALUE] = array_merge(array_fill(0, $m, 0), $z1[self::VALUE]); $xy = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z1[self::VALUE], $z1[self::SIGN]); $xy = self::addHelper($xy[self::VALUE], $xy[self::SIGN], $z0, false); return $xy[self::VALUE]; } /** * Performs long multiplication on two BigIntegers * * Modeled after 'multiply' in * * @param array $x_value * @param array $y_value * @return array */ protected static function regularMultiply(array $x_value, array $y_value) { $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); if (!$x_length || !$y_length) { // a 0 is being multiplied return []; } $product_value = self::array_repeat(0, $x_length + $y_length); // the following for loop could be removed if the for loop following it // (the one with nested for loops) initially set $i to 0, but // doing so would also make the result in one set of unnecessary adds, // since on the outermost loops first pass, $product->value[$k] is going // to always be 0 $carry = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $x_length; ++$j) { // ie. $i = 0 $temp = $x_value[$j] * $y_value[0] + $carry; // $product_value[$k] == 0 $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); } $product_value[$j] = $carry; // the above for loop is what the previous comment was talking about. the // following for loop is the "one with nested for loops" for ($i = 1; $i < $y_length; ++$i) { $carry = 0; for ($j = 0, $k = $i; $j < $x_length; ++$j, ++$k) { $temp = $product_value[$k] + $x_value[$j] * $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); } $product_value[$k] = $carry; } return $product_value; } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\engines\PHP $y * @return array * @internal This function is based off of {@link HAC 14.20}. */ protected function divideHelper(PHP $y) { if (count($y->value) == 1) { list($q, $r) = $this->divide_digit($this->value, $y->value[0]); $quotient = new static(); $remainder = new static(); $quotient->value = $q; $remainder->value = [$r]; $quotient->is_negative = $this->is_negative != $y->is_negative; return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($remainder)]; } $x = clone $this; $y = clone $y; $x_sign = $x->is_negative; $y_sign = $y->is_negative; $x->is_negative = $y->is_negative = false; $diff = $x->compare($y); if (!$diff) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = [1]; $temp->is_negative = $x_sign != $y_sign; return [$this->normalize($temp), $this->normalize(static::$zero)]; } if ($diff < 0) { // if $x is negative, "add" $y. if ($x_sign) { $x = $y->subtract($x); } return [$this->normalize(static::$zero), $this->normalize($x)]; } // normalize $x and $y as described in HAC 14.23 / 14.24 $msb = $y->value[count($y->value) - 1]; for ($shift = 0; !($msb & static::MSB); ++$shift) { $msb <<= 1; } $x->lshift($shift); $y->lshift($shift); $y_value =& $y->value; $x_max = count($x->value) - 1; $y_max = count($y->value) - 1; $quotient = new static(); $quotient_value =& $quotient->value; $quotient_value = self::array_repeat(0, $x_max - $y_max + 1); static $temp, $lhs, $rhs; if (!isset($temp)) { $temp = new static(); $lhs = new static(); $rhs = new static(); } $temp_value =& $temp->value; $rhs_value =& $rhs->value; // $temp = $y << ($x_max - $y_max-1) in base 2**26 $temp_value = array_merge(self::array_repeat(0, $x_max - $y_max), $y_value); while ($x->compare($temp) >= 0) { // calculate the "common residue" ++$quotient_value[$x_max - $y_max]; $x = $x->subtract($temp); $x_max = count($x->value) - 1; } for ($i = $x_max; $i >= $y_max + 1; --$i) { $x_value =& $x->value; $x_window = [isset($x_value[$i]) ? $x_value[$i] : 0, isset($x_value[$i - 1]) ? $x_value[$i - 1] : 0, isset($x_value[$i - 2]) ? $x_value[$i - 2] : 0]; $y_window = [$y_value[$y_max], $y_max > 0 ? $y_value[$y_max - 1] : 0]; $q_index = $i - $y_max - 1; if ($x_window[0] == $y_window[0]) { $quotient_value[$q_index] = static::MAX_DIGIT; } else { $quotient_value[$q_index] = self::safe_divide($x_window[0] * static::BASE_FULL + $x_window[1], $y_window[0]); } $temp_value = [$y_window[1], $y_window[0]]; $lhs->value = [$quotient_value[$q_index]]; $lhs = $lhs->multiply($temp); $rhs_value = [$x_window[2], $x_window[1], $x_window[0]]; while ($lhs->compare($rhs) > 0) { --$quotient_value[$q_index]; $lhs->value = [$quotient_value[$q_index]]; $lhs = $lhs->multiply($temp); } $adjust = self::array_repeat(0, $q_index); $temp_value = [$quotient_value[$q_index]]; $temp = $temp->multiply($y); $temp_value =& $temp->value; if (count($temp_value)) { $temp_value = array_merge($adjust, $temp_value); } $x = $x->subtract($temp); if ($x->compare(static::$zero) < 0) { $temp_value = array_merge($adjust, $y_value); $x = $x->add($temp); --$quotient_value[$q_index]; } $x_max = count($x_value) - 1; } // unnormalize the remainder $x->rshift($shift); $quotient->is_negative = $x_sign != $y_sign; // calculate the "common residue", if appropriate if ($x_sign) { $y->rshift($shift); $x = $y->subtract($x); } return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($x)]; } /** * Divides a BigInteger by a regular integer * * abc / x = a00 / x + b0 / x + c / x * * @param array $dividend * @param int $divisor * @return array */ private static function divide_digit(array $dividend, $divisor) { $carry = 0; $result = []; for ($i = count($dividend) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $temp = static::BASE_FULL * $carry + $dividend[$i]; $result[$i] = self::safe_divide($temp, $divisor); $carry = (int) ($temp - $divisor * $result[$i]); } return [$result, $carry]; } /** * Single digit division * * Even if int64 is being used the division operator will return a float64 value * if the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor. Since a float64 doesn't * have the precision of int64 this is a problem so, when int64 is being used, * we'll guarantee that the dividend is divisible by first subtracting the remainder. * * @param int $x * @param int $y * @return int */ private static function safe_divide($x, $y) { if (static::BASE === 26) { return (int) ($x / $y); } // static::BASE === 31 return ($x - $x % $y) / $y; } /* * Convert an array / boolean to a PHP BigInteger object * * @param array $arr * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP */ protected function convertToObj(array $arr) { $result = new static(); $result->value = $arr[self::VALUE]; $result->is_negative = $arr[self::SIGN]; return $this->normalize($result); } /** * Normalize * * Removes leading zeros and truncates (if necessary) to maintain the appropriate precision * * @param PHP $result * @return PHP */ protected function normalize(PHP $result) { unset($result->reduce); $result->precision = $this->precision; $result->bitmask = $this->bitmask; $value =& $result->value; if (!count($value)) { $result->is_negative = false; return $result; } $value = static::trim($value); if (!empty($result->bitmask->value)) { $length = min(count($value), count($result->bitmask->value)); $value = array_slice($value, 0, $length); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $value[$i] = $value[$i] & $result->bitmask->value[$i]; } } return $result; } /* * Compares two numbers. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return int * @see static::compare() */ protected static function compareHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { if ($x_negative != $y_negative) { return !$x_negative && $y_negative ? 1 : -1; } $result = $x_negative ? -1 : 1; if (count($x_value) != count($y_value)) { return count($x_value) > count($y_value) ? $result : -$result; } $size = max(count($x_value), count($y_value)); $x_value = array_pad($x_value, $size, 0); $y_value = array_pad($y_value, $size, 0); for ($i = count($x_value) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($x_value[$i] != $y_value[$i]) { return $x_value[$i] > $y_value[$i] ? $result : -$result; } } return 0; } /** * Absolute value. * * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP */ public function abs() { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = $this->value; return $temp; } /** * Trim * * Removes leading zeros * * @param array $value * @return PHP */ protected static function trim(array $value) { for ($i = count($value) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($value[$i]) { break; } unset($value[$i]); } return $value; } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); // could just replace lshift with this, but then all lshift() calls would need to be rewritten // and I don't want to do that... $temp->value = $this->value; $temp->rshift($shift); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); // could just replace _rshift with this, but then all _lshift() calls would need to be rewritten // and I don't want to do that... $temp->value = $this->value; $temp->lshift($shift); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Converts 32-bit integers to bytes. * * @param int $x * @return string */ private static function int2bytes($x) { return ltrim(pack('N', $x), chr(0)); } /** * Array Repeat * * @param int $input * @param int $multiplier * @return array */ protected static function array_repeat($input, $multiplier) { return $multiplier ? array_fill(0, $multiplier, $input) : []; } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits. * * @param int $shift */ protected function lshift($shift) { if ($shift == 0) { return; } $num_digits = (int) ($shift / static::BASE); $shift %= static::BASE; $shift = 1 << $shift; $carry = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->value); ++$i) { $temp = $this->value[$i] * $shift + $carry; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $this->value[$i] = (int) ($temp - $carry * static::BASE_FULL); } if ($carry) { $this->value[count($this->value)] = $carry; } while ($num_digits--) { array_unshift($this->value, 0); } } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits. * * @param int $shift */ protected function rshift($shift) { if ($shift == 0) { return; } $num_digits = (int) ($shift / static::BASE); $shift %= static::BASE; $carry_shift = static::BASE - $shift; $carry_mask = (1 << $shift) - 1; if ($num_digits) { $this->value = array_slice($this->value, $num_digits); } $carry = 0; for ($i = count($this->value) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $temp = $this->value[$i] >> $shift | $carry; $carry = ($this->value[$i] & $carry_mask) << $carry_shift; $this->value[$i] = $temp; } $this->value = static::trim($this->value); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param PHP $e * @param PHP $n * @return PHP */ protected function powModInner(PHP $e, PHP $n) { try { $class = static::$modexpEngine; return $class::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } catch (\Exception $err) { return PHP\DefaultEngine::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } } /** * Performs squaring * * @param array $x * @return array */ protected static function square(array $x) { return count($x) < 2 * self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF ? self::trim(self::baseSquare($x)) : self::trim(self::karatsubaSquare($x)); } /** * Performs traditional squaring on two BigIntegers * * Squaring can be done faster than multiplying a number by itself can be. See * {@link HAC 14.2.4} / * {@link MPM 5.3} for more information. * * @param array $value * @return array */ protected static function baseSquare(array $value) { if (empty($value)) { return []; } $square_value = self::array_repeat(0, 2 * count($value)); for ($i = 0, $max_index = count($value) - 1; $i <= $max_index; ++$i) { $i2 = $i << 1; $temp = $square_value[$i2] + $value[$i] * $value[$i]; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $square_value[$i2] = (int) ($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); // note how we start from $i+1 instead of 0 as we do in multiplication. for ($j = $i + 1, $k = $i2 + 1; $j <= $max_index; ++$j, ++$k) { $temp = $square_value[$k] + 2 * $value[$j] * $value[$i] + $carry; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : $temp >> 31; $square_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); } // the following line can yield values larger 2**15. at this point, PHP should switch // over to floats. $square_value[$i + $max_index + 1] = $carry; } return $square_value; } /** * Performs Karatsuba "squaring" on two BigIntegers * * See {@link Karatsuba algorithm} and * {@link MPM 5.3.4}. * * @param array $value * @return array */ protected static function karatsubaSquare(array $value) { $m = count($value) >> 1; if ($m < self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF) { return self::baseSquare($value); } $x1 = array_slice($value, $m); $x0 = array_slice($value, 0, $m); $z2 = self::karatsubaSquare($x1); $z0 = self::karatsubaSquare($x0); $z1 = self::addHelper($x1, false, $x0, false); $z1 = self::karatsubaSquare($z1[self::VALUE]); $temp = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z0, false); $z1 = self::subtractHelper($z1, false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); $z2 = array_merge(array_fill(0, 2 * $m, 0), $z2); $z1[self::VALUE] = array_merge(array_fill(0, $m, 0), $z1[self::VALUE]); $xx = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z1[self::VALUE], $z1[self::SIGN]); $xx = self::addHelper($xx[self::VALUE], $xx[self::SIGN], $z0, false); return $xx[self::VALUE]; } /** * Make the current number odd * * If the current number is odd it'll be unchanged. If it's even, one will be added to it. * * @see self::randomPrime() */ protected function make_odd() { $this->value[0] |= 1; } /** * Test the number against small primes. * * @see self::isPrime() */ protected function testSmallPrimes() { if ($this->value == [1]) { return false; } if ($this->value == [2]) { return true; } if (~$this->value[0] & 1) { return false; } $value = $this->value; foreach (static::$primes as $prime) { list(, $r) = self::divide_digit($value, $prime); if (!$r) { return count($value) == 1 && $value[0] == $prime; } } return true; } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @see self::isPrime() * @param PHP $r * @return int */ public static function scan1divide(PHP $r) { $r_value =& $r->value; for ($i = 0, $r_length = count($r_value); $i < $r_length; ++$i) { $temp = ~$r_value[$i] & static::MAX_DIGIT; for ($j = 1; $temp >> $j & 1; ++$j) { } if ($j <= static::BASE) { break; } } $s = static::BASE * $i + $j; $r->rshift($s); return $s; } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param PHP $n * @return PHP */ protected function powHelper(PHP $n) { if ($n->compare(static::$zero) == 0) { return new static(1); } // n^0 = 1 $temp = clone $this; while (!$n->equals(static::$one)) { $temp = $temp->multiply($this); $n = $n->subtract(static::$one); } return $temp; } /** * Is Odd? * * @return boolean */ public function isOdd() { return (bool) ($this->value[0] & 1); } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @return boolean */ public function testBit($x) { $digit = floor($x / static::BASE); $bit = $x % static::BASE; if (!isset($this->value[$digit])) { return false; } return (bool) ($this->value[$digit] & 1 << $bit); } /** * Is Negative? * * @return boolean */ public function isNegative() { return $this->is_negative; } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return BigInteger */ public function negate() { $temp = clone $this; $temp->is_negative = !$temp->is_negative; return $temp; } /** * Bitwise Split * * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits * * @param int $split * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP[] */ public function bitwise_split($split) { if ($split < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('Offset must be greater than 1'); } $width = (int) ($split / static::BASE); if (!$width) { $arr = $this->bitwise_small_split($split); return array_map(function ($digit) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = $digit != 0 ? [$digit] : []; return $temp; }, $arr); } $vals = []; $val = $this->value; $i = $overflow = 0; $len = count($val); while ($i < $len) { $digit = []; if (!$overflow) { $digit = array_slice($val, $i, $width); $i += $width; $overflow = $split % static::BASE; if ($overflow) { $mask = (1 << $overflow) - 1; $temp = isset($val[$i]) ? $val[$i] : 0; $digit[] = $temp & $mask; } } else { $remaining = static::BASE - $overflow; $tempsplit = $split - $remaining; $tempwidth = (int) ($tempsplit / static::BASE + 1); $digit = array_slice($val, $i, $tempwidth); $i += $tempwidth; $tempoverflow = $tempsplit % static::BASE; if ($tempoverflow) { $tempmask = (1 << $tempoverflow) - 1; $temp = isset($val[$i]) ? $val[$i] : 0; $digit[] = $temp & $tempmask; } $newbits = 0; for ($j = count($digit) - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) { $temp = $digit[$j] & $mask; $digit[$j] = $digit[$j] >> $overflow | $newbits << $remaining; $newbits = $temp; } $overflow = $tempoverflow; $mask = $tempmask; } $temp = new static(); $temp->value = static::trim($digit); $vals[] = $temp; } return array_reverse($vals); } /** * Bitwise Split where $split < static::BASE * * @param int $split * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP[] */ private function bitwise_small_split($split) { $vals = []; $val = $this->value; $mask = (1 << $split) - 1; $i = $overflow = 0; $len = count($val); $val[] = 0; $remaining = static::BASE; while ($i != $len) { $digit = $val[$i] & $mask; $val[$i] >>= $split; if (!$overflow) { $remaining -= $split; $overflow = $split <= $remaining ? 0 : $split - $remaining; if (!$remaining) { $i++; $remaining = static::BASE; $overflow = 0; } } else { if (++$i != $len) { $tempmask = (1 << $overflow) - 1; $digit |= ($val[$i] & $tempmask) << $remaining; $val[$i] >>= $overflow; $remaining = static::BASE - $overflow; $overflow = $split <= $remaining ? 0 : $split - $remaining; } } $vals[] = $digit; } while ($vals[count($vals) - 1] == 0) { unset($vals[count($vals) - 1]); } return array_reverse($vals); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP; /** * GMP Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package GMP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DefaultEngine extends GMP { /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param GMP $x * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ protected static function powModHelper(GMP $x, GMP $e, GMP $n) { $temp = new GMP(); $temp->value = gmp_powm($x->value, $e->value, $n->value); return $x->normalize($temp); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\OpenSSL as Progenitor; /** * OpenSSL Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package BCMath * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class OpenSSL extends Progenitor { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Reductions\Barrett; /** * PHP Default Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class DefaultEngine extends Barrett { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Base; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; /** * PHP Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class EvalBarrett extends Base { /** * Custom Reduction Function * * @see self::generateCustomReduction */ private static $custom_reduction; /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * This calls a dynamically generated loop unrolled function that's specific to a given modulo. * Array lookups are avoided as are if statements testing for how many bits the host OS supports, etc. * * @param string $n * @param string $m * @return string */ protected static function reduce($n, $m) { $inline = self::$custom_reduction; return $inline($n); } /** * Generate Custom Reduction * * @param BCMath $m * @param string $class * @return callable|void */ protected static function generateCustomReduction(BCMath $m, $class) { if (isset($n->reduce)) { self::$custom_reduction = $n->reduce; return $n->reduce; } $m_length = strlen($m); if ($m_length < 5) { $code = 'return bcmod($x, $n);'; eval('$func = function ($n) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; return; } $lhs = '1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $u = bcdiv($lhs, $m, 0); $m1 = bcsub($lhs, bcmul($u, $m)); $cutoff = $m_length + ($m_length >> 1); $m = "'{$m}'"; $u = "'{$u}'"; $m1 = "'{$m1}'"; $code .= ' $lsd = substr($n, -' . $cutoff . '); $msd = substr($n, 0, -' . $cutoff . '); $temp = bcmul($msd, ' . $m1 . '); $n = bcadd($lsd, $temp); $temp = substr($n, 0, ' . (-$m_length + 1) . '); $temp = bcmul($temp, ' . $u . '); $temp = substr($temp, 0, ' . (-($m_length >> 1) - 1) . '); $temp = bcmul($temp, ' . $m . '); $result = bcsub($n, $temp); if ($result[0] == \'-\') { $temp = \'1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + 1) . '\'; $result = bcadd($result, $temp); } while (bccomp($result, ' . $m . ') >= 0) { $result = bcsub($result, ' . $m . '); } return $result;'; eval('$func = function ($n) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; return $func; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Reductions; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Base; /** * PHP Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Barrett extends Base { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** * Cache constants * * $cache[self::VARIABLE] tells us whether or not the cached data is still valid. */ const VARIABLE = 0; /** * $cache[self::DATA] contains the cached data. */ const DATA = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * See {@link HAC 14.3.3} / * {@link MPM 6.2.5} for more information. Modified slightly, * so as not to require negative numbers (initially, this script didn't support negative numbers). * * Employs "folding", as described at * {@link thesis-149.pdf#page=66}. To quote from * it, "the idea [behind folding] is to find a value x' such that x (mod m) = x' (mod m), with x' being smaller than x." * * Unfortunately, the "Barrett Reduction with Folding" algorithm described in thesis-149.pdf is not, as written, all that * usable on account of (1) its not using reasonable radix points as discussed in * {@link MPM 6.2.2} and (2) the fact that, even with reasonable * radix points, it only works when there are an even number of digits in the denominator. The reason for (2) is that * (x >> 1) + (x >> 1) != x / 2 + x / 2. If x is even, they're the same, but if x is odd, they're not. See the in-line * comments for details. * * @param string $n * @param string $m * @return array|string */ protected static function reduce($n, $m) { static $cache = [self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => []]; $m_length = strlen($m); if (strlen($n) > 2 * $m_length) { return bcmod($n, $m); } // if (m.length >> 1) + 2 <= m.length then m is too small and n can't be reduced if ($m_length < 5) { return self::regularBarrett($n, $m); } // n = 2 * m.length if (($key = array_search($m, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $m; $lhs = '1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $u = bcdiv($lhs, $m, 0); $m1 = bcsub($lhs, bcmul($u, $m)); $cache[self::DATA][] = [ 'u' => $u, // m.length >> 1 (technically (m.length >> 1) + 1) 'm1' => $m1, ]; } else { extract($cache[self::DATA][$key]); } $cutoff = $m_length + ($m_length >> 1); $lsd = substr($n, -$cutoff); $msd = substr($n, 0, -$cutoff); $temp = bcmul($msd, $m1); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) $n = bcadd($lsd, $temp); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 (so basically we're adding two same length numbers) //if ($m_length & 1) { // return self::regularBarrett($n, $m); //} // (m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1) - (m.length - 1) == (m.length >> 1) + 2 $temp = substr($n, 0, -$m_length + 1); // if even: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == m.length + 2 // if odd: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == (m.length - 1) + 2 == m.length + 1 $temp = bcmul($temp, $u); // if even: (m.length + 2) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length + 1) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = substr($temp, 0, -($m_length >> 1) - 1); // if even: (m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length - (m.length >> 1)) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = bcmul($temp, $m); // at this point, if m had an odd number of digits, we'd be subtracting a 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) digit // number from a m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 digit number. ie. there'd be an extra digit and the while loop // following this comment would loop a lot (hence our calling _regularBarrett() in that situation). $result = bcsub($n, $temp); //if (bccomp($result, '0') < 0) { if ($result[0] == '-') { $temp = '1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + 1); $result = bcadd($result, $temp); } while (bccomp($result, $m) >= 0) { $result = bcsub($result, $m); } return $result; } /** * (Regular) Barrett Modular Reduction * * For numbers with more than four digits BigInteger::_barrett() is faster. The difference between that and this * is that this function does not fold the denominator into a smaller form. * * @param string $x * @param string $n * @return string */ private static function regularBarrett($x, $n) { static $cache = [self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => []]; $n_length = strlen($n); if (strlen($x) > 2 * $n_length) { return bcmod($x, $n); } if (($key = array_search($n, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $n; $lhs = '1' . str_repeat('0', 2 * $n_length); $cache[self::DATA][] = bcdiv($lhs, $n, 0); } $temp = substr($x, 0, -$n_length + 1); $temp = bcmul($temp, $cache[self::DATA][$key]); $temp = substr($temp, 0, -$n_length - 1); $r1 = substr($x, -$n_length - 1); $r2 = substr(bcmul($temp, $n), -$n_length - 1); $result = bcsub($r1, $r2); //if (bccomp($result, '0') < 0) { if ($result[0] == '-') { $q = '1' . str_repeat('0', $n_length + 1); $result = bcadd($result, $q); } while (bccomp($result, $n) >= 0) { $result = bcsub($result, $n); } return $result; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; /** * Built-In BCMath Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @package BCMath * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class BuiltIn extends BCMath { /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $x * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ protected static function powModHelper(BCMath $x, BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { $temp = new BCMath(); $temp->value = bcpowmod($x->value, $e->value, $n->value); return $x->normalize($temp); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; /** * Sliding Window Exponentiation Engine * * @package PHP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Base extends BCMath { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** * Cache constants * * $cache[self::VARIABLE] tells us whether or not the cached data is still valid. */ const VARIABLE = 0; /** * $cache[self::DATA] contains the cached data. */ const DATA = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath $x * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath $e * @param \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath $n * @param string $class * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath */ protected static function powModHelper(BCMath $x, BCMath $e, BCMath $n, $class) { if (empty($e->value)) { $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = '1'; return $x->normalize($temp); } return $x->normalize(static::slidingWindow($x, $e, $n, $class)); } /** * Modular reduction preparation * * @param string $x * @param string $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return string */ protected static function prepareReduce($x, $n, $class) { return static::reduce($x, $n); } /** * Modular multiply * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @param string $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return string */ protected static function multiplyReduce($x, $y, $n, $class) { return static::reduce(bcmul($x, $y), $n); } /** * Modular square * * @param string $x * @param string $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return string */ protected static function squareReduce($x, $n, $class) { return static::reduce(bcmul($x, $x), $n); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Math\BinaryField; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer as Base; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use tgseclib\Math\BinaryField; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; /** * Binary Finite Fields * * @package Math * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Integer extends Base { /** * Holds the BinaryField's value * * @var string */ protected $value; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Holds the PrimeField's modulo * * @var string[] */ protected static $modulo; /** * Holds a pre-generated function to perform modulo reductions * * @var callable[] */ protected static $reduce; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct($instanceID, $num = '') { $this->instanceID = $instanceID; if (!strlen($num)) { $this->value = ''; } else { $reduce = static::$reduce[$instanceID]; $this->value = $reduce($num); } } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance */ public static function setModulo($instanceID, $modulo) { static::$modulo[$instanceID] = $modulo; } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance */ public static function setRecurringModuloFunction($instanceID, callable $function) { static::$reduce[$instanceID] = $function; } /** * Tests a parameter to see if it's of the right instance * * Throws an exception if the incorrect class is being utilized */ private static function checkInstance(self $x, self $y) { if ($x->instanceID != $y->instanceID) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The instances of the two BinaryField\\Integer objects do not match'); } } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * @return bool */ public function equals(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return $this->value == $x->value; } /** * Compares two numbers. * * @return int */ public function compare(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $a = $this->value; $b = $x->value; $length = max(strlen($a), strlen($b)); $a = str_pad($a, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $b = str_pad($b, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return strcmp($a, $b); } /** * Returns the degree of the polynomial * * @param string $x * @return int */ private static function deg($x) { $x = ltrim($x, "\0"); $xbit = decbin(ord($x[0])); $xlen = $xbit == '0' ? 0 : strlen($xbit); $len = strlen($x); if (!$len) { return -1; } return 8 * strlen($x) - 9 + $xlen; } /** * Perform polynomial division * * @return string[] * @link */ private static function polynomialDivide($x, $y) { // in wikipedia's description of the algorithm, lc() is the leading coefficient. over a binary field that's // always going to be 1. $q = chr(0); $d = static::deg($y); $r = $x; while (($degr = static::deg($r)) >= $d) { $s = '1' . str_repeat('0', $degr - $d); $s = BinaryField::base2ToBase256($s); $length = max(strlen($s), strlen($q)); $q = !isset($q) ? $s : str_pad($q, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ^ str_pad($s, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $s = static::polynomialMultiply($s, $y); $length = max(strlen($r), strlen($s)); $r = str_pad($r, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ^ str_pad($s, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } return [ltrim($q, "\0"), ltrim($r, "\0")]; } /** * Perform polynomial multiplation in the traditional way * * @return string * @link */ private static function regularPolynomialMultiply($x, $y) { $precomputed = [ltrim($x, "\0")]; $x = strrev(BinaryField::base256ToBase2($x)); $y = strrev(BinaryField::base256ToBase2($y)); if (strlen($x) == strlen($y)) { $length = strlen($x); } else { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, '0'); $y = str_pad($y, $length, '0'); } $result = str_repeat('0', 2 * $length - 1); $result = BinaryField::base2ToBase256($result); $size = strlen($result); $x = strrev($x); // precompute left shift 1 through 7 for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) { $precomputed[$i] = BinaryField::base2ToBase256($x . str_repeat('0', $i)); } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($y); $i++) { if ($y[$i] == '1') { $temp = $precomputed[$i & 7] . str_repeat("\0", $i >> 3); $result ^= str_pad($temp, $size, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } } return $result; } /** * Perform polynomial multiplation * * Uses karatsuba multiplication to reduce x-bit multiplications to a series of 32-bit multiplications * * @return string * @link */ private static function polynomialMultiply($x, $y) { if (strlen($x) == strlen($y)) { $length = strlen($x); } else { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } switch (true) { case PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 && $length <= 4: return $length != 4 ? self::subMultiply(str_pad($x, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad($y, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT)) : self::subMultiply($x, $y); case PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 || $length > 32: return self::regularPolynomialMultiply($x, $y); } $m = $length >> 1; $x1 = substr($x, 0, -$m); $x0 = substr($x, -$m); $y1 = substr($y, 0, -$m); $y0 = substr($y, -$m); $z2 = self::polynomialMultiply($x1, $y1); $z0 = self::polynomialMultiply($x0, $y0); $z1 = self::polynomialMultiply(self::subAdd2($x1, $x0), self::subAdd2($y1, $y0)); $z1 = self::subAdd3($z1, $z2, $z0); $xy = self::subAdd3($z2 . str_repeat("\0", 2 * $m), $z1 . str_repeat("\0", $m), $z0); return ltrim($xy, "\0"); } /** * Perform polynomial multiplication on 2x 32-bit numbers, returning * a 64-bit number * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @return string * @link */ private static function subMultiply($x, $y) { $x = unpack('N', $x)[1]; $y = unpack('N', $y)[1]; $x0 = $x & 0x11111111; $x1 = $x & 0x22222222; $x2 = $x & 0x44444444; $x3 = $x & 0x88888888; $y0 = $y & 0x11111111; $y1 = $y & 0x22222222; $y2 = $y & 0x44444444; $y3 = $y & 0x88888888; $z0 = $x0 * $y0 ^ $x1 * $y3 ^ $x2 * $y2 ^ $x3 * $y1; $z1 = $x0 * $y1 ^ $x1 * $y0 ^ $x2 * $y3 ^ $x3 * $y2; $z2 = $x0 * $y2 ^ $x1 * $y1 ^ $x2 * $y0 ^ $x3 * $y3; $z3 = $x0 * $y3 ^ $x1 * $y2 ^ $x2 * $y1 ^ $x3 * $y0; $z0 &= 0x1111111111111111; $z1 &= 0x2222222222222222; $z2 &= 0x4444444444444444; $z3 &= -8608480567731124088; // 0x8888888888888888 gets interpreted as a float $z = $z0 | $z1 | $z2 | $z3; return pack('J', $z); } /** * Adds two numbers * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @return string */ private static function subAdd2($x, $y) { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $x ^ $y; } /** * Adds three numbers * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @return string */ private static function subAdd3($x, $y, $z) { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y), strlen($z)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $z = str_pad($z, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $x ^ $y ^ $z; } /** * Adds two BinaryFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function add(self $y) { static::checkInstance($this, $y); $length = strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $x = str_pad($this->value, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y->value, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return new static($this->instanceID, $x ^ $y); } /** * Subtracts two BinaryFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function subtract(self $x) { return $this->add($x); } /** * Multiplies two BinaryFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function multiply(self $y) { static::checkInstance($this, $y); return new static($this->instanceID, static::polynomialMultiply($this->value, $y->value)); } /** * Returns the modular inverse of a BinaryFieldInteger * * @return static */ public function modInverse() { $remainder0 = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]; $remainder1 = $this->value; if ($remainder1 == '') { return new static($this->instanceID); } $aux0 = "\0"; $aux1 = "\1"; while ($remainder1 != "\1") { list($q, $r) = static::polynomialDivide($remainder0, $remainder1); $remainder0 = $remainder1; $remainder1 = $r; // the auxiliary in row n is given by the sum of the auxiliary in // row n-2 and the product of the quotient and the auxiliary in row // n-1 $temp = static::polynomialMultiply($aux1, $q); $aux = str_pad($aux0, strlen($temp), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ^ str_pad($temp, strlen($aux0), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $aux0 = $aux1; $aux1 = $aux; } $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = ltrim($aux1, "\0"); return $temp; } /** * Divides two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function divide(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $x = $x->modInverse(); return $this->multiply($x); } /** * Negate * * A negative number can be written as 0-12. With modulos, 0 is the same thing as the modulo * so 0-12 is the same thing as modulo-12 * * @return object */ public function negate() { $x = str_pad($this->value, strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return new static($this->instanceID, $x ^ static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return integer */ public static function getModulo($instanceID) { return static::$modulo[$instanceID]; } /** * Converts an Integer to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @return string */ public function toBytes() { return str_pad($this->value, strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Converts an Integer to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @return string */ public function toHex() { return Hex::encode($this->toBytes()); } /** * Converts an Integer to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * @return string */ public function toBits() { //return str_pad(BinaryField::base256ToBase2($this->value), strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return BinaryField::base256ToBase2($this->value); } /** * Converts an Integer to a BigInteger * * @return string */ public function toBigInteger() { return new BigInteger($this->value, 256); } /** * __toString() magic method * * @access public */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->toBigInteger(); } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * @access public */ public function __debugInfo() { return ['value' => $this->toHex()]; } } * add($b); * * echo $c->toString(); // outputs 5 * ?> * * * @category Math * @package BigInteger * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Math; use tgseclib\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library. Supports base-2, base-10, base-16, and base-256 * numbers. * * @package BigInteger * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class BigInteger implements \Serializable { /** * Main Engine * * @var string */ private static $mainEngine; /** * Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @var string */ private static $modexpEngine; /** * Selected Engines * * @var array */ private static $engines; /** * The actual BigInteger object * * @var object */ private $value; /** * Sets engine type. * * Throws an exception if the type is invalid * * @param string $main * @param array $modexps optional */ public static function setEngine($main, $modexps = ['DefaultEngine']) { self::$engines = []; $fqmain = 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . $main; if (!class_exists($fqmain) || !method_exists($fqmain, 'isValidEngine')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("{$main} is not a valid engine"); } if (!$fqmain::isValidEngine()) { throw new BadConfigurationException("{$main} is not setup correctly on this system"); } self::$mainEngine = $fqmain; if (!in_array('Default', $modexps)) { $modexps[] = 'DefaultEngine'; } $found = false; foreach ($modexps as $modexp) { try { $fqmain::setModExpEngine($modexp); $found = true; break; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } if (!$found) { throw new BadConfigurationException("No valid modular exponentiation engine found for {$main}"); } self::$modexpEngine = $modexp; self::$engines = [$main, $modexp]; } /** * Returns the engine type * * @return string[] */ public static function getEngine() { self::initialize_static_variables(); return self::$engines; } /** * Initialize static variables */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(self::$mainEngine)) { $engines = [['GMP'], ['PHP64', ['OpenSSL']], ['BCMath', ['OpenSSL']], ['PHP32', ['OpenSSL']]]; foreach ($engines as $engine) { try { self::setEngine($engine[0], isset($engine[1]) ? $engine[1] : []); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } } } /** * Converts base-2, base-10, base-16, and binary strings (base-256) to BigIntegers. * * If the second parameter - $base - is negative, then it will be assumed that the number's are encoded using * two's compliment. The sole exception to this is -10, which is treated the same as 10 is. * * @param $x integer|BigInteger\Engines\Engine Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @return BigInteger */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($x instanceof self::$mainEngine) { $this->value = clone $x; } elseif ($x instanceof BigInteger\Engines\Engine) { $this->value = new static("{$x}"); $this->value->setPrecision($x->getPrecision()); } else { $this->value = new self::$mainEngine($x, $base); } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { return $this->value->toString(); } /** * __toString() magic method */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->value; } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * Will be called, automatically, when print_r() or var_dump() are called */ public function __debugInfo() { return $this->value->__debugInfo(); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { return $this->value->toBytes($twos_compliment); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toHex($twos_compliment = false) { return $this->value->toHex($twos_compliment); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ function toBits($twos_compliment = false) { return $this->value->toBits($twos_compliment); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger $y * @return BigInteger */ public function add(BigInteger $y) { return new static($this->value->add($y->value)); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger $y * @return BigInteger */ function subtract(BigInteger $y) { return new static($this->value->subtract($y->value)); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function multiply(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->multiply($x->value)); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * Here's an example: * * divide($b); * * echo $quotient->toString(); // outputs 0 * echo "\r\n"; * echo $remainder->toString(); // outputs 10 * ?> * * * @param BigInteger $y * @return BigInteger[] */ public function divide(BigInteger $y) { list($q, $r) = $this->value->divide($y->value); return [new static($q), new static($r)]; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @return BigInteger * @param BigInteger $n */ public function modInverse(BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->modInverse($n->value)); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @return BigInteger[] * @param BigInteger $n */ public function extendedGCD(BigInteger $n) { extract($this->value->extendedGCD($n->value)); /** * @var BigInteger $gcd * @var BigInteger $x * @var BigInteger $y */ return ['gcd' => new static($gcd), 'x' => new static($x), 'y' => new static($y)]; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function gcd(BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->gcd($n->value)); } /** * Absolute value. * * @return BigInteger * @access public */ public function abs() { return new static($this->value->abs()); } /** * Set Precision * * Some bitwise operations give different results depending on the precision being used. Examples include left * shift, not, and rotates. * * @param int $bits */ public function setPrecision($bits) { $this->value->setPrecision($bits); } /** * Get Precision * * Returns the precision if it exists, false if it doesn't * * @return int|bool */ public function getPrecision() { return $this->value->getPrecision(); } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when serialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * phpseclib 1.0 serialized strings look like this: * O:15:"Math_BigInteger":1:{s:3:"hex";s:18:"00ab54a98ceb1f0ad2";} * * phpseclib 3.0 serialized strings look like this: * C:25:"phpseclib\Math\BigInteger":42:{a:1:{s:3:"hex";s:18:"00ab54a98ceb1f0ad2";}} * * @return string */ public function serialize() { $val = ['hex' => $this->toHex(true)]; $precision = $this->value->getPrecision(); if ($precision > 0) { $val['precision'] = $precision; } return serialize($val); } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when unserialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @param string $serialized */ public function unserialize($serialized) { $r = unserialize($serialized); $temp = new static($r['hex'], -16); $this->value = $temp->value; if (isset($r['precision'])) { // recalculate $this->bitmask $this->setPrecision($r['precision']); } } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BigInteger $e * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function powMod(BigInteger $e, BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->powMod($e->value, $n->value)); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BigInteger $e * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function modPow(BigInteger $e, BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->modPow($e->value, $n->value)); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * @param BigInteger $y * @return int < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @access public * @see self::equals() * @internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do. */ public function compare(BigInteger $y) { return $this->value->compare($y->value); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param BigInteger $x * @return bool */ public function equals(BigInteger $x) { return $this->value->equals($x->value); } /** * Logical Not * * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_not() { return new static($this->value->bitwise_not()); } /** * Logical And * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_and(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_and($x->value)); } /** * Logical Or * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_or(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_or($x->value)); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_xor(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_xor($x->value)); } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_rightShift($shift)); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_leftShift($shift)); } /** * Logical Left Rotate * * Instead of the top x bits being dropped they're appended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_leftRotate($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_leftRotate($shift)); } /** * Logical Right Rotate * * Instead of the bottom x bits being dropped they're prepended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_rightRotate($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_rightRotate($shift)); } /** * Returns the smallest and largest n-bit number * * @param int $bits * @return BigInteger[] */ public static function minMaxBits($bits) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = self::$mainEngine; extract($class::minMaxBits($bits)); /** @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ return ['min' => new static($min), 'max' => new static($max)]; } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bits * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->value->getLength(); } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bytes * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return $this->value->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Generates a random number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return BigInteger */ public static function random($size) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::random($size)); } /** * Generates a random prime number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return BigInteger */ public static function randomPrime($size) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::randomPrime($size)); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param BigInteger $min * @param BigInteger $max * @return false|BigInteger */ public static function randomRangePrime(BigInteger $min, BigInteger $max) { $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::randomRangePrime($min->value, $max->value)); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param BigInteger $min * @param BigInteger $max * @return BigInteger */ public static function randomRange(BigInteger $min, BigInteger $max) { $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::randomRange($min->value, $max->value)); } /** * Checks a numer to see if it's prime * * Assuming the $t parameter is not set, this function has an error rate of 2**-80. The main motivation for the * $t parameter is distributability. BigInteger::randomPrime() can be distributed across multiple pageloads * on a website instead of just one. * * @param int|bool $t * @return bool */ public function isPrime($t = false) { return $this->value->isPrime($t); } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2 * * @param int $n optional * @return BigInteger */ public function root($n = 2) { return new static($this->value->root($n)); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function pow(BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->pow($n->value)); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger[] $nums * @return BigInteger */ public static function min(...$nums) { $class = self::$mainEngine; $nums = array_map(function ($num) { return $num->value; }, $nums); return new static($class::min(...$nums)); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger[] $nums * @return BigInteger */ public static function max(...$nums) { $class = self::$mainEngine; $nums = array_map(function ($num) { return $num->value; }, $nums); return new static($class::max(...$nums)); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param BigInteger $min * @param BigInteger $max * @return bool */ public function between(BigInteger $min, BigInteger $max) { return $this->value->between($min->value, $max->value); } /** * Clone */ public function __clone() { $this->value = clone $this->value; } /** * Is Odd? * * @return boolean */ public function isOdd() { return $this->value->isOdd(); } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @param int $x * @return boolean */ public function testBit($x) { return $this->value->testBit($x); } /** * Is Negative? * * @return boolean */ public function isNegative() { return $this->value->isNegative(); } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return BigInteger */ public function negate() { return new static($this->value->negate()); } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @param BigInteger $r * @return int */ public static function scan1divide(BigInteger $r) { $class = self::$mainEngine; return $class::scan1divide($r->value); } /** * Create Recurring Modulo Function * * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of * modular exponentiation * * @return callable */ public function createRecurringModuloFunction() { $func = $this->value->createRecurringModuloFunction(); return function (BigInteger $x) use($func) { return new static($func($x->value)); }; } /** * Bitwise Split * * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits * * @param int $split * @return \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger[] */ public function bitwise_split($split) { return array_map(function ($val) { return new static($val); }, $this->value->bitwise_split($split)); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField; /** * Finite Field Integer * * @package Math * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class Integer { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Math\Common; /** * Finite Fields * * @package Math * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ abstract class FiniteField { } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Math\PrimeField; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer as Base; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; /** * Prime Finite Fields * * @package Math * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Integer extends Base { /** * Holds the PrimeField's value * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected $value; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Holds the PrimeField's modulo * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected static $modulo; /** * Holds a pre-generated function to perform modulo reductions * * @var Callable */ protected static $reduce; /** * Zero * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ protected static $zero; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct($instanceID, BigInteger $num = null) { $this->instanceID = $instanceID; if (!isset($num)) { $this->value = clone static::$zero; } else { $reduce = static::$reduce[$instanceID]; $this->value = $reduce($num); } } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance */ public static function setModulo($instanceID, BigInteger $modulo) { static::$modulo[$instanceID] = $modulo; } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance */ public static function setRecurringModuloFunction($instanceID, callable $function) { static::$reduce[$instanceID] = $function; if (!isset(static::$zero)) { static::$zero = new BigInteger(); } } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return integer */ public static function getModulo($instanceID) { return static::$modulo[$instanceID]; } /** * Tests a parameter to see if it's of the right instance * * Throws an exception if the incorrect class is being utilized */ public static function checkInstance(self $x, self $y) { if ($x->instanceID != $y->instanceID) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The instances of the two PrimeField\\Integer objects do not match'); } } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * @return bool */ public function equals(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return $this->value->equals($x->value); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * @return int */ public function compare(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return $this->value->compare($x->value); } /** * Adds two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function add(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = $this->value->add($x->value); if ($temp->value->compare(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]) >= 0) { $temp->value = $temp->value->subtract(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); } return $temp; } /** * Subtracts two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function subtract(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = $this->value->subtract($x->value); if ($temp->value->isNegative()) { $temp->value = $temp->value->add(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); } return $temp; } /** * Multiplies two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function multiply(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return new static($this->instanceID, $this->value->multiply($x->value)); } /** * Divides two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function divide(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $denominator = $x->value->modInverse(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); return new static($this->instanceID, $this->value->multiply($denominator)); } /** * Performs power operation on a PrimeFieldInteger. * * @return static */ public function pow(BigInteger $x) { $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = $this->value->powMod($x, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); return $temp; } /** * Calculates the square root * * @link * @return static|false */ public function squareRoot() { static $one, $two; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $two = new BigInteger(2); } $reduce = static::$reduce[$this->instanceID]; $p_1 = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->subtract($one); $q = clone $p_1; $s = BigInteger::scan1divide($q); list($pow) = $p_1->divide($two); for ($z = $one; !$z->equals(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $z = $z->add($one)) { $temp = $z->powMod($pow, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); if ($temp->equals($p_1)) { break; } } $m = new BigInteger($s); $c = $z->powMod($q, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $t = $this->value->powMod($q, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); list($temp) = $q->add($one)->divide($two); $r = $this->value->powMod($temp, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); while (!$t->equals($one)) { $i = clone $one; while (!$t->powMod($two->pow($i), static::$modulo[$this->instanceID])->equals($one)) { $i = $i->add($one); } if ($i->compare($m) >= 0) { return false; } $b = $c->powMod($two->pow($m->subtract($i)->subtract($one)), static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $m = $i; $c = $reduce($b->multiply($b)); $t = $reduce($t->multiply($c)); $r = $reduce($r->multiply($b)); } return new static($this->instanceID, $r); } /** * Is Odd? * * @return boolean */ public function isOdd() { return $this->value->isOdd(); } /** * Negate * * A negative number can be written as 0-12. With modulos, 0 is the same thing as the modulo * so 0-12 is the same thing as modulo-12 * * @return object */ public function negate() { return new static($this->instanceID, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->subtract($this->value)); } /** * Converts an Integer to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @return string */ public function toBytes() { $length = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->getLengthInBytes(); return str_pad($this->value->toBytes(), $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Converts an Integer to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @return string */ public function toHex() { return Hex::encode($this->toBytes()); } /** * Converts an Integer to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * @return string */ public function toBits() { // return $this->value->toBits(); static $length; if (!isset($length)) { $length = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->getLength(); } return str_pad($this->value->toBits(), $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Returns the w-ary non-adjacent form (wNAF) * * @param int $w optional * @return int[] */ public function getNAF($w = 1) { $w++; $mask = new BigInteger((1 << $w) - 1); $sub = new BigInteger(1 << $w); //$sub = new BigInteger(1 << ($w - 1)); $d = $this->toBigInteger(); $d_i = []; $i = 0; while ($d->compare(static::$zero) > 0) { if ($d->isOdd()) { // start mods $d_i[$i] = $d->testBit($w - 1) ? $d->bitwise_and($mask)->subtract($sub) : $d->bitwise_and($mask); // end mods $d = $d->subtract($d_i[$i]); $d_i[$i] = (int) $d_i[$i]->toString(); } else { $d_i[$i] = 0; } $shift = !$d->equals(static::$zero) && $d->bitwise_and($mask)->equals(static::$zero) ? $w : 1; // $w or $w + 1? $d = $d->bitwise_rightShift($shift); while (--$shift > 0) { $d_i[++$i] = 0; } $i++; } return $d_i; } /** * Converts an Integer to a BigInteger * * @return string */ public function toBigInteger() { return clone $this->value; } /** * __toString() magic method * * @access public */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->value; } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * @access public */ public function __debugInfo() { return ['value' => $this->toHex()]; } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Math; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField; use tgseclib\Math\PrimeField\Integer; /** * Prime Finite Fields * * @package Math * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class PrimeField extends FiniteField { /** * Instance Counter * * @var int */ private static $instanceCounter = 0; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct(BigInteger $modulo) { //if (!$modulo->isPrime()) { // throw new \UnexpectedValueException('PrimeField requires a prime number be passed to the constructor'); //} $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->instanceID = self::$instanceCounter++; Integer::setModulo($this->instanceID, $modulo); Integer::setRecurringModuloFunction($this->instanceID, $modulo->createRecurringModuloFunction()); } /** * Use a custom defined modular reduction function */ public function setReduction(callable $func) { $this->reduce = $func->bindTo($this, $this); } /** * Returns an instance of a dynamically generated PrimeFieldInteger class * * @return object */ public function newInteger(BigInteger $num) { return new Integer($this->instanceID, $num); } /** * Returns an integer on the finite field between one and the prime modulo * * @return object */ public function randomInteger() { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } return new Integer($this->instanceID, BigInteger::randomRange($one, Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID))); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bytes * * @return integer */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bits * * @return integer */ public function getLength() { return Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)->getLength(); } } * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License */ namespace tgseclib\Math; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Math\Common\FiniteField; use tgseclib\Math\BinaryField\Integer; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * Binary Finite Fields * * @package Math * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class BinaryField extends FiniteField { /** * Instance Counter * * @var int */ private static $instanceCounter = 0; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct(...$indices) { $m = array_shift($indices); $val = str_repeat('0', $m) . '1'; foreach ($indices as $index) { $val[$index] = '1'; } $modulo = static::base2ToBase256(strrev($val)); $mStart = 2 * $m - 2; $t = ceil($m / 8); $finalMask = chr((1 << $m % 8) - 1); if ($finalMask == "\0") { $finalMask = ""; } $bitLen = $mStart + 1; $pad = ceil($bitLen / 8); $h = $bitLen & 7; $h = $h ? 8 - $h : 0; $r = rtrim(substr($val, 0, -1), '0'); $u = [static::base2ToBase256(strrev($r))]; for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) { $u[] = static::base2ToBase256(strrev(str_repeat('0', $i) . $r)); } // implements algorithm 2.40 (in section 2.3.5) in "Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography" // with W = 8 $reduce = function ($c) use($u, $mStart, $m, $t, $finalMask, $pad, $h) { $c = str_pad($c, $pad, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); for ($i = $mStart; $i >= $m;) { $g = $h >> 3; $mask = $h & 7; $mask = $mask ? 1 << 7 - $mask : 0x80; for (; $mask > 0; $mask >>= 1, $i--, $h++) { if (ord($c[$g]) & $mask) { $temp = $i - $m; $j = $temp >> 3; $k = $temp & 7; $t1 = $j ? substr($c, 0, -$j) : $c; $length = strlen($t1); if ($length) { $t2 = str_pad($u[$k], $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $temp = $t1 ^ $t2; $c = $j ? substr_replace($c, $temp, 0, $length) : $temp; } } } } $c = substr($c, -$t); if (strlen($c) == $t) { $c[0] = $c[0] & $finalMask; } return ltrim($c, "\0"); }; $this->instanceID = self::$instanceCounter++; Integer::setModulo($this->instanceID, $modulo); Integer::setRecurringModuloFunction($this->instanceID, $reduce); $this->randomMax = new BigInteger($modulo, 2); } /** * Returns an instance of a dynamically generated PrimeFieldInteger class * * @param string $num * @return object */ public function newInteger($num) { return new Integer($this->instanceID, $num instanceof BigInteger ? $num->toBytes() : $num); } /** * Returns an integer on the finite field between one and the prime modulo * * @return object */ public function randomInteger() { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } return new Integer($this->instanceID, BigInteger::randomRange($one, $this->randomMax)->toBytes()); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bytes * * @return integer */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return strlen(Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bits * * @return integer */ public function getLength() { return strlen(Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)) << 3; } /** * Converts a base-2 string to a base-256 string * * @param string $x * @param integer $size * @return string */ public static function base2ToBase256($x, $size = null) { $str = Strings::bits2bin($x); $pad = strlen($x) >> 3; if (strlen($x) & 3) { $pad++; } $str = str_pad($str, $pad, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if (isset($size)) { $str = str_pad($str, $size, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $str; } /** * Converts a base-256 string to a base-2 string * * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function base256ToBase2($x) { if (function_exists('gmp_import')) { return gmp_strval(gmp_import($x), 2); } return Strings::bin2bits($x); } } * login('username', 'password')) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); * echo $ssh->exec('ls -la'); * ?> * * * * login('username', $key)) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); * $ssh->write("ls -la\n"); * echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); * ?> * * * @category Net * @package SSH2 * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Net; use tgseclib\Crypt\Blowfish; use tgseclib\Crypt\Hash; use tgseclib\Crypt\Random; use tgseclib\Crypt\RC4; use tgseclib\Crypt\Rijndael; use tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\DSA; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\TripleDES; use tgseclib\Crypt\Twofish; use tgseclib\Crypt\ChaCha20; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; // Used to do Diffie-Hellman key exchange and DSA/RSA signature verification. use tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent; use tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent\Identity as AgentIdentity; use tgseclib\Exception\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use tgseclib\Exception\ConnectionClosedException; use tgseclib\Exception\UnableToConnectException; use tgseclib\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv2. * * @package SSH2 * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class SSH2 { /**#@+ * Execution Bitmap Masks * * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::bitmap * @access private */ const MASK_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x1; const MASK_CONNECTED = 0x2; const MASK_LOGIN_REQ = 0x4; const MASK_LOGIN = 0x8; const MASK_SHELL = 0x10; const MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST = 0x20; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Channel constants * * RFC4254 refers not to client and server channels but rather to sender and recipient channels. we don't refer * to them in that way because RFC4254 toggles the meaning. the client sends a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN message with * a sender channel and the server sends a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION in response, with a sender and a * recipient channel. at first glance, you might conclude that SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION's sender channel * would be the same thing as SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN's sender channel, but it's not, per this snippet: * The 'recipient channel' is the channel number given in the original * open request, and 'sender channel' is the channel number allocated by * the other side. * * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::send_channel_packet() * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::get_channel_packet() * @access private */ const CHANNEL_EXEC = 1; // PuTTy uses 0x100 const CHANNEL_SHELL = 2; const CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM = 3; const CHANNEL_AGENT_FORWARD = 4; const CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE = 5; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * @access public * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::getLog() */ /** * Returns the message numbers */ const LOG_SIMPLE = 1; /** * Returns the message content */ const LOG_COMPLEX = 2; /** * Outputs the content real-time */ const LOG_REALTIME = 3; /** * Dumps the content real-time to a file */ const LOG_REALTIME_FILE = 4; /** * Make sure that the log never gets larger than this */ const LOG_MAX_SIZE = 1048576; // 1024 * 1024 /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * @access public * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::read() */ /** * Returns when a string matching $expect exactly is found */ const READ_SIMPLE = 1; /** * Returns when a string matching the regular expression $expect is found */ const READ_REGEX = 2; /** * Returns whenever a data packet is received. * * Some data packets may only contain a single character so it may be necessary * to call read() multiple times when using this option */ const READ_NEXT = 3; /**#@-*/ /** * The SSH identifier * * @var string * @access private */ private $identifier; /** * The Socket Object * * @var object * @access private */ private $fsock; /** * Execution Bitmap * * The bits that are set represent functions that have been called already. This is used to determine * if a requisite function has been successfully executed. If not, an error should be thrown. * * @var int * @access private */ protected $bitmap = 0; /** * Error information * * @see self::getErrors() * @see self::getLastError() * @var array * @access private */ private $errors = []; /** * Server Identifier * * @see self::getServerIdentification() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $server_identifier = false; /** * Key Exchange Algorithms * * @see self::getKexAlgorithims() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $kex_algorithms = false; /** * Key Exchange Algorithm * * @see self::getMethodsNegotiated() * @var string|false * @access private */ private $kex_algorithm = false; /** * Minimum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int * @access private */ private $kex_dh_group_size_min = 1536; /** * Preferred Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int * @access private */ private $kex_dh_group_size_preferred = 2048; /** * Maximum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int * @access private */ private $kex_dh_group_size_max = 4096; /** * Server Host Key Algorithms * * @see self::getServerHostKeyAlgorithms() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $server_host_key_algorithms = false; /** * Encryption Algorithms: Client to Server * * @see self::getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $encryption_algorithms_client_to_server = false; /** * Encryption Algorithms: Server to Client * * @see self::getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $encryption_algorithms_server_to_client = false; /** * MAC Algorithms: Client to Server * * @see self::getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $mac_algorithms_client_to_server = false; /** * MAC Algorithms: Server to Client * * @see self::getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $mac_algorithms_server_to_client = false; /** * Compression Algorithms: Client to Server * * @see self::getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $compression_algorithms_client_to_server = false; /** * Compression Algorithms: Server to Client * * @see self::getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $compression_algorithms_server_to_client = false; /** * Languages: Server to Client * * @see self::getLanguagesServer2Client() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $languages_server_to_client = false; /** * Languages: Client to Server * * @see self::getLanguagesClient2Server() * @var array|false * @access private */ private $languages_client_to_server = false; /** * Preferred Algorithms * * @see self::setPreferredAlgorithms() * @var array * @access private */ private $preferred = []; /** * Block Size for Server to Client Encryption * * "Note that the length of the concatenation of 'packet_length', * 'padding_length', 'payload', and 'random padding' MUST be a multiple * of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger. This constraint * MUST be enforced, even when using stream ciphers." * * -- * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var int * @access private */ private $encrypt_block_size = 8; /** * Block Size for Client to Server Encryption * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int * @access private */ private $decrypt_block_size = 8; /** * Server to Client Encryption Object * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var object * @access private */ private $decrypt = false; /** * Server to Client Length Encryption Object * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var object * @access private */ private $lengthDecrypt = false; /** * Client to Server Encryption Object * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var object * @access private */ private $encrypt = false; /** * Client to Server Length Encryption Object * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var object * @access private */ private $lengthEncrypt = false; /** * Client to Server HMAC Object * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var object * @access private */ private $hmac_create = false; /** * Server to Client HMAC Object * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var object * @access private */ private $hmac_check = false; /** * Size of server to client HMAC * * We need to know how big the HMAC will be for the server to client direction so that we know how many bytes to read. * For the client to server side, the HMAC object will make the HMAC as long as it needs to be. All we need to do is * append it. * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int * @access private */ private $hmac_size = false; /** * Server Public Host Key * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var string * @access private */ private $server_public_host_key; /** * Session identifier * * "The exchange hash H from the first key exchange is additionally * used as the session identifier, which is a unique identifier for * this connection." * * -- * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var string * @access private */ private $session_id = false; /** * Exchange hash * * The current exchange hash * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var string * @access private */ private $exchange_hash = false; /** * Message Numbers * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $message_numbers = []; /** * Disconnection Message 'reason codes' defined in RFC4253 * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $disconnect_reasons = []; /** * SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE 'reason codes', defined in RFC4254 * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $channel_open_failure_reasons = []; /** * Terminal Modes * * @link * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $terminal_modes = []; /** * SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA's data_type_codes * * @link * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $channel_extended_data_type_codes = []; /** * Send Sequence Number * * See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var int * @access private */ private $send_seq_no = 0; /** * Get Sequence Number * * See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int * @access private */ private $get_seq_no = 0; /** * Server Channels * * Maps client channels to server channels * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() * @var array * @access private */ protected $server_channels = []; /** * Channel Buffers * * If a client requests a packet from one channel but receives two packets from another those packets should * be placed in a buffer * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() * @var array * @access private */ private $channel_buffers = []; /** * Channel Status * * Contains the type of the last sent message * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @var array * @access private */ protected $channel_status = []; /** * Packet Size * * Maximum packet size indexed by channel * * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @var array * @access private */ private $packet_size_client_to_server = []; /** * Message Number Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array * @access private */ private $message_number_log = []; /** * Message Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array * @access private */ private $message_log = []; /** * The Window Size * * Bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to be adjusted (0x7FFFFFFF = 2GB) * * @var int * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() * @access private */ protected $window_size = 0x7fffffff; /** * What we resize the window to * * When PuTTY resizes the window it doesn't add an additional 0x7FFFFFFF bytes - it adds 0x40000000 bytes. * Some SFTP clients (GoAnywhere) don't support adding 0x7FFFFFFF to the window size after the fact so * we'll just do what PuTTY does * * @var int * @see self::_send_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() * @access private */ var $window_resize = 0x40000000; /** * Window size, server to client * * Window size indexed by channel * * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @var array * @access private */ protected $window_size_server_to_client = []; /** * Window size, client to server * * Window size indexed by channel * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @var array * @access private */ private $window_size_client_to_server = []; /** * Server signature * * Verified against $this->session_id * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var string * @access private */ private $signature = ''; /** * Server signature format * * ssh-rsa or ssh-dss. * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var string * @access private */ private $signature_format = ''; /** * Interactive Buffer * * @see self::read() * @var array * @access private */ private $interactiveBuffer = ''; /** * Current log size * * Should never exceed self::LOG_MAX_SIZE * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int * @access private */ private $log_size; /** * Timeout * * @see self::setTimeout() * @access private */ protected $timeout; /** * Current Timeout * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @access private */ protected $curTimeout; /** * Real-time log file pointer * * @see self::_append_log() * @var resource * @access private */ private $realtime_log_file; /** * Real-time log file size * * @see self::_append_log() * @var int * @access private */ private $realtime_log_size; /** * Has the signature been validated? * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var bool * @access private */ private $signature_validated = false; /** * Real-time log file wrap boolean * * @see self::_append_log() * @access private */ private $realtime_log_wrap; /** * Flag to suppress stderr from output * * @see self::enableQuietMode() * @access private */ private $quiet_mode = false; /** * Time of first network activity * * @var int * @access private */ private $last_packet; /** * Exit status returned from ssh if any * * @var int * @access private */ private $exit_status; /** * Flag to request a PTY when using exec() * * @var bool * @see self::enablePTY() * @access private */ private $request_pty = false; /** * Flag set while exec() is running when using enablePTY() * * @var bool * @access private */ private $in_request_pty_exec = false; /** * Flag set after startSubsystem() is called * * @var bool * @access private */ private $in_subsystem; /** * Contents of stdError * * @var string * @access private */ private $stdErrorLog; /** * The Last Interactive Response * * @see self::_keyboard_interactive_process() * @var string * @access private */ private $last_interactive_response = ''; /** * Keyboard Interactive Request / Responses * * @see self::_keyboard_interactive_process() * @var array * @access private */ private $keyboard_requests_responses = []; /** * Banner Message * * Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before * authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection." * * @see self::_filter() * @see self::getBannerMessage() * @var string * @access private */ private $banner_message = ''; /** * Did read() timeout or return normally? * * @see self::isTimeout() * @var bool * @access private */ private $is_timeout = false; /** * Log Boundary * * @see self::_format_log() * @var string * @access private */ private $log_boundary = ':'; /** * Log Long Width * * @see self::_format_log() * @var int * @access private */ private $log_long_width = 65; /** * Log Short Width * * @see self::_format_log() * @var int * @access private */ private $log_short_width = 16; /** * Hostname * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_connect() * @var string * @access private */ private $host; /** * Port Number * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_connect() * @var int * @access private */ private $port; /** * Number of columns for terminal window size * * @see self::getWindowColumns() * @see self::setWindowColumns() * @see self::setWindowSize() * @var int * @access private */ private $windowColumns = 80; /** * Number of columns for terminal window size * * @see self::getWindowRows() * @see self::setWindowRows() * @see self::setWindowSize() * @var int * @access private */ private $windowRows = 24; /** * Crypto Engine * * @see self::setCryptoEngine() * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int * @access private */ private $crypto_engine = false; /** * A System_SSH_Agent for use in the SSH2 Agent Forwarding scenario * * @var \tgseclib\System\Ssh\Agent * @access private */ private $agent; /** * Connection storage to replicates ssh2 extension functionality: * {@link} * * @var SSH2[] */ private static $connections; /** * Send the identification string first? * * @var bool * @access private */ private $send_id_string_first = true; /** * Send the key exchange initiation packet first? * * @var bool * @access private */ private $send_kex_first = true; /** * Some versions of OpenSSH incorrectly calculate the key size * * @var bool * @access private */ private $bad_key_size_fix = false; /** * Should we try to re-connect to re-establish keys? * * @var bool * @access private */ private $retry_connect = false; /** * Binary Packet Buffer * * @var string|false * @access private */ private $binary_packet_buffer = false; /** * Preferred Signature Format * * @var string|false * @access private */ protected $preferred_signature_format = false; /** * Authentication Credentials * * @var array * @access private */ protected $auth = []; /** * Default Constructor. * * $host can either be a string, representing the host, or a stream resource. * * @param mixed $host * @param int $port * @param int $timeout * @see self::login() * @return SSH2|void * @access public */ public function __construct($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10) { $this->message_numbers = [1 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT', 2 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE', 3 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED', 4 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_DEBUG', 5 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST', 6 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT', 20 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT', 21 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS', 30 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT', 31 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY', 50 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST', 51 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE', 52 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS', 53 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER', 80 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST', 81 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS', 82 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE', 90 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN', 91 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION', 92 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE', 93 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST', 94 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA', 95 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA', 96 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF', 97 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE', 98 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST', 99 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS', 100 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE']; $this->disconnect_reasons = [1 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CONNECT', 2 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR', 3 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED', 4 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_RESERVED', 5 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR', 6 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR', 7 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE', 8 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED', 9 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE', 10 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST', 11 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION', 12 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS', 13 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER', 14 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE', 15 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME']; $this->channel_open_failure_reasons = [1 => 'NET_SSH2_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED']; $this->terminal_modes = [0 => 'NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END']; $this->channel_extended_data_type_codes = [1 => 'NET_SSH2_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR']; $this->define_array( $this->message_numbers, $this->disconnect_reasons, $this->channel_open_failure_reasons, $this->terminal_modes, $this->channel_extended_data_type_codes, [60 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ'], [60 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK'], [60 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST', 61 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE'], // RFC 4419 - diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha{1,256} [30 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD', 31 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_GROUP', 32 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT', 33 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY', 34 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST'], // RFC 5656 - Elliptic Curves (for [30 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT', 31 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY'] ); self::$connections[$this->getResourceId()] = $this; if (is_resource($host)) { $this->fsock = $host; return; } if (is_string($host)) { $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->timeout = $timeout; } } /** * Set Crypto Engine Mode * * Possible $engine values: * OpenSSL, mcrypt, Eval, PHP * * @param int $engine * @access public */ public function setCryptoEngine($engine) { $this->crypto_engine = $engine; } /** * Send Identification String First * * says "when the connection has been established, * both sides MUST send an identification string". It does not say which side sends it first. In * theory it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * * @access public */ public function sendIdentificationStringFirst() { $this->send_id_string_first = true; } /** * Send Identification String Last * * says "when the connection has been established, * both sides MUST send an identification string". It does not say which side sends it first. In * theory it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * * @access public */ public function sendIdentificationStringLast() { $this->send_id_string_first = false; } /** * Send SSH_MSG_KEXINIT First * * says "key exchange begins by each sending * sending the [SSH_MSG_KEXINIT] packet". It does not say which side sends it first. In theory * it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * * @access public */ public function sendKEXINITFirst() { $this->send_kex_first = true; } /** * Send SSH_MSG_KEXINIT Last * * says "key exchange begins by each sending * sending the [SSH_MSG_KEXINIT] packet". It does not say which side sends it first. In theory * it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * * @access public */ public function sendKEXINITLast() { $this->send_kex_first = false; } /** * Connect to an SSHv2 server * * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors * @access private */ private function connect() { if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR) { return false; } $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR; $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $this->last_packet = microtime(true); if (!is_resource($this->fsock)) { $start = microtime(true); // with stream_select a timeout of 0 means that no timeout takes place; // with fsockopen a timeout of 0 means that you instantly timeout // to resolve this incompatibility a timeout of 100,000 will be used for fsockopen if timeout is 0 $this->fsock = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->curTimeout == 0 ? 100000 : $this->curTimeout); if (!$this->fsock) { $host = $this->host . ':' . $this->port; throw new UnableToConnectException(rtrim("Cannot connect to {$host}. Error {$errno}. {$errstr}")); } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; if ($this->curTimeout) { $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; if ($this->curTimeout < 0) { $this->is_timeout = true; return false; } } } $this->identifier = $this->generate_identifier(); if ($this->send_id_string_first) { fputs($this->fsock, $this->identifier . "\r\n"); } /* According to the SSH2 specs, "The server MAY send other lines of data before sending the version string. Each line SHOULD be terminated by a Carriage Return and Line Feed. Such lines MUST NOT begin with "SSH-", and SHOULD be encoded in ISO-10646 UTF-8 [RFC3629] (language is not specified). Clients MUST be able to process such lines." */ $data = ''; while (!feof($this->fsock) && !preg_match('#(.*)^(SSH-(\\d\\.\\d+).*)#ms', $data, $matches)) { $line = ''; while (true) { if ($this->curTimeout) { if ($this->curTimeout < 0) { $this->is_timeout = true; return false; } $read = [$this->fsock]; $write = $except = null; $start = microtime(true); $sec = floor($this->curTimeout); $usec = 1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec); // on windows this returns a "Warning: Invalid CRT parameters detected" error // the !count() is done as a workaround for if (!@stream_select($read, $write, $except, $sec, $usec) && !count($read)) { $this->is_timeout = true; return false; } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; } $temp = stream_get_line($this->fsock, 255, "\n"); if (strlen($temp) == 255) { continue; } $line .= "{$temp}\n"; // quoting RFC4253, "Implementers who wish to maintain // compatibility with older, undocumented versions of this protocol may // want to process the identification string without expecting the // presence of the carriage return character for reasons described in // Section 5 of this document." //if (substr($line, -2) == "\r\n") { // break; //} break; } $data .= $line; } if (feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } $extra = $matches[1]; if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $this->append_log('<-', $matches[0]); $this->append_log('->', $this->identifier . "\r\n"); } $this->server_identifier = trim($temp, "\r\n"); if (strlen($extra)) { $this->errors[] = $data; } if (version_compare($matches[3], '1.99', '<')) { throw new UnableToConnectException("Cannot connect to SSH {$matches[3]} servers"); } if (!$this->send_id_string_first) { fputs($this->fsock, $this->identifier . "\r\n"); } if (!$this->send_kex_first) { $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } if (!strlen($response) || ord($response[0]) != NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT'); } if (!$this->key_exchange($response)) { return false; } } if ($this->send_kex_first && !$this->key_exchange()) { return false; } $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_CONNECTED; return true; } /** * Generates the SSH identifier * * You should overwrite this method in your own class if you want to use another identifier * * @access protected * @return string */ private function generate_identifier() { $identifier = 'SSH-2.0-phpseclib_2.0'; $ext = []; if (extension_loaded('sodium')) { $ext[] = 'libsodium'; } if (extension_loaded('openssl')) { $ext[] = 'openssl'; } elseif (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { $ext[] = 'mcrypt'; } if (extension_loaded('gmp')) { $ext[] = 'gmp'; } elseif (extension_loaded('bcmath')) { $ext[] = 'bcmath'; } if (!empty($ext)) { $identifier .= ' (' . implode(', ', $ext) . ')'; } return $identifier; } /** * Key Exchange * * @return bool * @param string|bool $kexinit_payload_server optional * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException when none of the algorithms phpseclib has loaded are compatible * @access private */ private function key_exchange($kexinit_payload_server = false) { $preferred = $this->preferred; $kex_algorithms = isset($preferred['kex']) ? $preferred['kex'] : SSH2::getSupportedKEXAlgorithms(); $server_host_key_algorithms = isset($preferred['hostkey']) ? $preferred['hostkey'] : SSH2::getSupportedHostKeyAlgorithms(); $s2c_encryption_algorithms = isset($preferred['server_to_client']['crypt']) ? $preferred['server_to_client']['crypt'] : SSH2::getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms(); $c2s_encryption_algorithms = isset($preferred['client_to_server']['crypt']) ? $preferred['client_to_server']['crypt'] : SSH2::getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms(); $s2c_mac_algorithms = isset($preferred['server_to_client']['mac']) ? $preferred['server_to_client']['mac'] : SSH2::getSupportedMACAlgorithms(); $c2s_mac_algorithms = isset($preferred['client_to_server']['mac']) ? $preferred['client_to_server']['mac'] : SSH2::getSupportedMACAlgorithms(); $s2c_compression_algorithms = isset($preferred['server_to_client']['comp']) ? $preferred['server_to_client']['comp'] : SSH2::getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms(); $c2s_compression_algorithms = isset($preferred['client_to_server']['comp']) ? $preferred['client_to_server']['comp'] : SSH2::getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms(); // some SSH servers have buggy implementations of some of the above algorithms switch (true) { case $this->server_identifier == 'SSH-2.0-SSHD': case substr($this->server_identifier, 0, 13) == 'SSH-2.0-DLINK': if (!isset($preferred['server_to_client']['mac'])) { $s2c_mac_algorithms = array_values(array_diff($s2c_mac_algorithms, ['hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'])); } if (!isset($preferred['client_to_server']['mac'])) { $c2s_mac_algorithms = array_values(array_diff($c2s_mac_algorithms, ['hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'])); } } $client_cookie = Random::string(16); $kexinit_payload_client = pack('Ca*', NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT, $client_cookie); $kexinit_payload_client .= Strings::packSSH2( 'L10bN', $kex_algorithms, $server_host_key_algorithms, $c2s_encryption_algorithms, $s2c_encryption_algorithms, $c2s_mac_algorithms, $s2c_mac_algorithms, $c2s_compression_algorithms, $s2c_compression_algorithms, [], // language, client to server [], // language, server to client false, // first_kex_packet_follows 0 ); if ($this->send_kex_first) { $this->send_binary_packet($kexinit_payload_client); $kexinit_payload_server = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($kexinit_payload_server === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } if (!strlen($kexinit_payload_server) || ord($kexinit_payload_server[0]) != NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT'); } } $response = $kexinit_payload_server; Strings::shift($response, 1); // skip past the message number (it should be SSH_MSG_KEXINIT) $server_cookie = Strings::shift($response, 16); list($this->kex_algorithms, $this->server_host_key_algorithms, $this->encryption_algorithms_client_to_server, $this->encryption_algorithms_server_to_client, $this->mac_algorithms_client_to_server, $this->mac_algorithms_server_to_client, $this->compression_algorithms_client_to_server, $this->compression_algorithms_server_to_client, $this->languages_client_to_server, $this->languages_server_to_client, $first_kex_packet_follows) = Strings::unpackSSH2('L10C', $response); if (!$this->send_kex_first) { $this->send_binary_packet($kexinit_payload_client); } // we need to decide upon the symmetric encryption algorithms before we do the diffie-hellman key exchange // we don't initialize any crypto-objects, yet - we do that, later. for now, we need the lengths to make the // diffie-hellman key exchange as fast as possible $decrypt = self::array_intersect_first($s2c_encryption_algorithms, $this->encryption_algorithms_server_to_client); $decryptKeyLength = $this->encryption_algorithm_to_key_size($decrypt); if ($decryptKeyLength === null) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server to client encryption algorithms found'); } $encrypt = self::array_intersect_first($c2s_encryption_algorithms, $this->encryption_algorithms_client_to_server); $encryptKeyLength = $this->encryption_algorithm_to_key_size($encrypt); if ($encryptKeyLength === null) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible client to server encryption algorithms found'); } // through diffie-hellman key exchange a symmetric key is obtained $this->kex_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($kex_algorithms, $this->kex_algorithms); if ($this->kex_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible key exchange algorithms found'); } switch ($this->kex_algorithm) { case 'diffie-hellman-group15-sha512': case 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512': case 'diffie-hellman-group17-sha512': case 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512': case 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521': $kexHash = new Hash('sha512'); break; case 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384': $kexHash = new Hash('sha384'); break; case 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256': case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256': case 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256': case '': case 'curve25519-sha256': $kexHash = new Hash('sha256'); break; default: $kexHash = new Hash('sha1'); } // Only relevant in diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha{1,256}, otherwise empty. $exchange_hash_rfc4419 = ''; if (strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'curve25519-sha256') === 0 || strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'ecdh-sha2-nistp') === 0) { $curve = strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'curve25519-sha256') === 0 ? 'Curve25519' : substr($this->kex_algorithm, 10); $ourPrivate = EC::createKey($curve); $ourPublicBytes = $ourPrivate->getPublicKey()->getEncodedCoordinates(); $clientKexInitMessage = NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT; $serverKexReplyMessage = NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY; } else { if (strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange') === 0) { $dh_group_sizes_packed = pack('NNN', $this->kex_dh_group_size_min, $this->kex_dh_group_size_preferred, $this->kex_dh_group_size_max); $packet = pack('Ca*', NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST, $dh_group_sizes_packed); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type, $primeBytes, $gBytes) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Css', $response); if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_GROUP) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP'); } $prime = new BigInteger($primeBytes, -256); $g = new BigInteger($gBytes, -256); $exchange_hash_rfc4419 = $dh_group_sizes_packed . Strings::packSSH2('ss', $primeBytes, $gBytes); $params = DH::createParameters($prime, $g); $clientKexInitMessage = NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT; $serverKexReplyMessage = NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY; } else { $params = DH::createParameters($this->kex_algorithm); $clientKexInitMessage = NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT; $serverKexReplyMessage = NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY; } $keyLength = min($kexHash->getLengthInBytes(), max($encryptKeyLength, $decryptKeyLength)); $ourPrivate = DH::createKey($params, 16 * $keyLength); // 2 * 8 * $keyLength $ourPublic = $ourPrivate->getPublicKey()->toBigInteger(); $ourPublicBytes = $ourPublic->toBytes(true); } $data = pack('CNa*', $clientKexInitMessage, strlen($ourPublicBytes), $ourPublicBytes); $this->send_binary_packet($data); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } if (!strlen($response)) { return false; } list($type, $server_public_host_key, $theirPublicBytes, $this->signature) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Csss', $response); if ($type != $serverKexReplyMessage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY'); } $this->server_public_host_key = $server_public_host_key; list($public_key_format) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $server_public_host_key); if (strlen($this->signature) < 4) { return false; } $temp = unpack('Nlength', substr($this->signature, 0, 4)); $this->signature_format = substr($this->signature, 4, $temp['length']); $keyBytes = DH::computeSecret($ourPrivate, $theirPublicBytes); if (($keyBytes[0] & "") === "") { $keyBytes = "\0{$keyBytes}"; } $this->exchange_hash = Strings::packSSH2('s5', $this->identifier, $this->server_identifier, $kexinit_payload_client, $kexinit_payload_server, $this->server_public_host_key); $this->exchange_hash .= $exchange_hash_rfc4419; $this->exchange_hash .= Strings::packSSH2('s3', $ourPublicBytes, $theirPublicBytes, $keyBytes); $this->exchange_hash = $kexHash->hash($this->exchange_hash); if ($this->session_id === false) { $this->session_id = $this->exchange_hash; } $server_host_key_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($server_host_key_algorithms, $this->server_host_key_algorithms); if ($server_host_key_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server host key algorithms found'); } switch ($server_host_key_algorithm) { case 'rsa-sha2-256': case 'rsa-sha2-512': //case 'ssh-rsa': $expected_key_format = 'ssh-rsa'; break; default: $expected_key_format = $server_host_key_algorithm; } if ($public_key_format != $expected_key_format || $this->signature_format != $server_host_key_algorithm) { switch (true) { case $this->signature_format == $server_host_key_algorithm: case $server_host_key_algorithm != 'rsa-sha2-256' && $server_host_key_algorithm != 'rsa-sha2-512': case $this->signature_format != 'ssh-rsa': $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new \RuntimeException('Server Host Key Algorithm Mismatch'); } } $packet = pack('C', NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS'); } $keyBytes = pack('Na*', strlen($keyBytes), $keyBytes); $this->encrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($encrypt); if ($this->encrypt) { if ($this->crypto_engine) { $this->encrypt->setPreferredEngine($this->crypto_engine); } if ($this->encrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes()) { $this->encrypt_block_size = $this->encrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes(); } $this->encrypt->disablePadding(); if ($this->encrypt->usesIV()) { $iv = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'A' . $this->session_id); while ($this->encrypt_block_size > strlen($iv)) { $iv .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv); } $this->encrypt->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $this->encrypt_block_size)); } switch ($encrypt) { case '': case '': $nonce = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'A' . $this->session_id); $this->encrypt->fixed = substr($nonce, 0, 4); $this->encrypt->invocation_counter = substr($nonce, 4, 8); case '': break; default: $this->encrypt->enableContinuousBuffer(); } $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'C' . $this->session_id); while ($encryptKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } switch ($encrypt) { case '': $encryptKeyLength = 32; $this->lengthEncrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($encrypt); $this->lengthEncrypt->setKey(substr($key, 32, 32)); } $this->encrypt->setKey(substr($key, 0, $encryptKeyLength)); $this->encrypt->name = $encrypt; } $this->decrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($decrypt); if ($this->decrypt) { if ($this->crypto_engine) { $this->decrypt->setPreferredEngine($this->crypto_engine); } if ($this->decrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes()) { $this->decrypt_block_size = $this->decrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes(); } $this->decrypt->disablePadding(); if ($this->decrypt->usesIV()) { $iv = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'B' . $this->session_id); while ($this->decrypt_block_size > strlen($iv)) { $iv .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv); } $this->decrypt->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $this->decrypt_block_size)); } switch ($decrypt) { case '': case '': // see $nonce = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'B' . $this->session_id); $this->decrypt->fixed = substr($nonce, 0, 4); $this->decrypt->invocation_counter = substr($nonce, 4, 8); case '': break; default: $this->decrypt->enableContinuousBuffer(); } $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'D' . $this->session_id); while ($decryptKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } switch ($decrypt) { case '': $decryptKeyLength = 32; $this->lengthDecrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($decrypt); $this->lengthDecrypt->setKey(substr($key, 32, 32)); } $this->decrypt->setKey(substr($key, 0, $decryptKeyLength)); $this->decrypt->name = $decrypt; } /* The "arcfour128" algorithm is the RC4 cipher, as described in [SCHNEIER], using a 128-bit key. The first 1536 bytes of keystream generated by the cipher MUST be discarded, and the first byte of the first encrypted packet MUST be encrypted using the 1537th byte of keystream. -- */ if ($encrypt == 'arcfour128' || $encrypt == 'arcfour256') { $this->encrypt->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 1536)); } if ($decrypt == 'arcfour128' || $decrypt == 'arcfour256') { $this->decrypt->decrypt(str_repeat("\0", 1536)); } $mac_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($c2s_mac_algorithms, $this->mac_algorithms_client_to_server); if ($mac_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible client to server message authentication algorithms found'); } if (!$this->encrypt->usesNonce()) { list($this->hmac_create, $createKeyLength) = self::mac_algorithm_to_hash_instance($mac_algorithm); } else { $this->hmac_create = new \stdClass(); $this->hmac_create->name = $mac_algorithm; //$mac_algorithm = 'none'; $createKeyLength = 0; } if ($this->hmac_create instanceof Hash) { $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'E' . $this->session_id); while ($createKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } $this->hmac_create->setKey(substr($key, 0, $createKeyLength)); $this->hmac_create->name = $mac_algorithm; $this->hmac_create->etm = preg_match('#-etm@openssh\\.com$#', $mac_algorithm); } $mac_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($s2c_mac_algorithms, $this->mac_algorithms_server_to_client); if ($mac_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server to client message authentication algorithms found'); } if (!$this->decrypt->usesNonce()) { list($this->hmac_check, $checkKeyLength) = self::mac_algorithm_to_hash_instance($mac_algorithm); $this->hmac_size = $this->hmac_check->getLengthInBytes(); } else { $this->hmac_check = new \stdClass(); $this->hmac_check->name = $mac_algorithm; //$mac_algorithm = 'none'; $checkKeyLength = 0; $this->hmac_size = 0; } if ($this->hmac_check instanceof Hash) { $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'F' . $this->session_id); while ($checkKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } $this->hmac_check->setKey(substr($key, 0, $checkKeyLength)); $this->hmac_check->name = $mac_algorithm; $this->hmac_check->etm = preg_match('#-etm@openssh\\.com$#', $mac_algorithm); } $compression_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($s2c_compression_algorithms, $this->compression_algorithms_server_to_client); if ($compression_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server to client compression algorithms found'); } $this->decompress = $compression_algorithm == 'zlib'; $compression_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($c2s_compression_algorithms, $this->compression_algorithms_client_to_server); if ($compression_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible client to server compression algorithms found'); } $this->compress = $compression_algorithm == 'zlib'; return true; } /** * Maps an encryption algorithm name to the number of key bytes. * * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return int|null Number of bytes as an integer or null for unknown * @access private */ private function encryption_algorithm_to_key_size($algorithm) { if ($this->bad_key_size_fix && self::bad_algorithm_candidate($algorithm)) { return 16; } switch ($algorithm) { case 'none': return 0; case '': case 'aes128-cbc': case 'aes128-ctr': case 'arcfour': case 'arcfour128': case 'blowfish-cbc': case 'blowfish-ctr': case 'twofish128-cbc': case 'twofish128-ctr': return 16; case '3des-cbc': case '3des-ctr': case 'aes192-cbc': case 'aes192-ctr': case 'twofish192-cbc': case 'twofish192-ctr': return 24; case '': case 'aes256-cbc': case 'aes256-ctr': case 'arcfour256': case 'twofish-cbc': case 'twofish256-cbc': case 'twofish256-ctr': return 32; case '': return 64; } return null; } /** * Maps an encryption algorithm name to an instance of a subclass of * \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey. * * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return mixed Instance of \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey or null for unknown * @access private */ private static function encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case '3des-cbc': return new TripleDES('cbc'); case '3des-ctr': return new TripleDES('ctr'); case 'aes256-cbc': case 'aes192-cbc': case 'aes128-cbc': return new Rijndael('cbc'); case 'aes256-ctr': case 'aes192-ctr': case 'aes128-ctr': return new Rijndael('ctr'); case 'blowfish-cbc': return new Blowfish('cbc'); case 'blowfish-ctr': return new Blowfish('ctr'); case 'twofish128-cbc': case 'twofish192-cbc': case 'twofish256-cbc': case 'twofish-cbc': return new Twofish('cbc'); case 'twofish128-ctr': case 'twofish192-ctr': case 'twofish256-ctr': return new Twofish('ctr'); case 'arcfour': case 'arcfour128': case 'arcfour256': return new RC4(); case '': case '': return new Rijndael('gcm'); case '': return new ChaCha20(); } return null; } /** * Maps an encryption algorithm name to an instance of a subclass of * \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash. * * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return mixed Instance of \tgseclib\Crypt\Hash or null for unknown * @access private */ private static function mac_algorithm_to_hash_instance($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case '': case '': return [new Hash('umac-64'), 16]; case '': case '': return [new Hash('umac-128'), 16]; case 'hmac-sha2-512': case '': return [new Hash('sha512'), 64]; case 'hmac-sha2-256': case '': return [new Hash('sha256'), 32]; case 'hmac-sha1': case '': return [new Hash('sha1'), 20]; case 'hmac-sha1-96': return [new Hash('sha1-96'), 20]; case 'hmac-md5': return [new Hash('md5'), 16]; case 'hmac-md5-96': return [new Hash('md5-96'), 16]; } } /* * Tests whether or not proposed algorithm has a potential for issues * * @link * @link * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return bool * @access private */ private static function bad_algorithm_candidate($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case 'arcfour256': case 'aes192-ctr': case 'aes256-ctr': return true; } return false; } /** * Login * * The $password parameter can be a plaintext password, a \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA object or an array * * @param string $username * @param $args[] param mixed $password * @return bool * @see self::_login() * @access public */ public function login($username,...$args) { $this->auth[] = array_merge([$username], $args); return $this->sublogin($username,...$args); } /** * Login Helper * * @param string $username * @param $args[] param mixed $password * @return bool * @see self::_login_helper() * @access private */ protected function sublogin($username,...$args) { if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR)) { if (!$this->connect()) { return false; } } if (empty($args)) { return $this->login_helper($username); } foreach ($args as $arg) { if ($this->login_helper($username, $arg)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Login Helper * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors * @access private * @internal It might be worthwhile, at some point, to protect against {@link traffic analysis} * by sending dummy SSH_MSG_IGNORE messages. */ private function login_helper($username, $password = null) { if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED)) { return false; } if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_LOGIN_REQ)) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2('Cs', NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, 'ssh-userauth'); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { if ($this->retry_connect) { $this->retry_connect = false; if (!$this->connect()) { return false; } return $this->login_helper($username, $password); } $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type, $service) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Cs', $response); if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT || $service != 'ssh-userauth') { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT'); } $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN_REQ; } if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) { return !is_string($password) && !is_array($password) ? false : $this->keyboard_interactive_process($password); } if ($password instanceof PrivateKey) { return $this->privatekey_login($username, $password); } if ($password instanceof Agent) { return $this->ssh_agent_login($username, $password); } if (is_array($password)) { if ($this->keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password)) { $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } if (!isset($password)) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2('Cs3', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'none'); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; //case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: default: return false; } } if (!is_string($password)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$password needs to either be an instance of \\tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\PrivateKey, \\System\\SSH\\Agent, an array or a string'); } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('Cs3bs', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'password', false, $password); // remove the username and password from the logged packet if (!defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $logged = null; } else { $logged = Strings::packSSH2('Cs3bs', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'password', false, 'password'); } $this->send_binary_packet($packet, $logged); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ: // in theory, the password can be changed if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ'; } list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ: ' . $message; return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER); case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: // can we use keyboard-interactive authentication? if not then either the login is bad or the server employees // multi-factor authentication list($auth_methods, $partial_success) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Lb', $response); if (!$partial_success && in_array('keyboard-interactive', $auth_methods)) { if ($this->keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password)) { $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } /** * Login via keyboard-interactive authentication * * See {@link RFC4256} for details. This is not a full-featured keyboard-interactive authenticator. * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return bool * @access private */ private function keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'Cs5', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'keyboard-interactive', '', // language tag '' ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); return $this->keyboard_interactive_process($password); } /** * Handle the keyboard-interactive requests / responses. * * @param $responses[] * @return bool * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @access private */ private function keyboard_interactive_process(...$responses) { if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) { $response = $this->last_interactive_response; } else { $orig = $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST: list(, , , $num_prompts) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s3N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < count($responses); $i++) { if (is_array($responses[$i])) { foreach ($responses[$i] as $key => $value) { $this->keyboard_requests_responses[$key] = $value; } unset($responses[$i]); } } $responses = array_values($responses); if (isset($this->keyboard_requests_responses)) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_prompts; $i++) { list($prompt, ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sC', $response); foreach ($this->keyboard_requests_responses as $key => $value) { if (substr($prompt, 0, strlen($key)) == $key) { $responses[] = $value; break; } } } } // see if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) { $this->last_interactive_response = ''; } elseif (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX) { $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace('UNKNOWN', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST', $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1]); } if (!count($responses) && $num_prompts) { $this->last_interactive_response = $orig; return false; } /* After obtaining the requested information from the user, the client MUST respond with an SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE message. */ // see $packet = $logged = pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE, count($responses)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($responses); $i++) { $packet .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $responses[$i]); $logged .= Strings::packSSH2('s', 'dummy-answer'); } $this->send_binary_packet($packet, $logged); if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX) { $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace('UNKNOWN', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE', $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1]); } /* After receiving the response, the server MUST send either an SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, or another SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST message. */ // maybe phpseclib should force close the connection after x request / responses? unless something like that is done // there could be an infinite loop of request / responses. return $this->keyboard_interactive_process(); case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: return true; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: return false; } return false; } /** * Login with an ssh-agent provided key * * @param string $username * @param \tgseclib\System\SSH\Agent $agent * @return bool * @access private */ private function ssh_agent_login($username, Agent $agent) { $this->agent = $agent; $keys = $agent->requestIdentities(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($this->privatekey_login($username, $key)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Login with an RSA private key * * @param string $username * @param \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey $privatekey * @return bool * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @access private * @internal It might be worthwhile, at some point, to protect against {@link traffic analysis} * by sending dummy SSH_MSG_IGNORE messages. */ private function privatekey_login($username, PrivateKey $privatekey) { $publickey = $privatekey->getPublicKey(); if ($publickey instanceof RSA) { $privatekey = $privatekey->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'rsa-sha2-512': $hash = 'sha512'; $signatureType = 'rsa-sha2-512'; break; case 'rsa-sha2-256': $hash = 'sha256'; $signatureType = 'rsa-sha2-256'; break; //case 'ssh-rsa': default: $hash = 'sha1'; $signatureType = 'ssh-rsa'; } } else { if ($publickey instanceof EC) { $privatekey = $privatekey->withSignatureFormat('SSH2'); $curveName = $privatekey->getCurve(); switch ($curveName) { case 'Ed25519': $hash = 'sha512'; $signatureType = 'ssh-ed25519'; break; case 'secp256r1': // nistp256 $hash = 'sha256'; $signatureType = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256'; break; case 'secp384r1': // nistp384 $hash = 'sha384'; $signatureType = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384'; break; case 'secp521r1': // nistp521 $hash = 'sha512'; $signatureType = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'; break; default: if (is_array($curveName)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Specified Curves are not supported by SSH2'); } throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $curveName . ' is not supported by tgseclib\'s SSH2 implementation'); } } else { if ($publickey instanceof DSA) { $privatekey = $privatekey->withSignatureFormat('SSH2'); $hash = 'sha1'; $signatureType = 'ssh-dss'; } else { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Please use either an RSA key, an EC one or a DSA key'); } } } $publickeyStr = $publickey->toString('OpenSSH', ['binary' => true]); $part1 = Strings::packSSH2('Csss', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'publickey'); $part2 = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $signatureType, $publickeyStr); $packet = $part1 . chr(0) . $part2; $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: ' . $message; return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK: // we'll just take it on faith that the public key blob and the public key algorithm name are as // they should be if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX) { $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace('UNKNOWN', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK', $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1]); } } $packet = $part1 . chr(1) . $part2; $privatekey = $privatekey->withHash($hash); $signature = $privatekey->sign(Strings::packSSH2('s', $this->session_id) . $packet); if ($publickey instanceof RSA) { $signature = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $signatureType, $signature); } $packet .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $signature); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: // either the login is bad or the server employs multi-factor authentication return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } /** * Set Timeout * * $ssh->exec('ping'); on a Linux host will never return and will run indefinitely. setTimeout() makes it so it'll timeout. * Setting $timeout to false or 0 will mean there is no timeout. * * @param mixed $timeout * @access public */ public function setTimeout($timeout) { $this->timeout = $this->curTimeout = $timeout; } /** * Get the output from stdError * * @access public */ public function getStdError() { return $this->stdErrorLog; } /** * Execute Command * * If $callback is set to false then \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC) will need to be called manually. * In all likelihood, this is not a feature you want to be taking advantage of. * * @param string $command * @param Callback $callback * @return string * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @access public */ public function exec($command, $callback = null) { $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $this->is_timeout = false; $this->stdErrorLog = ''; if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { return false; } if ($this->in_request_pty_exec) { throw new \RuntimeException('If you want to run multiple exec()\'s you will need to disable (and re-enable if appropriate) a PTY for each one.'); } // RFC4254 defines the (client) window size as "bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to // be adjusted". 0x7FFFFFFF is, at 2GB, the max size. technically, it should probably be decremented, but, // honestly, if you're transferring more than 2GB, you probably shouldn't be using phpseclib, anyway. // see for more info $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = $this->window_size; // 0x8000 is the maximum max packet size, per, although since PuTTy // uses 0x4000, that's what will be used here, as well. $packet_size = 0x4000; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CsN3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, 'session', self::CHANNEL_EXEC, $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_EXEC], $packet_size); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); if ($response === false) { return false; } if ($this->request_pty === true) { $terminal_modes = pack('C', NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsCsN4s', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_EXEC], 'pty-req', 1, 'vt100', $this->windowColumns, $this->windowRows, 0, 0, $terminal_modes); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to request pseudo-terminal'); } $this->in_request_pty_exec = true; } // sending a pty-req SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message is unnecessary and, in fact, in most cases, slows things // down. the one place where it might be desirable is if you're doing something like \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::exec('ping localhost &'). // with a pty-req SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, exec() will return immediately and the ping process will then // then immediately terminate. without such a request exec() will loop indefinitely. the ping process won't end but // neither will your script. // although, in theory, the size of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST could exceed the maximum packet size established by // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, RFC4254#section-5.1 states that the "maximum packet size" refers to the // "maximum size of an individual data packet". ie. SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA. RFC4254#section-5.2 corroborates. $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsCs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_EXEC], 'exec', 1, $command); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); if ($response === false) { return false; } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; if ($callback === false || $this->in_request_pty_exec) { return true; } $output = ''; while (true) { $temp = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); switch (true) { case $temp === true: return is_callable($callback) ? true : $output; case $temp === false: return false; default: if (is_callable($callback)) { if (call_user_func($callback, $temp) === true) { $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); return true; } } else { $output .= $temp; } } } } /** * Creates an interactive shell * * @see self::read() * @see self::write() * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors * @access private */ private function initShell() { if ($this->in_request_pty_exec === true) { return true; } $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_SHELL] = $this->window_size; $packet_size = 0x4000; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CsN3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, 'session', self::CHANNEL_SHELL, $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_SHELL], $packet_size); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SHELL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SHELL); if ($response === false) { return false; } $terminal_modes = pack('C', NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsCsN4s', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_SHELL], 'pty-req', 1, 'vt100', $this->windowColumns, $this->windowRows, 0, 0, $terminal_modes); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: // if a pty can't be opened maybe commands can still be executed case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: break; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to request pseudo-terminal'); } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsb', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_SHELL], 'shell', true); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SHELL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SHELL); if ($response === false) { return false; } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SHELL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_SHELL; return true; } /** * Return the channel to be used with read() / write() * * @see self::read() * @see self::write() * @return int * @access public */ private function get_interactive_channel() { switch (true) { case $this->in_subsystem: return self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM; case $this->in_request_pty_exec: return self::CHANNEL_EXEC; default: return self::CHANNEL_SHELL; } } /** * Return an available open channel * * @return int * @access public */ private function get_open_channel() { $channel = self::CHANNEL_EXEC; do { if (isset($this->channel_status[$channel]) && $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN) { return $channel; } } while ($channel++ < self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); return false; } /** * Request agent forwarding of remote server * * @return bool * @access public */ public function requestAgentForwarding() { $request_channel = $this->get_open_channel(); if ($request_channel === false) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsC', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[$request_channel], '', 1); $this->channel_status[$request_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_channel_packet($request_channel); if ($response === false) { return false; } $this->channel_status[$request_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; return true; } /** * Returns the output of an interactive shell * * Returns when there's a match for $expect, which can take the form of a string literal or, * if $mode == self::READ_REGEX, a regular expression. * * @see self::write() * @param string $expect * @param int $mode * @return string|bool|null * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @access public */ public function read($expect = '', $mode = self::READ_SIMPLE) { $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $this->is_timeout = false; if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Operation disallowed prior to login()'); } if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_SHELL) && !$this->initShell()) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to initiate an interactive shell session'); } $channel = $this->get_interactive_channel(); if ($mode == self::READ_NEXT) { return $this->get_channel_packet($channel); } $match = $expect; while (true) { if ($mode == self::READ_REGEX) { preg_match($expect, substr($this->interactiveBuffer, -1024), $matches); $match = isset($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : ''; } $pos = strlen($match) ? strpos($this->interactiveBuffer, $match) : false; if ($pos !== false) { return Strings::shift($this->interactiveBuffer, $pos + strlen($match)); } $response = $this->get_channel_packet($channel); if (is_bool($response)) { $this->in_request_pty_exec = false; return $response ? Strings::shift($this->interactiveBuffer, strlen($this->interactiveBuffer)) : false; } $this->interactiveBuffer .= $response; } } /** * Inputs a command into an interactive shell. * * @see self::read() * @param string $cmd * @return bool * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @access public */ public function write($cmd) { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Operation disallowed prior to login()'); } if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_SHELL) && !$this->initShell()) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to initiate an interactive shell session'); } return $this->send_channel_packet($this->get_interactive_channel(), $cmd); } /** * Start a subsystem. * * Right now only one subsystem at a time is supported. To support multiple subsystem's stopSubsystem() could accept * a string that contained the name of the subsystem, but at that point, only one subsystem of each type could be opened. * To support multiple subsystem's of the same name maybe it'd be best if startSubsystem() generated a new channel id and * returns that and then that that was passed into stopSubsystem() but that'll be saved for a future date and implemented * if there's sufficient demand for such a feature. * * @see self::stopSubsystem() * @param string $subsystem * @return bool * @access public */ public function startSubsystem($subsystem) { $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = $this->window_size; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CsN3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, 'session', self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM, $this->window_size, 0x4000); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); if ($response === false) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsCs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM], 'subsystem', 1, $subsystem); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); if ($response === false) { return false; } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_SHELL; $this->in_subsystem = true; return true; } /** * Stops a subsystem. * * @see self::startSubsystem() * @return bool * @access public */ public function stopSubsystem() { $this->in_subsystem = false; $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); return true; } /** * Closes a channel * * If read() timed out you might want to just close the channel and have it auto-restart on the next read() call * * @access public */ public function reset() { $this->close_channel($this->get_interactive_channel()); } /** * Is timeout? * * Did exec() or read() return because they timed out or because they encountered the end? * * @access public */ public function isTimeout() { return $this->is_timeout; } /** * Disconnect * * @access public */ public function disconnect() { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); if (isset($this->realtime_log_file) && is_resource($this->realtime_log_file)) { fclose($this->realtime_log_file); } unset(self::$connections[$this->getResourceId()]); } /** * Destructor. * * Will be called, automatically, if you're supporting just PHP5. If you're supporting PHP4, you'll need to call * disconnect(). * * @access public */ public function __destruct() { $this->disconnect(); } /** * Is the connection still active? * * @return bool * @access public */ public function isConnected() { return (bool) ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED); } /** * Have you successfully been logged in? * * @return bool * @access public */ public function isAuthenticated() { return (bool) ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_LOGIN); } /** * Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down * * Inspired by * * @return bool */ public function ping() { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { if (!empty($this->auth)) { return $this->reconnect(); } return false; } $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE] = $this->window_size; $packet_size = 0x4000; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CsN3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, 'session', self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE, $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE], $packet_size); try { $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->reconnect(); } $this->close_channel(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE); return true; } /** * In situ reconnect method * * @return boolean */ private function reconnect() { $this->reset_connection(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); $this->retry_connect = true; if (!$this->connect()) { return false; } foreach ($this->auth as $auth) { $result = $this->login(...$auth); } return $result; } /** * Resets a connection for re-use * * @param int $reason * @access private */ protected function reset_connection($reason) { $this->disconnect_helper($reason); $this->decrypt = $this->encrypt = false; $this->decrypt_block_size = $this->encrypt_block_size = 8; $this->hmac_check = $this->hmac_create = false; $this->hmac_size = false; $this->session_id = false; $this->retry_connect = true; $this->get_seq_no = $this->send_seq_no = 0; } /** * Gets Binary Packets * * See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @param bool $filter_channel_packets * @return string * @access private */ private function get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter = false) { if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed prematurely'); } $start = microtime(true); $raw = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size); if (!strlen($raw)) { return ''; } if ($this->decrypt) { switch ($this->decrypt->name) { case '': case '': $this->decrypt->setNonce($this->decrypt->fixed . $this->decrypt->invocation_counter); Strings::increment_str($this->decrypt->invocation_counter); $this->decrypt->setAAD($temp = Strings::shift($raw, 4)); extract(unpack('Npacket_length', $temp)); /** * @var integer $packet_length */ $raw .= $this->read_remaining_bytes($packet_length - $this->decrypt_block_size + 4); $stop = microtime(true); $tag = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size); $this->decrypt->setTag($tag); $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); $raw = $temp . $raw; $remaining_length = 0; break; case '': $nonce = pack('N2', 0, $this->get_seq_no); $this->lengthDecrypt->setNonce($nonce); $temp = $this->lengthDecrypt->decrypt($aad = Strings::shift($raw, 4)); extract(unpack('Npacket_length', $temp)); /** * @var integer $packet_length */ $raw .= $this->read_remaining_bytes($packet_length - $this->decrypt_block_size + 4); $stop = microtime(true); $tag = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, 16); $this->decrypt->setNonce($nonce); $this->decrypt->setCounter(0); // this is the same approach that's implemented in Salsa20::createPoly1305Key() // but we don't want to use the same AEAD construction that RFC8439 describes // for ChaCha20-Poly1305 so we won't rely on it (see Salsa20::poly1305()) $this->decrypt->setPoly1305Key($this->decrypt->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 32))); $this->decrypt->setAAD($aad); $this->decrypt->setCounter(1); $this->decrypt->setTag($tag); $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); $raw = $temp . $raw; $remaining_length = 0; break; default: if (!$this->hmac_check instanceof Hash || !$this->hmac_check->etm) { $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); break; } extract(unpack('Npacket_length', $temp = Strings::shift($raw, 4))); /** * @var integer $packet_length */ $raw .= $this->read_remaining_bytes($packet_length - $this->decrypt_block_size + 4); $stop = microtime(true); $encrypted = $temp . $raw; $raw = $temp . $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); $remaining_length = 0; } } if (strlen($raw) < 5) { return false; } extract(unpack('Npacket_length/Cpadding_length', Strings::shift($raw, 5))); /** * @var integer $packet_length * @var integer $padding_length */ if (!isset($remaining_length)) { $remaining_length = $packet_length + 4 - $this->decrypt_block_size; } $buffer = $this->read_remaining_bytes($remaining_length); if (!isset($stop)) { $stop = microtime(true); } if (strlen($buffer)) { $raw .= $this->decrypt ? $this->decrypt->decrypt($buffer) : $buffer; } $payload = Strings::shift($raw, $packet_length - $padding_length - 1); $padding = Strings::shift($raw, $padding_length); // should leave $raw empty if ($this->hmac_check instanceof Hash) { $hmac = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->hmac_size); if ($hmac === false || strlen($hmac) != $this->hmac_size) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading socket'); } $reconstructed = !$this->hmac_check->etm ? pack('NCa*', $packet_length, $padding_length, $payload . $padding) : $encrypted; if (($this->hmac_check->getHash() & "") == 'umac') { $this->hmac_check->setNonce("\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', $this->get_seq_no)); if ($hmac != $this->hmac_check->hash($reconstructed)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid UMAC'); } } else { if ($hmac != $this->hmac_check->hash(pack('Na*', $this->get_seq_no, $reconstructed))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid HMAC'); } } } //if ($this->decompress) { // $payload = gzinflate(substr($payload, 2)); //} $this->get_seq_no++; if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $current = microtime(true); $message_number = isset($this->message_numbers[ord($payload[0])]) ? $this->message_numbers[ord($payload[0])] : 'UNKNOWN (' . ord($payload[0]) . ')'; $message_number = '<- ' . $message_number . ' (since last: ' . round($current - $this->last_packet, 4) . ', network: ' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; $this->append_log($message_number, $payload); $this->last_packet = $current; } return $this->filter($payload, $skip_channel_filter); } /** * Read Remaining Bytes * * @see self::get_binary_packet() * @param int $remaining_length * @return string * @access private */ private function read_remaining_bytes($remaining_length) { if (!$remaining_length) { return ''; } $adjustLength = false; if ($this->decrypt) { switch (true) { case $this->decrypt->name == '': case $this->decrypt->name == '': case $this->decrypt->name == '': case $this->hmac_check instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_check->etm: $remaining_length += $this->decrypt_block_size - 4; $adjustLength = true; } } // quoting , // "implementations SHOULD check that the packet length is reasonable" // PuTTY uses 0x9000 as the actual max packet size and so to shall we // don't do this when GCM mode is used since GCM mode doesn't encrypt the length if ($remaining_length < -$this->decrypt_block_size || $remaining_length > 0x9000 || $remaining_length % $this->decrypt_block_size != 0) { if (!$this->bad_key_size_fix && self::bad_algorithm_candidate($this->decrypt ? $this->decrypt->name : '') && !($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { $this->bad_key_size_fix = true; $this->reset_connection(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); return false; } throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid size'); } if ($adjustLength) { $remaining_length -= $this->decrypt_block_size - 4; } $buffer = ''; while ($remaining_length > 0) { $temp = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $remaining_length); if ($temp === false || feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading from socket'); } $buffer .= $temp; $remaining_length -= strlen($temp); } return $buffer; } /** * Filter Binary Packets * * Because some binary packets need to be ignored... * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @param string $payload * @param bool $filter_channel_packets * @return string * @access private */ private function filter($payload, $skip_channel_filter) { switch (ord($payload[0])) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT: Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($reason_code, $message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Ns', $payload); $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: ' . $this->disconnect_reasons[$reason_code] . "\r\n{$message}"; $this->bitmap = 0; return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE: $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_DEBUG: Strings::shift($payload, 2); // second byte is "always_display" list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $payload); $this->errors[] = "SSH_MSG_DEBUG: {$message}"; $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED: return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT: if ($this->session_id !== false) { if (!$this->key_exchange($payload)) { $this->bitmap = 0; return false; } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); } } // see; only called when the encryption has been activated and when we haven't already logged in if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED && !$this->isAuthenticated() && ord($payload[0]) == NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER) { Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($this->banner_message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $payload); $payload = $this->get_binary_packet(); } // only called when we've already logged in if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED && $this->isAuthenticated()) { switch (ord($payload[0])) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: if (!$skip_channel_filter && !empty($this->server_channels)) { $this->binary_packet_buffer = $payload; $this->get_channel_packet(true); $payload = $this->get_binary_packet(); } break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST: // see Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($request_name) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $payload); $this->errors[] = "SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST: {$request_name}"; try { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('C', NET_SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE)); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: // see Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($data, $server_channel) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sN', $payload); switch ($data) { case 'auth-agent': case '': if (isset($this->agent)) { $new_channel = self::CHANNEL_AGENT_FORWARD; list($remote_window_size, $remote_maximum_packet_size) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $payload); $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$new_channel] = $remote_window_size; $this->window_size_server_to_client[$new_channel] = $remote_maximum_packet_size; $this->window_size_client_to_server[$new_channel] = $this->window_size; $packet_size = 0x4000; $packet = pack('CN4', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, $server_channel, $new_channel, $packet_size, $packet_size); $this->server_channels[$new_channel] = $server_channel; $this->channel_status[$new_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION; $this->send_binary_packet($packet); } break; default: $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CN2ss', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, $server_channel, NET_SSH2_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, '', // description '' ); try { $this->send_binary_packet($packet); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); } } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST: Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($channel, $window_size) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $payload); $this->window_size_client_to_server[$channel] += $window_size; $payload = $this->bitmap & self::MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST ? true : $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); } } return $payload; } /** * Enable Quiet Mode * * Suppress stderr from output * * @access public */ public function enableQuietMode() { $this->quiet_mode = true; } /** * Disable Quiet Mode * * Show stderr in output * * @access public */ public function disableQuietMode() { $this->quiet_mode = false; } /** * Returns whether Quiet Mode is enabled or not * * @see self::enableQuietMode() * @see self::disableQuietMode() * @access public * @return bool */ public function isQuietModeEnabled() { return $this->quiet_mode; } /** * Enable request-pty when using exec() * * @access public */ public function enablePTY() { $this->request_pty = true; } /** * Disable request-pty when using exec() * * @access public */ public function disablePTY() { if ($this->in_request_pty_exec) { $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); $this->in_request_pty_exec = false; } $this->request_pty = false; } /** * Returns whether request-pty is enabled or not * * @see self::enablePTY() * @see self::disablePTY() * @access public * @return bool */ public function isPTYEnabled() { return $this->request_pty; } /** * Gets channel data * * Returns the data as a string if it's available and false if not. * * @param int $client_channel * @param bool $skip_extended * @return mixed * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @access private */ protected function get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended = false) { if (!empty($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel])) { return array_shift($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel]); } while (true) { if ($this->binary_packet_buffer !== false) { $response = $this->binary_packet_buffer; $this->binary_packet_buffer = false; } else { $read = [$this->fsock]; $write = $except = null; if (!$this->curTimeout) { @stream_select($read, $write, $except, null); } else { if ($this->curTimeout < 0) { $this->is_timeout = true; return true; } $read = [$this->fsock]; $write = $except = null; $start = microtime(true); $sec = floor($this->curTimeout); $usec = 1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec); // on windows this returns a "Warning: Invalid CRT parameters detected" error if (!@stream_select($read, $write, $except, $sec, $usec) && !count($read)) { $this->is_timeout = true; if ($client_channel == self::CHANNEL_EXEC && !$this->request_pty) { $this->close_channel($client_channel); } return true; } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; } $response = $this->get_binary_packet(true); if ($response === false) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } } if ($client_channel == -1 && $response === true) { return true; } list($type, $channel) = Strings::unpackSSH2('CN', $response); // will not be setup yet on incoming channel open request if (isset($channel) && isset($this->channel_status[$channel]) && isset($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel])) { $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] -= strlen($response); // resize the window, if appropriate if ($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] < 0) { // PuTTY does something more analogous to the following: //if ($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] < 0x3FFFFFFF) { $packet = pack('CNN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, $this->server_channels[$channel], $this->window_resize); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] += $this->window_resize; } switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA: /* if ($client_channel == self::CHANNEL_EXEC) { $this->send_channel_packet($client_channel, chr(0)); } */ // currently, there's only one possible value for $data_type_code: NET_SSH2_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR list($data_type_code, $data) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Ns', $response); $this->stdErrorLog .= $data; if ($skip_extended || $this->quiet_mode) { continue 2; } if ($client_channel == $channel && $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA) { return $data; } if (!isset($this->channel_buffers[$channel])) { $this->channel_buffers[$channel] = []; } $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = $data; continue 2; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: if ($this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { continue 2; } list($value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); switch ($value) { case 'exit-signal': list(, $signal_name, , $error_message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('bsbs', $response); $this->errors[] = "SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (exit-signal): {$signal_name}"; if (strlen($error_message)) { $this->errors[count($this->errors) - 1] .= "\r\n{$error_message}"; } $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$channel])); $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF; continue 3; case 'exit-status': list(, $this->exit_status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('CN', $response); // "The client MAY ignore these messages." // -- continue 3; default: // "Some systems may not implement signals, in which case they SHOULD ignore this message." // -- continue 3; } } switch ($this->channel_status[$channel]) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION: list($this->server_channels[$channel], $window_size, $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$channel]) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NNN', $response); if ($window_size < 0) { $window_size &= 0x7fffffff; $window_size += 0x80000000; } $this->window_size_client_to_server[$channel] = $window_size; $result = $client_channel == $channel ? true : $this->get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended); $this->on_channel_open(); return $result; //case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE: default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to open channel'); } break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: return true; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: return false; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to fulfill channel request'); } case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: return $type == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE ? true : $this->get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended); } } // ie. $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: /* if ($channel == self::CHANNEL_EXEC) { // SCP requires null packets, such as this, be sent. further, in the case of the SSH server // this actually seems to make things twice as fast. more to the point, the message right after // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (usually SSH_MSG_IGNORE) won't block for as long as it would have otherwise. // in OpenSSH it slows things down but only by a couple thousandths of a second. $this->send_channel_packet($channel, chr(0)); } */ list($data) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); if ($channel == self::CHANNEL_AGENT_FORWARD) { $agent_response = $this->agent->forwardData($data); if (!is_bool($agent_response)) { $this->send_channel_packet($channel, $agent_response); } break; } if ($client_channel == $channel) { return $data; } if (!isset($this->channel_buffers[$channel])) { $this->channel_buffers[$channel] = []; } $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = $data; break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: $this->curTimeout = 0; if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_SHELL) { $this->bitmap &= ~self::MASK_SHELL; } if ($this->channel_status[$channel] != NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$channel])); } $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE; if ($client_channel == $channel) { return true; } case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: break; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading channel data'); } } } /** * Sends Binary Packets * * See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @param string $data * @param string $logged * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @return bool * @access private */ protected function send_binary_packet($data, $logged = null) { if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed prematurely'); } //if ($this->compress) { // // the -4 removes the checksum: // // // $data = substr(gzcompress($data), 0, -4); //} // 4 (packet length) + 1 (padding length) + 4 (minimal padding amount) == 9 $packet_length = strlen($data) + 9; if ($this->encrypt && $this->encrypt->usesNonce()) { $packet_length -= 4; } // round up to the nearest $this->encrypt_block_size $packet_length += ($this->encrypt_block_size - 1) * $packet_length % $this->encrypt_block_size; // subtracting strlen($data) is obvious - subtracting 5 is necessary because of packet_length and padding_length $padding_length = $packet_length - strlen($data) - 5; switch (true) { case $this->encrypt && $this->encrypt->usesNonce(): case $this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_create->etm: $padding_length += 4; $packet_length += 4; } $padding = Random::string($padding_length); // we subtract 4 from packet_length because the packet_length field isn't supposed to include itself $packet = pack('NCa*', $packet_length - 4, $padding_length, $data . $padding); $hmac = ''; if ($this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && !$this->hmac_create->etm) { if (($this->hmac_create->getHash() & "") == 'umac') { $this->hmac_create->setNonce("\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', $this->send_seq_no)); $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash($packet); } else { $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash(pack('Na*', $this->send_seq_no, $packet)); } } if ($this->encrypt) { switch ($this->encrypt->name) { case '': case '': $this->encrypt->setNonce($this->encrypt->fixed . $this->encrypt->invocation_counter); Strings::increment_str($this->encrypt->invocation_counter); $this->encrypt->setAAD($temp = $packet & ""); $packet = $temp . $this->encrypt->encrypt(substr($packet, 4)); break; case '': $nonce = pack('N2', 0, $this->send_seq_no); $this->encrypt->setNonce($nonce); $this->lengthEncrypt->setNonce($nonce); $length = $this->lengthEncrypt->encrypt($packet & ""); $this->encrypt->setCounter(0); // this is the same approach that's implemented in Salsa20::createPoly1305Key() // but we don't want to use the same AEAD construction that RFC8439 describes // for ChaCha20-Poly1305 so we won't rely on it (see Salsa20::poly1305()) $this->encrypt->setPoly1305Key($this->encrypt->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 32))); $this->encrypt->setAAD($length); $this->encrypt->setCounter(1); $packet = $length . $this->encrypt->encrypt(substr($packet, 4)); break; default: $packet = $this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_create->etm ? ($packet & "") . $this->encrypt->encrypt(substr($packet, 4)) : $this->encrypt->encrypt($packet); } } if ($this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_create->etm) { if (($this->hmac_create->getHash() & "") == 'umac') { $this->hmac_create->setNonce("\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', $this->send_seq_no)); $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash($packet); } else { $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash(pack('Na*', $this->send_seq_no, $packet)); } } $this->send_seq_no++; $packet .= $this->encrypt && $this->encrypt->usesNonce() ? $this->encrypt->getTag() : $hmac; $start = microtime(true); $sent = fputs($this->fsock, $packet); $stop = microtime(true); if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $current = microtime(true); $message_number = isset($this->message_numbers[ord($data[0])]) ? $this->message_numbers[ord($data[0])] : 'UNKNOWN (' . ord($data[0]) . ')'; $message_number = '-> ' . $message_number . ' (since last: ' . round($current - $this->last_packet, 4) . ', network: ' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; $this->append_log($message_number, isset($logged) ? $logged : $data); $this->last_packet = $current; } if (strlen($packet) != $sent) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new \RuntimeException("Only {$sent} of " . strlen($packet) . " bytes were sent"); } } /** * Logs data packets * * Makes sure that only the last 1MB worth of packets will be logged * * @param string $message_number * @param string $message * @access private */ private function append_log($message_number, $message) { // remove the byte identifying the message type from all but the first two messages (ie. the identification strings) if (strlen($message_number) > 2) { Strings::shift($message); } switch (NET_SSH2_LOGGING) { // useful for benchmarks case self::LOG_SIMPLE: $this->message_number_log[] = $message_number; break; // the most useful log for SSH2 case self::LOG_COMPLEX: $this->message_number_log[] = $message_number; $this->log_size += strlen($message); $this->message_log[] = $message; while ($this->log_size > self::LOG_MAX_SIZE) { $this->log_size -= strlen(array_shift($this->message_log)); array_shift($this->message_number_log); } break; // dump the output out realtime; packets may be interspersed with non packets, // passwords won't be filtered out and select other packets may not be correctly // identified case self::LOG_REALTIME: switch (PHP_SAPI) { case 'cli': $start = $stop = "\r\n"; break; default: $start = '
                        $stop = '
'; } echo $start . $this->format_log([$message], [$message_number]) . $stop; @flush(); @ob_flush(); break; // basically the same thing as self::LOG_REALTIME with the caveat that NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILENAME // needs to be defined and that the resultant log file will be capped out at self::LOG_MAX_SIZE. // the earliest part of the log file is denoted by the first <<< START >>> and is not going to necessarily // at the beginning of the file case self::LOG_REALTIME_FILE: if (!isset($this->realtime_log_file)) { // PHP doesn't seem to like using constants in fopen() $filename = NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILENAME; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); $this->realtime_log_file = $fp; } if (!is_resource($this->realtime_log_file)) { break; } $entry = $this->format_log([$message], [$message_number]); if ($this->realtime_log_wrap) { $temp = "<<< START >>>\r\n"; $entry .= $temp; fseek($this->realtime_log_file, ftell($this->realtime_log_file) - strlen($temp)); } $this->realtime_log_size += strlen($entry); if ($this->realtime_log_size > self::LOG_MAX_SIZE) { fseek($this->realtime_log_file, 0); $this->realtime_log_size = strlen($entry); $this->realtime_log_wrap = true; } fputs($this->realtime_log_file, $entry); } } /** * Sends channel data * * Spans multiple SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATAs if appropriate * * @param int $client_channel * @param string $data * @return bool * @access private */ protected function send_channel_packet($client_channel, $data) { while (strlen($data)) { if (!$this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]) { $this->bitmap ^= self::MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST; // using an invalid channel will let the buffers be built up for the valid channels $this->get_channel_packet(-1); $this->bitmap ^= self::MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST; } /* The maximum amount of data allowed is determined by the maximum packet size for the channel, and the current window size, whichever is smaller. -- */ $max_size = min($this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel], $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]); $temp = Strings::shift($data, $max_size); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, $this->server_channels[$client_channel], $temp); $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel] -= strlen($temp); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); } return true; } /** * Closes and flushes a channel * * \tgseclib\Net\SSH2 doesn't properly close most channels. For exec() channels are normally closed by the server * and for SFTP channels are presumably closed when the client disconnects. This functions is intended * for SCP more than anything. * * @param int $client_channel * @param bool $want_reply * @return bool * @access private */ private function close_channel($client_channel, $want_reply = false) { // see $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); if (!$want_reply) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); } $this->channel_status[$client_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE; $this->curTimeout = 0; while (!is_bool($this->get_channel_packet($client_channel))) { } if ($want_reply) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); } if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_SHELL) { $this->bitmap &= ~self::MASK_SHELL; } } /** * Disconnect * * @param int $reason * @return bool * @access protected */ protected function disconnect_helper($reason) { if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED) { $data = Strings::packSSH2('CNss', NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT, $reason, '', ''); $this->send_binary_packet($data); } $this->bitmap = 0; if (is_resource($this->fsock) && get_resource_type($this->fsock) == 'stream') { fclose($this->fsock); } return false; } /** * Define Array * * Takes any number of arrays whose indices are integers and whose values are strings and defines a bunch of * named constants from it, using the value as the name of the constant and the index as the value of the constant. * If any of the constants that would be defined already exists, none of the constants will be defined. * * @param $args[] * @access protected */ protected function define_array(...$args) { foreach ($args as $arg) { foreach ($arg as $key => $value) { if (!defined($value)) { define($value, $key); } else { break 2; } } } } /** * Returns a log of the packets that have been sent and received. * * Returns a string if NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX, an array if NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_SIMPLE and false if !defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') * * @access public * @return array|false|string */ public function getLog() { if (!defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { return false; } switch (NET_SSH2_LOGGING) { case self::LOG_SIMPLE: return $this->message_number_log; case self::LOG_COMPLEX: $log = $this->format_log($this->message_log, $this->message_number_log); return PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? $log : '
' . $log . '
'; default: return false; } } /** * Formats a log for printing * * @param array $message_log * @param array $message_number_log * @access private * @return string */ protected function format_log($message_log, $message_number_log) { $output = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($message_log); $i++) { $output .= $message_number_log[$i] . "\r\n"; $current_log = $message_log[$i]; $j = 0; do { if (strlen($current_log)) { $output .= str_pad(dechex($j), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '0 '; } $fragment = Strings::shift($current_log, $this->log_short_width); $hex = substr(preg_replace_callback('#.#s', [$this, 'format_log_helper'], $fragment), strlen($this->log_boundary)); // replace non ASCII printable characters with dots // // also replace < with a . since < messes up the output on web browsers $raw = preg_replace('#[^\\x20-\\x7E]|<#', '.', $fragment); $output .= str_pad($hex, $this->log_long_width - $this->log_short_width, ' ') . $raw . "\r\n"; $j++; } while (strlen($current_log)); $output .= "\r\n"; } return $output; } /** * Helper function for _format_log * * For use with preg_replace_callback() * * @param array $matches * @access private * @return string */ private function format_log_helper($matches) { return $this->log_boundary . str_pad(dechex(ord($matches[0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Helper function for agent->on_channel_open() * * Used when channels are created to inform agent * of said channel opening. Must be called after * channel open confirmation received * * @access private */ private function on_channel_open() { if (isset($this->agent)) { $this->agent->registerChannelOpen($this); } } /** * Returns the first value of the intersection of two arrays or false if * the intersection is empty. The order is defined by the first parameter. * * @param array $array1 * @param array $array2 * @return mixed False if intersection is empty, else intersected value. * @access private */ private static function array_intersect_first($array1, $array2) { foreach ($array1 as $value) { if (in_array($value, $array2)) { return $value; } } return false; } /** * Returns all errors * * @return string[] * @access public */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } /** * Returns the last error * * @return string * @access public */ public function getLastError() { $count = count($this->errors); if ($count > 0) { return $this->errors[$count - 1]; } } /** * Return the server identification. * * @return string * @access public */ public function getServerIdentification() { $this->connect(); return $this->server_identifier; } /** * Returns a list of algorithms the server supports * * @return array * @access public */ public function getServerAlgorithms() { $this->connect(); return ['kex' => $this->kex_algorithms, 'hostkey' => $this->server_host_key_algorithms, 'client_to_server' => ['crypt' => $this->encryption_algorithms_client_to_server, 'mac' => $this->mac_algorithms_client_to_server, 'comp' => $this->compression_algorithms_client_to_server, 'lang' => $this->languages_client_to_server], 'server_to_client' => ['crypt' => $this->encryption_algorithms_server_to_client, 'mac' => $this->mac_algorithms_server_to_client, 'comp' => $this->compression_algorithms_server_to_client, 'lang' => $this->languages_server_to_client]]; } /** * Returns a list of KEX algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array * @access public */ public static function getSupportedKEXAlgorithms() { $kex_algorithms = [ // Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (ECDH) using // Curve25519. See doc/ in the // libssh repository for more information. 'curve25519-sha256', '', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256', // RFC 5656 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', // RFC 5656 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521', // RFC 5656 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256', // RFC 4419 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', // RFC 4419 // Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (DH) using integer modulo prime // groups. 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', // REQUIRED 'diffie-hellman-group15-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group17-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', ]; return $kex_algorithms; } /** * Returns a list of host key algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array * @access public */ public static function getSupportedHostKeyAlgorithms() { return [ 'ssh-ed25519', // 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', // RFC 5656 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', // RFC 5656 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', // RFC 5656 'rsa-sha2-256', // RFC 8332 'rsa-sha2-512', // RFC 8332 'ssh-rsa', // RECOMMENDED sign Raw RSA Key 'ssh-dss', ]; } /** * Returns a list of symmetric key algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array * @access public */ public static function getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms() { $algos = [ // from : '', '', // from : 'arcfour256', 'arcfour128', //'arcfour', // OPTIONAL the ARCFOUR stream cipher with a 128-bit key // CTR modes from : 'aes128-ctr', // RECOMMENDED AES (Rijndael) in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key 'aes192-ctr', // RECOMMENDED AES with 192-bit key 'aes256-ctr', // RECOMMENDED AES with 256-bit key // from : // one of the big benefits of chacha20-poly1305 is speed. the problem is... // libsodium doesn't generate the poly1305 keys in the way ssh does and openssl's PHP bindings don't even // seem to support poly1305 currently. so even if libsodium or openssl are being used for the chacha20 // part, pure-PHP has to be used for the poly1305 part and that's gonna cause a big slow down. // speed-wise it winds up being faster to use AES (when openssl or mcrypt are available) and some HMAC // (which is always gonna be super fast to compute thanks to the hash extension, which // "is bundled and compiled into PHP by default") '', 'twofish128-ctr', // OPTIONAL Twofish in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key 'twofish192-ctr', // OPTIONAL Twofish with 192-bit key 'twofish256-ctr', // OPTIONAL Twofish with 256-bit key 'aes128-cbc', // RECOMMENDED AES with a 128-bit key 'aes192-cbc', // OPTIONAL AES with a 192-bit key 'aes256-cbc', // OPTIONAL AES in CBC mode, with a 256-bit key 'twofish128-cbc', // OPTIONAL Twofish with a 128-bit key 'twofish192-cbc', // OPTIONAL Twofish with a 192-bit key 'twofish256-cbc', 'twofish-cbc', // OPTIONAL alias for "twofish256-cbc" // (this is being retained for historical reasons) 'blowfish-ctr', // OPTIONAL Blowfish in SDCTR mode 'blowfish-cbc', // OPTIONAL Blowfish in CBC mode '3des-ctr', // RECOMMENDED Three-key 3DES in SDCTR mode '3des-cbc', ]; $engines = ['libsodium', 'OpenSSL (GCM)', 'OpenSSL', 'mcrypt', 'Eval', 'PHP']; $ciphers = []; foreach ($engines as $engine) { foreach ($algos as $algo) { $obj = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($algo); if ($obj instanceof Rijndael) { $obj->setKeyLength(preg_replace('#[^\\d]#', '', $algo)); } switch ($algo) { case '': case 'arcfour128': case 'arcfour256': if ($engine != 'Eval') { continue 2; } break; case '': case '': if ($engine == 'OpenSSL') { continue 2; } $obj->setNonce('dummydummydu'); } if ($obj->isValidEngine($engine)) { $algos = array_diff($algos, [$algo]); $ciphers[] = $algo; } } } return $ciphers; } /** * Returns a list of MAC algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array * @access public */ public static function getSupportedMACAlgorithms() { return [ '', '', '', '', '', // from : 'hmac-sha2-256', // RECOMMENDED HMAC-SHA256 (digest length = key length = 32) 'hmac-sha2-512', // OPTIONAL HMAC-SHA512 (digest length = key length = 64) // from : '', '', 'hmac-sha1-96', // RECOMMENDED first 96 bits of HMAC-SHA1 (digest length = 12, key length = 20) 'hmac-sha1', // REQUIRED HMAC-SHA1 (digest length = key length = 20) 'hmac-md5-96', // OPTIONAL first 96 bits of HMAC-MD5 (digest length = 12, key length = 16) 'hmac-md5', ]; } /** * Returns a list of compression algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array * @access public */ public static function getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms() { return ['none']; } /** * Return list of negotiated algorithms * * Uses the same format as * * @return array * @access public */ public function getAlgorithmsNegotiated() { $this->connect(); return ['kex' => $this->kex_algorithm, 'hostkey' => $this->signature_format, 'client_to_server' => ['crypt' => $this->encrypt->name, 'mac' => $this->hmac_create->name, 'comp' => 'none'], 'server_to_client' => ['crypt' => $this->decrypt->name, 'mac' => $this->hmac_check->name, 'comp' => 'none']]; } /** * Accepts an associative array with up to four parameters as described at * * * @param array $methods * @access public */ public function setPreferredAlgorithms(array $methods) { $preferred = $methods; if (isset($preferred['kex'])) { $preferred['kex'] = array_intersect($preferred['kex'], static::getSupportedKEXAlgorithms()); } if (isset($preferred['hostkey'])) { $preferred['hostkey'] = array_intersect($preferred['hostkey'], static::getSupportedHostKeyAlgorithms()); } $keys = ['client_to_server', 'server_to_client']; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($preferred[$key])) { $a =& $preferred[$key]; if (isset($a['crypt'])) { $a['crypt'] = array_intersect($a['crypt'], static::getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms()); } if (isset($a['comp'])) { $a['comp'] = array_intersect($a['comp'], static::getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms()); } if (isset($a['mac'])) { $a['mac'] = array_intersect($a['mac'], static::getSupportedMACAlgorithms()); } } } $keys = ['kex', 'hostkey', 'client_to_server/crypt', 'client_to_server/comp', 'client_to_server/mac', 'server_to_client/crypt', 'server_to_client/comp', 'server_to_client/mac']; foreach ($keys as $key) { $p = $preferred; $m = $methods; $subkeys = explode('/', $key); foreach ($subkeys as $subkey) { if (!isset($p[$subkey])) { continue 2; } $p = $p[$subkey]; $m = $m[$subkey]; } if (count($p) != count($m)) { $diff = array_diff($m, $p); $msg = count($diff) == 1 ? ' is not a supported algorithm' : ' are not supported algorithms'; throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException(implode(', ', $diff) . $msg); } } $this->preferred = $preferred; } /** * Returns the banner message. * * Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before * authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection." * * @return string * @access public */ public function getBannerMessage() { return $this->banner_message; } /** * Returns the server public host key. * * Caching this the first time you connect to a server and checking the result on subsequent connections * is recommended. Returns false if the server signature is not signed correctly with the public host key. * * @return mixed * @throws \RuntimeException on badly formatted keys * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException when the key isn't in a supported format * @access public */ public function getServerPublicHostKey() { if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR)) { if (!$this->connect()) { return false; } } $signature = $this->signature; $server_public_host_key = base64_encode($this->server_public_host_key); if ($this->signature_validated) { return $this->bitmap ? $this->signature_format . ' ' . $server_public_host_key : false; } $this->signature_validated = true; switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'ssh-ed25519': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': $key = EC::loadFormat('OpenSSH', $server_public_host_key)->withSignatureFormat('SSH2'); switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'ssh-ed25519': Strings::shift($signature, 4 + strlen('ssh-ed25519') + 4); $hash = 'sha512'; break; case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': $hash = 'sha256'; break; case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': $hash = 'sha384'; break; case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': $hash = 'sha512'; } $key = $key->withHash($hash); break; case 'ssh-dss': $key = DSA::loadFormat('OpenSSH', $server_public_host_key)->withSignatureFormat('SSH2')->withHash('sha1'); break; case 'ssh-rsa': case 'rsa-sha2-256': case 'rsa-sha2-512': if (strlen($signature) < 15) { return false; } Strings::shift($signature, 11); $temp = unpack('Nlength', Strings::shift($signature, 4)); $signature = Strings::shift($signature, $temp['length']); $key = RSA::loadFormat('OpenSSH', $server_public_host_key)->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'rsa-sha2-512': $hash = 'sha512'; break; case 'rsa-sha2-256': $hash = 'sha256'; break; //case 'ssh-rsa': default: $hash = 'sha1'; } $key = $key->withHash($hash); break; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('Unsupported signature format'); } if (!$key->verify($this->exchange_hash, $signature)) { return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE); } return $this->signature_format . ' ' . $server_public_host_key; } /** * Returns the exit status of an SSH command or false. * * @return false|int * @access public */ public function getExitStatus() { if (is_null($this->exit_status)) { return false; } return $this->exit_status; } /** * Returns the number of columns for the terminal window size. * * @return int * @access public */ public function getWindowColumns() { return $this->windowColumns; } /** * Returns the number of rows for the terminal window size. * * @return int * @access public */ public function getWindowRows() { return $this->windowRows; } /** * Sets the number of columns for the terminal window size. * * @param int $value * @access public */ public function setWindowColumns($value) { $this->windowColumns = $value; } /** * Sets the number of rows for the terminal window size. * * @param int $value * @access public */ public function setWindowRows($value) { $this->windowRows = $value; } /** * Sets the number of columns and rows for the terminal window size. * * @param int $columns * @param int $rows * @access public */ public function setWindowSize($columns = 80, $rows = 24) { $this->windowColumns = $columns; $this->windowRows = $rows; } /** * To String Magic Method * * @return string * @access public */ public function __toString() { return $this->getResourceId(); } /** * Get Resource ID * * We use {} because that symbols should not be in URL according to * {@link RFC}. * It will safe us from any conflicts, because otherwise regexp will * match all alphanumeric domains. * * @return string */ public function getResourceId() { return '{' . spl_object_hash($this) . '}'; } /** * Return existing connection * * @param string $id * * @return bool|SSH2 will return false if no such connection */ public static function getConnectionByResourceId($id) { return isset(self::$connections[$id]) ? self::$connections[$id] : false; } /** * Return all excising connections * * @return SSH2[] */ public static function getConnections() { return self::$connections; } } * @copyright 2013 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Net\SFTP; use tgseclib\Crypt\RSA; use tgseclib\Net\SFTP; use tgseclib\Net\SSH2; /** * SFTP Stream Wrapper * * @package SFTP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class Stream { /** * SFTP instances * * Rather than re-create the connection we re-use instances if possible * * @var array */ static $instances; /** * SFTP instance * * @var object * @access private */ private $sftp; /** * Path * * @var string * @access private */ private $path; /** * Mode * * @var string * @access private */ private $mode; /** * Position * * @var int * @access private */ private $pos; /** * Size * * @var int * @access private */ private $size; /** * Directory entries * * @var array * @access private */ private $entries; /** * EOF flag * * @var bool * @access private */ private $eof; /** * Context resource * * Technically this needs to be publicly accessible so PHP can set it directly * * @var resource * @access public */ public $context; /** * Notification callback function * * @var callable * @access public */ private $notification; /** * Registers this class as a URL wrapper. * * @param string $protocol The wrapper name to be registered. * @return bool True on success, false otherwise. * @access public */ public static function register($protocol = 'sftp') { if (in_array($protocol, stream_get_wrappers(), true)) { return false; } return stream_wrapper_register($protocol, get_called_class()); } /** * The Constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct() { if (defined('NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING')) { echo "__construct()\r\n"; } } /** * Path Parser * * Extract a path from a URI and actually connect to an SSH server if appropriate * * If "notification" is set as a context parameter the message code for successful login is * NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS. For a failed login it's NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE. * * @param string $path * @return string * @access private */ private function parse_path($path) { $orig = $path; extract(parse_url($path) + ['port' => 22]); if (isset($query)) { $path .= '?' . $query; } elseif (preg_match('/(\\?|\\?#)$/', $orig)) { $path .= '?'; } if (isset($fragment)) { $path .= '#' . $fragment; } elseif ($orig[strlen($orig) - 1] == '#') { $path .= '#'; } if (!isset($host)) { return false; } if (isset($this->context)) { $context = stream_context_get_params($this->context); if (isset($context['notification'])) { $this->notification = $context['notification']; } } if (preg_match('/^{[a-z0-9]+}$/i', $host)) { $host = SSH2::getConnectionByResourceId($host); if ($host === false) { return false; } $this->sftp = $host; } else { if (isset($this->context)) { $context = stream_context_get_options($this->context); } if (isset($context[$scheme]['session'])) { $sftp = $context[$scheme]['session']; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['sftp'])) { $sftp = $context[$scheme]['sftp']; } if (isset($sftp) && $sftp instanceof SFTP) { $this->sftp = $sftp; return $path; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['username'])) { $user = $context[$scheme]['username']; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['password'])) { $pass = $context[$scheme]['password']; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['privkey']) && $context[$scheme]['privkey'] instanceof RSA) { $pass = $context[$scheme]['privkey']; } if (!isset($user) || !isset($pass)) { return false; } // casting $pass to a string is necessary in the event that it's a \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA object if (isset(self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass])) { $this->sftp = self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass]; } else { $this->sftp = new SFTP($host, $port); $this->sftp->disableStatCache(); if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) { /* if !is_callable($this->notification) we could do this: user_error('fopen(): failed to call user notifier', E_USER_WARNING); the ftp wrapper gives errors like that when the notifier isn't callable. i've opted not to do that, however, since the ftp wrapper gives the line on which the fopen occurred as the line number - not the line that the user_error is on. */ call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, 0, 0); call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, 0, 0); if (!$this->sftp->login($user, $pass)) { call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, 'Login Failure', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, 0, 0); return false; } call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, 'Login Success', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, 0, 0); } else { if (!$this->sftp->login($user, $pass)) { return false; } } self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass] = $this->sftp; } } return $path; } /** * Opens file or URL * * @param string $path * @param string $mode * @param int $options * @param string $opened_path * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } $this->path = $path; $this->size = $this->sftp->size($path); $this->mode = preg_replace('#[bt]$#', '', $mode); $this->eof = false; if ($this->size === false) { if ($this->mode[0] == 'r') { return false; } else { $this->sftp->touch($path); $this->size = 0; } } else { switch ($this->mode[0]) { case 'x': return false; case 'w': $this->sftp->truncate($path, 0); $this->size = 0; } } $this->pos = $this->mode[0] != 'a' ? 0 : $this->size; return true; } /** * Read from stream * * @param int $count * @return mixed * @access public */ private function _stream_read($count) { switch ($this->mode) { case 'w': case 'a': case 'x': case 'c': return false; } // commented out because some files - eg. /dev/urandom - will say their size is 0 when in fact it's kinda infinite //if ($this->pos >= $this->size) { // $this->eof = true; // return false; //} $result = $this->sftp->get($this->path, false, $this->pos, $count); if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) { if ($result === false) { call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, $this->sftp->getLastSFTPError(), NET_SFTP_OPEN, 0, 0); return 0; } // seems that PHP calls stream_read in 8k chunks call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, strlen($result), $this->size); } if (empty($result)) { // ie. false or empty string $this->eof = true; return false; } $this->pos += strlen($result); return $result; } /** * Write to stream * * @param string $data * @return mixed * @access public */ private function _stream_write($data) { switch ($this->mode) { case 'r': return false; } $result = $this->sftp->put($this->path, $data, SFTP::SOURCE_STRING, $this->pos); if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) { if (!$result) { call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, $this->sftp->getLastSFTPError(), NET_SFTP_OPEN, 0, 0); return 0; } // seems that PHP splits up strings into 8k blocks before calling stream_write call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, strlen($data), strlen($data)); } if ($result === false) { return false; } $this->pos += strlen($data); if ($this->pos > $this->size) { $this->size = $this->pos; } $this->eof = false; return strlen($data); } /** * Retrieve the current position of a stream * * @return int * @access public */ private function _stream_tell() { return $this->pos; } /** * Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer * * In my testing there are four classes functions that normally effect the pointer: * fseek, fputs / fwrite, fgets / fread and ftruncate. * * Only fgets / fread, however, results in feof() returning true. do fputs($fp, 'aaa') on a blank file and feof() * will return false. do fread($fp, 1) and feof() will then return true. do fseek($fp, 10) on ablank file and feof() * will return false. do fread($fp, 1) and feof() will then return true. * * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_eof() { return $this->eof; } /** * Seeks to specific location in a stream * * @param int $offset * @param int $whence * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_seek($offset, $whence) { switch ($whence) { case SEEK_SET: if ($offset >= $this->size || $offset < 0) { return false; } break; case SEEK_CUR: $offset += $this->pos; break; case SEEK_END: $offset += $this->size; } $this->pos = $offset; $this->eof = false; return true; } /** * Change stream options * * @param string $path * @param int $option * @param mixed $var * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_metadata($path, $option, $var) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } // stream_metadata was introduced in PHP 5.4.0 but as of 5.4.11 the constants haven't been defined // see and // and switch ($option) { case 1: // PHP_STREAM_META_TOUCH return $this->sftp->touch($path, $var[0], $var[1]); case 2: // PHP_STREAM_OWNER_NAME case 3: // PHP_STREAM_GROUP_NAME return false; case 4: // PHP_STREAM_META_OWNER return $this->sftp->chown($path, $var); case 5: // PHP_STREAM_META_GROUP return $this->sftp->chgrp($path, $var); case 6: // PHP_STREAM_META_ACCESS return $this->sftp->chmod($path, $var) !== false; } } /** * Retrieve the underlaying resource * * @param int $cast_as * @return resource * @access public */ private function _stream_cast($cast_as) { return $this->sftp->fsock; } /** * Advisory file locking * * @param int $operation * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_lock($operation) { return false; } /** * Renames a file or directory * * Attempts to rename oldname to newname, moving it between directories if necessary. * If newname exists, it will be overwritten. This is a departure from what \tgseclib\Net\SFTP * does. * * @param string $path_from * @param string $path_to * @return bool * @access public */ private function _rename($path_from, $path_to) { $path1 = parse_url($path_from); $path2 = parse_url($path_to); unset($path1['path'], $path2['path']); if ($path1 != $path2) { return false; } $path_from = $this->parse_path($path_from); $path_to = parse_url($path_to); if ($path_from === false) { return false; } $path_to = $path_to['path']; // the $component part of parse_url() was added in PHP 5.1.2 // "It is an error if there already exists a file with the name specified by newpath." // -- if (!$this->sftp->rename($path_from, $path_to)) { if ($this->sftp->stat($path_to)) { return $this->sftp->delete($path_to, true) && $this->sftp->rename($path_from, $path_to); } return false; } return true; } /** * Open directory handle * * The only $options is "whether or not to enforce safe_mode (0x04)". Since safe mode was deprecated in 5.3 and * removed in 5.4 I'm just going to ignore it. * * Also, nlist() is the best that this function is realistically going to be able to do. When an SFTP client * sends a SSH_FXP_READDIR packet you don't generally get info on just one file but on multiple files. Quoting * the SFTP specs: * * The SSH_FXP_NAME response has the following format: * * uint32 id * uint32 count * repeats count times: * string filename * string longname * ATTRS attrs * * @param string $path * @param int $options * @return bool * @access public */ private function _dir_opendir($path, $options) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } $this->pos = 0; $this->entries = $this->sftp->nlist($path); return $this->entries !== false; } /** * Read entry from directory handle * * @return mixed * @access public */ private function _dir_readdir() { if (isset($this->entries[$this->pos])) { return $this->entries[$this->pos++]; } return false; } /** * Rewind directory handle * * @return bool * @access public */ private function _dir_rewinddir() { $this->pos = 0; return true; } /** * Close directory handle * * @return bool * @access public */ private function _dir_closedir() { return true; } /** * Create a directory * * Only valid $options is STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @param int $options * @return bool * @access public */ private function _mkdir($path, $mode, $options) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } return $this->sftp->mkdir($path, $mode, $options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE); } /** * Removes a directory * * Only valid $options is STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE per , however, * does not have a $recursive parameter as mkdir() does so I don't know how * STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE is supposed to be set. Also, when I try it out with rmdir() I get 8 as * $options. What does 8 correspond to? * * @param string $path * @param int $options * @return bool * @access public */ private function _rmdir($path, $options) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } return $this->sftp->rmdir($path); } /** * Flushes the output * * See . Always returns true because \tgseclib\Net\SFTP doesn't cache stuff before writing * * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_flush() { return true; } /** * Retrieve information about a file resource * * @return mixed * @access public */ private function _stream_stat() { $results = $this->sftp->stat($this->path); if ($results === false) { return false; } return $results; } /** * Delete a file * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ private function _unlink($path) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } return $this->sftp->delete($path, false); } /** * Retrieve information about a file * * Ignores the STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET flag because the entirety of \tgseclib\Net\SFTP\Stream is quiet by default * might be worthwhile to reconstruct bits 12-16 (ie. the file type) if mode doesn't have them but we'll * cross that bridge when and if it's reached * * @param string $path * @param int $flags * @return mixed * @access public */ private function _url_stat($path, $flags) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } $results = $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK ? $this->sftp->lstat($path) : $this->sftp->stat($path); if ($results === false) { return false; } return $results; } /** * Truncate stream * * @param int $new_size * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_truncate($new_size) { if (!$this->sftp->truncate($this->path, $new_size)) { return false; } $this->eof = false; $this->size = $new_size; return true; } /** * Change stream options * * STREAM_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER isn't supported for the same reason stream_flush isn't. * The other two aren't supported because of limitations in \tgseclib\Net\SFTP. * * @param int $option * @param int $arg1 * @param int $arg2 * @return bool * @access public */ private function _stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2) { return false; } /** * Close an resource * * @access public */ private function _stream_close() { } /** * __call Magic Method * * When you're utilizing an SFTP stream you're not calling the methods in this class directly - PHP is calling them for you. * Which kinda begs the question... what methods is PHP calling and what parameters is it passing to them? This function * lets you figure that out. * * If NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING is defined all calls will be output on the screen and then (regardless of whether or not * NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING is enabled) the parameters will be passed through to the appropriate method. * * @param string * @param array * @return mixed * @access public */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { if (defined('NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING')) { echo $name . '('; $last = count($arguments) - 1; foreach ($arguments as $i => $argument) { var_export($argument); if ($i != $last) { echo ','; } } echo ")\r\n"; } $name = '_' . $name; if (!method_exists($this, $name)) { return false; } return call_user_func_array([$this, $name], $arguments); } } * login('username', 'password')) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $sftp->pwd() . "\r\n"; * $sftp->put('filename.ext', 'hello, world!'); * print_r($sftp->nlist()); * ?> * * * @category Net * @package SFTP * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license MIT License * @link */ namespace tgseclib\Net; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use tgseclib\Exception\FileNotFoundException; use tgseclib\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * Pure-PHP implementations of SFTP. * * @package SFTP * @author Jim Wigginton * @access public */ class SFTP extends SSH2 { /** * SFTP channel constant * * \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::exec() uses 0 and \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::read() / \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::write() use 1. * * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::send_channel_packet() * @see \tgseclib\Net\SSH2::get_channel_packet() * @access private */ const CHANNEL = 0x100; /**#@+ * @access public * @see \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::put() */ /** * Reads data from a local file. */ const SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE = 1; /** * Reads data from a string. */ // this value isn't really used anymore but i'm keeping it reserved for historical reasons const SOURCE_STRING = 2; /** * Reads data from callback: * function callback($length) returns string to proceed, null for EOF */ const SOURCE_CALLBACK = 16; /** * Resumes an upload */ const RESUME = 4; /** * Append a local file to an already existing remote file */ const RESUME_START = 8; /**#@-*/ /** * Packet Types * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $packet_types = []; /** * Status Codes * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private $status_codes = []; /** * The Request ID * * The request ID exists in the off chance that a packet is sent out-of-order. Of course, this library doesn't support * concurrent actions, so it's somewhat academic, here. * * @var boolean * @see self::_send_sftp_packet() * @access private */ private $use_request_id = false; /** * The Packet Type * * The request ID exists in the off chance that a packet is sent out-of-order. Of course, this library doesn't support * concurrent actions, so it's somewhat academic, here. * * @var int * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @access private */ private $packet_type = -1; /** * Packet Buffer * * @var string * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @access private */ private $packet_buffer = ''; /** * Extensions supported by the server * * @var array * @see self::_initChannel() * @access private */ private $extensions = []; /** * Server SFTP version * * @var int * @see self::_initChannel() * @access private */ private $version; /** * Current working directory * * @var string * @see self::realpath() * @see self::chdir() * @access private */ private $pwd = false; /** * Packet Type Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array * @access private */ private $packet_type_log = []; /** * Packet Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array * @access private */ private $packet_log = []; /** * Error information * * @see self::getSFTPErrors() * @see self::getLastSFTPError() * @var array * @access private */ private $sftp_errors = []; /** * Stat Cache * * Rather than always having to open a directory and close it immediately there after to see if a file is a directory * we'll cache the results. * * @see self::_update_stat_cache() * @see self::_remove_from_stat_cache() * @see self::_query_stat_cache() * @var array * @access private */ private $stat_cache = []; /** * Max SFTP Packet Size * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::get() * @var array * @access private */ private $max_sftp_packet; /** * Stat Cache Flag * * @see self::disableStatCache() * @see self::enableStatCache() * @var bool * @access private */ private $use_stat_cache = true; /** * Sort Options * * @see self::_comparator() * @see self::setListOrder() * @var array * @access private */ private $sortOptions = []; /** * Canonicalization Flag * * Determines whether or not paths should be canonicalized before being * passed on to the remote server. * * @see self::enablePathCanonicalization() * @see self::disablePathCanonicalization() * @see self::realpath() * @var bool * @access private */ private $canonicalize_paths = true; /** * Request Buffers * * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @var array * @access private */ var $requestBuffer = array(); /** * Default Constructor. * * Connects to an SFTP server * * @param string $host * @param int $port * @param int $timeout * @return \tgseclib\Net\SFTP * @access public */ public function __construct($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10) { parent::__construct($host, $port, $timeout); $this->max_sftp_packet = 1 << 15; $this->packet_types = [ 1 => 'NET_SFTP_INIT', 2 => 'NET_SFTP_VERSION', /* the format of SSH_FXP_OPEN changed between SFTPv4 and SFTPv5+: SFTPv5+: pre-SFTPv5 : */ 3 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN', 4 => 'NET_SFTP_CLOSE', 5 => 'NET_SFTP_READ', 6 => 'NET_SFTP_WRITE', 7 => 'NET_SFTP_LSTAT', 9 => 'NET_SFTP_SETSTAT', 11 => 'NET_SFTP_OPENDIR', 12 => 'NET_SFTP_READDIR', 13 => 'NET_SFTP_REMOVE', 14 => 'NET_SFTP_MKDIR', 15 => 'NET_SFTP_RMDIR', 16 => 'NET_SFTP_REALPATH', 17 => 'NET_SFTP_STAT', /* the format of SSH_FXP_RENAME changed between SFTPv4 and SFTPv5+: SFTPv5+: pre-SFTPv5 : */ 18 => 'NET_SFTP_RENAME', 19 => 'NET_SFTP_READLINK', 20 => 'NET_SFTP_SYMLINK', 101 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS', 102 => 'NET_SFTP_HANDLE', /* the format of SSH_FXP_NAME changed between SFTPv3 and SFTPv4+: SFTPv4+: pre-SFTPv4 : */ 103 => 'NET_SFTP_DATA', 104 => 'NET_SFTP_NAME', 105 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTRS', 200 => 'NET_SFTP_EXTENDED', ]; $this->status_codes = [0 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK', 1 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_EOF', 2 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE', 3 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED', 4 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FAILURE', 5 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE', 6 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION', 7 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_CONNECTION_LOST', 8 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OP_UNSUPPORTED', 9 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE', 10 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SUCH_PATH', 11 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS', 12 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_WRITE_PROTECT', 13 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_MEDIA', 14 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SPACE_ON_FILESYSTEM', 15 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED', 16 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL', 17 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_LOCK_CONFLICT', 18 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_DIR_NOT_EMPTY', 19 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY', 20 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_INVALID_FILENAME', 21 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_LINK_LOOP', 22 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE', 23 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER', 24 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY', 25 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK_CONFLICT', 26 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK_REFUSED', 27 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_DELETE_PENDING', 28 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT', 29 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OWNER_INVALID', 30 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_GROUP_INVALID', 31 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_MATCHING_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK']; // // the order, in this case, matters quite a lot - see \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::_parseAttributes() to understand why $this->attributes = [ 0x1 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE', 0x2 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID', // defined in SFTPv3, removed in SFTPv4+ 0x4 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS', 0x8 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME', // 0x80000000 will yield a floating point on 32-bit systems and converting floating points to integers // yields inconsistent behavior depending on how php is compiled. so we left shift -1 (which, in // two's compliment, consists of all 1 bits) by 31. on 64-bit systems this'll yield 0xFFFFFFFF80000000. // that's not a problem, however, and 'anded' and a 32-bit number, as all the leading 1 bits are ignored. -1 << 31 & 0xffffffff => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_EXTENDED', ]; // // the flag definitions change somewhat in SFTPv5+. if SFTPv5+ support is added to this library, maybe name // the array for that $this->open5_flags and similarly alter the constant names. $this->open_flags = [0x1 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_READ', 0x2 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE', 0x4 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND', 0x8 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE', 0x10 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE', 0x20 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_EXCL']; // // see \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::_parseLongname() for an explanation $this->file_types = [ 1 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR', 2 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY', 3 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK', 4 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL', 5 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN', // the following types were first defined for use in SFTPv5+ // 6 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SOCKET', 7 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE', 8 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE', 9 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO', ]; $this->define_array($this->packet_types, $this->status_codes, $this->attributes, $this->open_flags, $this->file_types); if (!defined('NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE')) { define('NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE', 32); } } /** * Login * * @param string $username * @param $args[] string password * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool * @access public */ public function login($username,...$args) { $this->auth[] = array_merge([$username], $args); if (!$this->sublogin($username,...$args)) { return false; } $this->window_size_server_to_client[self::CHANNEL] = $this->window_size; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CsN3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, 'session', self::CHANNEL, $this->window_size, 0x4000); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($response === false) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsbs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL], 'subsystem', true, 'sftp'); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($response === false) { // from PuTTY's psftp.exe $command = "test -x /usr/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/lib/sftp-server\n" . "test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/local/lib/sftp-server\n" . "exec sftp-server"; // we don't do $this->exec($command, false) because exec() operates on a different channel and plus the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN that exec() does // is redundant $packet = Strings::packSSH2('CNsCs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL], 'exec', 1, $command); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($response === false) { return false; } } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_INIT, "\0\0\0\3")) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_VERSION) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_VERSION. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($this->version) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); while (!empty($response)) { list($key, $value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); $this->extensions[$key] = $value; } /* SFTPv4+ defines a 'newline' extension. SFTPv3 seems to have unofficial support for it via '', however, I'm not sure what '' is supposed to do (the fact that it's unofficial means that it's not in the official SFTPv3 specs) and '' / 'newline' are likely not drop-in substitutes for one another due to the fact that 'newline' comes with a SSH_FXF_TEXT bitmask whereas it seems unlikely that '' would. */ /* if (isset($this->extensions[''])) { $this->extensions['newline'] = $this->extensions['']; unset($this->extensions['']); } */ $this->use_request_id = true; /* A Note on SFTPv4/5/6 support: states the following: "If the client wishes to interoperate with servers that support noncontiguous version numbers it SHOULD send '3'" Given that the server only sends its version number after the client has already done so, the above seems to be suggesting that v3 should be the default version. This makes sense given that v3 is the most popular. states the following; "If the server did not send the "versions" extension, or the version-from-list was not included, the server MAY send a status response describing the failure, but MUST then close the channel without processing any further requests." So what do you do if you have a client whose initial SSH_FXP_INIT packet says it implements v3 and a server whose initial SSH_FXP_VERSION reply says it implements v4 and only v4? If it only implements v4, the "versions" extension is likely not going to have been sent so version re-negotiation as discussed in draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 would be quite impossible. As such, what \tgseclib\Net\SFTP would do is close the channel and reopen it with a new and updated SSH_FXP_INIT packet. */ switch ($this->version) { case 2: case 3: break; default: return false; } $this->pwd = $this->realpath('.'); $this->update_stat_cache($this->pwd, []); return true; } /** * Disable the stat cache * * @access public */ function disableStatCache() { $this->use_stat_cache = false; } /** * Enable the stat cache * * @access public */ public function enableStatCache() { $this->use_stat_cache = true; } /** * Clear the stat cache * * @access public */ public function clearStatCache() { $this->stat_cache = []; } /** * Enable path canonicalization * * @access public */ public function enablePathCanonicalization() { $this->canonicalize_paths = true; } /** * Enable path canonicalization * * @access public */ public function disablePathCanonicalization() { $this->canonicalize_paths = false; } /** * Returns the current directory name * * @return mixed * @access public */ public function pwd() { return $this->pwd; } /** * Logs errors * * @param string $response * @param int $status * @access private */ private function logError($response, $status = -1) { if ($status == -1) { list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); } list($error) = $this->status_codes[$status]; if ($this->version > 2) { list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); $this->sftp_errors[] = "{$error}: {$message}"; } else { $this->sftp_errors[] = $error; } } /** * Canonicalize the Server-Side Path Name * * SFTP doesn't provide a mechanism by which the current working directory can be changed, so we'll emulate it. Returns * the absolute (canonicalized) path. * * If canonicalize_paths has been disabled using disablePathCanonicalization(), $path is returned as-is. * * @see self::chdir() * @see self::disablePathCanonicalization() * @param string $path * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed * @access public */ public function realpath($path) { if (!$this->canonicalize_paths) { return $path; } if ($this->pwd === false) { // if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REALPATH, Strings::packSSH2('s', $path))) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_NAME: // although SSH_FXP_NAME is implemented differently in SFTPv3 than it is in SFTPv4+, the following // should work on all SFTP versions since the only part of the SSH_FXP_NAME packet the following looks // at is the first part and that part is defined the same in SFTP versions 3 through 6. list(, $filename) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Ns', $response); return $filename; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_NAME or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } if ($path[0] != '/') { $path = $this->pwd . '/' . $path; } $path = explode('/', $path); $new = []; foreach ($path as $dir) { if (!strlen($dir)) { continue; } switch ($dir) { case '..': array_pop($new); case '.': break; default: $new[] = $dir; } } return '/' . implode('/', $new); } /** * Changes the current directory * * @param string $dir * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool * @access public */ public function chdir($dir) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } // assume current dir if $dir is empty if ($dir === '') { $dir = './'; // suffix a slash if needed } elseif ($dir[strlen($dir) - 1] != '/') { $dir .= '/'; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir); // confirm that $dir is, in fact, a valid directory if ($this->use_stat_cache && is_array($this->query_stat_cache($dir))) { $this->pwd = $dir; return true; } // we could do a stat on the alleged $dir to see if it's a directory but that doesn't tell us // the currently logged in user has the appropriate permissions or not. maybe you could see if // the file's uid / gid match the currently logged in user's uid / gid but how there's no easy // way to get those with SFTP if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPENDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir))) { return false; } // see \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::nlist() for a more thorough explanation of the following $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } if (!$this->close_handle($handle)) { return false; } $this->update_stat_cache($dir, []); $this->pwd = $dir; return true; } /** * Returns a list of files in the given directory * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @return mixed * @access public */ public function nlist($dir = '.', $recursive = false) { return $this->nlist_helper($dir, $recursive, ''); } /** * Helper method for nlist * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @param string $relativeDir * @return mixed * @access private */ private function nlist_helper($dir, $recursive, $relativeDir) { $files = $this->readlist($dir, false); if (!$recursive || $files === false) { return $files; } $result = []; foreach ($files as $value) { if ($value == '.' || $value == '..') { $result[] = $relativeDir . $value; continue; } if (is_array($this->query_stat_cache($this->realpath($dir . '/' . $value)))) { $temp = $this->nlist_helper($dir . '/' . $value, true, $relativeDir . $value . '/'); $temp = is_array($temp) ? $temp : []; $result = array_merge($result, $temp); } else { $result[] = $relativeDir . $value; } } return $result; } /** * Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @return mixed * @access public */ public function rawlist($dir = '.', $recursive = false) { $files = $this->readlist($dir, true); if (!$recursive || $files === false) { return $files; } static $depth = 0; foreach ($files as $key => $value) { if ($depth != 0 && $key == '..') { unset($files[$key]); continue; } $is_directory = false; if ($key != '.' && $key != '..') { if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $is_directory = is_array($this->query_stat_cache($this->realpath($dir . '/' . $key))); } else { $stat = $this->lstat($dir . '/' . $key); $is_directory = $stat && $stat['type'] === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } } if ($is_directory) { $depth++; $files[$key] = $this->rawlist($dir . '/' . $key, true); $depth--; } else { $files[$key] = (object) $value; } } return $files; } /** * Reads a list, be it detailed or not, of files in the given directory * * @param string $dir * @param bool $raw * @return mixed * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @access private */ private function readlist($dir, $raw = true) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir . '/'); if ($dir === false) { return false; } // if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPENDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir))) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: // // since 'handle' is the last field in the SSH_FXP_HANDLE packet, we'll just remove the first four bytes that // represent the length of the string and leave it at that $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } $this->update_stat_cache($dir, []); $contents = []; while (true) { // // why multiple SSH_FXP_READDIR packets would be sent when the response to a single one can span arbitrarily many // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA messages is not known to me. if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $handle))) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_NAME: list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { list($shortname, $longname) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); $attributes = $this->parseAttributes($response); if (!isset($attributes['type'])) { $fileType = $this->parseLongname($longname); if ($fileType) { $attributes['type'] = $fileType; } } $contents[$shortname] = $attributes + ['filename' => $shortname]; if (isset($attributes['type']) && $attributes['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY && ($shortname != '.' && $shortname != '..')) { $this->update_stat_cache($dir . '/' . $shortname, []); } else { if ($shortname == '..') { $temp = $this->realpath($dir . '/..') . '/.'; } else { $temp = $dir . '/' . $shortname; } $this->update_stat_cache($temp, (object) ['lstat' => $attributes]); } // SFTPv6 has an optional boolean end-of-list field, but we'll ignore that, since the // final SSH_FXP_STATUS packet should tell us that, already. } break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_EOF) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } break 2; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_NAME or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } if (!$this->close_handle($handle)) { return false; } if (count($this->sortOptions)) { uasort($contents, [&$this, 'comparator']); } return $raw ? $contents : array_keys($contents); } /** * Compares two rawlist entries using parameters set by setListOrder() * * Intended for use with uasort() * * @param array $a * @param array $b * @return int * @access private */ private function comparator($a, $b) { switch (true) { case $a['filename'] === '.' || $b['filename'] === '.': if ($a['filename'] === $b['filename']) { return 0; } return $a['filename'] === '.' ? -1 : 1; case $a['filename'] === '..' || $b['filename'] === '..': if ($a['filename'] === $b['filename']) { return 0; } return $a['filename'] === '..' ? -1 : 1; case isset($a['type']) && $a['type'] === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY: if (!isset($b['type'])) { return 1; } if ($b['type'] !== $a['type']) { return -1; } break; case isset($b['type']) && $b['type'] === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return 1; } foreach ($this->sortOptions as $sort => $order) { if (!isset($a[$sort]) || !isset($b[$sort])) { if (isset($a[$sort])) { return -1; } if (isset($b[$sort])) { return 1; } return 0; } switch ($sort) { case 'filename': $result = strcasecmp($a['filename'], $b['filename']); if ($result) { return $order === SORT_DESC ? -$result : $result; } break; case 'permissions': case 'mode': $a[$sort] &= 07777; $b[$sort] &= 07777; default: if ($a[$sort] === $b[$sort]) { break; } return $order === SORT_ASC ? $a[$sort] - $b[$sort] : $b[$sort] - $a[$sort]; } } } /** * Defines how nlist() and rawlist() will be sorted - if at all. * * If sorting is enabled directories and files will be sorted independently with * directories appearing before files in the resultant array that is returned. * * Any parameter returned by stat is a valid sort parameter for this function. * Filename comparisons are case insensitive. * * Examples: * * $sftp->setListOrder('filename', SORT_ASC); * $sftp->setListOrder('size', SORT_DESC, 'filename', SORT_ASC); * $sftp->setListOrder(true); * Separates directories from files but doesn't do any sorting beyond that * $sftp->setListOrder(); * Don't do any sort of sorting * * @param $args[] * @access public */ public function setListOrder(...$args) { $this->sortOptions = []; if (empty($args)) { return; } $len = count($args) & 0x7ffffffe; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2) { $this->sortOptions[$args[$i]] = $args[$i + 1]; } if (!count($this->sortOptions)) { $this->sortOptions = ['bogus' => true]; } } /** * Returns the file size, in bytes, or false, on failure * * Files larger than 4GB will show up as being exactly 4GB. * * @param string $filename * @return mixed * @access public */ public function size($filename) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $result = $this->stat($filename); if ($result === false) { return false; } return isset($result['size']) ? $result['size'] : -1; } /** * Save files / directories to cache * * @param string $path * @param mixed $value * @access private */ private function update_stat_cache($path, $value) { if ($this->use_stat_cache === false) { return; } // preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $dir) == str_replace('//', '/', trim($path, '/')) $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $path)); $temp =& $this->stat_cache; $max = count($dirs) - 1; foreach ($dirs as $i => $dir) { // if $temp is an object that means one of two things. // 1. a file was deleted and changed to a directory behind phpseclib's back // 2. it's a symlink. when lstat is done it's unclear what it's a symlink to if (is_object($temp)) { $temp = []; } if (!isset($temp[$dir])) { $temp[$dir] = []; } if ($i === $max) { if (is_object($temp[$dir]) && is_object($value)) { if (!isset($value->stat) && isset($temp[$dir]->stat)) { $value->stat = $temp[$dir]->stat; } if (!isset($value->lstat) && isset($temp[$dir]->lstat)) { $value->lstat = $temp[$dir]->lstat; } } $temp[$dir] = $value; break; } $temp =& $temp[$dir]; } } /** * Remove files / directories from cache * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access private */ private function remove_from_stat_cache($path) { $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $path)); $temp =& $this->stat_cache; $max = count($dirs) - 1; foreach ($dirs as $i => $dir) { if ($i === $max) { unset($temp[$dir]); return true; } if (!isset($temp[$dir])) { return false; } $temp =& $temp[$dir]; } } /** * Checks cache for path * * Mainly used by file_exists * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access private */ private function query_stat_cache($path) { $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $path)); $temp =& $this->stat_cache; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!isset($temp[$dir])) { return null; } $temp =& $temp[$dir]; } return $temp; } /** * Returns general information about a file. * * Returns an array on success and false otherwise. * * @param string $filename * @return mixed * @access public */ public function stat($filename) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $result = $this->query_stat_cache($filename); if (is_array($result) && isset($result['.']) && isset($result['.']->stat)) { return $result['.']->stat; } if (is_object($result) && isset($result->stat)) { return $result->stat; } } $stat = $this->stat_helper($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT); if ($stat === false) { $this->remove_from_stat_cache($filename); return false; } if (isset($stat['type'])) { if ($stat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['stat' => $stat]); return $stat; } $pwd = $this->pwd; $stat['type'] = $this->chdir($filename) ? NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY : NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; $this->pwd = $pwd; if ($stat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['stat' => $stat]); return $stat; } /** * Returns general information about a file or symbolic link. * * Returns an array on success and false otherwise. * * @param string $filename * @return mixed * @access public */ public function lstat($filename) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $result = $this->query_stat_cache($filename); if (is_array($result) && isset($result['.']) && isset($result['.']->lstat)) { return $result['.']->lstat; } if (is_object($result) && isset($result->lstat)) { return $result->lstat; } } $lstat = $this->stat_helper($filename, NET_SFTP_LSTAT); if ($lstat === false) { $this->remove_from_stat_cache($filename); return false; } if (isset($lstat['type'])) { if ($lstat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['lstat' => $lstat]); return $lstat; } $stat = $this->stat_helper($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT); if ($lstat != $stat) { $lstat = array_merge($lstat, ['type' => NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK]); $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['lstat' => $lstat]); return $stat; } $pwd = $this->pwd; $lstat['type'] = $this->chdir($filename) ? NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY : NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; $this->pwd = $pwd; if ($lstat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['lstat' => $lstat]); return $lstat; } /** * Returns general information about a file or symbolic link * * Determines information without calling \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::realpath(). * The second parameter can be either NET_SFTP_STAT or NET_SFTP_LSTAT. * * @param string $filename * @param int $type * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed * @access private */ private function stat_helper($filename, $type) { // SFTPv4+ adds an additional 32-bit integer field - flags - to the following: $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $filename); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet($type, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_ATTRS: return $this->parseAttributes($response); case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_ATTRS or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } /** * Truncates a file to a given length * * @param string $filename * @param int $new_size * @return bool * @access public */ public function truncate($filename, $new_size) { $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE, $new_size / 4294967296, $new_size); // 4294967296 == 0x100000000 == 1<<32 return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, false); } /** * Sets access and modification time of file. * * If the file does not exist, it will be created. * * @param string $filename * @param int $time * @param int $atime * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool * @access public */ public function touch($filename, $time = null, $atime = null) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } if (!isset($time)) { $time = time(); } if (!isset($atime)) { $atime = $time; } $flags = NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE | NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE | NET_SFTP_OPEN_EXCL; $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME, $time, $atime); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sN', $filename, $flags) . $attr; if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: return $this->close_handle(substr($response, 4)); case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, false); } /** * Changes file or directory owner * * Returns true on success or false on error. * * @param string $filename * @param int $uid * @param bool $recursive * @return bool * @access public */ public function chown($filename, $uid, $recursive = false) { // quoting from , // "if the owner or group is specified as -1, then that ID is not changed" $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID, $uid, -1); return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive); } /** * Changes file or directory group * * Returns true on success or false on error. * * @param string $filename * @param int $gid * @param bool $recursive * @return bool * @access public */ public function chgrp($filename, $gid, $recursive = false) { $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID, -1, $gid); return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive); } /** * Set permissions on a file. * * Returns the new file permissions on success or false on error. * If $recursive is true than this just returns true or false. * * @param int $mode * @param string $filename * @param bool $recursive * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed * @access public */ public function chmod($mode, $filename, $recursive = false) { if (is_string($mode) && is_int($filename)) { $temp = $mode; $mode = $filename; $filename = $temp; } $attr = pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777); if (!$this->setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive)) { return false; } if ($recursive) { return true; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); // rather than return what the permissions *should* be, we'll return what they actually are. this will also // tell us if the file actually exists. // incidentally, SFTPv4+ adds an additional 32-bit integer field - flags - to the following: $packet = pack('Na*', strlen($filename), $filename); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_STAT, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_ATTRS: $attrs = $this->parseAttributes($response); return $attrs['permissions']; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_ATTRS or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } /** * Sets information about a file * * @param string $filename * @param string $attr * @param bool $recursive * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool * @access private */ private function setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($filename); if ($recursive) { $i = 0; $result = $this->setstat_recursive($filename, $attr, $i); $this->read_put_responses($i); return $result; } // SFTPv4+ has an additional byte field - type - that would need to be sent, as well. setting it to // SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN might work. if not, we'd have to do an SSH_FXP_STAT before doing an SSH_FXP_SETSTAT. if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, Strings::packSSH2('s', $filename) . $attr)) { return false; } /* "Because some systems must use separate system calls to set various attributes, it is possible that a failure response will be returned, but yet some of the attributes may be have been successfully modified. If possible, servers SHOULD avoid this situation; however, clients MUST be aware that this is possible." -- */ $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Recursively sets information on directories on the SFTP server * * Minimizes directory lookups and SSH_FXP_STATUS requests for speed. * * @param string $path * @param string $attr * @param int $i * @return bool * @access private */ private function setstat_recursive($path, $attr, &$i) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; $entries = $this->readlist($path, true); if ($entries === false) { return $this->setstat($path, $attr, false); } // normally $entries would have at least . and .. but it might not if the directories // permissions didn't allow reading if (empty($entries)) { return false; } unset($entries['.'], $entries['..']); foreach ($entries as $filename => $props) { if (!isset($props['type'])) { return false; } $temp = $path . '/' . $filename; if ($props['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if (!$this->setstat_recursive($temp, $attr, $i)) { return false; } } else { if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, Strings::packSSH2('s', $temp) . $attr)) { return false; } $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } } } if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, Strings::packSSH2('s', $path) . $attr)) { return false; } $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } return true; } /** * Return the target of a symbolic link * * @param string $link * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed * @access public */ public function readlink($link) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $link = $this->realpath($link); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READLINK, Strings::packSSH2('s', $link))) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_NAME: break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_NAME or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); // the file isn't a symlink if (!$count) { return false; } list($filename) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); return $filename; } /** * Create a symlink * * symlink() creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link. * * @param string $target * @param string $link * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool * @access public */ public function symlink($target, $link) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } //$target = $this->realpath($target); $link = $this->realpath($link); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $target, $link); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SYMLINK, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Creates a directory. * * @param string $dir * @param int $mode * @param bool $recursive * @return bool * @access public */ public function mkdir($dir, $mode = -1, $recursive = false) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir); // by not providing any permissions, hopefully the server will use the logged in users umask - their // default permissions. $attr = $mode == -1 ? "\0\0\0\0" : pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777); if ($recursive) { $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#/(?=/)|/$#', '', $dir)); if (empty($dirs[0])) { array_shift($dirs); $dirs[0] = '/' . $dirs[0]; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($dirs); $i++) { $temp = array_slice($dirs, 0, $i + 1); $temp = implode('/', $temp); $result = $this->mkdir_helper($temp, $attr); } return $result; } return $this->mkdir_helper($dir, $attr); } /** * Helper function for directory creation * * @param string $dir * @param string $attr * @return bool * @access private */ private function mkdir_helper($dir, $attr) { if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_MKDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir) . $attr)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Removes a directory. * * @param string $dir * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool * @access public */ public function rmdir($dir) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir); if ($dir === false) { return false; } if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_RMDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir))) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED? $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($dir); // the following will do a soft delete, which would be useful if you deleted a file // and then tried to do a stat on the deleted file. the above, in contrast, does // a hard delete //$this->update_stat_cache($dir, false); return true; } /** * Uploads a file to the SFTP server. * * By default, \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::put() does not read from the local filesystem. $data is dumped directly into $remote_file. * So, for example, if you set $data to 'filename.ext' and then do \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::get(), you will get a file, twelve bytes * long, containing 'filename.ext' as its contents. * * Setting $mode to self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE will change the above behavior. With self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE, $remote_file will * contain as many bytes as filename.ext does on your local filesystem. If your filename.ext is 1MB then that is how * large $remote_file will be, as well. * * Setting $mode to self::SOURCE_CALLBACK will use $data as callback function, which gets only one parameter -- number of bytes to return, and returns a string if there is some data or null if there is no more data * * If $data is a resource then it'll be used as a resource instead. * * Currently, only binary mode is supported. As such, if the line endings need to be adjusted, you will need to take * care of that, yourself. * * $mode can take an additional two parameters - self::RESUME and self::RESUME_START. These are bitwise AND'd with * $mode. So if you want to resume upload of a 300mb file on the local file system you'd set $mode to the following: * * self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE | self::RESUME * * If you wanted to simply append the full contents of a local file to the full contents of a remote file you'd replace * self::RESUME with self::RESUME_START. * * If $mode & (self::RESUME | self::RESUME_START) then self::RESUME_START will be assumed. * * $start and $local_start give you more fine grained control over this process and take precident over self::RESUME * when they're non-negative. ie. $start could let you write at the end of a file (like self::RESUME) or in the middle * of one. $local_start could let you start your reading from the end of a file (like self::RESUME_START) or in the * middle of one. * * Setting $local_start to > 0 or $mode | self::RESUME_START doesn't do anything unless $mode | self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE. * * @param string $remote_file * @param string|resource $data * @param int $mode * @param int $start * @param int $local_start * @param callable|null $progressCallback * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \BadFunctionCallException if you're uploading via a callback and the callback function is invalid * @throws \tgseclib\Exception\FileNotFoundException if you're uploading via a file and the file doesn't exist * @return bool * @access public * @internal ASCII mode for SFTPv4/5/6 can be supported by adding a new function - \tgseclib\Net\SFTP::setMode(). */ public function put($remote_file, $data, $mode = self::SOURCE_STRING, $start = -1, $local_start = -1, $progressCallback = null) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $remote_file = $this->realpath($remote_file); if ($remote_file === false) { return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($remote_file); $flags = NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE | NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE; // according to the SFTP specs, NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND should "force all writes to append data at the end of the file." // in practice, it doesn't seem to do that. //$flags|= ($mode & self::RESUME) ? NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND : NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE; if ($start >= 0) { $offset = $start; } elseif ($mode & self::RESUME) { // if NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND worked as it should _size() wouldn't need to be called $size = $this->size($remote_file); $offset = $size !== false ? $size : 0; } else { $offset = 0; $flags |= NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sNN', $remote_file, $flags, 0); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } // $dataCallback = false; switch (true) { case $mode & self::SOURCE_CALLBACK: if (!is_callable($data)) { throw new \BadFunctionCallException("\$data should be is_callable() if you specify SOURCE_CALLBACK flag"); } $dataCallback = $data; // do nothing break; case is_resource($data): $mode = $mode & ~self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE; $info = stream_get_meta_data($data); if ($info['wrapper_type'] == 'PHP' && $info['stream_type'] == 'Input') { $fp = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); stream_copy_to_stream($data, $fp); rewind($fp); } else { $fp = $data; } break; case $mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE: if (!is_file($data)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("{$data} is not a valid file"); } $fp = @fopen($data, 'rb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } } if (isset($fp)) { $stat = fstat($fp); $size = !empty($stat) ? $stat['size'] : 0; if ($local_start >= 0) { fseek($fp, $local_start); $size -= $local_start; } } elseif ($dataCallback) { $size = 0; } else { $size = strlen($data); } $sent = 0; $size = $size < 0 ? ($size & 0x7fffffff) + 0x80000000 : $size; $sftp_packet_size = 4096; // PuTTY uses 4096 // make the SFTP packet be exactly 4096 bytes by including the bytes in the NET_SFTP_WRITE packets "header" $sftp_packet_size -= strlen($handle) + 25; $i = 0; while ($dataCallback || ($size === 0 || $sent < $size)) { if ($dataCallback) { $temp = call_user_func($dataCallback, $sftp_packet_size); if (is_null($temp)) { break; } } else { $temp = isset($fp) ? fread($fp, $sftp_packet_size) : substr($data, $sent, $sftp_packet_size); if ($temp === false || $temp === '') { break; } } $subtemp = $offset + $sent; $packet = pack('Na*N3a*', strlen($handle), $handle, $subtemp / 4294967296, $subtemp, strlen($temp), $temp); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_WRITE, $packet)) { if ($mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) { fclose($fp); } return false; } $sent += strlen($temp); if (is_callable($progressCallback)) { call_user_func($progressCallback, $sent); } $i++; if ($i == NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { $i = 0; break; } $i = 0; } } if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { if ($mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) { fclose($fp); } $this->close_handle($handle); return false; } if ($mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) { fclose($fp); } return $this->close_handle($handle); } /** * Reads multiple successive SSH_FXP_WRITE responses * * Sending an SSH_FXP_WRITE packet and immediately reading its response isn't as efficient as blindly sending out $i * SSH_FXP_WRITEs, in succession, and then reading $i responses. * * @param int $i * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @access private */ private function read_put_responses($i) { while ($i--) { $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); break; } } return $i < 0; } /** * Close handle * * @param string $handle * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @access private */ private function close_handle($handle) { if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle))) { return false; } // "The client MUST release all resources associated with the handle regardless of the status." // -- $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Downloads a file from the SFTP server. * * Returns a string containing the contents of $remote_file if $local_file is left undefined or a boolean false if * the operation was unsuccessful. If $local_file is defined, returns true or false depending on the success of the * operation. * * $offset and $length can be used to download files in chunks. * * @param string $remote_file * @param string|bool|resource $local_file * @param int $offset * @param int $length * @param callable|null $progressCallback * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed * @access public */ public function get($remote_file, $local_file = false, $offset = 0, $length = -1, $progressCallback = null) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $remote_file = $this->realpath($remote_file); if ($remote_file === false) { return false; } $packet = pack('Na*N2', strlen($remote_file), $remote_file, NET_SFTP_OPEN_READ, 0); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } if (is_resource($local_file)) { $fp = $local_file; $stat = fstat($fp); $res_offset = $stat['size']; } else { $res_offset = 0; if ($local_file !== false) { $fp = fopen($local_file, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } } else { $content = ''; } } $fclose_check = $local_file !== false && !is_resource($local_file); $start = $offset; $read = 0; while (true) { $i = 0; while ($i < NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE && ($length < 0 || $read < $length)) { $tempoffset = $start + $read; $packet_size = $length > 0 ? min($this->max_sftp_packet, $length - $read) : $this->max_sftp_packet; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sN3', $handle, $tempoffset / 4294967296, $tempoffset, $packet_size); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READ, $packet, $i)) { if ($fclose_check) { fclose($fp); } return false; } $packet = null; $read += $packet_size; if (is_callable($progressCallback)) { call_user_func($progressCallback, $read); } $i++; } if (!$i) { break; } $packets_sent = $i - 1; $clear_responses = false; while ($i > 0) { $i--; if ($clear_responses) { $this->get_sftp_packet($packets_sent - $i); continue; } else { $response = $this->get_sftp_packet($packets_sent - $i); } switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_DATA: $temp = substr($response, 4); $offset += strlen($temp); if ($local_file === false) { $content .= $temp; } else { fputs($fp, $temp); } $temp = null; break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // could, in theory, return false if !strlen($content) but we'll hold off for the time being $this->logError($response); $clear_responses = true; // don't break out of the loop yet, so we can read the remaining responses break; default: if ($fclose_check) { fclose($fp); } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_DATA or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } $response = null; } if ($clear_responses) { break; } } if ($length > 0 && $length <= $offset - $start) { if ($local_file === false) { $content = substr($content, 0, $length); } else { ftruncate($fp, $length + $res_offset); } } if ($fclose_check) { fclose($fp); } if (!$this->close_handle($handle)) { return false; } // if $content isn't set that means a file was written to return isset($content) ? $content : true; } /** * Deletes a file on the SFTP server. * * @param string $path * @param bool $recursive * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @access public */ public function delete($path, $recursive = true) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } if (is_object($path)) { // It's an object. Cast it as string before we check anything else. $path = (string) $path; } if (!is_string($path) || $path == '') { return false; } $path = $this->realpath($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } // if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REMOVE, pack('Na*', strlen($path), $path))) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } // if $status isn't SSH_FX_OK it's probably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); if (!$recursive) { return false; } $i = 0; $result = $this->delete_recursive($path, $i); $this->read_put_responses($i); return $result; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($path); return true; } /** * Recursively deletes directories on the SFTP server * * Minimizes directory lookups and SSH_FXP_STATUS requests for speed. * * @param string $path * @param int $i * @return bool * @access private */ private function delete_recursive($path, &$i) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; $entries = $this->readlist($path, true); // normally $entries would have at least . and .. but it might not if the directories // permissions didn't allow reading if (empty($entries)) { return false; } unset($entries['.'], $entries['..']); foreach ($entries as $filename => $props) { if (!isset($props['type'])) { return false; } $temp = $path . '/' . $filename; if ($props['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if (!$this->delete_recursive($temp, $i)) { return false; } } else { if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REMOVE, Strings::packSSH2('s', $temp))) { return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($temp); $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } } } if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_RMDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $path))) { return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($path); $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } return true; } /** * Checks whether a file or directory exists * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function file_exists($path) { if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $path = $this->realpath($path); $result = $this->query_stat_cache($path); if (isset($result)) { // return true if $result is an array or if it's an stdClass object return $result !== false; } } return $this->stat($path) !== false; } /** * Tells whether the filename is a directory * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function is_dir($path) { $result = $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } /** * Tells whether the filename is a regular file * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function is_file($path) { $result = $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result === NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; } /** * Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function is_link($path) { $result = $this->get_lstat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result === NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK; } /** * Tells whether a file exists and is readable * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function is_readable($path) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sNN', $this->realpath($path), NET_SFTP_OPEN_READ, 0); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: return true; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } /** * Tells whether the filename is writable * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function is_writable($path) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sNN', $this->realpath($path), NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE, 0); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: return true; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_FXP_HANDLE or SSH_FXP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } /** * Tells whether the filename is writeable * * Alias of is_writable * * @param string $path * @return bool * @access public */ public function is_writeable($path) { return $this->is_writable($path); } /** * Gets last access time of file * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function fileatime($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'atime'); } /** * Gets file modification time * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function filemtime($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'mtime'); } /** * Gets file permissions * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function fileperms($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'permissions'); } /** * Gets file owner * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function fileowner($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'uid'); } /** * Gets file group * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function filegroup($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'gid'); } /** * Gets file size * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function filesize($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'size'); } /** * Gets file type * * @param string $path * @return mixed * @access public */ public function filetype($path) { $type = $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($type === false) { return false; } switch ($type) { case NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE: return 'block'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE: return 'char'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return 'dir'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO: return 'fifo'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR: return 'file'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK: return 'link'; default: return false; } } /** * Return a stat properity * * Uses cache if appropriate. * * @param string $path * @param string $prop * @return mixed * @access private */ private function get_stat_cache_prop($path, $prop) { return $this->get_xstat_cache_prop($path, $prop, 'stat'); } /** * Return an lstat properity * * Uses cache if appropriate. * * @param string $path * @param string $prop * @return mixed * @access private */ private function get_lstat_cache_prop($path, $prop) { return $this->get_xstat_cache_prop($path, $prop, 'lstat'); } /** * Return a stat or lstat properity * * Uses cache if appropriate. * * @param string $path * @param string $prop * @param string $type * @return mixed * @access private */ private function get_xstat_cache_prop($path, $prop, $type) { if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $path = $this->realpath($path); $result = $this->query_stat_cache($path); if (is_object($result) && isset($result->{$type})) { return $result->{$type}[$prop]; } } $result = $this->{$type}($path); if ($result === false || !isset($result[$prop])) { return false; } return $result[$prop]; } /** * Renames a file or a directory on the SFTP server * * @param string $oldname * @param string $newname * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @access public */ public function rename($oldname, $newname) { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } $oldname = $this->realpath($oldname); $newname = $this->realpath($newname); if ($oldname === false || $newname === false) { return false; } // $packet = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $oldname, $newname); if (!$this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_RENAME, $packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } // if $status isn't SSH_FX_OK it's probably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } // don't move the stat cache entry over since this operation could very well change the // atime and mtime attributes //$this->update_stat_cache($newname, $this->query_stat_cache($oldname)); $this->remove_from_stat_cache($oldname); $this->remove_from_stat_cache($newname); return true; } /** * Parse Attributes * * See '7. File Attributes' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * @param string $response * @return array * @access private */ private function parseAttributes(&$response) { $attr = []; list($flags) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); // SFTPv4+ have a type field (a byte) that follows the above flag field foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) { switch ($flags & $key) { case NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE: // 0x00000001 // The size attribute is defined as an unsigned 64-bit integer. // The following will use floats on 32-bit platforms, if necessary. // As can be seen in the BigInteger class, floats are generally // IEEE 754 binary64 "double precision" on such platforms and // as such can represent integers of at least 2^50 without loss // of precision. Interpreted in filesize, 2^50 bytes = 1024 TiB. list($upper, $size) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $response); $attr['size'] = $upper ? 4294967296 * $upper : 0; $attr['size'] += $size < 0 ? ($size & 0x7fffffff) + 0x80000000 : $size; break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID: // 0x00000002 (SFTPv3 only) list($attr['uid'], $attr['gid']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS: // 0x00000004 list($attr['permissions']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); // mode == permissions; permissions was the original array key and is retained for bc purposes. // mode was added because that's the more industry standard terminology $attr += ['mode' => $attr['permissions']]; $fileType = $this->parseMode($attr['permissions']); if ($fileType !== false) { $attr += ['type' => $fileType]; } break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME: // 0x00000008 list($attr['atime'], $attr['mtime']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_EXTENDED: // 0x80000000 list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { list($key, $value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); $attr[$key] = $value; } } } return $attr; } /** * Attempt to identify the file type * * Quoting the SFTP RFC, "Implementations MUST NOT send bits that are not defined" but they seem to anyway * * @param int $mode * @return int * @access private */ private function parseMode($mode) { // values come from // see, also, switch ($mode & 0170000) { // ie. 1111 0000 0000 0000 case 00: // no file type specified - figure out the file type using alternative means return false; case 040000: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; case 0100000: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; case 0120000: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK; // new types introduced in SFTPv5+ // case 010000: // named pipe (fifo) return NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO; case 020000: // character special return NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE; case 060000: // block special return NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE; case 0140000: // socket return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SOCKET; case 0160000: // whiteout // "SPECIAL should be used for files that are of // a known type which cannot be expressed in the protocol" return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL; default: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } /** * Parse Longname * * SFTPv3 doesn't provide any easy way of identifying a file type. You could try to open * a file as a directory and see if an error is returned or you could try to parse the * SFTPv3-specific longname field of the SSH_FXP_NAME packet. That's what this function does. * The result is returned using the * {@link SFTPv4 type constants}. * * If the longname is in an unrecognized format bool(false) is returned. * * @param string $longname * @return mixed * @access private */ private function parseLongname($longname) { // // if (preg_match('#^[^/]([r-][w-][xstST-]){3}#', $longname)) { switch ($longname[0]) { case '-': return NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; case 'd': return NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; case 'l': return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK; default: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL; } } return false; } /** * Sends SFTP Packets * * See '6. General Packet Format' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * @param int $type * @param string $data * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @return bool * @access private */ private function send_sftp_packet($type, $data, $request_id = 1) { $packet = $this->use_request_id ? pack('NCNa*', strlen($data) + 5, $type, $request_id, $data) : pack('NCa*', strlen($data) + 1, $type, $data); $start = microtime(true); $result = $this->send_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, $packet); $stop = microtime(true); if (defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING')) { $packet_type = '-> ' . $this->packet_types[$type] . ' (' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; if (NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_REALTIME) { echo "
\r\n" . $this->format_log([$data], [$packet_type]) . "\r\n
\r\n"; flush(); ob_flush(); } else { $this->packet_type_log[] = $packet_type; if (NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX) { $this->packet_log[] = $data; } } } return $result; } /** * Resets a connection for re-use * * @param int $reason * @access private */ protected function reset_connection($reason) { parent::reset_connection($reason); $this->use_request_id = false; $this->pwd = false; $this->requestBuffer = []; } /** * Receives SFTP Packets * * See '6. General Packet Format' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * Incidentally, the number of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA messages has no bearing on the number of SFTP packets present. * There can be one SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA messages containing two SFTP packets or there can be two SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA * messages containing one SFTP packet. * * @see self::_send_sftp_packet() * @return string * @access private */ private function get_sftp_packet($request_id = null) { if (isset($request_id) && isset($this->requestBuffer[$request_id])) { $this->packet_type = $this->requestBuffer[$request_id]['packet_type']; $temp = $this->requestBuffer[$request_id]['packet']; unset($this->requestBuffer[$request_id]); return $temp; } // in SSH2.php the timeout is cumulative per function call. eg. exec() will // timeout after 10s. but for SFTP.php it's cumulative per packet $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $start = microtime(true); // SFTP packet length while (strlen($this->packet_buffer) < 4) { $temp = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if (is_bool($temp)) { $this->packet_type = false; $this->packet_buffer = ''; return false; } $this->packet_buffer .= $temp; } if (strlen($this->packet_buffer) < 4) { return false; } extract(unpack('Nlength', Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer, 4))); /** @var integer $length */ $tempLength = $length; $tempLength -= strlen($this->packet_buffer); // 256 * 1024 is what SFTP_MAX_MSG_LENGTH is set to in OpenSSH's sftp-common.h if ($tempLength > 256 * 1024) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid Size'); } // SFTP packet type and data payload while ($tempLength > 0) { $temp = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if (is_bool($temp)) { $this->packet_type = false; $this->packet_buffer = ''; return false; } $this->packet_buffer .= $temp; $tempLength -= strlen($temp); } $stop = microtime(true); $this->packet_type = ord(Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer)); if ($this->use_request_id) { extract(unpack('Npacket_id', Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer, 4))); // remove the request id $length -= 5; // account for the request id and the packet type } else { $length -= 1; // account for the packet type } $packet = Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer, $length); if (defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING')) { $packet_type = '<- ' . $this->packet_types[$this->packet_type] . ' (' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; if (NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_REALTIME) { echo "
\r\n" . $this->format_log([$packet], [$packet_type]) . "\r\n
\r\n"; flush(); ob_flush(); } else { $this->packet_type_log[] = $packet_type; if (NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX) { $this->packet_log[] = $packet; } } } if (isset($request_id) && $this->use_request_id && $packet_id != $request_id) { $this->requestBuffer[$packet_id] = array('packet_type' => $this->packet_type, 'packet' => $packet); return $this->_get_sftp_packet($request_id); } return $packet; } /** * Returns a log of the packets that have been sent and received. * * Returns a string if NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX, an array if NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_SIMPLE and false if !defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING') * * @access public * @return array|string */ public function getSFTPLog() { if (!defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING')) { return false; } switch (NET_SFTP_LOGGING) { case self::LOG_COMPLEX: return $this->format_log($this->packet_log, $this->packet_type_log); break; //case self::LOG_SIMPLE: default: return $this->packet_type_log; } } /** * Returns all errors * * @return array * @access public */ public function getSFTPErrors() { return $this->sftp_errors; } /** * Returns the last error * * @return string * @access public */ public function getLastSFTPError() { return count($this->sftp_errors) ? $this->sftp_errors[count($this->sftp_errors) - 1] : ''; } /** * Get supported SFTP versions * * @return array * @access public */ public function getSupportedVersions() { $temp = ['version' => $this->version]; if (isset($this->extensions['versions'])) { $temp['extensions'] = $this->extensions['versions']; } return $temp; } /** * Disconnect * * @param int $reason * @return bool * @access protected */ protected function disconnect_helper($reason) { $this->pwd = false; parent::disconnect_helper($reason); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Server; class Stream { const WRAPPER_NAME = 'madelineSocket'; public $context; private $_handler; private $_stream_id; private static $_isRegistered = false; public static function getContext($handler, $stream_id) { if (!self::$_isRegistered) { \stream_wrapper_register(self::WRAPPER_NAME, __CLASS__); self::$_isRegistered = true; } return \stream_context_create([self::WRAPPER_NAME => ['handler' => $handler, 'stream_id' => $stream_id]]); } public function streamOpen($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) { $opt = \stream_context_get_options($this->context); if (!\is_array($opt[self::WRAPPER_NAME]) || !isset($opt[self::WRAPPER_NAME]['handler']) || !$opt[self::WRAPPER_NAME]['handler'] instanceof Handler || !isset($opt[self::WRAPPER_NAME]['stream_id'])) { return false; } $this->_handler = $opt[self::WRAPPER_NAME]['handler']; $this->_stream_id = $opt[self::WRAPPER_NAME]['stream_id']; return true; } public function streamWrite($data) { $this->_handler->sendData($this->_stream_id, $data); } public function streamLock($mode) { } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Server; /* * Socket handler for server */ class Proxy extends \danog\MadelineProto\Connection { public function __magic_construct($socket, $extra, $ip, $port, $protocol, $timeout, $ipv6) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Got connection ' . \getmypid() . '!'); \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$pid = \getmypid(); \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang = []; $this->sock = $socket; $this->sock->setBlocking(true); $this->must_open = false; $this->sock->setOption(\SOL_SOCKET, \SO_RCVTIMEO, $extra['timeout']); $this->sock->setOption(\SOL_SOCKET, \SO_SNDTIMEO, $extra['timeout']); $this->logger = new \danog\MadelineProto\Logger(3); $this->extra = $extra; if ($this->extra['madeline'] instanceof \danog\MadelineProto\API) { $this->extra['madeline'] = $this->extra['madeline']->API->datacenter->sockets; } } public function __destruct() { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Closing fork ' . \getmypid() . '!'); unset($this->sock); } public function loop() { $this->protocol = 'obfuscated2'; $random = $this->sock->read(64); $reversed = \strrev(\substr($random, 8, 48)); $key = \substr($random, 8, 32); $keyRev = \substr($reversed, 0, 32); if (isset($this->extra['secret'])) { $key = \hash('sha256', $key . $this->extra['secret'], true); $keyRev = \hash('sha256', $keyRev . $this->extra['secret'], true); } $this->obfuscated = ['encryption' => new \phpseclib\Crypt\AES('ctr'), 'decryption' => new \phpseclib\Crypt\AES('ctr')]; $this->obfuscated['encryption']->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->obfuscated['decryption']->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->obfuscated['decryption']->setKey($key); $this->obfuscated['decryption']->setIV(\substr($random, 40, 16)); $this->obfuscated['encryption']->setKey($keyRev); $this->obfuscated['encryption']->setIV(\substr($reversed, 32, 16)); $random = \substr_replace($random, \substr(@$this->obfuscated['decryption']->encrypt($random), 56, 8), 56, 8); if (\substr($random, 56, 4) !== \str_repeat(\chr(0xef), 4)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong protocol version'); } $dc = \abs(\unpack('s', \substr($random, 60, 2))[1]); $socket = $this->extra['madeline'][$dc]; $socket->__construct($socket->proxy, $socket->extra, $socket->ip, $socket->port, $socket->protocol, $timeout = $this->extra['timeout'], $socket->ipv6); unset($this->extra); $write = []; $except = []; while (true) { \pcntl_signal_dispatch(); try { $read = [$this->getSocket(), $socket->getSocket()]; \Socket::select($read, $write, $except, $timeout); if (isset($read[0])) { //\danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log("Will write to DC $dc on ".\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$pid); $socket->sendMessage($this->readMessage()); } if (isset($read[1])) { //\danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log("Will read from DC $dc on ".\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$pid); $this->sendMessage($socket->readMessage()); } if (empty($read)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException('Inactivity'); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException $e) { exit; } } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Server; /* * Socket handler for server */ class Handler extends \danog\MadelineProto\Connection { use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPI; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPIFiles; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\TD; use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; private $madeline; public function __magic_construct($socket, $extra, $ip, $port, $protocol, $timeout, $ipv6) { \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$pid = \getmypid(); $this->sock = $socket; $this->sock->setBlocking(true); $this->must_open = false; $timeout = 2; $this->sock->setOption(\SOL_SOCKET, \SO_RCVTIMEO, $timeout); $this->sock->setOption(\SOL_SOCKET, \SO_SNDTIMEO, $timeout); $this->logger = new \danog\MadelineProto\Logger(3); $this->constructTL(['socket' => __DIR__ . '/../']); } public function __destruct() { echo 'Closing socket in fork ' . \getmypid() . PHP_EOL; unset($this->sock); $this->destructMadeline(); } public function destructMadeline() { if (isset($this->madeline) && $this->madeline !== null) { $this->madeline->API->settings['logger'] = ['logger' => 0, 'logger_param' => '']; $this->madeline->API->settings['updates']['callback'] = []; unset($this->madeline); return true; } return false; } public function loop() { $buffer = ''; $first_byte = $this->sock->read(1); if ($first_byte === \chr(239)) { $this->protocol = 'tcp_abridged'; } else { $first_byte .= $this->sock->read(3); if ($first_byte === \str_repeat(\chr(238), 4)) { $this->protocol = 'tcp_intermediate'; } else { $this->protocol = 'tcp_full'; $packet_length = \unpack('V', $first_byte)[1]; $packet = $this->read($packet_length - 4); if (\strrev(\hash('crc32b', $first_byte . \substr($packet, 0, -4), true)) !== \substr($packet, -4)) { throw new Exception('CRC32 was not correct!'); } $this->in_seq_no++; $in_seq_no = \unpack('V', \substr($packet, 0, 4))[1]; if ($in_seq_no != $this->in_seq_no) { throw new Exception('Incoming seq_no mismatch'); } $buffer = \substr($packet, 4, $packet_length - 12); } } while (true) { \pcntl_signal_dispatch(); $request_id = 0; try { if ($buffer) { $message = $buffer; $buffer = ''; } else { $time = \time(); $message = $this->readMessage(); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException $e) { echo $e; if (\time() - $time < 2) { $this->sock = null; } continue; } try { $message = $this->deserialize($message, ['type' => '', 'datacenter' => '']); if ($message['_'] !== 'socketMessageRequest') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid object received'); } $request_id = $message['request_id']; $this->sendResponse($request_id, $this->onRequest($request_id, $message['method'], $message['args'])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception $e) { $this->sendException($request_id, $e); continue; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->sendException($request_id, $e); continue; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->sendException($request_id, $e); continue; } catch (\DOMException $e) { $this->sendException($request_id, $e); continue; } } } public function onRequest($request_id, $method, $args) { if (\count($method) === 0 || \count($method) > 2) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid method called'); } \array_walk($args, [$this, 'walker']); if ($method[0] === '__construct') { if (\count($args) === 1 && \is_array($args[0])) { $args[0]['logger'] = ['logger' => 4, 'logger_param' => [$this, 'logger']]; $args[0]['updates']['callback'] = [$this, 'updateHandler']; } elseif (\count($args) === 2 && \is_array($args[1])) { $args[1]['logger'] = ['logger' => 4, 'logger_param' => [$this, 'logger']]; $args[1]['updates']['callback'] = [$this, 'updateHandler']; } $this->madeline = new \danog\MadelineProto\API(...$args); return true; } if ($method[0] === '__destruct') { $this->__destruct(); exit; } if ($this->madeline === null) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('__construct was not called'); } if (\count($method) === 1) { return $this->madeline->{$method[0]}(...$args); } if (\count($method) === 2) { return $this->madeline->{$method[0]}->{$method[1]}(...$args); } } private function walker(&$arg) { if (\is_array($arg)) { if (isset($arg['_'])) { if ($arg['_'] === 'fileCallback' && isset($arg['callback']) && isset($arg['file']) && !\method_exists($this, $arg['callback']['callback'])) { if (isset($arg['file']['_']) && $arg['file']['_'] === 'stream') { $arg['file'] = \fopen('madelineSocket://', 'r+b', false, Stream::getContext($this, $arg['file']['stream_id'])); } $arg = new \danog\MadelineProto\FileCallback($arg['file'], [$this, $arg['callback']['callback']]); return; } elseif ($arg['_'] === 'callback' && isset($arg['callback']) && !\method_exists($this, $arg['callback'])) { $arg = [$this, $arg['callback']]; return; } elseif ($arg['_'] === 'stream' && isset($arg['stream_id'])) { $arg = \fopen('madelineSocket://', 'r+b', false, Stream::getContext($this, $arg['stream_id'])); return; } elseif ($arg['_'] === 'bytes' && isset($arg['bytes'])) { $arg = \base64_decode($args['bytes']); return; } \array_walk($arg, [$this, 'walker']); } else { \array_walk($arg, [$this, 'walker']); } } } public function sendException($request_id, $e) { echo $e . PHP_EOL; if ($e instanceof \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException) { $exception = ['_' => 'socketRPCErrorException']; if ($e->getMessage() === $e->rpc) { $exception['rpc_message'] = $e->rpc; } else { $exception['rpc_message'] = $e->rpc; $exception['message'] = $e->getMessage(); } } elseif ($e instanceof \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception) { $exception = ['_' => 'socketTLException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()]; } elseif ($e instanceof \DOMException) { $exception = ['_' => 'socketDOMException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()]; } else { $exception = ['_' => 'socketException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()]; } $exception['code'] = $e->getCode(); $exception['trace'] = ['_' => 'socketTLTrace', 'frames' => []]; $tl = false; foreach (\array_reverse($e->getTrace()) as $k => $frame) { $tl_frame = ['_' => 'socketTLFrame']; if (isset($frame['function']) && \in_array($frame['function'], ['serializeParams', 'serializeObject'])) { if ($frame['args'][2] !== '') { $tl_frame['tl_param'] = (string) $frame['args'][2]; $tl = true; } } else { if (isset($frame['function']) && ($frame['function'] === 'handle_rpc_error' && $k === \count($this->getTrace()) - 1) || $frame['function'] === 'unserialize') { continue; } if (isset($frame['file'])) { $tl_frame['file'] = $frame['file']; $tl_frame['line'] = $frame['line']; } if (isset($frame['function'])) { $tl_frame['function'] = $frame['function']; } if (isset($frame['args'])) { $args = \json_encode($frame['args']); if ($args !== false) { $tl_frame['args'] = $args; } } $tl = false; } $exception['trace']['frames'][] = $tl_frame; } $this->sendMessageSafe((yield $this->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'socketMessageException', 'request_id' => $request_id, 'exception' => $exception], 'exception'))); } public function sendResponse($request_id, $response) { $this->sendMessageSafe((yield $this->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'socketMessageResponse', 'request_id' => $request_id, 'data' => $response], 'exception'))); } public function sendData($stream_id, $data) { $this->sendMessageSafe((yield $this->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'socketMessageRawData', 'stream_id' => $stream_id, 'data' => $data], 'data'))); } public $logging = false; public function logger($message, $level) { if (!$this->logging) { try { $this->logging = true; $message = ['_' => 'socketMessageLog', 'data' => $message, 'level' => $level, 'thread' => \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$has_thread && \is_object(\Thread::getCurrentThread()), 'process' => \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::isFork(), 'file' => \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2)[1]['file'], '.php')]; $this->sendMessageSafe((yield $this->serializeObject(['type' => ''], $message, 'log'))); } finally { $this->logging = false; } } } public function sendMessageSafe($message) { if (!isset($this->sock)) { return false; } try { $this->sendMessage($message); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->__destruct(); die; } } public function updateHandler($update) { $this->sendMessageSafe((yield $this->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'socketMessageUpdate', 'data' => $update], 'update'))); } public function __call($method, $args) { $this->sendMessageSafe((yield $this->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'socketMessageRequest', 'request_id' => 0, 'method' => [$method], 'args' => $args], 'method'))); } }#!/usr/bin/env php . */ if (\file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { include 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { if (!\file_exists('madeline.php')) { \copy('', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } $settings = []; include_once 'token.php'; try { $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('b.madeline'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API($settings); $authorization = $MadelineProto->botLogin($pwrtelegram_debug_token); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($authorization, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } function base64urlDecode($data) { return \base64_decode(\str_pad(\strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), \strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT)); } function rleDecode($string) { $base256 = ''; $last = ''; foreach (\str_split($string) as $cur) { if ($last === \chr(0)) { $base256 .= \str_repeat($last, \ord($cur)); $last = ''; } else { $base256 .= $last; $last = $cur; } } $string = $base256 . $last; return $string; } function foreach_offset_length($string) { /* $a = []; $b = []; foreach ([2, 3, 4] as $r) { $a []= chr(0).chr($r); $b []= str_repeat(chr(0), $r); } $string = str_replace($a, $b, $string);*/ $res = []; $strlen = \strlen($string); for ($offset = 0; $offset < \strlen($string); $offset++) { // for ($length = $strlen - $offset; $length > 0; $length--) { foreach (['i' => 4, 'q' => 8] as $c => $length) { $s = \substr($string, $offset, $length); if (\strlen($s) === $length) { $number = \danog\PHP\Struct::unpack('<' . $c, $s)[0]; //$number = ord($s); $res[] = ['number' => $number, 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; } } } return $res; } $res = ['offset' => 0, 'files' => []]; function getfiles($token, &$params) { foreach (\json_decode(\file_get_contents('' . $token . '/getupdates?offset=' . $params['offset']), true)['result'] as $update) { $params['offset'] = $update['update_id'] + 1; if (isset($update['message']['audio'])) { $params['files'][$update['message']['message_id']] = $update['message']['audio']['file_id']; } if (isset($update['message']['document'])) { $params['files'][$update['message']['message_id']] = $update['message']['document']['file_id']; } if (isset($update['message']['video'])) { $params['files'][$update['message']['message_id']] = $update['message']['video']['file_id']; } if (isset($update['message']['sticker'])) { $params['files'][$update['message']['message_id']] = $update['message']['sticker']['file_id']; } if (isset($update['message']['voice'])) { $params['files'][$update['message']['message_id']] = $update['message']['voice']['file_id']; } if (isset($update['message']['photo'])) { $params['files'][$update['message']['message_id']] = \end($update['message']['photo'])['file_id']; } } } function recurse($array, $prefix = '') { $res = []; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (\is_array($v)) { $res = \array_merge(recurse($v, $prefix . $k . '->'), $res); } elseif (\is_int($v)) { $res[$prefix . $k] = $v; } } return $res; } $offset = 0; while (true) { $updates = $MadelineProto->getUpdates(['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => 50, 'timeout' => 0]); // Just like in the bot API, you can specify an offset, a limit and a timeout foreach ($updates as $update) { $offset = $update['update_id'] + 1; // Just like in the bot API, the offset must be set to the last update_id switch ($update['update']['_']) { case 'updateNewMessage': if (isset($update['update']['message']['out']) && $update['update']['message']['out']) { continue; } try { if (isset($update['update']['message']['media'])) { getfiles($pwrtelegram_debug_token, $res); $bot_api_id = $message = $res['files'][$update['update']['message']['id']]; $bot_api_id_b256 = base64urlDecode($bot_api_id); $bot_api_id_rledecoded = rleDecode($bot_api_id_b256); $message .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; for ($x = 0; $x < \strlen($bot_api_id_rledecoded) - 3; $x++) { $message .= 'Bytes ' . $x . '-' . ($x + 4) . ': ' . \danog\PHP\Struct::unpack('param (value): start-end (length)' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $bot_api = foreach_offset_length($bot_api_id_rledecoded); //$mtproto = $MadelineProto->getDownloadInfo($update['update']['message']['media'])['InputFileLocation']; //unset($mtproto['_']); $m = []; $mtproto = recurse($update['update']['message']); /* if (isset($mtproto['version'])) { unset($mtproto['version']); } if (isset($update['update']['message']['media']['photo'])) { $mtproto['id'] = $update['update']['message']['media']['photo']['id']; } $mtproto['sender_id'] = $update['update']['message']['from_id']; if (isset($update['update']['message']['media']['photo'])) { $mtproto['access_hash'] = $update['update']['message']['media']['photo']['access_hash']; } if (isset($update['update']['message']['media']['document'])) { $mtproto['id'] = $update['update']['message']['media']['document']['id']; } if (isset($update['update']['message']['media']['document'])) { $mtproto['access_hash'] = $update['update']['message']['media']['document']['access_hash']; }*/ foreach ($mtproto as $key => $n) { foreach ($bot_api as $bn) { if ($bn['number'] === $n) { $m[$bn['offset'] + $bn['length']] = $key . ' (' . $n . '): ' . $bn['offset'] . '-' . ($bn['offset'] + $bn['length']) . ' (' . $bn['length'] . ') FOUND' . PHP_EOL; unset($mtproto[$key]); } } } \ksort($m); foreach ($m as $key => $bn) { $message .= $bn; } foreach ($mtproto as $key => $n) { $message .= $key . ' (' . $n . '): not found' . PHP_EOL; } $message .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'File number: ' . \danog\PHP\Struct::unpack('messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update['update']['message']['from_id'], 'message' => $message, 'reply_to_msg_id' => $update['update']['message']['id'], 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString()]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString()]); } try { if (isset($update['update']['message']['media']) && $update['update']['message']['media'] == 'messageMediaPhoto' && $update['update']['message']['media'] == 'messageMediaDocument') { $time = \time(); // $file = $MadelineProto->downloadToDir($update['update']['message']['media'], '/tmp'); // $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update['update']['message']['from_id'], 'message' => 'Downloaded to '.$file.' in '.(time() - $time).' seconds', 'reply_to_msg_id' => $update['update']['message']['id'], 'entities' => [['_' => 'messageEntityPre', 'offset' => 0, 'length' => strlen($res), 'language' => 'json']]]); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString()]); } } } echo 'Wrote ' . \danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::serialize('b.madeline', $MadelineProto) . ' bytes' . PHP_EOL; }#!/usr/bin/env php . */ require '../vendor/autoload.php'; $settings = []; $Lua = false; try { $Lua = \danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::deserialize('td.madeline'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { } if (!\is_object($Lua)) { $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API($settings); while (!\in_array($res = \readline('Do you want to login as a user or as a bot (u/b)? '), ['u', 'b'])) { echo 'Please write either u or b' . PHP_EOL; } switch ($res) { case 'u': $sentCode = $MadelineProto->phoneLogin(\readline('Enter your phone number: ')); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($sentCode, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); echo 'Enter the code you received: '; $code = \fgets(STDIN, (isset($sentCode['type']['length']) ? $sentCode['type']['length'] : 5) + 1); $authorization = $MadelineProto->completePhoneLogin($code); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($authorization, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.noPassword') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('2FA is enabled but no password is set!'); } if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.password') { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('2FA is enabled', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_2fa_login(\readline('Please enter your password (hint ' . $authorization['hint'] . '): ')); } if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.needSignup') { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Registering new user', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $authorization = $MadelineProto->completeSignup(\readline('Please enter your first name: '), \readline('Please enter your last name (can be empty): ')); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($authorization, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $Lua = new \danog\MadelineProto\Lua('madeline.lua', $MadelineProto); break; case 'b': $authorization = $MadelineProto->botLogin(\readline('Please enter a bot token: ')); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($authorization, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $Lua = new \danog\MadelineProto\Lua('madeline.lua', $MadelineProto); break; } } $offset = 0; while (true) { $updates = $Lua->MadelineProto->getUpdates(['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => 50, 'timeout' => 0]); // Just like in the bot API, you can specify an offset, a limit and a timeout foreach ($updates as $update) { $offset = $update['update_id'] + 1; // Just like in the bot API, the offset must be set to the last update_id $Lua->tdcliUpdateCallback($update['update']); } echo 'Wrote ' . \danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::serialize('td.madeline', $Lua) . ' bytes' . PHP_EOL; }#!/usr/bin/env php . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ use danog\MadelineProto\API; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException; /* * Various ways to load MadelineProto */ if (\file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { include 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { if (!\file_exists('madeline.php')) { \copy('', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } /** * Event handler class. */ class MyEventHandler extends EventHandler { /** * @var int|string Username or ID of bot admin */ const ADMIN = "danogentili"; // Change this /** * Get peer(s) where to report errors. * * @return int|string|array */ public function getReportPeers() { return [self::ADMIN]; } /** * Handle updates from supergroups and channels. * * @param array $update Update * * @return void */ public function onUpdateNewChannelMessage(array $update) : \Generator { return $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update); } /** * Handle updates from users. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewMessage(array $update) : \Generator { if ($update['message']['_'] === 'messageEmpty' || $update['message']['out'] ?? false) { return; } $res = \json_encode($update, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); try { (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update, 'message' => "{$res}", 'reply_to_msg_id' => isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id'] : null, 'parse_mode' => 'HTML'])); if (isset($update['message']['media']) && $update['message']['media']['_'] !== 'messageMediaGame') { (yield $this->messages->sendMedia(['peer' => $update, 'message' => $update['message']['message'], 'media' => $update])); } } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } catch (Exception $e) { if (\stripos($e->getMessage(), 'invalid constructor given') === false) { $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } } } } $settings = ['logger' => ['logger_level' => Logger::VERBOSE], 'serialization' => ['serialization_interval' => 30]]; $MadelineProto = new API('bot.madeline', $settings); // Reduce boilerplate with new wrapper method. // Also initializes error reporting, catching and reporting all errors surfacing from the event loop. $MadelineProto->startAndLoop(MyEventHandler::class);. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ require '../vendor/autoload.php'; $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline'); $me = $MadelineProto->start(); $me = $MadelineProto->getSelf(); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($me); if (!$me['bot']) { $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => "Hi!\nThanks for creating MadelineProto! <3"]); $MadelineProto->channels->joinChannel(['channel' => '@MadelineProto']); try { $MadelineProto->messages->importChatInvite(['hash' => '']); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { } $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '', 'message' => 'Testing MadelineProto!']); } echo 'OK, done!' . PHP_EOL;#!/usr/bin/env php . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ use Amp\Http\Server\HttpServer; use danog\MadelineProto\API; use danog\MadelineProto\APIWrapper; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Files; use danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use League\Uri\Contracts\UriException; /* * Various ways to load MadelineProto */ if (\file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { include 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { if (!\file_exists('madeline.php')) { \copy('', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } /** * Event handler class. */ class MyEventHandler extends \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler { const START = "Send me a file URL and I will download it and send it to you!\n\n" . "Usage: ``\n" . "Usage: ` file name.ext`\n\n" . "I can also rename Telegram files, just send me any file and I will rename it!\n\n" . "Max 1.5GB, parallel upload and download powered by @MadelineProto."; /** * @var int|string Username or ID of bot admin */ const ADMIN = 'danogentili'; // Change this /** * Get peer(s) where to report errors. * * @return int|string|array */ public function getReportPeers() { return [self::ADMIN]; } /** * Whether to allow uploads. */ private $UPLOAD; /** * Array of media objects. * * @var array */ private $states = []; /** * Constructor. * * @param ?API $API API */ public function __construct(APIWrapper $API = null) { $this->UPLOAD = \class_exists(HttpServer::class); parent::__construct($API); } /** * Handle updates from channels and supergroups. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewChannelMessage(array $update) { //yield $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update); } /** * Handle updates from users. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewMessage(array $update) : \Generator { if ($update['message']['out'] ?? false) { return; } if ($update['message']['_'] !== 'message') { return; } try { $peer = (yield $this->getInfo($update)); $peerId = $peer['bot_api_id']; $messageId = $update['message']['id']; if ($this->UPLOAD && $update['message']['message'] === '/getUrl') { (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peerId, 'message' => 'Give me a file: ', 'reply_to_msg_id' => $messageId])); $this->states[$peerId] = $this->UPLOAD; return; } if ($update['message']['message'] === '/start') { return $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peerId, 'message' => self::START, 'parse_mode' => 'Markdown', 'reply_to_msg_id' => $messageId]); } if (isset($update['message']['media']['_']) && $update['message']['media']['_'] !== 'messageMediaWebPage') { if ($this->UPLOAD && ($this->states[$peerId] ?? false) === $this->UPLOAD) { unset($this->states[$peerId]); $update = Files::extractBotAPIFile((yield $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($update))); $file = [$update['file_size'], $update['mime_type']]; \var_dump($update['file_id'] . '.' . Tools::base64urlEncode(\json_encode($file)) . "/" . $update['file_name']); return; } (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peerId, 'message' => 'Give me a new name for this file: ', 'reply_to_msg_id' => $messageId])); $this->states[$peerId] = $update['message']['media']; return; } if (isset($this->states[$peerId])) { $name = $update['message']['message']; $url = $this->states[$peerId]; unset($this->states[$peerId]); } else { $url = \explode(' ', $update['message']['message'], 2); $name = \trim($url[1] ?? \basename($update['message']['message'])); $url = \trim($url[0]); if (!$url) { return; } if (\stripos($url, 'http') !== 0) { $url = "http://{$url}"; } } $id = (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peerId, 'message' => 'Preparing...', 'reply_to_msg_id' => $messageId])); if (!isset($id['id'])) { $this->report(\json_encode($id)); foreach ($id['updates'] as $updat) { if (isset($updat['id'])) { $id = $updat['id']; break; } } } else { $id = $id['id']; } $url = new \danog\MadelineProto\FileCallback($url, function ($progress, $speed, $time) use($peerId, $id) { $this->logger("Upload progress: {$progress}%"); static $prev = 0; $now = \time(); if ($now - $prev < 10 && $progress < 100) { return; } $prev = $now; try { (yield $this->messages->editMessage(['peer' => $peerId, 'id' => $id, 'message' => "Upload progress: {$progress}%\nSpeed: {$speed} mbps\nTime elapsed since start: {$time}"], ['FloodWaitLimit' => 0])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { } }); (yield $this->messages->sendMedia(['peer' => $peerId, 'reply_to_msg_id' => $messageId, 'media' => ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $url, 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => $name]]], 'message' => 'Powered by @MadelineProto!', 'parse_mode' => 'Markdown'])); if (\in_array($peer['type'], ['channel', 'supergroup'])) { (yield $this->channels->deleteMessages(['channel' => $peerId, 'id' => [$id]])); } else { (yield $this->messages->deleteMessages(['revoke' => true, 'id' => [$id]])); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Could not connect to URI') === false && !$e instanceof UriException && \strpos($e->getMessage(), 'URI') === false) { $this->report((string) $e); $this->logger((string) $e, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } if ($e instanceof RPCErrorException && $e->rpc === 'FILE_PARTS_INVALID') { $this->report(\json_encode($url)); } try { (yield $this->messages->editMessage(['peer' => $peerId, 'id' => $id, 'message' => 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage()])); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger((string) $e, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } } } $settings = ['logger' => ['logger_level' => 4], 'serialization' => ['serialization_interval' => 30], 'connection_settings' => ['media_socket_count' => ['min' => 20, 'max' => 1000]], 'upload' => ['allow_automatic_upload' => false]]; $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API(($argv[1] ?? 'bot') . '.madeline', $settings); // Reduce boilerplate with new wrapper method. // Also initializes error reporting, catching and reporting all errors surfacing from the event loop. $MadelineProto->startAndLoop(MyEventHandler::class);#!/usr/bin/env php . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ use danog\MadelineProto\APIWrapper; \set_include_path(\get_include_path() . ':' . \realpath(\dirname(__FILE__) . '/MadelineProto/')); /* * Various ways to load MadelineProto */ if (\file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) { include 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { if (!\file_exists('madeline.php')) { \copy('', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } class SecretHandler extends \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler { private $sent = [-440592694 => true]; public function __construct(APIWrapper $API = null) { parent::__construct($API); $this->sent = []; } /** * @var int|string Username or ID of bot admin */ const ADMIN = "danogentili"; // Change this /** * Get peer(s) where to report errors. * * @return int|string|array */ public function getReportPeers() { return [self::ADMIN]; } /** * Handle updates from users. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewMessage(array $update) : \Generator { if ($update['message']['message'] === 'request') { (yield $this->requestSecretChat($update)); } } /** * Handle secret chat messages. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewEncryptedMessage(array $update) : \Generator { try { if (isset($update['message']['decrypted_message']['media'])) { $this->logger((yield $this->downloadToDir($update, '.'))); } if (isset($this->sent[$update['message']['chat_id']])) { return; } $secret_media = []; // Photo uploaded as document, secret chat $secret_media['document_photo'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/faust.jpg', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => \mime_content_type('tests/faust.jpg'), 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'file_name' => 'faust.jpg', 'size' => \filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeImageSize', 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]]]; // Photo, secret chat $secret_media['photo'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/faust.jpg', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaPhoto', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'size' => \filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]; // GIF, secret chat $secret_media['gif'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/pony.mp4', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/pony.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => \mime_content_type('tests/pony.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'file_name' => 'pony.mp4', 'size' => \filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAnimated']]]]]; // Sticker, secret chat $secret_media['sticker'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/lel.webp', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/lel.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => \mime_content_type('tests/lel.webp'), 'caption' => 'test', 'file_name' => 'lel.webp', 'size' => \filesize('tests/lel.webp'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeSticker', 'alt' => 'LEL', 'stickerset' => ['_' => 'inputStickerSetEmpty']]]]]]; // Document, secrey chat $secret_media['document'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/60', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => 'magic/magic', 'caption' => 'test', 'file_name' => 'magic.magic', 'size' => \filesize('tests/60'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'fairy']]]]]; // Video, secret chat $secret_media['video'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/swing.mp4', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/swing.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => \mime_content_type('tests/swing.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'file_name' => 'swing.mp4', 'size' => \filesize('tests/swing.mp4'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeVideo', 'duration' => 5, 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 720]]]]]; // audio, secret chat $secret_media['audio'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/mosconi.mp3', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => \mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'file_name' => 'mosconi.mp3', 'size' => \filesize('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => false, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]]]; $secret_media['voice'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => 'tests/mosconi.mp3', 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => \file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => \mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'file_name' => 'mosconi.mp3', 'size' => \filesize('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => true, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]]]; foreach ($secret_media as $type => $smessage) { $promises = $this->messages->sendEncryptedFile($smessage); } (yield $promises); $i = 0; while ($i < 10) { $this->logger("SENDING MESSAGE {$i} TO " . $update['message']['chat_id']); // You can also use the sendEncrypted parameter for more options in secret chats (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update, 'message' => (string) $i++])); } $this->sent[$update['message']['chat_id']] = true; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($e); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($e); } } } if (\file_exists('.env')) { echo 'Loading .env...' . PHP_EOL; $dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::create(\getcwd()); $dotenv->load(); } echo 'Loading settings...' . PHP_EOL; $settings = \json_decode(\getenv('MTPROTO_SETTINGS'), true) ?: []; $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('s.madeline', $settings); // Reduce boilerplate with new wrapper method $MadelineProto->startAndLoop(MyEventHandler::class);#!/usr/bin/env php . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ use danog\MadelineProto\API; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException; /* * Various ways to load MadelineProto */ if (\file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { include 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { if (!\file_exists('madeline.php')) { \copy('', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } /** * Event handler class. */ class MyEventHandler extends EventHandler { /** * @var int|string Username or ID of bot admin */ const ADMIN = "danogentili"; // Change this /** * Get peer(s) where to report errors. * * @return int|string|array */ public function getReportPeers() { return [self::ADMIN]; } /** * Handle updates from supergroups and channels. * * @param array $update Update * * @return void */ public function onUpdateNewChannelMessage(array $update) : \Generator { return $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update); } /** * Handle updates from users. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewMessage(array $update) : \Generator { if ($update['message']['_'] === 'messageEmpty' || $update['message']['out'] ?? false) { return; } $res = \json_encode($update, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); try { (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update, 'message' => "{$res}", 'reply_to_msg_id' => isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id'] : null, 'parse_mode' => 'HTML'])); if (isset($update['message']['media']) && $update['message']['media']['_'] !== 'messageMediaGame') { (yield $this->messages->sendMedia(['peer' => $update, 'message' => $update['message']['message'], 'media' => $update])); } } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } catch (Exception $e) { if (\stripos($e->getMessage(), 'invalid constructor given') === false) { $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } } } } $MadelineProtos = []; foreach (['bot.madeline' => 'Bot Login', 'user.madeline' => 'Userbot login', 'user2.madeline' => 'Userbot login (2)'] as $session => $message) { Logger::log($message, Logger::WARNING); $MadelineProtos[] = new API($session); } API::startAndLoopMulti($MadelineProtos, MyEventHandler::class);{ "name": "danog/madelineproto", "description": "PHP implementation of telegram's MTProto protocol.", "type": "project", "license": "AGPL-3.0-only", "homepage": "", "keywords": ["telegram", "mtproto", "protocol", "bytes", "messenger", "client", "PHP", "video", "stickers", "audio", "files", "GB"], "conflict": { "krakjoe/pthreads-polyfill": "*" }, "require": { "php": ">=7.4.0", "danog/primemodule": "^1", "danog/tgseclib": "^3", "erusev/parsedown": "^1.7", "ext-mbstring": "*", "ext-json": "*", "ext-xml": "*", "ext-dom": "*", "ext-filter": "*", "ext-hash": "*", "ext-zlib": "*", "ext-fileinfo": "*", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/http-client": "^4", "amphp/socket": "^1", "amphp/dns": "^1", "amphp/file": "^1", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1", "danog/dns-over-https": "^0.2", "amphp/http-client-cookies": "^1", "danog/tg-file-decoder": "^0.1", "danog/magicalserializer": "^1.0", "league/uri": "^6" }, "require-dev": { "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^3", "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "^4.3", "ennexa/amp-update-cache": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "haydenpierce/class-finder": "^0.4", "amphp/http-server": "dev-master", "amphp/http": "^1.6", "amphp/websocket-client": "dev-master as 1", "amphp/websocket": "dev-master as 1", "ext-ctype": "*", "danog/7to70": "^1", "danog/7to5": "^1" }, "suggest": { "ext-libtgvoip": "Install the php-libtgvoip extension to make phone calls (" }, "authors": [{ "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "" }], "autoload": { "psr-4": { "danog\\MadelineProto\\": "src/danog/MadelineProto" }, "files": [ "src/BigIntegor.php", "src/YieldReturnValue.php", "src/ReflectionGenerator.php", "src/polyfill.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "danog\\MadelineProto\\Test\\": "tests/danog/" } }, "repositories": [{ "type": "git", "url": "" }], "scripts": { "build": [ "@docs", "@cs-fix" ], "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "test-php7": "tests/ 70", "test-php56": "tests/ 5", "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "docs": "php tools/build_docs.php", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --config tests/phpunit.xml" } } . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ class YieldReturnValue { private $value; public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } public function getReturn() { return $this->value; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\AuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\PermAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\TempAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpsStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\WssStream; use JsonSerializable; class DataCenterConnection implements JsonSerializable { const READ_WEIGHT = 1; const READ_WEIGHT_MEDIA = 5; const WRITE_WEIGHT = 10; /** * Promise for connection. * * @var Promise */ private $connectionsPromise; /** * Deferred for connection. * * @var Deferred */ private $connectionsDeferred; /** * Temporary auth key. * * @var TempAuthKey|null */ private $tempAuthKey; /** * Permanent auth key. * * @var PermAuthKey|null */ private $permAuthKey; /** * Connections open to a certain DC. * * @var array */ private $connections = []; /** * Connection weights. * * @var array */ private $availableConnections = []; /** * Main API instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto */ private $API; /** * Connection context. * * @var ConnectionContext */ private $ctx; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ private $datacenter; /** * Linked DC ID. * * @var string */ private $linked; /** * Loop to keep weights at sane value. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoop */ private $robinLoop; /** * Decrement roundrobin weight by this value if busy reading. * * @var integer */ private $decRead = 1; /** * Decrement roundrobin weight by this value if busy writing. * * @var integer */ private $decWrite = 10; /** * Backed up messages. * * @var array */ private $backup = []; /** * Whether this socket has to be reconnected. * * @var boolean */ private $needsReconnect = false; /** * Indicate if this socket needs to be reconnected. * * @param boolean $needsReconnect Whether the socket has to be reconnected * * @return void */ public function needReconnect(bool $needsReconnect) { $this->needsReconnect = $needsReconnect; } /** * Whether this sockets needs to be reconnected. * * @return boolean */ public function shouldReconnect() : bool { return $this->needsReconnect; } /** * Get auth key. * * @param boolean $temp Whether to fetch the temporary auth key * * @return AuthKey */ public function getAuthKey(bool $temp = true) : AuthKey { return $this->{$temp ? 'tempAuthKey' : 'permAuthKey'}; } /** * Check if auth key is present. * * @param boolean|null $temp Whether to fetch the temporary auth key * * @return bool */ public function hasAuthKey(bool $temp = true) : bool { return $this->{$temp ? 'tempAuthKey' : 'permAuthKey'} !== null && $this->{$temp ? 'tempAuthKey' : 'permAuthKey'}->hasAuthKey(); } /** * Set auth key. * * @param AuthKey|null $key The auth key * @param boolean|null $temp Whether to set the temporary auth key * * @return void */ public function setAuthKey(AuthKey $key = null, bool $temp = true) { $this->{$temp ? 'tempAuthKey' : 'permAuthKey'} = $key; } /** * Get temporary authorization key. * * @return AuthKey */ public function getTempAuthKey() : TempAuthKey { return $this->getAuthKey(true); } /** * Get permanent authorization key. * * @return AuthKey */ public function getPermAuthKey() : PermAuthKey { return $this->getAuthKey(false); } /** * Check if has temporary authorization key. * * @return boolean */ public function hasTempAuthKey() : bool { return $this->hasAuthKey(true); } /** * Check if has permanent authorization key. * * @return boolean */ public function hasPermAuthKey() : bool { return $this->hasAuthKey(false); } /** * Set temporary authorization key. * * @param TempAuthKey|null $key Auth key * * @return void */ public function setTempAuthKey(TempAuthKey $key = null) { return $this->setAuthKey($key, true); } /** * Set permanent authorization key. * * @param PermAuthKey|null $key Auth key * * @return void */ public function setPermAuthKey(PermAuthKey $key = null) { return $this->setAuthKey($key, false); } /** * Bind temporary and permanent auth keys. * * @param bool $pfs Whether to bind using PFS * * @return void */ public function bind(bool $pfs = true) { if (!$pfs && !$this->tempAuthKey) { $this->tempAuthKey = new TempAuthKey(); } $this->tempAuthKey->bind($this->permAuthKey, $pfs); } /** * Check if auth keys are bound. * * @return boolean */ public function isBound() : bool { return $this->tempAuthKey ? $this->tempAuthKey->isBound() : false; } /** * Check if we are logged in. * * @return boolean */ public function isAuthorized() : bool { return $this->hasTempAuthKey() ? $this->getTempAuthKey()->isAuthorized() : false; } /** * Set the authorized boolean. * * @param boolean $authorized Whether we are authorized * * @return void */ public function authorized(bool $authorized) { if ($authorized) { $this->getTempAuthKey()->authorized($authorized); } elseif ($this->hasTempAuthKey()) { $this->getTempAuthKey()->authorized($authorized); } } /** * Link permanent authorization info of main DC to media DC. * * @param string $dc Main DC ID * * @return void */ public function link(string $dc) { $this->linked = $dc; $this->permAuthKey =& $this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($dc)->permAuthKey; } /** * Reset MTProto sessions. * * @return void */ public function resetSession() { foreach ($this->connections as $socket) { $socket->resetSession(); } } /** * Create MTProto sessions if needed. * * @return void */ public function createSession() { foreach ($this->connections as $socket) { $socket->createSession(); } } /** * Flush all pending packets. * * @return void */ public function flush() { foreach ($this->connections as $socket) { $socket->flush(); } } /** * Get connection context. * * @return ConnectionContext */ public function getCtx() : ConnectionContext { return $this->ctx; } /** * Has connection context? * * @return bool */ public function hasCtx() : bool { return isset($this->ctx); } /** * Connect function. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx Connection context * @param int $id Optional connection ID to reconnect * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, int $id = -1) : \Generator { $this->API->logger->logger("Trying shared connection via {$ctx} ({$id})"); $this->ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $this->datacenter = $ctx->getDc(); $media = $ctx->isMedia() || $ctx->isCDN(); $count = $media ? $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['media_socket_count']['min'] : 1; if ($count > 1) { if (!$this->robinLoop) { $this->robinLoop = new PeriodicLoop($this->API, [$this, 'even'], "robin loop DC {$this->datacenter}", $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['robin_period']); } $this->robinLoop->start(); } $this->decRead = $media ? self::READ_WEIGHT_MEDIA : self::READ_WEIGHT; $this->decWrite = self::WRITE_WEIGHT; if ($id === -1 || !isset($this->connections[$id])) { if ($this->connections) { $this->API->logger("Already connected!", Logger::WARNING); return; } yield from $this->connectMore($count); (yield $this->restoreBackup()); $this->connectionsPromise = new Success(); if ($this->connectionsDeferred) { $connectionsDeferred = $this->connectionsDeferred; $this->connectionsDeferred = null; $connectionsDeferred->resolve(); } } else { $this->availableConnections[$id] = 0; yield from $this->connections[$id]->connect($ctx); } } /** * Connect to the DC using count more sockets. * * @param integer $count Number of sockets to open * * @return void */ private function connectMore(int $count) : \Generator { $ctx = $this->ctx->getCtx(); $count += $previousCount = \count($this->connections); for ($x = $previousCount; $x < $count; $x++) { $connection = new Connection(); $connection->setExtra($this, $x); yield from $connection->connect($ctx); $this->connections[$x] = $connection; $this->availableConnections[$x] = 0; $ctx = $this->ctx->getCtx(); } } /** * Signal that a connection ID disconnected. * * @param integer $id Connection ID * * @return void */ public function signalDisconnect(int $id) { $backup = $this->connections[$id]->backupSession(); $list = ''; foreach ($backup as $k => $message) { if (($message['_'] ?? '') === 'msgs_state_req') { unset($backup[$k]); continue; } $list .= $message['_'] ?? '-'; $list .= ', '; } $this->API->logger->logger("Backed up {$list} from DC {$this->datacenter}.{$id}"); $this->backup = \array_merge($this->backup, $backup); unset($this->connections[$id], $this->availableConnections[$id]); } /** * Close all connections to DC. * * @return void */ public function disconnect() { $this->connectionsDeferred = new Deferred(); $this->connectionsPromise = $this->connectionsDeferred->promise(); $this->API->logger->logger("Disconnecting from shared DC {$this->datacenter}"); if ($this->robinLoop) { $this->robinLoop->signal(true); $this->robinLoop = null; } $before = \count($this->backup); foreach ($this->connections as $connection) { $connection->disconnect(); } $count = \count($this->backup) - $before; $this->API->logger->logger("Backed up {$count}, added to {$before} existing messages) from DC {$this->datacenter}"); $this->connections = []; $this->availableConnections = []; } /** * Reconnect to DC. * * @return \Generator */ public function reconnect() : \Generator { $this->API->logger->logger("Reconnecting shared DC {$this->datacenter}"); $this->disconnect(); yield from $this->connect($this->ctx); } /** * Restore backed up messages. * * @return void */ public function restoreBackup() { $backup = $this->backup; $this->backup = []; $count = \count($backup); $this->API->logger->logger("Restoring {$count} messages to DC {$this->datacenter}"); foreach ($backup as $message) { if (isset($message['body'])) { Tools::callFork($this->getConnection()->sendMessage($message, false)); } } $this->flush(); } /** * Get connection for authorization. * * @return Connection */ public function getAuthConnection() : Connection { return $this->connections[0]; } /** * Check if any connection is available. * * @param integer $id Connection ID * * @return boolean */ public function hasConnection(int $id = -1) : bool { return $id < 0 ? \count($this->connections) : isset($this->connections[$id]); } /** * Get best socket in round robin, asynchronously. * * @return \Generator */ public function waitGetConnection() : \Generator { if (empty($this->availableConnections)) { (yield $this->connectionsPromise); } return $this->getConnection(); } /** * Get best socket in round robin. * * @param integer $id Connection ID, for manual fetching * * @return Connection */ public function getConnection(int $id = -1) : Connection { if ($id >= 0) { return $this->connections[$id]; } if (\count($this->availableConnections) <= 1) { return $this->connections[0]; } $max = \max($this->availableConnections); $key = \array_search($max, $this->availableConnections); // Decrease to implement round robin $this->availableConnections[$key]--; return $this->connections[$key]; } /** * Even out round robin values. * * @return void */ public function even() { if (!$this->availableConnections) { return; } $min = \min($this->availableConnections); if ($min < 50) { foreach ($this->availableConnections as &$count) { $count += 50; } } elseif ($min < 100) { $max = $this->isMedia() || $this->isCDN() ? $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['media_socket_count']['max'] : 1; if (\count($this->availableConnections) < $max) { $this->connectMore(2); } else { foreach ($this->availableConnections as &$value) { $value += 1000; } } } } /** * Indicate that one of the sockets is busy reading. * * @param boolean $reading Whether we're busy reading * @param int $x Connection ID * * @return void */ public function reading(bool $reading, int $x) { $this->availableConnections[$x] += $reading ? -$this->decRead : $this->decRead; } /** * Indicate that one of the sockets is busy writing. * * @param boolean $writing Whether we're busy writing * @param int $x Connection ID * * @return void */ public function writing(bool $writing, int $x) { $this->availableConnections[$x] += $writing ? -$this->decWrite : $this->decWrite; } /** * Set main instance. * * @param MTProto $API Main instance * * @return void */ public function setExtra($API) { $this->API = $API; } /** * Get main instance. * * @return MTProto */ public function getExtra() { return $this->API; } /** * Check if is an HTTP connection. * * @return boolean */ public function isHttp() : bool { return \in_array($this->ctx->getStreamName(), [HttpStream::getName(), HttpsStream::getName()]); } /** * Check if is connected directly by IP address. * * @return boolean */ public function byIPAddress() : bool { return !$this->ctx->hasStreamName(WssStream::getName()) && !$this->ctx->hasStreamName(HttpsStream::getName()); } /** * Check if is a media connection. * * @return boolean */ public function isMedia() : bool { return $this->ctx->isMedia(); } /** * Check if is a CDN connection. * * @return boolean */ public function isCDN() : bool { return $this->ctx->isCDN(); } /** * Get DC-specific settings. * * @return array */ public function getSettings() : array { $dc_config_number = isset($this->API->settings['connection_settings'][$this->datacenter]) ? $this->datacenter : 'all'; return $this->API->settings['connection_settings'][$dc_config_number]; } /** * JSON serialize function. * * @return array */ public function jsonSerialize() : array { return $this->linked ? ['linked' => $this->linked, 'tempAuthKey' => $this->tempAuthKey] : ['permAuthKey' => $this->permAuthKey, 'tempAuthKey' => $this->tempAuthKey]; } /** * Sleep function. * * @internal * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { return $this->linked ? ['linked', 'tempAuthKey'] : ['permAuthKey', 'tempAuthKey']; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class Lang { public static $lang = ['it' => ['phpseclib_fork' => 'Per favore installa questo fork di phpseclib:', 'inst_dc' => 'Istanziamento dei DataCenter...', 'load_rsa' => 'Caricamento delle chiavi RSA...', 'TL_translation' => 'Translazione degli schemi TL...', 'dh_prime_check_0' => 'Esecuzione dei check dh_prime (0/3)...', 'nearest_dc' => 'Siamo in %s, il DC più vicino è %d.', 'serialization_ofd' => 'La serializzazione non è aggiornata, reistanziamento dell\'oggetto in corso!', 'getupdates_deserialization' => 'Ottenimento aggiornamenti dopo deserializzazione...', 'shutdown_reader_pool' => 'Chiusura pool di lettura, %d thread rimasti', 'threading_on' => 'IL THREADING È ABILITATO', 'socket_reader' => 'Lettore socket su DC %s: ', 'socket_status_1' => 'CREAZIONE', 'socket_status_2' => 'INVIO', 'socket_status_3' => 'ATTESA', 'socket_status_4' => 'PRONTO', 'socket_status_5' => 'AVVIATO', 'api_not_set' => 'Devi specificare una chiave ed un ID API, ottienili su', 'session_corrupted' => 'La sessione si è corrotta!', 'resetSession_seqno' => 'Resettando ID sessione e numero di sequenza sul DC %s...', 'gen_perm_auth_key' => 'Generando chiave di autorizzazione permanente per il DC %s...', 'gen_temp_auth_key' => 'Generando chiave di autorizzazione temporanea per il DC %s...', 'copy_auth_dcs' => 'Copiando autorizzazione dal DC %s al DC %s...', 'write_client_info' => 'Scrittura info sul client (eseguendo nel contempo il metodo %s)...', 'config_updated' => 'La configurazione è stata aggiornata!', 'length_not_4' => 'La lunghezza non è uguale a 4', 'length_not_8' => 'La lunghezza non è uguale a 8', 'value_bigger_than_2147483647' => 'Il valore fornito (%s) è maggiore di 2147483647', 'value_smaller_than_2147483648' => 'Il valore fornito (%s) è minore di -2147483648', 'value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807' => 'Il valore fornito (%s) è maggiore di 9223372036854775807', 'value_smaller_than_9223372036854775808' => 'Il valore fornito (%s) è minore di -9223372036854775808', 'value_bigger_than_4294967296' => 'Il valore fornito (%s) è maggiore di 4294967296', 'value_smaller_than_0' => 'Il valore fornito (%s) è minore di 0', 'encode_double_error' => 'Non sono riuscito a codificare il numero a virgola mobile fornito', 'file_not_exist' => 'Il file specificato non esiste', 'deserialization_error' => 'C\'è stato un errore durante la deserializzazione', 'rsa_init' => 'Istanziamento di \\tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA in corso...', 'loading_key' => 'Caricamento della chiave in corso...', 'computing_fingerprint' => 'Calcolo del fingerprint in corso...', 'rsa_encrypting' => 'Criptando con chiave RSA...', 'rpc_tg_error' => 'Telegram ha ritornato un errore RPC: %s (%s), causato da %s:%s%sTL trace:', 'v_error' => '506572206661766f726520616767696f726e612071756573746120696e7374616c6c617a696f6e65206469204d6164656c696e6550726f746f20636f6e206769742070756c6c206520636f6d706f73657220757064617465', 'v_tgerror' => '506572206661766f726520616767696f726e61207068702d6c69627467766f6970', 'no_mode_specified' => 'Nessuna modalità di logging è stata specificata!', 'constructor_function_uncalled' => 'Il metodo costruttore non è stato ancora chiamato! Per favore chiama il metodo costruttore prima di usare questo metodo.', 'proxy_class_invalid' => 'È stata specificata una classe proxy errata!', 'socket_con_error' => 'Connessione fallita.', 'protocol_not_implemented' => 'Questo protocollo non è stato ancora implementato.', 'protocol_invalid' => 'È stato fornito un protocollo non valido', 'nothing_in_socket' => 'Non c\'è niente nel socket!', 'wrong_length_read' => 'ATTENZIONE: Non sono stati letti abbastanza byte (dovevo leggere %s, ho letto %s)!', 'no_data_in_socket' => 'Non ci sono dati nel socket!', 'dc_con_start' => 'Connessione al DC %s in corso...', 'dc_con_stop' => 'Disconnessione dal DC %s in corso...', 'dc_con_test_start' => 'Connessione al DC %s (server %s, %s, %s)...', 'script_not_exist' => 'Lo script fornito non esiste', 'apifactory_start' => 'Sto avviando la fabbrica di API...', 'madelineproto_ready' => 'MadelineProto è pronto!', 'logout_error' => 'C\'è stato un errore durante il logout!', 'logout_ok' => 'Il logout è stato eseguito correttamente!', 'already_loggedIn' => 'Questa istanza di MadelineProto è già loggata, prima faccio il logout...', 'login_ok' => 'Il login è stato eseguito correttamente!', 'login_user' => 'Sto eseguendo il login come utente normale...', 'login_bot' => 'Sto eseguendo il login come bot...', 'login_code_sending' => 'Sto inviando il codice...', 'login_code_sent' => 'Il codice è stato inviato correttamente! Una volta ricevuto il codice dovrai usare la funzione completePhoneLogin.', 'login_code_uncalled' => 'Non sto aspettando il codice! Usa la funzione phoneLogin.', 'login_2fa_enabled' => 'L\'autenticazione a due fattori è abilitata, dovrai chiamare il metodo complete2falogin...', 'login_need_signup' => 'Questo numero non è registrato su telegram, dovrai chiamare la funzione completeSignup...', 'login_auth_key' => 'Sto facendo il login con la chiave di autorizzazione...', 'not_loggedIn' => 'Non ho ancora fatto il login!', 'signup_uncalled' => 'Chiama prima le funzioni phoneLogin e completePhoneLogin.', 'signing_up' => 'Mi sto registrando su telegram come utente normale...', 'signup_ok' => 'Mi sono registrato su Telegram!', '2fa_uncalled' => 'Non sto aspettando la password, chiama prima le funzioni phoneLogin e completePhoneLogin!', 'getting_dialogs' => 'Sto ottenendo la lista delle chat...', 'libtgvoip_required' => 'È necessario installare l\'estensione php-libtgvoip per accettare e gestire chiamate vocali, vistate per più info.', 'peer_not_in_db' => 'Questo utente/gruppo/canale non è presente nel database interno MadelineProto', 'calling_user' => 'Sto chiamando %s...', 'generating_a' => 'Sto generando a...', 'generating_g_a' => 'Sto generando g_a...', 'call_error_1' => 'Impossibile trovare ed accettare la chiamata %s', 'accepting_call' => 'Sto accettando una chiamata da %s...', 'generating_b' => 'Sto generando b...', 'call_already_accepted' => 'La chiamata %s è già stata accettata.', 'call_already_declined' => 'La chiamata %s è già stata annullata.', 'call_error_2' => 'Impossibile trovare e confermare la chiamata %s', 'call_confirming' => 'Sto confermando una chiamata da %s', 'call_error_3' => 'Impossibile trovare e completare la chiamata %s', 'call_completing' => 'Sto completando una chiamata da %s...', 'invalid_g_a' => 'g_a non valido!', 'fingerprint_invalid' => 'fingerprint della chiave non valido!', 'call_discarding' => 'Sto rifiutando la chiamata %s...', 'call_set_rating' => 'Sto inviando la recensione della chiamata %s...', 'call_debug_saving' => 'Sto inviando i dati di debug della chiamata %s...', 'TL_loading' => 'Sto caricando gli schemi TL...', 'file_parsing' => 'Leggendo %s...', 'crc32_mismatch' => 'CRC32 non valido (%s diverso da %s) per %s', 'src_file_invalid' => 'È stato fornito un file sorgente non valido: ', 'translating_obj' => 'Traducendo gli oggetti...', 'translating_methods' => 'Traducendo i metodi...', 'bool_error' => 'Non sono riuscito ad estrarre un booleano', 'not_numeric' => 'Il valore fornito non è numerico', 'long_not_16' => 'Il valore fornito non è lungo 16 byte', 'long_not_32' => 'Il valore fornito non è lungo 32 byte', 'long_not_64' => 'Il valore fornito non è lungo 64 byte', 'array_invalid' => 'Il valore fornito non è un array', 'predicate_not_set' => 'Il predicato (valore sotto chiave _, esempio [\'_\' => \'inputPeer\']) non è impostato!', 'type_extract_error' => 'Impossibile estrarre il tipo "%s"', 'method_not_found' => 'Impossibile trovare il seguente metodo: ', 'params_missing' => 'Non hai fornito un parametro obbligatorio, rileggi la documentazione API', 'sec_peer_not_in_db' => 'La chat segreta non è presente nel database interno MadelineProto', 'stream_handle_invalid' => 'Il valore fornito non è uno stream', 'length_too_big' => 'Il valore fornito è troppo lungo', 'deserialize_not_str' => 'Il valore generato non è una stringa', 'type_extract_error_id' => 'Non sono riuscito ad estrarre il tipo %s con ID %s', 'vector_invalid' => 'ID vettore non valido: ', 'constructor_not_found' => 'Costruttore non trovato per tipo: ', 'rand_bytes_too_small' => 'random_bytes è troppo corto!', 'botapi_conversion_error' => 'NOn sono risucito a convertire %s in un oggetto bot API', 'non_text_conversion' => 'Non posso ancora convertire messaggi media', 'last_byte_invalid' => 'L\'ultimo byte non è valido', 'file_type_invalid' => 'È stato fornito un tipo file errato', 'recreate_temp_auth_key' => 'Sono stato costretto a rigenerare la chiave di autorizzazione temporanea', 'resetting_auth_key' => 'ATTENZIONE: Sto resettando la chiave temporanea...', 'shutting_down_reader_pool' => 'Chisura pool di lettura', 'shutting_down_handler_pool' => 'Chiusura pool di gestione per DC %s, %d thread rimasti', 'secret_chat_skipping' => 'Non ho la chat segreta %s nel database, ignorando messaggio', 'fingerprint_mismatch' => 'Fingerprint della chiave non valido', 'msg_data_length_too_big' => 'message_data_length è troppo grande', 'length_not_divisible_16' => 'La lunghezza dei dati decifrati non è divisibile per 16', 'msg_key_mismatch' => 'msg_key non valido', 'rand_bytes_too_short' => 'random_bytes è troppo corto!', 'resending_unsupported' => 'IL riinvio di messaggi non è ancora supportato', 'unrecognized_dec_msg' => 'È stato ricevuto un messaggio decifrato sconosciuto: ', 'serializing_madelineproto' => 'Sto serializzando MadelineProto...', 'req_pq' => 'Sto richiedendo pq...', 'done' => 'Fatto!', 'cdn_reupload' => 'Il file non è disponibile sul nostro CDN, richiedo la copia!', 'stored_on_cdn' => 'Il file è scaricabile tramite CDN!'], 'en' => ['req_pq' => 'Requesting pq...', 'done' => 'Done!', 'cdn_reupload' => 'File is not stored on CDN, requesting reupload!', 'stored_on_cdn' => 'File is stored on CDN!', 'serializing_madelineproto' => 'Serializing MadelineProto...', 'phpseclib_fork' => 'Please install this fork of phpseclib:', 'inst_dc' => 'Istantiating DataCenter...', 'load_rsa' => 'Loading RSA keys...', 'TL_translation' => 'Translating TL schemas...', 'dh_prime_check_0' => 'Executing dh_prime checks (0/3)...', 'nearest_dc' => 'We\'re in %s, nearest DC is %d.', 'serialization_ofd' => 'Serialization is out of date, reconstructing object!', 'getupdates_deserialization' => 'Getting updates after deserialization...', 'shutdown_reader_pool' => 'Shutting down reader pool, %d jobs left', 'threading_on' => 'THREADING IS ENABLED', 'socket_reader' => 'Socket reader on DC %s: ', 'socket_status_1' => 'CREATING', 'socket_status_2' => 'SUBMITTING', 'socket_status_3' => 'WAITING', 'socket_status_4' => 'READY', 'socket_status_5' => 'WORKING', 'api_not_set' => 'You must provide an api key and an api id, get your own @', 'session_corrupted' => 'The session is corrupted!', 'resetSession_seqno' => 'Resetting session id and seq_no in DC %s...', 'gen_perm_auth_key' => 'Generating permanent authorization key for DC %s...', 'gen_temp_auth_key' => 'Generating temporary authorization key for DC %s...', 'copy_auth_dcs' => 'Copying authorization from DC %s to DC %s...', 'write_client_info' => 'Writing client info (also executing %s)...', 'config_updated' => 'Updated config!', 'length_not_4' => 'Length is not equal to 4', 'length_not_8' => 'Length is not equal to 8', 'value_bigger_than_2147483647' => 'Provided value %s is bigger than 2147483647', 'value_smaller_than_2147483648' => 'Provided value %s is smaller than -2147483648', 'value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807' => 'Provided value %s is bigger than 9223372036854775807', 'value_smaller_than_9223372036854775808' => 'Provided value %s is smaller than -9223372036854775808', 'value_bigger_than_4294967296' => 'Provided value %s is bigger than 4294967296', 'value_smaller_than_0' => 'Provided value %s is smaller than 0', 'encode_double_error' => 'Could not properly encode double', 'file_not_exist' => 'File does not exist', 'deserialization_error' => 'An error occurred on deserialization', 'rsa_init' => 'Istantiating \\tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA...', 'loading_key' => 'Loading key...', 'computing_fingerprint' => 'Computing fingerprint...', 'rsa_encrypting' => 'Encrypting with rsa key...', 'rpc_tg_error' => 'Telegram returned an RPC error: %s (%s), caused by %s:%s%sTL trace:', 'v_error' => '506c656173652075706461746520746f20746865206c61746573742076657273696f6e206f66204d6164656c696e6550726f746f2e', 'v_tgerror' => '506c6561736520757064617465207068702d6c69627467766f6970', 'no_mode_specified' => 'No mode was specified!', 'constructor_function_uncalled' => 'The constructor function wasn\'t called! Please call the constructor function before using this method.', 'proxy_class_invalid' => 'Invalid proxy class provided!', 'socket_con_error' => 'Connection: couldn\'t connect to socket.', 'protocol_not_implemented' => 'Connection: This protocol isn\'t implemented yet.', 'protocol_invalid' => 'Connection: invalid protocol specified.', 'nothing_in_socket' => 'Nothing in the socket!', 'wrong_length_read' => 'WARNING: Wrong length was read (should\'ve read %s, read %s)!', 'no_data_in_socket' => 'No data in the socket!', 'dc_con_start' => 'Connecting to DC %s...', 'dc_con_stop' => 'Disconnecting from DC %s...', 'dc_con_test_start' => 'Connecting to DC %s (%s server, %s, %s)...', 'script_not_exist' => 'Provided script does not exist', 'apifactory_start' => 'Running APIFactory...', 'madelineproto_ready' => 'MadelineProto is ready!', 'logout_error' => 'An error occurred while logging out!', 'logout_ok' => 'Logged out successfully!', 'already_loggedIn' => 'This instance of MadelineProto is already logged in. Logging out first...', 'login_ok' => 'Logged in successfully!', 'login_user' => 'Logging in as a normal user...', 'login_bot' => 'Logging in as a bot...', 'login_code_sending' => 'Sending code...', 'login_code_sent' => 'Code sent successfully! Once you receive the code you should use the completePhoneLogin function.', 'login_code_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting for the code! Please call the phoneLogin method first', 'login_2fa_enabled' => '2FA enabled, you will have to call the complete2falogin function...', 'login_need_signup' => 'An account has not been created for this number, you will have to call the completeSignup function...', 'login_auth_key' => 'Logging in using auth key...', 'not_loggedIn' => 'I\'m not logged in!', 'signup_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting to signup! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!', 'signing_up' => 'Signing up as a normal user...', 'signup_ok' => 'Signed up in successfully!', '2fa_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting for the password! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!', 'getting_dialogs' => 'Getting dialogs...', 'libtgvoip_required' => 'The php-libtgvoip extension is required to accept and manage calls. See for more info.', 'peer_not_in_db' => 'This peer is not present in the internal peer database', 'calling_user' => 'Calling %s...', 'generating_a' => 'Generating a...', 'generating_g_a' => 'Generating g_a...', 'call_error_1' => 'Could not find and accept call %s', 'accepting_call' => 'Accepting call from %s...', 'generating_b' => 'Generating b...', 'call_already_accepted' => 'Call %s already accepted', 'call_already_declined' => 'Call %s already declined', 'call_error_2' => 'Could not find and confirm call %s', 'call_confirming' => 'Confirming call from %s...', 'call_error_3' => 'Could not find and complete call %s', 'call_completing' => 'Completing call from %s...', 'invalid_g_a' => 'Invalid g_a!', 'fingerprint_invalid' => 'Invalid key fingerprint!', 'call_discarding' => 'Discarding call %s...', 'call_set_rating' => 'Setting rating for call %s...', 'call_debug_saving' => 'Saving debug data for call %s...', 'TL_loading' => 'Loading TL schemes...', 'file_parsing' => 'Parsing %s...', 'crc32_mismatch' => 'CRC32 mismatch (%s, %s) for %s', 'src_file_invalid' => 'Invalid source file was provided: ', 'translating_obj' => 'Translating objects...', 'translating_methods' => 'Translating methods...', 'bool_error' => 'Could not extract boolean', 'not_numeric' => 'Given value isn\'t numeric', 'long_not_16' => 'Given value is not 16 bytes long', 'long_not_32' => 'Given value is not 32 bytes long', 'long_not_64' => 'Given value is not 64 bytes long', 'array_invalid' => 'You didn\'t provide a valid array', 'predicate_not_set' => 'Predicate (value under _) was not set!', 'type_extract_error' => 'Could not extract type "%s"', 'method_not_found' => 'Could not find method: ', 'params_missing' => 'Missing required parameter', 'sec_peer_not_in_db' => 'This secret peer is not present in the internal peer database', 'stream_handle_invalid' => 'An invalid stream handle was provided.', 'length_too_big' => 'Length is too big', 'deserialize_not_str' => 'Deserialize: Generated value isn\'t a string', 'type_extract_error_id' => 'Could not extract type: %s with id %s', 'vector_invalid' => 'Invalid vector constructor: ', 'constructor_not_found' => 'Constructor not found for type: ', 'rand_bytes_too_small' => 'Random_bytes is too small!', 'botapi_conversion_error' => 'Can\'t convert %s to a bot API object', 'non_text_conversion' => 'Can\'t convert non text messages yet!', 'last_byte_invalid' => 'Invalid last byte', 'file_type_invalid' => 'Invalid file type detected (%s)', 'recreate_temp_auth_key' => 'I had to recreate the temporary authorization key', 'resetting_auth_key' => 'WARNING: Resetting auth key...', 'shutting_down_reader_pool' => 'Shutting down reader pool ', 'shutting_down_handler_pool' => 'Shutting down handler pool for dc %s, %d jobs left', 'secret_chat_skipping' => 'I do not have the secret chat %s in the database, skipping message...', 'fingerprint_mismatch' => 'Key fingerprint mismatch', 'msg_data_length_too_big' => 'Message_data_length is too big', 'length_not_divisible_16' => 'Length of decrypted data is not divisible by 16', 'msg_key_mismatch' => 'Msg_key mismatch', 'rand_bytes_too_short' => 'Random_bytes is too short!', 'resending_unsupported' => 'Resending of messages is not yet supported', 'unrecognized_dec_msg' => 'Unrecognized decrypted message received: ', 'method_req_pq' => 'Requests PQ for factorization', 'method_req_pq_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_req_pq_multi' => 'Requests PQ for factorization (new version)', 'method_req_pq_multi_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_req_DH_params' => 'Requests Diffie-hellman parameters for key exchange', 'method_req_DH_params_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_req_DH_params_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'method_req_DH_params_param_p_type_bytes' => 'Factorized p from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_q_type_bytes' => 'Factorized q from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_public_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'Server RSA fingerprint', 'method_req_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted key exchange message', 'method_set_client_DH_params' => 'Sets client diffie-hellman parameters', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted key exchange message', 'method_rpc_drop_answer' => 'Do not send answer to provided request', 'method_rpc_drop_answer_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'The message ID of the request', 'method_get_future_salts' => 'Get future salts', 'method_get_future_salts_param_num_type_int' => 'How many salts should be fetched', 'method_ping' => 'Pings the server', 'method_ping_param_ping_id_type_long' => 'Ping ID', 'method_ping_delay_disconnect' => 'Pings the server and causes disconection if the same method is not called within ping_disconnect_delay', 'method_ping_delay_disconnect_param_ping_id_type_long' => 'Ping ID', 'method_ping_delay_disconnect_param_disconnect_delay_type_int' => 'Disconection delay', 'method_destroy_session' => 'Destroy the current MTProto session', 'method_destroy_session_param_session_id_type_long' => 'The session to destroy', 'method_http_wait' => 'Makes the server send messages waiting in the buffer', 'method_http_wait_param_max_delay_type_int' => 'Denotes the maximum number of milliseconds that has elapsed between the first message for this session and the transmission of an HTTP response', 'method_http_wait_param_wait_after_type_int' => 'After the receipt of the latest message for a particular session, the server waits another wait_after milliseconds in case there are more messages. If there are no additional messages, the result is transmitted (a container with all the messages).', 'method_http_wait_param_max_wait_type_int' => 'If more messages appear, the wait_after timer is reset.', 'method_invokeAfterMsg' => 'Invokes a query after successfull completion of one of the previous queries.', 'method_invokeAfterMsg_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Message identifier on which a current query depends', 'method_invokeAfterMsg_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query itself', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs' => 'Invokes a query after a successfull completion of previous queries', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'List of messages on which a current query depends', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query itself', 'method_initConnection' => 'Initialize connection', 'method_initConnection_param_api_id_type_int' => 'Application identifier (see. [App configuration](', 'method_initConnection_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_initConnection_param_system_version_type_string' => 'Operation system version', 'method_initConnection_param_app_version_type_string' => 'Application version', 'method_initConnection_param_system_lang_code_type_string' => 'Code for the language used on the device\'s OS, ISO 639-1 standard', 'method_initConnection_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack to use', 'method_initConnection_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Code for the language used on the client, ISO 639-1 standard', 'method_initConnection_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query itself', 'method_invokeWithLayer' => 'Invoke the specified query using the specified API [layer](', 'method_invokeWithLayer_param_layer_type_int' => 'The layer to use', 'method_invokeWithLayer_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query', 'method_invokeWithoutUpdates' => 'Invoke a request without subscribing the used connection for [updates]( (this is enabled by default for [file queries](', 'method_invokeWithoutUpdates_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query', 'method_auth.checkPhone' => 'Check if this phone number is registered on telegram', 'method_auth.checkPhone_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number to check', 'method_auth.sendCode' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_api_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_api_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_first_name_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_last_name_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.logOut' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the logout method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.resetAuthorizations' => 'Terminates all user\'s authorized sessions except for the current one. After calling this method it is necessary to reregister the current device using the method [account.registerDevice](../methods/', 'method_auth.sendInvites' => 'Invite friends to telegram!', 'method_auth.sendInvites_param_phone_numbers_type_Vector t' => 'Phone numbers to invite', 'method_auth.sendInvites_param_message_type_string' => 'The message to send', 'method_auth.exportAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see', 'method_auth.exportAuthorization_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see', 'method_auth.importAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'method_auth.importAuthorization_param_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'method_auth.importAuthorization_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_perm_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_nonce_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_expires_at_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_encrypted_message_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_api_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_api_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_bot_auth_token_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.checkPassword' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.checkPassword_param_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.requestPasswordRecovery' => 'Request recovery code of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](', 'method_auth.recoverPassword' => 'Reset the [2FA password]( using the recovery code sent using [auth.requestPasswordRecovery](../methods/', 'method_auth.recoverPassword_param_code_type_string' => 'Code received via email', 'method_auth.resendCode' => 'Resend the login code via another medium, the phone code type is determined by the return value of the previous auth.sendCode/auth.resendCode: see [login]( for more info.', 'method_auth.resendCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number', 'method_auth.resendCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'The phone code hash obtained from [auth.sendCode](../methods/', 'method_auth.cancelCode' => 'Cancel the login verification code', 'method_auth.cancelCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_auth.cancelCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash from [auth.sendCode](../methods/', 'method_auth.dropTempAuthKeys' => 'Delete all temporary authorization keys **except for** the ones specified', 'method_auth.dropTempAuthKeys_param_except_auth_keys_type_Vector t' => 'The temporary authorization keys to keep', 'method_account.registerDevice' => 'Register device to receive [PUSH notifications](', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_token_type_type_int' => 'Device token type.
**Possible values**:
`1` \\- APNS (device token for apple push)
`2` \\- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)
`3` \\- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)
`4` \\- Simple push (endpoint for firefox\'s simple push API)
`5` \\- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)
`6` \\- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)
`7` \\- Unused
`8` \\- WNS (windows push)
`9` \\- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)
`10` \\- Web push (web push, see below)
`11` \\- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)
`12` \\- Tizen (token for tizen push)

For `10` web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object containing the keys described in [PUSH updates](', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_token_type_string' => 'Device token', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_app_sandbox_type_Bool' => 'If [(boolTrue)](../constructors/ is transmitted, a sandbox-certificate will be used during transmission.', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector t' => 'Other UIDs', 'method_account.unregisterDevice' => 'Deletes a device by its token, stops sending PUSH-notifications to it.', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_token_type_type_int' => 'Device token type.
**Possible values**:
`1` \\- APNS (device token for apple push)
`2` \\- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)
`3` \\- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)
`4` \\- Simple push (endpoint for firefox\'s simple push API)
`5` \\- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)
`6` \\- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)
`7` \\- Unused
`8` \\- WNS (windows push)
`9` \\- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)
`10` \\- Web push (web push, see below)
`11` \\- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)
`12` \\- Tizen (token for tizen push)

For `10` web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object containing the keys described in [PUSH updates](', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_token_type_string' => 'Device token', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector t' => 'Other UIDs', 'method_account.updateNotifySettings' => 'Edits notification settings from a given user/group, from all users/all groups.', 'method_account.updateNotifySettings_param_peer_type_InputNotifyPeer' => 'Notification source', 'method_account.updateNotifySettings_param_settings_type_InputPeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'method_account.getNotifySettings' => 'Gets current notification settings for a given user/group, from all users/all groups.', 'method_account.getNotifySettings_param_peer_type_InputNotifyPeer' => 'Notification source', 'method_account.resetNotifySettings' => 'Resets all notification settings from users and groups.', 'method_account.updateProfile' => 'Updates user profile.', 'method_account.updateProfile_param_first_name_type_string' => 'New user first name', 'method_account.updateProfile_param_last_name_type_string' => 'New user last name', 'method_account.updateProfile_param_about_type_string' => 'New bio', 'method_account.updateStatus' => 'Updates online user status.', 'method_account.updateStatus_param_offline_type_Bool' => 'If [(boolTrue)](../constructors/ is transmitted, user status will change to [(userStatusOffline)](../constructors/', 'method_account.getWallPapers' => 'Returns a list of available wallpapers.', 'method_account.reportPeer' => 'Report a peer for violation of telegram\'s Terms of Service', 'method_account.reportPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer to report', 'method_account.reportPeer_param_reason_type_ReportReason' => 'The reason why this peer is being reported', 'method_account.checkUsername' => 'Validates a username and checks availability.', 'method_account.checkUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'Username
Accepted characters: A-z (case-insensitive), 0-9 and underscores.
Length: 5-32 characters.', 'method_account.updateUsername' => 'Changes username for the current user.', 'method_account.updateUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'Username or empty string if username is to be removed
Accepted characters: a-z (case-insensitive), 0-9 and underscores.
Length: 5-32 characters.', 'method_account.getPrivacy' => 'Get privacy settings of current account', 'method_account.getPrivacy_param_key_type_InputPrivacyKey' => 'Peer category whose privacy settings should be fetched', 'method_account.setPrivacy' => 'Change privacy settings of current account', 'method_account.setPrivacy_param_key_type_InputPrivacyKey' => 'Peers to which the privacy rules apply', 'method_account.setPrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector t' => 'Privacy settings', 'method_account.deleteAccount' => 'Delete the user\'s account from the telegram servers. Can be used, for example, to delete the account of a user that provided the login code, but forgot the [2FA password and no recovery method is configured](', 'method_account.deleteAccount_param_reason_type_string' => 'Why is the account being deleted, can be empty', 'method_account.getAccountTTL' => 'Get days to live of account', 'method_account.setAccountTTL' => 'Set account self-destruction period', 'method_account.setAccountTTL_param_ttl_type_AccountDaysTTL' => 'Time to live in days', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode' => 'Verify a new phone number to associate to the current account', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Can the code be sent using a flash call instead of an SMS?', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'New phone number', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'Current phone number', 'method_account.changePhone' => 'Change the phone number of the current account', 'method_account.changePhone_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'New phone number', 'method_account.changePhone_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash received when calling [account.sendChangePhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.changePhone_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'Phone code received when calling [account.sendChangePhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.updateDeviceLocked' => 'When client-side passcode lock feature is enabled, will not show message texts in incoming [PUSH notifications](', 'method_account.updateDeviceLocked_param_period_type_int' => 'Inactivity period after which to start hiding message texts in [PUSH notifications](', 'method_account.getAuthorizations' => 'Get logged-in sessions', 'method_account.resetAuthorization' => 'Log out an active [authorized session]( by its hash', 'method_account.resetAuthorization_param_hash_type_long' => 'Session hash', 'method_account.getPassword' => 'Obtain configuration for two-factor authorization with password', 'method_account.getPasswordSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getPasswordSettings_param_current_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings_param_current_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings_param_new_settings_type_account.PasswordInputSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode' => 'Send confirmation code to cancel account deletion, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Can telegram call you instead of sending an SMS?', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_hash_type_string' => 'The hash from the service notification, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'The current phone number', 'method_account.confirmPhone' => 'Confirm a phone number to cancel account deletion, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.confirmPhone_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.confirmPhone_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'SMS code, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.getTmpPassword' => 'Get temporary payment password', 'method_account.getTmpPassword_param_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'The password hash', 'method_account.getTmpPassword_param_period_type_int' => 'Time during which the temporary password will be valid, in seconds; should be between 60 and 86400', 'method_account.getWebAuthorizations' => 'Get web [login widget]( authorizations', 'method_account.resetWebAuthorization' => 'Log out an active web [telegram login]( session', 'method_account.resetWebAuthorization_param_hash_type_long' => '[Session](../constructors/ hash', 'method_account.resetWebAuthorizations' => 'Reset all active web [telegram login]( sessions', 'method_users.getUsers' => 'Returns basic user info according to their identifiers.', 'method_users.getUsers_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The ids of the users', 'method_users.getFullUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_users.getFullUser_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_contacts.getStatuses' => 'Returns the list of contact statuses.', 'method_contacts.getContacts' => 'Returns the current user\'s contact list.', 'method_contacts.getContacts_param_hash_type_int' => 'If there already is a full contact list on the client, a [hash]( of a the list of contact IDs in ascending order may be passed in this parameter. If the contact set was not changed, [(contacts.contactsNotModified)](../constructors/ will be returned.', 'method_contacts.importContacts' => 'Imports contacts: saves a full list on the server, adds already registered contacts to the contact list, returns added contacts and their info.', 'method_contacts.importContacts_param_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'The numbers to import', 'method_contacts.deleteContact' => 'Delete a contact', 'method_contacts.deleteContact_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'The contact to delete', 'method_contacts.deleteContacts' => 'Deletes several contacts from the list.', 'method_contacts.deleteContacts_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The contacts to delete', 'method_contacts.block' => 'Adds the user to the blacklist.', 'method_contacts.block_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_contacts.unblock' => 'Deletes the user from the blacklist.', 'method_contacts.unblock_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_contacts.getBlocked' => 'Returns the list of blocked users.', 'method_contacts.getBlocked_param_offset_type_int' => 'The number of list elements to be skipped', 'method_contacts.getBlocked_param_limit_type_int' => 'The number of list elements to be returned', 'method_contacts.exportCard' => 'Export contact as card', 'method_contacts.importCard' => 'Import card as contact', 'method_contacts.importCard_param_export_card_type_Vector t' => 'The card', '' => 'Returns users found by username substring.', 'method_contacts.search_param_q_type_string' => 'Target substring', 'method_contacts.search_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of users to be returned', 'method_contacts.resolveUsername' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_contacts.resolveUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers' => 'Get most used peers', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_correspondents_type_true' => 'Users we\'ve chatted most frequently with', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_bots_pm_type_true' => 'Most used bots', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_bots_inline_type_true' => 'Most used inline bots', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_phone_calls_type_true' => 'Most frequently called users', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_groups_type_true' => 'Often-opened groups and supergroups', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_channels_type_true' => 'Most frequently visited channels', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset for [pagination](', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_contacts.resetTopPeerRating' => 'Reset [rating]( of top peer', 'method_contacts.resetTopPeerRating_param_category_type_TopPeerCategory' => 'Top peer category', 'method_contacts.resetTopPeerRating_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer whose rating should be reset', 'method_contacts.resetSaved' => 'Delete saved contacts', 'method_messages.getMessages' => 'Returns the list of messages by their IDs.', 'method_messages.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to fetch (only for users and normal groups)', 'method_messages.getDialogs' => 'Returns the current user dialog list.', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_exclude_pinned_type_true' => 'Exclude pinned dialogs', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_date_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_id_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_peer_type_InputPeer' => '[Offset peer for pagination](', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be returned', 'method_messages.getHistory' => 'Gets back the conversation history with one interlocutor / within a chat', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Target peer', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_offset_id_type_int' => 'Only return messages starting from the specified message ID', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_offset_date_type_int' => 'Only return messages sent after the specified date', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_add_offset_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be skipped, negative values are also accepted.', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with IDs less than **max\\_id**', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_min_id_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with IDs more than **min\\_id**', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_hash_type_int' => '[Result hash](', '' => 'Gets back found messages', 'method_messages.search_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User or chat, histories with which are searched, or [(inputPeerEmpty)](../constructors/ constructor for global search', 'method_messages.search_param_q_type_string' => 'Text search request', 'method_messages.search_param_from_id_type_InputUser' => 'Only return messages sent by the specified user ID', 'method_messages.search_param_filter_type_MessagesFilter' => 'Filter to return only specified message types', 'method_messages.search_param_min_date_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, only messages with a sending date bigger than the transferred one will be returned', 'method_messages.search_param_max_date_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, only messages with a sending date smaller than the transferred one will be returned', 'method_messages.search_param_offset_id_type_int' => 'Only return messages starting from the specified message ID', 'method_messages.search_param_add_offset_type_int' => '[Additional offset](', 'method_messages.search_param_limit_type_int' => '[Number of results to return](', 'method_messages.search_param_max_id_type_int' => '[Maximum message ID to return](', 'method_messages.search_param_min_id_type_int' => '[Minimum message ID to return](', 'method_messages.readHistory' => 'Marks message history as read.', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Target user or group', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'If a positive value is passed, only messages with identifiers less or equal than the given one will be read', 'method_messages.deleteHistory' => 'Deletes communication history.', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_just_clear_type_true' => 'Just clear history for the current user, without actually removing messages for every chat user', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User or chat, communication history of which will be deleted', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of message to delete', 'method_messages.deleteMessages' => 'Deletes messages by their identifiers.', 'method_messages.deleteMessages_param_revoke_type_true' => 'Whether to delete messages for all participants of the chat', 'method_messages.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of messages to delete, use channels->deleteMessages for supergroups', 'method_messages.receivedMessages' => 'Confirms receipt of messages by a client, cancels PUSH-notification sending.', 'method_messages.receivedMessages_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID available in a client.', 'method_messages.setTyping' => 'Sends a current user typing event (see [SendMessageAction](../types/ for all event types) to a conversation partner or group.', 'method_messages.setTyping_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Target user or group', 'method_messages.setTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Type of action
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'method_messages.sendMessage' => 'Sends a message to a chat', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'Send this message silently (no notifications for the receivers)', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_background_type_true' => 'Send this message as background message', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Clear the draft field', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The destination where the message will be sent', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID to which this message will reply to', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for sending bot buttons', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities to send (for styled text)', 'method_messages.sendMedia' => 'Send a media', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_silent_type_true' => 'Send message silently (no notification should be triggered)', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_background_type_true' => 'Send message in background', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Clear the draft', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID to which this message should reply to', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'Attached media', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_message_type_string' => 'Caption', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for bot keyboards', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities for styled text', 'method_messages.forwardMessages' => 'Forwards messages by their IDs.', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether to send messages silently (no notification will be triggered on the destination clients)', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_background_type_true' => 'Whether to send the message in background', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_with_my_score_type_true' => 'When forwarding games, whether to include your score in the game', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_grouped_type_true' => 'Whether the specified messages represent an album (grouped media)', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_from_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Source of messages', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The message IDs', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_to_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination peer', 'method_messages.reportSpam' => 'Report a new incoming chat for spam, if the [peer settings](../constructors/ of the chat allow us to do that', 'method_messages.reportSpam_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer to report', 'method_messages.hideReportSpam' => 'Hide report spam popup', 'method_messages.hideReportSpam_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where to hide the popup', 'method_messages.getPeerSettings' => 'Get peer settings', 'method_messages.getPeerSettings_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer', 'method_messages.getChats' => 'Returns chat basic info on their IDs.', 'method_messages.getChats_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The MTProto IDs of chats to fetch info about', 'method_messages.getFullChat' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_messages.getFullChat_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_messages.editChatTitle' => 'Chanages chat name and sends a service message on it.', 'method_messages.editChatTitle_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The ID of the chat', 'method_messages.editChatTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'New chat name, different from the old one', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto' => 'Changes chat photo and sends a service message on it', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The ID of the chat', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto_param_photo_type_InputChatPhoto' => 'Photo to be set', 'method_messages.addChatUser' => 'Adds a user to a chat and sends a service message on it.', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where to invite users', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID to be added', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_fwd_limit_type_int' => 'Number of last messages to be forwarded', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser' => 'Deletes a user from a chat and sends a service message on it.', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The ID of the chat', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID to be deleted', 'method_messages.createChat' => 'Creates a new chat.', 'method_messages.createChat_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'The users to add to the chat', 'method_messages.createChat_param_title_type_string' => 'Chat name', 'method_messages.getDhConfig' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'method_messages.getDhConfig_param_version_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'method_messages.getDhConfig_param_random_length_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'method_messages.requestEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.requestEncryption_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.requestEncryption_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.discardEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.discardEncryption_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.setEncryptedTyping' => 'Send typing event by the current user to a secret chat.', 'method_messages.setEncryptedTyping_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.setEncryptedTyping_param_typing_type_Bool' => 'Typing.
**Possible values**:
[(boolTrue)](../constructors/, if the user started typing and more than **5 seconds** have passed since the last request
[(boolFalse)](../constructors/, if the user stopped typing', 'method_messages.readEncryptedHistory' => 'Marks message history within a secret chat as read.', 'method_messages.readEncryptedHistory_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.readEncryptedHistory_param_max_date_type_int' => 'Maximum date value for received messages in history', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted' => 'Sends a text message to a secret chat.', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The message to send', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile' => 'Sends a message with a file attachment to a secret chat', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The message with the file', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_file_type_InputEncryptedFile' => 'File attachment for the secret chat', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService' => 'Sends a service message to a secret chat.', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The service message', 'method_messages.receivedQueue' => 'You cannot use this method directly', 'method_messages.receivedQueue_param_max_qts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly', 'method_messages.reportEncryptedSpam' => 'Report a secret chat for spam', 'method_messages.reportEncryptedSpam_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'The secret chat to report', 'method_messages.readMessageContents' => 'Notifies the sender about the recipient having listened a voice message or watched a video.', 'method_messages.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The messages to mark as read (only users and normal chats, not supergroups)', 'method_messages.getStickers' => 'Get stickers by emoji', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_emoticon_type_string' => 'The emoji', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Previously fetched sticker IDs', 'method_messages.getAllStickers' => 'Get all installed stickers', 'method_messages.getAllStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview' => 'Get preview of webpage', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview_param_message_type_string' => 'Message from which to extract the preview', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities for styled text', 'method_messages.exportChatInvite' => 'Export an invite link for a chat', 'method_messages.exportChatInvite_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat id ', 'method_messages.checkChatInvite' => 'Check the validity of a chat invite link and get basic info about it', 'method_messages.checkChatInvite_param_hash_type_string' => 'Invite hash in ``', 'method_messages.importChatInvite' => 'Import a chat invite and join a private chat/supergroup/channel', 'method_messages.importChatInvite_param_hash_type_string' => '`hash` from ``', 'method_messages.getStickerSet' => 'Get info about a stickerset', 'method_messages.getStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Stickerset', 'method_messages.installStickerSet' => 'Install a stickerset', 'method_messages.installStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Stickerset to install', 'method_messages.installStickerSet_param_archived_type_Bool' => 'Whether to archive stickerset', 'method_messages.uninstallStickerSet' => 'Uninstall a stickerset', 'method_messages.uninstallStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'The stickerset to uninstall', 'method_messages.startBot' => 'Start a conversation with a bot using a [deep linking parameter](', 'method_messages.startBot_param_bot_type_InputUser' => 'The bot', 'method_messages.startBot_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where to start the bot, can be the bot\'s private chat or a group', 'method_messages.startBot_param_start_param_type_string' => '[Deep linking parameter](', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews' => 'Get and increase the view counter of a message sent or forwarded from a [channel](', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the message was found', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs messages to get', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_increment_type_Bool' => 'Whether to mark the message as viewed and increment the view counter', 'method_messages.toggleChatAdmins' => 'Enable all users are admins in normal groups (not supergroups)', 'method_messages.toggleChatAdmins_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'Group ID', 'method_messages.toggleChatAdmins_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enable all users are admins', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin' => 'Make a user admin in a [legacy group](', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat ID (no supergroups)', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user to make admin', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_is_admin_type_Bool' => 'Whether to make him admin', 'method_messages.migrateChat' => 'Turn a [legacy group into a supergroup](', 'method_messages.migrateChat_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat to convert', 'method_messages.searchGlobal' => 'Search for messages and peers globally', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_q_type_string' => 'Query', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_date_type_int' => '0 or the date offset', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_peer_type_InputPeer' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_id_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_limit_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets' => 'Reorder installed stickersets', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets_param_masks_type_true' => 'Reorder mask stickersets', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'The order', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash' => 'Get a document by its SHA256 hash, mainly used for gifs', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash_param_sha256_type_bytes' => 'SHA256 of file', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash_param_size_type_int' => 'Size of the file in bytes', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'method_messages.searchGifs' => 'Search for GIFs', 'method_messages.searchGifs_param_q_type_string' => 'Text query', 'method_messages.searchGifs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset for [pagination »](', 'method_messages.getSavedGifs' => 'Get saved GIFs', 'method_messages.getSavedGifs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.saveGif' => 'Add GIF to saved gifs list', 'method_messages.saveGif_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'GIF to save', 'method_messages.saveGif_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Whether to remove GIF from saved gifs list', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults' => 'Query an inline bot', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_bot_type_InputUser' => 'The bot to query', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The currently opened chat', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'The geolocation, if requested', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_query_type_string' => 'The query', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_offset_type_string' => 'The offset within the results, will be passed directly as-is to the bot.', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults' => 'Answer an inline query, for bots only', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_gallery_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the results are composed of media files', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_private_type_true' => 'Set this flag if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique identifier for the answered query', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300.', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_next_offset_type_string' => 'Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don‘t support pagination. Offset length can’t exceed 64 bytes.', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_switch_pm_type_InlineBotSwitchPM' => 'If passed, clients will display a button with specified text that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with a certain parameter.', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult' => 'Send a result obtained using [messages.getInlineBotResults](../methods/', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether to send the message silently (no notification will be triggered on the other client)', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_background_type_true' => 'Whether to send the message in background', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Whether to clear the [draft](', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message should reply to', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID from [messages.getInlineBotResults](../methods/', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID from [messages.getInlineBotResults](../methods/', 'method_messages.getMessageEditData' => 'Find out if a media message\'s caption can be edited', 'method_messages.getMessageEditData_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the media was sent', 'method_messages.getMessageEditData_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of message', 'method_messages.editMessage' => 'Edit message', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_stop_geo_live_type_true' => 'Stop live location', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where was the message sent', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message to edit', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'New message', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for inline keyboards', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'The new entities (for styled text)', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'The new location', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage' => 'Edit an inline bot message', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_stop_geo_live_type_true' => 'Stop live location', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'Sent inline message ID', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for inline keyboards', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'The new entities (for styled text)', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'The new location', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer' => 'Press an inline callback button and get a callback answer from the bot', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_game_type_true' => 'Whether this is a "play game" button', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where was the inline keyboard sent', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the Message with the inline keyboard', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Callback data', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer' => 'Set the callback answer to a user button press (bots only)', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_alert_type_true' => 'Whether to show the message as a popup instead of a toast notification', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_message_type_string' => 'Popup to show', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_url_type_string' => 'URL to open', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'Cache validity', 'method_messages.getPeerDialogs' => 'Get dialog info of specified peers', 'method_messages.getPeerDialogs_param_peers_type_Vector t' => 'The peers', 'method_messages.saveDraft' => 'Save a message [draft]( associated to a chat.', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable generation of the webpage preview', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID the message should reply to', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination of the message that should be sent', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_message_type_string' => 'The draft', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'The entities (for styled text)', 'method_messages.getAllDrafts' => 'Save get all message [drafts](', 'method_messages.getFeaturedStickers' => 'Get featured stickers', 'method_messages.getFeaturedStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.readFeaturedStickers' => 'Mark new featured stickers as read', 'method_messages.readFeaturedStickers_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The stickers to mark as read', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers' => 'Get recent stickers', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers_param_attached_type_true' => 'Get stickers recently attached to photo or video files', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker' => 'Add/remove sticker from recent stickers list', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker_param_attached_type_true' => 'Whether to add/remove stickers recently attached to photo or video files', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'Sticker', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Whether to save or unsave the sticker', 'method_messages.clearRecentStickers' => 'Clear recent stickers', 'method_messages.clearRecentStickers_param_attached_type_true' => 'Set this flag to clear the list of stickers recently attached to photo or video files', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers' => 'Get all archived stickers', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers_param_masks_type_true' => 'Get mask stickers', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers_param_offset_id_type_long' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getMaskStickers' => 'Get installed mask stickers', 'method_messages.getMaskStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getAttachedStickers' => 'Get stickers attached to a photo or video', 'method_messages.getAttachedStickers_param_media_type_InputStickeredMedia' => 'Stickered media', 'method_messages.setGameScore' => 'Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as a normal message (bots only).', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_edit_message_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the game message should be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_force_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Unique identifier of target chat', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of the sent message', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User identifier', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_score_type_int' => 'New score', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore' => 'Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as an inline message (bots only).', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_edit_message_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the game message should be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_force_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'ID of the inline message', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User identifier', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_score_type_int' => 'New score', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores' => 'Get highscores of a game', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where was the game sent', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of message with game media attachment', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Get high scores made by a certain user', 'method_messages.getInlineGameHighScores' => 'Get highscores of a game sent using an inline bot', 'method_messages.getInlineGameHighScores_param_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'ID of inline message', 'method_messages.getInlineGameHighScores_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Get high scores of a certain user', 'method_messages.getCommonChats' => 'Get chats in common with a user', 'method_messages.getCommonChats_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_messages.getCommonChats_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of chat to return (see [pagination](', 'method_messages.getCommonChats_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getAllChats' => 'Get all chats, channels and supergroups', 'method_messages.getAllChats_param_except_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Do not fetch these chats (MTProto id)', 'method_messages.getWebPage' => 'Get [instant view]( page', 'method_messages.getWebPage_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of IV page to fetch', 'method_messages.getWebPage_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin' => 'Pin/unpin a dialog', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Whether to pin or unpin the dialog', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer to pin', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs' => 'Reorder pinned dialogs', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_force_type_true' => 'If set, dialogs pinned server-side but not present in the `order` field will be unpinned.', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'New order', 'method_messages.getPinnedDialogs' => 'Get pinned dialogs', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults' => 'If you sent an invoice requesting a shipping address and the parameter is\\_flexible was specified, the bot will receive an [updateBotShippingQuery](../constructors/ update. Use this method to reply to shipping queries.', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique identifier for the query to be answered', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_error_type_string' => 'Error message in human readable form that explains why it is impossible to complete the order (e.g. "Sorry, delivery to your desired address is unavailable\'). Telegram will display this message to the user.', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_shipping_options_type_Vector t' => 'Shipping options', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults' => 'Once the user has confirmed their payment and shipping details, the bot receives an [updateBotPrecheckoutQuery](../constructors/ update. Use this method to respond to such pre-checkout queries. **Note**: Telegram must receive an answer within 10 seconds after the pre-checkout query was sent.', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults_param_success_type_true' => 'Set this flag if everything is alright (goods are available, etc.) and the bot is ready to proceed with the order, otherwise do not set it, and set the `error` field, instead', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique identifier for the query to be answered', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults_param_error_type_string' => 'Required if the `success` isn\'t set. Error message in human readable form that explains the reason for failure to proceed with the checkout (e.g. "Sorry, somebody just bought the last of our amazing black T-shirts while you were busy filling out your payment details. Please choose a different color or garment!"). Telegram will display this message to the user.', 'method_messages.uploadMedia' => 'Upload a file and associate it to a chat (without actually sending it to the chat)', 'method_messages.uploadMedia_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat, can be an [inputPeerEmpty](../constructors/ for bots', 'method_messages.uploadMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'File uploaded in chunks as described in [files »](', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification' => 'Notify the other user in a private chat that a screenshot of the chat was taken', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Other user', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of message that was screenshotted, can be 0', 'method_messages.getFavedStickers' => 'Get faved stickers', 'method_messages.getFavedStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.faveSticker' => 'Mark a sticker as favorite', 'method_messages.faveSticker_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'Sticker to mark as favorite', 'method_messages.faveSticker_param_unfave_type_Bool' => 'Unfavorite', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions' => 'Get unread messages where we were mentioned', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where to look for mentions', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_offset_id_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_add_offset_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Minimum message ID to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.readMentions' => 'Mark mentions as read', 'method_messages.readMentions_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Dialog', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations' => 'Get live location history of a certain user', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia' => 'Send an album of media', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether to send the album silently (no notification triggered)', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_background_type_true' => 'Send in background?', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Whether to clear [drafts](', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The destination chat', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message to reply to', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_multi_media_type_Vector t' => 'The album', 'method_messages.uploadEncryptedFile' => 'Upload encrypted file and associate it to a secret chat', 'method_messages.uploadEncryptedFile_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'The secret chat to associate the file to', 'method_messages.uploadEncryptedFile_param_file_type_InputEncryptedFile' => 'The file', 'method_updates.getState' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_pts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_pts_total_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_date_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_qts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_force_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_filter_type_ChannelMessagesFilter' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_pts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_photos.updateProfilePhoto' => 'Installs a previously uploaded photo as a profile photo.', 'method_photos.updateProfilePhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'Input photo', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto' => 'Updates current user profile photo.', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File saved in parts by means of [upload.saveFilePart](../methods/ method', 'method_photos.deletePhotos' => 'Deletes profile photos.', 'method_photos.deletePhotos_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The profile photos to delete', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos' => 'Returns the list of user photos.', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_offset_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be skipped', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_max_id_type_long' => 'If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only photos with IDs less than the set one', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be returned', 'method_upload.saveFilePart' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveFilePart_param_file_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveFilePart_param_file_part_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveFilePart_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile_param_location_type_InputFileLocation' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile_param_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_file_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_file_part_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_file_total_parts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getWebFile' => 'Returns content of an HTTP file or a part, by proxying the request through telegram.', 'method_upload.getWebFile_param_location_type_InputWebFileLocation' => 'The file to download', 'method_upload.getWebFile_param_offset_type_int' => 'Number of bytes to be skipped', 'method_upload.getWebFile_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of bytes to be returned', 'method_upload.getCdnFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFile_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFile_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFile_param_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.reuploadCdnFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.reuploadCdnFile_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.reuploadCdnFile_param_request_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFileHashes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFileHashes_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFileHashes_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_help.getConfig' => 'Returns current configuration, icluding data center configuration.', 'method_help.getNearestDc' => 'Returns info on data centre nearest to the user.', 'method_help.getAppUpdate' => 'Returns information on update availability for the current application.', 'method_help.saveAppLog' => 'Saves logs of application on the server.', 'method_help.saveAppLog_param_events_type_Vector t' => 'Event list', 'method_help.getInviteText' => 'Returns text of a text message with an invitation.', 'method_help.getSupport' => 'Returns the support user for the \'ask a question\' feature.', 'method_help.getAppChangelog' => 'Get changelog of current app', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_prev_app_version_type_string' => 'Previous app version', 'method_help.getTermsOfService' => 'Get terms of service', 'method_help.setBotUpdatesStatus' => 'Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven\'t been processed for a long time; for bots only', 'method_help.setBotUpdatesStatus_param_pending_updates_count_type_int' => 'Number of pending updates', 'method_help.setBotUpdatesStatus_param_message_type_string' => 'Error message, if present', 'method_help.getCdnConfig' => 'Get configuration for [CDN]( file downloads.', 'method_help.getRecentMeUrls' => 'Get recently used `` links', 'method_help.getRecentMeUrls_param_referer_type_string' => 'Referer', 'method_channels.readHistory' => 'Mark [channel/supergroup]( history as read', 'method_channels.readHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.readHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'ID of message up to which messages should be marked as read', 'method_channels.deleteMessages' => 'Delete messages in a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteMessages_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to delete', 'method_channels.deleteUserHistory' => 'Delete all messages sent by a certain user in a [supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteUserHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteUserHistory_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User whose messages should be deleted', 'method_channels.reportSpam' => 'Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Supergroup', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'ID of the user that sent the spam messages', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to report', 'method_channels.getMessages' => 'Get [channel/supergroup]( messages', 'method_channels.getMessages_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The message IDs', 'method_channels.getParticipants' => 'Get the participants of a channel', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_filter_type_ChannelParticipantsFilter' => 'Which participant types to fetch', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_offset_type_int' => '[Offset](', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_limit_type_int' => '[Limit](', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash](', 'method_channels.getParticipant' => 'Get info about a [channel/supergroup]( participant', 'method_channels.getParticipant_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.getParticipant_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'ID of participant to get info about', 'method_channels.getChannels' => 'Get info about [channels/supergroups](', 'method_channels.getChannels_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The channel/supergroup MTProto IDs', 'method_channels.getFullChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_channels.getFullChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_channels.createChannel' => 'Create a [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Whether to create a [channel](', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Whether to create a [supergroup](', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_title_type_string' => 'Channel title', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_about_type_string' => 'Channel description', 'method_channels.editAbout' => 'Edit the about text of a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.editAbout_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel', 'method_channels.editAbout_param_about_type_string' => 'The new about text', 'method_channels.editAdmin' => 'Modify the admin rights of a user in a [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The ID of the user whose admin rights should be modified', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChannelAdminRights' => 'The new admin rights', 'method_channels.editTitle' => 'Edit the name of a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.editTitle_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.editTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'New name', 'method_channels.editPhoto' => 'Change the photo of a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.editPhoto_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup whose photo should be edited', 'method_channels.editPhoto_param_photo_type_InputChatPhoto' => 'New photo', 'method_channels.checkUsername' => 'Check if a username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.checkUsername_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [channel/supergroup]( that will assigned the specified username', 'method_channels.checkUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'The username to check', 'method_channels.updateUsername' => 'Change the username of a supergroup/channel', 'method_channels.updateUsername_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.updateUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'New username', 'method_channels.joinChannel' => 'Join a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.joinChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup to join', 'method_channels.leaveChannel' => 'Leave a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.leaveChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup]( to leave', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel' => 'Invite users to a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'The users to add', 'method_channels.exportInvite' => 'Export the invite link of a channel', 'method_channels.exportInvite_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel', 'method_channels.deleteChannel' => 'Delete a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup]( to delete', 'method_channels.toggleInvites' => 'Allow or disallow any user to invite users to this channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.toggleInvites_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.toggleInvites_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Allow or disallow', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink' => 'Get link and embed info of a message in a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink_param_grouped_type_Bool' => 'Whether to include other grouped media (for albums)', 'method_channels.toggleSignatures' => 'Enable/disable message signatures in channels', 'method_channels.toggleSignatures_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.toggleSignatures_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Value', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage' => 'Set the pinned message of a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'Pin silently', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the message to pin', 'method_channels.getAdminedPublicChannels' => 'Get [channels/supergroups/geogroups]( we\'re admin in. Usually called when the user exceeds the [limit](../constructors/ for owned public [channels/supergroups/geogroups](, and the user is given the choice to remove one of his channels/supergroups/geogroups.', 'method_channels.editBanned' => 'Ban/unban/kick a user in a [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The ID of the user whose banned rights should be modified', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChannelBannedRights' => 'Banned/kicked permissions', 'method_channels.getAdminLog' => 'Get the admin log of a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_q_type_string' => 'Search query, can be empty', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_events_filter_type_ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter' => 'Event filter', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_admins_type_Vector t' => 'Fetch only actions from these admins', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_max_id_type_long' => 'Maximum ID of message to return (see [pagination](', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_min_id_type_long' => 'Minimum ID of message to return (see [pagination](', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_channels.setStickers' => 'Associate a stickerset to the supergroup', 'method_channels.setStickers_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Supergroup', 'method_channels.setStickers_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'The stickerset to associate', 'method_channels.readMessageContents' => 'Mark [channel/supergroup]( message contents as read', 'method_channels.readMessageContents_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'List of message IDs', 'method_channels.deleteHistory' => 'Delete the history of a [supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Supergroup]( whose history must be deleted', 'method_channels.deleteHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'ID of message **up to which** the history must be deleted', 'method_channels.togglePreHistoryHidden' => 'Hide/unhide message history for new channel/supergroup users', 'method_channels.togglePreHistoryHidden_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.togglePreHistoryHidden_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Hide/unhide', 'method_bots.sendCustomRequest' => 'Sends a custom request; for bots only', 'method_bots.sendCustomRequest_param_custom_method_type_string' => 'The method name', 'method_bots.sendCustomRequest_param_params_type_DataJSON' => 'JSON-serialized method parameters', 'method_bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery' => 'Answers a custom query; for bots only', 'method_bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Identifier of a custom query', 'method_bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'JSON-serialized answer to the query', 'method_payments.getPaymentForm' => 'Get a payment form', 'method_payments.getPaymentForm_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of payment form', 'method_payments.getPaymentReceipt' => 'Get payment receipt', 'method_payments.getPaymentReceipt_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of receipt', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo' => 'Submit requested order information for validation', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo_param_save_type_true' => 'Save order information to re-use it for future orders', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of payment form', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Requested order information', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm' => 'Send compiled payment form', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of form', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_requested_info_id_type_string' => 'ID of saved and validated [order info](../constructors/', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_shipping_option_id_type_string' => 'Chosen shipping option ID', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_credentials_type_InputPaymentCredentials' => 'Payment credentials', 'method_payments.getSavedInfo' => 'Get saved payment information', 'method_payments.clearSavedInfo' => 'Clear saved payment information', 'method_payments.clearSavedInfo_param_credentials_type_true' => 'Remove saved payment credentials', 'method_payments.clearSavedInfo_param_info_type_true' => 'Clear the last order settings saved by the user', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet' => 'Create a stickerset, bots only.', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_masks_type_true' => 'Whether this is a mask stickerset', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Stickerset owner', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_title_type_string' => 'Stickerset name, `1-64` chars', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Sticker set name. Can contain only English letters, digits and underscores. Must end with *"*by*"* (** is case insensitive); 1-64 characters', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'The stickers to add', 'method_stickers.removeStickerFromSet' => 'Remove a sticker from the set where it belongs, bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot.', 'method_stickers.removeStickerFromSet_param_sticker_type_InputDocument' => 'The sticker to remove', 'method_stickers.changeStickerPosition' => 'Changes the absolute position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot', 'method_stickers.changeStickerPosition_param_sticker_type_InputDocument' => 'The sticker', 'method_stickers.changeStickerPosition_param_position_type_int' => 'The new position of the sticker, zero-based', 'method_stickers.addStickerToSet' => 'Add a sticker to a stickerset, bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot.', 'method_stickers.addStickerToSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'The stickerset', 'method_stickers.addStickerToSet_param_sticker_type_InputStickerSetItem' => 'The sticker', 'method_phone.getCallConfig' => 'Get phone call configuration to be passed to libtgvoip\'s shared config', 'method_phone.requestCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_g_a_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.receivedCall' => 'Optional: notify the server that the user is currently busy in a call: this will automatically refuse all incoming phone calls until the current phone call is ended.', 'method_phone.receivedCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'The phone call we\'re currently in', 'method_phone.discardCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_duration_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_reason_type_PhoneCallDiscardReason' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_connection_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.setCallRating' => 'Rate a call', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'The call to rate', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_rating_type_int' => 'Rating in `1-5` stars', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_comment_type_string' => 'An additional comment', 'method_phone.saveCallDebug' => 'Send phone call debug data to server', 'method_phone.saveCallDebug_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'method_phone.saveCallDebug_param_debug_type_DataJSON' => 'Debug statistics obtained from libtgvoip', 'method_langpack.getLangPack' => 'Get localization pack strings', 'method_langpack.getLangPack_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_langpack.getStrings' => 'Get strings from a language pack', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_keys_type_Vector t' => 'Keys', 'method_langpack.getDifference' => 'Get new strings in languagepack', 'method_langpack.getDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous localization pack version', 'method_langpack.getLanguages' => 'Get information about all languages in a localization pack', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_sms_type_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCall' => 'Send verification phone call', 'method_auth.sendCall_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number', 'method_auth.sendCall_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'The phone code hash', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_contacts.getContacts_param_hash_type_string' => 'List of contact user IDs you already cached', 'method_contacts.importContacts_param_replace_type_Bool' => 'Replace contacts?', 'method_contacts.getSuggested' => 'Get suggested contacts', 'method_contacts.getSuggested_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of result to return', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Message ID offset', 'method_messages.search_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset ', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_read_contents_type_Bool' => 'Mark messages as read?', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_photos.updateProfilePhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Cropping info', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption type', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Location', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Cropping info', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Langauge code', 'method_help.getInviteText_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of photo to return', 'method_messages.forwardMessage' => 'Forward message', 'method_messages.forwardMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'From where to forward the message', 'method_messages.forwardMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast' => 'Send a message to all users in the chat list', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast_param_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'The users to which send the message', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'The media', 'method_auth.sendSms' => 'Send SMS verification code', 'method_auth.sendSms_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_auth.sendSms_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code ash', 'method_invokeWithLayer18' => 'Invoke this method with layer 18', 'method_invokeWithLayer18_param_query_type_!X' => 'The method call', 'method_messages.getAllStickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Previously fetched stickers', 'method_geochats.getLocated' => 'Get nearby geochats', 'method_geochats.getLocated_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Current location', 'method_geochats.getLocated_param_radius_type_int' => 'Radius', 'method_geochats.getLocated_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.getRecents' => 'Get recent geochats', 'method_geochats.getRecents_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_geochats.getRecents_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.checkin' => 'Join a geochat', 'method_geochats.checkin_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.getFullChat' => 'Get full info about a geochat', 'method_geochats.getFullChat_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle' => 'Edit geochat title', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'The new title', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle_param_address_type_string' => 'The new address', 'method_geochats.editChatPhoto' => 'Edit geochat photo', 'method_geochats.editChatPhoto_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.editChatPhoto_param_photo_type_InputChatPhoto' => 'The new photo', '' => 'Search messages in geocha', 'method_geochats.search_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.search_param_q_type_string' => 'The search query', 'method_geochats.search_param_filter_type_MessagesFilter' => 'Search filter', 'method_geochats.search_param_min_date_type_int' => 'Minumum date', 'method_geochats.search_param_max_date_type_int' => 'Maximum date', 'method_geochats.search_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_geochats.search_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID', 'method_geochats.search_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.getHistory' => 'Get geochat history', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.setTyping' => 'Send typing notification to geochat', 'method_geochats.setTyping_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.setTyping_param_typing_type_Bool' => 'Typing or not typing', 'method_geochats.sendMessage' => 'Send message to geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMessage_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'method_geochats.sendMedia' => 'Send media to geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMedia_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'The media', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat' => 'Create geochat', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_title_type_string' => 'Geochat title', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geochat location', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_address_type_string' => 'Geochat address', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_venue_type_string' => 'Geochat venue ', 'method_account.setPassword' => 'Set 2FA password', 'method_account.setPassword_param_current_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'Use only if you have set a 2FA password: `$current_salt = $MadelineProto->account->getPassword()[\'current_salt\']; $current_password_hash = hash(\'sha256\', $current_salt.$password.$current_salt, true);`', 'method_account.setPassword_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => 'New salt', 'method_account.setPassword_param_new_password_hash_type_bytes' => '`hash(\'sha256\', $new_salt.$new_password.$new_salt, true)`', 'method_account.setPassword_param_hint_type_string' => 'Hint', 'method_messages.installStickerSet_param_disabled_type_Bool' => 'Disable stickerset?', 'method_messages.startBot_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'Chat ID', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_channels.getDialogs' => 'Get channel dialogs', 'method_channels.getDialogs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_channels.getDialogs_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory' => 'Get important channel/supergroup history', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The supergroup/channel', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_offset_id_type_int' => 'Message ID offset', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_add_offset_type_int' => 'Additional offset', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Minumum message ID', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users to add to channel', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_role_type_ChannelParticipantRole' => 'User role', 'method_channels.toggleComments' => 'Enable channel comments', 'method_channels.toggleComments_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel ', 'method_channels.toggleComments_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enable or disable comments', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel' => 'Kick user from channel', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user to kick', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel_param_kicked_type_Bool' => 'Kick or unkick?', 'method_messages.getChannelDialogs' => 'Get channel/supergruop dialogs', 'method_messages.getChannelDialogs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.getChannelDialogs_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory' => 'Get important message history', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID to fetch', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Minumum message ID to fetch', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to fetch', 'method_messages.readChannelHistory' => 'Mark channel/supergroup history as read', 'method_messages.readChannelHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The channel/supergruop', 'method_messages.readChannelHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID to mark as read', 'method_messages.createChannel' => 'Create channel', 'method_messages.createChannel_param_title_type_string' => 'Channel/supergroup title', 'method_messages.deleteChannelMessages' => 'Delete channel messages', 'method_messages.deleteChannelMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The channel/supergroup', 'method_messages.deleteChannelMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to delete', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_messages.search_param_important_only_type_true' => 'Show only important messages', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message', 'method_messages.deactivateChat' => 'Deactivate chat', 'method_messages.deactivateChat_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat to deactivate', 'method_messages.deactivateChat_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Activate or deactivate?', 'method_help.getTermsOfService_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message?', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_offset_date_type_int' => 'Date offset', 'method_messages.getUnusedStickers' => 'Get unused stickers', 'method_messages.getUnusedStickers_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_destroy_auth_key' => 'Destroy current authorization key', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_req_DH_params_param_p_type_string' => 'Factorized p from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_q_type_string' => 'Factorized q from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_string' => 'Encrypted message', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_string' => 'Encrypted message', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo' => 'Save developer info for telegram contest', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_vk_id_type_int' => 'VK user ID', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_name_type_string' => 'Name', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_age_type_int' => 'Age', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_city_type_string' => 'City', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_a_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_b_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_c_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_d_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'object_vector' => 'A universal vector constructor.', 'object_resPQ' => 'Contains pq to factorize', 'object_resPQ_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Nonce', 'object_resPQ_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Server nonce', 'object_resPQ_param_pq_type_bytes' => 'PQ ', 'object_resPQ_param_server_public_key_fingerprints_type_Vector t' => 'RSA key fingerprints', 'object_p_q_inner_data' => 'PQ inner data', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_pq_type_bytes' => 'PQ', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_p_type_bytes' => 'P', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_q_type_bytes' => 'Q', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_new_nonce_type_int256' => 'Nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp' => 'Inner data temp', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_pq_type_bytes' => 'Pq', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_p_type_bytes' => 'P', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_q_type_bytes' => 'Q', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_new_nonce_type_int256' => 'New nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_expires_in_type_int' => 'Expires in', 'object_server_DH_params_fail' => 'Server params fail', 'object_server_DH_params_fail_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_server_DH_params_fail_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_server_DH_params_fail_param_new_nonce_hash_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash', 'object_server_DH_params_ok' => 'Server params ok', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_encrypted_answer_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted answer', 'object_server_DH_inner_data' => 'Server inner data', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_g_type_int' => 'G', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_dh_prime_type_bytes' => 'Dh prime', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'G a', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_server_time_type_int' => 'Server time', 'object_client_DH_inner_data' => 'Client inner data', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_retry_id_type_long' => 'Retry ID', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'G b', 'object_dh_gen_ok' => 'Dh gen ok', 'object_dh_gen_ok_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_dh_gen_ok_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_dh_gen_ok_param_new_nonce_hash1_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash1', 'object_dh_gen_retry' => 'Dh gen retry', 'object_dh_gen_retry_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_dh_gen_retry_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_dh_gen_retry_param_new_nonce_hash2_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash2', 'object_dh_gen_fail' => 'Dh gen fail', 'object_dh_gen_fail_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_dh_gen_fail_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_dh_gen_fail_param_new_nonce_hash3_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash3', 'object_rpc_result' => 'Rpc result', 'object_rpc_result_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'Req msg ID', 'object_rpc_result_param_result_type_Object' => 'Result', 'object_rpc_error' => 'Rpc error', 'object_rpc_error_param_error_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_rpc_error_param_error_message_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_rpc_answer_unknown' => 'Rpc answer unknown', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_running' => 'Rpc answer dropped running', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped' => 'Rpc answer dropped', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Msg ID', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_param_seq_no_type_int' => 'Seq no', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Bytes', 'object_future_salt' => 'Future salt', 'object_future_salt_param_valid_since_type_int' => 'Valid since', 'object_future_salt_param_valid_until_type_int' => 'Valid until', 'object_future_salt_param_salt_type_long' => 'Salt', 'object_future_salts' => 'Future salts', 'object_future_salts_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'Req msg ID', 'object_future_salts_param_now_type_int' => 'Now', 'object_future_salts_param_salts_type_vector' => 'Salts', 'object_pong' => 'Pong', 'object_pong_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Msg ID', 'object_pong_param_ping_id_type_long' => 'Ping ID', 'object_destroy_session_ok' => 'Destroy session ok', 'object_destroy_session_ok_param_session_id_type_long' => 'Session ID', 'object_destroy_session_none' => 'Destroy session none', 'object_destroy_session_none_param_session_id_type_long' => 'Session ID', 'object_new_session_created' => 'New session created', 'object_new_session_created_param_first_msg_id_type_long' => 'First msg ID', 'object_new_session_created_param_unique_id_type_long' => 'Unique ID', 'object_new_session_created_param_server_salt_type_long' => 'Server salt', 'object_msg_container' => 'Msg container', 'object_msg_container_param_messages_type_vector' => 'Messages', 'object_MTmessage' => 'MTProto message', 'object_MTmessage_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Message ID', 'object_MTmessage_param_seqno_type_int' => 'Seqno', 'object_MTmessage_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Message body', 'object_MTmessage_param_body_type_Object' => 'Message body', 'object_msg_copy' => 'Msg copy', 'object_msg_copy_param_orig_message_type_MTMessage' => 'Orig message', 'object_gzip_packed' => 'Gzip packed', 'object_gzip_packed_param_packed_data_type_bytes' => 'Packed data', 'object_msgs_ack' => 'Msgs ack', 'object_msgs_ack_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_bad_msg_notification' => 'Bad msg notification', 'object_bad_msg_notification_param_bad_msg_id_type_long' => 'Bad msg ID', 'object_bad_msg_notification_param_bad_msg_seqno_type_int' => 'Bad msg seqno', 'object_bad_msg_notification_param_error_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_bad_server_salt' => 'Bad server salt', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_bad_msg_id_type_long' => 'Bad msg ID', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_bad_msg_seqno_type_int' => 'Bad msg seqno', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_error_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_new_server_salt_type_long' => 'New server salt', 'object_msg_resend_req' => 'Msg resend req', 'object_msg_resend_req_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_msgs_state_req' => 'Msgs state req', 'object_msgs_state_req_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_msgs_state_info' => 'Msgs state info', 'object_msgs_state_info_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'Req msg ID', 'object_msgs_state_info_param_info_type_bytes' => 'Info', 'object_msgs_all_info' => 'Msgs all info', 'object_msgs_all_info_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_msgs_all_info_param_info_type_bytes' => 'Info', 'object_msg_detailed_info' => 'Msg detailed info', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Msg ID', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_answer_msg_id_type_long' => 'Answer msg ID', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Bytes', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_status_type_int' => 'Status', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info' => 'Msg new detailed info', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info_param_answer_msg_id_type_long' => 'Answer msg ID', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Bytes', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info_param_status_type_int' => 'Status', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner' => 'Bind auth key inner', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_nonce_type_long' => 'Nonce', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_temp_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'Temp auth key ID', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_perm_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'Perm auth key ID', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_temp_session_id_type_long' => 'Temp session ID', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_expires_at_type_int' => 'Expires at', 'object_boolFalse' => 'Constructor may be interpreted as a **boolean**`false` value.', 'object_boolTrue' => 'The constructor can be interpreted as a **boolean**`true` value.', 'object_true' => 'See [predefined identifiers](', 'object_error' => 'Error.', 'object_error_param_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_error_param_text_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_null' => 'Corresponds to an arbitrary empty object.', 'object_inputPeerEmpty' => 'An empty constructor, no user or chat is defined.', 'object_inputPeerSelf' => 'Defines the current user.', 'object_inputPeerChat' => 'Defines a chat for further interaction.', 'object_inputPeerChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat idientifier', 'object_inputPeerUser' => 'Defines a user for further interaction.', 'object_inputPeerUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_inputPeerUser_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [user](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputPeerChannel' => 'Defines a channel for further interaction.', 'object_inputPeerChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel identifier', 'object_inputPeerChannel_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [channel](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputUserEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, does not define a user.', 'object_inputUserSelf' => 'Defines the current user.', 'object_inputUser' => 'Defines a user for further interaction.', 'object_inputUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_inputUser_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [user](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputPhoneContact' => 'Phone contact. The `client_id` is just an arbitrary contact ID: it should be set, for example, to an incremental number when using [contacts.importContacts](../methods/, in order to retry importing only the contacts that weren\'t imported successfully.', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_client_id_type_long' => 'User identifier on the client', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_inputFile' => 'Defines a file saved in parts using the method [upload.saveFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputFile_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file identifier created by the client', 'object_inputFile_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of parts saved', 'object_inputFile_param_name_type_string' => 'Full name of the file', 'object_inputFile_param_md5_checksum_type_string' => 'In case the file\'s [md5-hash]( was passed, contents of the file will be checked prior to use', 'object_inputFileBig' => 'Assigns a big file (over 10Mb in size), saved in part using the method [upload.saveBigFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputFileBig_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file id, created by the client', 'object_inputFileBig_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of parts saved', 'object_inputFileBig_param_name_type_string' => 'Full file name', 'object_inputMediaEmpty' => 'Empty media content of a message.', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'The [uploaded file](', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing photo', 'object_inputMediaPhoto' => 'Forwarded photo', 'object_inputMediaPhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'Photo to be forwarded', 'object_inputMediaPhoto_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing photo', 'object_inputMediaGeoPoint' => 'Map.', 'object_inputMediaGeoPoint_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'GeoPoint', 'object_inputMediaContact' => 'Phonebook contact', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument' => 'New document', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_nosound_video_type_true' => 'Whether the specified document is a video file with no audio tracks (a GIF animation (even as MPEG4), for example)', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'The [uploaded file](', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail of the document, uploaded as for the file', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type of document', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing document', 'object_inputMediaDocument' => 'Forwarded document', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'The document to be forwarded.', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live of self-destructing document', 'object_inputMediaVenue' => 'Can be used to send a venue geolocation.', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Physical address of the venue', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputMediaGifExternal' => 'New GIF animation that will be uploaded by the server using the specified URL', 'object_inputMediaGifExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_inputMediaGifExternal_param_q_type_string' => 'Query', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal' => 'New photo that will be uploaded by the server using the specified URL', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of the photo', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Self-destruct time to live of photo', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal' => 'Document that will be downloaded by the telegram servers', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of the document', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Self-destruct time to live of document', 'object_inputMediaGame' => 'A game', 'object_inputMediaGame_param_id_type_InputGame' => 'The game to forward', 'object_inputMediaInvoice' => 'Generated invoice of a [bot payment](', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_title_type_string' => 'Product name, 1-32 characters', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_description_type_string' => 'Product description, 1-255 characters', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_photo_type_InputWebDocument' => 'URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see what they are paying for.', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_invoice_type_Invoice' => 'The actual invoice', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_provider_type_string' => 'Payments provider token, obtained via [Botfather](', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_provider_data_type_DataJSON' => 'JSON-encoded data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of required fields should be provided by the payment provider.', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_start_param_type_string' => 'Start parameter', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive' => 'Live geographical location', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Current geolocation', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period of the current location', 'object_inputChatPhotoEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, remove group photo.', 'object_inputChatUploadedPhoto' => 'New photo to be set as group profile photo.', 'object_inputChatUploadedPhoto_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File saved in parts using the method [upload.saveFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputChatPhoto' => 'Existing photo to be set as a chat profile photo.', 'object_inputChatPhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'Existing photo', 'object_inputGeoPointEmpty' => 'Empty GeoPoint constructor.', 'object_inputGeoPoint' => 'Defines a GeoPoint by its coordinates.', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitide', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Longtitude', 'object_inputPhotoEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_inputPhoto' => 'Defines a photo for further interaction.', 'object_inputPhoto_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo identifier', 'object_inputPhoto_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [photo](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputFileLocation' => 'DEPRECATED location of a photo', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Server volume', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'File identifier', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_secret_type_long' => 'Check sum to access the file', 'object_inputEncryptedFileLocation' => 'Location of encrypted secret chat file.', 'object_inputEncryptedFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID, **id** parameter value from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputEncryptedFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checksum, **access\\_hash** parameter value from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation' => 'Document location (video, voice, audio, basically every type except photo)', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** parameter from the [document](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_inputAppEvent' => 'Event that occured in the application.', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_time_type_double' => 'Client\'s exact timestamp for the event', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_type_type_string' => 'Type of event', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_peer_type_long' => 'Arbitrary numeric value for more convenient selection of certain event types, or events referring to a certain object', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_data_type_string' => 'Data', 'object_peerUser' => 'Chat partner', 'object_peerUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_peerChat' => 'Group.', 'object_peerChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group identifier', 'object_peerChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'object_peerChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_storage.fileUnknown' => 'Unknown type.', 'object_storage.filePartial' => 'Part of a bigger file.', 'object_storage.fileJpeg' => 'JPEG image. MIME type: `image/jpeg`.', 'object_storage.fileGif' => 'GIF image. MIME type: `image/gif`.', 'object_storage.filePng' => 'PNG image. MIME type: `image/png`.', 'object_storage.filePdf' => 'PDF document image. MIME type: `application/pdf`.', 'object_storage.fileMp3' => 'Mp3 audio. MIME type: `audio/mpeg`.', 'object_storage.fileMov' => 'Quicktime video. MIME type: `video/quicktime`.', 'object_storage.fileMp4' => 'MPEG-4 video. MIME type: `video/mp4`.', 'object_storage.fileWebp' => 'WEBP image. MIME type: `image/webp`.', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable' => 'File location unavailable', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable_param_secret_type_long' => 'Secret', 'object_fileLocation' => 'File location', 'object_fileLocation_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_fileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_fileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_fileLocation_param_secret_type_long' => 'Secret', 'object_userEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, non-existent user.', 'object_userEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'User identifier or `0`', 'object_user' => 'Indicates info about a certain user', 'object_user_param_self_type_true' => 'Whether this user indicates the currently logged in user', 'object_user_param_contact_type_true' => 'Whether this user is a contact', 'object_user_param_mutual_contact_type_true' => 'Whether this user is a mutual contact', 'object_user_param_deleted_type_true' => 'Whether the account of this user was deleted', 'object_user_param_bot_type_true' => 'Is this user a bot?', 'object_user_param_bot_chat_history_type_true' => 'Can the bot see all messages in groups?', 'object_user_param_bot_nochats_type_true' => 'Can the bot be added to groups?', 'object_user_param_verified_type_true' => 'Whether this user is verified', 'object_user_param_restricted_type_true' => 'Access to this user must be restricted for the reason specified in `restriction_reason`', 'object_user_param_min_type_true' => 'See [min](', 'object_user_param_bot_inline_geo_type_true' => 'Whether the bot can request our geolocation in inline mode', 'object_user_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user', 'object_user_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of the user', 'object_user_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_user_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_user_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_user_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_user_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Profile picture of user', 'object_user_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Online status of user', 'object_user_param_bot_info_version_type_int' => 'Version of the [bot\\_info field in userFull](../constructors/, incremented every time it changes', 'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_string' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_user_param_bot_inline_placeholder_type_string' => 'Inline placeholder for this inline bot', 'object_user_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code of the user', 'object_userProfilePhotoEmpty' => 'Profile photo has not been set, or was hidden.', 'object_userProfilePhoto' => 'User profile photo.', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_photo_id_type_long' => 'Identifier of the respective photo
Parameter added in [Layer 2](', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_photo_small_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file, corresponding to the small profile photo thumbnail', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_photo_big_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file, corresponding to the big profile photo thumbnail', 'object_chatEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, group doesn\'t exist', 'object_chatEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'Group identifier', 'object_chat' => 'Info about a group', 'object_chat_param_creator_type_true' => 'Whether the current user is the creator of the group', 'object_chat_param_kicked_type_true' => 'Whether the current user was kicked from the group', 'object_chat_param_left_type_true' => 'Whether the current user has left the group', 'object_chat_param_admins_enabled_type_true' => 'Admins enabled?', 'object_chat_param_admin_type_true' => 'Admin?', 'object_chat_param_deactivated_type_true' => 'Whether the group was [migrated](', 'object_chat_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the group', 'object_chat_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_chat_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Chat photo', 'object_chat_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participant count', 'object_chat_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of creation of the group', 'object_chat_param_version_type_int' => 'Used in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them were received.', 'object_chat_param_migrated_to_type_InputChannel' => 'Means this chat was [upgraded]( to a supergroup', 'object_chatForbidden' => 'A group to which the user has no access. E.g., because the user was kicked from the group.', 'object_chatForbidden_param_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_chatForbidden_param_title_type_string' => 'Group name', 'object_channel' => 'Channel/supergroup info', 'object_channel_param_creator_type_true' => 'Whether the current user is the creator of this channel', 'object_channel_param_left_type_true' => 'Whether the current user has left this channel', 'object_channel_param_editor_type_true' => 'Editor?', 'object_channel_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Is this a channel?', 'object_channel_param_verified_type_true' => 'Is this channel verified by telegram?', 'object_channel_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Is this a supergroup?', 'object_channel_param_restricted_type_true' => 'Whether viewing/writing in this channel for a reason (see `restriction_reason`', 'object_channel_param_democracy_type_true' => 'Democracy?', 'object_channel_param_signatures_type_true' => 'Whether signatures are enabled (channels)', 'object_channel_param_min_type_true' => 'See [min](', 'object_channel_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the channel', 'object_channel_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_channel_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_channel_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_channel_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Profile photo', 'object_channel_param_date_type_int' => 'Creation date', 'object_channel_param_version_type_int' => 'Version of the channel (always `0`)', 'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_string' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_channel_param_admin_rights_type_ChannelAdminRights' => 'Admin rights', 'object_channel_param_banned_rights_type_ChannelBannedRights' => 'Banned rights', 'object_channel_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participant count', 'object_channelForbidden' => 'Indicates a channel/supergroup we can\'t access because we were banned, or for some other reason.', 'object_channelForbidden_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Is this a channel', 'object_channelForbidden_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Is this a supergroup', 'object_channelForbidden_param_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_channelForbidden_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_channelForbidden_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_channelForbidden_param_until_date_type_int' => 'The ban is valid until the specified date', 'object_chatFull' => 'Detailed chat info', 'object_chatFull_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the chat', 'object_chatFull_param_participants_type_ChatParticipants' => 'Participant list', 'object_chatFull_param_chat_photo_type_Photo' => 'Chat photo', 'object_chatFull_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_chatFull_param_exported_invite_type_ExportedChatInvite' => 'Chat invite', 'object_chatFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector t' => 'Bot info', 'object_channelFull' => 'Full info about a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_channelFull_param_can_view_participants_type_true' => 'Can we vew the participant list?', 'object_channelFull_param_can_set_username_type_true' => 'Can we set the channel\'s username?', 'object_channelFull_param_can_set_stickers_type_true' => 'Can we [associate](../methods/ a stickerpack to the supergroup?', 'object_channelFull_param_hidden_prehistory_type_true' => 'Is the history before we joined hidden to us?', 'object_channelFull_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_about_type_string' => 'Info about the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Number of participants of the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_admins_count_type_int' => 'Number of channel admins', 'object_channelFull_param_kicked_count_type_int' => 'Number of users [kicked]( from the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_banned_count_type_int' => 'Number of users [banned]( from the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all incoming messages are read.', 'object_channelFull_param_read_outbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.', 'object_channelFull_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Count of unread messages', 'object_channelFull_param_chat_photo_type_Photo' => 'Channel picture', 'object_channelFull_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_channelFull_param_exported_invite_type_ExportedChatInvite' => 'Invite link', 'object_channelFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector t' => 'Bot info', 'object_channelFull_param_migrated_from_chat_id_type_int' => 'The chat ID from which this group was [migrated](', 'object_channelFull_param_migrated_from_max_id_type_int' => 'The message ID in the original chat at which this group was [migrated](', 'object_channelFull_param_pinned_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of the pinned message', 'object_channelFull_param_stickerset_type_StickerSet' => 'Associated stickerset', 'object_channelFull_param_available_min_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of a maximum unavailable message in a channel due to hidden history.', 'object_chatParticipant' => 'Group member.', 'object_chatParticipant_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Member user ID', 'object_chatParticipant_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that added the member to the group', 'object_chatParticipant_param_date_type_int' => 'Date added to the group', 'object_chatParticipantCreator' => 'Represents the creator of the group', 'object_chatParticipantCreator_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that created the group', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin' => 'Chat admin', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of a group member that is admin', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that added the member to the group', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin_param_date_type_int' => 'Date when the user was added', 'object_chatParticipantsForbidden' => 'Info on members is unavailable', 'object_chatParticipantsForbidden_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group ID', 'object_chatParticipantsForbidden_param_self_participant_type_ChatParticipant' => 'Info about the group membership of the current user', 'object_chatParticipants' => 'Group members.', 'object_chatParticipants_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group identifier', 'object_chatParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector t' => 'Participants', 'object_chatParticipants_param_version_type_int' => 'Group version number', 'object_chatPhotoEmpty' => 'Group photo is not set.', 'object_chatPhoto' => 'Group profile photo.', 'object_chatPhoto_param_photo_small_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file corresponding to the small thumbnail for group profile photo', 'object_chatPhoto_param_photo_big_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file corresponding to the small thumbnail for group profile photo', 'object_messageEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, non-existent message.', 'object_messageEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'Message identifier', 'object_message' => 'A message', 'object_message_param_out_type_true' => 'Is this an outgoing message', 'object_message_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in this message', 'object_message_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether there are unread media attachments in this message', 'object_message_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether this is a silent message (no notification triggered)', 'object_message_param_post_type_true' => 'Whether this is a channel post', 'object_message_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message', 'object_message_param_from_id_type_int' => 'ID of the sender of the message', 'object_message_param_to_id_type_Peer' => 'ID of the chat were the message was sent', 'object_message_param_fwd_from_type_MessageFwdHeader' => 'Info about forwarded messages', 'object_message_param_via_bot_id_type_int' => 'ID of the inline bot that generated the message', 'object_message_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_message_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of the message', 'object_message_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'object_message_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media attachment', 'object_message_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup (bot/inline keyboards)', 'object_message_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_message_param_views_type_int' => 'View count for channel posts', 'object_message_param_edit_date_type_int' => 'Last edit date of this message', 'object_message_param_post_author_type_string' => 'Name of the author of this message for channel posts (with signatures enabled)', 'object_message_param_grouped_id_type_long' => 'Multiple media messages sent using [messages.sendMultiMedia](../methods/ with the same grouped ID indicate an album', 'object_messageService' => 'Indicates a service message', 'object_messageService_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_messageService_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in the message', 'object_messageService_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether the message contains unread media', 'object_messageService_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether the message is silent', 'object_messageService_param_post_type_true' => 'Whether it\'s a channel post', 'object_messageService_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_messageService_param_from_id_type_int' => 'Id of te sender of the message', 'object_messageService_param_to_id_type_Peer' => 'ID of the destination of the message', 'object_messageService_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_messageService_param_date_type_int' => 'Message date', 'object_messageService_param_action_type_MessageAction' => 'Event connected with the service message', 'object_messageMediaEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_messageMediaPhoto' => 'Attached photo.', 'object_messageMediaPhoto_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Photo', 'object_messageMediaPhoto_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing photo', 'object_messageMediaGeo' => 'Attached map.', 'object_messageMediaGeo_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'GeoPoint', 'object_messageMediaContact' => 'Attached contact.', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier or `0`, if the user with the given phone number is not registered', 'object_messageMediaUnsupported' => 'Current version of the client does not support this media type.', 'object_messageMediaDocument' => 'Document (video, audio, voice, sticker, any media type except photo)', 'object_messageMediaDocument_param_document_type_Document' => 'Attached document', 'object_messageMediaDocument_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live of self-destructing document', 'object_messageMediaWebPage' => 'Preview of webpage', 'object_messageMediaWebPage_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_messageMediaVenue' => 'Venue', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation of venue', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_messageMediaGame' => 'Telegram game', 'object_messageMediaGame_param_game_type_Game' => 'Game', 'object_messageMediaInvoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_shipping_address_requested_type_true' => 'Whether the shipping address was requested', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_test_type_true' => 'Whether this is an example invoice', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_title_type_string' => 'Product name, 1-32 characters', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_description_type_string' => 'Product description, 1-255 characters', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_photo_type_WebDocument' => 'URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see what they are paying for.', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_receipt_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of receipt: if set, clients should change the text of the first [keyboardButtonBuy](../constructors/ button always attached to the [message](../constructors/ to a localized version of the word `Receipt`', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Total price in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_start_param_type_string' => 'Unique bot deep-linking parameter that can be used to generate this invoice', 'object_messageMediaGeoLive' => 'Indicates a live geolocation', 'object_messageMediaGeoLive_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_messageMediaGeoLive_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period of provided geolocation', 'object_messageActionEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_messageActionChatCreate' => 'Group created', 'object_messageActionChatCreate_param_title_type_string' => 'Group name', 'object_messageActionChatCreate_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageActionChatEditTitle' => 'Group name changed.', 'object_messageActionChatEditTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'New group name', 'object_messageActionChatEditPhoto' => 'Group profile changed', 'object_messageActionChatEditPhoto_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'New group pofile photo', 'object_messageActionChatDeletePhoto' => 'Group profile photo removed.', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser' => 'New member in the group', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageActionChatDeleteUser' => 'User left the group.', 'object_messageActionChatDeleteUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Leaving user ID', 'object_messageActionChatJoinedByLink' => 'A user joined the chat via an invite link', 'object_messageActionChatJoinedByLink_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that created the invite link', 'object_messageActionChannelCreate' => 'The channel was created', 'object_messageActionChannelCreate_param_title_type_string' => 'Original channel/supergroup title', 'object_messageActionChatMigrateTo' => 'Indicates the chat was [migrated]( to the specified supergroup', 'object_messageActionChatMigrateTo_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The supergroup it was migrated to', 'object_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom' => 'Indicates the channel was [migrated]( from the specified chat', 'object_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom_param_title_type_string' => 'The old chat tite', 'object_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'The old chat ID', 'object_messageActionPinMessage' => 'A message was pinned', 'object_messageActionHistoryClear' => 'Chat history was cleared', 'object_messageActionGameScore' => 'Someone scored in a game', 'object_messageActionGameScore_param_game_id_type_long' => 'Game ID', 'object_messageActionGameScore_param_score_type_int' => 'Score', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe' => 'A user just sent a payment to me (a bot)', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot specified invoice payload', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Order info provided by the user', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_shipping_option_id_type_string' => 'Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_charge_type_PaymentCharge' => 'Provider payment identifier', 'object_messageActionPaymentSent' => 'A payment was sent', 'object_messageActionPaymentSent_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_messageActionPaymentSent_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall' => 'A phone call', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_call_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_reason_type_PhoneCallDiscardReason' => 'If the call has ended, the reason why it ended', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of the call in seconds', 'object_messageActionScreenshotTaken' => 'A screenshot of the chat was taken', 'object_messageActionCustomAction' => 'Custom action (most likely not supported by the current layer, an upgrade might be needed)', 'object_messageActionCustomAction_param_message_type_string' => 'Action message', 'object_dialog' => 'Chat', 'object_dialog_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Is the dialog pinned', 'object_dialog_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The chat', 'object_dialog_param_top_message_type_int' => 'The latest message ID', 'object_dialog_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all incoming messages are read.', 'object_dialog_param_read_outbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.', 'object_dialog_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages', 'object_dialog_param_unread_mentions_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread mentions', 'object_dialog_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_dialog_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_dialog_param_draft_type_DraftMessage' => 'Message draft', 'object_photoEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, non-existent photo', 'object_photoEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo identifier', 'object_photo' => 'Photo', 'object_photo_param_has_stickers_type_true' => 'Whether the photo has mask stickers attached to it', 'object_photo_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_photo_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_photo_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of upload', 'object_photo_param_sizes_type_Vector t' => 'Sizes', 'object_photoSizeEmpty' => 'Empty constructor. Image with this thumbnail is unavailable.', 'object_photoSizeEmpty_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type (see. [photoSize](../constructors/', 'object_photoSize' => 'Image description.', 'object_photoSize_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type', 'object_photoSize_param_location_type_FileLocation' => 'File location', 'object_photoSize_param_w_type_int' => 'Image width', 'object_photoSize_param_h_type_int' => 'Image height', 'object_photoSize_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_photoCachedSize' => 'Description of an image and its content.', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_location_type_FileLocation' => 'File location', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_w_type_int' => 'Image width', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_h_type_int' => 'Image height', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Binary data, file content', 'object_geoPointEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_geoPoint' => 'GeoPoint.', 'object_geoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Longtitude', 'object_geoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitude', 'object_auth.checkedPhone' => 'Checked phone', 'object_auth.checkedPhone_param_phone_registered_type_Bool' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentCode' => 'Contains info about a sent verification code.', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_phone_registered_type_true' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_type_type_auth.SentCodeType' => 'Phone code type', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash, to be stored and later re-used with [auth.signIn](../methods/', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_next_type_type_auth.CodeType' => 'Phone code type that will be sent next, if the phone code is not received within `timeout` seconds: to send it use [auth.resendCode](../methods/', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Timeout for reception of the phone code', 'object_auth.authorization' => 'Contains user authorization info.', 'object_auth.authorization_param_tmp_sessions_type_int' => 'Temporary [passport]( sessions', 'object_auth.authorization_param_user_type_User' => 'Info on authorized user', 'object_auth.exportedAuthorization' => 'Data for copying of authorization between data centres.', 'object_auth.exportedAuthorization_param_id_type_int' => 'Current user identifier', 'object_auth.exportedAuthorization_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Authorizes key', 'object_inputNotifyPeer' => 'Notifications generated by a certain user or group.', 'object_inputNotifyPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User or group', 'object_inputNotifyUsers' => 'Notifications generated by all users.', 'object_inputNotifyChats' => 'Notifications generated by all groups.', 'object_inputNotifyAll' => 'Notify all', 'object_inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty' => 'Empty input peer notify events', 'object_inputPeerNotifyEventsAll' => 'Peer notify events all', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings.', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_true' => 'Show previews?', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_true' => 'Silent?', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_mute_until_type_int' => 'Date until which all notifications shall be switched off', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_sound_type_string' => 'Name of an audio file for notification', 'object_peerNotifyEventsEmpty' => 'Empty peer notify events', 'object_peerNotifyEventsAll' => 'Peer notify events all', 'object_peerNotifySettingsEmpty' => 'Empty peer notify settings', 'object_peerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings.', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_true' => 'Show previews?', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_true' => 'Silent?', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_mute_until_type_int' => 'Mute all notifications until this date', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_sound_type_string' => 'Audio file name for notifications', 'object_peerSettings' => 'Peer settings', 'object_peerSettings_param_report_spam_type_true' => 'Whether we can still report the user for spam', 'object_wallPaper' => 'Wallpaper settings.', 'object_wallPaper_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_wallPaper_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_wallPaper_param_sizes_type_Vector t' => 'Sizes', 'object_wallPaper_param_color_type_int' => 'Color', 'object_wallPaperSolid' => 'Wall paper solid', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_bg_color_type_int' => 'Bg color', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_color_type_int' => 'Color', 'object_inputReportReasonSpam' => 'Report for spam', 'object_inputReportReasonViolence' => 'Report for violence', 'object_inputReportReasonPornography' => 'Report for pornography', 'object_inputReportReasonOther' => 'Other', 'object_inputReportReasonOther_param_text_type_string' => 'Other report reason', 'object_userFull' => 'Extended user info', 'object_userFull_param_blocked_type_true' => 'Whether you have blocked this user', 'object_userFull_param_phone_calls_available_type_true' => 'Whether this user can make VoIP calls', 'object_userFull_param_phone_calls_private_type_true' => 'Whether this user\'s privacy settings allow you to call him', 'object_userFull_param_user_type_User' => 'Remaining user info', 'object_userFull_param_about_type_string' => 'Bio of the user', 'object_userFull_param_link_type_contacts.Link' => 'Link', 'object_userFull_param_profile_photo_type_Photo' => 'Profile photo', 'object_userFull_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_userFull_param_bot_info_type_BotInfo' => 'For bots, info about the bot (bot commands, etc)', 'object_userFull_param_common_chats_count_type_int' => 'Chats in common with this user', 'object_contact' => 'A contact of the current user that is registered in the system.', 'object_contact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_contact_param_mutual_type_Bool' => 'Current user is in the user\'s contact list', 'object_importedContact' => 'Successfully imported contact.', 'object_importedContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_importedContact_param_client_id_type_long' => 'The contact\'s client identifier (passed to one of the [InputContact](../types/ constructors)', 'object_contactBlocked' => 'A blocked user.', 'object_contactBlocked_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_contactBlocked_param_date_type_int' => 'Date blacklisted', 'object_contactStatus' => 'Contact status: online / offline.', 'object_contactStatus_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_contactStatus_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Online status', '' => 'Link', 'object_contacts.link_param_my_link_type_ContactLink' => 'My link', 'object_contacts.link_param_foreign_link_type_ContactLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_contacts.link_param_user_type_User' => 'User', 'object_contacts.contactsNotModified' => 'Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.', 'object_contacts.contacts' => 'The current user\'s contact list and info on users.', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'Contacts', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_saved_count_type_int' => 'Number of contacts that were saved successfully', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.importedContacts' => 'Info on succesfully imported contacts.', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_imported_type_Vector t' => 'Imported', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_popular_invites_type_Vector t' => 'Popular invites', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_retry_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'Retry importing contacts whose client IDs appear here', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.blocked' => 'Full list of blocked users.', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_blocked_type_Vector t' => 'Blocked', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice' => 'Incomplete list of blocked users.', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of elements in the list', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_blocked_type_Vector t' => 'Blocked', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.dialogs' => 'Full list of chats with messages and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector t' => 'Dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice' => 'Incomplete list of dialogs with messages and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_dialogs_type_Vector t' => 'Dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.messages' => 'Full list of messages with auxilary data.', 'object_messages.messages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.messages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.messages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.messagesSlice' => 'Incomplete list of messages and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of messages in the list', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.channelMessages' => 'Channel messages', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of results were found server-side (may not be all included here)', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.messagesNotModified' => 'No new messages matching the query were found', 'object_messages.messagesNotModified_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of results found server-side by the given query', 'object_messages.chats' => 'List of chats with auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.chats_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.chatsSlice' => 'Partial list of chats, more would have to be fetched with [pagination](', 'object_messages.chatsSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of results that were found server-side (not all are included in `chats`)', 'object_messages.chatsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.chatFull' => 'Extended info on chat and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_full_chat_type_ChatFull' => 'Extended info on a chat', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.affectedHistory' => 'Affected part of communication history with the user or in a chat.', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_pts_type_int' => 'Number of events occured in a text box', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Number of affected events', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'If a parameter contains positive value, it is necessary to repeat the method call using the given value; during the proceeding of all the history the value itself shall gradually decrease', 'object_inputMessagesFilterEmpty' => 'Filter is absent.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhotos' => 'Filter for messages containing photos.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterVideo' => 'Filter for messages containing videos.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo' => 'Filter for messages containing photos or videos.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterDocument' => 'Filter for messages containing documents.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterUrl' => 'Return only messages containing URLs', 'object_inputMessagesFilterGif' => 'Return only messages containing gifs', 'object_inputMessagesFilterVoice' => 'Return only messages containing voice notes', 'object_inputMessagesFilterMusic' => 'Return only messages containing audio files', 'object_inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos' => 'Return only chat photo changes', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls' => 'Return only phone calls', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls_param_missed_type_true' => 'Return only missed phone calls', 'object_inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice' => 'Return only round videos and voice notes', 'object_inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo' => 'Return only round videos', 'object_inputMessagesFilterMyMentions' => 'Return only messages where the current user was mentioned', 'object_inputMessagesFilterGeo' => 'Return only messages containing geolocations', 'object_inputMessagesFilterContacts' => 'Return only messages containing contacts', 'object_updateNewMessage' => 'New message.', 'object_updateNewMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_updateNewMessage_param_pts_type_int' => 'New quantity of actions in a message box', 'object_updateNewMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Number of generated events', 'object_updateMessageID' => 'Sent message with **random\\_id** client identifier was assigned an identifier.', 'object_updateMessageID_param_id_type_int' => '**id** identifier of a respective [Message](../types/', 'object_updateDeleteMessages' => 'Messages were deleted.', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_pts_type_int' => 'New quality of actions in a message box', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Number of generated [events](', 'object_updateUserTyping' => 'The user is preparing a message; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no repeated update received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever he\'s been doing.', 'object_updateUserTyping_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User id', 'object_updateUserTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Action type
Param added in [Layer 17](', 'object_updateChatUserTyping' => 'The user is preparing a message in a group; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no repeated update received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever he\'s been doing.', 'object_updateChatUserTyping_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group id', 'object_updateChatUserTyping_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User id', 'object_updateChatUserTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Type of action
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_updateChatParticipants' => 'Composition of chat participants changed.', 'object_updateChatParticipants_param_participants_type_ChatParticipants' => 'Updated chat participants', 'object_updateUserName' => 'Changes the user\'s first name, last name and username.', 'object_updateUserName_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_updateUserName_param_first_name_type_string' => 'New first name. Corresponds to the new value of **real\\_first\\_name** field of the [userFull](../constructors/ constructor.', 'object_updateUserName_param_last_name_type_string' => 'New last name. Corresponds to the new value of **real\\_last\\_name** field of the [userFull](../constructors/ constructor.', 'object_updateUserName_param_username_type_string' => 'New username.
Parameter added in [Layer 18](', 'object_updateUserPhoto' => 'Change of contact\'s profile photo.', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of photo update.
Parameter was added in [second layer](?layer=2).', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'New profile photo', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_previous_type_Bool' => '([boolTrue](../constructors/, if one of the previously used photos is set a profile photo.
Parameter was added in [second layer](?layer=2).', 'object_updateContactRegistered' => 'Update contact registered', 'object_updateContactRegistered_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateContactRegistered_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_updateContactLink' => 'Update contact link', 'object_updateContactLink_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateContactLink_param_my_link_type_ContactLink' => 'My link', 'object_updateContactLink_param_foreign_link_type_ContactLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage' => 'New encrypted message.', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage_param_message_type_EncryptedMessage' => 'Message', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage_param_qts_type_int' => 'New **qts** value', 'object_updateEncryptedChatTyping' => 'Interlocutor is typing a message in an encrypted chat. Update period is 6 second. If upon this time there is no repeated update, it shall be considered that the interlocutor stopped typing.', 'object_updateEncryptedChatTyping_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateEncryption' => 'Change of state in an encrypted chat.', 'object_updateEncryption_param_chat_type_EncryptedChat' => 'Encrypted chat', 'object_updateEncryption_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of change', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead' => 'Communication history in an encrypted chat was marked as read.', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead_param_max_date_type_int' => 'Maximum value of data for read messages', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead_param_date_type_int' => 'Time when messages were read', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd' => 'New group member.', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group ID', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the new member', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user, who added member to the group', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the participant added', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_version_type_int' => 'Chat version number', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete' => 'A member has left the group.', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group ID', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete_param_version_type_int' => 'Used in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them was received.', 'object_updateDcOptions' => 'Changes in the data center configuration options.', 'object_updateDcOptions_param_dc_options_type_Vector t' => 'DC options', 'object_updateUserBlocked' => 'User was added to the blacklist (method [contacts.block](../methods/ or removed from the blacklist (method [contacts.unblock](../methods/', 'object_updateUserBlocked_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User id', 'object_updateUserBlocked_param_blocked_type_Bool' => '([boolTrue](../constructors/ if the the user is blocked', 'object_updateNotifySettings' => 'Changes in notification settings.', 'object_updateNotifySettings_param_peer_type_NotifyPeer' => 'Nofication source', 'object_updateNotifySettings_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'New notification settings', 'object_updateServiceNotification' => 'A service message for the user. The app must show the message to the user upon receiving this update. In case the **popup** parameter was passed, the text message must be displayed in a popup alert immediately upon receipt. It is recommended to handle the text as you would an ordinary message in terms of highlighting links, etc. The message must also be stored locally as part of the message history with the user id `777000` (Telegram Notifications).', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_popup_type_true' => '(boolTrue) if the message must be displayed in a popup.', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_inbox_date_type_int' => 'When was the notification received
The message must also be stored locally as part of the message history with the user id `777000` (Telegram Notifications).', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_type_type_string' => 'String, identical in format and contents to the [**type**]( field in API errors. Describes type of service message. It is acceptable to ignore repeated messages of the same **type** within a short period of time (15 minutes).', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_message_type_string' => 'Message text', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media content (optional)', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_updatePrivacy' => 'Privacy rules were changed', 'object_updatePrivacy_param_key_type_PrivacyKey' => 'Peers to which the privacy rules apply', 'object_updatePrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector t' => 'Rules', 'object_updateUserPhone' => 'A user\'s phone number was changed', 'object_updateUserPhone_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateUserPhone_param_phone_type_string' => 'New phone number', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox' => 'Incoming messages were read', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of messages read', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox' => 'Outgoing messages were read', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of read outgoing messages', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateWebPage' => 'An [instant view]( webpage preview was generated', 'object_updateWebPage_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_updateWebPage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateWebPage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents' => 'Contents of messages in the common [message box]( were read', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateChannelTooLong' => 'There are new updates in the specified channel, the client must fetch them, eventually starting the specified pts if the difference is too long or if the channel isn\'t currently in the states.', 'object_updateChannelTooLong_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The channel', 'object_updateChannelTooLong_param_pts_type_int' => 'The [PTS](', 'object_updateChannel' => 'A new channel is available', 'object_updateChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage' => 'A new message was sent in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'New message', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox' => 'Incoming messages in a [channel/supergroup]( were read', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all incoming messages are read.', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages' => 'Some messages in a [supergroup/channel]( were deleted', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews' => 'The view counter of a message in a channel has changed', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews_param_views_type_int' => 'New view counter', 'object_updateChatAdmins' => 'Update chat admins', 'object_updateChatAdmins_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateChatAdmins_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enabled?', 'object_updateChatAdmins_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin' => 'Admin permissions of a user in a [legacy group]( were changed', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the (de)admined user', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_is_admin_type_Bool' => 'Whether the user was rendered admin', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_version_type_int' => 'Used in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them was received.', 'object_updateNewStickerSet' => 'A new stickerset was installed', 'object_updateNewStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_messages.StickerSet' => 'The installed stickerset', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder' => 'The order of stickersets was changed', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder_param_masks_type_true' => 'Whether the updated stickers are mask stickers', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'Order', 'object_updateStickerSets' => 'Installed stickersets have changed, the client should refetch them using [messages.getAllStickers](', 'object_updateSavedGifs' => 'The saved gif list has changed, the client should refetch it using [messages.getSavedGifs](', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery' => 'An incoming inline query', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User that sent the query', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_query_type_string' => 'Text of query', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Attached geolocation', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_offset_type_string' => 'Offset to navigate through results', 'object_updateBotInlineSend' => 'The result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner. Please see our documentation on the [feedback collecting]( for details on how to enable these updates for your bot.', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The user that chose the result', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_query_type_string' => 'The query that was used to obtain the result', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Optional. Sender location, only for bots that require user location', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_id_type_string' => 'The unique identifier for the result that was chosen', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_msg_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'Identifier of the sent inline message. Available only if there is an inline keyboard attached to the message. Will be also received in callback queries and can be used to edit the message.', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage' => 'A message was edited in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'The new message', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateChannelPinnedMessage' => 'A message was pinned in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_updateChannelPinnedMessage_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateChannelPinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of pinned message', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery' => 'A callback button was pressed, and the button data was sent to the bot that created the button', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that pressed the button', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Chat where the inline keyboard was sent', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_chat_instance_type_long' => 'Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat to which the message with the callback button was sent. Useful for high scores in games.', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Callback data', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_game_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name of a Game to be returned, serves as the unique identifier for the game', 'object_updateEditMessage' => 'A message was edited', 'object_updateEditMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'The new edited message', 'object_updateEditMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateEditMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery' => 'This notification is received by bots when a button is pressed', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that pressed the button', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_msg_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'ID of the inline message with the button', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_chat_instance_type_long' => 'Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat to which the message with the callback button was sent. Useful for high scores in games.', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Data associated with the callback button. Be aware that a bad client can send arbitrary data in this field.', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_game_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name of a Game to be returned, serves as the unique identifier for the game', 'object_updateReadChannelOutbox' => 'Outgoing messages in a [channel/supergroup]( were read', 'object_updateReadChannelOutbox_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateReadChannelOutbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.', 'object_updateDraftMessage' => 'Notifies a change of a message [draft](', 'object_updateDraftMessage_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The peer to which the draft is associated', 'object_updateDraftMessage_param_draft_type_DraftMessage' => 'The draft', 'object_updateReadFeaturedStickers' => 'Some featured stickers were marked as read', 'object_updateRecentStickers' => 'The recent sticker list was updated', 'object_updateConfig' => 'The server-side configuration has changed; the client should re-fetch the config using [help.getConfig](../methods/', 'object_updatePtsChanged' => '[Common message box sequence PTS]( has changed, [state has to be refetched using updates.getState](', 'object_updateChannelWebPage' => 'A webpage preview of a link in a [channel/supergroup]( message was generated', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_channel_id_type_int' => '[Channel/supergroup]( ID', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Generated webpage preview', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateDialogPinned' => 'A dialog was pinned/unpinned', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Whether the dialog was pinned', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs' => 'Pinned dialogs were updated', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'Order', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSON' => 'A new incoming event; for bots only', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSON_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'The event', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery' => 'A new incoming query; for bots only', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query identifier', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'Query data', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Query timeout', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery' => 'This object contains information about an incoming shipping query.', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique query identifier', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User who sent the query', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot specified invoice payload', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_shipping_address_type_PostAddress' => 'User specified shipping address', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery' => 'This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query.', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique query identifier', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User who sent the query', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot specified invoice payload', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Order info provided by the user', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_shipping_option_id_type_string' => 'Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Total amount in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_updatePhoneCall' => 'An incoming phone call', 'object_updatePhoneCall_param_phone_call_type_PhoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'object_updateLangPackTooLong' => 'A language pack has changed, the client should manually fetch the changed strings using [langpack.getDifference](../methods/', 'object_updateLangPack' => 'Language pack updated', 'object_updateLangPack_param_difference_type_LangPackDifference' => 'Changed strings', 'object_updateFavedStickers' => 'The list of favorited stickers was changed, the client should call [messages.getFavedStickers](../methods/ to refetch the new list', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents' => 'The specified [channel/supergroup]( messages were read', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents_param_channel_id_type_int' => '[Channel/supergroup]( ID', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateContactsReset' => 'All contacts were deleted', 'object_updateChannelAvailableMessages' => 'The history of a [channel/supergroup]( was hidden.', 'object_updateChannelAvailableMessages_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateChannelAvailableMessages_param_available_min_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of a maximum unavailable message in a channel due to hidden history.', 'object_updates.state' => 'Updates state.', 'object_updates.state_param_pts_type_int' => 'Number of events occured in a text box', 'object_updates.state_param_qts_type_int' => 'Position in a sequence of updates in secret chats. For further detailes refer to article [secret chats](
Parameter was added in [eigth layer](', 'object_updates.state_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of condition', 'object_updates.state_param_seq_type_int' => 'Number of sent updates', 'object_updates.state_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages', 'object_updates.differenceEmpty' => 'No events.', 'object_updates.differenceEmpty_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date', 'object_updates.differenceEmpty_param_seq_type_int' => 'Number of sent updates', 'object_updates.difference' => 'Full list of occurred events.', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New encrypted messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_other_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.difference_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.difference_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates.difference_param_state_type_updates.State' => 'Current state', 'object_updates.differenceSlice' => 'Incomplete list of occurred events.', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New encrypted messages', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_other_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_intermediate_state_type_updates.State' => 'Intermediary state', 'object_updates.differenceTooLong' => 'The difference is [too long](, and the specified state must be used to refetch updates.', 'object_updates.differenceTooLong_param_pts_type_int' => 'The new state to use.', 'object_updatesTooLong' => 'Too many updates, it is necessary to execute [updates.getDifference](../methods/', 'object_updateShortMessage' => 'Info about a message sent to (received from) another user', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in the message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether there are some **unread** mentions in this message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'If true, the message is a silent message, no notifications should be triggered', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the sender (if `outgoing` will be the ID of the destination) of the message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_date_type_int' => '[date](', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_from_type_MessageFwdHeader' => 'Info about a forwarded message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_via_bot_id_type_int' => 'Info about the inline bot used to generate this message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_updateShortChatMessage' => 'Shortened constructor containing info on one new incoming text message from a chat', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in this message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether the message contains some **unread** mentions', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'If true, the message is a silent message, no notifications should be triggered', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_from_id_type_int' => 'ID of the sender of the message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of the chat where the message was sent', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_date_type_int' => '[date](', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_from_type_MessageFwdHeader' => 'Info about a forwarded message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_via_bot_id_type_int' => 'Info about the inline bot used to generate this message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_updateShort' => 'Shortened constructor containing info on one update not requiring auxiliary data', 'object_updateShort_param_update_type_Update' => 'Update', 'object_updateShort_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of event', 'object_updatesCombined' => 'Constructor for a group of updates.', 'object_updatesCombined_param_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Updates', 'object_updatesCombined_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updatesCombined_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updatesCombined_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date', 'object_updatesCombined_param_seq_start_type_int' => 'Value **seq** for the earliest update in a group', 'object_updatesCombined_param_seq_type_int' => 'Value **seq** for the latest update in a group', 'object_updates' => 'Full constructor of updates', 'object_updates_param_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Updates', 'object_updates_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date', 'object_updates_param_seq_type_int' => 'Total number of sent updates', 'object_updateShortSentMessage' => 'Shortened constructor containing info on one outgoing message to a contact (the destination chat has to be extracted from the method call that returned this object).', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the sent message', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_date_type_int' => '[date](', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Attached media', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', '' => 'Full list of photos with auxiliary data.', 'object_photos.photos_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_photos.photos_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_photos.photosSlice' => 'Incomplete list of photos with auxiliary data.', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of photos', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', '' => 'Photo with auxiliary data.', 'object_photos.photo_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Photo', 'object_photos.photo_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_upload.file' => 'File content.', 'object_upload.file_param_type_type_storage.FileType' => 'File type', 'object_upload.file_param_mtime_type_int' => 'Modification type', 'object_upload.file_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Binary data, file content', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect' => 'The file must be downloaded from a [CDN DC](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_dc_id_type_int' => '[CDN DC]( ID', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'File token (see [CDN files](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_encryption_key_type_bytes' => 'Encryption key (see [CDN files](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_encryption_iv_type_bytes' => 'Encryption IV (see [CDN files](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_cdn_file_hashes_type_Vector t' => 'Cdn file hashes', 'object_dcOption' => 'Data centre', 'object_dcOption_param_ipv6_type_true' => 'Whether the specified IP is an IPv6 address', 'object_dcOption_param_media_only_type_true' => 'Whether this DC should only be used to [download or upload files](', 'object_dcOption_param_tcpo_only_type_true' => 'Whether this DC only supports connection with [transport obfuscation](', 'object_dcOption_param_cdn_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [CDN DC](', 'object_dcOption_param_static_type_true' => 'If set, this IP should be used when connecting through a proxy', 'object_dcOption_param_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_dcOption_param_ip_address_type_string' => 'IP address of DC', 'object_dcOption_param_port_type_int' => 'Port', 'object_config' => 'Current configuration', 'object_config_param_phonecalls_enabled_type_true' => 'Whether phone calls can be used', 'object_config_param_default_p2p_contacts_type_true' => 'Whether the client should use P2P by default for phone calls with contacts', 'object_config_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date at the server', 'object_config_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date of this config: when it expires it\'ll have to be refetched using [help.getConfig](../methods/', 'object_config_param_test_mode_type_Bool' => 'Whether we\'re connected to the test DCs', 'object_config_param_this_dc_type_int' => 'ID of the DC that returned the reply', 'object_config_param_dc_options_type_Vector t' => 'DC options', 'object_config_param_chat_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum member count for normal [groups](', 'object_config_param_megagroup_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum member count for [supergroups](', 'object_config_param_forwarded_count_max_type_int' => 'Maximum number of messages that can be forwarded at once using [messages.forwardMessages](../methods/', 'object_config_param_online_update_period_ms_type_int' => 'The client should [update its online status](../methods/ every N milliseconds', 'object_config_param_offline_blur_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Delay before offline status needs to be sent to the server', 'object_config_param_offline_idle_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Time without any user activity after which it should be treated offline', 'object_config_param_online_cloud_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'If we are offline, but were online from some other client in last `online_cloud_timeout_ms` milliseconds after we had gone offline, then delay offline notification for `notify_cloud_delay_ms` milliseconds.', 'object_config_param_notify_cloud_delay_ms_type_int' => 'If we are offline, but online from some other client then delay sending the offline notification for `notify_cloud_delay_ms` milliseconds.', 'object_config_param_notify_default_delay_ms_type_int' => 'If some other client is online, then delay notification for `notification_default_delay_ms` milliseconds', 'object_config_param_chat_big_size_type_int' => 'Chat big size', 'object_config_param_push_chat_period_ms_type_int' => 'Not for client use', 'object_config_param_push_chat_limit_type_int' => 'Not for client use', 'object_config_param_saved_gifs_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum count of saved gifs', 'object_config_param_edit_time_limit_type_int' => 'Only messages with age smaller than the one specified can be edited', 'object_config_param_rating_e_decay_type_int' => 'Exponential decay rate for computing [top peer rating](', 'object_config_param_stickers_recent_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of recent stickers', 'object_config_param_stickers_faved_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of faved stickers', 'object_config_param_channels_read_media_period_type_int' => 'Indicates that round videos (video notes) and voice messages sent in channels and older than the specified period must be marked as read', 'object_config_param_tmp_sessions_type_int' => 'Temporary [passport]( sessions', 'object_config_param_pinned_dialogs_count_max_type_int' => 'Maximum count of pinned dialogs', 'object_config_param_call_receive_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Maximum allowed outgoing ring time in VoIP calls: if the user we\'re calling doesn\'t reply within the specified time (in milliseconds), we should hang up the call', 'object_config_param_call_ring_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Maximum allowed incoming ring time in VoIP calls: if the current user doesn\'t reply within the specified time (in milliseconds), the call will be automatically refused', 'object_config_param_call_connect_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'VoIP connection timeout: if the instance of libtgvoip on the other side of the call doesn\'t connect to our instance of libtgvoip within the specified time (in milliseconds), the call must be aborted', 'object_config_param_call_packet_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'If during a VoIP call a packet isn\'t received for the specified period of time, the call must be aborted', 'object_config_param_me_url_prefix_type_string' => 'The domain to use to parse in-app links.
For example indicates that links should parsed to @username, should be parsed to the appropriate stickerset and so on...', 'object_config_param_suggested_lang_code_type_string' => 'Suggested language code', 'object_config_param_lang_pack_version_type_int' => 'Language pack version', 'object_config_param_disabled_features_type_Vector t' => 'Disabled features', 'object_nearestDc' => 'Nearest data centre, according to geo-ip.', 'object_nearestDc_param_country_type_string' => 'Country code determined by geo-ip', 'object_nearestDc_param_this_dc_type_int' => 'Number of current data centre', 'object_nearestDc_param_nearest_dc_type_int' => 'Number of nearest data centre', 'object_help.appUpdate' => 'An update is available for the application.', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_id_type_int' => 'Update ID', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_critical_type_Bool' => 'Critical?', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_url_type_string' => 'Application download URL', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_text_type_string' => 'Text description of the update', 'object_help.noAppUpdate' => 'No updates are available for the application.', 'object_help.inviteText' => 'Text of a text message with an invitation to install application.', 'object_help.inviteText_param_message_type_string' => 'Text of a message', 'object_encryptedChatEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_encryptedChatEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting' => 'Chat waiting for approval of second participant.', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum depending on user ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of chat creation', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Chat creator ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of second chat participant', 'object_encryptedChatRequested' => 'Request to create an encrypted chat.', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Check sum depending on user ID', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_date_type_int' => 'Chat creation date', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Chat creator ID', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of second chat participant', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_g_a_type_bytes' => '`A = g ^ a mod p`, see [Wikipedia](', 'object_encryptedChat' => 'Encrypted chat', 'object_encryptedChat_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Check sum dependant on the user ID', 'object_encryptedChat_param_date_type_int' => 'Date chat was created', 'object_encryptedChat_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Chat creator ID', 'object_encryptedChat_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of the second chat participant', 'object_encryptedChat_param_g_a_or_b_type_bytes' => '`B = g ^ b mod p`, if the currently authorized user is the chat\'s creator,
or `A = g ^ a mod p` otherwise
See [Wikipedia]( for more info', 'object_encryptedChat_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => '64-bit fingerprint of received key', 'object_encryptedChatDiscarded' => 'Discarded or deleted chat.', 'object_encryptedChatDiscarded_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_inputEncryptedChat' => 'Creates an encrypted chat.', 'object_inputEncryptedChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_inputEncryptedChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum from constructor [encryptedChat](../constructors/, [encryptedChatWaiting](../constructors/ or [encryptedChatRequested](../constructors/', 'object_encryptedFileEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, unexisitng file.', 'object_encryptedFile' => 'Encrypted file.', 'object_encryptedFile_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID', 'object_encryptedFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum depending on user ID', 'object_encryptedFile_param_size_type_int' => 'File size in bytes', 'object_encryptedFile_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'Number of data centre', 'object_encryptedFile_param_key_fingerprint_type_int' => '32-bit fingerprint of key used for file encryption', 'object_inputEncryptedFileEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded' => 'Sets new encrypted file saved by parts using upload.saveFilePart method.', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file ID created by clien', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of saved parts', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_md5_checksum_type_string' => 'In case [md5-HASH]( of the (already encrypted) file was transmitted, file content will be checked prior to use', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_key_fingerprint_type_int' => '32-bit fingerprint of the key used to encrypt a file', 'object_inputEncryptedFile' => 'Sets forwarded encrypted file for attachment.', 'object_inputEncryptedFile_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID, value of **id** parameter from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputEncryptedFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum, value of **access\\_hash** parameter from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded' => 'Assigns a new big encrypted file (over 10Mb in size), saved in parts using the method [upload.saveBigFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file id, created by the client', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of saved parts', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded_param_key_fingerprint_type_int' => '32-bit imprint of the key used to encrypt the file', 'object_encryptedMessage' => 'Encrypted message.', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of encrypted chat', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of sending', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_decrypted_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'Decrypted message', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_file_type_EncryptedFile' => 'Attached encrypted file', 'object_encryptedMessageService' => 'Encrypted service message', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of encrypted chat', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of sending', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_decrypted_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'Decrypted message', 'object_messages.dhConfigNotModified' => 'Configuring parameters did not change.', 'object_messages.dhConfigNotModified_param_random_type_bytes' => 'Random sequence of bytes of assigned length', 'object_messages.dhConfig' => 'New set of configuring parameters.', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_g_type_int' => 'New value **prime**, see [Wikipedia](', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_p_type_bytes' => 'New value **primitive root**, see [Wikipedia](', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_version_type_int' => 'Vestion of set of parameters', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_random_type_bytes' => 'Random sequence of bytes of assigned length', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedMessage' => 'Message without file attachemts sent to an encrypted file.', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of sending', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedFile' => 'Message with a file enclosure sent to a protected chat', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedFile_param_date_type_int' => 'Sending date', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedFile_param_file_type_EncryptedFile' => 'Attached file', 'object_inputDocumentEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_inputDocument' => 'Defines a video for subsequent interaction.', 'object_inputDocument_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_inputDocument_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** parameter from the [document](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_documentEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, document doesn\'t exist.', 'object_documentEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID or `0`', 'object_document' => 'Document', 'object_document_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_document_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Check sum, dependant on document ID', 'object_document_param_date_type_int' => 'Creation date', 'object_document_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type', 'object_document_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_document_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_document_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_document_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_document_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', '' => 'Info on support user.', 'object_help.support_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_help.support_param_user_type_User' => 'User', 'object_notifyPeer' => 'Notifications generated by a certain user or group.', 'object_notifyPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'User or group', 'object_notifyUsers' => 'Notifications generated by all users.', 'object_notifyChats' => 'Notifications generated by all groups.', 'object_notifyAll' => 'Notify all', 'object_sendMessageTypingAction' => 'User is typing.', 'object_sendMessageCancelAction' => 'Invalidate all previous action updates. E.g. when user deletes entered text or aborts a video upload.', 'object_sendMessageRecordVideoAction' => 'User is recording a video.', 'object_sendMessageUploadVideoAction' => 'User is uploading a video.', 'object_sendMessageUploadVideoAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageRecordAudioAction' => 'User is recording a voice message.', 'object_sendMessageUploadAudioAction' => 'User is uploading a voice message.', 'object_sendMessageUploadAudioAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction' => 'User is uploading a photo.', 'object_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction' => 'User is uploading a file.', 'object_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageGeoLocationAction' => 'User is selecting a location to share.', 'object_sendMessageChooseContactAction' => 'User is selecting a contact to share.', 'object_sendMessageGamePlayAction' => 'User is playing a game', 'object_sendMessageRecordRoundAction' => 'User is recording a round video to share', 'object_sendMessageUploadRoundAction' => 'User is uploading a round video', 'object_sendMessageUploadRoundAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_contacts.found' => 'Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.', 'object_contacts.found_param_my_results_type_Vector t' => 'My results', 'object_contacts.found_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_contacts.found_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.found_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp' => 'Whether we can see the exact last online timestamp of the user', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite' => 'Whether the user can be invited to chats', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall' => 'Whether the user will accept phone calls', 'object_privacyKeyStatusTimestamp' => 'Whether we can see the last online timestamp', 'object_privacyKeyPhoneCall' => 'Whether the user accepts phone calls', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts' => 'Allow only contacts', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowAll' => 'Allow all users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers' => 'Allow only certain users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts' => 'Disallow only contacts', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll' => 'Disallow all', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers' => 'Disallow only certain users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_privacyValueAllowContacts' => 'Allow all contacts', 'object_privacyValueAllowAll' => 'Allow all users', 'object_privacyValueAllowUsers' => 'Allow only certain users', 'object_privacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_privacyValueDisallowContacts' => 'Disallow only contacts', 'object_privacyValueDisallowAll' => 'Disallow all users', 'object_privacyValueDisallowUsers' => 'Disallow only certain users', 'object_privacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_account.privacyRules' => 'Privacy rules', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_rules_type_Vector t' => 'Rules', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_accountDaysTTL' => 'Time to live in days of the current account', 'object_accountDaysTTL_param_days_type_int' => 'This account will self-destruct in the specified number of days', 'object_documentAttributeImageSize' => 'Defines the width and height of an image uploaded as document', 'object_documentAttributeImageSize_param_w_type_int' => 'Width of image', 'object_documentAttributeImageSize_param_h_type_int' => 'Height of image', 'object_documentAttributeAnimated' => 'Defines an animated GIF', 'object_documentAttributeSticker' => 'Defines a sticker', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_mask_type_true' => 'Whether this is a mask sticker', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_alt_type_string' => 'Alternative emoji representation of sticker', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Associated stickerset', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_mask_coords_type_MaskCoords' => 'Mask coordinates (if this is a mask sticker, attached to a photo)', 'object_documentAttributeVideo' => 'Defines a video', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_round_message_type_true' => 'Whether this is a round video', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_supports_streaming_type_true' => 'Whether the video supports streaming', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration in seconds', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Video width', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Video height', 'object_documentAttributeAudio' => 'Represents an audio file', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_voice_type_true' => 'Whether this is a voice message', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration in seconds', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_title_type_string' => 'Name of song', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_performer_type_string' => 'Performer', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_waveform_type_bytes' => 'Waveform', 'object_documentAttributeFilename' => 'A simple document with a file name', 'object_documentAttributeFilename_param_file_name_type_string' => 'The file name', 'object_documentAttributeHasStickers' => 'Whether the current document has stickers attached', 'object_messages.stickersNotModified' => 'No new stickers were found for the given query', 'object_messages.stickers' => 'Found stickers', 'object_messages.stickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.stickers_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_stickerPack' => 'A stickerpack is a group of stickers associated to the same emoji. It is **not** a sticker pack the way it is usually intended, you may be looking for a [StickerSet](../types/', 'object_stickerPack_param_emoticon_type_string' => 'Emoji', 'object_stickerPack_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_messages.allStickersNotModified' => 'Info about all installed stickers hasn\'t changed', 'object_messages.allStickers' => 'Info about all installed stickers', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_disabledFeature' => 'Disabled feature', 'object_disabledFeature_param_feature_type_string' => 'Feature', 'object_disabledFeature_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_messages.affectedMessages' => 'Events affected by operation', 'object_messages.affectedMessages_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_messages.affectedMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_contactLinkUnknown' => 'Contact link unknown', 'object_contactLinkNone' => 'Contact link none', 'object_contactLinkHasPhone' => 'Contact link has phone', 'object_contactLinkContact' => 'Contact link contact', 'object_webPageEmpty' => 'No preview is available for the webpage', 'object_webPageEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Preview ID', 'object_webPagePending' => 'A preview of the webpage is currently being generated', 'object_webPagePending_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of preview', 'object_webPagePending_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the processing started', 'object_webPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_webPage_param_id_type_long' => 'Preview ID', 'object_webPage_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of previewed webpage', 'object_webPage_param_display_url_type_string' => 'Webpage URL to be displayed to the user', 'object_webPage_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_webPage_param_type_type_string' => 'Type of the web page. Can be: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app, or something else', 'object_webPage_param_site_name_type_string' => 'Short name of the site (e.g., Google Docs, App Store)', 'object_webPage_param_title_type_string' => 'Title of the content', 'object_webPage_param_description_type_string' => 'Content description', 'object_webPage_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Image representing the content', 'object_webPage_param_embed_url_type_string' => 'URL to show in the embedded preview', 'object_webPage_param_embed_type_type_string' => 'MIME type of the embedded preview, (e.g., text/html or video/mp4)', 'object_webPage_param_embed_width_type_int' => 'Width of the embedded preview', 'object_webPage_param_embed_height_type_int' => 'Height of the embedded preview', 'object_webPage_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of the content, in seconds', 'object_webPage_param_author_type_string' => 'Author of the content', 'object_webPage_param_document_type_Document' => 'Preview of the content as a media file', 'object_webPage_param_cached_page_type_Page' => 'Page contents in [instant view]( format', 'object_webPageNotModified' => 'The preview of the webpage hasn\'t changed', 'object_authorization' => 'Logged-in session', 'object_authorization_param_hash_type_long' => 'Identifier', 'object_authorization_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'object_authorization_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform', 'object_authorization_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'object_authorization_param_api_id_type_int' => '[API ID](', 'object_authorization_param_app_name_type_string' => 'App name', 'object_authorization_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'object_authorization_param_date_created_type_int' => 'When was the session created', 'object_authorization_param_date_active_type_int' => 'When was the session last active', 'object_authorization_param_ip_type_string' => 'Last known IP', 'object_authorization_param_country_type_string' => 'Country determined from IP', 'object_authorization_param_region_type_string' => 'Region determined from IP', 'object_account.authorizations' => 'Logged-in sessions', 'object_account.authorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector t' => 'Authorizations', 'object_account.noPassword' => 'No password', 'object_account.noPassword_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => 'New salt', 'object_account.noPassword_param_email_unconfirmed_pattern_type_string' => 'Email unconfirmed pattern', 'object_account.password' => 'Configuration for two-factor authorization', 'object_account.password_param_current_salt_type_bytes' => 'Current salt', 'object_account.password_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => 'New salt', 'object_account.password_param_hint_type_string' => 'Text hint for the password', 'object_account.password_param_has_recovery_type_Bool' => 'Has recovery?', 'object_account.password_param_email_unconfirmed_pattern_type_string' => 'A [password recovery email]( with the specified [pattern]( is still awaiting verification', 'object_account.passwordSettings' => 'Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram [passport]( info & so on)', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_email_type_string' => '[2FA Recovery email](', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings' => 'Settings for setting up a new password', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => '`$new_salt = $MadelineProto->account->getPassword()[\'new_salt\'].$MadelineProto->random(8);`', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'The [computed password hash](', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_hint_type_string' => 'Text hint for the password', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_email_type_string' => 'Password recovery email', 'object_auth.passwordRecovery' => 'Recovery info of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](', 'object_auth.passwordRecovery_param_email_pattern_type_string' => 'The email to which the recovery code was sent must match this [pattern](', 'object_receivedNotifyMessage' => 'Message ID, for which PUSH-notifications were cancelled.', 'object_receivedNotifyMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID, for which PUSH-notifications were canceled', 'object_chatInviteEmpty' => 'No info is associated to the chat invite', 'object_chatInviteExported' => 'Exported chat invite', 'object_chatInviteExported_param_link_type_string' => 'Chat invitation link', 'object_chatInviteAlready' => 'The user has already joined this chat', 'object_chatInviteAlready_param_chat_type_Chat' => 'The chat connected to the invite', 'object_chatInvite' => 'Chat invite info', 'object_chatInvite_param_channel_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [channel/supergroup]( or a [normal group](', 'object_chatInvite_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [channel](', 'object_chatInvite_param_public_type_true' => 'Whether this is a public [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatInvite_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [supergroup](', 'object_chatInvite_param_title_type_string' => 'Chat/supergroup/channel title', 'object_chatInvite_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_chatInvite_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participant count', 'object_chatInvite_param_participants_type_Vector t' => 'Participants', 'object_inputStickerSetEmpty' => 'Empty constructor', 'object_inputStickerSetID' => 'Stickerset by ID', 'object_inputStickerSetID_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputStickerSetID_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputStickerSetShortName' => 'Stickerset by short name, from `tg://addstickers?set=short_name`', 'object_inputStickerSetShortName_param_short_name_type_string' => 'From `tg://addstickers?set=short_name`', 'object_stickerSet' => 'Represents a stickerset (stickerpack)', 'object_stickerSet_param_installed_type_true' => 'Installed?', 'object_stickerSet_param_archived_type_true' => 'Whether this stickerset was archived (due to too many saved stickers in the current account)', 'object_stickerSet_param_official_type_true' => 'Is this stickerset official', 'object_stickerSet_param_masks_type_true' => 'Is this a mask stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of the stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_title_type_string' => 'Title of stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name of stickerset to use in `tg://addstickers?set=short_name`', 'object_stickerSet_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of stickers in pack', 'object_stickerSet_param_hash_type_int' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.stickerSet' => 'Stickerset and stickers inside it', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_set_type_StickerSet' => 'The stickerset', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_botInfo' => 'Info about bots (available bot commands, etc)', 'object_botInfo_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the bot', 'object_botInfo_param_description_type_string' => 'Description of the bot', 'object_botInfo_param_commands_type_Vector t' => 'Commands', 'object_keyboardButton' => 'Bot keyboard button', 'object_keyboardButton_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonUrl' => 'URL button', 'object_keyboardButtonUrl_param_text_type_string' => 'Button label', 'object_keyboardButtonUrl_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_keyboardButtonCallback' => 'Callback button', 'object_keyboardButtonCallback_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonCallback_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Callback data', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPhone' => 'Button to request a user\'s phone number', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPhone_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation' => 'Button to request a user\'s geolocation', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline' => 'Button to force a user to switch to inline mode Pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot‘s username and the specified inline query in the input field.', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline_param_same_peer_type_true' => 'If set, pressing the button will insert the bot‘s username and the specified inline `query` in the current chat\'s input field.', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline_param_text_type_string' => 'Button label', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline_param_query_type_string' => 'The inline query to use', 'object_keyboardButtonGame' => 'Button to start a game', 'object_keyboardButtonGame_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonBuy' => 'Button to buy a product', 'object_keyboardButtonBuy_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonRow' => 'Inline keyboard row', 'object_keyboardButtonRow_param_buttons_type_Vector t' => 'Buttons', 'object_replyKeyboardHide' => 'Hide sent bot keyboard', 'object_replyKeyboardHide_param_selective_type_true' => 'Use this flag if you want to remove the keyboard for specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot\'s message is a reply (has reply\\_to\\_message\\_id), sender of the original message.

Example: A user votes in a poll, bot returns confirmation message in reply to the vote and removes the keyboard for that user, while still showing the keyboard with poll options to users who haven\'t voted yet', 'object_replyKeyboardForceReply' => 'Force the user to send a reply', 'object_replyKeyboardForceReply_param_single_use_type_true' => 'Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it\'s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat – the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again.', 'object_replyKeyboardForceReply_param_selective_type_true' => 'Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot\'s message is a reply (has reply\\_to\\_message\\_id), sender of the original message.
Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup' => 'Bot keyboard', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_resize_type_true' => 'Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e.g., make the keyboard smaller if there are just two rows of buttons). If not set, the custom keyboard is always of the same height as the app\'s standard keyboard.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_single_use_type_true' => 'Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it\'s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat – the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_selective_type_true' => 'Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot\'s message is a reply (has reply\\_to\\_message\\_id), sender of the original message.

Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector t' => 'Rows', 'object_replyInlineMarkup' => 'Bot or inline keyboard', 'object_replyInlineMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector t' => 'Rows', 'object_messageEntityUnknown' => 'Unknown message entity', 'object_messageEntityUnknown_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUnknown_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMention' => 'Message entity mentioning the current user', 'object_messageEntityMention_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMention_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityHashtag' => '**\\#hashtag** message entity', 'object_messageEntityHashtag_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityHashtag_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBotCommand' => 'Message entity representing a bot /command', 'object_messageEntityBotCommand_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBotCommand_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUrl' => 'Message entity representing an in-text url: ; for [text urls](, use [messageEntityTextUrl](../constructors/', 'object_messageEntityUrl_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUrl_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityEmail' => 'Message entity representing an .', 'object_messageEntityEmail_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityEmail_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBold' => 'Message entity representing **bold text**.', 'object_messageEntityBold_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBold_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityItalic' => 'Message entity representing *italic text*.', 'object_messageEntityItalic_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityItalic_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCode' => 'Message entity representing a `codeblock`.', 'object_messageEntityCode_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCode_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPre' => 'Message entity representing a preformatted `codeblock`, allowing the user to specify a programming language for the codeblock.', 'object_messageEntityPre_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPre_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPre_param_language_type_string' => 'Programming language of the code', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl' => 'Message entity representing a [text url]( for in-text urls like use [messageEntityUrl](../constructors/', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl_param_url_type_string' => 'The actual URL', 'object_messageEntityMentionName' => 'Message entity representing a [user mention]( for *creating* a mention use [inputMessageEntityMentionName](../constructors/', 'object_messageEntityMentionName_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMentionName_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMentionName_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of the user that was mentioned', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName' => 'Message entity that can be used to create a user [user mention]( received mentions use the [messageEntityMentionName](../constructors/ constructor, instead.', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Identifier of the user that was mentioned', 'object_inputChannelEmpty' => 'Represents the absence of a channel', 'object_inputChannel' => 'Represents a channel', 'object_inputChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_inputChannel_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash taken from the [channel](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer' => 'Resolved peer', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The peer', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageRange' => 'Indicates a range of chat messages', 'object_messageRange_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Start of range (message ID)', 'object_messageRange_param_max_id_type_int' => 'End of range (message ID)', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty' => 'There are no new updates', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_final_type_true' => 'Whether there are more updates that must be fetched (always false)', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_pts_type_int' => 'The latest [PTS](', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Clients are supposed to refetch the channel difference after timeout seconds have elapsed', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong' => 'The provided `pts + limit < remote pts`. Simply, there are too many updates to be fetched (more than `limit`), the client has to resolve the update gap in one of the following ways: 1. Delete all known messages in the chat, begin from scratch by refetching all messages manually with [getHistory](../methods/ It is easy to implement, but suddenly disappearing messages looks awful for the user. 2. Save all messages loaded in the memory until application restart, but delete all messages from database. Messages left in the memory must be lazily updated using calls to [getHistory](../methods/ It looks much smoothly for the user, he will need to redownload messages only after client restart. Unsynchronized messages left in the memory shouldn\'t be saved to database, results of [getHistory](../methods/ and [getMessages](../methods/ must be used to update state of deleted and edited messages left in the memory. 3. Save all messages loaded in the memory and stored in the database without saving that some messages form continuous ranges. Messages in the database will be excluded from results of getChatHistory and searchChatMessages after application restart and will be available only through getMessage. Every message should still be checked using getHistory. It has more disadvantages over 2) than advantages. 4. Save all messages with saving all data about continuous message ranges. Messages from the database may be used as results of getChatHistory and (if implemented continuous ranges support for searching shared media) searchChatMessages. The messages should still be lazily checked using getHistory, but they are still available offline. It is the best way for gaps support, but it is pretty hard to implement correctly. It should be also noted that some messages like live location messages shouldn\'t be deleted.', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_final_type_true' => 'Whether there are more updates that must be fetched (always false)', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Clients are supposed to refetch the channel difference after timeout seconds have elapsed', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_top_message_type_int' => 'Top message', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Read inbox max ID', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_read_outbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Read outbox max ID', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Unread count', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_unread_mentions_count_type_int' => 'Unread mentions count', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates.channelDifference' => 'The new updates', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_final_type_true' => 'Whether there are more updates to be fetched using getDifference, starting from the provided `pts`', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_pts_type_int' => 'The [PTS]( from which to start getting updates the next time', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Clients are supposed to refetch the channel difference after timeout seconds have elapsed', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_new_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_other_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_channelMessagesFilterEmpty' => 'No filter', 'object_channelMessagesFilter' => 'Filter for getting only certain types of channel messages', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_exclude_new_messages_type_true' => 'Whether to exclude new messages from the search', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_ranges_type_Vector t' => 'Ranges', 'object_channelParticipant' => 'Channel/supergroup participant', 'object_channelParticipant_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Pariticipant user ID', 'object_channelParticipant_param_date_type_int' => 'Date joined', 'object_channelParticipantSelf' => 'Myself', 'object_channelParticipantSelf_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantSelf_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'User that invited me to the channel/supergroup', 'object_channelParticipantSelf_param_date_type_int' => 'When did I join the channel/supergroup', 'object_channelParticipantCreator' => 'Channel/supergroup creator', 'object_channelParticipantCreator_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin' => 'Admin', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_can_edit_type_true' => 'Can this admin promote other admins with the same permissions?', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Admin user ID', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'User that invited the admin to the channel/group', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_promoted_by_type_int' => 'User that promoted the user to admin', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_date_type_int' => 'When did the user join', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChannelAdminRights' => 'Admin rights', 'object_channelParticipantBanned' => 'Banned/kicked user', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_left_type_true' => 'Whether the user has left the group', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_kicked_by_type_int' => 'User was kicked by the specified admin', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_date_type_int' => 'When did the user join the group', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChannelBannedRights' => 'Banned rights', 'object_channelParticipantsRecent' => 'Fetch only recent participants', 'object_channelParticipantsAdmins' => 'Fetch only admin participants', 'object_channelParticipantsKicked' => 'Fetch only kicked participants', 'object_channelParticipantsKicked_param_q_type_string' => 'Optional filter for searching kicked participants by name (otherwise empty)', 'object_channelParticipantsBots' => 'Fetch only bot participants', 'object_channelParticipantsBanned' => 'Fetch only banned participants', 'object_channelParticipantsBanned_param_q_type_string' => 'Optional filter for searching banned participants by name (otherwise empty)', 'object_channelParticipantsSearch' => 'Query participants by name', 'object_channelParticipantsSearch_param_q_type_string' => 'Search query', 'object_channels.channelParticipants' => 'Represents multiple channel participants', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of participants that correspond to the given query', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector t' => 'Participants', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_channels.channelParticipantsNotModified' => 'No new participant info could be found', 'object_channels.channelParticipant' => 'Represents a channel participant', 'object_channels.channelParticipant_param_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'The channel participant', 'object_channels.channelParticipant_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_help.termsOfService' => 'Info about the latest telegram Terms Of Service', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_text_type_string' => 'Text of the new terms', 'object_foundGif' => 'Found GIF', 'object_foundGif_param_url_type_string' => 'GIF URL', 'object_foundGif_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_foundGif_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Actual URL of the content to send', 'object_foundGif_param_content_type_type_string' => 'Content-type of media', 'object_foundGif_param_w_type_int' => 'Width of GIF', 'object_foundGif_param_h_type_int' => 'Height of GIF', 'object_foundGifCached' => 'Found cached results', 'object_foundGifCached_param_url_type_string' => 'GIF URL', 'object_foundGifCached_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_foundGifCached_param_document_type_Document' => 'Actual GIF document to send', 'object_messages.foundGifs' => 'Found GIFs', 'object_messages.foundGifs_param_next_offset_type_int' => 'Next offset to use when trying to [load more results](../methods/', 'object_messages.foundGifs_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_messages.savedGifsNotModified' => 'No new saved gifs were found', 'object_messages.savedGifs' => 'Saved gifs', 'object_messages.savedGifs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.savedGifs_param_gifs_type_Vector t' => 'Gifs', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto' => 'A media', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_message_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText' => 'Simple text message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for bot/inline keyboards', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue' => 'Venue', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact' => 'A contact', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageGame' => 'A game', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageGame_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineResult' => 'An inline bot result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_id_type_string' => 'ID of result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_description_type_string' => 'Result description', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Content URL', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_content_type_type_string' => 'Content type', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_photo_type_InputPhoto' => 'Photo to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument' => 'Document (media of any type except for photos)', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_description_type_string' => 'Result description', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Document to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame' => 'Game', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Game short name', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto' => 'Send whatever media is attached to the [botInlineMediaResult](../constructors/', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_message_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageText' => 'Send a simple text message', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo' => 'Send a geolocation', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue' => 'Send a venue', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation of venue', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact' => 'Send a contact', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineResult' => 'Generic result', 'object_botInlineResult_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_botInlineResult_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_botInlineResult_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_botInlineResult_param_description_type_string' => 'Result description', 'object_botInlineResult_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of article or webpage', 'object_botInlineResult_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_botInlineResult_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Content URL', 'object_botInlineResult_param_content_type_type_string' => 'Content type', 'object_botInlineResult_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_botInlineResult_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_botInlineResult_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_botInlineResult_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult' => 'Media result', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'If type is `photo`, the photo to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_document_type_Document' => 'If type is `document`, the document to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Send message', 'object_messages.botResults' => 'Result of a query to an inline bot', 'object_messages.botResults_param_gallery_type_true' => 'Whether the result is a picture gallery', 'object_messages.botResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_messages.botResults_param_next_offset_type_string' => 'The next offset to use when navigating through results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_switch_pm_type_InlineBotSwitchPM' => 'Whether the bot requested the user to message him in private', 'object_messages.botResults_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'Caching validity of the results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_exportedMessageLink' => 'Link to a message in a supergroup/channel', 'object_exportedMessageLink_param_link_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_exportedMessageLink_param_html_type_string' => 'Embed code', 'object_messageFwdHeader' => 'Info about a forwarded message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_from_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the user that originally sent the message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the message originally sent', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'ID of the channel from which the message was forwarded', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_channel_post_type_int' => 'ID of the channel message that was forwarded', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_post_author_type_string' => 'For channels and if signatures are enabled, author of the channel message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_saved_from_peer_type_Peer' => 'Only for messages forwarded to the current user (inputPeerSelf), full info about the user/channel that originally sent the message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_saved_from_msg_id_type_int' => 'Only for messages forwarded to the current user (inputPeerSelf), ID of the message that was forwarded from the original user/channel', 'object_auth.codeTypeSms' => 'Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code', 'object_auth.codeTypeCall' => 'Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code', 'object_auth.codeTypeFlashCall' => 'Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeApp' => 'The code was sent through the telegram app', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeApp_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of the code in bytes', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeSms' => 'The code was sent via SMS', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeSms_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of the code in bytes', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeCall' => 'The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeCall_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of the verification code', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall' => 'The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall_param_pattern_type_string' => '[pattern]( to match', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer' => 'Callback answer sent by the bot in response to a button press', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_alert_type_true' => 'Whether an alert should be shown to the user instead of a toast notification', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_has_url_type_true' => 'Whether an URL is present', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_native_ui_type_true' => 'Whether to show games in WebView or in native UI.', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_message_type_string' => 'Alert to show', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_url_type_string' => 'URL to open', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'For how long should this answer be cached', 'object_messages.messageEditData' => 'Message edit data for media', 'object_messages.messageEditData_param_caption_type_true' => 'Media caption, if the specified media\'s caption can be edited', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID' => 'Represents a sent inline message from the perspective of a bot', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID to use when working with this inline message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of message', 'object_inlineBotSwitchPM' => 'The bot requested the user to message him in private', 'object_inlineBotSwitchPM_param_text_type_string' => 'Text for the button that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with the parameter `start_parameter` (can be empty)', 'object_inlineBotSwitchPM_param_start_param_type_string' => 'The parameter for the `/start parameter`', 'object_messages.peerDialogs' => 'Dialog info of multiple peers', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector t' => 'Dialogs', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_state_type_updates.State' => 'Current [update state of dialog](', 'object_topPeer' => 'Top peer', 'object_topPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_topPeer_param_rating_type_double' => 'Rating as computer in [top peer rating »](', 'object_topPeerCategoryBotsPM' => 'Most used bots', 'object_topPeerCategoryBotsInline' => 'Most used inline bots', 'object_topPeerCategoryCorrespondents' => 'Users we\'ve chatted most frequently with', 'object_topPeerCategoryGroups' => 'Often-opened groups and supergroups', 'object_topPeerCategoryChannels' => 'Most frequently visited channels', 'object_topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls' => 'Most frequently called users', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers' => 'Top peer category', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_category_type_TopPeerCategory' => 'Top peer category of peers', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_count_type_int' => 'Count of peers', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_peers_type_Vector t' => 'Peers', 'object_contacts.topPeersNotModified' => 'Top peer info hasn\'t changed', 'object_contacts.topPeers' => 'Top peers', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_categories_type_Vector t' => 'Categories', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_draftMessageEmpty' => 'Empty draft', 'object_draftMessage' => 'Represents a message [draft](', 'object_draftMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Whether no webpage preview will be generated', 'object_draftMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message this message will reply to', 'object_draftMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The draft', 'object_draftMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_draftMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of last update of the draft.', 'object_messages.featuredStickersNotModified' => 'Featured stickers haven\'t changed', 'object_messages.featuredStickers' => 'Featured stickersets', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_unread_type_Vector t' => 'Unread', 'object_messages.recentStickersNotModified' => 'No new recent sticker was found', 'object_messages.recentStickers' => 'Recently used stickers', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_messages.archivedStickers' => 'Archived stickersets', 'object_messages.archivedStickers_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of archived stickers', 'object_messages.archivedStickers_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess' => 'The stickerset was installed successfully', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive' => 'The stickerset was installed, but since there are too many stickersets some were archived', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_stickerSetCovered' => 'Stickerset, with a specific sticker as preview', 'object_stickerSetCovered_param_set_type_StickerSet' => 'Stickerset', 'object_stickerSetCovered_param_cover_type_Document' => 'Preview', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered' => 'Stickerset, with a specific stickers as preview', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered_param_set_type_StickerSet' => 'Stickerset', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered_param_covers_type_Vector t' => 'Covers', 'object_maskCoords' => 'Position on a photo where a mask should be placed The `n` position indicates where the mask should be placed: - 0 => Relative to the forehead - 1 => Relative to the eyes - 2 => Relative to the mouth - 3 => Relative to the chin', 'object_maskCoords_param_n_type_int' => 'Part of the face, relative to which the mask should be placed', 'object_maskCoords_param_x_type_double' => 'Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)', 'object_maskCoords_param_y_type_double' => 'Shift by Y-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)', 'object_maskCoords_param_zoom_type_double' => 'Mask scaling coefficient. (For example, 2.0 means a doubled size)', 'object_inputStickeredMediaPhoto' => 'A photo with stickers attached', 'object_inputStickeredMediaPhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'The photo', 'object_inputStickeredMediaDocument' => 'A document with stickers attached', 'object_inputStickeredMediaDocument_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'The document', 'object_game' => 'Indicates an already sent game', 'object_game_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of the game', 'object_game_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of the game', 'object_game_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name for the game', 'object_game_param_title_type_string' => 'Title of the game', 'object_game_param_description_type_string' => 'Game description', 'object_game_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Game preview', 'object_game_param_document_type_Document' => 'Optional attached document', 'object_inputGameID' => 'Indicates an already sent game', 'object_inputGameID_param_id_type_long' => 'Game ID from [Game](../types/ constructor', 'object_inputGameID_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash from [Game](../types/ constructor', 'object_inputGameShortName' => 'Game by short name', 'object_inputGameShortName_param_bot_id_type_InputUser' => 'The bot that provides the game', 'object_inputGameShortName_param_short_name_type_string' => 'The game\'s short name', 'object_highScore' => 'Game highscore', 'object_highScore_param_pos_type_int' => 'Position in highscore list', 'object_highScore_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_highScore_param_score_type_int' => 'Score', 'object_messages.highScores' => 'Highscores in a game', 'object_messages.highScores_param_scores_type_Vector t' => 'Scores', 'object_messages.highScores_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_textEmpty' => 'Empty rich text element', 'object_textPlain' => 'Plain text', 'object_textPlain_param_text_type_string' => 'Text', 'object_textBold' => '**Bold** text', 'object_textBold_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textItalic' => '*Italic* text', 'object_textItalic_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textUnderline' => 'Underlined text', 'object_textUnderline_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textStrike' => 'Strikethrough text', 'object_textStrike_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textFixed' => '`fixed-width` rich text', 'object_textFixed_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textUrl' => 'Link', 'object_textUrl_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text of link', 'object_textUrl_param_url_type_string' => 'Webpage HTTP URL', 'object_textUrl_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'If a preview was already generated for the page, the page ID', 'object_textEmail' => 'Rich text email link', 'object_textEmail_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Link text', 'object_textEmail_param_email_type_string' => 'Email address', 'object_textConcat' => 'Concatenation of rich texts', 'object_textConcat_param_texts_type_Vector t' => 'Texts', 'object_pageBlockUnsupported' => 'Unsupported IV element', 'object_pageBlockTitle' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockTitle_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockSubtitle' => 'Subtitle', 'object_pageBlockSubtitle_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockAuthorDate' => 'Author and date of creation of article', 'object_pageBlockAuthorDate_param_author_type_RichText' => 'Author name', 'object_pageBlockAuthorDate_param_published_date_type_int' => 'Date of pubblication', 'object_pageBlockHeader' => 'Page header', 'object_pageBlockHeader_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Contents', 'object_pageBlockSubheader' => 'Subheader', 'object_pageBlockSubheader_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Subheader', 'object_pageBlockFooter' => 'Page footer', 'object_pageBlockFooter_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Contents', 'object_pageBlockList' => 'Unordered list of IV blocks', 'object_pageBlockList_param_ordered_type_Bool' => 'Ordered?', 'object_pageBlockList_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockBlockquote' => 'Quote (equivalent to the HTML `
`)', 'object_pageBlockBlockquote_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Quote contents', 'object_pageBlockBlockquote_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockPullquote' => 'Pullquote', 'object_pageBlockPullquote_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockPullquote_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockPhoto' => 'A photo', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_photo_id_type_long' => 'Photo ID', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockVideo' => 'Video', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_autoplay_type_true' => 'Whether the video is set to autoplay', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_loop_type_true' => 'Whether the video is set to loop', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_video_id_type_long' => 'Video ID', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbed' => 'An embedded webpage', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_full_width_type_true' => 'Whether the block should be full width', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_allow_scrolling_type_true' => 'Whether scrolling should be allowed', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_url_type_string' => 'Web page URL, if available', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_html_type_string' => 'HTML-markup of the embedded page', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_poster_photo_id_type_long' => 'Poster photo, if available', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_w_type_int' => 'Block width, if known', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_h_type_int' => 'Block height, if known', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost' => 'An embedded post', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_url_type_string' => 'Web page URL', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'ID of generated webpage preview', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_author_photo_id_type_long' => 'ID of the author\'s photo', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_author_type_string' => 'Author name', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_date_type_int' => 'Creation date', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockCollage' => 'Collage of media', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow' => 'Slideshow', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockChannel' => 'Reference to a telegram channel', 'object_pageBlockChannel_param_channel_type_Chat' => 'The channel/supergroup/chat', 'object_pageBlockAudio' => 'Audio', 'object_pageBlockAudio_param_audio_id_type_long' => 'Audio ID (to be fetched from the container [page](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_pageBlockAudio_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pagePart' => 'Page part', 'object_pagePart_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pagePart_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_pagePart_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_pageFull' => 'Page full', 'object_pageFull_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageFull_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_pageFull_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed' => 'The phone call was missed', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect' => 'The phone call was disconnected', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup' => 'The phone call was ended normally', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy' => 'The phone call was discared because the user is busy in another call', 'object_dataJSON' => 'Represents a json-encoded object', 'object_dataJSON_param_data_type_string' => 'JSON-encoded object', 'object_labeledPrice' => 'This object represents a portion of the price for goods or services.', 'object_labeledPrice_param_label_type_string' => 'Portion label', 'object_labeledPrice_param_amount_type_long' => 'Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_invoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_invoice_param_test_type_true' => 'Test invoice', 'object_invoice_param_name_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s full name to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_phone_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s phone number to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_email_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s email address to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_shipping_address_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s shipping address to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_flexible_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the final price depends on the shipping method', 'object_invoice_param_phone_to_provider_type_true' => 'Set this flag if user\'s phone number should be sent to provider', 'object_invoice_param_email_to_provider_type_true' => 'Set this flag if user\'s email address should be sent to provider', 'object_invoice_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_invoice_param_prices_type_Vector t' => 'Prices', 'object_paymentCharge' => 'Payment identifier', 'object_paymentCharge_param_id_type_string' => 'Telegram payment identifier', 'object_paymentCharge_param_provider_charge_id_type_string' => 'Provider payment identifier', 'object_postAddress' => 'Shipping address', 'object_postAddress_param_street_line1_type_string' => 'First line for the address', 'object_postAddress_param_street_line2_type_string' => 'Second line for the address', 'object_postAddress_param_city_type_string' => 'City', 'object_postAddress_param_state_type_string' => 'State, if applicable (empty otherwise)', 'object_postAddress_param_country_iso2_type_string' => 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code', 'object_postAddress_param_post_code_type_string' => 'Address post code', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo' => 'Order info provided by the user', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_name_type_string' => 'User\'s full name', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_phone_type_string' => 'User\'s phone number', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_email_type_string' => 'User\'s email address', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_shipping_address_type_PostAddress' => 'User\'s shipping address', 'object_paymentSavedCredentialsCard' => 'Saved credit card', 'object_paymentSavedCredentialsCard_param_id_type_string' => 'Card ID', 'object_paymentSavedCredentialsCard_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_webDocument' => 'Remote document', 'object_webDocument_param_url_type_string' => 'Document URL', 'object_webDocument_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_webDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_webDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type', 'object_webDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_webDocument_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_inputWebDocument' => 'The document', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_url_type_string' => 'Remote document URL to be downloaded using the appropriate [method](', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Remote file size', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_inputWebFileLocation' => 'Location of a remote HTTP(s) file', 'object_inputWebFileLocation_param_url_type_string' => 'HTTP URL of file', 'object_inputWebFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_upload.webFile' => 'Represents a chunk of an [HTTP webfile]( downloaded through telegram\'s secure MTProto servers', 'object_upload.webFile_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_upload.webFile_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_upload.webFile_param_file_type_type_storage.FileType' => 'File type', 'object_upload.webFile_param_mtime_type_int' => 'Modified time', 'object_upload.webFile_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Data', 'object_payments.paymentForm' => 'Payment form', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_can_save_credentials_type_true' => 'Whether the user can choose to save credentials.', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_password_missing_type_true' => 'Indicates that the user can save payment credentials, but only after setting up a [2FA password]( (currently the account doesn\'t have a [2FA password](', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_invoice_type_Invoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_provider_id_type_int' => 'Payment provider ID.', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_url_type_string' => 'Payment form URL', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_native_provider_type_string' => 'Payment provider name.
One of the following:
\\- `stripe`', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_native_params_type_DataJSON' => 'Contains information about the payment provider, if available, to support it natively without the need for opening the URL.
A JSON object that can contain the following fields:

\\- `publishable_key`: Stripe API publishable key
\\- `apple_pay_merchant_id`: Apple Pay merchant ID
\\- `android_pay_public_key`: Android Pay public key
\\- `android_pay_bgcolor`: Android Pay form background color
\\- `android_pay_inverse`: Whether to use the dark theme in the Android Pay form
\\- `need_country`: True, if the user country must be provided,
\\- `need_zip`: True, if the user ZIP/postal code must be provided,
\\- `need_cardholder_name`: True, if the cardholder name must be provided
', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_saved_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Saved server-side order information', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_saved_credentials_type_PaymentSavedCredentials' => 'Contains information about saved card credentials', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo' => 'Validated user-provided info', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo_param_id_type_string' => 'ID', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo_param_shipping_options_type_Vector t' => 'Shipping options', 'object_payments.paymentResult' => 'Payment result', 'object_payments.paymentResult_param_updates_type_Updates' => 'Info about the payment', 'object_payments.paymentVerficationNeeded' => 'Payment verfication needed', 'object_payments.paymentVerficationNeeded_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt' => 'Receipt', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of generation', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_invoice_type_Invoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_provider_id_type_int' => 'Provider ID', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Info', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_shipping_type_ShippingOption' => 'Selected shipping option', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Total amount in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_credentials_title_type_string' => 'Payment credential name', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_payments.savedInfo' => 'Saved server-side order information', 'object_payments.savedInfo_param_has_saved_credentials_type_true' => 'Whether the user has some saved payment credentials', 'object_payments.savedInfo_param_saved_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Saved server-side order information', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsSaved' => 'Saved payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsSaved_param_id_type_string' => 'Credential ID', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsSaved_param_tmp_password_type_bytes' => 'Temporary password', 'object_inputPaymentCredentials' => 'Payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentials_param_save_type_true' => 'Save payment credential for future use', 'object_inputPaymentCredentials_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'Payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay' => 'Apple pay payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay_param_payment_data_type_DataJSON' => 'Payment data', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay' => 'Android pay payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay_param_payment_token_type_DataJSON' => 'Android pay payment token', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay_param_google_transaction_id_type_string' => 'Google transaction ID', 'object_account.tmpPassword' => 'Temporary payment password', 'object_account.tmpPassword_param_tmp_password_type_bytes' => 'Temporary password', 'object_account.tmpPassword_param_valid_until_type_int' => 'Validity period', 'object_shippingOption' => 'Shipping option', 'object_shippingOption_param_id_type_string' => 'Option ID', 'object_shippingOption_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_shippingOption_param_prices_type_Vector t' => 'Prices', 'object_inputStickerSetItem' => 'Sticker in a stickerset', 'object_inputStickerSetItem_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'The sticker', 'object_inputStickerSetItem_param_emoji_type_string' => 'Associated emoji', 'object_inputStickerSetItem_param_mask_coords_type_MaskCoords' => 'Coordinates for mask sticker', 'object_inputPhoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'object_inputPhoneCall_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_inputPhoneCall_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCallEmpty' => 'Empty constructor', 'object_phoneCallEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting' => 'Incoming phone call', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Admin ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'Participant ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Phone call protocol info', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_receive_date_type_int' => 'When was the phone call received', 'object_phoneCallRequested' => 'Requested phone call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_id_type_long' => 'Phone call ID', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the phone call created', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'ID of the creator of the phone call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of the other participant of the phone call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_g_a_hash_type_bytes' => '[Parameter for key exchange](', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Call protocol info to be passed to libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCallAccepted' => 'An accepted phone call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of accepted phone call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of phone call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the call accepted', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'ID of the call creator', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of the other user in the call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'B parameter for [secure E2E phone call key exchange](', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Protocol to use for phone call', 'object_phoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'object_phoneCall_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCall_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCall_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of creation of the call', 'object_phoneCall_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'User ID of the creator of the call', 'object_phoneCall_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'User ID of the other participant in the call', 'object_phoneCall_param_g_a_or_b_type_bytes' => '[Parameter for key exchange](', 'object_phoneCall_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => '[Key fingerprint](', 'object_phoneCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Call protocol info to be passed to libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCall_param_connection_type_PhoneConnection' => 'Connection', 'object_phoneCall_param_alternative_connections_type_Vector t' => 'Alternative connections', 'object_phoneCall_param_start_date_type_int' => 'When was the call actually started', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded' => 'Indicates a discarded phone call', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_need_rating_type_true' => 'Whether the server required the user to [rate](../methods/ the call', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_need_debug_type_true' => 'Whether the server required the client to [send](../methods/ the libtgvoip call debug data', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_reason_type_PhoneCallDiscardReason' => 'Why was the phone call discarded', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of the phone call in seconds', 'object_phoneConnection' => 'Identifies an endpoint that can be used to connect to the other user in a phone call', 'object_phoneConnection_param_id_type_long' => 'Endpoint ID', 'object_phoneConnection_param_ip_type_string' => 'IP address of endpoint', 'object_phoneConnection_param_ipv6_type_string' => 'IPv6 address of endpoint', 'object_phoneConnection_param_port_type_int' => 'Port ID', 'object_phoneConnection_param_peer_tag_type_bytes' => 'Our peer tag', 'object_phoneCallProtocol' => 'Protocol info for libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_udp_p2p_type_true' => 'Whether to allow P2P connection to the other participant', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_udp_reflector_type_true' => 'Whether to allow connection to the other participants through the reflector servers', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_min_layer_type_int' => 'Minimum layer for remote libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_max_layer_type_int' => 'Maximum layer for remote libtgvoip', 'object_phone.phoneCall' => 'A VoIP phone call', 'object_phone.phoneCall_param_phone_call_type_PhoneCall' => 'The VoIP phone call', 'object_phone.phoneCall_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded' => 'The file was cleared from the temporary RAM cache of the [CDN]( and has to be reuploaded.', 'object_upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded_param_request_token_type_bytes' => 'Request token (see [CDN](', 'object_upload.cdnFile' => 'Represent a chunk of a [CDN]( file.', 'object_upload.cdnFile_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'The data', 'object_cdnPublicKey' => 'Public key to use **only** during handshakes to [CDN]( DCs.', 'object_cdnPublicKey_param_dc_id_type_int' => '[CDN DC]( ID', 'object_cdnPublicKey_param_public_key_type_string' => 'RSA public key', 'object_cdnConfig' => 'Configuration for [CDN]( file downloads.', 'object_cdnConfig_param_public_keys_type_Vector t' => 'Public keys', 'object_langPackString' => 'Translated localization string', 'object_langPackString_param_key_type_string' => 'Language key', 'object_langPackString_param_value_type_string' => 'Value', 'object_langPackStringPluralized' => 'A language pack string which has different forms based on the number of some object it mentions. See [\\_plural\\_rules.html]( for more info', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_key_type_string' => 'Localization key', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_zero_value_type_string' => 'Value for zero objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_one_value_type_string' => 'Value for one object', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_two_value_type_string' => 'Value for two objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_few_value_type_string' => 'Value for a few objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_many_value_type_string' => 'Value for many objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_other_value_type_string' => 'Default value', 'object_langPackStringDeleted' => 'Deleted localization string', 'object_langPackStringDeleted_param_key_type_string' => 'Localization key', 'object_langPackDifference' => 'Changes to the app\'s localization pack', 'object_langPackDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_langPackDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous version number', 'object_langPackDifference_param_version_type_int' => 'New version number', 'object_langPackDifference_param_strings_type_Vector t' => 'Strings', 'object_langPackLanguage' => 'Identifies a localization pack', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_name_type_string' => 'Language name', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_native_name_type_string' => 'Language name in the language itself', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code (pack identifier)', 'object_channelAdminRights' => 'Admin rights', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_change_info_type_true' => 'Change info', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_post_messages_type_true' => 'Post messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_edit_messages_type_true' => 'Edit messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_delete_messages_type_true' => 'Delete messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_ban_users_type_true' => 'Ban users', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_invite_users_type_true' => 'Invite users', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_invite_link_type_true' => 'Generate an invite link', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_pin_messages_type_true' => 'Pin messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_add_admins_type_true' => 'Add other admins', 'object_channelBannedRights' => 'Banned user rights (when true, the user will NOT be able to do that thing)', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_view_messages_type_true' => 'Disallow viewing messages', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_sendMessages_type_true' => 'Disallow sending messages', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_media_type_true' => 'Disallow sending media', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_stickers_type_true' => 'Disallow sending stickers', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_gifs_type_true' => 'Disallow sending gifs', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_games_type_true' => 'Disallow sending games', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_inline_type_true' => 'Disallow sending inline keyboards', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_embed_links_type_true' => 'Disallow embedding links', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_until_date_type_int' => 'Until date', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle' => 'Channel/supergroup title was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle_param_prev_value_type_string' => 'Previous title', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle_param_new_value_type_string' => 'New title', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout' => 'The description was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout_param_prev_value_type_string' => 'Previous description', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout_param_new_value_type_string' => 'New description', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername' => 'Channel/supergroup username was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername_param_prev_value_type_string' => 'Old username', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername_param_new_value_type_string' => 'New username', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto' => 'The channel/supergroup\'s picture was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_prev_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Previous photo', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_new_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'New photo', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites' => 'Invites were enabled/disabled', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites_param_new_value_type_Bool' => 'New value', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures' => 'Channel signatures were enabled/disabled', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures_param_new_value_type_Bool' => 'New value', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned' => 'A message was pinned', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned_param_message_type_Message' => 'The message that was pinned', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage' => 'A message was edited', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage_param_prev_message_type_Message' => 'Old message', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage_param_new_message_type_Message' => 'New message', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage' => 'A message was deleted', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'The message that was deleted', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin' => 'A user has joined the group (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn\'t shown)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave' => 'A user left the channel/supergroup (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn\'t shown)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite' => 'A user was invited to the group', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite_param_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'The user that was invited', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan' => 'The banned [rights]( of a user were changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan_param_prev_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'Old banned rights of user', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan_param_new_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'New banned rights of user', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin' => 'The admin [rights]( of a user were changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin_param_prev_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'Previous admin rights', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin_param_new_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'New admin rights', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet' => 'The supergroup\'s stickerset was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet_param_prev_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Previous stickerset', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet_param_new_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'New stickerset', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden' => 'The hidden prehistory setting was [changed](../methods/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden_param_new_value_type_Bool' => 'New value', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent' => 'Admin log event', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_id_type_long' => 'Event ID', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_action_type_ChannelAdminLogEventAction' => 'Action', 'object_channels.adminLogResults' => 'Admin log events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_events_type_Vector t' => 'Events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter' => 'Filter only certain admin log events', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_join_type_true' => '[Join events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_leave_type_true' => '[Leave events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_invite_type_true' => '[Invite events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_ban_type_true' => '[Ban events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_unban_type_true' => '[Unban events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_kick_type_true' => '[Kick events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_unkick_type_true' => '[Unkick events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_promote_type_true' => '[Admin promotion events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_demote_type_true' => '[Admin demotion events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_info_type_true' => 'Info change events (when [about](../constructors/, [linked chat](../constructors/, [location](../constructors/, [photo](../constructors/, [stickerset](../constructors/, [title](../constructors/ or [username](../constructors/ data of a channel gets modified)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_settings_type_true' => 'Settings change events ([invites](../constructors/, [hidden prehistory](../constructors/, [signatures](../constructors/, [default banned rights](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_pinned_type_true' => '[Message pin events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_edit_type_true' => '[Message edit events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_delete_type_true' => '[Message deletion events](../constructors/', 'object_popularContact' => 'Popular contact', 'object_popularContact_param_client_id_type_long' => 'Contact identifier', 'object_popularContact_param_importers_type_int' => 'How many people imported this contact', 'object_cdnFileHash' => 'CDN file hash', 'object_cdnFileHash_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'object_cdnFileHash_param_limit_type_int' => 'Limit', 'object_cdnFileHash_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.favedStickersNotModified' => 'No new favorited stickers were found', 'object_messages.favedStickers' => 'Favorited stickers', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_recentMeUrlUnknown' => 'Unknown url', 'object_recentMeUrlUnknown_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_recentMeUrlUser' => 'Recent link to a user', 'object_recentMeUrlUser_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_recentMeUrlUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_recentMeUrlChat' => 'Recent link to a chat', 'object_recentMeUrlChat_param_url_type_string' => ' URL', 'object_recentMeUrlChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_recentMeUrlChatInvite' => 'Recent invite link to a chat', 'object_recentMeUrlChatInvite_param_url_type_string' => ' URL', 'object_recentMeUrlChatInvite_param_chat_invite_type_ChatInvite' => 'Chat invitation', 'object_recentMeUrlStickerSet' => 'Recent stickerset installation URL', 'object_recentMeUrlStickerSet_param_url_type_string' => ' URL', 'object_recentMeUrlStickerSet_param_set_type_StickerSetCovered' => 'Stickerset', 'object_help.recentMeUrls' => 'Recent URLs', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_urls_type_Vector t' => 'URLs', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputSingleMedia' => 'A single media in an album sent with [messages.sendMultiMedia](../methods/', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'The media', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_message_type_string' => 'A caption for the media', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_webAuthorization' => 'Represents a bot logged in using the [Telegram login widget](', 'object_webAuthorization_param_hash_type_long' => 'Authorization hash', 'object_webAuthorization_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'object_webAuthorization_param_domain_type_string' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.', 'object_webAuthorization_param_browser_type_string' => 'Browser user-agent', 'object_webAuthorization_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform', 'object_webAuthorization_param_date_created_type_int' => 'When was the web session created', 'object_webAuthorization_param_date_active_type_int' => 'When was the web session last active', 'object_webAuthorization_param_ip_type_string' => 'IP address', 'object_webAuthorization_param_region_type_string' => 'Region, determined from IP address', 'object_account.webAuthorizations' => 'Web authorizations', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector t' => 'Authorizations', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputMessageID' => 'Message by ID', 'object_inputMessageID_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_inputMessageReplyTo' => 'Message to which the specified message replies to', 'object_inputMessageReplyTo_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message that replies to the message we need', 'object_inputMessagePinned' => 'Pinned message', 'object_decryptedDataBlock' => 'Decrypted data block', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_voice_call_id_type_int128' => 'Voice call ID', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_in_seq_no_type_int' => 'In seq no', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_out_seq_no_type_int' => 'Out seq no', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_recent_received_mask_type_int' => 'Recent received mask', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_proto_type_int' => 'Proto', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_extra_type_string' => 'Extra', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_raw_data_type_string' => 'Raw data', 'object_simpleDataBlock' => 'Simple data block', 'object_simpleDataBlock_param_raw_data_type_string' => 'Raw data', 'object_decryptedMessage' => 'Contents of an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message text', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_media_type_DecryptedMessageMedia' => 'Media content', 'object_decryptedMessageService' => 'Contents of an encrypted service message.', 'object_decryptedMessageService_param_action_type_DecryptedMessageAction' => 'Action relevant to the service message', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, no media content.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto' => 'Photo attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Content of thumbnail file (JPEGfile, quality 55, set in a square 90x90)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_thumb_h_type_int' => 'Thumbnail height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_w_type_int' => 'Photo width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_h_type_int' => 'Photo height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_size_type_int' => 'Size of the photo in bytes', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo' => 'Video attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Content of thumbnail file (JPEG file, quality 55, set in a square 90x90)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_h_type_int' => 'Thumbnail height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of video in seconds', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Image width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Image height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint' => 'GeoPont attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitude of point', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Longtitude of point', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact' => 'Contact attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Telegram User ID of signed-up contact', 'object_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL' => 'Setting of a message lifetime after reading. Upon receiving such message the client shall start deleting of all messages of an encrypted chat **ttl\\_seconds** seconds after the messages were read by user.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Lifetime in seconds', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument' => 'Document attached to a message in a secret chat.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Thumbnail-file contents (JPEG-file, quality 55, set in a 90x90 square)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_thumb_h_type_int' => 'Thumbnail height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'File MIME-type', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Document size', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio' => 'Audio file attached to a secret chat message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Audio duration in seconds', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages' => 'Messages marked as read.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs', 'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages' => 'Deleted messages.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs', 'object_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages' => 'A screenshot was taken.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs', 'object_decryptedMessageActionFlushHistory' => 'The entire message history has been deleted.', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_ttl_type_int' => 'Message lifetime. Has higher priority than [decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL](../constructors/
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME-type of the video file
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME-type of the audio file
Parameter added in [Layer 13](', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer' => 'Sets the layer number for the contents of an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_layer_type_int' => 'Layer number. Mimimal value - **17** (the layer in which the constructor was added).', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_in_seq_no_type_int' => '2x the number of messages in the sender\'s inbox (including deleted and service messages), incremented by 1 if current user was not the chat creator
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_out_seq_no_type_int' => '2x the number of messages in the recipient\'s inbox (including deleted and service messages), incremented by 1 if current user was the chat creator
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The content of message itself', 'object_decryptedMessageActionResend' => 'Request for the other party in a Secret Chat to automatically resend a contiguous range of previously sent messages, as explained in [Sequence number is Secret Chats](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionResend_param_start_seq_no_type_int' => '`out_seq_no` of the first message to be resent, with correct parity', 'object_decryptedMessageActionResend_param_end_seq_no_type_int' => '`out_seq_no` of the last message to be resent, with same parity.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer' => 'A notification stating the API layer that is used by the client. You should use your current layer and take notice of the layer used on the other side of a conversation when sending messages.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer_param_layer_type_int' => 'Layer number, must be **17** or higher (this contructor was introduced in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionTyping' => 'User is preparing a message: typing, recording, uploading, etc.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Type of action', 'object_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey' => 'Request rekeying, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID', 'object_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'G\\_a, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey' => 'Accept new key', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'B parameter, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'Key fingerprint, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAbortKey' => 'Abort rekeying', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAbortKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID', 'object_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey' => 'Commit new key, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'Key fingerprint, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionNoop' => 'NOOP action', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument' => 'Non-e2e documented forwarded from non-secret chat', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_via_bot_name_type_string' => 'Specifies the ID of the inline bot that generated the message (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_reply_to_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID of the message this message replies to (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue' => 'Venue', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitude of venue', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_long_type_double' => 'Longitude of venue', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaWebPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaWebPage_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of webpage', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_grouped_id_type_long' => 'Random group ID, assigned by the author of message.
Multiple encrypted messages with a photo attached and with the same group ID indicate an album (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_inputPeerContact' => 'Peer contact', 'object_inputPeerContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputPeerForeign' => 'Peer foreign', 'object_inputPeerForeign_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputPeerForeign_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputUserContact' => 'User contact', 'object_inputUserContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputUserForeign' => 'User foreign', 'object_inputUserForeign_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputUserForeign_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo' => 'Media uploaded video', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo' => 'Media uploaded thumb video', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputMediaVideo' => 'Media video', 'object_inputMediaVideo_param_id_type_InputVideo' => 'ID', 'object_inputChatUploadedPhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Crop', 'object_inputChatPhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Crop', 'object_inputVideoEmpty' => 'Empty input video', 'object_inputVideo' => 'Video', 'object_inputVideo_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputVideo_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputVideoFileLocation' => 'Video file location', 'object_inputVideoFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputVideoFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputPhotoCropAuto' => 'Photo crop auto', 'object_inputPhotoCrop' => 'Photo crop', 'object_inputPhotoCrop_param_crop_left_type_double' => 'Crop left', 'object_inputPhotoCrop_param_crop_top_type_double' => 'Crop top', 'object_inputPhotoCrop_param_crop_width_type_double' => 'Crop width', 'object_userSelf' => 'User self', 'object_userSelf_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userSelf_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userSelf_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userSelf_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userSelf_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone', 'object_userSelf_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userSelf_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userSelf_param_inactive_type_Bool' => 'Inactive?', 'object_userContact' => 'User contact', 'object_userContact_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userContact_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userContact_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_userContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone', 'object_userContact_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userContact_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userRequest' => 'User request', 'object_userRequest_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userRequest_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userRequest_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userRequest_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userRequest_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_userRequest_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone', 'object_userRequest_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userRequest_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userForeign' => 'User foreign', 'object_userForeign_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userForeign_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userForeign_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userForeign_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userForeign_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_userForeign_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userForeign_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userDeleted' => 'User deleted', 'object_userDeleted_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userDeleted_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userDeleted_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userDeleted_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userStatusEmpty' => 'User status has not been set yet.', 'object_userStatusOnline' => 'Online status of the user.', 'object_userStatusOnline_param_expires_type_int' => 'Time to expiration of the current online status', 'object_userStatusOffline' => 'The user\'s offline status.', 'object_userStatusOffline_param_was_online_type_int' => 'Time the user was last seen online', 'object_chat_param_left_type_Bool' => 'Left?', 'object_chatForbidden_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_chatParticipants_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Admin ID', 'object_messageForwarded' => 'Message forwarded', 'object_messageForwarded_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Forwarded from ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Forwarded date', 'object_messageForwarded_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_to_id_type_Peer' => 'To ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messageForwarded_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_messageForwarded_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_messageMediaVideo' => 'Message media video', 'object_messageMediaVideo_param_video_type_Video' => 'Video', 'object_messageMediaUnsupported_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Bytes', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_photo_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_photo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_photo_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geo', 'object_videoEmpty' => 'Empty video', 'object_videoEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_video' => 'Video', 'object_video_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_video_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_video_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_video_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_video_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_video_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_video_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_video_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_video_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_video_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_video_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_video_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_auth.checkedPhone_param_phone_invited_type_Bool' => 'Phone invited?', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_phone_registered_type_Bool' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_send_call_timeout_type_int' => 'Send call timeout', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_is_password_type_Bool' => 'Is password?', 'object_auth.authorization_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_Bool' => 'If the text of the message shall be displayed in notification', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_events_mask_type_int' => 'Events mask', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_Bool' => 'Display text in notifications', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_events_mask_type_int' => 'Events mask', 'object_userFull_param_blocked_type_Bool' => 'Blocked?', 'object_userFull_param_real_first_name_type_string' => 'Real first name', 'object_userFull_param_real_last_name_type_string' => 'Real last name', 'object_contactSuggested' => 'Contact suggested', 'object_contactSuggested_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_contactSuggested_param_mutual_contacts_type_int' => 'Mutual contacts', 'object_contactStatus_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expires', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkUnknown' => 'Foreign link unknown', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkRequested' => 'Foreign link requested', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkRequested_param_has_phone_type_Bool' => 'Has phone?', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkMutual' => 'Foreign link mutual', 'object_contacts.myLinkEmpty' => 'Empty my link', 'object_contacts.myLinkRequested' => 'My link requested', 'object_contacts.myLinkRequested_param_contact_type_Bool' => 'Contact?', 'object_contacts.myLinkContact' => 'My link contact', 'object_contacts.link_param_my_link_type_contacts.MyLink' => 'My link', 'object_contacts.link_param_foreign_link_type_contacts.ForeignLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_contacts.suggested' => 'Suggested', 'object_contacts.suggested_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_contacts.suggested_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessages' => 'Stated messages', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.statedMessage' => 'Stated message', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.sentMessage' => 'Sent message', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.chats_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments' => 'Messages filter photo video documents', 'object_inputMessagesFilterAudio' => 'Messages filter audio', 'object_inputMessagesFilterAudioDocuments' => 'Messages filter audio documents', 'object_updateReadMessages' => 'Update read messages', 'object_updateReadMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateReadMessages_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_updateUserStatus' => 'Contact status update.', 'object_updateUserStatus_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_updateUserStatus_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'New status', 'object_updateContactLink_param_my_link_type_contacts.MyLink' => 'My link', 'object_updateContactLink_param_foreign_link_type_contacts.ForeignLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_updateNewAuthorization' => 'Update new authorization', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'Auth key ID', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_device_type_string' => 'Device', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_location_type_string' => 'Location', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_dcOption_param_hostname_type_string' => 'Hostname', 'object_config_param_broadcast_size_max_type_int' => 'Broadcast size max', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks' => 'Stated messages links', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_links_type_Vector t' => 'Links', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink' => 'Stated message link', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_links_type_Vector t' => 'Links', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink' => 'Sent message link', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_links_type_Vector t' => 'Links', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio' => 'Media uploaded audio', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputMediaAudio' => 'Media audio', 'object_inputMediaAudio_param_id_type_InputAudio' => 'ID', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument' => 'Media uploaded thumb document', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_messageMediaAudio' => 'Message media audio', 'object_messageMediaAudio_param_audio_type_Audio' => 'Audio', 'object_inputAudioEmpty' => 'Empty input audio', 'object_inputAudio' => 'Audio', 'object_inputAudio_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputAudio_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputAudioFileLocation' => 'Audio file location', 'object_inputAudioFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputAudioFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_audioEmpty' => 'Empty audio', 'object_audioEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_audio' => 'Audio', 'object_audio_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_audio_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_audio_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_audio_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_audio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_audio_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_audio_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_audio_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_document_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_document_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_auth.sentAppCode' => 'Sent app code', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_phone_registered_type_Bool' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_send_call_timeout_type_int' => 'Send call timeout', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_is_password_type_Bool' => 'Is password?', 'object_contactFound' => 'Contact found', 'object_contactFound_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_popup_type_Bool' => 'Popup?', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_userStatusRecently' => 'Online status: last seen recently', 'object_userStatusLastWeek' => 'Online status: last seen last week', 'object_userStatusLastMonth' => 'Online status: last seen last month', 'object_account.sentChangePhoneCode' => 'Sent change phone code', 'object_account.sentChangePhoneCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash', 'object_account.sentChangePhoneCode_param_send_call_timeout_type_int' => 'Send call timeout', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_message_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Forwarded from ID', 'object_message_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Forwarded date', 'object_chatLocated' => 'Chat located', 'object_chatLocated_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_chatLocated_param_distance_type_int' => 'Distance', 'object_messages.messageEmpty' => 'Empty message', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_updateReadMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Fwd date', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Fwd date', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_inputGeoChat' => 'Geo chat', 'object_inputGeoChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_inputGeoChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputNotifyGeoChatPeer' => 'Notify geo chat peer', 'object_inputNotifyGeoChatPeer_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'Peer', 'object_geoChat' => 'Geo chat', 'object_geoChat_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_geoChat_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_geoChat_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_geoChat_param_venue_type_string' => 'Venue', 'object_geoChat_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geo', 'object_geoChat_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_geoChat_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participants count', 'object_geoChat_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_geoChat_param_checked_in_type_Bool' => 'Checked in?', 'object_geoChat_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_geoChatMessageEmpty' => 'Empty geo chat message', 'object_geoChatMessageEmpty_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_geoChatMessageEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChatMessage' => 'Geo chat message', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_geoChatMessageService' => 'Geo chat message service', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_action_type_MessageAction' => 'Action', 'object_geochats.statedMessage' => 'Stated message', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_message_type_GeoChatMessage' => 'Message', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_geochats.located' => 'Located', 'object_geochats.located_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_geochats.located_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.located_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.located_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_geochats.messages' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.messages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.messages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.messages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice' => 'Messages slice', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Count', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCreate' => 'Message action geo chat create', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCreate_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCreate_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCheckin' => 'Message action geo chat checkin', 'object_updateNewGeoChatMessage' => 'Update new geo chat message', 'object_updateNewGeoChatMessage_param_message_type_GeoChatMessage' => 'Message', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_messageMediaPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_messageMediaVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botCommand' => 'Describes a bot command that can be used in a chat', 'object_botCommand_param_command_type_string' => '`/command` name', 'object_botCommand_param_description_type_string' => 'Description of the command', 'object_botInfoEmpty' => 'Empty bot info', 'object_botInfo_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_botInfo_param_share_text_type_string' => 'Share text', 'object_help.appChangelogEmpty' => 'Empty app changelog', 'object_help.appChangelog' => 'App changelog', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_text_type_string' => 'Text', 'object_message_param_fwd_from_id_type_Peer' => 'Forwarded from ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_Peer' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_Peer' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_channelFull_param_unread_important_count_type_int' => 'Unread important count', 'object_dialogChannel' => 'Dialog channel', 'object_dialogChannel_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_dialogChannel_param_top_message_type_int' => 'Top message', 'object_dialogChannel_param_top_important_message_type_int' => 'Top important message', 'object_dialogChannel_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Read inbox max ID', 'object_dialogChannel_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Unread count', 'object_dialogChannel_param_unread_important_count_type_int' => 'Unread important count', 'object_dialogChannel_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notify settings', 'object_dialogChannel_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messageGroup' => 'Message group', 'object_messageGroup_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Min ID', 'object_messageGroup_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Max ID', 'object_messageGroup_param_count_type_int' => 'Count', 'object_messageGroup_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_collapsed_type_Vector t' => 'Collapsed', 'object_updateChannelGroup' => 'Update channel group', 'object_updateChannelGroup_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateChannelGroup_param_group_type_MessageGroup' => 'Group', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_top_important_message_type_int' => 'Top important message', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_unread_important_count_type_int' => 'Unread important count', 'object_channelMessagesFilterCollapsed' => 'Channel messages filter collapsed', 'object_channelParticipantModerator' => 'Channel participant moderator', 'object_channelParticipantModerator_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantModerator_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'Inviter ID', 'object_channelParticipantModerator_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelParticipantEditor' => 'Channel participant editor', 'object_channelParticipantEditor_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantEditor_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'Inviter ID', 'object_channelParticipantEditor_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelParticipantKicked' => 'Channel participant kicked', 'object_channelParticipantKicked_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantKicked_param_kicked_by_type_int' => 'Kicked by', 'object_channelParticipantKicked_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelRoleEmpty' => 'Empty channel role', 'object_channelRoleModerator' => 'Channel role moderator', 'object_channelRoleEditor' => 'Channel role editor', 'object_inputChatEmpty' => 'Empty input chat', 'object_inputChat' => 'Chat', 'object_inputChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_message_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_messageService_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_stickerSet_param_disabled_type_true' => 'Disabled?', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_channel_param_kicked_type_true' => 'Kicked?', 'object_channel_param_moderator_type_true' => 'Moderator?', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_important_only_type_true' => 'Important only?', 'object_messageActionChatDeactivate' => 'Message action chat deactivate', 'object_messageActionChatActivate' => 'Message action chat activate', 'object_user_param_restiction_reason_type_string' => 'Restiction reason', 'object_channel_param_restiction_reason_type_string' => 'Restiction reason', 'object_webPageExternal' => 'Web page external', 'object_webPageExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_display_url_type_string' => 'Display URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_type_type_string' => 'Type', 'object_webPageExternal_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_webPageExternal_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_webPageExternal_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Content URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_webPageExternal_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_webPageExternal_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_foundGif_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Webpage', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_messageMediaDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument' => 'Bot inline media result document', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_id_type_string' => 'ID', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_type_type_string' => 'Type', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_document_type_Document' => 'Document', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Send message', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto' => 'Bot inline media result photo', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_id_type_string' => 'ID', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_type_type_string' => 'Type', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Photo', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Send message', 'object_inputMediaVideo_param_video_type_InputVideo' => 'Video', 'object_inputMediaAudio_param_audio_type_InputAudio' => 'Audio', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_document_id_type_InputDocument' => 'Document ID', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_latitude_type_double' => 'Latitude', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_longitude_type_double' => 'Longitude', 'object_geoPoint_param_longitude_type_double' => 'Longitude', 'object_geoPoint_param_latitude_type_double' => 'Latitude', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage_param_encr_message_type_EncryptedMessage' => 'Encr message', 'object_updateEncryption_param_encr_chat_type_EncryptedChat' => 'Encr chat', 'object_updateNotifySettings_param_notify_peer_type_NotifyPeer' => 'Notify peer', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_message_text_type_string' => 'Message text', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_channel_pts_count_type_int' => 'Channel pts count', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_channel_pts_count_type_int' => 'Channel pts count', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_privacyKeyChatInvite' => 'Whether the user can be invited to chats', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_destroy_auth_key_ok' => 'Destroy auth key ok', 'object_destroy_auth_key_none' => 'Destroy auth key none', 'object_destroy_auth_key_fail' => 'Destroy auth key fail', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_pageBlockParagraph' => 'A paragraph', 'object_pageBlockParagraph_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockPreformatted' => 'Preformatted (`
` text)', 'object_pageBlockPreformatted_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockPreformatted_param_language_type_string' => 'Programming language of preformatted text', 'object_pageBlockDivider' => 'An empty block separating a page', 'object_pageBlockAnchor' => 'Link to section within the page itself (like `anchor`)', 'object_pageBlockAnchor_param_name_type_string' => 'Name of target section', 'object_pageBlockCover' => 'A page cover', 'object_pageBlockCover_param_cover_type_PageBlock' => 'Cover', 'object_pagePart_param_videos_type_Vector t' => 'Videos', 'object_pageFull_param_videos_type_Vector t' => 'Videos', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'G a', 'object_resPQ_param_pq_type_string' => 'Pq', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_pq_type_string' => 'Pq', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_p_type_string' => 'P', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_q_type_string' => 'Q', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_encrypted_answer_type_string' => 'Encrypted answer', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_dh_prime_type_string' => 'Dh prime', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_g_a_type_string' => 'G a', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_g_b_type_string' => 'G b', 'object_msgs_state_info_param_info_type_string' => 'Info', 'object_msgs_all_info_param_info_type_string' => 'Info', 'object_http_wait' => 'Http wait', 'object_http_wait_param_max_delay_type_int' => 'Max delay', 'object_http_wait_param_wait_after_type_int' => 'Wait after', 'object_http_wait_param_max_wait_type_int' => 'Max wait', 'object_ipPort' => 'Ip port', 'object_ipPort_param_ipv4_type_int' => 'Ipv4', 'object_ipPort_param_port_type_int' => 'Port', 'object_help.configSimple' => 'Config simple', 'object_help.configSimple_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_help.configSimple_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expires', 'object_help.configSimple_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_help.configSimple_param_ip_port_list_type_Vector t' => 'Ip port list', 'object_inputMessagesFilterMyMentionsUnread' => 'Messages filter my mentions unread', 'method_initConnection_param_proxy_type_InputClientProxy' => 'Info about an MTProto proxy', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'For FCM and APNS VoIP, optional encryption key used to encrypt push notifications', 'method_account.getAllSecureValues' => 'Get all saved [Telegram Passport]( documents, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.getSecureValue' => 'Get saved [Telegram Passport]( document, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.getSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'Get telegram passport secure parameters', 'method_account.saveSecureValue' => 'Securely save [Telegram Passport]( document, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.saveSecureValue_param_value_type_InputSecureValue' => 'Secure value, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.saveSecureValue_param_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'Passport secret hash, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.deleteSecureValue' => 'Delete stored [Telegram Passport]( documents, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.deleteSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'The values to delete', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm' => 'Returns a Telegram Passport authorization form for sharing data with a service', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'User identifier of the service\'s bot', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm_param_scope_type_string' => 'Telegram Passport element types requested by the service', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm_param_public_key_type_string' => 'Service\'s public key', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization' => 'Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing data with the service', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_scope_type_string' => 'Telegram Passport element types requested by the service', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_public_key_type_string' => 'Service\'s public key', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_value_hashes_type_Vector t' => 'Hashes of the encrypted credentials', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_credentials_type_SecureCredentialsEncrypted' => 'Encrypted values', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode' => 'Send the verification phone code for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Allow phone calls?', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number to verify', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'Is this the current number?', 'method_account.verifyPhone' => 'Verify a phone number for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.verifyPhone_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_account.verifyPhone_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash received from the call to [account.sendVerifyPhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.verifyPhone_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'Code received after the call to [account.sendVerifyPhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.sendVerifyEmailCode' => 'Send the verification email code for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.sendVerifyEmailCode_param_email_type_string' => 'The email where to send the code', 'method_account.verifyEmail' => 'Verify an email address for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.verifyEmail_param_email_type_string' => 'The email to verify', 'method_account.verifyEmail_param_code_type_string' => 'The verification code that was received', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors' => 'Notify the user that the sent [passport]( data contains some errors The user will not be able to re-submit their Passport data to you until the errors are fixed (the contents of the field for which you returned the error must change).

Use this if the data submitted by the user doesn\'t satisfy the standards your service requires for any reason. For example, if a birthday date seems invalid, a submitted document is blurry, a scan shows evidence of tampering, etc. Supply some details in the error message to make sure the user knows how to correct the issues.', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors_param_errors_type_Vector t' => 'The errors', 'method_messages.search_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash](', '' => 'Report a message in a chat for violation of telegram\'s Terms of Service', 'method_messages.report_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.report_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The messages to report', 'method_messages.report_param_reason_type_ReportReason' => 'Why are these messages being reported', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'New attached media', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'Media', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin_param_peer_type_InputDialogPeer' => 'The dialog to pin', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets' => 'Search for stickersets', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_exclude_featured_type_true' => 'Exclude featured stickersets from results', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_q_type_string' => 'Query string', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_upload.getFileHashes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFileHashes_param_location_type_InputFileLocation' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFileHashes_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_help.getProxyData' => 'Get promotion info of the currently-used MTProxy', 'method_help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate' => 'Look for updates of telegram\'s terms of service', 'method_help.acceptTermsOfService' => 'Accept the new terms of service', 'method_help.acceptTermsOfService_param_id_type_DataJSON' => 'ID of terms of service', 'method_help.getDeepLinkInfo' => 'Get info about a `` link', 'method_help.getDeepLinkInfo_param_path_type_string' => 'Path in ``', 'object_inputSecureFileLocation' => 'Location of encrypted telegram [passport]( file.', 'object_inputSecureFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID, **id** parameter value from [secureFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputSecureFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checksum, **access\\_hash** parameter value from [secureFile](../constructors/', 'object_messageActionBotAllowed' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in. [More about Telegram Login »](', 'object_messageActionBotAllowed_param_domain_type_string' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe' => 'Secure [telegram passport]( values were received', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe_param_values_type_Vector t' => 'Values', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe_param_credentials_type_SecureCredentialsEncrypted' => 'Encrypted credentials required to decrypt the data', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSent' => 'Request for secure [telegram passport]( values was sent', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSent_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'Types', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_terms_of_service_type_help.TermsOfService' => 'Terms of service', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_Bool' => 'Peer was muted?', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_Bool' => 'Mute peer?', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_peer_type_DialogPeer' => 'The dialog', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_file_hashes_type_Vector t' => 'File hashes', 'object_dcOption_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'If the `tcpo_only` flag is set, specifies the secret to use when connecting using [transport obfuscation](', 'object_config_param_preload_featured_stickers_type_true' => 'Whether the client should preload featured stickers', 'object_config_param_ignore_phone_entities_type_true' => 'Whether the client should ignore phone [entities](', 'object_config_param_revoke_pm_inbox_type_true' => 'Whether incoming private messages can be deleted for both participants', 'object_config_param_blocked_mode_type_true' => 'Indicates that telegram is *probably* censored by governments/ISPs in the current region', 'object_config_param_revoke_time_limit_type_int' => 'Only channel/supergroup messages with age smaller than the specified can be deleted', 'object_config_param_revoke_pm_time_limit_type_int' => 'Only private messages with age smaller than the specified can be deleted', 'object_config_param_autoupdate_url_prefix_type_string' => 'URL to use to auto-update the current app', 'object_messages.stickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_account.noPassword_param_new_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'New secure salt', 'object_account.noPassword_param_secure_random_type_bytes' => 'Secure random', 'object_account.password_param_has_recovery_type_true' => 'Whether the user has a recovery method configured', 'object_account.password_param_has_secure_values_type_true' => 'Whether telegram [passport]( is enabled', 'object_account.password_param_new_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'New secure salt', 'object_account.password_param_secure_random_type_bytes' => 'Secure random string', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'Secure salt', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secure secret', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'Secure secret ID', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'New secure salt', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_secret_type_bytes' => 'New secure secret', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'New secure secret ID', 'object_stickerSet_param_installed_date_type_int' => 'When was this stickerset installed', 'object_messageEntityPhone' => 'Message entity representing a phone number.', 'object_messageEntityPhone_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPhone_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCashtag' => 'Message entity representing a **$cashtag**.', 'object_messageEntityCashtag_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCashtag_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_popup_type_true' => 'Whether a prompt must be showed to the user, in order to accept the new terms.', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_id_type_DataJSON' => 'ID of the new terms', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_min_age_confirm_type_int' => 'Minimum age required to sign up to telegram, the user must confirm that they is older than the minimum age.', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_thumb_type_InputWebDocument' => 'Thumbnail for result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_content_type_InputWebDocument' => 'Result contents', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_botInlineResult_param_thumb_type_WebDocument' => 'Thumbnail for the result', 'object_botInlineResult_param_content_type_WebDocument' => 'Content of the result', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_dates_type_Vector t' => 'Dates', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy' => 'Remote document that can be downloaded without [proxying through telegram](', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_url_type_string' => 'Document URL', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_w_type_int' => 'Map width in pixels before applying scale; 16-1024', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_h_type_int' => 'Map height in pixels before applying scale; 16-1024', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_zoom_type_int' => 'Map zoom level; 13-20', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_scale_type_int' => 'Map scale; 1-3', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation' => 'Web file geo message location', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Msg ID', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_zoom_type_int' => 'Zoom', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_scale_type_int' => 'Scale', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_manage_call_type_true' => 'Manage group calls', 'object_inputDialogPeer' => 'A peer', 'object_inputDialogPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_dialogPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_dialogPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified' => 'No further results were found', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets' => 'Found stickersets', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_fileHash' => 'SHA256 Hash of an uploaded file, to be checked for validity after download', 'object_fileHash_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset from where to start computing SHA-256 hash', 'object_fileHash_param_limit_type_int' => 'Length', 'object_fileHash_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'SHA-256 Hash of file chunk, to be checked for validity after download', 'object_inputClientProxy' => 'Info about an [MTProxy]( used to connect.', 'object_inputClientProxy_param_address_type_string' => 'Proxy address', 'object_inputClientProxy_param_port_type_int' => 'Proxy port', 'object_help.proxyDataEmpty' => 'No proxy was used to connect to tg (or none was provided to [initConnection](../methods/, or the used proxy doesn\'t have a promotion channel associated to it)', 'object_help.proxyDataEmpty_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date of proxy info, will have to be refetched in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo' => 'Promotion channel associated to a certain MTProxy', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date of proxy info, will have to be refetched in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The promoted channel', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty' => 'No changes were made to telegram\'s terms of service', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty_param_expires_type_int' => 'New TOS updates will have to be queried using [help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate](../methods/ in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdate' => 'Info about an update of telegram\'s terms of service. If the terms of service are declined, then the [account.deleteAccount](../methods/ method should be called with the reason "Decline ToS update"', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdate_param_expires_type_int' => 'New TOS updates will have to be queried using [help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate](../methods/ in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdate_param_terms_of_service_type_help.TermsOfService' => 'New terms of service', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded' => 'Uploaded secure file, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_id_type_long' => 'Secure file ID', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_parts_type_int' => 'Secure file part count', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_md5_checksum_type_string' => 'MD5 hash of encrypted uploaded file, to be checked server-side', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_inputSecureFile' => 'Preuploaded [passport]( file, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_inputSecureFile_param_id_type_long' => 'Secure file ID', 'object_inputSecureFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Secure file access hash', 'object_secureFileEmpty' => 'Empty constructor', 'object_secureFile' => 'Secure [passport]( file, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_secureFile_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_secureFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_secureFile_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_secureFile_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_secureFile_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of upload', 'object_secureFile_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureFile_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_secureData' => 'Secure [passport]( data, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_secureData_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Data', 'object_secureData_param_data_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash', 'object_secureData_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_securePlainPhone' => 'Phone number to use in [telegram passport]( [it must be verified, first »](', 'object_securePlainPhone_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_securePlainEmail' => 'Email address to use in [telegram passport]( [it must be verified, first »](', 'object_securePlainEmail_param_email_type_string' => 'Email address', 'object_secureValueTypePersonalDetails' => 'Personal details', 'object_secureValueTypePassport' => 'Passport', 'object_secureValueTypeDriverLicense' => 'Driver\'s license', 'object_secureValueTypeIdentityCard' => 'Identity card', 'object_secureValueTypeInternalPassport' => 'Internal [passport](', 'object_secureValueTypeAddress' => 'Address', 'object_secureValueTypeUtilityBill' => 'Utility bill', 'object_secureValueTypeBankStatement' => 'Bank statement', 'object_secureValueTypeRentalAgreement' => 'Rental agreement', 'object_secureValueTypePassportRegistration' => 'Internal registration [passport](', 'object_secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration' => 'Temporary registration', 'object_secureValueTypePhone' => 'Phone', 'object_secureValueTypeEmail' => 'Email', 'object_secureValue' => 'Secure value', 'object_secureValue_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure [passport]( value type', 'object_secureValue_param_data_type_SecureData' => 'Encrypted [Telegram Passport]( element data', 'object_secureValue_param_front_side_type_SecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the front side of the document', 'object_secureValue_param_reverse_side_type_SecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the reverse side of the document', 'object_secureValue_param_selfie_type_SecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with a selfie of the user holding the document', 'object_secureValue_param_files_type_Vector t' => 'Files', 'object_secureValue_param_plain_data_type_SecurePlainData' => 'Plaintext verified [passport]( data', 'object_secureValue_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash', 'object_inputSecureValue' => 'Secure value, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure [passport]( value type', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_data_type_SecureData' => 'Encrypted [Telegram Passport]( element data', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_front_side_type_InputSecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the front side of the document', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_reverse_side_type_InputSecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the reverse side of the document', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_selfie_type_InputSecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with a selfie of the user holding the document', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_files_type_Vector t' => 'Files', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_plain_data_type_SecurePlainData' => 'Plaintext verified [passport]( data', 'object_secureValueHash' => 'Secure value hash', 'object_secureValueHash_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure value type', 'object_secureValueHash_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_secureValueErrorData' => 'Represents an issue in one of the data fields that was provided by the user. The error is considered resolved when the field\'s value changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'The section of the user\'s Telegram Passport which has the error, one of [secureValueTypePersonalDetails](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeAddress](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_data_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_field_type_string' => 'Name of the data field which has the error', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide' => 'Represents an issue with the front side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the front side of the document changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide' => 'Represents an issue with the reverse side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with reverse side of the document changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie' => 'Represents an issue with the selfie with a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorFile' => 'Represents an issue with a document scan. The error is considered resolved when the file with the document scan changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorFile_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorFile_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorFile_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles' => 'Represents an issue with a list of scans. The error is considered resolved when the list of files containing the scans changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector t' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted' => 'Encrypted credentials required to decrypt [telegram passport]( data.', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted JSON-serialized data with unique user\'s payload, data hashes and secrets required for EncryptedPassportElement decryption and authentication, as described in [decrypting data »](', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash for data authentication as described in [decrypting data »](', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret, encrypted with the bot\'s public RSA key, required for data decryption as described in [decrypting data »](', 'object_account.authorizationForm' => '[Telegram Passport]( authorization form', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_selfie_required_type_true' => 'Selfie required?', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_required_types_type_Vector t' => 'Required types', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_values_type_Vector t' => 'Values', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_errors_type_Vector t' => 'Errors', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_privacy_policy_url_type_string' => 'URL of the service\'s privacy policy', 'object_account.sentEmailCode' => 'The sent email code', 'object_account.sentEmailCode_param_email_pattern_type_string' => 'The email (to which the code was sent) must match this [pattern](', 'object_account.sentEmailCode_param_length_type_int' => 'The length of the verification code', 'object_help.deepLinkInfoEmpty' => 'Deep link info empty', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo' => 'Deep linking info', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_update_app_type_true' => 'An update of the app is required to parse this link', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_message_type_string' => 'Message to show to the user', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'method_invokeWithMessagesRange' => 'Invoke with the given message range', 'method_invokeWithMessagesRange_param_range_type_MessageRange' => 'Message range', 'method_invokeWithMessagesRange_param_query_type_!X' => 'Query', 'method_invokeWithTakeout' => 'Invoke a method within a takeout session', 'method_invokeWithTakeout_param_takeout_id_type_long' => 'Takeout session ID', 'method_invokeWithTakeout_param_query_type_!X' => 'Query', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession' => 'Intialize account takeout session', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_contacts_type_true' => 'Whether to export contacts', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_users_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in private chats', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_chats_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in [legacy groups](', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_megagroups_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in [supergroups](', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_channels_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in [channels](', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_files_type_true' => 'Whether to export files', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_file_max_size_type_int' => 'Maximum size of files to export', 'method_account.finishTakeoutSession' => 'Finish account takeout session', 'method_account.finishTakeoutSession_param_success_type_true' => 'Data exported successfully', 'method_contacts.getSaved' => 'Get all contacts', 'method_messages.getSplitRanges' => 'Get message ranges for saving the user\'s chat history', 'method_channels.getLeftChannels' => 'Get a list of [channels/supergroups]( we left', 'method_channels.getLeftChannels_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset for [pagination](', 'object_ipPortSecret' => 'Ip port secret', 'object_ipPortSecret_param_ipv4_type_int' => 'Ipv4', 'object_ipPortSecret_param_port_type_int' => 'Port', 'object_ipPortSecret_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_accessPointRule' => 'Access point rule', 'object_accessPointRule_param_phone_prefix_rules_type_string' => 'Phone prefix rules', 'object_accessPointRule_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_accessPointRule_param_ips_type_vector' => 'Ips', 'object_help.configSimple_param_rules_type_vector' => 'Rules', 'object_inputTakeoutFileLocation' => 'Empty constructor for takeout', 'object_savedPhoneContact' => 'Saved contact', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_date_type_int' => 'Date added', 'object_account.takeout' => 'Takout info', 'object_account.takeout_param_id_type_long' => 'Takeout ID', 'method_contacts.toggleTopPeers' => 'Enable/disable [top peers](', 'method_contacts.toggleTopPeers_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enable/disable', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.markDialogUnread' => 'Manually mark dialog as unread', 'method_messages.markDialogUnread_param_unread_type_true' => 'Mark as unread/read', 'method_messages.markDialogUnread_param_peer_type_InputDialogPeer' => 'Dialog', 'method_messages.getDialogUnreadMarks' => 'Get dialogs manually marked as unread', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'Contact vcard', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'VCARD of contact', 'object_dialog_param_unread_mark_type_true' => 'Whether the chat was manually marked as unread', 'object_geoPoint_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_messages.dialogsNotModified' => 'Dialogs haven\'t changed', 'object_messages.dialogsNotModified_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of dialogs found server-side by the query', 'object_updateDialogUnreadMark' => 'The manual unread mark of a chat was changed', 'object_updateDialogUnreadMark_param_unread_type_true' => 'Was the chat marked or unmarked as read', 'object_updateDialogUnreadMark_param_peer_type_DialogPeer' => 'The dialog', 'object_config_param_dc_txt_domain_name_type_string' => 'Domain name for fetching encrypted DC list from DNS TXT record', 'object_config_param_gif_search_username_type_string' => 'Username of the bot to use to search for GIFs', 'object_config_param_venue_search_username_type_string' => 'Username of the bot to use to search for venues', 'object_config_param_img_search_username_type_string' => 'Username of the bot to use for image search', 'object_config_param_static_maps_provider_type_string' => 'ID of the map provider to use for venues', 'object_config_param_caption_length_max_type_int' => 'Maximum length of caption (length in utf8 codepoints)', 'object_config_param_message_length_max_type_int' => 'Maximum length of messages (length in utf8 codepoints)', 'object_config_param_webfile_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID to use to download [webfiles](', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'VCard info', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'VCard info', 'object_contacts.topPeersDisabled' => 'Top peers disabled', 'object_draftMessageEmpty_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the draft last updated', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'method_contacts.getContacts_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'User IDs of previously cached contacts', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Peer IDs of previously cached peers', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of previously fetched dialogs', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of messages you already fetched', 'method_messages.search_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages you already fetched', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getAllStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'The hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getSavedGifs_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getFeaturedStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getMaskStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getWebPage_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getFavedStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of locations you already fetched', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of stickersets you already fetched', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of previously fetched participants', 'method_auth.checkPassword_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getPasswordSettings_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getTmpPassword_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'SRP password parameters', 'method_account.confirmPasswordEmail' => 'Verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method](', 'method_account.confirmPasswordEmail_param_code_type_string' => 'The phone code that was received after [setting a recovery email](', 'method_account.resendPasswordEmail' => 'Resend the code to verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method](', 'method_account.cancelPasswordEmail' => 'Cancel the code that was sent to verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method](', 'method_account.getContactSignUpNotification' => 'Whether the user will receive notifications when contacts sign up', 'method_account.setContactSignUpNotification' => 'Toggle contact sign up notifications', 'method_account.setContactSignUpNotification_param_silent_type_Bool' => 'Whether to disable contact sign up notifications', 'method_account.getNotifyExceptions' => 'Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings', 'method_account.getNotifyExceptions_param_compare_sound_type_true' => 'If true, chats with non-default sound will also be returned', 'method_account.getNotifyExceptions_param_peer_type_InputNotifyPeer' => 'If specified, only chats of the specified category will be returned', 'method_contacts.getContactIDs' => 'Get contact by telegram IDs', 'method_contacts.getContactIDs_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Previously fetched IDs', 'method_contacts.deleteByPhones' => 'Delete contacts by phone number', 'method_contacts.deleteByPhones_param_phones_type_Vector t' => 'Phones', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_hide_via_type_true' => 'Whether to hide the `via @botname` in the resulting message (only for bot usernames encountered in the [config](../constructors/', 'method_messages.clearAllDrafts' => 'Clear all [drafts](', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage' => 'Pin a message', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'Pin the message silently, without triggering a notification', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer where to pin the message', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The message to pin, can be 0 to unpin any currently pinned messages', 'method_messages.sendVote' => 'Vote in a [poll](../constructors/', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the poll was sent', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID of the poll', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_options_type_Vector t' => 'Options', 'method_messages.getPollResults' => 'Get poll results', 'method_messages.getPollResults_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the poll was found', 'method_messages.getPollResults_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of poll message', 'method_messages.getOnlines' => 'Get count of online users in a chat', 'method_messages.getOnlines_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat', 'method_messages.getStatsURL' => 'Returns URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method can be used only for channels', 'method_messages.getStatsURL_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Chat identifier', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_source_type_string' => 'Source', 'method_help.getAppConfig' => 'Get app-specific configuration', 'method_help.getPassportConfig' => 'Get [passport]( configuration', 'method_help.getPassportConfig_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash', 'method_help.getSupportName' => 'Get localized name of the telegram support user', 'method_help.getUserInfo' => 'Internal use', 'method_help.getUserInfo_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_help.editUserInfo' => 'Internal use', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'method_langpack.getLangPack_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack name', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack name', 'method_langpack.getDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_langpack.getLanguages_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack', 'method_langpack.getLanguage' => 'Get information about a language in a localization pack', 'method_langpack.getLanguage_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack name', 'method_langpack.getLanguage_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive_param_stopped_type_true' => 'Whether sending of the geolocation was stopped', 'object_inputMediaPoll' => 'A poll', 'object_inputMediaPoll_param_poll_type_Poll' => 'The poll to send', 'object_inputPhoto_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_fileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => 'File reference', 'object_chatFull_param_pinned_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of the pinned message', 'object_channelFull_param_can_view_stats_type_true' => 'Can the user call [messages.getStatsURL](../methods/ on this channel', 'object_channelFull_param_online_count_type_int' => 'Number of users currently online', 'object_message_param_from_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether this is a scheduled post', 'object_messageMediaPoll' => 'Poll', 'object_messageMediaPoll_param_poll_type_Poll' => 'The poll', 'object_messageMediaPoll_param_results_type_PollResults' => 'The results of the poll', 'object_messageActionContactSignUp' => 'A contact just signed up to telegram', 'object_photo_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[file reference](', 'object_inputNotifyBroadcasts' => 'All [channels](', 'object_inputReportReasonChildAbuse' => 'Report for child abuse', 'object_inputReportReasonCopyright' => 'Report for copyrighted content', 'object_userFull_param_can_pin_message_type_true' => 'Whether you can pin messages in the chat with this user, you can do this only for a chat with yourself', 'object_userFull_param_pinned_msg_id_type_int' => 'Pinned message ID, you can only pin messages in a chat with yourself', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_inexact_type_true' => 'If set, returned results may be inexact', 'object_updateLangPackTooLong_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_updateUserPinnedMessage' => 'A message was pinned in a private chat with a user', 'object_updateUserPinnedMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User that pinned the message', 'object_updateUserPinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID that was pinned', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage' => 'A message was pinned in a [legacy group](', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => '[Legacy group]( ID', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of pinned message', 'object_updateMessagePoll' => 'The results of a poll have changed', 'object_updateMessagePoll_param_poll_id_type_long' => 'Poll ID', 'object_updateMessagePoll_param_poll_type_Poll' => 'If the server knows the client hasn\'t cached this poll yet, the poll itself', 'object_updateMessagePoll_param_results_type_PollResults' => 'New poll results', 'object_config_param_pfs_enabled_type_true' => 'Whether [pfs]( was used', 'object_config_param_base_lang_pack_version_type_int' => 'Basic language pack version', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_popup_type_true' => 'Popup?', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_version_type_string' => 'New version name', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_document_type_Document' => 'Attached document', 'object_inputDocument_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_document_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_notifyBroadcasts' => 'Channel notification settings', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P' => 'Whether the user allows P2P communication during VoIP calls', 'object_privacyKeyPhoneP2P' => 'Whether P2P connections in phone calls are allowed', 'object_authorization_param_current_type_true' => 'Whether this is the current session', 'object_authorization_param_official_app_type_true' => 'Whether the session is from an official app', 'object_authorization_param_password_pending_type_true' => 'Whether the session is still waiting for a 2FA password', 'object_account.password_param_has_password_type_true' => 'Whether the user has a password', 'object_account.password_param_current_algo_type_PasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( of the current password', 'object_account.password_param_srp_B_type_bytes' => 'Srp B param for [SRP authorization](', 'object_account.password_param_srp_id_type_long' => 'Srp ID param for [SRP authorization](', 'object_account.password_param_new_algo_type_PasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( to use when creating new passwords', 'object_account.password_param_new_secure_algo_type_SecurePasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The KDF algorithm for telegram [passport](', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_settings_type_SecureSecretSettings' => 'Telegram [passport]( settings', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_algo_type_PasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The [SRP algorithm]( to use', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_settings_type_SecureSecretSettings' => 'Telegram [passport]( settings', 'object_textSubscript' => 'Subscript text', 'object_textSubscript_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textSuperscript' => 'Superscript text', 'object_textSuperscript_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textMarked' => 'Highlighted text', 'object_textMarked_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textPhone' => 'Rich text linked to a phone number', 'object_textPhone_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textPhone_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_textImage' => 'Inline image', 'object_textImage_param_document_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_textImage_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_textImage_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_textAnchor' => 'Text linking to another section of the page', 'object_textAnchor_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textAnchor_param_name_type_string' => 'Section name', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_url_type_string' => 'HTTP URL of page the photo leads to when clicked', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'ID of preview of the page the photo leads to when clicked', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockAudio_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Audio caption', 'object_pageBlockKicker' => 'Kicker', 'object_pageBlockKicker_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Contents', 'object_pageBlockTable' => 'Table', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_bordered_type_true' => 'Does the table have a visible border?', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_striped_type_true' => 'Is the table striped?', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_title_type_RichText' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_rows_type_Vector t' => 'Rows', 'object_pageBlockOrderedList' => 'Ordered list of IV blocks', 'object_pageBlockOrderedList_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockDetails' => 'A collapsible details block', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_open_type_true' => 'Whether the block is open by default', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_title_type_RichText' => 'Always visible heading for the block', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles' => 'Related articles', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles_param_title_type_RichText' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles_param_articles_type_Vector t' => 'Articles', 'object_pageBlockMap' => 'A map', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Location of the map center', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_zoom_type_int' => 'Map zoom level; 13-20', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_w_type_int' => 'Map width in pixels before applying scale; 16-102', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_h_type_int' => 'Map height in pixels before applying scale; 16-1024', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_phoneCall_param_p2p_allowed_type_true' => 'Whether P2P connection to the other peer is allowed', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_official_type_true' => 'Whether the language pack is official', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_rtl_type_true' => 'Is this a localization pack for an RTL language', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_beta_type_true' => 'Is this a beta localization pack?', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_base_lang_code_type_string' => 'Identifier of a base language pack; may be empty. If a string is missed in the language pack, then it should be fetched from base language pack. Unsupported in custom language packs', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_plural_code_type_string' => 'A language code to be used to apply plural forms. See [\\_plural\\_rules.html]( for more info', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_strings_count_type_int' => 'Total number of non-deleted strings from the language pack', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_translated_count_type_int' => 'Total number of translated strings from the language pack', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_translations_url_type_string' => 'Link to language translation interface; empty for custom local language packs', 'object_secureValue_param_translation_type_Vector t' => 'Translation', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_translation_type_Vector t' => 'Translation', 'object_secureValueError' => 'Secure value error', 'object_secureValueError_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Type of element which has the issue', 'object_secureValueError_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_secureValueError_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile' => 'Represents an issue with one of the files that constitute the translation of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePersonalDetails](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles' => 'Represents an issue with the translated version of a document. The error is considered resolved when a file with the document translation changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePersonalDetails](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector t' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoUnknown' => 'Unknown KDF (most likely, the client is outdated and does not support the specified KDF algorithm)', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow' => 'This key derivation algorithm defines that [SRP 2FA login]( must be used', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_salt1_type_bytes' => 'One of two salts used by the derivation function (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_salt2_type_bytes' => 'One of two salts used by the derivation function (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_g_type_int' => 'Base (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_p_type_bytes' => '2048-bit modulus (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown' => 'Unknown KDF algo (most likely the client has to be updated)', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000' => 'PBKDF2 with SHA512 and 100000 iterations KDF algo', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000_param_salt_type_bytes' => 'Salt', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512' => 'SHA512 KDF algo', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512_param_salt_type_bytes' => 'Salt', 'object_secureSecretSettings' => 'Secure settings', 'object_secureSecretSettings_param_secure_algo_type_SecurePasswordKdfAlgo' => 'Secure KDF algo', 'object_secureSecretSettings_param_secure_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secure secret', 'object_secureSecretSettings_param_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'Secret ID', 'object_inputCheckPasswordEmpty' => 'There is no password', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'Constructor for checking the validity of a 2FA SRP password (see [SRP](', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP_param_srp_id_type_long' => '[SRP ID](', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP_param_A_type_bytes' => '`A` parameter (see [SRP](', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP_param_M1_type_bytes' => '`M1` parameter (see [SRP](', 'object_secureRequiredType' => 'Required type', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_native_names_type_true' => 'Native names', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_selfie_required_type_true' => 'Is a selfie required', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_translation_required_type_true' => 'Is a translation required', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure value type', 'object_secureRequiredTypeOneOf' => 'One of', 'object_secureRequiredTypeOneOf_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'Types', 'object_help.passportConfigNotModified' => 'Password configuration not modified', 'object_help.passportConfig' => 'Telegram [passport]( configuration', 'object_help.passportConfig_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_help.passportConfig_param_countries_langs_type_DataJSON' => 'Localization', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_data_type_JSONValue' => 'Details of the event', 'object_jsonObjectValue' => 'JSON key: value pair', 'object_jsonObjectValue_param_key_type_string' => 'Key', 'object_jsonObjectValue_param_value_type_JSONValue' => 'Value', 'object_jsonNull' => 'Null JSON value', 'object_jsonBool' => 'JSON boolean value', 'object_jsonBool_param_value_type_Bool' => 'Value', 'object_jsonNumber' => 'JSON numeric value', 'object_jsonNumber_param_value_type_double' => 'Value', 'object_jsonString' => 'JSON string', 'object_jsonString_param_value_type_string' => 'Value', 'object_jsonArray' => 'JSON array', 'object_jsonArray_param_value_type_Vector t' => 'Value', 'object_jsonObject' => 'JSON object value', 'object_jsonObject_param_value_type_Vector t' => 'Value', 'object_pageTableCell' => 'Table cell', 'object_pageTableCell_param_header_type_true' => 'Is this element part of the column header', 'object_pageTableCell_param_align_center_type_true' => 'Horizontally centered block', 'object_pageTableCell_param_align_right_type_true' => 'Right-aligned block', 'object_pageTableCell_param_valign_middle_type_true' => 'Vertically centered block', 'object_pageTableCell_param_valign_bottom_type_true' => 'Block vertically-alligned to the bottom', 'object_pageTableCell_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Content', 'object_pageTableCell_param_colspan_type_int' => 'For how many columns should this cell extend', 'object_pageTableCell_param_rowspan_type_int' => 'For how many rows should this cell extend', 'object_pageTableRow' => 'Table row', 'object_pageTableRow_param_cells_type_Vector t' => 'Cells', 'object_pageCaption' => 'Page caption', 'object_pageCaption_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageCaption_param_credit_type_RichText' => 'Credits', 'object_pageListItemText' => 'List item', 'object_pageListItemText_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageListItemBlocks' => 'List item', 'object_pageListItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageListOrderedItemText' => 'Ordered list of text items', 'object_pageListOrderedItemText_param_num_type_string' => 'Number of element within ordered list', 'object_pageListOrderedItemText_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks' => 'Ordered list of [IV]( blocks', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks_param_num_type_string' => 'Number of element within ordered list', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageRelatedArticle' => 'Related article', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of article', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'Webpage ID of generated IV preview', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_photo_id_type_long' => 'ID of preview photo', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_author_type_string' => 'Author name', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_published_date_type_int' => 'Date of pubblication', 'object_page' => '[Instant view]( page', 'object_page_param_part_type_true' => 'Indicates that not full page preview is available to the client and it will need to fetch full Instant View from the server using [messages.getWebPagePreview](../methods/', 'object_page_param_rtl_type_true' => 'Whether the page contains RTL text', 'object_page_param_v2_type_true' => 'Whether this is an [IV v2]( page', 'object_page_param_url_type_string' => 'Original page HTTP URL', 'object_page_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_page_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_page_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_help.supportName' => 'Localized name for telegram support', 'object_help.supportName_param_name_type_string' => 'Localized name', 'object_help.userInfoEmpty' => 'Internal use', 'object_help.userInfo' => 'Internal use', 'object_help.userInfo_param_message_type_string' => 'Info', 'object_help.userInfo_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_help.userInfo_param_author_type_string' => 'Author', 'object_help.userInfo_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_pollAnswer' => 'A possible answer of a poll', 'object_pollAnswer_param_text_type_string' => 'Textual representation of the answer', 'object_pollAnswer_param_option_type_bytes' => 'The param that has to be passed to [messages.sendVote](../methods/', 'object_poll' => 'Poll', 'object_poll_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of the poll', 'object_poll_param_closed_type_true' => 'Whether the poll is closed and doesn\'t accept any more answers', 'object_poll_param_question_type_string' => 'The question of the poll', 'object_poll_param_answers_type_Vector t' => 'Answers', 'object_pollAnswerVoters' => 'A poll answer, and how users voted on it', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_chosen_type_true' => 'Whether we have chosen this answer', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_option_type_bytes' => 'The param that has to be passed to [messages.sendVote](../methods/', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_voters_type_int' => 'How many users voted for this option', 'object_pollResults' => 'Results of poll', 'object_pollResults_param_min_type_true' => 'Similar to [min]( objects, used for poll constructors that are the same for all users so they don\'t have option chosen by the current user (you can use [messages.getPollResults](../methods/ to get the full poll results).', 'object_pollResults_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_pollResults_param_total_voters_type_int' => 'Total number of people that voted in the poll', 'object_chatOnlines' => 'Number of online users in a chat', 'object_chatOnlines_param_onlines_type_int' => 'Number of online users', 'object_statsURL' => 'URL with chat statistics', 'object_statsURL_param_url_type_string' => 'Chat statistics', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getWallPapers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of previously fetched wallpapers', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'Phone code settings', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'Phone code settings', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'Phone code settings', 'method_account.getWallPaper' => 'Get info about a certain wallpaper', 'method_account.getWallPaper_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => 'The wallpaper to get info about', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper' => 'Create and upload a new wallpaper', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'The JPG/PNG wallpaper', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type of uploaded wallpaper', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'method_account.saveWallPaper' => 'Install/uninstall wallpaper', 'method_account.saveWallPaper_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => 'Wallpaper to save', 'method_account.saveWallPaper_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Uninstall wallpaper?', 'method_account.saveWallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'method_account.installWallPaper' => 'Install wallpaper', 'method_account.installWallPaper_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => 'Wallpaper to install', 'method_account.installWallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'method_account.resetWallPapers' => 'Delete installed wallpapers', 'method_messages.exportChatInvite_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Chat', 'method_messages.editChatAbout' => 'Edit the description of a [group/supergroup/channel](', 'method_messages.editChatAbout_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The [group/supergroup/channel](', 'method_messages.editChatAbout_param_about_type_string' => 'The new description', 'method_messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights' => 'Edit the default banned rights of a [channel/supergroup/group](', 'method_messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer', 'method_messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'The new global rights', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => 'The admin rights', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'The banned rights', 'object_chat_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => '[Admin rights]( of the user in the group', 'object_chat_param_default_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => '[Default banned rights]( of all users in the group', 'object_channel_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => 'Admin rights of the user in this channel (see [rights](', 'object_channel_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Banned rights of the user in this channel (see [rights](', 'object_channel_param_default_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Default chat rights (see [rights](', 'object_chatFull_param_can_set_username_type_true' => 'Can we change the username of this chat', 'object_chatFull_param_about_type_string' => 'About string for this chat', 'object_photoStrippedSize' => 'Just the image\'s content', 'object_photoStrippedSize_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type', 'object_photoStrippedSize_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Thumbnail data', 'object_wallPaper_param_id_type_long' => 'Identifier', 'object_wallPaper_param_creator_type_true' => 'Creator of the wallpaper', 'object_wallPaper_param_default_type_true' => 'Whether this is the default wallpaper', 'object_wallPaper_param_pattern_type_true' => 'Pattern', 'object_wallPaper_param_dark_type_true' => 'Dark mode', 'object_wallPaper_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_wallPaper_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique wallpaper ID', 'object_wallPaper_param_document_type_Document' => 'The actual wallpaper', 'object_wallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_inexact_type_true' => 'If set, indicates that the results may be inexact', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights' => 'Default banned rights in a [normal chat]( were updated', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The chat', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights_param_default_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'New default banned rights', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_document_param_thumbs_type_Vector t' => 'Thumbnails', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_self_type_true' => 'Is this the current user', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => 'Admin [rights](', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Banned [rights](', 'object_channelParticipantsContacts' => 'Fetch only participants that are also contacts', 'object_channelParticipantsContacts_param_q_type_string' => 'Optional search query for searching contact participants by name', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights' => 'The default banned rights were modified', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights_param_prev_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Previous global [banned rights](', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights_param_new_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'New glboal [banned rights](', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll' => 'A poll was stopped', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll_param_message_type_Message' => 'The poll that was stopped', 'object_chatAdminRights' => 'Represents the rights of an admin in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_change_info_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to modify the description of the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_post_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to post messages in the [channel](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_edit_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to also edit messages from other admins in the [channel](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_delete_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to also delete messages from other admins in the [channel](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_ban_users_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to ban users from the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_invite_users_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to invite users in the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_pin_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to pin messages in the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_add_admins_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to add other admins with the same (or more limited) permissions in the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatBannedRights' => 'Represents the rights of a normal user in a [supergroup/channel/chat]( In this case, the flags are inverted: if set, a flag **does not allow** a user to do X.', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_view_messages_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to view messages in a [supergroup/channel/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_sendMessages_type_true' => 'Can send messages?', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_media_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send any media in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_stickers_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send stickers in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_gifs_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send gifs in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_games_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send games in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_inline_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to use inline bots in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_embed_links_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to embed links in the messages of a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_polls_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send stickers in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_change_info_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow any user to change the description of a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_invite_users_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow any user to invite users in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_pin_messages_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow any user to pin messages in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_until_date_type_int' => 'Validity of said permissions (0 = forever, forever = 2^31-1 for now).', 'object_inputWallPaper' => 'Wallpaper', 'object_inputWallPaper_param_id_type_long' => 'Wallpaper ID', 'object_inputWallPaper_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputWallPaperSlug' => 'Wallpaper by slug (a unique ID)', 'object_inputWallPaperSlug_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique wallpaper ID', 'object_account.wallPapersNotModified' => 'No new wallpapers were found', 'object_account.wallPapers' => 'Installed wallpapers', 'object_account.wallPapers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_account.wallPapers_param_wallpapers_type_Vector t' => 'Wallpapers', 'object_codeSettings' => 'Settings used by telegram servers for sending the confirm code.

Example implementations: [telegram for android](, [tdlib](', 'object_codeSettings_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Whether to allow phone verification via [phone calls](', 'object_codeSettings_param_current_number_type_true' => 'Pass true if the phone number is used on the current device. Ignored if allow\\_flashcall is not set.', 'object_codeSettings_param_app_hash_persistent_type_true' => 'Persistent hash?', 'object_codeSettings_param_app_hash_type_string' => 'Hash type', 'object_wallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_blur_type_true' => 'If set, the wallpaper must be downscaled to fit in 450x450 square and then box-blurred with radius 12', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_motion_type_true' => 'If set, the background needs to be slightly moved when device is rotated', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_background_color_type_int' => 'If set, a PNG pattern is to be combined with the `color` chosen by the user: the main color of the background in RGB24 format', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_intensity_type_int' => 'Intensity of the pattern when it is shown above the main background color, 0-100', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto' => 'Whether people will be able to see the user\'s profile picture', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyForwards' => 'Whether messages forwarded from this user will be [anonymous](', 'method_account.getAutoDownloadSettings' => 'Get media autodownload settings', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings' => 'Change media autodownload settings', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings_param_low_type_true' => 'Whether to save settings in the low data usage preset', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings_param_high_type_true' => 'Whether to save settings in the high data usage preset', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings_param_settings_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'Media autodownload settings', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_revoke_type_true' => 'Whether to delete the message history for all chat participants', 'method_messages.getStatsURL_param_dark_type_true' => 'Pass true if a URL with the dark theme must be returned', 'method_messages.getStatsURL_param_params_type_string' => 'Parameters from `tg://statsrefresh?params=******` link', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywords' => 'Get localized emoji keywords', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywords_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference' => 'Get changed emoji keywords', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous emoji keyword localization version', 'method_messages.getEmojiURL' => 'Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation', 'method_messages.getEmojiURL_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code for which the emoji replacements will be suggested', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_user_initiative_type_true' => 'Whether the user decided on their own initiative to rate the call', 'method_langpack.getDifference_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack', 'object_user_param_support_type_true' => 'Whether this is an official support user', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage_param_version_type_int' => 'Used to reorder updates in legacy groups', 'object_privacyKeyForwards' => 'Whether messages forwarded from the user will be [anonymously forwarded](', 'object_privacyKeyProfilePhoto' => 'Whether the profile picture of the user is visible', 'object_stickerSet_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail for stickerset', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_from_name_type_string' => 'The name of the user that originally sent the message', 'object_autoDownloadSettings' => 'Autodownload settings', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_disabled_type_true' => 'Disable automatic media downloads?', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_video_preload_large_type_true' => 'Whether to preload the first seconds of videos larger than the specified limit', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_audio_preload_next_type_true' => 'Whether to preload the next audio track when you\'re listening to music', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_phonecalls_less_data_type_true' => 'Whether to enable data saving mode in phone calls', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_photo_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum size of photos to preload', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_video_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum size of videos to preload', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_file_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum size of other files to preload', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings' => 'Media autodownload settings', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings_param_low_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'Low data usage preset', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings_param_medium_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'Medium data usage preset', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings_param_high_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'High data usage preset', 'object_emojiKeyword' => 'Emoji keyword', 'object_emojiKeyword_param_keyword_type_string' => 'Keyword', 'object_emojiKeyword_param_emoticons_type_Vector t' => 'Emoticons', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted' => 'Deleted emoji keyword', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted_param_keyword_type_string' => 'Keyword', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted_param_emoticons_type_Vector t' => 'Emoticons', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference' => 'Changes to emoji keywords', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code for keywords', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous emoji keyword list version', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_version_type_int' => 'Current version of emoji keyword list', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_keywords_type_Vector t' => 'Keywords', 'object_emojiURL' => 'An HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation', 'object_emojiURL_param_url_type_string' => 'An HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_forward_users_type_true' => 'Users to which the users often forwards messages to', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_forward_chats_type_true' => 'Chats to which the users often forwards messages to', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_rate_type_int' => 'Initially 0, then set to the [`next_rate` parameter of messages.messagesSlice](../constructors/', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'method_messages.getPinnedDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages' => 'Get info about an emoji keyword localization', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages_param_lang_codes_type_Vector t' => 'Language codes', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters' => 'Get the number of results that would be found by a [](../methods/ call with the same parameters', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where to search', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters_param_filters_type_Vector t' => 'Filters', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth' => 'Get more info about a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the message is located', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth_param_button_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the button with the authorization request', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth' => 'Use this to accept a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_write_allowed_type_true' => 'Set this flag to allow the bot to send messages to you (if requested)', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The location of the message', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of the message with the login button', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_button_id_type_int' => 'ID of the login button', 'method_channels.getGroupsForDiscussion' => 'Get all groups that can be used as [discussion groups](', 'method_channels.getBroadcastsForDiscussion' => 'Get channels for discussion', 'method_channels.setDiscussionGroup' => 'Associate a group to a channel as [discussion group]( for that channel', 'method_channels.setDiscussionGroup_param_broadcast_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.setDiscussionGroup_param_group_type_InputChannel' => 'Discussion group to associate to the channel', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_video_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_video_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_folders.editPeerFolders' => 'Edit peers in folder', 'method_folders.editPeerFolders_param_folder_peers_type_Vector t' => 'New folder peers', 'method_folders.deleteFolder' => 'Delete a folder', 'method_folders.deleteFolder_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder to delete', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( user that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the user was seen', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The identifier of the user that was seen', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( channel that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the channel\'s message was seen', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The identifier of the channel that was seen', 'object_inputUserFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( user that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputUserFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the user was seen', 'object_inputUserFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_inputUserFromMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The identifier of the user that was seen', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_thumb_size_type_string' => 'Thumbnail size to download the thumbnail', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation' => 'Use this object to download a photo with [upload.getFile](../methods/ method', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo ID, obtained from the [photo](../constructors/ object', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Photo\'s access hash, obtained from the [photo](../constructors/ object', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_thumb_size_type_string' => 'The [PhotoSize](../types/ to download: must be set to the `type` field of the desired PhotoSize object of the [photo](../constructors/', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation' => 'Location of profile photo of channel/group/supergroup/user', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_big_type_true' => 'Whether to download the high-quality version of the picture', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer whose profile picture should be downloaded', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID from [FileLocation](../types/ met in the profile photo container.', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID from [FileLocation](../types/ met in the profile photo container.', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb' => 'Location of stickerset thumbnail (see [files](', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Sticker set', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_user_param_scam_type_true' => 'This may be a scam user', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID where the photo is stored', 'object_channel_param_scam_type_true' => 'This channel/supergroup is probably a scam', 'object_channel_param_has_link_type_true' => 'Whether this channel has a private join link', 'object_chatFull_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_channelFull_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_channelFull_param_linked_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of the linked discussion chat for channels', 'object_channelFull_param_pts_type_int' => 'Latest [PTS]( for this channel', 'object_chatPhoto_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC where this photo is stored', 'object_message_param_legacy_type_true' => 'This is a legacy message: it has to be refetched with the new layer', 'object_messageService_param_legacy_type_true' => 'This is a legacy message: it has to be refetched with the new layer', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_video_type_true' => 'Is this a video call?', 'object_dialog_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_dialogFolder' => 'Dialog in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Is this folder pinned', 'object_dialogFolder_param_folder_type_Folder' => 'The folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_top_message_type_int' => 'Latest message ID of dialog', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_muted_peers_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread muted peers in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_unmuted_peers_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread unmuted peers in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_muted_messages_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages from muted peers in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_unmuted_messages_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages from unmuted peers in folder', 'object_photo_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID to use for download', 'object_userFull_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_next_rate_type_int' => 'Rate to use in the `offset_rate` parameter in the next call to [messages.searchGlobal](../methods/', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_still_unread_count_type_int' => 'Number of messages that are still unread', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'ID of folder for peers in folders', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_still_unread_count_type_int' => 'Count of messages weren\'t read yet', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'If the dialog is in a folder, the folder ID', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'If the dialogs are in a folder, the folder ID', 'object_updateFolderPeers' => 'The dialog list of a folder was changed', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_folder_peers_type_Vector t' => 'New folder peers', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_config_param_pinned_infolder_count_max_type_int' => 'Maximum count of dialogs per folder', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber' => 'Whether people will be able to see the user\'s phone number', 'object_privacyKeyPhoneNumber' => 'Whether the user allows us to see his phone number', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants' => 'Allow only participants of certain chats', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants' => 'Disallow only participants of certain chats', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'CHats', 'object_privacyValueAllowChatParticipants' => 'Allow all participants of certain chats', 'object_privacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Allowed chats', 'object_privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants' => 'Disallow only participants of certain chats', 'object_privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Disallowed chats', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats allowed?', 'object_chatInvite_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Chat/supergroup/channel photo', 'object_stickerSet_param_thumb_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID of thumbnail', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth' => 'Button to request a user to authorize via URL using [Seamless Telegram Login]( When the user clicks on such a button, [messages.requestUrlAuth](../methods/ should be called, providing the `button_id` and the ID of the container message. The returned [urlAuthResultRequest](../constructors/ object will contain more details about the authorization request (`request_write_access` if the bot would like to send messages to the user along with the username of the bot which will be used for user authorization). Finally, the user can choose to call [messages.acceptUrlAuth](../methods/ to get a [urlAuthResultAccepted](../constructors/ with the URL to open instead of the `url` of this constructor, or a [urlAuthResultDefault](../constructors/, in which case the `url` of this constructor must be opened, instead. If the user refuses the authorization request but still wants to open the link, the `url` of this constructor must be used.', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_text_type_string' => 'Button label', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_fwd_text_type_string' => 'New text of the button in forwarded messages.', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_url_type_string' => 'An HTTP URL to be opened with user authorization data added to the query string when the button is pressed. If the user refuses to provide authorization data, the original URL without information about the user will be opened. The data added is the same as described in [Receiving authorization data](

**NOTE**: Services must **always** check the hash of the received data to verify the authentication and the integrity of the data as described in [Checking authorization](', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_button_id_type_int' => 'ID of the button to pass to [messages.requestUrlAuth](../methods/', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth' => 'Button to request a user to [authorize](../methods/ via URL using [Seamless Telegram Login](', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_request_write_access_type_true' => 'Set this flag to request the permission for your bot to send messages to the user.', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_fwd_text_type_string' => 'New text of the button in forwarded messages.', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_url_type_string' => 'An HTTP URL to be opened with user authorization data added to the query string when the button is pressed. If the user refuses to provide authorization data, the original URL without information about the user will be opened. The data added is the same as described in [Receiving authorization data](
NOTE: You must always check the hash of the received data to verify the authentication and the integrity of the data as described in [Checking authorization](', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_bot_type_InputUser' => 'Username of a bot, which will be used for user authorization. See [Setting up a bot]( for more details. If not specified, the current bot\'s username will be assumed. The url\'s domain must be the same as the domain linked with the bot. See [Linking your domain to the bot]( for more details.', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( channel that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the channel was seen', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID in the chat where the channel was seen', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The channel ID', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_dialog_type_Dialog' => 'Dialog containing the latest [PTS]( that can be used to reset the channel state', 'object_topPeerCategoryForwardUsers' => 'Users to which the users often forwards messages to', 'object_topPeerCategoryForwardChats' => 'Chats to which the users often forwards messages to', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_video_type_true' => 'Is this a video call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_video_type_true' => 'Whether this is a video call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_video_type_true' => 'Whether this is a video call', 'object_phoneCall_param_connections_type_Vector t' => 'Phone connections', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_video_type_true' => 'Whether the call was a video call', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_prev_photo_type_Photo' => 'Previous picture', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_new_photo_type_Photo' => 'New picture', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat' => 'The linked chat was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat_param_prev_value_type_int' => 'Previous linked chat', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat_param_new_value_type_int' => 'New linked chat', 'object_inputDialogPeerFolder' => 'All peers in a folder', 'object_inputDialogPeerFolder_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_dialogPeerFolder' => 'Folder', 'object_dialogPeerFolder_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_emojiLanguage' => 'Emoji language', 'object_emojiLanguage_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_fileLocationToBeDeprecated' => 'Indicates the location of a photo, will be deprecated soon', 'object_fileLocationToBeDeprecated_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_fileLocationToBeDeprecated_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_folder' => 'Folder', 'object_folder_param_autofill_new_broadcasts_type_true' => 'Automatically add new channels to this folder', 'object_folder_param_autofill_public_groups_type_true' => 'Automatically add joined new public supergroups to this folder', 'object_folder_param_autofill_new_correspondents_type_true' => 'Automatically add new private chats to this folder', 'object_folder_param_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_folder_param_title_type_string' => 'Folder title', 'object_folder_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Folder picture', 'object_inputFolderPeer' => 'Peer in a folder', 'object_inputFolderPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_inputFolderPeer_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_folderPeer' => 'Peer in a folder', 'object_folderPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Folder peer info', 'object_folderPeer_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_messages.searchCounter' => 'Indicates how many results would be found by a [](../methods/ call with the same parameters', 'object_messages.searchCounter_param_inexact_type_true' => 'If set, the results may be inexact', 'object_messages.searchCounter_param_filter_type_MessagesFilter' => 'Provided message filter', 'object_messages.searchCounter_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of results that were found server-side', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest' => 'Details about the authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest_param_request_write_access_type_true' => 'Whether the bot would like to send messages to the user', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest_param_bot_type_User' => 'Username of a bot, which will be used for user authorization. If not specified, the current bot\'s username will be assumed. The url\'s domain must be the same as the domain linked with the bot. See [Linking your domain to the bot]( for more details.', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest_param_domain_type_string' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user will log in.', 'object_urlAuthResultAccepted' => 'Details about an accepted authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'object_urlAuthResultAccepted_param_url_type_string' => 'The URL name of the website on which the user has logged in.', 'object_urlAuthResultDefault' => 'Details about an accepted authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'method_contacts.addContact' => 'Add an existing telegram user as contact', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_add_phone_privacy_exception_type_true' => 'Allow the other user to see our phone number?', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'Telegram ID of the other user', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'User\'s phone number', 'method_contacts.acceptContact' => 'If the [peer settings](../constructors/ of a new user allow us to add him as contact, add that user as contact', 'method_contacts.acceptContact_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user to add as contact', 'method_contacts.getLocated' => 'Get contacts near you', 'method_contacts.getLocated_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder where to search', 'method_messages.hidePeerSettingsBar' => 'Should be called after the user hides the report spam/add as contact bar of a new chat, effectively prevents the user from executing the actions specified in the [peer\'s settings](../constructors/', 'method_messages.hidePeerSettingsBar_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geogroup location', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_address_type_string' => 'Geogroup address', 'method_channels.getAdminedPublicChannels_param_by_location_type_true' => 'Get geogroups', 'method_channels.getAdminedPublicChannels_param_check_limit_type_true' => 'If set and the user has reached the limit of owned public [channels/supergroups/geogroups](, instead of returning the channel list one of the specified [errors](#possible-errors) will be returned.
Useful to check if a new public channel can indeed be created, even before asking the user to enter a channel username to use in [channels.checkUsername](../methods/[channels.updateUsername](../methods/', 'method_channels.editCreator' => 'Transfer channel ownership', 'method_channels.editCreator_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.editCreator_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'New channel owner', 'method_channels.editCreator_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => '[2FA password]( of account', 'method_channels.editLocation' => 'Edit location of geogroup', 'method_channels.editLocation_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Geogroup](', 'method_channels.editLocation_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'New geolocation', 'method_channels.editLocation_param_address_type_string' => 'Address string', 'object_channelFull_param_can_set_location_type_true' => 'Can we set the geolocation of this group (for geogroups)', 'object_channelFull_param_location_type_ChannelLocation' => 'Location of the geogroup', 'object_peerSettings_param_add_contact_type_true' => 'Whether we can add the user as contact', 'object_peerSettings_param_block_contact_type_true' => 'Whether we can block the user', 'object_peerSettings_param_share_contact_type_true' => 'Whether we can share the user\'s contact', 'object_peerSettings_param_need_contacts_exception_type_true' => 'Whether a special exception for contacts is needed', 'object_peerSettings_param_report_geo_type_true' => 'Whether we can report a geogroup is irrelevant for this location', 'object_inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant' => 'Report an irrelevant geogroup', 'object_userFull_param_settings_type_PeerSettings' => 'Peer settings', 'object_updatePeerSettings' => 'Settings of a certain peer have changed', 'object_updatePeerSettings_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The peer', 'object_updatePeerSettings_param_settings_type_PeerSettings' => 'Associated peer settings', 'object_updatePeerLocated' => 'List of peers near you was updated', 'object_updatePeerLocated_param_peers_type_Vector t' => 'Peers', 'object_stickerSet_param_animated_type_true' => 'Is this an animated stickerpack', 'object_messageEntityUnderline' => 'Message entity representing underlined text.', 'object_messageEntityUnderline_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUnderline_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityStrike' => 'Message entity representing strikethrough text.', 'object_messageEntityStrike_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityStrike_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBlockquote' => 'Message entity representing a block quote.', 'object_messageEntityBlockquote_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBlockquote_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation' => 'The geogroup location was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation_param_prev_value_type_ChannelLocation' => 'Previous location', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation_param_new_value_type_ChannelLocation' => 'New location', 'object_channelLocationEmpty' => 'No location (normal supergroup)', 'object_channelLocation' => 'Geographical location of supergroup (geogroups)', 'object_channelLocation_param_geo_point_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geographical location of supergrup', 'object_channelLocation_param_address_type_string' => 'Textual description of the address', 'object_peerLocated' => 'Peer geolocated nearby', 'object_peerLocated_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_peerLocated_param_expires_type_int' => 'Validity period of current data', 'object_peerLocated_param_distance_type_int' => 'Distance from the peer in meters', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_no_muted_type_true' => 'Avoid receiving (silent and invisible background) notifications. Useful to save battery.', 'method_upload.getFile_param_precise_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_rank_type_string' => 'Indicates the role (rank) of the admin in the group: just an arbitrary string', 'method_channels.toggleSlowMode' => 'Toggle supergroup slow mode: if enabled, users will only be able to send one message every `seconds` seconds', 'method_channels.toggleSlowMode_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [supergroup](', 'method_channels.toggleSlowMode_param_seconds_type_int' => 'Users will only be able to send one message every `seconds` seconds, `0` to disable the limitation', 'object_channel_param_has_geo_type_true' => 'Whether this chanel has a geoposition', 'object_channel_param_slowmode_enabled_type_true' => 'Whether slow mode is enabled for groups to prevent flood in chat', 'object_channelFull_param_slowmode_seconds_type_int' => 'If specified, users in supergroups will only be able to send one message every `slowmode_seconds` seconds', 'object_auth.authorizationSignUpRequired' => 'An account with this phone number doesn\'t exist on telegram: the user has to [enter basic information and sign up](', 'object_auth.authorizationSignUpRequired_param_terms_of_service_type_help.TermsOfService' => 'Telegram\'s terms of service: the user must read and accept the terms of service before signing up to telegram', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_can_not_skip_type_true' => 'Unskippable, the new info must be shown to the user (with a popup or something else)', 'object_inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji' => 'Animated emojis stickerset', 'object_channelParticipantCreator_param_rank_type_string' => 'The role (rank) of the group creator in the group: just an arbitrary string, `admin` by default', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_rank_type_string' => 'The role (rank) of the admin in the group: just an arbitrary string, `admin` by default', 'object_payments.paymentVerificationNeeded' => 'Payment was not successful, additional verification is needed', 'object_payments.paymentVerificationNeeded_param_url_type_string' => 'URL for additional payment credentials verification', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode' => '[Slow mode setting for supergroups was changed](../methods/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode_param_prev_value_type_int' => 'Previous slow mode value', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode_param_new_value_type_int' => 'New slow mode value', 'object_codeSettings_param_allow_app_hash_type_true' => 'If a token that will be included in eventually sent SMSs is required: required in newer versions of android, to use the [android SMS receiver APIs](', 'object_channelFull_param_slowmode_next_send_date_type_int' => 'Indicates when the user will be allowed to send another message in the supergroup (unixdate)', 'method_account.uploadTheme' => 'Upload theme', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'Theme file uploaded as described in [files »](', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type, must be `application/x-tgtheme-{format}`, where `format` depends on the client', 'method_account.createTheme' => 'Create a theme', 'method_account.createTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'method_account.createTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name', 'method_account.createTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file', 'method_account.updateTheme' => 'Update theme', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to update', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file', 'method_account.saveTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to save', 'method_account.saveTheme_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Unsave', 'method_account.installTheme' => 'Install a theme', 'method_account.installTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.installTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to install', 'method_account.getTheme' => 'Get theme information', 'method_account.getTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.getTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme', 'method_account.getTheme_param_document_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'method_account.getThemes_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.getThemes_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash for pagination', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory' => 'Get scheduled messages', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages' => 'Get scheduled messages', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages' => 'Send scheduled messages right away', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages' => 'Delete scheduled messages', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID', 'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_chatFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether scheduled messages are available', 'object_channelFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether scheduled messages are available', 'object_message_param_edit_hide_type_true' => 'Whether the message should be shown as not modified to the user, even if an edit date is present', 'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_userFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether scheduled messages are available', 'object_updateNewScheduledMessage' => 'New incoming scheduled message', 'object_updateNewScheduledMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages' => 'Some scheduled messages were deleted', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateTheme' => 'A cloud theme was updated', 'object_updateTheme_param_theme_type_Theme' => 'Theme', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Whether people can add you to their contact list by your phone number', 'object_privacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Whether people can add you to their contact list by your phone number', 'object_webPage_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_restrictionReason' => 'Restriction reason. Contains the reason why access to a certain object must be restricted. Clients are supposed to deny access to the channel if the `platform` field is equal to `all` or to the current platform (`ios`, `android`, `wp`, etc.). Platforms can be concatenated (`ios-android`, `ios-wp`), unknown platforms are to be ignored. The `text` is the error message that should be shown to the user.', 'object_restrictionReason_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform identifier (ios, android, wp, all, etc.), can be concatenated with a dash as separator (`android-ios`, `ios-wp`, etc)', 'object_restrictionReason_param_reason_type_string' => 'Restriction reason (`porno`, `terms`, etc.)', 'object_restrictionReason_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message to be shown to the user', 'object_inputTheme' => 'Theme', 'object_inputTheme_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputTheme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputThemeSlug' => 'Theme by theme ID', 'object_inputThemeSlug_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'object_themeDocumentNotModified' => 'Theme background hasn\'t changed', 'object_theme' => 'Theme', 'object_theme_param_creator_type_true' => 'Whether the current user is the creator of this theme', 'object_theme_param_default_type_true' => 'Whether this is the default theme', 'object_theme_param_id_type_long' => 'Theme ID', 'object_theme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Theme access hash', 'object_theme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'object_theme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name', 'object_theme_param_document_type_Document' => 'Theme', 'object_theme_param_installs_count_type_int' => 'Installation count', 'object_account.themesNotModified' => 'No new themes were installed', 'object_account.themes' => 'Installed themes', 'object_account.themes_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_account.themes_param_themes_type_Vector t' => 'Themes', 'method_account.installTheme_param_dark_type_true' => 'Whether to install the dark version', 'method_account.getThemes' => 'Get installed themes', 'method_account.saveTheme' => 'Save a theme', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_botInlineResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Depending on the `type` and on the [constructor](../types/, contains the caption of the media or the content of the message to be sent **instead** of the media', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send messages in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder_param_order_type_Vector long' => 'New sticker order by sticker ID', 'object_pageBlockList_param_items_type_Vector PageListItem' => 'List of blocks in an IV page', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_peers_type_Vector TopPeer' => 'Peers', 'object_stickerPack_param_documents_type_Vector long' => 'Stickers', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages that were deleted', 'object_photos.photos_param_photos_type_Vector Photo' => 'List of photos', 'object_photos.photos_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of mentioned users', 'object_updatePeerLocated_param_peers_type_Vector PeerLocated' => 'Geolocated peer list update', 'object_messages.savedGifs_param_gifs_type_Vector Document' => 'List of saved gifs', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles_param_articles_type_Vector PageRelatedArticle' => 'Related articles', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client media ID required to prevent message resending', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector DialogPeer' => 'New order of pinned dialogs', 'object_messages.chatsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Archived stickersets', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_file_hashes_type_Vector FileHash' => 'File hashes (see [CDN files](', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Disallowed chat IDs', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Item contents', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_events_type_Vector ChannelAdminLogEvent' => 'Admin log events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats mentioned in events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users mentioned in events', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'Found messages', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_message_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector RestrictionReason' => 'Contains the reason why access to this message must be restricted.', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_packs_type_Vector StickerPack' => 'Emojis associated to stickers', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector Document' => 'Favorited stickers', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Found stickersets', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_required_types_type_Vector SecureRequiredType' => 'Required [Telegram Passport]( documents', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_values_type_Vector SecureValue' => 'Already submitted [Telegram Passport]( documents', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_errors_type_Vector SecureValueError' => '[Telegram Passport]( errors', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Info about the bot to which the form will be submitted', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'Users that were invited to the chat', 'object_shippingOption_param_prices_type_Vector LabeledPrice' => 'List of price portions', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_photos_type_Vector Photo' => 'List of photos', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of mentioned users', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_items_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Media elements', 'object_updatesCombined_param_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updatesCombined_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in updates', 'object_updatesCombined_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in updates', 'object_pageBlockOrderedList_param_items_type_Vector PageListOrderedItem' => 'List items', 'object_privacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Allowed chats', 'object_emojiKeyword_param_emoticons_type_Vector string' => 'Emojis associated to keyword', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_messageReactions' => 'Message reactions', 'object_messageReactions_param_min_type_true' => 'Similar to [min]( objects, used for message reaction constructors that are the same for all users so they don\'t have the reactions sent by the current user (you can use [messages.getMessagesReactions](../methods/ to get the full reaction info).', 'object_messageReactions_param_results_type_Vector ReactionCount' => 'Reactions', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Document attributes for media types', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSent_param_types_type_Vector SecureValueType' => 'Secure value types', 'object_pollResults_param_results_type_Vector PollAnswerVoters' => 'Poll results', 'object_messages.stickers_param_stickers_type_Vector Document' => 'Stickers', 'object_photo_param_sizes_type_Vector PhotoSize' => 'Available sizes for download', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Allowed chat IDs', 'object_contacts.found_param_my_results_type_Vector Peer' => 'Personalized results', 'object_contacts.found_param_results_type_Vector Peer' => 'List of found user identifiers', 'object_contacts.found_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Found chats', 'object_contacts.found_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_chatInvite_param_participants_type_Vector User' => 'A few of the participants that are in the group', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector Dialog' => 'List of chats', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of last messages from each chat', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of groups mentioned in the chats', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and groups', 'object_textConcat_param_texts_type_Vector RichText' => 'Concatenated rich texts', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSet' => 'All stickersets', 'object_phone.phoneCall_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'VoIP phone call participants', 'object_updatePrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector PrivacyRule' => 'New privacy rules', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_ranges_type_Vector MessageRange' => 'A range of messages to fetch', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Entities]( for styled text', 'object_pageListItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Blocks', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_stickers_type_Vector InputDocument' => 'Attached mask stickers', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_categories_type_Vector TopPeerCategoryPeers' => 'Top peers by top peer category', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector RestrictionReason' => 'Contains the reason why access to this user must be restricted.', 'object_messages.botResults_param_results_type_Vector BotInlineResult' => 'The results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users mentioned in the results', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Block contents', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Allowed users', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List containing basic info on chat', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned above', 'object_privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Disallowed chats', 'object_replyInlineMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector KeyboardButtonRow' => 'Bot or inline keyboard rows', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of new messgaes', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector EncryptedMessage' => 'New messages from the [encrypted event sequence](', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_other_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in events', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in events', 'object_channelFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector BotInfo' => 'Info about bots in the channel/supergrup', 'object_messages.foundGifs_param_results_type_Vector FoundGif' => 'Found GIFs', 'object_messageUserReaction' => 'Message reaction', 'object_messageUserReaction_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of user that reacted this way', 'object_messageUserReaction_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Reaction (UTF8 emoji)', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_new_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_other_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of deleted message IDs', 'object_jsonObject_param_value_type_Vector JSONObjectValue' => 'Values', 'object_photos.photo_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector WebAuthorization' => 'Web authorization list', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_account.wallPapers_param_wallpapers_type_Vector WallPaper' => 'Wallpapers', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_invoice_param_prices_type_Vector LabeledPrice' => 'Price breakdown, a list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector KeyboardButtonRow' => 'Button row', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_config_param_dc_options_type_Vector DcOption' => 'DC IP list', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_imported_type_Vector ImportedContact' => 'List of succesfully imported contacts', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_popular_invites_type_Vector PopularContact' => 'Popular contacts', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_retry_contacts_type_Vector long' => 'List of contact ids that could not be imported due to system limitation and will need to be imported at a later date.
Parameter added in [Layer 13](', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes that specify the type of the document (video, audio, voice, sticker, etc.)', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_stickers_type_Vector InputDocument' => 'Attached stickers', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_packs_type_Vector StickerPack' => 'Emoji info for stickers', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_documents_type_Vector Document' => 'Stickers in stickerset', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_contacts_type_Vector Contact' => 'Contact list', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'User list', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_rows_type_Vector PageTableRow' => 'Table rows', 'object_account.themes_param_themes_type_Vector Theme' => 'Themes', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector Dialog' => 'Dialog info', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'Messages mentioned in dialog info', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'The latest messages', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats from messages', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users from messages', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_packs_type_Vector StickerPack' => 'Emojis associated to stickers', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector Document' => 'Recent stickers', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_dates_type_Vector int' => 'When was each sticker last used', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation' => 'Legacy file location', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo ID', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => 'File reference', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_secret_type_long' => 'Secret', 'object_draftMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text.', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_blocked_type_Vector ContactBlocked' => 'List of blocked users', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_items_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Slideshow items', 'object_keyboardButtonRow_param_buttons_type_Vector KeyboardButton' => 'Bot or inline keyboard buttons', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_folder_peers_type_Vector FolderPeer' => 'New peer list', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector ChannelParticipant' => 'Participants', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users mentioned in participant info', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_keywords_type_Vector EmojiKeyword' => 'Emojis associated to keywords', 'object_page_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Page elements (like with HTML elements, only as TL constructors)', 'object_page_param_photos_type_Vector Photo' => 'Photos in page', 'object_page_param_documents_type_Vector Document' => 'Media in page', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe_param_values_type_Vector SecureValue' => 'Vector with information about documents and other Telegram Passport elements that were shared with the bot', 'object_reactionCount' => 'Reactions', 'object_reactionCount_param_chosen_type_true' => 'Whether the current user sent this reaction', 'object_reactionCount_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Reaction (a UTF8 emoji)', 'object_reactionCount_param_count_type_int' => 'NUmber of users that reacted with this emoji', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted_param_emoticons_type_Vector string' => 'Emojis that were associated to keyword', 'object_decryptedMessageService_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the message author.
Must be equal to the ID passed to the sending method.', 'object_messages.highScores_param_scores_type_Vector HighScore' => 'Highscores', 'object_messages.highScores_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users, associated to the highscores', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered_param_covers_type_Vector Document' => 'Preview stickers', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_translation_type_Vector InputSecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with translated versions of the provided documents', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_files_type_Vector InputSecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with photos the of the documents', 'object_updates_param_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updates_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in updates', 'object_updates_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in updates', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of read messages', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_random_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Set of random bytes to prevent content recognition in short encrypted messages.
Clients are required to check that there are at least 15 random bytes included in each message. Messages with less than 15 random bytes must be ignored.
Parameter moved here from [decryptedMessage](../constructors/ in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the author of message.
Must be equal to the ID passed to sending method.', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_chatFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector BotInfo' => 'Info about bots that are in this chat', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Featured stickersets', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_unread_type_Vector long' => 'IDs of new featured stickersets', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_document_param_thumbs_type_Vector PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnails', 'object_document_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of new messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector EncryptedMessage' => 'List of new encrypted secret chat messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_other_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updates.difference_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in events', 'object_updates.difference_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in events', 'object_webPage_param_documents_type_Vector Document' => 'Attached webpage documents', 'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of message IDs', 'object_messageActionChatCreate_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'List of group members', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_account.authorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector Authorization' => 'Logged-in sessions', 'object_langPackDifference_param_strings_type_Vector LangPackString' => 'Localized strings', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'Deleted scheduled messages', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the author of message', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialising of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with the key creatied at stage of chat initialization', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_rules_type_Vector PrivacyRule' => 'Privacy rules', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats to which the rules apply', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users to which the rules apply', 'object_phoneCall_param_connections_type_Vector PhoneConnection' => 'List of endpoints the user can connect to to exchange call data', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_chatParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector ChatParticipant' => 'List of group members', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Post contents', 'object_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of affected message ids (that appeared on the screenshot)', 'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector RestrictionReason' => 'Contains the reason why access to this channel must be restricted.', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages that were read', 'object_messages.chats_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_blocked_type_Vector ContactBlocked' => 'List of blocked users', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the author of message', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialising of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with the key creatied at stage of chat initialization', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_dialogs_type_Vector Dialog' => 'List of dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of last messages from dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and chats', 'object_cdnConfig_param_public_keys_type_Vector CdnPublicKey' => 'Vector of public keys to use **only** during handshakes to [CDN]( DCs.', 'object_jsonArray_param_value_type_Vector JSONValue' => 'JSON values', 'object_messages.messages_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of messages', 'object_messages.messages_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in dialogs', 'object_messages.messages_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and chats', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_urls_type_Vector RecentMeUrl' => 'URLs', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_botInfo_param_commands_type_Vector BotCommand' => 'Bot commands that can be used in the chat', 'object_pageTableRow_param_cells_type_Vector PageTableCell' => 'Table cells', 'object_help.userInfo_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Users to disallow', 'object_secureValue_param_translation_type_Vector SecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with translated versions of the provided documents', 'object_secureValue_param_files_type_Vector SecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with photos the of the documents', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo_param_shipping_options_type_Vector ShippingOption' => 'Shipping options', 'object_privacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'Allowed users', 'object_webDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_secureRequiredTypeOneOf_param_types_type_Vector SecureRequiredType' => 'Secure required value types', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Entities]( for styled text', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Entities]( for styled text', 'object_updateMessageID_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Previuosly transferred client **random\\_id** identifier', 'object_messages.archivedStickers_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Archived stickersets', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of messages', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in messages', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and chats', 'object_privacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'Disallowed users', 'object_updateDcOptions_param_dc_options_type_Vector DcOption' => 'New connection options', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_updateMessageReactions' => 'New message reactions are available', 'object_updateMessageReactions_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateMessageReactions_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_updateMessageReactions_param_reactions_type_MessageReactions' => 'Reactions', 'object_channels.channelParticipant_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_poll_param_answers_type_Vector PollAnswer' => 'The possible answers, vote using [messages.sendVote](../methods/', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'List of identifiers of deleted messages', 'object_messageReactionsList' => 'List of message reactions', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of reactions', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_reactions_type_Vector MessageUserReaction' => 'Reactions', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users that reacted like this', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_next_offset_type_string' => 'Next offset to use when fetching reactions using [messages.getMessageReactionsList](../methods/', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID necessary to prevent message resending', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_data_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialization of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with a key generated during chat initialization', 'method_channels.getChannels_param_id_type_Vector InputChannel' => 'IDs of channels/supergroups to get info about', 'method_users.getUsers_param_id_type_Vector InputUser' => 'List of user identifiers', 'method_channels.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector InputMessage' => 'IDs of messages to get', 'method_channels.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages whose contents should be marked as read', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Users to invite', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_options_type_Vector bytes' => 'The options that were chosen', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages_param_lang_codes_type_Vector string' => 'Language codes', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Scheduled message IDs', 'method_help.getPassportConfig_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_keys_type_Vector string' => 'Strings to get', 'method_account.setPrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector InputPrivacyRule' => 'New privacy rules', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid message resending', 'method_messages.startBot_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid resending the same message', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID required to prevent message resending', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for sending styled text', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_account.getWallPapers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Message ID list', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_random_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_results_type_Vector InputBotInlineResult' => 'Vector of results for the inline query', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid resending the same message', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions' => 'Get message reactions', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Message IDs', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors_param_errors_type_Vector SecureValueError' => 'Errors', 'method_contacts.getContactIDs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters_param_filters_type_Vector MessagesFilter' => 'Search filters', 'method_contacts.deleteByPhones_param_phones_type_Vector string' => 'Phone numbers', 'method_messages.readFeaturedStickers_param_id_type_Vector long' => 'IDs of stickersets to mark as read', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector int' => 'List of user identifiers of other users currently using the client', 'method_messages.report_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages to report', 'method_account.deleteSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector SecureValueType' => 'Document types to delete', 'method_messages.getChats_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'List of chat IDs', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets_param_order_type_Vector long' => 'New stickerset order by stickerset IDs', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid resending the same query', 'method_messages.getAllChats_param_except_ids_type_Vector int' => 'Except these chats/channels/supergroups', 'method_messages.requestEncryption_param_random_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of spam messages', 'method_messages.createChat_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'List of user IDs to be invited', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_value_hashes_type_Vector SecureValueHash' => 'Types of values sent and their hashes', 'method_folders.editPeerFolders_param_folder_peers_type_Vector InputFolderPeer' => 'New peer list', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_shipping_options_type_Vector ShippingOption' => 'A vector of available shipping options.', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Scheduled message IDs', 'method_messages.editChatTitle_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector int' => 'List of user identifiers of other users currently using the client', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_messages.migrateChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Legacy group to migrate', 'method_messages.sendReaction' => 'Send reaction to message', 'method_messages.sendReaction_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.sendReaction_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID to react to', 'method_messages.sendReaction_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Reaction (a UTF8 emoji)', 'method_channels.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages to delete', 'method_messages.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Message ID list', 'method_messages.getFullChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector SecureValueType' => 'Requested value types', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'ID of message', 'method_account.getThemes_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID, necessary to avoid message resending', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_data_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialization of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with a key that was created during chat initialization', 'method_auth.dropTempAuthKeys_param_except_auth_keys_type_Vector long' => 'The auth keys that **shouldn\'t** be dropped.', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector InputDialogPeer' => 'New dialog order', 'method_help.saveAppLog_param_events_type_Vector InputAppEvent' => 'List of input events', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of scheduled messages', 'method_photos.deletePhotos_param_id_type_Vector InputPhoto' => 'Input photos to delete', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID required to prevent message resending', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_data_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialization of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with a key generated during chat initialization', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_multi_media_type_Vector InputSingleMedia' => 'The medias to send', 'method_contacts.importContacts_param_contacts_type_Vector InputContact' => 'List of contacts to import', 'method_contacts.deleteContacts_param_id_type_Vector InputUser' => 'User ID list', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_stickers_type_Vector InputStickerSetItem' => 'Stickers', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_admins_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Only show events from these admins', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_messages.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector InputMessage' => 'Message ID list', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_messages.getPeerDialogs_param_peers_type_Vector InputDialogPeer' => 'Peers', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_random_id_type_Vector long' => 'Random ID to prevent resending of messages', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList' => 'Get full message reaction list', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Get only reactions of this type (UTF8 emoji)', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_offset_type_string' => 'Offset (typically taken from the `next_offset` field of the returned [MessageReactionsList](../types/', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the group', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs_param_msg_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of messages on which a current query depends', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => '', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions_param_id_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_message_param_reactions_type_MessageReactions' => '', 'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_string' => '', 'object_messageReactions_param_results_type_Vector t' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken_param_api_id_type_int' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken_param_api_hash_type_string' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken_param_except_ids_type_Vector t' => '', 'method_auth.importLoginToken' => '', 'method_auth.importLoginToken_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'method_auth.acceptLoginToken' => '', 'method_auth.acceptLoginToken_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'method_account.createTheme_param_settings_type_InputThemeSettings' => '', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_settings_type_InputThemeSettings' => '', 'method_account.setContentSettings' => '', 'method_account.setContentSettings_param_sensitive_enabled_type_true' => '', 'method_account.getContentSettings' => '', 'method_account.getMultiWallPapers' => '', 'method_account.getMultiWallPapers_param_wallpapers_type_Vector t' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_id_type_int' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_option_type_bytes' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_offset_type_string' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_limit_type_int' => '', 'method_upload.getFile_param_cdn_supported_type_true' => '', 'method_channels.getInactiveChannels' => '', 'object_inputMediaPoll_param_correct_answers_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_wallPaperNoFile' => '', 'object_wallPaperNoFile_param_default_type_true' => '', 'object_wallPaperNoFile_param_dark_type_true' => '', 'object_wallPaperNoFile_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => '', 'object_updateGeoLiveViewed' => '', 'object_updateGeoLiveViewed_param_peer_type_Peer' => '', 'object_updateGeoLiveViewed_param_msg_id_type_int' => '', 'object_updateLoginToken' => '', 'object_updateMessagePollVote' => '', 'object_updateMessagePollVote_param_poll_id_type_long' => '', 'object_updateMessagePollVote_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_updateMessagePollVote_param_options_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_webPage_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPoll' => '', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPoll_param_quiz_type_Bool' => '', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPoll_param_text_type_string' => '', 'object_poll_param_public_voters_type_true' => '', 'object_poll_param_multiple_choice_type_true' => '', 'object_poll_param_quiz_type_true' => '', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_correct_type_true' => '', 'object_pollResults_param_recent_voters_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_inputWallPaperNoFile' => '', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_second_background_color_type_int' => '', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_rotation_type_int' => '', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_video_upload_maxbitrate_type_int' => '', 'object_theme_param_settings_type_ThemeSettings' => '', 'object_auth.loginToken' => '', 'object_auth.loginToken_param_expires_type_int' => '', 'object_auth.loginToken_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenMigrateTo' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenMigrateTo_param_dc_id_type_int' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenMigrateTo_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenSuccess' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenSuccess_param_authorization_type_auth.Authorization' => '', 'object_account.contentSettings' => '', 'object_account.contentSettings_param_sensitive_enabled_type_true' => '', 'object_account.contentSettings_param_sensitive_can_change_type_true' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats_param_dates_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats_param_chats_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats_param_users_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_baseThemeClassic' => '', 'object_baseThemeDay' => '', 'object_baseThemeNight' => '', 'object_baseThemeTinted' => '', 'object_baseThemeArctic' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_base_theme_type_BaseTheme' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_accent_color_type_int' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_message_top_color_type_int' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_message_bottom_color_type_int' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_wallpaper_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => '', 'object_themeSettings' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_base_theme_type_BaseTheme' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_accent_color_type_int' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_message_top_color_type_int' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_message_bottom_color_type_int' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_wallpaper_type_WallPaper' => '', 'object_webPageAttributeTheme' => '', 'object_webPageAttributeTheme_param_documents_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_webPageAttributeTheme_param_settings_type_ThemeSettings' => '', 'object_messageUserVote' => '', 'object_messageUserVote_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVote_param_option_type_bytes' => '', 'object_messageUserVote_param_date_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteInputOption' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteInputOption_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteInputOption_param_date_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple_param_options_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple_param_date_type_int' => '', 'object_messages.votesList' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_count_type_int' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_votes_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_users_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_next_offset_type_string' => '']]; // THIS WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY $lang["en"] public static $current_lang = ['req_pq' => 'Requesting pq...', 'done' => 'Done!', 'cdn_reupload' => 'File is not stored on CDN, requesting reupload!', 'stored_on_cdn' => 'File is stored on CDN!', 'serializing_madelineproto' => 'Serializing MadelineProto...', 'phpseclib_fork' => 'Please install this fork of phpseclib:', 'inst_dc' => 'Istantiating DataCenter...', 'load_rsa' => 'Loading RSA keys...', 'TL_translation' => 'Translating TL schemas...', 'dh_prime_check_0' => 'Executing dh_prime checks (0/3)...', 'nearest_dc' => 'We\'re in %s, nearest DC is %d.', 'serialization_ofd' => 'Serialization is out of date, reconstructing object!', 'getupdates_deserialization' => 'Getting updates after deserialization...', 'shutdown_reader_pool' => 'Shutting down reader pool, %d jobs left', 'threading_on' => 'THREADING IS ENABLED', 'socket_reader' => 'Socket reader on DC %s: ', 'socket_status_1' => 'CREATING', 'socket_status_2' => 'SUBMITTING', 'socket_status_3' => 'WAITING', 'socket_status_4' => 'READY', 'socket_status_5' => 'WORKING', 'api_not_set' => 'You must provide an api key and an api id, get your own @', 'session_corrupted' => 'The session is corrupted!', 'resetSession_seqno' => 'Resetting session id and seq_no in DC %s...', 'gen_perm_auth_key' => 'Generating permanent authorization key for DC %s...', 'gen_temp_auth_key' => 'Generating temporary authorization key for DC %s...', 'copy_auth_dcs' => 'Copying authorization from DC %s to DC %s...', 'write_client_info' => 'Writing client info (also executing %s)...', 'config_updated' => 'Updated config!', 'length_not_4' => 'Length is not equal to 4', 'length_not_8' => 'Length is not equal to 8', 'value_bigger_than_2147483647' => 'Provided value %s is bigger than 2147483647', 'value_smaller_than_2147483648' => 'Provided value %s is smaller than -2147483648', 'value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807' => 'Provided value %s is bigger than 9223372036854775807', 'value_smaller_than_9223372036854775808' => 'Provided value %s is smaller than -9223372036854775808', 'value_bigger_than_4294967296' => 'Provided value %s is bigger than 4294967296', 'value_smaller_than_0' => 'Provided value %s is smaller than 0', 'encode_double_error' => 'Could not properly encode double', 'file_not_exist' => 'File does not exist', 'deserialization_error' => 'An error occurred on deserialization', 'rsa_init' => 'Istantiating \\tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA...', 'loading_key' => 'Loading key...', 'computing_fingerprint' => 'Computing fingerprint...', 'rsa_encrypting' => 'Encrypting with rsa key...', 'rpc_tg_error' => 'Telegram returned an RPC error: %s (%s), caused by %s:%s%sTL trace:', 'v_error' => '506c656173652075706461746520746f20746865206c61746573742076657273696f6e206f66204d6164656c696e6550726f746f2e', 'v_tgerror' => '506c6561736520757064617465207068702d6c69627467766f6970', 'no_mode_specified' => 'No mode was specified!', 'constructor_function_uncalled' => 'The constructor function wasn\'t called! Please call the constructor function before using this method.', 'proxy_class_invalid' => 'Invalid proxy class provided!', 'socket_con_error' => 'Connection: couldn\'t connect to socket.', 'protocol_not_implemented' => 'Connection: This protocol isn\'t implemented yet.', 'protocol_invalid' => 'Connection: invalid protocol specified.', 'nothing_in_socket' => 'Nothing in the socket!', 'wrong_length_read' => 'WARNING: Wrong length was read (should\'ve read %s, read %s)!', 'no_data_in_socket' => 'No data in the socket!', 'dc_con_start' => 'Connecting to DC %s...', 'dc_con_stop' => 'Disconnecting from DC %s...', 'dc_con_test_start' => 'Connecting to DC %s (%s server, %s, %s)...', 'script_not_exist' => 'Provided script does not exist', 'apifactory_start' => 'Running APIFactory...', 'madelineproto_ready' => 'MadelineProto is ready!', 'logout_error' => 'An error occurred while logging out!', 'logout_ok' => 'Logged out successfully!', 'already_loggedIn' => 'This instance of MadelineProto is already logged in. Logging out first...', 'login_ok' => 'Logged in successfully!', 'login_user' => 'Logging in as a normal user...', 'login_bot' => 'Logging in as a bot...', 'login_code_sending' => 'Sending code...', 'login_code_sent' => 'Code sent successfully! Once you receive the code you should use the completePhoneLogin function.', 'login_code_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting for the code! Please call the phoneLogin method first', 'login_2fa_enabled' => '2FA enabled, you will have to call the complete2falogin function...', 'login_need_signup' => 'An account has not been created for this number, you will have to call the completeSignup function...', 'login_auth_key' => 'Logging in using auth key...', 'not_loggedIn' => 'I\'m not logged in!', 'signup_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting to signup! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!', 'signing_up' => 'Signing up as a normal user...', 'signup_ok' => 'Signed up in successfully!', '2fa_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting for the password! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!', 'getting_dialogs' => 'Getting dialogs...', 'libtgvoip_required' => 'The php-libtgvoip extension is required to accept and manage calls. See for more info.', 'peer_not_in_db' => 'This peer is not present in the internal peer database', 'calling_user' => 'Calling %s...', 'generating_a' => 'Generating a...', 'generating_g_a' => 'Generating g_a...', 'call_error_1' => 'Could not find and accept call %s', 'accepting_call' => 'Accepting call from %s...', 'generating_b' => 'Generating b...', 'call_already_accepted' => 'Call %s already accepted', 'call_already_declined' => 'Call %s already declined', 'call_error_2' => 'Could not find and confirm call %s', 'call_confirming' => 'Confirming call from %s...', 'call_error_3' => 'Could not find and complete call %s', 'call_completing' => 'Completing call from %s...', 'invalid_g_a' => 'Invalid g_a!', 'fingerprint_invalid' => 'Invalid key fingerprint!', 'call_discarding' => 'Discarding call %s...', 'call_set_rating' => 'Setting rating for call %s...', 'call_debug_saving' => 'Saving debug data for call %s...', 'TL_loading' => 'Loading TL schemes...', 'file_parsing' => 'Parsing %s...', 'crc32_mismatch' => 'CRC32 mismatch (%s, %s) for %s', 'src_file_invalid' => 'Invalid source file was provided: ', 'translating_obj' => 'Translating objects...', 'translating_methods' => 'Translating methods...', 'bool_error' => 'Could not extract boolean', 'not_numeric' => 'Given value isn\'t numeric', 'long_not_16' => 'Given value is not 16 bytes long', 'long_not_32' => 'Given value is not 32 bytes long', 'long_not_64' => 'Given value is not 64 bytes long', 'array_invalid' => 'You didn\'t provide a valid array', 'predicate_not_set' => 'Predicate (value under _) was not set!', 'type_extract_error' => 'Could not extract type "%s"', 'method_not_found' => 'Could not find method: ', 'params_missing' => 'Missing required parameter', 'sec_peer_not_in_db' => 'This secret peer is not present in the internal peer database', 'stream_handle_invalid' => 'An invalid stream handle was provided.', 'length_too_big' => 'Length is too big', 'deserialize_not_str' => 'Deserialize: Generated value isn\'t a string', 'type_extract_error_id' => 'Could not extract type: %s with id %s', 'vector_invalid' => 'Invalid vector constructor: ', 'constructor_not_found' => 'Constructor not found for type: ', 'rand_bytes_too_small' => 'Random_bytes is too small!', 'botapi_conversion_error' => 'Can\'t convert %s to a bot API object', 'non_text_conversion' => 'Can\'t convert non text messages yet!', 'last_byte_invalid' => 'Invalid last byte', 'file_type_invalid' => 'Invalid file type detected (%s)', 'recreate_temp_auth_key' => 'I had to recreate the temporary authorization key', 'resetting_auth_key' => 'WARNING: Resetting auth key...', 'shutting_down_reader_pool' => 'Shutting down reader pool ', 'shutting_down_handler_pool' => 'Shutting down handler pool for dc %s, %d jobs left', 'secret_chat_skipping' => 'I do not have the secret chat %s in the database, skipping message...', 'fingerprint_mismatch' => 'Key fingerprint mismatch', 'msg_data_length_too_big' => 'Message_data_length is too big', 'length_not_divisible_16' => 'Length of decrypted data is not divisible by 16', 'msg_key_mismatch' => 'Msg_key mismatch', 'rand_bytes_too_short' => 'Random_bytes is too short!', 'resending_unsupported' => 'Resending of messages is not yet supported', 'unrecognized_dec_msg' => 'Unrecognized decrypted message received: ', 'method_req_pq' => 'Requests PQ for factorization', 'method_req_pq_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_req_pq_multi' => 'Requests PQ for factorization (new version)', 'method_req_pq_multi_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_req_DH_params' => 'Requests Diffie-hellman parameters for key exchange', 'method_req_DH_params_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_req_DH_params_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'method_req_DH_params_param_p_type_bytes' => 'Factorized p from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_q_type_bytes' => 'Factorized q from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_public_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'Server RSA fingerprint', 'method_req_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted key exchange message', 'method_set_client_DH_params' => 'Sets client diffie-hellman parameters', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted key exchange message', 'method_rpc_drop_answer' => 'Do not send answer to provided request', 'method_rpc_drop_answer_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'The message ID of the request', 'method_get_future_salts' => 'Get future salts', 'method_get_future_salts_param_num_type_int' => 'How many salts should be fetched', 'method_ping' => 'Pings the server', 'method_ping_param_ping_id_type_long' => 'Ping ID', 'method_ping_delay_disconnect' => 'Pings the server and causes disconection if the same method is not called within ping_disconnect_delay', 'method_ping_delay_disconnect_param_ping_id_type_long' => 'Ping ID', 'method_ping_delay_disconnect_param_disconnect_delay_type_int' => 'Disconection delay', 'method_destroy_session' => 'Destroy the current MTProto session', 'method_destroy_session_param_session_id_type_long' => 'The session to destroy', 'method_http_wait' => 'Makes the server send messages waiting in the buffer', 'method_http_wait_param_max_delay_type_int' => 'Denotes the maximum number of milliseconds that has elapsed between the first message for this session and the transmission of an HTTP response', 'method_http_wait_param_wait_after_type_int' => 'After the receipt of the latest message for a particular session, the server waits another wait_after milliseconds in case there are more messages. If there are no additional messages, the result is transmitted (a container with all the messages).', 'method_http_wait_param_max_wait_type_int' => 'If more messages appear, the wait_after timer is reset.', 'method_invokeAfterMsg' => 'Invokes a query after successfull completion of one of the previous queries.', 'method_invokeAfterMsg_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Message identifier on which a current query depends', 'method_invokeAfterMsg_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query itself', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs' => 'Invokes a query after a successfull completion of previous queries', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'List of messages on which a current query depends', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query itself', 'method_initConnection' => 'Initialize connection', 'method_initConnection_param_api_id_type_int' => 'Application identifier (see. [App configuration](', 'method_initConnection_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_initConnection_param_system_version_type_string' => 'Operation system version', 'method_initConnection_param_app_version_type_string' => 'Application version', 'method_initConnection_param_system_lang_code_type_string' => 'Code for the language used on the device\'s OS, ISO 639-1 standard', 'method_initConnection_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack to use', 'method_initConnection_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Code for the language used on the client, ISO 639-1 standard', 'method_initConnection_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query itself', 'method_invokeWithLayer' => 'Invoke the specified query using the specified API [layer](', 'method_invokeWithLayer_param_layer_type_int' => 'The layer to use', 'method_invokeWithLayer_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query', 'method_invokeWithoutUpdates' => 'Invoke a request without subscribing the used connection for [updates]( (this is enabled by default for [file queries](', 'method_invokeWithoutUpdates_param_query_type_!X' => 'The query', 'method_auth.checkPhone' => 'Check if this phone number is registered on telegram', 'method_auth.checkPhone_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number to check', 'method_auth.sendCode' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_api_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_api_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_first_name_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signUp_param_last_name_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.signIn_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.logOut' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the logout method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.resetAuthorizations' => 'Terminates all user\'s authorized sessions except for the current one. After calling this method it is necessary to reregister the current device using the method [account.registerDevice](../methods/', 'method_auth.sendInvites' => 'Invite friends to telegram!', 'method_auth.sendInvites_param_phone_numbers_type_Vector t' => 'Phone numbers to invite', 'method_auth.sendInvites_param_message_type_string' => 'The message to send', 'method_auth.exportAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see', 'method_auth.exportAuthorization_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see', 'method_auth.importAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'method_auth.importAuthorization_param_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'method_auth.importAuthorization_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_perm_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_nonce_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_expires_at_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.bindTempAuthKey_param_encrypted_message_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_api_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_api_hash_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_bot_auth_token_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.checkPassword' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.checkPassword_param_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.requestPasswordRecovery' => 'Request recovery code of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](', 'method_auth.recoverPassword' => 'Reset the [2FA password]( using the recovery code sent using [auth.requestPasswordRecovery](../methods/', 'method_auth.recoverPassword_param_code_type_string' => 'Code received via email', 'method_auth.resendCode' => 'Resend the login code via another medium, the phone code type is determined by the return value of the previous auth.sendCode/auth.resendCode: see [login]( for more info.', 'method_auth.resendCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number', 'method_auth.resendCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'The phone code hash obtained from [auth.sendCode](../methods/', 'method_auth.cancelCode' => 'Cancel the login verification code', 'method_auth.cancelCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_auth.cancelCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash from [auth.sendCode](../methods/', 'method_auth.dropTempAuthKeys' => 'Delete all temporary authorization keys **except for** the ones specified', 'method_auth.dropTempAuthKeys_param_except_auth_keys_type_Vector t' => 'The temporary authorization keys to keep', 'method_account.registerDevice' => 'Register device to receive [PUSH notifications](', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_token_type_type_int' => 'Device token type.
**Possible values**:
`1` \\- APNS (device token for apple push)
`2` \\- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)
`3` \\- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)
`4` \\- Simple push (endpoint for firefox\'s simple push API)
`5` \\- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)
`6` \\- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)
`7` \\- Unused
`8` \\- WNS (windows push)
`9` \\- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)
`10` \\- Web push (web push, see below)
`11` \\- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)
`12` \\- Tizen (token for tizen push)

For `10` web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object containing the keys described in [PUSH updates](', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_token_type_string' => 'Device token', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_app_sandbox_type_Bool' => 'If [(boolTrue)](../constructors/ is transmitted, a sandbox-certificate will be used during transmission.', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector t' => 'Other UIDs', 'method_account.unregisterDevice' => 'Deletes a device by its token, stops sending PUSH-notifications to it.', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_token_type_type_int' => 'Device token type.
**Possible values**:
`1` \\- APNS (device token for apple push)
`2` \\- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)
`3` \\- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)
`4` \\- Simple push (endpoint for firefox\'s simple push API)
`5` \\- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)
`6` \\- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)
`7` \\- Unused
`8` \\- WNS (windows push)
`9` \\- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)
`10` \\- Web push (web push, see below)
`11` \\- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)
`12` \\- Tizen (token for tizen push)

For `10` web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object containing the keys described in [PUSH updates](', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_token_type_string' => 'Device token', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector t' => 'Other UIDs', 'method_account.updateNotifySettings' => 'Edits notification settings from a given user/group, from all users/all groups.', 'method_account.updateNotifySettings_param_peer_type_InputNotifyPeer' => 'Notification source', 'method_account.updateNotifySettings_param_settings_type_InputPeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'method_account.getNotifySettings' => 'Gets current notification settings for a given user/group, from all users/all groups.', 'method_account.getNotifySettings_param_peer_type_InputNotifyPeer' => 'Notification source', 'method_account.resetNotifySettings' => 'Resets all notification settings from users and groups.', 'method_account.updateProfile' => 'Updates user profile.', 'method_account.updateProfile_param_first_name_type_string' => 'New user first name', 'method_account.updateProfile_param_last_name_type_string' => 'New user last name', 'method_account.updateProfile_param_about_type_string' => 'New bio', 'method_account.updateStatus' => 'Updates online user status.', 'method_account.updateStatus_param_offline_type_Bool' => 'If [(boolTrue)](../constructors/ is transmitted, user status will change to [(userStatusOffline)](../constructors/', 'method_account.getWallPapers' => 'Returns a list of available wallpapers.', 'method_account.reportPeer' => 'Report a peer for violation of telegram\'s Terms of Service', 'method_account.reportPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer to report', 'method_account.reportPeer_param_reason_type_ReportReason' => 'The reason why this peer is being reported', 'method_account.checkUsername' => 'Validates a username and checks availability.', 'method_account.checkUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'Username
Accepted characters: A-z (case-insensitive), 0-9 and underscores.
Length: 5-32 characters.', 'method_account.updateUsername' => 'Changes username for the current user.', 'method_account.updateUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'Username or empty string if username is to be removed
Accepted characters: a-z (case-insensitive), 0-9 and underscores.
Length: 5-32 characters.', 'method_account.getPrivacy' => 'Get privacy settings of current account', 'method_account.getPrivacy_param_key_type_InputPrivacyKey' => 'Peer category whose privacy settings should be fetched', 'method_account.setPrivacy' => 'Change privacy settings of current account', 'method_account.setPrivacy_param_key_type_InputPrivacyKey' => 'Peers to which the privacy rules apply', 'method_account.setPrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector t' => 'Privacy settings', 'method_account.deleteAccount' => 'Delete the user\'s account from the telegram servers. Can be used, for example, to delete the account of a user that provided the login code, but forgot the [2FA password and no recovery method is configured](', 'method_account.deleteAccount_param_reason_type_string' => 'Why is the account being deleted, can be empty', 'method_account.getAccountTTL' => 'Get days to live of account', 'method_account.setAccountTTL' => 'Set account self-destruction period', 'method_account.setAccountTTL_param_ttl_type_AccountDaysTTL' => 'Time to live in days', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode' => 'Verify a new phone number to associate to the current account', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Can the code be sent using a flash call instead of an SMS?', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'New phone number', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'Current phone number', 'method_account.changePhone' => 'Change the phone number of the current account', 'method_account.changePhone_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'New phone number', 'method_account.changePhone_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash received when calling [account.sendChangePhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.changePhone_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'Phone code received when calling [account.sendChangePhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.updateDeviceLocked' => 'When client-side passcode lock feature is enabled, will not show message texts in incoming [PUSH notifications](', 'method_account.updateDeviceLocked_param_period_type_int' => 'Inactivity period after which to start hiding message texts in [PUSH notifications](', 'method_account.getAuthorizations' => 'Get logged-in sessions', 'method_account.resetAuthorization' => 'Log out an active [authorized session]( by its hash', 'method_account.resetAuthorization_param_hash_type_long' => 'Session hash', 'method_account.getPassword' => 'Obtain configuration for two-factor authorization with password', 'method_account.getPasswordSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getPasswordSettings_param_current_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings_param_current_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings_param_new_settings_type_account.PasswordInputSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode' => 'Send confirmation code to cancel account deletion, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Can telegram call you instead of sending an SMS?', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_hash_type_string' => 'The hash from the service notification, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'The current phone number', 'method_account.confirmPhone' => 'Confirm a phone number to cancel account deletion, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.confirmPhone_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.confirmPhone_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'SMS code, for more info [click here »](', 'method_account.getTmpPassword' => 'Get temporary payment password', 'method_account.getTmpPassword_param_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'The password hash', 'method_account.getTmpPassword_param_period_type_int' => 'Time during which the temporary password will be valid, in seconds; should be between 60 and 86400', 'method_account.getWebAuthorizations' => 'Get web [login widget]( authorizations', 'method_account.resetWebAuthorization' => 'Log out an active web [telegram login]( session', 'method_account.resetWebAuthorization_param_hash_type_long' => '[Session](../constructors/ hash', 'method_account.resetWebAuthorizations' => 'Reset all active web [telegram login]( sessions', 'method_users.getUsers' => 'Returns basic user info according to their identifiers.', 'method_users.getUsers_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The ids of the users', 'method_users.getFullUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_users.getFullUser_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_contacts.getStatuses' => 'Returns the list of contact statuses.', 'method_contacts.getContacts' => 'Returns the current user\'s contact list.', 'method_contacts.getContacts_param_hash_type_int' => 'If there already is a full contact list on the client, a [hash]( of a the list of contact IDs in ascending order may be passed in this parameter. If the contact set was not changed, [(contacts.contactsNotModified)](../constructors/ will be returned.', 'method_contacts.importContacts' => 'Imports contacts: saves a full list on the server, adds already registered contacts to the contact list, returns added contacts and their info.', 'method_contacts.importContacts_param_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'The numbers to import', 'method_contacts.deleteContact' => 'Delete a contact', 'method_contacts.deleteContact_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'The contact to delete', 'method_contacts.deleteContacts' => 'Deletes several contacts from the list.', 'method_contacts.deleteContacts_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The contacts to delete', 'method_contacts.block' => 'Adds the user to the blacklist.', 'method_contacts.block_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_contacts.unblock' => 'Deletes the user from the blacklist.', 'method_contacts.unblock_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_contacts.getBlocked' => 'Returns the list of blocked users.', 'method_contacts.getBlocked_param_offset_type_int' => 'The number of list elements to be skipped', 'method_contacts.getBlocked_param_limit_type_int' => 'The number of list elements to be returned', 'method_contacts.exportCard' => 'Export contact as card', 'method_contacts.importCard' => 'Import card as contact', 'method_contacts.importCard_param_export_card_type_Vector t' => 'The card', '' => 'Returns users found by username substring.', 'method_contacts.search_param_q_type_string' => 'Target substring', 'method_contacts.search_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of users to be returned', 'method_contacts.resolveUsername' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_contacts.resolveUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers' => 'Get most used peers', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_correspondents_type_true' => 'Users we\'ve chatted most frequently with', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_bots_pm_type_true' => 'Most used bots', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_bots_inline_type_true' => 'Most used inline bots', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_phone_calls_type_true' => 'Most frequently called users', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_groups_type_true' => 'Often-opened groups and supergroups', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_channels_type_true' => 'Most frequently visited channels', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset for [pagination](', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_contacts.resetTopPeerRating' => 'Reset [rating]( of top peer', 'method_contacts.resetTopPeerRating_param_category_type_TopPeerCategory' => 'Top peer category', 'method_contacts.resetTopPeerRating_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer whose rating should be reset', 'method_contacts.resetSaved' => 'Delete saved contacts', 'method_messages.getMessages' => 'Returns the list of messages by their IDs.', 'method_messages.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to fetch (only for users and normal groups)', 'method_messages.getDialogs' => 'Returns the current user dialog list.', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_exclude_pinned_type_true' => 'Exclude pinned dialogs', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_date_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_id_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_peer_type_InputPeer' => '[Offset peer for pagination](', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be returned', 'method_messages.getHistory' => 'Gets back the conversation history with one interlocutor / within a chat', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Target peer', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_offset_id_type_int' => 'Only return messages starting from the specified message ID', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_offset_date_type_int' => 'Only return messages sent after the specified date', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_add_offset_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be skipped, negative values are also accepted.', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with IDs less than **max\\_id**', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_min_id_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with IDs more than **min\\_id**', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_hash_type_int' => '[Result hash](', '' => 'Gets back found messages', 'method_messages.search_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User or chat, histories with which are searched, or [(inputPeerEmpty)](../constructors/ constructor for global search', 'method_messages.search_param_q_type_string' => 'Text search request', 'method_messages.search_param_from_id_type_InputUser' => 'Only return messages sent by the specified user ID', 'method_messages.search_param_filter_type_MessagesFilter' => 'Filter to return only specified message types', 'method_messages.search_param_min_date_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, only messages with a sending date bigger than the transferred one will be returned', 'method_messages.search_param_max_date_type_int' => 'If a positive value was transferred, only messages with a sending date smaller than the transferred one will be returned', 'method_messages.search_param_offset_id_type_int' => 'Only return messages starting from the specified message ID', 'method_messages.search_param_add_offset_type_int' => '[Additional offset](', 'method_messages.search_param_limit_type_int' => '[Number of results to return](', 'method_messages.search_param_max_id_type_int' => '[Maximum message ID to return](', 'method_messages.search_param_min_id_type_int' => '[Minimum message ID to return](', 'method_messages.readHistory' => 'Marks message history as read.', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Target user or group', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'If a positive value is passed, only messages with identifiers less or equal than the given one will be read', 'method_messages.deleteHistory' => 'Deletes communication history.', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_just_clear_type_true' => 'Just clear history for the current user, without actually removing messages for every chat user', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User or chat, communication history of which will be deleted', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of message to delete', 'method_messages.deleteMessages' => 'Deletes messages by their identifiers.', 'method_messages.deleteMessages_param_revoke_type_true' => 'Whether to delete messages for all participants of the chat', 'method_messages.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of messages to delete, use channels->deleteMessages for supergroups', 'method_messages.receivedMessages' => 'Confirms receipt of messages by a client, cancels PUSH-notification sending.', 'method_messages.receivedMessages_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID available in a client.', 'method_messages.setTyping' => 'Sends a current user typing event (see [SendMessageAction](../types/ for all event types) to a conversation partner or group.', 'method_messages.setTyping_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Target user or group', 'method_messages.setTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Type of action
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'method_messages.sendMessage' => 'Sends a message to a chat', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'Send this message silently (no notifications for the receivers)', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_background_type_true' => 'Send this message as background message', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Clear the draft field', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The destination where the message will be sent', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID to which this message will reply to', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for sending bot buttons', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities to send (for styled text)', 'method_messages.sendMedia' => 'Send a media', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_silent_type_true' => 'Send message silently (no notification should be triggered)', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_background_type_true' => 'Send message in background', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Clear the draft', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID to which this message should reply to', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'Attached media', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_message_type_string' => 'Caption', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for bot keyboards', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities for styled text', 'method_messages.forwardMessages' => 'Forwards messages by their IDs.', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether to send messages silently (no notification will be triggered on the destination clients)', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_background_type_true' => 'Whether to send the message in background', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_with_my_score_type_true' => 'When forwarding games, whether to include your score in the game', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_grouped_type_true' => 'Whether the specified messages represent an album (grouped media)', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_from_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Source of messages', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The message IDs', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_to_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination peer', 'method_messages.reportSpam' => 'Report a new incoming chat for spam, if the [peer settings](../constructors/ of the chat allow us to do that', 'method_messages.reportSpam_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer to report', 'method_messages.hideReportSpam' => 'Hide report spam popup', 'method_messages.hideReportSpam_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where to hide the popup', 'method_messages.getPeerSettings' => 'Get peer settings', 'method_messages.getPeerSettings_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer', 'method_messages.getChats' => 'Returns chat basic info on their IDs.', 'method_messages.getChats_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The MTProto IDs of chats to fetch info about', 'method_messages.getFullChat' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_messages.getFullChat_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_messages.editChatTitle' => 'Chanages chat name and sends a service message on it.', 'method_messages.editChatTitle_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The ID of the chat', 'method_messages.editChatTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'New chat name, different from the old one', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto' => 'Changes chat photo and sends a service message on it', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The ID of the chat', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto_param_photo_type_InputChatPhoto' => 'Photo to be set', 'method_messages.addChatUser' => 'Adds a user to a chat and sends a service message on it.', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where to invite users', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID to be added', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_fwd_limit_type_int' => 'Number of last messages to be forwarded', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser' => 'Deletes a user from a chat and sends a service message on it.', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The ID of the chat', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID to be deleted', 'method_messages.createChat' => 'Creates a new chat.', 'method_messages.createChat_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'The users to add to the chat', 'method_messages.createChat_param_title_type_string' => 'Chat name', 'method_messages.getDhConfig' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'method_messages.getDhConfig_param_version_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'method_messages.getDhConfig_param_random_length_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'method_messages.requestEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.requestEncryption_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.requestEncryption_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.acceptEncryption_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.discardEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.discardEncryption_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_messages.setEncryptedTyping' => 'Send typing event by the current user to a secret chat.', 'method_messages.setEncryptedTyping_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.setEncryptedTyping_param_typing_type_Bool' => 'Typing.
**Possible values**:
[(boolTrue)](../constructors/, if the user started typing and more than **5 seconds** have passed since the last request
[(boolFalse)](../constructors/, if the user stopped typing', 'method_messages.readEncryptedHistory' => 'Marks message history within a secret chat as read.', 'method_messages.readEncryptedHistory_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.readEncryptedHistory_param_max_date_type_int' => 'Maximum date value for received messages in history', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted' => 'Sends a text message to a secret chat.', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The message to send', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile' => 'Sends a message with a file attachment to a secret chat', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The message with the file', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_file_type_InputEncryptedFile' => 'File attachment for the secret chat', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService' => 'Sends a service message to a secret chat.', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'Secret chat ID', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The service message', 'method_messages.receivedQueue' => 'You cannot use this method directly', 'method_messages.receivedQueue_param_max_qts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly', 'method_messages.reportEncryptedSpam' => 'Report a secret chat for spam', 'method_messages.reportEncryptedSpam_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'The secret chat to report', 'method_messages.readMessageContents' => 'Notifies the sender about the recipient having listened a voice message or watched a video.', 'method_messages.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The messages to mark as read (only users and normal chats, not supergroups)', 'method_messages.getStickers' => 'Get stickers by emoji', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_emoticon_type_string' => 'The emoji', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Previously fetched sticker IDs', 'method_messages.getAllStickers' => 'Get all installed stickers', 'method_messages.getAllStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview' => 'Get preview of webpage', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview_param_message_type_string' => 'Message from which to extract the preview', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities for styled text', 'method_messages.exportChatInvite' => 'Export an invite link for a chat', 'method_messages.exportChatInvite_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat id ', 'method_messages.checkChatInvite' => 'Check the validity of a chat invite link and get basic info about it', 'method_messages.checkChatInvite_param_hash_type_string' => 'Invite hash in ``', 'method_messages.importChatInvite' => 'Import a chat invite and join a private chat/supergroup/channel', 'method_messages.importChatInvite_param_hash_type_string' => '`hash` from ``', 'method_messages.getStickerSet' => 'Get info about a stickerset', 'method_messages.getStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Stickerset', 'method_messages.installStickerSet' => 'Install a stickerset', 'method_messages.installStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Stickerset to install', 'method_messages.installStickerSet_param_archived_type_Bool' => 'Whether to archive stickerset', 'method_messages.uninstallStickerSet' => 'Uninstall a stickerset', 'method_messages.uninstallStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'The stickerset to uninstall', 'method_messages.startBot' => 'Start a conversation with a bot using a [deep linking parameter](', 'method_messages.startBot_param_bot_type_InputUser' => 'The bot', 'method_messages.startBot_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where to start the bot, can be the bot\'s private chat or a group', 'method_messages.startBot_param_start_param_type_string' => '[Deep linking parameter](', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews' => 'Get and increase the view counter of a message sent or forwarded from a [channel](', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the message was found', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs messages to get', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_increment_type_Bool' => 'Whether to mark the message as viewed and increment the view counter', 'method_messages.toggleChatAdmins' => 'Enable all users are admins in normal groups (not supergroups)', 'method_messages.toggleChatAdmins_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'Group ID', 'method_messages.toggleChatAdmins_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enable all users are admins', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin' => 'Make a user admin in a [legacy group](', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat ID (no supergroups)', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user to make admin', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_is_admin_type_Bool' => 'Whether to make him admin', 'method_messages.migrateChat' => 'Turn a [legacy group into a supergroup](', 'method_messages.migrateChat_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat to convert', 'method_messages.searchGlobal' => 'Search for messages and peers globally', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_q_type_string' => 'Query', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_date_type_int' => '0 or the date offset', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_peer_type_InputPeer' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_id_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_limit_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets' => 'Reorder installed stickersets', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets_param_masks_type_true' => 'Reorder mask stickersets', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'The order', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash' => 'Get a document by its SHA256 hash, mainly used for gifs', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash_param_sha256_type_bytes' => 'SHA256 of file', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash_param_size_type_int' => 'Size of the file in bytes', 'method_messages.getDocumentByHash_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'method_messages.searchGifs' => 'Search for GIFs', 'method_messages.searchGifs_param_q_type_string' => 'Text query', 'method_messages.searchGifs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset for [pagination »](', 'method_messages.getSavedGifs' => 'Get saved GIFs', 'method_messages.getSavedGifs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.saveGif' => 'Add GIF to saved gifs list', 'method_messages.saveGif_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'GIF to save', 'method_messages.saveGif_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Whether to remove GIF from saved gifs list', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults' => 'Query an inline bot', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_bot_type_InputUser' => 'The bot to query', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The currently opened chat', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'The geolocation, if requested', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_query_type_string' => 'The query', 'method_messages.getInlineBotResults_param_offset_type_string' => 'The offset within the results, will be passed directly as-is to the bot.', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults' => 'Answer an inline query, for bots only', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_gallery_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the results are composed of media files', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_private_type_true' => 'Set this flag if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique identifier for the answered query', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300.', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_next_offset_type_string' => 'Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don‘t support pagination. Offset length can’t exceed 64 bytes.', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_switch_pm_type_InlineBotSwitchPM' => 'If passed, clients will display a button with specified text that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with a certain parameter.', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult' => 'Send a result obtained using [messages.getInlineBotResults](../methods/', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether to send the message silently (no notification will be triggered on the other client)', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_background_type_true' => 'Whether to send the message in background', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Whether to clear the [draft](', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message should reply to', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID from [messages.getInlineBotResults](../methods/', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID from [messages.getInlineBotResults](../methods/', 'method_messages.getMessageEditData' => 'Find out if a media message\'s caption can be edited', 'method_messages.getMessageEditData_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the media was sent', 'method_messages.getMessageEditData_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of message', 'method_messages.editMessage' => 'Edit message', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_stop_geo_live_type_true' => 'Stop live location', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where was the message sent', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message to edit', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'New message', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for inline keyboards', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'The new entities (for styled text)', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'The new location', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage' => 'Edit an inline bot message', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_stop_geo_live_type_true' => 'Stop live location', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'Sent inline message ID', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for inline keyboards', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'The new entities (for styled text)', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'The new location', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer' => 'Press an inline callback button and get a callback answer from the bot', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_game_type_true' => 'Whether this is a "play game" button', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where was the inline keyboard sent', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the Message with the inline keyboard', 'method_messages.getBotCallbackAnswer_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Callback data', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer' => 'Set the callback answer to a user button press (bots only)', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_alert_type_true' => 'Whether to show the message as a popup instead of a toast notification', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_message_type_string' => 'Popup to show', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_url_type_string' => 'URL to open', 'method_messages.setBotCallbackAnswer_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'Cache validity', 'method_messages.getPeerDialogs' => 'Get dialog info of specified peers', 'method_messages.getPeerDialogs_param_peers_type_Vector t' => 'The peers', 'method_messages.saveDraft' => 'Save a message [draft]( associated to a chat.', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable generation of the webpage preview', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID the message should reply to', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Destination of the message that should be sent', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_message_type_string' => 'The draft', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'The entities (for styled text)', 'method_messages.getAllDrafts' => 'Save get all message [drafts](', 'method_messages.getFeaturedStickers' => 'Get featured stickers', 'method_messages.getFeaturedStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.readFeaturedStickers' => 'Mark new featured stickers as read', 'method_messages.readFeaturedStickers_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The stickers to mark as read', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers' => 'Get recent stickers', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers_param_attached_type_true' => 'Get stickers recently attached to photo or video files', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker' => 'Add/remove sticker from recent stickers list', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker_param_attached_type_true' => 'Whether to add/remove stickers recently attached to photo or video files', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'Sticker', 'method_messages.saveRecentSticker_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Whether to save or unsave the sticker', 'method_messages.clearRecentStickers' => 'Clear recent stickers', 'method_messages.clearRecentStickers_param_attached_type_true' => 'Set this flag to clear the list of stickers recently attached to photo or video files', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers' => 'Get all archived stickers', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers_param_masks_type_true' => 'Get mask stickers', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers_param_offset_id_type_long' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getArchivedStickers_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getMaskStickers' => 'Get installed mask stickers', 'method_messages.getMaskStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getAttachedStickers' => 'Get stickers attached to a photo or video', 'method_messages.getAttachedStickers_param_media_type_InputStickeredMedia' => 'Stickered media', 'method_messages.setGameScore' => 'Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as a normal message (bots only).', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_edit_message_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the game message should be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_force_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Unique identifier of target chat', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of the sent message', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User identifier', 'method_messages.setGameScore_param_score_type_int' => 'New score', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore' => 'Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as an inline message (bots only).', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_edit_message_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the game message should be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_force_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'ID of the inline message', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User identifier', 'method_messages.setInlineGameScore_param_score_type_int' => 'New score', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores' => 'Get highscores of a game', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Where was the game sent', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of message with game media attachment', 'method_messages.getGameHighScores_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Get high scores made by a certain user', 'method_messages.getInlineGameHighScores' => 'Get highscores of a game sent using an inline bot', 'method_messages.getInlineGameHighScores_param_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'ID of inline message', 'method_messages.getInlineGameHighScores_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Get high scores of a certain user', 'method_messages.getCommonChats' => 'Get chats in common with a user', 'method_messages.getCommonChats_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_messages.getCommonChats_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of chat to return (see [pagination](', 'method_messages.getCommonChats_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getAllChats' => 'Get all chats, channels and supergroups', 'method_messages.getAllChats_param_except_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Do not fetch these chats (MTProto id)', 'method_messages.getWebPage' => 'Get [instant view]( page', 'method_messages.getWebPage_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of IV page to fetch', 'method_messages.getWebPage_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin' => 'Pin/unpin a dialog', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Whether to pin or unpin the dialog', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer to pin', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs' => 'Reorder pinned dialogs', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_force_type_true' => 'If set, dialogs pinned server-side but not present in the `order` field will be unpinned.', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'New order', 'method_messages.getPinnedDialogs' => 'Get pinned dialogs', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults' => 'If you sent an invoice requesting a shipping address and the parameter is\\_flexible was specified, the bot will receive an [updateBotShippingQuery](../constructors/ update. Use this method to reply to shipping queries.', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique identifier for the query to be answered', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_error_type_string' => 'Error message in human readable form that explains why it is impossible to complete the order (e.g. "Sorry, delivery to your desired address is unavailable\'). Telegram will display this message to the user.', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_shipping_options_type_Vector t' => 'Shipping options', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults' => 'Once the user has confirmed their payment and shipping details, the bot receives an [updateBotPrecheckoutQuery](../constructors/ update. Use this method to respond to such pre-checkout queries. **Note**: Telegram must receive an answer within 10 seconds after the pre-checkout query was sent.', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults_param_success_type_true' => 'Set this flag if everything is alright (goods are available, etc.) and the bot is ready to proceed with the order, otherwise do not set it, and set the `error` field, instead', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique identifier for the query to be answered', 'method_messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults_param_error_type_string' => 'Required if the `success` isn\'t set. Error message in human readable form that explains the reason for failure to proceed with the checkout (e.g. "Sorry, somebody just bought the last of our amazing black T-shirts while you were busy filling out your payment details. Please choose a different color or garment!"). Telegram will display this message to the user.', 'method_messages.uploadMedia' => 'Upload a file and associate it to a chat (without actually sending it to the chat)', 'method_messages.uploadMedia_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat, can be an [inputPeerEmpty](../constructors/ for bots', 'method_messages.uploadMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'File uploaded in chunks as described in [files »](', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification' => 'Notify the other user in a private chat that a screenshot of the chat was taken', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Other user', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of message that was screenshotted, can be 0', 'method_messages.getFavedStickers' => 'Get faved stickers', 'method_messages.getFavedStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.faveSticker' => 'Mark a sticker as favorite', 'method_messages.faveSticker_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'Sticker to mark as favorite', 'method_messages.faveSticker_param_unfave_type_Bool' => 'Unfavorite', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions' => 'Get unread messages where we were mentioned', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where to look for mentions', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_offset_id_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_add_offset_type_int' => '[Offsets for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.getUnreadMentions_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Minimum message ID to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.readMentions' => 'Mark mentions as read', 'method_messages.readMentions_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Dialog', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations' => 'Get live location history of a certain user', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia' => 'Send an album of media', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether to send the album silently (no notification triggered)', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_background_type_true' => 'Send in background?', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_clear_draft_type_true' => 'Whether to clear [drafts](', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The destination chat', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message to reply to', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_multi_media_type_Vector t' => 'The album', 'method_messages.uploadEncryptedFile' => 'Upload encrypted file and associate it to a secret chat', 'method_messages.uploadEncryptedFile_param_peer_type_InputEncryptedChat' => 'The secret chat to associate the file to', 'method_messages.uploadEncryptedFile_param_file_type_InputEncryptedFile' => 'The file', 'method_updates.getState' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_pts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_pts_total_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_date_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getDifference_param_qts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_force_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_filter_type_ChannelMessagesFilter' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_pts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_photos.updateProfilePhoto' => 'Installs a previously uploaded photo as a profile photo.', 'method_photos.updateProfilePhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'Input photo', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto' => 'Updates current user profile photo.', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File saved in parts by means of [upload.saveFilePart](../methods/ method', 'method_photos.deletePhotos' => 'Deletes profile photos.', 'method_photos.deletePhotos_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The profile photos to delete', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos' => 'Returns the list of user photos.', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_offset_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be skipped', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_max_id_type_long' => 'If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only photos with IDs less than the set one', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of list elements to be returned', 'method_upload.saveFilePart' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveFilePart_param_file_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveFilePart_param_file_part_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveFilePart_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile_param_location_type_InputFileLocation' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFile_param_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_file_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_file_part_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_file_total_parts_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.saveBigFilePart_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getWebFile' => 'Returns content of an HTTP file or a part, by proxying the request through telegram.', 'method_upload.getWebFile_param_location_type_InputWebFileLocation' => 'The file to download', 'method_upload.getWebFile_param_offset_type_int' => 'Number of bytes to be skipped', 'method_upload.getWebFile_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of bytes to be returned', 'method_upload.getCdnFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFile_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFile_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFile_param_limit_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.reuploadCdnFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.reuploadCdnFile_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.reuploadCdnFile_param_request_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFileHashes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFileHashes_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getCdnFileHashes_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_help.getConfig' => 'Returns current configuration, icluding data center configuration.', 'method_help.getNearestDc' => 'Returns info on data centre nearest to the user.', 'method_help.getAppUpdate' => 'Returns information on update availability for the current application.', 'method_help.saveAppLog' => 'Saves logs of application on the server.', 'method_help.saveAppLog_param_events_type_Vector t' => 'Event list', 'method_help.getInviteText' => 'Returns text of a text message with an invitation.', 'method_help.getSupport' => 'Returns the support user for the \'ask a question\' feature.', 'method_help.getAppChangelog' => 'Get changelog of current app', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_prev_app_version_type_string' => 'Previous app version', 'method_help.getTermsOfService' => 'Get terms of service', 'method_help.setBotUpdatesStatus' => 'Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven\'t been processed for a long time; for bots only', 'method_help.setBotUpdatesStatus_param_pending_updates_count_type_int' => 'Number of pending updates', 'method_help.setBotUpdatesStatus_param_message_type_string' => 'Error message, if present', 'method_help.getCdnConfig' => 'Get configuration for [CDN]( file downloads.', 'method_help.getRecentMeUrls' => 'Get recently used `` links', 'method_help.getRecentMeUrls_param_referer_type_string' => 'Referer', 'method_channels.readHistory' => 'Mark [channel/supergroup]( history as read', 'method_channels.readHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.readHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'ID of message up to which messages should be marked as read', 'method_channels.deleteMessages' => 'Delete messages in a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteMessages_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to delete', 'method_channels.deleteUserHistory' => 'Delete all messages sent by a certain user in a [supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteUserHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteUserHistory_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User whose messages should be deleted', 'method_channels.reportSpam' => 'Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Supergroup', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'ID of the user that sent the spam messages', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to report', 'method_channels.getMessages' => 'Get [channel/supergroup]( messages', 'method_channels.getMessages_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The message IDs', 'method_channels.getParticipants' => 'Get the participants of a channel', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_filter_type_ChannelParticipantsFilter' => 'Which participant types to fetch', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_offset_type_int' => '[Offset](', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_limit_type_int' => '[Limit](', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash](', 'method_channels.getParticipant' => 'Get info about a [channel/supergroup]( participant', 'method_channels.getParticipant_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.getParticipant_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'ID of participant to get info about', 'method_channels.getChannels' => 'Get info about [channels/supergroups](', 'method_channels.getChannels_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The channel/supergroup MTProto IDs', 'method_channels.getFullChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_channels.getFullChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_channels.createChannel' => 'Create a [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Whether to create a [channel](', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Whether to create a [supergroup](', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_title_type_string' => 'Channel title', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_about_type_string' => 'Channel description', 'method_channels.editAbout' => 'Edit the about text of a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.editAbout_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel', 'method_channels.editAbout_param_about_type_string' => 'The new about text', 'method_channels.editAdmin' => 'Modify the admin rights of a user in a [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The ID of the user whose admin rights should be modified', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChannelAdminRights' => 'The new admin rights', 'method_channels.editTitle' => 'Edit the name of a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.editTitle_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.editTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'New name', 'method_channels.editPhoto' => 'Change the photo of a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.editPhoto_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup whose photo should be edited', 'method_channels.editPhoto_param_photo_type_InputChatPhoto' => 'New photo', 'method_channels.checkUsername' => 'Check if a username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.checkUsername_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [channel/supergroup]( that will assigned the specified username', 'method_channels.checkUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'The username to check', 'method_channels.updateUsername' => 'Change the username of a supergroup/channel', 'method_channels.updateUsername_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.updateUsername_param_username_type_string' => 'New username', 'method_channels.joinChannel' => 'Join a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.joinChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup to join', 'method_channels.leaveChannel' => 'Leave a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.leaveChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup]( to leave', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel' => 'Invite users to a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'The users to add', 'method_channels.exportInvite' => 'Export the invite link of a channel', 'method_channels.exportInvite_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel', 'method_channels.deleteChannel' => 'Delete a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup]( to delete', 'method_channels.toggleInvites' => 'Allow or disallow any user to invite users to this channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.toggleInvites_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.toggleInvites_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Allow or disallow', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink' => 'Get link and embed info of a message in a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'method_channels.exportMessageLink_param_grouped_type_Bool' => 'Whether to include other grouped media (for albums)', 'method_channels.toggleSignatures' => 'Enable/disable message signatures in channels', 'method_channels.toggleSignatures_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.toggleSignatures_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Value', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage' => 'Set the pinned message of a channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'Pin silently', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.updatePinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the message to pin', 'method_channels.getAdminedPublicChannels' => 'Get [channels/supergroups/geogroups]( we\'re admin in. Usually called when the user exceeds the [limit](../constructors/ for owned public [channels/supergroups/geogroups](, and the user is given the choice to remove one of his channels/supergroups/geogroups.', 'method_channels.editBanned' => 'Ban/unban/kick a user in a [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [supergroup/channel](', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The ID of the user whose banned rights should be modified', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChannelBannedRights' => 'Banned/kicked permissions', 'method_channels.getAdminLog' => 'Get the admin log of a [channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_q_type_string' => 'Search query, can be empty', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_events_filter_type_ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter' => 'Event filter', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_admins_type_Vector t' => 'Fetch only actions from these admins', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_max_id_type_long' => 'Maximum ID of message to return (see [pagination](', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_min_id_type_long' => 'Minimum ID of message to return (see [pagination](', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_channels.setStickers' => 'Associate a stickerset to the supergroup', 'method_channels.setStickers_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Supergroup', 'method_channels.setStickers_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'The stickerset to associate', 'method_channels.readMessageContents' => 'Mark [channel/supergroup]( message contents as read', 'method_channels.readMessageContents_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Channel/supergroup](', 'method_channels.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'List of message IDs', 'method_channels.deleteHistory' => 'Delete the history of a [supergroup](', 'method_channels.deleteHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Supergroup]( whose history must be deleted', 'method_channels.deleteHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'ID of message **up to which** the history must be deleted', 'method_channels.togglePreHistoryHidden' => 'Hide/unhide message history for new channel/supergroup users', 'method_channels.togglePreHistoryHidden_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'method_channels.togglePreHistoryHidden_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Hide/unhide', 'method_bots.sendCustomRequest' => 'Sends a custom request; for bots only', 'method_bots.sendCustomRequest_param_custom_method_type_string' => 'The method name', 'method_bots.sendCustomRequest_param_params_type_DataJSON' => 'JSON-serialized method parameters', 'method_bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery' => 'Answers a custom query; for bots only', 'method_bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Identifier of a custom query', 'method_bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'JSON-serialized answer to the query', 'method_payments.getPaymentForm' => 'Get a payment form', 'method_payments.getPaymentForm_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of payment form', 'method_payments.getPaymentReceipt' => 'Get payment receipt', 'method_payments.getPaymentReceipt_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of receipt', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo' => 'Submit requested order information for validation', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo_param_save_type_true' => 'Save order information to re-use it for future orders', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of payment form', 'method_payments.validateRequestedInfo_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Requested order information', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm' => 'Send compiled payment form', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of form', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_requested_info_id_type_string' => 'ID of saved and validated [order info](../constructors/', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_shipping_option_id_type_string' => 'Chosen shipping option ID', 'method_payments.sendPaymentForm_param_credentials_type_InputPaymentCredentials' => 'Payment credentials', 'method_payments.getSavedInfo' => 'Get saved payment information', 'method_payments.clearSavedInfo' => 'Clear saved payment information', 'method_payments.clearSavedInfo_param_credentials_type_true' => 'Remove saved payment credentials', 'method_payments.clearSavedInfo_param_info_type_true' => 'Clear the last order settings saved by the user', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet' => 'Create a stickerset, bots only.', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_masks_type_true' => 'Whether this is a mask stickerset', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Stickerset owner', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_title_type_string' => 'Stickerset name, `1-64` chars', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Sticker set name. Can contain only English letters, digits and underscores. Must end with *"*by*"* (** is case insensitive); 1-64 characters', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'The stickers to add', 'method_stickers.removeStickerFromSet' => 'Remove a sticker from the set where it belongs, bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot.', 'method_stickers.removeStickerFromSet_param_sticker_type_InputDocument' => 'The sticker to remove', 'method_stickers.changeStickerPosition' => 'Changes the absolute position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot', 'method_stickers.changeStickerPosition_param_sticker_type_InputDocument' => 'The sticker', 'method_stickers.changeStickerPosition_param_position_type_int' => 'The new position of the sticker, zero-based', 'method_stickers.addStickerToSet' => 'Add a sticker to a stickerset, bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot.', 'method_stickers.addStickerToSet_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'The stickerset', 'method_stickers.addStickerToSet_param_sticker_type_InputStickerSetItem' => 'The sticker', 'method_phone.getCallConfig' => 'Get phone call configuration to be passed to libtgvoip\'s shared config', 'method_phone.requestCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_g_a_hash_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.confirmCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.receivedCall' => 'Optional: notify the server that the user is currently busy in a call: this will automatically refuse all incoming phone calls until the current phone call is ended.', 'method_phone.receivedCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'The phone call we\'re currently in', 'method_phone.discardCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_duration_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_reason_type_PhoneCallDiscardReason' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_connection_id_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.setCallRating' => 'Rate a call', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'The call to rate', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_rating_type_int' => 'Rating in `1-5` stars', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_comment_type_string' => 'An additional comment', 'method_phone.saveCallDebug' => 'Send phone call debug data to server', 'method_phone.saveCallDebug_param_peer_type_InputPhoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'method_phone.saveCallDebug_param_debug_type_DataJSON' => 'Debug statistics obtained from libtgvoip', 'method_langpack.getLangPack' => 'Get localization pack strings', 'method_langpack.getLangPack_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_langpack.getStrings' => 'Get strings from a language pack', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_keys_type_Vector t' => 'Keys', 'method_langpack.getDifference' => 'Get new strings in languagepack', 'method_langpack.getDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous localization pack version', 'method_langpack.getLanguages' => 'Get information about all languages in a localization pack', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_sms_type_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.sendCall' => 'Send verification phone call', 'method_auth.sendCall_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number', 'method_auth.sendCall_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'The phone code hash', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_contacts.getContacts_param_hash_type_string' => 'List of contact user IDs you already cached', 'method_contacts.importContacts_param_replace_type_Bool' => 'Replace contacts?', 'method_contacts.getSuggested' => 'Get suggested contacts', 'method_contacts.getSuggested_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of result to return', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Message ID offset', 'method_messages.search_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset ', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.readHistory_param_read_contents_type_Bool' => 'Mark messages as read?', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_photos.updateProfilePhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Cropping info', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption type', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Location', 'method_photos.uploadProfilePhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Cropping info', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Langauge code', 'method_help.getInviteText_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language', 'method_photos.getUserPhotos_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of photo to return', 'method_messages.forwardMessage' => 'Forward message', 'method_messages.forwardMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'From where to forward the message', 'method_messages.forwardMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast' => 'Send a message to all users in the chat list', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast_param_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'The users to which send the message', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'method_messages.sendBroadcast_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'The media', 'method_auth.sendSms' => 'Send SMS verification code', 'method_auth.sendSms_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_auth.sendSms_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code ash', 'method_invokeWithLayer18' => 'Invoke this method with layer 18', 'method_invokeWithLayer18_param_query_type_!X' => 'The method call', 'method_messages.getAllStickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Previously fetched stickers', 'method_geochats.getLocated' => 'Get nearby geochats', 'method_geochats.getLocated_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Current location', 'method_geochats.getLocated_param_radius_type_int' => 'Radius', 'method_geochats.getLocated_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.getRecents' => 'Get recent geochats', 'method_geochats.getRecents_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_geochats.getRecents_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.checkin' => 'Join a geochat', 'method_geochats.checkin_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.getFullChat' => 'Get full info about a geochat', 'method_geochats.getFullChat_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle' => 'Edit geochat title', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'The new title', 'method_geochats.editChatTitle_param_address_type_string' => 'The new address', 'method_geochats.editChatPhoto' => 'Edit geochat photo', 'method_geochats.editChatPhoto_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.editChatPhoto_param_photo_type_InputChatPhoto' => 'The new photo', '' => 'Search messages in geocha', 'method_geochats.search_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.search_param_q_type_string' => 'The search query', 'method_geochats.search_param_filter_type_MessagesFilter' => 'Search filter', 'method_geochats.search_param_min_date_type_int' => 'Minumum date', 'method_geochats.search_param_max_date_type_int' => 'Maximum date', 'method_geochats.search_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_geochats.search_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID', 'method_geochats.search_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.getHistory' => 'Get geochat history', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID', 'method_geochats.getHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_geochats.setTyping' => 'Send typing notification to geochat', 'method_geochats.setTyping_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.setTyping_param_typing_type_Bool' => 'Typing or not typing', 'method_geochats.sendMessage' => 'Send message to geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMessage_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'method_geochats.sendMedia' => 'Send media to geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMedia_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'The geochat', 'method_geochats.sendMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'The media', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat' => 'Create geochat', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_title_type_string' => 'Geochat title', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geochat location', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_address_type_string' => 'Geochat address', 'method_geochats.createGeoChat_param_venue_type_string' => 'Geochat venue ', 'method_account.setPassword' => 'Set 2FA password', 'method_account.setPassword_param_current_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'Use only if you have set a 2FA password: `$current_salt = $MadelineProto->account->getPassword()[\'current_salt\']; $current_password_hash = hash(\'sha256\', $current_salt.$password.$current_salt, true);`', 'method_account.setPassword_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => 'New salt', 'method_account.setPassword_param_new_password_hash_type_bytes' => '`hash(\'sha256\', $new_salt.$new_password.$new_salt, true)`', 'method_account.setPassword_param_hint_type_string' => 'Hint', 'method_messages.installStickerSet_param_disabled_type_Bool' => 'Disable stickerset?', 'method_messages.startBot_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'Chat ID', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'method_help.getAppChangelog_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_channels.getDialogs' => 'Get channel dialogs', 'method_channels.getDialogs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_channels.getDialogs_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory' => 'Get important channel/supergroup history', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The supergroup/channel', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_offset_id_type_int' => 'Message ID offset', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_add_offset_type_int' => 'Additional offset', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Minumum message ID', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users to add to channel', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_role_type_ChannelParticipantRole' => 'User role', 'method_channels.toggleComments' => 'Enable channel comments', 'method_channels.toggleComments_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel ', 'method_channels.toggleComments_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enable or disable comments', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel' => 'Kick user from channel', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The channel', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user to kick', 'method_channels.kickFromChannel_param_kicked_type_Bool' => 'Kick or unkick?', 'method_messages.getChannelDialogs' => 'Get channel/supergruop dialogs', 'method_messages.getChannelDialogs_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'method_messages.getChannelDialogs_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory' => 'Get important message history', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID to fetch', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Minumum message ID to fetch', 'method_messages.getImportantHistory_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to fetch', 'method_messages.readChannelHistory' => 'Mark channel/supergroup history as read', 'method_messages.readChannelHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The channel/supergruop', 'method_messages.readChannelHistory_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum message ID to mark as read', 'method_messages.createChannel' => 'Create channel', 'method_messages.createChannel_param_title_type_string' => 'Channel/supergroup title', 'method_messages.deleteChannelMessages' => 'Delete channel messages', 'method_messages.deleteChannelMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The channel/supergroup', 'method_messages.deleteChannelMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages to delete', 'method_updates.getChannelDifference_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'method_messages.search_param_important_only_type_true' => 'Show only important messages', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message', 'method_messages.deactivateChat' => 'Deactivate chat', 'method_messages.deactivateChat_param_chat_id_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat to deactivate', 'method_messages.deactivateChat_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Activate or deactivate?', 'method_help.getTermsOfService_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Broadcast this message?', 'method_channels.getImportantHistory_param_offset_date_type_int' => 'Date offset', 'method_messages.getUnusedStickers' => 'Get unused stickers', 'method_messages.getUnusedStickers_param_limit_type_int' => 'Number of results to return', 'method_destroy_auth_key' => 'Destroy current authorization key', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.acceptCall_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_req_DH_params_param_p_type_string' => 'Factorized p from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_q_type_string' => 'Factorized q from pq', 'method_req_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_string' => 'Encrypted message', 'method_set_client_DH_params_param_encrypted_data_type_string' => 'Encrypted message', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo' => 'Save developer info for telegram contest', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_vk_id_type_int' => 'VK user ID', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_name_type_string' => 'Name', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_age_type_int' => 'Age', 'method_contest.saveDeveloperInfo_param_city_type_string' => 'City', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_a_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_b_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_c_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_auth.importBotAuthorization_param_d_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'object_vector' => 'A universal vector constructor.', 'object_resPQ' => 'Contains pq to factorize', 'object_resPQ_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Nonce', 'object_resPQ_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Server nonce', 'object_resPQ_param_pq_type_bytes' => 'PQ ', 'object_resPQ_param_server_public_key_fingerprints_type_Vector t' => 'RSA key fingerprints', 'object_p_q_inner_data' => 'PQ inner data', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_pq_type_bytes' => 'PQ', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_p_type_bytes' => 'P', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_q_type_bytes' => 'Q', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_new_nonce_type_int256' => 'Nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp' => 'Inner data temp', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_pq_type_bytes' => 'Pq', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_p_type_bytes' => 'P', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_q_type_bytes' => 'Q', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_new_nonce_type_int256' => 'New nonce', 'object_p_q_inner_data_temp_param_expires_in_type_int' => 'Expires in', 'object_server_DH_params_fail' => 'Server params fail', 'object_server_DH_params_fail_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_server_DH_params_fail_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_server_DH_params_fail_param_new_nonce_hash_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash', 'object_server_DH_params_ok' => 'Server params ok', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_encrypted_answer_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted answer', 'object_server_DH_inner_data' => 'Server inner data', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_g_type_int' => 'G', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_dh_prime_type_bytes' => 'Dh prime', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'G a', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_server_time_type_int' => 'Server time', 'object_client_DH_inner_data' => 'Client inner data', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_retry_id_type_long' => 'Retry ID', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'G b', 'object_dh_gen_ok' => 'Dh gen ok', 'object_dh_gen_ok_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_dh_gen_ok_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_dh_gen_ok_param_new_nonce_hash1_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash1', 'object_dh_gen_retry' => 'Dh gen retry', 'object_dh_gen_retry_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_dh_gen_retry_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_dh_gen_retry_param_new_nonce_hash2_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash2', 'object_dh_gen_fail' => 'Dh gen fail', 'object_dh_gen_fail_param_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security', 'object_dh_gen_fail_param_server_nonce_type_int128' => 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server', 'object_dh_gen_fail_param_new_nonce_hash3_type_int128' => 'New nonce hash3', 'object_rpc_result' => 'Rpc result', 'object_rpc_result_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'Req msg ID', 'object_rpc_result_param_result_type_Object' => 'Result', 'object_rpc_error' => 'Rpc error', 'object_rpc_error_param_error_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_rpc_error_param_error_message_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_rpc_answer_unknown' => 'Rpc answer unknown', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_running' => 'Rpc answer dropped running', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped' => 'Rpc answer dropped', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Msg ID', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_param_seq_no_type_int' => 'Seq no', 'object_rpc_answer_dropped_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Bytes', 'object_future_salt' => 'Future salt', 'object_future_salt_param_valid_since_type_int' => 'Valid since', 'object_future_salt_param_valid_until_type_int' => 'Valid until', 'object_future_salt_param_salt_type_long' => 'Salt', 'object_future_salts' => 'Future salts', 'object_future_salts_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'Req msg ID', 'object_future_salts_param_now_type_int' => 'Now', 'object_future_salts_param_salts_type_vector' => 'Salts', 'object_pong' => 'Pong', 'object_pong_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Msg ID', 'object_pong_param_ping_id_type_long' => 'Ping ID', 'object_destroy_session_ok' => 'Destroy session ok', 'object_destroy_session_ok_param_session_id_type_long' => 'Session ID', 'object_destroy_session_none' => 'Destroy session none', 'object_destroy_session_none_param_session_id_type_long' => 'Session ID', 'object_new_session_created' => 'New session created', 'object_new_session_created_param_first_msg_id_type_long' => 'First msg ID', 'object_new_session_created_param_unique_id_type_long' => 'Unique ID', 'object_new_session_created_param_server_salt_type_long' => 'Server salt', 'object_msg_container' => 'Msg container', 'object_msg_container_param_messages_type_vector' => 'Messages', 'object_MTmessage' => 'MTProto message', 'object_MTmessage_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Message ID', 'object_MTmessage_param_seqno_type_int' => 'Seqno', 'object_MTmessage_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Message body', 'object_MTmessage_param_body_type_Object' => 'Message body', 'object_msg_copy' => 'Msg copy', 'object_msg_copy_param_orig_message_type_MTMessage' => 'Orig message', 'object_gzip_packed' => 'Gzip packed', 'object_gzip_packed_param_packed_data_type_bytes' => 'Packed data', 'object_msgs_ack' => 'Msgs ack', 'object_msgs_ack_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_bad_msg_notification' => 'Bad msg notification', 'object_bad_msg_notification_param_bad_msg_id_type_long' => 'Bad msg ID', 'object_bad_msg_notification_param_bad_msg_seqno_type_int' => 'Bad msg seqno', 'object_bad_msg_notification_param_error_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_bad_server_salt' => 'Bad server salt', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_bad_msg_id_type_long' => 'Bad msg ID', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_bad_msg_seqno_type_int' => 'Bad msg seqno', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_error_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_bad_server_salt_param_new_server_salt_type_long' => 'New server salt', 'object_msg_resend_req' => 'Msg resend req', 'object_msg_resend_req_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_msgs_state_req' => 'Msgs state req', 'object_msgs_state_req_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_msgs_state_info' => 'Msgs state info', 'object_msgs_state_info_param_req_msg_id_type_long' => 'Req msg ID', 'object_msgs_state_info_param_info_type_bytes' => 'Info', 'object_msgs_all_info' => 'Msgs all info', 'object_msgs_all_info_param_msg_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Msg IDs', 'object_msgs_all_info_param_info_type_bytes' => 'Info', 'object_msg_detailed_info' => 'Msg detailed info', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_msg_id_type_long' => 'Msg ID', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_answer_msg_id_type_long' => 'Answer msg ID', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Bytes', 'object_msg_detailed_info_param_status_type_int' => 'Status', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info' => 'Msg new detailed info', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info_param_answer_msg_id_type_long' => 'Answer msg ID', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info_param_bytes_type_int' => 'Bytes', 'object_msg_new_detailed_info_param_status_type_int' => 'Status', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner' => 'Bind auth key inner', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_nonce_type_long' => 'Nonce', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_temp_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'Temp auth key ID', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_perm_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'Perm auth key ID', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_temp_session_id_type_long' => 'Temp session ID', 'object_bind_auth_key_inner_param_expires_at_type_int' => 'Expires at', 'object_boolFalse' => 'Constructor may be interpreted as a **boolean**`false` value.', 'object_boolTrue' => 'The constructor can be interpreted as a **boolean**`true` value.', 'object_true' => 'See [predefined identifiers](', 'object_error' => 'Error.', 'object_error_param_code_type_int' => 'Error code', 'object_error_param_text_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_null' => 'Corresponds to an arbitrary empty object.', 'object_inputPeerEmpty' => 'An empty constructor, no user or chat is defined.', 'object_inputPeerSelf' => 'Defines the current user.', 'object_inputPeerChat' => 'Defines a chat for further interaction.', 'object_inputPeerChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat idientifier', 'object_inputPeerUser' => 'Defines a user for further interaction.', 'object_inputPeerUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_inputPeerUser_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [user](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputPeerChannel' => 'Defines a channel for further interaction.', 'object_inputPeerChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel identifier', 'object_inputPeerChannel_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [channel](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputUserEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, does not define a user.', 'object_inputUserSelf' => 'Defines the current user.', 'object_inputUser' => 'Defines a user for further interaction.', 'object_inputUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_inputUser_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [user](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputPhoneContact' => 'Phone contact. The `client_id` is just an arbitrary contact ID: it should be set, for example, to an incremental number when using [contacts.importContacts](../methods/, in order to retry importing only the contacts that weren\'t imported successfully.', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_client_id_type_long' => 'User identifier on the client', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_inputPhoneContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_inputFile' => 'Defines a file saved in parts using the method [upload.saveFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputFile_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file identifier created by the client', 'object_inputFile_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of parts saved', 'object_inputFile_param_name_type_string' => 'Full name of the file', 'object_inputFile_param_md5_checksum_type_string' => 'In case the file\'s [md5-hash]( was passed, contents of the file will be checked prior to use', 'object_inputFileBig' => 'Assigns a big file (over 10Mb in size), saved in part using the method [upload.saveBigFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputFileBig_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file id, created by the client', 'object_inputFileBig_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of parts saved', 'object_inputFileBig_param_name_type_string' => 'Full file name', 'object_inputMediaEmpty' => 'Empty media content of a message.', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'The [uploaded file](', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing photo', 'object_inputMediaPhoto' => 'Forwarded photo', 'object_inputMediaPhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'Photo to be forwarded', 'object_inputMediaPhoto_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing photo', 'object_inputMediaGeoPoint' => 'Map.', 'object_inputMediaGeoPoint_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'GeoPoint', 'object_inputMediaContact' => 'Phonebook contact', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument' => 'New document', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_nosound_video_type_true' => 'Whether the specified document is a video file with no audio tracks (a GIF animation (even as MPEG4), for example)', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'The [uploaded file](', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail of the document, uploaded as for the file', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type of document', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing document', 'object_inputMediaDocument' => 'Forwarded document', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'The document to be forwarded.', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live of self-destructing document', 'object_inputMediaVenue' => 'Can be used to send a venue geolocation.', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Physical address of the venue', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputMediaGifExternal' => 'New GIF animation that will be uploaded by the server using the specified URL', 'object_inputMediaGifExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_inputMediaGifExternal_param_q_type_string' => 'Query', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal' => 'New photo that will be uploaded by the server using the specified URL', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of the photo', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Self-destruct time to live of photo', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal' => 'Document that will be downloaded by the telegram servers', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of the document', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Self-destruct time to live of document', 'object_inputMediaGame' => 'A game', 'object_inputMediaGame_param_id_type_InputGame' => 'The game to forward', 'object_inputMediaInvoice' => 'Generated invoice of a [bot payment](', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_title_type_string' => 'Product name, 1-32 characters', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_description_type_string' => 'Product description, 1-255 characters', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_photo_type_InputWebDocument' => 'URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see what they are paying for.', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_invoice_type_Invoice' => 'The actual invoice', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_provider_type_string' => 'Payments provider token, obtained via [Botfather](', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_provider_data_type_DataJSON' => 'JSON-encoded data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of required fields should be provided by the payment provider.', 'object_inputMediaInvoice_param_start_param_type_string' => 'Start parameter', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive' => 'Live geographical location', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Current geolocation', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period of the current location', 'object_inputChatPhotoEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, remove group photo.', 'object_inputChatUploadedPhoto' => 'New photo to be set as group profile photo.', 'object_inputChatUploadedPhoto_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File saved in parts using the method [upload.saveFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputChatPhoto' => 'Existing photo to be set as a chat profile photo.', 'object_inputChatPhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'Existing photo', 'object_inputGeoPointEmpty' => 'Empty GeoPoint constructor.', 'object_inputGeoPoint' => 'Defines a GeoPoint by its coordinates.', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitide', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Longtitude', 'object_inputPhotoEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_inputPhoto' => 'Defines a photo for further interaction.', 'object_inputPhoto_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo identifier', 'object_inputPhoto_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** value from the [photo](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputFileLocation' => 'DEPRECATED location of a photo', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Server volume', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'File identifier', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_secret_type_long' => 'Check sum to access the file', 'object_inputEncryptedFileLocation' => 'Location of encrypted secret chat file.', 'object_inputEncryptedFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID, **id** parameter value from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputEncryptedFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checksum, **access\\_hash** parameter value from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation' => 'Document location (video, voice, audio, basically every type except photo)', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** parameter from the [document](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_inputAppEvent' => 'Event that occured in the application.', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_time_type_double' => 'Client\'s exact timestamp for the event', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_type_type_string' => 'Type of event', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_peer_type_long' => 'Arbitrary numeric value for more convenient selection of certain event types, or events referring to a certain object', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_data_type_string' => 'Data', 'object_peerUser' => 'Chat partner', 'object_peerUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_peerChat' => 'Group.', 'object_peerChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group identifier', 'object_peerChannel' => 'Channel/supergroup', 'object_peerChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_storage.fileUnknown' => 'Unknown type.', 'object_storage.filePartial' => 'Part of a bigger file.', 'object_storage.fileJpeg' => 'JPEG image. MIME type: `image/jpeg`.', 'object_storage.fileGif' => 'GIF image. MIME type: `image/gif`.', 'object_storage.filePng' => 'PNG image. MIME type: `image/png`.', 'object_storage.filePdf' => 'PDF document image. MIME type: `application/pdf`.', 'object_storage.fileMp3' => 'Mp3 audio. MIME type: `audio/mpeg`.', 'object_storage.fileMov' => 'Quicktime video. MIME type: `video/quicktime`.', 'object_storage.fileMp4' => 'MPEG-4 video. MIME type: `video/mp4`.', 'object_storage.fileWebp' => 'WEBP image. MIME type: `image/webp`.', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable' => 'File location unavailable', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_fileLocationUnavailable_param_secret_type_long' => 'Secret', 'object_fileLocation' => 'File location', 'object_fileLocation_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_fileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_fileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_fileLocation_param_secret_type_long' => 'Secret', 'object_userEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, non-existent user.', 'object_userEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'User identifier or `0`', 'object_user' => 'Indicates info about a certain user', 'object_user_param_self_type_true' => 'Whether this user indicates the currently logged in user', 'object_user_param_contact_type_true' => 'Whether this user is a contact', 'object_user_param_mutual_contact_type_true' => 'Whether this user is a mutual contact', 'object_user_param_deleted_type_true' => 'Whether the account of this user was deleted', 'object_user_param_bot_type_true' => 'Is this user a bot?', 'object_user_param_bot_chat_history_type_true' => 'Can the bot see all messages in groups?', 'object_user_param_bot_nochats_type_true' => 'Can the bot be added to groups?', 'object_user_param_verified_type_true' => 'Whether this user is verified', 'object_user_param_restricted_type_true' => 'Access to this user must be restricted for the reason specified in `restriction_reason`', 'object_user_param_min_type_true' => 'See [min](', 'object_user_param_bot_inline_geo_type_true' => 'Whether the bot can request our geolocation in inline mode', 'object_user_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user', 'object_user_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of the user', 'object_user_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_user_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_user_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_user_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_user_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Profile picture of user', 'object_user_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Online status of user', 'object_user_param_bot_info_version_type_int' => 'Version of the [bot\\_info field in userFull](../constructors/, incremented every time it changes', 'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_string' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_user_param_bot_inline_placeholder_type_string' => 'Inline placeholder for this inline bot', 'object_user_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code of the user', 'object_userProfilePhotoEmpty' => 'Profile photo has not been set, or was hidden.', 'object_userProfilePhoto' => 'User profile photo.', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_photo_id_type_long' => 'Identifier of the respective photo
Parameter added in [Layer 2](', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_photo_small_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file, corresponding to the small profile photo thumbnail', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_photo_big_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file, corresponding to the big profile photo thumbnail', 'object_chatEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, group doesn\'t exist', 'object_chatEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'Group identifier', 'object_chat' => 'Info about a group', 'object_chat_param_creator_type_true' => 'Whether the current user is the creator of the group', 'object_chat_param_kicked_type_true' => 'Whether the current user was kicked from the group', 'object_chat_param_left_type_true' => 'Whether the current user has left the group', 'object_chat_param_admins_enabled_type_true' => 'Admins enabled?', 'object_chat_param_admin_type_true' => 'Admin?', 'object_chat_param_deactivated_type_true' => 'Whether the group was [migrated](', 'object_chat_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the group', 'object_chat_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_chat_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Chat photo', 'object_chat_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participant count', 'object_chat_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of creation of the group', 'object_chat_param_version_type_int' => 'Used in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them were received.', 'object_chat_param_migrated_to_type_InputChannel' => 'Means this chat was [upgraded]( to a supergroup', 'object_chatForbidden' => 'A group to which the user has no access. E.g., because the user was kicked from the group.', 'object_chatForbidden_param_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_chatForbidden_param_title_type_string' => 'Group name', 'object_channel' => 'Channel/supergroup info', 'object_channel_param_creator_type_true' => 'Whether the current user is the creator of this channel', 'object_channel_param_left_type_true' => 'Whether the current user has left this channel', 'object_channel_param_editor_type_true' => 'Editor?', 'object_channel_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Is this a channel?', 'object_channel_param_verified_type_true' => 'Is this channel verified by telegram?', 'object_channel_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Is this a supergroup?', 'object_channel_param_restricted_type_true' => 'Whether viewing/writing in this channel for a reason (see `restriction_reason`', 'object_channel_param_democracy_type_true' => 'Democracy?', 'object_channel_param_signatures_type_true' => 'Whether signatures are enabled (channels)', 'object_channel_param_min_type_true' => 'See [min](', 'object_channel_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the channel', 'object_channel_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_channel_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_channel_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_channel_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Profile photo', 'object_channel_param_date_type_int' => 'Creation date', 'object_channel_param_version_type_int' => 'Version of the channel (always `0`)', 'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_string' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_channel_param_admin_rights_type_ChannelAdminRights' => 'Admin rights', 'object_channel_param_banned_rights_type_ChannelBannedRights' => 'Banned rights', 'object_channel_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participant count', 'object_channelForbidden' => 'Indicates a channel/supergroup we can\'t access because we were banned, or for some other reason.', 'object_channelForbidden_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Is this a channel', 'object_channelForbidden_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Is this a supergroup', 'object_channelForbidden_param_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_channelForbidden_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_channelForbidden_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_channelForbidden_param_until_date_type_int' => 'The ban is valid until the specified date', 'object_chatFull' => 'Detailed chat info', 'object_chatFull_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the chat', 'object_chatFull_param_participants_type_ChatParticipants' => 'Participant list', 'object_chatFull_param_chat_photo_type_Photo' => 'Chat photo', 'object_chatFull_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_chatFull_param_exported_invite_type_ExportedChatInvite' => 'Chat invite', 'object_chatFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector t' => 'Bot info', 'object_channelFull' => 'Full info about a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_channelFull_param_can_view_participants_type_true' => 'Can we vew the participant list?', 'object_channelFull_param_can_set_username_type_true' => 'Can we set the channel\'s username?', 'object_channelFull_param_can_set_stickers_type_true' => 'Can we [associate](../methods/ a stickerpack to the supergroup?', 'object_channelFull_param_hidden_prehistory_type_true' => 'Is the history before we joined hidden to us?', 'object_channelFull_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_about_type_string' => 'Info about the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Number of participants of the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_admins_count_type_int' => 'Number of channel admins', 'object_channelFull_param_kicked_count_type_int' => 'Number of users [kicked]( from the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_banned_count_type_int' => 'Number of users [banned]( from the channel', 'object_channelFull_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all incoming messages are read.', 'object_channelFull_param_read_outbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.', 'object_channelFull_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Count of unread messages', 'object_channelFull_param_chat_photo_type_Photo' => 'Channel picture', 'object_channelFull_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_channelFull_param_exported_invite_type_ExportedChatInvite' => 'Invite link', 'object_channelFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector t' => 'Bot info', 'object_channelFull_param_migrated_from_chat_id_type_int' => 'The chat ID from which this group was [migrated](', 'object_channelFull_param_migrated_from_max_id_type_int' => 'The message ID in the original chat at which this group was [migrated](', 'object_channelFull_param_pinned_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of the pinned message', 'object_channelFull_param_stickerset_type_StickerSet' => 'Associated stickerset', 'object_channelFull_param_available_min_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of a maximum unavailable message in a channel due to hidden history.', 'object_chatParticipant' => 'Group member.', 'object_chatParticipant_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Member user ID', 'object_chatParticipant_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that added the member to the group', 'object_chatParticipant_param_date_type_int' => 'Date added to the group', 'object_chatParticipantCreator' => 'Represents the creator of the group', 'object_chatParticipantCreator_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that created the group', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin' => 'Chat admin', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of a group member that is admin', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that added the member to the group', 'object_chatParticipantAdmin_param_date_type_int' => 'Date when the user was added', 'object_chatParticipantsForbidden' => 'Info on members is unavailable', 'object_chatParticipantsForbidden_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group ID', 'object_chatParticipantsForbidden_param_self_participant_type_ChatParticipant' => 'Info about the group membership of the current user', 'object_chatParticipants' => 'Group members.', 'object_chatParticipants_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group identifier', 'object_chatParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector t' => 'Participants', 'object_chatParticipants_param_version_type_int' => 'Group version number', 'object_chatPhotoEmpty' => 'Group photo is not set.', 'object_chatPhoto' => 'Group profile photo.', 'object_chatPhoto_param_photo_small_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file corresponding to the small thumbnail for group profile photo', 'object_chatPhoto_param_photo_big_type_FileLocation' => 'Location of the file corresponding to the small thumbnail for group profile photo', 'object_messageEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, non-existent message.', 'object_messageEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'Message identifier', 'object_message' => 'A message', 'object_message_param_out_type_true' => 'Is this an outgoing message', 'object_message_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in this message', 'object_message_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether there are unread media attachments in this message', 'object_message_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether this is a silent message (no notification triggered)', 'object_message_param_post_type_true' => 'Whether this is a channel post', 'object_message_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message', 'object_message_param_from_id_type_int' => 'ID of the sender of the message', 'object_message_param_to_id_type_Peer' => 'ID of the chat were the message was sent', 'object_message_param_fwd_from_type_MessageFwdHeader' => 'Info about forwarded messages', 'object_message_param_via_bot_id_type_int' => 'ID of the inline bot that generated the message', 'object_message_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_message_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of the message', 'object_message_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'object_message_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media attachment', 'object_message_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup (bot/inline keyboards)', 'object_message_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_message_param_views_type_int' => 'View count for channel posts', 'object_message_param_edit_date_type_int' => 'Last edit date of this message', 'object_message_param_post_author_type_string' => 'Name of the author of this message for channel posts (with signatures enabled)', 'object_message_param_grouped_id_type_long' => 'Multiple media messages sent using [messages.sendMultiMedia](../methods/ with the same grouped ID indicate an album', 'object_messageService' => 'Indicates a service message', 'object_messageService_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_messageService_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in the message', 'object_messageService_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether the message contains unread media', 'object_messageService_param_silent_type_true' => 'Whether the message is silent', 'object_messageService_param_post_type_true' => 'Whether it\'s a channel post', 'object_messageService_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_messageService_param_from_id_type_int' => 'Id of te sender of the message', 'object_messageService_param_to_id_type_Peer' => 'ID of the destination of the message', 'object_messageService_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_messageService_param_date_type_int' => 'Message date', 'object_messageService_param_action_type_MessageAction' => 'Event connected with the service message', 'object_messageMediaEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_messageMediaPhoto' => 'Attached photo.', 'object_messageMediaPhoto_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Photo', 'object_messageMediaPhoto_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live in seconds of self-destructing photo', 'object_messageMediaGeo' => 'Attached map.', 'object_messageMediaGeo_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'GeoPoint', 'object_messageMediaContact' => 'Attached contact.', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier or `0`, if the user with the given phone number is not registered', 'object_messageMediaUnsupported' => 'Current version of the client does not support this media type.', 'object_messageMediaDocument' => 'Document (video, audio, voice, sticker, any media type except photo)', 'object_messageMediaDocument_param_document_type_Document' => 'Attached document', 'object_messageMediaDocument_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Time to live of self-destructing document', 'object_messageMediaWebPage' => 'Preview of webpage', 'object_messageMediaWebPage_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_messageMediaVenue' => 'Venue', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation of venue', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_messageMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_messageMediaGame' => 'Telegram game', 'object_messageMediaGame_param_game_type_Game' => 'Game', 'object_messageMediaInvoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_shipping_address_requested_type_true' => 'Whether the shipping address was requested', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_test_type_true' => 'Whether this is an example invoice', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_title_type_string' => 'Product name, 1-32 characters', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_description_type_string' => 'Product description, 1-255 characters', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_photo_type_WebDocument' => 'URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see what they are paying for.', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_receipt_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of receipt: if set, clients should change the text of the first [keyboardButtonBuy](../constructors/ button always attached to the [message](../constructors/ to a localized version of the word `Receipt`', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Total price in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_messageMediaInvoice_param_start_param_type_string' => 'Unique bot deep-linking parameter that can be used to generate this invoice', 'object_messageMediaGeoLive' => 'Indicates a live geolocation', 'object_messageMediaGeoLive_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_messageMediaGeoLive_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period of provided geolocation', 'object_messageActionEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_messageActionChatCreate' => 'Group created', 'object_messageActionChatCreate_param_title_type_string' => 'Group name', 'object_messageActionChatCreate_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageActionChatEditTitle' => 'Group name changed.', 'object_messageActionChatEditTitle_param_title_type_string' => 'New group name', 'object_messageActionChatEditPhoto' => 'Group profile changed', 'object_messageActionChatEditPhoto_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'New group pofile photo', 'object_messageActionChatDeletePhoto' => 'Group profile photo removed.', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser' => 'New member in the group', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageActionChatDeleteUser' => 'User left the group.', 'object_messageActionChatDeleteUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Leaving user ID', 'object_messageActionChatJoinedByLink' => 'A user joined the chat via an invite link', 'object_messageActionChatJoinedByLink_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that created the invite link', 'object_messageActionChannelCreate' => 'The channel was created', 'object_messageActionChannelCreate_param_title_type_string' => 'Original channel/supergroup title', 'object_messageActionChatMigrateTo' => 'Indicates the chat was [migrated]( to the specified supergroup', 'object_messageActionChatMigrateTo_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The supergroup it was migrated to', 'object_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom' => 'Indicates the channel was [migrated]( from the specified chat', 'object_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom_param_title_type_string' => 'The old chat tite', 'object_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'The old chat ID', 'object_messageActionPinMessage' => 'A message was pinned', 'object_messageActionHistoryClear' => 'Chat history was cleared', 'object_messageActionGameScore' => 'Someone scored in a game', 'object_messageActionGameScore_param_game_id_type_long' => 'Game ID', 'object_messageActionGameScore_param_score_type_int' => 'Score', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe' => 'A user just sent a payment to me (a bot)', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot specified invoice payload', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Order info provided by the user', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_shipping_option_id_type_string' => 'Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user', 'object_messageActionPaymentSentMe_param_charge_type_PaymentCharge' => 'Provider payment identifier', 'object_messageActionPaymentSent' => 'A payment was sent', 'object_messageActionPaymentSent_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_messageActionPaymentSent_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall' => 'A phone call', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_call_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_reason_type_PhoneCallDiscardReason' => 'If the call has ended, the reason why it ended', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of the call in seconds', 'object_messageActionScreenshotTaken' => 'A screenshot of the chat was taken', 'object_messageActionCustomAction' => 'Custom action (most likely not supported by the current layer, an upgrade might be needed)', 'object_messageActionCustomAction_param_message_type_string' => 'Action message', 'object_dialog' => 'Chat', 'object_dialog_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Is the dialog pinned', 'object_dialog_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The chat', 'object_dialog_param_top_message_type_int' => 'The latest message ID', 'object_dialog_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all incoming messages are read.', 'object_dialog_param_read_outbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.', 'object_dialog_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages', 'object_dialog_param_unread_mentions_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread mentions', 'object_dialog_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_dialog_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_dialog_param_draft_type_DraftMessage' => 'Message draft', 'object_photoEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, non-existent photo', 'object_photoEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo identifier', 'object_photo' => 'Photo', 'object_photo_param_has_stickers_type_true' => 'Whether the photo has mask stickers attached to it', 'object_photo_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_photo_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_photo_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of upload', 'object_photo_param_sizes_type_Vector t' => 'Sizes', 'object_photoSizeEmpty' => 'Empty constructor. Image with this thumbnail is unavailable.', 'object_photoSizeEmpty_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type (see. [photoSize](../constructors/', 'object_photoSize' => 'Image description.', 'object_photoSize_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type', 'object_photoSize_param_location_type_FileLocation' => 'File location', 'object_photoSize_param_w_type_int' => 'Image width', 'object_photoSize_param_h_type_int' => 'Image height', 'object_photoSize_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_photoCachedSize' => 'Description of an image and its content.', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_location_type_FileLocation' => 'File location', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_w_type_int' => 'Image width', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_h_type_int' => 'Image height', 'object_photoCachedSize_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Binary data, file content', 'object_geoPointEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_geoPoint' => 'GeoPoint.', 'object_geoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Longtitude', 'object_geoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitude', 'object_auth.checkedPhone' => 'Checked phone', 'object_auth.checkedPhone_param_phone_registered_type_Bool' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentCode' => 'Contains info about a sent verification code.', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_phone_registered_type_true' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_type_type_auth.SentCodeType' => 'Phone code type', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash, to be stored and later re-used with [auth.signIn](../methods/', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_next_type_type_auth.CodeType' => 'Phone code type that will be sent next, if the phone code is not received within `timeout` seconds: to send it use [auth.resendCode](../methods/', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Timeout for reception of the phone code', 'object_auth.authorization' => 'Contains user authorization info.', 'object_auth.authorization_param_tmp_sessions_type_int' => 'Temporary [passport]( sessions', 'object_auth.authorization_param_user_type_User' => 'Info on authorized user', 'object_auth.exportedAuthorization' => 'Data for copying of authorization between data centres.', 'object_auth.exportedAuthorization_param_id_type_int' => 'Current user identifier', 'object_auth.exportedAuthorization_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Authorizes key', 'object_inputNotifyPeer' => 'Notifications generated by a certain user or group.', 'object_inputNotifyPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'User or group', 'object_inputNotifyUsers' => 'Notifications generated by all users.', 'object_inputNotifyChats' => 'Notifications generated by all groups.', 'object_inputNotifyAll' => 'Notify all', 'object_inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty' => 'Empty input peer notify events', 'object_inputPeerNotifyEventsAll' => 'Peer notify events all', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings.', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_true' => 'Show previews?', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_true' => 'Silent?', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_mute_until_type_int' => 'Date until which all notifications shall be switched off', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_sound_type_string' => 'Name of an audio file for notification', 'object_peerNotifyEventsEmpty' => 'Empty peer notify events', 'object_peerNotifyEventsAll' => 'Peer notify events all', 'object_peerNotifySettingsEmpty' => 'Empty peer notify settings', 'object_peerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings.', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_true' => 'Show previews?', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_true' => 'Silent?', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_mute_until_type_int' => 'Mute all notifications until this date', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_sound_type_string' => 'Audio file name for notifications', 'object_peerSettings' => 'Peer settings', 'object_peerSettings_param_report_spam_type_true' => 'Whether we can still report the user for spam', 'object_wallPaper' => 'Wallpaper settings.', 'object_wallPaper_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_wallPaper_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_wallPaper_param_sizes_type_Vector t' => 'Sizes', 'object_wallPaper_param_color_type_int' => 'Color', 'object_wallPaperSolid' => 'Wall paper solid', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_bg_color_type_int' => 'Bg color', 'object_wallPaperSolid_param_color_type_int' => 'Color', 'object_inputReportReasonSpam' => 'Report for spam', 'object_inputReportReasonViolence' => 'Report for violence', 'object_inputReportReasonPornography' => 'Report for pornography', 'object_inputReportReasonOther' => 'Other', 'object_inputReportReasonOther_param_text_type_string' => 'Other report reason', 'object_userFull' => 'Extended user info', 'object_userFull_param_blocked_type_true' => 'Whether you have blocked this user', 'object_userFull_param_phone_calls_available_type_true' => 'Whether this user can make VoIP calls', 'object_userFull_param_phone_calls_private_type_true' => 'Whether this user\'s privacy settings allow you to call him', 'object_userFull_param_user_type_User' => 'Remaining user info', 'object_userFull_param_about_type_string' => 'Bio of the user', 'object_userFull_param_link_type_contacts.Link' => 'Link', 'object_userFull_param_profile_photo_type_Photo' => 'Profile photo', 'object_userFull_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notification settings', 'object_userFull_param_bot_info_type_BotInfo' => 'For bots, info about the bot (bot commands, etc)', 'object_userFull_param_common_chats_count_type_int' => 'Chats in common with this user', 'object_contact' => 'A contact of the current user that is registered in the system.', 'object_contact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_contact_param_mutual_type_Bool' => 'Current user is in the user\'s contact list', 'object_importedContact' => 'Successfully imported contact.', 'object_importedContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_importedContact_param_client_id_type_long' => 'The contact\'s client identifier (passed to one of the [InputContact](../types/ constructors)', 'object_contactBlocked' => 'A blocked user.', 'object_contactBlocked_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_contactBlocked_param_date_type_int' => 'Date blacklisted', 'object_contactStatus' => 'Contact status: online / offline.', 'object_contactStatus_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_contactStatus_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Online status', '' => 'Link', 'object_contacts.link_param_my_link_type_ContactLink' => 'My link', 'object_contacts.link_param_foreign_link_type_ContactLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_contacts.link_param_user_type_User' => 'User', 'object_contacts.contactsNotModified' => 'Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.', 'object_contacts.contacts' => 'The current user\'s contact list and info on users.', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'Contacts', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_saved_count_type_int' => 'Number of contacts that were saved successfully', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.importedContacts' => 'Info on succesfully imported contacts.', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_imported_type_Vector t' => 'Imported', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_popular_invites_type_Vector t' => 'Popular invites', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_retry_contacts_type_Vector t' => 'Retry importing contacts whose client IDs appear here', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.blocked' => 'Full list of blocked users.', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_blocked_type_Vector t' => 'Blocked', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice' => 'Incomplete list of blocked users.', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of elements in the list', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_blocked_type_Vector t' => 'Blocked', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.dialogs' => 'Full list of chats with messages and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector t' => 'Dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice' => 'Incomplete list of dialogs with messages and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_dialogs_type_Vector t' => 'Dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.messages' => 'Full list of messages with auxilary data.', 'object_messages.messages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.messages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.messages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.messagesSlice' => 'Incomplete list of messages and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of messages in the list', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.channelMessages' => 'Channel messages', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of results were found server-side (may not be all included here)', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.messagesNotModified' => 'No new messages matching the query were found', 'object_messages.messagesNotModified_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of results found server-side by the given query', 'object_messages.chats' => 'List of chats with auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.chats_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.chatsSlice' => 'Partial list of chats, more would have to be fetched with [pagination](', 'object_messages.chatsSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of results that were found server-side (not all are included in `chats`)', 'object_messages.chatsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.chatFull' => 'Extended info on chat and auxiliary data.', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_full_chat_type_ChatFull' => 'Extended info on a chat', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.affectedHistory' => 'Affected part of communication history with the user or in a chat.', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_pts_type_int' => 'Number of events occured in a text box', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Number of affected events', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_offset_type_int' => 'If a parameter contains positive value, it is necessary to repeat the method call using the given value; during the proceeding of all the history the value itself shall gradually decrease', 'object_inputMessagesFilterEmpty' => 'Filter is absent.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhotos' => 'Filter for messages containing photos.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterVideo' => 'Filter for messages containing videos.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo' => 'Filter for messages containing photos or videos.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterDocument' => 'Filter for messages containing documents.', 'object_inputMessagesFilterUrl' => 'Return only messages containing URLs', 'object_inputMessagesFilterGif' => 'Return only messages containing gifs', 'object_inputMessagesFilterVoice' => 'Return only messages containing voice notes', 'object_inputMessagesFilterMusic' => 'Return only messages containing audio files', 'object_inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos' => 'Return only chat photo changes', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls' => 'Return only phone calls', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls_param_missed_type_true' => 'Return only missed phone calls', 'object_inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice' => 'Return only round videos and voice notes', 'object_inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo' => 'Return only round videos', 'object_inputMessagesFilterMyMentions' => 'Return only messages where the current user was mentioned', 'object_inputMessagesFilterGeo' => 'Return only messages containing geolocations', 'object_inputMessagesFilterContacts' => 'Return only messages containing contacts', 'object_updateNewMessage' => 'New message.', 'object_updateNewMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_updateNewMessage_param_pts_type_int' => 'New quantity of actions in a message box', 'object_updateNewMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Number of generated events', 'object_updateMessageID' => 'Sent message with **random\\_id** client identifier was assigned an identifier.', 'object_updateMessageID_param_id_type_int' => '**id** identifier of a respective [Message](../types/', 'object_updateDeleteMessages' => 'Messages were deleted.', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_pts_type_int' => 'New quality of actions in a message box', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Number of generated [events](', 'object_updateUserTyping' => 'The user is preparing a message; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no repeated update received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever he\'s been doing.', 'object_updateUserTyping_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User id', 'object_updateUserTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Action type
Param added in [Layer 17](', 'object_updateChatUserTyping' => 'The user is preparing a message in a group; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no repeated update received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever he\'s been doing.', 'object_updateChatUserTyping_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group id', 'object_updateChatUserTyping_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User id', 'object_updateChatUserTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Type of action
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_updateChatParticipants' => 'Composition of chat participants changed.', 'object_updateChatParticipants_param_participants_type_ChatParticipants' => 'Updated chat participants', 'object_updateUserName' => 'Changes the user\'s first name, last name and username.', 'object_updateUserName_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_updateUserName_param_first_name_type_string' => 'New first name. Corresponds to the new value of **real\\_first\\_name** field of the [userFull](../constructors/ constructor.', 'object_updateUserName_param_last_name_type_string' => 'New last name. Corresponds to the new value of **real\\_last\\_name** field of the [userFull](../constructors/ constructor.', 'object_updateUserName_param_username_type_string' => 'New username.
Parameter added in [Layer 18](', 'object_updateUserPhoto' => 'Change of contact\'s profile photo.', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of photo update.
Parameter was added in [second layer](?layer=2).', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'New profile photo', 'object_updateUserPhoto_param_previous_type_Bool' => '([boolTrue](../constructors/, if one of the previously used photos is set a profile photo.
Parameter was added in [second layer](?layer=2).', 'object_updateContactRegistered' => 'Update contact registered', 'object_updateContactRegistered_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateContactRegistered_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_updateContactLink' => 'Update contact link', 'object_updateContactLink_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateContactLink_param_my_link_type_ContactLink' => 'My link', 'object_updateContactLink_param_foreign_link_type_ContactLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage' => 'New encrypted message.', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage_param_message_type_EncryptedMessage' => 'Message', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage_param_qts_type_int' => 'New **qts** value', 'object_updateEncryptedChatTyping' => 'Interlocutor is typing a message in an encrypted chat. Update period is 6 second. If upon this time there is no repeated update, it shall be considered that the interlocutor stopped typing.', 'object_updateEncryptedChatTyping_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateEncryption' => 'Change of state in an encrypted chat.', 'object_updateEncryption_param_chat_type_EncryptedChat' => 'Encrypted chat', 'object_updateEncryption_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of change', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead' => 'Communication history in an encrypted chat was marked as read.', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead_param_max_date_type_int' => 'Maximum value of data for read messages', 'object_updateEncryptedMessagesRead_param_date_type_int' => 'Time when messages were read', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd' => 'New group member.', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group ID', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the new member', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user, who added member to the group', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the participant added', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdd_param_version_type_int' => 'Chat version number', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete' => 'A member has left the group.', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Group ID', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user', 'object_updateChatParticipantDelete_param_version_type_int' => 'Used in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them was received.', 'object_updateDcOptions' => 'Changes in the data center configuration options.', 'object_updateDcOptions_param_dc_options_type_Vector t' => 'DC options', 'object_updateUserBlocked' => 'User was added to the blacklist (method [contacts.block](../methods/ or removed from the blacklist (method [contacts.unblock](../methods/', 'object_updateUserBlocked_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User id', 'object_updateUserBlocked_param_blocked_type_Bool' => '([boolTrue](../constructors/ if the the user is blocked', 'object_updateNotifySettings' => 'Changes in notification settings.', 'object_updateNotifySettings_param_peer_type_NotifyPeer' => 'Nofication source', 'object_updateNotifySettings_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'New notification settings', 'object_updateServiceNotification' => 'A service message for the user. The app must show the message to the user upon receiving this update. In case the **popup** parameter was passed, the text message must be displayed in a popup alert immediately upon receipt. It is recommended to handle the text as you would an ordinary message in terms of highlighting links, etc. The message must also be stored locally as part of the message history with the user id `777000` (Telegram Notifications).', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_popup_type_true' => '(boolTrue) if the message must be displayed in a popup.', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_inbox_date_type_int' => 'When was the notification received
The message must also be stored locally as part of the message history with the user id `777000` (Telegram Notifications).', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_type_type_string' => 'String, identical in format and contents to the [**type**]( field in API errors. Describes type of service message. It is acceptable to ignore repeated messages of the same **type** within a short period of time (15 minutes).', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_message_type_string' => 'Message text', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media content (optional)', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_updatePrivacy' => 'Privacy rules were changed', 'object_updatePrivacy_param_key_type_PrivacyKey' => 'Peers to which the privacy rules apply', 'object_updatePrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector t' => 'Rules', 'object_updateUserPhone' => 'A user\'s phone number was changed', 'object_updateUserPhone_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateUserPhone_param_phone_type_string' => 'New phone number', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox' => 'Incoming messages were read', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of messages read', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox' => 'Outgoing messages were read', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Maximum ID of read outgoing messages', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateReadHistoryOutbox_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateWebPage' => 'An [instant view]( webpage preview was generated', 'object_updateWebPage_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_updateWebPage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateWebPage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents' => 'Contents of messages in the common [message box]( were read', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateChannelTooLong' => 'There are new updates in the specified channel, the client must fetch them, eventually starting the specified pts if the difference is too long or if the channel isn\'t currently in the states.', 'object_updateChannelTooLong_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The channel', 'object_updateChannelTooLong_param_pts_type_int' => 'The [PTS](', 'object_updateChannel' => 'A new channel is available', 'object_updateChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage' => 'A new message was sent in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'New message', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox' => 'Incoming messages in a [channel/supergroup]( were read', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all incoming messages are read.', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages' => 'Some messages in a [supergroup/channel]( were deleted', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews' => 'The view counter of a message in a channel has changed', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message', 'object_updateChannelMessageViews_param_views_type_int' => 'New view counter', 'object_updateChatAdmins' => 'Update chat admins', 'object_updateChatAdmins_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateChatAdmins_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enabled?', 'object_updateChatAdmins_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin' => 'Admin permissions of a user in a [legacy group]( were changed', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the (de)admined user', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_is_admin_type_Bool' => 'Whether the user was rendered admin', 'object_updateChatParticipantAdmin_param_version_type_int' => 'Used in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them was received.', 'object_updateNewStickerSet' => 'A new stickerset was installed', 'object_updateNewStickerSet_param_stickerset_type_messages.StickerSet' => 'The installed stickerset', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder' => 'The order of stickersets was changed', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder_param_masks_type_true' => 'Whether the updated stickers are mask stickers', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'Order', 'object_updateStickerSets' => 'Installed stickersets have changed, the client should refetch them using [messages.getAllStickers](', 'object_updateSavedGifs' => 'The saved gif list has changed, the client should refetch it using [messages.getSavedGifs](', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery' => 'An incoming inline query', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User that sent the query', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_query_type_string' => 'Text of query', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Attached geolocation', 'object_updateBotInlineQuery_param_offset_type_string' => 'Offset to navigate through results', 'object_updateBotInlineSend' => 'The result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner. Please see our documentation on the [feedback collecting]( for details on how to enable these updates for your bot.', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The user that chose the result', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_query_type_string' => 'The query that was used to obtain the result', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Optional. Sender location, only for bots that require user location', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_id_type_string' => 'The unique identifier for the result that was chosen', 'object_updateBotInlineSend_param_msg_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'Identifier of the sent inline message. Available only if there is an inline keyboard attached to the message. Will be also received in callback queries and can be used to edit the message.', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage' => 'A message was edited in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'The new message', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateEditChannelMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateChannelPinnedMessage' => 'A message was pinned in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_updateChannelPinnedMessage_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateChannelPinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of pinned message', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery' => 'A callback button was pressed, and the button data was sent to the bot that created the button', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that pressed the button', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Chat where the inline keyboard was sent', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_chat_instance_type_long' => 'Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat to which the message with the callback button was sent. Useful for high scores in games.', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Callback data', 'object_updateBotCallbackQuery_param_game_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name of a Game to be returned, serves as the unique identifier for the game', 'object_updateEditMessage' => 'A message was edited', 'object_updateEditMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'The new edited message', 'object_updateEditMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateEditMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery' => 'This notification is received by bots when a button is pressed', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the user that pressed the button', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_msg_id_type_InputBotInlineMessageID' => 'ID of the inline message with the button', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_chat_instance_type_long' => 'Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat to which the message with the callback button was sent. Useful for high scores in games.', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Data associated with the callback button. Be aware that a bad client can send arbitrary data in this field.', 'object_updateInlineBotCallbackQuery_param_game_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name of a Game to be returned, serves as the unique identifier for the game', 'object_updateReadChannelOutbox' => 'Outgoing messages in a [channel/supergroup]( were read', 'object_updateReadChannelOutbox_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateReadChannelOutbox_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.', 'object_updateDraftMessage' => 'Notifies a change of a message [draft](', 'object_updateDraftMessage_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The peer to which the draft is associated', 'object_updateDraftMessage_param_draft_type_DraftMessage' => 'The draft', 'object_updateReadFeaturedStickers' => 'Some featured stickers were marked as read', 'object_updateRecentStickers' => 'The recent sticker list was updated', 'object_updateConfig' => 'The server-side configuration has changed; the client should re-fetch the config using [help.getConfig](../methods/', 'object_updatePtsChanged' => '[Common message box sequence PTS]( has changed, [state has to be refetched using updates.getState](', 'object_updateChannelWebPage' => 'A webpage preview of a link in a [channel/supergroup]( message was generated', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_channel_id_type_int' => '[Channel/supergroup]( ID', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Generated webpage preview', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateChannelWebPage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_updateDialogPinned' => 'A dialog was pinned/unpinned', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Whether the dialog was pinned', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs' => 'Pinned dialogs were updated', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector t' => 'Order', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSON' => 'A new incoming event; for bots only', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSON_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'The event', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery' => 'A new incoming query; for bots only', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query identifier', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'Query data', 'object_updateBotWebhookJSONQuery_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Query timeout', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery' => 'This object contains information about an incoming shipping query.', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique query identifier', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User who sent the query', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot specified invoice payload', 'object_updateBotShippingQuery_param_shipping_address_type_PostAddress' => 'User specified shipping address', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery' => 'This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query.', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Unique query identifier', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User who sent the query', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_payload_type_bytes' => 'Bot specified invoice payload', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Order info provided by the user', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_shipping_option_id_type_string' => 'Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_updateBotPrecheckoutQuery_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Total amount in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_updatePhoneCall' => 'An incoming phone call', 'object_updatePhoneCall_param_phone_call_type_PhoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'object_updateLangPackTooLong' => 'A language pack has changed, the client should manually fetch the changed strings using [langpack.getDifference](../methods/', 'object_updateLangPack' => 'Language pack updated', 'object_updateLangPack_param_difference_type_LangPackDifference' => 'Changed strings', 'object_updateFavedStickers' => 'The list of favorited stickers was changed, the client should call [messages.getFavedStickers](../methods/ to refetch the new list', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents' => 'The specified [channel/supergroup]( messages were read', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents_param_channel_id_type_int' => '[Channel/supergroup]( ID', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateContactsReset' => 'All contacts were deleted', 'object_updateChannelAvailableMessages' => 'The history of a [channel/supergroup]( was hidden.', 'object_updateChannelAvailableMessages_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel/supergroup ID', 'object_updateChannelAvailableMessages_param_available_min_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of a maximum unavailable message in a channel due to hidden history.', 'object_updates.state' => 'Updates state.', 'object_updates.state_param_pts_type_int' => 'Number of events occured in a text box', 'object_updates.state_param_qts_type_int' => 'Position in a sequence of updates in secret chats. For further detailes refer to article [secret chats](
Parameter was added in [eigth layer](', 'object_updates.state_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of condition', 'object_updates.state_param_seq_type_int' => 'Number of sent updates', 'object_updates.state_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages', 'object_updates.differenceEmpty' => 'No events.', 'object_updates.differenceEmpty_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date', 'object_updates.differenceEmpty_param_seq_type_int' => 'Number of sent updates', 'object_updates.difference' => 'Full list of occurred events.', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New encrypted messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_other_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.difference_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.difference_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates.difference_param_state_type_updates.State' => 'Current state', 'object_updates.differenceSlice' => 'Incomplete list of occurred events.', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New encrypted messages', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_other_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_intermediate_state_type_updates.State' => 'Intermediary state', 'object_updates.differenceTooLong' => 'The difference is [too long](, and the specified state must be used to refetch updates.', 'object_updates.differenceTooLong_param_pts_type_int' => 'The new state to use.', 'object_updatesTooLong' => 'Too many updates, it is necessary to execute [updates.getDifference](../methods/', 'object_updateShortMessage' => 'Info about a message sent to (received from) another user', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in the message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether there are some **unread** mentions in this message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'If true, the message is a silent message, no notifications should be triggered', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the sender (if `outgoing` will be the ID of the destination) of the message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_date_type_int' => '[date](', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_from_type_MessageFwdHeader' => 'Info about a forwarded message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_via_bot_id_type_int' => 'Info about the inline bot used to generate this message', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_updateShortChatMessage' => 'Shortened constructor containing info on one new incoming text message from a chat', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_mentioned_type_true' => 'Whether we were mentioned in this message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_media_unread_type_true' => 'Whether the message contains some **unread** mentions', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'If true, the message is a silent message, no notifications should be triggered', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_from_id_type_int' => 'ID of the sender of the message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of the chat where the message was sent', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_date_type_int' => '[date](', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_from_type_MessageFwdHeader' => 'Info about a forwarded message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_via_bot_id_type_int' => 'Info about the inline bot used to generate this message', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message this message replies to', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_updateShort' => 'Shortened constructor containing info on one update not requiring auxiliary data', 'object_updateShort_param_update_type_Update' => 'Update', 'object_updateShort_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of event', 'object_updatesCombined' => 'Constructor for a group of updates.', 'object_updatesCombined_param_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Updates', 'object_updatesCombined_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updatesCombined_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updatesCombined_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date', 'object_updatesCombined_param_seq_start_type_int' => 'Value **seq** for the earliest update in a group', 'object_updatesCombined_param_seq_type_int' => 'Value **seq** for the latest update in a group', 'object_updates' => 'Full constructor of updates', 'object_updates_param_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Updates', 'object_updates_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date', 'object_updates_param_seq_type_int' => 'Total number of sent updates', 'object_updateShortSentMessage' => 'Shortened constructor containing info on one outgoing message to a contact (the destination chat has to be extracted from the method call that returned this object).', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_out_type_true' => 'Whether the message is outgoing', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the sent message', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_pts_type_int' => '[PTS](', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[PTS count](', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_date_type_int' => '[date](', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Attached media', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', '' => 'Full list of photos with auxiliary data.', 'object_photos.photos_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_photos.photos_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_photos.photosSlice' => 'Incomplete list of photos with auxiliary data.', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of photos', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', '' => 'Photo with auxiliary data.', 'object_photos.photo_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Photo', 'object_photos.photo_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_upload.file' => 'File content.', 'object_upload.file_param_type_type_storage.FileType' => 'File type', 'object_upload.file_param_mtime_type_int' => 'Modification type', 'object_upload.file_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Binary data, file content', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect' => 'The file must be downloaded from a [CDN DC](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_dc_id_type_int' => '[CDN DC]( ID', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_file_token_type_bytes' => 'File token (see [CDN files](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_encryption_key_type_bytes' => 'Encryption key (see [CDN files](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_encryption_iv_type_bytes' => 'Encryption IV (see [CDN files](', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_cdn_file_hashes_type_Vector t' => 'Cdn file hashes', 'object_dcOption' => 'Data centre', 'object_dcOption_param_ipv6_type_true' => 'Whether the specified IP is an IPv6 address', 'object_dcOption_param_media_only_type_true' => 'Whether this DC should only be used to [download or upload files](', 'object_dcOption_param_tcpo_only_type_true' => 'Whether this DC only supports connection with [transport obfuscation](', 'object_dcOption_param_cdn_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [CDN DC](', 'object_dcOption_param_static_type_true' => 'If set, this IP should be used when connecting through a proxy', 'object_dcOption_param_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_dcOption_param_ip_address_type_string' => 'IP address of DC', 'object_dcOption_param_port_type_int' => 'Port', 'object_config' => 'Current configuration', 'object_config_param_phonecalls_enabled_type_true' => 'Whether phone calls can be used', 'object_config_param_default_p2p_contacts_type_true' => 'Whether the client should use P2P by default for phone calls with contacts', 'object_config_param_date_type_int' => 'Current date at the server', 'object_config_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date of this config: when it expires it\'ll have to be refetched using [help.getConfig](../methods/', 'object_config_param_test_mode_type_Bool' => 'Whether we\'re connected to the test DCs', 'object_config_param_this_dc_type_int' => 'ID of the DC that returned the reply', 'object_config_param_dc_options_type_Vector t' => 'DC options', 'object_config_param_chat_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum member count for normal [groups](', 'object_config_param_megagroup_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum member count for [supergroups](', 'object_config_param_forwarded_count_max_type_int' => 'Maximum number of messages that can be forwarded at once using [messages.forwardMessages](../methods/', 'object_config_param_online_update_period_ms_type_int' => 'The client should [update its online status](../methods/ every N milliseconds', 'object_config_param_offline_blur_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Delay before offline status needs to be sent to the server', 'object_config_param_offline_idle_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Time without any user activity after which it should be treated offline', 'object_config_param_online_cloud_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'If we are offline, but were online from some other client in last `online_cloud_timeout_ms` milliseconds after we had gone offline, then delay offline notification for `notify_cloud_delay_ms` milliseconds.', 'object_config_param_notify_cloud_delay_ms_type_int' => 'If we are offline, but online from some other client then delay sending the offline notification for `notify_cloud_delay_ms` milliseconds.', 'object_config_param_notify_default_delay_ms_type_int' => 'If some other client is online, then delay notification for `notification_default_delay_ms` milliseconds', 'object_config_param_chat_big_size_type_int' => 'Chat big size', 'object_config_param_push_chat_period_ms_type_int' => 'Not for client use', 'object_config_param_push_chat_limit_type_int' => 'Not for client use', 'object_config_param_saved_gifs_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum count of saved gifs', 'object_config_param_edit_time_limit_type_int' => 'Only messages with age smaller than the one specified can be edited', 'object_config_param_rating_e_decay_type_int' => 'Exponential decay rate for computing [top peer rating](', 'object_config_param_stickers_recent_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of recent stickers', 'object_config_param_stickers_faved_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of faved stickers', 'object_config_param_channels_read_media_period_type_int' => 'Indicates that round videos (video notes) and voice messages sent in channels and older than the specified period must be marked as read', 'object_config_param_tmp_sessions_type_int' => 'Temporary [passport]( sessions', 'object_config_param_pinned_dialogs_count_max_type_int' => 'Maximum count of pinned dialogs', 'object_config_param_call_receive_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Maximum allowed outgoing ring time in VoIP calls: if the user we\'re calling doesn\'t reply within the specified time (in milliseconds), we should hang up the call', 'object_config_param_call_ring_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'Maximum allowed incoming ring time in VoIP calls: if the current user doesn\'t reply within the specified time (in milliseconds), the call will be automatically refused', 'object_config_param_call_connect_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'VoIP connection timeout: if the instance of libtgvoip on the other side of the call doesn\'t connect to our instance of libtgvoip within the specified time (in milliseconds), the call must be aborted', 'object_config_param_call_packet_timeout_ms_type_int' => 'If during a VoIP call a packet isn\'t received for the specified period of time, the call must be aborted', 'object_config_param_me_url_prefix_type_string' => 'The domain to use to parse in-app links.
For example indicates that links should parsed to @username, should be parsed to the appropriate stickerset and so on...', 'object_config_param_suggested_lang_code_type_string' => 'Suggested language code', 'object_config_param_lang_pack_version_type_int' => 'Language pack version', 'object_config_param_disabled_features_type_Vector t' => 'Disabled features', 'object_nearestDc' => 'Nearest data centre, according to geo-ip.', 'object_nearestDc_param_country_type_string' => 'Country code determined by geo-ip', 'object_nearestDc_param_this_dc_type_int' => 'Number of current data centre', 'object_nearestDc_param_nearest_dc_type_int' => 'Number of nearest data centre', 'object_help.appUpdate' => 'An update is available for the application.', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_id_type_int' => 'Update ID', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_critical_type_Bool' => 'Critical?', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_url_type_string' => 'Application download URL', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_text_type_string' => 'Text description of the update', 'object_help.noAppUpdate' => 'No updates are available for the application.', 'object_help.inviteText' => 'Text of a text message with an invitation to install application.', 'object_help.inviteText_param_message_type_string' => 'Text of a message', 'object_encryptedChatEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_encryptedChatEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting' => 'Chat waiting for approval of second participant.', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum depending on user ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of chat creation', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Chat creator ID', 'object_encryptedChatWaiting_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of second chat participant', 'object_encryptedChatRequested' => 'Request to create an encrypted chat.', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Check sum depending on user ID', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_date_type_int' => 'Chat creation date', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Chat creator ID', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of second chat participant', 'object_encryptedChatRequested_param_g_a_type_bytes' => '`A = g ^ a mod p`, see [Wikipedia](', 'object_encryptedChat' => 'Encrypted chat', 'object_encryptedChat_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_encryptedChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Check sum dependant on the user ID', 'object_encryptedChat_param_date_type_int' => 'Date chat was created', 'object_encryptedChat_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Chat creator ID', 'object_encryptedChat_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of the second chat participant', 'object_encryptedChat_param_g_a_or_b_type_bytes' => '`B = g ^ b mod p`, if the currently authorized user is the chat\'s creator,
or `A = g ^ a mod p` otherwise
See [Wikipedia]( for more info', 'object_encryptedChat_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => '64-bit fingerprint of received key', 'object_encryptedChatDiscarded' => 'Discarded or deleted chat.', 'object_encryptedChatDiscarded_param_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_inputEncryptedChat' => 'Creates an encrypted chat.', 'object_inputEncryptedChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_inputEncryptedChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum from constructor [encryptedChat](../constructors/, [encryptedChatWaiting](../constructors/ or [encryptedChatRequested](../constructors/', 'object_encryptedFileEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, unexisitng file.', 'object_encryptedFile' => 'Encrypted file.', 'object_encryptedFile_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID', 'object_encryptedFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum depending on user ID', 'object_encryptedFile_param_size_type_int' => 'File size in bytes', 'object_encryptedFile_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'Number of data centre', 'object_encryptedFile_param_key_fingerprint_type_int' => '32-bit fingerprint of key used for file encryption', 'object_inputEncryptedFileEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded' => 'Sets new encrypted file saved by parts using upload.saveFilePart method.', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file ID created by clien', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of saved parts', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_md5_checksum_type_string' => 'In case [md5-HASH]( of the (already encrypted) file was transmitted, file content will be checked prior to use', 'object_inputEncryptedFileUploaded_param_key_fingerprint_type_int' => '32-bit fingerprint of the key used to encrypt a file', 'object_inputEncryptedFile' => 'Sets forwarded encrypted file for attachment.', 'object_inputEncryptedFile_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID, value of **id** parameter from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputEncryptedFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checking sum, value of **access\\_hash** parameter from [encryptedFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded' => 'Assigns a new big encrypted file (over 10Mb in size), saved in parts using the method [upload.saveBigFilePart](../methods/', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded_param_id_type_long' => 'Random file id, created by the client', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded_param_parts_type_int' => 'Number of saved parts', 'object_inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded_param_key_fingerprint_type_int' => '32-bit imprint of the key used to encrypt the file', 'object_encryptedMessage' => 'Encrypted message.', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of encrypted chat', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of sending', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_decrypted_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'Decrypted message', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_file_type_EncryptedFile' => 'Attached encrypted file', 'object_encryptedMessageService' => 'Encrypted service message', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of encrypted chat', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of sending', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_decrypted_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'Decrypted message', 'object_messages.dhConfigNotModified' => 'Configuring parameters did not change.', 'object_messages.dhConfigNotModified_param_random_type_bytes' => 'Random sequence of bytes of assigned length', 'object_messages.dhConfig' => 'New set of configuring parameters.', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_g_type_int' => 'New value **prime**, see [Wikipedia](', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_p_type_bytes' => 'New value **primitive root**, see [Wikipedia](', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_version_type_int' => 'Vestion of set of parameters', 'object_messages.dhConfig_param_random_type_bytes' => 'Random sequence of bytes of assigned length', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedMessage' => 'Message without file attachemts sent to an encrypted file.', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of sending', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedFile' => 'Message with a file enclosure sent to a protected chat', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedFile_param_date_type_int' => 'Sending date', 'object_messages.sentEncryptedFile_param_file_type_EncryptedFile' => 'Attached file', 'object_inputDocumentEmpty' => 'Empty constructor.', 'object_inputDocument' => 'Defines a video for subsequent interaction.', 'object_inputDocument_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_inputDocument_param_access_hash_type_long' => '**access\\_hash** parameter from the [document](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_documentEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, document doesn\'t exist.', 'object_documentEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID or `0`', 'object_document' => 'Document', 'object_document_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_document_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Check sum, dependant on document ID', 'object_document_param_date_type_int' => 'Creation date', 'object_document_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type', 'object_document_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_document_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_document_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_document_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_document_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', '' => 'Info on support user.', 'object_help.support_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_help.support_param_user_type_User' => 'User', 'object_notifyPeer' => 'Notifications generated by a certain user or group.', 'object_notifyPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'User or group', 'object_notifyUsers' => 'Notifications generated by all users.', 'object_notifyChats' => 'Notifications generated by all groups.', 'object_notifyAll' => 'Notify all', 'object_sendMessageTypingAction' => 'User is typing.', 'object_sendMessageCancelAction' => 'Invalidate all previous action updates. E.g. when user deletes entered text or aborts a video upload.', 'object_sendMessageRecordVideoAction' => 'User is recording a video.', 'object_sendMessageUploadVideoAction' => 'User is uploading a video.', 'object_sendMessageUploadVideoAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageRecordAudioAction' => 'User is recording a voice message.', 'object_sendMessageUploadAudioAction' => 'User is uploading a voice message.', 'object_sendMessageUploadAudioAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction' => 'User is uploading a photo.', 'object_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction' => 'User is uploading a file.', 'object_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_sendMessageGeoLocationAction' => 'User is selecting a location to share.', 'object_sendMessageChooseContactAction' => 'User is selecting a contact to share.', 'object_sendMessageGamePlayAction' => 'User is playing a game', 'object_sendMessageRecordRoundAction' => 'User is recording a round video to share', 'object_sendMessageUploadRoundAction' => 'User is uploading a round video', 'object_sendMessageUploadRoundAction_param_progress_type_int' => 'Progress percentage', 'object_contacts.found' => 'Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.', 'object_contacts.found_param_my_results_type_Vector t' => 'My results', 'object_contacts.found_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_contacts.found_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.found_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp' => 'Whether we can see the exact last online timestamp of the user', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite' => 'Whether the user can be invited to chats', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall' => 'Whether the user will accept phone calls', 'object_privacyKeyStatusTimestamp' => 'Whether we can see the last online timestamp', 'object_privacyKeyPhoneCall' => 'Whether the user accepts phone calls', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts' => 'Allow only contacts', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowAll' => 'Allow all users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers' => 'Allow only certain users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts' => 'Disallow only contacts', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll' => 'Disallow all', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers' => 'Disallow only certain users', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_privacyValueAllowContacts' => 'Allow all contacts', 'object_privacyValueAllowAll' => 'Allow all users', 'object_privacyValueAllowUsers' => 'Allow only certain users', 'object_privacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_privacyValueDisallowContacts' => 'Disallow only contacts', 'object_privacyValueDisallowAll' => 'Disallow all users', 'object_privacyValueDisallowUsers' => 'Disallow only certain users', 'object_privacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_account.privacyRules' => 'Privacy rules', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_rules_type_Vector t' => 'Rules', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_accountDaysTTL' => 'Time to live in days of the current account', 'object_accountDaysTTL_param_days_type_int' => 'This account will self-destruct in the specified number of days', 'object_documentAttributeImageSize' => 'Defines the width and height of an image uploaded as document', 'object_documentAttributeImageSize_param_w_type_int' => 'Width of image', 'object_documentAttributeImageSize_param_h_type_int' => 'Height of image', 'object_documentAttributeAnimated' => 'Defines an animated GIF', 'object_documentAttributeSticker' => 'Defines a sticker', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_mask_type_true' => 'Whether this is a mask sticker', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_alt_type_string' => 'Alternative emoji representation of sticker', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Associated stickerset', 'object_documentAttributeSticker_param_mask_coords_type_MaskCoords' => 'Mask coordinates (if this is a mask sticker, attached to a photo)', 'object_documentAttributeVideo' => 'Defines a video', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_round_message_type_true' => 'Whether this is a round video', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_supports_streaming_type_true' => 'Whether the video supports streaming', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration in seconds', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Video width', 'object_documentAttributeVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Video height', 'object_documentAttributeAudio' => 'Represents an audio file', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_voice_type_true' => 'Whether this is a voice message', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration in seconds', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_title_type_string' => 'Name of song', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_performer_type_string' => 'Performer', 'object_documentAttributeAudio_param_waveform_type_bytes' => 'Waveform', 'object_documentAttributeFilename' => 'A simple document with a file name', 'object_documentAttributeFilename_param_file_name_type_string' => 'The file name', 'object_documentAttributeHasStickers' => 'Whether the current document has stickers attached', 'object_messages.stickersNotModified' => 'No new stickers were found for the given query', 'object_messages.stickers' => 'Found stickers', 'object_messages.stickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.stickers_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_stickerPack' => 'A stickerpack is a group of stickers associated to the same emoji. It is **not** a sticker pack the way it is usually intended, you may be looking for a [StickerSet](../types/', 'object_stickerPack_param_emoticon_type_string' => 'Emoji', 'object_stickerPack_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_messages.allStickersNotModified' => 'Info about all installed stickers hasn\'t changed', 'object_messages.allStickers' => 'Info about all installed stickers', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_disabledFeature' => 'Disabled feature', 'object_disabledFeature_param_feature_type_string' => 'Feature', 'object_disabledFeature_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_messages.affectedMessages' => 'Events affected by operation', 'object_messages.affectedMessages_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_messages.affectedMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_contactLinkUnknown' => 'Contact link unknown', 'object_contactLinkNone' => 'Contact link none', 'object_contactLinkHasPhone' => 'Contact link has phone', 'object_contactLinkContact' => 'Contact link contact', 'object_webPageEmpty' => 'No preview is available for the webpage', 'object_webPageEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Preview ID', 'object_webPagePending' => 'A preview of the webpage is currently being generated', 'object_webPagePending_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of preview', 'object_webPagePending_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the processing started', 'object_webPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_webPage_param_id_type_long' => 'Preview ID', 'object_webPage_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of previewed webpage', 'object_webPage_param_display_url_type_string' => 'Webpage URL to be displayed to the user', 'object_webPage_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_webPage_param_type_type_string' => 'Type of the web page. Can be: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app, or something else', 'object_webPage_param_site_name_type_string' => 'Short name of the site (e.g., Google Docs, App Store)', 'object_webPage_param_title_type_string' => 'Title of the content', 'object_webPage_param_description_type_string' => 'Content description', 'object_webPage_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Image representing the content', 'object_webPage_param_embed_url_type_string' => 'URL to show in the embedded preview', 'object_webPage_param_embed_type_type_string' => 'MIME type of the embedded preview, (e.g., text/html or video/mp4)', 'object_webPage_param_embed_width_type_int' => 'Width of the embedded preview', 'object_webPage_param_embed_height_type_int' => 'Height of the embedded preview', 'object_webPage_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of the content, in seconds', 'object_webPage_param_author_type_string' => 'Author of the content', 'object_webPage_param_document_type_Document' => 'Preview of the content as a media file', 'object_webPage_param_cached_page_type_Page' => 'Page contents in [instant view]( format', 'object_webPageNotModified' => 'The preview of the webpage hasn\'t changed', 'object_authorization' => 'Logged-in session', 'object_authorization_param_hash_type_long' => 'Identifier', 'object_authorization_param_device_model_type_string' => 'Device model', 'object_authorization_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform', 'object_authorization_param_system_version_type_string' => 'System version', 'object_authorization_param_api_id_type_int' => '[API ID](', 'object_authorization_param_app_name_type_string' => 'App name', 'object_authorization_param_app_version_type_string' => 'App version', 'object_authorization_param_date_created_type_int' => 'When was the session created', 'object_authorization_param_date_active_type_int' => 'When was the session last active', 'object_authorization_param_ip_type_string' => 'Last known IP', 'object_authorization_param_country_type_string' => 'Country determined from IP', 'object_authorization_param_region_type_string' => 'Region determined from IP', 'object_account.authorizations' => 'Logged-in sessions', 'object_account.authorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector t' => 'Authorizations', 'object_account.noPassword' => 'No password', 'object_account.noPassword_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => 'New salt', 'object_account.noPassword_param_email_unconfirmed_pattern_type_string' => 'Email unconfirmed pattern', 'object_account.password' => 'Configuration for two-factor authorization', 'object_account.password_param_current_salt_type_bytes' => 'Current salt', 'object_account.password_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => 'New salt', 'object_account.password_param_hint_type_string' => 'Text hint for the password', 'object_account.password_param_has_recovery_type_Bool' => 'Has recovery?', 'object_account.password_param_email_unconfirmed_pattern_type_string' => 'A [password recovery email]( with the specified [pattern]( is still awaiting verification', 'object_account.passwordSettings' => 'Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram [passport]( info & so on)', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_email_type_string' => '[2FA Recovery email](', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings' => 'Settings for setting up a new password', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_salt_type_bytes' => '`$new_salt = $MadelineProto->account->getPassword()[\'new_salt\'].$MadelineProto->random(8);`', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_password_hash_type_bytes' => 'The [computed password hash](', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_hint_type_string' => 'Text hint for the password', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_email_type_string' => 'Password recovery email', 'object_auth.passwordRecovery' => 'Recovery info of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](', 'object_auth.passwordRecovery_param_email_pattern_type_string' => 'The email to which the recovery code was sent must match this [pattern](', 'object_receivedNotifyMessage' => 'Message ID, for which PUSH-notifications were cancelled.', 'object_receivedNotifyMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID, for which PUSH-notifications were canceled', 'object_chatInviteEmpty' => 'No info is associated to the chat invite', 'object_chatInviteExported' => 'Exported chat invite', 'object_chatInviteExported_param_link_type_string' => 'Chat invitation link', 'object_chatInviteAlready' => 'The user has already joined this chat', 'object_chatInviteAlready_param_chat_type_Chat' => 'The chat connected to the invite', 'object_chatInvite' => 'Chat invite info', 'object_chatInvite_param_channel_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [channel/supergroup]( or a [normal group](', 'object_chatInvite_param_broadcast_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [channel](', 'object_chatInvite_param_public_type_true' => 'Whether this is a public [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatInvite_param_megagroup_type_true' => 'Whether this is a [supergroup](', 'object_chatInvite_param_title_type_string' => 'Chat/supergroup/channel title', 'object_chatInvite_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_chatInvite_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participant count', 'object_chatInvite_param_participants_type_Vector t' => 'Participants', 'object_inputStickerSetEmpty' => 'Empty constructor', 'object_inputStickerSetID' => 'Stickerset by ID', 'object_inputStickerSetID_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputStickerSetID_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputStickerSetShortName' => 'Stickerset by short name, from `tg://addstickers?set=short_name`', 'object_inputStickerSetShortName_param_short_name_type_string' => 'From `tg://addstickers?set=short_name`', 'object_stickerSet' => 'Represents a stickerset (stickerpack)', 'object_stickerSet_param_installed_type_true' => 'Installed?', 'object_stickerSet_param_archived_type_true' => 'Whether this stickerset was archived (due to too many saved stickers in the current account)', 'object_stickerSet_param_official_type_true' => 'Is this stickerset official', 'object_stickerSet_param_masks_type_true' => 'Is this a mask stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of the stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_title_type_string' => 'Title of stickerset', 'object_stickerSet_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name of stickerset to use in `tg://addstickers?set=short_name`', 'object_stickerSet_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of stickers in pack', 'object_stickerSet_param_hash_type_int' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.stickerSet' => 'Stickerset and stickers inside it', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_set_type_StickerSet' => 'The stickerset', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_botInfo' => 'Info about bots (available bot commands, etc)', 'object_botInfo_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of the bot', 'object_botInfo_param_description_type_string' => 'Description of the bot', 'object_botInfo_param_commands_type_Vector t' => 'Commands', 'object_keyboardButton' => 'Bot keyboard button', 'object_keyboardButton_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonUrl' => 'URL button', 'object_keyboardButtonUrl_param_text_type_string' => 'Button label', 'object_keyboardButtonUrl_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_keyboardButtonCallback' => 'Callback button', 'object_keyboardButtonCallback_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonCallback_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Callback data', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPhone' => 'Button to request a user\'s phone number', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestPhone_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation' => 'Button to request a user\'s geolocation', 'object_keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline' => 'Button to force a user to switch to inline mode Pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot‘s username and the specified inline query in the input field.', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline_param_same_peer_type_true' => 'If set, pressing the button will insert the bot‘s username and the specified inline `query` in the current chat\'s input field.', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline_param_text_type_string' => 'Button label', 'object_keyboardButtonSwitchInline_param_query_type_string' => 'The inline query to use', 'object_keyboardButtonGame' => 'Button to start a game', 'object_keyboardButtonGame_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonBuy' => 'Button to buy a product', 'object_keyboardButtonBuy_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_keyboardButtonRow' => 'Inline keyboard row', 'object_keyboardButtonRow_param_buttons_type_Vector t' => 'Buttons', 'object_replyKeyboardHide' => 'Hide sent bot keyboard', 'object_replyKeyboardHide_param_selective_type_true' => 'Use this flag if you want to remove the keyboard for specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot\'s message is a reply (has reply\\_to\\_message\\_id), sender of the original message.

Example: A user votes in a poll, bot returns confirmation message in reply to the vote and removes the keyboard for that user, while still showing the keyboard with poll options to users who haven\'t voted yet', 'object_replyKeyboardForceReply' => 'Force the user to send a reply', 'object_replyKeyboardForceReply_param_single_use_type_true' => 'Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it\'s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat – the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again.', 'object_replyKeyboardForceReply_param_selective_type_true' => 'Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot\'s message is a reply (has reply\\_to\\_message\\_id), sender of the original message.
Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup' => 'Bot keyboard', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_resize_type_true' => 'Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e.g., make the keyboard smaller if there are just two rows of buttons). If not set, the custom keyboard is always of the same height as the app\'s standard keyboard.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_single_use_type_true' => 'Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it\'s been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat – the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_selective_type_true' => 'Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot\'s message is a reply (has reply\\_to\\_message\\_id), sender of the original message.

Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector t' => 'Rows', 'object_replyInlineMarkup' => 'Bot or inline keyboard', 'object_replyInlineMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector t' => 'Rows', 'object_messageEntityUnknown' => 'Unknown message entity', 'object_messageEntityUnknown_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUnknown_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMention' => 'Message entity mentioning the current user', 'object_messageEntityMention_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMention_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityHashtag' => '**\\#hashtag** message entity', 'object_messageEntityHashtag_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityHashtag_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBotCommand' => 'Message entity representing a bot /command', 'object_messageEntityBotCommand_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBotCommand_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUrl' => 'Message entity representing an in-text url: ; for [text urls](, use [messageEntityTextUrl](../constructors/', 'object_messageEntityUrl_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUrl_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityEmail' => 'Message entity representing an .', 'object_messageEntityEmail_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityEmail_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBold' => 'Message entity representing **bold text**.', 'object_messageEntityBold_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBold_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityItalic' => 'Message entity representing *italic text*.', 'object_messageEntityItalic_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityItalic_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCode' => 'Message entity representing a `codeblock`.', 'object_messageEntityCode_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCode_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPre' => 'Message entity representing a preformatted `codeblock`, allowing the user to specify a programming language for the codeblock.', 'object_messageEntityPre_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPre_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPre_param_language_type_string' => 'Programming language of the code', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl' => 'Message entity representing a [text url]( for in-text urls like use [messageEntityUrl](../constructors/', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityTextUrl_param_url_type_string' => 'The actual URL', 'object_messageEntityMentionName' => 'Message entity representing a [user mention]( for *creating* a mention use [inputMessageEntityMentionName](../constructors/', 'object_messageEntityMentionName_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMentionName_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityMentionName_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Identifier of the user that was mentioned', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName' => 'Message entity that can be used to create a user [user mention]( received mentions use the [messageEntityMentionName](../constructors/ constructor, instead.', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_inputMessageEntityMentionName_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'Identifier of the user that was mentioned', 'object_inputChannelEmpty' => 'Represents the absence of a channel', 'object_inputChannel' => 'Represents a channel', 'object_inputChannel_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_inputChannel_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash taken from the [channel](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer' => 'Resolved peer', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The peer', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageRange' => 'Indicates a range of chat messages', 'object_messageRange_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Start of range (message ID)', 'object_messageRange_param_max_id_type_int' => 'End of range (message ID)', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty' => 'There are no new updates', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_final_type_true' => 'Whether there are more updates that must be fetched (always false)', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_pts_type_int' => 'The latest [PTS](', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Clients are supposed to refetch the channel difference after timeout seconds have elapsed', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong' => 'The provided `pts + limit < remote pts`. Simply, there are too many updates to be fetched (more than `limit`), the client has to resolve the update gap in one of the following ways: 1. Delete all known messages in the chat, begin from scratch by refetching all messages manually with [getHistory](../methods/ It is easy to implement, but suddenly disappearing messages looks awful for the user. 2. Save all messages loaded in the memory until application restart, but delete all messages from database. Messages left in the memory must be lazily updated using calls to [getHistory](../methods/ It looks much smoothly for the user, he will need to redownload messages only after client restart. Unsynchronized messages left in the memory shouldn\'t be saved to database, results of [getHistory](../methods/ and [getMessages](../methods/ must be used to update state of deleted and edited messages left in the memory. 3. Save all messages loaded in the memory and stored in the database without saving that some messages form continuous ranges. Messages in the database will be excluded from results of getChatHistory and searchChatMessages after application restart and will be available only through getMessage. Every message should still be checked using getHistory. It has more disadvantages over 2) than advantages. 4. Save all messages with saving all data about continuous message ranges. Messages from the database may be used as results of getChatHistory and (if implemented continuous ranges support for searching shared media) searchChatMessages. The messages should still be lazily checked using getHistory, but they are still available offline. It is the best way for gaps support, but it is pretty hard to implement correctly. It should be also noted that some messages like live location messages shouldn\'t be deleted.', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_final_type_true' => 'Whether there are more updates that must be fetched (always false)', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Clients are supposed to refetch the channel difference after timeout seconds have elapsed', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_top_message_type_int' => 'Top message', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Read inbox max ID', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_read_outbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Read outbox max ID', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Unread count', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_unread_mentions_count_type_int' => 'Unread mentions count', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_updates.channelDifference' => 'The new updates', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_final_type_true' => 'Whether there are more updates to be fetched using getDifference, starting from the provided `pts`', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_pts_type_int' => 'The [PTS]( from which to start getting updates the next time', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_timeout_type_int' => 'Clients are supposed to refetch the channel difference after timeout seconds have elapsed', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_new_messages_type_Vector t' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_other_updates_type_Vector t' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_channelMessagesFilterEmpty' => 'No filter', 'object_channelMessagesFilter' => 'Filter for getting only certain types of channel messages', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_exclude_new_messages_type_true' => 'Whether to exclude new messages from the search', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_ranges_type_Vector t' => 'Ranges', 'object_channelParticipant' => 'Channel/supergroup participant', 'object_channelParticipant_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Pariticipant user ID', 'object_channelParticipant_param_date_type_int' => 'Date joined', 'object_channelParticipantSelf' => 'Myself', 'object_channelParticipantSelf_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantSelf_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'User that invited me to the channel/supergroup', 'object_channelParticipantSelf_param_date_type_int' => 'When did I join the channel/supergroup', 'object_channelParticipantCreator' => 'Channel/supergroup creator', 'object_channelParticipantCreator_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin' => 'Admin', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_can_edit_type_true' => 'Can this admin promote other admins with the same permissions?', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Admin user ID', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'User that invited the admin to the channel/group', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_promoted_by_type_int' => 'User that promoted the user to admin', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_date_type_int' => 'When did the user join', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChannelAdminRights' => 'Admin rights', 'object_channelParticipantBanned' => 'Banned/kicked user', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_left_type_true' => 'Whether the user has left the group', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_kicked_by_type_int' => 'User was kicked by the specified admin', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_date_type_int' => 'When did the user join the group', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChannelBannedRights' => 'Banned rights', 'object_channelParticipantsRecent' => 'Fetch only recent participants', 'object_channelParticipantsAdmins' => 'Fetch only admin participants', 'object_channelParticipantsKicked' => 'Fetch only kicked participants', 'object_channelParticipantsKicked_param_q_type_string' => 'Optional filter for searching kicked participants by name (otherwise empty)', 'object_channelParticipantsBots' => 'Fetch only bot participants', 'object_channelParticipantsBanned' => 'Fetch only banned participants', 'object_channelParticipantsBanned_param_q_type_string' => 'Optional filter for searching banned participants by name (otherwise empty)', 'object_channelParticipantsSearch' => 'Query participants by name', 'object_channelParticipantsSearch_param_q_type_string' => 'Search query', 'object_channels.channelParticipants' => 'Represents multiple channel participants', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of participants that correspond to the given query', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector t' => 'Participants', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_channels.channelParticipantsNotModified' => 'No new participant info could be found', 'object_channels.channelParticipant' => 'Represents a channel participant', 'object_channels.channelParticipant_param_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'The channel participant', 'object_channels.channelParticipant_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_help.termsOfService' => 'Info about the latest telegram Terms Of Service', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_text_type_string' => 'Text of the new terms', 'object_foundGif' => 'Found GIF', 'object_foundGif_param_url_type_string' => 'GIF URL', 'object_foundGif_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_foundGif_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Actual URL of the content to send', 'object_foundGif_param_content_type_type_string' => 'Content-type of media', 'object_foundGif_param_w_type_int' => 'Width of GIF', 'object_foundGif_param_h_type_int' => 'Height of GIF', 'object_foundGifCached' => 'Found cached results', 'object_foundGifCached_param_url_type_string' => 'GIF URL', 'object_foundGifCached_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_foundGifCached_param_document_type_Document' => 'Actual GIF document to send', 'object_messages.foundGifs' => 'Found GIFs', 'object_messages.foundGifs_param_next_offset_type_int' => 'Next offset to use when trying to [load more results](../methods/', 'object_messages.foundGifs_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_messages.savedGifsNotModified' => 'No new saved gifs were found', 'object_messages.savedGifs' => 'Saved gifs', 'object_messages.savedGifs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.savedGifs_param_gifs_type_Vector t' => 'Gifs', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto' => 'A media', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_message_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText' => 'Simple text message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Reply markup for bot/inline keyboards', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue' => 'Venue', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact' => 'A contact', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageGame' => 'A game', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageGame_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_inputBotInlineResult' => 'An inline bot result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_id_type_string' => 'ID of result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_description_type_string' => 'Result description', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Content URL', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_content_type_type_string' => 'Content type', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_photo_type_InputPhoto' => 'Photo to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument' => 'Document (media of any type except for photos)', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_description_type_string' => 'Result description', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Document to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame' => 'Game', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Game short name', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_sendMessage_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto' => 'Send whatever media is attached to the [botInlineMediaResult](../constructors/', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_message_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageText' => 'Send a simple text message', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Disable webpage preview', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_message_type_string' => 'The message', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo' => 'Send a geolocation', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_period_type_int' => 'Validity period', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaGeo_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue' => 'Send a venue', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geolocation of venue', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact' => 'Send a contact', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_reply_markup_type_ReplyMarkup' => 'Inline keyboard', 'object_botInlineResult' => 'Generic result', 'object_botInlineResult_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_botInlineResult_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_botInlineResult_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_botInlineResult_param_description_type_string' => 'Result description', 'object_botInlineResult_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of article or webpage', 'object_botInlineResult_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_botInlineResult_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Content URL', 'object_botInlineResult_param_content_type_type_string' => 'Content type', 'object_botInlineResult_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_botInlineResult_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_botInlineResult_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_botInlineResult_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult' => 'Media result', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_id_type_string' => 'Result ID', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_type_type_string' => 'Result type (see [bot API docs](', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'If type is `photo`, the photo to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_document_type_Document' => 'If type is `document`, the document to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_title_type_string' => 'Result title', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Send message', 'object_messages.botResults' => 'Result of a query to an inline bot', 'object_messages.botResults_param_gallery_type_true' => 'Whether the result is a picture gallery', 'object_messages.botResults_param_query_id_type_long' => 'Query ID', 'object_messages.botResults_param_next_offset_type_string' => 'The next offset to use when navigating through results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_switch_pm_type_InlineBotSwitchPM' => 'Whether the bot requested the user to message him in private', 'object_messages.botResults_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'Caching validity of the results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_exportedMessageLink' => 'Link to a message in a supergroup/channel', 'object_exportedMessageLink_param_link_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_exportedMessageLink_param_html_type_string' => 'Embed code', 'object_messageFwdHeader' => 'Info about a forwarded message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_from_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the user that originally sent the message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the message originally sent', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'ID of the channel from which the message was forwarded', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_channel_post_type_int' => 'ID of the channel message that was forwarded', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_post_author_type_string' => 'For channels and if signatures are enabled, author of the channel message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_saved_from_peer_type_Peer' => 'Only for messages forwarded to the current user (inputPeerSelf), full info about the user/channel that originally sent the message', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_saved_from_msg_id_type_int' => 'Only for messages forwarded to the current user (inputPeerSelf), ID of the message that was forwarded from the original user/channel', 'object_auth.codeTypeSms' => 'Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code', 'object_auth.codeTypeCall' => 'Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code', 'object_auth.codeTypeFlashCall' => 'Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeApp' => 'The code was sent through the telegram app', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeApp_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of the code in bytes', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeSms' => 'The code was sent via SMS', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeSms_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of the code in bytes', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeCall' => 'The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeCall_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of the verification code', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall' => 'The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.', 'object_auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall_param_pattern_type_string' => '[pattern]( to match', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer' => 'Callback answer sent by the bot in response to a button press', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_alert_type_true' => 'Whether an alert should be shown to the user instead of a toast notification', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_has_url_type_true' => 'Whether an URL is present', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_native_ui_type_true' => 'Whether to show games in WebView or in native UI.', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_message_type_string' => 'Alert to show', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_url_type_string' => 'URL to open', 'object_messages.botCallbackAnswer_param_cache_time_type_int' => 'For how long should this answer be cached', 'object_messages.messageEditData' => 'Message edit data for media', 'object_messages.messageEditData_param_caption_type_true' => 'Media caption, if the specified media\'s caption can be edited', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID' => 'Represents a sent inline message from the perspective of a bot', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID to use when working with this inline message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of message', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageID_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of message', 'object_inlineBotSwitchPM' => 'The bot requested the user to message him in private', 'object_inlineBotSwitchPM_param_text_type_string' => 'Text for the button that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with the parameter `start_parameter` (can be empty)', 'object_inlineBotSwitchPM_param_start_param_type_string' => 'The parameter for the `/start parameter`', 'object_messages.peerDialogs' => 'Dialog info of multiple peers', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector t' => 'Dialogs', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_state_type_updates.State' => 'Current [update state of dialog](', 'object_topPeer' => 'Top peer', 'object_topPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_topPeer_param_rating_type_double' => 'Rating as computer in [top peer rating »](', 'object_topPeerCategoryBotsPM' => 'Most used bots', 'object_topPeerCategoryBotsInline' => 'Most used inline bots', 'object_topPeerCategoryCorrespondents' => 'Users we\'ve chatted most frequently with', 'object_topPeerCategoryGroups' => 'Often-opened groups and supergroups', 'object_topPeerCategoryChannels' => 'Most frequently visited channels', 'object_topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls' => 'Most frequently called users', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers' => 'Top peer category', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_category_type_TopPeerCategory' => 'Top peer category of peers', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_count_type_int' => 'Count of peers', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_peers_type_Vector t' => 'Peers', 'object_contacts.topPeersNotModified' => 'Top peer info hasn\'t changed', 'object_contacts.topPeers' => 'Top peers', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_categories_type_Vector t' => 'Categories', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_draftMessageEmpty' => 'Empty draft', 'object_draftMessage' => 'Represents a message [draft](', 'object_draftMessage_param_no_webpage_type_true' => 'Whether no webpage preview will be generated', 'object_draftMessage_param_reply_to_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message this message will reply to', 'object_draftMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'The draft', 'object_draftMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_draftMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of last update of the draft.', 'object_messages.featuredStickersNotModified' => 'Featured stickers haven\'t changed', 'object_messages.featuredStickers' => 'Featured stickersets', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_unread_type_Vector t' => 'Unread', 'object_messages.recentStickersNotModified' => 'No new recent sticker was found', 'object_messages.recentStickers' => 'Recently used stickers', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_messages.archivedStickers' => 'Archived stickersets', 'object_messages.archivedStickers_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of archived stickers', 'object_messages.archivedStickers_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess' => 'The stickerset was installed successfully', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive' => 'The stickerset was installed, but since there are too many stickersets some were archived', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_stickerSetCovered' => 'Stickerset, with a specific sticker as preview', 'object_stickerSetCovered_param_set_type_StickerSet' => 'Stickerset', 'object_stickerSetCovered_param_cover_type_Document' => 'Preview', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered' => 'Stickerset, with a specific stickers as preview', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered_param_set_type_StickerSet' => 'Stickerset', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered_param_covers_type_Vector t' => 'Covers', 'object_maskCoords' => 'Position on a photo where a mask should be placed The `n` position indicates where the mask should be placed: - 0 => Relative to the forehead - 1 => Relative to the eyes - 2 => Relative to the mouth - 3 => Relative to the chin', 'object_maskCoords_param_n_type_int' => 'Part of the face, relative to which the mask should be placed', 'object_maskCoords_param_x_type_double' => 'Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)', 'object_maskCoords_param_y_type_double' => 'Shift by Y-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position)', 'object_maskCoords_param_zoom_type_double' => 'Mask scaling coefficient. (For example, 2.0 means a doubled size)', 'object_inputStickeredMediaPhoto' => 'A photo with stickers attached', 'object_inputStickeredMediaPhoto_param_id_type_InputPhoto' => 'The photo', 'object_inputStickeredMediaDocument' => 'A document with stickers attached', 'object_inputStickeredMediaDocument_param_id_type_InputDocument' => 'The document', 'object_game' => 'Indicates an already sent game', 'object_game_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of the game', 'object_game_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of the game', 'object_game_param_short_name_type_string' => 'Short name for the game', 'object_game_param_title_type_string' => 'Title of the game', 'object_game_param_description_type_string' => 'Game description', 'object_game_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Game preview', 'object_game_param_document_type_Document' => 'Optional attached document', 'object_inputGameID' => 'Indicates an already sent game', 'object_inputGameID_param_id_type_long' => 'Game ID from [Game](../types/ constructor', 'object_inputGameID_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash from [Game](../types/ constructor', 'object_inputGameShortName' => 'Game by short name', 'object_inputGameShortName_param_bot_id_type_InputUser' => 'The bot that provides the game', 'object_inputGameShortName_param_short_name_type_string' => 'The game\'s short name', 'object_highScore' => 'Game highscore', 'object_highScore_param_pos_type_int' => 'Position in highscore list', 'object_highScore_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_highScore_param_score_type_int' => 'Score', 'object_messages.highScores' => 'Highscores in a game', 'object_messages.highScores_param_scores_type_Vector t' => 'Scores', 'object_messages.highScores_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_textEmpty' => 'Empty rich text element', 'object_textPlain' => 'Plain text', 'object_textPlain_param_text_type_string' => 'Text', 'object_textBold' => '**Bold** text', 'object_textBold_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textItalic' => '*Italic* text', 'object_textItalic_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textUnderline' => 'Underlined text', 'object_textUnderline_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textStrike' => 'Strikethrough text', 'object_textStrike_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textFixed' => '`fixed-width` rich text', 'object_textFixed_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textUrl' => 'Link', 'object_textUrl_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text of link', 'object_textUrl_param_url_type_string' => 'Webpage HTTP URL', 'object_textUrl_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'If a preview was already generated for the page, the page ID', 'object_textEmail' => 'Rich text email link', 'object_textEmail_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Link text', 'object_textEmail_param_email_type_string' => 'Email address', 'object_textConcat' => 'Concatenation of rich texts', 'object_textConcat_param_texts_type_Vector t' => 'Texts', 'object_pageBlockUnsupported' => 'Unsupported IV element', 'object_pageBlockTitle' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockTitle_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockSubtitle' => 'Subtitle', 'object_pageBlockSubtitle_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockAuthorDate' => 'Author and date of creation of article', 'object_pageBlockAuthorDate_param_author_type_RichText' => 'Author name', 'object_pageBlockAuthorDate_param_published_date_type_int' => 'Date of pubblication', 'object_pageBlockHeader' => 'Page header', 'object_pageBlockHeader_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Contents', 'object_pageBlockSubheader' => 'Subheader', 'object_pageBlockSubheader_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Subheader', 'object_pageBlockFooter' => 'Page footer', 'object_pageBlockFooter_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Contents', 'object_pageBlockList' => 'Unordered list of IV blocks', 'object_pageBlockList_param_ordered_type_Bool' => 'Ordered?', 'object_pageBlockList_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockBlockquote' => 'Quote (equivalent to the HTML `
`)', 'object_pageBlockBlockquote_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Quote contents', 'object_pageBlockBlockquote_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockPullquote' => 'Pullquote', 'object_pageBlockPullquote_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockPullquote_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockPhoto' => 'A photo', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_photo_id_type_long' => 'Photo ID', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockVideo' => 'Video', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_autoplay_type_true' => 'Whether the video is set to autoplay', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_loop_type_true' => 'Whether the video is set to loop', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_video_id_type_long' => 'Video ID', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbed' => 'An embedded webpage', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_full_width_type_true' => 'Whether the block should be full width', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_allow_scrolling_type_true' => 'Whether scrolling should be allowed', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_url_type_string' => 'Web page URL, if available', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_html_type_string' => 'HTML-markup of the embedded page', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_poster_photo_id_type_long' => 'Poster photo, if available', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_w_type_int' => 'Block width, if known', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_h_type_int' => 'Block height, if known', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost' => 'An embedded post', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_url_type_string' => 'Web page URL', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'ID of generated webpage preview', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_author_photo_id_type_long' => 'ID of the author\'s photo', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_author_type_string' => 'Author name', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_date_type_int' => 'Creation date', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockCollage' => 'Collage of media', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow' => 'Slideshow', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockChannel' => 'Reference to a telegram channel', 'object_pageBlockChannel_param_channel_type_Chat' => 'The channel/supergroup/chat', 'object_pageBlockAudio' => 'Audio', 'object_pageBlockAudio_param_audio_id_type_long' => 'Audio ID (to be fetched from the container [page](../constructors/ constructor', 'object_pageBlockAudio_param_caption_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pagePart' => 'Page part', 'object_pagePart_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pagePart_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_pagePart_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_pageFull' => 'Page full', 'object_pageFull_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageFull_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_pageFull_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed' => 'The phone call was missed', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect' => 'The phone call was disconnected', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup' => 'The phone call was ended normally', 'object_phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy' => 'The phone call was discared because the user is busy in another call', 'object_dataJSON' => 'Represents a json-encoded object', 'object_dataJSON_param_data_type_string' => 'JSON-encoded object', 'object_labeledPrice' => 'This object represents a portion of the price for goods or services.', 'object_labeledPrice_param_label_type_string' => 'Portion label', 'object_labeledPrice_param_amount_type_long' => 'Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_invoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_invoice_param_test_type_true' => 'Test invoice', 'object_invoice_param_name_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s full name to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_phone_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s phone number to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_email_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s email address to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_shipping_address_requested_type_true' => 'Set this flag if you require the user\'s shipping address to complete the order', 'object_invoice_param_flexible_type_true' => 'Set this flag if the final price depends on the shipping method', 'object_invoice_param_phone_to_provider_type_true' => 'Set this flag if user\'s phone number should be sent to provider', 'object_invoice_param_email_to_provider_type_true' => 'Set this flag if user\'s email address should be sent to provider', 'object_invoice_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_invoice_param_prices_type_Vector t' => 'Prices', 'object_paymentCharge' => 'Payment identifier', 'object_paymentCharge_param_id_type_string' => 'Telegram payment identifier', 'object_paymentCharge_param_provider_charge_id_type_string' => 'Provider payment identifier', 'object_postAddress' => 'Shipping address', 'object_postAddress_param_street_line1_type_string' => 'First line for the address', 'object_postAddress_param_street_line2_type_string' => 'Second line for the address', 'object_postAddress_param_city_type_string' => 'City', 'object_postAddress_param_state_type_string' => 'State, if applicable (empty otherwise)', 'object_postAddress_param_country_iso2_type_string' => 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code', 'object_postAddress_param_post_code_type_string' => 'Address post code', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo' => 'Order info provided by the user', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_name_type_string' => 'User\'s full name', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_phone_type_string' => 'User\'s phone number', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_email_type_string' => 'User\'s email address', 'object_paymentRequestedInfo_param_shipping_address_type_PostAddress' => 'User\'s shipping address', 'object_paymentSavedCredentialsCard' => 'Saved credit card', 'object_paymentSavedCredentialsCard_param_id_type_string' => 'Card ID', 'object_paymentSavedCredentialsCard_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_webDocument' => 'Remote document', 'object_webDocument_param_url_type_string' => 'Document URL', 'object_webDocument_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_webDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_webDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type', 'object_webDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_webDocument_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_inputWebDocument' => 'The document', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_url_type_string' => 'Remote document URL to be downloaded using the appropriate [method](', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Remote file size', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_inputWebFileLocation' => 'Location of a remote HTTP(s) file', 'object_inputWebFileLocation_param_url_type_string' => 'HTTP URL of file', 'object_inputWebFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_upload.webFile' => 'Represents a chunk of an [HTTP webfile]( downloaded through telegram\'s secure MTProto servers', 'object_upload.webFile_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_upload.webFile_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_upload.webFile_param_file_type_type_storage.FileType' => 'File type', 'object_upload.webFile_param_mtime_type_int' => 'Modified time', 'object_upload.webFile_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Data', 'object_payments.paymentForm' => 'Payment form', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_can_save_credentials_type_true' => 'Whether the user can choose to save credentials.', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_password_missing_type_true' => 'Indicates that the user can save payment credentials, but only after setting up a [2FA password]( (currently the account doesn\'t have a [2FA password](', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_invoice_type_Invoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_provider_id_type_int' => 'Payment provider ID.', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_url_type_string' => 'Payment form URL', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_native_provider_type_string' => 'Payment provider name.
One of the following:
\\- `stripe`', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_native_params_type_DataJSON' => 'Contains information about the payment provider, if available, to support it natively without the need for opening the URL.
A JSON object that can contain the following fields:

\\- `publishable_key`: Stripe API publishable key
\\- `apple_pay_merchant_id`: Apple Pay merchant ID
\\- `android_pay_public_key`: Android Pay public key
\\- `android_pay_bgcolor`: Android Pay form background color
\\- `android_pay_inverse`: Whether to use the dark theme in the Android Pay form
\\- `need_country`: True, if the user country must be provided,
\\- `need_zip`: True, if the user ZIP/postal code must be provided,
\\- `need_cardholder_name`: True, if the cardholder name must be provided
', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_saved_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Saved server-side order information', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_saved_credentials_type_PaymentSavedCredentials' => 'Contains information about saved card credentials', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo' => 'Validated user-provided info', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo_param_id_type_string' => 'ID', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo_param_shipping_options_type_Vector t' => 'Shipping options', 'object_payments.paymentResult' => 'Payment result', 'object_payments.paymentResult_param_updates_type_Updates' => 'Info about the payment', 'object_payments.paymentVerficationNeeded' => 'Payment verfication needed', 'object_payments.paymentVerficationNeeded_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt' => 'Receipt', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of generation', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_invoice_type_Invoice' => 'Invoice', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_provider_id_type_int' => 'Provider ID', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Info', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_shipping_type_ShippingOption' => 'Selected shipping option', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_currency_type_string' => 'Three-letter ISO 4217 [currency]( code', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_total_amount_type_long' => 'Total amount in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of `US$ 1.45` pass `amount = 145`. See the exp parameter in [currencies.json](, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_credentials_title_type_string' => 'Payment credential name', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_payments.savedInfo' => 'Saved server-side order information', 'object_payments.savedInfo_param_has_saved_credentials_type_true' => 'Whether the user has some saved payment credentials', 'object_payments.savedInfo_param_saved_info_type_PaymentRequestedInfo' => 'Saved server-side order information', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsSaved' => 'Saved payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsSaved_param_id_type_string' => 'Credential ID', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsSaved_param_tmp_password_type_bytes' => 'Temporary password', 'object_inputPaymentCredentials' => 'Payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentials_param_save_type_true' => 'Save payment credential for future use', 'object_inputPaymentCredentials_param_data_type_DataJSON' => 'Payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay' => 'Apple pay payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay_param_payment_data_type_DataJSON' => 'Payment data', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay' => 'Android pay payment credentials', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay_param_payment_token_type_DataJSON' => 'Android pay payment token', 'object_inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay_param_google_transaction_id_type_string' => 'Google transaction ID', 'object_account.tmpPassword' => 'Temporary payment password', 'object_account.tmpPassword_param_tmp_password_type_bytes' => 'Temporary password', 'object_account.tmpPassword_param_valid_until_type_int' => 'Validity period', 'object_shippingOption' => 'Shipping option', 'object_shippingOption_param_id_type_string' => 'Option ID', 'object_shippingOption_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_shippingOption_param_prices_type_Vector t' => 'Prices', 'object_inputStickerSetItem' => 'Sticker in a stickerset', 'object_inputStickerSetItem_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'The sticker', 'object_inputStickerSetItem_param_emoji_type_string' => 'Associated emoji', 'object_inputStickerSetItem_param_mask_coords_type_MaskCoords' => 'Coordinates for mask sticker', 'object_inputPhoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'object_inputPhoneCall_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_inputPhoneCall_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCallEmpty' => 'Empty constructor', 'object_phoneCallEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting' => 'Incoming phone call', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Admin ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'Participant ID', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Phone call protocol info', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_receive_date_type_int' => 'When was the phone call received', 'object_phoneCallRequested' => 'Requested phone call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_id_type_long' => 'Phone call ID', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the phone call created', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'ID of the creator of the phone call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of the other participant of the phone call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_g_a_hash_type_bytes' => '[Parameter for key exchange](', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Call protocol info to be passed to libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCallAccepted' => 'An accepted phone call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of accepted phone call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash of phone call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the call accepted', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'ID of the call creator', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'ID of the other user in the call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'B parameter for [secure E2E phone call key exchange](', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Protocol to use for phone call', 'object_phoneCall' => 'Phone call', 'object_phoneCall_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCall_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_phoneCall_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of creation of the call', 'object_phoneCall_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'User ID of the creator of the call', 'object_phoneCall_param_participant_id_type_int' => 'User ID of the other participant in the call', 'object_phoneCall_param_g_a_or_b_type_bytes' => '[Parameter for key exchange](', 'object_phoneCall_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => '[Key fingerprint](', 'object_phoneCall_param_protocol_type_PhoneCallProtocol' => 'Call protocol info to be passed to libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCall_param_connection_type_PhoneConnection' => 'Connection', 'object_phoneCall_param_alternative_connections_type_Vector t' => 'Alternative connections', 'object_phoneCall_param_start_date_type_int' => 'When was the call actually started', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded' => 'Indicates a discarded phone call', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_need_rating_type_true' => 'Whether the server required the user to [rate](../methods/ the call', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_need_debug_type_true' => 'Whether the server required the client to [send](../methods/ the libtgvoip call debug data', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_id_type_long' => 'Call ID', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_reason_type_PhoneCallDiscardReason' => 'Why was the phone call discarded', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of the phone call in seconds', 'object_phoneConnection' => 'Identifies an endpoint that can be used to connect to the other user in a phone call', 'object_phoneConnection_param_id_type_long' => 'Endpoint ID', 'object_phoneConnection_param_ip_type_string' => 'IP address of endpoint', 'object_phoneConnection_param_ipv6_type_string' => 'IPv6 address of endpoint', 'object_phoneConnection_param_port_type_int' => 'Port ID', 'object_phoneConnection_param_peer_tag_type_bytes' => 'Our peer tag', 'object_phoneCallProtocol' => 'Protocol info for libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_udp_p2p_type_true' => 'Whether to allow P2P connection to the other participant', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_udp_reflector_type_true' => 'Whether to allow connection to the other participants through the reflector servers', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_min_layer_type_int' => 'Minimum layer for remote libtgvoip', 'object_phoneCallProtocol_param_max_layer_type_int' => 'Maximum layer for remote libtgvoip', 'object_phone.phoneCall' => 'A VoIP phone call', 'object_phone.phoneCall_param_phone_call_type_PhoneCall' => 'The VoIP phone call', 'object_phone.phoneCall_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded' => 'The file was cleared from the temporary RAM cache of the [CDN]( and has to be reuploaded.', 'object_upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded_param_request_token_type_bytes' => 'Request token (see [CDN](', 'object_upload.cdnFile' => 'Represent a chunk of a [CDN]( file.', 'object_upload.cdnFile_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'The data', 'object_cdnPublicKey' => 'Public key to use **only** during handshakes to [CDN]( DCs.', 'object_cdnPublicKey_param_dc_id_type_int' => '[CDN DC]( ID', 'object_cdnPublicKey_param_public_key_type_string' => 'RSA public key', 'object_cdnConfig' => 'Configuration for [CDN]( file downloads.', 'object_cdnConfig_param_public_keys_type_Vector t' => 'Public keys', 'object_langPackString' => 'Translated localization string', 'object_langPackString_param_key_type_string' => 'Language key', 'object_langPackString_param_value_type_string' => 'Value', 'object_langPackStringPluralized' => 'A language pack string which has different forms based on the number of some object it mentions. See [\\_plural\\_rules.html]( for more info', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_key_type_string' => 'Localization key', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_zero_value_type_string' => 'Value for zero objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_one_value_type_string' => 'Value for one object', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_two_value_type_string' => 'Value for two objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_few_value_type_string' => 'Value for a few objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_many_value_type_string' => 'Value for many objects', 'object_langPackStringPluralized_param_other_value_type_string' => 'Default value', 'object_langPackStringDeleted' => 'Deleted localization string', 'object_langPackStringDeleted_param_key_type_string' => 'Localization key', 'object_langPackDifference' => 'Changes to the app\'s localization pack', 'object_langPackDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_langPackDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous version number', 'object_langPackDifference_param_version_type_int' => 'New version number', 'object_langPackDifference_param_strings_type_Vector t' => 'Strings', 'object_langPackLanguage' => 'Identifies a localization pack', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_name_type_string' => 'Language name', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_native_name_type_string' => 'Language name in the language itself', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code (pack identifier)', 'object_channelAdminRights' => 'Admin rights', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_change_info_type_true' => 'Change info', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_post_messages_type_true' => 'Post messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_edit_messages_type_true' => 'Edit messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_delete_messages_type_true' => 'Delete messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_ban_users_type_true' => 'Ban users', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_invite_users_type_true' => 'Invite users', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_invite_link_type_true' => 'Generate an invite link', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_pin_messages_type_true' => 'Pin messages', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_add_admins_type_true' => 'Add other admins', 'object_channelBannedRights' => 'Banned user rights (when true, the user will NOT be able to do that thing)', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_view_messages_type_true' => 'Disallow viewing messages', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_sendMessages_type_true' => 'Disallow sending messages', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_media_type_true' => 'Disallow sending media', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_stickers_type_true' => 'Disallow sending stickers', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_gifs_type_true' => 'Disallow sending gifs', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_games_type_true' => 'Disallow sending games', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_inline_type_true' => 'Disallow sending inline keyboards', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_embed_links_type_true' => 'Disallow embedding links', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_until_date_type_int' => 'Until date', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle' => 'Channel/supergroup title was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle_param_prev_value_type_string' => 'Previous title', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle_param_new_value_type_string' => 'New title', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout' => 'The description was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout_param_prev_value_type_string' => 'Previous description', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout_param_new_value_type_string' => 'New description', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername' => 'Channel/supergroup username was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername_param_prev_value_type_string' => 'Old username', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername_param_new_value_type_string' => 'New username', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto' => 'The channel/supergroup\'s picture was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_prev_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Previous photo', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_new_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'New photo', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites' => 'Invites were enabled/disabled', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites_param_new_value_type_Bool' => 'New value', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures' => 'Channel signatures were enabled/disabled', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures_param_new_value_type_Bool' => 'New value', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned' => 'A message was pinned', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned_param_message_type_Message' => 'The message that was pinned', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage' => 'A message was edited', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage_param_prev_message_type_Message' => 'Old message', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage_param_new_message_type_Message' => 'New message', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage' => 'A message was deleted', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'The message that was deleted', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin' => 'A user has joined the group (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn\'t shown)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave' => 'A user left the channel/supergroup (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn\'t shown)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite' => 'A user was invited to the group', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite_param_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'The user that was invited', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan' => 'The banned [rights]( of a user were changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan_param_prev_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'Old banned rights of user', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan_param_new_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'New banned rights of user', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin' => 'The admin [rights]( of a user were changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin_param_prev_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'Previous admin rights', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin_param_new_participant_type_ChannelParticipant' => 'New admin rights', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet' => 'The supergroup\'s stickerset was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet_param_prev_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Previous stickerset', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet_param_new_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'New stickerset', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden' => 'The hidden prehistory setting was [changed](../methods/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden_param_new_value_type_Bool' => 'New value', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent' => 'Admin log event', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_id_type_long' => 'Event ID', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelAdminLogEvent_param_action_type_ChannelAdminLogEventAction' => 'Action', 'object_channels.adminLogResults' => 'Admin log events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_events_type_Vector t' => 'Events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter' => 'Filter only certain admin log events', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_join_type_true' => '[Join events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_leave_type_true' => '[Leave events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_invite_type_true' => '[Invite events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_ban_type_true' => '[Ban events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_unban_type_true' => '[Unban events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_kick_type_true' => '[Kick events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_unkick_type_true' => '[Unkick events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_promote_type_true' => '[Admin promotion events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_demote_type_true' => '[Admin demotion events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_info_type_true' => 'Info change events (when [about](../constructors/, [linked chat](../constructors/, [location](../constructors/, [photo](../constructors/, [stickerset](../constructors/, [title](../constructors/ or [username](../constructors/ data of a channel gets modified)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_settings_type_true' => 'Settings change events ([invites](../constructors/, [hidden prehistory](../constructors/, [signatures](../constructors/, [default banned rights](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_pinned_type_true' => '[Message pin events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_edit_type_true' => '[Message edit events](../constructors/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventsFilter_param_delete_type_true' => '[Message deletion events](../constructors/', 'object_popularContact' => 'Popular contact', 'object_popularContact_param_client_id_type_long' => 'Contact identifier', 'object_popularContact_param_importers_type_int' => 'How many people imported this contact', 'object_cdnFileHash' => 'CDN file hash', 'object_cdnFileHash_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset', 'object_cdnFileHash_param_limit_type_int' => 'Limit', 'object_cdnFileHash_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.favedStickersNotModified' => 'No new favorited stickers were found', 'object_messages.favedStickers' => 'Favorited stickers', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_recentMeUrlUnknown' => 'Unknown url', 'object_recentMeUrlUnknown_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_recentMeUrlUser' => 'Recent link to a user', 'object_recentMeUrlUser_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_recentMeUrlUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_recentMeUrlChat' => 'Recent link to a chat', 'object_recentMeUrlChat_param_url_type_string' => ' URL', 'object_recentMeUrlChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_recentMeUrlChatInvite' => 'Recent invite link to a chat', 'object_recentMeUrlChatInvite_param_url_type_string' => ' URL', 'object_recentMeUrlChatInvite_param_chat_invite_type_ChatInvite' => 'Chat invitation', 'object_recentMeUrlStickerSet' => 'Recent stickerset installation URL', 'object_recentMeUrlStickerSet_param_url_type_string' => ' URL', 'object_recentMeUrlStickerSet_param_set_type_StickerSetCovered' => 'Stickerset', 'object_help.recentMeUrls' => 'Recent URLs', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_urls_type_Vector t' => 'URLs', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputSingleMedia' => 'A single media in an album sent with [messages.sendMultiMedia](../methods/', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'The media', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_message_type_string' => 'A caption for the media', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_webAuthorization' => 'Represents a bot logged in using the [Telegram login widget](', 'object_webAuthorization_param_hash_type_long' => 'Authorization hash', 'object_webAuthorization_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'object_webAuthorization_param_domain_type_string' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.', 'object_webAuthorization_param_browser_type_string' => 'Browser user-agent', 'object_webAuthorization_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform', 'object_webAuthorization_param_date_created_type_int' => 'When was the web session created', 'object_webAuthorization_param_date_active_type_int' => 'When was the web session last active', 'object_webAuthorization_param_ip_type_string' => 'IP address', 'object_webAuthorization_param_region_type_string' => 'Region, determined from IP address', 'object_account.webAuthorizations' => 'Web authorizations', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector t' => 'Authorizations', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_inputMessageID' => 'Message by ID', 'object_inputMessageID_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_inputMessageReplyTo' => 'Message to which the specified message replies to', 'object_inputMessageReplyTo_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of the message that replies to the message we need', 'object_inputMessagePinned' => 'Pinned message', 'object_decryptedDataBlock' => 'Decrypted data block', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_voice_call_id_type_int128' => 'Voice call ID', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_in_seq_no_type_int' => 'In seq no', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_out_seq_no_type_int' => 'Out seq no', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_recent_received_mask_type_int' => 'Recent received mask', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_proto_type_int' => 'Proto', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_extra_type_string' => 'Extra', 'object_decryptedDataBlock_param_raw_data_type_string' => 'Raw data', 'object_simpleDataBlock' => 'Simple data block', 'object_simpleDataBlock_param_raw_data_type_string' => 'Raw data', 'object_decryptedMessage' => 'Contents of an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message text', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_media_type_DecryptedMessageMedia' => 'Media content', 'object_decryptedMessageService' => 'Contents of an encrypted service message.', 'object_decryptedMessageService_param_action_type_DecryptedMessageAction' => 'Action relevant to the service message', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaEmpty' => 'Empty constructor, no media content.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto' => 'Photo attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Content of thumbnail file (JPEGfile, quality 55, set in a square 90x90)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_thumb_h_type_int' => 'Thumbnail height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_w_type_int' => 'Photo width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_h_type_int' => 'Photo height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_size_type_int' => 'Size of the photo in bytes', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo' => 'Video attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Content of thumbnail file (JPEG file, quality 55, set in a square 90x90)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_h_type_int' => 'Thumbnail height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration of video in seconds', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Image width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Image height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint' => 'GeoPont attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitude of point', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Longtitude of point', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact' => 'Contact attached to an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s first name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Contact\'s last name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'Telegram User ID of signed-up contact', 'object_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL' => 'Setting of a message lifetime after reading. Upon receiving such message the client shall start deleting of all messages of an encrypted chat **ttl\\_seconds** seconds after the messages were read by user.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL_param_ttl_seconds_type_int' => 'Lifetime in seconds', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument' => 'Document attached to a message in a secret chat.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Thumbnail-file contents (JPEG-file, quality 55, set in a 90x90 square)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_thumb_h_type_int' => 'Thumbnail height', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'File MIME-type', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Document size', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio' => 'Audio file attached to a secret chat message.', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Audio duration in seconds', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages' => 'Messages marked as read.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs', 'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages' => 'Deleted messages.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs', 'object_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages' => 'A screenshot was taken.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs', 'object_decryptedMessageActionFlushHistory' => 'The entire message history has been deleted.', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_ttl_type_int' => 'Message lifetime. Has higher priority than [decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL](../constructors/
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME-type of the video file
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME-type of the audio file
Parameter added in [Layer 13](', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer' => 'Sets the layer number for the contents of an encrypted message.', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_layer_type_int' => 'Layer number. Mimimal value - **17** (the layer in which the constructor was added).', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_in_seq_no_type_int' => '2x the number of messages in the sender\'s inbox (including deleted and service messages), incremented by 1 if current user was not the chat creator
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_out_seq_no_type_int' => '2x the number of messages in the recipient\'s inbox (including deleted and service messages), incremented by 1 if current user was the chat creator
Parameter added in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_message_type_DecryptedMessage' => 'The content of message itself', 'object_decryptedMessageActionResend' => 'Request for the other party in a Secret Chat to automatically resend a contiguous range of previously sent messages, as explained in [Sequence number is Secret Chats](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionResend_param_start_seq_no_type_int' => '`out_seq_no` of the first message to be resent, with correct parity', 'object_decryptedMessageActionResend_param_end_seq_no_type_int' => '`out_seq_no` of the last message to be resent, with same parity.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer' => 'A notification stating the API layer that is used by the client. You should use your current layer and take notice of the layer used on the other side of a conversation when sending messages.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer_param_layer_type_int' => 'Layer number, must be **17** or higher (this contructor was introduced in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionTyping' => 'User is preparing a message: typing, recording, uploading, etc.', 'object_decryptedMessageActionTyping_param_action_type_SendMessageAction' => 'Type of action', 'object_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey' => 'Request rekeying, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID', 'object_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'G\\_a, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey' => 'Accept new key', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey_param_g_b_type_bytes' => 'B parameter, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'Key fingerprint, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAbortKey' => 'Abort rekeying', 'object_decryptedMessageActionAbortKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID', 'object_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey' => 'Commit new key, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey_param_exchange_id_type_long' => 'Exchange ID, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey_param_key_fingerprint_type_long' => 'Key fingerprint, see [rekeying process](', 'object_decryptedMessageActionNoop' => 'NOOP action', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument' => 'Non-e2e documented forwarded from non-secret chat', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_via_bot_name_type_string' => 'Specifies the ID of the inline bot that generated the message (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_reply_to_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID of the message this message replies to (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue' => 'Venue', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_lat_type_double' => 'Latitude of venue', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_long_type_double' => 'Longitude of venue', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_title_type_string' => 'Venue name', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_provider_type_string' => 'Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_id_type_string' => 'Venue ID in the provider\'s database', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaWebPage' => 'Webpage preview', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaWebPage_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of webpage', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_grouped_id_type_long' => 'Random group ID, assigned by the author of message.
Multiple encrypted messages with a photo attached and with the same group ID indicate an album (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_inputPeerContact' => 'Peer contact', 'object_inputPeerContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputPeerForeign' => 'Peer foreign', 'object_inputPeerForeign_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputPeerForeign_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputUserContact' => 'User contact', 'object_inputUserContact_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputUserForeign' => 'User foreign', 'object_inputUserForeign_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_inputUserForeign_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo' => 'Media uploaded video', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo' => 'Media uploaded thumb video', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputMediaVideo' => 'Media video', 'object_inputMediaVideo_param_id_type_InputVideo' => 'ID', 'object_inputChatUploadedPhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Crop', 'object_inputChatPhoto_param_crop_type_InputPhotoCrop' => 'Crop', 'object_inputVideoEmpty' => 'Empty input video', 'object_inputVideo' => 'Video', 'object_inputVideo_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputVideo_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputVideoFileLocation' => 'Video file location', 'object_inputVideoFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputVideoFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputPhotoCropAuto' => 'Photo crop auto', 'object_inputPhotoCrop' => 'Photo crop', 'object_inputPhotoCrop_param_crop_left_type_double' => 'Crop left', 'object_inputPhotoCrop_param_crop_top_type_double' => 'Crop top', 'object_inputPhotoCrop_param_crop_width_type_double' => 'Crop width', 'object_userSelf' => 'User self', 'object_userSelf_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userSelf_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userSelf_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userSelf_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userSelf_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone', 'object_userSelf_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userSelf_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userSelf_param_inactive_type_Bool' => 'Inactive?', 'object_userContact' => 'User contact', 'object_userContact_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userContact_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userContact_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_userContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone', 'object_userContact_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userContact_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userRequest' => 'User request', 'object_userRequest_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userRequest_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userRequest_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userRequest_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userRequest_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_userRequest_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone', 'object_userRequest_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userRequest_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userForeign' => 'User foreign', 'object_userForeign_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userForeign_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userForeign_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userForeign_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userForeign_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_userForeign_param_photo_type_UserProfilePhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_userForeign_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'Status', 'object_userDeleted' => 'User deleted', 'object_userDeleted_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_userDeleted_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_userDeleted_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_userDeleted_param_username_type_string' => 'Username', 'object_userStatusEmpty' => 'User status has not been set yet.', 'object_userStatusOnline' => 'Online status of the user.', 'object_userStatusOnline_param_expires_type_int' => 'Time to expiration of the current online status', 'object_userStatusOffline' => 'The user\'s offline status.', 'object_userStatusOffline_param_was_online_type_int' => 'Time the user was last seen online', 'object_chat_param_left_type_Bool' => 'Left?', 'object_chatForbidden_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_chatParticipants_param_admin_id_type_int' => 'Admin ID', 'object_messageForwarded' => 'Message forwarded', 'object_messageForwarded_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Forwarded from ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Forwarded date', 'object_messageForwarded_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_to_id_type_Peer' => 'To ID', 'object_messageForwarded_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messageForwarded_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_messageForwarded_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_messageMediaVideo' => 'Message media video', 'object_messageMediaVideo_param_video_type_Video' => 'Video', 'object_messageMediaUnsupported_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Bytes', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_photo_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_photo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_photo_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geo', 'object_videoEmpty' => 'Empty video', 'object_videoEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_video' => 'Video', 'object_video_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_video_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_video_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_video_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_video_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_video_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_video_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_video_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_video_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_video_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_video_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_video_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_auth.checkedPhone_param_phone_invited_type_Bool' => 'Phone invited?', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_phone_registered_type_Bool' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_send_call_timeout_type_int' => 'Send call timeout', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_is_password_type_Bool' => 'Is password?', 'object_auth.authorization_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_Bool' => 'If the text of the message shall be displayed in notification', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_events_mask_type_int' => 'Events mask', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_show_previews_type_Bool' => 'Display text in notifications', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_events_mask_type_int' => 'Events mask', 'object_userFull_param_blocked_type_Bool' => 'Blocked?', 'object_userFull_param_real_first_name_type_string' => 'Real first name', 'object_userFull_param_real_last_name_type_string' => 'Real last name', 'object_contactSuggested' => 'Contact suggested', 'object_contactSuggested_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_contactSuggested_param_mutual_contacts_type_int' => 'Mutual contacts', 'object_contactStatus_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expires', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkUnknown' => 'Foreign link unknown', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkRequested' => 'Foreign link requested', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkRequested_param_has_phone_type_Bool' => 'Has phone?', 'object_contacts.foreignLinkMutual' => 'Foreign link mutual', 'object_contacts.myLinkEmpty' => 'Empty my link', 'object_contacts.myLinkRequested' => 'My link requested', 'object_contacts.myLinkRequested_param_contact_type_Bool' => 'Contact?', 'object_contacts.myLinkContact' => 'My link contact', 'object_contacts.link_param_my_link_type_contacts.MyLink' => 'My link', 'object_contacts.link_param_foreign_link_type_contacts.ForeignLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_contacts.suggested' => 'Suggested', 'object_contacts.suggested_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_contacts.suggested_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessages' => 'Stated messages', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.statedMessage' => 'Stated message', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.sentMessage' => 'Sent message', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.chats_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.affectedHistory_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments' => 'Messages filter photo video documents', 'object_inputMessagesFilterAudio' => 'Messages filter audio', 'object_inputMessagesFilterAudioDocuments' => 'Messages filter audio documents', 'object_updateReadMessages' => 'Update read messages', 'object_updateReadMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateReadMessages_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_updateUserStatus' => 'Contact status update.', 'object_updateUserStatus_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User identifier', 'object_updateUserStatus_param_status_type_UserStatus' => 'New status', 'object_updateContactLink_param_my_link_type_contacts.MyLink' => 'My link', 'object_updateContactLink_param_foreign_link_type_contacts.ForeignLink' => 'Foreign link', 'object_updateNewAuthorization' => 'Update new authorization', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_auth_key_id_type_long' => 'Auth key ID', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_device_type_string' => 'Device', 'object_updateNewAuthorization_param_location_type_string' => 'Location', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_dcOption_param_hostname_type_string' => 'Hostname', 'object_config_param_broadcast_size_max_type_int' => 'Broadcast size max', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks' => 'Stated messages links', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_links_type_Vector t' => 'Links', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink' => 'Stated message link', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_links_type_Vector t' => 'Links', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink' => 'Sent message link', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_links_type_Vector t' => 'Links', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio' => 'Media uploaded audio', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_inputMediaUploadedAudio_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_inputMediaAudio' => 'Media audio', 'object_inputMediaAudio_param_id_type_InputAudio' => 'ID', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument' => 'Media uploaded thumb document', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_messageMediaAudio' => 'Message media audio', 'object_messageMediaAudio_param_audio_type_Audio' => 'Audio', 'object_inputAudioEmpty' => 'Empty input audio', 'object_inputAudio' => 'Audio', 'object_inputAudio_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputAudio_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputAudioFileLocation' => 'Audio file location', 'object_inputAudioFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputAudioFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_audioEmpty' => 'Empty audio', 'object_audioEmpty_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_audio' => 'Audio', 'object_audio_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_audio_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_audio_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_audio_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_audio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_audio_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type', 'object_audio_param_size_type_int' => 'Size', 'object_audio_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_document_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_document_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'object_auth.sentAppCode' => 'Sent app code', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_phone_registered_type_Bool' => 'Phone registered?', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_send_call_timeout_type_int' => 'Send call timeout', 'object_auth.sentAppCode_param_is_password_type_Bool' => 'Is password?', 'object_contactFound' => 'Contact found', 'object_contactFound_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_popup_type_Bool' => 'Popup?', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_userStatusRecently' => 'Online status: last seen recently', 'object_userStatusLastWeek' => 'Online status: last seen last week', 'object_userStatusLastMonth' => 'Online status: last seen last month', 'object_account.sentChangePhoneCode' => 'Sent change phone code', 'object_account.sentChangePhoneCode_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash', 'object_account.sentChangePhoneCode_param_send_call_timeout_type_int' => 'Send call timeout', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_hash_type_string' => 'Hash', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_message_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Forwarded from ID', 'object_message_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Forwarded date', 'object_chatLocated' => 'Chat located', 'object_chatLocated_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_chatLocated_param_distance_type_int' => 'Distance', 'object_messages.messageEmpty' => 'Empty message', 'object_messages.statedMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.statedMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_updateReadMessages_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Fwd date', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_int' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_date_type_int' => 'Fwd date', 'object_messages.statedMessagesLinks_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.statedMessageLink_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_pts_count_type_int' => 'Pts count', 'object_inputGeoChat' => 'Geo chat', 'object_inputGeoChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_inputGeoChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputNotifyGeoChatPeer' => 'Notify geo chat peer', 'object_inputNotifyGeoChatPeer_param_peer_type_InputGeoChat' => 'Peer', 'object_geoChat' => 'Geo chat', 'object_geoChat_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChat_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_geoChat_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_geoChat_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_geoChat_param_venue_type_string' => 'Venue', 'object_geoChat_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geo', 'object_geoChat_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Photo', 'object_geoChat_param_participants_count_type_int' => 'Participants count', 'object_geoChat_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_geoChat_param_checked_in_type_Bool' => 'Checked in?', 'object_geoChat_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_geoChatMessageEmpty' => 'Empty geo chat message', 'object_geoChatMessageEmpty_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_geoChatMessageEmpty_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChatMessage' => 'Geo chat message', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_geoChatMessage_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_geoChatMessageService' => 'Geo chat message service', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_id_type_int' => 'ID', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_from_id_type_int' => 'From ID', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_geoChatMessageService_param_action_type_MessageAction' => 'Action', 'object_geochats.statedMessage' => 'Stated message', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_message_type_GeoChatMessage' => 'Message', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_geochats.statedMessage_param_seq_type_int' => 'Seq', 'object_geochats.located' => 'Located', 'object_geochats.located_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_geochats.located_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.located_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.located_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_geochats.messages' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.messages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.messages_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.messages_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice' => 'Messages slice', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_count_type_int' => 'Count', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_geochats.messagesSlice_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCreate' => 'Message action geo chat create', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCreate_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCreate_param_address_type_string' => 'Address', 'object_messageActionGeoChatCheckin' => 'Message action geo chat checkin', 'object_updateNewGeoChatMessage' => 'Update new geo chat message', 'object_updateNewGeoChatMessage_param_message_type_GeoChatMessage' => 'Message', 'object_messages.sentMessage_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_messages.sentMessageLink_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaUploadedVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_messageMediaPhoto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_messageMediaVideo_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botCommand' => 'Describes a bot command that can be used in a chat', 'object_botCommand_param_command_type_string' => '`/command` name', 'object_botCommand_param_description_type_string' => 'Description of the command', 'object_botInfoEmpty' => 'Empty bot info', 'object_botInfo_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_botInfo_param_share_text_type_string' => 'Share text', 'object_help.appChangelogEmpty' => 'Empty app changelog', 'object_help.appChangelog' => 'App changelog', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_text_type_string' => 'Text', 'object_message_param_fwd_from_id_type_Peer' => 'Forwarded from ID', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_Peer' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_fwd_from_id_type_Peer' => 'Fwd from ID', 'object_channelFull_param_unread_important_count_type_int' => 'Unread important count', 'object_dialogChannel' => 'Dialog channel', 'object_dialogChannel_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_dialogChannel_param_top_message_type_int' => 'Top message', 'object_dialogChannel_param_top_important_message_type_int' => 'Top important message', 'object_dialogChannel_param_read_inbox_max_id_type_int' => 'Read inbox max ID', 'object_dialogChannel_param_unread_count_type_int' => 'Unread count', 'object_dialogChannel_param_unread_important_count_type_int' => 'Unread important count', 'object_dialogChannel_param_notify_settings_type_PeerNotifySettings' => 'Notify settings', 'object_dialogChannel_param_pts_type_int' => 'Pts', 'object_messageGroup' => 'Message group', 'object_messageGroup_param_min_id_type_int' => 'Min ID', 'object_messageGroup_param_max_id_type_int' => 'Max ID', 'object_messageGroup_param_count_type_int' => 'Count', 'object_messageGroup_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_collapsed_type_Vector t' => 'Collapsed', 'object_updateChannelGroup' => 'Update channel group', 'object_updateChannelGroup_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'Channel ID', 'object_updateChannelGroup_param_group_type_MessageGroup' => 'Group', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_top_important_message_type_int' => 'Top important message', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_unread_important_count_type_int' => 'Unread important count', 'object_channelMessagesFilterCollapsed' => 'Channel messages filter collapsed', 'object_channelParticipantModerator' => 'Channel participant moderator', 'object_channelParticipantModerator_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantModerator_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'Inviter ID', 'object_channelParticipantModerator_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelParticipantEditor' => 'Channel participant editor', 'object_channelParticipantEditor_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantEditor_param_inviter_id_type_int' => 'Inviter ID', 'object_channelParticipantEditor_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelParticipantKicked' => 'Channel participant kicked', 'object_channelParticipantKicked_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User ID', 'object_channelParticipantKicked_param_kicked_by_type_int' => 'Kicked by', 'object_channelParticipantKicked_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_channelRoleEmpty' => 'Empty channel role', 'object_channelRoleModerator' => 'Channel role moderator', 'object_channelRoleEditor' => 'Channel role editor', 'object_inputChatEmpty' => 'Empty input chat', 'object_inputChat' => 'Chat', 'object_inputChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_message_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_messageService_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_stickerSet_param_disabled_type_true' => 'Disabled?', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_unread_type_true' => 'Unread?', 'object_channel_param_kicked_type_true' => 'Kicked?', 'object_channel_param_moderator_type_true' => 'Moderator?', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_important_only_type_true' => 'Important only?', 'object_messageActionChatDeactivate' => 'Message action chat deactivate', 'object_messageActionChatActivate' => 'Message action chat activate', 'object_user_param_restiction_reason_type_string' => 'Restiction reason', 'object_channel_param_restiction_reason_type_string' => 'Restiction reason', 'object_webPageExternal' => 'Web page external', 'object_webPageExternal_param_url_type_string' => 'URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_display_url_type_string' => 'Display URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_type_type_string' => 'Type', 'object_webPageExternal_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_webPageExternal_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_webPageExternal_param_thumb_url_type_string' => 'Thumbnail URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_content_url_type_string' => 'Content URL', 'object_webPageExternal_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_webPageExternal_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_webPageExternal_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration', 'object_foundGif_param_webpage_type_WebPage' => 'Webpage', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_messageMediaDocument_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument' => 'Bot inline media result document', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_id_type_string' => 'ID', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_type_type_string' => 'Type', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_document_type_Document' => 'Document', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Send message', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto' => 'Bot inline media result photo', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_id_type_string' => 'ID', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_type_type_string' => 'Type', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Photo', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_sendMessage_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Send message', 'object_inputMediaVideo_param_video_type_InputVideo' => 'Video', 'object_inputMediaAudio_param_audio_type_InputAudio' => 'Audio', 'object_inputMediaDocument_param_document_id_type_InputDocument' => 'Document ID', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_latitude_type_double' => 'Latitude', 'object_inputGeoPoint_param_longitude_type_double' => 'Longitude', 'object_geoPoint_param_longitude_type_double' => 'Longitude', 'object_geoPoint_param_latitude_type_double' => 'Latitude', 'object_updateNewEncryptedMessage_param_encr_message_type_EncryptedMessage' => 'Encr message', 'object_updateEncryption_param_encr_chat_type_EncryptedChat' => 'Encr chat', 'object_updateNotifySettings_param_notify_peer_type_NotifyPeer' => 'Notify peer', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_message_text_type_string' => 'Message text', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updateNewChannelMessage_param_channel_pts_count_type_int' => 'Channel pts count', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_channel_pts_count_type_int' => 'Channel pts count', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceEmpty_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_channel_pts_type_int' => 'Channel pts', 'object_privacyKeyChatInvite' => 'Whether the user can be invited to chats', 'object_inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument_param_stickers_type_Vector t' => 'Stickers', 'object_inputMediaPhotoExternal_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_inputMediaDocumentExternal_param_caption_type_string' => 'Caption', 'object_destroy_auth_key_ok' => 'Destroy auth key ok', 'object_destroy_auth_key_none' => 'Destroy auth key none', 'object_destroy_auth_key_fail' => 'Destroy auth key fail', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_media_type_MessageMedia' => 'Media', 'object_help.appChangelog_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_pageBlockParagraph' => 'A paragraph', 'object_pageBlockParagraph_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockPreformatted' => 'Preformatted (`
` text)', 'object_pageBlockPreformatted_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageBlockPreformatted_param_language_type_string' => 'Programming language of preformatted text', 'object_pageBlockDivider' => 'An empty block separating a page', 'object_pageBlockAnchor' => 'Link to section within the page itself (like `anchor`)', 'object_pageBlockAnchor_param_name_type_string' => 'Name of target section', 'object_pageBlockCover' => 'A page cover', 'object_pageBlockCover_param_cover_type_PageBlock' => 'Cover', 'object_pagePart_param_videos_type_Vector t' => 'Videos', 'object_pageFull_param_videos_type_Vector t' => 'Videos', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_g_a_type_bytes' => 'G a', 'object_resPQ_param_pq_type_string' => 'Pq', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_pq_type_string' => 'Pq', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_p_type_string' => 'P', 'object_p_q_inner_data_param_q_type_string' => 'Q', 'object_server_DH_params_ok_param_encrypted_answer_type_string' => 'Encrypted answer', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_dh_prime_type_string' => 'Dh prime', 'object_server_DH_inner_data_param_g_a_type_string' => 'G a', 'object_client_DH_inner_data_param_g_b_type_string' => 'G b', 'object_msgs_state_info_param_info_type_string' => 'Info', 'object_msgs_all_info_param_info_type_string' => 'Info', 'object_http_wait' => 'Http wait', 'object_http_wait_param_max_delay_type_int' => 'Max delay', 'object_http_wait_param_wait_after_type_int' => 'Wait after', 'object_http_wait_param_max_wait_type_int' => 'Max wait', 'object_ipPort' => 'Ip port', 'object_ipPort_param_ipv4_type_int' => 'Ipv4', 'object_ipPort_param_port_type_int' => 'Port', 'object_help.configSimple' => 'Config simple', 'object_help.configSimple_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_help.configSimple_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expires', 'object_help.configSimple_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_help.configSimple_param_ip_port_list_type_Vector t' => 'Ip port list', 'object_inputMessagesFilterMyMentionsUnread' => 'Messages filter my mentions unread', 'method_initConnection_param_proxy_type_InputClientProxy' => 'Info about an MTProto proxy', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'For FCM and APNS VoIP, optional encryption key used to encrypt push notifications', 'method_account.getAllSecureValues' => 'Get all saved [Telegram Passport]( documents, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.getSecureValue' => 'Get saved [Telegram Passport]( document, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.getSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'Get telegram passport secure parameters', 'method_account.saveSecureValue' => 'Securely save [Telegram Passport]( document, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.saveSecureValue_param_value_type_InputSecureValue' => 'Secure value, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.saveSecureValue_param_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'Passport secret hash, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.deleteSecureValue' => 'Delete stored [Telegram Passport]( documents, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'method_account.deleteSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'The values to delete', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm' => 'Returns a Telegram Passport authorization form for sharing data with a service', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'User identifier of the service\'s bot', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm_param_scope_type_string' => 'Telegram Passport element types requested by the service', 'method_account.getAuthorizationForm_param_public_key_type_string' => 'Service\'s public key', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization' => 'Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing data with the service', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_bot_id_type_int' => 'Bot ID', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_scope_type_string' => 'Telegram Passport element types requested by the service', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_public_key_type_string' => 'Service\'s public key', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_value_hashes_type_Vector t' => 'Hashes of the encrypted credentials', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_credentials_type_SecureCredentialsEncrypted' => 'Encrypted values', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode' => 'Send the verification phone code for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Allow phone calls?', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'The phone number to verify', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_current_number_type_Bool' => 'Is this the current number?', 'method_account.verifyPhone' => 'Verify a phone number for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.verifyPhone_param_phone_number_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'method_account.verifyPhone_param_phone_code_hash_type_string' => 'Phone code hash received from the call to [account.sendVerifyPhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.verifyPhone_param_phone_code_type_string' => 'Code received after the call to [account.sendVerifyPhoneCode](../methods/', 'method_account.sendVerifyEmailCode' => 'Send the verification email code for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.sendVerifyEmailCode_param_email_type_string' => 'The email where to send the code', 'method_account.verifyEmail' => 'Verify an email address for telegram [passport](', 'method_account.verifyEmail_param_email_type_string' => 'The email to verify', 'method_account.verifyEmail_param_code_type_string' => 'The verification code that was received', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors' => 'Notify the user that the sent [passport]( data contains some errors The user will not be able to re-submit their Passport data to you until the errors are fixed (the contents of the field for which you returned the error must change).

Use this if the data submitted by the user doesn\'t satisfy the standards your service requires for any reason. For example, if a birthday date seems invalid, a submitted document is blurry, a scan shows evidence of tampering, etc. Supply some details in the error message to make sure the user knows how to correct the issues.', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors_param_errors_type_Vector t' => 'The errors', 'method_messages.search_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash](', '' => 'Report a message in a chat for violation of telegram\'s Terms of Service', 'method_messages.report_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.report_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'The messages to report', 'method_messages.report_param_reason_type_ReportReason' => 'Why are these messages being reported', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'New attached media', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_media_type_InputMedia' => 'Media', 'method_messages.toggleDialogPin_param_peer_type_InputDialogPeer' => 'The dialog to pin', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets' => 'Search for stickersets', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_exclude_featured_type_true' => 'Exclude featured stickersets from results', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_q_type_string' => 'Query string', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_upload.getFileHashes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFileHashes_param_location_type_InputFileLocation' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_upload.getFileHashes_param_offset_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_help.getProxyData' => 'Get promotion info of the currently-used MTProxy', 'method_help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate' => 'Look for updates of telegram\'s terms of service', 'method_help.acceptTermsOfService' => 'Accept the new terms of service', 'method_help.acceptTermsOfService_param_id_type_DataJSON' => 'ID of terms of service', 'method_help.getDeepLinkInfo' => 'Get info about a `` link', 'method_help.getDeepLinkInfo_param_path_type_string' => 'Path in ``', 'object_inputSecureFileLocation' => 'Location of encrypted telegram [passport]( file.', 'object_inputSecureFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'File ID, **id** parameter value from [secureFile](../constructors/', 'object_inputSecureFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Checksum, **access\\_hash** parameter value from [secureFile](../constructors/', 'object_messageActionBotAllowed' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in. [More about Telegram Login »](', 'object_messageActionBotAllowed_param_domain_type_string' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe' => 'Secure [telegram passport]( values were received', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe_param_values_type_Vector t' => 'Values', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe_param_credentials_type_SecureCredentialsEncrypted' => 'Encrypted credentials required to decrypt the data', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSent' => 'Request for secure [telegram passport]( values was sent', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSent_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'Types', 'object_auth.sentCode_param_terms_of_service_type_help.TermsOfService' => 'Terms of service', 'object_inputPeerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_Bool' => 'Peer was muted?', 'object_peerNotifySettings_param_silent_type_Bool' => 'Mute peer?', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_peer_type_DialogPeer' => 'The dialog', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_file_hashes_type_Vector t' => 'File hashes', 'object_dcOption_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'If the `tcpo_only` flag is set, specifies the secret to use when connecting using [transport obfuscation](', 'object_config_param_preload_featured_stickers_type_true' => 'Whether the client should preload featured stickers', 'object_config_param_ignore_phone_entities_type_true' => 'Whether the client should ignore phone [entities](', 'object_config_param_revoke_pm_inbox_type_true' => 'Whether incoming private messages can be deleted for both participants', 'object_config_param_blocked_mode_type_true' => 'Indicates that telegram is *probably* censored by governments/ISPs in the current region', 'object_config_param_revoke_time_limit_type_int' => 'Only channel/supergroup messages with age smaller than the specified can be deleted', 'object_config_param_revoke_pm_time_limit_type_int' => 'Only private messages with age smaller than the specified can be deleted', 'object_config_param_autoupdate_url_prefix_type_string' => 'URL to use to auto-update the current app', 'object_messages.stickers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_account.noPassword_param_new_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'New secure salt', 'object_account.noPassword_param_secure_random_type_bytes' => 'Secure random', 'object_account.password_param_has_recovery_type_true' => 'Whether the user has a recovery method configured', 'object_account.password_param_has_secure_values_type_true' => 'Whether telegram [passport]( is enabled', 'object_account.password_param_new_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'New secure salt', 'object_account.password_param_secure_random_type_bytes' => 'Secure random string', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'Secure salt', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secure secret', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'Secure secret ID', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_salt_type_bytes' => 'New secure salt', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_secret_type_bytes' => 'New secure secret', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'New secure secret ID', 'object_stickerSet_param_installed_date_type_int' => 'When was this stickerset installed', 'object_messageEntityPhone' => 'Message entity representing a phone number.', 'object_messageEntityPhone_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityPhone_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCashtag' => 'Message entity representing a **$cashtag**.', 'object_messageEntityCashtag_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityCashtag_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_popup_type_true' => 'Whether a prompt must be showed to the user, in order to accept the new terms.', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_id_type_DataJSON' => 'ID of the new terms', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_min_age_confirm_type_int' => 'Minimum age required to sign up to telegram, the user must confirm that they is older than the minimum age.', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_thumb_type_InputWebDocument' => 'Thumbnail for result', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_content_type_InputWebDocument' => 'Result contents', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaVenue_param_venue_type_type_string' => 'Venue type in the provider\'s database', 'object_botInlineResult_param_thumb_type_WebDocument' => 'Thumbnail for the result', 'object_botInlineResult_param_content_type_WebDocument' => 'Content of the result', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_packs_type_Vector t' => 'Packs', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_dates_type_Vector t' => 'Dates', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy' => 'Remote document that can be downloaded without [proxying through telegram](', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_url_type_string' => 'Document URL', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_attributes_type_Vector t' => 'Attributes', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_w_type_int' => 'Map width in pixels before applying scale; 16-1024', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_h_type_int' => 'Map height in pixels before applying scale; 16-1024', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_zoom_type_int' => 'Map zoom level; 13-20', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_scale_type_int' => 'Map scale; 1-3', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation' => 'Web file geo message location', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Msg ID', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_zoom_type_int' => 'Zoom', 'object_inputWebFileGeoMessageLocation_param_scale_type_int' => 'Scale', 'object_channelAdminRights_param_manage_call_type_true' => 'Manage group calls', 'object_inputDialogPeer' => 'A peer', 'object_inputDialogPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_dialogPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_dialogPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified' => 'No further results were found', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets' => 'Found stickersets', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets_param_sets_type_Vector t' => 'Sets', 'object_fileHash' => 'SHA256 Hash of an uploaded file, to be checked for validity after download', 'object_fileHash_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset from where to start computing SHA-256 hash', 'object_fileHash_param_limit_type_int' => 'Length', 'object_fileHash_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'SHA-256 Hash of file chunk, to be checked for validity after download', 'object_inputClientProxy' => 'Info about an [MTProxy]( used to connect.', 'object_inputClientProxy_param_address_type_string' => 'Proxy address', 'object_inputClientProxy_param_port_type_int' => 'Proxy port', 'object_help.proxyDataEmpty' => 'No proxy was used to connect to tg (or none was provided to [initConnection](../methods/, or the used proxy doesn\'t have a promotion channel associated to it)', 'object_help.proxyDataEmpty_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date of proxy info, will have to be refetched in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo' => 'Promotion channel associated to a certain MTProxy', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_expires_type_int' => 'Expiration date of proxy info, will have to be refetched in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The promoted channel', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty' => 'No changes were made to telegram\'s terms of service', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty_param_expires_type_int' => 'New TOS updates will have to be queried using [help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate](../methods/ in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdate' => 'Info about an update of telegram\'s terms of service. If the terms of service are declined, then the [account.deleteAccount](../methods/ method should be called with the reason "Decline ToS update"', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdate_param_expires_type_int' => 'New TOS updates will have to be queried using [help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate](../methods/ in `expires` seconds', 'object_help.termsOfServiceUpdate_param_terms_of_service_type_help.TermsOfService' => 'New terms of service', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded' => 'Uploaded secure file, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_id_type_long' => 'Secure file ID', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_parts_type_int' => 'Secure file part count', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_md5_checksum_type_string' => 'MD5 hash of encrypted uploaded file, to be checked server-side', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_inputSecureFileUploaded_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_inputSecureFile' => 'Preuploaded [passport]( file, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_inputSecureFile_param_id_type_long' => 'Secure file ID', 'object_inputSecureFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Secure file access hash', 'object_secureFileEmpty' => 'Empty constructor', 'object_secureFile' => 'Secure [passport]( file, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_secureFile_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_secureFile_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_secureFile_param_size_type_int' => 'File size', 'object_secureFile_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_secureFile_param_date_type_int' => 'Date of upload', 'object_secureFile_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureFile_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_secureData' => 'Secure [passport]( data, for more info [see the passport docs »](', 'object_secureData_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Data', 'object_secureData_param_data_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash', 'object_secureData_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_securePlainPhone' => 'Phone number to use in [telegram passport]( [it must be verified, first »](', 'object_securePlainPhone_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_securePlainEmail' => 'Email address to use in [telegram passport]( [it must be verified, first »](', 'object_securePlainEmail_param_email_type_string' => 'Email address', 'object_secureValueTypePersonalDetails' => 'Personal details', 'object_secureValueTypePassport' => 'Passport', 'object_secureValueTypeDriverLicense' => 'Driver\'s license', 'object_secureValueTypeIdentityCard' => 'Identity card', 'object_secureValueTypeInternalPassport' => 'Internal [passport](', 'object_secureValueTypeAddress' => 'Address', 'object_secureValueTypeUtilityBill' => 'Utility bill', 'object_secureValueTypeBankStatement' => 'Bank statement', 'object_secureValueTypeRentalAgreement' => 'Rental agreement', 'object_secureValueTypePassportRegistration' => 'Internal registration [passport](', 'object_secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration' => 'Temporary registration', 'object_secureValueTypePhone' => 'Phone', 'object_secureValueTypeEmail' => 'Email', 'object_secureValue' => 'Secure value', 'object_secureValue_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure [passport]( value type', 'object_secureValue_param_data_type_SecureData' => 'Encrypted [Telegram Passport]( element data', 'object_secureValue_param_front_side_type_SecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the front side of the document', 'object_secureValue_param_reverse_side_type_SecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the reverse side of the document', 'object_secureValue_param_selfie_type_SecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with a selfie of the user holding the document', 'object_secureValue_param_files_type_Vector t' => 'Files', 'object_secureValue_param_plain_data_type_SecurePlainData' => 'Plaintext verified [passport]( data', 'object_secureValue_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash', 'object_inputSecureValue' => 'Secure value, [for more info see the passport docs »](', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure [passport]( value type', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_data_type_SecureData' => 'Encrypted [Telegram Passport]( element data', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_front_side_type_InputSecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the front side of the document', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_reverse_side_type_InputSecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with the reverse side of the document', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_selfie_type_InputSecureFile' => 'Encrypted [passport]( file with a selfie of the user holding the document', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_files_type_Vector t' => 'Files', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_plain_data_type_SecurePlainData' => 'Plaintext verified [passport]( data', 'object_secureValueHash' => 'Secure value hash', 'object_secureValueHash_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure value type', 'object_secureValueHash_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_secureValueErrorData' => 'Represents an issue in one of the data fields that was provided by the user. The error is considered resolved when the field\'s value changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'The section of the user\'s Telegram Passport which has the error, one of [secureValueTypePersonalDetails](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeAddress](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_data_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_field_type_string' => 'Name of the data field which has the error', 'object_secureValueErrorData_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide' => 'Represents an issue with the front side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the front side of the document changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorFrontSide_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide' => 'Represents an issue with the reverse side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with reverse side of the document changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorReverseSide_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie' => 'Represents an issue with the selfie with a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorSelfie_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorFile' => 'Represents an issue with a document scan. The error is considered resolved when the file with the document scan changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorFile_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorFile_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorFile_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles' => 'Represents an issue with a list of scans. The error is considered resolved when the list of files containing the scans changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector t' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted' => 'Encrypted credentials required to decrypt [telegram passport]( data.', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted_param_data_type_bytes' => 'Encrypted JSON-serialized data with unique user\'s payload, data hashes and secrets required for EncryptedPassportElement decryption and authentication, as described in [decrypting data »](', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Data hash for data authentication as described in [decrypting data »](', 'object_secureCredentialsEncrypted_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret, encrypted with the bot\'s public RSA key, required for data decryption as described in [decrypting data »](', 'object_account.authorizationForm' => '[Telegram Passport]( authorization form', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_selfie_required_type_true' => 'Selfie required?', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_required_types_type_Vector t' => 'Required types', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_values_type_Vector t' => 'Values', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_errors_type_Vector t' => 'Errors', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_users_type_Vector t' => 'Users', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_privacy_policy_url_type_string' => 'URL of the service\'s privacy policy', 'object_account.sentEmailCode' => 'The sent email code', 'object_account.sentEmailCode_param_email_pattern_type_string' => 'The email (to which the code was sent) must match this [pattern](', 'object_account.sentEmailCode_param_length_type_int' => 'The length of the verification code', 'object_help.deepLinkInfoEmpty' => 'Deep link info empty', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo' => 'Deep linking info', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_update_app_type_true' => 'An update of the app is required to parse this link', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_message_type_string' => 'Message to show to the user', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'method_invokeWithMessagesRange' => 'Invoke with the given message range', 'method_invokeWithMessagesRange_param_range_type_MessageRange' => 'Message range', 'method_invokeWithMessagesRange_param_query_type_!X' => 'Query', 'method_invokeWithTakeout' => 'Invoke a method within a takeout session', 'method_invokeWithTakeout_param_takeout_id_type_long' => 'Takeout session ID', 'method_invokeWithTakeout_param_query_type_!X' => 'Query', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession' => 'Intialize account takeout session', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_contacts_type_true' => 'Whether to export contacts', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_users_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in private chats', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_chats_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in [legacy groups](', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_megagroups_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in [supergroups](', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_message_channels_type_true' => 'Whether to export messages in [channels](', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_files_type_true' => 'Whether to export files', 'method_account.initTakeoutSession_param_file_max_size_type_int' => 'Maximum size of files to export', 'method_account.finishTakeoutSession' => 'Finish account takeout session', 'method_account.finishTakeoutSession_param_success_type_true' => 'Data exported successfully', 'method_contacts.getSaved' => 'Get all contacts', 'method_messages.getSplitRanges' => 'Get message ranges for saving the user\'s chat history', 'method_channels.getLeftChannels' => 'Get a list of [channels/supergroups]( we left', 'method_channels.getLeftChannels_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset for [pagination](', 'object_ipPortSecret' => 'Ip port secret', 'object_ipPortSecret_param_ipv4_type_int' => 'Ipv4', 'object_ipPortSecret_param_port_type_int' => 'Port', 'object_ipPortSecret_param_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secret', 'object_accessPointRule' => 'Access point rule', 'object_accessPointRule_param_phone_prefix_rules_type_string' => 'Phone prefix rules', 'object_accessPointRule_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID', 'object_accessPointRule_param_ips_type_vector' => 'Ips', 'object_help.configSimple_param_rules_type_vector' => 'Rules', 'object_inputTakeoutFileLocation' => 'Empty constructor for takeout', 'object_savedPhoneContact' => 'Saved contact', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'object_savedPhoneContact_param_date_type_int' => 'Date added', 'object_account.takeout' => 'Takout info', 'object_account.takeout_param_id_type_long' => 'Takeout ID', 'method_contacts.toggleTopPeers' => 'Enable/disable [top peers](', 'method_contacts.toggleTopPeers_param_enabled_type_Bool' => 'Enable/disable', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.markDialogUnread' => 'Manually mark dialog as unread', 'method_messages.markDialogUnread_param_unread_type_true' => 'Mark as unread/read', 'method_messages.markDialogUnread_param_peer_type_InputDialogPeer' => 'Dialog', 'method_messages.getDialogUnreadMarks' => 'Get dialogs manually marked as unread', 'object_inputMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'Contact vcard', 'object_messageMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'VCARD of contact', 'object_dialog_param_unread_mark_type_true' => 'Whether the chat was manually marked as unread', 'object_geoPoint_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_messages.dialogsNotModified' => 'Dialogs haven\'t changed', 'object_messages.dialogsNotModified_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of dialogs found server-side by the query', 'object_updateDialogUnreadMark' => 'The manual unread mark of a chat was changed', 'object_updateDialogUnreadMark_param_unread_type_true' => 'Was the chat marked or unmarked as read', 'object_updateDialogUnreadMark_param_peer_type_DialogPeer' => 'The dialog', 'object_config_param_dc_txt_domain_name_type_string' => 'Domain name for fetching encrypted DC list from DNS TXT record', 'object_config_param_gif_search_username_type_string' => 'Username of the bot to use to search for GIFs', 'object_config_param_venue_search_username_type_string' => 'Username of the bot to use to search for venues', 'object_config_param_img_search_username_type_string' => 'Username of the bot to use for image search', 'object_config_param_static_maps_provider_type_string' => 'ID of the map provider to use for venues', 'object_config_param_caption_length_max_type_int' => 'Maximum length of caption (length in utf8 codepoints)', 'object_config_param_message_length_max_type_int' => 'Maximum length of messages (length in utf8 codepoints)', 'object_config_param_webfile_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID to use to download [webfiles](', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'VCard info', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaContact_param_vcard_type_string' => 'VCard info', 'object_contacts.topPeersDisabled' => 'Top peers disabled', 'object_draftMessageEmpty_param_date_type_int' => 'When was the draft last updated', 'object_inputWebFileGeoPointLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'method_contacts.getContacts_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'User IDs of previously cached contacts', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Peer IDs of previously cached peers', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of previously fetched dialogs', 'method_messages.getHistory_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of messages you already fetched', 'method_messages.search_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of messages you already fetched', 'method_messages.getStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getAllStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'The hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getSavedGifs_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getFeaturedStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getRecentStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getMaskStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getWebPage_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getFavedStickers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => ' the hash parameter of the previous result of this method', 'method_messages.getRecentLocations_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of locations you already fetched', 'method_messages.searchStickerSets_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'The IDs of stickersets you already fetched', 'method_channels.getParticipants_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of previously fetched participants', 'method_auth.checkPassword_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getPasswordSettings_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.updatePasswordSettings_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getTmpPassword_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'SRP password parameters', 'method_account.confirmPasswordEmail' => 'Verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method](', 'method_account.confirmPasswordEmail_param_code_type_string' => 'The phone code that was received after [setting a recovery email](', 'method_account.resendPasswordEmail' => 'Resend the code to verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method](', 'method_account.cancelPasswordEmail' => 'Cancel the code that was sent to verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method](', 'method_account.getContactSignUpNotification' => 'Whether the user will receive notifications when contacts sign up', 'method_account.setContactSignUpNotification' => 'Toggle contact sign up notifications', 'method_account.setContactSignUpNotification_param_silent_type_Bool' => 'Whether to disable contact sign up notifications', 'method_account.getNotifyExceptions' => 'Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings', 'method_account.getNotifyExceptions_param_compare_sound_type_true' => 'If true, chats with non-default sound will also be returned', 'method_account.getNotifyExceptions_param_peer_type_InputNotifyPeer' => 'If specified, only chats of the specified category will be returned', 'method_contacts.getContactIDs' => 'Get contact by telegram IDs', 'method_contacts.getContactIDs_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Previously fetched IDs', 'method_contacts.deleteByPhones' => 'Delete contacts by phone number', 'method_contacts.deleteByPhones_param_phones_type_Vector t' => 'Phones', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_hide_via_type_true' => 'Whether to hide the `via @botname` in the resulting message (only for bot usernames encountered in the [config](../constructors/', 'method_messages.clearAllDrafts' => 'Clear all [drafts](', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage' => 'Pin a message', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage_param_silent_type_true' => 'Pin the message silently, without triggering a notification', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer where to pin the message', 'method_messages.updatePinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'The message to pin, can be 0 to unpin any currently pinned messages', 'method_messages.sendVote' => 'Vote in a [poll](../constructors/', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the poll was sent', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID of the poll', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_options_type_Vector t' => 'Options', 'method_messages.getPollResults' => 'Get poll results', 'method_messages.getPollResults_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the poll was found', 'method_messages.getPollResults_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of poll message', 'method_messages.getOnlines' => 'Get count of online users in a chat', 'method_messages.getOnlines_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat', 'method_messages.getStatsURL' => 'Returns URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method can be used only for channels', 'method_messages.getStatsURL_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Chat identifier', 'method_help.getAppUpdate_param_source_type_string' => 'Source', 'method_help.getAppConfig' => 'Get app-specific configuration', 'method_help.getPassportConfig' => 'Get [passport]( configuration', 'method_help.getPassportConfig_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash', 'method_help.getSupportName' => 'Get localized name of the telegram support user', 'method_help.getUserInfo' => 'Internal use', 'method_help.getUserInfo_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User ID', 'method_help.editUserInfo' => 'Internal use', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'User', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_message_type_string' => 'Message', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'method_langpack.getLangPack_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack name', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack name', 'method_langpack.getDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_langpack.getLanguages_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack', 'method_langpack.getLanguage' => 'Get information about a language in a localization pack', 'method_langpack.getLanguage_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack name', 'method_langpack.getLanguage_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_inputMediaGeoLive_param_stopped_type_true' => 'Whether sending of the geolocation was stopped', 'object_inputMediaPoll' => 'A poll', 'object_inputMediaPoll_param_poll_type_Poll' => 'The poll to send', 'object_inputPhoto_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_inputFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_fileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => 'File reference', 'object_chatFull_param_pinned_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of the pinned message', 'object_channelFull_param_can_view_stats_type_true' => 'Can the user call [messages.getStatsURL](../methods/ on this channel', 'object_channelFull_param_online_count_type_int' => 'Number of users currently online', 'object_message_param_from_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether this is a scheduled post', 'object_messageMediaPoll' => 'Poll', 'object_messageMediaPoll_param_poll_type_Poll' => 'The poll', 'object_messageMediaPoll_param_results_type_PollResults' => 'The results of the poll', 'object_messageActionContactSignUp' => 'A contact just signed up to telegram', 'object_photo_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[file reference](', 'object_inputNotifyBroadcasts' => 'All [channels](', 'object_inputReportReasonChildAbuse' => 'Report for child abuse', 'object_inputReportReasonCopyright' => 'Report for copyrighted content', 'object_userFull_param_can_pin_message_type_true' => 'Whether you can pin messages in the chat with this user, you can do this only for a chat with yourself', 'object_userFull_param_pinned_msg_id_type_int' => 'Pinned message ID, you can only pin messages in a chat with yourself', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_inexact_type_true' => 'If set, returned results may be inexact', 'object_updateLangPackTooLong_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_updateUserPinnedMessage' => 'A message was pinned in a private chat with a user', 'object_updateUserPinnedMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'User that pinned the message', 'object_updateUserPinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID that was pinned', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage' => 'A message was pinned in a [legacy group](', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage_param_chat_id_type_int' => '[Legacy group]( ID', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage_param_id_type_int' => 'ID of pinned message', 'object_updateMessagePoll' => 'The results of a poll have changed', 'object_updateMessagePoll_param_poll_id_type_long' => 'Poll ID', 'object_updateMessagePoll_param_poll_type_Poll' => 'If the server knows the client hasn\'t cached this poll yet, the poll itself', 'object_updateMessagePoll_param_results_type_PollResults' => 'New poll results', 'object_config_param_pfs_enabled_type_true' => 'Whether [pfs]( was used', 'object_config_param_base_lang_pack_version_type_int' => 'Basic language pack version', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_popup_type_true' => 'Popup?', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_version_type_string' => 'New version name', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_document_type_Document' => 'Attached document', 'object_inputDocument_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_document_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_notifyBroadcasts' => 'Channel notification settings', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P' => 'Whether the user allows P2P communication during VoIP calls', 'object_privacyKeyPhoneP2P' => 'Whether P2P connections in phone calls are allowed', 'object_authorization_param_current_type_true' => 'Whether this is the current session', 'object_authorization_param_official_app_type_true' => 'Whether the session is from an official app', 'object_authorization_param_password_pending_type_true' => 'Whether the session is still waiting for a 2FA password', 'object_account.password_param_has_password_type_true' => 'Whether the user has a password', 'object_account.password_param_current_algo_type_PasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( of the current password', 'object_account.password_param_srp_B_type_bytes' => 'Srp B param for [SRP authorization](', 'object_account.password_param_srp_id_type_long' => 'Srp ID param for [SRP authorization](', 'object_account.password_param_new_algo_type_PasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( to use when creating new passwords', 'object_account.password_param_new_secure_algo_type_SecurePasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The KDF algorithm for telegram [passport](', 'object_account.passwordSettings_param_secure_settings_type_SecureSecretSettings' => 'Telegram [passport]( settings', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_algo_type_PasswordKdfAlgo' => 'The [SRP algorithm]( to use', 'object_account.passwordInputSettings_param_new_secure_settings_type_SecureSecretSettings' => 'Telegram [passport]( settings', 'object_textSubscript' => 'Subscript text', 'object_textSubscript_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textSuperscript' => 'Superscript text', 'object_textSuperscript_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textMarked' => 'Highlighted text', 'object_textMarked_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textPhone' => 'Rich text linked to a phone number', 'object_textPhone_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textPhone_param_phone_type_string' => 'Phone number', 'object_textImage' => 'Inline image', 'object_textImage_param_document_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'object_textImage_param_w_type_int' => 'Width', 'object_textImage_param_h_type_int' => 'Height', 'object_textAnchor' => 'Text linking to another section of the page', 'object_textAnchor_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_textAnchor_param_name_type_string' => 'Section name', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_url_type_string' => 'HTTP URL of page the photo leads to when clicked', 'object_pageBlockPhoto_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'ID of preview of the page the photo leads to when clicked', 'object_pageBlockVideo_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbed_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_pageBlockAudio_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Audio caption', 'object_pageBlockKicker' => 'Kicker', 'object_pageBlockKicker_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Contents', 'object_pageBlockTable' => 'Table', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_bordered_type_true' => 'Does the table have a visible border?', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_striped_type_true' => 'Is the table striped?', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_title_type_RichText' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_rows_type_Vector t' => 'Rows', 'object_pageBlockOrderedList' => 'Ordered list of IV blocks', 'object_pageBlockOrderedList_param_items_type_Vector t' => 'Items', 'object_pageBlockDetails' => 'A collapsible details block', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_open_type_true' => 'Whether the block is open by default', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_title_type_RichText' => 'Always visible heading for the block', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles' => 'Related articles', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles_param_title_type_RichText' => 'Title', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles_param_articles_type_Vector t' => 'Articles', 'object_pageBlockMap' => 'A map', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_geo_type_GeoPoint' => 'Location of the map center', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_zoom_type_int' => 'Map zoom level; 13-20', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_w_type_int' => 'Map width in pixels before applying scale; 16-102', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_h_type_int' => 'Map height in pixels before applying scale; 16-1024', 'object_pageBlockMap_param_caption_type_PageCaption' => 'Caption', 'object_phoneCall_param_p2p_allowed_type_true' => 'Whether P2P connection to the other peer is allowed', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_official_type_true' => 'Whether the language pack is official', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_rtl_type_true' => 'Is this a localization pack for an RTL language', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_beta_type_true' => 'Is this a beta localization pack?', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_base_lang_code_type_string' => 'Identifier of a base language pack; may be empty. If a string is missed in the language pack, then it should be fetched from base language pack. Unsupported in custom language packs', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_plural_code_type_string' => 'A language code to be used to apply plural forms. See [\\_plural\\_rules.html]( for more info', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_strings_count_type_int' => 'Total number of non-deleted strings from the language pack', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_translated_count_type_int' => 'Total number of translated strings from the language pack', 'object_langPackLanguage_param_translations_url_type_string' => 'Link to language translation interface; empty for custom local language packs', 'object_secureValue_param_translation_type_Vector t' => 'Translation', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_translation_type_Vector t' => 'Translation', 'object_secureValueError' => 'Secure value error', 'object_secureValueError_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Type of element which has the issue', 'object_secureValueError_param_hash_type_bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_secureValueError_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile' => 'Represents an issue with one of the files that constitute the translation of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePersonalDetails](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile_param_file_hash_type_bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFile_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles' => 'Represents an issue with the translated version of a document. The error is considered resolved when a file with the document translation changes.', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'One of [secureValueTypePersonalDetails](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeDriverLicense](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeIdentityCard](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeInternalPassport](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeUtilityBill](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeBankStatement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeRentalAgreement](../constructors/, [secureValueTypePassportRegistration](../constructors/, [secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration](../constructors/', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector t' => 'File hash', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoUnknown' => 'Unknown KDF (most likely, the client is outdated and does not support the specified KDF algorithm)', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow' => 'This key derivation algorithm defines that [SRP 2FA login]( must be used', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_salt1_type_bytes' => 'One of two salts used by the derivation function (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_salt2_type_bytes' => 'One of two salts used by the derivation function (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_g_type_int' => 'Base (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow_param_p_type_bytes' => '2048-bit modulus (see [SRP 2FA login](', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown' => 'Unknown KDF algo (most likely the client has to be updated)', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000' => 'PBKDF2 with SHA512 and 100000 iterations KDF algo', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000_param_salt_type_bytes' => 'Salt', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512' => 'SHA512 KDF algo', 'object_securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512_param_salt_type_bytes' => 'Salt', 'object_secureSecretSettings' => 'Secure settings', 'object_secureSecretSettings_param_secure_algo_type_SecurePasswordKdfAlgo' => 'Secure KDF algo', 'object_secureSecretSettings_param_secure_secret_type_bytes' => 'Secure secret', 'object_secureSecretSettings_param_secure_secret_id_type_long' => 'Secret ID', 'object_inputCheckPasswordEmpty' => 'There is no password', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP' => 'Constructor for checking the validity of a 2FA SRP password (see [SRP](', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP_param_srp_id_type_long' => '[SRP ID](', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP_param_A_type_bytes' => '`A` parameter (see [SRP](', 'object_inputCheckPasswordSRP_param_M1_type_bytes' => '`M1` parameter (see [SRP](', 'object_secureRequiredType' => 'Required type', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_native_names_type_true' => 'Native names', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_selfie_required_type_true' => 'Is a selfie required', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_translation_required_type_true' => 'Is a translation required', 'object_secureRequiredType_param_type_type_SecureValueType' => 'Secure value type', 'object_secureRequiredTypeOneOf' => 'One of', 'object_secureRequiredTypeOneOf_param_types_type_Vector t' => 'Types', 'object_help.passportConfigNotModified' => 'Password configuration not modified', 'object_help.passportConfig' => 'Telegram [passport]( configuration', 'object_help.passportConfig_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_help.passportConfig_param_countries_langs_type_DataJSON' => 'Localization', 'object_inputAppEvent_param_data_type_JSONValue' => 'Details of the event', 'object_jsonObjectValue' => 'JSON key: value pair', 'object_jsonObjectValue_param_key_type_string' => 'Key', 'object_jsonObjectValue_param_value_type_JSONValue' => 'Value', 'object_jsonNull' => 'Null JSON value', 'object_jsonBool' => 'JSON boolean value', 'object_jsonBool_param_value_type_Bool' => 'Value', 'object_jsonNumber' => 'JSON numeric value', 'object_jsonNumber_param_value_type_double' => 'Value', 'object_jsonString' => 'JSON string', 'object_jsonString_param_value_type_string' => 'Value', 'object_jsonArray' => 'JSON array', 'object_jsonArray_param_value_type_Vector t' => 'Value', 'object_jsonObject' => 'JSON object value', 'object_jsonObject_param_value_type_Vector t' => 'Value', 'object_pageTableCell' => 'Table cell', 'object_pageTableCell_param_header_type_true' => 'Is this element part of the column header', 'object_pageTableCell_param_align_center_type_true' => 'Horizontally centered block', 'object_pageTableCell_param_align_right_type_true' => 'Right-aligned block', 'object_pageTableCell_param_valign_middle_type_true' => 'Vertically centered block', 'object_pageTableCell_param_valign_bottom_type_true' => 'Block vertically-alligned to the bottom', 'object_pageTableCell_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Content', 'object_pageTableCell_param_colspan_type_int' => 'For how many columns should this cell extend', 'object_pageTableCell_param_rowspan_type_int' => 'For how many rows should this cell extend', 'object_pageTableRow' => 'Table row', 'object_pageTableRow_param_cells_type_Vector t' => 'Cells', 'object_pageCaption' => 'Page caption', 'object_pageCaption_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Caption', 'object_pageCaption_param_credit_type_RichText' => 'Credits', 'object_pageListItemText' => 'List item', 'object_pageListItemText_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageListItemBlocks' => 'List item', 'object_pageListItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageListOrderedItemText' => 'Ordered list of text items', 'object_pageListOrderedItemText_param_num_type_string' => 'Number of element within ordered list', 'object_pageListOrderedItemText_param_text_type_RichText' => 'Text', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks' => 'Ordered list of [IV]( blocks', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks_param_num_type_string' => 'Number of element within ordered list', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_pageRelatedArticle' => 'Related article', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_url_type_string' => 'URL of article', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_webpage_id_type_long' => 'Webpage ID of generated IV preview', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_title_type_string' => 'Title', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_description_type_string' => 'Description', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_photo_id_type_long' => 'ID of preview photo', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_author_type_string' => 'Author name', 'object_pageRelatedArticle_param_published_date_type_int' => 'Date of pubblication', 'object_page' => '[Instant view]( page', 'object_page_param_part_type_true' => 'Indicates that not full page preview is available to the client and it will need to fetch full Instant View from the server using [messages.getWebPagePreview](../methods/', 'object_page_param_rtl_type_true' => 'Whether the page contains RTL text', 'object_page_param_v2_type_true' => 'Whether this is an [IV v2]( page', 'object_page_param_url_type_string' => 'Original page HTTP URL', 'object_page_param_blocks_type_Vector t' => 'Blocks', 'object_page_param_photos_type_Vector t' => 'Photos', 'object_page_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_help.supportName' => 'Localized name for telegram support', 'object_help.supportName_param_name_type_string' => 'Localized name', 'object_help.userInfoEmpty' => 'Internal use', 'object_help.userInfo' => 'Internal use', 'object_help.userInfo_param_message_type_string' => 'Info', 'object_help.userInfo_param_entities_type_Vector t' => 'Entities', 'object_help.userInfo_param_author_type_string' => 'Author', 'object_help.userInfo_param_date_type_int' => 'Date', 'object_pollAnswer' => 'A possible answer of a poll', 'object_pollAnswer_param_text_type_string' => 'Textual representation of the answer', 'object_pollAnswer_param_option_type_bytes' => 'The param that has to be passed to [messages.sendVote](../methods/', 'object_poll' => 'Poll', 'object_poll_param_id_type_long' => 'ID of the poll', 'object_poll_param_closed_type_true' => 'Whether the poll is closed and doesn\'t accept any more answers', 'object_poll_param_question_type_string' => 'The question of the poll', 'object_poll_param_answers_type_Vector t' => 'Answers', 'object_pollAnswerVoters' => 'A poll answer, and how users voted on it', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_chosen_type_true' => 'Whether we have chosen this answer', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_option_type_bytes' => 'The param that has to be passed to [messages.sendVote](../methods/', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_voters_type_int' => 'How many users voted for this option', 'object_pollResults' => 'Results of poll', 'object_pollResults_param_min_type_true' => 'Similar to [min]( objects, used for poll constructors that are the same for all users so they don\'t have option chosen by the current user (you can use [messages.getPollResults](../methods/ to get the full poll results).', 'object_pollResults_param_results_type_Vector t' => 'Results', 'object_pollResults_param_total_voters_type_int' => 'Total number of people that voted in the poll', 'object_chatOnlines' => 'Number of online users in a chat', 'object_chatOnlines_param_onlines_type_int' => 'Number of online users', 'object_statsURL' => 'URL with chat statistics', 'object_statsURL_param_url_type_string' => 'Chat statistics', 'method_auth.sendCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getWallPapers_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'IDs of previously fetched wallpapers', 'method_account.sendChangePhoneCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'Phone code settings', 'method_account.sendConfirmPhoneCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'Phone code settings', 'method_account.sendVerifyPhoneCode_param_settings_type_CodeSettings' => 'Phone code settings', 'method_account.getWallPaper' => 'Get info about a certain wallpaper', 'method_account.getWallPaper_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => 'The wallpaper to get info about', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper' => 'Create and upload a new wallpaper', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'The JPG/PNG wallpaper', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type of uploaded wallpaper', 'method_account.uploadWallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'method_account.saveWallPaper' => 'Install/uninstall wallpaper', 'method_account.saveWallPaper_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => 'Wallpaper to save', 'method_account.saveWallPaper_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Uninstall wallpaper?', 'method_account.saveWallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'method_account.installWallPaper' => 'Install wallpaper', 'method_account.installWallPaper_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => 'Wallpaper to install', 'method_account.installWallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'method_account.resetWallPapers' => 'Delete installed wallpapers', 'method_messages.exportChatInvite_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Chat', 'method_messages.editChatAbout' => 'Edit the description of a [group/supergroup/channel](', 'method_messages.editChatAbout_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The [group/supergroup/channel](', 'method_messages.editChatAbout_param_about_type_string' => 'The new description', 'method_messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights' => 'Edit the default banned rights of a [channel/supergroup/group](', 'method_messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer', 'method_messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'The new global rights', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => 'The admin rights', 'method_channels.editBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'The banned rights', 'object_chat_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => '[Admin rights]( of the user in the group', 'object_chat_param_default_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => '[Default banned rights]( of all users in the group', 'object_channel_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => 'Admin rights of the user in this channel (see [rights](', 'object_channel_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Banned rights of the user in this channel (see [rights](', 'object_channel_param_default_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Default chat rights (see [rights](', 'object_chatFull_param_can_set_username_type_true' => 'Can we change the username of this chat', 'object_chatFull_param_about_type_string' => 'About string for this chat', 'object_photoStrippedSize' => 'Just the image\'s content', 'object_photoStrippedSize_param_type_type_string' => 'Thumbnail type', 'object_photoStrippedSize_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Thumbnail data', 'object_wallPaper_param_id_type_long' => 'Identifier', 'object_wallPaper_param_creator_type_true' => 'Creator of the wallpaper', 'object_wallPaper_param_default_type_true' => 'Whether this is the default wallpaper', 'object_wallPaper_param_pattern_type_true' => 'Pattern', 'object_wallPaper_param_dark_type_true' => 'Dark mode', 'object_wallPaper_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_wallPaper_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique wallpaper ID', 'object_wallPaper_param_document_type_Document' => 'The actual wallpaper', 'object_wallPaper_param_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_inexact_type_true' => 'If set, indicates that the results may be inexact', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights' => 'Default banned rights in a [normal chat]( were updated', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The chat', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights_param_default_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'New default banned rights', 'object_updateChatDefaultBannedRights_param_version_type_int' => 'Version', 'object_document_param_thumbs_type_Vector t' => 'Thumbnails', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_self_type_true' => 'Is this the current user', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_admin_rights_type_ChatAdminRights' => 'Admin [rights](', 'object_channelParticipantBanned_param_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Banned [rights](', 'object_channelParticipantsContacts' => 'Fetch only participants that are also contacts', 'object_channelParticipantsContacts_param_q_type_string' => 'Optional search query for searching contact participants by name', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights' => 'The default banned rights were modified', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights_param_prev_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'Previous global [banned rights](', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights_param_new_banned_rights_type_ChatBannedRights' => 'New glboal [banned rights](', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll' => 'A poll was stopped', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll_param_message_type_Message' => 'The poll that was stopped', 'object_chatAdminRights' => 'Represents the rights of an admin in a [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_change_info_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to modify the description of the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_post_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to post messages in the [channel](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_edit_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to also edit messages from other admins in the [channel](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_delete_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to also delete messages from other admins in the [channel](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_ban_users_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to ban users from the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_invite_users_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to invite users in the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_pin_messages_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to pin messages in the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatAdminRights_param_add_admins_type_true' => 'If set, allows the admin to add other admins with the same (or more limited) permissions in the [channel/supergroup](', 'object_chatBannedRights' => 'Represents the rights of a normal user in a [supergroup/channel/chat]( In this case, the flags are inverted: if set, a flag **does not allow** a user to do X.', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_view_messages_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to view messages in a [supergroup/channel/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_sendMessages_type_true' => 'Can send messages?', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_media_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send any media in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_stickers_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send stickers in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_gifs_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send gifs in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_games_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send games in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_inline_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to use inline bots in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_embed_links_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to embed links in the messages of a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_polls_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send stickers in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_change_info_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow any user to change the description of a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_invite_users_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow any user to invite users in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_pin_messages_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow any user to pin messages in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_until_date_type_int' => 'Validity of said permissions (0 = forever, forever = 2^31-1 for now).', 'object_inputWallPaper' => 'Wallpaper', 'object_inputWallPaper_param_id_type_long' => 'Wallpaper ID', 'object_inputWallPaper_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputWallPaperSlug' => 'Wallpaper by slug (a unique ID)', 'object_inputWallPaperSlug_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique wallpaper ID', 'object_account.wallPapersNotModified' => 'No new wallpapers were found', 'object_account.wallPapers' => 'Installed wallpapers', 'object_account.wallPapers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_account.wallPapers_param_wallpapers_type_Vector t' => 'Wallpapers', 'object_codeSettings' => 'Settings used by telegram servers for sending the confirm code.

Example implementations: [telegram for android](, [tdlib](', 'object_codeSettings_param_allow_flashcall_type_true' => 'Whether to allow phone verification via [phone calls](', 'object_codeSettings_param_current_number_type_true' => 'Pass true if the phone number is used on the current device. Ignored if allow\\_flashcall is not set.', 'object_codeSettings_param_app_hash_persistent_type_true' => 'Persistent hash?', 'object_codeSettings_param_app_hash_type_string' => 'Hash type', 'object_wallPaperSettings' => 'Wallpaper settings', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_blur_type_true' => 'If set, the wallpaper must be downscaled to fit in 450x450 square and then box-blurred with radius 12', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_motion_type_true' => 'If set, the background needs to be slightly moved when device is rotated', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_background_color_type_int' => 'If set, a PNG pattern is to be combined with the `color` chosen by the user: the main color of the background in RGB24 format', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_intensity_type_int' => 'Intensity of the pattern when it is shown above the main background color, 0-100', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto' => 'Whether people will be able to see the user\'s profile picture', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyForwards' => 'Whether messages forwarded from this user will be [anonymous](', 'method_account.getAutoDownloadSettings' => 'Get media autodownload settings', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings' => 'Change media autodownload settings', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings_param_low_type_true' => 'Whether to save settings in the low data usage preset', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings_param_high_type_true' => 'Whether to save settings in the high data usage preset', 'method_account.saveAutoDownloadSettings_param_settings_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'Media autodownload settings', 'method_messages.deleteHistory_param_revoke_type_true' => 'Whether to delete the message history for all chat participants', 'method_messages.getStatsURL_param_dark_type_true' => 'Pass true if a URL with the dark theme must be returned', 'method_messages.getStatsURL_param_params_type_string' => 'Parameters from `tg://statsrefresh?params=******` link', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywords' => 'Get localized emoji keywords', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywords_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference' => 'Get changed emoji keywords', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous emoji keyword localization version', 'method_messages.getEmojiURL' => 'Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation', 'method_messages.getEmojiURL_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code for which the emoji replacements will be suggested', 'method_phone.setCallRating_param_user_initiative_type_true' => 'Whether the user decided on their own initiative to rate the call', 'method_langpack.getDifference_param_lang_pack_type_string' => 'Language pack', 'object_user_param_support_type_true' => 'Whether this is an official support user', 'object_updateChatPinnedMessage_param_version_type_int' => 'Used to reorder updates in legacy groups', 'object_privacyKeyForwards' => 'Whether messages forwarded from the user will be [anonymously forwarded](', 'object_privacyKeyProfilePhoto' => 'Whether the profile picture of the user is visible', 'object_stickerSet_param_thumb_type_PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnail for stickerset', 'object_messageFwdHeader_param_from_name_type_string' => 'The name of the user that originally sent the message', 'object_autoDownloadSettings' => 'Autodownload settings', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_disabled_type_true' => 'Disable automatic media downloads?', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_video_preload_large_type_true' => 'Whether to preload the first seconds of videos larger than the specified limit', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_audio_preload_next_type_true' => 'Whether to preload the next audio track when you\'re listening to music', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_phonecalls_less_data_type_true' => 'Whether to enable data saving mode in phone calls', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_photo_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum size of photos to preload', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_video_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum size of videos to preload', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_file_size_max_type_int' => 'Maximum size of other files to preload', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings' => 'Media autodownload settings', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings_param_low_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'Low data usage preset', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings_param_medium_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'Medium data usage preset', 'object_account.autoDownloadSettings_param_high_type_AutoDownloadSettings' => 'High data usage preset', 'object_emojiKeyword' => 'Emoji keyword', 'object_emojiKeyword_param_keyword_type_string' => 'Keyword', 'object_emojiKeyword_param_emoticons_type_Vector t' => 'Emoticons', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted' => 'Deleted emoji keyword', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted_param_keyword_type_string' => 'Keyword', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted_param_emoticons_type_Vector t' => 'Emoticons', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference' => 'Changes to emoji keywords', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code for keywords', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_from_version_type_int' => 'Previous emoji keyword list version', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_version_type_int' => 'Current version of emoji keyword list', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_keywords_type_Vector t' => 'Keywords', 'object_emojiURL' => 'An HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation', 'object_emojiURL_param_url_type_string' => 'An HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_forward_users_type_true' => 'Users to which the users often forwards messages to', 'method_contacts.getTopPeers_param_forward_chats_type_true' => 'Chats to which the users often forwards messages to', 'method_messages.getDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_offset_rate_type_int' => 'Initially 0, then set to the [`next_rate` parameter of messages.messagesSlice](../constructors/', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'method_messages.getPinnedDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages' => 'Get info about an emoji keyword localization', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages_param_lang_codes_type_Vector t' => 'Language codes', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters' => 'Get the number of results that would be found by a [](../methods/ call with the same parameters', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where to search', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters_param_filters_type_Vector t' => 'Filters', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth' => 'Get more info about a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer where the message is located', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message', 'method_messages.requestUrlAuth_param_button_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the button with the authorization request', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth' => 'Use this to accept a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_write_allowed_type_true' => 'Set this flag to allow the bot to send messages to you (if requested)', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The location of the message', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID of the message with the login button', 'method_messages.acceptUrlAuth_param_button_id_type_int' => 'ID of the login button', 'method_channels.getGroupsForDiscussion' => 'Get all groups that can be used as [discussion groups](', 'method_channels.getBroadcastsForDiscussion' => 'Get channels for discussion', 'method_channels.setDiscussionGroup' => 'Associate a group to a channel as [discussion group]( for that channel', 'method_channels.setDiscussionGroup_param_broadcast_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.setDiscussionGroup_param_group_type_InputChannel' => 'Discussion group to associate to the channel', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_video_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_phone.discardCall_param_video_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_folders.editPeerFolders' => 'Edit peers in folder', 'method_folders.editPeerFolders_param_folder_peers_type_Vector t' => 'New folder peers', 'method_folders.deleteFolder' => 'Delete a folder', 'method_folders.deleteFolder_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder to delete', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( user that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the user was seen', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_inputPeerUserFromMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The identifier of the user that was seen', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( channel that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the channel\'s message was seen', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_inputPeerChannelFromMessage_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The identifier of the channel that was seen', 'object_inputUserFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( user that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputUserFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the user was seen', 'object_inputUserFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID', 'object_inputUserFromMessage_param_user_id_type_int' => 'The identifier of the user that was seen', 'object_inputDocumentFileLocation_param_thumb_size_type_string' => 'Thumbnail size to download the thumbnail', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation' => 'Use this object to download a photo with [upload.getFile](../methods/ method', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo ID, obtained from the [photo](../constructors/ object', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Photo\'s access hash, obtained from the [photo](../constructors/ object', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => '[File reference](', 'object_inputPhotoFileLocation_param_thumb_size_type_string' => 'The [PhotoSize](../types/ to download: must be set to the `type` field of the desired PhotoSize object of the [photo](../constructors/', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation' => 'Location of profile photo of channel/group/supergroup/user', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_big_type_true' => 'Whether to download the high-quality version of the picture', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The peer whose profile picture should be downloaded', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID from [FileLocation](../types/ met in the profile photo container.', 'object_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID from [FileLocation](../types/ met in the profile photo container.', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb' => 'Location of stickerset thumbnail (see [files](', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb_param_stickerset_type_InputStickerSet' => 'Sticker set', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_inputStickerSetThumb_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_user_param_scam_type_true' => 'This may be a scam user', 'object_userProfilePhoto_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID where the photo is stored', 'object_channel_param_scam_type_true' => 'This channel/supergroup is probably a scam', 'object_channel_param_has_link_type_true' => 'Whether this channel has a private join link', 'object_chatFull_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_channelFull_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_channelFull_param_linked_chat_id_type_int' => 'ID of the linked discussion chat for channels', 'object_channelFull_param_pts_type_int' => 'Latest [PTS]( for this channel', 'object_chatPhoto_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC where this photo is stored', 'object_message_param_legacy_type_true' => 'This is a legacy message: it has to be refetched with the new layer', 'object_messageService_param_legacy_type_true' => 'This is a legacy message: it has to be refetched with the new layer', 'object_messageActionPhoneCall_param_video_type_true' => 'Is this a video call?', 'object_dialog_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_dialogFolder' => 'Dialog in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_pinned_type_true' => 'Is this folder pinned', 'object_dialogFolder_param_folder_type_Folder' => 'The folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_top_message_type_int' => 'Latest message ID of dialog', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_muted_peers_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread muted peers in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_unmuted_peers_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread unmuted peers in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_muted_messages_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages from muted peers in folder', 'object_dialogFolder_param_unread_unmuted_messages_count_type_int' => 'Number of unread messages from unmuted peers in folder', 'object_photo_param_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID to use for download', 'object_userFull_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_next_rate_type_int' => 'Rate to use in the `offset_rate` parameter in the next call to [messages.searchGlobal](../methods/', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_updateReadHistoryInbox_param_still_unread_count_type_int' => 'Number of messages that are still unread', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'ID of folder for peers in folders', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_still_unread_count_type_int' => 'Count of messages weren\'t read yet', 'object_updateReadChannelInbox_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateDialogPinned_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'If the dialog is in a folder, the folder ID', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'If the dialogs are in a folder, the folder ID', 'object_updateFolderPeers' => 'The dialog list of a folder was changed', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_folder_peers_type_Vector t' => 'New folder peers', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_pts_type_int' => '[Event count after generation](', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_pts_count_type_int' => '[Number of events that were generated](', 'object_config_param_pinned_infolder_count_max_type_int' => 'Maximum count of dialogs per folder', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber' => 'Whether people will be able to see the user\'s phone number', 'object_privacyKeyPhoneNumber' => 'Whether the user allows us to see his phone number', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants' => 'Allow only participants of certain chats', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants' => 'Disallow only participants of certain chats', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'CHats', 'object_privacyValueAllowChatParticipants' => 'Allow all participants of certain chats', 'object_privacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Allowed chats', 'object_privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants' => 'Disallow only participants of certain chats', 'object_privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Disallowed chats', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_chats_type_Vector t' => 'Chats allowed?', 'object_chatInvite_param_photo_type_Photo' => 'Chat/supergroup/channel photo', 'object_stickerSet_param_thumb_dc_id_type_int' => 'DC ID of thumbnail', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth' => 'Button to request a user to authorize via URL using [Seamless Telegram Login]( When the user clicks on such a button, [messages.requestUrlAuth](../methods/ should be called, providing the `button_id` and the ID of the container message. The returned [urlAuthResultRequest](../constructors/ object will contain more details about the authorization request (`request_write_access` if the bot would like to send messages to the user along with the username of the bot which will be used for user authorization). Finally, the user can choose to call [messages.acceptUrlAuth](../methods/ to get a [urlAuthResultAccepted](../constructors/ with the URL to open instead of the `url` of this constructor, or a [urlAuthResultDefault](../constructors/, in which case the `url` of this constructor must be opened, instead. If the user refuses the authorization request but still wants to open the link, the `url` of this constructor must be used.', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_text_type_string' => 'Button label', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_fwd_text_type_string' => 'New text of the button in forwarded messages.', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_url_type_string' => 'An HTTP URL to be opened with user authorization data added to the query string when the button is pressed. If the user refuses to provide authorization data, the original URL without information about the user will be opened. The data added is the same as described in [Receiving authorization data](

**NOTE**: Services must **always** check the hash of the received data to verify the authentication and the integrity of the data as described in [Checking authorization](', 'object_keyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_button_id_type_int' => 'ID of the button to pass to [messages.requestUrlAuth](../methods/', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth' => 'Button to request a user to [authorize](../methods/ via URL using [Seamless Telegram Login](', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_request_write_access_type_true' => 'Set this flag to request the permission for your bot to send messages to the user.', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_text_type_string' => 'Button text', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_fwd_text_type_string' => 'New text of the button in forwarded messages.', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_url_type_string' => 'An HTTP URL to be opened with user authorization data added to the query string when the button is pressed. If the user refuses to provide authorization data, the original URL without information about the user will be opened. The data added is the same as described in [Receiving authorization data](
NOTE: You must always check the hash of the received data to verify the authentication and the integrity of the data as described in [Checking authorization](', 'object_inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth_param_bot_type_InputUser' => 'Username of a bot, which will be used for user authorization. See [Setting up a bot]( for more details. If not specified, the current bot\'s username will be assumed. The url\'s domain must be the same as the domain linked with the bot. See [Linking your domain to the bot]( for more details.', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage' => 'Defines a [min]( channel that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'The chat where the channel was seen', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'The message ID in the chat where the channel was seen', 'object_inputChannelFromMessage_param_channel_id_type_int' => 'The channel ID', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_dialog_type_Dialog' => 'Dialog containing the latest [PTS]( that can be used to reset the channel state', 'object_topPeerCategoryForwardUsers' => 'Users to which the users often forwards messages to', 'object_topPeerCategoryForwardChats' => 'Chats to which the users often forwards messages to', 'object_phoneCallWaiting_param_video_type_true' => 'Is this a video call', 'object_phoneCallRequested_param_video_type_true' => 'Whether this is a video call', 'object_phoneCallAccepted_param_video_type_true' => 'Whether this is a video call', 'object_phoneCall_param_connections_type_Vector t' => 'Phone connections', 'object_phoneCallDiscarded_param_video_type_true' => 'Whether the call was a video call', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_prev_photo_type_Photo' => 'Previous picture', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto_param_new_photo_type_Photo' => 'New picture', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat' => 'The linked chat was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat_param_prev_value_type_int' => 'Previous linked chat', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat_param_new_value_type_int' => 'New linked chat', 'object_inputDialogPeerFolder' => 'All peers in a folder', 'object_inputDialogPeerFolder_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_dialogPeerFolder' => 'Folder', 'object_dialogPeerFolder_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_emojiLanguage' => 'Emoji language', 'object_emojiLanguage_param_lang_code_type_string' => 'Language code', 'object_fileLocationToBeDeprecated' => 'Indicates the location of a photo, will be deprecated soon', 'object_fileLocationToBeDeprecated_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_fileLocationToBeDeprecated_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_folder' => 'Folder', 'object_folder_param_autofill_new_broadcasts_type_true' => 'Automatically add new channels to this folder', 'object_folder_param_autofill_public_groups_type_true' => 'Automatically add joined new public supergroups to this folder', 'object_folder_param_autofill_new_correspondents_type_true' => 'Automatically add new private chats to this folder', 'object_folder_param_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_folder_param_title_type_string' => 'Folder title', 'object_folder_param_photo_type_ChatPhoto' => 'Folder picture', 'object_inputFolderPeer' => 'Peer in a folder', 'object_inputFolderPeer_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'object_inputFolderPeer_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_folderPeer' => 'Peer in a folder', 'object_folderPeer_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Folder peer info', 'object_folderPeer_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder ID', 'object_messages.searchCounter' => 'Indicates how many results would be found by a [](../methods/ call with the same parameters', 'object_messages.searchCounter_param_inexact_type_true' => 'If set, the results may be inexact', 'object_messages.searchCounter_param_filter_type_MessagesFilter' => 'Provided message filter', 'object_messages.searchCounter_param_count_type_int' => 'Number of results that were found server-side', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest' => 'Details about the authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest_param_request_write_access_type_true' => 'Whether the bot would like to send messages to the user', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest_param_bot_type_User' => 'Username of a bot, which will be used for user authorization. If not specified, the current bot\'s username will be assumed. The url\'s domain must be the same as the domain linked with the bot. See [Linking your domain to the bot]( for more details.', 'object_urlAuthResultRequest_param_domain_type_string' => 'The domain name of the website on which the user will log in.', 'object_urlAuthResultAccepted' => 'Details about an accepted authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'object_urlAuthResultAccepted_param_url_type_string' => 'The URL name of the website on which the user has logged in.', 'object_urlAuthResultDefault' => 'Details about an accepted authorization request, for more info [click here »](', 'method_contacts.addContact' => 'Add an existing telegram user as contact', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_add_phone_privacy_exception_type_true' => 'Allow the other user to see our phone number?', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'Telegram ID of the other user', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_first_name_type_string' => 'First name', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_last_name_type_string' => 'Last name', 'method_contacts.addContact_param_phone_type_string' => 'User\'s phone number', 'method_contacts.acceptContact' => 'If the [peer settings](../constructors/ of a new user allow us to add him as contact, add that user as contact', 'method_contacts.acceptContact_param_id_type_InputUser' => 'The user to add as contact', 'method_contacts.getLocated' => 'Get contacts near you', 'method_contacts.getLocated_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geolocation', 'method_messages.searchGlobal_param_folder_id_type_int' => 'Folder where to search', 'method_messages.hidePeerSettingsBar' => 'Should be called after the user hides the report spam/add as contact bar of a new chat, effectively prevents the user from executing the actions specified in the [peer\'s settings](../constructors/', 'method_messages.hidePeerSettingsBar_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'Geogroup location', 'method_channels.createChannel_param_address_type_string' => 'Geogroup address', 'method_channels.getAdminedPublicChannels_param_by_location_type_true' => 'Get geogroups', 'method_channels.getAdminedPublicChannels_param_check_limit_type_true' => 'If set and the user has reached the limit of owned public [channels/supergroups/geogroups](, instead of returning the channel list one of the specified [errors](#possible-errors) will be returned.
Useful to check if a new public channel can indeed be created, even before asking the user to enter a channel username to use in [channels.checkUsername](../methods/[channels.updateUsername](../methods/', 'method_channels.editCreator' => 'Transfer channel ownership', 'method_channels.editCreator_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'Channel', 'method_channels.editCreator_param_user_id_type_InputUser' => 'New channel owner', 'method_channels.editCreator_param_password_type_InputCheckPasswordSRP' => '[2FA password]( of account', 'method_channels.editLocation' => 'Edit location of geogroup', 'method_channels.editLocation_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => '[Geogroup](', 'method_channels.editLocation_param_geo_point_type_InputGeoPoint' => 'New geolocation', 'method_channels.editLocation_param_address_type_string' => 'Address string', 'object_channelFull_param_can_set_location_type_true' => 'Can we set the geolocation of this group (for geogroups)', 'object_channelFull_param_location_type_ChannelLocation' => 'Location of the geogroup', 'object_peerSettings_param_add_contact_type_true' => 'Whether we can add the user as contact', 'object_peerSettings_param_block_contact_type_true' => 'Whether we can block the user', 'object_peerSettings_param_share_contact_type_true' => 'Whether we can share the user\'s contact', 'object_peerSettings_param_need_contacts_exception_type_true' => 'Whether a special exception for contacts is needed', 'object_peerSettings_param_report_geo_type_true' => 'Whether we can report a geogroup is irrelevant for this location', 'object_inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant' => 'Report an irrelevant geogroup', 'object_userFull_param_settings_type_PeerSettings' => 'Peer settings', 'object_updatePeerSettings' => 'Settings of a certain peer have changed', 'object_updatePeerSettings_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'The peer', 'object_updatePeerSettings_param_settings_type_PeerSettings' => 'Associated peer settings', 'object_updatePeerLocated' => 'List of peers near you was updated', 'object_updatePeerLocated_param_peers_type_Vector t' => 'Peers', 'object_stickerSet_param_animated_type_true' => 'Is this an animated stickerpack', 'object_messageEntityUnderline' => 'Message entity representing underlined text.', 'object_messageEntityUnderline_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityUnderline_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityStrike' => 'Message entity representing strikethrough text.', 'object_messageEntityStrike_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityStrike_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBlockquote' => 'Message entity representing a block quote.', 'object_messageEntityBlockquote_param_offset_type_int' => 'Offset of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_messageEntityBlockquote_param_length_type_int' => 'Length of message entity within message (in UTF-8 codepoints)', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation' => 'The geogroup location was changed', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation_param_prev_value_type_ChannelLocation' => 'Previous location', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation_param_new_value_type_ChannelLocation' => 'New location', 'object_channelLocationEmpty' => 'No location (normal supergroup)', 'object_channelLocation' => 'Geographical location of supergroup (geogroups)', 'object_channelLocation_param_geo_point_type_GeoPoint' => 'Geographical location of supergrup', 'object_channelLocation_param_address_type_string' => 'Textual description of the address', 'object_peerLocated' => 'Peer geolocated nearby', 'object_peerLocated_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_peerLocated_param_expires_type_int' => 'Validity period of current data', 'object_peerLocated_param_distance_type_int' => 'Distance from the peer in meters', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_no_muted_type_true' => 'Avoid receiving (silent and invisible background) notifications. Useful to save battery.', 'method_upload.getFile_param_precise_type_true' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'method_channels.editAdmin_param_rank_type_string' => 'Indicates the role (rank) of the admin in the group: just an arbitrary string', 'method_channels.toggleSlowMode' => 'Toggle supergroup slow mode: if enabled, users will only be able to send one message every `seconds` seconds', 'method_channels.toggleSlowMode_param_channel_type_InputChannel' => 'The [supergroup](', 'method_channels.toggleSlowMode_param_seconds_type_int' => 'Users will only be able to send one message every `seconds` seconds, `0` to disable the limitation', 'object_channel_param_has_geo_type_true' => 'Whether this chanel has a geoposition', 'object_channel_param_slowmode_enabled_type_true' => 'Whether slow mode is enabled for groups to prevent flood in chat', 'object_channelFull_param_slowmode_seconds_type_int' => 'If specified, users in supergroups will only be able to send one message every `slowmode_seconds` seconds', 'object_auth.authorizationSignUpRequired' => 'An account with this phone number doesn\'t exist on telegram: the user has to [enter basic information and sign up](', 'object_auth.authorizationSignUpRequired_param_terms_of_service_type_help.TermsOfService' => 'Telegram\'s terms of service: the user must read and accept the terms of service before signing up to telegram', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_can_not_skip_type_true' => 'Unskippable, the new info must be shown to the user (with a popup or something else)', 'object_inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji' => 'Animated emojis stickerset', 'object_channelParticipantCreator_param_rank_type_string' => 'The role (rank) of the group creator in the group: just an arbitrary string, `admin` by default', 'object_channelParticipantAdmin_param_rank_type_string' => 'The role (rank) of the admin in the group: just an arbitrary string, `admin` by default', 'object_payments.paymentVerificationNeeded' => 'Payment was not successful, additional verification is needed', 'object_payments.paymentVerificationNeeded_param_url_type_string' => 'URL for additional payment credentials verification', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode' => '[Slow mode setting for supergroups was changed](../methods/', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode_param_prev_value_type_int' => 'Previous slow mode value', 'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode_param_new_value_type_int' => 'New slow mode value', 'object_codeSettings_param_allow_app_hash_type_true' => 'If a token that will be included in eventually sent SMSs is required: required in newer versions of android, to use the [android SMS receiver APIs](', 'object_channelFull_param_slowmode_next_send_date_type_int' => 'Indicates when the user will be allowed to send another message in the supergroup (unixdate)', 'method_account.uploadTheme' => 'Upload theme', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'Theme file uploaded as described in [files »](', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumbnail', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name', 'method_account.uploadTheme_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'MIME type, must be `application/x-tgtheme-{format}`, where `format` depends on the client', 'method_account.createTheme' => 'Create a theme', 'method_account.createTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'method_account.createTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name', 'method_account.createTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file', 'method_account.updateTheme' => 'Update theme', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to update', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file', 'method_account.saveTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to save', 'method_account.saveTheme_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Unsave', 'method_account.installTheme' => 'Install a theme', 'method_account.installTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.installTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to install', 'method_account.getTheme' => 'Get theme information', 'method_account.getTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.getTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme', 'method_account.getTheme_param_document_id_type_long' => 'Document ID', 'method_account.getThemes_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client', 'method_account.getThemes_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash for pagination', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Scheduled message date for scheduled messages', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory' => 'Get scheduled messages', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages' => 'Get scheduled messages', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages' => 'Send scheduled messages right away', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages' => 'Delete scheduled messages', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID', 'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_chatFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether scheduled messages are available', 'object_channelFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether scheduled messages are available', 'object_message_param_edit_hide_type_true' => 'Whether the message should be shown as not modified to the user, even if an edit date is present', 'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason', 'object_userFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Whether scheduled messages are available', 'object_updateNewScheduledMessage' => 'New incoming scheduled message', 'object_updateNewScheduledMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages' => 'Some scheduled messages were deleted', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages', 'object_updateTheme' => 'A cloud theme was updated', 'object_updateTheme_param_theme_type_Theme' => 'Theme', 'object_inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Whether people can add you to their contact list by your phone number', 'object_privacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Whether people can add you to their contact list by your phone number', 'object_webPage_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents', 'object_restrictionReason' => 'Restriction reason. Contains the reason why access to a certain object must be restricted. Clients are supposed to deny access to the channel if the `platform` field is equal to `all` or to the current platform (`ios`, `android`, `wp`, etc.). Platforms can be concatenated (`ios-android`, `ios-wp`), unknown platforms are to be ignored. The `text` is the error message that should be shown to the user.', 'object_restrictionReason_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform identifier (ios, android, wp, all, etc.), can be concatenated with a dash as separator (`android-ios`, `ios-wp`, etc)', 'object_restrictionReason_param_reason_type_string' => 'Restriction reason (`porno`, `terms`, etc.)', 'object_restrictionReason_param_text_type_string' => 'Error message to be shown to the user', 'object_inputTheme' => 'Theme', 'object_inputTheme_param_id_type_long' => 'ID', 'object_inputTheme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputThemeSlug' => 'Theme by theme ID', 'object_inputThemeSlug_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'object_themeDocumentNotModified' => 'Theme background hasn\'t changed', 'object_theme' => 'Theme', 'object_theme_param_creator_type_true' => 'Whether the current user is the creator of this theme', 'object_theme_param_default_type_true' => 'Whether this is the default theme', 'object_theme_param_id_type_long' => 'Theme ID', 'object_theme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Theme access hash', 'object_theme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID', 'object_theme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name', 'object_theme_param_document_type_Document' => 'Theme', 'object_theme_param_installs_count_type_int' => 'Installation count', 'object_account.themesNotModified' => 'No new themes were installed', 'object_account.themes' => 'Installed themes', 'object_account.themes_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'object_account.themes_param_themes_type_Vector t' => 'Themes', 'method_account.installTheme_param_dark_type_true' => 'Whether to install the dark version', 'method_account.getThemes' => 'Get installed themes', 'method_account.saveTheme' => 'Save a theme', 'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send when the result is selected', 'object_botInlineResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Message to send', 'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => 'Depending on the `type` and on the [constructor](../types/, contains the caption of the media or the content of the message to be sent **instead** of the media', 'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => 'If set, does not allow a user to send messages in a [supergroup/chat](', 'object_updateStickerSetsOrder_param_order_type_Vector long' => 'New sticker order by sticker ID', 'object_pageBlockList_param_items_type_Vector PageListItem' => 'List of blocks in an IV page', 'object_topPeerCategoryPeers_param_peers_type_Vector TopPeer' => 'Peers', 'object_stickerPack_param_documents_type_Vector long' => 'Stickers', 'object_updateDeleteChannelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages that were deleted', 'object_photos.photos_param_photos_type_Vector Photo' => 'List of photos', 'object_photos.photos_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of mentioned users', 'object_updatePeerLocated_param_peers_type_Vector PeerLocated' => 'Geolocated peer list update', 'object_messages.savedGifs_param_gifs_type_Vector Document' => 'List of saved gifs', 'object_pageBlockRelatedArticles_param_articles_type_Vector PageRelatedArticle' => 'Related articles', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client media ID required to prevent message resending', 'object_inputSingleMedia_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'object_updatePinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector DialogPeer' => 'New order of pinned dialogs', 'object_messages.chatsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Archived stickersets', 'object_upload.fileCdnRedirect_param_file_hashes_type_Vector FileHash' => 'File hashes (see [CDN files](', 'object_help.deepLinkInfo_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Disallowed chat IDs', 'object_updateServiceNotification_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_pageListOrderedItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Item contents', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_events_type_Vector ChannelAdminLogEvent' => 'Admin log events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats mentioned in events', 'object_channels.adminLogResults_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users mentioned in events', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'Found messages', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.channelMessages_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_message_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector RestrictionReason' => 'Contains the reason why access to this message must be restricted.', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_packs_type_Vector StickerPack' => 'Emojis associated to stickers', 'object_messages.favedStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector Document' => 'Favorited stickers', 'object_messages.foundStickerSets_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Found stickersets', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_required_types_type_Vector SecureRequiredType' => 'Required [Telegram Passport]( documents', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_values_type_Vector SecureValue' => 'Already submitted [Telegram Passport]( documents', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_errors_type_Vector SecureValueError' => '[Telegram Passport]( errors', 'object_account.authorizationForm_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Info about the bot to which the form will be submitted', 'object_messageActionChatAddUser_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'Users that were invited to the chat', 'object_shippingOption_param_prices_type_Vector LabeledPrice' => 'List of price portions', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_photos_type_Vector Photo' => 'List of photos', 'object_photos.photosSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of mentioned users', 'object_pageBlockCollage_param_items_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Media elements', 'object_updatesCombined_param_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updatesCombined_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in updates', 'object_updatesCombined_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in updates', 'object_pageBlockOrderedList_param_items_type_Vector PageListOrderedItem' => 'List items', 'object_privacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Allowed chats', 'object_emojiKeyword_param_emoticons_type_Vector string' => 'Emojis associated to keyword', 'object_botInlineMessageMediaAuto_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_messageReactions' => 'Message reactions', 'object_messageReactions_param_min_type_true' => 'Similar to [min]( objects, used for message reaction constructors that are the same for all users so they don\'t have the reactions sent by the current user (you can use [messages.getMessagesReactions](../methods/ to get the full reaction info).', 'object_messageReactions_param_results_type_Vector ReactionCount' => 'Reactions', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Document attributes for media types', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSent_param_types_type_Vector SecureValueType' => 'Secure value types', 'object_pollResults_param_results_type_Vector PollAnswerVoters' => 'Poll results', 'object_messages.stickers_param_stickers_type_Vector Document' => 'Stickers', 'object_photo_param_sizes_type_Vector PhotoSize' => 'Available sizes for download', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Allowed chat IDs', 'object_contacts.found_param_my_results_type_Vector Peer' => 'Personalized results', 'object_contacts.found_param_results_type_Vector Peer' => 'List of found user identifiers', 'object_contacts.found_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Found chats', 'object_contacts.found_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_chatInvite_param_participants_type_Vector User' => 'A few of the participants that are in the group', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector Dialog' => 'List of chats', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of last messages from each chat', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of groups mentioned in the chats', 'object_messages.dialogs_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and groups', 'object_textConcat_param_texts_type_Vector RichText' => 'Concatenated rich texts', 'object_messages.allStickers_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSet' => 'All stickersets', 'object_phone.phoneCall_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'VoIP phone call participants', 'object_updatePrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector PrivacyRule' => 'New privacy rules', 'object_channelMessagesFilter_param_ranges_type_Vector MessageRange' => 'A range of messages to fetch', 'object_updateShortMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Entities]( for styled text', 'object_pageListItemBlocks_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Blocks', 'object_inputWebDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_inputMediaUploadedPhoto_param_stickers_type_Vector InputDocument' => 'Attached mask stickers', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_categories_type_Vector TopPeerCategoryPeers' => 'Top peers by top peer category', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.topPeers_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector RestrictionReason' => 'Contains the reason why access to this user must be restricted.', 'object_messages.botResults_param_results_type_Vector BotInlineResult' => 'The results', 'object_messages.botResults_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users mentioned in the results', 'object_pageBlockDetails_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Block contents', 'object_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Allowed users', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List containing basic info on chat', 'object_messages.chatFull_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned above', 'object_privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants_param_chats_type_Vector int' => 'Disallowed chats', 'object_replyInlineMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector KeyboardButtonRow' => 'Bot or inline keyboard rows', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of new messgaes', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector EncryptedMessage' => 'New messages from the [encrypted event sequence](', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_other_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in events', 'object_updates.differenceSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in events', 'object_channelFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector BotInfo' => 'Info about bots in the channel/supergrup', 'object_messages.foundGifs_param_results_type_Vector FoundGif' => 'Found GIFs', 'object_messageUserReaction' => 'Message reaction', 'object_messageUserReaction_param_user_id_type_int' => 'ID of user that reacted this way', 'object_messageUserReaction_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Reaction (UTF8 emoji)', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_new_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'New messages', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_other_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'Other updates', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_updates.channelDifference_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of deleted message IDs', 'object_jsonObject_param_value_type_Vector JSONObjectValue' => 'Values', 'object_photos.photo_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector WebAuthorization' => 'Web authorization list', 'object_account.webAuthorizations_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_account.wallPapers_param_wallpapers_type_Vector WallPaper' => 'Wallpapers', 'object_inputBotInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_invoice_param_prices_type_Vector LabeledPrice' => 'Price breakdown, a list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)', 'object_replyKeyboardMarkup_param_rows_type_Vector KeyboardButtonRow' => 'Button row', 'object_payments.paymentForm_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_contacts.resolvedPeer_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_config_param_dc_options_type_Vector DcOption' => 'DC IP list', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_imported_type_Vector ImportedContact' => 'List of succesfully imported contacts', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_popular_invites_type_Vector PopularContact' => 'Popular contacts', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_retry_contacts_type_Vector long' => 'List of contact ids that could not be imported due to system limitation and will need to be imported at a later date.
Parameter added in [Layer 13](', 'object_contacts.importedContacts_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes that specify the type of the document (video, audio, voice, sticker, etc.)', 'object_inputMediaUploadedDocument_param_stickers_type_Vector InputDocument' => 'Attached stickers', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_packs_type_Vector StickerPack' => 'Emoji info for stickers', 'object_messages.stickerSet_param_documents_type_Vector Document' => 'Stickers in stickerset', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_contacts_type_Vector Contact' => 'Contact list', 'object_contacts.contacts_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'User list', 'object_pageBlockTable_param_rows_type_Vector PageTableRow' => 'Table rows', 'object_account.themes_param_themes_type_Vector Theme' => 'Themes', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_help.proxyDataPromo_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_dialogs_type_Vector Dialog' => 'Dialog info', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'Messages mentioned in dialog info', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_messages.peerDialogs_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'The latest messages', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats from messages', 'object_updates.channelDifferenceTooLong_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users from messages', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_packs_type_Vector StickerPack' => 'Emojis associated to stickers', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_stickers_type_Vector Document' => 'Recent stickers', 'object_messages.recentStickers_param_dates_type_Vector int' => 'When was each sticker last used', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation' => 'Legacy file location', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_id_type_long' => 'Photo ID', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_file_reference_type_bytes' => 'File reference', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_volume_id_type_long' => 'Volume ID', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_local_id_type_int' => 'Local ID', 'object_inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation_param_secret_type_long' => 'Secret', 'object_draftMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text.', 'object_help.termsOfService_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_blocked_type_Vector ContactBlocked' => 'List of blocked users', 'object_contacts.blocked_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_pageBlockSlideshow_param_items_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Slideshow items', 'object_keyboardButtonRow_param_buttons_type_Vector KeyboardButton' => 'Bot or inline keyboard buttons', 'object_updateFolderPeers_param_folder_peers_type_Vector FolderPeer' => 'New peer list', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector ChannelParticipant' => 'Participants', 'object_channels.channelParticipants_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users mentioned in participant info', 'object_emojiKeywordsDifference_param_keywords_type_Vector EmojiKeyword' => 'Emojis associated to keywords', 'object_page_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Page elements (like with HTML elements, only as TL constructors)', 'object_page_param_photos_type_Vector Photo' => 'Photos in page', 'object_page_param_documents_type_Vector Document' => 'Media in page', 'object_webDocumentNoProxy_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_messageActionSecureValuesSentMe_param_values_type_Vector SecureValue' => 'Vector with information about documents and other Telegram Passport elements that were shared with the bot', 'object_reactionCount' => 'Reactions', 'object_reactionCount_param_chosen_type_true' => 'Whether the current user sent this reaction', 'object_reactionCount_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Reaction (a UTF8 emoji)', 'object_reactionCount_param_count_type_int' => 'NUmber of users that reacted with this emoji', 'object_emojiKeywordDeleted_param_emoticons_type_Vector string' => 'Emojis that were associated to keyword', 'object_decryptedMessageService_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the message author.
Must be equal to the ID passed to the sending method.', 'object_messages.highScores_param_scores_type_Vector HighScore' => 'Highscores', 'object_messages.highScores_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users, associated to the highscores', 'object_stickerSetMultiCovered_param_covers_type_Vector Document' => 'Preview stickers', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_translation_type_Vector InputSecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with translated versions of the provided documents', 'object_inputSecureValue_param_files_type_Vector InputSecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with photos the of the documents', 'object_updates_param_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updates_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in updates', 'object_updates_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in updates', 'object_updateReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of read messages', 'object_decryptedMessageLayer_param_random_bytes_type_bytes' => 'Set of random bytes to prevent content recognition in short encrypted messages.
Clients are required to check that there are at least 15 random bytes included in each message. Messages with less than 15 random bytes must be ignored.
Parameter moved here from [decryptedMessage](../constructors/ in [Layer 17](', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the author of message.
Must be equal to the ID passed to sending method.', 'object_decryptedMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text (parameter added in layer 45)', 'object_chatFull_param_bot_info_type_Vector BotInfo' => 'Info about bots that are in this chat', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Featured stickersets', 'object_messages.featuredStickers_param_unread_type_Vector long' => 'IDs of new featured stickersets', 'object_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_document_param_thumbs_type_Vector PhotoSize' => 'Thumbnails', 'object_document_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes', 'object_help.appUpdate_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of new messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_new_encrypted_messages_type_Vector EncryptedMessage' => 'List of new encrypted secret chat messages', 'object_updates.difference_param_other_updates_type_Vector Update' => 'List of updates', 'object_updates.difference_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in events', 'object_updates.difference_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in events', 'object_webPage_param_documents_type_Vector Document' => 'Attached webpage documents', 'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of message IDs', 'object_messageActionChatCreate_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'List of group members', 'object_botInlineMessageText_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_account.authorizations_param_authorizations_type_Vector Authorization' => 'Logged-in sessions', 'object_langPackDifference_param_strings_type_Vector LangPackString' => 'Localized strings', 'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'Deleted scheduled messages', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the author of message', 'object_encryptedMessage_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialising of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with the key creatied at stage of chat initialization', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_rules_type_Vector PrivacyRule' => 'Privacy rules', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats to which the rules apply', 'object_account.privacyRules_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users to which the rules apply', 'object_phoneCall_param_connections_type_Vector PhoneConnection' => 'List of endpoints the user can connect to to exchange call data', 'object_secureValueErrorFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector bytes' => 'File hash', 'object_chatParticipants_param_participants_type_Vector ChatParticipant' => 'List of group members', 'object_secureValueErrorTranslationFiles_param_file_hash_type_Vector bytes' => 'Hash', 'object_pageBlockEmbedPost_param_blocks_type_Vector PageBlock' => 'Post contents', 'object_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of affected message ids (that appeared on the screenshot)', 'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector RestrictionReason' => 'Contains the reason why access to this channel must be restricted.', 'object_updateChannelReadMessagesContents_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages that were read', 'object_messages.chats_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_blocked_type_Vector ContactBlocked' => 'List of blocked users', 'object_contacts.blockedSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random message ID, assigned by the author of message', 'object_encryptedMessageService_param_bytes_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialising of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with the key creatied at stage of chat initialization', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_dialogs_type_Vector Dialog' => 'List of dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of last messages from dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in dialogs', 'object_messages.dialogsSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and chats', 'object_cdnConfig_param_public_keys_type_Vector CdnPublicKey' => 'Vector of public keys to use **only** during handshakes to [CDN]( DCs.', 'object_jsonArray_param_value_type_Vector JSONValue' => 'JSON values', 'object_messages.messages_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of messages', 'object_messages.messages_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in dialogs', 'object_messages.messages_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and chats', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_urls_type_Vector RecentMeUrl' => 'URLs', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'Chats', 'object_help.recentMeUrls_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_botInfo_param_commands_type_Vector BotCommand' => 'Bot commands that can be used in the chat', 'object_pageTableRow_param_cells_type_Vector PageTableCell' => 'Table cells', 'object_help.userInfo_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'object_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Users to disallow', 'object_secureValue_param_translation_type_Vector SecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with translated versions of the provided documents', 'object_secureValue_param_files_type_Vector SecureFile' => 'Array of encrypted [passport]( files with photos the of the documents', 'object_payments.validatedRequestedInfo_param_shipping_options_type_Vector ShippingOption' => 'Shipping options', 'object_privacyValueAllowUsers_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'Allowed users', 'object_webDocument_param_attributes_type_Vector DocumentAttribute' => 'Attributes for media types', 'object_secureRequiredTypeOneOf_param_types_type_Vector SecureRequiredType' => 'Secure required value types', 'object_updateShortSentMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Entities]( for styled text', 'object_updateShortChatMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Entities]( for styled text', 'object_updateMessageID_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Previuosly transferred client **random\\_id** identifier', 'object_messages.archivedStickers_param_sets_type_Vector StickerSetCovered' => 'Archived stickersets', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_messages_type_Vector Message' => 'List of messages', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_chats_type_Vector Chat' => 'List of chats mentioned in messages', 'object_messages.messagesSlice_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'List of users mentioned in messages and chats', 'object_privacyValueDisallowUsers_param_users_type_Vector int' => 'Disallowed users', 'object_updateDcOptions_param_dc_options_type_Vector DcOption' => 'New connection options', 'object_payments.paymentReceipt_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_updateMessageReactions' => 'New message reactions are available', 'object_updateMessageReactions_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer', 'object_updateMessageReactions_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'object_updateMessageReactions_param_reactions_type_MessageReactions' => 'Reactions', 'object_channels.channelParticipant_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users', 'object_poll_param_answers_type_Vector PollAnswer' => 'The possible answers, vote using [messages.sendVote](../methods/', 'object_updateDeleteMessages_param_messages_type_Vector int' => 'List of identifiers of deleted messages', 'object_messageReactionsList' => 'List of message reactions', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_count_type_int' => 'Total number of reactions', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_reactions_type_Vector MessageUserReaction' => 'Reactions', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_users_type_Vector User' => 'Users that reacted like this', 'object_messageReactionsList_param_next_offset_type_string' => 'Next offset to use when fetching reactions using [messages.getMessageReactionsList](../methods/', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID necessary to prevent message resending', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedFile_param_data_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialization of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with a key generated during chat initialization', 'method_channels.getChannels_param_id_type_Vector InputChannel' => 'IDs of channels/supergroups to get info about', 'method_users.getUsers_param_id_type_Vector InputUser' => 'List of user identifiers', 'method_channels.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector InputMessage' => 'IDs of messages to get', 'method_channels.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages whose contents should be marked as read', 'method_channels.inviteToChannel_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Users to invite', 'method_messages.sendVote_param_options_type_Vector bytes' => 'The options that were chosen', 'method_messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages_param_lang_codes_type_Vector string' => 'Language codes', 'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Scheduled message IDs', 'method_help.getPassportConfig_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_langpack.getStrings_param_keys_type_Vector string' => 'Strings to get', 'method_account.setPrivacy_param_rules_type_Vector InputPrivacyRule' => 'New privacy rules', 'method_messages.sendScreenshotNotification_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid message resending', 'method_messages.startBot_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid resending the same message', 'method_messages.deleteChatUser_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID required to prevent message resending', 'method_messages.sendMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for sending styled text', 'method_messages.getWebPagePreview_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_account.getWallPapers_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.readMessageContents_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Message ID list', 'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_phone.requestCall_param_random_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'method_messages.setInlineBotResults_param_results_type_Vector InputBotInlineResult' => 'Vector of results for the inline query', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid resending the same message', 'method_messages.sendMedia_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'method_messages.editMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions' => 'Get message reactions', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Message IDs', 'method_users.setSecureValueErrors_param_errors_type_Vector SecureValueError' => 'Errors', 'method_contacts.getContactIDs_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.getSearchCounters_param_filters_type_Vector MessagesFilter' => 'Search filters', 'method_contacts.deleteByPhones_param_phones_type_Vector string' => 'Phone numbers', 'method_messages.readFeaturedStickers_param_id_type_Vector long' => 'IDs of stickersets to mark as read', 'method_messages.saveDraft_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => 'Message [entities]( for styled text', 'method_account.unregisterDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector int' => 'List of user identifiers of other users currently using the client', 'method_messages.report_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages to report', 'method_account.deleteSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector SecureValueType' => 'Document types to delete', 'method_messages.getChats_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'List of chat IDs', 'method_messages.reorderStickerSets_param_order_type_Vector long' => 'New stickerset order by stickerset IDs', 'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Random ID to avoid resending the same query', 'method_messages.getAllChats_param_except_ids_type_Vector int' => 'Except these chats/channels/supergroups', 'method_messages.requestEncryption_param_random_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'method_channels.reportSpam_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of spam messages', 'method_messages.createChat_param_users_type_Vector InputUser' => 'List of user IDs to be invited', 'method_account.acceptAuthorization_param_value_hashes_type_Vector SecureValueHash' => 'Types of values sent and their hashes', 'method_folders.editPeerFolders_param_folder_peers_type_Vector InputFolderPeer' => 'New peer list', 'method_messages.setBotShippingResults_param_shipping_options_type_Vector ShippingOption' => 'A vector of available shipping options.', 'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Scheduled message IDs', 'method_messages.editChatTitle_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_account.registerDevice_param_other_uids_type_Vector int' => 'List of user identifiers of other users currently using the client', 'method_messages.addChatUser_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_messages.migrateChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Legacy group to migrate', 'method_messages.sendReaction' => 'Send reaction to message', 'method_messages.sendReaction_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.sendReaction_param_msg_id_type_int' => 'Message ID to react to', 'method_messages.sendReaction_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Reaction (a UTF8 emoji)', 'method_channels.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages to delete', 'method_messages.deleteMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'Message ID list', 'method_messages.getFullChat_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'method_account.getSecureValue_param_types_type_Vector SecureValueType' => 'Requested value types', 'method_messages.getMessagesViews_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'ID of message', 'method_account.getThemes_param_hash_type_int' => '[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID, necessary to avoid message resending', 'method_messages.sendEncrypted_param_data_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialization of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with a key that was created during chat initialization', 'method_auth.dropTempAuthKeys_param_except_auth_keys_type_Vector long' => 'The auth keys that **shouldn\'t** be dropped.', 'method_messages.reorderPinnedDialogs_param_order_type_Vector InputDialogPeer' => 'New dialog order', 'method_help.saveAppLog_param_events_type_Vector InputAppEvent' => 'List of input events', 'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of scheduled messages', 'method_photos.deletePhotos_param_id_type_Vector InputPhoto' => 'Input photos to delete', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_random_id_type_long' => 'Unique client message ID required to prevent message resending', 'method_messages.sendEncryptedService_param_data_type_bytes' => 'TL-serialization of [DecryptedMessage](../types/ type, encrypted with a key generated during chat initialization', 'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_multi_media_type_Vector InputSingleMedia' => 'The medias to send', 'method_contacts.importContacts_param_contacts_type_Vector InputContact' => 'List of contacts to import', 'method_contacts.deleteContacts_param_id_type_Vector InputUser' => 'User ID list', 'method_stickers.createStickerSet_param_stickers_type_Vector InputStickerSetItem' => 'Stickers', 'method_channels.getAdminLog_param_admins_type_Vector InputUser' => 'Only show events from these admins', 'method_help.editUserInfo_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_messages.editChatPhoto_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'Chat ID', 'method_messages.getMessages_param_id_type_Vector InputMessage' => 'Message ID list', 'method_messages.editInlineBotMessage_param_entities_type_Vector MessageEntity' => '[Message entities for styled text](', 'method_messages.getPeerDialogs_param_peers_type_Vector InputDialogPeer' => 'Peers', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_id_type_Vector int' => 'IDs of messages', 'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_random_id_type_Vector long' => 'Random ID to prevent resending of messages', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList' => 'Get full message reaction list', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_id_type_int' => 'Message ID', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_reaction_type_string' => 'Get only reactions of this type (UTF8 emoji)', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_offset_type_string' => 'Offset (typically taken from the `next_offset` field of the returned [MessageReactionsList](../types/', 'method_messages.getMessageReactionsList_param_limit_type_int' => 'Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination](', 'method_messages.editChatAdmin_param_chat_id_type_int' => 'The ID of the group', 'method_invokeAfterMsgs_param_msg_ids_type_Vector long' => 'List of messages on which a current query depends', 'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '', 'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '', 'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => '', 'method_messages.getMessagesReactions_param_id_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_message_param_reactions_type_MessageReactions' => '', 'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_string' => '', 'object_messageReactions_param_results_type_Vector t' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken_param_api_id_type_int' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken_param_api_hash_type_string' => '', 'method_auth.exportLoginToken_param_except_ids_type_Vector t' => '', 'method_auth.importLoginToken' => '', 'method_auth.importLoginToken_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'method_auth.acceptLoginToken' => '', 'method_auth.acceptLoginToken_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'method_account.createTheme_param_settings_type_InputThemeSettings' => '', 'method_account.updateTheme_param_settings_type_InputThemeSettings' => '', 'method_account.setContentSettings' => '', 'method_account.setContentSettings_param_sensitive_enabled_type_true' => '', 'method_account.getContentSettings' => '', 'method_account.getMultiWallPapers' => '', 'method_account.getMultiWallPapers_param_wallpapers_type_Vector t' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_id_type_int' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_option_type_bytes' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_offset_type_string' => '', 'method_messages.getPollVotes_param_limit_type_int' => '', 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'object_keyboardButtonRequestPoll_param_text_type_string' => '', 'object_poll_param_public_voters_type_true' => '', 'object_poll_param_multiple_choice_type_true' => '', 'object_poll_param_quiz_type_true' => '', 'object_pollAnswerVoters_param_correct_type_true' => '', 'object_pollResults_param_recent_voters_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_inputWallPaperNoFile' => '', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_second_background_color_type_int' => '', 'object_wallPaperSettings_param_rotation_type_int' => '', 'object_autoDownloadSettings_param_video_upload_maxbitrate_type_int' => '', 'object_theme_param_settings_type_ThemeSettings' => '', 'object_auth.loginToken' => '', 'object_auth.loginToken_param_expires_type_int' => '', 'object_auth.loginToken_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenMigrateTo' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenMigrateTo_param_dc_id_type_int' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenMigrateTo_param_token_type_bytes' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenSuccess' => '', 'object_auth.loginTokenSuccess_param_authorization_type_auth.Authorization' => '', 'object_account.contentSettings' => '', 'object_account.contentSettings_param_sensitive_enabled_type_true' => '', 'object_account.contentSettings_param_sensitive_can_change_type_true' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats_param_dates_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats_param_chats_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.inactiveChats_param_users_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_baseThemeClassic' => '', 'object_baseThemeDay' => '', 'object_baseThemeNight' => '', 'object_baseThemeTinted' => '', 'object_baseThemeArctic' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_base_theme_type_BaseTheme' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_accent_color_type_int' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_message_top_color_type_int' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_message_bottom_color_type_int' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_wallpaper_type_InputWallPaper' => '', 'object_inputThemeSettings_param_wallpaper_settings_type_WallPaperSettings' => '', 'object_themeSettings' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_base_theme_type_BaseTheme' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_accent_color_type_int' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_message_top_color_type_int' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_message_bottom_color_type_int' => '', 'object_themeSettings_param_wallpaper_type_WallPaper' => '', 'object_webPageAttributeTheme' => '', 'object_webPageAttributeTheme_param_documents_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_webPageAttributeTheme_param_settings_type_ThemeSettings' => '', 'object_messageUserVote' => '', 'object_messageUserVote_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVote_param_option_type_bytes' => '', 'object_messageUserVote_param_date_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteInputOption' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteInputOption_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteInputOption_param_date_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple_param_user_id_type_int' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple_param_options_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messageUserVoteMultiple_param_date_type_int' => '', 'object_messages.votesList' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_count_type_int' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_votes_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_users_type_Vector t' => '', 'object_messages.votesList_param_next_offset_type_string' => '']; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\CancellationToken; use Amp\MultiReasonException; use Amp\NullCancellationToken; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\ConnectContext; use Amp\Socket\Connector; class ContextConnector implements Connector { private $dataCenter; private $logger; private $fromDns = false; public function __construct(DataCenter $dataCenter, bool $fromDns = false) { $this->dataCenter = $dataCenter; $this->fromDns = $fromDns; $this->logger = $dataCenter->getAPI()->getLogger(); } public function connect(string $uri, ConnectContext $ctx = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return Tools::call((function () use($uri, $ctx, $token) : \Generator { $ctx = $ctx ?? new ConnectContext(); $token = $token ?? new NullCancellationToken(); $ctxs = $this->dataCenter->generateContexts(0, $uri, $ctx); if (empty($ctxs)) { throw new Exception("No contexts for raw connection to URI {$uri}"); } foreach ($ctxs as $ctx) { /* @var $ctx \danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext */ try { $ctx->setIsDns($this->fromDns); $ctx->setCancellationToken($token); $result = (yield from $ctx->getStream()); $this->logger->logger('OK!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); return $result->getSocket(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\MADELINEPROTO_TEST === 'pony') { throw $e; } $this->logger->logger('Connection failed: ' . $e, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); if ($e instanceof MultiReasonException) { foreach ($e->getReasons() as $reason) { $this->logger->logger('Multireason: ' . $reason, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } } } } throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Could not connect to URI {$uri}"); })()); } }{ "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1072550713", "predicate": "true", "params": [], "type": "True" }, { "id": "481674261", "predicate": "vector", "params": [], "type": "Vector t" }, { "id": "-994444869", "predicate": "error", "params": [ { "name": "code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "text", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Error" }, { "id": "1450380236", "predicate": "null", "params": [], "type": "Null" }, { "id": "2134579434", "predicate": "inputPeerEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, 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@author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; /* * Controls script shutdown */ class Shutdown { /** * Callbacks to call on shutdown. * * @var array */ private static $callbacks = []; /** * Whether the main shutdown was registered. * * @var boolean */ private static $registered = false; /** * Incremental ID for new callback. * * @var integer */ private static $id = 0; /** * Function to be called on shutdown. * * @return void */ public static function shutdown() { foreach (self::$callbacks as $callback) { $callback(); } } /** * Add a callback for script shutdown. * * @param callable $callback The callback to set * @param null|string $id The optional callback ID * * @return The callback ID */ public static function addCallback($callback, $id = null) { if (!$id) { $id = self::$id++; } self::$callbacks[$id] = $callback; if (!self::$registered) { \register_shutdown_function([__CLASS__, 'shutdown']); self::$registered = true; } return $id; } /** * Remove a callback from the script shutdown callable list. * * @param null|string $id The optional callback ID * * @return bool true if the callback was removed correctly, false otherwise */ public static function removeCallback($id) { if (isset(self::$callbacks[$id])) { unset(self::$callbacks[$id]); return true; } return false; } }// Core types (no need to gen) //vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector = ResPQ; p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ////////////// System messages /////////////////////////////// ---types--- msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector = MsgResendReq; //rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; // parsed manually rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; //message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; // parsed manually //msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector = MessageContainer; // parsed manually //msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; // parsed manually, not used - use msg_container //gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:string = Object; // parsed manually http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ipPort ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; help.configSimple#d997c3c5 date:int expires:int dc_id:int ip_port_list:Vector = help.ConfigSimple; ---functions--- rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; contest.saveDeveloperInfo#9a5f6e95 vk_id:int name:string phone_number:string age:int city:string = Bool; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#630c9af1 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#e9bfb4f3 id:InputPhoto caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#d070f1e9 flags:# file:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument#50d88cae flags:# file:InputFile thumb:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#1a77f29c id:InputDocument caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#b55f4f18 url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#e5e9607c url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#92153685 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string start_param:string = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#cb44b1c flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#95cb5f57 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#c09be45f flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#3d8ce53d photo:Photo caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#f3e02ea8 document:Document caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; dialog#66ffba14 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#6f8b8cb2 contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#ad524315 imported:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#1508485a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#7feec888 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int disabled_features:Vector = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#410dee07 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#f4a59de1 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#3a8fd8b8 flags:# geo:GeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#ccd3563d flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#c786ddcb flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#c7481da6 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#22c6aa08 hash:string = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#da30b32d contacts:Vector replace:Bool = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#ce91e4ca flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#2e7a2020 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Bool; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#4255934 sticker:InputDocument = Bool; stickers.changeStickerPosition#4ed705ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = Bool; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector; // LAYER 68 /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// //resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector = ResPQ; //p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; //server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; //server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; //server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; //client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; //dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; //dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; //dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- //req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; //req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; //set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#630c9af1 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#e9bfb4f3 id:InputPhoto caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#d070f1e9 flags:# file:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument#50d88cae flags:# file:InputFile thumb:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#1a77f29c id:InputDocument caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#b55f4f18 url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#e5e9607c url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#d10d979a flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#a14dca52 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true moderator:flags.4?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string = Chat; channelForbidden#8537784f flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#c3d5512f flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#c09be45f flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#3d8ce53d photo:Photo caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#f3e02ea8 document:Document caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; dialog#66ffba14 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#6f8b8cb2 contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#ad524315 imported:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#3af6fb5f flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int disabled_features:Vector = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#5910cccb duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; help.appChangelogEmpty#af7e0394 = help.AppChangelog; help.appChangelog#2a137e7c message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = help.AppChangelog; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#410dee07 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantModerator#91057fef user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantEditor#98192d61 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantKicked#8cc5e69a user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#3c37bb7a = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelRoleEmpty#b285a0c6 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleModerator#9618d975 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleEditor#820bfe8c = ChannelParticipantRole; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#f4a59de1 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#3a8fd8b8 flags:# geo:GeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#ccd3563d flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#c786ddcb flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8dee6c44 blocks:Vector photos:Vector videos:Vector = Page; pageFull#d7a19d69 blocks:Vector photos:Vector videos:Vector = Page; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#6c448ae8 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#69796de9 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#22c6aa08 hash:string = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#da30b32d contacts:Vector replace:Bool = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#ce91e4ca flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#b921197a = help.AppChangelog; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#eb7611d0 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser role:ChannelParticipantRole = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.kickFromChannel#a672de14 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser kicked:Bool = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; phone.requestCall#a41aa5e4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#220f0b20 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.discardCall#5dfbcddc peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Bool; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; // LAYER 62 ---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#196683d9 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#91d11eb dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#22a235da flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int = ChatFull; channelFull#1c87a71a flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9c477dd8 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#8ea4a881 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#a6c47aaa flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#22893b26 chat_id:int id:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#e6ca25f6 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#5585a139 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#5daa6e23 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#e6f9ddf3 flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#302f59f3 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true app_hash_persistent:flags.2?true app_hash:flags.3?string = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#83f6c0cd peer:InputPeer = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#70f893ba channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#9d51e814 lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; // LAYER 95 ---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerUserFromMessage#17bae2e6 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerChannelFromMessage#9c95f7bb peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputUserFromMessage#2d117597 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true scam:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#1b7c9db3 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int = ChatFull; channelFull#10916653 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true can_set_location:flags.16?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?int location:flags.15?ChannelLocation pts:int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#2c171f72 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int = Dialog; dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true add_contact:flags.1?true block_contact:flags.2?true share_contact:flags.3?true need_contacts_exception:flags.4?true report_geo:flags.5?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant#dbd4feed = ReportReason; userFull#edf17c12 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string settings:PeerSettings profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#c8edce1e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9c974fdf flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int peer:Peer max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#330b5424 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int channel_id:int max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#6e6fe51c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#fa0f3ca2 flags:# folder_id:flags.1?int order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updateFolderPeers#19360dc0 folder_peers:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updatePeerSettings#6a7e7366 peer:Peer settings:PeerSettings = Update; updatePeerLocated#b4afcfb0 peers:Vector = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#330b4067 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int pinned_infolder_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber#352dafa = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneNumber#d19ae46d = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants#4c81c1ba chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#d82363af chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowChatParticipants#18be796b chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#acae0690 chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#50a04e45 rules:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true animated:flags.5?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrlAuth#10b78d29 flags:# text:string fwd_text:flags.0?string url:string button_id:int = KeyboardButton; inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth#d02e7fd4 flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true text:string fwd_text:flags.1?string url:string bot:InputUser = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUnderline#9c4e7e8b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityStrike#bf0693d4 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBlockquote#20df5d0 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; inputChannelFromMessage#2a286531 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#a4bcc6fe flags:# final:flags.0?true timeout:flags.1?int dialog:Dialog messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#5daa6e23 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardUsers#a8406ca9 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardChats#fbeec0f0 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat#a26f881b prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation#e6b76ae prev_value:ChannelLocation new_value:ChannelLocation = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; inputDialogPeerFolder#64600527 folder_id:int = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; dialogPeerFolder#514519e2 folder_id:int = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#302f59f3 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true app_hash_persistent:flags.2?true app_hash:flags.3?string = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; folder#ff544e65 flags:# autofill_new_broadcasts:flags.0?true autofill_public_groups:flags.1?true autofill_new_correspondents:flags.2?true id:int title:string photo:flags.3?ChatPhoto = Folder; inputFolderPeer#fbd2c296 peer:InputPeer folder_id:int = InputFolderPeer; folderPeer#e9baa668 peer:Peer folder_id:int = FolderPeer; messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter; urlAuthResultRequest#92d33a0e flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true bot:User domain:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultAccepted#8f8c0e4e url:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultDefault#a9d6db1f = UrlAuthResult; channelLocationEmpty#bfb5ad8b = ChannelLocation; channelLocation#209b82db geo_point:GeoPoint address:string = ChannelLocation; peerLocated#ca461b5d peer:Peer expires:int distance:int = PeerLocated; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContacts#96a0e00 id:Vector = Updates; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true forward_users:flags.4?true forward_chats:flags.5?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; contacts.addContact#e8f463d0 flags:# add_phone_privacy_exception:flags.0?true id:InputUser first_name:string last_name:string phone:string = Updates; contacts.acceptContact#f831a20f id:InputUser = Updates; contacts.getLocated#a356056 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#a0ee3b73 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#bf7225a4 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int q:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#d6b94df2 folder_id:int = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector = Vector; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; messages.getSearchCounters#732eef00 peer:InputPeer filters:Vector = Vector; messages.requestUrlAuth#e33f5613 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.acceptUrlAuth#f729ea98 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.hidePeerSettingsBar#4facb138 peer:InputPeer = Bool; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#3d5fb10f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string geo_point:flags.2?InputGeoPoint address:flags.2?string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#70f893ba channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#f8b036af flags:# by_location:flags.0?true check_limit:flags.1?true = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; channels.getGroupsForDiscussion#f5dad378 = messages.Chats; channels.setDiscussionGroup#40582bb2 broadcast:InputChannel group:InputChannel = Bool; channels.editCreator#8f38cd1f channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = Updates; channels.editLocation#58e63f6d channel:InputChannel geo_point:InputGeoPoint address:string = Bool; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#42ff96ed flags:# video:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#b2cbc1c0 flags:# video:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#59ead627 flags:# user_initiative:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#cd984aa5 lang_pack:string lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; folders.editPeerFolders#6847d0ab folder_peers:Vector = Updates; folders.deleteFolder#1c295881 folder_id:int = Updates; // LAYER 102 . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Dns\Resolver; use Amp\Dns\Rfc1035StubResolver; use Amp\DoH\DoHConfig; use Amp\DoH\Nameserver; use Amp\DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver; use Amp\Http\Client\Connection\DefaultConnectionFactory; use Amp\Http\Client\Connection\UnlimitedConnectionPool; use Amp\Http\Client\Cookie\CookieInterceptor; use Amp\Http\Client\Cookie\CookieJar; use Amp\Http\Client\Cookie\InMemoryCookieJar; use Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient; use Amp\Http\Client\HttpClientBuilder; use Amp\Http\Client\Request; use Amp\Socket\ConnectContext; use Amp\Socket\DnsConnector; use Amp\Websocket\Client\Handshake; use Amp\Websocket\Client\Rfc6455Connector; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\PermAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\TempAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\BufferedRawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\AbridgedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\FullStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpsStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\IntermediatePaddedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\IntermediateStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\ObfuscatedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Proxy\HttpProxy; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Proxy\SocksProxy; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\DefaultStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\WssStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\WsStream; /** * Manages datacenters. */ class DataCenter { use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use \danog\Serializable; /** * All socket connections to DCs. * * @var array */ public $sockets = []; /** * Current DC ID. * * @var string */ public $curdc = 0; /** * Main instance. * * @var MTProto */ private $API; /** * DC list. * * @var array */ private $dclist = []; /** * Settings. * * @var array */ private $settings = []; /** * HTTP client. * * @var \Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient */ private $HTTPClient; /** * DNS over HTTPS client. * * @var \Amp\DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver */ private $DoHClient; /** * Non-proxied DNS over HTTPS client. * * @var \Amp\DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver */ private $nonProxiedDoHClient; /** * Cookie jar. * * @var \Amp\Http\Client\Cookie\CookieJar */ private $CookieJar; /** * DNS connector. * * @var DNSConnector */ private $dnsConnector; /** * DoH connector. */ private $webSocketConnnector; public function __sleep() { return ['sockets', 'curdc', 'dclist', 'settings']; } public function __wakeup() { $array = []; foreach ($this->sockets as $id => $socket) { if ($socket instanceof Connection) { if ($socket->temp_auth_key) { $array[$id]['tempAuthKey'] = $socket->temp_auth_key; } if ($socket->auth_key) { $array[$id]['permAuthKey'] = $socket->auth_key; $array[$id]['permAuthKey']['authorized'] = $socket->authorized; } } } $this->setDataCenterConnections($array); } /** * Set auth key information from saved auth array. * * @param array $saved Saved auth array * * @return void */ public function setDataCenterConnections(array $saved) { foreach ($saved as $id => $data) { $connection = $this->sockets[$id] = new DataCenterConnection(); if (isset($data['permAuthKey'])) { $connection->setPermAuthKey(new PermAuthKey($data['permAuthKey'])); } if (isset($data['linked'])) { continue; } if (isset($data['tempAuthKey'])) { $connection->setTempAuthKey(new TempAuthKey($data['tempAuthKey'])); if (($data['tempAuthKey']['bound'] ?? false) && $connection->hasPermAuthKey()) { $connection->bind(); } } unset($saved[$id]); } foreach ($saved as $id => $data) { $connection = $this->sockets[$id]; $connection->link($data['linked']); if (isset($data['tempAuthKey'])) { $connection->setTempAuthKey(new TempAuthKey($data['tempAuthKey'])); if (($data['tempAuthKey']['bound'] ?? false) && $connection->hasPermAuthKey()) { $connection->bind(); } } } } /** * Constructor function. * * @param MTProto $API Main MTProto instance * @param array $dclist DC IP list * @param array $settings Settings * @param boolean $reconnectAll Whether to reconnect to all DCs or just to changed ones * @param CookieJar $jar Cookie jar * * @return void */ public function __magic_construct($API, array $dclist, array $settings, bool $reconnectAll = true, CookieJar $jar = null) { $this->API = $API; $changed = []; $changedSettings = $this->settings !== $settings; if (!$reconnectAll) { $changed = []; $test = $API->getCachedConfig()['test_mode'] ?? false ? 'test' : 'main'; foreach ($dclist[$test] as $ipv6 => $dcs) { foreach ($dcs as $id => $dc) { if ($dc !== ($this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$id] ?? [])) { $changed[$id] = true; } } } } $this->dclist = $dclist; $this->settings = $settings; foreach ($this->sockets as $key => $socket) { if ($socket instanceof DataCenterConnection && !\strpos($key, '_bk')) { //$this->API->logger->logger(\sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['dc_con_stop'], $key), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($reconnectAll || isset($changed[$id])) { $this->API->logger->logger("Disconnecting all before reconnect!"); $socket->needReconnect(true); $socket->setExtra($this->API); $socket->disconnect(); } } else { unset($this->sockets[$key]); } } if ($reconnectAll || $changedSettings || !$this->CookieJar) { $this->CookieJar = $jar ?? new InMemoryCookieJar(); $this->HTTPClient = (new HttpClientBuilder())->interceptNetwork(new CookieInterceptor($this->CookieJar))->usingPool(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory(new ContextConnector($this))))->build(); $DoHHTTPClient = (new HttpClientBuilder())->interceptNetwork(new CookieInterceptor($this->CookieJar))->usingPool(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory(new ContextConnector($this, true))))->build(); $DoHConfig = new DoHConfig([new Nameserver(''), new Nameserver('')], $DoHHTTPClient); $nonProxiedDoHConfig = new DoHConfig([new Nameserver(''), new Nameserver('')]); $this->DoHClient = Magic::$altervista || Magic::$zerowebhost ? new Rfc1035StubResolver() : new Rfc8484StubResolver($DoHConfig); $this->nonProxiedDoHClient = Magic::$altervista || Magic::$zerowebhost ? new Rfc1035StubResolver() : new Rfc8484StubResolver($nonProxiedDoHConfig); $this->dnsConnector = new DnsConnector(new Rfc1035StubResolver()); if (\class_exists(Rfc6455Connector::class)) { $this->webSocketConnnector = new Rfc6455Connector($this->HTTPClient); } } } public function dcConnect(string $dc_number, int $id = -1) : \Generator { $old = isset($this->sockets[$dc_number]) && ($this->sockets[$dc_number]->shouldReconnect() || $id !== -1 && $this->sockets[$dc_number]->hasConnection($id) && $this->sockets[$dc_number]->getConnection($id)->shouldReconnect()); if (isset($this->sockets[$dc_number]) && !$old) { $this->API->logger("Not reconnecting to DC {$dc_number} ({$id})"); return false; } $ctxs = $this->generateContexts($dc_number); if (empty($ctxs)) { return false; } foreach ($ctxs as $ctx) { try { if ($old) { $this->API->logger->logger("Reconnecting to DC {$dc_number} ({$id}) from existing", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); $this->sockets[$dc_number]->setExtra($this->API); yield from $this->sockets[$dc_number]->connect($ctx, $id); } else { $this->API->logger->logger("Connecting to DC {$dc_number} from scratch", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); $this->sockets[$dc_number] = new DataCenterConnection(); $this->sockets[$dc_number]->setExtra($this->API); yield from $this->sockets[$dc_number]->connect($ctx); } $this->API->logger->logger('OK!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); return true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\MADELINEPROTO_TEST === 'pony') { throw $e; } $this->API->logger->logger("Connection failed ({$dc_number}): " . $e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } } throw new Exception("Could not connect to DC {$dc_number}"); } public function generateContexts($dc_number = 0, string $uri = '', ConnectContext $context = null) { $ctxs = []; $combos = []; $dc_config_number = isset($this->settings[$dc_number]) ? $dc_number : 'all'; $test = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['test_mode'] ? 'test' : 'main'; $ipv6 = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['ipv6'] ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4'; switch ($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['protocol']) { case 'abridged': case 'tcp_abridged': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [AbridgedStream::getName(), []]]; break; case 'intermediate': case 'tcp_intermediate': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [IntermediateStream::getName(), []]]; break; case 'obfuscated2': $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['protocol'] = 'tcp_intermediate_padded'; $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['obfuscated'] = true; // no break case 'intermediate_padded': case 'tcp_intermediate_padded': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [IntermediatePaddedStream::getName(), []]]; break; case 'full': case 'tcp_full': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [FullStream::getName(), []]]; break; case 'http': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [HttpStream::getName(), []]]; break; case 'https': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [HttpsStream::getName(), []]]; break; default: throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['protocol_invalid']); } if ($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['obfuscated'] && !\in_array($default[2][0], [HttpsStream::getName(), HttpStream::getName()])) { $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [ObfuscatedStream::getName(), []], \end($default)]; } if ($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['transport'] && !\in_array($default[2][0], [HttpsStream::getName(), HttpStream::getName()])) { switch ($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['transport']) { case 'tcp': if ($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['obfuscated']) { $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [ObfuscatedStream::getName(), []], \end($default)]; } break; case 'wss': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [WssStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [ObfuscatedStream::getName(), []], \end($default)]; break; case 'ws': $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [WsStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [ObfuscatedStream::getName(), []], \end($default)]; break; } } if (!$dc_number) { $default = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []]]; } $combos[] = $default; if (!isset($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['do_not_retry'])) { if (isset($this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['tcpo_only']) && $this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['tcpo_only'] || isset($this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['secret'])) { $extra = isset($this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['secret']) ? ['secret' => $this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['secret']] : []; $combos[] = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [ObfuscatedStream::getName(), $extra], [IntermediatePaddedStream::getName(), []]]; } if (\is_iterable($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['proxy'])) { $proxies = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['proxy']; $proxy_extras = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['proxy_extra']; } else { $proxies = [$this->settings[$dc_config_number]['proxy']]; $proxy_extras = [$this->settings[$dc_config_number]['proxy_extra']]; } foreach ($proxies as $key => $proxy) { // Convert old settings if ($proxy === '\\Socket') { $proxy = DefaultStream::getName(); } if ($proxy === '\\SocksProxy') { $proxy = SocksProxy::getName(); } if ($proxy === '\\HttpProxy') { $proxy = HttpProxy::getName(); } if ($proxy === '\\MTProxySocket') { $proxy = ObfuscatedStream::getName(); } if ($proxy === DefaultStream::getName()) { continue; } if (!$dc_number && $proxy === ObfuscatedStream::getName()) { continue; } $extra = $proxy_extras[$key]; if (!isset(\class_implements($proxy)[StreamInterface::class])) { throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['proxy_class_invalid']); } if ($proxy === ObfuscatedStream::getName() && \in_array(\strlen($extra['secret']), [17, 34])) { $combos[] = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [$proxy, $extra], [IntermediatePaddedStream::getName(), []]]; } foreach ($combos as $k => $orig) { $combo = []; if ($proxy === ObfuscatedStream::getName()) { $combo = $orig; if ($combo[\count($combo) - 2][0] === ObfuscatedStream::getName()) { $combo[\count($combo) - 2][1] = $extra; } else { $mtproto = \end($combo); $combo[\count($combo) - 1] = [$proxy, $extra]; $combo[] = $mtproto; } } else { if ($orig[1][0] === BufferedRawStream::getName()) { list($first, $second) = [\array_slice($orig, 0, 2), \array_slice($orig, 2)]; $first[] = [$proxy, $extra]; $combo = \array_merge($first, $second); } elseif (\in_array($orig[1][0], [WsStream::getName(), WssStream::getName()])) { list($first, $second) = [\array_slice($orig, 0, 1), \array_slice($orig, 1)]; $first[] = [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []]; $first[] = [$proxy, $extra]; $combo = \array_merge($first, $second); } } \array_unshift($combos, $combo); //unset($combos[$k]); } } if ($dc_number) { $combos[] = [[DefaultStream::getName(), []], [BufferedRawStream::getName(), []], [HttpsStream::getName(), []]]; } $combos = \array_unique($combos, SORT_REGULAR); } /* @var $context \Amp\ConnectContext */ $context = $context ?? (new ConnectContext())->withMaxAttempts(1)->withConnectTimeout(1000 * $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['timeout']); foreach ($combos as $combo) { $ipv6 = [$this->settings[$dc_config_number]['ipv6'] ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4', $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['ipv6'] ? 'ipv4' : 'ipv6']; foreach ($ipv6 as $ipv6) { foreach ([true, false] as $useDoH) { // This is only for non-MTProto connections if (!$dc_number) { /* @var $ctx \danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext */ $ctx = (new ConnectionContext())->setSocketContext($context)->setUri($uri)->setIpv6($ipv6 === 'ipv6'); foreach ($combo as $stream) { if ($stream[0] === DefaultStream::getName() && $stream[1] === []) { $stream[1] = $useDoH ? new DoHConnector($this, $ctx) : $this->dnsConnector; } $ctx->addStream(...$stream); } $ctxs[] = $ctx; continue; } // This is only for MTProto connections if (!isset($this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['ip_address'])) { continue; } $address = $this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['ip_address']; if ($ipv6 === 'ipv6') { $address = "[{$address}]"; } $port = $this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number]['port']; foreach (\array_unique([$port, 443, 80, 88, 5222]) as $port) { $stream = \end($combo)[0]; if ($stream === HttpsStream::getName()) { $subdomain = $this->dclist['ssl_subdomains'][\preg_replace('/\\D+/', '', $dc_number)]; if (\strpos($dc_number, '_media') !== false) { $subdomain .= '-1'; } $path = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['test_mode'] ? 'apiw_test1' : 'apiw1'; $uri = 'tcp://' . $subdomain . '' . $port . '/' . $path; } elseif ($stream === HttpStream::getName()) { $uri = 'tcp://' . $address . ':' . $port . '/api'; } else { $uri = 'tcp://' . $address . ':' . $port; } if ($combo[1][0] === WssStream::getName()) { $subdomain = $this->dclist['ssl_subdomains'][\preg_replace('/\\D+/', '', $dc_number)]; if (\strpos($dc_number, '_media') !== false) { $subdomain .= '-1'; } $path = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['test_mode'] ? 'apiws_test' : 'apiws'; $uri = 'tcp://' . $subdomain . '' . $port . '/' . $path; } elseif ($combo[1][0] === WsStream::getName()) { $subdomain = $this->dclist['ssl_subdomains'][\preg_replace('/\\D+/', '', $dc_number)]; if (\strpos($dc_number, '_media') !== false) { $subdomain .= '-1'; } $path = $this->settings[$dc_config_number]['test_mode'] ? 'apiws_test' : 'apiws'; //$uri = 'tcp://' . $subdomain . '' . $port . '/' . $path; $uri = 'tcp://' . $address . ':' . $port . '/' . $path; } /* @var $ctx \danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext */ $ctx = (new ConnectionContext())->setDc($dc_number)->setTest($this->settings[$dc_config_number]['test_mode'])->setSocketContext($context)->setUri($uri)->setIpv6($ipv6 === 'ipv6'); foreach ($combo as $stream) { if ($stream[0] === DefaultStream::getName() && $stream[1] === []) { $stream[1] = $useDoH ? new DoHConnector($this, $ctx) : $this->dnsConnector; } if (\in_array($stream[0], [WsStream::class, WssStream::class]) && $stream[1] === []) { if (!\class_exists(Handshake::class)) { throw new Exception('Please install amphp/websocket-client by running "composer require amphp/websocket-client:dev-master"'); } $stream[1] = $this->webSocketConnnector; } $ctx->addStream(...$stream); } $ctxs[] = $ctx; } } } } if (isset($this->dclist[$test][$ipv6][$dc_number . '_bk']['ip_address'])) { $ctxs = \array_merge($ctxs, $this->generateContexts($dc_number . '_bk')); } if (empty($ctxs)) { unset($this->sockets[$dc_number]); $this->API->logger->logger("No info for DC {$dc_number}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } elseif (\MADELINEPROTO_TEST === 'pony') { return [$ctxs[0]]; } return $ctxs; } /** * Get main API. * * @return MTProto */ public function getAPI() { return $this->API; } /** * Get async HTTP client. * * @return \Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient */ public function getHTTPClient() : DelegateHttpClient { return $this->HTTPClient; } /** * Get async HTTP client cookies. * * @return \Amp\Http\Client\Cookie\CookieJar */ public function getCookieJar() : CookieJar { return $this->CookieJar; } /** * Get DNS over HTTPS async DNS client. * * @return \Amp\Dns\Resolver */ public function getDNSClient() : Resolver { return $this->DoHClient; } /** * Get non-proxied DNS over HTTPS async DNS client. * * @return \Amp\Dns\Resolver */ public function getNonProxiedDNSClient() : Resolver { return $this->nonProxiedDoHClient; } /** * Get contents of file. * * @param string $url URL to fetch * * @return \Generator */ public function fileGetContents(string $url) : \Generator { return (yield ((yield $this->getHTTPClient()->request(new Request($url))))->getBody()->buffer()); } /** * Get Connection instance for authorization. * * @param string $dc DC ID * * @return Connection */ public function getAuthConnection(string $dc) : Connection { return $this->sockets[$dc]->getAuthConnection(); } /** * Get Connection instance. * * @param string $dc DC ID * * @return Connection */ public function getConnection(string $dc) : Connection { return $this->sockets[$dc]->getConnection(); } /** * Get Connection instance asynchronously. * * @param string $dc DC ID * * @return \Generator */ public function waitGetConnection(string $dc) : \Generator { return $this->sockets[$dc]->waitGetConnection(); } /** * Get DataCenterConnection instance. * * @param string $dc DC ID * * @return DataCenterConnection */ public function getDataCenterConnection(string $dc) : DataCenterConnection { return $this->sockets[$dc]; } /** * Get all DataCenterConnection instances. * * @return array */ public function getDataCenterConnections() : array { return $this->sockets; } /** * Check if a DC is present. * * @param string $dc DC ID * * @return boolean */ public function has(string $dc) : bool { return isset($this->sockets[$dc]); } /** * Check if connected to datacenter using HTTP. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @return boolean */ public function isHttp(string $datacenter) { return $this->sockets[$datacenter]->isHttp(); } /** * Check if connected to datacenter directly using IP address. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @return boolean */ public function byIPAddress(string $datacenter) : bool { return $this->sockets[$datacenter]->byIPAddress(); } /** * Get all DC IDs. * * @param boolean $all Whether to get all possible DC IDs, or only connected ones * * @return array */ public function getDcs($all = true) : array { $test = $this->settings['all']['test_mode'] ? 'test' : 'main'; $ipv6 = $this->settings['all']['ipv6'] ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4'; return $all ? \array_keys((array) $this->dclist[$test][$ipv6]) : \array_keys((array) $this->sockets); } }{ "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1072550713", "predicate": "true", "params": [], "type": "True" }, { "id": "481674261", "predicate": "vector", "params": [], "type": "Vector t" }, { "id": "-994444869", "predicate": "error", "params": [ { "name": "code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "text", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Error" }, { "id": "1450380236", "predicate": "null", "params": [], "type": "Null" }, { "id": "2134579434", "predicate": "inputPeerEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "2107670217", "predicate": "inputPeerSelf", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "270785512", "predicate": "inputPeerContact", "params": [ { "name": "user_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "-1690012891", "predicate": "inputPeerForeign", "params": [ { "name": "user_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "access_hash", "type": "long" } ], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "396093539", "predicate": "inputPeerChat", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "-1182234929", "predicate": "inputUserEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputUser" }, { "id": "-138301121", "predicate": "inputUserSelf", "params": [], "type": "InputUser" }, { "id": "-2031530139", "predicate": "inputUserContact", "params": [ { "name": "user_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "InputUser" }, { "id": "1700689151", "predicate": "inputUserForeign", "params": [ { "name": "user_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "access_hash", "type": "long" } ], "type": "InputUser" }, { "id": "-208488460", "predicate": "inputPhoneContact", "params": [ { "name": "client_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "phone", "type": "string" }, { "name": "first_name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "last_name", "type": "string" } ], "type": "InputContact" }, { "id": "-181407105", "predicate": "inputFile", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "parts", "type": "int" }, { "name": "name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "md5_checksum", "type": "string" } ], "type": "InputFile" }, { "id": "-1771768449", "predicate": "inputMediaEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "767900285", "predicate": "inputMediaUploadedPhoto", "params": [ { "name": "file", "type": "InputFile" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "-1893027092", "predicate": "inputMediaPhoto", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "InputPhoto" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "-104578748", "predicate": "inputMediaGeoPoint", "params": [ { "name": "geo_point", "type": "InputGeoPoint" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "-1494984313", "predicate": "inputMediaContact", "params": [ { "name": "phone_number", "type": "string" }, { "name": "first_name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "last_name", "type": "string" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "322623222", "predicate": "inputMediaUploadedVideo", "params": [ { "name": "file", "type": "InputFile" }, { "name": "duration", "type": "int" }, { "name": "w", "type": "int" }, { "name": "h", "type": "int" }, { "name": "mime_type", "type": "string" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "-1726817601", "predicate": "inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo", "params": [ { "name": "file", "type": "InputFile" }, { "name": "thumb", "type": "InputFile" }, { "name": "duration", "type": "int" }, { "name": "w", "type": "int" }, { "name": "h", "type": "int" }, { "name": "mime_type", "type": "string" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "2130852582", "predicate": "inputMediaVideo", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "InputVideo" } ], "type": "InputMedia" }, { "id": "480546647", "predicate": "inputChatPhotoEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputChatPhoto" }, { "id": "-1809496270", "predicate": "inputChatUploadedPhoto", "params": [ { "name": "file", "type": "InputFile" }, { "name": 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"messages.SentEncryptedMessage" }, { "id": "1436924774", "method": "messages.receivedQueue", "params": [ { "name": "max_qts", "type": "int" } ], "type": "Vector" }, { "id": "-562337987", "method": "upload.saveBigFilePart", "params": [ { "name": "file_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "file_part", "type": "int" }, { "name": "file_total_parts", "type": "int" }, { "name": "bytes", "type": "bytes" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1769565673", "method": "initConnection", "params": [ { "name": "api_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "device_model", "type": "string" }, { "name": "system_version", "type": "string" }, { "name": "app_version", "type": "string" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" }, { "name": "query", "type": "!X" } ], "type": "X" }, { "id": "-1663104819", "method": "help.getSupport", "params": [], "type": "help.Support" }, { "id": "229241832", "method": "auth.sendSms", "params": [ { "name": "phone_number", "type": "string" }, { "name": "phone_code_hash", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "894131138", "method": "messages.readMessageContents", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "Vector" }, { "id": "655677548", "method": "account.checkUsername", "params": [ { "name": "username", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1040964988", "method": "account.updateUsername", "params": [ { "name": "username", "type": "string" } ], "type": "User" }, { "id": "301470424", "method": "", "params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "contacts.Found" }, { "id": "-623130288", "method": "account.getPrivacy", "params": [ { "name": "key", "type": "InputPrivacyKey" } ], "type": "account.PrivacyRules" }, { "id": "-906486552", "method": "account.setPrivacy", "params": [ { "name": "key", "type": "InputPrivacyKey" }, { "name": "rules", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "account.PrivacyRules" }, { "id": "1099779595", "method": "account.deleteAccount", "params": [ { "name": "reason", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "150761757", "method": "account.getAccountTTL", "params": [], "type": "AccountDaysTTL" }, { "id": "608323678", "method": "account.setAccountTTL", "params": [ { "name": "ttl", "type": "AccountDaysTTL" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-627372787", "method": "invokeWithLayer", "params": [ { "name": "layer", "type": "int" }, { "name": "query", "type": "!X" } ], "type": "X" }, { "id": "200282908", "method": "contacts.resolveUsername", "params": [ { "name": "username", "type": "string" } ], "type": "User" }, { "id": "-1543001868", "method": "account.sendChangePhoneCode", "params": [ { "name": "phone_number", "type": "string" } ], "type": "account.SentChangePhoneCode" }, { "id": "1891839707", "method": "account.changePhone", "params": [ { "name": "phone_number", "type": "string" }, { "name": "phone_code_hash", "type": "string" }, { "name": "phone_code", "type": "string" } ], "type": "User" }, { "id": "-1373446075", "method": "messages.getStickers", "params": [ { "name": "emoticon", "type": "string" }, { "name": "hash", "type": "string" } ], "type": "messages.Stickers" }, { "id": "-1438922648", "method": "messages.getAllStickers", "params": [ { "name": "hash", "type": "string" } ], "type": "messages.AllStickers" }, { "id": "954152242", "method": "account.updateDeviceLocked", "params": [ { "name": "period", "type": "int" } ], "type": "Bool" } ] }exportAuthorization() instead, see * * Parameters: * * `int` **dc_id** - You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.ExportedAuthorization */ public function exportAuthorization($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see * * Parameters: * * `int` **id** - You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see * * `bytes` **bytes** - You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.Authorization */ public function importAuthorization($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `long` **perm_auth_key_id** - You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info * * `long` **nonce** - You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info * * `int` **expires_at** - You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info * * `bytes` **encrypted_message** - You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function bindTempAuthKey($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `int` **api_id** - You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info) * * `string` **api_hash** - You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info) * * `string` **bot_auth_token** - You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.Authorization */ public function importBotAuthorization($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `InputCheckPasswordSRP` **password** - You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.Authorization */ public function checkPassword($params); /** * Request recovery code of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured]( * * @return auth.PasswordRecovery */ public function requestPasswordRecovery(); /** * Reset the [2FA password]( using the recovery code sent using [auth.requestPasswordRecovery]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **code** - Code received via email * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.Authorization */ public function recoverPassword($params); /** * Resend the login code via another medium, the phone code type is determined by the return value of the previous auth.sendCode/auth.resendCode: see [login]( for more info. * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_number** - The phone number * * `string` **phone_code_hash** - The phone code hash obtained from [auth.sendCode]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.SentCode */ public function resendCode($params); /** * Cancel the login verification code. * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_number** - Phone number * * `string` **phone_code_hash** - Phone code hash from [auth.sendCode]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function cancelCode($params); /** * Delete all temporary authorization keys **except for** the ones specified. * * Parameters: * * `[long]` **except_auth_keys** - The temporary authorization keys to keep * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function dropTempAuthKeys($params); } interface account { /** * Register device to receive [PUSH notifications]( * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **no_muted** - Optional: Avoid receiving (silent and invisible background) notifications. Useful to save battery. * * `int` **token_type** - Device token type.
**Possible values**:
`1` \- APNS (device token for apple push)
`2` \- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)
`3` \- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)
`4` \- Simple push (endpoint for firefox's simple push API)
`5` \- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)
`6` \- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)
`7` \- Unused
`8` \- WNS (windows push)
`9` \- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)
`10` \- Web push (web push, see below)
`11` \- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)
`12` \- Tizen (token for tizen push)

For `10` web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object containing the keys described in [PUSH updates]( * * `string` **token** - Device token * * `Bool` **app_sandbox** - If [(boolTrue)]( is transmitted, a sandbox-certificate will be used during transmission. * * `bytes` **secret** - For FCM and APNS VoIP, optional encryption key used to encrypt push notifications * * `[int]` **other_uids** - Other UIDs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function registerDevice($params); /** * Deletes a device by its token, stops sending PUSH-notifications to it. * * Parameters: * * `int` **token_type** - Device token type.
**Possible values**:
`1` \- APNS (device token for apple push)
`2` \- FCM (firebase token for google firebase)
`3` \- MPNS (channel URI for microsoft push)
`4` \- Simple push (endpoint for firefox's simple push API)
`5` \- Ubuntu phone (token for ubuntu push)
`6` \- Blackberry (token for blackberry push)
`7` \- Unused
`8` \- WNS (windows push)
`9` \- APNS VoIP (token for apple push VoIP)
`10` \- Web push (web push, see below)
`11` \- MPNS VoIP (token for microsoft push VoIP)
`12` \- Tizen (token for tizen push)

For `10` web push, the token must be a JSON-encoded object containing the keys described in [PUSH updates]( * * `string` **token** - Device token * * `[int]` **other_uids** - Other UIDs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function unregisterDevice($params); /** * Edits notification settings from a given user/group, from all users/all groups. * * Parameters: * * `InputNotifyPeer` **peer** - Notification source * * `InputPeerNotifySettings` **settings** - Notification settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function updateNotifySettings($params); /** * Gets current notification settings for a given user/group, from all users/all groups. * * Parameters: * * `InputNotifyPeer` **peer** - Notification source * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return PeerNotifySettings */ public function getNotifySettings($params); /** * Resets all notification settings from users and groups. * * @return bool */ public function resetNotifySettings(); /** * Updates user profile. * * Parameters: * * `string` **first_name** - Optional: New user first name * * `string` **last_name** - Optional: New user last name * * `string` **about** - Optional: New bio * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return User */ public function updateProfile($params); /** * Updates online user status. * * Parameters: * * `Bool` **offline** - If [(boolTrue)]( is transmitted, user status will change to [(userStatusOffline)]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function updateStatus($params); /** * Returns a list of available wallpapers. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: IDs of previously fetched wallpapers * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.WallPapers */ public function getWallPapers($params); /** * Report a peer for violation of telegram's Terms of Service. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The peer to report * * `ReportReason` **reason** - The reason why this peer is being reported * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function reportPeer($params); /** * Validates a username and checks availability. * * Parameters: * * `string` **username** - Username
Accepted characters: A-z (case-insensitive), 0-9 and underscores.
Length: 5-32 characters. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function checkUsername($params); /** * Changes username for the current user. * * Parameters: * * `string` **username** - Username or empty string if username is to be removed
Accepted characters: a-z (case-insensitive), 0-9 and underscores.
Length: 5-32 characters. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return User */ public function updateUsername($params); /** * Get privacy settings of current account. * * Parameters: * * `InputPrivacyKey` **key** - Peer category whose privacy settings should be fetched * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.PrivacyRules */ public function getPrivacy($params); /** * Change privacy settings of current account. * * Parameters: * * `InputPrivacyKey` **key** - Peers to which the privacy rules apply * * `[InputPrivacyRule]` **rules** - Privacy settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.PrivacyRules */ public function setPrivacy($params); /** * Delete the user's account from the telegram servers. Can be used, for example, to delete the account of a user that provided the login code, but forgot the [2FA password and no recovery method is configured]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **reason** - Why is the account being deleted, can be empty * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function deleteAccount($params); /** * Get days to live of account. * * @return AccountDaysTTL */ public function getAccountTTL(); /** * Set account self-destruction period. * * Parameters: * * `AccountDaysTTL` **ttl** - Time to live in days * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setAccountTTL($params); /** * Verify a new phone number to associate to the current account. * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_number** - New phone number * * `CodeSettings` **settings** - Phone code settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.SentCode */ public function sendChangePhoneCode($params); /** * Change the phone number of the current account. * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_number** - New phone number * * `string` **phone_code_hash** - Phone code hash received when calling [account.sendChangePhoneCode]( * * `string` **phone_code** - Phone code received when calling [account.sendChangePhoneCode]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return User */ public function changePhone($params); /** * When client-side passcode lock feature is enabled, will not show message texts in incoming [PUSH notifications]( * * Parameters: * * `int` **period** - Inactivity period after which to start hiding message texts in [PUSH notifications]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function updateDeviceLocked($params); /** * Get logged-in sessions. * * @return account.Authorizations */ public function getAuthorizations(); /** * Log out an active [authorized session]( by its hash. * * Parameters: * * `long` **hash** - Session hash * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function resetAuthorization($params); /** * Obtain configuration for two-factor authorization with password. * * @return account.Password */ public function getPassword(); /** * You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `InputCheckPasswordSRP` **password** - You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.PasswordSettings */ public function getPasswordSettings($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `InputCheckPasswordSRP` **password** - You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info) * * `account.PasswordInputSettings` **new_settings** - You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function updatePasswordSettings($params); /** * Send confirmation code to cancel account deletion, for more info [click here »]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **hash** - The hash from the service notification, for more info [click here »]( * * `CodeSettings` **settings** - Phone code settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.SentCode */ public function sendConfirmPhoneCode($params); /** * Confirm a phone number to cancel account deletion, for more info [click here »]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_code_hash** - Phone code hash, for more info [click here »]( * * `string` **phone_code** - SMS code, for more info [click here »]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function confirmPhone($params); /** * Get temporary payment password. * * Parameters: * * `InputCheckPasswordSRP` **password** - SRP password parameters * * `int` **period** - Time during which the temporary password will be valid, in seconds; should be between 60 and 86400 * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.TmpPassword */ public function getTmpPassword($params); /** * Get web [login widget]( authorizations. * * @return account.WebAuthorizations */ public function getWebAuthorizations(); /** * Log out an active web [telegram login]( session. * * Parameters: * * `long` **hash** - [Session]( hash * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function resetWebAuthorization($params); /** * Reset all active web [telegram login]( sessions. * * @return bool */ public function resetWebAuthorizations(); /** * Get all saved [Telegram Passport]( documents, [for more info see the passport docs »]( * * @return of SecureValue[] */ public function getAllSecureValues(); /** * Get saved [Telegram Passport]( document, [for more info see the passport docs »]( * * Parameters: * * `[SecureValueType]` **types** - Get telegram passport secure parameters * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of SecureValue[] */ public function getSecureValue($params); /** * Securely save [Telegram Passport]( document, [for more info see the passport docs »]( * * Parameters: * * `InputSecureValue` **value** - Secure value, [for more info see the passport docs »]( * * `long` **secure_secret_id** - Passport secret hash, [for more info see the passport docs »]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return SecureValue */ public function saveSecureValue($params); /** * Delete stored [Telegram Passport]( documents, [for more info see the passport docs »]( * * Parameters: * * `[SecureValueType]` **types** - The values to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function deleteSecureValue($params); /** * Returns a Telegram Passport authorization form for sharing data with a service. * * Parameters: * * `int` **bot_id** - User identifier of the service's bot * * `string` **scope** - Telegram Passport element types requested by the service * * `string` **public_key** - Service's public key * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.AuthorizationForm */ public function getAuthorizationForm($params); /** * Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing data with the service. * * Parameters: * * `int` **bot_id** - Bot ID * * `string` **scope** - Telegram Passport element types requested by the service * * `string` **public_key** - Service's public key * * `[SecureValueHash]` **value_hashes** - Hashes of the encrypted credentials * * `SecureCredentialsEncrypted` **credentials** - Encrypted values * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function acceptAuthorization($params); /** * Send the verification phone code for telegram [passport]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_number** - The phone number to verify * * `CodeSettings` **settings** - Phone code settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return auth.SentCode */ public function sendVerifyPhoneCode($params); /** * Verify a phone number for telegram [passport]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **phone_number** - Phone number * * `string` **phone_code_hash** - Phone code hash received from the call to [account.sendVerifyPhoneCode]( * * `string` **phone_code** - Code received after the call to [account.sendVerifyPhoneCode]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function verifyPhone($params); /** * Send the verification email code for telegram [passport]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **email** - The email where to send the code * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.SentEmailCode */ public function sendVerifyEmailCode($params); /** * Verify an email address for telegram [passport]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **email** - The email to verify * * `string` **code** - The verification code that was received * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function verifyEmail($params); /** * Intialize account takeout session. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **contacts** - Optional: Whether to export contacts * * `boolean` **message_users** - Optional: Whether to export messages in private chats * * `boolean` **message_chats** - Optional: Whether to export messages in [legacy groups]( * * `boolean` **message_megagroups** - Optional: Whether to export messages in [supergroups]( * * `boolean` **message_channels** - Optional: Whether to export messages in [channels]( * * `boolean` **files** - Optional: Whether to export files * * `int` **file_max_size** - Optional: Maximum size of files to export * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.Takeout */ public function initTakeoutSession($params); /** * Finish account takeout session. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **success** - Optional: Data exported successfully * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function finishTakeoutSession($params); /** * Verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method]( * * Parameters: * * `string` **code** - The phone code that was received after [setting a recovery email]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function confirmPasswordEmail($params); /** * Resend the code to verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method]( * * @return bool */ public function resendPasswordEmail(); /** * Cancel the code that was sent to verify an email to use as [2FA recovery method]( * * @return bool */ public function cancelPasswordEmail(); /** * Whether the user will receive notifications when contacts sign up. * * @return bool */ public function getContactSignUpNotification(); /** * Toggle contact sign up notifications. * * Parameters: * * `Bool` **silent** - Whether to disable contact sign up notifications * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setContactSignUpNotification($params); /** * Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **compare_sound** - Optional: If true, chats with non-default sound will also be returned * * `InputNotifyPeer` **peer** - Optional: If specified, only chats of the specified category will be returned * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function getNotifyExceptions($params); /** * Get info about a certain wallpaper. * * Parameters: * * `InputWallPaper` **wallpaper** - The wallpaper to get info about * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return WallPaper */ public function getWallPaper($params); /** * Create and upload a new wallpaper. * * Parameters: * * `InputFile` **file** - The JPG/PNG wallpaper * * `string` **mime_type** - MIME type of uploaded wallpaper * * `WallPaperSettings` **settings** - Wallpaper settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return WallPaper */ public function uploadWallPaper($params); /** * Install/uninstall wallpaper. * * Parameters: * * `InputWallPaper` **wallpaper** - Wallpaper to save * * `Bool` **unsave** - Uninstall wallpaper? * * `WallPaperSettings` **settings** - Wallpaper settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveWallPaper($params); /** * Install wallpaper. * * Parameters: * * `InputWallPaper` **wallpaper** - Wallpaper to install * * `WallPaperSettings` **settings** - Wallpaper settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function installWallPaper($params); /** * Delete installed wallpapers. * * @return bool */ public function resetWallPapers(); /** * Get media autodownload settings. * * @return account.AutoDownloadSettings */ public function getAutoDownloadSettings(); /** * Change media autodownload settings. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **low** - Optional: Whether to save settings in the low data usage preset * * `boolean` **high** - Optional: Whether to save settings in the high data usage preset * * `AutoDownloadSettings` **settings** - Media autodownload settings * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveAutoDownloadSettings($params); /** * Upload theme. * * Parameters: * * `InputFile` **file** - Theme file uploaded as described in [files »]( * * `InputFile` **thumb** - Optional: Thumbnail * * `string` **file_name** - File name * * `string` **mime_type** - MIME type, must be `application/x-tgtheme-{format}`, where `format` depends on the client * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Document */ public function uploadTheme($params); /** * Create a theme. * * Parameters: * * `string` **slug** - Unique theme ID * * `string` **title** - Theme name * * `InputDocument` **document** - Theme file * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Theme */ public function createTheme($params); /** * Update theme. * * Parameters: * * `string` **format** - Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client * * `InputTheme` **theme** - Theme to update * * `string` **slug** - Optional: Unique theme ID * * `string` **title** - Optional: Theme name * * `InputDocument` **document** - Optional: Theme file * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Theme */ public function updateTheme($params); /** * Save a theme. * * Parameters: * * `InputTheme` **theme** - Theme to save * * `Bool` **unsave** - Unsave * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveTheme($params); /** * Install a theme. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **dark** - Optional: Whether to install the dark version * * `string` **format** - Optional: Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client * * `InputTheme` **theme** - Optional: Theme to install * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function installTheme($params); /** * Get theme information. * * Parameters: * * `string` **format** - Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client * * `InputTheme` **theme** - Theme * * `long` **document_id** - Document ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Theme */ public function getTheme($params); /** * Get installed themes. * * Parameters: * * `string` **format** - Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: Hash for pagination * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return account.Themes */ public function getThemes($params); } interface users { /** * Returns basic user info according to their identifiers. * * Parameters: * * `[InputUser]` **id** - The ids of the users * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of User[] */ public function getUsers($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **id** - You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return UserFull */ public function getFullUser($params); /** * Notify the user that the sent [passport]( data contains some errors The user will not be able to re-submit their Passport data to you until the errors are fixed (the contents of the field for which you returned the error must change). * * Use this if the data submitted by the user doesn't satisfy the standards your service requires for any reason. For example, if a birthday date seems invalid, a submitted document is blurry, a scan shows evidence of tampering, etc. Supply some details in the error message to make sure the user knows how to correct the issues. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **id** - The user * * `[SecureValueError]` **errors** - The errors * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setSecureValueErrors($params); } interface contacts { /** * Get contact by telegram IDs. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: Previously fetched IDs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of int[] */ public function getContactIDs($params); /** * Returns the list of contact statuses. * * @return of ContactStatus[] */ public function getStatuses(); /** * Returns the current user's contact list. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: User IDs of previously cached contacts * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return contacts.Contacts */ public function getContacts($params); /** * Imports contacts: saves a full list on the server, adds already registered contacts to the contact list, returns added contacts and their info. * * Parameters: * * `[InputContact]` **contacts** - The numbers to import * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return contacts.ImportedContacts */ public function importContacts($params); /** * Deletes several contacts from the list. * * Parameters: * * `[InputUser]` **id** - The contacts to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function deleteContacts($params); /** * Delete contacts by phone number. * * Parameters: * * `[string]` **phones** - Phones * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function deleteByPhones($params); /** * Adds the user to the blacklist. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **id** - User ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function block($params); /** * Deletes the user from the blacklist. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **id** - User ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function unblock($params); /** * Returns the list of blocked users. * * Parameters: * * `int` **offset** - The number of list elements to be skipped * * `int` **limit** - The number of list elements to be returned * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return contacts.Blocked */ public function getBlocked($params); /** * Returns users found by username substring. * * Parameters: * * `string` **q** - Target substring * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of users to be returned * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return contacts.Found */ public function search($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `string` **username** - You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return contacts.ResolvedPeer */ public function resolveUsername($params); /** * Get most used peers. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **correspondents** - Optional: Users we've chatted most frequently with * * `boolean` **bots_pm** - Optional: Most used bots * * `boolean` **bots_inline** - Optional: Most used inline bots * * `boolean` **phone_calls** - Optional: Most frequently called users * * `boolean` **forward_users** - Optional: Users to which the users often forwards messages to * * `boolean` **forward_chats** - Optional: Chats to which the users often forwards messages to * * `boolean` **groups** - Optional: Often-opened groups and supergroups * * `boolean` **channels** - Optional: Most frequently visited channels * * `int` **offset** - Offset for [pagination]( * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination]( * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: Peer IDs of previously cached peers * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return contacts.TopPeers */ public function getTopPeers($params); /** * Reset [rating]( of top peer. * * Parameters: * * `TopPeerCategory` **category** - Top peer category * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer whose rating should be reset * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function resetTopPeerRating($params); /** * Delete saved contacts. * * @return bool */ public function resetSaved(); /** * Get all contacts. * * @return of SavedContact[] */ public function getSaved(); /** * Enable/disable [top peers]( * * Parameters: * * `Bool` **enabled** - Enable/disable * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function toggleTopPeers($params); /** * Add an existing telegram user as contact. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **add_phone_privacy_exception** - Optional: Allow the other user to see our phone number? * * `InputUser` **id** - Telegram ID of the other user * * `string` **first_name** - First name * * `string` **last_name** - Last name * * `string` **phone** - User's phone number * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function addContact($params); /** * If the [peer settings]( of a new user allow us to add him as contact, add that user as contact. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **id** - The user to add as contact * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function acceptContact($params); /** * Get contacts near you. * * Parameters: * * `InputGeoPoint` **geo_point** - Geolocation * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function getLocated($params); } interface messages { /** * Returns the list of messages by their IDs. * * Parameters: * * `[InputMessage]` **id** - The IDs of messages to fetch (only for users and normal groups) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getMessages($params); /** * Returns the current user dialog list. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **exclude_pinned** - Optional: Exclude pinned dialogs * * `int` **folder_id** - Optional: Folder ID * * `int` **offset_date** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `int` **offset_id** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `InputPeer` **offset_peer** - [Offset peer for pagination]( * * `int` **limit** - Number of list elements to be returned * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: IDs of previously fetched dialogs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Dialogs */ public function getDialogs($params); /** * Gets back the conversation history with one interlocutor / within a chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Target peer * * `int` **offset_id** - Only return messages starting from the specified message ID * * `int` **offset_date** - Only return messages sent after the specified date * * `int` **add_offset** - Number of list elements to be skipped, negative values are also accepted. * * `int` **limit** - Number of results to return * * `int` **max_id** - If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with IDs less than **max\_id** * * `int` **min_id** - If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with IDs more than **min\_id** * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: IDs of messages you already fetched * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getHistory($params); /** * Gets back found messages. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - User or chat, histories with which are searched, or [(inputPeerEmpty)]( constructor for global search * * `string` **q** - Text search request * * `InputUser` **from_id** - Optional: Only return messages sent by the specified user ID * * `MessagesFilter` **filter** - Filter to return only specified message types * * `int` **min_date** - If a positive value was transferred, only messages with a sending date bigger than the transferred one will be returned * * `int` **max_date** - If a positive value was transferred, only messages with a sending date smaller than the transferred one will be returned * * `int` **offset_id** - Only return messages starting from the specified message ID * * `int` **add_offset** - [Additional offset]( * * `int` **limit** - [Number of results to return]( * * `int` **max_id** - [Maximum message ID to return]( * * `int` **min_id** - [Minimum message ID to return]( * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: The IDs of messages you already fetched * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function search($params); /** * Marks message history as read. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Target user or group * * `int` **max_id** - If a positive value is passed, only messages with identifiers less or equal than the given one will be read * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedMessages */ public function readHistory($params); /** * Deletes communication history. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **just_clear** - Optional: Just clear history for the current user, without actually removing messages for every chat user * * `boolean` **revoke** - Optional: Whether to delete the message history for all chat participants * * `InputPeer` **peer** - User or chat, communication history of which will be deleted * * `int` **max_id** - Maximum ID of message to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedHistory */ public function deleteHistory($params); /** * Deletes messages by their identifiers. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **revoke** - Optional: Whether to delete messages for all participants of the chat * * `[int]` **id** - IDs of messages to delete, use channels->deleteMessages for supergroups * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedMessages */ public function deleteMessages($params); /** * Confirms receipt of messages by a client, cancels PUSH-notification sending. * * Parameters: * * `int` **max_id** - Maximum message ID available in a client. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of ReceivedNotifyMessage[] */ public function receivedMessages($params); /** * Sends a current user typing event (see [SendMessageAction]( for all event types) to a conversation partner or group. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Target user or group * * `SendMessageAction` **action** - Type of action
Parameter added in [Layer 17]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setTyping($params); /** * Sends a message to a chat. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **no_webpage** - Optional: Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview * * `boolean` **silent** - Optional: Send this message silently (no notifications for the receivers) * * `boolean` **background** - Optional: Send this message as background message * * `boolean` **clear_draft** - Optional: Clear the draft field * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The destination where the message will be sent * * `int` **reply_to_msg_id** - Optional: The message ID to which this message will reply to * * `string` **message** - The message * * `ReplyMarkup` **reply_markup** - Optional: Reply markup for sending bot buttons * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Optional: Entities to send (for styled text) * * `int` **schedule_date** - Optional: Scheduled message date for scheduled messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendMessage($params); /** * Send a media. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **silent** - Optional: Send message silently (no notification should be triggered) * * `boolean` **background** - Optional: Send message in background * * `boolean` **clear_draft** - Optional: Clear the draft * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Destination * * `int` **reply_to_msg_id** - Optional: Message ID to which this message should reply to * * `InputMedia` **media** - Attached media * * `string` **message** - Caption * * `ReplyMarkup` **reply_markup** - Optional: Reply markup for bot keyboards * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Optional: Entities for styled text * * `int` **schedule_date** - Optional: Scheduled message date for scheduled messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendMedia($params); /** * Forwards messages by their IDs. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **silent** - Optional: Whether to send messages silently (no notification will be triggered on the destination clients) * * `boolean` **background** - Optional: Whether to send the message in background * * `boolean` **with_my_score** - Optional: When forwarding games, whether to include your score in the game * * `boolean` **grouped** - Optional: Whether the specified messages represent an album (grouped media) * * `InputPeer` **from_peer** - Source of messages * * `[int]` **id** - The message IDs * * `InputPeer` **to_peer** - Destination peer * * `int` **schedule_date** - Optional: Scheduled message date for scheduled messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function forwardMessages($params); /** * Report a new incoming chat for spam, if the [peer settings]( of the chat allow us to do that. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer to report * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function reportSpam($params); /** * Get peer settings. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The peer * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return PeerSettings */ public function getPeerSettings($params); /** * Report a message in a chat for violation of telegram's Terms of Service. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer * * `[int]` **id** - The messages to report * * `ReportReason` **reason** - Why are these messages being reported * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function report($params); /** * Returns chat basic info on their IDs. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **id** - The MTProto IDs of chats to fetch info about * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getChats($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.ChatFull */ public function getFullChat($params); /** * Chanages chat name and sends a service message on it. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - The ID of the chat * * `string` **title** - New chat name, different from the old one * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editChatTitle($params); /** * Changes chat photo and sends a service message on it. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - The ID of the chat * * `InputChatPhoto` **photo** - Photo to be set * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editChatPhoto($params); /** * Adds a user to a chat and sends a service message on it. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - The chat where to invite users * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User ID to be added * * `int` **fwd_limit** - Number of last messages to be forwarded * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function addChatUser($params); /** * Deletes a user from a chat and sends a service message on it. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - The ID of the chat * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User ID to be deleted * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function deleteChatUser($params); /** * Creates a new chat. * * Parameters: * * `[InputUser]` **users** - The users to add to the chat * * `string` **title** - Chat name * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function createChat($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();. * * Parameters: * * `int` **version** - You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig(); * * `int` **random_length** - You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig(); * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.DhConfig */ public function getDhConfig($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **user_id** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats * * `bytes` **g_a** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return EncryptedChat */ public function requestEncryption($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats * * `bytes` **g_b** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats * * `long` **key_fingerprint** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return EncryptedChat */ public function acceptEncryption($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats. * * Parameters: * * `int` **chat_id** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function discardEncryption($params); /** * Send typing event by the current user to a secret chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - Secret chat ID * * `Bool` **typing** - Typing.
**Possible values**:
[(boolTrue)](, if the user started typing and more than **5 seconds** have passed since the last request
[(boolFalse)](, if the user stopped typing * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setEncryptedTyping($params); /** * Marks message history within a secret chat as read. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - Secret chat ID * * `int` **max_date** - Maximum date value for received messages in history * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function readEncryptedHistory($params); /** * Sends a text message to a secret chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - Secret chat ID * * `DecryptedMessage` **message** - The message to send * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.SentEncryptedMessage */ public function sendEncrypted($params); /** * Sends a message with a file attachment to a secret chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - Secret chat ID * * `DecryptedMessage` **message** - The message with the file * * `InputEncryptedFile` **file** - File attachment for the secret chat * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.SentEncryptedMessage */ public function sendEncryptedFile($params); /** * Sends a service message to a secret chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - Secret chat ID * * `DecryptedMessage` **message** - The service message * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.SentEncryptedMessage */ public function sendEncryptedService($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly. * * Parameters: * * `int` **max_qts** - You cannot use this method directly * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of long[] */ public function receivedQueue($params); /** * Report a secret chat for spam. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - The secret chat to report * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function reportEncryptedSpam($params); /** * Notifies the sender about the recipient having listened a voice message or watched a video. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **id** - The messages to mark as read (only users and normal chats, not supergroups) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedMessages */ public function readMessageContents($params); /** * Get stickers by emoji. * * Parameters: * * `string` **emoticon** - The emoji * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Stickers */ public function getStickers($params); /** * Get all installed stickers. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: The hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AllStickers */ public function getAllStickers($params); /** * Get preview of webpage. * * Parameters: * * `string` **message** - Message from which to extract the preview * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Optional: Entities for styled text * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return MessageMedia */ public function getWebPagePreview($params); /** * Export an invite link for a chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Chat * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return ExportedChatInvite */ public function exportChatInvite($params); /** * Check the validity of a chat invite link and get basic info about it. * * Parameters: * * `string` **hash** - Invite hash in `` * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return ChatInvite */ public function checkChatInvite($params); /** * Import a chat invite and join a private chat/supergroup/channel. * * Parameters: * * `string` **hash** - `hash` from `` * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function importChatInvite($params); /** * Get info about a stickerset. * * Parameters: * * `InputStickerSet` **stickerset** - Stickerset * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.StickerSet */ public function getStickerSet($params); /** * Install a stickerset. * * Parameters: * * `InputStickerSet` **stickerset** - Stickerset to install * * `Bool` **archived** - Whether to archive stickerset * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.StickerSetInstallResult */ public function installStickerSet($params); /** * Uninstall a stickerset. * * Parameters: * * `InputStickerSet` **stickerset** - The stickerset to uninstall * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function uninstallStickerSet($params); /** * Start a conversation with a bot using a [deep linking parameter]( * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **bot** - The bot * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The chat where to start the bot, can be the bot's private chat or a group * * `string` **start_param** - [Deep linking parameter]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function startBot($params); /** * Get and increase the view counter of a message sent or forwarded from a [channel]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer where the message was found * * `[int]` **id** - The IDs messages to get * * `Bool` **increment** - Whether to mark the message as viewed and increment the view counter * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of int[] */ public function getMessagesViews($params); /** * Make a user admin in a [legacy group]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - The chat ID (no supergroups) * * `InputUser` **user_id** - The user to make admin * * `Bool` **is_admin** - Whether to make him admin * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function editChatAdmin($params); /** * Turn a [legacy group into a supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **chat_id** - The chat to convert * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function migrateChat($params); /** * Search for messages and peers globally. * * Parameters: * * `int` **folder_id** - Optional: Folder where to search * * `string` **q** - Query * * `int` **offset_rate** - Initially 0, then set to the [`next_rate` parameter of messages.messagesSlice]( * * `InputPeer` **offset_peer** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `int` **offset_id** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `int` **limit** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function searchGlobal($params); /** * Reorder installed stickersets. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **masks** - Optional: Reorder mask stickersets * * `[long]` **order** - The order * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function reorderStickerSets($params); /** * Get a document by its SHA256 hash, mainly used for gifs. * * Parameters: * * `bytes` **sha256** - SHA256 of file * * `int` **size** - Size of the file in bytes * * `string` **mime_type** - Mime type * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Document */ public function getDocumentByHash($params); /** * Search for GIFs. * * Parameters: * * `string` **q** - Text query * * `int` **offset** - Offset for [pagination »]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.FoundGifs */ public function searchGifs($params); /** * Get saved GIFs. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.SavedGifs */ public function getSavedGifs($params); /** * Add GIF to saved gifs list. * * Parameters: * * `InputDocument` **id** - GIF to save * * `Bool` **unsave** - Whether to remove GIF from saved gifs list * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveGif($params); /** * Query an inline bot. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **bot** - The bot to query * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The currently opened chat * * `InputGeoPoint` **geo_point** - Optional: The geolocation, if requested * * `string` **query** - The query * * `string` **offset** - The offset within the results, will be passed directly as-is to the bot. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.BotResults */ public function getInlineBotResults($params); /** * Answer an inline query, for bots only. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **gallery** - Optional: Set this flag if the results are composed of media files * * `boolean` **private** - Optional: Set this flag if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query * * `long` **query_id** - Unique identifier for the answered query * * `[InputBotInlineResult]` **results** - Results * * `int` **cache_time** - The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300. * * `string` **next_offset** - Optional: Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don‘t support pagination. Offset length can’t exceed 64 bytes. * * `InlineBotSwitchPM` **switch_pm** - Optional: If passed, clients will display a button with specified text that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with a certain parameter. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setInlineBotResults($params); /** * Send a result obtained using [messages.getInlineBotResults]( * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **silent** - Optional: Whether to send the message silently (no notification will be triggered on the other client) * * `boolean` **background** - Optional: Whether to send the message in background * * `boolean` **clear_draft** - Optional: Whether to clear the [draft]( * * `boolean` **hide_via** - Optional: Whether to hide the `via @botname` in the resulting message (only for bot usernames encountered in the [config]( * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Destination * * `int` **reply_to_msg_id** - Optional: ID of the message this message should reply to * * `long` **query_id** - Query ID from [messages.getInlineBotResults]( * * `string` **id** - Result ID from [messages.getInlineBotResults]( * * `int` **schedule_date** - Optional: Scheduled message date for scheduled messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendInlineBotResult($params); /** * Find out if a media message's caption can be edited. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer where the media was sent * * `int` **id** - ID of message * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.MessageEditData */ public function getMessageEditData($params); /** * Edit message. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **no_webpage** - Optional: Disable webpage preview * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Where was the message sent * * `int` **id** - ID of the message to edit * * `string` **message** - Optional: New message * * `InputMedia` **media** - Optional: New attached media * * `ReplyMarkup` **reply_markup** - Optional: Reply markup for inline keyboards * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Optional: The new entities (for styled text) * * `int` **schedule_date** - Optional: Scheduled message date for scheduled messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editMessage($params); /** * Edit an inline bot message. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **no_webpage** - Optional: Disable webpage preview * * `InputBotInlineMessageID` **id** - Sent inline message ID * * `string` **message** - Optional: Message * * `InputMedia` **media** - Optional: Media * * `ReplyMarkup` **reply_markup** - Optional: Reply markup for inline keyboards * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Optional: The new entities (for styled text) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function editInlineBotMessage($params); /** * Press an inline callback button and get a callback answer from the bot. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **game** - Optional: Whether this is a "play game" button * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Where was the inline keyboard sent * * `int` **msg_id** - ID of the Message with the inline keyboard * * `bytes` **data** - Optional: Callback data * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.BotCallbackAnswer */ public function getBotCallbackAnswer($params); /** * Set the callback answer to a user button press (bots only). * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **alert** - Optional: Whether to show the message as a popup instead of a toast notification * * `long` **query_id** - Query ID * * `string` **message** - Optional: Popup to show * * `string` **url** - Optional: URL to open * * `int` **cache_time** - Cache validity * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setBotCallbackAnswer($params); /** * Get dialog info of specified peers. * * Parameters: * * `[InputDialogPeer]` **peers** - The peers * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.PeerDialogs */ public function getPeerDialogs($params); /** * Save a message [draft]( associated to a chat. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **no_webpage** - Optional: Disable generation of the webpage preview * * `int` **reply_to_msg_id** - Optional: Message ID the message should reply to * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Destination of the message that should be sent * * `string` **message** - The draft * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Optional: The entities (for styled text) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveDraft($params); /** * Save get all message [drafts]( * * @return Updates */ public function getAllDrafts(); /** * Get featured stickers. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.FeaturedStickers */ public function getFeaturedStickers($params); /** * Mark new featured stickers as read. * * Parameters: * * `[long]` **id** - The stickers to mark as read * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function readFeaturedStickers($params); /** * Get recent stickers. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **attached** - Optional: Get stickers recently attached to photo or video files * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: IDs the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.RecentStickers */ public function getRecentStickers($params); /** * Add/remove sticker from recent stickers list. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **attached** - Optional: Whether to add/remove stickers recently attached to photo or video files * * `InputDocument` **id** - Sticker * * `Bool` **unsave** - Whether to save or unsave the sticker * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveRecentSticker($params); /** * Clear recent stickers. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **attached** - Optional: Set this flag to clear the list of stickers recently attached to photo or video files * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function clearRecentStickers($params); /** * Get all archived stickers. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **masks** - Optional: Get mask stickers * * `long` **offset_id** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.ArchivedStickers */ public function getArchivedStickers($params); /** * Get installed mask stickers. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AllStickers */ public function getMaskStickers($params); /** * Get stickers attached to a photo or video. * * Parameters: * * `InputStickeredMedia` **media** - Stickered media * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of StickerSetCovered[] */ public function getAttachedStickers($params); /** * Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as a normal message (bots only). * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **edit_message** - Optional: Set this flag if the game message should be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard * * `boolean` **force** - Optional: Set this flag if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Unique identifier of target chat * * `int` **id** - Identifier of the sent message * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User identifier * * `int` **score** - New score * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function setGameScore($params); /** * Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as an inline message (bots only). * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **edit_message** - Optional: Set this flag if the game message should be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard * * `boolean` **force** - Optional: Set this flag if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters * * `InputBotInlineMessageID` **id** - ID of the inline message * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User identifier * * `int` **score** - New score * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setInlineGameScore($params); /** * Get highscores of a game. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Where was the game sent * * `int` **id** - ID of message with game media attachment * * `InputUser` **user_id** - Get high scores made by a certain user * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.HighScores */ public function getGameHighScores($params); /** * Get highscores of a game sent using an inline bot. * * Parameters: * * `InputBotInlineMessageID` **id** - ID of inline message * * `InputUser` **user_id** - Get high scores of a certain user * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.HighScores */ public function getInlineGameHighScores($params); /** * Get chats in common with a user. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User ID * * `int` **max_id** - Maximum ID of chat to return (see [pagination]( * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getCommonChats($params); /** * Get all chats, channels and supergroups. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **except_ids** - Do not fetch these chats (MTProto id) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getAllChats($params); /** * Get [instant view]( page. * * Parameters: * * `string` **url** - URL of IV page to fetch * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return WebPage */ public function getWebPage($params); /** * Pin/unpin a dialog. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **pinned** - Optional: Whether to pin or unpin the dialog * * `InputDialogPeer` **peer** - The dialog to pin * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function toggleDialogPin($params); /** * Reorder pinned dialogs. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **force** - Optional: If set, dialogs pinned server-side but not present in the `order` field will be unpinned. * * `int` **folder_id** - Folder ID * * `[InputDialogPeer]` **order** - New order * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function reorderPinnedDialogs($params); /** * Get pinned dialogs. * * Parameters: * * `int` **folder_id** - Folder ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.PeerDialogs */ public function getPinnedDialogs($params); /** * If you sent an invoice requesting a shipping address and the parameter is\_flexible was specified, the bot will receive an [updateBotShippingQuery]( update. Use this method to reply to shipping queries. * * Parameters: * * `long` **query_id** - Unique identifier for the query to be answered * * `string` **error** - Optional: Error message in human readable form that explains why it is impossible to complete the order (e.g. "Sorry, delivery to your desired address is unavailable'). Telegram will display this message to the user. * * `[ShippingOption]` **shipping_options** - Optional: Shipping options * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setBotShippingResults($params); /** * Once the user has confirmed their payment and shipping details, the bot receives an [updateBotPrecheckoutQuery]( update. * Use this method to respond to such pre-checkout queries. * **Note**: Telegram must receive an answer within 10 seconds after the pre-checkout query was sent. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **success** - Optional: Set this flag if everything is alright (goods are available, etc.) and the bot is ready to proceed with the order, otherwise do not set it, and set the `error` field, instead * * `long` **query_id** - Unique identifier for the query to be answered * * `string` **error** - Optional: Required if the `success` isn't set. Error message in human readable form that explains the reason for failure to proceed with the checkout (e.g. "Sorry, somebody just bought the last of our amazing black T-shirts while you were busy filling out your payment details. Please choose a different color or garment!"). Telegram will display this message to the user. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setBotPrecheckoutResults($params); /** * Upload a file and associate it to a chat (without actually sending it to the chat). * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The chat, can be an [inputPeerEmpty]( for bots * * `InputMedia` **media** - File uploaded in chunks as described in [files »]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return MessageMedia */ public function uploadMedia($params); /** * Notify the other user in a private chat that a screenshot of the chat was taken. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Other user * * `int` **reply_to_msg_id** - ID of message that was screenshotted, can be 0 * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendScreenshotNotification($params); /** * Get faved stickers. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: the hash parameter of the previous result of this method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.FavedStickers */ public function getFavedStickers($params); /** * Mark a sticker as favorite. * * Parameters: * * `InputDocument` **id** - Sticker to mark as favorite * * `Bool` **unfave** - Unfavorite * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function faveSticker($params); /** * Get unread messages where we were mentioned. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer where to look for mentions * * `int` **offset_id** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `int` **add_offset** - [Offsets for pagination, for more info click here]( * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination]( * * `int` **max_id** - Maximum message ID to return, [see pagination]( * * `int` **min_id** - Minimum message ID to return, [see pagination]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getUnreadMentions($params); /** * Mark mentions as read. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Dialog * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedHistory */ public function readMentions($params); /** * Get live location history of a certain user. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - User * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination]( * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: IDs of locations you already fetched * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getRecentLocations($params); /** * Send an album of media. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **silent** - Optional: Whether to send the album silently (no notification triggered) * * `boolean` **background** - Optional: Send in background? * * `boolean` **clear_draft** - Optional: Whether to clear [drafts]( * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The destination chat * * `int` **reply_to_msg_id** - Optional: The message to reply to * * `[InputSingleMedia]` **multi_media** - The album * * `int` **schedule_date** - Optional: Scheduled message date for scheduled messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendMultiMedia($params); /** * Upload encrypted file and associate it to a secret chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputEncryptedChat` **peer** - The secret chat to associate the file to * * `InputEncryptedFile` **file** - The file * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return EncryptedFile */ public function uploadEncryptedFile($params); /** * Search for stickersets. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **exclude_featured** - Optional: Exclude featured stickersets from results * * `string` **q** - Query string * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: The IDs of stickersets you already fetched * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.FoundStickerSets */ public function searchStickerSets($params); /** * Get message ranges for saving the user's chat history. * * @return of MessageRange[] */ public function getSplitRanges(); /** * Manually mark dialog as unread. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **unread** - Optional: Mark as unread/read * * `InputDialogPeer` **peer** - Dialog * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function markDialogUnread($params); /** * Get dialogs manually marked as unread. * * @return of DialogPeer[] */ public function getDialogUnreadMarks(); /** * Clear all [drafts]( * * @return bool */ public function clearAllDrafts(); /** * Pin a message. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **silent** - Optional: Pin the message silently, without triggering a notification * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The peer where to pin the message * * `int` **id** - The message to pin, can be 0 to unpin any currently pinned messages * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function updatePinnedMessage($params); /** * Vote in a [poll]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The chat where the poll was sent * * `int` **msg_id** - The message ID of the poll * * `[bytes]` **options** - Options * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendVote($params); /** * Get poll results. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer where the poll was found * * `int` **msg_id** - Message ID of poll message * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function getPollResults($params); /** * Get count of online users in a chat. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The chat * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return ChatOnlines */ public function getOnlines($params); /** * Returns URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method can be used only for channels. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **dark** - Optional: Pass true if a URL with the dark theme must be returned * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Chat identifier * * `string` **params** - Parameters from `tg://statsrefresh?params=******` link * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return StatsURL */ public function getStatsURL($params); /** * Edit the description of a [group/supergroup/channel]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The [group/supergroup/channel]( * * `string` **about** - The new description * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function editChatAbout($params); /** * Edit the default banned rights of a [channel/supergroup/group]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The peer * * `ChatBannedRights` **banned_rights** - The new global rights * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editChatDefaultBannedRights($params); /** * Get localized emoji keywords. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return EmojiKeywordsDifference */ public function getEmojiKeywords($params); /** * Get changed emoji keywords. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code * * `int` **from_version** - Previous emoji keyword localization version * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return EmojiKeywordsDifference */ public function getEmojiKeywordsDifference($params); /** * Get info about an emoji keyword localization. * * Parameters: * * `[string]` **lang_codes** - Language codes * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of EmojiLanguage[] */ public function getEmojiKeywordsLanguages($params); /** * Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code for which the emoji replacements will be suggested * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return EmojiURL */ public function getEmojiURL($params); /** * Get the number of results that would be found by a []( call with the same parameters. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer where to search * * `[MessagesFilter]` **filters** - Filters * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of messages.SearchCounter[] */ public function getSearchCounters($params); /** * Get more info about a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info [click here »]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer where the message is located * * `int` **msg_id** - The message * * `int` **button_id** - The ID of the button with the authorization request * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return UrlAuthResult */ public function requestUrlAuth($params); /** * Use this to accept a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info [click here »]( * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **write_allowed** - Optional: Set this flag to allow the bot to send messages to you (if requested) * * `InputPeer` **peer** - The location of the message * * `int` **msg_id** - Message ID of the message with the login button * * `int` **button_id** - ID of the login button * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return UrlAuthResult */ public function acceptUrlAuth($params); /** * Should be called after the user hides the report spam/add as contact bar of a new chat, effectively prevents the user from executing the actions specified in the [peer's settings]( * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function hidePeerSettingsBar($params); /** * Get scheduled messages. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: Hash * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getScheduledHistory($params); /** * Get scheduled messages. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer * * `[int]` **id** - ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getScheduledMessages($params); /** * Send scheduled messages right away. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer * * `[int]` **id** - ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function sendScheduledMessages($params); /** * Delete scheduled messages. * * Parameters: * * `InputPeer` **peer** - Peer * * `[int]` **id** - ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function deleteScheduledMessages($params); } interface updates { /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates. * * @return updates.State */ public function getState(); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates. * * Parameters: * * `int` **pts** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `int` **pts_total_limit** - Optional: You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `int` **date** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `int` **qts** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return updates.Difference */ public function getDifference($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **force** - Optional: You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `InputChannel` **channel** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `ChannelMessagesFilter` **filter** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `int` **pts** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * `int` **limit** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return updates.ChannelDifference */ public function getChannelDifference($params); } interface photos { /** * Installs a previously uploaded photo as a profile photo. * * Parameters: * * `InputPhoto` **id** - Input photo * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return UserProfilePhoto */ public function updateProfilePhoto($params); /** * Updates current user profile photo. * * Parameters: * * `InputFile` **file** - File saved in parts by means of [upload.saveFilePart]( method * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return photos.Photo */ public function uploadProfilePhoto($params); /** * Deletes profile photos. * * Parameters: * * `[InputPhoto]` **id** - The profile photos to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of long[] */ public function deletePhotos($params); /** * Returns the list of user photos. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User ID * * `int` **offset** - Number of list elements to be skipped * * `long` **max_id** - If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only photos with IDs less than the set one * * `int` **limit** - Number of list elements to be returned * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return photos.Photos */ public function getUserPhotos($params); } interface upload { /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `long` **file_id** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **file_part** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `bytes` **bytes** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveFilePart($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **precise** - Optional: You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `InputFileLocation` **location** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **offset** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **limit** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return upload.File */ public function getFile($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `long` **file_id** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **file_part** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **file_total_parts** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `bytes` **bytes** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveBigFilePart($params); /** * Returns content of an HTTP file or a part, by proxying the request through telegram. * * Parameters: * * `InputWebFileLocation` **location** - The file to download * * `int` **offset** - Number of bytes to be skipped * * `int` **limit** - Number of bytes to be returned * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return upload.WebFile */ public function getWebFile($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `bytes` **file_token** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **offset** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **limit** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return upload.CdnFile */ public function getCdnFile($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `bytes` **file_token** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `bytes` **request_token** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of FileHash[] */ public function reuploadCdnFile($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `bytes` **file_token** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **offset** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of FileHash[] */ public function getCdnFileHashes($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info. * * Parameters: * * `InputFileLocation` **location** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * `int` **offset** - You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of FileHash[] */ public function getFileHashes($params); } interface help { /** * Returns current configuration, icluding data center configuration. * * @return Config */ public function getConfig(); /** * Returns info on data centre nearest to the user. * * @return NearestDc */ public function getNearestDc(); /** * Returns information on update availability for the current application. * * Parameters: * * `string` **source** - Source * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return help.AppUpdate */ public function getAppUpdate($params); /** * Returns text of a text message with an invitation. * * @return help.InviteText */ public function getInviteText(); /** * Returns the support user for the 'ask a question' feature. * * @return help.Support */ public function getSupport(); /** * Get changelog of current app. * * Parameters: * * `string` **prev_app_version** - Previous app version * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function getAppChangelog($params); /** * Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven't been processed for a long time; for bots only. * * Parameters: * * `int` **pending_updates_count** - Number of pending updates * * `string` **message** - Error message, if present * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setBotUpdatesStatus($params); /** * Get configuration for [CDN]( file downloads. * * @return CdnConfig */ public function getCdnConfig(); /** * Get recently used `` links. * * Parameters: * * `string` **referer** - Referer * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return help.RecentMeUrls */ public function getRecentMeUrls($params); /** * Get promotion info of the currently-used MTProxy. * * @return help.ProxyData */ public function getProxyData(); /** * Look for updates of telegram's terms of service. * * @return help.TermsOfServiceUpdate */ public function getTermsOfServiceUpdate(); /** * Accept the new terms of service. * * Parameters: * * `DataJSON` **id** - ID of terms of service * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function acceptTermsOfService($params); /** * Get info about a `` link. * * Parameters: * * `string` **path** - Path in `` * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return help.DeepLinkInfo */ public function getDeepLinkInfo($params); /** * Get app-specific configuration. * * @return JSONValue */ public function getAppConfig(); /** * Saves logs of application on the server. * * Parameters: * * `[InputAppEvent]` **events** - Event list * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveAppLog($params); /** * Get [passport]( configuration. * * Parameters: * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: Hash * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return help.PassportConfig */ public function getPassportConfig($params); /** * Get localized name of the telegram support user. * * @return help.SupportName */ public function getSupportName(); /** * Internal use. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User ID * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return help.UserInfo */ public function getUserInfo($params); /** * Internal use. * * Parameters: * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User * * `string` **message** - Message * * `[MessageEntity]` **entities** - Entities * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return help.UserInfo */ public function editUserInfo($params); } interface channels { /** * Mark [channel/supergroup]( history as read. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Channel/supergroup]( * * `int` **max_id** - ID of message up to which messages should be marked as read * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function readHistory($params); /** * Delete messages in a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Channel/supergroup]( * * `[int]` **id** - The IDs of messages to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedMessages */ public function deleteMessages($params); /** * Delete all messages sent by a certain user in a [supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Supergroup]( * * `InputUser` **user_id** - User whose messages should be deleted * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.AffectedHistory */ public function deleteUserHistory($params); /** * Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Supergroup * * `InputUser` **user_id** - ID of the user that sent the spam messages * * `[int]` **id** - The IDs of messages to report * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function reportSpam($params); /** * Get [channel/supergroup]( messages. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup * * `[InputMessage]` **id** - The message IDs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Messages */ public function getMessages($params); /** * Get the participants of a channel. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel * * `ChannelParticipantsFilter` **filter** - Which participant types to fetch * * `int` **offset** - [Offset]( * * `int` **limit** - [Limit]( * * `[int]` **hash** - Optional: IDs of previously fetched participants * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return channels.ChannelParticipants */ public function getParticipants($params); /** * Get info about a [channel/supergroup]( participant. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup * * `InputUser` **user_id** - ID of participant to get info about * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return channels.ChannelParticipant */ public function getParticipant($params); /** * Get info about [channels/supergroups]( * * Parameters: * * `[InputChannel]` **id** - The channel/supergroup MTProto IDs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getChannels($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info). * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.ChatFull */ public function getFullChannel($params); /** * Create a [supergroup/channel]( * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **broadcast** - Optional: Whether to create a [channel]( * * `boolean` **megagroup** - Optional: Whether to create a [supergroup]( * * `string` **title** - Channel title * * `string` **about** - Channel description * * `InputGeoPoint` **geo_point** - Optional: Geogroup location * * `string` **address** - Optional: Geogroup address * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function createChannel($params); /** * Modify the admin rights of a user in a [supergroup/channel]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - The [supergroup/channel]( * * `InputUser` **user_id** - The ID of the user whose admin rights should be modified * * `ChatAdminRights` **admin_rights** - The admin rights * * `string` **rank** - Indicates the role (rank) of the admin in the group: just an arbitrary string * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editAdmin($params); /** * Edit the name of a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup * * `string` **title** - New name * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editTitle($params); /** * Change the photo of a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup whose photo should be edited * * `InputChatPhoto` **photo** - New photo * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editPhoto($params); /** * Check if a username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - The [channel/supergroup]( that will assigned the specified username * * `string` **username** - The username to check * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function checkUsername($params); /** * Change the username of a supergroup/channel. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel * * `string` **username** - New username * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function updateUsername($params); /** * Join a channel/supergroup. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup to join * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function joinChannel($params); /** * Leave a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Channel/supergroup]( to leave * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function leaveChannel($params); /** * Invite users to a channel/supergroup. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup * * `[InputUser]` **users** - The users to add * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function inviteToChannel($params); /** * Delete a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Channel/supergroup]( to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function deleteChannel($params); /** * Get link and embed info of a message in a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel * * `int` **id** - Message ID * * `Bool` **grouped** - Whether to include other grouped media (for albums) * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return ExportedMessageLink */ public function exportMessageLink($params); /** * Enable/disable message signatures in channels. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel * * `Bool` **enabled** - Value * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function toggleSignatures($params); /** * Get [channels/supergroups/geogroups]( we're admin in. Usually called when the user exceeds the [limit]( for owned public [channels/supergroups/geogroups](, and the user is given the choice to remove one of his channels/supergroups/geogroups. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **by_location** - Optional: Get geogroups * * `boolean` **check_limit** - Optional: If set and the user has reached the limit of owned public [channels/supergroups/geogroups](, instead of returning the channel list one of the specified [errors](#possible-errors) will be returned.
Useful to check if a new public channel can indeed be created, even before asking the user to enter a channel username to use in [channels.checkUsername]([channels.updateUsername]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getAdminedPublicChannels($params); /** * Ban/unban/kick a user in a [supergroup/channel]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - The [supergroup/channel]( * * `InputUser` **user_id** - The ID of the user whose banned rights should be modified * * `ChatBannedRights` **banned_rights** - The banned rights * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editBanned($params); /** * Get the admin log of a [channel/supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel * * `string` **q** - Search query, can be empty * * `ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter` **events_filter** - Optional: Event filter * * `[InputUser]` **admins** - Optional: Fetch only actions from these admins * * `long` **max_id** - Maximum ID of message to return (see [pagination]( * * `long` **min_id** - Minimum ID of message to return (see [pagination]( * * `int` **limit** - Maximum number of results to return, [see pagination]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return channels.AdminLogResults */ public function getAdminLog($params); /** * Associate a stickerset to the supergroup. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Supergroup * * `InputStickerSet` **stickerset** - The stickerset to associate * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setStickers($params); /** * Mark [channel/supergroup]( message contents as read. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Channel/supergroup]( * * `[int]` **id** - List of message IDs * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function readMessageContents($params); /** * Delete the history of a [supergroup]( * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Supergroup]( whose history must be deleted * * `int` **max_id** - ID of message **up to which** the history must be deleted * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function deleteHistory($params); /** * Hide/unhide message history for new channel/supergroup users. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel/supergroup * * `Bool` **enabled** - Hide/unhide * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function togglePreHistoryHidden($params); /** * Get a list of [channels/supergroups]( we left. * * Parameters: * * `int` **offset** - Offset for [pagination]( * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getLeftChannels($params); /** * Get all groups that can be used as [discussion groups]( * * @return messages.Chats */ public function getGroupsForDiscussion(); /** * Associate a group to a channel as [discussion group]( for that channel. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **broadcast** - Channel * * `InputChannel` **group** - Discussion group to associate to the channel * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function setDiscussionGroup($params); /** * Transfer channel ownership. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - Channel * * `InputUser` **user_id** - New channel owner * * `InputCheckPasswordSRP` **password** - [2FA password]( of account * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editCreator($params); /** * Edit location of geogroup. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - [Geogroup]( * * `InputGeoPoint` **geo_point** - New geolocation * * `string` **address** - Address string * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function editLocation($params); /** * Toggle supergroup slow mode: if enabled, users will only be able to send one message every `seconds` seconds. * * Parameters: * * `InputChannel` **channel** - The [supergroup]( * * `int` **seconds** - Users will only be able to send one message every `seconds` seconds, `0` to disable the limitation * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function toggleSlowMode($params); } interface bots { /** * Sends a custom request; for bots only. * * Parameters: * * `string` **custom_method** - The method name * * `DataJSON` **params** - JSON-serialized method parameters * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return DataJSON */ public function sendCustomRequest($params); /** * Answers a custom query; for bots only. * * Parameters: * * `long` **query_id** - Identifier of a custom query * * `DataJSON` **data** - JSON-serialized answer to the query * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function answerWebhookJSONQuery($params); } interface payments { /** * Get a payment form. * * Parameters: * * `int` **msg_id** - Message ID of payment form * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return payments.PaymentForm */ public function getPaymentForm($params); /** * Get payment receipt. * * Parameters: * * `int` **msg_id** - Message ID of receipt * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return payments.PaymentReceipt */ public function getPaymentReceipt($params); /** * Submit requested order information for validation. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **save** - Optional: Save order information to re-use it for future orders * * `int` **msg_id** - Message ID of payment form * * `PaymentRequestedInfo` **info** - Requested order information * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo */ public function validateRequestedInfo($params); /** * Send compiled payment form. * * Parameters: * * `int` **msg_id** - Message ID of form * * `string` **requested_info_id** - Optional: ID of saved and validated [order info]( * * `string` **shipping_option_id** - Optional: Chosen shipping option ID * * `InputPaymentCredentials` **credentials** - Payment credentials * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return payments.PaymentResult */ public function sendPaymentForm($params); /** * Get saved payment information. * * @return payments.SavedInfo */ public function getSavedInfo(); /** * Clear saved payment information. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **credentials** - Optional: Remove saved payment credentials * * `boolean` **info** - Optional: Clear the last order settings saved by the user * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function clearSavedInfo($params); } interface stickers { /** * Create a stickerset, bots only. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **masks** - Optional: Whether this is a mask stickerset * * `InputUser` **user_id** - Stickerset owner * * `string` **title** - Stickerset name, `1-64` chars * * `string` **short_name** - Sticker set name. Can contain only English letters, digits and underscores. Must end with *"*by*"* (** is case insensitive); 1-64 characters * * `[InputStickerSetItem]` **stickers** - The stickers to add * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.StickerSet */ public function createStickerSet($params); /** * Remove a sticker from the set where it belongs, bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot. * * Parameters: * * `InputDocument` **sticker** - The sticker to remove * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.StickerSet */ public function removeStickerFromSet($params); /** * Changes the absolute position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot. * * Parameters: * * `InputDocument` **sticker** - The sticker * * `int` **position** - The new position of the sticker, zero-based * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.StickerSet */ public function changeStickerPosition($params); /** * Add a sticker to a stickerset, bots only. The sticker set must have been created by the bot. * * Parameters: * * `InputStickerSet` **stickerset** - The stickerset * * `InputStickerSetItem` **sticker** - The sticker * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return messages.StickerSet */ public function addStickerToSet($params); } interface phone { /** * Get phone call configuration to be passed to libtgvoip's shared config. * * @return DataJSON */ public function getCallConfig(); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **video** - Optional: You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `InputUser` **user_id** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `bytes` **g_a_hash** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `PhoneCallProtocol` **protocol** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return phone.PhoneCall */ public function requestCall($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls. * * Parameters: * * `InputPhoneCall` **peer** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `bytes` **g_b** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `PhoneCallProtocol` **protocol** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return phone.PhoneCall */ public function acceptCall($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls. * * Parameters: * * `InputPhoneCall` **peer** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `bytes` **g_a** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `long` **key_fingerprint** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `PhoneCallProtocol` **protocol** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return phone.PhoneCall */ public function confirmCall($params); /** * Optional: notify the server that the user is currently busy in a call: this will automatically refuse all incoming phone calls until the current phone call is ended. * * Parameters: * * `InputPhoneCall` **peer** - The phone call we're currently in * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function receivedCall($params); /** * You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **video** - Optional: You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `InputPhoneCall` **peer** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `int` **duration** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `PhoneCallDiscardReason` **reason** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * `long` **connection_id** - You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function discardCall($params); /** * Rate a call. * * Parameters: * * `boolean` **user_initiative** - Optional: Whether the user decided on their own initiative to rate the call * * `InputPhoneCall` **peer** - The call to rate * * `int` **rating** - Rating in `1-5` stars * * `string` **comment** - An additional comment * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function setCallRating($params); /** * Send phone call debug data to server. * * Parameters: * * `InputPhoneCall` **peer** - Phone call * * `DataJSON` **debug** - Debug statistics obtained from libtgvoip * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return bool */ public function saveCallDebug($params); } interface langpack { /** * Get localization pack strings. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_pack** - Language pack name * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return LangPackDifference */ public function getLangPack($params); /** * Get strings from a language pack. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_pack** - Language pack name * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code * * `[string]` **keys** - Keys * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of LangPackString[] */ public function getStrings($params); /** * Get new strings in languagepack. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_pack** - Language pack * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code * * `int` **from_version** - Previous localization pack version * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return LangPackDifference */ public function getDifference($params); /** * Get information about all languages in a localization pack. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_pack** - Language pack * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return of LangPackLanguage[] */ public function getLanguages($params); /** * Get information about a language in a localization pack. * * Parameters: * * `string` **lang_pack** - Language pack name * * `string` **lang_code** - Language code * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return LangPackLanguage */ public function getLanguage($params); } interface folders { /** * Edit peers in folder. * * Parameters: * * `[InputFolderPeer]` **folder_peers** - New folder peers * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function editPeerFolders($params); /** * Delete a folder. * * Parameters: * * `int` **folder_id** - Folder to delete * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return Updates */ public function deleteFolder($params); } class InternalDoc extends APIFactory { /** * Cleanup memory and session file. * * @return self */ public function cleanup() : \danog\MadelineProto\API { $this->API->cleanup(); return $this; } /** * Logger. * * @param string $param Parameter * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File where the message originated * * @return void */ public function logger($param, int $level = \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE, string $file = '') { $this->API->logger($param, $level, $file); } /** * Get TL namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces() : array { return $this->API->getMethodNamespaces(); } /** * Get namespaced methods (method => namespace). * * @return array */ public function getMethodsNamespaced() : array { return $this->API->getMethodsNamespaced(); } /** * Get TL serializer. * * @return TL */ public function getTL() : \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL { return $this->API->getTL(); } /** * Get logger. * * @return Logger */ public function getLogger() : \danog\MadelineProto\Logger { return $this->API->getLogger(); } /** * Get async HTTP client. * * @return \Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient */ public function getHTTPClient() : \Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient { return $this->API->getHTTPClient(); } /** * Get async DNS client. * * @return \Amp\Dns\Resolver */ public function getDNSClient() : \Amp\Dns\Resolver { return $this->API->getDNSClient(); } /** * Get contents of remote file asynchronously. * * @param string $url URL * * @return \Generator */ public function fileGetContents(string $url, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$url, $extra]); } /** * Get all datacenter connections. * * @return array */ public function getDataCenterConnections() : array { return $this->API->getDataCenterConnections(); } /** * Parse, update and store settings. * * @param array $settings Settings * @param bool $reinit Whether to reinit the instance * * @return void */ public function updateSettings(array $settings, bool $reinit = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$settings, $reinit, $extra]); } /** * Return current settings array. * * @return array */ public function getSettings() : array { return $this->API->getSettings(); } /** * Setup logger. * * @return void */ public function setupLogger() { $this->API->setupLogger(); } /** * Checks whether all datacenters are authorized. * * @return boolean */ public function hasAllAuth() : bool { return $this->API->hasAllAuth(); } /** * Connects to all datacenters and if necessary creates authorization keys, binds them and writes client info. * * @param boolean $reconnectAll Whether to reconnect to all DCs * * @return \Generator */ public function connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$reconnectAll, $extra]); } /** * Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning. * * @return void */ public function resetUpdateState() { $this->API->resetUpdateState(); } /** * Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @return \Generator */ public function getCdnConfig(string $datacenter, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$datacenter, $extra]); } /** * Get cached server-side config. * * @return array */ public function getCachedConfig() : array { return $this->API->getCachedConfig(); } /** * Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config. * * @param array $config Current config * @param array $options Options for method call * * @return \Generator */ public function getConfig(array $config = [], array $options = [], array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$config, $options, $extra]); } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, cached. * * @return array|bool */ public function getSelf(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, not cached. * * @return \Generator */ public function fullGetSelf(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Check if has report peers. * * @return boolean */ public function hasReportPeers() : bool { return $this->API->hasReportPeers(); } /** * Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop. * * @param int|string $userOrId Username(s) or peer ID(s) * * @return \Generator */ public function setReportPeers($userOrId, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$userOrId, $extra]); } /** * Report an error to the previously set peer. * * @param string $message Error to report * * @return \Generator */ public function report(string $message, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$message, $extra]); } /** * Get full list of MTProto and API methods. * * @return array */ public function getAllMethods() : array { return $this->API->getAllMethods(); } /** * Call method and wait asynchronously for response. * * If the $aargs['noResponse'] is true, will not wait for a response. * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCall(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null], array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$method, $args, $aargs, $extra]); } /** * Call method and make sure it is asynchronously sent. * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCallWrite(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null], array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$method, $args, $aargs, $extra]); } /** * Convert MTProto channel ID to bot API channel ID. * * @param int $id MTProto channel ID * * @return int */ public function toSupergroup($id) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id]); } /** * Convert bot API channel ID to MTProto channel ID. * * @param int $id Bot API channel ID * * @return int */ public function fromSupergroup($id) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::fromSupergroup($id); } /** * Check whether provided bot API ID is a channel. * * @param int $id Bot API ID * * @return boolean */ public function isSupergroup($id) : bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::isSupergroup($id); } /** * Add user info. * * @param array $user User info * * @return void */ public function addUser(array $user) { $this->API->addUser($user); } /** * Check if peer is present in internal peer database. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @return \Generator */ public function peerIsset($id, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id, $extra]); } /** * Get folder ID from object. * * @param mixed $id Object * * @return ?int */ public function getFolderId($id) { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getFolderId($id); } /** * Get bot API ID from peer object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @return int */ public function getId($id, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id, $extra]); } /** * Get info about peer, returns an Info object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * @param boolean $recursive Internal * * @see * * @return \Generator Info object */ public function getInfo($id, $recursive = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id, $recursive, $extra]); } /** * When were full info for this chat last cached. * * @param mixed $id Chat ID * * @return integer */ public function fullChatLastUpdated($id) : int { return $this->API->fullChatLastUpdated($id); } /** * Get full info about peer, returns an FullInfo object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @see * * @return \Generator FullInfo object */ public function getFullInfo($id, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id, $extra]); } /** * Get full info about peer (including full list of channel members), returns a Chat object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @see * * @return \Generator Chat object */ public function getPwrChat($id, bool $fullfetch = true, bool $send = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id, $fullfetch, $send, $extra]); } /** * Resolve username (use getInfo instead). * * @param string $username Username * * @return \Generator */ public function resolveUsername(string $username, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$username, $extra]); } /** * Upload file. * * @param FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file File, URL or Telegram file to upload * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return \Generator */ public function upload($file, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$file, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted, $extra]); } /** * Upload file from URL. * * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $url URL of file * @param integer $size Size of file * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return array */ public function uploadFromUrl($url, int $size = 0, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$url, $size, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted, $extra]); } /** * Upload file from stream. * * @param mixed $stream PHP resource or AMPHP async stream * @param integer $size File size * @param string $mime Mime type * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return array */ public function uploadFromStream($stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$stream, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted, $extra]); } /** * Upload file from callable. * * The callable must accept two parameters: int $offset, int $size * The callable must return a string with the contest of the file at the specified offset and size. * * @param mixed $callable Callable * @param integer $size File size * @param string $mime Mime type * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $seekable Whether chunks can be fetched out of order * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return \Generator */ public function uploadFromCallable(callable $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $seekable = true, bool $encrypted = false, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$callable, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $seekable, $encrypted, $extra]); } /** * Upload file to secret chat. * * @param FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file File, URL or Telegram file to upload * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * * @return \Generator */ public function uploadEncrypted($file, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$file, $fileName, $cb, $extra]); } /** * Reupload telegram file. * * @param mixed $media Telegram file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return \Generator */ public function uploadFromTgfile($media, $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$media, $cb, $encrypted, $extra]); } /** * Get info about file. * * @param mixed $constructor File ID * * @return \Generator */ public function getFileInfo($constructor, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$constructor, $extra]); } /** * Get download info of the propic of a user * Returns an array with the following structure:. * * `$info['ext']` - The file extension * `$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension * `$info['mime']` - The file mime type * `$info['size']` - The file size * * @param mixed $messageMedia File ID * * @return \Generator */ public function getPropicInfo($data, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$data, $extra]); } /** * Extract file info from bot API message. * * @param array $info Bot API message object * * @return ?array */ public function extractBotAPIFile(array $info) { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::extractBotAPIFile($info); } /** * Get download info of file * Returns an array with the following structure:. * * `$info['ext']` - The file extension * `$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension * `$info['mime']` - The file mime type * `$info['size']` - The file size * * @param mixed $messageMedia File ID * * @return \Generator */ public function getDownloadInfo($messageMedia, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $extra]); } /** * Download file to browser. * * Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads. * * @param array|string $messageMedia File to download * @param callable $cb Status callback (can also use FileCallback) * * @return \Generator */ public function downloadToBrowser($messageMedia, callable $cb = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $cb, $extra]); } /** * Download file to amphp/http-server response. * * Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads. * * @param array|string $messageMedia File to download * @param ServerRequest $request Request * @param callable $cb Status callback (can also use FileCallback) * * @return \Generator Returned response */ public function downloadToResponse($messageMedia, \Amp\Http\Server\Request $request, callable $cb = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $request, $cb, $extra]); } /** * Get explanation for HTTP error. * * @param integer $code HTTP error code * * @return string */ public function getExplanation(int $code) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getExplanation($code); } /** * Download file to directory. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $dir Directory where to download the file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * * @return \Generator Downloaded file path */ public function downloadToDir($messageMedia, $dir, $cb = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $dir, $cb, $extra]); } /** * Download file. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $file Downloaded file path * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * * @return \Generator Downloaded file path */ public function downloadToFile($messageMedia, $file, $cb = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $file, $cb, $extra]); } /** * Download file to stream. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param mixed|FileCallbackInterface $stream Stream where to download file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param int $offset Offset where to start downloading * @param int $end Offset where to end download * * @return \Generator */ public function downloadToStream($messageMedia, $stream, $cb = null, int $offset = 0, int $end = -1, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $stream, $cb, $offset, $end, $extra]); } /** * Download file to callable. * The callable must accept two parameters: string $payload, int $offset * The callable will be called (possibly out of order, depending on the value of $seekable). * The callable should return the number of written bytes. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param callable|FileCallbackInterface $callable Chunk callback * @param callable $cb Status callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param bool $seekable Whether the callable can be called out of order * @param int $offset Offset where to start downloading * @param int $end Offset where to stop downloading (inclusive) * @param int $part_size Size of each chunk * * @return \Generator */ public function downloadToCallable($messageMedia, callable $callable, $cb = null, bool $seekable = true, int $offset = 0, int $end = -1, int $part_size = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$messageMedia, $callable, $cb, $seekable, $offset, $end, $part_size, $extra]); } /** * Accept secret chat. * * @param array $params Secret chat ID * * @return \Generator */ public function acceptSecretChat($params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * Request secret chat. * * @param mixed $user User to start secret chat with * * @return \Generator */ public function requestSecretChat($user, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$user, $extra]); } /** * Rekey secret chat. * * @param int $chat Secret chat to rekey * * @return \Generator */ public function rekey(int $chat, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$chat, $extra]); } /** * Get secret chat status. * * @param int $chat Chat ID * * @return int One of MTProto::SECRET_EMPTY, MTProto::SECRET_REQUESTED, MTProto::SECRET_READY */ public function secretChatStatus(int $chat) : int { return $this->API->secretChatStatus($chat); } /** * Get secret chat. * * @param array|int $chat Secret chat ID * * @return array */ public function getSecretChat($chat) : array { return $this->API->getSecretChat($chat); } /** * Check whether secret chat exists. * * @param array|int $chat Secret chat ID * * @return boolean */ public function hasSecretChat($chat) : bool { return $this->API->hasSecretChat($chat); } /** * Discard secret chat. * * @param int $chat Secret chat ID * * @return \Generator */ public function discardSecretChat(int $chat, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$chat, $extra]); } /** * Get Telegram UTF-8 length of string. * * @param string $text Text * * @return int */ public function mbStrlen(string $text) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::mbStrlen($text); } /** * Telegram UTF-8 multibyte substring. * * @param string $text Text to substring * @param integer $offset Offset * @param ?int $length Length * * @return string */ public function mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, $length = null) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::mbSubstr($text, $offset, $length); } /** * Telegram UTF-8 multibyte split. * * @param string $text Text * @param integer $length Length * * @return array */ public function mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length) : array { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::mbStrSplit($text, $length); } /** * Convert MTProto parameters to bot API parameters. * * @param array $data Data * * @return \Generator */ public function MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$data, $extra]); } /** * Convert bot API parameters to MTProto parameters. * * @param array $arguments Arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$arguments, $extra]); } /** * Unpack bot API file ID. * * @param string $fileId Bot API file ID * * @return array Unpacked file ID */ public function unpackFileId(string $fileId) : array { return $this->API->unpackFileId($fileId); } /** * Get mime type from file extension. * * @param string $extension File extension * @param string $default Default mime type * * @return string */ public function getMimeFromExtension(string $extension, string $default) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getMimeFromExtension($extension, $default); } /** * Get extension from mime type. * * @param string $mime MIME type * * @return string */ public function getExtensionFromMime(string $mime) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getExtensionFromMime($mime); } /** * Get extension from file location. * * @param mixed $location File location * @param string $default Default extension * * @return string */ public function getExtensionFromLocation($location, string $default) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getExtensionFromLocation($location, $default); } /** * Get mime type of file. * * @param string $file File * * @return string */ public function getMimeFromFile(string $file) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getMimeFromFile($file); } /** * Get mime type from buffer. * * @param string $buffer Buffer * * @return string */ public function getMimeFromBuffer(string $buffer) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getMimeFromBuffer($buffer); } /** * Convert tdcli parameters to tdcli. * * @param array $params Params * @param array $key Key * * @return array */ public function tdcliToTd(&$params, $key = null) : array { return $this->API->tdcliToTd($params, $key); } /** * Convert TD to MTProto parameters. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return \Generator */ public function tdToMTProto(array $params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * MTProto to TDCLI params. * * @param mixed $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function MTProtoToTdcli($params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * MTProto to TD params. * * @param mixed $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function MTProtoToTd(&$params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * Convert TD parameters to tdcli. * * @param mixed $params Parameters * * @return mixed */ public function tdToTdcli($params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * Generate MTProto vector hash. * * @param array $ints IDs * * @return int Vector hash */ public function genVectorHash(array $ints) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::genVectorHash($ints); } /** * Get random integer. * * @param integer $modulus Modulus * * @return int */ public function randomInt(int $modulus = 0) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::randomInt($modulus); } /** * Get random string of specified length. * * @param integer $length Length * * @return string Random string */ public function random(int $length) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::random($length); } /** * Positive modulo * Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number. * * @param int $a A * @param int $b B * * @return int Modulo */ public function posmod(int $a, int $b) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::posmod($a, $b); } /** * Unpack base256 signed int. * * @param string $value base256 int * * @return integer */ public function unpackSignedInt(string $value) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::unpackSignedInt($value); } /** * Unpack base256 signed long. * * @param string $value base256 long * * @return integer */ public function unpackSignedLong(string $value) : int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::unpackSignedLong($value); } /** * Unpack base256 signed long to string. * * @param string $value base256 long * * @return string */ public function unpackSignedLongString($value) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::unpackSignedLongString($value); } /** * Convert integer to base256 signed int. * * @param integer $value Value to convert * * @return string */ public function packSignedInt(int $value) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::packSignedInt($value); } /** * Convert integer to base256 long. * * @param int $value Value to convert * * @return string */ public function packSignedLong(int $value) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::packSignedLong($value); } /** * Convert value to unsigned base256 int. * * @param int $value Value * * @return string */ public function packUnsignedInt(int $value) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::packUnsignedInt($value); } /** * Convert double to binary version. * * @param float $value Value to convert * * @return string */ public function packDouble(float $value) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::packDouble($value); } /** * Unpack binary double. * * @param string $value Value to unpack * * @return float */ public function unpackDouble(string $value) : float { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::unpackDouble($value); } /** * Synchronously wait for a promise|generator. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise The promise to wait for * @param boolean $ignoreSignal Whether to ignore shutdown signals * * @return mixed */ public function wait($promise, $ignoreSignal = false) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promise, $ignoreSignal]); } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails. * Returned promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to the array of promises. * * @param array<\Generator|Promise> $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public function all(array $promises) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promises]); } /** * Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail. * * @param array $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public function any(array $promises) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promises]); } /** * Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results. * The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail. * * @param array $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public function some(array $promises) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promises]); } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail. * * @param array $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public function first(array $promises) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promises]); } /** * Create an artificial timeout for any \Generator or Promise. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise * @param integer $timeout * * @return Promise */ public function timeout($promise, int $timeout) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promise, $timeout]); } /** * Convert generator, promise or any other value to a promise. * * @param \Generator|Promise|mixed $promise * * @return Promise */ public function call($promise) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promise]); } /** * Call promise in background. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise Promise to resolve * @param ?\Generator|Promise $actual Promise to resolve instead of $promise * @param string $file File * * @return Promise */ public function callFork($promise, $actual = null, $file = '') { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$promise, $actual, $file]); } /** * Call promise in background, deferring execution. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise Promise to resolve * * @return void */ public function callForkDefer($promise) { \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::callForkDefer($promise); } /** * Rethrow error catched in strand. * * @param \Throwable $e Exception * @param string $file File where the strand started * * @return void */ public function rethrow(\Throwable $e, $file = '') { \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::rethrow($e, $file); } /** * Call promise $b after promise $a. * * @param \Generator|Promise $a Promise A * @param \Generator|Promise $b Promise B * * @return Promise */ public function after($a, $b) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$a, $b]); } /** * Asynchronously lock a file * Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock. * * @param string $file File to lock * @param integer $operation Locking mode * @param float $polling Polling interval * * @return Promise */ public function flock(string $file, int $operation, float $polling = 0.1) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$file, $operation, $polling]); } /** * Asynchronously sleep. * * @param int $time Number of seconds to sleep for * * @return Promise */ public function sleep(int $time) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$time]); } /** * Asynchronously read line. * * @param string $prompt Prompt * * @return Promise */ public function readLine(string $prompt = '') { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$prompt]); } /** * Asynchronously write to stdout/browser. * * @param string $string Message to echo * * @return Promise */ public function echo(string $string) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$string]); } /** * Check if is array or similar (traversable && countable && arrayAccess). * * @param arraylike $var Value to check * * @return boolean */ public function isArrayOrAlike($var) : bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::isArrayOrAlike($var); } /** * Convert to camelCase. * * @param string $input String * * @return string */ public function toCamelCase(string $input) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::toCamelCase($input); } /** * Convert to snake_case. * * @param string $input String * * @return string */ public function toSnakeCase(string $input) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::toSnakeCase($input); } /** * Create array. * * @param ...$params Params * * @return array */ public function arr(...$params) : array { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::arr(...$params); } /** * base64URL decode. * * @param string $data Data to decode * * @return string */ public function base64urlDecode(string $data) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::base64urlDecode($data); } /** * Base64URL encode. * * @param string $data Data to encode * * @return string */ public function base64urlEncode(string $data) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::base64urlEncode($data); } /** * null-byte RLE decode. * * @param string $string Data to decode * * @return string */ public function rleDecode(string $string) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::rleDecode($string); } /** * null-byte RLE encode. * * @param string $string Data to encode * * @return string */ public function rleEncode(string $string) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::rleEncode($string); } /** * Inflate stripped photosize to full JPG payload. * * @param string $stripped Stripped photosize * * @return string JPG payload */ public function inflateStripped(string $stripped) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::inflateStripped($stripped); } /** * Get final element of array. * * @param array $what Array * * @return mixed */ public function end(array $what) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$what]); } /** * Escape string for markdown. * * @param string $hwat String to escape * * @return void */ public function markdownEscape(string $hwat) : string { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::markdownEscape($hwat); } /** * Whether this is altervista. * * @return boolean */ public function isAltervista() : bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::isAltervista(); } /** * Accesses a private variable from an object. * * @param object $obj Object * @param string $var Attribute name * * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getVar($obj, string $var) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$obj, $var]); } /** * Sets a private variable in an object. * * @param object $obj Object * @param string $var Attribute name * @param mixed $val Attribute value * * @return mixed * @access public */ public function setVar($obj, string $var, &$val) { \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::setVar($obj, $var, $val); } /** * Discard call. * * @param array $call Call * @param string $reason Discard reason * @param array $rating Rating * @param boolean $need_debug Need debug? * * @return \Generator */ public function discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating = [], bool $need_debug = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$call, $reason, $rating, $need_debug, $extra]); } /** * Request VoIP call. * * @param mixed $user User * * @return void */ public function requestCall($user, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$user, $extra]); } /** * Accept call. * * @param array $call Call * * @return \Generator */ public function acceptCall(array $call, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$call, $extra]); } /** * Confirm call. * * @param array $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function confirmCall(array $params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * Complete call handshake. * * @param array $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function completeCall(array $params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * Get call status. * * @param int $id Call ID * * @return integer */ public function callStatus(int $id) : int { return $this->API->callStatus($id); } /** * Get call info. * * @param int $call Call ID * * @return array */ public function getCall(int $call) : array { return $this->API->getCall($call); } /** * Check state of calls. * * @return void */ public function checkCalls() { $this->API->checkCalls(); } /** * Get dialog peers. * * @param boolean $force Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache * * @return \Generator> */ public function getDialogs(bool $force = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$force, $extra]); } /** * Get full info of all dialogs. * * @param boolean $force Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache * * @return \Generator */ public function getFullDialogs(bool $force = true, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$force, $extra]); } /** * Set event handler. * * @param string|EventHandler $event_handler Event handler * * @return \Generator */ public function setEventHandler($event_handler, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$event_handler, $extra]); } /** * Unset event handler. * * @param bool $disableUpdateHandling Whether to also disable internal update handling (will cause errors, otherwise will simply use the NOOP handler) * * @return void */ public function unsetEventHandler(bool $disableUpdateHandling = false) { $this->API->unsetEventHandler($disableUpdateHandling); } /** * Get event handler. * * @return EventHandler */ public function getEventHandler() : \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler { return $this->API->getEventHandler(); } /** * Check if an event handler instance is present. * * @return boolean */ public function hasEventHandler() : bool { return $this->API->hasEventHandler(); } /** * Set webhook update handler. * * @param string $hook_url Webhook URL * @param string $pem_path PEM path for self-signed certificate * * @return void */ public function setWebhook(string $hook_url, string $pem_path = '') { $this->API->setWebhook($hook_url, $pem_path); } /** * Set update handling callback. * * @param callable $callback Callback * * @return void */ public function setCallback($callback) { $this->API->setCallback($callback); } /** * Log out currently logged in user. * * @return \Generator */ public function logout(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Login as bot. * * @param string $token Bot token * * @return \Generator */ public function botLogin(string $token, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$token, $extra]); } /** * Login as user. * * @param string $number Phone number * @param integer $sms_type SMS type * * @return \Generator */ public function phoneLogin($number, $sms_type = 5, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$number, $sms_type, $extra]); } /** * Complet user login using login code. * * @param string $code Login code * * @return \Generator */ public function completePhoneLogin($code, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$code, $extra]); } /** * Import authorization. * * @param mixed $authorization Authorization info * * @return \Generator */ public function importAuthorization($authorization, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$authorization, $extra]); } /** * Export authorization. * * @return \Generator */ public function exportAuthorization(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Complete signup to Telegram. * * @param string $first_name First name * @param string $last_name Last name * * @return \Generator */ public function completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name = '', array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$first_name, $last_name, $extra]); } /** * Complete 2FA login. * * @param string $password Password * * @return \Generator */ public function complete2faLogin(string $password, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$password, $extra]); } /** * Update the 2FA password. * * The params array can contain password, new_password, email and hint params. * * @param array $params The params * * @return \Generator */ public function update2fa(array $params, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]); } /** * Start MadelineProto's update handling loop, or run the provided async callable. * * @param callable $callback Async callable to run * * @return mixed */ public function loop($callback = null, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$callback, $extra]); } /** * Stop update loop. * * @return void */ public function stop() { $this->API->stop(); } /** * Restart update loop. * * @return void */ public function restart() { $this->API->restart(); } /** * Start MadelineProto's update handling loop in background. * * @return Promise */ public function loopFork(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Close connection with client, connected via web. * * @param string $message Message * * @return void */ public function closeConnection($message = 'OK!') { $this->API->closeConnection($message); } /** * Set NOOP update handler, ignoring all updates. * * @return void */ public function setNoop() { $this->API->setNoop(); } /** * Log in to telegram (via CLI or web). * * @return \Generator */ public function start(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Get web template. * * @return string */ public function getWebTemplate() : string { return $this->API->getWebTemplate(); } /** * Set web template. * * @param string $template Template * * @return void */ public function setWebTemplate(string $template) { $this->API->setWebTemplate($template); } /** * Check for terms of service update. * * @return \Generator */ public function checkTos(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Accept terms of service update. * * @return \Generator */ public function acceptTos(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } /** * Decline terms of service update. * * THIS WILL DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT! * * @return \Generator */ public function declineTos(array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$extra]); } }---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#7b1a118f geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#196683d9 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#91d11eb dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#c88974ac flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#edd2a791 flags:# id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int = ChatFull; channelFull#76af5481 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9c477dd8 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#8ea4a881 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#22893b26 chat_id:int id:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#e6ca25f6 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#59534e4c id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#5585a139 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#e6f9ddf3 flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true manage_call:flags.10?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#823380b4 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#c000e4c8 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#adc3e828 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#9d51e814 lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; // LAYER 89 . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Async; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Async constructor class. * * Manages asynchronous construction and wakeup of classes * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class AsyncConstruct { /** * Async init promise. * * @var Promise */ private $asyncInitPromise; /** * Blockingly init. * * @return void */ public function init() { if ($this->asyncInitPromise) { Tools::wait($this->asyncInitPromise); } } /** * Asynchronously init. * * @return \Generator */ public function initAsynchronously() : \Generator { if ($this->asyncInitPromise) { (yield $this->asyncInitPromise); } } /** * Check if we've already inited. * * @return boolean */ public function inited() : bool { return !$this->asyncInitPromise; } /** * Mark instance as (de)inited forcefully. * * @param boolean $inited Whether to mark the instance as inited or deinited * * @return void */ public function forceInit(bool $inited) { $this->asyncInitPromise = $inited ? null : true; } /** * Set init promise. * * @param Promise|\Generator $promise Promise * * @internal * * @return void */ public function setInitPromise($promise) { $this->asyncInitPromise = Tools::call($promise); $this->asyncInitPromise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $error = null, $result) { if ($error) { throw $error; } $this->asyncInitPromise = null; }); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Async; /** * Async parameters class. * * Manages asynchronous generation of method parameters * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class AsyncParameters { /** * Async callable. * * @var callable */ private $callable; /** * Create async parameters. * * @param callable $callable Async callable that will return parameters */ public function __construct(callable $callable) { $this->callable = $callable; } /** * Create async parameters. * * @param callable $callable Async callable that will return parameters */ public function setCallable(callable $callable) { $this->callable = $callable; } /** * Get parameters asynchronously. * * @return \Generator|\Amp\Promise */ public function getParameters() { $callable = $this->callable; return $callable(); } }{ "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "481674261", "predicate": "vector", "params": [], "type": "Vector t" }, { "id": "-994444869", "predicate": "error", "params": [ { "name": "code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "text", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Error" }, { "id": "1450380236", "predicate": "null", "params": [], "type": 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\str_replace('.', '->', $data['method']); $type = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['_of_', ''], $data['type']); $php_type = \preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type); if (!isset($this->types[$php_type])) { $this->types[$php_type] = ['methods' => [], 'constructors' => []]; } if (!\in_array($data, $this->types[$php_type]['methods'])) { $this->types[$php_type]['methods'][] = $data; } $params = ''; foreach ($data['params'] as $param) { if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) { continue; } if ($param['name'] === 'data' && $type === 'messages_SentEncryptedMessage' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $param['name'] = 'message'; $param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage'; } if ($param['name'] === 'chat_id' && $data['method'] !== 'messages.discardEncryption' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $param['type'] = 'InputPeer'; } $type_or_subtype = isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type'; $type_or_bare_type = \ctype_upper(Tools::end(\explode('.', $param[$type_or_subtype]))[0]) || \in_array($param[$type_or_subtype], ['!X', 'X', 'bytes', 'true', 'false', 'double', 'string', 'Bool', 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512', 'int53']) ? 'types' : 'constructors'; $param[$type_or_subtype] = \str_replace(['true', 'false'], ['Bool', 'Bool'], $param[$type_or_subtype]); $param[$type_or_subtype] = '[' . Tools::markdownEscape($param[$type_or_subtype]) . '](../' . $type_or_bare_type . '/' . $param[$type_or_subtype] . '.md)'; $params .= "'" . $param['name'] . "' => " . (isset($param['subtype']) ? '\\[' . $param[$type_or_subtype] . '\\]' : $param[$type_or_subtype]) . ', '; } if (!isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']])) { $this->addToLang('method_' . $data['method']); if (\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['method_' . $data['method']] !== '') { $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['method_' . $data['method']]; } } $md_method = '[' . $php_method . '](' . $method . '.md)'; $this->docs_methods[$method] = '$MadelineProto->' . $md_method . '(\\[' . $params . '\\]) === [$' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $type) . '](../types/' . $php_type . '.md) '; if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']])) { $desc = \Parsedown::instance()->line(\trim(\explode("\n", $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'])[0], '.')); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML(\mb_convert_encoding($desc, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); $desc = $dom->textContent; $this->human_docs_methods[$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'] . ': ' . $data['method']] = '* ' . $desc . ': ' . $data['method'] . ' '; } $params = ''; $lua_params = ''; $pwr_params = ''; $json_params = ''; $table = empty($data['params']) ? '' : '### Parameters: | Name | Type | Required | |----------|---------------|----------| '; if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]) && !empty($data['params'])) { $table = '### Parameters: | Name | Type | Description | Required | |----------|---------------|-------------|----------| '; } $hasentities = false; $hasreplymarkup = false; $hasmessage = false; foreach ($data['params'] as $param) { if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) { continue; } if ($param['name'] === 'data' && $type === 'messages_SentEncryptedMessage' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $param['name'] = 'message'; $param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage'; } if ($param['name'] === 'chat_id' && $data['method'] !== 'messages.discardEncryption' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $param['type'] = 'InputPeer'; } if ($param['name'] === 'hash' && $param['type'] === 'int') { $param['pow'] = 'hi'; $param['type'] = 'Vector t'; $param['subtype'] = 'int'; } $ptype = $param[$type_or_subtype = isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type']; switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'Bool'; } $human_ptype = $ptype; if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputDialogPeer', 'DialogPeer', 'NotifyPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer', 'User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputPeer']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'Username, chat ID, Update, Message or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputMedia', 'InputPhoto', 'InputDocument']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'MessageMedia, Update, Message or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputMessage']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'Message ID or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputEncryptedChat']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'Secret chat ID, Update, EncryptedMessage or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputFile']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'File path or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputEncryptedFile']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'File path or ' . $ptype; } $type_or_bare_type = \ctype_upper(Tools::end(\explode('.', $param[$type_or_subtype]))[0]) || \in_array($param[$type_or_subtype], ['!X', 'X', 'bytes', 'true', 'false', 'double', 'string', 'Bool', 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512', 'int53']) ? 'types' : 'constructors'; if (!isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['params'][$param['name']])) { $this->addToLang('method_' . $data['method'] . '_param_' . $param['name'] . '_type_' . $param['type']); if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'])) { $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['params'][$param['name']] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['method_' . $data['method'] . '_param_' . $param['name'] . '_type_' . $param['type']]; } } if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']])) { $table .= '|' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $param['name']) . '|' . (isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '') . '[' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $human_ptype) . '](../' . $type_or_bare_type . '/' . $ptype . '.md) | ' . $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['params'][$param['name']] . ' | ' . (isset($param['pow']) || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($param['type']) . 'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate('input' . $param['type'] . 'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] ? 'Optional' : 'Yes') . '|'; } else { $table .= '|' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $param['name']) . '|' . (isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '') . '[' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $human_ptype) . '](../' . $type_or_bare_type . '/' . $ptype . '.md) | ' . (isset($param['pow']) || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($param['type']) . 'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] || ($id = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate('input' . $param['type'] . 'Empty')) && $id['type'] === $param['type'] ? 'Optional' : 'Yes') . '|'; } $table .= PHP_EOL; $pptype = \in_array($ptype, ['string', 'bytes']) ? "'" . $ptype . "'" : $ptype; $ppptype = \in_array($ptype, ['string']) ? '"' . $ptype . '"' : $ptype; $ppptype = \in_array($ptype, ['bytes']) ? '{"_": "bytes", "bytes":"base64 encoded ' . $ptype . '"}' : $ppptype; $params .= "'" . $param['name'] . "' => "; $params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '[' . $pptype . ', ' . $pptype . ']' : $pptype) . ', '; $json_params .= '"' . $param['name'] . '": ' . (isset($param['subtype']) ? '[' . $ppptype . ']' : $ppptype) . ', '; $pwr_params .= $param['name'] . ' - Json encoded ' . (isset($param['subtype']) ? ' array of ' . $ptype : $ptype) . "\n\n"; $lua_params .= $param['name'] . '='; $lua_params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '{' . $pptype . '}' : $pptype) . ', '; if ($param['name'] === 'reply_markup') { $hasreplymarkup = true; } if ($param['name'] === 'message') { $hasmessage = true; } if ($param['name'] === 'entities') { $hasentities = true; $table .= '|parse\\_mode| [string](../types/ | Whether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the message| Optional | '; $params .= "'parse_mode' => 'string', "; $lua_params .= "parseMode='string', "; $json_params .= '"parseMode": "string"'; $pwr_params = "parseMode - string\n"; } } $description = isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]) ? $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'] : $data['method'] . ' parameters, return type and example'; $symFile = \str_replace('.', '_', $method); $redir = $symFile !== $method ? "\nredirect_from: /API_docs/methods/{$symFile}.html" : ''; $header = '--- title: ' . $data['method'] . ' description: ' . $description . ' image:' . $redir . ' --- # Method: ' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $data['method']) . ' [Back to methods index]( '; /* if (isset(\danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::DISALLOWED_METHODS[$data['method']])) { $header .= '**'.\danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::DISALLOWED_METHODS[$data['method']]."**\n\n\n\n\n"; file_put_contents('methods/'.$method.'.md', $header); continue; }*/ if ($this->td) { $header .= 'YOU CANNOT USE THIS METHOD IN MADELINEPROTO '; } $header .= isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]) ? $this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL : ''; $table .= ' '; $return = '### Return type: [' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $type) . '](../types/' . $php_type . '.md) '; $bot = !\in_array($data['method'], $bots); $example = ''; if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) { $example .= '### Can bots use this method: **' . ($bot ? 'YES' : 'NO') . "**\n\n\n"; $example .= \str_replace('[]', '', '### MadelineProto Example ([now async for huge speed and parallelism!]( ```php if (!file_exists(\'madeline.php\')) { copy(\'\', \'madeline.php\'); } include \'madeline.php\'; $MadelineProto = new \\danog\\MadelineProto\\API(\'session.madeline\'); $MadelineProto->start(); $' . $type . ' = $MadelineProto->' . $php_method . '([' . $params . ']); ``` Or, if you\'re into Lua: ```lua ' . $type . ' = ' . $data['method'] . '({' . $lua_params . '}) ``` '); if ($hasreplymarkup) { $example .= ' ## Usage of reply_markup You can provide bot API reply_markup objects here. '; } if ($hasmessage) { $example .= ' ## Return value If the length of the provided message is bigger than 4096, the message will be split in chunks and the method will be called multiple times, with the same parameters (except for the message), and an array of [' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $type) . '](../types/' . $php_type . '.md) will be returned instead. '; } if ($hasentities) { $example .= ' ## Usage of parseMode: Set parseMode to html to enable HTML parsing of the message. Set parseMode to Markdown to enable markown AND html parsing of the message. The following tags are currently supported: ```html
a newline bold works ok, internal tags are stripped bold italic italic underline strikethrough strikethrough strikethrough inline fixed-width code
pre-formatted fixed-width code block
pre-formatted fixed-width code block
URL Mention by username Mention by user id
Pre tags can have a language attribute
``` You can also use normal markdown, note that to create mentions you must use the `mention:` syntax like in html: ```markdown [Mention by username](mention:@danogentili) [Mention by user id](mention:186785362) ``` MadelineProto supports all html entities supported by [html_entity_decode]( '; } if (isset($new['result'][$data['method']])) { $example .= '### Errors | Code | Type | Description | |------|----------|---------------| '; foreach ($new['result'][$data['method']] as $error) { list($error, $code) = $error; $example .= "|{$code}|{$error}|" . $errors['human_result'][$error][0] . '|' . "\n"; } $example .= "\n\n"; } } \file_put_contents('methods/' . $method . '.md', $header . $table . $return . $example); } $this->logger->logger('Generating methods index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \ksort($this->docs_methods); \ksort($this->human_docs_methods); $last_namespace = ''; foreach ($this->docs_methods as $method => &$value) { $new_namespace = \preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $method); $br = $new_namespace != $last_namespace ? '***

' : ''; $value = $br . $value; $last_namespace = $new_namespace; } \file_put_contents('methods/api_' . $this->index, '--- title: Methods description: List of methods image: --- # Methods [Back to API documentation index](..) [Go to the new description-version method index](' . $this->index . ') $MadelineProto->[logout](; $MadelineProto->[phoneLogin]($number); $MadelineProto->[completePhoneLogin]($code); $MadelineProto->[complete2FALogin]($password); $MadelineProto->[botLogin]($token); $MadelineProto->[getDialogs](; $MadelineProto->[getPwrChat]($id); $MadelineProto->[getInfo]($id); $MadelineProto->[getFullInfo]($id); $MadelineProto->[getSelf](; $MadelineProto->[requestCall]($id); $MadelineProto->[requestSecretChat]($id); ' . \implode('', $this->docs_methods)); \file_put_contents('methods/' . $this->index, '--- title: Methods description: What do you want to do? image: --- # What do you want to do? [Go back to API documentation index](..) [Go to the old code-version method index](api_' . $this->index . ') * [Logout]( * [Login]( * [Change 2FA password]( * [Get all chats, broadcast a message to all chats]( * [Get the full participant list of a channel/group/supergroup]( * [Get full info about a user/chat/supergroup/channel]( * [Get info about a user/chat/supergroup/channel]( * [Get info about the currently logged-in user]( * [Upload or download files up to 1.5 GB]( * [Make a phone call and play a song]( * [Create a secret chat bot]( ' . \implode('', $this->human_docs_methods)); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; trait Constructors { public function mkConstructors() { foreach (\glob('constructors/' . $this->any) as $unlink) { \unlink($unlink); } if (\file_exists('constructors')) { \rmdir('constructors'); } \mkdir('constructors'); $this->docs_constructors = []; $this->logger->logger('Generating constructors documentation...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $got = []; foreach ($this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->by_predicate_and_layer as $predicate => $id) { $data = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->by_id[$id]; if (isset($got[$id])) { $data['layer'] = ''; } $got[$id] = ''; /* if (preg_match('/%/', $type)) { $type = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByType(str_replace('%', '', $type))['predicate']; }*/ $layer = isset($data['layer']) && $data['layer'] !== '' ? '_' . $data['layer'] : ''; $type = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['_of_', ''], $data['type']); $php_type = \preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type); $constructor = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['_of_', ''], $data['predicate']); $php_constructor = \preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $constructor); if (!isset($this->types[$php_type])) { $this->types[$php_type] = ['constructors' => [], 'methods' => []]; } if (!\in_array($data, $this->types[$php_type]['constructors'])) { $this->types[$php_type]['constructors'][] = $data; } $params = ''; foreach ($data['params'] as $param) { if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) { continue; } if ($type === 'EncryptedMessage' && $param['name'] === 'bytes' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $param['name'] = 'decrypted_message'; $param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage'; } $type_or_subtype = isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type'; $type_or_bare_type = \ctype_upper(Tools::end(\explode('.', $param[$type_or_subtype]))[0]) || \in_array($param[$type_or_subtype], ['!X', 'X', 'bytes', 'true', 'false', 'double', 'string', 'Bool', 'int53', 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512']) ? 'types' : 'constructors'; $param[$type_or_subtype] = \str_replace(['true', 'false'], ['Bool', 'Bool'], $param[$type_or_subtype]); if (\preg_match('/%/', $param[$type_or_subtype])) { $param[$type_or_subtype] = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByType(\str_replace('%', '', $param[$type_or_subtype]))['predicate']; } if (\substr($param[$type_or_subtype], -1) === '>') { $param[$type_or_subtype] = \substr($param[$type_or_subtype], 0, -1); } $params .= "'" . $param['name'] . "' => "; $param[$type_or_subtype] = '[' . Tools::markdownEscape($param[$type_or_subtype]) . '](../' . $type_or_bare_type . '/' . $param[$type_or_subtype] . '.md)'; $params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '\\[' . $param[$type_or_subtype] . '\\]' : $param[$type_or_subtype]) . ', '; } $md_constructor = \str_replace('_', '\\_', $constructor . $layer); $this->docs_constructors[$constructor] = '[$' . $md_constructor . '](../constructors/' . $php_constructor . $layer . '.md) = \\[' . $params . '\\]; '; $table = empty($data['params']) ? '' : '### Attributes: | Name | Type | Required | |----------|---------------|----------| '; if (!isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']])) { $this->addToLang('object_' . $data['predicate']); if (\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['object_' . $data['predicate']] !== '') { $this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['description'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['object_' . $data['predicate']]; } } if (isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]) && !empty($data['params'])) { $table = '### Attributes: | Name | Type | Required | Description | |----------|---------------|----------|-------------| '; } $params = ''; $lua_params = ''; $pwr_params = ''; $hasreplymarkup = false; $hasentities = false; foreach ($data['params'] as $param) { if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) { continue; } if ($type === 'EncryptedMessage' && $param['name'] === 'bytes' && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $param['name'] = 'decrypted_message'; $param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage'; } if ($type === 'DecryptedMessageMedia' && \in_array($param['name'], ['key', 'iv'])) { unset(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['object_' . $data['predicate'] . '_param_' . $param['name'] . '_type_' . $param['type']]); continue; } $ptype = $param[isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type']; //$type_or_bare_type = 'types'; /*if (isset($param['subtype'])) { if ($param['type'] === 'vector') { $type_or_bare_type = 'constructors'; } }*/ if (\preg_match('/%/', $ptype)) { $ptype = $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByType(\str_replace('%', '', $ptype))['predicate']; } $type_or_bare_type = (\ctype_upper(Tools::end(\explode('_', $ptype))[0]) || \in_array($ptype, ['!X', 'X', 'bytes', 'true', 'false', 'double', 'string', 'Bool', 'int53', 'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512'])) && $ptype !== 'MTmessage' ? 'types' : 'constructors'; if (\substr($ptype, -1) === '>') { $ptype = \substr($ptype, 0, -1); } switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'Bool'; } $human_ptype = $ptype; if (\strpos($type, 'Input') === 0 && \in_array($ptype, ['User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputDialogPeer', 'DialogPeer', 'NotifyPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer', 'InputPeer']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'Username, chat ID, Update, Message or ' . $ptype; } if (\strpos($type, 'Input') === 0 && \in_array($ptype, ['InputMedia', 'InputDocument', 'InputPhoto']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'MessageMedia, Message, Update or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputMessage']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'Message ID or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputEncryptedChat']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'Secret chat ID, Update, EncryptedMessage or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputFile']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'File path or ' . $ptype; } if (\in_array($ptype, ['InputEncryptedFile']) && !isset($this->settings['td'])) { $human_ptype = 'File path or ' . $ptype; } $table .= '|' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $param['name']) . '|' . (isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '') . '[' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $human_ptype) . '](../' . $type_or_bare_type . '/' . $ptype . '.md) | ' . (isset($param['pow']) || $this->TL->getConstructors($this->td)->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($param['type']) . 'Empty') || $data['type'] === 'InputMedia' && $param['name'] === 'mime_type' || $data['type'] === 'DocumentAttribute' && \in_array($param['name'], ['w', 'h', 'duration']) ? 'Optional' : 'Yes') . '|'; if (!isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['params'][$param['name']])) { $this->addToLang('object_' . $data['predicate'] . '_param_' . $param['name'] . '_type_' . $param['type']); if (isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['description'])) { $this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['params'][$param['name']] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en']['object_' . $data['predicate'] . '_param_' . $param['name'] . '_type_' . $param['type']]; } } if (isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['params'][$param['name']])) { $table .= $this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['params'][$param['name']] . '|'; } $table .= PHP_EOL; $pptype = \in_array($ptype, ['string', 'bytes']) ? "'" . $ptype . "'" : $ptype; $ppptype = \in_array($ptype, ['string']) ? '"' . $ptype . '"' : $ptype; $ppptype = \in_array($ptype, ['bytes']) ? '{"_": "bytes", "bytes":"base64 encoded ' . $ptype . '"}' : $ppptype; $params .= ", '" . $param['name'] . "' => "; $params .= isset($param['subtype']) ? '[' . $pptype . ', ' . $pptype . ']' : $pptype; $lua_params .= ', ' . $param['name'] . '='; $lua_params .= isset($param['subtype']) ? '{' . $pptype . '}' : $pptype; $pwr_params .= ', "' . $param['name'] . '": ' . (isset($param['subtype']) ? '[' . $ppptype . ']' : $ppptype); if ($param['name'] === 'reply_markup') { $hasreplymarkup = true; } } $params = "['_' => '" . $data['predicate'] . "'" . $params . ']'; $lua_params = "{_='" . $data['predicate'] . "'" . $lua_params . '}'; $pwr_params = '{"_": "' . $data['predicate'] . '"' . $pwr_params . '}'; $description = isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]) ? $this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['description'] : $constructor . ' attributes, type and example'; $symFile = \str_replace('.', '_', $constructor . $layer); $redir = $symFile !== $constructor . $layer ? "\nredirect_from: /API_docs/constructors/{$symFile}.html" : ''; $header = '--- title: ' . $data['predicate'] . ' description: ' . $description . ' image:' . $redir . ' --- # Constructor: ' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $data['predicate'] . $layer) . ' [Back to constructors index]( '; $table .= ' '; if (isset($this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']])) { $header .= $this->TL->getDescriptions()['constructors'][$data['predicate']]['description'] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } $type = '### Type: [' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $php_type) . '](../types/' . $php_type . '.md) '; $example = ''; if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) { $example = '### Example: ```php $' . $constructor . $layer . ' = ' . $params . '; ``` Or, if you\'re into Lua: ```lua ' . $constructor . $layer . '=' . $lua_params . ' ``` '; if ($hasreplymarkup) { $example .= ' ## Usage of reply_markup You can provide bot API reply_markup objects here. '; } if ($hasentities) { $example .= ' ## Usage of parseMode: Set parseMode to html to enable HTML parsing of the message. Set parseMode to Markdown to enable markown AND html parsing of the message. The following tags are currently supported: ```html
a newline bold works ok, internal tags are stripped bold italic italic inline fixed-width code
pre-formatted fixed-width code block
URL Mention by username Mention by user id
Pre tags can have a language attribute
``` You can also use normal markdown, note that to create mentions you must use the `mention:` syntax like in html: ```markdown [Mention by username](mention:@danogentili) [Mention by user id](mention:186785362) ``` MadelineProto supports all html entities supported by [html_entity_decode]( '; } } \file_put_contents('constructors/' . $constructor . $layer . '.md', $header . $table . $type . $example); } $this->logger->logger('Generating constructors index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \ksort($this->docs_constructors); $last_namespace = ''; foreach ($this->docs_constructors as $constructor => &$value) { $new_namespace = \preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $constructor); $br = $new_namespace != $last_namespace ? '***

' : ''; $value = $br . $value; $last_namespace = $new_namespace; } \file_put_contents('constructors/' . $this->index, '--- title: Constructors description: List of constructors image: --- # Constructors [Back to API documentation index](..) ' . \implode('', $this->docs_constructors)); } }generator = $generator; try { $yielded = $this->generator->current(); while (!$yielded instanceof Promise) { if ($yielded instanceof \YieldReturnValue) { $this->resolve($yielded->getReturn()); $this->generator->next(); return; } if (!$this->generator->valid()) { if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7) { $this->resolve($this->generator->getReturn()); } else { $this->resolve(null); } return; } if ($yielded instanceof \Generator) { $yielded = new self($yielded); } else { $yielded = $this->generator->send($yielded); } } if ($yielded instanceof self) { $yielded->parentCoroutine = $this; } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->fail($exception); return; } /* * @param \Throwable|null $exception Exception to be thrown into the generator. * @param mixed $value Value to be sent into the generator. */ $this->onResolve = function ($exception, $value) { $this->exception = $exception; $this->value = $value; if (!$this->immediate) { $this->immediate = true; return; } try { do { if ($this->exception) { // Throw exception at current execution point. $yielded = $this->throw($this->exception); } else { // Send the new value and execute to next yield statement. $yielded = $this->generator->send($this->value); } while (!$yielded instanceof Promise) { if ($yielded instanceof \YieldReturnValue) { $this->resolve($yielded->getReturn()); $this->onResolve = null; $this->generator->next(); return; } if (!$this->generator->valid()) { if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7) { $this->resolve($this->generator->getReturn()); } else { $this->resolve(null); } $this->onResolve = null; return; } if ($yielded instanceof \Generator) { $yielded = new self($yielded); } else { $yielded = $this->generator->send($yielded); } } if ($yielded instanceof self) { $yielded->parentCoroutine = $this; } $this->immediate = false; $yielded->onResolve($this->onResolve); } while ($this->immediate); $this->immediate = true; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->fail($exception); $this->onResolve = null; } finally { $this->exception = null; $this->value = null; } }; $yielded->onResolve($this->onResolve); } /** * Throw exception into the generator. * * @param \Throwable $reason Exception * * @internal * * @return mixed */ public function throw(\Throwable $reason) { if (!isset($reason->yieldedFrames)) { if (\method_exists($reason, 'updateTLTrace')) { $reason->updateTLTrace($this->getTrace()); } else { $reason->yieldedFrames = $this->getTrace(); } } return $this->generator->throw($reason); } /** * @param \Throwable $reason Failure reason. */ public function fail(\Throwable $reason) { $this->resolve(new Failure($reason)); } public function offsetExists($offset) : bool { throw new Exception('Not supported!'); } /** * Get data at an array offset asynchronously. * * @param mixed $offset Offset * * @return Promise */ public function offsetGet($offset) { return Tools::call((function () use($offset) : \Generator { $result = (yield $this); return $result[$offset]; })()); } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { return Tools::call((function () use($offset, $value) : \Generator { $result = (yield $this); if ($offset === null) { return $result[] = $value; } return $result[$offset] = $value; })()); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { return Tools::call((function () use($offset) : \Generator { $result = (yield $this); unset($result[$offset]); })()); } /** * Get an attribute asynchronously. * * @param string $offset Offset * * @return Promise */ public function __get(string $offset) { return Tools::call((function () use($offset) : \Generator { $result = (yield $this); return $result->{$offset}; })()); } public function __call(string $name, array $arguments) { return Tools::call((function () use($name, $arguments) : \Generator { $result = (yield $this); return $result->{$name}($arguments); })()); } /** * Get current stack trace for running coroutine. * * @return array */ public function getTrace() : array { $frames = []; try { $reflector = new ReflectionGenerator($this->generator); $frames = $reflector->getTrace(); $frames[] = \array_merge($this->parentCoroutine ? $this->parentCoroutine->getFrame() : [], ['function' => $reflector->getFunction()->getName(), 'args' => []]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } if ($this->parentCoroutine) { $frames = \array_merge($frames, $this->parentCoroutine->getTrace()); } return $frames; } /** * Get current execution frame. * * @return array */ public function getFrame() : array { try { $reflector = new ReflectionGenerator($this->generator); return ['file' => $reflector->getExecutingFile(), 'line' => $reflector->getExecutingLine()]; } catch (\Throwable $e) { } return []; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * Periodic loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class PeriodicLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { /** * Callback. * * @var callable */ private $callback; /** * Loop name. * * @var string */ private $name; /** * Loop timeeout. * * @var int */ private $timeout; /** * Constructor. * * @param \danog\MadelineProto\API $API Instance of MTProto class * @param callable $callback Callback to call * @param string $name Loop name * @param int|float $timeout Loop timeout */ public function __construct($API, callable $callback, string $name, $timeout) { $this->API = $API; $this->callback = $callback; $this->name = $name; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function loop() : \Generator { $callback = $this->callback; $logger = $this->API->logger; while (true) { $result = (yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($this->timeout))); if ($result) { $logger->logger("Got signal in {$this}, exiting"); return; } (yield $callback()); } } public function __toString() : string { return $this->name; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; /** * Generic loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class GenericLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { const STOP = -1; const PAUSE = null; const CONTINUE = 0; protected $callback; protected $name; /** * Constructor. * * The callback will be bound to the GenericLoop instance: this means that you will be able to use `$this` as if the callback were actually the `loop` function (you can access the API property, use the pause/waitSignal methods & so on). * The return value of the callable can be: * A number - the loop will be paused for the specified number of seconds * GenericLoop::STOP - The loop will stop * GenericLoop::PAUSE - The loop will pause forever (or until the `resume` method is called on the loop object from outside the loop) * GenericLoop::CONTINUE - Return this if you want to rerun the loop without waiting * * @param \danog\MadelineProto\API $API Instance of MadelineProto * @param callable $callback Callback to run * @param string $name Fetcher name */ public function __construct($API, $callback, $name) { $this->API = $API; $this->callback = $callback->bindTo($this); $this->name = $name; } public function loop() : \Generator { $callback = $this->callback; while (true) { $timeout = (yield $callback()); if ($timeout === self::PAUSE) { $this->API->logger->logger("Pausing {$this}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); } elseif ($timeout > 0) { $this->API->logger->logger("Pausing {$this} for {$timeout}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); } if ($timeout === self::STOP || (yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($timeout)))) { return; } } } public function __toString() : string { return $this->name; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update; use Amp\Loop; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException; /** * Update loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class UpdateLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; private $toPts; private $channelId; private $feeder; public function __construct($API, $channelId) { $this->API = $API; $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $feeder = $this->feeder = $API->feeders[$this->channelId]; while (!$API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] || !$API->hasAllAuth()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { $API->logger->logger("Exiting {$this} due to signal"); return; } } $this->state = $state = $this->channelId === false ? yield from $API->loadUpdateState() : $API->loadChannelState($this->channelId); $timeout = $API->settings['updates']['getdifference_interval']; $first = true; while (true) { while (!$API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] || !$API->hasAllAuth()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { $API->logger->logger("Exiting {$this} due to signal"); return; } } $result = []; $toPts = $this->toPts; $this->toPts = null; while (true) { if ($this->channelId) { $API->logger->logger('Resumed and fetching ' . $this->channelId . ' difference...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if ($state->pts() <= 1) { $limit = 10; } elseif ($API->authorization['user']['bot']) { $limit = 100000; } else { $limit = 100; } $request_pts = $state->pts(); try { $difference = (yield from $API->methodCallAsyncRead('updates.getChannelDifference', ['channel' => 'channel#' . $this->channelId, 'filter' => ['_' => 'channelMessagesFilterEmpty'], 'pts' => $request_pts, 'limit' => $limit, 'force' => true], ['datacenter' => $API->datacenter->curdc, 'postpone' => $first])); } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { if (\in_array($e->rpc, ['CHANNEL_PRIVATE', 'CHAT_FORBIDDEN', 'CHANNEL_INVALID'])) { $feeder->signal(true); unset($API->updaters[$this->channelId], $API->feeders[$this->channelId]); $API->getChannelStates()->remove($this->channelId); $API->logger->logger("Channel private, exiting {$this}"); return true; } throw $e; } catch (Exception $e) { if (\in_array($e->getMessage(), ['This peer is not present in the internal peer database'])) { $feeder->signal(true); $API->getChannelStates()->remove($this->channelId); unset($API->updaters[$this->channelId], $API->feeders[$this->channelId]); $API->logger->logger("Channel private, exiting {$this}"); return true; } throw $e; } if (isset($difference['timeout'])) { $timeout = $difference['timeout']; } $API->logger->logger('Got ' . $difference['_'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); switch ($difference['_']) { case 'updates.channelDifferenceEmpty': $state->update($difference); unset($difference); break 2; case 'updates.channelDifference': if ($request_pts >= $difference['pts'] && $request_pts > 1) { $API->logger->logger("The PTS ({$difference['pts']}) I got with getDifference is smaller than the PTS I requested " . $state->pts() . ', using ' . ($state->pts() + 1), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $difference['pts'] = $request_pts + 1; } $result += (yield from $feeder->feed($difference['other_updates'])); $state->update($difference); $feeder->saveMessages($difference['new_messages']); if (!$difference['final']) { if ($difference['pts'] >= $toPts) { unset($difference); break 2; } unset($difference); break; } unset($difference); break 2; case 'updates.channelDifferenceTooLong': if (isset($difference['dialog']['pts'])) { $difference['pts'] = $difference['dialog']['pts']; } $state->update($difference); $feeder->saveMessages($difference['messages']); unset($difference); break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Unrecognized update difference received: ' . \var_export($difference, true)); } } else { $API->logger->logger('Resumed and fetching normal difference...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $difference = (yield from $API->methodCallAsyncRead('updates.getDifference', ['pts' => $state->pts(), 'date' => $state->date(), 'qts' => $state->qts()], ['datacenter' => $API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']])); $API->logger->logger('Got ' . $difference['_'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); switch ($difference['_']) { case 'updates.differenceEmpty': $state->update($difference); unset($difference); break 2; case 'updates.difference': $state->qts($difference['state']['qts']); foreach ($difference['new_encrypted_messages'] as &$encrypted) { $encrypted = ['_' => 'updateNewEncryptedMessage', 'message' => $encrypted]; } $result += (yield from $feeder->feed($difference['other_updates'])); $result += (yield from $feeder->feed($difference['new_encrypted_messages'])); $state->update($difference['state']); $feeder->saveMessages($difference['new_messages']); unset($difference); break 2; case 'updates.differenceSlice': $state->qts($difference['intermediate_state']['qts']); foreach ($difference['new_encrypted_messages'] as &$encrypted) { $encrypted = ['_' => 'updateNewEncryptedMessage', 'message' => $encrypted]; } $result += (yield from $feeder->feed($difference['other_updates'])); $result += (yield from $feeder->feed($difference['new_encrypted_messages'])); $state->update($difference['intermediate_state']); $feeder->saveMessages($difference['new_messages']); if ($difference['intermediate_state']['pts'] >= $toPts) { unset($difference); break 2; } unset($difference); break; case 'updates.differenceTooLong': $state->update($difference); unset($difference); break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Unrecognized update difference received: ' . \var_export($difference, true)); } } } $API->logger->logger("Finished parsing updates in {$this}, now resuming feeders"); foreach ($result as $channelId => $boh) { $API->feeders[$channelId]->resumeDefer(); } $API->logger->logger("Finished resuming feeders in {$this}, signaling updates"); $API->signalUpdate(); $API->logger->logger("Finished signaling updates in {$this}, pausing"); $first = false; if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($timeout)))) { $API->logger->logger("Exiting {$this} due to signal"); return; } } } public function setLimit($toPts) { $this->toPts = $toPts; } public function __toString() : string { return !$this->channelId ? 'getUpdate loop generic' : "getUpdate loop channel {$this->channelId}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update; use Amp\Loop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; /** * update feed loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class FeedLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; private $incomingUpdates = []; private $parsedUpdates = []; private $channelId; /** * Update loop. * * @var UpdateLoop */ private $updater; public function __construct($API, $channelId = false) { $this->API = $API; $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $this->updater = $API->updaters[$this->channelId]; if (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return false; } while (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] || !$API->hasAllAuth()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } $this->state = $this->channelId === false ? yield from $API->loadUpdateState() : $API->loadChannelState($this->channelId); while (true) { while (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] || !$API->hasAllAuth()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } if (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return; } $API->logger->logger("Resumed {$this}"); while ($this->incomingUpdates) { $updates = $this->incomingUpdates; $this->incomingUpdates = []; yield from $this->parse($updates); $updates = null; } while ($this->parsedUpdates) { $parsedUpdates = $this->parsedUpdates; $this->parsedUpdates = []; foreach ($parsedUpdates as $update) { yield from $API->saveUpdate($update); } $parsedUpdates = null; $this->API->signalUpdate(); } } } public function parse($updates) : \Generator { \reset($updates); while ($updates) { $key = \key($updates); $update = $updates[$key]; unset($updates[$key]); if ($update['_'] === 'updateChannelTooLong') { $this->API->logger->logger('Got channel too long update, getting difference...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); (yield $this->updater->resume()); continue; } if (isset($update['pts'], $update['pts_count'])) { $logger = function ($msg) use($update) { $pts_count = $update['pts_count']; $mid = isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id'] : '-'; $mypts = $this->state->pts(); $computed = $mypts + $pts_count; $this->API->logger->logger("{$msg}. My pts: {$mypts}, remote pts: {$update['pts']}, computed pts: {$computed}, msg id: {$mid}, channel id: {$this->channelId}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); }; $result = $this->state->checkPts($update); if ($result < 0) { $logger('PTS duplicate'); continue; } if ($result > 0) { $logger('PTS hole'); $this->updater->setLimit($this->state->pts() + $result); (yield $this->updater->resume()); $updates = \array_merge($this->incomingUpdates, $updates); $this->incomingUpdates = []; continue; } if (isset($update['message']['id'], $update['message']['to_id']) && !\in_array($update['_'], ['updateEditMessage', 'updateEditChannelMessage', 'updateMessageID'])) { if (!$this->API->checkMsgId($update['message'])) { $logger('MSGID duplicate'); continue; } } $logger('PTS OK'); $this->state->pts($update['pts']); } $this->save($update); } } public function feed($updates) : \Generator { $result = []; foreach ($updates as $update) { $res = $this->feedSingle($update); if ($res instanceof \Generator) { $res = (yield from $res); } $result[$res] = true; } return $result; } public function feedSingle($update) : \Generator { $channelId = false; switch ($update['_']) { case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': $channelId = isset($update['message']['to_id']['channel_id']) ? $update['message']['to_id']['channel_id'] : false; if (!$channelId) { return false; } break; case 'updateChannelWebPage': case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': $channelId = $update['channel_id']; break; case 'updateChannelTooLong': $channelId = isset($update['channel_id']) ? $update['channel_id'] : false; if (!isset($update['pts'])) { $update['pts'] = 1; } break; } if ($channelId && !$this->API->getChannelStates()->has($channelId)) { $this->API->loadChannelState($channelId, $update); if (!isset($this->API->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->API->feeders[$channelId] = new self($this->API, $channelId); } if (!isset($this->API->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->API->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this->API, $channelId); } $this->API->feeders[$channelId]->start(); $this->API->updaters[$channelId]->start(); } switch ($update['_']) { case 'updateNewMessage': case 'updateEditMessage': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': $to = false; $from = false; $via_bot = false; $entities = false; if ($update['message']['_'] !== 'messageEmpty' && (($from = isset($update['message']['from_id']) && !(yield from $this->API->peerIsset($update['message']['from_id']))) || ($to = !(yield from $this->API->peerIsset($update['message']['to_id']))) || ($via_bot = isset($update['message']['via_bot_id']) && !(yield from $this->API->peerIsset($update['message']['via_bot_id']))) || ($entities = isset($update['message']['entities']) && !(yield from $this->API->entitiesPeerIsset($update['message']['entities']))))) { $log = ''; if ($from) { $log .= "from_id {$update['message']['from_id']}, "; } if ($to) { $log .= 'to_id ' . \json_encode($update['message']['to_id']) . ', '; } if ($via_bot) { $log .= "via_bot {$update['message']['via_bot_id']}, "; } if ($entities) { $log .= 'entities ' . \json_encode($update['message']['entities']) . ', '; } $this->API->logger->logger("Not enough data: for message update {$log}, getting difference...", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $update = ['_' => 'updateChannelTooLong']; if ($channelId && $to) { $channelId = false; } } break; default: if ($channelId && !(yield from $this->API->peerIsset($this->API->toSupergroup($channelId)))) { $this->API->logger->logger('Skipping update, I do not have the channel id ' . $channelId, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return false; } break; } if ($channelId !== $this->channelId) { if (isset($this->API->feeders[$channelId])) { return yield from $this->API->feeders[$channelId]->feedSingle($update); } elseif ($this->channelId) { return yield from $this->API->feeders[false]->feedSingle($update); } } $this->API->logger->logger('Was fed an update of type ' . $update['_'] . " in {$this}...", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->incomingUpdates[] = $update; return $this->channelId; } public function save($update) { $this->parsedUpdates[] = $update; } public function saveMessages($messages) { foreach ($messages as $message) { if (!$this->API->checkMsgId($message)) { $this->API->logger->logger("MSGID duplicate ({$message['id']}) in {$this}"); continue; } if ($message['_'] !== 'messageEmpty') { $this->API->logger->logger('Getdiff fed me message of type ' . $message['_'] . " in {$this}...", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); } $this->parsedUpdates[] = ['_' => $this->channelId === false ? 'updateNewMessage' : 'updateNewChannelMessage', 'message' => $message, 'pts' => -1, 'pts_count' => -1]; } } public function __toString() : string { return !$this->channelId ? 'update feed loop generic' : "update feed loop channel {$this->channelId}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; /** * update feed loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class SeqLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; private $incomingUpdates = []; private $feeder; private $pendingWakeups = []; public function __construct($API) { $this->API = $API; } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $this->feeder = $API->feeders[false]; if (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return false; } while (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] || !$API->hasAllAuth()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } $this->state = (yield from $API->loadUpdateState()); while (true) { while (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] || !$API->hasAllAuth()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } if (!$this->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return; } while ($this->incomingUpdates) { $updates = $this->incomingUpdates; $this->incomingUpdates = []; yield from $this->parse($updates); $updates = null; } while ($this->pendingWakeups) { \reset($this->pendingWakeups); $channelId = \key($this->pendingWakeups); unset($this->pendingWakeups[$channelId]); $this->API->feeders[$channelId]->resume(); } } } public function parse($updates) : \Generator { \reset($updates); while ($updates) { $options = []; $key = \key($updates); $update = $updates[$key]; unset($updates[$key]); $options = $update['options']; $seq_start = $options['seq_start']; $seq_end = $options['seq_end']; $result = $this->state->checkSeq($seq_start); if ($result > 0) { $this->API->logger->logger('Seq hole. seq_start: ' . $seq_start . ' != cur seq: ' . ($this->state->seq() + 1), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); (yield $this->pause(1.0)); if (!$this->incomingUpdates) { (yield $this->API->updaters[false]->resume()); } $this->incomingUpdates = \array_merge($this->incomingUpdates, [$update], $updates); continue; } if ($result < 0) { $this->API->logger->logger('Seq too old. seq_start: ' . $seq_start . ' != cur seq: ' . ($this->state->seq() + 1), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); continue; } $this->state->seq($seq_end); if (isset($options['date'])) { $this->state->date($options['date']); } yield from $this->save($update); } } public function feed($updates) { $this->API->logger->logger('Was fed updates of type ' . $updates['_'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->incomingUpdates[] = $updates; } public function save($updates) : \Generator { $this->pendingWakeups += (yield from $this->feeder->feed($updates['updates'])); } public function addPendingWakeups($wakeups) { $this->pendingWakeups += $wakeups; } public function __toString() : string { return 'update seq loop'; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop; /** * Loop interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface LoopInterface { /** * Start the loop. * * @return void */ public function start(); /** * The actual loop. * * @return void */ public function loop(); /** * Get name of the loop. * * @return string */ public function __toString() : string; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop; use Amp\Promise; /** * Signal loop interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface SignalLoopInterface extends LoopInterface { /** * Resolve the promise or return|throw the signal. * * @param Promise $promise The origin promise * * @return Promise */ public function waitSignal($promise) : Promise; /** * Send a signal to the the loop. * * @param Exception|any $data Signal to send * * @return void */ public function signal($data); }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; /** * HttpWait loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class HttpWaitLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { /** * Connection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Connection */ protected $connection; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ protected $datacenter; /** * DataCenterConnection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection */ protected $datacenterConnection; public function __construct(Connection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->API = $connection->getExtra(); $this->datacenter = $connection->getDatacenterID(); $this->datacenterConnection = $connection->getShared(); } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; if (!$shared->isHttp()) { return; } while (true) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } if (!$connection->isHttp()) { return; } while (!$shared->hasTempAuthKey()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } $API->logger->logger("DC {$datacenter}: request {$connection->countHttpSent()}, response {$connection->countHttpReceived()}"); if ($connection->countHttpSent() === $connection->countHttpReceived() && (!empty($connection->pending_outgoing) || !empty($connection->new_outgoing) && !$connection->hasPendingCalls())) { yield from $connection->sendMessage(['_' => 'http_wait', 'body' => ['max_wait' => 30000, 'wait_after' => 0, 'max_delay' => 0], 'contentRelated' => true, 'unencrypted' => false, 'method' => false]); } $API->logger->logger("DC {$datacenter}: request {$connection->countHttpSent()}, response {$connection->countHttpReceived()}"); } } public function __toString() : string { return "HTTP wait loop in DC {$this->datacenter}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection; use Amp\ByteStream\StreamException; use danog\MadelineProto\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Crypt; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Socket write loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class WriteLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { use Crypt; use Tools; /** * Connection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Connection */ protected $connection; /** * DataCenterConnection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection */ protected $datacenterConnection; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ protected $datacenter; public function __construct(Connection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->datacenterConnection = $connection->getShared(); $this->API = $connection->getExtra(); $ctx = $connection->getCtx(); $this->datacenter = $connection->getDatacenterID(); } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $please_wait = false; while (true) { while (empty($connection->pending_outgoing) || $please_wait) { if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { $API->logger->logger('Not writing because connection is old'); return; } $please_wait = false; $API->logger->logger("Waiting in {$this}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { $API->logger->logger("Exiting {$this}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return; } $API->logger->logger("Done waiting in {$this}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { $API->logger->logger('Not writing because connection is old'); return; } } $connection->writing(true); try { $please_wait = (yield $this->{$shared->hasTempAuthKey() ? 'encryptedWriteLoop' : 'unencryptedWriteLoop'}()); } catch (StreamException $e) { if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { return; } Tools::callForkDefer((function () use($API, $connection, $datacenter, $e) : \Generator { $API->logger->logger($e); $API->logger->logger("Got nothing in the socket in DC {$datacenter}, reconnecting...", Logger::ERROR); yield from $connection->reconnect(); })()); return; } finally { $connection->writing(false); } //$connection->waiter->resume(); } } public function unencryptedWriteLoop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; while ($connection->pending_outgoing) { $skipped_all = true; foreach ($connection->pending_outgoing as $k => $message) { if ($shared->hasTempAuthKey()) { return; } if (!$message['unencrypted']) { continue; } $skipped_all = false; $API->logger->logger("Sending {$message['_']} as unencrypted message to DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $message_id = isset($message['msg_id']) ? $message['msg_id'] : $connection->msgIdHandler->generateMessageId(); $length = \strlen($message['serialized_body']); $pad_length = -$length & 15; $pad_length += 16 * \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::randomInt($modulus = 16); $pad = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random($pad_length); $buffer = (yield $connection->stream->getWriteBuffer(8 + 8 + 4 + $pad_length + $length)); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" . $message_id . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt($length) . $message['serialized_body'] . $pad)); //var_dump("plain ".bin2hex($message_id)); $connection->httpSent(); $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id] = $message; $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] = \time(); $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['tries'] = 0; $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['unencrypted'] = true; $connection->new_outgoing[$message_id] = $message_id; unset($connection->pending_outgoing[$k]); $API->logger->logger("Sent {$message['_']} as unencrypted message to DC {$datacenter}!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $message['send_promise']->resolve(isset($message['promise']) ? $message['promise'] : true); unset($message['send_promise']); } if ($skipped_all) { return true; } } } public function encryptedWriteLoop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; do { if (!$shared->hasTempAuthKey()) { return; } if ($shared->isHttp() && empty($connection->pending_outgoing)) { return; } $temporary_keys = []; if (\count($to_ack = $connection->ack_queue)) { foreach (\array_chunk($connection->ack_queue, 8192) as $acks) { $connection->pending_outgoing[$connection->pending_outgoing_key] = ['_' => 'msgs_ack', 'serialized_body' => yield from $this->API->getTL()->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'msgs_ack', 'msg_ids' => $acks], 'msgs_ack'), 'contentRelated' => false, 'unencrypted' => false, 'method' => false]; $temporary_keys[$connection->pending_outgoing_key] = true; $API->logger->logger("Adding msgs_ack {$connection->pending_outgoing_key}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $connection->pending_outgoing_key++; } } $has_http_wait = false; $messages = []; $keys = []; if ($shared->isHttp()) { foreach ($connection->pending_outgoing as $message) { if ($message['_'] === 'http_wait') { $has_http_wait = true; break; } } if (!$has_http_wait) { $API->logger->logger("Adding http_wait {$connection->pending_outgoing_key}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $connection->pending_outgoing[$connection->pending_outgoing_key] = ['_' => 'http_wait', 'serialized_body' => yield from $this->API->getTL()->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'http_wait', 'max_wait' => 30000, 'wait_after' => 0, 'max_delay' => 0], 'http_wait'), 'contentRelated' => true, 'unencrypted' => false, 'method' => true]; $temporary_keys[$connection->pending_outgoing_key] = true; $connection->pending_outgoing_key++; } } $total_length = 0; $count = 0; \ksort($connection->pending_outgoing); $skipped = false; $inited = false; foreach ($connection->pending_outgoing as $k => $message) { if ($message['unencrypted']) { continue; } if (isset($message['container'])) { unset($connection->pending_outgoing[$k]); continue; } if ($shared->getSettings()['pfs'] && !$shared->isBound() && !$connection->isCDN() && !\in_array($message['_'], ['http_wait', 'auth.bindTempAuthKey']) && $message['method']) { $API->logger->logger("Skipping {$message['_']} due to unbound keys in DC {$datacenter}"); $skipped = true; continue; } $body_length = \strlen($message['serialized_body']); $actual_length = $body_length + 32; if ($total_length && $total_length + $actual_length > 32760 || $count >= 1020) { $API->logger->logger('Length overflow, postponing part of payload', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); break; } $message_id = isset($message['msg_id']) ? $message['msg_id'] : $connection->msgIdHandler->generateMessageId(); $API->logger->logger("Sending {$message['_']} as encrypted message to DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $MTmessage = ['_' => 'MTmessage', 'msg_id' => $message_id, 'body' => $message['serialized_body'], 'seqno' => $connection->generateOutSeqNo($message['contentRelated'])]; if (isset($message['method']) && $message['method'] && $message['_'] !== 'http_wait') { if (!$shared->getTempAuthKey()->isInited() && $message['_'] !== 'auth.bindTempAuthKey' && !$inited) { $inited = true; $API->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['write_client_info'], $message['_']), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $MTmessage['body'] = (yield from $API->getTL()->serializeMethod('invokeWithLayer', ['layer' => $API->settings['tl_schema']['layer'], 'query' => yield from $API->getTL()->serializeMethod('initConnection', ['api_id' => $API->settings['app_info']['api_id'], 'api_hash' => $API->settings['app_info']['api_hash'], 'device_model' => !$connection->isCDN() ? $API->settings['app_info']['device_model'] : 'n/a', 'system_version' => !$connection->isCDN() ? $API->settings['app_info']['system_version'] : 'n/a', 'app_version' => $API->settings['app_info']['app_version'], 'system_lang_code' => $API->settings['app_info']['lang_code'], 'lang_code' => $API->settings['app_info']['lang_code'], 'lang_pack' => $API->settings['app_info']['lang_pack'], 'proxy' => $connection->getCtx()->getInputClientProxy(), 'query' => $MTmessage['body']])])); } else { if (isset($message['queue'])) { if (!isset($connection->call_queue[$message['queue']])) { $connection->call_queue[$message['queue']] = []; } $MTmessage['body'] = (yield from $API->getTL()->serializeMethod('invokeAfterMsgs', ['msg_ids' => $connection->call_queue[$message['queue']], 'query' => $MTmessage['body']])); $connection->call_queue[$message['queue']][$message_id] = $message_id; if (\count($connection->call_queue[$message['queue']]) > $API->settings['msg_array_limit']['call_queue']) { \reset($connection->call_queue[$message['queue']]); $key = \key($connection->call_queue[$message['queue']]); unset($connection->call_queue[$message['queue']][$key]); } } // TODO /* if ($API->settings['requests']['gzip_encode_if_gt'] !== -1 && ($l = strlen($MTmessage['body'])) > $API->settings['requests']['gzip_encode_if_gt']) { if (($g = strlen($gzipped = gzencode($MTmessage['body']))) < $l) { $MTmessage['body'] = yield $API->getTL()->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'gzip_packed', 'packed_data' => $gzipped], 'gzipped data'); $API->logger->logger('Using GZIP compression for ' . $message['_'] . ', saved ' . ($l - $g) . ' bytes of data, reduced call size by ' . $g * 100 / $l . '%', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } unset($gzipped); }*/ } } $body_length = \strlen($MTmessage['body']); $actual_length = $body_length + 32; if ($total_length && $total_length + $actual_length > 32760) { $API->logger->logger('Length overflow, postponing part of payload', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); break; } $count++; $total_length += $actual_length; $MTmessage['bytes'] = $body_length; $messages[] = $MTmessage; $keys[$k] = $message_id; } if ($shared->isHttp() && $skipped && $count === \count($temporary_keys)) { foreach ($temporary_keys as $key => $true) { $API->logger->logger("Removing temporary {$connection->pending_outgoing[$key]['_']} by {$key}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); unset($connection->pending_outgoing[$key]); $count--; } } $MTmessage = null; if ($count > 1) { $API->logger->logger("Wrapping in msg_container ({$count} messages of total size {$total_length}) as encrypted message for DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $message_id = $connection->msgIdHandler->generateMessageId(); $connection->pending_outgoing[$connection->pending_outgoing_key] = ['_' => 'msg_container', 'container' => \array_values($keys), 'contentRelated' => false, 'method' => false, 'unencrypted' => false]; //var_dumP("container ".bin2hex($message_id)); $keys[$connection->pending_outgoing_key++] = $message_id; $message_data = (yield from $API->getTL()->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'msg_container', 'messages' => $messages], 'container')); $message_data_length = \strlen($message_data); $seq_no = $connection->generateOutSeqNo(false); } elseif ($count) { $message = $messages[0]; $message_data = $message['body']; $message_data_length = $message['bytes']; $message_id = $message['msg_id']; $seq_no = $message['seqno']; } else { $API->logger->logger("NO MESSAGE SENT in DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); return true; } unset($messages); $plaintext = $shared->getTempAuthKey()->getServerSalt() . $connection->session_id . $message_id . \pack('VV', $seq_no, $message_data_length) . $message_data; $padding = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-\strlen($plaintext), 16); if ($padding < 12) { $padding += 16; } $padding = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random($padding); $message_key = \substr(\hash('sha256', \substr($shared->getTempAuthKey()->getAuthKey(), 88, 32) . $plaintext . $padding, true), 8, 16); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->aesCalculate($message_key, $shared->getTempAuthKey()->getAuthKey()); $message = $shared->getTempAuthKey()->getID() . $message_key . $this->igeEncrypt($plaintext . $padding, $aes_key, $aes_iv); $buffer = (yield $connection->stream->getWriteBuffer($len = \strlen($message))); //$t = \microtime(true); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite($message)); $connection->httpSent(); $API->logger->logger("Sent encrypted payload to DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $sent = \time(); if ($to_ack) { $connection->ack_queue = []; } foreach ($keys as $key => $message_id) { $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id] =& $connection->pending_outgoing[$key]; if (isset($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['promise'])) { $connection->new_outgoing[$message_id] = $message_id; $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] = $sent; $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['tries'] = 0; } if (isset($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['send_promise'])) { $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['send_promise']->resolve(isset($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['promise']) ? $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['promise'] : true); unset($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['send_promise']); } //var_dumP("encrypted ".bin2hex($message_id)." ".$connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_']); unset($connection->pending_outgoing[$key]); } //if (!empty($connection->pending_outgoing)) $connection->select(); } while (!empty($connection->pending_outgoing) && !$skipped); if (empty($connection->pending_outgoing)) { $connection->pending_outgoing_key = 'a'; } return $skipped; } public function __toString() : string { return "write loop in DC {$this->datacenter}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; /** * Ping loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class PingLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { /** * Connection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Connection */ protected $connection; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ protected $datacenter; /** * DataCenterConnection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection */ protected $datacenterConnection; public function __construct(Connection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->API = $connection->getExtra(); $this->datacenter = $connection->getDatacenterID(); $this->datacenterConnection = $connection->getShared(); } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; $timeout = $shared->getSettings()['timeout']; while (true) { while (!$shared->hasTempAuthKey()) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($timeout)))) { return; } if (\time() - $connection->getLastChunk() >= $timeout) { $API->logger->logger("Ping DC {$datacenter}"); try { yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('ping', ['ping_id' => \random_bytes(8)]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $API->logger->logger("Error while pinging DC {$datacenter}"); $API->logger->logger((string) $e); } } } } public function __toString() : string { return "Ping loop in DC {$this->datacenter}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection; use Amp\ByteStream\PendingReadError; use Amp\ByteStream\StreamException; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\Websocket\ClosedException; use danog\MadelineProto\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\SignalLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Crypt; use danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Socket read loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class ReadLoop extends SignalLoop { use Tools; use Crypt; /** * Connection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Connection */ protected $connection; /** * DataCenterConnection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection */ protected $datacenterConnection; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ protected $datacenter; public function __construct(Connection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->API = $connection->getExtra(); $this->datacenter = $connection->getDatacenterID(); $this->datacenterConnection = $connection->getShared(); } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; while (true) { try { $error = (yield $this->waitSignal($this->readMessage())); } catch (NothingInTheSocketException $e) { if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { return; } Tools::callForkDefer((function () use($API, $connection, $datacenter, $e) : \Generator { $API->logger->logger($e); $API->logger->logger("Got nothing in the socket in DC {$datacenter}, reconnecting...", Logger::ERROR); yield from $connection->reconnect(); })()); return; } catch (StreamException $e) { if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { return; } Tools::callForkDefer((function () use($API, $connection, $datacenter, $e) : \Generator { $API->logger->logger($e); $API->logger->logger("Got nothing in the socket in DC {$datacenter}, reconnecting...", Logger::ERROR); yield from $connection->reconnect(); })()); return; } catch (PendingReadError $e) { if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { return; } Tools::callForkDefer((function () use($API, $connection, $datacenter, $e) : \Generator { $API->logger->logger($e); $API->logger->logger("Got nothing in the socket in DC {$datacenter}, reconnecting...", Logger::ERROR); yield from $connection->reconnect(); })()); return; } catch (\Error $e) { if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { return; } Tools::callForkDefer((function () use($API, $connection, $datacenter, $e) : \Generator { $API->logger->logger($e); $API->logger->logger("Got nothing in the socket in DC {$datacenter}, reconnecting...", Logger::ERROR); yield from $connection->reconnect(); })()); return; } if (\is_int($error)) { //$this->exitedLoop(); Tools::callForkDefer((function () use($error, $shared, $connection, $datacenter, $API) : \Generator { if ($error === -404) { if ($shared->hasTempAuthKey()) { $API->logger->logger("WARNING: Resetting auth key in DC {$datacenter}...", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); $shared->setTempAuthKey(null); $shared->resetSession(); foreach ($connection->new_outgoing as $message_id) { $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] = 0; } yield from $shared->reconnect(); yield from $API->initAuthorization(); } else { yield from $connection->reconnect(); } } elseif ($error === -1) { $API->logger->logger("WARNING: Got quick ack from DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); yield from $connection->reconnect(); } elseif ($error === 0) { $API->logger->logger("Got NOOP from DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); yield from $connection->reconnect(); } elseif ($error === -429) { $API->logger->logger("Got -429 from DC {$datacenter}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); (yield Tools::sleep(1)); yield from $connection->reconnect(); } else { yield from $connection->reconnect(); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($error, $error); } })()); return; } $connection->httpReceived(); Loop::defer([$connection, 'handleMessages']); if ($shared->isHttp()) { Loop::defer([$connection, 'pingHttpWaiter']); } } } public function readMessage() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; if ($connection->shouldReconnect()) { $API->logger->logger('Not reading because connection is old'); throw new NothingInTheSocketException(); } try { $buffer = (yield $connection->stream->getReadBuffer($payload_length)); } catch (ClosedException $e) { $API->logger->logger($e->getReason()); if (\strpos($e->getReason(), ' ') === 0) { $payload = -\substr($e->getReason(), 7); $API->logger->logger("Received {$payload} from DC " . $datacenter, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return $payload; } throw $e; } if ($payload_length === 4) { $payload = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedInt((yield $buffer->bufferRead(4))); $API->logger->logger("Received {$payload} from DC " . $datacenter, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return $payload; } $connection->reading(true); try { $auth_key_id = (yield $buffer->bufferRead(8)); if ($auth_key_id === "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") { $message_id = (yield $buffer->bufferRead(8)); //if (!\in_array($message_id, [\1, \0])) { $connection->msgIdHandler->checkMessageId($message_id, ['outgoing' => false, 'container' => false]); //} $message_length = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(4)))[1]; $message_data = (yield $buffer->bufferRead($message_length)); $left = $payload_length - $message_length - 4 - 8 - 8; if ($left) { $API->logger->logger('Padded unencrypted message', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if ($left < (-$message_length & 15)) { $API->logger->logger('Protocol padded unencrypted message', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } (yield $buffer->bufferRead($left)); } $connection->incoming_messages[$message_id] = []; } elseif ($auth_key_id === $shared->getTempAuthKey()->getID()) { $message_key = (yield $buffer->bufferRead(16)); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->aesCalculate($message_key, $shared->getTempAuthKey()->getAuthKey(), false); $encrypted_data = (yield $buffer->bufferRead($payload_length - 24)); $protocol_padding = \strlen($encrypted_data) % 16; if ($protocol_padding) { $encrypted_data = \substr($encrypted_data, 0, -$protocol_padding); } $decrypted_data = $this->igeDecrypt($encrypted_data, $aes_key, $aes_iv); /* $server_salt = substr($decrypted_data, 0, 8); if ($server_salt != $shared->getTempAuthKey()->getServerSalt()) { $API->logger->logger('WARNING: Server salt mismatch (my server salt '.$shared->getTempAuthKey()->getServerSalt().' is not equal to server server salt '.$server_salt.').', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } */ $session_id = \substr($decrypted_data, 8, 8); if ($session_id != $connection->session_id) { $API->logger->logger("Session ID mismatch", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $connection->resetSession(); throw new NothingInTheSocketException(); } $message_id = \substr($decrypted_data, 16, 8); $connection->msgIdHandler->checkMessageId($message_id, ['outgoing' => false, 'container' => false]); $seq_no = \unpack('V', \substr($decrypted_data, 24, 4))[1]; $message_data_length = \unpack('V', \substr($decrypted_data, 28, 4))[1]; if ($message_data_length > \strlen($decrypted_data)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('message_data_length is too big'); } if (\strlen($decrypted_data) - 32 - $message_data_length < 12) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('padding is too small'); } if (\strlen($decrypted_data) - 32 - $message_data_length > 1024) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('padding is too big'); } if ($message_data_length < 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('message_data_length not positive'); } if ($message_data_length % 4 != 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('message_data_length not divisible by 4'); } $message_data = \substr($decrypted_data, 32, $message_data_length); if ($message_key != \substr(\hash('sha256', \substr($shared->getTempAuthKey()->getAuthKey(), 96, 32) . $decrypted_data, true), 8, 16)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('msg_key mismatch'); } $connection->incoming_messages[$message_id] = ['seq_no' => $seq_no]; } else { $API->logger->logger('Got unknown auth_key id', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return -404; } $deserialized = $API->getTL()->deserialize($message_data, ['type' => '', 'connection' => $connection]); $API->referenceDatabase->reset(); $connection->incoming_messages[$message_id]['content'] = $deserialized; $connection->incoming_messages[$message_id]['response'] = -1; $connection->new_incoming[$message_id] = $message_id; //$connection->last_http_wait = 0; $API->logger->logger('Received payload from DC ' . $datacenter, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } finally { $connection->reading(false); } return true; } public function __toString() : string { return "read loop in DC {$this->datacenter}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Loop; use danog\MadelineProto\Connection; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * RPC call status check loop. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class CheckLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { /** * Connection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Connection */ protected $connection; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ protected $datacenter; /** * DataCenterConnection instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection */ protected $datacenterConnection; public function __construct(Connection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->API = $connection->getExtra(); $this->datacenter = $connection->getDatacenterID(); $this->datacenterConnection = $connection->getShared(); } public function loop() : \Generator { $API = $this->API; $datacenter = $this->datacenter; $connection = $this->connection; $shared = $this->datacenterConnection; $timeout = $shared->getSettings()['timeout']; $timeoutResend = $timeout * $timeout; // Typically 25 seconds, good enough while (true) { while (empty($connection->new_outgoing)) { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause()))) { return; } } if ($connection->hasPendingCalls()) { $last_msgid = $connection->msgIdHandler->getMaxId(true); $last_chunk = $connection->getLastChunk(); if ($shared->hasTempAuthKey()) { $full_message_ids = $connection->getPendingCalls(); //array_values($connection->new_outgoing); foreach (\array_chunk($full_message_ids, 8192) as $message_ids) { $deferred = new Deferred(); $deferred->promise()->onResolve(function ($e, $result) use($message_ids, $API, $connection, $datacenter, $timeoutResend) { if ($e) { $API->logger("Got exception in check loop for DC {$datacenter}"); $API->logger((string) $e); return; } $reply = []; foreach (\str_split($result['info']) as $key => $chr) { $message_id = $message_ids[$key]; if (!isset($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id])) { $API->logger->logger('Already got response for and forgot about message ID ' . $message_id); continue; } if (!isset($connection->new_outgoing[$message_id])) { $API->logger->logger('Already got response for ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id); continue; } $chr = \ord($chr); switch ($chr & 7) { case 0: $API->logger->logger('Wrong message status 0 for ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: if ($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] === 'msgs_state_req') { $connection->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($message_id); break; } $API->logger->logger('Message ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id . ' not received by server, resending...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $connection->methodRecall('watcherId', ['message_id' => $message_id, 'postpone' => true]); break; case 4: if ($chr & 32) { if ($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] + $timeoutResend < \time()) { $API->logger->logger('Message ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id . ' received by server and is being processed for way too long, resending request...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $connection->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $message_id, 'postpone' => true]); } else { $API->logger->logger('Message ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id . ' received by server and is being processed, waiting...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } } elseif ($chr & 64) { $API->logger->logger('Message ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id . ' received by server and was already processed, requesting reply...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $reply[] = $message_id; } elseif ($chr & 128) { $API->logger->logger('Message ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id . ' received by server and was already sent, requesting reply...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $reply[] = $message_id; } else { $API->logger->logger('Message ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message ID ' . $message_id . ' received by server, requesting reply...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $reply[] = $message_id; } } } if ($reply) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($connection->objectCall('msg_resend_ans_req', ['msg_ids' => $reply], ['postpone' => true])); } $connection->flush(); }); $list = ''; // Don't edit this here pls foreach ($message_ids as $message_id) { $list .= $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ', '; } $API->logger->logger("Still missing {$list} on DC {$datacenter}, sending state request", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); yield from $connection->objectCall('msgs_state_req', ['msg_ids' => $message_ids], ['promise' => $deferred]); } } else { foreach ($connection->new_outgoing as $message_id) { if (isset($connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent']) && $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] + $timeout < \time() && $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['unencrypted']) { $API->logger->logger('Still missing ' . $connection->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] . ' with message id ' . $message_id . " on DC {$datacenter}, resending", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $connection->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $message_id, 'postpone' => true]); } } $connection->flush(); } if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($timeout)))) { return; } if ($connection->msgIdHandler->getMaxId(true) === $last_msgid && $connection->getLastChunk() === $last_chunk) { $API->logger->logger("We did not receive a response for {$timeout} seconds: reconnecting and exiting check loop on DC {$datacenter}"); //$this->exitedLoop(); Tools::callForkDefer($connection->reconnect()); return; } } else { if ((yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($timeout)))) { return; } } } } public function __toString() : string { return "check loop in DC {$this->datacenter}"; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\LoopInterface; /** * Loop helper trait. * * Wraps the asynchronous generator methods with asynchronous promise-based methods * * @author Daniil Gentili */ abstract class Loop implements LoopInterface { use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; private $count = 0; /** * MTProto instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto */ public $API; public function __construct($API) { $this->API = $API; } public function start() { if ($this->count) { //$this->API->logger->logger("NOT entering $this with running count {$this->count}", Logger::ERROR); return false; } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->loopImpl()); } private function loopImpl() : \Generator { $this->startedLoop(); $this->API->logger->logger("Entered {$this}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); try { yield from $this->loop(); } finally { $this->exitedLoop(); $this->API->logger->logger("Physically exited {$this}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } } public function exitedLoop() { if ($this->count) { $this->API->logger->logger("Exited {$this}", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->count--; } } public function startedLoop() { $this->count++; } public function isRunning() { return $this->count; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\ResumableLoopInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Resumable signal loop helper trait. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ abstract class ResumableSignalLoop extends SignalLoop implements ResumableLoopInterface { use Tools; private $resume; private $pause; protected $resumeWatcher; public function pause($time = null) : Promise { if (!\is_null($time)) { if ($time <= 0) { return new Success(0); } $resume = \microtime(true) + $time; if ($this->resumeWatcher) { Loop::cancel($this->resumeWatcher); $this->resumeWatcher = null; } $this->resumeWatcher = Loop::delay((int) ($time * 1000), [$this, 'resume'], $resume); } $this->resume = new Deferred(); $pause = $this->pause; $this->pause = new Deferred(); if ($pause) { Loop::defer([$pause, 'resolve']); } return $this->resume->promise(); } public function resume($watcherId = null, $expected = 0) { if ($this->resumeWatcher) { $storedWatcherId = $this->resumeWatcher; Loop::cancel($storedWatcherId); $this->resumeWatcher = null; if ($watcherId && $storedWatcherId !== $watcherId) { return; } } if ($this->resume) { $resume = $this->resume; $this->resume = null; $resume->resolve(); return $this->pause ? $this->pause->promise() : null; } } public function resumeDefer() { Loop::defer([$this, 'resume']); return $this->pause ? $this->pause->promise() : null; } public function exitedLoop() { parent::exitedLoop(); if ($this->resumeWatcher) { Loop::cancel($this->resumeWatcher); $this->resumeWatcher = null; } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\Coroutine; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\SignalLoopInterface; /** * Signal loop helper trait. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ abstract class SignalLoop extends Loop implements SignalLoopInterface { private $signalDeferred; public function signal($what) { if ($this->signalDeferred) { $deferred = $this->signalDeferred; $this->signalDeferred = null; if ($what instanceof \Exception || $what instanceof \Throwable) { $deferred->fail($what); } else { $deferred->resolve($what); } } } public function waitSignal($promise) : Promise { if ($promise instanceof \Generator) { $promise = new Coroutine($promise); } $this->signalDeferred = new Deferred(); $dpromise = $this->signalDeferred->promise(); $promise->onResolve(function () use($promise) { if ($this->signalDeferred !== null) { $deferred = $this->signalDeferred; $this->signalDeferred = null; $deferred->resolve($promise); } }); return $dpromise; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop; use Amp\Promise; /** * Resumable loop interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface ResumableLoopInterface extends LoopInterface { /** * Pause the loop. * * @param int $time For how long to pause the loop, if null will pause forever (until resume is called from outside of the loop) * * @return Promise */ public function pause($time = null) : Promise; /** * Resume the loop. * * @return void */ public function resume(); }bot_thumbnail#0 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long volume_id:long = File; bot_profile_photo#1 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long volume_id:long = File; bot_photo#2 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long volume_id:long = File; bot_voice#3 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_video#4 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_document#5 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_encrypted#6 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_temp#7 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_sticker#8 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_audio#9 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_gif#A dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_encrypted_thumbnail#B dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_wallpaper#C dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_video_note#D dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_secure_raw#F dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_secure#10 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_background#11 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; bot_size#12 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = File; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class APIFactory extends AbstractAPIFactory { /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var folders */ public $folders; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var langpack */ public $langpack; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var phone */ public $phone; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var stickers */ public $stickers; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var payments */ public $payments; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var bots */ public $bots; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var channels */ public $channels; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var help */ public $help; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var upload */ public $upload; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var photos */ public $photos; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var updates */ public $updates; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var messages */ public $messages; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var contacts */ public $contacts; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var users */ public $users; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var account */ public $account; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var auth */ public $auth; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class RPCErrorException extends \Exception { use TL\PrettyException; private $fetched = false; public static $rollbar = true; public static $descriptions = ['RPC_MCGET_FAIL' => 'Telegram is having internal issues, please try again later.', 'RPC_CALL_FAIL' => 'Telegram is having internal issues, please try again later.', 'USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED' => "The user's privacy settings do not allow you to do this", 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE' => "You haven't joined this channel/supergroup", 'USER_IS_BOT' => "Bots can't send messages to other bots", 'BOT_METHOD_INVALID' => 'This method cannot be run by a bot', 'PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED' => 'The phone code you provided has expired, this may happen if it was sent to any chat on telegram (if the code is sent through a telegram chat (not the official account) to avoid it append or prepend to the code some chars)', 'USERNAME_INVALID' => 'The provided username is not valid', 'ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID' => 'The provided token is not valid', 'ACTIVE_USER_REQUIRED' => 'The method is only available to already activated users', 'FIRSTNAME_INVALID' => 'The first name is invalid', 'LASTNAME_INVALID' => 'The last name is invalid', 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID' => 'The phone number is invalid', 'PHONE_CODE_HASH_EMPTY' => 'phone_code_hash is missing', 'PHONE_CODE_EMPTY' => 'phone_code is missing', 'PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED' => 'The confirmation code has expired', 'API_ID_INVALID' => 'The api_id/api_hash combination is invalid', 'PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED' => 'The phone number is already in use', 'PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED' => 'The phone number is not yet being used', 'USERS_TOO_FEW' => 'Not enough users (to create a chat, for example)', 'USERS_TOO_MUCH' => 'The maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example)', 'TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID' => 'The type constructor is invalid', 'FILE_PART_INVALID' => 'The file part number is invalid', 'FILE_PARTS_INVALID' => 'The number of file parts is invalid', 'MD5_CHECKSUM_INVALID' => 'The MD5 checksums do not match', 'PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS' => 'The photo dimensions are invalid', 'FIELD_NAME_INVALID' => 'The field with the name FIELD_NAME is invalid', 'FIELD_NAME_EMPTY' => 'The field with the name FIELD_NAME is missing', 'MSG_WAIT_FAILED' => 'A waiting call returned an error', 'USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED' => 'The provided username is not occupied', 'PHONE_NUMBER_BANNED' => 'The provided phone number is banned from telegram', 'AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED' => 'The authorization key has expired', 'INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED' => 'The invite link has expired', 'USER_DEACTIVATED' => 'The user was deactivated', 'USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT' => 'The user is already in the group', 'MESSAGE_ID_INVALID' => 'The provided message id is invalid', 'PEER_ID_INVALID' => 'The provided peer id is invalid', 'CHAT_ID_INVALID' => 'The provided chat id is invalid', 'MESSAGE_DELETE_FORBIDDEN' => "You can't delete one of the messages you tried to delete, most likely because it is a service message.", 'CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED' => 'You must be an admin in this chat to do this', -429 => 'Too many requests', 'PEER_FLOOD' => "You are spamreported, you can't do this"]; public static $errorMethodMap = []; private $caller = ''; public static function localizeMessage($method, $code, $error) { if (!$method || !$code || !$error) { return $error; } $error = \preg_replace('/\\d+$/', "X", $error); $description = self::$descriptions[$error] ?? ''; if (!isset(self::$errorMethodMap[$code][$method][$error]) || !isset(self::$descriptions[$error]) || $code === 500) { $res = \json_decode(@\file_get_contents('' . $method . '&code=' . $code . '&error=' . $error, false, \stream_context_create(['http' => ['timeout' => 3]])), true); if (isset($res['ok']) && $res['ok'] && isset($res['result'])) { $description = $res['result']; self::$descriptions[$error] = $description; self::$errorMethodMap[$code][$method][$error] = $error; } } if (!$description) { return $error; } return $description; } public function __toString() { $result = \sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['rpc_tg_error'], self::localizeMessage($this->caller, $this->code, $this->message) . " ({$this->code})", $this->rpc, $this->file, $this->line . PHP_EOL, \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$revision . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL) . PHP_EOL . $this->getTLTrace() . PHP_EOL; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $result = \str_replace(PHP_EOL, '
' . PHP_EOL, $result); } return $result; } public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0, $caller = '', Exception $previous = null) { $this->rpc = $message; parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); $this->prettifyTL($caller); $this->caller = $caller; $additional = []; foreach ($this->getTrace() as $level) { if (isset($level['function']) && $level['function'] === 'methodCall') { $this->line = $level['line']; $this->file = $level['file']; $additional = $level['args']; } } if (!self::$rollbar || !\class_exists(\Rollbar\Rollbar::class)) { return; } if (\in_array($this->rpc, ['CHANNEL_PRIVATE', -404, -429, 'USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED', 'ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID', 'AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED', 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED', 'PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED', 'PEER_ID_INVALID', 'CHAT_ID_INVALID', 'USERNAME_INVALID', 'CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN', 'CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED', 'PEER_FLOOD'])) { return; } if (\strpos($this->rpc, 'FLOOD_WAIT_') !== false) { return; } $message === 'Telegram is having internal issues, please try again later.' ? \Rollbar\Rollbar::log(\Rollbar\Payload\Level::critical(), $message) : \Rollbar\Rollbar::log(\Rollbar\Payload\Level::error(), $this, $additional); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; /** * Manages serialization of the MadelineProto instance. */ class Absolute { public static function absolute($file) { if ($file[0] !== '/' && $file[1] !== ':' && !\in_array(\substr($file, 0, 4), ['phar', 'http'])) { $file = Magic::getcwd() . '/' . $file; } return $file; } }{ "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "481674261", "predicate": "vector", "params": [], "type": "Vector t" }, { "id": "-994444869", "predicate": "error", "params": [ { "name": "code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "text", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Error" }, { "id": "1450380236", "predicate": "null", "params": [], "type": "Null" }, { "id": "2134579434", "predicate": "inputPeerEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "2107670217", "predicate": "inputPeerSelf", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "396093539", "predicate": "inputPeerChat", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "-1182234929", "predicate": "inputUserEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputUser" }, { "id": "-138301121", "predicate": "inputUserSelf", "params": [], "type": "InputUser" 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"params": [ { "name": "bot", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "random_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "start_param", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "1537966002", "method": "help.getAppChangelog", "params": [ { "name": "device_model", "type": "string" }, { "name": "system_version", "type": "string" }, { "name": "app_version", "type": "string" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" } ], "type": "help.AppChangelog" } ] }// Core types (no need to gen) //vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector = ResPQ; p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ////////////// System messages /////////////////////////////// ---types--- msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector = MsgResendReq; //rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; // parsed manually rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; //message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; // parsed manually //msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector = MessageContainer; // parsed manually //msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; // parsed manually, not used - use msg_container //gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:string = Object; // parsed manually http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ipPort ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; help.configSimple#d997c3c5 date:int expires:int dc_id:int ip_port_list:Vector = help.ConfigSimple; ---functions--- rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; contest.saveDeveloperInfo#9a5f6e95 vk_id:int name:string phone_number:string age:int city:string = Bool; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#2f37e231 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#81fa373a flags:# id:InputPhoto caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#e39621fd flags:# file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#5acb668e flags:# id:InputDocument caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#922aec1 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#b6f74335 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#92153685 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#7b1a118f geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#cb44b1c flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#76af5481 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#90dddc11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#b5223b0f flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#7c4414d3 flags:# document:flags.0?Document caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#ea52fe5a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes cdn_file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#9c840964 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int disabled_features:Vector = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#fadff4ac flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; cdnFileHash#77eec38f offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = CdnFileHash; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#c7481da6 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#5d1b8dd flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.getRecentLocations#249431e2 peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#1af91c09 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#f715c87b file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector; // LAYER 72 /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerUserFromMessage#17bae2e6 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerChannelFromMessage#9c95f7bb peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputUserFromMessage#2d117597 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#abe9ca25 flags:# poll:Poll correct_answers:flags.0?Vector = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation#d83466f3 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#938458c1 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true scam:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?Vector bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#d31a961e flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true has_geo:flags.21?true slowmode_enabled:flags.22?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?Vector admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#1b7c9db3 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.8?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int = ChatFull; channelFull#2d895c74 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true can_set_location:flags.16?true has_scheduled:flags.19?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?int location:flags.15?ChannelLocation slowmode_seconds:flags.17?int slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?int pts:int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#452c0e65 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true legacy:flags.19?true edit_hide:flags.21?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long restriction_reason:flags.22?Vector = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#2c171f72 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int = Dialog; dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.authorizationSignUpRequired#44747e9a flags:# terms_of_service:flags.0?help.TermsOfService = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true add_contact:flags.1?true block_contact:flags.2?true share_contact:flags.3?true need_contacts_exception:flags.4?true report_geo:flags.5?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; wallPaperNoFile#8af40b25 flags:# default:flags.1?true dark:flags.4?true settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant#dbd4feed = ReportReason; userFull#edf17c12 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.12?true user:User about:flags.1?string settings:PeerSettings profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#c8edce1e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9c974fdf flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int peer:Peer max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#330b5424 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int channel_id:int max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#6e6fe51c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#fa0f3ca2 flags:# folder_id:flags.1?int order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updateFolderPeers#19360dc0 folder_peers:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updatePeerSettings#6a7e7366 peer:Peer settings:PeerSettings = Update; updatePeerLocated#b4afcfb0 peers:Vector = Update; updateNewScheduledMessage#39a51dfb message:Message = Update; updateDeleteScheduledMessages#90866cee peer:Peer messages:Vector = Update; updateTheme#8216fba3 theme:Theme = Update; updateGeoLiveViewed#871fb939 peer:Peer msg_id:int = Update; updateLoginToken#564fe691 = Update; updateMessagePollVote#42f88f2c poll_id:long user_id:int options:Vector = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#330b4067 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int pinned_infolder_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# can_not_skip:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber#352dafa = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone#d1219bdd = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneNumber#d19ae46d = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyAddedByPhone#42ffd42b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants#4c81c1ba chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#d82363af chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowChatParticipants#18be796b chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#acae0690 chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#50a04e45 rules:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#e89c45b2 flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page attributes:flags.12?Vector = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji#28703c8 = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true animated:flags.5?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrlAuth#10b78d29 flags:# text:string fwd_text:flags.0?string url:string button_id:int = KeyboardButton; inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth#d02e7fd4 flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true text:string fwd_text:flags.1?string url:string bot:InputUser = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPoll#bbc7515d flags:# quiz:flags.0?Bool text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUnderline#9c4e7e8b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityStrike#bf0693d4 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBlockquote#20df5d0 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; inputChannelFromMessage#2a286531 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#a4bcc6fe flags:# final:flags.0?true timeout:flags.1?int dialog:Dialog messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#808d15a4 flags:# user_id:int rank:flags.0?string = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#ccbebbaf flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights rank:flags.2?string = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardUsers#a8406ca9 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardChats#fbeec0f0 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerificationNeeded#d8411139 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat#a26f881b prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation#e6b76ae prev_value:ChannelLocation new_value:ChannelLocation = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode#53909779 prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; inputDialogPeerFolder#64600527 folder_id:int = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; dialogPeerFolder#514519e2 folder_id:int = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true public_voters:flags.1?true multiple_choice:flags.2?true quiz:flags.3?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true correct:flags.1?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#c87024a2 flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int recent_voters:flags.3?Vector = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperNoFile#8427bbac = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#debebe83 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true allow_app_hash:flags.4?true = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#5086cf8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int second_background_color:flags.4?int intensity:flags.3?int rotation:flags.4?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#e04232f3 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int video_upload_maxbitrate:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; folder#ff544e65 flags:# autofill_new_broadcasts:flags.0?true autofill_public_groups:flags.1?true autofill_new_correspondents:flags.2?true id:int title:string photo:flags.3?ChatPhoto = Folder; inputFolderPeer#fbd2c296 peer:InputPeer folder_id:int = InputFolderPeer; folderPeer#e9baa668 peer:Peer folder_id:int = FolderPeer; messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter; urlAuthResultRequest#92d33a0e flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true bot:User domain:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultAccepted#8f8c0e4e url:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultDefault#a9d6db1f = UrlAuthResult; channelLocationEmpty#bfb5ad8b = ChannelLocation; channelLocation#209b82db geo_point:GeoPoint address:string = ChannelLocation; peerLocated#ca461b5d peer:Peer expires:int distance:int = PeerLocated; restrictionReason#d072acb4 platform:string reason:string text:string = RestrictionReason; inputTheme#3c5693e9 id:long access_hash:long = InputTheme; inputThemeSlug#f5890df1 slug:string = InputTheme; theme#28f1114 flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true id:long access_hash:long slug:string title:string document:flags.2?Document settings:flags.3?ThemeSettings installs_count:int = Theme; account.themesNotModified#f41eb622 = account.Themes; account.themes#7f676421 hash:int themes:Vector = account.Themes; auth.loginToken#629f1980 expires:int token:bytes = auth.LoginToken; auth.loginTokenMigrateTo#68e9916 dc_id:int token:bytes = auth.LoginToken; auth.loginTokenSuccess#390d5c5e authorization:auth.Authorization = auth.LoginToken; account.contentSettings#57e28221 flags:# sensitive_enabled:flags.0?true sensitive_can_change:flags.1?true = account.ContentSettings; messages.inactiveChats#a927fec5 dates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.InactiveChats; baseThemeClassic#c3a12462 = BaseTheme; baseThemeDay#fbd81688 = BaseTheme; baseThemeNight#b7b31ea8 = BaseTheme; baseThemeTinted#6d5f77ee = BaseTheme; baseThemeArctic#5b11125a = BaseTheme; inputThemeSettings#bd507cd1 flags:# base_theme:BaseTheme accent_color:int message_top_color:flags.0?int message_bottom_color:flags.0?int wallpaper:flags.1?InputWallPaper wallpaper_settings:flags.1?WallPaperSettings = InputThemeSettings; themeSettings#9c14984a flags:# base_theme:BaseTheme accent_color:int message_top_color:flags.0?int message_bottom_color:flags.0?int wallpaper:flags.1?WallPaper = ThemeSettings; webPageAttributeTheme#54b56617 flags:# documents:flags.0?Vector settings:flags.1?ThemeSettings = WebPageAttribute; messageUserVote#a28e5559 user_id:int option:bytes date:int = MessageUserVote; messageUserVoteInputOption#36377430 user_id:int date:int = MessageUserVote; messageUserVoteMultiple#e8fe0de user_id:int options:Vector date:int = MessageUserVote; messages.votesList#823f649 flags:# count:int votes:Vector users:Vector next_offset:flags.0?string = messages.VotesList; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#80eee427 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; auth.exportLoginToken#b1b41517 api_id:int api_hash:string except_ids:Vector = auth.LoginToken; auth.importLoginToken#95ac5ce4 token:bytes = auth.LoginToken; auth.acceptLoginToken#e894ad4d token:bytes = Authorization; account.registerDevice#68976c6f flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; account.uploadTheme#1c3db333 flags:# file:InputFile thumb:flags.0?InputFile file_name:string mime_type:string = Document; account.createTheme#8432c21f flags:# slug:string title:string document:flags.2?InputDocument settings:flags.3?InputThemeSettings = Theme; account.updateTheme#5cb367d5 flags:# format:string theme:InputTheme slug:flags.0?string title:flags.1?string document:flags.2?InputDocument settings:flags.3?InputThemeSettings = Theme; account.saveTheme#f257106c theme:InputTheme unsave:Bool = Bool; account.installTheme#7ae43737 flags:# dark:flags.0?true format:flags.1?string theme:flags.1?InputTheme = Bool; account.getTheme#8d9d742b format:string theme:InputTheme document_id:long = Theme; account.getThemes#285946f8 format:string hash:int = account.Themes; account.setContentSettings#b574b16b flags:# sensitive_enabled:flags.0?true = Bool; account.getContentSettings#8b9b4dae = account.ContentSettings; account.getMultiWallPapers#65ad71dc wallpapers:Vector = Vector; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContacts#96a0e00 id:Vector = Updates; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true forward_users:flags.4?true forward_chats:flags.5?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; contacts.addContact#e8f463d0 flags:# add_phone_privacy_exception:flags.0?true id:InputUser first_name:string last_name:string phone:string = Updates; contacts.acceptContact#f831a20f id:InputUser = Updates; contacts.getLocated#a356056 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#a0ee3b73 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#520c3870 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.sendMedia#3491eba9 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#d9fee60e flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#bf7225a4 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int q:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#220815b0 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#48f71778 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector schedule_date:flags.15?int = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#d6b94df2 folder_id:int = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#cc0110cb flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector = Vector; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; messages.getSearchCounters#732eef00 peer:InputPeer filters:Vector = Vector; messages.requestUrlAuth#e33f5613 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.acceptUrlAuth#f729ea98 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.hidePeerSettingsBar#4facb138 peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getScheduledHistory#e2c2685b peer:InputPeer hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.getScheduledMessages#bdbb0464 peer:InputPeer id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.sendScheduledMessages#bd38850a peer:InputPeer id:Vector = Updates; messages.deleteScheduledMessages#59ae2b16 peer:InputPeer id:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollVotes#b86e380e flags:# peer:InputPeer id:int option:flags.0?bytes offset:flags.1?string limit:int = messages.VotesList; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#b15a9afc flags:# precise:flags.0?true cdn_supported:flags.1?true location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#3d5fb10f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string geo_point:flags.2?InputGeoPoint address:flags.2?string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#d33c8902 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights rank:string = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#f8b036af flags:# by_location:flags.0?true check_limit:flags.1?true = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; channels.getGroupsForDiscussion#f5dad378 = messages.Chats; channels.setDiscussionGroup#40582bb2 broadcast:InputChannel group:InputChannel = Bool; channels.editCreator#8f38cd1f channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = Updates; channels.editLocation#58e63f6d channel:InputChannel geo_point:InputGeoPoint address:string = Bool; channels.toggleSlowMode#edd49ef0 channel:InputChannel seconds:int = Updates; channels.getInactiveChannels#11e831ee = messages.InactiveChats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string 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InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true scam:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#1b7c9db3 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int = ChatFull; channelFull#9882e516 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.13?int pts:int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#2c171f72 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int = Dialog; dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#745559cc flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#c8edce1e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9c974fdf flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int peer:Peer max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#330b5424 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int channel_id:int max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#6e6fe51c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#fa0f3ca2 flags:# folder_id:flags.1?int order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updateFolderPeers#19360dc0 folder_peers:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#330b4067 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int pinned_infolder_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber#352dafa = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneNumber#d19ae46d = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants#4c81c1ba chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#d82363af chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowChatParticipants#18be796b chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#acae0690 chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#50a04e45 rules:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrlAuth#10b78d29 flags:# text:string fwd_text:flags.0?string url:string button_id:int = KeyboardButton; inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth#d02e7fd4 flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true text:string fwd_text:flags.1?string url:string bot:InputUser = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; inputChannelFromMessage#2a286531 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#a4bcc6fe flags:# final:flags.0?true timeout:flags.1?int dialog:Dialog messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#5daa6e23 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardUsers#a8406ca9 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardChats#fbeec0f0 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat#a26f881b prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; inputDialogPeerFolder#64600527 folder_id:int = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; dialogPeerFolder#514519e2 folder_id:int = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#302f59f3 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true app_hash_persistent:flags.2?true app_hash:flags.3?string = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; folder#ff544e65 flags:# autofill_new_broadcasts:flags.0?true autofill_public_groups:flags.1?true autofill_new_correspondents:flags.2?true id:int title:string photo:flags.3?ChatPhoto = Folder; inputFolderPeer#fbd2c296 peer:InputPeer folder_id:int = InputFolderPeer; folderPeer#e9baa668 peer:Peer folder_id:int = FolderPeer; messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter; urlAuthResultRequest#92d33a0e flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true bot:User domain:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultAccepted#8f8c0e4e url:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultDefault#a9d6db1f = UrlAuthResult; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true forward_users:flags.4?true forward_chats:flags.5?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#a0ee3b73 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#f79c611 q:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#d6b94df2 folder_id:int = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector = Vector; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; messages.getSearchCounters#732eef00 peer:InputPeer filters:Vector = Vector; messages.requestUrlAuth#e33f5613 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.acceptUrlAuth#f729ea98 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#70f893ba channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; channels.getGroupsForDiscussion#f5dad378 = messages.Chats; channels.getBroadcastsForDiscussion#1a87f304 = messages.Chats; channels.setDiscussionGroup#40582bb2 broadcast:InputChannel group:InputChannel = Bool; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#42ff96ed flags:# video:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#b2cbc1c0 flags:# video:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#59ead627 flags:# user_initiative:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#cd984aa5 lang_pack:string lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; folders.editPeerFolders#6847d0ab folder_peers:Vector = Updates; folders.deleteFolder#1c295881 folder_id:int = Updates; // LAYER 100 decryptedDataBlock#dbf948c1 random_id:long random_bytes:string flags:# voice_call_id:flags.2?int128 in_seq_no:flags.4?int out_seq_no:flags.4?int recent_received_mask:flags.5?int proto:flags.3?int extra:flags.1?string raw_data:flags.0?string = DecryptedDataBlock; simpleDataBlock#cc0d0e76 random_id:long random_bytes:string raw_data:string = DecryptedDataBlock; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; /** * Event handler. */ class EventHandler extends InternalDoc { /** * Constructor. * * @param APIWrapper|null $MadelineProto MadelineProto instance */ public function __construct(APIWrapper $MadelineProto = null) { if (!$MadelineProto) { return; } self::link($this, $MadelineProto->getFactory()); $this->API =& $MadelineProto->getAPI(); foreach ($this->API->getMethodNamespaces() as $namespace) { $this->{$namespace} = $this->exportNamespace($namespace); } } /** * Get peers where to send error reports. * * @return array|string|int */ public function getReportPeers() { return []; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; // This code was written a few years ago: it is garbage, and has to be rewritten class DocsBuilder { use \danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder\Methods; use \danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder\Constructors; use Tools; public $td = false; public function __construct($logger, $settings) { $this->logger = $logger; \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); $this->TL = new TL(new class($logger) { public function __construct($logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } }); $this->TL->init($settings['tl_schema']); if (isset($settings['tl_schema']['td']) && !isset($settings['tl_schema']['telegram'])) { $this->td = true; } $this->settings = $settings; if (!\file_exists($this->settings['output_dir'])) { \mkdir($this->settings['output_dir']); } \chdir($this->settings['output_dir']); $this->index = $settings['readme'] ? '' : ''; } public $types = []; public $any = '*'; public function mkDocs() { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating documentation index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents($this->index, '--- title: ' . $this->settings['title'] . ' description: ' . $this->settings['description'] . ' image: --- # ' . $this->settings['description'] . ' [Back to main documentation](..) [Methods](methods/) [Constructors](constructors/) [Types](types/)'); $this->mkmethodS(); $this->mkConstructors(); foreach (\glob('types/*') as $unlink) { \unlink($unlink); } if (\file_exists('types')) { \rmdir('types'); } \mkdir('types'); \ksort($this->types); $index = ''; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating types documentation...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $last_namespace = ''; foreach ($this->types as $otype => $keys) { $new_namespace = \preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $otype); //$br = $new_namespace != $last_namespace ? '***

' : ''; $type = \str_replace(['<', '>'], ['_of_', ''], $otype); $type = \preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type); $index .= '[' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $type) . '](' . $type . '.md) '; $constructors = ''; foreach ($keys['constructors'] as $data) { $predicate = $data['predicate'] . (isset($data['layer']) && $data['layer'] !== '' ? '_' . $data['layer'] : ''); $md_predicate = \str_replace('_', '\\_', $predicate); $constructors .= '[' . $md_predicate . '](../constructors/' . $predicate . '.md) '; } $methods = ''; foreach ($keys['methods'] as $data) { $name = $data['method']; $md_name = \str_replace(['.', '_'], ['->', '\\_'], $name); $methods .= '[$MadelineProto->' . $md_name . '](../methods/' . $name . '.md) '; } $description = isset($this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype]) ? $this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype] : 'constructors and methods of type ' . $type; $symFile = \str_replace('.', '_', $type); $redir = $symFile !== $type ? "\nredirect_from: /API_docs/types/{$symFile}.html" : ''; $header = '--- title: ' . $type . ' description: constructors and methods of type ' . $type . ' image:' . $redir . ' --- # Type: ' . \str_replace('_', '\\_', $type) . ' [Back to types index]( '; $header .= isset($this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype]) ? $this->td_descriptions['types'][$otype] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL : ''; if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) { if (\in_array($type, ['User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputDialogPeer', 'DialogPeer', 'InputPeer', 'NotifyPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer'])) { $header .= 'You can directly provide the [Update]( or [Message]( object here, MadelineProto will automatically extract the destination chat id. The following syntaxes can also be used: ``` $' . $type . " = '@username'; // Username\n\n\$" . $type . " = 'me'; // The currently logged-in user\n\n\$" . $type . ' = 44700; // bot API id (users) $' . $type . ' = -492772765; // bot API id (chats) $' . $type . ' = -10038575794; // bot API id (channels) $' . $type . " = ''; // URLs\n\$" . $type . " = ''; // invite links\n\n\$" . $type . " = 'user#44700'; // tg-cli style id (users)\n\$" . $type . " = 'chat#492772765'; // tg-cli style id (chats)\n\$" . $type . " = 'channel#38575794'; // tg-cli style id (channels)\n```\n\nA [Chat](, a [User](, an [InputPeer](, an [InputDialogPeer](, an [InputNotifyPeer](, an [InputUser](, an [InputChannel](, a [Peer](, an [DialogPeer](, [NotifyPeer](, or a [Chat]( object can also be used.\n\n\n"; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputEncryptedChat'])) { $header .= 'You can directly provide the [Update]( or [EncryptedMessage]( object here, MadelineProto will automatically extract the destination chat id. The following syntax can also be used: ``` $' . $type . ' = -147286699; // Numeric chat id returned by requestSecretChat, can be positive or negative ``` '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputFile', 'InputEncryptedFile'])) { $header .= 'The following syntax can also be used: ``` $' . $type . ' = \'filename.mp4\'; // The file path can also be used ``` '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputPhoto'])) { $header .= 'You can also provide a [MessageMedia](, [Message](, [Update](, [Photo]( here, MadelineProto will automatically convert it to the right type. '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputDocument'])) { $header .= 'You can also provide a [MessageMedia](, [Message](, [Update](, [Document]( here, MadelineProto will automatically convert it to the right type. '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputMedia'])) { $header .= 'You can also provide a [MessageMedia](, [Message](, [Update](, [Document](, [Photo](, [InputDocument](, [InputPhoto]( here, MadelineProto will automatically convert it to the right type. '; } if (\in_array($type, ['InputMessage'])) { $header .= 'The following syntax can also be used: ``` $' . $type . ' = 142; // Numeric message ID ``` '; } if (\in_array($type, ['KeyboardButton'])) { $header .= 'Clicking these buttons: To click these buttons simply run the `click` method: ``` $result = $' . $type . '->click(); ``` `$result` can be one of the following: * A string - If the button is a keyboardButtonUrl * [Updates]( - If the button is a keyboardButton, the message will be sent to the chat, in reply to the message with the keyboard * [messages.BotCallbackAnswer]( - If the button is a keyboardButtonCallback or a keyboardButtonGame the button will be pressed and the result will be returned * `false` - If the button is an unsupported button, like keyboardButtonRequestPhone, keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation, keyboardButtonSwitchInlinekeyboardButtonBuy; you will have to parse data from these buttons manually You can also access the properties of the constructor as a normal array, for example $button[\'name\'] '; } } $constructors = '### Possible values (constructors): ' . $constructors . ' '; $methods = '### Methods that return an object of this type (methods): ' . $methods . ' '; if (!isset($this->settings['td'])) { if (\in_array($type, ['PhoneCall'])) { $methods = ''; $constructors = ''; $header .= 'This is an object of type `\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP`. It will only be available if the [php-libtgvoip]( extension is installed, see [the main docs]( for an easy installation script. You MUST know [OOP]( to use this class. ## Constants: VoIPController states (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `STATE_CREATED` - controller created * `STATE_WAIT_INIT` - controller inited * `STATE_WAIT_INIT_ACK` - controller inited * `STATE_ESTABLISHED` - connection established * `STATE_FAILED` - connection failed * `STATE_RECONNECTING` - reconnecting VoIPController errors: * `TGVOIP_ERROR_UNKNOWN` - An unknown error occurred * `TGVOIP_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE` - The other side is using an unsupported client/protocol * `TGVOIP_ERROR_TIMEOUT` - A timeout occurred * `TGVOIP_ERROR_AUDIO_IO` - An I/O error occurred Network types (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `NET_TYPE_UNKNOWN` - Unknown network type * `NET_TYPE_GPRS` - GPRS connection * `NET_TYPE_EDGE` - EDGE connection * `NET_TYPE_3G` - 3G connection * `NET_TYPE_HSPA` - HSPA connection * `NET_TYPE_LTE` - LTE connection * `NET_TYPE_WIFI` - WIFI connection * `NET_TYPE_ETHERNET` - Ethernet connection (this guarantees high audio quality) * `NET_TYPE_OTHER_HIGH_SPEED` - Other high speed connection * `NET_TYPE_OTHER_LOW_SPEED` - Other low speed connection * `NET_TYPE_DIALUP` - Dialup connection * `NET_TYPE_OTHER_MOBILE` - Other mobile network connection Data saving modes (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `DATA_SAVING_NEVER` - Never save data (this guarantees high audio quality) * `DATA_SAVING_MOBILE` - Use mobile data saving profiles * `DATA_SAVING_ALWAYS` - Always use data saving profiles Proxy settings (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `PROXY_NONE` - No proxy * `PROXY_SOCKS5` - Use the socks5 protocol Audio states (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `AUDIO_STATE_NONE` - The audio module was not created yet * `AUDIO_STATE_CREATED` - The audio module was created * `AUDIO_STATE_CONFIGURED` - The audio module was configured * `AUDIO_STATE_RUNNING` - The audio module is running Call states (these constants are incrementing integers, thus can be compared like numbers): * `CALL_STATE_NONE` - The call was not created yet * `CALL_STATE_REQUESTED` - This is an outgoing call * `CALL_STATE_INCOMING` - This is an incoming call * `CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED` - The incoming call was accepted, but not yet ready * `CALL_STATE_CONFIRMED` - The outgoing call was accepted, but not yet ready * `CALL_STATE_READY` - The call is ready. Audio data is being sent and received * `CALL_STATE_ENDED` - The call is over. ## Methods: * `getState()` - Gets the controller state, as a VoIPController state constant * `getCallState()` - Gets the call state, as a call state constant * `getVisualization()` - Gets the visualization of the encryption key, as an array of emojis, can be called only when the call state is bigger than or equal to `CALL_STATE_READY`. If called sooner, returns false. * `getStats()` Gets connection stats * `getOtherID()` - Gets the id of the other call participant, as a bot API ID * `getProtocol()` - Gets the protocol used by the current call, as a [PhoneCallProtocol]( object * `getCallID()` - Gets the call ID, as an [InputPhoneCall]( object * `isCreator()` - Returns a boolean that indicates whether you are the creator of the call * `whenCreated()` - Returns the unix timestamp of when the call was started (when was the call state set to `CALL_STATE_READY`) * `getOutputState()` - Returns the state of the audio output module, as an audio state constant * `getInputState()` - Returns the state of the audio input module, as an audio state constant * `getDebugLog()` - Gets VoIPController debug log * `getDebugString()` - Gets VoIPController debug string * `getLastError()` - Gets the last error as a VoIPController error constant * `getVersion()` - Gets VoIPController version * `getSignalBarsCount()` - Gets number of signal bars (0-4) * `parseConfig()` - Parses the configuration * `accept()` - Accepts the phone call, returns `$this` * `discard($reason = ["_" => "phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect"], $rating = [])` - Ends the phone call. Accepts two optional parameters: `$reason` - can be a [PhoneCallDiscardReason]( object (defaults to a [phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect]( object). `$rating` - Can be an array that must contain a rating, and a comment (`["rating" => 5, "comment" => "MadelineProto is very easy to use!"]). Defaults to an empty array.` * `getOutputParams()` - Returns the output audio configuration MadelineProto works using raw signed PCM audio, internally split in packets with `sampleNumber` samples. The audio configuration is an array structured in the following way: ``` [ "bitsPerSample" => int. // Bits in each PCM sample "sampleRate" => int, // PCM sample rate "channels" => int, // Number of PCM audio channels "sampleNumber" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of samples "samplePeriod" => double, // PCM sample period in seconds, useful if you want to generate audio data manually "writePeriod" => double, // PCM write period in seconds (samplePeriod*sampleNumber), useful if you want to generate audio data manually "samplesSize" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of bytes (sampleNumber*bitsPerSample/8) "level" => int // idk ]; ``` * `getInputParams()` - Returns the input audio configuration MadelineProto works using raw signed PCM audio, internally split in packets with `sampleNumber` samples. The audio configuration is an array structured in the following way: ``` [ "bitsPerSample" => int. // Bits in each PCM sample "sampleRate" => int, // PCM sample rate "channels" => int, // Number of PCM audio channels "sampleNumber" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of samples "samplePeriod" => double, // PCM sample period in seconds, useful if you want to generate audio data manually "writePeriod" => double, // PCM write period in seconds (samplePeriod*sampleNumber), useful if you want to generate audio data manually "samplesSize" => int, // The audio data is internally split in packets, each having this number of bytes (sampleNumber*bitsPerSample/8) ]; ``` * `play(string $file)` and `then(string $file)` - Play a certain audio file encoded in PCM, with the audio input configuration, returns `$this` * `playOnHold(array $files)` - Array of audio files encoded in PCM, with the audio input configuration to loop on hold (when the files given with play/then have finished playing). If not called, no data will be played, returns `$this` * `isPlaying()` - Returns true if MadelineProto is still playing the files given with play/then, false if the hold files (or nothing) is being played * `setMicMute(bool $mute)` - Stops/resumes playing files/hold files, returns `$this` * `setOutputFile(string $outputfile)` - Writes incoming audio data to file encoded in PCM, with the audio output configuration, returns `$this` * `unsetOutputFile()` - Stops writing audio data to previously set file, returns `$this` ## Properties: * `storage`: An array that can be used to store data related to this call. Easy as pie: ``` $call->storage["pony"] = "fluttershy"; \\danog\\MadelineProto\\Logger::log($call->storage["pony"]); // fluttershy ``` Note: when modifying this property, *never* overwrite the previous values. Always either modify the values of the array separately like showed above, or use array_merge. * `configuration`: An array containing the libtgvoip configuration. You can only modify the data saving mode, the network type, the logging file path and the stats dump file path: Example: ``` $call->configuration["log_file_path"] = "logs".$call->getOtherID().".log"; // Default is /dev/null $call->configuration["stats_dump_file_path"] = "stats".$call->getOtherID().".log"; // Default is /dev/null $call->configuration["network_type"] = \\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP::NET_TYPE_WIFI; // Default is NET_TYPE_ETHERNET $call->configuration["data_saving"] = \\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP::DATA_SAVING_MOBILE; // Default is DATA_SAVING_NEVER $call->parseConfig(); // Always call this after changing settings ``` Note: when modifying this property, *never* overwrite the previous values. Always either modify the values of the array separately like showed above, or use array_merge. After modifying it, you must always parse the new configuration with a call to `parseConfig`. '; } } if (\file_exists('types/' . $type . '.md')) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($type); } \file_put_contents('types/' . $type . '.md', $header . $constructors . $methods); $last_namespace = $new_namespace; } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating types index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents('types/' . $this->index, '--- title: Types description: List of types image: --- # Types [Back to API documentation index](..) ' . $index); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating additional types...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: string description: A UTF8 string of variable length image: --- ## Type: string [Back to constructor index]( A UTF8 string of variable length. The total length in bytes of the string must not be bigger than 16777215. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: bytes description: A string of variable length image: --- ## Type: bytes [Back to constructor index]( ```php $bytes = "simple string of bytes"; ``` Internally, an object of type `\\danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Bytes`. When casted to string, turns into a string of bytes of variable length, with length smaller than or equal to 16777215. When JSON-serialized, turns into an array of the following format: ``` [ \'_\' => \'bytes\', \'bytes\' => base64_encode($contents) ]; ``` '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: integer description: A 32 bit signed integer ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647 image: --- ## Type: int [Back to constructor index]( A 32 bit signed integer ranging from `-2147483648` to `2147483647`. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: integer description: A 53 bit signed integer image: --- ## Type: int53 [Back to constructor index]( A 53 bit signed integer. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: long description: A 32 bit signed integer ranging from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 image: --- ## Type: long [Back to constructor index]( A 64 bit signed integer ranging from `-9223372036854775808` to `9223372036854775807`. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: int128 description: A 128 bit signed integer image: --- ## Type: int128 [Back to constructor index]( A 128 bit signed integer represented in little-endian base256 (`string`) format. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: int256 description: A 256 bit signed integer image: --- ## Type: int256 [Back to constructor index]( A 256 bit signed integer represented in little-endian base256 (`string`) format. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: int512 description: A 512 bit signed integer image: --- ## Type: int512 [Back to constructor index]( A 512 bit signed integer represented in little-endian base256 (`string`) format. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: double description: A double precision floating point number image: --- ## Type: double [Back to constructor index]( A double precision floating point number, single precision can also be used (float). '); \file_put_contents('types/!', '--- title: !X description: Represents a TL serialized payload image: --- ## Type: !X [Back to constructor index]( Represents a TL serialized payload. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: X description: Represents a TL serialized payload image: --- ## Type: X [Back to constructor index]( Represents a TL serialized payload. '); \file_put_contents('constructors/', '--- title: boolFalse description: Represents a boolean with value equal to false image: --- # boolFalse [Back to constructor index]( Represents a boolean with value equal to `false`. '); \file_put_contents('constructors/', '--- title: boolTrue description: Represents a boolean with value equal to true image: --- # boolTrue [Back to constructor index]( Represents a boolean with value equal to `true`. '); \file_put_contents('constructors/', '--- title: null description: Represents a null value image: --- # null [Back to constructor index]( Represents a `null` value. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: Bool description: Represents a boolean. image: --- # Bool [Back to types index]( Represents a boolean. '); \file_put_contents('types/', '--- title: DataJSON description: Any json-encodable data image: --- ## Type: DataJSON [Back to constructor index]( Any json-encodable data. '); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Done!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } public static $template = '. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\\MadelineProto; class Lang { public static $lang = %s; // THIS WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY $lang["en"] public static $current_lang = %s; }'; public static function addToLang(string $key, string $value = '', bool $force = false) { if (!isset(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'][$key]) || $force) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'][$key] = $value; \file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/Lang.php', \sprintf(self::$template, \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang, true), \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'], true))); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\ByteStream\ClosedException; use Amp\Deferred; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\CheckLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\HttpWaitLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\PingLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\ReadLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\WriteLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\Session; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpsStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\WssStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\WsStream; /** * Connection class. * * Manages connection to Telegram datacenters * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class Connection extends Session { use \danog\Serializable; use Tools; /** * Writer loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\WriteLoop */ protected $writer; /** * Reader loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\ReadLoop */ protected $reader; /** * Checker loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\CheckLoop */ protected $checker; /** * Waiter loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\HttpWaitLoop */ protected $waiter; /** * Ping loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\PingLoop */ protected $pinger; /** * The actual socket. * * @var Stream */ public $stream; /** * Connection context. * * @var ConnectionContext */ private $ctx; /** * HTTP request count. * * @var integer */ private $httpReqCount = 0; /** * HTTP response count. * * @var integer */ private $httpResCount = 0; /** * Date of last chunk received. * * @var integer */ private $lastChunk = 0; /** * Logger instance. * * @var Logger */ protected $logger; /** * Main instance. * * @var MTProto */ public $API; /** * Shared connection instance. * * @var DataCenterConnection */ protected $shared; /** * DC ID. * * @var string */ protected $datacenter; /** * Connection ID. * * @var int */ private $id = 0; /** * DC ID and connection ID concatenated. * * @var */ private $datacenterId = ''; /** * Whether this socket has to be reconnected. * * @var boolean */ private $needsReconnect = false; /** * Indicate if this socket needs to be reconnected. * * @param boolean $needsReconnect Whether the socket has to be reconnected * * @return void */ public function needReconnect(bool $needsReconnect) { $this->needsReconnect = $needsReconnect; } /** * Whether this sockets needs to be reconnected. * * @return boolean */ public function shouldReconnect() : bool { return $this->needsReconnect; } /** * Check if the socket is writing stuff. * * @return boolean */ public function isWriting() : bool { return $this->writing; } /** * Check if the socket is reading stuff. * * @return boolean */ public function isReading() : bool { return $this->reading; } /** * Set writing boolean. * * @param boolean $writing * * @return void */ public function writing(bool $writing) { $this->shared->writing($writing, $this->id); } /** * Set reading boolean. * * @param boolean $reading * * @return void */ public function reading(bool $reading) { $this->shared->reading($reading, $this->id); } /** * Tell the class that we have read a chunk of data from the socket. * * @return void */ public function haveRead() { $this->lastChunk = \microtime(true); } /** * Get the receive date of the latest chunk of data from the socket. * * @return int */ public function getLastChunk() : int { return $this->lastChunk; } /** * Indicate a received HTTP response. * * @return void */ public function httpReceived() { $this->httpResCount++; } /** * Count received HTTP responses. * * @return integer */ public function countHttpReceived() : int { return $this->httpResCount; } /** * Indicate a sent HTTP request. * * @return void */ public function httpSent() { $this->httpReqCount++; } /** * Count sent HTTP requests. * * @return integer */ public function countHttpSent() : int { return $this->httpReqCount; } /** * Get connection ID. * * @return integer */ public function getID() : int { return $this->id; } /** * Get datacenter concatenated with connection ID. * * @return string */ public function getDatacenterID() : string { return $this->datacenterId; } /** * Get connection context. * * @return ConnectionContext */ public function getCtx() : ConnectionContext { return $this->ctx; } /** * Check if is an HTTP connection. * * @return boolean */ public function isHttp() : bool { return \in_array($this->ctx->getStreamName(), [HttpStream::getName(), HttpsStream::getName()]); } /** * Check if is a media connection. * * @return boolean */ public function isMedia() : bool { return $this->ctx->isMedia(); } /** * Check if is a CDN connection. * * @return boolean */ public function isCDN() : bool { return $this->ctx->isCDN(); } /** * Connects to a telegram DC using the specified protocol, proxy and connection parameters. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx Connection context * * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx) : \Generator { $this->ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $this->datacenter = $ctx->getDc(); $this->datacenterId = $this->datacenter . '.' . $this->id; $this->API->logger->logger("Connecting to DC {$this->datacenterId}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); $this->createSession(); $ctx->setReadCallback([$this, 'haveRead']); $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream()); $this->API->logger->logger("Connected to DC {$this->datacenterId}!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); if ($this->needsReconnect) { $this->needsReconnect = false; } $this->httpReqCount = 0; $this->httpResCount = 0; if (!isset($this->writer)) { $this->writer = new WriteLoop($this); } if (!isset($this->reader)) { $this->reader = new ReadLoop($this); } if (!isset($this->checker)) { $this->checker = new CheckLoop($this); } if (!isset($this->waiter)) { $this->waiter = new HttpWaitLoop($this); } if (!isset($this->pinger) && ($this->ctx->hasStreamName(WssStream::getName()) || $this->ctx->hasStreamName(WsStream::getName()))) { $this->pinger = new PingLoop($this); } foreach ($this->new_outgoing as $message_id) { if ($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['unencrypted']) { $promise = $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['promise']; \Amp\Loop::defer(function () use($promise) { $promise->fail(new Exception('Restart because we were reconnected')); }); unset($this->new_outgoing[$message_id], $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]); } } $this->writer->start(); $this->reader->start(); if (!$this->checker->start()) { $this->checker->resume(); } $this->waiter->start(); if ($this->pinger) { $this->pinger->start(); } } /** * Send an MTProto message. * * Structure of message array: * [ * // only in outgoing messages * 'body' => deserialized body, (optional if container) * 'serialized_body' => 'serialized body', (optional if container) * 'contentRelated' => bool, * '_' => 'predicate', * 'promise' => deferred promise that gets resolved when a response to the message is received (optional), * 'send_promise' => deferred promise that gets resolved when the message is sent (optional), * 'file' => bool (optional), * 'type' => 'type' (optional), * 'queue' => queue ID (optional), * 'container' => [message ids] (optional), * * // only in incoming messages * 'content' => deserialized body, * 'seq_no' => number (optional), * 'from_container' => bool (optional), * * // can be present in both * 'response' => message id (optional), * 'msg_id' => message id (optional), * 'sent' => timestamp, * 'tries' => number * ] * * @param array $message The message to send * @param boolean $flush Whether to flush the message right away * * @return \Generator */ public function sendMessage(array $message, bool $flush = true) : \Generator { $deferred = new Deferred(); if (!isset($message['serialized_body'])) { $body = \is_object($message['body']) ? yield from $message['body'] : $message['body']; $refreshNext = isset($message['refreshNext']) && $message['refreshNext']; //$refreshNext = true; if ($refreshNext) { $this->API->referenceDatabase->refreshNext(true); } if ($message['method']) { $body = (yield from $this->API->getTL()->serializeMethod($message['_'], $body)); } else { $body['_'] = $message['_']; $body = (yield from $this->API->getTL()->serializeObject(['type' => ''], $body, $message['_'])); } if ($refreshNext) { $this->API->referenceDatabase->refreshNext(false); } $message['serialized_body'] = $body; unset($body); } $message['send_promise'] = $deferred; $this->pending_outgoing[$this->pending_outgoing_key++] = $message; if ($flush && isset($this->writer)) { $this->writer->resume(); } return (yield $deferred->promise()); } /** * Flush pending packets. * * @return void */ public function flush() { if (isset($this->writer)) { $this->writer->resume(); } } /** * Resume HttpWaiter. * * @return void */ public function pingHttpWaiter() { if (isset($this->waiter)) { $this->waiter->resume(); } if (isset($this->pinger)) { $this->pinger->resume(); } } /** * Connect main instance. * * @param DataCenterConnection $extra Shared instance * @param int $id Connection ID * * @return void */ public function setExtra($extra, int $id) { $this->shared = $extra; $this->id = $id; $this->API = $extra->getExtra(); $this->logger = $this->API->logger; } /** * Get main instance. * * @return MTProto */ public function getExtra() { return $this->API; } /** * Get shared connection instance. * * @return DataCenterConnection */ public function getShared() : DataCenterConnection { return $this->shared; } /** * Disconnect from DC. * * @param bool $temporary Whether the disconnection is temporary, triggered by the reconnect method * * @return void */ public function disconnect(bool $temporary = false) { $this->API->logger->logger("Disconnecting from DC {$this->datacenterId}"); $this->needsReconnect = true; foreach (['reader', 'writer', 'checker', 'waiter', 'updater', 'pinger'] as $loop) { if (isset($this->{$loop}) && $this->{$loop}) { $this->{$loop}->signal($loop === 'reader' ? new NothingInTheSocketException() : true); } } if ($this->stream) { try { $this->stream->disconnect(); } catch (ClosedException $e) { $this->API->logger->logger($e); } } if (!$temporary) { $this->shared->signalDisconnect($this->id); } $this->API->logger->logger("Disconnected from DC {$this->datacenterId}"); } /** * Reconnect to DC. * * @return \Generator */ public function reconnect() : \Generator { $this->API->logger->logger("Reconnecting DC {$this->datacenterId}"); $this->disconnect(true); yield from $this->API->datacenter->dcConnect($this->ctx->getDc(), $this->id); } /** * Get name. * * @return string */ public function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Dns\Resolver; use Amp\File\StatCache; use Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient; use Amp\Loop; use danog\MadelineProto\Async\AsyncConstruct; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\FeedLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\SeqLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\UpdateLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\CombinedUpdatesState; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\MinDatabase; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\ReferenceDatabase; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\UpdatesState; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLCallback; use function Amp\File\exists; use function Amp\File\size; /** * Manages all of the mtproto stuff. */ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback { use \danog\Serializable; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\AuthKeyHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\CallHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Crypt; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\UpdateHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Files; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\AuthKeyHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\MessageHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\ResponseHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\SeqNoHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPI; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPIFiles; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\TD; use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP\AuthKeyHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\DialogHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Events; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Webhook; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Callback; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Login; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Loop; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Noop; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Start; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Templates; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\TOS; /** * Old internal version of MadelineProto. * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENTED OUT CONSTANT * * @var int */ /* const V = 71; */ /** * Internal version of MadelineProto. * * Increased every time the default settings array or something big changes * * @var int */ const V = 135; /** * String release version. * * @var string */ const RELEASE = '5.0'; /** * We're not logged in. * * @var int */ const NOT_LOGGED_IN = 0; /** * We're waiting for the login code. * * @var int */ const WAITING_CODE = 1; /** * We're waiting for parameters to sign up. * * @var int */ const WAITING_SIGNUP = -1; /** * We're waiting for the 2FA password. * * @var int */ const WAITING_PASSWORD = 2; /** * We're logged in. * * @var int */ const LOGGED_IN = 3; /** * Disallowed methods. * * @var array */ const DISALLOWED_METHODS = ['account.updatePasswordSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'account.getPasswordSettings' => 'You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update2fa($params), instead (see for more info)', 'messages.receivedQueue' => 'You cannot use this method directly', 'messages.getDhConfig' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();', 'auth.bindTempAuthKey' => 'You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info', 'auth.exportAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see', 'auth.importAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see', 'auth.logOut' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the logout method instead (see for more info)', 'auth.importBotAuthorization' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'auth.sendCode' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the phoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'auth.signIn' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info)', 'auth.checkPassword' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the complete2falogin method instead (see for more info)', 'auth.signUp' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info)', 'users.getFullUser' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'channels.getFullChannel' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'messages.getFullChat' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'contacts.resolveUsername' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info)', 'messages.acceptEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'messages.discardEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'messages.requestEncryption' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats', 'phone.requestCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'phone.acceptCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'phone.confirmCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'phone.discardCall' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls', 'updates.getChannelDifference' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'updates.getDifference' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'updates.getState' => 'You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates', 'upload.getCdnFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'upload.getFileHashes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'upload.getCdnFileHashes' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'upload.reuploadCdnFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'upload.getFile' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'upload.saveFilePart' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info', 'upload.saveBigFilePart' => 'You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info']; /** * Bad message error codes. * * @var array */ const BAD_MSG_ERROR_CODES = [16 => 'msg_id too low (most likely, client time is wrong; it would be worthwhile to synchronize it using msg_id notifications and re-send the original message with the “correct” msg_id or wrap it in a container with a new msg_id if the original message had waited too long on the client to be transmitted)', 17 => 'msg_id too high (similar to the previous case, the client time has to be synchronized, and the message re-sent with the correct msg_id)', 18 => 'incorrect two lower order msg_id bits (the server expects client message msg_id to be divisible by 4)', 19 => 'container msg_id is the same as msg_id of a previously received message (this must never happen)', 20 => 'message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not', 32 => 'msg_seqno too low (the server has already received a message with a lower msg_id but with either a higher or an equal and odd seqno)', 33 => 'msg_seqno too high (similarly, there is a message with a higher msg_id but with either a lower or an equal and odd seqno)', 34 => 'an even msg_seqno expected (irrelevant message), but odd received', 35 => 'odd msg_seqno expected (relevant message), but even received', 48 => 'incorrect server salt (in this case, the bad_server_salt response is received with the correct salt, and the message is to be re-sent with it)', 64 => 'invalid container']; /** * Localized message info flags. * * @var array */ const MSGS_INFO_FLAGS = [1 => 'nothing is known about the message (msg_id too low, the other party may have forgotten it)', 2 => 'message not received (msg_id falls within the range of stored identifiers; however, the other party has certainly not received a message like that)', 3 => 'message not received (msg_id too high; however, the other party has certainly not received it yet)', 4 => 'message received (note that this response is also at the same time a receipt acknowledgment)', 8 => ' and message already acknowledged', 16 => ' and message not requiring acknowledgment', 32 => ' and RPC query contained in message being processed or processing already complete', 64 => ' and content-related response to message already generated', 128 => ' and other party knows for a fact that message is already received']; /** * Secret chat was not found. * * @var int */ const SECRET_EMPTY = 0; /** * Secret chat was requested. * * @var int */ const SECRET_REQUESTED = 1; /** * Secret chat was found. * * @var int */ const SECRET_READY = 2; const TD_PARAMS_CONVERSION = ['updateNewMessage' => ['_' => 'updateNewMessage', 'disable_notification' => ['message', 'silent'], 'message' => ['message']], 'message' => ['_' => 'message', 'id' => ['id'], 'sender_user_id' => ['from_id'], 'chat_id' => ['to_id', 'choose_chat_id_from_botapi'], 'send_state' => ['choose_incoming_or_sent'], 'can_be_edited' => ['choose_can_edit'], 'can_be_deleted' => ['choose_can_delete'], 'is_post' => ['post'], 'date' => ['date'], 'edit_date' => ['edit_date'], 'forward_info' => ['fwd_info', 'choose_forward_info'], 'reply_to_message_id' => ['reply_to_msg_id'], 'ttl' => ['choose_ttl'], 'ttl_expires_in' => ['choose_ttl_expires_in'], 'via_bot_user_id' => ['via_bot_id'], 'views' => ['views'], 'content' => ['choose_message_content'], 'reply_markup' => ['reply_markup']], 'messages.sendMessage' => ['chat_id' => ['peer'], 'reply_to_message_id' => ['reply_to_msg_id'], 'disable_notification' => ['silent'], 'from_background' => ['background'], 'input_message_content' => ['choose_message_content'], 'reply_markup' => ['reply_markup']]]; const TD_REVERSE = ['sendMessage' => 'messages.sendMessage']; const TD_IGNORE = ['updateMessageID']; const BOTAPI_PARAMS_CONVERSION = ['disable_web_page_preview' => 'no_webpage', 'disable_notification' => 'silent', 'reply_to_message_id' => 'reply_to_msg_id', 'chat_id' => 'peer', 'text' => 'message']; // Not content related constructors const NOT_CONTENT_RELATED = [ //'rpc_result', //'rpc_error', 'rpc_drop_answer', 'rpc_answer_unknown', 'rpc_answer_dropped_running', 'rpc_answer_dropped', 'get_future_salts', 'future_salt', 'future_salts', 'ping', 'pong', 'ping_delay_disconnect', 'destroy_session', 'destroy_session_ok', 'destroy_session_none', //'new_session_created', 'msg_container', 'msg_copy', 'gzip_packed', 'http_wait', 'msgs_ack', 'bad_msg_notification', 'bad_server_salt', 'msgs_state_req', 'msgs_state_info', 'msgs_all_info', 'msg_detailed_info', 'msg_new_detailed_info', 'msg_resend_req', 'msg_resend_ans_req', ]; const DEFAULT_GETUPDATES_PARAMS = ['offset' => 0, 'limit' => null, 'timeout' => 0]; const POWERED_BY = "

Powered by MadelineProto

"; const NO_CACHE = ['Cache-Control' => ['no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0', 'post-check=0, pre-check=0'], 'Pragma' => 'no-cache']; /** * Instance of wrapper API. * * @var ?APIWrapper */ public $wrapper; /** * PWRTelegram webhook URL. * * @var boolean|string */ public $hook_url = false; /** * Settings array. * * @var array */ public $settings = []; /** * Config array. * * @var array */ private $config = ['expires' => -1]; /** * TOS info. * * @var array */ private $tos = ['expires' => 0, 'accepted' => true]; /** * Whether we're initing authorization. * * @var boolean */ private $initing_authorization = false; /** * Authorization info (User). * * @var array|null */ public $authorization = null; /** * Whether we're authorized. * * @var integer */ public $authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; /** * Main authorized DC ID. * * @var integer */ public $authorized_dc = -1; /** * RSA keys. * * @var array */ private $rsa_keys = []; /** * CDN RSA keys. * * @var array */ private $cdn_rsa_keys = []; /** * Diffie-hellman config. * * @var array */ private $dh_config = ['version' => 0]; /** * Internal peer database. * * @var array */ public $chats = []; /** * Cached parameters for fetching channel participants. * * @var array */ public $channel_participants = []; /** * When we last stored data in remote peer database (now doesn't exist anymore). * * @var integer */ public $last_stored = 0; /** * Temporary array of data to be sent to remote peer database. * * @var array */ public $qres = []; /** * Full chat info database. * * @var array */ public $full_chats = []; /** * Latest chat message ID map for update handling. * * @var array */ private $msg_ids = []; /** * Version integer for upgrades. * * @var integer */ private $v = 0; /** * Cached getdialogs params. * * @var array */ private $dialog_params = ['limit' => 0, 'offset_date' => 0, 'offset_id' => 0, 'offset_peer' => ['_' => 'inputPeerEmpty'], 'count' => 0]; /** * Support user ID. * * @var integer */ private $supportUser = 0; /** * File reference database. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\ReferenceDatabase */ public $referenceDatabase; /** * min database. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\MinDatabase */ public $minDatabase; /** * TOS check loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\PeriodicLoop */ public $checkTosLoop; /** * Phone config loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\PeriodicLoop */ public $phoneConfigLoop; /** * Config loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\PeriodicLoop */ public $configLoop; /** * Call checker loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\PeriodicLoop */ private $callCheckerLoop; /** * Autoserialization loop. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\PeriodicLoop */ private $serializeLoop; /** * Feeder loops. * * @var array<\danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\FeedLoop> */ public $feeders = []; /** * Updater loops. * * @var array<\danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\UpdateLoop> */ public $updaters = []; /** * Boolean to avoid problems with exceptions thrown by forked strands, see tools. * * @var boolean */ public $destructing = false; /** * DataCenter instance. * * @var DataCenter */ public $datacenter; /** * Logger instance. * * @var Logger */ public $logger; /** * TL serializer. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL */ private $TL; /** * Constructor function. * * @param array $settings Settings * * @return void */ public function __magic_construct($settings = []) { $this->setInitPromise($this->__construct_async($settings)); } /** * Async constructor function. * * @param array $settings Settings * * @return void */ public function __construct_async($settings = []) : \Generator { Magic::classExists(); // Parse and store settings yield from $this->updateSettings($settings, false); $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['inst_dc'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->cleanupProperties(); // Load rsa keys $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['load_rsa'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->rsa_keys = []; foreach ($this->settings['authorization']['rsa_keys'] as $key) { $key = (yield from (new RSA())->load($this->TL, $key)); $this->rsa_keys[$key->fp] = $key; } // (re)-initialize TL $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['TL_translation'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->init($this->settings['tl_schema']['src'], $callbacks); yield from $this->connectToAllDcs(); $this->startLoops(); $this->datacenter->curdc = 2; if ((!isset($this->authorization['user']['bot']) || !$this->authorization['user']['bot']) && $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->hasTempAuthKey()) { try { $nearest_dc = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getNearestDc', [], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['nearest_dc'], $nearest_dc['country'], $nearest_dc['nearest_dc']), Logger::NOTICE); if ($nearest_dc['nearest_dc'] != $nearest_dc['this_dc']) { $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc'] = $this->datacenter->curdc = (int) $nearest_dc['nearest_dc']; } } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc !== 'BOT_METHOD_INVALID') { throw $e; } } } yield from $this->getConfig([], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->startUpdateSystem(true); $this->v = self::V; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() : array { if ($this->settings['serialization']['cleanup_before_serialization']) { $this->cleanup(); } return [ // Databases 'chats', 'full_chats', 'referenceDatabase', 'minDatabase', 'channel_participants', // Misc caching 'dialog_params', 'last_stored', 'qres', 'supportUser', 'tos', // Event handler 'event_handler', 'event_handler_instance', 'loop_callback', 'updates', 'updates_key', 'hook_url', // Web login template 'web_template', // Settings 'settings', 'config', // Authorization keys 'datacenter', // Authorization state 'authorization', 'authorized', 'authorized_dc', // Authorization cache 'rsa_keys', 'dh_config', // Update state 'got_state', 'channels_state', 'msg_ids', // Version 'v', // TL 'TL', // Secret chats 'secret_chats', 'temp_requested_secret_chats', 'temp_rekeyed_secret_chats', // Report URI 'reportDest', ]; } /** * Cleanup memory and session file. * * @return self */ public function cleanup() : self { $this->referenceDatabase = new ReferenceDatabase($this); $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->updateCallbacks($callbacks); return $this; } /** * Logger. * * @param string $param Parameter * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File where the message originated * * @return void */ public function logger($param, int $level = Logger::NOTICE, string $file = '') { if ($file === null) { $file = \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php'); } isset($this->logger) ? $this->logger->logger($param, $level, $file) : Logger::$default->logger($param, $level, $file); } /** * Get TL namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces() : array { return $this->TL->getMethodNamespaces(); } /** * Get namespaced methods (method => namespace). * * @return array */ public function getMethodsNamespaced() : array { return $this->TL->getMethodsNamespaced(); } /** * Get TL serializer. * * @return TL */ public function getTL() : \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL { return $this->TL; } /** * Get logger. * * @return Logger */ public function getLogger() : Logger { return $this->logger; } /** * Get async HTTP client. * * @return \Amp\Http\Client\DelegateHttpClient */ public function getHTTPClient() : DelegateHttpClient { return $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient(); } /** * Get async DNS client. * * @return \Amp\Dns\Resolver */ public function getDNSClient() : Resolver { return $this->datacenter->getDNSClient(); } /** * Get contents of remote file asynchronously. * * @param string $url URL * * @return \Generator */ public function fileGetContents(string $url) : \Generator { return $this->datacenter->fileGetContents($url); } /** * Get all datacenter connections. * * @return array */ public function getDataCenterConnections() : array { return $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections(); } /** * Prompt serialization of instance. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function serialize() { if ($this->wrapper && $this->inited()) { $this->wrapper->serialize(); } } /** * Start all internal loops. * * @return void */ private function startLoops() { if (!$this->callCheckerLoop) { $this->callCheckerLoop = new PeriodicLoop($this, [$this, 'checkCalls'], 'call check', 10); } if (!$this->serializeLoop) { $this->serializeLoop = new PeriodicLoop($this, [$this, 'serialize'], 'serialize', $this->settings['serialization']['serialization_interval']); } if (!$this->phoneConfigLoop) { $this->phoneConfigLoop = new PeriodicLoop($this, [$this, 'getPhoneConfig'], 'phone config', 24 * 3600); } if (!$this->checkTosLoop) { $this->checkTosLoop = new PeriodicLoop($this, [$this, 'checkTos'], 'TOS', 24 * 3600); } if (!$this->configLoop) { $this->configLoop = new PeriodicLoop($this, [$this, 'getConfig'], 'config', 24 * 3600); } $this->callCheckerLoop->start(); $this->serializeLoop->start(); $this->phoneConfigLoop->start(); $this->configLoop->start(); $this->checkTosLoop->start(); } /** * Stop all internal loops. * * @return void */ private function stopLoops() { if ($this->callCheckerLoop) { $this->callCheckerLoop->signal(true); $this->callCheckerLoop = null; } if ($this->serializeLoop) { $this->serializeLoop->signal(true); $this->serializeLoop = null; } if ($this->phoneConfigLoop) { $this->phoneConfigLoop->signal(true); $this->phoneConfigLoop = null; } if ($this->configLoop) { $this->configLoop->signal(true); $this->configLoop = null; } if ($this->checkTosLoop) { $this->checkTosLoop->signal(true); $this->checkTosLoop = null; } } /** * Clean up properties from previous versions of MadelineProto. * * @internal * * @return void */ private function cleanupProperties() { if (!$this->channels_state instanceof CombinedUpdatesState) { $this->channels_state = new CombinedUpdatesState($this->channels_state); } if (isset($this->updates_state)) { if (!$this->updates_state instanceof UpdatesState) { $this->updates_state = new UpdatesState($this->updates_state); } $this->channels_state->__construct([false => $this->updates_state]); unset($this->updates_state); } if (!isset($this->datacenter)) { $this->datacenter = new DataCenter($this, $this->settings['connection'], $this->settings['connection_settings']); } if (!isset($this->referenceDatabase)) { $this->referenceDatabase = new ReferenceDatabase($this); } if (!isset($this->minDatabase)) { $this->minDatabase = new MinDatabase($this); } if (!isset($this->TL)) { $this->TL = new TL($this); $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['TL_translation'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->init($this->settings['tl_schema']['src'], $callbacks); } } /** * Upgrade MadelineProto instance. * * @return \Generator */ private function upgradeMadelineProto() : \Generator { $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['serialization_ofd'], Logger::WARNING); foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $dc_id => $socket) { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && \strpos($dc_id, '_') === false && $socket->hasPermAuthKey() && $socket->hasTempAuthKey()) { $socket->bind(); $socket->authorized(true); } } $settings = $this->settings; if (isset($settings['updates']['callback'][0]) && $settings['updates']['callback'][0] === $this) { $settings['updates']['callback'] = 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler'; } if (isset($settings['updates']['getdifference_interval']) && $settings['updates']['getdifference_interval'] === -1) { unset($settings['updates']['getdifference_interval']); } unset($settings['tl_schema']); if (isset($settings['authorization']['rsa_key'])) { unset($settings['authorization']['rsa_key']); } if (!isset($this->full_chats)) { $this->full_chats = []; } if (!isset($this->secret_chats)) { $this->secret_chats = []; } foreach ($this->full_chats as $id => $full) { if (isset($full['full'], $full['last_update'])) { $this->full_chats[$id] = ['full' => $full['full'], 'last_update' => $full['last_update']]; } } foreach ($this->secret_chats as $key => &$chat) { if (!\is_array($chat)) { unset($this->secret_chats[$key]); continue; } if ($chat['layer'] >= 73) { $chat['mtproto'] = 2; } else { $chat['mtproto'] = 1; } } foreach ($settings['connection_settings'] as $key => &$connection) { if (\in_array($key, ['default_dc', 'media_socket_count', 'robin_period'])) { continue; } if (!\is_array($connection)) { unset($settings['connection_settings'][$key]); continue; } if (!isset($connection['proxy'])) { $connection['proxy'] = '\\Socket'; } if (!isset($connection['proxy_extra'])) { $connection['proxy_extra'] = []; } if (!isset($connection['pfs'])) { $connection['pfs'] = \extension_loaded('gmp'); } if ($connection['protocol'] === 'obfuscated2') { $connection['protocol'] = 'tcp_intermediate_padded'; $connection['obfuscated'] = true; } } if ($settings['app_info']['api_id'] === 6) { unset($settings['app_info']); } $this->resetMTProtoSession(true, true); $this->config = ['expires' => -1]; $this->dh_config = ['version' => 0]; yield from $this->__construct_async($settings); foreach ($this->secret_chats as $chat => $data) { try { if (isset($this->secret_chats[$chat]) && $this->secret_chats[$chat]['InputEncryptedChat'] !== null) { yield from $this->notifyLayer($chat); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { } } } /** * Wakeup function. */ public function __wakeup() { $backtrace = \debug_backtrace(0, 4); $backtrace = \end($backtrace); $this->forceInit(false); $this->setInitPromise($this->__wakeup_async($backtrace)); } /** * Async wakeup function. * * @param array $backtrace Stack trace * * @return \Generator */ public function __wakeup_async(array $backtrace) : \Generator { // Setup one-time stuffs Magic::classExists(); // Setup logger $this->setupLogger(); // We don't like threads if (Magic::$has_thread && \is_object(\Thread::getCurrentThread())) { return; } // Setup language Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang['en']; if (Lang::$lang[$this->settings['app_info']['lang_code'] ?? 'en'] ?? false) { Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang[$this->settings['app_info']['lang_code']]; } $this->settings['connection_settings']['all']['ipv6'] = Magic::$ipv6; if ($this->authorized === true) { $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; } $force = false; $this->resetMTProtoSession(); if (isset($backtrace['function'], $backtrace['class'], $backtrace['args']) && $backtrace['class'] === 'danog\\MadelineProto\\API' && $backtrace['function'] === '__construct_async') { if (\count($backtrace['args']) >= 2) { yield from $this->updateSettings($backtrace['args'][1], false); } } if (($this->settings['tl_schema']['src']['botAPI'] ?? '') !== __DIR__ . '/') { unset($this->v); } if (!\file_exists($this->settings['tl_schema']['src']['telegram'])) { unset($this->v); } if (!isset($this->v) || $this->v !== self::V) { yield from $this->upgradeMadelineProto(); $force = true; } // Cleanup old properties, init new stuffs $this->cleanupProperties(); // Update TL callbacks $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->updateCallbacks($callbacks); if ($this->event_handler && \class_exists($this->event_handler) && \is_subclass_of($this->event_handler, EventHandler::class)) { $this->setEventHandler($this->event_handler); } yield from $this->connectToAllDcs(); foreach ($this->calls as $id => $controller) { if (!\is_object($controller)) { unset($this->calls[$id]); } elseif ($controller->getCallState() === \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ENDED) { $controller->setMadeline($this); $controller->discard(); } else { $controller->setMadeline($this); } } $this->startLoops(); if (yield from $this->fullGetSelf()) { $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; } if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { yield from $this->getCdnConfig($this->datacenter->curdc); $this->setupLogger(); } $this->startUpdateSystem(true); if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && !$this->authorization['user']['bot'] && $this->settings['peer']['cache_all_peers_on_startup']) { yield from $this->getDialogs($force); } if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['getupdates_deserialization'], Logger::NOTICE); (yield $this->updaters[false]->resume()); } $this->updaters[false]->start(); } /** * Unreference instance, allowing destruction. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function unreference() { $this->logger->logger("Will unreference instance"); $this->stopLoops(); if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater->signal(true); } $channelIds = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->signal(true); } if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->signal(true); } } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $datacenter) { $datacenter->disconnect(); } } /** * Destructor. */ public function __destruct() { $this->logger('Shutting down MadelineProto (MTProto)'); $this->unreference(); $this->logger("Successfully destroyed MadelineProto"); } /** * Get correct settings array for the latest version. * * @param array $settings Current settings array * @param array $previousSettings Previous settings array * * @internal * * @return array */ public static function parseSettings(array $settings, array $previousSettings = []) : array { Magic::classExists(); $settings = \array_replace_recursive($previousSettings, $settings); if (isset($previousSettings['connection_settings']['default_dc'])) { $settings['connection_settings']['default_dc'] = $previousSettings['connection_settings']['default_dc']; } if (!isset($settings['app_info']['api_id']) || !$settings['app_info']['api_id']) { if (isset($previousSettings['app_info']['api_id']) && $previousSettings['app_info']['api_id']) { $settings['app_info']['api_id'] = $previousSettings['app_info']['api_id']; $settings['app_info']['api_hash'] = $previousSettings['app_info']['api_hash']; } else { $settings['app_info'] = []; } } // Detect device model try { $device_model = \php_uname('s'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $device_model = 'Web server'; } if (($settings['app_info']['api_id'] ?? 0) === 6) { // TG DEV NOTICE: these app info spoofing measures were implemented for NON-MALICIOUS purposes. // All accounts registered with a custom API ID require manual verification through, to avoid instant permabans. // This makes usage of all MTProto libraries very difficult, at least for new users. // To help a bit, when the android API ID is used, the android app infos are spoofed too. // THE ANDROID API HASH IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS REPOSITORY, AND WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE. // This measure was NOT created with the intent to aid spammers, flooders, and other scum. // // I understand that automated account registration through headless libraries may indicate the creation of a botnet, //...and I understand why these automatic bans were implemented in the first place. // Manual requests to activate numbers through will still be required for the majority of users of this library, //...those that choose to user their own API ID for their application. // // To be honest, I wrote this feature just for me, since I honestly don't want to //...go through the hassle of registering => recovering => logging in to every account I use for my services (mainly webradios and test userbots) $device_model = 'LGENexus 5'; } // Detect system version try { $system_version = \php_uname('r'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $system_version = PHP_VERSION; } if (($settings['app_info']['api_id'] ?? 0) === 6) { // TG DEV NOTICE: these app info spoofing measures were implemented for NON-MALICIOUS purposes. // All accounts registered with a custom API ID require manual verification through, to avoid instant permabans. // This makes usage of all MTProto libraries very difficult, at least for new users. // To help a bit, when the android API ID is used, the android app infos are spoofed too. // THE ANDROID API HASH IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS REPOSITORY, AND WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE. // This measure was NOT created with the intent to aid spammers, flooders, and other scum. // // I understand that automated account registration through headless libraries may indicate the creation of a botnet, //...and I understand why these automatic bans were implemented in the first place. // Manual requests to activate numbers through will still be required for the majority of users of this library, //...and in particular those that choose to user their own API ID for their application. // // To be honest, I wrote this feature just for me, since I honestly don't want to //...go through the hassle of registering => recovering => logging in to every account I use for my services (mainly webradios and test userbots) $system_version = 'SDK 28'; } // Detect language $lang_code = 'en'; Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang[$lang_code]; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $lang_code = \substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['LANG'])) { $lang_code = \explode('_', $_SERVER['LANG'])[0]; } if (isset(Lang::$lang[$lang_code])) { Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang[$lang_code]; } // Detect language pack $lang_pack = ''; if (($settings['app_info']['api_id'] ?? 0) === 6) { // TG DEV NOTICE: these app info spoofing measures were implemented for NON-MALICIOUS purposes. // All accounts registered with a custom API ID require manual verification through, to avoid instant permabans. // This makes usage of all MTProto libraries very difficult, at least for new users. // To help a bit, when the android API ID is used, the android app infos are spoofed too. // THE ANDROID API HASH IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS REPOSITORY, AND WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE. // This measure was NOT created with the intent to aid spammers, flooders, and other scum. // // I understand that automated account registration through headless libraries may indicate the creation of a botnet, //...and I understand why these automatic bans were implemented in the first place. // Manual requests to activate numbers through will still be required for the majority of users of this library, //...and in particular those that choose to user their own API ID for their application. // // To be honest, I wrote this feature just for me, since I honestly don't want to //...go through the hassle of registering => recovering => logging in to every account I use for my services (mainly webradios and test userbots) $lang_pack = 'android'; } // Detect app version $app_version = self::RELEASE . ' (' . self::V . ', ' . Magic::$revision . ')'; if (($settings['app_info']['api_id'] ?? 0) === 6) { // TG DEV NOTICE: these app info spoofing measures were implemented for NON-MALICIOUS purposes. // All accounts registered with a custom API ID require manual verification through, to avoid instant permabans. // This makes usage of all MTProto libraries very difficult, at least for new users. // To help a bit, when the android API ID is used, the android app infos are spoofed too. // THE ANDROID API HASH IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS REPOSITORY, AND WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE. // This measure was NOT created with the intent to aid spammers, flooders, and other scum. // // I understand that automated account registration through headless libraries may indicate the creation of a botnet, //...and I understand why these automatic bans were implemented in the first place. // Manual requests to activate numbers through will still be required for the majority of users of this library, //...and in particular those that choose to user their own API ID for their application. // // To be honest, I wrote this feature just for me, since I honestly don't want to //...go through the hassle of registering => recovering => logging in to every account I use for my services (mainly webradios and test userbots) $app_version = '4.9.1 (13613)'; } // Set default settings $default_settings = ['authorization' => [ // Authorization settings 'default_temp_auth_key_expires_in' => 1 * 24 * 60 * 60, // validity of temporary keys and the binding of the temporary and permanent keys 'rsa_keys' => ["-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEAwVACPi9w23mF3tBkdZz+zwrzKOaaQdr01vAbU4E1pvkfj4sqDsm6\nlyDONS789sVoD/xCS9Y0hkkC3gtL1tSfTlgCMOOul9lcixlEKzwKENj1Yz/s7daS\nan9tqw3bfUV/nqgbhGX81v/+7RFAEd+RwFnK7a+XYl9sluzHRyVVaTTveB2GazTw\nEfzk2DWgkBluml8OREmvfraX3bkHZJTKX4EQSjBbbdJ2ZXIsRrYOXfaA+xayEGB+\n8hdlLmAjbCVfaigxX0CDqWeR1yFL9kwd9P0NsZRPsmoqVwMbMu7mStFai6aIhc3n\nSlv8kg9qv1m6XHVQY3PnEw+QQtqSIXklHwIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----", "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEAxq7aeLAqJR20tkQQMfRn+ocfrtMlJsQ2Uksfs7Xcoo77jAid0bRt\nksiVmT2HEIJUlRxfABoPBV8wY9zRTUMaMA654pUX41mhyVN+XoerGxFvrs9dF1Ru\nvCHbI02dM2ppPvyytvvMoefRoL5BTcpAihFgm5xCaakgsJ/tH5oVl74CdhQw8J5L\nxI/K++KJBUyZ26Uba1632cOiq05JBUW0Z2vWIOk4BLysk7+U9z+SxynKiZR3/xdi\nXvFKk01R3BHV+GUKM2RYazpS/P8v7eyKhAbKxOdRcFpHLlVwfjyM1VlDQrEZxsMp\nNTLYXb6Sce1Uov0YtNx5wEowlREH1WOTlwIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----", "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEAsQZnSWVZNfClk29RcDTJQ76n8zZaiTGuUsi8sUhW8AS4PSbPKDm+\nDyJgdHDWdIF3HBzl7DHeFrILuqTs0vfS7Pa2NW8nUBwiaYQmPtwEa4n7bTmBVGsB\n1700/tz8wQWOLUlL2nMv+BPlDhxq4kmJCyJfgrIrHlX8sGPcPA4Y6Rwo0MSqYn3s\ng1Pu5gOKlaT9HKmE6wn5Sut6IiBjWozrRQ6n5h2RXNtO7O2qCDqjgB2vBxhV7B+z\nhRbLbCmW0tYMDsvPpX5M8fsO05svN+lKtCAuz1leFns8piZpptpSCFn7bWxiA9/f\nx5x17D7pfah3Sy2pA+NDXyzSlGcKdaUmwQIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----", "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEAwqjFW0pi4reKGbkc9pK83Eunwj/k0G8ZTioMMPbZmW99GivMibwa\nxDM9RDWabEMyUtGoQC2ZcDeLWRK3W8jMP6dnEKAlvLkDLfC4fXYHzFO5KHEqF06i\nqAqBdmI1iBGdQv/OQCBcbXIWCGDY2AsiqLhlGQfPOI7/vvKc188rTriocgUtoTUc\n/n/sIUzkgwTqRyvWYynWARWzQg0I9olLBBC2q5RQJJlnYXZwyTL3y9tdb7zOHkks\nWV9IMQmZmyZh/N7sMbGWQpt4NMchGpPGeJ2e5gHBjDnlIf2p1yZOYeUYrdbwcS0t\nUiggS4UeE8TzIuXFQxw7fzEIlmhIaq3FnwIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----"], ], 'connection' => [ // List of datacenters/subdomains where to connect 'ssl_subdomains' => [ // Subdomains of for https protocol 1 => 'pluto', 2 => 'venus', 3 => 'aurora', 4 => 'vesta', 5 => 'flora', ], 'test' => [ // Test datacenters 'ipv4' => [ // ipv4 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], 'ipv6' => [ // ipv6 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000e', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], ], 'main' => [ // Main datacenters 'ipv4' => [ // ipv4 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], 'ipv6' => [ // ipv6 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000a', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], ], ], 'connection_settings' => [ // connection settings 'all' => [ // These settings will be applied on every datacenter that hasn't a custom settings subarray... 'protocol' => 'tcp_abridged', // can be tcp_full, tcp_abridged, tcp_intermediate, http, https, obfuscated2, udp (unsupported) 'test_mode' => false, // decides whether to connect to the main telegram servers or to the testing servers (deep telegram) 'ipv6' => Magic::$ipv6, // decides whether to use ipv6, ipv6 attribute of API attribute of API class contains autodetected boolean 'timeout' => 2, // timeout for sockets 'proxy' => Magic::$altervista ? '\\HttpProxy' : '\\Socket', // The proxy class to use 'proxy_extra' => Magic::$altervista ? ['address' => 'localhost', 'port' => 80] : [], // Extra parameters to pass to the proxy class using setExtra 'obfuscated' => false, 'transport' => 'tcp', 'pfs' => false, ], 'media_socket_count' => ['min' => 5, 'max' => 10], 'robin_period' => 10, 'default_dc' => 2, ], 'app_info' => [ // obtained in //'api_id' => you should put an API id in the settings array you provide //'api_hash' => you should put an API hash in the settings array you provide 'device_model' => $device_model, 'system_version' => $system_version, 'app_version' => $app_version, // 🌚 // 'app_version' => self::V, 'lang_code' => $lang_code, 'lang_pack' => $lang_pack, ], 'tl_schema' => [ // TL scheme files 'layer' => 109, // layer version 'src' => [ 'mtproto' => __DIR__ . '/', // mtproto TL scheme 'telegram' => __DIR__ . '/', // telegram TL scheme 'secret' => __DIR__ . '/', // secret chats TL scheme 'calls' => __DIR__ . '/', // calls TL scheme //'td' => __DIR__.'/', // telegram-cli TL scheme 'botAPI' => __DIR__ . '/', ], ], 'logger' => [ // Logger settings /* * logger modes: * 0 - No logger * 1 - Log to the default logger destination * 2 - Log to file defined in second parameter * 3 - Echo logs * 4 - Call callable provided in logger_param. logger_param must accept two parameters: array $message, int $level * $message is an array containing the messages the log, $level, is the logging level */ // write to 'logger_param' => Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log', 'logger' => PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? 3 : 2, // overwrite previous setting and echo logs 'logger_level' => Logger::VERBOSE, 'max_size' => 100 * 1024 * 1024, // Logging level, available logging levels are: ULTRA_VERBOSE, VERBOSE, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR. Can be provided as last parameter to the logging function. 'rollbar_token' => '', ], 'max_tries' => [ 'query' => 5, // How many times should I try to call a method or send an object before throwing an exception 'authorization' => 5, // How many times should I try to generate an authorization key before throwing an exception 'response' => 5, ], 'flood_timeout' => ['wait_if_lt' => 10 * 60], 'msg_array_limit' => [ // How big should be the arrays containing the incoming and outgoing messages? 'incoming' => 100, 'outgoing' => 100, 'call_queue' => 200, ], 'peer' => [ 'full_info_cache_time' => 3600, // Full peer info cache validity 'full_fetch' => false, // Should madeline fetch the full member list of every group it meets? 'cache_all_peers_on_startup' => false, ], 'requests' => ['gzip_encode_if_gt' => 1024 * 1024], 'updates' => [ 'handle_updates' => false, // Should I handle updates? 'handle_old_updates' => true, // Should I handle old updates on startup? 'getdifference_interval' => 10, // Getdifference manual polling interval 'callback' => 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler', // Update callback 'run_callback' => true, ], 'secret_chats' => ['accept_chats' => true], 'serialization' => ['serialization_interval' => 30, 'cleanup_before_serialization' => false], 'upload' => ['allow_automatic_upload' => true, 'part_size' => 512 * 1024, 'parallel_chunks' => 20], 'download' => ['report_broken_media' => true, 'part_size' => 1024 * 1024, 'parallel_chunks' => 20], 'pwr' => [ 'pwr' => false, // Need info ? 'db_token' => false, // Need info ? 'strict' => false, // Need info ? 'requests' => true, ]]; $settings = \array_replace_recursive($default_settings, $settings); if (isset(Lang::$lang[$settings['app_info']['lang_code']])) { Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang[$settings['app_info']['lang_code']]; } /*if ($settings['app_info']['api_id'] < 20) { $settings['connection_settings']['all']['protocol'] = 'obfuscated2'; }*/ switch ($settings['logger']['logger_level']) { case 'ULTRA_VERBOSE': $settings['logger']['logger_level'] = 5; break; case 'VERBOSE': $settings['logger']['logger_level'] = 4; break; case 'NOTICE': $settings['logger']['logger_level'] = 3; break; case 'WARNING': $settings['logger']['logger_level'] = 2; break; case 'ERROR': $settings['logger']['logger_level'] = 1; break; case 'FATAL ERROR': $settings['logger']['logger_level'] = 0; break; } return $settings; } /** * Parse, update and store settings. * * @param array $settings Settings * @param bool $reinit Whether to reinit the instance * * @return void */ public function updateSettings(array $settings, bool $reinit = true) : \Generator { $settings = self::parseSettings($settings, $this->settings); if ($settings['app_info'] === null) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(Lang::$current_lang['api_not_set'], 0, null, 'MadelineProto', 1); } $this->settings = $settings; if (!$this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { $this->updates = []; } // Setup logger $this->setupLogger(); if ($reinit) { $this->__construct(); yield from $this->initAsynchronously(); } } /** * Return current settings array. * * @return array */ public function getSettings() : array { return $this->settings; } /** * Setup logger. * * @return void */ public function setupLogger() { $this->logger = Logger::getLoggerFromSettings($this->settings, isset($this->authorization['user']) ? isset($this->authorization['user']['username']) ? $this->authorization['user']['username'] : $this->authorization['user']['id'] : ''); } /** * Reset all MTProto sessions. * * @param boolean $de Whether to reset the session ID * @param boolean $auth_key Whether to reset the auth key * * @internal * * @return void */ public function resetMTProtoSession(bool $de = true, bool $auth_key = false) { if (!\is_object($this->datacenter)) { throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['session_corrupted']); } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $id => $socket) { if ($de) { $socket->resetSession(); } if ($auth_key) { $socket->setAuthKey(null); } } } /** * Check if connected to datacenter using HTTP. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @internal * * @return boolean */ public function isHttp(string $datacenter) : bool { return $this->datacenter->isHttp($datacenter); } /** * Checks whether all datacenters are authorized. * * @return boolean */ public function hasAllAuth() : bool { if ($this->isInitingAuthorization()) { return false; } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $dc) { if (!$dc->isAuthorized() || !$dc->hasTempAuthKey()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Whether we're initing authorization. * * @internal * * @return boolean */ public function isInitingAuthorization() { return $this->initing_authorization; } /** * Connects to all datacenters and if necessary creates authorization keys, binds them and writes client info. * * @param boolean $reconnectAll Whether to reconnect to all DCs * * @return \Generator */ public function connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll = true) : \Generator { $this->channels_state->get(false); foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelId = $state->getChannel(); if (!isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId] = new FeedLoop($this, $channelId); } if (!isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this, $channelId); } } if (!isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater = new SeqLoop($this); } $this->datacenter->__construct($this, $this->settings['connection'], $this->settings['connection_settings'], $reconnectAll); $dcs = []; foreach ($this->datacenter->getDcs() as $new_dc) { $dcs[] = $this->datacenter->dcConnect($new_dc); } (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($dcs)); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->parseConfig(); $dcs = []; foreach ($this->datacenter->getDcs(false) as $new_dc) { $dcs[] = $this->datacenter->dcConnect($new_dc); } (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($dcs)); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->parseConfig(); yield from $this->getPhoneConfig(); } /** * Clean up MadelineProto session after logout. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function resetSession() { if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater->signal(true); unset($this->seqUpdater); } $channelIds = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->signal(true); unset($this->feeders[$channelId]); } if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->signal(true); unset($this->updaters[$channelId]); } } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $socket) { $socket->authorized(false); } $this->channels_state = new CombinedUpdatesState(); $this->got_state = false; $this->msg_ids = []; $this->authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; $this->authorized_dc = -1; $this->authorization = null; $this->updates = []; $this->secret_chats = []; $this->chats = []; $this->users = []; $this->tos = ['expires' => 0, 'accepted' => true]; $this->referenceDatabase = new ReferenceDatabase($this); $this->minDatabase = new MinDatabase($this); $this->dialog_params = ['_' => 'MadelineProto.dialogParams', 'limit' => 0, 'offset_date' => 0, 'offset_id' => 0, 'offset_peer' => ['_' => 'inputPeerEmpty'], 'count' => 0]; $this->full_chats = []; } /** * Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning. * * @return void */ public function resetUpdateState() { if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater->signal(true); } $channelIds = []; $newStates = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); $channelId = $state->getChannel(); $pts = $state->pts(); $pts = $channelId ? \max(1, $pts - 1000000) : ($pts > 4000000 ? $pts - 1000000 : \max(1, $pts - 1000000)); $newStates[$channelId] = new UpdatesState(['pts' => $pts], $channelId); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->signal(true); } if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->signal(true); } } $this->channels_state->__construct($newStates); $this->startUpdateSystem(); } /** * Start the update system. * * @param boolean $anyway Force start update system? * * @internal * * @return void */ public function startUpdateSystem($anyway = false) { if (!$this->inited() && !$anyway) { $this->logger("Not starting update system"); return; } $this->logger("Starting update system"); if (!isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater = new SeqLoop($this); } $this->channels_state->get(false); $channelIds = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (!isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId] = new FeedLoop($this, $channelId); } if (!isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this, $channelId); } if ($this->feeders[$channelId]->start() && isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->resume(); } if ($this->updaters[$channelId]->start() && isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->resume(); } } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $datacenter) { $datacenter->flush(); } if ($this->seqUpdater->start()) { $this->seqUpdater->resume(); } } /** * Store shared phone config. * * @param mixed $watcherId Watcher ID * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function getPhoneConfig($watcherId = null) : \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && \class_exists(VoIPServerConfigInternal::class) && !$this->authorization['user']['bot'] && $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc'])->hasTempAuthKey()) { $this->logger->logger('Fetching phone config...'); VoIPServerConfig::updateDefault(yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.getCallConfig', [], ['datacenter' => $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']])); } else { $this->logger->logger('Not fetching phone config'); } } /** * Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @return \Generator */ public function getCdnConfig(string $datacenter) : \Generator { try { foreach ((yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getCdnConfig', [], ['datacenter' => $datacenter]))['public_keys'] as $curkey) { $curkey = (yield from (new RSA())->load($this->TL, $curkey['public_key'])); $this->cdn_rsa_keys[$curkey->fp] = $curkey; } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } /** * Get cached server-side config. * * @return array */ public function getCachedConfig() : array { return $this->config; } /** * Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config. * * @param array $config Current config * @param array $options Options for method call * * @return \Generator */ public function getConfig(array $config = [], array $options = []) : \Generator { if ($this->config['expires'] > \time()) { return $this->config; } $this->config = empty($config) ? yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', $config, $options ?: ['datacenter' => $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]) : $config; yield from $this->parseConfig(); return $this->config; } /** * Parse cached config. * * @return \Generator */ private function parseConfig() : \Generator { if (isset($this->config['dc_options'])) { $options = $this->config['dc_options']; unset($this->config['dc_options']); yield from $this->parseDcOptions($options); } $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['config_updated'], Logger::NOTICE); $this->logger->logger($this->config, Logger::NOTICE); } /** * Parse DC options from config. * * @param array $dc_options DC options * * @return \Generator */ private function parseDcOptions(array $dc_options) : \Generator { $previous = $this->settings; foreach ($dc_options as $dc) { $test = $this->config['test_mode'] ? 'test' : 'main'; $id = $dc['id']; if (isset($dc['static'])) { //$id .= $dc['static'] ? '_static' : ''; } if (isset($dc['cdn'])) { $id .= $dc['cdn'] ? '_cdn' : ''; } $id .= $dc['media_only'] ? '_media' : ''; $ipv6 = $dc['ipv6'] ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4'; //$id .= isset($this->settings['connection'][$test][$ipv6][$id]) && $this->settings['connection'][$test][$ipv6][$id]['ip_address'] != $dc['ip_address'] ? '_bk' : ''; if (\is_numeric($id)) { $id = (int) $id; } unset($dc['cdn'], $dc['media_only'], $dc['id'], $dc['ipv6']); $this->settings['connection'][$test][$ipv6][$id] = $dc; } $curdc = $this->datacenter->curdc; if ($previous !== $this->settings && (!$this->datacenter->has($curdc) || $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($curdc)->byIPAddress())) { $this->logger->logger('Got new DC options, reconnecting'); yield from $this->connectToAllDcs(false); } $this->datacenter->curdc = $curdc; } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, cached. * * @return array|bool */ public function getSelf() { return $this->authorization['user'] ?? false; } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, not cached. * * @return \Generator */ public function fullGetSelf() : \Generator { try { $this->authorization = ['user' => (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [['_' => 'inputUserSelf']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]))[0]]; } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage()); return false; } return $this->authorization['user']; } /** * IDs of peers where to report errors. * * @var int[] */ private $reportDest = []; /** * Check if has report peers. * * @return boolean */ public function hasReportPeers() : bool { return (bool) $this->reportDest; } /** * Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop. * * @param int|string $userOrId Username(s) or peer ID(s) * * @return \Generator */ public function setReportPeers($userOrId) : \Generator { if (!(\is_array($userOrId) && !isset($userOrId['_']) && !isset($userOrId['id']))) { $userOrId = [$userOrId]; } foreach ($userOrId as &$peer) { $peer = (yield from $this->getInfo($peer))['bot_api_id']; } $this->reportDest = $userOrId; } /** * Report an error to the previously set peer. * * @param string $message Error to report * * @return \Generator */ public function report(string $message) : \Generator { if (!$this->reportDest) { return; } $file = null; if ($this->settings['logger']['logger'] === Logger::FILE_LOGGER && ($path = $this->settings['logger']['logger_param'])) { StatCache::clear($path); if (!(yield exists($path))) { $message = "!!! WARNING !!!\nThe logfile does not exist, please DO NOT delete the logfile to avoid errors in MadelineProto!\n\n{$message}"; } elseif (!(yield size($path))) { $message = "!!! WARNING !!!\nThe logfile is empty, please DO NOT delete the logfile to avoid errors in MadelineProto!\n\n{$message}"; } else { $file = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.uploadMedia', ['peer' => $this->reportDest[0], 'media' => ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $path, 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'MadelineProto.log']]]])); } } $sent = true; foreach ($this->reportDest as $id) { try { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMessage', ['peer' => $id, 'message' => $message]); if ($file) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMedia', ['peer' => $id, 'media' => $file]); } $sent &= true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $sent &= false; $this->logger("While reporting to {$id}: {$e}", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } if ($sent && $file) { \ftruncate($this->logger->stdout->getResource(), 0); $this->logger->logger("Reported!"); } } /** * Get full list of MTProto and API methods. * * @return array */ public function getAllMethods() : array { $methods = []; foreach ($this->getTL()->getMethods()->by_id as $method) { $methods[] = $method['method']; } return \array_merge($methods, \get_class_methods(InternalDoc::class)); } /** * Called right before serialization of method starts. * * Pass the method name * * @return array */ public function getMethodCallbacks() : array { return []; } /** * Called right before serialization of method starts. * * Pass the method name * * @return array */ public function getMethodBeforeCallbacks() : array { return []; } /** * Called right after deserialization of object, passing the final object. * * @return array */ public function getConstructorCallbacks() : array { return \array_merge(\array_fill_keys(['chat', 'chatEmpty', 'chatForbidden', 'channel', 'channelEmpty', 'channelForbidden'], [[$this, 'addChat']]), \array_fill_keys(['user', 'userEmpty'], [[$this, 'addUser']]), ['' => [[$this, 'addSupport']]]); } /** * Called right before deserialization of object. * * Pass only the constructor name * * @return array */ public function getConstructorBeforeCallbacks() : array { return []; } /** * Called right before serialization of constructor. * * Passed the object, will return a modified version. * * @return array */ public function getConstructorSerializeCallbacks() : array { return []; } /** * Called if objects of the specified type cannot be serialized. * * Passed the unserializable object, * will try to convert it to an object of the proper type. * * @return array */ public function getTypeMismatchCallbacks() : array { return \array_merge(\array_fill_keys(['User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputPeer', 'InputDialogPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer'], [$this, 'getInfo']), \array_fill_keys(['InputMedia', 'InputDocument', 'InputPhoto'], [$this, 'getFileInfo']), \array_fill_keys(['InputFileLocation'], [$this, 'getDownloadInfo'])); } /** * Get debug information for var_dump. * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() : array { $vars = \get_object_vars($this); unset($vars['full_chats'], $vars['chats'], $vars['referenceDatabase'], $vars['minDatabase'], $vars['TL']); return $vars; } const ALL_MIMES = ['webp' => [0 => 'image/webp'], 'png' => [0 => 'image/png', 1 => 'image/x-png'], 'bmp' => [0 => 'image/bmp', 1 => 'image/x-bmp', 2 => 'image/x-bitmap', 3 => 'image/x-xbitmap', 4 => 'image/x-win-bitmap', 5 => 'image/x-windows-bmp', 6 => 'image/ms-bmp', 7 => 'image/x-ms-bmp', 8 => 'application/bmp', 9 => 'application/x-bmp', 10 => 'application/x-win-bitmap'], 'gif' => [0 => 'image/gif'], 'jpeg' => [0 => 'image/jpeg', 1 => 'image/pjpeg'], 'xspf' => [0 => 'application/xspf+xml'], 'vlc' => [0 => 'application/videolan'], 'wmv' => [0 => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 1 => 'video/x-ms-asf'], 'au' => [0 => 'audio/x-au'], 'ac3' => [0 => 'audio/ac3'], 'flac' => [0 => 'audio/x-flac'], 'ogg' => [0 => 'audio/ogg', 1 => 'video/ogg', 2 => 'application/ogg'], 'kmz' => [0 => 'application/'], 'kml' => [0 => 'application/'], 'rtx' => [0 => 'text/richtext'], 'rtf' => [0 => 'text/rtf'], 'jar' => [0 => 'application/java-archive', 1 => 'application/x-java-application', 2 => 'application/x-jar'], 'zip' => [0 => 'application/x-zip', 1 => 'application/zip', 2 => 'application/x-zip-compressed', 3 => 'application/s-compressed', 4 => 'multipart/x-zip'], '7zip' => [0 => 'application/x-compressed'], 'xml' => [0 => 'application/xml', 1 => 'text/xml'], 'svg' => [0 => 'image/svg+xml'], '3g2' => [0 => 'video/3gpp2'], '3gp' => [0 => 'video/3gp', 1 => 'video/3gpp'], 'mp4' => [0 => 'video/mp4'], 'm4a' => [0 => 'audio/x-m4a'], 'f4v' => [0 => 'video/x-f4v'], 'flv' => [0 => 'video/x-flv'], 'webm' => [0 => 'video/webm'], 'aac' => [0 => 'audio/x-acc'], 'm4u' => [0 => 'application/vnd.mpegurl'], 'pdf' => [0 => 'application/pdf', 1 => 'application/octet-stream'], 'pptx' => [0 => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'], 'ppt' => [0 => 'application/powerpoint', 1 => 'application/', 2 => 'application/', 3 => 'application/msword'], 'docx' => [0 => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'], 'xlsx' => [0 => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 1 => 'application/'], 'xl' => [0 => 'application/excel'], 'xls' => [0 => 'application/msexcel', 1 => 'application/x-msexcel', 2 => 'application/x-ms-excel', 3 => 'application/x-excel', 4 => 'application/x-dos_ms_excel', 5 => 'application/xls', 6 => 'application/x-xls'], 'xsl' => [0 => 'text/xsl'], 'mpeg' => [0 => 'video/mpeg'], 'mov' => [0 => 'video/quicktime'], 'avi' => [0 => 'video/x-msvideo', 1 => 'video/msvideo', 2 => 'video/avi', 3 => 'application/x-troff-msvideo'], 'movie' => [0 => 'video/x-sgi-movie'], 'log' => [0 => 'text/x-log'], 'txt' => [0 => 'text/plain'], 'css' => [0 => 'text/css'], 'html' => [0 => 'text/html'], 'wav' => [0 => 'audio/x-wav', 1 => 'audio/wave', 2 => 'audio/wav'], 'xhtml' => [0 => 'application/xhtml+xml'], 'tar' => [0 => 'application/x-tar'], 'tgz' => [0 => 'application/x-gzip-compressed'], 'psd' => [0 => 'application/x-photoshop', 1 => 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop'], 'exe' => [0 => 'application/x-msdownload'], 'js' => [0 => 'application/x-javascript'], 'mp3' => [0 => 'audio/mpeg', 1 => 'audio/mpg', 2 => 'audio/mpeg3', 3 => 'audio/mp3'], 'rar' => [0 => 'application/x-rar', 1 => 'application/rar', 2 => 'application/x-rar-compressed'], 'gzip' => [0 => 'application/x-gzip'], 'hqx' => [0 => 'application/mac-binhex40', 1 => 'application/mac-binhex', 2 => 'application/x-binhex40', 3 => 'application/x-mac-binhex40'], 'cpt' => [0 => 'application/mac-compactpro'], 'bin' => [0 => 'application/macbinary', 1 => 'application/mac-binary', 2 => 'application/x-binary', 3 => 'application/x-macbinary'], 'oda' => [0 => 'application/oda'], 'ai' => [0 => 'application/postscript'], 'smil' => [0 => 'application/smil'], 'mif' => [0 => 'application/vnd.mif'], 'wbxml' => [0 => 'application/wbxml'], 'wmlc' => [0 => 'application/wmlc'], 'dcr' => [0 => 'application/x-director'], 'dvi' => [0 => 'application/x-dvi'], 'gtar' => [0 => 'application/x-gtar'], 'php' => [0 => 'application/x-httpd-php', 1 => 'application/php', 2 => 'application/x-php', 3 => 'text/php', 4 => 'text/x-php', 5 => 'application/x-httpd-php-source'], 'swf' => [0 => 'application/x-shockwave-flash'], 'sit' => [0 => 'application/x-stuffit'], 'z' => [0 => 'application/x-compress'], 'mid' => [0 => 'audio/midi'], 'aif' => [0 => 'audio/x-aiff', 1 => 'audio/aiff'], 'ram' => [0 => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio'], 'rpm' => [0 => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin'], 'ra' => [0 => 'audio/x-realaudio'], 'rv' => [0 => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo'], 'jp2' => [0 => 'image/jp2', 1 => 'video/mj2', 2 => 'image/jpx', 3 => 'image/jpm'], 'tiff' => [0 => 'image/tiff'], 'eml' => [0 => 'message/rfc822'], 'pem' => [0 => 'application/x-x509-user-cert', 1 => 'application/x-pem-file'], 'p10' => [0 => 'application/x-pkcs10', 1 => 'application/pkcs10'], 'p12' => [0 => 'application/x-pkcs12'], 'p7a' => [0 => 'application/x-pkcs7-signature'], 'p7c' => [0 => 'application/pkcs7-mime', 1 => 'application/x-pkcs7-mime'], 'p7r' => [0 => 'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp'], 'p7s' => [0 => 'application/pkcs7-signature'], 'crt' => [0 => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 1 => 'application/pkix-cert'], 'crl' => [0 => 'application/pkix-crl', 1 => 'application/pkcs-crl'], 'pgp' => [0 => 'application/pgp'], 'gpg' => [0 => 'application/gpg-keys'], 'rsa' => [0 => 'application/x-pkcs7'], 'ics' => [0 => 'text/calendar'], 'zsh' => [0 => 'text/x-scriptzsh'], 'cdr' => [0 => 'application/cdr', 1 => 'application/coreldraw', 2 => 'application/x-cdr', 3 => 'application/x-coreldraw', 4 => 'image/cdr', 5 => 'image/x-cdr', 6 => 'zz-application/zz-winassoc-cdr'], 'wma' => [0 => 'audio/x-ms-wma'], 'vcf' => [0 => 'text/x-vcard'], 'srt' => [0 => 'text/srt'], 'vtt' => [0 => 'text/vtt'], 'ico' => [0 => 'image/x-icon', 1 => 'image/x-ico', 2 => 'image/'], 'csv' => [0 => 'text/x-comma-separated-values', 1 => 'text/comma-separated-values', 2 => 'application/vnd.msexcel'], 'json' => [0 => 'application/json', 1 => 'text/json']]; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * Manages sequence number. */ trait SeqNoHandler { public $session_out_seq_no = 0; public $session_in_seq_no = 0; public $session_id; public function generateOutSeqNo($contentRelated) { $in = $contentRelated ? 1 : 0; $value = $this->session_out_seq_no; $this->session_out_seq_no += $in; //$this->API->logger->logger("OUT: $value + $in = ".$this->session_out_seq_no); return $value * 2 + $in; } public function checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id) { $type = isset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['_']) ? $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['_'] : '-'; if (isset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['seq_no']) && ($seq_no = $this->generateInSeqNo($this->contentRelated($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']))) !== $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['seq_no']) { $this->API->logger->logger('SECURITY WARNING: Seqno mismatch (should be ' . $seq_no . ', is ' . $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['seq_no'] . ', ' . $type . ')', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } elseif (isset($seq_no)) { $this->API->logger->logger('Seqno OK (should be ' . $seq_no . ', is ' . $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['seq_no'] . ', ' . $type . ')', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } } public function generateInSeqNo($contentRelated) { $in = $contentRelated ? 1 : 0; $value = $this->session_in_seq_no; $this->session_in_seq_no += $in; //$this->API->logger->logger("IN: $value + $in = ".$this->session_in_seq_no); return $value * 2 + $in; } public function contentRelated($method) { $method = \is_array($method) && isset($method['_']) ? $method['_'] : $method; return \is_string($method) ? !\in_array($method, MTProto::NOT_CONTENT_RELATED) : true; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\Async\AsyncParameters; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Manages method and object calls. */ trait CallHandler { /** * Recall method. * * @param string $watcherId Watcher ID for defer * @param array $args Args * * @return void */ public function methodRecall(string $watcherId, array $args) { $message_id = $args['message_id']; $postpone = $args['postpone'] ?? false; $datacenter = $args['datacenter'] ?? false; if ($datacenter === $this->datacenter) { $datacenter = false; } $message_ids = $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['container'] ?? [$message_id]; foreach ($message_ids as $message_id) { if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['body'])) { if ($datacenter) { $res = Tools::call($this->API->datacenter->waitGetConnection($datacenter))->onResolve(function ($e, $r) use($message_id) { return $r->sendMessage($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id], false); }); } else { $res = $this->sendMessage($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id], false); } \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($res); $this->ackOutgoingMessageId($message_id); $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($message_id); } else { $this->logger->logger('Could not resend ' . (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_']) ? $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] : $message_id)); } } if (!$postpone) { if ($datacenter) { $this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($datacenter)->flush(); } else { $this->flush(); } } } /** * Call method and wait asynchronously for response. * * If the $aargs['noResponse'] is true, will not wait for a response. * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCallAsyncRead(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null]) : \Generator { $readDeferred = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncWrite($method, $args, $aargs)); if (\is_array($readDeferred)) { $readDeferred = Tools::all(\array_map(function (Deferred $value) { return $value->promise(); }, $readDeferred)); } else { $readDeferred = $readDeferred->promise(); } if (!($aargs['noResponse'] ?? false)) { return (yield $readDeferred); } } /** * Call method and make sure it is asynchronously sent (generator). * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return Generator */ public function methodCallAsyncWrite(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null]) : \Generator { if (\is_array($args) && isset($args['id']['_']) && isset($args['id']['dc_id']) && $args['id']['_'] === 'inputBotInlineMessageID' && $this->datacenter !== $args['id']['dc_id']) { $aargs['datacenter'] = $args['id']['dc_id']; return yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncWrite($method, $args, $aargs); } if (($aargs['file'] ?? false) && !$this->isMedia() && $this->API->datacenter->has($this->datacenter . '_media')) { $this->logger->logger('Using media DC'); $aargs['datacenter'] = $this->datacenter . '_media'; return yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncWrite($method, $args, $aargs); } if (\in_array($method, ['messages.setEncryptedTyping', 'messages.readEncryptedHistory', 'messages.sendEncrypted', 'messages.sendEncryptedFile', 'messages.sendEncryptedService', 'messages.receivedQueue'])) { $aargs['queue'] = 'secret'; } if (\is_array($args)) { if (isset($args['multiple'])) { $aargs['multiple'] = true; } if (isset($args['message']) && \is_string($args['message']) && \mb_strlen($args['message'], 'UTF-8') > (yield from $this->API->getConfig())['message_length_max'] && \mb_strlen((yield from $this->API->parseMode($args))['message'], 'UTF-8') > (yield from $this->API->getConfig())['message_length_max']) { $args = (yield from $this->API->splitToChunks($args)); $promises = []; $aargs['queue'] = $method; $aargs['multiple'] = true; } if (isset($aargs['multiple'])) { $new_aargs = $aargs; $new_aargs['postpone'] = true; unset($new_aargs['multiple']); if (isset($args['multiple'])) { unset($args['multiple']); } $promises = []; foreach ($args as $single_args) { $promises[] = Tools::call($this->methodCallAsyncWrite($method, $single_args, $new_aargs)); } if (!isset($aargs['postpone'])) { $this->writer->resume(); } return (yield Tools::all($promises)); } $args = (yield from $this->API->botAPIToMTProto($args)); if (isset($args['ping_id']) && \is_int($args['ping_id'])) { $args['ping_id'] = Tools::packSignedLong($args['ping_id']); } } $deferred = new Deferred(); $methodInfo = $this->API->getTL()->getMethods()->findByMethod($method); if (!$methodInfo) { throw new Exception("Could not find method {$method}!"); } $message = \array_merge($aargs, ['_' => $method, 'type' => $methodInfo['type'], 'contentRelated' => $this->contentRelated($method), 'promise' => $deferred, 'method' => true, 'unencrypted' => !$this->shared->hasTempAuthKey() && \strpos($method, '.') === false]); if (\is_object($args) && $args instanceof AsyncParameters) { $message['body'] = (yield $args->fetchParameters()); } else { $message['body'] = $args; } if ($method === 'users.getUsers' && $args === ['id' => [['_' => 'inputUserSelf']]] || $method === 'auth.exportAuthorization' || $method === 'updates.getDifference') { $message['user_related'] = true; } $aargs['postpone'] = $aargs['postpone'] ?? false; $deferred = (yield from $this->sendMessage($message, !$aargs['postpone'])); $this->checker->resume(); return $deferred; } /** * Send object and make sure it is asynchronously sent (generator). * * @param string $object Object name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return Promise */ public function objectCall(string $object, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null]) : \Generator { $message = ['_' => $object, 'body' => $args, 'contentRelated' => $this->contentRelated($object), 'unencrypted' => !$this->shared->hasTempAuthKey(), 'method' => false]; if (isset($aargs['promise'])) { $message['promise'] = $aargs['promise']; } $aargs['postpone'] = $aargs['postpone'] ?? false; return $this->sendMessage($message, !$aargs['postpone']); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandler\MsgIdHandler32; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandler\MsgIdHandler64; if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { \class_alias(MsgIdHandler64::class, \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandler::class); } else { \class_alias(MsgIdHandler32::class, \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandler::class); }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession; use Amp\Loop; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * Manages responses. */ trait ResponseHandler { public function sendMsgsStateInfo($req_msg_id, $msg_ids) : \Generator { $this->logger->logger('Sending state info for ' . \count($msg_ids) . ' message IDs'); $info = ''; foreach ($msg_ids as $msg_id) { $cur_info = 0; if (!isset($this->incoming_messages[$msg_id])) { $msg_id = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\strrev($msg_id), 256); if ((new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\time() + $this->time_delta + 30))->bitwise_leftShift(32)->compare($msg_id) < 0) { $this->logger->logger("Do not know anything about {$msg_id} and it is too small"); $cur_info |= 3; } elseif ((new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\time() + $this->time_delta - 300))->bitwise_leftShift(32)->compare($msg_id) > 0) { $this->logger->logger("Do not know anything about {$msg_id} and it is too big"); $cur_info |= 1; } else { $this->logger->logger("Do not know anything about {$msg_id}"); $cur_info |= 2; } } else { $this->logger->logger("Know about {$msg_id}"); $cur_info |= 4; } $info .= \chr($cur_info); } $this->outgoing_messages[yield from $this->objectCall('msgs_state_info', ['req_msg_id' => $req_msg_id, 'info' => $info], ['postpone' => true])]['response'] = $req_msg_id; } public $n = 0; public function handleMessages() { $only_updates = true; while ($this->new_incoming) { \reset($this->new_incoming); $current_msg_id = \key($this->new_incoming); if (!isset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id])) { unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); continue; } $this->logger->logger((isset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['from_container']) ? 'Inside of container, received ' : 'Received ') . $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['_'] . ' from DC ' . $this->datacenter, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); switch ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['_']) { case 'msgs_ack': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; foreach ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'] as $msg_id) { $this->ackOutgoingMessageId($msg_id); // Acknowledge that the server received my message } unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); break; case 'rpc_result': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->ackIncomingMessageId($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; // Acknowledge that the server received my request $req_msg_id = $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['req_msg_id']; $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content'] = $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['result']; $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $this->handleResponse($req_msg_id, $current_msg_id); break; case 'future_salts': case 'msgs_state_info': $msg_id_type = 'req_msg_id'; // no break case 'bad_server_salt': case 'bad_msg_notification': $msg_id_type = isset($msg_id_type) ? $msg_id_type : 'bad_msg_id'; // no break case 'pong': $msg_id_type = isset($msg_id_type) ? $msg_id_type : 'msg_id'; unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; $this->handleResponse($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content'][$msg_id_type], $current_msg_id); unset($msg_id_type); break; case 'new_session_created': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; $this->shared->getTempAuthKey()->setServerSalt($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['server_salt']); $this->ackIncomingMessageId($current_msg_id); // Acknowledge that I received the server's response if ($this->API->authorized === MTProto::LOGGED_IN && !$this->API->isInitingAuthorization() && $this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->API->datacenter->curdc)->hasTempAuthKey() && isset($this->API->updaters[false])) { $this->API->updaters[false]->resumeDefer(); } unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); break; case 'msg_container': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $only_updates = false; foreach ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['messages'] as $message) { $this->msgIdHandler->checkMessageId($message['msg_id'], ['outgoing' => false, 'container' => true]); $this->incoming_messages[$message['msg_id']] = ['seq_no' => $message['seqno'], 'content' => $message['body'], 'from_container' => true]; $this->new_incoming[$message['msg_id']] = $message['msg_id']; } \ksort($this->new_incoming); //$this->handleMessages(); //$this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); break; case 'msg_copy': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; $this->ackIncomingMessageId($current_msg_id); // Acknowledge that I received the server's response if (isset($this->incoming_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['orig_message']['msg_id']])) { $this->ackIncomingMessageId($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['orig_message']['msg_id']); // Acknowledge that I received the server's response } else { $message = $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']; $this->msgIdHandler->checkMessageId($message['orig_message']['msg_id'], ['outgoing' => false, 'container' => true]); $this->incoming_messages[$message['orig_message']['msg_id']] = ['content' => $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['orig_message']]; $this->new_incoming[$message['orig_message']['msg_id']] = $message['orig_message']['msg_id']; } unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); break; case 'http_wait': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; $this->logger->logger($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); break; case 'msgs_state_req': $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->sendMsgsStateInfo($current_msg_id, $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'])); unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); break; case 'msgs_all_info': $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); foreach ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'] as $key => $msg_id) { $info = \ord($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['info'][$key]); $msg_id = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\strrev($msg_id), 256); $status = 'Status for message id ' . $msg_id . ': '; /*if ($info & 4) { *$this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($msg_id); *} */ foreach (MTProto::MSGS_INFO_FLAGS as $flag => $description) { if (($info & $flag) !== 0) { $status .= $description; } } $this->logger->logger($status, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } break; case 'msg_detailed_info': $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $only_updates = false; if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_id']])) { if (isset($this->incoming_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['answer_msg_id']])) { $this->handleResponse($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_id'], $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['answer_msg_id']); } else { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->objectCall('msg_resend_req', ['msg_ids' => [$this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['answer_msg_id']]], ['postpone' => true])); } } break; case 'msg_new_detailed_info': $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); if (isset($this->incoming_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['answer_msg_id']])) { $this->ackIncomingMessageId($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['answer_msg_id']); } else { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->objectCall('msg_resend_req', ['msg_ids' => [$this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['answer_msg_id']]], ['postpone' => true])); } break; case 'msg_resend_req': $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $ok = true; foreach ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'] as $msg_id) { if (!isset($this->outgoing_messages[$msg_id]) || isset($this->incoming_messages[$msg_id])) { $ok = false; } } if ($ok) { foreach ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'] as $msg_id) { $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $msg_id, 'postpone' => true]); } } else { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->sendMsgsStateInfo($current_msg_id, $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'])); } break; case 'msg_resend_ans_req': $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $only_updates = false; unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->sendMsgsStateInfo($current_msg_id, $this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'])); foreach ($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['msg_ids'] as $msg_id) { if (isset($this->incoming_messages[$msg_id]['response']) && isset($this->outgoing_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$msg_id]['response']])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($this->objectCall($this->outgoing_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$msg_id]['response']]['_'], $this->outgoing_messages[$this->incoming_messages[$msg_id]['response']]['body'], ['postpone' => true])); } } break; default: $this->checkInSeqNo($current_msg_id); $this->ackIncomingMessageId($current_msg_id); // Acknowledge that I received the server's response $response_type = $this->API->getTL()->getConstructors()->findByPredicate($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']['_'])['type']; switch ($response_type) { case 'Updates': unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); if (!$this->isCdn()) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callForkDefer($this->API->handleUpdates($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content'])); } unset($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content']); $only_updates = true && $only_updates; break; default: $only_updates = false; $this->logger->logger('Trying to assign a response of type ' . $response_type . ' to its request...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); foreach ($this->new_outgoing as $key => $expecting_msg_id) { $expecting = $this->outgoing_messages[$expecting_msg_id]; if (!isset($expecting['type'])) { continue; } $this->logger->logger('Does the request of return type ' . $expecting['type'] . ' match?', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($response_type === $expecting['type']) { $this->logger->logger('Yes', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); $this->handleResponse($expecting_msg_id, $current_msg_id); break 2; } $this->logger->logger('No', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); } $this->logger->logger('Dunno how to handle ' . PHP_EOL . \var_export($this->incoming_messages[$current_msg_id]['content'], true), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); unset($this->new_incoming[$current_msg_id]); break; } break; } } if ($this->pending_outgoing) { $this->writer->resume(); } //$this->n--; return $only_updates; } /** * Reject request with exception. * * @param array $request Request * @param \Throwable $data Exception * * @return void */ public function handleReject(&$request, \Throwable $data) { if (isset($request['promise']) && \is_object($request['promise'])) { Loop::defer(function () use(&$request, $data) { if (isset($request['promise'])) { $this->logger->logger('Rejecting: ' . (isset($request['_']) ? $request['_'] : '-')); $this->logger->logger("Rejecting: {$data}"); $promise = $request['promise']; unset($request['promise']); try { $promise->fail($data); } catch (\Error $e) { if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), "Promise has already been resolved") !== 0) { throw $e; } $this->logger->logger("Got promise already resolved error", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } else { $this->logger->logger('Rejecting: already got response for ' . (isset($request['_']) ? $request['_'] : '-')); $this->logger->logger("Rejecting: {$data}"); } }); } elseif (isset($request['container'])) { foreach ($request['container'] as $message_id) { $this->handleReject($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id], $data); } } else { $this->logger->logger('Rejecting: already got response for ' . (isset($request['_']) ? $request['_'] : '-')); $this->logger->logger("Rejecting: {$data}"); } } public function handleResponse($request_id, $response_id) { $response =& $this->incoming_messages[$response_id]['content']; unset($this->incoming_messages[$response_id]['content']); $request =& $this->outgoing_messages[$request_id]; if (isset($response['_'])) { switch ($response['_']) { case 'rpc_error': if (($request['method'] ?? false) && $request['_'] !== 'auth.bindTempAuthKey' && $this->shared->hasTempAuthKey() && !$this->shared->getTempAuthKey()->isInited()) { $this->shared->getTempAuthKey()->init(true); } if (\in_array($response['error_message'], ['PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_EMPTY', 'PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID'])) { $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\PTSException($response['error_message'])); return; } if ($response['error_message'] === 'PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED') { $response['error_code'] = 500; } if (\strpos($response['error_message'], 'FILE_REFERENCE_') === 0) { $this->logger->logger("Got {$response['error_message']}, refreshing file reference and repeating method call..."); $request['refreshReferences'] = true; if (isset($request['serialized_body'])) { unset($request['serialized_body']); } $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id, 'postpone' => true]); return; } switch ($response['error_code']) { case 500: case -500: if ($response['error_message'] === 'MSG_WAIT_FAILED') { $this->call_queue[$request['queue']] = []; $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id, 'postpone' => true]); return; } if (\in_array($response['error_message'], ['MSGID_DECREASE_RETRY', 'HISTORY_GET_FAILED', 'RPC_CALL_FAIL', 'PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED', 'RPC_MCGET_FAIL', 'no workers running', 'No workers running'])) { Loop::delay(1 * 1000, [$this, 'methodRecall'], ['message_id' => $request_id]); return; } $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($response['error_message'], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); return; case 303: $this->API->datacenter->curdc = $datacenter = (int) \preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $response['error_message']); if (isset($request['file']) && $request['file'] && $this->API->datacenter->has($datacenter . '_media')) { $datacenter .= '_media'; } if (isset($request['user_related']) && $request['user_related']) { $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc'] = $this->API->authorized_dc = $this->API->datacenter->curdc; } Loop::defer([$this, 'methodRecall'], ['message_id' => $request_id, 'datacenter' => $datacenter]); //$this->API->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id, 'datacenter' => $datacenter, 'postpone' => true]); return; case 401: switch ($response['error_message']) { case 'USER_DEACTIVATED': case 'SESSION_REVOKED': case 'SESSION_EXPIRED': $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->logger->logger($response['error_message'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); foreach ($this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $socket) { $socket->setTempAuthKey(null); $socket->setPermAuthKey(null); $socket->resetSession(); } if ($response['error_message'] === 'USER_DEACTIVATED') { $this->logger->logger('!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger("Telegram's flood prevention system suspended this account.", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->logger->logger('To continue, manual verification is required.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $phone = isset($this->authorization['user']['phone']) ? '+' . $this->authorization['user']['phone'] : 'you are currently using'; $this->logger->logger('Send an email to, asking to unban the phone number ' . $phone . ', and shortly describe what will you do with this phone number.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger('Then login again.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger('If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } $this->API->resetSession(); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use(&$request, &$response) : \Generator { yield from $this->API->initAuthorization(); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($response['error_message'], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); })()); return; case 'AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED': case 'AUTH_KEY_INVALID': if ($this->API->authorized !== MTProto::LOGGED_IN) { $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use(&$request, &$response) : \Generator { yield from $this->API->initAuthorization(); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($response['error_message'], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); })()); return; } $this->session_id = null; $this->shared->setTempAuthKey(null); $this->shared->setPermAuthKey(null); $this->logger->logger('Auth key not registered, resetting temporary and permanent auth keys...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); if ($this->API->authorized_dc === $this->datacenter && $this->API->authorized === MTProto::LOGGED_IN) { $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->logger->logger('Permanent auth key was main authorized key, logging out...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); foreach ($this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $socket) { $socket->setTempAuthKey(null); $socket->setPermAuthKey(null); } $this->logger->logger('!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger("Telegram's flood prevention system suspended this account.", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->logger->logger('To continue, manual verification is required.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $phone = isset($this->authorization['user']['phone']) ? '+' . $this->authorization['user']['phone'] : 'you are currently using'; $this->logger->logger('Send an email to, asking to unban the phone number ' . $phone . ', and quickly describe what will you do with this phone number.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger('Then login again.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger('If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->API->resetSession(); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use(&$request, &$response) : \Generator { yield from $this->API->initAuthorization(); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($response['error_message'], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); })()); return; } \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use($request_id) : \Generator { yield from $this->API->initAuthorization(); $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id]); })()); return; case 'AUTH_KEY_PERM_EMPTY': $this->logger->logger('Temporary auth key not bound, resetting temporary auth key...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->shared->setTempAuthKey(null); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use($request_id) : \Generator { yield from $this->API->initAuthorization(); $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id]); })()); return; } $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($response['error_message'], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); return; case 420: $seconds = \preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $response['error_message']); $limit = $request['FloodWaitLimit'] ?? $this->API->settings['flood_timeout']['wait_if_lt']; if (\is_numeric($seconds) && $seconds < $limit) { //$this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->logger->logger('Flood, waiting ' . $seconds . ' seconds before repeating async call of ' . ($request['_'] ?? '') . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $request['sent'] = ($request['sent'] ?? \time()) + $seconds; Loop::delay($seconds * 1000, [$this, 'methodRecall'], ['message_id' => $request_id]); return; } // no break default: $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException($response['error_message'], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); return; } return; case 'boolTrue': case 'boolFalse': $response = $response['_'] === 'boolTrue'; break; case 'bad_server_salt': case 'bad_msg_notification': $this->logger->logger('Received bad_msg_notification: ' . MTProto::BAD_MSG_ERROR_CODES[$response['error_code']], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); switch ($response['error_code']) { case 48: $this->shared->getTempAuthKey()->setServerSalt($response['new_server_salt']); $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id, 'postpone' => true]); return; case 16: case 17: $this->time_delta = (int) (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\strrev($response_id), 256))->bitwise_rightShift(32)->subtract(new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\time()))->toString(); $this->logger->logger('Set time delta to ' . $this->time_delta, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); $this->API->resetMTProtoSession(); $this->shared->setTempAuthKey(null); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use($request_id) : \Generator { yield from $this->API->initAuthorization(); $this->methodRecall('', ['message_id' => $request_id]); })()); return; } $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->handleReject($request, new \danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException('Received bad_msg_notification: ' . MTProto::BAD_MSG_ERROR_CODES[$response['error_code']], $response['error_code'], $request['_'] ?? '')); return; } } if (($request['method'] ?? false) && $request['_'] !== 'auth.bindTempAuthKey' && $this->shared->hasTempAuthKey() && !$this->shared->getTempAuthKey()->isInited()) { $this->shared->getTempAuthKey()->init(true); } if (!isset($request['promise'])) { $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $this->logger->logger('Response: already got response for ' . (isset($request['_']) ? $request['_'] : '-') . ' with message ID ' . $request_id); return; } $botAPI = isset($request['botAPI']) && $request['botAPI']; if (isset($response['_']) && !$this->isCdn() && $this->API->getTL()->getConstructors()->findByPredicate($response['_'])['type'] === 'Updates') { $response['request'] = $request; \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callForkDefer($this->API->handleUpdates($response)); } unset($request); $this->gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($request_id); $r = isset($response['_']) ? $response['_'] : \json_encode($response); $this->logger->logger("Defer sending {$r} to deferred", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use($request_id, $response, $botAPI) : \Generator { $r = isset($response['_']) ? $response['_'] : \json_encode($response); $this->logger->logger("Deferred: sent {$r} to deferred", Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if ($botAPI) { $response = (yield from $this->API->MTProtoToBotAPI($response)); } if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$request_id]['promise'])) { // This should not happen but happens, should debug $promise = $this->outgoing_messages[$request_id]['promise']; unset($this->outgoing_messages[$request_id]['promise']); try { $promise->resolve($response); } catch (\Error $e) { if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), "Promise has already been resolved") !== 0) { throw $e; } $this->logger->logger("Got promise already resolved error", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } })()); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession; /** * Manages message ids. */ abstract class MsgIdHandlerAbstract { /** * Session instance. * * @var Session */ protected $session; /** * Constructor. * * @param Session $session Session */ public function __construct(Session $session) { $this->session = $session; } /** * Check validity of given message ID. * * @param string $newMessageId New message ID * @param array $aargs Params * * @return void */ public abstract function checkMessageId($newMessageId, array $aargs); /** * Generate outgoing message ID. * * @return string */ public abstract function generateMessageId() : string; /** * Get maximum message ID. * * @param boolean $incoming Incoming or outgoing message ID * * @return mixed */ public abstract function getMaxId(bool $incoming); }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession; /** * Manages MTProto session-specific data. */ abstract class Session { use AckHandler; use ResponseHandler; use SeqNoHandler; use CallHandler; public $incoming_messages = []; public $outgoing_messages = []; public $new_incoming = []; public $new_outgoing = []; public $pending_outgoing = []; public $pending_outgoing_key = 'a'; public $time_delta = 0; public $call_queue = []; public $ack_queue = []; /** * Message ID handler. * * @var MsgIdHandlerAbstract */ public $msgIdHandler; /** * Reset MTProto session. * * @return void */ public function resetSession() { $this->session_id = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); $this->session_in_seq_no = 0; $this->session_out_seq_no = 0; $this->msgIdHandler = new MsgIdHandler($this); } /** * Create MTProto session if needed. * * @return void */ public function createSession() { if ($this->session_id === null) { $this->resetSession(); } } /** * Backup eventual unsent messages before session deletion. * * @return array */ public function backupSession() : array { $pending = \array_values($this->pending_outgoing); foreach ($this->new_outgoing as $id) { $pending[] = $this->outgoing_messages[$id]; } return $pending; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession; /** * Manages acknowledgement of messages. */ trait AckHandler { public function ackOutgoingMessageId($message_id) : bool { // The server acknowledges that it received my message if (!isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id])) { $this->logger->logger("WARNING: Couldn't find message id " . $message_id . ' in the array of outgoing messages. Maybe try to increase its size?', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); return false; } //$this->logger->logger("Ack-ed ".$this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_']." with message ID $message_id on DC $datacenter"); /* if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['body'])) { unset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['body']); } if (isset($this->new_outgoing[$message_id])) { unset($this->new_outgoing[$message_id]); }*/ return true; } public function gotResponseForOutgoingMessageId($message_id) : bool { // The server acknowledges that it received my message if (isset($this->new_outgoing[$message_id])) { unset($this->new_outgoing[$message_id]); } if (!isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id])) { $this->logger->logger("WARNING: Couldn't find message id " . $message_id . ' in the array of outgoing messages. Maybe try to increase its size?', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); return false; } if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['body'])) { unset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['body']); } if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['serialized_body'])) { unset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['serialized_body']); } return true; } public function ackIncomingMessageId($message_id) : bool { // I let the server know that I received its message if (!isset($this->incoming_messages[$message_id])) { $this->logger->logger("WARNING: Couldn't find message id " . $message_id . ' in the array of incoming messages. Maybe try to increase its size?', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } /*if ($this->temp_auth_key['id'] === null || $this->temp_auth_key['id'] === "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") { // || (isset($this->incoming_messages[$message_id]['ack']) && $this->incoming_messages[$message_id]['ack'])) { return; }*/ $this->ack_queue[$message_id] = $message_id; return true; } /** * Check if there are some pending calls. * * @return boolean */ public function hasPendingCalls() : bool { $settings = $this->shared->getSettings(); $timeout = $settings['timeout']; $pfs = $settings['pfs']; $unencrypted = !$this->shared->hasTempAuthKey(); $notBound = !$this->shared->isBound(); $pfsNotBound = $pfs && $notBound; foreach ($this->new_outgoing as $message_id) { if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent']) && $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] + $timeout < \time() && $unencrypted === $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['unencrypted'] && $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] !== 'msgs_state_req') { if ($pfsNotBound && $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] !== 'auth.bindTempAuthKey') { continue; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Get all pending calls (also clear pending state requests). * * @return array */ public function getPendingCalls() : array { $settings = $this->shared->getSettings(); $timeout = $settings['timeout']; $pfs = $settings['pfs']; $unencrypted = !$this->shared->hasTempAuthKey(); $notBound = !$this->shared->isBound(); $pfsNotBound = $pfs && $notBound; $result = []; foreach ($this->new_outgoing as $k => $message_id) { if (isset($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent']) && $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['sent'] + $timeout < \time() && $unencrypted === $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['unencrypted']) { if ($pfsNotBound && $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] !== 'auth.bindTempAuthKey') { continue; } if ($this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]['_'] === 'msgs_state_req') { unset($this->new_outgoing[$k], $this->outgoing_messages[$message_id]); continue; } $result[] = $message_id; } } return $result; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandlerAbstract; /** * Manages message ids. */ class MsgIdHandler32 extends MsgIdHandlerAbstract { /** * Maximum incoming ID. * * @var BigInteger */ private $maxIncomingId; /** * Maximum outgoing ID. * * @var BigInteger */ private $maxOutgoingId; /** * Check validity of given message ID. * * @param string $newMessageId New message ID * @param array $aargs Params * * @return void */ public function checkMessageId($newMessageId, array $aargs) { $newMessageId = \is_object($newMessageId) ? $newMessageId : new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\strrev($newMessageId), 256); $minMessageId = (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\time() + $this->session->time_delta - 300))->bitwise_leftShift(32); if ($minMessageId->compare($newMessageId) > 0) { $this->session->API->logger->logger('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is too old compared to the min value (' . $minMessageId . ').', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } $maxMessageId = (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\time() + $this->session->time_delta + 30))->bitwise_leftShift(32); if ($maxMessageId->compare($newMessageId) < 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is too new compared to the max value (' . $maxMessageId . '). Consider syncing your date.'); } if ($aargs['outgoing']) { if (!$newMessageId->divide(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$four)[1]->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is not divisible by 4. Consider syncing your date.'); } if ($newMessageId->compare($key = $this->getMaxId($incoming = false)) <= 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is lower than or equal to the current limit (' . $key . '). Consider syncing your date.', 1); } if (\count($this->session->outgoing_messages) > $this->session->API->settings['msg_array_limit']['outgoing']) { \reset($this->session->outgoing_messages); $key = \key($this->session->outgoing_messages); if (!isset($this->session->outgoing_messages[$key]['promise'])) { unset($this->session->outgoing_messages[$key]); } } $this->maxOutgoingId = $newMessageId; $this->session->outgoing_messages[\strrev($newMessageId->toBytes())] = []; } else { if (!$newMessageId->divide(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$four)[1]->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one) && !$newMessageId->divide(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$four)[1]->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$three)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('message id mod 4 != 1 or 3'); } $key = $this->getMaxId($incoming = true); if ($aargs['container']) { if ($newMessageId->compare($key = $this->getMaxId($incoming = true)) >= 0) { $this->session->API->logger->logger('WARNING: Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is bigger than or equal to the current limit (' . $key . '). Consider syncing your date.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } } else { if ($newMessageId->compare($key = $this->getMaxId($incoming = true)) <= 0) { $this->session->API->logger->logger('WARNING: Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is lower than or equal to the current limit (' . $key . '). Consider syncing your date.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } } if (\count($this->session->incoming_messages) > $this->session->API->settings['msg_array_limit']['incoming']) { \reset($this->session->incoming_messages); $key = \key($this->session->incoming_messages); if (!isset($this->session->incoming_messages[$key]['promise'])) { unset($this->session->incoming_messages[$key]); } } $this->maxIncomingId = $newMessageId; $this->session->incoming_messages[\strrev($newMessageId->toBytes())] = []; } } /** * Generate message ID. * * @return string */ public function generateMessageId() : string { $message_id = (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\time() + $this->session->time_delta))->bitwise_leftShift(32); if ($message_id->compare($key = $this->getMaxId($incoming = false)) <= 0) { $message_id = $key->add(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$four); } $this->checkMessageId($message_id, ['outgoing' => true, 'container' => false]); return \strrev($message_id->toBytes()); } /** * Get maximum message ID. * * @param boolean $incoming Incoming or outgoing message ID * * @return mixed */ public function getMaxId(bool $incoming) { $incoming = $incoming ? 'Incoming' : 'Outgoing'; if (isset($this->{'max' . $incoming . 'Id'}) && \is_object($this->{'max' . $incoming . 'Id'})) { return $this->{'max' . $incoming . 'Id'}; } return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero; } /** * Reset message IDs. * * @return void */ public function reset() { $this->maxIncomingId = null; $this->maxOutgoingId = null; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\MsgIdHandlerAbstract; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Manages message ids. */ class MsgIdHandler64 extends MsgIdHandlerAbstract { /** * Maximum incoming ID. * * @var int */ private $maxIncomingId = 0; /** * Maximum outgoing ID. * * @var int */ private $maxOutgoingId = 0; /** * Check validity of given message ID. * * @param string $newMessageId New message ID * @param array $aargs Params * * @return void */ public function checkMessageId($newMessageId, array $aargs) { $newMessageId = \is_integer($newMessageId) ? $newMessageId : Tools::unpackSignedLong($newMessageId); $minMessageId = \time() + $this->session->time_delta - 300 << 32; if ($newMessageId < $minMessageId) { $this->session->API->logger->logger('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is too old compared to the min value (' . $minMessageId . ').', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } $maxMessageId = \time() + $this->session->time_delta + 30 << 32; if ($newMessageId > $maxMessageId) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is too new compared to the max value (' . $maxMessageId . '). Consider syncing your date.'); } if ($aargs['outgoing']) { if ($newMessageId % 4) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is not divisible by 4. Consider syncing your date.'); } if ($newMessageId <= $this->maxOutgoingId) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is lower than or equal to the current limit (' . $this->maxOutgoingId . '). Consider syncing your date.'); } if (\count($this->session->outgoing_messages) > $this->session->API->settings['msg_array_limit']['outgoing']) { \reset($this->session->outgoing_messages); $key = \key($this->session->outgoing_messages); if (!isset($this->session->outgoing_messages[$key]['promise'])) { unset($this->session->outgoing_messages[$key]); } } $this->maxOutgoingId = $newMessageId; $this->session->outgoing_messages[Tools::packSignedLong($newMessageId)] = []; } else { if (!($newMessageId % 2)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('message id mod 4 != 1 or 3'); } $key = $this->maxIncomingId; if ($aargs['container']) { if ($newMessageId >= $key) { $this->session->API->logger->logger('WARNING: Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is bigger than or equal to the current limit (' . $key . '). Consider syncing your date.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } } else { if ($newMessageId <= $key) { $this->session->API->logger->logger('WARNING: Given message id (' . $newMessageId . ') is lower than or equal to the current limit (' . $key . '). Consider syncing your date.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } } if (\count($this->session->incoming_messages) > $this->session->API->settings['msg_array_limit']['incoming']) { \reset($this->session->incoming_messages); $key = \key($this->session->incoming_messages); if (!isset($this->session->incoming_messages[$key]['promise'])) { unset($this->session->incoming_messages[$key]); } } $this->maxIncomingId = $newMessageId; $this->session->incoming_messages[Tools::packSignedLong($newMessageId)] = []; } } /** * Generate message ID. * * @return string */ public function generateMessageId() : string { $messageId = \time() + $this->session->time_delta << 32; if ($messageId <= $this->maxOutgoingId) { $messageId = $this->maxOutgoingId + 4; } $this->checkMessageId($messageId, ['outgoing' => true, 'container' => false]); return Tools::packSignedLong($messageId); } /** * Get maximum message ID. * * @param boolean $incoming Incoming or outgoing message ID * * @return mixed */ public function getMaxId(bool $incoming) { return $this->{$incoming ? 'maxIncomingId' : 'maxOutgoingId'}; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\DoH\DoHConfig; use Amp\DoH\Nameserver; use Amp\DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\Loop\Driver; use ReflectionClass; use function Amp\ByteStream\getInputBufferStream; use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdin; use function Amp\Dns\resolver; use function Amp\Promise\wait; class Magic { /** * Static storage. * * @var array */ public static $storage = []; /** * Whether has threads. * * @var boolean */ public static $has_thread = false; /** * Whether this system is bigendian. * * @var boolean */ public static $BIG_ENDIAN = false; /** * Whether this system is 32-bit and requires bigint. * * @var boolean */ public static $bigint = true; /** * Whether this is a TTY console. * * @var boolean */ public static $isatty = false; /** * Whether we're in a fork. * * @var boolean */ public static $isFork = false; /** * Whether we can get our PID. * * @var boolean */ public static $can_getmypid = true; /** * Whether we can amphp/parallel. * * @var boolean */ public static $can_parallel = false; /** * Whether we can get our CWD. * * @var boolean */ public static $can_getcwd = false; /** * Whether we've processed forks. * * @var boolean */ public static $processed_fork = false; /** * Whether we can use ipv6. * * @var bool */ public static $ipv6 = false; /** * Our PID. * * @var int */ public static $pid; /** * Whether we've inited all static constants. * * @var boolean */ public static $inited = false; /** * Bigint zero. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $zero; /** * Bigint one. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $one; /** * Bigint two. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $two; /** * Bigint three. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $three; /** * Bigint four. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $four; /** * Bigint 2^1984. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $twoe1984; /** * Bigint 2^2047. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $twoe2047; /** * Bigint 2^2048. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $twoe2048; /** * Bigint 2^31. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $zeroeight; /** * Bigint 20261. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public static $twozerotwosixone; /** * Decoded UTF8 emojis for call fingerprint. * * @var array */ public static $emojis; /** * MadelineProto revision. * * @var string */ public static $revision; /** * Our CWD. * * @var string */ public static $cwd; /** * Caller script CWD. * * @var string */ public static $script_cwd; /** * Whether we're running on altervista. * * @var boolean */ public static $altervista = false; /** * Wether we're running on 000webhost (yuck). * * @var boolean */ public static $zerowebhost = false; /** * Whether a signal was sent to the processand the system must shut down. * * @var boolean */ public static $signaled = false; /** * Encoded emojis. * * @var string */ const JSON_EMOJIS = '["\\ud83d\\ude09","\\ud83d\\ude0d","\\ud83d\\ude1b","\\ud83d\\ude2d","\\ud83d\\ude31","\\ud83d\\ude21","\\ud83d\\ude0e","\\ud83d\\ude34","\\ud83d\\ude35","\\ud83d\\ude08","\\ud83d\\ude2c","\\ud83d\\ude07","\\ud83d\\ude0f","\\ud83d\\udc6e","\\ud83d\\udc77","\\ud83d\\udc82","\\ud83d\\udc76","\\ud83d\\udc68","\\ud83d\\udc69","\\ud83d\\udc74","\\ud83d\\udc75","\\ud83d\\ude3b","\\ud83d\\ude3d","\\ud83d\\ude40","\\ud83d\\udc7a","\\ud83d\\ude48","\\ud83d\\ude49","\\ud83d\\ude4a","\\ud83d\\udc80","\\ud83d\\udc7d","\\ud83d\\udca9","\\ud83d\\udd25","\\ud83d\\udca5","\\ud83d\\udca4","\\ud83d\\udc42","\\ud83d\\udc40","\\ud83d\\udc43","\\ud83d\\udc45","\\ud83d\\udc44","\\ud83d\\udc4d","\\ud83d\\udc4e","\\ud83d\\udc4c","\\ud83d\\udc4a","\\u270c","\\u270b","\\ud83d\\udc50","\\ud83d\\udc46","\\ud83d\\udc47","\\ud83d\\udc49","\\ud83d\\udc48","\\ud83d\\ude4f","\\ud83d\\udc4f","\\ud83d\\udcaa","\\ud83d\\udeb6","\\ud83c\\udfc3","\\ud83d\\udc83","\\ud83d\\udc6b","\\ud83d\\udc6a","\\ud83d\\udc6c","\\ud83d\\udc6d","\\ud83d\\udc85","\\ud83c\\udfa9","\\ud83d\\udc51","\\ud83d\\udc52","\\ud83d\\udc5f","\\ud83d\\udc5e","\\ud83d\\udc60","\\ud83d\\udc55","\\ud83d\\udc57","\\ud83d\\udc56","\\ud83d\\udc59","\\ud83d\\udc5c","\\ud83d\\udc53","\\ud83c\\udf80","\\ud83d\\udc84","\\ud83d\\udc9b","\\ud83d\\udc99","\\ud83d\\udc9c","\\ud83d\\udc9a","\\ud83d\\udc8d","\\ud83d\\udc8e","\\ud83d\\udc36","\\ud83d\\udc3a","\\ud83d\\udc31","\\ud83d\\udc2d","\\ud83d\\udc39","\\ud83d\\udc30","\\ud83d\\udc38","\\ud83d\\udc2f","\\ud83d\\udc28","\\ud83d\\udc3b","\\ud83d\\udc37","\\ud83d\\udc2e","\\ud83d\\udc17","\\ud83d\\udc34","\\ud83d\\udc11","\\ud83d\\udc18","\\ud83d\\udc3c","\\ud83d\\udc27","\\ud83d\\udc25","\\ud83d\\udc14","\\ud83d\\udc0d","\\ud83d\\udc22","\\ud83d\\udc1b","\\ud83d\\udc1d","\\ud83d\\udc1c","\\ud83d\\udc1e","\\ud83d\\udc0c","\\ud83d\\udc19","\\ud83d\\udc1a","\\ud83d\\udc1f","\\ud83d\\udc2c","\\ud83d\\udc0b","\\ud83d\\udc10","\\ud83d\\udc0a","\\ud83d\\udc2b","\\ud83c\\udf40","\\ud83c\\udf39","\\ud83c\\udf3b","\\ud83c\\udf41","\\ud83c\\udf3e","\\ud83c\\udf44","\\ud83c\\udf35","\\ud83c\\udf34","\\ud83c\\udf33","\\ud83c\\udf1e","\\ud83c\\udf1a","\\ud83c\\udf19","\\ud83c\\udf0e","\\ud83c\\udf0b","\\u26a1","\\u2614","\\u2744","\\u26c4","\\ud83c\\udf00","\\ud83c\\udf08","\\ud83c\\udf0a","\\ud83c\\udf93","\\ud83c\\udf86","\\ud83c\\udf83","\\ud83d\\udc7b","\\ud83c\\udf85","\\ud83c\\udf84","\\ud83c\\udf81","\\ud83c\\udf88","\\ud83d\\udd2e","\\ud83c\\udfa5","\\ud83d\\udcf7","\\ud83d\\udcbf","\\ud83d\\udcbb","\\u260e","\\ud83d\\udce1","\\ud83d\\udcfa","\\ud83d\\udcfb","\\ud83d\\udd09","\\ud83d\\udd14","\\u23f3","\\u23f0","\\u231a","\\ud83d\\udd12","\\ud83d\\udd11","\\ud83d\\udd0e","\\ud83d\\udca1","\\ud83d\\udd26","\\ud83d\\udd0c","\\ud83d\\udd0b","\\ud83d\\udebf","\\ud83d\\udebd","\\ud83d\\udd27","\\ud83d\\udd28","\\ud83d\\udeaa","\\ud83d\\udeac","\\ud83d\\udca3","\\ud83d\\udd2b","\\ud83d\\udd2a","\\ud83d\\udc8a","\\ud83d\\udc89","\\ud83d\\udcb0","\\ud83d\\udcb5","\\ud83d\\udcb3","\\u2709","\\ud83d\\udceb","\\ud83d\\udce6","\\ud83d\\udcc5","\\ud83d\\udcc1","\\u2702","\\ud83d\\udccc","\\ud83d\\udcce","\\u2712","\\u270f","\\ud83d\\udcd0","\\ud83d\\udcda","\\ud83d\\udd2c","\\ud83d\\udd2d","\\ud83c\\udfa8","\\ud83c\\udfac","\\ud83c\\udfa4","\\ud83c\\udfa7","\\ud83c\\udfb5","\\ud83c\\udfb9","\\ud83c\\udfbb","\\ud83c\\udfba","\\ud83c\\udfb8","\\ud83d\\udc7e","\\ud83c\\udfae","\\ud83c\\udccf","\\ud83c\\udfb2","\\ud83c\\udfaf","\\ud83c\\udfc8","\\ud83c\\udfc0","\\u26bd","\\u26be","\\ud83c\\udfbe","\\ud83c\\udfb1","\\ud83c\\udfc9","\\ud83c\\udfb3","\\ud83c\\udfc1","\\ud83c\\udfc7","\\ud83c\\udfc6","\\ud83c\\udfca","\\ud83c\\udfc4","\\u2615","\\ud83c\\udf7c","\\ud83c\\udf7a","\\ud83c\\udf77","\\ud83c\\udf74","\\ud83c\\udf55","\\ud83c\\udf54","\\ud83c\\udf5f","\\ud83c\\udf57","\\ud83c\\udf71","\\ud83c\\udf5a","\\ud83c\\udf5c","\\ud83c\\udf61","\\ud83c\\udf73","\\ud83c\\udf5e","\\ud83c\\udf69","\\ud83c\\udf66","\\ud83c\\udf82","\\ud83c\\udf70","\\ud83c\\udf6a","\\ud83c\\udf6b","\\ud83c\\udf6d","\\ud83c\\udf6f","\\ud83c\\udf4e","\\ud83c\\udf4f","\\ud83c\\udf4a","\\ud83c\\udf4b","\\ud83c\\udf52","\\ud83c\\udf47","\\ud83c\\udf49","\\ud83c\\udf53","\\ud83c\\udf51","\\ud83c\\udf4c","\\ud83c\\udf50","\\ud83c\\udf4d","\\ud83c\\udf46","\\ud83c\\udf45","\\ud83c\\udf3d","\\ud83c\\udfe1","\\ud83c\\udfe5","\\ud83c\\udfe6","\\u26ea","\\ud83c\\udff0","\\u26fa","\\ud83c\\udfed","\\ud83d\\uddfb","\\ud83d\\uddfd","\\ud83c\\udfa0","\\ud83c\\udfa1","\\u26f2","\\ud83c\\udfa2","\\ud83d\\udea2","\\ud83d\\udea4","\\u2693","\\ud83d\\ude80","\\u2708","\\ud83d\\ude81","\\ud83d\\ude82","\\ud83d\\ude8b","\\ud83d\\ude8e","\\ud83d\\ude8c","\\ud83d\\ude99","\\ud83d\\ude97","\\ud83d\\ude95","\\ud83d\\ude9b","\\ud83d\\udea8","\\ud83d\\ude94","\\ud83d\\ude92","\\ud83d\\ude91","\\ud83d\\udeb2","\\ud83d\\udea0","\\ud83d\\ude9c","\\ud83d\\udea6","\\u26a0","\\ud83d\\udea7","\\u26fd","\\ud83c\\udfb0","\\ud83d\\uddff","\\ud83c\\udfaa","\\ud83c\\udfad","\\ud83c\\uddef\\ud83c\\uddf5","\\ud83c\\uddf0\\u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/** * Initialize magic constants. * * @return void */ public static function classExists() { \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); \set_exception_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionHandler']); if (!self::$inited) { if (!\defined('\\tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\SymmetricKey::MODE_IGE') || \tgseclib\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::MODE_IGE !== 7) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['phpseclib_fork']); } foreach (['xml', 'fileinfo', 'json', 'mbstring'] as $extension) { if (!\extension_loaded($extension)) { throw Exception::extension($extension); } } self::$has_thread = \class_exists('\\Thread') && \method_exists('\\Thread', 'getCurrentThread'); self::$BIG_ENDIAN = \pack('L', 1) === \pack('N', 1); self::$bigint = PHP_INT_SIZE < 8; self::$ipv6 = (bool) \strlen(@\file_get_contents('', false, \stream_context_create(['http' => ['timeout' => 1]]))) > 0; \preg_match('/const V = (\\d+);/', @\file_get_contents(''), $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) && \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::V < (int) $matches[1]) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\hex2bin(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['v_error']), 0, null, 'MadelineProto', 1); } if (\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { if (!\defined('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP::PHP_LIBTGVOIP_VERSION') || !\in_array(\danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::PHP_LIBTGVOIP_VERSION, ['1.4.0'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\hex2bin(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['v_tgerror']), 0, null, 'MadelineProto', 1); } } self::$emojis = \json_decode(self::JSON_EMOJIS); self::$zero = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(0); self::$one = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(1); self::$two = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(2); self::$three = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(3); self::$four = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(4); self::$twoe1984 = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger('1751908409537131537220509645351687597690304110853111572994449976845956819751541616602568796259317428464425605223064365804210081422215355425149431390635151955247955156636234741221447435733643262808668929902091770092492911737768377135426590363166295684370498604708288556044687341394398676292971255828404734517580702346564613427770683056761383955397564338690628093211465848244049196353703022640400205739093118270803778352768276670202698397214556629204420309965547056893233608758387329699097930255380715679250799950923553703740673620901978370802540218870279314810722790539899334271514365444369275682816'); self::$twoe2047 = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger('16158503035655503650357438344334975980222051334857742016065172713762327569433945446598600705761456731844358980460949009747059779575245460547544076193224141560315438683650498045875098875194826053398028819192033784138396109321309878080919047169238085235290822926018152521443787945770532904303776199561965192760957166694834171210342487393282284747428088017663161029038902829665513096354230157075129296432088558362971801859230928678799175576150822952201848806616643615613562842355410104862578550863465661734839271290328348967522998634176499319107762583194718667771801067716614802322659239302476074096777926805529798115328'); self::$twoe2048 = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger('32317006071311007300714876688669951960444102669715484032130345427524655138867890893197201411522913463688717960921898019494119559150490921095088152386448283120630877367300996091750197750389652106796057638384067568276792218642619756161838094338476170470581645852036305042887575891541065808607552399123930385521914333389668342420684974786564569494856176035326322058077805659331026192708460314150258592864177116725943603718461857357598351152301645904403697613233287231227125684710820209725157101726931323469678542580656697935045997268352998638215525166389437335543602135433229604645318478604952148193555853611059596230656'); self::$twozerotwosixone = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(20261); self::$zeroeight = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger('2147483648'); try { self::$isatty = \defined('STDOUT') && \function_exists('posix_isatty') && \posix_isatty(STDOUT); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { } self::$altervista = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) && \strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'], ''); self::$zerowebhost = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) && \strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'], ''); self::$can_getmypid = !self::$altervista && !self::$zerowebhost; self::$revision = @\file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../../.git/refs/heads/master'); if (self::$revision) { self::$revision = \trim(self::$revision); $latest = @\file_get_contents(''); if ($latest) { $latest = self::$revision === \trim($latest) ? '' : ' (AN UPDATE IS REQUIRED)'; } self::$revision = 'Revision: ' . self::$revision . $latest; } self::$can_parallel = false; if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && !(\class_exists(\Phar::class) && \Phar::running())) { try { $back = \debug_backtrace(0); \define('AMP_WORKER', 1); $promise = \Amp\File\get(\end($back)['file']); do { try { if (wait($promise)) { self::$can_parallel = true; break; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== 'Loop stopped without resolving the promise') { throw $e; } } } while (true); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } if (!self::$can_parallel && !\defined('AMP_WORKER')) { \define('AMP_WORKER', 1); } $backtrace = \debug_backtrace(0); self::$script_cwd = self::$cwd = \dirname(\end($backtrace)['file']); try { self::$cwd = \getcwd(); self::$can_getcwd = true; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { } // Even an empty handler is enough to catch ctrl+c if (\defined('SIGINT')) { //if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) pcntl_async_signals(true); Loop::unreference(Loop::onSignal(SIGINT, static function () { Logger::log('Got sigint', Logger::FATAL_ERROR); Magic::shutdown(1); })); Loop::unreference(Loop::onSignal(SIGTERM, static function () { Logger::log('Got sigterm', Logger::FATAL_ERROR); Magic::shutdown(1); })); } /*if (!self::$altervista && !self::$zerowebhost) { $DohConfig = new DoHConfig( [ new Nameserver(''), new Nameserver(''), ] ); resolver(new Rfc8484StubResolver($DohConfig)); }*/ if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { try { \error_reporting(E_ALL); \ini_set('log_errors', 1); \ini_set('error_log', Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log'); \error_log('Enabled PHP logging'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { //$this->logger->logger('Could not enable PHP logging'); } } $res = \json_decode(@\file_get_contents(''), true); if (isset($res['ok']) && $res['ok']) { RPCErrorException::$errorMethodMap = $res['result']; RPCErrorException::$descriptions += $res['human_result']; } self::$inited = true; } } /** * Check if this is a POSIX fork of the main PHP process. * * @return boolean */ public static function isFork() { if (self::$isFork) { return true; } if (!self::$can_getmypid) { return false; } try { if (self::$pid === null) { self::$pid = \getmypid(); } return self::$isFork = self::$pid !== \getmypid(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return self::$can_getmypid = false; } } /** * Get current working directory. * * @return string */ public static function getcwd() : string { return self::$can_getcwd ? \getcwd() : self::$cwd; } /** * Shutdown system. * * @param int $code Exit code * * @return void */ public static function shutdown(int $code = 0) { self::$signaled = true; if (\defined(STDIN::class)) { getStdin()->unreference(); } getInputBufferStream()->unreference(); if ($code !== 0) { $driver = Loop::get(); $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(Driver::class); $reflectionProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('watchers'); $reflectionProperty->setAccessible(true); foreach (\array_keys($reflectionProperty->getValue($driver)) as $key) { $driver->unreference($key); } } Loop::stop(); die($code); } }" } ], "type": "ChatFull" }, { "id": "-925415106", "predicate": "chatParticipant", "params": [ { "name": "user_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "inviter_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "date", "type": "int" } ], "type": "ChatParticipant" }, { "id": "265468810", "predicate": "chatParticipantsForbidden", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "ChatParticipants" }, { "id": "2017571861", "predicate": "chatParticipants", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", 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= Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true 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version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#eb7bb160 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#5ea182f6 new_salt:bytes new_secure_salt:bytes secure_random:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#ca39b447 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes new_secure_salt:bytes secure_random:bytes hint:string email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#7bd9c3f1 email:string secure_salt:bytes secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#21ffa60d flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_salt:flags.2?bytes new_secure_secret:flags.2?bytes new_secure_secret_id:flags.2?long = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#5585a139 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.wTermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector dc_id:int = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true manage_call:flags.10?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#b4b4b699 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#67872e8 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#cb976d53 flags:# selfie_required:flags.1?true required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#823380b4 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#c000e4c8 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#adc3e828 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector; // LAYER 81 . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Loop; use function Amp\Promise\all; class CombinedAPI { use \danog\Serializable; use Tools; public $session; public $instance_paths = []; public $instances = []; public $timeout = 5; public $serialization_interval = 30; public $serialized = 0; protected $async; public function __magic_construct($session, $paths = []) { \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::classExists(); $realpaths = Serialization::realpaths($session); $this->session = $realpaths['file']; foreach ($paths as $path => $settings) { $this->addInstance($path, $settings); } if (\file_exists($realpaths['file'])) { if (!\file_exists($realpaths['lockfile'])) { \touch($realpaths['lockfile']); \clearstatcache(); } $realpaths['lockfile'] = \fopen($realpaths['lockfile'], 'r'); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Waiting for shared lock of serialization lockfile...'); \flock($realpaths['lockfile'], LOCK_SH); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Shared lock acquired, deserializing...'); try { $tounserialize = \file_get_contents($realpaths['file']); } finally { \flock($realpaths['lockfile'], LOCK_UN); \fclose($realpaths['lockfile']); } $deserialized = \unserialize($tounserialize); /*foreach ($deserialized['instance_paths'] as $path) { $this->addInstance($path, isset($paths[$path]) ? $paths[$path] : []); }*/ $this->event_handler = $deserialized['event_handler']; $this->event_handler_instance = $deserialized['event_handler_instance']; if ($this->event_handler !== null) { $this->setEventHandler($this->event_handler); } } foreach ($paths as $path => $settings) { $this->addInstance($path, $settings); } } public function addInstance($path, $settings = []) { if (isset($this->instances[$path]) && isset($this->instance_paths[$path])) { if (isset($this->event_handler_instance)) { $this->event_handler_instance->referenceInstance($path); } return; } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::constructor(3); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log("INSTANTIATING {$path}..."); $instance = new \danog\MadelineProto\API($path, $settings); $this->instance_paths[$path] = $path; $this->instances[$path] = $instance; if (isset($this->event_handler_instance)) { $this->event_handler_instance->referenceInstance($path); } } public function removeInstance($path) { if (isset($this->instance_paths[$path])) { unset($this->instance_paths[$path]); } if (isset($this->instances[$path])) { unset($this->instances[$path]); } if (isset($this->event_handler_instance)) { $this->event_handler_instance->removeInstance($path); } } public function __destruct() { if (\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$has_thread && \is_object(\Thread::getCurrentThread()) || Magic::isFork()) { return; } $this->serialize(); } public function serialize($filename = '') { /*foreach ($this->instances as $instance) { $instance->serialize(); }*/ if (\is_null($this->session)) { return; } if ($filename === '') { $filename = $this->session; } Logger::log(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['serializing_madelineproto']); $realpaths = Serialization::realpaths($filename); if (!\file_exists($realpaths['lockfile'])) { \touch($realpaths['lockfile']); \clearstatcache(); } $realpaths['lockfile'] = \fopen($realpaths['lockfile'], 'w'); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Waiting for exclusive lock of serialization lockfile...'); \flock($realpaths['lockfile'], LOCK_EX); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Lock acquired, serializing'); try { $wrote = \file_put_contents($realpaths['tempfile'], \serialize(['event_handler' => $this->event_handler, 'event_handler_instance' => $this->event_handler_instance, 'instance_paths' => $this->instance_paths])); \rename($realpaths['tempfile'], $realpaths['file']); } finally { \flock($realpaths['lockfile'], LOCK_UN); \fclose($realpaths['lockfile']); } $this->serialized = \time(); return $wrote; } public $event_handler; private $event_handler_instance; private $event_handler_methods = []; public function getEventHandler() { return $this->event_handler_instance; } public function setEventHandler($event_handler) { if (!\class_exists($event_handler) || !\is_subclass_of($event_handler, '\\danog\\MadelineProto\\CombinedEventHandler')) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong event handler was defined'); } $this->event_handler = $event_handler; if (!$this->event_handler_instance instanceof $this->event_handler) { $class_name = $this->event_handler; $this->event_handler_instance = new $class_name($this); } else { $this->event_handler_instance->__construct($this); } $this->event_handler_methods = []; foreach (\get_class_methods($this->event_handler) as $method) { if ($method === 'onLoop') { $this->loop_callback = [$this->event_handler_instance, 'onLoop']; } elseif ($method === 'onAny') { foreach (\end($this->instances)->API->getTL()->getConstructors()->by_id as $constructor) { if ($constructor['type'] === 'Update' && !isset($this->event_handler_methods[$constructor['predicate']])) { $this->event_handler_methods[$constructor['predicate']] = [$this->event_handler_instance, 'onAny']; } } } else { $method_name = \lcfirst(\substr($method, 2)); $this->event_handler_methods[$method_name] = [$this->event_handler_instance, $method]; } } } public function eventUpdateHandler($update, $instance) { if (isset($this->event_handler_methods[$update['_']])) { return $this->event_handler_methods[$update['_']]($update, $instance); } } private $loop_callback; public function async($async) { $this->async = $async; foreach ($this->instances as $instance) { $instance->async($async); } } public function setLoopCallback($callback) { $this->loop_callback = $callback; } public function getUpdates($params = []) { } public function loop($max_forks = 0) { if (\is_callable($max_forks)) { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait($max_forks()); } $loops = []; foreach ($this->instances as $path => $instance) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait($instance->initAsynchronously()); if ($instance->API->authorized !== MTProto::LOGGED_IN) { continue; } if (!$instance->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { $instance->API->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $instance->API->startUpdateSystem(); } $instance->setCallback(function ($update) use($path) { return $this->eventUpdateHandler($update, $path); }, ['async' => false]); if ($this->loop_callback !== null) { $instance->setLoopCallback($this->loop_callback, ['async' => false]); } $loops[] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($instance->loop(0, ['async' => true])); } Loop::repeat($this->serialization_interval * 1000, function () { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Serializing combined event handler'); $this->serialize(); }); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Started update loop', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait(all($loops)); } }resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector = ResPQ; vector {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; p_q_inner_data_dc#a9f55f95 pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 dc:int = P_Q_inner_data; p_q_inner_data_temp_dc#56fddf88 pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 dc:int expires_in:int = P_Q_inner_data; p_q_inner_data pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; p_q_inner_data_temp pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 expires_in:int = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; bind_auth_key_inner#75a3f765 nonce:long temp_auth_key_id:long perm_auth_key_id:long temp_session_id:long expires_at:int = BindAuthKeyInner; rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<%Message> = MessageContainer; message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:bytes = Object; msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msg_resend_ans_req#8610baeb msg_ids:Vector = MsgResendReq; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector = MsgResendReq; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; rsa_public_key n:string e:string = RSAPublicKey; http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ---functions--- req_pq_multi#be7e8ef1 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_pq nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; //test.useGzipPacked = GzipPacked; //test.useServerDhInnerData = Server_DH_inner_data; //test.useNewSessionCreated = NewSession; //test.useMsgsAck = MsgsAck; //test.useBadMsgNotification = BadMsgNotification; //test.useOther key:rsa_public_key p_q_data:P_Q_inner_data dh_data:client_DH_inner_data = RpcError; ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#2f37e231 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#81fa373a flags:# id:InputPhoto caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#e39621fd flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#5acb668e flags:# id:InputDocument caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#922aec1 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#b6f74335 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#7b1a118f geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#450b7115 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#76af5481 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#b5223b0f flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#7c4414d3 flags:# document:flags.0?Document caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#ea52fe5a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes cdn_file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#9c840964 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int disabled_features:Vector = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#795667a6 payment_token:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; cdnFileHash#77eec38f offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = CdnFileHash; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#5eaa7809 media:InputMedia random_id:long = InputSingleMedia; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#c7481da6 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#5d1b8dd flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#b0e08243 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#249431e2 peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#1af91c09 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#f715c87b file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector; // LAYER 73 ---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerUserFromMessage#17bae2e6 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerChannelFromMessage#9c95f7bb peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputUserFromMessage#2d117597 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true scam:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true has_geo:flags.21?true slowmode_enabled:flags.22?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#1b7c9db3 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int = ChatFull; channelFull#2d895c74 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true can_set_location:flags.16?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?int location:flags.15?ChannelLocation slowmode_seconds:flags.17?int slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?int pts:int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#2c171f72 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int = Dialog; dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.authorizationSignUpRequired#44747e9a flags:# terms_of_service:flags.0?help.TermsOfService = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true add_contact:flags.1?true block_contact:flags.2?true share_contact:flags.3?true need_contacts_exception:flags.4?true report_geo:flags.5?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant#dbd4feed = ReportReason; userFull#edf17c12 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string settings:PeerSettings profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#c8edce1e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9c974fdf flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int peer:Peer max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#330b5424 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int channel_id:int max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#6e6fe51c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#fa0f3ca2 flags:# folder_id:flags.1?int order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updateFolderPeers#19360dc0 folder_peers:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updatePeerSettings#6a7e7366 peer:Peer settings:PeerSettings = Update; updatePeerLocated#b4afcfb0 peers:Vector = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#330b4067 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int pinned_infolder_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# can_not_skip:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber#352dafa = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneNumber#d19ae46d = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants#4c81c1ba chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#d82363af chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowChatParticipants#18be796b chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#acae0690 chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#50a04e45 rules:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji#28703c8 = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true animated:flags.5?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrlAuth#10b78d29 flags:# text:string fwd_text:flags.0?string url:string button_id:int = KeyboardButton; inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth#d02e7fd4 flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true text:string fwd_text:flags.1?string url:string bot:InputUser = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUnderline#9c4e7e8b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityStrike#bf0693d4 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBlockquote#20df5d0 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; inputChannelFromMessage#2a286531 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#a4bcc6fe flags:# final:flags.0?true timeout:flags.1?int dialog:Dialog messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#808d15a4 flags:# user_id:int rank:flags.0?string = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#ccbebbaf flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights rank:flags.2?string = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardUsers#a8406ca9 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardChats#fbeec0f0 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerificationNeeded#d8411139 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat#a26f881b prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation#e6b76ae prev_value:ChannelLocation new_value:ChannelLocation = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode#53909779 prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; inputDialogPeerFolder#64600527 folder_id:int = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; dialogPeerFolder#514519e2 folder_id:int = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#debebe83 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true allow_app_hash:flags.4?true = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; folder#ff544e65 flags:# autofill_new_broadcasts:flags.0?true autofill_public_groups:flags.1?true autofill_new_correspondents:flags.2?true id:int title:string photo:flags.3?ChatPhoto = Folder; inputFolderPeer#fbd2c296 peer:InputPeer folder_id:int = InputFolderPeer; folderPeer#e9baa668 peer:Peer folder_id:int = FolderPeer; messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter; urlAuthResultRequest#92d33a0e flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true bot:User domain:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultAccepted#8f8c0e4e url:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultDefault#a9d6db1f = UrlAuthResult; channelLocationEmpty#bfb5ad8b = ChannelLocation; channelLocation#209b82db geo_point:GeoPoint address:string = ChannelLocation; peerLocated#ca461b5d peer:Peer expires:int distance:int = PeerLocated; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#80eee427 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#68976c6f flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContacts#96a0e00 id:Vector = Updates; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true forward_users:flags.4?true forward_chats:flags.5?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; contacts.addContact#e8f463d0 flags:# add_phone_privacy_exception:flags.0?true id:InputUser first_name:string last_name:string phone:string = Updates; contacts.acceptContact#f831a20f id:InputUser = Updates; contacts.getLocated#a356056 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#a0ee3b73 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#bf7225a4 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int q:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#d6b94df2 folder_id:int = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector = Vector; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; messages.getSearchCounters#732eef00 peer:InputPeer filters:Vector = Vector; messages.requestUrlAuth#e33f5613 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.acceptUrlAuth#f729ea98 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.hidePeerSettingsBar#4facb138 peer:InputPeer = Bool; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#b15a9afc flags:# precise:flags.0?true location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 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"channels.getChannels", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "messages.Chats" }, { "id": "141781513", "method": "channels.getFullChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "messages.ChatFull" }, { "id": "-192332417", "method": "channels.createChannel", "params": [ { "name": "flags", "type": "#" }, { "name": "broadcast", "type": "flags.0?true" }, { "name": "megagroup", "type": "flags.1?true" }, { "name": "title", "type": "string" }, { "name": "about", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "333610782", "method": "channels.editAbout", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "about", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-344583728", "method": "channels.editAdmin", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "role", "type": "ChannelParticipantRole" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "1450044624", "method": "channels.editTitle", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "title", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-248621111", "method": "channels.editPhoto", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "photo", "type": "InputChatPhoto" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1432183160", "method": "channels.toggleComments", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "enabled", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "283557164", "method": "channels.checkUsername", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "username", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "890549214", "method": "channels.updateUsername", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "username", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "615851205", "method": "channels.joinChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-130635115", "method": "channels.leaveChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "429865580", "method": "channels.inviteToChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "users", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1502421484", "method": "channels.kickFromChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "kicked", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-950663035", "method": "channels.exportInvite", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "ExportedChatInvite" }, { "id": "-1072619549", "method": "channels.deleteChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1154295872", "method": "updates.getChannelDifference", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "filter", "type": "ChannelMessagesFilter" }, { "name": "pts", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "updates.ChannelDifference" }, { "id": "-326379039", "method": "messages.toggleChatAdmins", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "enabled", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1444503762", "method": "messages.editChatAdmin", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "is_admin", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "363051235", "method": "messages.migrateChat", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1640190800", "method": "messages.searchGlobal", "params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset_date", "type": "int" }, { "name": "offset_peer", "type": "InputPeer" }, { "name": "offset_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.Messages" } ] }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; /** * File callback interface. */ class FileCallback implements FileCallbackInterface { /** * File to download/upload. * * @var mixed */ private $file; /** * Callback. * * @var callable */ private $callback; /** * Construct file callback. * * @param mixed $file File to download/upload * @param callable $callback Callback */ public function __construct($file, callable $callback) { $this->file = $file; $this->callback = $callback; } /** * Get file. * * @return mixed */ public function getFile() { return $this->file; } /** * Invoke callback. * * @param int $percent Percent * @param int $speed Speed in mbps * @param int $time Time * * @return mixed */ public function __invoke($percent, $speed, $time) { $callback = $this->callback; return $callback($percent, $speed, $time); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Files; use Amp\Http\Server\HttpServer; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; /** * MadelineProto fileserver. */ class Server { /** * Constructor function. */ public function __construct() { if (!\class_exists(HttpServer::class)) { throw new Exception("Please install to use this module (composer require amphp/http-server)"); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use function Amp\File\exists; use function Amp\File\get; /** * Manages serialization of the MadelineProto instance. */ class Serialization { /** * Extract path components for serialization. * * @param string $file Session path * * @return array */ public static function realpaths(string $file) : array { $file = Absolute::absolute($file); return ['file' => $file, 'lockfile' => $file . '.lock', 'tempfile' => $file . '.temp.session']; } /** * Unserialize legacy session. * * @param string $session Session name * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public static function legacyUnserialize(string $session) : \Generator { $realpaths = self::realpaths($session); if ((yield exists($realpaths['file']))) { Logger::log('Waiting for shared lock of serialization lockfile...'); $unlock = (yield Tools::flock($realpaths['lockfile'], LOCK_SH)); Logger::log('Shared lock acquired, deserializing...'); try { $tounserialize = (yield get($realpaths['file'])); } finally { $unlock(); } \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::classExists(); try { $unserialized = \unserialize($tounserialize); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Bug74586Exception $e) { \class_exists('\\Volatile'); $tounserialize = \str_replace('O:26:"danog\\MadelineProto\\Button":', 'O:35:"danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Button":', $tounserialize); foreach (['RSA', 'TL\\TLMethods', 'TL\\TLConstructors', 'MTProto', 'API', 'DataCenter', 'Connection', 'TL\\Types\\Button', 'TL\\Types\\Bytes', 'APIFactory'] as $class) { \class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\' . $class); } $unserialized = \danog\Serialization::unserialize($tounserialize); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { if ($e->getFile() === 'MadelineProto' && $e->getLine() === 1) { throw $e; } if (\MADELINEPROTO_TEST === 'pony') { throw $e; } \class_exists('\\Volatile'); foreach (['RSA', 'TL\\TLMethods', 'TL\\TLConstructors', 'MTProto', 'API', 'DataCenter', 'Connection', 'TL\\Types\\Button', 'TL\\Types\\Bytes', 'APIFactory'] as $class) { \class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\' . $class); } $changed = false; if (\strpos($tounserialize, 'O:26:"danog\\MadelineProto\\Button":') !== false) { Logger::log("SUBBING BUTTONS!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('O:26:"danog\\MadelineProto\\Button":', 'O:35:"danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Button":', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), "Erroneous data format for unserializing 'phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger'") === 0) { Logger::log("SUBBING BIGINTEGOR!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger', 'phpseclib\\Math\\BigIntegor', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } if (\strpos($tounserialize, 'C:25:"phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"') !== false) { Logger::log("SUBBING TGSECLIB old!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('C:25:"phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"', 'C:24:"tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } if (\strpos($tounserialize, 'C:26:"phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger"') !== false) { Logger::log("SUBBING TGSECLIB!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('C:26:"phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger"', 'C:24:"tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } Logger::log((string) $e, Logger::ERROR); if (!$changed) { throw $e; } try { $unserialized = \danog\Serialization::unserialize($tounserialize); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $unserialized = \unserialize($tounserialize); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { Logger::log((string) $e, Logger::ERROR); throw $e; } if ($unserialized instanceof \danog\PlaceHolder) { $unserialized = \danog\Serialization::unserialize($tounserialize); } if ($unserialized === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['deserialization_error']); } return $unserialized; } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; /** * RSA class. */ class RSA { use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use \danog\Serializable; /** * Exponent. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public $e; /** * Modulus. * * @var \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger */ public $n; /** * Fingerprint. * * @var string */ public $fp; /** * Load RSA key. * * @param TL $TL TL serializer * @param string $rsa_key RSA key * * @return \Generator */ public function load(TL $TL, string $rsa_key) : \Generator { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['rsa_init'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['loading_key'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $key = \tgseclib\Crypt\RSA::load($rsa_key); $this->n = Tools::getVar($key, 'modulus'); $this->e = Tools::getVar($key, 'exponent'); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['computing_fingerprint'], Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->fp = \substr(\sha1((yield from $TL->serializeObject(['type' => 'bytes'], $this->n->toBytes(), 'key')) . (yield from $TL->serializeObject(['type' => 'bytes'], $this->e->toBytes(), 'key')), true), -8); return $this; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() : array { return ['e', 'n', 'fp']; } /** * Encrypt data. * * @param string $data Data to encrypt * * @return string */ public function encrypt($data) : string { return (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $data, 256))->powMod($this->e, $this->n)->toBytes(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Proxy; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\ClientTlsContext; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\RawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * Socks5 stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class SocksProxy implements RawProxyStreamInterface, BufferedProxyStreamInterface { const REPS = [0 => 'succeeded', 1 => 'general SOCKS server failure', 2 => 'connection not allowed by ruleset', 3 => 'Network unreachable', 4 => 'Host unreachable', 5 => 'Connection refused', 6 => 'TTL expired', 7 => 'Command not supported', 8 => 'Address type not supported']; use RawStream; private $extra; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $uri = $ctx->getUri(); $secure = $ctx->isSecure(); if ($secure) { $ctx->setSocketContext($ctx->getSocketContext()->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext($uri->getHost()))); } $ctx->setUri('tcp://' . $this->extra['address'] . ':' . $this->extra['port'])->secure(false); $methods = \chr(0); if (isset($this->extra['username']) && isset($this->extra['password'])) { $methods .= \chr(2); } $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream(\chr(5) . \chr(\strlen($methods)) . $methods)); $l = 2; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $version = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); $method = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); if ($version !== 5) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong SOCKS5 version: {$version}"); } if ($method === 2) { $auth = \chr(1) . \chr(\strlen($this->extra['username'])) . $this->extra['username'] . \chr(\strlen($this->extra['password'])) . $this->extra['password']; (yield $this->stream->write($auth)); $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $version = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); $result = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); if ($version !== 1) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong authorized SOCKS version: {$version}"); } if ($result !== 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong authorization status: {$version}"); } } elseif ($method !== 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong method: {$method}"); } $payload = \pack('C3', 0x5, 0x1, 0x0); try { $ip = \inet_pton($uri->getHost()); $payload .= $ip ? \pack('C1', \strlen($ip) === 4 ? 0x1 : 0x4) . $ip : \pack('C2', 0x3, \strlen($uri->getHost())) . $uri->getHost(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $payload .= \pack('C2', 0x3, \strlen($uri->getHost())) . $uri->getHost(); } $payload .= \pack('n', $uri->getPort()); (yield $this->stream->write($payload)); $l = 4; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $version = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); if ($version !== 5) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong SOCKS5 version: {$version}"); } $rep = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); if ($rep !== 0) { $rep = self::REPS[$rep] ?? $rep; throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong SOCKS5 rep: {$rep}"); } $rsv = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); if ($rsv !== 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Wrong socks5 final RSV: {$rsv}"); } switch (\ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1)))) { case 1: $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $ip = \inet_ntop((yield $buffer->bufferRead(4))); break; case 4: $l = 16; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $ip = \inet_ntop((yield $buffer->bufferRead(16))); break; case 3: $l = 1; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $length = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length)); $ip = (yield $buffer->bufferRead($length)); break; } $l = 2; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $port = \unpack('n', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(2)))[1]; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(['Connected to ' . $ip . ':' . $port . ' via socks5']); if ($secure) { (yield $this->getSocket()->setupTls()); } if (\strlen($header)) { (yield ((yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer(\strlen($header))))->bufferWrite($header)); } } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBuffer(int $length, string $append = '') : Promise { return $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length, $append); } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBuffer(&$length) : Promise { return $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length); } public function read() : Promise { return $this->stream->read(); } public function write(string $data) : Promise { return $this->stream->write($data); } /** * Sets proxy data. * * @param array $extra Proxy data * * @return void */ public function setExtra($extra) { $this->extra = $extra; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Proxy; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\ClientTlsContext; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\RawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * HTTP proxy stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class HttpProxy implements RawProxyStreamInterface, BufferedProxyStreamInterface { use RawStream; private $extra; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $uri = $ctx->getUri(); $secure = $ctx->isSecure(); if ($secure) { $ctx->setSocketContext($ctx->getSocketContext()->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext($uri->getHost()))); } $ctx->setUri('tcp://' . $this->extra['address'] . ':' . $this->extra['port'])->secure(false); $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream()); $address = $uri->getHost(); $port = $uri->getPort(); try { if (\strlen(\inet_pton($address) === 16)) { $address = '[' . $address . ']'; } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { } (yield $this->stream->write("CONNECT {$address}:{$port} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {$address}:{$port}\r\nAccept: */*\r\n" . $this->getProxyAuthHeader() . "Connection: keep-Alive\r\n\r\n")); $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $headers = ''; $was_crlf = false; while (true) { $piece = (yield $buffer->bufferRead(2)); $headers .= $piece; if ($piece === "\n\r") { // Assume end of headers with \r\n\r\n $headers .= (yield $buffer->bufferRead(1)); break; } if ($was_crlf && $piece === "\r\n") { break; } $was_crlf = $piece === "\r\n"; } $headers = \explode("\r\n", $headers); list($protocol, $code, $description) = \explode(' ', $headers[0], 3); list($protocol, $protocol_version) = \explode('/', $protocol); if ($protocol !== 'HTTP') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong protocol'); } $code = (int) $code; unset($headers[0]); if (\array_pop($headers) . \array_pop($headers) !== '') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong last header'); } foreach ($headers as $key => $current_header) { unset($headers[$key]); $current_header = \explode(':', $current_header, 2); $headers[\strtolower($current_header[0])] = \trim($current_header[1]); } $close = $protocol === 'HTTP/1.0'; if (isset($headers['connection'])) { $close = \strtolower($headers['connection']) === 'close'; } if ($code !== 200) { $read = ''; if (isset($headers['content-length'])) { $read = (yield $buffer->bufferRead((int) $headers['content-length'])); } if ($close) { $this->disconnect(); (yield $this->connect($ctx)); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(\trim($read)); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception($description, $code); } if ($close) { (yield $this->stream->disconnect()); (yield $this->stream->connect($ctx)); } if (isset($headers['content-length'])) { $length = (int) $headers['content-length']; $read = (yield $buffer->bufferRead($length)); } if ($secure) { (yield $this->getSocket()->setupTls()); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Connected to ' . $address . ':' . $port . ' via http'); if (\strlen($header)) { (yield ((yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer(\strlen($header))))->bufferWrite($header)); } } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBuffer(int $length, string $append = '') : Promise { return $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length, $append); } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBuffer(&$length) : Promise { return $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length); } public function read() : Promise { return $this->stream->read(); } public function write(string $data) : Promise { return $this->stream->write($data); } private function getProxyAuthHeader() { if (!isset($this->extra['username']) || !isset($this->extra['password'])) { return ''; } return 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . \base64_encode($this->extra['username'] . ':' . $this->extra['password']) . "\r\n"; } /** * Sets proxy data. * * @param array $extra Proxy data * * @return void */ public function setExtra($extra) { $this->extra = $extra; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use Amp\Websocket\Client\Connector; use Amp\Websocket\Client\Handshake; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\RawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; use function Amp\Websocket\Client\connector; /** * Websocket stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class WsStream implements RawStreamInterface, ProxyStreamInterface { use RawStream; /** * Websocket stream. * * @var Connection */ private $stream; /** * Websocket message. * * @var Message */ private $message; /** * Websocket Connector. * * @var Connector */ private $connector; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { if (!\class_exists(Handshake::class)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Please install amphp/websocket-client by running "composer require amphp/websocket-client:dev-master"'); } $this->dc = $ctx->getIntDc(); $uri = $ctx->getStringUri(); $uri = \str_replace('tcp://', $ctx->isSecure() ? 'wss://' : 'ws://', $uri); $handshake = new Handshake($uri); $this->stream = (yield ($this->connector ?? connector())->connect($handshake, $ctx->getCancellationToken())); if (\strlen($header)) { (yield $this->write($header)); } } /** * Async close. */ public function disconnect() { try { $this->stream->close(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } public function readGenerator() : \Generator { try { if (!$this->message || ($data = (yield $this->message->buffer())) === null) { $this->message = (yield $this->stream->receive()); if (!$this->message) { return null; } $data = (yield $this->message->buffer()); $this->message = null; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { if ($e->getReason() !== 'Client closed the underlying TCP connection') { throw $e; } return null; } return $data; } /** * Async write. * * @param string $data Data to write * * @return Promise */ public function write(string $data) : \Amp\Promise { return $this->stream->sendBinary($data); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \Amp\Socket\Socket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } public function setExtra($extra) { if ($extra instanceof Connector) { $this->connector = $extra; } } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport; use Amp\ByteStream\ClosedException; use Amp\CancellationToken; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\Socket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\RawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * Premade stream wrapper. * * Manages reading data in chunks * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class PremadeStream implements RawStreamInterface, ProxyStreamInterface { use RawStream; private $stream; public function __construct() { } public function setupTls(CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : \Amp\Promise { return $this->stream->setupTls($cancellationToken); } public function getStream() { return $this->stream; } public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { if ($header !== '') { (yield $this->stream->write($header)); } } /** * Async chunked read. * * @return Promise */ public function read() : Promise { return $this->stream ? $this->stream->read() : new \Amp\Success(null); } /** * Async write. * * @param string $data Data to write * * @return Promise */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { throw new ClosedException("MadelineProto stream was disconnected"); } return $this->stream->write($data); } /** * Async close. * * @return Generator */ public function disconnect() { try { if ($this->stream) { if (\method_exists($this->stream, 'close')) { $this->stream->close(); } $this->stream = null; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Got exception while closing stream: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } public function close() { $this->disconnect(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \Amp\Socket\Socket */ public function getSocket() : Socket { return $this->stream; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setExtra($extra) { $this->stream = $extra; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport; use Amp\ByteStream\ClosedException; use Amp\CancellationToken; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\ClientTlsContext; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use Amp\Socket\Socket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\RawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; use function Amp\Socket\connector; /** * Default stream wrapper. * * Manages reading data in chunks * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class DefaultStream implements RawStreamInterface, ProxyStreamInterface { use RawStream; /** * Socket. * * @var EncryptableSocket */ private $stream; /** * Connector. * * @var Connector */ private $connector; public function setupTls(CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : \Amp\Promise { return $this->stream->setupTls($cancellationToken); } public function getStream() { return $this->stream; } public function connect(\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $uri = $ctx->getUri(); $secure = $ctx->isSecure(); if ($secure) { $ctx->setSocketContext($ctx->getSocketContext()->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext($uri->getHost()))); } $this->stream = (yield ($this->connector ?? connector())->connect((string) $uri, $ctx->getSocketContext(), $ctx->getCancellationToken())); if ($secure) { (yield $this->stream->setupTls()); } (yield $this->stream->write($header)); } /** * Async chunked read. * * @return Promise */ public function read() : Promise { return $this->stream ? $this->stream->read() : new \Amp\Success(null); } /** * Async write. * * @param string $data Data to write * * @return Promise */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { throw new ClosedException("MadelineProto stream was disconnected"); } return $this->stream->write($data); } /** * Close. * * @return void */ public function disconnect() { try { if ($this->stream) { $this->stream->close(); $this->stream = null; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Got exception while closing stream: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Close. * * @return void */ public function close() { $this->disconnect(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream; } public function setExtra($extra) { $this->connector = $extra; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; /** * Websocket TLS stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class WssStream extends WsStream { /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { return parent::connect($ctx->getCtx()->secure(true), $header); } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; use Amp\CancellationToken; use Amp\Socket\ConnectContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\ObfuscatedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\DefaultStream; use League\Uri\Http; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface; /** * Connection context class. * * Is responsible for maintaining state about a certain connection to a DC. * That includes the Stream chain that is required to use the connection, the connection URI, and other connection-related data. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class ConnectionContext { /** * Whether to use a secure socket. * * @var bool */ private $secure = false; /** * Whether to use test servers. * * @var bool */ private $test = false; /** * Whether to use media servers. * * @var bool */ private $media = false; /** * Whether to use CDN servers. * * @var bool */ private $cdn = false; /** * The connection URI. * * @var UriInterface */ private $uri; /** * Whether this connection context will be used by the DNS client. * * @var bool */ private $isDns = false; /** * Socket context. * * @var \Amp\Socket\ConnectContext */ private $socketContext; /** * Cancellation token. * * @var \Amp\CancellationToken */ private $cancellationToken; /** * The telegram DC ID. * * @var int */ private $dc = 0; /** * Whether to use IPv6. * * @var bool */ private $ipv6 = false; /** * An array of arrays containing an array with the stream name and the extra parameter to pass to it. * * @var array> */ private $nextStreams = []; /** * The current stream key. * * @var int */ private $key = 0; /** * Read callback. * * @var callable */ private $readCallback; /** * Set the socket context. * * @param ConnectContext $socketContext * * @return self */ public function setSocketContext(ConnectContext $socketContext) : self { $this->socketContext = $socketContext; return $this; } /** * Get the socket context. * * @return ConnectContext */ public function getSocketContext() : ConnectContext { return $this->socketContext; } /** * Set the connection URI. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri * * @return self */ public function setUri($uri) : self { $this->uri = $uri instanceof UriInterface ? $uri : Http::createFromString($uri); return $this; } /** * Get the URI as a string. * * @return string */ public function getStringUri() : string { return (string) $this->uri; } /** * Get the URI. * * @return UriInterface */ public function getUri() : UriInterface { return $this->uri; } /** * Set the cancellation token. * * @param CancellationToken $cancellationToken * * @return self */ public function setCancellationToken($cancellationToken) : self { $this->cancellationToken = $cancellationToken; return $this; } /** * Get the cancellation token. * * @return CancellationToken */ public function getCancellationToken() { return $this->cancellationToken; } /** * Return a clone of the current connection context. * * @return self */ public function getCtx() : self { return clone $this; } /** * Set the test boolean. * * @param bool $test * * @return self */ public function setTest(bool $test) : self { $this->test = $test; return $this; } /** * Whether this is a test connection. * * @return bool */ public function isTest() : bool { return $this->test; } /** * Whether this is a media connection. * * @return bool */ public function isMedia() : bool { return $this->media; } /** * Whether this is a CDN connection. * * @return bool */ public function isCDN() : bool { return $this->cdn; } /** * Whether this connection context will only be used by the DNS client. * * @return bool */ public function isDns() : bool { return $this->isDns; } /** * Whether this connection context will only be used by the DNS client. * * @param boolean $isDns * @return self */ public function setIsDns(bool $isDns) : self { $this->isDns = $isDns; return $this; } /** * Set the secure boolean. * * @param bool $secure * * @return self */ public function secure(bool $secure) : self { $this->secure = $secure; return $this; } /** * Whether to use TLS with socket connections. * * @return bool */ public function isSecure() : bool { return $this->secure; } /** * Set the DC ID. * * @param string|int $dc * * @return self */ public function setDc($dc) : self { $int = \intval($dc); if (!(1 <= $int && $int <= 1000)) { throw new Exception("Invalid DC id provided: {$dc}"); } $this->dc = $dc; $this->media = \strpos($dc, '_media') !== false; $this->cdn = \strpos($dc, '_cdn') !== false; return $this; } /** * Get the DC ID. * * @return string|int */ public function getDc() { return $this->dc; } /** * Get the int DC ID. * * @return string|int */ public function getIntDc() { $dc = \intval($this->dc); if ($this->test) { $dc += 10000; } if ($this->media) { $dc = -$dc; } return $dc; } /** * Whether to use ipv6. * * @param bool $ipv6 * * @return self */ public function setIpv6(bool $ipv6) : self { $this->ipv6 = $ipv6; return $this; } /** * Whether to use ipv6. * * @return bool */ public function getIpv6() : bool { return $this->ipv6; } /** * Add a stream to the stream chain. * * @param string $streamName * @param any $extra * * @return self */ public function addStream(string $streamName, $extra = null) : self { $this->nextStreams[] = [$streamName, $extra]; $this->key = \count($this->nextStreams) - 1; return $this; } /** * Set read callback, called every time the socket reads at least a byte. * * @param callback $callable Read callback * * @return void */ public function setReadCallback($callable) { $this->readCallback = $callable; } /** * Check if a read callback is present. * * @return boolean */ public function hasReadCallback() : bool { return $this->readCallback !== null; } /** * Get read callback. * * @return callable */ public function getReadCallback() { return $this->readCallback; } /** * Get the current stream name from the stream chain. * * @return string */ public function getStreamName() : string { return $this->nextStreams[$this->key][0]; } /** * Check if has stream within stream chain. * * @param string $stream Stream name * * @return boolean */ public function hasStreamName(string $stream) : bool { foreach ($this->nextStreams as list($name)) { if ($name === $stream) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get a stream from the stream chain. * * @internal Generator func * * @return \Generator */ public function getStream(string $buffer = '') : \Generator { list($clazz, $extra) = $this->nextStreams[$this->key--]; $obj = new $clazz(); if ($obj instanceof ProxyStreamInterface) { $obj->setExtra($extra); } yield from $obj->connect($this, $buffer); return $obj; } /** * Get the inputClientProxy proxy MTProto object. * * @return array */ public function getInputClientProxy() { foreach ($this->nextStreams as $couple) { list($streamName, $extra) = $couple; if ($streamName === ObfuscatedStream::getName() && isset($extra['address'])) { $extra['_'] = 'inputClientProxy'; return $extra; } } return null; } /** * Get a description "name" of the context. * * @return string */ public function getName() : string { $string = $this->getStringUri(); if ($this->isSecure()) { $string .= ' (TLS)'; } $string .= $this->isTest() ? ' test' : ' main'; $string .= ' DC '; $string .= $this->getDc(); $string .= ', via '; $string .= $this->getIpv6() ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4'; $string .= ' using '; foreach (\array_reverse($this->nextStreams) as $k => $stream) { if ($k) { $string .= ' => '; } $string .= \preg_replace('/.*\\\\/', '', $stream[0]); if ($stream[1] && $stream[0] !== DefaultStream::getName()) { $string .= ' (' . \json_encode($stream[1]) . ')'; } } return $string; } /** * Returns a representation of the context. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->getName(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; use Amp\ByteStream\InputStream; use Amp\ByteStream\OutputStream; /** * Raw stream interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface RawStreamInterface extends InputStream, OutputStream, StreamInterface { }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; use Amp\Promise; /** * Buffered stream interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface BufferedStreamInterface extends StreamInterface { /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Promise */ public function getReadBuffer(&$length) : Promise; /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Total length of data that is going to be piped in the buffer * * @return Promise */ public function getWriteBuffer(int $length, string $append = '') : Promise; /** * Get stream name. * * Is supposed to return __CLASS__ * * @return string */ public static function getName() : string; /** * Get underlying stream resource. * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async; use Amp\Promise; /** * Buffer helper trait. * * Wraps the asynchronous generator methods with asynchronous promise-based methods * * @author Daniil Gentili */ trait Buffer { public function bufferRead(int $length) : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->bufferReadGenerator($length)); } public function bufferWrite(string $data) : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->bufferWriteGenerator($data)); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async; use Amp\Promise; /** * Buffered stream helper trait. * * Wraps the asynchronous generator methods with asynchronous promise-based methods * * @author Daniil Gentili */ trait BufferedStream { /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Promise */ public function getReadBuffer(&$length) : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->getReadBufferGenerator($length)); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Total length of data that is going to be piped in the buffer * @param string $append Data to append after entire buffer is written * * @return Promise */ public function getWriteBuffer(int $length, string $append = '') : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->getWriteBufferGenerator($length, $append)); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async; use Amp\Promise; /** * Raw stream helper trait. * * Wraps the asynchronous generator methods with asynchronous promise-based methods * * @author Daniil Gentili */ trait RawStream { public function read() : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->readGenerator()); } public function write(string $data) : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->writeGenerator($data)); } public function end(string $finalData = '') : Promise { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->endGenerator($finalData)); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use Amp\Socket\Socket; /** * Generic stream interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface StreamInterface { /** * Connect to a server. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator; /** * Disconnect from the server. * * @return void */ public function disconnect(); /** * Get underlying AMPHP socket resource. * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : Socket; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common; use Amp\ByteStream\ClosedException; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\RawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * Buffered raw stream. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class BufferedRawStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, BufferInterface, RawStreamInterface { use RawStream; const MAX_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; protected $stream; protected $memory_stream; private $append = ''; private $append_after = 0; /** * Asynchronously connect to a TCP/TLS server. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx Connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream($header)); $this->memory_stream = \fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); return true; } /** * Async chunked read. * * @return Promise */ public function read() : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { throw new ClosedException("MadelineProto stream was disconnected"); } return $this->stream->read(); } /** * Async write. * * @param string $data Data to write * * @return Promise */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { throw new ClosedException("MadelineProto stream was disconnected"); } return $this->stream->write($data); } /** * Async close. * * @return Generator */ public function disconnect() { if ($this->memory_stream) { \fclose($this->memory_stream); $this->memory_stream = null; } if ($this->stream) { $this->stream->disconnect(); $this->stream = null; } } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Promise */ public function getReadBuffer(&$length) : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { throw new ClosedException("MadelineProto stream was disconnected"); } $size = \fstat($this->memory_stream)['size']; $offset = \ftell($this->memory_stream); $length = $size - $offset; if ($length === 0 || $size > self::MAX_SIZE) { $new_memory_stream = \fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); if ($length) { \fwrite($new_memory_stream, \fread($this->memory_stream, $length)); \fseek($new_memory_stream, 0); } \fclose($this->memory_stream); $this->memory_stream = $new_memory_stream; } return new \Amp\Success($this); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Total length of data that is going to be piped in the buffer * * @return Promise */ public function getWriteBuffer(int $length, string $append = '') : Promise { if (\strlen($append)) { $this->append = $append; $this->append_after = $length - \strlen($append); } return new \Amp\Success($this); } /** * Read data asynchronously. * * @param int $length Amount of data to read * * @return Promise */ public function bufferRead(int $length) : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { throw new ClosedException("MadelineProto stream was disconnected"); } $size = \fstat($this->memory_stream)['size']; $offset = \ftell($this->memory_stream); $buffer_length = $size - $offset; if ($buffer_length >= $length) { return new Success(\fread($this->memory_stream, $length)); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->bufferReadGenerator($length)); } /** * Read data asynchronously. * * @param int $length Amount of data to read * * @return \Generator */ public function bufferReadGenerator(int $length) : \Generator { $size = \fstat($this->memory_stream)['size']; $offset = \ftell($this->memory_stream); $buffer_length = $size - $offset; if ($buffer_length < $length && $buffer_length) { \fseek($this->memory_stream, $offset + $buffer_length); } while ($buffer_length < $length) { $chunk = (yield $this->read()); if ($chunk === null) { $this->disconnect(); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException(); } \fwrite($this->memory_stream, $chunk); $buffer_length += \strlen($chunk); } \fseek($this->memory_stream, $offset); return \fread($this->memory_stream, $length); } /** * Async write. * * @param string $data Data to write * * @return Promise */ public function bufferWrite(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->append_after) { $this->append_after -= \strlen($data); if ($this->append_after === 0) { $data .= $this->append; $this->append = ''; } elseif ($this->append_after < 0) { $this->append_after = 0; $this->append = ''; throw new Exception('Tried to send too much out of frame data, cannot append'); } } return $this->write($data); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \Amp\Socket\Socket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } /** * Get class name. * * @return string */ public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * Hash stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class HashedBufferedStream implements BufferedProxyStreamInterface, BufferInterface { use BufferedStream; private $hash_name; private $read_hash; private $write_hash; private $write_buffer; private $write_check_after = 0; private $write_check_pos = 0; private $read_buffer; private $read_check_after = 0; private $read_check_pos = 0; private $stream; private $rev = false; /** * Enable read hashing. * * @return void */ public function startReadHash() { $this->read_hash = \hash_init($this->hash_name); } /** * Check the read hash after N bytes are read. * * @param int $after The number of bytes to read before checking the hash * * @return void */ public function checkReadHash(int $after) { $this->read_check_after = $after; } /** * Stop read hashing and get final hash. * * @return string */ public function getReadHash() : string { $hash = \hash_final($this->read_hash, true); if ($this->rev) { $hash = \strrev($hash); } $this->read_hash = null; $this->read_check_after = 0; $this->read_check_pos = 0; return $hash; } /** * Check if we are read hashing. * * @return bool */ public function hasReadHash() : bool { return $this->read_hash !== null; } /** * Enable write hashing. * * @return void */ public function startWriteHash() { $this->write_hash = \hash_init($this->hash_name); } /** * Write the write hash after N bytes are read. * * @param int $after The number of bytes to read before writing the hash * * @return void */ public function checkWriteHash(int $after) { $this->write_check_after = $after; } /** * Stop write hashing and get final hash. * * @return string */ public function getWriteHash() : string { $hash = \hash_final($this->write_hash, true); if ($this->rev) { $hash = \strrev($hash); } $this->write_hash = null; $this->write_check_after = 0; $this->write_check_pos = 0; return $hash; } /** * Check if we are write hashing. * * @return bool */ public function hasWriteHash() : bool { return $this->write_hash !== null; } /** * Hashes read data asynchronously. * * @param int $length Read and hash $length bytes * * @throws PendingReadError Thrown if another read operation is still pending. * * @return Generator That resolves with a string when the provided promise is resolved and the data is added to the hashing context */ public function bufferReadGenerator(int $length) : \Generator { if ($this->read_check_after && $length + $this->read_check_pos >= $this->read_check_after) { if ($length + $this->read_check_pos > $this->read_check_after) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Tried to read too much out of frame data'); } $data = (yield $this->read_buffer->bufferRead($length)); \hash_update($this->read_hash, $data); $hash = $this->getReadHash(); if ($hash !== (yield $this->read_buffer->bufferRead(\strlen($hash)))) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Hash mismatch'); } return $data; } $data = (yield $this->read_buffer->bufferRead($length)); \hash_update($this->read_hash, $data); if ($this->read_check_after) { $this->read_check_pos += $length; } return $data; } /** * Set the hash algorithm. * * @param string $hash Algorithm name * * @return void */ public function setExtra($hash) { $rev = \strpos($hash, '_rev'); $this->rev = false; if ($rev !== false) { $hash = \substr($hash, 0, $rev); $this->rev = true; } $this->hash_name = $hash; } /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->write_hash = null; $this->write_check_after = 0; $this->write_check_pos = 0; $this->read_hash = null; $this->read_check_after = 0; $this->read_check_pos = 0; $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream($header)); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { //if ($this->read_hash) { $this->read_buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length)); return $this; //} //return yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { //if ($this->write_hash) { $this->write_buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length, $append)); return $this; //} //return yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length, $append); } /** * Reads data from the stream. * * @throws PendingReadError Thrown if another read operation is still pending. * * @return Promise Resolves with a string when new data is available or `null` if the stream has closed. */ public function bufferRead(int $length) : Promise { if ($this->read_hash === null) { return $this->read_buffer->bufferRead($length); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->bufferReadGenerator($length)); } /** * Writes data to the stream. * * @param string $data Bytes to write. * * @throws ClosedException If the stream has already been closed. * * @return Promise Succeeds once the data has been successfully written to the stream. */ public function bufferWrite(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->write_hash === null) { return $this->write_buffer->bufferWrite($data); } $length = \strlen($data); if ($this->write_check_after && $length + $this->write_check_pos >= $this->write_check_after) { if ($length + $this->write_check_pos > $this->write_check_after) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Too much out of frame data was sent, cannot check hash'); } \hash_update($this->write_hash, $data); return $this->write_buffer->bufferWrite($data . $this->getWriteHash()); } if ($this->write_check_after) { $this->write_check_pos += $length; } if ($this->write_hash) { \hash_update($this->write_hash, $data); } return $this->write_buffer->bufferWrite($data); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \Amp\Socket\Socket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * Buffered raw stream. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class SimpleBufferedRawStream extends BufferedRawStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, BufferInterface, RawStreamInterface { /** * Read data asynchronously. * * @param int $length Amount of data to read * * @return \Generator */ public function bufferReadGenerator(int $length) : \Generator { $size = \fstat($this->memory_stream)['size']; $offset = \ftell($this->memory_stream); $buffer_length = $size - $offset; if ($buffer_length < $length && $buffer_length) { \fseek($this->memory_stream, $offset + $buffer_length); } while ($buffer_length < $length) { $chunk = (yield $this->read()); if ($chunk === null) { \fseek($this->memory_stream, $offset); break; } \fwrite($this->memory_stream, $chunk); $buffer_length += \strlen($chunk); } \fseek($this->memory_stream, $offset); return \fread($this->memory_stream, $length); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } /** * Get class name. * * @return string */ public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\Buffer; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; use tgseclib\Crypt\AES; /** * AES CTR stream wrapper. * * Manages AES CTR encryption/decryption * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class CtrStream implements BufferedProxyStreamInterface, BufferInterface { use Buffer; use BufferedStream; private $encrypt; private $decrypt; private $stream; private $write_buffer; private $read_buffer; private $extra; private $append = ''; private $append_after = 0; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->encrypt = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ctr'); $this->encrypt->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->encrypt->setKey($this->extra['encrypt']['key']); $this->encrypt->setIV($this->extra['encrypt']['iv']); $this->decrypt = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ctr'); $this->decrypt->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->decrypt->setKey($this->extra['decrypt']['key']); $this->decrypt->setIV($this->extra['decrypt']['iv']); $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream($header)); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $this->write_buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length)); if (\strlen($append)) { $this->append = $append; $this->append_after = $length - \strlen($append); } return $this; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $this->read_buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length)); return $this; } /** * Decrypts read data asynchronously. * * @param Promise $promise Promise that resolves with a string when new data is available or `null` if the stream has closed. * * @throws PendingReadError Thrown if another read operation is still pending. * * @return Generator That resolves with a string when the provided promise is resolved and the data is decrypted */ public function bufferReadGenerator(int $length) : \Generator { return @$this->decrypt->encrypt((yield $this->read_buffer->bufferRead($length))); } /** * Writes data to the stream. * * @param string $data Bytes to write. * * @throws ClosedException If the stream has already been closed. * * @return Promise Succeeds once the data has been successfully written to the stream. */ public function bufferWrite(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->append_after) { $this->append_after -= \strlen($data); if ($this->append_after === 0) { $data .= $this->append; $this->append = ''; } elseif ($this->append_after < 0) { $this->append_after = 0; $this->append = ''; throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Tried to send too much out of frame data, cannot append'); } } return $this->write_buffer->bufferWrite(@$this->encrypt->encrypt($data)); } /** * Set obfuscation keys/IVs. * * @param array $data Keys * * @return void */ public function setExtra($data) { $this->extra = $data; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public function getEncryptor() : AES { return $this->encrypt; } public function getDecryptor() : AES { return $this->decrypt; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; use Amp\Promise; /** * Buffer interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface BufferInterface { /** * Read data asynchronously. * * @param int $length How much data to read * * @return Promise */ public function bufferRead(int $length) : Promise; /** * Write data asynchronously. * * @param string $data Data to write * * @return Promise */ public function bufferWrite(string $data) : Promise; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; /** * MTProto buffer interface, for reading transport MTProto header info. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface MTProtoBufferInterface { }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; /** * Stream proxy interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface ProxyStreamInterface { /** * Set extra proxy data. * * @param mixed $extra Proxy data * * @return void */ public function setExtra($extra); }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; /** * Raw stream proxy interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface RawProxyStreamInterface extends RawStreamInterface, ProxyStreamInterface { }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * TCP Intermediate stream wrapper. * * Manages obfuscated2 encryption/decryption * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class IntermediatePaddedStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, MTProtoBufferInterface { use BufferedStream; private $stream; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream(\str_repeat(\chr(221), 4) . $header)); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $padding_length = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::randomInt($modulus = 16); $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer(4 + $length + $padding_length, $append . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random($padding_length))); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite(\pack('V', $padding_length + $length))); return $buffer; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $length = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(4)))[1]; return $buffer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * TCP Intermediate stream wrapper. * * Manages obfuscated2 encryption/decryption * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class IntermediateStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, MTProtoBufferInterface { use BufferedStream; private $stream; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream(\str_repeat(\chr(238), 4) . $header)); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length + 4, $append)); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite(\pack('V', $length))); return $buffer; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $length = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(4)))[1]; return $buffer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\HashedBufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * TCP full stream wrapper. * * Manages obfuscated2 encryption/decryption * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class FullStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, MTProtoBufferInterface { use BufferedStream; private $stream; private $in_seq_no = -1; private $out_seq_no = -1; /** * Stream to use as data source. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->in_seq_no = -1; $this->out_seq_no = -1; $this->stream = new HashedBufferedStream(); $this->stream->setExtra('crc32b_rev'); return $this->stream->connect($ctx, $header); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $this->stream->startWriteHash(); $this->stream->checkWriteHash($length + 8); $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length + 12, $append)); $this->out_seq_no++; $buffer->bufferWrite(\pack('VV', $length + 12, $this->out_seq_no)); return $buffer; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $this->stream->startReadHash(); $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $read_length = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(4)))[1]; $length = $read_length - 12; $this->stream->checkReadHash($read_length - 8); $this->in_seq_no++; $in_seq_no = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(4)))[1]; if ($in_seq_no != $this->in_seq_no) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Incoming seq_no mismatch'); } return $buffer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * HTTPS stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class HttpsStream extends HttpStream implements MTProtoBufferInterface { /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { return parent::connect($ctx->getCtx()->secure(true), $header); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use Amp\Success; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface; /** * HTTP stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class HttpStream implements MTProtoBufferInterface, BufferedProxyStreamInterface { use BufferedStream; private $stream; private $code; private $ctx; private $header = ''; /** * URI of the HTTP API. */ private $uri; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream($header)); $this->uri = $ctx->getUri(); } /** * Set proxy data. * * @param array $extra Proxy parameters * * @return void */ public function setExtra($extra) { if (isset($extra['user']) && isset($extra['password'])) { $this->header = \base64_encode($extra['user'] . ':' . $extra['password']) . "\r\n"; } } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $headers = 'POST ' . $this->uri->getPath() . " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . $this->uri->getHost() . ':' . $this->uri->getPort() . "\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=100000, max=10000000\r\nContent-Length: " . $length . $this->header . "\r\n\r\n"; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer(\strlen($headers) + $length, $append)); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite($headers)); return $buffer; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $headers = ''; $was_crlf = false; while (true) { $piece = (yield $buffer->bufferRead(2)); $headers .= $piece; if ($piece === "\n\r") { // Assume end of headers with \r\n\r\n $headers .= (yield $buffer->bufferRead(1)); break; } if ($was_crlf && $piece === "\r\n") { break; } $was_crlf = $piece === "\r\n"; } $headers = \explode("\r\n", $headers); list($protocol, $code, $description) = \explode(' ', $headers[0], 3); list($protocol, $protocol_version) = \explode('/', $protocol); if ($protocol !== 'HTTP') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong protocol'); } $code = (int) $code; unset($headers[0]); if (\array_pop($headers) . \array_pop($headers) !== '') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong last header'); } foreach ($headers as $key => $current_header) { unset($headers[$key]); $current_header = \explode(':', $current_header, 2); $headers[\strtolower($current_header[0])] = \trim($current_header[1]); } $close = $protocol === 'HTTP/1.0'; if (isset($headers['connection'])) { $close = \strtolower($headers['connection']) === 'close'; } if ($code !== 200) { $read = ''; if (isset($headers['content-length'])) { $read = (yield $buffer->bufferRead((int) $headers['content-length'])); } if ($close) { $this->disconnect(); yield from $this->connect($this->ctx); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($read); $this->code = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt(-$code); $length = 4; return $this; } if ($close) { $this->stream->disconnect(); (yield $this->stream->connect($this->ctx)); } if (isset($headers['content-length'])) { $length = (int) $headers['content-length']; } return $buffer; } public function bufferRead(int $length) : Promise { return new Success($this->code); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; /** * Abridged stream wrapper. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class AbridgedStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, MTProtoBufferInterface { use BufferedStream; private $stream; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream(\chr(239) . $header)); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return \Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $length >>= 2; if ($length < 127) { $message = \chr($length); } else { $message = \chr(127) . \substr(\pack('V', $length), 0, 3); } $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer(\strlen($message) + $length, $append)); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite($message)); return $buffer; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $length = \ord((yield $buffer->bufferRead(1))); if ($length >= 127) { $length = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(3)) . "\0")[1]; } $length <<= 2; return $buffer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedProxyStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\CtrStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; /** * Obfuscated2 stream wrapper. * * Manages obfuscated2 encryption/decryption * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class ObfuscatedStream extends CtrStream implements BufferedProxyStreamInterface { private $stream; private $extra; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { if (isset($this->extra['address'])) { $ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $ctx->setUri('tcp://' . $this->extra['address'] . ':' . $this->extra['port']); } do { $random = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(64); } while (\in_array(\substr($random, 0, 4), ['PVrG', 'GET ', 'POST', 'HEAD', \str_repeat(\chr(238), 4), \str_repeat(\chr(221), 4)]) || $random[0] === \chr(0xef) || \substr($random, 4, 4) === "\0\0\0\0"); if (\strlen($header) === 1) { $header = \str_repeat($header, 4); } $random = \substr_replace($random, $header . \substr($random, 56 + \strlen($header)), 56); $random = \substr_replace($random, \pack('s', $ctx->getIntDc()) . \substr($random, 60 + 2), 60); $reversed = \strrev($random); $key = \substr($random, 8, 32); $keyRev = \substr($reversed, 8, 32); if (isset($this->extra['secret'])) { $key = \hash('sha256', $key . $this->extra['secret'], true); $keyRev = \hash('sha256', $keyRev . $this->extra['secret'], true); } $iv = \substr($random, 40, 16); $ivRev = \substr($reversed, 40, 16); parent::setExtra(['encrypt' => ['key' => $key, 'iv' => $iv], 'decrypt' => ['key' => $keyRev, 'iv' => $ivRev]]); yield from parent::connect($ctx); $random = \substr_replace($random, \substr(@$this->getEncryptor()->encrypt($random), 56, 8), 56, 8); (yield $this->getStream()->write($random)); } /** * Does nothing. * * @param void $data Nothing * * @return void */ public function setExtra($extra) { if (isset($extra['secret'])) { if (\strlen($extra['secret']) > 17) { $extra['secret'] = \hex2bin($extra['secret']); } if (\strlen($extra['secret']) == 17) { $extra['secret'] = \substr($extra['secret'], 1, 16); } } $this->extra = $extra; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream; /** * Buffered proxy stream interface. * * @author Daniil Gentili */ interface BufferedProxyStreamInterface extends BufferedStreamInterface, ProxyStreamInterface { }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ADNLTransport; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\EncryptableSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Async\BufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\BufferedStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoBufferInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\RawStreamInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * ADNL stream wrapper. * * Manages ADNL envelope * * @author Daniil Gentili */ class ADNLStream implements BufferedStreamInterface, MTProtoBufferInterface { use BufferedStream; private $stream; /** * Connect to stream. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx The connection context * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, string $header = '') : \Generator { $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream($header)); } /** * Async close. * * @return Promise */ public function disconnect() { return $this->stream->disconnect(); } /** * Get write buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of data that is going to be written to the write buffer * * @return Generator */ public function getWriteBufferGenerator(int $length, string $append = '') : \Generator { $length += 64; $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer($length + 4, $append)); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite(\pack('V', $length))); $this->stream->startWriteHash(); $this->stream->checkWriteHash($length - 32); (yield $buffer->bufferWrite(Tools::random(32))); return $buffer; } /** * Get read buffer asynchronously. * * @param int $length Length of payload, as detected by this layer * * @return Generator */ public function getReadBufferGenerator(&$length) : \Generator { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($l)); $length = \unpack('V', (yield $buffer->bufferRead(4)))[1] - 32; $this->stream->startReadHash(); $this->stream->checkReadHash($length); (yield $buffer->bufferRead(32)); $length -= 32; return $buffer; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return EncryptableSocket */ public function getSocket() : \Amp\Socket\Socket { return $this->stream->getSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return RawStreamInterface */ public function getStream() : RawStreamInterface { return $this->stream; } public static function getName() : string { return __CLASS__; } }{"constructors":[{"id":"-1132882121","predicate":"boolFalse","params":[],"type":"Bool"},{"id":"-1720552011","predicate":"boolTrue","params":[],"type":"Bool"},{"id":"1072550713","predicate":"true","params":[],"type":"True"},{"id":"481674261","predicate":"vector","params":[],"type":"Vector 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ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#196683d9 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#91d11eb dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#c88974ac flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#edd2a791 flags:# id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int = ChatFull; channelFull#1c87a71a flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9c477dd8 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#8ea4a881 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#22893b26 chat_id:int id:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#e6ca25f6 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#59534e4c id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#5585a139 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#e6f9ddf3 flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true manage_call:flags.10?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#823380b4 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#83f6c0cd peer:InputPeer = StatsURL; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#9d51e814 lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; // LAYER 91 ---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerUserFromMessage#17bae2e6 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerChannelFromMessage#9c95f7bb peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputUserFromMessage#2d117597 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#938458c1 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true scam:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?Vector bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#d31a961e flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true has_geo:flags.21?true slowmode_enabled:flags.22?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?Vector admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#1b7c9db3 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.8?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int = ChatFull; channelFull#2d895c74 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true can_set_location:flags.16?true has_scheduled:flags.19?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?int location:flags.15?ChannelLocation slowmode_seconds:flags.17?int slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?int pts:int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#452c0e65 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true legacy:flags.19?true edit_hide:flags.21?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long restriction_reason:flags.22?Vector = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#2c171f72 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int = Dialog; dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.authorizationSignUpRequired#44747e9a flags:# terms_of_service:flags.0?help.TermsOfService = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true add_contact:flags.1?true block_contact:flags.2?true share_contact:flags.3?true need_contacts_exception:flags.4?true report_geo:flags.5?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant#dbd4feed = ReportReason; userFull#edf17c12 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.12?true user:User about:flags.1?string settings:PeerSettings profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#c8edce1e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9c974fdf flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int peer:Peer max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#330b5424 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int channel_id:int max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#6e6fe51c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#fa0f3ca2 flags:# folder_id:flags.1?int order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updateFolderPeers#19360dc0 folder_peers:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updatePeerSettings#6a7e7366 peer:Peer settings:PeerSettings = Update; updatePeerLocated#b4afcfb0 peers:Vector = Update; updateNewScheduledMessage#39a51dfb message:Message = Update; updateDeleteScheduledMessages#90866cee peer:Peer messages:Vector = Update; updateTheme#8216fba3 theme:Theme = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#330b4067 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int pinned_infolder_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# can_not_skip:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber#352dafa = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone#d1219bdd = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneNumber#d19ae46d = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyAddedByPhone#42ffd42b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants#4c81c1ba chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#d82363af chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowChatParticipants#18be796b chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#acae0690 chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#50a04e45 rules:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#fa64e172 flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document documents:flags.11?Vector cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji#28703c8 = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true animated:flags.5?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrlAuth#10b78d29 flags:# text:string fwd_text:flags.0?string url:string button_id:int = KeyboardButton; inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth#d02e7fd4 flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true text:string fwd_text:flags.1?string url:string bot:InputUser = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUnderline#9c4e7e8b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityStrike#bf0693d4 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBlockquote#20df5d0 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; inputChannelFromMessage#2a286531 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#a4bcc6fe flags:# final:flags.0?true timeout:flags.1?int dialog:Dialog messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#808d15a4 flags:# user_id:int rank:flags.0?string = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#ccbebbaf flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights rank:flags.2?string = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardUsers#a8406ca9 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardChats#fbeec0f0 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerificationNeeded#d8411139 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat#a26f881b prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation#e6b76ae prev_value:ChannelLocation new_value:ChannelLocation = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode#53909779 prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; inputDialogPeerFolder#64600527 folder_id:int = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; dialogPeerFolder#514519e2 folder_id:int = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#debebe83 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true allow_app_hash:flags.4?true = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; folder#ff544e65 flags:# autofill_new_broadcasts:flags.0?true autofill_public_groups:flags.1?true autofill_new_correspondents:flags.2?true id:int title:string photo:flags.3?ChatPhoto = Folder; inputFolderPeer#fbd2c296 peer:InputPeer folder_id:int = InputFolderPeer; folderPeer#e9baa668 peer:Peer folder_id:int = FolderPeer; messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter; urlAuthResultRequest#92d33a0e flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true bot:User domain:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultAccepted#8f8c0e4e url:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultDefault#a9d6db1f = UrlAuthResult; channelLocationEmpty#bfb5ad8b = ChannelLocation; channelLocation#209b82db geo_point:GeoPoint address:string = ChannelLocation; peerLocated#ca461b5d peer:Peer expires:int distance:int = PeerLocated; restrictionReason#d072acb4 platform:string reason:string text:string = RestrictionReason; inputTheme#3c5693e9 id:long access_hash:long = InputTheme; inputThemeSlug#f5890df1 slug:string = InputTheme; themeDocumentNotModified#483d270c = Theme; theme#f7d90ce0 flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true id:long access_hash:long slug:string title:string document:flags.2?Document installs_count:int = Theme; account.themesNotModified#f41eb622 = account.Themes; account.themes#7f676421 hash:int themes:Vector = account.Themes; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#80eee427 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#68976c6f flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; account.uploadTheme#1c3db333 flags:# file:InputFile thumb:flags.0?InputFile file_name:string mime_type:string = Document; account.createTheme#2b7ffd7f slug:string title:string document:InputDocument = Theme; account.updateTheme#3b8ea202 flags:# format:string theme:InputTheme slug:flags.0?string title:flags.1?string document:flags.2?InputDocument = Theme; account.saveTheme#f257106c theme:InputTheme unsave:Bool = Bool; account.installTheme#7ae43737 flags:# dark:flags.0?true format:flags.1?string theme:flags.1?InputTheme = Bool; account.getTheme#8d9d742b format:string theme:InputTheme document_id:long = Theme; account.getThemes#285946f8 format:string hash:int = account.Themes; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContacts#96a0e00 id:Vector = Updates; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true forward_users:flags.4?true forward_chats:flags.5?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; contacts.addContact#e8f463d0 flags:# add_phone_privacy_exception:flags.0?true id:InputUser first_name:string last_name:string phone:string = Updates; contacts.acceptContact#f831a20f id:InputUser = Updates; contacts.getLocated#a356056 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#a0ee3b73 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#520c3870 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.sendMedia#3491eba9 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#d9fee60e flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#bf7225a4 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int q:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#220815b0 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#48f71778 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector schedule_date:flags.15?int = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#d6b94df2 folder_id:int = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#cc0110cb flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector schedule_date:flags.10?int = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector = Vector; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; messages.getSearchCounters#732eef00 peer:InputPeer filters:Vector = Vector; messages.requestUrlAuth#e33f5613 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.acceptUrlAuth#f729ea98 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.hidePeerSettingsBar#4facb138 peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getScheduledHistory#e2c2685b peer:InputPeer hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.getScheduledMessages#bdbb0464 peer:InputPeer id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.sendScheduledMessages#bd38850a peer:InputPeer id:Vector = Updates; messages.deleteScheduledMessages#59ae2b16 peer:InputPeer id:Vector = Updates; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#b15a9afc flags:# precise:flags.0?true location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#3d5fb10f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string geo_point:flags.2?InputGeoPoint address:flags.2?string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#d33c8902 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights rank:string = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#f8b036af flags:# by_location:flags.0?true check_limit:flags.1?true = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; channels.getGroupsForDiscussion#f5dad378 = messages.Chats; channels.setDiscussionGroup#40582bb2 broadcast:InputChannel group:InputChannel = Bool; channels.editCreator#8f38cd1f channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = Updates; channels.editLocation#58e63f6d channel:InputChannel geo_point:InputGeoPoint address:string = Bool; channels.toggleSlowMode#edd49ef0 channel:InputChannel seconds:int = Updates; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#42ff96ed flags:# video:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#b2cbc1c0 flags:# video:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#59ead627 flags:# user_initiative:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#cd984aa5 lang_pack:string lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; folders.editPeerFolders#6847d0ab folder_peers:Vector = Updates; folders.deleteFolder#1c295881 folder_id:int = Updates; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\CancellationToken; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Dns\Record; use Amp\Dns\TimeoutException; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\NullCancellationToken; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Socket\ConnectContext; use Amp\Socket\ConnectException; use Amp\Socket\Connector; use Amp\Socket\ResourceSocket; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use function Amp\Socket\Internal\parseUri; class DoHConnector implements Connector { /** * Datacenter instance. * * @property DataCenter $dataCenter */ private $dataCenter; /** * Connection context. * * @var ConnectionContext */ private $ctx; public function __construct(DataCenter $dataCenter, ConnectionContext $ctx) { $this->dataCenter = $dataCenter; $this->ctx = $ctx; } public function connect(string $uri, ConnectContext $socketContext = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return Tools::call((function () use($uri, $socketContext, $token) : \Generator { $socketContext = $socketContext ?? new ConnectContext(); $token = $token ?? new NullCancellationToken(); $attempt = 0; $uris = []; $failures = []; list($scheme, $host, $port) = parseUri($uri); if ($host[0] === '[') { $host = \substr($host, 1, -1); } if ($port === 0 || @\inet_pton($host)) { // Host is already an IP address or file path. $uris = [$uri]; } else { // Host is not an IP address, so resolve the domain name. // When we're connecting to a host, we may need to resolve the domain name, first. // The resolution is usually done using DNS over HTTPS. // // The DNS over HTTPS resolver needs to resolve the domain name of the DOH server: // this is handled internally by the DNS over HTTPS client, // by redirecting the resolution request to the plain DNS client. // // However, if the DoH connection is proxied with a proxy that has a domain name itself, // we cannot resolve it with the DoH resolver, since this will cause an infinite loop // // resolve => (DoH resolver) => resolve => (simple resolver) => OK // // |> resolve => (simple resolver) => OK // resolve => (DoH resolver) =| // |> resolve => (non-proxied resolver) => OK // // // This means that we must detect if the domain name we're trying to resolve is a proxy domain name. // // Here, we simply check if the connection URI has changed since we first set it: // this would indicate that a proxy class has changed the connection URI to the proxy URI. // if ($this->ctx->isDns()) { $records = (yield $this->dataCenter->getNonProxiedDNSClient()->resolve($host, $socketContext->getDnsTypeRestriction())); } else { $records = (yield $this->dataCenter->getDNSClient()->resolve($host, $socketContext->getDnsTypeRestriction())); } \usort($records, function (Record $a, Record $b) { return $a->getType() - $b->getType(); }); if ($this->ctx->getIpv6()) { $records = \array_reverse($records); } foreach ($records as $record) { /** @var Record $record */ if ($record->getType() === Record::AAAA) { $uris[] = \sprintf("%s://[%s]:%d", $scheme, $record->getValue(), $port); } else { $uris[] = \sprintf("%s://%s:%d", $scheme, $record->getValue(), $port); } } } $flags = \STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | \STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT; $timeout = $socketContext->getConnectTimeout(); foreach ($uris as $builtUri) { try { $streamContext = \stream_context_create($socketContext->withoutTlsContext()->toStreamContextArray()); if (!($socket = @\stream_socket_client($builtUri, $errno, $errstr, null, $flags, $streamContext))) { throw new ConnectException(\sprintf('Connection to %s failed: [Error #%d] %s%s', $uri, $errno, $errstr, $failures ? '; previous attempts: ' . \implode($failures) : ''), $errno); } \stream_set_blocking($socket, false); $deferred = new Deferred(); $watcher = Loop::onWritable($socket, [$deferred, 'resolve']); $id = $token->subscribe([$deferred, 'fail']); try { (yield Promise\timeout($deferred->promise(), $timeout)); } catch (TimeoutException $e) { throw new ConnectException(\sprintf('Connecting to %s failed: timeout exceeded (%d ms)%s', $uri, $timeout, $failures ? '; previous attempts: ' . \implode($failures) : ''), 110); // See ETIMEDOUT in } finally { Loop::cancel($watcher); $token->unsubscribe($id); } // The following hack looks like the only way to detect connection refused errors with PHP's stream sockets. if (\stream_socket_get_name($socket, true) === false) { \fclose($socket); throw new ConnectException(\sprintf('Connection to %s refused%s', $uri, $failures ? '; previous attempts: ' . \implode($failures) : ''), 111); // See ECONNREFUSED in } } catch (ConnectException $e) { // Includes only error codes used in this file, as error codes on other OS families might be different. // In fact, this might show a confusing error message on OS families that return 110 or 111 by itself. $knownReasons = [110 => 'connection timeout', 111 => 'connection refused']; $code = $e->getCode(); $reason = $knownReasons[$code] ?? 'Error #' . $code; if (++$attempt === $socketContext->getMaxAttempts()) { break; } $failures[] = "{$uri} ({$reason})"; continue; // Could not connect to host, try next host in the list. } return ResourceSocket::fromClientSocket($socket, $socketContext->getTlsContext()); } // This is reached if either all URIs failed or the maximum number of attempts is reached. /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ throw $e; })()); } }---types--- help.configSimple#d997c3c5 date:int expires:int dc_id:int ip_port_list:Vector = help.ConfigSimple; ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#196683d9 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#91d11eb dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#22a235da flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int = ChatFull; channelFull#1c87a71a flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9c477dd8 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#8ea4a881 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#a6c47aaa flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#e6ca25f6 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#6a90bcb7 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#5daa6e23 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#e6f9ddf3 flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#302f59f3 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true app_hash_persistent:flags.2?true app_hash:flags.3?string = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#70f893ba channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#59ead627 flags:# user_initiative:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#cd984aa5 lang_pack:string lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; // LAYER 97 . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\VoIP; /** * Manages the creation of the authorization key. * * * */ trait AuthKeyHandler { private $calls = []; /** * Request call (synchronous). * * @param mixed $user User info * * @internal * * @return \danog\MadelineProto\VoIPController */ public function requestCall($user) { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait($this->requestCallAsync($user)); } /** * Accept call (synchronous). * * @param array $user Accept call * * @internal * * @return bool */ public function acceptCall(array $user) : bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait($this->acceptCallAsync($user)); } /** * Discard call (synchronous). * * @param array $call Call * @param string $reason Discard reason * @param array $rating Rating * @param boolean $need_debug Need debug? * * @return array */ public function discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating = [], bool $need_debug = true) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait($this->discardCallAsync($call, $reason, $rating, $need_debug)); } /** * Request VoIP call. * * @param mixed $user User * * @return void */ public function requestCallAsync($user) : \Generator { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw \danog\MadelineProto\Exception::extension('libtgvoip'); } $user = (yield from $this->getInfo($user)); if (!isset($user['InputUser']) || $user['InputUser']['_'] === 'inputUserSelf') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['peer_not_in_db']); } $user = $user['InputUser']; $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['calling_user'], $user['user_id']), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['generating_a'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $a = \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger::randomRange(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$two, $dh_config['p']->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$two)); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['generating_g_a'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $g_a = $dh_config['g']->powMod($a, $dh_config['p']); $this->checkG($g_a, $dh_config['p']); $controller = new \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP(true, $user['user_id'], $this, \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_REQUESTED); $controller->storage = ['a' => $a, 'g_a' => \str_pad($g_a->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT)]; $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.requestCall', ['user_id' => $user, 'g_a_hash' => \hash('sha256', $g_a->toBytes(), true), 'protocol' => ['_' => 'phoneCallProtocol', 'udp_p2p' => true, 'udp_reflector' => true, 'min_layer' => 65, 'max_layer' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::getConnectionMaxLayer()]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $controller->setCall($res['phone_call']); $this->calls[$res['phone_call']['id']] = $controller; (yield $this->updaters[false]->resume()); return $controller; } /** * Accept call. * * @param array $call Call * * @return \Generator */ public function acceptCallAsync(array $call) : \Generator { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(); } if ($this->callStatus($call['id']) !== \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_error_1'], $call['id'])); return false; } $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['accepting_call'], $this->calls[$call['id']]->getOtherID()), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['generating_b'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $b = \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger::randomRange(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$two, $dh_config['p']->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$two)); $g_b = $dh_config['g']->powMod($b, $dh_config['p']); $this->checkG($g_b, $dh_config['p']); try { $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.acceptCall', ['peer' => $call, 'g_b' => $g_b->toBytes(), 'protocol' => ['_' => 'phoneCallProtocol', 'udp_reflector' => true, 'udp_p2p' => true, 'min_layer' => 65, 'max_layer' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::getConnectionMaxLayer()]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc === 'CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED') { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_already_accepted'], $call['id'])); return true; } if ($e->rpc === 'CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED') { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_already_declined']); yield from $this->discardCallAsync($call['id'], ['_' => 'phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup']); return false; } throw $e; } $this->calls[$res['phone_call']['id']]->storage['b'] = $b; (yield $this->updaters[false]->resume()); return true; } /** * Confirm call. * * @param array $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function confirmCall(array $params) : \Generator { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw \danog\MadelineProto\Exception::extension('libtgvoip'); } if ($this->callStatus($params['id']) !== \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_REQUESTED) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_error_2'], $params['id'])); return false; } $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_confirming'], $this->calls[$params['id']]->getOtherID()), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $params['g_b'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $params['g_b'], 256); $this->checkG($params['g_b'], $dh_config['p']); $key = \str_pad($params['g_b']->powMod($this->calls[$params['id']]->storage['a'], $dh_config['p'])->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); try { $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.confirmCall', ['key_fingerprint' => \substr(\sha1($key, true), -8), 'peer' => ['id' => $params['id'], 'access_hash' => $params['access_hash'], '_' => 'inputPhoneCall'], 'g_a' => $this->calls[$params['id']]->storage['g_a'], 'protocol' => ['_' => 'phoneCallProtocol', 'udp_reflector' => true, 'min_layer' => 65, 'max_layer' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::getConnectionMaxLayer()]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]))['phone_call']; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc === 'CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED') { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_already_accepted'], $call['id'])); return true; } if ($e->rpc === 'CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED') { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_already_declined']); yield from $this->discardCallAsync($call['id'], ['_' => 'phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup']); return false; } throw $e; } $visualization = []; $length = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\count(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$emojis)); foreach (\str_split(\hash('sha256', $key . \str_pad($this->calls[$params['id']]->storage['g_a'], 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT), true), 8) as $number) { $number[0] = \chr(\ord($number[0]) & 0x7f); $visualization[] = \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$emojis[(int) (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($number, 256))->divide($length)[1]->toString()]; } $this->calls[$params['id']]->setVisualization($visualization); $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration['endpoints'] = \array_merge($res['connections'], $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration['endpoints']); $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration = \array_merge(['recv_timeout' => $this->config['call_receive_timeout_ms'] / 1000, 'init_timeout' => $this->config['call_connect_timeout_ms'] / 1000, 'data_saving' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::DATA_SAVING_NEVER, 'enable_NS' => true, 'enable_AEC' => true, 'enable_AGC' => true, 'auth_key' => $key, 'auth_key_id' => \substr(\sha1($key, true), -8), 'call_id' => \substr(\hash('sha256', $key, true), -16), 'network_type' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::NET_TYPE_ETHERNET], $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration); $this->calls[$params['id']]->parseConfig(); $res = $this->calls[$params['id']]->startTheMagic(); return $res; } /** * Complete call handshake. * * @param array $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function completeCall(array $params) : \Generator { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw \danog\MadelineProto\Exception::extension('libtgvoip'); } if ($this->callStatus($params['id']) !== \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED || !isset($this->calls[$params['id']]->storage['b'])) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_error_3'], $params['id'])); return false; } $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_completing'], $this->calls[$params['id']]->getOtherID()), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); if (\hash('sha256', $params['g_a_or_b'], true) != $this->calls[$params['id']]->storage['g_a_hash']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['invalid_g_a']); } $params['g_a_or_b'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $params['g_a_or_b'], 256); $this->checkG($params['g_a_or_b'], $dh_config['p']); $key = \str_pad($params['g_a_or_b']->powMod($this->calls[$params['id']]->storage['b'], $dh_config['p'])->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); if (\substr(\sha1($key, true), -8) != $params['key_fingerprint']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['fingerprint_invalid']); } $visualization = []; $length = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\count(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$emojis)); foreach (\str_split(\hash('sha256', $key . \str_pad($params['g_a_or_b']->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT), true), 8) as $number) { $number[0] = \chr(\ord($number[0]) & 0x7f); $visualization[] = \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$emojis[(int) (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($number, 256))->divide($length)[1]->toString()]; } $this->calls[$params['id']]->setVisualization($visualization); $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration['endpoints'] = \array_merge($params['connections'], $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration['endpoints']); $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration = \array_merge(['recv_timeout' => $this->config['call_receive_timeout_ms'] / 1000, 'init_timeout' => $this->config['call_connect_timeout_ms'] / 1000, 'data_saving' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::DATA_SAVING_NEVER, 'enable_NS' => true, 'enable_AEC' => true, 'enable_AGC' => true, 'auth_key' => $key, 'auth_key_id' => \substr(\sha1($key, true), -8), 'call_id' => \substr(\hash('sha256', $key, true), -16), 'network_type' => \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::NET_TYPE_ETHERNET], $this->calls[$params['id']]->configuration); $this->calls[$params['id']]->parseConfig(); return $this->calls[$params['id']]->startTheMagic(); } /** * Get call status. * * @param int $id Call ID * * @return integer */ public function callStatus(int $id) : int { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw \danog\MadelineProto\Exception::extension('libtgvoip'); } if (isset($this->calls[$id])) { return $this->calls[$id]->getCallState(); } return \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_NONE; } /** * Get call info. * * @param int $call Call ID * * @return array */ public function getCall(int $call) : array { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw \danog\MadelineProto\Exception::extension('libtgvoip'); } return $this->calls[$call]; } /** * Discard call. * * @param array $call Call * @param string $reason Discard reason * @param array $rating Rating * @param boolean $need_debug Need debug? * * @return \Generator */ public function discardCallAsync(array $call, array $reason, array $rating = [], bool $need_debug = true) : \Generator { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { throw \danog\MadelineProto\Exception::extension('libtgvoip'); } if (!isset($this->calls[$call['id']])) { return; } $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_discarding'], $call['id']), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); try { $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.discardCall', ['peer' => $call, 'duration' => \time() - $this->calls[$call['id']]->whenCreated(), 'connection_id' => $this->calls[$call['id']]->getPreferredRelayID(), 'reason' => $reason], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if (!\in_array($e->rpc, ['CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED', 'CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED'])) { throw $e; } } if (!empty($rating)) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_set_rating'], $call['id']), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.setCallRating', ['peer' => $call, 'rating' => $rating['rating'], 'comment' => $rating['comment']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } if ($need_debug && isset($this->calls[$call['id']])) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['call_debug_saving'], $call['id']), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.saveCallDebug', ['peer' => $call, 'debug' => $this->calls[$call['id']]->getDebugLog()], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } $update = ['_' => 'updatePhoneCall', 'phone_call' => $this->calls[$call['id']]]; if (isset($this->settings['pwr']['strict']) && $this->settings['pwr']['strict']) { $this->pwrUpdateHandler($update); } else { \in_array($this->settings['updates']['callback'], [['danog\\MadelineProto\\API', 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler'], 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler']) ? $this->getUpdatesUpdateHandler($update) : $this->settings['updates']['callback']($update); } unset($this->calls[$call['id']]); } /** * Check state of calls. * * @return void */ public function checkCalls() { \array_walk($this->calls, function ($controller, $id) { if ($controller->getCallState() === \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ENDED) { $controller->discard(); } }); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class NothingInTheSocketException extends \Exception { }{ "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1072550713", "predicate": "true", "params": [], "type": "True" }, { "id": "481674261", "predicate": "vector", "params": [], "type": "Vector t" }, { "id": "-994444869", "predicate": "error", "params": [ { "name": "code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "text", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Error" }, { "id": "1450380236", "predicate": "null", "params": [], "type": "Null" }, { "id": "2134579434", "predicate": "inputPeerEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "2107670217", "predicate": "inputPeerSelf", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "396093539", "predicate": "inputPeerChat", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": 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"name": "filter", "type": "ChannelParticipantsFilter" }, { "name": "offset", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "channels.ChannelParticipants" }, { "id": "1416484774", "method": "channels.getParticipant", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" } ], "type": "channels.ChannelParticipant" }, { "id": "176122811", "method": "channels.getChannels", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "messages.Chats" }, { "id": "141781513", "method": "channels.getFullChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "messages.ChatFull" }, { "id": "-192332417", "method": "channels.createChannel", "params": [ { "name": "flags", "type": "#" }, { "name": "broadcast", "type": "flags.0?true" }, { "name": "megagroup", "type": "flags.1?true" }, { "name": "title", "type": "string" }, { "name": "about", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "333610782", "method": 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"channels.exportInvite", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "ExportedChatInvite" }, { "id": "-1072619549", "method": "channels.deleteChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1154295872", "method": "updates.getChannelDifference", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "filter", "type": "ChannelMessagesFilter" }, { "name": "pts", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "updates.ChannelDifference" }, { "id": "-326379039", "method": "messages.toggleChatAdmins", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "enabled", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1444503762", "method": "messages.editChatAdmin", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "is_admin", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "363051235", "method": "messages.migrateChat", "params": [ { "name": "chat_id", "type": "int" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1640190800", "method": "messages.searchGlobal", "params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset_date", "type": "int" }, { "name": "offset_peer", "type": "InputPeer" }, { "name": "offset_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.Messages" }, { "id": "936873859", "method": "help.getTermsOfService", "params": [ { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" } ], "type": "help.TermsOfService" }, { "id": "-1613775824", "method": "messages.reorderStickerSets", "params": [ { "name": "order", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "864953444", "method": "messages.getDocumentByHash", "params": [ { "name": "sha256", "type": "bytes" }, { "name": "size", "type": "int" }, { "name": "mime_type", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Document" }, { "id": "-1080395925", "method": "messages.searchGifs", "params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.FoundGifs" } ] }__call(__FUNCTION__, [$config, $extra]); } /** * Logger. * * @param string $param Parameter * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File where the message originated * * @return void */ public function logger($param, int $level = \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE, string $file = '') { $this->API->logger($param, $level, $file); } /** * Call lite method. * * @param string $methodName Method name * @param array $args Arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCall(string $methodName, array $args = [], array $aargs = [], array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$methodName, $args, $aargs, $extra]); } /** * Asynchronously run async callable. * * @param callable $func Function * * @return \Generator */ public function loop(callable $func, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$func, $extra]); } /** * Convert parameters. * * @param array $parameters Parameters * * @return \Generator */ public function botAPItoMTProto(array $parameters, array $extra = []) { return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$parameters, $extra]); } /** * Get TL method namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces() : array { return $this->API->getMethodNamespaces(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TON; use danog\MadelineProto\AbstractAPIFactory; class APIFactory extends AbstractAPIFactory { /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var http */ public $http; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var engine */ public $engine; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var adnl */ public $adnl; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var tonNode */ public $tonNode; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var validatorSession */ public $validatorSession; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var catchain */ public $catchain; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var overlay */ public $overlay; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var dht */ public $dht; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var tcp */ public $tcp; /** * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually * * @var liteServer */ public $liteServer; /** * Just proxy async requests to API. * * @param string $name Method name * @param array $arguments Arguments * * @return mixed */ public function __call_async(string $name, array $arguments) : \Generator { $lower_name = \strtolower($name); if ($this->namespace !== '' || !isset($this->methods[$lower_name])) { $name = $this->namespace . $name; $aargs = isset($arguments[1]) && \is_array($arguments[1]) ? $arguments[1] : []; $aargs['apifactory'] = true; $args = isset($arguments[0]) && \is_array($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : []; return yield from $this->API->methodCall($name, $args, $aargs); } return (yield $this->methods[$lower_name](...$arguments)); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TON; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Socket\ConnectContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Magic; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Crypt; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ADNLTransport\ADNLStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\BufferedRawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\CtrStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\HashedBufferedStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\DefaultStream; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use Exception; use tgseclib\Crypt\DH; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\PrivateKey; use tgseclib\Crypt\EC\PublicKey; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; class ADNLConnection { /** * TL serializer instance. * * @var TL */ private $TL; /** * ADNL stream instance. * * @var StreamInterface */ private $stream; /** * Request list. * * @var array */ private $requests = []; /** * Construct class. * * @param TL $TL TL instance */ public function __construct(TL $TL) { $this->TL = $TL; } /** * Connect to specified ADNL endpoint. * * @param array $endpoint Endpoint * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(array $endpoint) : \Generator { if ($endpoint['_'] !== 'liteserver.desc') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only liteservers are supported at the moment!'); } if ($endpoint['id']['_'] !== 'pub.ed25519') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only ECDH is supported at the moment!'); } $random = Tools::random(256 - 32 - 64); //$random = strrev(hex2bin(strrev('9E7C27765D12CE634414F0875D55CE5C58E7A9D58CD45C57CAB516D1241B7864691E5B0AFC4ECB54BFF2CEFC2060F1D45F5B5DEB76A9EF6471D75816AAAEC83CD7DE39EE99B9E980B6C0D4565A916D00908613E63657D5539118F89A14FD73ABB8ECD3AC26C287EEBD0FA44F52B315F01DD60F486EFF4C5B4D71EA6F443358FF141E7294BBBB5D7C079F16BD46C28A12507E1948722E7121B94C3B5C7832ADE7'))); $s1 = \substr($random, 0, 32); $s2 = \substr($random, 32, 32); $v1 = \substr($random, 64, 16); $v2 = \substr($random, 80, 16); $obf = ['decrypt' => ['key' => $s1, 'iv' => $v1], 'encrypt' => ['key' => $s2, 'iv' => $v2]]; // Generating new private/public params $private = EC::createKey('Ed25519'); $public = $private->getPublicKey(); $public = \strrev(Tools::getVar($public, 'QA')[1]->toBytes()); $private = \strrev(Tools::getVar($private, 'dA')->toBytes()); $private = PrivateKey::loadFormat('MontgomeryPrivate', $private); // Transpose their public $key = $endpoint['id']['key']; $key[31] = $key[31] & \chr(127); $curve = new Curve25519(); $modulo = Tools::getVar($curve, "modulo"); $y = new BigInteger(\strrev($key), 256); $y2 = clone $y; $y = $y->add(Magic::$one); $y2 = $y2->subtract(Magic::$one); $y2 = $modulo->subtract($y2)->powMod(Magic::$one, $modulo); $y2 = $y2->modInverse($modulo); $key = \strrev($y->multiply($y2)->powMod(Magic::$one, $modulo)->toBytes()); $peerPublic = PublicKey::loadFormat('MontgomeryPublic', $key); // Generate secret $secret = DH::computeSecret($private, $peerPublic); // Encrypting random with obf keys $digest = \hash('sha256', $random, true); $key = \substr($secret, 0, 16) . \substr($digest, 16, 16); $iv = \substr($digest, 0, 4) . \substr($secret, 20, 12); $encryptedRandom = Crypt::ctrEncrypt($random, $key, $iv); // Generating plaintext init payload $payload = \hash('sha256', yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => ''], $endpoint['id'], 'key'), true); $payload .= $public; $payload .= $digest; $payload .= $encryptedRandom; $ip = \long2ip(\unpack('V', Tools::packSignedInt($endpoint['ip']))[1]); $port = $endpoint['port']; $ctx = (new ConnectionContext())->setSocketContext(new ConnectContext())->setUri("tcp://{$ip}:{$port}")->addStream(DefaultStream::getName())->addStream(BufferedRawStream::getName())->addStream(CtrStream::getName(), $obf)->addStream(HashedBufferedStream::getName(), 'sha256')->addStream(ADNLStream::getName()); $this->stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream($payload)); Tools::callFork((function () : \Generator { //yield Tools::sleep(1); while (true) { $buffer = (yield $this->stream->getReadBuffer($length)); if ($length) { $data = (yield $buffer->bufferRead($length)); $data = $this->TL->deserialize($data); if ($data['_'] !== 'adnl.message.answer') { throw new Exception('Wrong answer type: ' . $data['_']); } $this->requests[$data['query_id']]->resolve($this->TL->deserialize((string) $data['answer'])); } } })()); } /** * Send ADNL query. * * @param string $payload Payload to send * * @return \Generator */ public function query(string $payload) : \Generator { $data = (yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'adnl.message.query', 'query_id' => $id = Tools::random(32), 'query' => $payload], '')); ((yield $this->stream->getWriteBuffer(\strlen($data))))->bufferWrite($data); $this->requests[$id] = new Deferred(); return $this->requests[$id]->promise(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TON; use danog\MadelineProto\Magic; /** * TON API. */ class API extends InternalDoc { /** * Construct API. * * @param array $settings Settings */ public function __construct(array $settings) { Magic::classExists(); $this->API = new Lite($settings); foreach (\get_class_methods($this->API) as $method) { $this->methods[$method] = [$this->API, \strtolower($method)]; } foreach ($this->API->getMethodNamespaces() as $namespace) { $this->{$namespace} = new APIFactory($namespace, $this->API, $this->async); } } }int ? = Int; long ? = Long; double ? = Double; string ? = String; object ? = Object; function ? = Function; bytes data:string = Bytes; true = True; boolTrue = Bool; boolFalse = Bool; vector {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; int128 4*[ int ] = Int128; int256 8*[ int ] = Int256; testObject value:int o:object f:function = TestObject; testString value:string = TestObject; testInt value:int = TestObject; testVectorBytes value:(vector bytes) = TestObject; tcp.pong random_id:long = tcp.Pong; tcp.authentificate nonce:bytes = tcp.Message; tcp.authentificationNonce nonce:bytes = tcp.Message; tcp.authentificationComplete key:PublicKey signature:bytes = tcp.Message; fec.raptorQ data_size:int symbol_size:int symbols_count:int = fec.Type; fec.roundRobin data_size:int symbol_size:int symbols_count:int = fec.Type; data_size:int symbol_size:int symbols_count:int = fec.Type; ---functions--- random_id:long = tcp.Pong; getTestObject = TestObject; ---types--- pk.unenc data:bytes = PrivateKey; pk.ed25519 key:int256 = PrivateKey; pk.aes key:int256 = PrivateKey; pk.overlay name:bytes = PrivateKey; pub.unenc data:bytes = PublicKey; pub.ed25519 key:int256 = PublicKey; pub.aes key:int256 = PublicKey; pub.overlay name:bytes = PublicKey; ---functions--- ---types--- id:int256 =; adnl.proxyToFastHash ip:int port:int date:int data_hash:int256 shared_secret:int256 = adnl.ProxyTo; adnl.proxyToFast ip:int port:int date:int signature:int256 = adnl.ProxyToSign; adnl.proxy.none = adnl.Proxy; shared_secret:bytes = adnl.Proxy; adnl.address.udp ip:int port:int = adnl.Address; adnl.address.udp6 ip:int128 port:int = adnl.Address; //adnl.address.tcp ip:int port:int = adnl.Address; //adnl.address.tcp6 ip:int128 port:int = adnl.Address; //adnl.address.tunnel to:adnl.Address tunid: = adnl.Address; adnl.addressList addrs:(vector adnl.Address) version:int reinit_date:int priority:int expire_at:int = adnl.AddressList; adnl.node id:PublicKey addr_list:adnl.addressList = adnl.Node; adnl.nodes nodes:(vector adnl.node) = adnl.Nodes; ---functions--- ---types--- adnl.packetContents rand1:bytes flags:# from:flags.0?PublicKey from_short:flags.1? message:flags.2?adnl.Message messages:flags.3?(vector adnl.Message) address:flags.4?adnl.addressList priority_address:flags.5?adnl.addressList seqno:flags.6?long confirm_seqno:flags.7?long recv_addr_list_version:flags.8?int recv_priority_addr_list_version:flags.9?int reinit_date:flags.10?int dst_reinit_date:flags.10?int signature:flags.11?bytes rand2:bytes = adnl.PacketContents; adnl.message.createChannel key:int256 date:int = adnl.Message; adnl.message.confirmChannel key:int256 peer_key:int256 date:int = adnl.Message; adnl.message.custom data:bytes = adnl.Message; adnl.message.nop = adnl.Message; adnl.message.reinit date:int = adnl.Message; adnl.message.query query_id:int256 query:bytes = adnl.Message; adnl.message.answer query_id:int256 answer:bytes = adnl.Message; adnl.message.part hash:int256 total_size:int offset:int data:bytes = adnl.Message; ---functions--- ---types--- adnl.db.node.key local_id:int256 peer_id:int256 = adnl.db.Key; adnl.db.node.value date:int id:PublicKey addr_list:adnl.addressList priority_addr_list:adnl.addressList = adnl.db.node.Value; ---functions--- ---types--- rldp.messagePart transfer_id:int256 fec_type:fec.Type part:int total_size:long seqno:int data:bytes = rldp.MessagePart; rldp.confirm transfer_id:int256 part:int seqno:int = rldp.MessagePart; rldp.complete transfer_id:int256 part:int = rldp.MessagePart; rldp.message id:int256 data:bytes = rldp.Message; rldp.query query_id:int256 max_answer_size:long timeout:int data:bytes = rldp.Message; rldp.answer query_id:int256 data:bytes = rldp.Message; ---functions--- ---types--- dht.node id:PublicKey addr_list:adnl.addressList version:int signature:bytes = dht.Node; dht.nodes nodes:(vector dht.node) = dht.Nodes; dht.key id:int256 name:bytes idx:int = dht.Key; dht.updateRule.signature = dht.UpdateRule; dht.updateRule.anybody = dht.UpdateRule; dht.updateRule.overlayNodes = dht.UpdateRule; dht.keyDescription key:dht.key id:PublicKey update_rule:dht.UpdateRule signature:bytes = dht.KeyDescription; dht.value key:dht.keyDescription value:bytes ttl:int signature:bytes = dht.Value; dht.pong random_id:long = dht.Pong; dht.valueNotFound nodes:dht.nodes = dht.ValueResult; dht.valueFound value:dht.Value = dht.ValueResult; dht.stored = dht.Stored; dht.message node:dht.node = dht.Message; dht.db.bucket nodes:dht.nodes = dht.db.Bucket; dht.db.key.bucket id:int = dht.db.Key; ---functions--- random_id:long = dht.Pong; value:dht.value = dht.Stored; dht.findNode key:int256 k:int = dht.Nodes; dht.findValue key:int256 k:int = dht.ValueResult; dht.getSignedAddressList = dht.Node; dht.query node:dht.node = True; ---types--- overlay.node.toSign overlay:int256 version:int = overlay.node.ToSign; overlay.node id:PublicKey overlay:int256 version:int signature:bytes = overlay.Node; overlay.nodes nodes:(vector overlay.node) = overlay.Nodes; overlay.message overlay:int256 = overlay.Message; //overlay.randomPeers peers:(vector adnl.node) = overlay.RandomPeers; overlay.broadcastList hashes:(vector int256) = overlay.BroadcastList; overlay.fec.received hash:int256 = overlay.Broadcast; overlay.fec.completed hash:int256 = overlay.Broadcast; src:int256 data_hash:int256 flags:int = overlay.broadcast.Id; src:int256 type:int256 data_hash:int256 size:int flags:int = overlay.broadcastFec.Id; overlay.broadcastFec.partId broadcast_hash:int256 data_hash:int256 seqno:int = overlay.broadcastFec.PartId; overlay.broadcast.toSign hash:int256 date:int = overlay.broadcast.ToSign; overlay.certificate issued_by:PublicKey expire_at:int max_size:int signature:bytes = overlay.Certificate; overlay.emptyCertificate = overlay.Certificate; overlay.certificateId overlay_id:int256 node:int256 expire_at:int max_size:int = overlay.CertificateId; overlay.unicast data:bytes = overlay.Broadcast; overlay.broadcast src:PublicKey certificate:overlay.Certificate flags:int data:bytes date:int signature:bytes = overlay.Broadcast; overlay.broadcastFec src:PublicKey certificate:overlay.Certificate data_hash:int256 data_size:int flags:int data:bytes seqno:int fec:fec.Type date:int signature:bytes = overlay.Broadcast; overlay.broadcastFecShort src:PublicKey certificate:overlay.Certificate broadcast_hash:int256 part_data_hash:int256 seqno:int signature:bytes = overlay.Broadcast; overlay.broadcastNotFound = overlay.Broadcast; ---functions--- overlay.getRandomPeers peers:overlay.nodes = overlay.Nodes; overlay.query overlay:int256 = True; overlay.getBroadcast hash:int256 = overlay.Broadcast; overlay.getBroadcastList list:overlay.broadcastList = overlay.BroadcastList; ---types--- overlay.db.nodes nodes:overlay.nodes = overlay.db.Nodes; overlay.db.key.nodes local_id:int256 overlay:int256 = overlay.db.Key; ---functions--- ---types--- incarnation:int256 src:int256 height:int data_hash:int256 = catchain.block.Id; catchain.block.dep src:int height:int data_hash:int256 signature:bytes = catchain.block.Dep; prev:catchain.block.dep deps:(vector catchain.block.dep) = catchain.block.Data; catchain.block incarnation:int256 src:int height:int signature:bytes = catchain.Block; catchain.blocks blocks:(vector catchain.block) = catchain.Blocks; catchain.blockUpdate block:catchain.block = catchain.Update; block:catchain.block = catchain.block.inner.Data; left:catchain.block.Dep right:catchain.block.Dep = catchain.block.inner.Data; = catchain.block.inner.Data; msgs:(vector bytes) = catchain.block.inner.Data; // = catchain.block.inner.Data; catchain.firstblock unique_hash:int256 nodes:(vector int256) = catchain.FirstBlock; catchain.difference sent_upto:(vector int) = catchain.Difference; catchain.differenceFork left:catchain.block.dep right:catchain.block.dep = catchain.Difference; catchain.blockNotFound = catchain.BlockResult; catchain.blockResult block:catchain.block = catchain.BlockResult; catchain.sent cnt:int = catchain.Sent; ---functions--- catchain.getBlock block:int256 = catchain.BlockResult; catchain.getBlocks blocks:(vector int256) = catchain.Sent; catchain.getDifference rt:(vector int) = catchain.Difference; catchain.getBlockHistory block:int256 height:long stop_if:(vector int256) = catchain.Sent; //catchain.getForkDifference src:int fork:catchain.fork = catchain.ForkDifference; ---types--- session:int256 height:long prev_block:int256 seqno:int = validatorSession.round.Id; round:int256 block_hash:int256 = validatorSession.tempBlock.Id; validatorSession.message.startSession = validatorSession.Message; validatorSession.message.finishSession = validatorSession.Message; validatorSession.message.submittedBlock round:int root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 collated_data_file_hash:int256 = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.message.approvedBlock round:int candidate:int256 signature:bytes = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.message.rejectedBlock round:int candidate:int256 reason:bytes = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.message.commit round:int candidate:int256 signature:bytes = validatorSession.round.Message; round:int attempt:int candidate:int256 = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.message.voteFor round:int attempt:int candidate:int256 = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.message.precommit round:int attempt:int candidate:int256 = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.message.empty round:int attempt:int = validatorSession.round.Message; validatorSession.pong hash:long = validatorSession.Pong; validatorSession.candidateId src:int256 root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 collated_data_file_hash:int256 = validatorSession.CandidateId; validatorSession.blockUpdate ts:long actions:(vector validatorSession.round.Message) state:int = validatorSession.BlockUpdate; validatorSession.candidate src:int256 round:int root_hash:int256 data:bytes collated_data:bytes = validatorSession.Candidate; validatorSession.config catchain_idle_timeout:double catchain_max_deps:int round_candidates:int next_candidate_delay:double round_attempt_duration:int max_round_attempts:int max_block_size:int max_collated_data_size:int = validatorSession.Config; ---functions--- hash:long = validatorSession.Pong; validatorSession.downloadCandidate round:int id:validatorSession.candidateId = validatorSession.Candidate; ---types--- hashable.bool value:Bool = Hashable; hashable.int32 value:int = Hashable; hashable.int64 value:long = Hashable; hashable.int256 value:int256 = Hashable; hashable.bytes value:bytes = Hashable; hashable.pair left:int right:int = Hashable; hashable.vector value:(vector int) = Hashable; hashable.validatorSessionOldRound seqno:int block:int signatures:int approve_signatures:int = Hashable; hashable.validatorSessionRoundAttempt seqno:int votes:int precommitted:int vote_for_inited:int vote_for:int = Hashable; hashable.validatorSessionRound locked_round:int locked_block:int seqno:int precommitted:Bool first_attempt:int approved_blocks:int signatures:int attempts:int = Hashable; hashable.blockSignature signature:int = Hashable; hashable.sentBlock src:int root_hash:int file_hash:int collated_data_file_hash:int = Hashable; hashable.sentBlockEmpty = Hashable; block:int node:int = Hashable; hashable.blockCandidate block:int approved:int = Hashable; hashable.blockVoteCandidate block:int approved:int = Hashable; hashable.blockCandidateAttempt block:int votes:int = Hashable; hashable.cntVector data:int = Hashable; hashable.cntSortedVector data:int = Hashable; hashable.validatorSession ts:int old_rounds:int cur_round:int = Hashable; ---functions--- ---types--- tonNode.sessionId workchain:int shard:long cc_seqno:int opts_hash:int256 = tonNode.SessionId; tonNode.blockSignature who:int256 signature:bytes = tonNode.BlockSignature; tonNode.blockId workchain:int shard:long seqno:int = tonNode.BlockId; tonNode.blockIdExt workchain:int shard:long seqno:int root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = tonNode.BlockIdExt; tonNode.zeroStateIdExt workchain:int root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = tonNode.ZeroStateIdExt; tonNode.blockDescriptionEmpty = tonNode.BlockDescription; tonNode.blockDescription id:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.BlockDescription; tonNode.blocksDescription ids:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) incomplete:Bool = tonNode.BlocksDescription; tonNode.preparedProofEmpty = tonNode.PreparedProof; tonNode.preparedProof = tonNode.PreparedProof; tonNode.preparedProofLink = tonNode.PreparedProof; tonNode.preparedState = tonNode.PreparedState; tonNode.notFoundState = tonNode.PreparedState; tonNode.prepared = tonNode.Prepared; tonNode.notFound = tonNode.Prepared; data:bytes = tonNode.Data; //tonNode.preparedKeyBlockProofEmpty = tonNode.PreparedKeyBlockProof; //tonNode.preparedKeyBlockProof block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.PreparedKeyBlockProof; tonNode.ihrMessage data:bytes = tonNode.IhrMessage; tonNode.externalMessage data:bytes = tonNode.ExternalMessage; tonNode.newShardBlock block:tonNode.blockIdExt cc_seqno:int data:bytes = tonNode.NewShardBlock; tonNode.blockBroadcast id:tonNode.blockIdExt catchain_seqno:int validator_set_hash:int signatures:(vector tonNode.blockSignature) proof:bytes data:bytes = tonNode.Broadcast; tonNode.ihrMessageBroadcast message:tonNode.ihrMessage = tonNode.Broadcast; tonNode.externalMessageBroadcast message:tonNode.externalMessage = tonNode.Broadcast; tonNode.newShardBlockBroadcast block:tonNode.newShardBlock = tonNode.Broadcast; tonNode.shardPublicOverlayId workchain:int shard:long zero_state_file_hash:int256 = tonNode.ShardPublicOverlayId; tonNode.keyBlocks blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) incomplete:Bool error:Bool = tonNode.KeyBlocks; ton.blockId root_cell_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = ton.BlockId; ton.blockIdApprove root_cell_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = ton.BlockId; tonNode.dataList data:(vector bytes) = tonNode.DataList; tonNode.dataFull id:tonNode.blockIdExt proof:bytes block:bytes is_link:Bool = tonNode.DataFull; tonNode.dataFullEmpty = tonNode.DataFull; tonNode.capabilities version:int capabilities:long = tonNode.Capabilities; tonNode.success = tonNode.Success; tonNode.archiveNotFound = tonNode.ArchiveInfo; tonNode.archiveInfo id:long = tonNode.ArchiveInfo; ---functions--- tonNode.getNextBlockDescription prev_block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.BlockDescription; tonNode.getNextBlocksDescription prev_block:tonNode.blockIdExt limit:int = tonNode.BlocksDescription; tonNode.getPrevBlocksDescription next_block:tonNode.blockIdExt limit:int cutoff_seqno:int = tonNode.BlocksDescription; tonNode.prepareBlockProof block:tonNode.blockIdExt allow_partial:Bool = tonNode.PreparedProof; tonNode.prepareBlockProofs blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) allow_partial:Bool = tonNode.PreparedProof; tonNode.prepareBlock block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.Prepared; tonNode.prepareBlocks blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) = tonNode.Prepared; tonNode.preparePersistentState block:tonNode.blockIdExt masterchain_block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.PreparedState; tonNode.prepareZeroState block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.PreparedState; tonNode.getNextKeyBlockIds block:tonNode.blockIdExt max_size:int = tonNode.KeyBlocks; tonNode.downloadNextBlockFull prev_block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.DataFull; tonNode.downloadBlockFull block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.DataFull; tonNode.downloadBlock block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.Data; tonNode.downloadBlocks blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) = tonNode.DataList; tonNode.downloadPersistentState block:tonNode.blockIdExt masterchain_block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.Data; tonNode.downloadPersistentStateSlice block:tonNode.blockIdExt masterchain_block:tonNode.blockIdExt offset:long max_size:long = tonNode.Data; tonNode.downloadZeroState block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.Data; tonNode.downloadBlockProof block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.Data; tonNode.downloadBlockProofs blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) = tonNode.DataList; tonNode.downloadBlockProofLink block:tonNode.blockIdExt = tonNode.Data; tonNode.downloadBlockProofLinks blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) = tonNode.DataList; tonNode.getArchiveInfo masterchain_seqno:int = tonNode.ArchiveInfo; tonNode.getArchiveSlice archive_id:long offset:long max_size:int = tonNode.Data; tonNode.getCapabilities = tonNode.Capabilities; tonNode.slave.sendExtMessage message:tonNode.externalMessage = tonNode.Success; tonNode.query = Object; ---types--- // bit 0 - started // bit 1 - ready to switch // bit 2 - switched from // bit 3 - archived // bit 4 - disabled db.root.dbDescription version:int first_masterchain_block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt flags:int = db.root.DbDescription; db.root.key.cellDb version:int = db.root.Key; db.root.key.blockDb version:int = db.root.Key; db.root.config celldb_version:int blockdb_version:int = db.root.Config; db.root.key.config = db.root.Key; db.celldb.value block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt prev:int256 next:int256 root_hash:int256 = db.celldb.Value; db.celldb.key.value hash:int256 = db.celldb.key.Value; id:tonNode.blockIdExt flags:# prev_left:flags.1?tonNode.blockIdExt prev_right:flags.2?tonNode.blockIdExt next_left:flags.3?tonNode.blockIdExt next_right:flags.4?tonNode.blockIdExt lt:flags.13?long ts:flags.14?int state:flags.17?int256 masterchain_ref_seqno:flags.23?int = db.block.Info; db.block.packedInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt unixtime:int offset:long = db.block.Info; db.block.archivedInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt flags:# next:flags.0?tonNode.blockIdExt = db.block.Info; db.blockdb.value next:tonNode.blockIdExt data:bytes = db.blockdb.Value; db.blockdb.lru id:tonNode.blockIdExt prev:int256 next:int256 = db.blockdb.Lru; db.blockdb.key.lru id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.blockdb.Key; db.blockdb.key.value id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.blockdb.Key; db.candidate source:PublicKey id:tonNode.blockIdExt data:bytes collated_data:bytes = db.Candidate; source:PublicKey id:tonNode.blockIdExt collated_data_file_hash:int256 = db.candidate.Id; db.filedb.key.empty = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.blockFile block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.zeroStateFile block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.persistentStateFile block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt masterchain_block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.proof block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.proofLink block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.signatures block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.candidate = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.key.blockInfo block_id:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.filedb.Key; db.filedb.value key:db.filedb.Key prev:int256 next:int256 file_hash:int256 = db.filedb.Value; db.state.destroyedSessions sessions:(vector int256) = db.state.DestroyedSessions; db.state.initBlockId block:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.state.InitBlockId; db.state.gcBlockId block:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.state.GcBlockId; db.state.shardClient block:tonNode.blockIdExt = db.state.ShardClient; db.state.asyncSerializer block:tonNode.blockIdExt last:tonNode.blockIdExt last_ts:int = db.state.AsyncSerializer; db.state.hardforks blocks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) = db.state.Hardforks; db.state.dbVersion version:int = db.state.DbVersion; db.state.key.destroyedSessions = db.state.Key; db.state.key.initBlockId = db.state.Key; db.state.key.gcBlockId = db.state.Key; db.state.key.shardClient = db.state.Key; db.state.key.asyncSerializer = db.state.Key; db.state.key.hardforks = db.state.Key; db.state.key.dbVersion = db.state.Key; workchain:int shard:long idx:int =; workchain:int shard:long =; idx:int =; =; id:tonNode.blockIdExt lt:long ts:int =; first_idx:int last_idx:int last_seqno:int last_lt:long last_ts:int =; workchain:int shard:long =; total_shards:int =; db.files.index.key = db.files.Key; db.files.package.key package_id:int key:Bool temp:Bool = db.files.Key; db.files.index.value packages:(vector int) key_packages:(vector int) temp_packages:(vector int) = db.files.index.Value; db.files.package.firstBlock workchain:int shard:long seqno:int unixtime:int lt:long = db.files.package.FirstBlock; db.files.package.value package_id:int key:Bool temp:Bool firstblocks:(vector db.files.package.firstBlock) deleted:Bool = db.files.package.Value; ---functions--- ---types--- validator.groupMember public_key_hash:int256 adnl:int256 weight:long = engine.validator.GroupMember; workchain:int shard:long catchain_seqno:int config_hash:int256 members:(vector validator.groupMember) = validator.Group; validator.groupEx workchain:int shard:long vertical_seqno:int catchain_seqno:int config_hash:int256 members:(vector validator.groupMember) = validator.Group; ---functions--- ---types--- id.config.local id:PrivateKey = id.config.Local; dht.config.local = dht.config.Local; dht.config.random.local cnt:int = dht.config.Local; liteserver.config.local id:PrivateKey port:int = liteserver.config.Local; liteserver.config.random.local port:int = liteserver.config.Local; validator.config.local = validator.config.Local; validator.config.random.local addr_list:adnl.addressList = validator.config.Local; control.config.local priv:PrivateKey pub:int256 port:int = control.config.Local; config.local local_ids:(vector id.config.local) dht:(vector dht.config.Local) validators:(vector validator.config.Local) liteservers:(vector liteserver.config.Local) control:(vector control.config.local) = config.Local; static_nodes:dht.nodes k:int a:int = dht.config.Global; static_nodes:adnl.nodes = adnl.config.Global; tag:int256 nodes:(vector PublicKey) = catchain.config.Global; zero_state_hash:int256 = dummyworkchain0.config.Global; zero_state:tonNode.blockIdExt init_block:tonNode.blockIdExt hardforks:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) = validator.config.Global; = config.Global; liteserver.desc id:PublicKey ip:int port:int = liteserver.Desc; liteservers:(vector liteserver.desc) = liteclient.config.Global; engine.adnl id:int256 category:int = engine.Adnl; engine.addr ip:int port:int categories:(vector int) priority_categories:(vector int) = engine.Addr; engine.addrProxy in_ip:int in_port:int out_ip:int out_port:int proxy_type:adnl.Proxy categories:(vector int) priority_categories:(vector int) = engine.Addr; engine.dht id:int256 = engine.Dht; engine.validatorTempKey key:int256 expire_at:int = engine.ValidatorTempKey; engine.validatorAdnlAddress id:int256 expire_at:int = engine.ValidatorAdnlAddress; engine.validator id:int256 temp_keys:(vector engine.validatorTempKey) adnl_addrs:(vector engine.validatorAdnlAddress) election_date:int expire_at:int = engine.Validator; engine.liteServer id:int256 port:int = engine.LiteServer; engine.controlProcess id:int256 permissions:int = engine.ControlProcess; engine.controlInterface id:int256 port:int allowed:(vector engine.controlProcess) = engine.ControlInterface; engine.gc ids:(vector int256) = engine.Gc; engine.dht.config dht:(vector engine.dht) gc:engine.gc = engine.dht.Config; engine.validator.fullNodeMaster port:int adnl:int256 = engine.validator.FullNodeMaster; engine.validator.fullNodeSlave ip:int port:int adnl:PublicKey = engine.validator.FullNodeSlave; engine.validator.config out_port:int addrs:(vector engine.Addr) adnl:(vector engine.adnl) dht:(vector engine.dht) validators:(vector engine.validator) fullnode:int256 fullnodeslaves:(vector engine.validator.fullNodeSlave) fullnodemasters:(vector engine.validator.fullNodeMaster) liteservers:(vector engine.liteServer) control:(vector engine.controlInterface) gc:engine.gc = engine.validator.Config; ---functions--- ---types--- engine.adnlProxy.port in_port:int out_port:int dst_ip:int dst_port:int proxy_type:adnl.Proxy = engine.adnlProxy.Port; engine.adnlProxy.config ports:(vector engine.adnlProxy.port) = engine.adnlProxy.Config; ---functions--- ---types--- adnl.pong value:long = adnl.Pong; ---functions--- value:long = adnl.Pong; ---types--- engine.validator.keyHash key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.KeyHash; engine.validator.signature signature:bytes = engine.validator.Signature; engine.validator.oneStat key:string value:string = engine.validator.OneStat; engine.validator.stats stats:(vector engine.validator.oneStat) = engine.validator.Stats; engine.validator.controlQueryError code:int message:string = engine.validator.ControlQueryError; engine.validator.time time:int = engine.validator.Time; engine.validator.success = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.jsonConfig data:string = engine.validator.JsonConfig; engine.validator.electionBid election_date:int perm_key:int256 adnl_addr:int256 to_send_payload:bytes = engine.validator.ElectionBid; engine.validator.dhtServerStatus id:int256 status:int = engine.validator.DhtServerStatus; engine.validator.dhtServersStatus servers:(vector engine.validator.dhtServerStatus) = engine.validator.DhtServersStatus; ---functions--- engine.validator.getTime = engine.validator.Time; engine.validator.importPrivateKey key:PrivateKey = engine.validator.KeyHash; engine.validator.exportPrivateKey key_hash:int256 = PrivateKey; engine.validator.exportPublicKey key_hash:int256 = PublicKey; engine.validator.generateKeyPair = engine.validator.KeyHash; engine.validator.addAdnlId key_hash:int256 category:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addDhtId key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addValidatorPermanentKey key_hash:int256 election_date:int ttl:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addValidatorTempKey permanent_key_hash:int256 key_hash:int256 ttl:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addValidatorAdnlAddress permanent_key_hash:int256 key_hash:int256 ttl:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.changeFullNodeAdnlAddress adnl_id:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addLiteserver key_hash:int256 port:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addControlInterface key_hash:int256 port:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addControlProcess key_hash:int256 port:int peer_key:int256 permissions:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delAdnlId key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delDhtId key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delValidatorPermanentKey key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delValidatorTempKey permanent_key_hash:int256 key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delValidatorAdnlAddress permanent_key_hash:int256 key_hash:int256 = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addListeningPort ip:int port:int categories:(vector int) priority_categories:(vector int) = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.addProxy in_ip:int in_port:int out_ip:int out_port:int proxy:adnl.Proxy categories:(vector int) priority_categories:(vector int) = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delListeningPort ip:int port:int categories:(vector int) priority_categories:(vector int) = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.delProxy out_ip:int out_port:int categories:(vector int) priority_categories:(vector int) = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.sign key_hash:int256 data:bytes = engine.validator.Signature; engine.validator.getStats = engine.validator.Stats; engine.validator.getConfig = engine.validator.JsonConfig; engine.validator.setVerbosity verbosity:int = engine.validator.Success; engine.validator.createElectionBid election_date:int election_addr:string wallet:string = engine.validator.ElectionBid; engine.validator.checkDhtServers id:int256 = engine.validator.DhtServersStatus; engine.validator.controlQuery data:bytes = Object; ---types--- http.header name:string value:string = http.Header; http.payloadPart data:bytes trailer:(vector http.header) last:Bool = http.PayloadPart; http.response http_version:string status_code:int reason:string headers:(vector http.header) = http.Response; ---functions--- http.request id:int256 method:string url:string http_version:string headers:(vector http.header) = http.Response; http.getNextPayloadPart id:int256 seqno:int max_chunk_size:int = http.PayloadPart; ---types--- http.server.dnsEntry domain:string = http.server.DnsEntry; domains:(vector string) ip:int port:int = http.server.Host; http.server.config dhs:(vector http.server.dnsEntry) local_hosts:(vector = http.server.Config; ---functions--- int ? = Int; long ? = Long; double ? = Double; string ? = String; object ? = Object; function ? = Function; bytes data:string = Bytes; true = True; boolTrue = Bool; boolFalse = Bool; vector {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; int128 4*[ int ] = Int128; int256 8*[ int ] = Int256; tonNode.blockId workchain:int shard:long seqno:int = tonNode.BlockId; tonNode.blockIdExt workchain:int shard:long seqno:int root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = tonNode.BlockIdExt; tonNode.zeroStateIdExt workchain:int root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = tonNode.ZeroStateIdExt; adnl.message.query query_id:int256 query:bytes = adnl.Message; adnl.message.answer query_id:int256 answer:bytes = adnl.Message; liteServer.error code:int message:string = liteServer.Error; liteServer.accountId workchain:int id:int256 = liteServer.AccountId; liteServer.masterchainInfo last:tonNode.blockIdExt state_root_hash:int256 init:tonNode.zeroStateIdExt = liteServer.MasterchainInfo; liteServer.masterchainInfoExt mode:# version:int capabilities:long last:tonNode.blockIdExt last_utime:int now:int state_root_hash:int256 init:tonNode.zeroStateIdExt = liteServer.MasterchainInfoExt; liteServer.currentTime now:int = liteServer.CurrentTime; liteServer.version mode:# version:int capabilities:long now:int = liteServer.Version; liteServer.blockData id:tonNode.blockIdExt data:bytes = liteServer.BlockData; liteServer.blockState id:tonNode.blockIdExt root_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 data:bytes = liteServer.BlockState; liteServer.blockHeader id:tonNode.blockIdExt mode:# header_proof:bytes = liteServer.BlockHeader; liteServer.sendMsgStatus status:int = liteServer.SendMsgStatus; liteServer.accountState id:tonNode.blockIdExt shardblk:tonNode.blockIdExt shard_proof:bytes proof:bytes state:bytes = liteServer.AccountState; liteServer.runMethodResult mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt shardblk:tonNode.blockIdExt shard_proof:mode.0?bytes proof:mode.0?bytes state_proof:mode.1?bytes init_c7:mode.3?bytes lib_extras:mode.4?bytes exit_code:int result:mode.2?bytes = liteServer.RunMethodResult; liteServer.shardInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt shardblk:tonNode.blockIdExt shard_proof:bytes shard_descr:bytes = liteServer.ShardInfo; liteServer.allShardsInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt proof:bytes data:bytes = liteServer.AllShardsInfo; liteServer.transactionInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt proof:bytes transaction:bytes = liteServer.TransactionInfo; liteServer.transactionList ids:(vector tonNode.blockIdExt) transactions:bytes = liteServer.TransactionList; liteServer.transactionId mode:# account:mode.0?int256 lt:mode.1?long hash:mode.2?int256 = liteServer.TransactionId; liteServer.transactionId3 account:int256 lt:long = liteServer.TransactionId3; liteServer.blockTransactions id:tonNode.blockIdExt req_count:# incomplete:Bool ids:(vector liteServer.transactionId) proof:bytes = liteServer.BlockTransactions; liteServer.signature node_id_short:int256 signature:bytes = liteServer.Signature; liteServer.signatureSet validator_set_hash:int catchain_seqno:int signatures:(vector liteServer.signature) = liteServer.SignatureSet; liteServer.blockLinkBack to_key_block:Bool from:tonNode.blockIdExt to:tonNode.blockIdExt dest_proof:bytes proof:bytes state_proof:bytes = liteServer.BlockLink; liteServer.blockLinkForward to_key_block:Bool from:tonNode.blockIdExt to:tonNode.blockIdExt dest_proof:bytes config_proof:bytes signatures:liteServer.SignatureSet = liteServer.BlockLink; liteServer.partialBlockProof complete:Bool from:tonNode.blockIdExt to:tonNode.blockIdExt steps:(vector liteServer.BlockLink) = liteServer.PartialBlockProof; liteServer.configInfo mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt state_proof:bytes config_proof:bytes = liteServer.ConfigInfo; liteServer.validatorStats mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt count:int complete:Bool state_proof:bytes data_proof:bytes = liteServer.ValidatorStats; liteServer.debug.verbosity value:int = liteServer.debug.Verbosity; ---functions--- liteServer.getMasterchainInfo = liteServer.MasterchainInfo; liteServer.getMasterchainInfoExt mode:# = liteServer.MasterchainInfoExt; liteServer.getTime = liteServer.CurrentTime; liteServer.getVersion = liteServer.Version; liteServer.getBlock id:tonNode.blockIdExt = liteServer.BlockData; liteServer.getState id:tonNode.blockIdExt = liteServer.BlockState; liteServer.getBlockHeader id:tonNode.blockIdExt mode:# = liteServer.BlockHeader; liteServer.sendMessage body:bytes = liteServer.SendMsgStatus; liteServer.getAccountState id:tonNode.blockIdExt account:liteServer.accountId = liteServer.AccountState; liteServer.runSmcMethod mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt account:liteServer.accountId method_id:long params:bytes = liteServer.RunMethodResult; liteServer.getShardInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt workchain:int shard:long exact:Bool = liteServer.ShardInfo; liteServer.getAllShardsInfo id:tonNode.blockIdExt = liteServer.AllShardsInfo; liteServer.getOneTransaction id:tonNode.blockIdExt account:liteServer.accountId lt:long = liteServer.TransactionInfo; liteServer.getTransactions count:# account:liteServer.accountId lt:long hash:int256 = liteServer.TransactionList; liteServer.lookupBlock mode:# id:tonNode.blockId lt:mode.1?long utime:mode.2?int = liteServer.BlockHeader; liteServer.listBlockTransactions id:tonNode.blockIdExt mode:# count:# after:mode.7?liteServer.transactionId3 reverse_order:mode.6?true want_proof:mode.5?true = liteServer.BlockTransactions; liteServer.getBlockProof mode:# known_block:tonNode.blockIdExt target_block:mode.0?tonNode.blockIdExt = liteServer.PartialBlockProof; liteServer.getConfigAll mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt = liteServer.ConfigInfo; liteServer.getConfigParams mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt param_list:(vector int) = liteServer.ConfigInfo; liteServer.getValidatorStats#091a58bc mode:# id:tonNode.blockIdExt limit:int start_after:mode.0?int256 modified_after:mode.2?int = liteServer.ValidatorStats; liteServer.queryPrefix = Object; liteServer.query data:bytes = Object; liteServer.waitMasterchainSeqno seqno:int timeout_ms:int = Object; // query prefix double ? = Double; string ? = String; int32 = Int32; int53 = Int53; int64 = Int64; bytes = Bytes; secureString = SecureString; secureBytes = SecureBytes; object ? = Object; function ? = Function; boolFalse = Bool; boolTrue = Bool; vector {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error code:int32 message:string = Error; ok = Ok; keyStoreTypeDirectory directory:string = KeyStoreType; keyStoreTypeInMemory = KeyStoreType; config config:string blockchain_name:string use_callbacks_for_network:Bool ignore_cache:Bool = Config; options config:config keystore_type:KeyStoreType = Options; options.configInfo default_wallet_id:int64 = options.ConfigInfo; config_info:options.configInfo = options.Info; key public_key:string secret:secureBytes = Key; inputKeyRegular key:key local_password:secureBytes = InputKey; inputKeyFake = InputKey; exportedKey word_list:vector = ExportedKey; exportedPemKey pem:secureString = ExportedPemKey; exportedEncryptedKey data:secureBytes = ExportedEncryptedKey; bip39Hints words:vector = Bip39Hints; accountAddress account_address:string = AccountAddress; accountRevisionList revisions:vector = AccountRevisionList; unpackedAccountAddress workchain_id:int32 bounceable:Bool testnet:Bool addr:bytes = UnpackedAccountAddress; internal.transactionId lt:int64 hash:bytes = internal.TransactionId; ton.blockId workchain:int32 shard:int64 seqno:int32 = internal.BlockId; ton.blockIdExt workchain:int32 shard:int64 seqno:int32 root_hash:bytes file_hash:bytes = ton.BlockIdExt; raw.fullAccountState balance:int64 code:bytes data:bytes last_transaction_id:internal.transactionId block_id:ton.blockIdExt frozen_hash:bytes sync_utime:int53 = raw.FullAccountState; raw.message source:string destination:string value:int64 fwd_fee:int64 ihr_fee:int64 created_lt:int64 body_hash:bytes message:bytes = raw.Message; raw.transaction utime:int53 data:bytes transaction_id:internal.transactionId fee:int64 storage_fee:int64 other_fee:int64 in_msg:raw.message out_msgs:vector = raw.Transaction; raw.transactions transactions:vector previous_transaction_id:internal.transactionId = raw.Transactions; raw.initialAccountState code:bytes data:bytes = InitialAccountState; testGiver.initialAccountState = InitialAccountState; testWallet.initialAccountState public_key:string = InitialAccountState; wallet.initialAccountState public_key:string = InitialAccountState; wallet.v3.initialAccountState public_key:string wallet_id:int64 = InitialAccountState; wallet.highload.v1.initialAccountState public_key:string wallet_id:int64 = InitialAccountState; wallet.highload.v2.initialAccountState public_key:string wallet_id:int64 = InitialAccountState; dns.initialAccountState public_key:string wallet_id:int64 = InitialAccountState; raw.accountState code:bytes data:bytes frozen_hash:bytes = AccountState; testWallet.accountState seqno:int32 = AccountState; wallet.accountState seqno:int32 = AccountState; wallet.v3.accountState wallet_id:int64 seqno:int32 = AccountState; wallet.highload.v1.accountState wallet_id:int64 seqno:int32 = AccountState; wallet.highload.v2.accountState wallet_id:int64 = AccountState; testGiver.accountState seqno:int32 = AccountState; dns.accountState wallet_id:int64 = AccountState; uninited.accountState frozen_hash:bytes = AccountState; fullAccountState balance:int64 last_transaction_id:internal.transactionId block_id:ton.blockIdExt sync_utime:int53 account_state:AccountState = FullAccountState; syncStateDone = SyncState; syncStateInProgress from_seqno:int32 to_seqno:int32 current_seqno:int32 = SyncState; // // MSG // msg.dataText text:string = msg.Data; msg.dataEncryptedText text:string = msg.Data; msg.message destination:accountAddress amount:int64 data:msg.Data = msg.Message; // // DNS // dns.entryDataUnknown bytes:bytes = dns.EntryData; dns.entryDataText text:string = dns.EntryData; dns.entryDataNextResolver resolver:AccountAddress = dns.EntryData; dns.entryDataSmcAddress smc_address:AccountAddress = dns.EntryData; //TODO: other entry types dns.entry name:string category:int32 entry:dns.EntryData = dns.Entry; dns.actionDeleteAll = dns.Action; // use category = 0 to delete all entries dns.actionDelete name:string category:int32 = dns.Action; dns.actionSet entry:dns.entry = dns.Action; dns.resolved entries:vector = dns.Resolved; // // Actions // actionNoop = Action; actionMsg messages:vector allow_send_to_uninited:Bool = Action; actionDns actions:vector = Action; //actionMultisig actions:vector = Action; fees in_fwd_fee:int53 storage_fee:int53 gas_fee:int53 fwd_fee:int53 = Fees; query.fees source_fees:fees destination_fees:vector = query.Fees; // query.emulationResult exit_code:int32 fees:fees = query.EmulationResult; id:int53 valid_until:int53 body_hash:bytes = query.Info; tvm.slice bytes:bytes = tvm.Slice; tvm.cell bytes:bytes = tvm.Cell; tvm.numberDecimal number:string = tvm.Number; tvm.tuple elements:vector = tvm.Tuple; tvm.list elements:vector = tvm.List; tvm.stackEntrySlice slice:tvm.slice = tvm.StackEntry; tvm.stackEntryCell cell:tvm.cell = tvm.StackEntry; tvm.stackEntryNumber number:tvm.Number = tvm.StackEntry; tvm.stackEntryTuple tuple:tvm.Tuple = tvm.StackEntry; tvm.stackEntryList list:tvm.List = tvm.StackEntry; tvm.stackEntryUnsupported = tvm.StackEntry; id:int53 = smc.Info; smc.methodIdNumber number:int32 = smc.MethodId; smc.methodIdName name:string = smc.MethodId; smc.runResult gas_used:int53 stack:vector exit_code:int32 = smc.RunResult; updateSendLiteServerQuery id:int64 data:bytes = Update; updateSyncState sync_state:SyncState = Update; //@class LogStream @description Describes a stream to which tonlib internal log is written //@description The log is written to stderr or an OS specific log logStreamDefault = LogStream; //@description The log is written to a file @path Path to the file to where the internal tonlib log will be written @max_file_size Maximum size of the file to where the internal tonlib log is written before the file will be auto-rotated logStreamFile path:string max_file_size:int53 = LogStream; //@description The log is written nowhere logStreamEmpty = LogStream; //@description Contains a tonlib internal log verbosity level @verbosity_level Log verbosity level logVerbosityLevel verbosity_level:int32 = LogVerbosityLevel; //@description Contains a list of available tonlib internal log tags @tags List of log tags logTags tags:vector = LogTags; data bytes:secureBytes = Data; now:int53 version:int32 capabilities:int64 = liteServer.Info; ---functions--- init options:options = options.Info; close = Ok; options.setConfig config:config = options.ConfigInfo; options.validateConfig config:config = options.ConfigInfo; createNewKey local_password:secureBytes mnemonic_password:secureBytes random_extra_seed:secureBytes = Key; deleteKey key:key = Ok; deleteAllKeys = Ok; exportKey input_key:InputKey = ExportedKey; exportPemKey input_key:InputKey key_password:secureBytes = ExportedPemKey; exportEncryptedKey input_key:InputKey key_password:secureBytes = ExportedEncryptedKey; importKey local_password:secureBytes mnemonic_password:secureBytes exported_key:exportedKey = Key; importPemKey local_password:secureBytes key_password:secureBytes exported_key:exportedPemKey = Key; importEncryptedKey local_password:secureBytes key_password:secureBytes exported_encrypted_key:exportedEncryptedKey = Key; changeLocalPassword input_key:InputKey new_local_password:secureBytes = Key; encrypt decrypted_data:secureBytes secret:secureBytes = Data; decrypt encrypted_data:secureBytes secret:secureBytes = Data; kdf password:secureBytes salt:secureBytes iterations:int32 = Data; unpackAccountAddress account_address:string = UnpackedAccountAddress; packAccountAddress account_address:unpackedAccountAddress = AccountAddress; getBip39Hints prefix:string = Bip39Hints; //raw.init initial_account_state:raw.initialAccountState = Ok; raw.getAccountState account_address:accountAddress = raw.FullAccountState; raw.getTransactions private_key:InputKey account_address:accountAddress from_transaction_id:internal.transactionId = raw.Transactions; raw.sendMessage body:bytes = Ok; raw.createAndSendMessage destination:accountAddress initial_account_state:bytes data:bytes = Ok; raw.createQuery destination:accountAddress init_code:bytes init_data:bytes body:bytes = query.Info; sync = ton.BlockIdExt; // revision = 0 -- use default revision // revision = x (x > 0) -- use revision x getAccountAddress initial_account_state:InitialAccountState revision:int32 = AccountAddress; // guessAccountRevision initial_account_state:InitialAccountState = AccountRevisionList; getAccountState account_address:accountAddress = FullAccountState; createQuery private_key:InputKey address:accountAddress timeout:int32 action:Action = query.Info; query.send id:int53 = Ok; query.forget id:int53 = Ok; query.estimateFees id:int53 ignore_chksig:Bool = query.Fees; // query.emulate id:int53 ignore_chksig:Bool = query.EmulationResult; query.getInfo id:int53 = query.Info; smc.load account_address:accountAddress = smc.Info; //smc.forget id:int53 = Ok; smc.getCode id:int53 = tvm.Cell; smc.getData id:int53 = tvm.Cell; smc.getState id:int53 = tvm.Cell; smc.runGetMethod id:int53 method:smc.MethodId stack:vector = smc.RunResult; dns.resolve account_address:accountAddress name:string category:int32 = dns.Resolved; onLiteServerQueryResult id:int64 bytes:bytes = Ok; onLiteServerQueryError id:int64 error:error = Ok; withBlock id:ton.blockIdExt function:Function = Object; runTests dir:string = Ok; liteServer.getInfo = liteServer.Info; //@description Sets new log stream for internal logging of tonlib. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously @log_stream New log stream setLogStream log_stream:LogStream = Ok; //@description Returns information about currently used log stream for internal logging of tonlib. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously getLogStream = LogStream; //@description Sets the verbosity level of the internal logging of tonlib. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously //@new_verbosity_level New value of the verbosity level for logging. Value 0 corresponds to fatal errors, value 1 corresponds to errors, value 2 corresponds to warnings and debug warnings, value 3 corresponds to informational, value 4 corresponds to debug, value 5 corresponds to verbose debug, value greater than 5 and up to 1023 can be used to enable even more logging setLogVerbosityLevel new_verbosity_level:int32 = Ok; //@description Returns current verbosity level of the internal logging of tonlib. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously getLogVerbosityLevel = LogVerbosityLevel; //@description Returns list of available tonlib internal log tags, for example, ["actor", "binlog", "connections", "notifications", "proxy"]. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously getLogTags = LogTags; //@description Sets the verbosity level for a specified tonlib internal log tag. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously //@tag Logging tag to change verbosity level @new_verbosity_level New verbosity level; 1-1024 setLogTagVerbosityLevel tag:string new_verbosity_level:int32 = Ok; //@description Returns current verbosity level for a specified tonlib internal log tag. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously @tag Logging tag to change verbosity level getLogTagVerbosityLevel tag:string = LogVerbosityLevel; //@description Adds a message to tonlib internal log. This is an offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously //@verbosity_level Minimum verbosity level needed for the message to be logged, 0-1023 @text Text of a message to log addLogMessage verbosity_level:int32 text:string = Ok; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TON; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use function Amp\File\get; /** * TON API. */ class Lite { /** * Lite client config. * * @var array */ private $config; /** * Misc settings. * * @var array */ private $settings = []; /** * TL serializer instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL */ private $TL; /** * Logger instance. * * @var Logger */ public $logger; /** * Liteserver connections. * * @var ADNLConnection[] */ private $connections = []; /** * Construct settings. * * @param array $settings */ public function __construct(array $settings) { $this->settings = $settings; $this->logger = Logger::getLoggerFromSettings($this->settings); $this->TL = new TL($this); $this->TL->init(['lite_api' => __DIR__ . '/schemes/', 'ton_api' => __DIR__ . '/schemes/']); } /** * Connect to the lite endpoints specified in the config file. * * @param string $config Path to config file * * @return \Generator */ public function connect(string $config) : \Generator { $config = \json_decode((yield get($config)), true); $config['_'] = ''; $config = Tools::convertJsonTL($config); $config['validator']['init_block'] = $config['validator']['init_block'] ?? $config['validator']['zero_state']; $this->config = $this->TL->deserialize(yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => ''], $config, 'cleanup')); foreach ($this->config['liteservers'] as $lite) { $this->connections[] = $connection = new ADNLConnection($this->TL); yield from $connection->connect($lite); } } /** * Logger. * * @param string $param Parameter * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File where the message originated * * @return void */ public function logger($param, int $level = Logger::NOTICE, string $file = '') { if ($file === null) { $file = \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php'); } isset($this->logger) ? $this->logger->logger($param, $level, $file) : Logger::$default->logger($param, $level, $file); } /** * Call lite method. * * @param string $methodName Method name * @param array $args Arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCall(string $methodName, array $args = [], array $aargs = []) : \Generator { $data = (yield from $this->TL->serializeMethod($methodName, $args)); $data = (yield from $this->TL->serializeMethod('liteServer.query', ['data' => $data])); return yield from $this->connections[\rand(0, \count($this->connections) - 1)]->query($data); } /** * Asynchronously run async callable. * * @param callable $func Function * * @return \Generator */ public function loop(callable $func) : \Generator { return (yield $func()); } /** * Convert parameters. * * @param array $parameters Parameters * * @return \Generator */ public function botAPItoMTProto(array $parameters) : \Generator { return $parameters; yield; } /** * Get TL method namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces() : array { return $this->TL->getMethodNamespaces(); } }{ "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1072550713", "predicate": "true", "params": [], "type": "True" }, { "id": "481674261", "predicate": "vector", "params": [], "type": "Vector t" }, { "id": "-994444869", "predicate": "error", "params": [ { "name": "code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "text", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Error" }, { "id": "1450380236", "predicate": "null", "params": [], "type": "Null" }, { "id": "2134579434", "predicate": "inputPeerEmpty", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "2107670217", "predicate": "inputPeerSelf", "params": [], "type": "InputPeer" }, { "id": "396093539", "predicate": "inputPeerChat", "params": [ { 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"params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset_date", "type": "int" }, { "name": "offset_peer", "type": "InputPeer" }, { "name": "offset_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.Messages" } ] }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; /** * File callback interface. */ interface FileCallbackInterface { /** * Get file. * * @return mixed */ public function getFile(); /** * Invoke callback. * * @param int $percent Percent * @param int $speed Speed in mbps * @param int $time Time * * @return mixed */ public function __invoke($percent, $speed, $time); }---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#7b1a118f geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#450b7115 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#76af5481 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#ea52fe5a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes cdn_file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#9c840964 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int disabled_features:Vector = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; cdnFileHash#77eec38f offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = CdnFileHash; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#c7481da6 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#1389cc token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#ae22e045 emoticon:string hash:string = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#5d1b8dd flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#b0e08243 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#249431e2 peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#1af91c09 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#f715c87b file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector; // LAYER 75 . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Failure; use Amp\File\StatCache; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; use function Amp\ByteStream\getOutputBufferStream; use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdin; use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdout; use function Amp\File\exists; use function Amp\File\get; use function Amp\Promise\all; use function Amp\Promise\any; use function Amp\Promise\first; use function Amp\Promise\some; use function Amp\Promise\timeout; use function Amp\Promise\wait; /** * Some tools. */ trait Tools { /** * Sanify TL obtained from JSON for TL serialization. * * @param array $input Data to sanitize * * @internal * * @return array */ public static function convertJsonTL(array $input) : array { $cb = static function (&$val) use(&$cb) { if (isset($val['@type'])) { $val['_'] = $val['@type']; } elseif (\is_array($val)) { \array_walk($val, $cb); } }; \array_walk($input, $cb); return $input; } /** * Generate MTProto vector hash. * * @param array $ints IDs * * @return int Vector hash */ public static function genVectorHash(array $ints) : int { //sort($ints, SORT_NUMERIC); if (\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$bigint) { $hash = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(0); foreach ($ints as $int) { $hash = $hash->multiply(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$twozerotwosixone)->add(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zeroeight)->add(new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($int))->divide(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zeroeight)[1]; } $hash = self::unpackSignedInt(\strrev(\str_pad($hash->toBytes(), 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT))); } else { $hash = 0; foreach ($ints as $int) { $hash = ($hash * 20261 & 0x7fffffff) + $int & 0x7fffffff; } } return $hash; } /** * Get random integer. * * @param integer $modulus Modulus * * @return int */ public static function randomInt(int $modulus = 0) : int { if ($modulus === 0) { $modulus = PHP_INT_MAX; } try { return \random_int(0, PHP_INT_MAX) % $modulus; } catch (\Exception $e) { // random_compat will throw an Exception, which in PHP 5 does not implement Throwable } catch (\Throwable $e) { // If a sufficient source of randomness is unavailable, random_bytes() will throw an // object that implements the Throwable interface (Exception, TypeError, Error). // We don't actually need to do anything here. The string() method should just continue // as normal. Note, however, that if we don't have a sufficient source of randomness for // random_bytes(), most of the other calls here will fail too, so we'll end up using // the PHP implementation. } if (Magic::$bigint) { $number = self::unpackSignedInt(self::random(4)); } else { $number = self::unpackSignedLong(self::random(8)); } return ($number & PHP_INT_MAX) % $modulus; } /** * Get random string of specified length. * * @param integer $length Length * * @return string Random string */ public static function random(int $length) : string { return $length === 0 ? '' : \tgseclib\Crypt\Random::string($length); } /** * Positive modulo * Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number. * * @param int $a A * @param int $b B * * @return int Modulo */ public static function posmod(int $a, int $b) : int { $resto = $a % $b; return $resto < 0 ? $resto + \abs($b) : $resto; } /** * Unpack base256 signed int. * * @param string $value base256 int * * @return integer */ public static function unpackSignedInt(string $value) : int { if (\strlen($value) !== 4) { throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_4']); } return \unpack('l', \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($value) : $value)[1]; } /** * Unpack base256 signed long. * * @param string $value base256 long * * @return integer */ public static function unpackSignedLong(string $value) : int { if (\strlen($value) !== 8) { throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_8']); } return \unpack('q', \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($value) : $value)[1]; } /** * Unpack base256 signed long to string. * * @param string $value base256 long * * @return string */ public static function unpackSignedLongString($value) : string { if (\is_int($value)) { return (string) $value; } if (\is_array($value) && \count($value) === 2) { $value = \pack('l2', $value); } if (\strlen($value) !== 8) { throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_8']); } $big = new BigInteger((string) $value, -256); return (string) $big; } /** * Convert integer to base256 signed int. * * @param integer $value Value to convert * * @return string */ public static function packSignedInt(int $value) : string { if ($value > 2147483647) { throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_bigger_than_2147483647'], $value)); } if ($value < -2147483648) { throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_smaller_than_2147483648'], $value)); } $res = \pack('l', $value); return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($res) : $res; } /** * Convert integer to base256 long. * * @param int $value Value to convert * * @return string */ public static function packSignedLong(int $value) : string { if ($value > 9223372036854775807) { throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807'], $value)); } if ($value < -9.223372036854776E+18) { throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_smaller_than_9223372036854775808'], $value)); } $res = \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$bigint ? self::packSignedInt($value) . "\0\0\0\0" : (\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev(\pack('q', $value)) : \pack('q', $value)); return $res; } /** * Convert value to unsigned base256 int. * * @param int $value Value * * @return string */ public static function packUnsignedInt(int $value) : string { if ($value > 4294967295) { throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_bigger_than_4294967296'], $value)); } if ($value < 0) { throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_smaller_than_0'], $value)); } return \pack('V', $value); } /** * Convert double to binary version. * * @param float $value Value to convert * * @return string */ public static function packDouble(float $value) : string { $res = \pack('d', $value); if (\strlen($res) !== 8) { throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['encode_double_error']); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($res) : $res; } /** * Unpack binary double. * * @param string $value Value to unpack * * @return float */ public static function unpackDouble(string $value) : float { if (\strlen($value) !== 8) { throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_8']); } return \unpack('d', \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($value) : $value)[1]; } /** * Synchronously wait for a promise|generator. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise The promise to wait for * @param boolean $ignoreSignal Whether to ignore shutdown signals * * @return mixed */ public static function wait($promise, $ignoreSignal = false) { if ($promise instanceof \Generator) { $promise = new Coroutine($promise); } elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) { return $promise; } $exception = null; $value = null; $resolved = false; do { try { Loop::run(function () use(&$resolved, &$value, &$exception, $promise) { $promise->onResolve(function ($e, $v) use(&$resolved, &$value, &$exception) { Loop::stop(); $resolved = true; $exception = $e; $value = $v; }); }); } catch (\Throwable $throwable) { Logger::log('Loop exceptionally stopped without resolving the promise', Logger::FATAL_ERROR); Logger::log((string) $throwable, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); throw $throwable; } } while (!$resolved && !(Magic::$signaled && !$ignoreSignal)); if ($exception) { throw $exception; } return $value; } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails. * Returned promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to the array of promises. * * @param array<\Generator|Promise> $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public static function all(array $promises) : Promise { foreach ($promises as &$promise) { $promise = self::call($promise); } return all($promises); } /** * Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail. * * @param array $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public static function any(array $promises) : Promise { foreach ($promises as &$promise) { $promise = self::call($promise); } return any($promises); } /** * Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results. * The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail. * * @param array $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public static function some(array $promises) : Promise { foreach ($promises as &$promise) { $promise = self::call($promise); } return some($promises); } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail. * * @param array $promises Promises * * @return Promise */ public static function first(array $promises) : Promise { foreach ($promises as &$promise) { $promise = self::call($promise); } return first($promises); } /** * Create an artificial timeout for any \Generator or Promise. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise * @param integer $timeout * * @return Promise */ public static function timeout($promise, int $timeout) : Promise { return timeout(self::call($promise), $timeout); } /** * Convert generator, promise or any other value to a promise. * * @param \Generator|Promise|mixed $promise * * @return Promise */ public static function call($promise) : Promise { if ($promise instanceof \Generator) { $promise = new Coroutine($promise); } elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) { return new Success($promise); } return $promise; } /** * Call promise in background. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise Promise to resolve * @param ?\Generator|Promise $actual Promise to resolve instead of $promise * @param string $file File * * @return Promise */ public static function callFork($promise, $actual = null, $file = '') { if ($actual) { $promise = $actual; } if ($promise instanceof \Generator) { $promise = new Coroutine($promise); } if ($promise instanceof Promise) { $promise->onResolve(function ($e, $res) use($file) { if ($e) { if (isset($this)) { $this->rethrow($e, $file); } else { self::rethrow($e, $file); } } }); } return $promise; } /** * Call promise in background, deferring execution. * * @param \Generator|Promise $promise Promise to resolve * * @return void */ public static function callForkDefer($promise) { Loop::defer([__CLASS__, 'callFork'], $promise); } /** * Rethrow error catched in strand. * * @param \Throwable $e Exception * @param string $file File where the strand started * * @return void */ public static function rethrow(\Throwable $e, $file = '') { $zis = isset($this) ? $this : null; $logger = isset($zis->logger) ? $zis->logger : Logger::$default; if ($file) { $file = " started @ {$file}"; } if ($logger) { $logger->logger("Got the following exception within a forked strand{$file}, trying to rethrow"); } if ($e->getMessage() === "Cannot get return value of a generator that hasn't returned") { $logger->logger("Well you know, this might actually not be the actual exception, scroll up in the logs to see the actual exception"); if (!$zis || !$zis->destructing) { Promise\rethrow(new Failure($e)); } } else { if ($logger) { $logger->logger($e); } Promise\rethrow(new Failure($e)); } } /** * Call promise $b after promise $a. * * @param \Generator|Promise $a Promise A * @param \Generator|Promise $b Promise B * * @return Promise */ public static function after($a, $b) : Promise { $a = self::call($a()); $deferred = new Deferred(); $a->onResolve(static function ($e, $res) use($b, $deferred) { if ($e) { if (isset($this)) { $this->rethrow($e); } else { self::rethrow($e); } return; } $b = self::call($b()); $b->onResolve(function ($e, $res) use($deferred) { if ($e) { if (isset($this)) { $this->rethrow($e); } else { self::rethrow($e); } return; } $deferred->resolve($res); }); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * Asynchronously lock a file * Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock. * * @param string $file File to lock * @param integer $operation Locking mode * @param float $polling Polling interval * * @return Promise */ public static function flock(string $file, int $operation, float $polling = 0.1) : Promise { return self::call(Tools::flockGenerator($file, $operation, $polling)); } /** * Asynchronously lock a file (internal generator function). * * @param string $file File to lock * @param integer $operation Locking mode * @param float $polling Polling interval * * @internal Generator function * * @return \Generator */ public static function flockGenerator(string $file, int $operation, float $polling) : \Generator { if (!(yield exists($file))) { (yield \touch($file)); StatCache::clear($file); } $operation |= LOCK_NB; $res = \fopen($file, 'c'); do { $result = \flock($res, $operation); if (!$result) { (yield self::sleep($polling)); } } while (!$result); return static function () use(&$res) { if ($res) { \flock($res, LOCK_UN); \fclose($res); $res = null; } }; } /** * Asynchronously sleep. * * @param int $time Number of seconds to sleep for * * @return Promise */ public static function sleep(int $time) : Promise { return new \Amp\Delayed($time * 1000); } /** * Asynchronously read line. * * @param string $prompt Prompt * * @return Promise */ public static function readLine(string $prompt = '') : Promise { return self::call(Tools::readLineGenerator($prompt)); } /** * Asynchronously read line (generator function). * * @param string $prompt Prompt * * @internal Generator function * * @return \Generator */ public static function readLineGenerator(string $prompt = '') : \Generator { $stdin = getStdin(); $stdout = getStdout(); if ($prompt) { (yield $stdout->write($prompt)); } static $lines = ['']; while (\count($lines) < 2 && ($chunk = (yield $stdin->read())) !== null) { $chunk = \explode("\n", \str_replace(["\r", "\n\n"], "\n", $chunk)); $lines[\count($lines) - 1] .= \array_shift($chunk); $lines = \array_merge($lines, $chunk); } return \array_shift($lines); } /** * Asynchronously write to stdout/browser. * * @param string $string Message to echo * * @return Promise */ public static function echo(string $string) : Promise { return getOutputBufferStream()->write($string); } /** * Check if is array or similar (traversable && countable && arrayAccess). * * @param arraylike $var Value to check * * @return boolean */ public static function isArrayOrAlike($var) : bool { return \is_array($var) || $var instanceof \ArrayAccess && $var instanceof \Traversable && $var instanceof \Countable; } /** * Convert to camelCase. * * @param string $input String * * @return string */ public static function toCamelCase(string $input) : string { return \lcfirst(\str_replace('_', '', \ucwords($input, '_'))); } /** * Convert to snake_case. * * @param string $input String * * @return string */ public static function toSnakeCase(string $input) : string { \preg_match_all('!([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?=$|[A-Z][a-z0-9])|[A-Za-z][a-z0-9]+)!', $input, $matches); $ret = $matches[0]; foreach ($ret as &$match) { $match = $match == \strtoupper($match) ? \strtolower($match) : \lcfirst($match); } return \implode('_', $ret); } /** * Create array. * * @param ...$params Params * * @return array */ public static function arr(...$params) : array { return $params; } /** * base64URL decode. * * @param string $data Data to decode * * @return string */ public static function base64urlDecode(string $data) : string { return \base64_decode(\str_pad(\strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), \strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT)); } /** * Base64URL encode. * * @param string $data Data to encode * * @return string */ public static function base64urlEncode(string $data) : string { return \rtrim(\strtr(\base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '='); } /** * null-byte RLE decode. * * @param string $string Data to decode * * @return string */ public static function rleDecode(string $string) : string { $new = ''; $last = ''; $null = \chr(0); foreach (\str_split($string) as $cur) { if ($last === $null) { $new .= \str_repeat($last, \ord($cur)); $last = ''; } else { $new .= $last; $last = $cur; } } $string = $new . $last; return $string; } /** * null-byte RLE encode. * * @param string $string Data to encode * * @return string */ public static function rleEncode(string $string) : string { $new = ''; $count = 0; $null = \chr(0); foreach (\str_split($string) as $cur) { if ($cur === $null) { $count++; } else { if ($count > 0) { $new .= $null . \chr($count); $count = 0; } $new .= $cur; } } return $new; } /** * Inflate stripped photosize to full JPG payload. * * @param string $stripped Stripped photosize * * @return string JPG payload */ public static function inflateStripped(string $stripped) : string { if (\strlen($stripped) < 3 || \ord($stripped[0]) !== 1) { return $stripped; } $header = "\0\20JFI" . "F\0\1\1\0\0\1\0\1\0\0\0C\0(\34" . "\36#\36\31(#!#-+(0{$var}; }, $obj, \get_class($obj))->__invoke(); } /** * Sets a private variable in an object. * * @param object $obj Object * @param string $var Attribute name * @param mixed $val Attribute value * * @return mixed * @access public */ public static function setVar($obj, string $var, &$val) { \Closure::bind(function () use($var, &$val) { $this->{$var} =& $val; }, $obj, \get_class($obj))->__invoke(); } }===8=== decryptedMessage#1f814f1f random_id:long random_bytes:bytes message:string media:DecryptedMessageMedia = DecryptedMessage; decryptedMessageService#aa48327d random_id:long random_bytes:bytes action:DecryptedMessageAction = DecryptedMessage; decryptedMessageMediaEmpty#89f5c4a = DecryptedMessageMedia; decryptedMessageMediaPhoto#32798a8c thumb:bytes thumb_w:int thumb_h:int w:int h:int size:int key:bytes iv:bytes = DecryptedMessageMedia; decryptedMessageMediaVideo#4cee6ef3 thumb:bytes thumb_w:int thumb_h:int duration:int w:int h:int size:int key:bytes iv:bytes = 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"type": "auth.Authorization" }, { "id": "-1373446075", "method": "messages.getStickers", "params": [ { "name": "emoticon", "type": "string" }, { "name": "hash", "type": "string" } ], "type": "messages.Stickers" }, { "id": "-1438922648", "method": "messages.getAllStickers", "params": [ { "name": "hash", "type": "string" } ], "type": "messages.AllStickers" }, { "id": "954152242", "method": "account.updateDeviceLocked", "params": [ { "name": "period", "type": "int" } ], "type": "Bool" } ] }---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerUserFromMessage#17bae2e6 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerChannelFromMessage#9c95f7bb peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputUserFromMessage#2d117597 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int user_id:int = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true scam:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true has_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#1b7c9db3 flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int folder_id:flags.11?int = ChatFull; channelFull#10916653 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true can_set_location:flags.16?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int folder_id:flags.11?int linked_chat_id:flags.14?int location:flags.15?ChannelLocation pts:int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true legacy:flags.19?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#2c171f72 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage folder_id:flags.4?int = Dialog; dialogFolder#71bd134c flags:# pinned:flags.2?true folder:Folder peer:Peer top_message:int unread_muted_peers_count:int unread_unmuted_peers_count:int unread_muted_messages_count:int unread_unmuted_messages_count:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true add_contact:flags.1?true block_contact:flags.2?true share_contact:flags.3?true need_contacts_exception:flags.4?true report_geo:flags.5?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; inputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant#dbd4feed = ReportReason; userFull#edf17c12 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string settings:PeerSettings profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#c8edce1e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9c974fdf flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int peer:Peer max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#330b5424 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int channel_id:int max_id:int still_unread_count:int pts:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#6e6fe51c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#fa0f3ca2 flags:# folder_id:flags.1?int order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updateFolderPeers#19360dc0 folder_peers:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updatePeerSettings#6a7e7366 peer:Peer settings:PeerSettings = Update; updatePeerLocated#b4afcfb0 peers:Vector = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#330b4067 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int pinned_infolder_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber#352dafa = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneNumber#d19ae46d = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants#4c81c1ba chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#d82363af chats:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowChatParticipants#18be796b chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants#acae0690 chats:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#50a04e45 rules:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true animated:flags.5?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrlAuth#10b78d29 flags:# text:string fwd_text:flags.0?string url:string button_id:int = KeyboardButton; inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth#d02e7fd4 flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true text:string fwd_text:flags.1?string url:string bot:InputUser = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUnderline#9c4e7e8b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityStrike#bf0693d4 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBlockquote#20df5d0 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; inputChannelFromMessage#2a286531 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int channel_id:int = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#a4bcc6fe flags:# final:flags.0?true timeout:flags.1?int dialog:Dialog messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#5daa6e23 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardUsers#a8406ca9 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryForwardChats#fbeec0f0 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat#a26f881b prev_value:int new_value:int = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation#e6b76ae prev_value:ChannelLocation new_value:ChannelLocation = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; inputDialogPeerFolder#64600527 folder_id:int = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; dialogPeerFolder#514519e2 folder_id:int = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#302f59f3 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true app_hash_persistent:flags.2?true app_hash:flags.3?string = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; folder#ff544e65 flags:# autofill_new_broadcasts:flags.0?true autofill_public_groups:flags.1?true autofill_new_correspondents:flags.2?true id:int title:string photo:flags.3?ChatPhoto = Folder; inputFolderPeer#fbd2c296 peer:InputPeer folder_id:int = InputFolderPeer; folderPeer#e9baa668 peer:Peer folder_id:int = FolderPeer; messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter; urlAuthResultRequest#92d33a0e flags:# request_write_access:flags.0?true bot:User domain:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultAccepted#8f8c0e4e url:string = UrlAuthResult; urlAuthResultDefault#a9d6db1f = UrlAuthResult; channelLocationEmpty#bfb5ad8b = ChannelLocation; channelLocation#209b82db geo_point:GeoPoint address:string = ChannelLocation; peerLocated#ca461b5d peer:Peer expires:int distance:int = PeerLocated; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#68976c6f flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContacts#96a0e00 id:Vector = Updates; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true forward_users:flags.4?true forward_chats:flags.5?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; contacts.addContact#e8f463d0 flags:# add_phone_privacy_exception:flags.0?true id:InputUser first_name:string last_name:string phone:string = Updates; contacts.acceptContact#f831a20f id:InputUser = Updates; contacts.getLocated#a356056 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#a0ee3b73 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true folder_id:flags.1?int offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#bf7225a4 flags:# folder_id:flags.0?int q:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#d6b94df2 folder_id:int = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector = Vector; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; messages.getSearchCounters#732eef00 peer:InputPeer filters:Vector = Vector; messages.requestUrlAuth#e33f5613 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.acceptUrlAuth#f729ea98 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int button_id:int = UrlAuthResult; messages.hidePeerSettingsBar#4facb138 peer:InputPeer = Bool; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#3d5fb10f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string geo_point:flags.2?InputGeoPoint address:flags.2?string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#70f893ba channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#f8b036af flags:# by_location:flags.0?true check_limit:flags.1?true = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; channels.getGroupsForDiscussion#f5dad378 = messages.Chats; channels.setDiscussionGroup#40582bb2 broadcast:InputChannel group:InputChannel = Bool; channels.editCreator#8f38cd1f channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = Updates; channels.editLocation#58e63f6d channel:InputChannel geo_point:InputGeoPoint address:string = Bool; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#42ff96ed flags:# video:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#b2cbc1c0 flags:# video:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#59ead627 flags:# user_initiative:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#cd984aa5 lang_pack:string lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; folders.editPeerFolders#6847d0ab folder_peers:Vector = Updates; folders.deleteFolder#1c295881 folder_id:int = Updates; // LAYER 103 ---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector stickers:flags.0?Vector ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#7b1a118f geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#196683d9 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#91d11eb dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#c88974ac flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#76af5481 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9c477dd8 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector saved_count:int users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector popular_invites:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#3213dbba flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#59534e4c id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#5585a139 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector cache_time:int users:Vector = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector unread:Vector = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector dates:Vector = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector users:Vector = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector photos:Vector documents:Vector = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true manage_call:flags.10?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector stickers:Vector = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector users:Vector = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector files:flags.4?Vector plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector values:Vector errors:Vector users:Vector privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector = Vector; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#823380b4 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector = Bool; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#c000e4c8 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#adc3e828 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector = Vector; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector; // LAYER 86 { "constructors": [ { "id": "-1132882121", "predicate": "boolFalse", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1720552011", "predicate": "boolTrue", "params": [], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "1072550713", "predicate": "true", "params": [], "type": "True" }, { "id": "481674261", 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"params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "messages.AffectedMessages" }, { "id": "-787622117", "method": "channels.deleteUserHistory", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" } ], "type": "messages.AffectedHistory" }, { "id": "-32999408", "method": "channels.reportSpam", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1814580409", "method": "channels.getMessages", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "messages.Messages" }, { "id": "618237842", "method": "channels.getParticipants", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "filter", "type": "ChannelParticipantsFilter" }, { "name": "offset", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "channels.ChannelParticipants" }, { "id": "1416484774", "method": "channels.getParticipant", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" } ], "type": "channels.ChannelParticipant" }, { "id": "176122811", "method": "channels.getChannels", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "messages.Chats" }, { "id": "141781513", "method": "channels.getFullChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "messages.ChatFull" }, { "id": "-192332417", "method": "channels.createChannel", "params": [ { "name": "flags", "type": "#" }, { "name": "broadcast", "type": "flags.0?true" }, { "name": "megagroup", "type": "flags.1?true" }, { "name": "title", "type": "string" }, { "name": "about", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "333610782", "method": "channels.editAbout", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "about", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { 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"channels.updateUsername", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "username", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "615851205", "method": "channels.joinChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-130635115", "method": "channels.leaveChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "429865580", "method": "channels.inviteToChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "users", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-1502421484", "method": "channels.kickFromChannel", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" }, { "name": "user_id", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "kicked", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Updates" }, { "id": "-950663035", "method": "channels.exportInvite", "params": [ { "name": "channel", "type": "InputChannel" } ], "type": "ExportedChatInvite" }, { "id": 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"params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset_date", "type": "int" }, { "name": "offset_peer", "type": "InputPeer" }, { "name": "offset_id", "type": "int" }, { "name": "limit", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.Messages" }, { "id": "936873859", "method": "help.getTermsOfService", "params": [ { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" } ], "type": "help.TermsOfService" }, { "id": "-1613775824", "method": "messages.reorderStickerSets", "params": [ { "name": "order", "type": "Vector" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "864953444", "method": "messages.getDocumentByHash", "params": [ { "name": "sha256", "type": "bytes" }, { "name": "size", "type": "int" }, { "name": "mime_type", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Document" }, { "id": "-1080395925", "method": "messages.searchGifs", "params": [ { "name": "q", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.FoundGifs" }, { "id": "-2084618926", "method": "messages.getSavedGifs", "params": [ { "name": "hash", "type": "int" } ], "type": "messages.SavedGifs" }, { "id": "846868683", "method": "messages.saveGif", "params": [ { "name": "id", "type": "InputDocument" }, { "name": "unsave", "type": "Bool" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1826332659", "method": "messages.getInlineBotResults", "params": [ { "name": "bot", "type": "InputUser" }, { "name": "query", "type": "string" }, { "name": "offset", "type": "string" } ], "type": "messages.BotResults" }, { "id": "1059318802", "method": "messages.setInlineBotResults", "params": [ { "name": "flags", "type": "#" }, { "name": "gallery", "type": "flags.0?true" }, { "name": "private", "type": "flags.1?true" }, { "name": "query_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "results", "type": "Vector" }, { "name": "cache_time", "type": "int" }, { "name": "next_offset", "type": "flags.2?string" } ], "type": "Bool" }, { "id": "-1318189314", "method": "messages.sendInlineBotResult", "params": [ { "name": "flags", "type": "#" }, { "name": "broadcast", "type": "flags.4?true" }, { "name": "peer", "type": "InputPeer" }, { "name": "reply_to_msg_id", "type": "flags.0?int" }, { "name": "random_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "query_id", "type": "long" }, { "name": "id", "type": "string" } ], "type": "Updates" } ] }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use function Amp\File\put; use function Amp\File\rename as renameAsync; final class APIWrapper { /** * MTProto instance. * * @var ?MTProto */ private $API = null; /** * Session path. * * @var string */ public $session = ''; /** * Getting API ID flag. * * @var bool */ private $gettingApiId = false; /** * Web API template. * * @var string */ private $webApiTemplate = ''; /** * wrapper. * * @var ?MyTelegramOrgWrapper */ private $myTelegramOrgWrapper; /** * Serialization date. * * @var integer */ private $serialized = 0; /** * Whether lua is being used. * * @internal * * @var boolean */ private $lua = false; /** * Whether async is enabled. * * @internal * * @var boolean */ private $async = false; /** * AbstractAPIFactory instance. * * @var AbstractAPIFactory */ private $factory; /** * API wrapper. * * @param API $API API instance to wrap * @param AbstractAPIFactory $factory Factory */ public function __construct(API $API, AbstractAPIFactory $factory) { self::link($this, $API); $this->factory = $factory; } /** * Link two APIWrapper and API instances. * * @param API|APIWrapper $a Instance to which link * @param API|APIWrapper $b Instance from which link * * @return void */ public static function link($a, $b) { foreach (self::__sleep() as $var) { Tools::setVar($a, $var, Tools::getVar($b, $var)); } Tools::setVar($a, 'session', Tools::getVar($b, 'session')); } /** * Sleep function. * * @internal * * @return array */ public static function __sleep() : array { return ['API', 'webApiTemplate', 'gettingApiId', 'myTelegramOrgWrapper', 'storage', 'lua', 'async']; } /** * Get MTProto instance. * * @return MTProto|null */ public function &getAPI() { return $this->API; } /** * Whether async is being used. * * @return boolean */ public function isAsync() : bool { return $this->async; } /** * Get API factory. * * @return AbstractAPIFactory */ public function getFactory() : AbstractAPIFactory { return $this->factory; } /** * Serialie session. * * @return Promise */ public function serialize() : Promise { if (!$this->session) { Logger::log("Not serializing, no session"); return new Success(); } return Tools::callFork((function () : \Generator { if (isset($this->API->flushSettings) && $this->API->flushSettings) { $this->API->flushSettings = false; $this->API->__construct($this->API->settings); } if ($this->API === null && !$this->gettingApiId) { return false; } if ($this->API) { yield from $this->API->initAsynchronously(); } $this->serialized = \time(); $realpaths = Serialization::realpaths($this->session); //Logger::log('Waiting for exclusive lock of serialization lockfile...'); $unlock = (yield Tools::flock($realpaths['lockfile'], LOCK_EX)); //Logger::log('Lock acquired, serializing'); try { if (!$this->gettingApiId) { $update_closure = $this->API->settings['updates']['callback']; if ($this->API->settings['updates']['callback'] instanceof \Closure) { $this->API->settings['updates']['callback'] = [$this->API, 'noop']; } $logger_closure = $this->API->settings['logger']['logger_param']; if ($this->API->settings['logger']['logger_param'] instanceof \Closure) { $this->API->settings['logger']['logger_param'] = [$this->API, 'noop']; } } $wrote = (yield put($realpaths['tempfile'], \serialize($this))); (yield renameAsync($realpaths['tempfile'], $realpaths['file'])); } finally { if (!$this->gettingApiId) { $this->API->settings['updates']['callback'] = $update_closure; $this->API->settings['logger']['logger_param'] = $logger_closure; } $unlock(); } //Logger::log('Done serializing'); return $wrote; })()); } }int ?= Int; long ?= Long; double ?= Double; string ?= String; bytes string = Bytes; int128 long long = Int128; int256 long long long long = Int256; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#f7aff1c0 file:InputFile caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#e9bfb4f3 id:InputPhoto caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedVideo#82713fdf file:InputFile duration:int w:int h:int mime_type:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo#7780ddf9 file:InputFile thumb:InputFile duration:int w:int h:int mime_type:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaVideo#936a4ebd video:InputVideo caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedAudio#4e498cab file:InputFile duration:int mime_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaAudio#89938781 audio:InputAudio = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#1d89306d file:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument#ad613491 file:InputFile thumb:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#1a77f29c document_id:InputDocument caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#94254732 file:InputFile crop:InputPhotoCrop = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#b2e1bf08 id:InputPhoto crop:InputPhotoCrop = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 latitude:double longitude:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputVideoEmpty#5508ec75 = InputVideo; inputVideo#ee579652 id:long access_hash:long = InputVideo; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputVideoFileLocation#3d0364ec id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputAudioFileLocation#74dc404d id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#4e45abe9 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoCropAuto#ade6b004 = InputPhotoCrop; inputPhotoCrop#d9915325 crop_left:double crop_top:double crop_width:double = InputPhotoCrop; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#d10d979a flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4b1b7506 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true moderator:flags.4?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true id:int access_hash:long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string = Chat; channelForbidden#2d85832c id:int access_hash:long title:string = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector = ChatFull; channelFull#9e341ddf flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_important_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#c992e15c flags:# unread:flags.0?true out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from_id:flags.2?Peer fwd_date:flags.2?int via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector views:flags.10?int = Message; messageService#c06b9607 flags:# unread:flags.0?true out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#3d8ce53d photo:Photo caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaVideo#5bcf1675 video:Video caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#f3e02ea8 document:Document caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaAudio#c6b68300 audio:Audio = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; dialog#c1dd804a peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int unread_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Dialog; dialogChannel#5b8496b2 peer:Peer top_message:int top_important_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_important_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:int = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#cded42fe id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; videoEmpty#c10658a8 id:long = Video; video#f72887d3 id:long access_hash:long date:int duration:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int w:int h:int = Video; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c longitude:double latitude:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#efed51d9 phone_registered:Bool phone_code_hash:string send_call_timeout:int is_password:Bool = auth.SentCode; auth.sentAppCode#e325edcf phone_registered:Bool phone_code_hash:string send_call_timeout:int is_password:Bool = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#ff036af1 user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#46a2ce98 mute_until:int sound:string show_previews:Bool events_mask:int = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#8d5e11ee mute_until:int sound:string show_previews:Bool events_mask:int = PeerNotifySettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#5a89ac5b user:User link:contacts.Link profile_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings blocked:Bool bot_info:BotInfo = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactSuggested#3de191a1 user_id:int mutual_contacts:int = ContactSuggested; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#6f8b8cb2 contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#ad524315 imported:Vector retry_contacts:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Blocked; contacts.suggested#5649dcc5 results:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Suggested; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#bc0f17bc flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector collapsed:flags.0?Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector users:Vector = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterAudio#cfc87522 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterAudioDocuments#5afbf764 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewAuthorization#8f06529a auth_key_id:long date:int device:string location:string = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a encr_message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d encr_chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef notify_peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#382dd3e4 type:string message_text:string media:MessageMedia popup:Bool = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#60946422 channel_id:int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateChannelGroup#c36c1e3c channel_id:int group:MessageGroup = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message channel_pts:int channel_pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector channel_pts:int channel_pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#f0dfb451 order:Vector = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#c01eea08 query_id:long user_id:int query:string offset:string = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector new_encrypted_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#13e4deaa flags:# unread:flags.0?true out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from_id:flags.2?Peer fwd_date:flags.2?int via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#248afa62 flags:# unread:flags.0?true out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from_id:flags.2?Peer fwd_date:flags.2?int via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector users:Vector chats:Vector date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# unread:flags.0?true out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector = Updates; photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector users:Vector = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#6bbc5f8 date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int disabled_features:Vector = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputAudioEmpty#d95adc84 = InputAudio; inputAudio#77d440ff id:long access_hash:long = InputAudio; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; audioEmpty#586988d8 id:long = Audio; audio#f9e35055 id:long access_hash:long date:int duration:int mime_type:string size:int dc_id:int = Audio; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#f9a39f4f id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int attributes:Vector = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector users:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; account.sentChangePhoneCode#a4f58c4c phone_code_hash:string send_call_timeout:int = account.SentChangePhoneCode; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#3a556302 alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#5910cccb duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#ded218e0 duration:int title:string performer:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#ca820ed7 flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#bcfc532c flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#93e99b60 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true disabled:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector documents:Vector = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfoEmpty#bb2e37ce = BotInfo; botInfo#9cf585d user_id:int version:int share_text:string description:string commands:Vector = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector = ReplyMarkup; help.appChangelogEmpty#af7e0394 = help.AppChangelog; help.appChangelog#4668e6bd text:string = help.AppChangelog; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector users:Vector = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; messageGroup#e8346f53 min_id:int max_id:int count:int date:int = MessageGroup; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true channel_pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#5e167646 flags:# final:flags.0?true channel_pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int top_important_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_important_count:int messages:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true channel_pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector other_updates:Vector chats:Vector users:Vector = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# important_only:flags.0?true exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilterCollapsed#fa01232e = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantModerator#91057fef user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantEditor#98192d61 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantKicked#8cc5e69a user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#3c37bb7a = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelRoleEmpty#b285a0c6 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleModerator#9618d975 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleEditor#820bfe8c = ChannelParticipantRole; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#2e43e587 caption:string = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#adf0df71 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#fc56e87d caption:string = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#a56197a9 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMediaResultDocument#f897d33e id:string type:string document:Document send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResultPhoto#c5528587 id:string type:string photo:Photo send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#1170b0a3 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string results:Vector = messages.BotResults; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector query:!X = X; initConnection#69796de9 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#768d5f4d phone_number:string sms_type:int api_id:int api_hash:string lang_code:string = auth.SentCode; auth.sendCall#3c51564 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.sendSms#da9f3e8 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; account.registerDevice#446c712c token_type:int token:string device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string app_sandbox:Bool lang_code:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#f0888d68 first_name:string last_name:string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#a407a8f4 phone_number:string = account.SentChangePhoneCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector = Vector; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector; contacts.getContacts#22c6aa08 hash:string = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#da30b32d contacts:Vector replace:Bool = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.getSuggested#cd773428 limit:int = contacts.Suggested; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#6b47f94d offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#8a8ec2da peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# important_only:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#b7c13bd9 peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#a5f18925 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true broadcast:flags.4?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# broadcast:flags.4?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# broadcast:flags.4?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector random_id:Vector to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.sendBroadcast#bf73f4da contacts:Vector random_id:Vector message:string media:InputMedia = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#ae22e045 emoticon:string hash:string = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#7b30c3a6 stickerset:InputStickerSet disabled:Bool = Bool; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector increment:Bool = Vector; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#9fcfbc30 order:Vector = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#9324600d bot:InputUser query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#3f23ec12 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# broadcast:flags.4?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#a041495 pts:int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#bb32d7c0 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#eef579a0 id:InputPhoto crop:InputPhotoCrop = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#d50f9c88 file:InputFile caption:string geo_point:InputGeoPoint crop:InputPhotoCrop = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector = Vector; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#c812ac7e device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector = Bool; help.getInviteText#a4a95186 lang_code:string = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#5bab7fb2 device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string = help.AppChangelog; help.getTermsOfService#37d78f83 lang_code:string = help.TermsOfService; channels.getDialogs#a9d3d249 offset:int limit:int = messages.Dialogs; channels.getImportantHistory#ddb929cb channel:InputChannel offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#eb7611d0 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser role:ChannelParticipantRole = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.toggleComments#aaa29e88 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector = Updates; channels.kickFromChannel#a672de14 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser kicked:Bool = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Http\Client\Cookie\InMemoryCookieJar; use Amp\Http\Client\Request; /** * Wrapper for */ class MyTelegramOrgWrapper { use Tools; private $logged = false; private $hash = ''; private $number; private $creation_hash; private $settings = []; private $async = true; private $jar; const MY_TELEGRAM_URL = ''; public function __sleep() { return ['logged', 'hash', 'number', 'creation_hash', 'settings', 'async', 'jar']; } public function __construct($settings = []) { $this->settings = MTProto::parseSettings($settings, $this->settings); $this->__wakeup(); } public function __wakeup() { if ($this->settings === null) { $this->settings = []; } if (!$this->jar || !$this->jar instanceof InMemoryCookieJar) { $this->jar = new InMemoryCookieJar(); } $this->settings = MTProto::parseSettings($this->settings); $this->datacenter = new DataCenter(new class($this->settings) { public function __construct($settings) { $this->logger = Logger::getLoggerFromSettings($settings); } public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } }, [], $this->settings['connection_settings'], true, $this->jar); } public function login($number) : \Generator { $this->number = $number; $request = new Request(self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/auth/send_password', 'POST'); $request->setBody(\http_build_query(['phone' => $number])); $request->setHeaders($this->getHeaders('origin')); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); $result = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $resulta = \json_decode($result, true); if (!isset($resulta['random_hash'])) { throw new Exception($result); } $this->hash = $resulta['random_hash']; } public function completeLogin($password) : \Generator { if ($this->logged) { throw new Exception('Already logged in!'); } $request = new Request(self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/auth/login', 'POST'); $request->setBody(\http_build_query(['phone' => $this->number, 'random_hash' => $this->hash, 'password' => $password])); $request->setHeaders($this->getHeaders('origin')); $request->setHeader('user-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/'); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); $result = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); switch ($result) { case 'true': //Logger::log(['Login OK'], Logger::VERBOSE); break; default: throw new Exception($result); } return $this->logged = true; } public function loggedIn() { return $this->logged; } public function hasApp() : \Generator { if (!$this->logged) { throw new Exception('Not logged in!'); } $request = new Request(self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/apps'); $request->setHeaders($this->getHeaders('refer')); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); $result = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $title = \explode('', \explode('', $result)[1])[0]; switch ($title) { case 'App configuration': return true; case 'Create new application': $this->creation_hash = \explode('"/>', \explode('<input type="hidden" name="hash" value="', $result)[1])[0]; return false; } $this->logged = false; throw new Exception($title); } public function getApp() : \Generator { if (!$this->logged) { throw new Exception('Not logged in!'); } $request = new Request(self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/apps'); $request->setHeaders($this->getHeaders('refer')); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); $result = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $cose = \explode('<label for="app_id" class="col-md-4 text-right control-label">App api_id:</label> <div class="col-md-7"> <span class="form-control input-xlarge uneditable-input" onclick=";"><strong>', $result); $asd = \explode('</strong></span>', $cose[1]); $api_id = $asd[0]; $cose = \explode('<label for="app_hash" class="col-md-4 text-right control-label">App api_hash:</label> <div class="col-md-7"> <span class="form-control input-xlarge uneditable-input" onclick=";">', $result); $asd = \explode('</span>', $cose[1]); $api_hash = $asd[0]; return ['api_id' => (int) $api_id, 'api_hash' => $api_hash]; } public function createApp($settings) : \Generator { if (!$this->logged) { throw new Exception('Not logged in!'); } if (yield from $this->hasApp()) { throw new Exception('The app was already created!'); } $request = new Request(self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/apps/create', 'POST'); $request->setHeaders($this->getHeaders('app')); $request->setBody(\http_build_query(['hash' => $this->creation_hash, 'app_title' => $settings['app_title'], 'app_shortname' => $settings['app_shortname'], 'app_url' => $settings['app_url'], 'app_platform' => $settings['app_platform'], 'app_desc' => $settings['app_desc']])); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); $result = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); if ($result) { throw new Exception(\html_entity_decode($result)); } $request = new Request(self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/apps'); $request->setHeaders($this->getHeaders('refer')); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); $result = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $title = \explode('', \explode('', $result)[1])[0]; if ($title === 'Create new application') { $this->creation_hash = \explode('"/>', \explode('<input type="hidden" name="hash" value="', $result)[1])[0]; throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('App creation failed'); } $cose = \explode('<label for="app_id" class="col-md-4 text-right control-label">App api_id:</label> <div class="col-md-7"> <span class="form-control input-xlarge uneditable-input" onclick=";"><strong>', $result); $asd = \explode('</strong></span>', $cose['1']); $api_id = $asd['0']; $cose = \explode('<label for="app_hash" class="col-md-4 text-right control-label">App api_hash:</label> <div class="col-md-7"> <span class="form-control input-xlarge uneditable-input" onclick=";">', $result); $asd = \explode('</span>', $cose['1']); $api_hash = $asd['0']; return ['api_id' => (int) $api_id, 'api_hash' => $api_hash]; } /** * Function for generating curl request headers. */ private function getHeaders($httpType) { // Common header flags. $headers = []; $headers[] = 'Dnt: 1'; $headers[] = 'Connection: keep-alive'; $headers[] = 'Accept-Language: it-IT,it;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4'; $headers[] = 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36'; // Add additional headers based on the type of request. switch ($httpType) { case 'origin': $headers[] = 'Origin: ' . self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL; //$headers[] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br'; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; $headers[] = 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'; $headers[] = 'Referer: ' . self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/auth'; $headers[] = 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest'; break; case 'refer': //$headers[] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br'; $headers[] = 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1'; $headers[] = 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'; $headers[] = 'Referer: ' . self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL; $headers[] = 'Cache-Control: max-age=0'; break; case 'app': $headers[] = 'Origin: ' . self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL; //$headers[] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br'; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; $headers[] = 'Accept: */*'; $headers[] = 'Referer: ' . self::MY_TELEGRAM_URL . '/apps'; $headers[] = 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest'; break; } $final_headers = []; foreach ($headers as $header) { list($key, $value) = \explode(':', $header, 2); $final_headers[\trim($key)] = \trim($value); } return $final_headers; } public function async($async) { $this->async = $async; } public function loop($callable) { return Tools::wait($callable()); } public function __call($name, $arguments) { $name .= '_async'; $async = \is_array(\end($arguments)) && isset(\end($arguments)['async']) ? \end($arguments)['async'] : $this->async; if (!\method_exists($this, $name)) { throw new Exception("{$name} does not exist!"); } return $async ? $this->{$name}(...$arguments) : Tools::wait($this->{$name}(...$arguments)); } }<?php /** * Logger module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\ByteStream\ResourceOutputStream; use Amp\Failure; use function Amp\ByteStream\getStderr; use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdout; /** * Logger class. */ class Logger { use Tools; const FOREGROUND = ['default' => 39, 'black' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'light_gray' => 37, 'dark_gray' => 90, 'light_red' => 91, 'light_green' => 92, 'light_yellow' => 93, 'light_blue' => 94, 'light_magenta' => 95, 'light_cyan' => 96, 'white' => 97]; const BACKGROUND = ['default' => 49, 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'magenta' => 45, 'yellow' => 43, 'green' => 42, 'blue' => 44, 'cyan' => 46, 'light_gray' => 47, 'dark_gray' => 100, 'light_red' => 101, 'light_green' => 102, 'light_yellow' => 103, 'light_blue' => 104, 'light_magenta' => 105, 'light_cyan' => 106, 'white' => 107]; const SET = ['bold' => 1, 'dim' => 2, 'underlined' => 3, 'blink' => 4, 'reverse' => 5, 'hidden' => 6]; const RESET = ['all' => 0, 'bold' => 21, 'dim' => 22, 'underlined' => 24, 'blink' => 25, 'reverse' => 26, 'hidden' => 28]; /** * Logging mode. * * @var integer */ public $mode = 0; /** * Optional logger parameter. * * @var mixed */ public $optional = null; /** * Logger prefix. * * @var string */ public $prefix = ''; /** * Logging level. * * @var integer */ public $level = self::NOTICE; /** * Logging colors. * * @var array */ public $colors = []; /** * Newline. * * @var string */ public $newline = "\n"; /** * Logfile. * * @var ResourceOutputStream */ public $stdout; /** * Default logger instance. * * @var self */ public static $default; /** * Whether the AGPL notice was printed. * * @var boolean */ public static $printed = false; const ULTRA_VERBOSE = 5; const VERBOSE = 4; const NOTICE = 3; const WARNING = 2; const ERROR = 1; const FATAL_ERROR = 0; const NO_LOGGER = 0; const DEFAULT_LOGGER = 1; const FILE_LOGGER = 2; const ECHO_LOGGER = 3; const CALLABLE_LOGGER = 4; /** * Construct global static logger from MadelineProto settings. * * @param array $settings Settings array * * @return void */ public static function constructorFromSettings(array $settings) { if (!self::$default) { // The getLogger function will automatically init the static logger, but we'll do it again anyway self::$default = self::getLoggerFromSettings(MTProto::parseSettings($settings)); } } /** * Get logger from MadelineProto settings. * * @param array $settings Settings array * @param string $prefix Optional prefix for log messages * * @return self */ public static function getLoggerFromSettings(array $settings, string $prefix = '') : self { if (isset($settings['logger']['rollbar_token']) && $settings['logger']['rollbar_token'] !== '' && \class_exists(\Rollbar\Rollbar::class)) { @\Rollbar\Rollbar::init(['environment' => 'production', 'root' => __DIR__, 'access_token' => isset($settings['logger']['rollbar_token']) && !\in_array($settings['logger']['rollbar_token'], ['f9fff6689aea4905b58eec73f66c791d', '300afd7ccef346ea84d0c185ae831718', '11a8c2fe4c474328b40a28193f8d63f5', 'beef2d426496462ba34dcaad33d44a14']) || $settings['pwr']['pwr'] ? $settings['logger']['rollbar_token'] : 'c07d9b2f73c2461297b0beaef6c1662f'], false, false); } else { Exception::$rollbar = false; RPCErrorException::$rollbar = false; } if (!isset($settings['logger']['logger_param']) && isset($settings['logger']['param'])) { $settings['logger']['logger_param'] = $settings['logger']['param']; } if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && isset($settings['logger']['logger_param']) && $settings['logger']['logger_param'] === 'MadelineProto.log') { $settings['logger']['logger_param'] = Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log'; } $logger = new self($settings['logger']['logger'], $settings['logger']['logger_param'] ?? '', $prefix, $settings['logger']['logger_level'] ?? Logger::VERBOSE, $settings['logger']['max_size'] ?? 100 * 1024 * 1024); if (!self::$default) { self::$default = $logger; } if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { try { \error_reporting(E_ALL); \ini_set('log_errors', 1); \ini_set('error_log', $settings['logger']['logger'] === self::FILE_LOGGER ? $settings['logger']['logger_param'] : Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log'); \error_log('Enabled PHP logging'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $logger->logger('Could not enable PHP logging'); } } return $logger; } /** * Construct global logger. * * @param int $mode One of the logger constants * @param mixed $optional Optional parameter for logger * @param string $prefix Prefix for log messages * @param int $level Default logging level * @param int $max_size Maximum size for logfile * * @return void */ public static function constructor(int $mode, $optional = null, string $prefix = '', int $level = self::NOTICE, int $max_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024) { self::$default = new self($mode, $optional, $prefix, $level, $max_size); } /** * Construct global logger. * * @param int $mode One of the logger constants * @param mixed $optional Optional parameter for logger * @param string $prefix Prefix for log messages * @param int $level Default logging level * @param int $max_size Maximum size for logfile * * @return void */ public function __construct(int $mode, $optional = null, string $prefix = '', int $level = self::NOTICE, int $max_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024) { if ($mode === null) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['no_mode_specified']); } $this->mode = $mode; $this->optional = $mode == 2 ? Absolute::absolute($optional) : $optional; $this->prefix = $prefix === '' ? '' : ', ' . $prefix; $this->level = $level; if ($this->mode === 2 && !\file_exists(\pathinfo($this->optional, PATHINFO_DIRNAME))) { $this->optional = Magic::$script_cwd . '/MadelineProto.log'; } if ($this->mode === 2 && !\preg_match('/\\.log$/', $this->optional)) { $this->optional .= '.log'; } if ($mode === 2 && $max_size !== -1 && \file_exists($this->optional) && \filesize($this->optional) > $max_size) { \unlink($this->optional); } $this->colors[self::ULTRA_VERBOSE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['light_gray'], self::SET['dim']]); $this->colors[self::VERBOSE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['green'], self::SET['bold']]); $this->colors[self::NOTICE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['yellow'], self::SET['bold']]); $this->colors[self::WARNING] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['white'], self::SET['dim'], self::BACKGROUND['red']]); $this->colors[self::ERROR] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['white'], self::SET['bold'], self::BACKGROUND['red']]); $this->colors[self::FATAL_ERROR] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['red'], self::SET['bold'], self::BACKGROUND['light_gray']]); $this->newline = PHP_EOL; if ($this->mode === 3) { $this->stdout = getStdout(); if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $this->newline = '<br>' . $this->newline; } } elseif ($this->mode === 2) { $this->stdout = new ResourceOutputStream(\fopen($this->optional, 'a+')); } elseif ($this->mode === 1) { $result = @\ini_get('error_log'); if ($result === 'syslog') { $this->stdout = getStderr(); } elseif ($result) { $this->stdout = new ResourceOutputStream(\fopen($result, 'a+')); } else { $this->stdout = getStderr(); } } } /** * Log a message. * * @param mixed $param Message * @param int $level Logging level * * @return void */ public static function log($param, int $level = self::NOTICE) { if (!\is_null(self::$default)) { self::$default->logger($param, $level, \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php')); } else { echo $param . PHP_EOL; } } /** * Log a message. * * @param mixed $param Message to log * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File that originated the message * * @return void */ public function logger($param, int $level = self::NOTICE, string $file = '') { if ($level > $this->level || $this->mode === 0) { return; } if (!self::$printed) { self::$printed = true; $this->colors[self::NOTICE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['light_gray'], self::SET['bold'], self::BACKGROUND['blue']]); $this->logger('MadelineProto'); $this->logger('Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili'); $this->logger('Licensed under AGPLv3'); $this->logger(''); $this->colors[self::NOTICE] = \implode(';', [self::FOREGROUND['yellow'], self::SET['bold']]); } if ($this->mode === 4) { \call_user_func_array($this->optional, [$param, $level]); return; } $prefix = $this->prefix; if (\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$has_thread && \is_object(\Thread::getCurrentThread())) { $prefix .= ' (t)'; } if ($param instanceof \Throwable) { $param = (string) $param; } elseif (!\is_string($param)) { $param = \json_encode($param, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } if (empty($file)) { $file = \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php'); } $param = \str_pad($file . $prefix . ': ', 16 + \strlen($prefix)) . "\t" . $param; switch ($this->mode) { case 1: if ($this->stdout->write($param . $this->newline) instanceof Failure) { \error_log($param); } break; default: $param = Magic::$isatty ? "\33[" . $this->colors[$level] . 'm' . $param . "\33[0m" . $this->newline : $param . $this->newline; if ($this->stdout->write($param) instanceof Failure) { switch ($this->mode) { case 3: echo $param; break; case 2: \file_put_contents($this->optional, $param, FILE_APPEND); break; } } break; } } }<?php /** * Server module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; /* * Socket server for multi-language API */ class Server { private $settings; private $pids = []; private $mypid; public function __construct($settings) { \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::constructor(3); if (!\extension_loaded('sockets')) { throw new Exception(['extension', 'sockets']); } if (!\extension_loaded('pcntl')) { throw new Exception(['extension', 'pcntl']); } $this->settings = $settings; $this->mypid = \getmypid(); } public function start() { \pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, [$this, 'sigHandler']); \pcntl_signal(SIGINT, [$this, 'sigHandler']); \pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, [$this, 'sigHandler']); $this->sock = new \Socket($this->settings['type'], SOCK_STREAM, $this->settings['protocol']); $this->sock->bind($this->settings['address'], $this->settings['port']); $this->sock->listen(); $this->sock->setBlocking(true); $timeout = 2; $this->sock->setOption(\SOL_SOCKET, \SO_RCVTIMEO, $timeout); $this->sock->setOption(\SOL_SOCKET, \SO_SNDTIMEO, $timeout); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Server started! Listening on ' . $this->settings['address'] . ':' . $this->settings['port']); while (true) { \pcntl_signal_dispatch(); try { if ($sock = $this->sock->accept()) { $this->handle($sock); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { } } } private function handle($socket) { $pid = \pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die('could not fork'); } elseif ($pid) { return $this->pids[] = $pid; } $handler = new $this->settings['handler']($socket, $this->settings['extra'], null, null, null, null, null); $handler->loop(); die; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->mypid === \getmypid()) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Shutting main process ' . $this->mypid . ' down'); unset($this->sock); foreach ($this->pids as $pid) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log("Waiting for {$pid}"); \pcntl_wait($pid); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Done, closing main process'); return; } } public function sigHandler($sig) { switch ($sig) { case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: exit; case SIGCHLD: \pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status); break; } } }<?php /** * Lua module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class Lua { use \danog\Serializable; public $MadelineProto; protected $Lua; protected $script; public function __magic_construct($script, $MadelineProto) { if (!\file_exists($script)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['script_not_exist']); } $this->MadelineProto = $MadelineProto; $this->MadelineProto->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $this->MadelineProto->API->datacenter->sockets[$this->MadelineProto->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]->startUpdateLoop(); $this->script = $script; $this->__wakeup(); } public function __sleep() { return ['MadelineProto', 'script']; } public function __wakeup() { $this->Lua = new \Lua($this->script); $this->madelineproto_lua = 1; $this->Lua->registerCallback('tdcliFunction', [$this, 'tdcliFunction']); $this->Lua->registerCallback('madelineFunction', [$this, 'madelineFunction']); $this->Lua->registerCallback('var_dump', 'var_dump'); foreach (\get_class_methods($this->MadelineProto->API) as $method) { $this->Lua->registerCallback($method, [$this->MadelineProto, $method]); } $methods = []; foreach ($this->MadelineProto->getMethodsNamespaced() as $pair) { $namespace = \key($pair); $method = $pair[$namespace]; if ($namespace === 'upload') { continue; } $methods[$namespace][$method] = [$this->MadelineProto->{$namespace}, $method]; } foreach ($this->MadelineProto->getMethodsNamespaced() as $pair) { $namespace = \key($pair); $method = $pair[$namespace]; if ($namespace === 'upload') { continue; } $this->{$namespace} = $methods[$namespace]; } $this->MadelineProto->lua = true; foreach ($this->MadelineProto->getMethodsNamespaced() as $pair) { $namespace = \key($pair); $this->MadelineProto->{$namespace}->lua = true; } } public function tdcliFunction($params, $cb = null, $cb_extra = null) { $params = $this->MadelineProto->td_to_mtproto($this->MadelineProto->tdcliToTd($params)); if ($params === 0) { return 0; } $result = $this->MadelineProto->API->methodCall($params['_'], $params, ['datacenter' => $this->MadelineProto->API->datacenter->curdc]); if (\is_callable($cb)) { $cb($this->MadelineProto->mtproto_to_td($result), $cb_extra); } return $result; } public function madelineFunction($params, $cb = null, $cb_extra = null) { $result = $this->MadelineProto->API->methodCall($params['_'], $params, ['datacenter' => $this->MadelineProto->API->datacenter->curdc]); if (\is_callable($cb)) { $cb($result, $cb_extra); } self::convertObjects($result); return $result; } public function tdcliUpdateCallback($update) { $this->Lua->tdcliUpdateCallback($this->MadelineProto->mtproto_to_tdcli($update)); } private function convertArray($array) { if (!\is_array($array)) { return $array; } if ($this->is_seqential($array)) { return \array_flip(\array_map(function ($el) { return $el + 1; }, \array_flip($array))); } } private function isSequential(array $arr) { if ([] === $arr) { return false; } return isset($arr[0]) && \array_keys($arr) === \range(0, \count($arr) - 1); } public function __get($name) { if ($name === 'API') { return $this->MadelineProto->API; } return $this->Lua->{$name}; } public function __call($name, $params) { self::convertObjects($params); try { return $this->Lua->{$name}(...$params); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\PTSException $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Exception $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } } public function __set($name, $value) { return $this->Lua->{$name} = $value; } public static function convertObjects(&$data) { \array_walk_recursive($data, function (&$value, $key) { if (\is_object($value) && !$value instanceof \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger) { $newval = []; foreach (\get_class_methods($value) as $name) { $newval[$name] = [$value, $name]; } foreach ($value as $key => $name) { if ($key === 'madeline') { continue; } $newval[$key] = $name; } if ($newval === []) { $newval = $value->__toString(); } $value = $newval; } }); } }// Core types (no need to gen) //vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector<long> = ResPQ; p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ////////////// System messages /////////////////////////////// ---types--- msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector<long> info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgResendReq; //rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; // parsed manually rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector<future_salt> = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; //message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; // parsed manually //msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<message> = MessageContainer; // parsed manually //msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; // parsed manually, not used - use msg_container //gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:string = Object; // parsed manually http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ---functions--- rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; contest.saveDeveloperInfo#9a5f6e95 vk_id:int name:string phone_number:string age:int city:string = Bool; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#630c9af1 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#e9bfb4f3 id:InputPhoto caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#d070f1e9 flags:# file:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument#50d88cae flags:# file:InputFile thumb:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#1a77f29c id:InputDocument caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#b55f4f18 url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#e5e9607c url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#92153685 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string start_param:string = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#a14dca52 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true moderator:flags.4?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string = Chat; channelForbidden#8537784f flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> = ChatFull; channelFull#c3d5512f flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector<ChatParticipant> version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#c09be45f flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#3d8ce53d photo:Photo caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#f3e02ea8 document:Document caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; dialog#66ffba14 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#6f8b8cb2 contacts:Vector<Contact> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#ad524315 imported:Vector<ImportedContact> retry_contacts:Vector<long> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector<DcOption> = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector<Peer> = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector<User> = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#1508485a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#cb601684 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string disabled_features:Vector<DisabledFeature> = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector<Peer> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> users:Vector<User> = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector<long> = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSet> = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector<Authorization> = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector<KeyboardButton> = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#410dee07 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector<Message> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector<MessageRange> = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantModerator#91057fef user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantEditor#98192d61 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantKicked#8cc5e69a user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#3c37bb7a = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelRoleEmpty#b285a0c6 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleModerator#9618d975 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleEditor#820bfe8c = ChannelParticipantRole; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector<ChannelParticipant> users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector<FoundGif> = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector<Document> = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#f4a59de1 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#3a8fd8b8 flags:# geo:GeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#ccd3563d flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#c786ddcb flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector<TopPeer> = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector<TopPeerCategoryPeers> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> unread:Vector<long> = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector<Document> = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector<HighScore> users:Vector<User> = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector<RichText> = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector<RichText> = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pagePart#8dee6c44 blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> videos:Vector<Document> = Page; pageFull#d7a19d69 blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> videos:Vector<Document> = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true currency:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = ShippingOption; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector<PhoneConnection> start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector<User> = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector<CdnPublicKey> = CdnConfig; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; initConnection#69796de9 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector<string> message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector<WallPaper>; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector<InputUser> = Vector<User>; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector<ContactStatus>; contacts.getContacts#22c6aa08 hash:string = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#da30b32d contacts:Vector<InputContact> replace:Bool = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector<InputUser> = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector<int>; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector<int> = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector<ReceivedNotifyMessage>; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> random_id:Vector<long> to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector<InputUser> title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector<long>; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = Vector<int>; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#ce91e4ca flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector<InputPeer> = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector<StickerSetCovered>; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputPeer> = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector<InputPhoto> = Vector<long>; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#2e7a2020 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Bool; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector<InputChannel> = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#eb7611d0 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser role:ChannelParticipantRole = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector<InputUser> = Updates; channels.kickFromChannel#a672de14 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser kicked:Bool = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; // LAYER 66 // Core types (no need to gen) //vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector<long> = ResPQ; p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ////////////// System messages /////////////////////////////// ---types--- msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector<long> info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgResendReq; //rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; // parsed manually rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector<future_salt> = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; //message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; // parsed manually //msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<message> = MessageContainer; // parsed manually //msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; // parsed manually, not used - use msg_container //gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:string = Object; // parsed manually http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ipPort ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; help.configSimple#d997c3c5 date:int expires:int dc_id:int ip_port_list:Vector<ipPort> = help.ConfigSimple; ---functions--- rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; contest.saveDeveloperInfo#9a5f6e95 vk_id:int name:string phone_number:string age:int city:string = Bool; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#2f37e231 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#81fa373a flags:# id:InputPhoto caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#e39621fd flags:# file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#5acb668e flags:# id:InputDocument caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#922aec1 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#b6f74335 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#92153685 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string start_param:string = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#cb44b1c flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> = ChatFull; channelFull#95cb5f57 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector<ChatParticipant> version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#90dddc11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#b5223b0f flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#7c4414d3 flags:# document:flags.0?Document caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; dialog#66ffba14 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#6f8b8cb2 contacts:Vector<Contact> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector<ImportedContact> popular_invites:Vector<PopularContact> retry_contacts:Vector<long> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector<DcOption> = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector<Peer> = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector<User> = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#ea52fe5a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes cdn_file_hashes:Vector<CdnFileHash> = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#7feec888 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int disabled_features:Vector<DisabledFeature> = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector<Peer> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> users:Vector<User> = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector<long> = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSet> = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector<Authorization> = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector<KeyboardButton> = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#410dee07 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector<Message> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector<MessageRange> = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector<ChannelParticipant> users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector<FoundGif> = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector<Document> = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#f4a59de1 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#3a8fd8b8 flags:# geo:GeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#ccd3563d flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#fadff4ac flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector<TopPeer> = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector<TopPeerCategoryPeers> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> unread:Vector<long> = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector<Document> = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector<HighScore> users:Vector<User> = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector<RichText> = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector<RichText> = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true currency:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector<PhoneConnection> start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector<User> = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector<CdnPublicKey> = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector<LangPackString> = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector<ChannelAdminLogEvent> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; cdnFileHash#77eec38f offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = CdnFileHash; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; initConnection#c7481da6 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector<string> message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector<WallPaper>; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector<InputUser> = Vector<User>; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector<ContactStatus>; contacts.getContacts#22c6aa08 hash:string = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#da30b32d contacts:Vector<InputContact> replace:Bool = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector<InputUser> = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector<int>; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector<int> = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector<ReceivedNotifyMessage>; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> random_id:Vector<long> to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector<InputUser> title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector<long>; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = Vector<int>; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#ce91e4ca flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector<InputPeer> = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector<StickerSetCovered>; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputPeer> = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector<InputPhoto> = Vector<long>; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#1af91c09 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector<CdnFileHash>; upload.getCdnFileHashes#f715c87b file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector<CdnFileHash>; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector<InputChannel> = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector<InputUser> = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector<InputUser> max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector<InputStickerSetItem> = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector<string> = Vector<LangPackString>; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector<LangPackLanguage>; // LAYER 70 <?php /** * SeqNoHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats; /** * Manages sequence numbers. */ trait SeqNoHandler { private function checkSecretInSeqNo($chat_id, $seqno) : \Generator { $seqno = ($seqno - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['out_seq_no_x']) / 2; $last = 0; foreach ($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['incoming'] as $message) { if (isset($message['decrypted_message']['in_seq_no'])) { if (($message['decrypted_message']['in_seq_no'] - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['out_seq_no_x']) / 2 < $last) { yield from $this->discardSecretChat($chat_id); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('in_seq_no is not increasing'); } $last = ($message['decrypted_message']['in_seq_no'] - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['out_seq_no_x']) / 2; } } if ($seqno > $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['out_seq_no'] + 1) { yield from $this->discardSecretChat($chat_id); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('in_seq_no is too big'); } return true; } private function checkSecretOutSeqNo($chat_id, $seqno) : \Generator { $seqno = ($seqno - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['in_seq_no_x']) / 2; $C = 0; foreach ($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['incoming'] as $message) { if (isset($message['decrypted_message']['out_seq_no']) && $C < $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['in_seq_no']) { if (($message['decrypted_message']['out_seq_no'] - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['in_seq_no_x']) / 2 !== $C) { yield from $this->discardSecretChat($chat_id); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('out_seq_no hole: should be ' . $C . ', is ' . ($message['decrypted_message']['out_seq_no'] - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['in_seq_no_x']) / 2); } $C++; } } //$this->logger->logger($C, $seqno); if ($seqno < $C) { // <= C $this->logger->logger('WARNING: dropping repeated message with seqno ' . $seqno); return false; } if ($seqno > $C) { // > C+1 yield from $this->discardSecretChat($chat_id); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('WARNING: out_seq_no gap detected (' . $seqno . ' > ' . $C . ')!'); } return true; } private function generateSecretInSeqNo($chat) { return $this->secret_chats[$chat]['layer'] > 8 ? $this->secret_chats[$chat]['in_seq_no'] * 2 + $this->secret_chats[$chat]['in_seq_no_x'] : -1; } private function generateSecretOutSeqNo($chat) { return $this->secret_chats[$chat]['layer'] > 8 ? $this->secret_chats[$chat]['out_seq_no'] * 2 + $this->secret_chats[$chat]['out_seq_no_x'] : -1; } }<?php /** * ResponseHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats; /** * Manages responses. */ trait ResponseHandler { private function handleDecryptedUpdate($update) : \Generator { /*if (isset($update['message']['decrypted_message']['random_bytes']) && strlen($update['message']['decrypted_message']['random_bytes']) < 15) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\ResponseException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['rand_bytes_too_short']); }*/ // already checked in TL.php switch ($update['message']['decrypted_message']['_']) { case 'decryptedMessageService': switch ($update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['_']) { case 'decryptedMessageActionRequestKey': yield from $this->acceptRekey($update['message']['chat_id'], $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']); return; case 'decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey': yield from $this->commitRekey($update['message']['chat_id'], $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']); return; case 'decryptedMessageActionCommitKey': yield from $this->completeRekey($update['message']['chat_id'], $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']); return; case 'decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer': $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['layer'] = $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['layer']; if ($update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['layer'] >= 17 && \time() - $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['created'] > 15) { yield from $this->notifyLayer($update['message']['chat_id']); } if ($update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['layer'] >= 73) { $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['mtproto'] = 2; } return; case 'decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL': $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['ttl'] = $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['ttl_seconds']; yield from $this->saveUpdate($update); return; case 'decryptedMessageActionNoop': return; case 'decryptedMessageActionResend': $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['start_seq_no'] -= $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['out_seq_no_x']; $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['end_seq_no'] -= $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['out_seq_no_x']; $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['start_seq_no'] /= 2; $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['end_seq_no'] /= 2; $this->logger->logger('Resending messages for secret chat ' . $update['message']['chat_id'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); foreach ($this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['outgoing'] as $seq => $message) { if ($seq >= $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['start_seq_no'] && $seq <= $update['message']['decrypted_message']['action']['end_seq_no']) { //throw new \danog\MadelineProto\ResponseException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['resending_unsupported']); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncrypted', ['peer' => $update['message']['chat_id'], 'message' => $update['message']['decrypted_message']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } } return; default: // yield $this->saveUpdate(['_' => 'updateNewDecryptedMessage', 'peer' => $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['InputEncryptedChat'], 'in_seq_no' => $this->get_in_seq_no($update['message']['chat_id']), 'out_seq_no' => $this->get_out_seq_no($update['message']['chat_id']), 'message' => $update['message']['decrypted_message']]); yield from $this->saveUpdate($update); } break; case 'decryptedMessage': yield from $this->saveUpdate($update); break; case 'decryptedMessageLayer': if ((yield from $this->checkSecretOutSeqNo($update['message']['chat_id'], $update['message']['decrypted_message']['out_seq_no'])) && (yield from $this->checkSecretInSeqNo($update['message']['chat_id'], $update['message']['decrypted_message']['in_seq_no']))) { $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['in_seq_no']++; if ($update['message']['decrypted_message']['layer'] >= 17) { $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['layer'] = $update['message']['decrypted_message']['layer']; if ($update['message']['decrypted_message']['layer'] >= 17 && \time() - $this->secret_chats[$update['message']['chat_id']]['created'] > 15) { yield from $this->notifyLayer($update['message']['chat_id']); } } $update['message']['decrypted_message'] = $update['message']['decrypted_message']['message']; yield from $this->handleDecryptedUpdate($update); } break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\ResponseException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['unrecognized_dec_msg'] . \var_export($update, true)); break; } } }<?php /** * AuthKeyHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * Manages secret chats. * * */ trait AuthKeyHandler { /** * Temporary requested secret chats. * * @var array */ protected $temp_requested_secret_chats = []; /** * Secret chats. * * @var array */ protected $secret_chats = []; /** * Accept secret chat. * * @param array $params Secret chat ID * * @return \Generator */ public function acceptSecretChat($params) : \Generator { //$this->logger->logger($params['id'],$this->secretChatStatus($params['id'])); if ($this->secretChatStatus($params['id']) !== 0) { //$this->logger->logger($this->secretChatStatus($params['id'])); $this->logger->logger("I've already accepted secret chat " . $params['id']); return false; } $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $this->logger->logger('Generating b...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $b = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(256), 256); $params['g_a'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $params['g_a'], 256); $this->checkG($params['g_a'], $dh_config['p']); $key = ['auth_key' => \str_pad($params['g_a']->powMod($b, $dh_config['p'])->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT)]; //$this->logger->logger($key); $key['fingerprint'] = \substr(\sha1($key['auth_key'], true), -8); $key['visualization_orig'] = \substr(\sha1($key['auth_key'], true), 16); $key['visualization_46'] = \substr(\hash('sha256', $key['auth_key'], true), 20); $this->secret_chats[$params['id']] = ['key' => $key, 'admin' => false, 'user_id' => $params['admin_id'], 'InputEncryptedChat' => ['_' => 'inputEncryptedChat', 'chat_id' => $params['id'], 'access_hash' => $params['access_hash']], 'in_seq_no_x' => 1, 'out_seq_no_x' => 0, 'in_seq_no' => 0, 'out_seq_no' => 0, 'layer' => 8, 'ttl' => 0, 'ttr' => 100, 'updated' => \time(), 'incoming' => [], 'outgoing' => [], 'created' => \time(), 'rekeying' => [0], 'key_x' => 'from server', 'mtproto' => 1]; $g_b = $dh_config['g']->powMod($b, $dh_config['p']); $this->checkG($g_b, $dh_config['p']); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.acceptEncryption', ['peer' => $params['id'], 'g_b' => $g_b->toBytes(), 'key_fingerprint' => $key['fingerprint']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); yield from $this->notifyLayer($params['id']); $this->logger->logger('Secret chat ' . $params['id'] . ' accepted successfully!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } /** * Request secret chat. * * @param mixed $user User to start secret chat with * * @return \Generator */ public function requestSecretChat($user) : \Generator { $user = (yield from $this->getInfo($user)); if (!isset($user['InputUser'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('This peer is not present in the internal peer database'); } $user = $user['InputUser']; $this->logger->logger('Creating secret chat with ' . $user['user_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $this->logger->logger('Generating a...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $a = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(256), 256); $this->logger->logger('Generating g_a...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $g_a = $dh_config['g']->powMod($a, $dh_config['p']); $this->checkG($g_a, $dh_config['p']); $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.requestEncryption', ['user_id' => $user, 'g_a' => $g_a->toBytes()], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$res['id']] = $a; $this->updaters[false]->resume(); $this->logger->logger('Secret chat ' . $res['id'] . ' requested successfully!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); return $res['id']; } /** * Complete secret chat. * * @param array $params Secret chat * * @return \Generator */ private function completeSecretChat(array $params) : \Generator { if ($this->secretChatStatus($params['id']) !== 1) { //$this->logger->logger($this->secretChatStatus($params['id'])); $this->logger->logger('Could not find and complete secret chat ' . $params['id']); return false; } $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $params['g_a_or_b'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $params['g_a_or_b'], 256); $this->checkG($params['g_a_or_b'], $dh_config['p']); $key = ['auth_key' => \str_pad($params['g_a_or_b']->powMod($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$params['id']], $dh_config['p'])->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT)]; unset($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$params['id']]); $key['fingerprint'] = \substr(\sha1($key['auth_key'], true), -8); //$this->logger->logger($key); if ($key['fingerprint'] !== $params['key_fingerprint']) { yield from $this->discardSecretChat($params['id']); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('Invalid key fingerprint!'); } $key['visualization_orig'] = \substr(\sha1($key['auth_key'], true), 16); $key['visualization_46'] = \substr(\hash('sha256', $key['auth_key'], true), 20); $this->secret_chats[$params['id']] = ['key' => $key, 'admin' => true, 'user_id' => $params['participant_id'], 'InputEncryptedChat' => ['chat_id' => $params['id'], 'access_hash' => $params['access_hash'], '_' => 'inputEncryptedChat'], 'in_seq_no_x' => 0, 'out_seq_no_x' => 1, 'in_seq_no' => 0, 'out_seq_no' => 0, 'layer' => 8, 'ttl' => 0, 'ttr' => 100, 'updated' => \time(), 'incoming' => [], 'outgoing' => [], 'created' => \time(), 'rekeying' => [0], 'key_x' => 'to server', 'mtproto' => 1]; yield from $this->notifyLayer($params['id']); $this->logger->logger('Secret chat ' . $params['id'] . ' completed successfully!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } private function notifyLayer($chat) : \Generator { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer', 'layer' => $this->TL->getSecretLayer()]]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } /** * Temporary rekeyed secret chats. * * @var array */ protected $temp_rekeyed_secret_chats = []; /** * Rekey secret chat. * * @param int $chat Secret chat to rekey * * @return \Generator */ public function rekey(int $chat) : \Generator { if ($this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'][0] !== 0) { return; } $this->logger->logger('Rekeying secret chat ' . $chat . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $this->logger->logger('Generating a...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $a = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(256), 256); $this->logger->logger('Generating g_a...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $g_a = $dh_config['g']->powMod($a, $dh_config['p']); $this->checkG($g_a, $dh_config['p']); $e = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); $this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$e] = $a; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'] = [1, $e]; yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionRequestKey', 'g_a' => $g_a->toBytes(), 'exchange_id' => $e]]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->updaters[false]->resume(); return $e; } /** * Accept rekeying. * * @param int $chat Chat * @param array $params Parameters * * @return \Generator */ private function acceptRekey(int $chat, array $params) : \Generator { if ($this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'][0] !== 0) { $my_exchange_id = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'][1], -256); $other_exchange_id = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($params['exchange_id'], -256); //$this->logger->logger($my, $params); if ($my_exchange_id->compare($other_exchange_id) > 0) { return; } if ($my_exchange_id->compare($other_exchange_id) === 0) { $this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'] = [0]; return; } } $this->logger->logger('Accepting rekeying of secret chat ' . $chat . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $this->logger->logger('Generating b...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $b = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(256), 256); $params['g_a'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $params['g_a'], 256); $this->checkG($params['g_a'], $dh_config['p']); $key = ['auth_key' => \str_pad($params['g_a']->powMod($b, $dh_config['p'])->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT)]; $key['fingerprint'] = \substr(\sha1($key['auth_key'], true), -8); $key['visualization_orig'] = $this->secret_chats[$chat]['key']['visualization_orig']; $key['visualization_46'] = \substr(\hash('sha256', $key['auth_key'], true), 20); $this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']] = $key; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'] = [2, $params['exchange_id']]; $g_b = $dh_config['g']->powMod($b, $dh_config['p']); $this->checkG($g_b, $dh_config['p']); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey', 'g_b' => $g_b->toBytes(), 'exchange_id' => $params['exchange_id'], 'key_fingerprint' => $key['fingerprint']]]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->updaters[false]->resume(); } /** * Commit rekeying of secret chat. * * @param int $chat Chat * @param array $params Parameters * * @return \Generator */ private function commitRekey(int $chat, array $params) : \Generator { if ($this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'][0] !== 1 || !isset($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']])) { $this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'] = [0]; return; } $this->logger->logger('Committing rekeying of secret chat ' . $chat . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $dh_config = (yield from $this->getDhConfig()); $params['g_b'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $params['g_b'], 256); $this->checkG($params['g_b'], $dh_config['p']); $key = ['auth_key' => \str_pad($params['g_b']->powMod($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']], $dh_config['p'])->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT)]; $key['fingerprint'] = \substr(\sha1($key['auth_key'], true), -8); $key['visualization_orig'] = $this->secret_chats[$chat]['key']['visualization_orig']; $key['visualization_46'] = \substr(\hash('sha256', $key['auth_key'], true), 20); if ($key['fingerprint'] !== $params['key_fingerprint']) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionAbortKey', 'exchange_id' => $params['exchange_id']]]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('Invalid key fingerprint!'); } yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionCommitKey', 'exchange_id' => $params['exchange_id'], 'key_fingerprint' => $key['fingerprint']]]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); unset($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']]); $this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'] = [0]; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['old_key'] = $this->secret_chats[$chat]['key']; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['key'] = $key; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['ttr'] = 100; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['updated'] = \time(); $this->updaters[false]->resume(); } /** * Complete rekeying. * * @param int $chat Chat * @param array $params Parameters * * @return \Generator */ private function completeRekey(int $chat, array $params) : \Generator { if ($this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'][0] !== 2 || !isset($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']]['fingerprint'])) { return; } if ($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']]['fingerprint'] !== $params['key_fingerprint']) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionAbortKey', 'exchange_id' => $params['exchange_id']]]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('Invalid key fingerprint!'); } $this->logger->logger('Completing rekeying of secret chat ' . $chat . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->secret_chats[$chat]['rekeying'] = [0]; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['old_key'] = $this->secret_chats[$chat]['key']; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['key'] = $this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']]; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['ttr'] = 100; $this->secret_chats[$chat]['updated'] = \time(); unset($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$params['exchange_id']]); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendEncryptedService', ['peer' => $chat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageService', 'action' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageActionNoop']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->logger->logger('Secret chat ' . $chat . ' rekeyed successfully!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); return true; } /** * Get secret chat status. * * @param int $chat Chat ID * * @return int One of MTProto::SECRET_EMPTY, MTProto::SECRET_REQUESTED, MTProto::SECRET_READY */ public function secretChatStatus(int $chat) : int { if (isset($this->secret_chats[$chat])) { return MTProto::SECRET_READY; } if (isset($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$chat])) { return MTProto::SECRET_REQUESTED; } return MTProto::SECRET_EMPTY; } /** * Get secret chat. * * @param array|int $chat Secret chat ID * * @return array */ public function getSecretChat($chat) : array { return $this->secret_chats[\is_array($chat) ? $chat['chat_id'] : $chat]; } /** * Check whether secret chat exists. * * @param array|int $chat Secret chat ID * * @return boolean */ public function hasSecretChat($chat) : bool { return isset($this->secret_chats[\is_array($chat) ? $chat['chat_id'] : $chat]); } /** * Discard secret chat. * * @param int $chat Secret chat ID * * @return \Generator */ public function discardSecretChat(int $chat) : \Generator { $this->logger->logger('Discarding secret chat ' . $chat . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if (isset($this->secret_chats[$chat])) { unset($this->secret_chats[$chat]); } if (isset($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$chat])) { unset($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$chat]); } try { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.discardEncryption', ['chat_id' => $chat], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc !== 'ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_DECLINED') { throw $e; } } } }<?php /** * MessageHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats; /** * Manages packing and unpacking of messages, and the list of sent and received messages. */ trait MessageHandler { /** * Encrypt secret chat message. * * @param integer $chat_id Chat ID * @param array $message Message to encrypt * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function encryptSecretMessage(int $chat_id, array $message) : \Generator { if (!isset($this->secret_chats[$chat_id])) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['secret_chat_skipping'], $chat_id)); return false; } $message['random_id'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['ttr']--; if ($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['layer'] > 8) { if (($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['ttr'] <= 0 || \time() - $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['updated'] > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) && $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['rekeying'][0] === 0) { yield from $this->rekey($chat_id); } $message = ['_' => 'decryptedMessageLayer', 'layer' => $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['layer'], 'in_seq_no' => $this->generateSecretInSeqNo($chat_id), 'out_seq_no' => $this->generateSecretOutSeqNo($chat_id), 'message' => $message]; $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['out_seq_no']++; } $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['outgoing'][$this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['out_seq_no']] = $message; $message = (yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => $constructor = $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['layer'] === 8 ? 'DecryptedMessage' : 'DecryptedMessageLayer'], $message, $constructor, $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['layer'])); $message = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\strlen($message)) . $message; if ($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['mtproto'] === 2) { $padding = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-\strlen($message), 16); if ($padding < 12) { $padding += 16; } $message .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random($padding); $message_key = \substr(\hash('sha256', \substr($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['key']['auth_key'], 88 + ($this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['admin'] ? 0 : 8), 32) . $message, true), 8, 16); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->aesCalculate($message_key, $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['key']['auth_key'], $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['admin']); } else { $message_key = \substr(\sha1($message, true), -16); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->oldAesCalculate($message_key, $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['key']['auth_key'], true); $message .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-\strlen($message), 16)); } $message = $this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['key']['fingerprint'] . $message_key . $this->igeEncrypt($message, $aes_key, $aes_iv); return $message; } private function handleEncryptedUpdate(array $message) : \Generator { if (!isset($this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']])) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['secret_chat_skipping'], $message['message']['chat_id'])); return false; } $auth_key_id = \substr($message['message']['bytes'], 0, 8); $old = false; if ($auth_key_id !== $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['key']['fingerprint']) { if (isset($this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['old_key']['fingerprint'])) { if ($auth_key_id !== $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['old_key']['fingerprint']) { yield from $this->discardSecretChat($message['message']['chat_id']); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['fingerprint_mismatch']); } $old = true; } else { yield from $this->discardSecretChat($message['message']['chat_id']); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['fingerprint_mismatch']); } } $message_key = \substr($message['message']['bytes'], 8, 16); $encrypted_data = \substr($message['message']['bytes'], 24); if ($this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['mtproto'] === 2) { $this->logger->logger('Trying MTProto v2 decryption for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); try { $message_data = $this->tryMTProtoV2Decrypt($message_key, $message['message']['chat_id'], $old, $encrypted_data); $this->logger->logger('MTProto v2 decryption OK for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException $e) { $this->logger->logger('MTProto v2 decryption failed with message ' . $e->getMessage() . ', trying MTProto v1 decryption for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $message_data = $this->tryMTProtoV1Decrypt($message_key, $message['message']['chat_id'], $old, $encrypted_data); $this->logger->logger('MTProto v1 decryption OK for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['mtproto'] = 1; } } else { $this->logger->logger('Trying MTProto v1 decryption for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); try { $message_data = $this->tryMTProtoV1Decrypt($message_key, $message['message']['chat_id'], $old, $encrypted_data); $this->logger->logger('MTProto v1 decryption OK for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException $e) { $this->logger->logger('MTProto v1 decryption failed with message ' . $e->getMessage() . ', trying MTProto v2 decryption for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $message_data = $this->tryMTProtoV2Decrypt($message_key, $message['message']['chat_id'], $old, $encrypted_data); $this->logger->logger('MTProto v2 decryption OK for chat ' . $message['message']['chat_id'] . '...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['mtproto'] = 2; } } $deserialized = $this->TL->deserialize($message_data, ['type' => '']); $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['ttr']--; if (($this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['ttr'] <= 0 || \time() - $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['updated'] > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) && $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['rekeying'][0] === 0) { yield from $this->rekey($message['message']['chat_id']); } unset($message['message']['bytes']); $message['message']['decrypted_message'] = $deserialized; $this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['incoming'][$this->secret_chats[$message['message']['chat_id']]['in_seq_no']] = $message['message']; yield from $this->handleDecryptedUpdate($message); } private function tryMTProtoV1Decrypt($message_key, $chat_id, $old, $encrypted_data) { list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->oldAesCalculate($message_key, $this->secret_chats[$chat_id][$old ? 'old_key' : 'key']['auth_key'], true); $decrypted_data = $this->igeDecrypt($encrypted_data, $aes_key, $aes_iv); $message_data_length = \unpack('V', \substr($decrypted_data, 0, 4))[1]; $message_data = \substr($decrypted_data, 4, $message_data_length); if ($message_data_length > \strlen($decrypted_data)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['msg_data_length_too_big']); } if ($message_key != \substr(\sha1(\substr($decrypted_data, 0, 4 + $message_data_length), true), -16)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['msg_key_mismatch']); } if (\strlen($decrypted_data) - 4 - $message_data_length > 15) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('difference between message_data_length and the length of the remaining decrypted buffer is too big'); } if (\strlen($decrypted_data) % 16 != 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_divisible_16']); } return $message_data; } private function tryMTProtoV2Decrypt($message_key, $chat_id, $old, $encrypted_data) { list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->aesCalculate($message_key, $this->secret_chats[$chat_id][$old ? 'old_key' : 'key']['auth_key'], !$this->secret_chats[$chat_id]['admin']); $decrypted_data = $this->igeDecrypt($encrypted_data, $aes_key, $aes_iv); $message_data_length = \unpack('V', \substr($decrypted_data, 0, 4))[1]; $message_data = \substr($decrypted_data, 4, $message_data_length); if ($message_data_length > \strlen($decrypted_data)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['msg_data_length_too_big']); } if ($message_key != \substr(\hash('sha256', \substr($this->secret_chats[$chat_id][$old ? 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Core types (no need to gen) //vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector<long> = ResPQ; p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ////////////// System messages /////////////////////////////// ---types--- msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector<long> info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgResendReq; //rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; // parsed manually rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector<future_salt> = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; //message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; // parsed manually //msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<message> = MessageContainer; // parsed manually //msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; // parsed manually, not used - use msg_container //gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:string = Object; // parsed manually http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ipPort ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; help.configSimple#d997c3c5 date:int expires:int dc_id:int ip_port_list:Vector<ipPort> = help.ConfigSimple; ---functions--- rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; contest.saveDeveloperInfo#9a5f6e95 vk_id:int name:string phone_number:string age:int city:string = Bool; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#2f37e231 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#81fa373a flags:# id:InputPhoto caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#e39621fd flags:# file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#5acb668e flags:# id:InputDocument caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#922aec1 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#b6f74335 flags:# url:string caption:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#92153685 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string start_param:string = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#cb44b1c flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> = ChatFull; channelFull#17f45fcf flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector<ChatParticipant> version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#90dddc11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#b5223b0f flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#7c4414d3 flags:# document:flags.0?Document caption:flags.1?string ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector<Contact> saved_count:int users:Vector<User> = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector<ImportedContact> popular_invites:Vector<PopularContact> retry_contacts:Vector<long> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentionsUnread#46caf4a8 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector<DcOption> = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector<Peer> = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector<User> = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#ea52fe5a dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes cdn_file_hashes:Vector<CdnFileHash> = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#8df376a4 flags:# date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int disabled_features:Vector<DisabledFeature> = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector<Peer> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> users:Vector<User> = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector<long> = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSet> = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector<Authorization> = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector<KeyboardButton> = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector<Message> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector<MessageRange> = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector<ChannelParticipant> users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector<FoundGif> = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector<Document> = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#f4a59de1 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#3a8fd8b8 flags:# geo:GeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#ccd3563d flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#fadff4ac flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector<TopPeer> = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector<TopPeerCategoryPeers> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> unread:Vector<long> = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.RecentStickers; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector<StickerPack> stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.FavedStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector<Document> = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector<HighScore> users:Vector<User> = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector<RichText> = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector<RichText> = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true currency:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector<PhoneConnection> start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector<User> = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector<CdnPublicKey> = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector<LangPackString> = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector<ChannelAdminLogEvent> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; cdnFileHash#77eec38f offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = CdnFileHash; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; initConnection#c7481da6 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector<string> message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector<WallPaper>; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector<InputUser> = Vector<User>; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector<ContactStatus>; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector<InputContact> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector<InputUser> = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector<int>; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector<int> = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector<ReceivedNotifyMessage>; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> random_id:Vector<long> to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector<InputUser> title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector<long>; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = Vector<int>; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#ce91e4ca flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector<InputPeer> = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector<StickerSetCovered>; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputPeer> = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector<InputPhoto> = Vector<long>; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#1af91c09 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector<CdnFileHash>; upload.getCdnFileHashes#f715c87b file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector<CdnFileHash>; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector<InputChannel> = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector<InputUser> = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector<InputUser> max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = Bool; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector<InputStickerSetItem> = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector<string> = Vector<LangPackString>; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector<LangPackLanguage>; // LAYER 71 // Core types (no need to gen) //vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Layer cons /////////////////////////////// //invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d msg_id:long query:!X = X; //invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer1#53835315 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 query:!X = X; //invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d layer:int query:!X = X; // after 18 layer /////////////////////////////// /// Authorization key creation /////////////////////////////// resPQ#05162463 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 pq:string server_public_key_fingerprints:Vector<long> = ResPQ; p_q_inner_data#83c95aec pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 = P_Q_inner_data; server_DH_params_fail#79cb045d nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash:int128 = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params; server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data; client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data; dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_retry#46dc1fb9 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash2:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; dh_gen_fail#a69dae02 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash3:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key_ok#f660e1d4 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_none#0a9f2259 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; destroy_auth_key_fail#ea109b13 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; ---functions--- req_pq#60469778 nonce:int128 = ResPQ; req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params; set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer; destroy_auth_key#d1435160 = DestroyAuthKeyRes; /////////////////////////////// ////////////// System messages /////////////////////////////// ---types--- msgs_ack#62d6b459 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsAck; bad_msg_notification#a7eff811 bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int = BadMsgNotification; bad_server_salt#edab447b bad_msg_id:long bad_msg_seqno:int error_code:int new_server_salt:long = BadMsgNotification; msgs_state_req#da69fb52 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgsStateReq; msgs_state_info#04deb57d req_msg_id:long info:string = MsgsStateInfo; msgs_all_info#8cc0d131 msg_ids:Vector<long> info:string = MsgsAllInfo; msg_detailed_info#276d3ec6 msg_id:long answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_new_detailed_info#809db6df answer_msg_id:long bytes:int status:int = MsgDetailedInfo; msg_resend_req#7d861a08 msg_ids:Vector<long> = MsgResendReq; //rpc_result#f35c6d01 req_msg_id:long result:Object = RpcResult; // parsed manually rpc_error#2144ca19 error_code:int error_message:string = RpcError; rpc_answer_unknown#5e2ad36e = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped_running#cd78e586 = RpcDropAnswer; rpc_answer_dropped#a43ad8b7 msg_id:long seq_no:int bytes:int = RpcDropAnswer; future_salt#0949d9dc valid_since:int valid_until:int salt:long = FutureSalt; future_salts#ae500895 req_msg_id:long now:int salts:vector<future_salt> = FutureSalts; pong#347773c5 msg_id:long ping_id:long = Pong; destroy_session_ok#e22045fc session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; destroy_session_none#62d350c9 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; new_session_created#9ec20908 first_msg_id:long unique_id:long server_salt:long = NewSession; //message msg_id:long seqno:int bytes:int body:Object = Message; // parsed manually //msg_container#73f1f8dc messages:vector<message> = MessageContainer; // parsed manually //msg_copy#e06046b2 orig_message:Message = MessageCopy; // parsed manually, not used - use msg_container //gzip_packed#3072cfa1 packed_data:string = Object; // parsed manually http_wait#9299359f max_delay:int wait_after:int max_wait:int = HttpWait; ---functions--- rpc_drop_answer#58e4a740 req_msg_id:long = RpcDropAnswer; get_future_salts#b921bd04 num:int = FutureSalts; ping#7abe77ec ping_id:long = Pong; ping_delay_disconnect#f3427b8c ping_id:long disconnect_delay:int = Pong; destroy_session#e7512126 session_id:long = DestroySessionRes; contest.saveDeveloperInfo#9a5f6e95 vk_id:int name:string phone_number:string age:int city:string = Bool; /////////////////////////////// ///////// Main application API /////////////////////////////// ---types--- boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#630c9af1 flags:# file:InputFile caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#e9bfb4f3 id:InputPhoto caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#a6e45987 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#d070f1e9 flags:# file:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument#50d88cae flags:# file:InputFile thumb:InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#1a77f29c id:InputDocument caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#2827a81a geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#b55f4f18 url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#e5e9607c url:string caption:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#92153685 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string start_param:string = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#d10d979a flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#a14dca52 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true moderator:flags.4?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string = Chat; channelForbidden#8537784f flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> = ChatFull; channelFull#c3d5512f flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector<ChatParticipant> version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#c09be45f flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#3d8ce53d photo:Photo caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#f3e02ea8 document:Document caption:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#7912b71f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; dialog#66ffba14 flags:# pinned:flags.2?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#2049d70c long:double lat:double = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#5e002502 flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyAll#a429b886 = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty#f03064d8 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifyEventsAll#e86a2c74 = InputPeerNotifyEvents; inputPeerNotifySettings#38935eb2 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifyEventsEmpty#add53cb3 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifyEventsAll#6d1ded88 = PeerNotifyEvents; peerNotifySettingsEmpty#70a68512 = PeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?true silent:flags.1?true mute_until:int sound:string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#6f8b8cb2 contacts:Vector<Contact> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#ad524315 imported:Vector<ImportedContact> retry_contacts:Vector<long> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments#d95e73bb = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector<DcOption> = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#d711a2cc flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:Peer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#d8caf68d flags:# order:flags.0?Vector<Peer> = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector<User> = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; dcOption#5d8c6cc flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true id:int ip_address:string port:int = DcOption; config#cb601684 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int chat_big_size:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string disabled_features:Vector<DisabledFeature> = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyAll#74d07c60 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#1aa1f784 results:Vector<Peer> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> users:Vector<User> = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#5910cccb duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#8a8ecd32 hash:string stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector<long> = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSet> = messages.AllStickers; disabledFeature#ae636f24 feature:string description:string = DisabledFeature; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector<Authorization> = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#96dabc18 new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#7c18141c current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#b7b72ab3 email:string = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#86916deb flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#cd303b41 flags:# installed:flags.0?true archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector<KeyboardButton> = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#410dee07 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector<Message> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector<MessageRange> = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantModerator#91057fef user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantEditor#98192d61 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantKicked#8cc5e69a user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#3c37bb7a = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelRoleEmpty#b285a0c6 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleModerator#9618d975 = ChannelParticipantRole; channelRoleEditor#820bfe8c = ChannelParticipantRole; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector<ChannelParticipant> users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#f1ee3e90 text:string = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector<FoundGif> = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector<Document> = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#292fed13 flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#f4a59de1 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#aaafadc8 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#2daf01a7 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#2cbbe15a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#a74b15b flags:# caption:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#3a8fd8b8 flags:# geo:GeoPoint reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#4366232e flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#35edb4d4 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#9bebaeb9 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb_url:flags.4?string content_url:flags.5?string content_type:flags.5?string w:flags.6?int h:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#ccd3563d flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#1f486803 link:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#c786ddcb flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector<TopPeer> = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector<TopPeerCategoryPeers> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#ba4baec5 = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> unread:Vector<long> = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#5ce20970 hash:int stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector<Document> = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector<HighScore> users:Vector<User> = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector<RichText> = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector<RichText> = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8dee6c44 blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> videos:Vector<Document> = Page; pageFull#d7a19d69 blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> videos:Vector<Document> = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true currency:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#c61acbd8 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> dc_id:int = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = ShippingOption; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector<PhoneConnection> start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector<User> = phone.PhoneCall; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; initConnection#69796de9 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; auth.checkPhone#6fe51dfb phone_number:string = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.sendInvites#771c1d97 phone_numbers:Vector<string> message:string = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int a:flags.0?true b:flags.0?true c:flags.0?true d:flags.0?true api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool; account.registerDevice#637ea878 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#65c55b40 token_type:int token:string = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector<WallPaper>; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector<InputUser> = Vector<User>; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector<ContactStatus>; contacts.getContacts#22c6aa08 hash:string = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#da30b32d contacts:Vector<InputContact> replace:Bool = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector<InputUser> = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector<int>; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector<int> = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getMessages#4222fa74 id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#191ba9c5 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#afa92846 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset:int max_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector<ReceivedNotifyMessage>; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.sendMedia#c8f16791 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> random_id:Vector<long> to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector<InputUser> title:string = Updates; messages.forwardMessage#33963bf9 peer:InputPeer id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector<long>; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = Vector<int>; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#ce91e4ca flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#130c2c85 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#2d9776b9 peers:Vector<InputPeer> = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector<StickerSetCovered>; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#3289be6a flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#959ff644 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputPeer> = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector<InputPhoto> = Vector<long>; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.getTermsOfService#350170f3 = help.TermsOfService; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.getMessages#93d7b347 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#24d98f92 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector<InputChannel> = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#eb7611d0 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser role:ChannelParticipantRole = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector<InputUser> = Updates; channels.kickFromChannel#a672de14 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser kicked:Bool = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#c846d22d channel:InputChannel id:int = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; // LAYER 65 <?php /** * MTProto temporary auth key. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use JsonSerializable; /** * MTProto temporary auth key. */ class TempAuthKey extends AuthKey implements JsonSerializable { /** * Bound auth key instance. * * @var PermAuthKey|null */ private $bound; /** * Expiration date. * * @var int */ private $expires = 0; /** * Whether the connection is inited for this auth key. * * @var boolean */ protected $inited = false; /** * Constructor function. * * @param array $old Old auth key array */ public function __construct(array $old = []) { parent::__construct($old); if (isset($old['expires'])) { $this->expires($old['expires']); } if (isset($old['connection_inited']) && $old['connection_inited']) { $this->init($old['connection_inited']); } } /** * Init or deinit connection for auth key. * * @param boolean $init Init or deinit * * @return void */ public function init(bool $init = true) { $this->inited = $init; } /** * Check if connection is inited for auth key. * * @return boolean */ public function isInited() : bool { return $this->inited; } /** * Bind auth key. * * @param PermAuthKey|null $bound Permanent auth key * @param bool $pfs Whether to bind using PFS * * @return void */ public function bind(PermAuthKey $bound = null, bool $pfs = true) { $this->bound = $bound; if (!$pfs) { foreach (['authKey', 'id', 'serverSalt'] as $key) { $this->{$key} =& $bound->{$key}; } } } /** * Check if auth key is bound. * * @return boolean */ public function isBound() : bool { return $this->bound !== null; } /** * Check if we are logged in. * * @return boolean */ public function isAuthorized() : bool { return $this->bound ? $this->bound->isAuthorized() : false; } /** * Set the authorized boolean. * * @param boolean $authorized Whether we are authorized * * @return void */ public function authorized(bool $authorized) { $this->bound->authorized($authorized); } /** * Set expiration date of temporary auth key. * * @param integer $expires Expiration date * * @return void */ public function expires(int $expires) { $this->expires = $expires; } /** * Check if auth key has expired. * * @return boolean */ public function expired() : bool { return \time() > $this->expires; } /** * JSON serialization function. * * @return array */ public function jsonSerialize() : array { return ['auth_key' => 'pony' . \base64_encode($this->authKey), 'server_salt' => $this->serverSalt, 'bound' => $this->isBound(), 'expires' => $this->expires, 'connection_inited' => $this->inited]; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { return ['authKey', 'id', 'serverSalt', 'bound', 'expires', 'inited']; } /** * Wakeup function. * * @return array */ public function __wakeup() { $this->inited = (bool) $this->inited; } }<?php /** * MTProto permanent auth key. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * MTProto permanent auth key. */ class PermAuthKey extends AuthKey { /** * Whether this auth key is authorized (as in associated to an account on Telegram). * * @var boolean */ private $authorized = false; /** * Constructor function. * * @param array $old Old auth key array */ public function __construct(array $old = []) { parent::__construct($old); if (isset($old['authorized'])) { $this->authorized($old['authorized']); } } /** * Check if we are logged in. * * @return boolean */ public function isAuthorized() : bool { return $this->authorized; } /** * Set the authorized boolean. * * @param boolean $authorized Whether we are authorized * * @return void */ public function authorized(bool $authorized) { $this->authorized = $authorized; } /** * JSON serialization function. * * @return array */ public function jsonSerialize() : array { return ['auth_key' => 'pony' . \base64_encode($this->authKey), 'server_salt' => $this->serverSalt, 'authorized' => $this->authorized]; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { return ['authKey', 'id', 'serverSalt', 'authorized']; } }<?php /** * MTProto Auth key. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use JsonSerializable; /** * MTProto auth key. */ abstract class AuthKey implements JsonSerializable { /** * Auth key. * * @var string */ protected $authKey; /** * Auth key ID. * * @var string */ protected $id; /** * Server salt. * * @var string */ protected $serverSalt; /** * Constructor function. * * @param array $old Old auth key array */ public function __construct(array $old = []) { if (isset($old['auth_key'])) { if (\strlen($old['auth_key']) !== 2048 / 8 && \strpos($old['authkey'], 'pony') === 0) { $old['auth_key'] = \base64_decode(\substr($old['auth_key'], 4)); } $this->setAuthKey($old['auth_key']); } if (isset($old['server_salt'])) { $this->setServerSalt($old['server_salt']); } } /** * Set auth key. * * @param string $authKey Authorization key * * @return void */ public function setAuthKey(string $authKey) { $this->authKey = $authKey; $this->id = \substr(\sha1($authKey, true), -8); } /** * Check if auth key is present. * * @return boolean */ public function hasAuthKey() : bool { return $this->authKey !== null; } /** * Get auth key. * * @return string */ public function getAuthKey() : string { return $this->authKey; } /** * Get auth key ID. * * @return string */ public function getID() : string { return $this->id; } /** * Set server salt. * * @param string $salt Server salt * * @return void */ public function setServerSalt(string $salt) { $this->serverSalt = $salt; } /** * Get server salt. * * @return string */ public function getServerSalt() : string { return $this->serverSalt; } /** * Check if has server salt. * * @return boolean */ public function hasServerSalt() : bool { return $this->serverSalt !== null; } /** * Check if we are logged in. * * @return boolean */ public abstract function isAuthorized() : bool; /** * Set the authorized boolean. * * @param boolean $authorized Whether we are authorized * * @return void */ public abstract function authorized(bool $authorized); }---types--- ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector<IpPort> = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector<AccessPointRule> = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#7b1a118f geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#fb95c6c4 id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#14637196 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#430f0724 id:long access_hash:long version:int = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputAppEvent#770656a8 time:double type:string peer:long data:string = InputAppEvent; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; fileLocationUnavailable#7c596b46 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; fileLocation#53d69076 dc_id:int volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long = FileLocation; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#d559d8c8 photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#d91cdd54 flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true admins_enabled:flags.3?true admin:flags.4?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#c88974ac flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true editor:flags.3?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true democracy:flags.10?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChannelAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChannelBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#2e02a614 id:int participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> = ChatFull; channelFull#76af5481 flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector<ChatParticipant> version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#6153276a photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector<SecureValue> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector<SecureValueType> = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#9288dd29 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long date:int sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#ccb03657 id:int title:string sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> color:int = WallPaper; wallPaperSolid#63117f24 id:int title:string bg_color:int color:int = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; userFull#f220f3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector<Contact> saved_count:int users:Vector<User> = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector<ImportedContact> popular_invites:Vector<PopularContact> retry_contacts:Vector<long> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#b446ae3 count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# pts:int count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactRegistered#2575bbb9 user_id:int date:int = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector<DcOption> = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatAdmins#6e947941 chat_id:int enabled:Bool version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector<DialogPeer> = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#10c2404b = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector<User> = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector<FileHash> = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#3213dbba flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#8987f311 id:int critical:Bool url:string text:string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#18798952 id:long access_hash:long = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#87232bc7 id:long access_hash:long date:int mime_type:string size:int thumb:PhotoSize dc_id:int version:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector<Peer> results:Vector<Peer> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> users:Vector<User> = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector<long> = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSet> = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#7bf2e6f6 hash:long flags:int device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector<Authorization> = account.Authorizations; account.noPassword#5ea182f6 new_salt:bytes new_secure_salt:bytes secure_random:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.password#ca39b447 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes new_secure_salt:bytes secure_random:bytes hint:string email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#7bd9c3f1 email:string secure_salt:bytes secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#21ffa60d flags:# new_salt:flags.0?bytes new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_salt:flags.2?bytes new_secure_secret:flags.2?bytes new_secure_secret_id:flags.2?long = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#db74f558 flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#5585a139 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector<KeyboardButton> = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector<Message> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector<MessageRange> = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#a82fa898 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true user_id:int inviter_id:int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#222c1886 flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector<ChannelParticipant> users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector<MessageEntity> min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector<FoundGif> = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector<Document> = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int users:Vector<User> = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#559ebe6d flags:# from_id:flags.0?int date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector<TopPeer> = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector<TopPeerCategoryPeers> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> unread:Vector<long> = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector<StickerPack> stickers:Vector<Document> dates:Vector<int> = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector<Document> = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector<HighScore> users:Vector<User> = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector<RichText> = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#3a58c7f4 ordered:Bool items:Vector<RichText> = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#e9c69982 photo_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#d9d71866 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#cde200d1 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:int h:int caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#292c7be9 url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#8b31c4f items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#130c8963 items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#31b81a7f audio_id:long caption:RichText = PageBlock; pagePart#8e3f9ebe blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; pageFull#556ec7aa blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#83761ce4 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#6d003d3f id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#ffe6ab67 id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connection:PhoneConnection alternative_connections:Vector<PhoneConnection> start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector<User> = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector<CdnPublicKey> = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector<LangPackString> = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#117698f1 name:string native_name:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminRights#5d7ceba5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true invite_link:flags.6?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true manage_call:flags.10?true = ChannelAdminRights; channelBannedRights#58cf4249 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true until_date:int = ChannelBannedRights; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#b82f55c3 prev_photo:ChatPhoto new_photo:ChatPhoto = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector<ChannelAdminLogEvent> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector<StickerPack> stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector<RecentMeUrl> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector<MessageEntity> = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector<WebAuthorization> users:Vector<User> = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#b4b4b699 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile files:flags.4?Vector<SecureFile> plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#67872e8 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile files:flags.4?Vector<InputSecureFile> plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector<bytes> text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#cb976d53 flags:# selfie_required:flags.1?true required_types:Vector<SecureValueType> values:Vector<SecureValue> errors:Vector<SecureValueError> users:Vector<User> privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#86aef0ec flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool api_id:int api_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#a63011e password_hash:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector<int> = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector<int> = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#c04cfac2 = Vector<WallPaper>; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#8e57deb flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#bc8d11bb current_password_hash:bytes = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#fa7c4b86 current_password_hash:bytes new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1516d7bd flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true hash:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#4a82327e password_hash:bytes period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector<SecureValue>; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector<SecureValueType> = Vector<SecureValue>; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector<SecureValueType> = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector<SecureValueHash> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#823380b4 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true phone_number:string current_number:flags.0?Bool = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector<InputUser> = Vector<User>; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector<SecureValueError> = Bool; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector<ContactStatus>; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector<InputContact> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector<InputUser> = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; contacts.exportCard#84e53737 = Vector<int>; contacts.importCard#4fe196fe export_card:Vector<int> = User; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector<SavedContact>; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector<InputMessage> = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector<ReceivedNotifyMessage>; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> random_id:Vector<long> to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector<InputUser> title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector<long>; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#7d885289 chat_id:int = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = Vector<int>; messages.toggleChatAdmins#ec8bd9e1 chat_id:int enabled:Bool = Updates; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#c000e4c8 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#adc3e828 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true stop_geo_live:flags.12?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> geo_point:flags.13?InputGeoPoint = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector<InputDialogPeer> = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector<StickerSetCovered>; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputDialogPeer> = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector<InputSingleMedia> = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector<MessageRange>; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector<DialogPeer>; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector<InputPhoto> = Vector<long>; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector<FileHash>; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector<FileHash>; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector<FileHash>; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#ae2de196 = help.AppUpdate; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<InputMessage> = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector<InputChannel> = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAbout#13e27f1e channel:InputChannel about:string = Bool; channels.editAdmin#20b88214 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChannelAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector<InputUser> = Updates; channels.exportInvite#c7560885 channel:InputChannel = ExportedChatInvite; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.toggleInvites#49609307 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.updatePinnedMessage#a72ded52 flags:# silent:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel id:int = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#bfd915cd channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChannelBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector<InputUser> max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector<InputStickerSetItem> = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#5b95b3d4 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#78d413a6 peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#1c536a34 peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#9ab5c58e lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#2e1ee318 lang_code:string keys:Vector<string> = Vector<LangPackString>; langpack.getDifference#b2e4d7d from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#800fd57d = Vector<LangPackLanguage>; 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---types--- help.configSimple#d997c3c5 date:int expires:int dc_id:int ip_port_list:Vector<ipPort> = help.ConfigSimple; ipPort#d433ad73 ipv4:int port:int = IpPort; ipPortSecret#37982646 ipv4:int port:int secret:bytes = IpPort; accessPointRule#4679b65f phone_prefix_rules:string dc_id:int ips:vector<IpPort> = AccessPointRule; help.configSimple#5a592a6c date:int expires:int rules:vector<AccessPointRule> = help.ConfigSimple; boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool; boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool; true#3fedd339 = True; vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; error#c4b9f9bb code:int text:string = Error; null#56730bcc = Null; inputPeerEmpty#7f3b18ea = InputPeer; inputPeerSelf#7da07ec9 = InputPeer; inputPeerChat#179be863 chat_id:int = InputPeer; inputPeerUser#7b8e7de6 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputPeerChannel#20adaef8 channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputPeer; inputUserEmpty#b98886cf = InputUser; inputUserSelf#f7c1b13f = InputUser; inputUser#d8292816 user_id:int access_hash:long = InputUser; inputPhoneContact#f392b7f4 client_id:long phone:string first_name:string last_name:string = InputContact; inputFile#f52ff27f id:long parts:int name:string md5_checksum:string = InputFile; inputFileBig#fa4f0bb5 id:long parts:int name:string = InputFile; inputMediaEmpty#9664f57f = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedPhoto#1e287d04 flags:# file:InputFile stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPhoto#b3ba0635 flags:# id:InputPhoto ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoPoint#f9c44144 geo_point:InputGeoPoint = InputMedia; inputMediaContact#f8ab7dfb phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string = InputMedia; inputMediaUploadedDocument#5b38c6c1 flags:# nosound_video:flags.3?true file:InputFile thumb:flags.2?InputFile mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> stickers:flags.0?Vector<InputDocument> ttl_seconds:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocument#23ab23d2 flags:# id:InputDocument ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaVenue#c13d1c11 geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGifExternal#4843b0fd url:string q:string = InputMedia; inputMediaPhotoExternal#e5bbfe1a flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaDocumentExternal#fb52dc99 flags:# url:string ttl_seconds:flags.0?int = InputMedia; inputMediaGame#d33f43f3 id:InputGame = InputMedia; inputMediaInvoice#f4e096c3 flags:# title:string description:string photo:flags.0?InputWebDocument invoice:Invoice payload:bytes provider:string provider_data:DataJSON start_param:string = InputMedia; inputMediaGeoLive#ce4e82fd flags:# stopped:flags.0?true geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:flags.1?int = InputMedia; inputMediaPoll#6b3765b poll:Poll = InputMedia; inputChatPhotoEmpty#1ca48f57 = InputChatPhoto; inputChatUploadedPhoto#927c55b4 file:InputFile = InputChatPhoto; inputChatPhoto#8953ad37 id:InputPhoto = InputChatPhoto; inputGeoPointEmpty#e4c123d6 = InputGeoPoint; inputGeoPoint#f3b7acc9 lat:double long:double = InputGeoPoint; inputPhotoEmpty#1cd7bf0d = InputPhoto; inputPhoto#3bb3b94a id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputPhoto; inputFileLocation#dfdaabe1 volume_id:long local_id:int secret:long file_reference:bytes = InputFileLocation; inputEncryptedFileLocation#f5235d55 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputDocumentFileLocation#bad07584 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputSecureFileLocation#cbc7ee28 id:long access_hash:long = InputFileLocation; inputTakeoutFileLocation#29be5899 = InputFileLocation; inputPhotoFileLocation#40181ffe id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes thumb_size:string = InputFileLocation; inputPeerPhotoFileLocation#27d69997 flags:# big:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; inputStickerSetThumb#dbaeae9 stickerset:InputStickerSet volume_id:long local_id:int = InputFileLocation; peerUser#9db1bc6d user_id:int = Peer; peerChat#bad0e5bb chat_id:int = Peer; peerChannel#bddde532 channel_id:int = Peer; storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType; storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType; storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType; storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType; storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType; storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType; storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType; storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType; storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType; userEmpty#200250ba id:int = User; user#2e13f4c3 flags:# self:flags.10?true contact:flags.11?true mutual_contact:flags.12?true deleted:flags.13?true bot:flags.14?true bot_chat_history:flags.15?true bot_nochats:flags.16?true verified:flags.17?true restricted:flags.18?true min:flags.20?true bot_inline_geo:flags.21?true support:flags.23?true id:int access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string username:flags.3?string phone:flags.4?string photo:flags.5?UserProfilePhoto status:flags.6?UserStatus bot_info_version:flags.14?int restriction_reason:flags.18?string bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?string lang_code:flags.22?string = User; userProfilePhotoEmpty#4f11bae1 = UserProfilePhoto; userProfilePhoto#ecd75d8c photo_id:long photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = UserProfilePhoto; userStatusEmpty#9d05049 = UserStatus; userStatusOnline#edb93949 expires:int = UserStatus; userStatusOffline#8c703f was_online:int = UserStatus; userStatusRecently#e26f42f1 = UserStatus; userStatusLastWeek#7bf09fc = UserStatus; userStatusLastMonth#77ebc742 = UserStatus; chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat; chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat; chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat; channel#4df30834 flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?string admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat; channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat; chatFull#22a235da flags:# can_set_username:flags.7?true id:int about:string participants:ChatParticipants chat_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:flags.3?Vector<BotInfo> pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int = ChatFull; channelFull#1c87a71a flags:# can_view_participants:flags.3?true can_set_username:flags.6?true can_set_stickers:flags.7?true hidden_prehistory:flags.10?true can_view_stats:flags.12?true id:int about:string participants_count:flags.0?int admins_count:flags.1?int kicked_count:flags.2?int banned_count:flags.2?int online_count:flags.13?int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int chat_photo:Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings exported_invite:ExportedChatInvite bot_info:Vector<BotInfo> migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?int pinned_msg_id:flags.5?int stickerset:flags.8?StickerSet available_min_id:flags.9?int = ChatFull; chatParticipant#c8d7493e user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantCreator#da13538a user_id:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantAdmin#e2d6e436 user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChatParticipant; chatParticipantsForbidden#fc900c2b flags:# chat_id:int self_participant:flags.0?ChatParticipant = ChatParticipants; chatParticipants#3f460fed chat_id:int participants:Vector<ChatParticipant> version:int = ChatParticipants; chatPhotoEmpty#37c1011c = ChatPhoto; chatPhoto#475cdbd5 photo_small:FileLocation photo_big:FileLocation dc_id:int = ChatPhoto; messageEmpty#83e5de54 id:int = Message; message#44f9b43d flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true from_scheduled:flags.18?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int message:string media:flags.9?MessageMedia reply_markup:flags.6?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> views:flags.10?int edit_date:flags.15?int post_author:flags.16?string grouped_id:flags.17?long = Message; messageService#9e19a1f6 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true post:flags.14?true id:int from_id:flags.8?int to_id:Peer reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int date:int action:MessageAction = Message; messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia; messageMediaPhoto#695150d7 flags:# photo:flags.0?Photo ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia; messageMediaContact#cbf24940 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string user_id:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaUnsupported#9f84f49e = MessageMedia; messageMediaDocument#9cb070d7 flags:# document:flags.0?Document ttl_seconds:flags.2?int = MessageMedia; messageMediaWebPage#a32dd600 webpage:WebPage = MessageMedia; messageMediaVenue#2ec0533f geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGame#fdb19008 game:Game = MessageMedia; messageMediaInvoice#84551347 flags:# shipping_address_requested:flags.1?true test:flags.3?true title:string description:string photo:flags.0?WebDocument receipt_msg_id:flags.2?int currency:string total_amount:long start_param:string = MessageMedia; messageMediaGeoLive#7c3c2609 geo:GeoPoint period:int = MessageMedia; messageMediaPoll#4bd6e798 poll:Poll results:PollResults = MessageMedia; messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction; messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction; messageActionChatAddUser#488a7337 users:Vector<int> = MessageAction; messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChatJoinedByLink#f89cf5e8 inviter_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction; messageActionChatMigrateTo#51bdb021 channel_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#b055eaee title:string chat_id:int = MessageAction; messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction; messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction; messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction; messageActionPaymentSent#40699cd0 currency:string total_amount:long = MessageAction; messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction; messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction; messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction; messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector<SecureValue> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction; messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector<SecureValueType> = MessageAction; messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction; dialog#e4def5db flags:# pinned:flags.2?true unread_mark:flags.3?true peer:Peer top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings pts:flags.0?int draft:flags.1?DraftMessage = Dialog; photoEmpty#2331b22d id:long = Photo; photo#d07504a5 flags:# has_stickers:flags.0?true id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int sizes:Vector<PhotoSize> dc_id:int = Photo; photoSizeEmpty#e17e23c type:string = PhotoSize; photoSize#77bfb61b type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int size:int = PhotoSize; photoCachedSize#e9a734fa type:string location:FileLocation w:int h:int bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; photoStrippedSize#e0b0bc2e type:string bytes:bytes = PhotoSize; geoPointEmpty#1117dd5f = GeoPoint; geoPoint#296f104 long:double lat:double access_hash:long = GeoPoint; auth.checkedPhone#811ea28e phone_registered:Bool = auth.CheckedPhone; auth.sentCode#38faab5f flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int terms_of_service:flags.3?help.TermsOfService = auth.SentCode; auth.authorization#cd050916 flags:# tmp_sessions:flags.0?int user:User = auth.Authorization; auth.exportedAuthorization#df969c2d id:int bytes:bytes = auth.ExportedAuthorization; inputNotifyPeer#b8bc5b0c peer:InputPeer = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyUsers#193b4417 = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyChats#4a95e84e = InputNotifyPeer; inputNotifyBroadcasts#b1db7c7e = InputNotifyPeer; inputPeerNotifySettings#9c3d198e flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = InputPeerNotifySettings; peerNotifySettings#af509d20 flags:# show_previews:flags.0?Bool silent:flags.1?Bool mute_until:flags.2?int sound:flags.3?string = PeerNotifySettings; peerSettings#818426cd flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true = PeerSettings; wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; inputReportReasonSpam#58dbcab8 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonViolence#1e22c78d = ReportReason; inputReportReasonPornography#2e59d922 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonChildAbuse#adf44ee3 = ReportReason; inputReportReasonOther#e1746d0a text:string = ReportReason; inputReportReasonCopyright#9b89f93a = ReportReason; userFull#8ea4a881 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true user:User about:flags.1?string link:contacts.Link profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int = UserFull; contact#f911c994 user_id:int mutual:Bool = Contact; importedContact#d0028438 user_id:int client_id:long = ImportedContact; contactBlocked#561bc879 user_id:int date:int = ContactBlocked; contactStatus#d3680c61 user_id:int status:UserStatus = ContactStatus; my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink user:User = contacts.Link; contacts.contactsNotModified#b74ba9d2 = contacts.Contacts; contacts.contacts#eae87e42 contacts:Vector<Contact> saved_count:int users:Vector<User> = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importedContacts#77d01c3b imported:Vector<ImportedContact> popular_invites:Vector<PopularContact> retry_contacts:Vector<long> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.blocked#1c138d15 blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; contacts.blockedSlice#900802a1 count:int blocked:Vector<ContactBlocked> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Blocked; messages.dialogs#15ba6c40 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsSlice#71e094f3 count:int dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Dialogs; messages.dialogsNotModified#f0e3e596 count:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesSlice#a6c47aaa flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.channelMessages#99262e37 flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages; messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages; messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatsSlice#9cd81144 count:int chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats; messages.chatFull#e5d7d19c full_chat:ChatFull chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.ChatFull; messages.affectedHistory#b45c69d1 pts:int pts_count:int offset:int = messages.AffectedHistory; inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter; inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter; updateNewMessage#1f2b0afd message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateMessageID#4e90bfd6 id:int random_id:long = Update; updateDeleteMessages#a20db0e5 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateUserTyping#5c486927 user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatUserTyping#9a65ea1f chat_id:int user_id:int action:SendMessageAction = Update; updateChatParticipants#7761198 participants:ChatParticipants = Update; updateUserStatus#1bfbd823 user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; updateUserName#a7332b73 user_id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string = Update; updateUserPhoto#95313b0c user_id:int date:int photo:UserProfilePhoto previous:Bool = Update; updateContactLink#9d2e67c5 user_id:int my_link:ContactLink foreign_link:ContactLink = Update; updateNewEncryptedMessage#12bcbd9a message:EncryptedMessage qts:int = Update; updateEncryptedChatTyping#1710f156 chat_id:int = Update; updateEncryption#b4a2e88d chat:EncryptedChat date:int = Update; updateEncryptedMessagesRead#38fe25b7 chat_id:int max_date:int date:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdd#ea4b0e5c chat_id:int user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int version:int = Update; updateChatParticipantDelete#6e5f8c22 chat_id:int user_id:int version:int = Update; updateDcOptions#8e5e9873 dc_options:Vector<DcOption> = Update; updateUserBlocked#80ece81a user_id:int blocked:Bool = Update; updateNotifySettings#bec268ef peer:NotifyPeer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings = Update; updateServiceNotification#ebe46819 flags:# popup:flags.0?true inbox_date:flags.1?int type:string message:string media:MessageMedia entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = Update; updatePrivacy#ee3b272a key:PrivacyKey rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> = Update; updateUserPhone#12b9417b user_id:int phone:string = Update; updateReadHistoryInbox#9961fd5c peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadHistoryOutbox#2f2f21bf peer:Peer max_id:int pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateWebPage#7f891213 webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadMessagesContents#68c13933 messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelTooLong#eb0467fb flags:# channel_id:int pts:flags.0?int = Update; updateChannel#b6d45656 channel_id:int = Update; updateNewChannelMessage#62ba04d9 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateReadChannelInbox#4214f37f channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDeleteChannelMessages#c37521c9 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelMessageViews#98a12b4b channel_id:int id:int views:int = Update; updateChatParticipantAdmin#b6901959 chat_id:int user_id:int is_admin:Bool version:int = Update; updateNewStickerSet#688a30aa stickerset:messages.StickerSet = Update; updateStickerSetsOrder#bb2d201 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Update; updateStickerSets#43ae3dec = Update; updateSavedGifs#9375341e = Update; updateBotInlineQuery#54826690 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint offset:string = Update; updateBotInlineSend#e48f964 flags:# user_id:int query:string geo:flags.0?GeoPoint id:string msg_id:flags.1?InputBotInlineMessageID = Update; updateEditChannelMessage#1b3f4df7 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateChannelPinnedMessage#98592475 channel_id:int id:int = Update; updateBotCallbackQuery#e73547e1 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int peer:Peer msg_id:int chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateEditMessage#e40370a3 message:Message pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateInlineBotCallbackQuery#f9d27a5a flags:# query_id:long user_id:int msg_id:InputBotInlineMessageID chat_instance:long data:flags.0?bytes game_short_name:flags.1?string = Update; updateReadChannelOutbox#25d6c9c7 channel_id:int max_id:int = Update; updateDraftMessage#ee2bb969 peer:Peer draft:DraftMessage = Update; updateReadFeaturedStickers#571d2742 = Update; updateRecentStickers#9a422c20 = Update; updateConfig#a229dd06 = Update; updatePtsChanged#3354678f = Update; updateChannelWebPage#40771900 channel_id:int webpage:WebPage pts:int pts_count:int = Update; updateDialogPinned#19d27f3c flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updatePinnedDialogs#ea4cb65b flags:# order:flags.0?Vector<DialogPeer> = Update; updateBotWebhookJSON#8317c0c3 data:DataJSON = Update; updateBotWebhookJSONQuery#9b9240a6 query_id:long data:DataJSON timeout:int = Update; updateBotShippingQuery#e0cdc940 query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes shipping_address:PostAddress = Update; updateBotPrecheckoutQuery#5d2f3aa9 flags:# query_id:long user_id:int payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string currency:string total_amount:long = Update; updatePhoneCall#ab0f6b1e phone_call:PhoneCall = Update; updateLangPackTooLong#46560264 lang_code:string = Update; updateLangPack#56022f4d difference:LangPackDifference = Update; updateFavedStickers#e511996d = Update; updateChannelReadMessagesContents#89893b45 channel_id:int messages:Vector<int> = Update; updateContactsReset#7084a7be = Update; updateChannelAvailableMessages#70db6837 channel_id:int available_min_id:int = Update; updateDialogUnreadMark#e16459c3 flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:DialogPeer = Update; updateUserPinnedMessage#4c43da18 user_id:int id:int = Update; updateChatPinnedMessage#e10db349 chat_id:int id:int version:int = Update; updateMessagePoll#aca1657b flags:# poll_id:long poll:flags.0?Poll results:PollResults = Update; updateChatDefaultBannedRights#54c01850 peer:Peer default_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights version:int = Update; updates.state#a56c2a3e pts:int qts:int date:int seq:int unread_count:int = updates.State; updates.differenceEmpty#5d75a138 date:int seq:int = updates.Difference; updates.difference#f49ca0 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceSlice#a8fb1981 new_messages:Vector<Message> new_encrypted_messages:Vector<EncryptedMessage> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> intermediate_state:updates.State = updates.Difference; updates.differenceTooLong#4afe8f6d pts:int = updates.Difference; updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates; updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates; updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates; updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates; updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photos.photosSlice#15051f54 count:int photos:Vector<Photo> users:Vector<User> = photos.Photos; photo:Photo users:Vector<User> = photos.Photo; upload.file#96a18d5 type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.File; upload.fileCdnRedirect#f18cda44 dc_id:int file_token:bytes encryption_key:bytes encryption_iv:bytes file_hashes:Vector<FileHash> = upload.File; dcOption#18b7a10d flags:# ipv6:flags.0?true media_only:flags.1?true tcpo_only:flags.2?true cdn:flags.3?true static:flags.4?true id:int ip_address:string port:int secret:flags.10?bytes = DcOption; config#e6ca25f6 flags:# phonecalls_enabled:flags.1?true default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true ignore_phone_entities:flags.5?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true pfs_enabled:flags.13?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int saved_gifs_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int stickers_faved_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int pinned_dialogs_count_max:int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int = Config; nearestDc#8e1a1775 country:string this_dc:int nearest_dc:int = NearestDc; help.appUpdate#1da7158f flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:int version:string text:string entities:Vector<MessageEntity> document:flags.1?Document url:flags.2?string = help.AppUpdate; help.noAppUpdate#c45a6536 = help.AppUpdate; help.inviteText#18cb9f78 message:string = help.InviteText; encryptedChatEmpty#ab7ec0a0 id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatWaiting#3bf703dc id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatRequested#c878527e id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; encryptedChat#fa56ce36 id:int access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; encryptedChatDiscarded#13d6dd27 id:int = EncryptedChat; inputEncryptedChat#f141b5e1 chat_id:int access_hash:long = InputEncryptedChat; encryptedFileEmpty#c21f497e = EncryptedFile; encryptedFile#4a70994c id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int key_fingerprint:int = EncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileEmpty#1837c364 = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileUploaded#64bd0306 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFile#5a17b5e5 id:long access_hash:long = InputEncryptedFile; inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded#2dc173c8 id:long parts:int key_fingerprint:int = InputEncryptedFile; encryptedMessage#ed18c118 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes file:EncryptedFile = EncryptedMessage; encryptedMessageService#23734b06 random_id:long chat_id:int date:int bytes:bytes = EncryptedMessage; messages.dhConfigNotModified#c0e24635 random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.dhConfig#2c221edd g:int p:bytes version:int random:bytes = messages.DhConfig; messages.sentEncryptedMessage#560f8935 date:int = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sentEncryptedFile#9493ff32 date:int file:EncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; inputDocumentEmpty#72f0eaae = InputDocument; inputDocument#1abfb575 id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes = InputDocument; documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document; document#9ba29cc1 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:int thumbs:flags.0?Vector<PhotoSize> dc_id:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document; phone_number:string user:User = help.Support; notifyPeer#9fd40bd8 peer:Peer = NotifyPeer; notifyUsers#b4c83b4c = NotifyPeer; notifyChats#c007cec3 = NotifyPeer; notifyBroadcasts#d612e8ef = NotifyPeer; sendMessageTypingAction#16bf744e = SendMessageAction; sendMessageCancelAction#fd5ec8f5 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordVideoAction#a187d66f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadVideoAction#e9763aec progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordAudioAction#d52f73f7 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadAudioAction#f351d7ab progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadPhotoAction#d1d34a26 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadDocumentAction#aa0cd9e4 progress:int = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGeoLocationAction#176f8ba1 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageChooseContactAction#628cbc6f = SendMessageAction; sendMessageGamePlayAction#dd6a8f48 = SendMessageAction; sendMessageRecordRoundAction#88f27fbc = SendMessageAction; sendMessageUploadRoundAction#243e1c66 progress:int = SendMessageAction; contacts.found#b3134d9d my_results:Vector<Peer> results:Vector<Peer> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.Found; inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp#4f96cb18 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite#bdfb0426 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall#fabadc5f = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P#db9e70d2 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyForwards#a4dd4c08 = InputPrivacyKey; inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto#5719bacc = InputPrivacyKey; privacyKeyStatusTimestamp#bc2eab30 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyChatInvite#500e6dfa = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneCall#3d662b7b = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyPhoneP2P#39491cc8 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyForwards#69ec56a3 = PrivacyKey; privacyKeyProfilePhoto#96151fed = PrivacyKey; inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts#d09e07b = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowAll#184b35ce = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers#131cc67f users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts#ba52007 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll#d66b66c9 = InputPrivacyRule; inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers#90110467 users:Vector<InputUser> = InputPrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowContacts#fffe1bac = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowAll#65427b82 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueAllowUsers#4d5bbe0c users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowContacts#f888fa1a = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowAll#8b73e763 = PrivacyRule; privacyValueDisallowUsers#c7f49b7 users:Vector<int> = PrivacyRule; account.privacyRules#554abb6f rules:Vector<PrivacyRule> users:Vector<User> = account.PrivacyRules; accountDaysTTL#b8d0afdf days:int = AccountDaysTTL; documentAttributeImageSize#6c37c15c w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAnimated#11b58939 = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeSticker#6319d612 flags:# mask:flags.1?true alt:string stickerset:InputStickerSet mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeVideo#ef02ce6 flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true duration:int w:int h:int = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeAudio#9852f9c6 flags:# voice:flags.10?true duration:int title:flags.0?string performer:flags.1?string waveform:flags.2?bytes = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeFilename#15590068 file_name:string = DocumentAttribute; documentAttributeHasStickers#9801d2f7 = DocumentAttribute; messages.stickersNotModified#f1749a22 = messages.Stickers; messages.stickers#e4599bbd hash:int stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.Stickers; stickerPack#12b299d4 emoticon:string documents:Vector<long> = StickerPack; messages.allStickersNotModified#e86602c3 = messages.AllStickers; messages.allStickers#edfd405f hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSet> = messages.AllStickers; messages.affectedMessages#84d19185 pts:int pts_count:int = messages.AffectedMessages; contactLinkUnknown#5f4f9247 = ContactLink; contactLinkNone#feedd3ad = ContactLink; contactLinkHasPhone#268f3f59 = ContactLink; contactLinkContact#d502c2d0 = ContactLink; webPageEmpty#eb1477e8 id:long = WebPage; webPagePending#c586da1c id:long date:int = WebPage; webPage#5f07b4bc flags:# id:long url:string display_url:string hash:int type:flags.0?string site_name:flags.1?string title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string photo:flags.4?Photo embed_url:flags.5?string embed_type:flags.5?string embed_width:flags.6?int embed_height:flags.6?int duration:flags.7?int author:flags.8?string document:flags.9?Document cached_page:flags.10?Page = WebPage; webPageNotModified#85849473 = WebPage; authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization; account.authorizations#1250abde authorizations:Vector<Authorization> = account.Authorizations; account.password#ad2641f8 flags:# has_recovery:flags.0?true has_secure_values:flags.1?true has_password:flags.2?true current_algo:flags.2?PasswordKdfAlgo srp_B:flags.2?bytes srp_id:flags.2?long hint:flags.3?string email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?string new_algo:PasswordKdfAlgo new_secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_random:bytes = account.Password; account.passwordSettings#9a5c33e5 flags:# email:flags.0?string secure_settings:flags.1?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordSettings; account.passwordInputSettings#c23727c9 flags:# new_algo:flags.0?PasswordKdfAlgo new_password_hash:flags.0?bytes hint:flags.0?string email:flags.1?string new_secure_settings:flags.2?SecureSecretSettings = account.PasswordInputSettings; auth.passwordRecovery#137948a5 email_pattern:string = auth.PasswordRecovery; receivedNotifyMessage#a384b779 id:int flags:int = ReceivedNotifyMessage; chatInviteEmpty#69df3769 = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteExported#fc2e05bc link:string = ExportedChatInvite; chatInviteAlready#5a686d7c chat:Chat = ChatInvite; chatInvite#dfc2f58e flags:# channel:flags.0?true broadcast:flags.1?true public:flags.2?true megagroup:flags.3?true title:string photo:Photo participants_count:int participants:flags.4?Vector<User> = ChatInvite; inputStickerSetEmpty#ffb62b95 = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetID#9de7a269 id:long access_hash:long = InputStickerSet; inputStickerSetShortName#861cc8a0 short_name:string = InputStickerSet; stickerSet#eeb46f27 flags:# archived:flags.1?true official:flags.2?true masks:flags.3?true installed_date:flags.0?int id:long access_hash:long title:string short_name:string thumb:flags.4?PhotoSize thumb_dc_id:flags.4?int count:int hash:int = StickerSet; messages.stickerSet#b60a24a6 set:StickerSet packs:Vector<StickerPack> documents:Vector<Document> = messages.StickerSet; botCommand#c27ac8c7 command:string description:string = BotCommand; botInfo#98e81d3a user_id:int description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo; keyboardButton#a2fa4880 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonUrl#258aff05 text:string url:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonCallback#683a5e46 text:string data:bytes = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestPhone#b16a6c29 text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation#fc796b3f text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonSwitchInline#568a748 flags:# same_peer:flags.0?true text:string query:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonGame#50f41ccf text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonBuy#afd93fbb text:string = KeyboardButton; keyboardButtonRow#77608b83 buttons:Vector<KeyboardButton> = KeyboardButtonRow; replyKeyboardHide#a03e5b85 flags:# selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardForceReply#f4108aa0 flags:# single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true = ReplyMarkup; replyKeyboardMarkup#3502758c flags:# resize:flags.0?true single_use:flags.1?true selective:flags.2?true rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; replyInlineMarkup#48a30254 rows:Vector<KeyboardButtonRow> = ReplyMarkup; messageEntityUnknown#bb92ba95 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityMention#fa04579d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityHashtag#6f635b0d offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBotCommand#6cef8ac7 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityUrl#6ed02538 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityEmail#64e475c2 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityBold#bd610bc9 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityItalic#826f8b60 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCode#28a20571 offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityPre#73924be0 offset:int length:int language:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityTextUrl#76a6d327 offset:int length:int url:string = MessageEntity; messageEntityMentionName#352dca58 offset:int length:int user_id:int = MessageEntity; inputMessageEntityMentionName#208e68c9 offset:int length:int user_id:InputUser = MessageEntity; messageEntityPhone#9b69e34b offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; messageEntityCashtag#4c4e743f offset:int length:int = MessageEntity; inputChannelEmpty#ee8c1e86 = InputChannel; inputChannel#afeb712e channel_id:int access_hash:long = InputChannel; contacts.resolvedPeer#7f077ad9 peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.ResolvedPeer; messageRange#ae30253 min_id:int max_id:int = MessageRange; updates.channelDifferenceEmpty#3e11affb flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifferenceTooLong#6a9d7b35 flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; updates.channelDifference#2064674e flags:# final:flags.0?true pts:int timeout:flags.1?int new_messages:Vector<Message> other_updates:Vector<Update> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = updates.ChannelDifference; channelMessagesFilterEmpty#94d42ee7 = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelMessagesFilter#cd77d957 flags:# exclude_new_messages:flags.1?true ranges:Vector<MessageRange> = ChannelMessagesFilter; channelParticipant#15ebac1d user_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantSelf#a3289a6d user_id:int inviter_id:int date:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantCreator#e3e2e1f9 user_id:int = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantAdmin#5daa6e23 flags:# can_edit:flags.0?true self:flags.1?true user_id:int inviter_id:flags.1?int promoted_by:int date:int admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantBanned#1c0facaf flags:# left:flags.0?true user_id:int kicked_by:int date:int banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelParticipant; channelParticipantsRecent#de3f3c79 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsAdmins#b4608969 = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsKicked#a3b54985 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBots#b0d1865b = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsBanned#1427a5e1 q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsSearch#656ac4b q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channelParticipantsContacts#bb6ae88d q:string = ChannelParticipantsFilter; channels.channelParticipants#f56ee2a8 count:int participants:Vector<ChannelParticipant> users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipantsNotModified#f0173fe9 = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.channelParticipant#d0d9b163 participant:ChannelParticipant users:Vector<User> = channels.ChannelParticipant; help.termsOfService#780a0310 flags:# popup:flags.0?true id:DataJSON text:string entities:Vector<MessageEntity> min_age_confirm:flags.1?int = help.TermsOfService; foundGif#162ecc1f url:string thumb_url:string content_url:string content_type:string w:int h:int = FoundGif; foundGifCached#9c750409 url:string photo:Photo document:Document = FoundGif; messages.foundGifs#450a1c0a next_offset:int results:Vector<FoundGif> = messages.FoundGifs; messages.savedGifsNotModified#e8025ca2 = messages.SavedGifs; messages.savedGifs#2e0709a5 hash:int gifs:Vector<Document> = messages.SavedGifs; inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto#3380c786 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageText#3dcd7a87 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo#c1b15d65 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue#417bbf11 flags:# geo_point:InputGeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact#a6edbffd flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineMessageGame#4b425864 flags:# reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = InputBotInlineMessage; inputBotInlineResult#88bf9319 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?InputWebDocument content:flags.5?InputWebDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultPhoto#a8d864a7 id:string type:string photo:InputPhoto send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultDocument#fff8fdc4 flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string document:InputDocument send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; inputBotInlineResultGame#4fa417f2 id:string short_name:string send_message:InputBotInlineMessage = InputBotInlineResult; botInlineMessageMediaAuto#764cf810 flags:# message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageText#8c7f65e2 flags:# no_webpage:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaGeo#b722de65 flags:# geo:GeoPoint period:int reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaVenue#8a86659c flags:# geo:GeoPoint title:string address:string provider:string venue_id:string venue_type:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineMessageMediaContact#18d1cdc2 flags:# phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string vcard:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage; botInlineResult#11965f3a flags:# id:string type:string title:flags.1?string description:flags.2?string url:flags.3?string thumb:flags.4?WebDocument content:flags.5?WebDocument send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; botInlineMediaResult#17db940b flags:# id:string type:string photo:flags.0?Photo document:flags.1?Document title:flags.2?string description:flags.3?string send_message:BotInlineMessage = BotInlineResult; messages.botResults#947ca848 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true query_id:long next_offset:flags.1?string switch_pm:flags.2?InlineBotSwitchPM results:Vector<BotInlineResult> cache_time:int users:Vector<User> = messages.BotResults; exportedMessageLink#5dab1af4 link:string html:string = ExportedMessageLink; messageFwdHeader#ec338270 flags:# from_id:flags.0?int from_name:flags.5?string date:int channel_id:flags.1?int channel_post:flags.2?int post_author:flags.3?string saved_from_peer:flags.4?Peer saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?int = MessageFwdHeader; auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType; auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeApp#3dbb5986 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeSms#c000bba2 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeCall#5353e5a7 length:int = auth.SentCodeType; auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall#ab03c6d9 pattern:string = auth.SentCodeType; messages.botCallbackAnswer#36585ea4 flags:# alert:flags.1?true has_url:flags.3?true native_ui:flags.4?true message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.messageEditData#26b5dde6 flags:# caption:flags.0?true = messages.MessageEditData; inputBotInlineMessageID#890c3d89 dc_id:int id:long access_hash:long = InputBotInlineMessageID; inlineBotSwitchPM#3c20629f text:string start_param:string = InlineBotSwitchPM; messages.peerDialogs#3371c354 dialogs:Vector<Dialog> messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> state:updates.State = messages.PeerDialogs; topPeer#edcdc05b peer:Peer rating:double = TopPeer; topPeerCategoryBotsPM#ab661b5b = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryBotsInline#148677e2 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryCorrespondents#637b7ed = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryGroups#bd17a14a = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryChannels#161d9628 = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls#1e76a78c = TopPeerCategory; topPeerCategoryPeers#fb834291 category:TopPeerCategory count:int peers:Vector<TopPeer> = TopPeerCategoryPeers; contacts.topPeersNotModified#de266ef5 = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeers#70b772a8 categories:Vector<TopPeerCategoryPeers> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.topPeersDisabled#b52c939d = contacts.TopPeers; draftMessageEmpty#1b0c841a flags:# date:flags.0?int = DraftMessage; draftMessage#fd8e711f flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> date:int = DraftMessage; messages.featuredStickersNotModified#4ede3cf = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.featuredStickers#f89d88e5 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> unread:Vector<long> = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.recentStickersNotModified#b17f890 = messages.RecentStickers; messages.recentStickers#22f3afb3 hash:int packs:Vector<StickerPack> stickers:Vector<Document> dates:Vector<int> = messages.RecentStickers; messages.archivedStickers#4fcba9c8 count:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.stickerSetInstallResultSuccess#38641628 = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.stickerSetInstallResultArchive#35e410a8 sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; stickerSetCovered#6410a5d2 set:StickerSet cover:Document = StickerSetCovered; stickerSetMultiCovered#3407e51b set:StickerSet covers:Vector<Document> = StickerSetCovered; maskCoords#aed6dbb2 n:int x:double y:double zoom:double = MaskCoords; inputStickeredMediaPhoto#4a992157 id:InputPhoto = InputStickeredMedia; inputStickeredMediaDocument#438865b id:InputDocument = InputStickeredMedia; game#bdf9653b flags:# id:long access_hash:long short_name:string title:string description:string photo:Photo document:flags.0?Document = Game; inputGameID#32c3e77 id:long access_hash:long = InputGame; inputGameShortName#c331e80a bot_id:InputUser short_name:string = InputGame; highScore#58fffcd0 pos:int user_id:int score:int = HighScore; messages.highScores#9a3bfd99 scores:Vector<HighScore> users:Vector<User> = messages.HighScores; textEmpty#dc3d824f = RichText; textPlain#744694e0 text:string = RichText; textBold#6724abc4 text:RichText = RichText; textItalic#d912a59c text:RichText = RichText; textUnderline#c12622c4 text:RichText = RichText; textStrike#9bf8bb95 text:RichText = RichText; textFixed#6c3f19b9 text:RichText = RichText; textUrl#3c2884c1 text:RichText url:string webpage_id:long = RichText; textEmail#de5a0dd6 text:RichText email:string = RichText; textConcat#7e6260d7 texts:Vector<RichText> = RichText; textSubscript#ed6a8504 text:RichText = RichText; textSuperscript#c7fb5e01 text:RichText = RichText; textMarked#34b8621 text:RichText = RichText; textPhone#1ccb966a text:RichText phone:string = RichText; textImage#81ccf4f document_id:long w:int h:int = RichText; textAnchor#35553762 text:RichText name:string = RichText; pageBlockUnsupported#13567e8a = PageBlock; pageBlockTitle#70abc3fd text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubtitle#8ffa9a1f text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockAuthorDate#baafe5e0 author:RichText published_date:int = PageBlock; pageBlockHeader#bfd064ec text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockSubheader#f12bb6e1 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockParagraph#467a0766 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPreformatted#c070d93e text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; pageBlockFooter#48870999 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockDivider#db20b188 = PageBlock; pageBlockAnchor#ce0d37b0 name:string = PageBlock; pageBlockList#e4e88011 items:Vector<PageListItem> = PageBlock; pageBlockBlockquote#263d7c26 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPullquote#4f4456d3 text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockPhoto#1759c560 flags:# photo_id:long caption:PageCaption url:flags.0?string webpage_id:flags.0?long = PageBlock; pageBlockVideo#7c8fe7b6 flags:# autoplay:flags.0?true loop:flags.1?true video_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCover#39f23300 cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbed#a8718dc5 flags:# full_width:flags.0?true allow_scrolling:flags.3?true url:flags.1?string html:flags.2?string poster_photo_id:flags.4?long w:flags.5?int h:flags.5?int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockEmbedPost#f259a80b url:string webpage_id:long author_photo_id:long author:string date:int blocks:Vector<PageBlock> caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockCollage#65a0fa4d items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockSlideshow#31f9590 items:Vector<PageBlock> caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockChannel#ef1751b5 channel:Chat = PageBlock; pageBlockAudio#804361ea audio_id:long caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; pageBlockKicker#1e148390 text:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockTable#bf4dea82 flags:# bordered:flags.0?true striped:flags.1?true title:RichText rows:Vector<PageTableRow> = PageBlock; pageBlockOrderedList#9a8ae1e1 items:Vector<PageListOrderedItem> = PageBlock; pageBlockDetails#76768bed flags:# open:flags.0?true blocks:Vector<PageBlock> title:RichText = PageBlock; pageBlockRelatedArticles#16115a96 title:RichText articles:Vector<PageRelatedArticle> = PageBlock; pageBlockMap#a44f3ef6 geo:GeoPoint zoom:int w:int h:int caption:PageCaption = PageBlock; phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed#85e42301 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect#e095c1a0 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup#57adc690 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy#faf7e8c9 = PhoneCallDiscardReason; dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; labeledPrice#cb296bf8 label:string amount:long = LabeledPrice; invoice#c30aa358 flags:# test:flags.0?true name_requested:flags.1?true phone_requested:flags.2?true email_requested:flags.3?true shipping_address_requested:flags.4?true flexible:flags.5?true phone_to_provider:flags.6?true email_to_provider:flags.7?true currency:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = Invoice; paymentCharge#ea02c27e id:string provider_charge_id:string = PaymentCharge; postAddress#1e8caaeb street_line1:string street_line2:string city:string state:string country_iso2:string post_code:string = PostAddress; paymentRequestedInfo#909c3f94 flags:# name:flags.0?string phone:flags.1?string email:flags.2?string shipping_address:flags.3?PostAddress = PaymentRequestedInfo; paymentSavedCredentialsCard#cdc27a1f id:string title:string = PaymentSavedCredentials; webDocument#1c570ed1 url:string access_hash:long size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = WebDocument; webDocumentNoProxy#f9c8bcc6 url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = WebDocument; inputWebDocument#9bed434d url:string size:int mime_type:string attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = InputWebDocument; inputWebFileLocation#c239d686 url:string access_hash:long = InputWebFileLocation; inputWebFileGeoPointLocation#9f2221c9 geo_point:InputGeoPoint access_hash:long w:int h:int zoom:int scale:int = InputWebFileLocation; upload.webFile#21e753bc size:int mime_type:string file_type:storage.FileType mtime:int bytes:bytes = upload.WebFile; payments.paymentForm#3f56aea3 flags:# can_save_credentials:flags.2?true password_missing:flags.3?true bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int url:string native_provider:flags.4?string native_params:flags.4?DataJSON saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo saved_credentials:flags.1?PaymentSavedCredentials users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentForm; payments.validatedRequestedInfo#d1451883 flags:# id:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.paymentResult#4e5f810d updates:Updates = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentVerficationNeeded#6b56b921 url:string = payments.PaymentResult; payments.paymentReceipt#500911e1 flags:# date:int bot_id:int invoice:Invoice provider_id:int info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping:flags.1?ShippingOption currency:string total_amount:long credentials_title:string users:Vector<User> = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.savedInfo#fb8fe43c flags:# has_saved_credentials:flags.1?true saved_info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.SavedInfo; inputPaymentCredentialsSaved#c10eb2cf id:string tmp_password:bytes = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentials#3417d728 flags:# save:flags.0?true data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay#aa1c39f payment_data:DataJSON = InputPaymentCredentials; inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay#ca05d50e payment_token:DataJSON google_transaction_id:string = InputPaymentCredentials; account.tmpPassword#db64fd34 tmp_password:bytes valid_until:int = account.TmpPassword; shippingOption#b6213cdf id:string title:string prices:Vector<LabeledPrice> = ShippingOption; inputStickerSetItem#ffa0a496 flags:# document:InputDocument emoji:string mask_coords:flags.0?MaskCoords = InputStickerSetItem; inputPhoneCall#1e36fded id:long access_hash:long = InputPhoneCall; phoneCallEmpty#5366c915 id:long = PhoneCall; phoneCallWaiting#1b8f4ad1 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int protocol:PhoneCallProtocol receive_date:flags.0?int = PhoneCall; phoneCallRequested#87eabb53 flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCallAccepted#997c454a flags:# video:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = PhoneCall; phoneCall#8742ae7f flags:# p2p_allowed:flags.5?true id:long access_hash:long date:int admin_id:int participant_id:int g_a_or_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol connections:Vector<PhoneConnection> start_date:int = PhoneCall; phoneCallDiscarded#50ca4de1 flags:# need_rating:flags.2?true need_debug:flags.3?true video:flags.5?true id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = PhoneCall; phoneConnection#9d4c17c0 id:long ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = PhoneConnection; phoneCallProtocol#a2bb35cb flags:# udp_p2p:flags.0?true udp_reflector:flags.1?true min_layer:int max_layer:int = PhoneCallProtocol; phone.phoneCall#ec82e140 phone_call:PhoneCall users:Vector<User> = phone.PhoneCall; upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded#eea8e46e request_token:bytes = upload.CdnFile; upload.cdnFile#a99fca4f bytes:bytes = upload.CdnFile; cdnPublicKey#c982eaba dc_id:int public_key:string = CdnPublicKey; cdnConfig#5725e40a public_keys:Vector<CdnPublicKey> = CdnConfig; langPackString#cad181f6 key:string value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringPluralized#6c47ac9f flags:# key:string zero_value:flags.0?string one_value:flags.1?string two_value:flags.2?string few_value:flags.3?string many_value:flags.4?string other_value:string = LangPackString; langPackStringDeleted#2979eeb2 key:string = LangPackString; langPackDifference#f385c1f6 lang_code:string from_version:int version:int strings:Vector<LangPackString> = LangPackDifference; langPackLanguage#eeca5ce3 flags:# official:flags.0?true rtl:flags.2?true beta:flags.3?true name:string native_name:string lang_code:string base_lang_code:flags.1?string plural_code:string strings_count:int translated_count:int translations_url:string = LangPackLanguage; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle#e6dfb825 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout#55188a2e prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername#6a4afc38 prev_value:string new_value:string = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto#434bd2af prev_photo:Photo new_photo:Photo = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites#1b7907ae new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures#26ae0971 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned#e9e82c18 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage#709b2405 prev_message:Message new_message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage#42e047bb message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin#183040d3 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave#f89777f2 = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite#e31c34d8 participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan#e6d83d7e prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin#d5676710 prev_participant:ChannelParticipant new_participant:ChannelParticipant = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet#b1c3caa7 prev_stickerset:InputStickerSet new_stickerset:InputStickerSet = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden#5f5c95f1 new_value:Bool = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights#2df5fc0a prev_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights new_banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll#8f079643 message:Message = ChannelAdminLogEventAction; channelAdminLogEvent#3b5a3e40 id:long date:int user_id:int action:ChannelAdminLogEventAction = ChannelAdminLogEvent; channels.adminLogResults#ed8af74d events:Vector<ChannelAdminLogEvent> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = channels.AdminLogResults; channelAdminLogEventsFilter#ea107ae4 flags:# join:flags.0?true leave:flags.1?true invite:flags.2?true ban:flags.3?true unban:flags.4?true kick:flags.5?true unkick:flags.6?true promote:flags.7?true demote:flags.8?true info:flags.9?true settings:flags.10?true pinned:flags.11?true edit:flags.12?true delete:flags.13?true = ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter; popularContact#5ce14175 client_id:long importers:int = PopularContact; messages.favedStickersNotModified#9e8fa6d3 = messages.FavedStickers; messages.favedStickers#f37f2f16 hash:int packs:Vector<StickerPack> stickers:Vector<Document> = messages.FavedStickers; recentMeUrlUnknown#46e1d13d url:string = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlUser#8dbc3336 url:string user_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChat#a01b22f9 url:string chat_id:int = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlChatInvite#eb49081d url:string chat_invite:ChatInvite = RecentMeUrl; recentMeUrlStickerSet#bc0a57dc url:string set:StickerSetCovered = RecentMeUrl; help.recentMeUrls#e0310d7 urls:Vector<RecentMeUrl> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = help.RecentMeUrls; inputSingleMedia#1cc6e91f flags:# media:InputMedia random_id:long message:string entities:flags.0?Vector<MessageEntity> = InputSingleMedia; webAuthorization#cac943f2 hash:long bot_id:int domain:string browser:string platform:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string region:string = WebAuthorization; account.webAuthorizations#ed56c9fc authorizations:Vector<WebAuthorization> users:Vector<User> = account.WebAuthorizations; inputMessageID#a676a322 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessageReplyTo#bad88395 id:int = InputMessage; inputMessagePinned#86872538 = InputMessage; inputDialogPeer#fcaafeb7 peer:InputPeer = InputDialogPeer; dialogPeer#e56dbf05 peer:Peer = DialogPeer; messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified#d54b65d = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.foundStickerSets#5108d648 hash:int sets:Vector<StickerSetCovered> = messages.FoundStickerSets; fileHash#6242c773 offset:int limit:int hash:bytes = FileHash; inputClientProxy#75588b3f address:string port:int = InputClientProxy; help.proxyDataEmpty#e09e1fb8 expires:int = help.ProxyData; help.proxyDataPromo#2bf7ee23 expires:int peer:Peer chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = help.ProxyData; help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty#e3309f7f expires:int = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; inputSecureFileUploaded#3334b0f0 id:long parts:int md5_checksum:string file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = InputSecureFile; inputSecureFile#5367e5be id:long access_hash:long = InputSecureFile; secureFileEmpty#64199744 = SecureFile; secureFile#e0277a62 id:long access_hash:long size:int dc_id:int date:int file_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureFile; secureData#8aeabec3 data:bytes data_hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureData; securePlainPhone#7d6099dd phone:string = SecurePlainData; securePlainEmail#21ec5a5f email:string = SecurePlainData; secureValueTypePersonalDetails#9d2a81e3 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassport#3dac6a00 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeDriverLicense#6e425c4 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeIdentityCard#a0d0744b = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeInternalPassport#99a48f23 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeAddress#cbe31e26 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeUtilityBill#fc36954e = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeBankStatement#89137c0d = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeRentalAgreement#8b883488 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePassportRegistration#99e3806a = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration#ea02ec33 = SecureValueType; secureValueTypePhone#b320aadb = SecureValueType; secureValueTypeEmail#8e3ca7ee = SecureValueType; secureValue#187fa0ca flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?SecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?SecureFile selfie:flags.3?SecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector<SecureFile> files:flags.4?Vector<SecureFile> plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData hash:bytes = SecureValue; inputSecureValue#db21d0a7 flags:# type:SecureValueType data:flags.0?SecureData front_side:flags.1?InputSecureFile reverse_side:flags.2?InputSecureFile selfie:flags.3?InputSecureFile translation:flags.6?Vector<InputSecureFile> files:flags.4?Vector<InputSecureFile> plain_data:flags.5?SecurePlainData = InputSecureValue; secureValueHash#ed1ecdb0 type:SecureValueType hash:bytes = SecureValueHash; secureValueErrorData#e8a40bd9 type:SecureValueType data_hash:bytes field:string text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFrontSide#be3dfa type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorReverseSide#868a2aa5 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorSelfie#e537ced6 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFile#7a700873 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorFiles#666220e9 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector<bytes> text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueError#869d758f type:SecureValueType hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFile#a1144770 type:SecureValueType file_hash:bytes text:string = SecureValueError; secureValueErrorTranslationFiles#34636dd8 type:SecureValueType file_hash:Vector<bytes> text:string = SecureValueError; secureCredentialsEncrypted#33f0ea47 data:bytes hash:bytes secret:bytes = SecureCredentialsEncrypted; account.authorizationForm#ad2e1cd8 flags:# required_types:Vector<SecureRequiredType> values:Vector<SecureValue> errors:Vector<SecureValueError> users:Vector<User> privacy_policy_url:flags.0?string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.sentEmailCode#811f854f email_pattern:string length:int = account.SentEmailCode; help.deepLinkInfoEmpty#66afa166 = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.deepLinkInfo#6a4ee832 flags:# update_app:flags.0?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> = help.DeepLinkInfo; savedPhoneContact#1142bd56 phone:string first_name:string last_name:string date:int = SavedContact; account.takeout#4dba4501 id:long = account.Takeout; passwordKdfAlgoUnknown#d45ab096 = PasswordKdfAlgo; passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow#3a912d4a salt1:bytes salt2:bytes g:int p:bytes = PasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown#4a8537 = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000#bbf2dda0 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512#86471d92 salt:bytes = SecurePasswordKdfAlgo; secureSecretSettings#1527bcac secure_algo:SecurePasswordKdfAlgo secure_secret:bytes secure_secret_id:long = SecureSecretSettings; inputCheckPasswordEmpty#9880f658 = InputCheckPasswordSRP; inputCheckPasswordSRP#d27ff082 srp_id:long A:bytes M1:bytes = InputCheckPasswordSRP; secureRequiredType#829d99da flags:# native_names:flags.0?true selfie_required:flags.1?true translation_required:flags.2?true type:SecureValueType = SecureRequiredType; secureRequiredTypeOneOf#27477b4 types:Vector<SecureRequiredType> = SecureRequiredType; help.passportConfigNotModified#bfb9f457 = help.PassportConfig; help.passportConfig#a098d6af hash:int countries_langs:DataJSON = help.PassportConfig; inputAppEvent#1d1b1245 time:double type:string peer:long data:JSONValue = InputAppEvent; jsonObjectValue#c0de1bd9 key:string value:JSONValue = JSONObjectValue; jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue; jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue; jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue; jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue; jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector<JSONValue> = JSONValue; jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector<JSONObjectValue> = JSONValue; pageTableCell#34566b6a flags:# header:flags.0?true align_center:flags.3?true align_right:flags.4?true valign_middle:flags.5?true valign_bottom:flags.6?true text:flags.7?RichText colspan:flags.1?int rowspan:flags.2?int = PageTableCell; pageTableRow#e0c0c5e5 cells:Vector<PageTableCell> = PageTableRow; pageCaption#6f747657 text:RichText credit:RichText = PageCaption; pageListItemText#b92fb6cd text:RichText = PageListItem; pageListItemBlocks#25e073fc blocks:Vector<PageBlock> = PageListItem; pageListOrderedItemText#5e068047 num:string text:RichText = PageListOrderedItem; pageListOrderedItemBlocks#98dd8936 num:string blocks:Vector<PageBlock> = PageListOrderedItem; pageRelatedArticle#b390dc08 flags:# url:string webpage_id:long title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo_id:flags.2?long author:flags.3?string published_date:flags.4?int = PageRelatedArticle; page#ae891bec flags:# part:flags.0?true rtl:flags.1?true v2:flags.2?true url:string blocks:Vector<PageBlock> photos:Vector<Photo> documents:Vector<Document> = Page; help.supportName#8c05f1c9 name:string = help.SupportName; help.userInfoEmpty#f3ae2eed = help.UserInfo; help.userInfo#1eb3758 message:string entities:Vector<MessageEntity> author:string date:int = help.UserInfo; pollAnswer#6ca9c2e9 text:string option:bytes = PollAnswer; poll#d5529d06 id:long flags:# closed:flags.0?true question:string answers:Vector<PollAnswer> = Poll; pollAnswerVoters#3b6ddad2 flags:# chosen:flags.0?true option:bytes voters:int = PollAnswerVoters; pollResults#5755785a flags:# min:flags.0?true results:flags.1?Vector<PollAnswerVoters> total_voters:flags.2?int = PollResults; chatOnlines#f041e250 onlines:int = ChatOnlines; statsURL#47a971e0 url:string = StatsURL; chatAdminRights#5fb224d5 flags:# change_info:flags.0?true post_messages:flags.1?true edit_messages:flags.2?true delete_messages:flags.3?true ban_users:flags.4?true invite_users:flags.5?true pin_messages:flags.7?true add_admins:flags.9?true = ChatAdminRights; chatBannedRights#9f120418 flags:# view_messages:flags.0?true send_messages:flags.1?true send_media:flags.2?true send_stickers:flags.3?true send_gifs:flags.4?true send_games:flags.5?true send_inline:flags.6?true embed_links:flags.7?true send_polls:flags.8?true change_info:flags.10?true invite_users:flags.15?true pin_messages:flags.17?true until_date:int = ChatBannedRights; inputWallPaper#e630b979 id:long access_hash:long = InputWallPaper; inputWallPaperSlug#72091c80 slug:string = InputWallPaper; account.wallPapersNotModified#1c199183 = account.WallPapers; account.wallPapers#702b65a9 hash:int wallpapers:Vector<WallPaper> = account.WallPapers; codeSettings#302f59f3 flags:# allow_flashcall:flags.0?true current_number:flags.1?true app_hash_persistent:flags.2?true app_hash:flags.3?string = CodeSettings; wallPaperSettings#a12f40b8 flags:# blur:flags.1?true motion:flags.2?true background_color:flags.0?int intensity:flags.3?int = WallPaperSettings; autoDownloadSettings#d246fd47 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:int file_size_max:int = AutoDownloadSettings; account.autoDownloadSettings#63cacf26 low:AutoDownloadSettings medium:AutoDownloadSettings high:AutoDownloadSettings = account.AutoDownloadSettings; emojiKeyword#d5b3b9f9 keyword:string emoticons:Vector<string> = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordDeleted#236df622 keyword:string emoticons:Vector<string> = EmojiKeyword; emojiKeywordsDifference#5cc761bd lang_code:string from_version:int version:int keywords:Vector<EmojiKeyword> = EmojiKeywordsDifference; emojiURL#a575739d url:string = EmojiURL; emojiLanguage#b3fb5361 lang_code:string = EmojiLanguage; fileLocationToBeDeprecated#bc7fc6cd volume_id:long local_id:int = FileLocation; ---functions--- invokeAfterMsg#cb9f372d {X:Type} msg_id:long query:!X = X; invokeAfterMsgs#3dc4b4f0 {X:Type} msg_ids:Vector<long> query:!X = X; initConnection#785188b8 {X:Type} flags:# api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string system_lang_code:string lang_pack:string lang_code:string proxy:flags.0?InputClientProxy query:!X = X; invokeWithLayer#da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:int query:!X = X; invokeWithoutUpdates#bf9459b7 {X:Type} query:!X = X; invokeWithMessagesRange#365275f2 {X:Type} range:MessageRange query:!X = X; invokeWithTakeout#aca9fd2e {X:Type} takeout_id:long query:!X = X; auth.sendCode#a677244f phone_number:string api_id:int api_hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; auth.signUp#1b067634 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string first_name:string last_name:string = auth.Authorization; auth.signIn#bcd51581 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.logOut#5717da40 = Bool; auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool; auth.exportAuthorization#e5bfffcd dc_id:int = auth.ExportedAuthorization; auth.importAuthorization#e3ef9613 id:int bytes:bytes = auth.Authorization; auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool; auth.importBotAuthorization#67a3ff2c flags:int api_id:int api_hash:string bot_auth_token:string = auth.Authorization; auth.checkPassword#d18b4d16 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = auth.Authorization; auth.requestPasswordRecovery#d897bc66 = auth.PasswordRecovery; auth.recoverPassword#4ea56e92 code:string = auth.Authorization; auth.resendCode#3ef1a9bf phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = auth.SentCode; auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool; auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool; account.registerDevice#5cbea590 token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector<int> = Bool; account.unregisterDevice#3076c4bf token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector<int> = Bool; account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool; account.getNotifySettings#12b3ad31 peer:InputNotifyPeer = PeerNotifySettings; account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool; account.updateProfile#78515775 flags:# first_name:flags.0?string last_name:flags.1?string about:flags.2?string = User; account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool; account.getWallPapers#aabb1763 hash:int = account.WallPapers; account.reportPeer#ae189d5f peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason = Bool; account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool; account.updateUsername#3e0bdd7c username:string = User; account.getPrivacy#dadbc950 key:InputPrivacyKey = account.PrivacyRules; account.setPrivacy#c9f81ce8 key:InputPrivacyKey rules:Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = account.PrivacyRules; account.deleteAccount#418d4e0b reason:string = Bool; account.getAccountTTL#8fc711d = AccountDaysTTL; account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool; account.sendChangePhoneCode#82574ae5 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.changePhone#70c32edb phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = User; account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool; account.getAuthorizations#e320c158 = account.Authorizations; account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool; account.getPassword#548a30f5 = account.Password; account.getPasswordSettings#9cd4eaf9 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP = account.PasswordSettings; account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool; account.sendConfirmPhoneCode#1b3faa88 hash:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.getTmpPassword#449e0b51 password:InputCheckPasswordSRP period:int = account.TmpPassword; account.getWebAuthorizations#182e6d6f = account.WebAuthorizations; account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool; account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool; account.getAllSecureValues#b288bc7d = Vector<SecureValue>; account.getSecureValue#73665bc2 types:Vector<SecureValueType> = Vector<SecureValue>; account.saveSecureValue#899fe31d value:InputSecureValue secure_secret_id:long = SecureValue; account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector<SecureValueType> = Bool; account.getAuthorizationForm#b86ba8e1 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string = account.AuthorizationForm; account.acceptAuthorization#e7027c94 bot_id:int scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector<SecureValueHash> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool; account.sendVerifyPhoneCode#a5a356f9 phone_number:string settings:CodeSettings = auth.SentCode; account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool; account.sendVerifyEmailCode#7011509f email:string = account.SentEmailCode; account.verifyEmail#ecba39db email:string code:string = Bool; account.initTakeoutSession#f05b4804 flags:# contacts:flags.0?true message_users:flags.1?true message_chats:flags.2?true message_megagroups:flags.3?true message_channels:flags.4?true files:flags.5?true file_max_size:flags.5?int = account.Takeout; account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool; account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool; account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool; account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool; account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool; account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool; account.getNotifyExceptions#53577479 flags:# compare_sound:flags.1?true peer:flags.0?InputNotifyPeer = Updates; account.getWallPaper#fc8ddbea wallpaper:InputWallPaper = WallPaper; account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper; account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool; account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool; account.getAutoDownloadSettings#56da0b3f = account.AutoDownloadSettings; account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool; users.getUsers#d91a548 id:Vector<InputUser> = Vector<User>; users.getFullUser#ca30a5b1 id:InputUser = UserFull; users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector<SecureValueError> = Bool; contacts.getContactIDs#2caa4a42 hash:int = Vector<int>; contacts.getStatuses#c4a353ee = Vector<ContactStatus>; contacts.getContacts#c023849f hash:int = contacts.Contacts; contacts.importContacts#2c800be5 contacts:Vector<InputContact> = contacts.ImportedContacts; contacts.deleteContact#8e953744 id:InputUser = contacts.Link; contacts.deleteContacts#59ab389e id:Vector<InputUser> = Bool; contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector<string> = Bool; contacts.block#332b49fc id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.unblock#e54100bd id:InputUser = Bool; contacts.getBlocked#f57c350f offset:int limit:int = contacts.Blocked; q:string limit:int = contacts.Found; contacts.resolveUsername#f93ccba3 username:string = contacts.ResolvedPeer; contacts.getTopPeers#d4982db5 flags:# correspondents:flags.0?true bots_pm:flags.1?true bots_inline:flags.2?true phone_calls:flags.3?true groups:flags.10?true channels:flags.15?true offset:int limit:int hash:int = contacts.TopPeers; contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool; contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool; contacts.getSaved#82f1e39f = Vector<SavedContact>; contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool; messages.getMessages#63c66506 id:Vector<InputMessage> = messages.Messages; messages.getDialogs#b098aee6 flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Dialogs; messages.getHistory#dcbb8260 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int offset_date:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputUser filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.readHistory#e306d3a peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.deleteHistory#1c015b09 flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.deleteMessages#e58e95d2 flags:# revoke:flags.0?true id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.receivedMessages#5a954c0 max_id:int = Vector<ReceivedNotifyMessage>; messages.setTyping#a3825e50 peer:InputPeer action:SendMessageAction = Bool; messages.sendMessage#fa88427a flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.sendMedia#b8d1262b flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int media:InputMedia message:string random_id:long reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.forwardMessages#708e0195 flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true with_my_score:flags.8?true grouped:flags.9?true from_peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> random_id:Vector<long> to_peer:InputPeer = Updates; messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.hideReportSpam#a8f1709b peer:InputPeer = Bool; messages.getPeerSettings#3672e09c peer:InputPeer = PeerSettings; peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> reason:ReportReason = Bool; messages.getChats#3c6aa187 id:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getFullChat#3b831c66 chat_id:int = messages.ChatFull; messages.editChatTitle#dc452855 chat_id:int title:string = Updates; messages.editChatPhoto#ca4c79d8 chat_id:int photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; messages.addChatUser#f9a0aa09 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser fwd_limit:int = Updates; messages.deleteChatUser#e0611f16 chat_id:int user_id:InputUser = Updates; messages.createChat#9cb126e users:Vector<InputUser> title:string = Updates; messages.getDhConfig#26cf8950 version:int random_length:int = messages.DhConfig; messages.requestEncryption#f64daf43 user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a:bytes = EncryptedChat; messages.acceptEncryption#3dbc0415 peer:InputEncryptedChat g_b:bytes key_fingerprint:long = EncryptedChat; messages.discardEncryption#edd923c5 chat_id:int = Bool; messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool; messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool; messages.sendEncrypted#a9776773 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedFile#9a901b66 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes file:InputEncryptedFile = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.sendEncryptedService#32d439a4 peer:InputEncryptedChat random_id:long data:bytes = messages.SentEncryptedMessage; messages.receivedQueue#55a5bb66 max_qts:int = Vector<long>; messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool; messages.readMessageContents#36a73f77 id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; messages.getStickers#43d4f2c emoticon:string hash:int = messages.Stickers; messages.getAllStickers#1c9618b1 hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getWebPagePreview#8b68b0cc flags:# message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = MessageMedia; messages.exportChatInvite#df7534c peer:InputPeer = ExportedChatInvite; messages.checkChatInvite#3eadb1bb hash:string = ChatInvite; messages.importChatInvite#6c50051c hash:string = Updates; messages.getStickerSet#2619a90e stickerset:InputStickerSet = messages.StickerSet; messages.installStickerSet#c78fe460 stickerset:InputStickerSet archived:Bool = messages.StickerSetInstallResult; messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; messages.startBot#e6df7378 bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer random_id:long start_param:string = Updates; messages.getMessagesViews#c4c8a55d peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = Vector<int>; messages.editChatAdmin#a9e69f2e chat_id:int user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool; messages.migrateChat#15a3b8e3 chat_id:int = Updates; messages.searchGlobal#9e3cacb0 q:string offset_date:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages; messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true order:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getDocumentByHash#338e2464 sha256:bytes size:int mime_type:string = Document; messages.searchGifs#bf9a776b q:string offset:int = messages.FoundGifs; messages.getSavedGifs#83bf3d52 hash:int = messages.SavedGifs; messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.getInlineBotResults#514e999d flags:# bot:InputUser peer:InputPeer geo_point:flags.0?InputGeoPoint query:string offset:string = messages.BotResults; messages.setInlineBotResults#eb5ea206 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM = Bool; messages.sendInlineBotResult#b16e06fe flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true hide_via:flags.11?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int random_id:long query_id:long id:string = Updates; messages.getMessageEditData#fda68d36 peer:InputPeer id:int = messages.MessageEditData; messages.editMessage#d116f31e flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates; messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getBotCallbackAnswer#810a9fec flags:# game:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer msg_id:int data:flags.0?bytes = messages.BotCallbackAnswer; messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool; messages.getPeerDialogs#e470bcfd peers:Vector<InputDialogPeer> = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.saveDraft#bc39e14b flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool; messages.getAllDrafts#6a3f8d65 = Updates; messages.getFeaturedStickers#2dacca4f hash:int = messages.FeaturedStickers; messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool; messages.getRecentStickers#5ea192c9 flags:# attached:flags.0?true hash:int = messages.RecentStickers; messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool; messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool; messages.getArchivedStickers#57f17692 flags:# masks:flags.0?true offset_id:long limit:int = messages.ArchivedStickers; messages.getMaskStickers#65b8c79f hash:int = messages.AllStickers; messages.getAttachedStickers#cc5b67cc media:InputStickeredMedia = Vector<StickerSetCovered>; messages.setGameScore#8ef8ecc0 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser score:int = Updates; messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool; messages.getGameHighScores#e822649d peer:InputPeer id:int user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getInlineGameHighScores#f635e1b id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser = messages.HighScores; messages.getCommonChats#d0a48c4 user_id:InputUser max_id:int limit:int = messages.Chats; messages.getAllChats#eba80ff0 except_ids:Vector<int> = messages.Chats; messages.getWebPage#32ca8f91 url:string hash:int = WebPage; messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#5b51d63f flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputDialogPeer> = Bool; messages.getPinnedDialogs#e254d64e = messages.PeerDialogs; messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool; messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool; messages.uploadMedia#519bc2b1 peer:InputPeer media:InputMedia = MessageMedia; messages.sendScreenshotNotification#c97df020 peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:int random_id:long = Updates; messages.getFavedStickers#21ce0b0e hash:int = messages.FavedStickers; messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool; messages.getUnreadMentions#46578472 peer:InputPeer offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int = messages.Messages; messages.readMentions#f0189d3 peer:InputPeer = messages.AffectedHistory; messages.getRecentLocations#bbc45b09 peer:InputPeer limit:int hash:int = messages.Messages; messages.sendMultiMedia#2095512f flags:# silent:flags.5?true background:flags.6?true clear_draft:flags.7?true peer:InputPeer reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?int multi_media:Vector<InputSingleMedia> = Updates; messages.uploadEncryptedFile#5057c497 peer:InputEncryptedChat file:InputEncryptedFile = EncryptedFile; messages.searchStickerSets#c2b7d08b flags:# exclude_featured:flags.0?true q:string hash:int = messages.FoundStickerSets; messages.getSplitRanges#1cff7e08 = Vector<MessageRange>; messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool; messages.getDialogUnreadMarks#22e24e22 = Vector<DialogPeer>; messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool; messages.updatePinnedMessage#d2aaf7ec flags:# silent:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer id:int = Updates; messages.sendVote#10ea6184 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int options:Vector<bytes> = Updates; messages.getPollResults#73bb643b peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = Updates; messages.getOnlines#6e2be050 peer:InputPeer = ChatOnlines; messages.getStatsURL#812c2ae6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer params:string = StatsURL; messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool; messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights#a5866b41 peer:InputPeer banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; messages.getEmojiKeywords#35a0e062 lang_code:string = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference#1508b6af lang_code:string from_version:int = EmojiKeywordsDifference; messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages#4e9963b2 lang_codes:Vector<string> = Vector<EmojiLanguage>; messages.getEmojiURL#d5b10c26 lang_code:string = EmojiURL; updates.getState#edd4882a = updates.State; updates.getDifference#25939651 flags:# pts:int pts_total_limit:flags.0?int date:int qts:int = updates.Difference; updates.getChannelDifference#3173d78 flags:# force:flags.0?true channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelMessagesFilter pts:int limit:int = updates.ChannelDifference; photos.updateProfilePhoto#f0bb5152 id:InputPhoto = UserProfilePhoto; photos.uploadProfilePhoto#4f32c098 file:InputFile = photos.Photo; photos.deletePhotos#87cf7f2f id:Vector<InputPhoto> = Vector<long>; photos.getUserPhotos#91cd32a8 user_id:InputUser offset:int max_id:long limit:int = photos.Photos; upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getFile#e3a6cfb5 location:InputFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.File; upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool; upload.getWebFile#24e6818d location:InputWebFileLocation offset:int limit:int = upload.WebFile; upload.getCdnFile#2000bcc3 file_token:bytes offset:int limit:int = upload.CdnFile; upload.reuploadCdnFile#9b2754a8 file_token:bytes request_token:bytes = Vector<FileHash>; upload.getCdnFileHashes#4da54231 file_token:bytes offset:int = Vector<FileHash>; upload.getFileHashes#c7025931 location:InputFileLocation offset:int = Vector<FileHash>; help.getConfig#c4f9186b = Config; help.getNearestDc#1fb33026 = NearestDc; help.getAppUpdate#522d5a7d source:string = help.AppUpdate; help.getInviteText#4d392343 = help.InviteText; help.getSupport#9cdf08cd = help.Support; help.getAppChangelog#9010ef6f prev_app_version:string = Updates; help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool; help.getCdnConfig#52029342 = CdnConfig; help.getRecentMeUrls#3dc0f114 referer:string = help.RecentMeUrls; help.getProxyData#3d7758e1 = help.ProxyData; help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate#2ca51fd1 = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate; help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool; help.getDeepLinkInfo#3fedc75f path:string = help.DeepLinkInfo; help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue; help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool; help.getPassportConfig#c661ad08 hash:int = help.PassportConfig; help.getSupportName#d360e72c = help.SupportName; help.getUserInfo#38a08d3 user_id:InputUser = help.UserInfo; help.editUserInfo#66b91b70 user_id:InputUser message:string entities:Vector<MessageEntity> = help.UserInfo; channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.deleteMessages#84c1fd4e channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = messages.AffectedMessages; channels.deleteUserHistory#d10dd71b channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = messages.AffectedHistory; channels.reportSpam#fe087810 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.getMessages#ad8c9a23 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<InputMessage> = messages.Messages; channels.getParticipants#123e05e9 channel:InputChannel filter:ChannelParticipantsFilter offset:int limit:int hash:int = channels.ChannelParticipants; channels.getParticipant#546dd7a6 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser = channels.ChannelParticipant; channels.getChannels#a7f6bbb id:Vector<InputChannel> = messages.Chats; channels.getFullChannel#8736a09 channel:InputChannel = messages.ChatFull; channels.createChannel#f4893d7f flags:# broadcast:flags.0?true megagroup:flags.1?true title:string about:string = Updates; channels.editAdmin#70f893ba channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Updates; channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates; channels.editPhoto#f12e57c9 channel:InputChannel photo:InputChatPhoto = Updates; channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool; channels.joinChannel#24b524c5 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.leaveChannel#f836aa95 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.inviteToChannel#199f3a6c channel:InputChannel users:Vector<InputUser> = Updates; channels.deleteChannel#c0111fe3 channel:InputChannel = Updates; channels.exportMessageLink#ceb77163 channel:InputChannel id:int grouped:Bool = ExportedMessageLink; channels.toggleSignatures#1f69b606 channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getAdminedPublicChannels#8d8d82d7 = messages.Chats; channels.editBanned#72796912 channel:InputChannel user_id:InputUser banned_rights:ChatBannedRights = Updates; channels.getAdminLog#33ddf480 flags:# channel:InputChannel q:string events_filter:flags.0?ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter admins:flags.1?Vector<InputUser> max_id:long min_id:long limit:int = channels.AdminLogResults; channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool; channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = Bool; channels.deleteHistory#af369d42 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool; channels.togglePreHistoryHidden#eabbb94c channel:InputChannel enabled:Bool = Updates; channels.getLeftChannels#8341ecc0 offset:int = messages.Chats; bots.sendCustomRequest#aa2769ed custom_method:string params:DataJSON = DataJSON; bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool; payments.getPaymentForm#99f09745 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentForm; payments.getPaymentReceipt#a092a980 msg_id:int = payments.PaymentReceipt; payments.validateRequestedInfo#770a8e74 flags:# save:flags.0?true msg_id:int info:PaymentRequestedInfo = payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo; payments.sendPaymentForm#2b8879b3 flags:# msg_id:int requested_info_id:flags.0?string shipping_option_id:flags.1?string credentials:InputPaymentCredentials = payments.PaymentResult; payments.getSavedInfo#227d824b = payments.SavedInfo; payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool; stickers.createStickerSet#9bd86e6a flags:# masks:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser title:string short_name:string stickers:Vector<InputStickerSetItem> = messages.StickerSet; stickers.removeStickerFromSet#f7760f51 sticker:InputDocument = messages.StickerSet; stickers.changeStickerPosition#ffb6d4ca sticker:InputDocument position:int = messages.StickerSet; stickers.addStickerToSet#8653febe stickerset:InputStickerSet sticker:InputStickerSetItem = messages.StickerSet; phone.getCallConfig#55451fa9 = DataJSON; phone.requestCall#42ff96ed flags:# video:flags.0?true user_id:InputUser random_id:int g_a_hash:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.acceptCall#3bd2b4a0 peer:InputPhoneCall g_b:bytes protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.confirmCall#2efe1722 peer:InputPhoneCall g_a:bytes key_fingerprint:long protocol:PhoneCallProtocol = phone.PhoneCall; phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool; phone.discardCall#b2cbc1c0 flags:# video:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall duration:int reason:PhoneCallDiscardReason connection_id:long = Updates; phone.setCallRating#59ead627 flags:# user_initiative:flags.0?true peer:InputPhoneCall rating:int comment:string = Updates; phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool; langpack.getLangPack#f2f2330a lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackDifference; langpack.getStrings#efea3803 lang_pack:string lang_code:string keys:Vector<string> = Vector<LangPackString>; langpack.getDifference#cd984aa5 lang_pack:string lang_code:string from_version:int = LangPackDifference; langpack.getLanguages#42c6978f lang_pack:string = Vector<LangPackLanguage>; langpack.getLanguage#6a596502 lang_pack:string lang_code:string = LangPackLanguage; // LAYER 98 <?php /** * Bytes module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Types; class Bytes implements \JsonSerializable, \ArrayAccess { /** * Bytes. * * @var string Bytes */ private $bytes; /** * Constructor function. * * @param string $bytes Contents */ public function __construct(string $bytes) { $this->bytes = $bytes; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() : array { return ['bytes']; } /** * Cast bytes to string. * * @return string */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->bytes; } /** * Obtain values for JSON-encoding. * * @return array */ public function jsonSerialize() : array { return ['_' => 'bytes', 'bytes' => \base64_encode($this->bytes)]; } /** * Set char at offset. * * @param integer|null $offset Offset * @param string $value Char * * @return void */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if ($offset === null) { $this->bytes .= $value; } else { $this->bytes[$offset] = $value; } } /** * Get char at offset. * * @param integer $offset Name * * @return string */ public function offsetGet($offset) : string { return $this->bytes[$offset]; } /** * Unset char at offset. * * @param integer $offset Offset * * @return void */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->bytes[$offset]); } /** * Check if char at offset exists. * * @param integer $offset Offset * * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($offset) : bool { return isset($this->bytes[$offset]); } }<?php /** * Button module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Types; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; class Button implements \JsonSerializable, \ArrayAccess { /** * Button data. */ private $button; /** * MTProto instance. */ private $API; /** * Message ID. */ private $id; /** * Peer ID. * * @var array|int */ private $peer; /** * Constructor function. * * @param MTProto $API API instance * @param array $message Message * @param array $button Button info */ public function __construct(MTProto $API, array $message, array $button) { $this->button = $button; $this->peer = $message['to_id'] === ['_' => 'peerUser', 'user_id' => $API->authorization['user']['id']] ? $message['from_id'] : $message['to_id']; $this->id = $message['id']; $this->API = $API; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() : array { return ['button', 'peer', 'id', 'API']; } /** * Click on button. * * @param boolean $donotwait Whether to wait for the result of the method * * @return mixed */ public function click(bool $donotwait = true) { $async = isset($this->API->wrapper) ? $this->API->wrapper->isAsync() : true; $method = $donotwait ? 'methodCallAsyncWrite' : 'methodCallAsyncRead'; switch ($this->button['_']) { default: return false; case 'keyboardButtonUrl': return $this->button['url']; case 'keyboardButton': $res = $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMessage', ['peer' => $this->peer, 'message' => $this->button['text'], 'reply_to_msg_id' => $this->id], ['datacenter' => $this->API->datacenter->curdc]); break; case 'keyboardButtonCallback': $res = $this->API->{$method}('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', ['peer' => $this->peer, 'msg_id' => $this->id, 'data' => $this->button['data']], ['datacenter' => $this->API->datacenter->curdc]); break; case 'keyboardButtonGame': $res = $this->API->{$method}('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', ['peer' => $this->peer, 'msg_id' => $this->id, 'game' => true], ['datacenter' => $this->API->datacenter->curdc]); break; } return $async ? $res : Tools::wait($res); } /** * Get debug info. * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() : array { $res = \get_object_vars($this); unset($res['API']); return $res; } /** * Serialize button. * * @return array */ public function jsonSerialize() : array { return $this->button; } /** * Set button info. * * @param $name Offset * @param mixed $value Value * * @return void */ public function offsetSet($name, $value) { if ($name === null) { $this->button[] = $value; } else { $this->button[$name] = $value; } } /** * Get button info. * * @param $name Field name * * @return void */ public function offsetGet($name) { return $this->button[$name]; } /** * Unset button info. * * @param $name Offset * * @return void */ public function offsetUnset($name) { unset($this->button[$name]); } /** * Check if button field exists. * * @param $name Offset * * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($name) : bool { return isset($this->button[$name]); } }<?php /** * TL callback module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; /** * Interface for managing TL serialization callbacks. */ interface TLCallback { /** * * * @var int */ const METHOD_CALLBACK = 0; const METHOD_BEFORE_CALLBACK = 1; const CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK = 2; const CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK = 3; const CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK = 4; /** * Called if objects of the specified type cannot be serialized. * * @var int */ const TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK = 5; /** * Called after serialization of method. * * Pass the method name and arguments * * @return array */ public function getMethodCallbacks() : array; /** * Called right before serialization of method starts. * * Pass the method name * * @return array */ public function getMethodBeforeCallbacks() : array; /** * Called right after deserialization of object, passing the final object. * * @return array */ public function getConstructorCallbacks() : array; /** * Called right before deserialization of object. * * Pass only the constructor name * * @return array */ public function getConstructorBeforeCallbacks() : array; /** * Called right before serialization of constructor. * * Passed the object, will return a modified version. * * @return array */ public function getConstructorSerializeCallbacks() : array; /** * Called if objects of the specified type cannot be serialized. * * Passed the unserializable object, * will try to convert it to an object of the proper type. * * @return array */ public function getTypeMismatchCallbacks() : array; }<?php /** * TLMethods module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; class TLMethods { use \danog\Serializable; use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use TLParams; public $by_id = []; public $by_method = []; public $method_namespace = []; public function __sleep() { return ['by_id', 'by_method', 'method_namespace']; } public function add($json_dict) { $this->by_id[$json_dict['id']] = ['method' => $json_dict['method'], 'type' => $json_dict['type'], 'params' => $json_dict['params']]; $this->by_method[$json_dict['method']] = $json_dict['id']; $namespace = \explode('.', $json_dict['method']); if (isset($namespace[1])) { $this->method_namespace[] = [$namespace[0] => $namespace[1]]; } $this->parseParams($json_dict['id']); } public function findById($id) { if (isset($this->by_id[$id])) { $method = $this->by_id[$id]; $method['id'] = $id; return $method; } return false; } public function findByMethod($method_name) { if (isset($this->by_method[$method_name])) { $method = $this->by_id[$this->by_method[$method_name]]; $method['id'] = $this->by_method[$method_name]; return $method; } return false; } }<?php /** * TLConstructors module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; class TLConstructors { use \danog\Serializable; use \danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use TLParams; public $by_id = []; public $by_predicate_and_layer = []; public $layers = []; public function __sleep() { return ['by_predicate_and_layer', 'by_id', 'layers']; } public function add($json_dict, $scheme_type) { if (isset($this->by_id[$json_dict['id']]) && (!isset($this->by_id[$json_dict['id']]['layer']) || $this->by_id[$json_dict['id']]['layer'] > $json_dict['layer'])) { return false; } $predicate = (string) (($scheme_type === 'mtproto' && $json_dict['predicate'] === 'message' ? 'MT' : '') . $json_dict['predicate']); $this->by_id[$json_dict['id']] = ['predicate' => $predicate, 'params' => $json_dict['params'], 'type' => ($scheme_type === 'mtproto' && $json_dict['type'] === 'Message' ? 'MT' : '') . $json_dict['type']]; if ($scheme_type === 'secret') { $this->by_id[$json_dict['id']]['layer'] = $json_dict['layer']; $this->layers[$json_dict['layer']] = $json_dict['layer']; \ksort($this->layers); } else { $json_dict['layer'] = ''; } $this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate . $json_dict['layer']] = $json_dict['id']; $this->parseParams($json_dict['id'], $scheme_type === 'mtproto'); } public function findByType($type) { foreach ($this->by_id as $id => $constructor) { if ($constructor['type'] === $type) { $constructor['id'] = $id; return $constructor; } } return false; } public function findByPredicate($predicate, $layer = -1) { if ($layer !== -1) { foreach ($this->layers as $alayer) { if ($alayer <= $layer) { if (isset($this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate . $alayer])) { $chosenid = $this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate . $alayer]; } } elseif (!isset($chosenid)) { $chosenid = $this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate . $alayer]; } } if (!isset($chosenid)) { return false; } $constructor = $this->by_id[$chosenid]; $constructor['id'] = $chosenid; return $constructor; } if (isset($this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate])) { $constructor = $this->by_id[$this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate]]; $constructor['id'] = $this->by_predicate_and_layer[$predicate]; return $constructor; } return false; } /** * Find constructor by ID. * * @param string $id Constructor ID * * @return array|false */ public function findById(string $id) { if (isset($this->by_id[$id])) { $constructor = $this->by_id[$id]; $constructor['id'] = $id; return $constructor; } return false; } }<?php /** * PrettyException module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; /** * Handle async stack traces. */ trait PrettyException { /** * TL trace. * * @var string */ public $tl_trace = ''; /** * Method name. * * @var string */ private $method = ''; /** * Whether the TL trace was updated. * * @var boolean */ private $updated = false; /** * Update TL trace. * * @param array $trace * * @return void */ public function updateTLTrace(array $trace) { if (!$this->updated) { $this->updated = true; $this->prettifyTL($this->method, $trace); } } /** * Get TL trace. * * @return string */ public function getTLTrace() : string { return $this->tl_trace; } /** * Generate async trace. * * @param string $init Method name * @param array $trace Async trace * * @return void */ public function prettifyTL(string $init = '', array $trace = null) { $this->method = $init; $previous_trace = $this->tl_trace; $this->tl_trace = ''; $eol = PHP_EOL; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $eol = '<br>' . PHP_EOL; } $tl = false; foreach (\array_reverse($trace ?? $this->getTrace()) as $k => $frame) { if (isset($frame['function']) && \in_array($frame['function'], ['serializeParams', 'serializeObject'])) { if (($frame['args'][2] ?? '') !== '') { $this->tl_trace .= $tl ? "['" . $frame['args'][2] . "']" : "While serializing: \t" . $frame['args'][2]; $tl = true; } } else { if ($tl) { $this->tl_trace .= $eol; } if (isset($frame['function']) && ($frame['function'] === 'handle_rpc_error' && $k === \count($this->getTrace()) - 1) || $frame['function'] === 'unserialize') { continue; } $this->tl_trace .= isset($frame['file']) ? \str_pad(\basename($frame['file']) . '(' . $frame['line'] . '):', 20) . "\t" : ''; $this->tl_trace .= isset($frame['function']) ? $frame['function'] . '(' : ''; $this->tl_trace .= isset($frame['args']) ? \substr(\json_encode($frame['args']), 1, -1) : ''; $this->tl_trace .= ')'; $this->tl_trace .= $eol; $tl = false; } } $this->tl_trace .= $init !== '' ? "['" . $init . "']" : ''; $this->tl_trace = \implode($eol, \array_reverse(\explode($eol, $this->tl_trace))); if ($previous_trace) { $this->tl_trace .= $eol . $eol; $this->tl_trace .= "Previous TL trace:{$eol}"; $this->tl_trace .= $previous_trace; } } }<?php /** * TD module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion; trait TD { /** * Convert tdcli parameters to tdcli. * * @param array $params Params * @param array $key Key * * @return array */ public function tdcliToTd(&$params, $key = null) : array { if (!\is_array($params)) { return $params; } if (!isset($params['ID'])) { \array_walk($params, [$this, 'tdcliToTd']); return $params; } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $value = $this->tdcliToTd($value); if (\preg_match('/_$/', $key)) { $params[\preg_replace('/_$/', '', $key)] = $value; unset($params[$key]); } } $params['_'] = \lcfirst($params['ID']); unset($params['ID']); return $params; } /** * Convert TD to MTProto parameters. * * @param array $params Parameters * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function tdToMTProto(array $params) : \Generator { $newparams = ['_' => self::REVERSE[$params['_']]]; foreach (self::TD_PARAMS_CONVERSION[$newparams['_']] as $td => $mtproto) { if (\is_array($mtproto)) { switch (\end($mtproto)) { case 'choose_message_content': switch ($params[$td]['_']) { case 'inputMessageText': $params[$td]['_'] = 'messages.sendMessage'; if (isset($params['disable_web_page_preview'])) { $newparams['no_webpage'] = $params[$td]['disable_web_page_preview']; } $newparams = \array_merge($params[$td], $newparams); break; default: throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['non_text_conversion']); } break; default: $newparams[$mtproto[0]] = isset($params[$td]) ? $params[$td] : null; if (\is_array($newparams[$mtproto[0]])) { $newparams[$mtproto[0]] = (yield from $this->MTProtoToTd($newparams[$mtproto[0]])); } } } } return $newparams; } /** * MTProto to TDCLI params. * * @param mixed $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function MTProtoToTdcli($params) : \Generator { return $this->tdToTdcli(yield from $this->MTProtoToTd($params)); } /** * MTProto to TD params. * * @param mixed $params Params * * @return \Generator */ public function MTProtoToTd(&$params) : \Generator { if (!\is_array($params)) { return $params; } if (!isset($params['_'])) { \array_walk($params, [$this, 'mtprotoToTd']); return $params; } $newparams = ['_' => $params['_']]; if (\in_array($params['_'], self::TD_IGNORE)) { return $params; } foreach (self::TD_PARAMS_CONVERSION[$params['_']] as $td => $mtproto) { if (\is_string($mtproto)) { $newparams[$td] = $mtproto; } else { switch (\end($mtproto)) { case 'choose_chat_id_from_botapi': $newparams[$td] = (yield from $this->getInfo($params[$mtproto[0]]))['bot_api_id'] == $this->authorization['user']['id'] ? $params['from_id'] : (yield from $this->getInfo($params[$mtproto[0]])['bot_api_id']); break; case 'choose_incoming_or_sent': $newparams[$td] = ['_' => $params['out'] ? 'messageIsSuccessfullySent' : 'messageIsIncoming']; break; case 'choose_can_edit': $newparams[$td] = !isset($params['fwd_from']) && $params['out']; break; case 'choose_can_delete': $newparams[$td] = $params['out']; break; case 'choose_forward_info': if (isset($params['fwd_from'])) { $newparams[$td] = ['_' => 'messageForwardedFromUser']; if (isset($params['fwd_from']['channel_id'])) { $newparams[$td] = ['_' => 'messageForwardedPost', 'chat_id' => '-100' . $params['fwd_from']['channel_id']]; } $newparams[$td]['date'] = $params['fwd_from']['date']; if (isset($params['fwd_from']['channel_post'])) { $newparams[$td]['channel_post'] = $params['fwd_from']['channel_post']; } if (isset($params['fwd_from']['from_id'])) { $newparams[$td]['sender_user_id'] = $params['fwd_from']['from_id']; } } else { $newparams[$td] = null; } break; case 'choose_ttl': $newparams[$td] = isset($params['ttl']) ? $params['ttl'] : 0; break; case 'choose_ttl_expires_in': $newparams[$td] = $newparams['ttl'] - \microtime(true); break; case 'choose_message_content': if ($params['message'] !== '') { $newparams[$td] = ['_' => 'messageText', 'text' => $params['message']]; if (isset($params['media']['_']) && $params['media']['_'] === 'messageMediaWebPage') { $newparams[$td]['web_page'] = (yield from $this->MTProtoToTd($params['media']['webpage'])); } if (isset($params['entities'])) { $newparams[$td]['entities'] = $params['entities']; } } else { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['non_text_conversion']); } break; default: if (isset($mtproto[1])) { $newparams[$td] = isset($params[$mtproto[0]][$mtproto[1]]) ? $params[$mtproto[0]][$mtproto[1]] : null; } else { $newparams[$td] = isset($params[$mtproto[0]]) ? $params[$mtproto[0]] : null; } if (\is_array($newparams[$td])) { $newparams[$td] = (yield from $this->MTProtoToTd($newparams[$td])); } } } } return $newparams; } /** * Convert TD parameters to tdcli. * * @param mixed $params Parameters * * @return mixed */ public function tdToTdcli($params) { if (!\is_array($params)) { return $params; } $newparams = []; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($key === '_') { $newparams['ID'] = \ucfirst($value); } else { if (!\is_numeric($key) && !\preg_match('/_^/', $key)) { $key = $key . '_'; } $newparams[$key] = $this->tdToTdcli($value); } } return $newparams; } }<?php /** * BotAPI module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion; use danog\Decoder\FileId; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerHandler; use const danog\Decoder\TYPES_IDS; trait BotAPI { private function htmlEntityDecode(string $stuff) : string { return \html_entity_decode(\preg_replace('#< *br */? *>#', "\n", $stuff)); } /** * Get Telegram UTF-8 length of string. * * @param string $text Text * * @return int */ public static function mbStrlen(string $text) : int { $length = 0; $textlength = \strlen($text); for ($x = 0; $x < $textlength; $x++) { $char = \ord($text[$x]); if (($char & 0xc0) != 0x80) { $length += 1 + ($char >= 0xf0); } } return $length; } /** * Telegram UTF-8 multibyte substring. * * @param string $text Text to substring * @param integer $offset Offset * @param ?int $length Length * * @return string */ public static function mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, $length = null) : string { $mb_text_length = self::mbStrlen($text); if ($offset < 0) { $offset = $mb_text_length + $offset; } if ($length < 0) { $length = $mb_text_length - $offset + $length; } elseif ($length === null) { $length = $mb_text_length - $offset; } $new_text = ''; $current_offset = 0; $current_length = 0; $text_length = \strlen($text); for ($x = 0; $x < $text_length; $x++) { $char = \ord($text[$x]); if (($char & 0xc0) != 0x80) { $current_offset += 1 + ($char >= 0xf0); if ($current_offset > $offset) { $current_length += 1 + ($char >= 0xf0); } } if ($current_offset > $offset) { if ($current_length <= $length) { $new_text .= $text[$x]; } } } return $new_text; } /** * Telegram UTF-8 multibyte split. * * @param string $text Text * @param integer $length Length * * @return array */ public static function mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length) : array { $tlength = \mb_strlen($text, 'UTF-8'); $result = []; for ($x = 0; $x < $tlength; $x += $length) { $result[] = \mb_substr($text, $x, $length, 'UTF-8'); } return $result; } private function parseButtons($rows) { $newrows = []; $key = 0; $button_key = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $newrows[$key] = ['_' => 'keyboardButtonRow', 'buttons' => []]; foreach ($row as $button) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key] = ['_' => 'keyboardButton', 'text' => $button['text']]; if (isset($button['url'])) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonUrl'; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['url'] = $button['url']; } elseif (isset($button['callback_data'])) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonCallback'; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['data'] = $button['callback_data']; } elseif (isset($button['switch_inline_query'])) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonSwitchInline'; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['same_peer'] = false; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['query'] = $button['switch_inline_query']; } elseif (isset($button['switch_inline_query_current_chat'])) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonSwitchInline'; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['same_peer'] = true; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['query'] = $button['switch_inline_query_current_chat']; } elseif (isset($button['callback_game'])) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonGame'; $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['text'] = $button['callback_game']; } elseif (isset($button['request_contact']) && $button['request_contact']) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonRequestPhone'; } elseif (isset($button['request_location']) && $button['request_location']) { $newrows[$key]['buttons'][$button_key]['_'] = 'keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation'; } $button_key++; } $key++; } return $newrows; } private function parseReplyMarkup($markup) { if (isset($markup['force_reply']) && $markup['force_reply']) { $markup['_'] = 'replyKeyboardForceReply'; unset($markup['force_reply']); } if (isset($markup['remove_keyboard']) && $markup['remove_keyboard']) { $markup['_'] = 'replyKeyboardHide'; unset($markup['remove_keyboard']); } if (isset($markup['keyboard'])) { $markup['_'] = 'replyKeyboardMarkup'; if (isset($markup['resize_keyboard'])) { $markup['resize'] = $markup['resize_keyboard']; unset($markup['resize_keyboard']); } if (isset($markup['one_time_keyboard'])) { $markup['single_use'] = $markup['one_time_keyboard']; unset($markup['one_time_keyboard']); } $markup['rows'] = $this->parseButtons($markup['keyboard']); unset($markup['keyboard']); } if (isset($markup['inline_keyboard'])) { $markup['_'] = 'replyInlineMarkup'; $markup['rows'] = $this->parseButtons($markup['inline_keyboard']); unset($markup['inline_keyboard']); } return $markup; } /** * Convert MTProto parameters to bot API parameters. * * @param array $data Data * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data) : \Generator { $newd = []; if (!isset($data['_'])) { foreach ($data as $key => $element) { $newd[$key] = (yield from $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($element)); } return $newd; } switch ($data['_']) { case 'updateShortSentMessage': $newd['message_id'] = $data['id']; $newd['date'] = $data['date']; $newd['text'] = $data['request']['message']; if ($data['out']) { $newd['from'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($this->authorization['user'])); } $newd['chat'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($data['request']['peer'])); if (isset($data['entities'])) { $newd['entities'] = (yield from $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($data['entities'])); } if (isset($data['media'])) { $newd += (yield from $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($data['media'])); } return $newd; case 'updates': $data = \array_values(\array_filter($data['updates'], function (array $update) { return $update['_'] !== 'updateMessageID'; }))[0]; // no break case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateNewMessage': return yield from $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($data['message']); case 'message': $newd['message_id'] = $data['id']; $newd['date'] = $data['date']; $newd['text'] = $data['message']; $newd['post'] = $data['post']; $newd['silent'] = $data['silent']; if (isset($data['from_id'])) { $newd['from'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($data['from_id'])); } $newd['chat'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($data['to_id'])); if (isset($data['entities'])) { $newd['entities'] = (yield from $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($data['entities'])); } if (isset($data['views'])) { $newd['views'] = $data['views']; } if (isset($data['edit_date'])) { $newd['edit_date'] = $data['edit_date']; } if (isset($data['via_bot_id'])) { $newd['via_bot'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($data['via_bot_id'])); } if (isset($data['fwd_from']['from_id'])) { $newd['forward_from'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($data['fwd_from']['from_id'])); } if (isset($data['fwd_from']['channel_id'])) { try { $newd['forward_from_chat'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat(PeerHandler::toSupergroup($data['fwd_from']['channel_id']))); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } if (isset($data['fwd_from']['date'])) { $newd['forward_date'] = $data['fwd_from']['date']; } if (isset($data['fwd_from']['channel_post'])) { $newd['forward_from_message_id'] = $data['fwd_from']['channel_post']; } if (isset($data['media'])) { $newd = \array_merge($newd, yield from $this->MTProtoToBotAPI($data['media'])); } return $newd; case 'messageEntityMention': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'mention'; return $data; case 'messageEntityHashtag': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'hashtag'; return $data; case 'messageEntityBotCommand': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'bot_command'; return $data; case 'messageEntityUrl': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'url'; return $data; case 'messageEntityEmail': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'email'; return $data; case 'messageEntityBold': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'bold'; return $data; case 'messageEntityItalic': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'italic'; return $data; case 'messageEntityCode': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'code'; return $data; case 'messageEntityPre': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'pre'; return $data; case 'messageEntityTextUrl': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'text_url'; return $data; case 'messageEntityMentionName': unset($data['_']); $data['type'] = 'text_mention'; $data['user'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($data['user_id'])); unset($data['user_id']); return $data; case 'messageMediaPhoto': if (isset($data['caption'])) { $res['caption'] = $data['caption']; } $res['photo'] = []; foreach ($data['photo']['sizes'] as $key => $photo) { if (\in_array($photo['_'], ['photoCachedSize', 'photoSize'])) { $res['photo'][$key] = $this->photosizeToBotAPI($photo, $data['photo']); } } return $res; case 'messageMediaEmpty': return []; case 'messageMediaDocument': $type_name = 'document'; $res = []; if (isset($data['document']['thumbs']) && $data['document']['thumbs'] && \in_array(\end($data['document']['thumbs'])['_'], ['photoCachedSize', 'photoSize'])) { $res['thumb'] = $this->photosizeToBotAPI(\end($data['document']['thumbs']), $data['document'], true); } foreach ($data['document']['attributes'] as $attribute) { switch ($attribute['_']) { case 'documentAttributeFilename': $pathinfo = \pathinfo($attribute['file_name']); $res['ext'] = isset($pathinfo['extension']) ? '.' . $pathinfo['extension'] : ''; $res['file_name'] = $pathinfo['filename']; break; case 'documentAttributeAudio': $audio = $attribute; $type_name = $attribute['voice'] ? 'voice' : 'audio'; $res['duration'] = $attribute['duration']; if (isset($attribute['performer'])) { $res['performer'] = $attribute['performer']; } if (isset($attribute['title'])) { $res['title'] = $attribute['title']; } if (isset($attribute['waveform'])) { $res['title'] = $attribute['waveform']; } break; case 'documentAttributeVideo': $type_name = $attribute['round_message'] ? 'video_note' : 'video'; $res['width'] = $attribute['w']; $res['height'] = $attribute['h']; $res['duration'] = $attribute['duration']; break; case 'documentAttributeImageSize': $res['width'] = $attribute['w']; $res['height'] = $attribute['h']; break; case 'documentAttributeAnimated': $type_name = 'animation'; $res['animated'] = true; break; case 'documentAttributeHasStickers': $res['has_stickers'] = true; break; case 'documentAttributeSticker': $type_name = 'sticker'; $res['mask'] = $attribute['mask']; $res['emoji'] = $attribute['alt']; $res['sticker_set'] = $attribute['stickerset']; if (isset($attribute['mask_coords'])) { $res['mask_coords'] = $attribute['mask_coords']; } break; } } if (isset($audio) && isset($audio['title']) && !isset($res['file_name'])) { $res['file_name'] = $audio['title']; if (isset($audio['performer'])) { $res['file_name'] .= ' - ' . $audio['performer']; } } if (!isset($res['file_name'])) { $res['file_name'] = $data['document']['access_hash']; } $res['file_name'] .= '_' . $data['document']['id']; if (isset($res['ext'])) { $res['file_name'] .= $res['ext']; unset($res['ext']); } else { $res['file_name'] .= $this->getExtensionFromMime($data['document']['mime_type']); } $res['file_size'] = $data['document']['size']; $res['mime_type'] = $data['document']['mime_type']; $fileId = new FileId(); $fileId->setId($data['document']['id']); $fileId->setAccessHash($data['document']['access_hash']); $fileId->setFileReference($data['document']['file_reference'] ?? ''); $fileId->setDcId($data['document']['dc_id']); $fileId->setType(TYPES_IDS[$type_name]); $res['file_id'] = (string) $fileId; $res['file_unique_id'] = $fileId->getUniqueBotAPI(); return [$type_name => $res, 'caption' => $data['caption'] ?? '']; default: throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['botapi_conversion_error'], $data['_'])); } } /** * Convert bot API parameters to MTProto parameters. * * @param array $arguments Arguments * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments) : \Generator { foreach (self::BOTAPI_PARAMS_CONVERSION as $bot => $mtproto) { if (isset($arguments[$bot]) && !isset($arguments[$mtproto])) { $arguments[$mtproto] = $arguments[$bot]; //unset($arguments[$bot]); } } if (isset($arguments['reply_markup'])) { $arguments['reply_markup'] = $this->parseReplyMarkup($arguments['reply_markup']); } if (isset($arguments['parse_mode'])) { $arguments = (yield from $this->parseMode($arguments)); } return $arguments; } private function parseNode($node, &$entities, &$new_message, &$offset) : \Generator { switch ($node->nodeName) { case 'br': $new_message .= "\n"; $offset++; break; case 's': case 'strike': case 'del': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityStrike', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'u': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityUnderline', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'blockquote': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityBlockquote', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'b': case 'strong': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityBold', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'i': case 'em': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityItalic', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'code': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityCode', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'pre': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $language = $node->getAttribute('language'); if ($language === null) { $language = ''; } $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityPre', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length, 'language' => $language]; $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; case 'p': foreach ($node->childNodes as $node) { yield from $this->parseNode($node, $entities, $new_message, $offset); } break; case 'a': $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $href = $node->getAttribute('href'); if (\preg_match('|mention:(.*)|', $href, $matches) || \preg_match('|tg://user\\?id=(.*)|', $href, $matches)) { $mention = (yield from $this->getInfo($matches[1])); if (!isset($mention['InputUser'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['peer_not_in_db']); } $entities[] = ['_' => 'inputMessageEntityMentionName', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length, 'user_id' => $mention['InputUser']]; } elseif (\preg_match('|buttonurl:(.*)|', $href)) { if (!isset($entities['buttons'])) { $entities['buttons'] = []; } if (\strpos(\substr($href, -4), '|:new|') !== false) { $entities['buttons'][] = ['_' => 'keyboardButtonUrl', 'text' => $text, 'url' => \str_replace(['buttonurl:', ':new'], '', $href), 'new' => true]; } else { $entities['buttons'][] = ['_' => 'keyboardButtonUrl', 'text' => $text, 'url' => \str_replace('buttonurl:', '', $href)]; } break; } else { $entities[] = ['_' => 'messageEntityTextUrl', 'offset' => $offset, 'length' => $length, 'url' => $href]; } $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; default: $text = $this->htmlEntityDecode($node->textContent); $length = $this->mbStrlen($text); $new_message .= $text; $offset += $length; break; } } /** * Convert markdown and HTML messages. * * @param array $arguments Arguments * * @internal * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function parseMode(array $arguments) : \Generator { if (($arguments['message'] ?? '') === '' || !isset($arguments['parse_mode'])) { return $arguments; } if (!(\is_string($arguments['message']) || \is_object($arguments['message']) && \method_exists($arguments['message'], '__toString'))) { throw new Exception('Messages can only be strings'); } if (isset($arguments['parse_mode']['_'])) { $arguments['parse_mode'] = \str_replace('textParseMode', '', $arguments['parse_mode']['_']); } if (\stripos($arguments['parse_mode'], 'markdown') !== false) { $arguments['message'] = \Parsedown::instance()->line($arguments['message']); $arguments['parse_mode'] = 'HTML'; } if (\stripos($arguments['parse_mode'], 'html') !== false) { $new_message = ''; $arguments['message'] = \trim($this->htmlFixtags($arguments['message'])); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML(\mb_convert_encoding($arguments['message'], 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); if (!isset($arguments['entities'])) { $arguments['entities'] = []; } $offset = 0; foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $node) { yield from $this->parseNode($node, $arguments['entities'], $new_message, $offset); } if (isset($arguments['entities']['buttons'])) { $arguments['reply_markup'] = $this->buildRows($arguments['entities']['buttons']); unset($arguments['entities']['buttons']); } unset($arguments['parse_mode']); $arguments['message'] = $new_message; } return $arguments; } /** * Split too long message into chunks. * * @param array $args Arguments * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function splitToChunks($args) : \Generator { $args = (yield from $this->parseMode($args)); if (!isset($args['entities'])) { $args['entities'] = []; } $max_length = isset($args['media']) ? $this->config['caption_length_max'] : $this->config['message_length_max']; $max_entity_length = 100; $max_entity_size = 8110; $text_arr = []; foreach ($this->multipleExplodeKeepDelimiters(["\n"], $args['message']) as $word) { if (\mb_strlen($word, 'UTF-8') > $max_length) { foreach ($this->mbStrSplit($word, $max_length) as $vv) { $text_arr[] = $vv; } } else { $text_arr[] = $word; } } $multiple_args_base = \array_merge($args, ['entities' => [], 'parse_mode' => 'text', 'message' => '']); $multiple_args = [$multiple_args_base]; $i = 0; foreach ($text_arr as $word) { if ($this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message'] . $word) <= $max_length) { $multiple_args[$i]['message'] .= $word; } else { $i++; $multiple_args[$i] = $multiple_args_base; $multiple_args[$i]['message'] .= $word; } } $i = 0; $offset = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < \count($args['entities']); $k++) { $entity = $args['entities'][$k]; do { while ($entity['offset'] > $offset + $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message'])) { $offset += $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']); $i++; } $entity['offset'] -= $offset; if ($entity['offset'] + $entity['length'] > $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message'])) { $newentity = $entity; $newentity['length'] = $entity['length'] - ($this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']) - $entity['offset']); $entity['length'] = $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']) - $entity['offset']; $offset += $entity['length']; //$this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']); $newentity['offset'] = $offset; $prev_length = $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']); $multiple_args[$i]['message'] = \rtrim($multiple_args[$i]['message']); $diff = $prev_length - $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']); if ($diff) { $entity['length'] -= $diff; foreach ($args['entities'] as $key => &$eentity) { if ($key > $k) { $eentity['offset'] -= $diff; } } } $multiple_args[$i]['entities'][] = $entity; $i++; $entity = $newentity; continue; } $prev_length = $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']); $multiple_args[$i]['message'] = \rtrim($multiple_args[$i]['message']); $diff = $prev_length - $this->mbStrlen($multiple_args[$i]['message']); if ($diff) { $entity['length'] -= $diff; foreach ($args['entities'] as $key => &$eentity) { if ($key > $k) { $eentity['offset'] -= $diff; } } } $multiple_args[$i]['entities'][] = $entity; break; } while (true); } $total = 0; foreach ($multiple_args as $args) { if (\count($args['entities']) > $max_entity_length) { $total += \count($args['entities']) - $max_entity_length; } $c = 0; foreach ($args['entities'] as $entity) { if (isset($entity['url'])) { $c += \strlen($entity['url']); } } if ($c >= $max_entity_size) { $this->logger->logger('Entity size limit possibly exceeded, you may get an error indicating that the entities are too long. Reduce the number of entities and/or size of the URLs used.', Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } if ($total) { $this->logger->logger("Too many entities, {$total} entities will be truncated", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } return $multiple_args; } private function multipleExplodeKeepDelimiters($delimiters, $string) { $initialArray = \explode(\chr(1), \str_replace($delimiters, \chr(1), $string)); $finalArray = []; $delimOffset = 0; foreach ($initialArray as $item) { $delimOffset += $this->mbStrlen($item); //if ($this->mbStrlen($item) > 0) { $finalArray[] = $item . ($delimOffset < $this->mbStrlen($string) ? $string[$delimOffset] : ''); //} $delimOffset++; } return $finalArray; } private function htmlFixtags($text) { $diff = 0; \preg_match_all('#(.*?)(<(\\bu\\b|\\bs\\b|\\ba\\b|\\bb\\b|\\bstrong\\b|\\bblockquote\\b|\\bstrike\\b|\\bdel\\b|\\bem\\b|i|\\bcode\\b|\\bpre\\b)[^>]*>)(.*?)([<]\\s*/\\s*\\3[>])#is', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if ($matches) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if (\trim($match[1][0]) != '') { $mod = \htmlentities($match[1][0]); $temp = \substr($text, 0, $match[1][1] + $diff); $temp .= $mod; $temp .= \substr($text, $match[1][1] + $diff + \strlen($match[1][0])); $diff += \strlen($mod) - \strlen($match[1][0]); $text = $temp; } $mod = \htmlentities($match[4][0]); $temp = \substr($text, 0, $match[4][1] + $diff); $temp .= $mod; $temp .= \substr($text, $match[4][1] + $diff + \strlen($match[4][0])); $diff += \strlen($mod) - \strlen($match[4][0]); $text = $temp; } $diff = 0; \preg_match_all('#<a\\s*href=("|\')(.+?)("|\')\\s*>#is', $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($matches[2] as $match) { $mod = \htmlentities($match[0]); $temp = \substr($text, 0, $match[1] + $diff); $temp .= $mod; $temp .= \substr($text, $match[1] + $diff + \strlen($match[0])); $diff += \strlen($mod) - \strlen($match[0]); $text = $temp; } return $text; } return \htmlentities($text); } private function buildRows($button_list) { $end = false; $rows = []; $buttons = []; $cols = 0; foreach ($button_list as $button) { if (isset($button['new'])) { if (\count($buttons) == 0) { $buttons[] = $button; } else { $row = ['_' => 'keyboardButtonRow', 'buttons' => $buttons]; $rows[] = $row; $buttons = [$button]; } } else { $buttons[] = $button; $end = true; } } if ($end) { $row = ['_' => 'keyboardButtonRow', 'buttons' => $buttons]; $rows[] = $row; } return ['_' => 'replyInlineMarkup', 'rows' => $rows]; } }<?php /* Copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili ( This file is part of MadelineProto. MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. If not, see <>. */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * Manages generation of extensions for files. */ trait Extension { /** * Get mime type from file extension. * * @param string $extension File extension * @param string $default Default mime type * * @return string */ public static function getMimeFromExtension(string $extension, string $default) : string { $ext = \ltrim($extension, '.'); if (isset(MTProto::ALL_MIMES[$ext])) { return MTProto::ALL_MIMES[$ext][0]; } return $default; } /** * Get extension from mime type. * * @param string $mime MIME type * * @return string */ public static function getExtensionFromMime(string $mime) : string { foreach (self::ALL_MIMES as $key => $value) { if (\array_search($mime, $value) !== false) { return '.' . $key; } } return ''; } /** * Get extension from file location. * * @param mixed $location File location * @param string $default Default extension * * @return string */ public static function getExtensionFromLocation($location, string $default) : string { return $default; //('upload.getFile', ['location' => $location, 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 2], ['heavy' => true, 'datacenter' => $location['dc_id']]); if (!isset($res['type']['_'])) { return $default; } switch ($res['type']['_']) { case 'storage.fileJpeg': return '.jpg'; case 'storage.fileGif': return '.gif'; case 'storage.filePng': return '.png'; case 'storage.filePdf': return '.pdf'; case 'storage.fileMp3': return '.mp3'; case 'storage.fileMov': return '.mov'; case 'storage.fileMp4': return '.mp4'; case 'storage.fileWebp': return '.webp'; default: return $default; } } /** * Get mime type of file. * * @param string $file File * * @return string */ public static function getMimeFromFile(string $file) : string { $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); return $finfo->file($file); } /** * Get mime type from buffer. * * @param string $buffer Buffer * * @return string */ public static function getMimeFromBuffer(string $buffer) : string { $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); return $finfo->buffer($buffer); } }<?php /** * BotAPIFiles module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion; use danog\Decoder\FileId; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceLegacy; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerHandler; use const danog\Decoder\ANIMATION; use const danog\Decoder\AUDIO; use const danog\Decoder\DOCUMENT; use const danog\Decoder\PHOTO; use const danog\Decoder\PROFILE_PHOTO; use const danog\Decoder\STICKER; use const danog\Decoder\THUMBNAIL; use const danog\Decoder\VIDEO; use const danog\Decoder\VIDEO_NOTE; use const danog\Decoder\VOICE; trait BotAPIFiles { private function photosizeToBotAPI($photoSize, $photo, $thumbnail = false) : array { $fileId = new FileId(); $fileId->setId($photo['id'] ?? 0); $fileId->setAccessHash($photo['access_hash'] ?? 0); $fileId->setFileReference($photo['file_reference'] ?? ''); $fileId->setDcId($photo['dc_id'] ?? 0); $fileId->setLocalId($photoSize['location']['local_id']); $fileId->setVolumeId($photoSize['location']['volume_id']); $photoSizeSource = new PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail(); $photoSizeSource->setThumbType($photoSize['type']); if ($photo['_'] === 'photo') { $photoSizeSource->setThumbFileType(PHOTO); $fileId->setType(PHOTO); } else { $photoSizeSource->setThumbFileType(THUMBNAIL); $fileId->setType(THUMBNAIL); } $fileId->setPhotoSizeSource($photoSizeSource); return ['file_id' => (string) $fileId, 'file_unique_id' => $fileId->getUniqueBotAPI(), 'width' => $photoSize['w'], 'height' => $photoSize['h'], 'file_size' => $photoSize['size'] ?? \strlen($photoSize['bytes']), 'mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'file_name' => $photoSize['location']['volume_id'] . '_' . $photoSize['location']['local_id'] . '.jpg']; } /** * Unpack bot API file ID. * * @param string $fileId Bot API file ID * * @return array Unpacked file ID */ public function unpackFileId(string $fileId) : array { $fileId = FileId::fromBotAPI($fileId); $this->logger("Got file ID with version {$fileId->getVersion()}.{$fileId->getSubVersion()}"); if (!\in_array($fileId->getVersion(), [2, 4])) { throw new Exception("Invalid bot API file ID version {$version}"); } $photoSize = $fileId->hasPhotoSizeSource() ? $fileId->getPhotoSizeSource() : null; switch ($fileId->getType()) { case PROFILE_PHOTO: /** * @var $photoSize PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto */ if ($photoSize->getDialogId() < 0) { $res['Chat'] = ['_' => $photoSize->getDialogId() < -1000000000000 ? 'channel' : 'chat', 'id' => $photoSize->getDialogId() < -1000000000000 ? PeerHandler::fromSupergroup($photoSize->getDialogId()) : -$photoSize->getDialogId(), 'access_hash' => $photoSize->getDialogAccessHash(), 'photo' => ['_' => 'chatPhoto', 'dc_id' => $fileId->getDcId(), $photoSize->isSmallDialogPhoto() ? 'photo_small' : 'photo_big' => ['_' => 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated', 'volume_id' => $fileId->getVolumeId(), 'local_id' => $fileId->getLocalId()]], 'min' => true]; return $res; } $res['User'] = ['_' => 'user', 'id' => $photoSize->getDialogId(), 'access_hash' => $photoSize->getDialogAccessHash(), 'photo' => ['_' => 'userProfilePhoto', 'dc_id' => $fileId->getDcId(), 'photo_id' => $fileId->getId(), $photoSize->isSmallDialogPhoto() ? 'photo_small' : 'photo_big' => ['_' => 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated', 'volume_id' => $fileId->getVolumeId(), 'local_id' => $fileId->getLocalId()]], 'min' => true]; return $res; case THUMBNAIL: $res['InputFileLocation'] = ['_' => $photoSize->getThumbFileType() === THUMBNAIL ? 'inputDocumentFileLocation' : 'inputPhotoFileLocation', 'id' => $fileId->getId(), 'access_hash' => $fileId->getAccessHash(), 'file_reference' => $fileId->getFileReference(), 'thumb_size' => $photoSize->getThumbType()]; $res['name'] = $fileId->getId() . '_' . $photoSize->getThumbType(); $res['ext'] = 'jpg'; $res['mime'] = 'image/jpeg'; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => $photoSize->getThumbFileType() === THUMBNAIL ? 'inputMediaDocument' : 'inputMediaPhoto', 'id' => ['_' => $photoSize->getThumbFileType() === THUMBNAIL ? 'inputDocument' : 'inputPhoto', 'id' => $fileId->getId(), 'access_hash' => $fileId->getAccessHash(), 'file_reference' => $fileId->getFileReference()]]; if ($res['InputMedia']['id'] === 'inputPhoto') { $res['InputMedia']['id']['sizes'] = [['_' => 'photoSize', 'type' => $photoSize->getThumbType(), 'location' => ['_' => 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated', 'dc_id' => $fileId->getDcId(), 'local_id' => $fileId->getLocalId(), 'volume_id' => $fileId->getVolumeId()]]]; } return $res; case PHOTO: $constructor = ['_' => 'photo', 'id' => $fileId->getId(), 'access_hash' => $fileId->getAccessHash(), 'file_reference' => $fileId->getFileReference(), 'dc_id' => $fileId->getDcId(), 'sizes' => []]; $constructor['sizes'][] = ['_' => 'photoSize', 'type' => $photoSize instanceof PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail ? $photoSize->getThumbType() : '', 'location' => ['_' => $photoSize instanceof PhotoSizeSourceLegacy ? 'fileLocation' : 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated', 'dc_id' => $fileId->getDcId(), 'local_id' => $fileId->getLocalId(), 'volume_id' => $fileId->getVolumeId(), 'secret' => $photoSize instanceof PhotoSizeSourceLegacy ? $photoSize->getSecret() : '']]; $res['MessageMedia'] = ['_' => 'messageMediaPhoto', 'photo' => $constructor, 'caption' => '']; return $res; case VOICE: $attribute = ['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => true]; break; case VIDEO: $attribute = ['_' => 'documentAttributeVideo', 'round_message' => false]; break; case DOCUMENT: $attribute = []; break; case STICKER: $attribute = ['_' => 'documentAttributeSticker', 'alt' => '']; if ($photoSize instanceof PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail) { $attribute['stickerset'] = ['_' => 'inputStickerSetID', 'id' => $photoSize->getStickerSetId(), 'access_hash' => $photoSize->getStickerSetAccessHash()]; } break; case AUDIO: $attribute = ['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => false]; break; case ANIMATION: $attribute = ['_' => 'documentAttributeAnimated']; break; case VIDEO_NOTE: $attribute = ['_' => 'documentAttributeVideo', 'round_message' => true]; break; default: throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['file_type_invalid'], $fileId->getTypeName())); } $constructor = ['_' => 'document', 'id' => $fileId->getId(), 'access_hash' => $fileId->getAccessHash(), 'file_reference' => $fileId->getFileReference(), 'dc_id' => $fileId->getDcId(), 'mime_type' => '', 'attributes' => $attribute ? [$attribute] : []]; $res['MessageMedia'] = ['_' => 'messageMediaDocument', 'document' => $constructor, 'caption' => '']; return $res; } }<?php /** * Exception module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion; class Exception extends \Exception { use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\PrettyException; public function __toString() { $result = \get_class($this) . ($this->message !== '' ? ': ' : '') . $this->message . PHP_EOL . \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$revision . PHP_EOL . 'TL Trace (YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST READ THE TEXT BELOW):' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->getTLTrace() . PHP_EOL; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $result = \str_replace(PHP_EOL, '<br>' . PHP_EOL, $result); } return $result; } public function __construct($message, $file = '') { parent::__construct($message); $this->prettifyTL($file); } }<?php /** * TLParams module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; trait TLParams { public function parseParams($key, $mtproto = false) { foreach ($this->by_id[$key]['params'] as $kkey => $param) { if (\preg_match('/(\\w*)\\.(\\d*)\\?(.*)/', $param['type'], $matches)) { $param['pow'] = \pow(2, $matches[2]); $param['type'] = $matches[3]; } if (\preg_match('/^(v|V)ector\\<(.*)\\>$/', $param['type'], $matches)) { $param['type'] = $matches[1] === 'v' ? 'vector' : 'Vector t'; $param['subtype'] = $matches[2]; $param['subtype'] = ($mtproto && $param['subtype'] === 'Message' ? 'MT' : '') . $param['subtype']; $param['subtype'] = $mtproto && $param['subtype'] === '%Message' ? '%MTMessage' : $param['subtype']; } $param['type'] = ($mtproto && $param['type'] === 'Message' ? 'MT' : '') . $param['type']; $param['type'] = $mtproto && $param['type'] === '%Message' ? '%MTMessage' : $param['type']; $this->by_id[$key]['params'][$kkey] = $param; } } }<?php /** * TL module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; /** * TL serialization. */ class TL { /** * Highest available secret chat layer version. * * @var integer */ private $secretLayer = -1; /** * Constructors. * * @var TLConstructors */ private $constructors; /** * Methods. * * @var TLMethods */ private $methods; /** * TD Constructors. * * @var TLConstructors */ private $tdConstructors; /** * TD Methods. * * @var TLMethods */ private $tdMethods; /** * Descriptions. * * @var array */ private $tdDescriptions; /** * TL callbacks. * * @var array */ private $callbacks = []; /** * API instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto */ private $API; /** * Constructor function. * * @param MTProto $API API instance */ public function __construct($API = null) { $this->API = $API; } /** * Get secret chat layer version. * * @return integer */ public function getSecretLayer() : int { return $this->secretLayer; } /** * Get constructors. * * @param int $td Whether to get TD or normal methods * * @return TLConstructors */ public function getConstructors(bool $td = false) : TLConstructors { return $td ? $this->tdConstructors : $this->constructors; } /** * Get methods. * * @param int $td Whether to get TD or normal methods * * @return TLMethods */ public function getMethods(bool $td = false) : TLMethods { return $td ? $this->tdMethods : $this->methods; } /** * Get TL descriptions. * * @return array */ public function &getDescriptions() : array { return $this->tdDescriptions; } /** * Initialize TL parser. * * @param array $files Scheme files * @param TLCallback[] $objects TL Callback objects * * @return void */ public function init(array $files, array $objects = []) { $this->API->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['TL_loading'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->updateCallbacks($objects); $this->constructors = new TLConstructors(); $this->methods = new TLMethods(); $this->tdConstructors = new TLConstructors(); $this->tdMethods = new TLMethods(); $this->tdDescriptions = ['types' => [], 'constructors' => [], 'methods' => []]; foreach ($files as $scheme_type => $file) { $this->API->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['file_parsing'], \basename($file)), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $filec = \file_get_contents(\danog\MadelineProto\Absolute::absolute($file)); $TL_dict = \json_decode($filec, true); if ($TL_dict === null) { $TL_dict = ['methods' => [], 'constructors' => []]; $type = 'constructors'; $layer = null; $tl_file = \explode("\n", $filec); $key = 0; $e = null; $class = null; $dparams = []; $lineBuf = ''; foreach ($tl_file as $line_number => $line) { $line = \rtrim($line); if (\preg_match('|^//@|', $line)) { $list = \explode(' @', \str_replace('//', ' ', $line)); foreach ($list as $elem) { if ($elem === '') { continue; } $elem = \explode(' ', $elem, 2); if ($elem[0] === 'class') { $elem = \explode(' ', $elem[1], 2); $class = $elem[0]; continue; } if ($elem[0] === 'description') { if (!\is_null($class)) { $this->tdDescriptions['types'][$class] = $elem[1]; $class = null; } else { $e = $elem[1]; } continue; } if ($elem[0] === 'param_description') { $elem[0] = 'description'; } $dparams[$elem[0]] = $elem[1]; } continue; } $line = \preg_replace(['|//.*|', '|^\\s+$|'], '', $line); if ($line === '') { continue; } if ($line === '---functions---') { $type = 'methods'; continue; } if ($line === '---types---') { $type = 'constructors'; continue; } if (\preg_match('|^===(\\d*)===|', $line, $matches)) { $layer = (int) $matches[1]; continue; } if (\strpos($line, 'vector#') === 0) { continue; } if (\strpos($line, ' ?= ') !== false) { continue; } $line = \preg_replace(['/[(]([\\w\\.]+) ([\\w\\.]+)[)]/', '/\\s+/'], ['$1<$2>', ' '], $line); if (\strpos($line, ';') === false) { $lineBuf .= $line; continue; } elseif ($lineBuf) { $lineBuf .= $line; $line = $lineBuf; $lineBuf = ''; } $name = \preg_replace(['/#.*/', '/\\s.*/'], '', $line); if (\in_array($name, ['bytes', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512', 'int', 'long', 'double', 'string', 'bytes', 'object', 'function'])) { /*if (!(\in_array($scheme_type, ['ton_api', 'lite_api']) && $name === 'bytes')) { continue; }*/ continue; } if (\in_array($scheme_type, ['ton_api', 'lite_api'])) { $clean = \preg_replace(['/;/', '/#[a-f0-9]+ /', '/ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\:flags\\.[0-9]+\\?true/', '/[<]/', '/[>]/', '/ /', '/^ /', '/ $/', '/{/', '/}/'], ['', ' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '', ''], $line); } else { $clean = \preg_replace(['/:bytes /', '/;/', '/#[a-f0-9]+ /', '/ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\:flags\\.[0-9]+\\?true/', '/[<]/', '/[>]/', '/ /', '/^ /', '/ $/', '/\\?bytes /', '/{/', '/}/'], [':string ', '', ' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '?string ', '', ''], $line); } $id = \hash('crc32b', $clean); if (\preg_match('/^[^\\s]+#([a-f0-9]*)/i', $line, $matches)) { $nid = \str_pad($matches[1], 8, '0', \STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($id !== $nid && $scheme_type !== 'botAPI') { $this->API->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['crc32_mismatch'], $id, $nid, $line), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } $id = $nid; } if (!\is_null($e)) { $this->tdDescriptions[$type][$name] = ['description' => $e, 'params' => $dparams]; $e = null; $dparams = []; } $TL_dict[$type][$key][$type === 'constructors' ? 'predicate' : 'method'] = $name; $TL_dict[$type][$key]['id'] = $a = \strrev(\hex2bin($id)); $TL_dict[$type][$key]['params'] = []; $TL_dict[$type][$key]['type'] = \preg_replace(['/.+\\s+=\\s+/', '/;/'], '', $line); if ($layer !== null) { $TL_dict[$type][$key]['layer'] = $layer; } if ($name !== 'vector' && $TL_dict[$type][$key]['type'] !== 'Vector t') { foreach (\explode(' ', \preg_replace(['/^[^\\s]+\\s/', '/=\\s[^\\s]+/', '/\\s$/'], '', $line)) as $param) { if ($param === '') { continue; } if ($param[0] === '{') { continue; } if ($param === '#') { continue; } $explode = \explode(':', $param); $TL_dict[$type][$key]['params'][] = ['name' => $explode[0], 'type' => $explode[1]]; } } $key++; } } else { foreach ($TL_dict['constructors'] as $key => $value) { $TL_dict['constructors'][$key]['id'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($TL_dict['constructors'][$key]['id']); } foreach ($TL_dict['methods'] as $key => $value) { $TL_dict['methods'][$key]['id'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($TL_dict['methods'][$key]['id']); } } if (empty($TL_dict) || empty($TL_dict['constructors']) || !isset($TL_dict['methods'])) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['src_file_invalid'] . $file); } $this->API->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['translating_obj'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); foreach ($TL_dict['constructors'] as $elem) { if ($scheme_type === 'secret') { $this->secretLayer = \max($this->secretLayer, $elem['layer']); } $this->{$scheme_type === 'td' ? 'tdConstructors' : 'constructors'}->add($elem, $scheme_type); } $this->API->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['translating_methods'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); foreach ($TL_dict['methods'] as $elem) { $this->{$scheme_type === 'td' ? 'tdMethods' : 'methods'}->add($elem); if ($scheme_type === 'secret') { $this->secretLayer = \max($this->secretLayer, $elem['layer']); } } } if (isset($files['td']) && isset($files['telegram'])) { foreach ($this->tdConstructors->by_id as $id => $data) { $name = $data['predicate']; if ($this->constructors->findById($id) === false) { unset($this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]); } else { if (!\count($this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'])) { continue; } foreach ($this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'] as $k => $param) { $this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'][$k] = \str_replace('nullable', 'optional', $param); } } } foreach ($this->tdMethods->by_id as $id => $data) { $name = $data['method']; if ($this->methods->findById($id) === false) { unset($this->tdDescriptions['methods'][$name]); } else { foreach ($this->tdDescriptions['methods'][$name]['params'] as $k => $param) { $this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'][$k] = \str_replace('nullable', 'optional', $param); } } } } } /** * Get TL namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces() : array { $res = []; foreach ($this->methods->method_namespace as $pair) { $a = \key($pair); $res[$a] = $a; } return $res; } /** * Get namespaced methods (method => namespace). * * @return array */ public function getMethodsNamespaced() : array { return $this->methods->method_namespace; } /** * Update TL callbacks. * * @param TLCallback[] $objects TL callbacks * * @return void */ public function updateCallbacks(array $objects) { $this->callbacks = []; foreach ($objects as $object) { if (!isset(\class_implements(\get_class($object))[TLCallback::class])) { throw new Exception('Invalid callback object provided!'); } $new = [TLCallback::METHOD_BEFORE_CALLBACK => $object->getMethodBeforeCallbacks(), TLCallback::METHOD_CALLBACK => $object->getMethodCallbacks(), TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK => $object->getConstructorBeforeCallbacks(), TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK => $object->getConstructorCallbacks(), TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK => $object->getConstructorSerializeCallbacks(), TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK => $object->getTypeMismatchCallbacks()]; foreach ($new as $type => $values) { foreach ($values as $match => $callback) { if (!isset($this->callbacks[$type][$match])) { $this->callbacks[$type][$match] = []; } if (\in_array($type, [TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK, TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK])) { $this->callbacks[$type][$match] = $callback; } else { $this->callbacks[$type][$match] = \array_merge($callback, $this->callbacks[$type][$match]); } } } } } /** * Deserialize bool. * * @param string $id Constructor ID * * @return bool */ private function deserializeBool(string $id) : bool { $tl_elem = $this->constructors->findById($id); if ($tl_elem === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['bool_error']); } return $tl_elem['predicate'] === 'boolTrue'; } /** * Serialize TL object. * * @param array $type TL type definition * @param mixed $object Object to serialize * @param string $ctx Context * @param integer $layer Layer version * * @return \Generator<string> */ public function serializeObject(array $type, $object, $ctx, int $layer = -1) : \Generator { switch ($type['type']) { case 'int': if (!\is_numeric($object)) { if (\is_array($object) && $type['name'] === 'hash') { $object = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::genVectorHash($object); } else { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_numeric']); } } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($object); case '#': if (!\is_numeric($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_numeric']); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt($object); case 'long': if (\is_object($object)) { return \str_pad(\strrev($object->toBytes()), 8, \chr(0)); } if (\is_string($object) && \strlen($object) === 8) { return $object; } if (\is_string($object) && \strlen($object) === 9 && $object[0] === 'a') { return \substr($object, 1); } if (\is_array($object) && \count($object) === 2) { return \pack('l2',...$object); // For bot API on 32bit } if (!\is_numeric($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_numeric']); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedLong($object); case 'int128': if (\strlen($object) !== 16) { $object = \base64_decode($object); if (\strlen($object) !== 16) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['long_not_16']); } } return (string) $object; case 'int256': if (\strlen($object) !== 32) { $object = \base64_decode($object); if (\strlen($object) !== 32) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['long_not_32']); } } return (string) $object; case 'int512': if (\strlen($object) !== 64) { $object = \base64_decode($object); if (\strlen($object) !== 64) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['long_not_64']); } } return (string) $object; case 'double': return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packDouble($object); case 'string': if (!\is_string($object)) { throw new Exception("You didn't provide a valid string"); } //$object = \pack('C*',...\unpack('C*', $object)); $l = \strlen($object); $concat = ''; if ($l <= 253) { $concat .= \chr($l); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@' . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l - 1, 4)); } else { $concat .= \chr(254); $concat .= \substr(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($l), 0, 3); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@' . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l, 4)); } return $concat; case 'bytes': if (\is_array($object) && isset($object['_']) && $object['_'] === 'bytes') { $object = \base64_decode($object['bytes']); } if (!\is_string($object) && !$object instanceof \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Types\Bytes) { throw new Exception("You didn't provide a valid string"); } $l = \strlen($object); $concat = ''; if ($l <= 253) { $concat .= \chr($l); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@' . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l - 1, 4)); } else { $concat .= \chr(254); $concat .= \substr(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($l), 0, 3); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@' . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l, 4)); } return $concat; case 'Bool': return $this->constructors->findByPredicate((bool) $object ? 'boolTrue' : 'boolFalse')['id']; case 'true': return; case '!X': return $object; case 'Vector t': if (!\is_array($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['array_invalid']); } if (isset($object['_'])) { throw new Exception('You must provide an array of ' . $type['subtype'] . ' objects, not a ' . $type['subtype'] . " object. Example: [['_' => " . $type['subtype'] . ',... ]]'); } $concat = $this->constructors->findByPredicate('vector')['id']; $concat .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\count($object)); foreach ($object as $k => $current_object) { $concat .= (yield from $this->serializeObject(['type' => $type['subtype']], $current_object, $k)); } return $concat; case 'vector': if (!\is_array($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['array_invalid']); } $concat = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\count($object)); foreach ($object as $k => $current_object) { $concat .= (yield from $this->serializeObject(['type' => $type['subtype']], $current_object, $k)); } return $concat; case 'Object': if (\is_string($object)) { return $object; } } $auto = false; if ($type['type'] === 'InputMessage' && !\is_array($object)) { $object = ['_' => 'inputMessageID', 'id' => $object]; } elseif (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK][$type['type']]) && (!\is_array($object) || isset($object['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($object['_'])['type'] !== $type['type'])) { $object = $this->callbacks[TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK][$type['type']]($object); $object = $object instanceof \Generator ? yield from $object : (yield $object); if (!isset($object[$type['type']])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Could not convert {$type['type']} object"); } $object = $object[$type['type']]; } if (!isset($object['_'])) { $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate($type['type'], $layer); if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['predicate_not_set']); } $auto = true; $object['_'] = $constructorData['predicate']; } if (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK][$object['_']])) { $object = (yield $this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK][$object['_']]($object)); } $predicate = $object['_']; $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate($predicate, $layer); if ($constructorData === false) { $this->API->logger->logger($object, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['type_extract_error'], $predicate)); } if ($bare = $type['type'] != '' && $type['type'][0] === '%') { $type['type'] = \substr($type['type'], 1); } if ($predicate === $type['type']) { //} && !$auto) { $bare = true; } if ($predicate === 'messageEntityMentionName') { $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate('inputMessageEntityMentionName'); } $concat = $bare ? '' : $constructorData['id']; return $concat . (yield from $this->serializeParams($constructorData, $object, '', $layer)); } /** * Serialize method. * * @param string $method Method name * @param mixed $arguments Arguments * * @return \Generator<string> */ public function serializeMethod(string $method, $arguments) : \Generator { if ($method === 'messages.importChatInvite' && isset($arguments['hash']) && \is_string($arguments['hash']) && \preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/(joinchat/)?([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $arguments['hash'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] === '') { $method = 'channels.joinChannel'; $arguments['channel'] = $matches[2]; } else { $arguments['hash'] = $matches[2]; } } elseif ($method === 'messages.checkChatInvite' && isset($arguments['hash']) && \is_string($arguments['hash']) && \preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/joinchat/([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $arguments['hash'], $matches)) { $arguments['hash'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ($method === 'channels.joinChannel' && isset($arguments['channel']) && \is_string($arguments['channel']) && \preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/(joinchat/)?([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $arguments['channel'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] !== '') { $method = 'messages.importChatInvite'; $arguments['hash'] = $matches[2]; } } elseif ($method === 'messages.sendMessage' && isset($arguments['peer']['_']) && \in_array($arguments['peer']['_'], ['inputEncryptedChat', 'updateEncryption', 'updateEncryptedChatTyping', 'updateEncryptedMessagesRead', 'updateNewEncryptedMessage', 'encryptedMessage', 'encryptedMessageService'])) { $method = 'messages.sendEncrypted'; $arguments = ['peer' => $arguments['peer'], 'message' => $arguments]; if (!isset($arguments['message']['_'])) { $arguments['message']['_'] = 'decryptedMessage'; } if (!isset($arguments['message']['ttl'])) { $arguments['message']['ttl'] = 0; } if (isset($arguments['message']['reply_to_msg_id'])) { $arguments['message']['reply_to_random_id'] = $arguments['message']['reply_to_msg_id']; } } elseif ($method === 'messages.sendEncryptedFile') { if (isset($arguments['file'])) { if ((!\is_array($arguments['file']) || !(isset($arguments['file']['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($arguments['file']['_']) === 'InputEncryptedFile')) && $this->API->settings['upload']['allow_automatic_upload']) { $arguments['file'] = (yield from $this->API->uploadEncrypted($arguments['file'])); } if (isset($arguments['file']['key'])) { $arguments['message']['media']['key'] = $arguments['file']['key']; } if (isset($arguments['file']['iv'])) { $arguments['message']['media']['iv'] = $arguments['file']['iv']; } } } elseif (\in_array($method, ['messages.addChatUser', 'messages.deleteChatUser', 'messages.editChatAdmin', 'messages.editChatPhoto', 'messages.editChatTitle', 'messages.getFullChat', 'messages.exportChatInvite', 'messages.editChatAdmin', 'messages.migrateChat']) && isset($arguments['chat_id']) && (!\is_numeric($arguments['chat_id']) || $arguments['chat_id'] < 0)) { $res = (yield from $this->API->getInfo($arguments['chat_id'])); if ($res['type'] !== 'chat') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('chat_id is not a chat id (only normal groups allowed, not supergroups)!'); } $arguments['chat_id'] = $res['chat_id']; } elseif ($method === 'photos.updateProfilePhoto') { if (isset($arguments['id'])) { if (!\is_array($arguments['id'])) { $method = 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto'; $arguments['file'] = $arguments['id']; } } elseif (isset($arguments['file'])) { $method = 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto'; } } elseif ($method === 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto') { if (isset($arguments['file'])) { if (\is_array($arguments['file']) && !\in_array($arguments['file']['_'], ['inputFile', 'inputFileBig'])) { $method = 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto'; $arguments['id'] = $arguments['file']; } } elseif (isset($arguments['id'])) { $method = 'photos.updateProfilePhoto'; } } $tl = $this->methods->findByMethod($method); if ($tl === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['method_not_found'] . $method); } return $tl['id'] . (yield from $this->serializeParams($tl, $arguments, $method)); } /** * Serialize parameters. * * @param array $tl TL object definition * @param arrayLike $arguments Arguments * @param string $ctx Context * @param integer $layer Layer * * @return \Generator<string> */ private function serializeParams(array $tl, $arguments, $ctx, int $layer = -1) : \Generator { $serialized = ''; $arguments = (yield from $this->API->botAPIToMTProto($arguments)); $flags = 0; foreach ($tl['params'] as $cur_flag) { if (isset($cur_flag['pow'])) { switch ($cur_flag['type']) { case 'true': case 'false': $flags = isset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]) && $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] ? $flags | $cur_flag['pow'] : $flags & ~$cur_flag['pow']; unset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]); break; case 'Bool': $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] = isset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]) && $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] && ($flags & $cur_flag['pow']) != 0; if (($flags & $cur_flag['pow']) === 0) { unset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]); } break; default: $flags = isset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]) && $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] !== null ? $flags | $cur_flag['pow'] : $flags & ~$cur_flag['pow']; break; } } } $arguments['flags'] = $flags; foreach ($tl['params'] as $current_argument) { if (!isset($arguments[$current_argument['name']])) { if (isset($current_argument['pow']) && (\in_array($current_argument['type'], ['true', 'false']) || ($flags & $current_argument['pow']) === 0)) { //$this->API->logger->logger('Skipping '.$current_argument['name'].' of type '.$current_argument['type'); continue; } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'random_bytes') { $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject(['type' => 'bytes'], \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(15 + 4 * \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::randomInt($modulus = 3)), 'random_bytes')); continue; } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'data' && isset($tl['method']) && \in_array($tl['method'], ['messages.sendEncrypted', 'messages.sendEncryptedFile', 'messages.sendEncryptedService']) && isset($arguments['message'])) { $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject($current_argument, yield from $this->API->encryptSecretMessage($arguments['peer']['chat_id'], $arguments['message']), 'data')); continue; } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'random_id') { switch ($current_argument['type']) { case 'long': $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); continue 2; case 'int': $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(4); continue 2; case 'Vector t': if (isset($arguments['id'])) { $serialized .= $this->constructors->findByPredicate('vector')['id']; $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\count($arguments['id'])); $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8 * \count($arguments['id'])); continue 2; } } } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'hash' && $current_argument['type'] === 'int') { $serialized .= \pack('@4'); continue; } if ($tl['type'] === 'InputMedia' && $current_argument['name'] === 'mime_type') { $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject($current_argument, $arguments['file']['mime_type'], $current_argument['name'], $layer)); continue; } if ($tl['type'] === 'DocumentAttribute' && \in_array($current_argument['name'], ['w', 'h', 'duration'])) { $serialized .= \pack('@4'); continue; } if (\in_array($current_argument['type'], ['bytes', 'string'])) { $serialized .= \pack('@4'); continue; } if (($id = $this->constructors->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($current_argument['type']) . 'Empty', isset($tl['layer']) ? $tl['layer'] : -1)) && $id['type'] === $current_argument['type']) { $serialized .= $id['id']; continue; } if (($id = $this->constructors->findByPredicate('input' . $current_argument['type'] . 'Empty', isset($tl['layer']) ? $tl['layer'] : -1)) && $id['type'] === $current_argument['type']) { $serialized .= $id['id']; continue; } switch ($current_argument['type']) { case 'Vector t': case 'vector': $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = []; break; } } if (\in_array($current_argument['type'], ['DataJSON', '%DataJSON'])) { $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = ['_' => 'dataJSON', 'data' => \json_encode($arguments[$current_argument['name']])]; } if (isset($current_argument['subtype']) && \in_array($current_argument['subtype'], ['DataJSON', '%DataJSON'])) { \array_walk($arguments[$current_argument['name']], function (&$arg) { $arg = ['_' => 'dataJSON', 'data' => \json_encode($arg)]; }); } if ($current_argument['type'] === 'InputFile' && (!\is_array($arguments[$current_argument['name']]) || !(isset($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_'])['type'] === 'InputFile'))) { $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = (yield from $this->API->upload($arguments[$current_argument['name']])); } if ($current_argument['type'] === 'InputEncryptedChat' && (!\is_array($arguments[$current_argument['name']]) || isset($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_'])['type'] !== $current_argument['type'])) { if (\is_array($arguments[$current_argument['name']])) { $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = (yield from $this->API->getInfo($arguments[$current_argument['name']]))['InputEncryptedChat']; } else { if (!$this->API->hasSecretChat($arguments[$current_argument['name']])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['sec_peer_not_in_db']); } $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = $this->API->getSecretChat($arguments[$current_argument['name']])['InputEncryptedChat']; } } //$this->API->logger->logger('Serializing '.$current_argument['name'].' of type '.$current_argument['type'); $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject($current_argument, $arguments[$current_argument['name']], $current_argument['name'], $layer)); } return $serialized; } /** * Get length of TL payload. * * @param resource $stream Stream * @param array $type Type identifier * * @return int */ public function getLength($stream, $type = ['type' => '']) : int { if (\is_string($stream)) { $res = \fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b'); \fwrite($res, $stream); \fseek($res, 0); $stream = $res; } elseif (!\is_resource($stream)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['stream_handle_invalid']); } $this->deserialize($stream, $type); return \ftell($stream); } /** * Deserialize TL object. * * @param resource $stream Stream * @param array $type Type identifier * * @return mixed */ public function deserialize($stream, $type = ['type' => '']) { if (\is_string($stream)) { $res = \fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b'); \fwrite($res, $stream); \fseek($res, 0); $stream = $res; } elseif (!\is_resource($stream)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['stream_handle_invalid']); } switch ($type['type']) { case 'Bool': return $this->deserializeBool(\stream_get_contents($stream, 4)); case 'int': return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedInt(\stream_get_contents($stream, 4)); case '#': return \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 4))[1]; case 'long': if (isset($type['idstrlong'])) { return \stream_get_contents($stream, 8); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$bigint || isset($type['strlong']) ? \stream_get_contents($stream, 8) : \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedLong(\stream_get_contents($stream, 8)); case 'double': return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackDouble(\stream_get_contents($stream, 8)); case 'int128': return \stream_get_contents($stream, 16); case 'int256': return \stream_get_contents($stream, 32); case 'int512': return \stream_get_contents($stream, 64); case 'string': case 'bytes': $l = \ord(\stream_get_contents($stream, 1)); if ($l > 254) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_too_big']); } if ($l === 254) { $long_len = \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 3) . \chr(0))[1]; $x = \stream_get_contents($stream, $long_len); $resto = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$long_len, 4); if ($resto > 0) { \stream_get_contents($stream, $resto); } } else { $x = $l ? \stream_get_contents($stream, $l) : ''; $resto = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-($l + 1), 4); if ($resto > 0) { \stream_get_contents($stream, $resto); } } if (!\is_string($x)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['deserialize_not_str']); } return $type['type'] === 'bytes' ? new Types\Bytes($x) : $x; case 'Vector t': $id = \stream_get_contents($stream, 4); $constructorData = $this->constructors->findById($id); if ($constructorData === false) { $constructorData = $this->methods->findById($id); $constructorData['predicate'] = 'method_' . $constructorData['method']; } if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['type_extract_error_id'], $type['type'], \bin2hex(\strrev($id)))); } switch ($constructorData['predicate']) { case 'gzip_packed': return $this->deserialize(\gzdecode($this->deserialize($stream, ['type' => 'bytes', 'connection' => $type['connection']])), ['type' => '', 'connection' => $type['connection']]); case 'Vector t': case 'vector': break; default: throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['vector_invalid'] . $constructorData['predicate']); } // no break case 'vector': $count = \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 4))[1]; $result = []; $type['type'] = $type['subtype']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $result[] = $this->deserialize($stream, $type); } return $result; } if ($type['type'] != '' && $type['type'][0] === '%') { $checkType = \substr($type['type'], 1); $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByType($checkType); if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['constructor_not_found'] . $checkType); } } else { $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate($type['type']); if ($constructorData === false) { $id = \stream_get_contents($stream, 4); $constructorData = $this->constructors->findById($id); if ($constructorData === false) { $constructorData = $this->methods->findById($id); if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['type_extract_error_id'], $type['type'], \bin2hex(\strrev($id)))); } $constructorData['predicate'] = 'method_' . $constructorData['method']; } } } //var_dump($constructorData); if ($constructorData['predicate'] === 'gzip_packed') { if (!isset($type['subtype'])) { $type['subtype'] = ''; } return $this->deserialize(\gzdecode($this->deserialize($stream, ['type' => 'bytes'])), ['type' => '', 'connection' => $type['connection'], 'subtype' => $type['subtype']]); } if ($constructorData['type'] === 'Vector t') { $constructorData['connection'] = $type['connection']; $constructorData['subtype'] = $type['subtype'] ?? ''; $constructorData['type'] = 'vector'; return $this->deserialize($stream, $constructorData); } if ($constructorData['predicate'] === 'boolTrue') { return true; } if ($constructorData['predicate'] === 'boolFalse') { return false; } $x = ['_' => $constructorData['predicate']]; if (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$x['_']])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$x['_']] as $callback) { $callback($x['_']); } } foreach ($constructorData['params'] as $arg) { if (isset($arg['pow'])) { switch ($arg['type']) { case 'true': case 'false': $x[$arg['name']] = ($x['flags'] & $arg['pow']) !== 0; continue 2; case 'Bool': if (($x['flags'] & $arg['pow']) === 0) { $x[$arg['name']] = false; continue 2; } // no break default: if (($x['flags'] & $arg['pow']) === 0) { continue 2; } } } if (\in_array($arg['name'], ['msg_ids', 'msg_id', 'bad_msg_id', 'req_msg_id', 'answer_msg_id', 'first_msg_id'])) { $arg['idstrlong'] = true; } if (\in_array($arg['name'], ['key_fingerprint', 'server_salt', 'new_server_salt', 'server_public_key_fingerprints', 'ping_id', 'exchange_id'])) { $arg['strlong'] = true; } if (\in_array($arg['name'], ['peer_tag', 'file_token', 'cdn_key', 'cdn_iv'])) { $arg['type'] = 'string'; } if ($x['_'] === 'rpc_result' && $arg['name'] === 'result') { if (isset($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']) && isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']] as $callback) { $callback($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']); } } if (isset($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['type']) && \stripos($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['type'], '<') !== false) { $arg['subtype'] = \str_replace(['Vector<', '>'], '', $type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['type']); } } if (isset($type['connection'])) { $arg['connection'] = $type['connection']; } $x[$arg['name']] = $this->deserialize($stream, $arg); if ($arg['name'] === 'random_bytes') { if (\strlen($x[$arg['name']]) < 15) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['rand_bytes_too_small']); } unset($x[$arg['name']]); } } if (isset($x['flags'])) { // I don't think we need this anymore unset($x['flags']); } if ($x['_'] === 'dataJSON') { return \json_decode($x['data'], true); } elseif ($constructorData['type'] === 'JSONValue') { switch ($x['_']) { case 'jsonNull': return; case 'jsonObject': $res = []; foreach ($x['value'] as $pair) { $res[$pair['key']] = $pair['value']; } return $res; default: return $x['value']; } } if (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK][$x['_']])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK][$x['_']] as $callback) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($callback($x)); } } elseif ($x['_'] === 'rpc_result' && isset($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']) && isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_CALLBACK][$type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_CALLBACK][$type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']] as $callback) { $callback($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']], $x['result']); } } if ($x['_'] === 'message' && isset($x['reply_markup']['rows'])) { foreach ($x['reply_markup']['rows'] as $key => $row) { foreach ($row['buttons'] as $bkey => $button) { $x['reply_markup']['rows'][$key]['buttons'][$bkey] = new Types\Button($this->API, $x, $button); } } } return $x; } }<?php /** * Exception module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; class Exception extends \Exception { use PrettyException; public function __toString() { $result = \get_class($this) . ($this->message !== '' ? ': ' : '') . $this->message . PHP_EOL . \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$revision . PHP_EOL . 'TL Trace (YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST READ THE TEXT BELOW):' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->getTLTrace() . PHP_EOL; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $result = \str_replace(PHP_EOL, '<br>' . PHP_EOL, $result); } return $result; } public function __construct($message, $file = '') { parent::__construct($message); $this->prettifyTL($file); } }<?php /** * CallHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; /** * Manages method and object calls. */ trait CallHandler { /** * Synchronous wrapper for methodCall. * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return mixed */ public function methodCall(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null]) { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::wait($this->methodCallAsyncRead($method, $args, $aargs)); } /** * Call method and wait asynchronously for response. * * If the $aargs['noResponse'] is true, will not wait for a response. * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCallAsyncRead(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null]) : \Generator { return yield from (yield from $this->datacenter->waitGetConnection($aargs['datacenter'] ?? $this->datacenter->curdc))->methodCallAsyncRead($method, $args, $aargs); } /** * Call method and make sure it is asynchronously sent. * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments * @param array $aargs Additional arguments * * @return \Generator */ public function methodCallAsyncWrite(string $method, $args = [], array $aargs = ['msg_id' => null]) : \Generator { return yield from (yield from $this->datacenter->waitGetConnection($aargs['datacenter'] ?? $this->datacenter->curdc))->methodCallAsyncWrite($method, $args, $aargs); } }<?php /** * UpdatesState class. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; /** * Stores the state of updates. */ class UpdatesState { /** * PTS. * * @var int */ private $pts = 1; /** * QTS. * * @var int */ private $qts = -1; /** * Seq. * * @var int */ private $seq = 0; /** * Date. * * @var int */ private $date = 1; /** * Channel ID. * * @var int|bool */ private $channelId; /** * Is busy? * * @var bool */ private $syncLoading = false; /** * Init function. * * @param array $init Initial parameters * @param bool $channelId Channel ID */ public function __construct($init = [], $channelId = false) { $this->channelId = $channelId; $this->update($init); } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array Parameters to serialize */ public function __sleep() { return $this->channelId ? ['pts', 'channelId'] : ['pts', 'qts', 'seq', 'date', 'channelId']; } /** * Is this state relative to a channel? * * @return bool */ public function isChannel() : bool { return (bool) $this->channelId; } /** * Get the channel ID. * * @return int|null */ public function getChannel() { return $this->channelId; } /** * Are we currently busy? * * @param bool|null $set Update the currently busy flag * * @return bool */ public function syncLoading(bool $set = null) : bool { if ($set !== null) { $this->syncLoading = $set; } return $this->syncLoading; } /** * Update multiple parameters. * * @param array $init Parameters to update * * @return self */ public function update(array $init) : self { foreach ($this->channelId ? ['pts'] : ['pts', 'qts', 'seq', 'date'] as $param) { if (isset($init[$param])) { $this->{$param}($init[$param]); } } return $this; } /** * Get/set PTS. * * @param int $set PTS to set * * @return int PTS */ public function pts(int $set = 0) : int { if ($set !== 0 && $set > $this->pts) { $this->pts = $set; } return $this->pts; } /** * Get/set QTS. * * @param int $set QTS to set * * @return int QTS */ public function qts(int $set = 0) : int { if ($set !== 0 && $set > $this->qts) { $this->qts = $set; } return $this->qts; } /** * Get/set seq. * * @param int $set Seq to set * * @return int seq */ public function seq(int $set = 0) : int { if ($set !== 0 && $set > $this->seq) { $this->seq = $set; } return $this->seq; } /** * Get/set date. * * @param int $set Date to set * * @return int Date */ public function date(int $set = 0) : int { if ($set !== 0 && $set > $this->date) { $this->date = $set; } return $this->date; } /** * Check validity of PTS contained in update. * * @param array $update Update * * @return int -1 if it's too old, 0 if it's ok, 1 if it's too new */ public function checkPts(array $update) : int { return $update['pts'] - ($this->pts + $update['pts_count']); } /** * Check validity of seq contained in update. * * @param int $seq Seq * * @return int -1 if it's too old, 0 if it's ok, 1 if it's too new */ public function checkSeq(int $seq) : int { return $seq ? $seq - ($this->seq + 1) : $seq; } }<?php /** * Files module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLCallback; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Manages upload and download of files. */ class ReferenceDatabase implements TLCallback { use Tools; // Reference from a document const DOCUMENT_LOCATION = 0; // Reference from a photo const PHOTO_LOCATION = 1; // Reference from a photo location (can only be photo location) const PHOTO_LOCATION_LOCATION = 2; // DEPRECATED: Reference from a location (can only be document location) const DOCUMENT_LOCATION_LOCATION = 0; // Peer + photo ID const USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN = 0; // Peer (default photo ID) const PEER_PHOTO_ORIGIN = 1; // set ID const STICKER_SET_ID_ORIGIN = 2; // Peer + msg ID const MESSAGE_ORIGIN = 3; // const SAVED_GIFS_ORIGIN = 4; // const STICKER_SET_RECENT_ORIGIN = 5; // const STICKER_SET_FAVED_ORIGIN = 6; // emoticon const STICKER_SET_EMOTICON_ORIGIN = 8; // const WALLPAPER_ORIGIN = 9; const LOCATION_CONTEXT = [ //'inputFileLocation' => self::PHOTO_LOCATION_LOCATION, // DEPRECATED 'inputDocumentFileLocation' => self::DOCUMENT_LOCATION, 'inputPhotoFileLocation' => self::PHOTO_LOCATION, 'inputPhoto' => self::PHOTO_LOCATION, 'inputDocument' => self::DOCUMENT_LOCATION, ]; const METHOD_CONTEXT = ['photos.updateProfilePhoto' => self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'photos.getUserPhotos' => self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto' => self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'messages.getStickers' => self::STICKER_SET_EMOTICON_ORIGIN]; const CONSTRUCTOR_CONTEXT = ['message' => self::MESSAGE_ORIGIN, 'messageService' => self::MESSAGE_ORIGIN, 'chatFull' => self::PEER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'channelFull' => self::PEER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'chat' => self::PEER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'channel' => self::PEER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'updateUserPhoto' => self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'user' => self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'userFull' => self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN, 'wallPaper' => self::WALLPAPER_ORIGIN, 'messages.savedGifs' => self::SAVED_GIFS_ORIGIN, 'messages.recentStickers' => self::STICKER_SET_RECENT_ORIGIN, 'messages.favedStickers' => self::STICKER_SET_FAVED_ORIGIN, 'messages.stickerSet' => self::STICKER_SET_ID_ORIGIN, 'document' => self::STICKER_SET_ID_ORIGIN]; /** * References indexed by location. * * @var array */ private $db = []; private $cache = []; private $cacheContexts = []; private $refreshed = []; private $API; private $refresh = false; private $refreshCount = 0; public function __construct(MTProto $API) { $this->API = $API; $this->init(); } public function __wakeup() { $this->init(); } public function __sleep() { return ['db', 'API']; } public function init() { foreach ($this->db as $key => $value) { if ($key[0] === "0") { // Unsetting deprecated DOCUMENT_LOCATION_LOCATION unset($this->db[$key]); } } } public function getMethodCallbacks() : array { return \array_fill_keys(\array_keys(self::METHOD_CONTEXT), [[$this, 'addOriginMethod']]); } public function getMethodBeforeCallbacks() : array { return \array_fill_keys(\array_keys(self::METHOD_CONTEXT), [[$this, 'addOriginMethodContext']]); } public function getConstructorCallbacks() : array { return \array_merge(\array_fill_keys(['document', 'photo', 'fileLocation'], [[$this, 'addReference']]), \array_fill_keys(\array_keys(self::CONSTRUCTOR_CONTEXT), [[$this, 'addOrigin']]), ['document' => [[$this, 'addReference'], [$this, 'addOrigin']]]); } public function getConstructorBeforeCallbacks() : array { return \array_fill_keys(\array_keys(self::CONSTRUCTOR_CONTEXT), [[$this, 'addOriginContext']]); } public function getConstructorSerializeCallbacks() : array { return \array_fill_keys(\array_keys(self::LOCATION_CONTEXT), [$this, 'populateReference']); } public function getTypeMismatchCallbacks() : array { return []; } public function reset() { if ($this->cacheContexts) { $this->API->logger->logger('Found ' . \count($this->cacheContexts) . ' pending contexts', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->cacheContexts = []; } if ($this->cache) { $this->API->logger->logger('Found pending locations', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->cache = []; } } public function addReference(array $location) { if (!$this->cacheContexts) { $this->API->logger->logger('Trying to add reference out of context, report the following message to @danogentili!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $frames = []; $previous = ''; foreach (\debug_backtrace(0) as $k => $frame) { if (isset($frame['function']) && $frame['function'] === 'deserialize') { if (isset($frame['args'][1]['subtype'])) { if ($frame['args'][1]['subtype'] === $previous) { continue; } $frames[] = $frame['args'][1]['subtype']; $previous = $frame['args'][1]['subtype']; } elseif (isset($frame['args'][1]['type'])) { if ($frame['args'][1]['type'] === '') { break; } if ($frame['args'][1]['type'] === $previous) { continue; } $frames[] = $frame['args'][1]['type']; $previous = $frame['args'][1]['type']; } } } $frames = \array_reverse($frames); $tl_trace = \array_shift($frames); foreach ($frames as $frame) { $tl_trace .= "['" . $frame . "']"; } $this->API->logger->logger($tl_trace, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return false; } if (!isset($location['file_reference'])) { $this->API->logger->logger("Object {$location['_']} does not have reference", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return false; } $key = \count($this->cacheContexts) - 1; switch ($location['_']) { case 'document': $locationType = self::DOCUMENT_LOCATION; break; case 'photo': $locationType = self::PHOTO_LOCATION; break; case 'fileLocation': $locationType = self::PHOTO_LOCATION_LOCATION; break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown location type provided: ' . $location['_']); } $this->API->logger->logger("Caching reference from location of type {$locationType} from {$location['_']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if (!isset($this->cache[$key])) { $this->cache[$key] = []; } $this->cache[$key][$this->serializeLocation($locationType, $location)] = (string) $location['file_reference']; return true; } public function addOriginContext(string $type) { if (!isset(self::CONSTRUCTOR_CONTEXT[$type])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Unknown origin type provided: {$type}"); } $originContext = self::CONSTRUCTOR_CONTEXT[$type]; $this->API->logger->logger("Adding origin context {$originContext} for {$type}!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->cacheContexts[] = $originContext; } public function addOrigin(array $data = []) { $key = \count($this->cacheContexts) - 1; if ($key === -1) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Trying to add origin with no origin context set'); } $originType = \array_pop($this->cacheContexts); if (!isset($this->cache[$key])) { $this->API->logger->logger("Removing origin context {$originType} for {$data['_']}, nothing in the reference cache!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return; } $cache = $this->cache[$key]; unset($this->cache[$key]); $origin = []; switch ($data['_']) { case 'message': case 'messageService': $origin['peer'] = $this->API->getId($data); $origin['msg_id'] = $data['id']; break; case 'messages.savedGifs': case 'messages.recentStickers': case 'messages.favedStickers': case 'wallPaper': break; case 'user': $origin['max_id'] = $data['photo']['photo_id']; $origin['offset'] = -1; $origin['limit'] = 1; $origin['user_id'] = $data['id']; break; case 'updateUserPhoto': $origin['max_id'] = $data['photo']['photo_id']; $origin['offset'] = -1; $origin['limit'] = 1; $origin['user_id'] = $data['user_id']; break; case 'userFull': $origin['max_id'] = $data['profile_photo']['id']; $origin['offset'] = -1; $origin['limit'] = 1; $origin['user_id'] = $data['user']['id']; break; case 'chatFull': case 'chat': $origin['peer'] = -$data['id']; break; case 'channelFull': case 'channel': $origin['peer'] = $this->API->toSupergroup($data['id']); break; case 'document': foreach ($data['attributes'] as $attribute) { if ($attribute['_'] === 'documentAttributeSticker' && $attribute['stickerset']['_'] !== 'inputStickerSetEmpty') { $origin['stickerset'] = $attribute['stickerset']; } } if (!isset($origin['stickerset'])) { $key = \count($this->cacheContexts) - 1; if (!isset($this->cache[$key])) { $this->cache[$key] = []; } foreach ($cache as $location => $reference) { $this->cache[$key][$location] = $reference; } $this->API->logger->logger("Skipped origin {$originType} ({$data['_']}) for " . \count($cache) . ' references', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return; } break; case 'messages.stickerSet': $origin['stickerset'] = ['_' => 'inputStickerSetID', 'id' => $data['set']['id'], 'access_hash' => $data['set']['access_hash']]; break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Unknown origin type provided: {$data['_']}"); } foreach ($cache as $location => $reference) { $this->storeReference($location, $reference, $originType, $origin); } $this->API->logger->logger("Added origin {$originType} ({$data['_']}) to " . \count($cache) . ' references', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } public function addOriginMethodContext(string $type) { if (!isset(self::METHOD_CONTEXT[$type])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Unknown origin type provided: {$type}"); } $originContext = self::METHOD_CONTEXT[$type]; $this->API->logger->logger("Adding origin context {$originContext} for {$type}!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->cacheContexts[] = $originContext; } public function addOriginMethod(array $data, array $res) { $key = \count($this->cacheContexts) - 1; if ($key === -1) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Trying to add origin with no origin context set'); } $originType = \array_pop($this->cacheContexts); if (!isset($this->cache[$key])) { $this->API->logger->logger("Removing origin context {$originType} for {$data['_']}, nothing in the reference cache!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return; } $cache = $this->cache[$key]; unset($this->cache[$key]); $origin = []; $body = $data['body']; switch ($data['_']) { case 'photos.updateProfilePhoto': $origin['max_id'] = $res['photo_id'] ?? 0; $origin['offset'] = -1; $origin['limit'] = 1; $origin['user_id'] = $this->API->authorization['user']['id']; break; case 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto': $origin['max_id'] = $res['photo']['id']; $origin['offset'] = -1; $origin['limit'] = 1; $origin['user_id'] = $this->API->authorization['user']['id']; break; case 'photos.getUserPhotos': $origin['user_id'] = $body['user_id']; $origin['offset'] = -1; $origin['limit'] = 1; $count = 0; foreach ($res['photos'] as $photo) { $origin['max_id'] = $photo['id']; $dc_id = $photo['dc_id']; $location = $this->serializeLocation(self::PHOTO_LOCATION, $photo); if (isset($cache[$location])) { $reference = $cache[$location]; unset($cache[$location]); $this->storeReference($location, $reference, $originType, $origin); $count++; } if (isset($photo['sizes'])) { foreach ($photo['sizes'] as $size) { if (isset($size['location'])) { $size['location']['dc_id'] = $dc_id; $location = $this->serializeLocation(self::PHOTO_LOCATION_LOCATION, $size['location']); if (isset($cache[$location])) { $reference = $cache[$location]; unset($cache[$location]); $this->storeReference($location, $reference, $originType, $origin); $count++; } } } } } $this->API->logger->logger("Added origin {$originType} ({$data['_']}) to {$count} references", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return; case 'messages.getStickers': $origin['emoticon'] = $body['emoticon']; break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Unknown origin type provided: {$data['_']}"); } foreach ($cache as $location => $reference) { $this->storeReference($location, $reference, $originType, $origin); } $this->API->logger->logger("Added origin {$originType} ({$data['_']}) to " . \count($cache) . ' references', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } public function storeReference(string $location, string $reference, int $originType, array $origin) { if (!isset($this->db[$location])) { $this->db[$location] = ['origins' => []]; } $this->db[$location]['reference'] = $reference; $this->db[$location]['origins'][$originType] = $origin; if ($this->refresh) { $this->refreshed[$location] = true; } $key = \count($this->cacheContexts) - 1; if ($key >= 0) { $this->cache[$key][$location] = $reference; } } public function refreshNext($refresh = false) { if ($this->refreshCount === 1 && !$refresh) { $this->refreshed = []; $this->refreshCount--; $this->refresh = false; } elseif ($this->refreshCount === 0 && $refresh) { $this->refreshed = []; $this->refreshCount++; $this->refresh = true; } elseif ($this->refreshCount === 0 && !$refresh) { } elseif ($refresh) { $this->refreshCount++; } elseif (!$refresh) { $this->refreshCount--; } } public function refreshReference(int $locationType, array $location) { return $this->refreshReferenceInternal($this->serializeLocation($locationType, $location)); } public function refreshReferenceInternal(string $location) : \Generator { if (isset($this->refreshed[$location])) { $this->API->logger->logger('Reference already refreshed!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); return $this->db[$location]['reference']; } \ksort($this->db[$location]['origins']); $count = 0; foreach ($this->db[$location]['origins'] as $originType => &$origin) { $count++; $this->API->logger->logger("Try {$count} refreshing file reference with origin type {$originType}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); switch ($originType) { // Peer + msg ID case self::MESSAGE_ORIGIN: if (\is_array($origin['peer'])) { $origin['peer'] = $this->API->getId($origin['peer']); } if ($origin['peer'] < 0) { yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('channels.getMessages', ['channel' => $origin['peer'], 'id' => [$origin['msg_id']]], ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; } yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getMessages', ['id' => [$origin['msg_id']]], ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; // Peer + photo ID case self::PEER_PHOTO_ORIGIN: if (isset($this->API->full_chats[$origin['peer']]['last_update'])) { $this->API->full_chats[$origin['peer']]['last_update'] = 0; } $this->API->getFullInfo($origin['peer']); break; // Peer (default photo ID) case self::USER_PHOTO_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('photos.getUserPhotos', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; case self::SAVED_GIFS_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getSavedGifs', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; case self::STICKER_SET_ID_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getStickerSet', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; case self::STICKER_SET_RECENT_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getRecentStickers', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; case self::STICKER_SET_FAVED_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getFavedStickers', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; case self::STICKER_SET_EMOTICON_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getStickers', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; case self::WALLPAPER_ORIGIN: yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('account.getWallPapers', $origin, ['datacenter' => $this->API->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Unknown origin type {$originType}"); } if (isset($this->refreshed[$location])) { return $this->db[$location]['reference']; } } throw new Exception('Did not refresh reference'); } public function populateReference(array $object) : \Generator { $object['file_reference'] = (yield $this->getReference(self::LOCATION_CONTEXT[$object['_']], $object)); return $object; } public function getReference(int $locationType, array $location) { $locationString = $this->serializeLocation($locationType, $location); if (!isset($this->db[$locationString]['reference'])) { if (isset($location['file_reference'])) { $this->API->logger->logger("Using outdated file reference for location of type {$locationType} object {$location['_']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return $location['file_reference']; } if (!$this->refresh) { $this->API->logger->logger("Using null file reference for location of type {$locationType} object {$location['_']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); return ''; } throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Could not find file reference for location of type {$locationType} object {$location['_']}"); } $this->API->logger->logger("Getting file reference for location of type {$locationType} object {$location['_']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if ($this->refresh) { return $this->refreshReferenceInternal($locationString); } return $this->db[$locationString]['reference']; } private function serializeLocation(int $locationType, array $location) { switch ($locationType) { case self::DOCUMENT_LOCATION: case self::PHOTO_LOCATION: return $locationType . (\is_int($location['id']) ? \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedLong($location['id']) : $location['id']); case self::PHOTO_LOCATION_LOCATION: $dc_id = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($location['dc_id']); $volume_id = \is_int($location['volume_id']) ? \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedLong($location['volume_id']) : $location['volume_id']; $local_id = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($location['local_id']); return $locationType . $dc_id . $volume_id . $local_id; } } public function __debugInfo() { return ['ReferenceDatabase instance ' . \spl_object_hash($this)]; } }<?php /** * Password calculator module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Magic; use danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Manages SRP password calculation. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @link MadelineProto documentation */ class PasswordCalculator { use AuthKeyHandler; use Tools; /** * The algorithm to use for calculating the hash of new passwords (a PasswordKdfAlgo object). * * @var array */ private $new_algo; /** * A secure random string that can be used to compute the password. * * @var string */ private $secure_random = ''; /** * The algorithm to use for calculatuing the hash of the current password (a PasswordKdfAlgo object). * * @var array */ private $current_algo; /** * SRP b parameter. * * @var BigInteger */ private $srp_B; /** * SRP b parameter for hashing. * * @var BigInteger */ private $srp_BForHash; /** * SRP ID. * * @var [type] */ private $srp_id; /** * Logger. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\Logger */ public $logger; /** * Initialize logger. * * @param \danog\MadelineProto\Logger $logger */ public function __construct($logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Popupate 2FA configuration. * * @param array $object 2FA configuration object obtained using account.getPassword * * @return void */ public function addInfo(array $object) { if ($object['_'] !== 'account.password') { throw new Exception('Wrong constructor'); } if ($object['has_secure_values']) { //throw new Exception('Cannot parse secure values'); } if ($object['has_password']) { switch ($object['current_algo']['_']) { case 'passwordKdfAlgoUnknown': throw new Exception('Update your client to continue'); case 'passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow': $object['current_algo']['g'] = new BigInteger($object['current_algo']['g']); $object['current_algo']['p'] = new BigInteger((string) $object['current_algo']['p'], 256); $this->checkPG($object['current_algo']['p'], $object['current_algo']['g']); $object['current_algo']['gForHash'] = \str_pad($object['current_algo']['g']->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); $object['current_algo']['pForHash'] = \str_pad($object['current_algo']['p']->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown KDF algo {$object['current_algo']['_']}"); } $this->current_algo = $object['current_algo']; $object['srp_B'] = new BigInteger((string) $object['srp_B'], 256); if ($object['srp_B']->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero) < 0) { throw new SecurityException('srp_B < 0'); } if ($object['srp_B']->compare($object['current_algo']['p']) > 0) { throw new SecurityException('srp_B > p'); } $this->srp_B = $object['srp_B']; $this->srp_BForHash = \str_pad($object['srp_B']->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); $this->srp_id = $object['srp_id']; } else { $this->current_algo = null; $this->srp_B = null; $this->srp_BForHash = null; $this->srp_id = null; } switch ($object['new_algo']['_']) { case 'passwordKdfAlgoUnknown': throw new Exception('Update your client to continue'); case 'passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow': $object['new_algo']['g'] = new BigInteger($object['new_algo']['g']); $object['new_algo']['p'] = new BigInteger((string) $object['new_algo']['p'], 256); $this->checkPG($object['new_algo']['p'], $object['new_algo']['g']); $object['new_algo']['gForHash'] = \str_pad($object['new_algo']['g']->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); $object['new_algo']['pForHash'] = \str_pad($object['new_algo']['p']->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown KDF algo {$object['new_algo']['_']}"); } $this->new_algo = $object['new_algo']; $this->secure_random = $object['secure_random']; } /** * Create a random string (eventually prefixed by the specified string). * * @param string $prefix Prefix * @return string Salt */ public function createSalt(string $prefix = '') : string { return $prefix . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(32); } /** * Hash specified data using the salt with SHA256. * * The result will be the SHA256 hash of the salt concatenated with the data concatenated with the salt * * @param string $data Data to hash * @param string $salt Salt * @return string Hash */ public function hashSha256(string $data, string $salt) : string { return \hash('sha256', $salt . $data . $salt, true); } /** * Hashes the specified password. * * @param string $password Password * @param string $client_salt Client salt * @param string $server_salt Server salt * @return string Resulting hash */ public function hashPassword(string $password, string $client_salt, string $server_salt) : string { $buf = $this->hashSha256($password, $client_salt); $buf = $this->hashSha256($buf, $server_salt); $hash = \hash_pbkdf2('sha512', $buf, $client_salt, 100000, 0, true); return $this->hashSha256($hash, $server_salt); } /** * Get the InputCheckPassword object for checking the validity of a password using account.checkPassword. * * @param string $password The password * @return array InputCheckPassword object */ public function getCheckPassword(string $password) : array { if ($password === '' || !$this->current_algo) { return ['_' => 'inputCheckPasswordEmpty']; } $client_salt = $this->current_algo['salt1']; $server_salt = $this->current_algo['salt2']; $g = $this->current_algo['g']; $gForHash = $this->current_algo['gForHash']; $p = $this->current_algo['p']; $pForHash = $this->current_algo['pForHash']; $B = $this->srp_B; $BForHash = $this->srp_BForHash; $id = $this->srp_id; $x = new BigInteger($this->hashPassword($password, $client_salt, $server_salt), 256); $g_x = $g->powMod($x, $p); $k = new BigInteger(\hash('sha256', $pForHash . $gForHash, true), 256); $kg_x = $k->multiply($g_x)->powMod(Magic::$one, $p); $a = new BigInteger(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(2048 / 8), 256); $A = $g->powMod($a, $p); $this->checkG($A, $p); $AForHash = \str_pad($A->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); $b_kg_x = $B->powMod(Magic::$one, $p)->subtract($kg_x); $u = new BigInteger(\hash('sha256', $AForHash . $BForHash, true), 256); $ux = $u->multiply($x); $a_ux = $a->add($ux); $S = $b_kg_x->powMod($a_ux, $p); $SForHash = \str_pad($S->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); $K = \hash('sha256', $SForHash, true); $h1 = \hash('sha256', $pForHash, true); $h2 = \hash('sha256', $gForHash, true); $h1 ^= $h2; $M1 = \hash('sha256', $h1 . \hash('sha256', $client_salt, true) . \hash('sha256', $server_salt, true) . $AForHash . $BForHash . $K, true); return ['_' => 'inputCheckPasswordSRP', 'srp_id' => $id, 'A' => $AForHash, 'M1' => $M1]; } /** * Get parameters to be passed to the account.updatePasswordSettings to update/set a 2FA password. * * The input params array can contain password, new_password, email and hint params. * * @param array $params Input params * @return array account.updatePasswordSettings parameters */ public function getPassword(array $params) : array { $oldPassword = $this->getCheckPassword($params['password'] ?? ''); $return = ['password' => $oldPassword, 'new_settings' => ['_' => 'account.passwordInputSettings', 'new_algo' => ['_' => 'passwordKdfAlgoUnknown'], 'new_password_hash' => '', 'hint' => '']]; $new_settings =& $return['new_settings']; if (isset($params['new_password']) && $params['new_password'] !== '') { $client_salt = $this->createSalt($this->new_algo['salt1']); $server_salt = $this->new_algo['salt2']; $g = $this->new_algo['g']; $p = $this->new_algo['p']; $pForHash = $this->new_algo['pForHash']; $x = new BigInteger($this->hashPassword($params['new_password'], $client_salt, $server_salt), 256); $v = $g->powMod($x, $p); $vForHash = \str_pad($v->toBytes(), 256, \chr(0), \STR_PAD_LEFT); $new_settings['new_algo'] = ['_' => 'passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow', 'salt1' => $client_salt, 'salt2' => $server_salt, 'g' => (int) $g->toString(), 'p' => $pForHash]; $new_settings['new_password_hash'] = $vForHash; $new_settings['hint'] = $params['hint'] ?? ''; if (isset($params['email'])) { $new_settings['email'] = $params['email']; } } return $return; } }<?php /** * Files module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLCallback; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Manages min peers. */ class MinDatabase implements TLCallback { use Tools; const SWITCH_CONSTRUCTORS = ['inputChannel', 'inputUser', 'inputPeerUser', 'inputPeerChannel']; const CATCH_PEERS = ['message', 'messageService', 'peerUser', 'peerChannel', 'messageEntityMentionName', 'messageFwdHeader', 'messageActionChatCreate', 'messageActionChatAddUser', 'messageActionChatDeleteUser', 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink']; const ORIGINS = ['message', 'messageService']; /** * References indexed by location. * * @var array */ private $db = []; /** * Temporary cache during deserialization. * * @var array */ private $cache = []; /** * Instance of MTProto. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto */ private $API; public function __construct(MTProto $API) { $this->API = $API; $this->init(); } public function __wakeup() { $this->init(); } public function __sleep() { return ['db', 'API']; } public function init() { foreach ($this->db as $id => $origin) { if (!isset($origin['peer']) || $origin['peer'] === $id) { unset($this->db[$id]); } } } public function getMethodCallbacks() : array { return []; } public function getMethodBeforeCallbacks() : array { return []; } public function getConstructorCallbacks() : array { return \array_merge(\array_fill_keys(self::CATCH_PEERS, [[$this, 'addPeer']]), \array_fill_keys(self::ORIGINS, [[$this, 'addOrigin']])); } public function getConstructorBeforeCallbacks() : array { return \array_fill_keys(self::ORIGINS, [[$this, 'addOriginContext']]); } public function getConstructorSerializeCallbacks() : array { return \array_fill_keys(self::SWITCH_CONSTRUCTORS, [$this, 'populateFrom']); } public function getTypeMismatchCallbacks() : array { return []; } public function reset() { if ($this->cache) { $this->API->logger->logger('Found ' . \count($this->cache) . ' pending contexts', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->cache = []; } } public function addPeer(array $location) { if (!$this->cache) { return; $this->API->logger->logger('Trying to add peer out of context, report the following message to @danogentili!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $frames = []; $previous = ''; foreach (\debug_backtrace(0) as $k => $frame) { if (isset($frame['function']) && $frame['function'] === 'deserialize') { if (isset($frame['args'][1]['subtype'])) { if ($frame['args'][1]['subtype'] === $previous) { continue; } $frames[] = $frame['args'][1]['subtype']; $previous = $frame['args'][1]['subtype']; } elseif (isset($frame['args'][1]['type'])) { if ($frame['args'][1]['type'] === '') { break; } if ($frame['args'][1]['type'] === $previous) { continue; } $frames[] = $frame['args'][1]['type']; $previous = $frame['args'][1]['type']; } } } $frames = \array_reverse($frames); $tl_trace = \array_shift($frames); foreach ($frames as $frame) { $tl_trace .= "['" . $frame . "']"; } $this->API->logger->logger($tl_trace, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return false; } $peers = []; switch ($location['_']) { case 'messageFwdHeader': if (isset($location['from_id'])) { $peers[$location['from_id']] = true; } if (isset($location['channel_id'])) { $peers[$this->API->toSupergroup($location['channel_id'])] = true; } break; case 'messageActionChatCreate': case 'messageActionChatAddUser': foreach ($location['users'] as $user) { $peers[$user] = true; } break; case 'message': $peers[$this->API->getId($location['to_id'])] = true; if (isset($location['from_id'])) { $peers[$location['from_id']] = true; } break; default: $peers[$this->API->getId($location)] = true; } $this->API->logger->logger("Caching peer location info from location from {$location['_']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $key = \count($this->cache) - 1; foreach ($peers as $id => $true) { $this->cache[$key][$id] = $id; } return true; } public function addOriginContext(string $type) { $this->API->logger->logger("Adding peer origin context for {$type}!", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->cache[] = []; } public function addOrigin(array $data = []) { $cache = \array_pop($this->cache); if ($cache === null) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Trying to add origin with no origin context set'); } $origin = []; switch ($data['_']) { case 'message': case 'messageService': $origin['peer'] = $this->API->getId($data); $origin['msg_id'] = $data['id']; break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Unknown origin type provided: {$data['_']}"); } foreach ($cache as $id) { if ($origin['peer'] === $id) { continue; } $this->db[$id] = $origin; } $this->API->logger->logger("Added origin ({$data['_']}) to " . \count($cache) . ' peer locations', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); } public function populateFrom(array $object) : \Generator { if (!($object['min'] ?? false)) { return $object; } $id = $this->API->getId($object); if (isset($this->db[$id])) { $new = \array_merge($object, $this->db[$id]); $new['_'] .= 'FromMessage'; $new['peer'] = (yield from $this->API->getInfo($new['peer']))['InputPeer']; if ($new['peer']['min']) { $this->API->logger->logger("Don't have origin peer subinfo with min peer {$id}, this may fail"); return $object; } return $new; } $this->API->logger->logger("Don't have origin info with min peer {$id}, this may fail"); return $object; } /** * Check if location info is available for peer. * * @param float|int $id Peer ID * * @return boolean */ public function hasPeer($id) : bool { return isset($this->db[$id]); } public function __debugInfo() { return ['MinDatabase instance ' . \spl_object_hash($this)]; } }<?php /** * Files module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use Amp\ByteStream\InputStream; use Amp\ByteStream\IteratorStream; use Amp\ByteStream\OutputStream; use Amp\ByteStream\ResourceInputStream; use Amp\ByteStream\ResourceOutputStream; use Amp\ByteStream\StreamException; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\File\BlockingFile; use Amp\File\Handle; use Amp\File\StatCache as StatCacheAsync; use Amp\Http\Client\Request; use Amp\Http\Server\Request as ServerRequest; use Amp\Http\Server\Response; use Amp\Http\Status; use Amp\Producer; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\BufferedRawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Common\SimpleBufferedRawStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\PremadeStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use const danog\Decoder\TYPES; use function Amp\File\exists; use function Amp\File\open; use function Amp\File\stat as statAsync; use function Amp\Promise\all; /** * Manages upload and download of files. */ trait Files { /** * Upload file. * * @param FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file File, URL or Telegram file to upload * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function upload($file, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) : \Generator { if (\is_object($file) && $file instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $file; $file = $file->getFile(); } if (\is_string($file) || \is_object($file) && \method_exists($file, '__toString')) { if (\filter_var($file, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return yield from $this->uploadFromUrl($file, 0, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } } elseif (\is_array($file)) { return yield from $this->uploadFromTgfile($file, $cb, $encrypted); } if (\is_resource($file) || \is_object($file) && $file instanceof InputStream) { return yield from $this->uploadFromStream($file, 0, '', $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } if (!$this->settings['upload']['allow_automatic_upload']) { return yield from $this->uploadFromUrl($file, 0, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } $file = \danog\MadelineProto\Absolute::absolute($file); if (!(yield exists($file))) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['file_not_exist']); } if (empty($fileName)) { $fileName = \basename($file); } StatCacheAsync::clear($file); $size = ((yield statAsync($file)))['size']; if ($size > 512 * 1024 * 3000) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Given file is too big!'); } $stream = (yield open($file, 'rb')); $mime = $this->getMimeFromFile($file); try { return yield from $this->uploadFromStream($stream, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } finally { (yield $stream->close()); } } /** * Upload file from URL. * * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $url URL of file * @param integer $size Size of file * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return array */ public function uploadFromUrl($url, int $size = 0, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) : \Generator { if (\is_object($url) && $url instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $url; $url = $url->getFile(); } /** @var $response \Amp\Http\Client\Response */ $request = new Request($url); $request->setTransferTimeout(10 * 1000 * 3600); $request->setBodySizeLimit(512 * 1024 * 3000); $response = (yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)); if (200 !== ($status = $response->getStatus())) { throw new Exception("Wrong status code: {$status} " . $response->getReason()); } $mime = \trim(\explode(';', $response->getHeader('content-type') ?? 'application/octet-stream')[0]); $size = $response->getHeader('content-length') ?? $size; $stream = $response->getBody(); if (!$size) { $this->logger->logger("No content length for {$url}, caching first"); $body = $stream; $stream = new BlockingFile(\fopen('php://temp', 'r+b'), 'php://temp', 'r+b'); while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $body->read()))) { (yield $stream->write($chunk)); } $size = $stream->tell(); if (!$size) { throw new Exception('Wrong size!'); } (yield $stream->seek(0)); } return yield from $this->uploadFromStream($stream, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } /** * Upload file from stream. * * @param mixed $stream PHP resource or AMPHP async stream * @param integer $size File size * @param string $mime Mime type * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return array */ public function uploadFromStream($stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) : \Generator { if (\is_object($stream) && $stream instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $stream; $stream = $stream->getFile(); } /* @var $stream \Amp\ByteStream\OutputStream */ if (!\is_object($stream)) { $stream = new ResourceInputStream($stream); } if (!$stream instanceof InputStream) { throw new Exception("Invalid stream provided"); } $seekable = false; if (\method_exists($stream, 'seek')) { try { (yield $stream->seek(0)); $seekable = true; } catch (StreamException $e) { } } $created = false; if ($stream instanceof Handle) { $callable = static function (int $offset, int $size) use($stream, $seekable) : \Generator { if ($seekable) { while ($stream->tell() !== $offset) { (yield $stream->seek($offset)); } } return (yield $stream->read($size)); }; } else { if (!$stream instanceof BufferedRawStream) { $ctx = (new ConnectionContext())->addStream(PremadeStream::getName(), $stream)->addStream(SimpleBufferedRawStream::getName()); $stream = (yield from $ctx->getStream()); $created = true; } $callable = static function (int $offset, int $size) use($stream) : \Generator { $reader = (yield $stream->getReadBuffer($l)); try { return (yield $reader->bufferRead($size)); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\NothingInTheSocketException $e) { $reader = (yield $stream->getReadBuffer($size)); return (yield $reader->bufferRead($size)); } }; $seekable = false; } if (!$size && $seekable && \method_exists($stream, 'tell')) { (yield $stream->seek(0, \SEEK_END)); $size = (yield $stream->tell()); (yield $stream->seek(0)); } elseif (!$size) { $this->logger->logger("No content length for stream, caching first"); $body = $stream; $stream = new BlockingFile(\fopen('php://temp', 'r+b'), 'php://temp', 'r+b'); while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $body->read()))) { (yield $stream->write($chunk)); } $size = $stream->tell(); if (!$size) { throw new Exception('Wrong size!'); } (yield $stream->seek(0)); return yield from $this->uploadFromStream($stream, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } $res = (yield from $this->uploadFromCallable($callable, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $seekable, $encrypted)); if ($created) { $stream->disconnect(); } return $res; } /** * Upload file from callable. * * The callable must accept two parameters: int $offset, int $size * The callable must return a string with the contest of the file at the specified offset and size. * * @param mixed $callable Callable * @param integer $size File size * @param string $mime Mime type * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $seekable Whether chunks can be fetched out of order * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function uploadFromCallable(callable $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName = '', $cb = null, bool $seekable = true, bool $encrypted = false) : \Generator { if (\is_object($callable) && $callable instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $callable; $callable = $callable->getFile(); } if (!\is_callable($callable)) { throw new Exception('Invalid callable provided'); } if ($cb === null) { $cb = function ($percent) { $this->logger->logger('Upload status: ' . $percent . '%', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); }; } $datacenter = $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']; if ($this->datacenter->has($datacenter . '_media')) { $datacenter .= '_media'; } $part_size = $this->settings['upload']['part_size']; $parallel_chunks = $this->settings['upload']['parallel_chunks'] ? $this->settings['upload']['parallel_chunks'] : 3000; $part_total_num = (int) \ceil($size / $part_size); $part_num = 0; $method = $size > 10 * 1024 * 1024 ? 'upload.saveBigFilePart' : 'upload.saveFilePart'; $constructor = 'input' . ($encrypted === true ? 'Encrypted' : '') . ($size > 10 * 1024 * 1024 ? 'FileBig' : 'File') . ($encrypted === true ? 'Uploaded' : ''); $file_id = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); $ige = null; if ($encrypted === true) { $key = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(32); $iv = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(32); $digest = \hash('md5', $key . $iv, true); $fingerprint = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedInt(\substr($digest, 0, 4) ^ \substr($digest, 4, 4)); $ige = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ige'); $ige->setIV($iv); $ige->setKey($key); $ige->enableContinuousBuffer(); $seekable = false; } //$ctx = \hash_init('md5'); $promises = []; $speed = 0; $time = 0; $cb = function () use($cb, $part_total_num, &$speed, &$time) { static $cur = 0; $cur++; \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($cb($cur * 100 / $part_total_num, $speed, $time)); }; $callable = static function (int $part_num) use($file_id, $part_total_num, $part_size, $callable, $ige) : \Generator { $bytes = (yield $callable($part_num * $part_size, $part_size)); if ($ige) { $bytes = $ige->encrypt(\str_pad($bytes, $part_size, \chr(0))); } //\hash_update($ctx, $bytes); return ['file_id' => $file_id, 'file_part' => $part_num, 'file_total_parts' => $part_total_num, 'bytes' => $bytes]; }; $resPromises = []; $exception = null; $start = \microtime(true); while ($part_num < $part_total_num) { $writePromise = Tools::call($this->methodCallAsyncWrite($method, $callable($part_num), ['heavy' => true, 'file' => true, 'datacenter' => &$datacenter])); if (!$seekable) { (yield $writePromise); } $writePromise->onResolve(function ($e, $readDeferred) use($cb, $part_num, &$resPromises, &$exception) : \Generator { if ($e) { $this->logger("Got exception while uploading: {$e}"); $exception = $e; return; } $resPromises[] = $readDeferred->promise(); try { // Wrote chunk! if (!(yield Tools::call($readDeferred->promise()))) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Upload of part ' . $part_num . ' failed'); } // Got OK from server for chunk! $cb(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger("Got exception while uploading: {$e}"); $exception = $e; } }); $promises[] = $writePromise; ++$part_num; if (!($part_num % $parallel_chunks)) { // By default, 10 mb at a time, for a typical bandwidth of 1gbps (run the code in this every second) (yield Tools::all($promises)); $promises = []; if ($exception) { throw $exception; } $time = \microtime(true) - $start; $speed = (int) ($size * 8 / $time) / 1000000; $this->logger->logger("Partial upload time: {$time}"); $this->logger->logger("Partial upload speed: {$speed} mbps"); } } (yield all($promises)); (yield all($resPromises)); $time = \microtime(true) - $start; $speed = (int) ($size * 8 / $time) / 1000000; $this->logger->logger("Total upload time: {$time}"); $this->logger->logger("Total upload speed: {$speed} mbps"); $constructor = ['_' => $constructor, 'id' => $file_id, 'parts' => $part_total_num, 'name' => $fileName, 'mime_type' => $mime]; if ($encrypted === true) { $constructor['key_fingerprint'] = $fingerprint; $constructor['key'] = $key; $constructor['iv'] = $iv; } $constructor['md5_checksum'] = ''; //\hash_final($ctx); return $constructor; } /** * Upload file to secret chat. * * @param FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file File, URL or Telegram file to upload * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function uploadEncrypted($file, string $fileName = '', $cb = null) : \Generator { return $this->upload($file, $fileName, $cb, true); } /** * Reupload telegram file. * * @param mixed $media Telegram file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function uploadFromTgfile($media, $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) : \Generator { if (\is_object($media) && $media instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $media; $media = $media->getFile(); } $media = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($media)); if (!isset($media['size'], $media['mime'])) { throw new Exception('Wrong file provided!'); } $size = $media['size']; $mime = $media['mime']; $chunk_size = $this->settings['upload']['part_size']; $bridge = new class($size, $chunk_size, $cb) { /** * Read promises. * * @var Deferred[] */ private $read = []; /** * Read promises (write lenth). * * @var int[] */ private $wrote = []; /** * Write promises. * * @var Deferred[] */ private $write = []; /** * Part size. * * @var int */ private $partSize; /** * Offset for callback. * * @var int */ private $offset = 0; /** * Callback. * * @var ?callable */ private $cb; /** * Constructor. * * @param integer $size Total file size * @param integer $partSize Part size * @param ?callable $cb Callback */ public function __construct(int $size, int $partSize, callable $cb = null) { for ($x = 0; $x < $size; $x += $partSize) { $this->read[] = new Deferred(); $this->write[] = new Deferred(); $this->wrote[] = $size - $x < $partSize ? $size - $x : $partSize; } $this->partSize = $partSize; $this->cb = $cb; } /** * Read chunk. * * @param integer $offset Offset * @param integer $size Chunk size * * @return Promise */ public function read(int $offset, int $size) : Promise { $offset /= $this->partSize; return $this->write[$offset]->promise(); } /** * Write chunk. * * @param string $data Data * @param integer $offset Offset * * @return Promise */ public function write(string $data, int $offset) : Promise { $offset /= $this->partSize; $this->write[$offset]->resolve($data); return $this->read[$offset]->promise(); } /** * Read callback, called when the chunk is read and fully resent. * * @param ...$params Params to be passed to cb * * @return void */ public function callback(...$params) { $offset = $this->offset++; $this->read[$offset]->resolve($this->wrote[$offset]); if ($this->cb) { Tools::callFork(($this->cb)(...$params)); } } }; $reader = [$bridge, 'read']; $writer = [$bridge, 'write']; $cb = [$bridge, 'callback']; $read = $this->uploadFromCallable($reader, $size, $mime, '', $cb, true, $encrypted); $write = $this->downloadToCallable($media, $writer, null, true, 0, -1, $chunk_size); list($res) = (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all([$read, $write])); return $res; } private function genAllFile($media) : \Generator { $res = [$this->TL->getConstructors()->findByPredicate($media['_'])['type'] => $media]; switch ($media['_']) { case 'messageMediaPoll': $res['Poll'] = $media['poll']; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaPoll', 'poll' => $res['Poll']]; break; case 'updateMessagePoll': $res['Poll'] = $media['poll']; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaPoll', 'poll' => $res['Poll']]; $res['MessageMedia'] = ['_' => 'messageMediaPoll', 'poll' => $res['Poll'], 'results' => $media['results']]; break; case 'messageMediaPhoto': if (!isset($media['photo']['access_hash'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('No access hash'); } $res['Photo'] = $media['photo']; $res['InputPhoto'] = ['_' => 'inputPhoto', 'id' => $media['photo']['id'], 'access_hash' => $media['photo']['access_hash'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::PHOTO_LOCATION, $media['photo']))]; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaPhoto', 'id' => $res['InputPhoto']]; if (isset($media['ttl_seconds'])) { $res['InputMedia']['ttl_seconds'] = $media['ttl_seconds']; } break; case 'messageMediaDocument': if (!isset($media['document']['access_hash'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('No access hash'); } $res['Document'] = $media['document']; $res['InputDocument'] = ['_' => 'inputDocument', 'id' => $media['document']['id'], 'access_hash' => $media['document']['access_hash'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::DOCUMENT_LOCATION, $media['document']))]; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaDocument', 'id' => $res['InputDocument']]; if (isset($media['ttl_seconds'])) { $res['InputMedia']['ttl_seconds'] = $media['ttl_seconds']; } break; case 'poll': $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaPoll', 'poll' => $res['Poll']]; break; case 'document': if (!isset($media['access_hash'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('No access hash'); } $res['InputDocument'] = ['_' => 'inputDocument', 'id' => $media['id'], 'access_hash' => $media['access_hash'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::DOCUMENT_LOCATION, $media))]; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaDocument', 'id' => $res['InputDocument']]; $res['MessageMedia'] = ['_' => 'messageMediaDocument', 'document' => $media]; break; case 'photo': if (!isset($media['access_hash'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('No access hash'); } $res['InputPhoto'] = ['_' => 'inputPhoto', 'id' => $media['id'], 'access_hash' => $media['access_hash'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::PHOTO_LOCATION, $media))]; $res['InputMedia'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaPhoto', 'id' => $res['InputPhoto']]; $res['MessageMedia'] = ['_' => 'messageMediaPhoto', 'photo' => $media]; break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Could not convert media object of type {$media['_']}"); } return $res; } /** * Get info about file. * * @param mixed $constructor File ID * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function getFileInfo($constructor) : \Generator { if (\is_string($constructor)) { $constructor = $this->unpackFileId($constructor); if (isset($constructor['MessageMedia'])) { $constructor = $constructor['MessageMedia']; } elseif (isset($constructor['InputMedia'])) { return $constructor; } elseif (isset($constructor['Chat']) || isset($constructor['User'])) { throw new Exception("Chat photo file IDs can't be reused to resend chat photos, please use getPwrChat()['photo'], instead"); } } switch ($constructor['_']) { case 'updateNewMessage': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateEditMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': $constructor = $constructor['message']; // no break case 'message': $constructor = $constructor['media']; } return yield from $this->genAllFile($constructor); } /** * Get download info of the propic of a user * Returns an array with the following structure:. * * `$info['ext']` - The file extension * `$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension * `$info['mime']` - The file mime type * `$info['size']` - The file size * * @param mixed $messageMedia File ID * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function getPropicInfo($data) : \Generator { return yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($this->chats[(yield from $this->getInfo($data))['bot_api_id']]); } /** * Extract file info from bot API message. * * @param array $info Bot API message object * * @return ?array */ public static function extractBotAPIFile(array $info) { foreach (TYPES as $type) { if (isset($info[$type]) && \is_array($info[$type])) { $method = $type; break; } } if (!isset($method)) { return null; } $info = $info[$method]; if ($method === 'photo') { $info = $info[0]; } $info['file_type'] = $method; return $info; } /** * Get download info of file * Returns an array with the following structure:. * * `$info['ext']` - The file extension * `$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension * `$info['mime']` - The file mime type * `$info['size']` - The file size * * @param mixed $messageMedia File ID * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function getDownloadInfo($messageMedia) : \Generator { if (\is_string($messageMedia)) { $messageMedia = $this->unpackFileId($messageMedia); if (isset($messageMedia['InputFileLocation'])) { return $messageMedia; } $messageMedia = $messageMedia['MessageMedia'] ?? $messageMedia['User'] ?? $messageMedia['Chat']; } if (!isset($messageMedia['_'])) { if (!isset($messageMedia['InputFileLocation']) && !isset($messageMedia['file_id'])) { $messageMedia = self::extractBotAPIFile($messageMedia) ?? $messageMedia; } if (isset($messageMedia['file_id'])) { $res = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia['file_id'])); $res['size'] = $messageMedia['file_size'] ?? 0; $res['mime'] = $messageMedia['mime_type'] ?? 'application/octet-stream'; $pathinfo = \pathinfo($messageMedia['file_name']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension'])) { $res['ext'] = '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; } $res['name'] = $pathinfo['filename']; return $res; } return $messageMedia; } $res = []; switch ($messageMedia['_']) { // Updates case 'updateNewMessage': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': $messageMedia = $messageMedia['message']; // no break case 'message': return yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia['media']); case 'updateNewEncryptedMessage': $messageMedia = $messageMedia['message']; // Secret media // no break case 'encryptedMessage': if ($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['_'] === 'decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument') { return yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']); } $res['InputFileLocation'] = ['_' => 'inputEncryptedFileLocation', 'id' => $messageMedia['file']['id'], 'access_hash' => $messageMedia['file']['access_hash'], 'dc_id' => $messageMedia['file']['dc_id']]; $res['size'] = $messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['size']; $res['key_fingerprint'] = $messageMedia['file']['key_fingerprint']; $res['key'] = $messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['key']; $res['iv'] = $messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['iv']; if (isset($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['file_name'])) { $pathinfo = \pathinfo($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['file_name']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension'])) { $res['ext'] = '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; } $res['name'] = $pathinfo['filename']; } if (isset($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['mime_type'])) { $res['mime'] = $messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['mime_type']; } elseif ($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['_'] === 'decryptedMessageMediaPhoto') { $res['mime'] = 'image/jpeg'; } if (isset($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['attributes'])) { foreach ($messageMedia['decrypted_message']['media']['attributes'] as $attribute) { switch ($attribute['_']) { case 'documentAttributeFilename': $pathinfo = \pathinfo($attribute['file_name']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension'])) { $res['ext'] = '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; } $res['name'] = $pathinfo['filename']; break; case 'documentAttributeAudio': $audio = $attribute; break; } } } if (isset($audio) && isset($audio['title']) && !isset($res['name'])) { $res['name'] = $audio['title']; if (isset($audio['performer'])) { $res['name'] .= ' - ' . $audio['performer']; } } if (!isset($res['ext']) || $res['ext'] === '') { $res['ext'] = $this->getExtensionFromLocation($res['InputFileLocation'], $this->getExtensionFromMime($res['mime'] ?? 'image/jpeg')); } if (!isset($res['mime']) || $res['mime'] === '') { $res['mime'] = $this->getMimeFromExtension($res['ext'], 'image/jpeg'); } if (!isset($res['name']) || $res['name'] === '') { $res['name'] = Tools::unpackSignedLongString($messageMedia['file']['access_hash']); } return $res; // Wallpapers case 'wallPaper': return $this->getDownloadInfo($res['document']); // Photos case 'photo': case 'messageMediaPhoto': if ($messageMedia['_'] == 'photo') { $messageMedia = ['_' => 'messageMediaPhoto', 'photo' => $messageMedia, 'ttl_seconds' => 0]; } $res['MessageMedia'] = $messageMedia; $messageMedia = $messageMedia['photo']; $size = \end($messageMedia['sizes']); $res = \array_merge($res, yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($size)); $res['InputFileLocation'] = ['_' => 'inputPhotoFileLocation', 'thumb_size' => $res['thumb_size'] ?? 'x', 'dc_id' => $messageMedia['dc_id'], 'access_hash' => $messageMedia['access_hash'], 'id' => $messageMedia['id'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::PHOTO_LOCATION, $messageMedia))]; return $res; case 'user': case 'folder': case 'channel': case 'chat': case 'updateUserPhoto': $res = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia['photo'])); if (\is_array($messageMedia) && ($messageMedia['min'] ?? false) && isset($messageMedia['access_hash'])) { // bot API file ID $messageMedia['min'] = false; $peer = $this->genAll($messageMedia)['InputPeer']; } else { $peer = (yield from $this->getInfo($messageMedia))['InputPeer']; } $res['InputFileLocation'] = ['_' => 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation', 'big' => $res['big'], 'dc_id' => $res['InputFileLocation']['dc_id'], 'peer' => $peer, 'volume_id' => $res['InputFileLocation']['volume_id'], 'local_id' => $res['InputFileLocation']['local_id']]; return $res; case 'userProfilePhoto': case 'chatPhoto': $size = $messageMedia['photo_big'] ?? $messageMedia['photo_small']; $res = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($size)); $res['big'] = isset($messageMedia['photo_big']); $res['InputFileLocation']['dc_id'] = $messageMedia['dc_id']; return $res; case 'photoStrippedSize': $res['size'] = \strlen($messageMedia['bytes']); $res['data'] = $messageMedia['bytes']; $res['thumb_size'] = 'JPG'; return $res; case 'photoCachedSize': $res['size'] = \strlen($messageMedia['bytes']); $res['data'] = $messageMedia['bytes']; //$res['thumb_size'] = $res['data']; $res['thumb_size'] = $messageMedia['type']; if ($messageMedia['location']['_'] === 'fileLocationUnavailable') { $res['name'] = Tools::unpackSignedLongString($messageMedia['volume_id']) . '_' . $messageMedia['local_id']; $res['mime'] = $this->getMimeFromBuffer($res['data']); $res['ext'] = $this->getExtensionFromMime($res['mime']); } else { $res = \array_merge($res, yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia['location'])); } return $res; case 'photoSize': $res = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia['location'])); $res['thumb_size'] = $messageMedia['type']; //$res['thumb_size'] = $size; if (isset($messageMedia['size'])) { $res['size'] = $messageMedia['size']; } return $res; case 'fileLocationUnavailable': throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('File location unavailable'); case 'fileLocation': $res['name'] = Tools::unpackSignedLongString($messageMedia['volume_id']) . '_' . $messageMedia['local_id']; $res['InputFileLocation'] = ['_' => 'inputFileLocation', 'volume_id' => $messageMedia['volume_id'], 'local_id' => $messageMedia['local_id'], 'secret' => $messageMedia['secret'], 'dc_id' => $messageMedia['dc_id'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::PHOTO_LOCATION_LOCATION, $messageMedia))]; $res['ext'] = $this->getExtensionFromLocation($res['InputFileLocation'], '.jpg'); $res['mime'] = $this->getMimeFromExtension($res['ext'], 'image/jpeg'); return $res; case 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated': $res['name'] = Tools::unpackSignedLongString($messageMedia['volume_id']) . '_' . $messageMedia['local_id']; $res['ext'] = '.jpg'; $res['mime'] = $this->getMimeFromExtension($res['ext'], 'image/jpeg'); $res['InputFileLocation'] = [ '_' => 'inputFileLocationTemp', // Will be overwritten 'volume_id' => $messageMedia['volume_id'], 'local_id' => $messageMedia['local_id'], ]; return $res; // Documents case 'decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument': case 'document': $messageMedia = ['_' => 'messageMediaDocument', 'ttl_seconds' => 0, 'document' => $messageMedia]; // no break case 'messageMediaDocument': $res['MessageMedia'] = $messageMedia; foreach ($messageMedia['document']['attributes'] as $attribute) { switch ($attribute['_']) { case 'documentAttributeFilename': $pathinfo = \pathinfo($attribute['file_name']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension'])) { $res['ext'] = '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; } $res['name'] = $pathinfo['filename']; break; case 'documentAttributeAudio': $audio = $attribute; break; } } if (isset($audio) && isset($audio['title']) && !isset($res['name'])) { $res['name'] = $audio['title']; if (isset($audio['performer'])) { $res['name'] .= ' - ' . $audio['performer']; } } $res['InputFileLocation'] = ['_' => 'inputDocumentFileLocation', 'id' => $messageMedia['document']['id'], 'access_hash' => $messageMedia['document']['access_hash'], 'version' => isset($messageMedia['document']['version']) ? $messageMedia['document']['version'] : 0, 'dc_id' => $messageMedia['document']['dc_id'], 'file_reference' => (yield $this->referenceDatabase->getReference(ReferenceDatabase::DOCUMENT_LOCATION, $messageMedia['document']))]; if (!isset($res['ext']) || $res['ext'] === '') { $res['ext'] = $this->getExtensionFromLocation($res['InputFileLocation'], $this->getExtensionFromMime($messageMedia['document']['mime_type'])); } if (!isset($res['name']) || $res['name'] === '') { $res['name'] = Tools::unpackSignedLongString($messageMedia['document']['access_hash']); } if (isset($messageMedia['document']['size'])) { $res['size'] = $messageMedia['document']['size']; } $res['name'] .= '_' . $messageMedia['document']['id']; $res['mime'] = $messageMedia['document']['mime_type']; return $res; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid constructor provided: ' . $messageMedia['_']); } } /** * Download file to browser. * * Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads. * * @param array|string $messageMedia File to download * @param callable $cb Status callback (can also use FileCallback) * * @return \Generator */ public function downloadToBrowser($messageMedia, callable $cb = null) : \Generator { if (\is_object($messageMedia) && $messageMedia instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $messageMedia; $messageMedia = $messageMedia->getFile(); } $headers = []; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { $headers['range'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']; } $messageMedia = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia)); $result = self::parseHeaders($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $headers, $messageMedia); foreach ($result['headers'] as $key => $value) { if (\is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $subValue) { \header("{$key}: {$subValue}", false); } } else { \header("{$key}: {$subValue}"); } } \http_response_code($result['code']); if (!\in_array($result['code'], [Status::OK, Status::PARTIAL_CONTENT])) { (yield Tools::echo(self::getExplanation($result['code']))); } elseif ($result['serve']) { \ob_end_flush(); \ob_implicit_flush(); yield from $this->downloadToStream($messageMedia, \fopen('php://output', 'w'), $cb,...$result['serve']); } } /** * Download file to amphp/http-server response. * * Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads. * * @param array|string $messageMedia File to download * @param ServerRequest $request Request * @param callable $cb Status callback (can also use FileCallback) * * @return \Generator<Response> Returned response */ public function downloadToResponse($messageMedia, ServerRequest $request, callable $cb = null) : \Generator { if (\is_object($messageMedia) && $messageMedia instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $messageMedia; $messageMedia = $messageMedia->getFile(); } $messageMedia = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia)); $result = self::parseHeaders($request->getMethod(), \array_map(function (array $headers) { return $headers[0]; }, $request->getHeaders()), $messageMedia); $body = null; if ($result['serve']) { $body = new IteratorStream(new Producer(function (callable $emit) use(&$messageMedia, &$cb, &$result) { $emit = static function (string $payload) use($emit) : \Generator { (yield $emit($payload)); return \strlen($payload); }; (yield Tools::call($this->downloadToCallable($messageMedia, $emit, $cb, false,...$result['serve']))); })); } elseif (!\in_array($result['code'], [Status::OK, Status::PARTIAL_CONTENT])) { $body = self::getExplanation($result['code']); } $response = new Response($result['code'], $result['headers'], $body); if ($result['serve']) { $response->setHeader('content-length', $result['headers']['Content-Length']); } return $response; } /** * Get explanation for HTTP error. * * @param integer $code HTTP error code * * @return string */ private static function getExplanation(int $code) : string { $reason = Status::getReason($code); $body = "<html><body><h1>{$code} {$reason}</h1><br>"; if ($code === Status::RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE) { $body .= "<p>Could not use selected range.</p>"; } $body .= MTProto::POWERED_BY; $body .= "</body></html>"; return $body; } /** * Parse headers. * * @param string $method HTTP method * @param array $headers HTTP headers * @param array $messageMedia Media info * * @internal * * @return array Info about headers */ private static function parseHeaders(string $method, array $headers, array $messageMedia) : array { if (isset($headers['range'])) { $range = \explode('=', $headers['range'], 2); if (\count($range) == 1) { $range[1] = ''; } list($size_unit, $range_orig) = $range; if ($size_unit == 'bytes') { //multiple ranges could be specified at the same time, but for simplicity only serve the first range // $list = \explode(',', $range_orig, 2); if (\count($list) == 1) { $list[1] = ''; } list($range, $extra_ranges) = $list; } else { return ['serve' => false, 'code' => Status::RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, 'headers' => self::NO_CACHE]; } } else { $range = ''; } $listseek = \explode('-', $range, 2); if (\count($listseek) == 1) { $listseek[1] = ''; } list($seek_start, $seek_end) = $listseek; $seek_end = empty($seek_end) ? $messageMedia['size'] - 1 : \min(\abs(\intval($seek_end)), $messageMedia['size'] - 1); if (!empty($seek_start) && $seek_end < \abs(\intval($seek_start))) { return ['serve' => false, 'code' => Status::RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, 'headers' => self::NO_CACHE]; } $seek_start = empty($seek_start) ? 0 : \abs(\intval($seek_start)); $result = ['serve' => $method !== 'HEAD', 'code' => Status::OK, 'headers' => []]; if ($seek_start > 0 || $seek_end < $messageMedia['size'] - 1) { $result['code'] = Status::PARTIAL_CONTENT; $result['headers']['Content-Range'] = "bytes {$seek_start}-{$seek_end}/{$messageMedia['size']}"; $result['headers']['Content-Length'] = $seek_end - $seek_start + 1; } else { $result['headers']['Content-Length'] = $messageMedia['size']; } $result['headers']['Content-Type'] = $messageMedia['mime']; $result['headers']['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=31556926'; $result['headers']['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'Binary'; $result['headers']['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes'; if ($result['serve']) { $result['serve'] = [$seek_start, $seek_end + 1]; } return $result; } /** * Download file to directory. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $dir Directory where to download the file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * * @return \Generator<string> Downloaded file path */ public function downloadToDir($messageMedia, $dir, $cb = null) : \Generator { if (\is_object($dir) && $dir instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $dir; $dir = $dir->getFile(); } $messageMedia = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia)); return yield from $this->downloadToFile($messageMedia, $dir . '/' . $messageMedia['name'] . $messageMedia['ext'], $cb); } /** * Download file. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $file Downloaded file path * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * * @return \Generator<string> Downloaded file path */ public function downloadToFile($messageMedia, $file, $cb = null) : \Generator { if (\is_object($file) && $file instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $file; $file = $file->getFile(); } $file = \danog\MadelineProto\Absolute::absolute(\preg_replace('|/+|', '/', $file)); if (!(yield exists($file))) { (yield \touch($file)); } $file = \realpath($file); $messageMedia = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia)); StatCacheAsync::clear($file); $size = ((yield statAsync($file)))['size']; $stream = (yield open($file, 'cb')); $this->logger->logger('Waiting for lock of file to download...'); $unlock = (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::flock($file, LOCK_EX)); $this->logger->logger('Got lock of file to download'); try { yield from $this->downloadToStream($messageMedia, $stream, $cb, $size, -1); } finally { $unlock(); (yield $stream->close()); StatCacheAsync::clear($file); } return $file; } /** * Download file to stream. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param mixed|FileCallbackInterface $stream Stream where to download file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param int $offset Offset where to start downloading * @param int $end Offset where to end download * * @return \Generator<bool> */ public function downloadToStream($messageMedia, $stream, $cb = null, int $offset = 0, int $end = -1) : \Generator { $messageMedia = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia)); if (\is_object($stream) && $stream instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $stream; $stream = $stream->getFile(); } /** @var $stream \Amp\ByteStream\OutputStream */ if (!\is_object($stream)) { $stream = new ResourceOutputStream($stream); } if (!$stream instanceof OutputStream) { throw new Exception("Invalid stream provided"); } $seekable = false; if (\method_exists($stream, 'seek')) { try { (yield $stream->seek($offset)); $seekable = true; } catch (StreamException $e) { } } $callable = static function (string $payload, int $offset) use($stream, $seekable) : \Generator { if ($seekable) { while ($stream->tell() !== $offset) { (yield $stream->seek($offset)); } } return (yield $stream->write($payload)); }; return yield from $this->downloadToCallable($messageMedia, $callable, $cb, $seekable, $offset, $end); } /** * Download file to callable. * The callable must accept two parameters: string $payload, int $offset * The callable will be called (possibly out of order, depending on the value of $seekable). * The callable should return the number of written bytes. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param callable|FileCallbackInterface $callable Chunk callback * @param callable $cb Status callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param bool $seekable Whether the callable can be called out of order * @param int $offset Offset where to start downloading * @param int $end Offset where to stop downloading (inclusive) * @param int $part_size Size of each chunk * * @return \Generator<bool> */ public function downloadToCallable($messageMedia, callable $callable, $cb = null, bool $seekable = true, int $offset = 0, int $end = -1, int $part_size = null) : \Generator { $messageMedia = (yield from $this->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia)); if (\is_object($callable) && $callable instanceof FileCallbackInterface) { $cb = $callable; $callable = $callable->getFile(); } if (!\is_callable($callable)) { throw new Exception('Wrong callable provided'); } if ($cb === null) { $cb = function ($percent) { $this->logger->logger('Download status: ' . $percent . '%', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); }; } if ($end === -1 && isset($messageMedia['size'])) { $end = $messageMedia['size']; } $part_size = $part_size ?? $this->settings['download']['part_size']; $parallel_chunks = $this->settings['download']['parallel_chunks'] ? $this->settings['download']['parallel_chunks'] : 3000; $datacenter = isset($messageMedia['InputFileLocation']['dc_id']) ? $messageMedia['InputFileLocation']['dc_id'] : $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']; if ($this->datacenter->has($datacenter . '_media')) { $datacenter .= '_media'; } if (isset($messageMedia['key'])) { $digest = \hash('md5', $messageMedia['key'] . $messageMedia['iv'], true); $fingerprint = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedInt(\substr($digest, 0, 4) ^ \substr($digest, 4, 4)); if ($fingerprint !== $messageMedia['key_fingerprint']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Fingerprint mismatch!'); } $ige = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ige'); $ige->setIV($messageMedia['iv']); $ige->setKey($messageMedia['key']); $ige->enableContinuousBuffer(); $seekable = false; } if ($offset === $end) { $cb(100, 0, 0); return true; } $params = []; $start_at = $offset % $part_size; $probable_end = $end !== -1 ? $end : 512 * 1024 * 3000; $breakOut = false; for ($x = $offset - $start_at; $x < $probable_end; $x += $part_size) { $end_at = $part_size; if ($end !== -1 && $x + $part_size > $end) { $end_at = $end % $part_size; $breakOut = true; } $params[] = ['offset' => $x, 'limit' => $part_size, 'part_start_at' => $start_at, 'part_end_at' => $end_at]; $start_at = 0; if ($breakOut) { break; } } if (!$params) { $cb(100, 0, 0); return true; } $count = \count($params); $time = 0; $speed = 0; $origCb = $cb; $cb = function () use($cb, $count, &$time, &$speed) { static $cur = 0; $cur++; \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($cb($cur * 100 / $count, $time, $speed)); }; $cdn = false; $params[0]['previous_promise'] = new Success(true); $start = \microtime(true); $size = (yield from $this->downloadPart($messageMedia, $cdn, $datacenter, $old_dc, $ige, $cb, $initParam = \array_shift($params), $callable, $seekable)); if ($initParam['part_end_at'] - $initParam['part_start_at'] !== $size) { // Premature end for undefined length files $origCb(100, 0, 0); return true; } $parallel_chunks = 1; if ($params) { $previous_promise = new Success(true); $promises = []; foreach ($params as $key => $param) { $param['previous_promise'] = $previous_promise; $previous_promise = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::call($this->downloadPart($messageMedia, $cdn, $datacenter, $old_dc, $ige, $cb, $param, $callable, $seekable)); $previous_promise->onResolve(static function ($e, $res) use(&$size) { if ($res) { $size += $res; } }); $promises[] = $previous_promise; if (!($key % $parallel_chunks)) { // 20 mb at a time, for a typical bandwidth of 1gbps $res = (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($promises)); $promises = []; foreach ($res as $r) { if (!$r) { break 2; } } $time = \microtime(true) - $start; $speed = (int) ($size * 8 / $time) / 1000000; $this->logger->logger("Partial download time: {$time}"); $this->logger->logger("Partial download speed: {$speed} mbps"); } } if ($promises) { (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($promises)); } } $time = \microtime(true) - $start; $speed = (int) ($size * 8 / $time) / 1000000; $this->logger->logger("Total download time: {$time}"); $this->logger->logger("Total download speed: {$speed} mbps"); if ($cdn) { $this->clearCdnHashes($messageMedia['file_token']); } if (!isset($messageMedia['size'])) { $origCb(100, $time, $speed); } return true; } /** * Download file part. * * @param array $messageMedia File object * @param bool $cdn Whether this is a CDN file * @param string $datacenter DC ID * @param string $old_dc Previous DC ID * @param AES $ige IGE decryptor instance * @param callable $cb Status callback * @param array $offset Offset * @param callable $callable Chunk callback * @param boolean $seekable Whether the download file is seekable * @param boolean $postpone Whether to postpone method call * * @return \Generator */ private function downloadPart(&$messageMedia, bool &$cdn, &$datacenter, &$old_dc, &$ige, $cb, array $offset, $callable, bool $seekable, bool $postpone = false) : \Generator { static $method = [ false => 'upload.getFile', // non-cdn true => 'upload.getCdnFile', ]; do { if (!$cdn) { $basic_param = ['location' => $messageMedia['InputFileLocation']]; } else { $basic_param = ['file_token' => $messageMedia['file_token']]; } //$x = 0; while (true) { try { $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead($method[$cdn], $basic_param + $offset, ['heavy' => true, 'file' => true, 'FloodWaitLimit' => 0, 'datacenter' => &$datacenter, 'postpone' => $postpone])); break; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if (\strpos($e->rpc, 'FLOOD_WAIT_') === 0) { (yield Tools::sleep(1)); continue; } switch ($e->rpc) { case 'FILE_TOKEN_INVALID': $cdn = false; continue 3; default: throw $e; } } } if ($res['_'] === 'upload.fileCdnRedirect') { $cdn = true; $messageMedia['file_token'] = $res['file_token']; $messageMedia['cdn_key'] = $res['encryption_key']; $messageMedia['cdn_iv'] = $res['encryption_iv']; $old_dc = $datacenter; $datacenter = $res['dc_id'] . '_cdn'; if (!$this->datacenter->has($datacenter)) { $this->config['expires'] = -1; yield from $this->getConfig([], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['stored_on_cdn'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } elseif ($res['_'] === 'upload.cdnFileReuploadNeeded') { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['cdn_reupload'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); yield from $this->getConfig([], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); try { $this->addCdnHashes($messageMedia['file_token'], yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('upload.reuploadCdnFile', ['file_token' => $messageMedia['file_token'], 'request_token' => $res['request_token']], ['heavy' => true, 'datacenter' => $old_dc])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { switch ($e->rpc) { case 'FILE_TOKEN_INVALID': case 'REQUEST_TOKEN_INVALID': $cdn = false; continue 2; default: throw $e; } } continue; } $res['bytes'] = (string) $res['bytes']; if ($cdn === false && $res['type']['_'] === 'storage.fileUnknown' && $res['bytes'] === '') { $datacenter = 0; } while ($cdn === false && $res['type']['_'] === 'storage.fileUnknown' && $res['bytes'] === '' && $this->datacenter->has(++$datacenter)) { $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('upload.getFile', $basic_param + $offset, ['heavy' => true, 'file' => true, 'FloodWaitLimit' => 0, 'datacenter' => $datacenter])); } if ($res['bytes'] === '') { return 0; } if (isset($messageMedia['cdn_key'])) { $ivec = \substr($messageMedia['cdn_iv'], 0, 12) . \pack('N', $offset['offset'] >> 4); $res['bytes'] = $this->ctrEncrypt($res['bytes'], $messageMedia['cdn_key'], $ivec); $this->checkCdnHash($messageMedia['file_token'], $offset['offset'], $res['bytes'], $old_dc); } if (isset($messageMedia['key'])) { $res['bytes'] = $ige->decrypt($res['bytes']); } if ($offset['part_start_at'] || $offset['part_end_at'] !== $offset['limit']) { $res['bytes'] = \substr($res['bytes'], $offset['part_start_at'], $offset['part_end_at'] - $offset['part_start_at']); } if (!$seekable) { (yield $offset['previous_promise']); } $res = (yield $callable($res['bytes'], $offset['offset'] + $offset['part_start_at'])); $cb(); return $res; } while (true); } private $cdn_hashes = []; private function addCdnHashes($file, $hashes) { if (!isset($this->cdn_hashes[$file])) { $this->cdn_hashes = []; } foreach ($hashes as $hash) { $this->cdn_hashes[$file][$hash['offset']] = ['limit' => $hash['limit'], 'hash' => (string) $hash['hash']]; } } private function checkCdnHash($file, $offset, $data, &$datacenter) : \Generator { while (\strlen($data)) { if (!isset($this->cdn_hashes[$file][$offset])) { $this->addCdnHashes($file, yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('upload.getCdnFileHashes', ['file_token' => $file, 'offset' => $offset], ['datacenter' => $datacenter])); } if (!isset($this->cdn_hashes[$file][$offset])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Could not fetch CDN hashes for offset ' . $offset); } if (\hash('sha256', \substr($data, 0, $this->cdn_hashes[$file][$offset]['limit']), true) !== $this->cdn_hashes[$file][$offset]['hash']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('CDN hash mismatch for offset ' . $offset); } $data = \substr($data, $this->cdn_hashes[$file][$offset]['limit']); $offset += $this->cdn_hashes[$file][$offset]['limit']; } return true; } private function clearCdnHashes($file) { unset($this->cdn_hashes[$file]); return true; } }<?php /** * UpdateHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Http\Client\Request; use Amp\Loop; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException; /** * Manages updates. */ trait UpdateHandler { private $got_state = false; private $channels_state; public $updates = []; public $updates_key = 0; /** * PWR update handler. * * @param array $update Update * * @internal * * @return void */ public function pwrUpdateHandler($update) { if (isset($this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'])) { if (\is_array($this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler']) && $this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'][0] === false) { $this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'] = $this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'][1]; } if (\is_string($this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'])) { return $this->{$this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler']}($update); } \in_array($this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'], [['danog\\MadelineProto\\API', 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler'], 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler']) ? $this->getUpdatesUpdateHandler($update) : $this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler']($update); } } /** * Getupdates update handler. * * @param array $update Update * * @internal * * @return void */ public function getUpdatesUpdateHandler(array $update) { if (!$this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return; } $this->updates[$this->updates_key++] = $update; } /** * Get updates. * * @param array $params Params * * @internal * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function getUpdates($params = []) : \Generator { if (!$this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $this->startUpdateSystem(); } if (!$this->settings['updates']['run_callback']) { $this->settings['updates']['run_callback'] = true; } $params = \array_merge(self::DEFAULT_GETUPDATES_PARAMS, $params); if (empty($this->updates)) { $this->update_deferred = new Deferred(); if (!$params['timeout']) { $params['timeout'] = 0.001; } (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::first([$this->waitUpdate(), \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::sleep($params['timeout'])])); } if (empty($this->updates)) { return []; } if ($params['offset'] < 0) { $params['offset'] = \array_reverse(\array_keys((array) $this->updates))[\abs($params['offset']) - 1]; } $updates = []; foreach ($this->updates as $key => $value) { if ($params['offset'] > $key) { unset($this->updates[$key]); } elseif ($params['limit'] === null || \count($updates) < $params['limit']) { $updates[] = ['update_id' => $key, 'update' => $value]; } } return $updates; } public $update_resolved = false; public $update_deferred; /** * Wait for update. * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function waitUpdate() : \Generator { if (!$this->update_deferred) { $this->update_deferred = new Deferred(); } (yield $this->update_deferred->promise()); $this->update_resolved = false; $this->update_deferred = new Deferred(); } /** * Signal update. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function signalUpdate() { if (!$this->update_deferred) { $this->update_deferred = new Deferred(); } Loop::defer(function () { if (!$this->update_resolved) { $this->update_resolved = true; $this->update_deferred->resolve(); } }); } /** * Check message ID. * * @param array $message Message * * @internal * * @return boolean */ public function checkMsgId(array $message) : bool { if (!isset($message['to_id'])) { return true; } try { $peer_id = $this->getId($message['to_id']); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return true; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { return true; } $message_id = $message['id']; if (!isset($this->msg_ids[$peer_id]) || $message_id > $this->msg_ids[$peer_id]) { $this->msg_ids[$peer_id] = $message_id; return true; } return false; } /** * Get channel state. * * @internal * * @return UpdatesState|UpdatesState[] */ public function loadUpdateState() : \Generator { if (!$this->got_state) { $this->got_state = true; $this->channels_state->get(false, yield from $this->getUpdatesState()); } return $this->channels_state->get(false); } /** * Load channel state. * * @param ?int $channelId Channel ID * @param array $init Init * * @internal * * @return UpdatesState|UpdatesState[] */ public function loadChannelState($channelId = null, $init = []) { return $this->channels_state->get($channelId, $init); } /** * Get channel states. * * @internal * * @return CombinedUpdatesState */ public function getChannelStates() { return $this->channels_state; } /** * Get update state. * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function getUpdatesState() : \Generator { $data = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('updates.getState', [], ['datacenter' => $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']])); yield from $this->getCdnConfig($this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']); return $data; } /** * Undocumented function. * * @param array $updates Updates * @param array $actual_updates Actual updates for deferred * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function handleUpdates($updates, $actual_updates = null) : \Generator { if (!$this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return; } if ($actual_updates) { $updates = $actual_updates; } $this->logger->logger('Parsing updates (' . $updates['_'] . ') received via the socket...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); switch ($updates['_']) { case 'updates': case 'updatesCombined': $result = []; foreach ($updates['updates'] as $key => $update) { if ($update['_'] === 'updateNewMessage' || $update['_'] === 'updateReadMessagesContents' || $update['_'] === 'updateEditMessage' || $update['_'] === 'updateDeleteMessages' || $update['_'] === 'updateReadHistoryInbox' || $update['_'] === 'updateReadHistoryOutbox' || $update['_'] === 'updateWebPage' || $update['_'] === 'updateMessageID') { $result[yield from $this->feeders[false]->feedSingle($update)] = true; unset($updates['updates'][$key]); } } $this->seqUpdater->addPendingWakeups($result); if ($updates['updates']) { if ($updates['_'] === 'updatesCombined') { $updates['options'] = ['seq_start' => $updates['seq_start'], 'seq_end' => $updates['seq'], 'date' => $updates['date']]; } else { $updates['options'] = ['seq_start' => $updates['seq'], 'seq_end' => $updates['seq'], 'date' => $updates['date']]; } $this->seqUpdater->feed($updates); } $this->seqUpdater->resume(); break; case 'updateShort': $this->feeders[yield from $this->feeders[false]->feedSingle($updates['update'])]->resume(); break; case 'updateShortSentMessage': if (!isset($updates['request']['body'])) { break; } $updates['user_id'] = (yield from $this->getInfo($updates['request']['body']['peer']))['bot_api_id']; $updates['message'] = $updates['request']['body']['message']; unset($updates['request']); // no break case 'updateShortMessage': case 'updateShortChatMessage': $from_id = isset($updates['from_id']) ? $updates['from_id'] : ($updates['out'] ? $this->authorization['user']['id'] : $updates['user_id']); $to_id = isset($updates['chat_id']) ? -$updates['chat_id'] : ($updates['out'] ? $updates['user_id'] : $this->authorization['user']['id']); if (!((yield from $this->peerIsset($from_id)) || !((yield from $this->peerIsset($to_id)) || isset($updates['via_bot_id']) && !((yield from $this->peerIsset($updates['via_bot_id'])) || isset($updates['entities']) && !((yield from $this->entitiesPeerIsset($updates['entities'])) || isset($updates['fwd_from']) && !(yield from $this->fwdPeerIsset($updates['fwd_from']))))))) { (yield $this->updaters[false]->resume()); return; } $message = $updates; $message['_'] = 'message'; $message['from_id'] = $from_id; try { $message['to_id'] = (yield from $this->getInfo($to_id))['Peer']; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger('Still did not get user in database, postponing update', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); //$this->pending_updates[] = $updates; break; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger('Still did not get user in database, postponing update', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); //$this->pending_updates[] = $updates; break; } $update = ['_' => 'updateNewMessage', 'message' => $message, 'pts' => $updates['pts'], 'pts_count' => $updates['pts_count']]; $this->feeders[yield from $this->feeders[false]->feedSingle($update)]->resume(); break; case 'updatesTooLong': $this->updaters[false]->resume(); break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\ResponseException('Unrecognized update received: ' . \var_export($updates, true)); break; } } /** * Save update. * * @param array $update Update to save * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function saveUpdate(array $update) : \Generator { if ($update['_'] === 'updateConfig') { $this->config['expires'] = 0; yield from $this->getConfig(); } if (\in_array($update['_'], ['updateUserName', 'updateUserPhone', 'updateUserBlocked', 'updateUserPhoto', 'updateContactRegistered', 'updateContactLink'])) { $id = $this->getId($update); $this->full_chats[$id]['last_update'] = 0; yield from $this->getFullInfo($id); } if ($update['_'] === 'updateDcOptions') { $this->logger->logger('Got new dc options', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->config['dc_options'] = $update['dc_options']; yield from $this->parseConfig(); return; } if ($update['_'] === 'updatePhoneCall') { if (!\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP')) { $this->logger->logger('The php-libtgvoip extension is required to accept and manage calls. See for more info.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); return; } switch ($update['phone_call']['_']) { case 'phoneCallRequested': if (isset($this->calls[$update['phone_call']['id']])) { return; } $controller = new \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP(false, $update['phone_call']['admin_id'], $this, \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_INCOMING); $controller->setCall($update['phone_call']); $controller->storage = ['g_a_hash' => $update['phone_call']['g_a_hash']]; $update['phone_call'] = $this->calls[$update['phone_call']['id']] = $controller; break; case 'phoneCallAccepted': if (!(yield from $this->confirmCall($update['phone_call']))) { return; } $update['phone_call'] = $this->calls[$update['phone_call']['id']]; break; case 'phoneCall': if (!(yield from $this->completeCall($update['phone_call']))) { return; } $update['phone_call'] = $this->calls[$update['phone_call']['id']]; break; case 'phoneCallDiscarded': if (!isset($this->calls[$update['phone_call']['id']])) { return; } return $this->calls[$update['phone_call']['id']]->discard($update['phone_call']['reason'], [], $update['phone_call']['need_debug']); } } if ($update['_'] === 'updateNewEncryptedMessage' && !isset($update['message']['decrypted_message'])) { if (isset($update['qts'])) { $cur_state = (yield from $this->loadUpdateState()); if ($cur_state->qts() === -1) { $cur_state->qts($update['qts']); } if ($update['qts'] < $cur_state->qts()) { $this->logger->logger('Duplicate update. update qts: ' . $update['qts'] . ' <= current qts ' . $cur_state->qts() . ', chat id: ' . $update['message']['chat_id'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); return false; } if ($update['qts'] > $cur_state->qts() + 1) { $this->logger->logger('Qts hole. Fetching updates manually: update qts: ' . $update['qts'] . ' > current qts ' . $cur_state->qts() . '+1, chat id: ' . $update['message']['chat_id'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->updaters[false]->resumeDefer(); return false; } $this->logger->logger('Applying qts: ' . $update['qts'] . ' over current qts ' . $cur_state->qts() . ', chat id: ' . $update['message']['chat_id'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.receivedQueue', ['max_qts' => $cur_state->qts($update['qts'])], ['datacenter' => $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); } yield from $this->handleEncryptedUpdate($update); return; } /* if ($update['_'] === 'updateEncryptedChatTyping') { $update = ['_' => 'updateUserTyping', 'user_id' => $this->encrypted_chats[$update['chat_id']]['user_id'], 'action' => ['_' => 'sendMessageTypingAction']]; } */ if ($update['_'] === 'updateEncryption') { switch ($update['chat']['_']) { case 'encryptedChatRequested': if ($this->settings['secret_chats']['accept_chats'] === false || \is_array($this->settings['secret_chats']['accept_chats']) && !\in_array($update['chat']['admin_id'], $this->settings['secret_chats']['accept_chats'])) { return; } $this->logger->logger('Accepting secret chat ' . $update['chat']['id'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); try { yield from $this->acceptSecretChat($update['chat']); } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger("Error while accepting secret chat: {$e}", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } break; case 'encryptedChatDiscarded': $this->logger->logger('Deleting secret chat ' . $update['chat']['id'] . ' because it was revoked by the other user', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); if (isset($this->secret_chats[$update['chat']['id']])) { unset($this->secret_chats[$update['chat']['id']]); } if (isset($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$update['chat']['id']])) { unset($this->temp_requested_secret_chats[$update['chat']['id']]); } if (isset($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$update['chat']['id']])) { unset($this->temp_rekeyed_secret_chats[$update['chat']['id']]); } break; case 'encryptedChat': $this->logger->logger('Completing creation of secret chat ' . $update['chat']['id'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); yield from $this->completeSecretChat($update['chat']); break; } //$this->logger->logger($update, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } //if ($update['_'] === 'updateServiceNotification' && strpos($update['type'], 'AUTH_KEY_DROP_') === 0) { //} if (!$this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { return; } if (isset($update['message']['_']) && $update['message']['_'] === 'messageEmpty') { return; } if (isset($update['message']['from_id']) && $update['message']['from_id'] === $this->authorization['user']['id']) { $update['message']['out'] = true; } //$this->logger->logger('Saving an update of type '.$update['_'].'...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if (isset($this->settings['pwr']['strict']) && $this->settings['pwr']['strict'] && isset($this->settings['pwr']['updateHandler'])) { $this->pwrUpdateHandler($update); } elseif ($this->settings['updates']['run_callback']) { $this->getUpdatesUpdateHandler($update); } } /** * Send update to webhook. * * @param array $update Update * * @return void */ private function pwrWebhook(array $update) { $payload = \json_encode($update); //$this->logger->logger($update, $payload, json_last_error()); if ($payload === '') { $this->logger->logger('EMPTY UPDATE'); return; } \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use($payload) : \Generator { $request = new Request($this->hook_url, 'POST'); $request->setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); $request->setBody($payload); $result = (yield ((yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)))->getBody()->buffer()); $this->logger->logger('Result of webhook query is ' . $result, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $result = \json_decode($result, true); if (\is_array($result) && isset($result['method']) && $result['method'] != '' && \is_string($result['method'])) { try { $this->logger->logger('Reverse webhook command returned', yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead($result['method'], $result, ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->logger("Reverse webhook command returned: {$e}"); } } })()); } }<?php /** * CombinedUpdatesState class. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; /** * Stores multiple update states. */ class CombinedUpdatesState { /** * Update states. * * @var array<UpdatesState> */ private $states = []; /** * Constructor function. * * @param array $init Initial array of states */ public function __construct($init = []) { $this->states[false] = new UpdatesState(); if (!\is_array($init)) { return; } foreach ($init as $channel => $state) { if (\is_array($state)) { $state = new UpdatesState($state, $channel); } $this->states[$channel] = $state; } } /** * Get or update multiple parameters. * * @param int $channel Channel to get info about (optional, if not provided returns the entire info array) * @param array $init Parameters to update * * @return UpdatesState|UpdatesState[] */ public function get(int $channel = null, array $init = []) { if ($channel === null) { return $this->states; } if (!isset($this->states[$channel])) { return $this->states[$channel] = new UpdatesState($init, $channel); } return $this->states[$channel]->update($init); } /** * Remove update state. * * @param int $channel Channel whose state should be removed * * @return void */ public function remove(int $channel) { if (isset($this->states[$channel])) { unset($this->states[$channel]); } } /** * Check if update state is present. * * @param int $channel Channel ID * * @return bool */ public function has(int $channel) : bool { return isset($this->states[$channel]); } /** * Are we currently busy? * * @param int $channel Channel to get info about * @param bool|null $set Busy flag to set before returning * * @return bool */ public function syncLoading(int $channel, bool $set = null) : bool { return $this->get($channel)->syncLoading($set); } }<?php /** * AuthKeyHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use Amp\Http\Client\Request; use danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\AuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\PermAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\TempAuthKey; use tgseclib\Math\BigInteger; /** * Manages the creation of the authorization key. * * * */ trait AuthKeyHandler { /** * DCs currently initing authorization. * * @var array<bool> */ private $init_auth_dcs = []; /** * Currently initing authorization? * * @var boolean */ private $pending_auth = false; /** * Create authorization key. * * @param int $expires_in Expiry date of auth key, -1 for permanent auth key * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @internal * * @return \Generator<AuthKey> */ public function createAuthKey(int $expires_in, string $datacenter) : \Generator { $connection = $this->datacenter->getAuthConnection($datacenter); $cdn = $connection->isCDN(); $req_pq = $cdn ? 'req_pq' : 'req_pq_multi'; for ($retry_id_total = 1; $retry_id_total <= $this->settings['max_tries']['authorization']; $retry_id_total++) { try { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['req_pq'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); /** * *********************************************************************** * Make pq request, DH exchange initiation. * * @method req_pq * * @param [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the client (random number) and identifies the client within this communication * ] * * @return ResPQ [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the server * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * string $pq : This is a representation of a natural number (in binary big endian format). This number is the product of two different odd prime numbers * Vector long $server_public_key_fingerprints : This is a list of public RSA key fingerprints * ] */ $nonce = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(16); $ResPQ = (yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead($req_pq, ['nonce' => $nonce])); /* * *********************************************************************** * Check if the client's nonce and the server's nonce are the same */ if ($ResPQ['nonce'] !== $nonce) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong nonce'); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Find our key in the server_public_key_fingerprints vector */ foreach ($cdn ? \array_merge($this->cdn_rsa_keys, $this->rsa_keys) : $this->rsa_keys as $curkey) { if (\in_array($curkey->fp, $ResPQ['server_public_key_fingerprints'])) { $key = $curkey; } } if (!isset($key)) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException("Couldn't find any of our keys in the server_public_key_fingerprints vector."); } $pq_bytes = $ResPQ['pq']; $server_nonce = $ResPQ['server_nonce']; /* * *********************************************************************** * Compute p and q */ $pq = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $pq_bytes, 256); $q = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(0); $p = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\PrimeModule::auto_single($pq->__toString())); if (!$p->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { $q = $pq->divide($p)[0]; if ($p->compare($q) > 0) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } } if (!$pq->equals($p->multiply($q))) { $this->logger->logger('Automatic factorization failed, trying native CPP module', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $p = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\PrimeModule::native_single_cpp($pq->__toString())); if (!$p->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { $q = $pq->divide($p)[0]; if ($p->compare($q) > 0) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } } if (!$pq->equals($p->multiply($q))) { $this->logger->logger('Automatic factorization failed, trying alt py module', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $p = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\PrimeModule::python_single_alt($pq->__toString())); if (!$p->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { $q = $pq->divide($p)[0]; if ($p->compare($q) > 0) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } } if (!$pq->equals($p->multiply($q))) { $this->logger->logger('Automatic factorization failed, trying py module', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $p = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\PrimeModule::python_single($pq->__toString())); if (!$p->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { $q = $pq->divide($p)[0]; if ($p->compare($q) > 0) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } } if (!$pq->equals($p->multiply($q))) { $this->logger->logger('Automatic factorization failed, trying native module', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $p = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\PrimeModule::native_single($pq->__toString())); if (!$p->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { $q = $pq->divide($p)[0]; if ($p->compare($q) > 0) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } } if (!$pq->equals($p->multiply($q))) { $this->logger->logger('Automatic factorization failed, trying wolfram module', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $p = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(yield from $this->wolframSingle($pq->__toString())); if (!$p->equals(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$zero)) { $q = $pq->divide($p)[0]; if ($p->compare($q) > 0) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } } if (!$pq->equals($p->multiply($q))) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException("Couldn't compute p and q, install to fix. Original pq: {$pq}, computed p: {$p}, computed q: {$q}, computed pq: " . $p->multiply($q)); } } } } } } $this->logger->logger('Factorization ' . $pq . ' = ' . $p . ' * ' . $q, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); /* * *********************************************************************** * Serialize object for req_DH_params */ $p_bytes = $p->toBytes(); $q_bytes = $q->toBytes(); $new_nonce = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(32); $data_unserialized = ['_' => 'p_q_inner_data' . ($expires_in < 0 ? '' : '_temp'), 'pq' => $pq_bytes, 'p' => $p_bytes, 'q' => $q_bytes, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'server_nonce' => $server_nonce, 'new_nonce' => $new_nonce, 'expires_in' => $expires_in, 'dc' => \preg_replace('|_.*|', '', $datacenter)]; $p_q_inner_data = (yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => ''], $data_unserialized, 'p_q_inner_data')); /* * *********************************************************************** * Encrypt serialized object */ $sha_digest = \sha1($p_q_inner_data, true); $random_bytes = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(255 - \strlen($p_q_inner_data) - \strlen($sha_digest)); $to_encrypt = $sha_digest . $p_q_inner_data . $random_bytes; $encrypted_data = $key->encrypt($to_encrypt); $this->logger->logger('Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); /* * *********************************************************************** * Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange, Server authentication * @method req_DH_params * @param [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the client (random number) and identifies the client within this communication * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * string $p : The value of BigInteger * string $q : The value of BigInteger * long $public_key_fingerprint : This is our key in the server_public_key_fingerprints vector * string $encrypted_data * ] * @return Server_DH_Params [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the server * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * string $new_nonce_hash : Return this value if server responds with server_DH_params_fail * string $encrypted_answer : Return this value if server responds with server_DH_params_ok * ] */ // $server_dh_params = (yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('req_DH_params', ['nonce' => $nonce, 'server_nonce' => $server_nonce, 'p' => $p_bytes, 'q' => $q_bytes, 'public_key_fingerprint' => $key->fp, 'encrypted_data' => $encrypted_data])); /* * *********************************************************************** * Check if the client's nonce and the server's nonce are the same */ if ($nonce != $server_dh_params['nonce']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong nonce.'); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Check if server_nonce and new server_nonce are the same */ if ($server_nonce != $server_dh_params['server_nonce']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong server nonce.'); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Check valid new nonce hash if return from server * new nonce hash return in server_DH_params_fail */ if (isset($server_dh_params['new_nonce_hash']) && \substr(\sha1($new_nonce), -32) != $server_dh_params['new_nonce_hash']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong new nonce hash.'); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Get key, iv and decrypt answer */ $encrypted_answer = $server_dh_params['encrypted_answer']; $tmp_aes_key = \sha1($new_nonce . $server_nonce, true) . \substr(\sha1($server_nonce . $new_nonce, true), 0, 12); $tmp_aes_iv = \substr(\sha1($server_nonce . $new_nonce, true), 12, 8) . \sha1($new_nonce . $new_nonce, true) . \substr($new_nonce, 0, 4); $answer_with_hash = $this->igeDecrypt($encrypted_answer, $tmp_aes_key, $tmp_aes_iv); /* * *********************************************************************** * Separate answer and hash */ $answer_hash = \substr($answer_with_hash, 0, 20); $answer = \substr($answer_with_hash, 20); /* * *********************************************************************** * Deserialize answer * @return Server_DH_inner_data [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the client (random number) and identifies the client within this communication * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * int $g * string $dh_prime * string $g_a * int $server_time * ] */ $server_DH_inner_data = $this->TL->deserialize($answer, ['type' => '']); /* * *********************************************************************** * Do some checks */ $server_DH_inner_data_length = $this->TL->getLength($answer); if (\sha1(\substr($answer, 0, $server_DH_inner_data_length), true) != $answer_hash) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('answer_hash mismatch.'); } if ($nonce != $server_DH_inner_data['nonce']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong nonce'); } if ($server_nonce != $server_DH_inner_data['server_nonce']) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong server nonce'); } $g = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($server_DH_inner_data['g']); $g_a = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $server_DH_inner_data['g_a'], 256); $dh_prime = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $server_DH_inner_data['dh_prime'], 256); /* * *********************************************************************** * Time delta */ $server_time = $server_DH_inner_data['server_time']; $connection->time_delta = $server_time - \time(); $this->logger->logger(\sprintf('Server-client time delta = %.1f s', $connection->time_delta), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->checkPG($dh_prime, $g); $this->checkG($g_a, $dh_prime); for ($retry_id = 0; $retry_id <= $this->settings['max_tries']['authorization']; $retry_id++) { $this->logger->logger('Generating b...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $b = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(256), 256); $this->logger->logger('Generating g_b...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $g_b = $g->powMod($b, $dh_prime); $this->checkG($g_b, $dh_prime); /* * *********************************************************************** * Check validity of g_b * 1 < g_b < dh_prime - 1 */ $this->logger->logger('Executing g_b check...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($g_b->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one) <= 0 || $g_b->compare($dh_prime->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one)) >= 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('g_b is invalid (1 < g_b < dh_prime - 1 is false).'); } $this->logger->logger('Preparing client_DH_inner_data...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $g_b_str = $g_b->toBytes(); /* * *********************************************************************** * serialize client_DH_inner_data * @method client_DH_inner_data * @param Server_DH_inner_data [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the client (random number) and identifies the client within this communication * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * long $retry_id : First attempt * string $g_b : g^b mod dh_prime * ] */ $data = (yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'client_DH_inner_data', 'nonce' => $nonce, 'server_nonce' => $server_nonce, 'retry_id' => $retry_id, 'g_b' => $g_b_str], 'client_DH_inner_data')); /* * *********************************************************************** * encrypt client_DH_inner_data */ $data_with_sha = \sha1($data, true) . $data; $data_with_sha_padded = $data_with_sha . \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-\strlen($data_with_sha), 16)); $encrypted_data = $this->igeEncrypt($data_with_sha_padded, $tmp_aes_key, $tmp_aes_iv); $this->logger->logger('Executing set_client_DH_params...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); /* * *********************************************************************** * Send set_client_DH_params query * @method set_client_DH_params * @param Server_DH_inner_data [ * int128 $nonce : The value of nonce is selected randomly by the client (random number) and identifies the client within this communication * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * string $encrypted_data * ] * @return Set_client_DH_params_answer [ * string $_ : This value is dh_gen_ok, dh_gen_retry OR dh_gen_fail * int128 $server_nonce : The value of server_nonce is selected randomly by the server * int128 $new_nonce_hash1 : Return this value if server responds with dh_gen_ok * int128 $new_nonce_hash2 : Return this value if server responds with dh_gen_retry * int128 $new_nonce_hash2 : Return this value if server responds with dh_gen_fail * ] */ $Set_client_DH_params_answer = (yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('set_client_DH_params', ['nonce' => $nonce, 'server_nonce' => $server_nonce, 'encrypted_data' => $encrypted_data])); /* * *********************************************************************** * Generate auth_key */ $this->logger->logger('Generating authorization key...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $auth_key = $g_a->powMod($b, $dh_prime); $auth_key_str = $auth_key->toBytes(); $auth_key_sha = \sha1($auth_key_str, true); $auth_key_aux_hash = \substr($auth_key_sha, 0, 8); $new_nonce_hash1 = \substr(\sha1($new_nonce . \chr(1) . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16); $new_nonce_hash2 = \substr(\sha1($new_nonce . \chr(2) . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16); $new_nonce_hash3 = \substr(\sha1($new_nonce . \chr(3) . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16); /* * *********************************************************************** * Check if the client's nonce and the server's nonce are the same */ if ($Set_client_DH_params_answer['nonce'] != $nonce) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong nonce.'); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Check if server_nonce and new server_nonce are the same */ if ($Set_client_DH_params_answer['server_nonce'] != $server_nonce) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong server nonce'); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Check Set_client_DH_params_answer type */ switch ($Set_client_DH_params_answer['_']) { case 'dh_gen_ok': if ($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash1'] != $new_nonce_hash1) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong new_nonce_hash1'); } $this->logger->logger('Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully!', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $key = $expires_in < 0 ? new PermAuthKey() : new TempAuthKey(); if ($expires_in >= 0) { $key->expires(\time() + $expires_in); } $key->setServerSalt(\substr($new_nonce, 0, 8) ^ \substr($server_nonce, 0, 8)); $key->setAuthKey($auth_key_str); $this->logger->logger('Auth key generated', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); return $key; case 'dh_gen_retry': if ($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash2'] != $new_nonce_hash2) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong new_nonce_hash_2'); } //repeat foreach $this->logger->logger('Retrying Auth', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); break; case 'dh_gen_fail': if ($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash3'] != $new_nonce_hash3) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('wrong new_nonce_hash_3'); } $this->logger->logger('Auth Failed', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); break 2; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('Response Error'); break; } } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException $e) { $this->logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . \basename($e->getFile(), '.php') . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . '. Retrying...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . \basename($e->getFile(), '.php') . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . '. Retrying...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); $req_pq = $req_pq === 'req_pq_multi' ? 'req_pq' : 'req_pq_multi'; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger('An RPCErrorException occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' Retrying (try number ' . $retry_id_total . ')...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e . PHP_EOL . ' Retrying (try number ' . $retry_id_total . ')...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } } if (!$cdn) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('Auth Failed'); } } /** * Check validity of g_a parameters. * * @param BigInteger $g_a * @param BigInteger $p * * @internal * * @return bool */ public function checkG(BigInteger $g_a, BigInteger $p) : bool { /* * *********************************************************************** * Check validity of g_a * 1 < g_a < p - 1 */ $this->logger->logger('Executing g_a check (1/2)...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($g_a->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one) <= 0 || $g_a->compare($p->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one)) >= 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('g_a is invalid (1 < g_a < p - 1 is false).'); } $this->logger->logger('Executing g_a check (2/2)...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($g_a->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$twoe1984) < 0 || $g_a->compare($p->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$twoe1984)) >= 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('g_a is invalid (2^1984 < g_a < p - 2^1984 is false).'); } return true; } /** * Check validity of p and g parameters. * * @param BigInteger $p * @param BigInteger $g * * @internal * * @return boolean */ public function checkPG(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $g) : bool { /* * *********************************************************************** * Check validity of dh_prime * Is it a prime? */ $this->logger->logger('Executing p/g checks (1/2)...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if (!$p->isPrime()) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException("p isn't a safe 2048-bit prime (p isn't a prime)."); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Check validity of p * Is (p - 1) / 2 a prime? * * Almost always fails */ /* $this->logger->logger('Executing p/g checks (2/3)...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if (!$p->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one)->divide(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$two)[0]->isPrime()) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException("p isn't a safe 2048-bit prime ((p - 1) / 2 isn't a prime)."); } */ /* * *********************************************************************** * Check validity of p * 2^2047 < p < 2^2048 */ $this->logger->logger('Executing p/g checks (2/2)...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($p->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$twoe2047) <= 0 || $p->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$twoe2048) >= 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException("g isn't a safe 2048-bit prime (2^2047 < p < 2^2048 is false)."); } /* * *********************************************************************** * Check validity of g * 1 < g < p - 1 */ $this->logger->logger('Executing g check...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); if ($g->compare(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one) <= 0 || $g->compare($p->subtract(\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$one)) >= 0) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('g is invalid (1 < g < p - 1 is false).'); } return true; } /** * Get diffie-hellman configuration. * * @internal * * @return \Generator<array> */ public function getDhConfig() : \Generator { $dh_config = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getDhConfig', ['version' => $this->dh_config['version'], 'random_length' => 0], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); if ($dh_config['_'] === 'messages.dhConfigNotModified') { $this->logger->logger('DH configuration not modified', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); return $this->dh_config; } $dh_config['p'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger((string) $dh_config['p'], 256); $dh_config['g'] = new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($dh_config['g']); $this->checkPG($dh_config['p'], $dh_config['g']); return $this->dh_config = $dh_config; } /** * Bind temporary and permanent auth keys. * * @param integer $expires_in Date of expiry for binding * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @internal * * @return \Generator<bool> */ public function bindTempAuthKey(int $expires_in, string $datacenter) : \Generator { $datacenterConnection = $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($datacenter); $connection = $datacenterConnection->getAuthConnection(); for ($retry_id_total = 1; $retry_id_total <= $this->settings['max_tries']['authorization']; $retry_id_total++) { try { $this->logger->logger('Binding authorization keys...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $nonce = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); $expires_at = \time() + $expires_in; $temp_auth_key_id = $datacenterConnection->getTempAuthKey()->getID(); $perm_auth_key_id = $datacenterConnection->getPermAuthKey()->getID(); $temp_session_id = $connection->session_id; $message_data = (yield from $this->TL->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'bind_auth_key_inner', 'nonce' => $nonce, 'temp_auth_key_id' => $temp_auth_key_id, 'perm_auth_key_id' => $perm_auth_key_id, 'temp_session_id' => $temp_session_id, 'expires_at' => $expires_at], 'bindTempAuthKey_inner')); $message_id = $connection->msgIdHandler->generateMessageId(); $seq_no = 0; $encrypted_data = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(16) . $message_id . \pack('VV', $seq_no, \strlen($message_data)) . $message_data; $message_key = \substr(\sha1($encrypted_data, true), -16); $padding = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-\strlen($encrypted_data), 16)); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->oldAesCalculate($message_key, $datacenterConnection->getPermAuthKey()->getAuthKey()); $encrypted_message = $datacenterConnection->getPermAuthKey()->getID() . $message_key . $this->igeEncrypt($encrypted_data . $padding, $aes_key, $aes_iv); $res = (yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.bindTempAuthKey', ['perm_auth_key_id' => $perm_auth_key_id, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'expires_at' => $expires_at, 'encrypted_message' => $encrypted_message], ['msg_id' => $message_id])); if ($res === true) { $this->logger->logger('Bound temporary and permanent authorization keys, DC ' . $datacenter, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $datacenterConnection->bind(); $datacenterConnection->flush(); return true; } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException $e) { $this->logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' Retrying (try number ' . $retry_id_total . ')...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' Retrying (try number ' . $retry_id_total . ')...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger('An RPCErrorException occurred while generating the authorization key: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' Retrying (try number ' . $retry_id_total . ')...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } } throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException('An error occurred while binding temporary and permanent authorization keys.'); } /** * Factorize number asynchronously using the wolfram API. * * @param string|integer $what Number to factorize * * @return \Generator<string|bool> */ private function wolframSingle($what) : \Generator { $code = (yield from $this->datacenter->fileGetContents('')); $query = 'Do prime factorization of ' . $what; $params = ['async' => true, 'banners' => 'raw', 'debuggingdata' => false, 'format' => 'moutput', 'formattimeout' => 8, 'input' => $query, 'output' => 'JSON', 'proxycode' => \json_decode($code, true)['code']]; $url = '' . \http_build_query($params); $request = new Request($url); $request->setHeader('referer', '' . \urlencode($query)); $res = \json_decode((yield ((yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)))->getBody()->buffer()), true); if (!isset($res['queryresult']['pods'])) { return false; } $fres = false; foreach ($res['queryresult']['pods'] as $cur) { if ($cur['id'] === 'Divisors') { $fres = \explode(', ', \preg_replace(["/{\\d+, /", "/, \\d+}\$/"], '', $cur['subpods'][0]['moutput'])); break; } } if (\is_array($fres)) { $fres = $fres[0]; $newval = \intval($fres); if (\is_int($newval)) { $fres = $newval; } return $fres; } return false; } /** * Asynchronously create, bind and check auth keys for all DCs. * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function initAuthorization() : \Generator { if ($this->pending_auth) { $this->logger("Pending auth, not initing auth"); return; } $this->logger("Initing authorization..."); $initing = $this->initing_authorization; $this->initing_authorization = true; try { $dcs = []; $postpone = []; foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $id => $socket) { if (!$socket->hasCtx()) { continue; } if ($socket->isMedia()) { $oid = \intval($id); if (isset($dcs[$oid])) { $postpone[$id] = $socket; } continue; } (yield $socket->waitGetConnection()); if (isset($this->init_auth_dcs[$id])) { $this->pending_auth = true; continue; } $dcs[$id] = function () use($id, $socket) { return $this->initAuthorizationSocket($id, $socket); }; } if ($dcs) { $first = \array_shift($dcs)(); (yield $first); } foreach ($dcs as $id => &$dc) { $dc = $dc(); } (yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($dcs)); foreach ($postpone as $id => $socket) { yield from $this->initAuthorizationSocket($id, $socket); } if ($this->pending_auth && empty($this->init_auth_dcs)) { $this->pending_auth = false; yield from $this->initAuthorization(); } } finally { $this->pending_auth = false; $this->initing_authorization = $initing; } } /** * Init auth keys for single DC. * * @param string $id DC ID * @param DataCenterConnection $socket DC object * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function initAuthorizationSocket(string $id, DataCenterConnection $socket) : \Generator { $this->logger("Initing authorization DC {$id}..."); $this->init_auth_dcs[$id] = true; $connection = $socket->getAuthConnection(); try { $socket->createSession(); $cdn = $socket->isCDN(); $media = $socket->isMedia(); if (!$socket->hasTempAuthKey() || !$socket->hasPermAuthKey() || !$socket->isBound()) { if (!$socket->hasPermAuthKey() && !$cdn && !$media) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['gen_perm_auth_key'], $id), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $socket->setPermAuthKey(yield from $this->createAuthKey(-1, $id)); //$socket->authorized(false); } if ($media) { $socket->link(\intval($id)); if ($socket->hasTempAuthKey()) { return; } } if ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($id)->getSettings()['pfs']) { if (!$cdn) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['gen_temp_auth_key'], $id), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); //$authorized = $socket->authorized; //$socket->authorized = false; $socket->setTempAuthKey(null); $socket->setTempAuthKey(yield from $this->createAuthKey($this->settings['authorization']['default_temp_auth_key_expires_in'], $id)); yield from $this->bindTempAuthKey($this->settings['authorization']['default_temp_auth_key_expires_in'], $id); $this->config = (yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', [])); yield from $this->syncAuthorization($id); } elseif (!$socket->hasTempAuthKey()) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['gen_temp_auth_key'], $id), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $socket->setTempAuthKey(yield from $this->createAuthKey($this->settings['authorization']['default_temp_auth_key_expires_in'], $id)); } } else { if (!$cdn) { $socket->bind(false); $this->config = (yield from $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', [])); yield from $this->syncAuthorization($id); } elseif (!$socket->hasTempAuthKey()) { $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['gen_temp_auth_key'], $id), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $socket->setTempAuthKey(yield from $this->createAuthKey($this->settings['authorization']['default_temp_auth_key_expires_in'], $id)); } } } elseif (!$cdn) { yield from $this->syncAuthorization($id); } } finally { $this->logger("Done initing authorization DC {$id}"); unset($this->init_auth_dcs[$id]); } } /** * Sync authorization data between DCs. * * @param string $id DC ID * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function syncAuthorization(string $id) : \Generator { if (!$this->datacenter->has($id)) { return false; } $socket = $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($id); if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && !$socket->isAuthorized()) { foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $authorized_dc_id => $authorized_socket) { if ($this->authorized_dc !== -1 && $authorized_dc_id !== $this->authorized_dc) { continue; } if ($authorized_socket->hasTempAuthKey() && $authorized_socket->hasPermAuthKey() && $authorized_socket->isAuthorized() && $this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && !$socket->isAuthorized() && !$authorized_socket->isCDN()) { try { $this->logger->logger('Trying to copy authorization from dc ' . $authorized_dc_id . ' to dc ' . $id); $exported_authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.exportAuthorization', ['dc_id' => \preg_replace('|_.*|', '', $id)], ['datacenter' => $authorized_dc_id])); $authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.importAuthorization', $exported_authorization, ['datacenter' => $id])); $socket->authorized(true); break; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger('Failure while syncing authorization from DC ' . $authorized_dc_id . ' to DC ' . $id . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger('Failure while syncing authorization from DC ' . $authorized_dc_id . ' to DC ' . $id . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); if ($e->rpc === 'DC_ID_INVALID') { break; } } // Turns out this DC isn't authorized after all } } } } }<?php /** * PeerHandler module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; use Amp\Http\Client\Request; use danog\Decoder\FileId; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto; use const danog\Decoder\PROFILE_PHOTO; /** * Manages peers. */ trait PeerHandler { public $caching_simple = []; public $caching_simple_username = []; public $caching_possible_username = []; public $caching_full_info = []; /** * Convert MTProto channel ID to bot API channel ID. * * @param int $id MTProto channel ID * * @return int */ public static function toSupergroup($id) { return -($id + \pow(10, (int) \floor(\log($id, 10) + 3))); } /** * Convert bot API channel ID to MTProto channel ID. * * @param int $id Bot API channel ID * * @return int */ public static function fromSupergroup($id) : int { return -$id - \pow(10, (int) \floor(\log(-$id, 10))); } /** * Check whether provided bot API ID is a channel. * * @param int $id Bot API ID * * @return boolean */ public static function isSupergroup($id) : bool { $log = \log(-$id, 10); return ($log - \intval($log)) * 1000 < 10; } /** * Set support info. * * @param array $support Support info * * @internal * * @return void */ public function addSupport(array $support) { $this->supportUser = $support['user']['id']; } /** * Add user info. * * @param array $user User info * * @return void */ public function addUser(array $user) { if (!isset($user['access_hash']) && !($user['min'] ?? false)) { if (isset($this->chats[$user['id']]['access_hash']) && $this->chats[$user['id']]['access_hash']) { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with user {$user['id']}, using backup"); $user['access_hash'] = $this->chats[$user['id']]['access_hash']; } elseif (!isset($this->caching_simple[$user['id']]) && !(isset($user['username']) && isset($this->caching_simple_username[$user['username']]))) { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with user {$user['id']}, trying to fetch by ID..."); if (isset($user['username']) && !isset($this->caching_simple_username[$user['username']])) { $this->caching_possible_username[$user['id']] = $user['username']; } $this->cachePwrChat($user['id'], false, true); } elseif (isset($user['username']) && !isset($this->chats[$user['id']]) && !isset($this->caching_simple_username[$user['username']])) { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with user {$user['id']}, trying to fetch by username..."); $this->cachePwrChat($user['username'], false, true); } else { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with user {$user['id']}, tried and failed to fetch data..."); } return; } switch ($user['_']) { case 'user': if (!isset($this->chats[$user['id']]) || $this->chats[$user['id']] !== $user) { $this->logger->logger("Updated user {$user['id']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if (($user['min'] ?? false) && isset($this->chats[$user['id']]) && !($this->chats[$user['id']]['min'] ?? false)) { $this->logger->logger("{$user['id']} is min, filling missing fields", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if (isset($this->chats[$user['id']]['access_hash'])) { $user['min'] = false; $user['access_hash'] = $this->chats[$user['id']]['access_hash']; } } $this->chats[$user['id']] = $user; $this->cachePwrChat($user['id'], false, true); } break; case 'userEmpty': break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid user provided', $user); } } /** * Add chat to database. * * @param array $chat Chat * * @internal * * @return void */ public function addChat($chat) : \Generator { switch ($chat['_']) { case 'chat': case 'chatEmpty': case 'chatForbidden': if (!isset($this->chats[-$chat['id']]) || $this->chats[-$chat['id']] !== $chat) { $this->logger->logger("Updated chat -{$chat['id']}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $this->chats[-$chat['id']] = $chat; $this->cachePwrChat(-$chat['id'], $this->settings['peer']['full_fetch'], true); } break; case 'channelEmpty': break; case 'channel': case 'channelForbidden': $bot_api_id = $this->toSupergroup($chat['id']); if (!isset($chat['access_hash'])) { if (!isset($this->caching_simple[$bot_api_id]) && !(isset($chat['username']) && isset($this->caching_simple_username[$chat['username']]))) { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with {$chat['_']} {$bot_api_id}, trying to fetch by ID..."); if (isset($chat['username']) && !isset($this->caching_simple_username[$chat['username']])) { $this->caching_possible_username[$bot_api_id] = $chat['username']; } $this->cachePwrChat($bot_api_id, false, true); } elseif (isset($chat['username']) && !isset($this->chats[$bot_api_id]) && !isset($this->caching_simple_username[$chat['username']])) { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with {$chat['_']} {$bot_api_id}, trying to fetch by username..."); $this->cachePwrChat($chat['username'], false, true); } else { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with {$chat['_']} {$bot_api_id}, tried and failed to fetch data..."); } return; } if (!isset($this->chats[$bot_api_id]) || $this->chats[$bot_api_id] !== $chat) { $this->logger->logger("Updated chat {$bot_api_id}", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); if (($chat['min'] ?? false) && isset($this->chats[$bot_api_id]) && !($this->chats[$bot_api_id]['min'] ?? false)) { $this->logger->logger("{$bot_api_id} is min, filling missing fields", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); $newchat = $this->chats[$bot_api_id]; foreach (['title', 'username', 'photo', 'banned_rights', 'megagroup', 'verified'] as $field) { if (isset($chat[$field])) { $newchat[$field] = $chat[$field]; } } $chat = $newchat; } $this->chats[$bot_api_id] = $chat; if ($this->settings['peer']['full_fetch'] && (!isset($this->full_chats[$bot_api_id]) || $this->full_chats[$bot_api_id]['full']['participants_count'] !== (yield from $this->getFullInfo($bot_api_id))['full']['participants_count'])) { $this->cachePwrChat($bot_api_id, $this->settings['peer']['full_fetch'], true); } } break; default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid chat provided at key ' . $key . ': ' . \var_export($chat, true)); break; } } private function cachePwrChat($id, $full_fetch, $send) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork((function () use($id, $full_fetch, $send) : \Generator { try { yield from $this->getPwrChat($id, $full_fetch, $send); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger('While caching: ' . $e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger('While caching: ' . $e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } })()); } /** * Check if peer is present in internal peer database. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @return \Generator<boolean> */ public function peerIsset($id) : \Generator { try { return isset($this->chats[(yield from $this->getInfo($id))['bot_api_id']]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return false; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc === 'CHAT_FORBIDDEN') { return true; } if ($e->rpc === 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE') { return true; } return false; } } /** * Check if all peer entities are in db. * * @param array $entities Entity list * * @internal * * @return \Generator<bool> */ public function entitiesPeerIsset(array $entities) : \Generator { try { foreach ($entities as $entity) { if ($entity['_'] === 'messageEntityMentionName' || $entity['_'] === 'inputMessageEntityMentionName') { if (!(yield from $this->peerIsset($entity['user_id']))) { return false; } } } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check if fwd peer is set. * * @param array $fwd Forward info * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function fwdPeerIsset(array $fwd) : \Generator { try { if (isset($fwd['user_id']) && !(yield from $this->peerIsset($fwd['user_id']))) { return false; } if (isset($fwd['channel_id']) && !(yield from $this->peerIsset($this->toSupergroup($fwd['channel_id'])))) { return false; } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get folder ID from object. * * @param mixed $id Object * * @return ?int */ public static function getFolderId($id) { if (!\is_array($id)) { return null; } if (!isset($id['folder_id'])) { return null; } return $id['folder_id']; } /** * Get bot API ID from peer object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @return int */ public function getId($id) { if (\is_array($id)) { switch ($id['_']) { case 'updateDialogPinned': case 'updateDialogUnreadMark': case 'updateNotifySettings': $id = $id['peer']; // no break case 'updateDraftMessage': case 'inputDialogPeer': case 'dialogPeer': case 'inputNotifyPeer': case 'notifyPeer': case 'dialog': case 'help.proxyDataPromo': case 'updateChatDefaultBannedRights': case 'folderPeer': case 'inputFolderPeer': return $this->getId($id['peer']); case 'inputUserFromMessage': case 'inputPeerUserFromMessage': return $id['user_id']; case 'inputChannelFromMessage': case 'inputPeerChannelFromMessage': return $this->toSupergroup($id['channel_id']); case 'inputUserSelf': case 'inputPeerSelf': return $this->authorization['user']['id']; case 'user': return $id['id']; case 'userFull': return $id['user']['id']; case 'inputPeerUser': case 'inputUser': case 'peerUser': case 'messageEntityMentionName': case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser': return $id['user_id']; case 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink': return $id['inviter_id']; case 'chat': case 'chatForbidden': case 'chatFull': return -$id['id']; case 'inputPeerChat': case 'peerChat': return -$id['chat_id']; case 'channelForbidden': case 'channel': case 'channelFull': return $this->toSupergroup($id['id']); case 'inputPeerChannel': case 'inputChannel': case 'peerChannel': return $this->toSupergroup($id['channel_id']); case 'message': case 'messageService': if (!isset($id['from_id']) || $id['to_id']['_'] !== 'peerUser' || $id['to_id']['user_id'] !== $this->authorization['user']['id']) { return $this->getId($id['to_id']); } return $id['from_id']; case 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents': case 'updateChannelAvailableMessages': case 'updateChannel': case 'updateChannelWebPage': case 'updateChannelMessageViews': case 'updateReadChannelInbox': case 'updateReadChannelOutbox': case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': case 'updateChannelPinnedMessage': case 'updateChannelTooLong': return $this->toSupergroup($id['channel_id']); case 'updateChatParticipants': $id = $id['participants']; // no break case 'updateChatUserTyping': case 'updateChatParticipantAdd': case 'updateChatParticipantDelete': case 'updateChatParticipantAdmin': case 'updateChatAdmins': case 'updateChatPinnedMessage': return -$id['chat_id']; case 'updateUserTyping': case 'updateUserStatus': case 'updateUserName': case 'updateUserPhoto': case 'updateUserPhone': case 'updateUserBlocked': case 'updateContactRegistered': case 'updateContactLink': case 'updateBotInlineQuery': case 'updateInlineBotCallbackQuery': case 'updateBotInlineSend': case 'updateBotCallbackQuery': case 'updateBotPrecheckoutQuery': case 'updateBotShippingQuery': case 'updateUserPinnedMessage': return $id['user_id']; case 'updatePhoneCall': return $id->getOtherID(); case 'updateReadHistoryInbox': case 'updateReadHistoryOutbox': return $this->getId($id['peer']); case 'updateNewMessage': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateEditMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': return $this->getId($id['message']); default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid constructor given ' . \var_export($id, true)); } } if (\is_string($id)) { if (\strpos($id, '#') !== false) { if (\preg_match('/^channel#(\\d*)/', $id, $matches)) { return $this->toSupergroup($matches[1]); } if (\preg_match('/^chat#(\\d*)/', $id, $matches)) { $id = '-' . $matches[1]; } if (\preg_match('/^user#(\\d*)/', $id, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } } } if (\is_numeric($id)) { if (\is_string($id)) { $id = \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$bigint ? (float) $id : (int) $id; } return $id; } return false; } /** * Get info about peer, returns an Info object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * @param boolean $recursive Internal * * @see * * @return \Generator<array> Info object */ public function getInfo($id, $recursive = true) : \Generator { if (\is_array($id)) { switch ($id['_']) { case 'updateEncryption': return $this->getSecretChat($id['chat']['id']); case 'inputEncryptedChat': case 'updateEncryptedChatTyping': case 'updateEncryptedMessagesRead': return $this->getSecretChat($id['chat_id']); case 'updateNewEncryptedMessage': $id = $id['message']; // no break case 'encryptedMessage': case 'encryptedMessageService': $id = $id['chat_id']; if (!isset($this->secret_chats[$id])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['sec_peer_not_in_db']); } return $this->secret_chats[$id]; } } $folder_id = $this->getFolderId($id); $try_id = $this->getId($id); if ($try_id !== false) { $id = $try_id; } $tried_simple = false; if (\is_numeric($id)) { if (!isset($this->chats[$id])) { try { $this->logger->logger("Try fetching {$id} with access hash 0"); $this->caching_simple[$id] = true; if ($id < 0) { if ($this->isSupergroup($id)) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('channels.getChannels', ['id' => [['access_hash' => 0, 'channel_id' => $this->fromSupergroup($id), '_' => 'inputChannel']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } else { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getFullChat', ['chat_id' => -$id], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } } else { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [['access_hash' => 0, 'user_id' => $id, '_' => 'inputUser']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } finally { if (isset($this->caching_simple[$id])) { unset($this->caching_simple[$id]); } $tried_simple = true; } } if (isset($this->chats[$id])) { if (($this->chats[$id]['min'] ?? false) && $this->minDatabase->hasPeer($id) && !isset($this->caching_full_info[$id])) { $this->caching_full_info[$id] = true; $this->logger->logger("Only have min peer for {$id} in database, trying to fetch full info"); try { if ($id < 0) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('channels.getChannels', ['id' => [$this->genAll($this->chats[$id], $folder_id)['InputChannel']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } else { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [$this->genAll($this->chats[$id], $folder_id)['InputUser']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } finally { unset($this->caching_full_info[$id]); } } try { return $this->genAll($this->chats[$id], $folder_id); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() === 'This peer is not present in the internal peer database') { unset($this->chats[$id]); } else { throw $e; } } } if (!isset($this->settings['pwr']['requests']) || $this->settings['pwr']['requests'] === true && $recursive) { $dbres = []; try { $dbres = \json_decode(yield from $this->datacenter->fileGetContents('' . $id), true); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->logger($e); } if (isset($dbres['ok']) && $dbres['ok']) { yield from $this->resolveUsername('@' . $dbres['result']); return yield from $this->getInfo($id, false); } } if ($tried_simple && isset($this->caching_possible_username[$id])) { $this->logger->logger("No access hash with {$id}, trying to fetch by username..."); $user = $this->caching_possible_username[$id]; unset($this->caching_possible_username[$id]); return yield from $this->getInfo($user); } throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('This peer is not present in the internal peer database'); } if (\preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/(joinchat/)?([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $id, $matches)) { if ($matches[1] === '') { $id = $matches[2]; } else { $invite = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.checkChatInvite', ['hash' => $matches[2]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); if (isset($invite['chat'])) { return yield from $this->getInfo($invite['chat']); } throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('You have not joined this chat'); } } $id = \strtolower(\str_replace('@', '', $id)); if ($id === 'me') { return yield from $this->getInfo($this->authorization['user']['id']); } if ($id === 'support') { if (!$this->supportUser) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getSupport', [], ['datacenter' => $this->settings['connection_settings']['default_dc']]); } return yield from $this->getInfo($this->supportUser); } foreach ($this->chats as $bot_api_id => $chat) { if (isset($chat['username']) && \strtolower($chat['username']) === $id) { if ($chat['min'] ?? false && !isset($this->caching_full_info[$bot_api_id])) { $this->caching_full_info[$bot_api_id] = true; $this->logger->logger("Only have min peer for {$bot_api_id} in database, trying to fetch full info"); try { if ($bot_api_id < 0) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('channels.getChannels', ['id' => [$this->genAll($this->chats[$bot_api_id], $folder_id)['InputChannel']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } else { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [$this->genAll($this->chats[$bot_api_id], $folder_id)['InputUser']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::WARNING); } finally { unset($this->caching_full_info[$bot_api_id]); } } return $this->genAll($this->chats[$bot_api_id], $folder_id); } } if ($recursive) { yield from $this->resolveUsername($id); return yield from $this->getInfo($id, false); } throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('This peer is not present in the internal peer database'); } private function genAll($constructor, $folder_id = null) { $res = [$this->TL->getConstructors()->findByPredicate($constructor['_'])['type'] => $constructor]; switch ($constructor['_']) { case 'user': if ($constructor['self'] ?? false) { $res['InputPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputPeerSelf']; $res['InputUser'] = ['_' => 'inputUserSelf']; } elseif (isset($constructor['access_hash'])) { $res['InputPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputPeerUser', 'user_id' => $constructor['id'], 'access_hash' => $constructor['access_hash'], 'min' => $constructor['min']]; $res['InputUser'] = ['_' => 'inputUser', 'user_id' => $constructor['id'], 'access_hash' => $constructor['access_hash'], 'min' => $constructor['min']]; } else { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('This peer is not present in the internal peer database'); } $res['Peer'] = ['_' => 'peerUser', 'user_id' => $constructor['id']]; $res['DialogPeer'] = ['_' => 'dialogPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer']]; $res['NotifyPeer'] = ['_' => 'notifyPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer']]; $res['InputDialogPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputDialogPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer']]; $res['InputNotifyPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputNotifyPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer']]; $res['user_id'] = $constructor['id']; $res['bot_api_id'] = $constructor['id']; $res['type'] = $constructor['bot'] ?? false ? 'bot' : 'user'; break; case 'chat': case 'chatForbidden': $res['InputPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputPeerChat', 'chat_id' => $constructor['id']]; $res['Peer'] = ['_' => 'peerChat', 'chat_id' => $constructor['id']]; $res['DialogPeer'] = ['_' => 'dialogPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer']]; $res['NotifyPeer'] = ['_' => 'notifyPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer']]; $res['InputDialogPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputDialogPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer']]; $res['InputNotifyPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputNotifyPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer']]; $res['chat_id'] = $constructor['id']; $res['bot_api_id'] = -$constructor['id']; $res['type'] = 'chat'; break; case 'channel': if (!isset($constructor['access_hash'])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('This peer is not present in the internal peer database'); } $res['InputPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputPeerChannel', 'channel_id' => $constructor['id'], 'access_hash' => $constructor['access_hash'], 'min' => $constructor['min']]; $res['Peer'] = ['_' => 'peerChannel', 'channel_id' => $constructor['id']]; $res['DialogPeer'] = ['_' => 'dialogPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer']]; $res['NotifyPeer'] = ['_' => 'notifyPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer']]; $res['InputDialogPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputDialogPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer']]; $res['InputNotifyPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputNotifyPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer']]; $res['InputChannel'] = ['_' => 'inputChannel', 'channel_id' => $constructor['id'], 'access_hash' => $constructor['access_hash'], 'min' => $constructor['min']]; $res['channel_id'] = $constructor['id']; $res['bot_api_id'] = $this->toSupergroup($constructor['id']); $res['type'] = $constructor['megagroup'] ?? false ? 'supergroup' : 'channel'; break; case 'channelForbidden': throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('This peer is not present in the internal peer database'); default: throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Invalid constructor given ' . \var_export($constructor, true)); } if ($folder_id) { $res['FolderPeer'] = ['_' => 'folderPeer', 'peer' => $res['Peer'], 'folder_id' => $folder_id]; $res['InputFolderPeer'] = ['_' => 'inputFolderPeer', 'peer' => $res['InputPeer'], 'folder_id' => $folder_id]; } return $res; } /** * When were full info for this chat last cached. * * @param mixed $id Chat ID * * @return integer */ public function fullChatLastUpdated($id) : int { return isset($this->full_chats[$id]['last_update']) ? $this->full_chats[$id]['last_update'] : 0; } /** * Get full info about peer, returns an FullInfo object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @see * * @return \Generator<array> FullInfo object */ public function getFullInfo($id) : \Generator { $partial = (yield from $this->getInfo($id)); if (\time() - $this->fullChatLastUpdated($partial['bot_api_id']) < (isset($this->settings['peer']['full_info_cache_time']) ? $this->settings['peer']['full_info_cache_time'] : 0)) { return \array_merge($partial, $this->full_chats[$partial['bot_api_id']]); } switch ($partial['type']) { case 'user': case 'bot': $full = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getFullUser', ['id' => $partial['InputUser']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); break; case 'chat': $full = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getFullChat', $partial, ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]))['full_chat']; break; case 'channel': case 'supergroup': $full = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('channels.getFullChannel', ['channel' => $partial['InputChannel']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]))['full_chat']; break; } $res = []; $res['full'] = $full; $res['last_update'] = \time(); $this->full_chats[$partial['bot_api_id']] = $res; $partial = (yield from $this->getInfo($id)); return \array_merge($partial, $res); } /** * Get full info about peer (including full list of channel members), returns a Chat object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @see * * @return \Generator<array> Chat object */ public function getPwrChat($id, bool $fullfetch = true, bool $send = true) : \Generator { $full = $fullfetch ? yield from $this->getFullInfo($id) : (yield from $this->getInfo($id)); $res = ['id' => $full['bot_api_id'], 'type' => $full['type']]; switch ($full['type']) { case 'user': case 'bot': foreach (['first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'verified', 'restricted', 'restriction_reason', 'status', 'bot_inline_placeholder', 'access_hash', 'phone', 'lang_code', 'bot_nochats'] as $key) { if (isset($full['User'][$key])) { $res[$key] = $full['User'][$key]; } } foreach (['about', 'bot_info', 'phone_calls_available', 'phone_calls_private', 'common_chats_count', 'can_pin_message', 'pinned_msg_id', 'notify_settings'] as $key) { if (isset($full['full'][$key])) { $res[$key] = $full['full'][$key]; } } if (isset($full['full']['profile_photo']['sizes'])) { $res['photo'] = $full['full']['profile_photo']; } break; case 'chat': foreach (['title', 'participants_count', 'admin', 'admins_enabled'] as $key) { if (isset($full['Chat'][$key])) { $res[$key] = $full['Chat'][$key]; } } foreach (['bot_info', 'pinned_msg_id', 'notify_settings'] as $key) { if (isset($full['full'][$key])) { $res[$key] = $full['full'][$key]; } } if (isset($res['admins_enabled'])) { $res['all_members_are_administrators'] = !$res['admins_enabled']; } if (isset($full['full']['chat_photo']['sizes'])) { $res['photo'] = $full['full']['chat_photo']; } if (isset($full['full']['exported_invite']['link'])) { $res['invite'] = $full['full']['exported_invite']['link']; } if (isset($full['full']['participants']['participants'])) { $res['participants'] = $full['full']['participants']['participants']; } break; case 'channel': case 'supergroup': foreach (['title', 'democracy', 'restricted', 'restriction_reason', 'access_hash', 'username', 'signatures'] as $key) { if (isset($full['Chat'][$key])) { $res[$key] = $full['Chat'][$key]; } } foreach (['read_inbox_max_id', 'read_outbox_max_id', 'hidden_prehistory', 'bot_info', 'notify_settings', 'can_set_stickers', 'stickerset', 'can_view_participants', 'can_set_username', 'participants_count', 'admins_count', 'kicked_count', 'banned_count', 'migrated_from_chat_id', 'migrated_from_max_id', 'pinned_msg_id', 'about', 'hidden_prehistory', 'available_min_id', 'can_view_stats', 'online_count'] as $key) { if (isset($full['full'][$key])) { $res[$key] = $full['full'][$key]; } } if (isset($full['full']['chat_photo']['sizes'])) { $res['photo'] = $full['full']['chat_photo']; } if (isset($full['full']['exported_invite']['link'])) { $res['invite'] = $full['full']['exported_invite']['link']; } if (isset($full['full']['participants']['participants'])) { $res['participants'] = $full['full']['participants']['participants']; } break; } if (isset($res['participants']) && $fullfetch) { foreach ($res['participants'] as $key => $participant) { $newres = []; $newres['user'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['user_id'], false, true)); if (isset($participant['inviter_id'])) { $newres['inviter'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['inviter_id'], false, true)); } if (isset($participant['promoted_by'])) { $newres['promoted_by'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['promoted_by'], false, true)); } if (isset($participant['kicked_by'])) { $newres['kicked_by'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['kicked_by'], false, true)); } if (isset($participant['date'])) { $newres['date'] = $participant['date']; } if (isset($participant['admin_rights'])) { $newres['admin_rights'] = $participant['admin_rights']; } if (isset($participant['banned_rights'])) { $newres['banned_rights'] = $participant['banned_rights']; } if (isset($participant['can_edit'])) { $newres['can_edit'] = $participant['can_edit']; } if (isset($participant['left'])) { $newres['left'] = $participant['left']; } switch ($participant['_']) { case 'chatParticipant': $newres['role'] = 'user'; break; case 'chatParticipantAdmin': $newres['role'] = 'admin'; break; case 'chatParticipantCreator': $newres['role'] = 'creator'; break; } $res['participants'][$key] = $newres; } } if (!isset($res['participants']) && $fullfetch && \in_array($res['type'], ['supergroup', 'channel'])) { $total_count = (isset($res['participants_count']) ? $res['participants_count'] : 0) + (isset($res['admins_count']) ? $res['admins_count'] : 0) + (isset($res['kicked_count']) ? $res['kicked_count'] : 0) + (isset($res['banned_count']) ? $res['banned_count'] : 0); $res['participants'] = []; $limit = 200; $filters = ['channelParticipantsAdmins', 'channelParticipantsBots']; foreach ($filters as $filter) { yield from $this->fetchParticipants($full['InputChannel'], $filter, '', $total_count, $res); } $q = ''; $filters = ['channelParticipantsSearch', 'channelParticipantsKicked', 'channelParticipantsBanned']; foreach ($filters as $filter) { yield from $this->recurseAlphabetSearchParticipants($full['InputChannel'], $filter, $q, $total_count, $res); } $this->logger->logger('Fetched ' . \count($res['participants']) . " out of {$total_count}"); $res['participants'] = \array_values($res['participants']); } if (!$fullfetch) { unset($res['participants']); } if ($fullfetch || $send) { $this->storeDb($res); } if (isset($res['photo'])) { $photo = []; foreach (['small' => $res['photo']['sizes'][0], 'big' => \end($res['photo']['sizes'])] as $type => $size) { $fileId = new FileId(); $fileId->setId($res['photo']['id'] ?? 0); $fileId->setAccessHash($res['photo']['access_hash'] ?? 0); $fileId->setFileReference($res['photo']['file_reference'] ?? ''); $fileId->setDcId($res['photo']['dc_id']); $fileId->setType(PROFILE_PHOTO); $fileId->setLocalId($size['location']['local_id']); $fileId->setVolumeId($size['location']['volume_id']); $photoSize = new PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto(); $photoSize->setDialogId($res['id']); $photoSize->setDialogPhotoSmall($type === 'small'); $photoSize->setDialogAccessHash($res['access_hash'] ?? 0); $fileId->setPhotoSizeSource($photoSize); $photo[$type . '_file_id'] = (string) $fileId; $photo[$type . '_file_unique_id'] = $fileId->getUniqueBotAPI(); } $res['photo'] += $photo; } return $res; } private function recurseAlphabetSearchParticipants($channel, $filter, $q, $total_count, &$res) : \Generator { if (!(yield from $this->fetchParticipants($channel, $filter, $q, $total_count, $res))) { return false; } for ($x = 'a'; $x !== 'aa' && $total_count > \count($res['participants']); $x++) { yield from $this->recurseAlphabetSearchParticipants($channel, $filter, $q . $x, $total_count, $res); } } private function fetchParticipants($channel, $filter, $q, $total_count, &$res) : \Generator { $offset = 0; $limit = 200; $has_more = false; $cached = false; $last_count = -1; do { try { $gres = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('channels.getParticipants', ['channel' => $channel, 'filter' => ['_' => $filter, 'q' => $q], 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'hash' => $hash = $this->getParticipantsHash($channel, $filter, $q, $offset, $limit)], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc, 'heavy' => true])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc === 'CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED') { $this->logger->logger($e->rpc); return $has_more; } throw $e; } if ($cached = $gres['_'] === 'channels.channelParticipantsNotModified') { $gres = $this->fetchParticipantsCache($channel, $filter, $q, $offset, $limit); } else { $this->storeParticipantsCache($gres, $channel, $filter, $q, $offset, $limit); } if ($last_count !== -1 && $last_count !== $gres['count']) { $has_more = true; } else { $last_count = $gres['count']; } foreach ($gres['participants'] as $participant) { $newres = []; $newres['user'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['user_id'], false, true)); if (isset($participant['inviter_id'])) { $newres['inviter'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['inviter_id'], false, true)); } if (isset($participant['kicked_by'])) { $newres['kicked_by'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['kicked_by'], false, true)); } if (isset($participant['promoted_by'])) { $newres['promoted_by'] = (yield from $this->getPwrChat($participant['promoted_by'], false, true)); } if (isset($participant['date'])) { $newres['date'] = $participant['date']; } if (isset($participant['rank'])) { $newres['rank'] = $participant['rank']; } switch ($participant['_']) { case 'channelParticipantSelf': $newres['role'] = 'user'; if (isset($newres['admin_rights'])) { $newres['admin_rights'] = $full['Chat']['admin_rights']; } if (isset($newres['banned_rights'])) { $newres['banned_rights'] = $full['Chat']['banned_rights']; } break; case 'channelParticipant': $newres['role'] = 'user'; break; case 'channelParticipantCreator': $newres['role'] = 'creator'; break; case 'channelParticipantAdmin': $newres['role'] = 'admin'; break; case 'channelParticipantBanned': $newres['role'] = 'banned'; break; } $res['participants'][$participant['user_id']] = $newres; } $this->logger->logger('Fetched ' . \count($gres['participants']) . " channel participants with filter {$filter}, query {$q}, offset {$offset}, limit {$limit}, hash {$hash}: " . ($cached ? 'cached' : 'not cached') . ', ' . ($offset + \count($gres['participants'])) . ' participants out of ' . $gres['count'] . ', in total fetched ' . \count($res['participants']) . ' out of ' . $total_count); $offset += \count($gres['participants']); } while (\count($gres['participants'])); if ($offset === $limit) { return true; } return $has_more; } private function fetchParticipantsCache($channel, $filter, $q, $offset, $limit) { return $this->channel_participants[$channel['channel_id']][$filter][$q][$offset][$limit]; } private function storeParticipantsCache($gres, $channel, $filter, $q, $offset, $limit) { //return; unset($gres['users']); $ids = []; foreach ($gres['participants'] as $participant) { $ids[] = $participant['user_id']; } \sort($ids, SORT_NUMERIC); $gres['hash'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::genVectorHash($ids); $this->channel_participants[$channel['channel_id']][$filter][$q][$offset][$limit] = $gres; } private function getParticipantsHash($channel, $filter, $q, $offset, $limit) { return isset($this->channel_participants[$channel['channel_id']][$filter][$q][$offset][$limit]) ? $this->channel_participants[$channel['channel_id']][$filter][$q][$offset][$limit]['hash'] : 0; } private function storeDb($res, $force = false) : \Generator { $settings = isset($this->settings['connection_settings'][$this->datacenter->curdc]) ? $this->settings['connection_settings'][$this->datacenter->curdc] : $this->settings['connection_settings']['all']; if (!isset($this->settings['pwr']) || $this->settings['pwr']['pwr'] === false || $settings['test_mode']) { return; } if (!empty($res)) { if (isset($res['participants'])) { unset($res['participants']); } $this->qres[] = $res; } if ($this->last_stored > \time() && !$force) { //$this->logger->logger("========== WILL SERIALIZE IN ".($this->last_stored - time())." ============="); return false; } if (empty($this->qres)) { return false; } try { $payload = \json_encode($this->qres); //$path = '/tmp/ids'.hash('sha256', $payload); //file_put_contents($path, $payload); $id = isset($this->authorization['user']['username']) ? $this->authorization['user']['username'] : $this->authorization['user']['id']; $request = new Request('' . $this->settings['pwr']['db_token'] . '/addnewmadeline?d=pls&from=' . $id, 'POST'); $request->setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); $request->setBody($payload); $result = (yield ((yield $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient()->request($request)))->getBody()->buffer()); $this->logger->logger("============ {$result} =============", \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->qres = []; $this->last_stored = \time() + 10; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger('======= COULD NOT STORE IN DB DUE TO ' . $e->getMessage() . ' =============', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); } } /** * Resolve username (use getInfo instead). * * @param string $username Username * * @return \Generator */ public function resolveUsername(string $username) : \Generator { try { $this->caching_simple_username[$username] = true; $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('contacts.resolveUsername', ['username' => \str_replace('@', '', $username)], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger('Username resolution failed with error ' . $e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); if (\strpos($e->rpc, 'FLOOD_WAIT_') === 0 || $e->rpc === 'AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED' || $e->rpc === 'USERNAME_INVALID') { throw $e; } return false; } finally { if (isset($this->caching_simple_username[$username])) { unset($this->caching_simple_username[$username]); } } if ($res['_'] === 'contacts.resolvedPeer') { return $res; } return false; } }<?php /** * Crypt module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools; trait Crypt { /** * AES KDF function for MTProto v2. * * @param string $msg_key Message key * @param string $auth_key Auth key * @param boolean $to_server To server/from server direction * * @internal * * @return array */ public static function aesCalculate(string $msg_key, string $auth_key, bool $to_server = true) : array { $x = $to_server ? 0 : 8; $sha256_a = \hash('sha256', $msg_key . \substr($auth_key, $x, 36), true); $sha256_b = \hash('sha256', \substr($auth_key, 40 + $x, 36) . $msg_key, true); $aes_key = \substr($sha256_a, 0, 8) . \substr($sha256_b, 8, 16) . \substr($sha256_a, 24, 8); $aes_iv = \substr($sha256_b, 0, 8) . \substr($sha256_a, 8, 16) . \substr($sha256_b, 24, 8); return [$aes_key, $aes_iv]; } /** * AES KDF function for MTProto v1. * * @param string $msg_key Message key * @param string $auth_key Auth key * @param boolean $to_server To server/from server direction * * @internal * * @return array */ public static function oldAesCalculate(string $msg_key, string $auth_key, bool $to_server = true) : array { $x = $to_server ? 0 : 8; $sha1_a = \sha1($msg_key . \substr($auth_key, $x, 32), true); $sha1_b = \sha1(\substr($auth_key, 32 + $x, 16) . $msg_key . \substr($auth_key, 48 + $x, 16), true); $sha1_c = \sha1(\substr($auth_key, 64 + $x, 32) . $msg_key, true); $sha1_d = \sha1($msg_key . \substr($auth_key, 96 + $x, 32), true); $aes_key = \substr($sha1_a, 0, 8) . \substr($sha1_b, 8, 12) . \substr($sha1_c, 4, 12); $aes_iv = \substr($sha1_a, 8, 12) . \substr($sha1_b, 0, 8) . \substr($sha1_c, 16, 4) . \substr($sha1_d, 0, 8); return [$aes_key, $aes_iv]; } /** * CTR encrypt. * * @param string $message Message to encrypt * @param string $key Key * @param string $iv IV * * @internal * * @return string */ public static function ctrEncrypt(string $message, string $key, string $iv) : string { $cipher = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ctr'); $cipher->setKey($key); $cipher->setIV($iv); return @$cipher->encrypt($message); } /** * IGE encrypt. * * @param string $message Message to encrypt * @param string $key Key * @param string $iv IV * * @internal * * @return string */ public static function igeEncrypt(string $message, string $key, string $iv) : string { $cipher = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ige'); $cipher->setKey($key); $cipher->setIV($iv); return @$cipher->encrypt($message); } /** * CTR decrypt. * * @param string $message Message to encrypt * @param string $key Key * @param string $iv IV * * @internal * * @return string */ public static function igeDecrypt(string $message, string $key, string $iv) : string { $cipher = new \tgseclib\Crypt\AES('ige'); $cipher->setKey($key); $cipher->setIV($iv); return @$cipher->decrypt($message); } }<?php /** * APIFactory module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use danog\MadelineProto\Async\AsyncConstruct; abstract class AbstractAPIFactory extends AsyncConstruct { /** * Namespace. * * @internal * * @var string */ private $namespace = ''; /** * MTProto instance. * * @internal * * @var MTProto */ public $API; /** * Whether lua is being used. * * @internal * * @var boolean */ public $lua = false; /** * Whether async is enabled. * * @internal * * @var boolean */ protected $async = false; /** * Method list. * * @var string[] */ protected $methods = []; /** * Export APIFactory instance with the specified namespace. * * @param string $namespace Namespace * * @return self */ protected function exportNamespace(string $namespace = '') : self { $class = \array_reverse(\array_values(\class_parents(static::class)))[$namespace ? 2 : 3]; $instance = new $class(); $instance->namespace = $namespace ? $namespace . '.' : ''; self::link($instance, $this); return $instance; } /** * Link two APIFactory instances. * * @param self $a First instance * @param self $b Second instance * * @return void */ protected static function link(self $a, self $b) { $a->API =& $b->API; $a->lua =& $b->lua; $a->async =& $b->async; $a->methods =& $b->methods; } /** * Enable or disable async. * * @param bool $async Whether to enable or disable async * * @return void */ public function async(bool $async) { $this->async = $async; } /** * Call async wrapper function. * * @param string $name Method name * @param array $arguments Arguments * * @internal * * @return mixed */ public function __call(string $name, array $arguments) { $yielded = Tools::call($this->__call_async($name, $arguments)); $async = !$this->lua && ((\is_array(\end($arguments)) ? \end($arguments) : [])['async'] ?? $this->async && $name !== 'loop'); if ($async) { return $yielded; } $yielded = Tools::wait($yielded); if (!$this->lua) { return $yielded; } try { Lua::convertObjects($yielded); return $yielded; } catch (\Throwable $e) { return ['error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error' => $e->getMessage()]; } } /** * Info to dump. * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() : array { $keys = APIWrapper::__sleep(); $res = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $res[$key] = Tools::getVar($this, $key); } return $res; } /** * Call async wrapper function. * * @param string $name Method name * @param array $arguments Arguments * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function __call_async(string $name, array $arguments) : \Generator { yield from $this->initAsynchronously(); $lower_name = \strtolower($name); if ($this->namespace !== '' || !isset($this->methods[$lower_name])) { $name = $this->namespace . $name; $aargs = isset($arguments[1]) && \is_array($arguments[1]) ? $arguments[1] : []; $aargs['apifactory'] = true; $aargs['datacenter'] = $this->API->datacenter->curdc; $args = isset($arguments[0]) && \is_array($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : []; return yield from $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead($name, $args, $aargs); } $res = $this->methods[$lower_name](...$arguments); return $res instanceof \Generator ? yield from $res : (yield $res); } /** * Get fully resolved method list for object, including snake_case and camelCase variants. * * @param API $value Value * * @return array */ protected static function getInternalMethodList($value) : array { static $cache = []; $class = \get_class($value); if (isset($cache[$class])) { return \array_map(static function ($v) use($value) { return [$value, $v]; }, $cache[$class]); } $methods = \get_class_methods($value); foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($method == 'methodCallAsyncRead') { unset($methods[\array_search('methodCall', $methods)]); } elseif (\stripos($method, 'async') !== false) { if (\strpos($method, '_async') !== false) { unset($methods[\array_search(\str_ireplace('_async', '', $method), $methods)]); } else { unset($methods[\array_search(\str_ireplace('async', '', $method), $methods)]); } } } $finalMethods = []; foreach ($methods as $method) { $actual_method = $method; if ($method == 'methodCallAsyncRead') { $method = 'methodCall'; } elseif (\stripos($method, 'async') !== false) { if (\strpos($method, '_async') !== false) { $method = \str_ireplace('_async', '', $method); } else { $method = \str_ireplace('async', '', $method); } } $finalMethods[\strtolower($method)] = $actual_method; if (\strpos($method, '_') !== false) { $finalMethods[\strtolower(\str_replace('_', '', $method))] = $actual_method; } else { $finalMethods[\strtolower(Tools::toSnakeCase($method))] = $actual_method; } } $cache[$class] = $finalMethods; return self::getInternalMethodList($value); } /** * Get attribute. * * @param string $name Attribute nam * * @internal * * @return mixed */ public function &__get(string $name) { if ($name === 'logger') { if (isset($this->API)) { return $this->API->logger; } return Logger::$default; } return $this->storage[$name]; } /** * Set an attribute. * * @param string $name Name * @param mixed $value Value * * @internal * * @return mixed */ public function __set(string $name, $value) { return $this->storage[$name] = $value; } /** * Whether an attribute exists. * * @param string $name Attribute name * * @return boolean */ public function __isset(string $name) : bool { return isset($this->storage[$name]); } /** * Unset attribute. * * @param string $name Attribute name * * @return void */ public function __unset(string $name) { unset($this->storage[$name]); } }<?php /** * ApiTemplates module. * * This file is part of MadelineProto. * MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. * If not, see <>. * * @author Daniil Gentili <> * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili <> * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\ApiWrappers; use function Amp\ByteStream\getOutputBufferStream; trait Templates { /** * API template. * * @var string */ private $webApiTemplate = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>MadelineProto



'; /** * Generate page from template. * * @param string $message Message * @param string $form Form * * @return string */ private function webAPIEchoTemplate(string $message, string $form) : string { return \sprintf($this->webApiTemplate, $message, $form); } /** * Get web API login HTML template string. * * @return string */ public function getWebAPITemplate() : string { return $this->webApiTemplate; } /** * Set web API login HTML template string. * * @return string */ public function setWebAPITemplate(string $template) { $this->webApiTemplate = $template; } /** * Echo to browser. * * @param string $message Message to echo * * @return \Generator */ private function webAPIEcho(string $message = '') : \Generator { $stdout = getOutputBufferStream(); if (!isset($this->myTelegramOrgWrapper)) { if (isset($_POST['type'])) { if ($_POST['type'] === 'manual') { (yield $stdout->write($this->webAPIEchoTemplate('Enter your API ID and API hash
' . $message . '
  1. Login to
  2. Go to API development tools
    • App title: your app's name, can be anything
    • Short name: your app's short name, only numbers and letters
    • Platform: Web
    • Description: describe your app here
  3. Click on create application
', ''))); } else { (yield $stdout->write($this->webAPIEchoTemplate('Enter a phone number that is already registered on telegram to get the API ID
' . $message . '', ''))); } } else { if ($message) { $message = '

' . $message; } (yield $stdout->write($this->webAPIEchoTemplate('Do you want to enter the API id and the API hash manually or automatically?
Note that you can also provide it directly in the code using the settings.' . $message . '', ''))); } } else { if (!$this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->loggedIn()) { (yield $stdout->write($this->webAPIEchoTemplate('Enter your code
' . $message . '', ''))); } else { (yield $stdout->write($this->webAPIEchoTemplate('Enter the API info
' . $message . '', ' Enter the app name, can be anything:

Enter the app's short name, alphanumeric, 5-32 chars:

Enter the app/website URL, or

Enter the app platform:

Enter the app description, can be anything:

'))); } } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\ApiWrappers; use danog\MadelineProto\MyTelegramOrgWrapper; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdout; /** * Manages simple logging in and out. */ trait Start { /** * Start API ID generation process. * * @param array $settings Settings * * @return \Generator */ private function APIStart(array $settings) : \Generator { if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { $stdout = getStdout(); (yield $stdout->write('You did not define a valid API ID/API hash. Do you want to define it now manually, or automatically? (m/a) Note that you can also provide the API parameters directly in the code using the settings:' . PHP_EOL)); if (\strpos((yield Tools::readLine('Your choice (m/a): ')), 'm') !== false) { (yield $stdout->write('1) Login to 2) Go to API development tools 3) App title: your app\'s name, can be anything Short name: your app\'s short name, can be anything URL: your app/website\'s URL, or Platform: anything Description: Describe your app here 4) Click on create application' . PHP_EOL)); $app['api_id'] = (yield Tools::readLine('5) Enter your API ID: ')); $app['api_hash'] = (yield Tools::readLine('6) Enter your API hash: ')); return $app; } $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper = new \danog\MadelineProto\MyTelegramOrgWrapper($settings); yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->login((yield Tools::readLine('Enter a phone number that is already registered on Telegram: '))); yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->completeLogin((yield Tools::readLine('Enter the verification code you received in telegram: '))); if (!(yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->hasApp())) { $app_title = (yield Tools::readLine('Enter the app\'s name, can be anything: ')); $short_name = (yield Tools::readLine('Enter the app\'s short name, can be anything: ')); $url = (yield Tools::readLine('Enter the app/website\'s URL, or ')); $description = (yield Tools::readLine('Describe your app: ')); $app = (yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->createApp(['app_title' => $app_title, 'app_shortname' => $short_name, 'app_url' => $url, 'app_platform' => 'web', 'app_desc' => $description])); } else { $app = (yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->getApp()); } return $app; } $this->gettingApiId = true; if (!isset($this->myTelegramOrgWrapper)) { if (isset($_POST['api_id']) && isset($_POST['api_hash'])) { $app['api_id'] = (int) $_POST['api_id']; $app['api_hash'] = $_POST['api_hash']; $this->gettingApiId = false; return $app; } elseif (isset($_POST['phone_number'])) { yield from $this->webAPIPhoneLogin($settings); } else { yield from $this->webAPIEcho(); } } elseif (!$this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->loggedIn()) { if (isset($_POST['code'])) { yield from $this->webAPICompleteLogin(); if (yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->hasApp()) { return yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->getApp(); } yield from $this->webAPIEcho(); } elseif (isset($_POST['api_id']) && isset($_POST['api_hash'])) { $app['api_id'] = (int) $_POST['api_id']; $app['api_hash'] = $_POST['api_hash']; $this->gettingApiId = false; return $app; } elseif (isset($_POST['phone_number'])) { yield from $this->webAPIPhoneLogin($settings); } else { $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper = null; yield from $this->webAPIEcho(); } } else { if (isset($_POST['app_title'], $_POST['app_shortname'], $_POST['app_url'], $_POST['app_platform'], $_POST['app_desc'])) { $app = (yield from $this->webAPICreateApp()); $this->gettingApiId = false; return $app; } yield from $this->webAPIEcho("You didn't provide all of the required parameters!"); } return null; } private function webAPIPhoneLogin(array $settings) : \Generator { try { $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper = new MyTelegramOrgWrapper($settings); yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->login($_POST['phone_number']); yield from $this->webAPIEcho(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { yield from $this->webAPIEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } private function webAPICompleteLogin() : \Generator { try { yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->completeLogin($_POST['code']); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webAPIEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webAPIEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } private function webAPICreateApp() : \Generator { try { $params = $_POST; unset($params['creating_app']); $app = (yield from $this->myTelegramOrgWrapper->createApp($params)); return $app; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webAPIEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webAPIEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' Try again.'); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class SecurityException extends \Exception { }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class Exception extends \Exception { use TL\PrettyException; public static $rollbar = true; public function __toString() { return $this->file === 'MadelineProto' ? $this->message : '\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception' . ($this->message !== '' ? ': ' : '') . $this->message . ' in ' . $this->file . ':' . $this->line . PHP_EOL . \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$revision . PHP_EOL . 'TL Trace:' . PHP_EOL . $this->getTLTrace(); } public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0, self $previous = null, $file = null, $line = null) { $this->prettifyTL(); if ($file !== null) { $this->file = $file; } if ($line !== null) { $this->line = $line; } parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); if (\strpos($message, 'socket_accept') === false && !\in_array(\basename($this->file), ['PKCS8.php', 'PSS.php'])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($message . ' in ' . \basename($this->file) . ':' . $this->line, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } if (\in_array($message, ['The session is corrupted!', 'Re-executing query...', 'I had to recreate the temporary authorization key', 'This peer is not present in the internal peer database', "Couldn't get response", 'Chat forbidden', 'The php-libtgvoip extension is required to accept and manage calls. See for more info.', 'File does not exist', 'Please install this fork of phpseclib:'])) { return; } if (\strpos($message, 'pg_query') !== false || \strpos($message, 'Undefined variable: ') !== false || \strpos($message, 'socket_write') !== false || \strpos($message, 'socket_read') !== false || \strpos($message, 'Received request to switch to DC ') !== false || \strpos($message, "Couldn't get response") !== false || \strpos($message, 'Re-executing query...') !== false || \strpos($message, "Couldn't find peer by provided") !== false || \strpos($message, '') !== false || \strpos($message, 'Please update ') !== false || \strpos($message, 'posix_isatty') !== false) { return; } if (self::$rollbar && \class_exists('\\Rollbar\\Rollbar')) { \Rollbar\Rollbar::log(\Rollbar\Payload\Level::error(), $this, \debug_backtrace(0)); } } /** * Complain about missing extensions. * * @param string $extensionName Extension name * * @return self */ public static function extension(string $extensionName) : self { $additional = 'Try running sudo apt-get install php' . PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION . '-' . $extensionName . '.'; if ($extensionName === 'libtgvoip') { $additional = 'Follow the instructions @ to install it.'; } elseif ($extensionName === 'prime') { $additional = 'Follow the instructions @ to install it.'; } $message = 'MadelineProto requires the ' . $extensionName . ' extension to run. ' . $additional; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { echo $message . '
'; } $file = 'MadelineProto'; $line = 1; return new self($message, 0, null, $file, $line); } /** * ExceptionErrorHandler. * * Error handler */ public static function exceptionErrorHandler($errno = 0, $errstr = null, $errfile = null, $errline = null) { // If error is suppressed with @, don't throw an exception if (\error_reporting() === 0 || \strpos($errstr, 'headers already sent') || $errfile && (\strpos($errfile, 'vendor/amphp') !== false || \strpos($errfile, 'vendor/league') !== false)) { return false; } throw new self($errstr, $errno, null, $errfile, $errline); } /** * ExceptionErrorHandler. * * Error handler */ public static function exceptionHandler($exception) { Logger::log($exception, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); Magic::shutdown(1); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLCallback; use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlockFactory; class AnnotationsBuilder { use Tools; public function __construct(Logger $logger, array $settings, string $output, array $reflectionClasses, string $namespace) { $this->reflectionClasses = $reflectionClasses; $this->logger = $logger; $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->TL = new TL(new class($logger) { public function __construct($logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } }); $this->TL->init($settings['tl_schema']); $this->settings = $settings; $this->output = $output; } public function mkAnnotations() { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating annotations...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->setProperties(); $this->createInternalClasses(); } /** * Open file of class APIFactory * Insert properties * save the file with new content. * * @return void */ private function setProperties() { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating properties...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $fixture = DocBlockFactory::createInstance(); $class = new \ReflectionClass($this->reflectionClasses['APIFactory']); $content = \file_get_contents($filename = $class->getFileName()); foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) { if ($raw_docblock = $property->getDocComment()) { $docblock = $fixture->create($raw_docblock); if ($docblock->hasTag('internal')) { $content = \str_replace("\n " . $raw_docblock . "\n public \$" . $property->getName() . ';', '', $content); } } } foreach ($this->TL->getMethodNamespaces() as $namespace) { $content = \preg_replace('/(class( \\w+[,]?){0,}\\n{\\n)/', '${1}' . " /**\n" . " * @internal this is a internal property generated by build_docs.php, don't change manually\n" . " *\n" . " * @var {$namespace}\n" . " */\n" . " public \${$namespace};\n", $content); } \file_put_contents($filename, $content); } /** * Create internalDoc. * * @return void */ private function createInternalClasses() { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Creating internal classes...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $handle = \fopen($this->output, 'w'); \fwrite($handle, "namespace}; class InternalDoc extends APIFactory {}"); $class = new \ReflectionClass($this->reflectionClasses['API']); $methods = $class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); $ignoreMethods = ['fetchserializableobject']; foreach ($methods as $method) { $ignoreMethods[$method->getName()] = $method->getName(); } $class = new \ReflectionClass(TLCallback::class); $methods = $class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); foreach ($methods as $method) { $ignoreMethods[$method->getName()] = $method->getName(); } \fclose($handle); $handle = \fopen($this->output, 'w'); $internalDoc = []; foreach ($this->TL->getMethods()->by_id as $id => $data) { if (!\strpos($data['method'], '.')) { continue; } list($namespace, $method) = \explode('.', $data['method']); if (!\in_array($namespace, $this->TL->getMethodNamespaces())) { continue; } $internalDoc[$namespace][$method]['title'] = \str_replace(['](../', '.md'], ['](', '.html'], Lang::$current_lang["method_{$data['method']}"] ?? ''); $type = \str_ireplace(['vector<', '>'], [' of ', '[]'], $data['type']); foreach ($data['params'] as $param) { if (\in_array($param['name'], ['flags', 'random_id', 'random_bytes'])) { continue; } if ($param['name'] === 'data' && $type === 'messages.SentEncryptedMessage') { $param['name'] = 'message'; $param['type'] = 'DecryptedMessage'; } if ($param['name'] === 'chat_id' && $data['method'] !== 'messages.discardEncryption') { $param['type'] = 'InputPeer'; } if ($param['name'] === 'hash' && $param['type'] === 'int') { $param['pow'] = 'hi'; $param['type'] = 'Vector t'; $param['subtype'] = 'int'; } $stype = 'type'; if (isset($param['subtype'])) { $stype = 'subtype'; } $ptype = $param[$stype]; switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'boolean'; } $ptype = $stype === 'type' ? $ptype : "[{$ptype}]"; $opt = $param['pow'] ?? false ? 'Optional: ' : ''; $internalDoc[$namespace][$method]['attr'][$param['name']] = ['type' => $ptype, 'description' => \str_replace(['](../', '.md'], ['](', '.html'], $opt . (Lang::$current_lang["method_{$data['method']}_param_{$param['name']}_type_{$param['type']}"] ?? ''))]; } if ($type === 'Bool') { $type = \strtolower($type); } $internalDoc[$namespace][$method]['return'] = $type; } $class = new \ReflectionClass($this->reflectionClasses['MTProto']); $methods = $class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); foreach ($methods as $key => $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if ($method == 'methodCallAsyncRead') { unset($methods[\array_search('methodCall', $methods)]); } elseif (\strpos($name, '__') === 0) { unset($methods[$key]); } elseif (\stripos($name, 'async') !== false) { if (\strpos($name, '_async') !== false) { unset($methods[\array_search(\str_ireplace('_async', '', $method), $methods)]); } else { unset($methods[\array_search(\str_ireplace('async', '', $method), $methods)]); } } } foreach ($methods as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if (isset($ignoreMethods[$name])) { continue; } if (\strpos($method->getDocComment() ?? '', '@internal') !== false) { continue; } $static = $method->isStatic(); if (!$static) { $code = \file_get_contents($method->getFileName()); $code = \implode("\n", \array_slice(\explode("\n", $code), $method->getStartLine(), $method->getEndLine() - $method->getStartLine())); if (\strpos($code, '$this') === false) { Logger::log("{$name} should be STATIC!", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } if ($name == 'methodCallAsyncRead') { $name = 'methodCall'; } elseif (\stripos($name, 'async') !== false) { if (\strpos($name, '_async') !== false) { $name = \str_ireplace('_async', '', $name); } else { $name = \str_ireplace('async', '', $name); } } $name = Tools::toCamelCase($name); $name = \str_ireplace(['mtproto', 'api'], ['MTProto', 'API'], $name); $doc = 'public function '; $doc .= $name; $doc .= '('; $paramList = ''; $hasVariadic = false; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $param) { if ($param->allowsNull()) { //$doc .= '?'; } if ($type = $param->getType()) { if ($type->allowsNull()) { $doc .= '?'; } if (!$type->isBuiltin()) { $doc .= '\\'; } $doc .= $type->getName(); $doc .= ' '; } else { Logger::log($name . '.' . $param->getName() . " has no type!", Logger::WARNING); } if ($param->isVariadic()) { $doc .= '...'; } if ($param->isPassedByReference()) { $doc .= '&'; } $doc .= '$'; $doc .= $param->getName(); if ($param->isOptional() && !$param->isVariadic()) { $doc .= ' = '; if ($param->isDefaultValueConstant()) { $doc .= '\\' . \str_replace(['NULL', 'self'], ['null', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto'], $param->getDefaultValueConstantName()); } else { $doc .= \str_replace('NULL', 'null', \var_export($param->getDefaultValue(), true)); } } $doc .= ', '; if ($param->isVariadic()) { $hasVariadic = true; $paramList .= '...'; } $paramList .= '$' . $param->getName() . ', '; } $hasReturnValue = ($type = $method->getReturnType()) && !\in_array($type->getName(), [\Generator::class, Promise::class]); if (!$hasVariadic && !$static && !$hasReturnValue) { $paramList .= '$extra, '; $doc .= 'array $extra = []'; } $doc = \rtrim($doc, ', '); $paramList = \rtrim($paramList, ', '); $doc .= ")"; $async = true; if ($hasReturnValue) { $doc .= ': '; if ($type->allowsNull()) { $doc .= '?'; } if (!$type->isBuiltin()) { $doc .= '\\'; } $doc .= $type->getName() === 'self' ? $this->reflectionClasses['API'] : $type->getName(); $async = false; } $finalParamList = $hasVariadic ? "Tools::arr({$paramList})" : "[{$paramList}]"; $ret = $type && \in_array($type->getName(), ['self', 'void']) ? '' : 'return'; $doc .= "\n{\n"; if ($async) { $doc .= " {$ret} \$this->__call(__FUNCTION__, {$finalParamList});\n"; } elseif (!$static) { $doc .= " {$ret} \$this->API->{$name}({$paramList});\n"; } else { $doc .= " {$ret} \\" . $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . "::" . $name . "({$paramList});\n"; } if (!$ret && $type->getName() === 'self') { $doc .= " return \$this;\n"; } $doc .= "}\n"; if (!$method->getDocComment()) { Logger::log("{$name} has no PHPDOC!", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } if (!$type) { Logger::log("{$name} has no return type!", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } $internalDoc['InternalDoc'][$name]['method'] = $method->getDocComment() ?? ''; $internalDoc['InternalDoc'][$name]['method'] .= "\n " . \implode("\n ", \explode("\n", $doc)); } \fwrite($handle, "namespace};\n"); foreach ($internalDoc as $namespace => $methods) { if ($namespace === 'InternalDoc') { \fwrite($handle, "\nclass {$namespace} extends APIFactory\n{\n"); } else { \fwrite($handle, "\ninterface {$namespace}\n{"); } foreach ($methods as $method => $properties) { if (isset($properties['method'])) { \fwrite($handle, $properties['method']); continue; } $title = \implode("\n * ", \explode("\n", $properties['title'])); \fwrite($handle, "\n /**\n"); \fwrite($handle, " * {$title}\n"); \fwrite($handle, " *\n"); if (isset($properties['attr'])) { \fwrite($handle, " * Parameters: \n"); $longest = [0, 0, 0]; foreach ($properties['attr'] as $name => $param) { $longest[0] = \max($longest[0], \strlen($param['type'])); $longest[1] = \max($longest[1], \strlen($name)); $longest[2] = \max($longest[2], \strlen($param['description'])); } foreach ($properties['attr'] as $name => $param) { $param['type'] = \str_pad('`' . $param['type'] . '`', $longest[0] + 2); $name = \str_pad('**' . $name . '**', $longest[1] + 4); $param['description'] = \str_pad($param['description'], $longest[2]); \fwrite($handle, " * * {$param['type']} {$name} - {$param['description']}\n"); } \fwrite($handle, " * \n"); \fwrite($handle, " * @param array \$params Parameters\n"); \fwrite($handle, " *\n"); } \fwrite($handle, " * @return {$properties['return']}\n"); \fwrite($handle, " */\n"); \fwrite($handle, " public function {$method}("); if (isset($properties['attr'])) { \fwrite($handle, '$params'); } \fwrite($handle, ");\n"); } \fwrite($handle, "}\n"); } \fclose($handle); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; if (\class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIPServerConfigInternal')) { /** * Manages storage of VoIP server config. */ class VoIPServerConfig extends VoIPServerConfigInternal { /** * The configuration. * * @var array */ private static $_config = []; /** * The default configuration. * * @var array */ private static $_configDefault = []; /** * Update shared call settings. * * @param array $config The settings * * @return void */ public static function update(array $config) { self::$_config = $config; self::updateInternal(self::getFinal()); } /** * Get shared call settings. * * @return array The settings */ public static function get() : array { return self::$_config; } /** * Update default shared call settings. * * @param array $configDefault The settings * * @return void */ public static function updateDefault(array $configDefault) { self::$_configDefault = $configDefault; self::updateInternal(self::getFinal()); } /** * Get default shared call settings. * * @return array The settings */ public static function getDefault() : array { return self::$_configDefault; } /** * Get final settings. * * @return void */ public static function getFinal() : array { return \array_merge(self::$_configDefault, self::$_config); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Promise; if (!\defined('MADELINEPROTO_TEST')) { \define('MADELINEPROTO_TEST', 'NOT PONY'); } /** * Main API wrapper for MadelineProto. */ class API extends InternalDoc { use \danog\Serializable; use \danog\MadelineProto\ApiWrappers\Start; use \danog\MadelineProto\ApiWrappers\Templates; /** * Session path. * * @internal * * @var string */ public $session = ''; /** * Instance of MadelineProto. * * @var ?MTProto */ public $API; /** * Storage for externally set properties to be serialized. * * @var array */ protected $storage = []; /** * Whether we're getting our API ID. * * @internal * * @var boolean */ private $gettingApiId = false; /** * API wrapper. * * @internal * * @var ?MyTelegramOrgWrapper */ private $myTelegramOrgWrapper; /** * Whether this is an old instance. * * @var boolean */ private $oldInstance = false; /** * Whether we're destructing. * * @var boolean */ private $destructing = false; /** * API wrapper (to avoid circular references). * * @var APIWrapper */ private $wrapper; /** * Magic constructor function. * * @param string $session Session name * @param array $settings Settings * * @return void */ public function __magic_construct(string $session, array $settings = []) { $this->wrapper = new APIWrapper($this, $this->exportNamespace()); Magic::classExists(); $this->setInitPromise($this->__construct_async($session, $settings)); foreach (\get_class_vars(APIFactory::class) as $key => $var) { if (\in_array($key, ['namespace', 'API', 'lua', 'async', 'asyncAPIPromise', 'methods'])) { continue; } if (!$this->{$key}) { $this->{$key} = $this->exportNamespace($key); } } } /** * Async constructor function. * * @param string $session Session name * @param array $settings Settings * * @return \Generator */ public function __construct_async(string $session, array $settings = []) : \Generator { Logger::constructorFromSettings($settings); $this->session = $session = Absolute::absolute($session); if ($unserialized = (yield from Serialization::legacyUnserialize($session))) { $unserialized->storage = $unserialized->storage ?? []; $unserialized->session = $session; APIWrapper::link($this, $unserialized); APIWrapper::link($this->wrapper, $this); AbstractAPIFactory::link($this->wrapper->getFactory(), $this); if (isset($this->API)) { $this->storage = $this->API->storage ?? $this->storage; $unserialized->oldInstance = true; unset($unserialized); yield from $this->API->initAsynchronously(); $this->APIFactory(); $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['madelineproto_ready'], Logger::NOTICE); return; } } if (!isset($settings['app_info']['api_id']) || !$settings['app_info']['api_id']) { $app = (yield from $this->APIStart($settings)); if (!$app) { $this->forceInit(true); die; } $settings['app_info']['api_id'] = $app['api_id']; $settings['app_info']['api_hash'] = $app['api_hash']; } $this->API = new MTProto($settings); yield from $this->API->initAsynchronously(); $this->APIFactory(); $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['madelineproto_ready'], Logger::NOTICE); } /** * Destruct function. * * @internal */ public function __destruct() { $this->init(); if (!$this->oldInstance) { $this->logger->logger('Shutting down MadelineProto (API)'); if ($this->API) { $this->API->destructing = true; $this->API->unreference(); } $this->destructing = true; Tools::wait($this->wrapper->serialize(), true); } else { $this->logger->logger('Shutting down MadelineProto (old deserialized instance of API)'); } } /** * Init API wrapper. * * @return void */ private function APIFactory() { if ($this->API && $this->API->inited()) { foreach ($this->API->getMethodNamespaces() as $namespace) { if (!$this->{$namespace}) { $this->{$namespace} = $this->exportNamespace($namespace); } } $this->methods = self::getInternalMethodList($this->API); $this->API->wrapper = $this->wrapper; if ($this->API->event_handler && \class_exists($this->API->event_handler) && \is_subclass_of($this->API->event_handler, EventHandler::class)) { $this->API->setEventHandler($this->API->event_handler); } } } /** * Start MadelineProto and the event handler (enables async). * * Also initializes error reporting, catching and reporting all errors surfacing from the event loop. * * @param string $eventHandler Event handler class name * * @return void */ public function startAndLoop(string $eventHandler) { while (true) { try { Tools::wait($this->startAndLoopAsync($eventHandler)); return; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } } } /** * Start multiple instances of MadelineProto and the event handlers (enables async). * * @param API[] $instances Instances of madeline * @param string[]|string $eventHandler Event handler(s) * * @return Promise */ public static function startAndLoopMulti(array $instances, $eventHandler) { if (\is_string($eventHandler)) { $eventHandler = \array_fill_keys(\array_keys($instances), $eventHandler); } $instanceOne = \array_values($instances)[0]; while (true) { try { $promises = []; foreach ($instances as $k => $instance) { $instance->start(['async' => false]); $promises[] = Tools::call($instance->startAndLoopAsync($eventHandler[$k])); } Tools::wait(Tools::all($promises)); return; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $instanceOne->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $instanceOne->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } } } /** * Start MadelineProto and the event handler (enables async). * * Also initializes error reporting, catching and reporting all errors surfacing from the event loop. * * @param string $eventHandler Event handler class name * * @return \Generator */ private function startAndLoopAsync(string $eventHandler) : \Generator { $this->async(true); while (true) { try { (yield $this->start()); (yield $this->setEventHandler($eventHandler)); return yield from $this->API->loop(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } } } }MadelineProto.main flags:# encrypted_layer:int settings:MadelineProto.settings config:Config authorization:flags.0?auth.Authorization authorized:int rsa_keys:Vector last_recv:int dh_config:messages.DhConfig chats:Vector last_stored:int qres:Vector pending_updates:Vector updates_state:MadelineProto.Updates_state got_state:flags.1?true channels_state:MadelineProto.Channel_states updates:Vector updates_key:int getting_state:flags.2?true full_chats:MadelineProto.FullChat msg_ids:Vector dialog_params:MadelineProto.DialogParams datacenter:MadelineProto.DataCenter v:int constructors:MadelineProto.Constructors td_constructors:flags.3?MadelineProto.Constructors methods:MadelineProto.Methods td_methods:flags.4?MadelineProto.Methods td_descriptions:flags.5?MadelineProto.Descriptions twoe1984:Serialized twoe2047:Serialized twoe2048:Serialized zero:Serialized one:Serialized two:Serialized three:Serialized four:Serialized = MadelineProto.Main; MadelineProto.settings = MadelineProto.Settings; MadelineProto.connection_settings = MadelineProto.Settings; MadelineProto.channel_states = pts:int pending_pts_updates:Vector sync_loading:Bool MadelineProto.Channel_states; MadelineProto.update_state = pts:int qts:int seq:int date:int pending_seq_updates:Vector pending_pts_updates:Vector sync_loading:Bool MadelineProto.Update_state; MadelineProto.rsa e:Serialized n:Serialized fp:string = MadelineProto.RSA; MadelineProto.dialogParams flags:# exclude_pinned:flags.0?true offset_date:int offset_id:int offset_peer:InputPeer limit:int = MadelineProto.DialogParams; MadelineProto.dataCenter sockets:Vector curdc:int dclist:Vector settings:MadelineProto.Settings = MadelineProto.DataCenter; MadelineProto.connection flags:# protocol:string ip:string port:int timeout:int parsed:flags.0?MadelineProto.ParsedUrl temp_auth_key:MadelineProto.AuthKey auth_key:MadelineProto.AuthKey ipv6:flags.1?true incoming_messages:Vector outgoing_messages:Vector new_incoming:Vector new_outgoing:Vector MadelineProto.descriptions = MadelineProto.Descriptions; MadelineProto.methods = MadelineProto.Methods; MadelineProto.constructors = MadelineProto.Constructors; MadelineProto.parsedUrl = MadelineProto.ParsedUrl; MadelineProto.authKey server_salt:long id:long auth_key:string = MadelineProto.AuthKey; MadelineProto.messages flags:# seq_no:flags.0?int content:Object response:int = MadelineProto.Messages; flags:# type:string id:long access_hash:flags.0?long first_name:flags.1?string last_name:flags.2?string lang_code:flags.3?string username:flags.4?string verified:flags.5?true restricted:flags.6?true restriction_reason:flags.7?string status:flags.8?UserStatus bot_inline_placeholder:flags.9?string about:flags.10?string bot_info:flags.11?BotInfo phone_calls_available:flags.12?true phone_calls_private:flags.13?true common_chats_count:flags.14?int photo:flags.15?string title:flags.16?string participants_count:flags.17?int kicked_count:flags.18?int admin_count:flags.19?int admin:flags.20?true all_members_are_administrators:flags.21?true invite:flags.22?string participants:flags.23?Vector democracy:flags.24?true signatures:flags.25?true can_view_participants:flags.26?true can_set_username:flags.27?true migrated_from_chat_id:flags.28?int migrated_from_max_id:flags.29?int pinned_msg_id:flags.30?int = PWR.Chat; pwr.participant flags:# user:PWR.Chat inviter:flags.0?PWR.Chat date:int role:string = PWR.Participant; //auth.sentCodeMP flags:# phone_registered:flags.0?true type:auth.SentCodeType phone_code_hash:string next_type:flags.1?auth.CodeType timeout:flags.2?int phone_number:flags.3?string phone_code:flags.4?string = auth.Authorization; //auth.noPasswordMP new_salt:bytes email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = auth.Authorization; //auth.passwordMP current_salt:bytes new_salt:bytes hint:string has_recovery:Bool email_unconfirmed_pattern:string = auth.Authorization; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; abstract class CombinedEventHandler { private $CombinedAPI; public function __construct($CombinedAPI) { $this->CombinedAPI = $CombinedAPI; foreach ($CombinedAPI->instances as $path => $instance) { $this->referenceInstance($path); } } public final function __sleep() { $keys = \method_exists($this, '__magic_sleep') ? $this->__magic_sleep() : \get_object_vars($this); unset($keys['CombinedAPI']); if (isset($this->CombinedAPI) && $this->CombinedAPI instanceof CombinedAPI) { foreach ($this->CombinedAPI->instance_paths as $path) { unset($keys[$path]); } } else { foreach ($keys as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof API && $key === $value->session) { unset($keys[$key]); } } } return \array_keys($keys); } public final function referenceInstance($path) { $this->{$path} = $this->CombinedAPI->instances[$path]; } public final function removeInstance($path) { if (isset($this->{$path})) { unset($this->{$path}); } } }//@description Object of this type may be returned on every function call in case of the error //@code Error code, maybe changed in the future. If code == 406, error message should not be processed in any way and shouldn't be showed to the user //@message Error message, may be changed in the future error code:int message:string = Error; //@description Object of this type returns on successful function call for some functions ok = Ok; //@class AuthCodeType @description Provides information about the way an authentication code is delivered to the user //@description Code is delivered through private Telegram message, which can be viewed in the other client @length Length of the code authCodeTypeMessage length:int = AuthCodeType; //@description Code is delivered by SMS to the specified phone number @length Length of the code authCodeTypeSms length:int = AuthCodeType; //@description Code is delivered by phone call to the specified phone number @length Length of the code authCodeTypeCall length:int = AuthCodeType; //@description Code is delivered by the immediately cancelled call to the specified phone number. Number from which the call was done is the code @pattern Pattern of the phone number from which the call will be done authCodeTypeFlashCall pattern:string = AuthCodeType; //@class AuthState @description Represents current authorization state of the Client //@description TDLib needs user's phone number to authorize authStateWaitPhoneNumber = AuthState; //@description TDLib needs user authentication code to finish authorization @is_registered True, if user is already registered @code_type Describes the way, code was sent to the user @next_code_type Describes the way, next code will be sent to the user, nullable @timeout Timeout in seconds before code should be resent by calling resendAuthCode authStateWaitCode is_registered:Bool code_type:AuthCodeType next_code_type:AuthCodeType timeout:int = AuthState; //@description User is authorized but he needs to enter its password to begin to use application @password_hint Hint on password, can be empty @has_recovery_email Is recovery email set up //@recovery_email_pattern Pattern of email to which recovery mail was sent, empty before recovery email was sent authStateWaitPassword password_hint:string has_recovery_email:Bool recovery_email_pattern:string = AuthState; //@description User is successfully authorized. TDLib can answer queries authStateOk = AuthState; //@description User is currently logging out authStateLoggingOut = AuthState; //@description Represents current state of the two-step verification @has_password Is password set up @password_hint Hint on password, can be empty @has_recovery_email Is recovery email set up @unconfirmed_recovery_email_pattern Pattern of email to which confirmation mail was sent passwordState has_password:Bool password_hint:string has_recovery_email:Bool unconfirmed_recovery_email_pattern:string = PasswordState; //@description Contains information available to the user after requesting password recovery @recovery_email_pattern Pattern of email to which recovery mail was sent passwordRecoveryInfo recovery_email_pattern:string = PasswordRecoveryInfo; //@description Contains information about set up recovery email @recovery_email Recovery email recoveryEmail recovery_email:string = RecoveryEmail; //@description Returns information about availability of temporary password, which should be used for payments @has_password True, if we have temporary password @valid_for Time left before temporary password expires, seconds temporaryPasswordState has_password:Bool valid_for:int = TemporaryPasswordState; //@description Represents a file //@id Unique file identifier //@persistent_id Persistent file identifier, if exists. Can be used across application restarts or even other devices for current logged user. If begins with "http://" or "https://", it is HTTP URL of the file. Currently, TDLib is unable to download files if only they URL is known.-If downloadFile is called on a such file or it is sended to a secret chat TDLib starts file generation process by sending to the client updateFileGenerationStart with HTTP URL in the original_path and "#url#" as conversion string. Client supposed to generate the file by downloading it to the specified location //@size File size, 0 if unknown //@is_being_downloaded True, if the file is currently being downloaded //@local_size Size of locally available part of the file. If size != 0 && local_size == size, full file is available locally //@is_being_uploaded True, if the file is currently being uploaded //@remote_size Size of remotely available part of the file. If size != 0 && remote_size == size, the file is available remotely //@path Local path to the available file part, may be empty file id:int persistent_id:string size:int is_being_downloaded:Bool local_size:int is_being_uploaded:Bool remote_size:int path:string = File; //@class InputFile @description Points to some file //@description File defined by its id @id Unique file identifier inputFileId id:int = InputFile; //@description File defined by its persistent id @persistent_id Persistent file identifier inputFilePersistentId persistent_id:string = InputFile; //@description File deifned by local path @path Local path to the file inputFileLocal path:string = InputFile; //@description File generated by the client @original_path Local path to a file from which the file is generated, may be empty if there is no such file @conversion String specifying conversion applied to the original file, should be persistent across application restart @expected_size Expected size of the generated file, 0 if unknown inputFileGenerated original_path:string conversion:string expected_size:int = InputFile; //@description Photo description @type Thumbnail type (see @photo Information about photo file @width Photo width @height Photo height photoSize type:string photo:file width:int height:int = PhotoSize; //@description Position on a photo where a mask should be placed @point Part of a face relative to which the mask should be placed. 0 - forehead, 1 - eyes, 2 - mouth, 3 - chin //@x_shift Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. For example, choosing -1.0 will place mask just to the left of the default mask position //@y_shift Shift by Y-axis measured in heights of the mask scaled to the face size, from top to bottom. For example, 1.0 will place the mask just below the default mask position. //@scale Mask scaling coefficient. For example, 2.0 means double size maskPosition point:int x_shift:double y_shift:double scale:double = MaskPosition; //@description Represent part of the text which needs to be formatted in some unusual way @offset Offset of the entity in UTF-16 code points @length Length of the entity in UTF-16 code points @type Type of the entity textEntity offset:int length:int type:TextEntityType = TextEntity; //@description Describes animation file. Animation should be encoded in gif or mp4 format @duration Duration of the animation in seconds as defined by sender @width Width of the animation @height Height of the animation //@file_name Original name of a file as defined by sender @mime_type MIME type of a file, usually "image/gif" or "video/mp4" @thumb Animation thumb, nullable @animation File with the animation animation duration:int width:int height:int file_name:string mime_type:string thumb:photoSize animation:file = Animation; //@description Describes audio file. Audio is usually in mp3 format @duration Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender @title Title of the audio as defined by sender @performer Performer of the audio as defined by sender //@file_name Original name of a file as defined by sender @mime_type MIME type of a file as defined by sender @album_cover_thumb Thumb of the album's cover as defined by sender. Full size thumb should be extracted from the downloaded file, nullable @audio File with the audio audio duration:int title:string performer:string file_name:string mime_type:string album_cover_thumb:photoSize audio:file = Audio; //@description Describes document of any type @file_name Original name of a file as defined by sender @mime_type MIME type of file as defined by sender //@thumb Document thumb as defined by sender, nullable @document File with document document file_name:string mime_type:string thumb:photoSize document:file = Document; //@description Describes photo @id Photo identifier, 0 for deleted photo @has_stickers True, if some stickers was added to the photo @sizes Available variants of photo of different sizes photo id:int64 has_stickers:Bool sizes:vector = Photo; //@description Describes sticker @set_id Identifier of sticker set to which the sticker belongs or 0 if none @width Sticker width as defined by sender @height Sticker height as defined by sender //@emoji Emoji corresponding to the sticker @is_mask True, if the sticker is a mask @mask_position Position where the mask should be placed, nullable @thumb Sticker thumb in webp or jpeg format, nullable @sticker File with sticker sticker set_id:int64 width:int height:int emoji:string is_mask:Bool mask_position:maskPosition thumb:photoSize sticker:file = Sticker; //@description Describes video file @duration Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender @width Video width as defined by sender @height Video height as defined by sender //@file_name Original name of a file as defined by sender @mime_type MIME type of a file as defined by sender @has_stickers True, if some stickers was added to the photo @thumb Video thumb as defined by sender, nullable @video File with the video video duration:int width:int height:int file_name:string mime_type:string has_stickers:Bool thumb:photoSize video:file = Video; //@description Describes video note. Video must have equal width and height, cropped to circle and stored in mpeg4 format @duration Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender @length Video width and height as defined by sender @thumb Video thumb as defined by sender, nullable @video File with the video videoNote duration:int length:int thumb:photoSize video:file = VideoNote; //@description Describes voice note. Voice must be encoded with Opus codec and must be stored inside Ogg container @duration Duration of the voice record in seconds as defined by sender //@waveform Waveform representation of the voice in 5-bit format @mime_type MIME type of a file as defined by sender @voice File with the voice record voice duration:int waveform:bytes mime_type:string voice:file = Voice; //@description Describes user contact @phone_number User's phone number @first_name User first name, 1-255 characters @last_name User last name @user_id User identifier if known, 0 otherwise contact phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = Contact; //@description Describes location on Earth @latitude Latitude of location in degrees as defined by sender @longitude Longitude of location in degrees as defined by sender location latitude:double longitude:double = Location; //@description Describes venue @location Venue location as defined by sender @title Venue name as defined by sender @address Venue address as defined by sender @provider Provider of venue database as defined by sender. Only "foursquare" need to be supported currently //@id Identifier of the venue in provider database as defined by sender venue location:location title:string address:string provider:string id:string = Venue; //@description Describes a game @id Game id @short_name Game short name, to share a game use a URL{bot_username}?game={game_short_name} @title Game title @text Game text, usually containing game scoreboards //@text_entities Entities contained in the text @param_description Game description @photo Game photo @animation Game animation, nullable game id:int64 short_name:string title:string text:string text_entities:vector description:string photo:photo animation:animation = Game; //@description Describes user profile photo @id Photo identifier, 0 for empty photo. Can be used to find photo in list of userProfilePhotos //@small Small (160x160) user profile photo @big Big (640x640) user profile photo profilePhoto id:int64 small:file big:file = ProfilePhoto; //@description Describes chat photo @small Small (160x160) chat photo @big Big (640x640) chat photo chatPhoto small:file big:file = ChatPhoto; //@class LinkState @description Represents ordered relationship between two users //@description Other user's phone number doesn't known linkStateNone = LinkState; //@description Other user's phone number is known but user not in contacts list linkStateKnowsPhoneNumber = LinkState; //@description Other user is in contacts list, particularly its phone number is known linkStateContact = LinkState; //@class UserType @description Allows to distinguish different kinds of users: general users, deleted users and bots //@description General user userTypeGeneral = UserType; //@description Deleted user or deleted bot. There is no any information about it except user_id. None of active action can be performed with deleted user userTypeDeleted = UserType; //@description Bot (see @can_join_group_chats If true, bot can be invited to group and supergroup chats //@can_read_all_group_chat_messages If true, bot can read all group or supergroup chat messages, not only addressed to him. In private chats bot always can read all messages //@is_inline True, if bot supports inline queries @inline_query_placeholder Placeholder for inline query @need_location If true, user location should be sent with every inline query to this bot userTypeBot can_join_group_chats:Bool can_read_all_group_chat_messages:Bool is_inline:Bool inline_query_placeholder:string need_location:Bool = UserType; //@description Currently there is no any information about the user except user_id. It can happens very-very rarely. None of active action can be performed with unknown user userTypeUnknown = UserType; //@description Represents command supported by bot @command Text of the bot command @param_description Description of the bot command botCommand command:string description:string = BotCommand; //@description Provides information about bot and command supported by him @param_description Big description shown in user info page @commands List of commands cupported by bot botInfo description:string commands:vector = BotInfo; //@description Represents user @id User identifier @first_name User first name @last_name User last name @username User username //@phone_number User's phone number @status User's online status @profile_photo User profile photo, nullable //@my_link Relationships from me to other user @foreign_link Relationships from other user to me @is_verified True, if user is verified @restriction_reason If non-empty, contains the reason, why access to this user must be restricted. Format of the string is "{type}: {description}". -{type} contains type of the restriction and at least one of the suffixes "-all", "-ios", "-android", "-wp", which describes platforms on which access should be restricted. For example, "terms-ios-android". {description} contains human-readable description of the restriction, which can be showed to the user //@have_access If false, the user is inaccessible and the only known information about it is inside this class. It can't be passed to any method except GetUser. Currently it can be false only for inaccessible authors of the channel posts @type Type of the user @language_code Bots only. IETF language tag of users language user id:int first_name:string last_name:string username:string phone_number:string status:UserStatus profile_photo:profilePhoto my_link:LinkState foreign_link:LinkState is_verified:Bool restriction_reason:string have_access:Bool type:UserType language_code:string = User; //@description Gives full information about a user (except full list of profile photos) @is_blocked Is user blacklisted by the current user @can_be_called True, if the user can be called @has_private_calls True, if the user can't be called only because of his privacy settings //@about Short user bio or bot share text @common_chat_count Number of common chats between the user and current user, 0 for the current user @bot_info Information about bot if user is a bot, nullable userFull is_blocked:Bool can_be_called:Bool has_private_calls:Bool about:string common_chat_count:int bot_info:botInfo = UserFull; //@description Contains part of the list of user photos @total_count Total number of user profile photos @photos List of photos userProfilePhotos total_count:int photos:vector = UserProfilePhotos; //@description Represents list of users @total_count Approximate total count of found users @user_ids List of user identifiers users total_count:int user_ids:vector = Users; //@class ChatMemberStatus @description Provides information about status of a member in the chat //@description User is creator of the chat which has all administrator priviledges chatMemberStatusCreator = ChatMemberStatus; //@description User is a chat member with some additional priviledges. In groups, administrators can edit and delete other messages, add new members and ban unpriviledged members //@can_be_edited True, if current user has rights to edit administrator privileges of that user //@can_change_info True, if the administrator can change chat title, photo and other settings //@can_post_messages True, if the administrator can create channel posts, broadcast channels only //@can_edit_messages True, if the administrator can edit messages of other users, broadcast channels only //@can_delete_messages True, if the administrator can delete messages of other users //@can_invite_users True, if the administrator can invite new users to the chat //@can_restrict_members True, if the administrator can restrict, ban or unban chat members //@can_pin_messages True, if the administrator can pin messages, supergroup channels only //@can_promote_members True, if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of his own privileges or demote administrators directly or indirectly promoted by him chatMemberStatusAdministrator can_be_edited:Bool can_change_info:Bool can_post_messages:Bool can_edit_messages:Bool can_delete_messages:Bool can_invite_users:Bool can_restrict_members:Bool can_pin_messages:Bool can_promote_members:Bool = ChatMemberStatus; //@description User is a member of the chat, but have no any additional privileges or restrictions chatMemberStatusMember = ChatMemberStatus; //@description User has some additional restrictions in the chat. Unsupported in group chats and broadcast channels //@is_member True, if user is chat member //@restricted_until_date Date when the user will be unrestricted, 0 if never. Unix time. If user is restricted for more than 366 days or less than 30 seconds from the current time it considered to be restricted forever //@can_send_messages True, if the user can send text messages, contacts, locations and venues //@can_send_media_messages True, if the user can send audios, documents, photos, videos, video notes and voice notes, implies can_send_messages //@can_send_other_messages True, if the user can send animations, games, stickers and use inline bots, implies can_send_media_messages //@can_add_web_page_previews True, if user may add web page preview to his messages, implies can_send_messages chatMemberStatusRestricted is_member:Bool restricted_until_date:int can_send_messages:Bool can_send_media_messages:Bool can_send_other_messages:Bool can_add_web_page_previews:Bool = ChatMemberStatus; //@description User is not a chat member chatMemberStatusLeft = ChatMemberStatus; //@description User was banned (and obviously is not a chat member) and can't return to the chat or view messages //@banned_until_date Date when the user will be unbanned, 0 if never. Unix time. If user is banned for more than 366 days or less than 30 seconds from the current time it considered to be banned forever chatMemberStatusBanned banned_until_date:int = ChatMemberStatus; //@description User with information about its chat joining/leaving @user_id User identifier of the chat member @inviter_user_id Identifier of a user invited/promoted/banned this member in the chat, 0 if unknown //@join_date Date the user has joined a chat, unix time @status Status of the member in the chat @bot_info Information about bot if user is a bot, nullable. Can be null even for bot if bot is not a chat member chatMember user_id:int inviter_user_id:int join_date:int status:ChatMemberStatus bot_info:botInfo = ChatMember; //@description Contains list of chat members @total_count Approximate total count of found chat members @members List of members chatMembers total_count:int members:vector = ChatMembers; //@class ChannelMembersFilter @description Specifies kind of chat users to return in getChannelMembers //@description Return recently active users in reverse chronological order channelMembersFilterRecent = ChannelMembersFilter; //@description Return creator and administrators channelMembersFilterAdministrators = ChannelMembersFilter; //@description Searches for channel members using specified query @query Query to search for channelMembersFilterSearch query:string = ChannelMembersFilter; //@description Return restricted channel members, administrators only @query Query to search for channelMembersFilterRestricted query:string = ChannelMembersFilter; //@description Return banned from the channel users, administrators only @query Query to search for channelMembersFilterBanned query:string = ChannelMembersFilter; //@description Return bot members of the channel channelMembersFilterBots = ChannelMembersFilter; //@description Represents a group of zero or more other users @id Group identifier //@member_count Group member count //@status Status of the current user in the group //@everyone_is_administrator True, if all members granted administrator rights in the group //@is_active True, if group is active //@migrated_to_channel_id Identifier of channel (supergroup) to which this group was migrated or 0 if none group id:int member_count:int status:ChatMemberStatus everyone_is_administrator:Bool is_active:Bool migrated_to_channel_id:int = Group; //@description Gives full information about a group @creator_user_id User identifier of the group creator, 0 if unknown @members Group members @invite_link Invite link for this group, available only for group creator and only after it is generated at least once groupFull creator_user_id:int members:vector invite_link:string = GroupFull; //@description Represents a channel with zero or more subscribers. There two different kinds of channels: supergroups and broadcast channels //@id Channel identifier //@username Channel username, empty for private channels //@date Date when current user has joined the channel or date when channel was created, if user is not a member. Unix time //@status Status of the current user in the channel //@anyone_can_invite True, if any member of the supergroup can invite other members. If the channel is not a supergroup, the field is meaningless //@sign_messages True, if messages sent to the channel should content information about the sender. If the channel is a supergroup, the field is meaningless //@is_supergroup True, if channel is a supergroup and is not a broadcast //@is_verified True, if the channel is verified //@restriction_reason If non-empty, contains the reason, why access to this channel must be restricted. Format of the string is "{type}: {description}". {type} contains type of the restriction and at least one of the suffixes "-all", "-ios", "-android", "-wp", which describes platforms on which access should be restricted. For example, "terms-ios-android". {description} contains human-readable description of the restriction, which can be showed to the user channel id:int username:string date:int status:ChatMemberStatus anyone_can_invite:Bool sign_messages:Bool is_supergroup:Bool is_verified:Bool restriction_reason:string = Channel; //@description Gives full information about a channel //@param_description Channel description //@member_count Channel member count, 0 if unknown //@administrator_count Number of privileged users in the channel, 0 if unknown //@restricted_count Number of restricted users in the channel, 0 if unknown //@banned_count Number of users banned from the channel, 0 if unknown //@can_get_members True, if members of the channel can be retrieved //@can_set_username True, if the channel can be made public //@can_set_sticker_set True, if the channel sticker set can be changed //@sticker_set_id Identifier of channel sticker set, or 0 if none //@invite_link Invite link for this channel //@pinned_message_id Identifier of the pinned message in the channel chat, or 0 if none //@migrated_from_group_id Identifier of the group, this supergroup migrated from, or 0 if none //@migrated_from_max_message_id Identifier of last message in the group chat migrated from, or 0 if none channelFull description:string member_count:int administrator_count:int restricted_count:int banned_count:int can_get_members:Bool can_set_username:Bool can_set_sticker_set:Bool sticker_set_id:int64 invite_link:string pinned_message_id:int53 migrated_from_group_id:int migrated_from_max_message_id:int53 = ChannelFull; //@description Represents a secret chat //@id Secret chat identifier //@user_id Identifier of the interlocutor //@state State of the secret chat, 0 - yet not created, 1 - active, 2 - closed //@is_outbound True if chat was created by the current logged in user, false otherwise //@ttl Current message TTL setting for the chat in seconds //@key_hash Hash of the current used key for comparison with the hash of the interlocutor's key. String of 36 bytes, which should be used to make a 12x12 square image with a color depth of 4. First 16 bytes should be used to make a central 8 * 8 square, left 20 bytes should be used to construct a border of width 2 around that square. Alternatively first 32 bytes of the hash can be converted to hex and printed as 32 2-digit hex numbers //@layer Secret chat layer, determining features supported by other client. Video notes are supported if layer >= 66 secretChat id:int user_id:int state:int is_outbound:Bool ttl:int key_hash:bytes layer:int = SecretChat; //@description Contains chat invite link @invite_link Chat invite link chatInviteLink invite_link:string = ChatInviteLink; //@description Contains information about chat invite link @chat_id Chat identifier of the invite link or 0 if user is not a member of this chat @title Title of the chat @photo Chat photo, nullable @member_count Total member count @member_user_ids User identifiers of some chat members that may be known to the current user //@is_group True, if the chat is a group chat @is_channel True, if the chat is a channel chat @is_public_channel True, if the chat is a channel chat with set up username @is_supergroup_channel True, if the chat is a supergroup channel chat chatInviteLinkInfo chat_id:int53 title:string photo:chatPhoto member_count:int member_user_ids:vector is_group:Bool is_channel:Bool is_public_channel:Bool is_supergroup_channel:Bool = ChatInviteLinkInfo; //@class MessageForwardInfo @description Contains information about initial sender of forwarded message //@description Message is originally written by known user @sender_user_id Identifier of a user, who originally sent this message @date Date when message was originally sent messageForwardedFromUser sender_user_id:int date:int = MessageForwardInfo; //@description Message is orifinally a channel post @chat_id Identifier of a chat from which message is forwarded @author_signature Post author signature //@date Date when message was originally sent @message_id Message identifier of the message from which the message is forwarded, 0 if unknown messageForwardedPost chat_id:int53 author_signature:string date:int message_id:int53 = MessageForwardInfo; //@class MessageSendState @description Contains information about sending state of the message //@description Message is incoming messageIsIncoming = MessageSendState; //@description Message is outgoing but is yet not delivered to the server messageIsBeingSent = MessageSendState; //@description Message was synchronized with the server messageIsSuccessfullySent = MessageSendState; //@description Message is failed to send messageIsFailedToSend = MessageSendState; //@description Describes message //@id Unique message identifier //@sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the message, 0 if unknown. It is unknown for channel posts //@chat_id Chat identifier //@send_state Information about sending state of the message //@can_be_edited True, if message can be edited //@can_be_forwarded True, if message can be forwarded //@can_be_deleted_only_for_self True, if message can be deleted only for self, other users will continue to see it //@can_be_deleted_for_everyone True, if message can be deleted for everyone //@is_post True, if message is channel post. All messages to broadcast channels are posts, all other messages are not posts //@contains_unread_mention True, if message contains unread mention of the current user //@date Date when message was sent, unix time //@edit_date Date when message was edited last time, unix time //@forward_info Information about initial message sender, nullable //@reply_to_message_id If non-zero, identifier of the message this message replies to, can be identifier of deleted message //@ttl Message TTL in seconds, 0 if none. TDLib will send updateDeleteMessages or updateMessageContent when TTL expires //@ttl_expires_in Time left for message TTL to expire in seconds //@via_bot_user_id If non-zero, user identifier of the bot this message is sent via //@author_signature For channel posts, optional author signature //@views Number of times this message was viewed //@content Content of the message //@reply_markup Reply markup for the message, nullable message id:int53 sender_user_id:int chat_id:int53 send_state:MessageSendState can_be_edited:Bool can_be_forwarded:Bool can_be_deleted_only_for_self:Bool can_be_deleted_for_everyone:Bool is_post:Bool contains_unread_mention:Bool date:int edit_date:int forward_info:MessageForwardInfo reply_to_message_id:int53 ttl:int ttl_expires_in:double via_bot_user_id:int author_signature:string views:int content:MessageContent reply_markup:ReplyMarkup = Message; //@description Contains list of messages @total_count Approximate total count of found messages @messages List of messages messages total_count:int messages:vector = Messages; //@description Contains list of found by search messages @messages List of messages @next_from_search_id Value to pass as from_search_id to get more results foundMessages messages:vector next_from_search_id:int64 = FoundMessages; //@class NotificationSettingsScope @description Describes kinds of chat for which notification settings are applied //@description Notification settings applied to particular chat @chat_id Chat identifier notificationSettingsScopeChat chat_id:int53 = NotificationSettingsScope; //@description Notification settings applied to all private chats notificationSettingsScopePrivateChats = NotificationSettingsScope; //@description Notification settings applied to all group and broadcast channel chats (supergroup channels have no common settings) notificationSettingsScopeGroupChats = NotificationSettingsScope; //@description Notification settings applied to all chats notificationSettingsScopeAllChats = NotificationSettingsScope; //@description Contains information about notification settings for chat or chats @mute_for Time left before notifications will be unmuted, seconds @sound Audio file name for notifications, iPhone apps only @show_preview Display message text/media in notification notificationSettings mute_for:int sound:string show_preview:Bool = NotificationSettings; //@description Contains information about draft of a message @reply_to_message_id Identifier of a message to reply to or 0 @input_message_text Content of a draft message, always should be of a type inputMessageText draftMessage reply_to_message_id:int53 input_message_text:InputMessageContent = DraftMessage; //@class ChatType @description Describes type of a chat //@description Ordinary chat with a user @user_id User identifier chatTypePrivate user_id:int = ChatType; //@description Chat with zero or more other users @group_id Group identifier chatTypeGroup group_id:int = ChatType; //@description Chat with unlimited number of members @channel_id Channel identifier @is_supergroup True, if the channel is a supergroup and is not a broadcast chatTypeChannel channel_id:int is_supergroup:Bool = ChatType; //@description Secret chat with a user @secret_chat_id Secret chat identifier @user_id User identifier of the peer chatTypeSecret secret_chat_id:int user_id:int = ChatType; //@description Chat (private chat or group chat or channel chat) //@id Chat unique identifier //@type Information about type of the chat //@title Chat title //@photo Chat photo, nullable //@top_message Last message in the chat, nullable //@order Parameter by descending of which chats are sorted in the chat list. If order of two chats is equal, then they need to be sorted by id also in descending order. If order == 0, position of the chat in the list is undetermined //@is_pinned True, if the chat is pinned //@unread_count Count of unread messages in the chat //@last_read_inbox_message_id Identifier of last read incoming message //@last_read_outbox_message_id Identifier of last read outgoing message //@unread_mention_count Count of unread messages with mention/reply in the chat //@notification_settings Notification settings for this chat //@reply_markup_message_id Identifier of the message from which reply markup need to be used or 0 if there is no default custom reply markup in the chat //@draft_message Draft of a message in the chat, nullable. parse_mode in input_message_text always will be null //@client_data Client specified data, associated with the chat. For example, chat position or local chat notification settings may be stored here. Persistent if message db is used chat id:int53 type:ChatType title:string photo:chatPhoto top_message:message order:int64 is_pinned:Bool unread_count:int last_read_inbox_message_id:int53 last_read_outbox_message_id:int53 unread_mention_count:int notification_settings:notificationSettings reply_markup_message_id:int53 draft_message:draftMessage client_data:string = Chat; //@description Represents list of chats @chat_ids List of chat identifiers chats chat_ids:vector = Chats; //@class KeyboardButtonType @description Describes type of the keyboard button //@description Simple button with a text, which should be sent when the button is pressed keyboardButtonTypeText = KeyboardButtonType; //@description A button which sends user's phone number when pressed, available only in private chats keyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber = KeyboardButtonType; //@description A button which sends user location when pressed, available only in private chats keyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation = KeyboardButtonType; //@description Represents one button of the bot keyboard @text Text of the button @type Type of the button keyboardButton text:string type:KeyboardButtonType = KeyboardButton; //@class InlineKeyboardButtonType @description Describes type of the inline keyboard button //@description A button which opens the specified URL @url URL to open inlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl url:string = InlineKeyboardButtonType; //@description A button which sends to the bot special callback query @data Data to be sent to the bot through a callack query inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback data:bytes = InlineKeyboardButtonType; //@description A button with a game which sends to the bot special callback query, must be in the first column and row of the keyboard, can be attached only to a message with content of the type messageGame inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame = InlineKeyboardButtonType; //@description A button which forces inline query to the bot to be substitued in the input field @query Inline query to be sent to the bot @in_current_chat True, if the inline query should be sent from the current chat inlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline query:string in_current_chat:Bool = InlineKeyboardButtonType; //@description A button for buying, must be in the first column and row of the keyboard, can be attached only to a message with content of the type messageInvoice inlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy = InlineKeyboardButtonType; //@description Represents one button of the inline keyboard @text Text of the button @type Type of the button inlineKeyboardButton text:string type:InlineKeyboardButtonType = InlineKeyboardButton; //@class ReplyMarkup @description Contains description of custom keyboard and actions with it for fast reply to bots //@description Instruct clients to remove keyboard after receiving this message. This kind of keyboard can't be received. Instead UpdateChatReplyMarkup with message_id == 0 will be send //@personal Keyboard is removed only for mentioned users or replied to user replyMarkupRemoveKeyboard personal:Bool = ReplyMarkup; //@description Instruct clients to force reply to this message @personal Forced reply is used automatically only for mentioned users or replied to chat user, for incoming messages it is true if and only if forced reply needs to be automatically showed to the current user replyMarkupForceReply personal:Bool = ReplyMarkup; //@description Contains custom keyboard layout for fast reply to bot //@rows List of rows of bot keyboard buttons //@resize_keyboard Do clients need to resize keyboard vertically //@one_time Do clients need to hide keyboard after use //@personal Keyboard is showed automatically only for mentioned users or replied to user, for incoming messages it is true if and only if keyboard needs to be automatically showed to current user replyMarkupShowKeyboard rows:vector> resize_keyboard:Bool one_time:Bool personal:Bool = ReplyMarkup; //@description Contains inline keyboard layout //@rows List of rows of inline keyboard buttons replyMarkupInlineKeyboard rows:vector> = ReplyMarkup; //@class RichText @description Describes a text inside web page instant view //@description Plain text @text The text richTextPlain text:string = RichText; //@description Bold rich text @text The text richTextBold text:RichText = RichText; //@description Italicized rich text @text The text richTextItalic text:RichText = RichText; //@description Underlined rich text @text The text richTextUnderline text:RichText = RichText; //@description Striked through rich text @text The text richTextStrikethrough text:RichText = RichText; //@description Fixed width rich text @text The text richTextFixed text:RichText = RichText; //@description Rich text URL link @text The text @url The URL richTextUrl text:RichText url:string = RichText; //@description Rich text email link @text The text @email The email richTextEmail text:RichText email:string = RichText; //@description Concatenation of rich texts @texts The texts richTextConcatenation texts:vector = RichText; //@class PageBlock @description Describes a block of web page instant view //@description Title of a page @title The title pageBlockTitle title:RichText = PageBlock; //@description Subtitle of a page @subtitle The subtitle pageBlockSubtitle subtitle:RichText = PageBlock; //@description Author and publish date of a page @author The author @publish_date Date of article publish, unix time. 0 if unknown pageBlockAuthorDate author:RichText publish_date:int = PageBlock; //@description A header @header The header pageBlockHeader header:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A subheader @subheader The subheader pageBlockSubheader subheader:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A text paragraph @text Paragraph text pageBlockParagraph text:RichText = PageBlock; //@description Preformatted text paragraph @text Paragraph text @language Programming language for which the text should be formatted pageBlockPreformatted text:RichText language:string = PageBlock; //@description Footer of a page @footer The footer pageBlockFooter footer:RichText = PageBlock; //@description An empty block separating parts of a page pageBlockDivider = PageBlock; //@description Invisible anchor on a page which can be used in a URL to open a page from the specified anchor @name Name of the anchor pageBlockAnchor name:string = PageBlock; //@description List of texts @items Texts @is_ordered True, if items should be marked with numbers pageBlockList items:vector is_ordered:Bool = PageBlock; //@description Block quote @text Quote text @caption Quote caption pageBlockBlockQuote text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description Pull quote @text Quote text @caption Quote caption pageBlockPullQuote text:RichText caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description An animation @animation The animation, nullable @caption Animation caption @need_autoplay True, if the animation should be autoplayed pageBlockAnimation animation:animation caption:RichText need_autoplay:Bool = PageBlock; //@description An audio @audio The audio, nullable @caption Audio caption pageBlockAudio audio:audio caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A photo @photo The photo, nullable @caption Photo caption pageBlockPhoto photo:photo caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A video @video The video, nullable @caption Video caption @need_autoplay True, if the video should be autoplayed @is_looped True, if the video is looped pageBlockVideo video:video caption:RichText need_autoplay:Bool is_looped:Bool = PageBlock; //@description Page cover @cover The cover pageBlockCover cover:PageBlock = PageBlock; //@description Embedded web page @url Web page URL, if available @html HTML-markup of the embedded page @poster_photo Poster photo if available, nullable @width Block width @height Block height @caption Block caption @is_full_width True, if the block should be full width @allow_scrolling True, if scrolling should be allowed pageBlockEmbedded url:string html:string poster_photo:photo width:int height:int caption:RichText is_full_width:Bool allow_scrolling:Bool = PageBlock; //@description Embedded post @url Web page URL @author Post author @author_photo Post author photo @date Post date, unix time. 0 if unknown @page_blocks Post content @caption Post caption pageBlockEmbeddedPost url:string author:string author_photo:photo date:int page_blocks:vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A collage @page_blocks Collage item contents @caption Block caption pageBlockCollage page_blocks:vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A slideshow @page_blocks Slideshow item contents @caption Block caption pageBlockSlideshow page_blocks:vector caption:RichText = PageBlock; //@description A link to a chat @title Chat title @photo Chat photo, nullable @username Chat username by which all other information about the chat should be resolved pageBlockChatLink title:string photo:chatPhoto username:string = PageBlock; //@description Describes instant view of a web page @page_blocks Content of the web page @is_full True, if instant view contains full page. Network request may be needed to get full web page instant view webPageInstantView page_blocks:vector is_full:Bool = WebPageInstantView; //@description Describes web page preview @url Original URL of link @display_url URL to display //@type Type of web page: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app or something other //@site_name Short name of the site (i.e. Google Docs or App Store) @title Title of the content @param_description Description of the content //@photo Image representing the content, nullable //@embed_url Url to show embedded preview //@embed_type MIME type of embedded preview, i.e. text/html or video/mp4 //@embed_width Width of embedded preview //@embed_height Height of embedded preview //@duration Duration of the content in seconds //@author Author of the content //@animation Preview as an Animation if available, nullable //@audio Preview as an Audio if available, nullable //@document Preview as a Document if available (currently only for small pdf files and zip archives), nullable //@sticker Preview as a Sticker for small .webp files if available, nullable //@video Preview as a Video if available, nullable //@video_note Preview as a VideoNote if available, nullable //@voice Preview as a Voice if available, nullable //@has_instant_view True if web page has instant view webPage url:string display_url:string type:string site_name:string title:string description:string photo:photo embed_url:string embed_type:string embed_width:int embed_height:int duration:int author:string animation:animation audio:audio document:document sticker:sticker video:video video_note:videoNote voice:voice has_instant_view:Bool = WebPage; //@description Goods price portion @label Portion label @amount Currency amount in minimal quantity of the currency labeledPrice label:string amount:int53 = LabeledPrice; //@description Goods invoice @currency ISO 4217 currency code @prices List of objects used to calculate total price @is_test True, if payment is test @need_name True, if user's name is needed for payment @need_phone_number True, if user's phone number is needed for payment @need_email True, if user's email is needed for payment //@need_shipping_address True, if user's shipping address is needed for payment @is_flexible True, if total price depends on shipping method invoice currency:string prices:vector is_test:Bool need_name:Bool need_phone_number:Bool need_email:Bool need_shipping_address:Bool is_flexible:Bool = Invoice; //@description Describes shipping address @country_code Two letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code @state State if applicable @city City @street_line1 First line for the address @street_line2 Second line for the address @post_code Address post code shippingAddress country_code:string state:string city:string street_line1:string street_line2:string post_code:string = ShippingAddress; //@description Order information @name User name @phone_number User's phone number @email User email @shipping_address User shipping address, nullable orderInfo name:string phone_number:string email:string shipping_address:shippingAddress = OrderInfo; //@description One shipping option @id Shipping option identifier @title Option title @prices List of objects used to calculate total shipping price shippingOption id:string title:string prices:vector = ShippingOption; //@description Information about saved card credentials @id Unique identifier of the saved credentials @title Title of the saved credentials savedCredentials id:string title:string = SavedCredentials; //@class InputCredentials @description Contains information about payment method chosen by user //@description User chooses previosly saved payment credentials. To use previously saved credentials user should have valid temporary password @saved_credentials_id Identifier of saved credentials inputCredentialsSaved saved_credentials_id:string = InputCredentials; //@description User enters new credentials on payment provider web site @data JSON-encoded data with credentials identifier from the payment provider @allow_save True, if credentials identifier can be saved server-side inputCredentialsNew data:string allow_save:Bool = InputCredentials; //@description Stripe payments provider @publishable_key Stripe API publishable key @need_country True, if user country should be entered @need_zip True, if user zip code should be entered @need_cardholder_name True, if cardholder name should be entered paymentsProviderStripe publishable_key:string need_country:Bool need_zip:Bool need_cardholder_name:Bool = PaymentsProviderStripe; //@description Information about invoice payment form @invoice Full information about the invoice @url Payment form URL @payments_provider Information about payment provider if available, to support it natively without opening the URL, nullable //@saved_order_info Saved server-side order information, nullable @saved_credentials Information about saved card credentials, nullable @can_save_credentials True, if the user can choose to save credentials @need_password True, if the user will be able to save credentials if he set up a password paymentForm invoice:invoice url:string payments_provider:paymentsProviderStripe saved_order_info:orderInfo saved_credentials:savedCredentials can_save_credentials:Bool need_password:Bool = PaymentForm; //@description Contains temporary identifier of validated order information stored for an hour and available shipping options @order_info_id Temporary identifier of order information @shipping_options Available shipping options validatedOrderInfo order_info_id:string shipping_options:vector = ValidatedOrderInfo; //@description Contains result of a payment query @success True, if payment request was successful. If false, verification_url will be not empty @verification_url Url for additional payments credentials verification paymentResult success:Bool verification_url:string = PaymentResult; //@description Contains information about successful payment @date Payment date, unix time @payments_provider_user_id User identifier of payments provider bot @invoice Information about the invoice //@order_info Order information, nullable @shipping_option Chosen shipping option, nullable @credentials_title Title of the saved credentials paymentReceipt date:int payments_provider_user_id:int invoice:invoice order_info:orderInfo shipping_option:shippingOption credentials_title:string = PaymentReceipt; //@class MessageContent @description Content of a message //@description Text message @text Text of the message @entities Entities contained in the text @web_page Preview of a web page mentioned in the text, nullable messageText text:string entities:vector web_page:webPage = MessageContent; //@description Animation message @animation Message content @caption Animation caption messageAnimation animation:animation caption:string = MessageContent; //@description Audio message @audio Message content @caption Audio caption messageAudio audio:audio caption:string = MessageContent; //@description Document message @document Message content @caption Document caption messageDocument document:document caption:string = MessageContent; //@description Photo message @photo Message content @caption Photo caption messagePhoto photo:photo caption:string = MessageContent; //@description Photo message expired by TTL messageExpiredPhoto = MessageContent; //@description Sticker message @sticker Message content messageSticker sticker:sticker = MessageContent; //@description Video message @video Message content @caption Video caption messageVideo video:video caption:string = MessageContent; //@description Video message expired by TTL messageExpiredVideo = MessageContent; //@description Video note message @video_note Message content @is_viewed True, if the video note message was viewed messageVideoNote video_note:videoNote is_viewed:Bool = MessageContent; //@description Voice message @voice Message content @caption Voice caption @is_listened True, if the voice message was listened to messageVoice voice:voice caption:string is_listened:Bool = MessageContent; //@description Message with location @location Message content messageLocation location:location = MessageContent; //@description Message with information about venue @venue Message content messageVenue venue:venue = MessageContent; //@description User contact message @contact Message content messageContact contact:contact = MessageContent; //@description Message with a game @game The game messageGame game:game = MessageContent; //@description Message with an invoice from a bot @title Goods title @param_description Goods description @photo Goods photo, nullable @currency Currency for goods price @total_amount Goods total price in minimal quantity of the currency //@start_parameter Unique invoice bot start_parameter. To share an invoice use a URL{bot_username}?start={start_parameter} @is_test True, if invoice is test //@need_shipping_address True, if shipping address should be specified @receipt_message_id Identifier of message with receipt after the goods are paid messageInvoice title:string description:string photo:photo currency:string total_amount:int53 start_parameter:string is_test:Bool need_shipping_address:Bool receipt_message_id:int53 = MessageContent; //@description Message with an information about ended call @discard_reason Call discard reason @duration Call duration in seconds messageCall discard_reason:CallDiscardReason duration:int = MessageContent; //@description New group chat created @title Title of created group chat @member_user_ids User identifiers of members of created group chat messageGroupChatCreate title:string member_user_ids:vector = MessageContent; //@description New channel chat created @title Title of created channel chat messageChannelChatCreate title:string = MessageContent; //@description Chat title changed @title New chat title messageChatChangeTitle title:string = MessageContent; //@description Chat photo changed @photo New chat photo messageChatChangePhoto photo:photo = MessageContent; //@description Chat photo deleted messageChatDeletePhoto = MessageContent; //@description Chat members added @member_user_ids User identifiers of new chat members messageChatAddMembers member_user_ids:vector = MessageContent; //@description Chat member joined by invite link messageChatJoinByLink = MessageContent; //@description Chat member deleted @user_id User identifier of deleted chat memeber messageChatDeleteMember user_id:int = MessageContent; //@description Group chat is migrated to supergroup channel and deactivated @channel_id Identifier of the channel it is migrated to messageChatMigrateTo channel_id:int = MessageContent; //@description Supergroup channel is created from group chat @title Title of created channel chat @group_id Identifier of the group it is migrated from messageChatMigrateFrom title:string group_id:int = MessageContent; //@description Some message was pinned @message_id Identifier of the pinned message, can be identifier of the deleted message messagePinMessage message_id:int53 = MessageContent; //@description Screenshot of messages in the chat was taken messageScreenshotTaken = MessageContent; //@description Messages ttl setting in secret chat has changed @ttl New ttl messageChatSetTtl ttl:int = MessageContent; //@description New high score was achieved in a game @game_message_id Identifier of the message with the game, can be identifier of the deleted message @game_id Identifier of the game, may be different from the games presented in the message with the game @score New score messageGameScore game_message_id:int53 game_id:int64 score:int = MessageContent; //@description Payment completed @currency Currency for goods price @total_amount Goods total price in minimal quantity of the currency messagePaymentSuccessful currency:string total_amount:int53 = MessageContent; //@description Bots only. Payment completed @currency Currency for goods price @total_amount Goods total price in minimal quantity of the currency @invoice_payload Invoice payload @shipping_option_id Identifier of a choosed by user shipping option, may be empty if not applicable @order_info Information about the order, nullable //@telegram_payment_charge_id Telegram payment identifier @provider_payment_charge_id Provider payment identifier messagePaymentSuccessfulBot currency:string total_amount:int53 invoice_payload:bytes shipping_option_id:string order_info:orderInfo telegram_payment_charge_id:string provider_payment_charge_id:string = MessageContent; //@description Contact has registered messageContactRegistered = MessageContent; //@description Unsupported message content messageUnsupported = MessageContent; //@class TextEntityType @description Represent part of the text which needs to be formatted in some unusual way //@description Mention of the user by his username textEntityTypeMention = TextEntityType; //@description Hashtag beginning with # textEntityTypeHashtag = TextEntityType; //@description Bot command beginning with /. It shouldn't be highlighted if there is no bots in the chat textEntityTypeBotCommand = TextEntityType; //@description Url beginning with http textEntityTypeUrl = TextEntityType; //@description Email textEntityTypeEmail = TextEntityType; //@description Bold text textEntityTypeBold = TextEntityType; //@description Italic text textEntityTypeItalic = TextEntityType; //@description Text needs to be formatted as inside of code HTML tag textEntityTypeCode = TextEntityType; //@description Text needs to be formatted as inside of pre HTML tag textEntityTypePre = TextEntityType; //@description Text needs to be formatted as inside of pre and code HTML tags @language Language of code as defined by sender textEntityTypePreCode language:string = TextEntityType; //@description Text description showed instead of the url @url Url to be opened after link will be clicked textEntityTypeTextUrl url:string = TextEntityType; //@description Mention of the user by some text @user_id Identifier of the mentioned user textEntityTypeMentionName user_id:int = TextEntityType; //@class TextParseMode @description Describes a way text should be parsed for MessageEntities, by default text is treated as is //@description Text should be parsed in markdown-style way textParseModeMarkdown = TextParseMode; //@description Text should be parsed in the HTML-style way textParseModeHTML = TextParseMode; //@description Contains a list ot text entities @entities The entities textEntities entities:vector = TextEntities; //@description Thumb to send along with a file, should be in jpeg format or webp format for stickers and less than 200KB in size @thumb Thumb file to send, sending thumbs by file_id is currently not supported //@width Thumb width, usually shouldn't excceed 90. Use 0 if unknown @height Thumb height, usually shouldn't excceed 90. Use 0 if unknown inputThumb thumb:InputFile width:int height:int = InputThumb; //@class InputMessageContent @description Content of a message to send //@description Text message @text Text to send @disable_web_page_preview Pass true to disable rich preview for link in the message text @clear_draft Pass true if chat draft message should be deleted //@entities Bold, Italic, Code, Pre, PreCode and TextUrl entities contained in the text. Non-bot users can't use TextUrl entities. Can't be used with non-null parse_mode @parse_mode Text parse mode, nullable. Can't be used along with enitities inputMessageText text:string disable_web_page_preview:Bool clear_draft:Bool entities:vector parse_mode:TextParseMode = InputMessageContent; //@description Animation message @animation Animation file to send @thumb Animation thumb, if available @duration Duration of the animation in seconds @width Width of the animation, may be replaced by the server @height Height of the animation, may be replaced by the server @caption Animation caption, 0-200 characters inputMessageAnimation animation:InputFile thumb:inputThumb duration:int width:int height:int caption:string = InputMessageContent; //@description Audio message @audio Audio file to send @album_cover_thumb Thumb of the album's cover, if available @duration Duration of the audio in seconds, may be replaced by the server @title Title of the audio, 0-64 characters, may be replaced by the server //@performer Performer of the audio, 0-64 characters, may be replaced by the server @caption Audio caption, 0-200 characters inputMessageAudio audio:InputFile album_cover_thumb:inputThumb duration:int title:string performer:string caption:string = InputMessageContent; //@description Document message @document Document to send @thumb Document thumb, if available @caption Document caption, 0-200 characters inputMessageDocument document:InputFile thumb:inputThumb caption:string = InputMessageContent; //@description Photo message @photo Photo to send @thumb Photo thumb to send, is sent to the other party in secret chats only @added_sticker_file_ids File identifiers of stickers added onto the photo @width Photo width @height Photo height @caption Photo caption, 0-200 characters //@ttl Photo TTL in seconds, 0-60. Non-zero TTL can be only specified in private chats inputMessagePhoto photo:InputFile thumb:inputThumb added_sticker_file_ids:vector width:int height:int caption:string ttl:int = InputMessageContent; //@description Sticker message @sticker Sticker to send @thumb Sticker thumb, if available @width Sticker width @height Sticker height inputMessageSticker sticker:InputFile thumb:inputThumb width:int height:int = InputMessageContent; //@description Video message @video Video to send @thumb Video thumb, if available @added_sticker_file_ids File identifiers of stickers added onto the video @duration Duration of the video in seconds @width Video width @height Video height @caption Video caption, 0-200 characters //@ttl Video TTL in seconds, 0-60. Non-zero TTL can be only specified in private chats inputMessageVideo video:InputFile thumb:inputThumb added_sticker_file_ids:vector duration:int width:int height:int caption:string ttl:int = InputMessageContent; //@description Video note message @video_note Video note to send @thumb Video thumb, if available @duration Duration of the video in seconds @length Video width and height, should be positive and not greater than 640 inputMessageVideoNote video_note:InputFile thumb:inputThumb duration:int length:int = InputMessageContent; //@description Voice message @voice Voice file to send @duration Duration of the voice in seconds @waveform Waveform representation of the voice in 5-bit format @caption Voice caption, 0-200 characters inputMessageVoice voice:InputFile duration:int waveform:bytes caption:string = InputMessageContent; //@description Message with location @location Location to send inputMessageLocation location:location = InputMessageContent; //@description Message with information about venue @venue Venue to send inputMessageVenue venue:venue = InputMessageContent; //@description User contact message @contact Contact to send inputMessageContact contact:contact = InputMessageContent; //@description Message with a game, can't be used in broadcast channels and secret chats @bot_user_id User identifier of a bot owned the game @game_short_name Game short name inputMessageGame bot_user_id:int game_short_name:string = InputMessageContent; //@description Message with an invoice, can be used only by bots and in private chats only @invoice The invoice @title Product title, 1-32 characters @param_description Product description, 0-255 characters @photo_url Goods photo URL, optional @photo_size Goods photo size @photo_width Goods photo width @photo_height Goods photo height //@payload Invoice payload @provider_token Payments provider token @start_parameter Unique invoice bot start_parameter for generation of this invoice inputMessageInvoice invoice:invoice title:string description:string photo_url:string photo_size:int photo_width:int photo_height:int payload:bytes provider_token:string start_parameter:string = InputMessageContent; //@description Forwarded message @from_chat_id Chat identifier of the message to forward @message_id Identifier of the message to forward @in_game_share Pass true to share a game message within a launched game, for Game messages only inputMessageForwarded from_chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 in_game_share:Bool = InputMessageContent; //@class SearchMessagesFilter @description Represents filter for content of searched messages //@description Return all found messages searchMessagesFilterEmpty = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only animation messages searchMessagesFilterAnimation = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only audio messages searchMessagesFilterAudio = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only document messages searchMessagesFilterDocument = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only photo messages searchMessagesFilterPhoto = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only video messages searchMessagesFilterVideo = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only voice messages searchMessagesFilterVoice = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only photo and video messages searchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only messages containing url searchMessagesFilterUrl = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only messages containing chat photos searchMessagesFilterChatPhoto = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only call messages searchMessagesFilterCall = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only incoming call messages with missed/declined discard reason searchMessagesFilterMissedCall = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only video note messages searchMessagesFilterVideoNote = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only voice and video note messages searchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only messages with mentions of current logged in user or which are replies to his messages searchMessagesFilterMention = SearchMessagesFilter; //@description Return only messages with unread mentions of current logged in user or which are replies to his messages. When this filter is used result can't be additionally filtered by a query or a sender user searchMessagesFilterUnreadMention = SearchMessagesFilter; //@class ChatAction @description Describes different types of activity in a chat //@description User typing a message chatActionTyping = ChatAction; //@description User records a video chatActionRecordingVideo = ChatAction; //@description User uploads a video @progress Upload progress in percents chatActionUploadingVideo progress:int = ChatAction; //@description User records voice message chatActionRecordingVoice = ChatAction; //@description User uploads voice message @progress Upload progress in percents chatActionUploadingVoice progress:int = ChatAction; //@description User uploads a photo @progress Upload progress in percents chatActionUploadingPhoto progress:int = ChatAction; //@description User uploads a document @progress Upload progress in percents chatActionUploadingDocument progress:int = ChatAction; //@description User chooses location or venue to send chatActionChoosingLocation = ChatAction; //@description User chooses contact to send chatActionChoosingContact = ChatAction; //@description User starts to play a game chatActionStartPlayingGame = ChatAction; //@description User records video note chatActionRecordingVideoNote = ChatAction; //@description User uploads a video note @progress Upload progress in percents chatActionUploadingVideoNote progress:int = ChatAction; //@description User cancels previous action chatActionCancel = ChatAction; //@class UserStatus @description Describes last time user was online //@description User status was newer changed userStatusEmpty = UserStatus; //@description User is online @expires Unix time when user's online status will expire userStatusOnline expires:int = UserStatus; //@description User is offline @was_online Unix time user was online last time userStatusOffline was_online:int = UserStatus; //@description User was online recently userStatusRecently = UserStatus; //@description User is offline, but was online last week userStatusLastWeek = UserStatus; //@description User is offline, but was online last month userStatusLastMonth = UserStatus; //@description Represents list of stickers @stickers Stickers stickers stickers:vector = Stickers; //@description Represents list of all emojis corresponding to a sticker in a sticker set. The list is only for informational purposes because sticker is always sent with a fixed emoji from the corresponding Sticker object @emojis List of emojis stickerEmojis emojis:vector = StickerEmojis; //@description Represents sticker set @id Sticker set identifier @title Title of the sticker set @name Name of the sticker set @is_installed True if sticker set is installed by logged in user //@is_archived True if sticker set is archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously @is_official True if sticker set is official @is_masks True if stickers in the set are masks //@is_viewed True for viewed trending sticker set @stickers List of stickers in this set @emojis Lists of emojis corresponding to the stickers in the same order stickerSet id:int64 title:string name:string is_installed:Bool is_archived:Bool is_official:Bool is_masks:Bool is_viewed:Bool stickers:vector emojis:vector = StickerSet; //@description Represents short information about sticker set @id Sticker set identifier @title Title of the sticker set @name Name of the sticker set @is_installed True if sticker set is installed by logged in user //@is_archived True if sticker set is archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously @is_official True if sticker set is official @is_masks True if stickers in the set are masks //@is_viewed True for viewed trending sticker set @size Total number of stickers in the set @covers Up to 5 first stickers from the set depending on the context. If client needs more stickers it should request full sticker set stickerSetInfo id:int64 title:string name:string is_installed:Bool is_archived:Bool is_official:Bool is_masks:Bool is_viewed:Bool size:int covers:vector = StickerSetInfo; //@description Represents list of sticker sets @total_count Approximate total count of found sticker sets @sets List of sticker sets stickerSets total_count:int sets:vector = StickerSets; //@class CallDiscardReason @description Describes reason a call was discarded //@description Call wasn't discarded or the reason is unknown callDiscardReasonEmpty = CallDiscardReason; //@description Call has ended before conversation begins. It was cancelled by the caller or was missed by the callee callDiscardReasonMissed = CallDiscardReason; //@description Call has ended before conversation begins. It was declined by the callee callDiscardReasonDeclined = CallDiscardReason; //@description Call has ended during conversation because users was disconnected callDiscardReasonDisconnected = CallDiscardReason; //@description Call was hung up by the caller or by the callee callDiscardReasonHungUp = CallDiscardReason; //@description Specifies supported call protocols @udp_p2p True, if UDP peer to peer connections are supported @udp_reflector True, if connection through UDP reflectors are supported @min_layer Minimum supported layer, use 65 @max_layer Maximum supported layer, use 65 callProtocol udp_p2p:Bool udp_reflector:Bool min_layer:int max_layer:int = CallProtocol; //@description Describes address of UDP reflectors @id Reflector identifier @ip IPv4 reflector address @ipv6 IPv6 reflector address @port Reflector port @peer_tag Connection peer tag callConnection id:int64 ip:string ipv6:string port:int peer_tag:bytes = CallConnection; //@description Contains call identifier @id Call identifier callId id:int = CallId; //@class CallState @description Describes current call state //@description Call is pending for acception by a user @is_created True, if the call is already created by the server @is_received True, if the call is already received by the other party callStatePending is_created:Bool is_received:Bool = CallState; //@description Call is answered and encryption keys are exchanged callStateExchangingKeys = CallState; //@description Call is ready to use @protocol Call protocols supported by the peer @connections Available UDP reflectors @config JSON-encoded call config @encryption_key Call encryption key @emojis Encryption key emojis fingerprint callStateReady protocol:callProtocol connections:vector config:string encryption_key:bytes emojis:vector = CallState; //@description Call is hanging up after discardCall is called callStateHangingUp = CallState; //@description Call has ended successfully @reason A reason, why call has ended @need_rating If true, call rating should be sent to the server @need_debug If true, call debug should be sent to the server callStateDiscarded reason:CallDiscardReason need_rating:Bool need_debug:Bool = CallState; //@description Call has ended with an error @error The error. Error with the code 4005000 returned if an outgoing call is missed because of expired timeout callStateError error:error = CallState; //@description Describes a call @id Call identifier, not persistent @user_id Peer user identifier @is_outgoing True, if the call is outgoing @state Call state call id:int user_id:int is_outgoing:Bool state:CallState = Call; //@description Represents list of animations @animations Animations animations animations:vector = Animations; //@description Represent result for ImportContacts request @user_ids User identifiers of imported contacts in the same order as they was specified in the request. 0 if contact is not yet registered //@importer_count Number of users which imported corresponding contact. 0 for already registered users or if unavailable importedContacts user_ids:vector importer_count:vector = ImportedContacts; //@class InputInlineQueryResult @description Represents one result of the inline query received from the bot //@description Represents link to an animated gif @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the result @thumb_url Url of the static result thumb (jpeg or gif), if exists //@gif_url Url of the gif-file (file size must not exceed 1MB) @gif_duration Duration of the gif in seconds @gif_width Width of the gif @gif_height Height of the gif //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageAnimation or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultAnimatedGif id:string title:string thumb_url:string gif_url:string gif_duration:int gif_width:int gif_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to an animated (i.e. without sound) H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the result @thumb_url Url of the static result thumb (jpeg or gif), if exists //@mpeg4_url Url of the mp4-file (file size must not exceed 1MB) @mpeg4_duration Duration of the video in seconds @mpeg4_width Width of the video @mpeg4_height Height of the video //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageAnimation or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultAnimatedMpeg4 id:string title:string thumb_url:string mpeg4_url:string mpeg4_duration:int mpeg4_width:int mpeg4_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to an article or web page @id Unique identifier of this result @url Url of the result, if exists @hide_url True, if url must be not shown @title Title of the result //@param_description Short description of the result @thumb_url Url of the result thumb, if exists @thumb_width Thumb width, if known @thumb_height Thumb height, if known //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultArticle id:string url:string hide_url:Bool title:string description:string thumb_url:string thumb_width:int thumb_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to a mp3 audio file @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the audio @performer Performer of the audio //@audio_url Url of the audio file @audio_duration Audio duration in seconds //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageAudio or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultAudio id:string title:string performer:string audio_url:string audio_duration:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents user contact @id Unique identifier of this result @contact User contact @thumb_url Url of the result thumb, if exists @thumb_width Thumb width, if known @thumb_height Thumb height, if known //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultContact id:string contact:contact thumb_url:string thumb_width:int thumb_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to a file @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the result @param_description Short description of the result, if known @document_url Url of the file @mime_type MIME type of the file content, only “application/pdf” and “application/zip” are allowed now //@thumb_url Url of the file thumb, if exists @thumb_width Width of the thumb @thumb_height Height of the thumb //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageDocument or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultDocument id:string title:string description:string document_url:string mime_type:string thumb_url:string thumb_width:int thumb_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a game @id Unique identifier of this result @game_short_name Game short name @reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null inputInlineQueryResultGame id:string game_short_name:string reply_markup:ReplyMarkup = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a point on the map @id Unique identifier of this result @location Result @title Title of the result @thumb_url Url of the result thumb, if exists @thumb_width Thumb width, if known @thumb_height Thumb height, if known //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultLocation id:string location:location title:string thumb_url:string thumb_width:int thumb_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to a jpeg photo @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the result, if known @param_description Short description of the result, if known @thumb_url Url of the photo thumb, if exists //@photo_url Url of the jpeg photo (photo must not exceed 5MB) @photo_width Width of the photo @photo_height Height of the photo //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessagePhoto or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultPhoto id:string title:string description:string thumb_url:string photo_url:string photo_width:int photo_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to a webp sticker @id Unique identifier of this result @thumb_url Url of the sticker thumb, if exists //@sticker_url Url of the webp sticker (file with a sticker must not exceed 5MB) @sticker_width Width of the sticker @sticker_height Height of the sticker //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageSticker or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultSticker id:string thumb_url:string sticker_url:string sticker_width:int sticker_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents information about a venue @id Unique identifier of this result @venue Result @thumb_url Url of the result thumb, if exists @thumb_width Thumb width, if known @thumb_height Thumb height, if known //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultVenue id:string venue:venue thumb_url:string thumb_width:int thumb_height:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to a page containing an embedded video player or a video file @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the result @param_description Short description of the result, if known //@thumb_url Url of the video thumb (jpeg), if exists @video_url Url of the embedded video player or video file @mime_type MIME type of the content of video url, only "text/html" or "video/mp4" are allowed now //@video_width Video width @video_height Video height @video_duration Video duration in seconds //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageVideo or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultVideo id:string title:string description:string thumb_url:string video_url:string mime_type:string video_width:int video_height:int video_duration:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@description Represents link to a opus encoded audio file in ogg container @id Unique identifier of this result @title Title of the voice file //@voice_url Url of the voice file @voice_duration Voice duration in seconds //@reply_markup Message reply markup, should be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null //@input_message_content Content of the message to be sent, should be of type inputMessageText or inputMessageVoice or InputMessageLocation or InputMessageVenue or InputMessageContact inputInlineQueryResultVoice id:string title:string voice_url:string voice_duration:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = InputInlineQueryResult; //@class InlineQueryResult @description Represents one result of the inline query //@description Represents link to an article or web page @id Unique identifier of this result @url Url of the result, if exists @hide_url True, if url must be not shown @title Title of the result //@param_description Short description of the result @thumb Result thumb, nullable inlineQueryResultArticle id:string url:string hide_url:Bool title:string description:string thumb:photoSize = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents user contact @id Unique identifier of this result @contact User contact @thumb Result thumb, nullable inlineQueryResultContact id:string contact:contact thumb:photoSize = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a point on the map @id Unique identifier of this result @location The result @title Title of the result @thumb Result thumb, nullable inlineQueryResultLocation id:string location:location title:string thumb:photoSize = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents information about a venue @id Unique identifier of this result @venue The result @thumb Result thumb, nullable inlineQueryResultVenue id:string venue:venue thumb:photoSize = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents information about a game @id Unique identifier of this result @game The result inlineQueryResultGame id:string game:game = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents an animation cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @animation The animation @title Animation title inlineQueryResultAnimation id:string animation:animation title:string = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents an audio cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @audio The audio inlineQueryResultAudio id:string audio:audio = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a document cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @document The document @title Document title @param_description Document description inlineQueryResultDocument id:string document:document title:string description:string = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a photo cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @photo The photo @title Title of the result, if known @param_description Short description of the result, if known inlineQueryResultPhoto id:string photo:photo title:string description:string = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a sticker cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @sticker The sticker inlineQueryResultSticker id:string sticker:sticker = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a video cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @video The video @title Title of the video @param_description Description of the video inlineQueryResultVideo id:string video:video title:string description:string = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents a voice cached on the telegram server @id Unique identifier of this result @voice The voice @title Title of the voice file inlineQueryResultVoice id:string voice:voice title:string = InlineQueryResult; //@description Represents results of the inline query. Use sendInlineQueryResultMessage to send the result of the query @inline_query_id Unique identifier of the inline query @next_offset Offset for the next request. If it is empty, there is no more results @results Results of the query //@switch_pm_text If non-empty, this text should be shown on the button, which opens private chat with the bot and sends bot start message with parameter switch_pm_parameter @switch_pm_parameter Parameter for the bot start message inlineQueryResults inline_query_id:int64 next_offset:string results:vector switch_pm_text:string switch_pm_parameter:string = InlineQueryResults; //@class CallbackQueryPayload @description Represents payload of a callback query //@description Payload from a general callback button @data Data that was attached to the callback button callbackQueryPayloadData data:bytes = CallbackQueryPayload; //@description Payload from a game callback button @game_short_name Short name of the game that was attached to the callback button callbackQueryPayloadGame game_short_name:string = CallbackQueryPayload; //@description Contains answer of a bot to a callback query @text Text of the answer @show_alert If true, an alert should be shown to the user instead of a toast @url URL to be open callbackQueryAnswer text:string show_alert:Bool url:string = CallbackQueryAnswer; //@description Contains result of a custom request @result JSON-serialized result customRequestResult result:string = CustomRequestResult; //@description Contains one row of the game high scores table @position Position in the high score table @user_id User identifier @score User score gameHighScore position:int user_id:int score:int = GameHighScore; //@description Contains list of game high scores @scores List of game high scores gameHighScores scores:vector = GameHighScores; //@class ChatEventAction @description Represents a chat event //@description A message was edited @old_message Message before edit @new_message Message after edit chatEventMessageEdited old_message:message new_message:message = ChatEventAction; //@description A message was deleted @message Deleted message chatEventMessageDeleted message:message = ChatEventAction; //@description A message was pinned @message Pinned message chatEventMessagePinned message:message = ChatEventAction; //@description A message was unpinned chatEventMessageUnpinned = ChatEventAction; //@description New chat member joined chatEventMemberJoined = ChatEventAction; //@description A chat member left chatEventMemberLeft = ChatEventAction; //@description New chat member invited @user_id New chat member user identifier @status New chat member status chatEventMemberInvited user_id:int status:ChatMemberStatus = ChatEventAction; //@description A chat member promoted to/demoted from administrators @user_id Chat member user identifier @old_status Old chat member status @new_status New chat member status chatEventMemberPromoted user_id:int old_status:ChatMemberStatus new_status:ChatMemberStatus = ChatEventAction; //@description A chat member restricted/unrestircted or banned/unbanned @user_id Chat member user identifier @old_status Old chat member status @new_status New chat member status chatEventMemberRestricted user_id:int old_status:ChatMemberStatus new_status:ChatMemberStatus = ChatEventAction; //@description Chat title was changed @old_title Old title value @new_title New title value chatEventTitleChanged old_title:string new_title:string = ChatEventAction; //@description Chat description was changed @old_description Old description value @new_description New description value chatEventDescriptionChanged old_description:string new_description:string = ChatEventAction; //@description Chat username was changed @old_username Old username value @new_username New username value chatEventUsernameChanged old_username:string new_username:string = ChatEventAction; //@description Chat photo was changed @old_photo Old photo value, nullable @new_photo New photo value, nullable chatEventPhotoChanged old_photo:chatPhoto new_photo:chatPhoto = ChatEventAction; //@description Supergroup channel chat anyone_can_invite setting was toggled @anyone_can_invite New value of anyone_can_invite chatEventInvitesToggled anyone_can_invite:Bool = ChatEventAction; //@description Broadcast channel chat sign_messages setting was toggled @sign_messages New value of sign_messages chatEventSignMessagesToggled sign_messages:Bool = ChatEventAction; //@description Supergroup sticker set was changed @old_sticker_set_id Old identifier of chat sticker set, 0 if none @new_sticker_set_id New identifier of chat sticker set, 0 if none chatEventStickerSetChanged old_sticker_set_id:int64 new_sticker_set_id:int64 = ChatEventAction; //@description Represents a chat event @id Chat event identifier @date Date of the event, unix time @user_id Identifier of a user who made the action @action Action done by the user chatEvent id:int64 date:int user_id:int action:ChatEventAction = ChatEvent; //@description Contains list of chat events @events The events chatEvents events:vector = ChatEvents; //@description Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log //@message_edits True, if message edits should be returned //@message_deletions True, if message deletions should be returned //@message_pins True, if message pins should be returned //@member_joins True, if chat member joins should be returned //@member_leaves True, if chat member leaves should be returned //@member_invites True, if chat member invites should be returned //@member_promotions True, if chat member promotions/demotions should be returned //@member_restrictions True, if chat member restrictions/unrestrictions including bans/unbans should be returned //@info_changes True, if changes of chat information should be returned //@setting_changes True, if changes of chat settings should be returned chatEventLogFilters message_edits:Bool message_deletions:Bool message_pins:Bool member_joins:Bool member_leaves:Bool member_invites:Bool member_promotions:Bool member_restrictions:Bool info_changes:Bool setting_changes:Bool = ChatEventLogFilters; //@class DeviceToken @description Represents a token for push notifications //@description Token for APNS @token The token, may be empty to unregister device deviceTokenApns token:string = DeviceToken; //@description Token for GCM @token The token, may be empty to unregister device deviceTokenGcm token:string = DeviceToken; //@description Token for MPNS @token The token, may be empty to unregister device deviceTokenMpns token:string = DeviceToken; //@description Token for simple push @token The token, may be empty to unregister device deviceTokenSimplePush token:string = DeviceToken; //@description Token for Ubuntu Push Service @token The token, may be empty to unregister device deviceTokenUbuntuPhone token:string = DeviceToken; //@description Token for Blackberry Push Service @token The token, may be empty to unregister device deviceTokenBlackberry token:string = DeviceToken; //@description Contains information about one wallpaper @id Unique persistent wallpaper identifier @sizes Available variants of wallpaper of different sizes. These photos can be only downloaded and can't be sent in a message @color Main color of wallpaper in RGB24, should be treated as background color if no photos are specified wallpaper id:int sizes:vector color:int = Wallpaper; //@description Contains list of wallpapers @wallpapers List of wallpapers wallpapers wallpapers:vector = Wallpapers; //@description Contatins list of hashtags @hashtags List of hashtags hashtags hashtags:vector = Hashtags; //@class OptionValue @description Represents value of an option //@description Boolean option @value Value of an option optionValueBoolean value:Bool = OptionValue; //@description Unknown option or option having default value optionValueEmpty = OptionValue; //@description Integer option @value Value of an option optionValueInteger value:int = OptionValue; //@description String option @value Value of an option optionValueString value:string = OptionValue; //@class PrivacyRule @description Represents one rule for managing privacy settings //@description Rule to allow all users privacyRuleAllowAll = PrivacyRule; //@description Rule to allow all user contacts privacyRuleAllowContacts = PrivacyRule; //@description Rule to allow specified users @user_ids User identifiers privacyRuleAllowUsers user_ids:vector = PrivacyRule; //@description Rule to disallow all users privacyRuleDisallowAll = PrivacyRule; //@description Rule to disallow all user contacts privacyRuleDisallowContacts = PrivacyRule; //@description Rule to disallow all specified users @user_ids User identifiers privacyRuleDisallowUsers user_ids:vector = PrivacyRule; //@description List of privacy rules. Rules are matched in the specified order. First matched rule defines privacy setting for a given user. If no rule matches action is not allowed @rules List of rules privacyRules rules:vector = PrivacyRules; //@class PrivacyKey @description Describes available privacy settings //@description Privacy key for managing visibility of the user status privacyKeyUserStatus = PrivacyKey; //@description Privacy key for managing ability of invitation of the user to chats privacyKeyChatInvite = PrivacyKey; //@description Privacy key for managing ability to call the user privacyKeyCall = PrivacyKey; //@description Contains information about period of inactivity, after which the account of currently logged in user will be automatically deleted @days Number of days of inactivity before account deletion, should be from 30 and up to 366 accountTtl days:int = AccountTtl; //@description Contains information about one session in some application used by the user @id Session identifier @is_current True, if it is current session @app_id Application identifier, provided by the application @app_name Name of the application, provided by the application //@app_version Version of the application, provided by the application @is_official_app True, if the application is an official application or uses the app_id of some official application @device_model Model of a device application is runned on, provided by the application @platform Operating system application is runned on, provided by the application //@system_version Version of operating system application is runned on, provided by the application @log_in_date Date the user has logged in, unix time @last_active_date Date the session was used last time, unix time @ip An ip address from which session was created in a human-readable format //@country Two-letter country code from which session was created based on the ip @region Region code from which session was created based on the ip session id:int64 is_current:Bool app_id:int app_name:string app_version:string is_official_app:Bool device_model:string platform:string system_version:string log_in_date:int last_active_date:int ip:string country:string region:string = Session; //@description Contains list of sessions @sessions List of sessions sessions sessions:vector = Sessions; //@description Contains information about chat report spam state @can_report_spam If true, prompt with "Report spam" action should be shown to the user chatReportSpamState can_report_spam:Bool = ChatReportSpamState; //@class ChatReportReason @description Describes a reason, why a chat is reported //@description The chat contains spam messages chatReportReasonSpam = ChatReportReason; //@description The chat contains violent messages chatReportReasonViolence = ChatReportReason; //@description The chat contains pornography messages chatReportReasonPornography = ChatReportReason; //@description Other reason provided by the user @text Report text chatReportReasonOther text:string = ChatReportReason; //@description Contains public HTTPS link to a message in a public channel @url The link publicMessageLink url:string = PublicMessageLink; //@class FileType @description Represents type of a file //@description Data is not a file fileTypeNone = FileType; //@description File is an animation fileTypeAnimation = FileType; //@description File is an audio fileTypeAudio = FileType; //@description File is a document fileTypeDocument = FileType; //@description File is a photo fileTypePhoto = FileType; //@description File is a profile photo fileTypeProfilePhoto = FileType; //@description File sent to a secret chat fileTypeSecret = FileType; //@description File is a sticker fileTypeSticker = FileType; //@description File is a thumbnail of another file fileTypeThumb = FileType; //@description File type is yet unknown fileTypeUnknown = FileType; //@description File is a video fileTypeVideo = FileType; //@description File is a video note fileTypeVideoNote = FileType; //@description File is a voice audio fileTypeVoice = FileType; //@description File is a wallpaper fileTypeWallpaper = FileType; //@description File is a thumbnail of a file from a secret chat fileTypeSecretThumb = FileType; //@description Contains storage usage statistics for the specific file type @file_type The file type @size Total size of files @count Total number of files storageStatisticsByFileType file_type:FileType size:int53 count:int = StorageStatisticsByFileType; //@description Contains storage usage statistics for the specific chat @chat_id Chat identifier, 0 if none @size Total size of files @count Total number of files @by_file_type Statistics splitted by file types storageStatisticsByChat chat_id:int53 size:int53 count:int by_file_type:vector = StorageStatisticsByChat; //@description Contains exact storage usage statistics splitted by chats and file types @size Total size of files @count Total number of files @by_chat Statistics splitted by chats storageStatistics size:int53 count:int by_chat:vector = StorageStatistics; //@description Contains approximate storage usage statistics, not containing files of Unknown type @files_size Approximate total size of files @files_count Approximate number of files @database_size Size of database storageStatisticsFast files_size:int53 files_count:int database_size:int53 = StorageStatisticsFast; //@class NetworkType @description Represents type of a network //@description Network is not available networkTypeNone = NetworkType; //@description Mobile network networkTypeMobile = NetworkType; //@description Mobile roaming network networkTypeMobileRoaming = NetworkType; //@description Wi-Fi network networkTypeWiFi = NetworkType; //@description Other network type, for example, Ethernet network networkTypeOther = NetworkType; //@class NetworkStatisticsEntry @description Contains statistics about network usage //@description Contains information about total received and sent files data @file_type Type of a file the data is part of @network_type Type of a network the data was sent through. Call setNetworkType to maintain actual network type //@sent_bytes Total number of sent bytes @received_bytes Total number of received bytes networkStatisticsEntryFile file_type:FileType network_type:NetworkType sent_bytes:int53 received_bytes:int53 = NetworkStatisticsEntry; //@description Contains information about total received and sent calls data @network_type Type of a network the data was sent through. Call setNetworkType to maintain actual network type //@sent_bytes Total number of sent bytes @received_bytes Total number of received bytes @duration Total calls duration in seconds networkStatisticsEntryCall network_type:NetworkType sent_bytes:int53 received_bytes:int53 duration:double = NetworkStatisticsEntry; //@description Full list of available network statistics entries @since_date Date since which statistics are collected, unix time @entries Network statistics entries networkStatistics since_date:int entries:vector = NetworkStatistics; //@class ConnectionState @description Describes current state of the connection to Telegram servers //@description Waiting for network to be available. Use SetNetworkType to change available network type connectionStateWaitingForNetwork = ConnectionState; //@description Establishing connection to set up proxy server connectionStateConnectingToProxy = ConnectionState; //@description Establishing connection to Telegram servers connectionStateConnecting = ConnectionState; //@description Downloading date received, while client was offline connectionStateUpdating = ConnectionState; //@description There is a working connection to the Telegram servers connectionStateReady = ConnectionState; //@class TopChatCategory @description Represents categories of chats for which list of frequently used chats can be retrieved //@description The category containing private chats with non-bot users topChatCategoryUsers = TopChatCategory; //@description The category containing private chats with bot users topChatCategoryBots = TopChatCategory; //@description The category containing group chats and supergroup channel chats topChatCategoryGroups = TopChatCategory; //@description The category containing broadcast channel chats topChatCategoryChannels = TopChatCategory; //@description The category containing chats with inline bots sorted by their usage in the inline mode topChatCategoryInlineBots = TopChatCategory; //@description The category containing chats frequently used for calls topChatCategoryCalls = TopChatCategory; //@description Contains some count @count The count count count:int = Count; //@description Contains some text @text The text text text:string = Text; //@class Proxy @description Contains information about a proxy server //@description An empty proxy proxyEmpty = Proxy; //@description A SOCKS5 proxy @server Proxy server ip address @port Proxy server port @username Username to log in @password Password to log in proxySocks5 server:string port:int username:string password:string = Proxy; //@description Description of a sticker which should be added to a sticker set @png_sticker Png image with the sticker, must be up to 512 kilobytes in size and fit in 512x512 square @emojis Emojis corresponding to the sticker @mask_position Position where the mask should be placed, nullable inputSticker png_sticker:InputFile emojis:string mask_position:maskPosition = InputSticker; //@class Update @description Contains notifications about data changes //@description User authorization state has changed @auth_state New authorization state updateAuthState auth_state:AuthState = Update; //@description New message received, maybe outcoming message sent from other device @message New message @disable_notification If true, notification about the message should be disabled @contains_mention True, if the message contains mention of the current user updateNewMessage message:message disable_notification:Bool contains_mention:Bool = Update; //@description Message send request has reached Telegram server. It doesn't mean that message send will be successful or even that message send request will be processed. Update will not come, unless option "use_quick_ack" is set to true. The update may come many times for the same message //@chat_id Chat identifier of sent message @message_id Temporary message identifier updateMessageSendAcknowledged chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = Update; //@description Message is successfully sent @message Information about sent message. Usually only message identifier, date and content are changed, but almost any other fields can also change @old_message_id Previous temporary message identifier updateMessageSendSucceeded message:message old_message_id:int53 = Update; //@description Message fails to send. Be aware that some being sent messages can be irrecoverably deleted and updateDeleteMessages will come instead of this update //@message Information about failed to send message @old_message_id Previous temporary message identifier @error_code Error code @error_message Error message updateMessageSendFailed message:message old_message_id:int53 error_code:int error_message:string = Update; //@description Message content has changed @chat_id Chat identifier @message_id Message identifier @new_content New message content updateMessageContent chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 new_content:MessageContent = Update; //@description Message was edited. Changes in the message content will come in a separate updateMessageContent @chat_id Chat identifier @message_id Message identifier @edit_date Date the message was edited, unix time @reply_markup New message reply markup, nullable updateMessageEdited chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 edit_date:int reply_markup:ReplyMarkup = Update; //@description View count of the message has changed @chat_id Chat identifier @message_id Message identifier @views New value of view count updateMessageViews chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 views:int = Update; //@description Message content was opened. It makes voice messages listened, video note messages viewed and runs ttl timer @chat_id Chat identifier @message_id Message identifier updateOpenMessageContent chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = Update; //@description Message with an unread mention was read @chat_id Chat identifier @message_id Message identifier @unread_mention_count New number of unread mention messages left in the chat updateMessageMentionRead chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 unread_mention_count:int = Update; //@description New chat has been loaded/created. This update is guaranteed to come before chat identifier is returned to the client. Chat field changes will be reported through separate updates @chat The chat updateNewChat chat:chat = Update; //@description Title of the chat was changed @chat_id Chat identifier @title New chat title updateChatTitle chat_id:int53 title:string = Update; //@description Chat photo was changed @chat_id Chat identifier @photo New chat photo, nullable updateChatPhoto chat_id:int53 photo:chatPhoto = Update; //@description Top message of the chat has changed. If top_message is null then top message in the chat became unknown. Some new unknown messages might be added to the chat in that case @chat_id Chat identifier @top_message New top message of the chat, nullable @order New value of the chat order updateChatTopMessage chat_id:int53 top_message:message order:int64 = Update; //@description Order of the chat in the chat list has changed. Instead of that update updateChatTopMessage, updateChatIsPinned or updateChatDraftMessage may be sent @chat_id Chat identifier @order New value of the order updateChatOrder chat_id:int53 order:int64 = Update; //@description Chat was pinned or unpinned @chat_id Chat identifier @is_pinned New value of is_pinned @order New value of the chat order updateChatIsPinned chat_id:int53 is_pinned:Bool order:int64 = Update; //@description Some incoming messages was read @chat_id Chat identifier @last_read_inbox_message_id Identifier of last read incoming message @unread_count Number of unread messages left in the chat updateChatReadInbox chat_id:int53 last_read_inbox_message_id:int53 unread_count:int = Update; //@description Some outcoming messages was read @chat_id Chat identifier @last_read_outbox_message_id Identifier of last read outgoing message updateChatReadOutbox chat_id:int53 last_read_outbox_message_id:int53 = Update; //@description Chat unread_mention_count has changed @chat_id Chat identifier @unread_mention_count Number of unread mention messages left in the chat updateChatUnreadMentionCount chat_id:int53 unread_mention_count:int = Update; //@description Notification settings for some chats was updated @scope Kinds of chats for which notification settings was updated @notification_settings New notification settings updateNotificationSettings scope:NotificationSettingsScope notification_settings:notificationSettings = Update; //@description Default chat reply markup has changed. It can happen because new message with reply markup has come or old reply markup was hidden by user //@chat_id Chat identifier @reply_markup_message_id Identifier of the message from which reply markup need to be used or 0 if there is no default custom reply markup in the chat updateChatReplyMarkup chat_id:int53 reply_markup_message_id:int53 = Update; //@description Chat draft has changed. Be aware that the update may come in the currently open chat with the old content of the draft. If the user has changed the content of the draft, the update shouldn't be applied @chat_id Chat identifier @draft_message New chat draft_message, nullable @order New value of the chat order updateChatDraftMessage chat_id:int53 draft_message:draftMessage order:int64 = Update; //@description Some messages was deleted @chat_id Chat identifier @message_ids Identifiers of deleted message updateDeleteMessages chat_id:int53 message_ids:vector = Update; //@description User activity in the chat has changed @chat_id Chat identifier @user_id Identifier of user doing action @action Action description updateUserChatAction chat_id:int53 user_id:int action:ChatAction = Update; //@description User went online/offline @user_id User identifier @status New user status updateUserStatus user_id:int status:UserStatus = Update; //@description Some data about a user has been changed. This update is guaranteed to come before user identifier is returned to the client, if library knows anything about the user @user New data about the user updateUser user:user = Update; //@description Some data about a group has been changed. This update is guaranteed to come before group identifier is returned to the client, if library knows anything about the group @group New data about the group updateGroup group:group = Update; //@description Some data about a channel has been changed. This update is guaranteed to come before channel identifier is returned to the client, if library knows anything about the channel @channel New data about the channel updateChannel channel:channel = Update; //@description Some data about a secret chat has been changed. This update is guaranteed to come before secret chat identifier is returned to the client, if library knows anything about the secret chat @secret_chat New data about the secret chat updateSecretChat secret_chat:secretChat = Update; //@description Some data from userFull has been changed @user_id User identifier @user_full New full information about the user updateUserFull user_id:int user_full:userFull = Update; //@description Some data from groupFull has been changed @group_id Group identifier @group_full New full information about the group updateGroupFull group_id:int group_full:groupFull = Update; //@description Some data from channelFull has been changed @channel_id Channel identifier @channel_full New full information about the channel updateChannelFull channel_id:int channel_full:channelFull = Update; //@description Service notification from the server. Upon receiving client should show popup with content of the notification @type Type of the notification @content Notification content updateServiceNotification type:string content:MessageContent = Update; //@description DEPRECATED. Use updateFile instead. File is partly downloaded/uploaded @file_id File identifier @size Total file size (0 means unknown) @ready Number of bytes already downloaded/uploaded. Negative number means that download/upload has failed and was terminated updateFileProgress file_id:int size:int ready:int = Update; //@description Information about a file was updated @file New data about a file updateFile file:file = Update; //@description File generation process need to be started by the client @generation_id Unique identifier for the generation process @original_path Path to a file from which new file is generated, may be empty //@destination_path Path to a file which should be created and to which new file should be generated @conversion String specifying conversion applied to the original file updateFileGenerationStart generation_id:int64 original_path:string destination_path:string conversion:string = Update; //@description Informs that a file is being generated @file_id File identifier @size Expected size of the generated file @ready Number of bytes already generated. Negative number means that generation has failed and was terminated updateFileGenerationProgress file_id:int size:int ready:int = Update; //@description DEPRECATED. Use updateFile instead. File generation is finished @file Generated file updateFileGenerationFinish file:file = Update; //@description Information about a call was updated @call New data about a call updateCall call:call = Update; //@description Some privacy settings has changed @key Privacy key @rules New privacy rules updatePrivacy key:PrivacyKey rules:privacyRules = Update; //@description Some option changed its value @name Option name @value New option value updateOption name:string value:OptionValue = Update; //@description List of installed sticker sets was updated @is_masks True, if list of installed mask sticker sets was updated @sticker_set_ids New list of installed ordinary sticker sets updateInstalledStickerSets is_masks:Bool sticker_set_ids:vector = Update; //@description List of trending sticker sets was updated or some of them was viewed @sticker_sets New list of trending sticker sets updateTrendingStickerSets sticker_sets:stickerSets = Update; //@description List of recently used stickers was updated @is_attached True, if the list of stickers attached to photo or video files was updated, otherwise the list of sent stickers is updated @sticker_ids New list of file identifiers of recently used stickers updateRecentStickers is_attached:Bool sticker_ids:vector = Update; //@description List of favorite stickers was updated @sticker_ids New list of file identifiers of favorite stickers updateFavoriteStickers sticker_ids:vector = Update; //@description List of saved animations was updated @animation_ids New list of file identifiers of saved animations updateSavedAnimations animation_ids:vector = Update; //@description Connection state has changed @state New connection state updateConnectionState state:ConnectionState = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming inline query @id Unique query identifier @sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the query @user_location User location, provided by the client, nullable @query Text of the query @offset Offset of the first entry to return updateNewInlineQuery id:int64 sender_user_id:int user_location:location query:string offset:string = Update; //@description Bots only. User has chosen a result of the inline query @sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the query @user_location User location, provided by the client, nullable @query Text of the query @result_id Identifier of the chosen result @inline_message_id Identifier of the sent inline message, if known updateNewChosenInlineResult sender_user_id:int user_location:location query:string result_id:string inline_message_id:string = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming callback query @id Unique query identifier @sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the query @chat_id Identifier of the chat, in which the query was sent //@message_id Identifier of the message, from which the query is originated @chat_instance Identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat a message was sent to @payload Query payload updateNewCallbackQuery id:int64 sender_user_id:int chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 chat_instance:int64 payload:CallbackQueryPayload = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming callback query from message sent via bot @id Unique query identifier @sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the query @inline_message_id Identifier of the inline message, from which the query is originated //@chat_instance Identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat a message was sent to @payload Query payload updateNewInlineCallbackQuery id:int64 sender_user_id:int inline_message_id:string chat_instance:int64 payload:CallbackQueryPayload = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming shipping query. Only for invoices with flexible price @id Unique query identifier @sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the query @invoice_payload Invoice payload @shipping_address User shipping address updateNewShippingQuery id:int64 sender_user_id:int invoice_payload:string shipping_address:shippingAddress = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming pre-checkout query. Contains full information about checkout @id Unique query identifier @sender_user_id Identifier of the user who sent the query @currency Currency for goods price @total_amount Goods total price in minimal quantity of the currency //@invoice_payload Invoice payload @shipping_option_id Identifier of a choosed by user shipping option, may be empty if not applicable @order_info Information about the order, nullable updateNewPreCheckoutQuery id:int64 sender_user_id:int currency:string total_amount:int53 invoice_payload:bytes shipping_option_id:string order_info:orderInfo = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming event @event JSON-serialized event updateNewCustomEvent event:string = Update; //@description Bots only. New incoming query @id Query identifier @data JSON-serialized query data @timeout Query timeout updateNewCustomQuery id:int64 data:string timeout:int = Update; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a number @value The number testInt value:int = TestInt; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a string @value The string testString value:string = TestString; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a bytes @value The bytes testBytes value:bytes = TestBytes; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a vector of numbers @value The vector of numbers testVectorInt value:vector = TestVectorInt; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a vector of objects containing a number @value The vector of objects testVectorIntObject value:vector = TestVectorIntObject; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a vector of strings @value The vector of strings testVectorString value:vector = TestVectorString; //@description Tests only. A simple object containing just a vector of objects containing a string @value The vector of objects testVectorStringObject value:vector = TestVectorStringObject; ---functions--- //@description Returns current authorization state, offline request getAuthState = AuthState; //@description Sets user's phone number and sends authentication code to the user. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPhoneNumber. If phone number is not recognized or another error has happened, returns an error. Otherwise returns authStateWaitCode //@phone_number User's phone number in any reasonable format @allow_flash_call Pass True, if code can be sent via flash call to the specified phone number @is_current_phone_number Pass true, if the phone number is used on the current device. Ignored if allow_flash_call is False setAuthPhoneNumber phone_number:string allow_flash_call:Bool is_current_phone_number:Bool = AuthState; //@description Resends authentication code to the user. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitCode and next_code_type of result is not null. Returns authStateWaitCode on success resendAuthCode = AuthState; //@description Checks authentication code. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitCode. Returns authStateWaitPassword or authStateOk on success @code Verification code from SMS, Telegram message, phone call or flash call //@first_name User first name, if user is yet not registered, 1-255 characters @last_name Optional user last name, if user is yet not registered, 0-255 characters checkAuthCode code:string first_name:string last_name:string = AuthState; //@description Checks password for correctness. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPassword. Returns authStateOk on success @password Password to check checkAuthPassword password:string = AuthState; //@description Requests to send password recovery code to email. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPassword. Returns authStateWaitPassword on success requestAuthPasswordRecovery = AuthState; //@description Recovers password with recovery code sent to email. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPassword. Returns authStateOk on success @recovery_code Recovery code to check recoverAuthPassword recovery_code:string = AuthState; //@description Logs out user. If force == false, begins to perform soft log out, returns authStateLoggingOut after completion. If force == true then succeeds almost immediately without cleaning anything at the server, but returns error with code 401 and description "Unauthorized" //@force If true, just delete all local data. Session will remain in list of active sessions resetAuth force:Bool = AuthState; //@description Check bot's authentication token to log in as a bot. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPhoneNumber. Can be used instead of setAuthPhoneNumber and checkAuthCode to log in. Returns authStateOk on success @token Bot token checkAuthBotToken token:string = AuthState; //@description Returns current state of two-step verification getPasswordState = PasswordState; //@description Changes user password. If new recovery email is specified, then error EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED is returned and password change will not be applied until email confirmation. Application should call getPasswordState from time to time to check if email is already confirmed //@old_password Old user password @new_password New user password, may be empty to remove the password @new_hint New password hint, can be empty @set_recovery_email Pass True, if recovery email should be changed @new_recovery_email New recovery email, may be empty setPassword old_password:string new_password:string new_hint:string set_recovery_email:Bool new_recovery_email:string = PasswordState; //@description Returns set up recovery email. This method can be used to verify a password provided by the user @password Current user password getRecoveryEmail password:string = RecoveryEmail; //@description Changes user recovery email. If new recovery email is specified, then error EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED is returned and email will not be changed until email confirmation. Application should call getPasswordState from time to time to check if email is already confirmed. -If new_recovery_email coincides with the current set up email succeeds immediately and aborts all other requests waiting for email confirmation @password Current user password @new_recovery_email New recovery email setRecoveryEmail password:string new_recovery_email:string = PasswordState; //@description Requests to send password recovery code to email requestPasswordRecovery = PasswordRecoveryInfo; //@description Recovers password with recovery code sent to email @recovery_code Recovery code to check recoverPassword recovery_code:string = PasswordState; //@description Creates new temporary password for payments processing @password Persistent user password @valid_for Time before temporary password will expire, seconds. Should be between 60 and 86400 createTemporaryPassword password:string valid_for:int = TemporaryPasswordState; //@description Returns information about current temporary password getTemporaryPasswordState = TemporaryPasswordState; //@description Handles DC_UPDATE push service notification. Can be called before authorization @dc Value of 'dc' paramater of the notification @addr Value of 'addr' parameter of the notification processDcUpdate dc:string addr:string = Ok; //@description Returns current logged in user getMe = User; //@description Returns information about a user by its identifier, offline request if current user is not a bot @user_id User identifier getUser user_id:int = User; //@description Returns full information about a user by its identifier @user_id User identifier getUserFull user_id:int = UserFull; //@description Returns information about a group by its identifier, offline request if current user is not a bot @group_id Group identifier getGroup group_id:int = Group; //@description Returns full information about a group by its identifier @group_id Group identifier getGroupFull group_id:int = GroupFull; //@description Returns information about a channel by its identifier, offline request if current user is not a bot @channel_id Channel identifier getChannel channel_id:int = Channel; //@description Returns full information about a channel by its identifier, cached for at most 1 minute @channel_id Channel identifier getChannelFull channel_id:int = ChannelFull; //@description Returns information about a secret chat by its identifier, offline request @secret_chat_id Secret chat identifier getSecretChat secret_chat_id:int = SecretChat; //@description Returns information about a chat by its identifier, offline request if current user is not a bot @chat_id Chat identifier getChat chat_id:int53 = Chat; //@description Returns information about a message @chat_id Identifier of the chat, message belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message to get getMessage chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = Message; //@description Returns information about messages. If message is not found, returns null on the corresponding position of the result @chat_id Identifier of the chat, messages belongs to @message_ids Identifiers of the messages to get getMessages chat_id:int53 message_ids:vector = Messages; //@description Returns information about a file, offline request @file_id Identifier of the file to get getFile file_id:int = File; //@description Returns information about a file by its persistent id, offline request. May be used to register a URL as a file for further uploading or sending as message @persistent_file_id Persistent identifier of the file to get @file_type File type, if known getFilePersistent persistent_file_id:string file_type:FileType = File; //@description Returns list of chats in the right order, chats are sorted by (order, chat_id) in decreasing order. For example, to get list of chats from the beginning, the offset_order should be equal 2^63 - 1 @offset_order Chat order to return chats from @offset_chat_id Chat identifier to return chats from //@limit Maximum number of chats to be returned. There may be less than limit chats returned even the end of the list is not reached getChats offset_order:int64 offset_chat_id:int53 limit:int = Chats; //@description Searches public chat by its username. Currently only private and channel chats can be public. Returns chat if found, otherwise some error is returned @username Username to be resolved searchPublicChat username:string = Chat; //@description Searches public chats by prefix of their username. Currently only private and channel (including supergroup) chats can be public. Returns meaningful number of results. Returns nothing if length of the searched username prefix is less than 5. Excludes private chats with contacts from the results @username_prefix Prefix of the username to search searchPublicChats username_prefix:string = Chats; //@description Searches for specified query in the title and username of known chats, offline request. Returns chats in the order of them in the chat list @query Query to search for, if query is empty, returns up to 20 recently found chats @limit Maximum number of chats to be returned searchChats query:string limit:int = Chats; //@description Returns a list of frequently used chats. Supported only if chat info database is enabled @category Category of chats to return @limit Maximum number of chats to be returned, at most 30 getTopChats category:TopChatCategory limit:int = Chats; //@description Delete a chat from a list of frequently used chats. Supported only if chat info database is enabled @category Category of frequently used chats @chat_id Chat identifier deleteTopChat category:TopChatCategory chat_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Adds chat to the list of recently found chats. The chat is added to the beginning of the list. If the chat is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list @chat_id Identifier of the chat to add addRecentlyFoundChat chat_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Deletes chat from the list of recently found chats @chat_id Identifier of the chat to delete deleteRecentlyFoundChat chat_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Clears list of recently found chats deleteRecentlyFoundChats = Ok; //@description Returns list of common chats with an other given user. Chats are sorted by their type and creation date @user_id User identifier @offset_chat_id Chat identifier to return chats from, use 0 for the first request @limit Maximum number of chats to be returned, up to 100 getCommonChats user_id:int offset_chat_id:int53 limit:int = Chats; //@description Returns list of created public chats getCreatedPublicChats = Chats; //@description Returns messages in a chat. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i.e. in order of decreasing message.message_id. Offline request if only_local is true @chat_id Chat identifier //@from_message_id Identifier of the message near which we need a history, you can use 0 to get results from the beginning, i.e. from oldest to newest //@offset Specify 0 to get results exactly from from_message_id or negative offset to get specified message and some newer messages //@limit Maximum number of messages to be returned, should be positive and can't be greater than 100. If offset is negative, limit must be greater than -offset. There may be less than limit messages returned even the end of the history is not reached //@only_local Return only locally available messages without sending network requests getChatHistory chat_id:int53 from_message_id:int53 offset:int limit:int only_local:Bool = Messages; //@description Deletes all messages in the chat. Can't be used for channel chats @chat_id Chat identifier @remove_from_chat_list Pass true, if chat should be removed from the chat list deleteChatHistory chat_id:int53 remove_from_chat_list:Bool = Ok; //@description Searches for messages with given words in the chat. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing message_id. Doesn't work in secret chats with non-empty query (searchSecretMessages should be used instead) or without enabled message database @chat_id Chat identifier to search messages in //@query Query to search for //@sender_user_id If not 0, only messages sent by the specified user will be returned. Doesn't supported in secret chats //@from_message_id Identifier of the message from which we need a history, you can use 0 to get results from the beginning //@offset Specify 0 to get results exactly from from_message_id or negative offset to get specified message and some newer messages //@limit Maximum number of messages to be returned, should be positive and can't be greater than 100. If offset is negative, limit must be greater than -offset. There may be less than limit messages returned even the end of the history is not reached //@filter Filter for content of the searched messages searchChatMessages chat_id:int53 query:string sender_user_id:int from_message_id:int53 offset:int limit:int filter:SearchMessagesFilter = Messages; //@description Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing (date, chat_id, message_id) //@query Query to search for //@offset_date Date of the message to search from, you can use 0 or any date in the future to get results from the beginning //@offset_chat_id Chat identifier of the last found message or 0 for the first request //@offset_message_id Message identifier of the last found message or 0 for the first request //@limit Maximum number of messages to be returned, at most 100 searchMessages query:string offset_date:int offset_chat_id:int53 offset_message_id:int53 limit:int = Messages; //@description Searches for messages in secret chats. Returns result in reverse chronological order @chat_id Identifier of a chat to search in. Specify 0 to search in all secret chats @query Query to search for. If empty, searchChatMessages should be used instead //@from_search_id Identifier from the result of previous request, use 0 to get results from the beginning @limit Maximum number of messages to be returned, can't be greater than 100 @filter Filter for content of searched messages searchSecretMessages chat_id:int53 query:string from_search_id:int64 limit:int filter:SearchMessagesFilter = FoundMessages; //@description Searches for call messages. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing message_id @from_message_id Identifier of the message from which to search, you can use 0 to get results from beginning //@limit Maximum number of messages to be returned, can't be greater than 100. There may be less than limit messages returned even the end of the history is not reached filter @only_missed If true, return only messages with missed calls searchCallMessages from_message_id:int53 limit:int only_missed:Bool = Messages; //@description Returns public HTTPS link to a message. Available only for messages in public channels @chat_id Identifier of the chat, message belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message getPublicMessageLink chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = PublicMessageLink; //@description Sends a message. Returns sent message @chat_id Chat to send message @reply_to_message_id Identifier of a message to reply to or 0 //@disable_notification Pass true, to disable notification about the message, doesn't works in secret chats @from_background Pass true, if the message is sent from background //@reply_markup Bots only. Markup for replying to message @input_message_content Content of a message to send sendMessage chat_id:int53 reply_to_message_id:int53 disable_notification:Bool from_background:Bool reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = Message; //@description Invites bot to a chat (if it is not in the chat) and send /start to it. Bot can't be invited to a private chat other than chat with the bot. Bots can't be invited to broadcast channel chats and secret chats. Returns sent message //@bot_user_id Identifier of the bot @chat_id Identifier of the chat @parameter Hidden parameter sent to bot for deep linking ( sendBotStartMessage bot_user_id:int chat_id:int53 parameter:string = Message; //@description Sends result of the inline query as a message. Returns sent message. Always clears chat draft message @chat_id Chat to send message @reply_to_message_id Identifier of a message to reply to or 0 //@disable_notification Pass true, to disable notification about the message, doesn't works in secret chats @from_background Pass true, if the message is sent from background //@query_id Identifier of the inline query @result_id Identifier of the inline result sendInlineQueryResultMessage chat_id:int53 reply_to_message_id:int53 disable_notification:Bool from_background:Bool query_id:int64 result_id:string = Message; //@description Forwards previously sent messages. Returns forwarded messages in the same order as message identifiers passed in message_ids. If message can't be forwarded, null will be returned instead of the message //@chat_id Identifier of a chat to forward messages @from_chat_id Identifier of a chat to forward from @message_ids Identifiers of messages to forward //@disable_notification Pass true, to disable notification about the message, doesn't works if messages are forwarded to secret chat @from_background Pass true, if the message is sent from background forwardMessages chat_id:int53 from_chat_id:int53 message_ids:vector disable_notification:Bool from_background:Bool = Messages; //@description Changes current ttl setting in a secret chat and sends corresponding message @chat_id Chat identifier @ttl New value of ttl in seconds sendChatSetTtlMessage chat_id:int53 ttl:int = Message; //@description Sends notification about screenshot taken in a chat. Works only in private and secret chats @chat_id Chat identifier sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification chat_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Deletes messages @chat_id Chat identifier @message_ids Identifiers of messages to delete @revoke Pass true to try to delete sent messages for all chat members (may fail if messages are too old). Is always true for Channels and SecretChats deleteMessages chat_id:int53 message_ids:vector revoke:Bool = Ok; //@description Deletes all messages in the chat sent by the specified user. Works only in supergroup channel chats, needs can_delete_messages administrator privileges @chat_id Chat identifier @user_id User identifier deleteMessagesFromUser chat_id:int53 user_id:int = Ok; //@description Edits text of text or game message. Non-bots can edit message in a limited period of time. Returns edited message after edit is complete server side //@chat_id Chat the message belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message @reply_markup Bots only. New message reply markup @input_message_content New text content of the message. Should be of type InputMessageText editMessageText chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = Message; //@description Edits message content caption. Non-bots can edit message in a limited period of time. Returns edited message after edit is complete server side //@chat_id Chat the message belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message @reply_markup Bots only. New message reply markup @caption New message content caption, 0-200 characters editMessageCaption chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 reply_markup:ReplyMarkup caption:string = Message; //@description Bots only. Edits message reply markup. Returns edited message after edit is complete server side //@chat_id Chat the message belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message @reply_markup New message reply markup editMessageReplyMarkup chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 reply_markup:ReplyMarkup = Message; //@description Bots only. Edits text of an inline text or game message sent via bot @inline_message_id Inline message identifier @reply_markup New message reply markup @input_message_content New text content of the message. Should be of type InputMessageText editInlineMessageText inline_message_id:string reply_markup:ReplyMarkup input_message_content:InputMessageContent = Ok; //@description Bots only. Edits caption of an inline message content sent via bot @inline_message_id Inline message identifier @reply_markup New message reply markup @caption New message content caption, 0-200 characters editInlineMessageCaption inline_message_id:string reply_markup:ReplyMarkup caption:string = Ok; //@description Bots only. Edits reply markup of an inline message sent via bot @inline_message_id Inline message identifier @reply_markup New message reply markup editInlineMessageReplyMarkup inline_message_id:string reply_markup:ReplyMarkup = Ok; //@description Returns all mentions, hashtags, bot commands, URLs and emails contained in the text. Offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously @text Text to find entites in getTextEntities text:string = TextEntities; //@description Returns file's mime type guessing only by its extension. Returns empty string on failure. Offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously @file_name Name of the file or path to the file getFileMimeType file_name:string = Text; //@description Returns file's extension guessing only by its mime type. Returns empty string on failure. Offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously @mime_type Mime type of the file getFileExtension mime_type:string = Text; //@description Sends inline query to a bot and returns its results. Returns error with code 502 if bot fails to answer the query before query timeout expires. Unavailable for bots @bot_user_id Identifier of the bot send query to //@chat_id Identifier of the chat, where the query is sent @user_location User location, only if needed @query Text of the query @offset Offset of the first entry to return getInlineQueryResults bot_user_id:int chat_id:int53 user_location:location query:string offset:string = InlineQueryResults; //@description Bots only. Sets result of an inline query @inline_query_id Identifier of the inline query @is_personal Does result of the query can be cached only for specified user //@results Results of the query @cache_time Allowed time to cache results of the query in seconds @next_offset Offset for the next inline query, pass empty string if there is no more results //@switch_pm_text If non-empty, this text should be shown on the button, which opens private chat with the bot and sends bot start message with parameter switch_pm_parameter @switch_pm_parameter Parameter for the bot start message answerInlineQuery inline_query_id:int64 is_personal:Bool results:vector cache_time:int next_offset:string switch_pm_text:string switch_pm_parameter:string = Ok; //@description Sends callback query to a bot and returns answer to it. Returns error with code 502 if bot fails to answer the query before query timeout expires. Unavailable for bots @chat_id Identifier of the chat with a message @message_id Identifier of the message, from which the query is originated @payload Query payload getCallbackQueryAnswer chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 payload:CallbackQueryPayload = CallbackQueryAnswer; //@description Bots only. Sets result of a callback query @callback_query_id Identifier of the callback query @text Text of the answer @show_alert If true, an alert should be shown to the user instead of a toast @url Url to be opened @cache_time Allowed time to cache result of the query in seconds answerCallbackQuery callback_query_id:int64 text:string show_alert:Bool url:string cache_time:int = Ok; //@description Bots only. Sets result of a shipping query @shipping_query_id Identifier of the shipping query @shipping_options Available shipping options @error_message Error message, empty on success answerShippingQuery shipping_query_id:int64 shipping_options:vector error_message:string = Ok; //@description Bots only. Sets result of a pre checkout query @pre_checkout_query_id Identifier of the pre-checkout query @error_message Error message, empty on success answerPreCheckoutQuery pre_checkout_query_id:int64 error_message:string = Ok; //@description Bots only. Updates game score of the specified user in the game @chat_id Chat a message with the game belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message @edit_message True, if message should be edited @user_id User identifier @score New score //@force Pass True to update the score even if it decreases. If score is 0, user will be deleted from the high scores table setGameScore chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 edit_message:Bool user_id:int score:int force:Bool = Message; //@description Bots only. Updates game score of the specified user in the game @inline_message_id Inline message identifier @edit_message True, if message should be edited @user_id User identifier @score New score //@force Pass True to update the score even if it decreases. If score is 0, user will be deleted from the high scores table setInlineGameScore inline_message_id:string edit_message:Bool user_id:int score:int force:Bool = Ok; //@description Bots only. Returns game high scores and some part of the score table around of the specified user in the game @chat_id Chat a message with the game belongs to @message_id Identifier of the message @user_id User identifie getGameHighScores chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 user_id:int = GameHighScores; //@description Bots only. Returns game high scores and some part of the score table around of the specified user in the game @inline_message_id Inline message identifier @user_id User identifier getInlineGameHighScores inline_message_id:string user_id:int = GameHighScores; //@description Deletes default reply markup from chat. This method needs to be called after one-time keyboard or ForceReply reply markup has been used. UpdateChatReplyMarkup will be send if reply markup will be changed @chat_id Chat identifier //@message_id Message identifier of used keyboard deleteChatReplyMarkup chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Sends notification about user activity in a chat @chat_id Chat identifier @action Action description sendChatAction chat_id:int53 action:ChatAction = Ok; //@description Chat is opened by the user. Many useful activities depends on chat being opened or closed. For example, in channels all updates are received only for opened chats @chat_id Chat identifier openChat chat_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Chat is closed by the user. Many useful activities depends on chat being opened or closed. @chat_id Chat identifier closeChat chat_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Messages are viewed by the user. Many useful activities depends on message being viewed. For example, marking messages as read, incrementing of view counter, updating of view counter, removing of deleted messages in channels @chat_id Chat identifier @message_ids Identifiers of viewed messages viewMessages chat_id:int53 message_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Message content is opened, for example the user has opened a photo, a video, a document, a location or a venue or have listened to an audio or a voice message. You will receive updateOpenMessageContent if something has changed @chat_id Chat identifier of the message @message_id Identifier of the message with opened content openMessageContent chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = Ok; //@description Returns existing chat corresponding to the given user @user_id User identifier createPrivateChat user_id:int = Chat; //@description Returns existing chat corresponding to the known group @group_id Group identifier createGroupChat group_id:int = Chat; //@description Returns existing chat corresponding to the known channel @channel_id Channel identifier createChannelChat channel_id:int = Chat; //@description Returns existing chat corresponding to the known secret chat @secret_chat_id SecretChat identifier createSecretChat secret_chat_id:int = Chat; //@description Creates new group chat and send corresponding messageGroupChatCreate, returns created chat @user_ids Identifiers of users to add to the group @title Title of new group chat, 1-255 characters createNewGroupChat user_ids:vector title:string = Chat; //@description Creates new channel chat and send corresponding messageChannelChatCreate, returns created chat @title Title of new channel chat, 1-255 characters @is_supergroup True, if supergroup chat should be created @param_description Channel description, 0-255 characters createNewChannelChat title:string is_supergroup:Bool description:string = Chat; //@description Creates new secret chat, returns created chat @user_id Identifier of a user to create secret chat with createNewSecretChat user_id:int = Chat; //@description Creates new channel supergroup chat from existing group chat and send corresponding messageChatMigrateTo and messageChatMigrateFrom. Deactivates group @chat_id Group chat identifier migrateGroupChatToChannelChat chat_id:int53 = Chat; //@description Changes chat title. Works only for group and channel chats. Requires administrator rights in groups and appropriate administrator right in channels. Title will not change before request to the server completes //@chat_id Chat identifier @title New title of the chat, 1-255 characters changeChatTitle chat_id:int53 title:string = Ok; //@description Changes chat photo. Works only for group and channel chats. Requires administrator rights in groups and appropriate administrator right in channels. Photo will not change before request to the server completes //@chat_id Chat identifier @photo New chat photo. You can use zero InputFileId to delete chat photo. Files accessible only by HTTP URL are not acceptable changeChatPhoto chat_id:int53 photo:InputFile = Ok; //@description Changes chat draft message @chat_id Chat identifier @draft_message New draft message, nullable changeChatDraftMessage chat_id:int53 draft_message:draftMessage = Ok; //@description Changes chat pinned state. You can pin up to getOption("pinned_chat_count_max") non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats @chat_id Chat identifier @is_pinned New value of is_pinned toggleChatIsPinned chat_id:int53 is_pinned:Bool = Ok; //@description Changes client data associated with a chat @chat_id Chat identifier @client_data New value of client_data setChatClientData chat_id:int53 client_data:string = Ok; //@description Adds new member to chat. Members can't be added to private or secret chats. Member will not be added until chat state will be synchronized with the server //@chat_id Chat identifier @user_id Identifier of the user to add @forward_limit Number of previous messages from chat to forward to new member, ignored for channel chats. Can't be greater than 300 addChatMember chat_id:int53 user_id:int forward_limit:int = Ok; //@description Adds many new members to the chat. Currently, available only for channels. Can't be used to join the channel. Members can't be added to broadcast channel if it has more than 200 members. Members will not be added until chat state will be synchronized with the server //@chat_id Chat identifier @user_ids Identifiers of the users to add addChatMembers chat_id:int53 user_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Changes status of the chat member, need appropriate privileges. This function is currently not suitable for adding new members to the chat, use addChatMember instead. Status will not be changed until chat state will be synchronized with the server //@chat_id Chat identifier @user_id Identifier of the user to edit status @status New status of the member in the chat changeChatMemberStatus chat_id:int53 user_id:int status:ChatMemberStatus = Ok; //@description Returns information about one participant of the chat @chat_id Chat identifier @user_id User identifier getChatMember chat_id:int53 user_id:int = ChatMember; //@description Searches for the specified query in the first name, last name and username among members of the specified chat. Requires administrator rights in broadcast channels @chat_id Chat identifier @query Query to search for @limit Maximum number of users to be returned searchChatMembers chat_id:int53 query:string limit:int = ChatMembers; //@description Changes list or order of pinned chats @chat_ids New list of pinned chats setPinnedChats chat_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Asynchronously downloads file from cloud. Updates updateFile will notify about download progress and successful download @file_id Identifier of file to download //@priority Priority of download, 1-32. The higher priority, the earlier file will be downloaded. If priorities of two files are equal then the last one for which downloadFile is called will be downloaded first downloadFile file_id:int priority:int = Ok; //@description Stops file downloading. If file is already downloaded, does nothing @file_id Identifier of file to cancel download cancelDownloadFile file_id:int = Ok; //@description Asynchronously uploads file to the cloud without sending it in a message. Updates updateFile will notify about upload progress and successful upload. The file will not have persistent identifier until it will be sent in a message @file File to upload @file_type File type //@priority Priority of upload, 1-32. The higher priority, the earlier file will be uploaded. If priorities of two files are equal then the first one for which uploadFile is called will be uploaded first uploadFile file:InputFile file_type:FileType priority:int = File; //@description Stops file uploading. Works only for files uploaded using uploadFile. For other files the behavior is undefined @file_id Identifier of file to cancel upload cancelUploadFile file_id:int = Ok; //@description Next part of a file was generated //@generation_id Identifier of the generation process //@size Full size of file in bytes, 0 if unknown. //@local_size Number of bytes already generated. Negative number means that generation has failed and should be terminated setFileGenerationProgress generation_id:int64 size:int local_size:int = Ok; //@description Finishes file generation @generation_id Identifier of the generation process finishFileGeneration generation_id:int64 = Ok; //@description Deletes a file from TDLib file cache @file_id Identifier of the file to delete deleteFile file_id:int = Ok; //@description Generates new chat invite link, previously generated link is revoked. Available for group and channel chats. In groups can be called only by creator, in channels requires appropriate rights @chat_id Chat identifier exportChatInviteLink chat_id:int53 = ChatInviteLink; //@description Checks chat invite link for validness and returns information about the corresponding chat @invite_link Invite link to check. Should begin with "", "" or "" checkChatInviteLink invite_link:string = ChatInviteLinkInfo; //@description Imports chat invite link, adds current user to a chat if possible. Member will not be added until chat state will be synchronized with the server //@invite_link Invite link to import. Should begin with "", "" or "" importChatInviteLink invite_link:string = Ok; //@description Creates new call @user_id Identifier of user to call @protocol Description of supported by the client call protocols createCall user_id:int protocol:callProtocol = CallId; //@description Accepts incoming call @call_id Call identifier @protocol Description of supported by the client call protocols acceptCall call_id:int protocol:callProtocol = Ok; //@description Discards a call @call_id Call identifier @is_disconnected True, if users was disconnected @duration Call duration in seconds @connection_id Identifier of a connection used during the call discardCall call_id:int is_disconnected:Bool duration:int connection_id:int64 = Ok; //@description Sends call rating @call_id Call identifier @rating Call rating, 1-5 @comment Optional user comment if rating is less than 5 rateCall call_id:int rating:int comment:string = Ok; //@description Sends call debug information @call_id Call identifier @debug Debug information in application specific format debugCall call_id:int debug:string = Ok; //@description Adds user to black list @user_id User identifier blockUser user_id:int = Ok; //@description Removes user from black list @user_id User identifier unblockUser user_id:int = Ok; //@description Returns users blocked by the current user @offset Number of users to skip in result, must be non-negative @limit Maximum number of users to return, can't be greater than 100 getBlockedUsers offset:int limit:int = Users; //@description Adds new contacts/edits existing contacts, contacts user identifiers are ignored @contacts List of contacts to import/edit importContacts contacts:vector = ImportedContacts; //@description Searches for specified query in the first name, last name and username of the known user contacts @query Query to search for, can be empty to return all contacts @limit Maximum number of users to be returned searchContacts query:string limit:int = Users; //@description Deletes users from contacts list @user_ids Identifiers of users to be deleted deleteContacts user_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Returns total number of imported contacts getImportedContactCount = Count; //@description Deletes all imported contacts deleteImportedContacts = Ok; //@description Returns profile photos of the user. Result of this query may be outdated: some photos may be already deleted @user_id User identifier @offset Photos to skip, must be non-negative @limit Maximum number of photos to be returned, can't be greater than 100 getUserProfilePhotos user_id:int offset:int limit:int = UserProfilePhotos; //@description Returns stickers from installed ordinary sticker sets corresponding to the given emoji. If emoji is not empty, elso favorite and recently used stickers may be returned @emoji String representation of emoji. If empty, returns all known stickers @limit Maximum number of stickers to return getStickers emoji:string limit:int = Stickers; //@description Returns list of installed sticker sets @is_masks Pass true to return mask sticker sets, pass false to return ordinary sticker sets getInstalledStickerSets is_masks:Bool = StickerSets; //@description Returns list of archived sticker sets @is_masks Pass true to return mask stickers sets, pass false to return ordinary sticker sets @offset_sticker_set_id Identifier of the sticker set from which return the result @limit Maximum number of sticker sets to return getArchivedStickerSets is_masks:Bool offset_sticker_set_id:int64 limit:int = StickerSets; //@description Returns list of trending sticker sets getTrendingStickerSets = StickerSets; //@description Returns list of sticker sets attached to a file, currently only photos and videos can have attached sticker sets @file_id File identifier getAttachedStickerSets file_id:int = StickerSets; //@description Returns information about sticker set by its identifier @set_id Identifier of the sticker set getStickerSet set_id:int64 = StickerSet; //@description Searches sticker set by its short name @name Name of the sticker set searchStickerSet name:string = StickerSet; //@description Installs/uninstalls or enables/archives sticker set @set_id Identifier of the sticker set @is_installed New value of is_installed @is_archived New value of is_archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously changeStickerSet set_id:int64 is_installed:Bool is_archived:Bool = Ok; //@description Informs that some trending sticker sets are viewed by the user @sticker_set_ids Identifiers of viewed trending sticker sets viewTrendingStickerSets sticker_set_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Changes the order of installed sticker sets @is_masks Pass true to change mask sticker sets order, pass false to change ordinary sticker sets order @sticker_set_ids Identifiers of installed sticker sets in the new right order reorderInstalledStickerSets is_masks:Bool sticker_set_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Returns list of recently used stickers @is_attached Pass true to return stickers and masks recently attached to photo or video files, pass false to return recently sent stickers getRecentStickers is_attached:Bool = Stickers; //@description Manually adds new sticker to the list of recently used stickers. New sticker is added to the beginning of the list. If the sticker is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list. Only stickers belonging to a sticker set can be added to the list //@is_attached Pass true to add the sticker to the list of stickers recently attached to photo or video files, pass false to add the sticker to the list of recently sent stickers @sticker Sticker file to add addRecentSticker is_attached:Bool sticker:InputFile = Stickers; //@description Removes a sticker from the list of recently used stickers @is_attached Pass true to remove the sticker from the list of stickers recently attached to photo or video files, pass false to remove the sticker from the list of recently sent stickers @sticker Sticker file to delete deleteRecentSticker is_attached:Bool sticker:InputFile = Ok; //@description Clears list of recently used stickers @is_attached Pass true to clear list of stickers recently attached to photo or video files, pass false to clear the list of recently sent stickers clearRecentStickers is_attached:Bool = Ok; //@description Returns favorite stickers getFavoriteStickers = Stickers; //@description Adds new sticker to the list of favorite stickers. New sticker is added to the beginning of the list. If the sticker is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list. Only stickers belonging to a sticker set can be added to the list //@sticker Sticker file to add addFavoriteSticker sticker:InputFile = Ok; //@description Removes a sticker from the list of favorite stickers @sticker Sticker file to delete from the list deleteFavoriteSticker sticker:InputFile = Ok; //@description Returns emojis corresponding to a sticker @sticker Sticker file identifier getStickerEmojis sticker:InputFile = StickerEmojis; //@description Returns saved animations getSavedAnimations = Animations; //@description Manually adds new animation to the list of saved animations. New animation is added to the beginning of the list. If the animation is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list. Only non-secret video animations with MIME type "video/mp4" can be added to the list //@animation Animation file to add. Only known to server animations (i. e. successfully sent via message) can be added to the list addSavedAnimation animation:InputFile = Ok; //@description Removes an animation from the list of saved animations @animation Animation file to delete deleteSavedAnimation animation:InputFile = Ok; //@description Returns up to 20 recently used inline bots in the order of the last usage getRecentInlineBots = Users; //@description Searches for recently used hashtags by their prefix @prefix Hashtag prefix to search for @limit Maximum number of hashtags to return searchHashtags prefix:string limit:int = Hashtags; //@description Deletes a hashtag from the list of recently used hashtags @hashtag The hashtag to delete deleteRecentHashtag hashtag:string = Ok; //@description Returns web page preview by text of the message. Do not call this function to often. Returns error 404 if web page has no preview @message_text Message text getWebPagePreview message_text:string = WebPage; //@description Returns web page instant view if available. Returns error 404 if web page has no instant view @url Web page URL @force_full If true, full web page instant view will be returned getWebPageInstantView url:string force_full:Bool = WebPageInstantView; //@description Returns notification settings for a given scope @scope Scope to return information about notification settings getNotificationSettings scope:NotificationSettingsScope = NotificationSettings; //@description Changes notification settings for a given scope @scope Scope to change notification settings //@notification_settings New notification settings for given scope setNotificationSettings scope:NotificationSettingsScope notification_settings:notificationSettings = Ok; //@description Resets all notification settings to the default value. By default the only muted chats are supergroups, sound is set to 'default' and message previews are showed resetAllNotificationSettings = Ok; //@description Uploads new profile photo for logged in user. If something changes, updateUser will be sent @photo Profile photo to set. inputFileId and inputFilePersistentId may be unsupported setProfilePhoto photo:InputFile = Ok; //@description Deletes profile photo. If something changes, updateUser will be sent @profile_photo_id Identifier of profile photo to delete deleteProfilePhoto profile_photo_id:int64 = Ok; //@description Changes first and last names of logged in user. If something changes, updateUser will be sent @first_name New value of user first name, 1-255 characters @last_name New value of optional user last name, 0-255 characters changeName first_name:string last_name:string = Ok; //@description Changes about information of logged in user @about New value of userFull.about, 0-70 characters without line feeds changeAbout about:string = Ok; //@description Changes username of logged in user. If something changes, updateUser will be sent @username New value of username. Use empty string to remove username changeUsername username:string = Ok; //@description Changes user's phone number and sends authentication code to the new user's phone number. Returns authStateWaitCode with information about sent code on success //@phone_number New user's phone number in any reasonable format @allow_flash_call Pass True, if code can be sent via flash call to the specified phone number @is_current_phone_number Pass true, if the phone number is used on the current device. Ignored if allow_flash_call is False changePhoneNumber phone_number:string allow_flash_call:Bool is_current_phone_number:Bool = AuthState; //@description Resends authentication code sent to change user's phone number. Wotks only if in previously received authStateWaitCode next_code_type was not null. Returns authStateWaitCode on success resendChangePhoneNumberCode = AuthState; //@description Checks authentication code sent to change user's phone number. Returns authStateOk on success @code Verification code from SMS, phone call or flash call checkChangePhoneNumberCode code:string = AuthState; //@description Returns all active sessions of logged in user getActiveSessions = Sessions; //@description Terminates another session of logged in user @session_id Session identifier terminateSession session_id:int64 = Ok; //@description Terminates all other sessions of logged in user terminateAllOtherSessions = Ok; //@description Gives or revokes all members of the group administrator rights. Needs creator privileges in the group @group_id Identifier of the group @everyone_is_administrator New value of everyone_is_administrator toggleGroupAdministrators group_id:int everyone_is_administrator:Bool = Ok; //@description Changes username of the channel. Needs creator privileges in the channel @channel_id Identifier of the channel @username New value of username. Use empty string to remove username changeChannelUsername channel_id:int username:string = Ok; //@description Changes sticker set of the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel @channel_id Identifier of the channel @sticker_set_id New value of channel sticker set identifier. Use 0 to remove channel sticker set setChannelStickerSet channel_id:int sticker_set_id:int64 = Ok; //@description Gives or revokes right to invite new members to all current members of the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel. Available only for supergroups @channel_id Identifier of the channel @anyone_can_invite New value of anyone_can_invite toggleChannelInvites channel_id:int anyone_can_invite:Bool = Ok; //@description Enables or disables sender signature on sent messages in the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel. Not available for supergroups @channel_id Identifier of the channel @sign_messages New value of sign_messages toggleChannelSignMessages channel_id:int sign_messages:Bool = Ok; //@description Changes information about the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel @channel_id Identifier of the channel @param_description New channel description, 0-255 characters changeChannelDescription channel_id:int description:string = Ok; //@description Pins a message in a supergroup channel chat. Needs appropriate rights in the channel @channel_id Identifier of the channel @message_id Identifier of the new pinned message @disable_notification True, if there should be no notification about the pinned message pinChannelMessage channel_id:int message_id:int53 disable_notification:Bool = Ok; //@description Removes pinned message in the supergroup channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel @channel_id Identifier of the channel unpinChannelMessage channel_id:int = Ok; //@description Reports some supergroup channel messages from a user as spam messages @channel_id Channel identifier @user_id User identifier @message_ids Identifiers of messages sent in the supergroup by the user, the list should be non-empty reportChannelSpam channel_id:int user_id:int message_ids:vector = Ok; //@description Returns information about channel members or banned users. Can be used only if channel_full->can_get_members == true. Administrator privileges may be additionally needed for some filters @channel_id Identifier of the channel //@filter Kind of channel users to return, defaults to channelMembersRecent @offset Number of channel users to skip @limit Maximum number of users be returned, can't be greater than 200 getChannelMembers channel_id:int filter:ChannelMembersFilter offset:int limit:int = ChatMembers; //@description Deletes channel along with all messages in corresponding chat. Releases channel username and removes all members. Needs creator privileges in the channel. Channels with more than 1000 members can't be deleted @channel_id Identifier of the channel deleteChannel channel_id:int = Ok; //@description Closes secret chat, effectively transfering its state to "Closed" @secret_chat_id Secret chat identifier closeSecretChat secret_chat_id:int = Ok; //@description Returns list of service actions taken by chat members and administrators in the last 48 hours, available only in channels. Requires administrator rights. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing event_id //@chat_id Chat identifier @query Search query to filter events @from_event_id Identifier of an event from which to return result, you can use 0 to get results from the latest events @limit Maximum number of events to return, can't be greater than 100 //@filters Types of events to return, defaults to all @user_ids User identifiers, which events to return, defaults to all users getChatEventLog chat_id:int53 query:string from_event_id:int64 limit:int filters:chatEventLogFilters user_ids:vector = ChatEvents; //@description Returns invoice payment form. The method should be called when user presses inlineKeyboardButtonBuy @chat_id Chat identifier of the Invoice message @message_id Message identifier getPaymentForm chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = PaymentForm; //@description Validates order information provided by the user and returns available shipping options for flexible invoice @chat_id Chat identifier of the Invoice message @message_id Message identifier @order_info Order information, provided by the user @allow_save True, if order information can be saved validateOrderInfo chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 order_info:orderInfo allow_save:Bool = ValidatedOrderInfo; //@description Sends filled payment form to the bot for the final verification @chat_id Chat identifier of the Invoice message @message_id Message identifier @order_info_id Identifier returned by ValidateOrderInfo or empty string @shipping_option_id Identifier of a chosen shipping option, if applicable //@credentials Credentials choosed by user for payment sendPaymentForm chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 order_info_id:string shipping_option_id:string credentials:InputCredentials = PaymentResult; //@description Returns information about successful payment @chat_id Chat identifier of the PaymentSuccessful message @message_id Message identifier getPaymentReceipt chat_id:int53 message_id:int53 = PaymentReceipt; //@description Returns saved order info if any getSavedOrderInfo = OrderInfo; //@description Deletes saved order info deleteSavedOrderInfo = Ok; //@description Deletes saved credentials for all payments provider bots deleteSavedCredentials = Ok; //@description Returns user that can be contacted to get support getSupportUser = User; //@description Returns background wallpapers getWallpapers = Wallpapers; //@description Registers current used device for receiving push notifications @device_token Device token registerDevice device_token:DeviceToken = Ok; //@description Changes privacy settings @key Privacy key @rules New privacy rules setPrivacy key:PrivacyKey rules:privacyRules = Ok; //@description Returns current privacy settings @key Privacy key getPrivacy key:PrivacyKey = PrivacyRules; //@description Returns value of an option by its name. See list of available options on Can be called before authorization //@name Name of the option getOption name:string = OptionValue; //@description Sets value of an option. See list of available options on Only writable options can be set. Can be called before authorization //@name Name of the option @value New value of the option setOption name:string value:OptionValue = Ok; //@description Changes period of inactivity, after which the account of currently logged in user will be automatically deleted @ttl New account TTL changeAccountTtl ttl:accountTtl = Ok; //@description Returns period of inactivity, after which the account of currently logged in user will be automatically deleted getAccountTtl = AccountTtl; //@description Deletes the account of currently logged in user, deleting from the server all information associated with it. Account's phone number can be used to create new account, but only once in two weeks @reason Optional reason of account deletion deleteAccount reason:string = Ok; //@description Returns current chat report spam state @chat_id Chat identifier getChatReportSpamState chat_id:int53 = ChatReportSpamState; //@description Reports chat as a spam chat or as not a spam chat. Can be used only if ChatReportSpamState.can_report_spam is true. After this request ChatReportSpamState.can_report_spam became false forever @chat_id Chat identifier @is_spam_chat If true, chat will be reported as a spam chat, otherwise it will be marked as not a spam chat changeChatReportSpamState chat_id:int53 is_spam_chat:Bool = Ok; //@description Reports chat to Telegram moderators. Can be used only for a channel chat or a private chat with a bot, because all other chats can't be checked by moderators @chat_id Chat identifier @reason Reason, the chat is reported reportChat chat_id:int53 reason:ChatReportReason = Ok; //@description Returns storage usage statistics @chat_limit Maximum number of chats with biggest storage usage for which separate statistics should be returned. All other chats will be grouped in entries with chat_id == 0. If chat info database is not used, chat_limit is ignored and is always set to 0 getStorageStatistics chat_limit:int = StorageStatistics; //@description Quickly returns approximate storage usage statistics getStorageStatisticsFast = StorageStatisticsFast; //@description Optimizes storage usage, i.e. deletes some files and return new storage usage statistics. Secret thumbnails can't be deleted //@size Limit on total size of files after deletion. Pass -1 to use default limit //@ttl Limit on time passed since last access time (or creation time on some filesystems) to a file. Pass -1 to use default limit //@count Limit on total count of files after deletion. Pass -1 to use default limit //@immunity_delay Number of seconds after creation of a file, it can't be delited. Pass -1 to use default value //@file_types If not empty, only files with given types are considered. By default, all types except thumbnails, profile photos, stickers and wallpapers are deleted //@chat_ids If not empty, only files from the given chats are considered. Use 0 as chat identifier to delete files not belonging to any chat, for example profile photos //@exclude_chat_ids If not empty, files from the given chats are exluded. Use 0 as chat identifier to exclude all files not belonging to any chat, for example profile photos //@chat_limit Same as in getStorageStatistics. Affects only returned statistics optimizeStorage size:int53 ttl:int count:int immunity_delay:int file_types:vector chat_ids:vector exclude_chat_ids:vector chat_limit:int = StorageStatistics; //@description Sets current network type. Can be called before authorization. Call to this method forces reopening of all network connections mitigating delay in switching between different networks, so it should be called whenever network is changed even network type remains the same. -Network type is used to check if library can use network at all and for collecting detailed network data usage statistics @type New network type, defaults to networkTypeNone setNetworkType type:NetworkType = Ok; //@description Returns network data usage statistics. Can be called before authorization @only_current If true, returns only data for the current library launch getNetworkStatistics only_current:Bool = NetworkStatistics; //@description Adds specified data to data usage statistics. Can be called before authorization @entry Network statistics entry with a data to add to statistics addNetworkStatistics entry:NetworkStatisticsEntry = Ok; //@description Resets all network data usage statistics to zero. Can be called before authorization resetNetworkStatistics = Ok; //@description Bots only. Informs server about number of pending bot updates if they aren't processed for a long time @pending_update_count Number of pending updates @error_message Last error's message setBotUpdatesStatus pending_update_count:int error_message:string = Ok; //@description Bots only. Uploads a png image with a sticker. Returns uploaded file @user_id Sticker file owner @png_sticker Png image with the sticker, must be up to 512 kilobytes in size and fit in 512x512 square uploadStickerFile user_id:int png_sticker:InputFile = File; //@description Bots only. Creates new sticker set. Returns created sticker set @user_id Sticker set owner @title Sticker set title, 1-64 characters @name Sticker set name. Can contain only english letters, digits and underscores. Should end on *"_by_"*. ** is case insensitive, 1-64 characters //@is_masks True, is stickers are masks @stickers List of stickers to add to the set createNewStickerSet user_id:int title:string name:string is_masks:Bool stickers:vector = StickerSet; //@description Bots only. Adds new sticker to a set. Returns the sticker set @user_id Sticker set owner @name Sticker set name @sticker Sticker to add to the set addStickerToSet user_id:int name:string sticker:inputSticker = StickerSet; //@description Bots only. Changes position of a sticker in the set it belongs to. Sticker set should be created by the bot @sticker The sticker @position New sticker position in the set, zero-based setStickerPositionInSet sticker:InputFile position:int = Ok; //@description Bots only. Deletes a sticker from the set it belongs to. Sticker set should be created by the bot @sticker The sticker deleteStickerFromSet sticker:InputFile = Ok; //@description Bots only. Sends custom request @method Method name @parameters JSON-serialized method parameters sendCustomRequest method:string parameters:string = CustomRequestResult; //@description Bots only. Answers a custom query @custom_query_id Identifier of a custom query @data JSON-serialized answer to the query answerCustomQuery custom_query_id:int64 data:string = Ok; //@description Returns Ok after specified amount of the time passed. Can be called before authorization @seconds Number of seconds before that function returns setAlarm seconds:double = Ok; //@description Returns invite text for invitation of new users getInviteText = Text; //@description Returns terms of service. Can be called before authorization getTermsOfService = Text; //@description Sets proxy server for network requests. Can be called before authorization @proxy The proxy to use. You can specify null to remove proxy server setProxy proxy:Proxy = Ok; //@description Returns current set up proxy. Can be called before authorization getProxy = Proxy; //@description Test request. Does nothing testCallEmpty = Ok; //@description Test request. Returns back received string @x String to return testCallString x:string = TestString; //@description Test request. Returns back received bytes @x Bytes to return testCallBytes x:bytes = TestBytes; //@description Test request. Returns back received vector of numbers @x Vector of numbers to return testCallVectorInt x:vector = TestVectorInt; //@description Test request. Returns back received vector of objects containing a number @x Vector of objects to return testCallVectorIntObject x:vector = TestVectorIntObject; //@description Test request. Returns back received vector of strings @x Vector of strings to return testCallVectorString x:vector = TestVectorString; //@description Test request. Returns back received vector of objects containing a string @x Vector of objects to return testCallVectorStringObject x:vector = TestVectorStringObject; //@description Test request. Returns squared received number @x Number to square testSquareInt x:int = TestInt; //@description Test request. Sends simple network request to telegram servers testNetwork = Ok; //@description Test request. Forces updates.getDifference call to telegram servers testGetDifference = Ok; //@description Test request. Does nothing, ensures that the Update object is used testUseUpdate = Update; //@description Test request. Does nothing, ensures that the Error object is used testUseError = Error; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; class Bug74586Exception extends \Exception { }dataJSON#7d748d04 data:string = DataJSON; socketMessageRequest request_id:int method:vector args:vector<%DataJSON> = SocketMessage; socketMessageResponse request_id:int data:%DataJSON = SocketMessage; socketMessageException request_id:int exception:SocketException = SocketMessage; socketMessageUpdate data:%DataJSON = SocketMessage; socketMessageLog flags:# thread:flags.0?true process:flags.1?true file:string level:int data:%DataJSON = SocketMessage; socketMessageRawData stream_id:string data:bytes = SocketMessage; socketException message:string code:int trace:%SocketTLTrace = SocketException; socketRPCErrorException flags:# rpc_message:flags.0?string message:flags.1?string code:int trace:%SocketTLTrace = SocketException; socketTLException message:string code:int trace:%SocketTLTrace = SocketException; socketDOMException message:string code:int trace:%SocketTLTrace = SocketException; socketTLTrace frames:vector<%SocketTLFrame> = SocketTLTrace; socketTLFrame flags:# file:flags.0?string line:flags.1?int function:flags.2?string args:flags.3?string tl_param:flags.4?string = SocketTLFrame; . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; /** * Manages terms of service. */ trait TOS { /** * Check for terms of service update. * * @return \Generator */ public function checkTos() : \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && !$this->authorization['user']['bot']) { if ($this->tos['expires'] < \time()) { $this->logger->logger('Fetching TOS...'); $this->tos = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate', [], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->tos['accepted'] = $this->tos['_'] === 'help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty'; } if (!$this->tos['accepted']) { $this->logger->logger('Telegram has updated their Terms Of Service', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->logger->logger('Accept the TOS before proceeding by calling $MadelineProto->acceptTos().', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->logger->logger('You can also decline the TOS by calling $MadelineProto->declineTos().', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->logger->logger('By declining the TOS, the currently logged in account will be PERMANENTLY DELETED.', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $this->logger->logger('Read the following TOS very carefully: ', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); $this->logger->logger($this->tos); throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('TOS action required, check the logs', 0, null, 'MadelineProto', 1); } } } /** * Accept terms of service update. * * @return \Generator */ public function acceptTos() : \Generator { $this->tos['accepted'] = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.acceptTermsOfService', ['id' => $this->tos['terms_of_service']['id']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); if ($this->tos['accepted']) { $this->logger->logger('TOS accepted successfully'); } else { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('An error occurred while accepting the TOS'); } } /** * Decline terms of service update. * * THIS WILL DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT! * * @return \Generator */ public function declineTos() : \Generator { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('account.deleteAccount', ['reason' => 'Decline ToS update'], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); yield from $this->logout(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; use function Amp\ByteStream\getOutputBufferStream; trait Templates { /** * Echo page to console. * * @param string $message Error message * * @return \Generator */ private function webEcho(string $message = '') : \Generator { $stdout = getOutputBufferStream(); switch ($this->authorized) { case self::NOT_LOGGED_IN: if (isset($_POST['type'])) { if ($_POST['type'] === 'phone') { (yield $stdout->write($this->webEchoTemplate('Enter your phone number
' . $message . '', ''))); } else { (yield $stdout->write($this->webEchoTemplate('Enter your bot token
' . $message . '', ''))); } } else { (yield $stdout->write($this->webEchoTemplate('Do you want to login as user or bot?
' . $message . '', ''))); } break; case self::WAITING_CODE: (yield $stdout->write($this->webEchoTemplate('Enter your code
' . $message . '', ''))); break; case self::WAITING_PASSWORD: (yield $stdout->write($this->webEchoTemplate('Enter your password
' . $message . '', ''))); break; case self::WAITING_SIGNUP: (yield $stdout->write($this->webEchoTemplate('Sign up please
' . $message . '', ''))); break; } } /** * Web template. * * @var string */ private $web_template = 'MadelineProto




'; /** * Format message according to template. * * @param string $message Message * @param string $form Form contents * * @return string */ private function webEchoTemplate(string $message, string $form) : string { return \sprintf($this->web_template, $form, $message); } /** * Get web template. * * @return string */ public function getWebTemplate() : string { return $this->web_template; } /** * Set web template. * * @param string $template Template * * @return void */ public function setWebTemplate(string $template) { $this->web_template = $template; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; /** * Manages logging in and out. */ trait Callback { /** * Set update handling callback. * * @param callable $callback Callback * * @return void */ public function setCallback($callback) { $this->settings['updates']['callback'] = $callback; $this->settings['updates']['run_callback'] = true; $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $this->startUpdateSystem(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; /** * Manages logging in and out. */ trait Webhook { /** * Set webhook update handler. * * @param string $hook_url Webhook URL * @param string $pem_path PEM path for self-signed certificate * * @return void */ public function setWebhook(string $hook_url, string $pem_path = '') { $this->pem_path = $pem_path; $this->hook_url = $hook_url; $this->settings['updates']['callback'] = [$this, 'pwrWebhook']; $this->settings['updates']['run_callback'] = true; $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $this->startUpdateSystem(); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; trait DialogHandler { /** * Get dialog peers. * * @param boolean $force Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache * * @return \Generator> */ public function getDialogs(bool $force = true) : \Generator { if ($this->authorization['user']['bot']) { $res = []; foreach ($this->chats as $chat) { $res[] = $this->genAll($chat)['Peer']; } return $res; } $res = []; foreach (yield from $this->getFullDialogs($force) as $dialog) { $res[] = $dialog['peer']; } return $res; } /** * Get full info of all dialogs. * * @param boolean $force Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache * * @return \Generator */ public function getFullDialogs(bool $force = true) : \Generator { if ($force || !isset($this->dialog_params['offset_date']) || \is_null($this->dialog_params['offset_date']) || !isset($this->dialog_params['offset_id']) || \is_null($this->dialog_params['offset_id']) || !isset($this->dialog_params['offset_peer']) || \is_null($this->dialog_params['offset_peer']) || !isset($this->dialog_params['count']) || \is_null($this->dialog_params['count'])) { $this->dialog_params = ['limit' => 100, 'offset_date' => 0, 'offset_id' => 0, 'offset_peer' => ['_' => 'inputPeerEmpty'], 'count' => 0, 'hash' => 0]; } if (!isset($this->dialog_params['hash'])) { $this->dialog_params['hash'] = 0; } $res = ['dialogs' => [0], 'count' => 1]; $datacenter = $this->datacenter->curdc; $dialogs = []; $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['getting_dialogs']); while ($this->dialog_params['count'] < $res['count']) { $res = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.getDialogs', $this->dialog_params, ['datacenter' => $datacenter, 'FloodWaitLimit' => 100])); $last_peer = 0; $last_date = 0; $last_id = 0; $res['messages'] = \array_reverse($res['messages'] ?? []); foreach (\array_reverse($res['dialogs'] ?? []) as $dialog) { $id = $this->getId($dialog['peer']); if (!isset($dialogs[$id])) { $dialogs[$id] = $dialog; } if (!$last_date) { if (!$last_peer) { $last_peer = $id; } if (!$last_id) { $last_id = $dialog['top_message']; } foreach ($res['messages'] as $message) { if ($message['_'] !== 'messageEmpty' && $this->getId($message) === $last_peer && $last_id === $message['id']) { $last_date = $message['date']; break; } } } } if ($last_date) { $this->dialog_params['offset_date'] = $last_date; $this->dialog_params['offset_peer'] = $last_peer; $this->dialog_params['offset_id'] = $last_id; $this->dialog_params['count'] = \count($dialogs); } else { break; } if (!isset($res['count'])) { break; } } return $dialogs; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Event handler. */ trait Events { /** * Event handler class name. * * @var string */ public $event_handler; /** * Event handler instance. * * @var EventHandler */ private $event_handler_instance; /** * Event handler method list. * * @var array */ private $eventHandlerMethods = []; /** * Set event handler. * * @param string|EventHandler $event_handler Event handler * * @return \Generator */ public function setEventHandler($event_handler) : \Generator { if (!\class_exists($event_handler) || !\is_subclass_of($event_handler, '\\danog\\MadelineProto\\EventHandler')) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('Wrong event handler was defined'); } $this->event_handler = $event_handler; if (!$this->event_handler_instance instanceof $this->event_handler) { $class_name = $this->event_handler; $this->event_handler_instance = new $class_name($this->wrapper); } elseif ($this->wrapper) { $this->event_handler_instance->__construct($this->wrapper); } $this->eventHandlerMethods = []; foreach (\get_class_methods($this->event_handler) as $method) { if ($method === 'onLoop') { $this->loop_callback = [$this->event_handler_instance, 'onLoop']; } elseif ($method === 'onAny') { foreach ($this->getTL()->getConstructors()->by_id as $id => $constructor) { if ($constructor['type'] === 'Update' && !isset($this->eventHandlerMethods[$constructor['predicate']])) { $this->eventHandlerMethods[$constructor['predicate']] = [$this->event_handler_instance, 'onAny']; } } } else { $method_name = \lcfirst(\substr($method, 2)); if (($constructor = $this->getTL()->getConstructors()->findByPredicate($method_name)) && $constructor['type'] === 'Update') { $this->eventHandlerMethods[$method_name] = [$this->event_handler_instance, $method]; } } } yield from $this->setReportPeers($this->event_handler_instance->getReportPeers()); $this->settings['updates']['callback'] = [$this, 'eventUpdateHandler']; $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $this->settings['updates']['run_callback'] = true; if (method_exists($this->event_handler_instance, 'onStart')) { Tools::callFork($this->event_handler_instance->onStart()); } if ($this->inited()) { $this->startUpdateSystem(); } } /** * Unset event handler. * * @param bool $disableUpdateHandling Whether to also disable internal update handling (will cause errors, otherwise will simply use the NOOP handler) * * @return void */ public function unsetEventHandler(bool $disableUpdateHandling = false) { $this->event_handler = null; $this->event_handler_instance = null; $this->eventHandlerMethods = []; $this->setNoop(); if ($disableUpdateHandling) { $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = false; } } /** * Get event handler. * * @return EventHandler */ public function getEventHandler() : EventHandler { return $this->event_handler_instance; } /** * Check if an event handler instance is present. * * @return boolean */ public function hasEventHandler() : bool { return isset($this->event_handler_instance); } /** * Event update handler. * * @param array $update Update * * @return void * * @internal Internal event handler */ public function eventUpdateHandler(array $update) { if (isset($this->eventHandlerMethods[$update['_']])) { return $this->eventHandlerMethods[$update['_']]($update); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\Shutdown; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Manages logging in and out. */ trait Loop { private $loop_callback; /** * Whether to stop the loop. * * @var boolean */ private $stopLoop = false; /** * Start MadelineProto's update handling loop, or run the provided async callable. * * @param callable $callback Async callable to run * * @return mixed */ public function loop($callback = null) : \Generator { if (\is_callable($callback)) { $this->logger->logger('Running async callable'); return (yield $callback()); } if ($callback instanceof Promise) { $this->logger->logger('Resolving async promise'); return (yield $callback); } if (!$this->authorized) { $this->logger->logger('Not authorized, not starting event loop', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); return false; } if (\in_array($this->settings['updates']['callback'], [['danog\\MadelineProto\\API', 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler'], 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler'])) { $this->logger->logger('Getupdates event handler is enabled, exiting from loop', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); return false; } $this->logger->logger('Starting event loop'); if (!\is_callable($this->loop_callback) || \is_array($this->loop_callback) && $this->loop_callback[1] === 'onLoop' && !\method_exists(...$this->loop_callback)) { $this->loop_callback = null; } static $inited = false; if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && !$inited) { $needs_restart = true; try { \set_time_limit(-1); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $needs_restart = true; } if (isset($_REQUEST['MadelineSelfRestart'])) { $this->logger->logger("Self-restarted, restart token " . $_REQUEST['MadelineSelfRestart']); } $this->logger->logger($needs_restart ? 'Will self-restart' : 'Will not self-restart'); $backtrace = \debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); $lockfile = \dirname(\end($backtrace)['file']) . '/bot' . $this->authorization['user']['id'] . '.lock'; unset($backtrace); $try_locking = true; if (!\file_exists($lockfile)) { \touch($lockfile); $lock = \fopen($lockfile, 'r+'); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['lock'])) { $try_locking = false; $lock = $GLOBALS['lock']; } else { $lock = \fopen($lockfile, 'r+'); } if ($try_locking) { $this->logger->logger('Will try locking'); $try = 1; $locked = false; while (!$locked) { $locked = \flock($lock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); if (!$locked) { $this->closeConnection('Bot is already running'); if ($try++ >= 30) { exit; } \sleep(1); } } $this->logger->logger('Locked!'); } $this->logger->logger("Adding unlock callback!"); $logger =& $this->logger; $id = Shutdown::addCallback(static function () use($lock, $logger) { $logger->logger("Unlocking lock!"); \flock($lock, LOCK_UN); \fclose($lock); $logger->logger("Unlocked lock!"); }); $this->logger->logger("Added unlock callback with id {$id}!"); if ($needs_restart) { $this->logger->logger("Adding restart callback!"); $id = Shutdown::addCallback(static function () use(&$logger) { $address = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'tls' : 'tcp') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $params = $_GET; $params['MadelineSelfRestart'] = Tools::randomInt(); $url = \explode('?', $uri, 2)[0] ?? ''; $query = \http_build_query($params); $uri = \implode('?', [$url, $query]); $payload = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ' ' . $uri . ' ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . "\r\n" . 'Host: ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\r\n\r\n"; $logger->logger("Connecting to {$address}:{$port}"); $a = \fsockopen($address, $port); $logger->logger("Sending self-restart payload"); $logger->logger($payload); \fwrite($a, $payload); $logger->logger("Payload sent with token {$params['MadelineSelfRestart']}, waiting for self-restart"); \sleep(10); \fclose($a); $logger->logger("Shutdown of self-restart callback"); }, 'restarter'); $this->logger->logger("Added restart callback with ID {$id}!"); } $this->logger->logger("Done webhost init process!"); $this->closeConnection('Bot was started'); $inited = true; } if (!$this->settings['updates']['handle_updates']) { $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; } if (!$this->settings['updates']['run_callback']) { $this->settings['updates']['run_callback'] = true; } $this->startUpdateSystem(); $this->logger->logger('Started update loop', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->stopLoop = false; do { $updates = $this->updates; $this->updates = []; foreach ($updates as $update) { $r = $this->settings['updates']['callback']($update); if (\is_object($r)) { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($r); } } $updates = []; if ($this->loop_callback !== null) { $callback = $this->loop_callback; Tools::callForkDefer($callback()); } yield from $this->waitUpdate(); } while (!$this->stopLoop); $this->stopLoop = false; } /** * Stop update loop. * * @return void */ public function stop() { $this->stopLoop = true; $this->signalUpdate(); } /** * Restart update loop. * * @return void */ public function restart() { $this->stop(); } /** * Start MadelineProto's update handling loop in background. * * @return Promise */ public function loopFork() : Promise { return Tools::callFork($this->loop()); } /** * Close connection with client, connected via web. * * @param string $message Message * * @return void */ public function closeConnection($message = 'OK!') { if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || isset($GLOBALS['exited']) || \headers_sent()) { return; } $this->logger->logger($message); $buffer = @\ob_get_clean() ?: ''; $buffer .= '

' . \htmlentities($message) . '

'; \ignore_user_abort(true); \header('Connection: close'); \header('Content-Type: text/html'); echo $buffer; \flush(); $GLOBALS['exited'] = true; if (\function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) { \fastcgi_finish_request(); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; trait Noop { /** * Set NOOP update handler, ignoring all updates. * * @return void */ public function setNoop() { $this->settings['updates']['callback'] = [$this, 'noop']; $this->settings['updates']['run_callback'] = false; $this->settings['updates']['handle_updates'] = true; $this->updates = []; $this->startUpdateSystem(); } /** * Noop update handler. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function noop() { } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * Manages simple logging in and out. */ trait Start { /** * Log in to telegram (via CLI or web). * * @return \Generator */ public function start() : \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { return yield from $this->fullGetSelf(); } if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { if (\strpos((yield Tools::readLine('Do you want to login as user or bot (u/b)? ')), 'b') !== false) { yield from $this->botLogin((yield Tools::readLine('Enter your bot token: '))); } else { yield from $this->phoneLogin((yield Tools::readLine('Enter your phone number: '))); $authorization = (yield from $this->completePhoneLogin((yield Tools::readLine('Enter the phone code: ')))); if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.password') { $authorization = (yield from $this->complete2faLogin((yield Tools::readLine('Please enter your password (hint ' . $authorization['hint'] . '): ')))); } if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.needSignup') { $authorization = (yield from $this->completeSignup((yield Tools::readLine('Please enter your first name: ')), (yield Tools::readLine('Please enter your last name (can be empty): ')))); } } $this->serialize(); return yield from $this->fullGetSelf(); } if ($this->authorized === self::NOT_LOGGED_IN) { if (isset($_POST['phone_number'])) { yield from $this->webPhoneLogin(); } elseif (isset($_POST['token'])) { yield from $this->webBotLogin(); } else { yield from $this->webEcho(); } } elseif ($this->authorized === self::WAITING_CODE) { if (isset($_POST['phone_code'])) { yield from $this->webCompletePhoneLogin(); } else { yield from $this->webEcho("You didn't provide a phone code!"); } } elseif ($this->authorized === self::WAITING_PASSWORD) { if (isset($_POST['password'])) { yield from $this->webComplete2faLogin(); } else { yield from $this->webEcho("You didn't provide the password!"); } } elseif ($this->authorized === self::WAITING_SIGNUP) { if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) { yield from $this->webCompleteSignup(); } else { yield from $this->webEcho("You didn't provide the first name!"); } } if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { $this->serialize(); return yield from $this->fullGetSelf(); } exit; } private function webPhoneLogin() : \Generator { try { yield from $this->phoneLogin($_POST['phone_number']); yield from $this->webEcho(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } private function webCompletePhoneLogin() : \Generator { try { yield from $this->completePhoneLogin($_POST['phone_code']); yield from $this->webEcho(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } private function webComplete2faLogin() : \Generator { try { yield from $this->complete2faLogin($_POST['password']); yield from $this->webEcho(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } private function webCompleteSignup() : \Generator { try { yield from $this->completeSignup($_POST['first_name'], isset($_POST['last_name']) ? $_POST['last_name'] : ''); yield from $this->webEcho(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } private function webBotLogin() : \Generator { try { yield from $this->botLogin($_POST['token']); yield from $this->webEcho(); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { yield from $this->webEcho('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . '. Try again.'); } } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\PermAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PasswordCalculator; /** * Manages logging in and out. */ trait Login { /** * Log out currently logged in user. * * @return \Generator */ public function logout() : \Generator { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.logOut', [], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->resetSession(); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['logout_ok'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->startUpdateSystem(); return true; } /** * Login as bot. * * @param string $token Bot token * * @return \Generator */ public function botLogin(string $token) : \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { return; $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['already_loggedIn'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); yield from $this->logout(); } $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; $this->TL->updateCallbacks($callbacks); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_bot'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.importBotAuthorization', ['bot_auth_token' => $token, 'api_id' => $this->settings['app_info']['api_id'], 'api_hash' => $this->settings['app_info']['api_hash']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; $this->authorized_dc = $this->datacenter->curdc; $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->authorized(true); $this->updates = []; $this->updates_key = 0; yield from $this->initAuthorization(); $this->startUpdateSystem(); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_ok'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); return $this->authorization; } /** * Login as user. * * @param string $number Phone number * @param integer $sms_type SMS type * * @return \Generator */ public function phoneLogin($number, $sms_type = 5) : \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['already_loggedIn'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); yield from $this->logout(); } $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_code_sending'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.sendCode', ['settings' => ['_' => 'codeSettings'], 'phone_number' => $number, 'sms_type' => $sms_type, 'api_id' => $this->settings['app_info']['api_id'], 'api_hash' => $this->settings['app_info']['api_hash'], 'lang_code' => $this->settings['app_info']['lang_code']], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->authorized_dc = $this->datacenter->curdc; $this->authorization['phone_number'] = $number; //$this->authorization['_'] .= 'MP'; $this->authorized = self::WAITING_CODE; $this->updates = []; $this->updates_key = 0; $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_code_sent'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); return $this->authorization; } /** * Complet user login using login code. * * @param string $code Login code * * @return \Generator */ public function completePhoneLogin($code) : \Generator { if ($this->authorized !== self::WAITING_CODE) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_code_uncalled']); } $this->authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_user'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); try { $authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.signIn', ['phone_number' => $this->authorization['phone_number'], 'phone_code_hash' => $this->authorization['phone_code_hash'], 'phone_code' => (string) $code], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc === 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED') { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_2fa_enabled'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('account.getPassword', [], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); if (!isset($this->authorization['hint'])) { $this->authorization['hint'] = ''; } $this->authorized = self::WAITING_PASSWORD; return $this->authorization; } if ($e->rpc === 'PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED') { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_need_signup'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorized = self::WAITING_SIGNUP; $this->authorization['phone_code'] = $code; return ['_' => 'account.needSignup']; } throw $e; } if ($authorization['_'] === 'auth.authorizationSignUpRequired') { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_need_signup'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorized = self::WAITING_SIGNUP; $this->authorization['phone_code'] = $code; $authorization['_'] = 'account.needSignup'; return $authorization; } $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; $this->authorization = $authorization; $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->authorized(true); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->getPhoneConfig(); $this->startUpdateSystem(); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_ok'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); return $this->authorization; } /** * Import authorization. * * @param mixed $authorization Authorization info * * @return \Generator */ public function importAuthorization($authorization) : \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['already_loggedIn'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); yield from $this->logout(); } $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_auth_key'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); list($dc_id, $auth_key) = $authorization; if (!\is_array($auth_key)) { $auth_key = ['auth_key' => $auth_key]; } $auth_key = new PermAuthKey($auth_key); $this->authorized_dc = $dc_id; $dataCenterConnection = $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($dc_id); $dataCenterConnection->resetSession(); $dataCenterConnection->setPermAuthKey($auth_key); $dataCenterConnection->authorized(true); $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->getPhoneConfig(); $res = (yield from $this->fullGetSelf()); $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->updateCallbacks($callbacks); $this->startUpdateSystem(); return $res; } /** * Export authorization. * * @return \Generator */ public function exportAuthorization() : \Generator { if ($this->authorized !== self::LOGGED_IN) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_loggedIn']); } yield from $this->fullGetSelf(); $this->authorized_dc = $this->datacenter->curdc; return [$this->datacenter->curdc, $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->getPermAuthKey()->getAuthKey()]; } /** * Complete signup to Telegram. * * @param string $first_name First name * @param string $last_name Last name * * @return \Generator */ public function completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name = '') : \Generator { if ($this->authorized !== self::WAITING_SIGNUP) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['signup_uncalled']); } $this->authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['signing_up'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.signUp', ['phone_number' => $this->authorization['phone_number'], 'phone_code_hash' => $this->authorization['phone_code_hash'], 'phone_code' => $this->authorization['phone_code'], 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->authorized(true); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->getPhoneConfig(); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['signup_ok'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->startUpdateSystem(); return $this->authorization; } /** * Complete 2FA login. * * @param string $password Password * * @return \Generator */ public function complete2faLogin(string $password) : \Generator { if ($this->authorized !== self::WAITING_PASSWORD) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['2fa_uncalled']); } $this->authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; $hasher = new PasswordCalculator($this->logger); $hasher->addInfo($this->authorization); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_user'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $this->authorization = (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.checkPassword', ['password' => $hasher->getCheckPassword($password)], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->authorized(true); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); $this->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['login_ok'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); yield from $this->getPhoneConfig(); $this->startUpdateSystem(); return $this->authorization; } /** * Update the 2FA password. * * The params array can contain password, new_password, email and hint params. * * @param array $params The params * * @return \Generator */ public function update2fa(array $params) : \Generator { $hasher = new PasswordCalculator($this->logger); $hasher->addInfo(yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('account.getPassword', [], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc])); return yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('account.updatePasswordSettings', $hasher->getPassword($params), ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace phpseclib\Math; if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7 && !(\class_exists(\Phar::class) && \Phar::running() || \defined('TESTING_VERSIONS'))) { throw new \Exception('MadelineProto requires php 7 to run natively, use to run on PHP 5.6'); } if (\defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $engines = [['PHP64', ['OpenSSL']], ['BCMath', ['OpenSSL']], ['PHP32', ['OpenSSL']]]; foreach ($engines as $engine) { try { \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger::setEngine($engine[0], isset($engine[1]) ? $engine[1] : []); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } } class BigIntegor { }generator = $generator; } public function getExecutingFile() : string { return ''; } public function getExecutingGenerator() : Generator { return $this->generator; } public function getExecutingLine() : int { return 0; } public function getFunction() : ReflectionFunctionAbstract { return new ReflectionFunction(function () { }); } public function getThis() : object { return $this; } public function getTrace(int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) : array { return []; } } }#!/usr/bin/env php . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link MadelineProto documentation */ use danog\MadelineProto\API; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\Exception; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException; /* * Various ways to load MadelineProto */ if (\file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { include 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { if (!\file_exists('madeline.php')) { \copy('', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } /** * Event handler class. */ class MyEventHandler extends EventHandler { /** * @var int|string Username or ID of bot admin */ const ADMIN = "danogentili"; // Change this /** * Get peer(s) where to report errors. * * @return int|string|array */ public function getReportPeers() { return [self::ADMIN]; } /** * Handle updates from supergroups and channels. * * @param array $update Update * * @return void */ public function onUpdateNewChannelMessage(array $update) : \Generator { return $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update); } /** * Handle updates from users. * * @param array $update Update * * @return \Generator */ public function onUpdateNewMessage(array $update) : \Generator { if ($update['message']['_'] === 'messageEmpty' || $update['message']['out'] ?? false) { return; } $res = \json_encode($update, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); try { (yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update, 'message' => "{$res}", 'reply_to_msg_id' => isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id'] : null, 'parse_mode' => 'HTML'])); if (isset($update['message']['media']) && $update['message']['media']['_'] !== 'messageMediaGame') { (yield $this->messages->sendMedia(['peer' => $update, 'message' => $update['message']['message'], 'media' => $update])); } } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } catch (Exception $e) { if (\stripos($e->getMessage(), 'invalid constructor given') === false) { $this->report("Surfaced: {$e}"); } } } } $settings = ['logger' => ['logger_level' => Logger::VERBOSE], 'serialization' => ['serialization_interval' => 30]]; $MadelineProto = new API('bot.madeline', $settings); // Reduce boilerplate with new wrapper method. // Also initializes error reporting, catching and reporting all errors surfacing from the event loop. $MadelineProto->startAndLoop(MyEventHandler::class); ['logger' => Logger::ECHO_LOGGER]]); $API->async(true); $API->loop(function () use($API) { (yield $API->connect(__DIR__ . '/ton-lite-client-test1.config.json')); $API->logger((yield $API->liteServer->getTime())); });{ "liteservers": [ { "ip": 861606190, "port": 9999, "id": { "@type": "pub.ed25519", "key": "T10NJq2tgx6LpTHj734fSNYJ6S2w1hTdFRXJaj5st80" } } ], "validator": { "@type": "", "zero_state": { "workchain": -1, "shard": -9223372036854775808, "seqno": 0, "root_hash": "F6OpKZKqvqeFp6CQmFomXNMfMj2EnaUSOXN+Mh+wVWk=", "file_hash": "XplPz01CXAps5qeSWUtxcyBfdAo5zVb1N979KLSKD24=" } } } { "liteservers": [ { "ip": 1137658550, "port": 4924, "id": { "@type": "pub.ed25519", "key": "peJTw/arlRfssgTuf9BMypJzqOi7SXEqSPSWiEw2U1M=" } } ], "validator": { "@type": "", "zero_state": { "workchain": -1, "shard": -9223372036854775808, "seqno": 0, "root_hash": "F6OpKZKqvqeFp6CQmFomXNMfMj2EnaUSOXN+Mh+wVWk=", "file_hash": "XplPz01CXAps5qeSWUtxcyBfdAo5zVb1N979KLSKD24=" } } } #!/usr/bin/env php . */ if (!isset($argv[3])) { echo 'Usage: ' . $argv[0] . ' inputDir output.phar ref' . PHP_EOL; die(1); } @\unlink($argv[2]); $p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/../' . $argv[2], 0, $argv[2]); $p->buildFromDirectory(\realpath($argv[1]), '/^((?!tests).)*(\\.php|\\.py|\\.tl|\\.json|\\.dat|\\.h)$/i'); $p->addFromString('vendor/danog/madelineproto/.git/refs/heads/master', $argv[3]); $p->addFromString('.git/refs/heads/master', $argv[3]); $p->setStub('');getMethods(), $methods); } $methods = \array_unique($methods); function ssort($a, $b) { return \strlen($b->getName()) - \strlen($a->getName()); } \usort($methods, 'ssort'); $find = []; $replace = []; $findDocs = []; $replaceDocs = []; foreach ($methods as $methodObj) { $method = $methodObj->getName(); if (\strpos($method, '__') === 0 || $method === 'async') { continue; } $method = Tools::fromCamelCase($method); $new = Tools::fromSnakeCase($method); $new = \str_ireplace(['mtproto', 'api'], ['MTProto', 'API'], $new); $new = \preg_replace('/TL$/i', 'TL', $new); if (!\in_array($method, ['discardCallAsync', 'acceptCallAsync', 'requestCallAsync'])) { $new = \preg_replace('/async$/i', '', $new); } $findDocs[] = Tools::fromCamelCase($new) . '('; $replaceDocs[] = $new . '('; $findDocs[] = $method . '('; $replaceDocs[] = $new . '('; $findDocs[] = Tools::fromCamelCase($new) . '.'; $replaceDocs[] = $new . '.'; $findDocs[] = $method . '.'; $replaceDocs[] = $new . '.'; $findDocs[] = Tools::fromCamelCase($new) . ']'; $replaceDocs[] = $new . ']'; $findDocs[] = $method . ']'; $replaceDocs[] = $new . ']'; if (\method_exists((string) $methodObj->getDeclaringClass(), \preg_replace('/async$/i', '', $method))) { \var_dump("Skipping {$method} => {$new}"); continue; } if (!\function_exists($method)) { $find[] = "{$method}"; $replace[] = "{$new}"; continue; } $find[] = ">{$method}("; $replace[] = ">{$new}("; $find[] = ":{$method}("; $replace[] = ":{$new}("; $find[] = "function {$method}("; $replace[] = "function {$new}("; } foreach (new RegexIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(\realpath('.'))), '/\\.php$/') as $filename) { $filename = (string) $filename; $new = \str_replace($find, $replace, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); do { \file_put_contents($filename, $new); $new = \str_replace($find, $replace, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); } while ($old !== $new); } exit; foreach (new RegexIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(\realpath('docs'))), '/\\.md$/') as $filename) { $filename = (string) $filename; $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); do { \file_put_contents($filename, $new); $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); } while ($old !== $new); } $filename = ''; $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); do { \file_put_contents($filename, $new); $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); } while ($old !== $new);#!/usr/bin/env php . */ use danog\MadelineProto\API; use danog\MadelineProto\APIFactory; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use danog\MadelineProto\TON\API as TONAPI; use danog\MadelineProto\TON\APIFactory as TONAPIFactory; use danog\MadelineProto\TON\Lite; \chdir($d = __DIR__ . '/..'); require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $param = 1; \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::classExists(); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::constructor($param); $logger = \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::$default; \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Copying readme...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); \file_put_contents('docs/docs/', '--- title: MadelineProto documentation description: PHP client/server for the telegram MTProto protocol (a better tg-cli) image: --- ' . \str_replace(' ['td' => "$d/src/danog/MadelineProto/"], 'title' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (td-lib)', 'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (td-lib)', 'output_dir' => "$d/docs/docs/TD_docs", 'readme' => false, 'td' => true, ],*/ ['tl_schema' => ['mtproto' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_mtproto_v1.json"], 'title' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (mtproto)', 'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (mtproto)', 'output_dir' => "{$d}/docs/docs/MTProto_docs", 'readme' => false], ['tl_schema' => ['telegram' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/", 'calls' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/", 'secret' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/", 'td' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/"], 'title' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 105)', 'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 105)', 'output_dir' => "{$d}/docs/docs/API_docs", 'readme' => false], ]; $layer_list = ''; foreach (\array_slice(\glob("{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_telegram_*"), 0, -1) as $file) { $layer = \preg_replace(['/.*telegram_/', '/\\..+/'], '', $file); $docs[] = ['tl_schema' => ['telegram' => $file], 'title' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer ' . $layer . ')', 'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer ' . $layer . ')', 'output_dir' => "{$d}/docs/old_docs/API_docs_" . $layer, 'readme' => true]; $layer_list = '[Layer ' . $layer . '](API_docs_' . $layer . '/) '; } \file_put_contents('docs/old_docs/', '--- title: Documentations of old mtproto layers description: Documentation of old mtproto layers --- # Documentation of old mtproto layers ' . $layer_list); $doc = new \danog\MadelineProto\AnnotationsBuilder($logger, $docs[1], \dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', ['API' => API::class, 'APIFactory' => APIFactory::class, 'MTProto' => MTProto::class], 'danog\\MadelineProto'); $doc->mkAnnotations(); $ton = ['tl_schema' => ['lite_api' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/schemes/", 'ton_api' => "{$d}/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/schemes/"]]; $doc = new \danog\MadelineProto\AnnotationsBuilder($logger, $ton, \dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', ['API' => TONAPI::class, 'APIFactory' => TONAPIFactory::class, 'MTProto' => Lite::class], 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON'); $doc->mkAnnotations(); foreach ($docs as $settings) { $doc = new \danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder($logger, $settings); $doc->mkDocs(); } \chdir(__DIR__ . '/..'); $orderedfiles = []; $order = ['CREATING_A_CLIENT', 'LOGIN', 'FEATURES', 'REQUIREMENTS', 'INSTALLATION', 'UPDATES', 'SETTINGS', 'SELF', 'EXCEPTIONS', 'FLOOD_WAIT', 'LOGGING', 'CALLS', 'FILES', 'CHAT_INFO', 'DIALOGS', 'INLINE_BUTTONS', 'SECRET_CHATS', 'LUA', 'PROXY', 'ASYNC', 'USING_METHODS', 'CONTRIB', 'TEMPLATES']; $index = ''; $files = \glob('docs/docs/docs/*md'); foreach ($files as $file) { $base = \basename($file, '.md'); if ($base === 'UPDATES_INTERNAL') { continue; } $key = \array_search($base, $order); if ($key !== false) { $orderedfiles[$key] = $file; } } \ksort($orderedfiles); foreach ($orderedfiles as $key => $filename) { $lines = \explode("\n", \file_get_contents($filename)); while (\end($lines) === '' || \strpos(\end($lines), 'Next')) { unset($lines[\count($lines) - 1]); } if ($lines[0] === '---') { \array_shift($lines); while ($lines[0] !== '---') { \array_shift($lines); } \array_shift($lines); } \preg_match('|^# (.*)|', $lines[0], $matches); $title = $matches[1]; $description = $lines[2]; \array_unshift($lines, '---', 'title: ' . $title, 'description: ' . $description, 'image:', '---'); if (isset($orderedfiles[$key + 1])) { $nextfile = '' . \basename($orderedfiles[$key + 1], '.md') . '.html'; $prevfile = $key === 0 ? '' : '' . \basename($orderedfiles[$key - 1], '.md') . '.html'; $lines[\count($lines)] = "\nNext section"; } else { $lines[\count($lines)] = "\nNext section"; } \file_put_contents($filename, \implode("\n", $lines)); $file = \file_get_contents($filename); \preg_match_all('|( *)\\* \\[(.*)\\]\\((.*)\\)|', $file, $matches); $file = '' . \basename($filename, '.md') . '.html'; $index .= "* [{$title}]({$file})\n"; if (\basename($filename) !== '') { foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $match) { $spaces = " {$match}"; $name = $matches[2][$key]; $url = $matches[3][$key][0] === '#' ? $file . $matches[3][$key] : $matches[3][$key]; $index .= "{$spaces}* [{$name}]({$url})\n"; if ($name === 'FULL API Documentation with descriptions') { $spaces .= ' '; \preg_match_all('|\\* (.*)|', \file_get_contents('docs/docs/API_docs/methods/'), $smatches); foreach ($smatches[1] as $key => $match) { $match = \str_replace('href="', 'href="', $match); $index .= "{$spaces}* " . $match . "\n"; } } } } } $readme = \explode('## ', \file_get_contents('')); foreach ($readme as &$section) { if (\explode("\n", $section)[0] === 'Documentation') { $section = "Documentation\n\n" . $index . "\n"; } } $readme = \implode('## ', $readme); \file_put_contents('', $readme); \file_put_contents('docs/docs/', '--- title: MadelineProto documentation description: PHP client/server for the telegram MTProto protocol (a better tg-cli) image: --- ' . $readme);. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * @link MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\\MadelineProto; class Lang { public static $lang = %s; // THIS WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY $lang["en"] public static $current_lang = %s; }'; function fromCamelCase($input) { \preg_match_all('!([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?=$|[A-Z][a-z0-9])|[A-Za-z][a-z0-9]+)!', $input, $matches); $ret = $matches[0]; foreach ($ret as &$match) { $match = $match == \strtoupper($match) ? \strtolower($match) : \lcfirst($match); } return \implode(' ', $ret); } $lang_code = \readline('Enter the language you whish to localize: '); if (!isset(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code] = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang; echo 'New language detected!' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Completing localization of existing language' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } $count = \count(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code]); $curcount = 0; \ksort(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang); foreach (\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang as $key => $value) { if (!isset(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = $value; } \preg_match('/^[^_]+_(.*?)(?:_param_(.*)_type_(.*))?$/', $key, $matches); $method_name = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $param_name = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : ''; $param_type = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : ''; if (isset(\danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::DISALLOWED_METHODS[$method_name])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::DISALLOWED_METHODS[$method_name]; } if (\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] === $value && ($lang_code !== 'en' || $value == '' || \strpos($value, 'You cannot use this method directly') === 0 || \strpos($value, 'Update ') === 0 || \ctype_lower($value[0]))) { $value = \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key]; if (\in_array($key, ['v_error', 'v_tgerror'])) { $value = \hex2bin($value); } if ($value == '') { $value = $key; } \preg_match('/^[^_]+_(.*?)(?:_param_(.*)_type_(.*))?$/', $key, $matches); $method_name = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $param_name = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : ''; $param_type = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : ''; if (isset(\danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::DISALLOWED_METHODS[$method_name])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::DISALLOWED_METHODS[$method_name]; } /* if ($param_name === 'nonce' && $param_type === 'int128') { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = 'Random number for cryptographic security'; } elseif ($param_name === 'server_nonce' && $param_type === 'int128') { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = 'Random number for cryptographic security, given by server'; } elseif ($param_name === 'random_id' && $param_type === 'long') { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = 'Random number for cryptographic security'; } else elseif (\strpos($value, 'Update ') === 0) { if (!$param_name && \strpos($key, 'object_') === 0) { $value = \str_replace('Update ', '', $value).' update'; } //} elseif (ctype_lower($value[0])) { } else { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = \readline($value.' => '); if (\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] === '') { if ($param_name) { $l = \str_replace('_', ' ', $param_name); } else { $l = \explode('.', $method_name); $l = fromCamelCase(\end($l)); } $l = \ucfirst(\strtolower($l)); if (\preg_match('/ empty$/', $l)) { $l = 'Empty '.\strtolower(\preg_replace('/ empty$/', '', $l)); } foreach (['id', 'url', 'dc'] as $upper) { $l = \str_replace([\ucfirst($upper), ' '.$upper], [\strtoupper($upper), ' '.\strtoupper($upper)], $l); } if (\in_array($param_type, ['Bool', 'true', 'false'])) { $l .= '?'; } \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = $l; echo 'Using default value '.\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key].PHP_EOL; } }*/ \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = \ucfirst(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key]); if (\in_array($key, ['v_error', 'v_tgerror'])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key] = \bin2hex(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang[$lang_code][$key]); } \file_put_contents('src/danog/MadelineProto/Lang.php', \sprintf($template, \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang, true), \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'], true))); echo 'OK, ' . $curcount * 100 / $count . '% done. edit src/danog/MadelineProto/Lang.php to fix mistakes.' . PHP_EOL; } $curcount++; } \file_put_contents('src/danog/MadelineProto/Lang.php', \sprintf($template, \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang, true), \var_export(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$lang['en'], true))); echo 'OK. edit src/danog/MadelineProto/Lang.php to fix mistakes.' . PHP_EOL;. */ require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $param = 1; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::constructor($param); $logger = \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::$default; \set_error_handler(['\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); if ($argc !== 3) { die("Usage: {$argv[0]} layernumberold layernumbernew\n"); } /** * Get TL info of layer. * * @param int $layer Layer number * * @return void */ function getTL($layer) { $layer = __DIR__ . "/../src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_telegram_v{$layer}.tl"; $layer = new class($layer) { use TL; public function __construct($layer) { $this->logger = Logger::$default; $this->construct_TL(['telegram' => $layer]); } }; return ['methods' => $layer->methods, 'constructors' => $layer->constructors]; } function getUrl($constructor, $type) { $changed = \str_replace('.', '_', $constructor); //return "[$constructor]($type/$"; return "[{$constructor}]({$type}/{$changed}.html)"; } $old = getTL($argv[1]); $new = getTL($argv[2]); $res = ''; foreach (['methods', 'constructors'] as $type) { $finder = $type === 'methods' ? 'findByMethod' : 'findByPredicate'; $key = $type === 'methods' ? 'method' : 'predicate'; // New constructors $res .= "\n\nNew " . \ucfirst($type) . "\n"; foreach ($new[$type]->by_id as $constructor) { $name = $constructor[$key]; if (!$old[$type]->{$finder}($name)) { $name = getUrl($name, $type); $res .= "Added {$name}\n"; } } // Changed constructors $res .= "\n\nChanged " . \ucfirst($type) . "\n"; foreach ($new[$type]->by_id as $constructor) { $name = $constructor[$key]; $constructor['id'] = $new[$type]->{$finder}($name)['id']; if ($old[$type]->{$finder}($name)) { $new_args = $constructor['params']; $old_args = $old[$type]->{$finder}($name)['params']; $final_new_args = []; $final_old_args = []; foreach ($new_args as $arg) { $final_new_args[$arg['name']] = $arg['type']; } foreach ($old_args as $arg) { $final_old_args[$arg['name']] = $arg['type']; } $url = getUrl($name, $type); foreach ($final_new_args as $name => $ttype) { if (!isset($final_old_args[$name]) && $name !== 'flags') { $res .= "Added {$name} param to {$url}\n"; } } foreach ($final_old_args as $name => $ttype) { if (!isset($final_new_args[$name]) && $name !== 'flags') { $res .= "Removed {$name} param from {$url}\n"; } } } } // Deleted constructors $res .= "\n\nDeleted " . \ucfirst($type) . "\n"; foreach ($old[$type]->by_id as $constructor) { $name = $constructor[$key]; if (!$new[$type]->{$finder}($name)) { $res .= "Removed {$name}\n"; } } } echo $res; $line) { if (\preg_match("/public function (\\w*)[(]/", $line, $matches)) { $last_match = \stripos($matches[1], 'async') === false ? $matches[1] : null; } if (\preg_match('/function [(]/', $line) && \stripos($line, 'public function') === false) { $last_match = 0; } if (\strpos($line, 'yield') !== false) { if ($last_match) { echo "subbing {$last_match} for {$line} at {$number} in {$file}" . PHP_EOL; $to_sub[] = $last_match; } elseif ($last_match === 0) { echo "============\nNOT SUBBING {$last_match} for {$line} at {$number} in {$file}\n============" . PHP_EOL; $not_subbing[$file] = $file; } } } $input = []; $output = []; foreach ($to_sub as $func) { $input[] = "public function {$func}("; $output[] = "public function {$func}" . '_async('; } if ($input) { \file_put_contents($file, \str_replace($input, $output, $filec)); } } \var_dump(\array_values($not_subbing)); $value) { $key = \preg_replace(['|flags\\.\\d+[?]|', '|[<]|', '|[>]|'], ['', ' ', ''], $key); Lang::$lang['en'][$key] = $value; } foreach (Lang::$lang['en'] as $key => $value) { if ($value === '') { unset(Lang::$lang['en'][$key]); } } DocsBuilder::addToLang($key, $value, true);getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); function ssort($a, $b) { return \strlen($b->getName()) - \strlen($a->getName()); } \usort($methods, 'ssort'); $find = []; $replace = []; $findDocs = []; $replaceDocs = []; foreach ($methods as $methodObj) { $method = $methodObj->getName(); $find[] = "\$this->{$method}("; $replace[] = "\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Tools::{$method}("; } foreach (new RegexIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(\realpath('.'))), '/\\.php$/') as $filename) { $filename = (string) $filename; $new = \str_replace($find, $replace, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); do { \file_put_contents($filename, $new); $new = \str_replace($find, $replace, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); } while ($old !== $new); } exit; foreach (new RegexIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(\realpath('docs'))), '/\\.md$/') as $filename) { $filename = (string) $filename; $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); do { \file_put_contents($filename, $new); $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); } while ($old !== $new); } $filename = ''; $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); do { \file_put_contents($filename, $new); $new = \str_replace($findDocs, $replaceDocs, $old = \file_get_contents($filename)); } while ($old !== $new);' . $newline; } echo "**********************************************************************************{$newline}"; echo "**********************************************************************************{$newline}{$newline}"; echo "YOU ARE USING AN OLD AND BUGGED VERSION OF PHP, PLEASE UPDATE TO PHP 7.3{$newline}"; echo "PHP 5/7.0 USERS WILL NOT RECEIVE PHP UPDATES AND BUGFIXES:{$newline}"; echo "PHP 5/7.0 USERS WILL NOT RECEIVE MADELINEPROTO UPDATES AND BUGFIXES{$newline}{$newline}"; echo "SUPPORTED VERSIONS: PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3+{$newline}"; echo "RECOMMENDED VERSION: PHP 7.3{$newline}{$newline}"; echo "**********************************************************************************{$newline}"; echo "**********************************************************************************{$newline}"; unset($newline); } // MTProxy update $file = \debug_backtrace(0, 1)[0]['file']; if (\file_exists($file)) { $contents = \file_get_contents($file); if (\strpos($contents, 'new \\danog\\MadelineProto\\Server') && \in_array($contents, [\file_get_contents(''), \file_get_contents('')]) && ($mtproxyd = \file_get_contents(''))) { \file_put_contents($file, $mtproxyd); return; } } // Template strings for madelineProto update URLs $release_template = ''; $phar_template = ''; // Version definition $custom_branch = \defined('MADELINE_BRANCH') ? MADELINE_BRANCH : null; if ($custom_branch === '') { // If the constant is an empty string, default to the latest alpha build $custom_branch = 'master'; } elseif ($custom_branch === null) { // If the constant is not defined, default to the latest stable build $custom_branch = ''; } $release_branch = "-{$custom_branch}"; if ($release_branch === '-') { $release_branch = ''; } $release_fallback_branch = ''; if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5) { $release_branch = '5' . $release_branch; $release_fallback_branch = '5' . $release_fallback_branch; } elseif (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 7 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION < 4) { $release_branch = '70' . $release_branch; $release_fallback_branch = '70' . $release_fallback_branch; } // Checking if defined branch/default branch builds can be downloaded if (!($release = @\file_get_contents(\sprintf($release_template, $release_branch)))) { if (!($release = @\file_get_contents(\sprintf($release_template, $release_fallback_branch)))) { return; } $release_branch = $release_fallback_branch; } if (!\file_exists('madeline.phar') || !\file_exists('madeline.phar.version') || \file_get_contents('madeline.phar.version') !== $release) { $phar = \file_get_contents(\sprintf($phar_template, $release_branch)); if ($phar) { $extractVersions = static function ($ext = '') { if (!\file_exists("phar://madeline.phar{$ext}/vendor/composer/installed.json")) { return []; } $composer = \json_decode(\file_get_contents("phar://madeline.phar{$ext}/vendor/composer/installed.json"), true) ?: []; $packages = []; foreach ($composer as $dep) { $packages[$dep['name']] = $dep['version_normalized']; } return $packages; }; $previous = []; if (\file_exists('madeline.phar')) { \copy('madeline.phar', 'madeline.phar.old'); $previous = $extractVersions('.old'); \unlink('madeline.phar.old'); } $previous['danog/madelineproto'] = 'old'; \file_put_contents('madeline.phar', $phar); \file_put_contents('madeline.phar.version', $release); $current = $extractVersions(); $postData = ['downloads' => []]; foreach ($current as $name => $version) { if (isset($previous[$name]) && $previous[$name] === $version) { continue; } $postData['downloads'][] = ['name' => $name, 'version' => $version]; } $opts = ['http' => ['method' => 'POST', 'header' => ['Content-Type: application/json'], 'content' => \json_encode($postData), 'timeout' => 6]]; @\file_get_contents("", false, \stream_context_create($opts)); } } } ___install_madeline(); return require_once 'madeline.phar';{ "name": "danog/tg-file-decoder", "description": "Decode Telegram bot API file IDs", "type": "project", "license": "AGPL-3.0-only", "keywords": ["telegram", "mtproto", "bot API", "file ID", "video", "stickers", "audio", "files"], "authors": [ { "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^8|^6", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "danog\\Decoder\\": "src/" }, "files": [ "src/type.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "danog\\Decoder\\Test\\": "tests" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --configuration phpunit.xml.dist" } } . * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder; /** * Represents decoded unique bot API file ID. */ class UniqueFileId { /** * File type. * * @var int */ private $_type = NONE; /** * File ID. * * @var int */ private $_id; /** * Photo volume ID. * * @var int */ private $_volumeId; /** * Photo local ID. * * @var int */ private $_localId; /** * Weblocation URL. * * @var string */ private $_url; /** * Basic constructor function. */ public function __construct() { } /** * Get unique bot API file ID. * * @return string */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->getUniqueBotAPI(); } /** * Get unique bot API file ID. * * @return string */ public function getUniqueBotAPI() : string { $fileId = \pack('V', $this->getType()); if ($this->getType() === UNIQUE_WEB) { $fileId .= packTLString($this->getUrl()); } elseif ($this->getType() === UNIQUE_PHOTO) { $fileId .= packLong($this->getVolumeId()); $fileId .= \pack('l', $this->getLocalId()); } elseif ($this->hasId()) { $fileId .= packLong($this->getId()); } return base64urlEncode(rleEncode($fileId)); } /** * Decode unique bot API file ID. * * @param string $fileId Bot API file ID * * @return self */ public static function fromUniqueBotAPI(string $fileId) : self { $result = new self(); $resultArray = internalDecodeUnique($fileId); $result->setType($resultArray['typeId']); if ($result->getType() === UNIQUE_WEB) { $result->setUrl($resultArray['url']); } elseif ($result->getType() === UNIQUE_PHOTO) { $result->setVolumeId($resultArray['volume_id']); $result->setLocalId($resultArray['local_id']); } elseif (isset($resultArray['id'])) { $result->setId($resultArray['id']); } return $result; } /** * Convert full bot API file ID to unique file ID. * * @param string $fileId Full bot API file ID * * @return self */ public static function fromBotAPI(string $fileId) : self { return FileId::fromBotAPI($fileId)->getUnique(); } /** * Turn full file ID into unique file ID. * * @param FileId $fileId Full file ID * * @return self */ public static function fromFileId(FileId $fileId) : self { $result = new self(); $result->setType(FULL_UNIQUE_MAP[$fileId->getType()]); if ($result->hasUrl()) { $result->setType(UNIQUE_WEB); } if ($result->getType() === UNIQUE_WEB) { $result->setUrl($fileId->getUrl()); } elseif ($result->getType() === UNIQUE_PHOTO) { $result->setVolumeId($fileId->getVolumeId()); $result->setLocalId($fileId->getLocalId()); } elseif ($fileId->hasId()) { $result->setId($fileId->getId()); } return $result; } /** * Get unique file type as string. * * @return string */ public function getTypeName() : string { return UNIQUE_TYPES[$this->_type]; } /** * Get unique file type. * * @return int */ public function getType() : int { return $this->_type; } /** * Set file type. * * @param int $_type File type. * * @return self */ public function setType(int $_type) : self { $this->_type = $_type; return $this; } /** * Get file ID. * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * Set file ID. * * @param int $_id File ID. * * @return self */ public function setId($_id) : self { $this->_id = $_id; return $this; } /** * Check if has ID. * * @return boolean */ public function hasId() : bool { return isset($this->_id); } /** * Get photo volume ID. * * @return int */ public function getVolumeId() { return $this->_volumeId; } /** * Set photo volume ID. * * @param int $_volumeId Photo volume ID. * * @return self */ public function setVolumeId($_volumeId) : self { $this->_volumeId = $_volumeId; return $this; } /** * Check if has volume ID. * * @return boolean */ public function hasVolumeId() : bool { return isset($this->_volumeId); } /** * Get photo local ID. * * @return int */ public function getLocalId() : int { return $this->_localId; } /** * Set photo local ID. * * @param int $_localId Photo local ID. * * @return self */ public function setLocalId(int $_localId) : self { $this->_localId = $_localId; return $this; } /** * Check if has local ID. * * @return boolean */ public function hasLocalId() : bool { return isset($this->_localId); } /** * Get weblocation URL. * * @return string */ public function getUrl() : string { return $this->_url; } /** * Set weblocation URL. * * @param string $_url Weblocation URL * * @return self */ public function setUrl(string $_url) : self { $this->_url = $_url; return $this; } /** * Check if has weblocation URL. * * @return boolean */ public function hasUrl() : bool { return isset($this->_url); } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder; /** * Represents source of photosize. */ abstract class PhotoSizeSource { /** * Source type. * * @var int */ private $_type; /** * Get photosize source type. * * @param integer $type Type * * @return self */ public function setType(int $type) : self { $this->_type = $type; return $this; } /** * Get photosize source type. * * @return integer * * @internal Internal use */ public function getType() : int { return $this->_type; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceLegacy; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource\PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail; /** * Represents decoded bot API file ID. */ class FileId { /** * Bot API file ID version. * * @var int */ private $_version = 4; /** * Bot API file ID subversion. * * @var int */ private $_subVersion = 24; /** * DC ID. * * @var int */ private $_dcId = 0; /** * File type. * * @var int */ private $_type = 0; /** * File reference. * * @var string */ private $_fileReference = ''; /** * File URL for weblocation. * * @var string */ private $_url = ''; /** * File id. * * @var int */ private $_id; /** * File access hash. * * @var int */ private $_accessHash; /** * Photo volume ID. * * @var int */ private $_volumeId; /** * Photo local ID. * * @var int */ private $_localId; /** * Photo size source. * * @var PhotoSizeSource */ private $_photoSizeSource; /** * Basic constructor function. */ public function __construct() { } /** * Decode file ID from bot API file ID. * * @param string $fileId File ID * * @return self */ public static function fromBotAPI(string $fileId) : self { $result = new self(); $resultArray = internalDecode($fileId); $result->setVersion($resultArray['version']); $result->setSubVersion($resultArray['subVersion']); $result->setType($resultArray['typeId']); $result->setDcId($resultArray['dc_id']); $result->setAccessHash($resultArray['access_hash']); if ($resultArray['hasReference']) { $result->setFileReference($resultArray['fileReference']); } if ($resultArray['hasWebLocation']) { $result->setUrl($resultArray['webLocation']); return $result; } $result->setId($resultArray['id']); if ($result->getType() <= PHOTO) { $result->setVolumeId($resultArray['volume_id']); $result->setLocalId($resultArray['local_id']); switch ($resultArray['photosize_source']) { case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_LEGACY: $photoSizeSource = new PhotoSizeSourceLegacy(); $photoSizeSource->setSecret($resultArray['secret']); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_THUMBNAIL: $photoSizeSource = new PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail(); $photoSizeSource->setThumbType($resultArray['thumbnail_type']); $photoSizeSource->setThumbFileType($resultArray['file_type']); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL: case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG: $photoSizeSource = new PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto(); $photoSizeSource->setDialogPhotoSmall($resultArray['photosize_source'] === PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL); $photoSizeSource->setDialogId($resultArray['dialog_id']); $photoSizeSource->setDialogAccessHash($resultArray['dialog_access_hash']); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_STICKERSET_THUMBNAIL: $photoSizeSource = new PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail(); $photoSizeSource->setStickerSetId($resultArray['sticker_set_id']); $photoSizeSource->setStickerSetAccessHash($resultArray['sticker_set_access_hash']); break; } $result->setPhotoSizeSource($photoSizeSource); } return $result; } /** * Get bot API file ID. * * @return string */ public function getBotAPI() : string { $type = $this->getType(); if ($this->hasFileReference()) { $type |= FILE_REFERENCE_FLAG; } if ($this->hasUrl()) { $type |= WEB_LOCATION_FLAG; } $fileId = \pack('VV', $type, $this->getDcId()); if ($this->hasFileReference()) { $fileId .= packTLString($this->getFileReference()); } if ($this->hasUrl()) { $fileId .= packTLString($this->getUrl()); $fileId .= packLong($this->getAccessHash()); return base64urlEncode(rleEncode($fileId)); } $fileId .= packLong($this->getId()); $fileId .= packLong($this->getAccessHash()); if ($this->getType() <= PHOTO) { $fileId .= packLong($this->getVolumeId()); $photoSize = $this->getPhotoSizeSource(); if ($this->getVersion() >= 4) { $fileId .= \pack('V', $photoSize->getType()); } switch ($photoSize->getType()) { case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_LEGACY: $fileId .= packLong($photoSize->getSecret()); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_THUMBNAIL: $fileId .= \pack('Va4', $photoSize->getThumbFileType(), $photoSize->getThumbType()); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG: case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL: $fileId .= packLongBig($photoSize->getDialogId()); $fileId .= packLong($photoSize->getDialogAccessHash()); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_STICKERSET_THUMBNAIL: $fileId .= packLong($photoSize->getStickerSetId()); $fileId .= packLong($photoSize->getStickerSetAccessHash()); break; } $fileId .= \pack('l', $this->getLocalId()); } if ($this->getVersion() >= 4) { $fileId .= \chr($this->getSubVersion()); } $fileId .= \chr($this->getVersion()); return base64urlEncode(rleEncode($fileId)); } /** * Get unique file ID from file ID. * * @return UniqueFileId */ public function getUnique() : UniqueFileId { return UniqueFileId::fromFileId($this); } /** * Get unique bot API file ID from file ID. * * @return string */ public function getUniqueBotAPI() : string { return UniqueFileId::fromFileId($this)->getUniqueBotAPI(); } /** * Get bot API file ID. * * @return string */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->getBotAPI(); } /** * Get bot API file ID version. * * @return int */ public function getVersion() : int { return $this->_version; } /** * Set bot API file ID version. * * @param int $_version Bot API file ID version. * * @return self */ public function setVersion(int $_version) : self { $this->_version = $_version; return $this; } /** * Get bot API file ID subversion. * * @return int */ public function getSubVersion() : int { return $this->_subVersion; } /** * Set bot API file ID subversion. * * @param int $_subVersion Bot API file ID subversion. * * @return self */ public function setSubVersion(int $_subVersion) : self { $this->_subVersion = $_subVersion; return $this; } /** * Get file type. * * @return int */ public function getType() : int { return $this->_type; } /** * Get file type as string. * * @return string */ public function getTypeName() : string { return TYPES[$this->_type]; } /** * Set file type. * * @param int $_type File type. * * @return self */ public function setType(int $_type) : self { $this->_type = $_type; return $this; } /** * Get file reference. * * @return string */ public function getFileReference() : string { return $this->_fileReference; } /** * Set file reference. * * @param string $_fileReference File reference. * * @return self */ public function setFileReference(string $_fileReference) : self { $this->_fileReference = $_fileReference; return $this; } /** * Check if has file reference. * * @return boolean */ public function hasFileReference() : bool { return !empty($this->_fileReference); } /** * Get file URL for weblocation. * * @return string */ public function getUrl() : string { return $this->_url; } /** * Check if has file URL. * * @return boolean */ public function hasUrl() : bool { return !empty($this->_url); } /** * Set file URL for weblocation. * * @param string $_url File URL for weblocation. * * @return self */ public function setUrl(string $_url) : self { $this->_url = $_url; return $this; } /** * Get file id. * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * Set file id. * * @param int $_id File id. * * @return self */ public function setId($_id) : self { $this->_id = $_id; return $this; } /** * Check if has file id. * * @return bool */ public function hasId() : bool { return isset($this->_id); } /** * Get file access hash. * * @return int */ public function getAccessHash() { return $this->_accessHash; } /** * Set file access hash. * * @param int $_accessHash File access hash. * * @return self */ public function setAccessHash($_accessHash) : self { $this->_accessHash = $_accessHash; return $this; } /** * Get photo volume ID. * * @return int */ public function getVolumeId() { return $this->_volumeId; } /** * Set photo volume ID. * * @param int $_volumeId Photo volume ID. * * @return self */ public function setVolumeId($_volumeId) : self { $this->_volumeId = $_volumeId; return $this; } /** * Check if has volume ID. * * @return boolean */ public function hasVolumeId() : bool { return isset($this->_volumeId); } /** * Get photo local ID. * * @return int */ public function getLocalId() : int { return $this->_localId; } /** * Set photo local ID. * * @param int $_localId Photo local ID. * * @return self */ public function setLocalId(int $_localId) : self { $this->_localId = $_localId; return $this; } /** * Check if has local ID. * * @return boolean */ public function hasLocalId() : bool { return isset($this->_localId); } /** * Get photo size source. * * @return PhotoSizeSource */ public function getPhotoSizeSource() : PhotoSizeSource { return $this->_photoSizeSource; } /** * Set photo size source. * * @param PhotoSizeSource $_photoSizeSource Photo size source. * * @return self */ public function setPhotoSizeSource(PhotoSizeSource $_photoSizeSource) : self { $this->_photoSizeSource = $_photoSizeSource; return $this; } /** * Check if has photo size source. * * @return boolean */ public function hasPhotoSizeSource() : bool { return isset($this->_photoSizeSource); } /** * Get dC ID. * * @return int */ public function getDcId() : int { return $this->_dcId; } /** * Set dC ID. * * @param int $_dcId DC ID. * * @return self */ public function setDcId(int $_dcId) : self { $this->_dcId = $_dcId; return $this; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder; /** * Thumbnail. */ const THUMBNAIL = 0; /** * Profile photo. * Used for users and channels, chat photos are normal PHOTOs. */ const PROFILE_PHOTO = 1; /** * Normal photos. */ const PHOTO = 2; /** * Voice messages. */ const VOICE = 3; /** * Video. */ const VIDEO = 4; /** * Document. */ const DOCUMENT = 5; /** * Secret chat document. */ const ENCRYPTED = 6; /** * Temporary document. */ const TEMP = 7; /** * Sticker. */ const STICKER = 8; /** * Music. */ const AUDIO = 9; /** * GIF. */ const ANIMATION = 10; /** * Encrypted thumbnail. */ const ENCRYPTED_THUMBNAIL = 11; /** * Wallpaper. */ const WALLPAPER = 12; /** * Round video. */ const VIDEO_NOTE = 13; /** * Passport raw file. */ const SECURE_RAW = 14; /** * Passport file. */ const SECURE = 15; /** * Background. */ const BACKGROUND = 16; /** * Size. */ const SIZE = 17; const NONE = 18; const TYPES = [THUMBNAIL => 'thumbnail', PROFILE_PHOTO => 'profile_photo', PHOTO => 'photo', VOICE => 'voice', VIDEO => 'video', DOCUMENT => 'document', ENCRYPTED => 'encrypted', TEMP => 'temp', STICKER => 'sticker', AUDIO => 'audio', ANIMATION => 'animation', ENCRYPTED_THUMBNAIL => 'encrypted_thumbnail', WALLPAPER => 'wallpaper', VIDEO_NOTE => 'video_note', SECURE_RAW => 'secure_raw', SECURE => 'secure', BACKGROUND => 'background', SIZE => 'size']; const TYPES_IDS = ['thumbnail' => THUMBNAIL, 'profile_photo' => PROFILE_PHOTO, 'photo' => PHOTO, 'voice' => VOICE, 'video' => VIDEO, 'document' => DOCUMENT, 'encrypted' => ENCRYPTED, 'temp' => TEMP, 'sticker' => STICKER, 'audio' => AUDIO, 'animation' => ANIMATION, 'encrypted_thumbnail' => ENCRYPTED_THUMBNAIL, 'wallpaper' => WALLPAPER, 'video_note' => VIDEO_NOTE, 'secure_raw' => SECURE_RAW, 'secure' => SECURE, 'background' => BACKGROUND, 'size' => SIZE]; const UNIQUE_WEB = 0; const UNIQUE_PHOTO = 1; const UNIQUE_DOCUMENT = 2; const UNIQUE_SECURE = 3; const UNIQUE_ENCRYPTED = 4; const UNIQUE_TEMP = 5; const UNIQUE_TYPES = [UNIQUE_WEB => 'web', UNIQUE_PHOTO => 'photo', UNIQUE_DOCUMENT => 'document', UNIQUE_SECURE => 'secure', UNIQUE_ENCRYPTED => 'encrypted', UNIQUE_TEMP => 'temp']; const UNIQUE_TYPES_IDS = ['web' => UNIQUE_WEB, 'photo' => UNIQUE_PHOTO, 'document' => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, 'secure' => UNIQUE_SECURE, 'encrypted' => UNIQUE_ENCRYPTED, 'temp' => UNIQUE_TEMP]; const FULL_UNIQUE_MAP = [PHOTO => UNIQUE_PHOTO, PROFILE_PHOTO => UNIQUE_PHOTO, THUMBNAIL => UNIQUE_PHOTO, ENCRYPTED_THUMBNAIL => UNIQUE_PHOTO, WALLPAPER => UNIQUE_PHOTO, VIDEO => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, VOICE => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, STICKER => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, AUDIO => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, ANIMATION => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, VIDEO_NOTE => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, BACKGROUND => UNIQUE_DOCUMENT, SECURE => UNIQUE_SECURE, SECURE_RAW => UNIQUE_SECURE, ENCRYPTED => UNIQUE_ENCRYPTED, TEMP => UNIQUE_TEMP]; const PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_LEGACY = 0; const PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_THUMBNAIL = 1; const PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL = 2; const PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG = 3; const PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_STICKERSET_THUMBNAIL = 4; const WEB_LOCATION_FLAG = 1 << 24; const FILE_REFERENCE_FLAG = 1 << 25; const LONG = PHP_INT_SIZE === 8 ? 'Q' : 'l2'; $BIG_ENDIAN = \pack('L', 1) === \pack('N', 1); /** * Unpack long properly, returns an actual number in any case. * * @param string $field Field to unpack * * @return string|int */ function unpackLong(string $field) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { global $BIG_ENDIAN; // Evil return \unpack('q', $BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($field) : $field)[1]; } if (\class_exists(\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger::class)) { return (string) new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger(\strrev($field), -256); } if (\class_exists(\phpseclib\Math\BigInteger::class)) { return (string) new \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger(\strrev($field), -256); } throw new \Error('Please install phpseclib to unpack bot API file IDs'); } /** * Pack string long. * * @param string|int $field * * @return string */ function packLongBig($field) : string { if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { global $BIG_ENDIAN; // Evil $res = \pack('q', $field); return $BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($res) : $res; } if (\class_exists(\tgseclib\Math\BigInteger::class)) { return (new \tgseclib\Math\BigInteger($field))->toBytes(); } if (\class_exists(\phpseclib\Math\BigInteger::class)) { return (new \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger($field))->toBytes(); } throw new \Error('Please install phpseclib to unpack bot API file IDs'); } /** * Fix long parameters in case of 32 bit systems. * * @param array $params Parameters * @param string $field 64-bit field * * @return void */ function fixLong(array &$params, string $field) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { return; } $params[$field] = [$params[$field . '1'], $params[$field . '2']]; unset($params[$field . '1'], $params[$field . '2']); } /** * Encode long to string. * * @param string|array $fields Fields to encode * * @return string */ function packLong($fields) : string { if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { return \pack(LONG, $fields); } return \pack(LONG,...$fields); } /** * Base64URL decode. * * @param string $data Data to decode * * @internal * * @return string */ function base64urlDecode(string $data) : string { return \base64_decode(\str_pad(\strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), \strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT)); } /** * Base64URL encode. * * @param string $data Data to encode * * @internal * * @return string */ function base64urlEncode(string $data) : string { return \rtrim(\strtr(\base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '='); } /** * Null-byte RLE decode. * * @param string $string Data to decode * * @internal * * @return string */ function rleDecode(string $string) : string { $new = ''; $last = ''; $null = "\0"; foreach (\str_split($string) as $cur) { if ($last === $null) { $new .= \str_repeat($last, \ord($cur)); $last = ''; } else { $new .= $last; $last = $cur; } } $string = $new . $last; return $string; } /** * Null-byte RLE encode. * * @param string $string Data to encode * * @internal * * @return string */ function rleEncode(string $string) : string { $new = ''; $count = 0; $null = "\0"; foreach (\str_split($string) as $cur) { if ($cur === $null) { ++$count; } else { if ($count > 0) { $new .= $null . \chr($count); $count = 0; } $new .= $cur; } } if ($count > 0) { $new .= $null . \chr($count); $count = 0; } return $new; } /** * Positive modulo * Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number. * * @param int $a A * @param int $b B * * @internal * * @return int Modulo */ function posmod(int $a, int $b) : int { $resto = $a % $b; return $resto < 0 ? $resto + \abs($b) : $resto; } /** * Read TL string. * * @param mixed $stream Byte stream * * @internal * * @return string */ function readTLString($stream) : string { $l = \ord(\stream_get_contents($stream, 1)); if ($l > 254) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Length too big!"); } if ($l === 254) { $long_len = \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 3) . \chr(0))[1]; $x = \stream_get_contents($stream, $long_len); $resto = posmod(-$long_len, 4); if ($resto > 0) { \stream_get_contents($stream, $resto); } } else { $x = $l ? \stream_get_contents($stream, $l) : ''; $resto = posmod(-($l + 1), 4); if ($resto > 0) { \stream_get_contents($stream, $resto); } } return $x; } /** * Pack TL string. * * @param string $string String * * @return string */ function packTLString(string $string) : string { $l = \strlen($string); $concat = ''; if ($l <= 253) { $concat .= \chr($l); $concat .= $string; $concat .= \pack('@' . posmod(-$l - 1, 4)); } else { $concat .= \chr(254); $concat .= \substr(\pack('V', $l), 0, 3); $concat .= $string; $concat .= \pack('@' . posmod(-$l, 4)); } return $concat; } /** * Internal decode function. * * I know that you will use this directly giuseppe * * @param string $fileId Bot API file ID * * @internal * * @return array */ function internalDecode(string $fileId) : array { $orig = $fileId; $fileId = rleDecode(base64urlDecode($fileId)); $result = []; $result['version'] = \ord($fileId[\strlen($fileId) - 1]); $result['subVersion'] = $result['version'] === 4 ? \ord($fileId[\strlen($fileId) - 2]) : 0; $result += \unpack('VtypeId/Vdc_id', $fileId); $result['hasReference'] = (bool) ($result['typeId'] & FILE_REFERENCE_FLAG); $result['hasWebLocation'] = (bool) ($result['typeId'] & WEB_LOCATION_FLAG); $result['typeId'] &= ~FILE_REFERENCE_FLAG; $result['typeId'] &= ~WEB_LOCATION_FLAG; if (!isset(TYPES[$result['typeId']])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid file type provided: {$result['typeId']}"); } $result['type'] = TYPES[$result['typeId']]; $res = \fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b'); \fwrite($res, \substr($fileId, 8)); \fseek($res, 0); $fileId = $res; if ($result['hasReference']) { $result['fileReference'] = readTLString($fileId); } if ($result['hasWebLocation']) { $result['url'] = readTLString($fileId); $result['access_hash'] = \unpack(LONG . 'access_hash', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 8)); fixLong($result, 'access_hash'); return $result; } $result += \unpack(LONG . 'id/' . LONG . 'access_hash', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 16)); fixLong($result, 'id'); fixLong($result, 'access_hash'); if ($result['typeId'] <= PHOTO) { $result += \unpack(LONG . 'volume_id', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 8)); fixLong($result, 'volume_id'); $result['secret'] = 0; $result['photosize_source'] = $result['version'] >= 4 ? \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 4))[1] : 0; // Legacy, Thumbnail, DialogPhotoSmall, DialogPhotoBig, StickerSetThumbnail switch ($result['photosize_source']) { case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_LEGACY: $result += \unpack(LONG . 'secret', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 8)); fixLong($result, 'secret'); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_THUMBNAIL: $result += \unpack('Vfile_type/athumbnail_type', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 8)); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG: case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL: $result['photo_size'] = $result['photosize_source'] === PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL ? 'photo_small' : 'photo_big'; $result['dialog_id'] = unpackLong(\stream_get_contents($fileId, 8)); $result['dialog_access_hash'] = \unpack(LONG, \stream_get_contents($fileId, 8))[1]; fixLong($result, 'dialog_access_hash'); break; case PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_STICKERSET_THUMBNAIL: $result += \unpack(LONG . 'sticker_set_id/' . LONG . 'sticker_set_access_hash', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 16)); fixLong($result, 'sticker_set_id'); fixLong($result, 'sticker_set_access_hash'); break; } $result += \unpack('llocal_id', \stream_get_contents($fileId, 4)); } $l = \fstat($fileId)['size'] - \ftell($fileId); $l -= $result['version'] >= 4 ? 2 : 1; if ($l > 0) { \trigger_error("Unique file ID {$orig} has {$l} bytes of leftover data"); } return $result; } /** * Internal decode function. * * I know that you will use this directly giuseppe * * @param string $fileId Bot API file ID * * @internal * * @return array */ function internalDecodeUnique(string $fileId) : array { $orig = $fileId; $fileId = rleDecode(base64urlDecode($fileId)); $result = \unpack('VtypeId', $fileId); if (!isset(UNIQUE_TYPES[$result['typeId']])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid file type provided: {$result['typeId']}"); } $result['type'] = UNIQUE_TYPES[$result['typeId']]; $fileId = \substr($fileId, 4); if ($result['typeId'] === UNIQUE_WEB) { $res = \fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b'); \fwrite($res, $fileId); \fseek($res, 0); $fileId = $res; $result['url'] = readTLString($fileId); $l = \fstat($fileId)['size'] - \ftell($fileId); } elseif (\strlen($fileId) === 12) { $result += \unpack(LONG . 'volume_id/llocal_id', $fileId); fixLong($result, 'volume_id'); $l = 0; } else { $result += \unpack(LONG . 'id', $fileId); fixLong($result, 'id'); $l = \strlen($fileId) - 8; } if ($l > 0) { \trigger_error("Unique file ID {$orig} has {$l} bytes of leftover data"); } return $result; }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use const danog\Decoder\PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_STICKERSET_THUMBNAIL; /** * Represents source of photosize. */ class PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail extends PhotoSizeSource { /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->setType(PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_STICKERSET_THUMBNAIL); } /** * Stickerset ID. * * @var int */ private $_stickerSetId; /** * Stickerset access hash. * * @var int */ private $_stickerSetAccessHash; /** * Get stickerset ID. * * @return int */ public function getStickerSetId() { return $this->_stickerSetId; } /** * Set stickerset ID. * * @param int $_stickerSetId Stickerset ID * * @return self */ public function setStickerSetId($_stickerSetId) : self { $this->_stickerSetId = $_stickerSetId; return $this; } /** * Get stickerset access hash. * * @return int */ public function getStickerSetAccessHash() { return $this->_stickerSetAccessHash; } /** * Set stickerset access hash. * * @param int $_stickerSetAccessHash Stickerset access hash * * @return self */ public function setStickerSetAccessHash($_stickerSetAccessHash) : self { $this->_stickerSetAccessHash = $_stickerSetAccessHash; return $this; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use const danog\Decoder\PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_THUMBNAIL; /** * Represents source of photosize. */ class PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail extends PhotoSizeSource { /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->setType(PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_THUMBNAIL); } /** * File type of original file. * * @var int */ private $_thumbFileType; /** * Thumbnail size. * * @var string */ private $_thumbType; /** * Get file type of original file. * * @return int */ public function getThumbFileType() : int { return $this->_thumbFileType; } /** * Get file type of original file as string. * * @return string */ public function getThumbFileTypeString() : string { return TYPES[$this->_thumbFileType]; } /** * Set file type of original file. * * @param int $_thumbFileType File type of original file * * @return self */ public function setThumbFileType(int $_thumbFileType) : self { $this->_thumbFileType = $_thumbFileType; return $this; } /** * Get thumbnail size. * * @return string */ public function getThumbType() : string { return $this->_thumbType; } /** * Set thumbnail size. * * @param string $_thumbType Thumbnail size * * @return self */ public function setThumbType(string $_thumbType) : self { $this->_thumbType = $_thumbType; return $this; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use const danog\Decoder\PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_LEGACY; /** * Represents source of photosize. */ class PhotoSizeSourceLegacy extends PhotoSizeSource { /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->setType(PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_LEGACY); } /** * Secret legacy ID. * * @var int */ private $_secret; /** * Get secret legacy ID. * * @return int */ public function getSecret() { return $this->_secret; } /** * Set secret legacy ID. * * @param int $_secret Secret legacy ID * * @return self */ public function setSecret($_secret) : self { $this->_secret = $_secret; return $this; } }. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili * @license AGPLv3 * * @link Documentation */ namespace danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use danog\Decoder\PhotoSizeSource; use const danog\Decoder\PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG; use const danog\Decoder\PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL; /** * Represents source of photosize. */ class PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto extends PhotoSizeSource { /** * ID of dialog. * * @var int */ private $_dialogId; /** * Access hash of dialog. * * @var int */ private $_dialogAccessHash; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->setType(PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG); } /** * Get dialog ID. * * @return int */ public function getDialogId() { return $this->_dialogId; } /** * Set dialog ID. * * @param int $id Dialog ID * * @return self */ public function setDialogId($id) : self { $this->_dialogId = $id; return $this; } /** * Get access hash of dialog. * * @return int */ public function getDialogAccessHash() { return $this->_dialogAccessHash; } /** * Set access hash of dialog. * * @param int $dialogAccessHash Access hash of dialog * * @return self */ public function setDialogAccessHash($dialogAccessHash) : self { $this->_dialogAccessHash = $dialogAccessHash; return $this; } /** * Get whether the big or small version of the photo is being used. * * @return bool */ public function isSmallDialogPhoto() : bool { return $this->getType() === PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL; } /** * Set whether the big or small version of the photo is being used. * * @param bool $_dialogPhotoSmall Whether the big or small version of the photo is being used * * @return self */ public function setDialogPhotoSmall(bool $_dialogPhotoSmall) : self { return $this->setType($_dialogPhotoSmall ? PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_SMALL : PHOTOSIZE_SOURCE_DIALOGPHOTO_BIG); } } $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ClosedException.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\InMemoryStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/InMemoryStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\InputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/InputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\InputStreamChain' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/InputStreamChain.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\IteratorStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/IteratorStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\LineReader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/LineReader.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\Message' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/Message.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\OutputBuffer' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/OutputBuffer.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\OutputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/OutputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\Payload' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/Payload.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\PendingReadError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/PendingReadError.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ResourceInputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ResourceInputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ResourceOutputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ResourceOutputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\StreamException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/StreamException.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ZlibInputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ZlibInputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ZlibOutputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ZlibOutputStream.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\ArrayCache' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib/ArrayCache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\Cache' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib/Cache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\CacheException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib/CacheException.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\FileCache' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib/FileCache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\NullCache' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib/NullCache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\PrefixCache' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib/PrefixCache.php', 'Amp\\CallableMaker' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/CallableMaker.php', 'Amp\\CancellationToken' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/CancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\CancellationTokenSource' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/CancellationTokenSource.php', 'Amp\\CancelledException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/CancelledException.php', 'Amp\\CombinedCancellationToken' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/CombinedCancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\Coroutine' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Coroutine.php', 'Amp\\Deferred' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Deferred.php', 'Amp\\Delayed' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Delayed.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\BlockingFallbackResolver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/BlockingFallbackResolver.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Config' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Config.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\ConfigException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/ConfigException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\ConfigLoader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/ConfigLoader.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\DnsException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/DnsException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\HostLoader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/HostLoader.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Internal\\Socket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Internal/Socket.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Internal\\TcpSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Internal/TcpSocket.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Internal\\UdpSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Internal/UdpSocket.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\InvalidNameException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/InvalidNameException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeDecoder' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeDecoder.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeDecoderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeDecoderFactory.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeEncoder' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeEncoder.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeEncoderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeEncoderFactory.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\NoRecordException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/NoRecordException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Record' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Record.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Resolver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Resolver.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Rfc1035StubResolver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/Rfc1035StubResolver.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\TimeoutException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/TimeoutException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\UnixConfigLoader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/UnixConfigLoader.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\WindowsConfigLoader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib/WindowsConfigLoader.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\DoHConfig' => $vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/DoHConfig.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\DoHException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/DoHException.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Internal\\HttpsSocket' => $vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Internal/HttpsSocket.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Internal\\Socket' => $vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Internal/Socket.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Nameserver' => $vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Nameserver.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Rfc8484StubResolver' => $vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Rfc8484StubResolver.php', 'Amp\\Emitter' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Emitter.php', 'Amp\\Failure' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Failure.php', 'Amp\\File\\BlockingDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/BlockingDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\BlockingFile' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/BlockingFile.php', 'Amp\\File\\Driver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/Driver.php', 'Amp\\File\\EioDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/EioDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\EioFile' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/EioFile.php', 'Amp\\File\\File' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/File.php', 'Amp\\File\\FilesystemException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/FilesystemException.php', 'Amp\\File\\Handle' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/Handle.php', 'Amp\\File\\Internal\\EioPoll' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/Internal/EioPoll.php', 'Amp\\File\\Internal\\FileTask' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/Internal/FileTask.php', 'Amp\\File\\Internal\\UvPoll' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/Internal/UvPoll.php', 'Amp\\File\\ParallelDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/ParallelDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\ParallelFile' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/ParallelFile.php', 'Amp\\File\\PendingOperationError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/PendingOperationError.php', 'Amp\\File\\StatCache' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/StatCache.php', 'Amp\\File\\UvDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/UvDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\UvFile' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src/UvFile.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\ApplicationInterceptor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/ApplicationInterceptor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\FileBody' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/FileBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\FormBody' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/FormBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\JsonBody' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/JsonBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\StringBody' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/StringBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Connection' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Connection.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\ConnectionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/ConnectionFactory.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\ConnectionLimitingPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/ConnectionLimitingPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\ConnectionPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/ConnectionPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\DefaultConnectionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/DefaultConnectionFactory.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http1Connection' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http1Connection.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http2Connection' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http2Connection.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http2ConnectionException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http2ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http2StreamException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http2StreamException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\HttpStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/HttpStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\InterceptedStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/InterceptedStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\Http1Parser' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/Http1Parser.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\Http2ConnectionProcessor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/Http2ConnectionProcessor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\Http2Stream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/Http2Stream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\RequestNormalizer' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/RequestNormalizer.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Stream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Stream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\StreamLimitingPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/StreamLimitingPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\UnlimitedConnectionPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/UnlimitedConnectionPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\UnprocessedRequestException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/UnprocessedRequestException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\UpgradedSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/UpgradedSocket.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\CookieInterceptor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/CookieInterceptor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\CookieJar' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/CookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\FileCookieJar' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/FileCookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\InMemoryCookieJar' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/InMemoryCookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\Internal\\PublicSuffixList' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/Internal/PublicSuffixList.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\NullCookieJar' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/NullCookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\DelegateHttpClient' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/DelegateHttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\EventListener' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/EventListener.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\EventListener\\RecordHarAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/EventListener/RecordHarAttributes.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\HttpClient' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/HttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\HttpClientBuilder' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/HttpClientBuilder.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\HttpException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/HttpException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\InterceptedHttpClient' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/InterceptedHttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\AddRequestHeader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/AddRequestHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\AddResponseHeader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/AddResponseHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\DecompressResponse' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/DecompressResponse.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\FollowRedirects' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/FollowRedirects.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\ForbidUriUserInfo' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/ForbidUriUserInfo.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\LogHttpArchive' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/LogHttpArchive.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\MatchOrigin' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/MatchOrigin.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\ModifyRequest' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/ModifyRequest.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\ModifyResponse' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/ModifyResponse.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\RemoveRequestHeader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/RemoveRequestHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\RemoveResponseHeader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/RemoveResponseHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\RetryRequests' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/RetryRequests.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetRequestHeader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetRequestHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetRequestHeaderIfUnset' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetRequestHeaderIfUnset.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetRequestTimeout' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetRequestTimeout.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetResponseHeader' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetResponseHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetResponseHeaderIfUnset' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetResponseHeaderIfUnset.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\TooManyRedirectsException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/TooManyRedirectsException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\ForbidCloning' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/ForbidCloning.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\ForbidSerialization' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/ForbidSerialization.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\HarAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/HarAttributes.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\ResponseBodyStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/ResponseBodyStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\SizeLimitingInputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/SizeLimitingInputStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\InvalidRequestException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/InvalidRequestException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\MissingAttributeError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/MissingAttributeError.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\NetworkInterceptor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/NetworkInterceptor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\ParseException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/ParseException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\PooledHttpClient' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/PooledHttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Request' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Request.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\RequestBody' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/RequestBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Response' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Response.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\SocketException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/SocketException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\TimeoutException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/TimeoutException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Trailers' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src/Trailers.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\CookieAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/CookieAttributes.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\InvalidCookieException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/InvalidCookieException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\RequestCookie' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/RequestCookie.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\ResponseCookie' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/ResponseCookie.php', 'Amp\\Http\\HPack' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/hpack/src/HPack.php', 'Amp\\Http\\HPackException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/hpack/src/HPackException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2ConnectionException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2Parser' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2Parser.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2Processor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2Processor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2StreamException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2StreamException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Internal\\HPackNative' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/hpack/src/Internal/HPackNative.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Internal\\HPackNghttp2' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/hpack/src/Internal/HPackNghttp2.php', 'Amp\\Http\\InvalidHeaderException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/InvalidHeaderException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Message' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Message.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Rfc7230' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Rfc7230.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Status' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src/Status.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\Placeholder' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/Placeholder.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\PrivateIterator' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/PrivateIterator.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\PrivatePromise' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/PrivatePromise.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\Producer' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/Producer.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\ResolutionQueue' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/ResolutionQueue.php', 'Amp\\InvalidYieldError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/InvalidYieldError.php', 'Amp\\Iterator' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Iterator.php', 'Amp\\LazyPromise' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/LazyPromise.php', 'Amp\\Loop' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\Driver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/Driver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\DriverFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/DriverFactory.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\EvDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/EvDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\EventDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/EventDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\Internal\\TimerQueue' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/Internal/TimerQueue.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\InvalidWatcherError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/InvalidWatcherError.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\NativeDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/NativeDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\TracingDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/TracingDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\UnsupportedFeatureException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/UnsupportedFeatureException.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\UvDriver' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/UvDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\Watcher' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/Watcher.php', 'Amp\\MultiReasonException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/MultiReasonException.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\CancellableConnector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/CancellableConnector.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\CommandResult' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/CommandResult.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Connection' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Connection.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionConfig' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionConfig.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionResultSet' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionStatement' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionStatement.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionTransaction' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionTransaction.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\DataTypes' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/DataTypes.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\InitializationException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/InitializationException.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\ConnectionState' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/ConnectionState.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\Processor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/Processor.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\ResultProxy' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/ResultProxy.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\SessionStateTypes' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/Processor.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\StatusFlags' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/Processor.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Pool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Pool.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\PooledResultSet' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/PooledResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\PooledStatement' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/PooledStatement.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\PooledTransaction' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/PooledTransaction.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\RefreshTypes' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/RefreshTypes.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ResultSet' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/ResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Statement' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/Statement.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\StatementPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/StatementPool.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\TransactionError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src/TransactionError.php', 'Amp\\NullCancellationToken' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/NullCancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Context' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Context.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\ContextException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/ContextException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\ContextFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/ContextFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\DefaultContextFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/DefaultContextFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Internal\\ParallelHub' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Internal/ParallelHub.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Internal\\ProcessHub' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Internal/ProcessHub.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Internal\\Thread' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Internal/Thread.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Parallel' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Parallel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Process' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Process.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\StatusError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/StatusError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Thread' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Thread.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\Channel' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/Channel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelParser' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelParser.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelledSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelledSocket.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelledStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelledStream.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ContextPanicError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ContextPanicError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ExitFailure' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ExitFailure.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ExitResult' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ExitResult.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ExitSuccess' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ExitSuccess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\Internal\\ParcelStorage' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/Internal/ParcelStorage.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\PanicError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/PanicError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\Parcel' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/Parcel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SerializationException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SerializationException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SharedMemoryException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SharedMemoryException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SharedMemoryParcel' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SharedMemoryParcel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SynchronizationError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SynchronizationError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ThreadedParcel' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ThreadedParcel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\BasicEnvironment' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/BasicEnvironment.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\BootstrapWorkerFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/BootstrapWorkerFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\CallableTask' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/CallableTask.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\DefaultPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/DefaultPool.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\DefaultWorkerFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/DefaultWorkerFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Environment' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Environment.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\Job' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/Job.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\PooledWorker' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/PooledWorker.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\TaskFailure' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/TaskFailure.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\TaskResult' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/TaskResult.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\TaskSuccess' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/TaskSuccess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\WorkerProcess' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/WorkerProcess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Pool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Pool.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Task' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Task.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskFailureError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskFailureError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskFailureException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskFailureException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskFailureThrowable' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskFailureThrowable.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskRunner' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskRunner.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskWorker' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskWorker.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Worker' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Worker.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerParallel' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerParallel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerProcess' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerProcess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerThread' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerThread.php', 'Amp\\Parser\\InvalidDelimiterError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parser/lib/InvalidDelimiterError.php', 'Amp\\Parser\\Parser' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/parser/lib/Parser.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Posix\\Handle' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Posix/Handle.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Posix\\Runner' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Posix/Runner.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\ProcessHandle' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/ProcessHandle.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\ProcessRunner' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/ProcessRunner.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\ProcessStatus' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/ProcessStatus.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\Handle' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/Handle.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\HandshakeStatus' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/HandshakeStatus.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\PendingSocketClient' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/PendingSocketClient.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\Runner' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/Runner.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\SignalCode' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/SignalCode.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\SocketConnector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/SocketConnector.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Process' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/Process.php', 'Amp\\Process\\ProcessException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/ProcessException.php', 'Amp\\Process\\ProcessInputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/ProcessInputStream.php', 'Amp\\Process\\ProcessOutputStream' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/ProcessOutputStream.php', 'Amp\\Process\\StatusError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib/StatusError.php', 'Amp\\Producer' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Producer.php', 'Amp\\Promise' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Promise.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\BindContext' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/BindContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Certificate' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/Certificate.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ClientTlsContext' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/ClientTlsContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ConnectContext' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/ConnectContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ConnectException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/ConnectException.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Connector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/Connector.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\DatagramSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/DatagramSocket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\DnsConnector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/DnsConnector.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\EncryptableSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/EncryptableSocket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\PendingAcceptError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/PendingAcceptError.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\PendingReceiveError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/PendingReceiveError.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ResourceSocket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/ResourceSocket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Server' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/Server.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ServerTlsContext' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/ServerTlsContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Socket' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/Socket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\SocketAddress' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/SocketAddress.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\SocketException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/SocketException.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\SocketPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/SocketPool.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\StaticConnector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/StaticConnector.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\TlsException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/TlsException.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\TlsInfo' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/TlsInfo.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\UnlimitedSocketPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src/UnlimitedSocketPool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\CommandResult' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/CommandResult.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\ConnectionPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql-common/src/ConnectionPool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\PooledResultSet' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql-common/src/PooledResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\PooledStatement' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql-common/src/PooledStatement.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\PooledTransaction' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql-common/src/PooledTransaction.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\StatementPool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql-common/src/StatementPool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\ConnectionConfig' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/ConnectionConfig.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\ConnectionException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Connector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/Connector.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Executor' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/Executor.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\FailureException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/FailureException.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Link' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/Link.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Pool' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/Pool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\PoolError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/PoolError.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\QueryError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/QueryError.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\ResultSet' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/ResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Statement' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/Statement.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Transaction' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/Transaction.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\TransactionError' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/TransactionError.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\TransientResource' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src/TransientResource.php', 'Amp\\Struct' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Struct.php', 'Amp\\Success' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/Success.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\FileMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/FileMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Internal\\MutexStorage' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/Internal/MutexStorage.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Internal\\SemaphoreStorage' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/Internal/SemaphoreStorage.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\KeyedMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/KeyedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\KeyedSemaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/KeyedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalKeyedMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalKeyedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalKeyedSemaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalKeyedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalSemaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Lock' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/Lock.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Mutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/Mutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\PosixSemaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/PosixSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\PrefixedKeyedMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/PrefixedKeyedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\PrefixedKeyedSemaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/PrefixedKeyedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Semaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/Semaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\SemaphoreMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/SemaphoreMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\StaticKeyMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/StaticKeyMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\SyncException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/SyncException.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\ThreadedMutex' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/ThreadedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\ThreadedSemaphore' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src/ThreadedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\TimeoutCancellationToken' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/TimeoutCancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\TimeoutException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib/TimeoutException.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Client.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\ClientMetadata' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/ClientMetadata.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Connection' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Connection.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\ConnectionException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Connector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Connector.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Handshake' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Handshake.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Rfc6455Connection' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Rfc6455Connection.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Rfc6455Connector' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Rfc6455Connector.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\ClosedException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/ClosedException.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Code' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Code.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\CompressionContext' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/CompressionContext.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\CompressionContextFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/CompressionContextFactory.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Message' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Message.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Opcode' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Opcode.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Options' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Options.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Rfc6455Client' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Rfc6455Client.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Rfc7692Compression' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Rfc7692Compression.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Rfc7692CompressionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src/Rfc7692CompressionFactory.php', 'Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\KeyNotFoundException' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/windows-registry/lib/KeyNotFoundException.php', 'Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\WindowsRegistry' => $vendorDir . '/amphp/windows-registry/lib/WindowsRegistry.php', 'JsonException' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php73/Resources/stubs/JsonException.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\Certificate' => $vendorDir . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/Certificate.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\FieldNotSupportedException' => $vendorDir . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/FieldNotSupportedException.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\InvalidCertificateException' => $vendorDir . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/InvalidCertificateException.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\Profile' => $vendorDir . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/Profile.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\AuthorityInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/AuthorityInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\DataPathInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/DataPathInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\DomainHostInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/DomainHostInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\FragmentInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/FragmentInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\HostInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/HostInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\IpHostInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/IpHostInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\PathInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/PathInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\PortInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/PortInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\QueryInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/QueryInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\SegmentedPathInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/SegmentedPathInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UriComponentInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UriComponentInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UriException' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UriException.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UriInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UriInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UserInfoInterface' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UserInfoInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exception' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-parser/src/Exception.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\FileinfoSupportMissing' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Exceptions/FileinfoSupportMissing.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\IdnSupportMissing' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Exceptions/IdnSupportMissing.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\SyntaxError' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Exceptions/SyntaxError.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\TemplateCanNotBeExpanded' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/Exceptions/TemplateCanNotBeExpanded.php', 'League\\Uri\\Http' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/Http.php', 'League\\Uri\\MissingIdnSupport' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-parser/src/MissingIdnSupport.php', 'League\\Uri\\Parser' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri-parser/src/Parser.php', 'League\\Uri\\Uri' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/Uri.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriInfo' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/UriInfo.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriResolver' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/UriResolver.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriString' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/UriString.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriTemplate' => $vendorDir . '/league/uri/src/UriTemplate.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\Decoder' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/Decoder.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\DecoderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/DecoderFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\DecodingContext' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/DecodingContext.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\DecodingContextFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/DecodingContextFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\Encoder' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/Encoder.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\EncoderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/EncoderFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\EncodingContext' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/EncodingContext.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\EncodingContextFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/EncodingContextFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Enumeration' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Enumeration.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\Message' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/Message.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageOpCodes' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageOpCodes.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageResponseCodes' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageResponseCodes.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageTypes' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Packets\\LabelRegistry' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Packets/LabelRegistry.php', 'LibDNS\\Packets\\Packet' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Packets/Packet.php', 'LibDNS\\Packets\\PacketFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Packets/PacketFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Question' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Question.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\QuestionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/QuestionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RData' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RData.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RDataBuilder' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RDataBuilder.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RDataFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RDataFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Record' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Record.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RecordCollection' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RecordCollection.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RecordCollectionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RecordCollectionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RecordTypes' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RecordTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Resource' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Resource.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceBuilder' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceBuilder.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceBuilderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceBuilderFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceClasses' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceClasses.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceQClasses' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceQClasses.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceQTypes' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceQTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceTypes' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\FieldDefinition' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/FieldDefinition.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\FieldDefinitionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/FieldDefinitionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinition' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinition.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinitionFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinitionManager' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionManager.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinitionManagerFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionManagerFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Anything' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Anything.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\BitMap' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/BitMap.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Char' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Char.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\CharacterString' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/CharacterString.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\DomainName' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/DomainName.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\IPv4Address' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/IPv4Address.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\IPv6Address' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/IPv6Address.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Long' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Long.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Short' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Short.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Type' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Type.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\TypeBuilder' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/TypeBuilder.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\TypeFactory' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/TypeFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Types' => $vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Types.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base32' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base32.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base32Hex' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base32Hex.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64DotSlash' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64DotSlash.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64DotSlashOrdered' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64DotSlashOrdered.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64UrlSafe' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64UrlSafe.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Binary' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Binary.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\EncoderInterface' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/EncoderInterface.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Encoding' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Encoding.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Hex' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Hex.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\RFC4648' => $vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/RFC4648.php', 'Parsedown' => $vendorDir . '/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\MessageInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/MessageInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\RequestInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/RequestInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\ResponseInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/ResponseInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/ServerRequestInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\StreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/StreamInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\UploadedFileInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/UploadedFileInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\UriInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/UriInterface.php', 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php71\\Php71' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php71/Php71.php', 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\Php72' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php72/Php72.php', 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\Php73' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php73/Php73.php', 'cash\\LRUCache' => $vendorDir . '/cash/lrucache/src/cash/LRUCache.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\FileId' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/FileId.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceLegacy' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceLegacy.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\UniqueFileId' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/UniqueFileId.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\JsonDecoder' => $vendorDir . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/JsonDecoder.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\JsonDecoderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/JsonDecoderFactory.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\QueryEncoder' => $vendorDir . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/QueryEncoder.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\QueryEncoderFactory' => $vendorDir . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/QueryEncoderFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\API' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/API.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\APIFactory' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/APIFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\APIWrapper' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/APIWrapper.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Absolute' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Absolute.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\AbstractAPIFactory' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/AbstractAPIFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\AnnotationsBuilder' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/AnnotationsBuilder.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ApiWrappers\\Start' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ApiWrappers/Start.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ApiWrappers\\Templates' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ApiWrappers/Templates.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Async\\AsyncConstruct' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Async/AsyncConstruct.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Async\\AsyncParameters' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Async/AsyncParameters.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Bug74586Exception' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Bug74586Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\CombinedAPI' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/CombinedAPI.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\CombinedEventHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/CombinedEventHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Connection' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Connection.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ContextConnector' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ContextConnector.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Coroutine' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Coroutine.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DataCenter' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DataCenter.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DataCenterConnection' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DataCenterConnection.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DoHConnector' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DoHConnector.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DocsBuilder' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DocsBuilder.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DocsBuilder\\Constructors' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DocsBuilder/Constructors.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DocsBuilder\\Methods' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DocsBuilder/Methods.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\EventHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/EventHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\FileCallback' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/FileCallback.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\FileCallbackInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/FileCallbackInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Files\\Server' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Files/Server.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\InternalDoc' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Lang' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Lang.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Logger' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Logger.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\CheckLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/CheckLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\HttpWaitLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/HttpWaitLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\PingLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/PingLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\ReadLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/ReadLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\WriteLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/WriteLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Generic\\GenericLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Generic/GenericLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Generic\\PeriodicLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Generic/PeriodicLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Impl\\Loop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Impl/Loop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Impl\\ResumableSignalLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Impl/ResumableSignalLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Impl\\SignalLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Impl/SignalLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\LoopInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/LoopInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\ResumableLoopInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/ResumableLoopInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\SignalLoopInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/SignalLoopInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Update\\FeedLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Update/FeedLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Update\\SeqLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Update/SeqLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Update\\UpdateLoop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Update/UpdateLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Lua' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Lua.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\AckHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/AckHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\CallHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/CallHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\MsgIdHandlerAbstract' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/MsgIdHandlerAbstract.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\MsgIdHandler\\MsgIdHandler32' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/MsgIdHandler/MsgIdHandler32.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\MsgIdHandler\\MsgIdHandler64' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/MsgIdHandler/MsgIdHandler64.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\ResponseHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/ResponseHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\SeqNoHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/SeqNoHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\Session' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/Session.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\AuthKeyHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/AuthKeyHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\CallHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/CallHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\CombinedUpdatesState' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/CombinedUpdatesState.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\Crypt' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/Crypt.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\Files' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/Files.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\MinDatabase' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/MinDatabase.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\PasswordCalculator' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/PasswordCalculator.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\PeerHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/PeerHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\ReferenceDatabase' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/ReferenceDatabase.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\UpdateHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/UpdateHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\UpdatesState' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/UpdatesState.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto\\AuthKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto/AuthKey.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto\\PermAuthKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto/PermAuthKey.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto\\TempAuthKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto/TempAuthKey.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Magic' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Magic.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MyTelegramOrgWrapper' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MyTelegramOrgWrapper.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\NothingInTheSocketException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/NothingInTheSocketException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\PTSException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/PTSException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\RPCErrorException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/RPCErrorException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\RSA' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/RSA.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ResponseException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ResponseException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\AuthKeyHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/AuthKeyHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\MessageHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/MessageHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\ResponseHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/ResponseHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\SeqNoHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/SeqNoHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecurityException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecurityException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Serialization' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Serialization.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Server' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Server.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Shutdown' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Shutdown.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\ADNLTransport\\ADNLStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/ADNLTransport/ADNLStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Async\\Buffer' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Async/Buffer.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Async\\BufferedStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Async/BufferedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Async\\RawStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Async/RawStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\BufferInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/BufferInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\BufferedProxyStreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/BufferedProxyStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\BufferedStreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/BufferedStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\BufferedRawStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/BufferedRawStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\CtrStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/CtrStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\HashedBufferedStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/HashedBufferedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\SimpleBufferedRawStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/SimpleBufferedRawStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\ConnectionContext' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/ConnectionContext.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoBufferInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoBufferInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\AbridgedStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/AbridgedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\FullStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/FullStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\HttpStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/HttpStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\HttpsStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/HttpsStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\IntermediatePaddedStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/IntermediatePaddedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\IntermediateStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/IntermediateStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\ObfuscatedStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/ObfuscatedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\ProxyStreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/ProxyStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Proxy\\HttpProxy' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Proxy/HttpProxy.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Proxy\\SocksProxy' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Proxy/SocksProxy.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\RawProxyStreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/RawProxyStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\RawStreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/RawStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\StreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/StreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\DefaultStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/DefaultStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\PremadeStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/PremadeStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\WsStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/WsStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\WssStream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/WssStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\BotAPI' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/BotAPI.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\BotAPIFiles' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/BotAPIFiles.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\Exception' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\Extension' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/Extension.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\TD' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/TD.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Exception' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\PrettyException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/PrettyException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TL' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TL.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLCallback' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLCallback.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLConstructors' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLConstructors.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLMethods' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLMethods.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLParams' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLParams.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Button' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Types/Button.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Bytes' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Types/Bytes.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\ADNLConnection' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/ADNLConnection.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\API' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/API.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\APIFactory' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/APIFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\InternalDoc' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\Lite' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/Lite.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\adnl' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\catchain' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\dht' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\engine' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\http' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\liteServer' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\overlay' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\tcp' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\tonNode' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\validatorSession' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Tools' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Tools.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIPServerConfig' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/VoIPServerConfig.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP\\AuthKeyHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/VoIP/AuthKeyHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Callback' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Callback.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\DialogHandler' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/DialogHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Events' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Events.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Login' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Login.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Loop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Loop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Noop' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Noop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Start' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Start.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\TOS' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/TOS.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Templates' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Templates.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Webhook' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Webhook.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\account' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\auth' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\bots' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\channels' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\contacts' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\folders' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\help' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\langpack' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\messages' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\payments' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\phone' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\photos' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\stickers' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\updates' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\upload' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\users' => $vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\PlaceHolder' => $vendorDir . '/danog/magicalserializer/src/danog/PlaceHolder.php', 'danog\\PrimeModule' => $vendorDir . '/danog/primemodule/lib/danog/PrimeModule.php', 'danog\\Serializable' => $vendorDir . '/danog/magicalserializer/src/danog/Serializable.php', 'danog\\Serialization' => $vendorDir . '/danog/magicalserializer/src/danog/Serialization.php', 'tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Common/Functions/Strings.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\AES' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Blowfish' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Blowfish.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\ChaCha20' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/ChaCha20.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\AsymmetricKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/AsymmetricKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\BlockCipher' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/BlockCipher.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => $vendorDir . 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'/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp192r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp224k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp224k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp224r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp224r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp256k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp256k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp256r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp256r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp384r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp384r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp521r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp521r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect113r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect113r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect113r2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect113r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect131r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect131r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect131r2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect131r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect163k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect163r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect163r2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect193r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect193r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect193r2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect193r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect233k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect233k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect233r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect233r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect239k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect239k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect283k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect283k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect283r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect283r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect409k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect409k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect409r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect409r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect571k1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect571k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect571r1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect571r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\Common' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/Common.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\MontgomeryPrivate' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/MontgomeryPrivate.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\MontgomeryPublic' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/MontgomeryPublic.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\XML' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/XML.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\libsodium' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/libsodium.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Signature\\ASN1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/ASN1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Signature\\Raw' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Signature\\SSH2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/SSH2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Parameters' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Parameters.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\PrivateKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\PublicKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Hash' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\PublicKeyLoader' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/PublicKeyLoader.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RC2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RC4' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\MSBLOB' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/MSBLOB.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PSS' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PSS.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\Raw' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\XML' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/XML.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\PrivateKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\PublicKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Random' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Rijndael' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Salsa20' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Salsa20.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\TripleDES' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Twofish' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Twofish.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\BadConfigurationException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadConfigurationException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\BadDecryptionException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadDecryptionException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\BadModeException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadModeException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\ConnectionClosedException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/ConnectionClosedException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\FileNotFoundException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/FileNotFoundException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\InconsistentSetupException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/InconsistentSetupException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\InsufficientSetupException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/InsufficientSetupException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\NoKeyLoadedException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/NoKeyLoadedException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/NoSupportedAlgorithmsException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnableToConnectException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnableToConnectException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedAlgorithmException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedAlgorithmException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedCurveException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedCurveException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedFormatException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedFormatException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedOperationException' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedOperationException.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ANSI' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Element' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Element.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AccessDescription' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AccessDescription.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AdministrationDomainName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AdministrationDomainName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AlgorithmIdentifier' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AlgorithmIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AnotherName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AnotherName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Attribute' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Attribute.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AttributeType' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeType.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AttributeTypeAndValue' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeTypeAndValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AttributeValue' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Attributes' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Attributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AuthorityKeyIdentifier' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AuthorityKeyIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BaseDistance' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BaseDistance.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BasicConstraints' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BasicConstraints.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BuiltInStandardAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInStandardAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CPSuri' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CPSuri.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CRLDistributionPoints' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLDistributionPoints.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CRLNumber' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLNumber.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CRLReason' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLReason.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertPolicyId' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertPolicyId.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Certificate' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Certificate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificateIssuer' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateIssuer.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificateList' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateList.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificatePolicies' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificatePolicies.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificateSerialNumber' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateSerialNumber.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificationRequest' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificationRequest.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificationRequestInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificationRequestInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Characteristic_two' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Characteristic_two.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CountryName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CountryName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Curve' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Curve.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DHParameter' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DHParameter.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DSAParams' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAParams.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DSAPrivateKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAPrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DSAPublicKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAPublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DigestInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DigestInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DirectoryString' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DirectoryString.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DisplayText' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DisplayText.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DistributionPoint' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DistributionPoint.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DistributionPointName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DistributionPointName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DssSigValue' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DssSigValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ECParameters' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECParameters.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ECPoint' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECPoint.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ECPrivateKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECPrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EDIPartyName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EDIPartyName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EcdsaSigValue' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EcdsaSigValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EncryptedData' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EncryptedData.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ExtKeyUsageSyntax' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtKeyUsageSyntax.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Extension' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Extension.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ExtensionAttribute' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtensionAttribute.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ExtensionAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtensionAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Extensions' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Extensions.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\FieldElement' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/FieldElement.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\FieldID' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/FieldID.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralNames' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralNames.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralSubtree' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralSubtree.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralSubtrees' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralSubtrees.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\HashAlgorithm' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/HashAlgorithm.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\HoldInstructionCode' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/HoldInstructionCode.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\InvalidityDate' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/InvalidityDate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\IssuerAltName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/IssuerAltName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\IssuingDistributionPoint' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/IssuingDistributionPoint.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\KeyIdentifier' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\KeyPurposeId' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyPurposeId.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\KeyUsage' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyUsage.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\MaskGenAlgorithm' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/MaskGenAlgorithm.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Name' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Name.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NameConstraints' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NameConstraints.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NetworkAddress' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NetworkAddress.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NoticeReference' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NoticeReference.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NumericUserIdentifier' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NumericUserIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ORAddress' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ORAddress.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OneAsymmetricKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OneAsymmetricKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OrganizationName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OrganizationName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OrganizationalUnitNames' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OrganizationalUnitNames.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OtherPrimeInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OtherPrimeInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OtherPrimeInfos' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OtherPrimeInfos.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBEParameter' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBEParameter.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBES2params' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBES2params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBKDF2params' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBKDF2params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBMAC1params' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBMAC1params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PKCS9String' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PKCS9String.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Pentanomial' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Pentanomial.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PersonalName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PersonalName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyInformation' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyInformation.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyMappings' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyMappings.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyQualifierId' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyQualifierId.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyQualifierInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyQualifierInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PostalAddress' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PostalAddress.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Prime_p' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Prime_p.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateDomainName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateDomainName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateKeyInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateKeyUsagePeriod' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PublicKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PublicKeyAndChallenge' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKeyAndChallenge.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PublicKeyInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RC2CBCParameter' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RC2CBCParameter.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RDNSequence' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RDNSequence.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RSAPrivateKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSAPrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RSAPublicKey' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSAPublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RSASSA_PSS_params' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSASSA_PSS_params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ReasonFlags' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ReasonFlags.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RelativeDistinguishedName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RelativeDistinguishedName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RevokedCertificate' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RevokedCertificate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SpecifiedECDomain' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SpecifiedECDomain.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectAltName' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectAltName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectDirectoryAttributes' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectDirectoryAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectInfoAccessSyntax' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectInfoAccessSyntax.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectPublicKeyInfo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectPublicKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\TBSCertList' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TBSCertList.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\TBSCertificate' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TBSCertificate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\TerminalIdentifier' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TerminalIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Time' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Time.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Trinomial' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Trinomial.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\UniqueIdentifier' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/UniqueIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\UserNotice' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/UserNotice.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Validity' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Validity.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\netscape_ca_policy_url' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_ca_policy_url.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\netscape_cert_type' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_cert_type.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\netscape_comment' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_comment.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\X509' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\Base' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Base.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\BuiltIn' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/BuiltIn.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\DefaultEngine' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/DefaultEngine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\OpenSSL' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/OpenSSL.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\Reductions\\Barrett' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Reductions/Barrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\Reductions\\EvalBarrett' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Reductions/EvalBarrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\Engine' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/Engine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\GMP' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/GMP.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\GMP\\DefaultEngine' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/GMP/DefaultEngine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\OpenSSL' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/OpenSSL.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP32' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP32.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP64' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP64.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Base' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Base.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\DefaultEngine' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/DefaultEngine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Montgomery' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Montgomery.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\OpenSSL' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/OpenSSL.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\Barrett' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Barrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\Classic' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Classic.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\EvalBarrett' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/EvalBarrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\Montgomery' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Montgomery.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\MontgomeryMult' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/MontgomeryMult.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\PowerOfTwo' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/PowerOfTwo.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BinaryField' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BinaryField.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BinaryField\\Integer' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BinaryField/Integer.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\Common\\FiniteField' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/Common/FiniteField.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\Common\\FiniteField\\Integer' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/Common/FiniteField/Integer.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\PrimeField' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/PrimeField.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\PrimeField\\Integer' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/PrimeField/Integer.php', 'tgseclib\\Net\\SFTP' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php', 'tgseclib\\Net\\SFTP\\Stream' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php', 'tgseclib\\Net\\SSH2' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php', 'tgseclib\\System\\SSH\\Agent' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Agent.php', 'tgseclib\\System\\SSH\\Agent\\Identity' => $vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Agent/Identity.php'); __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/functions.php', '76cd0796156622033397994f25b0d8fc' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/functions.php', '6cd5651c4fef5ed6b63e8d8b8ffbf3cc' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/functions.php', 'bcb7d4fc55f4b1a7e10f5806723e9892' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/functions.php', '8dc56fe697ca93c4b40d876df1c94584' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/functions.php', '430de19db8b7ee88fdbe5c545d82d33d' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/functions.php', '888e1afeed2e8d13ef5a662692091e6e' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/functions.php', '384cf4f2eb4d2f896db72315a76066ad' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/functions.php', 'd10f490189cfd2d00bda2b165dfbacae' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/functions.php', '445532134d762b3cbc25500cac266092' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/functions.php', '7ebf029ad4b246f1e3f66192b40a932f' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/functions.php', 'e1e8b49c332434256b5df11b0f0c2a62' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-parser/src/functions_include.php', 'd4e415514e4352172d58f02433fa50e4' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/functions.php', '1c2dcb9d6851a7abaae89f9586ddd460' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/Internal/functions.php', '3d8ee50db78074a9235f0c2008c26b42' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/functions.php', '5255c38a0faeba867671b61dfda6d864' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/random_compat/lib/random.php', '3d05d4f147c95ba663000bd908d45656' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/functions.php', '4be4fbd9f5a89207b1fd1c85ae339dd7' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/functions.php', '7863bea9b51b9d5d18cf67e24652d340' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/type.php', '5e0f551c756ccab22bacab26bc22ac52' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/bootstrap.php', '73cfe662a9f753fb79cdfcb7b4206d43' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/functions.php', 'efa3b80c61fb35e374f529ec349af098' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/BigIntegor.php', '81f2b6c0f9b646f6cc1f1a36118d70e9' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/YieldReturnValue.php', '101ce0a08043aa7cd0e538f4e7c5920d' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/ReflectionGenerator.php', 'cad60ee4f0892badc28f3feef7cce08d' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/polyfill.php', 'e277be14c90068cf94faed2c43dbe6d8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php71/bootstrap.php', '25072dd6e2470089de65ae7bf11d3109' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php72/bootstrap.php', '0d59ee240a4cd96ddbb4ff164fccea4d' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php73/bootstrap.php'); public static $prefixLengthsPsr4 = array('t' => array('tgseclib\\' => 9), 'd' => array('danog\\MadelineProto\\' => 20, 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\' => 17, 'danog\\Decoder\\' => 14), 'S' => array('Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\' => 23, 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\' => 23, 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php71\\' => 23), 'P' => array('Psr\\Http\\Message\\' => 17, 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\' => 23), 'L' => array('LibDNS\\' => 7, 'League\\Uri\\' => 11), 'K' => array('Kelunik\\Certificate\\' => 20), 'A' => array('Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\' => 20, 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\' => 21, 'Amp\\Websocket\\' => 14, 'Amp\\Sync\\' => 9, 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\' => 15, 'Amp\\Sql\\' => 8, 'Amp\\Socket\\' => 11, 'Amp\\Process\\' => 12, 'Amp\\Parser\\' => 11, 'Amp\\Parallel\\' => 13, 'Amp\\Mysql\\' => 10, 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\' => 23, 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\' => 16, 'Amp\\Http\\' => 9, 'Amp\\File\\' => 9, 'Amp\\DoH\\' => 8, 'Amp\\Dns\\' => 8, 'Amp\\Cache\\' => 10, 'Amp\\ByteStream\\' => 15, 'Amp\\' => 4)); public static $prefixDirsPsr4 = array('tgseclib\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib'), 'danog\\MadelineProto\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto'), 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/libdns-json/lib'), 'danog\\Decoder\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src'), 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php73'), 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php72'), 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php71\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php71'), 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src'), 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src'), 'LibDNS\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src'), 'League\\Uri\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src', 1 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src', 2 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-parser/src'), 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/kelunik/certificate/lib'), 'Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/windows-registry/lib'), 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src'), 'Amp\\Websocket\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src'), 'Amp\\Sync\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src'), 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql-common/src'), 'Amp\\Sql\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src'), 'Amp\\Socket\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src'), 'Amp\\Process\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib'), 'Amp\\Parser\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parser/lib'), 'Amp\\Parallel\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib'), 'Amp\\Mysql\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src'), 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src'), 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src'), 'Amp\\Http\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/hpack/src', 1 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src'), 'Amp\\File\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src'), 'Amp\\DoH\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib'), 'Amp\\Dns\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib'), 'Amp\\Cache\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib'), 'Amp\\ByteStream\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib'), 'Amp\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib')); public static $prefixesPsr0 = array('d' => array('danog\\' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/magicalserializer/src', 1 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/primemodule/lib')), 'c' => array('cash' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/cash/lrucache/src')), 'P' => array('Parsedown' => array(0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/erusev/parsedown'))); public static $classMap = array('Amp\\ByteStream\\ClosedException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ClosedException.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\InMemoryStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/InMemoryStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\InputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/InputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\InputStreamChain' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/InputStreamChain.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\IteratorStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/IteratorStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\LineReader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/LineReader.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\Message' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/Message.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\OutputBuffer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/OutputBuffer.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\OutputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/OutputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\Payload' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/Payload.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\PendingReadError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/PendingReadError.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ResourceInputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ResourceInputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ResourceOutputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ResourceOutputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\StreamException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/StreamException.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ZlibInputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ZlibInputStream.php', 'Amp\\ByteStream\\ZlibOutputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib/ZlibOutputStream.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\ArrayCache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib/ArrayCache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\Cache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib/Cache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\CacheException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib/CacheException.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\FileCache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib/FileCache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\NullCache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib/NullCache.php', 'Amp\\Cache\\PrefixCache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/cache/lib/PrefixCache.php', 'Amp\\CallableMaker' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/CallableMaker.php', 'Amp\\CancellationToken' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/CancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\CancellationTokenSource' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/CancellationTokenSource.php', 'Amp\\CancelledException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/CancelledException.php', 'Amp\\CombinedCancellationToken' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/CombinedCancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\Coroutine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Coroutine.php', 'Amp\\Deferred' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Deferred.php', 'Amp\\Delayed' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Delayed.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\BlockingFallbackResolver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/BlockingFallbackResolver.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Config' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Config.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\ConfigException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/ConfigException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\ConfigLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/ConfigLoader.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\DnsException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/DnsException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\HostLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/HostLoader.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Internal\\Socket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Internal/Socket.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Internal\\TcpSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Internal/TcpSocket.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Internal\\UdpSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Internal/UdpSocket.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\InvalidNameException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/InvalidNameException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeDecoder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeDecoder.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeDecoderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeDecoderFactory.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeEncoder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeEncoder.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Native\\NativeEncoderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Native/NativeEncoderFactory.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\NoRecordException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/NoRecordException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Record' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Record.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Resolver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Resolver.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\Rfc1035StubResolver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/Rfc1035StubResolver.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\TimeoutException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/TimeoutException.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\UnixConfigLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/UnixConfigLoader.php', 'Amp\\Dns\\WindowsConfigLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/dns/lib/WindowsConfigLoader.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\DoHConfig' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/DoHConfig.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\DoHException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/DoHException.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Internal\\HttpsSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Internal/HttpsSocket.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Internal\\Socket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Internal/Socket.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Nameserver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Nameserver.php', 'Amp\\DoH\\Rfc8484StubResolver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib/Rfc8484StubResolver.php', 'Amp\\Emitter' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Emitter.php', 'Amp\\Failure' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Failure.php', 'Amp\\File\\BlockingDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/BlockingDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\BlockingFile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/BlockingFile.php', 'Amp\\File\\Driver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/Driver.php', 'Amp\\File\\EioDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/EioDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\EioFile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/EioFile.php', 'Amp\\File\\File' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/File.php', 'Amp\\File\\FilesystemException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/FilesystemException.php', 'Amp\\File\\Handle' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/Handle.php', 'Amp\\File\\Internal\\EioPoll' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/Internal/EioPoll.php', 'Amp\\File\\Internal\\FileTask' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/Internal/FileTask.php', 'Amp\\File\\Internal\\UvPoll' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/Internal/UvPoll.php', 'Amp\\File\\ParallelDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/ParallelDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\ParallelFile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/ParallelFile.php', 'Amp\\File\\PendingOperationError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/PendingOperationError.php', 'Amp\\File\\StatCache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/StatCache.php', 'Amp\\File\\UvDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/UvDriver.php', 'Amp\\File\\UvFile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/file/src/UvFile.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\ApplicationInterceptor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/ApplicationInterceptor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\FileBody' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/FileBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\FormBody' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/FormBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\JsonBody' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/JsonBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Body\\StringBody' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Body/StringBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Connection.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\ConnectionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/ConnectionFactory.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\ConnectionLimitingPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/ConnectionLimitingPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\ConnectionPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/ConnectionPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\DefaultConnectionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/DefaultConnectionFactory.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http1Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http1Connection.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http2Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http2Connection.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http2ConnectionException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http2ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Http2StreamException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Http2StreamException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\HttpStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/HttpStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\InterceptedStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/InterceptedStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\Http1Parser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/Http1Parser.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\Http2ConnectionProcessor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/Http2ConnectionProcessor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\Http2Stream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/Http2Stream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Internal\\RequestNormalizer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Internal/RequestNormalizer.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\Stream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/Stream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\StreamLimitingPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/StreamLimitingPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\UnlimitedConnectionPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/UnlimitedConnectionPool.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\UnprocessedRequestException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/UnprocessedRequestException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\UpgradedSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Connection/UpgradedSocket.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\CookieInterceptor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/CookieInterceptor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\CookieJar' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/CookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\FileCookieJar' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/FileCookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\InMemoryCookieJar' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/InMemoryCookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\Internal\\PublicSuffixList' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/Internal/PublicSuffixList.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\NullCookieJar' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src/NullCookieJar.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\DelegateHttpClient' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/DelegateHttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\EventListener' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/EventListener.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\EventListener\\RecordHarAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/EventListener/RecordHarAttributes.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\HttpClient' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/HttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\HttpClientBuilder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/HttpClientBuilder.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\HttpException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/HttpException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\InterceptedHttpClient' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/InterceptedHttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\AddRequestHeader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/AddRequestHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\AddResponseHeader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/AddResponseHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\DecompressResponse' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/DecompressResponse.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\FollowRedirects' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/FollowRedirects.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\ForbidUriUserInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/ForbidUriUserInfo.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\LogHttpArchive' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/LogHttpArchive.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\MatchOrigin' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/MatchOrigin.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\ModifyRequest' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/ModifyRequest.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\ModifyResponse' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/ModifyResponse.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\RemoveRequestHeader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/RemoveRequestHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\RemoveResponseHeader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/RemoveResponseHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\RetryRequests' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/RetryRequests.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetRequestHeader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetRequestHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetRequestHeaderIfUnset' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetRequestHeaderIfUnset.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetRequestTimeout' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetRequestTimeout.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetResponseHeader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetResponseHeader.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\SetResponseHeaderIfUnset' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/SetResponseHeaderIfUnset.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Interceptor\\TooManyRedirectsException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Interceptor/TooManyRedirectsException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\ForbidCloning' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/ForbidCloning.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\ForbidSerialization' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/ForbidSerialization.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\HarAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/HarAttributes.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\ResponseBodyStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/ResponseBodyStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Internal\\SizeLimitingInputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Internal/SizeLimitingInputStream.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\InvalidRequestException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/InvalidRequestException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\MissingAttributeError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/MissingAttributeError.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\NetworkInterceptor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/NetworkInterceptor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\ParseException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/ParseException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\PooledHttpClient' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/PooledHttpClient.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Request' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Request.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\RequestBody' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/RequestBody.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Response' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Response.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\SocketException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/SocketException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\TimeoutException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/TimeoutException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Trailers' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http-client/src/Trailers.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\CookieAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/CookieAttributes.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\InvalidCookieException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/InvalidCookieException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\RequestCookie' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/RequestCookie.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Cookie\\ResponseCookie' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Cookie/ResponseCookie.php', 'Amp\\Http\\HPack' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/hpack/src/HPack.php', 'Amp\\Http\\HPackException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/hpack/src/HPackException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2ConnectionException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2Parser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2Parser.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2Processor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2Processor.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Http2\\Http2StreamException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Http2/Http2StreamException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Internal\\HPackNative' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/hpack/src/Internal/HPackNative.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Internal\\HPackNghttp2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/hpack/src/Internal/HPackNghttp2.php', 'Amp\\Http\\InvalidHeaderException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/InvalidHeaderException.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Message' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Message.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Rfc7230' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Rfc7230.php', 'Amp\\Http\\Status' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/http/src/Status.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\Placeholder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/Placeholder.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\PrivateIterator' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/PrivateIterator.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\PrivatePromise' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/PrivatePromise.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\Producer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/Producer.php', 'Amp\\Internal\\ResolutionQueue' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Internal/ResolutionQueue.php', 'Amp\\InvalidYieldError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/InvalidYieldError.php', 'Amp\\Iterator' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Iterator.php', 'Amp\\LazyPromise' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/LazyPromise.php', 'Amp\\Loop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\Driver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/Driver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\DriverFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/DriverFactory.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\EvDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/EvDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\EventDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/EventDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\Internal\\TimerQueue' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/Internal/TimerQueue.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\InvalidWatcherError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/InvalidWatcherError.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\NativeDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/NativeDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\TracingDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/TracingDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\UnsupportedFeatureException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/UnsupportedFeatureException.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\UvDriver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/UvDriver.php', 'Amp\\Loop\\Watcher' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/Watcher.php', 'Amp\\MultiReasonException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/MultiReasonException.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\CancellableConnector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/CancellableConnector.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\CommandResult' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/CommandResult.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Connection.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionConfig' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionConfig.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionResultSet' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionStatement' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionStatement.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ConnectionTransaction' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/ConnectionTransaction.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\DataTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/DataTypes.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\InitializationException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/InitializationException.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\ConnectionState' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/ConnectionState.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\Processor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/Processor.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\ResultProxy' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/ResultProxy.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\SessionStateTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/Processor.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\StatusFlags' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Internal/Processor.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Pool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Pool.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\PooledResultSet' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/PooledResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\PooledStatement' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/PooledStatement.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\PooledTransaction' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/PooledTransaction.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\RefreshTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/RefreshTypes.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\ResultSet' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/ResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\Statement' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/Statement.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\StatementPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/StatementPool.php', 'Amp\\Mysql\\TransactionError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/mysql/src/TransactionError.php', 'Amp\\NullCancellationToken' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/NullCancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Context' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Context.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\ContextException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/ContextException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\ContextFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/ContextFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\DefaultContextFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/DefaultContextFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Internal\\ParallelHub' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Internal/ParallelHub.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Internal\\ProcessHub' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Internal/ProcessHub.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Internal\\Thread' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Internal/Thread.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Parallel' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Parallel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Process' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Process.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\StatusError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/StatusError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Context\\Thread' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Context/Thread.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\Channel' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/Channel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelParser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelParser.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelledSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelledSocket.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ChannelledStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ChannelledStream.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ContextPanicError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ContextPanicError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ExitFailure' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ExitFailure.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ExitResult' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ExitResult.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ExitSuccess' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ExitSuccess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\Internal\\ParcelStorage' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/Internal/ParcelStorage.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\PanicError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/PanicError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\Parcel' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/Parcel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SerializationException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SerializationException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SharedMemoryException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SharedMemoryException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SharedMemoryParcel' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SharedMemoryParcel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\SynchronizationError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/SynchronizationError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Sync\\ThreadedParcel' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Sync/ThreadedParcel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\BasicEnvironment' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/BasicEnvironment.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\BootstrapWorkerFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/BootstrapWorkerFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\CallableTask' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/CallableTask.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\DefaultPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/DefaultPool.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\DefaultWorkerFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/DefaultWorkerFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Environment' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Environment.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\Job' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/Job.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\PooledWorker' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/PooledWorker.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\TaskFailure' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/TaskFailure.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\TaskResult' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/TaskResult.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\TaskSuccess' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/TaskSuccess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Internal\\WorkerProcess' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Internal/WorkerProcess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Pool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Pool.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Task' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Task.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskFailureError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskFailureError.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskFailureException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskFailureException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskFailureThrowable' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskFailureThrowable.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskRunner' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskRunner.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\TaskWorker' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/TaskWorker.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\Worker' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/Worker.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerException.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerFactory.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerParallel' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerParallel.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerProcess' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerProcess.php', 'Amp\\Parallel\\Worker\\WorkerThread' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parallel/lib/Worker/WorkerThread.php', 'Amp\\Parser\\InvalidDelimiterError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parser/lib/InvalidDelimiterError.php', 'Amp\\Parser\\Parser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/parser/lib/Parser.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Posix\\Handle' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Posix/Handle.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Posix\\Runner' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Posix/Runner.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\ProcessHandle' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/ProcessHandle.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\ProcessRunner' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/ProcessRunner.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\ProcessStatus' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/ProcessStatus.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\Handle' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/Handle.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\HandshakeStatus' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/HandshakeStatus.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\PendingSocketClient' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/PendingSocketClient.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\Runner' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/Runner.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\SignalCode' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/SignalCode.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Internal\\Windows\\SocketConnector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Internal/Windows/SocketConnector.php', 'Amp\\Process\\Process' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/Process.php', 'Amp\\Process\\ProcessException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/ProcessException.php', 'Amp\\Process\\ProcessInputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/ProcessInputStream.php', 'Amp\\Process\\ProcessOutputStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/ProcessOutputStream.php', 'Amp\\Process\\StatusError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/process/lib/StatusError.php', 'Amp\\Producer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Producer.php', 'Amp\\Promise' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Promise.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\BindContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/BindContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Certificate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/Certificate.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ClientTlsContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/ClientTlsContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ConnectContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/ConnectContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ConnectException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/ConnectException.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Connector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/Connector.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\DatagramSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/DatagramSocket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\DnsConnector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/DnsConnector.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\EncryptableSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/EncryptableSocket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\PendingAcceptError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/PendingAcceptError.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\PendingReceiveError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/PendingReceiveError.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ResourceSocket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/ResourceSocket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Server' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/Server.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\ServerTlsContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/ServerTlsContext.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\Socket' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/Socket.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\SocketAddress' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/SocketAddress.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\SocketException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/SocketException.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\SocketPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/SocketPool.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\StaticConnector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/StaticConnector.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\TlsException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/TlsException.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\TlsInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/TlsInfo.php', 'Amp\\Socket\\UnlimitedSocketPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/socket/src/UnlimitedSocketPool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\CommandResult' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/CommandResult.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\ConnectionPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql-common/src/ConnectionPool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\PooledResultSet' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql-common/src/PooledResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\PooledStatement' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql-common/src/PooledStatement.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\PooledTransaction' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql-common/src/PooledTransaction.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\StatementPool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql-common/src/StatementPool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\ConnectionConfig' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/ConnectionConfig.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\ConnectionException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Connector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/Connector.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Executor' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/Executor.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\FailureException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/FailureException.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Link' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/Link.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Pool' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/Pool.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\PoolError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/PoolError.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\QueryError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/QueryError.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\ResultSet' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/ResultSet.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Statement' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/Statement.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\Transaction' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/Transaction.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\TransactionError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/TransactionError.php', 'Amp\\Sql\\TransientResource' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sql/src/TransientResource.php', 'Amp\\Struct' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Struct.php', 'Amp\\Success' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/Success.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\FileMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/FileMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Internal\\MutexStorage' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/Internal/MutexStorage.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Internal\\SemaphoreStorage' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/Internal/SemaphoreStorage.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\KeyedMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/KeyedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\KeyedSemaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/KeyedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalKeyedMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalKeyedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalKeyedSemaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalKeyedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\LocalSemaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/LocalSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Lock' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/Lock.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Mutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/Mutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\PosixSemaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/PosixSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\PrefixedKeyedMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/PrefixedKeyedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\PrefixedKeyedSemaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/PrefixedKeyedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\Semaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/Semaphore.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\SemaphoreMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/SemaphoreMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\StaticKeyMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/StaticKeyMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\SyncException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/SyncException.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\ThreadedMutex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/ThreadedMutex.php', 'Amp\\Sync\\ThreadedSemaphore' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/sync/src/ThreadedSemaphore.php', 'Amp\\TimeoutCancellationToken' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/TimeoutCancellationToken.php', 'Amp\\TimeoutException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/amp/lib/TimeoutException.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Client.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\ClientMetadata' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/ClientMetadata.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Connection.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\ConnectionException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/ConnectionException.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Connector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Connector.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Handshake' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Handshake.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Rfc6455Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Rfc6455Connection.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Rfc6455Connector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket-client/src/Rfc6455Connector.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\ClosedException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/ClosedException.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Code' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Code.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\CompressionContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/CompressionContext.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\CompressionContextFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/CompressionContextFactory.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Message' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Message.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Opcode' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Opcode.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Options' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Options.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Rfc6455Client' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Rfc6455Client.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Rfc7692Compression' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Rfc7692Compression.php', 'Amp\\Websocket\\Rfc7692CompressionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/websocket/src/Rfc7692CompressionFactory.php', 'Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\KeyNotFoundException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/windows-registry/lib/KeyNotFoundException.php', 'Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\WindowsRegistry' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/amphp/windows-registry/lib/WindowsRegistry.php', 'JsonException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php73/Resources/stubs/JsonException.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\Certificate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/Certificate.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\FieldNotSupportedException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/FieldNotSupportedException.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\InvalidCertificateException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/InvalidCertificateException.php', 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\Profile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/kelunik/certificate/lib/Profile.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\AuthorityInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/AuthorityInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\DataPathInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/DataPathInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\DomainHostInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/DomainHostInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\FragmentInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/FragmentInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\HostInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/HostInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\IpHostInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/IpHostInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\PathInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/PathInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\PortInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/PortInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\QueryInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/QueryInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\SegmentedPathInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/SegmentedPathInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UriComponentInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UriComponentInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UriException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UriException.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UriInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UriInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Contracts\\UserInfoInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Contracts/UserInfoInterface.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exception' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-parser/src/Exception.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\FileinfoSupportMissing' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Exceptions/FileinfoSupportMissing.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\IdnSupportMissing' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Exceptions/IdnSupportMissing.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\SyntaxError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-interfaces/src/Exceptions/SyntaxError.php', 'League\\Uri\\Exceptions\\TemplateCanNotBeExpanded' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/Exceptions/TemplateCanNotBeExpanded.php', 'League\\Uri\\Http' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/Http.php', 'League\\Uri\\MissingIdnSupport' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-parser/src/MissingIdnSupport.php', 'League\\Uri\\Parser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri-parser/src/Parser.php', 'League\\Uri\\Uri' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/Uri.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/UriInfo.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriResolver' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/UriResolver.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriString' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/UriString.php', 'League\\Uri\\UriTemplate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/league/uri/src/UriTemplate.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\Decoder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/Decoder.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\DecoderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/DecoderFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\DecodingContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/DecodingContext.php', 'LibDNS\\Decoder\\DecodingContextFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Decoder/DecodingContextFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\Encoder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/Encoder.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\EncoderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/EncoderFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\EncodingContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/EncodingContext.php', 'LibDNS\\Encoder\\EncodingContextFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Encoder/EncodingContextFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Enumeration' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Enumeration.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\Message' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/Message.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageOpCodes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageOpCodes.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageResponseCodes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageResponseCodes.php', 'LibDNS\\Messages\\MessageTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Messages/MessageTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Packets\\LabelRegistry' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Packets/LabelRegistry.php', 'LibDNS\\Packets\\Packet' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Packets/Packet.php', 'LibDNS\\Packets\\PacketFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Packets/PacketFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Question' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Question.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\QuestionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/QuestionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RData' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RData.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RDataBuilder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RDataBuilder.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RDataFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RDataFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Record' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Record.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RecordCollection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RecordCollection.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RecordCollectionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RecordCollectionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\RecordTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/RecordTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Resource' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Resource.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceBuilder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceBuilder.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceBuilderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceBuilderFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceClasses' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceClasses.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceQClasses' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceQClasses.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceQTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceQTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\ResourceTypes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/ResourceTypes.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\FieldDefinition' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/FieldDefinition.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\FieldDefinitionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/FieldDefinitionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinition' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinition.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinitionFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinitionManager' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionManager.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\TypeDefinitions\\TypeDefinitionManagerFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionManagerFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Anything' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Anything.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\BitMap' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/BitMap.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Char' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Char.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\CharacterString' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/CharacterString.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\DomainName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/DomainName.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\IPv4Address' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/IPv4Address.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\IPv6Address' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/IPv6Address.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Long' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Long.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Short' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Short.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Type' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Type.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\TypeBuilder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/TypeBuilder.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\TypeFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/TypeFactory.php', 'LibDNS\\Records\\Types\\Types' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/daverandom/libdns/src/Records/Types/Types.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base32' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base32.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base32Hex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base32Hex.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64DotSlash' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64DotSlash.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64DotSlashOrdered' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64DotSlashOrdered.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Base64UrlSafe' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64UrlSafe.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Binary' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Binary.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\EncoderInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/EncoderInterface.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Encoding' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Encoding.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Hex' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Hex.php', 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\RFC4648' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/RFC4648.php', 'Parsedown' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\MessageInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/MessageInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\RequestInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/RequestInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\ResponseInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/ResponseInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/ServerRequestInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\StreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/StreamInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\UploadedFileInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/UploadedFileInterface.php', 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\UriInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src/UriInterface.php', 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php71\\Php71' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php71/Php71.php', 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\Php72' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php72/Php72.php', 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\Php73' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php73/Php73.php', 'cash\\LRUCache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/cash/lrucache/src/cash/LRUCache.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\FileId' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/FileId.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceDialogPhoto.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceLegacy' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceLegacy.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceStickersetThumbnail.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\PhotoSizeSource\\PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/PhotoSizeSource/PhotoSizeSourceThumbnail.php', 'danog\\Decoder\\UniqueFileId' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src/UniqueFileId.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\JsonDecoder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/JsonDecoder.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\JsonDecoderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/JsonDecoderFactory.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\QueryEncoder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/QueryEncoder.php', 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\QueryEncoderFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/libdns-json/lib/QueryEncoderFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\API' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/API.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\APIFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/APIFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\APIWrapper' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/APIWrapper.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Absolute' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Absolute.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\AbstractAPIFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/AbstractAPIFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\AnnotationsBuilder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/AnnotationsBuilder.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ApiWrappers\\Start' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ApiWrappers/Start.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ApiWrappers\\Templates' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ApiWrappers/Templates.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Async\\AsyncConstruct' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Async/AsyncConstruct.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Async\\AsyncParameters' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Async/AsyncParameters.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Bug74586Exception' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Bug74586Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\CombinedAPI' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/CombinedAPI.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\CombinedEventHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/CombinedEventHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Connection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Connection.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ContextConnector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ContextConnector.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Coroutine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Coroutine.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DataCenter' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DataCenter.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DataCenterConnection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DataCenterConnection.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DoHConnector' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DoHConnector.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DocsBuilder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DocsBuilder.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DocsBuilder\\Constructors' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DocsBuilder/Constructors.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\DocsBuilder\\Methods' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/DocsBuilder/Methods.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\EventHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/EventHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Exception' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\FileCallback' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/FileCallback.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\FileCallbackInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/FileCallbackInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Files\\Server' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Files/Server.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\InternalDoc' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Lang' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Lang.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Logger' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Logger.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\CheckLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/CheckLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\HttpWaitLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/HttpWaitLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\PingLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/PingLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\ReadLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/ReadLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Connection\\WriteLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Connection/WriteLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Generic\\GenericLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Generic/GenericLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Generic\\PeriodicLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Generic/PeriodicLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Impl\\Loop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Impl/Loop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Impl\\ResumableSignalLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Impl/ResumableSignalLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Impl\\SignalLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Impl/SignalLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\LoopInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/LoopInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\ResumableLoopInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/ResumableLoopInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\SignalLoopInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/SignalLoopInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Update\\FeedLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Update/FeedLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Update\\SeqLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Update/SeqLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Loop\\Update\\UpdateLoop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Loop/Update/UpdateLoop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Lua' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Lua.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\AckHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/AckHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\CallHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/CallHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\MsgIdHandlerAbstract' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/MsgIdHandlerAbstract.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\MsgIdHandler\\MsgIdHandler32' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/MsgIdHandler/MsgIdHandler32.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\MsgIdHandler\\MsgIdHandler64' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/MsgIdHandler/MsgIdHandler64.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\ResponseHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/ResponseHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\SeqNoHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/SeqNoHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoSession\\Session' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoSession/Session.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\AuthKeyHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/AuthKeyHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\CallHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/CallHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\CombinedUpdatesState' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/CombinedUpdatesState.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\Crypt' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/Crypt.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\Files' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/Files.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\MinDatabase' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/MinDatabase.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\PasswordCalculator' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/PasswordCalculator.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\PeerHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/PeerHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\ReferenceDatabase' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/ReferenceDatabase.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\UpdateHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/UpdateHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProtoTools\\UpdatesState' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProtoTools/UpdatesState.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto\\AuthKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto/AuthKey.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto\\PermAuthKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto/PermAuthKey.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MTProto\\TempAuthKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MTProto/TempAuthKey.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Magic' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Magic.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\MyTelegramOrgWrapper' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/MyTelegramOrgWrapper.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\NothingInTheSocketException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/NothingInTheSocketException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\PTSException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/PTSException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\RPCErrorException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/RPCErrorException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\RSA' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/RSA.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\ResponseException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/ResponseException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\AuthKeyHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/AuthKeyHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\MessageHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/MessageHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\ResponseHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/ResponseHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecretChats\\SeqNoHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecretChats/SeqNoHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\SecurityException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/SecurityException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Serialization' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Serialization.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Server' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Server.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Shutdown' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Shutdown.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\ADNLTransport\\ADNLStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/ADNLTransport/ADNLStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Async\\Buffer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Async/Buffer.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Async\\BufferedStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Async/BufferedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Async\\RawStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Async/RawStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\BufferInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/BufferInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\BufferedProxyStreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/BufferedProxyStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\BufferedStreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/BufferedStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\BufferedRawStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/BufferedRawStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\CtrStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/CtrStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\HashedBufferedStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/HashedBufferedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Common\\SimpleBufferedRawStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Common/SimpleBufferedRawStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\ConnectionContext' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/ConnectionContext.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoBufferInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoBufferInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\AbridgedStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/AbridgedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\FullStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/FullStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\HttpStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/HttpStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\HttpsStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/HttpsStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\IntermediatePaddedStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/IntermediatePaddedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\IntermediateStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/IntermediateStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\MTProtoTransport\\ObfuscatedStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/MTProtoTransport/ObfuscatedStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\ProxyStreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/ProxyStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Proxy\\HttpProxy' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Proxy/HttpProxy.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Proxy\\SocksProxy' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Proxy/SocksProxy.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\RawProxyStreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/RawProxyStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\RawStreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/RawStreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\StreamInterface' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/StreamInterface.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\DefaultStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/DefaultStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\PremadeStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/PremadeStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\WsStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/WsStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Transport\\WssStream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Stream/Transport/WssStream.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\BotAPI' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/BotAPI.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\BotAPIFiles' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/BotAPIFiles.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\Exception' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\Extension' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/Extension.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Conversion\\TD' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Conversion/TD.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Exception' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Exception.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\PrettyException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/PrettyException.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TL' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TL.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLCallback' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLCallback.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLConstructors' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLConstructors.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLMethods' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLMethods.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\TLParams' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/TLParams.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Button' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Types/Button.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Bytes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL/Types/Bytes.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\ADNLConnection' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/ADNLConnection.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\API' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/API.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\APIFactory' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/APIFactory.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\InternalDoc' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\Lite' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/Lite.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\adnl' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\catchain' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\dht' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\engine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\http' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\liteServer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\overlay' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\tcp' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\tonNode' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\TON\\validatorSession' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/TON/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Tools' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Tools.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIPServerConfig' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/VoIPServerConfig.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIP\\AuthKeyHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/VoIP/AuthKeyHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Callback' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Callback.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\DialogHandler' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/DialogHandler.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Events' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Events.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Login' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Login.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Loop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Loop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Noop' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Noop.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Start' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Start.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\TOS' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/TOS.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Templates' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Templates.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\Wrappers\\Webhook' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Wrappers/Webhook.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\account' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\auth' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\bots' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\channels' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\contacts' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\folders' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\help' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\langpack' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\messages' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\payments' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\phone' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\photos' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\stickers' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\updates' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\upload' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\MadelineProto\\users' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/InternalDoc.php', 'danog\\PlaceHolder' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/magicalserializer/src/danog/PlaceHolder.php', 'danog\\PrimeModule' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/primemodule/lib/danog/PrimeModule.php', 'danog\\Serializable' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/magicalserializer/src/danog/Serializable.php', 'danog\\Serialization' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/magicalserializer/src/danog/Serialization.php', 'tgseclib\\Common\\Functions\\Strings' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Common/Functions/Strings.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\AES' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Blowfish' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Blowfish.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\ChaCha20' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/ChaCha20.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\AsymmetricKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/AsymmetricKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\BlockCipher' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/BlockCipher.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Formats\\Signature\\Raw' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Signature/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\PrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\PublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\StreamCipher' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/StreamCipher.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\SymmetricKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/SymmetricKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Traits\\Fingerprint' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Traits/Fingerprint.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Common\\Traits\\PasswordProtected' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Traits/PasswordProtected.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DES' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DES.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DH' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DH\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DH\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DH\\Parameters' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/Parameters.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DH\\PrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DH\\PublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\Raw' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Keys\\XML' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/XML.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Signature\\ASN1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Signature/ASN1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Signature\\Raw' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Signature/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Formats\\Signature\\SSH2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Signature/SSH2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\Parameters' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Parameters.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\PrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\DSA\\PublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\BaseCurves\\Base' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Base.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\BaseCurves\\Binary' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Binary.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\BaseCurves\\KoblitzPrime' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/KoblitzPrime.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\BaseCurves\\Montgomery' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Montgomery.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\BaseCurves\\Prime' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Prime.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\BaseCurves\\TwistedEdwards' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/TwistedEdwards.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\Curve25519' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Curve25519.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\Curve448' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Curve448.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\Ed25519' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Ed25519.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\Ed448' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Ed448.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP160r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP160r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP160t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP160t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP192r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP192r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP192t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP192t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP224r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP224r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP224t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP224t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP256r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP256r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP256t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP256t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP320r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP320r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP320t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP320t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP384r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP384r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP384t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP384t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP512r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP512r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\brainpoolP512t1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP512t1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistb233' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistb233.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistb409' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistb409.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistk163' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk163.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistk233' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk233.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistk283' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk283.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistk409' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk409.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistp192' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp192.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistp224' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp224.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistp256' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp256.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistp384' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp384.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistp521' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp521.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\nistt571' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistt571.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime192v1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime192v1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime192v2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime192v2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime192v3' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime192v3.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime239v1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime239v1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime239v2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime239v2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime239v3' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime239v3.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\prime256v1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime256v1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp112r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp112r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp112r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp112r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp128r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp128r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp128r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp128r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp160k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp160k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp160r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp160r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp160r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp160r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp192k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp192k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp192r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp192r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp224k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp224k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp224r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp224r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp256k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp256k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp256r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp256r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp384r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp384r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\secp521r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp521r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect113r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect113r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect113r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect113r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect131r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect131r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect131r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect131r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect163k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect163r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect163r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect193r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect193r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect193r2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect193r2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect233k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect233k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect233r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect233r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect239k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect239k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect283k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect283k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect283r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect283r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect409k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect409k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect409r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect409r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect571k1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect571k1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Curves\\sect571r1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect571r1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\Common' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/Common.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\MontgomeryPrivate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/MontgomeryPrivate.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\MontgomeryPublic' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/MontgomeryPublic.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\XML' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/XML.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Keys\\libsodium' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/libsodium.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Signature\\ASN1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/ASN1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Signature\\Raw' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Formats\\Signature\\SSH2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/SSH2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\Parameters' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Parameters.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\PrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\EC\\PublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Hash' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\PublicKeyLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/PublicKeyLoader.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RC2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC2.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RC4' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\MSBLOB' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/MSBLOB.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\OpenSSH' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PKCS8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PSS' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PSS.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\PuTTY' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\Raw' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/Raw.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\Formats\\Keys\\XML' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/XML.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\PrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\RSA\\PublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Random' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Rijndael' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Salsa20' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Salsa20.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\TripleDES' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php', 'tgseclib\\Crypt\\Twofish' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Twofish.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\BadConfigurationException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadConfigurationException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\BadDecryptionException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadDecryptionException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\BadModeException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadModeException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\ConnectionClosedException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/ConnectionClosedException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\FileNotFoundException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/FileNotFoundException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\InconsistentSetupException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/InconsistentSetupException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\InsufficientSetupException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/InsufficientSetupException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\NoKeyLoadedException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/NoKeyLoadedException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/NoSupportedAlgorithmsException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnableToConnectException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnableToConnectException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedAlgorithmException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedAlgorithmException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedCurveException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedCurveException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedFormatException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedFormatException.php', 'tgseclib\\Exception\\UnsupportedOperationException' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedOperationException.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ANSI' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Element' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Element.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AccessDescription' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AccessDescription.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AdministrationDomainName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AdministrationDomainName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AlgorithmIdentifier' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AlgorithmIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AnotherName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AnotherName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Attribute' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Attribute.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AttributeType' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeType.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AttributeTypeAndValue' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeTypeAndValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AttributeValue' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Attributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Attributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\AuthorityKeyIdentifier' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AuthorityKeyIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BaseDistance' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BaseDistance.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BasicConstraints' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BasicConstraints.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\BuiltInStandardAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInStandardAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CPSuri' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CPSuri.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CRLDistributionPoints' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLDistributionPoints.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CRLNumber' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLNumber.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CRLReason' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLReason.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertPolicyId' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertPolicyId.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Certificate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Certificate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificateIssuer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateIssuer.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificateList' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateList.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificatePolicies' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificatePolicies.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificateSerialNumber' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateSerialNumber.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificationRequest' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificationRequest.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CertificationRequestInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificationRequestInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Characteristic_two' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Characteristic_two.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\CountryName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CountryName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Curve' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Curve.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DHParameter' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DHParameter.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DSAParams' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAParams.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DSAPrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAPrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DSAPublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAPublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DigestInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DigestInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DirectoryString' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DirectoryString.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DisplayText' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DisplayText.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DistributionPoint' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DistributionPoint.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DistributionPointName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DistributionPointName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\DssSigValue' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DssSigValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ECParameters' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECParameters.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ECPoint' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECPoint.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ECPrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECPrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EDIPartyName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EDIPartyName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EcdsaSigValue' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EcdsaSigValue.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EncryptedData' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EncryptedData.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ExtKeyUsageSyntax' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtKeyUsageSyntax.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Extension' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Extension.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ExtensionAttribute' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtensionAttribute.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ExtensionAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtensionAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Extensions' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Extensions.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\FieldElement' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/FieldElement.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\FieldID' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/FieldID.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralNames' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralNames.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralSubtree' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralSubtree.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\GeneralSubtrees' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralSubtrees.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\HashAlgorithm' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/HashAlgorithm.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\HoldInstructionCode' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/HoldInstructionCode.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\InvalidityDate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/InvalidityDate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\IssuerAltName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/IssuerAltName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\IssuingDistributionPoint' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/IssuingDistributionPoint.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\KeyIdentifier' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\KeyPurposeId' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyPurposeId.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\KeyUsage' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyUsage.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\MaskGenAlgorithm' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/MaskGenAlgorithm.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Name' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Name.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NameConstraints' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NameConstraints.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NetworkAddress' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NetworkAddress.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NoticeReference' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NoticeReference.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\NumericUserIdentifier' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NumericUserIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ORAddress' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ORAddress.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OneAsymmetricKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OneAsymmetricKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OrganizationName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OrganizationName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OrganizationalUnitNames' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OrganizationalUnitNames.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OtherPrimeInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OtherPrimeInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\OtherPrimeInfos' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OtherPrimeInfos.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBEParameter' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBEParameter.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBES2params' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBES2params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBKDF2params' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBKDF2params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PBMAC1params' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBMAC1params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PKCS9String' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PKCS9String.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Pentanomial' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Pentanomial.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PersonalName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PersonalName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyInformation' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyInformation.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyMappings' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyMappings.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyQualifierId' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyQualifierId.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PolicyQualifierInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyQualifierInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PostalAddress' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PostalAddress.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Prime_p' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Prime_p.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateDomainName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateDomainName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateKeyInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PrivateKeyUsagePeriod' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PublicKeyAndChallenge' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKeyAndChallenge.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\PublicKeyInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RC2CBCParameter' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RC2CBCParameter.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RDNSequence' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RDNSequence.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RSAPrivateKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSAPrivateKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RSAPublicKey' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSAPublicKey.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RSASSA_PSS_params' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSASSA_PSS_params.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\ReasonFlags' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ReasonFlags.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RelativeDistinguishedName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RelativeDistinguishedName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\RevokedCertificate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RevokedCertificate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SpecifiedECDomain' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SpecifiedECDomain.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectAltName' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectAltName.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectDirectoryAttributes' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectDirectoryAttributes.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectInfoAccessSyntax' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectInfoAccessSyntax.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\SubjectPublicKeyInfo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectPublicKeyInfo.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\TBSCertList' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TBSCertList.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\TBSCertificate' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TBSCertificate.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\TerminalIdentifier' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TerminalIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Time' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Time.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Trinomial' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Trinomial.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\UniqueIdentifier' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/UniqueIdentifier.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\UserNotice' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/UserNotice.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\Validity' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Validity.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\netscape_ca_policy_url' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_ca_policy_url.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\netscape_cert_type' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_cert_type.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\netscape_comment' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_comment.php', 'tgseclib\\File\\X509' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\Base' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Base.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\BuiltIn' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/BuiltIn.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\DefaultEngine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/DefaultEngine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\OpenSSL' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/OpenSSL.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\Reductions\\Barrett' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Reductions/Barrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\BCMath\\Reductions\\EvalBarrett' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Reductions/EvalBarrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\Engine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/Engine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\GMP' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/GMP.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\GMP\\DefaultEngine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/GMP/DefaultEngine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\OpenSSL' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/OpenSSL.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP32' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP32.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP64' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP64.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Base' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Base.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\DefaultEngine' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/DefaultEngine.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Montgomery' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Montgomery.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\OpenSSL' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/OpenSSL.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\Barrett' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Barrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\Classic' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Classic.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\EvalBarrett' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/EvalBarrett.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\Montgomery' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Montgomery.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\MontgomeryMult' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/MontgomeryMult.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\PHP\\Reductions\\PowerOfTwo' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/PowerOfTwo.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BinaryField' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BinaryField.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\BinaryField\\Integer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/BinaryField/Integer.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\Common\\FiniteField' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/Common/FiniteField.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\Common\\FiniteField\\Integer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/Common/FiniteField/Integer.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\PrimeField' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/PrimeField.php', 'tgseclib\\Math\\PrimeField\\Integer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Math/PrimeField/Integer.php', 'tgseclib\\Net\\SFTP' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php', 'tgseclib\\Net\\SFTP\\Stream' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php', 'tgseclib\\Net\\SSH2' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php', 'tgseclib\\System\\SSH\\Agent' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Agent.php', 'tgseclib\\System\\SSH\\Agent\\Identity' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Agent/Identity.php'); public static function getInitializer(ClassLoader $loader) { return \Closure::bind(function () use($loader) { $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c::$prefixLengthsPsr4; $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c::$prefixDirsPsr4; $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c::$prefixesPsr0; $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c::$classMap; }, null, ClassLoader::class); } } * Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Autoload; /** * ClassLoader implements a PSR-0, PSR-4 and classmap class loader. * * $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(); * * // register classes with namespaces * $loader->add('Symfony\Component', __DIR__.'/component'); * $loader->add('Symfony', __DIR__.'/framework'); * * // activate the autoloader * $loader->register(); * * // to enable searching the include path (eg. for PEAR packages) * $loader->setUseIncludePath(true); * * In this example, if you try to use a class in the Symfony\Component * namespace or one of its children (Symfony\Component\Console for instance), * the autoloader will first look for the class under the component/ * directory, and it will then fallback to the framework/ directory if not * found before giving up. * * This class is loosely based on the Symfony UniversalClassLoader. * * @author Fabien Potencier * @author Jordi Boggiano * @see * @see */ class ClassLoader { // PSR-4 private $prefixLengthsPsr4 = array(); private $prefixDirsPsr4 = array(); private $fallbackDirsPsr4 = array(); // PSR-0 private $prefixesPsr0 = array(); private $fallbackDirsPsr0 = array(); private $useIncludePath = false; private $classMap = array(); private $classMapAuthoritative = false; private $missingClasses = array(); private $apcuPrefix; public function getPrefixes() { if (!empty($this->prefixesPsr0)) { return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $this->prefixesPsr0); } return array(); } public function getPrefixesPsr4() { return $this->prefixDirsPsr4; } public function getFallbackDirs() { return $this->fallbackDirsPsr0; } public function getFallbackDirsPsr4() { return $this->fallbackDirsPsr4; } public function getClassMap() { return $this->classMap; } /** * @param array $classMap Class to filename map */ public function addClassMap(array $classMap) { if ($this->classMap) { $this->classMap = array_merge($this->classMap, $classMap); } else { $this->classMap = $classMap; } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-0 directories for a given prefix, either * appending or prepending to the ones previously set for this prefix. * * @param string $prefix The prefix * @param array|string $paths The PSR-0 root directories * @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the directories */ public function add($prefix, $paths, $prepend = false) { if (!$prefix) { if ($prepend) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 = array_merge((array) $paths, $this->fallbackDirsPsr0); } else { $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 = array_merge($this->fallbackDirsPsr0, (array) $paths); } return; } $first = $prefix[0]; if (!isset($this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix])) { $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] = (array) $paths; return; } if ($prepend) { $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] = array_merge((array) $paths, $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix]); } else { $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] = array_merge($this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix], (array) $paths); } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-4 directories for a given namespace, either * appending or prepending to the ones previously set for this namespace. * * @param string $prefix The prefix/namespace, with trailing '\\' * @param array|string $paths The PSR-4 base directories * @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the directories * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function addPsr4($prefix, $paths, $prepend = false) { if (!$prefix) { // Register directories for the root namespace. if ($prepend) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = array_merge((array) $paths, $this->fallbackDirsPsr4); } else { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = array_merge($this->fallbackDirsPsr4, (array) $paths); } } elseif (!isset($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix])) { // Register directories for a new namespace. $length = strlen($prefix); if ('\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."); } $this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = $length; $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = (array) $paths; } elseif ($prepend) { // Prepend directories for an already registered namespace. $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = array_merge((array) $paths, $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix]); } else { // Append directories for an already registered namespace. $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = array_merge($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix], (array) $paths); } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-0 directories for a given prefix, * replacing any others previously set for this prefix. * * @param string $prefix The prefix * @param array|string $paths The PSR-0 base directories */ public function set($prefix, $paths) { if (!$prefix) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 = (array) $paths; } else { $this->prefixesPsr0[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = (array) $paths; } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-4 directories for a given namespace, * replacing any others previously set for this namespace. * * @param string $prefix The prefix/namespace, with trailing '\\' * @param array|string $paths The PSR-4 base directories * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function setPsr4($prefix, $paths) { if (!$prefix) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = (array) $paths; } else { $length = strlen($prefix); if ('\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."); } $this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = $length; $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = (array) $paths; } } /** * Turns on searching the include path for class files. * * @param bool $useIncludePath */ public function setUseIncludePath($useIncludePath) { $this->useIncludePath = $useIncludePath; } /** * Can be used to check if the autoloader uses the include path to check * for classes. * * @return bool */ public function getUseIncludePath() { return $this->useIncludePath; } /** * Turns off searching the prefix and fallback directories for classes * that have not been registered with the class map. * * @param bool $classMapAuthoritative */ public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative) { $this->classMapAuthoritative = $classMapAuthoritative; } /** * Should class lookup fail if not found in the current class map? * * @return bool */ public function isClassMapAuthoritative() { return $this->classMapAuthoritative; } /** * APCu prefix to use to cache found/not-found classes, if the extension is enabled. * * @param string|null $apcuPrefix */ public function setApcuPrefix($apcuPrefix) { $this->apcuPrefix = function_exists('apcu_fetch') && filter_var(ini_get('apc.enabled'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) ? $apcuPrefix : null; } /** * The APCu prefix in use, or null if APCu caching is not enabled. * * @return string|null */ public function getApcuPrefix() { return $this->apcuPrefix; } /** * Registers this instance as an autoloader. * * @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the autoloader or not */ public function register($prepend = false) { spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadClass'), true, $prepend); } /** * Unregisters this instance as an autoloader. */ public function unregister() { spl_autoload_unregister(array($this, 'loadClass')); } /** * Loads the given class or interface. * * @param string $class The name of the class * @return bool|null True if loaded, null otherwise */ public function loadClass($class) { if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) { includeFile($file); return true; } } /** * Finds the path to the file where the class is defined. * * @param string $class The name of the class * * @return string|false The path if found, false otherwise */ public function findFile($class) { // class map lookup if (isset($this->classMap[$class])) { return $this->classMap[$class]; } if ($this->classMapAuthoritative || isset($this->missingClasses[$class])) { return false; } if (null !== $this->apcuPrefix) { $file = apcu_fetch($this->apcuPrefix . $class, $hit); if ($hit) { return $file; } } $file = $this->findFileWithExtension($class, '.php'); // Search for Hack files if we are running on HHVM if (false === $file && defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $file = $this->findFileWithExtension($class, '.hh'); } if (null !== $this->apcuPrefix) { apcu_add($this->apcuPrefix . $class, $file); } if (false === $file) { // Remember that this class does not exist. $this->missingClasses[$class] = true; } return $file; } private function findFileWithExtension($class, $ext) { // PSR-4 lookup $logicalPathPsr4 = strtr($class, '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . $ext; $first = $class[0]; if (isset($this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$first])) { $subPath = $class; while (false !== ($lastPos = strrpos($subPath, '\\'))) { $subPath = substr($subPath, 0, $lastPos); $search = $subPath . '\\'; if (isset($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$search])) { $pathEnd = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($logicalPathPsr4, $lastPos + 1); foreach ($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$search] as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . $pathEnd)) { return $file; } } } } } // PSR-4 fallback dirs foreach ($this->fallbackDirsPsr4 as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logicalPathPsr4)) { return $file; } } // PSR-0 lookup if (false !== ($pos = strrpos($class, '\\'))) { // namespaced class name $logicalPathPsr0 = substr($logicalPathPsr4, 0, $pos + 1) . strtr(substr($logicalPathPsr4, $pos + 1), '_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } else { // PEAR-like class name $logicalPathPsr0 = strtr($class, '_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . $ext; } if (isset($this->prefixesPsr0[$first])) { foreach ($this->prefixesPsr0[$first] as $prefix => $dirs) { if (0 === strpos($class, $prefix)) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logicalPathPsr0)) { return $file; } } } } } // PSR-0 fallback dirs foreach ($this->fallbackDirsPsr0 as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logicalPathPsr0)) { return $file; } } // PSR-0 include paths. if ($this->useIncludePath && ($file = stream_resolve_include_path($logicalPathPsr0))) { return $file; } return false; } } /** * Scope isolated include. * * Prevents access to $this/self from included files. */ function includeFile($file) { include $file; } array($vendorDir . '/danog/tgseclib/phpseclib'), 'danog\\MadelineProto\\' => array($vendorDir . '/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto'), 'danog\\LibDNSJson\\' => array($vendorDir . '/danog/libdns-json/lib'), 'danog\\Decoder\\' => array($vendorDir . '/danog/tg-file-decoder/src'), 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\' => array($vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php73'), 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\' => array($vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php72'), 'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php71\\' => array($vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php71'), 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\' => array($vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src'), 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\' => array($vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src'), 'LibDNS\\' => array($vendorDir . '/daverandom/libdns/src'), 'League\\Uri\\' => array($vendorDir . '/league/uri/src', $vendorDir . '/league/uri-interfaces/src', $vendorDir . '/league/uri-parser/src'), 'Kelunik\\Certificate\\' => array($vendorDir . '/kelunik/certificate/lib'), 'Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/windows-registry/lib'), 'Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket-client/src'), 'Amp\\Websocket\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/websocket/src'), 'Amp\\Sync\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/sync/src'), 'Amp\\Sql\\Common\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/sql-common/src'), 'Amp\\Sql\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/sql/src'), 'Amp\\Socket\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/socket/src'), 'Amp\\Process\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/process/lib'), 'Amp\\Parser\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/parser/lib'), 'Amp\\Parallel\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/parallel/lib'), 'Amp\\Mysql\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/mysql/src'), 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client-cookies/src'), 'Amp\\Http\\Client\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/http-client/src'), 'Amp\\Http\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/hpack/src', $vendorDir . '/amphp/http/src'), 'Amp\\File\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/file/src'), 'Amp\\DoH\\' => array($vendorDir . '/danog/dns-over-https/lib'), 'Amp\\Dns\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/dns/lib'), 'Amp\\Cache\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/cache/lib'), 'Amp\\ByteStream\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/byte-stream/lib'), 'Amp\\' => array($vendorDir . '/amphp/amp/lib'));[ { "name": "amphp/amp", "version": "v2.4.1", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "", "reference": "2ac3b550c4997f2ec304faa63c8b2885079a2dc4" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "", "reference": "2ac3b550c4997f2ec304faa63c8b2885079a2dc4", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "php": ">=7" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "ext-json": "*", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.8.5", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.0.9 | ^7", "react/promise": "^2" }, "time": "2020-02-10T18:10:57+00:00", "type": "library", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "2.0.x-dev" } }, "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\": "lib" }, "files": [ "lib/functions.php", "lib/Internal/functions.php" ] }, "notification-url": "", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "description": "A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications.", "homepage": "", "keywords": [ "async", "asynchronous", "awaitable", "concurrency", "event", "event-loop", "future", "non-blocking", "promise" ] }, { "name": "amphp/byte-stream", "version": "v1.7.2", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "", "reference": "1e52f1752b2e20e2a7e464476ef887a2388e3832" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "", "reference": "1e52f1752b2e20e2a7e464476ef887a2388e3832", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "amphp/amp": "^2" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.3", "infection/infection": "^0.9.3", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6" }, "time": "2020-01-29T18:22:23+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\ByteStream\\": "lib" }, "files": [ "lib/functions.php" ] }, "notification-url": "", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", 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file request bodies and HTTP archive logging", "ext-json": "Required for logging HTTP archives", "ext-zlib": "Allows using compression for response bodies." }, "time": "2020-02-27T20:32:01+00:00", "type": "library", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "4.x-dev" } }, "installation-source": "source", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\Client\\": "src" } }, "notification-url": "", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" } ], "description": "Asynchronous concurrent HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework", "homepage": "", "keywords": [ "async", "client", "concurrent", "http", "non-blocking", "rest" ] }, { "name": "amphp/http-client-cookies", "version": "v1.0.0-rc5", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "", "reference": "253f7de299c174616ddd7b3d907f979806772b0c" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "", "reference": 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"ext-json": "*", "php": "^7.1" }, "require-dev": { "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.0", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12", "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^0.12", "phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^0.12", "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0|^8.0" }, "time": "2020-02-08T12:10:37+00:00", "type": "library", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "2.x-dev" } }, "installation-source": "source", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "League\\Uri\\": "src/" } }, "notification-url": "", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Ignace Nyamagana Butera", "email": "", "homepage": "" } ], "description": "Common interface for URI representation", "homepage": "", "keywords": [ "rfc3986", "rfc3987", "uri", "url" ] }, { "name": "league/uri-parser", "version": "1.x-dev", "version_normalized": "1.9999999.9999999.9999999-dev", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "", "reference": "917b60f69f7e2960b5026d3920e8066545139dcb" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "", "reference": "917b60f69f7e2960b5026d3920e8066545139dcb", "shasum": "" }, 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"base64_encode", "bin2hex", "encoding", "hex", "hex2bin", "rfc4648" ] }, { "name": "paragonie/random_compat", "version": "v2.0.18", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "", "reference": "0a58ef6e3146256cc3dc7cc393927bcc7d1b72db" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "", "reference": "0a58ef6e3146256cc3dc7cc393927bcc7d1b72db", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "php": ">=5.2.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*" }, "suggest": { "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes." }, "time": "2019-01-03T20:59:08+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "files": [ "lib/random.php" ] }, "notification-url": "", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", "email": "", "homepage": "" } ], "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7", "keywords": [ "csprng", "polyfill", "pseudorandom", "random" ] }, { "name": "psr/http-message", 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"branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.15-dev" } }, "installation-source": "source", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\": "" }, "files": [ "bootstrap.php" ], "classmap": [ "Resources/stubs" ] }, "notification-url": "", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Nicolas Grekas", "email": "" }, { "name": "Symfony Community", "homepage": "" } ], "description": "Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.3+ features to lower PHP versions", "homepage": "", "keywords": [ "compatibility", "polyfill", "portable", "shim" ] } ] $vendorDir . 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'/autoload_namespaces.php'); foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->set($namespace, $path); } $map = (require __DIR__ . '/autoload_psr4.php'); foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->setPsr4($namespace, $path); } $classMap = (require __DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php'); if ($classMap) { $loader->addClassMap($classMap); } } $loader->register(true); if ($useStaticLoader) { $includeFiles = Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c::$files; } else { $includeFiles = (require __DIR__ . '/autoload_files.php'); } foreach ($includeFiles as $fileIdentifier => $file) { composerRequire19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c($fileIdentifier, $file); } return $loader; } } function composerRequire19551b84e1e50a21114e5495d344fa1c($fileIdentifier, $file) { if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) { require $file; $GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier] = true; } } array($vendorDir . '/danog/magicalserializer/src', $vendorDir . '/danog/primemodule/lib'), 'cash' => array($vendorDir . '/cash/lrucache/src'), 'Parsedown' => array($vendorDir . '/erusev/parsedown'));=5.3.0", "ext-mbstring": "*" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.35" }, "autoload": { "psr-0": {"Parsedown": ""} }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-0": { "TestParsedown": "test/", "ParsedownTest": "test/", "CommonMarkTest": "test/", "CommonMarkTestWeak": "test/" } } } textElements($text); # convert to markup $markup = $this->elements($Elements); # trim line breaks $markup = trim($markup, "\n"); return $markup; } protected function textElements($text) { # make sure no definitions are set $this->DefinitionData = array(); # standardize line breaks $text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $text); # remove surrounding line breaks $text = trim($text, "\n"); # split text into lines $lines = explode("\n", $text); # iterate through lines to identify blocks return $this->linesElements($lines); } # # Setters # function setBreaksEnabled($breaksEnabled) { $this->breaksEnabled = $breaksEnabled; return $this; } protected $breaksEnabled; function setMarkupEscaped($markupEscaped) { $this->markupEscaped = $markupEscaped; return $this; } protected $markupEscaped; function setUrlsLinked($urlsLinked) { $this->urlsLinked = $urlsLinked; return $this; } protected $urlsLinked = true; function setSafeMode($safeMode) { $this->safeMode = (bool) $safeMode; return $this; } protected $safeMode; function setStrictMode($strictMode) { $this->strictMode = (bool) $strictMode; return $this; } protected $strictMode; protected $safeLinksWhitelist = array('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'ftps://', 'mailto:', 'data:image/png;base64,', 'data:image/gif;base64,', 'data:image/jpeg;base64,', 'irc:', 'ircs:', 'git:', 'ssh:', 'news:', 'steam:'); # # Lines # protected $BlockTypes = array('#' => array('Header'), '*' => array('Rule', 'List'), '+' => array('List'), '-' => array('SetextHeader', 'Table', 'Rule', 'List'), '0' => array('List'), '1' => array('List'), '2' => array('List'), '3' => array('List'), '4' => array('List'), '5' => array('List'), '6' => array('List'), '7' => array('List'), '8' => array('List'), '9' => array('List'), ':' => array('Table'), '<' => array('Comment', 'Markup'), '=' => array('SetextHeader'), '>' => array('Quote'), '[' => array('Reference'), '_' => array('Rule'), '`' => array('FencedCode'), '|' => array('Table'), '~' => array('FencedCode')); # ~ protected $unmarkedBlockTypes = array('Code'); # # Blocks # protected function lines(array $lines) { return $this->elements($this->linesElements($lines)); } protected function linesElements(array $lines) { $Elements = array(); $CurrentBlock = null; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (chop($line) === '') { if (isset($CurrentBlock)) { $CurrentBlock['interrupted'] = isset($CurrentBlock['interrupted']) ? $CurrentBlock['interrupted'] + 1 : 1; } continue; } while (($beforeTab = strstr($line, "\t", true)) !== false) { $shortage = 4 - mb_strlen($beforeTab, 'utf-8') % 4; $line = $beforeTab . str_repeat(' ', $shortage) . substr($line, strlen($beforeTab) + 1); } $indent = strspn($line, ' '); $text = $indent > 0 ? substr($line, $indent) : $line; # ~ $Line = array('body' => $line, 'indent' => $indent, 'text' => $text); # ~ if (isset($CurrentBlock['continuable'])) { $methodName = 'block' . $CurrentBlock['type'] . 'Continue'; $Block = $this->{$methodName}($Line, $CurrentBlock); if (isset($Block)) { $CurrentBlock = $Block; continue; } else { if ($this->isBlockCompletable($CurrentBlock['type'])) { $methodName = 'block' . $CurrentBlock['type'] . 'Complete'; $CurrentBlock = $this->{$methodName}($CurrentBlock); } } } # ~ $marker = $text[0]; # ~ $blockTypes = $this->unmarkedBlockTypes; if (isset($this->BlockTypes[$marker])) { foreach ($this->BlockTypes[$marker] as $blockType) { $blockTypes[] = $blockType; } } # # ~ foreach ($blockTypes as $blockType) { $Block = $this->{"block{$blockType}"}($Line, $CurrentBlock); if (isset($Block)) { $Block['type'] = $blockType; if (!isset($Block['identified'])) { if (isset($CurrentBlock)) { $Elements[] = $this->extractElement($CurrentBlock); } $Block['identified'] = true; } if ($this->isBlockContinuable($blockType)) { $Block['continuable'] = true; } $CurrentBlock = $Block; continue 2; } } # ~ if (isset($CurrentBlock) and $CurrentBlock['type'] === 'Paragraph') { $Block = $this->paragraphContinue($Line, $CurrentBlock); } if (isset($Block)) { $CurrentBlock = $Block; } else { if (isset($CurrentBlock)) { $Elements[] = $this->extractElement($CurrentBlock); } $CurrentBlock = $this->paragraph($Line); $CurrentBlock['identified'] = true; } } # ~ if (isset($CurrentBlock['continuable']) and $this->isBlockCompletable($CurrentBlock['type'])) { $methodName = 'block' . $CurrentBlock['type'] . 'Complete'; $CurrentBlock = $this->{$methodName}($CurrentBlock); } # ~ if (isset($CurrentBlock)) { $Elements[] = $this->extractElement($CurrentBlock); } # ~ return $Elements; } protected function extractElement(array $Component) { if (!isset($Component['element'])) { if (isset($Component['markup'])) { $Component['element'] = array('rawHtml' => $Component['markup']); } elseif (isset($Component['hidden'])) { $Component['element'] = array(); } } return $Component['element']; } protected function isBlockContinuable($Type) { return method_exists($this, 'block' . $Type . 'Continue'); } protected function isBlockCompletable($Type) { return method_exists($this, 'block' . $Type . 'Complete'); } # # Code protected function blockCode($Line, $Block = null) { if (isset($Block) and $Block['type'] === 'Paragraph' and !isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } if ($Line['indent'] >= 4) { $text = substr($Line['body'], 4); $Block = array('element' => array('name' => 'pre', 'element' => array('name' => 'code', 'text' => $text))); return $Block; } } protected function blockCodeContinue($Line, $Block) { if ($Line['indent'] >= 4) { if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { $Block['element']['element']['text'] .= str_repeat("\n", $Block['interrupted']); unset($Block['interrupted']); } $Block['element']['element']['text'] .= "\n"; $text = substr($Line['body'], 4); $Block['element']['element']['text'] .= $text; return $Block; } } protected function blockCodeComplete($Block) { return $Block; } # # Comment protected function blockComment($Line) { if ($this->markupEscaped or $this->safeMode) { return; } if (strpos($Line['text'], '') !== false) { $Block['closed'] = true; } return $Block; } } protected function blockCommentContinue($Line, array $Block) { if (isset($Block['closed'])) { return; } $Block['element']['rawHtml'] .= "\n" . $Line['body']; if (strpos($Line['text'], '-->') !== false) { $Block['closed'] = true; } return $Block; } # # Fenced Code protected function blockFencedCode($Line) { $marker = $Line['text'][0]; $openerLength = strspn($Line['text'], $marker); if ($openerLength < 3) { return; } $infostring = trim(substr($Line['text'], $openerLength), "\t "); if (strpos($infostring, '`') !== false) { return; } $Element = array('name' => 'code', 'text' => ''); if ($infostring !== '') { /** * * Every HTML element may have a class attribute specified. * The attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a set * of space-separated tokens representing the various classes * that the element belongs to. * [...] * The space characters, for the purposes of this specification, * are U+0020 SPACE, U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab), * U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF), and * U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR). */ $language = substr($infostring, 0, strcspn($infostring, " \t\n\f\r")); $Element['attributes'] = array('class' => "language-{$language}"); } $Block = array('char' => $marker, 'openerLength' => $openerLength, 'element' => array('name' => 'pre', 'element' => $Element)); return $Block; } protected function blockFencedCodeContinue($Line, $Block) { if (isset($Block['complete'])) { return; } if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { $Block['element']['element']['text'] .= str_repeat("\n", $Block['interrupted']); unset($Block['interrupted']); } if (($len = strspn($Line['text'], $Block['char'])) >= $Block['openerLength'] and chop(substr($Line['text'], $len), ' ') === '') { $Block['element']['element']['text'] = substr($Block['element']['element']['text'], 1); $Block['complete'] = true; return $Block; } $Block['element']['element']['text'] .= "\n" . $Line['body']; return $Block; } protected function blockFencedCodeComplete($Block) { return $Block; } # # Header protected function blockHeader($Line) { $level = strspn($Line['text'], '#'); if ($level > 6) { return; } $text = trim($Line['text'], '#'); if ($this->strictMode and isset($text[0]) and $text[0] !== ' ') { return; } $text = trim($text, ' '); $Block = array('element' => array('name' => 'h' . min(6, $level), 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => $text, 'destination' => 'elements'))); return $Block; } # # List protected function blockList($Line, array $CurrentBlock = null) { list($name, $pattern) = $Line['text'][0] <= '-' ? array('ul', '[*+-]') : array('ol', '[0-9]{1,9}+[.\\)]'); if (preg_match('/^(' . $pattern . '([ ]++|$))(.*+)/', $Line['text'], $matches)) { $contentIndent = strlen($matches[2]); if ($contentIndent >= 5) { $contentIndent -= 1; $matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 0, -$contentIndent); $matches[3] = str_repeat(' ', $contentIndent) . $matches[3]; } elseif ($contentIndent === 0) { $matches[1] .= ' '; } $markerWithoutWhitespace = strstr($matches[1], ' ', true); $Block = array('indent' => $Line['indent'], 'pattern' => $pattern, 'data' => array('type' => $name, 'marker' => $matches[1], 'markerType' => $name === 'ul' ? $markerWithoutWhitespace : substr($markerWithoutWhitespace, -1)), 'element' => array('name' => $name, 'elements' => array())); $Block['data']['markerTypeRegex'] = preg_quote($Block['data']['markerType'], '/'); if ($name === 'ol') { $listStart = ltrim(strstr($matches[1], $Block['data']['markerType'], true), '0') ?: '0'; if ($listStart !== '1') { if (isset($CurrentBlock) and $CurrentBlock['type'] === 'Paragraph' and !isset($CurrentBlock['interrupted'])) { return; } $Block['element']['attributes'] = array('start' => $listStart); } } $Block['li'] = array('name' => 'li', 'handler' => array('function' => 'li', 'argument' => !empty($matches[3]) ? array($matches[3]) : array(), 'destination' => 'elements')); $Block['element']['elements'][] =& $Block['li']; return $Block; } } protected function blockListContinue($Line, array $Block) { if (isset($Block['interrupted']) and empty($Block['li']['handler']['argument'])) { return null; } $requiredIndent = $Block['indent'] + strlen($Block['data']['marker']); if ($Line['indent'] < $requiredIndent and ($Block['data']['type'] === 'ol' and preg_match('/^[0-9]++' . $Block['data']['markerTypeRegex'] . '(?:[ ]++(.*)|$)/', $Line['text'], $matches) or $Block['data']['type'] === 'ul' and preg_match('/^' . $Block['data']['markerTypeRegex'] . '(?:[ ]++(.*)|$)/', $Line['text'], $matches))) { if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { $Block['li']['handler']['argument'][] = ''; $Block['loose'] = true; unset($Block['interrupted']); } unset($Block['li']); $text = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $Block['indent'] = $Line['indent']; $Block['li'] = array('name' => 'li', 'handler' => array('function' => 'li', 'argument' => array($text), 'destination' => 'elements')); $Block['element']['elements'][] =& $Block['li']; return $Block; } elseif ($Line['indent'] < $requiredIndent and $this->blockList($Line)) { return null; } if ($Line['text'][0] === '[' and $this->blockReference($Line)) { return $Block; } if ($Line['indent'] >= $requiredIndent) { if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { $Block['li']['handler']['argument'][] = ''; $Block['loose'] = true; unset($Block['interrupted']); } $text = substr($Line['body'], $requiredIndent); $Block['li']['handler']['argument'][] = $text; return $Block; } if (!isset($Block['interrupted'])) { $text = preg_replace('/^[ ]{0,' . $requiredIndent . '}+/', '', $Line['body']); $Block['li']['handler']['argument'][] = $text; return $Block; } } protected function blockListComplete(array $Block) { if (isset($Block['loose'])) { foreach ($Block['element']['elements'] as &$li) { if (end($li['handler']['argument']) !== '') { $li['handler']['argument'][] = ''; } } } return $Block; } # # Quote protected function blockQuote($Line) { if (preg_match('/^>[ ]?+(.*+)/', $Line['text'], $matches)) { $Block = array('element' => array('name' => 'blockquote', 'handler' => array('function' => 'linesElements', 'argument' => (array) $matches[1], 'destination' => 'elements'))); return $Block; } } protected function blockQuoteContinue($Line, array $Block) { if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } if ($Line['text'][0] === '>' and preg_match('/^>[ ]?+(.*+)/', $Line['text'], $matches)) { $Block['element']['handler']['argument'][] = $matches[1]; return $Block; } if (!isset($Block['interrupted'])) { $Block['element']['handler']['argument'][] = $Line['text']; return $Block; } } # # Rule protected function blockRule($Line) { $marker = $Line['text'][0]; if (substr_count($Line['text'], $marker) >= 3 and chop($Line['text'], " {$marker}") === '') { $Block = array('element' => array('name' => 'hr')); return $Block; } } # # Setext protected function blockSetextHeader($Line, array $Block = null) { if (!isset($Block) or $Block['type'] !== 'Paragraph' or isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } if ($Line['indent'] < 4 and chop(chop($Line['text'], ' '), $Line['text'][0]) === '') { $Block['element']['name'] = $Line['text'][0] === '=' ? 'h1' : 'h2'; return $Block; } } # # Markup protected function blockMarkup($Line) { if ($this->markupEscaped or $this->safeMode) { return; } if (preg_match('/^<[\\/]?+(\\w*)(?:[ ]*+' . $this->regexHtmlAttribute . ')*+[ ]*+(\\/)?>/', $Line['text'], $matches)) { $element = strtolower($matches[1]); if (in_array($element, $this->textLevelElements)) { return; } $Block = array('name' => $matches[1], 'element' => array('rawHtml' => $Line['text'], 'autobreak' => true)); return $Block; } } protected function blockMarkupContinue($Line, array $Block) { if (isset($Block['closed']) or isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } $Block['element']['rawHtml'] .= "\n" . $Line['body']; return $Block; } # # Reference protected function blockReference($Line) { if (strpos($Line['text'], ']') !== false and preg_match('/^\\[(.+?)\\]:[ ]*+?(?:[ ]+["\'(](.+)["\')])?[ ]*+$/', $Line['text'], $matches)) { $id = strtolower($matches[1]); $Data = array('url' => $matches[2], 'title' => isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null); $this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$id] = $Data; $Block = array('element' => array()); return $Block; } } # # Table protected function blockTable($Line, array $Block = null) { if (!isset($Block) or $Block['type'] !== 'Paragraph' or isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } if (strpos($Block['element']['handler']['argument'], '|') === false and strpos($Line['text'], '|') === false and strpos($Line['text'], ':') === false or strpos($Block['element']['handler']['argument'], "\n") !== false) { return; } if (chop($Line['text'], ' -:|') !== '') { return; } $alignments = array(); $divider = $Line['text']; $divider = trim($divider); $divider = trim($divider, '|'); $dividerCells = explode('|', $divider); foreach ($dividerCells as $dividerCell) { $dividerCell = trim($dividerCell); if ($dividerCell === '') { return; } $alignment = null; if ($dividerCell[0] === ':') { $alignment = 'left'; } if (substr($dividerCell, -1) === ':') { $alignment = $alignment === 'left' ? 'center' : 'right'; } $alignments[] = $alignment; } # ~ $HeaderElements = array(); $header = $Block['element']['handler']['argument']; $header = trim($header); $header = trim($header, '|'); $headerCells = explode('|', $header); if (count($headerCells) !== count($alignments)) { return; } foreach ($headerCells as $index => $headerCell) { $headerCell = trim($headerCell); $HeaderElement = array('name' => 'th', 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => $headerCell, 'destination' => 'elements')); if (isset($alignments[$index])) { $alignment = $alignments[$index]; $HeaderElement['attributes'] = array('style' => "text-align: {$alignment};"); } $HeaderElements[] = $HeaderElement; } # ~ $Block = array('alignments' => $alignments, 'identified' => true, 'element' => array('name' => 'table', 'elements' => array())); $Block['element']['elements'][] = array('name' => 'thead'); $Block['element']['elements'][] = array('name' => 'tbody', 'elements' => array()); $Block['element']['elements'][0]['elements'][] = array('name' => 'tr', 'elements' => $HeaderElements); return $Block; } protected function blockTableContinue($Line, array $Block) { if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } if (count($Block['alignments']) === 1 or $Line['text'][0] === '|' or strpos($Line['text'], '|')) { $Elements = array(); $row = $Line['text']; $row = trim($row); $row = trim($row, '|'); preg_match_all('/(?:(\\\\[|])|[^|`]|`[^`]++`|`)++/', $row, $matches); $cells = array_slice($matches[0], 0, count($Block['alignments'])); foreach ($cells as $index => $cell) { $cell = trim($cell); $Element = array('name' => 'td', 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => $cell, 'destination' => 'elements')); if (isset($Block['alignments'][$index])) { $Element['attributes'] = array('style' => 'text-align: ' . $Block['alignments'][$index] . ';'); } $Elements[] = $Element; } $Element = array('name' => 'tr', 'elements' => $Elements); $Block['element']['elements'][1]['elements'][] = $Element; return $Block; } } # # ~ # protected function paragraph($Line) { return array('type' => 'Paragraph', 'element' => array('name' => 'p', 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => $Line['text'], 'destination' => 'elements'))); } protected function paragraphContinue($Line, array $Block) { if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) { return; } $Block['element']['handler']['argument'] .= "\n" . $Line['text']; return $Block; } # # Inline Elements # protected $InlineTypes = array('!' => array('Image'), '&' => array('SpecialCharacter'), '*' => array('Emphasis'), ':' => array('Url'), '<' => array('UrlTag', 'EmailTag', 'Markup'), '[' => array('Link'), '_' => array('Emphasis'), '`' => array('Code'), '~' => array('Strikethrough'), '\\' => array('EscapeSequence')); # ~ protected $inlineMarkerList = '!*_&[:<`~\\'; # # ~ # public function line($text, $nonNestables = array()) { return $this->elements($this->lineElements($text, $nonNestables)); } protected function lineElements($text, $nonNestables = array()) { $Elements = array(); $nonNestables = empty($nonNestables) ? array() : array_combine($nonNestables, $nonNestables); # $excerpt is based on the first occurrence of a marker while ($excerpt = strpbrk($text, $this->inlineMarkerList)) { $marker = $excerpt[0]; $markerPosition = strlen($text) - strlen($excerpt); $Excerpt = array('text' => $excerpt, 'context' => $text); foreach ($this->InlineTypes[$marker] as $inlineType) { # check to see if the current inline type is nestable in the current context if (isset($nonNestables[$inlineType])) { continue; } $Inline = $this->{"inline{$inlineType}"}($Excerpt); if (!isset($Inline)) { continue; } # makes sure that the inline belongs to "our" marker if (isset($Inline['position']) and $Inline['position'] > $markerPosition) { continue; } # sets a default inline position if (!isset($Inline['position'])) { $Inline['position'] = $markerPosition; } # cause the new element to 'inherit' our non nestables $Inline['element']['nonNestables'] = isset($Inline['element']['nonNestables']) ? array_merge($Inline['element']['nonNestables'], $nonNestables) : $nonNestables; # the text that comes before the inline $unmarkedText = substr($text, 0, $Inline['position']); # compile the unmarked text $InlineText = $this->inlineText($unmarkedText); $Elements[] = $InlineText['element']; # compile the inline $Elements[] = $this->extractElement($Inline); # remove the examined text $text = substr($text, $Inline['position'] + $Inline['extent']); continue 2; } # the marker does not belong to an inline $unmarkedText = substr($text, 0, $markerPosition + 1); $InlineText = $this->inlineText($unmarkedText); $Elements[] = $InlineText['element']; $text = substr($text, $markerPosition + 1); } $InlineText = $this->inlineText($text); $Elements[] = $InlineText['element']; foreach ($Elements as &$Element) { if (!isset($Element['autobreak'])) { $Element['autobreak'] = false; } } return $Elements; } # # ~ # protected function inlineText($text) { $Inline = array('extent' => strlen($text), 'element' => array()); $Inline['element']['elements'] = self::pregReplaceElements($this->breaksEnabled ? '/[ ]*+\\n/' : '/(?:[ ]*+\\\\|[ ]{2,}+)\\n/', array(array('name' => 'br'), array('text' => "\n")), $text); return $Inline; } protected function inlineCode($Excerpt) { $marker = $Excerpt['text'][0]; if (preg_match('/^([' . $marker . ']++)[ ]*+(.+?)[ ]*+(? strlen($matches[0]), 'element' => array('name' => 'code', 'text' => $text)); } } protected function inlineEmailTag($Excerpt) { $hostnameLabel = '[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?'; $commonMarkEmail = '[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]++@' . $hostnameLabel . '(?:\\.' . $hostnameLabel . ')*'; if (strpos($Excerpt['text'], '>') !== false and preg_match("/^<((mailto:)?{$commonMarkEmail})>/i", $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { $url = $matches[1]; if (!isset($matches[2])) { $url = "mailto:{$url}"; } return array('extent' => strlen($matches[0]), 'element' => array('name' => 'a', 'text' => $matches[1], 'attributes' => array('href' => $url))); } } protected function inlineEmphasis($Excerpt) { if (!isset($Excerpt['text'][1])) { return; } $marker = $Excerpt['text'][0]; if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === $marker and preg_match($this->StrongRegex[$marker], $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { $emphasis = 'strong'; } elseif (preg_match($this->EmRegex[$marker], $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { $emphasis = 'em'; } else { return; } return array('extent' => strlen($matches[0]), 'element' => array('name' => $emphasis, 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => $matches[1], 'destination' => 'elements'))); } protected function inlineEscapeSequence($Excerpt) { if (isset($Excerpt['text'][1]) and in_array($Excerpt['text'][1], $this->specialCharacters)) { return array('element' => array('rawHtml' => $Excerpt['text'][1]), 'extent' => 2); } } protected function inlineImage($Excerpt) { if (!isset($Excerpt['text'][1]) or $Excerpt['text'][1] !== '[') { return; } $Excerpt['text'] = substr($Excerpt['text'], 1); $Link = $this->inlineLink($Excerpt); if ($Link === null) { return; } $Inline = array('extent' => $Link['extent'] + 1, 'element' => array('name' => 'img', 'attributes' => array('src' => $Link['element']['attributes']['href'], 'alt' => $Link['element']['handler']['argument']), 'autobreak' => true)); $Inline['element']['attributes'] += $Link['element']['attributes']; unset($Inline['element']['attributes']['href']); return $Inline; } protected function inlineLink($Excerpt) { $Element = array('name' => 'a', 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => null, 'destination' => 'elements'), 'nonNestables' => array('Url', 'Link'), 'attributes' => array('href' => null, 'title' => null)); $extent = 0; $remainder = $Excerpt['text']; if (preg_match('/\\[((?:[^][]++|(?R))*+)\\]/', $remainder, $matches)) { $Element['handler']['argument'] = $matches[1]; $extent += strlen($matches[0]); $remainder = substr($remainder, $extent); } else { return; } if (preg_match('/^[(]\\s*+((?:[^ ()]++|[(][^ )]+[)])++)(?:[ ]+("[^"]*+"|\'[^\']*+\'))?\\s*+[)]/', $remainder, $matches)) { $Element['attributes']['href'] = $matches[1]; if (isset($matches[2])) { $Element['attributes']['title'] = substr($matches[2], 1, -1); } $extent += strlen($matches[0]); } else { if (preg_match('/^\\s*\\[(.*?)\\]/', $remainder, $matches)) { $definition = strlen($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : $Element['handler']['argument']; $definition = strtolower($definition); $extent += strlen($matches[0]); } else { $definition = strtolower($Element['handler']['argument']); } if (!isset($this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition])) { return; } $Definition = $this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition]; $Element['attributes']['href'] = $Definition['url']; $Element['attributes']['title'] = $Definition['title']; } return array('extent' => $extent, 'element' => $Element); } protected function inlineMarkup($Excerpt) { if ($this->markupEscaped or $this->safeMode or strpos($Excerpt['text'], '>') === false) { return; } if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === '/' and preg_match('/^<\\/\\w[\\w-]*+[ ]*+>/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { return array('element' => array('rawHtml' => $matches[0]), 'extent' => strlen($matches[0])); } if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === '!' and preg_match('/^/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { return array('element' => array('rawHtml' => $matches[0]), 'extent' => strlen($matches[0])); } if ($Excerpt['text'][1] !== ' ' and preg_match('/^<\\w[\\w-]*+(?:[ ]*+' . $this->regexHtmlAttribute . ')*+[ ]*+\\/?>/s', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { return array('element' => array('rawHtml' => $matches[0]), 'extent' => strlen($matches[0])); } } protected function inlineSpecialCharacter($Excerpt) { if ($Excerpt['text'][1] !== ' ' and strpos($Excerpt['text'], ';') !== false and preg_match('/^&(#?+[0-9a-zA-Z]++);/', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { return array('element' => array('rawHtml' => '&' . $matches[1] . ';'), 'extent' => strlen($matches[0])); } return; } protected function inlineStrikethrough($Excerpt) { if (!isset($Excerpt['text'][1])) { return; } if ($Excerpt['text'][1] === '~' and preg_match('/^~~(?=\\S)(.+?)(?<=\\S)~~/', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { return array('extent' => strlen($matches[0]), 'element' => array('name' => 'del', 'handler' => array('function' => 'lineElements', 'argument' => $matches[1], 'destination' => 'elements'))); } } protected function inlineUrl($Excerpt) { if ($this->urlsLinked !== true or !isset($Excerpt['text'][2]) or $Excerpt['text'][2] !== '/') { return; } if (strpos($Excerpt['context'], 'http') !== false and preg_match('/\\bhttps?+:[\\/]{2}[^\\s<]+\\b\\/*+/ui', $Excerpt['context'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $url = $matches[0][0]; $Inline = array('extent' => strlen($matches[0][0]), 'position' => $matches[0][1], 'element' => array('name' => 'a', 'text' => $url, 'attributes' => array('href' => $url))); return $Inline; } } protected function inlineUrlTag($Excerpt) { if (strpos($Excerpt['text'], '>') !== false and preg_match('/^<(\\w++:\\/{2}[^ >]++)>/i', $Excerpt['text'], $matches)) { $url = $matches[1]; return array('extent' => strlen($matches[0]), 'element' => array('name' => 'a', 'text' => $url, 'attributes' => array('href' => $url))); } } # ~ protected function unmarkedText($text) { $Inline = $this->inlineText($text); return $this->element($Inline['element']); } # # Handlers # protected function handle(array $Element) { if (isset($Element['handler'])) { if (!isset($Element['nonNestables'])) { $Element['nonNestables'] = array(); } if (is_string($Element['handler'])) { $function = $Element['handler']; $argument = $Element['text']; unset($Element['text']); $destination = 'rawHtml'; } else { $function = $Element['handler']['function']; $argument = $Element['handler']['argument']; $destination = $Element['handler']['destination']; } $Element[$destination] = $this->{$function}($argument, $Element['nonNestables']); if ($destination === 'handler') { $Element = $this->handle($Element); } unset($Element['handler']); } return $Element; } protected function handleElementRecursive(array $Element) { return $this->elementApplyRecursive(array($this, 'handle'), $Element); } protected function handleElementsRecursive(array $Elements) { return $this->elementsApplyRecursive(array($this, 'handle'), $Elements); } protected function elementApplyRecursive($closure, array $Element) { $Element = call_user_func($closure, $Element); if (isset($Element['elements'])) { $Element['elements'] = $this->elementsApplyRecursive($closure, $Element['elements']); } elseif (isset($Element['element'])) { $Element['element'] = $this->elementApplyRecursive($closure, $Element['element']); } return $Element; } protected function elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, array $Element) { if (isset($Element['elements'])) { $Element['elements'] = $this->elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, $Element['elements']); } elseif (isset($Element['element'])) { $Element['element'] = $this->elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, $Element['element']); } $Element = call_user_func($closure, $Element); return $Element; } protected function elementsApplyRecursive($closure, array $Elements) { foreach ($Elements as &$Element) { $Element = $this->elementApplyRecursive($closure, $Element); } return $Elements; } protected function elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, array $Elements) { foreach ($Elements as &$Element) { $Element = $this->elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst($closure, $Element); } return $Elements; } protected function element(array $Element) { if ($this->safeMode) { $Element = $this->sanitiseElement($Element); } # identity map if element has no handler $Element = $this->handle($Element); $hasName = isset($Element['name']); $markup = ''; if ($hasName) { $markup .= '<' . $Element['name']; if (isset($Element['attributes'])) { foreach ($Element['attributes'] as $name => $value) { if ($value === null) { continue; } $markup .= " {$name}=\"" . self::escape($value) . '"'; } } } $permitRawHtml = false; if (isset($Element['text'])) { $text = $Element['text']; } elseif (isset($Element['rawHtml'])) { $text = $Element['rawHtml']; $allowRawHtmlInSafeMode = isset($Element['allowRawHtmlInSafeMode']) && $Element['allowRawHtmlInSafeMode']; $permitRawHtml = !$this->safeMode || $allowRawHtmlInSafeMode; } $hasContent = isset($text) || isset($Element['element']) || isset($Element['elements']); if ($hasContent) { $markup .= $hasName ? '>' : ''; if (isset($Element['elements'])) { $markup .= $this->elements($Element['elements']); } elseif (isset($Element['element'])) { $markup .= $this->element($Element['element']); } else { if (!$permitRawHtml) { $markup .= self::escape($text, true); } else { $markup .= $text; } } $markup .= $hasName ? '' : ''; } elseif ($hasName) { $markup .= ' />'; } return $markup; } protected function elements(array $Elements) { $markup = ''; $autoBreak = true; foreach ($Elements as $Element) { if (empty($Element)) { continue; } $autoBreakNext = isset($Element['autobreak']) ? $Element['autobreak'] : isset($Element['name']); // (autobreak === false) covers both sides of an element $autoBreak = !$autoBreak ? $autoBreak : $autoBreakNext; $markup .= ($autoBreak ? "\n" : '') . $this->element($Element); $autoBreak = $autoBreakNext; } $markup .= $autoBreak ? "\n" : ''; return $markup; } # ~ protected function li($lines) { $Elements = $this->linesElements($lines); if (!in_array('', $lines) and isset($Elements[0]) and isset($Elements[0]['name']) and $Elements[0]['name'] === 'p') { unset($Elements[0]['name']); } return $Elements; } # # AST Convenience # /** * Replace occurrences $regexp with $Elements in $text. Return an array of * elements representing the replacement. */ protected static function pregReplaceElements($regexp, $Elements, $text) { $newElements = array(); while (preg_match($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $offset = $matches[0][1]; $before = substr($text, 0, $offset); $after = substr($text, $offset + strlen($matches[0][0])); $newElements[] = array('text' => $before); foreach ($Elements as $Element) { $newElements[] = $Element; } $text = $after; } $newElements[] = array('text' => $text); return $newElements; } # # Deprecated Methods # function parse($text) { $markup = $this->text($text); return $markup; } protected function sanitiseElement(array $Element) { static $goodAttribute = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*+$/'; static $safeUrlNameToAtt = array('a' => 'href', 'img' => 'src'); if (!isset($Element['name'])) { unset($Element['attributes']); return $Element; } if (isset($safeUrlNameToAtt[$Element['name']])) { $Element = $this->filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute($Element, $safeUrlNameToAtt[$Element['name']]); } if (!empty($Element['attributes'])) { foreach ($Element['attributes'] as $att => $val) { # filter out badly parsed attribute if (!preg_match($goodAttribute, $att)) { unset($Element['attributes'][$att]); } elseif (self::striAtStart($att, 'on')) { unset($Element['attributes'][$att]); } } } return $Element; } protected function filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute(array $Element, $attribute) { foreach ($this->safeLinksWhitelist as $scheme) { if (self::striAtStart($Element['attributes'][$attribute], $scheme)) { return $Element; } } $Element['attributes'][$attribute] = str_replace(':', '%3A', $Element['attributes'][$attribute]); return $Element; } # # Static Methods # protected static function escape($text, $allowQuotes = false) { return htmlspecialchars($text, $allowQuotes ? ENT_NOQUOTES : ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } protected static function striAtStart($string, $needle) { $len = strlen($needle); if ($len > strlen($string)) { return false; } else { return strtolower(substr($string, 0, $len)) === strtolower($needle); } } static function instance($name = 'default') { if (isset(self::$instances[$name])) { return self::$instances[$name]; } $instance = new static(); self::$instances[$name] = $instance; return $instance; } private static $instances = array(); # # Fields # protected $DefinitionData; # # Read-Only protected $specialCharacters = array('\\', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '>', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!', '|', '~'); protected $StrongRegex = array('*' => '/^[*]{2}((?:\\\\\\*|[^*]|[*][^*]*+[*])+?)[*]{2}(?![*])/s', '_' => '/^__((?:\\\\_|[^_]|_[^_]*+_)+?)__(?!_)/us'); protected $EmRegex = array('*' => '/^[*]((?:\\\\\\*|[^*]|[*][*][^*]+?[*][*])+?)[*](?![*])/s', '_' => '/^_((?:\\\\_|[^_]|__[^_]*__)+?)_(?!_)\\b/us'); protected $regexHtmlAttribute = '[a-zA-Z_:][\\w:.-]*+(?:\\s*+=\\s*+(?:[^"\'=<>`\\s]+|"[^"]*+"|\'[^\']*+\'))?+'; protected $voidElements = array('area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source'); protected $textLevelElements = array('a', 'br', 'bdo', 'abbr', 'blink', 'nextid', 'acronym', 'basefont', 'b', 'em', 'big', 'cite', 'small', 'spacer', 'listing', 'i', 'rp', 'del', 'code', 'strike', 'marquee', 'q', 'rt', 'ins', 'font', 'strong', 's', 'tt', 'kbd', 'mark', 'u', 'xm', 'sub', 'nobr', 'sup', 'ruby', 'var', 'span', 'wbr', 'time'); } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 1.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Examples; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageTypes; use LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceQTypes; use LibDNS\Encoder\EncoderFactory; use LibDNS\Decoder\DecoderFactory; // Config $queryName = 'faß.de'; $serverIP = ''; $requestTimeout = 3; require __DIR__ . '/autoload.php'; // Create question record $question = (new QuestionFactory())->create(ResourceQTypes::A); $question->setName($queryName); // Create request message $request = (new MessageFactory())->create(MessageTypes::QUERY); $request->getQuestionRecords()->add($question); $request->isRecursionDesired(true); // Encode request message $encoder = (new EncoderFactory())->create(); $requestPacket = $encoder->encode($request); echo "\n" . $queryName . ":\n"; // Send request $socket = stream_socket_client("udp://{$serverIP}:53"); stream_socket_sendto($socket, $requestPacket); $r = [$socket]; $w = $e = []; if (!stream_select($r, $w, $e, $requestTimeout)) { echo " Request timeout.\n"; exit; } // Decode response message $decoder = (new DecoderFactory())->create(); $responsePacket = fread($socket, 512); $response = $decoder->decode($responsePacket); // Handle response if ($response->getResponseCode() !== 0) { echo " Server returned error code " . $response->getResponseCode() . ".\n"; exit; } $answers = $response->getAnswerRecords(); if (count($answers)) { foreach ($response->getAnswerRecords() as $record) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ echo " " . $record->getData() . "\n"; } } else { echo " Not found.\n"; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 1.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Examples; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageTypes; use LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceTypes; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceQTypes; use LibDNS\Encoder\EncoderFactory; use LibDNS\Decoder\DecoderFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManagerFactory; // Config $queryName = ''; $serverIP = ''; $requestTimeout = 3; require __DIR__ . '/autoload.php'; // Create question record $question = (new QuestionFactory())->create(ResourceQTypes::SOA); $question->setName($queryName); // Create request message $request = (new MessageFactory())->create(MessageTypes::QUERY); $request->getQuestionRecords()->add($question); $request->isRecursionDesired(true); // Encode request message $encoder = (new EncoderFactory())->create(); $requestPacket = $encoder->encode($request); echo "\n" . $queryName . ":\n"; // Send request $socket = stream_socket_client("udp://{$serverIP}:53"); stream_socket_sendto($socket, $requestPacket); $r = [$socket]; $w = $e = []; if (!stream_select($r, $w, $e, $requestTimeout)) { echo " Request timeout.\n"; exit; } // Create type definition manager for custom manipulation $typeDefs = (new TypeDefinitionManagerFactory())->create(); $typeDefs->getTypeDefinition(ResourceTypes::SOA)->setToStringFunction(function ($mname, $rname, $serial, $refresh, $retry, $expire, $minimum) { return <<create($typeDefs); $responsePacket = fread($socket, 512); $response = $decoder->decode($responsePacket); // Handle response if ($response->getResponseCode() !== 0) { echo " Server returned error code " . $response->getResponseCode() . ".\n"; exit; } $answers = $response->getAnswerRecords(); if (count($answers)) { foreach ($response->getAnswerRecords() as $record) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ echo " " . $record->getData() . "\n"; } } else { echo " Not found.\n"; } __DIR__ . '/../src/Decoder/Decoder.php', 'libdns\\decoder\\decoderfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Decoder/DecoderFactory.php', 'libdns\\decoder\\decodingcontext' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Decoder/DecodingContext.php', 'libdns\\decoder\\decodingcontextfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Decoder/DecodingContextFactory.php', 'libdns\\encoder\\encoder' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Encoder/Encoder.php', 'libdns\\encoder\\encoderfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Encoder/EncoderFactory.php', 'libdns\\encoder\\encodingcontext' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Encoder/EncodingContext.php', 'libdns\\encoder\\encodingcontextfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Encoder/EncodingContextFactory.php', 'libdns\\enumeration' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Enumeration.php', 'libdns\\messages\\message' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Messages/Message.php', 'libdns\\messages\\messagefactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Messages/MessageFactory.php', 'libdns\\messages\\messageopcodes' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Messages/MessageOpCodes.php', 'libdns\\messages\\messageresponsecodes' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Messages/MessageResponseCodes.php', 'libdns\\messages\\messagetypes' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Messages/MessageTypes.php', 'libdns\\packets\\labelregistry' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Packets/LabelRegistry.php', 'libdns\\packets\\packet' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Packets/Packet.php', 'libdns\\packets\\packetfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Packets/PacketFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\question' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Question.php', 'libdns\\records\\questionfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/QuestionFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\rdata' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/RData.php', 'libdns\\records\\rdatabuilder' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/RDataBuilder.php', 'libdns\\records\\rdatafactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/RDataFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\record' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Record.php', 'libdns\\records\\recordcollection' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/RecordCollection.php', 'libdns\\records\\recordcollectionfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/RecordCollectionFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\recordtypes' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/RecordTypes.php', 'libdns\\records\\resource' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Resource.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourcebuilder' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceBuilder.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourcebuilderfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceBuilderFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourceclasses' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceClasses.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourcefactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourceqclasses' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceQClasses.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourceqtypes' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceQTypes.php', 'libdns\\records\\resourcetypes' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/ResourceTypes.php', 'libdns\\records\\typedefinitions\\fielddefinition' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/TypeDefinitions/FieldDefinition.php', 'libdns\\records\\typedefinitions\\fielddefinitionfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/TypeDefinitions/FieldDefinitionFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\typedefinitions\\typedefinition' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinition.php', 'libdns\\records\\typedefinitions\\typedefinitionfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\typedefinitions\\typedefinitionmanager' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionManager.php', 'libdns\\records\\typedefinitions\\typedefinitionmanagerfactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/TypeDefinitions/TypeDefinitionManagerFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\anything' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/Anything.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\bitmap' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/BitMap.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\char' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/Char.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\characterstring' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/CharacterString.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\domainname' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/DomainName.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\ipv4address' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/IPv4Address.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\ipv6address' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/IPv6Address.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\long' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/Long.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\short' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/Short.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\type' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/Type.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\typebuilder' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/TypeBuilder.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\typefactory' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/TypeFactory.php', 'libdns\\records\\types\\types' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Records/Types/Types.php']; } $className = strtolower($className); if (isset($classMap[$className])) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require $classMap[$className]; } });{ "name": "daverandom/libdns", "description": "DNS protocol implementation written in pure PHP", "license": "MIT", "keywords": ["dns"], "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "ext-ctype": "*" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "LibDNS\\": "src/" }, "files": ["src/functions.php"] }, "support": { "issues": "" }, "suggest": { "ext-intl": "Required for IDN support" } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; /** * Collection of Record objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class RecordCollection implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable { /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Record[] List of records held in the collection */ private $records = []; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Record[][] Map of Records in the collection grouped by record name */ private $nameMap = []; /** * @var int Number of Records in the collection */ private $length = 0; /** * @var int Whether the collection holds question or resource records */ private $type; /** * Constructor * * @param int $type Can be indicated using the RecordTypes enum * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the specified record type is invalid */ public function __construct($type) { if ($type !== RecordTypes::QUESTION && $type !== RecordTypes::RESOURCE) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Record type must be QUESTION or RESOURCE'); } $this->type = $type; } /** * Add a record to the correct bucket in the name map * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Record $record The record to add */ private function addToNameMap(Record $record) { if (!isset($this->nameMap[$name = (string) $record->getName()])) { $this->nameMap[$name] = []; } $this->nameMap[$name][] = $record; } /** * Remove a record from the name map * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Record $record The record to remove */ private function removeFromNameMap(Record $record) { if (!empty($this->nameMap[$name = (string) $record->getName()])) { foreach ($this->nameMap[$name] as $key => $item) { if ($item === $record) { \array_splice($this->nameMap[$name], $key, 1); break; } } } if (empty($this->nameMap[$name])) { unset($this->nameMap[$name]); } } /** * Add a record to the collection * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Record $record The record to add * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the wrong record type is supplied */ public function add(Record $record) { if ($this->type === RecordTypes::QUESTION && !$record instanceof Question || $this->type === RecordTypes::RESOURCE && !$record instanceof Resource) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Incorrect record type for this collection'); } $this->records[] = $record; $this->addToNameMap($record); $this->length++; } /** * Remove a record from the collection * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Record $record The record to remove */ public function remove(Record $record) { foreach ($this->records as $key => $item) { if ($item === $record) { array_splice($this->records, $key, 1); $this->removeFromNameMap($record); $this->length--; return; } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The supplied record is not a member of this collection'); } /** * Test whether the collection contains a specific record * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Record $record The record to search for * @param bool $sameInstance Whether to perform strict comparisons in search * @return bool */ public function contains(Record $record, bool $sameInstance = false) : bool { return \in_array($record, $this->records, $sameInstance); } /** * Get all records in the collection that refer to the specified name * * @param string $name The name to match records against * @return \LibDNS\Records\Record[] */ public function getRecordsByName(string $name) : array { return $this->nameMap[\strtolower($name)] ?? []; } /** * Get a record from the collection by index * * @param int $index Record index * @return \LibDNS\Records\Record * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the supplied index does not refer to a valid record */ public function getRecordByIndex(int $index) : Record { if (isset($this->records[$index])) { return $this->records[$index]; } throw new \OutOfBoundsException('The specified index ' . $index . ' does not exist in the collection'); } /** * Remove all records in the collection that refer to the specified name * * @param string $name The name to match records against * @return int The number of records removed */ public function clearRecordsByName(string $name) : int { $count = 0; if (isset($this->nameMap[$name = \strtolower($name)])) { unset($this->nameMap[$name]); foreach ($this->records as $index => $record) { if ($record->getName() === $name) { unset($this->records[$index]); $count++; } } $this->records = \array_values($this->records); } return $count; } /** * Remove all records from the collection */ public function clear() { $this->records = $this->nameMap = []; $this->length = 0; } /** * Get a list of all names referenced by records in the collection * * @return string[] */ public function getNames() : array { return \array_keys($this->nameMap); } /** * Get whether the collection holds question or resource records * * @return int */ public function getType() : int { return $this->type; } /** * Retrieve an iterator (IteratorAggregate interface) * * @return \Iterator */ public function getIterator() : \Iterator { return new \ArrayIterator($this->records); } /** * Get the number of records in the collection (Countable interface) * * @return int */ public function count() : int { return $this->length; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition; /** * Creates RData objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class RDataFactory { /** * Create a new RData object * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition $typeDefinition * @return \LibDNS\Records\RData */ public function create(TypeDefinition $typeDefinition) : RData { return new RData($typeDefinition); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder; /** * Creates RData objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class RDataBuilder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RDataFactory */ private $rDataFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder */ private $typeBuilder; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\RDataFactory $rDataFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder $typeBuilder */ public function __construct(RDataFactory $rDataFactory, TypeBuilder $typeBuilder) { $this->rDataFactory = $rDataFactory; $this->typeBuilder = $typeBuilder; } /** * Create a new RData object * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition $typeDefinition * @return \LibDNS\Records\RData */ public function build(TypeDefinition $typeDefinition) : RData { $rData = $this->rDataFactory->create($typeDefinition); foreach ($typeDefinition as $index => $type) { $rData->setField($index, $this->typeBuilder->build($type->getType())); } return $rData; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; /** * Enumeration of possible resource QTYPE values * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ final class ResourceQTypes extends ResourceTypes { const AXFR = 252; const MAILB = 253; const MAILA = 254; const ALL = 255; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName; /** * Represents a DNS record * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ abstract class Record { /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory */ protected $typeFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName */ protected $name; /** * @var int */ protected $type; /** * @var int */ protected $class = ResourceClasses::IN; /** * Get the value of the record name field * * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName */ public function getName() : DomainName { return $this->name; } /** * Set the value of the record name field * * @param string|\LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $name * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is not a valid domain name */ public function setName($name) { if (!$name instanceof DomainName) { $name = $this->typeFactory->createDomainName((string) $name); } $this->name = $name; } /** * Get the value of the record type field * * @return int */ public function getType() : int { return $this->type; } /** * Get the value of the record class field * * @return int */ public function getClass() : int { return $this->class; } /** * Set the value of the record class field * * @param int $class The new value, can be indicated using the ResourceClasses/ResourceQClasses enums * @throws \RangeException When the supplied value is outside the valid range 0 - 65535 */ public function setClass(int $class) { if ($class < 0 || $class > 65535) { throw new \RangeException('Record class must be in the range 0 - 65535'); } $this->class = $class; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class Short extends Type { /** * @var int */ protected $value = 0; /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnderflowException When the supplied value is less than 0 * @throws \OverflowException When the supplied value is greater than 65535 */ public function setValue($value) { $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { throw new \UnderflowException('Short integer value must be in the range 0 - 65535'); } else { if ($value > 0xffff) { throw new \OverflowException('Short integer value must be in the range 0 - 65535'); } } $this->value = $value; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents a binary character string * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class CharacterString extends Type { /** * @var string */ protected $value = ''; /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is outside the valid length range 0 - 255 */ public function setValue($value) { $value = (string) $value; if (\strlen($value) > 255) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Character string length must be in the range 0 - 255'); } $this->value = $value; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Base class for simple data types * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ abstract class Type { /** * @var mixed The internal value */ protected $value; /** * Constructor * * @param string $value Internal value * @throws \RuntimeException When the supplied value is invalid */ public function __construct(string $value = null) { if (isset($value)) { $this->setValue($value); } } /** * Magic method for type coercion to string * * @return string */ public function __toString() : string { return (string) $this->value; } /** * Get the internal value * * @return mixed */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \RuntimeException When the supplied value is invalid */ public abstract function setValue($value); } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents an IPv4 address * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class IPv4Address extends Type { /** * @var string */ protected $value = ''; /** * @var int[] The octets of the address */ private $octets = [0, 0, 0, 0]; /** * Constructor * * @param string|int[] $value String representation or octet list * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is not a valid IPv4 address */ public function __construct($value = null) { if (\is_array($value)) { $this->setOctets($value); } else { parent::__construct($value); } } /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is outside the valid length range 0 - 65535 */ public function setValue($value) { $this->setOctets(\explode('.', (string) $value)); } /** * Get the address octets * * @return int[] */ public function getOctets() : array { return $this->octets; } /** * Set the address octets * * @param int[] $octets The new address octets * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied octet list is not a valid IPv4 address */ public function setOctets(array $octets) { if (\count($octets) !== 4) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Octet list is not a valid IPv4 address: invalid octet count'); } foreach ($octets as &$octet) { if (!\is_int($octet) && !\ctype_digit((string) $octet) || $octet < 0x0 || $octet > 0xff) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Octet list is not a valid IPv4 address: invalid octet value ' . $octet); } $octet = (int) $octet; } $this->octets = \array_values($octets); $this->value = \implode('.', $this->octets); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents a bit map * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class BitMap extends Type { /** * @var string */ protected $value = ''; /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value */ public function setValue($value) { $this->value = (string) $value; } /** * Inspect the value of the bit at the specific index and optionally set a new value * * @param int $index * @param bool $newValue The new value * @return bool The old value */ public function isBitSet(int $index, bool $newValue = null) : bool { $charIndex = (int) ($index / 8); $bitMask = 0b10000000 >> $index % 8; $result = false; if (isset($this->value[$charIndex])) { $result = (bool) (\ord($this->value[$charIndex]) & $bitMask); } if (isset($newValue) && $newValue != $result) { if (!isset($this->value[$charIndex])) { $this->value = \str_pad($this->value, $charIndex + 1, "\0", STR_PAD_RIGHT); } $this->value[$charIndex] = \chr(\ord($this->value[$charIndex]) & ~$bitMask | ($newValue ? $bitMask : 0)); } return $result; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class Char extends Type { /** * @var int */ protected $value = 0; /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnderflowException When the supplied value is less than 0 * @throws \OverflowException When the supplied value is greater than 255 */ public function setValue($value) { $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { throw new \UnderflowException('Char value must be in the range 0 - 255'); } else { if ($value > 255) { throw new \OverflowException('Char value must be in the range 0 - 255'); } } $this->value = $value; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Creates Type objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class TypeFactory { /** * Create a new Anything object * * @param string $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything */ public function createAnything(string $value = null) { return new Anything($value); } /** * Create a new BitMap object * * @param string $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap */ public function createBitMap(string $value = null) { return new BitMap($value); } /** * Create a new Char object * * @param int $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Char */ public function createChar(int $value = null) { return new Char((string) $value); } /** * Create a new CharacterString object * * @param string $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString */ public function createCharacterString(string $value = null) { return new CharacterString($value); } /** * Create a new DomainName object * * @param string|string[] $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName */ public function createDomainName($value = null) { return new DomainName($value); } /** * Create a new IPv4Address object * * @param string|int[] $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address */ public function createIPv4Address($value = null) { return new IPv4Address($value); } /** * Create a new IPv6Address object * * @param string|int[] $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address */ public function createIPv6Address($value = null) { return new IPv6Address($value); } /** * Create a new Long object * * @param int $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Long */ public function createLong(int $value = null) { return new Long((string) $value); } /** * Create a new Short object * * @param int $value * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Short */ public function createShort(int $value = null) { return new Short((string) $value); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of simple data types * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ final class Types extends Enumeration { const ANYTHING = 0b1; const BITMAP = 0b10; const CHAR = 0b100; const CHARACTER_STRING = 0b1000; const DOMAIN_NAME = 0b10000; const IPV4_ADDRESS = 0b100000; const IPV6_ADDRESS = 0b1000000; const LONG = 0b10000000; const SHORT = 0b100000000; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Builds Types from type definitions * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class TypeBuilder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory */ private $typeFactory; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory $typeFactory */ public function __construct(TypeFactory $typeFactory) { $this->typeFactory = $typeFactory; } /** * Build a new Type object corresponding to a resource record type * * @param int $type Data type, can be indicated using the Types enum * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type */ public function build(int $type) : Type { static $typeMap = [Types::ANYTHING => 'createAnything', Types::BITMAP => 'createBitMap', Types::CHAR => 'createChar', Types::CHARACTER_STRING => 'createCharacterString', Types::DOMAIN_NAME => 'createDomainName', Types::IPV4_ADDRESS => 'createIPv4Address', Types::IPV6_ADDRESS => 'createIPv6Address', Types::LONG => 'createLong', Types::SHORT => 'createShort']; if (!isset($typeMap[$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Type identifier ' . $type); } return $this->typeFactory->{$typeMap[$type]}(); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents a fully qualified domain name * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class DomainName extends Type { const FLAG_NO_COMPRESSION = 0x80000000; /** * @var string */ protected $value = ''; /** * @var string[] The value as a list of labels */ private $labels = []; /** * Constructor * * @param string|string[] $value * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is not a valid domain name */ public function __construct($value = null) { if (\is_array($value)) { $this->setLabels($value); } else { parent::__construct($value); } } /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is not a valid domain name */ public function setValue($value) { $this->setLabels(\explode('.', (string) $value)); } /** * Get the domain name labels * * @param bool $tldFirst Whether to return the label list ordered with the TLD label first * @return string[] */ public function getLabels($tldFirst = false) : array { return $tldFirst ? \array_reverse($this->labels) : $this->labels; } /** * Set the domain name labels * * @param string[] $labels The new label list * @param bool $tldFirst Whether the supplied label list is ordered with the TLD label first * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied label list is not a valid domain name */ public function setLabels(array $labels, $tldFirst = false) { if (!$labels) { $this->labels = []; $this->value = ''; return; } $length = $count = 0; foreach ($labels as &$label) { $label = \LibDNS\normalize_name($label); $labelLength = \strlen($label); if ($labelLength > 63) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Label list is not a valid domain name: Label ' . $label . ' length exceeds 63 byte limit'); } $length += $labelLength + 1; $count++; } $tld = $tldFirst ? $labels[0] : $labels[$count - 1]; if ($tld === '') { $length--; } if ($length + 1 > 255) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Label list is not a valid domain name: Total length exceeds 255 byte limit'); } $this->labels = $tldFirst ? \array_reverse($labels) : $labels; $this->value = \implode('.', $this->labels); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents an IPv6 address * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class IPv6Address extends Type { /** * @var string */ protected $value = '::'; /** * @var int[] The shorts of the address */ private $shorts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; /** * Create a compressed string representation of an IPv6 address * * @param int[] $shorts Address shorts * @return string */ private function createCompressedString($shorts) { $compressLen = $compressPos = $currentLen = $currentPos = 0; $inBlock = false; for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { if ($shorts[$i] === 0) { if (!$inBlock) { $inBlock = true; $currentPos = $i; } $currentLen++; } else { if ($inBlock) { if ($currentLen > $compressLen) { $compressLen = $currentLen; $compressPos = $currentPos; } $inBlock = false; $currentPos = $currentLen = 0; } } $shorts[$i] = \dechex($shorts[$i]); } if ($inBlock) { $compressLen = $currentLen; $compressPos = $currentPos; } if ($compressLen > 1) { if ($compressLen === 8) { $replace = ['', '', '']; } else { if ($compressPos === 0 || $compressPos + $compressLen === 8) { $replace = ['', '']; } else { $replace = ['']; } } \array_splice($shorts, $compressPos, $compressLen, $replace); } return \implode(':', $shorts); } /** * Constructor * * @param string|int[] $value String representation or shorts list * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is not a valid IPv6 address */ public function __construct($value = null) { if (\is_array($value)) { $this->setShorts($value); } else { parent::__construct($value); } } /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is outside the valid length range 0 - 65535 */ public function setValue($value) { $shorts = \explode(':', (string) $value); $count = \count($shorts); if ($count < 3 || $count > 8) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Value is not a valid IPv6 address: invalid short count'); } else { if ($shorts[0] === '' && $shorts[1] === '') { $shorts = \array_pad($shorts, -8, '0'); } else { if ($shorts[$count - 2] === '' && $shorts[$count - 1] === '') { $shorts = \array_pad($shorts, 8, '0'); } else { if (false !== ($pos = \array_search('', $shorts, true))) { \array_splice($shorts, $pos, 1, \array_fill(0, 8 - ($count - 1), '0')); } } } } $this->setShorts(\array_map('hexdec', $shorts)); } /** * Get the address shorts * * @return int[] */ public function getShorts() : array { return $this->shorts; } /** * Set the address shorts * * @param int[] $shorts The new address shorts * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied short list is not a valid IPv6 address */ public function setShorts(array $shorts) { if (\count($shorts) !== 8) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Short list is not a valid IPv6 address: invalid short count'); } foreach ($shorts as &$short) { if (!\is_int($short) && !\ctype_digit((string) $short) || $short < 0x0 || $short > 0xffff) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Short list is not a valid IPv6 address: invalid short value ' . $short); } $short = (int) $short; } $this->shorts = \array_values($shorts); $this->value = $this->createCompressedString($this->shorts); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents a generic binary data string * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class Anything extends Type { /** * @var string */ protected $value = ''; /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the supplied value is outside the valid length range 0 - 65535 */ public function setValue($value) { $value = (string) $value; if (\strlen($value) > 65535) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Untyped string length must be in the range 0 - 65535'); } $this->value = $value; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\Types; /** * Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer * * @category LibDNS * @package Types * @author Chris Wright */ class Long extends Type { /** * @var int */ protected $value = 0; /** * Set the internal value * * @param string $value The new value * @throws \UnderflowException When the supplied value is less than 0 * @throws \OverflowException When the supplied value is greater than 4294967296 */ public function setValue($value) { $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { throw new \UnderflowException('Long integer value must be in the range 0 - 4294967296'); } else { if ($value > 0xffffffff) { throw new \OverflowException('Long integer value must be in the range 0 - 4294967296'); } } $this->value = $value; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager; /** * Builds Resource objects of a specific type * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class ResourceBuilder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\ResourceFactory */ private $resourceFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RDataBuilder */ private $rDataBuilder; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager */ private $typeDefinitionManager; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\ResourceFactory $resourceFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\RDataBuilder $rDataBuilder * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager */ public function __construct(ResourceFactory $resourceFactory, RDataBuilder $rDataBuilder, TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager) { $this->resourceFactory = $resourceFactory; $this->rDataBuilder = $rDataBuilder; $this->typeDefinitionManager = $typeDefinitionManager; } /** * Create a new Resource object * * @param int $type Type of the resource, can be indicated using the ResourceTypes enum * @return \LibDNS\Records\Resource */ public function build(int $type) : Resource { $typeDefinition = $this->typeDefinitionManager->getTypeDefinition($type); $rData = $this->rDataBuilder->build($typeDefinition); return $this->resourceFactory->create($type, $rData); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; /** * Creates RecordCollection objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class RecordCollectionFactory { /** * Create a new RecordCollection object * * @param int $type Can be indicated using the RecordTypes enum * @return \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the specified record type is invalid */ public function create(int $type) : RecordCollection { return new RecordCollection($type); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinitionFactory; /** * Creates ResourceBuilder objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class ResourceBuilderFactory { /** * Create a new ResourceBuilder object * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager * @return \LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder */ public function create(TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager = null) : ResourceBuilder { return new ResourceBuilder(new ResourceFactory(), new RDataBuilder(new RDataFactory(), new TypeBuilder(new TypeFactory())), $typeDefinitionManager ?: new TypeDefinitionManager(new TypeDefinitionFactory(), new FieldDefinitionFactory())); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; /** * Creates Resource objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class ResourceFactory { /** * Create a new Resource object * * @param int $type Can be indicated using the ResourceTypes enum * @param \LibDNS\Records\RData $data * @return \LibDNS\Records\Resource */ public function create(int $type, RData $data) : Resource { return new Resource(new TypeFactory(), $type, $data); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; /** * Represents a DNS question record * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class Question extends Record { /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory $typeFactory * @param int $type Resource type being requested, can be indicated using the ResourceQTypes enum */ public function __construct(TypeFactory $typeFactory, int $type) { $this->typeFactory = $typeFactory; $this->type = $type; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; /** * Represents a DNS resource record * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class Resource extends Record { /** * @var int Value of the resource's time-to-live property */ private $ttl; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RData */ private $data; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory $typeFactory * @param int $type Can be indicated using the ResourceTypes enum * @param \LibDNS\Records\RData $data */ public function __construct(TypeFactory $typeFactory, int $type, RData $data) { $this->typeFactory = $typeFactory; $this->type = $type; $this->data = $data; } /** * Get the value of the record TTL field * * @return int */ public function getTTL() : int { return $this->ttl; } /** * Set the value of the record TTL field * * @param int $ttl The new value * @throws \RangeException When the supplied value is outside the valid range 0 - 4294967296 */ public function setTTL(int $ttl) { if ($ttl < 0 || $ttl > 4294967296) { throw new \RangeException('Record class must be in the range 0 - 4294967296'); } $this->ttl = $ttl; } /** * Get the value of the resource data field * * @return \LibDNS\Records\RData */ public function getData() : RData { return $this->data; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of possible record types * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ final class RecordTypes extends Enumeration { const QUESTION = 0; const RESOURCE = 1; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of possible resource CLASS values * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ abstract class ResourceClasses extends Enumeration { const IN = 1; const CS = 2; const CH = 3; const HS = 4; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of possible resource TYPE values * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ abstract class ResourceTypes extends Enumeration { const A = 1; const AAAA = 28; const AFSDB = 18; // const APL = 42; const CAA = 257; const CERT = 37; const CNAME = 5; const DHCID = 49; const DLV = 32769; const DNAME = 39; const DNSKEY = 48; const DS = 43; const HINFO = 13; // const HIP = 55; // const IPSECKEY = 45; const KEY = 25; const KX = 36; const ISDN = 20; const LOC = 29; const MB = 7; const MD = 3; const MF = 4; const MG = 8; const MINFO = 14; const MR = 9; const MX = 15; const NAPTR = 35; const NS = 2; // const NSEC = 47; // const NSEC3 = 50; // const NSEC3PARAM = 50; const NULL = 10; const PTR = 12; const RP = 17; // const RRSIG = 46; const RT = 21; const SIG = 24; const SOA = 6; const SPF = 99; const SRV = 33; const TXT = 16; const WKS = 11; const X25 = 19; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Type; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition; /** * Represents a data type comprising multiple simple types * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class RData implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable { /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type[] The items that make up the complex type */ private $fields = []; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition Structural definition of the fields */ private $typeDef; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition $typeDef */ public function __construct(TypeDefinition $typeDef) { $this->typeDef = $typeDef; } /** * Magic method for type coersion to string * * @return string */ public function __toString() { if ($handler = $this->typeDef->getToStringFunction()) { $result = \call_user_func_array($handler, $this->fields); } else { $result = \implode(',', $this->fields); } return $result; } /** * Get the field indicated by the supplied index * * @param int $index * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the supplied index does not refer to a valid field */ public function getField(int $index) { if (!isset($this->fields[$index])) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Index ' . $index . ' does not refer to a valid field'); } return $this->fields[$index]; } /** * Set the field indicated by the supplied index * * @param int $index * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type $value * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the supplied index/value pair does not match the type definition */ public function setField(int $index, Type $value) { if (!$this->typeDef->getFieldDefinition($index)->assertDataValid($value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The supplied value is not valid for the specified index'); } $this->fields[$index] = $value; } /** * Get the field indicated by the supplied name * * @param string $name * @return \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the supplied name does not refer to a valid field */ public function getFieldByName(string $name) : Type { return $this->getField($this->typeDef->getFieldIndexByName($name)); } /** * Set the field indicated by the supplied name * * @param string $name * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type $value * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the supplied name does not refer to a valid field * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the supplied value does not match the type definition */ public function setFieldByName(string $name, Type $value) { $this->setField($this->typeDef->getFieldIndexByName($name), $value); } /** * Get the structural definition of the fields * * @return \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition */ public function getTypeDefinition() : TypeDefinition { return $this->typeDef; } /** * Retrieve an iterator (IteratorAggregate interface) * * @return \Iterator */ public function getIterator() : \Iterator { return new \ArrayIterator($this->fields); } /** * Get the number of fields (Countable interface) * * @return int */ public function count() : int { return \count($this->fields); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; /** * Enumeration of possible resource QCLASS values * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ final class ResourceQClasses extends ResourceClasses { const ANY = 255; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions; /** * Creates TypeDefinitionManager objects * * @category LibDNS * @package TypeDefinitions * @author Chris Wright */ class TypeDefinitionManagerFactory { /** * Create a new TypeDefinitionManager object * * @return \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager */ public function create() : TypeDefinitionManager { return new TypeDefinitionManager(new TypeDefinitionFactory(), new FieldDefinitionFactory()); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions; /** * Defines a data type comprising multiple fields * * @category LibDNS * @package TypeDefinitions * @author Chris Wright */ class TypeDefinition implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable { /** * @var FieldDefinitionFactory Creates FieldDefinition objects */ private $fieldDefFactory; /** * @var int Number of fields in the type */ private $fieldCount; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinition The last field defined by the type */ private $lastField; /** * @var int[] Map of field indexes to type identifiers */ private $fieldDefs = []; /** * @var int[] Map of field names to indexes */ private $fieldNameMap = []; /** * @var callable Custom implementation for __toString() handling */ private $toStringFunction; /** * Constructor * * @param FieldDefinitionFactory $fieldDefFactory * @param array $definition Structural definition of the fields * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the type definition is invalid */ public function __construct(FieldDefinitionFactory $fieldDefFactory, array $definition) { $this->fieldDefFactory = $fieldDefFactory; if (isset($definition['__toString'])) { if (!\is_callable($definition['__toString'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type definition: __toString() implementation is not callable'); } $this->toStringFunction = $definition['__toString']; unset($definition['__toString']); } $this->fieldCount = \count($definition); $index = 0; foreach ($definition as $name => $type) { $this->registerField($index++, $name, $type); } } /** * Register a field from the type definition * * @param int $index * @param string $name * @param int $type * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the field definition is invalid */ private function registerField(int $index, string $name, int $type) { if (!\preg_match('/^(?P[\\w\\-]+)(?P\\+|\\*)?(?P(?<=\\+)\\d+)?$/', \strtolower($name), $matches)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid field definition ' . $name . ': Syntax error'); } if (isset($matches['quantifier'])) { if ($index !== $this->fieldCount - 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid field definition ' . $name . ': Quantifiers only allowed in last field'); } if (!isset($matches['minimum'])) { $matches['minimum'] = $matches['quantifier'] === '+' ? 1 : 0; } $allowsMultiple = true; $minimumValues = (int) $matches['minimum']; } else { $allowsMultiple = false; $minimumValues = 0; } $this->fieldDefs[$index] = $this->fieldDefFactory->create($index, $matches['name'], $type, $allowsMultiple, $minimumValues); if ($index === $this->fieldCount - 1) { $this->lastField = $this->fieldDefs[$index]; } $this->fieldNameMap[$matches['name']] = $index; } /** * Get the field definition indicated by the supplied index * * @param int $index * @return \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinition * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the supplied index does not refer to a valid field */ public function getFieldDefinition(int $index) : FieldDefinition { if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$index])) { $fieldDef = $this->fieldDefs[$index]; } else { if ($index >= 0 && $this->lastField->allowsMultiple()) { $fieldDef = $this->lastField; } else { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Index ' . $index . ' does not refer to a valid field'); } } return $fieldDef; } /** * Get the field index indicated by the supplied name * * @param string $name * @return int * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the supplied name does not refer to a valid field */ public function getFieldIndexByName($name) : int { $fieldName = \strtolower($name); if (!isset($this->fieldNameMap[$fieldName])) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Name ' . $name . ' does not refer to a valid field'); } return $this->fieldNameMap[$fieldName]; } /** * Get the __toString() implementation * * @return callable|null */ public function getToStringFunction() { return $this->toStringFunction; } /** * Set the __toString() implementation * * @param callable $function */ public function setToStringFunction(callable $function) { $this->toStringFunction = $function; } /** * Retrieve an iterator (IteratorAggregate interface) * * @return \Iterator */ public function getIterator() : \Iterator { return new \ArrayIterator($this->fieldDefs); } /** * Get the number of fields (Countable interface) * * @return int */ public function count() : int { return $this->fieldCount; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceTypes; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Types; use LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName; /** * Holds data about how the RDATA sections of known resource record types are structured * * @category LibDNS * @package TypeDefinitions * @author Chris Wright */ class TypeDefinitionManager { /** * @var array[] How the RDATA sections of known resource record types are structured */ private $definitions = []; /** * @var array Cache of created definitions */ private $typeDefs = []; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionFactory */ private $typeDefFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinitionFactory */ private $fieldDefFactory; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionFactory $typeDefFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinitionFactory $fieldDefFactory */ public function __construct(TypeDefinitionFactory $typeDefFactory, FieldDefinitionFactory $fieldDefFactory) { $this->typeDefFactory = $typeDefFactory; $this->fieldDefFactory = $fieldDefFactory; $this->setDefinitions(); } /** * Set the internal definitions structure */ private function setDefinitions() { // This is defined in a method because PHP doesn't let you define properties with // expressions at the class level. If anyone has a better way to do this I am open // to any and all suggestions. $this->definitions = [ResourceTypes::A => [ // RFC 1035 'address' => Types::IPV4_ADDRESS, ], ResourceTypes::AAAA => [ // RFC 3596 'address' => Types::IPV6_ADDRESS, ], ResourceTypes::AFSDB => [ // RFC 1183 'subtype' => Types::SHORT, 'hostname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::CAA => [ // RFC 6844 'flags' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, 'tag' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, 'value' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::CERT => [ // RFC 4398 'type' => Types::SHORT, 'key-tag' => Types::SHORT, 'algorithm' => Types::CHAR, 'certificate' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::CNAME => [ // RFC 1035 'cname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::DHCID => [ // RFC 4701 'identifier-type' => Types::SHORT, 'digest-type' => Types::CHAR, 'digest' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::DLV => [ // RFC 4034 'key-tag' => Types::SHORT, 'algorithm' => Types::CHAR, 'digest-type' => Types::CHAR, 'digest' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::DNAME => [ // RFC 4034 'target' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::DNSKEY => [ // RFC 6672 'flags' => Types::SHORT, 'protocol' => Types::CHAR, 'algorithm' => Types::CHAR, 'public-key' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::DS => [ // RFC 4034 'key-tag' => Types::SHORT, 'algorithm' => Types::CHAR, 'digest-type' => Types::CHAR, 'digest' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::HINFO => [ // RFC 1035 'cpu' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, 'os' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, ], ResourceTypes::ISDN => [ // RFC 1183 'isdn-address' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, 'sa' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, ], ResourceTypes::KEY => [ // RFC 2535 'flags' => Types::SHORT, 'protocol' => Types::CHAR, 'algorithm' => Types::CHAR, 'public-key' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::KX => [ // RFC 2230 'preference' => Types::SHORT, 'exchange' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::LOC => [ // RFC 1876 'version' => Types::CHAR, 'size' => Types::CHAR, 'horizontal-precision' => Types::CHAR, 'vertical-precision' => Types::CHAR, 'latitude' => Types::LONG, 'longitude' => Types::LONG, 'altitude' => Types::LONG, ], ResourceTypes::MB => [ // RFC 1035 'madname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::MD => [ // RFC 1035 'madname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::MF => [ // RFC 1035 'madname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::MG => [ // RFC 1035 'mgmname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::MINFO => [ // RFC 1035 'rmailbx' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, 'emailbx' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::MR => [ // RFC 1035 'newname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::MX => [ // RFC 1035 'preference' => Types::SHORT, 'exchange' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::NAPTR => [ // RFC 3403 'order' => Types::SHORT, 'preference' => Types::SHORT, 'flags' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, 'services' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, 'regexp' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, 'replacement' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::NS => [ // RFC 1035 'nsdname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::NULL => [ // RFC 1035 'data' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::PTR => [ // RFC 1035 'ptrdname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::RP => [ // RFC 1183 'mbox-dname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, 'txt-dname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::RT => [ // RFC 1183 'preference' => Types::SHORT, 'intermediate-host' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, ], ResourceTypes::SIG => [ // RFC 4034 'type-covered' => Types::SHORT, 'algorithm' => Types::CHAR, 'labels' => Types::CHAR, 'original-ttl' => Types::LONG, 'signature-expiration' => Types::LONG, 'signature-inception' => Types::LONG, 'key-tag' => Types::SHORT, 'signers-name' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, 'signature' => Types::ANYTHING, ], ResourceTypes::SOA => [ // RFC 1035 'mname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, 'rname' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME, 'serial' => Types::LONG, 'refresh' => Types::LONG, 'retry' => Types::LONG, 'expire' => Types::LONG, 'minimum' => Types::LONG, ], ResourceTypes::SPF => [ // RFC 4408 'data+' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, ], ResourceTypes::SRV => [ // RFC 2782 'priority' => Types::SHORT, 'weight' => Types::SHORT, 'port' => Types::SHORT, 'name' => Types::DOMAIN_NAME | DomainName::FLAG_NO_COMPRESSION, ], ResourceTypes::TXT => [ // RFC 1035 'txtdata+' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, ], ResourceTypes::WKS => [ // RFC 1035 'address' => Types::IPV4_ADDRESS, 'protocol' => Types::SHORT, 'bit-map' => Types::BITMAP, ], ResourceTypes::X25 => [ // RFC 1183 'psdn-address' => Types::CHARACTER_STRING, ]]; } /** * Get a type definition for a record type if it is known * * @param int $recordType Resource type, can be indicated using the ResourceTypes enum * @return \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition */ public function getTypeDefinition(int $recordType) { if (!isset($this->typeDefs[$recordType])) { $definition = isset($this->definitions[$recordType]) ? $this->definitions[$recordType] : ['data' => Types::ANYTHING]; $this->typeDefs[$recordType] = $this->typeDefFactory->create($this->fieldDefFactory, $definition); } return $this->typeDefs[$recordType]; } /** * Register a custom type definition * * @param int $recordType Resource type, can be indicated using the ResourceTypes enum * @param int[]|\LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition $definition * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the type definition is invalid */ public function registerTypeDefinition(int $recordType, $definition) { if (!$definition instanceof TypeDefinition) { if (!\is_array($definition)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Definition must be an array or an instance of ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\TypeDefinition'); } $definition = $this->typeDefFactory->create($this->fieldDefFactory, $definition); } $this->typeDefs[$recordType] = $definition; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions; /** * Creates FieldDefinition objects * * @category LibDNS * @package TypeDefinitions * @author Chris Wright */ class FieldDefinitionFactory { /** * Create a new FieldDefinition object * * @param int $index * @param string $name * @param int $type * @param bool $allowsMultiple * @param int $minimumValues * @return \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinition */ public function create(int $index, string $name, int $type, bool $allowsMultiple, int $minimumValues) : FieldDefinition { return new FieldDefinition($index, $name, $type, $allowsMultiple, $minimumValues); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Type; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything; use LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Char; use LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString; use LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName; use LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address; use LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Long; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Short; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Types; /** * Defines a field in a type * * @category LibDNS * @package TypeDefinitions * @author Chris Wright */ class FieldDefinition { /** * @var int */ private $index; /** * @var string */ private $name; /** * @var int */ private $type; /** * @var bool */ private $allowsMultiple; /** * @var int */ private $minimumValues; /** * Constructor * * @param int $index * @param string $name * @param int $type * @param bool $allowsMultiple * @param int $minimumValues */ public function __construct(int $index, string $name, int $type, bool $allowsMultiple, int $minimumValues) { $this->index = $index; $this->name = $name; $this->type = $type; $this->allowsMultiple = $allowsMultiple; $this->minimumValues = $minimumValues; } /** * Get the index of the field in the containing type * * @return int */ public function getIndex() : int { return $this->index; } /** * Get the name of the field * * @return string */ public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } /** * Get the type of the field * * @return int */ public function getType() : int { return $this->type; } /** * Determine whether the field allows multiple values * * @return bool */ public function allowsMultiple() : bool { return $this->allowsMultiple; } /** * Get the minimum number of values for the field * * @return int */ public function getMinimumValues() : int { return $this->minimumValues; } /** * Assert that a Type object is valid for this field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type * @return bool */ public function assertDataValid(Type $value) : bool { return $this->type & Types::ANYTHING && $value instanceof Anything || $this->type & Types::BITMAP && $value instanceof BitMap || $this->type & Types::CHAR && $value instanceof Char || $this->type & Types::CHARACTER_STRING && $value instanceof CharacterString || $this->type & Types::DOMAIN_NAME && $value instanceof DomainName || $this->type & Types::IPV4_ADDRESS && $value instanceof IPv4Address || $this->type & Types::IPV6_ADDRESS && $value instanceof IPv6Address || $this->type & Types::LONG && $value instanceof Long || $this->type & Types::SHORT && $value instanceof Short; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions; /** * Creates TypeDefinition objects * * @category LibDNS * @package TypeDefinitions * @author Chris Wright */ class TypeDefinitionFactory { /** * Create a new TypeDefinition object * * @param FieldDefinitionFactory $fieldDefinitionFactory * @param int[] $definition Structural definition of the fields * @return \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinition * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the type definition is invalid */ public function create(FieldDefinitionFactory $fieldDefinitionFactory, array $definition) : TypeDefinition { return new TypeDefinition($fieldDefinitionFactory, $definition); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Records; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; /** * Creates Question objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Records * @author Chris Wright */ class QuestionFactory { /** * Create a new Question object * * @param int $type The resource type * @return \LibDNS\Records\Question */ public function create(int $type) : Question { return new Question(new TypeFactory(), $type); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Packets; /** * Creates Packet objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Packets * @author Chris Wright */ class PacketFactory { /** * Create a new Packet object * * @param string $data * @return \LibDNS\Packets\Packet */ public function create(string $data = '') : Packet { return new Packet($data); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Packets; /** * Creates Packet objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Packets * @author Chris Wright */ class LabelRegistry { /** * @var int[] Map of labels to indexes */ private $labels = []; /** * @var string[][] Map of indexes to labels */ private $indexes = []; /** * Register a new relationship * * @param string|string[] $labels * @param int $index */ public function register($labels, int $index) { if (\is_array($labels)) { $labelsArr = $labels; $labelsStr = \implode('.', $labels); } else { $labelsArr = \explode('.', $labels); $labelsStr = (string) $labels; } if (!isset($this->labels[$labelsStr]) || $index < $this->labels[$labelsStr]) { $this->labels[$labelsStr] = $index; } $this->indexes[$index] = $labelsArr; } /** * Lookup the index of a label * * @param string $label * @return int|null */ public function lookupIndex(string $label) { return $this->labels[$label] ?? null; } /** * Lookup the label at an index * * @param int $index * @return string[]|null */ public function lookupLabel(int $index) { return $this->indexes[$index] ?? null; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Packets; /** * Represents a raw network data packet * * @category LibDNS * @package Packets * @author Chris Wright */ class Packet { /** * @var string */ private $data; /** * @var int Data length */ private $length; /** * @var int Read pointer */ private $pointer = 0; /** * Constructor * * @param string $data The initial packet raw data */ public function __construct(string $data = '') { $this->data = $data; $this->length = \strlen($this->data); } /** * Read bytes from the packet data * * @param int $length The number of bytes to read * @return string * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When the pointer position is invalid or the supplied length is negative */ public function read(int $length = null) : string { if ($this->pointer > $this->length) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Pointer position invalid'); } if ($length === null) { $result = \substr($this->data, $this->pointer); $this->pointer = $this->length; } else { if ($length < 0) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Length must be a positive integer'); } $result = \substr($this->data, $this->pointer, $length); $this->pointer += $length; } return $result; } /** * Append data to the packet * * @param string $data The data to append * @return int The number of bytes written */ public function write(string $data) : int { $length = \strlen($data); $this->data .= $data; $this->length += $length; return $length; } /** * Reset the read pointer */ public function reset() { $this->pointer = 0; } /** * Get the pointer index * * @return int */ public function getPointer() : int { return $this->pointer; } /** * Get the data length * * @return int */ public function getLength() : int { return $this->length; } /** * Get the number of remaining bytes from the pointer position * * @return int */ public function getBytesRemaining() : int { return $this->length - $this->pointer; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Messages; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of possible message types * * @category LibDNS * @package Messages * @author Chris Wright */ final class MessageResponseCodes extends Enumeration { const NO_ERROR = 0; const FORMAT_ERROR = 1; const SERVER_FAILURE = 2; const NAME_ERROR = 3; const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 4; const REFUSED = 5; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Messages; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of possible message types * * @category LibDNS * @package Messages * @author Chris Wright */ final class MessageTypes extends Enumeration { const QUERY = 0; const RESPONSE = 1; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Messages; use LibDNS\Records\RecordCollectionFactory; /** * Factory which creates Message objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Messages * @author Chris Wright */ class MessageFactory { /** * Create a new Message object * * @param int $type Value of the message type field * @return \LibDNS\Messages\Message */ public function create(int $type = null) : Message { return new Message(new RecordCollectionFactory(), $type); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Messages; use LibDNS\Enumeration; /** * Enumeration of possible message types * * @category LibDNS * @package Messages * @author Chris Wright */ final class MessageOpCodes extends Enumeration { const QUERY = 0; const IQUERY = 1; const STATUS = 2; } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Messages; use LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection; use LibDNS\Records\RecordCollectionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\RecordTypes; /** * Represents a DNS protocol message * * @category LibDNS * @package Messages * @author Chris Wright */ class Message { /** * @var int Unsigned short that identifies the DNS transaction */ private $id = 0; /** * @var int Indicates the type of the message, can be indicated using the MessageTypes enum */ private $type = -1; /** * @var int Message opcode, can be indicated using the MessageOpCodes enum */ private $opCode = MessageOpCodes::QUERY; /** * @var bool Whether a response message is authoritative */ private $authoritative = false; /** * @var bool Whether the message is truncated */ private $truncated = false; /** * @var bool Whether a query desires the server to recurse the lookup */ private $recursionDesired = true; /** * @var bool Whether a server could provide recursion in a response */ private $recursionAvailable = false; /** * @var int Message response code, can be indicated using the MessageResponseCodes enum */ private $responseCode = MessageResponseCodes::NO_ERROR; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection Collection of question records */ private $questionRecords; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection Collection of question records */ private $answerRecords; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection Collection of authority records */ private $authorityRecords; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection Collection of authority records */ private $additionalRecords; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollectionFactory $recordCollectionFactory Factory which makes RecordCollection objects * @param int $type Value of the message type field * @throws \RangeException When the supplied message type is outside the valid range 0 - 1 */ public function __construct(RecordCollectionFactory $recordCollectionFactory, int $type = null) { $this->questionRecords = $recordCollectionFactory->create(RecordTypes::QUESTION); $this->answerRecords = $recordCollectionFactory->create(RecordTypes::RESOURCE); $this->authorityRecords = $recordCollectionFactory->create(RecordTypes::RESOURCE); $this->additionalRecords = $recordCollectionFactory->create(RecordTypes::RESOURCE); if ($type !== null) { $this->setType($type); } } /** * Get the value of the message ID field * * @return int */ public function getID() : int { return $this->id; } /** * Set the value of the message ID field * * @param int $id The new value * @throws \RangeException When the supplied value is outside the valid range 0 - 65535 */ public function setID(int $id) { if ($id < 0 || $id > 65535) { throw new \RangeException('Message ID must be in the range 0 - 65535'); } $this->id = $id; } /** * Get the value of the message type field * * @return int */ public function getType() : int { return $this->type; } /** * Set the value of the message type field * * @param int $type The new value * @throws \RangeException When the supplied value is outside the valid range 0 - 1 */ public function setType(int $type) { if ($type < 0 || $type > 1) { throw new \RangeException('Message type must be in the range 0 - 1'); } $this->type = $type; } /** * Get the value of the message opcode field * * @return int */ public function getOpCode() : int { return $this->opCode; } /** * Set the value of the message opcode field * * @param int $opCode The new value * @throws \RangeException When the supplied value is outside the valid range 0 - 15 */ public function setOpCode(int $opCode) { if ($opCode < 0 || $opCode > 15) { throw new \RangeException('Message opcode must be in the range 0 - 15'); } $this->opCode = $opCode; } /** * Inspect the value of the authoritative field and optionally set a new value * * @param bool $newValue The new value * @return bool The old value */ public function isAuthoritative(bool $newValue = null) : bool { $result = $this->authoritative; if ($newValue !== null) { $this->authoritative = $newValue; } return $result; } /** * Inspect the value of the truncated field and optionally set a new value * * @param bool $newValue The new value * @return bool The old value */ public function isTruncated(bool $newValue = null) : bool { $result = $this->truncated; if ($newValue !== null) { $this->truncated = $newValue; } return $result; } /** * Inspect the value of the recusion desired field and optionally set a new value * * @param bool $newValue The new value * @return bool The old value */ public function isRecursionDesired(bool $newValue = null) : bool { $result = $this->recursionDesired; if ($newValue !== null) { $this->recursionDesired = $newValue; } return $result; } /** * Inspect the value of the recursion available field and optionally set a new value * * @param bool $newValue The new value * @return bool The old value */ public function isRecursionAvailable(bool $newValue = null) : bool { $result = $this->recursionAvailable; if ($newValue !== null) { $this->recursionAvailable = $newValue; } return $result; } /** * Get the value of the message response code field * * @return int */ public function getResponseCode() : int { return $this->responseCode; } /** * Set the value of the message response code field * * @param int $responseCode The new value * @throws \RangeException When the supplied value is outside the valid range 0 - 15 */ public function setResponseCode(int $responseCode) { if ($responseCode < 0 || $responseCode > 15) { throw new \RangeException('Message response code must be in the range 0 - 15'); } $this->responseCode = $responseCode; } /** * Get the question records collection * * @return \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection */ public function getQuestionRecords() : RecordCollection { return $this->questionRecords; } /** * Get the answer records collection * * @return \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection */ public function getAnswerRecords() : RecordCollection { return $this->answerRecords; } /** * Get the authority records collection * * @return \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection */ public function getAuthorityRecords() : RecordCollection { return $this->authorityRecords; } /** * Get the additional records collection * * @return \LibDNS\Records\RecordCollection */ public function getAdditionalRecords() : RecordCollection { return $this->additionalRecords; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Encoder; use LibDNS\Packets\Packet; use LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry; /** * Holds data associated with an encode operation * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Chris Wright */ class EncodingContext { /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\Packet */ private $packet; /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry */ private $labelRegistry; /** * @var bool */ private $compress; /** * @var bool */ private $truncate = false; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\Packet $packet * @param \LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry $labelRegistry * @param bool $compress */ public function __construct(Packet $packet, LabelRegistry $labelRegistry, bool $compress) { $this->packet = $packet; $this->labelRegistry = $labelRegistry; $this->compress = $compress; } /** * Get the packet * * @return \LibDNS\Packets\Packet */ public function getPacket() : Packet { return $this->packet; } /** * Get the label registry * * @return \LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry */ public function getLabelRegistry() : LabelRegistry { return $this->labelRegistry; } /** * Determine whether compression is enabled * * @return bool */ public function useCompression() : bool { return $this->compress; } /** * Determine or set whether the message is truncated * * @param bool $truncate * @return bool */ public function isTruncated(bool $truncate = null) : bool { $result = $this->truncate; if ($truncate !== null) { $this->truncate = $truncate; } return $result; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Encoder; use LibDNS\Packets\Packet; use LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry; /** * Creates EncodingContext objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Chris Wright */ class EncodingContextFactory { /** * Create a new EncodingContext object * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\Packet $packet The packet to be decoded * @param bool $compress Whether message compression is enabled * @return \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext */ public function create(Packet $packet, bool $compress) : EncodingContext { return new EncodingContext($packet, new LabelRegistry(), $compress); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Encoder; use LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory; /** * Creates Encoder objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Chris Wright */ class EncoderFactory { /** * Create a new Encoder object * * @return \LibDNS\Encoder\Encoder */ public function create() : Encoder { return new Encoder(new PacketFactory(), new EncodingContextFactory()); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Encoder; use LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory; use LibDNS\Messages\Message; use LibDNS\Records\Question; use LibDNS\Records\Resource; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Type; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything; use LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Char; use LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString; use LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName; use LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address; use LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Long; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Short; /** * Encodes Message objects to raw network data * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Chris Wright */ class Encoder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory */ private $packetFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContextFactory */ private $encodingContextFactory; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory $packetFactory * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContextFactory $encodingContextFactory */ public function __construct(PacketFactory $packetFactory, EncodingContextFactory $encodingContextFactory) { $this->packetFactory = $packetFactory; $this->encodingContextFactory = $encodingContextFactory; } /** * Encode the header section of the message * * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Messages\Message $message * @return string * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the header section is invalid */ private function encodeHeader(EncodingContext $encodingContext, Message $message) : string { $header = ['id' => $message->getID(), 'meta' => 0, 'qd' => $message->getQuestionRecords()->count(), 'an' => $message->getAnswerRecords()->count(), 'ns' => $message->getAuthorityRecords()->count(), 'ar' => $message->getAdditionalRecords()->count()]; $header['meta'] |= $message->getType() << 15; $header['meta'] |= $message->getOpCode() << 11; $header['meta'] |= (int) $message->isAuthoritative() << 10; $header['meta'] |= (int) $encodingContext->isTruncated() << 9; $header['meta'] |= (int) $message->isRecursionDesired() << 8; $header['meta'] |= (int) $message->isRecursionAvailable() << 7; $header['meta'] |= $message->getResponseCode(); return \pack('n*', $header['id'], $header['meta'], $header['qd'], $header['an'], $header['ns'], $header['ar']); } /** * Encode an Anything field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything $anything * @return string */ private function encodeAnything(Anything $anything) : string { return $anything->getValue(); } /** * Encode a BitMap field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap $bitMap * @return string */ private function encodeBitMap(BitMap $bitMap) : string { return $bitMap->getValue(); } /** * Encode a Char field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Char $char * @return string */ private function encodeChar(Char $char) : string { return \chr($char->getValue()); } /** * Encode a CharacterString field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString $characterString * @return string */ private function encodeCharacterString(CharacterString $characterString) : string { $data = $characterString->getValue(); return \chr(\strlen($data)) . $data; } /** * Encode a DomainName field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @return string */ private function encodeDomainName(DomainName $domainName, EncodingContext $encodingContext) : string { $packetIndex = $encodingContext->getPacket()->getLength() + 12; $labelRegistry = $encodingContext->getLabelRegistry(); $result = ''; $labels = $domainName->getLabels(); if ($encodingContext->useCompression()) { do { $part = \implode('.', $labels); $index = $labelRegistry->lookupIndex($part); if ($index === null) { $labelRegistry->register($part, $packetIndex); $label = \array_shift($labels); $length = \strlen($label); $result .= \chr($length) . $label; $packetIndex += $length + 1; } else { $result .= \pack('n', 0b1100000000000000 | $index); break; } } while ($labels); if (!$labels) { $result .= "\0"; } } else { foreach ($labels as $label) { $result .= \chr(\strlen($label)) . $label; } $result .= "\0"; } return $result; } /** * Encode an IPv4Address field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address $ipv4Address * @return string */ private function encodeIPv4Address(IPv4Address $ipv4Address) : string { $octets = $ipv4Address->getOctets(); return \pack('C*', $octets[0], $octets[1], $octets[2], $octets[3]); } /** * Encode an IPv6Address field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address $ipv6Address * @return string */ private function encodeIPv6Address(IPv6Address $ipv6Address) : string { $shorts = $ipv6Address->getShorts(); return \pack('n*', $shorts[0], $shorts[1], $shorts[2], $shorts[3], $shorts[4], $shorts[5], $shorts[6], $shorts[7]); } /** * Encode a Long field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Long $long * @return string */ private function encodeLong(Long $long) : string { return \pack('N', $long->getValue()); } /** * Encode a Short field * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Short $short * @return string */ private function encodeShort(Short $short) : string { return \pack('n', $short->getValue()); } /** * Encode a type object * * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type $type * @return string */ private function encodeType(EncodingContext $encodingContext, Type $type) : string { if ($type instanceof Anything) { $result = $this->encodeAnything($type); } else { if ($type instanceof BitMap) { $result = $this->encodeBitMap($type); } else { if ($type instanceof Char) { $result = $this->encodeChar($type); } else { if ($type instanceof CharacterString) { $result = $this->encodeCharacterString($type); } else { if ($type instanceof DomainName) { $result = $this->encodeDomainName($type, $encodingContext); } else { if ($type instanceof IPv4Address) { $result = $this->encodeIPv4Address($type); } else { if ($type instanceof IPv6Address) { $result = $this->encodeIPv6Address($type); } else { if ($type instanceof Long) { $result = $this->encodeLong($type); } else { if ($type instanceof Short) { $result = $this->encodeShort($type); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown Type ' . \get_class($type)); } } } } } } } } } return $result; } /** * Encode a question record * * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Question $record */ private function encodeQuestionRecord(EncodingContext $encodingContext, Question $record) { if (!$encodingContext->isTruncated()) { $packet = $encodingContext->getPacket(); $name = $this->encodeDomainName($record->getName(), $encodingContext); $meta = \pack('n*', $record->getType(), $record->getClass()); if (12 + $packet->getLength() + \strlen($name) + 4 > 512) { $encodingContext->isTruncated(true); } else { $packet->write($name); $packet->write($meta); } } } /** * Encode a resource record * * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ private function encodeResourceRecord(EncodingContext $encodingContext, Resource $record) { if (!$encodingContext->isTruncated()) { $packet = $encodingContext->getPacket(); $name = $this->encodeDomainName($record->getName(), $encodingContext); $data = ''; foreach ($record->getData() as $field) { $data .= $this->encodeType($encodingContext, $field); } $meta = \pack('n2Nn', $record->getType(), $record->getClass(), $record->getTTL(), \strlen($data)); if (12 + $packet->getLength() + \strlen($name) + 10 + \strlen($data) > 512) { $encodingContext->isTruncated(true); } else { $packet->write($name); $packet->write($meta); $packet->write($data); } } } /** * Encode a Message to raw network data * * @param \LibDNS\Messages\Message $message The Message to encode * @param bool $compress Enable message compression * @return string */ public function encode(Message $message, $compress = true) : string { $packet = $this->packetFactory->create(); $encodingContext = $this->encodingContextFactory->create($packet, $compress); foreach ($message->getQuestionRecords() as $record) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Question $record */ $this->encodeQuestionRecord($encodingContext, $record); } foreach ($message->getAnswerRecords() as $record) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ $this->encodeResourceRecord($encodingContext, $record); } foreach ($message->getAuthorityRecords() as $record) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ $this->encodeResourceRecord($encodingContext, $record); } foreach ($message->getAdditionalRecords() as $record) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ $this->encodeResourceRecord($encodingContext, $record); } return $this->encodeHeader($encodingContext, $message) . $packet->read($packet->getLength()); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Decoder; use LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory; use LibDNS\Records\RecordCollectionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceFactory; use LibDNS\Records\RDataBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\RDataFactory; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\FieldDefinitionFactory; /** * Creates Decoder objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Decoder * @author Chris Wright */ class DecoderFactory { /** * Create a new Decoder object * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager * @param bool $allowTrailingData * @return Decoder */ public function create(TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager = null, bool $allowTrailingData = true) : Decoder { $typeBuilder = new TypeBuilder(new TypeFactory()); return new Decoder(new PacketFactory(), new MessageFactory(new RecordCollectionFactory()), new QuestionFactory(), new ResourceBuilder(new ResourceFactory(), new RDataBuilder(new RDataFactory(), $typeBuilder), $typeDefinitionManager ?: new TypeDefinitionManager(new TypeDefinitionFactory(), new FieldDefinitionFactory())), $typeBuilder, new DecodingContextFactory(), $allowTrailingData); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Decoder; use LibDNS\Messages\Message; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory; use LibDNS\Packets\Packet; use LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory; use LibDNS\Records\Question; use LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\Resource; use LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything; use LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Char; use LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString; use LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName; use LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address; use LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Long; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Short; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Type; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\Types\Types; /** * Decodes raw network data to Message objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Decoder * @author Chris Wright */ class Decoder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory */ private $packetFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory */ private $messageFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory */ private $questionFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder */ private $resourceBuilder; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder */ private $typeBuilder; /** * @var \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContextFactory */ private $decodingContextFactory; /** * @var bool */ private $allowTrailingData; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory $packetFactory * @param \LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory $messageFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory $questionFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\ResourceBuilder $resourceBuilder * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder $typeBuilder * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContextFactory $decodingContextFactory * @param bool $allowTrailingData */ public function __construct(PacketFactory $packetFactory, MessageFactory $messageFactory, QuestionFactory $questionFactory, ResourceBuilder $resourceBuilder, TypeBuilder $typeBuilder, DecodingContextFactory $decodingContextFactory, bool $allowTrailingData = true) { $this->packetFactory = $packetFactory; $this->messageFactory = $messageFactory; $this->questionFactory = $questionFactory; $this->resourceBuilder = $resourceBuilder; $this->typeBuilder = $typeBuilder; $this->decodingContextFactory = $decodingContextFactory; $this->allowTrailingData = $allowTrailingData; } /** * Read a specified number of bytes of data from a packet * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\Packet $packet * @param int $length * @return string * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the read operation does not result in the requested number of bytes */ private function readDataFromPacket(Packet $packet, int $length) : string { if ($packet->getBytesRemaining() < $length) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Decode error: Incomplete packet (tried to read ' . $length . ' bytes from index ' . $packet->getPointer()); } return $packet->read($length); } /** * Decode the header section of the message * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Messages\Message $message * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the header section is invalid */ private function decodeHeader(DecodingContext $decodingContext, Message $message) { $header = \unpack('nid/nmeta/nqd/nan/nns/nar', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 12)); if (!$header) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Decode error: Header unpack failed'); } $message->setID($header['id']); $message->setType(($header['meta'] & 0b1000000000000000) >> 15); $message->setOpCode(($header['meta'] & 0b111100000000000) >> 11); $message->isAuthoritative((bool) (($header['meta'] & 0b10000000000) >> 10)); $message->isTruncated((bool) (($header['meta'] & 0b1000000000) >> 9)); $message->isRecursionDesired((bool) (($header['meta'] & 0b100000000) >> 8)); $message->isRecursionAvailable((bool) (($header['meta'] & 0b10000000) >> 7)); $message->setResponseCode($header['meta'] & 0b1111); $decodingContext->setExpectedQuestionRecords($header['qd']); $decodingContext->setExpectedAnswerRecords($header['an']); $decodingContext->setExpectedAuthorityRecords($header['ns']); $decodingContext->setExpectedAdditionalRecords($header['ar']); } /** * Decode an Anything field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Anything $anything The object to populate with the result * @param int $length * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeAnything(DecodingContext $decodingContext, Anything $anything, int $length) : int { $anything->setValue($this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), $length)); return $length; } /** * Decode a BitMap field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\BitMap $bitMap The object to populate with the result * @param int $length * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeBitMap(DecodingContext $decodingContext, BitMap $bitMap, int $length) : int { $bitMap->setValue($this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), $length)); return $length; } /** * Decode a Char field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Char $char The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeChar(DecodingContext $decodingContext, Char $char) : int { $value = \unpack('C', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 1))[1]; $char->setValue($value); return 1; } /** * Decode a CharacterString field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\CharacterString $characterString The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeCharacterString(DecodingContext $decodingContext, CharacterString $characterString) : int { $packet = $decodingContext->getPacket(); $length = \ord($this->readDataFromPacket($packet, 1)); $characterString->setValue($this->readDataFromPacket($packet, $length)); return $length + 1; } /** * Decode a DomainName field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeDomainName(DecodingContext $decodingContext, DomainName $domainName) : int { $packet = $decodingContext->getPacket(); $startIndex = '0x' . \dechex($packet->getPointer()); $labelRegistry = $decodingContext->getLabelRegistry(); $labels = []; $totalLength = 0; while (++$totalLength && ($length = \ord($this->readDataFromPacket($packet, 1)))) { $labelType = $length & 0b11000000; if ($labelType === 0b0) { $index = $packet->getPointer() - 1; $label = $this->readDataFromPacket($packet, $length); \array_unshift($labels, [$index, $label]); $totalLength += $length; } else { if ($labelType === 0b11000000) { $index = ($length & 0b111111) << 8 | \ord($this->readDataFromPacket($packet, 1)); $ref = $labelRegistry->lookupLabel($index); if ($ref === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Decode error: Invalid compression pointer reference in domain name at position ' . $startIndex); } \array_unshift($labels, $ref); $totalLength++; break; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Decode error: Invalid label type ' . $labelType . 'in domain name at position ' . $startIndex); } } } $result = []; foreach ($labels as $label) { if (\is_int($label[0])) { \array_unshift($result, $label[1]); $labelRegistry->register($result, $label[0]); } else { $result = $label; } } $domainName->setLabels($result); return $totalLength; } /** * Decode an IPv4Address field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv4Address $ipv4Address The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeIPv4Address(DecodingContext $decodingContext, IPv4Address $ipv4Address) : int { $octets = \unpack('C4', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 4)); $ipv4Address->setOctets($octets); return 4; } /** * Decode an IPv6Address field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\IPv6Address $ipv6Address The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeIPv6Address(DecodingContext $decodingContext, IPv6Address $ipv6Address) : int { $shorts = \unpack('n8', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 16)); $ipv6Address->setShorts($shorts); return 16; } /** * Decode a Long field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Long $long The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeLong(DecodingContext $decodingContext, Long $long) : int { $value = \unpack('N', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 4))[1]; $long->setValue($value); return 4; } /** * Decode a Short field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Short $short The object to populate with the result * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid */ private function decodeShort(DecodingContext $decodingContext, Short $short) : int { $value = \unpack('n', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 2))[1]; $short->setValue($value); return 2; } /** * Decode a Type field * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\Type $type The object to populate with the result * @param int $length Expected data length * @return int The number of packet bytes consumed by the operation * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the Type subtype is unknown */ private function decodeType(DecodingContext $decodingContext, Type $type, int $length) : int { if ($type instanceof Anything) { $result = $this->decodeAnything($decodingContext, $type, $length); } else { if ($type instanceof BitMap) { $result = $this->decodeBitMap($decodingContext, $type, $length); } else { if ($type instanceof Char) { $result = $this->decodeChar($decodingContext, $type); } else { if ($type instanceof CharacterString) { $result = $this->decodeCharacterString($decodingContext, $type); } else { if ($type instanceof DomainName) { $result = $this->decodeDomainName($decodingContext, $type); } else { if ($type instanceof IPv4Address) { $result = $this->decodeIPv4Address($decodingContext, $type); } else { if ($type instanceof IPv6Address) { $result = $this->decodeIPv6Address($decodingContext, $type); } else { if ($type instanceof Long) { $result = $this->decodeLong($decodingContext, $type); } else { if ($type instanceof Short) { $result = $this->decodeShort($decodingContext, $type); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown Type ' . \get_class($type)); } } } } } } } } } return $result; } /** * Decode a question record * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @return \LibDNS\Records\Question * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the record is invalid */ private function decodeQuestionRecord(DecodingContext $decodingContext) : Question { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName */ $domainName = $this->typeBuilder->build(Types::DOMAIN_NAME); $this->decodeDomainName($decodingContext, $domainName); $meta = \unpack('ntype/nclass', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 4)); $question = $this->questionFactory->create($meta['type']); $question->setName($domainName); $question->setClass($meta['class']); return $question; } /** * Decode a resource record * * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext $decodingContext * @return \LibDNS\Records\Resource * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the record is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When a type subtype is unknown */ private function decodeResourceRecord(DecodingContext $decodingContext) : Resource { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName */ $domainName = $this->typeBuilder->build(Types::DOMAIN_NAME); $this->decodeDomainName($decodingContext, $domainName); $meta = \unpack('ntype/nclass/Nttl/nlength', $this->readDataFromPacket($decodingContext->getPacket(), 10)); $resource = $this->resourceBuilder->build($meta['type']); $resource->setName($domainName); $resource->setClass($meta['class']); $resource->setTTL($meta['ttl']); $data = $resource->getData(); $remainingLength = $meta['length']; $fieldDef = $index = null; foreach ($resource->getData()->getTypeDefinition() as $index => $fieldDef) { $field = $this->typeBuilder->build($fieldDef->getType()); $remainingLength -= $this->decodeType($decodingContext, $field, $remainingLength); $data->setField($index, $field); } if ($fieldDef->allowsMultiple()) { while ($remainingLength) { $field = $this->typeBuilder->build($fieldDef->getType()); $remainingLength -= $this->decodeType($decodingContext, $field, $remainingLength); $data->setField(++$index, $field); } } if ($remainingLength !== 0) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Decode error: Invalid length for record data section'); } return $resource; } /** * Decode a Message from raw network data * * @param string $data The data string to decode * @return \LibDNS\Messages\Message * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When a type subtype is unknown */ public function decode(string $data) : Message { $packet = $this->packetFactory->create($data); $decodingContext = $this->decodingContextFactory->create($packet); $message = $this->messageFactory->create(); $this->decodeHeader($decodingContext, $message); $questionRecords = $message->getQuestionRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedQuestionRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $questionRecords->add($this->decodeQuestionRecord($decodingContext)); } $answerRecords = $message->getAnswerRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedAnswerRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $answerRecords->add($this->decodeResourceRecord($decodingContext)); } $authorityRecords = $message->getAuthorityRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedAuthorityRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $authorityRecords->add($this->decodeResourceRecord($decodingContext)); } $additionalRecords = $message->getAdditionalRecords(); $expected = $decodingContext->getExpectedAdditionalRecords(); for ($i = 0; $i < $expected; $i++) { $additionalRecords->add($this->decodeResourceRecord($decodingContext)); } if (!$this->allowTrailingData && $packet->getBytesRemaining() !== 0) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Decode error: Unexpected data at end of packet'); } return $message; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Decoder; use LibDNS\Packets\Packet; use LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry; /** * Creates DecodingContext objects * * @category LibDNS * @package Decoder * @author Chris Wright */ class DecodingContextFactory { /** * Create a new DecodingContext object * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\Packet $packet The packet to be decoded * @return \LibDNS\Decoder\DecodingContext */ public function create(Packet $packet) : DecodingContext { return new DecodingContext($packet, new LabelRegistry()); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Decoder; use LibDNS\Packets\Packet; use LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry; /** * Holds data associated with a decode operation * * @category LibDNS * @package Decoder * @author Chris Wright */ class DecodingContext { /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\Packet */ private $packet; /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry */ private $labelRegistry; /** * @var int */ private $expectedQuestionRecords = 0; /** * @var int */ private $expectedAnswerRecords = 0; /** * @var int */ private $expectedAuthorityRecords = 0; /** * @var int */ private $expectedAdditionalRecords = 0; /** * Constructor * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\Packet $packet * @param \LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry $labelRegistry */ public function __construct(Packet $packet, LabelRegistry $labelRegistry) { $this->packet = $packet; $this->labelRegistry = $labelRegistry; } /** * Get the packet * * @return \LibDNS\Packets\Packet */ public function getPacket() : Packet { return $this->packet; } /** * Get the label registry * * @return \LibDNS\Packets\LabelRegistry */ public function getLabelRegistry() : LabelRegistry { return $this->labelRegistry; } /** * Get the number of question records expected in the message * * @return int */ public function getExpectedQuestionRecords() : int { return $this->expectedQuestionRecords; } /** * Get the number of question records expected in the message * * @param int $expectedQuestionRecords */ public function setExpectedQuestionRecords(int $expectedQuestionRecords) { $this->expectedQuestionRecords = $expectedQuestionRecords; } /** * Get the number of answer records expected in the message * * @return int */ public function getExpectedAnswerRecords() : int { return $this->expectedAnswerRecords; } /** * Set the number of answer records expected in the message * * @param int $expectedAnswerRecords */ public function setExpectedAnswerRecords(int $expectedAnswerRecords) { $this->expectedAnswerRecords = $expectedAnswerRecords; } /** * Get the number of authority records expected in the message * * @return int */ public function getExpectedAuthorityRecords() : int { return $this->expectedAuthorityRecords; } /** * Set the number of authority records expected in the message * * @param int $expectedAuthorityRecords */ public function setExpectedAuthorityRecords(int $expectedAuthorityRecords) { $this->expectedAuthorityRecords = $expectedAuthorityRecords; } /** * Get the number of additional records expected in the message * * @return int */ public function getExpectedAdditionalRecords() : int { return $this->expectedAdditionalRecords; } /** * Set the number of additional records expected in the message * * @param int $expectedAdditionalRecords */ public function setExpectedAdditionalRecords(int $expectedAdditionalRecords) { $this->expectedAdditionalRecords = $expectedAdditionalRecords; } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS; /** * Base class for enumerations to prevent instantiation * * @category LibDNS * @package LibDNS * @author Chris Wright */ abstract class Enumeration { protected final function __construct() { throw new \LogicException('Enumerations cannot be instantiated'); } } * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 1.0.0 */ namespace LibDNS\Tools; use RecursiveIteratorIterator; use RecursiveDirectoryIterator; use FilesystemIterator; error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 0); if (!isset($argv[1])) { $srcDir = getcwd(); } else { if (in_array(strtolower($argv[1]), ['--help', '?', '/?'])) { exit("Syntax: " . __FILE__ . " [source directory]\n"); } else { if (!is_dir($srcDir = $argv[1])) { exit("Invalid source directory\n\nSyntax: " . __FILE__ . " [source directory]\n"); } } } $srcDir = str_replace('\\', '/', $srcDir); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($srcDir, FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME | FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); $items = []; $stripLength = strlen($srcDir) + 1; $maxLength = 0; foreach ($iterator as $item) { if ($item->isFile() && $item->getFilename() !== 'autoload.php' && strtolower($item->getExtension()) === 'php') { $classPath = substr($item->getPath() . '\\' . $item->getBasename('.' . $item->getExtension()), $stripLength); $lookupName = strtolower(str_replace('/', '\\', $classPath)); $loadPath = "__DIR__ . '/{$srcDir}/" . str_replace('\\', '/', $classPath) . ".php'"; $length = strlen($classPath); if ($length > $maxLength) { $maxLength = $length; } $items[$lookupName] = $loadPath; } } unset($iterator); $output = <<<'PHP' $loadPath) { $output .= "\n " . str_pad("'" . $lookupName . "'", $maxLength, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT) . " => {$loadPath},"; } $output .= <<<'PHP' ]; } $className = strtolower($className); if (isset($classMap[$className])) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require $classMap[$className]; } }); PHP; file_put_contents(getcwd() . '/autoload.php', $output);{ "name": "amphp/websocket", "description": "Shared code for websocket servers and clients.", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "support": { "issues": "" }, "keywords": [ "async", "non-blocking", "websocket", "http", "amp", "amphp" ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.6.1", "amphp/socket": "^1", "cash/lrucache": "^1" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^7", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "suggest": { "ext-zlib": "Required for compression" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Websocket\\": "src" }, "files": [ "src/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Websocket\\Test\\": "test" }, "files": [ "test/functions.php" ] }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.1" } } } socket = $socket; $this->options = $options; $this->masked = $masked; $this->compressionContext = $compression; $this->closeDeferred = new Deferred(); if (self::$watcher === null) { self::$now = \time(); self::$heartbeatTimeouts = new class(\PHP_INT_MAX) extends LRUCache implements \IteratorAggregate { public function getIterator() : \Iterator { yield from $this->data; } }; self::$watcher = Loop::repeat(1000, static function () { self::$now = \time(); self::$bytesReadInLastSecond = []; self::$framesReadInLastSecond = []; if (!empty(self::$rateDeferreds)) { Loop::unreference(self::$watcher); $rateDeferreds = self::$rateDeferreds; self::$rateDeferreds = []; foreach ($rateDeferreds as $deferred) { $deferred->resolve(); } } foreach (self::$heartbeatTimeouts as $clientId => $expiryTime) { if ($expiryTime >= self::$now) { break; } $client = self::$clients[$clientId]; \assert($client instanceof self); self::$heartbeatTimeouts->put($clientId, self::$now + $client->options->getHeartbeatPeriod()); if ($client->getUnansweredPingCount() > $client->options->getQueuedPingLimit()) { $client->close(Code::POLICY_VIOLATION, 'Exceeded unanswered PING limit'); continue; } $client->ping(); } }); Loop::unreference(self::$watcher); } $this->metadata = new ClientMetadata(self::$now, $compression !== null); self::$clients[$this->metadata->id] = $this; if ($this->options->isHeartbeatEnabled()) { self::$heartbeatTimeouts->put($this->metadata->id, self::$now + $this->options->getHeartbeatPeriod()); } Promise\rethrow(new Coroutine($this->read())); } public function receive() : Promise { if ($this->nextMessageDeferred) { throw new \Error('Await the previous promise returned from receive() before calling receive() again.'); } // There might be messages already buffered and a close frame already received if ($this->messages) { $message = \reset($this->messages); unset($this->messages[\key($this->messages)]); return new Success($message); } if ($this->metadata->closedAt) { return new Success(); } $this->nextMessageDeferred = new Deferred(); return $this->nextMessageDeferred->promise(); } public function getId() : int { return $this->metadata->id; } public function getUnansweredPingCount() : int { return $this->metadata->pingCount - $this->metadata->pongCount; } public function isConnected() : bool { return !$this->metadata->closedAt; } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->socket->getLocalAddress(); } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->socket->getRemoteAddress(); } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->socket instanceof EncryptableSocket ? $this->socket->getTlsInfo() : null; } public function getCloseCode() : int { if (!$this->metadata->closedAt) { throw new \Error('The client has not closed'); } return $this->metadata->closeCode; } public function getCloseReason() : string { if (!$this->metadata->closedAt) { throw new \Error('The client has not closed'); } return $this->metadata->closeReason; } public function didPeerInitiateClose() : bool { if (!$this->metadata->closedAt) { throw new \Error('The client has not closed'); } return $this->metadata->peerInitiatedClose; } public function getOptions() : Options { return $this->options; } public function getInfo() : ClientMetadata { return clone $this->metadata; } private function read() : \Generator { $maxFramesPerSecond = $this->options->getFramesPerSecondLimit(); $maxBytesPerSecond = $this->options->getBytesPerSecondLimit(); $heartbeatEnabled = $this->options->isHeartbeatEnabled(); $heartbeatPeriod = $this->options->getHeartbeatPeriod(); $parser = $this->parser(); try { while (($chunk = (yield $this->socket->read())) !== null) { if ($chunk === '') { continue; } $this->metadata->lastReadAt = self::$now; self::$bytesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] = (self::$bytesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] ?? 0) + \strlen($chunk); if ($heartbeatEnabled) { self::$heartbeatTimeouts->put($this->metadata->id, self::$now + $heartbeatPeriod); } $parser->send($chunk); $chunk = ''; // Free memory from last chunk read. if ((self::$framesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] ?? 0) >= $maxFramesPerSecond || self::$bytesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] >= $maxBytesPerSecond) { Loop::reference(self::$watcher); // Reference watcher to keep loop running until rate limit released. self::$rateDeferreds[$this->metadata->id] = $deferred = new Deferred(); (yield $deferred->promise()); } if ($this->lastEmit && !$this->metadata->closedAt) { (yield $this->lastEmit); } } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // Ignore stream exception, connection will be closed below anyway. } if ($this->closeDeferred !== null) { $deferred = $this->closeDeferred; $this->closeDeferred = null; $deferred->resolve(); } if (!$this->metadata->closedAt) { $this->close(Code::ABNORMAL_CLOSE, 'Underlying TCP connection closed'); } } private function onData(int $opcode, string $data, bool $terminated) { // Ignore further data received after initiating close. if ($this->metadata->closedAt) { return; } $this->metadata->lastDataReadAt = self::$now; ++$this->metadata->framesRead; self::$framesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] = (self::$framesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] ?? 0) + 1; if (!$this->currentMessageEmitter) { if ($opcode === Opcode::CONT) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Illegal CONTINUATION opcode; initial message payload frame must be TEXT or BINARY'); return; } $this->currentMessageEmitter = new Emitter(); $message = new Message(new IteratorStream($this->currentMessageEmitter->iterate()), $opcode === Opcode::BIN); if ($this->nextMessageDeferred) { $deferred = $this->nextMessageDeferred; $this->nextMessageDeferred = null; $deferred->resolve($message); } else { $this->messages[] = $message; } } elseif ($opcode !== Opcode::CONT) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Illegal data type opcode after unfinished previous data type frame; opcode MUST be CONTINUATION'); return; } $this->emitBuffer .= $data; if ($terminated || \strlen($this->emitBuffer) >= $this->options->getStreamThreshold()) { $promise = $this->currentMessageEmitter->emit($this->emitBuffer); $this->lastEmit = $this->nextMessageDeferred ? null : $promise; $this->emitBuffer = ''; } if ($terminated) { $emitter = $this->currentMessageEmitter; $this->currentMessageEmitter = null; $emitter->complete(); ++$this->metadata->messagesRead; } } private function onControlFrame(int $opcode, string $data) { // Close already completed, so ignore any further data from the parser. if ($this->metadata->closedAt && $this->closeDeferred === null) { return; } ++$this->metadata->framesRead; self::$framesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] = (self::$framesReadInLastSecond[$this->metadata->id] ?? 0) + 1; switch ($opcode) { case Opcode::CLOSE: if ($this->closeDeferred) { $deferred = $this->closeDeferred; $this->closeDeferred = null; $deferred->resolve(); } if ($this->metadata->closedAt) { break; } $this->metadata->peerInitiatedClose = true; $length = \strlen($data); if ($length === 0) { $code = Code::NONE; $reason = ''; } elseif ($length < 2) { $code = Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR; $reason = 'Close code must be two bytes'; } else { $code = \current(\unpack('n', \substr($data, 0, 2))); $reason = \substr($data, 2); if ($code < 1000 || $code >= 1004 && $code <= 1006 || $code >= 1014 && $code <= 1015 || $code >= 1016 && $code <= 1999 || $code >= 2000 && $code <= 2999 || $code >= 5000) { $code = Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR; $reason = 'Invalid close code'; } elseif ($this->options->isValidateUtf8() && !\preg_match('//u', $reason)) { $code = Code::INCONSISTENT_FRAME_DATA_TYPE; $reason = 'Close reason must be valid UTF-8'; } } $this->close($code, $reason); break; case Opcode::PING: $this->write($data, Opcode::PONG); break; case Opcode::PONG: if (!\preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $data)) { // Ignore pong payload that is not an integer. break; } // We need a min() here, else someone might just send a pong frame with a very high pong count and // leave TCP connection in open state... Then we'd accumulate connections which never are cleaned up... $this->metadata->pongCount = \min($this->metadata->pingCount, (int) $data); break; } } private function onError(int $code, string $reason) { $this->close($code, $reason); } public function send(string $data) : Promise { \assert(\preg_match('//u', $data), 'Text data must be UTF-8'); return $this->lastWrite = new Coroutine($this->sendData($data, Opcode::TEXT)); } public function sendBinary(string $data) : Promise { return $this->lastWrite = new Coroutine($this->sendData($data, Opcode::BIN)); } public function stream(InputStream $stream) : Promise { return $this->lastWrite = new Coroutine($this->sendStream($stream, Opcode::TEXT)); } public function streamBinary(InputStream $stream) : Promise { return $this->lastWrite = new Coroutine($this->sendStream($stream, Opcode::BIN)); } public function ping() : Promise { $this->metadata->lastHeartbeatAt = self::$now; ++$this->metadata->pingCount; return $this->write((string) $this->metadata->pingCount, Opcode::PING); } private function sendData(string $data, int $opcode) : \Generator { if ($this->lastWrite) { (yield $this->lastWrite); } ++$this->metadata->messagesSent; $this->metadata->lastDataSentAt = self::$now; $rsv = 0; $compress = false; if ($this->compressionContext && $opcode === Opcode::TEXT && \strlen($data) > $this->compressionContext->getCompressionThreshold()) { $rsv |= $this->compressionContext->getRsv(); $compress = true; } try { $bytes = 0; if (\strlen($data) > $this->options->getFrameSplitThreshold()) { $length = \strlen($data); $slices = (int) \ceil($length / $this->options->getFrameSplitThreshold()); $length = (int) \ceil($length / $slices); while ($data !== '') { $chunk = \substr($data, 0, $length); $data = (string) \substr($data, $length); if ($compress) { $chunk = $this->compressionContext->compress($chunk, $data === ''); } $bytes += (yield $this->write($chunk, $opcode, $rsv, $data === '')); $opcode = Opcode::CONT; $rsv = 0; // RSV must be 0 in continuation frames. } } else { if ($compress) { $data = $this->compressionContext->compress($data, true); } $bytes = (yield $this->write($data, $opcode, $rsv, true)); } } catch (StreamException $exception) { $code = Code::ABNORMAL_CLOSE; $reason = 'Writing to the client failed'; (yield $this->close($code, $reason)); throw new ClosedException('Client unexpectedly closed', $code, $reason); } return $bytes; } private function sendStream(InputStream $stream, int $opcode) : \Generator { if ($this->lastWrite) { (yield $this->lastWrite); } $rsv = 0; $compress = false; if ($this->compressionContext && $opcode === Opcode::TEXT) { $rsv |= $this->compressionContext->getRsv(); $compress = true; } try { $buffer = (yield $stream->read()); if ($buffer === null) { return (yield $this->write('', $opcode, 0, true)); } $written = 0; $streamThreshold = $this->options->getStreamThreshold(); while (($chunk = (yield $stream->read())) !== null) { if ($chunk === '') { continue; } if (\strlen($buffer) < $streamThreshold) { $buffer .= $chunk; continue; } if ($compress) { $buffer = $this->compressionContext->compress($buffer, false); } $written += (yield $this->write($buffer, $opcode, $rsv, false)); $opcode = Opcode::CONT; $rsv = 0; // RSV must be 0 in continuation frames. $buffer = $chunk; } if ($compress) { $buffer = $this->compressionContext->compress($buffer, true); } $written += (yield $this->write($buffer, $opcode, $rsv, true)); } catch (StreamException $exception) { $code = Code::ABNORMAL_CLOSE; $reason = 'Writing to the client failed'; (yield $this->close($code, $reason)); throw new ClosedException('Client unexpectedly closed', $code, $reason); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { (yield $this->close(Code::UNEXPECTED_SERVER_ERROR, 'Error while reading message data')); throw $exception; } return $written; } private function write(string $data, int $opcode, int $rsv = 0, bool $isFinal = true) : Promise { if ($this->metadata->closedAt) { return new Success(0); } $frame = $this->compile($data, $opcode, $rsv, $isFinal); ++$this->metadata->framesSent; $this->metadata->bytesSent += \strlen($frame); $this->metadata->lastSentAt = self::$now; return $this->socket->write($frame); } private function compile(string $data, int $opcode, int $rsv, bool $isFinal) : string { $length = \strlen($data); $w = \chr($isFinal << 7 | $rsv << 4 | $opcode); $maskFlag = $this->masked ? 0x80 : 0; if ($length > 0xffff) { $w .= \chr(0x7f | $maskFlag) . \pack('J', $length); } elseif ($length > 0x7d) { $w .= \chr(0x7e | $maskFlag) . \pack('n', $length); } else { $w .= \chr($length | $maskFlag); } if ($this->masked) { $mask = \random_bytes(4); return $w . $mask . ($data ^ \str_repeat($mask, $length + 3 >> 2)); } return $w . $data; } public function close(int $code = Code::NORMAL_CLOSE, string $reason = '') : Promise { if ($this->metadata->closedAt) { return new Success(0); } return call(function () use($code, $reason) { $bytes = 0; try { \assert($code !== Code::NONE || $reason === ''); $promise = $this->write($code !== Code::NONE ? \pack('n', $code) . $reason : '', Opcode::CLOSE); $this->metadata->closedAt = self::$now; $this->metadata->closeCode = $code; $this->metadata->closeReason = $reason; if ($this->currentMessageEmitter) { $emitter = $this->currentMessageEmitter; $this->currentMessageEmitter = null; $emitter->fail(new ClosedException('Connection closed while streaming message body', $code, $reason)); } if ($this->nextMessageDeferred) { $deferred = $this->nextMessageDeferred; $this->nextMessageDeferred = null; $deferred->resolve(); } $bytes = (yield $promise); if ($this->closeDeferred !== null) { (yield Promise\timeout($this->closeDeferred->promise(), $this->options->getClosePeriod() * 1000)); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // Failed to write close frame or to receive response frame, but we were disconnecting anyway. } $this->socket->close(); $this->lastWrite = null; $this->lastEmit = null; $onClose = $this->onClose; $this->onClose = null; foreach ($onClose as $callback) { Promise\rethrow(call($callback, $this, $code, $reason)); } unset(self::$clients[$this->metadata->id]); self::$heartbeatTimeouts->remove($this->metadata->id); if (empty(self::$clients)) { Loop::cancel(self::$watcher); self::$watcher = null; self::$heartbeatTimeouts = null; } return $bytes; }); } public function onClose(callable $callback) { if ($this->onClose === null) { Promise\rethrow(call($callback, $this, $this->metadata->closeCode, $this->metadata->closeReason)); return; } $this->onClose[] = $callback; } /** * A stateful generator websocket frame parser. * * @return \Generator */ private function parser() : \Generator { $frameSizeLimit = $this->options->getFrameSizeLimit(); $messageSizeLimit = $this->options->getMessageSizeLimit(); $textOnly = $this->options->isTextOnly(); $doUtf8Validation = $validateUtf8 = $this->options->isValidateUtf8(); $compressionContext = $this->compressionContext; $compressedFlag = $compressionContext ? $compressionContext->getRsv() : 0; $dataMsgBytesRecd = 0; $savedBuffer = ''; $compressed = false; $buffer = yield; $offset = 0; $bufferSize = \strlen($buffer); while (true) { $payload = ''; // Free memory from last frame payload. while ($bufferSize < 2) { $buffer = \substr($buffer, $offset); $offset = 0; $buffer .= yield; $bufferSize = \strlen($buffer); } $firstByte = \ord($buffer[$offset]); $secondByte = \ord($buffer[$offset + 1]); $offset += 2; $bufferSize -= 2; $final = (bool) ($firstByte & 0b10000000); $rsv = ($firstByte & 0b1110000) >> 4; $opcode = $firstByte & 0b1111; $isMasked = (bool) ($secondByte & 0b10000000); $maskingKey = null; $frameLength = $secondByte & 0b1111111; if ($opcode >= 3 && $opcode <= 7) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Use of reserved non-control frame opcode'); return; } if ($opcode >= 11 && $opcode <= 15) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Use of reserved control frame opcode'); return; } $isControlFrame = $opcode >= 0x8; if ($isControlFrame || $opcode === Opcode::CONT) { // Control and continuation frames if ($rsv !== 0) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'RSV must be 0 for control or continuation frames'); return; } } else { // Text and binary frames if ($rsv !== 0 && (!$compressionContext || $rsv & ~$compressedFlag)) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Invalid RSV value for negotiated extensions'); return; } $doUtf8Validation = $validateUtf8 && $opcode === Opcode::TEXT; $compressed = (bool) ($rsv & $compressedFlag); } if ($frameLength === 0x7e) { while ($bufferSize < 2) { $buffer = \substr($buffer, $offset); $offset = 0; $buffer .= yield; $bufferSize = \strlen($buffer); } $frameLength = \unpack('n', $buffer[$offset] . $buffer[$offset + 1])[1]; $offset += 2; $bufferSize -= 2; } elseif ($frameLength === 0x7f) { while ($bufferSize < 8) { $buffer = \substr($buffer, $offset); $offset = 0; $buffer .= yield; $bufferSize = \strlen($buffer); } $lengthLong32Pair = \unpack('N2', \substr($buffer, $offset, 8)); $offset += 8; $bufferSize -= 8; if (\PHP_INT_MAX === 0x7fffffff) { if ($lengthLong32Pair[1] !== 0 || $lengthLong32Pair[2] < 0) { $this->onError(Code::MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE, 'Received payload exceeds maximum allowable size'); return; } $frameLength = $lengthLong32Pair[2]; } else { $frameLength = $lengthLong32Pair[1] << 32 | $lengthLong32Pair[2]; if ($frameLength < 0) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Most significant bit of 64-bit length field set'); return; } } } if ($frameLength > 0 && $isMasked === $this->masked) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Payload mask error'); return; } if ($isControlFrame) { if (!$final) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Illegal control frame fragmentation'); return; } if ($frameLength > 125) { $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Control frame payload must be of maximum 125 bytes or less'); return; } } if ($frameSizeLimit && $frameLength > $frameSizeLimit) { $this->onError(Code::MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE, 'Received payload exceeds maximum allowable size'); return; } if ($messageSizeLimit && $frameLength + $dataMsgBytesRecd > $messageSizeLimit) { $this->onError(Code::MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE, 'Received payload exceeds maximum allowable size'); return; } if ($textOnly && $opcode === Opcode::BIN) { $this->onError(Code::UNACCEPTABLE_TYPE, 'BINARY opcodes (0x02) not accepted'); return; } if ($isMasked) { while ($bufferSize < 4) { $buffer = \substr($buffer, $offset); $offset = 0; $buffer .= yield; $bufferSize = \strlen($buffer); } $maskingKey = \substr($buffer, $offset, 4); $offset += 4; $bufferSize -= 4; } while ($bufferSize < $frameLength) { $chunk = yield; $buffer .= $chunk; $bufferSize += \strlen($chunk); } $payload = \substr($buffer, $offset, $frameLength); $buffer = \substr($buffer, $offset + $frameLength); $offset = 0; $bufferSize = \strlen($buffer); if ($isMasked) { // This is memory hungry but it's ~70x faster than iterating byte-by-byte // over the masked string. Deal with it; manual iteration is untenable. $payload ^= \str_repeat($maskingKey, $frameLength + 3 >> 2); } if ($isControlFrame) { $this->onControlFrame($opcode, $payload); continue; } $dataMsgBytesRecd += $frameLength; if ($savedBuffer !== '') { $payload = $savedBuffer . $payload; $savedBuffer = ''; } if ($compressed) { $payload = $compressionContext->decompress($payload, $final); if ($payload === null) { // Decompression failed. $this->onError(Code::PROTOCOL_ERROR, 'Invalid compressed data'); return; } } if ($doUtf8Validation) { if ($final) { $valid = \preg_match('//u', $payload); } else { for ($i = 0; !($valid = \preg_match('//u', $payload)); $i++) { $savedBuffer = \substr($payload, -1) . $savedBuffer; $payload = \substr($payload, 0, -1); if ($i === 3) { // Remove a maximum of three bytes break; } } } if (!$valid) { $this->onError(Code::INCONSISTENT_FRAME_DATA_TYPE, 'Invalid TEXT data; UTF-8 required'); return; } } if ($final) { $dataMsgBytesRecd = 0; } $this->onData($opcode, $payload, $final); } } }bytesPerSecondLimit = \PHP_INT_MAX; $options->framesPerSecondLimit = \PHP_INT_MAX; $options->messageSizeLimit = 2 ** 30; // 1 GB $options->frameSizeLimit = 2 ** 20 * 100; // 100 MB if (\extension_loaded('zlib')) { $options->compressionEnabled = true; } return $options; } private function __construct() { // Private constructor to require use of named constructors. } /** * @return int Number of bytes that will be buffered when streaming a message * body before sending a frame. */ public function getStreamThreshold() : int { return $this->streamThreshold; } /** * @param int $streamThreshold Number of bytes that will be buffered when * streaming a message body before sending a frame. Default is 32768 (32KB) * * @return self * * @throws \Error if the number is less than 1. */ public function withStreamThreshold(int $streamThreshold) : self { if ($streamThreshold < 1) { throw new \Error('$streamThreshold must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->streamThreshold = $streamThreshold; return $clone; } /** * @return int If a message exceeds this number of bytes, it is split into * multiple frames, each no bigger than this value. */ public function getFrameSplitThreshold() : int { return $this->frameSplitThreshold; } /** * @param int $frameSplitThreshold If a message exceeds this number of bytes, * it is split into multiple frames, each no bigger than this value. * Default is 32768 (32KB) * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withFrameSplitThreshold(int $frameSplitThreshold) : self { if ($frameSplitThreshold < 1) { throw new \Error('$frameSplitThreshold must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->frameSplitThreshold = $frameSplitThreshold; return $clone; } /** * @return int Maximum frame size that can be received from the peer. If a * larger frame is received, the connection is ended with a POLICY_VIOLATION. */ public function getFrameSizeLimit() : int { return $this->frameSizeLimit; } /** * @param int $frameSizeLimit Maximum frame size that can be received from the peer. * If a larger frame is received, the connection is ended with a POLICY_VIOLATION. * Default is 2097152 (2MB) * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withFrameSizeLimit(int $frameSizeLimit) : self { if ($frameSizeLimit < 1) { throw new \Error('$frameSizeLimit must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->frameSizeLimit = $frameSizeLimit; return $clone; } /** * @return int Maximum number of bytes the peer can send per second before being throttled. */ public function getBytesPerSecondLimit() : int { return $this->bytesPerSecondLimit; } /** * @param int $bytesPerSecond Maximum number of bytes the peer can send per * second before being throttled. Default is 1048576 (1MB) * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withBytesPerSecondLimit(int $bytesPerSecond) : self { if ($bytesPerSecond < 1) { throw new \Error('$bytesPerSecond must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->bytesPerSecondLimit = $bytesPerSecond; return $clone; } /** * @return int Maximum number of frames the peer can send per second before being throttled. */ public function getFramesPerSecondLimit() : int { return $this->bytesPerSecondLimit; } /** * @param int $framesPerSecond Maximum number of frames the peer can send per * second before being throttled. * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withFramesPerSecondLimit(int $framesPerSecond) : self { if ($framesPerSecond < 1) { throw new \Error('$bytesPerSecond must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->framesPerSecondLimit = $framesPerSecond; return $clone; } /** * @return int Maximum message size that can be received from the remote endpoint. * If a larger message is received, the connection is ended with a POLICY_VIOLATION. */ public function getMessageSizeLimit() : int { return $this->messageSizeLimit; } /** * @param int $messageSizeLimit Maximum message size that can be received * from the remote endpoint. If a larger message is received, the connection * is ended with a POLICY_VIOLATION. Default is 10485760 (10MB) * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withMessageSizeLimit(int $messageSizeLimit) : self { if ($messageSizeLimit < 1) { throw new \Error('$messageSizeLimit must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->messageSizeLimit = $messageSizeLimit; return $clone; } /** * @return bool If true ends the connection if a binary frame is received. */ public function isTextOnly() : bool { return $this->textOnly; } /** * @param bool $textOnly If true ends the connection if a binary frame is received. * * @return self */ public function withTextOnly(bool $textOnly) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->textOnly = $textOnly; return $clone; } /** * @return bool If true validates that all text received and sent is UTF-8. */ public function isValidateUtf8() : bool { return $this->validateUtf8; } /** * @param bool $validateUtf8 If true validates that all text received and sent is UTF-8. * * @return self */ public function withValidateUtf8(bool $validateUtf8) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->validateUtf8 = $validateUtf8; return $clone; } /** * @return int Number of seconds to wait to receive peer close frame. */ public function getClosePeriod() : int { return $this->closePeriod; } /** * @param int $closePeriod Number of seconds to wait to receive peer close * frame. Default is 3. * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withClosePeriod(int $closePeriod) : self { if ($closePeriod < 1) { throw new \Error('$closePeriod must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->closePeriod = $closePeriod; return $clone; } /** * @return bool Whether to request or accept per-message compression. */ public function isCompressionEnabled() : bool { return $this->compressionEnabled; } /** * @return self Enables requesting or accepting per-message compression. */ public function withCompression() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->compressionEnabled = true; return $clone; } /** * @return self Disables requesting or accepting per-message compression. */ public function withoutCompression() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->compressionEnabled = false; return $clone; } /** * @return bool If enabled, sends a ping frame to the peer every X seconds (determined * by the heartbeat period) if there is no other activity on the connection. */ public function isHeartbeatEnabled() : bool { return $this->heartbeatEnabled; } /** * @return self Enables heartbeat; If enabled, sends a ping frame to the * peer every X seconds (determined by the heartbeat period) if there * is no other activity on the connection. */ public function withHeartbeat() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->heartbeatEnabled = true; return $clone; } /** * @return self Disables heartbeat; If disabled, will not periodically send * a ping frame to the peer during timetrames of inactivity on the connection. */ public function withoutHeartbeat() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->heartbeatEnabled = false; return $clone; } /** * @return int Duration in seconds between pings or other connection activity if the heartbeat is enabled. */ public function getHeartbeatPeriod() : int { return $this->heartbeatPeriod; } /** * @param int $heartbeatPeriod Duration in seconds between pings or other * connection activity if the heartbeat is enabled. Default is 10. * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withHeartbeatPeriod(int $heartbeatPeriod) : self { if ($heartbeatPeriod < 1) { throw new \Error('$heartbeatPeriod must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->heartbeatPeriod = $heartbeatPeriod; return $clone; } /** * @return int The number of unanswered pings before the connection is closed. */ public function getQueuedPingLimit() : int { return $this->queuedPingLimit; } /** * @param int $queuedPingLimit The number of unanswered pings before the connection is closed. * * @return self * * @throws \Error if number is less than 1. */ public function withQueuedPingLimit(int $queuedPingLimit) : self { if ($queuedPingLimit < 1) { throw new \Error('$queuedPingLimit must be a positive integer greater than 0'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->queuedPingLimit = $queuedPingLimit; return $clone; } }reason = $reason; } public function getReason() : string { return $this->reason; } }id = self::$nextId++; $this->connectedAt = $time; $this->compressionEnabled = $compressionEnabled; } } 15) { return null; // Invalid option value. } $clientWindowSize = $value; } $headerOut .= '; client_max_window_bits=' . $clientWindowSize; break; case 'client_no_context_takeover': $clientContextTakeover = false; $headerOut .= '; client_no_context_takeover'; break; case 'server_max_window_bits': if (isset($parts[1])) { $value = (int) $parts[1]; if ($value < 8 || $value > 15) { return null; // Invalid option value. } $serverWindowSize = $value; } $headerOut .= '; server_max_window_bits=' . $serverWindowSize; break; case 'server_no_context_takeover': $serverContextTakeover = false; $headerOut .= '; server_no_context_takeover'; break; default: return null; } } if ($isServer) { return new self($clientWindowSize, $serverWindowSize, $clientContextTakeover, $serverContextTakeover); } return new self($serverWindowSize, $clientWindowSize, $serverContextTakeover, $clientContextTakeover); } /** @var resource */ private $deflate; /** @var resource */ private $inflate; /** @var bool */ private $sendingFlushMode; /** @var bool */ private $receivingFlushMode; private function __construct(int $receivingWindowSize, int $sendingWindowSize, bool $receivingContextTakeover, bool $sendingContextTakeover) { $this->receivingFlushMode = $receivingContextTakeover ? \ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH : \ZLIB_FULL_FLUSH; $this->sendingFlushMode = $sendingContextTakeover ? \ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH : \ZLIB_FULL_FLUSH; if (($this->inflate = \inflate_init(\ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW, ['window' => $receivingWindowSize])) === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed initializing inflate context'); } if (($this->deflate = \deflate_init(\ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW, ['window' => $sendingWindowSize])) === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed initializing deflate context'); } } public function getRsv() : int { return self::RSV; } public function getCompressionThreshold() : int { return self::MINIMUM_LENGTH; } public function decompress(string $data, bool $isFinal) { if ($isFinal) { $data .= self::EMPTY_BLOCK; } $data = \inflate_add($this->inflate, $data, $this->receivingFlushMode); if (false === $data) { return null; } return $data; } public function compress(string $data, bool $isFinal) : string { $data = \deflate_add($this->deflate, $data, $this->sendingFlushMode); if ($data === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to compress data'); } if ($isFinal && \substr($data, -4) === self::EMPTY_BLOCK) { $data = \substr($data, 0, -4); } return $data; } } Resolves to message sent by the remote. * * @throws ClosedException Thrown if the connection is closed. */ public function receive() : Promise; /** * @return int Unique identifier for the client. */ public function getId() : int; /** * @return bool True if the client is still connected, false otherwise. Returns false as soon as the closing * handshake is initiated by the server or client. */ public function isConnected() : bool; /** * @return SocketAddress Local socket address. */ public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress; /** * @return SocketAddress Remote socket address. */ public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress; /** * @return TlsInfo|null TlsInfo object if connection is secure. */ public function getTlsInfo(); /** * @return int Number of pings sent that have not been answered. */ public function getUnansweredPingCount() : int; /** * @return int Client close code (generally one of those listed in Code, though not necessarily). * * @throws \Error Thrown if the client has not closed. */ public function getCloseCode() : int; /** * @return string Client close reason. * * @throws \Error Thrown if the client has not closed. */ public function getCloseReason() : string; /** * @return bool True if the peer initiated the websocket close. * * @throws \Error Thrown if the client has not closed. */ public function didPeerInitiateClose() : bool; /** * Sends a text message to the endpoint. All data sent with this method must be valid UTF-8. Use `sendBinary()` if * you want to send binary data. * * @param string $data Payload to send. * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent to the other endpoint. * * @throws ClosedException Thrown if sending to the client fails. */ public function send(string $data) : Promise; /** * Sends a binary message to the endpoint. * * @param string $data Payload to send. * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent to the other endpoint. * * @throws ClosedException Thrown if sending to the client fails. */ public function sendBinary(string $data) : Promise; /** * Streams the given UTF-8 text stream to the endpoint. This method should be used only for large payloads such as * files. Use send() for smaller payloads. * * @param InputStream $stream * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent to the other endpoint. * * @throws ClosedException Thrown if sending to the client fails. */ public function stream(InputStream $stream) : Promise; /** * Streams the given binary to the endpoint. This method should be used only for large payloads such as * files. Use sendBinary() for smaller payloads. * * @param InputStream $stream * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent to the other endpoint. * * @throws ClosedException Thrown if sending to the client fails. */ public function streamBinary(InputStream $stream) : Promise; /** * Sends a ping to the endpoint. * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent to the other endpoint. */ public function ping() : Promise; /** * @return Options The options object associated with this client. */ public function getOptions() : Options; /** * Returns connection metadata. * * @return ClientMetadata */ public function getInfo() : ClientMetadata; /** * Closes the client connection. * * @param int $code * @param string $reason * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent to the other endpoint. */ public function close(int $code = Code::NORMAL_CLOSE, string $reason = '') : Promise; /** * Attaches a callback invoked when the client closes. The callback is passed this object as the first parameter, * the close code as the second parameter, and the close reason as the third parameter. * * @param callable(Client $client, int $code, string $reason) $callback */ public function onClose(callable $callback); }binary = $binary; } /** * @return bool True if the message is UTF-8 text, false if it is binary. * * @see Message::isBinary() */ public function isText() : bool { return !$this->binary; } /** * @return bool True if the message is binary, false if it is UTF-8 text. * * @see Message::isText() */ public function isBinary() : bool { return $this->binary; } }withSecure(); $cookie = new ResponseCookie("session", \bin2hex(\random_bytes(16)), $attributes); \var_dump($cookie->getName()); \var_dump($cookie->getValue()); \var_dump($cookie->isHttpOnly()); \var_dump("set-cookie: " . $cookie); $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader($cookie); $cookie = new RequestCookie("session", $cookie->getValue()); \var_dump($cookie->getName()); \var_dump($cookie->getValue()); \var_dump("cookie: " . $cookie); [""], "location" => [""], "set-cookie" => [new ResponseCookie("session", \bin2hex(\random_bytes(16))), new ResponseCookie("user", "amphp")]]); \var_dump($headers);{ "name": "amphp/http", "description": "Basic HTTP primitives which can be shared by servers and clients.", "type": "library", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\": "src" }, "files": [ "src/functions.php" ] }, "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "amphp/hpack": "^3" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^7 || ^6.5", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.1.0" } }, "scripts": { "test": "php vendor/bin/phpunit", "code-style": "php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.x-dev" } } } streamId = $streamId; } public function getStreamId() : int { return $this->streamId; } } true]; const KNOWN_REQUEST_PSEUDO_HEADERS = [":method" => true, ":authority" => true, ":path" => true, ":scheme" => true]; // SETTINGS Flags - const ACK = 0x1; // HEADERS Flags - const NO_FLAG = 0x0; const END_STREAM = 0x1; const END_HEADERS = 0x4; const PADDED = 0x8; const PRIORITY_FLAG = 0x20; // Frame Types - const DATA = 0x0; const HEADERS = 0x1; const PRIORITY = 0x2; const RST_STREAM = 0x3; const SETTINGS = 0x4; const PUSH_PROMISE = 0x5; const PING = 0x6; const GOAWAY = 0x7; const WINDOW_UPDATE = 0x8; const CONTINUATION = 0x9; // Settings const HEADER_TABLE_SIZE = 0x1; // 1 << 12 const ENABLE_PUSH = 0x2; // 1 const MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 0x3; // INF const INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 0x4; // 1 << 16 - 1 const MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 0x5; // 1 << 14 const MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE = 0x6; // INF // Error codes const GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN = 0x0; const PROTOCOL_ERROR = 0x1; const INTERNAL_ERROR = 0x2; const FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR = 0x3; const SETTINGS_TIMEOUT = 0x4; const STREAM_CLOSED = 0x5; const FRAME_SIZE_ERROR = 0x6; const REFUSED_STREAM = 0x7; const CANCEL = 0x8; const COMPRESSION_ERROR = 0x9; const CONNECT_ERROR = 0xa; const ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM = 0xb; const INADEQUATE_SECURITY = 0xc; const HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED = 0xd; public static function getFrameName(int $type) : string { $names = [self::DATA => 'DATA', self::HEADERS => 'HEADERS', self::PRIORITY => 'PRIORITY', self::RST_STREAM => 'RST_STREAM', self::SETTINGS => 'SETTINGS', self::PUSH_PROMISE => 'PUSH_PROMISE', self::PING => 'PING', self::GOAWAY => 'GOAWAY', self::WINDOW_UPDATE => 'WINDOW_UPDATE', self::CONTINUATION => 'CONTINUATION']; return $names[$type] ?? '0x' . \bin2hex(\chr($type)); } public static function logDebugFrame(string $action, int $frameType, int $frameFlags, int $streamId, int $frameLength) : bool { $env = \getenv("AMP_DEBUG_HTTP2_FRAMES") ?: "0"; if ($env !== "0" && $env !== "false" || \defined("AMP_DEBUG_HTTP2_FRAMES") && \AMP_DEBUG_HTTP2_FRAMES) { \fwrite(\STDERR, $action . ' ' . self::getFrameName($frameType) . ' ' . "\r\n"); } return true; } /** @var string */ private $buffer = ''; /** @var int */ private $bufferOffset = 0; /** @var int */ private $headerSizeLimit = self::DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE; // Should be configurable? /** @var bool */ private $continuationExpected = false; /** @var int */ private $headerFrameType = 0; /** @var string */ private $headerBuffer = ''; /** @var int */ private $headerStream = 0; /** @var HPack */ private $hpack; /** @var Http2Processor */ private $handler; public function __construct(Http2Processor $handler) { $this->hpack = new HPack(); $this->handler = $handler; } public function parse(string $settings = null) : \Generator { $lastReset = \time(); $totalBytesReceivedSinceReset = 0; $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset = 0; if ($settings !== null) { $this->parseSettings($settings, \strlen($settings), self::NO_FLAG, 0); } $this->buffer = yield; while (true) { $frameHeader = (yield from $this->consume(9)); list($frameLength, $frameType, $frameFlags, $streamId) = \__destructure(array('length', 'type', 'flags', 'id'), \unpack('Nlength/ctype/cflags/Nid', "\0" . $frameHeader)); $streamId &= 0x7fffffff; $frameBuffer = $frameLength === 0 ? '' : (yield from $this->consume($frameLength)); \assert(self::logDebugFrame('recv', $frameType, $frameFlags, $streamId, $frameLength)); try { // Do we want to allow increasing the maximum frame size? if ($frameLength > self::DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Frame size limit exceeded", self::FRAME_SIZE_ERROR); } if ($this->continuationExpected && $frameType !== self::CONTINUATION) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Expected continuation frame", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $now = \time(); if ($lastReset === $now) { // Inspired by nginx flood detection: // if ($totalBytesReceivedSinceReset / 2 > $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset + 1024) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Flood detected", self::ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM); } } else { $lastReset = $now; $totalBytesReceivedSinceReset = 0; $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset = 0; } $totalBytesReceivedSinceReset += 9 + $frameLength; switch ($frameType) { case self::DATA: $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset += $frameLength; $this->parseDataFrame($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $frameFlags, $streamId); break; case self::PUSH_PROMISE: $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset += $frameLength; $this->parsePushPromise($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $frameFlags, $streamId); break; case self::HEADERS: $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset += $frameLength; $this->parseHeaders($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $frameFlags, $streamId); break; case self::PRIORITY: $this->parsePriorityFrame($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $streamId); break; case self::RST_STREAM: $this->parseStreamReset($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $streamId); break; case self::SETTINGS: $this->parseSettings($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $frameFlags, $streamId); break; case self::PING: $this->parsePing($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $frameFlags, $streamId); break; case self::GOAWAY: $this->parseGoAway($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $streamId); return; case self::WINDOW_UPDATE: $this->parseWindowUpdate($frameBuffer, $frameLength, $streamId); break; case self::CONTINUATION: $payloadBytesReceivedSinceReset += $frameLength; $this->parseContinuation($frameBuffer, $frameFlags, $streamId); break; default: // Ignore and discard unknown frame per spec break; } } catch (Http2StreamException $exception) { $this->handler->handleStreamException($exception); } catch (Http2ConnectionException $exception) { $this->handler->handleConnectionException($exception); throw $exception; } } } private function consume(int $bytes) : \Generator { $bufferEnd = $this->bufferOffset + $bytes; while (\strlen($this->buffer) < $bufferEnd) { $this->buffer .= yield; } $consumed = \substr($this->buffer, $this->bufferOffset, $bytes); if ($bufferEnd > 2048) { $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $bufferEnd); $this->bufferOffset = 0; } else { $this->bufferOffset += $bytes; } return $consumed; } private function parseDataFrame(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $frameFlags, int $streamId) { $isPadded = $frameFlags & self::PADDED; $headerLength = $isPadded ? 1 : 0; if ($frameLength < $headerLength) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } $header = $headerLength === 0 ? '' : \substr($frameBuffer, 0, $headerLength); $padding = $isPadded ? \ord($header[0]) : 0; if ($streamId === 0) { $this->throwInvalidZeroStreamIdError(); } if ($frameLength - $headerLength - $padding < 0) { $this->throwInvalidPaddingError(); } $data = \substr($frameBuffer, $headerLength, $frameLength - $headerLength - $padding); $this->handler->handleData($streamId, $data); if ($frameFlags & self::END_STREAM) { $this->handler->handleStreamEnd($streamId); } } /** @see */ private function parsePushPromise(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $frameFlags, int $streamId) { $isPadded = $frameFlags & self::PADDED; $headerLength = $isPadded ? 5 : 4; if ($frameLength < $headerLength) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } $header = \substr($frameBuffer, 0, $headerLength); $padding = $isPadded ? \ord($header[0]) : 0; $pushId = \unpack("N", $header)[1] & 0x7fffffff; if ($frameLength - $headerLength - $padding < 0) { $this->throwInvalidPaddingError(); } $this->headerFrameType = self::PUSH_PROMISE; $this->pushHeaderBlockFragment($pushId, \substr($frameBuffer, $headerLength, $frameLength - $headerLength - $padding)); if ($frameFlags & self::END_HEADERS) { $this->continuationExpected = false; list($pseudo, $headers) = $this->parseHeaderBuffer(); $this->handler->handlePushPromise($streamId, $pushId, $pseudo, $headers); } else { $this->continuationExpected = true; } if ($frameFlags & self::END_STREAM) { $this->handler->handleStreamEnd($streamId); } } private function parseHeaderBuffer() : array { if ($this->headerStream === 0) { throw new Http2ConnectionException('Invalid stream ID 0 for header block', self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if ($this->headerBuffer === '') { throw new Http2StreamException('Invalid empty header section', $this->headerStream, self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $decoded = $this->hpack->decode($this->headerBuffer, $this->headerSizeLimit); if ($decoded === null) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Compression error in headers", self::COMPRESSION_ERROR); } $headers = []; $pseudo = []; foreach ($decoded as list($name, $value)) { if (!\preg_match(self::HEADER_NAME_REGEX, $name)) { throw new Http2StreamException("Invalid header field name", $this->headerStream, self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if ($name[0] === ':') { if (!empty($headers)) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Pseudo header after other headers", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if (isset($pseudo[$name])) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Repeat pseudo header", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $pseudo[$name] = $value; continue; } $headers[$name][] = $value; } $this->headerBuffer = ''; $this->headerStream = 0; return [$pseudo, $headers]; } private function pushHeaderBlockFragment(int $streamId, string $buffer) { if ($this->headerStream !== 0 && $this->headerStream !== $streamId) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Expected CONTINUATION frame for stream ID " . $this->headerStream, self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $this->headerStream = $streamId; $this->headerBuffer .= $buffer; } /** @see */ private function parseHeaders(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $frameFlags, int $streamId) { if ($streamId === 0) { $this->throwInvalidZeroStreamIdError(); } $headerLength = 0; $isPadded = $frameFlags & self::PADDED; $isPriority = $frameFlags & self::PRIORITY_FLAG; if ($isPadded) { $headerLength++; } if ($isPriority) { $headerLength += 5; } if ($frameLength < $headerLength) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } $header = \substr($frameBuffer, 0, $headerLength); $padding = $isPadded ? \ord($header[0]) : 0; if ($isPriority) { list($parent, $weight) = \__destructure(array('parent', 'weight'), \unpack("Nparent/cweight", $header, $isPadded ? 1 : 0)); $parent &= 0x7fffffff; if ($parent === $streamId) { $this->throwInvalidRecursiveDependency($streamId); } $this->handler->handlePriority($streamId, $parent, $weight + 1); } if ($frameLength - $headerLength - $padding < 0) { $this->throwInvalidPaddingError(); } $this->headerFrameType = self::HEADERS; $this->pushHeaderBlockFragment($streamId, \substr($frameBuffer, $headerLength, $frameLength - $headerLength - $padding)); $ended = $frameFlags & self::END_STREAM; if ($frameFlags & self::END_HEADERS) { $this->continuationExpected = false; $headersTooLarge = \strlen($this->headerBuffer) > $this->headerSizeLimit; list($pseudo, $headers) = $this->parseHeaderBuffer(); // This must happen after the parsing, otherwise we loose the connection state and must close the whole // connection, which is not what we want here… if ($headersTooLarge) { throw new Http2StreamException("Headers exceed maximum configured size of {$this->headerSizeLimit} bytes", $streamId, self::ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM); } $this->handler->handleHeaders($streamId, $pseudo, $headers, $ended); } else { $this->continuationExpected = true; } if ($ended) { $this->handler->handleStreamEnd($streamId); } } private function parsePriorityFrame(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $streamId) { if ($frameLength !== 5) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } list($parent, $weight) = \__destructure(array('parent', 'weight'), \unpack("Nparent/cweight", $frameBuffer)); if ($exclusive = $parent & 0x80000000) { $parent &= 0x7fffffff; } if ($streamId === 0) { $this->throwInvalidZeroStreamIdError(); } if ($parent === $streamId) { $this->throwInvalidRecursiveDependency($streamId); } $this->handler->handlePriority($streamId, $parent, $weight + 1); } private function parseStreamReset(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $streamId) { if ($frameLength !== 4) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } if ($streamId === 0) { $this->throwInvalidZeroStreamIdError(); } $errorCode = \unpack('N', $frameBuffer)[1]; $this->handler->handleStreamReset($streamId, $errorCode); } private function parseSettings(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $frameFlags, int $streamId) { if ($streamId !== 0) { $this->throwInvalidNonZeroStreamIdError(); } if ($frameFlags & self::ACK) { if ($frameLength) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } return; // Got ACK, nothing to do } if ($frameLength % 6 !== 0) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } if ($frameLength > 60) { // Even with room for a few future options, sending that a big SETTINGS frame is just about // wasting our processing time. We declare this a protocol error. throw new Http2ConnectionException("Excessive SETTINGS frame", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $settings = []; while ($frameLength > 0) { list($key, $value) = \__destructure(array('key', 'value'), \unpack("nkey/Nvalue", $frameBuffer)); if ($value < 0) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid setting: {$value}", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $settings[$key] = $value; $frameBuffer = \substr($frameBuffer, 6); $frameLength -= 6; } $this->handler->handleSettings($settings); } /** @see */ private function parsePing(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $frameFlags, int $streamId) { if ($frameLength !== 8) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } if ($streamId !== 0) { $this->throwInvalidNonZeroStreamIdError(); } if ($frameFlags & self::ACK) { $this->handler->handlePong($frameBuffer); } else { $this->handler->handlePing($frameBuffer); } } /** @see */ private function parseGoAway(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $streamId) { if ($frameLength < 8) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } if ($streamId !== 0) { $this->throwInvalidNonZeroStreamIdError(); } list($lastId, $error) = \__destructure(array('last', 'error'), \unpack("Nlast/Nerror", $frameBuffer)); $this->handler->handleShutdown($lastId & 0x7fffffff, $error); } /** @see */ private function parseWindowUpdate(string $frameBuffer, int $frameLength, int $streamId) { if ($frameLength !== 4) { $this->throwInvalidFrameSizeError(); } $windowSize = \unpack('N', $frameBuffer)[1]; if ($windowSize === 0) { if ($streamId) { throw new Http2StreamException("Invalid zero window update value", $streamId, self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid zero window update value", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if ($streamId) { $this->handler->handleStreamWindowIncrement($streamId, $windowSize); } else { $this->handler->handleConnectionWindowIncrement($windowSize); } } /** @see */ private function parseContinuation(string $frameBuffer, int $frameFlags, int $streamId) { if ($streamId !== $this->headerStream) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid CONTINUATION frame stream ID", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } if ($this->headerBuffer === '') { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Unexpected CONTINUATION frame for stream ID " . $this->headerStream, self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } $this->pushHeaderBlockFragment($streamId, $frameBuffer); $ended = $frameFlags & self::END_STREAM; if ($frameFlags & self::END_HEADERS) { $this->continuationExpected = false; $isPush = $this->headerFrameType === self::PUSH_PROMISE; $pushId = $this->headerStream; list($pseudo, $headers) = $this->parseHeaderBuffer(); if ($isPush) { $this->handler->handlePushPromise($streamId, $pushId, $pseudo, $headers); } else { $this->handler->handleHeaders($streamId, $pseudo, $headers, $ended); } } if ($ended) { $this->handler->handleStreamEnd($streamId); } } private function throwInvalidFrameSizeError() { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid frame length", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } private function throwInvalidRecursiveDependency(int $streamId) { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid recursive dependency for stream {$streamId}", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } private function throwInvalidPaddingError() { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Padding greater than length", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } private function throwInvalidZeroStreamIdError() { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid zero stream ID", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } private function throwInvalidNonZeroStreamIdError() { throw new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid non-zero stream ID", self::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 103 => 'Early Hints', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-Status', 208 => 'Already Reported', 226 => 'IM Used', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Payload Too Large', 414 => 'URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 421 => 'Misdirected Request', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Failed Dependency', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 510 => 'Not Extended', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required'][$code] ?? ''; } }withSecure(); break; case 'httponly': $meta = $meta->withHttpOnly(); break; default: $unknownAttributes[] = $part; break; } } else { switch ($key) { case 'expires': $time = self::parseDate($pieces[1]); if ($time === null) { break; // break is correct, see } $meta = $meta->withExpiry($time); break; case 'max-age': $maxAge = \trim($pieces[1]); // This also allows +1.42, but avoids a more complicated manual check if (!\is_numeric($maxAge)) { break; // break is correct, see } $meta = $meta->withMaxAge($maxAge); break; case 'path': $meta = $meta->withPath($pieces[1]); break; case 'domain': $meta = $meta->withDomain($pieces[1]); break; case 'samesite': $normalizedValue = \ucfirst(\strtolower($pieces[1])); if (!\in_array($normalizedValue, [CookieAttributes::SAMESITE_NONE, CookieAttributes::SAMESITE_LAX, CookieAttributes::SAMESITE_STRICT], true)) { $unknownAttributes[] = $part; } else { $meta = $meta->withSameSite($normalizedValue); } break; default: $unknownAttributes[] = $part; break; } } } try { $cookie = new self($name, $value, $meta); $cookie->unknownAttributes = $unknownAttributes; return $cookie; } catch (InvalidCookieException $e) { return null; } } /** * @param string $date Formatted cookie date * * @return \DateTimeImmutable|null Parsed date. */ private static function parseDate(string $date) { foreach (self::$dateFormats as $dateFormat) { if ($parsedDate = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat($dateFormat, $date, new \DateTimeZone('GMT'))) { return $parsedDate; } } return null; } /** @var string[] */ private $unknownAttributes = []; /** @var string */ private $name; /** @var string */ private $value; /** @var CookieAttributes */ private $attributes; /** * @param string $name Name of the cookie. * @param string $value Value of the cookie. * @param CookieAttributes $attributes Attributes of the cookie. * * @throws InvalidCookieException If name or value is invalid. */ public function __construct(string $name, string $value = '', CookieAttributes $attributes = null) { if (!\preg_match('(^[^()<>@,;:\\\\"/[\\]?={}\\x01-\\x20\\x7F]++$)', $name)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie name: '{$name}'"); } if (!\preg_match('(^[\\x21\\x23-\\x2B\\x2D-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]*+$)', $value)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie value: '{$value}'"); } $this->name = $name; $this->value = $value; $this->attributes = $attributes ?? CookieAttributes::default(); } /** * @return string Name of the cookie. */ public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } public function withName(string $name) : self { if (!\preg_match('(^[^()<>@,;:\\\\"/[\\]?={}\\x01-\\x20\\x7F]++$)', $name)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie name: '{$name}'"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->name = $name; return $clone; } /** * @return string Value of the cookie. */ public function getValue() : string { return $this->value; } public function withValue(string $value) : self { if (!\preg_match('(^[\\x21\\x23-\\x2B\\x2D-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]*+$)', $value)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie value: '{$value}'"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->value = $value; return $clone; } /** * @return \DateTimeImmutable|null Expiry if set, otherwise `null`. * * @link */ public function getExpiry() { return $this->attributes->getExpiry(); } public function withExpiry(\DateTimeInterface $expiry) : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withExpiry($expiry)); } public function withoutExpiry() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withoutExpiry()); } /** * @return int|null Max-Age if set, otherwise `null`. * * @link */ public function getMaxAge() { return $this->attributes->getMaxAge(); } public function withMaxAge(int $maxAge) : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withMaxAge($maxAge)); } public function withoutMaxAge() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withoutMaxAge()); } /** * @return string Cookie path. * * @link */ public function getPath() : string { return $this->attributes->getPath(); } public function withPath(string $path) : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withPath($path)); } /** * @return string Cookie domain. * * @link */ public function getDomain() : string { return $this->attributes->getDomain(); } public function withDomain(string $domain) : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withDomain($domain)); } /** * @return bool Whether the secure flag is enabled or not. * * @link */ public function isSecure() : bool { return $this->attributes->isSecure(); } public function withSecure() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withSecure()); } public function withoutSecure() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withoutSecure()); } /** * @return bool Whether the httpOnly flag is enabled or not. * * @link */ public function isHttpOnly() : bool { return $this->attributes->isHttpOnly(); } public function withHttpOnly() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withHttpOnly()); } public function withoutHttpOnly() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withoutHttpOnly()); } public function withSameSite(string $sameSite) : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withSameSite($sameSite)); } public function withoutSameSite() : self { return $this->withAttributes($this->attributes->withoutSameSite()); } public function getSameSite() { return $this->attributes->getSameSite(); } /** * @return CookieAttributes All cookie attributes. */ public function getAttributes() : CookieAttributes { return $this->attributes; } public function withAttributes(CookieAttributes $attributes) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->attributes = $attributes; return $clone; } /** * @return string Representation of the cookie as in a 'set-cookie' header. */ public function __toString() : string { $line = $this->name . '=' . $this->value; $line .= $this->attributes; $unknownAttributes = \implode('; ', $this->unknownAttributes); if ($unknownAttributes !== '') { $line .= '; ' . $unknownAttributes; } return $line; } }httpOnly = false; return $new; } /** * @return CookieAttributes Default cookie attributes, which means httpOnly is enabled by default. * * @see self::empty() */ public static function default() : self { return new self(); } /** @var string */ private $path = ''; /** @var string */ private $domain = ''; /** @var int|null */ private $maxAge; /** @var \DateTimeImmutable */ private $expiry; /** @var bool */ private $secure = false; /** @var bool */ private $httpOnly = true; /** @var string|null */ private $sameSite; private function __construct() { // only allow creation via named constructors } /** * @param string $path Cookie path. * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. Cloned instance with the specified operation * applied. * * @link */ public function withPath(string $path) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->path = $path; return $new; } /** * @param string $domain Cookie domain. * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @link */ public function withDomain(string $domain) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->domain = $domain; return $new; } /** * @param string $sameSite Cookie SameSite attribute value. * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @link */ public function withSameSite(string $sameSite) : self { $normalizedValue = \ucfirst(\strtolower($sameSite)); if (!\in_array($normalizedValue, [self::SAMESITE_NONE, self::SAMESITE_LAX, self::SAMESITE_STRICT], true)) { throw new \Error("Invalid SameSite attribute: " . $sameSite); } $new = clone $this; $new->sameSite = $normalizedValue; return $new; } /** * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @link */ public function withoutSameSite() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->sameSite = null; return $new; } /** * Applies the given maximum age to the cookie. * * @param int $maxAge Cookie maximum age. * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withoutMaxAge() * @see self::withExpiry() * * @link */ public function withMaxAge(int $maxAge) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->maxAge = $maxAge; return $new; } /** * Removes any max-age information. * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withMaxAge() * * @link */ public function withoutMaxAge() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->maxAge = null; return $new; } /** * Applies the given expiry to the cookie. * * @param \DateTimeInterface $date * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withMaxAge() * @see self::withoutExpiry() * * @link */ public function withExpiry(\DateTimeInterface $date) : self { $new = clone $this; if ($date instanceof \DateTimeImmutable) { $new->expiry = $date; } elseif ($date instanceof \DateTime) { $new->expiry = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($date); } else { $new->expiry = new \DateTimeImmutable("@" . $date->getTimestamp()); } return $new; } /** * Removes any expiry information. * * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withExpiry() * * @link */ public function withoutExpiry() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->expiry = null; return $new; } /** * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withoutSecure() * * @link */ public function withSecure() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->secure = true; return $new; } /** * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withSecure() * * @link */ public function withoutSecure() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->secure = false; return $new; } /** * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withoutHttpOnly() * * @link */ public function withHttpOnly() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->httpOnly = true; return $new; } /** * @return self Cloned instance with the specified operation applied. * * @see self::withHttpOnly() * * @link */ public function withoutHttpOnly() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->httpOnly = false; return $new; } /** * @return string Cookie path. * * @link */ public function getPath() : string { return $this->path; } /** * @return string Cookie domain. * * @link */ public function getDomain() : string { return $this->domain; } /** * @return string Cookie domain. * * @link */ public function getSameSite() { return $this->sameSite; } /** * @return int|null Cookie maximum age in seconds or `null` if no value is set. * * @link */ public function getMaxAge() { return $this->maxAge; } /** * @return \DateTimeImmutable|null Cookie expiry or `null` if no value is set. * * @link */ public function getExpiry() { return $this->expiry; } /** * @return bool Whether the secure flag is enabled or not. * * @link */ public function isSecure() : bool { return $this->secure; } /** * @return bool Whether the httpOnly flag is enabled or not. * * @link */ public function isHttpOnly() : bool { return $this->httpOnly; } /** * @return string Representation of the cookie attributes appended to key=value in a 'set-cookie' header. */ public function __toString() : string { $string = ''; if ($this->expiry) { $string .= '; Expires=' . \gmdate('D, j M Y G:i:s T', $this->expiry->getTimestamp()); } if ($this->maxAge) { $string .= '; Max-Age=' . $this->maxAge; } if ('' !== $this->path) { $string .= '; Path=' . $this->path; } if ('' !== $this->domain) { $string .= '; Domain=' . $this->domain; } if ($this->secure) { $string .= '; Secure'; } if ($this->httpOnly) { $string .= '; HttpOnly'; } if ($this->sameSite !== null) { $string .= '; SameSite=' . $this->sameSite; } return $string; } }@,;:\\\\"/[\\]?={}\\x01-\\x20\\x7F]*+$)', $name)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie name: '{$name}'"); } if (!\preg_match('(^[\\x21\\x23-\\x2B\\x2D-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]*+$)', $value)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie value: '{$value}'"); } $this->name = $name; $this->value = $value; } /** * @return string Name of the cookie. */ public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } public function withName(string $name) : self { if (!\preg_match('(^[^()<>@,;:\\\\"/[\\]?={}\\x01-\\x20\\x7F]++$)', $name)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie name: '{$name}'"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->name = $name; return $clone; } /** * @return string Value of the cookie. */ public function getValue() : string { return $this->value; } public function withValue(string $value) : self { if (!\preg_match('(^[\\x21\\x23-\\x2B\\x2D-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]*+$)', $value)) { throw new InvalidCookieException("Invalid cookie value: '{$value}'"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->value = $value; return $clone; } /** * @return string Representation of the cookie as in a 'cookie' header. */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->name . '=' . $this->value; } }@,;:\\\"/[\\]?={}\1- ]++)\$)"; const HEADER_VALUE_REGEX = "(^[ \t]*+((?:[ \t]*+[!-~-]++)*+)[ \t]*+\$)"; const HEADER_REGEX = "(^([^()<>@,;:\\\"/[\\]?={}\1- ]++):[ \t]*+((?:[ \t]*+[!-~-]++)*+)[ \t]*+\r\n)m"; const HEADER_FOLD_REGEX = "(\r\n[ \t]++)"; /** * Parses headers according to RFC 7230 and 2616. * * Allows empty header values, as HTTP/1.0 allows that. * * @param string $rawHeaders * * @return array Associative array mapping header names to arrays of values. * * @throws InvalidHeaderException If invalid headers have been passed. */ public static function parseHeaders(string $rawHeaders) : array { $headers = []; foreach (self::parseRawHeaders($rawHeaders) as $header) { // Unfortunately, we can't avoid the \strtolower() calls due to \array_change_key_case() behavior // when equal headers are present with different casing, e.g. 'set-cookie' and 'Set-Cookie'. // Accessing headers directly instead of using foreach (... as list(...)) is slightly faster. $headers[\strtolower($header[0])][] = $header[1]; } return $headers; } /** * Parses headers according to RFC 7230 and 2616. * * Allows empty header values, as HTTP/1.0 allows that. * * @param string $rawHeaders * * @return array List of [field, value] header pairs. * * @throws InvalidHeaderException If invalid headers have been passed. */ public static function parseRawHeaders(string $rawHeaders) : array { // Ensure that the last line also ends with a newline, this is important. \assert(\substr($rawHeaders, -2) === "\r\n", "Argument 1 must end with CRLF: " . \bin2hex($rawHeaders)); /** @var array[] $matches */ $count = \preg_match_all(self::HEADER_REGEX, $rawHeaders, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER); // If these aren't the same, then one line didn't match and there's an invalid header. if ($count !== \substr_count($rawHeaders, "\n")) { // Folding is deprecated, see if (\preg_match(self::HEADER_FOLD_REGEX, $rawHeaders)) { throw new InvalidHeaderException("Invalid header syntax: Obsolete line folding"); } throw new InvalidHeaderException("Invalid header syntax"); } $headers = []; foreach ($matches as $match) { // We avoid a call to \trim() here due to the regex. // Accessing matches directly instead of using foreach (... as list(...)) is slightly faster. $headers[] = [$match[1], $match[2]]; } return $headers; } /** * Format headers in to their on-the-wire format. * * Headers are always validated syntactically. This protects against response splitting and header injection * attacks. * * @param array $headers Headers in a format as returned by {@see parseHeaders()}. * * @return string Formatted headers. * * @throws InvalidHeaderException If header names or values are invalid. */ public static function formatHeaders(array $headers) : string { $headerList = []; foreach ($headers as $name => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { // PHP casts integer-like keys to integers $headerList[] = [(string) $name, $value]; } } return self::formatRawHeaders($headerList); } /** * Format headers in to their on-the-wire HTTP/1 format. * * Headers are always validated syntactically. This protects against response splitting and header injection * attacks. * * @param array $headers List of headers in [field, value] format as returned by {@see Message::getRawHeaders()}. * * @return string Formatted headers. * * @throws InvalidHeaderException If header names or values are invalid. */ public static function formatRawHeaders(array $headers) : string { $buffer = ""; $lines = 0; foreach ($headers as list($name, $value)) { // Ignore any HTTP/2 pseudo headers if (($name[0] ?? '') === ':') { continue; } $buffer .= "{$name}: {$value}\r\n"; $lines++; } $count = \preg_match_all(self::HEADER_REGEX, $buffer); if ($lines !== $count || $lines !== \substr_count($buffer, "\n")) { throw new InvalidHeaderException("Invalid headers"); } return $buffer; } }headers; } /** * Returns the headers as list of [field, name] pairs in the original casing provided by the application or server. * * @return array */ public final function getRawHeaders() : array { $headers = []; foreach ($this->headers as $lcName => $values) { $size = \count($values); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $headers[] = [$this->headerCase[$lcName][$i], $values[$i]]; } } return $headers; } /** * Returns the array of values for the given header or an empty array if the header does not exist. * * @param string $name * * @return string[] */ public function getHeaderArray(string $name) : array { return $this->headers[\strtolower($name)] ?? []; } /** * Returns the value of the given header. If multiple headers are present for the named header, only the first * header value will be returned. Use getHeaderArray() to return an array of all values for the particular header. * Returns null if the header does not exist. * * @param string $name * * @return string|null */ public function getHeader(string $name) { return $this->headers[\strtolower($name)][0] ?? null; } /** * Sets the headers from the given array. * * @param string[]|string[][] $headers */ protected function setHeaders(array $headers) { // Ensure this is an atomic operation, either all headers are set or none. $before = $this->headers; $beforeCase = $this->headerCase; try { foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { $this->setHeader($name, $value); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->headers = $before; $this->headerCase = $beforeCase; throw $e; } } /** * Sets the named header to the given value. * * @param string $name * @param string|string[] $value * * @throws \Error If the header name or value is invalid. */ protected function setHeader(string $name, $value) { \assert($this->isNameValid($name), "Invalid header name"); if (\is_array($value)) { if (!$value) { $this->removeHeader($name); return; } $value = \array_values(\array_map("strval", $value)); } else { $value = [(string) $value]; } \assert($this->isValueValid($value), "Invalid header value"); $lcName = \strtolower($name); $this->headers[$lcName] = $value; $this->headerCase[$lcName] = []; foreach ($value as $_) { $this->headerCase[$lcName][] = $name; } } /** * Adds the value to the named header, or creates the header with the given value if it did not exist. * * @param string $name * @param string|string[] $value * * @throws \Error If the header name or value is invalid. */ protected function addHeader(string $name, $value) { \assert($this->isNameValid($name), "Invalid header name"); if (\is_array($value)) { if (!$value) { return; } $value = \array_values(\array_map("strval", $value)); } else { $value = [(string) $value]; } \assert($this->isValueValid($value), "Invalid header value"); $lcName = \strtolower($name); if (isset($this->headers[$lcName])) { $this->headers[$lcName] = \array_merge($this->headers[$lcName], $value); foreach ($value as $_) { $this->headerCase[$lcName][] = $name; } } else { $this->headers[$lcName] = $value; foreach ($value as $_) { $this->headerCase[$lcName][] = $name; } } } /** * Removes the given header if it exists. * * @param string $name */ protected function removeHeader(string $name) { $lcName = \strtolower($name); unset($this->headers[$lcName], $this->headerCase[$lcName]); } /** * Checks if given header exists. * * @param string $name * * @return bool */ public function hasHeader(string $name) : bool { return isset($this->headers[\strtolower($name)]); } /** * @param string $name * * @return bool */ private function isNameValid(string $name) : bool { return (bool) \preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9`~!#$%^&_|\'\\-:]+$/', $name); } /** * Determines if the given value is a valid header value. * * @param string[] $values * * @return bool * * @throws \Error If the given value cannot be converted to a string and is not an array of values that can be * converted to strings. */ private function isValueValid(array $values) : bool { foreach ($values as $value) { if (\preg_match("/[^\t\r\n -~-]|\r\n/", $value)) { return false; } } return true; } }getHeaderArray($headerName)); if ($header === '') { return []; } \preg_match_all('(([^"=,]+)(?:=(?:"((?:[^\\\\"]|\\\\.)*)"|([^,"]*)))?,?\\s*)', $header, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER); $totalMatchedLength = 0; $pairs = []; foreach ($matches as $match) { $totalMatchedLength += \strlen($match[0]); $key = \trim($match[1]); $value = ($match[2] ?? '') . \trim($match[3] ?? ''); if (($match[2] ?? '') !== '') { // decode escaped characters $value = \preg_replace('(\\\\(.))', '\\1', $value); } $pairs[] = [$key, $value]; } if ($totalMatchedLength !== \strlen($header)) { return null; // parse error } return $pairs; } /** * @param array $pairs Output of {@code parseFieldValueComponents}. Keys are handled case-insensitively. * * @return array|null Map of keys to values or {@code null} if incompatible duplicates are found. */ function createFieldValueComponentMap(array $pairs = null) { if ($pairs === null) { return null; } $map = []; foreach ($pairs as $pair) { \assert(\count($pair) === 2); \assert(\is_string($pair[0])); \assert(\is_string($pair[1])); } foreach ($pairs as list($key, $value)) { $key = \strtolower($key); if (isset($map[$key]) && $map[$key] !== $value) { return null; // incompatible duplicates } $map[$key] = $value; } return $map; } /** * Format timestamp in seconds as an HTTP date header. * * @param int|null $timestamp Timestamp to format, current time if `null`. * * @return string Formatted date header value. */ function formatDateHeader(int $timestamp = null) : string { static $cachedTimestamp, $cachedFormattedDate; $timestamp = $timestamp ?? \time(); if ($cachedTimestamp === $timestamp) { return $cachedFormattedDate; } return $cachedFormattedDate = \gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $cachedTimestamp = $timestamp) . " GMT"; }setHeaders($headers); } public function setHeaders(array $headers) { parent::setHeaders($headers); } public function setHeader(string $name, $value) { parent::setHeader($name, $value); } public function addHeader(string $name, $value) { parent::addHeader($name, $value); } public function removeHeader(string $name) { parent::removeHeader($name); } } class MessageTest extends TestCase { public function testGetRawHeaders() { $message = new TestMessage(['X-FooBar' => 'bar', 'X-Replace' => 'none']); // Replaces existing casing $message->setHeader('x-rePlace', 'yes'); // Gets appended to the existing bucket, not after x-replace $message->addHeader('x-fooBar', 'baz'); // Gets appended at the end, because name doesn't exist yet $message->addHeader('x-again', 'hello'); $this->assertSame([['X-FooBar', 'bar'], ['x-fooBar', 'baz'], ['x-rePlace', 'yes'], ['x-again', 'hello']], $message->getRawHeaders()); } public function testGetHeader() { $message = new TestMessage(['foo' => 'bar']); $this->assertTrue($message->hasHeader('foo')); $this->assertSame(['foo' => ['bar']], $message->getHeaders()); $this->assertSame('bar', $message->getHeader('foo')); $this->assertSame('bar', $message->getHeader('FOO')); $this->assertSame('bar', $message->getHeader('FoO')); $this->assertNull($message->getHeader('bar')); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('foo')); $this->assertSame([], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); } public function testAddHeader() { $message = new TestMessage(['foo' => 'bar']); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('foo')); $message->addHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertSame(['bar', 'bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('foo')); $message->addHeader('bar', 'bar'); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); $message->addHeader('bar', ['baz']); $this->assertSame(['bar', 'baz'], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); $message->addHeader('bar', []); $this->assertSame(['bar', 'baz'], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); } public function testSetHeader() { $message = new TestMessage(['foo' => 'bar']); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('foo')); $message->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('foo')); $message->setHeader('bar', 'bar'); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); $message->setHeaders(['bar' => []]); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $message->getHeaderArray('foo')); $this->assertFalse($message->hasHeader('bar')); $this->assertSame([], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); $message->setHeader('bar', ['biz', 'baz']); $this->assertSame(['biz', 'baz'], $message->getHeaderArray('bar')); $this->assertSame('biz', $message->getHeader('bar')); } public function testInvalidName() { $this->expectException(\AssertionError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid header name'); $message = new TestMessage(); $message->setHeader("te\0st", 'value'); } public function testInvalidValue() { $this->expectException(\AssertionError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid header value'); $message = new TestMessage(); $message->setHeader('foo', "te\0st"); } }parse('no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate')); self::assertSame([['public', ''], ['max-age', '31536000']], $this->parse('public, max-age=31536000')); self::assertSame([['private', 'foo, bar'], ['max-age', '31536000']], $this->parse('private="foo, bar", max-age=31536000')); self::assertNull($this->parse('private="foo, bar, max-age=31536000')); self::assertSame([['private', 'foo"bar'], ['max-age', '31536000']], $this->parse('private="foo\\"bar", max-age=31536000')); self::assertSame([['private', 'foo""bar'], ['max-age', '31536000']], $this->parse('private="foo\\"\\"bar", max-age=31536000')); self::assertSame([['private', 'foo\\'], ['bar', '']], $this->parse('private="foo\\\\", bar')); self::assertSame([['private', 'foo'], ['private', 'bar']], $this->parse('private="foo", private=bar')); } private function parse(string $headerValue) { return parseFieldValueComponents($this->createMessage(['cache-control' => $headerValue]), 'cache-control'); } private function createMessage(array $headers) : Message { return new class($headers) extends Message { public function __construct(array $headers) { $this->setHeaders($headers); } }; } }assertEquals([new RequestCookie("foobar", "xxx")], RequestCookie::fromHeader("foobar=xxx")); $this->assertEquals([new RequestCookie("foobar", "x%20x")], RequestCookie::fromHeader("foobar=x%20x")); $this->assertEquals([new RequestCookie("a", "1"), new RequestCookie("b", "2")], RequestCookie::fromHeader("a=1;b=2")); $this->assertEquals([new RequestCookie("a", "1"), new RequestCookie("b", "2")], RequestCookie::fromHeader("a=1; b=2")); $this->assertEquals([new RequestCookie("a", "1"), new RequestCookie("b", "2")], RequestCookie::fromHeader("a=1 ;b=2")); $this->assertEquals([new RequestCookie("a", "1"), new RequestCookie("b", "-2")], RequestCookie::fromHeader("a=1; b = -2")); $this->assertSame([], RequestCookie::fromHeader("a=1; b=2 2")); // Any missing = MUST discard the full cookie header $this->assertSame([], RequestCookie::fromHeader("a=1; b")); } public function testInvalidCookieName() { $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); new RequestCookie("foo bar"); } public function testInvalidCookieNameModify() { $cookie = new RequestCookie("foobar"); $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); $cookie->withName('foo bar'); } public function testInvalidCookieValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); new RequestCookie("foobar", "what is this"); } public function testInvalidCookieValueModify() { $cookie = new RequestCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); $cookie->withValue('what is this'); } public function testGetters() { $cookie = new RequestCookie("foobar", "baz"); $this->assertSame("foobar", $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame("baz", $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertSame("foobar=baz", (string) $cookie); } public function testModifyName() { $cookie = new RequestCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withName('bar'); $this->assertSame('foobar', $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame('bar', $newCookie->getName()); } public function testModifyValue() { $cookie = new RequestCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withValue('what-is-that'); $this->assertSame('what-is-this', $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertSame('what-is-that', $newCookie->getValue()); } }withMaxAge(10); $this->assertSame(10, $attributes->getMaxAge()); $this->assertNull($attributes->getExpiry()); $attributes = $attributes->withoutMaxAge(); $this->assertNull($attributes->getMaxAge()); $this->assertNull($attributes->getExpiry()); } public function testSameSite() { $attributes = CookieAttributes::default()->withSameSite(CookieAttributes::SAMESITE_LAX); $this->assertSame('Lax', $attributes->getSameSite()); $attributes = $attributes->withoutSameSite(); $this->assertNull($attributes->getSameSite()); } public function testSameSite_invalidValue() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); CookieAttributes::default()->withSameSite('fo'); } public function testExpiry() { $expiry = new \DateTimeImmutable("now+10s"); $attributes = CookieAttributes::default()->withExpiry($expiry); $this->assertSame($expiry, $attributes->getExpiry()); $this->assertNull($attributes->getMaxAge()); $attributes = $attributes->withoutExpiry(); $this->assertNull($attributes->getExpiry()); $this->assertNull($attributes->getMaxAge()); } public function testSecure() { $attributes = CookieAttributes::default(); $this->assertFalse($attributes->isSecure()); $this->assertTrue($attributes->withSecure()->isSecure()); $this->assertFalse($attributes->withSecure()->withoutSecure()->isSecure()); } public function testHttpOnly() { $attributes = CookieAttributes::default(); $this->assertTrue($attributes->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertFalse($attributes->withoutHttpOnly()->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertTrue($attributes->withoutHttpOnly()->withHttpOnly()->isHttpOnly()); } public function testToString() { $expiry = new \DateTimeImmutable("now+10s"); $attributes = CookieAttributes::default(); $this->assertSame('; HttpOnly', (string) $attributes); $this->assertSame('; Secure; HttpOnly', (string) $attributes->withSecure()); $this->assertSame('; Max-Age=10; HttpOnly', (string) $attributes->withMaxAge(10)); $this->assertSame('; Path=/; HttpOnly', (string) $attributes->withPath('/')); $this->assertSame('; Domain=localhost; HttpOnly', (string) $attributes->withDomain('localhost')); $this->assertSame('; Expires=' . \gmdate('D, j M Y G:i:s T', $expiry->getTimestamp()) . '; HttpOnly', (string) $attributes->withExpiry($expiry)); $this->assertSame('; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict', (string) $attributes->withSameSite('strict')); } }assertNull(ResponseCookie::fromHeader("=123438afes7a8")); } public function testParsingOnInvalidNameValueCount() { $this->assertNull(ResponseCookie::fromHeader("; HttpOnly=123")); } public function testParsing() { // Examples from $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("sessionid", "38afes7a8", CookieAttributes::empty()->withHttpOnly()->withPath("/")), ResponseCookie::fromHeader("sessionid=38afes7a8; HttpOnly; Path=/")); $expectedMeta = CookieAttributes::empty()->withHttpOnly()->withSecure()->withExpiry(new \DateTimeImmutable("Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00", new \DateTimeZone("GMT"))); $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("id", "a3fWa", $expectedMeta), ResponseCookie::fromHeader("id=a3fWa; Expires=Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly")); // This might fail if the second switches between withMaxAge() and fromHeader() - we take the risk $expectedMeta = CookieAttributes::empty()->withMaxAge(60); $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("id", "a3fWa", $expectedMeta), ResponseCookie::fromHeader("id=a3fWa; Max-AGE=60")); // Missing "Wed, " in date, so date is ignored $expectedMeta = CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain("")->withPath("/"); $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("qwerty", "219ffwef9w0f", $expectedMeta), ResponseCookie::fromHeader("qwerty=219ffwef9w0f;; Path=/; Expires=30 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT")); $expectedMeta = CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain("")->withPath("/")->withExpiry(new \DateTimeImmutable("Wed, 30 Aug 2019 00:00:00", new \DateTimeZone("GMT"))); $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("qwerty", "219ffwef9w0f", $expectedMeta), $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader("qwerty=219ffwef9w0f;; Path=/; Expires=Wed, 30 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT")); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isSecure()); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertSame("qwerty", $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame("219ffwef9w0f", $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertSame("", $cookie->getDomain()); $this->assertSame("/", $cookie->getPath()); $this->assertSame((new \DateTimeImmutable("Wed, 30 Aug 2019 00:00:00", new \DateTimeZone("GMT")))->getTimestamp(), $cookie->getExpiry()->getTimestamp()); // Non-digit in Max-Age $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("qwerty", "219ffwef9w0f", CookieAttributes::empty()), ResponseCookie::fromHeader("qwerty=219ffwef9w0f; Max-Age=12520b")); // "-" in front in Max-Age $this->assertEquals(new ResponseCookie("qwerty", "219ffwef9w0f", CookieAttributes::empty()->withMaxAge(-1)), ResponseCookie::fromHeader("qwerty=219ffwef9w0f; Max-Age=-1")); $this->assertNull(ResponseCookie::fromHeader("query foo=129")); } public function testGetMaxAge() { $responseCookie = new ResponseCookie("qwerty", "219ffwef9w0f", CookieAttributes::empty()->withMaxAge(10)); $this->assertSame(10, $responseCookie->getMaxAge()); } public function testInvalidName() { $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); new ResponseCookie("foo:bar"); } public function testInvalidValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); new ResponseCookie("foobar", "foo;bar"); } public function testGetAttributes() { $attributes = CookieAttributes::default(); $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "xxx", $attributes); $this->assertSame($attributes, $cookie->getAttributes()); } public function testToString() { $attributes = CookieAttributes::default(); $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "xxx", $attributes); $this->assertSame("foobar=xxx; HttpOnly", (string) $cookie); } public function testModifyName() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withName('bar'); $this->assertSame('foobar', $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame('bar', $newCookie->getName()); } public function testModifyValue() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withValue('what-is-that'); $this->assertSame('what-is-this', $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertSame('what-is-that', $newCookie->getValue()); } public function testModifyHttpOnly() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withoutHttpOnly(); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertTrue($newCookie->withHttpOnly()->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertFalse($newCookie->isHttpOnly()); } public function testModifySecure() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withSecure(); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isSecure()); $this->assertFalse($newCookie->withoutSecure()->isSecure()); $this->assertTrue($newCookie->isSecure()); } public function testModifyDomain() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withDomain(''); $this->assertSame('', $cookie->getDomain()); $this->assertSame('', $newCookie->getDomain()); } public function testModifyPath() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withPath('/example'); $this->assertSame('', $cookie->getPath()); $this->assertSame('/example', $newCookie->getPath()); } public function testModifyExpiry() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withExpiry(\DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2019-06-10')); $this->assertNull($cookie->getExpiry()); $this->assertNull($newCookie->withoutExpiry()->getExpiry()); $this->assertSame('2019-06-10', $newCookie->getExpiry()->format('Y-m-d')); } public function testModifyExpiryMutable() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $expiry = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2019-06-10'); $newCookie = $cookie->withExpiry($expiry); $this->assertNull($cookie->getExpiry()); $this->assertNull($newCookie->withoutExpiry()->getExpiry()); $this->assertSame('2019-06-10', $newCookie->getExpiry()->format('Y-m-d')); $expiry->add(new \DateInterval('P2D')); $this->assertSame('2019-06-10', $newCookie->getExpiry()->format('Y-m-d')); } public function testModifyMaxAge() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withMaxAge(12); $this->assertNull($cookie->getMaxAge()); $this->assertNull($newCookie->withoutMaxAge()->getMaxAge()); $this->assertSame(12, $newCookie->getMaxAge()); } public function testModifySameSite() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $newCookie = $cookie->withSameSite('Lax'); $this->assertNull($cookie->getSameSite()); $this->assertNull($newCookie->withoutSameSite()->getSameSite()); $this->assertSame('Lax', $newCookie->getSameSite()); } public function testInvalidCookieName() { $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); new ResponseCookie("foo bar"); } public function testInvalidCookieNameModify() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar"); $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); $cookie->withName('foo bar'); } public function testInvalidCookieValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what is this"); } public function testInvalidCookieValueModify() { $cookie = new ResponseCookie("foobar", "what-is-this"); $this->expectException(InvalidCookieException::class); $cookie->withValue('what is this'); } public function testSameSiteInvalid() { $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader('foo=bar; SameSite=lax'); $this->assertSame('foo', $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame('bar', $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertSame('Lax', $cookie->getSameSite()); } public function testPreservesUnknownAttributes() { $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader('key=value; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict;Foobar'); $this->assertNotNull($cookie); $this->assertSame('key', $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame('value', $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertSame('key=value; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict; Foobar', (string) $cookie); } public function testPreservesUnknownAttributes_invalidSameSite() { $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader('key=value; HttpOnly; SameSite=foo;Foobar; bla=x'); $this->assertNotNull($cookie); $this->assertSame('key', $cookie->getName()); $this->assertSame('value', $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isHttpOnly()); $this->assertSame('key=value; HttpOnly; SameSite=foo; Foobar; bla=x', (string) $cookie); } }getConstants() as $statusCode) { $this->assertNotEmpty(Status::getReason($statusCode), "{$statusCode} doesn't have a default reason."); } } public function testEachDefaultReasonHasCorrespondingConstant() { $class = new \ReflectionClass(Status::class); $constants = $class->getConstants(); for ($i = 0; $i < 600; $i++) { $reason = Status::getReason($i); if ($reason !== "") { $this->assertContains($i, $constants); } } } public function testNoDuplicateDefinition() { $class = new \ReflectionClass(Status::class); $constants = $class->getConstants(); // Double array_flip removes any duplicates. $this->assertSame($constants, \array_flip(\array_flip($constants))); } }assertSame($result, $expectedResult); } /** @dataProvider provideValidHeaders */ public function testValidHeaderParsing(string $rawHeaders, array $expectedResult) { $result = Rfc7230::parseHeaders($rawHeaders); $headers = []; foreach ($expectedResult as list($name, $value)) { $name = \strtolower($name); $headers[$name] = $headers[$name] ?? []; $headers[$name][] = $value; } $this->assertSame($result, $headers); } /** @dataProvider provideValidHeaders */ public function testValidRawHeaderFormatting(string $rawHeaders, array $expectedResult) { $result = Rfc7230::parseRawHeaders(Rfc7230::formatRawHeaders($expectedResult)); $this->assertSame($result, $expectedResult); } /** @dataProvider provideValidHeaders */ public function testValidHeaderFormattingDifferentCasing(string $rawHeaders, array $expectedResult) { $headers = []; foreach ($expectedResult as list($name, $value)) { // No strtolower $headers[$name] = $headers[$name] ?? []; $headers[$name][] = $value; } $result = Rfc7230::parseRawHeaders(Rfc7230::formatHeaders($headers)); $this->assertSame($result, $expectedResult); } public function provideValidHeaders() { return [["x:y\r\n", [["x", "y"]]], ["server:\\r\n", [["server", ""]]], ["server: \ \t \r\n", [["server", ""]]], ["server: \ \t \r\nServer:\r\n", [["server", ""], ["Server", ""]]], ["ser124ver:\\r\n", [["ser124ver", ""]]], ["123: 321\r\n", [['123', '321']]], ["AbC: Test\r\n", [['AbC', 'Test']]]]; } /** @dataProvider provideInvalidHeaders */ public function testInvalidHeaderParsing(string $rawHeaders) { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); Rfc7230::parseHeaders($rawHeaders); } public function provideInvalidHeaders() { return [[" x:y\r\n"], ["x :z\r\n"], [" x:z\r\n"], ["x :z\nfoo: bar\r\n"], ["x:z\nfoo: bar\r\n"], ["ser ver:\\r\n"], ["server:\\r\n fold\r\n"]]; } public function testIgnoresHttp2PseudoHeaders() { $headers = ["foobar" => ["bar"], ":method" => ["GET"], "x" => ["y"]]; $this->assertSame("foobar: bar\r\nx: y\r\n", Rfc7230::formatHeaders($headers)); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithLfInValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar" => ["test\nbar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithCrInValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar" => ["test\rbar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithCrLfInValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar" => ["test\r\nbar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithCrLfAndColonInValue() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar" => ["test\r\nfoo: bar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithCrInName() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar\rfoobar" => ["bar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithLfInName() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar\nfoobar" => ["bar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithCrLfInName() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar\r\nfoobar" => ["bar"]]); } public function testDetectsHeaderInjectionsWithCrLfAndColonInName() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foobar: test\r\nfoobar" => ["bar"]]); } public function testDetectsInvalidHeaderSyntax() { $this->expectException(InvalidHeaderException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid headers"); Rfc7230::formatHeaders(["foo bar" => ["bar"]]); } } 'bar', 'foobar' => 'bar'], createFieldValueComponentMap([['foo', 'bar'], ['foobar', 'bar']])); self::assertSame(['foo' => 'bar'], createFieldValueComponentMap([['foo', 'bar']])); self::assertSame(['foo' => 'bar'], createFieldValueComponentMap([['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar']])); self::assertNull(createFieldValueComponentMap([['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'baz']])); } }{ "name": "amphp/file", "homepage": "", "description": "Allows non-blocking access to the filesystem for Amp.", "support": { "issues": "" }, "keywords": [ "file", "disk", "static", "async", "non-blocking", "amp", "amphp", "io", "filesystem" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "amphp/amp": "^2.2", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.6.1", "amphp/parallel": "^1.2" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8 || ^7", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\File\\": "src" }, "files": ["src/functions.php"] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\File\\Test\\": "test" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@code-style", "@test" ], "code-style": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" } } poll = new Internal\EioPoll(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function open(string $path, string $mode) : Promise { $flags = \EIO_O_NONBLOCK | \EIO_O_FSYNC | $this->parseMode($mode); $chmod = $flags & \EIO_O_CREAT ? 0644 : 0; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $openArr = [$mode, $path, $deferred]; \eio_open($path, $flags, $chmod, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, [$this, "onOpenHandle"], $openArr); return $deferred->promise(); } private function parseMode(string $mode) : int { $mode = \str_replace(['b', 't', 'e'], '', $mode); switch ($mode) { case 'r': return \EIO_O_RDONLY; case 'r+': return \EIO_O_RDWR; case 'w': return \EIO_O_WRONLY | \EIO_O_TRUNC | \EIO_O_CREAT; case 'w+': return \EIO_O_RDWR | \EIO_O_TRUNC | \EIO_O_CREAT; case 'a': return \EIO_O_WRONLY | \EIO_O_APPEND | \EIO_O_CREAT; case 'a+': return \EIO_O_RDWR | \EIO_O_APPEND | \EIO_O_CREAT; case 'x': return \EIO_O_WRONLY | \EIO_O_CREAT | \EIO_O_EXCL; case 'x+': return \EIO_O_RDWR | \EIO_O_CREAT | \EIO_O_EXCL; case 'c': return \EIO_O_WRONLY | \EIO_O_CREAT; case 'c+': return \EIO_O_RDWR | \EIO_O_CREAT; default: throw new \Error('Invalid file mode'); } } private function onOpenHandle(array $openArr, $result, $req) { list($mode, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } elseif ($mode[0] === "a") { \array_unshift($openArr, $result); \eio_ftruncate($result, $offset = 0, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, [$this, "onOpenFtruncate"], $openArr); } else { \array_unshift($openArr, $result); \eio_fstat($result, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, [$this, "onOpenFstat"], $openArr); } } private function onOpenFtruncate(array $openArr, $result, $req) { list($fh, $mode, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $handle = new EioFile($this->poll, $fh, $path, $mode, $size = 0); $deferred->resolve($handle); } } private function onOpenFstat(array $openArr, $result, $req) { list($fh, $mode, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { StatCache::set($path, $result); $handle = new EioFile($this->poll, $fh, $path, $mode, $result["size"]); $deferred->resolve($handle); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stat(string $path) : Promise { if ($stat = StatCache::get($path)) { return new Success($stat); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; $data = [$deferred, $path]; \eio_stat($path, $priority, [$this, "onStat"], $data); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onStat(array $data, $result, $req) { list($deferred, $path) = $data; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->resolve(null); } else { StatCache::set($path, $result); $deferred->resolve($result); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function exists(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $result); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isdir(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve(!($result["mode"] & \EIO_S_IFREG)); } else { $deferred->resolve(false); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isfile(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve((bool) ($result["mode"] & \EIO_S_IFREG)); } else { $deferred->resolve(false); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function size(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if (empty($result)) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } elseif ($result["mode"] & \EIO_S_IFREG) { $deferred->resolve($result["size"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path is not a regular file")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mtime(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve($result["mtime"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function atime(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve($result["atime"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function ctime(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve($result["ctime"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function lstat(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_lstat($path, $priority, [$this, "onLstat"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onLstat(Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { if ($result === -1) { $deferred->resolve(null); } else { $deferred->resolve($result); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function symlink(string $target, string $link) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_symlink($target, $link, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function link(string $target, string $link) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_link($target, $link, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function readlink(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_readlink($path, $priority, [$this, "onReadlink"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onReadlink(Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $deferred->resolve($result); } } private function onGenericResult(Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $deferred->resolve(true); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rename(string $from, string $to) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_rename($from, $to, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unlink(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; $data = [$deferred, $path]; \eio_unlink($path, $priority, [$this, "onUnlink"], $data); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onUnlink(array $data, $result, $req) { list($deferred, $path) = $data; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { StatCache::clear($path); $deferred->resolve(true); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; if ($recursive) { $path = \str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $arrayPath = \explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $tmpPath = ""; $callback = function () use(&$callback, &$arrayPath, &$tmpPath, $mode, $priority, $deferred) { $tmpPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \array_shift($arrayPath); if (empty($arrayPath)) { \eio_mkdir($tmpPath, $mode, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); } else { $this->isdir($tmpPath)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($callback, $tmpPath, $mode, $priority) { if ($result) { $callback(); } else { \eio_mkdir($tmpPath, $mode, $priority, $callback); } }); } }; $callback(); } else { \eio_mkdir($path, $mode, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); } return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rmdir(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; $data = [$deferred, $path]; \eio_rmdir($path, $priority, [$this, "onRmdir"], $data); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onRmdir(array $data, $result, $req) { list($deferred, $path) = $data; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { StatCache::clear($path); $deferred->resolve(true); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function scandir(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $flags = \EIO_READDIR_STAT_ORDER | \EIO_READDIR_DIRS_FIRST; $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_readdir($path, $flags, $priority, [$this, "onScandir"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onScandir(Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $result = $result["names"]; \sort($result); $deferred->resolve($result); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chmod(string $path, int $mode) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_chmod($path, $mode, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_chown($path, $uid, $gid, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null) : Promise { $time = $time ?? \time(); $atime = $atime ?? $time; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_utime($path, $atime, $time, $priority, [$this, "onGenericResult"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get(string $path) : Promise { $flags = $flags = \EIO_O_RDONLY; $mode = 0; $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \eio_open($path, $flags, $mode, $priority, [$this, "onGetOpen"], $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onGetOpen(Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_fstat($result, $priority, [$this, "onGetFstat"], [$result, $deferred]); } } private function onGetFstat(array $fhAndPromisor, $result, $req) { list($fh, $deferred) = $fhAndPromisor; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); return; } $offset = 0; $length = $result["size"]; $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; \eio_read($fh, $length, $offset, $priority, [$this, "onGetRead"], $fhAndPromisor); } private function onGetRead(array $fhAndPromisor, $result, $req) { list($fh, $deferred) = $fhAndPromisor; \eio_close($fh); if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $deferred->resolve($result); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function put(string $path, string $contents) : Promise { $flags = \EIO_O_RDWR | \EIO_O_CREAT; $mode = \EIO_S_IRUSR | \EIO_S_IWUSR | \EIO_S_IXUSR; $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $data = [$contents, $deferred]; \eio_open($path, $flags, $mode, $priority, [$this, "onPutOpen"], $data); return $deferred->promise(); } private function onPutOpen(array $data, $result, $req) { list($contents, $deferred) = $data; if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $length = \strlen($contents); $offset = 0; $priority = \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT; $callback = [$this, "onPutWrite"]; $fhAndPromisor = [$result, $deferred]; \eio_write($result, $contents, $length, $offset, $priority, $callback, $fhAndPromisor); } } private function onPutWrite(array $fhAndPromisor, $result, $req) { list($fh, $deferred) = $fhAndPromisor; \eio_close($fh); if ($result === -1) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\eio_get_last_error($req))); } else { $deferred->resolve($result); } } }driver = $driver; $this->loop = $driver->getHandle(); $this->poll = new UvPoll(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function open(string $path, string $mode) : Promise { $flags = $this->parseMode($mode); $chmod = $flags & \UV::O_CREAT ? 0644 : 0; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $openArr = [$mode, $path, $deferred]; \uv_fs_open($this->loop, $path, $flags, $chmod, function ($fh) use($openArr) { if ($fh) { $this->onOpenHandle($fh, $openArr); } else { list(, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Failed opening file handle to {$path}")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } private function parseMode(string $mode) : int { $mode = \str_replace(['b', 't', 'e'], '', $mode); switch ($mode) { case "r": return \UV::O_RDONLY; case "r+": return \UV::O_RDWR; case "w": return \UV::O_WRONLY | \UV::O_CREAT; case "w+": return \UV::O_RDWR | \UV::O_CREAT; case "a": return \UV::O_WRONLY | \UV::O_CREAT | \UV::O_APPEND; case "a+": return \UV::O_RDWR | \UV::O_CREAT | \UV::O_APPEND; case "x": return \UV::O_WRONLY | \UV::O_CREAT | \UV::O_EXCL; case "x+": return \UV::O_RDWR | \UV::O_CREAT | \UV::O_EXCL; case "c": return \UV::O_WRONLY | \UV::O_CREAT; case "c+": return \UV::O_RDWR | \UV::O_CREAT; default: throw new \Error('Invalid file mode'); } } private function onOpenHandle($fh, array $openArr) { list($mode) = $openArr; if ($mode[0] === "w") { \uv_fs_ftruncate($this->loop, $fh, $length = 0, function ($fh) use($openArr) { if ($fh) { $this->finalizeHandle($fh, $size = 0, $openArr); } else { list(, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Failed truncating file {$path}")); } }); } else { \uv_fs_fstat($this->loop, $fh, function ($fh, $stat) use($openArr) { if ($fh) { StatCache::set($openArr[1], $stat); $this->finalizeHandle($fh, $stat["size"], $openArr); } else { list(, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Failed reading file size from open handle pointing to {$path}")); } }); } } private function finalizeHandle($fh, $size, array $openArr) { list($mode, $path, $deferred) = $openArr; $handle = new UvFile($this->driver, $this->poll, $fh, $path, $mode, $size); $deferred->resolve($handle); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stat(string $path) : Promise { if ($stat = StatCache::get($path)) { return new Success($stat); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_stat($this->loop, $path, function ($fh, $stat) use($deferred, $path) { if (empty($fh)) { $stat = null; } else { // link is not a valid stat type but returned by the uv extension // change link to nlink if (isset($stat['link'])) { $stat['nlink'] = $stat['link']; unset($stat['link']); } StatCache::set($path, $stat); } $deferred->resolve($stat); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function exists(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $result); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isdir(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve(!($result["mode"] & \UV::S_IFREG)); } else { $deferred->resolve(false); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isfile(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve((bool) ($result["mode"] & \UV::S_IFREG)); } else { $deferred->resolve(false); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function size(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if (empty($result)) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } elseif ($result["mode"] & \UV::S_IFREG) { $deferred->resolve($result["size"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path is not a regular file")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mtime(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve($result["mtime"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function atime(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve($result["atime"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function ctime(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->stat($path)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($deferred) { if ($result) { $deferred->resolve($result["ctime"]); } else { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist")); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function lstat(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_lstat($this->loop, $path, function ($fh, $stat) use($deferred) { if (empty($fh)) { $stat = null; } $deferred->resolve($stat); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function symlink(string $target, string $link) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_symlink($this->loop, $target, $link, \UV::S_IRWXU | \UV::S_IRUSR, function ($fh) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function link(string $target, string $link) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_link($this->loop, $target, $link, \UV::S_IRWXU | \UV::S_IRUSR, function ($fh) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function readlink(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_readlink($this->loop, $path, function ($fh, $target) use($deferred) { if (!(bool) $fh) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Could not read symbolic link")); return; } $deferred->resolve($target); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rename(string $from, string $to) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_rename($this->loop, $from, $to, function ($fh) use($deferred, $from) { StatCache::clear($from); $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unlink(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_unlink($this->loop, $path, function ($fh) use($deferred, $path) { StatCache::clear($path); $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); if ($recursive) { $path = \str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $arrayPath = \explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $tmpPath = ""; $callback = function () use(&$callback, &$arrayPath, &$tmpPath, $mode, $deferred) { $tmpPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \array_shift($arrayPath); if (empty($arrayPath)) { \uv_fs_mkdir($this->loop, $tmpPath, $mode, function ($fh) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); } else { $this->isdir($tmpPath)->onResolve(function ($error, $result) use($callback, $tmpPath, $mode) { if ($result) { $callback(); } else { \uv_fs_mkdir($this->loop, $tmpPath, $mode, $callback); } }); } }; $callback(); } else { \uv_fs_mkdir($this->loop, $path, $mode, function ($fh) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); } return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rmdir(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_rmdir($this->loop, $path, function ($fh) use($deferred, $path) { StatCache::clear($path); $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function scandir(string $path) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_readdir($this->loop, $path, 0, function ($fh, $data) use($deferred, $path) { if (empty($fh) && $data !== 0) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("Failed reading contents from {$path}")); } elseif ($data === 0) { $deferred->resolve([]); } else { $deferred->resolve($data); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chmod(string $path, int $mode) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_chmod($this->loop, $path, $mode, function ($fh) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid) : Promise { // @TODO Return a failure in windows environments $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_chown($this->loop, $path, $uid, $gid, function ($fh) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve((bool) $fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null) : Promise { $time = $time ?? \time(); $atime = $atime ?? $time; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_utime($this->loop, $path, $time, $atime, function () use($deferred) { // The uv_fs_utime() callback does not receive any args at this time $deferred->resolve(true); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get(string $path) : Promise { $promise = new Coroutine($this->doGet($path)); $this->poll->listen($promise); return $promise; } private function doGet($path) : \Generator { $promise = $this->doFsOpen($path, $flags = \UV::O_RDONLY, $mode = 0); if (!($fh = (yield $promise))) { throw new FilesystemException("Failed opening file handle: {$path}"); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $stat = (yield $this->doFsStat($fh)); if (empty($stat)) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("stat operation failed on open file handle")); } elseif (!$stat["isfile"]) { \uv_fs_close($this->loop, $fh, function () use($deferred) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("cannot buffer contents: path is not a file")); }); } else { $buffer = (yield $this->doFsRead($fh, $offset = 0, $stat["size"])); if ($buffer === false) { \uv_fs_close($this->loop, $fh, function () use($deferred) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException("read operation failed on open file handle")); }); } else { \uv_fs_close($this->loop, $fh, function () use($deferred, $buffer) { $deferred->resolve($buffer); }); } } return (yield $deferred->promise()); } private function doFsOpen(string $path, int $flags, int $mode) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); \uv_fs_open($this->loop, $path, $flags, $mode, function ($fh) use($deferred, $path) { $deferred->resolve($fh); }); return $deferred->promise(); } private function doFsStat($fh) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); \uv_fs_fstat($this->loop, $fh, function ($fh, $stat) use($deferred) { if ($fh) { $stat["isdir"] = (bool) ($stat["mode"] & \UV::S_IFDIR); $stat["isfile"] = !$stat["isdir"]; $deferred->resolve($stat); } else { $deferred->resolve(); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } private function doFsRead($fh, int $offset, int $len) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); \uv_fs_read($this->loop, $fh, $offset, $len, function ($fh, $nread, $buffer) use($deferred) { $deferred->resolve($nread < 0 ? false : $buffer); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function put(string $path, string $contents) : Promise { $promise = new Coroutine($this->doPut($path, $contents)); $this->poll->listen($promise); return $promise; } private function doPut(string $path, string $contents) : \Generator { $flags = \UV::O_WRONLY | \UV::O_CREAT; $mode = \UV::S_IRWXU | \UV::S_IRUSR; $promise = $this->doFsOpen($path, $flags, $mode); if (!($fh = (yield $promise))) { throw new FilesystemException("Failed opening write file handle"); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $len = \strlen($contents); \uv_fs_write($this->loop, $fh, $contents, $offset = 0, function ($fh, $result) use($deferred, $len) { \uv_fs_close($this->loop, $fh, function () use($deferred, $result, $len) { if ($result < 0) { $deferred->fail(new FilesystemException(\uv_strerror($result))); } else { $deferred->resolve($len); } }); }); return (yield $deferred->promise()); } }worker = $worker; $this->id = $id; $this->path = $path; $this->size = $size; $this->mode = $mode; $this->position = $this->mode[0] === 'a' ? $this->size : 0; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->id !== null) { $this->close(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function path() : string { return $this->path; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function close() : Promise { if ($this->closing) { return $this->closing; } $this->writable = false; if ($this->worker->isRunning()) { $this->closing = $this->worker->enqueue(new Internal\FileTask('fclose', [], $this->id)); $this->id = null; } else { $this->closing = new Success(); } return $this->closing; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function truncate(int $size) : Promise { if ($this->id === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } if ($this->busy) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new ClosedException("The file is no longer writable"); } return call(function () use($size) { ++$this->pendingWrites; $this->busy = true; try { (yield $this->worker->enqueue(new Internal\FileTask('ftruncate', [$size], $this->id))); } catch (TaskException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Reading from the file failed", 0, $exception); } catch (WorkerException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Sending the task to the worker failed", 0, $exception); } finally { if (--$this->pendingWrites === 0) { $this->busy = false; } } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function eof() : bool { return $this->pendingWrites === 0 && $this->size <= $this->position; } public function read(int $length = self::DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH) : Promise { if ($this->id === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } if ($this->busy) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } return call(function () use($length) { $this->busy = true; try { $data = (yield $this->worker->enqueue(new Internal\FileTask('fread', [$length], $this->id))); $this->position += \strlen($data); } catch (TaskException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Reading from the file failed", 0, $exception); } catch (WorkerException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Sending the task to the worker failed", 0, $exception); } finally { $this->busy = false; } return $data; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->id === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } if ($this->busy && $this->pendingWrites === 0) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new ClosedException("The file is no longer writable"); } return call(function () use($data) { ++$this->pendingWrites; $this->busy = true; try { $length = (yield $this->worker->enqueue(new Internal\FileTask('fwrite', [$data], $this->id))); } catch (TaskException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Writing to the file failed", 0, $exception); } catch (WorkerException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Sending the task to the worker failed", 0, $exception); } finally { if (--$this->pendingWrites === 0) { $this->busy = false; } } $this->position += $length; return $length; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function end(string $data = "") : Promise { return call(function () use($data) { $promise = $this->write($data); $this->writable = false; // ignore any errors (yield Promise\any([$this->close()])); return $promise; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function seek(int $offset, int $whence = SEEK_SET) : Promise { if ($this->id === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } if ($this->busy) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } return call(function () use($offset, $whence) { switch ($whence) { case \SEEK_SET: case \SEEK_CUR: case \SEEK_END: try { $this->position = (yield $this->worker->enqueue(new Internal\FileTask('fseek', [$offset, $whence], $this->id))); if ($this->position > $this->size) { $this->size = $this->position; } return $this->position; } catch (TaskException $exception) { throw new StreamException('Seeking in the file failed.', 0, $exception); } catch (WorkerException $exception) { throw new StreamException("Sending the task to the worker failed", 0, $exception); } default: throw new \Error('Invalid whence value. Use SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END.'); } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tell() : int { return $this->position; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function size() : int { return $this->size; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mode() : string { return $this->mode; } }poll = $poll; $this->fh = $fh; $this->path = $path; $this->mode = $mode; $this->size = $size; $this->loop = $driver->getHandle(); $this->position = $mode[0] === "a" ? $size : 0; $this->queue = new \SplQueue(); } public function read(int $length = self::DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH) : Promise { if ($this->isActive) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $this->isActive = true; $onRead = function ($fh, $result, $buffer) use($deferred) { $this->isActive = false; if ($result < 0) { $error = \uv_strerror($result); if ($error === "bad file descriptor") { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException("Reading from the file failed due to a closed handle")); } else { $deferred->fail(new StreamException("Reading from the file failed: " . $error)); } } else { $length = \strlen($buffer); $this->position = $this->position + $length; $deferred->resolve($length ? $buffer : null); } }; \uv_fs_read($this->loop, $this->fh, $this->position, $length, $onRead); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->isActive && $this->queue->isEmpty()) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new ClosedException("The file is no longer writable"); } $this->isActive = true; if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $promise = $this->push($data); } else { $promise = $this->queue->top(); $promise = call(function () use($promise, $data) { (yield $promise); return (yield $this->push($data)); }); } $this->queue->push($promise); return $promise; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function end(string $data = "") : Promise { return call(function () use($data) { $promise = $this->write($data); $this->writable = false; // ignore any errors (yield Promise\any([$this->close()])); return $promise; }); } private function push(string $data) : Promise { $length = \strlen($data); if ($length === 0) { return new Success(0); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $onWrite = function ($fh, $result) use($deferred, $length) { if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException('No pending write, the file may have been closed')); } $this->queue->shift(); if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $this->isActive = false; } if ($result < 0) { $error = \uv_strerror($result); if ($error === "bad file descriptor") { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException("Writing to the file failed due to a closed handle")); } else { $deferred->fail(new StreamException("Writing to the file failed: " . $error)); } } else { StatCache::clear($this->path); $this->position += $length; if ($this->position > $this->size) { $this->size = $this->position; } $deferred->resolve($length); } }; \uv_fs_write($this->loop, $this->fh, $data, $this->position, $onWrite); return $deferred->promise(); } public function truncate(int $size) : Promise { if ($this->isActive && $this->queue->isEmpty()) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new ClosedException("The file is no longer writable"); } $this->isActive = true; if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $promise = $this->trim($size); } else { $promise = $this->queue->top(); $promise = call(function () use($promise, $size) { (yield $promise); return (yield $this->trim($size)); }); } $this->queue->push($promise); return $promise; } private function trim(int $size) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $onTruncate = function ($fh) use($deferred, $size) { if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException('No pending write, the file may have been closed')); } $this->queue->shift(); if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $this->isActive = false; } StatCache::clear($this->path); $this->size = $size; $deferred->resolve(); }; \uv_fs_ftruncate($this->loop, $this->fh, $size, $onTruncate); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function seek(int $offset, int $whence = \SEEK_SET) : Promise { if ($this->isActive) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } $offset = (int) $offset; switch ($whence) { case \SEEK_SET: $this->position = $offset; break; case \SEEK_CUR: $this->position = $this->position + $offset; break; case \SEEK_END: $this->position = $this->size + $offset; break; default: throw new \Error("Invalid whence parameter; SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END expected"); } return new Success($this->position); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tell() : int { return $this->position; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function eof() : bool { return !$this->queue->isEmpty() ? false : $this->size <= $this->position; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function path() : string { return $this->path; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mode() : string { return $this->mode; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function close() : Promise { if ($this->closing) { return $this->closing; } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($this->closing = $deferred->promise()); \uv_fs_close($this->loop, $this->fh, function ($fh) use($deferred) { // Ignore errors when closing file, as the handle will become invalid anyway. $deferred->resolve(); }); return $deferred->promise(); } } $expiry) { if ($now > $expiry) { unset(self::$cache[$path], self::$timeouts[$path]); } else { break; } } }); Loop::unreference($watcher); Loop::setState(self::class, new class($watcher) { private $watcher; private $driver; public function __construct(string $watcher) { $this->watcher = $watcher; $this->driver = Loop::get(); } public function __destruct() { $this->driver->cancel($this->watcher); } }); } public static function get(string $path) { return isset(self::$cache[$path]) ? self::$cache[$path] : null; } public static function set(string $path, array $stat) { if (self::$ttl <= 0) { return; } if (Loop::getState(self::class) === null) { self::init(); } self::$cache[$path] = $stat; self::$timeouts[$path] = self::$now + self::$ttl; } public static function ttl(int $seconds) { self::$ttl = $seconds; } public static function clear(string $path = null) { if (isset($path)) { unset(self::$cache[$path], self::$timeouts[$path]); } else { self::$cache = []; self::$timeouts = []; } } }pool = $pool ?: Worker\pool(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function open(string $path, string $mode) : Promise { return call(function () use($path, $mode) { $worker = $this->pool->getWorker(); try { list($id, $size, $mode) = (yield $worker->enqueue(new Internal\FileTask("fopen", [$path, $mode]))); } catch (TaskException $exception) { throw new FilesystemException("Could not open file", $exception); } catch (WorkerException $exception) { throw new FilesystemException("Could not send open request to worker", $exception); } return new ParallelFile($worker, $id, $path, $size, $mode); }); } private function runFileTask(Internal\FileTask $task) : \Generator { try { return (yield $this->pool->enqueue($task)); } catch (TaskException $exception) { throw new FilesystemException("The file operation failed", $exception); } catch (WorkerException $exception) { throw new FilesystemException("Could not send the file task to worker", $exception); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unlink(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $result = (yield from $this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("unlink", [$path]))); StatCache::clear($path); return $result; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stat(string $path) : Promise { if ($stat = StatCache::get($path)) { return new Success($stat); } return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield from $this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("stat", [$path]))); if (!empty($stat)) { StatCache::set($path, $stat); } return $stat; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rename(string $from, string $to) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("rename", [$from, $to]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isfile(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield $this->stat($path)); if (empty($stat)) { return false; } if ($stat["mode"] & 0100000) { return true; } return false; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isdir(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield $this->stat($path)); if (empty($stat)) { return false; } if ($stat["mode"] & 040000) { return true; } return false; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function link(string $target, string $link) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("link", [$target, $link]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function symlink(string $target, string $link) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("symlink", [$target, $link]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function readlink(string $path) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("readlink", [$path]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("mkdir", [$path, $mode, $recursive]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function scandir(string $path) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("scandir", [$path]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rmdir(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $result = (yield from $this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("rmdir", [$path]))); StatCache::clear($path); return $result; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chmod(string $path, int $mode) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("chmod", [$path, $mode]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("chown", [$path, $uid, $gid]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function exists(string $path) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("exists", [$path]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function size(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield $this->stat($path)); if (empty($stat)) { throw new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist"); } if ($stat["mode"] & 0100000) { return $stat["size"]; } throw new FilesystemException("Specified path is not a regular file"); }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mtime(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield $this->stat($path)); if (empty($stat)) { throw new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist"); } return $stat["mtime"]; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function atime(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield $this->stat($path)); if (empty($stat)) { throw new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist"); } return $stat["atime"]; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function ctime(string $path) : Promise { return call(function () use($path) { $stat = (yield $this->stat($path)); if (empty($stat)) { throw new FilesystemException("Specified path does not exist"); } return $stat["ctime"]; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function lstat(string $path) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("lstat", [$path]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("touch", [$path, $time, $atime]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get(string $path) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("get", [$path]))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function put(string $path, string $contents) : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->runFileTask(new Internal\FileTask("put", [$path, $contents]))); } }watcher = Loop::repeat(\PHP_INT_MAX / 2, static function () { // do nothing, it's a dummy watcher }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); Loop::setState(self::class, new class($this->watcher) { private $watcher; public function __construct(string $watcher) { $this->watcher = $watcher; } public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->watcher); } }); } public function listen(Promise $promise) { if ($this->requests++ === 0) { Loop::enable($this->watcher); } $promise->onResolve(\Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'done'])); } private function done() { if (--$this->requests === 0) { Loop::disable($this->watcher); } \assert($this->requests >= 0); } }watcher = Loop::onReadable(self::$stream, static function () { while (\eio_npending()) { \eio_poll(); } }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); Loop::setState(self::class, new class($this->watcher) { private $watcher; public function __construct(string $watcher) { $this->watcher = $watcher; } public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->watcher); // Ensure there are no active operations anymore. This is a safe-guard as some operations might not be // finished on loop exit due to not being yielded. This also ensures a clean shutdown for these if PHP // exists. \eio_event_loop(); } }); } public function listen(Promise $promise) { if ($this->requests++ === 0) { Loop::enable($this->watcher); } $promise->onResolve(\Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'done'])); } private function done() { if (--$this->requests === 0) { Loop::disable($this->watcher); } \assert($this->requests >= 0); } }operation = $operation; $this->args = $args; $this->id = $id; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws \Amp\File\FilesystemException * @throws \Error */ public function run(Environment $environment) { if ('f' === $this->operation[0]) { if ("fopen" === $this->operation) { $path = $this->args[0]; $mode = \str_replace(['b', 't', 'e'], '', $this->args[1]); switch ($mode) { case "r": case "r+": case "w": case "w+": case "a": case "a+": case "x": case "x+": case "c": case "c+": break; default: throw new \Error("Invalid file mode"); } $handle = @\fopen($path, $mode . 'be'); if (!$handle) { $message = 'Could not open the file.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } throw new FilesystemException($message); } $file = new BlockingFile($handle, $path, $mode); $id = (int) $handle; $size = \fstat($handle)["size"]; $environment->set(self::makeId($id), $file); return [$id, $size, $mode]; } if ($this->id === null) { throw new FilesystemException("No file ID provided"); } $id = self::makeId($this->id); if (!$environment->exists($id)) { throw new FilesystemException(\sprintf("No file handle with the ID %d has been opened on the worker", $this->id)); } /** @var \Amp\File\BlockingFile $file */ if (!($file = $environment->get($id)) instanceof BlockingFile) { throw new FilesystemException("File storage found in inconsistent state"); } switch ($this->operation) { case "fread": case "fwrite": case "fseek": case "ftruncate": return [$file, \substr($this->operation, 1)](...$this->args); case "fclose": $environment->delete($id); $file->close(); return; default: throw new \Error('Invalid operation'); } } StatCache::clear(); switch ($this->operation) { case "stat": case "unlink": case "rename": case "link": case "symlink": case "readlink": case "lstat": case "exists": case "mkdir": case "scandir": case "rmdir": case "chmod": case "chown": case "touch": case "get": case "put": return [new BlockingDriver(), $this->operation](...$this->args); default: throw new \Error("Invalid operation"); } } /** * @param int $id * * @return string */ private static function makeId(int $id) : string { return self::ENV_PREFIX . $id; } } */ public function size(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\file_exists($path)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Path does not exist")); } if (!@\is_file($path)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Path is not a regular file")); } if (($size = @\filesize($path)) === false) { $message = 'Could not open the file.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new FilesystemException($message)); } \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($size); } /** * Does the specified path exist and is it a directory? * * If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve * to FALSE. It will NOT reject with an error. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function isdir(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\file_exists($path)) { return new Success(false); } $isDir = @\is_dir($path); \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($isDir); } /** * Does the specified path exist and is it a file? * * If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve * to FALSE. It will NOT reject with an error. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function isfile(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\file_exists($path)) { return new Success(false); } $isFile = @\is_file($path); \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($isFile); } /** * Retrieve the path's last modification time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function mtime(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\file_exists($path)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Path does not exist")); } $mtime = @\filemtime($path); \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($mtime); } /** * Retrieve the path's last access time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function atime(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\file_exists($path)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Path does not exist")); } $atime = @\fileatime($path); \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($atime); } /** * Retrieve the path's creation time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function ctime(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\file_exists($path)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Path does not exist")); } $ctime = @\filectime($path); \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($ctime); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function lstat(string $path) : Promise { if ($stat = @\lstat($path)) { \clearstatcache(true, $path); } else { $stat = null; } return new Success($stat); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function symlink(string $target, string $link) : Promise { if (!@\symlink($target, $link)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Could not create symbolic link")); } return new Success(true); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function link(string $target, string $link) : Promise { if (!@\link($target, $link)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Could not create hard link")); } return new Success(true); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function readlink(string $path) : Promise { if (!($result = @\readlink($path))) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Could not read symbolic link")); } return new Success($result); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rename(string $from, string $to) : Promise { if (!@\rename($from, $to)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Could not rename file")); } return new Success(true); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unlink(string $path) : Promise { StatCache::clear($path); return new Success((bool) @\unlink($path)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false) : Promise { return new Success((bool) @\mkdir($path, $mode, $recursive)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rmdir(string $path) : Promise { StatCache::clear($path); return new Success((bool) @\rmdir($path)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function scandir(string $path) : Promise { if (!@\is_dir($path)) { return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Not a directory")); } elseif ($arr = @\scandir($path)) { $arr = \array_values(\array_filter($arr, function ($el) { return !($el === "." || $el === ".."); })); \clearstatcache(true, $path); return new Success($arr); } return new Failure(new FilesystemException("Failed reading contents from {$path}")); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chmod(string $path, int $mode) : Promise { return new Success((bool) @\chmod($path, $mode)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid) : Promise { if ($uid !== -1 && !@\chown($path, $uid)) { $message = 'Could not open the file.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new FilesystemException($message)); } if ($gid !== -1 && !@\chgrp($path, $gid)) { $message = 'Could not open the file.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new FilesystemException($message)); } return new Success(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null) : Promise { $time = $time ?? \time(); $atime = $atime ?? $time; return new Success((bool) \touch($path, $time, $atime)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get(string $path) : Promise { $result = @\file_get_contents($path); if ($result === false) { $message = 'Could not open the file.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new FilesystemException($message)); } return new Success($result); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function put(string $path, string $contents) : Promise { $result = @\file_put_contents($path, $contents); if ($result === false) { $message = 'Could not open the file.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new FilesystemException($message)); } return new Success($result); } } */ public function read(int $length = self::DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH) : Promise; /** * Write $data to the open file handle starting at $offset. * * @param string $data * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function write(string $data) : Promise; /** * Write $data to the open file handle and close the handle once the write completes. * * @param string $data * * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function end(string $data = "") : Promise; /** * Close the file handle. * * Applications are not required to manually close handles -- they will * be unloaded automatically when the object is garbage collected. * * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function close() : Promise; /** * Set the handle's internal pointer position. * * $whence values: * * SEEK_SET - Set position equal to offset bytes. * SEEK_CUR - Set position to current location plus offset. * SEEK_END - Set position to end-of-file plus offset. * * @param int $position * @param int $whence * @return \Amp\Promise New offset position. */ public function seek(int $position, int $whence = \SEEK_SET) : Promise; /** * Return the current internal offset position of the file handle. * * @return int */ public function tell() : int; /** * Test for "end-of-file" on the file handle. * * @return bool */ public function eof() : bool; /** * Retrieve the path used when opening the file handle. * * @return string */ public function path() : string; /** * Retrieve the mode used when opening the file handle. * * @return string */ public function mode() : string; } */ public function open(string $path, string $mode) : Promise; /** * Execute a file stat operation. * * If the requested path does not exist the resulting Promise will resolve to NULL. * * @param string $path The file system path to stat * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function stat(string $path) : Promise; /** * Does the specified path exist? * * This function should never resolve as a failure -- only a successfull bool value * indicating the existence of the specified path. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function exists(string $path) : Promise; /** * Retrieve the size in bytes of the file at the specified path. * * If the path does not exist or is not a regular file this * function's returned Promise WILL resolve as a failure. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function size(string $path) : Promise; /** * Does the specified path exist and is it a directory? * * If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve * to FALSE and will not reject with an error. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function isdir(string $path) : Promise; /** * Does the specified path exist and is it a file? * * If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve * to FALSE and will not reject with an error. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function isfile(string $path) : Promise; /** * Retrieve the path's last modification time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function mtime(string $path) : Promise; /** * Retrieve the path's last access time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function atime(string $path) : Promise; /** * Retrieve the path's creation time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function ctime(string $path) : Promise; /** * Same as stat() except if the path is a link then the link's data is returned. * * @param string $path The file system path to stat * @return \Amp\Promise A promise resolving to an associative array upon successful resolution */ public function lstat(string $path) : Promise; /** * Create a symlink $link pointing to the file/directory located at $target. * * @param string $target * @param string $link * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function symlink(string $target, string $link) : Promise; /** * Create a hard link $link pointing to the file/directory located at $target. * * @param string $target * @param string $link * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function link(string $target, string $link) : Promise; /** * Read the symlink at $path. * * @param string $target * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function readlink(string $target) : Promise; /** * Rename a file or directory. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function rename(string $from, string $to) : Promise; /** * Delete a file. * * @param string $path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function unlink(string $path) : Promise; /** * Create a director. * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @param bool $recursive * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false) : Promise; /** * Delete a directory. * * @param string $path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function rmdir(string $path) : Promise; /** * Retrieve an array of files and directories inside the specified path. * * Dot entries are not included in the resulting array (i.e. "." and ".."). * * @param string $path * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function scandir(string $path) : Promise; /** * chmod a file or directory. * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function chmod(string $path, int $mode) : Promise; /** * chown a file or directory. * * @param string $path * @param int $uid * @param int $gid * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid) : Promise; /** * Update the access and modification time of the specified path. * * If the file does not exist it will be created automatically. * * @param string $path * @param int $time The touch time. If $time is not supplied, the current system time is used. * @param int $atime The access time. If $atime is not supplied, value passed to the $time parameter is used. * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null) : Promise; /** * Buffer the specified file's contents. * * @param string $path The file path from which to buffer contents * @return \Amp\Promise A promise resolving to a string upon successful resolution */ public function get(string $path) : Promise; /** * Write the contents string to the specified path. * * @param string $path The file path to which to $contents should be written * @param string $contents The data to write to the specified $path * @return \Amp\Promise A promise resolving to the integer length written upon success */ public function put(string $path, string $contents) : Promise; }poll = $poll; $this->fh = $fh; $this->path = $path; $this->mode = $mode; $this->size = $size; $this->position = $mode[0] === "a" ? $size : 0; $this->queue = new \SplQueue(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function read(int $length = self::DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH) : Promise { if ($this->isActive) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } $this->isActive = true; $remaining = $this->size - $this->position; $length = $length > $remaining ? $remaining : $length; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $onRead = function (Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { $this->isActive = false; if ($result === -1) { $error = \eio_get_last_error($req); if ($error === "Bad file descriptor") { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException("Reading from the file failed due to a closed handle")); } else { $deferred->fail(new StreamException("Reading from the file failed:" . $error)); } } else { $this->position += \strlen($result); $deferred->resolve(\strlen($result) ? $result : null); } }; \eio_read($this->fh, $length, $this->position, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, $onRead, $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->isActive && $this->queue->isEmpty()) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new ClosedException("The file is no longer writable"); } $this->isActive = true; if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $promise = $this->push($data); } else { $promise = $this->queue->top(); $promise = call(function () use($promise, $data) { (yield $promise); return (yield $this->push($data)); }); } $this->queue->push($promise); return $promise; } private function push(string $data) : Promise { $length = \strlen($data); if ($length === 0) { return new Success(0); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $onWrite = function (Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) { if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException('No pending write, the file may have been closed')); } $this->queue->shift(); if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $this->isActive = false; } if ($result === -1) { $error = \eio_get_last_error($req); if ($error === "Bad file descriptor") { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException("Writing to the file failed due to a closed handle")); } else { $deferred->fail(new StreamException("Writing to the file failed: " . $error)); } } else { $this->position += $result; if ($this->position > $this->size) { $this->size = $this->position; } $deferred->resolve($result); } }; \eio_write($this->fh, $data, $length, $this->position, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, $onWrite, $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function end(string $data = "") : Promise { return call(function () use($data) { $promise = $this->write($data); $this->writable = false; // ignore any errors (yield Promise\any([$this->close()])); return $promise; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function close() : Promise { if ($this->closing) { return $this->closing; } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($this->closing = $deferred->promise()); \eio_close($this->fh, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, function (Deferred $deferred) { // Ignore errors when closing file, as the handle will become invalid anyway. $deferred->resolve(); }, $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } public function truncate(int $size) : Promise { if ($this->isActive && $this->queue->isEmpty()) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new ClosedException("The file is no longer writable"); } $this->isActive = true; if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $promise = $this->trim($size); } else { $promise = $this->queue->top(); $promise = call(function () use($promise, $size) { (yield $promise); return (yield $this->trim($size)); }); } $this->queue->push($promise); return $promise; } private function trim(int $size) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->poll->listen($deferred->promise()); $onTruncate = function (Deferred $deferred, $result, $req) use($size) { if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException('No pending write, the file may have been closed')); } $this->queue->shift(); if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { $this->isActive = false; } if ($result === -1) { $error = \eio_get_last_error($req); if ($error === "Bad file descriptor") { $deferred->fail(new ClosedException("Truncating the file failed due to a closed handle")); } else { $deferred->fail(new StreamException("Truncating the file failed: " . $error)); } } else { $this->size = $size; $deferred->resolve(); } }; \eio_ftruncate($this->fh, $size, \EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, $onTruncate, $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function seek(int $offset, int $whence = \SEEK_SET) : Promise { if ($this->isActive) { throw new PendingOperationError(); } switch ($whence) { case \SEEK_SET: $this->position = $offset; break; case \SEEK_CUR: $this->position = $this->position + $offset; break; case \SEEK_END: $this->position = $this->size + $offset; break; default: throw new \Error("Invalid whence parameter; SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END expected"); } return new Success($this->position); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tell() : int { return $this->position; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function eof() : bool { return !$this->queue->isEmpty() ? false : $this->size <= $this->position; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function path() : string { return $this->path; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mode() : string { return $this->mode; } }fh = $fh; $this->path = $path; $this->mode = $mode; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->fh !== null) { \fclose($this->fh); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function read(int $length = self::DEFAULT_READ_LENGTH) : Promise { if ($this->fh === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } $data = \fread($this->fh, $length); if ($data !== false) { return new Success(\strlen($data) ? $data : null); } return new Failure(new StreamException("Failed reading from file handle")); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->fh === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } $len = \fwrite($this->fh, $data); if ($len !== false) { return new Success($len); } return new Failure(new StreamException("Failed writing to file handle")); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function end(string $data = "") : Promise { return call(function () use($data) { $promise = $this->write($data); // ignore any errors (yield Promise\any([$this->close()])); return $promise; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function close() : Promise { if ($this->fh === null) { return new Success(); } $fh = $this->fh; $this->fh = null; if (@\fclose($fh)) { return new Success(); } return new Failure(new StreamException("Failed closing file handle")); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function truncate(int $size) : Promise { if ($this->fh === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } if (!@\ftruncate($this->fh, $size)) { return new Failure(new StreamException("Could not truncate file")); } return new Success(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function seek(int $position, int $whence = \SEEK_SET) : Promise { if ($this->fh === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } switch ($whence) { case \SEEK_SET: case \SEEK_CUR: case \SEEK_END: if (@\fseek($this->fh, $position, $whence) === -1) { return new Failure(new StreamException("Could not seek in file")); } return new Success($this->tell()); default: throw new \Error("Invalid whence parameter; SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END expected"); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tell() : int { if ($this->fh === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } return \ftell($this->fh); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function eof() : bool { if ($this->fh === null) { throw new ClosedException("The file has been closed"); } return \feof($this->fh); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function path() : string { return $this->path; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mode() : string { return $this->mode; } } */ function open(string $path, string $mode) : Promise { return filesystem()->open($path, $mode); } /** * Execute a file stat operation. * * If the requested path does not exist the resulting Promise will resolve to NULL. * The returned Promise whould never resolve as a failure. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function stat(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->stat($path); } /** * Does the specified path exist? * * This function should never resolve as a failure -- only a successfull bool value * indicating the existence of the specified path. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function exists(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->exists($path); } /** * Retrieve the size in bytes of the file at the specified path. * * If the path does not exist or is not a regular file this * function's returned Promise WILL resolve as a failure. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist or is not a file * @return \Amp\Promise */ function size(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->size($path); } /** * Does the specified path exist and is it a directory? * * If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve * to FALSE and will not reject with an error. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function isdir(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->isdir($path); } /** * Does the specified path exist and is it a file? * * If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve * to FALSE and will not reject with an error. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function isfile(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->isfile($path); } /** * Retrieve the path's last modification time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist * @return \Amp\Promise */ function mtime(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->mtime($path); } /** * Retrieve the path's last access time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist * @return \Amp\Promise */ function atime(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->atime($path); } /** * Retrieve the path's creation time as a unix timestamp. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist * @return \Amp\Promise */ function ctime(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->ctime($path); } /** * Same as stat() except if the path is a link then the link's data is returned. * * If the requested path does not exist the resulting Promise will resolve to NULL. * The returned Promise whould never resolve as a failure. * * @param string $path An absolute file system path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function lstat(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->lstat($path); } /** * Create a symlink $link pointing to the file/directory located at $original. * * @param string $original * @param string $link * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails * @return \Amp\Promise */ function symlink(string $original, string $link) : Promise { return filesystem()->symlink($original, $link); } /** * Create a hard link $link pointing to the file/directory located at $original. * * @param string $original * @param string $link * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails * @return \Amp\Promise */ function link(string $original, string $link) : Promise { return filesystem()->symlink($original, $link); } /** * Read the symlink at $path. * * @param string $path * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails * @return \Amp\Promise */ function readlink(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->readlink($path); } /** * Rename a file or directory. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails * @return \Amp\Promise */ function rename(string $from, string $to) : Promise { return filesystem()->rename($from, $to); } /** * Delete a file. * * @param string $path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function unlink(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->unlink($path); } /** * Create a director. * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @param bool $recursive * @return \Amp\Promise */ function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false) : Promise { return filesystem()->mkdir($path, $mode, $recursive); } /** * Delete a directory. * * @param string $path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function rmdir(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->rmdir($path); } /** * Retrieve an array of files and directories inside the specified path. * * Dot entries are not included in the resulting array (i.e. "." and ".."). * * @param string $path * @return \Amp\Promise */ function scandir(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->scandir($path); } /** * chmod a file or directory. * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @return \Amp\Promise */ function chmod(string $path, int $mode) : Promise { return filesystem()->chmod($path, $mode); } /** * chown a file or directory. * * @param string $path * @param int $uid -1 to ignore * @param int $gid -1 to ignore * @return \Amp\Promise */ function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid = -1) : Promise { return filesystem()->chown($path, $uid, $gid); } /** * Update the access and modification time of the specified path. * * If the file does not exist it will be created automatically. * * @param string $path * @param int $time The touch time. If $time is not supplied, the current system time is used. * @param int $atime The access time. If $atime is not supplied, value passed to the $time parameter is used. * @return \Amp\Promise */ function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null) : Promise { return filesystem()->touch($path, $time, $atime); } /** * Buffer the specified file's contents. * * @param string $path The file path from which to buffer contents * @return \Amp\Promise */ function get(string $path) : Promise { return filesystem()->get($path); } /** * Write the contents string to the specified path. * * @param string $path The file path to which to $contents should be written * @param string $contents The data to write to the specified $path * @return \Amp\Promise A promise resolving to the integer length written upon success */ function put(string $path, string $contents) : Promise { return filesystem()->put($path, $contents); }{ "name": "amphp/sql", "description": "Asynchronous SQL client for Amp.", "keywords": [ "database", "db", "sql", "asynchronous", "async" ], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "require": { "php": ">=7", "amphp/amp": "^2" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Sql\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Sql\\Test\\": "test" } }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "phpunit --coverage-text" } } 'host', 'username' => 'user', 'pass' => 'password', 'database' => 'db', 'dbname' => 'db']; /** @var string */ private $host; /** @var int */ private $port; /** @var string|null */ private $user; /** @var string|null */ private $password; /** @var string|null */ private $database; /** * Parses a connection string into an array of keys and values given. * * @param string $connectionString * @param string[] $keymap Map of alternative key names to canonical key names. * * @return string[] */ protected static function parseConnectionString(string $connectionString, array $keymap = self::KEY_MAP) : array { $values = []; $params = \explode(";", $connectionString); if (\count($params) === 1) { // Attempt to explode on a space if no ';' are found. $params = \explode(" ", $connectionString); } foreach ($params as $param) { list($key, $value) = \array_map("trim", \explode("=", $param, 2) + [1 => null]); if (isset($keymap[$key])) { $key = $keymap[$key]; } $values[$key] = $value; } if (\preg_match('/^(.+):(\\d{1,5})$/', $values["host"] ?? "", $matches)) { $values["host"] = $matches[1]; $values["port"] = $matches[2]; } return $values; } public function __construct(string $host, int $port, string $user = null, string $password = null, string $database = null) { $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; $this->database = $database; } public final function getHost() : string { return $this->host; } public final function withHost(string $host) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->host = $host; return $new; } public final function getPort() : int { return $this->port; } public final function withPort(int $port) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->port = $port; return $new; } /** * @return string|null */ public final function getUser() { return $this->user; } public final function withUser(string $user = null) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->user = $user; return $new; } /** * @return string|null */ public final function getPassword() { return $this->password; } public final function withPassword(string $password = null) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->password = $password; return $new; } /** * @return string|null */ public final function getDatabase() { return $this->database; } public final function withDatabase(string $database = null) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->database = $database; return $new; } } * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function commit() : Promise; /** * Rolls back the transaction and makes it inactive. * * @return Promise * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function rollback() : Promise; /** * Creates a savepoint with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier Savepoint identifier. * * @return Promise * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function createSavepoint(string $identifier) : Promise; /** * Rolls back to the savepoint with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier Savepoint identifier. * * @return Promise * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function rollbackTo(string $identifier) : Promise; /** * Releases the savepoint with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier Savepoint identifier. * * @return Promise * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function releaseSavepoint(string $identifier) : Promise; } */ public function extractConnection() : Promise; /** * @return int Total number of active connections in the pool. */ public function getConnectionCount() : int; /** * @return int Total number of idle connections in the pool. */ public function getIdleConnectionCount() : int; /** * @return int Maximum number of connections this pool will create. */ public function getConnectionLimit() : int; /** * @return int Number of seconds a connection may remain idle before it is automatically closed. */ public function getIdleTimeout() : int; }query = $query; } parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous); } public final function getQuery() : string { return $this->query; } public function __toString() : string { if ($this->query === "") { return parent::__toString(); } $msg = $this->message; $this->message .= "\nCurrent query was {$this->query}"; $str = parent::__toString(); $this->message = $msg; return $str; } } */ public function beginTransaction(int $isolation = Transaction::ISOLATION_COMMITTED) : Promise; } * * @throws FailureException If the operation fails due to unexpected condition. * @throws ConnectionException If the connection to the database is lost. * @throws QueryError If the operation fails due to an error in the query (such as a syntax error). */ public function query(string $sql) : Promise; /** * @param string $sql SQL query to prepare. * * @return Promise * * @throws FailureException If the operation fails due to unexpected condition. * @throws ConnectionException If the connection to the database is lost. * @throws QueryError If the operation fails due to an error in the query (such as a syntax error). */ public function prepare(string $sql) : Promise; /** * @param string $sql SQL query to prepare and execute. * @param mixed[] $params Query parameters. * * @return Promise * * @throws FailureException If the operation fails due to unexpected condition. * @throws ConnectionException If the connection to the database is lost. * @throws QueryError If the operation fails due to an error in the query (such as a syntax error). */ public function execute(string $sql, array $params = []) : Promise; /** * Closes the executor. No further queries may be performed. */ public function close(); } */ public function connect(ConnectionConfig $config) : Promise; } */ public function execute(array $params = []) : Promise; /** * @return string The SQL string used to prepare the statement. */ public function getQuery() : string; }assertSame('SELECT * FROM foo', $error->getQuery()); $this->assertStringStartsWith("Amp\\Sql\\QueryError: error\nCurrent query was SELECT * FROM foo", (string) $error); } }{ "name": "amphp/sql-common", "description": "Common classes for non-blocking SQL implementations.", "keywords": [ "database", "db", "sql", "asynchronous", "async" ], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "require": { "php": ">=7", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/sql": "^1" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Sql\\Common\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Sql\\Common\\Test\\": "test" } }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "phpunit --coverage-text" } } transaction = $transaction; $this->release = $release; if (!$this->transaction->isActive()) { $release(); $this->transaction = null; } else { $refCount =& $this->refCount; $this->release = static function () use(&$refCount, $release) { if (--$refCount === 0) { $release(); } }; } } public function __destruct() { if ($this->transaction && $this->transaction->isActive()) { $this->close(); // Invokes $this->release callback. } } public function query(string $sql) : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return call(function () use($sql) { $result = (yield $this->transaction->query($sql)); if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { ++$this->refCount; return $this->createResultSet($result, $this->release); } return $result; }); } public function prepare(string $sql) : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return call(function () use($sql) { $statement = (yield $this->transaction->prepare($sql)); ++$this->refCount; return $this->createStatement($statement, $this->release); }); } public function execute(string $sql, array $params = []) : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return call(function () use($sql, $params) { $result = (yield $this->transaction->execute($sql, $params)); if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { ++$this->refCount; return $this->createResultSet($result, $this->release); } return $result; }); } public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->transaction && $this->transaction->isAlive(); } public function getLastUsedAt() : int { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return $this->transaction->getLastUsedAt(); } public function close() { if (!$this->transaction) { return; } $promise = $this->transaction->commit(); $promise->onResolve($this->release); $this->transaction = null; } public function getIsolationLevel() : int { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return $this->transaction->getIsolationLevel(); } public function isActive() : bool { return $this->transaction && $this->transaction->isActive(); } public function commit() : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } $promise = $this->transaction->commit(); $promise->onResolve($this->release); $this->transaction = null; return $promise; } public function rollback() : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } $promise = $this->transaction->rollback(); $promise->onResolve($this->release); $this->transaction = null; return $promise; } public function createSavepoint(string $identifier) : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return $this->transaction->createSavepoint($identifier); } public function rollbackTo(string $identifier) : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return $this->transaction->rollbackTo($identifier); } public function releaseSavepoint(string $identifier) : Promise { if (!$this->transaction) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return $this->transaction->releaseSavepoint($identifier); } }result = $result; $this->release = $release; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->release !== null) { ($this->release)(); } } public function advance() : Promise { $promise = $this->result->advance(); $promise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null, bool $moreResults = null) { if ($this->release === null) { return; } if ($exception || !$moreResults) { $release = $this->release; $this->release = null; $release(); } }); return $promise; } public function getCurrent() : array { return $this->result->getCurrent(); } }connector = $connector ?? $this->createDefaultConnector(); $this->connectionConfig = $config; $this->idleTimeout = $idleTimeout; if ($this->idleTimeout < 1) { throw new \Error("The idle timeout must be 1 or greater"); } $this->maxConnections = $maxConnections; if ($this->maxConnections < 1) { throw new \Error("Pool must contain at least one connection"); } $this->connections = $connections = new \SplObjectStorage(); $this->idle = $idle = new \SplQueue(); $idleTimeout =& $this->idleTimeout; $this->timeoutWatcher = Loop::repeat(1000, static function () use(&$idleTimeout, $connections, $idle) { $now = \time(); while (!$idle->isEmpty()) { $connection = $idle->bottom(); \assert($connection instanceof Link); if ($connection->getLastUsedAt() + $idleTimeout > $now) { return; } // Close connection and remove it from the pool. $idle->shift(); $connections->detach($connection); $connection->close(); } }); Loop::unreference($this->timeoutWatcher); } public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->timeoutWatcher); } public function getIdleTimeout() : int { return $this->idleTimeout; } public function getLastUsedAt() : int { // Simple implementation... can be improved if needed. $time = 0; foreach ($this->connections as $connection) { \assert($connection instanceof Link); if (($lastUsedAt = $connection->getLastUsedAt()) > $time) { $time = $lastUsedAt; } } return $time; } /** * @return bool */ public function isAlive() : bool { return !$this->closed; } /** * Close all connections in the pool. No further queries may be made after a pool is closed. */ public function close() { $this->closed = true; foreach ($this->connections as $connection) { $connection->close(); } $this->idle = new \SplQueue(); if ($this->deferred instanceof Deferred) { $deferred = $this->deferred; $this->deferred = null; $deferred->fail(new FailureException("Connection pool closed")); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function extractConnection() : Promise { return call(function () { $connection = (yield from $this->pop()); $this->connections->detach($connection); return $connection; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConnectionCount() : int { return $this->connections->count(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIdleConnectionCount() : int { return $this->idle->count(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConnectionLimit() : int { return $this->maxConnections; } /** * @return \Generator * * @resolve Link * * @throws FailureException If creating a new connection fails. * @throws \Error If the pool has been closed. */ protected function pop() : \Generator { if ($this->closed) { throw new \Error("The pool has been closed"); } while ($this->promise !== null && $this->connections->count() + $this->pending >= $this->getConnectionLimit()) { (yield $this->promise); // Prevent simultaneous connection creation when connection count is at maximum - 1. } do { // While loop to ensure an idle connection is available after promises below are resolved. while ($this->idle->isEmpty()) { if ($this->connections->count() + $this->pending < $this->getConnectionLimit()) { // Max connection count has not been reached, so open another connection. ++$this->pending; try { $connection = (yield $this->connector->connect($this->connectionConfig)); if (!$connection instanceof Link) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("%s::connect() must resolve to an instance of %s", \get_class($this->connector), Link::class)); } } finally { --$this->pending; } $this->connections->attach($connection); return $connection; } // All possible connections busy, so wait until one becomes available. try { $this->deferred = new Deferred(); // May be resolved with defunct connection, but that connection will not be added to $this->idle. (yield $this->promise = $this->deferred->promise()); } finally { $this->deferred = null; $this->promise = null; } } $connection = $this->idle->shift(); \assert($connection instanceof Link); if ($connection->isAlive()) { return $connection; } $this->connections->detach($connection); } while (!$this->closed); throw new FailureException("Pool closed before an active connection could be obtained"); } /** * @param Link $connection * * @throws \Error If the connection is not part of this pool. */ protected function push(Link $connection) { \assert(isset($this->connections[$connection]), 'Connection is not part of this pool'); if ($connection->isAlive()) { $this->idle->push($connection); } else { $this->connections->detach($connection); } if ($this->deferred instanceof Deferred) { $this->deferred->resolve($connection); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function query(string $sql) : Promise { return call(function () use($sql) { $connection = (yield from $this->pop()); \assert($connection instanceof Link); try { $result = (yield $connection->query($sql)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->push($connection); throw $exception; } if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { $result = $this->createResultSet($result, function () use($connection) { $this->push($connection); }); } else { $this->push($connection); } return $result; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function execute(string $sql, array $params = []) : Promise { return call(function () use($sql, $params) { $connection = (yield from $this->pop()); \assert($connection instanceof Link); try { $result = (yield $connection->execute($sql, $params)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->push($connection); throw $exception; } if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { $result = $this->createResultSet($result, function () use($connection) { $this->push($connection); }); } else { $this->push($connection); } return $result; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * Prepared statements returned by this method will stay alive as long as the pool remains open. */ public function prepare(string $sql) : Promise { return call(function () use($sql) { $statement = (yield from $this->prepareStatement($sql)); return $this->createStatementPool($this, $statement, coroutine($this->callableFromInstanceMethod("prepareStatement"))); }); } /** * Prepares a new statement on an available connection. * * @param string $sql * * @return \Generator * * @throws FailureException */ private function prepareStatement(string $sql) : \Generator { $connection = (yield from $this->pop()); \assert($connection instanceof Link); try { $statement = (yield $connection->prepare($sql)); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->push($connection); throw $exception; } return $this->createStatement($statement, function () use($connection) { $this->push($connection); }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function beginTransaction(int $isolation = Transaction::ISOLATION_COMMITTED) : Promise { return call(function () use($isolation) { $connection = (yield from $this->pop()); \assert($connection instanceof Link); try { $transaction = (yield $connection->beginTransaction($isolation)); \assert($transaction instanceof Transaction); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->push($connection); throw $exception; } return $this->createTransaction($transaction, function () use($connection) { $this->push($connection); }); }); } }statement = $statement; if (!$this->statement->isAlive()) { $release(); } else { $refCount =& $this->refCount; $this->release = static function () use(&$refCount, $release) { if (--$refCount === 0) { $release(); } }; } } public function __destruct() { if ($this->release) { ($this->release)(); } } public function execute(array $params = []) : Promise { return call(function () use($params) { $result = (yield $this->statement->execute($params)); if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { ++$this->refCount; return $this->createResultSet($result, $this->release); } return $result; }); } public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->statement->isAlive(); } public function getQuery() : string { return $this->statement->getQuery(); } public function getLastUsedAt() : int { return $this->statement->getLastUsedAt(); } } */ protected abstract function prepare(Statement $statement) : Promise; /** * @param ResultSet $resultSet * @param callable $release * * @return ResultSet */ protected abstract function createResultSet(ResultSet $resultSet, callable $release) : ResultSet; /** * @param Pool $pool Pool used to re-create the statement if the original closes. * @param Statement $statement Original prepared statement returned from the Link. * @param callable $prepare Callable that returns a new prepared statement. */ public function __construct(Pool $pool, Statement $statement, callable $prepare) { $this->lastUsedAt = \time(); $this->statements = $statements = new \SplQueue(); $this->pool = $pool; $this->prepare = $prepare; $this->sql = $statement->getQuery(); $this->statements->push($statement); $this->timeoutWatcher = Loop::repeat(1000, static function () use($pool, $statements) { $now = \time(); $idleTimeout = (int) ($pool->getIdleTimeout() / 10) ?: 1; while (!$statements->isEmpty()) { $statement = $statements->bottom(); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); if ($statement->getLastUsedAt() + $idleTimeout > $now) { return; } $statements->shift(); } }); Loop::unreference($this->timeoutWatcher); } public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->timeoutWatcher); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * Unlike regular statements, as long as the pool is open this statement will not die. */ public function execute(array $params = []) : Promise { $this->lastUsedAt = \time(); return call(function () use($params) { $statement = (yield from $this->pop()); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); try { $statement = (yield $this->prepare($statement)); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); $result = (yield $statement->execute($params)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->push($statement); throw $exception; } if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { $result = $this->createResultSet($result, function () use($statement) { $this->push($statement); }); } else { $this->push($statement); } return $result; }); } /** * Only retains statements if less than 10% of the pool is consumed by this statement and the pool has * available connections. * * @param Statement $statement */ protected function push(Statement $statement) { $maxConnections = $this->pool->getConnectionLimit(); if ($this->statements->count() > $maxConnections / 10) { return; } if ($maxConnections === $this->pool->getConnectionCount() && $this->pool->getIdleConnectionCount() === 0) { return; } $this->statements->push($statement); } /** * Coroutine returning a Statement object from the pool or creating a new Statement. * * @return \Generator */ protected function pop() : \Generator { while (!$this->statements->isEmpty()) { $statement = $this->statements->shift(); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); if ($statement->isAlive()) { return $statement; } } $statement = (yield ($this->prepare)($this->sql)); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); return $statement; } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->pool->isAlive(); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getQuery() : string { return $this->sql; } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLastUsedAt() : int { return $this->lastUsedAt; } }getMockBuilder(ConnectionPool::class)->setConstructorArgs([$this->createMock(ConnectionConfig::class), 0])->getMock(); } public function testIdleConnectionsRemovedAfterTimeout() { Loop::run(function () { $now = \time(); $connector = $this->createMock(Connector::class); $connector->method('connect')->willReturnCallback(function () use($now) : Promise { $link = $this->createMock(Link::class); $link->method('getLastUsedAt')->willReturn($now); $link->method('isAlive')->willReturn(true); $link->method('query')->willReturnCallback(function () { return new Delayed(100); }); return new Success($link); }); /** @var ConnectionPool $pool */ $pool = $this->getMockBuilder(ConnectionPool::class)->setConstructorArgs([$this->createMock(ConnectionConfig::class), 100, 2, $connector])->getMockForAbstractClass(); $count = 3; $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $promises[] = $pool->query("SELECT {$i}"); } $results = (yield $promises); $this->assertSame($count, $pool->getConnectionCount()); (yield new Delayed(1000)); $this->assertSame($count, $pool->getConnectionCount()); (yield new Delayed(1000)); $this->assertSame(0, $pool->getConnectionCount()); }); } }createMock(ResultSet::class); $result->method('advance')->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(new Success(true), new Success(false)); $result = new PooledResultSet($result, $release); $this->assertTrue((yield $result->advance())); $this->assertFalse($invoked); $this->assertFalse((yield $result->advance())); $this->assertTrue($invoked); }); } }createMock(Pool::class); $pool->method('isAlive')->willReturn(true); $pool->method('getIdleTimeout')->willReturn(60); $statement = $this->createMock(Statement::class); $statement->method('isAlive')->willReturn(true); $statement->method('getQuery')->willReturn('SELECT 1'); $statement->method('getLastUsedAt')->willReturn(\time()); $statement->expects($this->once())->method('execute'); /** @var StatementPool $statementPool */ $statementPool = $this->getMockBuilder(StatementPool::class)->setConstructorArgs([$pool, $statement, $this->createCallback(0)])->getMockForAbstractClass(); $statementPool->method('prepare')->willReturnCallback(function (Statement $statement) { return new Success($statement); }); $this->assertTrue($statementPool->isAlive()); $this->assertSame(\time(), $statementPool->getLastUsedAt()); (yield new Delayed(1500)); // Give timeout watcher enough time to execute. $statementPool->execute(); $this->assertTrue($statementPool->isAlive()); $this->assertSame(\time(), $statementPool->getLastUsedAt()); }); } public function testIdleStatementsRemovedAfterTimeout() { Loop::run(function () { $pool = $this->createMock(Pool::class); $pool->method('isAlive')->willReturn(true); $pool->method('getIdleTimeout')->willReturn(1); $statement = $this->createMock(Statement::class); $statement->method('isAlive')->willReturn(true); $statement->method('getQuery')->willReturn('SELECT 1'); $statement->method('getLastUsedAt')->willReturn(\time()); $statement->expects($this->once())->method('execute'); /** @var StatementPool $statementPool */ $statementPool = $this->getMockBuilder(StatementPool::class)->setConstructorArgs([$pool, $statement, $this->createCallback(1)])->getMockForAbstractClass(); $statementPool->method('prepare')->willReturnCallback(function (Statement $statement) { return new Success($statement); }); $this->assertTrue($statementPool->isAlive()); $this->assertSame(\time(), $statementPool->getLastUsedAt()); $statementPool->execute(); (yield new Delayed(1500)); // Give timeout watcher enough time to execute. $statementPool->execute(); $this->assertTrue($statementPool->isAlive()); $this->assertSame(\time(), $statementPool->getLastUsedAt()); }); } }{ "name": "amphp/amp", "homepage": "", "description": "A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications.", "keywords": [ "async", "asynchronous", "concurrency", "promise", "awaitable", "future", "non-blocking", "event", "event-loop" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7" }, "require-dev": { "ext-json": "*", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "react/promise": "^2", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.0.9 | ^7", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.8.5" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\": "lib" }, "files": [ "lib/functions.php", "lib/Internal/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Test\\": "test" } }, "support": { "issues": "", "irc": "irc://" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "2.0.x-dev" } }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } }, "scripts": { "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit", "code-style": "@php ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix" } } * * @throws \Error If the prior promise returned from this method has not resolved. * @throws \Throwable The exception used to fail the iterator. */ public function advance() : Promise; /** * Gets the last emitted value or throws an exception if the iterator has completed. * * @return mixed Value emitted from the iterator. * * @throws \Error If the iterator has resolved or advance() was not called before calling this method. * @throws \Throwable The exception used to fail the iterator. */ public function getCurrent(); }current(); $prefix .= \sprintf("; %s yielded at key %s", \is_object($yielded) ? \get_class($yielded) : \gettype($yielded), \var_export($generator->key(), true)); if (!$generator->valid()) { parent::__construct($prefix, 0, $previous); return; } $reflGen = new \ReflectionGenerator($generator); $exeGen = $reflGen->getExecutingGenerator(); if ($isSubgenerator = $exeGen !== $generator) { $reflGen = new \ReflectionGenerator($exeGen); } parent::__construct(\sprintf("%s on line %s in %s", $prefix, $reflGen->getExecutingLine(), $reflGen->getExecutingFile()), 0, $previous); } }promisor = $promisor; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function onResolve(callable $onResolved) { if ($this->promise === null) { $provider = $this->promisor; $this->promisor = null; $this->promise = call($provider); } $this->promise->onResolve($onResolved); } }reasons = $reasons; } /** * @return \Throwable[] */ public function getReasons() : array { return $this->reasons; } }callableFromInstanceMethod("emit")); if (!$result instanceof \Generator) { throw new \Error("The callable did not return a Generator"); } $coroutine = new Coroutine($result); $coroutine->onResolve(function ($exception) { if ($this->complete) { return; } if ($exception) { $this->fail($exception); return; } $this->complete(); }); } }value = $value; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function onResolve(callable $onResolved) { try { $result = $onResolved(null, $this->value); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); } } }emitter = new class implements Iterator { use Internal\Producer { emit as public; complete as public; fail as public; } }; $this->iterator = new Internal\PrivateIterator($this->emitter); } /** * @return \Amp\Iterator */ public function iterate() : Iterator { return $this->iterator; } /** * Emits a value to the iterator. * * @param mixed $value * * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function emit($value) : Promise { return $this->emitter->emit($value); } /** * Completes the iterator. */ public function complete() { $this->emitter->complete(); } /** * Fails the iterator with the given reason. * * @param \Throwable $reason */ public function fail(\Throwable $reason) { $this->emitter->fail($reason); } }watcher = Loop::delay($time, function () use($value) { $this->resolve($value); }); } /** * References the internal watcher in the event loop, keeping the loop running while this promise is pending. */ public function reference() { Loop::reference($this->watcher); } /** * Unreferences the internal watcher in the event loop, allowing the loop to stop while this promise is pending if * no other events are pending in the loop. */ public function unreference() { Loop::unreference($this->watcher); } }current(); if (!$yielded instanceof Promise) { if (!$generator->valid()) { $this->resolve($generator->getReturn()); return; } $yielded = self::transform($yielded, $generator); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->fail($exception); return; } /** * @param \Throwable|null $e Exception to be thrown into the generator. * @param mixed $v Value to be sent into the generator. */ $onResolve = function ($e, $v) use($generator, &$onResolve) { /** @var bool Used to control iterative coroutine continuation. */ static $immediate = true; /** @var \Throwable|null Promise failure reason when executing next coroutine step, null at all other times. */ static $exception; /** @var mixed Promise success value when executing next coroutine step, null at all other times. */ static $value; $exception = $e; $value = $v; if (!$immediate) { $immediate = true; return; } try { try { do { if ($exception) { // Throw exception at current execution point. $yielded = $generator->throw($exception); } else { // Send the new value and execute to next yield statement. $yielded = $generator->send($value); } if (!$yielded instanceof Promise) { if (!$generator->valid()) { $this->resolve($generator->getReturn()); $onResolve = null; return; } $yielded = self::transform($yielded, $generator); } $immediate = false; $yielded->onResolve($onResolve); } while ($immediate); $immediate = true; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->fail($exception); $onResolve = null; } finally { $exception = null; $value = null; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use($e) { throw $e; }); } }; try { $yielded->onResolve($onResolve); unset($generator, $yielded, $onResolve); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use($e) { throw $e; }); } } }handle = \uv_loop_new(); $this->ioCallback = function ($event, $status, $events, $resource) { $watchers = $this->watchers[(int) $event]; switch ($status) { case 0: // OK break; default: // Invoke the callback on errors, as this matches behavior with other loop back-ends. // Re-enable watcher as libuv disables the watcher on non-zero status. $flags = 0; foreach ($this->watchers[(int) $event] as $watcher) { $flags |= $watcher->enabled ? $watcher->type : 0; } \uv_poll_start($event, $flags, $this->ioCallback); break; } foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { // $events is OR'ed with 4 to trigger watcher if no events are indicated (0) or on UV_DISCONNECT (4). // if (!($watcher->enabled && ($watcher->type & $events || ($events | 4) === 4))) { continue; } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $resource, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } } }; $this->timerCallback = function ($event) { $watcher = $this->watchers[(int) $event]; if ($watcher->type & Watcher::DELAY) { unset($this->events[$watcher->id], $this->watchers[(int) $event]); // Avoid call to uv_is_active(). $this->cancel($watcher->id); // Remove reference to watcher in parent. } elseif ($watcher->value === 0) { // Disable and re-enable so it's not executed repeatedly in the same tick // See $this->disable($watcher->id); $this->enable($watcher->id); } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; $this->signalCallback = function ($event, $signo) { $watcher = $this->watchers[(int) $event]; try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $signo, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cancel(string $watcherId) { parent::cancel($watcherId); if (!isset($this->events[$watcherId])) { return; } $event = $this->events[$watcherId]; $eventId = (int) $event; if ($this->watchers[$eventId] instanceof Watcher) { // All except IO watchers. unset($this->watchers[$eventId]); } else { $watcher = $this->watchers[$eventId][$watcherId]; unset($this->watchers[$eventId][$watcherId]); if (empty($this->watchers[$eventId])) { unset($this->watchers[$eventId], $this->streams[(int) $watcher->value]); } } unset($this->events[$watcherId]); } public static function isSupported() : bool { return \extension_loaded("uv"); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function now() : int { return \uv_now($this->handle); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHandle() { return $this->handle; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function dispatch(bool $blocking) { \uv_run($this->handle, $blocking ? \UV::RUN_ONCE : \UV::RUN_NOWAIT); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function activate(array $watchers) { foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { $id = $watcher->id; switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: case Watcher::WRITABLE: $streamId = (int) $watcher->value; if (isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { $event = $this->streams[$streamId]; } elseif (isset($this->events[$id])) { $event = $this->streams[$streamId] = $this->events[$id]; } else { $event = $this->streams[$streamId] = \uv_poll_init_socket($this->handle, $watcher->value); } $eventId = (int) $event; $this->events[$id] = $event; $this->watchers[$eventId][$id] = $watcher; $flags = 0; foreach ($this->watchers[$eventId] as $watcher) { $flags |= $watcher->enabled ? $watcher->type : 0; } \uv_poll_start($event, $flags, $this->ioCallback); break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: if (isset($this->events[$id])) { $event = $this->events[$id]; } else { $event = $this->events[$id] = \uv_timer_init($this->handle); } $this->watchers[(int) $event] = $watcher; \uv_timer_start($event, $watcher->value, $watcher->type & Watcher::REPEAT ? $watcher->value : 0, $this->timerCallback); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: if (isset($this->events[$id])) { $event = $this->events[$id]; } else { $event = $this->events[$id] = \uv_signal_init($this->handle); } $this->watchers[(int) $event] = $watcher; \uv_signal_start($event, $this->signalCallback, $watcher->value); break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function deactivate(Watcher $watcher) { $id = $watcher->id; if (!isset($this->events[$id])) { return; } $event = $this->events[$id]; if (!\uv_is_active($event)) { return; } switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: case Watcher::WRITABLE: $flags = 0; foreach ($this->watchers[(int) $event] as $watcher) { $flags |= $watcher->enabled ? $watcher->type : 0; } if ($flags) { \uv_poll_start($event, $flags, $this->ioCallback); } else { \uv_poll_stop($event); } break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: \uv_timer_stop($event); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: \uv_signal_stop($event); break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } } }handle = new \EventBase(); $this->nowOffset = getCurrentTime(); $this->now = \random_int(0, $this->nowOffset); $this->nowOffset -= $this->now; if (self::$activeSignals === null) { self::$activeSignals =& $this->signals; } $this->ioCallback = function ($resource, $what, Watcher $watcher) { try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->value, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; $this->timerCallback = function ($resource, $what, Watcher $watcher) { if ($watcher->type & Watcher::DELAY) { $this->cancel($watcher->id); } else { $this->events[$watcher->id]->add($watcher->value / self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC); } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; $this->signalCallback = function ($signum, $what, Watcher $watcher) { try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->value, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cancel(string $watcherId) { parent::cancel($watcherId); if (isset($this->events[$watcherId])) { $this->events[$watcherId]->free(); unset($this->events[$watcherId]); } } public static function isSupported() : bool { return \extension_loaded("event"); } /** * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function __destruct() { foreach ($this->events as $event) { if ($event !== null) { // Events may have been nulled in extension depending on destruct order. $event->free(); } } // Unset here, otherwise $event->del() fails with a warning, because __destruct order isn't defined. // See $this->events = []; // Manually free the loop handle to fully release loop resources. // See if ($this->handle !== null) { $this->handle->free(); $this->handle = null; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { $active = self::$activeSignals; foreach ($active as $event) { $event->del(); } self::$activeSignals =& $this->signals; foreach ($this->signals as $event) { $event->add(); } try { parent::run(); } finally { foreach ($this->signals as $event) { $event->del(); } self::$activeSignals =& $active; foreach ($active as $event) { $event->add(); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stop() { $this->handle->stop(); parent::stop(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function now() : int { if ($this->nowUpdateNeeded) { $this->now = getCurrentTime() - $this->nowOffset; $this->nowUpdateNeeded = false; } return $this->now; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHandle() : \EventBase { return $this->handle; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function dispatch(bool $blocking) { $this->nowUpdateNeeded = true; $this->handle->loop($blocking ? \EventBase::LOOP_ONCE : \EventBase::LOOP_ONCE | \EventBase::LOOP_NONBLOCK); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function activate(array $watchers) { $now = getCurrentTime() - $this->nowOffset; foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->events[$id = $watcher->id])) { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: $this->events[$id] = new \Event($this->handle, $watcher->value, \Event::READ | \Event::PERSIST, $this->ioCallback, $watcher); break; case Watcher::WRITABLE: $this->events[$id] = new \Event($this->handle, $watcher->value, \Event::WRITE | \Event::PERSIST, $this->ioCallback, $watcher); break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: $this->events[$id] = new \Event($this->handle, -1, \Event::TIMEOUT, $this->timerCallback, $watcher); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $this->events[$id] = new \Event($this->handle, $watcher->value, \Event::SIGNAL | \Event::PERSIST, $this->signalCallback, $watcher); break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } } switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: $interval = $watcher->value - ($now - $this->now()); $this->events[$id]->add($interval > 0 ? $interval / self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC : 0); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $this->signals[$id] = $this->events[$id]; // no break default: $this->events[$id]->add(); break; } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function deactivate(Watcher $watcher) { if (isset($this->events[$id = $watcher->id])) { $this->events[$id]->del(); if ($watcher->type === Watcher::SIGNAL) { unset($this->signals[$id]); } } } }handle = new \EvLoop(); $this->nowOffset = getCurrentTime(); $this->now = \random_int(0, $this->nowOffset); $this->nowOffset -= $this->now; if (self::$activeSignals === null) { self::$activeSignals =& $this->signals; } $this->ioCallback = function (\EvIO $event) { /** @var \Amp\Loop\Watcher $watcher */ $watcher = $event->data; try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->value, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; $this->timerCallback = function (\EvTimer $event) { /** @var \Amp\Loop\Watcher $watcher */ $watcher = $event->data; if ($watcher->type & Watcher::DELAY) { $this->cancel($watcher->id); } elseif ($watcher->value === 0) { // Disable and re-enable so it's not executed repeatedly in the same tick // See $this->disable($watcher->id); $this->enable($watcher->id); } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; $this->signalCallback = function (\EvSignal $event) { /** @var \Amp\Loop\Watcher $watcher */ $watcher = $event->data; try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->value, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cancel(string $watcherId) { parent::cancel($watcherId); unset($this->events[$watcherId]); } public static function isSupported() : bool { return \extension_loaded("ev"); } public function __destruct() { foreach ($this->events as $event) { if ($event !== null) { // Events may have been nulled in extension depending on destruct order. $event->stop(); } } // We need to clear all references to events manually, see // $this->events = []; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { $active = self::$activeSignals; foreach ($active as $event) { $event->stop(); } self::$activeSignals =& $this->signals; foreach ($this->signals as $event) { $event->start(); } try { parent::run(); } finally { foreach ($this->signals as $event) { $event->stop(); } self::$activeSignals =& $active; foreach ($active as $event) { $event->start(); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stop() { $this->handle->stop(); parent::stop(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function now() : int { if ($this->nowUpdateNeeded) { $this->now = getCurrentTime() - $this->nowOffset; $this->nowUpdateNeeded = false; } return $this->now; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHandle() : \EvLoop { return $this->handle; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function dispatch(bool $blocking) { $this->nowUpdateNeeded = true; $this->handle->run($blocking ? \Ev::RUN_ONCE : \Ev::RUN_ONCE | \Ev::RUN_NOWAIT); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function activate(array $watchers) { foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->events[$id = $watcher->id])) { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: $this->events[$id] = $this->handle->io($watcher->value, \Ev::READ, $this->ioCallback, $watcher); break; case Watcher::WRITABLE: $this->events[$id] = $this->handle->io($watcher->value, \Ev::WRITE, $this->ioCallback, $watcher); break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: $interval = $watcher->value / self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC; $this->events[$id] = $this->handle->timer($interval, $watcher->type & Watcher::REPEAT ? $interval : 0, $this->timerCallback, $watcher); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $this->events[$id] = $this->handle->signal($watcher->value, $this->signalCallback, $watcher); break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } } else { $this->events[$id]->start(); } if ($watcher->type === Watcher::SIGNAL) { $this->signals[$id] = $this->events[$id]; } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function deactivate(Watcher $watcher) { if (isset($this->events[$id = $watcher->id])) { $this->events[$id]->stop(); if ($watcher->type === Watcher::SIGNAL) { unset($this->signals[$id]); } } } }watcher = $watcher; $entry->expiration = $expiration; $node = \count($this->data); $this->data[$node] = $entry; $this->pointers[$watcher->id] = $node; while ($node !== 0 && $entry->expiration < $this->data[$parent = $node - 1 >> 1]->expiration) { $temp = $this->data[$parent]; $this->data[$node] = $temp; $this->pointers[$temp->watcher->id] = $node; $this->data[$parent] = $entry; $this->pointers[$watcher->id] = $parent; $node = $parent; } } /** * Removes the given watcher from the queue. Time complexity: O(log(n)). * * @param Watcher $watcher * * @return void */ public function remove(Watcher $watcher) { $id = $watcher->id; if (!isset($this->pointers[$id])) { return; } $this->removeAndRebuild($this->pointers[$id]); } /** * Deletes and returns the Watcher on top of the heap if it has expired, otherwise null is returned. * Time complexity: O(log(n)). * * @param int $now Current loop time. * * @return Watcher|null Expired watcher at the top of the heap or null if the watcher has not expired. */ public function extract(int $now) { if (empty($this->data)) { return null; } $data = $this->data[0]; if ($data->expiration > $now) { return null; } $this->removeAndRebuild(0); return $data->watcher; } /** * Returns the expiration time value at the top of the heap. Time complexity: O(1). * * @return int|null Expiration time of the watcher at the top of the heap or null if the heap is empty. */ public function peek() { return isset($this->data[0]) ? $this->data[0]->expiration : null; } /** * @param int $node Remove the given node and then rebuild the data array from that node downward. * * @return void */ private function removeAndRebuild(int $node) { $length = \count($this->data) - 1; $id = $this->data[$node]->watcher->id; $left = $this->data[$node] = $this->data[$length]; $this->pointers[$left->watcher->id] = $node; unset($this->data[$length], $this->pointers[$id]); while (($child = ($node << 1) + 1) < $length) { if ($this->data[$child]->expiration < $this->data[$node]->expiration && ($child + 1 >= $length || $this->data[$child]->expiration < $this->data[$child + 1]->expiration)) { // Left child is less than parent and right child. $swap = $child; } elseif ($child + 1 < $length && $this->data[$child + 1]->expiration < $this->data[$node]->expiration) { // Right child is less than parent and left child. $swap = $child + 1; } else { // Left and right child are greater than parent. break; } $left = $this->data[$node]; $right = $this->data[$swap]; $this->data[$node] = $right; $this->pointers[$right->watcher->id] = $node; $this->data[$swap] = $left; $this->pointers[$left->watcher->id] = $swap; $node = $swap; } } }createDriverFromEnv()) { return $driver; } if (UvDriver::isSupported()) { return new UvDriver(); } if (EvDriver::isSupported()) { return new EvDriver(); } if (EventDriver::isSupported()) { return new EventDriver(); } return new NativeDriver(); })(); if (\getenv("AMP_DEBUG_TRACE_WATCHERS")) { return new TracingDriver($driver); } return $driver; } private function createDriverFromEnv() { $driver = \getenv("AMP_LOOP_DRIVER"); if (!$driver) { return null; } if (!\class_exists($driver)) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Driver '%s' does not exist.", $driver)); } if (!\is_subclass_of($driver, Driver::class)) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Driver '%s' is not a subclass of '%s'.", $driver, Driver::class)); } return new $driver(); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnddriver = $driver; } public function run() { $this->driver->run(); } public function stop() { $this->driver->stop(); } public function defer(callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $id = $this->driver->defer(function (...$args) use($callback) { $this->cancel($args[0]); return $callback(...$args); }, $data); $this->creationTraces[$id] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); $this->enabledWatchers[$id] = true; return $id; } public function delay(int $delay, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $id = $this->driver->delay($delay, function (...$args) use($callback) { $this->cancel($args[0]); return $callback(...$args); }, $data); $this->creationTraces[$id] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); $this->enabledWatchers[$id] = true; return $id; } public function repeat(int $interval, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $id = $this->driver->repeat($interval, $callback, $data); $this->creationTraces[$id] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); $this->enabledWatchers[$id] = true; return $id; } public function onReadable($stream, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $id = $this->driver->onReadable($stream, $callback, $data); $this->creationTraces[$id] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); $this->enabledWatchers[$id] = true; return $id; } public function onWritable($stream, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $id = $this->driver->onWritable($stream, $callback, $data); $this->creationTraces[$id] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); $this->enabledWatchers[$id] = true; return $id; } public function onSignal(int $signo, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $id = $this->driver->onSignal($signo, $callback, $data); $this->creationTraces[$id] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); $this->enabledWatchers[$id] = true; return $id; } public function enable(string $watcherId) { try { $this->driver->enable($watcherId); $this->enabledWatchers[$watcherId] = true; } catch (InvalidWatcherError $e) { throw new InvalidWatcherError($watcherId, $e->getMessage() . "\r\n\r\n" . $this->getTraces($watcherId)); } } public function cancel(string $watcherId) { $this->driver->cancel($watcherId); if (!isset($this->cancelTraces[$watcherId])) { $this->cancelTraces[$watcherId] = formatStacktrace(\debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); } unset($this->enabledWatchers[$watcherId], $this->unreferencedWatchers[$watcherId]); } public function disable(string $watcherId) { $this->driver->disable($watcherId); unset($this->enabledWatchers[$watcherId]); } public function reference(string $watcherId) { try { $this->driver->reference($watcherId); unset($this->unreferencedWatchers[$watcherId]); } catch (InvalidWatcherError $e) { throw new InvalidWatcherError($watcherId, $e->getMessage() . "\r\n\r\n" . $this->getTraces($watcherId)); } } public function unreference(string $watcherId) { $this->driver->unreference($watcherId); $this->unreferencedWatchers[$watcherId] = true; } public function setErrorHandler(callable $callback = null) { return $this->driver->setErrorHandler($callback); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getHandle() { $this->driver->getHandle(); } public function dump() : string { $dump = "Enabled, referenced watchers keeping the loop running: "; foreach ($this->enabledWatchers as $watcher => $_) { if (isset($this->unreferencedWatchers[$watcher])) { continue; } $dump .= "Watcher ID: " . $watcher . "\r\n"; $dump .= $this->getCreationTrace($watcher); $dump .= "\r\n\r\n"; } return \rtrim($dump); } public function getInfo() : array { return $this->driver->getInfo(); } public function __debugInfo() { return $this->driver->__debugInfo(); } public function now() : int { return $this->driver->now(); } protected function error(\Throwable $exception) { $this->driver->error($exception); } /** @inheritdoc */ protected function activate(array $watchers) { // nothing to do in a decorator } /** @inheritdoc */ protected function dispatch(bool $blocking) { // nothing to do in a decorator } /** @inheritdoc */ protected function deactivate(Watcher $watcher) { // nothing to do in a decorator } private function getTraces(string $watcherId) : string { return "Creation Trace:\r\n" . $this->getCreationTrace($watcherId) . "\r\n\r\n" . "Cancellation Trace:\r\n" . $this->getCancelTrace($watcherId); } private function getCreationTrace(string $watcher) : string { if (!isset($this->creationTraces[$watcher])) { return 'No creation trace, yet.'; } return $this->creationTraces[$watcher]; } private function getCancelTrace(string $watcher) : string { if (!isset($this->cancelTraces[$watcher])) { return 'No cancellation trace, yet.'; } return $this->cancelTraces[$watcher]; } }running = true; try { while ($this->running) { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return; } $this->tick(); } } finally { $this->stop(); } } /** * @return bool True if no enabled and referenced watchers remain in the loop. */ private function isEmpty() { foreach ($this->watchers as $watcher) { if ($watcher->enabled && $watcher->referenced) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Executes a single tick of the event loop. */ private function tick() { if (empty($this->deferQueue)) { $this->deferQueue = $this->nextTickQueue; } else { $this->deferQueue = \array_merge($this->deferQueue, $this->nextTickQueue); } $this->nextTickQueue = []; $this->activate($this->enableQueue); $this->enableQueue = []; foreach ($this->deferQueue as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->deferQueue[$watcher->id])) { continue; // Watcher disabled by another defer watcher. } unset($this->watchers[$watcher->id], $this->deferQueue[$watcher->id]); try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } } $this->dispatch(empty($this->nextTickQueue) && empty($this->enableQueue) && $this->running && !$this->isEmpty()); } /** * Activates (enables) all the given watchers. * * @param \Amp\Loop\Watcher[] $watchers */ protected abstract function activate(array $watchers); /** * Dispatches any pending read/write, timer, and signal events. * * @param bool $blocking */ protected abstract function dispatch(bool $blocking); /** * Stop the event loop. * * When an event loop is stopped, it continues with its current tick and exits the loop afterwards. Multiple calls * to stop MUST be ignored and MUST NOT raise an exception. * * @return void */ public function stop() { $this->running = false; } /** * Defer the execution of a callback. * * The deferred callable MUST be executed before any other type of watcher in a tick. Order of enabling MUST be * preserved when executing the callbacks. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param callable (string $watcherId, mixed $data) $callback The callback to defer. The `$watcherId` will be * invalidated before the callback call. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public function defer(callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $watcher = new Watcher(); $watcher->type = Watcher::DEFER; $watcher->id = $this->nextId++; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->data = $data; $this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->nextTickQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; return $watcher->id; } /** * Delay the execution of a callback. * * The delay is a minimum and approximate, accuracy is not guaranteed. Order of calls MUST be determined by which * timers expire first, but timers with the same expiration time MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param int $delay The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay the execution for. * @param callable (string $watcherId, mixed $data) $callback The callback to delay. The `$watcherId` will be * invalidated before the callback call. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public function delay(int $delay, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { if ($delay < 0) { throw new \Error("Delay must be greater than or equal to zero"); } $watcher = new Watcher(); $watcher->type = Watcher::DELAY; $watcher->id = $this->nextId++; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->value = $delay; $watcher->data = $data; $this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->enableQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; return $watcher->id; } /** * Repeatedly execute a callback. * * The interval between executions is a minimum and approximate, accuracy is not guaranteed. Order of calls MUST be * determined by which timers expire first, but timers with the same expiration time MAY be executed in any order. * The first execution is scheduled after the first interval period. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param int $interval The time interval, in milliseconds, to wait between executions. * @param callable (string $watcherId, mixed $data) $callback The callback to repeat. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public function repeat(int $interval, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { if ($interval < 0) { throw new \Error("Interval must be greater than or equal to zero"); } $watcher = new Watcher(); $watcher->type = Watcher::REPEAT; $watcher->id = $this->nextId++; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->value = $interval; $watcher->data = $data; $this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->enableQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; return $watcher->id; } /** * Execute a callback when a stream resource becomes readable or is closed for reading. * * Warning: Closing resources locally, e.g. with `fclose`, might not invoke the callback. Be sure to `cancel` the * watcher when closing the resource locally. Drivers MAY choose to notify the user if there are watchers on invalid * resources, but are not required to, due to the high performance impact. Watchers on closed resources are * therefore undefined behavior. * * Multiple watchers on the same stream MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param resource $stream The stream to monitor. * @param callable (string $watcherId, resource $stream, mixed $data) $callback The callback to execute. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public function onReadable($stream, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $watcher = new Watcher(); $watcher->type = Watcher::READABLE; $watcher->id = $this->nextId++; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->value = $stream; $watcher->data = $data; $this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->enableQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; return $watcher->id; } /** * Execute a callback when a stream resource becomes writable or is closed for writing. * * Warning: Closing resources locally, e.g. with `fclose`, might not invoke the callback. Be sure to `cancel` the * watcher when closing the resource locally. Drivers MAY choose to notify the user if there are watchers on invalid * resources, but are not required to, due to the high performance impact. Watchers on closed resources are * therefore undefined behavior. * * Multiple watchers on the same stream MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param resource $stream The stream to monitor. * @param callable (string $watcherId, resource $stream, mixed $data) $callback The callback to execute. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public function onWritable($stream, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $watcher = new Watcher(); $watcher->type = Watcher::WRITABLE; $watcher->id = $this->nextId++; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->value = $stream; $watcher->data = $data; $this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->enableQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; return $watcher->id; } /** * Execute a callback when a signal is received. * * Warning: Installing the same signal on different instances of this interface is deemed undefined behavior. * Implementations MAY try to detect this, if possible, but are not required to. This is due to technical * limitations of the signals being registered globally per process. * * Multiple watchers on the same signal MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param int $signo The signal number to monitor. * @param callable (string $watcherId, int $signo, mixed $data) $callback The callback to execute. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the $data parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. * * @throws UnsupportedFeatureException If signal handling is not supported. */ public function onSignal(int $signo, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { $watcher = new Watcher(); $watcher->type = Watcher::SIGNAL; $watcher->id = $this->nextId++; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->value = $signo; $watcher->data = $data; $this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->enableQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; return $watcher->id; } /** * Enable a watcher to be active starting in the next tick. * * Watchers MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callbacks can be called) right before * the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void * * @throws InvalidWatcherError If the watcher identifier is invalid. */ public function enable(string $watcherId) { if (!isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { throw new InvalidWatcherError($watcherId, "Cannot enable an invalid watcher identifier: '{$watcherId}'"); } $watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId]; if ($watcher->enabled) { return; // Watcher already enabled. } $watcher->enabled = true; switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::DEFER: $this->nextTickQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; break; default: $this->enableQueue[$watcher->id] = $watcher; break; } } /** * Cancel a watcher. * * This will detatch the event loop from all resources that are associated to the watcher. After this operation the * watcher is permanently invalid. Calling this function MUST NOT fail, even if passed an invalid watcher. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void */ public function cancel(string $watcherId) { $this->disable($watcherId); unset($this->watchers[$watcherId]); } /** * Disable a watcher immediately. * * A watcher MUST be disabled immediately, e.g. if a defer watcher disables a later defer watcher, the second defer * watcher isn't executed in this tick. * * Disabling a watcher MUST NOT invalidate the watcher. Calling this function MUST NOT fail, even if passed an * invalid watcher. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void */ public function disable(string $watcherId) { if (!isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { return; } $watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId]; if (!$watcher->enabled) { return; // Watcher already disabled. } $watcher->enabled = false; $id = $watcher->id; switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::DEFER: if (isset($this->nextTickQueue[$id])) { // Watcher was only queued to be enabled. unset($this->nextTickQueue[$id]); } else { unset($this->deferQueue[$id]); } break; default: if (isset($this->enableQueue[$id])) { // Watcher was only queued to be enabled. unset($this->enableQueue[$id]); } else { $this->deactivate($watcher); } break; } } /** * Deactivates (disables) the given watcher. * * @param \Amp\Loop\Watcher $watcher */ protected abstract function deactivate(Watcher $watcher); /** * Reference a watcher. * * This will keep the event loop alive whilst the watcher is still being monitored. Watchers have this state by * default. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void * * @throws InvalidWatcherError If the watcher identifier is invalid. */ public function reference(string $watcherId) { if (!isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { throw new InvalidWatcherError($watcherId, "Cannot reference an invalid watcher identifier: '{$watcherId}'"); } $this->watchers[$watcherId]->referenced = true; } /** * Unreference a watcher. * * The event loop should exit the run method when only unreferenced watchers are still being monitored. Watchers * are all referenced by default. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void */ public function unreference(string $watcherId) { if (!isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { return; } $this->watchers[$watcherId]->referenced = false; } /** * Stores information in the loop bound registry. * * Stored information is package private. Packages MUST NOT retrieve the stored state of other packages. Packages * MUST use their namespace as prefix for keys. They may do so by using `SomeClass::class` as key. * * If packages want to expose loop bound state to consumers other than the package, they SHOULD provide a dedicated * interface for that purpose instead of sharing the storage key. * * @param string $key The namespaced storage key. * @param mixed $value The value to be stored. * * @return void */ public final function setState(string $key, $value) { if ($value === null) { unset($this->registry[$key]); } else { $this->registry[$key] = $value; } } /** * Gets information stored bound to the loop. * * Stored information is package private. Packages MUST NOT retrieve the stored state of other packages. Packages * MUST use their namespace as prefix for keys. They may do so by using `SomeClass::class` as key. * * If packages want to expose loop bound state to consumers other than the package, they SHOULD provide a dedicated * interface for that purpose instead of sharing the storage key. * * @param string $key The namespaced storage key. * * @return mixed The previously stored value or `null` if it doesn't exist. */ public final function getState(string $key) { return isset($this->registry[$key]) ? $this->registry[$key] : null; } /** * Set a callback to be executed when an error occurs. * * The callback receives the error as the first and only parameter. The return value of the callback gets ignored. * If it can't handle the error, it MUST throw the error. Errors thrown by the callback or during its invocation * MUST be thrown into the `run` loop and stop the driver. * * Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite the previous handler. * * @param callable (\Throwable|\Exception $error)|null $callback The callback to execute. `null` will clear the * current handler. * * @return callable(\Throwable|\Exception $error)|null The previous handler, `null` if there was none. */ public function setErrorHandler(callable $callback = null) { $previous = $this->errorHandler; $this->errorHandler = $callback; return $previous; } /** * Invokes the error handler with the given exception. * * @param \Throwable $exception The exception thrown from a watcher callback. * * @throws \Throwable If no error handler has been set. */ protected function error(\Throwable $exception) { if ($this->errorHandler === null) { throw $exception; } ($this->errorHandler)($exception); } /** * Returns the current loop time in millisecond increments. Note this value does not necessarily correlate to * wall-clock time, rather the value returned is meant to be used in relative comparisons to prior values returned * by this method (intervals, expiration calculations, etc.) and is only updated once per loop tick. * * Extending classes should override this function to return a value cached once per loop tick. * * @return int */ public function now() : int { return \microtime(true) * self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC; } /** * Get the underlying loop handle. * * Example: the `uv_loop` resource for `libuv` or the `EvLoop` object for `libev` or `null` for a native driver. * * Note: This function is *not* exposed in the `Loop` class. Users shall access it directly on the respective loop * instance. * * @return null|object|resource The loop handle the event loop operates on. `null` if there is none. */ public abstract function getHandle(); /** * Returns the same array of data as getInfo(). * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart return $this->getInfo(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Retrieve an associative array of information about the event loop driver. * * The returned array MUST contain the following data describing the driver's currently registered watchers: * * [ * "defer" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "delay" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "repeat" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "on_readable" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "on_writable" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "on_signal" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "enabled_watchers" => ["referenced" => int, "unreferenced" => int], * "running" => bool * ]; * * Implementations MAY optionally add more information in the array but at minimum the above `key => value` format * MUST always be provided. * * @return array Statistics about the loop in the described format. */ public function getInfo() : array { $watchers = ["referenced" => 0, "unreferenced" => 0]; $defer = $delay = $repeat = $onReadable = $onWritable = $onSignal = ["enabled" => 0, "disabled" => 0]; foreach ($this->watchers as $watcher) { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: $array =& $onReadable; break; case Watcher::WRITABLE: $array =& $onWritable; break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $array =& $onSignal; break; case Watcher::DEFER: $array =& $defer; break; case Watcher::DELAY: $array =& $delay; break; case Watcher::REPEAT: $array =& $repeat; break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } if ($watcher->enabled) { ++$array["enabled"]; if ($watcher->referenced) { ++$watchers["referenced"]; } else { ++$watchers["unreferenced"]; } } else { ++$array["disabled"]; } } return ["enabled_watchers" => $watchers, "defer" => $defer, "delay" => $delay, "repeat" => $repeat, "on_readable" => $onReadable, "on_writable" => $onWritable, "on_signal" => $onSignal, "running" => (bool) $this->running]; } }timerQueue = new Internal\TimerQueue(); $this->signalHandling = \extension_loaded("pcntl"); $this->nowOffset = getCurrentTime(); $this->now = \random_int(0, $this->nowOffset); $this->nowOffset -= $this->now; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws \Amp\Loop\UnsupportedFeatureException If the pcntl extension is not available. */ public function onSignal(int $signo, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { if (!$this->signalHandling) { throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Signal handling requires the pcntl extension"); } return parent::onSignal($signo, $callback, $data); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function now() : int { if ($this->nowUpdateNeeded) { $this->now = getCurrentTime() - $this->nowOffset; $this->nowUpdateNeeded = false; } return $this->now; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHandle() { return null; } protected function dispatch(bool $blocking) { $this->nowUpdateNeeded = true; $this->selectStreams($this->readStreams, $this->writeStreams, $blocking ? $this->getTimeout() : 0); $scheduleQueue = []; try { $now = $this->now(); while ($watcher = $this->timerQueue->extract($now)) { if ($watcher->type & Watcher::REPEAT) { $expiration = $now + $watcher->value; $scheduleQueue[] = [$watcher, $expiration]; } else { $this->cancel($watcher->id); } try { // Execute the timer. $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } } } finally { foreach ($scheduleQueue as list($watcher, $expiration)) { if ($watcher->enabled) { $this->timerQueue->insert($watcher, $expiration); } } } if ($this->signalHandling) { \pcntl_signal_dispatch(); } } /** * @param resource[] $read * @param resource[] $write * @param int $timeout */ private function selectStreams(array $read, array $write, int $timeout) { $timeout /= self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC; if (!empty($read) || !empty($write)) { // Use stream_select() if there are any streams in the loop. if ($timeout >= 0) { $seconds = (int) $timeout; $microseconds = (int) (($timeout - $seconds) * self::MICROSEC_PER_SEC); } else { $seconds = null; $microseconds = null; } $except = null; // Error reporting suppressed since stream_select() emits an E_WARNING if it is interrupted by a signal. if (!($result = @\stream_select($read, $write, $except, $seconds, $microseconds))) { if ($result === 0) { return; } $error = \error_get_last(); if (\strpos($error["message"] ?? '', "unable to select") !== 0) { return; } $this->error(new \Exception($error["message"])); } foreach ($read as $stream) { $streamId = (int) $stream; if (!isset($this->readWatchers[$streamId])) { continue; // All read watchers disabled. } foreach ($this->readWatchers[$streamId] as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->readWatchers[$streamId][$watcher->id])) { continue; // Watcher disabled by another IO watcher. } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $stream, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } } } foreach ($write as $stream) { $streamId = (int) $stream; if (!isset($this->writeWatchers[$streamId])) { continue; // All write watchers disabled. } foreach ($this->writeWatchers[$streamId] as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->writeWatchers[$streamId][$watcher->id])) { continue; // Watcher disabled by another IO watcher. } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $stream, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } } } return; } if ($timeout > 0) { // Otherwise sleep with usleep() if $timeout > 0. \usleep($timeout * self::MICROSEC_PER_SEC); } } /** * @return int Milliseconds until next timer expires or -1 if there are no pending times. */ private function getTimeout() : int { $expiration = $this->timerQueue->peek(); if ($expiration === null) { return -1; } $expiration -= getCurrentTime() - $this->nowOffset; return $expiration > 0 ? $expiration : 0; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function activate(array $watchers) { foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: $streamId = (int) $watcher->value; $this->readWatchers[$streamId][$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->readStreams[$streamId] = $watcher->value; break; case Watcher::WRITABLE: $streamId = (int) $watcher->value; $this->writeWatchers[$streamId][$watcher->id] = $watcher; $this->writeStreams[$streamId] = $watcher->value; break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: $expiration = $this->now() + $watcher->value; $this->timerQueue->insert($watcher, $expiration); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: if (!isset($this->signalWatchers[$watcher->value])) { if (!@\pcntl_signal($watcher->value, $this->callableFromInstanceMethod('handleSignal'))) { $message = "Failed to register signal handler"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf("; Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } throw new \Error($message); } } $this->signalWatchers[$watcher->value][$watcher->id] = $watcher; break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function deactivate(Watcher $watcher) { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: $streamId = (int) $watcher->value; unset($this->readWatchers[$streamId][$watcher->id]); if (empty($this->readWatchers[$streamId])) { unset($this->readWatchers[$streamId], $this->readStreams[$streamId]); } break; case Watcher::WRITABLE: $streamId = (int) $watcher->value; unset($this->writeWatchers[$streamId][$watcher->id]); if (empty($this->writeWatchers[$streamId])) { unset($this->writeWatchers[$streamId], $this->writeStreams[$streamId]); } break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: $this->timerQueue->remove($watcher); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: if (isset($this->signalWatchers[$watcher->value])) { unset($this->signalWatchers[$watcher->value][$watcher->id]); if (empty($this->signalWatchers[$watcher->value])) { unset($this->signalWatchers[$watcher->value]); @\pcntl_signal($watcher->value, \SIG_DFL); } } break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); } } /** * @param int $signo */ private function handleSignal(int $signo) { foreach ($this->signalWatchers[$signo] as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->signalWatchers[$signo][$watcher->id])) { continue; } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $signo, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } } } }watcherId = $watcherId; parent::__construct($message); } /** * @return string The watcher identifier. */ public function getWatcherId() { return $this->watcherId; } }exception = $exception; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function onResolve(callable $onResolved) { try { $result = $onResolved($this->exception, null); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); } } }getMethod($method); } return self::$__reflectionMethods[$method]->getClosure($this); } /** * Creates a callable from a protected or private static method that may be invoked by methods requiring a * publicly invokable callback. * * @param string $method Static method name. * * @return callable */ private static function callableFromStaticMethod(string $method) : callable { if (!isset(self::$__reflectionMethods[$method])) { if (self::$__reflectionClass === null) { self::$__reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(self::class); } self::$__reflectionMethods[$method] = self::$__reflectionClass->getMethod($method); } return self::$__reflectionMethods[$method]->getClosure(); } } } else { trait CallableMaker { /** * @deprecated Use \Closure::fromCallable() instead of this method in PHP 7.1. */ private function callableFromInstanceMethod(string $method) : callable { return \Closure::fromCallable([$this, $method]); } /** * @deprecated Use \Closure::fromCallable() instead of this method in PHP 7.1. */ private static function callableFromStaticMethod(string $method) : callable { return \Closure::fromCallable([self::class, $method]); } } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEndgetToken(); * * $response = yield $httpClient->request("", $token); * $responseBody = $response->getBody(); * * while (($chunk = yield $response->read()) !== null) { * // consume $chunk * * if ($noLongerInterested) { * $cancellationTokenSource->cancel(); * break; * } * } * ``` * * @see CancellationToken * @see CancelledException */ final class CancellationTokenSource { private $token; private $onCancel; public function __construct() { $this->token = new class($this->onCancel) implements CancellationToken { /** @var string */ private $nextId = "a"; /** @var callable[] */ private $callbacks = []; /** @var \Throwable|null */ private $exception = null; public function __construct(&$onCancel) { $onCancel = function (\Throwable $exception) { $this->exception = $exception; $callbacks = $this->callbacks; $this->callbacks = []; foreach ($callbacks as $callback) { $this->invokeCallback($callback); } }; } private function invokeCallback($callback) { // No type declaration to prevent exception outside the try! try { $result = $callback($this->exception); if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); } } public function subscribe(callable $callback) : string { $id = $this->nextId++; if ($this->exception) { $this->invokeCallback($callback); } else { $this->callbacks[$id] = $callback; } return $id; } public function unsubscribe(string $id) { unset($this->callbacks[$id]); } public function isRequested() : bool { return isset($this->exception); } public function throwIfRequested() { if (isset($this->exception)) { throw $this->exception; } } }; } public function getToken() : CancellationToken { return $this->token; } /** * @param \Throwable|null $previous Exception to be used as the previous exception to CancelledException. */ public function cancel(\Throwable $previous = null) { if ($this->onCancel === null) { return; } $onCancel = $this->onCancel; $this->onCancel = null; $onCancel(new CancelledException($previous)); } }promise = $promise; } public function onResolve(callable $onResolved) { $this->promise->onResolve($onResolved); } }waiting !== null) { throw new \Error("The prior promise returned must resolve before invoking this method again"); } unset($this->values[$this->consumePosition]); $position = ++$this->consumePosition; if (\array_key_exists($position, $this->values)) { \assert(isset($this->backPressure[$position])); $deferred = $this->backPressure[$position]; unset($this->backPressure[$position]); $deferred->resolve(); return new Success(true); } if ($this->complete) { return $this->complete; } $this->waiting = new Deferred(); return $this->waiting->promise(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrent() { if (empty($this->values) && $this->complete) { throw new \Error("The iterator has completed"); } if (!\array_key_exists($this->consumePosition, $this->values)) { throw new \Error("Promise returned from advance() must resolve before calling this method"); } return $this->values[$this->consumePosition]; } /** * Emits a value from the iterator. The returned promise is resolved once the emitted value has been consumed. * * @param mixed $value * * @return \Amp\Promise * * @throws \Error If the iterator has completed. */ private function emit($value) : Promise { if ($this->complete) { throw new \Error("Iterators cannot emit values after calling complete"); } if ($value instanceof ReactPromise) { $value = Promise\adapt($value); } if ($value instanceof Promise) { $deferred = new Deferred(); $value->onResolve(function ($e, $v) use($deferred) { if ($this->complete) { $deferred->fail(new \Error("The iterator was completed before the promise result could be emitted")); return; } if ($e) { $this->fail($e); $deferred->fail($e); return; } $deferred->resolve($this->emit($v)); }); return $deferred->promise(); } $position = ++$this->emitPosition; $this->values[$position] = $value; if ($this->waiting !== null) { $waiting = $this->waiting; $this->waiting = null; $waiting->resolve(true); return new Success(); // Consumer was already waiting for a new value, so back-pressure is unnecessary. } $this->backPressure[$position] = $pressure = new Deferred(); return $pressure->promise(); } /** * Completes the iterator. * * @throws \Error If the iterator has already been completed. */ private function complete() { if ($this->complete) { $message = "Iterator has already been completed"; if (isset($this->resolutionTrace)) { $trace = formatStacktrace($this->resolutionTrace); $message .= ". Previous completion trace:\n\n{$trace}\n\n"; } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $message .= ", define environment variable AMP_DEBUG or const AMP_DEBUG = true and enable assertions " . "for a stacktrace of the previous resolution."; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } throw new \Error($message); } \assert((function () { $env = \getenv("AMP_DEBUG") ?: "0"; if ($env !== "0" && $env !== "false" || \defined("AMP_DEBUG") && \AMP_DEBUG) { $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); \array_shift($trace); // remove current closure $this->resolutionTrace = $trace; } return true; })()); $this->complete = new Success(false); if ($this->waiting !== null) { $waiting = $this->waiting; $this->waiting = null; $waiting->resolve($this->complete); } } private function fail(\Throwable $exception) { $this->complete = new Failure($exception); if ($this->waiting !== null) { $waiting = $this->waiting; $this->waiting = null; $waiting->resolve($this->complete); } } }resolved) { if ($this->result instanceof Promise) { $this->result->onResolve($onResolved); return; } try { $result = $onResolved(null, $this->result); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); } return; } if (null === $this->onResolved) { $this->onResolved = $onResolved; return; } if (!$this->onResolved instanceof ResolutionQueue) { $this->onResolved = new ResolutionQueue($this->onResolved); } $this->onResolved->push($onResolved); } /** * @param mixed $value * * @throws \Error Thrown if the promise has already been resolved. */ private function resolve($value = null) { if ($this->resolved) { $message = "Promise has already been resolved"; if (isset($this->resolutionTrace)) { $trace = formatStacktrace($this->resolutionTrace); $message .= ". Previous resolution trace:\n\n{$trace}\n\n"; } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $message .= ", define environment variable AMP_DEBUG or const AMP_DEBUG = true and enable assertions " . "for a stacktrace of the previous resolution."; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } throw new \Error($message); } \assert((function () { $env = \getenv("AMP_DEBUG") ?: "0"; if ($env !== "0" && $env !== "false" || \defined("AMP_DEBUG") && \AMP_DEBUG) { $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); \array_shift($trace); // remove current closure $this->resolutionTrace = $trace; } return true; })()); if ($value instanceof ReactPromise) { $value = Promise\adapt($value); } $this->resolved = true; $this->result = $value; if ($this->onResolved === null) { return; } $onResolved = $this->onResolved; $this->onResolved = null; if ($this->result instanceof Promise) { $this->result->onResolve($onResolved); return; } try { $result = $onResolved(null, $this->result); $onResolved = null; // allow garbage collection of $onResolved, to catch any exceptions from destructors if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); } } /** * @param \Throwable $reason Failure reason. */ private function fail(\Throwable $reason) { $this->resolve(new Failure($reason)); } public function __destruct() { try { $this->result = null; } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use($e) { throw $e; }); } } }push($callback); } } /** * Unrolls instances of self to avoid blowing up the call stack on resolution. * * @param callable $callback */ public function push(callable $callback) { if ($callback instanceof self) { $this->queue = \array_merge($this->queue, $callback->queue); return; } $this->queue[] = $callback; } /** * Calls each callback in the queue, passing the provided values to the function. * * @param \Throwable|null $exception * @param mixed $value */ public function __invoke($exception, $value) { foreach ($this->queue as $callback) { try { $result = $callback($exception, $value); if ($result === null) { continue; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); } } } }iterator = $iterator; } public function advance() : Promise { return $this->iterator->advance(); } public function getCurrent() { return $this->iterator->getCurrent(); } }= 70300 ? \hrtime(false)[0] : \time(); $nextWarning = \PHP_INT_MAX - 86400 * 7; } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300) { list($seconds, $nanoseconds) = \hrtime(false); $seconds -= $startTime; if ($seconds >= $nextWarning) { $timeToOverflow = (\PHP_INT_MAX - $seconds * 1000) / 1000; \trigger_error("getCurrentTime() will overflow in {$timeToOverflow} seconds, please restart the process before that. " . "You're using a 32 bit version of PHP, so time will overflow about every 24 days. Regular restarts are required.", \E_USER_WARNING); $nextWarning += 600; // every 10 minutes } return (int) ($seconds * 1000 + $nanoseconds / 1000000); } $seconds = \microtime(true) - $startTime; if ($seconds >= $nextWarning) { $timeToOverflow = (\PHP_INT_MAX - $seconds * 1000) / 1000; \trigger_error("getCurrentTime() will overflow in {$timeToOverflow} seconds, please restart the process before that. " . "You're using a 32 bit version of PHP, so time will overflow about every 24 days. Regular restarts are required.", \E_USER_WARNING); $nextWarning += 600; // every 10 minutes } return $seconds * 1000; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300) { list($seconds, $nanoseconds) = \hrtime(false); return (int) ($seconds * 1000 + $nanoseconds / 1000000); } return \microtime(true) * 1000; }generateStructPropertyError($property)); } public function __set(string $property, $value) { throw new \Error($this->generateStructPropertyError($property)); } private function generateStructPropertyError(string $property) : string { $suggestion = $this->suggestPropertyName($property); $suggestStr = $suggestion == "" ? "" : "... did you mean \"{$suggestion}?\""; return \sprintf( "%s property \"%s\" does not exist%s", \str_replace("\0", "@", \get_class($this)), // Handle anonymous class names. $property, $suggestStr ); } private function suggestPropertyName(string $badProperty) : string { $badProperty = \strtolower($badProperty); $bestMatch = ""; $bestMatchPercentage = 0; foreach ($this as $property => $value) { // Never suggest properties that begin with an underscore if ($property[0] === "_") { continue; } \similar_text($badProperty, \strtolower($property), $byRefPercentage); if ($byRefPercentage > $bestMatchPercentage) { $bestMatchPercentage = $byRefPercentage; $bestMatch = $property; } } return $bestMatchPercentage >= $this->__propertySuggestThreshold ? $bestMatch : ""; } }token = $source->getToken(); $this->watcher = Loop::delay($timeout, static function () use($source) { $source->cancel(new TimeoutException()); }); Loop::unreference($this->watcher); } /** * Cancels the delay watcher. */ public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->watcher); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function subscribe(callable $callback) : string { return $this->token->subscribe($callback); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unsubscribe(string $id) { $this->token->unsubscribe($id); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isRequested() : bool { return $this->token->isRequested(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function throwIfRequested() { $this->token->throwIfRequested(); } }throwIfRequested(); * } * ``` * * potentially multiple times, it allows writing * * ```php * $token = $token ?? new NullCancellationToken; * * //... * * $token->throwIfRequested(); * ``` * * instead. */ final class NullCancellationToken implements CancellationToken { /** @inheritdoc */ public function subscribe(callable $callback) : string { return "null-token"; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function unsubscribe(string $id) { // nothing to do } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isRequested() : bool { return false; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function throwIfRequested() { // nothing to do } }defer($callback); } self::$driver->run(); } /** * Stop the event loop. * * When an event loop is stopped, it continues with its current tick and exits the loop afterwards. Multiple calls * to stop MUST be ignored and MUST NOT raise an exception. * * @return void */ public static function stop() { self::$driver->stop(); } /** * Defer the execution of a callback. * * The deferred callable MUST be executed before any other type of watcher in a tick. Order of enabling MUST be * preserved when executing the callbacks. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param callable(string $watcherId, mixed $data) $callback The callback to defer. The `$watcherId` will be * invalidated before the callback call. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public static function defer(callable $callback, $data = null) : string { return self::$driver->defer($callback, $data); } /** * Delay the execution of a callback. * * The delay is a minimum and approximate, accuracy is not guaranteed. Order of calls MUST be determined by which * timers expire first, but timers with the same expiration time MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param int $delay The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay the execution for. * @param callable(string $watcherId, mixed $data) $callback The callback to delay. The `$watcherId` will be * invalidated before the callback call. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public static function delay(int $delay, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { return self::$driver->delay($delay, $callback, $data); } /** * Repeatedly execute a callback. * * The interval between executions is a minimum and approximate, accuracy is not guaranteed. Order of calls MUST be * determined by which timers expire first, but timers with the same expiration time MAY be executed in any order. * The first execution is scheduled after the first interval period. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param int $interval The time interval, in milliseconds, to wait between executions. * @param callable(string $watcherId, mixed $data) $callback The callback to repeat. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public static function repeat(int $interval, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { return self::$driver->repeat($interval, $callback, $data); } /** * Execute a callback when a stream resource becomes readable or is closed for reading. * * Warning: Closing resources locally, e.g. with `fclose`, might not invoke the callback. Be sure to `cancel` the * watcher when closing the resource locally. Drivers MAY choose to notify the user if there are watchers on invalid * resources, but are not required to, due to the high performance impact. Watchers on closed resources are * therefore undefined behavior. * * Multiple watchers on the same stream MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param resource $stream The stream to monitor. * @param callable(string $watcherId, resource $stream, mixed $data) $callback The callback to execute. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public static function onReadable($stream, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { return self::$driver->onReadable($stream, $callback, $data); } /** * Execute a callback when a stream resource becomes writable or is closed for writing. * * Warning: Closing resources locally, e.g. with `fclose`, might not invoke the callback. Be sure to `cancel` the * watcher when closing the resource locally. Drivers MAY choose to notify the user if there are watchers on invalid * resources, but are not required to, due to the high performance impact. Watchers on closed resources are * therefore undefined behavior. * * Multiple watchers on the same stream MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param resource $stream The stream to monitor. * @param callable(string $watcherId, resource $stream, mixed $data) $callback The callback to execute. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the `$data` parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. */ public static function onWritable($stream, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { return self::$driver->onWritable($stream, $callback, $data); } /** * Execute a callback when a signal is received. * * Warning: Installing the same signal on different instances of this interface is deemed undefined behavior. * Implementations MAY try to detect this, if possible, but are not required to. This is due to technical * limitations of the signals being registered globally per process. * * Multiple watchers on the same signal MAY be executed in any order. * * The created watcher MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callback can be called) * right before the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param int $signo The signal number to monitor. * @param callable(string $watcherId, int $signo, mixed $data) $callback The callback to execute. * @param mixed $data Arbitrary data given to the callback function as the $data parameter. * * @return string An unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the watcher. * * @throws UnsupportedFeatureException If signal handling is not supported. */ public static function onSignal(int $signo, callable $callback, $data = null) : string { return self::$driver->onSignal($signo, $callback, $data); } /** * Enable a watcher to be active starting in the next tick. * * Watchers MUST immediately be marked as enabled, but only be activated (i.e. callbacks can be called) right before * the next tick. Callbacks of watchers MUST NOT be called in the tick they were enabled. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void * * @throws InvalidWatcherError If the watcher identifier is invalid. */ public static function enable(string $watcherId) { self::$driver->enable($watcherId); } /** * Disable a watcher immediately. * * A watcher MUST be disabled immediately, e.g. if a defer watcher disables a later defer watcher, the second defer * watcher isn't executed in this tick. * * Disabling a watcher MUST NOT invalidate the watcher. Calling this function MUST NOT fail, even if passed an * invalid watcher. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void */ public static function disable(string $watcherId) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200 && !isset(self::$driver)) { // Prior to PHP 7.2, self::$driver may be unset during destruct. // See return; } self::$driver->disable($watcherId); } /** * Cancel a watcher. * * This will detatch the event loop from all resources that are associated to the watcher. After this operation the * watcher is permanently invalid. Calling this function MUST NOT fail, even if passed an invalid watcher. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void */ public static function cancel(string $watcherId) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200 && !isset(self::$driver)) { // Prior to PHP 7.2, self::$driver may be unset during destruct. // See return; } self::$driver->cancel($watcherId); } /** * Reference a watcher. * * This will keep the event loop alive whilst the watcher is still being monitored. Watchers have this state by * default. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void * * @throws InvalidWatcherError If the watcher identifier is invalid. */ public static function reference(string $watcherId) { self::$driver->reference($watcherId); } /** * Unreference a watcher. * * The event loop should exit the run method when only unreferenced watchers are still being monitored. Watchers * are all referenced by default. * * @param string $watcherId The watcher identifier. * * @return void */ public static function unreference(string $watcherId) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200 && !isset(self::$driver)) { // Prior to PHP 7.2, self::$driver may be unset during destruct. // See return; } self::$driver->unreference($watcherId); } /** * Returns the current loop time in millisecond increments. Note this value does not necessarily correlate to * wall-clock time, rather the value returned is meant to be used in relative comparisons to prior values returned * by this method (intervals, expiration calculations, etc.) and is only updated once per loop tick. * * @return int */ public static function now() : int { return self::$driver->now(); } /** * Stores information in the loop bound registry. * * Stored information is package private. Packages MUST NOT retrieve the stored state of other packages. Packages * MUST use their namespace as prefix for keys. They may do so by using `SomeClass::class` as key. * * If packages want to expose loop bound state to consumers other than the package, they SHOULD provide a dedicated * interface for that purpose instead of sharing the storage key. * * @param string $key The namespaced storage key. * @param mixed $value The value to be stored. * * @return void */ public static function setState(string $key, $value) { self::$driver->setState($key, $value); } /** * Gets information stored bound to the loop. * * Stored information is package private. Packages MUST NOT retrieve the stored state of other packages. Packages * MUST use their namespace as prefix for keys. They may do so by using `SomeClass::class` as key. * * If packages want to expose loop bound state to consumers other than the package, they SHOULD provide a dedicated * interface for that purpose instead of sharing the storage key. * * @param string $key The namespaced storage key. * * @return mixed The previously stored value or `null` if it doesn't exist. */ public static function getState(string $key) { return self::$driver->getState($key); } /** * Set a callback to be executed when an error occurs. * * The callback receives the error as the first and only parameter. The return value of the callback gets ignored. * If it can't handle the error, it MUST throw the error. Errors thrown by the callback or during its invocation * MUST be thrown into the `run` loop and stop the driver. * * Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite the previous handler. * * @param callable(\Throwable $error)|null $callback The callback to execute. `null` will clear the * current handler. * * @return callable(\Throwable $error)|null The previous handler, `null` if there was none. */ public static function setErrorHandler(callable $callback = null) { return self::$driver->setErrorHandler($callback); } /** * Retrieve an associative array of information about the event loop driver. * * The returned array MUST contain the following data describing the driver's currently registered watchers: * * [ * "defer" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "delay" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "repeat" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "on_readable" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "on_writable" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "on_signal" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], * "enabled_watchers" => ["referenced" => int, "unreferenced" => int], * "running" => bool * ]; * * Implementations MAY optionally add more information in the array but at minimum the above `key => value` format * MUST always be provided. * * @return array Statistics about the loop in the described format. */ public static function getInfo() : array { return self::$driver->getInfo(); } /** * Retrieve the event loop driver that is in scope. * * @return Driver */ public static function get() : Driver { return self::$driver; } } // Default factory, don't move this to a file loaded by the composer "files" autoload mechanism, otherwise custom // implementations might have issues setting a default loop, because it's overridden by us then. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart Loop::set((new DriverFactory())->create()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEndsubscribe(function ($exception) { $this->exception = $exception; $callbacks = $this->callbacks; $this->callbacks = []; foreach ($callbacks as $callback) { asyncCall($callback, $this->exception); } }); $this->tokens[] = [$token, $id]; } } public function __destruct() { foreach ($this->tokens as list($token, $id)) { /** @var CancellationToken $token */ $token->unsubscribe($id); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function subscribe(callable $callback) : string { $id = $this->nextId++; if ($this->exception) { asyncCall($callback, $this->exception); } else { $this->callbacks[$id] = $callback; } return $id; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function unsubscribe(string $id) { unset($this->callbacks[$id]); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isRequested() : bool { foreach ($this->tokens as list($token)) { if ($token->isRequested()) { return true; } } return false; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function throwIfRequested() { foreach ($this->tokens as list($token)) { $token->throwIfRequested(); } } }resolver = new class implements Promise { use Internal\Placeholder { resolve as public; fail as public; } }; $this->promise = new Internal\PrivatePromise($this->resolver); } /** * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function promise() : Promise { return $this->promise; } /** * Fulfill the promise with the given value. * * @param mixed $value */ public function resolve($value = null) { $this->resolver->resolve($value); } /** * Fails the promise the the given reason. * * @param \Throwable $reason */ public function fail(\Throwable $reason) { $this->resolver->fail($reason); } }onResolve(function ($exception) { if ($exception) { throw $exception; } }); } /** * Runs the event loop until the promise is resolved. Should not be called within a running event loop. * * Use this function only in synchronous contexts to wait for an asynchronous operation. Use coroutines and yield to * await promise resolution in a fully asynchronous application instead. * * @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise Promise to wait for. * * @return mixed Promise success value. * * @throws \TypeError If $promise is not an instance of \Amp\Promise or \React\Promise\PromiseInterface. * @throws \Error If the event loop stopped without the $promise being resolved. * @throws \Throwable Promise failure reason. */ function wait($promise) { if (!$promise instanceof Promise) { if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) { $promise = adapt($promise); } else { throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise); } } $resolved = false; try { Loop::run(function () use(&$resolved, &$value, &$exception, $promise) { $promise->onResolve(function ($e, $v) use(&$resolved, &$value, &$exception) { Loop::stop(); $resolved = true; $exception = $e; $value = $v; }); }); } catch (\Throwable $throwable) { throw new \Error("Loop exceptionally stopped without resolving the promise", 0, $throwable); } if (!$resolved) { throw new \Error("Loop stopped without resolving the promise"); } if ($exception) { throw $exception; } return $value; } /** * Creates an artificial timeout for any `Promise`. * * If the timeout expires before the promise is resolved, the returned promise fails with an instance of * `Amp\TimeoutException`. * * @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise Promise to which the timeout is applied. * @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds. * * @return Promise * * @throws \TypeError If $promise is not an instance of \Amp\Promise or \React\Promise\PromiseInterface. */ function timeout($promise, int $timeout) : Promise { if (!$promise instanceof Promise) { if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) { $promise = adapt($promise); } else { throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise); } } $deferred = new Deferred(); $watcher = Loop::delay($timeout, function () use(&$deferred) { $temp = $deferred; // prevent double resolve $deferred = null; $temp->fail(new TimeoutException()); }); Loop::unreference($watcher); $promise->onResolve(function () use(&$deferred, $promise, $watcher) { if ($deferred !== null) { Loop::cancel($watcher); $deferred->resolve($promise); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * Creates an artificial timeout for any `Promise`. * * If the promise is resolved before the timeout expires, the result is returned * * If the timeout expires before the promise is resolved, a default value is returned * * @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise Promise to which the timeout is applied. * @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds. * @param mixed $default * * @return Promise * * @throws \TypeError If $promise is not an instance of \Amp\Promise or \React\Promise\PromiseInterface. */ function timeoutWithDefault($promise, int $timeout, $default = null) : Promise { $promise = timeout($promise, $timeout); return call(function () use($promise, $default) { try { return (yield $promise); } catch (TimeoutException $exception) { return $default; } }); } /** * Adapts any object with a done(callable $onFulfilled, callable $onRejected) or then(callable $onFulfilled, * callable $onRejected) method to a promise usable by components depending on placeholders implementing * \AsyncInterop\Promise. * * @param object $promise Object with a done() or then() method. * * @return Promise Promise resolved by the $thenable object. * * @throws \Error If the provided object does not have a then() method. */ function adapt($promise) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); if (\method_exists($promise, 'done')) { $promise->done([$deferred, 'resolve'], [$deferred, 'fail']); } elseif (\method_exists($promise, 'then')) { $promise->then([$deferred, 'resolve'], [$deferred, 'fail']); } else { throw new \Error("Object must have a 'then' or 'done' method"); } return $deferred->promise(); } /** * Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail. * Returned promise succeeds with a two-item array delineating successful and failed promise results, * with keys identical and corresponding to the original given array. * * This function is the same as some() with the notable exception that it will never fail even * if all promises in the array resolve unsuccessfully. * * @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises * * @return Promise * * @throws \Error If a non-Promise is in the array. */ function any(array $promises) : Promise { return some($promises, 0); } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails. Returned * promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to * the array of promises. * * @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises Array of only promises. * * @return Promise * * @throws \Error If a non-Promise is in the array. */ function all(array $promises) : Promise { if (empty($promises)) { return new Success([]); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $result = $deferred->promise(); $pending = \count($promises); $values = []; foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) { if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) { $promise = adapt($promise); } elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) { throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise); } $values[$key] = null; // add entry to array to preserve order $promise->onResolve(function ($exception, $value) use(&$deferred, &$values, &$pending, $key) { if ($pending === 0) { return; } if ($exception) { $pending = 0; $deferred->fail($exception); $deferred = null; return; } $values[$key] = $value; if (0 === --$pending) { $deferred->resolve($values); } }); } return $result; } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail. * * @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises Array of only promises. * * @return Promise * * @throws \Error If the array is empty or a non-Promise is in the array. */ function first(array $promises) : Promise { if (empty($promises)) { throw new \Error("No promises provided"); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $result = $deferred->promise(); $pending = \count($promises); $exceptions = []; foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) { if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) { $promise = adapt($promise); } elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) { throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise); } $exceptions[$key] = null; // add entry to array to preserve order $promise->onResolve(function ($error, $value) use(&$deferred, &$exceptions, &$pending, $key) { if ($pending === 0) { return; } if (!$error) { $pending = 0; $deferred->resolve($value); $deferred = null; return; } $exceptions[$key] = $error; if (0 === --$pending) { $deferred->fail(new MultiReasonException($exceptions)); } }); } return $result; } /** * Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results. * * The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail. * * @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises Array of only promises. * @param int $required Number of promises that must succeed for the * returned promise to succeed. * * @return Promise * * @throws \Error If a non-Promise is in the array. */ function some(array $promises, int $required = 1) : Promise { if ($required < 0) { throw new \Error("Number of promises required must be non-negative"); } $pending = \count($promises); if ($required > $pending) { throw new \Error("Too few promises provided"); } if (empty($promises)) { return new Success([[], []]); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $result = $deferred->promise(); $values = []; $exceptions = []; foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) { if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) { $promise = adapt($promise); } elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) { throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise); } $values[$key] = $exceptions[$key] = null; // add entry to arrays to preserve order $promise->onResolve(function ($exception, $value) use(&$values, &$exceptions, &$pending, $key, $required, $deferred) { if ($exception) { $exceptions[$key] = $exception; unset($values[$key]); } else { $values[$key] = $value; unset($exceptions[$key]); } if (0 === --$pending) { if (\count($values) < $required) { $deferred->fail(new MultiReasonException($exceptions)); } else { $deferred->resolve([$exceptions, $values]); } } }); } return $result; } /** * Wraps a promise into another promise, altering the exception or result. * * @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise * @param callable $callback * * @return Promise */ function wrap($promise, callable $callback) : Promise { if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) { $promise = adapt($promise); } elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) { throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $promise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null, $result) use($deferred, $callback) { try { $result = $callback($exception, $result); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $deferred->fail($exception); return; } $deferred->resolve($result); }); return $deferred->promise(); } namespace Amp\Iterator; use Amp\Delayed; use Amp\Emitter; use Amp\Iterator; use Amp\Producer; use Amp\Promise; use function Amp\call; use function Amp\coroutine; use function Amp\Internal\createTypeError; /** * Creates an iterator from the given iterable, emitting the each value. The iterable may contain promises. If any * promise fails, the iterator will fail with the same reason. * * @param array|\Traversable $iterable Elements to emit. * @param int $delay Delay between element emissions in milliseconds. * * @return \Amp\Iterator * * @throws \TypeError If the argument is not an array or instance of \Traversable. */ function fromIterable($iterable, int $delay = 0) : Iterator { if (!$iterable instanceof \Traversable && !\is_array($iterable)) { throw createTypeError(["array", "Traversable"], $iterable); } return new Producer(function (callable $emit) use($iterable, $delay) { foreach ($iterable as $value) { if ($delay) { (yield new Delayed($delay)); } (yield $emit($value)); } }); } /** * @param \Amp\Iterator $iterator * @param callable (mixed $value): mixed $onEmit * * @return \Amp\Iterator */ function map(Iterator $iterator, callable $onEmit) : Iterator { return new Producer(function (callable $emit) use($iterator, $onEmit) { while ((yield $iterator->advance())) { (yield $emit($onEmit($iterator->getCurrent()))); } }); } /** * @param \Amp\Iterator $iterator * @param callable (mixed $value): bool $filter * * @return \Amp\Iterator */ function filter(Iterator $iterator, callable $filter) : Iterator { return new Producer(function (callable $emit) use($iterator, $filter) { while ((yield $iterator->advance())) { if ($filter($iterator->getCurrent())) { (yield $emit($iterator->getCurrent())); } } }); } /** * Creates an iterator that emits values emitted from any iterator in the array of iterators. * * @param \Amp\Iterator[] $iterators * * @return \Amp\Iterator */ function merge(array $iterators) : Iterator { $emitter = new Emitter(); $result = $emitter->iterate(); $coroutine = coroutine(function (Iterator $iterator) use(&$emitter) { while ((yield $iterator->advance()) && $emitter !== null) { (yield $emitter->emit($iterator->getCurrent())); } }); $coroutines = []; foreach ($iterators as $iterator) { if (!$iterator instanceof Iterator) { throw createTypeError([Iterator::class], $iterator); } $coroutines[] = $coroutine($iterator); } Promise\all($coroutines)->onResolve(function ($exception) use(&$emitter) { if ($exception) { $emitter->fail($exception); $emitter = null; } else { $emitter->complete(); } }); return $result; } /** * Concatenates the given iterators into a single iterator, emitting values from a single iterator at a time. The * prior iterator must complete before values are emitted from any subsequent iterators. Iterators are concatenated * in the order given (iteration order of the array). * * @param array $iterators * * @return \Amp\Iterator */ function concat(array $iterators) : Iterator { foreach ($iterators as $iterator) { if (!$iterator instanceof Iterator) { throw createTypeError([Iterator::class], $iterator); } } $emitter = new Emitter(); $previous = []; $promise = Promise\all($previous); $coroutine = coroutine(function (Iterator $iterator, callable $emit) { while ((yield $iterator->advance())) { (yield $emit($iterator->getCurrent())); } }); foreach ($iterators as $iterator) { $emit = coroutine(function ($value) use($emitter, $promise) { static $pending = true, $failed = false; if ($failed) { return; } if ($pending) { try { (yield $promise); $pending = false; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $failed = true; return; // Prior iterator failed. } } (yield $emitter->emit($value)); }); $previous[] = $coroutine($iterator, $emit); $promise = Promise\all($previous); } $promise->onResolve(function ($exception) use($emitter) { if ($exception) { $emitter->fail($exception); return; } $emitter->complete(); }); return $emitter->iterate(); } /** * Collects all items from an iterator into an array. * * @param Iterator $iterator * * @return Promise */ function toArray(Iterator $iterator) : Promise { return call(function () use($iterator) { $array = []; while ((yield $iterator->advance())) { $array[] = $iterator->getCurrent(); } return $array; }); }{ "name": "amphp/parallel", "description": "Parallel processing component for Amp.", "keywords": [ "asynchronous", "async", "concurrent", "multi-threading", "multi-processing" ], "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Stephen Coakley", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.6.1", "amphp/parser": "^1", "amphp/process": "^1", "amphp/sync": "^1.0.1" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^8 || ^7", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Parallel\\": "lib" }, "files": [ "lib/Context/functions.php", "lib/Sync/functions.php", "lib/Worker/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Parallel\\Example\\": "examples", "Amp\\Parallel\\Test\\": "test" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" } } Resolved once the context has started. */ public function start() : Promise; /** * Immediately kills the context. */ public function kill(); /** * @return \Amp\Promise Resolves with the returned from the context. * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\ContextException If the context dies unexpectedly. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\PanicError If the context throws an uncaught exception. */ public function join() : Promise; }send($key)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { \trigger_error("Could not send key to parent", E_USER_ERROR); exit(1); } try { if (!isset($argv[0])) { throw new \Error("No script path given"); } if (!\is_file($argv[0])) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("No script found at '%s' (be sure to provide the full path to the script)", $argv[0])); } try { // Protect current scope by requiring script within another function. $callable = (function () use($argc, $argv) : callable { // Using $argc so it is available to the required script. return require $argv[0]; })(); } catch (\TypeError $exception) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Script '%s' did not return a callable function", $argv[0]), 0, $exception); } catch (\ParseError $exception) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Script '%s' contains a parse error: " . $exception->getMessage(), $argv[0]), 0, $exception); } $result = new Sync\ExitSuccess(Promise\wait(call($callable, $channel))); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $result = new Sync\ExitFailure($exception); } try { Promise\wait(call(function () use($channel, $result) : \Generator { try { (yield $channel->send($result)); } catch (Sync\SerializationException $exception) { // Serializing the result failed. Send the reason why. (yield $channel->send(new Sync\ExitFailure($exception))); } })); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { \trigger_error("Could not send result to parent; be sure to shutdown the child before ending the parent", E_USER_ERROR); exit(1); } })();id = $id; $this->function = $function; $this->args = $args; $this->socket = $socket; } /** * Runs the thread code and the initialized function. * * @codeCoverageIgnore Only executed in thread. */ public function run() { \define("AMP_CONTEXT", "thread"); \define("AMP_CONTEXT_ID", $this->id); /* First thing we need to do is re-initialize the class autoloader. If * we don't do this first, any object of a class that was loaded after * the thread started will just be garbage data and unserializable * values (like resources) will be lost. This happens even with * thread-safe objects. */ // Protect scope by using an unbound closure (protects static access as well). (static function () { $paths = [\dirname(__DIR__, 3) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "vendor" . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "autoload.php", \dirname(__DIR__, 5) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "autoload.php"]; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (\file_exists($path)) { $autoloadPath = $path; break; } } if (!isset($autoloadPath)) { throw new \Error("Could not locate autoload.php"); } require $autoloadPath; })->bindTo(null, null)(); // At this point, the thread environment has been prepared so begin using the thread. if ($this->killed) { return; // Thread killed while requiring autoloader, simply exit. } Loop::run(function () : \Generator { $watcher = Loop::repeat(self::KILL_CHECK_FREQUENCY, function () { if ($this->killed) { Loop::stop(); } }); Loop::unreference($watcher); try { $channel = new ChannelledSocket($this->socket, $this->socket); yield from $this->execute($channel); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { return; // Parent context exited or destroyed thread, no need to continue. } finally { Loop::cancel($watcher); } }); } /** * Sets a local variable to true so the running event loop can check for a kill signal. */ public function kill() { return $this->killed = true; } /** * @param \Amp\Parallel\Sync\Channel $channel * * @return \Generator * * @codeCoverageIgnore Only executed in thread. */ private function execute(Channel $channel) : \Generator { try { $result = new ExitSuccess((yield call($this->function, $channel,...$this->args))); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $result = new ExitFailure($exception); } if ($this->killed) { return; // Parent is not listening for a result. } // Attempt to return the result. try { try { (yield $channel->send($result)); } catch (SerializationException $exception) { // Serializing the result failed. Send the reason why. (yield $channel->send(new ExitFailure($exception))); } } catch (ChannelException $exception) { // The result was not sendable! The parent context must have died or killed the context. } } }events = new Events(); $this->events->setBlocking(false); $channels =& $this->channels; $this->watcher = Loop::repeat(self::EXIT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, static function () use(&$channels, $events) { while ($event = $events->poll()) { $id = (int) $event->source; \assert(isset($channels[$id]), 'Channel for context ID not found'); $channel = $channels[$id]; unset($channels[$id]); $channel->close(); } }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); Loop::unreference($this->watcher); } public function add(int $id, ChannelledSocket $channel, Future $future) { $this->channels[$id] = $channel; $this->events->addFuture((string) $id, $future); Loop::enable($this->watcher); } public function remove(int $id) { if (!isset($this->channels[$id])) { return; } unset($this->channels[$id]); $this->events->remove((string) $id); if (empty($this->channels)) { Loop::disable($this->watcher); } } }uri = "tcp://"; } else { $suffix = \bin2hex(\random_bytes(10)); $path = \sys_get_temp_dir() . "/amp-parallel-ipc-" . $suffix . ".sock"; $this->uri = "unix://" . $path; $this->toUnlink = $path; } $this->server = \stream_socket_server($this->uri, $errno, $errstr, \STREAM_SERVER_BIND | \STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN); if (!$this->server) { throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf("Could not create IPC server: (Errno: %d) %s", $errno, $errstr)); } if ($isWindows) { $name = \stream_socket_get_name($this->server, false); $port = \substr($name, \strrpos($name, ":") + 1); $this->uri = "tcp://" . $port; } $keys =& $this->keys; $acceptor =& $this->acceptor; $this->watcher = Loop::onReadable($this->server, static function (string $watcher, $server) use(&$keys, &$acceptor) : \Generator { // Error reporting suppressed since stream_socket_accept() emits E_WARNING on client accept failure. if (!($client = @\stream_socket_accept($server, 0))) { // Timeout of 0 to be non-blocking. return; // Accepting client failed. } $channel = new ChannelledSocket($client, $client); try { $received = (yield Promise\timeout($channel->receive(), self::KEY_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $channel->close(); return; // Ignore possible foreign connection attempt. } if (!\is_string($received) || !isset($keys[$received])) { $channel->close(); return; // Ignore possible foreign connection attempt. } $pid = $keys[$received]; $deferred = $acceptor[$pid]; unset($acceptor[$pid], $keys[$received]); $deferred->resolve($channel); }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); } public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->watcher); \fclose($this->server); if ($this->toUnlink !== null) { @\unlink($this->toUnlink); } } public function getUri() : string { return $this->uri; } public function generateKey(int $pid, int $length) : string { $key = \random_bytes($length); $this->keys[$key] = $pid; return $key; } public function accept(int $pid) : Promise { return call(function () use($pid) : \Generator { $this->acceptor[$pid] = new Deferred(); Loop::enable($this->watcher); try { $channel = (yield Promise\timeout($this->acceptor[$pid]->promise(), self::PROCESS_START_TIMEOUT)); } catch (TimeoutException $exception) { $key = \array_search($pid, $this->keys, true); \assert(\is_string($key), "Key for {$pid} not found"); unset($this->acceptor[$pid], $this->keys[$key]); throw new ContextException("Starting the process timed out", 0, $exception); } finally { if (empty($this->acceptor)) { Loop::disable($this->watcher); } } return $channel; }); } } The thread object that was spawned. */ public static function run($script) : Promise { $thread = new self($script); return call(function () use($thread) : \Generator { (yield $thread->start()); return $thread; }); } /** * @param string|array $script Path to PHP script or array with first element as path and following elements options * to the PHP script (e.g.: ['bin/worker', 'Option1Value', 'Option2Value']. * * @throws \Error Thrown if the pthreads extension is not available. */ public function __construct($script) { if (!self::isSupported()) { throw new \Error("The parallel extension is required to create parallel threads."); } $this->hub = Loop::getState(self::class); if (!$this->hub instanceof Internal\ParallelHub) { $this->hub = new Internal\ParallelHub(); Loop::setState(self::class, $this->hub); } if (\is_array($script)) { $this->script = (string) \array_shift($script); $this->args = \array_values(\array_map("strval", $script)); } else { $this->script = (string) $script; } if (self::$autoloadPath === null) { $paths = [\dirname(__DIR__, 2) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "vendor" . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "autoload.php", \dirname(__DIR__, 4) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "autoload.php"]; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (\file_exists($path)) { self::$autoloadPath = $path; break; } } if (self::$autoloadPath === null) { throw new \Error("Could not locate autoload.php"); } } } /** * Returns the thread to the condition before starting. The new thread can be started and run independently of the * first thread. */ public function __clone() { $this->runtime = null; $this->channel = null; $this->id = null; $this->oid = 0; $this->killed = false; } /** * Kills the thread if it is still running. * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\ContextException */ public function __destruct() { if (\getmypid() === $this->oid) { $this->kill(); } } /** * Checks if the context is running. * * @return bool True if the context is running, otherwise false. */ public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->channel !== null; } /** * Spawns the thread and begins the thread's execution. * * @return Promise Resolved once the thread has started. * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError If the thread has already been started. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\ContextException If starting the thread was unsuccessful. */ public function start() : Promise { if ($this->oid !== 0) { throw new StatusError('The thread has already been started.'); } $this->oid = \getmypid(); $this->runtime = new Runtime(self::$autoloadPath); $this->id = self::$nextId++; $future = $this->runtime->run(static function (int $id, string $uri, string $key, string $path, array $argv) : int { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // Only executed in thread. \define("AMP_CONTEXT", "parallel"); \define("AMP_CONTEXT_ID", $id); if (!($socket = \stream_socket_client($uri, $errno, $errstr, 5, \STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT))) { \trigger_error("Could not connect to IPC socket", E_USER_ERROR); return 1; } $channel = new ChannelledSocket($socket, $socket); try { Promise\wait($channel->send($key)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { \trigger_error("Could not send key to parent", E_USER_ERROR); return 1; } try { Loop::unreference(Loop::repeat(self::EXIT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, function () { // Timer to give the chance for the PHP VM to be interrupted by Runtime::kill(), since system calls such as // select() will not be interrupted. })); try { if (!\is_file($path)) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("No script found at '%s' (be sure to provide the full path to the script)", $path)); } $argc = \array_unshift($argv, $path); try { // Protect current scope by requiring script within another function. $callable = (function () use($argc, $argv) : callable { // Using $argc so it is available to the required script. return require $argv[0]; })->bindTo(null, null)(); } catch (\TypeError $exception) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Script '%s' did not return a callable function", $path), 0, $exception); } catch (\ParseError $exception) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Script '%s' contains a parse error", $path), 0, $exception); } $result = new ExitSuccess(Promise\wait(call($callable, $channel))); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $result = new ExitFailure($exception); } Promise\wait(call(function () use($channel, $result) : \Generator { try { (yield $channel->send($result)); } catch (SerializationException $exception) { // Serializing the result failed. Send the reason why. (yield $channel->send(new ExitFailure($exception))); } })); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { \trigger_error("Could not send result to parent; be sure to shutdown the child before ending the parent", E_USER_ERROR); return 1; } finally { $channel->close(); } return 0; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }, [$this->id, $this->hub->getUri(), $this->hub->generateKey($this->id, self::KEY_LENGTH), $this->script, $this->args]); return call(function () use($future) : \Generator { try { $this->channel = (yield $this->hub->accept($this->id)); $this->hub->add($this->id, $this->channel, $future); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->kill(); throw new ContextException("Starting the parallel runtime failed", 0, $exception); } if ($this->killed) { $this->kill(); } return $this->id; }); } /** * Immediately kills the context. */ public function kill() { $this->killed = true; if ($this->runtime !== null) { try { $this->runtime->kill(); } finally { $this->close(); } } } /** * Closes channel and socket if still open. */ private function close() { $this->runtime = null; if ($this->channel !== null) { $this->channel->close(); } $this->channel = null; $this->hub->remove($this->id); } /** * Gets a promise that resolves when the context ends and joins with the * parent context. * * @return \Amp\Promise * * @throws StatusError Thrown if the context has not been started. * @throws SynchronizationError Thrown if an exit status object is not received. * @throws ContextException If the context stops responding. */ public function join() : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started or has already finished.'); } return call(function () : \Generator { try { $response = (yield $this->channel->receive()); $this->close(); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->kill(); throw new ContextException("Failed to receive result from thread", 0, $exception); } if (!$response instanceof ExitResult) { $this->kill(); throw new SynchronizationError('Did not receive an exit result from thread.'); } return $response->getResult(); }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function receive() : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started.'); } return call(function () : \Generator { try { $data = (yield $this->channel->receive()); } catch (ChannelException $e) { throw new ContextException("The thread stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } if ($data instanceof ExitResult) { $data = $data->getResult(); throw new SynchronizationError(\sprintf('Thread unexpectedly exited with result of type: %s', \is_object($data) ? \get_class($data) : \gettype($data))); } return $data; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function send($data) : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started or has already finished.'); } if ($data instanceof ExitResult) { throw new \Error('Cannot send exit result objects.'); } return call(function () use($data) : \Generator { try { return (yield $this->channel->send($data)); } catch (ChannelException $e) { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new ContextException("The thread stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } try { $data = (yield Promise\timeout($this->join(), 100)); } catch (ContextException $ex) { $this->kill(); throw new ContextException("The thread stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } catch (ChannelException $ex) { $this->kill(); throw new ContextException("The thread stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } catch (TimeoutException $ex) { $this->kill(); throw new ContextException("The thread stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } throw new SynchronizationError(\sprintf('Thread unexpectedly exited with result of type: %s', \is_object($data) ? \get_class($data) : \gettype($data)), 0, $e); } }); } /** * Returns the ID of the thread. This ID will be unique to this process. * * @return int * * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function getId() : int { if ($this->id === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started'); } return $this->id; } } The thread object that was spawned. */ public static function run(callable $function,...$args) : Promise { $thread = new self($function,...$args); return call(function () use($thread) : \Generator { (yield $thread->start()); return $thread; }); } /** * Creates a new thread. * * @param callable $function The callable to invoke in the thread. First argument is an instance of * \Amp\Parallel\Sync\Channel. * @param ...$args Additional arguments to pass to the given callable. * * @throws \Error Thrown if the pthreads extension is not available. */ public function __construct(callable $function,...$args) { if (!self::isSupported()) { throw new \Error("The pthreads extension is required to create threads."); } $this->function = $function; $this->args = $args; } /** * Returns the thread to the condition before starting. The new thread can be started and run independently of the * first thread. */ public function __clone() { $this->thread = null; $this->socket = null; $this->channel = null; $this->oid = 0; } /** * Kills the thread if it is still running. * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\ContextException */ public function __destruct() { if (\getmypid() === $this->oid) { $this->kill(); } } /** * Checks if the context is running. * * @return bool True if the context is running, otherwise false. */ public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->channel !== null; } /** * Spawns the thread and begins the thread's execution. * * @return Promise Resolved once the thread has started. * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError If the thread has already been started. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\ContextException If starting the thread was unsuccessful. */ public function start() : Promise { if ($this->oid !== 0) { throw new StatusError('The thread has already been started.'); } $this->oid = \getmypid(); $sockets = @\stream_socket_pair(\stripos(\PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX, STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, STREAM_IPPROTO_IP); if ($sockets === false) { $message = "Failed to create socket pair"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new ContextException($message)); } list($channel, $this->socket) = $sockets; $this->id = self::$nextId++; $thread = $this->thread = new Internal\Thread($this->id, $this->socket, $this->function, $this->args); if (!$this->thread->start(\PTHREADS_INHERIT_INI)) { return new Failure(new ContextException('Failed to start the thread.')); } $channel = $this->channel = new ChannelledSocket($channel, $channel); $this->watcher = Loop::repeat(self::EXIT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, static function ($watcher) use($thread, $channel) { if (!$thread->isRunning()) { // Delay closing to avoid race condition between thread exiting and data becoming available. Loop::delay(self::EXIT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, [$channel, "close"]); Loop::cancel($watcher); } }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); return new Success($this->id); } /** * Immediately kills the context. * * @throws ContextException If killing the thread was unsuccessful. */ public function kill() { if ($this->thread !== null) { try { if ($this->thread->isRunning() && !$this->thread->kill()) { throw new ContextException('Could not kill thread.'); } } finally { $this->close(); } } } /** * Closes channel and socket if still open. */ private function close() { if ($this->channel !== null) { $this->channel->close(); } $this->channel = null; Loop::cancel($this->watcher); } /** * Gets a promise that resolves when the context ends and joins with the * parent context. * * @return \Amp\Promise * * @throws StatusError Thrown if the context has not been started. * @throws SynchronizationError Thrown if an exit status object is not received. * @throws ContextException If the context stops responding. */ public function join() : Promise { if ($this->channel == null || $this->thread === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started or has already finished.'); } return call(function () : \Generator { Loop::enable($this->watcher); try { $response = (yield $this->channel->receive()); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->kill(); throw new ContextException("Failed to receive result from thread", 0, $exception); } finally { Loop::disable($this->watcher); $this->close(); } if (!$response instanceof ExitResult) { $this->kill(); throw new SynchronizationError('Did not receive an exit result from thread.'); } return $response->getResult(); }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function receive() : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError('The process has not been started.'); } return call(function () : \Generator { Loop::enable($this->watcher); try { $data = (yield $this->channel->receive()); } finally { Loop::disable($this->watcher); } if ($data instanceof ExitResult) { $data = $data->getResult(); throw new SynchronizationError(\sprintf('Thread process unexpectedly exited with result of type: %s', \is_object($data) ? \get_class($data) : \gettype($data))); } return $data; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function send($data) : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started or has already finished.'); } if ($data instanceof ExitResult) { throw new \Error('Cannot send exit result objects.'); } return call(function () use($data) : \Generator { Loop::enable($this->watcher); try { $result = (yield $this->channel->send($data)); } finally { Loop::disable($this->watcher); } return $result; }); } /** * Returns the ID of the thread. This ID will be unique to this process. * * @return int * * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function getId() : int { if ($this->id === null) { throw new StatusError('The thread has not been started'); } return $this->id; } } */ public function run($script) : Promise; } */ public static function run($script, string $cwd = null, array $env = [], string $binary = null) : Promise { $process = new self($script, $cwd, $env, $binary); return call(function () use($process) : \Generator { (yield $process->start()); return $process; }); } /** * @param string|array $script Path to PHP script or array with first element as path and following elements options * to the PHP script (e.g.: ['bin/worker', 'Option1Value', 'Option2Value']. * @param string|null $cwd Working directory. * @param mixed[] $env Array of environment variables. * @param string $binary Path to PHP binary. Null will attempt to automatically locate the binary. * * @throws \Error If the PHP binary path given cannot be found or is not executable. */ public function __construct($script, string $cwd = null, array $env = [], string $binary = null) { $this->hub = Loop::getState(self::class); if (!$this->hub instanceof Internal\ProcessHub) { $this->hub = new Internal\ProcessHub(); Loop::setState(self::class, $this->hub); } $options = ["html_errors" => "0", "display_errors" => "0", "log_errors" => "1"]; if ($binary === null) { if (\PHP_SAPI === "cli") { $binary = \PHP_BINARY; } else { $binary = self::$binaryPath ?? self::locateBinary(); } } elseif (!\is_executable($binary)) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("The PHP binary path '%s' was not found or is not executable", $binary)); } // Write process runner to external file if inside a PHAR, // because PHP can't open files inside a PHAR directly except for the stub. if (\strpos(self::SCRIPT_PATH, "phar://") === 0) { if (self::$pharScriptPath) { $scriptPath = self::$pharScriptPath; } else { $path = \dirname(self::SCRIPT_PATH); if (\substr(\Phar::running(false), -5) !== ".phar") { self::$pharCopy = \sys_get_temp_dir() . "/phar-" . \bin2hex(\random_bytes(10)) . ".phar"; \copy(\Phar::running(false), self::$pharCopy); \register_shutdown_function(static function () { @\unlink(self::$pharCopy); }); $path = "phar://" . self::$pharCopy . "/" . \substr($path, \strlen(\Phar::running(true))); } $contents = \file_get_contents(self::SCRIPT_PATH); $contents = \str_replace("__DIR__", \var_export($path, true), $contents); $suffix = \bin2hex(\random_bytes(10)); self::$pharScriptPath = $scriptPath = \sys_get_temp_dir() . "/amp-process-runner-" . $suffix . ".php"; \file_put_contents($scriptPath, $contents); \register_shutdown_function(static function () { @\unlink(self::$pharScriptPath); }); } // Monkey-patch the script path in the same way, only supported if the command is given as array. if (isset(self::$pharCopy) && \is_array($script) && isset($script[0])) { $script[0] = "phar://" . self::$pharCopy . \substr($script[0], \strlen(\Phar::running(true))); } } else { $scriptPath = self::SCRIPT_PATH; } if (\is_array($script)) { $script = \implode(" ", \array_map("escapeshellarg", $script)); } else { $script = \escapeshellarg($script); } $command = \implode(" ", [\escapeshellarg($binary), $this->formatOptions($options), \escapeshellarg($scriptPath), $this->hub->getUri(), $script]); $this->process = new BaseProcess($command, $cwd, $env); } private static function locateBinary() : string { $executable = \strncasecmp(\PHP_OS, "WIN", 3) === 0 ? "php.exe" : "php"; $paths = \array_filter(\explode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, \getenv("PATH"))); $paths[] = \PHP_BINDIR; $paths = \array_unique($paths); foreach ($paths as $path) { $path .= \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $executable; if (\is_executable($path)) { return self::$binaryPath = $path; } } throw new \Error("Could not locate PHP executable binary"); } private function formatOptions(array $options) : string { $result = []; foreach ($options as $option => $value) { $result[] = \sprintf("-d%s=%s", $option, $value); } return \implode(" ", $result); } /** * Private method to prevent cloning. */ private function __clone() { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function start() : Promise { return call(function () : \Generator { try { $pid = (yield $this->process->start()); (yield $this->process->getStdin()->write($this->hub->generateKey($pid, self::KEY_LENGTH))); $this->channel = (yield $this->hub->accept($pid)); return $pid; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } throw new ContextException("Starting the process failed", 0, $exception); } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->process->isRunning(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function receive() : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError("The process has not been started"); } return call(function () : \Generator { try { $data = (yield $this->channel->receive()); } catch (ChannelException $e) { throw new ContextException("The process stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } if ($data instanceof ExitResult) { $data = $data->getResult(); throw new SynchronizationError(\sprintf('Process unexpectedly exited with result of type: %s', \is_object($data) ? \get_class($data) : \gettype($data))); } return $data; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function send($data) : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError("The process has not been started"); } if ($data instanceof ExitResult) { throw new \Error("Cannot send exit result objects"); } return call(function () use($data) : \Generator { try { return (yield $this->channel->send($data)); } catch (ChannelException $e) { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new ContextException("The process stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } try { $data = (yield Promise\timeout($this->join(), 100)); } catch (ContextException $ex) { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } throw new ContextException("The process stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } catch (ChannelException $ex) { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } throw new ContextException("The process stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } catch (TimeoutException $ex) { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } throw new ContextException("The process stopped responding, potentially due to a fatal error or calling exit", 0, $e); } throw new SynchronizationError(\sprintf('Process unexpectedly exited with result of type: %s', \is_object($data) ? \get_class($data) : \gettype($data)), 0, $e); } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function join() : Promise { if ($this->channel === null) { throw new StatusError("The process has not been started"); } return call(function () : \Generator { try { $data = (yield $this->channel->receive()); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } throw new ContextException("Failed to receive result from process", 0, $exception); } if (!$data instanceof ExitResult) { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } throw new SynchronizationError("Did not receive an exit result from process"); } $this->channel->close(); $code = (yield $this->process->join()); if ($code !== 0) { throw new ContextException(\sprintf("Process exited with code %d", $code)); } return $data->getResult(); }); } /** * Send a signal to the process. * * @see \Amp\Process\Process::signal() * * @param int $signo * * @throws \Amp\Process\ProcessException * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function signal(int $signo) { $this->process->signal($signo); } /** * Returns the PID of the process. * * @see \Amp\Process\Process::getPid() * * @return int * * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function getPid() : int { return $this->process->getPid(); } /** * Returns the STDIN stream of the process. * * @see \Amp\Process\Process::getStdin() * * @return ProcessOutputStream * * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function getStdin() : ProcessOutputStream { return $this->process->getStdin(); } /** * Returns the STDOUT stream of the process. * * @see \Amp\Process\Process::getStdout() * * @return ProcessInputStream * * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function getStdout() : ProcessInputStream { return $this->process->getStdout(); } /** * Returns the STDOUT stream of the process. * * @see \Amp\Process\Process::getStderr() * * @return ProcessInputStream * * @throws \Amp\Process\StatusError */ public function getStderr() : ProcessInputStream { return $this->process->getStderr(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function kill() { $this->process->kill(); if ($this->channel !== null) { $this->channel->close(); } } }create($script); } /** * Creates and starts a process based on installed extensions (a thread if ext-parallel is installed, otherwise a child * process). * * @param string|string[] $script Path to PHP script or array with first element as path and following elements options * to the PHP script (e.g.: ['bin/worker', 'Option1Value', 'Option2Value']. * * @return Promise */ function run($script) : Promise { return factory()->run($script); } /** * Gets or sets the global context factory. * * @param ContextFactory|null $factory * * @return ContextFactory */ function factory(ContextFactory $factory = null) : ContextFactory { if ($factory === null) { $factory = Loop::getState(LOOP_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER); if ($factory) { return $factory; } $factory = new DefaultContextFactory(); } Loop::setState(LOOP_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER, $factory); return $factory; }bindTo(null, null)(); } if (!\class_exists($className)) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Invalid environment class name '%s'", $className)); } if (!\is_subclass_of($className, Environment::class)) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("The class '%s' does not implement '%s'", $className, Environment::class)); } $environment = new $className(); if (!\defined("AMP_WORKER")) { \define("AMP_WORKER", \AMP_CONTEXT); } $runner = new TaskRunner($channel, $environment); return $runner->run(); }, $envClassName, $bootstrapPath)); } }name = $name; $this->trace = $trace; } /** * @deprecated Use TaskFailureThrowable::getOriginalClassName() instead. * * Returns the class name of the exception thrown from the task. * * @return string */ public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } /** * @deprecated Use TaskFailureThrowable::getOriginalTraceAsString() instead. * * Gets the stack trace at the point the exception was thrown in the task. * * @return string */ public function getWorkerTrace() : string { return $this->trace; } }originalMessage = $message; $this->originalCode = $code; $this->originalTrace = $trace; } /** * @return string Original exception class name. */ public function getOriginalClassName() : string { return $this->getName(); } /** * @return string Original exception message. */ public function getOriginalMessage() : string { return $this->originalMessage; } /** * @return int|string Original exception code. */ public function getOriginalCode() { return $this->originalCode; } /** * Returns the original exception stack trace. * * @return array Same as {@see Throwable::getTrace()}, except all function arguments are formatted as strings. */ public function getOriginalTrace() : array { return $this->originalTrace; } /** * Original backtrace flattened to a human-readable string. * * @return string */ public function getOriginalTraceAsString() : string { return $this->getWorkerTrace(); } }channel = $channel; $this->environment = $environment; } /** * Runs the task runner, receiving tasks from the parent and sending the result of those tasks. * * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function run() : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->execute()); } /** * @coroutine * * @return \Generator */ private function execute() : \Generator { $job = (yield $this->channel->receive()); while ($job instanceof Internal\Job) { try { $result = (yield call([$job->getTask(), "run"], $this->environment)); $result = new Internal\TaskSuccess($job->getId(), $result); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $result = new Internal\TaskFailure($job->getId(), $exception); } $job = null; // Free memory from last job. try { (yield $this->channel->send($result)); } catch (SerializationException $exception) { // Could not serialize task result. (yield $this->channel->send(new Internal\TaskFailure($result->getId(), $exception))); } $result = null; // Free memory from last result. $job = (yield $this->channel->receive()); } return $job; } }name = $name; $this->trace = $trace; } /** * @deprecated Use TaskFailureThrowable::getOriginalClassName() instead. * * Returns the class name of the error thrown from the task. * * @return string */ public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } /** * @deprecated Use TaskFailureThrowable::getOriginalTraceAsString() instead. * * Gets the stack trace at the point the error was thrown in the task. * * @return string */ public function getWorkerTrace() : string { return $this->trace; } }callable = $callable; $this->args = $args; } public function run(Environment $environment) { if ($this->callable instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { throw new \Error('When using a class instance as a callable, the class must be autoloadable'); } if (\is_array($this->callable) && ($this->callable[0] ?? null) instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { throw new \Error('When using a class instance method as a callable, the class must be autoloadable'); } if (!\is_callable($this->callable)) { $message = 'User-defined functions must be autoloadable (that is, defined in a file autoloaded by composer)'; if (\is_string($this->callable)) { $message .= \sprintf("; unable to load function '%s'", $this->callable); } throw new \Error($message); } return ($this->callable)(...$this->args); } }isRunning()) { throw new \Error("The context was already running"); } $this->context = $context; $context =& $this->context; $pending =& $this->pending; \register_shutdown_function(static function () use(&$context, &$pending) { if ($context === null || !$context->isRunning()) { return; } try { Promise\wait(Promise\timeout(call(function () use($context, $pending) : \Generator { if ($pending) { (yield $pending); } (yield $context->send(0)); return (yield $context->join()); }), self::SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { if ($context !== null) { $context->kill(); } } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isRunning() : bool { return !$this->exitStatus; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isIdle() : bool { return $this->pending === null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function enqueue(Task $task) : Promise { if ($this->exitStatus) { throw new StatusError("The worker has been shut down"); } $promise = $this->pending = call(function () use($task) : \Generator { if ($this->pending) { try { (yield $this->pending); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // Ignore error from prior job. } } if ($this->exitStatus) { throw new WorkerException("The worker was shutdown"); } if (!$this->context->isRunning()) { (yield $this->context->start()); } $job = new Internal\Job($task); try { (yield $this->context->send($job)); $result = (yield $this->context->receive()); } catch (ChannelException $exception) { try { (yield Promise\timeout($this->context->join(), self::ERROR_TIMEOUT)); } catch (TimeoutException $timeout) { $this->kill(); throw new WorkerException("The worker failed unexpectedly", 0, $exception); } throw new WorkerException("The worker exited unexpectedly", 0, $exception); } if (!$result instanceof Internal\TaskResult) { $this->kill(); throw new WorkerException("Context did not return a task result"); } if ($result->getId() !== $job->getId()) { $this->kill(); throw new WorkerException("Task results returned out of order"); } return $result->promise(); }); $promise->onResolve(function () use($promise) { if ($this->pending === $promise) { $this->pending = null; } }); return $promise; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function shutdown() : Promise { if ($this->exitStatus) { return $this->exitStatus; } if ($this->context === null || !$this->context->isRunning()) { return $this->exitStatus = new Success(0); } return $this->exitStatus = call(function () : \Generator { if ($this->pending) { // If a task is currently running, wait for it to finish. (yield Promise\any([$this->pending])); } (yield $this->context->send(0)); try { return (yield Promise\timeout($this->context->join(), self::SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->context->kill(); throw new WorkerException("Failed to gracefully shutdown worker", 0, $exception); } finally { // Null properties to free memory because the shutdown function has references to these. $this->context = null; $this->pending = null; } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function kill() { if ($this->exitStatus || $this->context === null) { return; } if ($this->context->isRunning()) { $this->context->kill(); $this->exitStatus = new Failure(new WorkerException("The worker was killed")); return; } $this->exitStatus = new Success(0); // Null properties to free memory because the shutdown function has references to these. $this->context = null; $this->pending = null; } }type = \get_class($exception); $this->parent = $exception instanceof \Error ? self::PARENT_ERROR : self::PARENT_EXCEPTION; $this->message = $exception->getMessage(); $this->code = $exception->getCode(); $this->trace = Sync\flattenThrowableBacktrace($exception); if ($previous = $exception->getPrevious()) { $this->previous = new self($id, $previous); } } public function promise() : Promise { return new Failure($this->createException()); } private function createException() : \Throwable { $previous = $this->previous ? $this->previous->createException() : null; if ($this->parent === self::PARENT_ERROR) { return new TaskFailureError($this->type, $this->message, $this->code, $this->trace, $previous); } return new TaskFailureException($this->type, $this->message, $this->code, $this->trace, $previous); } }run(); };id = $id; } /** * @return string Task identifier. */ public function getId() : string { return $this->id; } /** * @return Promise Resolved with the task result or failure reason. */ public abstract function promise() : Promise; }worker = $worker; $this->push = $push; } /** * Automatically pushes the worker back into the queue. */ public function __destruct() { ($this->push)($this->worker); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->worker->isRunning(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isIdle() : bool { return $this->worker->isIdle(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function enqueue(Task $task) : Promise { return $this->worker->enqueue($task); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function shutdown() : Promise { return $this->worker->shutdown(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function kill() { $this->worker->kill(); } }result = $result; } public function promise() : Promise { if ($this->result instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { return new Failure(new \Error(\sprintf("Class instances returned from %s::run() must be autoloadable by the Composer autoloader", Task::class))); } return new Success($this->result); } }task = $task; $this->id = $id++; } public function getId() : string { return $this->id; } public function getTask() : Task { // Classes that cannot be autoloaded will be unserialized as an instance of __PHP_Incomplete_Class. if ($this->task instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { throw new \Error(\sprintf("Classes implementing %s must be autoloadable by the Composer autoloader", Task::class)); } return $this->task; } }process = new Process($script, null, $env, $binary); } public function receive() : Promise { return $this->process->receive(); } public function send($data) : Promise { return $this->process->send($data); } public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->process->isRunning(); } public function start() : Promise { return call(function () { $result = (yield $this->process->start()); $stdout = $this->process->getStdout(); $stdout->unreference(); $stderr = $this->process->getStderr(); $stderr->unreference(); ByteStream\pipe($stdout, ByteStream\getStdout()); ByteStream\pipe($stderr, ByteStream\getStderr()); return $result; }); } public function kill() { if ($this->process->isRunning()) { $this->process->kill(); } } public function join() : Promise { return $this->process->join(); } }originalMessage = $message; $this->originalCode = $code; $this->originalTrace = $trace; } /** * @return string Original exception class name. */ public function getOriginalClassName() : string { return $this->getName(); } /** * @return string Original exception message. */ public function getOriginalMessage() : string { return $this->originalMessage; } /** * @return int|string Original exception code. */ public function getOriginalCode() { return $this->originalCode; } /** * Returns the original exception stack trace. * * @return array Same as {@see Throwable::getTrace()}, except all function arguments are formatted as strings. */ public function getOriginalTrace() : array { return $this->originalTrace; } /** * Original backtrace flattened to a human-readable string. * * @return string */ public function getOriginalTraceAsString() : string { return $this->getWorkerTrace(); } }className = $envClassName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * The type of worker created depends on the extensions available. If multi-threading is enabled, a WorkerThread * will be created. If threads are not available a WorkerProcess will be created. */ public function create() : Worker { if (Parallel::isSupported()) { return new WorkerParallel($this->className); } if (Thread::isSupported()) { return new WorkerThread($this->className); } return new WorkerProcess($this->className, [], \getenv("AMP_PHP_BINARY") ?: (\defined("AMP_PHP_BINARY") ? \AMP_PHP_BINARY : null)); } }bootstrapPath = $bootstrapFilePath; $this->className = $envClassName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * The type of worker created depends on the extensions available. If multi-threading is enabled, a WorkerThread * will be created. If threads are not available a WorkerProcess will be created. */ public function create() : Worker { if (Parallel::isSupported()) { return new WorkerParallel($this->className, $this->bootstrapPath); } if (Thread::isSupported()) { return new WorkerThread($this->className, $this->bootstrapPath); } return new WorkerProcess($this->className, [], \getenv("AMP_PHP_BINARY") ?: (\defined("AMP_PHP_BINARY") ? \AMP_PHP_BINARY : null), $this->bootstrapPath); } } Resolves with the return value of {@see Task::run()}. * * @throws TaskFailureThrowable Promise fails if {@see Task::run()} throws an exception. */ public function enqueue(Task $task) : Promise; /** * @return Promise Resolves with the worker exit code. */ public function shutdown() : Promise; /** * Immediately kills the context. */ public function kill(); }maxSize = $maxSize; // Use the global factory if none is given. $this->factory = $factory ?: factory(); $this->workers = new \SplObjectStorage(); $this->idleWorkers = new \SplQueue(); $this->busyQueue = new \SplQueue(); $workers = $this->workers; $idleWorkers = $this->idleWorkers; $busyQueue = $this->busyQueue; $this->push = static function (Worker $worker) use($workers, $idleWorkers, $busyQueue) { if (!$workers->contains($worker) || ($workers[$worker] -= 1) > 0) { return; } // Worker is completely idle, remove from busy queue and add to idle queue. foreach ($busyQueue as $key => $busy) { if ($busy === $worker) { unset($busyQueue[$key]); break; } } $idleWorkers->push($worker); }; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->isRunning()) { $this->kill(); } } /** * Checks if the pool is running. * * @return bool True if the pool is running, otherwise false. */ public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->running; } /** * Checks if the pool has any idle workers. * * @return bool True if the pool has at least one idle worker, otherwise false. */ public function isIdle() : bool { return $this->idleWorkers->count() > 0 || $this->workers->count() === 0; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getMaxSize() : int { return $this->maxSize; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getWorkerCount() : int { return $this->workers->count(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIdleWorkerCount() : int { return $this->idleWorkers->count(); } /** * Enqueues a {@see Task} to be executed by the worker pool. * * @param Task $task The task to enqueue. * * @return Promise The return value of Task::run(). * * @throws StatusError If the pool has been shutdown. * @throws TaskFailureThrowable If the task throws an exception. */ public function enqueue(Task $task) : Promise { $worker = $this->pull(); $promise = $worker->enqueue($task); $promise->onResolve(function () use($worker) { ($this->push)($worker); }); return $promise; } /** * Shuts down the pool and all workers in it. * * @return Promise Array of exit status from all workers. * * @throws StatusError If the pool has not been started. */ public function shutdown() : Promise { if ($this->exitStatus) { return $this->exitStatus; } $this->running = false; $shutdowns = []; foreach ($this->workers as $worker) { if ($worker->isRunning()) { $shutdowns[] = $worker->shutdown(); } } return $this->exitStatus = Promise\all($shutdowns); } /** * Kills all workers in the pool and halts the worker pool. */ public function kill() { $this->running = false; foreach ($this->workers as $worker) { \assert($worker instanceof Worker); if ($worker->isRunning()) { $worker->kill(); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getWorker() : Worker { return new Internal\PooledWorker($this->pull(), $this->push); } /** * Pulls a worker from the pool. * * @return Worker * @throws StatusError */ private function pull() : Worker { if (!$this->isRunning()) { throw new StatusError("The pool was shutdown"); } do { if ($this->idleWorkers->isEmpty()) { if ($this->getWorkerCount() >= $this->maxSize) { // All possible workers busy, so shift from head (will be pushed back onto tail below). $worker = $this->busyQueue->shift(); } else { // Max worker count has not been reached, so create another worker. $worker = $this->factory->create(); $this->workers->attach($worker, 0); break; } } else { // Shift a worker off the idle queue. $worker = $this->idleWorkers->shift(); } if ($worker->isRunning()) { break; } $this->workers->detach($worker); } while (true); $this->busyQueue->push($worker); $this->workers[$worker] += 1; return $worker; } }queue = $queue = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $data =& $this->data; $this->timer = Loop::repeat(1000, static function (string $watcherId) use($queue, &$data) { $time = \time(); while (!$queue->isEmpty()) { list($key, $expiration) = $queue->top(); if (!isset($data[$key])) { // Item removed. $queue->extract(); continue; } $struct = $data[$key]; if ($struct->expire === 0) { // Item was set again without a TTL. $queue->extract(); continue; } if ($struct->expire !== $expiration) { // Expiration changed or TTL updated. $queue->extract(); continue; } if ($time < $struct->expire) { // Item at top has not expired, break out of loop. break; } unset($data[$key]); $queue->extract(); } if ($queue->isEmpty()) { Loop::disable($watcherId); } }); Loop::disable($this->timer); Loop::unreference($this->timer); } /** * @param string $key * * @return bool */ public function exists(string $key) : bool { return isset($this->data[$key]); } /** * @param string $key * * @return mixed|null Returns null if the key does not exist. */ public function get(string $key) { if (!isset($this->data[$key])) { return null; } $struct = $this->data[$key]; if ($struct->ttl !== null) { $expire = \time() + $struct->ttl; if ($struct->expire < $expire) { $struct->expire = $expire; $this->queue->insert([$key, $struct->expire], -$struct->expire); } } return $struct->data; } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value Using null for the value deletes the key. * @param int $ttl Number of seconds until data is automatically deleted. Use null for unlimited TTL. * * @throws \Error If the time-to-live is not a positive integer. */ public function set(string $key, $value, int $ttl = null) { if ($value === null) { $this->delete($key); return; } if ($ttl !== null && $ttl <= 0) { throw new \Error("The time-to-live must be a positive integer or null"); } $struct = new class { use Struct; public $data; public $expire = 0; public $ttl; }; $struct->data = $value; if ($ttl !== null) { $struct->ttl = $ttl; $struct->expire = \time() + $ttl; $this->queue->insert([$key, $struct->expire], -$struct->expire); Loop::enable($this->timer); } $this->data[$key] = $struct; } /** * @param string $key */ public function delete(string $key) { unset($this->data[$key]); } /** * Alias of exists(). * * @param $key * * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($key) : bool { return $this->exists($key); } /** * Alias of get(). * * @param string $key * * @return mixed */ public function offsetGet($key) { return $this->get($key); } /** * Alias of set() with $ttl = null. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value */ public function offsetSet($key, $value) { $this->set($key, $value); } /** * Alias of delete(). * * @param string $key */ public function offsetUnset($key) { $this->delete($key); } /** * Removes all values. */ public function clear() { $this->data = []; Loop::disable($this->timer); $this->queue = new \SplPriorityQueue(); } } */ function enqueue(Task $task) : Promise { return pool()->enqueue($task); } /** * Enqueues a callable to be executed by the global worker pool. * * @param callable $callable Callable needs to be serializable. * @param mixed ...$args Arguments have to be serializable. * * @return Promise */ function enqueueCallable(callable $callable,...$args) { return enqueue(new CallableTask($callable, $args)); } /** * Gets a worker from the global worker pool. * * @return \Amp\Parallel\Worker\Worker */ function worker() : Worker { return pool()->getWorker(); } /** * Creates a worker using the global worker factory. * * @return \Amp\Parallel\Worker\Worker */ function create() : Worker { return factory()->create(); } /** * Gets or sets the global worker factory. * * @param WorkerFactory|null $factory * * @return WorkerFactory */ function factory(WorkerFactory $factory = null) : WorkerFactory { if ($factory === null) { $factory = Loop::getState(LOOP_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER); if ($factory) { return $factory; } $factory = new DefaultWorkerFactory(); } Loop::setState(LOOP_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER, $factory); return $factory; }init($value, $size, $permissions); return $parcel; } /** * @param string $id * * @return self */ public static function use(string $id) : self { $parcel = new self($id); $parcel->open(); return $parcel; } /** * Creates a new local object container. * * The object given will be assigned a new object ID and will have a * reference to it stored in memory local to the thread. * * @param mixed $value The value to store in the container. * @param int $size The number of bytes to allocate for the object. * If not specified defaults to 16384 bytes. * @param int $permissions The access permissions to set for the object. * If not specified defaults to 0600. */ private function __construct(string $id) { if (!\extension_loaded("shmop")) { throw new \Error(__CLASS__ . " requires the shmop extension."); } $this->id = $id; $this->key = self::makeKey($this->id); } /** * @param mixed $value * @param int $size * @param int $permissions */ private function init($value, int $size = 8192, int $permissions = 0600) { $this->semaphore = PosixSemaphore::create($this->id, 1); $this->initializer = \getmypid(); $this->memOpen($this->key, 'n', $permissions, $size + self::MEM_DATA_OFFSET); $this->setHeader(self::STATE_ALLOCATED, 0, $permissions); $this->wrap($value); } private function open() { $this->semaphore = PosixSemaphore::use($this->id); $this->memOpen($this->key, 'w', 0, 0); } /** * Checks if the object has been freed. * * Note that this does not check if the object has been destroyed; it only * checks if this handle has freed its reference to the object. * * @return bool True if the object is freed, otherwise false. */ private function isFreed() : bool { // If we are no longer connected to the memory segment, check if it has // been invalidated. if ($this->handle !== null) { $this->handleMovedMemory(); $header = $this->getHeader(); return $header['state'] === static::STATE_FREED; } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unwrap() : Promise { if ($this->isFreed()) { return new Failure(new SharedMemoryException('The object has already been freed.')); } $header = $this->getHeader(); // Make sure the header is in a valid state and format. if ($header['state'] !== self::STATE_ALLOCATED || $header['size'] <= 0) { new Failure(new SharedMemoryException('Shared object memory is corrupt.')); } // Read the actual value data from memory and unserialize it. $data = $this->memGet(self::MEM_DATA_OFFSET, $header['size']); return new Success(\unserialize($data)); } /** * If the value requires more memory to store than currently allocated, a * new shared memory segment will be allocated with a larger size to store * the value in. The previous memory segment will be cleaned up and marked * for deletion. Other processes and threads will be notified of the new * memory segment on the next read attempt. Once all running processes and * threads disconnect from the old segment, it will be freed by the OS. */ private function wrap($value) { if ($this->isFreed()) { throw new SharedMemoryException('The object has already been freed.'); } $serialized = \serialize($value); $size = \strlen($serialized); $header = $this->getHeader(); /* If we run out of space, we need to allocate a new shared memory segment that is larger than the current one. To coordinate with other processes, we will leave a message in the old segment that the segment has moved and along with the new key. The old segment will be discarded automatically after all other processes notice the change and close the old handle. */ if (\shmop_size($this->handle) < $size + self::MEM_DATA_OFFSET) { $this->key = $this->key < 0xffffffff ? $this->key + 1 : \random_int(0x10, 0xfffffffe); $this->setHeader(self::STATE_MOVED, $this->key, 0); $this->memDelete(); \shmop_close($this->handle); $this->memOpen($this->key, 'n', $header['permissions'], $size * 2); } // Rewrite the header and the serialized value to memory. $this->setHeader(self::STATE_ALLOCATED, $size, $header['permissions']); $this->memSet(self::MEM_DATA_OFFSET, $serialized); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function synchronized(callable $callback) : Promise { return call(function () use($callback) : \Generator { /** @var \Amp\Sync\Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->semaphore->acquire()); try { $result = (yield call($callback, (yield $this->unwrap()))); if ($result !== null) { $this->wrap($result); } } finally { $lock->release(); } return $result; }); } /** * Frees the shared object from memory. * * The memory containing the shared value will be invalidated. When all * process disconnect from the object, the shared memory block will be * destroyed by the OS. */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->initializer === 0 || $this->initializer !== \getmypid()) { return; } if ($this->isFreed()) { return; } // Invalidate the memory block by setting its state to FREED. $this->setHeader(static::STATE_FREED, 0, 0); // Request the block to be deleted, then close our local handle. $this->memDelete(); \shmop_close($this->handle); $this->handle = null; $this->semaphore = null; } /** * Private method to prevent cloning. */ private function __clone() { } /** * Private method to prevent serialization. */ private function __sleep() { } /** * Updates the current memory segment handle, handling any moves made on the * data. */ private function handleMovedMemory() { // Read from the memory block and handle moved blocks until we find the // correct block. while (true) { $header = $this->getHeader(); // If the state is STATE_MOVED, the memory is stale and has been moved // to a new location. Move handle and try to read again. if ($header['state'] !== self::STATE_MOVED) { break; } \shmop_close($this->handle); $this->key = $header['size']; $this->memOpen($this->key, 'w', 0, 0); } } /** * Reads and returns the data header at the current memory segment. * * @return array An associative array of header data. */ private function getHeader() : array { $data = $this->memGet(0, self::MEM_DATA_OFFSET); return \unpack('Cstate/Lsize/Spermissions', $data); } /** * Sets the header data for the current memory segment. * * @param int $state An object state. * @param int $size The size of the stored data, or other value. * @param int $permissions The permissions mask on the memory segment. */ private function setHeader(int $state, int $size, int $permissions) { $header = \pack('CLS', $state, $size, $permissions); $this->memSet(0, $header); } /** * Opens a shared memory handle. * * @param int $key The shared memory key. * @param string $mode The mode to open the shared memory in. * @param int $permissions Process permissions on the shared memory. * @param int $size The size to crate the shared memory in bytes. */ private function memOpen(int $key, string $mode, int $permissions, int $size) { $this->handle = @\shmop_open($key, $mode, $permissions, $size); if ($this->handle === false) { throw new SharedMemoryException('Failed to create shared memory block.'); } } /** * Reads binary data from shared memory. * * @param int $offset The offset to read from. * @param int $size The number of bytes to read. * * @return string The binary data at the given offset. */ private function memGet(int $offset, int $size) : string { $data = \shmop_read($this->handle, $offset, $size); if ($data === false) { throw new SharedMemoryException('Failed to read from shared memory block.'); } return $data; } /** * Writes binary data to shared memory. * * @param int $offset The offset to write to. * @param string $data The binary data to write. */ private function memSet(int $offset, string $data) { if (!\shmop_write($this->handle, $data, $offset)) { throw new SharedMemoryException('Failed to write to shared memory block.'); } } /** * Requests the shared memory segment to be deleted. */ private function memDelete() { if (!\shmop_delete($this->handle)) { throw new SharedMemoryException('Failed to discard shared memory block.'); } } private static function makeKey(string $id) : int { return \abs(\unpack("l", \md5($id, true))[1]); } }type = \get_class($exception); $this->message = $exception->getMessage(); $this->code = $exception->getCode(); $this->trace = flattenThrowableBacktrace($exception); if ($previous = $exception->getPrevious()) { $this->previous = new self($previous); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getResult() { throw $this->createException(); } private function createException() : ContextPanicError { $previous = $this->previous ? $this->previous->createException() : null; return new ContextPanicError($this->type, $this->message, $this->code, $this->trace, $previous); } }originalMessage = $message; $this->originalCode = $code; $this->originalTrace = $trace; } /** * @return string Original exception class name. */ public function getOriginalClassName() : string { return $this->getName(); } /** * @return string Original exception message. */ public function getOriginalMessage() : string { return $this->originalMessage; } /** * @return int|string Original exception code. */ public function getOriginalCode() { return $this->originalCode; } /** * Original exception stack trace. * * @return array Same as {@see Throwable::getTrace()}, except all function arguments are formatted as strings. */ public function getOriginalTrace() : array { return $this->originalTrace; } /** * Original backtrace flattened to a human-readable string. * * @return string */ public function getOriginalTraceAsString() : string { return $this->getPanicTrace(); } }read = $read; $this->write = $write; $this->received = new \SplQueue(); $this->parser = new ChannelParser([$this->received, 'push']); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function send($data) : Promise { return call(function () use($data) : \Generator { try { return (yield $this->write->write($this->parser->encode($data))); } catch (StreamException $exception) { throw new ChannelException("Sending on the channel failed. Did the context die?", 0, $exception); } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function receive() : Promise { return call(function () : \Generator { while ($this->received->isEmpty()) { try { $chunk = (yield $this->read->read()); } catch (StreamException $exception) { throw new ChannelException("Reading from the channel failed. Did the context die?", 0, $exception); } if ($chunk === null) { throw new ChannelException("The channel closed unexpectedly. Did the context die?"); } $this->parser->push($chunk); } return $this->received->shift(); }); } }value = $value; } /** * @return mixed */ public function get() { return $this->value; } /** * @param mixed $value */ public function set($value) { $this->value = $value; } }channel = new ChannelledStream($this->read = new ResourceInputStream($read), $this->write = new ResourceOutputStream($write)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function receive() : Promise { return $this->channel->receive(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function send($data) : Promise { return $this->channel->send($data); } public function unreference() { $this->read->unreference(); } public function reference() { $this->read->reference(); } /** * Closes the read and write resource streams. */ public function close() { $this->read->close(); $this->write->close(); } }mutex = new ThreadedMutex(); $this->storage = new Internal\ParcelStorage($value); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unwrap() : Promise { return new Success($this->storage->get()); } /** * @return \Amp\Promise */ public function synchronized(callable $callback) : Promise { return call(function () use($callback) : \Generator { /** @var \Amp\Sync\Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex->acquire()); try { $result = (yield call($callback, $this->storage->get())); if ($result !== null) { $this->storage->set($result); } } finally { $lock->release(); } return $result; }); } }result = $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getResult() { return $this->result; } } * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError Thrown if the context has not been started. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\SynchronizationError If the context has not been started or the context * unexpectedly ends. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\ChannelException If receiving from the channel fails. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\SerializationException If unserializing the data fails. */ public function receive() : Promise; /** * @param mixed $data * * @return \Amp\Promise Resolves with the number of bytes sent on the channel. * * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Context\StatusError Thrown if the context has not been started. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\SynchronizationError If the context has not been started or the context * unexpectedly ends. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\ChannelException If sending on the channel fails. * @throws \Error If an ExitResult object is given. * @throws \Amp\Parallel\Sync\SerializationException If serializing the data fails. */ public function send($data) : Promise; } Resolves with the return value of $callback or fails if $callback * throws an exception. */ public function synchronized(callable $callback) : Promise; /** * @return \Amp\Promise A promise for the value inside the parcel. */ public function unwrap() : Promise; }getTrace(); foreach ($trace as &$call) { unset($call['object']); $call['args'] = \array_map(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\flattenArgument', $call['args']); } return $trace; } /** * @param array $trace Backtrace produced by {@see formatFlattenedBacktrace()}. * * @return string */ function formatFlattenedBacktrace(array $trace) : string { $output = []; foreach ($trace as $index => $call) { if (isset($call['class'])) { $name = $call['class'] . $call['type'] . $call['function']; } else { $name = $call['function']; } $output[] = \sprintf('#%d %s(%d): %s(%s)', $index, $call['file'] ?? '[internal function]', $call['line'] ?? 0, $name, \implode(', ', $call['args'])); } return \implode("\n", $output); } /** * @param mixed $value * * @return string Serializable string representation of $value for backtraces. */ function flattenArgument($value) : string { if ($value instanceof \Closure) { $closureReflection = new \ReflectionFunction($value); return \sprintf('Closure(%s:%s)', $closureReflection->getFileName(), $closureReflection->getStartLine()); } if (\is_object($value)) { return \sprintf('Object(%s)', \get_class($value)); } if (\is_array($value)) { return 'Array([' . \implode(', ', \array_map(__FUNCTION__, $value)) . '])'; } if (\is_resource($value)) { return \sprintf('Resource(%s)', \get_resource_type($value)); } if (\is_string($value)) { return '"' . $value . '"'; } if (\is_null($value)) { return 'null'; } if (\is_bool($value)) { return $value ? 'true' : 'false'; } return (string) $value; }name = $name; $this->trace = $trace; } /** * @deprecated Use ContextPanicError::getOriginalClassName() instead. * * Returns the class name of the uncaught exception. * * @return string */ public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } /** * @deprecated Use ContextPanicError::getOriginalTraceAsString() instead. * * Gets the stack trace at the point the panic occurred. * * @return string */ public function getPanicTrace() : string { return $this->trace; } }{ "name": "amphp/cache", "homepage": "", "description": "A promise-aware caching API for Amp.", "license": "MIT", "support": { "issues": "", "irc": "irc://" }, "authors": [ { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" }, { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/sync": "^1.2" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6 | ^7 | ^8", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "amphp/file": "^1.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Cache\\": "lib" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Cache\\Test\\": "test" } }, "conflict": { "amphp/file": "<0.2 || >=2" }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.1" } } } cache = $cache; $this->keyPrefix = $keyPrefix; } /** * Gets the specified key prefix. * * @return string */ public function getKeyPrefix() : string { return $this->keyPrefix; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function get(string $key) : Promise { return $this->cache->get($this->keyPrefix . $key); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function set(string $key, string $value, int $ttl = null) : Promise { return $this->cache->set($this->keyPrefix . $key, $value, $ttl); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function delete(string $key) : Promise { return $this->cache->delete($this->keyPrefix . $key); } }directory = $directory = \rtrim($directory, "/\\"); $this->mutex = $mutex; if (!\interface_exists(Driver::class)) { throw new \Error(__CLASS__ . ' requires amphp/file to be installed'); } $gcWatcher = static function () use($directory, $mutex) { try { $files = (yield File\scandir($directory)); foreach ($files as $file) { if (\strlen($file) !== 70 || !\substr($file, -\strlen('.cache')) === '.cache') { continue; } /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $mutex->acquire($file)); try { /** @var File\File $handle */ $handle = (yield File\open($directory . '/' . $file, 'r')); $ttl = (yield $handle->read(4)); if (\strlen($ttl) !== 4) { (yield $handle->close()); continue; } $ttl = \unpack('Nttl', $ttl)['ttl']; if ($ttl < \time()) { (yield File\unlink($directory . '/' . $file)); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { // ignore } finally { $lock->release(); } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { // ignore } }; // trigger once, so short running scripts also GC and don't grow forever Loop::defer($gcWatcher); $this->gcWatcher = Loop::repeat(300000, $gcWatcher); } public function __destruct() { if ($this->gcWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->gcWatcher); } } public function get(string $key) : Promise { return call(function () use($key) { $filename = $this->getFilename($key); /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex->acquire($filename)); try { $cacheContent = (yield File\get($this->directory . '/' . $filename)); $ttl = \unpack('Nttl', \substr($cacheContent, 0, 4))['ttl']; if ($ttl < \time()) { (yield File\unlink($this->directory . '/' . $filename)); return null; } return \substr($cacheContent, 4); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return null; } finally { $lock->release(); } }); } public function set(string $key, string $value, int $ttl = null) : Promise { if ($ttl < 0) { throw new \Error("Invalid cache TTL ({$ttl}); integer >= 0 or null required"); } return call(function () use($key, $value, $ttl) { $filename = $this->getFilename($key); /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex->acquire($filename)); if ($ttl === null) { $ttl = \PHP_INT_MAX; } else { $ttl = \time() + $ttl; } $encodedTtl = \pack('N', $ttl); try { return (yield File\put($this->directory . '/' . $filename, $encodedTtl . $value)); } finally { $lock->release(); } }); } public function delete(string $key) : Promise { return call(function () use($key) { $filename = $this->getFilename($key); /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex->acquire($filename)); try { return (yield File\unlink($this->directory . '/' . $filename)); } finally { $lock->release(); } }); } }sharedState = $sharedState = new class { use Struct; public $cache = []; public $cacheTimeouts = []; public $isSortNeeded = false; public function collectGarbage() { $now = \time(); if ($this->isSortNeeded) { \asort($this->cacheTimeouts); $this->isSortNeeded = false; } foreach ($this->cacheTimeouts as $key => $expiry) { if ($now <= $expiry) { break; } unset($this->cache[$key], $this->cacheTimeouts[$key]); } } }; $this->ttlWatcherId = Loop::repeat($gcInterval, [$sharedState, "collectGarbage"]); $this->maxSize = $maxSize; Loop::unreference($this->ttlWatcherId); } public function __destruct() { $this->sharedState->cache = []; $this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts = []; Loop::cancel($this->ttlWatcherId); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function get(string $key) : Promise { if (!isset($this->sharedState->cache[$key])) { return new Success(null); } if (isset($this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts[$key]) && \time() > $this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts[$key]) { unset($this->sharedState->cache[$key], $this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts[$key]); return new Success(null); } return new Success($this->sharedState->cache[$key]); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function set(string $key, string $value, int $ttl = null) : Promise { if ($ttl === null) { unset($this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts[$key]); } elseif (\is_int($ttl) && $ttl >= 0) { $expiry = \time() + $ttl; $this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts[$key] = $expiry; $this->sharedState->isSortNeeded = true; } else { throw new \Error("Invalid cache TTL ({$ttl}; integer >= 0 or null required"); } unset($this->sharedState->cache[$key]); if (\count($this->sharedState->cache) === $this->maxSize) { \array_shift($this->sharedState->cache); } $this->sharedState->cache[$key] = $value; return new Success(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function delete(string $key) : Promise { $exists = isset($this->sharedState->cache[$key]); unset($this->sharedState->cache[$key], $this->sharedState->cacheTimeouts[$key]); return new Success($exists); } }interceptNetwork(new CookieInterceptor($cookieJar))->build(); /** @var Response $firstResponse */ $firstResponse = (yield $httpClient->request(new Request(''))); (yield $firstResponse->getBody()->buffer()); /** @var Response $secondResponse */ $secondResponse = (yield $httpClient->request(new Request(''))); (yield $secondResponse->getBody()->buffer()); /** @var Response $otherDomainResponse */ $otherDomainResponse = (yield $httpClient->request(new Request(''))); (yield $otherDomainResponse->getBody()->buffer()); print "== first request cookies ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $firstResponse->getRequest()->getHeaderArray('cookie')); print "\r\n\r\n"; print "== first response cookies ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $firstResponse->getHeaderArray('set-cookie')); print "\r\n\r\n"; print "== second request sends cookies back ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $secondResponse->getRequest()->getHeaderArray('cookie')); print "\r\n\r\n"; print "== other domain request does not send cookies ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $otherDomainResponse->getRequest()->getHeaderArray('cookie')); });interceptNetwork(new CookieInterceptor($cookieJar))->build(); /** @var Response $firstResponse */ $firstResponse = (yield $httpClient->request(new Request(''))); (yield $firstResponse->getBody()->buffer()); /** @var Response $secondResponse */ $secondResponse = (yield $httpClient->request(new Request(''))); (yield $secondResponse->getBody()->buffer()); /** @var Response $otherDomainResponse */ $otherDomainResponse = (yield $httpClient->request(new Request(''))); (yield $otherDomainResponse->getBody()->buffer()); print "== first request cookies ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $firstResponse->getRequest()->getHeaderArray('cookie')); print "\r\n\r\n"; print "== first response cookies ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $firstResponse->getHeaderArray('set-cookie')); print "\r\n\r\n"; print "== second request sends cookies back ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $secondResponse->getRequest()->getHeaderArray('cookie')); print "\r\n\r\n"; print "== other domain request (might send different cookies) ==\r\n"; print \implode("\r\n", $otherDomainResponse->getRequest()->getHeaderArray('cookie')); });{ "name": "amphp/http-client-cookies", "homepage": "", "description": "Automatic cookie handling for Amp's HTTP client.", "keywords": [ "http", "cookie", "cookies", "client", "async" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.2", "amphp/amp": "^2.3", "amphp/socket": "^1", "amphp/http": "^1.5", "amphp/http-client": "^4.0.0-rc9" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/file": "^1", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^7 || ^8", "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.3", "amphp/http-server": "^2-rc3" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\Client\\Cookie\\": "test" } }, "conflict": { "amphp/file": "<1 || >=2" } } */ private $cookieJar; /** @var string */ private $storagePath; /** @var Mutex */ private $mutex; public function __construct(string $storagePath, Mutex $mutex = null) { if (!\interface_exists(File\Driver::class)) { throw new \Error(self::class . ' requires amphp/file to be installed. Run composer require amphp/file to install it.'); } $this->storagePath = $storagePath; $this->mutex = $mutex ?? new LocalMutex(); } public function get(PsrUri $uri) : Promise { return call(function () use($uri) { /** @var CookieJar $cookieJar */ $cookieJar = (yield $this->read()); return $cookieJar->get($uri); }); } public function store(...$cookies) : Promise { return call(function () use($cookies) { /** @var InMemoryCookieJar $cookieJar */ $cookieJar = (yield $this->read()); (yield $cookieJar->store(...$cookies)); (yield $this->write($cookieJar)); }); } private function read() : Promise { if ($this->cookieJar) { return $this->cookieJar; } return $this->cookieJar = call(function () { /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex->acquire()); $cookieJar = new InMemoryCookieJar(); if (!(yield File\exists($this->storagePath))) { return $cookieJar; } $lines = \explode("\n", (yield File\get($this->storagePath))); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = \trim($line); if ($line) { $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader($line); if ($cookie === null) { continue; } try { $cookieJar->store($cookie); } catch (HttpException $e) { // ignore invalid cookies in storage } } } $lock->release(); return $cookieJar; }); } private function write(InMemoryCookieJar $cookieJar) : Promise { return call(function () use($cookieJar) { $cookieData = ''; foreach ($cookieJar->getAll() as $cookie) { /** @var $cookie ResponseCookie */ if ($cookie->getExpiry() && $cookie->getExpiry()->getTimestamp() > \time()) { $cookieData .= $cookie . "\r\n"; } } /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex->acquire()); if (!(yield File\isdir(\dirname($this->storagePath)))) { (yield File\mkdir(\dirname($this->storagePath), 0755, true)); if (!(yield File\isdir(\dirname($this->storagePath)))) { throw new HttpException('Failed to create cookie storage directory: ' . $this->storagePath); } } (yield File\put($this->storagePath, $cookieData)); $lock->release(); }); } } Returns an array (possibly empty) of all cookie matches. */ public function get(PsrUri $uri) : Promise; /** * Store a cookie. * * @param ...$cookie * * @return Promise * * @throws HttpException */ public function store(...$cookie) : Promise; } $label) { if ($label !== '*') { $labels[$key] = normalizeName($label); } } $rule = \implode('.', $labels); $regexParts = []; foreach (\explode('.', $rule) as $part) { if ($part === '*') { $regexParts[] = '[^.]+'; } else { /** @noinspection PregQuoteUsageInspection */ // We use (), so we don't have that problem $regexParts[] = \preg_quote($part); } } $regex = \array_reduce($regexParts, static function ($carry, $item) use($exception) { if ($carry === '') { return $item; } return $item . "(?:\\." . $carry . ')' . ($exception ? '' : '?'); }, ''); return $regex; } private function __construct() { // no instances should be built } }cookieJar = $cookieJar; } public function requestViaNetwork(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $stream) { yield from $this->assignApplicableRequestCookies($request); $request->interceptPush(function (Response $response) { yield from $this->storeCookies($response); }); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, $cancellation)); yield from $this->storeCookies($response); return $response; }); } private function assignApplicableRequestCookies(Request $request) : \Generator { $applicableCookies = (yield $this->cookieJar->get($request->getUri())); if (!$applicableCookies) { return; // No cookies matched our request; we're finished. } $cookiePairs = []; /** @var RequestCookie $cookie */ foreach ($applicableCookies as $cookie) { $cookiePairs[] = (string) $cookie; } if ($cookiePairs) { if ($request->hasHeader('cookie')) { \array_unshift($cookiePairs, $request->getHeader('cookie')); } $request->setHeader('cookie', \implode('; ', $cookiePairs)); } } private function createResponseCookie(string $requestDomain, string $rawCookieStr) { try { $cookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader($rawCookieStr); if ($cookie === null) { return null; } if (!$cookie->getDomain()) { $cookie = $cookie->withDomain($requestDomain); } else { // $cookieDomain = $cookie->getDomain(); // If a domain is set, left dots are ignored and it's always a wildcard $cookieDomain = \ltrim($cookieDomain, '.'); if ($cookieDomain !== $requestDomain) { // ignore cookies on domains that are public suffixes if (PublicSuffixList::isPublicSuffix($cookieDomain)) { return null; } // cookie origin would not be included when sending the cookie $cookieDomainLength = \strlen($cookieDomain); if (\substr($requestDomain, 0, -$cookieDomainLength - 1) . '.' . $cookieDomain !== $requestDomain) { return null; } } // always add the dot, it's used internally for wildcard matching when an explicit domain is sent $cookie = $cookie->withDomain('.' . $cookieDomain); } return $cookie; } catch (InvalidNameException $e) { // Ignore malformed Set-Cookie headers } return null; } /** * @param Response $response * * @return \Generator * @throws \Amp\Http\Client\HttpException */ private function storeCookies(Response $response) : \Generator { if ($response->hasHeader('set-cookie')) { $requestDomain = $response->getRequest()->getUri()->getHost(); $rawCookies = $response->getHeaderArray('set-cookie'); $cookies = []; foreach ($rawCookies as $rawCookie) { $cookie = $this->createResponseCookie($requestDomain, $rawCookie); if ($cookie !== null) { $cookies[] = $cookie; } } if ($cookies) { (yield $this->cookieJar->store(...$cookies)); } } } }getDomain() === '') { throw new HttpException("Can't store cookie without domain information."); } $this->cookies[$cookie->getDomain()][$cookie->getPath() ?: '/'][$cookie->getName()] = $cookie; } return new Success(); } public function get(PsrUri $uri) : Promise { $this->clearExpiredCookies(); $path = $uri->getPath() ?: '/'; $domain = $uri->getHost(); $isRequestSecure = $uri->getScheme() === 'https'; $matches = []; foreach ($this->cookies as $cookieDomain => $domainCookies) { if (!$this->matchesDomain($domain, $cookieDomain)) { continue; } foreach ($domainCookies as $cookiePath => $pathCookies) { if (!$this->matchesPath($path, $cookiePath)) { continue; } foreach ($pathCookies as $cookieName => $cookie) { if ($isRequestSecure || !$cookie->isSecure()) { try { $matches[] = new RequestCookie($cookie->getName(), $cookie->getValue()); } catch (InvalidCookieException $e) { // ignore cookie } } } } } return new Success($matches); } public function getAll() : array { $cookies = []; foreach ($this->cookies as $cookiesPerDomain) { foreach ($cookiesPerDomain as $cookiesPerPath) { foreach ($cookiesPerPath as $cookie) { $cookies[] = $cookie; } } } return $cookies; } public function clear() { $this->cookies = []; } private function clearExpiredCookies() { foreach ($this->cookies as $domain => $domainCookies) { foreach ($domainCookies as $path => $pathCookies) { foreach ($pathCookies as $name => $cookie) { /** @var ResponseCookie $cookie */ if ($cookie->getExpiry() && $cookie->getExpiry()->getTimestamp() < \time()) { unset($this->cookies[$domain][$path][$name]); } } } } } /** * @param string $requestDomain * @param string $cookieDomain * * @return bool * * @link */ private function matchesDomain(string $requestDomain, string $cookieDomain) : bool { if ($requestDomain === \ltrim($cookieDomain, '.')) { return true; } /** @noinspection SubStrUsedAsStrPosInspection */ $isWildcardCookieDomain = $cookieDomain[0] === '.'; if (!$isWildcardCookieDomain) { return false; } if (\filter_var($requestDomain, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return false; } if (\substr($requestDomain, 0, -\strlen($cookieDomain)) . $cookieDomain === $requestDomain) { return true; } return false; } /** * @link * * @param string $requestPath * @param string $cookiePath * * @return bool */ private function matchesPath(string $requestPath, string $cookiePath) : bool { if ($requestPath === $cookiePath) { return true; } if (\strpos($requestPath, $cookiePath) !== 0) { return false; } if (\substr($cookiePath, -1) === '/' || $requestPath[\strlen($cookiePath)] === '/') { return true; } return false; } }// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at // Please pull this list from, and only from, // rather than any other VCS sites. Pulling from any other URL is not guaranteed to be supported. // Instructions on pulling and using this list can be found at // ===BEGIN ICANN DOMAINS=== // ac : ac // ad : ad // ae : // see also: "Domain Name Eligibility Policy" at ae // aero : see aero // af : af // ag : ag // ai : ai // al : al // am : am // ao : // ao // aq : aq // ar : ar // arpa : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-18 arpa // as : as // asia : asia // at : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-17 at // au : // au // 2LDs // Historic 2LDs (closed to new registration, but sites still exist) // CGDNs - // 3LDs // Bug 984824 - Removed at request of Greg Tankard // Bug 547985 - Removed at request of // Bug 940478 - Removed at request of Greg Connors // 4LDs // aw : aw // ax : ax // az : az // ba : ba // bb : bb // bd : *.bd // be : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-08 be // bf : bf // bg : // bg // bh : bh // bi : // bi // biz : biz // bj : bj // bm : bm // bn : bn // bo : bo // Social Domains // br : // Submitted by registry br // 26 states + df * // bs : bs // bt : bt // bv : No registrations at this time. // Submitted by registry bv // bw : // // list of other 2nd level tlds ? bw // by : // // list of other 2nd level tlds ? by // Official information does not indicate that is a reserved // second-level domain, but it's being used as one (see and //, for example), so we list it here for safety's sake. // // bz : // bz // ca : ca // ca geographical names // // see also: // cat : cat // cc : cc // cd : // see also: cd // cf : cf // cg : cg // ch : ch // ci : // ci aé // ck : *.ck ! // cl : cl // cm : plus bug 981927 cm // cn : // Submitted by registry cn 公司.cn 网络.cn 網絡.cn // cn geographic names // co : // Submitted by registry co // com : com // coop : coop // cr : cr // cu : cu // cv : cv // cw : // Confirmed by registry 2013-03-26 cw // cx : // list of other 2nd level tlds ? cx // cy : // Submitted by registry Panayiotou Fotia cy // cz : cz // de : // Confirmed by registry (with technical // reservations) 2008-07-01 de // dj : dj // dk : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-17 dk // dm : dm // do : do // dz : dz // ec : // Submitted by registry ec // edu : edu // ee : ee // eg : eg // er : *.er // es : es // et : et // eu : eu // fi : fi // : // This domain is being phased out in favor of .ax. As there are still many // domains under, we still keep it on the list until is // completely removed. // TODO: Check for updates (expected to be phased out around Q1/2009) // fj : *.fj // fk : *.fk // fm : fm // fo : fo // fr : // domaines descriptifs : fr // domaines sectoriels : // ga : ga // gb : This registry is effectively dormant // Submitted by registry gb // gd : gd // ge : ge // gf : gf // gg : // Confirmed by registry 2013-11-28 gg // gh : // see also: // Although domains directly at second level are not possible at the moment, // they have been possible for some time and may come back. gh // gi : gi // gl : // gl // gm : gm // gn : // Submitted by registry gn // gov : gov // gp : gp // gq : gq // gr : // Submitted by registry gr // gs : gs // gt : gt // gu : // University of Guam : // Submitted by gu // gw : gw // gy : // gy // hk : // Submitted by registry hk 公司.hk 教育.hk 敎育.hk 政府.hk 個人.hk 个人.hk 箇人.hk 網络.hk 网络.hk 组織.hk 網絡.hk 网絡.hk 组织.hk 組織.hk 組织.hk // hm : hm // hn :,,05.html hn // hr : hr // ht : ht // hu : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-12 hu // id : id // ie : ie // il : il // im : // Submitted by registry im // in : // see also: // Please note, that is not an official eTLD, but used by most // government institutions. in // info : info // int : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-18 int // io : // list of other 2nd level tlds ? io // iq : iq // ir :,_Appendix_1_Domain_Rules // Also see // Two .ir entries added at request of , 2010-04-16 ir // (.ir, Persian YEH) ایران.ir // (.ir, Arabic YEH) ايران.ir // is : // Confirmed by registry 2008-12-06 is // it : it // Reserved geo-names (regions and provinces): // // Regions trentin-sü trentin-sü trentino-sü trentino-sü trentinosü trentinosü trentinsü trentinsü vallé vallé vallé vallé // Provinces balsan-sü bozen-sü bulsan-sü cesena-forlì.it cesenaforlì.it forlì forlì sü // je : // Confirmed by registry 2013-11-28 je // jm : *.jm // jo : jo // jobs : jobs // jp : // // Submitted by registry jp // jp organizational type names // jp prefecture type names 栃木.jp 愛知.jp 愛媛.jp 兵庫.jp 熊本.jp 茨城.jp 北海道.jp 千葉.jp 和歌山.jp 長崎.jp 長野.jp 新潟.jp 青森.jp 静岡.jp 東京.jp 石川.jp 埼玉.jp 三重.jp 京都.jp 佐賀.jp 大分.jp 大阪.jp 奈良.jp 宮城.jp 宮崎.jp 富山.jp 山口.jp 山形.jp 山梨.jp 岩手.jp 岐阜.jp 岡山.jp 島根.jp 広島.jp 徳島.jp 沖縄.jp 滋賀.jp 神奈川.jp 福井.jp 福岡.jp 福島.jp 秋田.jp 群馬.jp 香川.jp 高知.jp 鳥取.jp 鹿児島.jp // jp geographic type names // * * * * * * * ! ! ! ! ! ! ! // 4th level registration // ke : ke // kg : kg // kh : *.kh // ki : ki // km : // km // These are only mentioned as proposed suggestions at, but // says they're available for registration: // kn : // kn // kp : kp // kr : // see also: kr // kr geographical names // kw : // Confirmed by registry kw // ky : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-17 ky // kz : // see also: kz // la : // Submitted by registry la // lb : // Submitted by registry lb // lc : // see also: lc // li : li // lk : lk // lr : // Submitted by registry lr // ls : // Confirmed by registry ls // lt : lt // : // lu : lu // lv : lv // ly : ly // ma : // ma // mc : mc // md : md // me : me // mg : mg // mh : mh // mil : mil // mk : // see also: mk // ml : // see also: ml // mm : *.mm // mn : mn // mo : mo // mobi : mobi // mp : // Confirmed by registry 2008-06-17 mp // mq : mq // mr : mr // ms : ms // mt : // Submitted by registry mt // mu : mu // museum : // museum comunicaçõ correios-e-telecomunicaçõ lä ירושלים.museum иком.museum // mv : // "mv" included because, contra Wikipedia, exists. mv // mw : mw // mx : // Submitted by registry mx // my : my // mz : // Submitted by registry mz // na : // na // name : has 2nd-level tlds, but there's no list of them name // nc : nc // ne : ne // net : net // nf : nf // ng : ng // ni : ni // nl : // // ccTLD for the Netherlands nl // no : // The Norwegian registry has declined to notify us of updates. The web pages // referenced below are the official source of the data. There is also an // announce mailing list: // no // Norid generic domains : // Non-Norid generic domains : // no geographical names : // counties // primary and lower secondary schools per county // cities å ålgå brønnø drø florø.no hø jø langevå mjø mosjø osø rå sandnessjø stjø // communities å å å áltá.no á å å andø å å å askø å aurskog-hø averø bálá bá bá báidá berlevå bearalvá bjarkø bodø.no bådåddjå.no brønnø bæ bø bø bievá bø bå bá dyrø dø evenášš finnø flå.no fræ frø fø gáŋ gildeskå gjø krå há há hámmá ákŋ herøy.mø herø hobø holtå hæ hø hø hå.no inderø jø káráš gálsá.no karmø klæ kragerø.no krø ráhkkerá kvitsø kvæ kvæ ná kå gá loabá leaŋ lindå lá lurø læ lø lø lø måsø muosá melø merå moå må má nåå unjá davvenjá rá nærø nøtterø ø oppegå ø ø ø osterø ø ø ø ø ø porsáŋ radø rennesø risø ræ rødø rø rø rø rø rø rå sálá sá sande.mø sandø skjervø skiervá.no skjå skå ská smø snå snå stjø sø sø sø sø sø sø sø mátta-vá sø sø sø tjø tranø tromsø.no træ trø tysvæ tø vadsø.no čá vardø.no várggá vegå vestvågø værø vå vågsø vågå.no våler.ø vå // np : *.np // nr : // Submitted by registry nr // nu : nu // nz : // Submitted by registry nz mā // om : om // onion : onion // org : org // pa : // Some additional second level "domains" resolve directly as hostnames, such as //, so we add a rule for "pa". pa // pe : pe // pf : pf // pg : *.pg // ph : // Submitted by registry ph // pk : pk // pl // Submitted by registry pl // pl functional domains ( // Government domains // pl regional domains ( // pm : pm // pn : pn // post : post // pr : pr // these aren't mentioned on, but on // pro : pro // ps : // ps // pt : pt // pw : pw // py : // Submitted by registry py // qa : qa // re : re // ro : ro // rs : rs // ru : ru // rw : rw // sa : sa // sb : // Submitted by registry sb // sc : sc // sd : // Submitted by registry sd // se : // Submitted by registry se // sg : sg // sh : sh // si : si // sj : No registrations at this time. // Submitted by registry sj // sk : // list of 2nd level domains ? sk // sl : // Submitted by registry sl // sm : sm // sn : sn // so : so // sr : sr // ss : // Submitted by registry ss // st : st // su : su // sv : sv // sx : // Submitted by registry sx // sy : // see also: sy // sz : // sz // tc : tc // td : td // tel: // tel // tf : tf // tg : // tg // th : // Submitted by registry th // tj : tj // tk : tk // tl : tl // tm : tm // tn : // tn // to : // Submitted by registry to // tr : // // tr // Used by Northern Cyprus // Used by government agencies of Northern Cyprus // tt : tt // tv : // Not listing any 2LDs as reserved since none seem to exist in practice, // Wikipedia notwithstanding. tv // tw : tw 網路.tw 組織.tw 商業.tw // tz : // Submitted by registry tz // ua : // Submitted by registry ua // ua 2LD // ua geographic names // // ug : ug // uk : // Submitted by registry uk * // us : us // us geographic names // The registrar notes several more specific domains available in each state, // such as state.*.us, dst.*.us, etc., but resolution of these is somewhat // haphazard; in some states these domains resolve as addresses, while in others // only subdomains are available, or even nothing at all. We include the // most common ones where it's clear that different sites are different // entities. // Bug 614565 - Hawaii has a state-wide DOE login // Bug 1028347 - Removed at request of Travis Rosso // Bug 934131 - Removed at request of James Booze // Bug 947705 - Removed at request of Verne Britton // Issue #243 - Moved to Private section at request of Ed Moore // Bug 941670 - Removed at request of Larry W Arnold // contains school districts in Massachusetts. The 4LDs are // managed independently except for private (PVT), charter (CHTR) and // parochial (PAROCH) schools. Those are delegated directly to the // 5LD operators. // Merit Network, Inc. maintains the registry for =~ /(k12|cc|lib) and the following // see also: // see also: whois -h help // uy : uy // uz : uz // va : va // vc : // Submitted by registry vc // ve : // Submitted by registry ve // vg : vg // vi : // indicates some other // TLDs are "reserved", such as and, but doesn't actually say they // are available for registration (which they do not seem to be). vi // vn : vn // vu : // vu // wf : wf // ws : // ws // yt : yt // IDN ccTLDs // When submitting patches, please maintain a sort by ISO 3166 ccTLD, then // U-label, and follow this format: // // A-Label ("", [, variant info]) : // // [sponsoring org] // U-Label // xn--mgbaam7a8h ("Emerat", Arabic) : AE // امارات // xn--y9a3aq ("hye", Armenian) : AM // ISOC AM (operated by .am Registry) հայ // xn--54b7fta0cc ("Bangla", Bangla) : BD বাংলা // xn--90ae ("bg", Bulgarian) : BG бг // xn--90ais ("bel", Belarusian/Russian Cyrillic) : BY // Operated by .by registry бел // xn--fiqs8s ("Zhongguo/China", Chinese, Simplified) : CN // CNNIC // 中国 // xn--fiqz9s ("Zhongguo/China", Chinese, Traditional) : CN // CNNIC // 中國 // xn--lgbbat1ad8j ("Algeria/Al Jazair", Arabic) : DZ الجزائر // xn--wgbh1c ("Egypt/Masr", Arabic) : EG // مصر // xn--e1a4c ("eu", Cyrillic) : EU ею // xn--mgbah1a3hjkrd ("Mauritania", Arabic) : MR موريتانيا // xn--node ("ge", Georgian Mkhedruli) : GE გე // xn--qxam ("el", Greek) : GR // Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, and Networks ελ // xn--j6w193g ("Hong Kong", Chinese) : HK // // Submitted by registry //!/34 香港 公司.香港 教育.香港 政府.香港 個人.香港 網絡.香港 組織.香港 // xn--2scrj9c ("Bharat", Kannada) : IN // India ಭಾರತ // xn--3hcrj9c ("Bharat", Oriya) : IN // India ଭାରତ // xn--45br5cyl ("Bharatam", Assamese) : IN // India ভাৰত // xn--h2breg3eve ("Bharatam", Sanskrit) : IN // India भारतम् // xn--h2brj9c8c ("Bharot", Santali) : IN // India भारोत // xn--mgbgu82a ("Bharat", Sindhi) : IN // India ڀارت // xn--rvc1e0am3e ("Bharatam", Malayalam) : IN // India ഭാരതം // xn--h2brj9c ("Bharat", Devanagari) : IN // India भारत // xn--mgbbh1a ("Bharat", Kashmiri) : IN // India بارت // xn--mgbbh1a71e ("Bharat", Arabic) : IN // India بھارت // xn--fpcrj9c3d ("Bharat", Telugu) : IN // India భారత్ // xn--gecrj9c ("Bharat", Gujarati) : IN // India ભારત // xn--s9brj9c ("Bharat", Gurmukhi) : IN // India ਭਾਰਤ // xn--45brj9c ("Bharat", Bengali) : IN // India ভারত // xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h ("India", Tamil) : IN // India இந்தியா // xn--mgba3a4f16a ("Iran", Persian) : IR ایران // xn--mgba3a4fra ("Iran", Arabic) : IR ايران // xn--mgbtx2b ("Iraq", Arabic) : IQ // Communications and Media Commission عراق // xn--mgbayh7gpa ("al-Ordon", Arabic) : JO // National Information Technology Center (NITC) // Royal Scientific Society, Al-Jubeiha الاردن // xn--3e0b707e ("Republic of Korea", Hangul) : KR 한국 // xn--80ao21a ("Kaz", Kazakh) : KZ қаз // xn--fzc2c9e2c ("Lanka", Sinhalese-Sinhala) : LK // ලංකා // xn--xkc2al3hye2a ("Ilangai", Tamil) : LK // இலங்கை // xn--mgbc0a9azcg ("Morocco/al-Maghrib", Arabic) : MA المغرب // xn--d1alf ("mkd", Macedonian) : MK // MARnet мкд // xn--l1acc ("mon", Mongolian) : MN мон // xn--mix891f ("Macao", Chinese, Traditional) : MO // MONIC / HNET Asia (Registry Operator for .mo) 澳門 // xn--mix082f ("Macao", Chinese, Simplified) : MO 澳门 // xn--mgbx4cd0ab ("Malaysia", Malay) : MY مليسيا // xn--mgb9awbf ("Oman", Arabic) : OM عمان // xn--mgbai9azgqp6j ("Pakistan", Urdu/Arabic) : PK پاکستان // xn--mgbai9a5eva00b ("Pakistan", Urdu/Arabic, variant) : PK پاكستان // xn--ygbi2ammx ("Falasteen", Arabic) : PS // The Palestinian National Internet Naming Authority (PNINA) // فلسطين // xn--90a3ac ("srb", Cyrillic) : RS // срб пр.срб орг.срб обр.срб од.срб упр.срб ак.срб // xn--p1ai ("rf", Russian-Cyrillic) : RU // рф // xn--wgbl6a ("Qatar", Arabic) : QA // قطر // xn--mgberp4a5d4ar ("AlSaudiah", Arabic) : SA // السعودية // xn--mgberp4a5d4a87g ("AlSaudiah", Arabic, variant) : SA السعودیة // xn--mgbqly7c0a67fbc ("AlSaudiah", Arabic, variant) : SA السعودیۃ // xn--mgbqly7cvafr ("AlSaudiah", Arabic, variant) : SA السعوديه // xn--mgbpl2fh ("sudan", Arabic) : SD // Operated by .sd registry سودان // xn--yfro4i67o Singapore ("Singapore", Chinese) : SG 新加坡 // xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd ("Singapore", Tamil) : SG சிங்கப்பூர் // xn--ogbpf8fl ("Syria", Arabic) : SY سورية // xn--mgbtf8fl ("Syria", Arabic, variant) : SY سوريا // xn--o3cw4h ("Thai", Thai) : TH // ไทย ศึกษา.ไทย ธุรกิจ.ไทย รัฐบาล.ไทย ทหาร.ไทย เน็ต.ไทย องค์กร.ไทย // xn--pgbs0dh ("Tunisia", Arabic) : TN // تونس // xn--kpry57d ("Taiwan", Chinese, Traditional) : TW // 台灣 // xn--kprw13d ("Taiwan", Chinese, Simplified) : TW // 台湾 // xn--nnx388a ("Taiwan", Chinese, variant) : TW 臺灣 // xn--j1amh ("ukr", Cyrillic) : UA укр // xn--mgb2ddes ("AlYemen", Arabic) : YE اليمن // xxx : xxx // ye : *.ye // za : // zm : // Submitted by registry zm // zw : // Confirmed by registry 2017-01-25 zw // newGTLDs // List of new gTLDs imported from on 2019-10-29T17:00:12Z // This list is auto-generated, don't edit it manually. // aaa : 2015-02-26 American Automobile Association, Inc. aaa // aarp : 2015-05-21 AARP aarp // abarth : 2015-07-30 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. abarth // abb : 2014-10-24 ABB Ltd abb // abbott : 2014-07-24 Abbott Laboratories, Inc. abbott // abbvie : 2015-07-30 AbbVie Inc. abbvie // abc : 2015-07-30 Disney Enterprises, Inc. abc // able : 2015-06-25 Able Inc. able // abogado : 2014-04-24 Minds + Machines Group Limited abogado // abudhabi : 2015-07-30 Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre abudhabi // academy : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC academy // accenture : 2014-08-15 Accenture plc accenture // accountant : 2014-11-20 dot Accountant Limited accountant // accountants : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC accountants // aco : 2015-01-08 ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG aco // actor : 2013-12-12 Dog Beach, LLC actor // adac : 2015-07-16 Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (ADAC) adac // ads : 2014-12-04 Charleston Road Registry Inc. ads // adult : 2014-10-16 ICM Registry AD LLC adult // aeg : 2015-03-19 Aktiebolaget Electrolux aeg // aetna : 2015-05-21 Aetna Life Insurance Company aetna // afamilycompany : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. afamilycompany // afl : 2014-10-02 Australian Football League afl // africa : 2014-03-24 ZA Central Registry NPC trading as Registry.Africa africa // agakhan : 2015-04-23 Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) agakhan // agency : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC agency // aig : 2014-12-18 American International Group, Inc. aig // aigo : 2015-08-06 aigo Digital Technology Co,Ltd. aigo // airbus : 2015-07-30 Airbus S.A.S. airbus // airforce : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC airforce // airtel : 2014-10-24 Bharti Airtel Limited airtel // akdn : 2015-04-23 Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) akdn // alfaromeo : 2015-07-31 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. alfaromeo // alibaba : 2015-01-15 Alibaba Group Holding Limited alibaba // alipay : 2015-01-15 Alibaba Group Holding Limited alipay // allfinanz : 2014-07-03 Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft allfinanz // allstate : 2015-07-31 Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company allstate // ally : 2015-06-18 Ally Financial Inc. ally // alsace : 2014-07-02 Region Grand Est alsace // alstom : 2015-07-30 ALSTOM alstom // americanexpress : 2015-07-31 American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. americanexpress // americanfamily : 2015-07-23 AmFam, Inc. americanfamily // amex : 2015-07-31 American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. amex // amfam : 2015-07-23 AmFam, Inc. amfam // amica : 2015-05-28 Amica Mutual Insurance Company amica // amsterdam : 2014-07-24 Gemeente Amsterdam amsterdam // analytics : 2014-12-18 Campus IP LLC analytics // android : 2014-08-07 Charleston Road Registry Inc. android // anquan : 2015-01-08 QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. anquan // anz : 2015-07-31 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited anz // aol : 2015-09-17 Oath Inc. aol // apartments : 2014-12-11 Binky Moon, LLC apartments // app : 2015-05-14 Charleston Road Registry Inc. app // apple : 2015-05-14 Apple Inc. apple // aquarelle : 2014-07-24 aquarelle // arab : 2015-11-12 League of Arab States arab // aramco : 2014-11-20 Aramco Services Company aramco // archi : 2014-02-06 Afilias Limited archi // army : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC army // art : 2016-03-24 UK Creative Ideas Limited art // arte : 2014-12-11 Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne G.E.I.E. arte // asda : 2015-07-31 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. asda // associates : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC associates // athleta : 2015-07-30 The Gap, Inc. athleta // attorney : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC attorney // auction : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC auction // audi : 2015-05-21 AUDI Aktiengesellschaft audi // audible : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. audible // audio : 2014-03-20 Uniregistry, Corp. audio // auspost : 2015-08-13 Australian Postal Corporation auspost // author : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. author // auto : 2014-11-13 Cars Registry Limited auto // autos : 2014-01-09 DERAutos, LLC autos // avianca : 2015-01-08 Aerovias del Continente Americano S.A. Avianca avianca // aws : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. aws // axa : 2013-12-19 AXA SA axa // azure : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation azure // baby : 2015-04-09 XYZ.COM LLC baby // baidu : 2015-01-08 Baidu, Inc. baidu // banamex : 2015-07-30 Citigroup Inc. banamex // bananarepublic : 2015-07-31 The Gap, Inc. bananarepublic // band : 2014-06-12 Dog Beach, LLC band // bank : 2014-09-25 fTLD Registry Services LLC bank // bar : 2013-12-12 Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable bar // barcelona : 2014-07-24 Municipi de Barcelona barcelona // barclaycard : 2014-11-20 Barclays Bank PLC barclaycard // barclays : 2014-11-20 Barclays Bank PLC barclays // barefoot : 2015-06-11 Gallo Vineyards, Inc. barefoot // bargains : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC bargains // baseball : 2015-10-29 MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC baseball // basketball : 2015-08-20 Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) basketball // bauhaus : 2014-04-17 Werkhaus GmbH bauhaus // bayern : 2014-01-23 Bayern Connect GmbH bayern // bbc : 2014-12-18 British Broadcasting Corporation bbc // bbt : 2015-07-23 BB&T Corporation bbt // bbva : 2014-10-02 BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA, S.A. bbva // bcg : 2015-04-02 The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. bcg // bcn : 2014-07-24 Municipi de Barcelona bcn // beats : 2015-05-14 Beats Electronics, LLC beats // beauty : 2015-12-03 L'Oréal beauty // beer : 2014-01-09 Minds + Machines Group Limited beer // bentley : 2014-12-18 Bentley Motors Limited bentley // berlin : 2013-10-31 dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG berlin // best : 2013-12-19 BestTLD Pty Ltd best // bestbuy : 2015-07-31 BBY Solutions, Inc. bestbuy // bet : 2015-05-07 Afilias Limited bet // bharti : 2014-01-09 Bharti Enterprises (Holding) Private Limited bharti // bible : 2014-06-19 American Bible Society bible // bid : 2013-12-19 dot Bid Limited bid // bike : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC bike // bing : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation bing // bingo : 2014-12-04 Binky Moon, LLC bingo // bio : 2014-03-06 Afilias Limited bio // black : 2014-01-16 Afilias Limited black // blackfriday : 2014-01-16 Uniregistry, Corp. blackfriday // blockbuster : 2015-07-30 Dish DBS Corporation blockbuster // blog : 2015-05-14 Knock Knock WHOIS There, LLC blog // bloomberg : 2014-07-17 Bloomberg IP Holdings LLC bloomberg // blue : 2013-11-07 Afilias Limited blue // bms : 2014-10-30 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company bms // bmw : 2014-01-09 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft bmw // bnpparibas : 2014-05-29 BNP Paribas bnpparibas // boats : 2014-12-04 DERBoats, LLC boats // boehringer : 2015-07-09 Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH boehringer // bofa : 2015-07-31 Bank of America Corporation bofa // bom : 2014-10-16 Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - bom // bond : 2014-06-05 ShortDot SA bond // boo : 2014-01-30 Charleston Road Registry Inc. boo // book : 2015-08-27 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. book // booking : 2015-07-16 B.V. booking // bosch : 2015-06-18 Robert Bosch GMBH bosch // bostik : 2015-05-28 Bostik SA bostik // boston : 2015-12-10 Boston TLD Management, LLC boston // bot : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. bot // boutique : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC boutique // box : 2015-11-12 .BOX INC. box // bradesco : 2014-12-18 Banco Bradesco S.A. bradesco // bridgestone : 2014-12-18 Bridgestone Corporation bridgestone // broadway : 2014-12-22 Celebrate Broadway, Inc. broadway // broker : 2014-12-11 Dotbroker Registry Limited broker // brother : 2015-01-29 Brother Industries, Ltd. brother // brussels : 2014-02-06 vzw brussels // budapest : 2013-11-21 Minds + Machines Group Limited budapest // bugatti : 2015-07-23 Bugatti International SA bugatti // build : 2013-11-07 Plan Bee LLC build // builders : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC builders // business : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC business // buy : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. buy // buzz : 2013-10-02 DOTSTRATEGY CO. buzz // bzh : 2014-02-27 Association bzh // cab : 2013-10-24 Binky Moon, LLC cab // cafe : 2015-02-11 Binky Moon, LLC cafe // cal : 2014-07-24 Charleston Road Registry Inc. cal // call : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. call // calvinklein : 2015-07-30 PVH gTLD Holdings LLC calvinklein // cam : 2016-04-21 AC Webconnecting Holding B.V. cam // camera : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC camera // camp : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC camp // cancerresearch : 2014-05-15 Australian Cancer Research Foundation cancerresearch // canon : 2014-09-12 Canon Inc. canon // capetown : 2014-03-24 ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry capetown // capital : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC capital // capitalone : 2015-08-06 Capital One Financial Corporation capitalone // car : 2015-01-22 Cars Registry Limited car // caravan : 2013-12-12 Caravan International, Inc. caravan // cards : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC cards // care : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC care // career : 2013-10-09 dotCareer LLC career // careers : 2013-10-02 Binky Moon, LLC careers // cars : 2014-11-13 Cars Registry Limited cars // cartier : 2014-06-23 Richemont DNS Inc. cartier // casa : 2013-11-21 Minds + Machines Group Limited casa // case : 2015-09-03 CNH Industrial N.V. case // caseih : 2015-09-03 CNH Industrial N.V. caseih // cash : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC cash // casino : 2014-12-18 Binky Moon, LLC casino // catering : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC catering // catholic : 2015-10-21 Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) catholic // cba : 2014-06-26 COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA cba // cbn : 2014-08-22 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. cbn // cbre : 2015-07-02 CBRE, Inc. cbre // cbs : 2015-08-06 CBS Domains Inc. cbs // ceb : 2015-04-09 The Corporate Executive Board Company ceb // center : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC center // ceo : 2013-11-07 CEOTLD Pty Ltd ceo // cern : 2014-06-05 European Organization for Nuclear Research ("CERN") cern // cfa : 2014-08-28 CFA Institute cfa // cfd : 2014-12-11 DotCFD Registry Limited cfd // chanel : 2015-04-09 Chanel International B.V. chanel // channel : 2014-05-08 Charleston Road Registry Inc. channel // charity : 2018-04-11 Binky Moon, LLC charity // chase : 2015-04-30 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association chase // chat : 2014-12-04 Binky Moon, LLC chat // cheap : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC cheap // chintai : 2015-06-11 CHINTAI Corporation chintai // christmas : 2013-11-21 Uniregistry, Corp. christmas // chrome : 2014-07-24 Charleston Road Registry Inc. chrome // chrysler : 2015-07-30 FCA US LLC. chrysler // church : 2014-02-06 Binky Moon, LLC church // cipriani : 2015-02-19 Hotel Cipriani Srl cipriani // circle : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. circle // cisco : 2014-12-22 Cisco Technology, Inc. cisco // citadel : 2015-07-23 Citadel Domain LLC citadel // citi : 2015-07-30 Citigroup Inc. citi // citic : 2014-01-09 CITIC Group Corporation citic // city : 2014-05-29 Binky Moon, LLC city // cityeats : 2014-12-11 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. cityeats // claims : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC claims // cleaning : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC cleaning // click : 2014-06-05 Uniregistry, Corp. click // clinic : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC clinic // clinique : 2015-10-01 The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. clinique // clothing : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC clothing // cloud : 2015-04-16 Aruba PEC S.p.A. cloud // club : 2013-11-08 .CLUB DOMAINS, LLC club // clubmed : 2015-06-25 Club Méditerranée S.A. clubmed // coach : 2014-10-09 Binky Moon, LLC coach // codes : 2013-10-31 Binky Moon, LLC codes // coffee : 2013-10-17 Binky Moon, LLC coffee // college : 2014-01-16 XYZ.COM LLC college // cologne : 2014-02-05 dotKoeln GmbH cologne // comcast : 2015-07-23 Comcast IP Holdings I, LLC comcast // commbank : 2014-06-26 COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA commbank // community : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC community // company : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC company // compare : 2015-10-08 Registry Services, LLC compare // computer : 2013-10-24 Binky Moon, LLC computer // comsec : 2015-01-08 VeriSign, Inc. comsec // condos : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC condos // construction : 2013-09-16 Binky Moon, LLC construction // consulting : 2013-12-05 Dog Beach, LLC consulting // contact : 2015-01-08 Dog Beach, LLC contact // contractors : 2013-09-10 Binky Moon, LLC contractors // cooking : 2013-11-21 Minds + Machines Group Limited cooking // cookingchannel : 2015-07-02 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. cookingchannel // cool : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC cool // corsica : 2014-09-25 Collectivité de Corse corsica // country : 2013-12-19 DotCountry LLC country // coupon : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. coupon // coupons : 2015-03-26 Binky Moon, LLC coupons // courses : 2014-12-04 OPEN UNIVERSITIES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD courses // cpa : 2019-06-10 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants cpa // credit : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC credit // creditcard : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC creditcard // creditunion : 2015-01-22 CUNA Performance Resources, LLC creditunion // cricket : 2014-10-09 dot Cricket Limited cricket // crown : 2014-10-24 Crown Equipment Corporation crown // crs : 2014-04-03 Federated Co-operatives Limited crs // cruise : 2015-12-10 Viking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd. cruise // cruises : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC cruises // csc : 2014-09-25 Alliance-One Services, Inc. csc // cuisinella : 2014-04-03 SCHMIDT GROUPE S.A.S. cuisinella // cymru : 2014-05-08 Nominet UK cymru // cyou : 2015-01-22 Beijing Gamease Age Digital Technology Co., Ltd. cyou // dabur : 2014-02-06 Dabur India Limited dabur // dad : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. dad // dance : 2013-10-24 Dog Beach, LLC dance // data : 2016-06-02 Dish DBS Corporation data // date : 2014-11-20 dot Date Limited date // dating : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC dating // datsun : 2014-03-27 NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. datsun // day : 2014-01-30 Charleston Road Registry Inc. day // dclk : 2014-11-20 Charleston Road Registry Inc. dclk // dds : 2015-05-07 Minds + Machines Group Limited dds // deal : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. deal // dealer : 2014-12-22 Intercap Registry Inc. dealer // deals : 2014-05-22 Binky Moon, LLC deals // degree : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC degree // delivery : 2014-09-11 Binky Moon, LLC delivery // dell : 2014-10-24 Dell Inc. dell // deloitte : 2015-07-31 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu deloitte // delta : 2015-02-19 Delta Air Lines, Inc. delta // democrat : 2013-10-24 Dog Beach, LLC democrat // dental : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC dental // dentist : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC dentist // desi : 2013-11-14 Desi Networks LLC desi // design : 2014-11-07 Top Level Design, LLC design // dev : 2014-10-16 Charleston Road Registry Inc. dev // dhl : 2015-07-23 Deutsche Post AG dhl // diamonds : 2013-09-22 Binky Moon, LLC diamonds // diet : 2014-06-26 Uniregistry, Corp. diet // digital : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC digital // direct : 2014-04-10 Binky Moon, LLC direct // directory : 2013-09-20 Binky Moon, LLC directory // discount : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC discount // discover : 2015-07-23 Discover Financial Services discover // dish : 2015-07-30 Dish DBS Corporation dish // diy : 2015-11-05 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. diy // dnp : 2013-12-13 Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. dnp // docs : 2014-10-16 Charleston Road Registry Inc. docs // doctor : 2016-06-02 Binky Moon, LLC doctor // dodge : 2015-07-30 FCA US LLC. dodge // dog : 2014-12-04 Binky Moon, LLC dog // domains : 2013-10-17 Binky Moon, LLC domains // dot : 2015-05-21 Dish DBS Corporation dot // download : 2014-11-20 dot Support Limited download // drive : 2015-03-05 Charleston Road Registry Inc. drive // dtv : 2015-06-04 Dish DBS Corporation dtv // dubai : 2015-01-01 Dubai Smart Government Department dubai // duck : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. duck // dunlop : 2015-07-02 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company dunlop // dupont : 2015-06-25 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company dupont // durban : 2014-03-24 ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry durban // dvag : 2014-06-23 Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG dvag // dvr : 2016-05-26 DISH Technologies L.L.C. dvr // earth : 2014-12-04 Interlink Co., Ltd. earth // eat : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. eat // eco : 2016-07-08 Big Room Inc. eco // edeka : 2014-12-18 EDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V. edeka // education : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC education // email : 2013-10-31 Binky Moon, LLC email // emerck : 2014-04-03 Merck KGaA emerck // energy : 2014-09-11 Binky Moon, LLC energy // engineer : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC engineer // engineering : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC engineering // enterprises : 2013-09-20 Binky Moon, LLC enterprises // epson : 2014-12-04 Seiko Epson Corporation epson // equipment : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC equipment // ericsson : 2015-07-09 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson ericsson // erni : 2014-04-03 ERNI Group Holding AG erni // esq : 2014-05-08 Charleston Road Registry Inc. esq // estate : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC estate // esurance : 2015-07-23 Esurance Insurance Company esurance // etisalat : 2015-09-03 Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat) etisalat // eurovision : 2014-04-24 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) eurovision // eus : 2013-12-12 Puntueus Fundazioa eus // events : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC events // everbank : 2014-05-15 EverBank everbank // exchange : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC exchange // expert : 2013-11-21 Binky Moon, LLC expert // exposed : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC exposed // express : 2015-02-11 Binky Moon, LLC express // extraspace : 2015-05-14 Extra Space Storage LLC extraspace // fage : 2014-12-18 Fage International S.A. fage // fail : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC fail // fairwinds : 2014-11-13 FairWinds Partners, LLC fairwinds // faith : 2014-11-20 dot Faith Limited faith // family : 2015-04-02 Dog Beach, LLC family // fan : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC fan // fans : 2014-11-07 ZDNS International Limited fans // farm : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC farm // farmers : 2015-07-09 Farmers Insurance Exchange farmers // fashion : 2014-07-03 Minds + Machines Group Limited fashion // fast : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. fast // fedex : 2015-08-06 Federal Express Corporation fedex // feedback : 2013-12-19 Top Level Spectrum, Inc. feedback // ferrari : 2015-07-31 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. ferrari // ferrero : 2014-12-18 Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. ferrero // fiat : 2015-07-31 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. fiat // fidelity : 2015-07-30 Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC fidelity // fido : 2015-08-06 Rogers Communications Canada Inc. fido // film : 2015-01-08 Motion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltd film // final : 2014-10-16 Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - final // finance : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC finance // financial : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC financial // fire : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. fire // firestone : 2014-12-18 Bridgestone Licensing Services, Inc firestone // firmdale : 2014-03-27 Firmdale Holdings Limited firmdale // fish : 2013-12-12 Binky Moon, LLC fish // fishing : 2013-11-21 Minds + Machines Group Limited fishing // fit : 2014-11-07 Minds + Machines Group Limited fit // fitness : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC fitness // flickr : 2015-04-02 Yahoo! Domain Services Inc. flickr // flights : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC flights // flir : 2015-07-23 FLIR Systems, Inc. flir // florist : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC florist // flowers : 2014-10-09 Uniregistry, Corp. flowers // fly : 2014-05-08 Charleston Road Registry Inc. fly // foo : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. foo // food : 2016-04-21 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. food // foodnetwork : 2015-07-02 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. foodnetwork // football : 2014-12-18 Binky Moon, LLC football // ford : 2014-11-13 Ford Motor Company ford // forex : 2014-12-11 Dotforex Registry Limited forex // forsale : 2014-05-22 Dog Beach, LLC forsale // forum : 2015-04-02 Fegistry, LLC forum // foundation : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC foundation // fox : 2015-09-11 FOX Registry, LLC fox // free : 2015-12-10 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. free // fresenius : 2015-07-30 Fresenius Immobilien-Verwaltungs-GmbH fresenius // frl : 2014-05-15 FRLregistry B.V. frl // frogans : 2013-12-19 OP3FT frogans // frontdoor : 2015-07-02 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. frontdoor // frontier : 2015-02-05 Frontier Communications Corporation frontier // ftr : 2015-07-16 Frontier Communications Corporation ftr // fujitsu : 2015-07-30 Fujitsu Limited fujitsu // fujixerox : 2015-07-23 Xerox DNHC LLC fujixerox // fun : 2016-01-14 DotSpace Inc. fun // fund : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC fund // furniture : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC furniture // futbol : 2013-09-20 Dog Beach, LLC futbol // fyi : 2015-04-02 Binky Moon, LLC fyi // gal : 2013-11-07 Asociación puntoGAL gal // gallery : 2013-09-13 Binky Moon, LLC gallery // gallo : 2015-06-11 Gallo Vineyards, Inc. gallo // gallup : 2015-02-19 Gallup, Inc. gallup // game : 2015-05-28 Uniregistry, Corp. game // games : 2015-05-28 Dog Beach, LLC games // gap : 2015-07-31 The Gap, Inc. gap // garden : 2014-06-26 Minds + Machines Group Limited garden // gay : 2019-05-23 Top Level Design, LLC gay // gbiz : 2014-07-17 Charleston Road Registry Inc. gbiz // gdn : 2014-07-31 Joint Stock Company "Navigation-information systems" gdn // gea : 2014-12-04 GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft gea // gent : 2014-01-23 COMBELL NV gent // genting : 2015-03-12 Resorts World Inc Pte. Ltd. genting // george : 2015-07-31 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. george // ggee : 2014-01-09 GMO Internet, Inc. ggee // gift : 2013-10-17 DotGift, LLC gift // gifts : 2014-07-03 Binky Moon, LLC gifts // gives : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC gives // giving : 2014-11-13 Giving Limited giving // glade : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. glade // glass : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC glass // gle : 2014-07-24 Charleston Road Registry Inc. gle // global : 2014-04-17 Dot Global Domain Registry Limited global // globo : 2013-12-19 Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A globo // gmail : 2014-05-01 Charleston Road Registry Inc. gmail // gmbh : 2016-01-29 Binky Moon, LLC gmbh // gmo : 2014-01-09 GMO Internet, Inc. gmo // gmx : 2014-04-24 1&1 Mail & Media GmbH gmx // godaddy : 2015-07-23 Go Daddy East, LLC godaddy // gold : 2015-01-22 Binky Moon, LLC gold // goldpoint : 2014-11-20 YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD. goldpoint // golf : 2014-12-18 Binky Moon, LLC golf // goo : 2014-12-18 NTT Resonant Inc. goo // goodyear : 2015-07-02 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company goodyear // goog : 2014-11-20 Charleston Road Registry Inc. goog // google : 2014-07-24 Charleston Road Registry Inc. google // gop : 2014-01-16 Republican State Leadership Committee, Inc. gop // got : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. got // grainger : 2015-05-07 Grainger Registry Services, LLC grainger // graphics : 2013-09-13 Binky Moon, LLC graphics // gratis : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC gratis // green : 2014-05-08 Afilias Limited green // gripe : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC gripe // grocery : 2016-06-16 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. grocery // group : 2014-08-15 Binky Moon, LLC group // guardian : 2015-07-30 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America guardian // gucci : 2014-11-13 Guccio Gucci S.p.a. gucci // guge : 2014-08-28 Charleston Road Registry Inc. guge // guide : 2013-09-13 Binky Moon, LLC guide // guitars : 2013-11-14 Uniregistry, Corp. guitars // guru : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC guru // hair : 2015-12-03 L'Oréal hair // hamburg : 2014-02-20 Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH hamburg // hangout : 2014-11-13 Charleston Road Registry Inc. hangout // haus : 2013-12-05 Dog Beach, LLC haus // hbo : 2015-07-30 HBO Registry Services, Inc. hbo // hdfc : 2015-07-30 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED hdfc // hdfcbank : 2015-02-12 HDFC Bank Limited hdfcbank // health : 2015-02-11 DotHealth, LLC health // healthcare : 2014-06-12 Binky Moon, LLC healthcare // help : 2014-06-26 Uniregistry, Corp. help // helsinki : 2015-02-05 City of Helsinki helsinki // here : 2014-02-06 Charleston Road Registry Inc. here // hermes : 2014-07-10 HERMES INTERNATIONAL hermes // hgtv : 2015-07-02 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. hgtv // hiphop : 2014-03-06 Uniregistry, Corp. hiphop // hisamitsu : 2015-07-16 Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co.,Inc. hisamitsu // hitachi : 2014-10-31 Hitachi, Ltd. hitachi // hiv : 2014-03-13 Uniregistry, Corp. hiv // hkt : 2015-05-14 PCCW-HKT DataCom Services Limited hkt // hockey : 2015-03-19 Binky Moon, LLC hockey // holdings : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC holdings // holiday : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC holiday // homedepot : 2015-04-02 Home Depot Product Authority, LLC homedepot // homegoods : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. homegoods // homes : 2014-01-09 DERHomes, LLC homes // homesense : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. homesense // honda : 2014-12-18 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. honda // horse : 2013-11-21 Minds + Machines Group Limited horse // hospital : 2016-10-20 Binky Moon, LLC hospital // host : 2014-04-17 DotHost Inc. host // hosting : 2014-05-29 Uniregistry, Corp. hosting // hot : 2015-08-27 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. hot // hoteles : 2015-03-05 Travel Reservations SRL hoteles // hotels : 2016-04-07 B.V. hotels // hotmail : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation hotmail // house : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC house // how : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. how // hsbc : 2014-10-24 HSBC Global Services (UK) Limited hsbc // hughes : 2015-07-30 Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation hughes // hyatt : 2015-07-30 Hyatt GTLD, L.L.C. hyatt // hyundai : 2015-07-09 Hyundai Motor Company hyundai // ibm : 2014-07-31 International Business Machines Corporation ibm // icbc : 2015-02-19 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited icbc // ice : 2014-10-30 IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. ice // icu : 2015-01-08 ShortDot SA icu // ieee : 2015-07-23 IEEE Global LLC ieee // ifm : 2014-01-30 ifm electronic gmbh ifm // ikano : 2015-07-09 Ikano S.A. ikano // imamat : 2015-08-06 Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) imamat // imdb : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. imdb // immo : 2014-07-10 Binky Moon, LLC immo // immobilien : 2013-11-07 Dog Beach, LLC immobilien // inc : 2018-03-10 Intercap Registry Inc. inc // industries : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC industries // infiniti : 2014-03-27 NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. infiniti // ing : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. ing // ink : 2013-12-05 Top Level Design, LLC ink // institute : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC institute // insurance : 2015-02-19 fTLD Registry Services LLC insurance // insure : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC insure // intel : 2015-08-06 Intel Corporation intel // international : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC international // intuit : 2015-07-30 Intuit Administrative Services, Inc. intuit // investments : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC investments // ipiranga : 2014-08-28 Ipiranga Produtos de Petroleo S.A. ipiranga // irish : 2014-08-07 Binky Moon, LLC irish // ismaili : 2015-08-06 Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) ismaili // ist : 2014-08-28 Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality ist // istanbul : 2014-08-28 Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality istanbul // itau : 2014-10-02 Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. itau // itv : 2015-07-09 ITV Services Limited itv // iveco : 2015-09-03 CNH Industrial N.V. iveco // jaguar : 2014-11-13 Jaguar Land Rover Ltd jaguar // java : 2014-06-19 Oracle Corporation java // jcb : 2014-11-20 JCB Co., Ltd. jcb // jcp : 2015-04-23 JCP Media, Inc. jcp // jeep : 2015-07-30 FCA US LLC. jeep // jetzt : 2014-01-09 Binky Moon, LLC jetzt // jewelry : 2015-03-05 Binky Moon, LLC jewelry // jio : 2015-04-02 Reliance Industries Limited jio // jll : 2015-04-02 Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated jll // jmp : 2015-03-26 Matrix IP LLC jmp // jnj : 2015-06-18 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. jnj // joburg : 2014-03-24 ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry joburg // jot : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. jot // joy : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. joy // jpmorgan : 2015-04-30 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association jpmorgan // jprs : 2014-09-18 Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. jprs // juegos : 2014-03-20 Uniregistry, Corp. juegos // juniper : 2015-07-30 JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. juniper // kaufen : 2013-11-07 Dog Beach, LLC kaufen // kddi : 2014-09-12 KDDI CORPORATION kddi // kerryhotels : 2015-04-30 Kerry Trading Co. Limited kerryhotels // kerrylogistics : 2015-04-09 Kerry Trading Co. Limited kerrylogistics // kerryproperties : 2015-04-09 Kerry Trading Co. Limited kerryproperties // kfh : 2014-12-04 Kuwait Finance House kfh // kia : 2015-07-09 KIA MOTORS CORPORATION kia // kim : 2013-09-23 Afilias Limited kim // kinder : 2014-11-07 Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. kinder // kindle : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. kindle // kitchen : 2013-09-20 Binky Moon, LLC kitchen // kiwi : 2013-09-20 DOT KIWI LIMITED kiwi // koeln : 2014-01-09 dotKoeln GmbH koeln // komatsu : 2015-01-08 Komatsu Ltd. komatsu // kosher : 2015-08-20 Kosher Marketing Assets LLC kosher // kpmg : 2015-04-23 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International Genossenschaft) kpmg // kpn : 2015-01-08 Koninklijke KPN N.V. kpn // krd : 2013-12-05 KRG Department of Information Technology krd // kred : 2013-12-19 KredTLD Pty Ltd kred // kuokgroup : 2015-04-09 Kerry Trading Co. Limited kuokgroup // kyoto : 2014-11-07 Academic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen kyoto // lacaixa : 2014-01-09 Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, “la Caixa” lacaixa // ladbrokes : 2015-08-06 LADBROKES INTERNATIONAL PLC ladbrokes // lamborghini : 2015-06-04 Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. lamborghini // lamer : 2015-10-01 The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. lamer // lancaster : 2015-02-12 LANCASTER lancaster // lancia : 2015-07-31 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. lancia // lancome : 2015-07-23 L'Oréal lancome // land : 2013-09-10 Binky Moon, LLC land // landrover : 2014-11-13 Jaguar Land Rover Ltd landrover // lanxess : 2015-07-30 LANXESS Corporation lanxess // lasalle : 2015-04-02 Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated lasalle // lat : 2014-10-16 ECOM-LAC Federaciòn de Latinoamèrica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrònico lat // latino : 2015-07-30 Dish DBS Corporation latino // latrobe : 2014-06-16 La Trobe University latrobe // law : 2015-01-22 LW TLD Limited law // lawyer : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC lawyer // lds : 2014-03-20 IRI Domain Management, LLC ("Applicant") lds // lease : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC lease // leclerc : 2014-08-07 A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc leclerc // lefrak : 2015-07-16 LeFrak Organization, Inc. lefrak // legal : 2014-10-16 Binky Moon, LLC legal // lego : 2015-07-16 LEGO Juris A/S lego // lexus : 2015-04-23 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION lexus // lgbt : 2014-05-08 Afilias Limited lgbt // liaison : 2014-10-02 Liaison Technologies, Incorporated liaison // lidl : 2014-09-18 Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG lidl // life : 2014-02-06 Binky Moon, LLC life // lifeinsurance : 2015-01-15 American Council of Life Insurers lifeinsurance // lifestyle : 2014-12-11 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. lifestyle // lighting : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC lighting // like : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. like // lilly : 2015-07-31 Eli Lilly and Company lilly // limited : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC limited // limo : 2013-10-17 Binky Moon, LLC limo // lincoln : 2014-11-13 Ford Motor Company lincoln // linde : 2014-12-04 Linde Aktiengesellschaft linde // link : 2013-11-14 Uniregistry, Corp. link // lipsy : 2015-06-25 Lipsy Ltd lipsy // live : 2014-12-04 Dog Beach, LLC live // living : 2015-07-30 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. living // lixil : 2015-03-19 LIXIL Group Corporation lixil // llc : 2017-12-14 Afilias Limited llc // llp : 2019-08-26 Dot Registry LLC llp // loan : 2014-11-20 dot Loan Limited loan // loans : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC loans // locker : 2015-06-04 Dish DBS Corporation locker // locus : 2015-06-25 Locus Analytics LLC locus // loft : 2015-07-30 Annco, Inc. loft // lol : 2015-01-30 Uniregistry, Corp. lol // london : 2013-11-14 Dot London Domains Limited london // lotte : 2014-11-07 Lotte Holdings Co., Ltd. lotte // lotto : 2014-04-10 Afilias Limited lotto // love : 2014-12-22 Merchant Law Group LLP love // lpl : 2015-07-30 LPL Holdings, Inc. lpl // lplfinancial : 2015-07-30 LPL Holdings, Inc. lplfinancial // ltd : 2014-09-25 Binky Moon, LLC ltd // ltda : 2014-04-17 InterNetX, Corp ltda // lundbeck : 2015-08-06 H. Lundbeck A/S lundbeck // lupin : 2014-11-07 LUPIN LIMITED lupin // luxe : 2014-01-09 Minds + Machines Group Limited luxe // luxury : 2013-10-17 Luxury Partners, LLC luxury // macys : 2015-07-31 Macys, Inc. macys // madrid : 2014-05-01 Comunidad de Madrid madrid // maif : 2014-10-02 Mutuelle Assurance Instituteur France (MAIF) maif // maison : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC maison // makeup : 2015-01-15 L'Oréal makeup // man : 2014-12-04 MAN SE man // management : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC management // mango : 2013-10-24 PUNTO FA S.L. mango // map : 2016-06-09 Charleston Road Registry Inc. map // market : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC market // marketing : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC marketing // markets : 2014-12-11 Dotmarkets Registry Limited markets // marriott : 2014-10-09 Marriott Worldwide Corporation marriott // marshalls : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. marshalls // maserati : 2015-07-31 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. maserati // mattel : 2015-08-06 Mattel Sites, Inc. mattel // mba : 2015-04-02 Binky Moon, LLC mba // mckinsey : 2015-07-31 McKinsey Holdings, Inc. mckinsey // med : 2015-08-06 Medistry LLC med // media : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC media // meet : 2014-01-16 Charleston Road Registry Inc. meet // melbourne : 2014-05-29 The Crown in right of the State of Victoria, represented by its Department of State Development, Business and Innovation melbourne // meme : 2014-01-30 Charleston Road Registry Inc. meme // memorial : 2014-10-16 Dog Beach, LLC memorial // men : 2015-02-26 Exclusive Registry Limited men // menu : 2013-09-11 Dot Menu Registry, LLC menu // merckmsd : 2016-07-14 MSD Registry Holdings, Inc. merckmsd // metlife : 2015-05-07 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC metlife // miami : 2013-12-19 Minds + Machines Group Limited miami // microsoft : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation microsoft // mini : 2014-01-09 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft mini // mint : 2015-07-30 Intuit Administrative Services, Inc. mint // mit : 2015-07-02 Massachusetts Institute of Technology mit // mitsubishi : 2015-07-23 Mitsubishi Corporation mitsubishi // mlb : 2015-05-21 MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC mlb // mls : 2015-04-23 The Canadian Real Estate Association mls // mma : 2014-11-07 MMA IARD mma // mobile : 2016-06-02 Dish DBS Corporation mobile // moda : 2013-11-07 Dog Beach, LLC moda // moe : 2013-11-13 Interlink Co., Ltd. moe // moi : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. moi // mom : 2015-04-16 Uniregistry, Corp. mom // monash : 2013-09-30 Monash University monash // money : 2014-10-16 Binky Moon, LLC money // monster : 2015-09-11 XYZ.COM LLC monster // mopar : 2015-07-30 FCA US LLC. mopar // mormon : 2013-12-05 IRI Domain Management, LLC ("Applicant") mormon // mortgage : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC mortgage // moscow : 2013-12-19 Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID) moscow // moto : 2015-06-04 Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC moto // motorcycles : 2014-01-09 DERMotorcycles, LLC motorcycles // mov : 2014-01-30 Charleston Road Registry Inc. mov // movie : 2015-02-05 Binky Moon, LLC movie // movistar : 2014-10-16 Telefónica S.A. movistar // msd : 2015-07-23 MSD Registry Holdings, Inc. msd // mtn : 2014-12-04 MTN Dubai Limited mtn // mtr : 2015-03-12 MTR Corporation Limited mtr // mutual : 2015-04-02 Northwestern Mutual MU TLD Registry, LLC mutual // nab : 2015-08-20 National Australia Bank Limited nab // nadex : 2014-12-11 Nadex Domains, Inc. nadex // nagoya : 2013-10-24 GMO Registry, Inc. nagoya // nationwide : 2015-07-23 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company nationwide // natura : 2015-03-12 NATURA COSMÉTICOS S.A. natura // navy : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC navy // nba : 2015-07-31 NBA REGISTRY, LLC nba // nec : 2015-01-08 NEC Corporation nec // netbank : 2014-06-26 COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA netbank // netflix : 2015-06-18 Netflix, Inc. netflix // network : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC network // neustar : 2013-12-05 Registry Services, LLC neustar // new : 2014-01-30 Charleston Road Registry Inc. new // newholland : 2015-09-03 CNH Industrial N.V. newholland // news : 2014-12-18 Dog Beach, LLC news // next : 2015-06-18 Next plc next // nextdirect : 2015-06-18 Next plc nextdirect // nexus : 2014-07-24 Charleston Road Registry Inc. nexus // nfl : 2015-07-23 NFL Reg Ops LLC nfl // ngo : 2014-03-06 Public Interest Registry ngo // nhk : 2014-02-13 Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) nhk // nico : 2014-12-04 DWANGO Co., Ltd. nico // nike : 2015-07-23 NIKE, Inc. nike // nikon : 2015-05-21 NIKON CORPORATION nikon // ninja : 2013-11-07 Dog Beach, LLC ninja // nissan : 2014-03-27 NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. nissan // nissay : 2015-10-29 Nippon Life Insurance Company nissay // nokia : 2015-01-08 Nokia Corporation nokia // northwesternmutual : 2015-06-18 Northwestern Mutual Registry, LLC northwesternmutual // norton : 2014-12-04 Symantec Corporation norton // now : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. now // nowruz : 2014-09-04 Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. nowruz // nowtv : 2015-05-14 Starbucks (HK) Limited nowtv // nra : 2014-05-22 NRA Holdings Company, INC. nra // nrw : 2013-11-21 Minds + Machines GmbH nrw // ntt : 2014-10-31 NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION ntt // nyc : 2014-01-23 The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications nyc // obi : 2014-09-25 OBI Group Holding SE & Co. KGaA obi // observer : 2015-04-30 Top Level Spectrum, Inc. observer // off : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. off // office : 2015-03-12 Microsoft Corporation office // okinawa : 2013-12-05 BRregistry, Inc. okinawa // olayan : 2015-05-14 Crescent Holding GmbH olayan // olayangroup : 2015-05-14 Crescent Holding GmbH olayangroup // oldnavy : 2015-07-31 The Gap, Inc. oldnavy // ollo : 2015-06-04 Dish DBS Corporation ollo // omega : 2015-01-08 The Swatch Group Ltd omega // one : 2014-11-07 A/S one // ong : 2014-03-06 Public Interest Registry ong // onl : 2013-09-16 I-Registry Ltd. onl // online : 2015-01-15 DotOnline Inc. online // onyourside : 2015-07-23 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company onyourside // ooo : 2014-01-09 INFIBEAM AVENUES LIMITED ooo // open : 2015-07-31 American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. open // oracle : 2014-06-19 Oracle Corporation oracle // orange : 2015-03-12 Orange Brand Services Limited orange // organic : 2014-03-27 Afilias Limited organic // origins : 2015-10-01 The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. origins // osaka : 2014-09-04 Osaka Registry Co., Ltd. osaka // otsuka : 2013-10-11 Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. otsuka // ott : 2015-06-04 Dish DBS Corporation ott // ovh : 2014-01-16 MédiaBC ovh // page : 2014-12-04 Charleston Road Registry Inc. page // panasonic : 2015-07-30 Panasonic Corporation panasonic // paris : 2014-01-30 City of Paris paris // pars : 2014-09-04 Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. pars // partners : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC partners // parts : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC parts // party : 2014-09-11 Blue Sky Registry Limited party // passagens : 2015-03-05 Travel Reservations SRL passagens // pay : 2015-08-27 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. pay // pccw : 2015-05-14 PCCW Enterprises Limited pccw // pet : 2015-05-07 Afilias Limited pet // pfizer : 2015-09-11 Pfizer Inc. pfizer // pharmacy : 2014-06-19 National Association of Boards of Pharmacy pharmacy // phd : 2016-07-28 Charleston Road Registry Inc. phd // philips : 2014-11-07 Koninklijke Philips N.V. philips // phone : 2016-06-02 Dish DBS Corporation phone // photo : 2013-11-14 Uniregistry, Corp. photo // photography : 2013-09-20 Binky Moon, LLC photography // photos : 2013-10-17 Binky Moon, LLC photos // physio : 2014-05-01 PhysBiz Pty Ltd physio // piaget : 2014-10-16 Richemont DNS Inc. piaget // pics : 2013-11-14 Uniregistry, Corp. pics // pictet : 2014-06-26 Pictet Europe S.A. pictet // pictures : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC pictures // pid : 2015-01-08 Top Level Spectrum, Inc. pid // pin : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. pin // ping : 2015-06-11 Ping Registry Provider, Inc. ping // pink : 2013-10-01 Afilias Limited pink // pioneer : 2015-07-16 Pioneer Corporation pioneer // pizza : 2014-06-26 Binky Moon, LLC pizza // place : 2014-04-24 Binky Moon, LLC place // play : 2015-03-05 Charleston Road Registry Inc. play // playstation : 2015-07-02 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. playstation // plumbing : 2013-09-10 Binky Moon, LLC plumbing // plus : 2015-02-05 Binky Moon, LLC plus // pnc : 2015-07-02 PNC Domain Co., LLC pnc // pohl : 2014-06-23 Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG pohl // poker : 2014-07-03 Afilias Limited poker // politie : 2015-08-20 Politie Nederland politie // porn : 2014-10-16 ICM Registry PN LLC porn // pramerica : 2015-07-30 Prudential Financial, Inc. pramerica // praxi : 2013-12-05 Praxi S.p.A. praxi // press : 2014-04-03 DotPress Inc. press // prime : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. prime // prod : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. prod // productions : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC productions // prof : 2014-07-24 Charleston Road Registry Inc. prof // progressive : 2015-07-23 Progressive Casualty Insurance Company progressive // promo : 2014-12-18 Afilias Limited promo // properties : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC properties // property : 2014-05-22 Uniregistry, Corp. property // protection : 2015-04-23 XYZ.COM LLC protection // pru : 2015-07-30 Prudential Financial, Inc. pru // prudential : 2015-07-30 Prudential Financial, Inc. prudential // pub : 2013-12-12 Dog Beach, LLC pub // pwc : 2015-10-29 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP pwc // qpon : 2013-11-14 dotCOOL, Inc. qpon // quebec : 2013-12-19 PointQuébec Inc quebec // quest : 2015-03-26 Quest ION Limited quest // qvc : 2015-07-30 QVC, Inc. qvc // racing : 2014-12-04 Premier Registry Limited racing // radio : 2016-07-21 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) radio // raid : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. raid // read : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. read // realestate : 2015-09-11 dotRealEstate LLC realestate // realtor : 2014-05-29 Real Estate Domains LLC realtor // realty : 2015-03-19 Fegistry, LLC realty // recipes : 2013-10-17 Binky Moon, LLC recipes // red : 2013-11-07 Afilias Limited red // redstone : 2014-10-31 Redstone Haute Couture Co., Ltd. redstone // redumbrella : 2015-03-26 Travelers TLD, LLC redumbrella // rehab : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC rehab // reise : 2014-03-13 Binky Moon, LLC reise // reisen : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC reisen // reit : 2014-09-04 National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. reit // reliance : 2015-04-02 Reliance Industries Limited reliance // ren : 2013-12-12 ZDNS International Limited ren // rent : 2014-12-04 XYZ.COM LLC rent // rentals : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC rentals // repair : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC repair // report : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC report // republican : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC republican // rest : 2013-12-19 Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable rest // restaurant : 2014-07-03 Binky Moon, LLC restaurant // review : 2014-11-20 dot Review Limited review // reviews : 2013-09-13 Dog Beach, LLC reviews // rexroth : 2015-06-18 Robert Bosch GMBH rexroth // rich : 2013-11-21 I-Registry Ltd. rich // richardli : 2015-05-14 Pacific Century Asset Management (HK) Limited richardli // ricoh : 2014-11-20 Ricoh Company, Ltd. ricoh // rightathome : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. rightathome // ril : 2015-04-02 Reliance Industries Limited ril // rio : 2014-02-27 Empresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIO rio // rip : 2014-07-10 Dog Beach, LLC rip // rmit : 2015-11-19 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology rmit // rocher : 2014-12-18 Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. rocher // rocks : 2013-11-14 Dog Beach, LLC rocks // rodeo : 2013-12-19 Minds + Machines Group Limited rodeo // rogers : 2015-08-06 Rogers Communications Canada Inc. rogers // room : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. room // rsvp : 2014-05-08 Charleston Road Registry Inc. rsvp // rugby : 2016-12-15 World Rugby Strategic Developments Limited rugby // ruhr : 2013-10-02 regiodot GmbH & Co. KG ruhr // run : 2015-03-19 Binky Moon, LLC run // rwe : 2015-04-02 RWE AG rwe // ryukyu : 2014-01-09 BRregistry, Inc. ryukyu // saarland : 2013-12-12 dotSaarland GmbH saarland // safe : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. safe // safety : 2015-01-08 Safety Registry Services, LLC. safety // sakura : 2014-12-18 SAKURA Internet Inc. sakura // sale : 2014-10-16 Dog Beach, LLC sale // salon : 2014-12-11 Binky Moon, LLC salon // samsclub : 2015-07-31 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. samsclub // samsung : 2014-04-03 SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD samsung // sandvik : 2014-11-13 Sandvik AB sandvik // sandvikcoromant : 2014-11-07 Sandvik AB sandvikcoromant // sanofi : 2014-10-09 Sanofi sanofi // sap : 2014-03-27 SAP AG sap // sarl : 2014-07-03 Binky Moon, LLC sarl // sas : 2015-04-02 Research IP LLC sas // save : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. save // saxo : 2014-10-31 Saxo Bank A/S saxo // sbi : 2015-03-12 STATE BANK OF INDIA sbi // sbs : 2014-11-07 SPECIAL BROADCASTING SERVICE CORPORATION sbs // sca : 2014-03-13 SVENSKA CELLULOSA AKTIEBOLAGET SCA (publ) sca // scb : 2014-02-20 The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited ("SCB") scb // schaeffler : 2015-08-06 Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG schaeffler // schmidt : 2014-04-03 SCHMIDT GROUPE S.A.S. schmidt // scholarships : 2014-04-24, LLC scholarships // school : 2014-12-18 Binky Moon, LLC school // schule : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC schule // schwarz : 2014-09-18 Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG schwarz // science : 2014-09-11 dot Science Limited science // scjohnson : 2015-07-23 Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. scjohnson // scor : 2014-10-31 SCOR SE scor // scot : 2014-01-23 Dot Scot Registry Limited scot // search : 2016-06-09 Charleston Road Registry Inc. search // seat : 2014-05-22 SEAT, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal) seat // secure : 2015-08-27 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. secure // security : 2015-05-14 XYZ.COM LLC security // seek : 2014-12-04 Seek Limited seek // select : 2015-10-08 Registry Services, LLC select // sener : 2014-10-24 Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A. sener // services : 2014-02-27 Binky Moon, LLC services // ses : 2015-07-23 SES ses // seven : 2015-08-06 Seven West Media Ltd seven // sew : 2014-07-17 SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG sew // sex : 2014-11-13 ICM Registry SX LLC sex // sexy : 2013-09-11 Uniregistry, Corp. sexy // sfr : 2015-08-13 Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone - SFR sfr // shangrila : 2015-09-03 Shangri‐La International Hotel Management Limited shangrila // sharp : 2014-05-01 Sharp Corporation sharp // shaw : 2015-04-23 Shaw Cablesystems G.P. shaw // shell : 2015-07-30 Shell Information Technology International Inc shell // shia : 2014-09-04 Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. shia // shiksha : 2013-11-14 Afilias Limited shiksha // shoes : 2013-10-02 Binky Moon, LLC shoes // shop : 2016-04-08 GMO Registry, Inc. shop // shopping : 2016-03-31 Binky Moon, LLC shopping // shouji : 2015-01-08 QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. shouji // show : 2015-03-05 Binky Moon, LLC show // showtime : 2015-08-06 CBS Domains Inc. showtime // shriram : 2014-01-23 Shriram Capital Ltd. shriram // silk : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. silk // sina : 2015-03-12 Sina Corporation sina // singles : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC singles // site : 2015-01-15 DotSite Inc. site // ski : 2015-04-09 Afilias Limited ski // skin : 2015-01-15 L'Oréal skin // sky : 2014-06-19 Sky International AG sky // skype : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation skype // sling : 2015-07-30 DISH Technologies L.L.C. sling // smart : 2015-07-09 Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART) smart // smile : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. smile // sncf : 2015-02-19 Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais S N C F sncf // soccer : 2015-03-26 Binky Moon, LLC soccer // social : 2013-11-07 Dog Beach, LLC social // softbank : 2015-07-02 SoftBank Group Corp. softbank // software : 2014-03-20 Dog Beach, LLC software // sohu : 2013-12-19 Limited sohu // solar : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC solar // solutions : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC solutions // song : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. song // sony : 2015-01-08 Sony Corporation sony // soy : 2014-01-23 Charleston Road Registry Inc. soy // spa : 2019-09-19 Asia Spa and Wellness Promotion Council Limited spa // space : 2014-04-03 DotSpace Inc. space // sport : 2017-11-16 Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) sport // spot : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. spot // spreadbetting : 2014-12-11 Dotspreadbetting Registry Limited spreadbetting // srl : 2015-05-07 InterNetX, Corp srl // srt : 2015-07-30 FCA US LLC. srt // stada : 2014-11-13 STADA Arzneimittel AG stada // staples : 2015-07-30 Staples, Inc. staples // star : 2015-01-08 Star India Private Limited star // statebank : 2015-03-12 STATE BANK OF INDIA statebank // statefarm : 2015-07-30 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company statefarm // stc : 2014-10-09 Saudi Telecom Company stc // stcgroup : 2014-10-09 Saudi Telecom Company stcgroup // stockholm : 2014-12-18 Stockholms kommun stockholm // storage : 2014-12-22 XYZ.COM LLC storage // store : 2015-04-09 DotStore Inc. store // stream : 2016-01-08 dot Stream Limited stream // studio : 2015-02-11 Dog Beach, LLC studio // study : 2014-12-11 OPEN UNIVERSITIES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD study // style : 2014-12-04 Binky Moon, LLC style // sucks : 2014-12-22 Vox Populi Registry Ltd. sucks // supplies : 2013-12-19 Binky Moon, LLC supplies // supply : 2013-12-19 Binky Moon, LLC supply // support : 2013-10-24 Binky Moon, LLC support // surf : 2014-01-09 Minds + Machines Group Limited surf // surgery : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC surgery // suzuki : 2014-02-20 SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION suzuki // swatch : 2015-01-08 The Swatch Group Ltd swatch // swiftcover : 2015-07-23 Swiftcover Insurance Services Limited swiftcover // swiss : 2014-10-16 Swiss Confederation swiss // sydney : 2014-09-18 State of New South Wales, Department of Premier and Cabinet sydney // symantec : 2014-12-04 Symantec Corporation symantec // systems : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC systems // tab : 2014-12-04 Tabcorp Holdings Limited tab // taipei : 2014-07-10 Taipei City Government taipei // talk : 2015-04-09 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. talk // taobao : 2015-01-15 Alibaba Group Holding Limited taobao // target : 2015-07-31 Target Domain Holdings, LLC target // tatamotors : 2015-03-12 Tata Motors Ltd tatamotors // tatar : 2014-04-24 Limited Liability Company "Coordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republic" tatar // tattoo : 2013-08-30 Uniregistry, Corp. tattoo // tax : 2014-03-20 Binky Moon, LLC tax // taxi : 2015-03-19 Binky Moon, LLC taxi // tci : 2014-09-12 Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. tci // tdk : 2015-06-11 TDK Corporation tdk // team : 2015-03-05 Binky Moon, LLC team // tech : 2015-01-30 Personals TLD Inc. tech // technology : 2013-09-13 Binky Moon, LLC technology // telefonica : 2014-10-16 Telefónica S.A. telefonica // temasek : 2014-08-07 Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited temasek // tennis : 2014-12-04 Binky Moon, LLC tennis // teva : 2015-07-02 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited teva // thd : 2015-04-02 Home Depot Product Authority, LLC thd // theater : 2015-03-19 Binky Moon, LLC theater // theatre : 2015-05-07 XYZ.COM LLC theatre // tiaa : 2015-07-23 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America tiaa // tickets : 2015-02-05 Accent Media Limited tickets // tienda : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC tienda // tiffany : 2015-01-30 Tiffany and Company tiffany // tips : 2013-09-20 Binky Moon, LLC tips // tires : 2014-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC tires // tirol : 2014-04-24 punkt Tirol GmbH tirol // tjmaxx : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. tjmaxx // tjx : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. tjx // tkmaxx : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. tkmaxx // tmall : 2015-01-15 Alibaba Group Holding Limited tmall // today : 2013-09-20 Binky Moon, LLC today // tokyo : 2013-11-13 GMO Registry, Inc. tokyo // tools : 2013-11-21 Binky Moon, LLC tools // top : 2014-03-20 .TOP Registry top // toray : 2014-12-18 Toray Industries, Inc. toray // toshiba : 2014-04-10 TOSHIBA Corporation toshiba // total : 2015-08-06 Total SA total // tours : 2015-01-22 Binky Moon, LLC tours // town : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC town // toyota : 2015-04-23 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION toyota // toys : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC toys // trade : 2014-01-23 Elite Registry Limited trade // trading : 2014-12-11 Dottrading Registry Limited trading // training : 2013-11-07 Binky Moon, LLC training // travel : Dog Beach, LLC travel // travelchannel : 2015-07-02 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. travelchannel // travelers : 2015-03-26 Travelers TLD, LLC travelers // travelersinsurance : 2015-03-26 Travelers TLD, LLC travelersinsurance // trust : 2014-10-16 NCC Group Inc. trust // trv : 2015-03-26 Travelers TLD, LLC trv // tube : 2015-06-11 Latin American Telecom LLC tube // tui : 2014-07-03 TUI AG tui // tunes : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. tunes // tushu : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. tushu // tvs : 2015-02-19 T V SUNDRAM IYENGAR & SONS LIMITED tvs // ubank : 2015-08-20 National Australia Bank Limited ubank // ubs : 2014-12-11 UBS AG ubs // uconnect : 2015-07-30 FCA US LLC. uconnect // unicom : 2015-10-15 China United Network Communications Corporation Limited unicom // university : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC university // uno : 2013-09-11 DotSite Inc. uno // uol : 2014-05-01 UBN INTERNET LTDA. uol // ups : 2015-06-25 UPS Market Driver, Inc. ups // vacations : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC vacations // vana : 2014-12-11 Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. vana // vanguard : 2015-09-03 The Vanguard Group, Inc. vanguard // vegas : 2014-01-16 Dot Vegas, Inc. vegas // ventures : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC ventures // verisign : 2015-08-13 VeriSign, Inc. verisign // versicherung : 2014-03-20 tldbox GmbH versicherung // vet : 2014-03-06 Dog Beach, LLC vet // viajes : 2013-10-17 Binky Moon, LLC viajes // video : 2014-10-16 Dog Beach, LLC video // vig : 2015-05-14 VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe vig // viking : 2015-04-02 Viking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd. viking // villas : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC villas // vin : 2015-06-18 Binky Moon, LLC vin // vip : 2015-01-22 Minds + Machines Group Limited vip // virgin : 2014-09-25 Virgin Enterprises Limited virgin // visa : 2015-07-30 Visa Worldwide Pte. Limited visa // vision : 2013-12-05 Binky Moon, LLC vision // vistaprint : 2014-09-18 Vistaprint Limited vistaprint // viva : 2014-11-07 Saudi Telecom Company viva // vivo : 2015-07-31 Telefonica Brasil S.A. vivo // vlaanderen : 2014-02-06 vzw vlaanderen // vodka : 2013-12-19 Minds + Machines Group Limited vodka // volkswagen : 2015-05-14 Volkswagen Group of America Inc. volkswagen // volvo : 2015-11-12 Volvo Holding Sverige Aktiebolag volvo // vote : 2013-11-21 Monolith Registry LLC vote // voting : 2013-11-13 Valuetainment Corp. voting // voto : 2013-11-21 Monolith Registry LLC voto // voyage : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC voyage // vuelos : 2015-03-05 Travel Reservations SRL vuelos // wales : 2014-05-08 Nominet UK wales // walmart : 2015-07-31 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. walmart // walter : 2014-11-13 Sandvik AB walter // wang : 2013-10-24 Zodiac Wang Limited wang // wanggou : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. wanggou // warman : 2015-06-18 Weir Group IP Limited warman // watch : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC watch // watches : 2014-12-22 Richemont DNS Inc. watches // weather : 2015-01-08 International Business Machines Corporation weather // weatherchannel : 2015-03-12 International Business Machines Corporation weatherchannel // webcam : 2014-01-23 dot Webcam Limited webcam // weber : 2015-06-04 Saint-Gobain Weber SA weber // website : 2014-04-03 DotWebsite Inc. website // wed : 2013-10-01 Atgron, Inc. wed // wedding : 2014-04-24 Minds + Machines Group Limited wedding // weibo : 2015-03-05 Sina Corporation weibo // weir : 2015-01-29 Weir Group IP Limited weir // whoswho : 2014-02-20 Who's Who Registry whoswho // wien : 2013-10-28 GmbH wien // wiki : 2013-11-07 Top Level Design, LLC wiki // williamhill : 2014-03-13 William Hill Organization Limited williamhill // win : 2014-11-20 First Registry Limited win // windows : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation windows // wine : 2015-06-18 Binky Moon, LLC wine // winners : 2015-07-16 The TJX Companies, Inc. winners // wme : 2014-02-13 William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC wme // wolterskluwer : 2015-08-06 Wolters Kluwer N.V. wolterskluwer // woodside : 2015-07-09 Woodside Petroleum Limited woodside // work : 2013-12-19 Minds + Machines Group Limited work // works : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC works // world : 2014-06-12 Binky Moon, LLC world // wow : 2015-10-08 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. wow // wtc : 2013-12-19 World Trade Centers Association, Inc. wtc // wtf : 2014-03-06 Binky Moon, LLC wtf // xbox : 2014-12-18 Microsoft Corporation xbox // xerox : 2014-10-24 Xerox DNHC LLC xerox // xfinity : 2015-07-09 Comcast IP Holdings I, LLC xfinity // xihuan : 2015-01-08 QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. xihuan // xin : 2014-12-11 Elegant Leader Limited xin // xn--11b4c3d : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl कॉम // xn--1ck2e1b : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. セール // xn--1qqw23a : 2014-01-09 Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. 佛山 // xn--30rr7y : 2014-06-12 Excellent First Limited 慈善 // xn--3bst00m : 2013-09-13 Eagle Horizon Limited 集团 // xn--3ds443g : 2013-09-08 TLD REGISTRY LIMITED OY 在线 // xn--3oq18vl8pn36a : 2015-07-02 Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd. 大众汽车 // xn--3pxu8k : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl 点看 // xn--42c2d9a : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl คอม // xn--45q11c : 2013-11-21 Zodiac Gemini Ltd 八卦 // xn--4gbrim : 2013-10-04 Suhub Electronic Establishment موقع // xn--55qw42g : 2013-11-08 China Organizational Name Administration Center 公益 // xn--55qx5d : 2013-11-14 China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) 公司 // xn--5su34j936bgsg : 2015-09-03 Shangri‐La International Hotel Management Limited 香格里拉 // xn--5tzm5g : 2014-12-22 Global Website TLD Asia Limited 网站 // xn--6frz82g : 2013-09-23 Afilias Limited 移动 // xn--6qq986b3xl : 2013-09-13 Tycoon Treasure Limited 我爱你 // xn--80adxhks : 2013-12-19 Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID) москва // xn--80aqecdr1a : 2015-10-21 Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) католик // xn--80asehdb : 2013-07-14 CORE Association онлайн // xn--80aswg : 2013-07-14 CORE Association сайт // xn--8y0a063a : 2015-03-26 China United Network Communications Corporation Limited 联通 // xn--9dbq2a : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl קום // xn--9et52u : 2014-06-12 RISE VICTORY LIMITED 时尚 // xn--9krt00a : 2015-03-12 Sina Corporation 微博 // xn--b4w605ferd : 2014-08-07 Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited 淡马锡 // xn--bck1b9a5dre4c : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. ファッション // xn--c1avg : 2013-11-14 Public Interest Registry орг // xn--c2br7g : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl नेट // xn--cck2b3b : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. ストア // xn--cg4bki : 2013-09-27 SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD 삼성 // xn--czr694b : 2014-01-16 Internet DotTrademark Organisation Limited 商标 // xn--czrs0t : 2013-12-19 Binky Moon, LLC 商店 // xn--czru2d : 2013-11-21 Zodiac Aquarius Limited 商城 // xn--d1acj3b : 2013-11-20 The Foundation for Network Initiatives “The Smart Internet” дети // xn--eckvdtc9d : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. ポイント // xn--efvy88h : 2014-08-22 Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. 新闻 // xn--estv75g : 2015-02-19 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited 工行 // xn--fct429k : 2015-04-09 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. 家電 // xn--fhbei : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl كوم // xn--fiq228c5hs : 2013-09-08 TLD REGISTRY LIMITED OY 中文网 // xn--fiq64b : 2013-10-14 CITIC Group Corporation 中信 // xn--fjq720a : 2014-05-22 Binky Moon, LLC 娱乐 // xn--flw351e : 2014-07-31 Charleston Road Registry Inc. 谷歌 // xn--fzys8d69uvgm : 2015-05-14 PCCW Enterprises Limited 電訊盈科 // xn--g2xx48c : 2015-01-30 Minds + Machines Group Limited 购物 // xn--gckr3f0f : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. クラウド // xn--gk3at1e : 2015-10-08 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. 通販 // xn--hxt814e : 2014-05-15 Zodiac Taurus Limited 网店 // xn--i1b6b1a6a2e : 2013-11-14 Public Interest Registry संगठन // xn--imr513n : 2014-12-11 Internet DotTrademark Organisation Limited 餐厅 // xn--io0a7i : 2013-11-14 China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) 网络 // xn--j1aef : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl ком // xn--jlq61u9w7b : 2015-01-08 Nokia Corporation 诺基亚 // xn--jvr189m : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. 食品 // xn--kcrx77d1x4a : 2014-11-07 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 飞利浦 // xn--kpu716f : 2014-12-22 Richemont DNS Inc. 手表 // xn--kput3i : 2014-02-13 Beijing RITT-Net Technology Development Co., Ltd 手机 // xn--mgba3a3ejt : 2014-11-20 Aramco Services Company ارامكو // xn--mgba7c0bbn0a : 2015-05-14 Crescent Holding GmbH العليان // xn--mgbaakc7dvf : 2015-09-03 Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat) اتصالات // xn--mgbab2bd : 2013-10-31 CORE Association بازار // xn--mgbca7dzdo : 2015-07-30 Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre ابوظبي // xn--mgbi4ecexp : 2015-10-21 Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) كاثوليك // xn--mgbt3dhd : 2014-09-04 Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. همراه // xn--mk1bu44c : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl 닷컴 // xn--mxtq1m : 2014-03-06 Net-Chinese Co., Ltd. 政府 // xn--ngbc5azd : 2013-07-13 International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd. شبكة // xn--ngbe9e0a : 2014-12-04 Kuwait Finance House بيتك // xn--ngbrx : 2015-11-12 League of Arab States عرب // xn--nqv7f : 2013-11-14 Public Interest Registry 机构 // xn--nqv7fs00ema : 2013-11-14 Public Interest Registry 组织机构 // xn--nyqy26a : 2014-11-07 Stable Tone Limited 健康 // xn--otu796d : 2017-08-06 Internet DotTrademark Organisation Limited 招聘 // xn--p1acf : 2013-12-12 Rusnames Limited рус // xn--pbt977c : 2014-12-22 Richemont DNS Inc. 珠宝 // xn--pssy2u : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl 大拿 // xn--q9jyb4c : 2013-09-17 Charleston Road Registry Inc. みんな // xn--qcka1pmc : 2014-07-31 Charleston Road Registry Inc. グーグル // xn--rhqv96g : 2013-09-11 Stable Tone Limited 世界 // xn--rovu88b : 2015-02-26 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. 書籍 // xn--ses554g : 2014-01-16 KNET Co., Ltd. 网址 // xn--t60b56a : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl 닷넷 // xn--tckwe : 2015-01-15 VeriSign Sarl コム // xn--tiq49xqyj : 2015-10-21 Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) 天主教 // xn--unup4y : 2013-07-14 Binky Moon, LLC 游戏 // xn--vermgensberater-ctb : 2014-06-23 Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG vermögensberater // xn--vermgensberatung-pwb : 2014-06-23 Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG vermögensberatung // xn--vhquv : 2013-08-27 Binky Moon, LLC 企业 // xn--vuq861b : 2014-10-16 Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd. 信息 // xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra : 2015-04-30 Kerry Trading Co. Limited 嘉里大酒店 // xn--w4rs40l : 2015-07-30 Kerry Trading Co. Limited 嘉里 // xn--xhq521b : 2013-11-14 Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. 广东 // xn--zfr164b : 2013-11-08 China Organizational Name Administration Center 政务 // xyz : 2013-12-05 XYZ.COM LLC xyz // yachts : 2014-01-09 DERYachts, LLC yachts // yahoo : 2015-04-02 Yahoo! Domain Services Inc. yahoo // yamaxun : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. yamaxun // yandex : 2014-04-10 YANDEX, LLC yandex // yodobashi : 2014-11-20 YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD. yodobashi // yoga : 2014-05-29 Minds + Machines Group Limited yoga // yokohama : 2013-12-12 GMO Registry, Inc. yokohama // you : 2015-04-09 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. you // youtube : 2014-05-01 Charleston Road Registry Inc. youtube // yun : 2015-01-08 QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. yun // zappos : 2015-06-25 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. zappos // zara : 2014-11-07 Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.) zara // zero : 2014-12-18 Amazon Registry Services, Inc. zero // zip : 2014-05-08 Charleston Road Registry Inc. zip // zone : 2013-11-14 Binky Moon, LLC zone // zuerich : 2014-11-07 Kanton Zürich (Canton of Zurich) zuerich // ===END ICANN DOMAINS=== // ===BEGIN PRIVATE DOMAINS=== // (Note: these are in alphabetical order by company name) // 1GB LLC : // Submitted by 1GB LLC // Agnat sp. z o.o. : // Submitted by Przemyslaw Plewa // : // Submitted by Anton Avramov // Alces Software Ltd : // Submitted by Mark J. Titorenko * * // Altervista: // Submitted by Carlo Cannas // alwaysdata : // Submitted by Cyril // Amazon CloudFront : // Submitted by Donavan Miller // Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud : // Submitted by Luke Wells * * * // Amazon Elastic Beanstalk : // Submitted by Luke Wells // Amazon Elastic Load Balancing : // Submitted by Luke Wells * * // Amazon S3 : // Submitted by Luke Wells // Amune : // Submitted by Team Amune // Apigee : // Submitted by Apigee Security Team // Aptible : // Submitted by Thomas Orozco // ASEINet : // Submitted by Asei SEKIGUCHI // Asociación Amigos de la Informática "Euskalamiga" : // Submitted by Hector Martin // Association : // Submitted by Lunar // ASUSTOR Inc. : // Submitted by Vincent Tseng // Automattic Inc. : // Submitted by Alex Concha // AVM : // Submitted by Andreas Weise // AW Software Inc : // Submitted by James Kennedy * * // b-data GmbH : // Submitted by Olivier Benz // backplane : // Submitted by Anthony Voutas // Balena : // Submitted by Petros Angelatos // Banzai Cloud // Submitted by Gabor Kozma // BetaInABox // Submitted by Adrian // BinaryLane : // Submitted by Nathan O'Sullivan // Blackbaud, Inc. : // Submitted by Paul Crowder // Boomla : // Submitted by Tibor Halter // Boxfuse : // Submitted by Axel Fontaine // bplaced : // Submitted by Miroslav Bozic // BrowserSafetyMark // Submitted by Dave Tharp // Bytemark Hosting : // Submitted by Paul Cammish // callidomus : // Submitted by Marcus Popp // Carrd : // Submitted by AJ // CentralNic : // Submitted by registry // Web Solutions Ltd : // Submitted by Gavin Brown // iDOT Services Limited : // Submitted by Gavin Brown // Radix FZC : // Submitted by Gavin Brown // US REGISTRY LLC : // Submitted by Gavin Brown // Registry, LLC : // Submitted by Gavin Brown // : // : // Submitted by B. Blechschmidt // Citrix : // Submitted by Alex Stoddard // Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc. : // Submitted by Rishabh Nambiar // ClearVox : // Submitted by Leon Rowland // Clever Cloud : // Submitted by Quentin Adam // Clerk : // Submitted by Colin Sidoti * * // Cloud66 : // Submitted by Khash Sajadi // : // Submitted by Pawel Panek // cloudControl : // Submitted by Tobias Wilken // Cloudera, Inc. : // Submitted by Philip Langdale // Cloudflare, Inc. : // Submitted by Jake Riesterer // Clovyr : // Submitted by Patrick Nielsen // : // Co & Co : // Submitted by Govert Versluis * // i-registry s.r.o. : // Submitted by Martin Semrad // : // Submitted by Jan Krpes // Cloud DNS Ltd : // Submitted by Aleksander Hristov // Cloudeity Inc : // Submitted by Stefan Dimitrov // CNPY : // Submitted by Angelo Gladding // CoDNS B.V. // : // Submitted by Thomas Wouters // COSIMO GmbH : // Submitted by Rene Marticke // Craynic, s.r.o. : // Submitted by Ales Krajnik // Cryptonomic : // Submitted by Andrew Cady * // Cupcake : // Submitted by Jonathan Rudenberg // cyon GmbH : // Submitted by Dominic Luechinger // Daplie, Inc : // Submitted by AJ ONeal // Datto, Inc. : // Submitted by Philipp Heckel // : // Submitted by Anani Voule // : // Submitted by Daniil Burdakov * * // Debian : // Submitted by Peter Palfrader / Debian Sysadmin Team // deSEC : // Submitted by Peter Thomassen // DNShome : // Submitted by Norbert Auler // DotArai : // Submitted by Atsadawat Netcharadsang // DrayTek Corp. : // Submitted by Paul Fang // DreamHost : // Submitted by Andrew Farmer // Drobo : // Submitted by Ricardo Padilha // Drud Holdings, LLC. : // Submitted by Kevin Bridges // DuckDNS : // Submitted by Richard Harper // : // Submitted by Heikki Hannikainen // : // : // Submitted by Robert Niedziela // Definima : // Submitted by Maxence Bitterli // : // Submitted by Chris Partridge // : // Submitted by Sue Ye // dynv6 : // Submitted by Dominik Menke // E4YOU spol. s.r.o. : // Submitted by Vladimir Dudr // Enalean SAS: // Submitted by Thomas Cottier // ECG Robotics, Inc: // Submitted by // Enonic : // Submitted by Erik Kaareng-Sunde // // Submitted by Pierre Beyssac // Evennode : // Submitted by Michal Kralik // eDirect Corp. : // Submitted by C.S. chang // Facebook, Inc. // Submitted by Peter Ruibal // FAITID : // Submitted by Maxim Alzoba // // Fancy Bits, LLC : // Submitted by Aman Gupta // Fastly Inc. : // Submitted by Fastly Security // FASTVPS EESTI OU : // Submitted by Likhachev Vasiliy // Featherhead : // Submitted by Simon Menke // Fedora : // submitted by Patrick Uiterwijk // Fermax : // submitted by Koen Van Isterdael // Filegear Inc. : // Submitted by Jason Zhu // Firebase, Inc. // Submitted by Chris Raynor // Flynn : // Submitted by Jonathan Rudenberg // Freebox : // Submitted by Romain Fliedel // : // Submitted by Daniel Stone // Futureweb OG : // Submitted by Andreas Schnederle-Wagner * * * * * * // GDS : // Submitted by David Illsley // Gehirn Inc. : // Submitted by Kohei YOSHIDA // Gentlent, Limited : // Submitted by Tom Klein // GitHub, Inc. // Submitted by Patrick Toomey // GitLab, Inc. // Submitted by Alex Hanselka // Glitch, Inc : // Submitted by Mads Hartmann // GMO Pepabo, Inc. : // Submitted by dojineko // GOV.UK Platform as a Service : // Submitted by Tom Whitwell // UKHomeOffice : // Submitted by Jon Shanks // GlobeHosting, Inc. // Submitted by Zoltan Egresi // GoIP DNS Services : // Submitted by Christian Poulter // Google, Inc. // Submitted by Eduardo Vela * // Hakaran group: // Submited by Arseniy Sokolov // Handshake : // Submitted by Mike Damm // Hashbang : // Hasura : // Submitted by Shahidh K Muhammed // Hepforge : // Submitted by David Grellscheid // Heroku : // Submitted by Tom Maher // Hibernating Rhinos // Submitted by Oren Eini // HOSTBIP REGISTRY : // Submitted by Atanunu Igbunuroghene // Hä // Submitted by Eero Häkkinen hä // Ici la Lune : // Submitted by Simon Morvan * // // Submitted by Hannu Aronsson // Individual Network Berlin e.V. : // Submitted by Christian Seitz // : // : // Submitted by Jacob Slater // Interlegis : // Submitted by Gabriel Ferreira // intermetrics GmbH : // Submitted by Wolfgang Schwarz // IPiFony Systems, Inc. : // Submitted by Matthew Hardeman // IServ GmbH : // Submitted by Kim-Alexander Brodowski // I-O DATA DEVICE, INC. : // Submitted by Yuji Minagawa // Jino : // Submitted by Sergey Ulyashin * * * * // Joyent : // Submitted by Brian Bennett * * // JS.ORG : // Submitted by Stefan Keim // KaasHosting : // Submitted by Wouter Bakker // Keyweb AG : // Submitted by Martin Dannehl // KingHost : // Submitted by Felipe Keller Braz // KnightPoint Systems, LLC : // Submitted by Roy Keene // .KRD : // LCube - Professional hosting e.K. : // Submitted by Lars Laehn // Leadpages : // Submitted by Greg Dallavalle // : // Submitted by Lelux Admin // Lifetime Hosting : https://Lifetime.Hosting/ // Submitted by Mike Fillator // Lightmaker Property Manager, Inc. : // Submitted by Greg Holland // Linki Tools UG : // Submitted by Paulo Matos // linkyard ldt: // Submitted by Mario Siegenthaler // Linode : // Submitted by // LiquidNet Ltd : // Submitted by Victor Velchev // Log'in Line : // Submitted by Rémi Mach // LubMAN UMCS Sp. z o.o : // Submitted by Ireneusz Maliszewski // : // Submitted by Jon Spriggs // Lukanet Ltd : // Submitted by Anton Avramov // Magento Commerce // Submitted by Damien Tournoud * // May First - People Link : // Submitted by Jamie McClelland // Mail.Ru Group : // Submitted by Ilya Zaretskiy // Memset hosting : // Submitted by Tom Whitwell // MetaCentrum, CESNET z.s.p.o. : // Submitted by Zdeněk Šustr // MetaCentrum, CESNET z.s.p.o. : // Submitted by Radim Janča // Meteor Development Group : // Submitted by Pierre Carrier // Michau Enterprises Limited : // Microsoft Corporation : // Submitted by Justin Luk // Mozilla Corporation : // Submitted by Ben Francis // Mozilla Foundation : // Submitted by glob // MSK-IX : // Submitted by Khannanov Roman // Nabu Casa : // Submitted by Paulus Schoutsen // Names.of.London : // Submitted by James Stevens or // NCTU.ME : // Submitted by Tocknicsu // Netlify : // Submitted by Jessica Parsons // Neustar Inc. // Submitted by Trung Tran // ngrok : // Submitted by Alan Shreve // Nimbus Hosting Ltd. : // Submitted by Nicholas Ford // NFSN, Inc. : https://www.NearlyFreeSpeech.NET/ // Submitted by Jeff Wheelhouse // Now-DNS : // Submitted by Steve Russell // : // Submitted by Thomas Waldmann // : // Submitted by Deven Reza // NodeArt : // Submitted by Konstantin Nosov // Nodum B.V. : // Submitted by Wietse Wind // Nucleos Inc. : // Submitted by Piotr Zduniak // : // Submitted by Matthew Brown // NymNom : // Submitted by Dave McCormack // Octopodal Solutions, LLC. : // Submitted by Andrew Sampson // Omnibond Systems, LLC. : // Submitted by Cole Estep // One Fold Media : // Submitted by Eddie Jones // OpenCraft GmbH : // Submitted by Sven Marnach // Opera Software, A.S.A. // Submitted by Yngve Pettersen // OutSystems // Submitted by Duarte Santos // OwnProvider GmbH: // Submitted by Jan Moennich // OX : // Submitted by Adam Grand // // Submitted by Charly Coste // Pagefog : // Submitted by Derek Myers // Pagefront : // Submitted by Jason Kriss // .pl domains (grandfathered) // Pantheon Systems, Inc. : // Submitted by Gary Dylina // Peplink | Pepwave : // Submitted by Steve Leung // Planet-Work : // Submitted by Frédéric VANNIÈRE // : // Submitted by Nikola Kotur * * // Port53 : // Submitted by Maximilian Schieder // Positive Codes Technology Company : // Submitted by Zulfais // : // Submitted by Sarah Newman // : // Submitted by registry // : // Submitted by Jonah Aragon // Protocol Labs : // Submitted by Michael Burns * // Protonet GmbH : // Submitted by Martin Meier // Publication Presse Communication SARL : // Submitted by Yaacov Akiba Slama // // Submitted by Kor Nielsen // Qualifio : // Submitted by Xavier De Cock // Redstar Consultants : // Submitted by Jons Slemmer // Russian Academy of Sciences // Submitted by Tech Support // QA2 // Submitted by Daniel Dent ( // QNAP System Inc : // Submitted by Nick Chang // Quip : // Submitted by Patrick Linehan * // Qutheory LLC : // Submitted by Jonas Schwartz // Rackmaze LLC : // Submitted by Kirill Pertsev // Rancher Labs, Inc : // Submitted by Vincent Fiduccia * * // Read The Docs, Inc : // Submitted by David Fischer // Red Hat, Inc. OpenShift : // Submitted by Tim Kramer // Render : // Submitted by Anurag Goel // : // Submitted by Mason Clayton // : // Submitted by Tim Perry // RethinkDB : // Submitted by Chris Kastorff // Revitalised Limited : // Submitted by Jack Price // Rochester Institute of Technology : // Submitted by Jennifer Herting // Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. : // Submitted by Asheesh Laroia // SBE network solutions GmbH : // Submitted by Norman Meilick // GbR : // Submitted by Hanno Böck // Scry Security : // Submitted by Shante Adam // Securepoint GmbH : // Submitted by Erik Anders // Service Online LLC : // Submitted by Serhii Bulakh // ShiftEdit : // Submitted by Adam Jimenez // Shopblocks : // Submitted by Alex Bowers // Shopit : // Submitted by Craig McMahon // Siemens Mobility GmbH // Submitted by Oliver Graebner // SinaAppEngine : // Submitted by SinaAppEngine // Siteleaf : // Submitted by Skylar Challand // Skyhat : // Submitted by Shante Adam // Stackhero : // Submitted by Adrien Gillon // staticland : // Submitted by Seth Vincent // SourceLair PC : // Submitted by Antonis Kalipetis * // SpaceKit : // Submitted by Reza Akhavan // SpeedPartner GmbH: // Submitted by Stefan Neufeind // Standard Library : // Submitted by Jacob Lee // Storj Labs Inc. : // Submitted by Philip Hutchins // Studenten Net Twente : // Submitted by Silke Hofstra // Student-Run Computing Facility : // Submitted by Edwin Balani // Sub 6 Limited: // Submitted by Dan Miller // Swisscom Application Cloud: // Submitted by Matthias.Winzeler // Symfony, SAS : // Submitted by Fabien Potencier * * // Syncloud : // Submitted by Boris Rybalkin // Synology, Inc. : // Submitted by Rony Weng // TAIFUN Software AG : // Submitted by Bjoern Henke // TASK geographical domains ( // Teckids e.V. : // Submitted by Dominik George // Telebit : // Submitted by AJ ONeal * // The Gwiddle Foundation : // Submitted by Joshua Bayfield // Thingdust AG : // Submitted by Adrian Imboden // : // Submitted by Mark Staarink // : // Submitted by Dustin Ward // TrafficPlex GmbH : // Submitted by Phillipp Röll // TransIP : // Submitted by Rory Breuk * * * // TuxFamily : // Submitted by TuxFamily administrators // TwoDNS : // Submitted by TwoDNS-Support // Uberspace : // Submitted by Moritz Werner * // UDR Limited : // Submitted by registry // United Gameserver GmbH : // Submitted by Stefan Schwarz // .US // Submitted by Ed Moore // VeryPositive SIA : // Submitted by Danko Aleksejevs // Viprinet Europe GmbH : // Submitted by Simon Kissel // Virtual-Info : // Submitted by Adnan RIHAN // // Submitted by Nathan van Bakel // Waffle Computer Inc., Ltd. : // Submitted by Masayuki Note // WebHare bv: // Submitted by Arnold Hendriks * // WeDeploy by Liferay, Inc. : // Submitted by Henrique Vicente // Western Digital Technologies, Inc : // Submitted by Jung Jin // Wikimedia Labs : // Submitted by Yuvi Panda // XenonCloud GbR: // Submitted by Julian Uphoff // XnBay Technology : // Submitted by XnBay Developer // XS4ALL Internet bv : // Submitted by Daniel Mostertman // Yandex.Cloud LLC: // Submitted by Alexander Lodin // YesCourse Pty Ltd : // Submitted by Atul Bhouraskar // Yola : // Submitted by Stefano Rivera // Yombo : // Submitted by Mitch Schwenk // Yunohost : // Submitted by Valentin Grimaud // ZaNiC : // Submitted by registry // Zeit, Inc. : // Submitted by Olli Vanhoja // Zine EOOD : // Submitted by Martin Angelov // Zitcom A/S : // Submitted by Emil Stahl // ===END PRIVATE DOMAINS===jar = $this->createJar(); } /** * @dataProvider provideCookieDomainMatchData * * @param ResponseCookie $cookie * @param string $domain * @param bool $returned * * @return \Generator */ public function testCookieDomainMatching(ResponseCookie $cookie, string $domain, bool $returned) : \Generator { $this->jar->store($cookie); $requestCookies = (yield $this->jar->get($this->getUri('https', $domain, '/'))); if ($returned) { $requestCookie = new RequestCookie($cookie->getName(), $cookie->getValue()); $this->assertSame((string) $requestCookie, \implode('; ', $requestCookies)); } else { $this->assertSame([], $requestCookies); } } public function provideCookieDomainMatchData() : array { // See for cases return [ [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], /* previous security issue */ [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], ]; } protected abstract function createJar() : CookieJar; }createMock(PsrUri::class); $uri->method('getScheme')->willReturn(\strtolower($scheme)); $uri->method('getHost')->willReturn(\strtolower($host)); $uri->method('getPath')->willReturn($path); return $uri; } }assertSame($expectation, PublicSuffixList::isPublicSuffix($domain)); } public function provideTestData() : array { $lines = \file(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/public_suffix_list_tests.txt', \FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | \FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); $lines = \array_filter($lines, static function ($line) { return \substr($line, 0, 2) !== '//'; }); return \array_map(static function ($line) { $parts = \explode(' ', $line); return [$parts[0], (bool) $parts[1]]; }, $lines); } }jar = new InMemoryCookieJar(); $socket = Socket\Server::listen(''); $socket->unreference(); $this->address = $socket->getAddress(); $this->server = new Server([$socket], new CallableRequestHandler(function () { return new ServerResponse(Status::OK, ['set-cookie' => $this->cookieHeader], ''); }), new NullLogger(), (new Options())->withHttp1Timeout(1)->withHttp2Timeout(1)); wait($this->server->start()); $this->client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new StaticConnector($this->address, connector())))->interceptNetwork(new CookieInterceptor($this->jar))->build(); } /** * @dataProvider provideCookieDomainMatchData * * @param ResponseCookie $cookie * @param string $requestDomain * @param bool $accept * * @return \Generator */ public function testCookieAccepting(ResponseCookie $cookie, string $requestDomain, bool $accept) : \Generator { $this->cookieHeader = (string) $cookie; /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request(new Request('http://' . $requestDomain . '/'))); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $cookies = $this->jar->getAll(); if ($accept) { $this->assertCount(1, $cookies); } else { $this->assertSame([], $cookies); } wait($this->server->stop()); } public function provideCookieDomainMatchData() : array { return [[new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('com')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('.com')), '', false], [new ResponseCookie('foo', 'bar', CookieAttributes::empty()->withDomain('')), '', true]]; } }{ "name": "amphp/dns", "homepage": "", "description": "Async DNS resolution for Amp.", "keywords": [ "dns", "resolve", "client", "async", "amp", "amphp" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Chris Wright", "email": "" }, { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "ext-json": "*", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.1", "amphp/cache": "^1.2", "amphp/parser": "^1", "amphp/windows-registry": "^0.3", "daverandom/libdns": "^2.0.1", "ext-filter": "*" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Dns\\": "lib" }, "files": [ "lib/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Dns\\Test\\": "test" } }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" } } validateNameserver($nameserver); } if ($timeout < 0) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid timeout ({$timeout}), must be 0 or greater"); } if ($attempts < 1) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid attempt count ({$attempts}), must be 1 or greater"); } // Windows does not include localhost in its host file. Fetch it from the system instead if (!isset($knownHosts[Record::A]["localhost"]) && !isset($knownHosts[Record::AAAA]["localhost"])) { // PHP currently provides no way to **resolve** IPv6 hostnames (not even with fallback) $local = \gethostbyname("localhost"); if ($local !== "localhost") { $knownHosts[Record::A]["localhost"] = $local; } else { $knownHosts[Record::AAAA]["localhost"] = '::1'; } } $this->nameservers = $nameservers; $this->knownHosts = $knownHosts; $this->timeout = $timeout; $this->attempts = $attempts; } public function withSearchList(array $searchList) : self { $self = clone $this; $self->searchList = $searchList; return $self; } /** * @throws ConfigException */ public function withNdots(int $ndots) : self { if ($ndots < 0) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid ndots ({$ndots}), must be greater or equal to 0"); } if ($ndots > 15) { $ndots = 15; } $self = clone $this; $self->ndots = $ndots; return $self; } public function withRotationEnabled(bool $enabled = true) : self { $self = clone $this; $self->rotation = $enabled; return $self; } private function validateNameserver($nameserver) { if (!$nameserver || !\is_string($nameserver)) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid nameserver: {$nameserver}"); } if ($nameserver[0] === "[") { // IPv6 $addr = \strstr(\substr($nameserver, 1), "]", true); $port = \substr($nameserver, \strrpos($nameserver, "]") + 1); if ($port !== "" && !\preg_match("(^:(\\d+)\$)", $port, $match)) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid nameserver: {$nameserver}"); } $port = $port === "" ? 53 : \substr($port, 1); } else { // IPv4 $arr = \explode(":", $nameserver, 2); if (\count($arr) === 2) { list($addr, $port) = $arr; } else { $addr = $arr[0]; $port = 53; } } $addr = \trim($addr, "[]"); $port = (int) $port; if (!($inAddr = @\inet_pton($addr))) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid server IP: {$addr}"); } if ($port < 1 || $port > 65535) { throw new ConfigException("Invalid server port: {$port}"); } } public function getNameservers() : array { return $this->nameservers; } public function getKnownHosts() : array { return $this->knownHosts; } public function getTimeout() : int { return $this->timeout; } public function getAttempts() : int { return $this->attempts; } public function getSearchList() : array { return $this->searchList; } public function getNdots() : int { return $this->ndots; } public function isRotationEnabled() : bool { return $this->rotation; } }hostLoader = $hostLoader ?? new HostLoader(); } public function loadConfig() : Promise { return call(function () { $keys = ["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\NameServer", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\DhcpNameServer"]; $reader = new WindowsRegistry(); $nameserver = ""; while ($nameserver === "" && ($key = \array_shift($keys))) { try { $nameserver = (yield $reader->read($key)); } catch (KeyNotFoundException $e) { // retry other possible locations } } if ($nameserver === "") { $interfaces = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces"; $subKeys = (yield $reader->listKeys($interfaces)); foreach ($subKeys as $key) { foreach (["NameServer", "DhcpNameServer"] as $property) { try { $nameserver = (yield $reader->read("{$key}\\{$property}")); if ($nameserver !== "") { break 2; } } catch (KeyNotFoundException $e) { // retry other possible locations } } } } if ($nameserver === "") { throw new ConfigException("Could not find a nameserver in the Windows Registry"); } $nameservers = []; // Microsoft documents space as delimiter, AppVeyor uses comma, we just accept both foreach (\explode(" ", \strtr($nameserver, ",", " ")) as $nameserver) { $nameserver = \trim($nameserver); $ip = @\inet_pton($nameserver); if ($ip === false) { continue; } if (isset($ip[15])) { // IPv6 $nameservers[] = "[" . $nameserver . "]:53"; } else { // IPv4 $nameservers[] = $nameserver . ":53"; } } $hosts = (yield $this->hostLoader->loadHosts()); return new Config($nameservers, $hosts); }); } }path = $path ?? $this->getDefaultPath(); } private function getDefaultPath() : string { return \stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts' : '/etc/hosts'; } protected function readFile(string $path) : Promise { \set_error_handler(function (int $errno, string $message) use($path) { throw new ConfigException("Could not read configuration file '{$path}' ({$errno}) {$message}"); }); try { // Blocking file access, but this file should be local and usually loaded only once. $fileContent = \file_get_contents($path); } catch (ConfigException $exception) { return new Failure($exception); } finally { \restore_error_handler(); } return new Success($fileContent); } public function loadHosts() : Promise { return call(function () { try { $contents = (yield $this->readFile($this->path)); } catch (ConfigException $exception) { return []; } $data = []; $lines = \array_filter(\array_map("trim", \explode("\n", $contents))); foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line[0] === "#") { // Skip comments continue; } $parts = \preg_split('/\\s+/', $line); if (!($ip = @\inet_pton($parts[0]))) { continue; } elseif (isset($ip[4])) { $key = Record::AAAA; } else { $key = Record::A; } for ($i = 1, $l = \count($parts); $i < $l; $i++) { try { $normalizedName = normalizeName($parts[$i]); $data[$key][$normalizedName] = $parts[0]; } catch (InvalidNameException $e) { // ignore invalid entries } } } return $data; }); } }value = $value; $this->type = $type; $this->ttl = $ttl; } public function getValue() : string { return $this->value; } public function getType() : int { return $this->type; } public function getTtl() { return $this->ttl; } /** * Converts an record type integer back into its name as defined in this class. * * Returns "unknown ()" in case a name for this record is not known. * * @param int $type Record type as integer. * * @return string Name of the constant for this record in this class. */ public static function getName(int $type) : string { static $types; if (0 > $type || 0xffff < $type) { $message = \sprintf('%d does not correspond to a valid record type (must be between 0 and 65535).', $type); throw new \Error($message); } if ($types === null) { $types = \array_flip((new \ReflectionClass(self::class))->getConstants()); } return $types[$type] ?? "unknown ({$type})"; } }, Chris Wright */ class NativeDecoder { /** * @var \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory */ private $packetFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory */ private $messageFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory */ private $questionFactory; /** * @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder */ private $typeBuilder; /** * @var \LibDNS\Decoder\DecoderFactory */ private $decoderFactory; /** * Map class names to IDs. * * @var array */ private $classMap = []; /** * Constructor. * * @param \LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory $packetFactory * @param \LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory $messageFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory $questionFactory * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder $typeBuilder * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContextFactory $encodingContextFactory * @param \LibDNS\Decoder\DecoderFactory $decoderFactory * @param bool $allowTrailingData */ public function __construct(PacketFactory $packetFactory, MessageFactory $messageFactory, QuestionFactory $questionFactory, TypeBuilder $typeBuilder, EncodingContextFactory $encodingContextFactory, DecoderFactory $decoderFactory) { $this->packetFactory = $packetFactory; $this->messageFactory = $messageFactory; $this->questionFactory = $questionFactory; $this->typeBuilder = $typeBuilder; $this->encodingContextFactory = $encodingContextFactory; $this->decoderFactory = $decoderFactory; $classes = new \ReflectionClass(ResourceClasses::class); foreach ($classes->getConstants() as $name => $value) { $this->classMap[$name] = $value; } } /** * Decode a question record. * * * @return \LibDNS\Records\Question * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the record is invalid */ private function decodeQuestionRecord(string $name, int $type) : Question { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName */ $domainName = $this->typeBuilder->build(Types::DOMAIN_NAME); $labels = \explode('.', \rtrim($name, '.')); $domainName->setLabels($labels); $question = $this->questionFactory->create($type); $question->setName($domainName); //$question->setClass($meta['class']); return $question; } /** * Encode a question record. * * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @param \LibDNS\Records\Question $record */ private function encodeQuestionRecord(EncodingContext $encodingContext, string $name, int $type) { if (!$encodingContext->isTruncated()) { $packet = $encodingContext->getPacket(); $record = $this->decodeQuestionRecord($name, $type); $name = $this->encodeDomainName($record->getName(), $encodingContext); $meta = \pack('n*', $record->getType(), $record->getClass()); if (12 + $packet->getLength() + \strlen($name) + 4 > 512) { $encodingContext->isTruncated(true); } else { $packet->write($name); $packet->write($meta); } } } /** * Encode a DomainName field. * * @param \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @return string */ private function encodeDomainName(DomainName $domainName, EncodingContext $encodingContext) : string { $packetIndex = $encodingContext->getPacket()->getLength() + 12; $labelRegistry = $encodingContext->getLabelRegistry(); $result = ''; $labels = $domainName->getLabels(); if ($encodingContext->useCompression()) { do { $part = \implode('.', $labels); $index = $labelRegistry->lookupIndex($part); if ($index === null) { $labelRegistry->register($part, $packetIndex); $label = \array_shift($labels); $length = \strlen($label); $result .= \chr($length) . $label; $packetIndex += $length + 1; } else { $result .= \pack('n', 0b1100000000000000 | $index); break; } } while ($labels); if (!$labels) { $result .= "\0"; } } else { foreach ($labels as $label) { $result .= \chr(\strlen($label)) . $label; } $result .= "\0"; } return $result; } /** * Encode a resource record. * * @param \LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContext $encodingContext * @param array $record */ private function encodeResourceRecord(EncodingContext $encodingContext, array $record) { if (!$encodingContext->isTruncated()) { /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Types\DomainName $domainName */ $domainName = $this->typeBuilder->build(Types::DOMAIN_NAME); $labels = \explode('.', \rtrim($record['host'], '.')); $domainName->setLabels($labels); $packet = $encodingContext->getPacket(); $name = $this->encodeDomainName($domainName, $encodingContext); $data = $record['data']; $meta = \pack('n2Nn', $record['type'], $this->classMap[$record['class']], $record['ttl'], \strlen($data)); if (12 + $packet->getLength() + \strlen($name) + 10 + \strlen($data) > 512) { $encodingContext->isTruncated(true); } else { $packet->write($name); $packet->write($meta); $packet->write($data); } } } /** * Decode a Message from JSON-encoded string. * * @param array $result The actual response * @param string $domain The domain name that was queried * @param int $type The record type that was queried * @param array $authoritative Authoritative NS results * @param array $additional Additional results * @return \LibDNS\Messages\Message * @throws \UnexpectedValueException When the packet data is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When a type subtype is unknown */ public function decode(array $result, string $domain, int $type, array $authoritative = null, array $additional = null) : Message { $additional = $additional ?? []; $authoritative = $additional ?? []; $packet = $this->packetFactory->create(); $encodingContext = $this->encodingContextFactory->create($packet, false); $message = $this->messageFactory->create(); //$message->isAuthoritative(true); $message->setType(MessageTypes::RESPONSE); //$message->setID($requestId); $message->setResponseCode(0); $message->isTruncated(false); $message->isRecursionDesired(false); $message->isRecursionAvailable(false); $this->encodeQuestionRecord($encodingContext, $domain, $type); $expectedAnswers = \count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $expectedAnswers; $i++) { $this->encodeResourceRecord($encodingContext, $result[$i]); } $expectedAuth = \count($authoritative); for ($i = 0; $i < $expectedAuth; $i++) { $this->encodeResourceRecord($encodingContext, $authoritative[$i]); } $expectedAdditional = \count($additional); for ($i = 0; $i < $expectedAdditional; $i++) { $this->encodeResourceRecord($encodingContext, $additional[$i]); } $header = ['id' => $message->getID(), 'meta' => 0, 'qd' => 1, 'an' => $expectedAnswers, 'ns' => $expectedAuth, 'ar' => $expectedAdditional]; $header['meta'] |= $message->getType() << 15; $header['meta'] |= $message->getOpCode() << 11; $header['meta'] |= (int) $message->isAuthoritative() << 10; $header['meta'] |= (int) $encodingContext->isTruncated() << 9; $header['meta'] |= (int) $message->isRecursionDesired() << 8; $header['meta'] |= (int) $message->isRecursionAvailable() << 7; $header['meta'] |= $message->getResponseCode(); $data = \pack('n*', $header['id'], $header['meta'], $header['qd'], $header['an'], $header['ns'], $header['ar']) . $packet->read($packet->getLength()); return $this->decoderFactory->create()->decode($data); } }, Chris Wright * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace Amp\Dns\Native; use LibDNS\Messages\Message; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageTypes; /** * Encodes Message objects to query strings. * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Daniil Gentili , Chris Wright */ class NativeEncoder { /** * Encode a Message to URL payload. * * @param \LibDNS\Messages\Message $message The Message to encode * @return array Array of parameters to pass to the \dns_get_record function */ public function encode(Message $message) : array { if ($message->getType() !== MessageTypes::QUERY) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid question: is not a question record'); } $questions = $message->getQuestionRecords(); if ($questions->count() === 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid question: 0 question records provided'); } if ($questions->count() !== 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid question: only one question record can be provided at a time'); } $question = $questions->getRecordByIndex(0); return [ \implode('.', $question->getName()->getLabels()), // Name $question->getType(), // Type null, // Authority records null, // Additional records true, ]; } }, Chris Wright * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright * @license MIT License * @version 2.0.0 */ namespace Amp\Dns\Native; /** * Creates NativeEncoder objects. * * @category LibDNS * @package Encoder * @author Daniil Gentili , Chris Wright */ class NativeEncoderFactory { /** * Create a new Encoder object. * * @return \LibDNS\Encoder\Encoder */ public function create() : NativeEncoder { return new NativeEncoder(); } }, Chris Wright * @copyright Copyright (c) Chris Wright , * @license MIT License */ namespace Amp\Dns\Native; use LibDNS\Messages\MessageFactory; use LibDNS\Packets\PacketFactory; use LibDNS\Records\QuestionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\RecordCollectionFactory; use LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeBuilder; use LibDNS\Records\Types\TypeFactory; use LibDNS\Decoder\DecoderFactory; use LibDNS\Encoder\EncodingContextFactory; /** * Creates NativeDecoder objects. * * @author Daniil Gentili , Chris Wright */ class NativeDecoderFactory { /** * Create a new NativeDecoder object. * * @param \LibDNS\Records\TypeDefinitions\TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager * @return NativeDecoder */ public function create(TypeDefinitionManager $typeDefinitionManager = null) : NativeDecoder { $typeBuilder = new TypeBuilder(new TypeFactory()); return new NativeDecoder(new PacketFactory(), new MessageFactory(new RecordCollectionFactory()), new QuestionFactory(), $typeBuilder, new EncodingContextFactory(), new DecoderFactory()); } }encoder = (new EncoderFactory())->create(); $this->decoder = (new DecoderFactory())->create(); } protected function send(Message $message) : Promise { $data = $this->encoder->encode($message); return $this->write($data); } protected function receive() : Promise { return call(function () { $data = (yield $this->read()); if ($data === null) { throw new DnsException("Reading from the server failed"); } return $this->decoder->decode($data); }); } public function isAlive() : bool { return true; } } */ public static abstract function connect(string $uri) : Promise; /** * @param Message $message * * @return Promise */ protected abstract function send(Message $message) : Promise; /** * @return Promise */ protected abstract function receive() : Promise; /** * @return bool */ public abstract function isAlive() : bool; public function getLastActivity() : int { return $this->lastActivity; } protected function __construct($socket) { $this->input = new ResourceInputStream($socket); $this->output = new ResourceOutputStream($socket); $this->messageFactory = new MessageFactory(); $this->lastActivity = \time(); $this->onResolve = function (\Throwable $exception = null, Message $message = null) { $this->lastActivity = \time(); $this->receiving = false; if ($exception) { $this->error($exception); return; } \assert($message instanceof Message); $id = $message->getId(); // Ignore duplicate and invalid responses. if (isset($this->pending[$id]) && $this->matchesQuestion($message, $this->pending[$id]->question)) { /** @var Deferred $deferred */ $deferred = $this->pending[$id]->deferred; unset($this->pending[$id]); $deferred->resolve($message); } if (empty($this->pending)) { $this->input->unreference(); } elseif (!$this->receiving) { $this->input->reference(); $this->receiving = true; $this->receive()->onResolve($this->onResolve); } }; } /** * @param \LibDNS\Records\Question $question * @param int $timeout * * @return \Amp\Promise<\LibDNS\Messages\Message> */ public final function ask(Question $question, int $timeout) : Promise { return call(function () use($question, $timeout) { $this->lastActivity = \time(); if (\count($this->pending) > self::MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS) { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->queue[] = $deferred; (yield $deferred->promise()); } do { $id = \random_int(0, 0xffff); } while (isset($this->pending[$id])); $deferred = new Deferred(); $pending = new class { use Amp\Struct; public $deferred; public $question; }; $pending->deferred = $deferred; $pending->question = $question; $this->pending[$id] = $pending; $message = $this->createMessage($question, $id); try { (yield $this->send($message)); } catch (StreamException $exception) { $exception = new DnsException("Sending the request failed", 0, $exception); $this->error($exception); throw $exception; } $this->input->reference(); if (!$this->receiving) { $this->receiving = true; $this->receive()->onResolve($this->onResolve); } try { // Work around an OPCache issue that returns an empty array with "return ...", // so assign to a variable first and return after the try block. // // See // See $result = (yield Promise\timeout($deferred->promise(), $timeout)); } catch (Amp\TimeoutException $exception) { unset($this->pending[$id]); if (empty($this->pending)) { $this->input->unreference(); } throw new TimeoutException("Didn't receive a response within {$timeout} milliseconds."); } finally { if ($this->queue) { $deferred = \array_shift($this->queue); $deferred->resolve(); } } return $result; }); } public final function close() { $this->input->close(); $this->output->close(); } private function error(\Throwable $exception) { $this->close(); if (empty($this->pending)) { return; } if (!$exception instanceof DnsException) { $message = "Unexpected error during resolution: " . $exception->getMessage(); $exception = new DnsException($message, 0, $exception); } $pending = $this->pending; $this->pending = []; foreach ($pending as $pendingQuestion) { /** @var Deferred $deferred */ $deferred = $pendingQuestion->deferred; $deferred->fail($exception); } } protected final function read() : Promise { return $this->input->read(); } protected final function write(string $data) : Promise { return $this->output->write($data); } protected final function createMessage(Question $question, int $id) : Message { $request = $this->messageFactory->create(MessageTypes::QUERY); $request->getQuestionRecords()->add($question); $request->isRecursionDesired(true); $request->setID($id); return $request; } private function matchesQuestion(Message $message, Question $question) : bool { if ($message->getType() !== MessageTypes::RESPONSE) { return false; } $questionRecords = $message->getQuestionRecords(); // We only ever ask one question at a time if (\count($questionRecords) !== 1) { return false; } $questionRecord = $questionRecords->getIterator()->current(); if ($questionRecord->getClass() !== $question->getClass()) { return false; } if ($questionRecord->getType() !== $question->getType()) { return false; } if ($questionRecord->getName()->getValue() !== $question->getName()->getValue()) { return false; } return true; } }resolve(new self($socket)); }); try { return (yield Promise\timeout($deferred->promise(), $timeout)); } catch (Amp\TimeoutException $e) { throw new TimeoutException("Name resolution timed out, could not connect to server at {$uri}"); } finally { Loop::cancel($watcher); } }); } public static function parser(callable $callback) : \Generator { $decoder = (new DecoderFactory())->create(); while (true) { $length = (yield 2); $length = \unpack("n", $length)[1]; $rawData = (yield $length); $callback($decoder->decode($rawData)); } } protected function __construct($socket) { parent::__construct($socket); $this->encoder = (new EncoderFactory())->create(); $this->queue = new \SplQueue(); $this->parser = new Parser(self::parser([$this->queue, 'push'])); } protected function send(Message $message) : Promise { $data = $this->encoder->encode($message); $promise = $this->write(\pack("n", \strlen($data)) . $data); $promise->onResolve(function ($error) { if ($error) { $this->isAlive = false; } }); return $promise; } protected function receive() : Promise { if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) { return call(function () { do { $chunk = (yield $this->read()); if ($chunk === null) { $this->isAlive = false; throw new DnsException("Reading from the server failed"); } $this->parser->push($chunk); } while ($this->queue->isEmpty()); return $this->queue->shift(); }); } return new Success($this->queue->shift()); } public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->isAlive; } }cache = $cache ?? new ArrayCache(5000, 256); $this->configLoader = $configLoader ?? (\stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? new WindowsConfigLoader() : new UnixConfigLoader()); $this->questionFactory = new QuestionFactory(); $this->blockingFallbackResolver = new BlockingFallbackResolver(); $sockets =& $this->sockets; $this->gcWatcher = Loop::repeat(5000, static function () use(&$sockets) { if (!$sockets) { return; } $now = \time(); foreach ($sockets as $key => $server) { if ($server->getLastActivity() < $now - 60) { $server->close(); unset($sockets[$key]); } } }); Loop::unreference($this->gcWatcher); } public function __destruct() { Loop::cancel($this->gcWatcher); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function resolve(string $name, int $typeRestriction = null) : Promise { if ($typeRestriction !== null && $typeRestriction !== Record::A && $typeRestriction !== Record::AAAA) { throw new \Error("Invalid value for parameter 2: null|Record::A|Record::AAAA expected"); } return call(function () use($name, $typeRestriction) { if ($this->configStatus === self::CONFIG_NOT_LOADED) { (yield $this->reloadConfig()); } if ($this->configStatus === self::CONFIG_FAILED) { return $this->blockingFallbackResolver->resolve($name, $typeRestriction); } switch ($typeRestriction) { case Record::A: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return [new Record($name, Record::A, null)]; } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { throw new DnsException("Got an IPv6 address, but type is restricted to IPv4"); } break; case Record::AAAA: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return [new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]; } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { throw new DnsException("Got an IPv4 address, but type is restricted to IPv6"); } break; default: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return [new Record($name, Record::A, null)]; } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return [new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]; } break; } $dots = \substr_count($name, "."); // Should be replaced with $name[-1] from 7.1 $trailingDot = \substr($name, -1, 1) === "."; $name = normalizeName($name); if ($records = $this->queryHosts($name, $typeRestriction)) { return $records; } // Follow RFC 6761 and never send queries for localhost to the caching DNS server // Usually, these queries are already resolved via queryHosts() if ($name === 'localhost') { return $typeRestriction === Record::AAAA ? [new Record('::1', Record::AAAA, null)] : [new Record('', Record::A, null)]; } $searchList = [null]; if (!$trailingDot && $dots < $this->config->getNdots()) { $searchList = \array_merge($this->config->getSearchList(), $searchList); } foreach ($searchList as $search) { for ($redirects = 0; $redirects < 5; $redirects++) { $searchName = $name; if ($search !== null) { $searchName = $name . "." . $search; } try { if ($typeRestriction) { return (yield $this->query($searchName, $typeRestriction)); } try { list(, $records) = (yield Promise\some([$this->query($searchName, Record::A), $this->query($searchName, Record::AAAA)])); return \array_merge(...$records); } catch (MultiReasonException $e) { $errors = []; foreach ($e->getReasons() as $reason) { if ($reason instanceof NoRecordException) { throw $reason; } $errors[] = $reason->getMessage(); } throw new DnsException("All query attempts failed for {$searchName}: " . \implode(", ", $errors), 0, $e); } } catch (NoRecordException $e) { try { /** @var Record[] $cnameRecords */ $cnameRecords = (yield $this->query($searchName, Record::CNAME)); $name = $cnameRecords[0]->getValue(); continue; } catch (NoRecordException $e) { /** @var Record[] $dnameRecords */ $dnameRecords = (yield $this->query($searchName, Record::DNAME)); $name = $dnameRecords[0]->getValue(); continue; } } } } throw new DnsException("Giving up resolution of '{$searchName}', too many redirects"); }); } /** * Reloads the configuration in the background. * * Once it's finished, the configuration will be used for new requests. * * @return Promise */ public function reloadConfig() : Promise { if ($this->pendingConfig) { return $this->pendingConfig; } $promise = call(function () { try { $this->config = (yield $this->configLoader->loadConfig()); $this->configStatus = self::CONFIG_LOADED; } catch (ConfigException $e) { $this->configStatus = self::CONFIG_FAILED; try { \trigger_error("Could not load the system's DNS configuration, using synchronous, blocking fallback", \E_USER_WARNING); } catch (\Throwable $triggerException) { \set_error_handler(null); \trigger_error("Could not load the system's DNS configuration, using synchronous, blocking fallback", \E_USER_WARNING); \restore_error_handler(); } } }); $this->pendingConfig = $promise; $promise->onResolve(function () { $this->pendingConfig = null; }); return $promise; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function query(string $name, int $type) : Promise { $pendingQueryKey = $type . " " . $name; if (isset($this->pendingQueries[$pendingQueryKey])) { return $this->pendingQueries[$pendingQueryKey]; } $promise = call(function () use($name, $type) { if ($this->configStatus === self::CONFIG_NOT_LOADED) { (yield $this->reloadConfig()); } if ($this->configStatus === self::CONFIG_FAILED) { return $this->blockingFallbackResolver->query($name, $type); } $name = $this->normalizeName($name, $type); $question = $this->createQuestion($name, $type); if (null !== ($cachedValue = (yield $this->cache->get($this->getCacheKey($name, $type))))) { return $this->decodeCachedResult($name, $type, $cachedValue); } $nameservers = $this->selectNameservers(); $nameserversCount = \count($nameservers); $attempts = $this->config->getAttempts(); $protocol = "udp"; $attempt = 0; /** @var Socket $socket */ $uri = $protocol . "://" . $nameservers[0]; $socket = (yield $this->getSocket($uri)); $attemptDescription = []; while ($attempt < $attempts) { try { if (!$socket->isAlive()) { unset($this->sockets[$uri]); $socket->close(); $uri = $protocol . "://" . $nameservers[$attempt % $nameserversCount]; $socket = (yield $this->getSocket($uri)); } $attemptDescription[] = $uri; /** @var Message $response */ $response = (yield $socket->ask($question, $this->config->getTimeout())); $this->assertAcceptableResponse($response); // UDP sockets are never reused, they're not in the $this->sockets map if ($protocol === "udp") { // Defer call, because it interferes with the unreference() call in Internal\Socket otherwise Loop::defer(static function () use($socket) { $socket->close(); }); } if ($response->isTruncated()) { if ($protocol !== "tcp") { // Retry with TCP, don't count attempt $protocol = "tcp"; $uri = $protocol . "://" . $nameservers[$attempt % $nameserversCount]; $socket = (yield $this->getSocket($uri)); continue; } throw new DnsException("Server returned a truncated response for '{$name}' (" . Record::getName($type) . ")"); } $answers = $response->getAnswerRecords(); $result = []; $ttls = []; /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ foreach ($answers as $record) { $recordType = $record->getType(); $result[$recordType][] = (string) $record->getData(); // Cache for max one day $ttls[$recordType] = \min($ttls[$recordType] ?? 86400, $record->getTTL()); } foreach ($result as $recordType => $records) { // We don't care here whether storing in the cache fails $this->cache->set($this->getCacheKey($name, $recordType), \json_encode($records), $ttls[$recordType]); } if (!isset($result[$type])) { // "it MUST NOT cache it for longer than five (5) minutes" per RFC 2308 section 7.1 $this->cache->set($this->getCacheKey($name, $type), \json_encode([]), 300); throw new NoRecordException("No records returned for '{$name}' (" . Record::getName($type) . ")"); } return \array_map(static function ($data) use($type, $ttls) { return new Record($data, $type, $ttls[$type]); }, $result[$type]); } catch (TimeoutException $e) { // Defer call, because it might interfere with the unreference() call in Internal\Socket otherwise Loop::defer(function () use($socket, $uri) { unset($this->sockets[$uri]); $socket->close(); }); $uri = $protocol . "://" . $nameservers[++$attempt % $nameserversCount]; $socket = (yield $this->getSocket($uri)); continue; } } throw new TimeoutException(\sprintf("No response for '%s' (%s) from any nameserver after %d attempts, tried %s", $name, Record::getName($type), $attempts, \implode(", ", $attemptDescription))); }); $this->pendingQueries[$type . " " . $name] = $promise; $promise->onResolve(function () use($name, $type) { unset($this->pendingQueries[$type . " " . $name]); }); return $promise; } private function queryHosts(string $name, int $typeRestriction = null) : array { $hosts = $this->config->getKnownHosts(); $records = []; $returnIPv4 = $typeRestriction === null || $typeRestriction === Record::A; $returnIPv6 = $typeRestriction === null || $typeRestriction === Record::AAAA; if ($returnIPv4 && isset($hosts[Record::A][$name])) { $records[] = new Record($hosts[Record::A][$name], Record::A, null); } if ($returnIPv6 && isset($hosts[Record::AAAA][$name])) { $records[] = new Record($hosts[Record::AAAA][$name], Record::AAAA, null); } return $records; } private function normalizeName(string $name, int $type) { if ($type === Record::PTR) { if (($packedIp = @\inet_pton($name)) !== false) { if (isset($packedIp[4])) { // IPv6 $name = \wordwrap(\strrev(\bin2hex($packedIp)), 1, ".", true) . ""; } else { // IPv4 $name = \inet_ntop(\strrev($packedIp)) . ""; } } } elseif (\in_array($type, [Record::A, Record::AAAA], true)) { $name = normalizeName($name); } return $name; } /** * @param string $name * @param int $type * * @return Question */ private function createQuestion(string $name, int $type) : Question { if (0 > $type || 0xffff < $type) { $message = \sprintf('%d does not correspond to a valid record type (must be between 0 and 65535).', $type); throw new \Error($message); } $question = $this->questionFactory->create($type); $question->setName($name); return $question; } private function getCacheKey(string $name, int $type) : string { return self::CACHE_PREFIX . $name . "#" . $type; } private function decodeCachedResult(string $name, int $type, string $encoded) : array { $decoded = \json_decode($encoded, true); if (!$decoded) { throw new NoRecordException("No records returned for {$name} (cached result)"); } $result = []; foreach ($decoded as $data) { $result[] = new Record($data, $type); } return $result; } private function getSocket($uri) : Promise { // We use a new socket for each UDP request, as that increases the entropy and mitigates response forgery. if (\substr($uri, 0, 3) === "udp") { return UdpSocket::connect($uri); } // Over TCP we might reuse sockets if the server allows to keep them open. Sequence IDs in TCP are already // better than a random port. Additionally, a TCP connection is more expensive. if (isset($this->sockets[$uri])) { return new Success($this->sockets[$uri]); } if (isset($this->pendingSockets[$uri])) { return $this->pendingSockets[$uri]; } $server = TcpSocket::connect($uri); $server->onResolve(function ($error, $server) use($uri) { unset($this->pendingSockets[$uri]); if (!$error) { $this->sockets[$uri] = $server; } }); return $server; } /** * @throws DnsException */ private function assertAcceptableResponse(Message $response) { if ($response->getResponseCode() !== 0) { throw new DnsException(\sprintf("Server returned error code: %d", $response->getResponseCode())); } } private function selectNameservers() : array { $nameservers = $this->config->getNameservers(); if ($this->config->isRotationEnabled() && ($nameserversCount = \count($nameservers)) > 1) { $nameservers = \array_merge(\array_slice($nameservers, $this->nextNameserver), \array_slice($nameservers, 0, $this->nextNameserver)); $this->nextNameserver = ++$this->nextNameserver % $nameserversCount; } return $nameservers; } } self::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, "attempts" => self::DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, "ndots" => self::DEFAULT_NDOTS, "rotate" => false]; private $path; private $hostLoader; public function __construct(string $path = "/etc/resolv.conf", HostLoader $hostLoader = null) { $this->path = $path; $this->hostLoader = $hostLoader ?? new HostLoader(); } protected function readFile(string $path) : Promise { \set_error_handler(function (int $errno, string $message) use($path) { throw new ConfigException("Could not read configuration file '{$path}' ({$errno}) {$message}"); }); try { // Blocking file access, but this file should be local and usually loaded only once. $fileContent = \file_get_contents($path); } catch (ConfigException $exception) { return new Failure($exception); } finally { \restore_error_handler(); } return new Success($fileContent); } public final function loadConfig() : Promise { return call(function () { $nameservers = []; $searchList = []; $options = self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS; $haveLocaldomainEnv = false; /* Allow user to override the local domain definition. */ if ($localdomain = \getenv("LOCALDOMAIN")) { /* Set search list to be blank-separated strings from rest of env value. Permits users of LOCALDOMAIN to still have a search list, and anyone to set the one that they want to use as an individual (even more important now that the rfc1535 stuff restricts searches). */ $searchList = $this->splitOnWhitespace($localdomain); $haveLocaldomainEnv = true; } $fileContent = (yield $this->readFile($this->path)); $lines = \explode("\n", $fileContent); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = \preg_split('#\\s+#', $line, 2); if (\count($line) !== 2) { continue; } list($type, $value) = $line; if ($type === "nameserver") { if (\count($nameservers) === self::MAX_NAMESERVERS) { continue; } $value = \trim($value); $ip = @\inet_pton($value); if ($ip === false) { continue; } if (isset($ip[15])) { // IPv6 $nameservers[] = "[" . $value . "]:53"; } else { // IPv4 $nameservers[] = $value . ":53"; } } elseif ($type === "domain" && !$haveLocaldomainEnv) { // LOCALDOMAIN env overrides config $searchList = $this->splitOnWhitespace($value); } elseif ($type === "search" && !$haveLocaldomainEnv) { // LOCALDOMAIN env overrides config $searchList = $this->splitOnWhitespace($value); } elseif ($type === "options") { $option = $this->parseOption($value); if (\count($option) === 2) { $options[$option[0]] = $option[1]; } } } $hosts = (yield $this->hostLoader->loadHosts()); if (\count($searchList) === 0) { $hostname = \gethostname(); $dot = \strpos(".", $hostname); if ($dot !== false && $dot < \strlen($hostname)) { $searchList = [\substr($hostname, $dot)]; } } if (\count($searchList) > self::MAX_DNS_SEARCH) { $searchList = \array_slice($searchList, 0, self::MAX_DNS_SEARCH); } $resOptions = \getenv("RES_OPTIONS"); if ($resOptions) { foreach ($this->splitOnWhitespace($resOptions) as $option) { $option = $this->parseOption($option); if (\count($option) === 2) { $options[$option[0]] = $option[1]; } } } $config = new Config($nameservers, $hosts, $options["timeout"], $options["attempts"]); return $config->withSearchList($searchList)->withNdots($options["ndots"])->withRotationEnabled($options["rotate"]); }); } private function splitOnWhitespace(string $names) : array { return \preg_split("#\\s+#", \trim($names)); } private function parseOption(string $option) : array { $optline = \explode(':', $option, 2); list($name, $value) = $optline + [1 => null]; switch ($name) { case "timeout": $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { return []; // don't overwrite option value } // The value for this option is silently capped to 30s return ["timeout", (int) \min($value * 1000, self::MAX_TIMEOUT)]; case "attempts": $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { return []; // don't overwrite option value } // The value for this option is silently capped to 5 return ["attempts", (int) \min($value, self::MAX_ATTEMPTS)]; case "ndots": $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { return []; // don't overwrite option value } // The value for this option is silently capped to 15 return ["ndots", (int) \min($value, self::MAX_NDOTS)]; case "rotate": return ["rotate", true]; } return []; } }questionFactory = new QuestionFactory(); $this->messageFactory = new MessageFactory(); $this->encoderFactory = new NativeEncoderFactory(); $this->decoderFactory = new NativeDecoderFactory(); } public function resolve(string $name, int $typeRestriction = null) : Promise { if ($typeRestriction !== null && $typeRestriction !== Record::A && $typeRestriction !== Record::AAAA) { throw new \Error("Invalid value for parameter 2: null|Record::A|Record::AAAA expected"); } switch ($typeRestriction) { case Record::A: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::A, null)]); } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Got an IPv6 address, but type is restricted to IPv4")); } break; case Record::AAAA: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]); } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Got an IPv4 address, but type is restricted to IPv6")); } break; default: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::A, null)]); } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]); } break; } $name = normalizeName($name); // Follow RFC 6761 and never send queries for localhost to the caching DNS server // Usually, these queries are already resolved via queryHosts() if ($name === 'localhost') { return new Success($typeRestriction === Record::AAAA ? [new Record('::1', Record::AAAA, null)] : [new Record('', Record::A, null)]); } return call(function () use($name, $typeRestriction) { if ($typeRestriction) { return (yield $this->query($name, $typeRestriction)); } list(, $records) = (yield Promise\some([$this->query($name, Record::A), $this->query($name, Record::AAAA)])); return \array_merge(...$records); }); } public function query(string $name, int $type) : Promise { $name = $this->normalizeName($name, $type); $question = $this->createQuestion($name, $type); $request = $this->messageFactory->create(MessageTypes::QUERY); $request->getQuestionRecords()->add($question); $encoder = $this->encoderFactory->create(); $question = $encoder->encode($request); $result = @\dns_get_record(...$question); if ($result === false) { if ($type !== Record::A) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and querying records other than A records isn't supported in blocking fallback mode.")); } $result = \gethostbynamel($name); if ($result === false) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and blocking fallback via gethostbynamel() failed, too.")); } if ($result === []) { return new Failure(new NoRecordException("No records returned for '{$name}' using blocking fallback mode.")); } $records = []; foreach ($result as $record) { $records[] = new Record($record, Record::A, null); } return new Success($records); } $decoder = $this->decoderFactory->create(); $result = $decoder->decode($result,...$question); if ($result->isTruncated()) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and blocking fallback via dns_get_record() returned a truncated response for '{$name}' (" . Record::getName($type) . ")")); } $answers = $result->getAnswerRecords(); $result = []; $ttls = []; /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ foreach ($answers as $record) { $recordType = $record->getType(); $result[$recordType][] = (string) $record->getData(); // Cache for max one day $ttls[$recordType] = \min($ttls[$recordType] ?? 86400, $record->getTTL()); } if (!isset($result[$type])) { return new Failure(new NoRecordException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and no records were returned for '{$name}' (" . Record::getName($type) . ")")); } return new Success(\array_map(static function ($data) use($type, $ttls) { return new Record($data, $type, $ttls[$type]); }, $result[$type])); } private function normalizeName(string $name, int $type) { if ($type === Record::PTR) { if (($packedIp = @\inet_pton($name)) !== false) { if (isset($packedIp[4])) { // IPv6 $name = \wordwrap(\strrev(\bin2hex($packedIp)), 1, ".", true) . ""; } else { // IPv4 $name = \inet_ntop(\strrev($packedIp)) . ""; } } } elseif (\in_array($type, [Record::A, Record::AAAA], true)) { $name = normalizeName($name); } return $name; } /** * @param string $name * @param int $type * * @return Question */ private function createQuestion(string $name, int $type) : Question { if (0 > $type || 0xffff < $type) { $message = \sprintf('%d does not correspond to a valid record type (must be between 0 and 65535).', $type); throw new \Error($message); } $question = $this->questionFactory->create($type); $question->setName($name); return $question; } }resolve($name, $typeRestriction); } /** * @see Resolver::query() */ function query(string $name, int $type) : Promise { return resolver()->query($name, $type); } /** * Checks whether a string is a valid DNS name. * * @param string $name String to check. * * @return bool */ function isValidName(string $name) { try { normalizeName($name); return true; } catch (InvalidNameException $e) { return false; } } /** * Normalizes a DNS name and automatically checks it for validity. * * @param string $name DNS name. * * @return string Normalized DNS name. * @throws InvalidNameException If an invalid name or an IDN name without ext/intl being installed has been passed. */ function normalizeName(string $name) : string { static $pattern = '/^(?[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-_]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?)(\\.(?&name))*\\.?$/i'; if (\function_exists('idn_to_ascii') && \defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46')) { if (false === ($result = \idn_to_ascii($name, 0, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46))) { throw new InvalidNameException("Name '{$name}' could not be processed for IDN."); } $name = $result; } elseif (\preg_match('/[\\x80-\\xff]/', $name)) { throw new InvalidNameException("Name '{$name}' contains non-ASCII characters and IDN support is not available. " . "Verify that ext/intl is installed for IDN support and that ICU is at least version 4.6."); } if (isset($name[253]) || !\preg_match($pattern, $name)) { throw new InvalidNameException("Name '{$name}' is not a valid hostname."); } if ($name[\strlen($name) - 1] === '.') { $name = \substr($name, 0, -1); } return $name; }{ "name": "amphp/parser", "homepage": "", "description": "A generator parser to make streaming parsers simple.", "support": { "issues": "" }, "keywords": [ "stream", "async", "non-blocking", "parser" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^6", "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.3" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Parser\\": "lib" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Parser\\Test\\": "test" } } } current(); $prefix .= \sprintf("; %s yielded at key %s", \is_object($yielded) ? \get_class($yielded) : \gettype($yielded), \var_export($generator->key(), true)); if (!$generator->valid()) { parent::__construct($prefix, 0, $previous); return; } $reflGen = new \ReflectionGenerator($generator); $exeGen = $reflGen->getExecutingGenerator(); if ($isSubgenerator = $exeGen !== $generator) { $reflGen = new \ReflectionGenerator($exeGen); } parent::__construct(\sprintf("%s on line %s in %s", $prefix, $reflGen->getExecutingLine(), $reflGen->getExecutingFile()), 0, $previous); } }generator = $generator; $this->delimiter = $this->generator->current(); if (!$this->generator->valid()) { $this->generator = null; return; } if ($this->delimiter !== null && (!\is_int($this->delimiter) || $this->delimiter <= 0) && (!\is_string($this->delimiter) || !\strlen($this->delimiter))) { throw new InvalidDelimiterError($generator, \sprintf("Invalid value yielded: Expected NULL, an int greater than 0, or a non-empty string; %s given", \is_object($this->delimiter) ? \sprintf("instance of %s", \get_class($this->delimiter)) : \gettype($this->delimiter))); } } /** * Cancels the generator parser and returns any remaining data in the internal buffer. Writing data after calling * this method will result in an error. * * @return string */ public final function cancel() : string { $this->generator = null; return $this->buffer; } /** * @return bool True if the parser can still receive more data to parse, false if it has ended and calling push * will throw an exception. */ public final function isValid() : bool { return $this->generator !== null; } /** * Adds data to the internal buffer and tries to continue parsing. * * @param string $data Data to append to the internal buffer. * * @throws InvalidDelimiterError If the generator yields an invalid delimiter. * @throws \Error If parsing has already been cancelled. * @throws \Throwable If the generator throws. */ public final function push(string $data) { if ($this->generator === null) { throw new \Error("The parser is no longer writable"); } $this->buffer .= $data; $end = false; try { while ($this->buffer !== "") { if (\is_int($this->delimiter)) { if (\strlen($this->buffer) < $this->delimiter) { break; // Too few bytes in buffer. } $send = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $this->delimiter); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $this->delimiter); } elseif (\is_string($this->delimiter)) { if (($position = \strpos($this->buffer, $this->delimiter)) === false) { break; } $send = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $position); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $position + \strlen($this->delimiter)); } else { $send = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ""; } $this->delimiter = $this->generator->send($send); if (!$this->generator->valid()) { $end = true; break; } if ($this->delimiter !== null && (!\is_int($this->delimiter) || $this->delimiter <= 0) && (!\is_string($this->delimiter) || !\strlen($this->delimiter))) { throw new InvalidDelimiterError($this->generator, \sprintf("Invalid value yielded: Expected NULL, an int greater than 0, or a non-empty string; %s given", \is_object($this->delimiter) ? \sprintf("instance of %s", \get_class($this->delimiter)) : \gettype($this->delimiter))); } } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $end = true; throw $exception; } finally { if ($end) { $this->generator = null; } } } }{ "name": "amphp/windows-registry", "description": "Windows Registry Reader.", "type": "library", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\WindowsRegistry\\": "lib" } }, "require": { "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.4", "amphp/process": "^1" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } } } query($key)); $lines = \array_filter($lines, function ($line) { return '' !== $line && $line[0] === ' '; }); $values = \array_map(function ($line) { return \preg_split("(\\s+)", \ltrim($line), 3); }, $lines); foreach ($values as $v) { if ($v[0] === $value) { return $v[2]; } } throw new KeyNotFoundException("Windows registry key '{$key}\\{$value}' not found."); }); } public function listKeys(string $key) : Promise { return call(function () use($key) { $lines = (yield $this->query($key)); $lines = \array_filter($lines, function ($line) { return '' !== $line && $line[0] !== ' '; }); return $lines; }); } private function query(string $key) : Promise { return call(function () use($key) { if (0 !== \stripos(\PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { throw new \Error('Not running on Windows.'); } $key = \strtr($key, '/', "\\"); $cmd = \sprintf('reg query %s', \escapeshellarg($key)); $process = new Process($cmd); (yield $process->start()); $stdout = (yield ByteStream\buffer($process->getStdout())); $code = (yield $process->join()); if ($code !== 0) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Windows registry key '{$key}' not found."); } return \explode("\n", \str_replace("\r", '', $stdout)); }); } }=7.1", "amphp/amp": "^2.2" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^8 || ^7", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Sync\\": "src" }, "files": [ "src/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Sync\\Test\\": "test" } } } id = $id; $this->releaser = $releaser; } /** * Checks if the lock has already been released. * * @return bool True if the lock has already been released, otherwise false. */ public function isReleased() : bool { return !$this->releaser; } /** * @return int Lock identifier. */ public function getId() : int { return $this->id; } /** * Releases the lock. No-op if the lock has already been released. */ public function release() { if (!$this->releaser) { return; } // Invoke the releaser function given to us by the synchronization source // to release the lock. $releaser = $this->releaser; $this->releaser = null; $releaser($this); } /** * Releases the lock when there are no more references to it. */ public function __destruct() { if (!$this->isReleased()) { $this->release(); } } }locked) { $this->locked = true; return new Success(new Lock(0, \Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'release']))); } $this->queue[] = $deferred = new Deferred(); return $deferred->promise(); } private function release() { if (!empty($this->queue)) { $deferred = \array_shift($this->queue); $deferred->resolve(new Lock(0, \Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'release']))); return; } $this->locked = false; } }mutex = new Internal\MutexStorage(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function acquire() : Promise { return $this->mutex->acquire(); } } Resolves with an integer keyed lock object. Identifiers returned by the * locks should be 0-indexed. Releasing an identifier MUST make that same identifier available. May fail with * a SyncException if an error occurs when attempting to obtain the lock (e.g. a shared memory segment closed). */ public function acquire(string $key) : Promise; }init($maxLocks, $permissions); return $semaphore; } /** * @param string $id The unique name of the semaphore to use. * * @return \Amp\Sync\PosixSemaphore */ public static function use(string $id) : self { $semaphore = new self($id); $semaphore->open(); return $semaphore; } /** * @param string $id * * @throws \Error If the sysvmsg extension is not loaded. */ private function __construct(string $id) { if (!\extension_loaded("sysvmsg")) { throw new \Error(__CLASS__ . " requires the sysvmsg extension."); } $this->id = $id; $this->key = self::makeKey($this->id); } /** * Private method to prevent cloning. */ private function __clone() { } /** * Private to prevent serialization. */ private function __sleep() { } public function getId() : string { return $this->id; } private function open() { if (!\msg_queue_exists($this->key)) { throw new SyncException('No semaphore with that ID found'); } $this->queue = \msg_get_queue($this->key); if (!$this->queue) { throw new SyncException('Failed to open the semaphore.'); } } /** * @param int $maxLocks The maximum number of locks that can be acquired from the semaphore. * @param int $permissions Permissions to access the semaphore. * * @throws SyncException If the semaphore could not be created due to an internal error. */ private function init(int $maxLocks, int $permissions) { if (\msg_queue_exists($this->key)) { throw new SyncException('A semaphore with that ID already exists'); } $this->queue = \msg_get_queue($this->key, $permissions); if (!$this->queue) { throw new SyncException('Failed to create the semaphore.'); } $this->initializer = \getmypid(); // Fill the semaphore with locks. while (--$maxLocks >= 0) { $this->release($maxLocks); } } /** * Gets the access permissions of the semaphore. * * @return int A permissions mode. */ public function getPermissions() : int { $stat = \msg_stat_queue($this->queue); return $stat['msg_perm.mode']; } /** * Sets the access permissions of the semaphore. * * The current user must have access to the semaphore in order to change the permissions. * * @param int $mode A permissions mode to set. * * @throws SyncException If the operation failed. */ public function setPermissions(int $mode) { if (!\msg_set_queue($this->queue, ['msg_perm.mode' => $mode])) { throw new SyncException('Failed to change the semaphore permissions.'); } } public function acquire() : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->doAcquire()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ private function doAcquire() : \Generator { do { // Attempt to acquire a lock from the semaphore. if (@\msg_receive($this->queue, 0, $type, 1, $id, false, \MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $errno)) { // A free lock was found, so resolve with a lock object that can // be used to release the lock. return new Lock(\unpack("C", $id)[1], function (Lock $lock) { $this->release($lock->getId()); }); } // Check for unusual errors. if ($errno !== \MSG_ENOMSG) { throw new SyncException(\sprintf('Failed to acquire a lock; errno: %d', $errno)); } } while ((yield new Delayed(self::LATENCY_TIMEOUT, true))); } /** * Removes the semaphore if it still exists. * * @throws SyncException If the operation failed. */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->initializer === 0 || $this->initializer !== \getmypid()) { return; } if (!\is_resource($this->queue) || !\msg_queue_exists($this->key)) { return; } \msg_remove_queue($this->queue); } /** * Releases a lock from the semaphore. * * @param int $id Lock identifier. * * @throws SyncException If the operation failed. */ protected function release(int $id) { if (!$this->queue) { return; // Queue already destroyed. } // Call send in non-blocking mode. If the call fails because the queue // is full, then the number of locks configured is too large. if (!@\msg_send($this->queue, 1, \pack("C", $id), false, false, $errno)) { if ($errno === \MSG_EAGAIN) { throw new SyncException('The semaphore size is larger than the system allows.'); } throw new SyncException('Failed to release the lock.'); } } private static function makeKey(string $id) : int { return \abs(\unpack("l", \md5($id, true))[1]); } } Resolves with a lock object with an ID of 0. May fail with a SyncException * if an error occurs when attempting to obtain the lock (e.g. a shared memory segment closed). */ public function acquire(string $key) : Promise; } Resolves with an integer keyed lock object. Identifiers returned by the * locks should be 0-indexed. Releasing an identifier MUST make that same identifier available. May fail with * a SyncException if an error occurs when attempting to obtain the lock (e.g. a shared memory segment closed). */ public function acquire() : Promise; }count()) { return null; } return $this->shift(); }; while (!$this->count() || ($id = $this->synchronized($tsl)) === null) { (yield new Delayed(self::LATENCY_TIMEOUT)); } return new Lock($id, function (Lock $lock) { $id = $lock->getId(); $this->synchronized(function () use($id) { $this[] = $id; }); }); }); } }locked) { return true; } $this->locked = true; return false; }; while ($this->locked || $this->synchronized($tsl)) { (yield new Delayed(self::LATENCY_TIMEOUT)); } return new Lock(0, function () { $this->locked = false; }); }); } }locks = \range(0, $maxLocks - 1); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function acquire() : Promise { if (!empty($this->locks)) { return new Success(new Lock(\array_shift($this->locks), \Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'release']))); } $this->queue[] = $deferred = new Deferred(); return $deferred->promise(); } private function release(Lock $lock) { $id = $lock->getId(); if (!empty($this->queue)) { $deferred = \array_shift($this->queue); $deferred->resolve(new Lock($id, \Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'release']))); return; } $this->locks[] = $id; } }semaphore = $semaphore; } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function acquire() : Promise { return call(function () : \Generator { /** @var \Amp\Sync\Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->semaphore->acquire()); if ($lock->getId() !== 0) { $lock->release(); throw new \Error("Cannot use a semaphore with more than a single lock"); } return $lock; }); } }semaphore = $semaphore; $this->prefix = $prefix; } public function acquire(string $key) : Promise { return $this->semaphore->acquire($this->prefix . $key); } } Resolves with a lock object with an ID of 0. May fail with a SyncException * if an error occurs when attempting to obtain the lock (e.g. a shared memory segment closed). */ public function acquire() : Promise; }mutex[$key])) { $this->mutex[$key] = new LocalMutex(); $this->locks[$key] = 0; } return call(function () use($key) { $this->locks[$key]++; /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->mutex[$key]->acquire()); return new Lock(0, function () use($lock, $key) { if (--$this->locks[$key] === 0) { unset($this->mutex[$key], $this->locks[$key]); } $lock->release(); }); }); } }fileName = $fileName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function acquire() : Promise { return new Coroutine($this->doAcquire()); } /** * @coroutine * * @return \Generator */ private function doAcquire() : \Generator { // Try to create the lock file. If the file already exists, someone else // has the lock, so set an asynchronous timer and try again. while (($handle = @\fopen($this->fileName, 'x')) === false) { (yield new Delayed(self::LATENCY_TIMEOUT)); } // Return a lock object that can be used to release the lock on the mutex. $lock = new Lock(0, function () { $this->release(); }); \fclose($handle); return $lock; } /** * Releases the lock on the mutex. * * @throws SyncException If the unlock operation failed. */ protected function release() { $success = @\unlink($this->fileName); if (!$success) { throw new SyncException('Failed to unlock the mutex file.'); } } }mutex = $mutex; $this->prefix = $prefix; } public function acquire(string $key) : Promise { return $this->mutex->acquire($this->prefix . $key); } }acquire()); try { return (yield call($callback,...$args)); } finally { $lock->release(); } }); }maxLocks = $maxLocks; } public function acquire(string $key) : Promise { if (!isset($this->semaphore[$key])) { $this->semaphore[$key] = new LocalSemaphore($this->maxLocks); $this->locks[$key] = 0; } return call(function () use($key) { $this->locks[$key]++; /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->semaphore[$key]->acquire()); return new Lock(0, function () use($lock, $key) { if (--$this->locks[$key] === 0) { unset($this->semaphore[$key], $this->locks[$key]); } $lock->release(); }); }); } }semaphore = new Internal\SemaphoreStorage($locks); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function acquire() : Promise { return $this->semaphore->acquire(); } }mutex = $mutex; $this->key = $key; } public function acquire() : Promise { return $this->mutex->acquire($this->key); } }write('NOTICE: The "xdebug" extension is loaded, this has a major impact on performance.' . PHP_EOL); } try { if (!@\assert(false)) { $stderr->write("NOTICE: Assertions are enabled, this has a major impact on performance." . PHP_EOL); } } catch (AssertionError $exception) { $stderr->write("NOTICE: Assertions are enabled, this has a major impact on performance." . PHP_EOL); } $stderr->write('piping from ' . $if . ' to ' . $of . ' (for max ' . $t . ' second(s))...' . PHP_EOL); Loop::delay($t * 1000, [$in, "close"]); Loop::run(function () use($stderr, $in, $out) { $start = \microtime(true); while (($chunk = (yield $in->read())) !== null) { (yield $out->write($chunk)); } $t = \microtime(true) - $start; $bytes = \ftell($out->getResource()); $stderr->write('read ' . $bytes . ' byte(s) in ' . \round($t, 3) . ' second(s) => ' . \round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / $t, 1) . ' MiB/s' . PHP_EOL); $stderr->write('peak memory usage of ' . \round(\memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, 1) . ' MiB' . PHP_EOL); });read())) !== null) { (yield $stdout->write($chunk)); } });read())) !== null) { (yield $gzout->write($chunk)); } });{ "name": "amphp/byte-stream", "homepage": "", "description": "A stream abstraction to make working with non-blocking I/O simple.", "support": { "issues": "", "irc": "irc://" }, "keywords": [ "stream", "async", "non-blocking", "amp", "amphp", "io" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "require": { "amphp/amp": "^2" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6", "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.3", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "infection/infection": "^0.9.3" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\ByteStream\\": "lib" }, "files": [ "lib/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\ByteStream\\Test\\": "test" } }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } } } source = $source; $this->encoding = $encoding; $this->options = $options; $this->resource = @\inflate_init($encoding, $options); if ($this->resource === false) { throw new StreamException("Failed initializing deflate context"); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function read() : Promise { return call(function () { if ($this->resource === null) { return null; } $data = (yield $this->source->read()); // Needs a double guard, as stream might have been closed while reading if ($this->resource === null) { return null; } if ($data === null) { $decompressed = @\inflate_add($this->resource, "", \ZLIB_FINISH); if ($decompressed === false) { throw new StreamException("Failed adding data to deflate context"); } $this->close(); return $decompressed; } $decompressed = @\inflate_add($this->resource, $data, \ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH); if ($decompressed === false) { throw new StreamException("Failed adding data to deflate context"); } return $decompressed; }); } /** @internal */ private function close() { $this->resource = null; $this->source = null; } /** * Gets the used compression encoding. * * @return int Encoding specified on construction time. */ public function getEncoding() : int { return $this->encoding; } /** * Gets the used compression options. * * @return array Options array passed on construction time. */ public function getOptions() : array { return $this->options; } }useSingleRead = $useSingleRead; if (\strpos($meta["mode"], "r") === false && \strpos($meta["mode"], "+") === false) { throw new \Error("Expected a readable stream"); } \stream_set_blocking($stream, false); \stream_set_read_buffer($stream, 0); $this->resource =& $stream; $this->chunkSize =& $chunkSize; $deferred =& $this->deferred; $readable =& $this->readable; $this->watcher = Loop::onReadable($this->resource, static function ($watcher) use(&$deferred, &$readable, &$stream, &$chunkSize, $useSingleRead) { if ($useSingleRead) { $data = @\fread($stream, $chunkSize); } else { $data = @\stream_get_contents($stream, $chunkSize); } \assert($data !== false, "Trying to read from a previously fclose()'d resource. Do NOT manually fclose() resources the loop still has a reference to."); // Error suppression, because pthreads does crazy things with resources, // which might be closed during two operations. // See if ($data === '' && @\feof($stream)) { $readable = false; $stream = null; $data = null; // Stream closed, resolve read with null. Loop::cancel($watcher); } else { Loop::disable($watcher); } $temp = $deferred; $deferred = null; \assert($temp instanceof Deferred); $temp->resolve($data); }); $this->immediateCallable = static function ($watcherId, $data) use(&$deferred) { $temp = $deferred; $deferred = null; \assert($temp instanceof Deferred); $temp->resolve($data); }; Loop::disable($this->watcher); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function read() : Promise { if ($this->deferred !== null) { throw new PendingReadError(); } if (!$this->readable) { return new Success(); // Resolve with null on closed stream. } // Attempt a direct read, because Windows suffers from slow I/O on STDIN otherwise. if ($this->useSingleRead) { $data = @\fread($this->resource, $this->chunkSize); } else { $data = @\stream_get_contents($this->resource, $this->chunkSize); } \assert($data !== false, "Trying to read from a previously fclose()'d resource. Do NOT manually fclose() resources the loop still has a reference to."); if ($data === '') { // Error suppression, because pthreads does crazy things with resources, // which might be closed during two operations. // See if (@\feof($this->resource)) { $this->readable = false; $this->resource = null; Loop::cancel($this->watcher); return new Success(); // Stream closed, resolve read with null. } $this->deferred = new Deferred(); Loop::enable($this->watcher); return $this->deferred->promise(); } // Prevent an immediate read → write loop from blocking everything // See e.g. examples/benchmark-throughput.php $this->deferred = new Deferred(); $this->immediateWatcher = Loop::defer($this->immediateCallable, $data); return $this->deferred->promise(); } /** * Closes the stream forcefully. Multiple `close()` calls are ignored. * * @return void */ public function close() { if ($this->resource) { // Error suppression, as resource might already be closed $meta = @\stream_get_meta_data($this->resource); if ($meta && \strpos($meta["mode"], "+") !== false) { @\stream_socket_shutdown($this->resource, \STREAM_SHUT_RD); } else { @\fclose($this->resource); } } $this->free(); } /** * Nulls reference to resource, marks stream unreadable, and succeeds any pending read with null. */ private function free() { $this->readable = false; $this->resource = null; if ($this->deferred !== null) { $deferred = $this->deferred; $this->deferred = null; $deferred->resolve(); } Loop::cancel($this->watcher); if ($this->immediateWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->immediateWatcher); } } /** * @return resource|null The stream resource or null if the stream has closed. */ public function getResource() { return $this->resource; } public function setChunkSize(int $chunkSize) { $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; } /** * References the read watcher, so the loop keeps running in case there's an active read. * * @see Loop::reference() */ public function reference() { if (!$this->resource) { throw new \Error("Resource has already been freed"); } Loop::reference($this->watcher); } /** * Unreferences the read watcher, so the loop doesn't keep running even if there are active reads. * * @see Loop::unreference() */ public function unreference() { if (!$this->resource) { throw new \Error("Resource has already been freed"); } Loop::unreference($this->watcher); } public function __destruct() { if ($this->resource !== null) { $this->free(); } } }destination = $destination; $this->encoding = $encoding; $this->options = $options; $this->resource = @\deflate_init($encoding, $options); if ($this->resource === false) { throw new StreamException("Failed initializing deflate context"); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->resource === null) { throw new ClosedException("The stream has already been closed"); } $compressed = \deflate_add($this->resource, $data, \ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH); if ($compressed === false) { throw new StreamException("Failed adding data to deflate context"); } $promise = $this->destination->write($compressed); $promise->onResolve(function ($error) { if ($error) { $this->close(); } }); return $promise; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function end(string $finalData = "") : Promise { if ($this->resource === null) { throw new ClosedException("The stream has already been closed"); } $compressed = \deflate_add($this->resource, $finalData, \ZLIB_FINISH); if ($compressed === false) { throw new StreamException("Failed adding data to deflate context"); } $promise = $this->destination->end($compressed); $promise->onResolve(function () { $this->close(); }); return $promise; } /** @internal */ private function close() { $this->resource = null; $this->destination = null; } /** * Gets the used compression encoding. * * @return int Encoding specified on construction time. */ public function getEncoding() : int { return $this->encoding; } /** * Gets the used compression options. * * @return array Options array passed on construction time. */ public function getOptions() : array { return $this->options; } }stream = $stream; } public function __destruct() { if (!$this->promise) { Promise\rethrow(new Coroutine($this->consume())); } } private function consume() : \Generator { try { if ($this->lastRead && null === (yield $this->lastRead)) { return; } while (null !== (yield $this->stream->read())) { // Discard unread bytes from message. } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // If exception is thrown here the connection closed anyway. } } /** * @inheritdoc * * @throws \Error If a buffered message was requested by calling buffer(). */ public final function read() : Promise { if ($this->promise) { throw new \Error("Cannot stream message data once a buffered message has been requested"); } return $this->lastRead = $this->stream->read(); } /** * Buffers the entire message and resolves the returned promise then. * * @return Promise Resolves with the entire message contents. */ public final function buffer() : Promise { if ($this->promise) { return $this->promise; } return $this->promise = call(function () { $buffer = ''; if ($this->lastRead && null === (yield $this->lastRead)) { return $buffer; } while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $this->stream->read()))) { $buffer .= $chunk; } return $buffer; }); } }read()) !== null) { * $buffer .= $chunk; * } * * return $buffer; * }); * } * ``` */ interface InputStream { /** * Reads data from the stream. * * @return Promise Resolves with a string when new data is available or `null` if the stream has closed. * * @throws PendingReadError Thrown if another read operation is still pending. */ public function read() : Promise; }contents = $contents; } /** * Reads data from the stream. * * @return Promise Resolves with the full contents or `null` if the stream has closed / already been consumed. */ public function read() : Promise { if ($this->contents === null) { return new Success(); } $promise = new Success($this->contents); $this->contents = null; return $promise; } }resource = $stream; $this->chunkSize =& $chunkSize; $writes = $this->writes = new \SplQueue(); $writable =& $this->writable; $resource =& $this->resource; $this->watcher = Loop::onWritable($stream, static function ($watcher, $stream) use($writes, &$chunkSize, &$writable, &$resource) { static $emptyWrites = 0; try { while (!$writes->isEmpty()) { /** @var \Amp\Deferred $deferred */ list($data, $previous, $deferred) = $writes->shift(); $length = \strlen($data); if ($length === 0) { $deferred->resolve(0); continue; } if (!\is_resource($stream) || ($metaData = @\stream_get_meta_data($stream)) && $metaData['eof']) { throw new ClosedException("The stream was closed by the peer"); } // Error reporting suppressed since fwrite() emits E_WARNING if the pipe is broken or the buffer is full. // Use conditional, because PHP doesn't like getting null passed if ($chunkSize) { $written = @\fwrite($stream, $data, $chunkSize); } else { $written = @\fwrite($stream, $data); } \assert( $written !== false || \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400, // PHP 7.4+ returns false on EPIPE. "Trying to write on a previously fclose()'d resource. Do NOT manually fclose() resources the still referenced in the loop." ); // PHP 7.4.0 and 7.4.1 may return false on EAGAIN. if ($written === false && \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70402) { $message = "Failed to write to stream"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf("; %s", $error["message"]); } throw new StreamException($message); } // Broken pipes between processes on macOS/FreeBSD do not detect EOF properly. if ($written === 0 || $written === false) { if ($emptyWrites++ > self::MAX_CONSECUTIVE_EMPTY_WRITES) { $message = "Failed to write to stream after multiple attempts"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf("; %s", $error["message"]); } throw new StreamException($message); } $writes->unshift([$data, $previous, $deferred]); return; } $emptyWrites = 0; if ($length > $written) { $data = \substr($data, $written); $writes->unshift([$data, $written + $previous, $deferred]); return; } $deferred->resolve($written + $previous); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $resource = null; $writable = false; $deferred->fail($exception); while (!$writes->isEmpty()) { list(, , $deferred) = $writes->shift(); $deferred->fail($exception); } Loop::cancel($watcher); } finally { if ($writes->isEmpty()) { Loop::disable($watcher); } } }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); } /** * Writes data to the stream. * * @param string $data Bytes to write. * * @return Promise Succeeds once the data has been successfully written to the stream. * * @throws ClosedException If the stream has already been closed. */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { return $this->send($data, false); } /** * Closes the stream after all pending writes have been completed. Optionally writes a final data chunk before. * * @param string $finalData Bytes to write. * * @return Promise Succeeds once the data has been successfully written to the stream. * * @throws ClosedException If the stream has already been closed. */ public function end(string $finalData = "") : Promise { return $this->send($finalData, true); } private function send(string $data, bool $end = false) : Promise { if (!$this->writable) { return new Failure(new ClosedException("The stream is not writable")); } $length = \strlen($data); $written = 0; if ($end) { $this->writable = false; } if ($this->writes->isEmpty()) { if ($length === 0) { if ($end) { $this->close(); } return new Success(0); } if (!\is_resource($this->resource) || ($metaData = @\stream_get_meta_data($this->resource)) && $metaData['eof']) { return new Failure(new ClosedException("The stream was closed by the peer")); } // Error reporting suppressed since fwrite() emits E_WARNING if the pipe is broken or the buffer is full. // Use conditional, because PHP doesn't like getting null passed. if ($this->chunkSize) { $written = @\fwrite($this->resource, $data, $this->chunkSize); } else { $written = @\fwrite($this->resource, $data); } \assert( $written !== false || \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400, // PHP 7.4+ returns false on EPIPE. "Trying to write on a previously fclose()'d resource. Do NOT manually fclose() resources the still referenced in the loop." ); // PHP 7.4.0 and 7.4.1 may return false on EAGAIN. if ($written === false && \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70402) { $message = "Failed to write to stream"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf("; %s", $error["message"]); } return new Failure(new StreamException($message)); } $written = (int) $written; // Cast potential false to 0. if ($length === $written) { if ($end) { $this->close(); } return new Success($written); } $data = \substr($data, $written); } $deferred = new Deferred(); if ($length - $written > self::LARGE_CHUNK_SIZE) { $chunks = \str_split($data, self::LARGE_CHUNK_SIZE); $data = \array_pop($chunks); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $this->writes->push([$chunk, $written, new Deferred()]); $written += self::LARGE_CHUNK_SIZE; } } $this->writes->push([$data, $written, $deferred]); Loop::enable($this->watcher); $promise = $deferred->promise(); if ($end) { $promise->onResolve([$this, "close"]); } return $promise; } /** * Closes the stream forcefully. Multiple `close()` calls are ignored. * * @return void */ public function close() { if ($this->resource) { // Error suppression, as resource might already be closed $meta = @\stream_get_meta_data($this->resource); if ($meta && \strpos($meta["mode"], "+") !== false) { @\stream_socket_shutdown($this->resource, \STREAM_SHUT_WR); } else { @\fclose($this->resource); } } $this->free(); } /** * Nulls reference to resource, marks stream unwritable, and fails any pending write. */ private function free() { $this->resource = null; $this->writable = false; if (!$this->writes->isEmpty()) { $exception = new ClosedException("The socket was closed before writing completed"); do { /** @var \Amp\Deferred $deferred */ list(, , $deferred) = $this->writes->shift(); $deferred->fail($exception); } while (!$this->writes->isEmpty()); } Loop::cancel($this->watcher); } /** * @return resource|null Stream resource or null if end() has been called or the stream closed. */ public function getResource() { return $this->resource; } public function setChunkSize(int $chunkSize) { $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->resource !== null) { $this->free(); } } }source = $inputStream; } /** * @return Promise */ public function readLine() : Promise { return call(function () { if (($pos = \strpos($this->buffer, "\n")) !== false) { $line = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $pos); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $pos + 1); return \rtrim($line, "\r"); } while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $this->source->read()))) { $this->buffer .= $chunk; if (($pos = \strpos($this->buffer, "\n")) !== false) { $line = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $pos); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $pos + 1); return \rtrim($line, "\r"); } } if ($this->buffer === "") { return null; } $line = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ""; return \rtrim($line, "\r"); }); } public function getBuffer() : string { return $this->buffer; } public function clearBuffer() { $this->buffer = ""; } }read()) !== null) { * // Immediately use $chunk, reducing memory consumption since the entire message is never buffered. * } * * @deprecated Use Amp\ByteStream\Payload instead. */ class Message implements InputStream, Promise { /** @var InputStream */ private $source; /** @var string */ private $buffer = ""; /** @var \Amp\Deferred|null */ private $pendingRead; /** @var \Amp\Coroutine */ private $coroutine; /** @var bool True if onResolve() has been called. */ private $buffering = false; /** @var \Amp\Deferred|null */ private $backpressure; /** @var bool True if the iterator has completed. */ private $complete = false; /** @var \Throwable Used to fail future reads on failure. */ private $error; /** * @param InputStream $source An iterator that only emits strings. */ public function __construct(InputStream $source) { $this->source = $source; } private function consume() : \Generator { while (($chunk = (yield $this->source->read())) !== null) { $buffer = $this->buffer .= $chunk; if ($buffer === "") { continue; // Do not succeed reads with empty string. } elseif ($this->pendingRead) { $deferred = $this->pendingRead; $this->pendingRead = null; $this->buffer = ""; $deferred->resolve($buffer); $buffer = ""; // Destroy last emitted chunk to free memory. } elseif (!$this->buffering) { $buffer = ""; // Destroy last emitted chunk to free memory. $this->backpressure = new Deferred(); (yield $this->backpressure->promise()); } } $this->complete = true; if ($this->pendingRead) { $deferred = $this->pendingRead; $this->pendingRead = null; $deferred->resolve($this->buffer !== "" ? $this->buffer : null); $this->buffer = ""; } return $this->buffer; } /** @inheritdoc */ public final function read() : Promise { if ($this->pendingRead) { throw new PendingReadError(); } if ($this->coroutine === null) { $this->coroutine = new Coroutine($this->consume()); $this->coroutine->onResolve(function ($error) { if ($error) { $this->error = $error; } if ($this->pendingRead) { $deferred = $this->pendingRead; $this->pendingRead = null; $deferred->fail($error); } }); } if ($this->error) { return new Failure($this->error); } if ($this->buffer !== "") { $buffer = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ""; if ($this->backpressure) { $backpressure = $this->backpressure; $this->backpressure = null; $backpressure->resolve(); } return new Success($buffer); } if ($this->complete) { return new Success(); } $this->pendingRead = new Deferred(); return $this->pendingRead->promise(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public final function onResolve(callable $onResolved) { $this->buffering = true; if ($this->coroutine === null) { $this->coroutine = new Coroutine($this->consume()); } if ($this->backpressure) { $backpressure = $this->backpressure; $this->backpressure = null; $backpressure->resolve(); } $this->coroutine->onResolve($onResolved); } /** * Exposes the source input stream. * * This might be required to resolve a promise with an InputStream, because promises in Amp can't be resolved with * other promises. * * @return InputStream */ public final function getInputStream() : InputStream { return $this->source; } }iterator = $iterator; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function read() : Promise { if ($this->exception) { return new Failure($this->exception); } if ($this->pending) { throw new PendingReadError(); } $this->pending = true; $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->iterator->advance()->onResolve(function ($error, $hasNextElement) use($deferred) { $this->pending = false; if ($error) { $this->exception = $error; $deferred->fail($error); } elseif ($hasNextElement) { $chunk = $this->iterator->getCurrent(); if (!\is_string($chunk)) { $this->exception = new StreamException(\sprintf("Unexpected iterator value of type '%s', expected string", \is_object($chunk) ? \get_class($chunk) : \gettype($chunk))); $deferred->fail($this->exception); return; } $deferred->resolve($chunk); } else { $deferred->resolve(); } }); return $deferred->promise(); } }read())) !== null) { $written += \strlen($chunk); $writePromise = $destination->write($chunk); $chunk = null; // free memory (yield $writePromise); } return $written; }); } /** * @param \Amp\ByteStream\InputStream $source * * @return \Amp\Promise */ function buffer(InputStream $source) : Promise { return call(function () use($source) : \Generator { $buffer = ""; while (($chunk = (yield $source->read())) !== null) { $buffer .= $chunk; $chunk = null; // free memory } return $buffer; }); } /** * The php://input input buffer stream for the process associated with the currently active event loop. * * @return ResourceInputStream */ function getInputBufferStream() : ResourceInputStream { static $key = InputStream::class . '\\input'; $stream = Loop::getState($key); if (!$stream) { $stream = new ResourceInputStream(\fopen('php://input', 'rb')); Loop::setState($key, $stream); } return $stream; } /** * The php://output output buffer stream for the process associated with the currently active event loop. * * @return ResourceOutputStream */ function getOutputBufferStream() : ResourceOutputStream { static $key = OutputStream::class . '\\output'; $stream = Loop::getState($key); if (!$stream) { $stream = new ResourceOutputStream(\fopen('php://output', 'wb')); Loop::setState($key, $stream); } return $stream; } /** * The STDIN stream for the process associated with the currently active event loop. * * @return ResourceInputStream */ function getStdin() : ResourceInputStream { static $key = InputStream::class . '\\stdin'; $stream = Loop::getState($key); if (!$stream) { $stream = new ResourceInputStream(\STDIN); Loop::setState($key, $stream); } return $stream; } /** * The STDOUT stream for the process associated with the currently active event loop. * * @return ResourceOutputStream */ function getStdout() : ResourceOutputStream { static $key = OutputStream::class . '\\stdout'; $stream = Loop::getState($key); if (!$stream) { $stream = new ResourceOutputStream(\STDOUT); Loop::setState($key, $stream); } return $stream; } /** * The STDERR stream for the process associated with the currently active event loop. * * @return ResourceOutputStream */ function getStderr() : ResourceOutputStream { static $key = OutputStream::class . '\\stderr'; $stream = Loop::getState($key); if (!$stream) { $stream = new ResourceOutputStream(\STDERR); Loop::setState($key, $stream); } return $stream; } function parseLineDelimitedJson(InputStream $stream, bool $assoc = false, int $depth = 512, int $options = 0) : Iterator { return new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use($stream, $assoc, $depth, $options) { $reader = new LineReader($stream); while (null !== ($line = (yield $reader->readLine()))) { $line = \trim($line); if ($line === '') { continue; } /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ $data = \json_decode($line, $assoc, $depth, $options); /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ $error = \json_last_error(); /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ if ($error !== \JSON_ERROR_NONE) { /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ throw new StreamException('Failed to parse JSON: ' . \json_last_error_msg(), $error); } (yield $emit($data)); } }); }deferred = new Deferred(); } public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->closed) { throw new ClosedException("The stream has already been closed."); } $this->contents .= $data; return new Success(\strlen($data)); } public function end(string $finalData = "") : Promise { if ($this->closed) { throw new ClosedException("The stream has already been closed."); } $this->contents .= $finalData; $this->closed = true; $this->deferred->resolve($this->contents); $this->contents = ""; return new Success(\strlen($finalData)); } public function onResolve(callable $onResolved) { $this->deferred->promise()->onResolve($onResolved); } }streams = $streams; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function read() : Promise { if ($this->reading) { throw new PendingReadError(); } if (!$this->streams) { return new Success(null); } return call(function () { $this->reading = true; try { while ($this->streams) { $chunk = (yield $this->streams[0]->read()); if ($chunk === null) { \array_shift($this->streams); continue; } return $chunk; } return null; } finally { $this->reading = false; } }); } }#!/usr/bin/env php write('Usage: examples/simple-http-client.php ' . PHP_EOL)); exit(1); } $parts = Uri\parse($argv[1]); $host = $parts['host']; $port = $parts['port'] ?? ($parts['scheme'] === 'https' ? 443 : 80); $path = $parts['path'] ?: '/'; $connectContext = (new ConnectContext())->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext($host)); /** @var EncryptableSocket $socket */ $socket = (yield connect($host . ':' . $port, $connectContext)); if ($parts['scheme'] === 'https') { (yield $socket->setupTls()); } (yield $socket->write("GET {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {$host}\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")); while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $socket->read()))) { (yield $stdout->write($chunk)); } // If the promise returned from `read()` resolves to `null`, the socket closed and we're done. // In this case you can also use `yield Amp\ByteStream\pipe($socket, $stdout)` instead of the while loop, // but we want to demonstrate the `read()` method here. });#!/usr/bin/env php getAddress()}" . PHP_EOL; while (list($address, $data) = (yield $datagram->receive())) { $message = \sprintf("Received '%s' from %s\n", \trim($data), $address); $datagram->send($address, $message); } });#!/usr/bin/env php getRemoteAddress()); echo "Accepted connection from {$ip}:{$port}." . PHP_EOL; $body = "Hey, your IP is {$ip} and your local port used is {$port}."; $bodyLength = \strlen($body); (yield $socket->end("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: {$bodyLength}\r\n\r\n{$body}")); }); $server = Server::listen(''); echo 'Listening for new connections on ' . $server->getAddress() . '...' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Open your browser and visit http://' . $server->getAddress() . '/' . PHP_EOL; while ($socket = (yield $server->accept())) { $clientHandler($socket); } });{ "name": "amphp/socket", "homepage": "", "description": "Async socket connection / server tools for Amp.", "support": { "issues": "" }, "keywords": [ "tcp", "sockets", "tls", "encryption", "async", "non-blocking", "amp" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "ext-openssl": "*", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/dns": "^1 || ^0.9", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.6", "kelunik/certificate": "^1.1", "league/uri-parser": "^1.4" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^6", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Socket\\": "src" }, "files": [ "src/functions.php", "src/Internal/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Socket\\Test\\": "test" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.x-dev" } } } Resolved when TLS is successfully set up on the socket. * * @throws SocketException Promise fails and the socket is closed if setting up TLS fails. */ public function setupTls(CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise; /** * @param CancellationToken|null $cancellationToken * * @return Promise Resolved when TLS is successfully shutdown. * * @throws SocketException Promise fails and the socket is closed if shutting down TLS fails. */ public function shutdownTls(CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise; /** * @return int One of the TLS_STATE_* constants defined in this interface. */ public function getTlsState() : int; /** * @return TlsInfo|null The TLS (crypto) context info if TLS is enabled on the socket or null otherwise. */ public function getTlsInfo(); }withBindTo(null); } public function withBindTo(string $bindTo = null) : self { $bindTo = normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); $clone = clone $this; $clone->bindTo = $bindTo; return $clone; } public function getBindTo() { return $this->bindTo; } public function withConnectTimeout(int $timeout) : self { if ($timeout <= 0) { throw new \Error("Invalid connect timeout ({$timeout}), must be greater than 0"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->connectTimeout = $timeout; return $clone; } public function getConnectTimeout() : int { return $this->connectTimeout; } public function withMaxAttempts(int $maxAttempts) : self { if ($maxAttempts <= 0) { throw new \Error("Invalid max attempts ({$maxAttempts}), must be greater than 0"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->maxAttempts = $maxAttempts; return $clone; } public function getMaxAttempts() : int { return $this->maxAttempts; } public function withoutDnsTypeRestriction() : self { return $this->withDnsTypeRestriction(null); } public function withDnsTypeRestriction(int $type = null) : self { if ($type !== null && $type !== Record::AAAA && $type !== Record::A) { throw new \Error('Invalid resolver type restriction'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->typeRestriction = $type; return $clone; } public function getDnsTypeRestriction() { return $this->typeRestriction; } public function hasTcpNoDelay() : bool { return $this->tcpNoDelay; } public function withTcpNoDelay() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->tcpNoDelay = true; return $clone; } public function withoutTcpNoDelay() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->tcpNoDelay = false; return $clone; } public function withoutTlsContext() : self { return $this->withTlsContext(null); } public function withTlsContext(ClientTlsContext $tlsContext = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->tlsContext = $tlsContext; return $clone; } public function getTlsContext() { return $this->tlsContext; } public function toStreamContextArray() : array { $options = ['tcp_nodelay' => $this->tcpNoDelay]; if ($this->bindTo !== null) { $options['bindto'] = $this->bindTo; } $array = ['socket' => $options]; if ($this->tlsContext) { $array = \array_merge($array, $this->tlsContext->toStreamContextArray()); } return $array; } }resolver = $resolver; } public function connect(string $uri, ConnectContext $context = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { $resolver = $this->resolver; return call(static function () use($uri, $context, $token, $resolver) { $context = $context ?? new ConnectContext(); $token = $token ?? new NullCancellationToken(); $attempt = 0; $uris = []; $failures = []; list($scheme, $host, $port) = Internal\parseUri($uri); if ($host[0] === '[') { $host = \substr($host, 1, -1); } if ($port === 0 || @\inet_pton($host)) { // Host is already an IP address or file path. $uris = [$uri]; } else { // Host is not an IP address, so resolve the domain name. $records = (yield ($resolver ?? Dns\resolver())->resolve($host, $context->getDnsTypeRestriction())); // Usually the faster response should be preferred, but we don't have a reliable way of determining IPv6 // support, so we always prefer IPv4 here. \usort($records, static function (Dns\Record $a, Dns\Record $b) { return $a->getType() - $b->getType(); }); foreach ($records as $record) { /** @var Dns\Record $record */ if ($record->getType() === Dns\Record::AAAA) { $uris[] = \sprintf('%s://[%s]:%d', $scheme, $record->getValue(), $port); } else { $uris[] = \sprintf('%s://%s:%d', $scheme, $record->getValue(), $port); } } } $flags = \STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | \STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT; $timeout = $context->getConnectTimeout(); foreach ($uris as $builtUri) { try { $streamContext = \stream_context_create($context->withoutTlsContext()->toStreamContextArray()); if (!($socket = @\stream_socket_client($builtUri, $errno, $errstr, null, $flags, $streamContext))) { throw new ConnectException(\sprintf('Connection to %s failed: [Error #%d] %s%s', $uri, $errno, $errstr, $failures ? '; previous attempts: ' . \implode($failures) : ''), $errno); } \stream_set_blocking($socket, false); $deferred = new Deferred(); $watcher = Loop::onWritable($socket, [$deferred, 'resolve']); $id = $token->subscribe([$deferred, 'fail']); try { (yield Promise\timeout($deferred->promise(), $timeout)); } catch (TimeoutException $e) { throw new ConnectException(\sprintf('Connecting to %s failed: timeout exceeded (%d ms)%s', $uri, $timeout, $failures ? '; previous attempts: ' . \implode($failures) : ''), 110); // See ETIMEDOUT in } finally { Loop::cancel($watcher); $token->unsubscribe($id); } // The following hack looks like the only way to detect connection refused errors with PHP's stream sockets. if (\stream_socket_get_name($socket, true) === false) { \fclose($socket); throw new ConnectException(\sprintf('Connection to %s refused%s', $uri, $failures ? '; previous attempts: ' . \implode($failures) : ''), 111); // See ECONNREFUSED in } } catch (ConnectException $e) { // Includes only error codes used in this file, as error codes on other OS families might be different. // In fact, this might show a confusing error message on OS families that return 110 or 111 by itself. $knownReasons = [110 => 'connection timeout', 111 => 'connection refused']; $code = $e->getCode(); $reason = $knownReasons[$code] ?? 'Error #' . $code; if (++$attempt === $context->getMaxAttempts()) { break; } $failures[] = "{$uri} ({$reason})"; continue; // Could not connect to host, try next host in the list. } return ResourceSocket::fromClientSocket($socket, $context->getTlsContext()); } // This is reached if either all URIs failed or the maximum number of attempts is reached. /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ throw $e; }); } } null, 'unix' => null]; private $sockets = []; private $objectIdCacheKeyMap = []; private $pendingCount = []; private $idleTimeout; private $connector; public function __construct(int $idleTimeout = 10000, Connector $connector = null) { $this->idleTimeout = $idleTimeout; $this->connector = $connector ?? connector(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function checkout(string $uri, ConnectContext $context = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { // A request might already be cancelled before we reach the checkout, so do not even attempt to checkout in that // case. The weird logic is required to throw the token's exception instead of creating a new one. if ($token && $token->isRequested()) { try { $token->throwIfRequested(); } catch (CancelledException $e) { return new Failure($e); } } list($uri, $fragment) = $this->normalizeUri($uri); $cacheKey = $uri; if ($context && $context->getTlsContext()) { $cacheKey .= ' + ' . \serialize($context->getTlsContext()->toStreamContextArray()); } if ($fragment !== null) { $cacheKey .= ' # ' . $fragment; } if (empty($this->sockets[$cacheKey])) { return $this->checkoutNewSocket($uri, $cacheKey, $context, $token); } foreach ($this->sockets[$cacheKey] as $socketId => $socket) { if (!$socket->isAvailable) { continue; } if ($socket->object instanceof ResourceSocket) { $resource = $socket->object->getResource(); if (!$resource || !\is_resource($resource) || \feof($resource)) { $this->clearFromId(\spl_object_hash($socket->object)); continue; } } elseif ($socket->object->isClosed()) { $this->clearFromId(\spl_object_hash($socket->object)); continue; } $socket->isAvailable = false; if ($socket->idleWatcher !== null) { Loop::disable($socket->idleWatcher); } return new Success($socket->object); } return $this->checkoutNewSocket($uri, $cacheKey, $context, $token); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function clear(EncryptableSocket $socket) { $this->clearFromId(\spl_object_hash($socket)); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function checkin(EncryptableSocket $socket) { $objectId = \spl_object_hash($socket); if (!isset($this->objectIdCacheKeyMap[$objectId])) { throw new \Error(\sprintf('Unknown socket: %d', $objectId)); } $cacheKey = $this->objectIdCacheKeyMap[$objectId]; if ($socket instanceof ResourceSocket) { $resource = $socket->getResource(); if (!$resource || !\is_resource($resource) || \feof($resource)) { $this->clearFromId(\spl_object_hash($socket)); return; } } elseif ($socket->isClosed()) { $this->clearFromId(\spl_object_hash($socket)); return; } $socket = $this->sockets[$cacheKey][$objectId]; $socket->isAvailable = true; if (isset($socket->idleWatcher)) { Loop::enable($socket->idleWatcher); } else { $socket->idleWatcher = Loop::delay($this->idleTimeout, function () use($socket) { $this->clearFromId(\spl_object_hash($socket->object)); }); Loop::unreference($socket->idleWatcher); } } /** * @param string $uri * * @return array * * @throws SocketException */ private function normalizeUri(string $uri) : array { if (\stripos($uri, 'unix://') === 0) { return \explode('#', $uri) + [null, null]; } try { $parts = Uri\parse($uri); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new SocketException('Could not parse URI', 0, $exception); } if ($parts['scheme'] === null) { throw new SocketException('Invalid URI for socket pool; no scheme given'); } $port = $parts['port'] ?? 0; if ($port === 0 || $parts['host'] === null) { throw new SocketException('Invalid URI for socket pool; missing host or port'); } $scheme = \strtolower($parts['scheme']); $host = \strtolower($parts['host']); if (!\array_key_exists($scheme, self::ALLOWED_SCHEMES)) { throw new SocketException(\sprintf("Invalid URI for socket pool; '%s' scheme not allowed - scheme must be one of %s", $scheme, \implode(', ', \array_keys(self::ALLOWED_SCHEMES)))); } if ($parts['query'] !== null) { throw new SocketException('Invalid URI for socket pool; query component not allowed'); } if ($parts['path'] !== '') { throw new SocketException('Invalid URI for socket pool; path component must be empty'); } if ($parts['user'] !== null) { throw new SocketException('Invalid URI for socket pool; user component not allowed'); } return [$scheme . '://' . $host . ':' . $port, $parts['fragment']]; } private function checkoutNewSocket(string $uri, string $cacheKey, ConnectContext $connectContext, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return call(function () use($uri, $cacheKey, $connectContext, $token) { $this->pendingCount[$uri] = ($this->pendingCount[$uri] ?? 0) + 1; try { /** @var EncryptableSocket $socket */ $socket = (yield $this->connector->connect($uri, $connectContext, $token)); } finally { if (--$this->pendingCount[$uri] === 0) { unset($this->pendingCount[$uri]); } } $socketEntry = new class { use Struct; public $id; public $uri; public $object; public $isAvailable; public $idleWatcher; }; $socketEntry->uri = $uri; $socketEntry->isAvailable = false; $socketEntry->object = $socket; $objectId = \spl_object_hash($socket); $this->sockets[$cacheKey][$objectId] = $socketEntry; $this->objectIdCacheKeyMap[$objectId] = $cacheKey; return $socket; }); } /** * @param string $objectId */ private function clearFromId(string $objectId) { if (!isset($this->objectIdCacheKeyMap[$objectId])) { throw new \Error(\sprintf('Unknown socket: %d', $objectId)); } $cacheKey = $this->objectIdCacheKeyMap[$objectId]; $socket = $this->sockets[$cacheKey][$objectId]; if ($socket->idleWatcher) { Loop::cancel($socket->idleWatcher); } unset($this->sockets[$cacheKey][$objectId], $this->objectIdCacheKeyMap[$objectId]); if (empty($this->sockets[$cacheKey])) { unset($this->sockets[$cacheKey]); } } }tlsContext = $tlsContext; $this->reader = new ResourceInputStream($resource, $chunkSize); $this->writer = new ResourceOutputStream($resource, $chunkSize); $this->remoteAddress = SocketAddress::fromPeerResource($resource); $this->localAddress = SocketAddress::fromLocalResource($resource); $this->tlsState = self::TLS_STATE_DISABLED; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function setupTls(CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise { $resource = $this->getResource(); if ($resource === null) { return new Failure(new ClosedException("Can't setup TLS, because the socket has already been closed")); } $this->tlsState = self::TLS_STATE_SETUP_PENDING; if ($this->tlsContext) { $promise = Internal\setupTls($resource, $this->tlsContext->toStreamContextArray(), $cancellationToken); } else { $context = @\stream_context_get_options($resource); if (empty($context['ssl'])) { return new Failure(new TlsException("Can't enable TLS without configuration. " . "If you used Amp\\Socket\\listen(), be sure to pass a ServerTlsContext within the BindContext " . "in the second argument, otherwise set the 'ssl' context option to the PHP stream resource.")); } $promise = Internal\setupTls($resource, $context, $cancellationToken); } return call(function () use($promise) { try { (yield $promise); $this->tlsState = self::TLS_STATE_ENABLED; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->close(); throw $exception; } }); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function shutdownTls(CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise { if (($resource = $this->reader->getResource()) === null) { return new Failure(new ClosedException("Can't shutdown TLS, because the socket has already been closed")); } $this->tlsState = self::TLS_STATE_SHUTDOWN_PENDING; return call(function () use($resource) { try { return Internal\shutdownTls($resource); } finally { $this->tlsState = self::TLS_STATE_DISABLED; } }); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function read() : Promise { return $this->reader->read(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { return $this->writer->write($data); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function end(string $data = '') : Promise { $promise = $this->writer->end($data); $promise->onResolve(function () { $this->close(); }); return $promise; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function close() { $this->reader->close(); $this->writer->close(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function reference() { $this->reader->reference(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function unreference() { $this->reader->unreference(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->localAddress; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getResource() { return $this->reader->getResource(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->remoteAddress; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getTlsState() : int { return $this->tlsState; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getTlsInfo() { if (null !== $this->tlsInfo) { return $this->tlsInfo; } $resource = $this->getResource(); if ($resource === null || !\is_resource($resource)) { return null; } return $this->tlsInfo = TlsInfo::fromStreamResource($resource); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function isClosed() : bool { return $this->getResource() === null; } /** * @param int $chunkSize New chunk size for reading and writing. */ public function setChunkSize(int $chunkSize) { $this->reader->setChunkSize($chunkSize); $this->writer->setChunkSize($chunkSize); } }peerName = $peerName; } /** * Minimum TLS version to negotiate. * * Defaults to TLS 1.0. * * @param int $version `ServerTlsContext::TLSv1_0`, `ServerTlsContext::TLSv1_1`, or `ServerTlsContext::TLSv1_2`. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. * @throws \Error If an invalid minimum version is given. */ public function withMinimumVersion(int $version) : self { if ($version !== self::TLSv1_0 && $version !== self::TLSv1_1 && $version !== self::TLSv1_2) { throw new \Error('Invalid minimum version, only TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 allowed'); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->minVersion = $version; return $clone; } /** * Returns the minimum TLS version to negotiate. * * @return int */ public function getMinimumVersion() : int { return $this->minVersion; } /** * Expected name of the peer. * * @param string $peerName * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withPeerName(string $peerName) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->peerName = $peerName; return $clone; } /** * @return null|string Expected name of the peer or `null` if such an expectation doesn't exist. */ public function getPeerName() { return $this->peerName; } /** * Enable peer verification. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withPeerVerification() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->verifyPeer = true; return $clone; } /** * Disable peer verification, this is the default for servers. * * Warning: You usually shouldn't disable this setting for clients, because it allows active MitM attackers to * intercept the communication and change it without anyone noticing. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withoutPeerVerification() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->verifyPeer = false; return $clone; } /** * @return bool Whether peer verification is enabled. */ public function hasPeerVerification() : bool { return $this->verifyPeer; } /** * Maximum chain length the peer might present including the certificates in the local trust store. * * @param int $verifyDepth Maximum length of the certificate chain. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withVerificationDepth(int $verifyDepth) : self { if ($verifyDepth < 0) { throw new \Error("Invalid verification depth ({$verifyDepth}), must be greater than or equal to 0"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->verifyDepth = $verifyDepth; return $clone; } /** * @return int Maximum length of the certificate chain. */ public function getVerificationDepth() : int { return $this->verifyDepth; } /** * List of ciphers to negotiate, the server's order is always preferred. * * @param string|null $ciphers List of ciphers in OpenSSL's format (colon separated). * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCiphers(string $ciphers = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->ciphers = $ciphers; return $clone; } /** * @return string List of ciphers in OpenSSL's format (colon separated). */ public function getCiphers() : string { return $this->ciphers ?? \OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS; } /** * CAFile to check for trusted certificates. * * @param string|null $cafile Path to the file or `null` to unset. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCaFile(string $cafile = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->caFile = $cafile; return $clone; } /** * @return null|string Path to the file if one is set, otherwise `null`. */ public function getCaFile() { return $this->caFile; } /** * CAPath to check for trusted certificates. * * @param string|null $capath Path to the file or `null` to unset. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCaPath(string $capath = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->caPath = $capath; return $clone; } /** * @return null|string Path to the file if one is set, otherwise `null`. */ public function getCaPath() { return $this->caPath; } /** * Capture the certificates sent by the peer. * * Note: This is the chain as sent by the peer, NOT the verified chain. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withPeerCapturing() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->capturePeer = true; return $clone; } /** * Don't capture the certificates sent by the peer. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withoutPeerCapturing() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->capturePeer = false; return $clone; } /** * @return bool Whether to capture the certificates sent by the peer. */ public function hasPeerCapturing() : bool { return $this->capturePeer; } /** * Enable SNI. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withSni() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->sniEnabled = true; return $clone; } /** * Disable SNI. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withoutSni() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->sniEnabled = false; return $clone; } /** * @return bool Whether SNI is enabled or not. */ public function hasSni() : bool { return $this->sniEnabled; } /** * Security level to use. * * Requires OpenSSL 1.1.0 or higher. * * @param int $level Must be between 0 and 5. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withSecurityLevel(int $level) : self { // See // Level 2 is not recommended, because of SHA-1 by that document, // but SHA-1 should be phased out now on general internet use. // We therefore default to level 2. if ($level < 0 || $level > 5) { throw new \Error("Invalid security level ({$level}), must be between 0 and 5."); } if (!hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { throw new \Error("Can't set a security level, as PHP is compiled with OpenSSL < 1.1.0."); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->securityLevel = $level; return $clone; } /** * @return int Security level between 0 and 5. Always 0 for OpenSSL < 1.1.0. */ public function getSecurityLevel() : int { // 0 is equivalent to previous versions of OpenSSL and just does nothing if (!hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { return 0; } return $this->securityLevel; } /** * Client certificate to use, if key is no present it assumes it is present in the same file as the certificate. * * @param Certificate $certificate Certificate and private key info * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCertificate(Certificate $certificate = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->certificate = $certificate; return $clone; } public function getCertificate() { return $this->certificate; } /** * @param string[] $protocols * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withApplicationLayerProtocols(array $protocols) : self { if (!hasTlsAlpnSupport()) { throw new \Error("Can't set an application layer protocol list, as PHP is compiled with OpenSSL < 1.0.2."); } foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { if (!\is_string($protocol)) { throw new \TypeError("Protocol names must be strings"); } } $clone = clone $this; $clone->alpnProtocols = $protocols; return $clone; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getApplicationLayerProtocols() : array { return $this->alpnProtocols; } /** * Converts this TLS context into PHP's equivalent stream context array. * * @return array Stream context array compatible with PHP's streams. */ public function toStreamContextArray() : array { $options = ['crypto_method' => $this->toStreamCryptoMethod(), 'peer_name' => $this->peerName, 'verify_peer' => $this->verifyPeer, 'verify_peer_name' => $this->verifyPeer, 'verify_depth' => $this->verifyDepth, 'ciphers' => $this->ciphers ?? \OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS, 'capture_peer_cert' => $this->capturePeer, 'capture_peer_cert_chain' => $this->capturePeer, 'SNI_enabled' => $this->sniEnabled]; if ($this->certificate !== null) { $options['local_cert'] = $this->certificate->getCertFile(); if ($this->certificate->getCertFile() !== $this->certificate->getKeyFile()) { $options['local_pk'] = $this->certificate->getKeyFile(); } } if ($this->caFile !== null) { $options['cafile'] = $this->caFile; } if ($this->caPath !== null) { $options['capath'] = $this->caPath; } if (hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { $options['security_level'] = $this->securityLevel; } if (!empty($this->alpnProtocols)) { $options['alpn_protocols'] = \implode(',', $this->alpnProtocols); } return ['ssl' => $options]; } /** * @return int Crypto method compatible with PHP's streams. */ public function toStreamCryptoMethod() : int { switch ($this->minVersion) { case self::TLSv1_0: return self::TLSv1_0 | self::TLSv1_1 | self::TLSv1_2; case self::TLSv1_1: return self::TLSv1_1 | self::TLSv1_2; case self::TLSv1_2: return self::TLSv1_2; default: throw new \RuntimeException('Unknown minimum TLS version: ' . $this->minVersion); } } } 65535)) { throw new \Error('Port number must be null or an integer between 1 and 65535'); } if (\strrpos($host, ':')) { $host = \trim($host, '[]'); } $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; } /** * @return string */ public function getHost() : string { return $this->host; } /** * @return int */ public function getPort() { return $this->port; } /** * @return string host:port formatted string. */ public function toString() : string { $host = $this->host; if (\strrpos($host, ':')) { $host = '[' . $host . ']'; } if ($this->port === null) { return $host; } return $host . ':' . $this->port; } /** * @see toString * * @return string */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->toString(); } }throwIfRequested(); $deferred = new Deferred(); // Watcher is guaranteed to be created, because we throw above if cancellation has already been requested $id = $cancellationToken->subscribe(static function ($e) use($deferred, &$watcher) { Loop::cancel($watcher); $deferred->fail($e); }); $watcher = Loop::onReadable($socket, static function (string $watcher, $socket, Deferred $deferred) use($cancellationToken, $id) { $result = @\stream_socket_enable_crypto($socket, true); // If $result is 0, just wait for the next invocation if ($result === true) { Loop::cancel($watcher); $cancellationToken->unsubscribe($id); $deferred->resolve(); } elseif ($result === false) { Loop::cancel($watcher); $cancellationToken->unsubscribe($id); $deferred->fail(new TlsException('TLS negotiation failed: ' . (\feof($socket) ? 'Connection reset by peer' : \error_get_last()['message']))); } }, $deferred); return $deferred->promise(); }); } /** * Disable encryption on an existing socket stream. * * @param resource $socket * * @return Promise * * @internal */ function shutdownTls($socket) : Promise { // note that disabling crypto *ALWAYS* returns false, immediately // don't set _enabled to false, TLS can be setup only once @\stream_socket_enable_crypto($socket, false); return new Success(); } /** * Normalizes "bindto" options to add a ":0" in case no port is present, otherwise PHP will silently ignore those. * * @param string|null $bindTo * * @return string|null * * @throws \Error If an invalid option has been passed. */ function normalizeBindToOption(string $bindTo = null) { if ($bindTo === null) { return null; } if (\preg_match("/\\[(?P[0-9a-f:]+)\\](:(?P\\d+))?\$/", $bindTo ?? '', $match)) { $ip = $match['ip']; $port = $match['port'] ?? 0; if (@\inet_pton($ip) === false) { throw new \Error("Invalid IPv6 address: {$ip}"); } if ($port < 0 || $port > 65535) { throw new \Error("Invalid port: {$port}"); } return "[{$ip}]:{$port}"; } if (\preg_match("/(?P\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)(:(?P\\d+))?\$/", $bindTo ?? '', $match)) { $ip = $match['ip']; $port = $match['port'] ?? 0; if (@\inet_pton($ip) === false) { throw new \Error("Invalid IPv4 address: {$ip}"); } if ($port < 0 || $port > 65535) { throw new \Error("Invalid port: {$port}"); } return "{$ip}:{$port}"; } throw new \Error("Invalid bindTo value: {$bindTo}"); } /** * Cleans up return values of stream_socket_get_name. * * @param string|false $address * * @return string|null */ function cleanupSocketName($address) { // if ($address === false || $address === "\0") { return null; } // Check if this is an IPv6 address which includes multiple colons but no square brackets // @see // @license $pos = \strrpos($address, ':'); if ($pos !== false && \strpos($address, ':') < $pos && $address[0] !== '[') { $port = \substr($address, $pos + 1); $address = '[' . \substr($address, 0, $pos) . ']:' . $port; } // -- End of imported code ----- // return $address; }certFile = $certFile; $this->keyFile = $keyFile ?? $certFile; } /** * @return string */ public function getCertFile() : string { return $this->certFile; } /** * @return string */ public function getKeyFile() : string { return $this->keyFile; } }withBindTo(null); } public function withBindTo(string $bindTo = null) : self { $bindTo = normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); $clone = clone $this; $clone->bindTo = $bindTo; return $clone; } public function getBindTo() { return $this->bindTo; } public function getBacklog() : int { return $this->backlog; } public function withBacklog(int $backlog) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->backlog = $backlog; return $clone; } public function hasReusePort() : bool { return $this->reusePort; } public function withReusePort() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->reusePort = true; return $clone; } public function withoutReusePort() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->reusePort = false; return $clone; } public function hasBroadcast() : bool { return $this->broadcast; } public function withBroadcast() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->broadcast = true; return $clone; } public function withoutBroadcast() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->broadcast = false; return $clone; } public function hasTcpNoDelay() : bool { return $this->tcpNoDelay; } public function withTcpNoDelay() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->tcpNoDelay = true; return $clone; } public function withoutTcpNoDelay() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->tcpNoDelay = false; return $clone; } public function getTlsContext() { return $this->tlsContext; } public function withoutTlsContext() : self { return $this->withTlsContext(null); } public function withTlsContext(ServerTlsContext $tlsContext = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->tlsContext = $tlsContext; return $clone; } public function getChunkSize() : int { return $this->chunkSize; } public function withChunkSize(int $chunkSize) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->chunkSize = $chunkSize; return $clone; } public function toStreamContextArray() : array { $array = ['socket' => [ 'bindto' => $this->bindTo, 'backlog' => $this->backlog, 'ipv6_v6only' => true, // SO_REUSEADDR has SO_REUSEPORT semantics on Windows 'so_reuseaddr' => $this->reusePort && \stripos(\PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0, 'so_reuseport' => $this->reusePort, 'so_broadcast' => $this->broadcast, 'tcp_nodelay' => $this->tcpNoDelay, ]]; if ($this->tlsContext) { $array = \array_merge($array, $this->tlsContext->toStreamContextArray()); } return $array; } }toStreamContextArray()); // Error reporting suppressed since stream_socket_server() emits an E_WARNING on failure (checked below). $server = @\stream_socket_server($uri, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND, $streamContext); if (!$server || $errno) { throw new SocketException(\sprintf('Could not create datagram %s: [Error: #%d] %s', $uri, $errno, $errstr), $errno); } return new self($server, $context->getChunkSize()); } /** @var resource UDP socket resource. */ private $socket; /** @var string Watcher ID. */ private $watcher; /** @var SocketAddress */ private $address; /** @var Deferred|null */ private $reader; /** @var int */ private $chunkSize; /** * @param resource $socket A bound udp socket resource * @param int $chunkSize Maximum chunk size for the * * @throws \Error If a stream resource is not given for $socket. */ public function __construct($socket, int $chunkSize = self::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) { if (!\is_resource($socket) || \get_resource_type($socket) !== 'stream') { throw new \Error('Invalid resource given to constructor!'); } $this->socket = $socket; $this->address = SocketAddress::fromLocalResource($socket); $this->chunkSize =& $chunkSize; \stream_set_blocking($this->socket, false); $reader =& $this->reader; $this->watcher = Loop::onReadable($this->socket, static function ($watcher, $socket) use(&$reader, &$chunkSize) { $deferred = $reader; $reader = null; \assert($deferred !== null); $data = @\stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, $chunkSize, 0, $address); if ($data === false) { Loop::cancel($watcher); $deferred->resolve(); return; } $deferred->resolve([SocketAddress::fromSocketName($address), $data]); if (!$reader) { Loop::disable($watcher); } }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); } /** * Automatically cancels the loop watcher. */ public function __destruct() { if (!$this->socket) { return; } $this->free(); } /** * @return Promise<[SocketAddress $address, string $data]|null> Resolves with null if the socket is closed. * * @throws PendingReceiveError If a receive request is already pending. */ public function receive() : Promise { if ($this->reader) { throw new PendingReceiveError(); } if (!$this->socket) { return new Success(); // Resolve with null when endpoint is closed. } $this->reader = new Deferred(); Loop::enable($this->watcher); return $this->reader->promise(); } /** * @param SocketAddress $address * @param string $data * * @return Promise Resolves with the number of bytes written to the socket. * * @throws SocketException If the UDP socket closes before the data can be sent. */ public function send(SocketAddress $address, string $data) : Promise { if (!$this->socket) { return new Failure(new SocketException('The endpoint is not writable')); } $result = @\stream_socket_sendto($this->socket, $data, 0, $address->toString()); if ($result < 0 || $result === false) { $error = \error_get_last(); return new Failure(new SocketException('Could not send packet on endpoint: ' . $error['message'])); } return new Success($result); } /** * Raw stream socket resource. * * @return resource|null */ public final function getResource() { return $this->socket; } /** * References the receive watcher. * * @see Loop::reference() */ public final function reference() { Loop::reference($this->watcher); } /** * Unreferences the receive watcher. * * @see Loop::unreference() */ public final function unreference() { Loop::unreference($this->watcher); } /** * Closes the datagram socket and stops receiving data. Any pending read is resolved with null. */ public function close() { if ($this->socket) { \fclose($this->socket); } $this->free(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isClosed() : bool { return $this->socket === null; } /** * @return SocketAddress */ public function getAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->address; } /** * @param int $chunkSize The new maximum packet size to receive. */ public function setChunkSize(int $chunkSize) { $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; } private function free() { Loop::cancel($this->watcher); $this->socket = null; if ($this->reader) { $this->reader->resolve(); $this->reader = null; } } }uri = $uri; $this->connector = $connector; } public function connect(string $uri, ConnectContext $context = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return $this->connector->connect($this->uri, $context, $token); } } * * @throws ConnectException * @throws CancelledException */ public function connect(string $uri, ConnectContext $context = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise; }minVersion = $version; return $clone; } /** * Returns the minimum TLS version to negotiate. * * @return int */ public function getMinimumVersion() : int { return $this->minVersion; } /** * Expected name of the peer. * * @param string|null $peerName * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withPeerName(string $peerName = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->peerName = $peerName; return $clone; } /** * @return null|string Expected name of the peer or `null` if such an expectation doesn't exist. */ public function getPeerName() { return $this->peerName; } /** * Enable peer verification. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withPeerVerification() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->verifyPeer = true; return $clone; } /** * Disable peer verification, this is the default for servers. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withoutPeerVerification() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->verifyPeer = false; return $clone; } /** * @return bool Whether peer verification is enabled. */ public function hasPeerVerification() : bool { return $this->verifyPeer; } /** * Maximum chain length the peer might present including the certificates in the local trust store. * * @param int $verifyDepth Maximum length of the certificate chain. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withVerificationDepth(int $verifyDepth) : self { if ($verifyDepth < 0) { throw new \Error("Invalid verification depth ({$verifyDepth}), must be greater than or equal to 0"); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->verifyDepth = $verifyDepth; return $clone; } /** * @return int Maximum length of the certificate chain. */ public function getVerificationDepth() : int { return $this->verifyDepth; } /** * List of ciphers to negotiate, the server's order is always preferred. * * @param string|null $ciphers List of ciphers in OpenSSL's format (colon separated). * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCiphers(string $ciphers = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->ciphers = $ciphers; return $clone; } /** * @return string List of ciphers in OpenSSL's format (colon separated). */ public function getCiphers() : string { return $this->ciphers ?? \OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS; } /** * CAFile to check for trusted certificates. * * @param string|null $cafile Path to the file or `null` to unset. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCaFile(string $cafile = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->caFile = $cafile; return $clone; } /** * @return null|string Path to the file if one is set, otherwise `null`. */ public function getCaFile() { return $this->caFile; } /** * CAPath to check for trusted certificates. * * @param string|null $capath Path to the file or `null` to unset. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCaPath(string $capath = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->caPath = $capath; return $clone; } /** * @return null|string Path to the file if one is set, otherwise `null`. */ public function getCaPath() { return $this->caPath; } /** * Capture the certificates sent by the peer. * * Note: This is the chain as sent by the peer, NOT the verified chain. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withPeerCapturing() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->capturePeer = true; return $clone; } /** * Don't capture the certificates sent by the peer. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withoutPeerCapturing() : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->capturePeer = false; return $clone; } /** * @return bool Whether to capture the certificates sent by the peer. */ public function hasPeerCapturing() : bool { return $this->capturePeer; } /** * Default certificate to use in case no SNI certificate matches. * * @param Certificate|null $defaultCertificate * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withDefaultCertificate(Certificate $defaultCertificate = null) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->defaultCertificate = $defaultCertificate; return $clone; } /** * @return Certificate|null Default certificate to use in case no SNI certificate matches, or `null` if unset. */ public function getDefaultCertificate() { return $this->defaultCertificate; } /** * Certificates to use for the given host names. * * @param array $certificates Must be a associative array mapping hostnames to certificate instances. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withCertificates(array $certificates) : self { foreach ($certificates as $key => $certificate) { if (!\is_string($key)) { throw new \TypeError('Expected an array mapping domain names to Certificate instances'); } if (!$certificate instanceof Certificate) { throw new \TypeError('Expected an array of Certificate instances'); } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200 && $certificate->getCertFile() !== $certificate->getKeyFile()) { throw new \Error('Different files for cert and key are not supported on this version of PHP. ' . 'Please upgrade to PHP 7.2 or later.'); } } $clone = clone $this; $clone->certificates = $certificates; return $clone; } /** * @return array Associative array mapping hostnames to certificate instances. */ public function getCertificates() : array { return $this->certificates; } /** * Security level to use. * * Requires OpenSSL 1.1.0 or higher. * * @param int $level Must be between 0 and 5. * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withSecurityLevel(int $level) : self { // See // Level 2 is not recommended, because of SHA-1 by that document, // but SHA-1 should be phased out now on general internet use. // We therefore default to level 2. if ($level < 0 || $level > 5) { throw new \Error("Invalid security level ({$level}), must be between 0 and 5."); } if (!hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { throw new \Error("Can't set a security level, as PHP is compiled with OpenSSL < 1.1.0."); } $clone = clone $this; $clone->securityLevel = $level; return $clone; } /** * @return int Security level between 0 and 5. Always 0 for OpenSSL < 1.1.0. */ public function getSecurityLevel() : int { // 0 is equivalent to previous versions of OpenSSL and just does nothing if (!hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { return 0; } return $this->securityLevel; } /** * @param string[] $protocols * * @return self Cloned, modified instance. */ public function withApplicationLayerProtocols(array $protocols) : self { if (!hasTlsAlpnSupport()) { throw new \Error("Can't set an application layer protocol list, as PHP is compiled with OpenSSL < 1.0.2."); } foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { if (!\is_string($protocol)) { throw new \TypeError("Protocol names must be strings"); } } $clone = clone $this; $clone->alpnProtocols = $protocols; return $clone; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getApplicationLayerProtocols() : array { return $this->alpnProtocols; } /** * Converts this TLS context into PHP's equivalent stream context array. * * @return array Stream context array compatible with PHP's streams. */ public function toStreamContextArray() : array { $options = ['crypto_method' => $this->toStreamCryptoMethod(), 'peer_name' => $this->peerName, 'verify_peer' => $this->verifyPeer, 'verify_peer_name' => $this->verifyPeer, 'verify_depth' => $this->verifyDepth, 'ciphers' => $this->ciphers ?? \OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS, 'honor_cipher_order' => true, 'single_dh_use' => true, 'no_ticket' => true, 'capture_peer_cert' => $this->capturePeer, 'capture_peer_chain' => $this->capturePeer]; if (!empty($this->alpnProtocols)) { $options['alpn_protocols'] = \implode(',', $this->alpnProtocols); } if ($this->defaultCertificate !== null) { $options['local_cert'] = $this->defaultCertificate->getCertFile(); if ($this->defaultCertificate->getCertFile() !== $this->defaultCertificate->getKeyFile()) { $options['local_pk'] = $this->defaultCertificate->getKeyFile(); } } if ($this->certificates) { $options['SNI_server_certs'] = \array_map(static function (Certificate $certificate) { if ($certificate->getCertFile() === $certificate->getKeyFile()) { return $certificate->getCertFile(); } return ['local_cert' => $certificate->getCertFile(), 'local_pk' => $certificate->getKeyFile()]; }, $this->certificates); } if ($this->caFile !== null) { $options['cafile'] = $this->caFile; } if ($this->caPath !== null) { $options['capath'] = $this->caPath; } if (\OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000) { $options['security_level'] = $this->securityLevel; } return ['ssl' => $options]; } /** * @return int Crypto method compatible with PHP's streams. */ public function toStreamCryptoMethod() : int { switch ($this->minVersion) { case self::TLSv1_0: return self::TLSv1_0 | self::TLSv1_1 | self::TLSv1_2; case self::TLSv1_1: return self::TLSv1_1 | self::TLSv1_2; case self::TLSv1_2: return self::TLSv1_2; default: throw new \RuntimeException('Unknown minimum TLS version: ' . $this->minVersion); } } }setupTls()` after accepting new clients. * * @param string $uri URI in scheme://host:port format. TCP is assumed if no scheme is present. * @param BindContext|null $context Context options for listening. * * @return Server * * @throws SocketException If binding to the specified URI failed. * @throws \Error If an invalid scheme is given. */ public static function listen(string $uri, BindContext $context = null) : self { $context = $context ?? new BindContext(); $scheme = \strstr($uri, '://', true); if ($scheme === false) { $uri = 'tcp://' . $uri; } elseif (!\in_array($scheme, ['tcp', 'unix'])) { throw new \Error('Only tcp and unix schemes allowed for server creation'); } $streamContext = \stream_context_create($context->toStreamContextArray()); // Error reporting suppressed since stream_socket_server() emits an E_WARNING on failure (checked below). $server = @\stream_socket_server($uri, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND | STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN, $streamContext); if (!$server || $errno) { throw new SocketException(\sprintf('Could not create server %s: [Error: #%d] %s', $uri, $errno, $errstr), $errno); } return new self($server, $context->getChunkSize()); } /** * @param resource $socket A bound socket server resource * @param int $chunkSize Chunk size for the input and output stream. * * @throws \Error If a stream resource is not given for $socket. */ public function __construct($socket, int $chunkSize = ResourceSocket::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) { if (!\is_resource($socket) || \get_resource_type($socket) !== 'stream') { throw new \Error('Invalid resource given to constructor!'); } $this->socket = $socket; $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; $this->address = SocketAddress::fromLocalResource($socket); \stream_set_blocking($this->socket, false); $acceptor =& $this->acceptor; $this->watcher = Loop::onReadable($this->socket, static function ($watcher, $socket) use(&$acceptor, $chunkSize) { // Error reporting suppressed since stream_socket_accept() emits E_WARNING on client accept failure. if (!($client = @\stream_socket_accept($socket, 0))) { // Timeout of 0 to be non-blocking. return; // Accepting client failed. } $deferred = $acceptor; $acceptor = null; \assert($deferred !== null); $deferred->resolve(ResourceSocket::fromServerSocket($client, $chunkSize)); if (!$acceptor) { Loop::disable($watcher); } }); Loop::disable($this->watcher); } /** * Automatically cancels the loop watcher. */ public function __destruct() { if (!$this->socket) { return; } $this->free(); } private function free() { Loop::cancel($this->watcher); $this->socket = null; if ($this->acceptor) { $this->acceptor->resolve(); $this->acceptor = null; } } /** * @return Promise * * @throws PendingAcceptError If another accept request is pending. */ public function accept() : Promise { if ($this->acceptor) { throw new PendingAcceptError(); } if (!$this->socket) { return new Success(); // Resolve with null when server is closed. } // Error reporting suppressed since stream_socket_accept() emits E_WARNING on client accept failure. if ($client = @\stream_socket_accept($this->socket, 0)) { // Timeout of 0 to be non-blocking. return new Success(ResourceSocket::fromServerSocket($client, $this->chunkSize)); } $this->acceptor = new Deferred(); Loop::enable($this->watcher); return $this->acceptor->promise(); } /** * Closes the server and stops accepting connections. Any socket clients accepted will not be closed. */ public function close() { if ($this->socket) { \fclose($this->socket); } $this->free(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isClosed() : bool { return $this->socket === null; } /** * References the accept watcher. * * @see Loop::reference() */ public final function reference() { Loop::reference($this->watcher); } /** * Unreferences the accept watcher. * * @see Loop::unreference() */ public final function unreference() { Loop::unreference($this->watcher); } /** * @return SocketAddress */ public function getAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->address; } /** * Raw stream socket resource. * * @return resource|null */ public final function getResource() { return $this->socket; } }getResource())["crypto"]`. * @param array $tlsContext Context obtained via `stream_context_get_options($socket->getResource())["ssl"])`. * * @return self */ public static function fromMetaData(array $cryptoInfo, array $tlsContext) : self { if (isset($tlsContext["peer_certificate"])) { $certificates = \array_merge([$tlsContext["peer_certificate"]], $tlsContext["peer_certificate_chain"] ?? []); } else { $certificates = $tlsContext["peer_certificate_chain"] ?? []; } return new self($cryptoInfo["protocol"], $cryptoInfo["cipher_name"], $cryptoInfo["cipher_bits"], $cryptoInfo["cipher_version"], $cryptoInfo["alpn_protocol"] ?? null, empty($certificates) ? null : $certificates); } private function __construct(string $version, string $cipherName, int $cipherBits, string $cipherVersion, string $alpnProtocol = null, array $certificates = null) { $this->version = $version; $this->cipherName = $cipherName; $this->cipherBits = $cipherBits; $this->cipherVersion = $cipherVersion; $this->alpnProtocol = $alpnProtocol; $this->certificates = $certificates; } public function getVersion() : string { return $this->version; } public function getCipherName() : string { return $this->cipherName; } public function getCipherBits() : int { return $this->cipherBits; } public function getCipherVersion() : string { return $this->cipherVersion; } public function getApplicationLayerProtocol() { return $this->alpnProtocol; } /** * @return Certificate[] * * @throws SocketException If peer certificates were not captured. */ public function getPeerCertificates() : array { if ($this->certificates === null) { throw new SocketException("Peer certificates not captured; use ClientTlsContext::withPeerCapturing() to capture peer certificates"); } if ($this->parsedCertificates === null) { $this->parsedCertificates = \array_map(static function ($resource) { return new Certificate($resource); }, $this->certificates); } return $this->parsedCertificates; } } Resolves to an EncryptableSocket instance once a connection is available. * * @throws SocketException * @throws CancelledException */ public function checkout(string $uri, ConnectContext $context = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise; /** * Return a previously checked-out socket to the pool so it can be reused. * * @param EncryptableSocket $socket Socket instance. * * @throws \Error If the provided resource is unknown to the pool. */ public function checkin(EncryptableSocket $socket); /** * Remove the specified socket from the pool. * * @param EncryptableSocket $socket Socket instance. * * @throws \Error If the provided resource is unknown to the pool. */ public function clear(EncryptableSocket $socket); }setupTls()` after accepting new clients. * * @see Server::listen() * * @param string $uri URI in scheme://host:port format. TCP is assumed if no scheme is present. * @param BindContext|null $context Context options for listening. * * @return Server * * @throws SocketException If binding to the specified URI failed. * @throws \Error If an invalid scheme is given. */ function listen(string $uri, BindContext $context = null) : Server { return Server::listen($uri, $context); } /** * Set or access the global socket Connector instance. * * @param Connector|null $connector * * @return Connector */ function connector(Connector $connector = null) : Connector { if ($connector === null) { if ($connector = Loop::getState(LOOP_CONNECTOR_IDENTIFIER)) { return $connector; } $connector = new DnsConnector(); } Loop::setState(LOOP_CONNECTOR_IDENTIFIER, $connector); return $connector; } /** * Asynchronously establish a socket connection to the specified URI. * * @param string $uri URI in scheme://host:port format. TCP is assumed if no scheme is present. * @param ConnectContext $context Socket connect context to use when connecting. * @param CancellationToken|null $token * * @return Promise * * @throws ConnectException * @throws CancelledException */ function connect(string $uri, ConnectContext $context = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return connector()->connect($uri, $context, $token); } /** * Returns a pair of connected stream socket resources. * * @return ResourceSocket[] Pair of socket resources. * * @throws SocketException If creating the sockets fails. */ function createPair() : array { if (($sockets = @\stream_socket_pair(\stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX, STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, STREAM_IPPROTO_IP)) === false) { $message = 'Failed to create socket pair.'; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(' Errno: %d; %s', $error['type'], $error['message']); } throw new SocketException($message); } return [ResourceSocket::fromClientSocket($sockets[0]), ResourceSocket::fromClientSocket($sockets[1])]; } /** * @see * @return bool */ function hasTlsAlpnSupport() : bool { return \defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') && \OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000; } function hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport() : bool { return \defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') && \OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000; }assertInternalType('resource', $endpoint->getResource()); $socket = (yield Socket\connect('udp://' . $endpoint->getAddress())); \assert($socket instanceof Socket\EncryptableSocket); $remote = $socket->getLocalAddress(); (yield $socket->write('Hello!')); asyncCall(function () use($endpoint, $remote) { while (list($address, $data) = (yield $endpoint->receive())) { \assert($address instanceof Socket\SocketAddress); $this->assertSame('Hello!', $data); $this->assertSame($remote->getHost(), $address->getHost()); $this->assertSame($remote->getPort(), $address->getPort()); } }); }); } public function testSend() { Loop::run(function () { $endpoint = DatagramSocket::bind(''); Loop::delay(100, [$endpoint, 'close']); $this->assertInternalType('resource', $endpoint->getResource()); $socket = (yield Socket\connect('udp://' . $endpoint->getAddress())); \assert($socket instanceof Socket\EncryptableSocket); $remote = $socket->getLocalAddress(); (yield $socket->write('a')); asyncCall(function () use($endpoint, $remote) { while (list($address, $data) = (yield $endpoint->receive())) { \assert($address instanceof Socket\SocketAddress); $this->assertSame('a', $data); $this->assertSame($remote->getHost(), $address->getHost()); $this->assertSame($remote->getPort(), $address->getPort()); (yield $endpoint->send($address, 'b')); } }); $data = (yield $socket->read()); $this->assertSame('b', $data); }); } public function testSendPacketTooLarge() { $this->expectException(Socket\SocketException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Could not send packet on endpoint: stream_socket_sendto(): Message too long'); Loop::run(function () { $endpoint = DatagramSocket::bind(''); Loop::delay(100, [$endpoint, 'close']); $socket = (yield Socket\connect('udp://' . $endpoint->getAddress())); \assert($socket instanceof Socket\EncryptableSocket); (yield $socket->write('Hello!')); while (list($address, $data) = (yield $endpoint->receive())) { (yield $endpoint->send($address, \str_repeat('-', 2 ** 20))); } }); } public function testReceiveThenClose() { Loop::run(function () { $endpoint = DatagramSocket::bind(''); $promise = $endpoint->receive(); $endpoint->close(); $this->assertNull((yield $promise)); }); } public function testReceiveAfterClose() { Loop::run(function () { $endpoint = DatagramSocket::bind(''); $endpoint->close(); $this->assertNull((yield $endpoint->receive())); }); } public function testSimultaneousReceive() { $this->expectException(Socket\PendingReceiveError::class); Loop::run(function () { $endpoint = DatagramSocket::bind(''); try { $promise = $endpoint->receive(); $endpoint->receive(); } finally { $endpoint->close(); } }); } public function testSetChunkSize() { Loop::run(function () { $context = (new Socket\BindContext())->withChunkSize(1); $endpoint = DatagramSocket::bind('', $context); try { $socket = (yield Socket\connect('udp://' . $endpoint->getAddress())); \assert($socket instanceof Socket\EncryptableSocket); (yield $socket->write('Hello!')); list($address, $data) = (yield $endpoint->receive()); $this->assertSame('H', $data); $endpoint->setChunkSize(5); (yield $socket->write('Hello!')); list($address, $data) = (yield $endpoint->receive()); $this->assertSame('Hello', $data); } finally { $endpoint->close(); } }); } }withMinimumVersion($version); $this->assertSame(ClientTlsContext::TLSv1_0, $context->getMinimumVersion()); $this->assertSame($version, $clonedContext->getMinimumVersion()); } public function minimumVersionInvalidDataProvider() : array { return [[-1]]; } /** * @dataProvider minimumVersionInvalidDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid minimum version, only TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 allowed * * @param int $version */ public function testWithMinimumVersionInvalid($version) { (new ClientTlsContext(''))->withMinimumVersion($version); } public function peerNameDataProvider() : array { return [[''], ['test']]; } /** * @dataProvider peerNameDataProvider * * @param string $peerName */ public function testWithPeerName($peerName) { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withPeerName($peerName); $this->assertSame('', $context->getPeerName()); $this->assertSame($peerName, $clonedContext->getPeerName()); } public function testWithPeerVerification() { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withPeerVerification(); $this->assertTrue($context->hasPeerVerification()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasPeerVerification()); } public function testWithoutPeerVerification() { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withoutPeerVerification(); $this->assertTrue($context->hasPeerVerification()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasPeerVerification()); } public function certificateDataProvider() : array { return [[null], [new Certificate('cert.pem')]]; } /** * @dataProvider certificateDataProvider * * @param Certificate $certificate */ public function testWithCertificate($certificate) { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withCertificate($certificate); $this->assertNull($context->getCertificate()); $this->assertSame($certificate, $clonedContext->getCertificate()); } public function verifyDepthDataProvider() : array { return [[0], [123]]; } /** * @dataProvider verifyDepthDataProvider * * @param int $verifyDepth */ public function testWithVerificationDepth($verifyDepth) { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withVerificationDepth($verifyDepth); $this->assertSame(10, $context->getVerificationDepth()); $this->assertSame($verifyDepth, $clonedContext->getVerificationDepth()); } public function verifyDepthInvalidDataProvider() : array { return [[-1], [-123]]; } /** * @dataProvider verifyDepthInvalidDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Invalid verification depth (.*), must be greater than or equal to 0/ * * @param int $verifyDepth */ public function testWithVerificationDepthInvalid($verifyDepth) { (new ClientTlsContext(''))->withVerificationDepth($verifyDepth); } public function ciphersDataProvider() : array { return [['ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256'], ['DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256']]; } /** * @dataProvider ciphersDataProvider * * @param string $ciphers */ public function testWithCiphers($ciphers) { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withCiphers($ciphers); $this->assertSame(\OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS, $context->getCiphers()); $this->assertSame($ciphers, $clonedContext->getCiphers()); } public function caFileDataProvider() : array { return [[null], ['test']]; } /** * @dataProvider caFileDataProvider * * @param string $caFile */ public function testWithCaFile($caFile) { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withCaFile($caFile); $this->assertNull($context->getCaFile()); $this->assertSame($caFile, $clonedContext->getCaFile()); } public function caPathDataProvider() : array { return [[null], ['test']]; } /** * @dataProvider caPathDataProvider * * @param string $caPath */ public function testWithCaPath($caPath) { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withCaPath($caPath); $this->assertNull($context->getCaPath()); $this->assertSame($caPath, $clonedContext->getCaPath()); } public function testWithPeerCapturing() { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withPeerCapturing(); $this->assertFalse($context->hasPeerCapturing()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasPeerCapturing()); } public function testWithoutPeerCapturing() { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withoutPeerCapturing(); $this->assertFalse($context->hasPeerCapturing()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasPeerCapturing()); } public function testWithSni() { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withSni(); $this->assertTrue($context->hasSni()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasSni()); } public function testWithoutSni() { $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $clonedContext = $context->withoutSni(); $this->assertTrue($context->hasSni()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasSni()); } public function invalidSecurityLevelDataProvider() : array { return [[-1], [6]]; } /** * @dataProvider invalidSecurityLevelDataProvider * * @param int $level */ public function testWithSecurityLevelInvalid($level) { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid security level ({$level}), must be between 0 and 5."); (new ClientTlsContext(''))->withSecurityLevel($level); } public function testWithSecurityLevel() { if (!Socket\hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { $this->markTestSkipped('OpenSSL 1.1.0 required'); } $contextA = new ClientTlsContext(''); $contextB = $contextA->withSecurityLevel(4); $this->assertSame(2, $contextA->getSecurityLevel()); $this->assertSame(4, $contextB->getSecurityLevel()); } public function validSecurityLevelDataProvider() : array { return [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]; } /** * @dataProvider validSecurityLevelDataProvider * * @param int $level Security level */ public function testWithSecurityLevelValid($level) { if (Socket\hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { $value = (new ClientTlsContext(''))->withSecurityLevel($level)->getSecurityLevel(); $this->assertSame($level, $value); } else { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't set a security level, as PHP is compiled with OpenSSL < 1.1.0."); (new ClientTlsContext(''))->withSecurityLevel($level); } } public function testWithSecurityLevelDefaultValue() { if (\OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000) { $this->assertSame(2, (new ClientTlsContext(''))->getSecurityLevel()); } else { $this->assertSame(0, (new ClientTlsContext(''))->getSecurityLevel()); } } public function testWithApplicationLayerProtocols() { if (!Socket\hasTlsAlpnSupport()) { $this->markTestSkipped('OpenSSL 1.0.2 required'); } $contextA = new ClientTlsContext(''); $contextB = $contextA->withApplicationLayerProtocols(['http/1.1', 'h2']); $this->assertSame([], $contextA->getApplicationLayerProtocols()); $this->assertSame(['http/1.1', 'h2'], $contextB->getApplicationLayerProtocols()); } public function testWithInvalidApplicationLayerProtocols() { if (!Socket\hasTlsAlpnSupport()) { $this->markTestSkipped('OpenSSL 1.0.2 required'); } $this->expectException(\TypeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Protocol names must be strings'); $context = new ClientTlsContext(''); $context->withApplicationLayerProtocols([1, 2]); } public function testStreamContextArray() { $context = (new ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaPath('/var/foobar'); $contextArray = $context->toStreamContextArray(); unset($contextArray['ssl']['security_level']); // present depending on OpenSSL version $this->assertSame(['ssl' => ['crypto_method' => $context->toStreamCryptoMethod(), 'peer_name' => $context->getPeerName(), 'verify_peer' => $context->hasPeerVerification(), 'verify_peer_name' => $context->hasPeerVerification(), 'verify_depth' => $context->getVerificationDepth(), 'ciphers' => $context->getCiphers(), 'capture_peer_cert' => $context->hasPeerCapturing(), 'capture_peer_cert_chain' => $context->hasPeerCapturing(), 'SNI_enabled' => $context->hasSni(), 'capath' => $context->getCaPath()]], $contextArray); } }withMinimumVersion($version); $this->assertSame(ServerTlsContext::TLSv1_0, $context->getMinimumVersion()); $this->assertSame($version, $clonedContext->getMinimumVersion()); } public function minimumVersionInvalidDataProvider() { return [[-1]]; } /** * @dataProvider minimumVersionInvalidDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid minimum version, only TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 allowed */ public function testWithMinimumVersionInvalid($version) { (new ServerTlsContext())->withMinimumVersion($version); } public function peerNameDataProvider() { return [[null], ['test']]; } /** * @dataProvider peerNameDataProvider */ public function testWithPeerName($peerName) { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withPeerName($peerName); $this->assertNull($context->getPeerName()); $this->assertSame($peerName, $clonedContext->getPeerName()); } public function testWithPeerVerification() { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withPeerVerification(); $this->assertFalse($context->hasPeerVerification()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasPeerVerification()); } public function testWithoutPeerVerification() { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withoutPeerVerification(); $this->assertFalse($context->hasPeerVerification()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasPeerVerification()); } public function verifyDepthDataProvider() { return [[0], [123]]; } /** * @dataProvider verifyDepthDataProvider */ public function testWithVerificationDepth($verifyDepth) { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withVerificationDepth($verifyDepth); $this->assertSame(10, $context->getVerificationDepth()); $this->assertSame($verifyDepth, $clonedContext->getVerificationDepth()); } public function verifyDepthInvalidDataProvider() { return [[-1], [-123]]; } /** * @dataProvider verifyDepthInvalidDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Invalid verification depth (.*), must be greater than or equal to 0/ */ public function testWithVerificationDepthInvalid($verifyDepth) { (new ServerTlsContext())->withVerificationDepth($verifyDepth); } public function ciphersDataProvider() { return [['ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256'], ['DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256']]; } /** * @dataProvider ciphersDataProvider */ public function testWithCiphers($ciphers) { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withCiphers($ciphers); $this->assertSame(\OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS, $context->getCiphers()); $this->assertSame($ciphers, $clonedContext->getCiphers()); } public function caFileDataProvider() { return [[null], ['test']]; } /** * @dataProvider caFileDataProvider */ public function testWithCaFile($caFile) { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withCaFile($caFile); $this->assertNull($context->getCaFile()); $this->assertSame($caFile, $clonedContext->getCaFile()); } public function caPathDataProvider() { return [[null], ['test']]; } /** * @dataProvider caPathDataProvider */ public function testWithCaPath($caPath) { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withCaPath($caPath); $this->assertNull($context->getCaPath()); $this->assertSame($caPath, $clonedContext->getCaPath()); } public function testWithPeerCapturing() { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withPeerCapturing(); $this->assertFalse($context->hasPeerCapturing()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasPeerCapturing()); } public function testWithoutPeerCapturing() { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withoutPeerCapturing(); $this->assertFalse($context->hasPeerCapturing()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasPeerCapturing()); } public function defaultCertificateDataProvider() { return [[null], [new Certificate('test')]]; } /** * @dataProvider defaultCertificateDataProvider */ public function testWithDefaultCertificate($defaultCertificate) { $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withDefaultCertificate($defaultCertificate); $this->assertNull($context->getDefaultCertificate()); $this->assertSame($defaultCertificate, $clonedContext->getDefaultCertificate()); } public function testWithCertificatesErrorWithoutStringKeys() { $this->expectException(\TypeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Expected an array mapping domain names to Certificate instances"); (new ServerTlsContext())->withCertificates([new Certificate("/foo/bar")]); } public function testWithCertificatesErrorWithoutCertificateInstances() { $this->expectException(\TypeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Expected an array of Certificate instances"); (new ServerTlsContext())->withCertificates(["" => "/foo/bar"]); } public function testWithCertificatesWithDifferentPathsBeforePhp72() { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70200) { $this->markTestSkipped("Only relevant in versions lower to PHP 7.2"); } $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Different files for cert and key are not supported on this version of PHP. Please upgrade to PHP 7.2 or later."); (new ServerTlsContext())->withCertificates(["" => new Certificate("/var/foo", "/foo/bar")]); } public function invalidSecurityLevelDataProvider() { return [[-1], [6]]; } /** * @dataProvider invalidSecurityLevelDataProvider */ public function testWithSecurityLevelInvalid($level) { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid security level ({$level}), must be between 0 and 5."); (new ServerTlsContext())->withSecurityLevel($level); } public function validSecurityLevelDataProvider() { return [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]; } /** * @dataProvider validSecurityLevelDataProvider */ public function testWithSecurityLevelValid($level) { if (\OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000) { $value = (new ServerTlsContext())->withSecurityLevel($level)->getSecurityLevel(); $this->assertSame($level, $value); } else { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't set a security level, as PHP is compiled with OpenSSL < 1.1.0."); (new ServerTlsContext())->withSecurityLevel($level); } } public function testWithSecurityLevelDefaultValue() { if (\OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000) { $this->assertSame(2, (new ServerTlsContext())->getSecurityLevel()); } else { $this->assertSame(0, (new ServerTlsContext())->getSecurityLevel()); } } public function testWithApplicationLayerProtocols() { if (!Socket\hasTlsAlpnSupport()) { $this->markTestSkipped('OpenSSL 1.0.2 required'); } $contextA = new ServerTlsContext(); $contextB = $contextA->withApplicationLayerProtocols(['http/1.1', 'h2']); $this->assertSame([], $contextA->getApplicationLayerProtocols()); $this->assertSame(['http/1.1', 'h2'], $contextB->getApplicationLayerProtocols()); } public function testWithInvalidApplicationLayerProtocols() { if (!Socket\hasTlsAlpnSupport()) { $this->markTestSkipped('OpenSSL 1.0.2 required'); } $this->expectException(\TypeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Protocol names must be strings'); $context = new ServerTlsContext(); $context->withApplicationLayerProtocols([1, 2]); } }markTestSkipped('Your PHP version is affected by PHP bug 77390'); } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70303) { $this->markTestSkipped('Your PHP version is affected by PHP bug 77390'); } Loop::run(function () { $proxyServer = Server::listen(''); $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withDefaultCertificate(new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); $server = Server::listen('', (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); // Proxy to apply chunking of single bytes asyncCall(function () use($proxyServer, $server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $proxyClient */ while ($proxyClient = (yield $proxyServer->accept())) { asyncCall(function () use($proxyClient, $server) { $proxyUpstream = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress())); $this->pipe($proxyClient, $proxyUpstream); $this->pipe($proxyUpstream, $proxyClient); }); } }); asyncCall(function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $client */ while ($client = (yield $server->accept())) { asyncCall(function () use($client) { (yield $client->setupTls()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Socket\ResourceSocket::class, $client); $this->assertSame('Hello World', yield from $this->read($client, 11)); $client->write('test'); }); } }); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($proxyServer->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); $this->assertSame('test', yield from $this->read($client, 4)); $server->close(); Loop::stop(); }); } private function pipe(ByteStream\InputStream $source, ByteStream\OutputStream $destination) { asyncCall(static function () use($source, $destination) : \Generator { while (($chunk = (yield $source->read())) !== null) { foreach (\str_split($chunk) as $byte) { (yield $destination->write($byte)); (yield new Delayed(1)); } } }); } private function read(ByteStream\InputStream $source, int $minLength) { $buffer = ''; while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $source->read()))) { $buffer .= $chunk; if (\strlen($buffer) >= $minLength) { return $buffer; } } throw new \RuntimeException("Stream ended prior to {$minLength} bytes being read."); } }assertInstanceOf(EncryptableSocket::class, $sock); } public function provideConnectArgs() : array { return [[''], ['']]; } public function testConnectFailure() { $this->expectException(ConnectException::class); $promise = \Amp\Socket\connect('', (new ConnectContext())->withConnectTimeout(1000)); \Amp\Promise\wait($promise); } /** * @depends testConnectFailure */ public function testConnectCancellation() { $this->expectException(CancelledException::class); $token = new TimeoutCancellationToken(1000); $promise = \Amp\Socket\connect('', (new ConnectContext())->withConnectTimeout(2000), $token); $sock = \Amp\Promise\wait($promise); } /** * @dataProvider provideCryptoConnectArgs */ public function testCryptoConnect($uri) { $name = \explode(':', $uri)[0]; $promise = \Amp\Socket\connect($uri, (new ConnectContext())->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext($name))); $socket = \Amp\Promise\wait($promise); $this->assertInstanceOf(EncryptableSocket::class, $socket); $this->assertNull($socket->getTlsInfo()); // For this case renegotiation not needed because options is equals $promise = $socket->setupTls(); $this->assertNull(\Amp\Promise\wait($promise)); $this->assertInstanceOf(TlsInfo::class, $socket->getTlsInfo()); } public function provideCryptoConnectArgs() : array { return [[''], [''], ['']]; } public function testNoRenegotiationForEqualOptions() { $context = (new ConnectContext())->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext('')); $promise = \Amp\socket\connect('', $context); /** @var EncryptableSocket $sock */ $socket = \Amp\Promise\wait($promise); $this->assertNull($socket->getTlsInfo()); // For this case renegotiation not needed because options is equals $promise = $socket->setupTls(); $this->assertNull(\Amp\Promise\wait($promise)); $this->assertInstanceOf(TlsInfo::class, $socket->getTlsInfo()); } }prophesize(Connector::class); $staticSocketPool = new StaticConnector('override-uri', $underlyingConnector->reveal()); $expected = new \Amp\LazyPromise(function () { // nothing }); $underlyingConnector->connect('override-uri', null, null)->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($expected); $returned = $staticSocketPool->connect('test-url'); self::assertSame($expected, $returned); } }assertRegExp('(\\[::1\\]:\\d+)', (string) $socket->getAddress()); } catch (Socket\SocketException $e) { if ($e->getMessage() === 'Could not create server tcp://[::1]:0: [Error: #0] Cannot assign requested address') { $this->markTestSkipped('Missing IPv6 support'); } throw $e; } } public function testAccept() { Loop::run(function () { $server = Server::listen(''); asyncCall(function () use($server) { while ($socket = (yield $server->accept())) { $this->assertInstanceOf(Socket\ResourceSocket::class, $socket); } }); (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress())); Loop::delay(100, [$server, 'close']); }); } public function testTls() { Loop::run(function () { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withDefaultCertificate(new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); $server = Server::listen('', (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $socket */ while ($socket = (yield $server->accept())) { asyncCall(function () use($socket) { (yield $socket->setupTls()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Socket\ResourceSocket::class, $socket); $this->assertSame('Hello World', (yield $socket->read())); $socket->write('test'); $socket->close(); }); } }); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); $this->assertSame('test', (yield buffer($client))); $server->close(); Loop::stop(); }); } public function testSniWorksWithCorrectHostName() { Loop::run(function () { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withCertificates(['' => new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/')]); $server = Server::listen('', (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $socket */ while ($socket = (yield $server->accept())) { asyncCall(function () use($socket) { (yield $socket->setupTls()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Socket\ResourceSocket::class, $socket); $this->assertSame('Hello World', (yield $socket->read())); $socket->write('test'); }); } }); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); $this->assertSame('test', (yield $client->read())); $server->close(); Loop::stop(); }); } public function testSniWorksWithMultipleCertificates() { Loop::run(function () { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withCertificates(['' => new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/'), '' => new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/')]); $server = Server::listen('', (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $socket */ while ($socket = (yield $server->accept())) { asyncCall(function () use($socket) { (yield $socket->setupTls()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Socket\ResourceSocket::class, $socket); $this->assertSame('Hello World', (yield $socket->read())); $socket->write('test'); }); } }); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); (yield new Delayed(1)); $server->close(); Loop::stop(); }); } public function testSniWorksWithMultipleCertificatesAndDifferentFilesForCertAndKey() { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200) { $this->markTestSkipped('This test requires PHP 7.2 or higher.'); } Loop::run(function () { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withCertificates(['' => new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/', __DIR__ . '/tls/'), '' => new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/tls/', __DIR__ . '/tls/')]); $server = Server::listen('', (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $socket */ while ($socket = (yield $server->accept())) { asyncCall(function () use($socket) { (yield $socket->setupTls()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Socket\ResourceSocket::class, $socket); $this->assertSame('Hello World', (yield $socket->read())); $socket->write('test'); }); } }); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); $context = (new Socket\ConnectContext())->withTlsContext((new Socket\ClientTlsContext(''))->withCaFile(__DIR__ . '/tls/')); /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress(), $context)); (yield $client->setupTls()); (yield $client->write('Hello World')); (yield new Delayed(1)); $server->close(); Loop::stop(); }); } }assertEquals($expected, Internal\parseUri($uri)); } public function parseUriInvalidUriDataProvider() { return [['///////']]; } /** * @dataProvider parseUriInvalidUriDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid URI: */ public function testParseUriInvalidUri($uri) { Internal\parseUri($uri); } public function parseUriInvalidSchemeDataProvider() { return [[''], [''], ['xml://']]; } /** * @dataProvider parseUriInvalidSchemeDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp "Invalid URI scheme (.*); tcp, udp, unix or udg scheme expected" */ public function testParseUriInvalidScheme($uri) { Internal\parseUri($uri); } public function normalizeBindToOptionDataProvider() { return [[null, null], ['', ''], ['', ''], ['', ''], ['[::1]', '[::1]:0'], ['[a:b::c]', '[a:b::c]:0'], ['[1:2::3]:4', '[1:2::3]:4'], ['[0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0127:2258]:4567', '[0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0127:2258]:4567']]; } /** * @dataProvider normalizeBindToOptionDataProvider */ public function testNormalizeBindToOption($bindTo, $expected) { $actual = Internal\normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); } public function normalizeBindToOptionInvalidBindToDataProvider() { return [['-1.-1.-1.-1'], ['a.b.c.d'], [''], [''], ['[0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0127:2258]:-67899'], ['[e:f:g:h]']]; } /** * @dataProvider normalizeBindToOptionInvalidBindToDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid bindTo value: */ public function testNormalizeBindToOptionInvalidBindTo($bindTo) { Internal\normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); } public function normalizeBindToOptionInvalidPortDataProvider() { return [[''], ['[0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0000:abcd:0127:2258]:67899']]; } /** * @dataProvider normalizeBindToOptionInvalidPortDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid port: */ public function testNormalizeBindToOptionInvalidPort($bindTo) { Internal\normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); } public function normalizeBindToOptionInvalidIpv6DataProvider() { return [['[::::]'], ['[:::1]']]; } /** * @dataProvider normalizeBindToOptionInvalidIpv6DataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid IPv6 address: */ public function testNormalizeBindToOptionInvalidIpv6($bindTo) { Internal\normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); } public function normalizeBindToOptionInvalidIpv4DataProvider() { return [[''], ['1234.12.12.12']]; } /** * @dataProvider normalizeBindToOptionInvalidIpv4DataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid IPv4 address: */ public function testNormalizeBindToOptionInvalidIpv4($bindTo) { Internal\normalizeBindToOption($bindTo); } }withBindTo($bindTo); $this->assertNull($contextA->getBindTo()); $this->assertSame($bindTo, $contextB->getBindTo()); $contextC = $contextB->withoutBindTo(); $this->assertSame($bindTo, $contextB->getBindTo()); $this->assertNull($contextC->getBindTo()); } public function testWithTcpNoDelay() { $contextA = new BindContext(); $contextB = $contextA->withTcpNoDelay(); $contextC = $contextB->withoutTcpNoDelay(); $this->assertFalse($contextA->hasTcpNoDelay()); $this->assertTrue($contextB->hasTcpNoDelay()); $this->assertFalse($contextC->hasTcpNoDelay()); } public function testWithTlsContext() { $tlsContext = new ServerTlsContext(); $contextA = new BindContext(); $contextB = $contextA->withTlsContext($tlsContext); $contextC = $contextB->withoutTlsContext(); $this->assertNull($contextA->getTlsContext()); $this->assertSame($tlsContext, $contextB->getTlsContext()); $this->assertNull($contextC->getTlsContext()); } public function testWithChunkSize() { $chunkSize = 123; $contextA = new BindContext(); $contextB = $contextA->withChunkSize($chunkSize); $this->assertSame(8192, $contextA->getChunkSize()); $this->assertSame($chunkSize, $contextB->getChunkSize()); } public function backlogDataProvider() : array { return [[10], [123]]; } /** * @dataProvider backlogDataProvider */ public function testWithBacklog($backlog) { $origContext = new BindContext(); $clonedContext = $origContext->withBacklog($backlog); $this->assertSame(128, $origContext->getBacklog()); $this->assertSame($backlog, $clonedContext->getBacklog()); } public function testWithReusePort() { $origContext = new BindContext(); $clonedContext = $origContext->withReusePort(); $this->assertFalse($origContext->hasReusePort()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasReusePort()); } public function testWithoutReusePort() { $origContext = new BindContext(); $clonedContext = $origContext->withoutReusePort(); $this->assertFalse($origContext->hasReusePort()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasReusePort()); } public function testWithBroadcast() { $origContext = new BindContext(); $clonedContext = $origContext->withBroadcast(); $this->assertFalse($origContext->hasBroadcast()); $this->assertTrue($clonedContext->hasBroadcast()); } public function testWithoutBroadcast() { $origContext = new BindContext(); $clonedContext = $origContext->withoutBroadcast(); $this->assertFalse($origContext->hasBroadcast()); $this->assertFalse($clonedContext->hasBroadcast()); } }assertSame($expectedValues, [$error->getMessage(), $error->getCode(), $error->getPrevious()]); } }end($data)); $this->assertSame($data, (yield buffer($clientSock))); }); } public function testSocketAddress() { try { $s = \stream_socket_server('unix://' . __DIR__ . '/socket.sock'); $c = \stream_socket_client('unix://' . __DIR__ . '/socket.sock'); $clientSocket = Socket\ResourceSocket::fromClientSocket($c); $serverSocket = Socket\ResourceSocket::fromServerSocket($s); $this->assertNotNull($clientSocket->getRemoteAddress()); $this->assertSame(__DIR__ . '/socket.sock', (string) $clientSocket->getLocalAddress()); $this->assertEquals($clientSocket->getRemoteAddress(), $clientSocket->getLocalAddress()); $this->assertEquals($serverSocket->getRemoteAddress(), $serverSocket->getLocalAddress()); $this->assertEquals($serverSocket->getRemoteAddress(), $clientSocket->getLocalAddress()); } finally { @\unlink(__DIR__ . '/socket.sock'); } } public function testEnableCryptoWithoutTlsContext() { $server = Server::listen(''); asyncCall(function () use($server) { (yield Socket\connect($server->getAddress())); }); /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $client */ $client = wait($server->accept()); $this->expectException(Socket\TlsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't enable TLS without configuration."); wait($client->setupTls()); } }withBindTo($bindTo); $contextC = $contextB->withoutBindTo(); $this->assertNull($contextA->getBindTo()); $this->assertSame($bindTo, $contextB->getBindTo()); $this->assertNull($contextC->getBindTo()); } public function testWithTcpNoDelay() { $contextA = new ConnectContext(); $contextB = $contextA->withTcpNoDelay(); $contextC = $contextB->withoutTcpNoDelay(); $this->assertFalse($contextA->hasTcpNoDelay()); $this->assertTrue($contextB->hasTcpNoDelay()); $this->assertFalse($contextC->hasTcpNoDelay()); } public function withConnectTimeoutDataProvider() : array { return [[1], [12345]]; } /** * @dataProvider withConnectTimeoutDataProvider */ public function testWithConnectTimeout($timeout) { $context = new ConnectContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withConnectTimeout($timeout); $this->assertSame(10000, $context->getConnectTimeout()); $this->assertSame($timeout, $clonedContext->getConnectTimeout()); } public function withConnectTimeoutInvalidTimeoutDataProvider() : array { return [[0], [-1], [-123456]]; } /** * @dataProvider withConnectTimeoutInvalidTimeoutDataProvider */ public function testWithConnectTimeoutInvalidTimeout($timeout) { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid connect timeout ({$timeout}), must be greater than 0"); $context = new ConnectContext(); $context->withConnectTimeout($timeout); } public function withMaxAttemptsDataProvider() : array { return [[1], [12345]]; } /** * @dataProvider withMaxAttemptsDataProvider */ public function testWithMaxAttempts($maxAttempts) { $context = new ConnectContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withMaxAttempts($maxAttempts); $this->assertSame(2, $context->getMaxAttempts()); $this->assertSame($maxAttempts, $clonedContext->getMaxAttempts()); } public function withMaxAttemptsInvalidTimeoutDataProvider() : array { return [[0], [-1], [-123456]]; } /** * @dataProvider withMaxAttemptsInvalidTimeoutDataProvider */ public function testWithMaxAttemptsInvalidTimeout($maxAttempts) { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid max attempts ({$maxAttempts}), must be greater than 0"); $context = new ConnectContext(); $context->withMaxAttempts($maxAttempts); } public function withDnsTypeRestrictionDataProvider() : array { return [[null], [Record::AAAA], [Record::A]]; } /** * @dataProvider withDnsTypeRestrictionDataProvider */ public function testWithDnsTypeRestriction($type) { $contextA = new ConnectContext(); $contextB = $contextA->withDnsTypeRestriction($type); $contextC = $contextB->withoutDnsTypeRestriction(); $this->assertNull($contextA->getDnsTypeRestriction()); $this->assertSame($type, $contextB->getDnsTypeRestriction()); $this->assertNull($contextC->getDnsTypeRestriction()); } public function withDnsTypeRestrictionInvalidTypeDataProvider() : array { return [[Record::NS], [Record::MX]]; } /** * @dataProvider withDnsTypeRestrictionInvalidTypeDataProvider * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid resolver type restriction */ public function testWithDnsTypeRestrictionInvalidType($type) { $context = new ConnectContext(); $context->withDnsTypeRestriction($type); } public function testToStreamContextArray() { $context = new ConnectContext(); $clonedContext = $context->withBindTo('')->withTlsContext(new ClientTlsContext('')); $this->assertSame(['socket' => ['tcp_nodelay' => false]], $context->toStreamContextArray()); $expected = ['socket' => ['tcp_nodelay' => false, 'bindto' => ''], 'ssl' => ['crypto_method' => ClientTlsContext::TLSv1_0 | ClientTlsContext::TLSv1_1 | ClientTlsContext::TLSv1_2, 'peer_name' => '', 'verify_peer' => true, 'verify_peer_name' => true, 'verify_depth' => 10, 'ciphers' => \OPENSSL_DEFAULT_STREAM_CIPHERS, 'capture_peer_cert' => false, 'capture_peer_cert_chain' => false, 'SNI_enabled' => true]]; if (Socket\hasTlsSecurityLevelSupport()) { $expected['ssl']['security_level'] = 2; } $this->assertSame($expected, $clonedContext->toStreamContextArray()); } }query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp (a INT(10), b INT(10))")); print "Table successfully created." . PHP_EOL; /** @var Mysql\Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tmp (a, b) VALUES (?, ? * 2)")); $promises = []; foreach (\range(1, 5) as $num) { $promises[] = $statement->execute([$num, $num]); } /* wait until everything is inserted */ (yield $promises); print "Insertion successful (if it wasn't, an exception would have been thrown by now)" . PHP_EOL; /** @var Mysql\ResultSet $result */ $result = (yield $db->query("SELECT a, b FROM tmp")); while ((yield $result->advance())) { \var_dump($result->getCurrent()); } (yield $db->query("DROP TABLE tmp")); $db->close(); });query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp")); (yield $db->query("CREATE TABLE tmp (a INT(10), b INT(10))")); $statement = (yield $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tmp (a, b) VALUES (?, ? * 2)")); $promises = []; foreach (\range(1, 5) as $num) { $promises[] = $statement->execute([$num, $num]); } return (yield $promises); }query("SELECT a * b FROM tmp"); $promises[] = $db->execute("SELECT POW(a, ?) AS power FROM tmp", [2]); /** * @var Mysql\ResultSet $result1 * @var Mysql\ResultSet $result2 */ list($result1, $result2) = (yield $promises); // Both queries execute simultaneously. Wait for both to finish here. print "Query 1 Results:" . PHP_EOL; while ((yield $result1->advance())) { \var_dump($result1->getCurrent()); } print PHP_EOL . "Query 2 Results:" . PHP_EOL; while ((yield $result2->advance())) { \var_dump($result2->getCurrent()); } (yield $db->query("DROP TABLE tmp")); $db->close(); });withCharset("latin1_general_ci"); /** @var Mysql\Connection $db */ $db = (yield Mysql\connect($config)); echo "Character set changed\n"; /* optional, as connection will automatically close when destructed. */ $db->close(); });beginTransaction()); (yield $transaction->execute("INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (?, ? * 2)", [6, 6])); /** @var Mysql\ResultSet $result */ $result = (yield $transaction->execute("SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE a >= ?", [5])); // Two rows should be returned. while ((yield $result->advance())) { \var_dump($result->getCurrent()); } (yield $transaction->rollback()); // Run same query again, should only return a single row since the other was rolled back. $result = (yield $db->execute("SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE a >= ?", [5])); while ((yield $result->advance())) { \var_dump($result->getCurrent()); } $db->close(); });query("SELECT a + b FROM tmp; SELECT a - b FROM tmp;")); $i = 0; /** @var Mysql\ResultSet $result */ do { print PHP_EOL . "Query " . ++$i . " Results:" . PHP_EOL; while ((yield $result->advance())) { \var_dump($result->getCurrent()); } } while ((yield $result->nextResultSet())); // Advances to the next result set. (yield $db->query("DROP TABLE tmp")); $db->close(); });query("SELECT 1 AS value")); while ((yield $result->advance())) { $row = $result->getCurrent(); \var_dump($row['value']); } $db->close(); });{ "bootstrap": "vendor/autoload.php", "path": "benchmarks", "php_binary": "php_no_xdebug" } { "name": "amphp/mysql", "description": "Asynchronous MySQL client for PHP based on Amp.", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/file": "^1 || ^0.3.5", "amphp/socket": "^1", "amphp/sql": "^1", "amphp/sql-common": "^1" }, "require-dev": { "ext-openssl": "*", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8 || ^7", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1.2", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "phpbench/phpbench": "^0.13.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Mysql\\": "src" }, "files": [ "src/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Mysql\\Test\\": "test", "Amp\\Mysql\\Bench\\": "benchmarks" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit" } } processor = $processor; $this->query = $query; $this->stmtId = $stmtId; $this->result = $result; $this->numParamCount = $this->paramCount = $this->result->columnsToFetch; $this->byNamed = $named; foreach ($named as $name => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->named[$id] = $name; $this->numParamCount--; } } $this->lastUsedAt = \time(); } private function getProcessor() : Internal\Processor { if ($this->processor === null) { throw new \Error("The statement has been closed"); } if (!$this->processor->isAlive()) { throw new ConnectionException("Connection went away"); } return $this->processor; } public function isAlive() : bool { if ($this->processor === null) { return false; } return $this->processor->isAlive(); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function bind($paramId, $data) { if (\is_int($paramId)) { if ($paramId >= $this->numParamCount) { throw new \Error("Parameter id {$paramId} is not defined for this prepared statement"); } $i = $paramId; } elseif (\is_string($paramId)) { if (!isset($this->byNamed[$paramId])) { throw new \Error("Parameter :{$paramId} is not defined for this prepared statement"); } $array = $this->byNamed[$paramId]; $i = \reset($array); } else { throw new \TypeError("Invalid parameter ID type"); } if (!\is_scalar($data) && !(\is_object($data) && \method_exists($data, '__toString'))) { throw new \TypeError("Data must be scalar or object that implements __toString method"); } do { $realId = -1; while (isset($this->named[++$realId]) || $i-- > 0) { if (!\is_numeric($paramId) && isset($this->named[$realId]) && $this->named[$realId] == $paramId) { break; } } $this->getProcessor()->bindParam($this->stmtId, $realId, $data); } while (isset($array) && ($i = \next($array))); if (isset($this->prebound[$paramId])) { $this->prebound[$paramId] .= (string) $data; } else { $this->prebound[$paramId] = (string) $data; } } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function execute(array $params = []) : Promise { $this->lastUsedAt = \time(); $prebound = $args = []; for ($unnamed = $i = 0; $i < $this->paramCount; $i++) { if (isset($this->named[$i])) { $name = $this->named[$i]; if (\array_key_exists($name, $params)) { $args[$i] = $params[$name]; } elseif (!\array_key_exists($name, $this->prebound)) { throw new \Error("Named parameter '{$name}' missing for executing prepared statement"); } else { $prebound[$i] = $this->prebound[$name]; } } elseif (\array_key_exists($unnamed, $params)) { $args[$i] = $params[$unnamed]; $unnamed++; } elseif (!\array_key_exists($unnamed, $this->prebound)) { throw new \Error("Parameter {$unnamed} for prepared statement missing"); } else { $prebound[$i] = $this->prebound[$unnamed++]; } } $promise = $this->getProcessor()->execute($this->stmtId, $this->query, $this->result->params, $prebound, $args); return call(function () use($promise) { $result = (yield $promise); if ($result instanceof Internal\ResultProxy) { $result = new ConnectionResultSet($result); return $result; } if ($result instanceof CommandResult) { return $result; } throw new FailureException("Unrecognized result type"); }); } public function getQuery() : string { return $this->query; } private function close() { if ($this->processor === null) { return; } $this->processor->closeStmt($this->stmtId); $this->processor->unreference(); $this->processor = null; } public function reset() : Promise { return $this->getProcessor()->resetStmt($this->stmtId); } public function getFields() : Promise { if ($this->result->state >= Internal\ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED) { return new Success($this->result->columns); } if (isset($this->result->deferreds[Internal\ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED][0])) { return $this->result->deferreds[Internal\ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED][0][0]->promise(); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->result->deferreds[Internal\ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED][0] = [$deferred, &$this->result->columns, null]; return $deferred->promise(); } /** {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLastUsedAt() : int { return $this->lastUsedAt; } public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } } 'host', 'username' => 'user', 'pass' => 'password', 'database' => 'db', 'dbname' => 'db', 'compress' => 'compression', 'useCompression' => 'compression', 'cs' => 'charset', 'localInfile' => 'local-infile']; const DEFAULT_CHARSET = "utf8mb4"; const DEFAULT_COLLATE = "utf8mb4_general_ci"; /** @var bool */ private $useCompression = false; /** @var bool */ private $useLocalInfile = false; /** @var ConnectContext */ private $context; /** @var string */ private $charset = "utf8mb4"; /** @var string */ private $collate = "utf8mb4_general_ci"; /* @var string private key to use for sha256_password auth method */ private $key; public static function fromString(string $connectionString, ConnectContext $context = null) : self { $parts = self::parseConnectionString($connectionString, self::KEY_MAP); if (!isset($parts['host'])) { throw new \Error('Host must be provided in connection string'); } return new self($parts['host'], (int) ($parts['port'] ?? self::DEFAULT_PORT), $parts['user'] ?? null, $parts['password'] ?? null, $parts['db'] ?? null, $context, $parts['charset'] ?? self::DEFAULT_CHARSET, $parts['collate'] ?? self::DEFAULT_COLLATE, ($parts['compression'] ?? '') === 'on', ($parts['local-infile'] ?? '') === 'on'); } public function __construct(string $host, int $port = self::DEFAULT_PORT, string $user = null, string $password = null, string $database = null, ConnectContext $context = null, string $charset = self::DEFAULT_CHARSET, string $collate = self::DEFAULT_COLLATE, bool $useCompression = false, string $key = '', bool $useLocalInfile = false) { parent::__construct($host, $port, $user, $password, $database); $this->context = $context ?? new ConnectContext(); $this->charset = $charset; $this->collate = $collate; $this->useCompression = $useCompression; $this->key = $key; $this->useLocalInfile = $useLocalInfile; } public function getConnectionString() : string { return $this->getHost()[0] == "/" ? 'unix://' . $this->getHost() : 'tcp://' . $this->getHost() . ':' . $this->getPort(); } public function isCompressionEnabled() : bool { return $this->useCompression; } public function withCompression() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->useCompression = true; return $new; } public function withoutCompression() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->useCompression = false; return $new; } public function isLocalInfileEnabled() : bool { return $this->useLocalInfile; } public function withLocalInfile() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->useLocalInfile = true; return $new; } public function withoutLocalInfile() : self { $new = clone $this; $new->useLocalInfile = false; return $new; } public function getConnectContext() { return $this->context; } public function withConnectContext(ConnectContext $context) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->context = $context; return $new; } public function getCharset() : string { return $this->charset; } public function getCollation() : string { return $this->collate; } public function withCharset(string $charset = self::DEFAULT_CHARSET, string $collate = self::DEFAULT_COLLATE) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->charset = $charset; $new->collate = $collate; return $new; } public function getKey() : string { return $this->key; } public function withKey(string $key) : self { $new = clone $this; $new->key = $key; return $new; } }result = $result; $this->release =& $release; parent::__construct($this->result, static function () use(&$release) { if ($release !== null) { $release(); } }); } public function advance() : Promise { $promise = $this->result->advance(); $promise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null, bool $moreResults = null) { if ($moreResults || $this->release === null) { return; } $this->nextResultPromise = $this->result->nextResultSet(); $this->nextResultPromise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null, bool $moreResults = null) { $this->nextResultPromise = null; if ($moreResults || $this->release === null) { return; } $release = $this->release; $this->release = null; $release(); }); }); return $promise; } public function nextResultSet() : Promise { if ($this->nextResultPromise !== null) { $nextResultPromise = $this->nextResultPromise; $this->nextResultPromise = null; return $nextResultPromise; } $promise = $this->result->nextResultSet(); $promise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null, bool $moreResults = null) { if ($moreResults || $this->release === null) { return; } $release = $this->release; $this->release = null; $release(); }); return $promise; } public function getFields() : Promise { return $this->result->getFields(); } }statement = $statement; } protected function createResultSet(SqlResultSet $resultSet, callable $release) : SqlResultSet { \assert($resultSet instanceof ResultSet); return new PooledResultSet($resultSet, $release); } public function bind($paramId, $data) { $this->statement->bind($paramId, $data); } public function getFields() : Promise { return $this->statement->getFields(); } public function reset() : Promise { return $this->statement->reset(); } } */ public static function connect(ConnectionConfig $config, CancellationToken $token = null, Socket\Connector $connector = null) : Promise { $token = $token ?? new NullCancellationToken(); return call(function () use($config, $token, $connector) { $socket = (yield ($connector ?? Socket\connector())->connect($config->getConnectionString(), $config->getConnectContext(), $token)); $processor = new Internal\Processor($socket, $config); (yield $processor->connect($token)); return new self($processor); }); } /** * @param Internal\Processor $processor */ private function __construct(Internal\Processor $processor) { $this->processor = $processor; $this->release = function () { \assert($this->busy instanceof Deferred); $deferred = $this->busy; $this->busy = null; $deferred->resolve(); }; } /** * @return bool False if the connection has been closed. */ public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->processor->isAlive(); } /** * @return int Timestamp of the last time this connection was used. */ public function getLastUsedAt() : int { return $this->processor->getLastUsedAt(); } public function isReady() : bool { return $this->processor->isReady(); } public function setCharset(string $charset, string $collate = "") : Promise { return $this->processor->setCharset($charset, $collate); } public function close() { $processor = $this->processor; // Send close command if connection is not already in a closed or closing state if ($processor->isAlive()) { $processor->sendClose()->onResolve(static function () use($processor) { $processor->close(); }); } } public function useDb(string $db) : Promise { return $this->processor->useDb($db); } /** * @param int $subcommand int one of the self::REFRESH_* constants * * @return Promise */ public function refresh(int $subcommand) : Promise { return $this->processor->refresh($subcommand); } public function query(string $query) : Promise { return call(function () use($query) { while ($this->busy) { (yield $this->busy->promise()); } $result = (yield $this->processor->query($query)); if ($result instanceof Internal\ResultProxy) { return new ConnectionResultSet($result); } if ($result instanceof CommandResult) { return $result; } throw new FailureException("Unrecognized result type"); }); } public function beginTransaction(int $isolation = ConnectionTransaction::ISOLATION_COMMITTED) : Promise { return call(function () use($isolation) { switch ($isolation) { case ConnectionTransaction::ISOLATION_UNCOMMITTED: (yield $this->query("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED")); break; case ConnectionTransaction::ISOLATION_COMMITTED: (yield $this->query("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED")); break; case ConnectionTransaction::ISOLATION_REPEATABLE: (yield $this->query("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ")); break; case ConnectionTransaction::ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE: (yield $this->query("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE")); break; default: throw new \Error("Invalid transaction type"); } (yield $this->query("START TRANSACTION")); $this->busy = new Deferred(); return new ConnectionTransaction($this->processor, $this->release, $isolation); }); } public function ping() : Promise { return $this->processor->ping(); } public function prepare(string $query) : Promise { return call(function () use($query) { while ($this->busy) { (yield $this->busy->promise()); } return $this->processor->prepare($query); }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function execute(string $sql, array $params = []) : Promise { return call(function () use($sql, $params) { /** @var Statement $statment */ $statment = (yield $this->prepare($sql)); return (yield $statment->execute($params)); }); } public function __destruct() { $this->processor->unreference(); } }= 0) { $unsigned = 1; } if ($param >= 0 && $param < 1 << 15) { $value = self::encodeInt16($param); $type = self::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT; } else { $value = self::encodeInt64($param); $type = self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG; } break; case "double": $value = \pack("e", $param); $type = self::MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE; break; case "string": $type = self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB; $value = self::encodeInt(\strlen($param)) . $param; break; case "NULL": $type = self::MYSQL_TYPE_NULL; $value = ""; break; default: throw new FailureException("Unexpected type for binding parameter: " . \gettype($param)); } return [$unsigned, $type, $value]; } /** @see 14.7.3 Binary Protocol Value */ public static function decodeBinary(int $type, string $str, int &$len = null) { $unsigned = $type & 0x80; switch ($type) { case self::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_SET: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: $ret = self::decodeString($str, $intlen, $len); $len += $intlen; return $ret; case self::MYSQL_TYPE_JSON: $ret = self::decodeString($str, $intlen, $len); $len += $intlen; return self::decodeJson($ret); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG | 0x80: $len = 8; return $unsigned ? self::decodeUnsigned64($str) : self::decodeInt64($str); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG | 0x80: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 | 0x80: $len = 4; return $unsigned ? self::decodeUnsigned32($str) : self::decodeInt32($str); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT | 0x80: $len = 2; return $unsigned ? self::decodeUnsigned16($str) : self::decodeInt16($str); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY | 0x80: $len = 1; return $unsigned ? \ord($str) : self::decodeInt8($str); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: $len = 8; return \unpack("e", $str)[1]; case self::MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: $len = 4; return \unpack("g", $str)[1]; case self::MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: $year = $month = $day = $hour = $minute = $second = $microsecond = 0; switch ($len = \ord($str) + 1) { case 12: $microsecond = self::decodeUnsigned32(\substr($str, 8)); // no break case 8: $second = \ord($str[7]); $minute = \ord($str[6]); $hour = \ord($str[5]); // no break case 5: $day = \ord($str[4]); $month = \ord($str[3]); $year = self::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($str, 1)); // no break case 1: break; default: throw new FailureException("Unexpected string length for date in binary protocol: " . ($len - 1)); } return \str_pad($year, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-" . \str_pad($month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-" . \str_pad($day, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " " . \str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . \str_pad($minute, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . \str_pad($second, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "." . \str_pad($microsecond, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: $negative = $day = $hour = $minute = $second = $microsecond = 0; switch ($len = \ord($str) + 1) { case 13: $microsecond = self::decodeUnsigned32(\substr($str, 9)); // no break case 9: $second = \ord($str[8]); $minute = \ord($str[7]); $hour = \ord($str[6]); $day = self::decodeUnsigned32(\substr($str, 2)); $negative = \ord($str[1]); // no break case 1: break; default: throw new FailureException("Unexpected string length for time in binary protocol: " . ($len - 1)); } return ($negative ? "" : "-") . \str_pad($day, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "d " . \str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . \str_pad($minute, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . \str_pad($second, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "." . \str_pad($microsecond, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); case self::MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: $len = 0; return null; default: throw new FailureException("Invalid type for Binary Protocol: 0x" . \dechex($type)); } } public static function decodeNullString(string $str, int &$len = null) : string { return \substr($str, 0, $len = \strpos($str, "\0")); } public static function decodeStringOff(int $type, string $str, int &$off) { $len = self::decodeUnsignedOff($str, $off); $off += $len; $data = (string) \substr($str, $off - $len, $len); switch ($type) { case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG | 0x80: return $type; // Return UNSIGNED BIGINT as a string. case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG | 0x80: if (\PHP_INT_SIZE < 8) { return $type; // Return BIGINT and UNSIGNED INT as string on 32-bit. } // no break case self::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 | 0x80: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT | 0x80: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY | 0x80: return (int) $data; case self::MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: case self::MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: return (float) $data; case self::MYSQL_TYPE_JSON: return self::decodeJson($data); default: return $data; } } private static function decodeJson(string $data) : string { if (!\strncmp(self::ENCODED_JSON_PREFIX, $data, \strlen(self::ENCODED_JSON_PREFIX))) { return $data; // Data was not base-64 encoded. } $data = \substr($data, \strlen(self::ENCODED_JSON_PREFIX)); return \base64_decode($data); } public static function decodeUnsignedOff(string $str, int &$off) : int { $int = \ord($str[$off]); if ($int < 0xfb) { $off += 1; return $int; } if ($int == 0xfc) { $off += 3; return self::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($str, $off - 2, 2)); } if ($int == 0xfd) { $off += 4; return self::decodeUnsigned24(\substr($str, $off - 3, 3)); } if ($int == 0xfe) { $off += 9; return self::decodeUnsigned64(\substr($str, $off - 8, 8)); } // If that happens connection is borked... throw new FailureException("{$int} is not in ranges [0x00, 0xfa] or [0xfc, 0xfe]"); } public static function decodeString(string $str, int &$intlen = null, int &$len = null) : string { $len = self::decodeUnsigned($str, $intlen); return \substr($str, $intlen, $len); } public static function decodeUnsigned(string $str, int &$len = null) { $int = \ord($str); if ($int < 0xfb) { $len = 1; return $int; } if ($int == 0xfc) { $len = 3; return self::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($str, 1, 2)); } if ($int == 0xfd) { $len = 4; return self::decodeUnsigned24(\substr($str, 1, 4)); } if ($int == 0xfe) { $len = 9; return self::decodeUnsigned64(\substr($str, 1, 8)); } // If that happens connection is borked... throw new FailureException("{$int} is not in ranges [0x00, 0xfa] or [0xfc, 0xfe]"); } public static function decodeIntByLen(string $str, int $len) : int { $int = 0; while ($len--) { $int = ($int << 8) + \ord($str[$len]); } return $int; } public static function decodeInt8(string $str) : int { $int = \ord($str); if ($int < 1 << 7) { return $int; } $shift = \PHP_INT_SIZE * 8 - 8; return $int << $shift >> $shift; } public static function decodeUnsigned8(string $str) : int { return \ord($str); } public static function decodeInt16(string $str) : int { $int = \unpack("v", $str)[1]; if ($int < 1 << 15) { return $int; } $shift = \PHP_INT_SIZE * 8 - 16; return $int << $shift >> $shift; } public static function decodeUnsigned16(string $str) { return \unpack("v", $str)[1]; } public static function decodeInt24(string $str) : int { $int = \unpack("V", \substr($str, 0, 3) . "\0")[1]; if ($int < 1 << 23) { return $int; } $shift = \PHP_INT_SIZE * 8 - 24; return $int << $shift >> $shift; } public static function decodeUnsigned24(string $str) : int { return \unpack("V", \substr($str, 0, 3) . "\0")[1]; } public static function decodeInt32($str) : int { if (\PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) { $int = \unpack("V", $str)[1]; if ($int < 1 << 31) { return $int; } return $int << 32 >> 32; } return \unpack("V", $str)[1]; } public static function decodeUnsigned32(string $str) { if (\PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) { return \unpack("V", $str)[1]; } \assert(\extension_loaded("gmp"), "The GMP extension is required for UNSIGNED INT fields on 32-bit systems"); return \gmp_strval(\gmp_import(\substr($str, 0, 4), 1, \GMP_LSW_FIRST)); } public static function decodeInt64(string $str) { if (\PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) { return \unpack("P", $str)[1]; } \assert(\extension_loaded("gmp"), "The GMP extension is required for BIGINT fields on 32-bit systems"); return \gmp_strval(\gmp_import(\substr($str, 0, 8), 1, \GMP_LSW_FIRST)); } public static function decodeUnsigned64(string $str) { \assert(\extension_loaded("gmp"), "The GMP extension is required for UNSIGNED BIGINT fields"); return \gmp_strval(\gmp_import(\substr($str, 0, 8), 1, \GMP_LSW_FIRST)); } public static function encodeInt(int $int) : string { if ($int < 0xfb) { return \chr($int); } if ($int < 1 << 16) { return "" . self::encodeInt16($int); } if ($int < 1 << 24) { return "" . self::encodeInt24($int); } if ($int < (1 << 62) * 4) { return "" . self::encodeInt64($int); } throw new FailureException("encodeInt doesn't allow integers bigger than 2^64 - 1 (current: {$int})"); } public static function encodeInt16(int $int) : string { return \pack("v", $int); } public static function encodeInt24(int $int) : string { return \substr(\pack("V", $int), 0, 3); } public static function encodeInt32(int $int) : string { return \pack("V", $int); } public static function encodeInt64(int $int) : string { return \pack("VV", $int & 0xffffffff, $int >> 32); } } [], self::COLUMNS_FETCHED => [], self::ROWS_FETCHED => []]; /** @var int */ public $state = self::UNFETCHED; /** @var \Amp\Deferred|null */ public $next; const UNFETCHED = 0; const COLUMNS_FETCHED = 1; const ROWS_FETCHED = 2; const SINGLE_ROW_FETCH = 255; public function setColumns(int $columns) { $this->columnCount = $this->columnsToFetch = $columns; } public function updateState(int $state) { $this->state = $state; if ($state === self::ROWS_FETCHED) { $this->rowFetched(null); } if (empty($this->deferreds[$state])) { return; } foreach ($this->deferreds[$state] as list($deferred, $rows, $cb)) { $deferred->resolve($cb ? $cb($rows) : $rows); } $this->deferreds[$state] = []; } public function rowFetched(array $row = null) { if ($row !== null) { $this->rows[$this->fetchedRows++] = $row; } list($entry, , $cb) = \current($this->deferreds[self::UNFETCHED]); if ($entry !== null) { unset($this->deferreds[self::UNFETCHED][\key($this->deferreds[self::UNFETCHED])]); $entry->resolve($cb && $row ? $cb($row) : $row); } } public function fail(FailureException $e) { foreach ($this->deferreds as $state) { foreach ($this->deferreds[$state] as list($deferred)) { $deferred->fail($e); } $this->deferreds[$state] = []; } } /** * @return array * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function __debugInfo() : array { $tmp = clone $this; foreach ($tmp->deferreds as &$type) { foreach ($type as &$entry) { unset($entry[0], $entry[2]); } } return (array) $tmp; } }socket = $socket; $this->connInfo = new ConnectionState(); $this->config = $config; $this->lastUsedAt = \time(); } public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->connectionState <= self::READY; } public function isReady() : bool { return $this->connectionState === self::READY; } public function unreference() { if (!--$this->refcount) { $this->appendTask(function () { $this->close(); }); } } private function ready() { if (!empty($this->deferreds)) { return; } if (!empty($this->onReady)) { \array_shift($this->onReady)(); return; } $this->resetIds(); if ($this->socket) { try { $this->socket->unreference(); } catch (Loop\InvalidWatcherError $exception) { // Undefined destruct order can cause unref of an invalid watcher if the loop is swapped. // Generally this will only happen during tests. } } } private function addDeferred(Deferred $deferred) { \assert($this->socket, "The connection has been closed"); $this->deferreds[] = $deferred; $this->socket->reference(); } public function connect(CancellationToken $token) : Promise { \assert(!$this->processors, self::class . "::connect() must not be called twice"); $this->deferreds[] = $deferred = new Deferred(); // Will be resolved in sendHandshake(). $this->processors = [$this->parseMysql()]; $id = $token->subscribe(function () { $this->close(); }); Promise\rethrow(new Coroutine($this->read())); $promise = $deferred->promise(); $promise->onResolve(static function () use($id, $token) { $token->unsubscribe($id); }); if ($this->config->getCharset() !== ConnectionConfig::DEFAULT_CHARSET || $this->config->getCollation() !== ConnectionConfig::DEFAULT_COLLATE) { $promise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null) { if ($exception) { return; } $charset = $this->config->getCharset(); $collate = $this->config->getCollation(); $this->query("SET NAMES '{$charset}'" . ($collate === "" ? "" : " COLLATE '{$collate}'")); }); } return $promise; } private function read() : \Generator { try { while (($bytes = (yield $this->socket->read())) !== null) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart \assert((function () use($bytes) { if (\defined("MYSQL_DEBUG")) { \fwrite(STDERR, "in: "); for ($i = 0; $i < \min(\strlen($bytes), 200); $i++) { \fwrite(STDERR, \dechex(\ord($bytes[$i])) . " "); } $r = \range("\0", "\37"); unset($r[10], $r[9]); \fwrite(STDERR, "len: " . \strlen($bytes) . "\n"); \fwrite(STDERR, \str_replace($r, ".", \substr($bytes, 0, 200)) . "\n"); } return true; })()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $this->lastUsedAt = \time(); $this->processData($bytes); $bytes = null; // Free last data read. if (!$this->socket) { // Connection closed. break; } } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // $exception used as previous exception below. } finally { $this->close(); } if (!empty($this->deferreds)) { $exception = new ConnectionException("Connection closed unexpectedly", 0, $exception ?? null); foreach ($this->deferreds as $deferred) { $deferred->fail($exception); } } } private function processData(string $data) { foreach ($this->processors as $processor) { if (empty($data = $processor->send($data))) { return; } } \assert(\is_array($data), "Final processor should yield an array"); foreach ($data as $packet) { $this->parsePayload($packet); } } private function getDeferred() : Deferred { return \array_shift($this->deferreds); } private function appendTask(callable $callback) { if ($this->packetCallback || $this->parseCallback || !empty($this->onReady) || !empty($this->deferreds) || $this->connectionState !== self::READY) { $this->onReady[] = $callback; } else { $callback(); } } public function getConnInfo() : ConnectionState { return clone $this->connInfo; } public function getConnectionId() : int { return $this->connectionId; } public function getLastUsedAt() : int { return $this->lastUsedAt; } protected function startCommand(callable $callback) : Promise { if ($this->connectionState > self::READY) { throw new \Error("The connection has been closed"); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->appendTask(function () use($callback, $deferred) { $this->seqId = $this->compressionId = -1; $this->addDeferred($deferred); $callback(); }); return $deferred->promise(); } public function setCharset(string $charset, string $collate = "") : Promise { return \Amp\call(function () use($charset, $collate) { if ($collate === "" && false !== ($off = \strpos($charset, "_"))) { $collate = $charset; $charset = \substr($collate, 0, $off); } $query = "SET NAMES '{$charset}'" . ($collate === "" ? "" : " COLLATE '{$collate}'"); $result = (yield $this->query($query)); $this->config = $this->config->withCharset($charset, $collate); return $result; }); } /** @see 14.6.3 COM_INIT_DB */ public function useDb(string $db) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($db) { $this->config = $this->config->withDatabase($db); $this->sendPacket("\2{$db}"); }); } /** @see 14.6.4 COM_QUERY */ public function query(string $query) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($query) { $this->query = $query; $this->parseCallback = [$this, "handleQuery"]; $this->sendPacket("\3{$query}"); }); } /** @see 14.7.4 COM_STMT_PREPARE */ public function prepare(string $query) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($query) { $this->query = $query; $this->parseCallback = [$this, "handlePrepare"]; $query = \preg_replace_callback(self::STATEMENT_PARAM_REGEX, function ($m) { static $index = 0; if ($m[2] !== "?") { $this->named[$m[3]][] = $index; } $index++; return "?"; }, $query); $this->sendPacket("\26{$query}"); }); } /** @see 14.6.18 COM_CHANGE_USER */ /* @TODO broken, my test server doesn't support that command, can't test now public function changeUser($user, $pass, $db = null) { return $this->startCommand(function() use ($user, $pass, $db) { $this->config->user = $user; $this->config->pass = $pass; $this->config->db = $db; $payload = "\x11"; $payload .= "$user\0"; $auth = $this->secureAuth($this->config->pass, $this->authPluginData); if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) { $payload .= ord($auth) . $auth; } else { $payload .= "$auth\0"; } $payload .= "$db\0"; $this->sendPacket($payload); $this->parseCallback = [$this, "authSwitchRequest"]; }); } */ /** @see 14.6.15 COM_PING */ public function ping() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\16"); }); } /** @see 14.6.19 COM_RESET_CONNECTION */ public function resetConnection() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\37"); }); } /** @see 14.7.5 COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA */ public function bindParam(int $stmtId, int $paramId, string $data) { $payload = "\30"; $payload .= DataTypes::encodeInt32($stmtId); $payload .= DataTypes::encodeInt16($paramId); $payload .= $data; $this->appendTask(function () use($payload) { $this->resetIds(); $this->sendPacket($payload); $this->ready(); }); } /** @see 14.7.6 COM_STMT_EXECUTE */ // prebound params: null-bit set, type MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB, no value // $params is by-ref, because the actual result object might not yet have been filled completely with data upon call of this ... public function execute(int $stmtId, string $query, array &$params, array $prebound, array $data = []) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->appendTask(function () use($stmtId, $query, &$params, $prebound, $data, $deferred) { $payload = "\27"; $payload .= DataTypes::encodeInt32($stmtId); $payload .= \chr(0); // cursor flag // @TODO cursor types?! $payload .= DataTypes::encodeInt32(1); $paramCount = \count($params); $bound = !empty($data) || !empty($prebound); $types = ""; $values = ""; if ($paramCount) { $args = $data + \array_fill(0, $paramCount, null); \ksort($args); $args = \array_slice($args, 0, $paramCount); $nullOff = \strlen($payload); $payload .= \str_repeat("\0", $paramCount + 7 >> 3); foreach ($args as $paramId => $param) { if ($param === null) { $off = $nullOff + ($paramId >> 3); $payload[$off] = $payload[$off] | \chr(1 << $paramId % 8); } else { $bound = 1; } list($unsigned, $type, $value) = DataTypes::encodeBinary($param); if (isset($prebound[$paramId])) { $types .= \chr(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB); } else { $types .= \chr($type); } $types .= $unsigned ? "" : "\0"; $values .= $value; } $payload .= \chr($bound); if ($bound) { $payload .= $types; $payload .= $values; } } $this->query = $query; $this->resetIds(); $this->addDeferred($deferred); $this->sendPacket($payload); // apparently LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE requests are not supported via prepared statements $this->packetCallback = [$this, "handleExecute"]; }); return $deferred->promise(); // do not use $this->startCommand(), that might unexpectedly reset the seqId! } /** @see 14.7.7 COM_STMT_CLOSE */ public function closeStmt(int $stmtId) { $payload = "\31" . DataTypes::encodeInt32($stmtId); $this->appendTask(function () use($payload) { if ($this->connectionState === self::READY) { $this->resetIds(); $this->sendPacket($payload); $this->resetIds(); // does not expect a reply - must be reset immediately } $this->ready(); }); } /** @see 14.6.5 COM_FIELD_LIST */ public function listFields(string $table, string $like = "%") : Promise { return $this->startCommand(static function () use($table, $like) { $this->sendPacket("\4{$table}\0{$like}"); $this->parseCallback = [$this, "handleFieldlist"]; }); } public function listAllFields(string $table, string $like = "%") : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $columns = []; $onResolve = function ($error, $array) use(&$columns, &$onResolve, $deferred) { if ($error) { $deferred->fail($error); return; } if ($array === null) { $deferred->resolve($columns); return; } list($columns[], $promise) = $array; $promise->onResolve($onResolve); }; $this->listFields($table, $like)->onResolve($onResolve); return $deferred->promise(); } /** @see 14.6.6 COM_CREATE_DB */ public function createDatabase(string $db) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($db) { $this->sendPacket("\5{$db}"); }); } /** @see 14.6.7 COM_DROP_DB */ public function dropDatabase(string $db) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($db) { $this->sendPacket("\6{$db}"); }); } /** * @param $subcommand int one of the self::REFRESH_* constants * @see 14.6.8 COM_REFRESH */ public function refresh(int $subcommand) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($subcommand) { $this->sendPacket("\7" . \chr($subcommand)); }); } /** @see 14.6.9 COM_SHUTDOWN */ public function shutdown() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\10\0"); /* SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT / SHUTDOWN_WAIT_ALL_BUFFERS, only one in use */ }); } /** @see 14.6.10 COM_STATISTICS */ public function statistics() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\t"); $this->parseCallback = [$this, "readStatistics"]; }); } /** @see 14.6.11 COM_PROCESS_INFO */ public function processInfo() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\n"); $this->query("SHOW PROCESSLIST"); }); } /** @see 14.6.13 COM_PROCESS_KILL */ public function killProcess(int $process) : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () use($process) { $this->sendPacket("\f" . DataTypes::encodeInt32($process)); }); } /** @see 14.6.14 COM_DEBUG */ public function debugStdout() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\r"); }); } /** @see 14.7.8 COM_STMT_RESET */ public function resetStmt(int $stmtId) : Promise { $payload = "\32" . DataTypes::encodeInt32($stmtId); $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->appendTask(function () use($payload, $deferred) { $this->resetIds(); $this->addDeferred($deferred); $this->sendPacket($payload); }); return $deferred->promise(); } /** @see 14.8.4 COM_STMT_FETCH */ public function fetchStmt(int $stmtId) : Promise { $payload = "\34" . DataTypes::encodeInt32($stmtId) . DataTypes::encodeInt32(1); $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->appendTask(function () use($payload, $deferred) { $this->resetIds(); $this->addDeferred($deferred); $this->sendPacket($payload); }); return $deferred->promise(); } private function established() { // @TODO flags to use? $this->capabilities |= self::CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK | self::CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS | self::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | self::CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION | self::CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS | self::CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS | self::CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS | self::CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA; if (\extension_loaded("zlib") && $this->config->isCompressionEnabled()) { $this->capabilities |= self::CLIENT_COMPRESS; } if ($this->config->isLocalInfileEnabled()) { $this->capabilities |= self::CLIENT_LOCAL_INFILE; } } /** @see ERR-Packet */ private function handleError(string $packet) { $off = 1; $this->connInfo->errorCode = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off, 2)); $off += 2; if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41) { $this->connInfo->errorState = \substr($packet, $off, 6); $off += 6; } $this->connInfo->errorMsg = \substr($packet, $off); $this->parseCallback = null; if ($this->connectionState < self::READY) { // connection failure $this->close(); $this->getDeferred()->fail(new InitializationException("Could not connect to {$this->config->getConnectionString()}: {$this->connInfo->errorState} {$this->connInfo->errorMsg}")); return; } if ($this->result === null && empty($this->deferreds)) { // connection killed without pending query or active result $this->close(); return; } $deferred = $this->result ?? $this->getDeferred(); // normal error $exception = new QueryError("MySQL error ({$this->connInfo->errorCode}): {$this->connInfo->errorState} {$this->connInfo->errorMsg}", $this->query); $this->result = null; $this->query = null; $deferred->fail($exception); $this->ready(); } /** @see OK-Packet */ private function parseOk(string $packet) { $off = 1; $this->connInfo->affectedRows = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned(\substr($packet, $off), $intlen); $off += $intlen; $this->connInfo->insertId = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned(\substr($packet, $off), $intlen); $off += $intlen; if ($this->capabilities & (self::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | self::CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS)) { $this->connInfo->statusFlags = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 2; $this->connInfo->warnings = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 2; } if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK) { // Even though it seems required according to, there is no length encoded string, i.e. no trailing NULL ....??? if (\strlen($packet) > $off) { $this->connInfo->statusInfo = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); if ($this->connInfo->statusFlags & StatusFlags::SERVER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED) { $sessionState = DataTypes::decodeString(\substr($packet, $off), $intlen, $sessionStateLen); $len = 0; while ($len < $sessionStateLen) { $data = DataTypes::decodeString(\substr($sessionState, $len + 1), $datalen, $intlen); switch ($type = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned8(\substr($sessionState, $len))) { case SessionStateTypes::SESSION_TRACK_SYSTEM_VARIABLES: $var = DataTypes::decodeString($data, $varintlen, $strlen); $this->connInfo->sessionState[SessionStateTypes::SESSION_TRACK_SYSTEM_VARIABLES][$var] = DataTypes::decodeString(\substr($data, $varintlen + $strlen)); break; case SessionStateTypes::SESSION_TRACK_SCHEMA: $this->connInfo->sessionState[SessionStateTypes::SESSION_TRACK_SCHEMA] = DataTypes::decodeString($data); break; case SessionStateTypes::SESSION_TRACK_STATE_CHANGE: $this->connInfo->sessionState[SessionStateTypes::SESSION_TRACK_STATE_CHANGE] = DataTypes::decodeString($data); break; default: throw new \Error("{$type} is not a valid mysql session state type"); } $len += 1 + $intlen + $datalen; } } } else { $this->connInfo->statusInfo = ""; } } else { $this->connInfo->statusInfo = \substr($packet, $off); } } private function handleOk(string $packet) { $this->parseOk($packet); $this->getDeferred()->resolve(new CommandResult($this->connInfo->affectedRows, $this->connInfo->insertId)); $this->ready(); } /** @see EOF-Packet */ private function parseEof(string $packet) { if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41) { $this->connInfo->warnings = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, 1)); $this->connInfo->statusFlags = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, 3)); } } private function handleEof(string $packet) { $this->parseEof($packet); $exception = new FailureException($this->connInfo->errorMsg, $this->connInfo->errorCode); $this->getDeferred()->fail($exception); $this->ready(); } /** @see 14.2.5 Connection Phase Packets */ private function handleHandshake(string $packet) { $off = 1; $this->protocol = \ord($packet); if ($this->protocol !== 0xa) { throw new ConnectionException("Unsupported protocol version " . \ord($packet) . " (Expected: 10)"); } $this->connInfo->serverVersion = DataTypes::decodeNullString(\substr($packet, $off), $len); $off += $len + 1; $this->connectionId = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned32(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 4; $this->authPluginData = \substr($packet, $off, 8); $off += 8; $off += 1; // filler byte $this->serverCapabilities = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 2; if (\strlen($packet) > $off) { $this->connInfo->charset = \ord(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 1; $this->connInfo->statusFlags = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 2; $this->serverCapabilities += DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)) << 16; $off += 2; $this->authPluginDataLen = $this->serverCapabilities & self::CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH ? \ord(\substr($packet, $off)) : 0; $off += 1; if ($this->serverCapabilities & self::CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) { $off += 10; $strlen = \max(13, $this->authPluginDataLen - 8); $this->authPluginData .= \substr($packet, $off, $strlen); $off += $strlen; if ($this->serverCapabilities & self::CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) { $this->authPluginName = DataTypes::decodeNullString(\substr($packet, $off)); } } } $this->sendHandshake(); } /** @see LOCAL INFILE Request */ private function handleLocalInfileRequest(string $packet) { \Amp\asyncCall(function () use($packet) { try { $filePath = \substr($packet, 1); /** @var \Amp\File\Handle $fileHandle */ $fileHandle = (yield \Amp\File\open($filePath, 'r')); while ("" != ($chunk = (yield $fileHandle->read()))) { $this->sendPacket($chunk); } $this->sendPacket(""); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->getDeferred()->fail(new ConnectionException("Failed to transfer a file to the server", 0, $e)); } }); } /** @see Text Resultset */ private function handleQuery(string $packet) { switch (\ord($packet)) { case self::OK_PACKET: $this->parseOk($packet); if ($this->connInfo->statusFlags & StatusFlags::SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) { $this->getDeferred()->resolve($result = new ResultProxy()); $this->result = $result; $result->updateState(ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED); $this->successfulResultsetFetch(); } else { $this->parseCallback = null; $this->getDeferred()->resolve(new CommandResult($this->connInfo->affectedRows, $this->connInfo->insertId)); $this->ready(); } return; case self::LOCAL_INFILE_REQUEST: if ($this->config->isLocalInfileEnabled()) { $this->handleLocalInfileRequest($packet); } else { $this->getDeferred()->fail(new ConnectionException("Unexpected LOCAL_INFILE_REQUEST packet")); } return; case self::ERR_PACKET: $this->handleError($packet); return; } $this->parseCallback = [$this, "handleTextColumnDefinition"]; $this->getDeferred()->resolve($result = new ResultProxy()); /* we need to resolve before assigning vars, so that a onResolve() handler won't have a partial result available */ $this->result = $result; $result->setColumns(DataTypes::decodeUnsigned($packet)); } /** @see 14.7.1 Binary Protocol Resultset */ private function handleExecute(string $packet) { $this->parseCallback = [$this, "handleBinaryColumnDefinition"]; $this->getDeferred()->resolve($result = new ResultProxy()); /* we need to resolve before assigning vars, so that a onResolve() handler won't have a partial result available */ $this->result = $result; $result->setColumns(\ord($packet)); } private function handleFieldList(string $packet) { if (\ord($packet) === self::ERR_PACKET) { $this->parseCallback = null; $this->handleError($packet); } elseif (\ord($packet) === self::EOF_PACKET) { $this->parseCallback = null; $this->parseEof($packet); $this->getDeferred()->resolve(null); $this->ready(); } else { $this->addDeferred($deferred = new Deferred()); $this->getDeferred()->resolve([$this->parseColumnDefinition($packet), $deferred]); } } private function handleTextColumnDefinition(string $packet) { $this->handleColumnDefinition($packet, "handleTextResultSetRow"); } private function handleBinaryColumnDefinition(string $packet) { $this->handleColumnDefinition($packet, "handleBinaryResultSetRow"); } private function handleColumnDefinition(string $packet, string $cbMethod) { if (!$this->result->columnsToFetch--) { $this->result->updateState(ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED); if (\ord($packet) === self::ERR_PACKET) { $this->parseCallback = null; $this->handleError($packet); } else { $cb = $this->parseCallback = [$this, $cbMethod]; if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) { $cb($packet); } else { $this->parseEof($packet); // we don't need the EOF packet, skip! } } return; } $this->result->columns[] = $this->parseColumnDefinition($packet); } private function prepareParams(string $packet) { if (!$this->result->columnsToFetch--) { $this->result->columnsToFetch = $this->result->columnCount; if (!$this->result->columnsToFetch) { $this->prepareFields($packet); } else { $this->parseCallback = [$this, "prepareFields"]; } return; } $this->result->params[] = $this->parseColumnDefinition($packet); } private function prepareFields(string $packet) { if (!$this->result->columnsToFetch--) { $this->parseCallback = null; $this->query = null; $result = $this->result; $this->result = null; $this->ready(); $result->updateState(ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED); return; } $this->result->columns[] = $this->parseColumnDefinition($packet); } /** @see Column Defintion */ private function parseColumnDefinition(string $packet) : array { $off = 0; $column = []; if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41) { $column["catalog"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $column["schema"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $column["table"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $column["original_table"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $column["name"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $column["original_name"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $fixlen = DataTypes::decodeUnsignedOff($packet, $off); $len = 0; $column["charset"] = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off + $len)); $len += 2; $column["columnlen"] = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned32(\substr($packet, $off + $len)); $len += 4; $column["type"] = \ord($packet[$off + $len]); $len += 1; $column["flags"] = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off + $len)); $len += 2; $column["decimals"] = \ord($packet[$off + $len]); //$len += 1; $off += $fixlen; } else { $column["table"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $column["name"] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff(DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, $packet, $off); $collen = DataTypes::decodeUnsignedOff($packet, $off); $column["columnlen"] = DataTypes::decodeIntByLen(\substr($packet, $off), $collen); $off += $collen; $typelen = DataTypes::decodeUnsignedOff($packet, $off); $column["type"] = DataTypes::decodeIntByLen(\substr($packet, $off), $typelen); $off += $typelen; $len = 1; $flaglen = $this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_LONG_FLAG ? DataTypes::decodeUnsigned(\substr($packet, $off, 9), $len) : \ord($packet[$off]); $off += $len; if ($flaglen > 2) { $len = 2; $column["flags"] = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off, 4)); } else { $len = 1; $column["flags"] = \ord($packet[$off]); } $column["decimals"] = \ord($packet[$off + $len]); $off += $flaglen; } if ($off < \strlen($packet)) { $column["defaults"] = DataTypes::decodeString(\substr($packet, $off)); } return $column; } private function successfulResultsetFetch() { $result = $this->result; $deferred =& $result->next; if (!$deferred) { $deferred = new Deferred(); } if ($this->connInfo->statusFlags & StatusFlags::SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) { $this->parseCallback = [$this, "handleQuery"]; $this->addDeferred($deferred); } else { $this->parseCallback = null; $this->query = null; $this->result = null; $deferred->resolve(); $this->ready(); } $result->updateState(ResultProxy::ROWS_FETCHED); } /** @see Resultset Row */ private function handleTextResultSetRow(string $packet) { $packettype = \ord($packet); if ($packettype === self::EOF_PACKET) { if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) { $this->parseOk($packet); } else { $this->parseEof($packet); } $this->successfulResultsetFetch(); return; } elseif ($packettype === self::ERR_PACKET) { $this->handleError($packet); return; } $off = 0; $columns = $this->result->columns; $fields = []; for ($i = 0; $off < \strlen($packet); ++$i) { if (\ord($packet[$off]) === 0xfb) { $fields[] = null; $off += 1; } else { $fields[] = DataTypes::decodeStringOff($columns[$i]["type"], $packet, $off); } } $this->result->rowFetched($fields); } /** @see 14.7.2 Binary Protocol Resultset Row */ private function handleBinaryResultSetRow(string $packet) { $packettype = \ord($packet); if ($packettype === self::EOF_PACKET) { $this->parseEof($packet); $this->successfulResultsetFetch(); return; } elseif ($packettype === self::ERR_PACKET) { $this->handleError($packet); return; } $off = 1; // skip first byte $columnCount = $this->result->columnCount; $columns = $this->result->columns; $fields = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $columnCount; $i++) { if (\ord($packet[$off + ($i + 2 >> 3)]) & 1 << ($i + 2) % 8) { $fields[$i] = null; } } $off += $columnCount + 9 >> 3; for ($i = 0; $off < \strlen($packet); $i++) { while (\array_key_exists($i, $fields)) { $i++; } $fields[$i] = DataTypes::decodeBinary($columns[$i]["type"], \substr($packet, $off), $len); $off += $len; } \ksort($fields); $this->result->rowFetched($fields); } /** @see COM_STMT_PREPARE Response */ private function handlePrepare(string $packet) { switch (\ord($packet)) { case self::OK_PACKET: break; case self::ERR_PACKET: $this->handleError($packet); return; default: throw new ConnectionException("Unexpected value for first byte of COM_STMT_PREPARE Response"); } $off = 1; $stmtId = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned32(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 4; $columns = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 2; $params = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $off += 2; $off += 1; // filler $this->connInfo->warnings = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned16(\substr($packet, $off)); $this->result = new ResultProxy(); $this->result->columnsToFetch = $params; $this->result->columnCount = $columns; $this->refcount++; $this->getDeferred()->resolve(new ConnectionStatement($this, $this->query, $stmtId, $this->named, $this->result)); $this->named = []; if ($params) { $this->parseCallback = [$this, "prepareParams"]; } else { $this->prepareParams($packet); } } private function readStatistics(string $packet) { $this->getDeferred()->resolve($packet); $this->parseCallback = null; $this->ready(); } /** @see 14.6.2 COM_QUIT */ public function sendClose() : Promise { return $this->startCommand(function () { $this->sendPacket("\1"); $this->connectionState = self::CLOSING; }); } public function close() { if ($this->connectionState === self::CLOSING && $this->deferreds) { \array_pop($this->deferreds)->resolve(); } $this->connectionState = self::CLOSED; if ($this->socket) { $this->socket->close(); $this->socket = null; } } private function write(string $packet) : Promise { $packet = $this->compilePacket($packet); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart \assert((function () use($packet) { if (\defined("MYSQL_DEBUG")) { \fwrite(STDERR, "out: "); for ($i = 0; $i < \min(\strlen($packet), 200); $i++) { \fwrite(STDERR, \dechex(\ord($packet[$i])) . " "); } $r = \range("\0", "\37"); unset($r[10], $r[9]); \fwrite(STDERR, "len: " . \strlen($packet) . "\n"); \fwrite(STDERR, \str_replace($r, ".", \substr($packet, 0, 200)) . "\n"); } return true; })()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_COMPRESS && $this->connectionState >= self::READY) { $packet = $this->compressPacket($packet); } return $this->pendingWrite = $this->socket->write($packet); } private function resetIds() { if ($this->pendingWrite) { $this->pendingWrite->onResolve(function () { $this->seqId = $this->compressionId = -1; }); return; } $this->seqId = $this->compressionId = -1; } private function compilePacket(string $pending) : string { $packet = ""; do { $len = \strlen($pending); if ($len >= (1 << 24) - 1) { $out = \substr($pending, 0, (1 << 24) - 1); $pending = \substr($pending, (1 << 24) - 1); $len = (1 << 24) - 1; } else { $out = $pending; $pending = ""; } $packet .= \substr_replace(\pack("V", $len), \chr(++$this->seqId), 3, 1) . $out; // expects $len < (1 << 24) - 1 } while ($pending !== ""); return $packet; } private function compressPacket(string $packet) : string { if ($packet === "") { return ""; } $len = \strlen($packet); $deflated = \zlib_encode($packet, ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE); if ($len < \strlen($deflated)) { return \substr_replace(\pack("V", \strlen($packet)), \chr(++$this->compressionId), 3, 1) . "\0\0\0" . $packet; } return \substr_replace(\pack("V", \strlen($deflated)), \chr(++$this->compressionId), 3, 1) . \substr(\pack("V", $len), 0, 3) . $deflated; } /** @see 14.4 Compression */ private function parseCompression() : \Generator { $inflated = ""; $buf = ""; while (true) { while (\strlen($buf) < 7) { $buf .= (yield $inflated); $inflated = ""; } $size = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned24($buf); $this->compressionId = \ord($buf[3]); $uncompressed = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned24(\substr($buf, 4, 3)); $buf = \substr($buf, 7); if ($size > 0) { while (\strlen($buf) < $size) { $buf .= (yield $inflated); $inflated = ""; } if ($uncompressed === 0) { $inflated .= \substr($buf, 0, $size); } else { $inflated .= \zlib_decode(\substr($buf, 0, $size), $uncompressed); } $buf = \substr($buf, $size); } } } /** * @see 14.1.2 MySQL Packet * @see 14.1.3 Generic Response Packets */ private function parseMysql() : \Generator { $buf = ""; $parsed = []; while (true) { $packet = ""; do { while (\strlen($buf) < 4) { $buf .= (yield $parsed); $parsed = []; } $len = DataTypes::decodeUnsigned24($buf); $this->seqId = \ord($buf[3]); $buf = \substr($buf, 4); while (\strlen($buf) < ($len & 0xffffff)) { $buf .= (yield $parsed); $parsed = []; } $lastIn = $len !== 0xffffff; if ($lastIn) { $size = $len % 0xffffff; } else { $size = 0xffffff; } $packet .= \substr($buf, 0, $size); $buf = \substr($buf, $size); } while (!$lastIn); if (\strlen($packet) > 0) { $parsed[] = $packet; } } } private function parsePayload(string $packet) { if ($this->connectionState === self::UNCONNECTED) { $this->established(); $this->connectionState = self::ESTABLISHED; $this->handleHandshake($packet); return; } if ($this->connectionState === self::ESTABLISHED) { switch (\ord($packet)) { case self::OK_PACKET: if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_COMPRESS) { $this->processors = \array_merge([$this->parseCompression()], $this->processors); } $this->connectionState = self::READY; $this->handleOk($packet); break; case self::ERR_PACKET: $this->handleError($packet); break; case self::EXTRA_AUTH_PACKET: /** @see 14.2.5 Connection Phase Packets (AuthMoreData) */ switch ($this->authPluginName) { case "sha256_password": $key = \substr($packet, 1); $this->config = $this->config->withKey($key); $this->sendHandshake(); break; default: throw new ConnectionException("Unexpected EXTRA_AUTH_PACKET in authentication phase for method {$this->authPluginName}"); } break; } return; } if ($this->parseCallback) { ($this->parseCallback)($packet); return; } $cb = $this->packetCallback; $this->packetCallback = null; switch (\ord($packet)) { case self::OK_PACKET: $this->handleOk($packet); break; case self::ERR_PACKET: $this->handleError($packet); break; case self::EOF_PACKET: if (\strlen($packet) < 6) { $this->handleEof($packet); break; } // no break default: if (!$cb) { throw new ConnectionException("Unexpected packet type: " . \ord($packet)); } $cb($packet); } } private function secureAuth(string $pass, string $scramble) : string { $hash = \sha1($pass, 1); return $hash ^ \sha1(\substr($scramble, 0, 20) . \sha1($hash, 1), 1); } private function sha256Auth(string $pass, string $scramble, string $key) : string { \openssl_public_encrypt($pass ^ \str_repeat($scramble, \ceil(\strlen($pass) / \strlen($scramble))), $auth, $key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); return $auth; } private function authSwitchRequest(string $packet) { $this->parseCallback = null; switch (\ord($packet)) { case self::EOF_PACKET: if (\strlen($packet) === 1) { break; } $len = \strpos($packet, "\0"); $pluginName = \substr($packet, 0, $len); // @TODO mysql_native_pass only now... $authPluginData = \substr($packet, $len + 1); $this->sendPacket($this->secureAuth($this->config->getPassword(), $authPluginData)); break; case self::ERR_PACKET: $this->handleError($packet); return; default: throw new ConnectionException("AuthSwitchRequest: Expecting 0xfe (or ERR_Packet), got 0x" . \dechex(\ord($packet))); } } /** * @see 14.2.5 Connection Phase Packets * @see 14.3 Authentication Method */ private function sendHandshake(bool $inSSL = false) { if ($this->config->getDatabase() !== null) { $this->capabilities |= self::CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB; } if ($this->config->getConnectContext()->getTlsContext() !== null) { $this->capabilities |= self::CLIENT_SSL; } $this->capabilities &= $this->serverCapabilities; $payload = ""; $payload .= \pack("V", $this->capabilities); $payload .= \pack("V", 1 << 24 - 1); // max-packet size $payload .= \chr(ConnectionConfig::BIN_CHARSET); $payload .= \str_repeat("\0", 23); // reserved if (!$inSSL && $this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_SSL) { \Amp\asyncCall(function () use($payload) { try { (yield $this->write($payload)); (yield $this->socket->setupTls()); $this->sendHandshake(true); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->close(); $this->getDeferred()->fail($e); } }); return; } $payload .= $this->config->getUser() . "\0"; if ($this->config->getPassword() == "") { $auth = ""; } elseif ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) { switch ($this->authPluginName) { case "mysql_native_password": $auth = $this->secureAuth($this->config->getPassword(), $this->authPluginData); break; case "mysql_clear_password": $auth = $this->config->getPassword(); break; case "sha256_password": if ($this->config->getPassword() === "") { $auth = ""; } else { $key = $this->config->getKey(); if ($key !== null) { $auth = $this->sha256Auth($this->config->getPassword(), $this->authPluginData, $key); } else { $auth = "\1"; } } break; case "mysql_old_password": throw new ConnectionException("mysql_old_password is outdated and insecure. Intentionally not implemented!"); default: throw new ConnectionException("Invalid (or unimplemented?) auth method requested by server: {$this->authPluginName}"); } } else { $auth = $this->secureAuth($this->config->getPassword(), $this->authPluginData); } if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA) { $payload .= DataTypes::encodeInt(\strlen($auth)); $payload .= $auth; } elseif ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) { $payload .= \chr(\strlen($auth)); $payload .= $auth; } else { $payload .= "{$auth}\0"; } if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB) { $payload .= "{$this->config->getDatabase()}\0"; } if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) { $payload .= "\0"; // @TODO AUTH // $payload .= "mysql_native_password\0"; } if ($this->capabilities & self::CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS) { // connection attributes?! 5.6.6+ only! } $this->write($payload); } /** @see 14.1.2 MySQL Packet */ protected function sendPacket(string $payload) : Promise { if ($this->connectionState !== self::READY) { throw new \Error("Connection not ready, cannot send any packets"); } return $this->write($payload); } } Resolves with true if another result set exists, false if all result sets have * been consumed. */ public function nextResultSet() : Promise; /** * @return Promise * * @throws \Error If nextResultSet() has been invoked and no further result sets were available. */ public function getFields() : Promise; }isolation = $isolation; break; default: throw new \Error("Isolation must be a valid transaction isolation level"); } $this->processor = $processor; $refCount =& $this->refCount; $this->release = static function () use(&$refCount, $release) { if (--$refCount === 0) { $release(); } }; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->processor && $this->processor->isAlive()) { $this->rollback(); // Invokes $this->release callback. } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLastUsedAt() : int { return $this->processor->getLastUsedAt(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * Closes and commits all changes in the transaction. */ public function close() { if ($this->processor) { $this->commit(); // Invokes $this->release callback. } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isAlive() : bool { return $this->processor && $this->processor->isAlive(); } /** * @return bool True if the transaction is active, false if it has been committed or rolled back. */ public function isActive() : bool { return $this->processor !== null; } /** * @return int */ public function getIsolationLevel() : int { return $this->isolation; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function query(string $sql) : Promise { if ($this->processor === null) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return call(function () use($sql) { $result = (yield $this->processor->query($sql)); if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { ++$this->refCount; return new PooledResultSet($result, $this->release); } return $result; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function prepare(string $sql) : Promise { if ($this->processor === null) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return call(function () use($sql) { $statement = (yield $this->processor->prepare($sql)); return new PooledStatement($statement, $this->release); }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function execute(string $sql, array $params = []) : Promise { if ($this->processor === null) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } return call(function () use($sql, $params) { $statement = (yield $this->processor->prepare($sql)); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); $result = (yield $statement->execute($params)); if ($result instanceof ResultSet) { ++$this->refCount; return new PooledResultSet($result, $this->release); } return $result; }); } /** * Commits the transaction and makes it inactive. * * @return Promise<\Amp\Sql\CommandResult> * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function commit() : Promise { if ($this->processor === null) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } $promise = $this->processor->query("COMMIT"); $this->processor = null; $promise->onResolve($this->release); return $promise; } /** * Rolls back the transaction and makes it inactive. * * @return Promise<\Amp\Sql\CommandResult> * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function rollback() : Promise { if ($this->processor === null) { throw new TransactionError("The transaction has been committed or rolled back"); } $promise = $this->processor->query("ROLLBACK"); $this->processor = null; $promise->onResolve($this->release); return $promise; } /** * Creates a savepoint with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier Savepoint identifier. * * @return Promise<\Amp\Sql\CommandResult> * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function createSavepoint(string $identifier) : Promise { return $this->query(\sprintf("SAVEPOINT `%s%s`", self::SAVEPOINT_PREFIX, \sha1($identifier))); } /** * Rolls back to the savepoint with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier Savepoint identifier. * * @return Promise<\Amp\Sql\CommandResult> * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function rollbackTo(string $identifier) : Promise { return $this->query(\sprintf("ROLLBACK TO `%s%s`", self::SAVEPOINT_PREFIX, \sha1($identifier))); } /** * Releases the savepoint with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier Savepoint identifier. * * @return Promise<\Amp\Sql\CommandResult> * * @throws TransactionError If the transaction has been committed or rolled back. */ public function releaseSavepoint(string $identifier) : Promise { return $this->query(\sprintf("RELEASE SAVEPOINT `%s%s`", self::SAVEPOINT_PREFIX, \sha1($identifier))); } }affectedRows = $affectedRows; $this->lastInsertId = $lastInsertId; } /** * @return int Number of rows affected by the modification query. */ public function getAffectedRowCount() : int { return $this->affectedRows; } /** * @return int Insert ID of the last auto increment row. */ public function getLastInsertId() : int { return $this->lastInsertId; } }reset()); foreach ($this->params as $paramId => $data) { $statement->bind($paramId, $data); } return $statement; }); } protected function createResultSet(SqlResultSet $resultSet, callable $release) : SqlResultSet { \assert($resultSet instanceof ConnectionResultSet || $resultSet instanceof PooledResultSet); return new PooledResultSet($resultSet, $release); } public function bind($paramId, $data) { if (!\is_int($paramId) && !\is_string($paramId)) { throw new \TypeError("Invalid parameter ID type"); } $this->params[$paramId] = $data; } public function reset() : Promise { $this->params = []; return new Success(); } /** * @return Promise */ public function getFields() : Promise { return call(function () { $statement = (yield from $this->pop()); \assert($statement instanceof Statement); $fields = (yield $statement->getFields()); $this->push($statement); return $fields; }); } }connector = $connector ?? Socket\connector(); } public function connect(SqlConnectionConfig $config, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { if (!$config instanceof ConnectionConfig) { throw new \TypeError(\sprintf("Must provide an instance of %s to MySQL connectors", ConnectionConfig::class)); } return Connection::connect($config, $token, $this->connector); } } */ public function getFields() : Promise; /** * Reset statement to state just after preparing. * * @return Promise */ public function reset() : Promise; }result = $result; $this->producer = self::makeIterator($result); } private static function makeIterator(Internal\ResultProxy $result) : Iterator { return new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use($result) { $row = (yield self::fetchRow($result)); while ($row !== null) { $next = self::fetchRow($result); // Fetch next row while emitting last row. (yield $emit($row)); $row = (yield $next); } }); } public function __destruct() { if (!$this->result) { return; } $producer = $this->producer; asyncCall(static function () use($producer) { try { while ((yield $producer->advance())) { } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // Ignore iterator failure when destroying. } }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function advance() : Promise { $this->currentRow = null; return $this->producer->advance(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrent() : array { if ($this->currentRow !== null) { return $this->currentRow; } if (!$this->columnNames) { $this->columnNames = \array_column($this->result->columns, "name"); } return $this->currentRow = \array_combine($this->columnNames, $this->producer->getCurrent()); } private static function fetchRow(Internal\ResultProxy $result) : Promise { if ($result->userFetched < $result->fetchedRows) { $row = $result->rows[$result->userFetched]; unset($result->rows[$result->userFetched]); $result->userFetched++; return new Success($row); } if ($result->state === Internal\ResultProxy::ROWS_FETCHED) { return new Success(); } $deferred = new Deferred(); /* We need to increment the internal counter, else the next time fetch is called, * it'll simply return the row we fetch here instead of fetching a new row * since callback order on promises isn't defined, we can't do this via onResolve() */ $incRow = function ($row) use($result) { unset($result->rows[$result->userFetched++]); return $row; }; $result->deferreds[Internal\ResultProxy::UNFETCHED][] = [$deferred, null, $incRow]; return $deferred->promise(); } /** * @return Promise Resolves with true if another result set exists, false if all result sets have * been consumed. */ public function nextResultSet() : Promise { if (!$this->result) { return new Success(false); } return call(function () { while ((yield $this->advance())) { } // Consume any values left in the current result. $this->columnNames = null; $deferred = $this->result->next ?: ($this->result->next = new Deferred()); $this->result = (yield $deferred->promise()); if ($this->result) { $this->producer = self::makeIterator($this->result); return true; } return false; }); } /** * @return Promise * * @throws \Error If nextResultSet() has been invoked and no further result sets were available. */ public function getFields() : Promise { if ($this->result === null) { throw new \Error("The current result set is empty; call this method before invoking ResultSet::nextResultSet()"); } if ($this->result->state >= Internal\ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED) { return new Success($this->result->columns); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->result->deferreds[Internal\ResultProxy::COLUMNS_FETCHED][] = [$deferred, &$this->result->columns, null]; return $deferred->promise(); } } * * @throws \Amp\Sql\FailureException If connecting fails. * @throws \Error If the connection string does not contain a host, user, and password. */ function connect(SqlConnectionConfig $config) : Promise { return connector()->connect($config); } /** * Create a pool using the global Connector instance. * * @param SqlConnectionConfig $config * @param int $maxConnections * @param int $idleTimeout * * @return Pool * * @throws \Error If the connection string does not contain a host, user, and password. */ function pool(SqlConnectionConfig $config, int $maxConnections = ConnectionPool::DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS, int $idleTimeout = ConnectionPool::DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT) : Pool { return new Pool($config, $maxConnections, $idleTimeout, connector()); }host};user={$this->user};pass={$this->pass}"); $connector = new CancellableConnector(); $this->connectionPool = new ConnectionPool($config, $this->poolLimit, 10, $connector); $connectionPromise = $connector->connect($config); $this->connection = wait($connectionPromise); $this->pdoConnection = new \PDO("mysql:host={$this->host};port=3306", $this->user, $this->pass); } public function onAfterMethods() { $this->connectionPool->close(); $this->connection->close(); } public function benchPdoQueries() { foreach (\range(1, $this->maxQueries) as $ii) { $resultSet = $this->pdoConnection->query("SELECT {$ii}"); $resultSet->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } } public function benchSyncQueries() { wait(call(function () { $connection = $this->connection; foreach (\range(1, $this->maxQueries) as $i) { /** @var ResultSet $resultSet */ $resultSet = (yield $connection->query("SELECT {$i}")); (yield $resultSet->advance()); } })); } public function benchAsyncQueries() { wait(call(function () { $connection = $this->connection; /** @var ResultSet[] $resultSets */ $resultSets = (yield \array_map(function ($i) use($connection) { return $connection->query("SELECT {$i}"); }, \range(1, $this->maxQueries))); (yield \array_map(function ($resultSet) { /** @var ResultSet $resultSet */ return $resultSet->advance(); }, $resultSets)); })); } public function benchAsyncQueriesUsingPool() { wait(call(function () { $connection = $this->connectionPool; /** @var ResultSet[] $resultSets */ $resultSets = (yield \array_map(function ($i) use($connection) { return $connection->query("SELECT {$i}"); }, \range(1, $this->maxQueries))); (yield \array_map(function ($resultSet) { /** @var ResultSet $resultSet */ return $resultSet->advance(); }, $resultSets)); })); } } */ protected abstract function getLink(string $connectionString) : Promise; public function testQuery() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var ResultSet $resultset */ $resultset = (yield $db->execute("SELECT ? AS a", [M_PI])); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $resultset); for ($i = 0; (yield $resultset->advance()); ++$i) { $this->assertSame(["a" => M_PI], $resultset->getCurrent()); } $this->assertSame(1, $i); } public function testQueryFetchRow() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var ResultSet $resultset */ $resultset = (yield $db->query('SELECT a FROM main WHERE a < 4')); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $resultset); $got = []; while ((yield $resultset->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($resultset->getCurrent()); } $this->assertSame($got, [[1], [2], [3]]); } public function testQueryWithInvalidQuery() { $this->expectException(QueryError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('You have an error in your SQL syntax'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); (yield $db->query("SELECT & FROM main WHERE a = 1")); } public function testMultiStmt() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test;useCompression=true")); /** @var ResultSet $resultset */ $resultset = (yield $db->query("SELECT a FROM main; SELECT b FROM main WHERE a = 5; SELECT b AS d, a + 1 AS c FROM main WHERE b > 4")); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $resultset); $got = []; while ((yield $resultset->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($resultset->getCurrent()); } $this->assertSame([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]], $got); $this->assertTrue((yield $resultset->nextResultSet())); $got = []; while ((yield $resultset->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($resultset->getCurrent()); } $this->assertSame([[6]], $got); $this->assertTrue((yield $resultset->nextResultSet())); $fields = (yield $resultset->getFields()); $got = []; while ((yield $resultset->advance())) { $got[] = $resultset->getCurrent(); } $this->assertSame([["d" => 5, "c" => 5], ["d" => 6, "c" => 6]], $got); $this->assertCount(2, $fields); $this->assertSame($fields[0]["original_name"], "b"); $this->assertSame($fields[0]["name"], "d"); $this->assertSame($fields[0]["type"], DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG); $this->assertSame($fields[1]["name"], "c"); $this->assertSame($fields[1]["type"], DataTypes::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG); $this->assertFalse((yield $resultset->nextResultSet())); } public function testPrepared() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test;useCompression=true")); /** * @var Statement $stmt * @var ResultSet $result */ $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ? OR b = :num")); $base = ["catalog" => "def", "schema" => "test", "table" => "main", "original_table" => "main", "charset" => 63, "columnlen" => 11, "type" => 3, "flags" => 0, "decimals" => 0]; $this->assertEquals((yield $stmt->getFields()), [$base + ["name" => "a", "original_name" => "a"], $base + ["name" => "b", "original_name" => "b"]]); $stmt->bind("num", 5); $result = (yield $stmt->execute([2])); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $result); $got = []; while ((yield $result->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($result->getCurrent()); } $this->assertCount(2, $got); $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ? OR b = ?")); $result = (yield $stmt->execute([1, 8])); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $result); $got = []; while ((yield $result->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($result->getCurrent()); } $this->assertCount(1, $got); $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = :a OR b = ?")); $result = (yield $stmt->execute(["a" => 2, 5])); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $result); $got = []; while ((yield $result->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($result->getCurrent()); } $this->assertCount(2, $got); $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("INSERT INTO main VALUES (:a, :b)")); $result = (yield $stmt->execute(["a" => 10, "b" => 11])); $this->assertInstanceOf(CommandResult::class, $result); $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("DELETE FROM main WHERE a = :a")); $result = (yield $stmt->execute(["a" => 10])); $this->assertInstanceOf(CommandResult::class, $result); } public function testPrepareWithInvalidQuery() { $this->expectException(QueryError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('You have an error in your SQL syntax'); /** @var \Amp\Sql\Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); (yield $db->prepare("SELECT & FROM main WHERE a = ?")); } public function testBindWithInvalidParamId() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Parameter id 1 is not defined for this prepared statement'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ?")); $statement->bind(1, 1); (yield $statement->execute()); // Some implementations do not throw until execute() is called. } public function testBindWithInvalidParamName() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Parameter :b is not defined for this prepared statement'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = :a")); $statement->bind("b", 1); (yield $statement->execute()); // Some implementations do not throw until execute() is called. } public function testBindWithInvalidParamType() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid parameter ID type'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = :a")); $statement->bind(3.14, 1); (yield $statement->execute()); // Some implementations do not throw until execute() is called. } public function testStatementExecuteWithTooFewParams() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Parameter 1 for prepared statement missing'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var Statement $stmt */ $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ? AND b = ?")); (yield $stmt->execute([1])); } public function testExecute() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var ResultSet $result */ $result = (yield $db->execute("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ? OR b = ?", [2, 5])); $this->assertInstanceOf(ResultSet::class, $result); $got = []; while ((yield $result->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($result->getCurrent()); } $this->assertCount(2, $got); $this->assertSame([[2, 3], [4, 5]], $got); $result = (yield $db->execute("INSERT INTO main VALUES (:a, :b)", ["a" => 10, "b" => 11])); $this->assertInstanceOf(CommandResult::class, $result); $result = (yield $db->execute("DELETE FROM main WHERE a = :a", ["a" => 10])); $this->assertInstanceOf(CommandResult::class, $result); } public function testExecuteWithInvalidQuery() { $this->expectException(QueryError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('You have an error in your SQL syntax'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); (yield $db->execute("SELECT & FROM main WHERE a = ?", [1])); } public function testExecuteWithTooFewParams() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Parameter 1 for prepared statement missing'); /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); (yield $db->execute("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ? AND b = ?", [1])); } public function testPreparedWithNegativeValue() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); (yield $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp")); /** @var \Amp\Sql\Statement $stmt */ $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("CREATE TABLE tmp SELECT ? AS a")); (yield $stmt->execute([-1])); /** @var \Amp\Mysql\ResultSet $result */ $stmt = (yield $db->prepare("SELECT a FROM tmp")); $result = (yield $stmt->execute()); (yield $result->advance()); $this->assertEquals(\array_values($result->getCurrent()), [-1]); } public function testTransaction() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); /** @var Transaction $transaction */ $transaction = (yield $db->beginTransaction()); /** @var Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $transaction->prepare("INSERT INTO main VALUES (?, ?)")); $result = (yield $statement->execute([6, 7])); $this->assertInstanceOf(CommandResult::class, $result); /** @var ResultSet $result */ $result = (yield $transaction->execute("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ?", [6])); $got = []; while ((yield $result->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($result->getCurrent()); } $this->assertCount(1, $got); (yield $result->nextResultSet()); (yield $transaction->rollback()); $result = (yield $db->execute("SELECT * FROM main WHERE a = ?", [6])); $got = []; while ((yield $result->advance())) { $got[] = \array_values($result->getCurrent()); } $this->assertCount(0, $got); } /** * @depends testTransaction */ public function testInsertSelect() { /** @var Link $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); $a = 1; /** @var Transaction $transaction */ $transaction = (yield $db->beginTransaction()); try { /** @var Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $transaction->prepare("SELECT a, b FROM main WHERE a >= ?")); $count = \count((yield Iterator\toArray((yield $statement->execute([$a]))))); /** @var Statement $statement */ $statement = (yield $transaction->prepare("INSERT INTO main (a, b) SELECT a, b FROM main WHERE a >= ?")); /** @var CommandResult $result */ $result = (yield $statement->execute([$a])); $this->assertSame($count, $result->getAffectedRowCount()); } finally { (yield $transaction->rollback()); } } }processor = $this->prophesize('Amp\\Mysql\\Internal\\Processor'); $this->resultProxy = new ResultProxy(); } /** * @dataProvider provideTestBindDataTypes */ public function testBindDataTypes($data, $expectedException) { // arrange $query = 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?'; $stmtId = 1; $paramId = 0; $named = []; $this->processor->isAlive()->willReturn(true); $this->processor->unreference()->shouldBeCalled(); $this->processor->closeStmt(\Prophecy\Argument::any())->shouldBeCalled(); $this->resultProxy->columnsToFetch = 1; $stmt = new ConnectionStatement($this->processor->reveal(), $query, $stmtId, $named, $this->resultProxy); // assert if ($expectedException) { $this->expectException($expectedException); $this->processor->bindParam($stmtId, \Prophecy\Argument::any(), $data)->shouldNotBeCalled(); } else { $this->addToAssertionCount(1); $this->processor->bindParam($stmtId, \Prophecy\Argument::any(), $data)->shouldBeCalled(); } $this->assertSame($query, $stmt->getQuery()); // act $stmt->bind($paramId, $data); } public function provideTestBindDataTypes() { return ['test scalar' => ['data' => 1, 'expectedException' => null], 'test object' => ['data' => (object) [], 'expectedException' => 'TypeError'], 'test array' => ['data' => [], 'expectedException' => 'TypeError'], 'test object with __toString defined' => ['data' => new class { public function __toString() { return ''; } }, 'expectedException' => null]]; } }/dev/null"); } \sleep(1); } if (\file_exists(__DIR__ . "/mysql_db")) { $rm_all = function ($dir) use(&$rm_all) { $files = \glob("{$dir}/*"); if (\is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (\is_dir($file)) { $rm_all($file); \rmdir($file); } else { \unlink($file); } } } }; $rm_all(__DIR__ . "/mysql_db"); } else { @\mkdir(__DIR__ . "/mysql_db"); } $proc = \proc_open("mysqld --defaults-file=my.cnf --initialize-insecure", [2 => ["pipe", "w"]], $pipes, __DIR__); $stderr = $pipes[2]; do { if (!($row = \fgets($stderr)) || \preg_match("# \\[ERROR\\] #", $row)) { print "\nERROR: Aborting, couldn't start mysql successfully\n{$buf}{$row}"; exit(127); } $buf .= $row; } while (!\preg_match("(root@localhost is created with an empty password)", $row)); \sleep(3); // :-( \proc_terminate($proc, 9); @\proc_terminate($proc, 9); $proc = \proc_open("mysqld --defaults-file=my.cnf --user=root", [2 => ["pipe", "w"]], $pipes, __DIR__); \register_shutdown_function(function () use($proc) { \proc_terminate($proc, 9); }); $stderr = $pipes[2]; do { if (!($row = \fgets($stderr)) || \preg_match("# \\[ERROR\\] #", $row)) { print "\nERROR: Aborting, couldn't start mysql successfully\n{$buf}{$row}"; exit(127); } $buf .= $row; } while (!\preg_match("(^Version: '[0-9.a-zA-Z]+')", $row)); $db = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); $db->query("CREATE DATABASE test"); $db->query("CREATE TABLE test.main (a INT(11), b INT(11))"); $db->query("INSERT INTO test.main VALUES (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)"); $db->close();createMock(Connector::class); $connector->method('connect')->will($this->returnCallback(function () use($connections) : Promise { static $count = 0; return new Success($connections[$count++ % \count($connections)]); })); $config = ConnectionConfig::fromString('host=host;user=user;password=password'); return new Pool($config, \count($connections), Pool::DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT, $connector); } /** * @param int $count * * @return \Amp\Mysql\Internal\Processor[]|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject[] */ private function makeProcessorSet(int $count) { $processors = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class); $processor->method('isAlive')->willReturn(true); $processors[] = $processor; } return $processors; } private function makeConnectionSet(array $processors) { return \array_map((function (Processor $processor) : Connection { return new self($processor); })->bindTo(null, Connection::class), $processors); } /** * @return array */ public function getConnectionCounts() : array { return \array_map(function (int $count) : array { return [$count]; }, \range(2, 10, 2)); } /** * @dataProvider getConnectionCounts * * @param int $count */ public function testSingleQuery(int $count) { $result = $this->createMock(StatementOperation::class); $processors = $this->makeProcessorSet($count); $connection = $processors[0]; $connection->expects($this->once())->method('prepare')->with('SQL Query')->will($this->returnValue(new Delayed(10, $result))); $pool = $this->createPool($this->makeConnectionSet($processors)); $return = (yield $pool->prepare('SQL Query')); $this->assertInstanceOf(Statement::class, $return); } /** * @dataProvider getConnectionCounts * * @param int $count */ public function testConsecutiveQueries(int $count) { $rounds = 3; $result = $this->createMock(StatementOperation::class); $processors = $this->makeProcessorSet($count); foreach ($processors as $connection) { $connection->method('prepare')->with('SQL Query')->will($this->returnValue(new Delayed(10, $result))); } $pool = $this->createPool($this->makeConnectionSet($processors)); $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $promises[] = $pool->prepare('SQL Query'); } $results = (yield $promises); foreach ($results as $result) { $this->assertInstanceOf(Statement::class, $result); } } /** * @dataProvider getConnectionCounts * * @param int $count */ public function testMutlipleTransactions(int $count) { $processors = $this->makeProcessorSet($count); $connection = $processors[0]; $result = new CommandResult(0, 0); $connection->expects($this->exactly(3))->method('query')->will($this->returnValue(new Delayed(10, $result))); $pool = $this->createPool($this->makeConnectionSet($processors)); $return = (yield $pool->beginTransaction(SqlTransaction::ISOLATION_COMMITTED)); $this->assertInstanceOf(SqlTransaction::class, $return); (yield $return->rollback()); } /** * @dataProvider getConnectionCounts * * @param int $count */ public function testConsecutiveTransactions(int $count) { $rounds = 3; $result = new CommandResult(0, 0); $processors = $this->makeProcessorSet($count); foreach ($processors as $connection) { $connection->method('query')->will($this->returnCallback(function () use($result) { return new Delayed(10, $result); })); } $pool = $this->createPool($this->makeConnectionSet($processors)); $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $promises[] = $pool->beginTransaction(SqlTransaction::ISOLATION_COMMITTED); } $results = (yield \array_map(function (Promise $promise) : Promise { return call(function () use($promise) { $transaction = (yield $promise); $this->assertInstanceOf(SqlTransaction::class, $transaction); return (yield $transaction->rollback()); }); }, $promises)); foreach ($results as $result) { $this->assertInstanceof(CommandResult::class, $result); } } /** * @dataProvider getConnectionCounts * * @param int $count */ public function testExtractConnection(int $count) { $processors = $this->makeProcessorSet($count); $query = "SELECT * FROM test"; foreach ($processors as $connection) { $connection->expects($this->once())->method('query')->with($query); } $pool = $this->createPool($this->makeConnectionSet($processors)); $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $promises[] = $pool->extractConnection(); } $results = (yield $promises); foreach ($results as $result) { $this->assertInstanceof(Connection::class, $result); $result->query($query); } } /** * @dataProvider getConnectionCounts * * @param int $count */ public function testConnectionClosedInPool(int $count) { $processors = $this->makeProcessorSet($count); $query = "SELECT * FROM test"; $result = new CommandResult(0, 0); foreach ($processors as $processor) { $processor->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('query')->with($query)->willReturn(new Delayed(10, $result)); } $processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class); $processor->method('isAlive')->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(true, false); $processor->expects($this->once())->method('query')->with($query)->willReturn(new Delayed(10, $result)); \array_unshift($processors, $processor); $pool = $this->createPool($this->makeConnectionSet($processors)); $this->assertSame($count + 1, $pool->getConnectionLimit()); $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count + 1; ++$i) { $promises[] = $pool->query($query); } (yield $promises); $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $promises[] = $pool->query($query); } (yield $promises); } }expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Host must be provided in connection string'); ConnectionConfig::fromString("username=" . DB_USER); } public function testGetConnectionString() { $config = ConnectionConfig::fromString('host=host;port=1234;user=user;password=password'); $this->assertSame('tcp://host:1234', $config->getConnectionString()); } }connect(ConnectionConfig::fromString($connectionString)); } public function testConnect() { /** @var Connection $db */ $db = (yield Connection::connect(ConnectionConfig::fromString("host=" . DB_HOST . " user=" . DB_USER . " pass=" . DB_PASS . " db=test"))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Connection::class, $db); /* use an alternative charset... Default is utf8mb4_general_ci */ (yield $db->setCharset("latin1_general_ci")); $db->close(); } public function testDoubleClose() { /** @var Connection $db */ $db = (yield $this->getLink("host=" . DB_HOST . ";user=" . DB_USER . ";pass=" . DB_PASS . ";db=test")); $db->close(); $this->assertFalse($db->isAlive()); $db->close(); // Should not throw an exception. } }cases as $case) { foreach ($case->headers as &$header) { $header = (array) $header; $header = [\key($header), \current($header)]; } $cases[$case->seqno] = [\hex2bin($case->wire), $case->headers]; } $tests[] = $cases; } $minDuration = \PHP_INT_MAX; $minOps = \PHP_INT_MAX; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $start = \microtime(true); $ops = 0; foreach ($tests as $test) { $hpack = new Amp\Http\Internal\HPackNative(); foreach ($cases as list($input, $output)) { $headers = $hpack->decode($input, 4096); $hpack->encode($headers); if ($headers !== $output) { print 'Invalid headers' . \PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $ops++; } } $duration = \microtime(true) - $start; $minDuration = \min($minDuration, $duration); $minOps = \min($ops, $minOps); } print "{$minOps} in {$minDuration} seconds" . \PHP_EOL;{ "name": "amphp/hpack", "homepage": "", "description": "HTTP/2 HPack implementation.", "keywords": [ "http-2", "hpack", "headers" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Bob Weinand" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "http2jp/hpack-test-case": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^6 | ^7" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\": "test" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "3.x-dev" } }, "repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "http2jp/hpack-test-case", "version": "1.0", "source": { "url": "", "type": "git", "reference": "origin/master" } } } ] } $name) { if (isset(self::$indexMap[$name])) { continue; } self::$indexMap[$name] = $index + 1; } } // (micro-)optimized decode private static function huffmanLookupInit() : array { if ('cli' !== \PHP_SAPI && 'phpdbg' !== \PHP_SAPI || \filter_var(\ini_get('opcache.enable_cli'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { return require __DIR__ . '/huffman-lookup.php'; } \gc_disable(); $encodingAccess = []; $terminals = []; $index = 7; foreach (self::HUFFMAN_CODE as $chr => $bits) { $len = self::HUFFMAN_CODE_LENGTHS[$chr]; for ($bit = 0; $bit < 8; $bit++) { $offlen = $len + $bit; $next = $bit; for ($byte = $offlen - 1 >> 3; $byte > 0; $byte--) { $cur = \str_pad(\decbin($bits >> $byte * 8 - (0x30 - $offlen & 7) & 0xff), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if (($encodingAccess[$next][$cur][0] ?? 0) !== 0) { $next = $encodingAccess[$next][$cur][0]; } else { $encodingAccess[$next][$cur] = [++$index, null]; $next = $index; } } $key = \str_pad(\decbin($bits & (1 << ($offlen - 1 & 7) + 1) - 1), ($offlen - 1 & 7) + 1, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $encodingAccess[$next][$key] = [null, $chr > 0xff ? "" : \chr($chr)]; if ($offlen & 7) { $terminals[$offlen & 7][] = [$key, $next]; } else { $encodingAccess[$next][$key][0] = 0; } } } $memoize = []; for ($off = 7; $off > 0; $off--) { foreach ($terminals[$off] as list($key, $next)) { if ($encodingAccess[$next][$key][0] === null) { foreach ($encodingAccess[$off] as $chr => $cur) { $encodingAccess[$next][($memoize[$key] ?? ($memoize[$key] = \str_pad($key, 8, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT))) | $chr] = [$cur[0], $encodingAccess[$next][$key][1] != "" ? $encodingAccess[$next][$key][1] . $cur[1] : ""]; } unset($encodingAccess[$next][$key]); } } } $memoize = []; for ($off = 7; $off > 0; $off--) { foreach ($terminals[$off] as list($key, $next)) { foreach ($encodingAccess[$next] as $k => $v) { if (\strlen($k) !== 1) { $encodingAccess[$next][$memoize[$k] ?? ($memoize[$k] = \chr(\bindec($k)))] = $v; unset($encodingAccess[$next][$k]); } } } unset($encodingAccess[$off]); } \gc_enable(); return $encodingAccess; } /** * @param string $input * * @return string|null Returns null if decoding fails. */ public static function huffmanDecode(string $input) { $huffmanLookup = self::$huffmanLookup; $lookup = 0; $lengths = self::$huffmanLengths; $length = \strlen($input); $out = \str_repeat("\0", $length / 5 * 8 + 1); // max length // Fail if EOS symbol is found. if (\strpos($input, "?") !== false) { return null; } for ($bitCount = $off = $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { list($lookup, $chr) = $huffmanLookup[$lookup][$input[$i]]; if ($chr === null) { continue; } if ($chr === "") { return null; } $out[$off++] = $chr[0]; $bitCount += $lengths[$chr[0]]; if (isset($chr[1])) { $out[$off++] = $chr[1]; $bitCount += $lengths[$chr[1]]; } } // Padding longer than 7-bits if ($i && $chr === null) { return null; } // Check for 0's in padding if ($bitCount & 7) { $mask = 0xff >> ($bitCount & 7); if ((\ord($input[$i - 1]) & $mask) !== $mask) { return null; } } return \substr($out, 0, $off); } private static function huffmanCodesInit() : array { if ('cli' !== \PHP_SAPI && 'phpdbg' !== \PHP_SAPI || \filter_var(\ini_get('opcache.enable_cli'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { return require __DIR__ . '/huffman-codes.php'; } $lookup = []; for ($chr = 0; $chr <= 0xff; $chr++) { $bits = self::HUFFMAN_CODE[$chr]; $length = self::HUFFMAN_CODE_LENGTHS[$chr]; for ($bit = 0; $bit < 8; $bit++) { $bytes = $length + $bit - 1 >> 3; $codes = []; for ($byte = $bytes; $byte >= 0; $byte--) { $codes[] = \chr($byte ? $bits >> $length - ($bytes - $byte + 1) * 8 + $bit : $bits << (0x30 - $length - $bit & 7)); } $lookup[$bit][\chr($chr)] = $codes; } } return $lookup; } private static function huffmanLengthsInit() : array { $lengths = []; for ($chr = 0; $chr <= 0xff; $chr++) { $lengths[\chr($chr)] = self::HUFFMAN_CODE_LENGTHS[$chr]; } return $lengths; } public static function huffmanEncode(string $input) : string { $codes = self::$huffmanCodes; $lengths = self::$huffmanLengths; $length = \strlen($input); $out = \str_repeat("\0", $length * 5 + 1); // max length for ($bitCount = $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $chr = $input[$i]; $byte = $bitCount >> 3; foreach ($codes[$bitCount & 7][$chr] as $bits) { // Note: |= can't be used with strings in PHP $out[$byte] = $out[$byte] | $bits; $byte++; } $bitCount += $lengths[$chr]; } if ($bitCount & 7) { // Note: |= can't be used with strings in PHP $out[$byte - 1] = $out[$byte - 1] | \chr(0xff >> ($bitCount & 7)); } return $i ? \substr($out, 0, $byte) : ''; } /** @see RFC 7541 Appendix A */ const LAST_INDEX = 61; const TABLE = [ // starts at 1 [":authority", ""], [":method", "GET"], [":method", "POST"], [":path", "/"], [":path", "/index.html"], [":scheme", "http"], [":scheme", "https"], [":status", "200"], [":status", "204"], [":status", "206"], [":status", "304"], [":status", "400"], [":status", "404"], [":status", "500"], ["accept-charset", ""], ["accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate"], ["accept-language", ""], ["accept-ranges", ""], ["accept", ""], ["access-control-allow-origin", ""], ["age", ""], ["allow", ""], ["authorization", ""], ["cache-control", ""], ["content-disposition", ""], ["content-encoding", ""], ["content-language", ""], ["content-length", ""], ["content-location", ""], ["content-range", ""], ["content-type", ""], ["cookie", ""], ["date", ""], ["etag", ""], ["expect", ""], ["expires", ""], ["from", ""], ["host", ""], ["if-match", ""], ["if-modified-since", ""], ["if-none-match", ""], ["if-range", ""], ["if-unmodified-since", ""], ["last-modified", ""], ["link", ""], ["location", ""], ["max-forwards", ""], ["proxy-authentication", ""], ["proxy-authorization", ""], ["range", ""], ["referer", ""], ["refresh", ""], ["retry-after", ""], ["server", ""], ["set-cookie", ""], ["strict-transport-security", ""], ["transfer-encoding", ""], ["user-agent", ""], ["vary", ""], ["via", ""], ["www-authenticate", ""], ]; private static function decodeDynamicInteger(string $input, int &$off) : int { if (!isset($input[$off])) { throw new HPackException('Invalid input data, too short for dynamic integer'); } $c = \ord($input[$off++]); $int = $c & 0x7f; $i = 0; while ($c & 0x80) { if (!isset($input[$off])) { return -0x80; } $c = \ord($input[$off++]); $int += ($c & 0x7f) << ++$i * 7; } return $int; } /** * @param int $maxSize Upper limit on table size. */ public function __construct(int $maxSize = self::DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE) { $this->hardMaxSize = $maxSize; } /** * Sets the upper limit on table size. Dynamic table updates requesting a size above this size will result in a * decoding error (i.e., returning null from decode()). * * @param int $maxSize */ public function setTableSizeLimit(int $maxSize) { $this->hardMaxSize = $maxSize; } /** * Resizes the table to the given size, removing old entries as per section 4.4 if necessary. * * @param int|null $size */ public function resizeTable(int $size = null) { if ($size !== null) { $this->currentMaxSize = \max(0, \min($size, $this->hardMaxSize)); } while ($this->size > $this->currentMaxSize) { list($name, $value) = \array_pop($this->headers); $this->size -= 32 + \strlen($name) + \strlen($value); } } /** * @param string $input Encoded headers. * @param int $maxSize Maximum length of the decoded header string. * * @return string[][]|null Returns null if decoding fails or if $maxSize is exceeded. */ public function decode(string $input, int $maxSize) { $headers = []; $off = 0; $inputLength = \strlen($input); $size = 0; try { // dynamic $table as per 2.3.2 while ($off < $inputLength) { $index = \ord($input[$off++]); if ($index & 0x80) { // range check if ($index <= self::LAST_INDEX + 0x80) { if ($index === 0x80) { return null; } list($name, $value) = $headers[] = self::TABLE[$index - 0x81]; } else { if ($index == 0xff) { $index = self::decodeDynamicInteger($input, $off) + 0xff; } $index -= 0x81 + self::LAST_INDEX; if (!isset($this->headers[$index])) { return null; } list($name, $value) = $headers[] = $this->headers[$index]; } } elseif (($index & 0x60) !== 0x20) { // (($index & 0x40) || !($index & 0x20)): bit 4: never index is ignored $dynamic = (bool) ($index & 0x40); if ($index & ($dynamic ? 0x3f : 0xf)) { // separate length if ($dynamic) { if ($index === 0x7f) { $index = self::decodeDynamicInteger($input, $off) + 0x3f; } else { $index &= 0x3f; } } else { $index &= 0xf; if ($index === 0xf) { $index = self::decodeDynamicInteger($input, $off) + 0xf; } } if ($index < 0) { return null; } if ($index <= self::LAST_INDEX) { $header = self::TABLE[$index - 1]; } elseif (!isset($this->headers[$index - 1 - self::LAST_INDEX])) { return null; } else { $header = $this->headers[$index - 1 - self::LAST_INDEX]; } } else { if ($off >= $inputLength) { return null; } $length = \ord($input[$off++]); $huffman = $length & 0x80; $length &= 0x7f; if ($length === 0x7f) { $length = self::decodeDynamicInteger($input, $off) + 0x7f; } if ($inputLength - $off < $length || $length <= 0) { return null; } if ($huffman) { $header = [self::huffmanDecode(\substr($input, $off, $length))]; if ($header[0] === null) { return null; } } else { $header = [\substr($input, $off, $length)]; } $off += $length; } if ($off >= $inputLength) { return null; } $length = \ord($input[$off++]); $huffman = $length & 0x80; $length &= 0x7f; if ($length === 0x7f) { $length = self::decodeDynamicInteger($input, $off) + 0x7f; } if ($inputLength - $off < $length || $length < 0) { return null; } if ($huffman) { $header[1] = self::huffmanDecode(\substr($input, $off, $length)); if ($header[1] === null) { return null; } } else { $header[1] = \substr($input, $off, $length); } $off += $length; if ($dynamic) { \array_unshift($this->headers, $header); $this->size += 32 + \strlen($header[0]) + \strlen($header[1]); if ($this->currentMaxSize < $this->size) { $this->resizeTable(); } } list($name, $value) = $headers[] = $header; } else { // if ($index & 0x20) { if ($off >= $inputLength) { return null; // Dynamic table size update must not be the last entry in header block. } $index &= 0x1f; if ($index === 0x1f) { $index = self::decodeDynamicInteger($input, $off) + 0x1f; } if ($index > $this->hardMaxSize) { return null; } $this->resizeTable($index); continue; } $size += \strlen($name) + \strlen($value); if ($size > $maxSize) { return null; } } } catch (HPackException $e) { return null; } return $headers; } private static function encodeDynamicInteger(int $int) : string { $out = ""; for ($i = 0; $int >> $i > 0x80; $i += 7) { $out .= \chr(0x80 | $int >> $i & 0x7f); } return $out . \chr($int >> $i); } /** * @param string[][] $headers * @param int $compressionThreshold Compress strings whose length is at least the number of bytes given. * * @return string */ public function encode(array $headers, int $compressionThreshold = self::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD) : string { // @TODO implementation is deliberately primitive... [doesn't use any dynamic table...] $output = ""; foreach ($headers as list($name, $value)) { if (isset(self::$indexMap[$name])) { $index = self::$indexMap[$name]; if ($index < 0x10) { $output .= \chr($index); } else { $output .= "\17" . \chr($index - 0xf); } } else { $output .= "\0" . $this->encodeString($name, $compressionThreshold); } $output .= $this->encodeString($value, $compressionThreshold); } return $output; } private function encodeString(string $value, int $compressionThreshold) : string { $prefix = "\0"; if (\strlen($value) >= $compressionThreshold) { $value = self::huffmanEncode($value); $prefix = ""; } if (\strlen($value) < 0x7f) { return ($prefix | \chr(\strlen($value))) . $value; } return ($prefix | "") . self::encodeDynamicInteger(\strlen($value) - 0x7f) . $value; } } (function () { static::init(); })->bindTo(null, HPackNative::class)(); ["", ""], "\1" => ["", "", ""], "\2" => ["", "", "", " "], "\3" => ["", "", "", "0"], "\4" => ["", "", "", "@"], "\5" => ["", "", "", "P"], "\6" => ["", "", "", "`"], "\7" => ["", "", "", "p"], "\10" => ["", "", "", ""], "\t" => ["", "", ""], "\n" => ["", "", "", ""], "\v" => ["", "", "", ""], "\f" => ["", "", "", ""], "\r" => ["", "", "", ""], "\16" => ["", "", "", ""], "\17" => ["", "", "", ""], "\20" => ["", "", "", ""], "\21" => ["", "", "", ""], "\22" => ["", "", "", ""], "\23" => ["", "", "", "\0"], "\24" => ["", "", "", "\20"], "\25" => ["", "", "", " "], "\26" => ["", "", "", ""], "\27" => ["", "", "", "0"], "\30" => ["", "", "", "@"], "\31" => ["", "", "", "P"], "\32" => ["", "", "", "`"], "\33" => ["", "", "", "p"], "\34" => ["", "", "", ""], "\35" => ["", "", "", ""], "\36" => ["", "", "", ""], "\37" => ["", "", "", ""], " " => ["P"], "!" => ["", "\0"], "\"" => ["", "@"], "#" => ["", ""], "\$" => ["", ""], "%" => ["T"], "&" => [""], "'" => ["", "@"], "(" => ["", ""], ")" => ["", ""], "*" => [""], "+" => ["", "`"], "," => [""], "-" => ["X"], "." => ["\\"], "/" => ["`"], ["\0"], ["\10"], ["\20"], ["d"], ["h"], ["l"], ["p"], ["t"], ["x"], ["|"], ":" => [""], ";" => [""], "<" => ["", ""], "=" => [""], ">" => ["", ""], "?" => ["", "\0"], "@" => ["", ""], "A" => [""], "B" => [""], "C" => [""], "D" => [""], "E" => [""], "F" => [""], "G" => [""], "H" => [""], "I" => [""], "J" => [""], "K" => [""], "L" => [""], "M" => [""], "N" => [""], "O" => [""], "P" => [""], "Q" => [""], "R" => [""], "S" => [""], "T" => [""], "U" => [""], "V" => [""], "W" => [""], "X" => [""], "Y" => [""], "Z" => [""], "[" => ["", ""], "\\" => ["", "", "\0"], "]" => ["", ""], "^" => ["", ""], "_" => [""], "`" => ["", ""], "a" => ["\30"], "b" => [""], "c" => [" "], "d" => [""], "e" => ["("], "f" => [""], "g" => [""], "h" => [""], "i" => ["0"], "j" => [""], "k" => [""], "l" => [""], "m" => [""], "n" => [""], "o" => ["8"], "p" => [""], "q" => [""], "r" => [""], "s" => ["@"], "t" => ["H"], "u" => [""], "v" => [""], "w" => [""], "x" => [""], "y" => [""], "z" => [""], "{" => ["", ""], "|" => ["", ""], "}" => ["", ""], "~" => ["", ""], "" => ["", "", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "`"], "" => ["", "", "H"], "" => ["", "", "p"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "L"], "" => ["", "", "P"], "" => ["", "", "T"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "X"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "\\"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "`"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "d"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "h"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "l"], "" => ["", "", "p"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "t"], "" => ["", "", "x"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => ["", "", "|"], "" => ["", "", ""], "" => 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["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "0"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "\0"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "\0"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "@"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "@"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "P"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "\0"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "\0"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "@"], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "`"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "H"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "p"], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "P"], "" => ["\1", "", "", "X"], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", "\0"], "" => ["\1", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", "", ""], "" => ["\1", "", "", 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=> [16, "%"], "X" => [94, "-"], "Y" => [76, "-"], "Z" => [104, "-"], "[" => [16, "-"], "\\" => [94, "."], "]" => [76, "."], "^" => [104, "."], "_" => [16, "."], "`" => [94, "/"], "a" => [76, "/"], "b" => [104, "/"], "c" => [16, "/"], "d" => [94, "3"], "e" => [76, "3"], "f" => [104, "3"], "g" => [16, "3"], "h" => [94, "4"], "i" => [76, "4"], "j" => [104, "4"], "k" => [16, "4"], "l" => [94, "5"], "m" => [76, "5"], "n" => [104, "5"], "o" => [16, "5"], "p" => [94, "6"], "q" => [76, "6"], "r" => [104, "6"], "s" => [16, "6"], "t" => [94, "7"], "u" => [76, "7"], "v" => [104, "7"], "w" => [16, "7"], "x" => [94, "8"], "y" => [76, "8"], "z" => [104, "8"], "{" => [16, "8"], "|" => [94, "9"], "}" => [76, "9"], "~" => [104, "9"], "" => [16, "9"], "" => [94, "="], "" => [76, "="], "" => [104, "="], "" => [16, "="], "" => [94, "A"], "" => [76, "A"], "" => [104, "A"], "" => [16, "A"], "" => [94, "_"], "" => [76, "_"], "" => [104, "_"], "" => [16, "_"], "" => [94, "b"], "" => [76, "b"], "" => [104, 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"?1"], "\3" => [18, "?1"], "\4" => [77, "?2"], "\5" => [18, "?2"], "\6" => [77, "?a"], "\7" => [18, "?a"], "\10" => [77, "?c"], "\t" => [18, "?c"], "\n" => [77, "?e"], "\v" => [18, "?e"], "\f" => [77, "?i"], "\r" => [18, "?i"], "\16" => [77, "?o"], "\17" => [18, "?o"], "\20" => [77, "?s"], "\21" => [18, "?s"], "\22" => [77, "?t"], "\23" => [18, "?t"], "\24" => [0, "? "], "\25" => [0, "?%"], "\26" => [0, "?-"], "\27" => [0, "?."], "\30" => [0, "?/"], "\31" => [0, "?3"], "\32" => [0, "?4"], "\33" => [0, "?5"], "\34" => [0, "?6"], "\35" => [0, "?7"], "\36" => [0, "?8"], "\37" => [0, "?9"], " " => [0, "?="], "!" => [0, "?A"], "\"" => [0, "?_"], "#" => [0, "?b"], "\$" => [0, "?d"], "%" => [0, "?f"], "&" => [0, "?g"], "'" => [0, "?h"], "(" => [0, "?l"], ")" => [0, "?m"], "*" => [0, "?n"], "+" => [0, "?p"], "," => [0, "?r"], "-" => [0, "?u"], "." => [100, "?"], "/" => [110, "?"], [111, "?"], [115, "?"], [116, "?"], [118, "?"], [119, "?"], [122, "?"], [123, "?"], [125, "?"], [126, "?"], [129, "?"], ":" => [143, "?"], ";" => [148, "?"], "<" => [151, "?"], "=" => [153, "?"], ">" => [83, "?"], "?" => [10, "?"], "@" => [0, "'0"], "A" => [0, "'1"], "B" => [0, "'2"], "C" => [0, "'a"], "D" => [0, "'c"], "E" => [0, "'e"], "F" => [0, "'i"], "G" => [0, "'o"], "H" => [0, "'s"], "I" => [0, "'t"], "J" => [73, "'"], "K" => [88, "'"], "L" => [89, "'"], "M" => [96, "'"], "N" => [97, "'"], "O" => [99, "'"], "P" => [106, "'"], "Q" => [136, "'"], "R" => [139, "'"], "S" => [141, "'"], "T" => [145, "'"], "U" => [147, "'"], "V" => [149, "'"], "W" => [101, "'"], "X" => [112, "'"], "Y" => [117, "'"], "Z" => [120, "'"], "[" => [124, "'"], "\\" => [127, "'"], "]" => [144, "'"], "^" => [152, "'"], "_" => [11, "'"], "`" => [0, "+0"], "a" => [0, "+1"], "b" => [0, "+2"], "c" => [0, "+a"], "d" => [0, "+c"], "e" => [0, "+e"], "f" => [0, "+i"], "g" => [0, "+o"], "h" => [0, "+s"], "i" => [0, "+t"], "j" => [73, "+"], "k" => [88, "+"], "l" => [89, "+"], "m" => [96, "+"], "n" => [97, "+"], "o" => [99, "+"], "p" => [106, "+"], "q" => [136, "+"], "r" => [139, "+"], "s" => [141, "+"], "t" => [145, "+"], "u" => [147, "+"], "v" => [149, "+"], "w" => [101, "+"], "x" => [112, "+"], "y" => [117, "+"], "z" => [120, "+"], "{" => [124, "+"], "|" => [127, "+"], "}" => [144, "+"], "~" => [152, "+"], "" => [11, "+"], "" => [0, "|0"], "" => [0, "|1"], "" => [0, "|2"], "" => [0, "|a"], "" => [0, "|c"], "" => [0, "|e"], "" => [0, "|i"], "" => [0, "|o"], "" => [0, "|s"], "" => [0, "|t"], "" => [73, "|"], "" => [88, "|"], "" => [89, "|"], "" => [96, "|"], "" => [97, "|"], "" => [99, "|"], "" => [106, "|"], "" => [136, "|"], "" => [139, "|"], "" => [141, "|"], "" => [145, "|"], "" => [147, "|"], "" => [149, "|"], "" => [101, "|"], "" => [112, "|"], "" => [117, "|"], "" => [120, "|"], "" => [124, "|"], "" => [127, "|"], "" => [144, "|"], "" => [152, "|"], "" => [11, "|"], "" => [92, "#"], "" => [95, "#"], "" => [137, "#"], "" => [142, "#"], "" => [150, "#"], "" => [74, "#"], "" => [90, "#"], "" => [98, "#"], "" => [107, "#"], "" => [140, "#"], "" => [146, "#"], "" => [102, "#"], "" => [113, "#"], "" => [121, "#"], "" => [128, "#"], "" => [12, "#"], "" => [92, ">"], "" => [95, ">"], "" => [137, ">"], "" => [142, ">"], "" => [150, ">"], "" => [74, ">"], "" => [90, ">"], "" => [98, ">"], "" => [107, ">"], "" => [140, ">"], "" => [146, ">"], "" => [102, ">"], "" => [113, ">"], "" => [121, ">"], "" => [128, ">"], "" => [12, ">"], "" => [93, "\0"], "" => [138, "\0"], "" => [75, "\0"], "" => [91, "\0"], "" => [108, "\0"], "" => [103, "\0"], "" => [114, "\0"], "" => [14, "\0"], "" => [93, "\$"], "" => [138, "\$"], "" => [75, "\$"], "" => [91, "\$"], "" => [108, "\$"], "" => [103, "\$"], "" => [114, "\$"], "" => [14, "\$"], "" => [93, "@"], "" => [138, "@"], "" => [75, "@"], "" => [91, "@"], "" => [108, "@"], "" => [103, "@"], "" => [114, "@"], "" => [14, "@"], "" => [93, "["], "" => [138, "["], "" => [75, "["], "" => [91, "["], "" => [108, "["], "" => [103, "["], "" => [114, "["], "" => [14, "["], "" => [93, "]"], "" => [138, "]"], "" => [75, "]"], "" => [91, "]"], "" => [108, "]"], "" => [103, "]"], "" => [114, "]"], "" => [14, "]"], "" => [93, "~"], "" => [138, "~"], "" => [75, "~"], "" => [91, "~"], "" => [108, "~"], "" => [103, "~"], "" => [114, "~"], "" => [14, "~"], "" => [94, "^"], "" => [76, "^"], "" => [104, "^"], "" => [16, "^"], "" => [94, "}"], "" => [76, "}"], "" => [104, "}"], "" => [16, "}"], "" => [77, "<"], "" => [18, "<"], "" => [77, "`"], "" => [18, "`"], "" => [77, "{"], "" => [18, "{"], "" => [131, null], "" => [20, null]], ["\0" => [0, "!0"], "\1" => [0, "!1"], "\2" => [0, "!2"], "\3" => [0, "!a"], "\4" => [0, "!c"], "\5" => [0, "!e"], "\6" => [0, "!i"], "\7" => [0, "!o"], "\10" => [0, "!s"], "\t" => [0, "!t"], "\n" => [73, "!"], "\v" => [88, "!"], "\f" => [89, "!"], "\r" => [96, "!"], "\16" => [97, "!"], "\17" => [99, "!"], "\20" => [106, "!"], "\21" => [136, "!"], "\22" => [139, "!"], "\23" => [141, "!"], "\24" => [145, "!"], "\25" => [147, "!"], "\26" => [149, "!"], "\27" => [101, "!"], "\30" => [112, "!"], "\31" => [117, "!"], "\32" => [120, "!"], "\33" => [124, "!"], "\34" => [127, "!"], "\35" => [144, "!"], "\36" => [152, "!"], "\37" => [11, "!"], " " => [0, "\"0"], "!" => [0, "\"1"], "\"" => [0, "\"2"], "#" => [0, "\"a"], "\$" => [0, "\"c"], "%" => [0, "\"e"], "&" => [0, "\"i"], "'" => [0, "\"o"], "(" => [0, "\"s"], ")" => [0, "\"t"], "*" => [73, "\""], "+" => [88, "\""], "," => [89, "\""], "-" => [96, "\""], "." => [97, "\""], "/" => [99, "\""], [106, "\""], [136, "\""], [139, "\""], [141, "\""], [145, "\""], [147, "\""], [149, "\""], [101, "\""], [112, "\""], [117, "\""], ":" => [120, "\""], ";" => [124, "\""], "<" => [127, "\""], "=" => [144, "\""], ">" => [152, "\""], "?" => [11, "\""], "@" => [0, "(0"], "A" => [0, "(1"], "B" => [0, "(2"], "C" => [0, "(a"], "D" => [0, "(c"], "E" => [0, "(e"], "F" => [0, "(i"], "G" => [0, "(o"], "H" => [0, "(s"], "I" => [0, "(t"], "J" => [73, "("], "K" => [88, "("], "L" => [89, "("], "M" => [96, "("], "N" => [97, "("], "O" => [99, "("], "P" => [106, "("], "Q" => [136, "("], "R" => [139, "("], "S" => [141, "("], "T" => [145, "("], "U" => [147, "("], "V" => [149, "("], "W" => [101, "("], "X" => [112, "("], "Y" => [117, "("], "Z" => [120, "("], "[" => [124, "("], "\\" => [127, "("], "]" => [144, "("], "^" => [152, "("], "_" => [11, "("], "`" => [0, ")0"], "a" => [0, ")1"], "b" => [0, ")2"], "c" => [0, ")a"], "d" => [0, ")c"], "e" => [0, ")e"], "f" => [0, ")i"], "g" => [0, ")o"], "h" => [0, ")s"], "i" => [0, ")t"], "j" => [73, ")"], "k" => [88, ")"], "l" => [89, ")"], "m" => [96, ")"], "n" => [97, ")"], "o" => [99, ")"], "p" => [106, ")"], "q" => [136, ")"], "r" => [139, ")"], "s" => [141, ")"], "t" => [145, ")"], "u" => [147, ")"], "v" => [149, ")"], "w" => [101, ")"], "x" => [112, ")"], "y" => [117, ")"], "z" => [120, ")"], "{" => [124, ")"], "|" => [127, ")"], "}" => [144, ")"], "~" => [152, ")"], "" => [11, ")"], "" => [0, "?0"], "" => [0, "?1"], "" => [0, "?2"], "" => [0, "?a"], "" => [0, "?c"], "" => [0, "?e"], "" => [0, "?i"], "" => [0, "?o"], "" => [0, "?s"], "" => [0, "?t"], "" => [73, "?"], "" => [88, "?"], "" => [89, "?"], "" => [96, "?"], "" => [97, "?"], "" => [99, "?"], "" => [106, "?"], "" => [136, "?"], "" => [139, "?"], "" => [141, "?"], "" => [145, "?"], "" => [147, "?"], "" => [149, "?"], "" => [101, "?"], "" => [112, "?"], "" => [117, "?"], "" => [120, "?"], "" => [124, "?"], "" => [127, "?"], "" => [144, "?"], "" => [152, "?"], "" => [11, "?"], "" => [92, "'"], "" => [95, "'"], "" => [137, "'"], "" => [142, "'"], "" => [150, "'"], "" => [74, "'"], "" => [90, "'"], "" => [98, "'"], "" => [107, "'"], "" => [140, "'"], "" => [146, "'"], "" => [102, "'"], "" => [113, "'"], "" => [121, "'"], "" => [128, "'"], "" => [12, "'"], "" => [92, "+"], "" => [95, "+"], "" => [137, "+"], "" => [142, "+"], "" => [150, "+"], "" => [74, "+"], "" => [90, "+"], "" => [98, "+"], "" => [107, "+"], "" => [140, "+"], "" => [146, "+"], "" => [102, "+"], "" => [113, "+"], "" => [121, "+"], "" => [128, "+"], "" => [12, "+"], "" => [92, "|"], "" => [95, "|"], "" => [137, "|"], "" => [142, "|"], "" => [150, "|"], "" => [74, "|"], "" => [90, "|"], "" => [98, "|"], "" => [107, "|"], "" => [140, "|"], "" => [146, "|"], "" => [102, "|"], "" => [113, "|"], "" => [121, "|"], "" => [128, "|"], "" => [12, "|"], "" => [93, "#"], "" => [138, "#"], "" => [75, "#"], "" => [91, "#"], "" => [108, "#"], "" => [103, "#"], "" => [114, "#"], "" => [14, "#"], "" => [93, ">"], "" => [138, ">"], "" => [75, ">"], "" => [91, ">"], "" => [108, ">"], "" => [103, ">"], "" => [114, ">"], "" => [14, ">"], "" => [94, "\0"], "" => [76, "\0"], "" => [104, "\0"], "" => [16, "\0"], "" => [94, "\$"], "" => [76, "\$"], "" => [104, "\$"], "" => [16, "\$"], "" => [94, "@"], "" => [76, "@"], "" => [104, "@"], "" => [16, "@"], "" => [94, "["], "" => [76, "["], "" => [104, "["], "" => [16, "["], "" => [94, "]"], "" => [76, "]"], "" => [104, "]"], "" => [16, "]"], "" => [94, "~"], "" => [76, "~"], "" => [104, "~"], "" => [16, "~"], "" => [77, "^"], "" => [18, "^"], "" => [77, "}"], "" => [18, "}"], "" => [0, "<"], "" => [0, "`"], "" => [0, "{"], "" => [21, null]], ["\0" => [77, "X0"], "\1" => [18, "X0"], "\2" => [77, "X1"], "\3" => [18, "X1"], "\4" => [77, "X2"], "\5" => [18, "X2"], "\6" => [77, "Xa"], "\7" => [18, "Xa"], "\10" => [77, "Xc"], "\t" => [18, "Xc"], "\n" => [77, "Xe"], "\v" => [18, "Xe"], "\f" => [77, "Xi"], "\r" => [18, "Xi"], "\16" => [77, "Xo"], "\17" => [18, "Xo"], "\20" => [77, "Xs"], "\21" => [18, "Xs"], "\22" => [77, "Xt"], "\23" => [18, "Xt"], "\24" => [0, "X "], "\25" => [0, "X%"], "\26" => [0, "X-"], "\27" => [0, "X."], "\30" => [0, "X/"], "\31" => [0, "X3"], "\32" => [0, "X4"], "\33" => [0, "X5"], "\34" => [0, "X6"], "\35" => [0, "X7"], "\36" => [0, "X8"], "\37" => [0, "X9"], " " => [0, "X="], "!" => [0, "XA"], "\"" => [0, "X_"], "#" => [0, "Xb"], "\$" => [0, "Xd"], "%" => [0, "Xf"], "&" => [0, "Xg"], "'" => [0, "Xh"], "(" => [0, "Xl"], ")" => [0, "Xm"], "*" => [0, "Xn"], "+" => [0, "Xp"], "," => [0, "Xr"], "-" => [0, "Xu"], "." => [100, "X"], "/" => [110, "X"], [111, "X"], [115, "X"], [116, "X"], [118, "X"], [119, "X"], [122, "X"], [123, "X"], [125, "X"], [126, "X"], [129, "X"], ":" => [143, "X"], ";" => [148, "X"], "<" => [151, "X"], "=" => [153, "X"], ">" => [83, "X"], "?" => [10, "X"], "@" => [77, "Z0"], "A" => [18, "Z0"], "B" => [77, "Z1"], "C" => [18, "Z1"], "D" => [77, "Z2"], "E" => [18, "Z2"], "F" => [77, "Za"], "G" => [18, "Za"], "H" => [77, "Zc"], "I" => [18, "Zc"], "J" => [77, "Ze"], "K" => [18, "Ze"], "L" => [77, "Zi"], "M" => [18, "Zi"], "N" => [77, "Zo"], "O" => [18, "Zo"], "P" => [77, "Zs"], "Q" => [18, "Zs"], "R" => [77, "Zt"], "S" => [18, "Zt"], "T" => [0, "Z "], "U" => [0, "Z%"], "V" => [0, "Z-"], "W" => [0, "Z."], "X" => [0, "Z/"], "Y" => [0, "Z3"], "Z" => [0, "Z4"], "[" => [0, "Z5"], "\\" => [0, "Z6"], "]" => [0, "Z7"], "^" => [0, "Z8"], "_" => [0, "Z9"], "`" => [0, "Z="], "a" => [0, "ZA"], "b" => [0, "Z_"], "c" => [0, "Zb"], "d" => [0, "Zd"], "e" => [0, "Zf"], "f" => [0, "Zg"], "g" => [0, "Zh"], "h" => [0, "Zl"], "i" => [0, "Zm"], "j" => [0, "Zn"], "k" => [0, "Zp"], "l" => [0, "Zr"], "m" => [0, "Zu"], "n" => [100, "Z"], "o" => [110, "Z"], "p" => [111, "Z"], "q" => [115, "Z"], "r" => [116, "Z"], "s" => [118, "Z"], "t" => [119, "Z"], "u" => [122, "Z"], "v" => [123, "Z"], "w" => [125, "Z"], "x" => [126, "Z"], "y" => [129, "Z"], "z" => [143, "Z"], "{" => [148, "Z"], "|" => [151, "Z"], "}" => [153, "Z"], "~" => [83, "Z"], "" => [10, "Z"], "" => [92, "!"], "" => [95, "!"], "" => [137, "!"], "" => [142, "!"], "" => [150, "!"], "" => [74, "!"], "" => [90, "!"], "" => [98, "!"], "" => [107, "!"], "" => [140, "!"], "" => [146, "!"], "" => [102, "!"], "" => [113, "!"], "" => [121, "!"], "" => [128, "!"], "" => [12, "!"], "" => [92, "\""], "" => [95, "\""], "" => [137, "\""], "" => [142, "\""], "" => [150, "\""], "" => [74, "\""], "" => [90, "\""], "" => [98, "\""], "" => [107, "\""], "" => [140, "\""], "" => [146, "\""], "" => [102, "\""], "" => [113, "\""], "" => [121, "\""], "" => [128, "\""], "" => [12, "\""], "" => [92, "("], "" => [95, "("], "" => [137, "("], "" => [142, "("], "" => [150, "("], "" => [74, "("], "" => [90, "("], "" => [98, "("], "" => [107, "("], "" => [140, "("], "" => [146, "("], "" => [102, "("], "" => [113, "("], "" => [121, "("], "" => [128, "("], "" => [12, "("], "" => [92, ")"], "" => [95, ")"], "" => [137, ")"], "" => [142, ")"], "" => [150, ")"], "" => [74, ")"], "" => [90, ")"], "" => [98, ")"], "" => [107, ")"], "" => [140, ")"], "" => [146, ")"], "" => [102, ")"], "" => [113, ")"], "" => [121, ")"], "" => [128, ")"], "" => [12, ")"], "" => [92, "?"], "" => [95, "?"], "" => [137, "?"], "" => [142, "?"], "" => [150, "?"], "" => [74, "?"], "" => [90, "?"], "" => [98, "?"], "" => [107, "?"], "" => [140, "?"], "" => [146, "?"], "" => [102, "?"], "" => [113, "?"], "" => [121, "?"], "" => [128, "?"], "" => [12, "?"], "" => [93, "'"], "" => [138, "'"], "" => [75, "'"], "" => [91, "'"], "" => [108, "'"], "" => [103, "'"], "" => [114, "'"], "" => [14, "'"], "" => [93, "+"], "" => [138, "+"], "" => [75, "+"], "" => [91, "+"], "" => [108, "+"], "" => [103, "+"], "" => [114, "+"], "" => [14, "+"], "" => [93, "|"], "" => [138, "|"], "" => [75, "|"], "" => [91, "|"], "" => [108, "|"], "" => [103, "|"], "" => [114, "|"], "" => [14, "|"], "" => [94, "#"], "" => [76, "#"], "" => [104, "#"], "" => [16, "#"], "" => [94, ">"], "" => [76, ">"], "" => [104, ">"], "" => [16, ">"], "" => [77, "\0"], "" => [18, "\0"], "" => [77, "\$"], "" => [18, "\$"], "" => [77, "@"], "" => [18, "@"], "" => [77, "["], "" => [18, "["], "" => [77, "]"], "" => [18, "]"], "" => [77, "~"], "" => [18, "~"], "" => [0, "^"], "" => [0, "}"], "" => [105, null], "" => [22, null]], ["\0" => [0, "&0"], "\1" => [0, "&1"], "\2" => [0, "&2"], "\3" => [0, "&a"], "\4" => [0, "&c"], "\5" => [0, "&e"], "\6" => [0, "&i"], "\7" => [0, "&o"], "\10" => [0, "&s"], "\t" => [0, "&t"], "\n" => [73, "&"], "\v" => [88, "&"], "\f" => [89, "&"], "\r" => [96, "&"], "\16" => [97, "&"], "\17" => [99, "&"], "\20" => [106, "&"], "\21" => [136, "&"], "\22" => [139, "&"], "\23" => [141, "&"], "\24" => [145, "&"], "\25" => [147, "&"], "\26" => [149, "&"], "\27" => [101, "&"], "\30" => [112, "&"], "\31" => [117, "&"], "\32" => [120, "&"], "\33" => [124, "&"], "\34" => [127, "&"], "\35" => [144, "&"], "\36" => [152, "&"], "\37" => [11, "&"], " " => [0, "*0"], "!" => [0, "*1"], "\"" => [0, "*2"], "#" => [0, "*a"], "\$" => [0, "*c"], "%" => [0, "*e"], "&" => [0, "*i"], "'" => [0, "*o"], "(" => [0, "*s"], ")" => [0, "*t"], "*" => [73, "*"], "+" => [88, "*"], "," => [89, "*"], "-" => [96, "*"], "." => [97, "*"], "/" => [99, "*"], [106, "*"], [136, "*"], [139, "*"], [141, "*"], [145, "*"], [147, "*"], [149, "*"], [101, "*"], [112, "*"], [117, "*"], ":" => [120, "*"], ";" => [124, "*"], "<" => [127, "*"], "=" => [144, "*"], ">" => [152, "*"], "?" => [11, "*"], "@" => [0, ",0"], "A" => [0, ",1"], "B" => [0, ",2"], "C" => [0, ",a"], "D" => [0, ",c"], "E" => [0, ",e"], "F" => [0, ",i"], "G" => [0, ",o"], "H" => [0, ",s"], "I" => [0, ",t"], "J" => [73, ","], "K" => [88, ","], "L" => [89, ","], "M" => [96, ","], "N" => [97, ","], "O" => [99, ","], "P" => [106, ","], "Q" => [136, ","], "R" => [139, ","], "S" => [141, ","], "T" => [145, ","], "U" => [147, ","], "V" => [149, ","], "W" => [101, ","], "X" => [112, ","], "Y" => [117, ","], "Z" => [120, ","], "[" => [124, ","], "\\" => [127, ","], "]" => [144, ","], "^" => [152, ","], "_" => [11, ","], "`" => [0, ";0"], "a" => [0, ";1"], "b" => [0, ";2"], "c" => [0, ";a"], "d" => [0, ";c"], "e" => [0, ";e"], "f" => [0, ";i"], "g" => [0, ";o"], "h" => [0, ";s"], "i" => [0, ";t"], "j" => [73, ";"], "k" => [88, ";"], "l" => [89, ";"], "m" => [96, ";"], "n" => [97, ";"], "o" => [99, ";"], "p" => [106, ";"], "q" => [136, ";"], "r" => [139, ";"], "s" => [141, ";"], "t" => [145, ";"], "u" => [147, ";"], "v" => [149, ";"], "w" => [101, ";"], "x" => [112, ";"], "y" => [117, ";"], "z" => [120, ";"], "{" => [124, ";"], "|" => [127, ";"], "}" => [144, ";"], "~" => [152, ";"], "" => [11, ";"], "" => [0, "X0"], "" => [0, "X1"], "" => [0, "X2"], "" => [0, "Xa"], "" => [0, "Xc"], "" => [0, "Xe"], "" => [0, "Xi"], "" => [0, "Xo"], "" => [0, "Xs"], "" => [0, "Xt"], "" => [73, "X"], "" => [88, "X"], "" => [89, "X"], "" => [96, "X"], "" => [97, "X"], "" => [99, "X"], "" => [106, "X"], "" => [136, "X"], "" => [139, "X"], "" => [141, "X"], "" => [145, "X"], "" => [147, "X"], "" => [149, "X"], "" => [101, "X"], "" => [112, "X"], "" => [117, "X"], "" => [120, "X"], "" => [124, "X"], "" => [127, "X"], "" => [144, "X"], "" => [152, "X"], "" => [11, "X"], "" => [0, "Z0"], "" => [0, "Z1"], "" => [0, "Z2"], "" => [0, "Za"], "" => [0, "Zc"], "" => [0, "Ze"], "" => [0, "Zi"], "" => [0, "Zo"], "" => [0, "Zs"], "" => [0, "Zt"], "" => [73, "Z"], "" => [88, "Z"], "" => [89, "Z"], "" => [96, "Z"], "" => [97, "Z"], "" => [99, "Z"], "" => [106, "Z"], "" => [136, "Z"], "" => [139, "Z"], "" => [141, "Z"], "" => [145, "Z"], "" => [147, "Z"], "" => [149, "Z"], "" => [101, "Z"], "" => [112, "Z"], "" => [117, "Z"], "" => [120, "Z"], "" => [124, "Z"], "" => [127, "Z"], "" => [144, "Z"], "" => [152, "Z"], "" => [11, "Z"], "" => [93, "!"], "" => [138, "!"], "" => [75, "!"], "" => [91, "!"], "" => [108, "!"], 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[135, null], "" => [24, null]], ["\0" => [0, "w0"], "\1" => [0, "w1"], "\2" => [0, "w2"], "\3" => [0, "wa"], "\4" => [0, "wc"], "\5" => [0, "we"], "\6" => [0, "wi"], "\7" => [0, "wo"], "\10" => [0, "ws"], "\t" => [0, "wt"], "\n" => [73, "w"], "\v" => [88, "w"], "\f" => [89, "w"], "\r" => [96, "w"], "\16" => [97, "w"], "\17" => [99, "w"], "\20" => [106, "w"], "\21" => [136, "w"], "\22" => [139, "w"], "\23" => [141, "w"], "\24" => [145, "w"], "\25" => [147, "w"], "\26" => [149, "w"], "\27" => [101, "w"], "\30" => [112, "w"], "\31" => [117, "w"], "\32" => [120, "w"], "\33" => [124, "w"], "\34" => [127, "w"], "\35" => [144, "w"], "\36" => [152, "w"], "\37" => [11, "w"], " " => [0, "x0"], "!" => [0, "x1"], "\"" => [0, "x2"], "#" => [0, "xa"], "\$" => [0, "xc"], "%" => [0, "xe"], "&" => [0, "xi"], "'" => [0, "xo"], "(" => [0, "xs"], ")" => [0, "xt"], "*" => [73, "x"], "+" => [88, "x"], "," => [89, "x"], "-" => [96, "x"], "." => [97, "x"], "/" => [99, "x"], [106, "x"], [136, "x"], [139, "x"], [141, "x"], [145, "x"], [147, "x"], [149, "x"], [101, "x"], [112, "x"], [117, "x"], ":" => [120, "x"], ";" => [124, "x"], "<" => [127, "x"], "=" => [144, "x"], ">" => [152, "x"], "?" => [11, "x"], "@" => [0, "y0"], "A" => [0, "y1"], "B" => [0, "y2"], "C" => [0, "ya"], "D" => [0, "yc"], "E" => [0, "ye"], "F" => [0, "yi"], "G" => [0, "yo"], "H" => [0, "ys"], "I" => [0, "yt"], "J" => [73, "y"], "K" => [88, "y"], "L" => [89, "y"], "M" => [96, "y"], "N" => [97, "y"], "O" => [99, "y"], "P" => [106, "y"], "Q" => [136, "y"], "R" => [139, "y"], "S" => [141, "y"], "T" => [145, "y"], "U" => [147, "y"], "V" => [149, "y"], "W" => [101, "y"], "X" => [112, "y"], "Y" => [117, "y"], "Z" => [120, "y"], "[" => [124, "y"], "\\" => [127, "y"], "]" => [144, "y"], "^" => [152, "y"], "_" => [11, "y"], "`" => [0, "z0"], "a" => [0, "z1"], "b" => [0, "z2"], "c" => [0, "za"], "d" => [0, "zc"], "e" => [0, "ze"], "f" => [0, "zi"], "g" => [0, "zo"], "h" => [0, "zs"], "i" => [0, "zt"], "j" => [73, "z"], "k" => [88, "z"], "l" => [89, "z"], "m" => [96, "z"], "n" => [97, "z"], "o" => [99, "z"], "p" => [106, "z"], "q" => [136, "z"], "r" => [139, "z"], "s" => [141, "z"], "t" => [145, "z"], "u" => [147, "z"], "v" => [149, "z"], "w" => [101, "z"], "x" => [112, "z"], "y" => [117, "z"], "z" => [120, "z"], "{" => [124, "z"], "|" => [127, "z"], "}" => [144, "z"], "~" => [152, "z"], "" => [11, "z"], "" => [92, "&"], "" => [95, "&"], "" => [137, "&"], "" => [142, "&"], "" => [150, "&"], "" => [74, "&"], "" => [90, "&"], "" => [98, "&"], "" => [107, "&"], "" => [140, "&"], "" => [146, "&"], "" => [102, "&"], "" => [113, "&"], "" => [121, "&"], "" => [128, "&"], "" => [12, "&"], "" => [92, "*"], "" => [95, "*"], "" => [137, "*"], "" => [142, "*"], "" => [150, "*"], "" => [74, "*"], "" => [90, "*"], "" => [98, "*"], "" => [107, "*"], "" => [140, "*"], "" => [146, "*"], "" => [102, "*"], "" => [113, "*"], "" => [121, "*"], "" => [128, "*"], "" => [12, "*"], "" => [92, ","], "" => [95, ","], "" => [137, ","], "" 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"Z"], "" => [113, "Z"], "" => [121, "Z"], "" => [128, "Z"], "" => [12, "Z"], "" => [94, "!"], "" => [76, "!"], "" => [104, "!"], "" => [16, "!"], "" => [94, "\""], "" => [76, "\""], "" => [104, "\""], "" => [16, "\""], "" => [94, "("], "" => [76, "("], "" => [104, "("], "" => [16, "("], "" => [94, ")"], "" => [76, ")"], "" => [104, ")"], "" => [16, ")"], "" => [94, "?"], "" => [76, "?"], "" => [104, "?"], "" => [16, "?"], "" => [77, "'"], "" => [18, "'"], "" => [77, "+"], "" => [18, "+"], "" => [77, "|"], "" => [18, "|"], "" => [0, "#"], "" => [0, ">"], "" => [13, null], "" => [109, null], "" => [134, null], "" => [26, null]], ["\0" => [94, "\0000"], "\1" => [76, "\0000"], "\2" => [104, "\0000"], "\3" => [16, "\0000"], "\4" => [94, "\0001"], "\5" => [76, "\0001"], "\6" => [104, "\0001"], "\7" => [16, "\0001"], "\10" => [94, "\0002"], "\t" => [76, "\0002"], "\n" => [104, "\0002"], "\v" => [16, "\0002"], "\f" => [94, "\0a"], "\r" => [76, "\0a"], "\16" => [104, "\0a"], "\17" => [16, "\0a"], "\20" => [94, "\0c"], "\21" => [76, "\0c"], "\22" => [104, "\0c"], "\23" => [16, "\0c"], "\24" => [94, "\0e"], "\25" => [76, "\0e"], "\26" => [104, "\0e"], "\27" => [16, "\0e"], "\30" => [94, "\0i"], "\31" => [76, "\0i"], "\32" => [104, "\0i"], "\33" => [16, "\0i"], "\34" => [94, "\0o"], "\35" => [76, "\0o"], "\36" => [104, "\0o"], "\37" => [16, "\0o"], " " => [94, "\0s"], "!" => [76, "\0s"], "\"" => [104, "\0s"], "#" => [16, "\0s"], "\$" => [94, "\0t"], "%" => [76, "\0t"], "&" => [104, "\0t"], "'" => [16, "\0t"], "(" => [77, "\0 "], ")" => [18, "\0 "], "*" => [77, "\0%"], "+" => [18, "\0%"], "," => [77, "\0-"], "-" => [18, "\0-"], "." => [77, "\0."], "/" => [18, "\0."], [77, "\0/"], [18, "\0/"], [77, "\0003"], [18, "\0003"], [77, "\0004"], [18, "\0004"], [77, "\0005"], [18, "\0005"], [77, "\0006"], [18, "\0006"], ":" => [77, "\0007"], ";" => [18, "\0007"], "<" => [77, "\08"], "=" => [18, "\08"], ">" => [77, "\09"], "?" => [18, "\09"], "@" => [77, "\0="], "A" => [18, "\0="], "B" => [77, "\0A"], "C" => [18, "\0A"], "D" => [77, "\0_"], "E" => [18, "\0_"], "F" => [77, "\0b"], "G" => [18, "\0b"], "H" => [77, "\0d"], "I" => [18, "\0d"], "J" => [77, "\0f"], "K" => [18, "\0f"], "L" => [77, "\0g"], "M" => [18, "\0g"], "N" => [77, "\0h"], "O" => [18, "\0h"], "P" => [77, "\0l"], "Q" => [18, "\0l"], "R" => [77, "\0m"], "S" => [18, "\0m"], "T" => [77, "\0n"], "U" => [18, "\0n"], "V" => [77, "\0p"], "W" => [18, "\0p"], "X" => [77, "\0r"], "Y" => [18, "\0r"], "Z" => [77, "\0u"], "[" => [18, "\0u"], "\\" => [0, "\0:"], "]" => [0, "\0B"], "^" => [0, "\0C"], "_" => [0, "\0D"], "`" => [0, "\0E"], "a" => [0, "\0F"], "b" => [0, "\0G"], "c" => [0, "\0H"], "d" => [0, "\0I"], "e" => [0, "\0J"], "f" => [0, "\0K"], "g" => [0, "\0L"], "h" => [0, "\0M"], "i" => [0, "\0N"], "j" => [0, "\0O"], "k" => [0, "\0P"], "l" => [0, "\0Q"], "m" => [0, "\0R"], "n" => [0, "\0S"], "o" => [0, "\0T"], "p" => [0, "\0U"], "q" => [0, "\0V"], "r" => [0, "\0W"], "s" => [0, "\0Y"], "t" => [0, "\0j"], "u" => [0, "\0k"], "v" => [0, "\0q"], "w" => [0, "\0v"], "x" => [0, "\0w"], "y" => [0, "\0x"], "z" => [0, "\0y"], "{" => [0, "\0z"], "|" => [82, "\0"], "}" => [87, "\0"], "~" => [130, "\0"], "" => [9, "\0"], "" => [94, "\$0"], "" => [76, "\$0"], "" => [104, "\$0"], "" => [16, "\$0"], "" => [94, "\$1"], "" => [76, "\$1"], "" => [104, "\$1"], "" => [16, "\$1"], "" => [94, "\$2"], "" => [76, "\$2"], "" => [104, "\$2"], "" => [16, "\$2"], "" => [94, "\$a"], "" => [76, "\$a"], "" => [104, "\$a"], "" => [16, "\$a"], "" => [94, "\$c"], "" => [76, "\$c"], "" => [104, "\$c"], "" => [16, "\$c"], "" => [94, "\$e"], "" => [76, "\$e"], "" => [104, "\$e"], "" => [16, "\$e"], "" => [94, "\$i"], "" => [76, "\$i"], "" => [104, "\$i"], "" => [16, "\$i"], "" => [94, "\$o"], "" => [76, "\$o"], "" => [104, "\$o"], "" => [16, "\$o"], "" => [94, "\$s"], "" => [76, "\$s"], "" => [104, "\$s"], "" => [16, "\$s"], "" => [94, "\$t"], "" => [76, "\$t"], "" => [104, "\$t"], "" => [16, "\$t"], "" => [77, "\$ "], "" => 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[142, "V"], "\24" => [150, "V"], "\25" => [74, "V"], "\26" => [90, "V"], "\27" => [98, "V"], "\30" => [107, "V"], "\31" => [140, "V"], "\32" => [146, "V"], "\33" => [102, "V"], "\34" => [113, "V"], "\35" => [121, "V"], "\36" => [128, "V"], "\37" => [12, "V"], " " => [92, "W"], "!" => [95, "W"], "\"" => [137, "W"], "#" => [142, "W"], "\$" => [150, "W"], "%" => [74, "W"], "&" => [90, "W"], "'" => [98, "W"], "(" => [107, "W"], ")" => [140, "W"], "*" => [146, "W"], "+" => [102, "W"], "," => [113, "W"], "-" => [121, "W"], "." => [128, "W"], "/" => [12, "W"], [92, "Y"], [95, "Y"], [137, "Y"], [142, "Y"], [150, "Y"], [74, "Y"], [90, "Y"], [98, "Y"], [107, "Y"], [140, "Y"], ":" => [146, "Y"], ";" => [102, "Y"], "<" => [113, "Y"], "=" => [121, "Y"], ">" => [128, "Y"], "?" => [12, "Y"], "@" => [92, "j"], "A" => [95, "j"], "B" => [137, "j"], "C" => [142, "j"], "D" => [150, "j"], "E" => [74, "j"], "F" => [90, "j"], "G" => [98, "j"], "H" => [107, "j"], "I" => [140, "j"], "J" => [146, "j"], "K" => [102, "j"], "L" => [113, "j"], "M" => [121, "j"], "N" => [128, "j"], "O" => [12, "j"], "P" => [92, "k"], "Q" => [95, "k"], "R" => [137, "k"], "S" => [142, "k"], "T" => [150, "k"], "U" => [74, "k"], "V" => [90, "k"], "W" => [98, "k"], "X" => [107, "k"], "Y" => [140, "k"], "Z" => [146, "k"], "[" => [102, "k"], "\\" => [113, "k"], "]" => [121, "k"], "^" => [128, "k"], "_" => [12, "k"], "`" => [92, "q"], "a" => [95, "q"], "b" => [137, "q"], "c" => [142, "q"], "d" => [150, "q"], "e" => [74, "q"], "f" => [90, "q"], "g" => [98, "q"], "h" => [107, "q"], "i" => [140, "q"], "j" => [146, "q"], "k" => [102, "q"], "l" => [113, "q"], "m" => [121, "q"], "n" => [128, "q"], "o" => [12, "q"], "p" => [92, "v"], "q" => [95, "v"], "r" => [137, "v"], "s" => [142, "v"], "t" => [150, "v"], "u" => [74, "v"], "v" => [90, "v"], "w" => [98, "v"], "x" => [107, "v"], "y" => [140, "v"], "z" => [146, "v"], "{" => [102, "v"], "|" => [113, "v"], "}" => [121, "v"], "~" => [128, "v"], "" => [12, "v"], "" => [92, "w"], "" => [95, "w"], "" => [137, "w"], "" => [142, "w"], "" => [150, "w"], "" => [74, "w"], "" => [90, "w"], "" => [98, "w"], "" => [107, "w"], "" => [140, "w"], "" => [146, "w"], "" => [102, "w"], "" => [113, "w"], "" => [121, "w"], "" => [128, "w"], "" => [12, "w"], "" => [92, "x"], "" => [95, "x"], "" => [137, "x"], "" => [142, "x"], "" => [150, "x"], "" => [74, "x"], "" => [90, "x"], "" => [98, "x"], "" => [107, "x"], "" => [140, "x"], "" => [146, "x"], "" => [102, "x"], "" => [113, "x"], "" => [121, "x"], "" => [128, "x"], "" => [12, "x"], "" => [92, "y"], "" => [95, "y"], "" => [137, "y"], "" => [142, "y"], "" => [150, "y"], "" => [74, "y"], "" => [90, "y"], "" => [98, "y"], "" => [107, "y"], "" => [140, "y"], "" => [146, "y"], "" => [102, "y"], "" => [113, "y"], "" => [121, "y"], "" => [128, "y"], "" => [12, "y"], "" => [92, "z"], "" => [95, "z"], "" => [137, "z"], "" => [142, "z"], "" => [150, "z"], "" => [74, "z"], "" => [90, "z"], "" => [98, "z"], "" => [107, "z"], "" => [140, "z"], "" => [146, "z"], "" => [102, "z"], "" => [113, "z"], "" => [121, "z"], "" => [128, "z"], "" => [12, "z"], "" => [93, "&"], "" => [138, "&"], "" => [75, "&"], "" => [91, "&"], "" => [108, "&"], "" => [103, "&"], "" => [114, "&"], "" => [14, "&"], "" => [93, "*"], "" => [138, "*"], "" => [75, "*"], "" => [91, "*"], "" => [108, "*"], "" => [103, "*"], "" => [114, "*"], "" => [14, "*"], "" => [93, ","], "" => [138, ","], "" => [75, ","], "" => [91, ","], "" => [108, ","], "" => [103, ","], "" => [114, ","], "" => [14, ","], "" => [93, ";"], "" => [138, ";"], "" => [75, ";"], "" => [91, ";"], "" => [108, ";"], "" => [103, ";"], "" => [114, ";"], "" => [14, ";"], "" => [93, "X"], "" => [138, "X"], "" => [75, "X"], "" => [91, "X"], "" => [108, "X"], "" => [103, "X"], "" => [114, "X"], "" => [14, "X"], "" => [93, "Z"], "" => [138, "Z"], "" => [75, "Z"], "" => [91, "Z"], "" => [108, "Z"], "" => [103, "Z"], "" => [114, "Z"], "" => [14, "Z"], "" => [77, "!"], "" => [18, "!"], "" => [77, "\""], "" => [18, "\""], "" => [77, "("], "" => [18, "("], "" => [77, ")"], "" => [18, ")"], "" => [77, "?"], "" => [18, "?"], "" => [0, "'"], "" => [0, "+"], "" => [0, "|"], "" => [80, null], "" => [15, null], "" => [28, null]], ["\0" => [77, "\0000"], "\1" => [18, "\0000"], "\2" => [77, "\0001"], "\3" => [18, "\0001"], "\4" => [77, "\0002"], "\5" => [18, "\0002"], "\6" => [77, "\0a"], "\7" => [18, "\0a"], "\10" => [77, "\0c"], "\t" => [18, "\0c"], "\n" => [77, "\0e"], "\v" => [18, "\0e"], "\f" => [77, "\0i"], "\r" => [18, "\0i"], "\16" => [77, "\0o"], "\17" => [18, "\0o"], "\20" => [77, "\0s"], "\21" => [18, "\0s"], "\22" => [77, "\0t"], "\23" => [18, "\0t"], "\24" => [0, "\0 "], "\25" => [0, "\0%"], "\26" => [0, "\0-"], "\27" => [0, "\0."], "\30" => [0, "\0/"], "\31" => [0, "\0003"], "\32" => [0, "\0004"], "\33" => [0, "\0005"], "\34" => [0, "\0006"], "\35" => [0, "\0007"], "\36" => [0, "\08"], "\37" => [0, "\09"], " " => [0, "\0="], "!" => [0, "\0A"], "\"" => [0, "\0_"], "#" => [0, "\0b"], "\$" => [0, "\0d"], "%" => [0, "\0f"], "&" => [0, "\0g"], "'" => [0, "\0h"], "(" => [0, "\0l"], ")" => [0, "\0m"], "*" => [0, "\0n"], "+" => [0, "\0p"], "," => [0, "\0r"], "-" => [0, "\0u"], "." => [100, "\0"], "/" => [110, "\0"], [111, "\0"], [115, "\0"], [116, "\0"], [118, "\0"], [119, "\0"], [122, "\0"], [123, "\0"], [125, "\0"], [126, "\0"], [129, "\0"], ":" => [143, "\0"], ";" => [148, "\0"], "<" => [151, "\0"], "=" => [153, "\0"], ">" => [83, "\0"], "?" => [10, "\0"], "@" => [77, "\$0"], "A" => [18, "\$0"], "B" => [77, "\$1"], "C" => [18, "\$1"], "D" => [77, "\$2"], "E" => [18, "\$2"], "F" => [77, "\$a"], "G" => [18, "\$a"], "H" => [77, "\$c"], "I" => [18, "\$c"], "J" => [77, "\$e"], "K" => [18, "\$e"], "L" => [77, "\$i"], "M" => [18, "\$i"], "N" => [77, "\$o"], "O" => [18, "\$o"], "P" => [77, "\$s"], "Q" => [18, "\$s"], "R" => [77, "\$t"], "S" => [18, "\$t"], "T" => [0, "\$ "], "U" => [0, "\$%"], "V" => [0, "\$-"], "W" => [0, "\$."], "X" => [0, "\$/"], "Y" => [0, "\$3"], "Z" => [0, "\$4"], "[" => [0, "\$5"], "\\" => [0, "\$6"], "]" => [0, "\$7"], "^" => [0, "\$8"], "_" => [0, "\$9"], "`" => [0, "\$="], "a" => [0, "\$A"], "b" => [0, "\$_"], "c" => [0, "\$b"], "d" => [0, "\$d"], "e" => [0, "\$f"], "f" => [0, "\$g"], "g" => [0, "\$h"], "h" => [0, "\$l"], "i" => [0, "\$m"], "j" => [0, "\$n"], "k" => [0, "\$p"], "l" => [0, "\$r"], "m" => [0, "\$u"], "n" => [100, "\$"], "o" => [110, "\$"], "p" => [111, "\$"], "q" => [115, "\$"], "r" => [116, "\$"], "s" => [118, "\$"], "t" => [119, "\$"], "u" => [122, "\$"], "v" => [123, "\$"], "w" => [125, "\$"], "x" => [126, "\$"], "y" => [129, "\$"], "z" => [143, "\$"], "{" => [148, "\$"], "|" => [151, "\$"], "}" => [153, "\$"], "~" => [83, "\$"], "" => [10, "\$"], "" => [77, "@0"], "" => [18, "@0"], "" => [77, "@1"], "" => [18, "@1"], "" => [77, "@2"], "" => [18, "@2"], "" => [77, "@a"], "" => [18, "@a"], "" => [77, "@c"], "" => [18, "@c"], "" => [77, "@e"], "" => [18, "@e"], "" => [77, "@i"], "" => [18, "@i"], "" => [77, "@o"], "" => [18, "@o"], "" => [77, "@s"], "" => [18, "@s"], "" => [77, "@t"], "" => [18, "@t"], "" => [0, "@ "], "" => [0, "@%"], "" => [0, "@-"], "" => [0, "@."], "" => [0, "@/"], "" => [0, "@3"], "" => [0, "@4"], "" => [0, "@5"], "" => [0, "@6"], "" => [0, "@7"], "" => [0, "@8"], "" => [0, "@9"], "" => [0, "@="], "" => [0, "@A"], "" => [0, "@_"], "" => [0, "@b"], "" => [0, "@d"], "" => [0, "@f"], "" => [0, "@g"], "" => [0, "@h"], "" => [0, "@l"], "" => [0, "@m"], "" => [0, "@n"], "" => [0, "@p"], "" => [0, "@r"], "" => [0, "@u"], "" => [100, "@"], "" => [110, "@"], "" => [111, "@"], "" => [115, "@"], "" => [116, "@"], "" => [118, "@"], "" => [119, "@"], "" => [122, "@"], "" => [123, "@"], "" => [125, "@"], "" => [126, "@"], "" => [129, "@"], "" => [143, "@"], "" => [148, "@"], "" => [151, "@"], "" => [153, "@"], "" => [83, "@"], "" => [10, "@"], "" => [77, "[0"], "" => [18, "[0"], "" => [77, "[1"], "" => [18, "[1"], "" => [77, "[2"], "" => [18, "[2"], "" => [77, "[a"], "" => [18, "[a"], "" => [77, "[c"], "" => [18, "[c"], "" => [77, "[e"], "" => [18, "[e"], "" => [77, "[i"], "" => [18, "[i"], "" => [77, "[o"], "" => [18, "[o"], "" => [77, "[s"], "" => [18, "[s"], "" => [77, "[t"], "" => [18, "[t"], "" => [0, "[ "], "" => [0, "[%"], "" => [0, "[-"], "" => [0, "[."], "" => [0, "[/"], "" => [0, "[3"], "" => [0, "[4"], "" => [0, "[5"], "" => [0, "[6"], "" => [0, "[7"], "" => [0, "[8"], "" => [0, "[9"], "" => [0, "[="], "" => [0, "[A"], "" => [0, "[_"], "" => [0, "[b"], "" => [0, "[d"], "" => [0, "[f"], "" => [0, "[g"], "" => [0, "[h"], "" => [0, "[l"], "" => [0, "[m"], "" => [0, "[n"], "" => [0, "[p"], "" => [0, "[r"], "" => [0, "[u"], "" => [100, "["], "" => [110, "["], "" => [111, "["], "" => [115, "["], "" => [116, "["], "" => [118, "["], "" => [119, "["], "" => [122, "["], "" => [123, "["], "" => [125, "["], "" => [126, "["], "" => [129, "["], "" => [143, "["], "" => [148, "["], "" => [151, "["], "" => [153, "["], "" => [83, "["], "" => [10, "["]], ["\0" => [93, "E"], "\1" => [138, "E"], "\2" => [75, "E"], "\3" => [91, "E"], "\4" => [108, "E"], "\5" => [103, "E"], "\6" => [114, "E"], "\7" => [14, "E"], "\10" => [93, "F"], "\t" => [138, "F"], "\n" => [75, "F"], "\v" => [91, "F"], "\f" => [108, "F"], "\r" => [103, "F"], "\16" => [114, "F"], "\17" => [14, "F"], "\20" => [93, "G"], "\21" => [138, "G"], "\22" => [75, "G"], "\23" => [91, "G"], "\24" => [108, "G"], "\25" => [103, "G"], "\26" => [114, "G"], "\27" => [14, "G"], "\30" => [93, "H"], "\31" => [138, "H"], "\32" => [75, "H"], "\33" => [91, "H"], "\34" => [108, "H"], "\35" => [103, "H"], "\36" => [114, "H"], "\37" => [14, "H"], " " => [93, "I"], "!" => [138, "I"], "\"" => [75, "I"], "#" => [91, "I"], "\$" => [108, "I"], "%" => [103, "I"], "&" => [114, "I"], "'" => [14, "I"], "(" => [93, "J"], ")" => [138, "J"], "*" => [75, "J"], "+" => [91, "J"], "," => [108, "J"], "-" => [103, "J"], "." => [114, "J"], "/" => [14, "J"], [93, "K"], [138, "K"], [75, "K"], [91, "K"], [108, "K"], [103, "K"], [114, "K"], [14, "K"], [93, "L"], [138, "L"], ":" => [75, "L"], ";" => [91, "L"], "<" => [108, "L"], "=" => [103, "L"], ">" => [114, "L"], "?" => [14, "L"], "@" => [93, "M"], "A" => [138, "M"], "B" => [75, "M"], "C" => [91, "M"], "D" => [108, "M"], "E" => [103, "M"], "F" => [114, "M"], "G" => [14, "M"], "H" => [93, "N"], "I" => [138, "N"], "J" => [75, "N"], "K" => [91, "N"], "L" => [108, "N"], "M" => [103, "N"], "N" => [114, "N"], "O" => [14, "N"], "P" => [93, "O"], "Q" => [138, "O"], "R" => [75, "O"], "S" => [91, "O"], "T" => [108, "O"], "U" => [103, "O"], "V" => [114, "O"], "W" => [14, "O"], "X" => [93, "P"], "Y" => [138, "P"], "Z" => [75, "P"], "[" => [91, "P"], "\\" => [108, "P"], "]" => [103, "P"], "^" => [114, "P"], "_" => [14, "P"], "`" => [93, "Q"], "a" => [138, "Q"], "b" => [75, "Q"], "c" => [91, "Q"], "d" => [108, "Q"], "e" => [103, "Q"], "f" => [114, "Q"], "g" => [14, "Q"], "h" => [93, "R"], "i" => [138, "R"], "j" => [75, "R"], "k" => [91, "R"], "l" => [108, "R"], "m" => [103, "R"], "n" => [114, "R"], "o" => [14, "R"], "p" => [93, "S"], "q" => [138, "S"], "r" => [75, "S"], "s" => [91, "S"], "t" => [108, "S"], "u" => [103, "S"], "v" => [114, "S"], "w" => [14, "S"], "x" => [93, "T"], "y" => [138, "T"], "z" => [75, "T"], "{" => [91, "T"], "|" => [108, "T"], "}" => [103, "T"], "~" => [114, "T"], "" => [14, "T"], "" => [93, "U"], "" => [138, "U"], "" => [75, "U"], "" => [91, "U"], "" => [108, "U"], "" => [103, "U"], "" => [114, "U"], "" => [14, "U"], "" => [93, "V"], "" => [138, "V"], "" => [75, "V"], "" => [91, "V"], "" => [108, "V"], "" => [103, "V"], "" => [114, "V"], "" => [14, "V"], "" => [93, "W"], "" => [138, "W"], "" => [75, "W"], "" => [91, "W"], "" => [108, "W"], "" => [103, "W"], "" => [114, "W"], "" => [14, "W"], "" => [93, "Y"], "" => [138, "Y"], "" => [75, "Y"], "" => [91, "Y"], "" => [108, "Y"], "" => [103, "Y"], "" => [114, "Y"], "" => [14, "Y"], "" => [93, "j"], "" => [138, "j"], "" => [75, "j"], "" => [91, "j"], "" => [108, "j"], "" => [103, "j"], "" => [114, "j"], "" => [14, "j"], "" => [93, "k"], "" => [138, "k"], "" => [75, "k"], "" => [91, "k"], "" => [108, "k"], "" => [103, "k"], "" => [114, "k"], "" => [14, "k"], "" => [93, "q"], "" => [138, "q"], "" => [75, "q"], "" => [91, "q"], "" => [108, "q"], "" => [103, "q"], "" => [114, "q"], "" => [14, "q"], "" => [93, "v"], "" => [138, "v"], "" => [75, "v"], "" => [91, "v"], "" => [108, "v"], "" => [103, "v"], "" => [114, "v"], "" => [14, "v"], "" => [93, "w"], "" => [138, "w"], "" => [75, "w"], "" => [91, "w"], "" => [108, "w"], "" => [103, "w"], "" => [114, "w"], "" => [14, "w"], "" => [93, "x"], "" => [138, "x"], "" => [75, "x"], "" => [91, "x"], "" => [108, "x"], "" => [103, "x"], "" => [114, "x"], "" => [14, "x"], "" => [93, "y"], "" => [138, "y"], "" => [75, "y"], "" => [91, "y"], "" => [108, "y"], "" => [103, "y"], "" => [114, "y"], "" => [14, "y"], "" => [93, "z"], "" => [138, "z"], "" => [75, "z"], "" => [91, "z"], "" => [108, "z"], "" => [103, "z"], "" => [114, "z"], "" => [14, "z"], "" => [94, "&"], "" => [76, "&"], "" => [104, "&"], "" => [16, "&"], "" => [94, "*"], "" => [76, "*"], "" => [104, "*"], "" => [16, "*"], "" => [94, ","], "" => [76, ","], "" => [104, ","], "" => [16, ","], "" => [94, ";"], "" => [76, ";"], "" => [104, ";"], "" => [16, ";"], "" => [94, "X"], "" => [76, "X"], "" => [104, "X"], "" => [16, "X"], "" => [94, "Z"], "" => [76, "Z"], "" => [104, "Z"], "" => [16, "Z"], "" => [0, "!"], "" => [0, "\""], "" => [0, "("], "" => [0, ")"], "" => [0, "?"], "" => [84, null], "" => [81, null], "" => [17, null]], ["\0" => [0, "\0000"], "\1" => [0, "\0001"], "\2" => [0, "\0002"], "\3" => [0, "\0a"], "\4" => [0, "\0c"], "\5" => [0, "\0e"], "\6" => [0, "\0i"], "\7" => [0, "\0o"], "\10" => [0, "\0s"], "\t" => [0, "\0t"], "\n" => [73, "\0"], "\v" => [88, "\0"], "\f" => [89, "\0"], "\r" => [96, "\0"], "\16" => [97, "\0"], "\17" => [99, "\0"], "\20" => [106, "\0"], "\21" => [136, "\0"], "\22" => [139, "\0"], "\23" => [141, "\0"], "\24" => [145, "\0"], "\25" => [147, "\0"], "\26" => [149, "\0"], "\27" => [101, "\0"], "\30" => [112, "\0"], "\31" => [117, "\0"], "\32" => [120, "\0"], "\33" => [124, "\0"], "\34" => [127, "\0"], "\35" => [144, "\0"], "\36" => [152, "\0"], "\37" => [11, "\0"], " " => [0, "\$0"], "!" => [0, "\$1"], "\"" => [0, "\$2"], "#" => [0, "\$a"], "\$" => [0, "\$c"], "%" => [0, "\$e"], "&" => [0, "\$i"], "'" => [0, "\$o"], "(" => [0, "\$s"], ")" => [0, "\$t"], "*" => [73, "\$"], "+" => [88, "\$"], "," => [89, "\$"], "-" => [96, "\$"], "." => [97, "\$"], "/" => [99, "\$"], [106, "\$"], [136, "\$"], [139, "\$"], [141, "\$"], [145, "\$"], [147, "\$"], [149, "\$"], [101, "\$"], [112, "\$"], [117, "\$"], ":" => [120, "\$"], ";" => [124, "\$"], "<" => [127, "\$"], "=" => [144, "\$"], ">" => [152, "\$"], "?" => [11, "\$"], "@" => [0, "@0"], "A" => [0, "@1"], "B" => [0, "@2"], "C" => [0, "@a"], "D" => [0, "@c"], "E" => [0, "@e"], "F" => [0, "@i"], "G" => [0, "@o"], "H" => [0, "@s"], "I" => [0, "@t"], "J" => [73, "@"], "K" => [88, "@"], "L" => [89, "@"], "M" => [96, "@"], "N" => [97, "@"], "O" => [99, "@"], "P" => [106, "@"], "Q" => [136, "@"], "R" => [139, "@"], "S" => [141, "@"], "T" => [145, "@"], "U" => [147, "@"], "V" => [149, "@"], "W" => [101, "@"], "X" => [112, "@"], "Y" => [117, "@"], "Z" => [120, "@"], "[" => [124, "@"], "\\" => [127, "@"], "]" => [144, "@"], "^" => [152, "@"], "_" => [11, "@"], "`" => [0, "[0"], "a" => [0, "[1"], "b" => [0, "[2"], "c" => [0, "[a"], "d" => [0, "[c"], "e" => [0, "[e"], "f" => [0, "[i"], "g" => [0, "[o"], "h" => [0, "[s"], "i" => [0, "[t"], "j" => [73, "["], "k" => [88, "["], "l" => [89, "["], "m" => [96, "["], "n" => [97, "["], "o" => [99, "["], "p" => [106, "["], "q" => [136, "["], "r" => [139, "["], "s" => [141, "["], "t" => [145, "["], "u" => [147, "["], "v" => [149, "["], "w" => [101, "["], "x" => [112, "["], "y" => [117, "["], "z" => [120, "["], "{" => [124, "["], "|" => [127, "["], "}" => [144, "["], "~" => [152, "["], "" => [11, 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"{"], "" => [75, "{"], "" => [91, "{"], "" => [108, "{"], "" => [103, "{"], "" => [114, "{"], "" => [14, "{"], "" => [132, null], "" => [156, null], "" => [163, null], "" => [184, null], "" => [205, null], "" => [160, null], "" => [30, null], "" => [39, null]], ["\0" => [93, "="], "\1" => [138, "="], "\2" => [75, "="], "\3" => [91, "="], "\4" => [108, "="], "\5" => [103, "="], "\6" => [114, "="], "\7" => [14, "="], "\10" => [93, "A"], "\t" => [138, "A"], "\n" => [75, "A"], "\v" => [91, "A"], "\f" => [108, "A"], "\r" => [103, "A"], "\16" => [114, "A"], "\17" => [14, "A"], "\20" => [93, "_"], "\21" => [138, "_"], "\22" => [75, "_"], "\23" => [91, "_"], "\24" => [108, "_"], "\25" => [103, "_"], "\26" => [114, "_"], "\27" => [14, "_"], "\30" => [93, "b"], "\31" => [138, "b"], "\32" => [75, "b"], "\33" => [91, "b"], "\34" => [108, "b"], "\35" => [103, "b"], "\36" => [114, "b"], "\37" => [14, "b"], " " => [93, "d"], "!" => [138, "d"], "\"" => [75, "d"], "#" => [91, "d"], "\$" => [108, "d"], 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"p"], "_" => [14, "p"], "`" => [93, "r"], "a" => [138, "r"], "b" => [75, "r"], "c" => [91, "r"], "d" => [108, "r"], "e" => [103, "r"], "f" => [114, "r"], "g" => [14, "r"], "h" => [93, "u"], "i" => [138, "u"], "j" => [75, "u"], "k" => [91, "u"], "l" => [108, "u"], "m" => [103, "u"], "n" => [114, "u"], "o" => [14, "u"], "p" => [94, ":"], "q" => [76, ":"], "r" => [104, ":"], "s" => [16, ":"], "t" => [94, "B"], "u" => [76, "B"], "v" => [104, "B"], "w" => [16, "B"], "x" => [94, "C"], "y" => [76, "C"], "z" => [104, "C"], "{" => [16, "C"], "|" => [94, "D"], "}" => [76, "D"], "~" => [104, "D"], "" => [16, "D"], "" => [94, "E"], "" => [76, "E"], "" => [104, "E"], "" => [16, "E"], "" => [94, "F"], "" => [76, "F"], "" => [104, "F"], "" => [16, "F"], "" => [94, "G"], "" => [76, "G"], "" => [104, "G"], "" => [16, "G"], "" => [94, "H"], "" => [76, "H"], "" => [104, "H"], "" => [16, "H"], "" => [94, "I"], "" => [76, "I"], "" => [104, "I"], "" => [16, "I"], "" => [94, "J"], "" => [76, "J"], "" => 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[94, "j"], "" => [76, "j"], "" => [104, "j"], "" => [16, "j"], "" => [94, "k"], "" => [76, "k"], "" => [104, "k"], "" => [16, "k"], "" => [94, "q"], "" => [76, "q"], "" => [104, "q"], "" => [16, "q"], "" => [94, "v"], "" => [76, "v"], "" => [104, "v"], "" => [16, "v"], "" => [94, "w"], "" => [76, "w"], "" => [104, "w"], "" => [16, "w"], "" => [94, "x"], "" => [76, "x"], "" => [104, "x"], "" => [16, "x"], "" => [94, "y"], "" => [76, "y"], "" => [104, "y"], "" => [16, "y"], "" => [94, "z"], "" => [76, "z"], "" => [104, "z"], "" => [16, "z"], "" => [77, "&"], "" => [18, "&"], "" => [77, "*"], "" => [18, "*"], "" => [77, ","], "" => [18, ","], "" => [77, ";"], "" => [18, ";"], "" => [77, "X"], "" => [18, "X"], "" => [77, "Z"], "" => [18, "Z"], "" => [79, null], "" => [86, null], "" => [85, null], "" => [19, null]], ["\0" => [77, "|0"], "\1" => [18, "|0"], "\2" => [77, "|1"], "\3" => [18, "|1"], "\4" => [77, "|2"], "\5" => [18, "|2"], "\6" => [77, "|a"], "\7" => [18, "|a"], "\10" => [77, "|c"], "\t" => [18, "|c"], "\n" => [77, "|e"], "\v" => [18, "|e"], "\f" => [77, "|i"], "\r" => [18, "|i"], "\16" => [77, "|o"], "\17" => [18, "|o"], "\20" => [77, "|s"], "\21" => [18, "|s"], "\22" => [77, "|t"], "\23" => [18, "|t"], "\24" => [0, "| "], "\25" => [0, "|%"], "\26" => [0, "|-"], "\27" => [0, "|."], "\30" => [0, "|/"], "\31" => [0, "|3"], "\32" => [0, "|4"], "\33" => [0, "|5"], "\34" => [0, "|6"], "\35" => [0, "|7"], "\36" => [0, "|8"], "\37" => [0, "|9"], " " => [0, "|="], "!" => [0, "|A"], "\"" => [0, "|_"], "#" => [0, "|b"], "\$" => [0, "|d"], "%" => [0, "|f"], "&" => [0, "|g"], "'" => [0, "|h"], "(" => [0, "|l"], ")" => [0, "|m"], "*" => [0, "|n"], "+" => [0, "|p"], "," => [0, "|r"], "-" => [0, "|u"], "." => [100, "|"], "/" => [110, "|"], [111, "|"], [115, "|"], [116, "|"], [118, "|"], [119, "|"], [122, "|"], [123, "|"], [125, "|"], [126, "|"], [129, "|"], ":" => [143, "|"], ";" => [148, "|"], "<" => [151, "|"], "=" => [153, "|"], ">" => [83, "|"], "?" => [10, "|"], "@" 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[149, ">"], "w" => [101, ">"], "x" => [112, ">"], "y" => [117, ">"], "z" => [120, ">"], "{" => [124, ">"], "|" => [127, ">"], "}" => [144, ">"], "~" => [152, ">"], "" => [11, ">"], "" => [92, "\0"], "" => [95, "\0"], "" => [137, "\0"], "" => [142, "\0"], "" => [150, "\0"], "" => [74, "\0"], "" => [90, "\0"], "" => [98, "\0"], "" => [107, "\0"], "" => [140, "\0"], "" => [146, "\0"], "" => [102, "\0"], "" => [113, "\0"], "" => [121, "\0"], "" => [128, "\0"], "" => [12, "\0"], "" => [92, "\$"], "" => [95, "\$"], "" => [137, "\$"], "" => [142, "\$"], "" => [150, "\$"], "" => [74, "\$"], "" => [90, "\$"], "" => [98, "\$"], "" => [107, "\$"], "" => [140, "\$"], "" => [146, "\$"], "" => [102, "\$"], "" => [113, "\$"], "" => [121, "\$"], "" => [128, "\$"], "" => [12, "\$"], "" => [92, "@"], "" => [95, "@"], "" => [137, "@"], "" => [142, "@"], "" => [150, "@"], "" => [74, "@"], "" => [90, "@"], "" => [98, "@"], "" => [107, "@"], "" => [140, "@"], "" => [146, "@"], "" => [102, "@"], "" => [113, "@"], "" => [121, "@"], "" => [128, "@"], "" => [12, "@"], "" => [92, "["], "" => [95, "["], "" => [137, "["], "" => [142, "["], "" => [150, "["], "" => [74, "["], "" => [90, "["], "" => [98, "["], "" => [107, "["], "" => [140, "["], "" => [146, "["], "" => [102, "["], "" => [113, "["], "" => [121, "["], "" => [128, "["], "" => [12, "["], "" => [92, "]"], "" => [95, "]"], "" => [137, "]"], "" => [142, "]"], "" => [150, "]"], "" => [74, "]"], "" => [90, "]"], "" => [98, "]"], "" => [107, "]"], "" => [140, "]"], "" => [146, "]"], "" => [102, "]"], "" => [113, "]"], "" => [121, "]"], "" => [128, "]"], "" => [12, "]"], "" => [92, "~"], "" => [95, "~"], "" => [137, "~"], "" => [142, "~"], "" => [150, "~"], "" => [74, "~"], "" => [90, "~"], "" => [98, "~"], "" => [107, "~"], "" => [140, "~"], "" => [146, "~"], "" => [102, "~"], "" => [113, "~"], "" => [121, "~"], "" => [128, "~"], "" => [12, "~"], "" => [93, "^"], "" => [138, "^"], "" => [75, "^"], "" => [91, "^"], "" => [108, "^"], "" => 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""], "\34" => [108, ""], "\35" => [103, ""], "\36" => [114, ""], "\37" => [14, ""], " " => [93, ""], "!" => [138, ""], "\"" => [75, ""], "#" => [91, ""], "\$" => [108, ""], "%" => [103, ""], "&" => [114, ""], "'" => [14, ""], "(" => [93, ""], ")" => [138, ""], "*" => [75, ""], "+" => [91, ""], "," => [108, ""], "-" => [103, ""], "." => [114, ""], "/" => [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], [75, ""], [91, ""], [108, ""], [103, ""], [114, ""], [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], ":" => [75, ""], ";" => [91, ""], "<" => [108, ""], "=" => [103, ""], ">" => [114, ""], "?" => [14, ""], "@" => [93, ""], "A" => [138, ""], "B" => [75, ""], "C" => [91, ""], "D" => [108, ""], "E" => [103, ""], "F" => [114, ""], "G" => [14, ""], "H" => [94, ""], "I" => [76, ""], "J" => [104, ""], "K" => [16, ""], "L" => [94, ""], "M" => [76, ""], "N" => [104, ""], "O" => [16, ""], "P" => [94, ""], "Q" => [76, ""], "R" => [104, ""], "S" => [16, ""], "T" => [94, ""], "U" => [76, ""], "V" => [104, ""], "W" => [16, ""], "X" => 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[126, "<"], [129, "<"], ":" => [143, "<"], ";" => [148, "<"], "<" => [151, "<"], "=" => [153, "<"], ">" => [83, "<"], "?" => [10, "<"], "@" => [77, "`0"], "A" => [18, "`0"], "B" => [77, "`1"], "C" => [18, "`1"], "D" => [77, "`2"], "E" => [18, "`2"], "F" => [77, "`a"], "G" => [18, "`a"], "H" => [77, "`c"], "I" => [18, "`c"], "J" => [77, "`e"], "K" => [18, "`e"], "L" => [77, "`i"], "M" => [18, "`i"], "N" => [77, "`o"], "O" => [18, "`o"], "P" => [77, "`s"], "Q" => [18, "`s"], "R" => [77, "`t"], "S" => [18, "`t"], "T" => [0, "` "], "U" => [0, "`%"], "V" => [0, "`-"], "W" => [0, "`."], "X" => [0, "`/"], "Y" => [0, "`3"], "Z" => [0, "`4"], "[" => [0, "`5"], "\\" => [0, "`6"], "]" => [0, "`7"], "^" => [0, "`8"], "_" => [0, "`9"], "`" => [0, "`="], "a" => [0, "`A"], "b" => [0, "`_"], "c" => [0, "`b"], "d" => [0, "`d"], "e" => [0, "`f"], "f" => [0, "`g"], "g" => [0, "`h"], "h" => [0, "`l"], "i" => [0, "`m"], "j" => [0, "`n"], "k" => [0, "`p"], "l" => [0, "`r"], "m" => [0, "`u"], "n" => [100, "`"], "o" => [110, "`"], "p" => [111, "`"], "q" => [115, "`"], "r" => [116, "`"], "s" => [118, "`"], "t" => [119, "`"], "u" => [122, "`"], "v" => [123, "`"], "w" => [125, "`"], "x" => [126, "`"], "y" => [129, "`"], "z" => [143, "`"], "{" => [148, "`"], "|" => [151, "`"], "}" => [153, "`"], "~" => [83, "`"], "" => [10, "`"], "" => [77, "{0"], "" => [18, "{0"], "" => [77, "{1"], "" => [18, "{1"], "" => [77, "{2"], "" => [18, "{2"], "" => [77, "{a"], "" => [18, "{a"], "" => [77, "{c"], "" => [18, "{c"], "" => [77, "{e"], "" => [18, "{e"], "" => [77, "{i"], "" => [18, "{i"], "" => [77, "{o"], "" => [18, "{o"], "" => [77, "{s"], "" => [18, "{s"], "" => [77, "{t"], "" => [18, "{t"], "" => [0, "{ "], "" => [0, "{%"], "" => [0, "{-"], "" => [0, "{."], "" => [0, "{/"], "" => [0, "{3"], "" => [0, "{4"], "" => [0, "{5"], "" => [0, "{6"], "" => [0, "{7"], "" => [0, "{8"], "" => [0, "{9"], "" => [0, "{="], "" => [0, "{A"], "" => [0, "{_"], "" => [0, "{b"], "" => [0, "{d"], "" => [0, "{f"], "" => 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"\25" => [0, "\1%"], "\26" => [0, "\1-"], "\27" => [0, "\1."], "\30" => [0, "\1/"], "\31" => [0, "\0013"], "\32" => [0, "\0014"], "\33" => [0, "\0015"], "\34" => [0, "\0016"], "\35" => [0, "\0017"], "\36" => [0, "\18"], "\37" => [0, "\19"], " " => [0, "\1="], "!" => [0, "\1A"], "\"" => [0, "\1_"], "#" => [0, "\1b"], "\$" => [0, "\1d"], "%" => [0, "\1f"], "&" => [0, "\1g"], "'" => [0, "\1h"], "(" => [0, "\1l"], ")" => [0, "\1m"], "*" => [0, "\1n"], "+" => [0, "\1p"], "," => [0, "\1r"], "-" => [0, "\1u"], "." => [100, "\1"], "/" => [110, "\1"], [111, "\1"], [115, "\1"], [116, "\1"], [118, "\1"], [119, "\1"], [122, "\1"], [123, "\1"], [125, "\1"], [126, "\1"], [129, "\1"], ":" => [143, "\1"], ";" => [148, "\1"], "<" => [151, "\1"], "=" => [153, "\1"], ">" => [83, "\1"], "?" => [10, "\1"], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" 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[153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "^0"], "\1" => [18, "^0"], "\2" => [77, "^1"], "\3" => [18, "^1"], "\4" => [77, "^2"], "\5" => [18, "^2"], "\6" => [77, "^a"], "\7" => [18, "^a"], "\10" => [77, "^c"], "\t" => [18, "^c"], "\n" => [77, "^e"], "\v" => [18, "^e"], "\f" => [77, "^i"], "\r" => [18, "^i"], "\16" => [77, "^o"], "\17" => [18, "^o"], "\20" => [77, "^s"], "\21" => [18, "^s"], "\22" => [77, "^t"], "\23" => [18, "^t"], "\24" => [0, "^ "], "\25" => [0, "^%"], "\26" => [0, "^-"], "\27" => [0, "^."], "\30" => [0, "^/"], "\31" => [0, "^3"], "\32" => [0, "^4"], "\33" => [0, "^5"], "\34" => [0, "^6"], "\35" => [0, "^7"], "\36" => [0, "^8"], "\37" => [0, "^9"], " " => [0, "^="], "!" => [0, "^A"], "\"" => [0, "^_"], "#" => [0, "^b"], "\$" => [0, "^d"], "%" => [0, "^f"], "&" => [0, "^g"], "'" => [0, "^h"], "(" => [0, "^l"], ")" => [0, "^m"], "*" => [0, "^n"], "+" => [0, "^p"], "," => [0, "^r"], "-" => [0, "^u"], "." => [100, "^"], "/" => [110, "^"], [111, "^"], [115, "^"], [116, "^"], [118, "^"], [119, "^"], [122, "^"], [123, "^"], [125, "^"], [126, "^"], [129, "^"], ":" => [143, "^"], ";" => [148, "^"], "<" => [151, "^"], "=" => [153, "^"], ">" => [83, "^"], "?" => [10, "^"], "@" => [77, "}0"], "A" => [18, "}0"], "B" => [77, "}1"], "C" => [18, "}1"], "D" => [77, "}2"], "E" => [18, "}2"], "F" => [77, "}a"], "G" => [18, "}a"], "H" => [77, "}c"], "I" => [18, "}c"], "J" => [77, "}e"], "K" => [18, "}e"], "L" => [77, "}i"], "M" => [18, "}i"], "N" => [77, "}o"], "O" => [18, "}o"], "P" => [77, "}s"], "Q" => [18, "}s"], "R" => [77, "}t"], "S" => [18, "}t"], "T" => [0, "} "], "U" => [0, "}%"], "V" => [0, "}-"], "W" => [0, "}."], "X" => [0, "}/"], "Y" => [0, "}3"], "Z" => [0, "}4"], "[" => [0, "}5"], "\\" => [0, "}6"], "]" => [0, "}7"], "^" => [0, "}8"], "_" => [0, "}9"], "`" => [0, "}="], "a" => [0, "}A"], "b" => [0, "}_"], "c" => [0, "}b"], "d" => [0, "}d"], "e" => [0, "}f"], "f" => [0, "}g"], "g" => [0, "}h"], "h" => [0, "}l"], "i" => [0, "}m"], "j" => [0, "}n"], "k" => [0, "}p"], "l" => [0, "}r"], "m" => [0, "}u"], "n" => [100, "}"], "o" => [110, "}"], "p" => [111, "}"], "q" => [115, "}"], "r" => [116, "}"], "s" => [118, "}"], "t" => [119, "}"], "u" => [122, "}"], "v" => [123, "}"], "w" => [125, "}"], "x" => [126, "}"], "y" => [129, "}"], "z" => [143, "}"], "{" => [148, "}"], "|" => [151, "}"], "}" => [153, "}"], "~" => [83, "}"], "" => [10, "}"], "" => [0, "<0"], "" => [0, "<1"], "" => [0, "<2"], "" => [0, " [0, " [0, " [0, " [0, " [0, " [0, " [73, "<"], "" => [88, "<"], "" => [89, "<"], "" => [96, "<"], "" => [97, "<"], "" => [99, "<"], "" => [106, "<"], "" => [136, "<"], "" => [139, "<"], "" => [141, "<"], "" => [145, "<"], "" => [147, "<"], "" => [149, "<"], "" => [101, "<"], "" => [112, "<"], "" => [117, "<"], "" => [120, "<"], "" => [124, "<"], "" => [127, "<"], "" => [144, "<"], "" => [152, "<"], "" => [11, "<"], "" => [0, "`0"], "" => [0, "`1"], "" => [0, "`2"], "" => [0, "`a"], "" => [0, "`c"], "" => [0, "`e"], "" => [0, "`i"], "" => [0, "`o"], "" => [0, "`s"], "" => [0, "`t"], "" => [73, "`"], "" => [88, "`"], "" => [89, "`"], "" => [96, "`"], "" => [97, "`"], "" => [99, "`"], "" => [106, "`"], "" => [136, "`"], "" => [139, "`"], "" => [141, "`"], "" => [145, "`"], "" => [147, "`"], "" => [149, "`"], "" => [101, "`"], "" => [112, "`"], "" => [117, "`"], "" => [120, "`"], "" => [124, "`"], "" => [127, "`"], "" => [144, "`"], "" => [152, "`"], "" => [11, "`"], "" => [0, "{0"], "" => [0, "{1"], "" => [0, "{2"], "" => [0, "{a"], "" => [0, "{c"], "" => [0, "{e"], "" => [0, "{i"], "" => [0, "{o"], "" => [0, "{s"], "" => [0, "{t"], "" => [73, "{"], "" => [88, "{"], "" => [89, "{"], "" => [96, "{"], "" => [97, "{"], "" => [99, "{"], "" => [106, "{"], "" => [136, "{"], "" => [139, "{"], "" => [141, "{"], "" => [145, "{"], "" => [147, "{"], "" => [149, "{"], "" => [101, "{"], "" => [112, "{"], "" => [117, "{"], "" => [120, "{"], "" => [124, "{"], "" => [127, "{"], "" => [144, "{"], "" => [152, "{"], "" => [11, "{"], "" => [77, "\\"], "" => [18, "\\"], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [182, null], "" => [195, null], "" => [203, null], "" => [209, null], "" => [242, null], "" => [249, null], "" => [158, null], "" => [166, null], "" => [186, null], "" => [191, null], "" => [207, null], "" => [214, null], "" => [224, null], "" => [27, null], "" => [176, null], "" => [194, null], "" => [51, null], "" => [36, null]], ["\0" => [0, "\0010"], "\1" => [0, "\0011"], "\2" => [0, "\0012"], "\3" => [0, "\1a"], "\4" => [0, "\1c"], "\5" => [0, "\1e"], "\6" => [0, "\1i"], "\7" => [0, "\1o"], "\10" => [0, "\1s"], "\t" => [0, "\1t"], "\n" => [73, "\1"], "\v" => [88, "\1"], "\f" => [89, "\1"], "\r" => [96, "\1"], "\16" => [97, "\1"], "\17" => [99, "\1"], "\20" => [106, "\1"], "\21" => [136, "\1"], "\22" => [139, "\1"], "\23" => [141, "\1"], "\24" => [145, "\1"], "\25" => [147, "\1"], "\26" => [149, "\1"], "\27" => [101, "\1"], "\30" => [112, "\1"], "\31" => [117, "\1"], "\32" => [120, "\1"], "\33" => [124, "\1"], "\34" => [127, "\1"], "\35" => [144, "\1"], "\36" => [152, "\1"], "\37" => [11, "\1"], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "]0"], "\1" => [18, "]0"], "\2" => [77, "]1"], "\3" => [18, "]1"], "\4" => [77, "]2"], "\5" => [18, "]2"], "\6" => [77, "]a"], "\7" => [18, "]a"], "\10" => [77, "]c"], "\t" => [18, "]c"], "\n" => [77, "]e"], "\v" => [18, "]e"], "\f" => [77, "]i"], "\r" => [18, "]i"], "\16" => [77, "]o"], "\17" => [18, "]o"], "\20" => [77, "]s"], "\21" => [18, "]s"], "\22" => [77, "]t"], "\23" => [18, "]t"], "\24" => [0, "] "], "\25" => [0, "]%"], "\26" => [0, "]-"], "\27" => [0, "]."], "\30" => [0, "]/"], "\31" => [0, "]3"], "\32" => [0, "]4"], "\33" => [0, "]5"], "\34" => [0, "]6"], "\35" => [0, "]7"], "\36" => [0, "]8"], "\37" => [0, "]9"], " " => [0, "]="], "!" => [0, "]A"], "\"" => [0, "]_"], "#" => [0, "]b"], "\$" => [0, "]d"], "%" => [0, "]f"], "&" => [0, "]g"], "'" => [0, "]h"], "(" => [0, "]l"], ")" => [0, "]m"], "*" => [0, "]n"], "+" => [0, "]p"], "," => [0, "]r"], "-" => [0, "]u"], "." => [100, "]"], "/" => [110, "]"], [111, "]"], [115, "]"], [116, "]"], [118, "]"], [119, "]"], [122, "]"], [123, "]"], [125, "]"], [126, "]"], [129, "]"], ":" => [143, "]"], ";" => [148, "]"], "<" => [151, "]"], "=" => [153, "]"], ">" => [83, "]"], "?" => [10, "]"], "@" => [77, "~0"], "A" => [18, "~0"], "B" => [77, "~1"], "C" => [18, "~1"], "D" => [77, "~2"], "E" => [18, "~2"], "F" => [77, "~a"], "G" => [18, "~a"], "H" => [77, "~c"], "I" => [18, "~c"], "J" => [77, "~e"], "K" => [18, "~e"], "L" => [77, "~i"], "M" => [18, "~i"], "N" => [77, "~o"], "O" => [18, "~o"], "P" => [77, "~s"], "Q" => [18, "~s"], "R" => [77, "~t"], "S" => [18, "~t"], "T" => [0, "~ "], "U" => [0, "~%"], "V" => [0, "~-"], "W" => [0, "~."], "X" => [0, "~/"], "Y" => [0, "~3"], "Z" => [0, "~4"], "[" => [0, "~5"], "\\" => [0, "~6"], "]" => [0, "~7"], "^" => [0, "~8"], "_" => [0, "~9"], "`" => [0, "~="], "a" => [0, "~A"], "b" => [0, "~_"], "c" => [0, "~b"], "d" => [0, "~d"], "e" => [0, "~f"], "f" => [0, "~g"], "g" => [0, "~h"], "h" => [0, "~l"], "i" => [0, "~m"], "j" => [0, "~n"], "k" => [0, "~p"], "l" => [0, "~r"], "m" => [0, "~u"], "n" => [100, "~"], "o" => [110, "~"], "p" => [111, "~"], "q" => [115, "~"], "r" => [116, "~"], "s" => [118, "~"], "t" => [119, "~"], "u" => [122, "~"], "v" => [123, "~"], "w" => [125, "~"], "x" => [126, "~"], "y" => [129, "~"], "z" => [143, "~"], "{" => [148, "~"], "|" => [151, "~"], "}" => [153, "~"], "~" => [83, "~"], "" => [10, "~"], "" => [0, "^0"], "" => [0, "^1"], "" => [0, "^2"], "" => [0, "^a"], "" => [0, "^c"], "" => [0, "^e"], "" => [0, "^i"], "" => [0, "^o"], "" => [0, "^s"], "" => [0, "^t"], "" => [73, "^"], "" => [88, "^"], "" => [89, "^"], "" => [96, "^"], "" => [97, "^"], "" => [99, "^"], "" => [106, "^"], "" => [136, "^"], "" => [139, "^"], "" => [141, "^"], "" => [145, "^"], "" => [147, "^"], "" => [149, "^"], "" => [101, "^"], "" => [112, "^"], "" => [117, "^"], "" => [120, "^"], "" => [124, "^"], "" => [127, "^"], "" => [144, "^"], "" => [152, "^"], "" => [11, "^"], "" => [0, "}0"], "" => [0, "}1"], "" => [0, "}2"], "" => [0, "}a"], "" => [0, "}c"], "" => [0, "}e"], "" => [0, "}i"], "" => [0, "}o"], "" => [0, "}s"], "" => [0, "}t"], "" => [73, "}"], "" => [88, "}"], "" => [89, "}"], "" => [96, "}"], "" => [97, "}"], "" => [99, "}"], "" => [106, "}"], "" => [136, "}"], "" => [139, "}"], "" => [141, "}"], "" => [145, "}"], "" => [147, "}"], "" => [149, "}"], "" => [101, "}"], "" => [112, "}"], "" => [117, "}"], "" => [120, "}"], "" => [124, "}"], "" => [127, "}"], "" => [144, "}"], "" => [152, "}"], "" => [11, "}"], "" => [92, "<"], "" => [95, "<"], "" => [137, "<"], "" => [142, "<"], "" => [150, "<"], "" => [74, "<"], "" => [90, "<"], "" => [98, "<"], "" => [107, "<"], "" => [140, "<"], "" => [146, "<"], "" => [102, "<"], "" => [113, "<"], "" => [121, "<"], "" => [128, "<"], "" => [12, "<"], "" => [92, "`"], "" => [95, "`"], "" => [137, "`"], "" => [142, "`"], "" => [150, "`"], "" => [74, "`"], "" => [90, "`"], "" => [98, "`"], "" => [107, "`"], "" => [140, "`"], "" => [146, "`"], "" => [102, "`"], "" => [113, "`"], "" => [121, "`"], "" => [128, "`"], "" => [12, "`"], "" => [92, "{"], "" => [95, "{"], "" => [137, "{"], "" => [142, "{"], "" => [150, "{"], "" => [74, "{"], "" => [90, "{"], "" => [98, "{"], "" => [107, "{"], "" => [140, "{"], "" => [146, "{"], "" => [102, "{"], "" => [113, "{"], "" => [121, "{"], "" => [128, "{"], "" => [12, "{"], "" => [0, "\\"], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [155, null], "" => [162, null], "" => [211, null], "" => [248, null], "" => [183, null], "" => [204, null], "" => [243, null], "" => [159, null], "" => [187, null], "" => [208, null], "" => [29, null], "" => [177, null], "" => [37, null]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [92, "\1"], "" => [95, "\1"], "" => [137, "\1"], "" => [142, "\1"], "" => [150, "\1"], "" => [74, "\1"], "" => [90, "\1"], "" => [98, "\1"], "" => [107, "\1"], "" => [140, "\1"], "" => [146, "\1"], "" => [102, "\1"], "" => [113, "\1"], "" => [121, "\1"], "" => [128, "\1"], "" => [12, "\1"], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [92, ""], "\1" => [95, ""], "\2" => [137, ""], "\3" => [142, ""], "\4" => [150, ""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [92, ""], "\21" => [95, ""], "\22" => [137, ""], "\23" => [142, ""], "\24" => [150, ""], "\25" => [74, ""], "\26" => [90, ""], "\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [93, "\1"], "" => [138, "\1"], "" => [75, "\1"], "" => [91, "\1"], "" => [108, "\1"], "" => [103, "\1"], "" => [114, "\1"], "" => [14, "\1"], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""]], ["\0" => [93, ""], "\1" => [138, ""], "\2" => [75, ""], "\3" => [91, ""], "\4" => [108, ""], "\5" => [103, ""], "\6" => [114, ""], "\7" => [14, ""], "\10" => [93, ""], "\t" => [138, ""], "\n" => [75, ""], "\v" => [91, ""], "\f" => [108, ""], "\r" => [103, ""], "\16" => [114, ""], "\17" => [14, ""], "\20" => [93, ""], "\21" => [138, ""], "\22" => [75, ""], "\23" => [91, ""], "\24" => [108, ""], "\25" => [103, ""], "\26" => [114, ""], "\27" => [14, ""], "\30" => [93, ""], "\31" => [138, ""], "\32" => [75, ""], "\33" => [91, ""], "\34" => [108, ""], "\35" => [103, ""], "\36" => [114, ""], "\37" => [14, ""], " " => [93, ""], "!" => [138, ""], "\"" => [75, ""], "#" => [91, ""], "\$" => [108, ""], "%" => [103, ""], "&" => [114, ""], "'" => [14, ""], "(" => [93, ""], ")" => [138, ""], "*" => [75, ""], "+" => [91, ""], "," => [108, ""], "-" => [103, ""], "." => [114, ""], "/" => [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], [75, ""], [91, ""], [108, ""], [103, ""], [114, ""], [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], ":" => [75, ""], ";" => [91, ""], "<" => [108, ""], "=" => [103, ""], ">" => [114, ""], "?" => [14, ""], "@" => [93, ""], "A" => [138, ""], "B" => [75, ""], "C" => [91, ""], "D" => [108, ""], "E" => [103, ""], "F" => [114, ""], "G" => [14, ""], "H" => [93, ""], "I" => [138, ""], "J" => [75, ""], "K" => [91, ""], "L" => [108, ""], "M" => [103, ""], "N" => [114, ""], "O" => [14, ""], "P" => [93, ""], "Q" => [138, ""], "R" => [75, ""], "S" => [91, ""], "T" => [108, ""], "U" => [103, ""], "V" => [114, ""], "W" => [14, ""], "X" => [93, ""], "Y" => [138, ""], "Z" => [75, ""], "[" => [91, ""], "\\" => [108, ""], "]" => [103, ""], "^" => [114, ""], "_" => [14, ""], "`" => [94, "\1"], "a" => [76, "\1"], "b" => [104, "\1"], "c" => [16, "\1"], "d" => [94, ""], "e" => [76, ""], "f" => [104, ""], "g" => [16, ""], "h" => [94, ""], "i" => [76, ""], "j" => [104, ""], "k" => [16, ""], "l" => [94, ""], "m" => [76, ""], "n" => [104, ""], "o" => [16, ""], "p" => [94, ""], "q" => [76, ""], "r" => [104, ""], "s" => [16, ""], "t" => [94, ""], "u" => [76, ""], "v" => [104, ""], "w" => [16, ""], "x" => [94, ""], "y" => [76, ""], "z" => [104, ""], "{" => [16, ""], "|" => [94, ""], "}" => [76, ""], "~" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" 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""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [92, "\2"], "!" => [95, "\2"], "\"" => [137, "\2"], "#" => [142, "\2"], "\$" => [150, "\2"], "%" => [74, "\2"], "&" => [90, "\2"], "'" => [98, "\2"], "(" => [107, "\2"], ")" => [140, "\2"], "*" => [146, "\2"], "+" => [102, "\2"], "," => [113, "\2"], "-" => [121, "\2"], "." => [128, "\2"], "/" => [12, "\2"], [92, "\3"], [95, "\3"], [137, "\3"], [142, "\3"], [150, "\3"], [74, "\3"], [90, "\3"], [98, "\3"], [107, "\3"], [140, "\3"], ":" => [146, "\3"], ";" => [102, "\3"], "<" => [113, "\3"], "=" => [121, "\3"], ">" => [128, "\3"], "?" => [12, "\3"], "@" => [92, "\4"], "A" => [95, "\4"], "B" => [137, "\4"], "C" => [142, "\4"], "D" => [150, "\4"], "E" => [74, "\4"], "F" => [90, "\4"], "G" => [98, "\4"], "H" => [107, "\4"], "I" => [140, "\4"], "J" => [146, "\4"], "K" => [102, "\4"], "L" => [113, "\4"], "M" => [121, "\4"], "N" => [128, "\4"], "O" => [12, "\4"], "P" => [92, "\5"], "Q" => [95, "\5"], "R" => [137, "\5"], "S" => [142, "\5"], "T" => [150, "\5"], "U" => [74, "\5"], "V" => [90, "\5"], "W" => [98, "\5"], "X" => [107, "\5"], "Y" => [140, "\5"], "Z" => [146, "\5"], "[" => [102, "\5"], "\\" => [113, "\5"], "]" => [121, "\5"], "^" => [128, "\5"], "_" => [12, "\5"], "`" => [92, "\6"], "a" => [95, "\6"], "b" => [137, "\6"], "c" => [142, "\6"], "d" => [150, "\6"], "e" => [74, "\6"], "f" => [90, "\6"], "g" => [98, "\6"], "h" => [107, "\6"], "i" => [140, "\6"], "j" => [146, "\6"], "k" => [102, "\6"], "l" => [113, "\6"], "m" => [121, "\6"], "n" => [128, "\6"], "o" => [12, "\6"], "p" => [92, "\7"], "q" => [95, "\7"], "r" => [137, "\7"], "s" => [142, "\7"], "t" => [150, "\7"], "u" => [74, "\7"], "v" => [90, "\7"], "w" => [98, "\7"], "x" => [107, "\7"], "y" => [140, "\7"], "z" => [146, "\7"], "{" => [102, "\7"], "|" => [113, "\7"], "}" => [121, "\7"], "~" => [128, "\7"], "" => [12, "\7"], "" => [92, "\10"], "" => [95, "\10"], "" => [137, "\10"], "" => [142, "\10"], "" => [150, "\10"], "" => [74, "\10"], "" => [90, "\10"], "" => [98, "\10"], "" => [107, "\10"], "" => [140, "\10"], "" => [146, "\10"], "" => [102, "\10"], "" => [113, "\10"], "" => [121, "\10"], "" => [128, "\10"], "" => [12, "\10"], "" => [92, "\v"], "" => [95, "\v"], "" => [137, "\v"], "" => [142, "\v"], "" => [150, "\v"], "" => [74, "\v"], "" => [90, "\v"], "" => [98, "\v"], "" => [107, "\v"], "" => [140, "\v"], "" => [146, "\v"], "" => [102, "\v"], "" => [113, "\v"], "" => [121, "\v"], "" => [128, "\v"], "" => [12, "\v"], "" => [92, "\f"], "" => [95, "\f"], "" => [137, "\f"], "" => [142, "\f"], "" => [150, "\f"], "" => [74, "\f"], "" => [90, "\f"], "" => [98, "\f"], "" => [107, "\f"], "" => [140, "\f"], "" => [146, "\f"], "" => [102, "\f"], "" => [113, "\f"], "" => [121, "\f"], "" 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[95, "\21"], "" => [137, "\21"], "" => [142, "\21"], "" => [150, "\21"], "" => [74, "\21"], "" => [90, "\21"], "" => [98, "\21"], "" => [107, "\21"], "" => [140, "\21"], "" => [146, "\21"], "" => [102, "\21"], "" => [113, "\21"], "" => [121, "\21"], "" => [128, "\21"], "" => [12, "\21"], "" => [92, "\22"], "" => [95, "\22"], "" => [137, "\22"], "" => [142, "\22"], "" => [150, "\22"], "" => [74, "\22"], "" => [90, "\22"], "" => [98, "\22"], "" => [107, "\22"], "" => [140, "\22"], "" => [146, "\22"], "" => [102, "\22"], "" => [113, "\22"], "" => [121, "\22"], "" => [128, "\22"], "" => [12, "\22"]], ["\0" => [92, ""], "\1" => [95, ""], "\2" => [137, ""], "\3" => [142, ""], "\4" => [150, ""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [93, "\2"], "\21" => [138, "\2"], "\22" => [75, "\2"], "\23" => [91, "\2"], "\24" => [108, "\2"], "\25" => [103, "\2"], "\26" => [114, "\2"], "\27" => [14, "\2"], "\30" => [93, "\3"], "\31" => [138, "\3"], "\32" => [75, "\3"], "\33" => [91, "\3"], "\34" => [108, "\3"], "\35" => [103, "\3"], "\36" => [114, "\3"], "\37" => [14, "\3"], " " => [93, "\4"], "!" => [138, "\4"], "\"" => [75, "\4"], "#" => [91, "\4"], "\$" => [108, "\4"], "%" => [103, "\4"], "&" => [114, "\4"], "'" => [14, "\4"], "(" => [93, "\5"], ")" => [138, "\5"], "*" => [75, "\5"], "+" => [91, "\5"], "," => [108, "\5"], "-" => [103, "\5"], "." => [114, "\5"], "/" => [14, "\5"], [93, "\6"], [138, "\6"], [75, "\6"], [91, "\6"], [108, "\6"], [103, "\6"], [114, "\6"], [14, "\6"], [93, "\7"], [138, "\7"], ":" => [75, "\7"], ";" => [91, "\7"], "<" => [108, "\7"], "=" => [103, "\7"], ">" => [114, "\7"], "?" => [14, "\7"], "@" => [93, "\10"], "A" => [138, "\10"], "B" => [75, "\10"], "C" => [91, "\10"], "D" => [108, "\10"], "E" => [103, "\10"], "F" => [114, "\10"], "G" => [14, "\10"], "H" => [93, "\v"], "I" => [138, "\v"], "J" => [75, "\v"], "K" => [91, "\v"], "L" => [108, "\v"], "M" => [103, "\v"], "N" => [114, "\v"], "O" => [14, "\v"], "P" => [93, "\f"], "Q" => [138, "\f"], "R" => [75, "\f"], "S" => [91, "\f"], "T" => [108, "\f"], "U" => [103, "\f"], "V" => [114, "\f"], "W" => [14, "\f"], "X" => [93, "\16"], "Y" => [138, "\16"], "Z" => [75, "\16"], "[" => [91, "\16"], "\\" => [108, "\16"], "]" => [103, "\16"], "^" => [114, "\16"], "_" => [14, "\16"], "`" => [93, "\17"], "a" => [138, "\17"], "b" => [75, "\17"], "c" => [91, "\17"], "d" => [108, "\17"], "e" => [103, "\17"], "f" => [114, "\17"], "g" => [14, "\17"], "h" => [93, "\20"], "i" => [138, "\20"], "j" => [75, "\20"], "k" => [91, "\20"], "l" => [108, "\20"], "m" => [103, "\20"], "n" => [114, "\20"], "o" => [14, "\20"], "p" => [93, "\21"], "q" => [138, "\21"], "r" => [75, "\21"], "s" => [91, "\21"], "t" => [108, "\21"], "u" => [103, "\21"], "v" => [114, "\21"], "w" => [14, "\21"], "x" => [93, "\22"], "y" => [138, "\22"], "z" => [75, 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"\31"], "" => [114, "\31"], "" => [14, "\31"], "" => [93, "\32"], "" => [138, "\32"], "" => [75, "\32"], "" => [91, "\32"], "" => [108, "\32"], "" => [103, "\32"], "" => [114, "\32"], "" => [14, "\32"], "" => [93, "\33"], "" => [138, "\33"], "" => [75, "\33"], "" => [91, "\33"], "" => [108, "\33"], "" => [103, "\33"], "" => [114, "\33"], "" => [14, "\33"], "" => [93, "\34"], "" => [138, "\34"], "" => [75, "\34"], "" => [91, "\34"], "" => [108, "\34"], "" => [103, "\34"], "" => [114, "\34"], "" => [14, "\34"], "" => [93, "\35"], "" => [138, "\35"], "" => [75, "\35"], "" => [91, "\35"], "" => [108, "\35"], "" => [103, "\35"], "" => [114, "\35"], "" => [14, "\35"], "" => [93, "\36"], "" => [138, "\36"], "" => [75, "\36"], "" => [91, "\36"], "" => [108, "\36"], "" => [103, "\36"], "" => [114, "\36"], "" => [14, "\36"], "" => [93, "\37"], "" => [138, "\37"], "" => [75, "\37"], "" => [91, "\37"], "" => [108, "\37"], "" => [103, "\37"], "" => [114, "\37"], "" => [14, "\37"], "" => [93, ""], 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"\31" => [138, ""], "\32" => [75, ""], "\33" => [91, ""], "\34" => [108, ""], "\35" => [103, ""], "\36" => [114, ""], "\37" => [14, ""], " " => [93, ""], "!" => [138, ""], "\"" => [75, ""], "#" => [91, ""], "\$" => [108, ""], "%" => [103, ""], "&" => [114, ""], "'" => [14, ""], "(" => [93, ""], ")" => [138, ""], "*" => [75, ""], "+" => [91, ""], "," => [108, ""], "-" => [103, ""], "." => [114, ""], "/" => [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], [75, ""], [91, ""], [108, ""], [103, ""], [114, ""], [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], ":" => [75, ""], ";" => [91, ""], "<" => [108, ""], "=" => [103, ""], ">" => [114, ""], "?" => [14, ""], "@" => [93, ""], "A" => [138, ""], "B" => [75, ""], "C" => [91, ""], "D" => [108, ""], "E" => [103, ""], "F" => [114, ""], "G" => [14, ""], "H" => [93, ""], "I" => [138, ""], "J" => [75, ""], "K" => [91, ""], "L" => [108, ""], "M" => [103, ""], "N" => [114, ""], "O" => [14, ""], "P" => [93, ""], "Q" => [138, ""], "R" => [75, ""], "S" => [91, ""], "T" => [108, ""], "U" => [103, ""], "V" => [114, ""], "W" => [14, ""], "X" => [93, ""], "Y" => [138, ""], "Z" => [75, ""], "[" => [91, ""], "\\" => [108, ""], "]" => [103, ""], "^" => [114, ""], "_" => [14, ""], "`" => [93, ""], "a" => [138, ""], "b" => [75, ""], "c" => [91, ""], "d" => [108, ""], "e" => [103, ""], "f" => [114, ""], "g" => [14, ""], "h" => [93, ""], "i" => [138, ""], "j" => [75, ""], "k" => [91, ""], "l" => [108, ""], "m" => [103, ""], "n" => [114, ""], "o" => [14, ""], "p" => [93, ""], "q" => [138, ""], "r" => [75, ""], "s" => [91, ""], "t" => [108, ""], "u" => [103, ""], "v" => [114, ""], "w" => [14, ""], "x" => [93, ""], "y" => [138, ""], "z" => [75, ""], "{" => [91, ""], "|" => [108, ""], "}" => [103, ""], "~" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [94, "\2"], "" => [76, "\2"], "" => [104, "\2"], "" => [16, "\2"], "" => [94, "\3"], "" => [76, "\3"], "" => 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[14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], [75, ""], [91, ""], [108, ""], [103, ""], [114, ""], [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], ":" => [75, ""], ";" => [91, ""], "<" => [108, ""], "=" => [103, ""], ">" => [114, ""], "?" => [14, ""], "@" => [93, ""], "A" => [138, ""], "B" => [75, ""], "C" => [91, ""], "D" => [108, ""], "E" => [103, ""], "F" => [114, ""], "G" => [14, ""], "H" => [93, ""], "I" => [138, ""], "J" => [75, ""], "K" => [91, ""], "L" => [108, ""], "M" => [103, ""], "N" => [114, ""], "O" => [14, ""], "P" => [93, ""], "Q" => [138, ""], "R" => [75, ""], "S" => [91, ""], "T" => [108, ""], "U" => [103, ""], "V" => [114, ""], "W" => [14, ""], "X" => [93, ""], "Y" => [138, ""], "Z" => [75, ""], "[" => [91, ""], "\\" => [108, ""], "]" => [103, ""], "^" => [114, ""], "_" => [14, ""], "`" => [93, ""], "a" => [138, ""], "b" => [75, ""], "c" => [91, ""], "d" => [108, ""], "e" => [103, ""], "f" => [114, ""], "g" => [14, ""], "h" => [93, ""], "i" => [138, ""], "j" => [75, ""], "k" => [91, ""], "l" => [108, ""], "m" => [103, ""], "n" => [114, ""], "o" => [14, ""], "p" => [93, ""], "q" => [138, ""], "r" => [75, ""], "s" => [91, ""], "t" => [108, ""], "u" => [103, ""], "v" => [114, ""], "w" => [14, ""], "x" => [94, ""], "y" => [76, ""], "z" => [104, ""], "{" => [16, ""], "|" => [94, ""], "}" => [76, ""], "~" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => 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"\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [93, ""], "a" => [138, ""], "b" => [75, ""], "c" => [91, ""], "d" => [108, ""], "e" => [103, ""], "f" => [114, ""], "g" => [14, ""], "h" => [93, ""], "i" => [138, ""], "j" => [75, ""], "k" => [91, ""], "l" => [108, ""], "m" => [103, ""], "n" => [114, ""], "o" => [14, ""], "p" => [93, ""], "q" => [138, ""], "r" => [75, ""], "s" => [91, ""], "t" => [108, ""], "u" => [103, ""], "v" => [114, ""], "w" => [14, ""], "x" => [93, ""], "y" => [138, ""], "z" => [75, ""], "{" => [91, ""], "|" => [108, ""], "}" => [103, ""], "~" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" 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""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [92, ""], "\21" => [95, ""], "\22" => [137, ""], "\23" => [142, ""], "\24" => [150, ""], "\25" => [74, ""], "\26" => [90, ""], "\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [93, "\t"], "Q" => [138, "\t"], "R" => [75, "\t"], "S" => [91, "\t"], "T" => [108, "\t"], "U" => [103, "\t"], "V" => [114, "\t"], "W" => [14, "\t"], "X" => [93, ""], "Y" => [138, ""], "Z" => [75, ""], "[" => [91, ""], "\\" => [108, ""], "]" => [103, ""], "^" => [114, ""], "_" => [14, ""], "`" => [93, ""], "a" => [138, ""], "b" => [75, ""], "c" => [91, ""], "d" => [108, ""], "e" => [103, ""], "f" => [114, ""], "g" => [14, ""], "h" => [93, ""], "i" => [138, ""], "j" => [75, ""], "k" => [91, ""], "l" => [108, ""], "m" => [103, ""], "n" => [114, ""], "o" => [14, ""], "p" => [93, ""], "q" => [138, ""], "r" => [75, ""], "s" => [91, ""], "t" => [108, ""], "u" => [103, ""], "v" => [114, ""], "w" => [14, ""], "x" => [93, ""], "y" => [138, ""], "z" => [75, ""], "{" => [91, ""], "|" => [108, ""], "}" => [103, ""], "~" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, 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[18, "\2n"], "V" => [77, "\2p"], "W" => [18, "\2p"], "X" => [77, "\2r"], "Y" => [18, "\2r"], "Z" => [77, "\2u"], "[" => [18, "\2u"], "\\" => [0, "\2:"], "]" => [0, "\2B"], "^" => [0, "\2C"], "_" => [0, "\2D"], "`" => [0, "\2E"], "a" => [0, "\2F"], "b" => [0, "\2G"], "c" => [0, "\2H"], "d" => [0, "\2I"], "e" => [0, "\2J"], "f" => [0, "\2K"], "g" => [0, "\2L"], "h" => [0, "\2M"], "i" => [0, "\2N"], "j" => [0, "\2O"], "k" => [0, "\2P"], "l" => [0, "\2Q"], "m" => [0, "\2R"], "n" => [0, "\2S"], "o" => [0, "\2T"], "p" => [0, "\2U"], "q" => [0, "\2V"], "r" => [0, "\2W"], "s" => [0, "\2Y"], "t" => [0, "\2j"], "u" => [0, "\2k"], "v" => [0, "\2q"], "w" => [0, "\2v"], "x" => [0, "\2w"], "y" => [0, "\2x"], "z" => [0, "\2y"], "{" => [0, "\2z"], "|" => [82, "\2"], "}" => [87, "\2"], "~" => [130, "\2"], "" => [9, "\2"], "" => [94, "\0030"], "" => [76, "\0030"], "" => [104, "\0030"], "" => [16, "\0030"], "" => [94, "\0031"], "" => [76, "\0031"], "" => [104, "\0031"], "" => [16, "\0031"], "" => [94, "\0032"], "" => [76, "\0032"], "" => [104, "\0032"], "" => [16, "\0032"], "" => [94, "\3a"], "" => [76, "\3a"], "" => [104, "\3a"], "" => [16, "\3a"], "" => [94, "\3c"], "" => [76, "\3c"], "" => [104, "\3c"], "" => [16, "\3c"], "" => [94, "\3e"], "" => [76, "\3e"], "" => [104, "\3e"], "" => [16, "\3e"], "" => [94, "\3i"], "" => [76, "\3i"], "" => [104, "\3i"], "" => [16, "\3i"], "" => [94, "\3o"], "" => [76, "\3o"], "" => [104, "\3o"], "" => [16, "\3o"], "" => [94, "\3s"], "" => [76, "\3s"], "" => [104, "\3s"], "" => [16, "\3s"], "" => [94, "\3t"], "" => [76, "\3t"], "" => [104, "\3t"], "" => [16, "\3t"], "" => [77, "\3 "], "" => [18, "\3 "], "" => [77, "\3%"], "" => [18, "\3%"], "" => [77, "\3-"], "" => [18, "\3-"], "" => [77, "\3."], "" => [18, "\3."], "" => [77, "\3/"], "" => [18, "\3/"], "" => [77, "\0033"], "" => [18, "\0033"], "" => [77, "\0034"], "" => [18, "\0034"], "" => [77, "\0035"], "" => [18, "\0035"], "" => [77, "\0036"], "" => [18, "\0036"], "" => [77, "\0037"], "" => [18, "\0037"], "" => [77, "\38"], "" => [18, "\38"], "" => [77, "\39"], "" => [18, "\39"], "" => [77, "\3="], "" => [18, "\3="], "" => [77, "\3A"], "" => [18, "\3A"], "" => [77, "\3_"], "" => [18, "\3_"], "" => [77, "\3b"], "" => [18, "\3b"], "" => [77, "\3d"], "" => [18, "\3d"], "" => [77, "\3f"], "" => [18, "\3f"], "" => [77, "\3g"], "" => [18, "\3g"], "" => [77, "\3h"], "" => [18, "\3h"], "" => [77, "\3l"], "" => [18, "\3l"], "" => [77, "\3m"], "" => [18, "\3m"], "" => [77, "\3n"], "" => [18, "\3n"], "" => [77, "\3p"], "" => [18, "\3p"], "" => [77, "\3r"], "" => [18, "\3r"], "" => [77, "\3u"], "" => [18, "\3u"], "" => [0, "\3:"], "" => [0, "\3B"], "" => [0, "\3C"], "" => [0, "\3D"], "" => [0, "\3E"], "" => [0, "\3F"], "" => [0, "\3G"], "" => [0, "\3H"], "" => [0, "\3I"], "" => [0, "\3J"], "" => [0, "\3K"], "" => [0, "\3L"], "" => [0, "\3M"], "" => [0, "\3N"], "" => [0, "\3O"], "" => [0, "\3P"], "" => [0, "\3Q"], "" => [0, "\3R"], "" => [0, "\3S"], "" => [0, "\3T"], "" => [0, "\3U"], 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[114, ""], "'" => [14, ""], "(" => [93, ""], ")" => [138, ""], "*" => [75, ""], "+" => [91, ""], "," => [108, ""], "-" => [103, ""], "." => [114, ""], "/" => [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], [75, ""], [91, ""], [108, ""], [103, ""], [114, ""], [14, ""], [93, ""], [138, ""], ":" => [75, ""], ";" => [91, ""], "<" => [108, ""], "=" => [103, ""], ">" => [114, ""], "?" => [14, ""], "@" => [93, ""], "A" => [138, ""], "B" => [75, ""], "C" => [91, ""], "D" => [108, ""], "E" => [103, ""], "F" => [114, ""], "G" => [14, ""], "H" => [93, ""], "I" => [138, ""], "J" => [75, ""], "K" => [91, ""], "L" => [108, ""], "M" => [103, ""], "N" => [114, ""], "O" => [14, ""], "P" => [93, ""], "Q" => [138, ""], "R" => [75, ""], "S" => [91, ""], "T" => [108, ""], "U" => [103, ""], "V" => [114, ""], "W" => [14, ""], "X" => [93, ""], "Y" => [138, ""], "Z" => [75, ""], "[" => [91, ""], "\\" => [108, ""], "]" => [103, ""], "^" => [114, ""], "_" => [14, ""], "`" => [93, ""], "a" => [138, ""], "b" => [75, ""], "c" => [91, ""], "d" => [108, ""], "e" => [103, ""], "f" => [114, ""], "g" => [14, ""], "h" => [93, ""], "i" => [138, ""], "j" => [75, ""], "k" => [91, ""], "l" => [108, ""], "m" => [103, ""], "n" => [114, ""], "o" => [14, ""], "p" => [93, ""], "q" => [138, ""], "r" => [75, ""], "s" => [91, ""], "t" => [108, ""], "u" => [103, ""], "v" => [114, ""], "w" => [14, ""], "x" => [93, ""], "y" => [138, ""], "z" => [75, ""], "{" => [91, ""], "|" => [108, ""], "}" => [103, ""], "~" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [94, "\t"], "" => [76, "\t"], "" => [104, "\t"], "" => [16, "\t"], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => 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[16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [77, "\0020"], "" => [18, "\0020"], "" => [77, "\0021"], "" => [18, "\0021"], "" => [77, "\0022"], "" => [18, "\0022"], "" => [77, "\2a"], "" => [18, "\2a"], "" => [77, "\2c"], "" => [18, "\2c"], "" => [77, "\2e"], "" => [18, "\2e"], "" => [77, "\2i"], "" => [18, "\2i"], "" => [77, "\2o"], "" => [18, "\2o"], "" => [77, "\2s"], "" => [18, "\2s"], "" => [77, "\2t"], "" => [18, "\2t"], "" => [0, "\2 "], "" => [0, "\2%"], "" => [0, "\2-"], "" => [0, "\2."], "" => [0, "\2/"], "" => [0, "\0023"], "" => [0, "\0024"], "" => [0, "\0025"], "" => [0, "\0026"], "" => [0, "\0027"], "" => [0, "\28"], "" => [0, "\29"], "" => [0, "\2="], "" => [0, "\2A"], "" => [0, "\2_"], "" => [0, "\2b"], "" => [0, "\2d"], "" => [0, "\2f"], "" => [0, "\2g"], "" => [0, "\2h"], "" => [0, "\2l"], "" => [0, "\2m"], "" => [0, "\2n"], "" => [0, "\2p"], "" => [0, "\2r"], "" => [0, "\2u"], "" => [100, "\2"], "" => [110, "\2"], "" => [111, "\2"], "" => [115, "\2"], "" => [116, "\2"], "" => [118, "\2"], "" => [119, "\2"], "" => [122, "\2"], "" => [123, "\2"], "" => [125, "\2"], "" => [126, "\2"], "" => [129, "\2"], "" => [143, "\2"], "" => [148, "\2"], "" => [151, "\2"], "" => [153, "\2"], "" => [83, "\2"], "" => [10, "\2"], "" => [77, "\0030"], "" => [18, "\0030"], "" => [77, "\0031"], "" => [18, "\0031"], "" => [77, "\0032"], "" => [18, "\0032"], "" => [77, "\3a"], "" => [18, "\3a"], "" => [77, "\3c"], "" => [18, "\3c"], "" => [77, "\3e"], "" => [18, "\3e"], "" => [77, "\3i"], "" => [18, "\3i"], "" => [77, "\3o"], "" => [18, "\3o"], "" => [77, "\3s"], "" => [18, "\3s"], "" => [77, "\3t"], "" => [18, "\3t"], "" => [0, "\3 "], "" => [0, "\3%"], "" => [0, "\3-"], "" => [0, "\3."], "" => [0, "\3/"], "" => [0, "\0033"], "" => [0, "\0034"], "" => [0, "\0035"], "" => [0, "\0036"], "" => [0, "\0037"], "" => [0, "\38"], "" => [0, "\39"], "" => [0, "\3="], "" => [0, "\3A"], "" => [0, "\3_"], "" => [0, "\3b"], "" => [0, "\3d"], "" => [0, "\3f"], "" => [0, "\3g"], "" => [0, "\3h"], "" => [0, "\3l"], "" => [0, "\3m"], "" => [0, "\3n"], "" => [0, "\3p"], "" => [0, "\3r"], "" => [0, "\3u"], "" => [100, "\3"], "" => [110, "\3"], "" => [111, "\3"], "" => [115, "\3"], "" => [116, "\3"], "" => [118, "\3"], "" => [119, "\3"], "" => [122, "\3"], "" => [123, "\3"], "" => [125, "\3"], "" => [126, "\3"], "" => [129, "\3"], "" => [143, "\3"], "" => [148, "\3"], "" => [151, "\3"], "" => [153, "\3"], "" => [83, "\3"], "" => [10, "\3"]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [0, "\0020"], "A" => [0, "\0021"], "B" => [0, "\0022"], "C" => [0, "\2a"], "D" => [0, "\2c"], "E" => [0, "\2e"], "F" => [0, "\2i"], "G" => [0, "\2o"], "H" => [0, "\2s"], "I" => [0, "\2t"], "J" => [73, "\2"], "K" => [88, "\2"], "L" => [89, "\2"], "M" => [96, "\2"], "N" => [97, "\2"], "O" => [99, "\2"], "P" => [106, "\2"], "Q" => [136, "\2"], "R" => [139, "\2"], "S" => [141, "\2"], "T" => [145, "\2"], "U" => [147, "\2"], "V" => [149, "\2"], "W" => [101, "\2"], "X" => [112, "\2"], "Y" => [117, "\2"], "Z" => [120, "\2"], "[" => [124, "\2"], "\\" => [127, "\2"], "]" => [144, "\2"], "^" => [152, "\2"], "_" => [11, "\2"], "`" => [0, "\0030"], "a" => [0, "\0031"], "b" => [0, "\0032"], "c" => [0, "\3a"], "d" => [0, "\3c"], "e" => [0, "\3e"], "f" => [0, "\3i"], "g" => [0, "\3o"], "h" => [0, "\3s"], "i" => [0, "\3t"], "j" => [73, "\3"], "k" => [88, "\3"], "l" => [89, "\3"], "m" => [96, "\3"], "n" => [97, "\3"], "o" => [99, "\3"], "p" => [106, "\3"], "q" => [136, "\3"], "r" => [139, "\3"], "s" => [141, "\3"], "t" => [145, "\3"], "u" => [147, "\3"], "v" => [149, "\3"], "w" => [101, "\3"], "x" => [112, "\3"], "y" => [117, "\3"], "z" => [120, "\3"], "{" => [124, "\3"], "|" => [127, "\3"], "}" => [144, "\3"], "~" => [152, "\3"], "" => [11, "\3"], "" => [0, "\0040"], "" => [0, "\0041"], "" => [0, "\0042"], "" => [0, "\4a"], "" => [0, "\4c"], "" => [0, "\4e"], "" => [0, "\4i"], "" => [0, "\4o"], "" => [0, "\4s"], "" => [0, "\4t"], "" => [73, "\4"], "" => [88, "\4"], "" => [89, "\4"], "" => [96, "\4"], "" => [97, "\4"], "" => [99, "\4"], "" => [106, "\4"], "" => [136, "\4"], "" => [139, "\4"], "" => [141, "\4"], "" => [145, "\4"], "" => [147, "\4"], "" => [149, "\4"], "" => [101, "\4"], "" => [112, "\4"], "" => [117, "\4"], "" => [120, "\4"], "" => [124, "\4"], "" => [127, "\4"], "" => [144, "\4"], "" => [152, "\4"], "" => [11, "\4"], "" => [0, "\0050"], "" => [0, "\0051"], "" => [0, "\0052"], "" => [0, "\5a"], "" => [0, "\5c"], "" => [0, "\5e"], "" => [0, "\5i"], "" => [0, "\5o"], "" => [0, "\5s"], "" => [0, "\5t"], "" => [73, "\5"], "" => [88, "\5"], "" => [89, "\5"], "" => [96, "\5"], "" => [97, "\5"], "" => [99, "\5"], "" => [106, "\5"], "" => [136, "\5"], "" => [139, "\5"], "" => [141, "\5"], "" => [145, "\5"], "" => [147, "\5"], "" => [149, "\5"], "" => [101, "\5"], "" => [112, "\5"], "" => [117, "\5"], "" => [120, "\5"], "" => [124, "\5"], "" => [127, "\5"], "" => [144, "\5"], "" => [152, "\5"], "" => [11, "\5"], "" => [0, "\0060"], "" => [0, "\0061"], "" => [0, "\0062"], "" => [0, "\6a"], "" => [0, "\6c"], "" => [0, "\6e"], "" => [0, "\6i"], "" => [0, "\6o"], "" => [0, "\6s"], "" => [0, "\6t"], "" => [73, "\6"], "" => [88, "\6"], "" => [89, "\6"], "" => [96, "\6"], "" => [97, "\6"], "" => [99, "\6"], "" => [106, "\6"], "" => [136, "\6"], "" => [139, "\6"], "" => [141, "\6"], "" => [145, "\6"], "" => [147, "\6"], "" => [149, "\6"], "" => [101, "\6"], "" => [112, "\6"], "" => [117, "\6"], "" => [120, "\6"], "" => [124, "\6"], "" => [127, "\6"], "" => [144, "\6"], "" => [152, "\6"], "" => [11, "\6"], "" => [0, "\0070"], "" => [0, "\0071"], "" => [0, "\0072"], "" => [0, "\7a"], "" => [0, "\7c"], "" => [0, "\7e"], "" => [0, "\7i"], "" => [0, "\7o"], "" => [0, "\7s"], "" => [0, "\7t"], "" => [73, "\7"], "" => [88, "\7"], "" => [89, "\7"], "" => [96, "\7"], "" => [97, "\7"], "" => [99, "\7"], "" => [106, "\7"], "" => [136, "\7"], "" => [139, "\7"], "" => [141, "\7"], "" => [145, "\7"], "" => [147, "\7"], "" => [149, "\7"], "" => [101, "\7"], "" => [112, "\7"], "" => [117, "\7"], "" => [120, "\7"], "" => [124, "\7"], "" => [127, "\7"], "" => [144, "\7"], "" => [152, "\7"], "" => [11, "\7"]], ["\0" => [94, "\0040"], "\1" => [76, "\0040"], "\2" => [104, "\0040"], "\3" => [16, "\0040"], "\4" => [94, "\0041"], "\5" => [76, "\0041"], "\6" => [104, "\0041"], "\7" => [16, "\0041"], "\10" => [94, "\0042"], "\t" => [76, "\0042"], "\n" => [104, "\0042"], "\v" => [16, "\0042"], "\f" => [94, "\4a"], "\r" => [76, "\4a"], "\16" => [104, "\4a"], "\17" => [16, "\4a"], "\20" => [94, "\4c"], "\21" => [76, "\4c"], "\22" => [104, "\4c"], "\23" => [16, "\4c"], "\24" => [94, "\4e"], "\25" => [76, "\4e"], "\26" => [104, "\4e"], "\27" => [16, "\4e"], "\30" => [94, "\4i"], "\31" => [76, "\4i"], "\32" => [104, "\4i"], "\33" => [16, "\4i"], "\34" => [94, "\4o"], "\35" => [76, "\4o"], "\36" => [104, "\4o"], "\37" => [16, "\4o"], " " => [94, "\4s"], "!" => [76, "\4s"], "\"" => [104, "\4s"], "#" => [16, "\4s"], "\$" => [94, "\4t"], "%" => [76, "\4t"], "&" => [104, "\4t"], "'" => [16, "\4t"], "(" => [77, "\4 "], ")" => [18, "\4 "], "*" => [77, "\4%"], "+" => [18, "\4%"], "," => [77, "\4-"], "-" => [18, "\4-"], "." => [77, "\4."], "/" => [18, "\4."], [77, "\4/"], [18, "\4/"], [77, "\0043"], [18, "\0043"], [77, "\0044"], [18, "\0044"], [77, "\0045"], [18, "\0045"], [77, "\0046"], [18, "\0046"], ":" => [77, "\0047"], ";" => [18, "\0047"], "<" => [77, "\48"], "=" => [18, "\48"], ">" => [77, "\49"], "?" => [18, "\49"], "@" => [77, "\4="], "A" => [18, "\4="], "B" => [77, "\4A"], "C" => [18, "\4A"], "D" => [77, "\4_"], "E" => [18, "\4_"], "F" => [77, "\4b"], "G" => [18, "\4b"], "H" => [77, "\4d"], "I" => [18, "\4d"], "J" => [77, "\4f"], "K" => [18, "\4f"], "L" => [77, "\4g"], "M" => [18, "\4g"], "N" => [77, "\4h"], "O" => [18, "\4h"], "P" => [77, "\4l"], "Q" => [18, "\4l"], "R" => [77, "\4m"], "S" => [18, "\4m"], "T" => [77, "\4n"], "U" => [18, "\4n"], "V" => [77, "\4p"], "W" => [18, "\4p"], "X" => [77, "\4r"], "Y" => [18, "\4r"], "Z" => [77, "\4u"], "[" => [18, "\4u"], "\\" => [0, "\4:"], "]" => [0, "\4B"], "^" => [0, "\4C"], "_" => [0, "\4D"], "`" => [0, "\4E"], "a" => [0, "\4F"], "b" => [0, "\4G"], "c" => [0, "\4H"], "d" => [0, "\4I"], "e" => [0, "\4J"], "f" => [0, "\4K"], "g" => [0, "\4L"], "h" => [0, "\4M"], "i" => [0, "\4N"], "j" => [0, "\4O"], "k" => [0, "\4P"], "l" => [0, "\4Q"], "m" => [0, "\4R"], "n" => [0, "\4S"], "o" => [0, "\4T"], "p" => [0, "\4U"], "q" => [0, "\4V"], "r" => [0, "\4W"], "s" => [0, "\4Y"], "t" => [0, "\4j"], "u" => [0, "\4k"], "v" => [0, "\4q"], "w" => [0, "\4v"], "x" => [0, "\4w"], "y" => [0, "\4x"], "z" => [0, "\4y"], "{" => [0, "\4z"], "|" => [82, "\4"], "}" => [87, "\4"], "~" => [130, "\4"], "" => [9, "\4"], "" => [94, "\0050"], "" => [76, "\0050"], "" => [104, "\0050"], "" => [16, "\0050"], "" => [94, "\0051"], "" => [76, "\0051"], "" => [104, "\0051"], "" => [16, "\0051"], "" => [94, "\0052"], "" => [76, "\0052"], "" => [104, "\0052"], "" => [16, "\0052"], "" => [94, "\5a"], "" => [76, "\5a"], "" => [104, "\5a"], "" => [16, "\5a"], "" => [94, "\5c"], "" => [76, "\5c"], "" => [104, "\5c"], "" => [16, "\5c"], "" => [94, "\5e"], "" => [76, "\5e"], "" => [104, "\5e"], "" => [16, "\5e"], "" => [94, "\5i"], "" => [76, "\5i"], "" => [104, "\5i"], "" => [16, "\5i"], "" => [94, "\5o"], "" => [76, "\5o"], "" => [104, "\5o"], "" => [16, "\5o"], "" => [94, "\5s"], "" => [76, "\5s"], "" => [104, "\5s"], "" => [16, "\5s"], "" => [94, "\5t"], "" => [76, "\5t"], "" => [104, "\5t"], "" => [16, "\5t"], "" => [77, "\5 "], "" => [18, "\5 "], "" => [77, "\5%"], "" => [18, "\5%"], "" => [77, "\5-"], "" => [18, "\5-"], "" => [77, "\5."], "" => [18, "\5."], "" => [77, "\5/"], "" => [18, "\5/"], "" => [77, "\0053"], "" => [18, "\0053"], "" => [77, "\0054"], "" => [18, "\0054"], "" => [77, "\0055"], "" => [18, "\0055"], "" => [77, "\0056"], "" => [18, "\0056"], "" => [77, "\0057"], "" => [18, "\0057"], "" => [77, "\58"], "" => [18, "\58"], "" => [77, "\59"], "" => [18, "\59"], "" => [77, "\5="], "" => [18, "\5="], "" => [77, "\5A"], "" => [18, "\5A"], "" => [77, "\5_"], "" => [18, "\5_"], "" => [77, "\5b"], "" => [18, "\5b"], "" => [77, "\5d"], "" => [18, "\5d"], "" => [77, "\5f"], "" => [18, "\5f"], "" => [77, "\5g"], "" => [18, "\5g"], "" => [77, "\5h"], "" => [18, "\5h"], "" => [77, "\5l"], "" => [18, "\5l"], "" => [77, "\5m"], "" => [18, "\5m"], "" => [77, "\5n"], "" => [18, "\5n"], "" => [77, "\5p"], "" => [18, "\5p"], "" => [77, "\5r"], "" => [18, "\5r"], "" => [77, "\5u"], "" => [18, "\5u"], "" => [0, "\5:"], "" => [0, "\5B"], "" => [0, "\5C"], "" => [0, "\5D"], "" => [0, "\5E"], "" => [0, "\5F"], "" => [0, "\5G"], "" => [0, "\5H"], "" => [0, "\5I"], "" => [0, "\5J"], "" => [0, "\5K"], "" => [0, "\5L"], "" => [0, "\5M"], "" => [0, "\5N"], "" => [0, "\5O"], "" => [0, "\5P"], "" => [0, "\5Q"], "" => [0, "\5R"], "" => [0, "\5S"], "" => [0, "\5T"], "" => [0, "\5U"], "" => [0, "\5V"], "" => [0, "\5W"], "" => [0, "\5Y"], "" => [0, "\5j"], "" => [0, "\5k"], "" => [0, "\5q"], "" => [0, "\5v"], "" => [0, "\5w"], "" => [0, "\5x"], "" => [0, "\5y"], "" => [0, "\5z"], "" => [82, "\5"], "" => [87, "\5"], "" => [130, "\5"], "" => [9, "\5"]], ["\0" => [77, "\0040"], "\1" => [18, "\0040"], "\2" => [77, "\0041"], "\3" => [18, "\0041"], "\4" => [77, "\0042"], "\5" => [18, "\0042"], "\6" => [77, "\4a"], "\7" => [18, "\4a"], "\10" => [77, "\4c"], "\t" => [18, "\4c"], "\n" => [77, "\4e"], "\v" => [18, "\4e"], "\f" => [77, "\4i"], "\r" => [18, "\4i"], "\16" => [77, "\4o"], "\17" => [18, "\4o"], "\20" => [77, "\4s"], "\21" => [18, "\4s"], "\22" => [77, "\4t"], "\23" => [18, "\4t"], "\24" => [0, "\4 "], "\25" => [0, "\4%"], "\26" => [0, "\4-"], "\27" => [0, "\4."], "\30" => [0, "\4/"], "\31" => [0, "\0043"], "\32" => [0, "\0044"], "\33" => [0, "\0045"], "\34" => [0, "\0046"], "\35" => [0, "\0047"], "\36" => [0, "\48"], "\37" => [0, "\49"], " " => [0, "\4="], "!" => [0, "\4A"], "\"" => [0, "\4_"], "#" => [0, "\4b"], "\$" => [0, "\4d"], "%" => [0, "\4f"], "&" => [0, "\4g"], "'" => [0, "\4h"], "(" => [0, "\4l"], ")" => [0, "\4m"], "*" => [0, "\4n"], "+" => [0, "\4p"], "," => [0, "\4r"], "-" => [0, "\4u"], "." => [100, "\4"], "/" => [110, "\4"], [111, "\4"], [115, "\4"], [116, "\4"], [118, "\4"], [119, "\4"], [122, "\4"], [123, "\4"], [125, "\4"], [126, "\4"], [129, "\4"], ":" => [143, "\4"], ";" => [148, "\4"], "<" => [151, "\4"], "=" => [153, "\4"], ">" => [83, "\4"], "?" => [10, "\4"], "@" => [77, "\0050"], "A" => [18, "\0050"], "B" => [77, "\0051"], "C" => [18, "\0051"], "D" => [77, "\0052"], "E" => [18, "\0052"], "F" => [77, "\5a"], "G" => [18, "\5a"], "H" => [77, "\5c"], "I" => [18, "\5c"], "J" => [77, "\5e"], "K" => [18, "\5e"], "L" => [77, "\5i"], "M" => [18, "\5i"], "N" => [77, "\5o"], "O" => [18, "\5o"], "P" => [77, "\5s"], "Q" => [18, "\5s"], "R" => [77, "\5t"], "S" => [18, "\5t"], "T" => [0, "\5 "], "U" => [0, "\5%"], "V" => [0, "\5-"], "W" => [0, "\5."], "X" => [0, "\5/"], "Y" => [0, "\0053"], "Z" => [0, "\0054"], "[" => [0, "\0055"], "\\" => [0, "\0056"], "]" => [0, "\0057"], "^" => [0, "\58"], "_" => [0, "\59"], "`" => [0, "\5="], "a" => [0, "\5A"], "b" => [0, "\5_"], "c" => [0, "\5b"], "d" => [0, "\5d"], "e" => [0, "\5f"], "f" => [0, "\5g"], "g" => [0, "\5h"], "h" => [0, "\5l"], "i" => [0, "\5m"], "j" => [0, "\5n"], "k" => [0, "\5p"], "l" => [0, "\5r"], "m" => [0, "\5u"], "n" => [100, "\5"], "o" => [110, "\5"], "p" => [111, "\5"], "q" => [115, "\5"], "r" => [116, "\5"], "s" => [118, "\5"], "t" => [119, "\5"], "u" => [122, "\5"], "v" => [123, "\5"], "w" => [125, "\5"], "x" => [126, "\5"], "y" => [129, "\5"], "z" => [143, "\5"], "{" => [148, "\5"], "|" => [151, "\5"], "}" => [153, "\5"], "~" => [83, "\5"], "" => [10, "\5"], "" => [77, "\0060"], "" => [18, "\0060"], "" => [77, "\0061"], "" => [18, "\0061"], "" => [77, "\0062"], "" => [18, "\0062"], "" => [77, "\6a"], "" => [18, "\6a"], "" => [77, "\6c"], "" => [18, "\6c"], "" => [77, "\6e"], "" => [18, "\6e"], "" => [77, "\6i"], "" => [18, "\6i"], "" => [77, "\6o"], "" => [18, "\6o"], "" => [77, "\6s"], "" => [18, "\6s"], "" => [77, "\6t"], "" => [18, "\6t"], "" => [0, "\6 "], "" => [0, "\6%"], "" => [0, "\6-"], "" => [0, "\6."], "" => [0, "\6/"], "" => [0, "\0063"], "" => [0, "\0064"], "" => [0, "\0065"], "" => [0, "\0066"], "" => [0, "\0067"], "" => [0, "\68"], "" => [0, "\69"], "" => [0, "\6="], "" => [0, "\6A"], "" => [0, "\6_"], "" => [0, "\6b"], "" => [0, "\6d"], "" => [0, "\6f"], "" => [0, "\6g"], "" => [0, "\6h"], "" => [0, "\6l"], "" => [0, "\6m"], "" => [0, "\6n"], "" => [0, "\6p"], "" => [0, "\6r"], "" => [0, "\6u"], "" => [100, "\6"], "" => [110, "\6"], "" => [111, "\6"], "" => [115, "\6"], "" => [116, "\6"], "" => [118, "\6"], "" => [119, "\6"], "" => [122, "\6"], "" => [123, "\6"], "" => [125, "\6"], "" => [126, "\6"], "" => [129, "\6"], "" => [143, "\6"], "" => [148, "\6"], "" => [151, "\6"], "" => [153, "\6"], "" => [83, "\6"], "" => [10, "\6"], "" => [77, "\0070"], "" => [18, "\0070"], "" => [77, "\0071"], "" => [18, "\0071"], "" => [77, "\0072"], "" => [18, "\0072"], "" => [77, "\7a"], "" => [18, "\7a"], "" => [77, "\7c"], "" => [18, "\7c"], "" => [77, "\7e"], "" => [18, "\7e"], "" => [77, "\7i"], "" => [18, "\7i"], "" => [77, "\7o"], "" => [18, "\7o"], "" => [77, "\7s"], "" => [18, "\7s"], "" => [77, "\7t"], "" => [18, "\7t"], "" => [0, "\7 "], "" => [0, "\7%"], "" => [0, "\7-"], "" => [0, "\7."], "" => [0, "\7/"], "" => [0, "\0073"], "" => [0, "\0074"], "" => [0, "\0075"], "" => [0, "\0076"], "" => [0, "\0077"], "" => [0, "\78"], "" => [0, "\79"], "" => [0, "\7="], "" => [0, "\7A"], "" => [0, "\7_"], "" => [0, "\7b"], "" => [0, "\7d"], "" => [0, "\7f"], "" => [0, "\7g"], "" => [0, "\7h"], "" => [0, "\7l"], "" => [0, "\7m"], "" => [0, "\7n"], "" => [0, "\7p"], "" => [0, "\7r"], "" => [0, "\7u"], "" => [100, "\7"], "" => [110, "\7"], "" => [111, "\7"], "" => [115, "\7"], "" => [116, "\7"], "" => [118, "\7"], "" => [119, "\7"], "" => [122, "\7"], "" => [123, "\7"], "" => [125, "\7"], "" => [126, "\7"], "" => [129, "\7"], "" => [143, "\7"], "" => [148, "\7"], "" => [151, "\7"], "" => [153, "\7"], "" => [83, "\7"], "" => [10, "\7"]], ["\0" => [94, "\0060"], "\1" => [76, "\0060"], "\2" => [104, "\0060"], "\3" => [16, "\0060"], "\4" => [94, "\0061"], "\5" => [76, "\0061"], "\6" => [104, "\0061"], "\7" => [16, "\0061"], "\10" => [94, "\0062"], "\t" => [76, "\0062"], "\n" => [104, "\0062"], "\v" => [16, "\0062"], "\f" => [94, "\6a"], "\r" => [76, "\6a"], "\16" => [104, "\6a"], "\17" => [16, "\6a"], "\20" => [94, "\6c"], "\21" => [76, "\6c"], "\22" => [104, "\6c"], "\23" => [16, "\6c"], "\24" => [94, "\6e"], "\25" => [76, "\6e"], "\26" => [104, "\6e"], "\27" => [16, "\6e"], "\30" => [94, "\6i"], "\31" => [76, "\6i"], "\32" => [104, "\6i"], "\33" => [16, "\6i"], "\34" => [94, "\6o"], "\35" => [76, "\6o"], "\36" => [104, "\6o"], "\37" => [16, "\6o"], " " => [94, "\6s"], "!" => [76, "\6s"], "\"" => [104, "\6s"], "#" => [16, "\6s"], "\$" => [94, "\6t"], "%" => [76, "\6t"], "&" => [104, "\6t"], "'" => [16, "\6t"], "(" => [77, "\6 "], ")" => [18, "\6 "], "*" => [77, "\6%"], "+" => [18, "\6%"], "," => [77, "\6-"], "-" => [18, "\6-"], "." => [77, "\6."], "/" => [18, "\6."], [77, "\6/"], [18, "\6/"], [77, "\0063"], [18, "\0063"], [77, "\0064"], [18, "\0064"], [77, "\0065"], [18, "\0065"], [77, "\0066"], [18, "\0066"], ":" => [77, "\0067"], ";" => [18, "\0067"], "<" => [77, "\68"], "=" => [18, "\68"], ">" => [77, "\69"], "?" => [18, "\69"], "@" => [77, "\6="], "A" => [18, "\6="], "B" => [77, "\6A"], "C" => [18, "\6A"], "D" => [77, "\6_"], "E" => [18, "\6_"], "F" => [77, "\6b"], "G" => [18, "\6b"], "H" => [77, "\6d"], "I" => [18, "\6d"], "J" => [77, "\6f"], "K" => [18, "\6f"], "L" => [77, "\6g"], "M" => [18, "\6g"], "N" => [77, "\6h"], "O" => [18, "\6h"], "P" => [77, "\6l"], "Q" => [18, "\6l"], "R" => [77, "\6m"], "S" => [18, "\6m"], "T" => [77, "\6n"], "U" => [18, "\6n"], "V" => [77, "\6p"], "W" => [18, "\6p"], "X" => [77, "\6r"], "Y" => [18, "\6r"], "Z" => [77, "\6u"], "[" => [18, "\6u"], "\\" => [0, "\6:"], "]" => [0, "\6B"], "^" => [0, "\6C"], "_" => [0, "\6D"], "`" => [0, "\6E"], "a" => [0, "\6F"], "b" => [0, "\6G"], "c" => [0, "\6H"], "d" => [0, "\6I"], "e" => [0, "\6J"], "f" => [0, "\6K"], "g" => [0, "\6L"], "h" => [0, "\6M"], "i" => [0, "\6N"], "j" => [0, "\6O"], "k" => [0, "\6P"], "l" => [0, "\6Q"], "m" => [0, "\6R"], "n" => [0, "\6S"], "o" => [0, "\6T"], "p" => [0, "\6U"], "q" => [0, "\6V"], "r" => [0, "\6W"], "s" => [0, "\6Y"], "t" => [0, "\6j"], "u" => [0, "\6k"], "v" => [0, "\6q"], "w" => [0, "\6v"], "x" => [0, "\6w"], "y" => [0, "\6x"], "z" => [0, "\6y"], "{" => [0, "\6z"], "|" => [82, "\6"], "}" => [87, "\6"], "~" => [130, "\6"], "" => [9, "\6"], "" => [94, "\0070"], "" => [76, "\0070"], "" => [104, "\0070"], "" => [16, "\0070"], "" => [94, "\0071"], "" => [76, "\0071"], "" => [104, "\0071"], "" => [16, "\0071"], "" => [94, "\0072"], "" => [76, "\0072"], "" => [104, "\0072"], "" => [16, "\0072"], "" => [94, "\7a"], "" => [76, "\7a"], "" => [104, "\7a"], "" => [16, "\7a"], "" => [94, "\7c"], "" => [76, "\7c"], "" => [104, "\7c"], "" => [16, "\7c"], "" => [94, "\7e"], "" => [76, "\7e"], "" => [104, "\7e"], "" => [16, "\7e"], "" => [94, "\7i"], "" => [76, "\7i"], "" => [104, "\7i"], "" => [16, "\7i"], "" => [94, "\7o"], "" => [76, "\7o"], "" => [104, "\7o"], "" => [16, "\7o"], "" => [94, "\7s"], "" => [76, "\7s"], "" => [104, "\7s"], "" => [16, "\7s"], "" => [94, "\7t"], "" => [76, "\7t"], "" => [104, "\7t"], "" => [16, "\7t"], "" => [77, "\7 "], "" => [18, "\7 "], "" => [77, "\7%"], "" => [18, "\7%"], "" => [77, "\7-"], "" => [18, "\7-"], "" => [77, "\7."], "" => [18, "\7."], "" => [77, "\7/"], "" => [18, "\7/"], "" => [77, "\0073"], "" => [18, "\0073"], "" => [77, "\0074"], "" => [18, "\0074"], "" => [77, "\0075"], "" => [18, "\0075"], "" => [77, "\0076"], "" => [18, "\0076"], "" => [77, "\0077"], "" => [18, "\0077"], "" => [77, "\78"], "" => [18, "\78"], "" => [77, "\79"], "" => [18, "\79"], "" => [77, "\7="], "" => [18, "\7="], "" => [77, "\7A"], "" => [18, "\7A"], "" => [77, "\7_"], "" => [18, "\7_"], "" => [77, 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"" => [87, "\7"], "" => [130, "\7"], "" => [9, "\7"]], ["\0" => [94, "\0100"], "\1" => [76, "\0100"], "\2" => [104, "\0100"], "\3" => [16, "\0100"], "\4" => [94, "\0101"], "\5" => [76, "\0101"], "\6" => [104, "\0101"], "\7" => [16, "\0101"], "\10" => [94, "\0102"], "\t" => [76, "\0102"], "\n" => [104, "\0102"], "\v" => [16, "\0102"], "\f" => [94, "\10a"], "\r" => [76, "\10a"], "\16" => [104, "\10a"], "\17" => [16, "\10a"], "\20" => [94, "\10c"], "\21" => [76, "\10c"], "\22" => [104, "\10c"], "\23" => [16, "\10c"], "\24" => [94, "\10e"], "\25" => [76, "\10e"], "\26" => [104, "\10e"], "\27" => [16, "\10e"], "\30" => [94, "\10i"], "\31" => [76, "\10i"], "\32" => [104, "\10i"], "\33" => [16, "\10i"], "\34" => [94, "\10o"], "\35" => [76, "\10o"], "\36" => [104, "\10o"], "\37" => [16, "\10o"], " " => [94, "\10s"], "!" => [76, "\10s"], "\"" => [104, "\10s"], "#" => [16, "\10s"], "\$" => [94, "\10t"], "%" => [76, "\10t"], "&" => [104, "\10t"], "'" => [16, "\10t"], "(" => [77, "\10 "], ")" => [18, "\10 "], "*" => [77, "\10%"], "+" => [18, "\10%"], "," => [77, "\10-"], "-" => [18, "\10-"], "." => [77, "\10."], "/" => [18, "\10."], [77, "\10/"], [18, "\10/"], [77, "\0103"], [18, "\0103"], [77, "\0104"], [18, "\0104"], [77, "\0105"], [18, "\0105"], [77, "\0106"], [18, "\0106"], ":" => [77, "\0107"], ";" => [18, "\0107"], "<" => [77, "\108"], "=" => [18, "\108"], ">" => [77, "\109"], "?" => [18, "\109"], "@" => [77, "\10="], "A" => [18, "\10="], "B" => [77, "\10A"], "C" => [18, "\10A"], "D" => [77, "\10_"], "E" => [18, "\10_"], "F" => [77, "\10b"], "G" => [18, "\10b"], "H" => [77, "\10d"], "I" => [18, "\10d"], "J" => [77, "\10f"], "K" => [18, "\10f"], "L" => [77, "\10g"], "M" => [18, "\10g"], "N" => [77, "\10h"], "O" => [18, "\10h"], "P" => [77, "\10l"], "Q" => [18, "\10l"], "R" => [77, "\10m"], "S" => [18, "\10m"], "T" => [77, "\10n"], "U" => [18, "\10n"], "V" => [77, "\10p"], "W" => [18, "\10p"], "X" => [77, "\10r"], "Y" => [18, "\10r"], "Z" => [77, "\10u"], "[" => [18, "\10u"], "\\" => [0, "\10:"], "]" => [0, "\10B"], "^" => [0, "\10C"], "_" => [0, "\10D"], "`" => [0, "\10E"], "a" => [0, "\10F"], "b" => [0, "\10G"], "c" => [0, "\10H"], "d" => [0, "\10I"], "e" => [0, "\10J"], "f" => [0, "\10K"], "g" => [0, "\10L"], "h" => [0, "\10M"], "i" => [0, "\10N"], "j" => [0, "\10O"], "k" => [0, "\10P"], "l" => [0, "\10Q"], "m" => [0, "\10R"], "n" => [0, "\10S"], "o" => [0, "\10T"], "p" => [0, "\10U"], "q" => [0, "\10V"], "r" => [0, "\10W"], "s" => [0, "\10Y"], "t" => [0, "\10j"], "u" => [0, "\10k"], "v" => [0, "\10q"], "w" => [0, "\10v"], "x" => [0, "\10w"], "y" => [0, "\10x"], "z" => [0, "\10y"], "{" => [0, "\10z"], "|" => [82, "\10"], "}" => [87, "\10"], "~" => [130, "\10"], "" => [9, "\10"], "" => [94, "\v0"], "" => [76, "\v0"], "" => [104, "\v0"], "" => [16, "\v0"], "" => [94, "\v1"], "" => [76, "\v1"], "" => [104, "\v1"], "" => [16, "\v1"], "" => [94, "\v2"], "" => [76, "\v2"], "" => [104, "\v2"], "" => [16, "\v2"], "" => [94, "\va"], "" => [76, "\va"], "" => [104, "\va"], "" => [16, "\va"], "" => [94, "\vc"], "" => [76, "\vc"], "" => [104, "\vc"], "" => [16, "\vc"], "" => [94, "\ve"], "" => [76, "\ve"], "" => [104, "\ve"], "" => [16, "\ve"], "" => [94, "\vi"], "" => [76, "\vi"], "" => [104, "\vi"], "" => [16, "\vi"], "" => [94, "\vo"], "" => [76, "\vo"], "" => [104, "\vo"], "" => [16, "\vo"], "" => [94, "\vs"], "" => [76, "\vs"], "" => [104, "\vs"], "" => [16, "\vs"], "" => [94, "\vt"], "" => [76, "\vt"], "" => [104, "\vt"], "" => [16, "\vt"], "" => [77, "\v "], "" => [18, "\v "], "" => [77, "\v%"], "" => [18, "\v%"], "" => [77, "\v-"], "" => [18, "\v-"], "" => [77, "\v."], "" => [18, "\v."], "" => [77, "\v/"], "" => [18, "\v/"], "" => [77, "\v3"], "" => [18, "\v3"], "" => [77, "\v4"], "" => [18, "\v4"], "" => [77, "\v5"], "" => [18, "\v5"], "" => [77, "\v6"], "" => [18, "\v6"], "" => [77, "\v7"], "" => [18, "\v7"], "" => [77, "\v8"], "" => [18, "\v8"], "" => [77, "\v9"], "" => [18, "\v9"], "" => [77, "\v="], "" => [18, "\v="], "" => 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[0, "\vw"], "" => [0, "\vx"], "" => [0, "\vy"], "" => [0, "\vz"], "" => [82, "\v"], "" => [87, "\v"], "" => [130, "\v"], "" => [9, "\v"]], ["\0" => [77, "\0100"], "\1" => [18, "\0100"], "\2" => [77, "\0101"], "\3" => [18, "\0101"], "\4" => [77, "\0102"], "\5" => [18, "\0102"], "\6" => [77, "\10a"], "\7" => [18, "\10a"], "\10" => [77, "\10c"], "\t" => [18, "\10c"], "\n" => [77, "\10e"], "\v" => [18, "\10e"], "\f" => [77, "\10i"], "\r" => [18, "\10i"], "\16" => [77, "\10o"], "\17" => [18, "\10o"], "\20" => [77, "\10s"], "\21" => [18, "\10s"], "\22" => [77, "\10t"], "\23" => [18, "\10t"], "\24" => [0, "\10 "], "\25" => [0, "\10%"], "\26" => [0, "\10-"], "\27" => [0, "\10."], "\30" => [0, "\10/"], "\31" => [0, "\0103"], "\32" => [0, "\0104"], "\33" => [0, "\0105"], "\34" => [0, "\0106"], "\35" => [0, "\0107"], "\36" => [0, "\108"], "\37" => [0, "\109"], " " => [0, "\10="], "!" => [0, "\10A"], "\"" => [0, "\10_"], "#" => [0, "\10b"], "\$" => [0, "\10d"], "%" => [0, "\10f"], "&" => [0, "\10g"], "'" => [0, "\10h"], "(" => [0, "\10l"], ")" => [0, "\10m"], "*" => [0, "\10n"], "+" => [0, "\10p"], "," => [0, "\10r"], "-" => [0, "\10u"], "." => [100, "\10"], "/" => [110, "\10"], [111, "\10"], [115, "\10"], [116, "\10"], [118, "\10"], [119, "\10"], [122, "\10"], [123, "\10"], [125, "\10"], [126, "\10"], [129, "\10"], ":" => [143, "\10"], ";" => [148, "\10"], "<" => [151, "\10"], "=" => [153, "\10"], ">" => [83, "\10"], "?" => [10, "\10"], "@" => [77, "\v0"], "A" => [18, "\v0"], "B" => [77, "\v1"], "C" => [18, "\v1"], "D" => [77, "\v2"], "E" => [18, "\v2"], "F" => [77, "\va"], "G" => [18, "\va"], "H" => [77, "\vc"], "I" => [18, "\vc"], "J" => [77, "\ve"], "K" => [18, "\ve"], "L" => [77, "\vi"], "M" => [18, "\vi"], "N" => [77, "\vo"], "O" => [18, "\vo"], "P" => [77, "\vs"], "Q" => [18, "\vs"], "R" => [77, "\vt"], "S" => [18, "\vt"], "T" => [0, "\v "], "U" => [0, "\v%"], "V" => [0, "\v-"], "W" => [0, "\v."], "X" => [0, "\v/"], "Y" => [0, "\v3"], "Z" => [0, "\v4"], "[" => [0, "\v5"], "\\" => [0, "\v6"], "]" => [0, "\v7"], "^" => [0, "\v8"], "_" => [0, "\v9"], "`" => [0, "\v="], "a" => [0, "\vA"], "b" => [0, "\v_"], "c" => [0, "\vb"], "d" => [0, "\vd"], "e" => [0, "\vf"], "f" => [0, "\vg"], "g" => [0, "\vh"], "h" => [0, "\vl"], "i" => [0, "\vm"], "j" => [0, "\vn"], "k" => [0, "\vp"], "l" => [0, "\vr"], "m" => [0, "\vu"], "n" => [100, "\v"], "o" => [110, "\v"], "p" => [111, "\v"], "q" => [115, "\v"], "r" => [116, "\v"], "s" => [118, "\v"], "t" => [119, "\v"], "u" => [122, "\v"], "v" => [123, "\v"], "w" => [125, "\v"], "x" => [126, "\v"], "y" => [129, "\v"], "z" => [143, "\v"], "{" => [148, "\v"], "|" => [151, "\v"], "}" => [153, "\v"], "~" => [83, "\v"], "" => [10, "\v"], "" => [77, "\f0"], "" => [18, "\f0"], "" => [77, "\f1"], "" => [18, "\f1"], "" => [77, "\f2"], "" => [18, "\f2"], "" => [77, "\fa"], "" => [18, "\fa"], "" => [77, "\fc"], "" => [18, "\fc"], "" => [77, "\fe"], "" => [18, "\fe"], "" => [77, "\fi"], "" => [18, "\fi"], "" => [77, "\fo"], "" => [18, "\fo"], "" => [77, "\fs"], "" => [18, "\fs"], "" => [77, "\ft"], "" => [18, "\ft"], "" => [0, "\f "], "" => [0, "\f%"], "" => [0, "\f-"], "" => [0, "\f."], "" => [0, "\f/"], "" => [0, "\f3"], "" => [0, "\f4"], "" => [0, "\f5"], "" => [0, "\f6"], "" => [0, "\f7"], "" => [0, "\f8"], "" => [0, "\f9"], "" => [0, "\f="], "" => [0, "\fA"], "" => [0, "\f_"], "" => [0, "\fb"], "" => [0, "\fd"], "" => [0, "\ff"], "" => [0, "\fg"], "" => [0, "\fh"], "" => [0, "\fl"], "" => [0, "\fm"], "" => [0, "\fn"], "" => [0, "\fp"], "" => [0, "\fr"], "" => [0, "\fu"], "" => [100, "\f"], "" => [110, "\f"], "" => [111, "\f"], "" => [115, "\f"], "" => [116, "\f"], "" => [118, "\f"], "" => [119, "\f"], "" => [122, "\f"], "" => [123, "\f"], "" => [125, "\f"], "" => [126, "\f"], "" => [129, "\f"], "" => [143, "\f"], "" => [148, "\f"], "" => [151, "\f"], "" => [153, "\f"], "" => [83, "\f"], "" => [10, "\f"], "" => [77, "\0160"], "" => [18, "\0160"], "" => [77, "\0161"], "" => [18, "\0161"], "" => [77, "\0162"], "" => [18, "\0162"], "" => [77, "\16a"], "" => [18, "\16a"], "" => [77, "\16c"], "" => [18, "\16c"], "" => [77, "\16e"], "" => [18, "\16e"], "" => [77, "\16i"], "" => [18, "\16i"], "" => [77, "\16o"], "" => [18, "\16o"], "" => [77, "\16s"], "" => [18, "\16s"], "" => [77, "\16t"], "" => [18, "\16t"], "" => [0, "\16 "], "" => [0, "\16%"], "" => [0, "\16-"], "" => [0, "\16."], "" => [0, "\16/"], "" => [0, "\0163"], "" => [0, "\0164"], "" => [0, "\0165"], "" => [0, "\0166"], "" => [0, "\0167"], "" => [0, "\168"], "" => [0, "\169"], "" => [0, "\16="], "" => [0, "\16A"], "" => [0, "\16_"], "" => [0, "\16b"], "" => [0, "\16d"], "" => [0, "\16f"], "" => [0, "\16g"], "" => [0, "\16h"], "" => [0, "\16l"], "" => [0, "\16m"], "" => [0, "\16n"], "" => [0, "\16p"], "" => [0, "\16r"], "" => [0, "\16u"], "" => [100, "\16"], "" => [110, "\16"], "" => [111, "\16"], "" => [115, "\16"], "" => [116, "\16"], "" => [118, "\16"], "" => [119, "\16"], "" => [122, "\16"], "" => [123, "\16"], "" => [125, "\16"], "" => [126, "\16"], "" => [129, "\16"], "" => [143, "\16"], "" => [148, "\16"], "" => [151, "\16"], "" => [153, "\16"], "" => [83, "\16"], "" => [10, "\16"]], ["\0" => [0, "\0100"], "\1" => [0, "\0101"], "\2" => [0, "\0102"], "\3" => [0, "\10a"], "\4" => [0, "\10c"], "\5" => [0, "\10e"], "\6" => [0, "\10i"], "\7" => [0, "\10o"], "\10" => [0, "\10s"], "\t" => [0, "\10t"], "\n" => [73, "\10"], "\v" => [88, "\10"], "\f" => [89, "\10"], "\r" => [96, "\10"], "\16" => [97, "\10"], "\17" => [99, "\10"], "\20" => [106, "\10"], "\21" => [136, "\10"], "\22" => [139, "\10"], "\23" => [141, "\10"], "\24" => [145, "\10"], "\25" => [147, "\10"], "\26" => [149, "\10"], "\27" => [101, "\10"], "\30" => [112, "\10"], "\31" => [117, "\10"], "\32" => [120, "\10"], "\33" => [124, "\10"], "\34" => [127, "\10"], "\35" => [144, "\10"], "\36" => [152, "\10"], "\37" => [11, "\10"], " " => [0, "\v0"], "!" => [0, "\v1"], "\"" => [0, "\v2"], "#" => [0, "\va"], "\$" => [0, "\vc"], "%" => [0, "\ve"], "&" => [0, "\vi"], "'" => [0, "\vo"], "(" => [0, "\vs"], ")" => [0, "\vt"], "*" => [73, "\v"], "+" => [88, "\v"], "," => [89, "\v"], "-" => [96, "\v"], "." => [97, "\v"], "/" => [99, "\v"], [106, "\v"], [136, "\v"], [139, "\v"], [141, "\v"], [145, "\v"], [147, "\v"], [149, "\v"], [101, "\v"], [112, "\v"], [117, "\v"], ":" => [120, "\v"], ";" => [124, "\v"], "<" => [127, "\v"], "=" => [144, "\v"], ">" => [152, "\v"], "?" => [11, "\v"], "@" => [0, "\f0"], "A" => [0, "\f1"], "B" => [0, "\f2"], "C" => [0, "\fa"], "D" => [0, "\fc"], "E" => [0, "\fe"], "F" => [0, "\fi"], "G" => [0, "\fo"], "H" => [0, "\fs"], "I" => [0, "\ft"], "J" => [73, "\f"], "K" => [88, "\f"], "L" => [89, "\f"], "M" => [96, "\f"], "N" => [97, "\f"], "O" => [99, "\f"], "P" => [106, "\f"], "Q" => [136, "\f"], "R" => [139, "\f"], "S" => [141, "\f"], "T" => [145, "\f"], "U" => [147, "\f"], "V" => [149, "\f"], "W" => [101, "\f"], "X" => [112, "\f"], "Y" => [117, "\f"], "Z" => [120, "\f"], "[" => [124, "\f"], "\\" => [127, "\f"], "]" => [144, "\f"], "^" => [152, "\f"], "_" => [11, "\f"], "`" => [0, "\0160"], "a" => [0, "\0161"], "b" => [0, "\0162"], "c" => [0, "\16a"], "d" => [0, "\16c"], "e" => [0, "\16e"], "f" => [0, "\16i"], "g" => [0, "\16o"], "h" => [0, "\16s"], "i" => [0, "\16t"], "j" => [73, "\16"], "k" => [88, "\16"], "l" => [89, "\16"], "m" => [96, "\16"], "n" => [97, "\16"], "o" => [99, "\16"], "p" => [106, "\16"], "q" => [136, "\16"], "r" => [139, "\16"], "s" => [141, "\16"], "t" => [145, "\16"], "u" => [147, "\16"], "v" => [149, "\16"], "w" => [101, "\16"], "x" => [112, "\16"], "y" => [117, "\16"], "z" => [120, "\16"], "{" => [124, "\16"], "|" => [127, "\16"], "}" => [144, "\16"], "~" => [152, "\16"], "" => [11, "\16"], "" => [0, "\0170"], "" => [0, "\0171"], "" => [0, "\0172"], "" => [0, "\17a"], "" => [0, "\17c"], "" => [0, "\17e"], "" => [0, "\17i"], "" => [0, "\17o"], "" => [0, "\17s"], "" => [0, "\17t"], "" => [73, "\17"], "" => [88, "\17"], "" => [89, "\17"], "" => [96, "\17"], "" => [97, "\17"], "" => [99, "\17"], "" => [106, "\17"], "" => [136, "\17"], "" => [139, "\17"], "" => [141, "\17"], "" => [145, "\17"], "" => [147, "\17"], "" => [149, "\17"], "" => [101, "\17"], "" => [112, "\17"], "" => [117, "\17"], "" => [120, "\17"], "" => [124, "\17"], "" => [127, "\17"], "" => [144, "\17"], "" => [152, "\17"], "" => [11, "\17"], "" => [0, "\0200"], "" => [0, "\0201"], "" => [0, "\0202"], "" => [0, "\20a"], "" => [0, "\20c"], "" => [0, "\20e"], "" => [0, "\20i"], "" => [0, "\20o"], "" => [0, "\20s"], "" => [0, "\20t"], "" => [73, "\20"], "" => [88, "\20"], "" => [89, "\20"], "" => [96, "\20"], "" => [97, "\20"], "" => [99, "\20"], "" => [106, "\20"], "" => [136, "\20"], "" => [139, "\20"], "" => [141, "\20"], "" => [145, "\20"], "" => [147, "\20"], "" => [149, "\20"], "" => [101, "\20"], "" => [112, "\20"], "" => [117, "\20"], "" => [120, "\20"], "" => [124, "\20"], "" => [127, "\20"], "" => [144, "\20"], "" => [152, "\20"], "" => [11, "\20"], "" => [0, "\0210"], "" => [0, "\0211"], "" => [0, "\0212"], "" => [0, "\21a"], "" => [0, "\21c"], "" => [0, "\21e"], "" => [0, "\21i"], "" => [0, "\21o"], "" => [0, "\21s"], "" => [0, "\21t"], "" => [73, "\21"], "" => [88, "\21"], "" => [89, "\21"], "" => [96, "\21"], "" => [97, "\21"], "" => [99, "\21"], "" => [106, "\21"], "" => [136, "\21"], "" => [139, "\21"], "" => [141, "\21"], "" => [145, "\21"], "" => [147, "\21"], "" => [149, "\21"], "" => [101, "\21"], "" => [112, "\21"], "" => [117, "\21"], "" => [120, "\21"], "" => [124, "\21"], "" => [127, "\21"], "" => [144, "\21"], "" => [152, "\21"], "" => [11, "\21"], "" => [0, "\0220"], "" => [0, "\0221"], "" => [0, "\0222"], "" => [0, "\22a"], "" => [0, "\22c"], "" => [0, "\22e"], "" => [0, "\22i"], "" => [0, "\22o"], "" => [0, "\22s"], "" => [0, "\22t"], "" => [73, "\22"], "" => [88, "\22"], "" => [89, "\22"], "" => [96, "\22"], "" => [97, "\22"], "" => [99, "\22"], "" => [106, "\22"], "" => [136, "\22"], "" => [139, "\22"], "" => [141, "\22"], "" => [145, "\22"], "" => [147, "\22"], "" => [149, "\22"], "" => [101, "\22"], "" => [112, "\22"], "" => [117, "\22"], "" => [120, "\22"], "" => [124, "\22"], "" => [127, "\22"], "" => [144, "\22"], "" => [152, "\22"], "" => [11, "\22"]], ["\0" => [94, "\t0"], "\1" => [76, "\t0"], "\2" => [104, "\t0"], "\3" => [16, "\t0"], "\4" => [94, "\t1"], "\5" => [76, "\t1"], "\6" => [104, "\t1"], "\7" => [16, "\t1"], "\10" => [94, "\t2"], "\t" => [76, "\t2"], "\n" => [104, "\t2"], "\v" => [16, "\t2"], "\f" => [94, "\ta"], "\r" => [76, "\ta"], "\16" => [104, "\ta"], "\17" => [16, "\ta"], "\20" => [94, "\tc"], "\21" => [76, "\tc"], "\22" => [104, "\tc"], "\23" => [16, "\tc"], "\24" => [94, "\te"], "\25" => [76, "\te"], "\26" => [104, "\te"], "\27" => [16, "\te"], "\30" => [94, "\ti"], "\31" => [76, "\ti"], "\32" => [104, "\ti"], "\33" => [16, "\ti"], "\34" => [94, "\to"], "\35" => [76, "\to"], "\36" => [104, "\to"], "\37" => [16, "\to"], " " => [94, "\ts"], "!" => [76, "\ts"], "\"" => [104, "\ts"], "#" => [16, "\ts"], "\$" => [94, "\tt"], "%" => [76, "\tt"], "&" => [104, "\tt"], "'" => [16, "\tt"], "(" => [77, "\t "], ")" => [18, "\t "], "*" => [77, "\t%"], "+" => [18, "\t%"], "," => [77, "\t-"], "-" => [18, "\t-"], "." => [77, "\t."], "/" => [18, "\t."], [77, "\t/"], [18, "\t/"], [77, "\t3"], [18, "\t3"], [77, "\t4"], [18, "\t4"], [77, "\t5"], [18, "\t5"], [77, "\t6"], [18, "\t6"], ":" => [77, "\t7"], ";" => [18, "\t7"], "<" => [77, "\t8"], "=" => [18, "\t8"], ">" => [77, "\t9"], "?" => [18, "\t9"], "@" => [77, "\t="], "A" => [18, "\t="], "B" => [77, "\tA"], "C" => [18, "\tA"], "D" => [77, "\t_"], "E" => [18, "\t_"], "F" => [77, "\tb"], "G" => [18, "\tb"], "H" => [77, "\td"], "I" => [18, "\td"], "J" => [77, "\tf"], "K" => [18, "\tf"], "L" => [77, "\tg"], "M" => [18, "\tg"], "N" => [77, "\th"], "O" => [18, "\th"], "P" => [77, "\tl"], "Q" => [18, "\tl"], "R" => [77, "\tm"], "S" => [18, "\tm"], "T" => [77, "\tn"], "U" => [18, "\tn"], "V" => [77, "\tp"], "W" => [18, "\tp"], "X" => [77, "\tr"], "Y" => [18, "\tr"], "Z" => [77, "\tu"], "[" => [18, "\tu"], "\\" => [0, "\t:"], "]" => [0, "\tB"], "^" => [0, "\tC"], "_" => [0, "\tD"], "`" => [0, "\tE"], "a" => [0, "\tF"], "b" => [0, "\tG"], "c" => [0, "\tH"], "d" => [0, "\tI"], "e" => [0, "\tJ"], "f" => [0, "\tK"], "g" => [0, "\tL"], "h" => [0, "\tM"], "i" => [0, "\tN"], "j" => [0, "\tO"], "k" => [0, "\tP"], "l" => [0, "\tQ"], "m" => [0, "\tR"], "n" => [0, "\tS"], "o" => [0, "\tT"], "p" => [0, "\tU"], "q" => [0, "\tV"], "r" => [0, "\tW"], "s" => [0, "\tY"], "t" => [0, "\tj"], "u" => [0, "\tk"], "v" => [0, "\tq"], "w" => [0, "\tv"], "x" => [0, "\tw"], "y" => [0, "\tx"], "z" => [0, "\ty"], "{" => [0, "\tz"], "|" => [82, "\t"], "}" => [87, "\t"], "~" => [130, "\t"], "" => [9, "\t"], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [77, "\t0"], "" => [18, "\t0"], "" => [77, "\t1"], "" => [18, "\t1"], "" => [77, "\t2"], "" => [18, "\t2"], "" => [77, "\ta"], "" => [18, "\ta"], "" => [77, "\tc"], "" => [18, "\tc"], "" => [77, "\te"], "" => [18, "\te"], "" => [77, "\ti"], "" => [18, "\ti"], "" => [77, "\to"], "" => [18, "\to"], "" => [77, "\ts"], "" => [18, "\ts"], "" => [77, "\tt"], "" => [18, "\tt"], "" => [0, "\t "], "" => [0, "\t%"], "" => [0, "\t-"], "" => [0, "\t."], "" => [0, "\t/"], "" => [0, "\t3"], "" => [0, "\t4"], "" => [0, "\t5"], "" => [0, "\t6"], "" => [0, "\t7"], "" => [0, "\t8"], "" => [0, "\t9"], "" => [0, "\t="], "" => [0, "\tA"], "" => [0, "\t_"], "" => [0, "\tb"], "" => [0, "\td"], "" => [0, "\tf"], "" => [0, "\tg"], "" => [0, "\th"], "" => [0, "\tl"], "" => [0, "\tm"], "" => [0, "\tn"], "" => [0, "\tp"], "" => [0, "\tr"], "" => [0, "\tu"], "" => [100, "\t"], "" => [110, "\t"], "" => [111, "\t"], "" => [115, "\t"], "" => [116, "\t"], "" => [118, "\t"], "" => [119, "\t"], "" => [122, "\t"], "" => [123, "\t"], "" => [125, "\t"], "" => [126, "\t"], "" => [129, "\t"], "" => [143, "\t"], "" => [148, "\t"], "" => [151, "\t"], "" => [153, "\t"], "" => [83, "\t"], "" => [10, "\t"], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [0, "\t0"], "A" => [0, "\t1"], "B" => [0, "\t2"], "C" => [0, "\ta"], "D" => [0, "\tc"], "E" => [0, "\te"], "F" => [0, "\ti"], "G" => [0, "\to"], "H" => [0, "\ts"], "I" => [0, "\tt"], "J" => [73, "\t"], "K" => [88, "\t"], "L" => [89, "\t"], "M" => [96, "\t"], "N" => [97, "\t"], "O" => [99, "\t"], "P" => [106, "\t"], "Q" => [136, "\t"], "R" => [139, "\t"], "S" => [141, "\t"], "T" => [145, "\t"], "U" => [147, "\t"], "V" => [149, "\t"], "W" => [101, "\t"], "X" => [112, "\t"], "Y" => [117, "\t"], "Z" => [120, "\t"], "[" => [124, "\t"], "\\" => [127, "\t"], "]" => [144, "\t"], "^" => [152, "\t"], "_" => [11, "\t"], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [92, "\t"], "" => [95, "\t"], "" => [137, "\t"], "" => [142, "\t"], "" => [150, "\t"], "" => [74, "\t"], "" => [90, "\t"], "" => [98, "\t"], "" => [107, "\t"], "" => [140, "\t"], "" => [146, "\t"], "" => [102, "\t"], "" => [113, "\t"], "" => [121, "\t"], "" => [128, "\t"], "" => [12, "\t"], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [92, "\23"], "\1" => [95, "\23"], "\2" => [137, "\23"], "\3" => [142, "\23"], "\4" => [150, "\23"], "\5" => [74, "\23"], "\6" => [90, "\23"], "\7" => [98, "\23"], "\10" => [107, "\23"], "\t" => [140, "\23"], "\n" => [146, "\23"], "\v" => [102, "\23"], "\f" => [113, "\23"], "\r" => [121, "\23"], "\16" => [128, "\23"], "\17" => [12, "\23"], "\20" => [92, "\24"], "\21" => [95, "\24"], "\22" => [137, "\24"], "\23" => [142, "\24"], "\24" => [150, "\24"], "\25" => [74, "\24"], "\26" => [90, "\24"], "\27" => [98, "\24"], "\30" => [107, "\24"], "\31" => [140, "\24"], "\32" => [146, "\24"], "\33" => [102, "\24"], "\34" => [113, "\24"], "\35" => [121, "\24"], "\36" => [128, "\24"], "\37" => [12, "\24"], " " => [92, "\25"], "!" => [95, "\25"], "\"" => [137, "\25"], "#" => [142, "\25"], "\$" => [150, "\25"], "%" => [74, "\25"], "&" => [90, "\25"], "'" => [98, "\25"], "(" => [107, "\25"], ")" => [140, "\25"], "*" => [146, "\25"], "+" => [102, "\25"], "," => [113, "\25"], "-" => [121, "\25"], "." => [128, "\25"], "/" => [12, "\25"], [92, "\27"], [95, "\27"], [137, "\27"], [142, "\27"], [150, "\27"], [74, "\27"], [90, "\27"], [98, "\27"], [107, "\27"], [140, "\27"], ":" => [146, "\27"], ";" => [102, "\27"], "<" => [113, "\27"], "=" => [121, "\27"], ">" => [128, "\27"], "?" => [12, "\27"], "@" => [92, "\30"], "A" => [95, "\30"], "B" => [137, "\30"], "C" => [142, "\30"], "D" => [150, "\30"], "E" => [74, "\30"], "F" => [90, "\30"], "G" => [98, "\30"], "H" => [107, "\30"], "I" => [140, "\30"], "J" => [146, "\30"], "K" => [102, "\30"], "L" => [113, "\30"], "M" => [121, "\30"], "N" => [128, "\30"], "O" => [12, "\30"], "P" => [92, "\31"], "Q" => [95, "\31"], "R" => [137, "\31"], "S" => [142, "\31"], "T" => [150, "\31"], "U" => [74, "\31"], "V" => [90, "\31"], "W" => [98, "\31"], "X" => [107, "\31"], "Y" => [140, "\31"], "Z" => [146, "\31"], "[" => [102, "\31"], "\\" => [113, "\31"], "]" => [121, "\31"], "^" => [128, "\31"], "_" => [12, "\31"], "`" => [92, "\32"], "a" => [95, "\32"], "b" => [137, "\32"], "c" => [142, "\32"], "d" => [150, "\32"], "e" => [74, "\32"], "f" => [90, "\32"], "g" => [98, "\32"], "h" => [107, "\32"], "i" => [140, "\32"], "j" => [146, "\32"], "k" => [102, "\32"], "l" => [113, "\32"], "m" => [121, "\32"], "n" => [128, "\32"], "o" => [12, "\32"], "p" => [92, "\33"], "q" => [95, "\33"], "r" => [137, "\33"], "s" => [142, "\33"], "t" => [150, "\33"], "u" => [74, "\33"], "v" => [90, "\33"], "w" => [98, "\33"], "x" => [107, "\33"], "y" => [140, "\33"], "z" => [146, "\33"], "{" => [102, "\33"], "|" => [113, "\33"], "}" => [121, "\33"], "~" => [128, "\33"], "" => [12, "\33"], "" => [92, "\34"], "" => [95, "\34"], "" => [137, "\34"], "" => [142, "\34"], "" => [150, "\34"], "" => [74, "\34"], "" => [90, "\34"], "" => [98, "\34"], "" => [107, "\34"], "" => [140, "\34"], "" => [146, "\34"], "" => [102, "\34"], "" => [113, "\34"], "" => [121, "\34"], "" => [128, "\34"], "" => [12, "\34"], "" => [92, "\35"], "" => [95, "\35"], "" => [137, "\35"], "" => [142, "\35"], "" => [150, "\35"], "" => [74, "\35"], "" => [90, "\35"], "" => [98, "\35"], "" => [107, "\35"], "" => [140, "\35"], "" => [146, "\35"], "" => [102, "\35"], "" => [113, "\35"], "" => [121, "\35"], "" => [128, "\35"], "" => [12, "\35"], "" => [92, "\36"], "" => [95, "\36"], "" => [137, "\36"], "" => [142, "\36"], "" => [150, "\36"], "" => [74, "\36"], "" => [90, "\36"], "" => [98, "\36"], "" => [107, "\36"], "" => [140, "\36"], "" => [146, "\36"], "" => [102, "\36"], "" => [113, "\36"], "" => [121, "\36"], "" => [128, "\36"], "" => [12, "\36"], "" => [92, "\37"], "" => [95, "\37"], "" => [137, "\37"], "" => [142, "\37"], "" => [150, "\37"], "" => [74, "\37"], "" => [90, "\37"], "" => [98, "\37"], "" => [107, "\37"], "" => [140, "\37"], "" => [146, "\37"], "" => [102, "\37"], "" => [113, "\37"], "" => [121, "\37"], "" => [128, "\37"], "" => [12, "\37"], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [94, "\n"], "" => [76, "\n"], "" => [104, "\n"], "" => [16, "\n"], "" => [94, "\r"], "" => [76, "\r"], "" => [104, "\r"], "" => [16, "\r"], "" => [94, "\26"], "" => [76, "\26"], "" => [104, "\26"], "" => [16, "\26"], "" => [94, ""], "" => [76, ""], "" => [104, ""], "" => [16, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "\n0"], "\1" => [76, "\n0"], "\2" => [104, "\n0"], "\3" => [16, "\n0"], "\4" => [94, "\n1"], "\5" => [76, "\n1"], "\6" => [104, "\n1"], "\7" => [16, "\n1"], "\10" => [94, "\n2"], "\t" => [76, "\n2"], "\n" => [104, "\n2"], "\v" => [16, "\n2"], "\f" => [94, "\na"], "\r" => [76, "\na"], "\16" => [104, "\na"], "\17" => [16, "\na"], "\20" => [94, "\nc"], "\21" => [76, "\nc"], "\22" => [104, "\nc"], "\23" => [16, "\nc"], "\24" => [94, "\ne"], "\25" => [76, "\ne"], "\26" => [104, "\ne"], "\27" => [16, "\ne"], "\30" => [94, "\ni"], "\31" => [76, "\ni"], "\32" => [104, "\ni"], "\33" => [16, "\ni"], "\34" => [94, "\no"], "\35" => [76, "\no"], "\36" => [104, "\no"], "\37" => [16, "\no"], " " => [94, "\ns"], "!" => [76, "\ns"], "\"" => [104, "\ns"], "#" => [16, "\ns"], "\$" => [94, "\nt"], "%" => [76, "\nt"], "&" => [104, "\nt"], "'" => [16, "\nt"], "(" => [77, "\n "], ")" => [18, "\n "], "*" => [77, "\n%"], "+" => [18, "\n%"], "," => [77, "\n-"], "-" => [18, "\n-"], "." => [77, "\n."], "/" => [18, "\n."], [77, "\n/"], [18, "\n/"], [77, "\n3"], [18, "\n3"], [77, "\n4"], [18, "\n4"], [77, "\n5"], [18, "\n5"], [77, "\n6"], [18, "\n6"], ":" => [77, "\n7"], ";" => [18, "\n7"], "<" => [77, "\n8"], "=" => [18, "\n8"], ">" => [77, "\n9"], "?" => [18, "\n9"], "@" => [77, "\n="], "A" => [18, "\n="], "B" => [77, "\nA"], "C" => [18, "\nA"], "D" => [77, "\n_"], "E" => [18, "\n_"], "F" => [77, "\nb"], "G" => [18, "\nb"], "H" => [77, "\nd"], "I" => [18, "\nd"], "J" => [77, "\nf"], "K" => [18, "\nf"], "L" => [77, "\ng"], "M" => [18, "\ng"], "N" => [77, "\nh"], "O" => [18, "\nh"], "P" => [77, "\nl"], "Q" => [18, "\nl"], "R" => [77, "\nm"], "S" => [18, "\nm"], "T" => [77, "\nn"], "U" => [18, "\nn"], "V" => [77, "\np"], "W" => [18, "\np"], "X" => [77, "\nr"], "Y" => [18, "\nr"], "Z" => [77, "\nu"], "[" => [18, "\nu"], "\\" => [0, "\n:"], "]" => [0, "\nB"], "^" => [0, "\nC"], "_" => [0, "\nD"], "`" => [0, "\nE"], "a" => [0, "\nF"], "b" => [0, "\nG"], "c" => [0, "\nH"], "d" => [0, "\nI"], "e" => [0, "\nJ"], "f" => [0, "\nK"], "g" => [0, "\nL"], "h" => [0, "\nM"], "i" => [0, "\nN"], "j" => [0, "\nO"], "k" => [0, "\nP"], "l" => [0, "\nQ"], "m" => [0, "\nR"], "n" => [0, "\nS"], "o" => [0, "\nT"], "p" => [0, "\nU"], "q" => [0, "\nV"], "r" => [0, "\nW"], "s" => [0, "\nY"], "t" => [0, "\nj"], "u" => [0, "\nk"], "v" => [0, "\nq"], "w" => [0, "\nv"], "x" => [0, "\nw"], "y" => [0, "\nx"], "z" => [0, "\ny"], "{" => [0, "\nz"], "|" => [82, "\n"], "}" => [87, "\n"], "~" => [130, "\n"], "" => [9, "\n"], "" => [94, "\r0"], "" => [76, "\r0"], "" => [104, "\r0"], "" => [16, "\r0"], "" => [94, "\r1"], "" => [76, "\r1"], "" => [104, "\r1"], "" => [16, "\r1"], "" => [94, "\r2"], "" => [76, "\r2"], "" => [104, "\r2"], "" => [16, "\r2"], "" => [94, "\ra"], "" => [76, "\ra"], "" => [104, "\ra"], "" => [16, "\ra"], "" => [94, "\rc"], "" => [76, "\rc"], "" => [104, "\rc"], "" => [16, "\rc"], "" => [94, "\re"], "" => [76, "\re"], "" => [104, "\re"], "" => [16, "\re"], "" => [94, "\ri"], "" => [76, "\ri"], "" => [104, "\ri"], "" => [16, "\ri"], "" => [94, "\ro"], "" => [76, "\ro"], "" => [104, "\ro"], "" => [16, "\ro"], "" => [94, "\rs"], "" => [76, "\rs"], "" => [104, "\rs"], "" => [16, "\rs"], "" => [94, "\rt"], "" => [76, "\rt"], "" => [104, "\rt"], "" => [16, "\rt"], "" => [77, "\r "], "" => [18, "\r "], "" => [77, "\r%"], "" => [18, "\r%"], "" => [77, "\r-"], "" => [18, "\r-"], "" => [77, "\r."], "" => [18, "\r."], "" => [77, "\r/"], "" => [18, "\r/"], "" => [77, "\r3"], "" => [18, "\r3"], "" => [77, "\r4"], "" => [18, "\r4"], "" => [77, "\r5"], "" => [18, "\r5"], "" => [77, "\r6"], "" => [18, "\r6"], "" => [77, "\r7"], "" => [18, "\r7"], "" => [77, "\r8"], "" => [18, "\r8"], "" => [77, "\r9"], "" => [18, "\r9"], "" => [77, "\r="], "" => [18, "\r="], "" => [77, "\rA"], "" => [18, "\rA"], "" => [77, "\r_"], "" => [18, "\r_"], "" => [77, "\rb"], "" => [18, "\rb"], "" => [77, "\rd"], "" => [18, "\rd"], "" => [77, "\rf"], "" => [18, "\rf"], "" => [77, "\rg"], "" => [18, "\rg"], "" => [77, "\rh"], "" => [18, "\rh"], "" => [77, "\rl"], "" => [18, "\rl"], "" => [77, "\rm"], "" => [18, "\rm"], "" => [77, "\rn"], "" => [18, "\rn"], "" => [77, "\rp"], "" => [18, "\rp"], "" => [77, "\rr"], "" => [18, "\rr"], "" => [77, "\ru"], "" => [18, "\ru"], "" => [0, "\r:"], "" => [0, "\rB"], "" => [0, "\rC"], "" => [0, "\rD"], "" => [0, "\rE"], "" => [0, "\rF"], "" => [0, "\rG"], "" => [0, "\rH"], "" => [0, "\rI"], "" => [0, "\rJ"], "" => [0, "\rK"], "" => [0, "\rL"], "" => [0, "\rM"], "" => [0, "\rN"], "" => [0, "\rO"], "" => [0, "\rP"], "" => [0, "\rQ"], "" => [0, "\rR"], "" => [0, "\rS"], "" => [0, "\rT"], "" => [0, "\rU"], "" => [0, "\rV"], "" => [0, "\rW"], "" => [0, "\rY"], "" => [0, "\rj"], "" => [0, "\rk"], "" => [0, "\rq"], "" => [0, "\rv"], "" => [0, "\rw"], "" => [0, "\rx"], "" => [0, "\ry"], "" => [0, "\rz"], "" => [82, "\r"], "" => [87, "\r"], "" => [130, "\r"], "" => [9, "\r"]], ["\0" => [77, "\n0"], "\1" => [18, "\n0"], "\2" => [77, "\n1"], "\3" => [18, "\n1"], "\4" => [77, "\n2"], "\5" => [18, "\n2"], "\6" => [77, "\na"], "\7" => [18, "\na"], "\10" => [77, "\nc"], "\t" => [18, "\nc"], "\n" => [77, "\ne"], "\v" => [18, "\ne"], "\f" => [77, "\ni"], "\r" => [18, "\ni"], "\16" => [77, "\no"], "\17" => [18, "\no"], "\20" => [77, "\ns"], "\21" => [18, "\ns"], "\22" => [77, "\nt"], "\23" => [18, "\nt"], "\24" => [0, "\n "], "\25" => [0, "\n%"], "\26" => [0, "\n-"], "\27" => [0, "\n."], "\30" => [0, "\n/"], "\31" => [0, "\n3"], "\32" => [0, "\n4"], "\33" => [0, "\n5"], "\34" => [0, "\n6"], "\35" => [0, "\n7"], "\36" => [0, "\n8"], "\37" => [0, "\n9"], " " => [0, "\n="], "!" => [0, "\nA"], "\"" => [0, "\n_"], "#" => [0, "\nb"], "\$" => [0, "\nd"], "%" => [0, "\nf"], "&" => [0, "\ng"], "'" => [0, "\nh"], "(" => [0, "\nl"], ")" => [0, "\nm"], "*" => [0, "\nn"], "+" => [0, "\np"], "," => [0, "\nr"], "-" => [0, "\nu"], "." => [100, "\n"], "/" => [110, "\n"], [111, "\n"], [115, "\n"], [116, "\n"], [118, "\n"], [119, "\n"], [122, "\n"], [123, "\n"], [125, "\n"], [126, "\n"], [129, "\n"], ":" => [143, "\n"], ";" => [148, "\n"], "<" => [151, "\n"], "=" => [153, "\n"], ">" => [83, "\n"], "?" => [10, "\n"], "@" => [77, "\r0"], "A" => [18, "\r0"], "B" => [77, "\r1"], "C" => [18, "\r1"], "D" => [77, "\r2"], "E" => [18, "\r2"], "F" => [77, "\ra"], "G" => [18, "\ra"], "H" => [77, "\rc"], "I" => [18, "\rc"], "J" => [77, "\re"], "K" => [18, "\re"], "L" => [77, "\ri"], "M" => [18, "\ri"], "N" => [77, "\ro"], "O" => [18, "\ro"], "P" => [77, "\rs"], "Q" => [18, "\rs"], "R" => [77, "\rt"], "S" => [18, "\rt"], "T" => [0, "\r "], "U" => [0, "\r%"], "V" => [0, "\r-"], "W" => [0, "\r."], "X" => [0, "\r/"], "Y" => [0, "\r3"], "Z" => [0, "\r4"], "[" => [0, "\r5"], "\\" => [0, "\r6"], "]" => [0, "\r7"], "^" => [0, "\r8"], "_" => [0, "\r9"], "`" => [0, "\r="], "a" => [0, "\rA"], "b" => [0, "\r_"], "c" => [0, "\rb"], "d" => [0, "\rd"], "e" => [0, "\rf"], "f" => [0, "\rg"], "g" => [0, "\rh"], "h" => [0, "\rl"], "i" => [0, "\rm"], "j" => [0, "\rn"], "k" => [0, "\rp"], "l" => [0, "\rr"], "m" => [0, "\ru"], "n" => [100, "\r"], "o" => [110, "\r"], "p" => [111, "\r"], "q" => [115, "\r"], "r" => [116, "\r"], "s" => [118, "\r"], "t" => [119, "\r"], "u" => [122, "\r"], "v" => [123, "\r"], "w" => [125, "\r"], "x" => [126, "\r"], "y" => [129, "\r"], "z" => [143, "\r"], "{" => [148, "\r"], "|" => [151, "\r"], "}" => [153, "\r"], "~" => [83, "\r"], "" => [10, "\r"], "" => [77, "\0260"], "" => [18, "\0260"], "" => [77, "\0261"], "" => [18, "\0261"], "" => [77, "\0262"], "" => [18, "\0262"], "" => [77, "\26a"], "" => [18, "\26a"], "" => [77, "\26c"], "" => [18, "\26c"], "" => [77, "\26e"], "" => [18, "\26e"], "" => [77, "\26i"], "" => [18, "\26i"], "" => [77, "\26o"], "" => [18, "\26o"], "" => [77, "\26s"], "" => [18, "\26s"], "" => [77, "\26t"], "" => [18, "\26t"], "" => [0, "\26 "], "" => [0, "\26%"], "" => [0, "\26-"], "" => [0, "\26."], "" => [0, "\26/"], "" => [0, "\0263"], "" => [0, "\0264"], "" => [0, "\0265"], "" => [0, "\0266"], "" => [0, "\0267"], "" => [0, "\268"], "" => [0, "\269"], "" => [0, "\26="], "" => [0, "\26A"], "" => [0, "\26_"], "" => [0, "\26b"], "" => [0, "\26d"], "" => [0, "\26f"], "" => [0, "\26g"], "" => [0, "\26h"], "" => [0, "\26l"], "" => [0, "\26m"], "" => [0, "\26n"], "" => [0, "\26p"], "" => [0, "\26r"], "" => [0, "\26u"], "" => [100, "\26"], "" => [110, "\26"], "" => [111, "\26"], "" => [115, "\26"], "" => [116, "\26"], "" => [118, "\26"], "" => [119, "\26"], "" => [122, "\26"], "" => [123, "\26"], "" => [125, "\26"], "" => [126, "\26"], "" => [129, "\26"], "" => [143, "\26"], "" => [148, "\26"], "" => [151, "\26"], "" => [153, "\26"], "" => [83, "\26"], "" => [10, "\26"], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [77, ""], "" => [18, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [0, "\n0"], "" => [0, "\n1"], "" => [0, "\n2"], "" => [0, "\na"], "" => [0, "\nc"], "" => [0, "\ne"], "" => [0, "\ni"], "" => [0, "\no"], "" => [0, "\ns"], "" => [0, "\nt"], "" => [73, "\n"], "" => [88, "\n"], "" => [89, "\n"], "" => [96, "\n"], "" => [97, "\n"], "" => [99, "\n"], "" => [106, "\n"], "" => [136, "\n"], "" => [139, "\n"], "" => [141, "\n"], "" => [145, "\n"], "" => [147, "\n"], "" => [149, "\n"], "" => [101, "\n"], "" => [112, "\n"], "" => [117, "\n"], "" => [120, "\n"], "" => [124, "\n"], "" => [127, "\n"], "" => [144, "\n"], "" => [152, "\n"], "" => [11, "\n"], "" => [0, "\r0"], "" => [0, "\r1"], "" => [0, "\r2"], "" => [0, "\ra"], "" => [0, "\rc"], "" => [0, "\re"], "" => [0, "\ri"], "" => [0, "\ro"], "" => [0, "\rs"], "" => [0, "\rt"], "" => [73, "\r"], "" => [88, "\r"], "" => [89, "\r"], "" => [96, "\r"], "" => [97, "\r"], "" => [99, "\r"], "" => [106, "\r"], "" => [136, "\r"], "" => [139, "\r"], "" => [141, "\r"], "" => [145, "\r"], "" => [147, "\r"], "" => [149, "\r"], "" => [101, "\r"], "" => [112, "\r"], "" => [117, "\r"], "" => [120, "\r"], "" => [124, "\r"], "" => [127, "\r"], "" => [144, "\r"], "" => [152, "\r"], "" => [11, "\r"], "" => [0, "\0260"], "" => [0, "\0261"], "" => [0, "\0262"], "" => [0, "\26a"], "" => [0, "\26c"], "" => [0, "\26e"], "" => [0, "\26i"], "" => [0, "\26o"], "" => [0, "\26s"], "" => [0, "\26t"], "" => [73, "\26"], "" => [88, "\26"], "" => [89, "\26"], "" => [96, "\26"], "" => [97, "\26"], "" => [99, "\26"], "" => [106, "\26"], "" => [136, "\26"], "" => [139, "\26"], "" => [141, "\26"], "" => [145, "\26"], "" => [147, "\26"], "" => [149, "\26"], "" => [101, "\26"], "" => [112, "\26"], "" => [117, "\26"], "" => [120, "\26"], "" => [124, "\26"], "" => [127, "\26"], "" => [144, "\26"], "" => [152, "\26"], "" => [11, "\26"], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [0, ""], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [92, "\n"], "" => [95, "\n"], "" => [137, "\n"], "" => [142, "\n"], "" => [150, "\n"], "" => [74, "\n"], "" => [90, "\n"], "" => [98, "\n"], "" => [107, "\n"], "" => [140, "\n"], "" => [146, "\n"], "" => [102, "\n"], "" => [113, "\n"], "" => [121, "\n"], "" => [128, "\n"], "" => [12, "\n"], "" => [92, "\r"], "" => [95, "\r"], "" => [137, "\r"], "" => [142, "\r"], "" => [150, "\r"], "" => [74, "\r"], "" => [90, "\r"], "" => [98, "\r"], "" => [107, "\r"], "" => [140, "\r"], "" => [146, "\r"], "" => [102, "\r"], "" => [113, "\r"], "" => [121, "\r"], "" => [128, "\r"], "" => [12, "\r"], "" => [92, "\26"], "" => [95, "\26"], "" => [137, "\26"], "" => [142, "\26"], "" => [150, "\26"], "" => [74, "\26"], "" => [90, "\26"], "" => [98, "\26"], "" => [107, "\26"], "" => [140, "\26"], "" => [146, "\26"], "" => [102, "\26"], "" => [113, "\26"], "" => [121, "\26"], "" => [128, "\26"], "" => [12, "\26"], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "\0340"], "\1" => [0, "\0341"], "\2" => [0, "\0342"], "\3" => [0, "\34a"], "\4" => [0, "\34c"], "\5" => [0, "\34e"], "\6" => [0, "\34i"], "\7" => [0, "\34o"], "\10" => [0, "\34s"], "\t" => [0, "\34t"], "\n" => [73, "\34"], "\v" => [88, "\34"], "\f" => [89, "\34"], "\r" => [96, "\34"], "\16" => [97, "\34"], "\17" => [99, "\34"], "\20" => [106, "\34"], "\21" => [136, "\34"], "\22" => [139, "\34"], "\23" => [141, "\34"], "\24" => [145, "\34"], "\25" => [147, "\34"], "\26" => [149, "\34"], "\27" => [101, "\34"], "\30" => [112, "\34"], "\31" => [117, "\34"], "\32" => [120, "\34"], "\33" => [124, "\34"], "\34" => [127, "\34"], "\35" => [144, "\34"], "\36" => [152, "\34"], "\37" => [11, "\34"], " " => [0, "\0350"], "!" => [0, "\0351"], "\"" => [0, "\0352"], "#" => [0, "\35a"], "\$" => [0, "\35c"], "%" => [0, "\35e"], "&" => [0, "\35i"], "'" => [0, "\35o"], "(" => [0, "\35s"], ")" => [0, "\35t"], "*" => [73, "\35"], "+" => [88, "\35"], "," => [89, "\35"], "-" => [96, "\35"], "." => [97, "\35"], "/" => [99, "\35"], [106, "\35"], [136, "\35"], [139, "\35"], [141, "\35"], [145, "\35"], [147, "\35"], [149, "\35"], [101, "\35"], [112, "\35"], [117, "\35"], ":" => [120, "\35"], ";" => [124, "\35"], "<" => [127, "\35"], "=" => [144, "\35"], ">" => [152, "\35"], "?" => [11, "\35"], "@" => [0, "\0360"], "A" => [0, "\0361"], "B" => [0, "\0362"], "C" => [0, "\36a"], "D" => [0, "\36c"], "E" => [0, "\36e"], "F" => [0, "\36i"], "G" => [0, "\36o"], "H" => [0, "\36s"], "I" => [0, "\36t"], "J" => [73, "\36"], "K" => [88, "\36"], "L" => [89, "\36"], "M" => [96, "\36"], "N" => [97, "\36"], "O" => [99, "\36"], "P" => [106, "\36"], "Q" => [136, "\36"], "R" => [139, "\36"], "S" => [141, "\36"], "T" => [145, "\36"], "U" => [147, "\36"], "V" => [149, "\36"], "W" => [101, "\36"], "X" => [112, "\36"], "Y" => [117, "\36"], "Z" => [120, "\36"], "[" => [124, "\36"], "\\" => [127, "\36"], "]" => [144, "\36"], "^" => [152, "\36"], "_" => [11, "\36"], "`" => [0, "\0370"], "a" => [0, "\0371"], "b" => [0, "\0372"], "c" => [0, "\37a"], "d" => [0, "\37c"], "e" => [0, "\37e"], "f" => [0, "\37i"], "g" => [0, "\37o"], "h" => [0, "\37s"], "i" => [0, "\37t"], "j" => [73, "\37"], "k" => [88, "\37"], "l" => [89, "\37"], "m" => [96, "\37"], "n" => [97, "\37"], "o" => [99, "\37"], "p" => [106, "\37"], "q" => [136, "\37"], "r" => [139, "\37"], "s" => [141, "\37"], "t" => [145, "\37"], "u" => [147, "\37"], "v" => [149, "\37"], "w" => [101, "\37"], "x" => [112, "\37"], "y" => [117, "\37"], "z" => [120, "\37"], "{" => [124, "\37"], "|" => [127, "\37"], "}" => [144, "\37"], "~" => [152, "\37"], "" => [11, "\37"], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [93, "\n"], "" => [138, "\n"], "" => [75, "\n"], "" => [91, "\n"], "" => [108, "\n"], "" => [103, "\n"], "" => [114, "\n"], "" => [14, "\n"], "" => [93, "\r"], "" => [138, "\r"], "" => [75, "\r"], "" => [91, "\r"], "" => [108, "\r"], "" => [103, "\r"], "" => [114, "\r"], "" => [14, "\r"], "" => [93, "\26"], "" => [138, "\26"], "" => [75, "\26"], "" => [91, "\26"], "" => [108, "\26"], "" => [103, "\26"], "" => [114, "\26"], "" => [14, "\26"], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "\f0"], "\1" => [76, "\f0"], "\2" => [104, "\f0"], "\3" => [16, "\f0"], "\4" => [94, "\f1"], "\5" => [76, "\f1"], "\6" => [104, "\f1"], "\7" => [16, "\f1"], "\10" => [94, "\f2"], "\t" => [76, "\f2"], "\n" => [104, "\f2"], "\v" => [16, "\f2"], "\f" => [94, "\fa"], "\r" => [76, "\fa"], "\16" => [104, "\fa"], "\17" => [16, "\fa"], "\20" => [94, "\fc"], "\21" => [76, "\fc"], "\22" => [104, "\fc"], "\23" => [16, "\fc"], "\24" => [94, "\fe"], "\25" => [76, "\fe"], "\26" => [104, "\fe"], "\27" => [16, "\fe"], "\30" => [94, "\fi"], "\31" => [76, "\fi"], "\32" => [104, "\fi"], "\33" => [16, "\fi"], "\34" => [94, "\fo"], "\35" => [76, "\fo"], "\36" => [104, "\fo"], "\37" => [16, "\fo"], " " => [94, "\fs"], "!" => [76, "\fs"], "\"" => [104, "\fs"], "#" => [16, "\fs"], "\$" => [94, "\ft"], "%" => [76, "\ft"], "&" => [104, "\ft"], "'" => [16, "\ft"], "(" => [77, "\f "], ")" => [18, "\f "], "*" => [77, "\f%"], "+" => [18, "\f%"], "," => [77, "\f-"], "-" => [18, "\f-"], "." => [77, "\f."], "/" => [18, "\f."], [77, "\f/"], [18, "\f/"], [77, "\f3"], [18, "\f3"], [77, "\f4"], [18, "\f4"], [77, "\f5"], [18, "\f5"], [77, "\f6"], [18, "\f6"], ":" => [77, "\f7"], ";" => [18, "\f7"], "<" => [77, "\f8"], "=" => [18, "\f8"], ">" => [77, "\f9"], "?" => [18, "\f9"], "@" => [77, "\f="], "A" => [18, "\f="], "B" => [77, "\fA"], "C" => [18, "\fA"], "D" => [77, "\f_"], "E" => [18, "\f_"], "F" => [77, "\fb"], "G" => [18, "\fb"], "H" => [77, "\fd"], "I" => [18, "\fd"], "J" => [77, "\ff"], "K" => [18, "\ff"], "L" => [77, "\fg"], "M" => [18, "\fg"], "N" => [77, "\fh"], "O" => [18, "\fh"], "P" => [77, "\fl"], "Q" => [18, "\fl"], "R" => [77, "\fm"], "S" => [18, "\fm"], "T" => [77, "\fn"], "U" => [18, "\fn"], "V" => [77, "\fp"], "W" => [18, "\fp"], "X" => [77, "\fr"], "Y" => [18, "\fr"], "Z" => [77, "\fu"], "[" => [18, "\fu"], "\\" => [0, "\f:"], "]" => [0, "\fB"], "^" => [0, "\fC"], "_" => [0, "\fD"], "`" => [0, "\fE"], "a" => [0, "\fF"], "b" => [0, "\fG"], "c" => [0, "\fH"], "d" => [0, "\fI"], "e" => [0, "\fJ"], "f" => [0, "\fK"], "g" => [0, "\fL"], "h" => [0, "\fM"], "i" => [0, "\fN"], "j" => [0, "\fO"], "k" => [0, "\fP"], "l" => [0, "\fQ"], "m" => [0, "\fR"], "n" => [0, "\fS"], "o" => [0, "\fT"], "p" => [0, "\fU"], "q" => [0, "\fV"], "r" => [0, "\fW"], "s" => [0, "\fY"], "t" => [0, "\fj"], "u" => [0, "\fk"], "v" => [0, "\fq"], "w" => [0, "\fv"], "x" => [0, "\fw"], "y" => [0, "\fx"], "z" => [0, "\fy"], "{" => [0, "\fz"], "|" => [82, "\f"], "}" => [87, "\f"], "~" => [130, "\f"], "" => [9, "\f"], "" => [94, "\0160"], "" => [76, "\0160"], "" => [104, "\0160"], "" => [16, "\0160"], "" => [94, "\0161"], "" => [76, "\0161"], "" => [104, "\0161"], "" => [16, "\0161"], "" => [94, "\0162"], "" => [76, "\0162"], "" => [104, "\0162"], "" => [16, "\0162"], "" => [94, "\16a"], "" => [76, "\16a"], "" => [104, "\16a"], "" => [16, "\16a"], "" => [94, "\16c"], "" => [76, "\16c"], "" => [104, "\16c"], "" => [16, "\16c"], "" => [94, "\16e"], "" => [76, "\16e"], "" => [104, "\16e"], "" => [16, "\16e"], "" => [94, "\16i"], "" => [76, "\16i"], "" => [104, "\16i"], "" => [16, "\16i"], "" => [94, "\16o"], "" => [76, "\16o"], "" => [104, "\16o"], "" => [16, "\16o"], "" => [94, "\16s"], "" => [76, "\16s"], "" => [104, "\16s"], "" => [16, "\16s"], "" => [94, "\16t"], "" => [76, "\16t"], "" => [104, "\16t"], "" => [16, "\16t"], "" => [77, "\16 "], "" => [18, "\16 "], "" => [77, "\16%"], "" => [18, "\16%"], "" => [77, "\16-"], "" => [18, "\16-"], "" => [77, "\16."], "" => [18, "\16."], "" => [77, "\16/"], "" => [18, "\16/"], "" => [77, "\0163"], "" => [18, "\0163"], "" => [77, "\0164"], "" => [18, "\0164"], "" => [77, "\0165"], "" => [18, "\0165"], "" => [77, "\0166"], "" => [18, "\0166"], "" => [77, "\0167"], "" => [18, "\0167"], "" => [77, "\168"], "" => [18, "\168"], "" => [77, "\169"], "" => [18, "\169"], "" => [77, "\16="], "" => [18, "\16="], "" => [77, "\16A"], "" => [18, "\16A"], "" => [77, "\16_"], "" => [18, "\16_"], "" => [77, "\16b"], "" => [18, "\16b"], "" => [77, "\16d"], "" => [18, "\16d"], "" => [77, "\16f"], "" => [18, "\16f"], "" => [77, "\16g"], "" => [18, "\16g"], "" => [77, "\16h"], "" => [18, "\16h"], "" => [77, "\16l"], "" => [18, "\16l"], "" => [77, "\16m"], "" => [18, "\16m"], "" => [77, "\16n"], "" => [18, "\16n"], "" => [77, "\16p"], "" => [18, "\16p"], "" => [77, "\16r"], "" => [18, "\16r"], "" => [77, "\16u"], "" => [18, "\16u"], "" => [0, "\16:"], "" => [0, "\16B"], "" => [0, "\16C"], "" => [0, "\16D"], "" => [0, "\16E"], "" => [0, "\16F"], "" => [0, "\16G"], "" => [0, "\16H"], "" => [0, "\16I"], "" => [0, "\16J"], "" => [0, "\16K"], "" => [0, "\16L"], "" => [0, "\16M"], "" => [0, "\16N"], "" => [0, "\16O"], "" => [0, "\16P"], "" => [0, "\16Q"], "" => [0, "\16R"], "" => [0, "\16S"], "" => [0, "\16T"], "" => [0, "\16U"], "" => [0, "\16V"], "" => [0, "\16W"], "" => [0, "\16Y"], "" => [0, "\16j"], "" => [0, "\16k"], "" => [0, "\16q"], "" => [0, "\16v"], "" => [0, "\16w"], "" => [0, "\16x"], "" => [0, "\16y"], "" => [0, "\16z"], "" => [82, "\16"], "" => [87, "\16"], "" => [130, "\16"], "" => [9, "\16"]], ["\0" => [94, "\0170"], "\1" => [76, "\0170"], "\2" => [104, "\0170"], "\3" => [16, "\0170"], "\4" => [94, "\0171"], "\5" => [76, "\0171"], "\6" => [104, "\0171"], "\7" => [16, "\0171"], "\10" => [94, "\0172"], "\t" => [76, "\0172"], "\n" => [104, "\0172"], "\v" => [16, "\0172"], "\f" => [94, "\17a"], "\r" => [76, "\17a"], "\16" => [104, "\17a"], "\17" => [16, "\17a"], "\20" => [94, "\17c"], "\21" => [76, "\17c"], "\22" => [104, "\17c"], "\23" => [16, "\17c"], "\24" => [94, "\17e"], "\25" => [76, "\17e"], "\26" => [104, "\17e"], "\27" => [16, "\17e"], "\30" => [94, "\17i"], "\31" => [76, "\17i"], "\32" => [104, "\17i"], "\33" => [16, "\17i"], "\34" => [94, "\17o"], "\35" => [76, "\17o"], "\36" => [104, "\17o"], "\37" => [16, "\17o"], " " => [94, "\17s"], "!" => [76, "\17s"], "\"" => [104, "\17s"], "#" => [16, "\17s"], "\$" => [94, "\17t"], "%" => [76, "\17t"], "&" => [104, "\17t"], "'" => [16, "\17t"], "(" => [77, "\17 "], ")" => [18, "\17 "], "*" => [77, "\17%"], "+" => [18, "\17%"], "," => [77, "\17-"], "-" => [18, "\17-"], "." => [77, "\17."], "/" => [18, "\17."], [77, "\17/"], [18, "\17/"], [77, "\0173"], [18, "\0173"], [77, "\0174"], [18, "\0174"], [77, "\0175"], [18, "\0175"], [77, "\0176"], [18, "\0176"], ":" => [77, "\0177"], ";" => [18, "\0177"], "<" => [77, "\178"], "=" => [18, "\178"], ">" => [77, "\179"], "?" => [18, "\179"], "@" => [77, "\17="], "A" => [18, "\17="], "B" => [77, "\17A"], "C" => [18, "\17A"], "D" => [77, "\17_"], "E" => [18, "\17_"], "F" => [77, "\17b"], "G" => [18, "\17b"], "H" => [77, "\17d"], "I" => [18, "\17d"], "J" => [77, "\17f"], "K" => [18, "\17f"], "L" => [77, "\17g"], "M" => [18, "\17g"], "N" => [77, "\17h"], "O" => [18, "\17h"], "P" => [77, "\17l"], "Q" => [18, "\17l"], "R" => [77, "\17m"], "S" => [18, "\17m"], "T" => [77, "\17n"], "U" => [18, "\17n"], "V" => [77, "\17p"], "W" => [18, "\17p"], "X" => [77, "\17r"], "Y" => [18, "\17r"], "Z" => [77, "\17u"], "[" => [18, "\17u"], "\\" => [0, "\17:"], "]" => [0, "\17B"], "^" => [0, "\17C"], "_" => [0, "\17D"], "`" => [0, "\17E"], "a" => [0, "\17F"], "b" => [0, "\17G"], "c" => [0, "\17H"], "d" => [0, "\17I"], "e" => [0, "\17J"], "f" => [0, "\17K"], "g" => [0, "\17L"], "h" => [0, "\17M"], "i" => [0, "\17N"], "j" => [0, "\17O"], "k" => [0, "\17P"], "l" => [0, "\17Q"], "m" => [0, "\17R"], "n" => [0, "\17S"], "o" => [0, "\17T"], "p" => [0, "\17U"], "q" => [0, "\17V"], "r" => [0, "\17W"], "s" => [0, "\17Y"], "t" => [0, "\17j"], "u" => [0, "\17k"], "v" => [0, "\17q"], "w" => [0, "\17v"], "x" => [0, "\17w"], "y" => [0, "\17x"], "z" => [0, "\17y"], "{" => [0, "\17z"], "|" => [82, "\17"], "}" => [87, "\17"], "~" => [130, "\17"], "" => [9, "\17"], "" => [94, "\0200"], "" => [76, "\0200"], "" => [104, "\0200"], "" => [16, "\0200"], "" => [94, "\0201"], "" => [76, "\0201"], "" => [104, "\0201"], "" => [16, "\0201"], "" => [94, "\0202"], "" => [76, "\0202"], "" => [104, "\0202"], "" => [16, "\0202"], "" => [94, "\20a"], "" => [76, "\20a"], "" => [104, "\20a"], "" => [16, "\20a"], "" => [94, "\20c"], "" => [76, "\20c"], "" => [104, "\20c"], "" => [16, "\20c"], "" => [94, "\20e"], "" => [76, "\20e"], "" => [104, "\20e"], "" => [16, "\20e"], "" => [94, "\20i"], "" => [76, "\20i"], "" => [104, "\20i"], "" => [16, "\20i"], "" => [94, "\20o"], "" => [76, "\20o"], "" => [104, "\20o"], "" => [16, "\20o"], "" => [94, "\20s"], "" => [76, "\20s"], "" => [104, "\20s"], "" => [16, "\20s"], "" => [94, "\20t"], "" => [76, "\20t"], "" => [104, "\20t"], "" => [16, "\20t"], "" => [77, "\20 "], "" => [18, "\20 "], "" => [77, "\20%"], "" => [18, "\20%"], "" => [77, "\20-"], "" => [18, "\20-"], "" => [77, "\20."], "" => [18, "\20."], "" => [77, "\20/"], "" => [18, "\20/"], "" => [77, "\0203"], "" => [18, "\0203"], "" => [77, "\0204"], "" => [18, "\0204"], "" => [77, "\0205"], "" => [18, "\0205"], "" => [77, "\0206"], "" => [18, "\0206"], "" => [77, "\0207"], "" => [18, "\0207"], "" => [77, "\208"], "" => [18, "\208"], "" => [77, "\209"], "" => [18, "\209"], "" => [77, "\20="], "" => [18, "\20="], "" => [77, "\20A"], "" => [18, "\20A"], "" => [77, "\20_"], "" => [18, "\20_"], "" => [77, "\20b"], "" => [18, "\20b"], "" => [77, "\20d"], "" => [18, "\20d"], "" => [77, 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[130, "\20"], "" => [9, "\20"]], ["\0" => [77, "\0170"], "\1" => [18, "\0170"], "\2" => [77, "\0171"], "\3" => [18, "\0171"], "\4" => [77, "\0172"], "\5" => [18, "\0172"], "\6" => [77, "\17a"], "\7" => [18, "\17a"], "\10" => [77, "\17c"], "\t" => [18, "\17c"], "\n" => [77, "\17e"], "\v" => [18, "\17e"], "\f" => [77, "\17i"], "\r" => [18, "\17i"], "\16" => [77, "\17o"], "\17" => [18, "\17o"], "\20" => [77, "\17s"], "\21" => [18, "\17s"], "\22" => [77, "\17t"], "\23" => [18, "\17t"], "\24" => [0, "\17 "], "\25" => [0, "\17%"], "\26" => [0, "\17-"], "\27" => [0, "\17."], "\30" => [0, "\17/"], "\31" => [0, "\0173"], "\32" => [0, "\0174"], "\33" => [0, "\0175"], "\34" => [0, "\0176"], "\35" => [0, "\0177"], "\36" => [0, "\178"], "\37" => [0, "\179"], " " => [0, "\17="], "!" => [0, "\17A"], "\"" => [0, "\17_"], "#" => [0, "\17b"], "\$" => [0, "\17d"], "%" => [0, "\17f"], "&" => [0, "\17g"], "'" => [0, "\17h"], "(" => [0, "\17l"], ")" => [0, "\17m"], "*" => [0, "\17n"], "+" => [0, "\17p"], 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"_" => [0, "\209"], "`" => [0, "\20="], "a" => [0, "\20A"], "b" => [0, "\20_"], "c" => [0, "\20b"], "d" => [0, "\20d"], "e" => [0, "\20f"], "f" => [0, "\20g"], "g" => [0, "\20h"], "h" => [0, "\20l"], "i" => [0, "\20m"], "j" => [0, "\20n"], "k" => [0, "\20p"], "l" => [0, "\20r"], "m" => [0, "\20u"], "n" => [100, "\20"], "o" => [110, "\20"], "p" => [111, "\20"], "q" => [115, "\20"], "r" => [116, "\20"], "s" => [118, "\20"], "t" => [119, "\20"], "u" => [122, "\20"], "v" => [123, "\20"], "w" => [125, "\20"], "x" => [126, "\20"], "y" => [129, "\20"], "z" => [143, "\20"], "{" => [148, "\20"], "|" => [151, "\20"], "}" => [153, "\20"], "~" => [83, "\20"], "" => [10, "\20"], "" => [77, "\0210"], "" => [18, "\0210"], "" => [77, "\0211"], "" => [18, "\0211"], "" => [77, "\0212"], "" => [18, "\0212"], "" => [77, "\21a"], "" => [18, "\21a"], "" => [77, "\21c"], "" => [18, "\21c"], "" => [77, "\21e"], "" => [18, "\21e"], "" => [77, "\21i"], "" => [18, "\21i"], "" => [77, "\21o"], "" => [18, "\21o"], 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"\22"], "" => [123, "\22"], "" => [125, "\22"], "" => [126, "\22"], "" => [129, "\22"], "" => [143, "\22"], "" => [148, "\22"], "" => [151, "\22"], "" => [153, "\22"], "" => [83, "\22"], "" => [10, "\22"]], ["\0" => [94, "\0210"], "\1" => [76, "\0210"], "\2" => [104, "\0210"], "\3" => [16, "\0210"], "\4" => [94, "\0211"], "\5" => [76, "\0211"], "\6" => [104, "\0211"], "\7" => [16, "\0211"], "\10" => [94, "\0212"], "\t" => [76, "\0212"], "\n" => [104, "\0212"], "\v" => [16, "\0212"], "\f" => [94, "\21a"], "\r" => [76, "\21a"], "\16" => [104, "\21a"], "\17" => [16, "\21a"], "\20" => [94, "\21c"], "\21" => [76, "\21c"], "\22" => [104, "\21c"], "\23" => [16, "\21c"], "\24" => [94, "\21e"], "\25" => [76, "\21e"], "\26" => [104, "\21e"], "\27" => [16, "\21e"], "\30" => [94, "\21i"], "\31" => [76, "\21i"], "\32" => [104, "\21i"], "\33" => [16, "\21i"], "\34" => [94, "\21o"], "\35" => [76, "\21o"], "\36" => [104, "\21o"], "\37" => [16, "\21o"], " " => [94, "\21s"], "!" => [76, "\21s"], "\"" => 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"\21n"], "U" => [18, "\21n"], "V" => [77, "\21p"], "W" => [18, "\21p"], "X" => [77, "\21r"], "Y" => [18, "\21r"], "Z" => [77, "\21u"], "[" => [18, "\21u"], "\\" => [0, "\21:"], "]" => [0, "\21B"], "^" => [0, "\21C"], "_" => [0, "\21D"], "`" => [0, "\21E"], "a" => [0, "\21F"], "b" => [0, "\21G"], "c" => [0, "\21H"], "d" => [0, "\21I"], "e" => [0, "\21J"], "f" => [0, "\21K"], "g" => [0, "\21L"], "h" => [0, "\21M"], "i" => [0, "\21N"], "j" => [0, "\21O"], "k" => [0, "\21P"], "l" => [0, "\21Q"], "m" => [0, "\21R"], "n" => [0, "\21S"], "o" => [0, "\21T"], "p" => [0, "\21U"], "q" => [0, "\21V"], "r" => [0, "\21W"], "s" => [0, "\21Y"], "t" => [0, "\21j"], "u" => [0, "\21k"], "v" => [0, "\21q"], "w" => [0, "\21v"], "x" => [0, "\21w"], "y" => [0, "\21x"], "z" => [0, "\21y"], "{" => [0, "\21z"], "|" => [82, "\21"], "}" => [87, "\21"], "~" => [130, "\21"], "" => [9, "\21"], "" => [94, "\0220"], "" => [76, "\0220"], "" => [104, "\0220"], "" => [16, "\0220"], "" => [94, "\0221"], "" => [76, "\0221"], "" => [104, "\0221"], "" => [16, "\0221"], "" => [94, "\0222"], "" => [76, "\0222"], "" => [104, "\0222"], "" => [16, "\0222"], "" => [94, "\22a"], "" => [76, "\22a"], "" => [104, "\22a"], "" => [16, "\22a"], "" => [94, "\22c"], "" => [76, "\22c"], "" => [104, "\22c"], "" => [16, "\22c"], "" => [94, "\22e"], "" => [76, "\22e"], "" => [104, "\22e"], "" => [16, "\22e"], "" => [94, "\22i"], "" => [76, "\22i"], "" => [104, "\22i"], "" => [16, "\22i"], "" => [94, "\22o"], "" => [76, "\22o"], "" => [104, "\22o"], "" => [16, "\22o"], "" => [94, "\22s"], "" => [76, "\22s"], "" => [104, "\22s"], "" => [16, "\22s"], "" => [94, "\22t"], "" => [76, "\22t"], "" => [104, "\22t"], "" => [16, "\22t"], "" => [77, "\22 "], "" => [18, "\22 "], "" => [77, "\22%"], "" => [18, "\22%"], "" => [77, "\22-"], "" => [18, "\22-"], "" => [77, "\22."], "" => [18, "\22."], "" => [77, "\22/"], "" => [18, "\22/"], "" => [77, "\0223"], "" => [18, "\0223"], "" => [77, "\0224"], "" => [18, "\0224"], "" => [77, 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"\22M"], "" => [0, "\22N"], "" => [0, "\22O"], "" => [0, "\22P"], "" => [0, "\22Q"], "" => [0, "\22R"], "" => [0, "\22S"], "" => [0, "\22T"], "" => [0, "\22U"], "" => [0, "\22V"], "" => [0, "\22W"], "" => [0, "\22Y"], "" => [0, "\22j"], "" => [0, "\22k"], "" => [0, "\22q"], "" => [0, "\22v"], "" => [0, "\22w"], "" => [0, "\22x"], "" => [0, "\22y"], "" => [0, "\22z"], "" => [82, "\22"], "" => [87, "\22"], "" => [130, "\22"], "" => [9, "\22"]], ["\0" => [94, "\0230"], "\1" => [76, "\0230"], "\2" => [104, "\0230"], "\3" => [16, "\0230"], "\4" => [94, "\0231"], "\5" => [76, "\0231"], "\6" => [104, "\0231"], "\7" => [16, "\0231"], "\10" => [94, "\0232"], "\t" => [76, "\0232"], "\n" => [104, "\0232"], "\v" => [16, "\0232"], "\f" => [94, "\23a"], "\r" => [76, "\23a"], "\16" => [104, "\23a"], "\17" => [16, "\23a"], "\20" => [94, "\23c"], "\21" => [76, "\23c"], "\22" => [104, "\23c"], "\23" => [16, "\23c"], "\24" => [94, "\23e"], "\25" => [76, "\23e"], "\26" => [104, "\23e"], "\27" => [16, "\23e"], "\30" => [94, "\23i"], "\31" => [76, "\23i"], "\32" => [104, "\23i"], "\33" => [16, "\23i"], "\34" => [94, "\23o"], "\35" => [76, "\23o"], "\36" => [104, "\23o"], "\37" => [16, "\23o"], " " => [94, "\23s"], "!" => [76, "\23s"], "\"" => [104, "\23s"], "#" => [16, "\23s"], "\$" => [94, "\23t"], "%" => [76, "\23t"], "&" => [104, "\23t"], "'" => [16, "\23t"], "(" => [77, "\23 "], ")" => [18, "\23 "], "*" => [77, "\23%"], "+" => [18, "\23%"], "," => [77, "\23-"], "-" => [18, "\23-"], "." => [77, "\23."], "/" => [18, "\23."], [77, "\23/"], [18, "\23/"], [77, "\0233"], [18, "\0233"], [77, "\0234"], [18, "\0234"], [77, "\0235"], [18, "\0235"], [77, "\0236"], [18, "\0236"], ":" => [77, "\0237"], ";" => [18, "\0237"], "<" => [77, "\238"], "=" => [18, "\238"], ">" => [77, "\239"], "?" => [18, "\239"], "@" => [77, "\23="], "A" => [18, "\23="], "B" => [77, "\23A"], "C" => [18, "\23A"], "D" => [77, "\23_"], "E" => [18, "\23_"], "F" => [77, "\23b"], "G" => [18, "\23b"], "H" => [77, "\23d"], "I" => [18, "\23d"], "J" => [77, "\23f"], "K" => [18, "\23f"], "L" => [77, "\23g"], "M" => [18, "\23g"], "N" => [77, "\23h"], "O" => [18, "\23h"], "P" => [77, "\23l"], "Q" => [18, "\23l"], "R" => [77, "\23m"], "S" => [18, "\23m"], "T" => [77, "\23n"], "U" => [18, "\23n"], "V" => [77, "\23p"], "W" => [18, "\23p"], "X" => [77, "\23r"], "Y" => [18, "\23r"], "Z" => [77, "\23u"], "[" => [18, "\23u"], "\\" => [0, "\23:"], "]" => [0, "\23B"], "^" => [0, "\23C"], "_" => [0, "\23D"], "`" => [0, "\23E"], "a" => [0, "\23F"], "b" => [0, "\23G"], "c" => [0, "\23H"], "d" => [0, "\23I"], "e" => [0, "\23J"], "f" => [0, "\23K"], "g" => [0, "\23L"], "h" => [0, "\23M"], "i" => [0, "\23N"], "j" => [0, "\23O"], "k" => [0, "\23P"], "l" => [0, "\23Q"], "m" => [0, "\23R"], "n" => [0, "\23S"], "o" => [0, "\23T"], "p" => [0, "\23U"], "q" => [0, "\23V"], "r" => [0, "\23W"], "s" => [0, "\23Y"], "t" => [0, "\23j"], "u" => [0, "\23k"], "v" => [0, "\23q"], "w" => [0, "\23v"], "x" => [0, "\23w"], "y" => [0, "\23x"], "z" => [0, "\23y"], "{" => [0, "\23z"], "|" => [82, "\23"], "}" => [87, "\23"], "~" => [130, "\23"], "" => [9, "\23"], "" => [94, "\0240"], "" => [76, "\0240"], "" => [104, "\0240"], "" => [16, "\0240"], "" => [94, "\0241"], "" => [76, "\0241"], "" => [104, "\0241"], "" => [16, "\0241"], "" => [94, "\0242"], "" => [76, "\0242"], "" => [104, "\0242"], "" => [16, "\0242"], "" => [94, "\24a"], "" => [76, "\24a"], "" => [104, "\24a"], "" => [16, "\24a"], "" => [94, "\24c"], "" => [76, "\24c"], "" => [104, "\24c"], "" => [16, "\24c"], "" => [94, "\24e"], "" => [76, "\24e"], "" => [104, "\24e"], "" => [16, "\24e"], "" => [94, "\24i"], "" => [76, "\24i"], "" => [104, "\24i"], "" => [16, "\24i"], "" => [94, "\24o"], "" => [76, "\24o"], "" => [104, "\24o"], "" => [16, "\24o"], "" => [94, "\24s"], "" => [76, "\24s"], "" => [104, "\24s"], "" => [16, "\24s"], "" => [94, "\24t"], "" => [76, "\24t"], "" => [104, "\24t"], "" => [16, "\24t"], "" => [77, "\24 "], "" => [18, "\24 "], "" => [77, "\24%"], 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"\24:"], "" => [0, "\24B"], "" => [0, "\24C"], "" => [0, "\24D"], "" => [0, "\24E"], "" => [0, "\24F"], "" => [0, "\24G"], "" => [0, "\24H"], "" => [0, "\24I"], "" => [0, "\24J"], "" => [0, "\24K"], "" => [0, "\24L"], "" => [0, "\24M"], "" => [0, "\24N"], "" => [0, "\24O"], "" => [0, "\24P"], "" => [0, "\24Q"], "" => [0, "\24R"], "" => [0, "\24S"], "" => [0, "\24T"], "" => [0, "\24U"], "" => [0, "\24V"], "" => [0, "\24W"], "" => [0, "\24Y"], "" => [0, "\24j"], "" => [0, "\24k"], "" => [0, "\24q"], "" => [0, "\24v"], "" => [0, "\24w"], "" => [0, "\24x"], "" => [0, "\24y"], "" => [0, "\24z"], "" => [82, "\24"], "" => [87, "\24"], "" => [130, "\24"], "" => [9, "\24"]], ["\0" => [77, "\0230"], "\1" => [18, "\0230"], "\2" => [77, "\0231"], "\3" => [18, "\0231"], "\4" => [77, "\0232"], "\5" => [18, "\0232"], "\6" => [77, "\23a"], "\7" => [18, "\23a"], "\10" => [77, "\23c"], "\t" => [18, "\23c"], "\n" => [77, "\23e"], "\v" => [18, "\23e"], "\f" => [77, "\23i"], "\r" => [18, "\23i"], "\16" => [77, "\23o"], "\17" => [18, "\23o"], "\20" => [77, "\23s"], "\21" => [18, "\23s"], "\22" => [77, "\23t"], "\23" => [18, "\23t"], "\24" => [0, "\23 "], "\25" => [0, "\23%"], "\26" => [0, "\23-"], "\27" => [0, "\23."], "\30" => [0, "\23/"], "\31" => [0, "\0233"], "\32" => [0, "\0234"], "\33" => [0, "\0235"], "\34" => [0, "\0236"], "\35" => [0, "\0237"], "\36" => [0, "\238"], "\37" => [0, "\239"], " " => [0, "\23="], "!" => [0, "\23A"], "\"" => [0, "\23_"], "#" => [0, "\23b"], "\$" => [0, "\23d"], "%" => [0, "\23f"], "&" => [0, "\23g"], "'" => [0, "\23h"], "(" => [0, "\23l"], ")" => [0, "\23m"], "*" => [0, "\23n"], "+" => [0, "\23p"], "," => [0, "\23r"], "-" => [0, "\23u"], "." => [100, "\23"], "/" => [110, "\23"], [111, "\23"], [115, "\23"], [116, "\23"], [118, "\23"], [119, "\23"], [122, "\23"], [123, "\23"], [125, "\23"], [126, "\23"], [129, "\23"], ":" => [143, "\23"], ";" => [148, "\23"], "<" => [151, "\23"], "=" => [153, "\23"], ">" => [83, "\23"], "?" => [10, "\23"], "@" => [77, "\0240"], "A" => [18, "\0240"], "B" => [77, "\0241"], "C" => [18, "\0241"], "D" => [77, "\0242"], "E" => [18, "\0242"], "F" => [77, "\24a"], "G" => [18, "\24a"], "H" => [77, "\24c"], "I" => [18, "\24c"], "J" => [77, "\24e"], "K" => [18, "\24e"], "L" => [77, "\24i"], "M" => [18, "\24i"], "N" => [77, "\24o"], "O" => [18, "\24o"], "P" => [77, "\24s"], "Q" => [18, "\24s"], "R" => [77, "\24t"], "S" => [18, "\24t"], "T" => [0, "\24 "], "U" => [0, "\24%"], "V" => [0, "\24-"], "W" => [0, "\24."], "X" => [0, "\24/"], "Y" => [0, "\0243"], "Z" => [0, "\0244"], "[" => [0, "\0245"], "\\" => [0, "\0246"], "]" => [0, "\0247"], "^" => [0, "\248"], "_" => [0, "\249"], "`" => [0, "\24="], "a" => [0, "\24A"], "b" => [0, "\24_"], "c" => [0, "\24b"], "d" => [0, "\24d"], "e" => [0, "\24f"], "f" => [0, "\24g"], "g" => [0, "\24h"], "h" => [0, "\24l"], "i" => [0, "\24m"], "j" => [0, "\24n"], "k" => [0, "\24p"], "l" => [0, "\24r"], "m" => [0, "\24u"], "n" => [100, "\24"], "o" => [110, "\24"], "p" => [111, "\24"], "q" => [115, "\24"], "r" => [116, "\24"], "s" => [118, "\24"], "t" => [119, "\24"], "u" => [122, "\24"], "v" => [123, "\24"], "w" => [125, "\24"], "x" => [126, "\24"], "y" => [129, "\24"], "z" => [143, "\24"], "{" => [148, "\24"], "|" => [151, "\24"], "}" => [153, "\24"], "~" => [83, "\24"], "" => [10, "\24"], "" => [77, "\0250"], "" => [18, "\0250"], "" => [77, "\0251"], "" => [18, "\0251"], "" => [77, "\0252"], "" => [18, "\0252"], "" => [77, "\25a"], "" => [18, "\25a"], "" => [77, "\25c"], "" => [18, "\25c"], "" => [77, "\25e"], "" => [18, "\25e"], "" => [77, "\25i"], "" => [18, "\25i"], "" => [77, "\25o"], "" => [18, "\25o"], "" => [77, "\25s"], "" => [18, "\25s"], "" => [77, "\25t"], "" => [18, "\25t"], "" => [0, "\25 "], "" => [0, "\25%"], "" => [0, "\25-"], "" => [0, "\25."], "" => [0, "\25/"], "" => [0, "\0253"], "" => [0, "\0254"], "" => [0, "\0255"], "" => [0, "\0256"], "" => [0, "\0257"], "" => [0, "\258"], "" => [0, "\259"], "" => [0, "\25="], "" => [0, "\25A"], "" => [0, "\25_"], "" => [0, "\25b"], "" => [0, "\25d"], "" => [0, "\25f"], "" => [0, "\25g"], "" => [0, "\25h"], "" => [0, "\25l"], "" => [0, "\25m"], "" => [0, "\25n"], "" => [0, "\25p"], "" => [0, "\25r"], "" => [0, "\25u"], "" => [100, "\25"], "" => [110, "\25"], "" => [111, "\25"], "" => [115, "\25"], "" => [116, "\25"], "" => [118, "\25"], "" => [119, "\25"], "" => [122, "\25"], "" => [123, "\25"], "" => [125, "\25"], "" => [126, "\25"], "" => [129, "\25"], "" => [143, "\25"], "" => [148, "\25"], "" => [151, "\25"], "" => [153, "\25"], "" => [83, "\25"], "" => [10, "\25"], "" => [77, "\0270"], "" => [18, "\0270"], "" => [77, "\0271"], "" => [18, "\0271"], "" => [77, "\0272"], "" => [18, "\0272"], "" => [77, "\27a"], "" => [18, "\27a"], "" => [77, "\27c"], "" => [18, "\27c"], "" => [77, "\27e"], "" => [18, "\27e"], "" => [77, "\27i"], "" => [18, "\27i"], "" => [77, "\27o"], "" => [18, "\27o"], "" => [77, "\27s"], "" => [18, "\27s"], "" => [77, "\27t"], "" => [18, "\27t"], "" => [0, "\27 "], "" => [0, "\27%"], "" => [0, "\27-"], "" => [0, "\27."], "" => [0, "\27/"], "" => [0, "\0273"], "" => [0, "\0274"], "" => [0, "\0275"], "" => [0, "\0276"], "" => [0, "\0277"], "" => [0, "\278"], "" => [0, "\279"], "" => [0, "\27="], "" => [0, "\27A"], "" => [0, "\27_"], "" => [0, "\27b"], "" => [0, "\27d"], "" => [0, "\27f"], "" => [0, "\27g"], "" => [0, "\27h"], "" => [0, "\27l"], "" => [0, "\27m"], "" => [0, "\27n"], "" => [0, "\27p"], "" => [0, "\27r"], "" => [0, "\27u"], "" => [100, "\27"], "" => [110, "\27"], "" => [111, "\27"], "" => [115, "\27"], "" => [116, "\27"], "" => [118, "\27"], "" => [119, "\27"], "" => [122, "\27"], "" => [123, "\27"], "" => [125, "\27"], "" => [126, "\27"], "" => [129, "\27"], "" => [143, "\27"], "" => [148, "\27"], "" => [151, "\27"], "" => [153, "\27"], "" => [83, "\27"], "" => [10, "\27"]], ["\0" => [0, "\0230"], "\1" => [0, "\0231"], "\2" => [0, "\0232"], "\3" => [0, "\23a"], "\4" => [0, "\23c"], "\5" => [0, "\23e"], "\6" => [0, "\23i"], "\7" => [0, "\23o"], "\10" => [0, "\23s"], "\t" => [0, "\23t"], "\n" => [73, "\23"], "\v" => [88, "\23"], "\f" => [89, "\23"], "\r" => [96, "\23"], "\16" => [97, "\23"], "\17" => [99, "\23"], "\20" => [106, "\23"], "\21" => [136, "\23"], "\22" => [139, "\23"], "\23" => [141, "\23"], "\24" => [145, "\23"], "\25" => [147, "\23"], "\26" => [149, "\23"], "\27" => [101, "\23"], "\30" => [112, "\23"], "\31" => [117, "\23"], "\32" => [120, "\23"], "\33" => [124, "\23"], "\34" => [127, "\23"], "\35" => [144, "\23"], "\36" => [152, "\23"], "\37" => [11, "\23"], " " => [0, "\0240"], "!" => [0, "\0241"], "\"" => [0, "\0242"], "#" => [0, "\24a"], "\$" => [0, "\24c"], "%" => [0, "\24e"], "&" => [0, "\24i"], "'" => [0, "\24o"], "(" => [0, "\24s"], ")" => [0, "\24t"], "*" => [73, "\24"], "+" => [88, "\24"], "," => [89, "\24"], "-" => [96, "\24"], "." => [97, "\24"], "/" => [99, "\24"], [106, "\24"], [136, "\24"], [139, "\24"], [141, "\24"], [145, "\24"], [147, "\24"], [149, "\24"], [101, "\24"], [112, "\24"], [117, "\24"], ":" => [120, "\24"], ";" => [124, "\24"], "<" => [127, "\24"], "=" => [144, "\24"], ">" => [152, "\24"], "?" => [11, "\24"], "@" => [0, "\0250"], "A" => [0, "\0251"], "B" => [0, "\0252"], "C" => [0, "\25a"], "D" => [0, "\25c"], "E" => [0, "\25e"], "F" => [0, "\25i"], "G" => [0, "\25o"], "H" => [0, "\25s"], "I" => [0, "\25t"], "J" => [73, "\25"], "K" => [88, "\25"], "L" => [89, "\25"], "M" => [96, "\25"], "N" => [97, "\25"], "O" => [99, "\25"], "P" => [106, "\25"], "Q" => [136, "\25"], "R" => [139, "\25"], "S" => [141, "\25"], "T" => [145, "\25"], "U" => [147, "\25"], "V" => [149, "\25"], "W" => [101, "\25"], "X" => [112, "\25"], "Y" => [117, "\25"], "Z" => [120, "\25"], "[" => [124, "\25"], "\\" => [127, "\25"], "]" => [144, "\25"], "^" => [152, "\25"], "_" => [11, "\25"], "`" => [0, "\0270"], "a" => [0, "\0271"], "b" => [0, "\0272"], "c" => [0, "\27a"], "d" => [0, "\27c"], "e" => [0, "\27e"], "f" => [0, "\27i"], "g" => [0, "\27o"], "h" => [0, "\27s"], "i" => [0, "\27t"], "j" => [73, "\27"], "k" => [88, "\27"], "l" => [89, "\27"], "m" => [96, "\27"], "n" => [97, "\27"], "o" => [99, "\27"], "p" => [106, "\27"], "q" => [136, "\27"], "r" => [139, "\27"], "s" => [141, "\27"], "t" => [145, "\27"], "u" => [147, "\27"], "v" => [149, "\27"], "w" => [101, "\27"], "x" => [112, "\27"], "y" => [117, "\27"], "z" => [120, "\27"], "{" => [124, "\27"], "|" => [127, "\27"], "}" => [144, "\27"], "~" => [152, "\27"], "" => [11, "\27"], "" => [0, "\0300"], "" => [0, "\0301"], "" => [0, "\0302"], "" => [0, "\30a"], "" => [0, "\30c"], "" => [0, "\30e"], "" => [0, "\30i"], "" => [0, "\30o"], "" => [0, "\30s"], "" => [0, "\30t"], "" => [73, "\30"], "" => [88, "\30"], "" => [89, "\30"], "" => [96, "\30"], "" => [97, "\30"], "" => [99, "\30"], "" => [106, "\30"], "" => [136, "\30"], "" => [139, "\30"], "" => [141, "\30"], "" => [145, "\30"], "" => [147, "\30"], "" => [149, "\30"], "" => [101, "\30"], "" => [112, "\30"], "" => [117, "\30"], "" => [120, "\30"], "" 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"\0250"], "\1" => [76, "\0250"], "\2" => [104, "\0250"], "\3" => [16, "\0250"], "\4" => [94, "\0251"], "\5" => [76, "\0251"], "\6" => [104, "\0251"], "\7" => [16, "\0251"], "\10" => [94, "\0252"], "\t" => [76, "\0252"], "\n" => [104, "\0252"], "\v" => [16, "\0252"], "\f" => [94, "\25a"], "\r" => [76, "\25a"], "\16" => [104, "\25a"], "\17" => [16, "\25a"], "\20" => [94, "\25c"], "\21" => [76, "\25c"], "\22" => [104, "\25c"], "\23" => [16, "\25c"], "\24" => [94, "\25e"], "\25" => [76, "\25e"], "\26" => [104, "\25e"], "\27" => [16, "\25e"], "\30" => [94, "\25i"], "\31" => [76, "\25i"], "\32" => [104, "\25i"], "\33" => [16, "\25i"], "\34" => [94, "\25o"], "\35" => [76, "\25o"], "\36" => [104, "\25o"], "\37" => [16, "\25o"], " " => [94, "\25s"], "!" => [76, "\25s"], "\"" => [104, "\25s"], "#" => [16, "\25s"], "\$" => [94, "\25t"], "%" => [76, "\25t"], "&" => [104, "\25t"], "'" => [16, "\25t"], "(" => [77, "\25 "], ")" => [18, "\25 "], "*" => [77, "\25%"], "+" => [18, "\25%"], "," => [77, 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=> [0, "\25D"], "`" => [0, "\25E"], "a" => [0, "\25F"], "b" => [0, "\25G"], "c" => [0, "\25H"], "d" => [0, "\25I"], "e" => [0, "\25J"], "f" => [0, "\25K"], "g" => [0, "\25L"], "h" => [0, "\25M"], "i" => [0, "\25N"], "j" => [0, "\25O"], "k" => [0, "\25P"], "l" => [0, "\25Q"], "m" => [0, "\25R"], "n" => [0, "\25S"], "o" => [0, "\25T"], "p" => [0, "\25U"], "q" => [0, "\25V"], "r" => [0, "\25W"], "s" => [0, "\25Y"], "t" => [0, "\25j"], "u" => [0, "\25k"], "v" => [0, "\25q"], "w" => [0, "\25v"], "x" => [0, "\25w"], "y" => [0, "\25x"], "z" => [0, "\25y"], "{" => [0, "\25z"], "|" => [82, "\25"], "}" => [87, "\25"], "~" => [130, "\25"], "" => [9, "\25"], "" => [94, "\0270"], "" => [76, "\0270"], "" => [104, "\0270"], "" => [16, "\0270"], "" => [94, "\0271"], "" => [76, "\0271"], "" => [104, "\0271"], "" => [16, "\0271"], "" => [94, "\0272"], "" => [76, "\0272"], "" => [104, "\0272"], "" => [16, "\0272"], "" => [94, "\27a"], "" => [76, "\27a"], "" => [104, "\27a"], "" => [16, "\27a"], "" => 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[0, "\30G"], "c" => [0, "\30H"], "d" => [0, "\30I"], "e" => [0, "\30J"], "f" => [0, "\30K"], "g" => [0, "\30L"], "h" => [0, "\30M"], "i" => [0, "\30N"], "j" => [0, "\30O"], "k" => [0, "\30P"], "l" => [0, "\30Q"], "m" => [0, "\30R"], "n" => [0, "\30S"], "o" => [0, "\30T"], "p" => [0, "\30U"], "q" => [0, "\30V"], "r" => [0, "\30W"], "s" => [0, "\30Y"], "t" => [0, "\30j"], "u" => [0, "\30k"], "v" => [0, "\30q"], "w" => [0, "\30v"], "x" => [0, "\30w"], "y" => [0, "\30x"], "z" => [0, "\30y"], "{" => [0, "\30z"], "|" => [82, "\30"], "}" => [87, "\30"], "~" => [130, "\30"], "" => [9, "\30"], "" => [94, "\0310"], "" => [76, "\0310"], "" => [104, "\0310"], "" => [16, "\0310"], "" => [94, "\0311"], "" => [76, "\0311"], "" => [104, "\0311"], "" => [16, "\0311"], "" => [94, "\0312"], "" => [76, "\0312"], "" => [104, "\0312"], "" => [16, "\0312"], "" => [94, "\31a"], "" => [76, "\31a"], "" => [104, "\31a"], "" => [16, "\31a"], "" => [94, "\31c"], "" => [76, "\31c"], "" => [104, "\31c"], "" => [16, 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[0, "\0313"], "Z" => [0, "\0314"], "[" => [0, "\0315"], "\\" => [0, "\0316"], "]" => [0, "\0317"], "^" => [0, "\318"], "_" => [0, "\319"], "`" => [0, "\31="], "a" => [0, "\31A"], "b" => [0, "\31_"], "c" => [0, "\31b"], "d" => [0, "\31d"], "e" => [0, "\31f"], "f" => [0, "\31g"], "g" => [0, "\31h"], "h" => [0, "\31l"], "i" => [0, "\31m"], "j" => [0, "\31n"], "k" => [0, "\31p"], "l" => [0, "\31r"], "m" => [0, "\31u"], "n" => [100, "\31"], "o" => [110, "\31"], "p" => [111, "\31"], "q" => [115, "\31"], "r" => [116, "\31"], "s" => [118, "\31"], "t" => [119, "\31"], "u" => [122, "\31"], "v" => [123, "\31"], "w" => [125, "\31"], "x" => [126, "\31"], "y" => [129, "\31"], "z" => [143, "\31"], "{" => [148, "\31"], "|" => [151, "\31"], "}" => [153, "\31"], "~" => [83, "\31"], "" => [10, "\31"], "" => [77, "\0320"], "" => [18, "\0320"], "" => [77, "\0321"], "" => [18, "\0321"], "" => [77, "\0322"], "" => [18, "\0322"], "" => [77, "\32a"], "" => [18, "\32a"], "" => [77, "\32c"], "" => [18, "\32c"], "" => [77, "\32e"], "" => [18, "\32e"], "" => [77, "\32i"], "" => [18, "\32i"], "" => [77, "\32o"], "" => [18, "\32o"], "" => [77, "\32s"], "" => [18, "\32s"], "" => [77, "\32t"], "" => [18, "\32t"], "" => [0, "\32 "], "" => [0, "\32%"], "" => [0, "\32-"], "" => [0, "\32."], "" => [0, "\32/"], "" => [0, "\0323"], "" => [0, "\0324"], "" => [0, "\0325"], "" => [0, "\0326"], "" => [0, "\0327"], "" => [0, "\328"], "" => [0, "\329"], "" => [0, "\32="], "" => [0, "\32A"], "" => [0, "\32_"], "" => [0, "\32b"], "" => [0, "\32d"], "" => [0, "\32f"], "" => [0, "\32g"], "" => [0, "\32h"], "" => [0, "\32l"], "" => [0, "\32m"], "" => [0, "\32n"], "" => [0, "\32p"], "" => [0, "\32r"], "" => [0, "\32u"], "" => [100, "\32"], "" => [110, "\32"], "" => [111, "\32"], "" => [115, "\32"], "" => [116, "\32"], "" => [118, "\32"], "" => [119, "\32"], "" => [122, "\32"], "" => [123, "\32"], "" => [125, "\32"], "" => [126, "\32"], "" => [129, "\32"], "" => [143, "\32"], "" => [148, "\32"], "" => [151, "\32"], "" => [153, "\32"], "" => [83, "\32"], "" => [10, "\32"], "" => [77, "\0330"], "" => [18, "\0330"], "" => [77, "\0331"], "" => [18, "\0331"], "" => [77, "\0332"], "" => [18, "\0332"], "" => [77, "\33a"], "" => [18, "\33a"], "" => [77, "\33c"], "" => [18, "\33c"], "" => [77, "\33e"], "" => [18, "\33e"], "" => [77, "\33i"], "" => [18, "\33i"], "" => [77, "\33o"], "" => [18, "\33o"], "" => [77, "\33s"], "" => [18, "\33s"], "" => [77, "\33t"], "" => [18, "\33t"], "" => [0, "\33 "], "" => [0, "\33%"], "" => [0, "\33-"], "" => [0, "\33."], "" => [0, "\33/"], "" => [0, "\0333"], "" => [0, "\0334"], "" => [0, "\0335"], "" => [0, "\0336"], "" => [0, "\0337"], "" => [0, "\338"], "" => [0, "\339"], "" => [0, "\33="], "" => [0, "\33A"], "" => [0, "\33_"], "" => [0, "\33b"], "" => [0, "\33d"], "" => [0, "\33f"], "" => [0, "\33g"], "" => [0, "\33h"], "" => [0, "\33l"], "" => [0, "\33m"], "" => [0, "\33n"], "" => [0, "\33p"], "" => [0, "\33r"], "" => [0, "\33u"], "" => [100, "\33"], "" => [110, 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"\35" => [76, "\32o"], "\36" => [104, "\32o"], "\37" => [16, "\32o"], " " => [94, "\32s"], "!" => [76, "\32s"], "\"" => [104, "\32s"], "#" => [16, "\32s"], "\$" => [94, "\32t"], "%" => [76, "\32t"], "&" => [104, "\32t"], "'" => [16, "\32t"], "(" => [77, "\32 "], ")" => [18, "\32 "], "*" => [77, "\32%"], "+" => [18, "\32%"], "," => [77, "\32-"], "-" => [18, "\32-"], "." => [77, "\32."], "/" => [18, "\32."], [77, "\32/"], [18, "\32/"], [77, "\0323"], [18, "\0323"], [77, "\0324"], [18, "\0324"], [77, "\0325"], [18, "\0325"], [77, "\0326"], [18, "\0326"], ":" => [77, "\0327"], ";" => [18, "\0327"], "<" => [77, "\328"], "=" => [18, "\328"], ">" => [77, "\329"], "?" => [18, "\329"], "@" => [77, "\32="], "A" => [18, "\32="], "B" => [77, "\32A"], "C" => [18, "\32A"], "D" => [77, "\32_"], "E" => [18, "\32_"], "F" => [77, "\32b"], "G" => [18, "\32b"], "H" => [77, "\32d"], "I" => [18, "\32d"], "J" => [77, "\32f"], "K" => [18, "\32f"], "L" => [77, "\32g"], "M" => [18, "\32g"], "N" => [77, "\32h"], "O" => [18, "\32h"], "P" => [77, "\32l"], "Q" => [18, "\32l"], "R" => [77, "\32m"], "S" => [18, "\32m"], "T" => [77, "\32n"], "U" => [18, "\32n"], "V" => [77, "\32p"], "W" => [18, "\32p"], "X" => [77, "\32r"], "Y" => [18, "\32r"], "Z" => [77, "\32u"], "[" => [18, "\32u"], "\\" => [0, "\32:"], "]" => [0, "\32B"], "^" => [0, "\32C"], "_" => [0, "\32D"], "`" => [0, "\32E"], "a" => [0, "\32F"], "b" => [0, "\32G"], "c" => [0, "\32H"], "d" => [0, "\32I"], "e" => [0, "\32J"], "f" => [0, "\32K"], "g" => [0, "\32L"], "h" => [0, "\32M"], "i" => [0, "\32N"], "j" => [0, "\32O"], "k" => [0, "\32P"], "l" => [0, "\32Q"], "m" => [0, "\32R"], "n" => [0, "\32S"], "o" => [0, "\32T"], "p" => [0, "\32U"], "q" => [0, "\32V"], "r" => [0, "\32W"], "s" => [0, "\32Y"], "t" => [0, "\32j"], "u" => [0, "\32k"], "v" => [0, "\32q"], "w" => [0, "\32v"], "x" => [0, "\32w"], "y" => [0, "\32x"], "z" => [0, "\32y"], "{" => [0, "\32z"], "|" => [82, "\32"], "}" => [87, "\32"], "~" => [130, "\32"], "" => [9, "\32"], "" => 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=> [16, "\34c"], "\24" => [94, "\34e"], "\25" => [76, "\34e"], "\26" => [104, "\34e"], "\27" => [16, "\34e"], "\30" => [94, "\34i"], "\31" => [76, "\34i"], "\32" => [104, "\34i"], "\33" => [16, "\34i"], "\34" => [94, "\34o"], "\35" => [76, "\34o"], "\36" => [104, "\34o"], "\37" => [16, "\34o"], " " => [94, "\34s"], "!" => [76, "\34s"], "\"" => [104, "\34s"], "#" => [16, "\34s"], "\$" => [94, "\34t"], "%" => [76, "\34t"], "&" => [104, "\34t"], "'" => [16, "\34t"], "(" => [77, "\34 "], ")" => [18, "\34 "], "*" => [77, "\34%"], "+" => [18, "\34%"], "," => [77, "\34-"], "-" => [18, "\34-"], "." => [77, "\34."], "/" => [18, "\34."], [77, "\34/"], [18, "\34/"], [77, "\0343"], [18, "\0343"], [77, "\0344"], [18, "\0344"], [77, "\0345"], [18, "\0345"], [77, "\0346"], [18, "\0346"], ":" => [77, "\0347"], ";" => [18, "\0347"], "<" => [77, "\348"], "=" => [18, "\348"], ">" => [77, "\349"], "?" => [18, "\349"], "@" => [77, "\34="], "A" => [18, "\34="], "B" => [77, "\34A"], "C" => [18, "\34A"], "D" => [77, "\34_"], "E" => [18, "\34_"], "F" => [77, "\34b"], "G" => [18, "\34b"], "H" => [77, "\34d"], "I" => [18, "\34d"], "J" => [77, "\34f"], "K" => [18, "\34f"], "L" => [77, "\34g"], "M" => [18, "\34g"], "N" => [77, "\34h"], "O" => [18, "\34h"], "P" => [77, "\34l"], "Q" => [18, "\34l"], "R" => [77, "\34m"], "S" => [18, "\34m"], "T" => [77, "\34n"], "U" => [18, "\34n"], "V" => [77, "\34p"], "W" => [18, "\34p"], "X" => [77, "\34r"], "Y" => [18, "\34r"], "Z" => [77, "\34u"], "[" => [18, "\34u"], "\\" => [0, "\34:"], "]" => [0, "\34B"], "^" => [0, "\34C"], "_" => [0, "\34D"], "`" => [0, "\34E"], "a" => [0, "\34F"], "b" => [0, "\34G"], "c" => [0, "\34H"], "d" => [0, "\34I"], "e" => [0, "\34J"], "f" => [0, "\34K"], "g" => [0, "\34L"], "h" => [0, "\34M"], "i" => [0, "\34N"], "j" => [0, "\34O"], "k" => [0, "\34P"], "l" => [0, "\34Q"], "m" => [0, "\34R"], "n" => [0, "\34S"], "o" => [0, "\34T"], "p" => [0, "\34U"], "q" => [0, "\34V"], "r" => [0, "\34W"], "s" => [0, "\34Y"], "t" => [0, "\34j"], "u" => [0, "\34k"], "v" => [0, "\34q"], "w" => [0, "\34v"], "x" => [0, "\34w"], "y" => [0, "\34x"], "z" => [0, "\34y"], "{" => [0, "\34z"], "|" => [82, "\34"], "}" => [87, "\34"], "~" => [130, "\34"], "" => [9, "\34"], "" => [94, "\0350"], "" => [76, "\0350"], "" => [104, "\0350"], "" => [16, "\0350"], "" => [94, "\0351"], "" => [76, "\0351"], "" => [104, "\0351"], "" => [16, "\0351"], "" => [94, "\0352"], "" => [76, "\0352"], "" => [104, "\0352"], "" => [16, "\0352"], "" => [94, "\35a"], "" => [76, "\35a"], "" => [104, "\35a"], "" => [16, "\35a"], "" => [94, "\35c"], "" => [76, "\35c"], "" => [104, "\35c"], "" => [16, "\35c"], "" => [94, "\35e"], "" => [76, "\35e"], "" => [104, "\35e"], "" => [16, "\35e"], "" => [94, "\35i"], "" => [76, "\35i"], "" => [104, "\35i"], "" => [16, "\35i"], "" => [94, "\35o"], "" => [76, "\35o"], "" => [104, "\35o"], "" => [16, "\35o"], "" => [94, "\35s"], "" => [76, "\35s"], "" => [104, "\35s"], "" => [16, "\35s"], "" => [94, "\35t"], "" => [76, "\35t"], 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[18, "\35p"], "" => [77, "\35r"], "" => [18, "\35r"], "" => [77, "\35u"], "" => [18, "\35u"], "" => [0, "\35:"], "" => [0, "\35B"], "" => [0, "\35C"], "" => [0, "\35D"], "" => [0, "\35E"], "" => [0, "\35F"], "" => [0, "\35G"], "" => [0, "\35H"], "" => [0, "\35I"], "" => [0, "\35J"], "" => [0, "\35K"], "" => [0, "\35L"], "" => [0, "\35M"], "" => [0, "\35N"], "" => [0, "\35O"], "" => [0, "\35P"], "" => [0, "\35Q"], "" => [0, "\35R"], "" => [0, "\35S"], "" => [0, "\35T"], "" => [0, "\35U"], "" => [0, "\35V"], "" => [0, "\35W"], "" => [0, "\35Y"], "" => [0, "\35j"], "" => [0, "\35k"], "" => [0, "\35q"], "" => [0, "\35v"], "" => [0, "\35w"], "" => [0, "\35x"], "" => [0, "\35y"], "" => [0, "\35z"], "" => [82, "\35"], "" => [87, "\35"], "" => [130, "\35"], "" => [9, "\35"]], ["\0" => [77, "\0340"], "\1" => [18, "\0340"], "\2" => [77, "\0341"], "\3" => [18, "\0341"], "\4" => [77, "\0342"], "\5" => [18, "\0342"], "\6" => [77, "\34a"], "\7" => [18, "\34a"], "\10" => [77, "\34c"], "\t" => [18, "\34c"], "\n" => [77, "\34e"], "\v" => [18, "\34e"], "\f" => [77, "\34i"], "\r" => [18, "\34i"], "\16" => [77, "\34o"], "\17" => [18, "\34o"], "\20" => [77, "\34s"], "\21" => [18, "\34s"], "\22" => [77, "\34t"], "\23" => [18, "\34t"], "\24" => [0, "\34 "], "\25" => [0, "\34%"], "\26" => [0, "\34-"], "\27" => [0, "\34."], "\30" => [0, "\34/"], "\31" => [0, "\0343"], "\32" => [0, "\0344"], "\33" => [0, "\0345"], "\34" => [0, "\0346"], "\35" => [0, "\0347"], "\36" => [0, "\348"], "\37" => [0, "\349"], " " => [0, "\34="], "!" => [0, "\34A"], "\"" => [0, "\34_"], "#" => [0, "\34b"], "\$" => [0, "\34d"], "%" => [0, "\34f"], "&" => [0, "\34g"], "'" => [0, "\34h"], "(" => [0, "\34l"], ")" => [0, "\34m"], "*" => [0, "\34n"], "+" => [0, "\34p"], "," => [0, "\34r"], "-" => [0, "\34u"], "." => [100, "\34"], "/" => [110, "\34"], [111, "\34"], [115, "\34"], [116, "\34"], [118, "\34"], [119, "\34"], [122, "\34"], [123, "\34"], [125, "\34"], [126, "\34"], [129, "\34"], ":" => [143, "\34"], ";" => [148, "\34"], "<" => [151, "\34"], "=" => [153, "\34"], ">" => [83, "\34"], "?" => [10, "\34"], "@" => [77, "\0350"], "A" => [18, "\0350"], "B" => [77, "\0351"], "C" => [18, "\0351"], "D" => [77, "\0352"], "E" => [18, "\0352"], "F" => [77, "\35a"], "G" => [18, "\35a"], "H" => [77, "\35c"], "I" => [18, "\35c"], "J" => [77, "\35e"], "K" => [18, "\35e"], "L" => [77, "\35i"], "M" => [18, "\35i"], "N" => [77, "\35o"], "O" => [18, "\35o"], "P" => [77, "\35s"], "Q" => [18, "\35s"], "R" => [77, "\35t"], "S" => [18, "\35t"], "T" => [0, "\35 "], "U" => [0, "\35%"], "V" => [0, "\35-"], "W" => [0, "\35."], "X" => [0, "\35/"], "Y" => [0, "\0353"], "Z" => [0, "\0354"], "[" => [0, "\0355"], "\\" => [0, "\0356"], "]" => [0, "\0357"], "^" => [0, "\358"], "_" => [0, "\359"], "`" => [0, "\35="], "a" => [0, "\35A"], "b" => [0, "\35_"], "c" => [0, "\35b"], "d" => [0, "\35d"], "e" => [0, "\35f"], "f" => [0, "\35g"], "g" => [0, "\35h"], "h" => [0, "\35l"], "i" => [0, "\35m"], "j" => [0, "\35n"], "k" => [0, "\35p"], "l" => [0, "\35r"], "m" => [0, "\35u"], "n" => [100, "\35"], "o" => [110, "\35"], "p" => [111, "\35"], "q" => [115, "\35"], "r" => [116, "\35"], "s" => [118, "\35"], "t" => [119, "\35"], "u" => [122, "\35"], "v" => [123, "\35"], "w" => [125, "\35"], "x" => [126, "\35"], "y" => [129, "\35"], "z" => [143, "\35"], "{" => [148, "\35"], "|" => [151, "\35"], "}" => [153, "\35"], "~" => [83, "\35"], "" => [10, "\35"], "" => [77, "\0360"], "" => [18, "\0360"], "" => [77, "\0361"], "" => [18, "\0361"], "" => [77, "\0362"], "" => [18, "\0362"], "" => [77, "\36a"], "" => [18, "\36a"], "" => [77, "\36c"], "" => [18, "\36c"], "" => [77, "\36e"], "" => [18, "\36e"], "" => [77, "\36i"], "" => [18, "\36i"], "" => [77, "\36o"], "" => [18, "\36o"], "" => [77, "\36s"], "" => [18, "\36s"], "" => [77, "\36t"], "" => [18, "\36t"], "" => [0, "\36 "], "" => [0, "\36%"], "" => [0, "\36-"], "" => [0, "\36."], "" => [0, "\36/"], "" => [0, "\0363"], "" => [0, "\0364"], "" => [0, "\0365"], "" => [0, "\0366"], "" => [0, "\0367"], "" => [0, "\368"], "" => [0, "\369"], "" => [0, "\36="], "" => [0, "\36A"], "" => [0, "\36_"], "" => [0, "\36b"], "" => [0, "\36d"], "" => [0, "\36f"], "" => [0, "\36g"], "" => [0, "\36h"], "" => [0, "\36l"], "" => [0, "\36m"], "" => [0, "\36n"], "" => [0, "\36p"], "" => [0, "\36r"], "" => [0, "\36u"], "" => [100, "\36"], "" => [110, "\36"], "" => [111, "\36"], "" => [115, "\36"], "" => [116, "\36"], "" => [118, "\36"], "" => [119, "\36"], "" => [122, "\36"], "" => [123, "\36"], "" => [125, "\36"], "" => [126, "\36"], "" => [129, "\36"], "" => [143, "\36"], "" => [148, "\36"], "" => [151, "\36"], "" => [153, "\36"], "" => [83, "\36"], "" => [10, "\36"], "" => [77, "\0370"], "" => [18, "\0370"], "" => [77, "\0371"], "" => [18, "\0371"], "" => [77, "\0372"], "" => [18, "\0372"], "" => [77, "\37a"], "" => [18, "\37a"], "" => [77, "\37c"], "" => [18, "\37c"], "" => [77, "\37e"], "" => [18, "\37e"], "" => [77, "\37i"], "" => [18, "\37i"], "" => [77, "\37o"], "" 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"\0360"], "\2" => [104, "\0360"], "\3" => [16, "\0360"], "\4" => [94, "\0361"], "\5" => [76, "\0361"], "\6" => [104, "\0361"], "\7" => [16, "\0361"], "\10" => [94, "\0362"], "\t" => [76, "\0362"], "\n" => [104, "\0362"], "\v" => [16, "\0362"], "\f" => [94, "\36a"], "\r" => [76, "\36a"], "\16" => [104, "\36a"], "\17" => [16, "\36a"], "\20" => [94, "\36c"], "\21" => [76, "\36c"], "\22" => [104, "\36c"], "\23" => [16, "\36c"], "\24" => [94, "\36e"], "\25" => [76, "\36e"], "\26" => [104, "\36e"], "\27" => [16, "\36e"], "\30" => [94, "\36i"], "\31" => [76, "\36i"], "\32" => [104, "\36i"], "\33" => [16, "\36i"], "\34" => [94, "\36o"], "\35" => [76, "\36o"], "\36" => [104, "\36o"], "\37" => [16, "\36o"], " " => [94, "\36s"], "!" => [76, "\36s"], "\"" => [104, "\36s"], "#" => [16, "\36s"], "\$" => [94, "\36t"], "%" => [76, "\36t"], "&" => [104, "\36t"], "'" => [16, "\36t"], "(" => [77, "\36 "], ")" => [18, "\36 "], "*" => [77, "\36%"], "+" => [18, "\36%"], "," => [77, "\36-"], "-" => [18, 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=> [0, "\36E"], "a" => [0, "\36F"], "b" => [0, "\36G"], "c" => [0, "\36H"], "d" => [0, "\36I"], "e" => [0, "\36J"], "f" => [0, "\36K"], "g" => [0, "\36L"], "h" => [0, "\36M"], "i" => [0, "\36N"], "j" => [0, "\36O"], "k" => [0, "\36P"], "l" => [0, "\36Q"], "m" => [0, "\36R"], "n" => [0, "\36S"], "o" => [0, "\36T"], "p" => [0, "\36U"], "q" => [0, "\36V"], "r" => [0, "\36W"], "s" => [0, "\36Y"], "t" => [0, "\36j"], "u" => [0, "\36k"], "v" => [0, "\36q"], "w" => [0, "\36v"], "x" => [0, "\36w"], "y" => [0, "\36x"], "z" => [0, "\36y"], "{" => [0, "\36z"], "|" => [82, "\36"], "}" => [87, "\36"], "~" => [130, "\36"], "" => [9, "\36"], "" => [94, "\0370"], "" => [76, "\0370"], "" => [104, "\0370"], "" => [16, "\0370"], "" => [94, "\0371"], "" => [76, "\0371"], "" => [104, "\0371"], "" => [16, "\0371"], "" => [94, "\0372"], "" => [76, "\0372"], "" => [104, "\0372"], "" => [16, "\0372"], "" => [94, "\37a"], "" => [76, "\37a"], "" => [104, "\37a"], "" => [16, "\37a"], "" => [94, "\37c"], "" => 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"\37k"], "" => [0, "\37q"], "" => [0, "\37v"], "" => [0, "\37w"], "" => [0, "\37x"], "" => [0, "\37y"], "" => [0, "\37z"], "" => [82, "\37"], "" => [87, "\37"], "" => [130, "\37"], "" => [9, "\37"]], ["\0" => [94, " 0"], "\1" => [76, " 0"], "\2" => [104, " 0"], "\3" => [16, " 0"], "\4" => [94, " 1"], "\5" => [76, " 1"], "\6" => [104, " 1"], "\7" => [16, " 1"], "\10" => [94, " 2"], "\t" => [76, " 2"], "\n" => [104, " 2"], "\v" => [16, " 2"], "\f" => [94, " a"], "\r" => [76, " a"], "\16" => [104, " a"], "\17" => [16, " a"], "\20" => [94, " c"], "\21" => [76, " c"], "\22" => [104, " c"], "\23" => [16, " c"], "\24" => [94, " e"], "\25" => [76, " e"], "\26" => [104, " e"], "\27" => [16, " e"], "\30" => [94, " i"], "\31" => [76, " i"], "\32" => [104, " i"], "\33" => [16, " i"], "\34" => [94, " o"], "\35" => [76, " o"], "\36" => [104, " o"], "\37" => [16, " o"], " " => [94, " s"], "!" => [76, " s"], "\"" => [104, " s"], "#" => [16, " s"], "\$" => [94, " t"], "%" => [76, " t"], "&" => [104, " 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=> [0, " D"], "`" => [0, " E"], "a" => [0, " F"], "b" => [0, " G"], "c" => [0, " H"], "d" => [0, " I"], "e" => [0, " J"], "f" => [0, " K"], "g" => [0, " L"], "h" => [0, " M"], "i" => [0, " N"], "j" => [0, " O"], "k" => [0, " P"], "l" => [0, " Q"], "m" => [0, " R"], "n" => [0, " S"], "o" => [0, " T"], "p" => [0, " U"], "q" => [0, " V"], "r" => [0, " W"], "s" => [0, " Y"], "t" => [0, " j"], "u" => [0, " k"], "v" => [0, " q"], "w" => [0, " v"], "x" => [0, " w"], "y" => [0, " x"], "z" => [0, " y"], "{" => [0, " z"], "|" => [82, " "], "}" => [87, " "], "~" => [130, " "], "" => [9, " "], "" => [94, "%0"], "" => [76, "%0"], "" => [104, "%0"], "" => [16, "%0"], "" => [94, "%1"], "" => [76, "%1"], "" => [104, "%1"], "" => [16, "%1"], "" => [94, "%2"], "" => [76, "%2"], "" => [104, "%2"], "" => [16, "%2"], "" => [94, "%a"], "" => [76, "%a"], "" => [104, "%a"], "" => [16, "%a"], "" => [94, "%c"], "" => [76, "%c"], "" => [104, "%c"], "" => [16, "%c"], "" => [94, "%e"], "" => [76, "%e"], "" => [104, "%e"], "" => [16, "%e"], "" => [94, "%i"], "" => [76, "%i"], "" => [104, "%i"], "" => [16, "%i"], "" => [94, "%o"], "" => [76, "%o"], "" => [104, "%o"], "" => [16, "%o"], "" => [94, "%s"], "" => [76, "%s"], "" => [104, "%s"], "" => [16, "%s"], "" => [94, "%t"], "" => [76, "%t"], "" => [104, "%t"], "" => [16, "%t"], "" => [77, "% "], "" => [18, "% "], "" => [77, "%%"], "" => [18, "%%"], "" => [77, "%-"], "" => [18, "%-"], "" => [77, "%."], "" => [18, "%."], "" => [77, "%/"], "" => [18, "%/"], "" => [77, "%3"], "" => [18, "%3"], "" => [77, "%4"], "" => [18, "%4"], "" => [77, "%5"], "" => [18, "%5"], "" => [77, "%6"], "" => [18, "%6"], "" => [77, "%7"], "" => [18, "%7"], "" => [77, "%8"], "" => [18, "%8"], "" => [77, "%9"], "" => [18, "%9"], "" => [77, "%="], "" => [18, "%="], "" => [77, "%A"], "" => [18, "%A"], "" => [77, "%_"], "" => [18, "%_"], "" => [77, "%b"], "" => [18, "%b"], "" => [77, "%d"], "" => [18, "%d"], "" => [77, "%f"], "" => [18, "%f"], "" => [77, "%g"], "" => [18, 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[77, " a"], "\7" => [18, " a"], "\10" => [77, " c"], "\t" => [18, " c"], "\n" => [77, " e"], "\v" => [18, " e"], "\f" => [77, " i"], "\r" => [18, " i"], "\16" => [77, " o"], "\17" => [18, " o"], "\20" => [77, " s"], "\21" => [18, " s"], "\22" => [77, " t"], "\23" => [18, " t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, " %"], "\26" => [0, " -"], "\27" => [0, " ."], "\30" => [0, " /"], "\31" => [0, " 3"], "\32" => [0, " 4"], "\33" => [0, " 5"], "\34" => [0, " 6"], "\35" => [0, " 7"], "\36" => [0, " 8"], "\37" => [0, " 9"], " " => [0, " ="], "!" => [0, " A"], "\"" => [0, " _"], "#" => [0, " b"], "\$" => [0, " d"], "%" => [0, " f"], "&" => [0, " g"], "'" => [0, " h"], "(" => [0, " l"], ")" => [0, " m"], "*" => [0, " n"], "+" => [0, " p"], "," => [0, " r"], "-" => [0, " u"], "." => [100, " "], "/" => [110, " "], [111, " "], [115, " "], [116, " "], [118, " "], [119, " "], [122, " "], [123, " "], [125, " "], [126, " "], [129, " "], ":" => [143, " "], ";" => [148, " "], "<" => [151, " "], "=" => [153, " "], ">" => [83, " "], "?" => [10, " "], "@" => [77, "%0"], "A" => [18, "%0"], "B" => [77, "%1"], "C" => [18, "%1"], "D" => [77, "%2"], "E" => [18, "%2"], "F" => [77, "%a"], "G" => [18, "%a"], "H" => [77, "%c"], "I" => [18, "%c"], "J" => [77, "%e"], "K" => [18, "%e"], "L" => [77, "%i"], "M" => [18, "%i"], "N" => [77, "%o"], "O" => [18, "%o"], "P" => [77, "%s"], "Q" => [18, "%s"], "R" => [77, "%t"], "S" => [18, "%t"], "T" => [0, "% "], "U" => [0, "%%"], "V" => [0, "%-"], "W" => [0, "%."], "X" => [0, "%/"], "Y" => [0, "%3"], "Z" => [0, "%4"], "[" => [0, "%5"], "\\" => [0, "%6"], "]" => [0, "%7"], "^" => [0, "%8"], "_" => [0, "%9"], "`" => [0, "%="], "a" => [0, "%A"], "b" => [0, "%_"], "c" => [0, "%b"], "d" => [0, "%d"], "e" => [0, "%f"], "f" => [0, "%g"], "g" => [0, "%h"], "h" => [0, "%l"], "i" => [0, "%m"], "j" => [0, "%n"], "k" => [0, "%p"], "l" => [0, "%r"], "m" => [0, "%u"], "n" => [100, "%"], "o" => [110, "%"], "p" => [111, "%"], "q" => [115, "%"], "r" => [116, "%"], "s" => [118, "%"], "t" => [119, "%"], "u" => [122, "%"], "v" => [123, "%"], "w" => [125, "%"], "x" => [126, "%"], "y" => [129, "%"], "z" => [143, "%"], "{" => [148, "%"], "|" => [151, "%"], "}" => [153, "%"], "~" => [83, "%"], "" => [10, "%"], "" => [77, "-0"], "" => [18, "-0"], "" => [77, "-1"], "" => [18, "-1"], "" => [77, "-2"], "" => [18, "-2"], "" => [77, "-a"], "" => [18, "-a"], "" => [77, "-c"], "" => [18, "-c"], "" => [77, "-e"], "" => [18, "-e"], "" => [77, "-i"], "" => [18, "-i"], "" => [77, "-o"], "" => [18, "-o"], "" => [77, "-s"], "" => [18, "-s"], "" => [77, "-t"], "" => [18, "-t"], "" => [0, "- "], "" => [0, "-%"], "" => [0, "--"], "" => [0, "-."], "" => [0, "-/"], "" => [0, "-3"], "" => [0, "-4"], "" => [0, "-5"], "" => [0, "-6"], "" => [0, "-7"], "" => [0, "-8"], "" => [0, "-9"], "" => [0, "-="], "" => [0, "-A"], "" => [0, "-_"], "" => [0, "-b"], "" => [0, "-d"], "" => [0, "-f"], "" => [0, "-g"], "" => [0, "-h"], "" => [0, "-l"], "" => [0, "-m"], "" => [0, "-n"], "" => [0, "-p"], 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=> [77, "si"], "\r" => [18, "si"], "\16" => [77, "so"], "\17" => [18, "so"], "\20" => [77, "ss"], "\21" => [18, "ss"], "\22" => [77, "st"], "\23" => [18, "st"], "\24" => [0, "s "], "\25" => [0, "s%"], "\26" => [0, "s-"], "\27" => [0, "s."], "\30" => [0, "s/"], "\31" => [0, "s3"], "\32" => [0, "s4"], "\33" => [0, "s5"], "\34" => [0, "s6"], "\35" => [0, "s7"], "\36" => [0, "s8"], "\37" => [0, "s9"], " " => [0, "s="], "!" => [0, "sA"], "\"" => [0, "s_"], "#" => [0, "sb"], "\$" => [0, "sd"], "%" => [0, "sf"], "&" => [0, "sg"], "'" => [0, "sh"], "(" => [0, "sl"], ")" => [0, "sm"], "*" => [0, "sn"], "+" => [0, "sp"], "," => [0, "sr"], "-" => [0, "su"], "." => [100, "s"], "/" => [110, "s"], [111, "s"], [115, "s"], [116, "s"], [118, "s"], [119, "s"], [122, "s"], [123, "s"], [125, "s"], [126, "s"], [129, "s"], ":" => [143, "s"], ";" => [148, "s"], "<" => [151, "s"], "=" => [153, "s"], ">" => [83, "s"], "?" => [10, "s"], "@" => [77, "t0"], "A" => [18, "t0"], "B" => [77, "t1"], "C" => [18, "t1"], "D" => [77, "t2"], "E" => [18, "t2"], "F" => [77, "ta"], "G" => [18, "ta"], "H" => [77, "tc"], "I" => [18, "tc"], "J" => [77, "te"], "K" => [18, "te"], "L" => [77, "ti"], "M" => [18, "ti"], "N" => [77, "to"], "O" => [18, "to"], "P" => [77, "ts"], "Q" => [18, "ts"], "R" => [77, "tt"], "S" => [18, "tt"], "T" => [0, "t "], "U" => [0, "t%"], "V" => [0, "t-"], "W" => [0, "t."], "X" => [0, "t/"], "Y" => [0, "t3"], "Z" => [0, "t4"], "[" => [0, "t5"], "\\" => [0, "t6"], "]" => [0, "t7"], "^" => [0, "t8"], "_" => [0, "t9"], "`" => [0, "t="], "a" => [0, "tA"], "b" => [0, "t_"], "c" => [0, "tb"], "d" => [0, "td"], "e" => [0, "tf"], "f" => [0, "tg"], "g" => [0, "th"], "h" => [0, "tl"], "i" => [0, "tm"], "j" => [0, "tn"], "k" => [0, "tp"], "l" => [0, "tr"], "m" => [0, "tu"], "n" => [100, "t"], "o" => [110, "t"], "p" => [111, "t"], "q" => [115, "t"], "r" => [116, "t"], "s" => [118, "t"], "t" => [119, "t"], "u" => [122, "t"], "v" => [123, "t"], "w" => [125, "t"], "x" => [126, "t"], "y" => [129, "t"], "z" => [143, "t"], "{" => [148, "t"], "|" => [151, "t"], "}" => [153, "t"], "~" => [83, "t"], "" => [10, "t"], "" => [0, " 0"], "" => [0, " 1"], "" => [0, " 2"], "" => [0, " a"], "" => [0, " c"], "" => [0, " e"], "" => [0, " i"], "" => [0, " o"], "" => [0, " s"], "" => [0, " t"], "" => [73, " "], "" => [88, " "], "" => [89, " "], "" => [96, " "], "" => [97, " "], "" => [99, " "], "" => [106, " "], "" => [136, " "], "" => [139, " "], "" => [141, " "], "" => [145, " "], "" => [147, " "], "" => [149, " "], "" => [101, " "], "" => [112, " "], "" => [117, " "], "" => [120, " "], "" => [124, " "], "" => [127, " "], "" => [144, " "], "" => [152, " "], "" => [11, " "], "" => [0, "%0"], "" => [0, "%1"], "" => [0, "%2"], "" => [0, "%a"], "" => [0, "%c"], "" => [0, "%e"], "" => [0, "%i"], "" => [0, "%o"], "" => [0, "%s"], "" => [0, "%t"], "" => [73, "%"], "" => [88, "%"], "" => [89, "%"], "" => [96, "%"], "" => [97, "%"], "" => [99, "%"], "" => [106, "%"], "" => [136, "%"], "" => [139, "%"], "" => [141, "%"], "" => [145, "%"], "" => [147, "%"], "" => [149, "%"], "" => [101, "%"], "" => [112, "%"], "" => [117, "%"], "" => [120, "%"], "" => [124, "%"], "" => [127, "%"], "" => [144, "%"], "" => [152, "%"], "" => [11, "%"], "" => [0, "-0"], "" => [0, "-1"], "" => [0, "-2"], "" => [0, "-a"], "" => [0, "-c"], "" => [0, "-e"], "" => [0, "-i"], "" => [0, "-o"], "" => [0, "-s"], "" => [0, "-t"], "" => [73, "-"], "" => [88, "-"], "" => [89, "-"], "" => [96, "-"], "" => [97, "-"], "" => [99, "-"], "" => [106, "-"], "" => [136, "-"], "" => [139, "-"], "" => [141, "-"], "" => [145, "-"], "" => [147, "-"], "" => [149, "-"], "" => [101, "-"], "" => [112, "-"], "" => [117, "-"], "" => [120, "-"], "" => [124, "-"], "" => [127, "-"], "" => [144, "-"], "" => [152, "-"], "" => [11, "-"], "" => [0, ".0"], "" => [0, ".1"], "" => [0, ".2"], "" => [0, ".a"], "" => [0, ".c"], "" => [0, ".e"], "" => [0, ".i"], "" => [0, ".o"], "" => [0, ".s"], "" => [0, ".t"], "" => [73, "."], "" => [88, "."], "" => [89, "."], "" => [96, "."], "" => [97, "."], "" => [99, "."], "" => [106, "."], "" => [136, "."], "" => [139, "."], "" => [141, "."], "" => [145, "."], "" => [147, "."], "" => [149, "."], "" => [101, "."], "" => [112, "."], "" => [117, "."], "" => [120, "."], "" => [124, "."], "" => [127, "."], "" => [144, "."], "" => [152, "."], "" => [11, "."]], ["\0" => [0, "s0"], "\1" => [0, "s1"], "\2" => [0, "s2"], "\3" => [0, "sa"], "\4" => [0, "sc"], "\5" => [0, "se"], "\6" => [0, "si"], "\7" => [0, "so"], "\10" => [0, "ss"], "\t" => [0, "st"], "\n" => [73, "s"], "\v" => [88, "s"], "\f" => [89, "s"], "\r" => [96, "s"], "\16" => [97, "s"], "\17" => [99, "s"], "\20" => [106, "s"], "\21" => [136, "s"], "\22" => [139, "s"], "\23" => [141, "s"], "\24" => [145, "s"], "\25" => [147, "s"], "\26" => [149, "s"], "\27" => [101, "s"], "\30" => [112, "s"], "\31" => [117, "s"], "\32" => [120, "s"], "\33" => [124, "s"], "\34" => [127, "s"], "\35" => [144, "s"], "\36" => [152, "s"], "\37" => [11, "s"], " " => 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"Z" => [146, "%"], "[" => [102, "%"], "\\" => [113, "%"], "]" => [121, "%"], "^" => [128, "%"], "_" => [12, "%"], "`" => [92, "-"], "a" => [95, "-"], "b" => [137, "-"], "c" => [142, "-"], "d" => [150, "-"], "e" => [74, "-"], "f" => [90, "-"], "g" => [98, "-"], "h" => [107, "-"], "i" => [140, "-"], "j" => [146, "-"], "k" => [102, "-"], "l" => [113, "-"], "m" => [121, "-"], "n" => [128, "-"], "o" => [12, "-"], "p" => [92, "."], "q" => [95, "."], "r" => [137, "."], "s" => [142, "."], "t" => [150, "."], "u" => [74, "."], "v" => [90, "."], "w" => [98, "."], "x" => [107, "."], "y" => [140, "."], "z" => [146, "."], "{" => [102, "."], "|" => [113, "."], "}" => [121, "."], "~" => [128, "."], "" => [12, "."], "" => [92, "/"], "" => [95, "/"], "" => [137, "/"], "" => [142, "/"], "" => [150, "/"], "" => [74, "/"], "" => [90, "/"], "" => [98, "/"], "" => [107, "/"], "" => [140, "/"], "" => [146, "/"], "" => [102, "/"], "" => [113, "/"], "" => [121, "/"], "" => [128, "/"], "" => [12, "/"], "" => [92, "3"], "" => [95, "3"], "" => [137, "3"], "" => [142, "3"], "" => [150, "3"], "" => [74, "3"], "" => [90, "3"], "" => [98, "3"], "" => [107, "3"], "" => [140, "3"], "" => [146, "3"], "" => [102, "3"], "" => [113, "3"], "" => [121, "3"], "" => [128, "3"], "" => [12, "3"], "" => [92, "4"], "" => [95, "4"], "" => [137, "4"], "" => [142, "4"], "" => [150, "4"], "" => [74, "4"], "" => [90, "4"], "" => [98, "4"], "" => [107, "4"], "" => [140, "4"], "" => [146, "4"], "" => [102, "4"], "" => [113, "4"], "" => [121, "4"], "" => [128, "4"], "" => [12, "4"], "" => [92, "5"], "" => [95, "5"], "" => [137, "5"], "" => [142, "5"], "" => [150, "5"], "" => [74, "5"], "" => [90, "5"], "" => [98, "5"], "" => [107, "5"], "" => [140, "5"], "" => [146, "5"], "" => [102, "5"], "" => [113, "5"], "" => [121, "5"], "" => [128, "5"], "" => [12, "5"], "" => [92, "6"], "" => [95, "6"], "" => [137, "6"], "" => [142, "6"], "" => [150, "6"], "" => [74, "6"], "" => [90, "6"], "" => [98, "6"], "" => [107, "6"], "" => [140, "6"], "" => [146, "6"], "" => [102, "6"], "" => [113, "6"], "" => [121, "6"], "" => [128, "6"], "" => [12, "6"], "" => [92, "7"], "" => [95, "7"], "" => [137, "7"], "" => [142, "7"], "" => [150, "7"], "" => [74, "7"], "" => [90, "7"], "" => [98, "7"], "" => [107, "7"], "" => [140, "7"], "" => [146, "7"], "" => [102, "7"], "" => [113, "7"], "" => [121, "7"], "" => [128, "7"], "" => [12, "7"], "" => [92, "8"], "" => [95, "8"], "" => [137, "8"], "" => [142, "8"], "" => [150, "8"], "" => [74, "8"], "" => [90, "8"], "" => [98, "8"], "" => [107, "8"], "" => [140, "8"], "" => [146, "8"], "" => [102, "8"], "" => [113, "8"], "" => [121, "8"], "" => [128, "8"], "" => [12, "8"], "" => [92, "9"], "" => [95, "9"], "" => [137, "9"], "" => [142, "9"], "" => [150, "9"], "" => [74, "9"], "" => [90, "9"], "" => [98, "9"], "" => [107, "9"], "" => [140, "9"], "" => [146, "9"], "" => [102, "9"], "" => [113, "9"], "" => [121, "9"], "" => [128, "9"], "" => [12, "9"]], ["\0" => [92, "0"], "\1" => [95, "0"], "\2" => [137, "0"], "\3" => [142, "0"], "\4" => [150, "0"], "\5" => [74, "0"], "\6" => [90, "0"], "\7" => [98, "0"], "\10" => [107, "0"], "\t" => [140, "0"], "\n" => [146, "0"], "\v" => [102, "0"], "\f" => [113, "0"], "\r" => [121, "0"], "\16" => [128, "0"], "\17" => [12, "0"], "\20" => [92, "1"], "\21" => [95, "1"], "\22" => [137, "1"], "\23" => [142, "1"], "\24" => [150, "1"], "\25" => [74, "1"], "\26" => [90, "1"], "\27" => [98, "1"], "\30" => [107, "1"], "\31" => [140, "1"], "\32" => [146, "1"], "\33" => [102, "1"], "\34" => [113, "1"], "\35" => [121, "1"], "\36" => [128, "1"], "\37" => [12, "1"], " " => [92, "2"], "!" => [95, "2"], "\"" => [137, "2"], "#" => [142, "2"], "\$" => [150, "2"], "%" => [74, "2"], "&" => [90, "2"], "'" => [98, "2"], "(" => [107, "2"], ")" => [140, "2"], "*" => [146, "2"], "+" => [102, "2"], "," => [113, "2"], "-" => [121, "2"], "." => [128, "2"], "/" => [12, "2"], [92, "a"], [95, "a"], [137, "a"], [142, "a"], [150, "a"], [74, "a"], [90, "a"], [98, "a"], [107, "a"], [140, "a"], ":" => [146, "a"], ";" => [102, "a"], "<" => [113, "a"], "=" => [121, "a"], ">" => [128, "a"], "?" => [12, "a"], "@" => [92, "c"], "A" => [95, "c"], "B" => [137, "c"], "C" => [142, "c"], "D" => [150, "c"], "E" => [74, "c"], "F" => [90, "c"], "G" => [98, "c"], "H" => [107, "c"], "I" => [140, "c"], "J" => [146, "c"], "K" => [102, "c"], "L" => [113, "c"], "M" => [121, "c"], "N" => [128, "c"], "O" => [12, "c"], "P" => [92, "e"], "Q" => [95, "e"], "R" => [137, "e"], "S" => [142, "e"], "T" => [150, "e"], "U" => [74, "e"], "V" => [90, "e"], "W" => [98, "e"], "X" => [107, "e"], "Y" => [140, "e"], "Z" => [146, "e"], "[" => [102, "e"], "\\" => [113, "e"], "]" => [121, "e"], "^" => [128, "e"], "_" => [12, "e"], "`" => [92, "i"], "a" => [95, "i"], "b" => [137, "i"], "c" => [142, "i"], "d" => [150, "i"], "e" => [74, "i"], "f" => [90, "i"], "g" => [98, "i"], "h" => [107, "i"], "i" => [140, "i"], "j" => [146, "i"], "k" => [102, "i"], "l" => [113, "i"], "m" => [121, "i"], "n" => [128, "i"], "o" => [12, "i"], "p" => [92, "o"], "q" => [95, "o"], "r" => [137, "o"], "s" => [142, "o"], "t" => [150, "o"], "u" => [74, "o"], "v" => [90, "o"], "w" => [98, "o"], "x" => [107, "o"], "y" => [140, "o"], "z" => [146, "o"], "{" => [102, "o"], "|" => [113, "o"], "}" => [121, "o"], "~" => [128, "o"], "" => [12, "o"], "" => [92, "s"], "" => [95, "s"], "" => [137, "s"], "" => [142, "s"], "" => [150, "s"], "" => [74, "s"], "" => [90, "s"], "" => [98, "s"], "" => [107, "s"], "" => [140, "s"], "" => [146, "s"], "" => [102, "s"], "" => [113, "s"], "" => [121, "s"], "" => [128, "s"], "" => [12, "s"], "" => [92, "t"], "" => [95, "t"], "" => [137, "t"], "" => [142, "t"], "" => [150, "t"], "" => [74, "t"], "" => [90, "t"], "" => [98, "t"], "" => [107, "t"], "" => [140, "t"], "" => [146, "t"], "" => [102, "t"], "" => [113, "t"], "" => [121, "t"], "" => [128, "t"], "" => [12, "t"], "" => [93, " "], "" => [138, " "], "" => [75, " "], "" => [91, " "], "" => [108, " "], "" => [103, " "], "" => [114, " "], "" => [14, " "], "" => [93, "%"], "" => [138, "%"], "" => [75, "%"], "" => [91, "%"], "" => [108, "%"], "" => [103, "%"], "" => [114, "%"], "" => [14, "%"], "" => [93, "-"], "" => [138, "-"], "" => [75, "-"], "" => [91, "-"], "" => [108, "-"], "" => [103, "-"], "" => [114, "-"], "" => [14, "-"], "" => [93, "."], "" => [138, "."], "" => [75, "."], "" => [91, "."], "" => [108, "."], "" => [103, "."], "" => [114, "."], "" => [14, "."], "" => [93, "/"], "" => [138, "/"], "" => [75, "/"], "" => [91, "/"], "" => [108, "/"], "" => [103, "/"], "" => [114, "/"], "" => [14, "/"], "" => [93, "3"], "" => [138, "3"], "" => [75, "3"], "" => [91, "3"], "" => [108, "3"], "" => [103, "3"], "" => [114, "3"], "" => [14, "3"], "" => [93, "4"], "" => [138, "4"], "" => [75, "4"], "" => [91, "4"], "" => [108, "4"], "" => [103, "4"], "" => [114, "4"], "" => [14, "4"], "" => [93, "5"], "" => [138, "5"], "" => [75, "5"], "" => [91, "5"], "" => [108, "5"], "" => [103, "5"], "" => 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"\24" => [0, "! 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"\"i"], "M" => [18, "\"i"], "N" => [77, "\"o"], "O" => [18, "\"o"], "P" => [77, "\"s"], "Q" => [18, "\"s"], "R" => [77, "\"t"], "S" => [18, "\"t"], "T" => [0, "\" "], "U" => [0, "\"%"], "V" => [0, "\"-"], "W" => [0, "\"."], "X" => [0, "\"/"], "Y" => [0, "\"3"], "Z" => [0, "\"4"], "[" => [0, "\"5"], "\\" => [0, "\"6"], "]" => [0, "\"7"], "^" => [0, "\"8"], "_" => [0, "\"9"], "`" => [0, "\"="], "a" => [0, "\"A"], "b" => [0, "\"_"], "c" => [0, "\"b"], "d" => [0, "\"d"], "e" => [0, "\"f"], "f" => [0, "\"g"], "g" => [0, "\"h"], "h" => [0, "\"l"], "i" => [0, "\"m"], "j" => [0, "\"n"], "k" => [0, "\"p"], "l" => [0, "\"r"], "m" => [0, "\"u"], "n" => [100, "\""], "o" => [110, "\""], "p" => [111, "\""], "q" => [115, "\""], "r" => [116, "\""], "s" => [118, "\""], "t" => [119, "\""], "u" => [122, "\""], "v" => [123, "\""], "w" => [125, "\""], "x" => [126, "\""], "y" => [129, "\""], "z" => [143, "\""], "{" => [148, "\""], "|" => [151, "\""], "}" => [153, "\""], "~" => [83, "\""], "" => [10, "\""], "" => [77, "(0"], "" => [18, "(0"], "" => [77, "(1"], "" => [18, "(1"], "" => [77, "(2"], "" => [18, "(2"], "" => [77, "(a"], "" => [18, "(a"], "" => [77, "(c"], "" => [18, "(c"], "" => [77, "(e"], "" => [18, "(e"], "" => [77, "(i"], "" => [18, "(i"], "" => [77, "(o"], "" => [18, "(o"], "" => [77, "(s"], "" => [18, "(s"], "" => [77, "(t"], "" => [18, "(t"], "" => [0, "( "], "" => [0, "(%"], "" => [0, "(-"], "" => [0, "(."], "" => [0, "(/"], "" => [0, "(3"], "" => [0, "(4"], "" => [0, "(5"], "" => [0, "(6"], "" => [0, "(7"], "" => [0, "(8"], "" => [0, "(9"], "" => [0, "(="], "" => [0, "(A"], "" => [0, "(_"], "" => [0, "(b"], "" => [0, "(d"], "" => [0, "(f"], "" => [0, "(g"], "" => [0, "(h"], "" => [0, "(l"], "" => [0, "(m"], "" => [0, "(n"], "" => [0, "(p"], "" => [0, "(r"], "" => [0, "(u"], "" => [100, "("], "" => [110, "("], "" => [111, "("], "" => [115, "("], "" => [116, "("], "" => [118, "("], "" => [119, "("], "" => [122, "("], "" => [123, "("], "" => [125, "("], "" => [126, "("], 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"], "*" => [77, "!%"], "+" => [18, "!%"], "," => [77, "!-"], "-" => [18, "!-"], "." => [77, "!."], "/" => [18, "!."], [77, "!/"], [18, "!/"], [77, "!3"], [18, "!3"], [77, "!4"], [18, "!4"], [77, "!5"], [18, "!5"], [77, "!6"], [18, "!6"], ":" => [77, "!7"], ";" => [18, "!7"], "<" => [77, "!8"], "=" => [18, "!8"], ">" => [77, "!9"], "?" => [18, "!9"], "@" => [77, "!="], "A" => [18, "!="], "B" => [77, "!A"], "C" => [18, "!A"], "D" => [77, "!_"], "E" => [18, "!_"], "F" => [77, "!b"], "G" => [18, "!b"], "H" => [77, "!d"], "I" => [18, "!d"], "J" => [77, "!f"], "K" => [18, "!f"], "L" => [77, "!g"], "M" => [18, "!g"], "N" => [77, "!h"], "O" => [18, "!h"], "P" => [77, "!l"], "Q" => [18, "!l"], "R" => [77, "!m"], "S" => [18, "!m"], "T" => [77, "!n"], "U" => [18, "!n"], "V" => [77, "!p"], "W" => [18, "!p"], "X" => [77, "!r"], "Y" => [18, "!r"], "Z" => [77, "!u"], "[" => [18, "!u"], "\\" => [0, "!:"], "]" => [0, "!B"], "^" => [0, "!C"], "_" => [0, "!D"], "`" => [0, "!E"], "a" => [0, "!F"], "b" => [0, "!G"], "c" => [0, "!H"], "d" => [0, "!I"], "e" => [0, "!J"], "f" => [0, "!K"], "g" => [0, "!L"], "h" => [0, "!M"], "i" => [0, "!N"], "j" => [0, "!O"], "k" => [0, "!P"], "l" => [0, "!Q"], "m" => [0, "!R"], "n" => [0, "!S"], "o" => [0, "!T"], "p" => [0, "!U"], "q" => [0, "!V"], "r" => [0, "!W"], "s" => [0, "!Y"], "t" => [0, "!j"], "u" => [0, "!k"], "v" => [0, "!q"], "w" => [0, "!v"], "x" => [0, "!w"], "y" => [0, "!x"], "z" => [0, "!y"], "{" => [0, "!z"], "|" => [82, "!"], "}" => [87, "!"], "~" => [130, "!"], "" => [9, "!"], "" => [94, "\"0"], "" => [76, "\"0"], "" => [104, "\"0"], "" => [16, "\"0"], "" => [94, "\"1"], "" => [76, "\"1"], "" => [104, "\"1"], "" => [16, "\"1"], "" => [94, "\"2"], "" => [76, "\"2"], "" => [104, "\"2"], "" => [16, "\"2"], "" => [94, "\"a"], "" => [76, "\"a"], "" => [104, "\"a"], "" => [16, "\"a"], "" => [94, "\"c"], "" => [76, "\"c"], "" => [104, "\"c"], "" => [16, "\"c"], "" => [94, "\"e"], "" => [76, "\"e"], "" => [104, "\"e"], "" => [16, "\"e"], "" => 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"*"], "p" => [111, "*"], "q" => [115, "*"], "r" => [116, "*"], "s" => [118, "*"], "t" => [119, "*"], "u" => [122, "*"], "v" => [123, "*"], "w" => [125, "*"], "x" => [126, "*"], "y" => [129, "*"], "z" => [143, "*"], "{" => [148, "*"], "|" => [151, "*"], "}" => [153, "*"], "~" => [83, "*"], "" => [10, "*"], "" => [77, ",0"], "" => [18, ",0"], "" => [77, ",1"], "" => [18, ",1"], "" => [77, ",2"], "" => [18, ",2"], "" => [77, ",a"], "" => [18, ",a"], "" => [77, ",c"], "" => [18, ",c"], "" => [77, ",e"], "" => [18, ",e"], "" => [77, ",i"], "" => [18, ",i"], "" => [77, ",o"], "" => [18, ",o"], "" => [77, ",s"], "" => [18, ",s"], "" => [77, ",t"], "" => [18, ",t"], "" => [0, ", "], "" => [0, ",%"], "" => [0, ",-"], "" => [0, ",."], "" => [0, ",/"], "" => [0, ",3"], "" => [0, ",4"], "" => [0, ",5"], "" => [0, ",6"], "" => [0, ",7"], "" => [0, ",8"], "" => [0, ",9"], "" => [0, ",="], "" => [0, ",A"], "" => [0, ",_"], "" => [0, ",b"], "" => [0, ",d"], "" => [0, ",f"], "" => [0, ",g"], "" => [0, 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=> [16, "/e"], "\30" => [94, "/i"], "\31" => [76, "/i"], "\32" => [104, "/i"], "\33" => [16, "/i"], "\34" => [94, "/o"], "\35" => [76, "/o"], "\36" => [104, "/o"], "\37" => [16, "/o"], " " => [94, "/s"], "!" => [76, "/s"], "\"" => [104, "/s"], "#" => [16, "/s"], "\$" => [94, "/t"], "%" => [76, "/t"], "&" => [104, "/t"], "'" => [16, "/t"], "(" => [77, "/ "], ")" => [18, "/ "], "*" => [77, "/%"], "+" => [18, "/%"], "," => [77, "/-"], "-" => [18, "/-"], "." => [77, "/."], "/" => [18, "/."], [77, "//"], [18, "//"], [77, "/3"], [18, "/3"], [77, "/4"], [18, "/4"], [77, "/5"], [18, "/5"], [77, "/6"], [18, "/6"], ":" => [77, "/7"], ";" => [18, "/7"], "<" => [77, "/8"], "=" => [18, "/8"], ">" => [77, "/9"], "?" => [18, "/9"], "@" => [77, "/="], "A" => [18, "/="], "B" => [77, "/A"], "C" => [18, "/A"], "D" => [77, "/_"], "E" => [18, "/_"], "F" => [77, "/b"], "G" => [18, "/b"], "H" => [77, "/d"], "I" => [18, "/d"], "J" => [77, "/f"], "K" => [18, "/f"], "L" => [77, "/g"], "M" => [18, "/g"], "N" => [77, "/h"], "O" => [18, "/h"], "P" => [77, "/l"], "Q" => [18, "/l"], "R" => [77, "/m"], "S" => [18, "/m"], "T" => [77, "/n"], "U" => [18, "/n"], "V" => [77, "/p"], "W" => [18, "/p"], "X" => [77, "/r"], "Y" => [18, "/r"], "Z" => [77, "/u"], "[" => [18, "/u"], "\\" => [0, "/:"], "]" => [0, "/B"], "^" => [0, "/C"], "_" => [0, "/D"], "`" => [0, "/E"], "a" => [0, "/F"], "b" => [0, "/G"], "c" => [0, "/H"], "d" => [0, "/I"], "e" => [0, "/J"], "f" => [0, "/K"], "g" => [0, "/L"], "h" => [0, "/M"], "i" => [0, "/N"], "j" => [0, "/O"], "k" => [0, "/P"], "l" => [0, "/Q"], "m" => [0, "/R"], "n" => [0, "/S"], "o" => [0, "/T"], "p" => [0, "/U"], "q" => [0, "/V"], "r" => [0, "/W"], "s" => [0, "/Y"], "t" => [0, "/j"], "u" => [0, "/k"], "v" => [0, "/q"], "w" => [0, "/v"], "x" => [0, "/w"], "y" => [0, "/x"], "z" => [0, "/y"], "{" => [0, "/z"], "|" => [82, "/"], "}" => [87, "/"], "~" => [130, "/"], "" => [9, "/"], "" => [94, "30"], "" => [76, "30"], "" => [104, "30"], "" => [16, "30"], "" => [94, "31"], "" => [76, "31"], "" => [104, "31"], "" => [16, "31"], "" => [94, "32"], "" => [76, "32"], "" => [104, "32"], "" => [16, "32"], "" => [94, "3a"], "" => [76, "3a"], "" => [104, "3a"], "" => [16, "3a"], "" => [94, "3c"], "" => [76, "3c"], "" => [104, "3c"], "" => [16, "3c"], "" => [94, "3e"], "" => [76, "3e"], "" => [104, "3e"], "" => [16, "3e"], "" => [94, "3i"], "" => [76, "3i"], "" => [104, "3i"], "" => [16, "3i"], "" => [94, "3o"], "" => [76, "3o"], "" => [104, "3o"], "" => [16, "3o"], "" => [94, "3s"], "" => [76, "3s"], "" => [104, "3s"], "" => [16, "3s"], "" => [94, "3t"], "" => [76, "3t"], "" => [104, "3t"], "" => [16, "3t"], "" => [77, "3 "], "" => [18, "3 "], "" => [77, "3%"], "" => [18, "3%"], "" => [77, "3-"], "" => [18, "3-"], "" => [77, "3."], "" => [18, "3."], "" => [77, "3/"], "" => [18, "3/"], "" => [77, "33"], "" => [18, "33"], "" => [77, "34"], "" => [18, "34"], "" => [77, "35"], "" => [18, "35"], "" => [77, "36"], "" => [18, "36"], "" => [77, "37"], "" => [18, "37"], "" 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"3_"], "c" => [0, "3b"], "d" => [0, "3d"], "e" => [0, "3f"], "f" => [0, "3g"], "g" => [0, "3h"], "h" => [0, "3l"], "i" => [0, "3m"], "j" => [0, "3n"], "k" => [0, "3p"], "l" => [0, "3r"], "m" => [0, "3u"], "n" => [100, "3"], "o" => [110, "3"], "p" => [111, "3"], "q" => [115, "3"], "r" => [116, "3"], "s" => [118, "3"], "t" => [119, "3"], "u" => [122, "3"], "v" => [123, "3"], "w" => [125, "3"], "x" => [126, "3"], "y" => [129, "3"], "z" => [143, "3"], "{" => [148, "3"], "|" => [151, "3"], "}" => [153, "3"], "~" => [83, "3"], "" => [10, "3"], "" => [77, "40"], "" => [18, "40"], "" => [77, "41"], "" => [18, "41"], "" => [77, "42"], "" => [18, "42"], "" => [77, "4a"], "" => [18, "4a"], "" => [77, "4c"], "" => [18, "4c"], "" => [77, "4e"], "" => [18, "4e"], "" => [77, "4i"], "" => [18, "4i"], "" => [77, "4o"], "" => [18, "4o"], "" => [77, "4s"], "" => [18, "4s"], "" => [77, "4t"], "" => [18, "4t"], "" => [0, "4 "], "" => [0, "4%"], "" => [0, "4-"], "" => [0, "4."], "" => [0, "4/"], "" => [0, 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"/"], "\v" => [88, "/"], "\f" => [89, "/"], "\r" => [96, "/"], "\16" => [97, "/"], "\17" => [99, "/"], "\20" => [106, "/"], "\21" => [136, "/"], "\22" => [139, "/"], "\23" => [141, "/"], "\24" => [145, "/"], "\25" => [147, "/"], "\26" => [149, "/"], "\27" => [101, "/"], "\30" => [112, "/"], "\31" => [117, "/"], "\32" => [120, "/"], "\33" => [124, "/"], "\34" => [127, "/"], "\35" => [144, "/"], "\36" => [152, "/"], "\37" => [11, "/"], " " => [0, "30"], "!" => [0, "31"], "\"" => [0, "32"], "#" => [0, "3a"], "\$" => [0, "3c"], "%" => [0, "3e"], "&" => [0, "3i"], "'" => [0, "3o"], "(" => [0, "3s"], ")" => [0, "3t"], "*" => [73, "3"], "+" => [88, "3"], "," => [89, "3"], "-" => [96, "3"], "." => [97, "3"], "/" => [99, "3"], [106, "3"], [136, "3"], [139, "3"], [141, "3"], [145, "3"], [147, "3"], [149, "3"], [101, "3"], [112, "3"], [117, "3"], ":" => [120, "3"], ";" => [124, "3"], "<" => [127, "3"], "=" => [144, "3"], ">" => [152, "3"], "?" => [11, "3"], "@" => [0, "40"], "A" => [0, "41"], "B" => [0, "42"], "C" => [0, "4a"], "D" => [0, "4c"], "E" => [0, "4e"], "F" => [0, "4i"], "G" => [0, "4o"], "H" => [0, "4s"], "I" => [0, "4t"], "J" => [73, "4"], "K" => [88, "4"], "L" => [89, "4"], "M" => [96, "4"], "N" => [97, "4"], "O" => [99, "4"], "P" => [106, "4"], "Q" => [136, "4"], "R" => [139, "4"], "S" => [141, "4"], "T" => [145, "4"], "U" => [147, "4"], "V" => [149, "4"], "W" => [101, "4"], "X" => [112, "4"], "Y" => [117, "4"], "Z" => [120, "4"], "[" => [124, "4"], "\\" => [127, "4"], "]" => [144, "4"], "^" => [152, "4"], "_" => [11, "4"], "`" => [0, "50"], "a" => [0, "51"], "b" => [0, "52"], "c" => [0, "5a"], "d" => [0, "5c"], "e" => [0, "5e"], "f" => [0, "5i"], "g" => [0, "5o"], "h" => [0, "5s"], "i" => [0, "5t"], "j" => [73, "5"], "k" => [88, "5"], "l" => [89, "5"], "m" => [96, "5"], "n" => [97, "5"], "o" => [99, "5"], "p" => [106, "5"], "q" => [136, "5"], "r" => [139, "5"], "s" => [141, "5"], "t" => [145, "5"], "u" => [147, "5"], "v" => [149, "5"], "w" => [101, "5"], "x" => [112, "5"], "y" => [117, "5"], "z" => [120, "5"], "{" => [124, "5"], "|" => [127, "5"], "}" => [144, "5"], "~" => [152, "5"], "" => [11, "5"], "" => [0, "60"], "" => [0, "61"], "" => [0, "62"], "" => [0, "6a"], "" => [0, "6c"], "" => [0, "6e"], "" => [0, "6i"], "" => [0, "6o"], "" => [0, "6s"], "" => [0, "6t"], "" => [73, "6"], "" => [88, "6"], "" => [89, "6"], "" => [96, "6"], "" => [97, "6"], "" => [99, "6"], "" => [106, "6"], "" => [136, "6"], "" => [139, "6"], "" => [141, "6"], "" => [145, "6"], "" => [147, "6"], "" => [149, "6"], "" => [101, "6"], "" => [112, "6"], "" => [117, "6"], "" => [120, "6"], "" => [124, "6"], "" => [127, "6"], "" => [144, "6"], "" => [152, "6"], "" => [11, "6"], "" => [0, "70"], "" => [0, "71"], "" => [0, "72"], "" => [0, "7a"], "" => [0, "7c"], "" => [0, "7e"], "" => [0, "7i"], "" => [0, "7o"], "" => [0, "7s"], "" => [0, "7t"], "" => [73, "7"], "" => [88, "7"], "" => [89, "7"], "" => [96, "7"], "" => [97, "7"], "" => [99, "7"], "" => [106, "7"], "" => [136, "7"], "" => [139, "7"], "" => [141, "7"], "" => [145, "7"], "" => [147, "7"], "" => [149, "7"], "" => [101, "7"], "" => [112, "7"], "" => [117, "7"], "" => [120, "7"], "" => [124, "7"], "" => [127, "7"], "" => [144, "7"], "" => [152, "7"], "" => [11, "7"], "" => [0, "80"], "" => [0, "81"], "" => [0, "82"], "" => [0, "8a"], "" => [0, "8c"], "" => [0, "8e"], "" => [0, "8i"], "" => [0, "8o"], "" => [0, "8s"], "" => [0, "8t"], "" => [73, "8"], "" => [88, "8"], "" => [89, "8"], "" => [96, "8"], "" => [97, "8"], "" => [99, "8"], "" => [106, "8"], "" => [136, "8"], "" => [139, "8"], "" => [141, "8"], "" => [145, "8"], "" => [147, "8"], "" => [149, "8"], "" => [101, "8"], "" => [112, "8"], "" => [117, "8"], "" => [120, "8"], "" => [124, "8"], "" => [127, "8"], "" => [144, "8"], "" => [152, "8"], "" => [11, "8"], "" => [0, "90"], "" => [0, "91"], "" => [0, "92"], "" => [0, "9a"], "" => [0, "9c"], "" => [0, "9e"], "" => [0, "9i"], "" => [0, "9o"], "" => [0, "9s"], "" => [0, "9t"], "" => [73, "9"], "" => [88, "9"], "" => [89, "9"], "" => [96, "9"], "" => [97, "9"], "" => [99, "9"], "" => [106, "9"], "" => [136, "9"], "" => [139, "9"], "" => [141, "9"], "" => [145, "9"], "" => [147, "9"], "" => [149, "9"], "" => [101, "9"], "" => [112, "9"], "" => [117, "9"], "" => [120, "9"], "" => [124, "9"], "" => [127, "9"], "" => [144, "9"], "" => [152, "9"], "" => [11, "9"]], ["\0" => [94, "00"], "\1" => [76, "00"], "\2" => [104, "00"], "\3" => [16, "00"], "\4" => [94, "01"], "\5" => [76, "01"], "\6" => [104, "01"], "\7" => [16, "01"], "\10" => [94, "02"], "\t" => [76, "02"], "\n" => [104, "02"], "\v" => [16, "02"], "\f" => [94, "0a"], "\r" => [76, "0a"], "\16" => [104, "0a"], "\17" => [16, "0a"], "\20" => [94, "0c"], "\21" => [76, "0c"], "\22" => [104, "0c"], "\23" => [16, "0c"], "\24" => [94, "0e"], "\25" => [76, "0e"], "\26" => [104, "0e"], "\27" => [16, "0e"], "\30" => [94, "0i"], "\31" => [76, "0i"], "\32" => [104, "0i"], "\33" => [16, "0i"], "\34" => [94, "0o"], "\35" => [76, "0o"], "\36" => [104, "0o"], "\37" => [16, "0o"], " " => [94, "0s"], "!" => [76, "0s"], "\"" => [104, "0s"], "#" => [16, "0s"], "\$" => [94, "0t"], "%" => [76, "0t"], "&" => [104, "0t"], "'" => [16, "0t"], "(" => [77, "0 "], ")" => [18, "0 "], "*" => [77, "0%"], "+" => [18, "0%"], "," => [77, "0-"], "-" => [18, "0-"], "." => [77, "0."], "/" => [18, "0."], [77, "0/"], [18, "0/"], [77, "03"], [18, "03"], [77, "04"], [18, "04"], [77, "05"], [18, "05"], [77, "06"], [18, "06"], ":" => [77, "07"], ";" => [18, "07"], "<" => [77, "08"], "=" => [18, "08"], ">" => [77, "09"], "?" => [18, "09"], "@" => [77, "0="], "A" => [18, "0="], "B" => [77, "0A"], "C" => [18, "0A"], "D" => [77, "0_"], "E" => [18, "0_"], "F" => [77, "0b"], "G" => [18, "0b"], "H" => [77, "0d"], "I" => [18, "0d"], "J" => [77, "0f"], "K" => [18, "0f"], "L" => [77, "0g"], "M" => [18, "0g"], "N" => [77, "0h"], "O" => [18, "0h"], "P" => [77, "0l"], "Q" => [18, "0l"], "R" => [77, "0m"], "S" => [18, "0m"], "T" => [77, "0n"], "U" => [18, "0n"], "V" => [77, "0p"], "W" => [18, "0p"], "X" => [77, "0r"], "Y" => [18, "0r"], "Z" => [77, "0u"], "[" => [18, "0u"], "\\" => [0, "0:"], "]" => [0, "0B"], "^" => [0, "0C"], "_" => [0, "0D"], "`" => [0, "0E"], "a" => [0, "0F"], "b" => [0, "0G"], "c" => [0, "0H"], "d" => [0, "0I"], "e" => [0, "0J"], "f" => [0, "0K"], "g" => [0, "0L"], "h" => [0, "0M"], "i" => [0, "0N"], "j" => [0, "0O"], "k" => [0, "0P"], "l" => [0, "0Q"], "m" => [0, "0R"], "n" => [0, "0S"], "o" => [0, "0T"], "p" => [0, "0U"], "q" => [0, "0V"], "r" => [0, "0W"], "s" => [0, "0Y"], "t" => [0, "0j"], "u" => [0, "0k"], "v" => [0, "0q"], "w" => [0, "0v"], "x" => [0, "0w"], "y" => [0, "0x"], "z" => [0, "0y"], "{" => [0, "0z"], "|" => [82, "0"], "}" => [87, "0"], "~" => [130, "0"], "" => [9, "0"], "" => [94, "10"], "" => [76, "10"], "" => [104, "10"], "" => [16, "10"], "" => [94, "11"], "" => [76, "11"], "" => [104, "11"], "" => [16, "11"], "" => [94, "12"], "" => [76, "12"], "" => [104, "12"], "" => [16, "12"], "" => [94, "1a"], "" => [76, "1a"], "" => [104, "1a"], "" => [16, "1a"], "" => [94, "1c"], "" => [76, "1c"], "" => [104, "1c"], "" => [16, "1c"], "" => [94, "1e"], "" => [76, "1e"], "" => [104, "1e"], "" => [16, "1e"], "" => [94, "1i"], "" => [76, "1i"], "" => [104, "1i"], "" => [16, "1i"], "" => [94, "1o"], "" => [76, "1o"], "" => [104, "1o"], "" => [16, "1o"], "" => [94, "1s"], "" => [76, "1s"], "" => [104, "1s"], "" => [16, "1s"], "" => [94, "1t"], "" => [76, "1t"], "" => [104, "1t"], "" => [16, "1t"], "" => [77, "1 "], "" => [18, "1 "], "" => [77, "1%"], "" => [18, "1%"], "" => [77, "1-"], "" => [18, "1-"], "" => [77, "1."], "" => [18, "1."], "" => [77, "1/"], "" => [18, "1/"], "" => [77, "13"], "" => [18, "13"], "" => [77, "14"], "" => [18, "14"], "" => [77, "15"], "" => [18, "15"], "" => [77, "16"], "" => [18, "16"], "" => [77, "17"], "" => [18, "17"], "" => [77, "18"], "" => [18, "18"], "" => [77, "19"], "" => [18, "19"], "" => [77, "1="], "" => [18, "1="], "" => [77, "1A"], "" => [18, "1A"], "" => [77, "1_"], "" => [18, "1_"], "" => [77, "1b"], "" => [18, "1b"], "" => [77, "1d"], "" => [18, "1d"], "" => [77, "1f"], "" => [18, "1f"], "" => [77, "1g"], "" => [18, "1g"], "" => [77, "1h"], "" => [18, "1h"], "" => [77, "1l"], "" => [18, "1l"], "" => [77, "1m"], "" => [18, "1m"], "" => [77, "1n"], "" => [18, "1n"], "" => [77, "1p"], "" => [18, "1p"], "" => [77, "1r"], "" => [18, "1r"], "" => [77, "1u"], "" => [18, "1u"], "" => [0, "1:"], "" => [0, "1B"], "" => [0, "1C"], "" => [0, "1D"], "" => [0, "1E"], "" => [0, "1F"], "" => [0, "1G"], "" => [0, "1H"], "" => [0, "1I"], "" => [0, "1J"], "" => [0, "1K"], "" => [0, "1L"], "" => [0, "1M"], "" => [0, "1N"], "" => [0, "1O"], "" => [0, "1P"], "" => [0, "1Q"], "" => [0, "1R"], "" => [0, "1S"], "" => [0, "1T"], "" => [0, "1U"], "" => [0, "1V"], "" => [0, "1W"], "" => [0, "1Y"], "" => [0, "1j"], "" => [0, "1k"], "" => [0, "1q"], "" => [0, "1v"], "" => [0, "1w"], "" => [0, "1x"], "" => [0, "1y"], "" => [0, "1z"], "" => [82, "1"], "" => [87, "1"], "" => [130, "1"], "" => [9, "1"]], ["\0" => [77, "00"], "\1" => [18, "00"], "\2" => [77, "01"], "\3" => [18, "01"], "\4" => [77, "02"], "\5" => [18, "02"], "\6" => [77, "0a"], "\7" => [18, "0a"], "\10" => [77, "0c"], "\t" => [18, "0c"], "\n" => [77, "0e"], "\v" => [18, "0e"], "\f" => [77, "0i"], "\r" => [18, "0i"], "\16" => [77, "0o"], "\17" => [18, "0o"], "\20" => [77, "0s"], "\21" => [18, "0s"], "\22" => [77, "0t"], "\23" => [18, "0t"], "\24" => [0, "0 "], "\25" => [0, "0%"], "\26" => [0, "0-"], "\27" => [0, "0."], "\30" => [0, "0/"], "\31" => [0, "03"], "\32" => [0, "04"], "\33" => [0, "05"], "\34" => [0, "06"], "\35" => [0, "07"], "\36" => [0, "08"], "\37" => [0, "09"], " " => [0, "0="], "!" => [0, "0A"], "\"" => [0, "0_"], "#" => [0, "0b"], "\$" => [0, "0d"], "%" => [0, "0f"], "&" => [0, "0g"], "'" => [0, "0h"], "(" => [0, "0l"], ")" => [0, "0m"], "*" => [0, "0n"], "+" => [0, "0p"], "," => [0, "0r"], "-" => [0, "0u"], "." => [100, "0"], "/" => [110, "0"], [111, "0"], [115, "0"], [116, "0"], [118, "0"], [119, "0"], [122, "0"], [123, "0"], [125, "0"], [126, "0"], [129, "0"], ":" => [143, "0"], ";" => [148, "0"], "<" => [151, "0"], "=" => [153, "0"], ">" => [83, "0"], "?" => [10, "0"], "@" => [77, "10"], "A" => [18, "10"], "B" => [77, "11"], "C" => [18, "11"], "D" => [77, "12"], "E" => [18, "12"], "F" => [77, "1a"], "G" => [18, "1a"], "H" => [77, "1c"], "I" => [18, "1c"], "J" => [77, "1e"], "K" => [18, "1e"], "L" => [77, "1i"], "M" => [18, "1i"], "N" => [77, "1o"], "O" => [18, "1o"], "P" => [77, "1s"], "Q" => [18, "1s"], "R" => [77, "1t"], "S" => [18, "1t"], "T" => [0, "1 "], "U" => [0, "1%"], "V" => [0, "1-"], "W" => [0, "1."], "X" => [0, "1/"], "Y" => [0, "13"], "Z" => [0, "14"], "[" => [0, "15"], "\\" => [0, "16"], "]" => [0, "17"], "^" => [0, "18"], "_" => [0, "19"], "`" => [0, "1="], "a" => [0, "1A"], "b" => [0, "1_"], "c" => [0, "1b"], "d" => [0, "1d"], "e" => [0, "1f"], "f" => [0, "1g"], "g" => [0, "1h"], "h" => [0, "1l"], "i" => [0, "1m"], "j" => [0, "1n"], "k" => [0, "1p"], "l" => [0, "1r"], "m" => [0, "1u"], "n" => [100, "1"], "o" => [110, "1"], "p" => [111, "1"], "q" => [115, "1"], "r" => [116, "1"], "s" => [118, "1"], "t" => [119, "1"], "u" => [122, "1"], "v" => [123, "1"], "w" => [125, "1"], "x" => [126, "1"], "y" => [129, "1"], "z" => [143, "1"], "{" => [148, "1"], "|" => [151, "1"], "}" => [153, "1"], "~" => [83, "1"], "" => [10, "1"], "" => [77, "20"], "" => [18, "20"], "" => [77, "21"], "" => [18, "21"], "" => [77, "22"], "" => [18, "22"], "" => [77, "2a"], "" => [18, "2a"], "" => [77, "2c"], "" => [18, "2c"], "" => [77, "2e"], "" => [18, "2e"], "" => [77, "2i"], "" => [18, "2i"], "" => [77, "2o"], "" => [18, "2o"], "" => [77, "2s"], "" => [18, "2s"], "" => [77, "2t"], "" => [18, "2t"], "" => [0, "2 "], "" => [0, "2%"], "" => [0, "2-"], "" => [0, "2."], "" => [0, "2/"], "" => [0, "23"], "" => [0, "24"], "" => [0, "25"], "" => [0, "26"], "" => [0, "27"], "" => [0, "28"], "" => [0, "29"], "" => [0, "2="], "" => [0, "2A"], "" => [0, "2_"], "" => [0, "2b"], "" => [0, "2d"], "" => [0, "2f"], "" => [0, "2g"], "" => [0, "2h"], "" => [0, "2l"], "" => [0, "2m"], "" => [0, "2n"], "" => [0, "2p"], "" => [0, "2r"], "" => [0, "2u"], "" => [100, "2"], "" => [110, "2"], "" => [111, "2"], "" => [115, "2"], "" => [116, "2"], "" => [118, "2"], "" => [119, "2"], "" => [122, "2"], "" => [123, "2"], "" => [125, "2"], "" => [126, "2"], "" => [129, "2"], "" => [143, "2"], "" => [148, "2"], "" => [151, "2"], "" => [153, "2"], "" => [83, "2"], "" => [10, "2"], "" => [77, "a0"], "" => [18, "a0"], "" => [77, "a1"], "" => [18, "a1"], "" => [77, "a2"], "" => [18, "a2"], "" => [77, "aa"], "" => [18, "aa"], "" => [77, "ac"], "" => [18, "ac"], "" => [77, "ae"], "" => [18, "ae"], "" => [77, "ai"], "" => [18, "ai"], "" => [77, "ao"], "" => [18, "ao"], "" => [77, "as"], "" => [18, "as"], "" => [77, "at"], "" => [18, "at"], "" => [0, "a "], "" => [0, "a%"], "" => [0, "a-"], "" => [0, "a."], "" => [0, "a/"], "" => [0, "a3"], "" => [0, "a4"], "" => [0, "a5"], "" => [0, "a6"], "" => [0, "a7"], "" => [0, "a8"], "" => [0, "a9"], "" => [0, "a="], "" => [0, "aA"], "" => [0, "a_"], "" => [0, "ab"], "" => [0, "ad"], "" => [0, "af"], "" => [0, "ag"], "" => [0, "ah"], "" => [0, "al"], "" => [0, "am"], "" => [0, "an"], "" => [0, "ap"], "" => [0, "ar"], "" => [0, "au"], "" => [100, "a"], "" => [110, "a"], "" => [111, "a"], "" => [115, "a"], "" => [116, "a"], "" => [118, "a"], "" => [119, "a"], "" => [122, "a"], "" => [123, "a"], "" => [125, "a"], "" => [126, "a"], "" => [129, "a"], "" => [143, "a"], "" => [148, "a"], "" => [151, "a"], "" => [153, "a"], "" => [83, "a"], "" => [10, "a"]], ["\0" => [0, "00"], "\1" => [0, "01"], "\2" => [0, "02"], "\3" => [0, "0a"], "\4" => [0, "0c"], "\5" => [0, "0e"], "\6" => [0, "0i"], "\7" => [0, "0o"], "\10" => [0, "0s"], "\t" => [0, "0t"], "\n" => [73, "0"], "\v" => [88, "0"], "\f" => [89, "0"], "\r" => [96, "0"], "\16" => [97, "0"], "\17" => [99, "0"], "\20" => [106, "0"], "\21" => [136, "0"], "\22" => [139, "0"], "\23" => [141, "0"], "\24" => [145, "0"], "\25" => [147, "0"], "\26" => [149, "0"], "\27" => [101, "0"], "\30" => [112, "0"], "\31" => [117, "0"], "\32" => [120, "0"], "\33" => [124, "0"], "\34" => [127, "0"], "\35" => [144, "0"], "\36" => [152, "0"], "\37" => [11, "0"], " " => [0, "10"], "!" => [0, "11"], "\"" => [0, "12"], "#" => [0, "1a"], "\$" => [0, "1c"], "%" => [0, "1e"], "&" => [0, "1i"], "'" => [0, "1o"], "(" => [0, "1s"], ")" => [0, "1t"], "*" => [73, "1"], "+" => [88, "1"], "," => [89, "1"], "-" => [96, "1"], "." => [97, "1"], "/" => [99, "1"], [106, "1"], [136, "1"], [139, "1"], [141, "1"], [145, "1"], [147, "1"], [149, "1"], [101, "1"], [112, "1"], [117, "1"], ":" => [120, "1"], ";" => [124, "1"], "<" => [127, "1"], "=" => [144, "1"], ">" => [152, "1"], "?" => [11, "1"], "@" => [0, "20"], "A" => [0, "21"], "B" => [0, "22"], "C" => [0, "2a"], "D" => [0, "2c"], "E" => [0, "2e"], "F" => [0, "2i"], "G" => [0, "2o"], "H" => [0, "2s"], "I" => [0, "2t"], "J" => [73, "2"], "K" => [88, "2"], "L" => [89, "2"], "M" => [96, "2"], "N" => [97, "2"], "O" => [99, "2"], "P" => [106, "2"], "Q" => [136, "2"], "R" => [139, "2"], "S" => [141, "2"], "T" => [145, "2"], "U" => [147, "2"], "V" => [149, "2"], "W" => [101, "2"], "X" => [112, "2"], "Y" => [117, "2"], "Z" => [120, "2"], "[" => [124, "2"], "\\" => [127, "2"], "]" => [144, "2"], "^" => [152, "2"], "_" => [11, "2"], "`" => [0, "a0"], "a" => [0, "a1"], "b" => [0, "a2"], "c" => [0, "aa"], "d" => [0, "ac"], "e" => [0, "ae"], "f" => [0, "ai"], "g" => [0, "ao"], "h" => [0, "as"], "i" => [0, "at"], "j" => [73, "a"], "k" => [88, "a"], "l" => [89, "a"], "m" => [96, "a"], "n" => [97, "a"], "o" => [99, "a"], "p" => [106, "a"], "q" => [136, "a"], "r" => [139, "a"], "s" => [141, "a"], "t" => [145, "a"], "u" => [147, "a"], "v" => [149, "a"], "w" => [101, "a"], "x" => [112, "a"], "y" => [117, "a"], "z" => [120, "a"], "{" => [124, "a"], "|" => [127, "a"], "}" => [144, "a"], "~" => [152, "a"], "" => [11, "a"], "" => [0, "c0"], "" => [0, "c1"], "" => [0, "c2"], "" => [0, "ca"], "" => [0, "cc"], "" => [0, "ce"], "" => [0, "ci"], "" => [0, "co"], "" => [0, "cs"], "" => [0, "ct"], "" => [73, "c"], "" => [88, "c"], "" => [89, "c"], "" => [96, "c"], "" => [97, "c"], "" => [99, "c"], "" => [106, "c"], "" => [136, "c"], "" => [139, "c"], "" => [141, "c"], "" => [145, "c"], "" => [147, "c"], "" => [149, "c"], "" => [101, "c"], "" => [112, "c"], "" => [117, "c"], "" => [120, "c"], "" => [124, "c"], "" => [127, "c"], "" => [144, "c"], "" => [152, "c"], "" => [11, "c"], "" => [0, "e0"], "" => [0, "e1"], "" => [0, "e2"], "" => [0, "ea"], "" => [0, "ec"], "" => [0, "ee"], "" => [0, "ei"], "" => [0, "eo"], "" => [0, "es"], "" => [0, "et"], "" => [73, "e"], "" => [88, "e"], "" => [89, "e"], "" => [96, "e"], "" => [97, "e"], "" => [99, "e"], "" => [106, "e"], "" => [136, "e"], "" => [139, "e"], "" => [141, "e"], "" => [145, "e"], "" => [147, "e"], "" => [149, "e"], "" => [101, "e"], "" => [112, "e"], "" => [117, "e"], "" => [120, "e"], "" => [124, "e"], "" => [127, "e"], "" => [144, "e"], "" => [152, "e"], "" => [11, "e"], "" => [0, "i0"], "" => [0, "i1"], "" => [0, "i2"], "" => [0, "ia"], "" => [0, "ic"], "" => [0, "ie"], "" => [0, "ii"], "" => [0, "io"], "" => [0, "is"], "" => [0, "it"], "" => [73, "i"], "" => [88, "i"], "" => [89, "i"], "" => [96, "i"], "" => [97, "i"], "" => [99, "i"], "" => [106, "i"], "" => [136, "i"], "" => [139, "i"], "" => [141, "i"], "" => [145, "i"], "" => [147, "i"], "" => [149, "i"], "" => [101, "i"], "" => [112, "i"], "" => [117, "i"], "" => [120, "i"], "" => [124, "i"], "" => [127, "i"], "" => [144, "i"], "" => [152, "i"], "" => [11, "i"], "" => [0, "o0"], "" => [0, "o1"], "" => [0, "o2"], "" => [0, "oa"], "" => [0, "oc"], "" => [0, "oe"], "" => [0, "oi"], "" => [0, "oo"], "" => [0, "os"], "" => [0, "ot"], "" => [73, "o"], "" => [88, "o"], "" => [89, "o"], "" => [96, "o"], "" => [97, "o"], "" => [99, "o"], "" => [106, "o"], "" => [136, "o"], "" => [139, "o"], "" => [141, "o"], "" => [145, "o"], "" => [147, "o"], "" => [149, "o"], "" => [101, "o"], "" => [112, "o"], "" => [117, "o"], "" => [120, "o"], "" => [124, "o"], "" => [127, "o"], "" => [144, "o"], "" => [152, "o"], "" => [11, "o"]], ["\0" => [94, "20"], "\1" => [76, "20"], "\2" => [104, "20"], "\3" => [16, "20"], "\4" => [94, "21"], "\5" => [76, "21"], "\6" => [104, "21"], "\7" => [16, "21"], "\10" => [94, "22"], "\t" => [76, "22"], "\n" => [104, "22"], "\v" => [16, "22"], "\f" => [94, "2a"], "\r" => [76, "2a"], "\16" => [104, "2a"], "\17" => [16, "2a"], "\20" => [94, "2c"], "\21" => [76, "2c"], "\22" => [104, "2c"], "\23" => [16, "2c"], "\24" => [94, "2e"], "\25" => [76, "2e"], "\26" => [104, "2e"], "\27" => [16, "2e"], "\30" => [94, "2i"], "\31" => [76, "2i"], "\32" => [104, "2i"], "\33" => [16, "2i"], "\34" => [94, "2o"], "\35" => [76, "2o"], "\36" => [104, "2o"], "\37" => [16, "2o"], " " => [94, "2s"], "!" => [76, "2s"], "\"" => [104, "2s"], "#" => [16, "2s"], "\$" => [94, "2t"], "%" => [76, "2t"], "&" => [104, "2t"], "'" => [16, "2t"], "(" => [77, "2 "], ")" => [18, "2 "], "*" => [77, "2%"], "+" => [18, "2%"], "," => [77, "2-"], "-" => [18, "2-"], "." => [77, "2."], "/" => [18, "2."], [77, "2/"], [18, "2/"], [77, "23"], [18, "23"], [77, "24"], [18, "24"], [77, "25"], [18, "25"], [77, "26"], [18, "26"], ":" => [77, "27"], ";" => [18, "27"], "<" => [77, "28"], "=" => [18, "28"], ">" => [77, "29"], "?" => [18, "29"], "@" => [77, "2="], "A" => [18, "2="], "B" => [77, "2A"], "C" => [18, "2A"], "D" => [77, "2_"], "E" => [18, "2_"], "F" => [77, "2b"], "G" => [18, "2b"], "H" => [77, "2d"], "I" => [18, "2d"], "J" => [77, "2f"], "K" => [18, "2f"], "L" => [77, "2g"], "M" => [18, "2g"], "N" => [77, "2h"], "O" => [18, "2h"], "P" => [77, "2l"], "Q" => [18, "2l"], "R" => [77, "2m"], "S" => [18, "2m"], "T" => [77, "2n"], "U" => [18, "2n"], "V" => [77, "2p"], "W" => [18, "2p"], "X" => [77, "2r"], "Y" => [18, "2r"], "Z" => [77, "2u"], "[" => [18, "2u"], "\\" => [0, "2:"], "]" => [0, "2B"], "^" => [0, "2C"], "_" => [0, "2D"], "`" => [0, "2E"], "a" => [0, "2F"], "b" => [0, "2G"], "c" => [0, "2H"], "d" => [0, "2I"], "e" => [0, "2J"], "f" => [0, "2K"], "g" => [0, "2L"], "h" => [0, "2M"], "i" => [0, "2N"], "j" => [0, "2O"], "k" => [0, "2P"], "l" => [0, "2Q"], "m" => [0, "2R"], "n" => [0, "2S"], "o" => [0, "2T"], "p" => [0, "2U"], "q" => [0, "2V"], "r" => [0, "2W"], "s" => [0, "2Y"], "t" => [0, "2j"], "u" => [0, "2k"], "v" => [0, "2q"], "w" => [0, "2v"], "x" => [0, "2w"], "y" => [0, "2x"], "z" => [0, "2y"], "{" => [0, "2z"], "|" => [82, "2"], "}" => [87, "2"], "~" => [130, "2"], "" => [9, "2"], "" => [94, "a0"], "" => [76, "a0"], "" => [104, "a0"], "" => [16, "a0"], "" => [94, "a1"], "" => [76, "a1"], "" => [104, "a1"], "" => [16, "a1"], "" => [94, "a2"], "" => [76, "a2"], "" => [104, "a2"], "" => [16, "a2"], "" => [94, "aa"], "" => [76, "aa"], "" => [104, "aa"], "" => [16, "aa"], "" => [94, "ac"], "" => [76, "ac"], "" => [104, "ac"], "" => [16, "ac"], "" => [94, "ae"], "" => [76, "ae"], "" => [104, "ae"], "" => [16, "ae"], "" => [94, "ai"], "" => [76, "ai"], "" => [104, "ai"], "" => [16, "ai"], "" => [94, "ao"], "" => [76, "ao"], "" => [104, "ao"], "" => [16, "ao"], "" => [94, "as"], "" => [76, "as"], "" => [104, "as"], "" => [16, "as"], "" => [94, "at"], "" => [76, "at"], "" => [104, "at"], "" => [16, "at"], "" => [77, "a "], "" => [18, "a "], "" => [77, "a%"], "" => [18, "a%"], "" => [77, "a-"], "" => [18, "a-"], "" => [77, "a."], "" => [18, "a."], "" => [77, "a/"], "" => [18, "a/"], "" => [77, "a3"], "" => [18, "a3"], "" => [77, "a4"], "" => [18, "a4"], "" => [77, "a5"], "" => [18, "a5"], "" => [77, "a6"], "" => [18, "a6"], "" => [77, "a7"], "" => [18, "a7"], "" => [77, "a8"], "" => [18, "a8"], "" => [77, "a9"], "" => [18, "a9"], "" => [77, "a="], "" => [18, "a="], "" => [77, "aA"], "" => [18, "aA"], "" => [77, "a_"], "" => [18, "a_"], "" => [77, "ab"], "" => [18, "ab"], "" => [77, "ad"], "" => [18, "ad"], "" => [77, "af"], "" => [18, "af"], "" => [77, "ag"], "" => [18, "ag"], "" => [77, "ah"], "" => [18, "ah"], "" => [77, "al"], "" => [18, "al"], "" => [77, "am"], "" => [18, "am"], "" => [77, "an"], "" => [18, "an"], "" => [77, "ap"], "" => [18, "ap"], "" => [77, "ar"], "" => [18, "ar"], "" => [77, "au"], "" => [18, "au"], "" => [0, "a:"], "" => [0, "aB"], "" => [0, "aC"], "" => [0, "aD"], "" => [0, "aE"], "" => [0, "aF"], "" => [0, "aG"], "" => [0, "aH"], "" => [0, "aI"], "" => [0, "aJ"], "" => [0, "aK"], "" => [0, "aL"], "" => [0, "aM"], "" => [0, "aN"], "" => [0, "aO"], "" => [0, "aP"], "" => [0, "aQ"], "" => [0, "aR"], "" => [0, "aS"], "" => [0, "aT"], "" => [0, "aU"], "" => [0, "aV"], "" => [0, "aW"], "" => [0, "aY"], "" => [0, "aj"], "" => [0, "ak"], "" => [0, "aq"], "" => [0, "av"], "" => [0, "aw"], "" => [0, "ax"], "" => [0, "ay"], "" => [0, "az"], "" => [82, "a"], "" => [87, "a"], "" => [130, "a"], "" => [9, "a"]], ["\0" => [94, "40"], "\1" => [76, "40"], "\2" => [104, "40"], "\3" => [16, "40"], "\4" => [94, "41"], "\5" => [76, "41"], "\6" => [104, "41"], "\7" => [16, "41"], "\10" => [94, "42"], "\t" => [76, "42"], "\n" => [104, "42"], "\v" => [16, "42"], "\f" => [94, "4a"], "\r" => [76, "4a"], "\16" => [104, "4a"], "\17" => [16, "4a"], "\20" => [94, "4c"], "\21" => [76, "4c"], "\22" => [104, "4c"], "\23" => [16, "4c"], "\24" => [94, "4e"], "\25" => [76, "4e"], "\26" => [104, "4e"], "\27" => [16, "4e"], "\30" => [94, "4i"], "\31" => [76, "4i"], "\32" => [104, "4i"], "\33" => [16, "4i"], "\34" => [94, "4o"], "\35" => [76, "4o"], "\36" => [104, "4o"], "\37" => [16, "4o"], " " => [94, "4s"], "!" => [76, "4s"], "\"" => [104, "4s"], "#" => [16, "4s"], "\$" => [94, "4t"], "%" => [76, "4t"], "&" => [104, "4t"], "'" => [16, "4t"], "(" => [77, "4 "], ")" => [18, "4 "], "*" => [77, "4%"], "+" => [18, "4%"], "," => [77, "4-"], "-" => [18, "4-"], "." => [77, "4."], "/" => [18, "4."], [77, "4/"], [18, "4/"], [77, "43"], [18, "43"], [77, "44"], [18, "44"], [77, "45"], [18, "45"], [77, "46"], [18, "46"], ":" => [77, "47"], ";" => [18, "47"], "<" => [77, "48"], "=" => [18, "48"], ">" => [77, "49"], "?" => [18, "49"], "@" => [77, "4="], "A" => [18, "4="], "B" => [77, "4A"], "C" => [18, "4A"], "D" => [77, "4_"], "E" => [18, "4_"], "F" => [77, "4b"], "G" => [18, "4b"], "H" => [77, "4d"], "I" => [18, "4d"], "J" => [77, "4f"], "K" => [18, "4f"], "L" => [77, "4g"], "M" => [18, "4g"], "N" => [77, "4h"], "O" => [18, "4h"], "P" => [77, "4l"], "Q" => [18, "4l"], "R" => [77, "4m"], "S" => [18, "4m"], "T" => [77, "4n"], "U" => [18, "4n"], "V" => [77, "4p"], "W" => [18, "4p"], "X" => [77, "4r"], "Y" => [18, "4r"], "Z" => [77, "4u"], "[" => [18, "4u"], "\\" => [0, "4:"], "]" => [0, "4B"], "^" => [0, "4C"], "_" => [0, "4D"], "`" => [0, "4E"], "a" => [0, "4F"], "b" => [0, "4G"], "c" => [0, "4H"], "d" => [0, "4I"], "e" => [0, "4J"], "f" => [0, "4K"], "g" => [0, "4L"], "h" => [0, "4M"], "i" => [0, "4N"], "j" => [0, "4O"], "k" => [0, "4P"], "l" => [0, "4Q"], "m" => [0, "4R"], "n" => [0, "4S"], "o" => [0, "4T"], "p" => [0, "4U"], "q" => [0, "4V"], "r" => [0, "4W"], "s" => [0, "4Y"], "t" => [0, "4j"], "u" => [0, "4k"], "v" => [0, "4q"], "w" => [0, "4v"], "x" => [0, "4w"], "y" => [0, "4x"], "z" => [0, "4y"], "{" => [0, "4z"], "|" => [82, "4"], "}" => [87, "4"], "~" => [130, "4"], "" => [9, "4"], "" => [94, "50"], "" => [76, "50"], "" => [104, "50"], "" => [16, "50"], "" => [94, "51"], "" => [76, "51"], "" => [104, "51"], "" => [16, "51"], "" => [94, "52"], "" => [76, "52"], "" => [104, "52"], "" => [16, "52"], "" => [94, "5a"], "" => [76, "5a"], "" => [104, "5a"], "" => [16, "5a"], "" => [94, "5c"], "" => [76, "5c"], "" => [104, "5c"], "" => [16, "5c"], "" => [94, "5e"], "" => [76, "5e"], "" => [104, "5e"], "" => [16, "5e"], "" => [94, "5i"], "" => [76, "5i"], "" => [104, "5i"], "" => [16, "5i"], "" => [94, "5o"], "" => [76, "5o"], "" => [104, "5o"], "" => [16, "5o"], "" => [94, "5s"], "" => [76, "5s"], "" => [104, "5s"], "" => [16, "5s"], "" => [94, "5t"], "" => [76, "5t"], "" => [104, "5t"], "" => [16, "5t"], "" => [77, "5 "], "" => [18, "5 "], "" => [77, "5%"], "" => [18, "5%"], "" => [77, "5-"], "" => [18, "5-"], "" => [77, "5."], "" => [18, "5."], "" => [77, "5/"], "" => [18, "5/"], "" => [77, "53"], "" => [18, "53"], "" => [77, "54"], "" => [18, "54"], "" => [77, "55"], "" => [18, "55"], "" => [77, "56"], "" => [18, "56"], "" => [77, "57"], "" => [18, "57"], "" => [77, "58"], "" => [18, "58"], "" => [77, "59"], "" => [18, "59"], "" => [77, "5="], "" => [18, "5="], "" => [77, "5A"], "" => [18, "5A"], "" => [77, "5_"], "" => [18, "5_"], "" => [77, "5b"], "" => [18, "5b"], "" => [77, "5d"], "" => [18, "5d"], "" => [77, "5f"], "" => [18, "5f"], "" => [77, "5g"], "" => [18, "5g"], "" => [77, "5h"], "" => [18, "5h"], "" => [77, "5l"], "" => [18, "5l"], "" => [77, "5m"], "" => [18, "5m"], "" => [77, "5n"], "" => [18, "5n"], "" => [77, "5p"], "" => [18, "5p"], "" => [77, "5r"], "" => [18, "5r"], "" => [77, "5u"], "" => [18, "5u"], "" => [0, "5:"], "" => [0, "5B"], "" => [0, "5C"], "" => [0, "5D"], "" => [0, "5E"], "" => [0, "5F"], "" => [0, "5G"], "" => [0, "5H"], "" => [0, "5I"], "" => [0, "5J"], "" => [0, "5K"], "" => [0, "5L"], "" => [0, "5M"], "" => [0, "5N"], "" => [0, "5O"], "" => [0, "5P"], "" => [0, "5Q"], "" => [0, "5R"], "" => [0, "5S"], "" => [0, "5T"], "" => [0, "5U"], "" => [0, "5V"], "" => [0, "5W"], "" => [0, "5Y"], "" => [0, "5j"], "" => [0, "5k"], "" => [0, "5q"], "" => [0, "5v"], "" => [0, "5w"], "" => [0, "5x"], "" => [0, "5y"], "" => [0, "5z"], "" => [82, "5"], "" => [87, "5"], "" => [130, "5"], "" => [9, "5"]], ["\0" => [94, "60"], "\1" => [76, "60"], "\2" => [104, "60"], "\3" => [16, "60"], "\4" => [94, "61"], "\5" => [76, "61"], "\6" => [104, "61"], "\7" => [16, "61"], "\10" => [94, "62"], "\t" => [76, "62"], "\n" => [104, "62"], "\v" => [16, "62"], "\f" => [94, "6a"], "\r" => [76, "6a"], "\16" => [104, "6a"], "\17" => [16, "6a"], "\20" => [94, "6c"], "\21" => [76, "6c"], "\22" => [104, "6c"], "\23" => [16, "6c"], "\24" => [94, "6e"], "\25" => [76, "6e"], "\26" => [104, "6e"], "\27" => [16, "6e"], "\30" => [94, "6i"], "\31" => [76, "6i"], "\32" => [104, "6i"], "\33" => [16, "6i"], "\34" => [94, "6o"], "\35" => [76, "6o"], "\36" => [104, "6o"], "\37" => [16, "6o"], " " => [94, "6s"], "!" => [76, "6s"], "\"" => [104, "6s"], "#" => [16, "6s"], "\$" => [94, "6t"], "%" => [76, "6t"], "&" => [104, "6t"], "'" => [16, "6t"], "(" => [77, "6 "], ")" => [18, "6 "], "*" => [77, "6%"], "+" => [18, "6%"], "," => [77, "6-"], "-" => [18, "6-"], "." => [77, "6."], "/" => [18, "6."], [77, "6/"], [18, "6/"], [77, "63"], [18, "63"], [77, "64"], [18, "64"], [77, "65"], [18, "65"], [77, "66"], [18, "66"], ":" => [77, "67"], ";" => [18, "67"], "<" => [77, "68"], "=" => [18, "68"], ">" => [77, "69"], "?" => [18, "69"], "@" => [77, "6="], "A" => [18, "6="], "B" => [77, "6A"], "C" => [18, "6A"], "D" => [77, "6_"], "E" => [18, "6_"], "F" => [77, "6b"], "G" => [18, "6b"], "H" => [77, "6d"], "I" => [18, "6d"], "J" => [77, "6f"], "K" => [18, "6f"], "L" => [77, "6g"], "M" => [18, "6g"], "N" => [77, "6h"], "O" => [18, "6h"], "P" => [77, "6l"], "Q" => [18, "6l"], "R" => [77, "6m"], "S" => [18, "6m"], "T" => [77, "6n"], "U" => [18, "6n"], "V" => [77, "6p"], "W" => [18, "6p"], "X" => [77, "6r"], "Y" => [18, "6r"], "Z" => [77, "6u"], "[" => [18, "6u"], "\\" => [0, "6:"], "]" => [0, "6B"], "^" => [0, "6C"], "_" => [0, "6D"], "`" => [0, "6E"], "a" => [0, "6F"], "b" => [0, "6G"], "c" => [0, "6H"], "d" => [0, "6I"], "e" => [0, "6J"], "f" => [0, "6K"], "g" => [0, "6L"], "h" => [0, "6M"], "i" => [0, "6N"], "j" => [0, "6O"], "k" => [0, "6P"], "l" => [0, "6Q"], "m" => [0, "6R"], "n" => [0, "6S"], "o" => [0, "6T"], "p" => [0, "6U"], "q" => [0, "6V"], "r" => [0, "6W"], "s" => [0, "6Y"], "t" => [0, "6j"], "u" => [0, "6k"], "v" => [0, "6q"], "w" => [0, "6v"], "x" => [0, "6w"], "y" => [0, "6x"], "z" => [0, "6y"], "{" => [0, "6z"], "|" => [82, "6"], "}" => [87, "6"], "~" => [130, "6"], "" => [9, "6"], "" => [94, "70"], "" => [76, "70"], "" => [104, "70"], "" => [16, "70"], "" => [94, "71"], "" => [76, "71"], "" => [104, "71"], "" => [16, "71"], "" => [94, "72"], "" => [76, "72"], "" => [104, "72"], "" => [16, "72"], "" => [94, "7a"], "" => [76, "7a"], "" => [104, "7a"], "" => [16, "7a"], "" => [94, "7c"], "" => [76, "7c"], "" => [104, "7c"], "" => [16, "7c"], "" => [94, "7e"], "" => [76, "7e"], "" => [104, "7e"], "" => [16, "7e"], "" => [94, "7i"], "" => [76, "7i"], "" => [104, "7i"], "" => [16, "7i"], "" => [94, "7o"], "" => [76, "7o"], "" => [104, "7o"], "" => [16, "7o"], "" => [94, "7s"], "" => [76, "7s"], "" => [104, "7s"], "" => [16, "7s"], "" => [94, "7t"], "" => [76, "7t"], "" => [104, "7t"], "" => [16, "7t"], "" => [77, "7 "], "" => [18, "7 "], "" => [77, "7%"], "" => [18, "7%"], "" => [77, "7-"], "" => [18, "7-"], "" => [77, "7."], "" => [18, "7."], "" => [77, "7/"], "" => [18, "7/"], "" => [77, "73"], "" => [18, "73"], "" => [77, "74"], "" => [18, "74"], "" => [77, "75"], "" => [18, "75"], "" => [77, "76"], "" => [18, "76"], "" => [77, "77"], "" => [18, "77"], "" => [77, "78"], "" => [18, "78"], "" => [77, "79"], "" => [18, "79"], "" => [77, "7="], "" => [18, "7="], "" => [77, "7A"], "" => [18, "7A"], "" => [77, "7_"], "" => [18, "7_"], "" => [77, "7b"], "" => [18, "7b"], "" => [77, "7d"], "" => [18, "7d"], "" => [77, "7f"], "" => [18, "7f"], "" => [77, "7g"], "" => [18, "7g"], "" => [77, "7h"], "" => [18, "7h"], "" => [77, "7l"], "" => [18, "7l"], "" => [77, "7m"], "" => [18, "7m"], "" => [77, "7n"], "" => [18, "7n"], "" => [77, "7p"], "" => [18, "7p"], "" => [77, "7r"], "" => [18, "7r"], "" => [77, "7u"], "" => [18, "7u"], "" => [0, "7:"], "" => [0, "7B"], "" => [0, "7C"], "" => [0, "7D"], "" => [0, "7E"], "" => [0, "7F"], "" => [0, "7G"], "" => [0, "7H"], "" => [0, "7I"], "" => [0, "7J"], "" => [0, "7K"], "" => [0, "7L"], "" => [0, "7M"], "" => [0, "7N"], "" => [0, "7O"], "" => [0, "7P"], "" => [0, "7Q"], "" => [0, "7R"], "" => [0, "7S"], "" => [0, "7T"], "" => [0, "7U"], "" => [0, "7V"], "" => [0, "7W"], "" => [0, "7Y"], "" => [0, "7j"], "" => [0, "7k"], "" => [0, "7q"], "" => [0, "7v"], "" => [0, "7w"], "" => [0, "7x"], "" => [0, "7y"], "" => [0, "7z"], "" => [82, "7"], "" => [87, "7"], "" => [130, "7"], "" => [9, "7"]], ["\0" => [77, "60"], "\1" => [18, "60"], "\2" => [77, "61"], "\3" => [18, "61"], "\4" => [77, "62"], "\5" => [18, "62"], "\6" => [77, "6a"], "\7" => [18, "6a"], "\10" => [77, "6c"], "\t" => [18, "6c"], "\n" => [77, "6e"], "\v" => [18, "6e"], "\f" => [77, "6i"], "\r" => [18, "6i"], "\16" => [77, "6o"], "\17" => [18, "6o"], "\20" => [77, "6s"], "\21" => [18, "6s"], "\22" => [77, "6t"], "\23" => [18, "6t"], "\24" => [0, "6 "], "\25" => [0, "6%"], "\26" => [0, "6-"], "\27" => [0, "6."], "\30" => [0, "6/"], "\31" => [0, "63"], "\32" => [0, "64"], "\33" => [0, "65"], "\34" => [0, "66"], "\35" => [0, "67"], "\36" => [0, "68"], "\37" => [0, "69"], " " => [0, "6="], "!" => [0, "6A"], "\"" => [0, "6_"], "#" => [0, "6b"], "\$" => [0, "6d"], "%" => [0, "6f"], "&" => [0, "6g"], "'" => [0, "6h"], "(" => [0, "6l"], ")" => [0, "6m"], "*" => [0, "6n"], "+" => [0, "6p"], "," => [0, "6r"], "-" => [0, "6u"], "." => [100, "6"], "/" => [110, "6"], [111, "6"], [115, "6"], [116, "6"], [118, "6"], [119, "6"], [122, "6"], [123, "6"], [125, "6"], [126, "6"], [129, "6"], ":" => [143, "6"], ";" => [148, "6"], "<" => [151, "6"], "=" => [153, "6"], ">" => [83, "6"], "?" => [10, "6"], "@" => [77, "70"], "A" => [18, "70"], "B" => [77, "71"], "C" => [18, "71"], "D" => [77, "72"], "E" => [18, "72"], "F" => [77, "7a"], "G" => [18, "7a"], "H" => [77, "7c"], "I" => [18, "7c"], "J" => [77, "7e"], "K" => [18, "7e"], "L" => [77, "7i"], "M" => [18, "7i"], "N" => [77, "7o"], "O" => [18, "7o"], "P" => [77, "7s"], "Q" => [18, "7s"], "R" => [77, "7t"], "S" => [18, "7t"], "T" => [0, "7 "], "U" => [0, "7%"], "V" => [0, "7-"], "W" => [0, "7."], "X" => [0, "7/"], "Y" => [0, "73"], "Z" => [0, "74"], "[" => [0, "75"], "\\" => [0, "76"], "]" => [0, "77"], "^" => [0, "78"], "_" => [0, "79"], "`" => [0, "7="], "a" => [0, "7A"], "b" => [0, "7_"], "c" => [0, "7b"], "d" => [0, "7d"], "e" => [0, "7f"], "f" => [0, "7g"], "g" => [0, "7h"], "h" => [0, "7l"], "i" => [0, "7m"], "j" => [0, "7n"], "k" => [0, "7p"], "l" => [0, "7r"], "m" => [0, "7u"], "n" => [100, "7"], "o" => [110, "7"], "p" => [111, "7"], "q" => [115, "7"], "r" => [116, "7"], "s" => [118, "7"], "t" => [119, "7"], "u" => [122, "7"], "v" => [123, "7"], "w" => [125, "7"], "x" => [126, "7"], "y" => [129, "7"], "z" => [143, "7"], "{" => [148, "7"], "|" => [151, "7"], "}" => [153, "7"], "~" => [83, "7"], "" => [10, "7"], "" => [77, "80"], "" => [18, "80"], "" => [77, "81"], "" => [18, "81"], "" => [77, "82"], "" => [18, "82"], "" => [77, "8a"], "" => [18, "8a"], "" => [77, "8c"], "" => [18, "8c"], "" => [77, "8e"], "" => [18, "8e"], "" => [77, "8i"], "" => [18, "8i"], "" => [77, "8o"], "" => [18, "8o"], "" => [77, "8s"], "" => [18, "8s"], "" => [77, "8t"], "" => [18, "8t"], "" => [0, "8 "], "" => [0, "8%"], "" => [0, "8-"], "" => [0, "8."], "" => [0, "8/"], "" => [0, "83"], "" => [0, "84"], "" => [0, "85"], "" => [0, "86"], "" => [0, "87"], "" => [0, "88"], "" => [0, "89"], "" => [0, "8="], "" => [0, "8A"], "" => [0, "8_"], "" => [0, "8b"], "" => [0, "8d"], "" => [0, "8f"], "" => [0, "8g"], "" => [0, "8h"], "" => [0, "8l"], "" => [0, "8m"], "" => [0, "8n"], "" => [0, "8p"], "" => [0, "8r"], "" => [0, "8u"], "" => [100, "8"], "" => [110, "8"], "" => [111, "8"], "" => [115, "8"], "" => [116, "8"], "" => [118, "8"], "" => [119, "8"], "" => [122, "8"], "" => [123, "8"], "" => [125, "8"], "" => [126, "8"], "" => [129, "8"], "" => [143, "8"], "" => [148, "8"], "" => [151, "8"], "" => [153, "8"], "" => [83, "8"], "" => [10, "8"], "" => [77, "90"], "" => [18, "90"], "" => [77, "91"], "" => [18, "91"], "" => [77, "92"], "" => [18, "92"], "" => [77, "9a"], "" => [18, "9a"], "" => [77, "9c"], "" => [18, "9c"], "" => [77, "9e"], "" => [18, "9e"], "" => [77, "9i"], "" => [18, "9i"], "" => [77, "9o"], "" => [18, "9o"], "" => [77, "9s"], "" => [18, "9s"], "" => [77, "9t"], "" => [18, "9t"], "" => [0, "9 "], "" => [0, "9%"], "" => [0, "9-"], "" => [0, "9."], "" => [0, "9/"], "" => [0, "93"], "" => [0, "94"], "" => [0, "95"], "" => [0, "96"], "" => [0, "97"], "" => [0, "98"], "" => [0, "99"], "" => [0, "9="], "" => [0, "9A"], "" => [0, "9_"], "" => [0, "9b"], "" => [0, "9d"], "" => [0, "9f"], "" => [0, "9g"], "" => [0, "9h"], "" => [0, "9l"], "" => [0, "9m"], "" => [0, "9n"], "" => [0, "9p"], "" => [0, "9r"], "" => [0, "9u"], "" => [100, "9"], "" => [110, "9"], "" => [111, "9"], "" => [115, "9"], "" => [116, "9"], "" => [118, "9"], "" => [119, "9"], "" => [122, "9"], "" => [123, "9"], "" => [125, "9"], "" => [126, "9"], "" => [129, "9"], "" => [143, "9"], "" => [148, "9"], "" => [151, "9"], "" => [153, "9"], "" => [83, "9"], "" => [10, "9"]], ["\0" => [94, "80"], "\1" => [76, "80"], "\2" => [104, "80"], "\3" => [16, "80"], "\4" => [94, "81"], "\5" => [76, "81"], "\6" => [104, "81"], "\7" => [16, "81"], "\10" => [94, "82"], "\t" => [76, "82"], "\n" => [104, "82"], "\v" => [16, "82"], "\f" => [94, "8a"], "\r" => [76, "8a"], "\16" => [104, "8a"], "\17" => [16, "8a"], "\20" => [94, "8c"], "\21" => [76, "8c"], "\22" => [104, "8c"], "\23" => [16, "8c"], "\24" => [94, "8e"], "\25" => [76, "8e"], "\26" => [104, "8e"], "\27" => [16, "8e"], "\30" => [94, "8i"], "\31" => [76, "8i"], "\32" => [104, "8i"], "\33" => [16, "8i"], "\34" => [94, "8o"], "\35" => [76, "8o"], "\36" => [104, "8o"], "\37" => [16, "8o"], " " => [94, "8s"], "!" => [76, "8s"], "\"" => [104, "8s"], "#" => [16, "8s"], "\$" => [94, "8t"], "%" => [76, "8t"], "&" => [104, "8t"], "'" => [16, "8t"], "(" => [77, "8 "], ")" => [18, "8 "], "*" => [77, "8%"], "+" => [18, "8%"], "," => [77, "8-"], "-" => [18, "8-"], "." => [77, "8."], "/" => [18, "8."], [77, "8/"], [18, "8/"], [77, "83"], [18, "83"], [77, "84"], [18, "84"], [77, "85"], [18, "85"], [77, "86"], [18, "86"], 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"8T"], "p" => [0, "8U"], "q" => [0, "8V"], "r" => [0, "8W"], "s" => [0, "8Y"], "t" => [0, "8j"], "u" => [0, "8k"], "v" => [0, "8q"], "w" => [0, "8v"], "x" => [0, "8w"], "y" => [0, "8x"], "z" => [0, "8y"], "{" => [0, "8z"], "|" => [82, "8"], "}" => [87, "8"], "~" => [130, "8"], "" => [9, "8"], "" => [94, "90"], "" => [76, "90"], "" => [104, "90"], "" => [16, "90"], "" => [94, "91"], "" => [76, "91"], "" => [104, "91"], "" => [16, "91"], "" => [94, "92"], "" => [76, "92"], "" => [104, "92"], "" => [16, "92"], "" => [94, "9a"], "" => [76, "9a"], "" => [104, "9a"], "" => [16, "9a"], "" => [94, "9c"], "" => [76, "9c"], "" => [104, "9c"], "" => [16, "9c"], "" => [94, "9e"], "" => [76, "9e"], "" => [104, "9e"], "" => [16, "9e"], "" => [94, "9i"], "" => [76, "9i"], "" => [104, "9i"], "" => [16, "9i"], "" => [94, "9o"], "" => [76, "9o"], "" => [104, "9o"], "" => [16, "9o"], "" => [94, "9s"], "" => [76, "9s"], "" => [104, "9s"], "" => [16, "9s"], "" => [94, "9t"], "" => [76, "9t"], "" => [104, "9t"], "" => [16, "9t"], "" => [77, "9 "], "" => [18, "9 "], "" => [77, "9%"], "" => [18, "9%"], "" => [77, "9-"], "" => [18, "9-"], "" => [77, "9."], "" => [18, "9."], "" => [77, "9/"], "" => [18, "9/"], "" => [77, "93"], "" => [18, "93"], "" => [77, "94"], "" => [18, "94"], "" => [77, "95"], "" => [18, "95"], "" => [77, "96"], "" => [18, "96"], "" => [77, "97"], "" => [18, "97"], "" => [77, "98"], "" => [18, "98"], "" => [77, "99"], "" => [18, "99"], "" => [77, "9="], "" => [18, "9="], "" => [77, "9A"], "" => [18, "9A"], "" => [77, "9_"], "" => [18, "9_"], "" => [77, "9b"], "" => [18, "9b"], "" => [77, "9d"], "" => [18, "9d"], "" => [77, "9f"], "" => [18, "9f"], "" => [77, "9g"], "" => [18, "9g"], "" => [77, "9h"], "" => [18, "9h"], "" => [77, "9l"], "" => [18, "9l"], "" => [77, "9m"], "" => [18, "9m"], "" => [77, "9n"], "" => [18, "9n"], "" => [77, "9p"], "" => [18, "9p"], "" => [77, "9r"], "" => [18, "9r"], "" => [77, "9u"], "" => [18, "9u"], "" => [0, "9:"], "" => [0, "9B"], "" => [0, "9C"], "" => [0, "9D"], "" => [0, "9E"], "" => [0, "9F"], "" => [0, "9G"], "" => [0, "9H"], "" => [0, "9I"], "" => [0, "9J"], "" => [0, "9K"], "" => [0, "9L"], "" => [0, "9M"], "" => [0, "9N"], "" => [0, "9O"], "" => [0, "9P"], "" => [0, "9Q"], "" => [0, "9R"], "" => [0, "9S"], "" => [0, "9T"], "" => [0, "9U"], "" => [0, "9V"], "" => [0, "9W"], "" => [0, "9Y"], "" => [0, "9j"], "" => [0, "9k"], "" => [0, "9q"], "" => [0, "9v"], "" => [0, "9w"], "" => [0, "9x"], "" => [0, "9y"], "" => [0, "9z"], "" => [82, "9"], "" => [87, "9"], "" => [130, "9"], "" => [9, "9"]], ["\0" => [94, ":0"], "\1" => [76, ":0"], "\2" => [104, ":0"], "\3" => [16, ":0"], "\4" => [94, ":1"], "\5" => [76, ":1"], "\6" => [104, ":1"], "\7" => [16, ":1"], "\10" => [94, ":2"], "\t" => [76, ":2"], "\n" => [104, ":2"], "\v" => [16, ":2"], "\f" => [94, ":a"], "\r" => [76, ":a"], "\16" => [104, ":a"], "\17" => [16, ":a"], "\20" => [94, ":c"], "\21" => [76, ":c"], "\22" => [104, ":c"], "\23" => [16, ":c"], "\24" => [94, ":e"], "\25" => [76, ":e"], "\26" => [104, ":e"], "\27" => [16, ":e"], "\30" => [94, ":i"], "\31" => [76, ":i"], "\32" => [104, ":i"], "\33" => [16, ":i"], "\34" => [94, ":o"], "\35" => [76, ":o"], "\36" => [104, ":o"], "\37" => [16, ":o"], " " => [94, ":s"], "!" => [76, ":s"], "\"" => [104, ":s"], "#" => [16, ":s"], "\$" => [94, ":t"], "%" => [76, ":t"], "&" => [104, ":t"], "'" => [16, ":t"], "(" => [77, ": "], ")" => [18, ": "], "*" => [77, ":%"], "+" => [18, ":%"], "," => [77, ":-"], "-" => [18, ":-"], "." => [77, ":."], "/" => [18, ":."], [77, ":/"], [18, ":/"], [77, ":3"], [18, ":3"], [77, ":4"], [18, ":4"], [77, ":5"], [18, ":5"], [77, ":6"], [18, ":6"], ":" => [77, ":7"], ";" => [18, ":7"], "<" => [77, ":8"], "=" => [18, ":8"], ">" => [77, ":9"], "?" => [18, ":9"], "@" => [77, ":="], "A" => [18, ":="], "B" => [77, ":A"], "C" => [18, ":A"], "D" => [77, ":_"], "E" => [18, ":_"], "F" => [77, ":b"], "G" => [18, ":b"], "H" => [77, ":d"], "I" => [18, ":d"], "J" => [77, ":f"], "K" => 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"" => [104, "B0"], "" => [16, "B0"], "" => [94, "B1"], "" => [76, "B1"], "" => [104, "B1"], "" => [16, "B1"], "" => [94, "B2"], "" => [76, "B2"], "" => [104, "B2"], "" => [16, "B2"], "" => [94, "Ba"], "" => [76, "Ba"], "" => [104, "Ba"], "" => [16, "Ba"], "" => [94, "Bc"], "" => [76, "Bc"], "" => [104, "Bc"], "" => [16, "Bc"], "" => [94, "Be"], "" => [76, "Be"], "" => [104, "Be"], "" => [16, "Be"], "" => [94, "Bi"], "" => [76, "Bi"], "" => [104, "Bi"], "" => [16, "Bi"], "" => [94, "Bo"], "" => [76, "Bo"], "" => [104, "Bo"], "" => [16, "Bo"], "" => [94, "Bs"], "" => [76, "Bs"], "" => [104, "Bs"], "" => [16, "Bs"], "" => [94, "Bt"], "" => [76, "Bt"], "" => [104, "Bt"], "" => [16, "Bt"], "" => [77, "B "], "" => [18, "B "], "" => [77, "B%"], "" => [18, "B%"], "" => [77, "B-"], "" => [18, "B-"], "" => [77, "B."], "" => [18, "B."], "" => [77, "B/"], "" => [18, "B/"], "" => [77, "B3"], "" => [18, "B3"], "" => [77, "B4"], "" => [18, "B4"], "" => [77, "B5"], "" => [18, "B5"], "" => [77, "B6"], "" => [18, "B6"], "" => [77, "B7"], "" => [18, "B7"], "" => [77, "B8"], "" => [18, "B8"], "" => [77, "B9"], "" => [18, "B9"], "" => [77, "B="], "" => [18, "B="], "" => [77, "BA"], "" => [18, "BA"], "" => [77, "B_"], "" => [18, "B_"], "" => [77, "Bb"], "" => [18, "Bb"], "" => [77, "Bd"], "" => [18, "Bd"], "" => [77, "Bf"], "" => [18, "Bf"], "" => [77, "Bg"], "" => [18, "Bg"], "" => [77, "Bh"], "" => [18, "Bh"], "" => [77, "Bl"], "" => [18, "Bl"], "" => [77, "Bm"], "" => [18, "Bm"], "" => [77, "Bn"], "" => [18, "Bn"], "" => [77, "Bp"], "" => [18, "Bp"], "" => [77, "Br"], "" => [18, "Br"], "" => [77, "Bu"], "" => [18, "Bu"], "" => [0, "B:"], "" => [0, "BB"], "" => [0, "BC"], "" => [0, "BD"], "" => [0, "BE"], "" => [0, "BF"], "" => [0, "BG"], "" => [0, "BH"], "" => [0, "BI"], "" => [0, "BJ"], "" => [0, "BK"], "" => [0, "BL"], "" => [0, "BM"], "" => [0, "BN"], "" => [0, "BO"], "" => [0, "BP"], "" => [0, "BQ"], "" => [0, "BR"], "" => [0, "BS"], "" => [0, "BT"], "" => [0, "BU"], "" => [0, "BV"], "" => [0, "BW"], "" => [0, "BY"], "" => [0, "Bj"], "" => [0, "Bk"], "" => [0, "Bq"], "" => [0, "Bv"], "" => [0, "Bw"], "" => [0, "Bx"], "" => [0, "By"], "" => [0, "Bz"], "" => [82, "B"], "" => [87, "B"], "" => [130, "B"], "" => [9, "B"]], ["\0" => [77, ":0"], "\1" => [18, ":0"], "\2" => [77, ":1"], "\3" => [18, ":1"], "\4" => [77, ":2"], "\5" => [18, ":2"], "\6" => [77, ":a"], "\7" => [18, ":a"], "\10" => [77, ":c"], "\t" => [18, ":c"], "\n" => [77, ":e"], "\v" => [18, ":e"], "\f" => [77, ":i"], "\r" => [18, ":i"], "\16" => [77, ":o"], "\17" => [18, ":o"], "\20" => [77, ":s"], "\21" => [18, ":s"], "\22" => [77, ":t"], "\23" => [18, ":t"], "\24" => [0, ": "], "\25" => [0, ":%"], "\26" => [0, ":-"], "\27" => [0, ":."], "\30" => [0, ":/"], "\31" => [0, ":3"], "\32" => [0, ":4"], "\33" => [0, ":5"], "\34" => [0, ":6"], "\35" => [0, ":7"], "\36" => [0, ":8"], "\37" => [0, ":9"], " " => [0, ":="], "!" => [0, ":A"], "\"" => [0, ":_"], "#" => [0, ":b"], "\$" => [0, ":d"], "%" => [0, ":f"], "&" => [0, ":g"], "'" => [0, ":h"], "(" => [0, ":l"], ")" => [0, ":m"], "*" => [0, ":n"], "+" => [0, ":p"], "," => [0, ":r"], "-" => [0, ":u"], "." => [100, ":"], "/" => [110, ":"], [111, ":"], [115, ":"], [116, ":"], [118, ":"], [119, ":"], [122, ":"], [123, ":"], [125, ":"], [126, ":"], [129, ":"], ":" => [143, ":"], ";" => [148, ":"], "<" => [151, ":"], "=" => [153, ":"], ">" => [83, ":"], "?" => [10, ":"], "@" => [77, "B0"], "A" => [18, "B0"], "B" => [77, "B1"], "C" => [18, "B1"], "D" => [77, "B2"], "E" => [18, "B2"], "F" => [77, "Ba"], "G" => [18, "Ba"], "H" => [77, "Bc"], "I" => [18, "Bc"], "J" => [77, "Be"], "K" => [18, "Be"], "L" => [77, "Bi"], "M" => [18, "Bi"], "N" => [77, "Bo"], "O" => [18, "Bo"], "P" => [77, "Bs"], "Q" => [18, "Bs"], "R" => [77, "Bt"], "S" => [18, "Bt"], "T" => [0, "B "], "U" => [0, "B%"], "V" => [0, "B-"], "W" => [0, "B."], "X" => [0, "B/"], "Y" => [0, "B3"], "Z" => [0, "B4"], "[" => [0, "B5"], "\\" => [0, "B6"], "]" => [0, "B7"], "^" => [0, "B8"], "_" => [0, "B9"], "`" => [0, "B="], "a" => [0, "BA"], "b" => [0, "B_"], "c" => [0, "Bb"], "d" => [0, "Bd"], "e" => [0, "Bf"], "f" => [0, "Bg"], "g" => [0, "Bh"], "h" => [0, "Bl"], "i" => [0, "Bm"], "j" => [0, "Bn"], "k" => [0, "Bp"], "l" => [0, "Br"], "m" => [0, "Bu"], "n" => [100, "B"], "o" => [110, "B"], "p" => [111, "B"], "q" => [115, "B"], "r" => [116, "B"], "s" => [118, "B"], "t" => [119, "B"], "u" => [122, "B"], "v" => [123, "B"], "w" => [125, "B"], "x" => [126, "B"], "y" => [129, "B"], "z" => [143, "B"], "{" => [148, "B"], "|" => [151, "B"], "}" => [153, "B"], "~" => [83, "B"], "" => [10, "B"], "" => [77, "C0"], "" => [18, "C0"], "" => [77, "C1"], "" => [18, "C1"], "" => [77, "C2"], "" => [18, "C2"], "" => [77, "Ca"], "" => [18, "Ca"], "" => [77, "Cc"], "" => [18, "Cc"], "" => [77, "Ce"], "" => [18, "Ce"], "" => [77, "Ci"], "" => [18, "Ci"], "" => [77, "Co"], "" => [18, "Co"], "" => [77, "Cs"], "" => [18, "Cs"], "" => [77, "Ct"], "" => [18, "Ct"], "" => [0, "C "], "" => [0, "C%"], "" => [0, "C-"], "" => [0, "C."], "" => [0, "C/"], "" => [0, "C3"], "" => [0, "C4"], "" => [0, "C5"], "" => [0, "C6"], "" => [0, "C7"], "" => [0, "C8"], "" => [0, "C9"], "" => [0, "C="], "" => [0, "CA"], "" => [0, "C_"], "" => [0, "Cb"], "" => [0, "Cd"], "" => [0, "Cf"], "" => [0, "Cg"], "" => [0, "Ch"], "" => [0, "Cl"], "" => [0, "Cm"], "" => [0, "Cn"], "" => [0, "Cp"], "" => [0, "Cr"], "" => [0, "Cu"], "" => [100, "C"], "" => [110, "C"], "" => [111, "C"], "" => [115, "C"], "" => [116, "C"], "" => [118, "C"], "" => [119, "C"], "" => [122, "C"], "" => [123, "C"], "" => [125, "C"], "" => [126, "C"], "" => [129, "C"], "" => [143, "C"], "" => [148, "C"], "" => [151, "C"], "" => [153, "C"], "" => [83, "C"], "" => [10, "C"], "" => [77, "D0"], "" => [18, "D0"], "" => [77, "D1"], "" => [18, "D1"], "" => [77, "D2"], "" => [18, "D2"], "" => [77, "Da"], "" => [18, "Da"], "" => [77, "Dc"], "" => [18, "Dc"], "" => [77, "De"], "" => [18, "De"], "" => [77, "Di"], "" => [18, "Di"], "" => [77, "Do"], "" => [18, "Do"], "" => [77, "Ds"], "" => [18, "Ds"], "" => [77, "Dt"], "" => [18, "Dt"], "" => [0, "D "], "" => [0, "D%"], "" => [0, "D-"], "" => [0, "D."], "" => [0, "D/"], "" => [0, "D3"], "" => [0, "D4"], "" => [0, "D5"], "" => [0, "D6"], "" => [0, "D7"], "" => [0, "D8"], "" => [0, "D9"], "" => [0, "D="], "" => [0, "DA"], "" => [0, "D_"], "" => [0, "Db"], "" => [0, "Dd"], "" => [0, "Df"], "" => [0, "Dg"], "" => [0, "Dh"], "" => [0, "Dl"], "" => [0, "Dm"], "" => [0, "Dn"], "" => [0, "Dp"], "" => [0, "Dr"], "" => [0, "Du"], "" => [100, "D"], "" => [110, "D"], "" => [111, "D"], "" => [115, "D"], "" => [116, "D"], "" => [118, "D"], "" => [119, "D"], "" => [122, "D"], "" => [123, "D"], "" => [125, "D"], "" => [126, "D"], "" => [129, "D"], "" => [143, "D"], "" => [148, "D"], "" => [151, "D"], "" => [153, "D"], "" => [83, "D"], "" => [10, "D"]], ["\0" => [77, "r0"], "\1" => [18, "r0"], "\2" => [77, "r1"], "\3" => [18, "r1"], "\4" => [77, "r2"], "\5" => [18, "r2"], "\6" => [77, "ra"], "\7" => [18, "ra"], "\10" => [77, "rc"], "\t" => [18, "rc"], "\n" => [77, "re"], "\v" => [18, "re"], "\f" => [77, "ri"], "\r" => [18, "ri"], "\16" => [77, "ro"], "\17" => [18, "ro"], "\20" => [77, "rs"], "\21" => [18, "rs"], "\22" => [77, "rt"], "\23" => [18, "rt"], "\24" => [0, "r "], "\25" => [0, "r%"], "\26" => [0, "r-"], "\27" => [0, "r."], "\30" => [0, "r/"], "\31" => [0, "r3"], "\32" => [0, "r4"], "\33" => [0, "r5"], "\34" => [0, "r6"], "\35" => [0, "r7"], "\36" => [0, "r8"], "\37" => [0, "r9"], " " => [0, "r="], "!" => [0, "rA"], "\"" => [0, "r_"], "#" => [0, "rb"], "\$" => [0, "rd"], "%" => [0, "rf"], "&" => [0, "rg"], "'" => [0, "rh"], "(" => [0, "rl"], ")" => [0, "rm"], "*" => [0, "rn"], "+" => [0, "rp"], "," => [0, "rr"], "-" => [0, "ru"], "." => [100, "r"], "/" => [110, "r"], [111, "r"], [115, "r"], [116, "r"], [118, "r"], [119, "r"], [122, "r"], [123, "r"], [125, "r"], [126, "r"], [129, "r"], ":" => [143, "r"], ";" => [148, "r"], "<" => [151, "r"], "=" => [153, "r"], ">" => [83, "r"], "?" => [10, "r"], "@" => [77, "u0"], "A" => [18, "u0"], "B" => [77, "u1"], "C" => [18, "u1"], "D" => [77, "u2"], "E" => [18, "u2"], "F" => [77, "ua"], "G" => [18, "ua"], "H" => [77, "uc"], "I" => [18, "uc"], "J" => [77, "ue"], "K" => [18, "ue"], "L" => [77, "ui"], "M" => [18, "ui"], "N" => [77, "uo"], "O" => [18, "uo"], "P" => [77, "us"], "Q" => [18, "us"], "R" => [77, "ut"], "S" => [18, "ut"], "T" => [0, "u "], "U" => [0, "u%"], "V" => [0, "u-"], "W" => [0, "u."], "X" => [0, "u/"], "Y" => [0, "u3"], "Z" => [0, "u4"], "[" => [0, "u5"], "\\" => [0, "u6"], "]" => [0, "u7"], "^" => [0, "u8"], "_" => [0, "u9"], "`" => [0, "u="], "a" => [0, "uA"], "b" => [0, "u_"], "c" => [0, "ub"], "d" => [0, "ud"], "e" => [0, "uf"], "f" => [0, "ug"], "g" => [0, "uh"], "h" => [0, "ul"], "i" => [0, "um"], "j" => [0, "un"], "k" => [0, "up"], "l" => [0, "ur"], "m" => [0, "uu"], "n" => [100, "u"], "o" => [110, "u"], "p" => [111, "u"], "q" => [115, "u"], "r" => [116, "u"], "s" => [118, "u"], "t" => [119, "u"], "u" => [122, "u"], "v" => [123, "u"], "w" => [125, "u"], "x" => [126, "u"], "y" => [129, "u"], "z" => [143, "u"], "{" => [148, "u"], "|" => [151, "u"], "}" => [153, "u"], "~" => [83, "u"], "" => [10, "u"], "" => [0, ":0"], "" => [0, ":1"], "" => [0, ":2"], "" => [0, ":a"], "" => [0, ":c"], "" => [0, ":e"], "" => [0, ":i"], "" => [0, ":o"], "" => [0, ":s"], "" => [0, ":t"], "" => [73, ":"], "" => [88, ":"], "" => [89, ":"], "" => [96, ":"], "" => [97, ":"], "" => [99, ":"], "" => [106, ":"], "" => [136, ":"], "" => [139, ":"], "" => [141, ":"], "" => [145, ":"], "" => [147, ":"], "" => [149, ":"], "" => [101, ":"], "" => [112, ":"], "" => [117, ":"], "" => [120, ":"], "" => [124, ":"], "" => [127, ":"], "" => [144, ":"], "" => [152, ":"], "" => [11, ":"], "" => [0, "B0"], "" => [0, "B1"], "" => [0, "B2"], "" => [0, "Ba"], "" => [0, "Bc"], "" => [0, "Be"], "" => [0, "Bi"], "" => [0, "Bo"], "" => [0, "Bs"], "" => [0, "Bt"], "" => [73, "B"], "" => [88, "B"], "" => [89, "B"], "" => [96, "B"], "" => [97, "B"], "" => [99, "B"], "" => [106, "B"], "" => [136, "B"], "" => [139, "B"], "" => [141, "B"], "" => [145, "B"], "" => [147, "B"], "" => [149, "B"], "" => [101, "B"], "" => [112, "B"], "" => [117, "B"], "" => [120, "B"], "" => [124, "B"], "" => [127, "B"], "" => [144, "B"], "" => [152, "B"], "" => [11, "B"], "" => [0, "C0"], "" => [0, "C1"], "" => [0, "C2"], "" => [0, "Ca"], "" => [0, "Cc"], "" => [0, "Ce"], "" => [0, "Ci"], "" => [0, "Co"], "" => [0, "Cs"], "" => [0, "Ct"], "" => [73, "C"], "" => [88, "C"], "" => [89, "C"], "" => [96, "C"], "" => [97, "C"], "" => [99, "C"], "" => [106, "C"], "" => [136, "C"], "" => [139, "C"], "" => [141, "C"], "" => [145, "C"], "" => [147, "C"], "" => [149, "C"], "" => [101, "C"], "" => [112, "C"], "" => [117, "C"], "" => [120, "C"], "" => [124, "C"], "" => [127, "C"], "" => [144, "C"], "" => [152, "C"], "" => [11, "C"], "" => [0, "D0"], "" => [0, "D1"], "" => [0, "D2"], "" => [0, "Da"], "" => [0, "Dc"], "" => [0, "De"], "" => [0, "Di"], "" => [0, "Do"], "" => [0, "Ds"], "" => [0, "Dt"], "" => [73, "D"], "" => [88, "D"], "" => [89, "D"], "" => [96, "D"], "" => [97, "D"], "" => [99, "D"], "" => [106, "D"], "" => [136, "D"], "" => [139, "D"], "" => [141, "D"], "" => [145, "D"], "" => [147, "D"], "" => [149, "D"], "" => [101, "D"], "" => [112, "D"], "" => [117, "D"], "" => [120, "D"], "" => [124, "D"], "" => [127, "D"], "" => [144, "D"], "" => [152, "D"], "" => [11, "D"]], ["\0" => [0, "l0"], "\1" => [0, "l1"], "\2" => [0, "l2"], "\3" => [0, "la"], "\4" => [0, "lc"], "\5" => [0, "le"], "\6" => [0, "li"], "\7" => [0, "lo"], "\10" => [0, "ls"], "\t" => [0, "lt"], "\n" => [73, "l"], "\v" => [88, "l"], "\f" => [89, "l"], "\r" => [96, "l"], "\16" => [97, "l"], "\17" => [99, "l"], "\20" => [106, "l"], "\21" => [136, "l"], "\22" => [139, "l"], "\23" => [141, "l"], "\24" => [145, "l"], "\25" => [147, "l"], "\26" => [149, "l"], "\27" => [101, "l"], "\30" => [112, "l"], "\31" => [117, "l"], "\32" => [120, "l"], "\33" => [124, "l"], "\34" => [127, "l"], "\35" => [144, "l"], "\36" => [152, "l"], "\37" => [11, "l"], " " => [0, "m0"], "!" => [0, "m1"], "\"" => [0, "m2"], "#" => [0, "ma"], "\$" => [0, "mc"], "%" => [0, "me"], "&" => [0, "mi"], "'" => [0, "mo"], "(" => [0, "ms"], ")" => [0, "mt"], "*" => [73, "m"], "+" => [88, "m"], "," => [89, "m"], "-" => [96, "m"], "." => [97, "m"], "/" => [99, "m"], [106, "m"], [136, "m"], [139, "m"], [141, "m"], [145, "m"], [147, "m"], [149, "m"], [101, "m"], [112, "m"], [117, "m"], ":" => [120, "m"], ";" => [124, "m"], "<" => [127, "m"], "=" => [144, "m"], ">" => [152, "m"], "?" => [11, "m"], "@" => [0, "n0"], "A" => [0, "n1"], "B" => [0, "n2"], "C" => [0, "na"], "D" => [0, "nc"], "E" => [0, "ne"], "F" => [0, "ni"], "G" => [0, "no"], "H" => [0, "ns"], "I" => [0, "nt"], "J" => [73, "n"], "K" => [88, "n"], "L" => [89, "n"], "M" => [96, "n"], "N" => [97, "n"], "O" => [99, "n"], "P" => [106, "n"], "Q" => [136, "n"], "R" => [139, "n"], "S" => [141, "n"], "T" => [145, "n"], "U" => [147, "n"], "V" => [149, "n"], "W" => [101, "n"], "X" => [112, "n"], "Y" => [117, "n"], "Z" => [120, "n"], "[" => [124, "n"], "\\" => [127, "n"], "]" => [144, "n"], "^" => [152, "n"], "_" => [11, "n"], "`" => [0, "p0"], "a" => [0, "p1"], "b" => [0, "p2"], "c" => [0, "pa"], "d" => [0, "pc"], "e" => [0, "pe"], "f" => [0, "pi"], "g" => [0, "po"], "h" => [0, "ps"], "i" => [0, "pt"], "j" => [73, "p"], "k" => [88, "p"], "l" => [89, "p"], "m" => [96, "p"], "n" => [97, "p"], "o" => [99, "p"], "p" => [106, "p"], "q" => [136, "p"], "r" => [139, "p"], "s" => [141, "p"], "t" => [145, "p"], "u" => [147, "p"], "v" => [149, "p"], "w" => [101, "p"], "x" => [112, "p"], "y" => [117, "p"], "z" => [120, "p"], "{" => [124, "p"], "|" => [127, "p"], "}" => [144, "p"], "~" => [152, "p"], "" => [11, "p"], "" => [0, "r0"], "" => [0, "r1"], "" => [0, "r2"], "" => [0, "ra"], "" => [0, "rc"], "" => [0, "re"], "" => [0, "ri"], "" => [0, "ro"], "" => [0, "rs"], "" => [0, "rt"], "" => [73, "r"], "" => [88, "r"], "" => [89, "r"], "" => [96, "r"], "" => [97, "r"], "" => [99, "r"], "" => [106, "r"], "" => [136, "r"], "" => [139, "r"], "" => [141, "r"], "" => [145, "r"], "" => [147, "r"], "" => [149, "r"], "" => [101, "r"], "" => [112, "r"], "" => [117, "r"], "" => [120, "r"], "" => [124, "r"], "" => [127, "r"], "" => [144, "r"], "" => [152, "r"], "" => [11, "r"], "" => [0, "u0"], "" => [0, "u1"], "" => [0, "u2"], "" => [0, "ua"], "" => [0, "uc"], "" => [0, "ue"], "" => [0, "ui"], "" => [0, "uo"], "" => [0, "us"], "" => [0, "ut"], "" => [73, "u"], "" => [88, "u"], "" => [89, "u"], "" => [96, "u"], "" => [97, "u"], "" => [99, "u"], "" => [106, "u"], "" => [136, "u"], "" => [139, "u"], "" => [141, "u"], "" => [145, "u"], "" => [147, "u"], "" => [149, "u"], "" => [101, "u"], "" => [112, "u"], "" => [117, "u"], "" => [120, "u"], "" => [124, "u"], "" => [127, "u"], "" => [144, "u"], "" => [152, "u"], "" => [11, "u"], "" => [92, ":"], "" => [95, ":"], "" => [137, ":"], "" => 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"Ag"], "" => [18, "Ag"], "" => [77, "Ah"], "" => [18, "Ah"], "" => [77, "Al"], "" => [18, "Al"], "" => [77, "Am"], "" => [18, "Am"], "" => [77, "An"], "" => [18, "An"], "" => [77, "Ap"], "" => [18, "Ap"], "" => [77, "Ar"], "" => [18, "Ar"], "" => [77, "Au"], "" => [18, "Au"], "" => [0, "A:"], "" => [0, "AB"], "" => [0, "AC"], "" => [0, "AD"], "" => [0, "AE"], "" => [0, "AF"], "" => [0, "AG"], "" => [0, "AH"], "" => [0, "AI"], "" => [0, "AJ"], "" => [0, "AK"], "" => [0, "AL"], "" => [0, "AM"], "" => [0, "AN"], "" => [0, "AO"], "" => [0, "AP"], "" => [0, "AQ"], "" => [0, "AR"], "" => [0, "AS"], "" => [0, "AT"], "" => [0, "AU"], "" => [0, "AV"], "" => [0, "AW"], "" => [0, "AY"], "" => [0, "Aj"], "" => [0, "Ak"], "" => [0, "Aq"], "" => [0, "Av"], "" => [0, "Aw"], "" => [0, "Ax"], "" => [0, "Ay"], "" => [0, "Az"], "" => [82, "A"], "" => [87, "A"], "" => [130, "A"], "" => [9, "A"]], ["\0" => [77, "=0"], "\1" => [18, "=0"], "\2" => [77, "=1"], "\3" => [18, "=1"], "\4" => [77, "=2"], "\5" => 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[151, "="], "=" => [153, "="], ">" => [83, "="], "?" => [10, "="], "@" => [77, "A0"], "A" => [18, "A0"], "B" => [77, "A1"], "C" => [18, "A1"], "D" => [77, "A2"], "E" => [18, "A2"], "F" => [77, "Aa"], "G" => [18, "Aa"], "H" => [77, "Ac"], "I" => [18, "Ac"], "J" => [77, "Ae"], "K" => [18, "Ae"], "L" => [77, "Ai"], "M" => [18, "Ai"], "N" => [77, "Ao"], "O" => [18, "Ao"], "P" => [77, "As"], "Q" => [18, "As"], "R" => [77, "At"], "S" => [18, "At"], "T" => [0, "A "], "U" => [0, "A%"], "V" => [0, "A-"], "W" => [0, "A."], "X" => [0, "A/"], "Y" => [0, "A3"], "Z" => [0, "A4"], "[" => [0, "A5"], "\\" => [0, "A6"], "]" => [0, "A7"], "^" => [0, "A8"], "_" => [0, "A9"], "`" => [0, "A="], "a" => [0, "AA"], "b" => [0, "A_"], "c" => [0, "Ab"], "d" => [0, "Ad"], "e" => [0, "Af"], "f" => [0, "Ag"], "g" => [0, "Ah"], "h" => [0, "Al"], "i" => [0, "Am"], "j" => [0, "An"], "k" => [0, "Ap"], "l" => [0, "Ar"], "m" => [0, "Au"], "n" => [100, "A"], "o" => [110, "A"], "p" => [111, "A"], "q" => [115, "A"], "r" => [116, "A"], "s" => [118, "A"], "t" => [119, "A"], "u" => [122, "A"], "v" => [123, "A"], "w" => [125, "A"], "x" => [126, "A"], "y" => [129, "A"], "z" => [143, "A"], "{" => [148, "A"], "|" => [151, "A"], "}" => [153, "A"], "~" => [83, "A"], "" => [10, "A"], "" => [77, "_0"], "" => [18, "_0"], "" => [77, "_1"], "" => [18, "_1"], "" => [77, "_2"], "" => [18, "_2"], "" => [77, "_a"], "" => [18, "_a"], "" => [77, "_c"], "" => [18, "_c"], "" => [77, "_e"], "" => [18, "_e"], "" => [77, "_i"], "" => [18, "_i"], "" => [77, "_o"], "" => [18, "_o"], "" => [77, "_s"], "" => [18, "_s"], "" => [77, "_t"], "" => [18, "_t"], "" => [0, "_ "], "" => [0, "_%"], "" => [0, "_-"], "" => [0, "_."], "" => [0, "_/"], "" => [0, "_3"], "" => [0, "_4"], "" => [0, "_5"], "" => [0, "_6"], "" => [0, "_7"], "" => [0, "_8"], "" => [0, "_9"], "" => [0, "_="], "" => [0, "_A"], "" => [0, "__"], "" => [0, "_b"], "" => [0, "_d"], "" => [0, "_f"], "" => [0, "_g"], "" => [0, "_h"], "" => [0, "_l"], "" => [0, "_m"], "" => [0, "_n"], "" => [0, "_p"], "" => [0, "_r"], "" => [0, "_u"], "" => [100, "_"], "" => [110, "_"], "" => [111, "_"], "" => [115, "_"], "" => [116, "_"], "" => [118, "_"], "" => [119, "_"], "" => [122, "_"], "" => [123, "_"], "" => [125, "_"], "" => [126, "_"], "" => [129, "_"], "" => [143, "_"], "" => [148, "_"], "" => [151, "_"], "" => [153, "_"], "" => [83, "_"], "" => [10, "_"], "" => [77, "b0"], "" => [18, "b0"], "" => [77, "b1"], "" => [18, "b1"], "" => [77, "b2"], "" => [18, "b2"], "" => [77, "ba"], "" => [18, "ba"], "" => [77, "bc"], "" => [18, "bc"], "" => [77, "be"], "" => [18, "be"], "" => [77, "bi"], "" => [18, "bi"], "" => [77, "bo"], "" => [18, "bo"], "" => [77, "bs"], "" => [18, "bs"], "" => [77, "bt"], "" => [18, "bt"], "" => [0, "b "], "" => [0, "b%"], "" => [0, "b-"], "" => [0, "b."], "" => [0, "b/"], "" => [0, "b3"], "" => [0, "b4"], "" => [0, "b5"], "" => [0, "b6"], "" => [0, "b7"], "" => [0, "b8"], "" => [0, "b9"], "" => [0, "b="], "" => [0, "bA"], "" => [0, "b_"], "" => [0, "bb"], "" => [0, "bd"], "" => [0, "bf"], "" => [0, "bg"], "" => [0, "bh"], "" => [0, "bl"], "" => [0, "bm"], "" => [0, "bn"], "" => [0, "bp"], "" => [0, "br"], "" => [0, "bu"], "" => [100, "b"], "" => [110, "b"], "" => [111, "b"], "" => [115, "b"], "" => [116, "b"], "" => [118, "b"], "" => [119, "b"], "" => [122, "b"], "" => [123, "b"], "" => [125, "b"], "" => [126, "b"], "" => [129, "b"], "" => [143, "b"], "" => [148, "b"], "" => [151, "b"], "" => [153, "b"], "" => [83, "b"], "" => [10, "b"]], ["\0" => [0, "=0"], "\1" => [0, "=1"], "\2" => [0, "=2"], "\3" => [0, "=a"], "\4" => [0, "=c"], "\5" => [0, "=e"], "\6" => [0, "=i"], "\7" => [0, "=o"], "\10" => [0, "=s"], "\t" => [0, "=t"], "\n" => [73, "="], "\v" => [88, "="], "\f" => [89, "="], "\r" => [96, "="], "\16" => [97, "="], "\17" => [99, "="], "\20" => [106, "="], "\21" => [136, "="], "\22" => [139, "="], "\23" => [141, "="], "\24" => [145, "="], "\25" => [147, "="], "\26" => [149, "="], "\27" => [101, "="], "\30" => [112, "="], "\31" => [117, "="], "\32" => [120, "="], "\33" => [124, "="], "\34" => [127, "="], "\35" => [144, "="], "\36" => [152, "="], "\37" => [11, "="], " " => [0, "A0"], "!" => [0, "A1"], "\"" => [0, "A2"], "#" => [0, "Aa"], "\$" => [0, "Ac"], "%" => [0, "Ae"], "&" => [0, "Ai"], "'" => [0, "Ao"], "(" => [0, "As"], ")" => [0, "At"], "*" => [73, "A"], "+" => [88, "A"], "," => [89, "A"], "-" => [96, "A"], "." => [97, "A"], "/" => [99, "A"], [106, "A"], [136, "A"], [139, "A"], [141, "A"], [145, "A"], [147, "A"], [149, "A"], [101, "A"], [112, "A"], [117, "A"], ":" => [120, "A"], ";" => [124, "A"], "<" => [127, "A"], "=" => [144, "A"], ">" => [152, "A"], "?" => [11, "A"], "@" => [0, "_0"], "A" => [0, "_1"], "B" => [0, "_2"], "C" => [0, "_a"], "D" => [0, "_c"], "E" => [0, "_e"], "F" => [0, "_i"], "G" => [0, "_o"], "H" => [0, "_s"], "I" => [0, "_t"], "J" => [73, "_"], "K" => [88, "_"], "L" => [89, "_"], "M" => [96, "_"], "N" => [97, "_"], "O" => [99, "_"], "P" => [106, "_"], "Q" => [136, "_"], "R" => [139, "_"], "S" => [141, "_"], "T" => [145, "_"], "U" => [147, "_"], "V" => [149, "_"], "W" => [101, "_"], "X" => [112, "_"], "Y" => [117, "_"], "Z" => [120, "_"], "[" => [124, "_"], "\\" => [127, "_"], "]" => [144, "_"], "^" => [152, "_"], "_" => [11, "_"], "`" => [0, "b0"], "a" => [0, "b1"], "b" => [0, "b2"], "c" => [0, "ba"], "d" => [0, "bc"], "e" => [0, "be"], "f" => [0, "bi"], "g" => [0, "bo"], "h" => [0, "bs"], "i" => [0, "bt"], "j" => [73, "b"], "k" => [88, "b"], "l" => [89, "b"], "m" => [96, "b"], "n" => [97, "b"], "o" => [99, "b"], "p" => [106, "b"], "q" => [136, "b"], "r" => [139, "b"], "s" => [141, "b"], "t" => [145, "b"], "u" => [147, "b"], "v" => [149, "b"], "w" => [101, "b"], "x" => [112, "b"], "y" => [117, "b"], "z" => [120, "b"], "{" => [124, "b"], "|" => [127, "b"], "}" => [144, "b"], "~" => [152, "b"], "" => [11, "b"], "" => [0, "d0"], "" => [0, "d1"], "" => [0, "d2"], "" => [0, "da"], "" => [0, "dc"], "" => [0, "de"], "" => [0, "di"], "" => [0, "do"], "" => [0, "ds"], "" => [0, "dt"], "" => [73, "d"], "" => [88, "d"], "" => [89, "d"], "" => [96, "d"], "" => [97, "d"], "" => [99, "d"], "" => [106, "d"], "" => [136, "d"], "" => [139, "d"], "" => [141, "d"], "" => [145, "d"], "" => [147, "d"], "" => [149, "d"], "" => [101, "d"], "" => [112, "d"], "" => [117, "d"], "" => [120, "d"], "" => [124, "d"], "" => [127, "d"], "" => [144, "d"], "" => [152, "d"], "" => [11, "d"], "" => [0, "f0"], "" => [0, "f1"], "" => [0, "f2"], "" => [0, "fa"], "" => [0, "fc"], "" => [0, "fe"], "" => [0, "fi"], "" => [0, "fo"], "" => [0, "fs"], "" => [0, "ft"], "" => [73, "f"], "" => [88, "f"], "" => [89, "f"], "" => [96, "f"], "" => [97, "f"], "" => [99, "f"], "" => [106, "f"], "" => [136, "f"], "" => [139, "f"], "" => [141, "f"], "" => [145, "f"], "" => [147, "f"], "" => [149, "f"], "" => [101, "f"], "" => [112, "f"], "" => [117, "f"], "" => [120, "f"], "" => [124, "f"], "" => [127, "f"], "" => [144, "f"], "" => [152, "f"], "" => [11, "f"], "" => [0, "g0"], "" => [0, "g1"], "" => [0, "g2"], "" => [0, "ga"], "" => [0, "gc"], "" => [0, "ge"], "" => [0, "gi"], "" => [0, "go"], "" => [0, "gs"], "" => [0, "gt"], "" => [73, "g"], "" => [88, "g"], "" => [89, "g"], "" => [96, "g"], "" => [97, "g"], "" => [99, "g"], "" => [106, "g"], "" => [136, "g"], "" => [139, "g"], "" => [141, "g"], "" => [145, "g"], "" => [147, "g"], "" => [149, "g"], "" => [101, "g"], "" => [112, "g"], "" => [117, "g"], "" => [120, "g"], "" => [124, "g"], "" => [127, "g"], "" => [144, "g"], "" => [152, "g"], "" => [11, "g"], "" => [0, "h0"], "" => [0, "h1"], "" => [0, "h2"], "" => [0, "ha"], "" => [0, "hc"], "" => [0, "he"], "" => [0, "hi"], "" => [0, "ho"], "" => [0, "hs"], "" => [0, "ht"], "" => [73, "h"], "" => [88, "h"], "" => [89, "h"], "" => [96, "h"], "" => [97, "h"], "" => [99, "h"], "" => [106, "h"], "" => [136, "h"], "" => [139, "h"], "" => [141, "h"], "" => [145, "h"], "" => [147, "h"], "" => [149, "h"], "" => [101, "h"], "" => [112, "h"], "" => [117, "h"], "" => [120, 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"e" => [0, "@J"], "f" => [0, "@K"], "g" => [0, "@L"], "h" => [0, "@M"], "i" => [0, "@N"], "j" => [0, "@O"], "k" => [0, "@P"], "l" => [0, "@Q"], "m" => [0, "@R"], "n" => [0, "@S"], "o" => [0, "@T"], "p" => [0, "@U"], "q" => [0, "@V"], "r" => [0, "@W"], "s" => [0, "@Y"], "t" => [0, "@j"], "u" => [0, "@k"], "v" => [0, "@q"], "w" => [0, "@v"], "x" => [0, "@w"], "y" => [0, "@x"], "z" => [0, "@y"], "{" => [0, "@z"], "|" => [82, "@"], "}" => [87, "@"], "~" => [130, "@"], "" => [9, "@"], "" => [94, "[0"], "" => [76, "[0"], "" => [104, "[0"], "" => [16, "[0"], "" => [94, "[1"], "" => [76, "[1"], "" => [104, "[1"], "" => [16, "[1"], "" => [94, "[2"], "" => [76, "[2"], "" => [104, "[2"], "" => [16, "[2"], "" => [94, "[a"], "" => [76, "[a"], "" => [104, "[a"], "" => [16, "[a"], "" => [94, "[c"], "" => [76, "[c"], "" => [104, "[c"], "" => [16, "[c"], "" => [94, "[e"], "" => [76, "[e"], "" => [104, "[e"], "" => [16, "[e"], "" => [94, "[i"], "" => [76, "[i"], "" => [104, "[i"], "" => [16, "[i"], "" 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[16, "C2"], "\f" => [94, "Ca"], "\r" => [76, "Ca"], "\16" => [104, "Ca"], "\17" => [16, "Ca"], "\20" => [94, "Cc"], "\21" => [76, "Cc"], "\22" => [104, "Cc"], "\23" => [16, "Cc"], "\24" => [94, "Ce"], "\25" => [76, "Ce"], "\26" => [104, "Ce"], "\27" => [16, "Ce"], "\30" => [94, "Ci"], "\31" => [76, "Ci"], "\32" => [104, "Ci"], "\33" => [16, "Ci"], "\34" => [94, "Co"], "\35" => [76, "Co"], "\36" => [104, "Co"], "\37" => [16, "Co"], " " => [94, "Cs"], "!" => [76, "Cs"], "\"" => [104, "Cs"], "#" => [16, "Cs"], "\$" => [94, "Ct"], "%" => [76, "Ct"], "&" => [104, "Ct"], "'" => [16, "Ct"], "(" => [77, "C "], ")" => [18, "C "], "*" => [77, "C%"], "+" => [18, "C%"], "," => [77, "C-"], "-" => [18, "C-"], "." => [77, "C."], "/" => [18, "C."], [77, "C/"], [18, "C/"], [77, "C3"], [18, "C3"], [77, "C4"], [18, "C4"], [77, "C5"], [18, "C5"], [77, "C6"], [18, "C6"], ":" => [77, "C7"], ";" => [18, "C7"], "<" => [77, "C8"], "=" => [18, "C8"], ">" => [77, "C9"], "?" => [18, "C9"], "@" => [77, "C="], "A" 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=> [0, "Cv"], "x" => [0, "Cw"], "y" => [0, "Cx"], "z" => [0, "Cy"], "{" => [0, "Cz"], "|" => [82, "C"], "}" => [87, "C"], "~" => [130, "C"], "" => [9, "C"], "" => [94, "D0"], "" => [76, "D0"], "" => [104, "D0"], "" => [16, "D0"], "" => [94, "D1"], "" => [76, "D1"], "" => [104, "D1"], "" => [16, "D1"], "" => [94, "D2"], "" => [76, "D2"], "" => [104, "D2"], "" => [16, "D2"], "" => [94, "Da"], "" => [76, "Da"], "" => [104, "Da"], "" => [16, "Da"], "" => [94, "Dc"], "" => [76, "Dc"], "" => [104, "Dc"], "" => [16, "Dc"], "" => [94, "De"], "" => [76, "De"], "" => [104, "De"], "" => [16, "De"], "" => [94, "Di"], "" => [76, "Di"], "" => [104, "Di"], "" => [16, "Di"], "" => [94, "Do"], "" => [76, "Do"], "" => [104, "Do"], "" => [16, "Do"], "" => [94, "Ds"], "" => [76, "Ds"], "" => [104, "Ds"], "" => [16, "Ds"], "" => [94, "Dt"], "" => [76, "Dt"], "" => [104, "Dt"], "" => [16, "Dt"], "" => [77, "D "], "" => [18, "D "], "" => [77, "D%"], "" => [18, "D%"], "" => [77, "D-"], "" => [18, "D-"], "" => 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[0, "DK"], "" => [0, "DL"], "" => [0, "DM"], "" => [0, "DN"], "" => [0, "DO"], "" => [0, "DP"], "" => [0, "DQ"], "" => [0, "DR"], "" => [0, "DS"], "" => [0, "DT"], "" => [0, "DU"], "" => [0, "DV"], "" => [0, "DW"], "" => [0, "DY"], "" => [0, "Dj"], "" => [0, "Dk"], "" => [0, "Dq"], "" => [0, "Dv"], "" => [0, "Dw"], "" => [0, "Dx"], "" => [0, "Dy"], "" => [0, "Dz"], "" => [82, "D"], "" => [87, "D"], "" => [130, "D"], "" => [9, "D"]], ["\0" => [94, "E0"], "\1" => [76, "E0"], "\2" => [104, "E0"], "\3" => [16, "E0"], "\4" => [94, "E1"], "\5" => [76, "E1"], "\6" => [104, "E1"], "\7" => [16, "E1"], "\10" => [94, "E2"], "\t" => [76, "E2"], "\n" => [104, "E2"], "\v" => [16, "E2"], "\f" => [94, "Ea"], "\r" => [76, "Ea"], "\16" => [104, "Ea"], "\17" => [16, "Ea"], "\20" => [94, "Ec"], "\21" => [76, "Ec"], "\22" => [104, "Ec"], "\23" => [16, "Ec"], "\24" => [94, "Ee"], "\25" => [76, "Ee"], "\26" => [104, "Ee"], "\27" => [16, "Ee"], "\30" => [94, "Ei"], "\31" => [76, "Ei"], "\32" => [104, "Ei"], "\33" => [16, "Ei"], "\34" => [94, "Eo"], "\35" => [76, "Eo"], "\36" => [104, "Eo"], "\37" => [16, "Eo"], " " => [94, "Es"], "!" => [76, "Es"], "\"" => [104, "Es"], "#" => [16, "Es"], "\$" => [94, "Et"], "%" => [76, "Et"], "&" => [104, "Et"], "'" => [16, "Et"], "(" => [77, "E "], ")" => [18, "E "], "*" => [77, "E%"], "+" => [18, "E%"], "," => [77, "E-"], "-" => [18, "E-"], "." => [77, "E."], "/" => [18, "E."], [77, "E/"], [18, "E/"], [77, "E3"], [18, "E3"], [77, "E4"], [18, "E4"], [77, "E5"], [18, "E5"], [77, "E6"], [18, "E6"], ":" => [77, "E7"], ";" => [18, "E7"], "<" => [77, "E8"], "=" => [18, "E8"], ">" => [77, "E9"], "?" => [18, "E9"], "@" => [77, "E="], "A" => [18, "E="], "B" => [77, "EA"], "C" => [18, "EA"], "D" => [77, "E_"], "E" => [18, "E_"], "F" => [77, "Eb"], "G" => [18, "Eb"], "H" => [77, "Ed"], "I" => [18, "Ed"], "J" => [77, "Ef"], "K" => [18, "Ef"], "L" => [77, "Eg"], "M" => [18, "Eg"], "N" => [77, "Eh"], "O" => [18, "Eh"], "P" => [77, "El"], "Q" => [18, "El"], "R" => [77, "Em"], "S" => [18, "Em"], "T" => [77, "En"], "U" => [18, "En"], "V" => [77, "Ep"], "W" => [18, "Ep"], "X" => [77, "Er"], "Y" => [18, "Er"], "Z" => [77, "Eu"], "[" => [18, "Eu"], "\\" => [0, "E:"], "]" => [0, "EB"], "^" => [0, "EC"], "_" => [0, "ED"], "`" => [0, "EE"], "a" => [0, "EF"], "b" => [0, "EG"], "c" => [0, "EH"], "d" => [0, "EI"], "e" => [0, "EJ"], "f" => [0, "EK"], "g" => [0, "EL"], "h" => [0, "EM"], "i" => [0, "EN"], "j" => [0, "EO"], "k" => [0, "EP"], "l" => [0, "EQ"], "m" => [0, "ER"], "n" => [0, "ES"], "o" => [0, "ET"], "p" => [0, "EU"], "q" => [0, "EV"], "r" => [0, "EW"], "s" => [0, "EY"], "t" => [0, "Ej"], "u" => [0, "Ek"], "v" => [0, "Eq"], "w" => [0, "Ev"], "x" => [0, "Ew"], "y" => [0, "Ex"], "z" => [0, "Ey"], "{" => [0, "Ez"], "|" => [82, "E"], "}" => [87, "E"], "~" => [130, "E"], "" => [9, "E"], "" => [94, "F0"], "" => [76, "F0"], "" => [104, "F0"], "" => [16, "F0"], "" => [94, "F1"], "" => [76, "F1"], "" => [104, "F1"], "" => [16, "F1"], "" => [94, "F2"], "" => 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"Fg"], "g" => [0, "Fh"], "h" => [0, "Fl"], "i" => [0, "Fm"], "j" => [0, "Fn"], "k" => [0, "Fp"], "l" => [0, "Fr"], "m" => [0, "Fu"], "n" => [100, "F"], "o" => [110, "F"], "p" => [111, "F"], "q" => [115, "F"], "r" => [116, "F"], "s" => [118, "F"], "t" => [119, "F"], "u" => [122, "F"], "v" => [123, "F"], "w" => [125, "F"], "x" => [126, "F"], "y" => [129, "F"], "z" => [143, "F"], "{" => [148, "F"], "|" => [151, "F"], "}" => [153, "F"], "~" => [83, "F"], "" => [10, "F"], "" => [77, "G0"], "" => [18, "G0"], "" => [77, "G1"], "" => [18, "G1"], "" => [77, "G2"], "" => [18, "G2"], "" => [77, "Ga"], "" => [18, "Ga"], "" => [77, "Gc"], "" => [18, "Gc"], "" => [77, "Ge"], "" => [18, "Ge"], "" => [77, "Gi"], "" => [18, "Gi"], "" => [77, "Go"], "" => [18, "Go"], "" => [77, "Gs"], "" => [18, "Gs"], "" => [77, "Gt"], "" => [18, "Gt"], "" => [0, "G "], "" => [0, "G%"], "" => [0, "G-"], "" => [0, "G."], "" => [0, "G/"], "" => [0, "G3"], "" => [0, "G4"], "" => [0, "G5"], "" => [0, "G6"], "" => [0, 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=> [97, "E"], "\17" => [99, "E"], "\20" => [106, "E"], "\21" => [136, "E"], "\22" => [139, "E"], "\23" => [141, "E"], "\24" => [145, "E"], "\25" => [147, "E"], "\26" => [149, "E"], "\27" => [101, "E"], "\30" => [112, "E"], "\31" => [117, "E"], "\32" => [120, "E"], "\33" => [124, "E"], "\34" => [127, "E"], "\35" => [144, "E"], "\36" => [152, "E"], "\37" => [11, "E"], " " => [0, "F0"], "!" => [0, "F1"], "\"" => [0, "F2"], "#" => [0, "Fa"], "\$" => [0, "Fc"], "%" => [0, "Fe"], "&" => [0, "Fi"], "'" => [0, "Fo"], "(" => [0, "Fs"], ")" => [0, "Ft"], "*" => [73, "F"], "+" => [88, "F"], "," => [89, "F"], "-" => [96, "F"], "." => [97, "F"], "/" => [99, "F"], [106, "F"], [136, "F"], [139, "F"], [141, "F"], [145, "F"], [147, "F"], [149, "F"], [101, "F"], [112, "F"], [117, "F"], ":" => [120, "F"], ";" => [124, "F"], "<" => [127, "F"], "=" => [144, "F"], ">" => [152, "F"], "?" => [11, "F"], "@" => [0, "G0"], "A" => [0, "G1"], "B" => [0, "G2"], "C" => [0, "Ga"], "D" => [0, "Gc"], "E" => [0, "Ge"], "F" => [0, "Gi"], "G" => [0, "Go"], "H" => [0, "Gs"], "I" => [0, "Gt"], "J" => [73, "G"], "K" => [88, "G"], "L" => [89, "G"], "M" => [96, "G"], "N" => [97, "G"], "O" => [99, "G"], "P" => [106, "G"], "Q" => [136, "G"], "R" => [139, "G"], "S" => [141, "G"], "T" => [145, "G"], "U" => [147, "G"], "V" => [149, "G"], "W" => [101, "G"], "X" => [112, "G"], "Y" => [117, "G"], "Z" => [120, "G"], "[" => [124, "G"], "\\" => [127, "G"], "]" => [144, "G"], "^" => [152, "G"], "_" => [11, "G"], "`" => [0, "H0"], "a" => [0, "H1"], "b" => [0, "H2"], "c" => [0, "Ha"], "d" => [0, "Hc"], "e" => [0, "He"], "f" => [0, "Hi"], "g" => [0, "Ho"], "h" => [0, "Hs"], "i" => [0, "Ht"], "j" => [73, "H"], "k" => [88, "H"], "l" => [89, "H"], "m" => [96, "H"], "n" => [97, "H"], "o" => [99, "H"], "p" => [106, "H"], "q" => [136, "H"], "r" => [139, "H"], "s" => [141, "H"], "t" => [145, "H"], "u" => [147, "H"], "v" => [149, "H"], "w" => [101, "H"], "x" => [112, "H"], "y" => [117, "H"], "z" => [120, "H"], "{" => [124, "H"], "|" => [127, "H"], "}" => [144, "H"], "~" => [152, "H"], "" => [11, "H"], "" => [0, "I0"], "" => [0, "I1"], "" => [0, "I2"], "" => [0, "Ia"], "" => [0, "Ic"], "" => [0, "Ie"], "" => [0, "Ii"], "" => [0, "Io"], "" => [0, "Is"], "" => [0, "It"], "" => [73, "I"], "" => [88, "I"], "" => [89, "I"], "" => [96, "I"], "" => [97, "I"], "" => [99, "I"], "" => [106, "I"], "" => [136, "I"], "" => [139, "I"], "" => [141, "I"], "" => [145, "I"], "" => [147, "I"], "" => [149, "I"], "" => [101, "I"], "" => [112, "I"], "" => [117, "I"], "" => [120, "I"], "" => [124, "I"], "" => [127, "I"], "" => [144, "I"], "" => [152, "I"], "" => [11, "I"], "" => [0, "J0"], "" => [0, "J1"], "" => [0, "J2"], "" => [0, "Ja"], "" => [0, "Jc"], "" => [0, "Je"], "" => [0, "Ji"], "" => [0, "Jo"], "" => [0, "Js"], "" => [0, "Jt"], "" => [73, "J"], "" => [88, "J"], "" => [89, "J"], "" => [96, "J"], "" => [97, "J"], "" => [99, "J"], "" => [106, "J"], "" => [136, "J"], "" => [139, "J"], "" => [141, "J"], "" => [145, "J"], "" => [147, "J"], "" => [149, "J"], "" => [101, "J"], "" => [112, "J"], "" => [117, "J"], "" => [120, "J"], "" => [124, "J"], "" => [127, "J"], "" => [144, "J"], "" => [152, "J"], "" => [11, "J"], "" => [0, "K0"], "" => [0, "K1"], "" => [0, "K2"], "" => [0, "Ka"], "" => [0, "Kc"], "" => [0, "Ke"], "" => [0, "Ki"], "" => [0, "Ko"], "" => [0, "Ks"], "" => [0, "Kt"], "" => [73, "K"], "" => [88, "K"], "" => [89, "K"], "" => [96, "K"], "" => [97, "K"], "" => [99, "K"], "" => [106, "K"], "" => [136, "K"], "" => [139, "K"], "" => [141, "K"], "" => [145, "K"], "" => [147, "K"], "" => [149, "K"], "" => [101, "K"], "" => [112, "K"], "" => [117, "K"], "" => [120, "K"], "" => [124, "K"], "" => [127, "K"], "" => [144, "K"], "" => [152, "K"], "" => [11, "K"], "" => [0, "L0"], "" => [0, "L1"], "" => [0, "L2"], "" => [0, "La"], "" => [0, "Lc"], "" => [0, "Le"], "" => [0, "Li"], "" => [0, "Lo"], "" => [0, "Ls"], "" => [0, "Lt"], "" => [73, "L"], "" => [88, "L"], "" => [89, "L"], "" => [96, "L"], "" => [97, "L"], "" => [99, "L"], "" => [106, "L"], "" => [136, "L"], "" => [139, "L"], "" => [141, "L"], "" => [145, "L"], "" => [147, "L"], "" => [149, "L"], "" => [101, "L"], "" => [112, "L"], "" => [117, "L"], "" => [120, "L"], "" => [124, "L"], "" => [127, "L"], "" => [144, "L"], "" => [152, "L"], "" => [11, "L"]], ["\0" => [92, "E"], "\1" => [95, "E"], "\2" => [137, "E"], "\3" => [142, "E"], "\4" => [150, "E"], "\5" => [74, "E"], "\6" => [90, "E"], "\7" => [98, "E"], "\10" => [107, "E"], "\t" => [140, "E"], "\n" => [146, "E"], "\v" => [102, "E"], "\f" => [113, "E"], "\r" => [121, "E"], "\16" => [128, "E"], "\17" => [12, "E"], "\20" => [92, "F"], "\21" => [95, "F"], "\22" => [137, "F"], "\23" => [142, "F"], "\24" => [150, "F"], "\25" => [74, "F"], "\26" => [90, "F"], "\27" => [98, "F"], "\30" => [107, "F"], "\31" => [140, "F"], "\32" => [146, "F"], "\33" => [102, "F"], "\34" => [113, "F"], "\35" => [121, "F"], "\36" => [128, "F"], "\37" => [12, "F"], " " => [92, "G"], "!" => [95, "G"], "\"" 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[102, "J"], "\\" => [113, "J"], "]" => [121, "J"], "^" => [128, "J"], "_" => [12, "J"], "`" => [92, "K"], "a" => [95, "K"], "b" => [137, "K"], "c" => [142, "K"], "d" => [150, "K"], "e" => [74, "K"], "f" => [90, "K"], "g" => [98, "K"], "h" => [107, "K"], "i" => [140, "K"], "j" => [146, "K"], "k" => [102, "K"], "l" => [113, "K"], "m" => [121, "K"], "n" => [128, "K"], "o" => [12, "K"], "p" => [92, "L"], "q" => [95, "L"], "r" => [137, "L"], "s" => [142, "L"], "t" => [150, "L"], "u" => [74, "L"], "v" => [90, "L"], "w" => [98, "L"], "x" => [107, "L"], "y" => [140, "L"], "z" => [146, "L"], "{" => [102, "L"], "|" => [113, "L"], "}" => [121, "L"], "~" => [128, "L"], "" => [12, "L"], "" => [92, "M"], "" => [95, "M"], "" => [137, "M"], "" => [142, "M"], "" => [150, "M"], "" => [74, "M"], "" => [90, "M"], "" => [98, "M"], "" => [107, "M"], "" => [140, "M"], "" => [146, "M"], "" => [102, "M"], "" => [113, "M"], "" => [121, "M"], "" => [128, "M"], "" => [12, "M"], "" => [92, "N"], "" => [95, "N"], 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"Q"], "" => [102, "Q"], "" => [113, "Q"], "" => [121, "Q"], "" => [128, "Q"], "" => [12, "Q"], "" => [92, "R"], "" => [95, "R"], "" => [137, "R"], "" => [142, "R"], "" => [150, "R"], "" => [74, "R"], "" => [90, "R"], "" => [98, "R"], "" => [107, "R"], "" => [140, "R"], "" => [146, "R"], "" => [102, "R"], "" => [113, "R"], "" => [121, "R"], "" => [128, "R"], "" => [12, "R"], "" => [92, "S"], "" => [95, "S"], "" => [137, "S"], "" => [142, "S"], "" => [150, "S"], "" => [74, "S"], "" => [90, "S"], "" => [98, "S"], "" => [107, "S"], "" => [140, "S"], "" => [146, "S"], "" => [102, "S"], "" => [113, "S"], "" => [121, "S"], "" => [128, "S"], "" => [12, "S"], "" => [92, "T"], "" => [95, "T"], "" => [137, "T"], "" => [142, "T"], "" => [150, "T"], "" => [74, "T"], "" => [90, "T"], "" => [98, "T"], "" => [107, "T"], "" => [140, "T"], "" => [146, "T"], "" => [102, "T"], "" => [113, "T"], "" => [121, "T"], "" => [128, "T"], "" => [12, "T"]], ["\0" => [94, "G0"], "\1" => [76, "G0"], "\2" => [104, "G0"], "\3" => [16, "G0"], "\4" => [94, "G1"], "\5" => [76, "G1"], "\6" => [104, "G1"], "\7" => [16, "G1"], "\10" => [94, "G2"], "\t" => [76, "G2"], "\n" => [104, "G2"], "\v" => [16, "G2"], "\f" => [94, "Ga"], "\r" => [76, "Ga"], "\16" => [104, "Ga"], "\17" => [16, "Ga"], "\20" => [94, "Gc"], "\21" => [76, "Gc"], "\22" => [104, "Gc"], "\23" => [16, "Gc"], "\24" => [94, "Ge"], "\25" => [76, "Ge"], "\26" => [104, "Ge"], "\27" => [16, "Ge"], "\30" => [94, "Gi"], "\31" => [76, "Gi"], "\32" => [104, "Gi"], "\33" => [16, "Gi"], "\34" => [94, "Go"], "\35" => [76, "Go"], "\36" => [104, "Go"], "\37" => [16, "Go"], " " => [94, "Gs"], "!" => [76, "Gs"], "\"" => [104, "Gs"], "#" => [16, "Gs"], "\$" => [94, "Gt"], "%" => [76, "Gt"], "&" => [104, "Gt"], "'" => [16, "Gt"], "(" => [77, "G "], ")" => [18, "G "], "*" => [77, "G%"], "+" => [18, "G%"], "," => [77, "G-"], "-" => [18, "G-"], "." => [77, "G."], "/" => [18, "G."], [77, "G/"], [18, "G/"], [77, "G3"], [18, "G3"], [77, "G4"], [18, "G4"], [77, "G5"], [18, "G5"], [77, "G6"], [18, "G6"], ":" => [77, "G7"], ";" => [18, "G7"], "<" => [77, "G8"], "=" => [18, "G8"], ">" => [77, "G9"], "?" => [18, "G9"], "@" => [77, "G="], "A" => [18, "G="], "B" => [77, "GA"], "C" => [18, "GA"], "D" => [77, "G_"], "E" => [18, "G_"], "F" => [77, "Gb"], "G" => [18, "Gb"], "H" => [77, "Gd"], "I" => [18, "Gd"], "J" => [77, "Gf"], "K" => [18, "Gf"], "L" => [77, "Gg"], "M" => [18, "Gg"], "N" => [77, "Gh"], "O" => [18, "Gh"], "P" => [77, "Gl"], "Q" => [18, "Gl"], "R" => [77, "Gm"], "S" => [18, "Gm"], "T" => [77, "Gn"], "U" => [18, "Gn"], "V" => [77, "Gp"], "W" => [18, "Gp"], "X" => [77, "Gr"], "Y" => [18, "Gr"], "Z" => [77, "Gu"], "[" => [18, "Gu"], "\\" => [0, "G:"], "]" => [0, "GB"], "^" => [0, "GC"], "_" => [0, "GD"], "`" => [0, "GE"], "a" => [0, "GF"], "b" => [0, "GG"], "c" => [0, "GH"], "d" => [0, "GI"], "e" => [0, "GJ"], "f" => [0, "GK"], "g" => [0, "GL"], "h" => [0, "GM"], "i" => [0, "GN"], "j" => [0, "GO"], "k" => [0, "GP"], "l" => [0, "GQ"], "m" => [0, "GR"], "n" => [0, "GS"], "o" => [0, "GT"], "p" => [0, "GU"], "q" => [0, "GV"], "r" => [0, "GW"], "s" => [0, "GY"], "t" => [0, "Gj"], "u" => [0, "Gk"], "v" => [0, "Gq"], "w" => [0, "Gv"], "x" => [0, "Gw"], "y" => [0, "Gx"], "z" => [0, "Gy"], "{" => [0, "Gz"], "|" => [82, "G"], "}" => [87, "G"], "~" => [130, "G"], "" => [9, "G"], "" => [94, "H0"], "" => [76, "H0"], "" => [104, "H0"], "" => [16, "H0"], "" => [94, "H1"], "" => [76, "H1"], "" => [104, "H1"], "" => [16, "H1"], "" => [94, "H2"], "" => [76, "H2"], "" => [104, "H2"], "" => [16, "H2"], "" => [94, "Ha"], "" => [76, "Ha"], "" => [104, "Ha"], "" => [16, "Ha"], "" => [94, "Hc"], "" => [76, "Hc"], "" => [104, "Hc"], "" => [16, "Hc"], "" => [94, "He"], "" => [76, "He"], "" => [104, "He"], "" => [16, "He"], "" => [94, "Hi"], "" => [76, "Hi"], "" => [104, "Hi"], "" => [16, "Hi"], "" => [94, "Ho"], "" => [76, "Ho"], "" => [104, "Ho"], "" => [16, "Ho"], "" => [94, "Hs"], "" => [76, "Hs"], "" => [104, "Hs"], "" => [16, "Hs"], "" => 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"Hu"], "" => [0, "H:"], "" => [0, "HB"], "" => [0, "HC"], "" => [0, "HD"], "" => [0, "HE"], "" => [0, "HF"], "" => [0, "HG"], "" => [0, "HH"], "" => [0, "HI"], "" => [0, "HJ"], "" => [0, "HK"], "" => [0, "HL"], "" => [0, "HM"], "" => [0, "HN"], "" => [0, "HO"], "" => [0, "HP"], "" => [0, "HQ"], "" => [0, "HR"], "" => [0, "HS"], "" => [0, "HT"], "" => [0, "HU"], "" => [0, "HV"], "" => [0, "HW"], "" => [0, "HY"], "" => [0, "Hj"], "" => [0, "Hk"], "" => [0, "Hq"], "" => [0, "Hv"], "" => [0, "Hw"], "" => [0, "Hx"], "" => [0, "Hy"], "" => [0, "Hz"], "" => [82, "H"], "" => [87, "H"], "" => [130, "H"], "" => [9, "H"]], ["\0" => [94, "I0"], "\1" => [76, "I0"], "\2" => [104, "I0"], "\3" => [16, "I0"], "\4" => [94, "I1"], "\5" => [76, "I1"], "\6" => [104, "I1"], "\7" => [16, "I1"], "\10" => [94, "I2"], "\t" => [76, "I2"], "\n" => [104, "I2"], "\v" => [16, "I2"], "\f" => [94, "Ia"], "\r" => [76, "Ia"], "\16" => [104, "Ia"], "\17" => [16, "Ia"], "\20" => [94, "Ic"], "\21" => [76, "Ic"], "\22" => [104, "Ic"], "\23" => [16, "Ic"], "\24" => [94, "Ie"], "\25" => [76, "Ie"], "\26" => [104, "Ie"], "\27" => [16, "Ie"], "\30" => [94, "Ii"], "\31" => [76, "Ii"], "\32" => [104, "Ii"], "\33" => [16, "Ii"], "\34" => [94, "Io"], "\35" => [76, "Io"], "\36" => [104, "Io"], "\37" => [16, "Io"], " " => [94, "Is"], "!" => [76, "Is"], "\"" => [104, "Is"], "#" => [16, "Is"], "\$" => [94, "It"], "%" => [76, "It"], "&" => [104, "It"], "'" => [16, "It"], "(" => [77, "I "], ")" => [18, "I "], "*" => [77, "I%"], "+" => [18, "I%"], "," => [77, "I-"], "-" => [18, "I-"], "." => [77, "I."], "/" => [18, "I."], [77, "I/"], [18, "I/"], [77, "I3"], [18, "I3"], [77, "I4"], [18, "I4"], [77, "I5"], [18, "I5"], [77, "I6"], [18, "I6"], ":" => [77, "I7"], ";" => [18, "I7"], "<" => [77, "I8"], "=" => [18, "I8"], ">" => [77, "I9"], "?" => [18, "I9"], "@" => [77, "I="], "A" => [18, "I="], "B" => [77, "IA"], "C" => [18, "IA"], "D" => [77, "I_"], "E" => [18, "I_"], "F" => [77, "Ib"], "G" => [18, "Ib"], "H" => [77, "Id"], "I" => [18, "Id"], "J" => [77, "If"], "K" => [18, "If"], "L" => [77, "Ig"], "M" => [18, "Ig"], "N" => [77, "Ih"], "O" => [18, "Ih"], "P" => [77, "Il"], "Q" => [18, "Il"], "R" => [77, "Im"], "S" => [18, "Im"], "T" => [77, "In"], "U" => [18, "In"], "V" => [77, "Ip"], "W" => [18, "Ip"], "X" => [77, "Ir"], "Y" => [18, "Ir"], "Z" => [77, "Iu"], "[" => [18, "Iu"], "\\" => [0, "I:"], "]" => [0, "IB"], "^" => [0, "IC"], "_" => [0, "ID"], "`" => [0, "IE"], "a" => [0, "IF"], "b" => [0, "IG"], "c" => [0, "IH"], "d" => [0, "II"], "e" => [0, "IJ"], "f" => [0, "IK"], "g" => [0, "IL"], "h" => [0, "IM"], "i" => [0, "IN"], "j" => [0, "IO"], "k" => [0, "IP"], "l" => [0, "IQ"], "m" => [0, "IR"], "n" => [0, "IS"], "o" => [0, "IT"], "p" => [0, "IU"], "q" => [0, "IV"], "r" => [0, "IW"], "s" => [0, "IY"], "t" => [0, "Ij"], "u" => [0, "Ik"], "v" => [0, "Iq"], "w" => [0, "Iv"], "x" => [0, "Iw"], "y" => [0, "Ix"], "z" => [0, "Iy"], "{" => [0, "Iz"], "|" => [82, "I"], "}" => [87, "I"], "~" => [130, "I"], "" => [9, "I"], "" => [94, "J0"], "" => [76, "J0"], "" => [104, "J0"], "" => [16, "J0"], "" => [94, "J1"], "" => [76, "J1"], "" => [104, "J1"], "" => [16, "J1"], "" => [94, "J2"], "" => [76, "J2"], "" => [104, "J2"], "" => [16, "J2"], "" => [94, "Ja"], "" => [76, "Ja"], "" => [104, "Ja"], "" => [16, "Ja"], "" => [94, "Jc"], "" => [76, "Jc"], "" => [104, "Jc"], "" => [16, "Jc"], "" => [94, "Je"], "" => [76, "Je"], "" => [104, "Je"], "" => [16, "Je"], "" => [94, "Ji"], "" => [76, "Ji"], "" => [104, "Ji"], "" => [16, "Ji"], "" => [94, "Jo"], "" => [76, "Jo"], "" => [104, "Jo"], "" => [16, "Jo"], "" => [94, "Js"], "" => [76, "Js"], "" => [104, "Js"], "" => [16, "Js"], "" => [94, "Jt"], "" => [76, "Jt"], "" => [104, "Jt"], "" => [16, "Jt"], "" => [77, "J "], "" => [18, "J "], "" => [77, "J%"], "" => [18, "J%"], "" => [77, "J-"], "" => [18, "J-"], "" => [77, "J."], "" => [18, "J."], "" => [77, "J/"], "" => [18, "J/"], "" => [77, "J3"], "" => [18, "J3"], "" => [77, "J4"], "" => [18, "J4"], "" 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"JS"], "" => [0, "JT"], "" => [0, "JU"], "" => [0, "JV"], "" => [0, "JW"], "" => [0, "JY"], "" => [0, "Jj"], "" => [0, "Jk"], "" => [0, "Jq"], "" => [0, "Jv"], "" => [0, "Jw"], "" => [0, "Jx"], "" => [0, "Jy"], "" => [0, "Jz"], "" => [82, "J"], "" => [87, "J"], "" => [130, "J"], "" => [9, "J"]], ["\0" => [77, "I0"], "\1" => [18, "I0"], "\2" => [77, "I1"], "\3" => [18, "I1"], "\4" => [77, "I2"], "\5" => [18, "I2"], "\6" => [77, "Ia"], "\7" => [18, "Ia"], "\10" => [77, "Ic"], "\t" => [18, "Ic"], "\n" => [77, "Ie"], "\v" => [18, "Ie"], "\f" => [77, "Ii"], "\r" => [18, "Ii"], "\16" => [77, "Io"], "\17" => [18, "Io"], "\20" => [77, "Is"], "\21" => [18, "Is"], "\22" => [77, "It"], "\23" => [18, "It"], "\24" => [0, "I "], "\25" => [0, "I%"], "\26" => [0, "I-"], "\27" => [0, "I."], "\30" => [0, "I/"], "\31" => [0, "I3"], "\32" => [0, "I4"], "\33" => [0, "I5"], "\34" => [0, "I6"], "\35" => [0, "I7"], "\36" => [0, "I8"], "\37" => [0, "I9"], " " => [0, "I="], "!" => [0, "IA"], "\"" => [0, "I_"], "#" => [0, "Ib"], "\$" => [0, "Id"], "%" => [0, "If"], "&" => [0, "Ig"], "'" => [0, "Ih"], "(" => [0, "Il"], ")" => [0, "Im"], "*" => [0, "In"], "+" => [0, "Ip"], "," => [0, "Ir"], "-" => [0, "Iu"], "." => [100, "I"], "/" => [110, "I"], [111, "I"], [115, "I"], [116, "I"], [118, "I"], [119, "I"], [122, "I"], [123, "I"], [125, "I"], [126, "I"], [129, "I"], ":" => [143, "I"], ";" => [148, "I"], "<" => [151, "I"], "=" => [153, "I"], ">" => [83, "I"], "?" => [10, "I"], "@" => [77, "J0"], "A" => [18, "J0"], "B" => [77, "J1"], "C" => [18, "J1"], "D" => [77, "J2"], "E" => [18, "J2"], "F" => [77, "Ja"], "G" => [18, "Ja"], "H" => [77, "Jc"], "I" => [18, "Jc"], "J" => [77, "Je"], "K" => [18, "Je"], "L" => [77, "Ji"], "M" => [18, "Ji"], "N" => [77, "Jo"], "O" => [18, "Jo"], "P" => [77, "Js"], "Q" => [18, "Js"], "R" => [77, "Jt"], "S" => [18, "Jt"], "T" => [0, "J "], "U" => [0, "J%"], "V" => [0, "J-"], "W" => [0, "J."], "X" => [0, "J/"], "Y" => [0, "J3"], "Z" => [0, "J4"], "[" => [0, "J5"], "\\" => [0, "J6"], "]" => [0, "J7"], "^" => [0, "J8"], "_" => [0, "J9"], "`" => [0, "J="], "a" => [0, "JA"], "b" => [0, "J_"], "c" => [0, "Jb"], "d" => [0, "Jd"], "e" => [0, "Jf"], "f" => [0, "Jg"], "g" => [0, "Jh"], "h" => [0, "Jl"], "i" => [0, "Jm"], "j" => [0, "Jn"], "k" => [0, "Jp"], "l" => [0, "Jr"], "m" => [0, "Ju"], "n" => [100, "J"], "o" => [110, "J"], "p" => [111, "J"], "q" => [115, "J"], "r" => [116, "J"], "s" => [118, "J"], "t" => [119, "J"], "u" => [122, "J"], "v" => [123, "J"], "w" => [125, "J"], "x" => [126, "J"], "y" => [129, "J"], "z" => [143, "J"], "{" => [148, "J"], "|" => [151, "J"], "}" => [153, "J"], "~" => [83, "J"], "" => [10, "J"], "" => [77, "K0"], "" => [18, "K0"], "" => [77, "K1"], "" => [18, "K1"], "" => [77, "K2"], "" => [18, "K2"], "" => [77, "Ka"], "" => [18, "Ka"], "" => [77, "Kc"], "" => [18, "Kc"], "" => [77, "Ke"], "" => [18, "Ke"], "" => [77, "Ki"], "" => [18, "Ki"], "" => [77, "Ko"], "" => [18, "Ko"], "" => [77, "Ks"], "" => [18, "Ks"], "" => [77, "Kt"], "" 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[77, "Li"], "" => [18, "Li"], "" => [77, "Lo"], "" => [18, "Lo"], "" => [77, "Ls"], "" => [18, "Ls"], "" => [77, "Lt"], "" => [18, "Lt"], "" => [0, "L "], "" => [0, "L%"], "" => [0, "L-"], "" => [0, "L."], "" => [0, "L/"], "" => [0, "L3"], "" => [0, "L4"], "" => [0, "L5"], "" => [0, "L6"], "" => [0, "L7"], "" => [0, "L8"], "" => [0, "L9"], "" => [0, "L="], "" => [0, "LA"], "" => [0, "L_"], "" => [0, "Lb"], "" => [0, "Ld"], "" => [0, "Lf"], "" => [0, "Lg"], "" => [0, "Lh"], "" => [0, "Ll"], "" => [0, "Lm"], "" => [0, "Ln"], "" => [0, "Lp"], "" => [0, "Lr"], "" => [0, "Lu"], "" => [100, "L"], "" => [110, "L"], "" => [111, "L"], "" => [115, "L"], "" => [116, "L"], "" => [118, "L"], "" => [119, "L"], "" => [122, "L"], "" => [123, "L"], "" => [125, "L"], "" => [126, "L"], "" => [129, "L"], "" => [143, "L"], "" => [148, "L"], "" => [151, "L"], "" => [153, "L"], "" => [83, "L"], "" => [10, "L"]], ["\0" => [94, "K0"], "\1" => [76, "K0"], "\2" => [104, "K0"], "\3" => [16, "K0"], "\4" => [94, "K1"], "\5" => [76, "K1"], "\6" => [104, "K1"], "\7" => [16, "K1"], "\10" => [94, "K2"], "\t" => [76, "K2"], "\n" => [104, "K2"], "\v" => [16, "K2"], "\f" => [94, "Ka"], "\r" => [76, "Ka"], "\16" => [104, "Ka"], "\17" => [16, "Ka"], "\20" => [94, "Kc"], "\21" => [76, "Kc"], "\22" => [104, "Kc"], "\23" => [16, "Kc"], "\24" => [94, "Ke"], "\25" => [76, "Ke"], "\26" => [104, "Ke"], "\27" => [16, "Ke"], "\30" => [94, "Ki"], "\31" => [76, "Ki"], "\32" => [104, "Ki"], "\33" => [16, "Ki"], "\34" => [94, "Ko"], "\35" => [76, "Ko"], "\36" => [104, "Ko"], "\37" => [16, "Ko"], " " => [94, "Ks"], "!" => [76, "Ks"], "\"" => [104, "Ks"], "#" => [16, "Ks"], "\$" => [94, "Kt"], "%" => [76, "Kt"], "&" => [104, "Kt"], "'" => [16, "Kt"], "(" => [77, "K "], ")" => [18, "K "], "*" => [77, "K%"], "+" => [18, "K%"], "," => [77, "K-"], "-" => [18, "K-"], "." => [77, "K."], "/" => [18, "K."], [77, "K/"], [18, "K/"], [77, "K3"], [18, "K3"], [77, "K4"], [18, "K4"], [77, "K5"], [18, "K5"], [77, "K6"], [18, "K6"], ":" => [77, "K7"], ";" => [18, "K7"], "<" => [77, "K8"], "=" => [18, "K8"], ">" => [77, "K9"], "?" => [18, "K9"], "@" => [77, "K="], "A" => [18, "K="], "B" => [77, "KA"], "C" => [18, "KA"], "D" => [77, "K_"], "E" => [18, "K_"], "F" => [77, "Kb"], "G" => [18, "Kb"], "H" => [77, "Kd"], "I" => [18, "Kd"], "J" => [77, "Kf"], "K" => [18, "Kf"], "L" => [77, "Kg"], "M" => [18, "Kg"], "N" => [77, "Kh"], "O" => [18, "Kh"], "P" => [77, "Kl"], "Q" => [18, "Kl"], "R" => [77, "Km"], "S" => [18, "Km"], "T" => [77, "Kn"], "U" => [18, "Kn"], "V" => [77, "Kp"], "W" => [18, "Kp"], "X" => [77, "Kr"], "Y" => [18, "Kr"], "Z" => [77, "Ku"], "[" => [18, "Ku"], "\\" => [0, "K:"], "]" => [0, "KB"], "^" => [0, "KC"], "_" => [0, "KD"], "`" => [0, "KE"], "a" => [0, "KF"], "b" => [0, "KG"], "c" => [0, "KH"], "d" => [0, "KI"], "e" => [0, "KJ"], "f" => [0, "KK"], "g" => [0, "KL"], "h" => [0, "KM"], "i" => [0, "KN"], "j" => [0, "KO"], "k" => [0, "KP"], "l" => [0, "KQ"], "m" => [0, "KR"], "n" => [0, "KS"], "o" => [0, "KT"], "p" => [0, "KU"], "q" => [0, "KV"], "r" => [0, "KW"], "s" => [0, "KY"], "t" => [0, "Kj"], "u" => [0, "Kk"], "v" => [0, "Kq"], "w" => [0, "Kv"], "x" => [0, "Kw"], "y" => [0, "Kx"], "z" => [0, "Ky"], "{" => [0, "Kz"], "|" => [82, "K"], "}" => [87, "K"], "~" => [130, "K"], "" => [9, "K"], "" => [94, "L0"], "" => [76, "L0"], "" => [104, "L0"], "" => [16, "L0"], "" => [94, "L1"], "" => [76, "L1"], "" => [104, "L1"], "" => [16, "L1"], "" => [94, "L2"], "" => [76, "L2"], "" => [104, "L2"], "" => [16, "L2"], "" => [94, "La"], "" => [76, "La"], "" => [104, "La"], "" => [16, "La"], "" => [94, "Lc"], "" => [76, "Lc"], "" => [104, "Lc"], "" => [16, "Lc"], "" => [94, "Le"], "" => [76, "Le"], "" => [104, "Le"], "" => [16, "Le"], "" => [94, "Li"], "" => [76, "Li"], "" => [104, "Li"], "" => [16, "Li"], "" => [94, "Lo"], "" => [76, "Lo"], "" => [104, "Lo"], "" => [16, "Lo"], "" => [94, "Ls"], "" => [76, "Ls"], "" => [104, "Ls"], "" => [16, "Ls"], "" => [94, "Lt"], "" => [76, "Lt"], "" => [104, "Lt"], "" => [16, "Lt"], "" => [77, "L "], "" => [18, "L "], "" => [77, "L%"], "" => [18, "L%"], "" => [77, "L-"], "" => [18, "L-"], "" => [77, "L."], "" => [18, "L."], "" => [77, "L/"], "" => [18, "L/"], "" => [77, "L3"], "" => [18, "L3"], "" => [77, "L4"], "" => [18, "L4"], "" => [77, "L5"], "" => [18, "L5"], "" => [77, "L6"], "" => [18, "L6"], "" => [77, "L7"], "" => [18, "L7"], "" => [77, "L8"], "" => [18, "L8"], "" => [77, "L9"], "" => [18, "L9"], "" => [77, "L="], "" => [18, "L="], "" => [77, "LA"], "" => [18, "LA"], "" => [77, "L_"], "" => [18, "L_"], "" => [77, "Lb"], "" => [18, "Lb"], "" => [77, "Ld"], "" => [18, "Ld"], "" => [77, "Lf"], "" => [18, "Lf"], "" => [77, "Lg"], "" => [18, "Lg"], "" => [77, "Lh"], "" => [18, "Lh"], "" => [77, "Ll"], "" => [18, "Ll"], "" => [77, "Lm"], "" => [18, "Lm"], "" => [77, "Ln"], "" => [18, "Ln"], "" => [77, "Lp"], "" => [18, "Lp"], "" => [77, "Lr"], "" => [18, "Lr"], "" => [77, "Lu"], "" => [18, "Lu"], "" => [0, "L:"], "" => [0, "LB"], "" => [0, "LC"], "" => [0, "LD"], "" => [0, "LE"], "" => [0, "LF"], "" => [0, "LG"], "" => [0, "LH"], "" => [0, "LI"], "" => [0, "LJ"], "" => [0, "LK"], "" => [0, "LL"], "" => [0, "LM"], "" => [0, "LN"], "" => [0, "LO"], "" => [0, "LP"], "" => [0, "LQ"], "" => [0, "LR"], "" => [0, "LS"], "" => [0, "LT"], "" => [0, "LU"], "" => [0, "LV"], "" => [0, "LW"], "" => [0, "LY"], "" => [0, "Lj"], "" => [0, "Lk"], "" => [0, "Lq"], "" => [0, "Lv"], "" => [0, "Lw"], "" => [0, "Lx"], "" => [0, "Ly"], "" => [0, "Lz"], "" => [82, "L"], "" => [87, "L"], "" => [130, "L"], "" => [9, "L"]], ["\0" => [94, "M0"], "\1" => [76, "M0"], "\2" => [104, "M0"], "\3" => [16, "M0"], "\4" => [94, "M1"], "\5" => [76, "M1"], "\6" => [104, "M1"], "\7" => [16, "M1"], "\10" => [94, "M2"], "\t" => [76, "M2"], "\n" => [104, "M2"], "\v" => [16, "M2"], "\f" => [94, "Ma"], "\r" => [76, "Ma"], "\16" => [104, "Ma"], "\17" => [16, "Ma"], "\20" => [94, "Mc"], "\21" => [76, "Mc"], "\22" => [104, "Mc"], "\23" => [16, "Mc"], "\24" => [94, "Me"], "\25" => [76, "Me"], "\26" => [104, "Me"], "\27" => [16, "Me"], "\30" => [94, "Mi"], "\31" => [76, "Mi"], "\32" => [104, "Mi"], "\33" => [16, "Mi"], "\34" => [94, "Mo"], "\35" => [76, "Mo"], "\36" => [104, "Mo"], "\37" => [16, "Mo"], " " => [94, "Ms"], "!" => [76, "Ms"], "\"" => [104, "Ms"], "#" => [16, "Ms"], "\$" => [94, "Mt"], "%" => [76, "Mt"], "&" => [104, "Mt"], "'" => [16, "Mt"], "(" => [77, "M "], ")" => [18, "M "], "*" => [77, "M%"], "+" => [18, "M%"], "," => [77, "M-"], "-" => [18, "M-"], "." => [77, "M."], "/" => [18, "M."], [77, "M/"], [18, "M/"], [77, "M3"], [18, "M3"], [77, "M4"], [18, "M4"], [77, "M5"], [18, "M5"], [77, "M6"], [18, "M6"], ":" => [77, "M7"], ";" => [18, "M7"], "<" => [77, "M8"], "=" => [18, "M8"], ">" => [77, "M9"], "?" => [18, "M9"], "@" => [77, "M="], "A" => [18, "M="], "B" => [77, "MA"], "C" => [18, "MA"], "D" => [77, "M_"], "E" => [18, "M_"], "F" => [77, "Mb"], "G" => [18, "Mb"], "H" => [77, "Md"], "I" => [18, "Md"], "J" => [77, "Mf"], "K" => [18, "Mf"], "L" => [77, "Mg"], "M" => [18, "Mg"], "N" => [77, "Mh"], "O" => [18, "Mh"], "P" => [77, "Ml"], "Q" => [18, "Ml"], "R" => [77, "Mm"], "S" => [18, "Mm"], "T" => [77, "Mn"], "U" => [18, "Mn"], "V" => [77, "Mp"], "W" => [18, "Mp"], "X" => [77, "Mr"], "Y" => [18, "Mr"], "Z" => [77, "Mu"], "[" => [18, "Mu"], "\\" => [0, "M:"], "]" => [0, "MB"], "^" => [0, "MC"], "_" => [0, "MD"], "`" => [0, "ME"], "a" => [0, "MF"], "b" => [0, "MG"], "c" => [0, "MH"], "d" => [0, "MI"], "e" => [0, "MJ"], "f" => [0, "MK"], "g" => [0, "ML"], "h" => [0, "MM"], "i" => [0, "MN"], "j" => [0, "MO"], "k" => [0, "MP"], "l" => [0, "MQ"], "m" => [0, "MR"], "n" => [0, "MS"], "o" => [0, "MT"], "p" => [0, "MU"], "q" => [0, "MV"], "r" => [0, "MW"], "s" => [0, "MY"], "t" => [0, "Mj"], "u" => [0, "Mk"], "v" => [0, "Mq"], "w" => [0, "Mv"], "x" => [0, "Mw"], "y" => [0, "Mx"], "z" => [0, "My"], "{" => [0, "Mz"], "|" => [82, "M"], "}" => [87, "M"], "~" => [130, "M"], "" => [9, "M"], "" => [94, "N0"], "" => [76, "N0"], "" => [104, "N0"], "" => [16, "N0"], "" => [94, "N1"], "" => [76, "N1"], "" => [104, "N1"], "" => [16, "N1"], "" => [94, "N2"], "" => [76, "N2"], "" => [104, "N2"], "" => [16, "N2"], "" => [94, "Na"], "" => [76, "Na"], "" => [104, "Na"], "" => [16, "Na"], "" => [94, "Nc"], "" => [76, "Nc"], "" => [104, "Nc"], "" => [16, "Nc"], "" => [94, "Ne"], "" => [76, "Ne"], "" => [104, "Ne"], "" => [16, "Ne"], "" => [94, "Ni"], "" => [76, "Ni"], "" => [104, "Ni"], "" => [16, "Ni"], "" => [94, "No"], "" => [76, "No"], "" => [104, "No"], "" => [16, "No"], "" => [94, "Ns"], "" => [76, "Ns"], "" => [104, "Ns"], "" => [16, "Ns"], "" => [94, "Nt"], "" => [76, "Nt"], "" => [104, "Nt"], "" => [16, "Nt"], "" => [77, "N "], "" => [18, "N "], "" => [77, "N%"], "" => [18, "N%"], "" => [77, "N-"], "" => [18, "N-"], "" => [77, "N."], "" => [18, "N."], "" => [77, "N/"], "" => [18, "N/"], "" => [77, "N3"], "" => [18, "N3"], "" => [77, "N4"], "" => [18, "N4"], "" => [77, "N5"], "" => [18, "N5"], "" => [77, "N6"], "" => [18, "N6"], "" => [77, "N7"], "" => [18, "N7"], "" => [77, "N8"], "" => [18, "N8"], "" => [77, "N9"], "" => [18, "N9"], "" => [77, "N="], "" => [18, "N="], "" => [77, "NA"], "" => [18, "NA"], "" => [77, "N_"], "" => [18, "N_"], "" => [77, "Nb"], "" => [18, "Nb"], "" => [77, "Nd"], "" => [18, "Nd"], "" => [77, "Nf"], "" => [18, "Nf"], "" => [77, "Ng"], "" => [18, "Ng"], "" => [77, "Nh"], "" => [18, "Nh"], "" => [77, "Nl"], "" => [18, "Nl"], "" => [77, "Nm"], "" => [18, "Nm"], "" => [77, "Nn"], "" => [18, "Nn"], "" => [77, "Np"], "" => [18, "Np"], "" => [77, "Nr"], "" => [18, "Nr"], "" => [77, "Nu"], "" => [18, "Nu"], "" => [0, "N:"], "" => [0, "NB"], "" => [0, "NC"], "" => [0, "ND"], "" => [0, "NE"], "" => [0, "NF"], "" => [0, "NG"], "" => [0, "NH"], "" => [0, "NI"], "" => [0, "NJ"], "" => [0, "NK"], "" => [0, "NL"], "" => [0, "NM"], "" => [0, "NN"], "" => [0, "NO"], "" => [0, "NP"], "" => [0, "NQ"], "" => [0, "NR"], "" => [0, "NS"], "" => [0, "NT"], "" => [0, "NU"], "" => [0, "NV"], "" => [0, "NW"], "" => [0, "NY"], "" => [0, "Nj"], "" => [0, "Nk"], "" => [0, "Nq"], "" => [0, "Nv"], "" => [0, "Nw"], "" => [0, "Nx"], "" => [0, "Ny"], "" => [0, "Nz"], "" => [82, "N"], "" => [87, "N"], "" => [130, "N"], "" => [9, "N"]], ["\0" => [77, "M0"], "\1" => [18, "M0"], "\2" => [77, "M1"], "\3" => [18, "M1"], "\4" => [77, "M2"], "\5" => [18, "M2"], "\6" => [77, "Ma"], "\7" => [18, "Ma"], "\10" => [77, "Mc"], "\t" => [18, "Mc"], "\n" => [77, "Me"], "\v" => [18, "Me"], "\f" => [77, "Mi"], "\r" => [18, "Mi"], "\16" => [77, "Mo"], "\17" => [18, "Mo"], "\20" => [77, "Ms"], "\21" => [18, "Ms"], "\22" => [77, "Mt"], "\23" => [18, "Mt"], "\24" => [0, "M "], "\25" => [0, "M%"], "\26" => [0, "M-"], "\27" => [0, "M."], "\30" => [0, "M/"], "\31" => [0, "M3"], "\32" => [0, "M4"], "\33" => [0, "M5"], "\34" => [0, "M6"], "\35" => [0, "M7"], "\36" => [0, "M8"], "\37" => [0, "M9"], " " => [0, "M="], "!" => [0, "MA"], "\"" => [0, "M_"], "#" => [0, "Mb"], "\$" => [0, "Md"], "%" => [0, "Mf"], "&" => [0, "Mg"], "'" => [0, "Mh"], "(" => [0, "Ml"], ")" => [0, "Mm"], "*" => [0, "Mn"], "+" => [0, "Mp"], "," => [0, "Mr"], "-" => [0, "Mu"], "." => [100, "M"], "/" => [110, "M"], [111, "M"], [115, "M"], [116, "M"], [118, "M"], [119, "M"], [122, "M"], [123, "M"], [125, "M"], [126, "M"], [129, "M"], ":" => [143, "M"], ";" => [148, "M"], "<" => [151, "M"], "=" => [153, "M"], ">" => [83, "M"], "?" => [10, "M"], "@" => [77, "N0"], "A" => [18, "N0"], "B" => [77, "N1"], "C" => [18, "N1"], "D" => [77, "N2"], "E" => [18, "N2"], "F" => [77, "Na"], "G" => [18, "Na"], "H" => [77, "Nc"], "I" => [18, "Nc"], "J" => [77, "Ne"], "K" => [18, "Ne"], "L" => [77, "Ni"], "M" => [18, "Ni"], "N" => [77, "No"], "O" => [18, "No"], "P" => [77, "Ns"], "Q" => [18, "Ns"], "R" => [77, "Nt"], "S" => [18, "Nt"], "T" => [0, "N "], "U" => [0, "N%"], "V" => [0, "N-"], "W" => [0, "N."], "X" => [0, "N/"], "Y" => [0, "N3"], "Z" => [0, "N4"], "[" => [0, "N5"], "\\" => [0, "N6"], "]" => [0, "N7"], "^" => [0, "N8"], "_" => [0, "N9"], "`" => [0, "N="], "a" => [0, "NA"], "b" => [0, "N_"], "c" => [0, "Nb"], "d" => [0, "Nd"], "e" => [0, "Nf"], "f" => [0, "Ng"], "g" => [0, "Nh"], "h" => [0, "Nl"], "i" => [0, "Nm"], "j" => [0, "Nn"], "k" => [0, "Np"], "l" => [0, "Nr"], "m" => [0, "Nu"], "n" => [100, "N"], "o" => [110, "N"], "p" => [111, "N"], "q" => [115, "N"], "r" => [116, "N"], "s" => [118, "N"], "t" => [119, "N"], "u" => [122, "N"], "v" => [123, "N"], "w" => [125, "N"], "x" => [126, "N"], "y" => [129, "N"], "z" => [143, "N"], "{" => [148, "N"], "|" => [151, "N"], "}" => [153, "N"], "~" => [83, "N"], "" => [10, "N"], "" => [77, "O0"], "" => [18, "O0"], "" => [77, "O1"], "" => [18, "O1"], "" => [77, "O2"], "" => [18, "O2"], "" => [77, "Oa"], "" => [18, "Oa"], "" => [77, "Oc"], "" => [18, "Oc"], "" => [77, "Oe"], "" => [18, "Oe"], "" => [77, "Oi"], "" => [18, "Oi"], "" => [77, "Oo"], "" => [18, "Oo"], "" => [77, "Os"], "" => [18, "Os"], "" => [77, "Ot"], "" => [18, "Ot"], "" => [0, "O "], "" => [0, "O%"], "" => [0, "O-"], "" => [0, "O."], "" => [0, "O/"], "" => [0, "O3"], "" => [0, "O4"], "" => [0, "O5"], "" => [0, "O6"], "" => [0, "O7"], "" => [0, "O8"], "" => [0, "O9"], "" => [0, "O="], "" => [0, "OA"], "" => [0, "O_"], "" => [0, "Ob"], "" => [0, "Od"], "" => [0, "Of"], "" => [0, "Og"], "" => [0, "Oh"], "" => [0, "Ol"], "" => [0, "Om"], "" => [0, "On"], "" => [0, "Op"], "" => [0, "Or"], "" => [0, "Ou"], "" => [100, "O"], "" => [110, "O"], "" => [111, "O"], "" => [115, "O"], "" => [116, "O"], "" => [118, "O"], "" => [119, "O"], "" => [122, "O"], "" => [123, "O"], "" => [125, "O"], "" => [126, "O"], "" => [129, "O"], "" => [143, "O"], "" => [148, "O"], "" => [151, "O"], "" => [153, "O"], "" => [83, "O"], "" => [10, "O"], "" => [77, "P0"], "" => [18, "P0"], "" => [77, "P1"], "" => [18, "P1"], "" => [77, "P2"], "" => [18, "P2"], "" => [77, "Pa"], "" => [18, "Pa"], "" => [77, "Pc"], "" => [18, "Pc"], "" => [77, "Pe"], "" => [18, "Pe"], "" => [77, "Pi"], "" => [18, "Pi"], "" => [77, "Po"], "" => [18, "Po"], "" => [77, "Ps"], "" => [18, "Ps"], "" => [77, "Pt"], "" => [18, "Pt"], "" => [0, "P "], "" => [0, "P%"], "" => [0, "P-"], "" => [0, "P."], "" => [0, "P/"], "" => [0, "P3"], "" => [0, "P4"], "" => [0, "P5"], "" => [0, "P6"], "" => [0, "P7"], "" => [0, "P8"], "" => [0, "P9"], "" => [0, "P="], "" => [0, "PA"], "" => [0, "P_"], "" => [0, "Pb"], "" => [0, "Pd"], "" => [0, "Pf"], "" => [0, "Pg"], "" => [0, "Ph"], "" => [0, "Pl"], "" => [0, "Pm"], "" => [0, "Pn"], "" => [0, "Pp"], "" => [0, "Pr"], "" => [0, "Pu"], "" => [100, "P"], "" => [110, "P"], "" => [111, "P"], "" => [115, "P"], "" => [116, "P"], "" => [118, "P"], "" => [119, "P"], "" => [122, "P"], "" => [123, "P"], "" => [125, "P"], "" => [126, "P"], "" => [129, "P"], "" => [143, "P"], "" => [148, "P"], "" => [151, "P"], "" => [153, "P"], "" => [83, "P"], "" => [10, "P"]], ["\0" => [0, "M0"], "\1" => [0, "M1"], "\2" => [0, "M2"], "\3" => [0, "Ma"], "\4" => [0, "Mc"], "\5" => [0, "Me"], "\6" => [0, "Mi"], "\7" => [0, "Mo"], "\10" => [0, "Ms"], "\t" => [0, "Mt"], "\n" => [73, "M"], "\v" => [88, "M"], "\f" => [89, "M"], "\r" => [96, "M"], "\16" => [97, "M"], "\17" => [99, "M"], "\20" => [106, "M"], "\21" => [136, "M"], "\22" => [139, "M"], "\23" => [141, "M"], "\24" => [145, "M"], "\25" => [147, "M"], "\26" => [149, "M"], "\27" => [101, "M"], "\30" => [112, "M"], "\31" => [117, "M"], "\32" => [120, "M"], "\33" => [124, "M"], "\34" => [127, "M"], "\35" => [144, "M"], "\36" => [152, "M"], "\37" => [11, "M"], " " => [0, "N0"], "!" => [0, "N1"], "\"" => [0, "N2"], "#" => [0, "Na"], "\$" => [0, "Nc"], "%" => [0, "Ne"], "&" => [0, "Ni"], "'" => [0, "No"], "(" => [0, "Ns"], ")" => [0, "Nt"], "*" => [73, "N"], "+" => [88, "N"], "," => [89, "N"], "-" => [96, "N"], "." => [97, "N"], "/" => [99, "N"], [106, "N"], [136, "N"], [139, "N"], [141, "N"], [145, "N"], [147, "N"], [149, "N"], [101, "N"], [112, "N"], [117, "N"], ":" => [120, "N"], ";" => [124, "N"], "<" => [127, "N"], "=" => [144, "N"], ">" => [152, "N"], "?" => [11, "N"], "@" => [0, "O0"], "A" => [0, "O1"], "B" => [0, "O2"], "C" => [0, "Oa"], "D" => [0, "Oc"], "E" => [0, "Oe"], "F" => [0, "Oi"], "G" => [0, "Oo"], "H" => [0, "Os"], "I" => [0, "Ot"], "J" => [73, "O"], "K" => [88, "O"], "L" => [89, "O"], "M" => [96, "O"], "N" => [97, "O"], "O" => [99, "O"], "P" => [106, "O"], "Q" => [136, "O"], "R" => [139, "O"], "S" => [141, "O"], "T" => [145, "O"], "U" => [147, "O"], "V" => [149, "O"], "W" => [101, "O"], "X" => [112, "O"], "Y" => [117, "O"], "Z" => [120, "O"], "[" => [124, "O"], "\\" => [127, "O"], "]" => [144, "O"], "^" => [152, "O"], "_" => [11, "O"], "`" => [0, "P0"], "a" => [0, "P1"], "b" => [0, "P2"], "c" => [0, "Pa"], "d" => [0, "Pc"], "e" => [0, "Pe"], "f" => [0, "Pi"], "g" => [0, "Po"], "h" => [0, "Ps"], "i" => [0, "Pt"], "j" => [73, "P"], "k" => [88, "P"], "l" => [89, "P"], "m" => [96, "P"], "n" => [97, "P"], "o" => [99, "P"], "p" => [106, "P"], "q" => [136, "P"], "r" => [139, "P"], "s" => [141, "P"], "t" => [145, "P"], "u" => [147, "P"], "v" => [149, "P"], "w" => [101, "P"], "x" => [112, "P"], "y" => [117, "P"], "z" => [120, "P"], "{" => [124, "P"], "|" => [127, "P"], "}" => [144, "P"], "~" => [152, "P"], "" => [11, "P"], "" => [0, "Q0"], "" => [0, "Q1"], "" => [0, "Q2"], "" => [0, "Qa"], "" => [0, "Qc"], "" => [0, "Qe"], "" => [0, "Qi"], "" => [0, "Qo"], "" => [0, "Qs"], "" => [0, "Qt"], "" => [73, "Q"], "" => [88, "Q"], "" => [89, "Q"], "" => [96, "Q"], "" => [97, "Q"], "" => [99, "Q"], "" => [106, "Q"], "" => [136, "Q"], "" => [139, "Q"], "" => [141, "Q"], "" => [145, "Q"], "" => [147, "Q"], "" => [149, "Q"], "" => [101, "Q"], "" => [112, "Q"], "" => [117, "Q"], "" => [120, "Q"], "" => [124, "Q"], "" => [127, "Q"], "" => [144, "Q"], "" => [152, "Q"], "" => [11, "Q"], "" => [0, "R0"], "" => [0, "R1"], "" => [0, "R2"], "" => [0, "Ra"], "" => [0, "Rc"], "" => [0, "Re"], "" => [0, "Ri"], "" => [0, "Ro"], "" => [0, "Rs"], "" => [0, "Rt"], "" => [73, "R"], "" => [88, "R"], "" => [89, "R"], "" => [96, "R"], "" => [97, "R"], "" => [99, "R"], "" => [106, "R"], "" => [136, "R"], "" => [139, "R"], "" => [141, "R"], "" => [145, "R"], "" => [147, "R"], "" => [149, "R"], "" => [101, "R"], "" => [112, "R"], "" => [117, "R"], "" => [120, "R"], "" => [124, "R"], "" => [127, "R"], "" => [144, "R"], "" => [152, "R"], "" => [11, "R"], "" => [0, "S0"], "" => [0, "S1"], "" => [0, "S2"], "" => [0, "Sa"], "" => [0, "Sc"], "" => [0, "Se"], "" => [0, "Si"], "" => [0, "So"], "" => [0, "Ss"], "" => [0, "St"], "" => [73, "S"], "" => [88, "S"], "" => [89, "S"], "" => [96, "S"], "" => [97, "S"], "" => [99, "S"], "" => [106, "S"], "" => [136, "S"], "" => [139, "S"], "" => [141, "S"], "" => [145, "S"], "" => [147, "S"], "" => [149, "S"], "" => [101, "S"], "" => [112, "S"], "" => [117, "S"], "" => [120, "S"], "" => [124, "S"], "" => [127, "S"], "" => [144, "S"], "" => [152, "S"], "" => [11, "S"], "" => [0, "T0"], "" => [0, "T1"], "" => [0, "T2"], "" => [0, "Ta"], "" => [0, "Tc"], "" => [0, "Te"], "" => [0, "Ti"], "" => [0, "To"], "" => [0, "Ts"], "" => [0, "Tt"], "" => [73, "T"], "" => [88, "T"], "" => [89, "T"], "" => [96, "T"], "" => [97, "T"], "" => [99, "T"], "" => [106, "T"], "" => [136, "T"], "" => [139, "T"], "" => [141, "T"], "" => [145, "T"], "" => [147, "T"], "" => [149, "T"], "" => [101, "T"], "" => [112, "T"], "" => [117, "T"], "" => [120, "T"], "" => [124, "T"], "" => [127, "T"], "" => [144, "T"], "" => [152, "T"], "" => [11, "T"]], ["\0" => [94, "O0"], "\1" => [76, "O0"], "\2" => [104, "O0"], "\3" => [16, "O0"], "\4" => [94, "O1"], "\5" => [76, "O1"], "\6" => [104, "O1"], "\7" => [16, "O1"], "\10" => [94, "O2"], "\t" => [76, "O2"], "\n" => [104, "O2"], "\v" => [16, "O2"], "\f" => [94, "Oa"], "\r" => [76, "Oa"], "\16" => [104, "Oa"], "\17" => [16, "Oa"], "\20" => [94, "Oc"], "\21" => [76, "Oc"], "\22" => [104, "Oc"], "\23" => [16, "Oc"], "\24" => [94, "Oe"], "\25" => [76, "Oe"], "\26" => [104, "Oe"], "\27" => [16, "Oe"], "\30" => [94, "Oi"], "\31" => [76, "Oi"], "\32" => [104, "Oi"], "\33" => [16, "Oi"], "\34" => [94, "Oo"], "\35" => [76, "Oo"], "\36" => [104, "Oo"], "\37" => [16, "Oo"], " " => [94, "Os"], "!" => [76, "Os"], "\"" => [104, "Os"], "#" => [16, "Os"], "\$" => [94, "Ot"], "%" => [76, "Ot"], "&" => [104, "Ot"], "'" => [16, "Ot"], "(" => [77, "O "], ")" => [18, "O "], "*" => [77, "O%"], "+" => [18, "O%"], "," => [77, "O-"], "-" => [18, "O-"], "." => [77, "O."], "/" => [18, "O."], [77, "O/"], [18, "O/"], [77, "O3"], [18, "O3"], [77, "O4"], [18, "O4"], [77, "O5"], [18, "O5"], [77, "O6"], [18, "O6"], ":" => [77, "O7"], ";" => [18, "O7"], "<" => [77, "O8"], "=" => [18, "O8"], ">" => [77, "O9"], "?" => [18, "O9"], "@" => [77, "O="], "A" => [18, "O="], "B" => [77, "OA"], "C" => [18, "OA"], "D" => [77, "O_"], "E" => [18, "O_"], "F" => [77, "Ob"], "G" => [18, "Ob"], "H" => [77, "Od"], "I" => [18, "Od"], "J" => [77, "Of"], "K" => [18, "Of"], "L" => [77, "Og"], "M" => [18, "Og"], "N" => [77, "Oh"], "O" => [18, "Oh"], "P" => [77, "Ol"], "Q" => [18, "Ol"], "R" => [77, "Om"], "S" => [18, "Om"], "T" => [77, "On"], "U" => [18, "On"], "V" => [77, "Op"], "W" => [18, "Op"], "X" => [77, "Or"], "Y" => [18, "Or"], "Z" => [77, "Ou"], "[" => [18, "Ou"], "\\" => [0, "O:"], "]" => [0, "OB"], "^" => [0, "OC"], "_" => [0, "OD"], "`" => [0, "OE"], "a" => [0, "OF"], "b" => [0, "OG"], "c" => [0, "OH"], "d" => [0, "OI"], "e" => [0, "OJ"], "f" => [0, "OK"], "g" => [0, "OL"], "h" => [0, "OM"], "i" => [0, "ON"], "j" => [0, "OO"], "k" => [0, "OP"], "l" => [0, "OQ"], "m" => [0, "OR"], "n" => [0, "OS"], "o" => [0, "OT"], "p" => [0, "OU"], "q" => [0, "OV"], "r" => [0, "OW"], "s" => [0, "OY"], "t" => [0, "Oj"], "u" => [0, "Ok"], "v" => [0, "Oq"], "w" => [0, "Ov"], "x" => [0, "Ow"], "y" => [0, "Ox"], "z" => [0, "Oy"], "{" => [0, "Oz"], "|" => [82, "O"], "}" => [87, "O"], "~" => [130, "O"], "" => [9, "O"], "" => [94, "P0"], "" => [76, "P0"], "" => [104, "P0"], "" => [16, "P0"], "" => [94, "P1"], "" => [76, "P1"], "" => [104, "P1"], "" => [16, "P1"], "" => [94, "P2"], "" => [76, "P2"], "" => [104, "P2"], "" => [16, "P2"], "" => [94, "Pa"], "" => [76, "Pa"], "" => [104, "Pa"], "" => [16, "Pa"], "" => [94, "Pc"], "" => [76, "Pc"], "" => [104, "Pc"], "" => [16, "Pc"], "" => [94, "Pe"], "" => [76, "Pe"], "" => [104, "Pe"], "" => [16, "Pe"], "" => [94, "Pi"], "" => [76, "Pi"], "" => [104, "Pi"], "" => [16, "Pi"], "" => [94, "Po"], "" => [76, "Po"], "" => [104, "Po"], "" => [16, "Po"], "" => [94, "Ps"], "" => [76, "Ps"], "" => [104, "Ps"], "" => [16, "Ps"], "" => [94, "Pt"], "" => [76, "Pt"], "" => [104, "Pt"], "" => [16, "Pt"], "" => [77, "P "], "" => [18, "P "], "" => [77, "P%"], "" => [18, "P%"], "" => [77, "P-"], "" => [18, "P-"], "" => [77, "P."], "" => [18, "P."], "" => [77, "P/"], "" => [18, "P/"], "" => [77, "P3"], "" => [18, "P3"], "" => [77, "P4"], "" => [18, "P4"], "" => [77, "P5"], "" => [18, "P5"], "" => [77, "P6"], "" => [18, "P6"], "" => [77, "P7"], "" => [18, "P7"], "" => [77, "P8"], "" => [18, "P8"], "" => [77, "P9"], "" => [18, "P9"], "" => [77, "P="], "" => [18, "P="], "" => [77, "PA"], "" => [18, "PA"], "" => [77, "P_"], "" => [18, "P_"], "" => [77, "Pb"], "" => [18, "Pb"], "" => [77, "Pd"], "" => [18, "Pd"], "" => [77, "Pf"], "" => [18, "Pf"], "" => [77, "Pg"], "" => [18, "Pg"], "" => [77, "Ph"], "" => [18, "Ph"], "" => [77, "Pl"], "" => [18, "Pl"], "" => [77, "Pm"], "" => [18, "Pm"], "" => [77, "Pn"], "" => [18, "Pn"], "" => [77, "Pp"], "" => [18, "Pp"], "" => [77, "Pr"], "" => [18, "Pr"], "" => [77, "Pu"], "" => [18, "Pu"], "" => [0, "P:"], "" => [0, "PB"], "" => [0, "PC"], "" => [0, "PD"], "" => [0, "PE"], "" => [0, "PF"], "" => [0, "PG"], "" => [0, "PH"], "" => [0, "PI"], "" => [0, "PJ"], "" => [0, "PK"], "" => [0, "PL"], "" => [0, "PM"], "" => [0, "PN"], "" => [0, "PO"], "" => [0, "PP"], "" => [0, "PQ"], "" => [0, "PR"], "" => [0, "PS"], "" => [0, "PT"], "" => [0, "PU"], "" => [0, "PV"], "" => [0, "PW"], "" => [0, "PY"], "" => [0, "Pj"], "" => [0, "Pk"], "" => [0, "Pq"], "" => [0, "Pv"], "" => [0, "Pw"], "" => [0, "Px"], "" => [0, "Py"], "" => [0, "Pz"], "" => [82, "P"], "" => [87, "P"], "" => [130, "P"], "" => [9, "P"]], ["\0" => [94, "Q0"], "\1" => [76, "Q0"], "\2" => [104, "Q0"], "\3" => [16, "Q0"], "\4" => [94, "Q1"], "\5" => [76, "Q1"], "\6" => [104, "Q1"], "\7" => [16, "Q1"], "\10" => [94, "Q2"], "\t" => [76, "Q2"], "\n" => [104, "Q2"], "\v" => [16, "Q2"], "\f" => [94, "Qa"], "\r" => [76, "Qa"], "\16" => [104, "Qa"], "\17" => [16, "Qa"], "\20" => [94, "Qc"], "\21" => [76, "Qc"], "\22" => [104, "Qc"], "\23" => [16, "Qc"], "\24" => [94, "Qe"], "\25" => [76, "Qe"], "\26" => [104, "Qe"], "\27" => [16, "Qe"], "\30" => [94, "Qi"], "\31" => [76, "Qi"], "\32" => [104, "Qi"], "\33" => [16, "Qi"], "\34" => [94, "Qo"], "\35" => [76, "Qo"], "\36" => [104, "Qo"], "\37" => [16, "Qo"], " " => [94, "Qs"], "!" => [76, "Qs"], "\"" => [104, "Qs"], "#" => [16, "Qs"], "\$" => [94, "Qt"], "%" => [76, "Qt"], "&" => [104, "Qt"], "'" => [16, "Qt"], "(" => [77, "Q "], ")" => [18, "Q "], "*" => 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"c" => [0, "QH"], "d" => [0, "QI"], "e" => [0, "QJ"], "f" => [0, "QK"], "g" => [0, "QL"], "h" => [0, "QM"], "i" => [0, "QN"], "j" => [0, "QO"], "k" => [0, "QP"], "l" => [0, "QQ"], "m" => [0, "QR"], "n" => [0, "QS"], "o" => [0, "QT"], "p" => [0, "QU"], "q" => [0, "QV"], "r" => [0, "QW"], "s" => [0, "QY"], "t" => [0, "Qj"], "u" => [0, "Qk"], "v" => [0, "Qq"], "w" => [0, "Qv"], "x" => [0, "Qw"], "y" => [0, "Qx"], "z" => [0, "Qy"], "{" => [0, "Qz"], "|" => [82, "Q"], "}" => [87, "Q"], "~" => [130, "Q"], "" => [9, "Q"], "" => [94, "R0"], "" => [76, "R0"], "" => [104, "R0"], "" => [16, "R0"], "" => [94, "R1"], "" => [76, "R1"], "" => [104, "R1"], "" => [16, "R1"], "" => [94, "R2"], "" => [76, "R2"], "" => [104, "R2"], "" => [16, "R2"], "" => [94, "Ra"], "" => [76, "Ra"], "" => [104, "Ra"], "" => [16, "Ra"], "" => [94, "Rc"], "" => [76, "Rc"], "" => [104, "Rc"], "" => [16, "Rc"], "" => [94, "Re"], "" => [76, "Re"], "" => [104, "Re"], "" => [16, "Re"], "" => [94, "Ri"], "" => [76, "Ri"], "" => 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"Qc"], "\n" => [77, "Qe"], "\v" => [18, "Qe"], "\f" => [77, "Qi"], "\r" => [18, "Qi"], "\16" => [77, "Qo"], "\17" => [18, "Qo"], "\20" => [77, "Qs"], "\21" => [18, "Qs"], "\22" => [77, "Qt"], "\23" => [18, "Qt"], "\24" => [0, "Q "], "\25" => [0, "Q%"], "\26" => [0, "Q-"], "\27" => [0, "Q."], "\30" => [0, "Q/"], "\31" => [0, "Q3"], "\32" => [0, "Q4"], "\33" => [0, "Q5"], "\34" => [0, "Q6"], "\35" => [0, "Q7"], "\36" => [0, "Q8"], "\37" => [0, "Q9"], " " => [0, "Q="], "!" => [0, "QA"], "\"" => [0, "Q_"], "#" => [0, "Qb"], "\$" => [0, "Qd"], "%" => [0, "Qf"], "&" => [0, "Qg"], "'" => [0, "Qh"], "(" => [0, "Ql"], ")" => [0, "Qm"], "*" => [0, "Qn"], "+" => [0, "Qp"], "," => [0, "Qr"], "-" => [0, "Qu"], "." => [100, "Q"], "/" => [110, "Q"], [111, "Q"], [115, "Q"], [116, "Q"], [118, "Q"], [119, "Q"], [122, "Q"], [123, "Q"], [125, "Q"], [126, "Q"], [129, "Q"], ":" => [143, "Q"], ";" => [148, "Q"], "<" => [151, "Q"], "=" => [153, "Q"], ">" => [83, "Q"], "?" => [10, "Q"], "@" => [77, "R0"], "A" 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=> [125, "R"], "x" => [126, "R"], "y" => [129, "R"], "z" => [143, "R"], "{" => [148, "R"], "|" => [151, "R"], "}" => [153, "R"], "~" => [83, "R"], "" => [10, "R"], "" => [77, "S0"], "" => [18, "S0"], "" => [77, "S1"], "" => [18, "S1"], "" => [77, "S2"], "" => [18, "S2"], "" => [77, "Sa"], "" => [18, "Sa"], "" => [77, "Sc"], "" => [18, "Sc"], "" => [77, "Se"], "" => [18, "Se"], "" => [77, "Si"], "" => [18, "Si"], "" => [77, "So"], "" => [18, "So"], "" => [77, "Ss"], "" => [18, "Ss"], "" => [77, "St"], "" => [18, "St"], "" => [0, "S "], "" => [0, "S%"], "" => [0, "S-"], "" => [0, "S."], "" => [0, "S/"], "" => [0, "S3"], "" => [0, "S4"], "" => [0, "S5"], "" => [0, "S6"], "" => [0, "S7"], "" => [0, "S8"], "" => [0, "S9"], "" => [0, "S="], "" => [0, "SA"], "" => [0, "S_"], "" => [0, "Sb"], "" => [0, "Sd"], "" => [0, "Sf"], "" => [0, "Sg"], "" => [0, "Sh"], "" => [0, "Sl"], "" => [0, "Sm"], "" => [0, "Sn"], "" => [0, "Sp"], "" => [0, "Sr"], "" => [0, "Su"], "" => [100, "S"], "" => [110, "S"], "" => [111, "S"], "" => [115, "S"], "" => [116, "S"], "" => [118, "S"], "" => [119, "S"], "" => [122, "S"], "" => [123, "S"], "" => [125, "S"], "" => [126, "S"], "" => [129, "S"], "" => [143, "S"], "" => [148, "S"], "" => [151, "S"], "" => [153, "S"], "" => [83, "S"], "" => [10, "S"], "" => [77, "T0"], "" => [18, "T0"], "" => [77, "T1"], "" => [18, "T1"], "" => [77, "T2"], "" => [18, "T2"], "" => [77, "Ta"], "" => [18, "Ta"], "" => [77, "Tc"], "" => [18, "Tc"], "" => [77, "Te"], "" => [18, "Te"], "" => [77, "Ti"], "" => [18, "Ti"], "" => [77, "To"], "" => [18, "To"], "" => [77, "Ts"], "" => [18, "Ts"], "" => [77, "Tt"], "" => [18, "Tt"], "" => [0, "T "], "" => [0, "T%"], "" => [0, "T-"], "" => [0, "T."], "" => [0, "T/"], "" => [0, "T3"], "" => [0, "T4"], "" => [0, "T5"], "" => [0, "T6"], "" => [0, "T7"], "" => [0, "T8"], "" => [0, "T9"], "" => [0, "T="], "" => [0, "TA"], "" => [0, "T_"], "" => [0, "Tb"], "" => [0, "Td"], "" => [0, "Tf"], "" => [0, "Tg"], "" => [0, "Th"], "" => [0, "Tl"], "" => [0, "Tm"], "" => [0, "Tn"], "" => [0, "Tp"], "" => [0, "Tr"], "" => [0, "Tu"], "" => [100, "T"], "" => [110, "T"], "" => [111, "T"], "" => [115, "T"], "" => [116, "T"], "" => [118, "T"], "" => [119, "T"], "" => [122, "T"], "" => [123, "T"], "" => [125, "T"], "" => [126, "T"], "" => [129, "T"], "" => [143, "T"], "" => [148, "T"], "" => [151, "T"], "" => [153, "T"], "" => [83, "T"], "" => [10, "T"]], ["\0" => [94, "S0"], "\1" => [76, "S0"], "\2" => [104, "S0"], "\3" => [16, "S0"], "\4" => [94, "S1"], "\5" => [76, "S1"], "\6" => [104, "S1"], "\7" => [16, "S1"], "\10" => [94, "S2"], "\t" => [76, "S2"], "\n" => [104, "S2"], "\v" => [16, "S2"], "\f" => [94, "Sa"], "\r" => [76, "Sa"], "\16" => [104, "Sa"], "\17" => [16, "Sa"], "\20" => [94, "Sc"], "\21" => [76, "Sc"], "\22" => [104, "Sc"], "\23" => [16, "Sc"], "\24" => [94, "Se"], "\25" => [76, "Se"], "\26" => [104, "Se"], "\27" => [16, "Se"], "\30" => [94, "Si"], "\31" => [76, "Si"], "\32" => [104, "Si"], "\33" => [16, "Si"], "\34" => [94, "So"], "\35" => [76, "So"], "\36" => [104, "So"], "\37" => [16, "So"], " " => [94, "Ss"], "!" => [76, "Ss"], "\"" => [104, "Ss"], "#" => [16, "Ss"], "\$" => [94, "St"], "%" => [76, "St"], "&" => [104, "St"], "'" => [16, "St"], "(" => [77, "S "], ")" => [18, "S "], "*" => [77, "S%"], "+" => [18, "S%"], "," => [77, "S-"], "-" => [18, "S-"], "." => [77, "S."], "/" => [18, "S."], [77, "S/"], [18, "S/"], [77, "S3"], [18, "S3"], [77, "S4"], [18, "S4"], [77, "S5"], [18, "S5"], [77, "S6"], [18, "S6"], ":" => [77, "S7"], ";" => [18, "S7"], "<" => [77, "S8"], "=" => [18, "S8"], ">" => [77, "S9"], "?" => [18, "S9"], "@" => [77, "S="], "A" => [18, "S="], "B" => [77, "SA"], "C" => [18, "SA"], "D" => [77, "S_"], "E" => [18, "S_"], "F" => [77, "Sb"], "G" => [18, "Sb"], "H" => [77, "Sd"], "I" => [18, "Sd"], "J" => [77, "Sf"], "K" => [18, "Sf"], "L" => [77, "Sg"], "M" => [18, "Sg"], "N" => [77, "Sh"], "O" => [18, "Sh"], "P" => [77, "Sl"], "Q" => [18, "Sl"], "R" => [77, "Sm"], "S" => [18, "Sm"], "T" => [77, "Sn"], "U" => [18, "Sn"], "V" => [77, "Sp"], "W" => [18, "Sp"], "X" => [77, "Sr"], "Y" => [18, "Sr"], "Z" => [77, "Su"], "[" => [18, "Su"], "\\" => [0, "S:"], "]" => [0, "SB"], "^" => [0, "SC"], "_" => [0, "SD"], "`" => [0, "SE"], "a" => [0, "SF"], "b" => [0, "SG"], "c" => [0, "SH"], "d" => [0, "SI"], "e" => [0, "SJ"], "f" => [0, "SK"], "g" => [0, "SL"], "h" => [0, "SM"], "i" => [0, "SN"], "j" => [0, "SO"], "k" => [0, "SP"], "l" => [0, "SQ"], "m" => [0, "SR"], "n" => [0, "SS"], "o" => [0, "ST"], "p" => [0, "SU"], "q" => [0, "SV"], "r" => [0, "SW"], "s" => [0, "SY"], "t" => [0, "Sj"], "u" => [0, "Sk"], "v" => [0, "Sq"], "w" => [0, "Sv"], "x" => [0, "Sw"], "y" => [0, "Sx"], "z" => [0, "Sy"], "{" => [0, "Sz"], "|" => [82, "S"], "}" => [87, "S"], "~" => [130, "S"], "" => [9, "S"], "" => [94, "T0"], "" => [76, "T0"], "" => [104, "T0"], "" => [16, "T0"], "" => [94, "T1"], "" => [76, "T1"], "" => [104, "T1"], "" => [16, "T1"], "" => [94, "T2"], "" => [76, "T2"], "" => [104, "T2"], "" => [16, "T2"], "" => [94, "Ta"], "" => [76, "Ta"], "" => [104, "Ta"], "" => [16, "Ta"], "" => [94, "Tc"], "" => [76, "Tc"], "" => [104, "Tc"], "" => [16, "Tc"], "" => [94, "Te"], "" => [76, "Te"], "" => [104, "Te"], "" => [16, "Te"], "" => [94, "Ti"], "" => [76, "Ti"], "" => [104, "Ti"], "" => [16, "Ti"], "" => [94, "To"], "" => [76, "To"], "" => [104, "To"], "" => [16, "To"], "" => [94, "Ts"], "" => [76, "Ts"], "" => [104, "Ts"], "" => [16, "Ts"], "" => [94, "Tt"], "" => [76, "Tt"], "" => [104, "Tt"], "" => [16, "Tt"], "" => [77, "T "], "" => [18, "T "], "" => [77, "T%"], "" => [18, "T%"], "" => [77, "T-"], "" => [18, "T-"], "" => [77, "T."], "" => [18, "T."], "" => [77, "T/"], "" => [18, "T/"], "" => [77, "T3"], "" => [18, "T3"], "" => [77, "T4"], "" => [18, "T4"], "" => [77, "T5"], "" => [18, "T5"], "" => [77, "T6"], "" => [18, "T6"], "" => [77, "T7"], "" => [18, "T7"], "" => [77, "T8"], "" => [18, "T8"], "" => [77, "T9"], "" => [18, "T9"], "" => [77, "T="], "" => [18, "T="], "" => [77, "TA"], "" => [18, "TA"], "" => [77, "T_"], "" => [18, "T_"], "" => [77, "Tb"], "" => [18, "Tb"], "" => [77, "Td"], "" => [18, "Td"], "" => [77, "Tf"], "" => [18, "Tf"], "" => [77, "Tg"], "" => [18, "Tg"], "" => [77, "Th"], "" => [18, "Th"], "" => [77, "Tl"], "" => [18, "Tl"], "" => [77, "Tm"], "" => [18, "Tm"], "" => [77, "Tn"], "" => [18, "Tn"], "" => [77, "Tp"], "" => [18, "Tp"], "" => [77, "Tr"], "" => [18, "Tr"], "" => [77, "Tu"], "" => [18, "Tu"], "" => [0, "T:"], "" => [0, "TB"], "" => [0, "TC"], "" => [0, "TD"], "" => [0, "TE"], "" => [0, "TF"], "" => [0, "TG"], "" => [0, "TH"], "" => [0, "TI"], "" => [0, "TJ"], "" => [0, "TK"], "" => [0, "TL"], "" => [0, "TM"], "" => [0, "TN"], "" => [0, "TO"], "" => [0, "TP"], "" => [0, "TQ"], "" => [0, "TR"], "" => [0, "TS"], "" => [0, "TT"], "" => [0, "TU"], "" => [0, "TV"], "" => [0, "TW"], "" => [0, "TY"], "" => [0, "Tj"], "" => [0, "Tk"], "" => [0, "Tq"], "" => [0, "Tv"], "" => [0, "Tw"], "" => [0, "Tx"], "" => [0, "Ty"], "" => [0, "Tz"], "" => [82, "T"], "" => [87, "T"], "" => [130, "T"], "" => [9, "T"]], ["\0" => [94, "U0"], "\1" => [76, "U0"], "\2" => [104, "U0"], "\3" => [16, "U0"], "\4" => [94, "U1"], "\5" => [76, "U1"], "\6" => [104, "U1"], "\7" => [16, "U1"], "\10" => [94, "U2"], "\t" => [76, "U2"], "\n" => [104, "U2"], "\v" => [16, "U2"], "\f" => [94, "Ua"], "\r" => [76, "Ua"], "\16" => [104, "Ua"], "\17" => [16, "Ua"], "\20" => [94, "Uc"], "\21" => [76, "Uc"], "\22" => [104, "Uc"], "\23" => [16, "Uc"], "\24" => [94, "Ue"], "\25" => [76, "Ue"], "\26" => [104, "Ue"], "\27" => [16, "Ue"], "\30" => [94, "Ui"], "\31" => [76, "Ui"], "\32" => [104, "Ui"], "\33" => [16, "Ui"], "\34" => [94, "Uo"], "\35" => [76, "Uo"], "\36" => [104, "Uo"], "\37" => [16, "Uo"], " " => [94, "Us"], "!" => [76, "Us"], "\"" => [104, "Us"], "#" => [16, "Us"], "\$" => [94, "Ut"], "%" => [76, "Ut"], "&" => [104, "Ut"], "'" => [16, "Ut"], "(" => [77, "U "], ")" => [18, "U "], "*" => [77, "U%"], "+" => [18, "U%"], "," => 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"e" => [0, "UJ"], "f" => [0, "UK"], "g" => [0, "UL"], "h" => [0, "UM"], "i" => [0, "UN"], "j" => [0, "UO"], "k" => [0, "UP"], "l" => [0, "UQ"], "m" => [0, "UR"], "n" => [0, "US"], "o" => [0, "UT"], "p" => [0, "UU"], "q" => [0, "UV"], "r" => [0, "UW"], "s" => [0, "UY"], "t" => [0, "Uj"], "u" => [0, "Uk"], "v" => [0, "Uq"], "w" => [0, "Uv"], "x" => [0, "Uw"], "y" => [0, "Ux"], "z" => [0, "Uy"], "{" => [0, "Uz"], "|" => [82, "U"], "}" => [87, "U"], "~" => [130, "U"], "" => [9, "U"], "" => [94, "V0"], "" => [76, "V0"], "" => [104, "V0"], "" => [16, "V0"], "" => [94, "V1"], "" => [76, "V1"], "" => [104, "V1"], "" => [16, "V1"], "" => [94, "V2"], "" => [76, "V2"], "" => [104, "V2"], "" => [16, "V2"], "" => [94, "Va"], "" => [76, "Va"], "" => [104, "Va"], "" => [16, "Va"], "" => [94, "Vc"], "" => [76, "Vc"], "" => [104, "Vc"], "" => [16, "Vc"], "" => [94, "Ve"], "" => [76, "Ve"], "" => [104, "Ve"], "" => [16, "Ve"], "" => [94, "Vi"], "" => [76, "Vi"], "" => [104, "Vi"], "" => [16, "Vi"], "" => [94, "Vo"], "" => [76, "Vo"], "" => [104, "Vo"], "" => [16, "Vo"], "" => [94, "Vs"], "" => [76, "Vs"], "" => [104, "Vs"], "" => [16, "Vs"], "" => [94, "Vt"], "" => [76, "Vt"], "" => [104, "Vt"], "" => [16, "Vt"], "" => [77, "V "], "" => [18, "V "], "" => [77, "V%"], "" => [18, "V%"], "" => [77, "V-"], "" => [18, "V-"], "" => [77, "V."], "" => [18, "V."], "" => [77, "V/"], "" => [18, "V/"], "" => [77, "V3"], "" => [18, "V3"], "" => [77, "V4"], "" => [18, "V4"], "" => [77, "V5"], "" => [18, "V5"], "" => [77, "V6"], "" => [18, "V6"], "" => [77, "V7"], "" => [18, "V7"], "" => [77, "V8"], "" => [18, "V8"], "" => [77, "V9"], "" => [18, "V9"], "" => [77, "V="], "" => [18, "V="], "" => [77, "VA"], "" => [18, "VA"], "" => [77, "V_"], "" => [18, "V_"], "" => [77, "Vb"], "" => [18, "Vb"], "" => [77, "Vd"], "" => [18, "Vd"], "" => [77, "Vf"], "" => [18, "Vf"], "" => [77, "Vg"], "" => [18, "Vg"], "" => [77, "Vh"], "" => [18, "Vh"], "" => [77, "Vl"], "" => [18, "Vl"], "" => [77, "Vm"], "" => [18, "Vm"], "" => [77, "Vn"], "" => [18, "Vn"], "" => [77, "Vp"], "" => [18, "Vp"], "" => [77, "Vr"], "" => [18, "Vr"], "" => [77, "Vu"], "" => [18, "Vu"], "" => [0, "V:"], "" => [0, "VB"], "" => [0, "VC"], "" => [0, "VD"], "" => [0, "VE"], "" => [0, "VF"], "" => [0, "VG"], "" => [0, "VH"], "" => [0, "VI"], "" => [0, "VJ"], "" => [0, "VK"], "" => [0, "VL"], "" => [0, "VM"], "" => [0, "VN"], "" => [0, "VO"], "" => [0, "VP"], "" => [0, "VQ"], "" => [0, "VR"], "" => [0, "VS"], "" => [0, "VT"], "" => [0, "VU"], "" => [0, "VV"], "" => [0, "VW"], "" => [0, "VY"], "" => [0, "Vj"], "" => [0, "Vk"], "" => [0, "Vq"], "" => [0, "Vv"], "" => [0, "Vw"], "" => [0, "Vx"], "" => [0, "Vy"], "" => [0, "Vz"], "" => [82, "V"], "" => [87, "V"], "" => [130, "V"], "" => [9, "V"]], ["\0" => [77, "U0"], "\1" => [18, "U0"], "\2" => [77, "U1"], "\3" => [18, "U1"], "\4" => [77, "U2"], "\5" => [18, "U2"], "\6" => [77, "Ua"], "\7" => [18, "Ua"], "\10" => [77, "Uc"], "\t" => [18, "Uc"], "\n" => [77, "Ue"], "\v" => [18, "Ue"], "\f" => [77, "Ui"], "\r" => [18, "Ui"], "\16" => [77, "Uo"], "\17" => [18, "Uo"], "\20" => [77, "Us"], "\21" => [18, "Us"], "\22" => [77, "Ut"], "\23" => [18, "Ut"], "\24" => [0, "U "], "\25" => [0, "U%"], "\26" => [0, "U-"], "\27" => [0, "U."], "\30" => [0, "U/"], "\31" => [0, "U3"], "\32" => [0, "U4"], "\33" => [0, "U5"], "\34" => [0, "U6"], "\35" => [0, "U7"], "\36" => [0, "U8"], "\37" => [0, "U9"], " " => [0, "U="], "!" => [0, "UA"], "\"" => [0, "U_"], "#" => [0, "Ub"], "\$" => [0, "Ud"], "%" => [0, "Uf"], "&" => [0, "Ug"], "'" => [0, "Uh"], "(" => [0, "Ul"], ")" => [0, "Um"], "*" => [0, "Un"], "+" => [0, "Up"], "," => [0, "Ur"], "-" => [0, "Uu"], "." => [100, "U"], "/" => [110, "U"], [111, "U"], [115, "U"], [116, "U"], [118, "U"], [119, "U"], [122, "U"], [123, "U"], [125, "U"], [126, "U"], [129, "U"], ":" => [143, "U"], ";" => [148, "U"], "<" => [151, "U"], "=" => [153, "U"], ">" => [83, "U"], "?" => [10, "U"], "@" => [77, "V0"], "A" => [18, "V0"], "B" => [77, "V1"], "C" => [18, "V1"], "D" => [77, "V2"], "E" => [18, "V2"], "F" => [77, "Va"], "G" => [18, "Va"], "H" => [77, "Vc"], "I" => [18, "Vc"], "J" => [77, "Ve"], "K" => [18, "Ve"], "L" => [77, "Vi"], "M" => [18, "Vi"], "N" => [77, "Vo"], "O" => [18, "Vo"], "P" => [77, "Vs"], "Q" => [18, "Vs"], "R" => [77, "Vt"], "S" => [18, "Vt"], "T" => [0, "V "], "U" => [0, "V%"], "V" => [0, "V-"], "W" => [0, "V."], "X" => [0, "V/"], "Y" => [0, "V3"], "Z" => [0, "V4"], "[" => [0, "V5"], "\\" => [0, "V6"], "]" => [0, "V7"], "^" => [0, "V8"], "_" => [0, "V9"], "`" => [0, "V="], "a" => [0, "VA"], "b" => [0, "V_"], "c" => [0, "Vb"], "d" => [0, "Vd"], "e" => [0, "Vf"], "f" => [0, "Vg"], "g" => [0, "Vh"], "h" => [0, "Vl"], "i" => [0, "Vm"], "j" => [0, "Vn"], "k" => [0, "Vp"], "l" => [0, "Vr"], "m" => [0, "Vu"], "n" => [100, "V"], "o" => [110, "V"], "p" => [111, "V"], "q" => [115, "V"], "r" => [116, "V"], "s" => [118, "V"], "t" => [119, "V"], "u" => [122, "V"], "v" => [123, "V"], "w" => [125, "V"], "x" => [126, "V"], "y" => [129, "V"], "z" => [143, "V"], "{" => [148, "V"], "|" => [151, "V"], "}" => [153, "V"], "~" => [83, "V"], "" => [10, "V"], "" => [77, "W0"], "" => [18, "W0"], "" => [77, "W1"], "" => [18, "W1"], "" => [77, "W2"], "" => [18, "W2"], "" => [77, "Wa"], "" => [18, "Wa"], "" => [77, "Wc"], "" => [18, "Wc"], "" => [77, "We"], "" => [18, "We"], "" => [77, "Wi"], "" => [18, "Wi"], "" => [77, "Wo"], "" => [18, "Wo"], "" => [77, "Ws"], "" => [18, "Ws"], "" => [77, "Wt"], "" => [18, "Wt"], "" => [0, "W "], "" => [0, "W%"], "" => [0, "W-"], "" => [0, "W."], "" => [0, "W/"], "" => [0, "W3"], "" => [0, "W4"], "" => [0, "W5"], "" => [0, "W6"], "" => [0, "W7"], "" => [0, "W8"], "" => [0, "W9"], "" => [0, "W="], "" => [0, "WA"], "" => [0, "W_"], "" => [0, "Wb"], "" => [0, "Wd"], "" => [0, "Wf"], "" => [0, "Wg"], "" => [0, "Wh"], "" => [0, "Wl"], "" => [0, "Wm"], "" => [0, "Wn"], "" => [0, "Wp"], "" => [0, "Wr"], "" => [0, "Wu"], "" => [100, "W"], "" => [110, "W"], "" => [111, "W"], "" => [115, "W"], "" => [116, "W"], "" => [118, "W"], "" => [119, "W"], "" => [122, "W"], "" => [123, "W"], "" => [125, "W"], "" => [126, "W"], "" => [129, "W"], "" => [143, "W"], "" => [148, "W"], "" => [151, "W"], "" => [153, "W"], "" => [83, "W"], "" => [10, "W"], "" => [77, "Y0"], "" => [18, "Y0"], "" => [77, "Y1"], "" => [18, "Y1"], "" => [77, "Y2"], "" => [18, "Y2"], "" => [77, "Ya"], "" => [18, "Ya"], "" => [77, "Yc"], "" => [18, "Yc"], "" => [77, "Ye"], "" => [18, "Ye"], "" => [77, "Yi"], "" => [18, "Yi"], "" => [77, "Yo"], "" => [18, "Yo"], "" => [77, "Ys"], "" => [18, "Ys"], "" => [77, "Yt"], "" => [18, "Yt"], "" => [0, "Y "], "" => [0, "Y%"], "" => [0, "Y-"], "" => [0, "Y."], "" => [0, "Y/"], "" => [0, "Y3"], "" => [0, "Y4"], "" => [0, "Y5"], "" => [0, "Y6"], "" => [0, "Y7"], "" => [0, "Y8"], "" => [0, "Y9"], "" => [0, "Y="], "" => [0, "YA"], "" => [0, "Y_"], "" => [0, "Yb"], "" => [0, "Yd"], "" => [0, "Yf"], "" => [0, "Yg"], "" => [0, "Yh"], "" => [0, "Yl"], "" => [0, "Ym"], "" => [0, "Yn"], "" => [0, "Yp"], "" => [0, "Yr"], "" => [0, "Yu"], "" => [100, "Y"], "" => [110, "Y"], "" => [111, "Y"], "" => [115, "Y"], "" => [116, "Y"], "" => [118, "Y"], "" => [119, "Y"], "" => [122, "Y"], "" => [123, "Y"], "" => [125, "Y"], "" => [126, "Y"], "" => [129, "Y"], "" => [143, "Y"], "" => [148, "Y"], "" => [151, "Y"], "" => [153, "Y"], "" => [83, "Y"], "" => [10, "Y"]], ["\0" => [0, "U0"], "\1" => [0, "U1"], "\2" => [0, "U2"], "\3" => [0, "Ua"], "\4" => [0, "Uc"], "\5" => [0, "Ue"], "\6" => [0, "Ui"], "\7" => [0, "Uo"], "\10" => [0, "Us"], "\t" => [0, "Ut"], "\n" => [73, "U"], "\v" => [88, "U"], "\f" => [89, "U"], "\r" => [96, "U"], "\16" => [97, "U"], "\17" => [99, "U"], "\20" => [106, "U"], "\21" => [136, "U"], "\22" => [139, "U"], "\23" => [141, "U"], "\24" => [145, "U"], "\25" => [147, "U"], "\26" => [149, "U"], "\27" => [101, "U"], "\30" => [112, "U"], "\31" => [117, "U"], "\32" => [120, "U"], "\33" => [124, "U"], "\34" => [127, "U"], "\35" => [144, "U"], "\36" => [152, "U"], "\37" 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[106, "j"], "" => [136, "j"], "" => [139, "j"], "" => [141, "j"], "" => [145, "j"], "" => [147, "j"], "" => [149, "j"], "" => [101, "j"], "" => [112, "j"], "" => [117, "j"], "" => [120, "j"], "" => [124, "j"], "" => [127, "j"], "" => [144, "j"], "" => [152, "j"], "" => [11, "j"], "" => [0, "k0"], "" => [0, "k1"], "" => [0, "k2"], "" => [0, "ka"], "" => [0, "kc"], "" => [0, "ke"], "" => [0, "ki"], "" => [0, "ko"], "" => [0, "ks"], "" => [0, "kt"], "" => [73, "k"], "" => [88, "k"], "" => [89, "k"], "" => [96, "k"], "" => [97, "k"], "" => [99, "k"], "" => [106, "k"], "" => [136, "k"], "" => [139, "k"], "" => [141, "k"], "" => [145, "k"], "" => [147, "k"], "" => [149, "k"], "" => [101, "k"], "" => [112, "k"], "" => [117, "k"], "" => [120, "k"], "" => [124, "k"], "" => [127, "k"], "" => [144, "k"], "" => [152, "k"], "" => [11, "k"], "" => [0, "q0"], "" => [0, "q1"], "" => [0, "q2"], "" => [0, "qa"], "" => [0, "qc"], "" => [0, "qe"], "" => [0, "qi"], "" => [0, "qo"], "" => [0, "qs"], "" => [0, "qt"], "" => [73, "q"], "" => [88, "q"], "" => [89, "q"], "" => [96, "q"], "" => [97, "q"], "" => [99, "q"], "" => [106, "q"], "" => [136, "q"], "" => [139, "q"], "" => [141, "q"], "" => [145, "q"], "" => [147, "q"], "" => [149, "q"], "" => [101, "q"], "" => [112, "q"], "" => [117, "q"], "" => [120, "q"], "" => [124, "q"], "" => [127, "q"], "" => [144, "q"], "" => [152, "q"], "" => [11, "q"], "" => [0, "v0"], "" => [0, "v1"], "" => [0, "v2"], "" => [0, "va"], "" => [0, "vc"], "" => [0, "ve"], "" => [0, "vi"], "" => [0, "vo"], "" => [0, "vs"], "" => [0, "vt"], "" => [73, "v"], "" => [88, "v"], "" => [89, "v"], "" => [96, "v"], "" => [97, "v"], "" => [99, "v"], "" => [106, "v"], "" => [136, "v"], "" => [139, "v"], "" => [141, "v"], "" => [145, "v"], "" => [147, "v"], "" => [149, "v"], "" => [101, "v"], "" => [112, "v"], "" => [117, "v"], "" => [120, "v"], "" => [124, "v"], "" => [127, "v"], "" => [144, "v"], "" => [152, "v"], "" => [11, "v"]], ["\0" => [94, "W0"], "\1" => [76, "W0"], "\2" => [104, "W0"], "\3" => [16, "W0"], "\4" => [94, "W1"], "\5" => [76, "W1"], "\6" => [104, "W1"], "\7" => [16, "W1"], "\10" => [94, "W2"], "\t" => [76, "W2"], "\n" => [104, "W2"], "\v" => [16, "W2"], "\f" => [94, "Wa"], "\r" => [76, "Wa"], "\16" => [104, "Wa"], "\17" => [16, "Wa"], "\20" => [94, "Wc"], "\21" => [76, "Wc"], "\22" => [104, "Wc"], "\23" => [16, "Wc"], "\24" => [94, "We"], "\25" => [76, "We"], "\26" => [104, "We"], "\27" => [16, "We"], "\30" => [94, "Wi"], "\31" => [76, "Wi"], "\32" => [104, "Wi"], "\33" => [16, "Wi"], "\34" => [94, "Wo"], "\35" => [76, "Wo"], "\36" => [104, "Wo"], "\37" => [16, "Wo"], " " => [94, "Ws"], "!" => [76, "Ws"], "\"" => [104, "Ws"], "#" => [16, "Ws"], "\$" => [94, "Wt"], "%" => [76, "Wt"], "&" => [104, "Wt"], "'" => [16, "Wt"], "(" => [77, "W "], ")" => [18, "W "], "*" => [77, "W%"], "+" => [18, "W%"], "," => [77, "W-"], "-" => [18, "W-"], "." => [77, "W."], "/" => [18, "W."], [77, "W/"], [18, "W/"], [77, "W3"], [18, "W3"], [77, "W4"], [18, "W4"], [77, "W5"], [18, "W5"], [77, "W6"], [18, "W6"], ":" => [77, "W7"], ";" => [18, "W7"], "<" => [77, "W8"], "=" => [18, "W8"], ">" => [77, "W9"], "?" => [18, "W9"], "@" => [77, "W="], "A" => [18, "W="], "B" => [77, "WA"], "C" => [18, "WA"], "D" => [77, "W_"], "E" => [18, "W_"], "F" => [77, "Wb"], "G" => [18, "Wb"], "H" => [77, "Wd"], "I" => [18, "Wd"], "J" => [77, "Wf"], "K" => [18, "Wf"], "L" => [77, "Wg"], "M" => [18, "Wg"], "N" => [77, "Wh"], "O" => [18, "Wh"], "P" => [77, "Wl"], "Q" => [18, "Wl"], "R" => [77, "Wm"], "S" => [18, "Wm"], "T" => [77, "Wn"], "U" => [18, "Wn"], "V" => [77, "Wp"], "W" => [18, "Wp"], "X" => [77, "Wr"], "Y" => [18, "Wr"], "Z" => [77, "Wu"], "[" => [18, "Wu"], "\\" => [0, "W:"], "]" => [0, "WB"], "^" => [0, "WC"], "_" => [0, "WD"], "`" => [0, "WE"], "a" => [0, "WF"], "b" => [0, "WG"], "c" => [0, "WH"], "d" => [0, "WI"], "e" => [0, "WJ"], "f" => [0, "WK"], "g" => [0, "WL"], "h" => [0, "WM"], "i" => [0, "WN"], "j" => [0, "WO"], "k" => [0, "WP"], "l" => [0, "WQ"], "m" => [0, "WR"], "n" => [0, "WS"], "o" => [0, "WT"], "p" => [0, "WU"], "q" => [0, "WV"], "r" => [0, "WW"], "s" => [0, "WY"], "t" => [0, "Wj"], "u" => [0, "Wk"], "v" => [0, "Wq"], "w" => [0, "Wv"], "x" => [0, "Ww"], "y" => [0, "Wx"], "z" => [0, "Wy"], "{" => [0, "Wz"], "|" => [82, "W"], "}" => [87, "W"], "~" => [130, "W"], "" => [9, "W"], "" => [94, "Y0"], "" => [76, "Y0"], "" => [104, "Y0"], "" => [16, "Y0"], "" => [94, "Y1"], "" => [76, "Y1"], "" => [104, "Y1"], "" => [16, "Y1"], "" => [94, "Y2"], "" => [76, "Y2"], "" => [104, "Y2"], "" => [16, "Y2"], "" => [94, "Ya"], "" => [76, "Ya"], "" => [104, "Ya"], "" => [16, "Ya"], "" => [94, "Yc"], "" => [76, "Yc"], "" => [104, "Yc"], "" => [16, "Yc"], "" => [94, "Ye"], "" => [76, "Ye"], "" => [104, "Ye"], "" => [16, "Ye"], "" => [94, "Yi"], "" => [76, "Yi"], "" => [104, "Yi"], "" => [16, "Yi"], "" => [94, "Yo"], "" => [76, "Yo"], "" => [104, "Yo"], "" => [16, "Yo"], "" => [94, "Ys"], "" => [76, "Ys"], "" => [104, "Ys"], "" => [16, "Ys"], "" => [94, "Yt"], "" => [76, "Yt"], "" => [104, "Yt"], "" => [16, "Yt"], "" => [77, "Y "], "" => [18, "Y "], "" => [77, "Y%"], "" => [18, "Y%"], "" => [77, "Y-"], "" => [18, "Y-"], "" => [77, "Y."], "" => [18, "Y."], "" => [77, "Y/"], "" => [18, "Y/"], "" => [77, "Y3"], "" => [18, "Y3"], "" => [77, "Y4"], "" => [18, "Y4"], "" => [77, "Y5"], "" => [18, "Y5"], "" => [77, "Y6"], "" => [18, "Y6"], "" => [77, "Y7"], "" => [18, "Y7"], "" => [77, "Y8"], "" => [18, "Y8"], "" => [77, "Y9"], "" => [18, "Y9"], "" => [77, "Y="], "" => [18, "Y="], "" => [77, "YA"], "" => [18, "YA"], "" => [77, "Y_"], "" => [18, "Y_"], "" => [77, "Yb"], "" => [18, "Yb"], "" => [77, "Yd"], "" => [18, "Yd"], "" => [77, "Yf"], "" => [18, "Yf"], "" => [77, "Yg"], "" => [18, "Yg"], "" => [77, "Yh"], "" => [18, "Yh"], "" => [77, "Yl"], "" => [18, "Yl"], "" => [77, "Ym"], "" => [18, "Ym"], "" => [77, "Yn"], "" => [18, "Yn"], "" => [77, "Yp"], "" => [18, "Yp"], "" => [77, "Yr"], "" => [18, "Yr"], "" => [77, "Yu"], "" => [18, "Yu"], "" => [0, "Y:"], "" => [0, "YB"], "" => [0, "YC"], "" => [0, "YD"], "" => [0, "YE"], "" => [0, "YF"], "" => [0, "YG"], "" => [0, "YH"], "" => [0, "YI"], "" => [0, "YJ"], "" => [0, "YK"], "" => [0, "YL"], "" => [0, "YM"], "" => [0, "YN"], "" => [0, "YO"], "" => [0, "YP"], "" => [0, "YQ"], "" => [0, "YR"], "" => [0, "YS"], "" => [0, "YT"], "" => [0, "YU"], "" => [0, "YV"], "" => [0, "YW"], "" => [0, "YY"], "" => [0, "Yj"], "" => [0, "Yk"], "" => [0, "Yq"], "" => [0, "Yv"], "" => [0, "Yw"], "" => [0, "Yx"], "" => [0, "Yy"], "" => [0, "Yz"], "" => [82, "Y"], "" => [87, "Y"], "" => [130, "Y"], "" => [9, "Y"]], ["\0" => [94, "X0"], "\1" => [76, "X0"], "\2" => [104, "X0"], "\3" => [16, "X0"], "\4" => [94, "X1"], "\5" => [76, "X1"], "\6" => [104, "X1"], "\7" => [16, "X1"], "\10" => [94, "X2"], "\t" => [76, "X2"], "\n" => [104, "X2"], "\v" => [16, "X2"], "\f" => [94, "Xa"], "\r" => [76, "Xa"], "\16" => [104, "Xa"], "\17" => [16, "Xa"], "\20" => [94, "Xc"], "\21" => [76, "Xc"], "\22" => [104, "Xc"], "\23" => [16, "Xc"], "\24" => [94, "Xe"], "\25" => [76, "Xe"], "\26" => [104, "Xe"], "\27" => [16, "Xe"], "\30" => [94, "Xi"], "\31" => [76, "Xi"], "\32" => [104, "Xi"], "\33" => [16, "Xi"], "\34" => [94, "Xo"], "\35" => [76, "Xo"], "\36" => [104, "Xo"], "\37" => [16, "Xo"], " " => [94, "Xs"], "!" => [76, "Xs"], "\"" => [104, "Xs"], "#" => [16, "Xs"], "\$" => [94, "Xt"], "%" => [76, "Xt"], "&" => [104, "Xt"], "'" => [16, "Xt"], "(" => [77, "X "], ")" => [18, "X "], "*" => [77, "X%"], "+" => [18, "X%"], "," => [77, "X-"], "-" => [18, "X-"], "." => [77, "X."], "/" => [18, "X."], [77, "X/"], [18, "X/"], [77, "X3"], [18, "X3"], [77, "X4"], [18, "X4"], [77, "X5"], [18, "X5"], [77, "X6"], [18, "X6"], ":" => [77, "X7"], ";" => [18, "X7"], "<" => [77, "X8"], "=" => [18, "X8"], ">" => [77, "X9"], "?" => [18, "X9"], "@" => [77, "X="], "A" => [18, "X="], "B" => [77, "XA"], "C" => [18, "XA"], "D" => [77, "X_"], "E" => [18, "X_"], "F" => [77, "Xb"], "G" => [18, "Xb"], "H" => [77, "Xd"], "I" => [18, "Xd"], "J" => [77, "Xf"], "K" => [18, "Xf"], "L" => [77, "Xg"], "M" => [18, "Xg"], "N" => [77, "Xh"], "O" => [18, "Xh"], "P" => [77, "Xl"], "Q" => [18, "Xl"], "R" => [77, "Xm"], "S" => [18, "Xm"], "T" => [77, "Xn"], "U" => [18, "Xn"], "V" => [77, "Xp"], "W" => [18, "Xp"], "X" => [77, "Xr"], "Y" => [18, "Xr"], "Z" => [77, "Xu"], "[" => [18, "Xu"], "\\" => [0, "X:"], "]" => [0, "XB"], "^" => [0, "XC"], "_" => [0, "XD"], "`" => [0, "XE"], "a" => [0, "XF"], "b" => [0, "XG"], "c" => [0, "XH"], "d" => [0, "XI"], "e" => [0, "XJ"], "f" => [0, "XK"], "g" => [0, "XL"], "h" => [0, "XM"], "i" => [0, "XN"], "j" => [0, "XO"], "k" => [0, "XP"], "l" => [0, "XQ"], "m" => [0, "XR"], "n" => [0, "XS"], "o" => [0, "XT"], "p" => [0, "XU"], "q" => [0, "XV"], "r" => [0, "XW"], "s" => [0, "XY"], "t" => [0, "Xj"], "u" => [0, "Xk"], "v" => [0, "Xq"], "w" => [0, "Xv"], "x" => [0, "Xw"], "y" => [0, "Xx"], "z" => [0, "Xy"], "{" => [0, "Xz"], "|" => [82, "X"], "}" => [87, "X"], "~" => [130, "X"], "" => [9, "X"], "" => [94, "Z0"], "" => [76, "Z0"], "" => [104, "Z0"], "" => [16, "Z0"], "" => [94, "Z1"], "" => [76, "Z1"], "" => [104, "Z1"], "" => [16, "Z1"], "" => [94, "Z2"], "" => [76, "Z2"], "" => [104, "Z2"], "" => [16, "Z2"], "" => [94, "Za"], "" => [76, "Za"], "" => [104, "Za"], "" => [16, "Za"], "" => [94, "Zc"], "" => [76, "Zc"], "" => [104, "Zc"], "" => [16, "Zc"], "" => [94, "Ze"], "" => [76, "Ze"], "" => [104, "Ze"], "" => [16, "Ze"], "" => [94, "Zi"], "" => [76, "Zi"], "" => [104, "Zi"], "" => [16, "Zi"], "" => [94, "Zo"], "" => [76, "Zo"], "" => [104, "Zo"], "" => [16, "Zo"], "" => [94, "Zs"], "" => [76, "Zs"], "" => [104, "Zs"], "" => [16, "Zs"], "" => [94, "Zt"], "" => [76, "Zt"], "" => [104, "Zt"], "" => [16, "Zt"], "" => [77, "Z "], "" => [18, "Z "], "" => [77, "Z%"], "" => [18, "Z%"], "" => [77, "Z-"], "" => [18, "Z-"], "" => [77, "Z."], "" => [18, "Z."], "" => [77, "Z/"], "" => [18, "Z/"], "" => [77, "Z3"], "" => [18, "Z3"], "" => [77, "Z4"], "" => [18, "Z4"], "" => [77, "Z5"], "" => [18, "Z5"], "" => [77, "Z6"], "" => [18, "Z6"], "" => [77, "Z7"], "" => [18, "Z7"], "" => [77, "Z8"], "" => [18, "Z8"], "" => [77, "Z9"], "" => [18, "Z9"], "" => [77, "Z="], "" => [18, "Z="], "" => [77, "ZA"], "" => [18, "ZA"], "" => [77, "Z_"], "" => [18, "Z_"], "" => [77, "Zb"], "" => [18, "Zb"], "" => [77, "Zd"], "" => [18, "Zd"], "" => [77, "Zf"], "" => [18, "Zf"], "" => [77, "Zg"], "" => [18, "Zg"], "" => [77, "Zh"], "" => [18, "Zh"], "" => [77, "Zl"], "" => [18, "Zl"], "" => [77, "Zm"], "" => [18, "Zm"], "" => [77, "Zn"], "" => [18, "Zn"], "" => [77, "Zp"], "" => [18, "Zp"], "" => [77, "Zr"], "" => [18, "Zr"], "" => [77, "Zu"], "" => [18, "Zu"], "" => [0, "Z:"], "" => [0, "ZB"], "" => [0, "ZC"], "" => [0, "ZD"], "" => [0, "ZE"], "" => [0, "ZF"], "" => [0, "ZG"], "" => [0, "ZH"], "" => [0, "ZI"], "" => [0, "ZJ"], "" => [0, "ZK"], "" => [0, "ZL"], "" => [0, "ZM"], "" => [0, "ZN"], "" => [0, "ZO"], "" => [0, "ZP"], "" => [0, "ZQ"], "" => [0, "ZR"], "" => [0, "ZS"], "" => [0, "ZT"], "" => [0, "ZU"], "" => [0, "ZV"], "" => [0, "ZW"], "" => [0, "ZY"], "" => [0, "Zj"], "" => [0, "Zk"], "" => [0, "Zq"], "" => [0, "Zv"], "" => [0, "Zw"], "" => [0, "Zx"], "" => [0, "Zy"], "" => [0, "Zz"], "" => [82, "Z"], "" => [87, "Z"], "" => [130, "Z"], "" => [9, "Z"]], ["\0" => [0, "\\0"], "\1" => [0, "\\1"], "\2" => [0, "\\2"], "\3" => [0, "\\a"], "\4" => [0, "\\c"], "\5" => [0, "\\e"], "\6" => [0, "\\i"], "\7" => [0, "\\o"], "\10" => [0, "\\s"], "\t" => [0, "\\t"], "\n" => [73, "\\"], "\v" => [88, "\\"], "\f" => [89, "\\"], "\r" => [96, "\\"], "\16" => [97, "\\"], "\17" => [99, "\\"], "\20" => [106, "\\"], "\21" => [136, "\\"], "\22" => [139, "\\"], "\23" => [141, "\\"], "\24" => [145, "\\"], "\25" => [147, "\\"], "\26" => [149, "\\"], "\27" => [101, "\\"], "\30" => [112, "\\"], "\31" => [117, "\\"], "\32" => [120, "\\"], "\33" => [124, "\\"], "\34" => [127, "\\"], "\35" => [144, "\\"], "\36" => [152, "\\"], "\37" => [11, "\\"], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "\\0"], "\1" => [76, "\\0"], "\2" => [104, "\\0"], "\3" => [16, "\\0"], "\4" => [94, "\\1"], "\5" => [76, "\\1"], "\6" => [104, "\\1"], "\7" => [16, "\\1"], "\10" => [94, "\\2"], "\t" => [76, "\\2"], "\n" => [104, "\\2"], "\v" => [16, "\\2"], "\f" => [94, "\\a"], "\r" => [76, "\\a"], "\16" => [104, "\\a"], "\17" => [16, "\\a"], "\20" => [94, "\\c"], "\21" => [76, "\\c"], "\22" => [104, "\\c"], "\23" => [16, "\\c"], "\24" => [94, "\\e"], "\25" => [76, "\\e"], "\26" => [104, "\\e"], "\27" => [16, "\\e"], "\30" => [94, "\\i"], "\31" => [76, "\\i"], "\32" => [104, "\\i"], "\33" => [16, "\\i"], "\34" => [94, "\\o"], "\35" => [76, "\\o"], "\36" => [104, "\\o"], "\37" => [16, "\\o"], " " => [94, "\\s"], "!" => [76, "\\s"], "\"" => [104, "\\s"], "#" => [16, "\\s"], "\$" => [94, "\\t"], "%" => [76, "\\t"], "&" => [104, "\\t"], "'" => [16, "\\t"], "(" => [77, "\\ "], ")" => [18, "\\ "], "*" => [77, "\\%"], "+" => [18, "\\%"], "," => [77, "\\-"], "-" => [18, "\\-"], "." => [77, "\\."], "/" => [18, "\\."], [77, "\\/"], [18, "\\/"], [77, "\\3"], [18, "\\3"], [77, "\\4"], [18, "\\4"], [77, "\\5"], [18, "\\5"], [77, "\\6"], [18, "\\6"], ":" => [77, "\\7"], ";" => [18, "\\7"], "<" => [77, "\\8"], "=" => [18, "\\8"], ">" => [77, "\\9"], "?" => [18, "\\9"], "@" => [77, "\\="], "A" => [18, "\\="], "B" => [77, "\\A"], "C" => [18, "\\A"], "D" => [77, "\\_"], "E" => [18, "\\_"], "F" => [77, "\\b"], "G" => [18, "\\b"], "H" => [77, "\\d"], "I" => [18, "\\d"], "J" => [77, "\\f"], "K" => [18, "\\f"], "L" => [77, "\\g"], "M" => [18, "\\g"], "N" => [77, "\\h"], "O" => [18, "\\h"], "P" => [77, "\\l"], "Q" => [18, "\\l"], "R" => [77, "\\m"], "S" => [18, "\\m"], "T" => [77, "\\n"], "U" => [18, "\\n"], "V" => [77, "\\p"], "W" => [18, "\\p"], "X" => [77, "\\r"], "Y" => [18, "\\r"], "Z" => [77, "\\u"], "[" => [18, "\\u"], "\\" => [0, "\\:"], "]" => [0, "\\B"], "^" => [0, "\\C"], "_" => [0, "\\D"], "`" => [0, "\\E"], "a" => [0, "\\F"], "b" => [0, "\\G"], "c" => [0, "\\H"], "d" => [0, "\\I"], "e" => [0, "\\J"], "f" => [0, "\\K"], "g" => [0, "\\L"], "h" => [0, "\\M"], "i" => [0, "\\N"], "j" => [0, "\\O"], "k" => [0, "\\P"], "l" => [0, "\\Q"], "m" => [0, "\\R"], "n" => [0, "\\S"], "o" => [0, "\\T"], "p" => [0, "\\U"], "q" => [0, "\\V"], "r" => [0, "\\W"], "s" => [0, "\\Y"], "t" => [0, "\\j"], "u" => [0, "\\k"], "v" => [0, "\\q"], "w" => [0, "\\v"], "x" => [0, "\\w"], "y" => [0, "\\x"], "z" => [0, "\\y"], "{" => [0, "\\z"], "|" => [82, "\\"], "}" => [87, "\\"], "~" => [130, "\\"], "" => [9, "\\"], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "\\0"], "\1" => [18, "\\0"], "\2" => [77, "\\1"], "\3" => [18, "\\1"], "\4" => [77, "\\2"], "\5" => [18, "\\2"], "\6" => [77, "\\a"], "\7" => [18, "\\a"], "\10" => [77, "\\c"], "\t" => [18, "\\c"], "\n" => [77, "\\e"], "\v" => [18, "\\e"], "\f" => [77, "\\i"], "\r" => [18, "\\i"], "\16" => [77, "\\o"], "\17" => [18, "\\o"], "\20" => [77, "\\s"], "\21" => [18, "\\s"], "\22" => [77, "\\t"], "\23" => [18, "\\t"], "\24" => [0, "\\ "], "\25" => [0, "\\%"], "\26" => [0, "\\-"], "\27" => [0, "\\."], "\30" => [0, "\\/"], "\31" => [0, "\\3"], "\32" => [0, "\\4"], "\33" => [0, "\\5"], "\34" => [0, "\\6"], "\35" => [0, "\\7"], "\36" => [0, "\\8"], "\37" => [0, "\\9"], " " => [0, "\\="], "!" => [0, "\\A"], "\"" => [0, "\\_"], "#" => [0, "\\b"], "\$" => [0, "\\d"], "%" => [0, "\\f"], "&" => [0, "\\g"], "'" => [0, "\\h"], "(" => [0, "\\l"], ")" => [0, "\\m"], "*" => [0, "\\n"], "+" => [0, "\\p"], "," => [0, "\\r"], "-" => [0, "\\u"], "." => [100, "\\"], "/" => [110, "\\"], [111, "\\"], [115, "\\"], [116, "\\"], [118, "\\"], [119, "\\"], [122, "\\"], [123, "\\"], [125, "\\"], [126, "\\"], [129, "\\"], ":" => [143, "\\"], ";" => [148, "\\"], "<" => [151, "\\"], "=" => [153, "\\"], ">" => [83, "\\"], "?" => [10, "\\"], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "]0"], "\1" => [76, "]0"], "\2" => [104, "]0"], "\3" => [16, "]0"], "\4" => [94, "]1"], "\5" => [76, "]1"], "\6" => [104, "]1"], "\7" => [16, "]1"], "\10" => [94, "]2"], "\t" => [76, "]2"], "\n" => [104, "]2"], "\v" => [16, "]2"], "\f" => [94, "]a"], "\r" => [76, "]a"], "\16" => [104, "]a"], "\17" => [16, "]a"], "\20" => [94, "]c"], "\21" => [76, "]c"], "\22" => [104, "]c"], "\23" => [16, "]c"], "\24" => [94, "]e"], "\25" => [76, "]e"], "\26" => [104, "]e"], "\27" => [16, "]e"], "\30" => [94, "]i"], "\31" => [76, "]i"], "\32" => [104, "]i"], "\33" => [16, "]i"], "\34" => [94, "]o"], "\35" => [76, "]o"], "\36" => [104, "]o"], "\37" => [16, "]o"], " " => [94, "]s"], "!" => [76, "]s"], "\"" => [104, "]s"], "#" => [16, "]s"], "\$" => [94, "]t"], "%" => [76, "]t"], "&" => [104, "]t"], "'" => [16, "]t"], "(" => [77, "] "], ")" => [18, "] "], "*" => [77, "]%"], "+" => [18, "]%"], "," => [77, "]-"], "-" => [18, "]-"], "." => [77, "]."], "/" => [18, "]."], [77, "]/"], [18, "]/"], [77, "]3"], [18, "]3"], [77, "]4"], [18, "]4"], [77, "]5"], [18, "]5"], [77, "]6"], [18, "]6"], ":" => [77, "]7"], ";" => [18, 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"\26" => [104, "^e"], "\27" => [16, "^e"], "\30" => [94, "^i"], "\31" => [76, "^i"], "\32" => [104, "^i"], "\33" => [16, "^i"], "\34" => [94, "^o"], "\35" => [76, "^o"], "\36" => [104, "^o"], "\37" => [16, "^o"], " " => [94, "^s"], "!" => [76, "^s"], "\"" => [104, "^s"], "#" => [16, "^s"], "\$" => [94, "^t"], "%" => [76, "^t"], "&" => [104, "^t"], "'" => [16, "^t"], "(" => [77, "^ "], ")" => [18, "^ "], "*" => [77, "^%"], "+" => [18, "^%"], "," => [77, "^-"], "-" => [18, "^-"], "." => [77, "^."], "/" => [18, "^."], [77, "^/"], [18, "^/"], [77, "^3"], [18, "^3"], [77, "^4"], [18, "^4"], [77, "^5"], [18, "^5"], [77, "^6"], [18, "^6"], ":" => [77, "^7"], ";" => [18, "^7"], "<" => [77, "^8"], "=" => [18, "^8"], ">" => [77, "^9"], "?" => [18, "^9"], "@" => [77, "^="], "A" => [18, "^="], "B" => [77, "^A"], "C" => [18, "^A"], "D" => [77, "^_"], "E" => [18, "^_"], "F" => [77, "^b"], "G" => [18, "^b"], "H" => [77, "^d"], "I" => [18, "^d"], "J" => [77, "^f"], "K" => [18, "^f"], "L" => [77, 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"^" => [0, "_C"], "_" => [0, "_D"], "`" => [0, "_E"], "a" => [0, "_F"], "b" => [0, "_G"], "c" => [0, "_H"], "d" => [0, "_I"], "e" => [0, "_J"], "f" => [0, "_K"], "g" => [0, "_L"], "h" => [0, "_M"], "i" => [0, "_N"], "j" => [0, "_O"], "k" => [0, "_P"], "l" => [0, "_Q"], "m" => [0, "_R"], "n" => [0, "_S"], "o" => [0, "_T"], "p" => [0, "_U"], "q" => [0, "_V"], "r" => [0, "_W"], "s" => [0, "_Y"], "t" => [0, "_j"], "u" => [0, "_k"], "v" => [0, "_q"], "w" => [0, "_v"], "x" => [0, "_w"], "y" => [0, "_x"], "z" => [0, "_y"], "{" => [0, "_z"], "|" => [82, "_"], "}" => [87, "_"], "~" => [130, "_"], "" => [9, "_"], "" => [94, "b0"], "" => [76, "b0"], "" => [104, "b0"], "" => [16, "b0"], "" => [94, "b1"], "" => [76, "b1"], "" => [104, "b1"], "" => [16, "b1"], "" => [94, "b2"], "" => [76, "b2"], "" => [104, "b2"], "" => [16, "b2"], "" => [94, "ba"], "" => [76, "ba"], "" => [104, "ba"], "" => [16, "ba"], "" => [94, "bc"], "" => [76, "bc"], "" => [104, "bc"], "" => [16, "bc"], "" => [94, "be"], "" => [76, "be"], "" => [104, "be"], "" => [16, "be"], "" => [94, "bi"], "" => [76, "bi"], "" => [104, "bi"], "" => [16, "bi"], "" => [94, "bo"], "" => [76, "bo"], "" => [104, "bo"], "" => [16, "bo"], "" => [94, "bs"], "" => [76, "bs"], "" => [104, "bs"], "" => [16, "bs"], "" => [94, "bt"], "" => [76, "bt"], "" => [104, "bt"], "" => [16, "bt"], "" => [77, "b "], "" => [18, "b "], "" => [77, "b%"], "" => [18, "b%"], "" => [77, "b-"], "" => [18, "b-"], "" => [77, "b."], "" => [18, "b."], "" => [77, "b/"], "" => [18, "b/"], "" => [77, "b3"], "" => [18, "b3"], "" => [77, "b4"], "" => [18, "b4"], "" => [77, "b5"], "" => [18, "b5"], "" => [77, "b6"], "" => [18, "b6"], "" => [77, "b7"], "" => [18, "b7"], "" => [77, "b8"], "" => [18, "b8"], "" => [77, "b9"], "" => [18, "b9"], "" => [77, "b="], "" => [18, "b="], "" => [77, "bA"], "" => [18, "bA"], "" => [77, "b_"], "" => [18, "b_"], "" => [77, "bb"], "" => [18, "bb"], "" => [77, "bd"], "" => [18, "bd"], "" => [77, "bf"], "" => [18, "bf"], "" => [77, "bg"], "" => [18, "bg"], "" => [77, "bh"], "" => [18, "bh"], "" => [77, "bl"], "" => [18, "bl"], "" => [77, "bm"], "" => [18, "bm"], "" => [77, "bn"], "" => [18, "bn"], "" => [77, "bp"], "" => [18, "bp"], "" => [77, "br"], "" => [18, "br"], "" => [77, "bu"], "" => [18, "bu"], "" => [0, "b:"], "" => [0, "bB"], "" => [0, "bC"], "" => [0, "bD"], "" => [0, "bE"], "" => [0, "bF"], "" => [0, "bG"], "" => [0, "bH"], "" => [0, "bI"], "" => [0, "bJ"], "" => [0, "bK"], "" => [0, "bL"], "" => [0, "bM"], "" => [0, "bN"], "" => [0, "bO"], "" => [0, "bP"], "" => [0, "bQ"], "" => [0, "bR"], "" => [0, "bS"], "" => [0, "bT"], "" => [0, "bU"], "" => [0, "bV"], "" => [0, "bW"], "" => [0, "bY"], "" => [0, "bj"], "" => [0, "bk"], "" => [0, "bq"], "" => [0, "bv"], "" => [0, "bw"], "" => [0, "bx"], "" => [0, "by"], "" => [0, "bz"], "" => [82, "b"], "" => [87, "b"], "" => [130, "b"], "" => [9, "b"]], ["\0" => [94, "c0"], "\1" => [76, "c0"], "\2" => [104, "c0"], "\3" => [16, "c0"], "\4" => [94, "c1"], "\5" => [76, "c1"], "\6" => [104, "c1"], "\7" => [16, "c1"], "\10" => [94, "c2"], "\t" => [76, "c2"], "\n" => [104, "c2"], "\v" => [16, "c2"], "\f" => [94, "ca"], "\r" => [76, "ca"], "\16" => [104, "ca"], "\17" => [16, "ca"], "\20" => [94, "cc"], "\21" => [76, "cc"], "\22" => [104, "cc"], "\23" => [16, "cc"], "\24" => [94, "ce"], "\25" => [76, "ce"], "\26" => [104, "ce"], "\27" => [16, "ce"], "\30" => [94, "ci"], "\31" => [76, "ci"], "\32" => [104, "ci"], "\33" => [16, "ci"], "\34" => [94, "co"], "\35" => [76, "co"], "\36" => [104, "co"], "\37" => [16, "co"], " " => [94, "cs"], "!" => [76, "cs"], "\"" => [104, "cs"], "#" => [16, "cs"], "\$" => [94, "ct"], "%" => [76, "ct"], "&" => [104, "ct"], "'" => [16, "ct"], "(" => [77, "c "], ")" => [18, "c "], "*" => [77, "c%"], "+" => [18, "c%"], "," => [77, "c-"], "-" => [18, "c-"], "." => [77, "c."], "/" => [18, "c."], [77, "c/"], [18, "c/"], [77, "c3"], [18, "c3"], [77, "c4"], [18, "c4"], [77, "c5"], [18, "c5"], [77, "c6"], [18, "c6"], ":" => [77, "c7"], ";" => [18, "c7"], "<" => [77, "c8"], "=" => [18, "c8"], ">" => [77, "c9"], "?" => [18, "c9"], "@" => [77, "c="], "A" => [18, "c="], "B" => [77, "cA"], "C" => [18, "cA"], "D" => [77, "c_"], "E" => [18, "c_"], "F" => [77, "cb"], "G" => [18, "cb"], "H" => [77, "cd"], "I" => [18, "cd"], "J" => [77, "cf"], "K" => [18, "cf"], "L" => [77, "cg"], "M" => [18, "cg"], "N" => [77, "ch"], "O" => [18, "ch"], "P" => [77, "cl"], "Q" => [18, "cl"], "R" => [77, "cm"], "S" => [18, "cm"], "T" => [77, "cn"], "U" => [18, "cn"], "V" => [77, "cp"], "W" => [18, "cp"], "X" => [77, "cr"], "Y" => [18, "cr"], "Z" => [77, "cu"], "[" => [18, "cu"], "\\" => [0, "c:"], "]" => [0, "cB"], "^" => [0, "cC"], "_" => [0, "cD"], "`" => [0, "cE"], "a" => [0, "cF"], "b" => [0, "cG"], "c" => [0, "cH"], "d" => [0, "cI"], "e" => [0, "cJ"], "f" => [0, "cK"], "g" => [0, "cL"], "h" => [0, "cM"], "i" => [0, "cN"], "j" => [0, "cO"], "k" => [0, "cP"], "l" => [0, "cQ"], "m" => [0, "cR"], "n" => [0, "cS"], "o" => [0, "cT"], "p" => [0, "cU"], "q" => [0, "cV"], "r" => [0, "cW"], "s" => [0, "cY"], "t" => [0, "cj"], "u" => [0, "ck"], "v" => [0, "cq"], "w" => [0, "cv"], "x" => [0, "cw"], "y" => [0, "cx"], "z" => [0, "cy"], "{" => [0, "cz"], "|" => [82, "c"], "}" => [87, "c"], "~" => [130, "c"], "" => [9, "c"], "" => [94, "e0"], "" => [76, "e0"], "" => [104, "e0"], "" => [16, "e0"], "" => [94, "e1"], "" => [76, "e1"], "" => [104, "e1"], "" => [16, "e1"], "" => [94, "e2"], "" => [76, "e2"], "" => [104, "e2"], "" => [16, "e2"], "" => [94, "ea"], "" => [76, "ea"], "" => [104, "ea"], "" => [16, "ea"], "" => [94, "ec"], "" => [76, "ec"], "" => [104, "ec"], "" => [16, "ec"], "" => [94, "ee"], "" => [76, "ee"], "" => [104, "ee"], "" => [16, "ee"], "" => [94, "ei"], "" => [76, "ei"], "" => [104, "ei"], "" => [16, "ei"], "" => [94, "eo"], "" => [76, "eo"], "" => [104, "eo"], "" => [16, "eo"], "" => [94, "es"], "" => [76, "es"], "" => [104, "es"], "" => [16, "es"], "" => [94, "et"], "" => [76, "et"], "" => [104, "et"], "" => [16, "et"], "" => [77, "e "], "" => [18, "e "], "" => [77, "e%"], "" => [18, "e%"], "" => [77, "e-"], "" => [18, "e-"], "" => [77, "e."], "" => [18, "e."], "" => [77, "e/"], "" => [18, "e/"], "" => [77, "e3"], "" => [18, "e3"], "" => [77, "e4"], "" => [18, "e4"], "" => [77, "e5"], "" => [18, "e5"], "" => [77, "e6"], "" => [18, "e6"], "" => [77, "e7"], "" => [18, "e7"], "" => [77, "e8"], "" => [18, "e8"], "" => [77, "e9"], "" => [18, "e9"], "" => [77, "e="], "" => [18, "e="], "" => [77, "eA"], "" => [18, "eA"], "" => [77, "e_"], "" => [18, "e_"], "" => [77, "eb"], "" => [18, "eb"], "" => [77, "ed"], "" => [18, "ed"], "" => [77, "ef"], "" => [18, "ef"], "" => [77, "eg"], "" => [18, "eg"], "" => [77, "eh"], "" => [18, "eh"], "" => [77, "el"], "" => [18, "el"], "" => [77, "em"], "" => [18, "em"], "" => [77, "en"], "" => [18, "en"], "" => [77, "ep"], "" => [18, "ep"], "" => [77, "er"], "" => [18, "er"], "" => [77, "eu"], "" => [18, "eu"], "" => [0, "e:"], "" => [0, "eB"], "" => [0, "eC"], "" => [0, "eD"], "" => [0, "eE"], "" => [0, "eF"], "" => [0, "eG"], "" => [0, "eH"], "" => [0, "eI"], "" => [0, "eJ"], "" => [0, "eK"], "" => [0, "eL"], "" => [0, "eM"], "" => [0, "eN"], "" => [0, "eO"], "" => [0, "eP"], "" => [0, "eQ"], "" => [0, "eR"], "" => [0, "eS"], "" => [0, "eT"], "" => [0, "eU"], "" => [0, "eV"], "" => [0, "eW"], "" => [0, "eY"], "" => [0, "ej"], "" => [0, "ek"], "" => [0, "eq"], "" => [0, "ev"], "" => [0, "ew"], "" => [0, "ex"], "" => [0, "ey"], "" => [0, "ez"], "" => [82, "e"], "" => [87, "e"], "" => [130, "e"], "" => [9, "e"]], ["\0" => [77, "c0"], "\1" => [18, "c0"], "\2" => [77, "c1"], "\3" => [18, "c1"], "\4" => [77, "c2"], "\5" => [18, "c2"], "\6" => [77, "ca"], "\7" => [18, "ca"], "\10" => [77, "cc"], "\t" => [18, "cc"], "\n" => [77, "ce"], "\v" => [18, "ce"], "\f" => [77, "ci"], "\r" => [18, "ci"], "\16" => [77, "co"], "\17" => [18, "co"], "\20" => [77, "cs"], "\21" => [18, "cs"], "\22" => [77, "ct"], "\23" => [18, "ct"], "\24" => [0, "c "], "\25" => [0, "c%"], "\26" => [0, "c-"], "\27" => [0, "c."], "\30" => [0, "c/"], "\31" => [0, "c3"], "\32" => [0, "c4"], "\33" => [0, "c5"], "\34" => [0, "c6"], "\35" => [0, "c7"], "\36" => [0, "c8"], "\37" => [0, "c9"], " " => [0, "c="], "!" => [0, "cA"], "\"" => [0, "c_"], "#" => [0, "cb"], "\$" => [0, "cd"], "%" => [0, "cf"], "&" => [0, "cg"], "'" => [0, "ch"], "(" => [0, "cl"], ")" => [0, "cm"], "*" => [0, "cn"], "+" => [0, "cp"], "," => [0, "cr"], "-" => [0, "cu"], "." => [100, "c"], "/" => [110, "c"], [111, "c"], [115, "c"], [116, "c"], [118, "c"], [119, "c"], [122, "c"], [123, "c"], [125, "c"], [126, "c"], [129, "c"], ":" => [143, "c"], ";" => [148, "c"], "<" => [151, "c"], "=" => [153, "c"], ">" => [83, "c"], "?" => [10, "c"], "@" => [77, "e0"], "A" => [18, "e0"], "B" => [77, "e1"], "C" => [18, "e1"], "D" => [77, "e2"], "E" => [18, "e2"], "F" => [77, "ea"], "G" => [18, "ea"], "H" => [77, "ec"], "I" => [18, "ec"], "J" => [77, "ee"], "K" => [18, "ee"], "L" => [77, "ei"], "M" => [18, "ei"], "N" => [77, "eo"], "O" => [18, "eo"], "P" => [77, "es"], "Q" => [18, "es"], "R" => [77, "et"], "S" => [18, "et"], "T" => [0, "e "], "U" => [0, "e%"], "V" => [0, "e-"], "W" => [0, "e."], "X" => [0, "e/"], "Y" => [0, "e3"], "Z" => [0, "e4"], "[" => [0, "e5"], "\\" => [0, "e6"], "]" => [0, "e7"], "^" => [0, "e8"], "_" => [0, "e9"], "`" => [0, "e="], "a" => [0, "eA"], "b" => [0, "e_"], "c" => [0, "eb"], "d" => [0, "ed"], "e" => [0, "ef"], "f" => [0, "eg"], "g" => [0, "eh"], "h" => [0, "el"], "i" => [0, "em"], "j" => [0, "en"], "k" => [0, "ep"], "l" => [0, "er"], "m" => [0, "eu"], "n" => [100, "e"], "o" => [110, "e"], "p" => [111, "e"], "q" => [115, "e"], "r" => [116, "e"], "s" => [118, "e"], "t" => [119, "e"], "u" => [122, "e"], "v" => [123, "e"], "w" => [125, "e"], "x" => [126, "e"], "y" => [129, "e"], "z" => [143, "e"], "{" => [148, "e"], "|" => [151, "e"], "}" => [153, "e"], "~" => [83, "e"], "" => [10, "e"], "" => [77, "i0"], "" => [18, "i0"], "" => [77, "i1"], "" => [18, "i1"], "" => [77, "i2"], "" => [18, "i2"], "" => [77, "ia"], "" => [18, "ia"], "" => [77, "ic"], "" => [18, "ic"], "" => [77, "ie"], "" => [18, "ie"], "" => [77, "ii"], "" => [18, "ii"], "" => [77, "io"], "" => [18, "io"], "" => [77, "is"], "" => [18, "is"], "" => [77, "it"], "" => [18, "it"], "" => [0, "i "], "" => [0, "i%"], "" => [0, "i-"], "" => [0, "i."], "" => [0, "i/"], "" => [0, "i3"], "" => [0, "i4"], "" => [0, "i5"], "" => [0, "i6"], "" => [0, "i7"], "" => [0, "i8"], "" => [0, "i9"], "" => [0, "i="], "" => [0, "iA"], "" => [0, "i_"], "" => [0, "ib"], "" => [0, "id"], "" => [0, "if"], "" => [0, "ig"], "" => [0, "ih"], "" => [0, "il"], "" => [0, "im"], "" => [0, "in"], "" => [0, "ip"], "" => [0, "ir"], "" => [0, "iu"], "" => [100, "i"], "" => [110, "i"], "" => [111, "i"], "" => [115, "i"], "" => [116, "i"], "" => [118, "i"], "" => [119, "i"], "" => [122, "i"], "" => [123, "i"], "" => [125, "i"], "" => [126, "i"], "" => [129, "i"], "" => [143, "i"], "" => [148, "i"], "" => [151, "i"], "" => [153, "i"], "" => [83, "i"], "" => [10, "i"], "" => [77, "o0"], "" => [18, "o0"], "" => [77, "o1"], "" => [18, "o1"], "" => [77, "o2"], "" => [18, "o2"], "" => [77, "oa"], "" => [18, "oa"], "" => [77, "oc"], "" => [18, "oc"], "" => [77, "oe"], "" => [18, "oe"], "" => [77, "oi"], "" => [18, "oi"], "" => [77, "oo"], "" => [18, "oo"], "" => [77, "os"], "" => [18, "os"], "" => [77, "ot"], "" => [18, "ot"], "" => [0, "o "], "" => [0, "o%"], "" => [0, "o-"], "" => [0, "o."], "" => [0, "o/"], "" => [0, "o3"], "" => [0, "o4"], "" => [0, "o5"], "" => [0, "o6"], "" => [0, "o7"], "" => [0, "o8"], "" => [0, "o9"], "" => [0, "o="], "" => [0, "oA"], "" => [0, "o_"], "" => [0, "ob"], "" => [0, "od"], "" => [0, "of"], "" => [0, "og"], "" => [0, "oh"], "" => [0, "ol"], "" => [0, "om"], "" => [0, "on"], "" => [0, "op"], "" => [0, "or"], "" => [0, "ou"], "" => [100, "o"], "" => [110, "o"], "" => [111, "o"], "" => [115, "o"], "" => [116, "o"], "" => [118, "o"], "" => [119, "o"], "" => [122, "o"], "" => [123, "o"], "" => [125, "o"], "" => [126, "o"], "" => [129, "o"], "" => [143, "o"], "" => [148, "o"], "" => [151, "o"], "" => [153, "o"], "" => [83, "o"], "" => [10, "o"]], ["\0" => [94, "d0"], "\1" => [76, "d0"], "\2" => [104, "d0"], "\3" => [16, "d0"], "\4" => [94, "d1"], "\5" => [76, "d1"], "\6" => [104, "d1"], "\7" => [16, "d1"], "\10" => [94, "d2"], "\t" => [76, "d2"], "\n" => [104, "d2"], "\v" => [16, "d2"], "\f" => [94, "da"], "\r" => [76, "da"], "\16" => [104, "da"], "\17" => [16, "da"], "\20" => [94, "dc"], "\21" => [76, "dc"], "\22" => [104, "dc"], "\23" => [16, "dc"], "\24" => [94, "de"], "\25" => [76, "de"], "\26" => [104, "de"], "\27" => [16, "de"], "\30" => [94, "di"], "\31" => [76, "di"], "\32" => [104, "di"], "\33" => [16, "di"], "\34" => [94, "do"], "\35" => [76, "do"], "\36" => [104, "do"], "\37" => [16, "do"], " " => [94, "ds"], "!" => [76, "ds"], "\"" => [104, "ds"], "#" => [16, "ds"], "\$" => [94, "dt"], "%" => [76, "dt"], "&" => [104, "dt"], "'" => [16, "dt"], "(" 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"dE"], "a" => [0, "dF"], "b" => [0, "dG"], "c" => [0, "dH"], "d" => [0, "dI"], "e" => [0, "dJ"], "f" => [0, "dK"], "g" => [0, "dL"], "h" => [0, "dM"], "i" => [0, "dN"], "j" => [0, "dO"], "k" => [0, "dP"], "l" => [0, "dQ"], "m" => [0, "dR"], "n" => [0, "dS"], "o" => [0, "dT"], "p" => [0, "dU"], "q" => [0, "dV"], "r" => [0, "dW"], "s" => [0, "dY"], "t" => [0, "dj"], "u" => [0, "dk"], "v" => [0, "dq"], "w" => [0, "dv"], "x" => [0, "dw"], "y" => [0, "dx"], "z" => [0, "dy"], "{" => [0, "dz"], "|" => [82, "d"], "}" => [87, "d"], "~" => [130, "d"], "" => [9, "d"], "" => [94, "f0"], "" => [76, "f0"], "" => [104, "f0"], "" => [16, "f0"], "" => [94, "f1"], "" => [76, "f1"], "" => [104, "f1"], "" => [16, "f1"], "" => [94, "f2"], "" => [76, "f2"], "" => [104, "f2"], "" => [16, "f2"], "" => [94, "fa"], "" => [76, "fa"], "" => [104, "fa"], "" => [16, "fa"], "" => [94, "fc"], "" => [76, "fc"], "" => [104, "fc"], "" => [16, "fc"], "" => [94, "fe"], "" => [76, "fe"], "" => [104, "fe"], "" => [16, "fe"], "" => [94, "fi"], "" => [76, "fi"], "" => [104, "fi"], "" => [16, "fi"], "" => [94, "fo"], "" => [76, "fo"], "" => [104, "fo"], "" => [16, "fo"], "" => [94, "fs"], "" => [76, "fs"], "" => [104, "fs"], "" => [16, "fs"], "" => [94, "ft"], "" => [76, "ft"], "" => [104, "ft"], "" => [16, "ft"], "" => [77, "f "], "" => [18, "f "], "" => [77, "f%"], "" => [18, "f%"], "" => [77, "f-"], "" => [18, "f-"], "" => [77, "f."], "" => [18, "f."], "" => [77, "f/"], "" => [18, "f/"], "" => [77, "f3"], "" => [18, "f3"], "" => [77, "f4"], "" => [18, "f4"], "" => [77, "f5"], "" => [18, "f5"], "" => [77, "f6"], "" => [18, "f6"], "" => [77, "f7"], "" => [18, "f7"], "" => [77, "f8"], "" => [18, "f8"], "" => [77, "f9"], "" => [18, "f9"], "" => [77, "f="], "" => [18, "f="], "" => [77, "fA"], "" => [18, "fA"], "" => [77, "f_"], "" => [18, "f_"], "" => [77, "fb"], "" => [18, "fb"], "" => [77, "fd"], "" => [18, "fd"], "" => [77, "ff"], "" => [18, "ff"], "" => [77, "fg"], "" => [18, "fg"], "" => [77, "fh"], "" => [18, "fh"], "" => [77, "fl"], "" => [18, "fl"], "" => [77, "fm"], "" => [18, "fm"], "" => [77, "fn"], "" => [18, "fn"], "" => [77, "fp"], "" => [18, "fp"], "" => [77, "fr"], "" => [18, "fr"], "" => [77, "fu"], "" => [18, "fu"], "" => [0, "f:"], "" => [0, "fB"], "" => [0, "fC"], "" => [0, "fD"], "" => [0, "fE"], "" => [0, "fF"], "" => [0, "fG"], "" => [0, "fH"], "" => [0, "fI"], "" => [0, "fJ"], "" => [0, "fK"], "" => [0, "fL"], "" => [0, "fM"], "" => [0, "fN"], "" => [0, "fO"], "" => [0, "fP"], "" => [0, "fQ"], "" => [0, "fR"], "" => [0, "fS"], "" => [0, "fT"], "" => [0, "fU"], "" => [0, "fV"], "" => [0, "fW"], "" => [0, "fY"], "" => [0, "fj"], "" => [0, "fk"], "" => [0, "fq"], "" => [0, "fv"], "" => [0, "fw"], "" => [0, "fx"], "" => [0, "fy"], "" => [0, "fz"], "" => [82, "f"], "" => [87, "f"], "" => [130, "f"], "" => [9, "f"]], ["\0" => [77, "d0"], "\1" => [18, "d0"], "\2" => [77, "d1"], "\3" => [18, "d1"], "\4" => [77, "d2"], "\5" => [18, "d2"], "\6" => [77, "da"], "\7" => [18, "da"], "\10" => [77, "dc"], "\t" => [18, "dc"], "\n" => [77, "de"], "\v" => [18, "de"], "\f" => [77, "di"], "\r" => [18, "di"], "\16" => [77, "do"], "\17" => [18, "do"], "\20" => [77, "ds"], "\21" => [18, "ds"], "\22" => [77, "dt"], "\23" => [18, "dt"], "\24" => [0, "d "], "\25" => [0, "d%"], "\26" => [0, "d-"], "\27" => [0, "d."], "\30" => [0, "d/"], "\31" => [0, "d3"], "\32" => [0, "d4"], "\33" => [0, "d5"], "\34" => [0, "d6"], "\35" => [0, "d7"], "\36" => [0, "d8"], "\37" => [0, "d9"], " " => [0, "d="], "!" => [0, "dA"], "\"" => [0, "d_"], "#" => [0, "db"], "\$" => [0, "dd"], "%" => [0, "df"], "&" => [0, "dg"], "'" => [0, "dh"], "(" => [0, "dl"], ")" => [0, "dm"], "*" => [0, "dn"], "+" => [0, "dp"], "," => [0, "dr"], "-" => [0, "du"], "." => [100, "d"], "/" => [110, "d"], [111, "d"], [115, "d"], [116, "d"], [118, "d"], [119, "d"], [122, "d"], [123, "d"], [125, "d"], [126, "d"], [129, "d"], ":" => [143, "d"], ";" => [148, "d"], "<" => [151, "d"], "=" => [153, "d"], ">" => [83, "d"], "?" => [10, "d"], "@" => [77, "f0"], "A" => [18, "f0"], "B" => [77, "f1"], "C" => [18, "f1"], "D" => [77, "f2"], "E" => [18, "f2"], "F" => [77, "fa"], "G" => [18, "fa"], "H" => [77, "fc"], "I" => [18, "fc"], "J" => [77, "fe"], "K" => [18, "fe"], "L" => [77, "fi"], "M" => [18, "fi"], "N" => [77, "fo"], "O" => [18, "fo"], "P" => [77, "fs"], "Q" => [18, "fs"], "R" => [77, "ft"], "S" => [18, "ft"], "T" => [0, "f "], "U" => [0, "f%"], "V" => [0, "f-"], "W" => [0, "f."], "X" => [0, "f/"], "Y" => [0, "f3"], "Z" => [0, "f4"], "[" => [0, "f5"], "\\" => [0, "f6"], "]" => [0, "f7"], "^" => [0, "f8"], "_" => [0, "f9"], "`" => [0, "f="], "a" => [0, "fA"], "b" => [0, "f_"], "c" => [0, "fb"], "d" => [0, "fd"], "e" => [0, "ff"], "f" => [0, "fg"], "g" => [0, "fh"], "h" => [0, "fl"], "i" => [0, "fm"], "j" => [0, "fn"], "k" => [0, "fp"], "l" => [0, "fr"], "m" => [0, "fu"], "n" => [100, "f"], "o" => [110, "f"], "p" => [111, "f"], "q" => [115, "f"], "r" => [116, "f"], "s" => [118, "f"], "t" => [119, "f"], "u" => [122, "f"], "v" => [123, "f"], "w" => [125, "f"], "x" => [126, "f"], "y" => [129, "f"], "z" => [143, "f"], "{" => [148, "f"], "|" => [151, "f"], "}" => [153, "f"], "~" => [83, "f"], "" => [10, "f"], "" => [77, "g0"], "" => [18, "g0"], "" => [77, "g1"], "" => [18, "g1"], "" => [77, "g2"], "" => [18, "g2"], "" => [77, "ga"], "" => [18, "ga"], "" => [77, "gc"], "" => [18, "gc"], "" => [77, "ge"], "" => [18, "ge"], "" => [77, "gi"], "" => [18, "gi"], "" => [77, "go"], "" => [18, "go"], "" => [77, "gs"], "" => [18, "gs"], "" => [77, "gt"], "" => [18, "gt"], "" => [0, "g "], "" => [0, "g%"], "" => [0, "g-"], "" => [0, "g."], "" => [0, "g/"], "" => [0, "g3"], "" => [0, "g4"], "" => [0, "g5"], "" => [0, "g6"], "" => [0, "g7"], "" => [0, "g8"], "" => [0, "g9"], "" => [0, "g="], "" => [0, "gA"], "" => [0, "g_"], "" => [0, "gb"], "" => [0, "gd"], "" => [0, "gf"], "" => [0, "gg"], "" => [0, "gh"], "" => [0, "gl"], "" => [0, "gm"], "" => [0, "gn"], "" => [0, "gp"], "" => [0, "gr"], "" => [0, "gu"], "" => [100, "g"], "" => [110, "g"], "" => [111, "g"], "" => [115, "g"], "" => [116, "g"], "" => [118, "g"], "" => [119, "g"], "" => [122, "g"], "" => [123, "g"], "" => [125, "g"], "" => [126, "g"], "" => [129, "g"], "" => [143, "g"], "" => [148, "g"], "" => [151, "g"], "" => [153, "g"], "" => [83, "g"], "" => [10, "g"], "" => [77, "h0"], "" => [18, "h0"], "" => [77, "h1"], "" => [18, "h1"], "" => [77, "h2"], "" => [18, "h2"], "" => [77, "ha"], "" => [18, "ha"], "" => [77, "hc"], "" => [18, "hc"], "" => [77, "he"], "" => [18, "he"], "" => [77, "hi"], "" => [18, "hi"], "" => [77, "ho"], "" => [18, "ho"], "" => [77, "hs"], "" => [18, "hs"], "" => [77, "ht"], "" => [18, "ht"], "" => [0, "h "], "" => [0, "h%"], "" => [0, "h-"], "" => [0, "h."], "" => [0, "h/"], "" => [0, "h3"], "" => [0, "h4"], "" => [0, "h5"], "" => [0, "h6"], "" => [0, "h7"], "" => [0, "h8"], "" => [0, "h9"], "" => [0, "h="], "" => [0, "hA"], "" => [0, "h_"], "" => [0, "hb"], "" => [0, "hd"], "" => [0, "hf"], "" => [0, "hg"], "" => [0, "hh"], "" => [0, "hl"], "" => [0, "hm"], "" => [0, "hn"], "" => [0, "hp"], "" => [0, "hr"], "" => [0, "hu"], "" => [100, "h"], "" => [110, "h"], "" => [111, "h"], "" => [115, "h"], "" => [116, "h"], "" => [118, "h"], "" => [119, "h"], "" => [122, "h"], "" => [123, "h"], "" => [125, "h"], "" => [126, "h"], "" => [129, "h"], "" => [143, "h"], "" => [148, "h"], "" => [151, "h"], "" => [153, "h"], "" => [83, "h"], "" => [10, "h"]], ["\0" => [94, "g0"], "\1" => [76, "g0"], "\2" => [104, "g0"], "\3" => [16, "g0"], "\4" => [94, "g1"], "\5" => [76, "g1"], "\6" => [104, "g1"], "\7" => [16, "g1"], "\10" => [94, "g2"], "\t" => [76, "g2"], "\n" => [104, "g2"], "\v" => [16, "g2"], "\f" => [94, "ga"], "\r" => [76, "ga"], "\16" => [104, "ga"], "\17" => [16, "ga"], "\20" => [94, "gc"], "\21" => [76, "gc"], "\22" => [104, "gc"], "\23" => [16, "gc"], "\24" => [94, "ge"], "\25" => [76, "ge"], "\26" => [104, "ge"], "\27" => [16, "ge"], "\30" => [94, "gi"], "\31" => [76, "gi"], "\32" => [104, "gi"], "\33" => [16, "gi"], "\34" => [94, "go"], "\35" => [76, "go"], "\36" => [104, "go"], "\37" => [16, "go"], " " => [94, "gs"], "!" => [76, "gs"], "\"" => [104, "gs"], "#" => [16, "gs"], "\$" => [94, "gt"], "%" => [76, "gt"], "&" => [104, "gt"], "'" => [16, "gt"], "(" => [77, "g "], ")" => [18, "g "], "*" => [77, "g%"], "+" => [18, "g%"], "," => [77, "g-"], "-" => [18, "g-"], "." => [77, "g."], "/" => [18, "g."], [77, "g/"], [18, "g/"], [77, "g3"], [18, "g3"], [77, "g4"], [18, "g4"], [77, "g5"], [18, "g5"], [77, "g6"], [18, "g6"], ":" => [77, "g7"], ";" => [18, "g7"], "<" => [77, "g8"], "=" => [18, "g8"], ">" => [77, "g9"], "?" => [18, "g9"], "@" => [77, "g="], "A" => [18, "g="], "B" => [77, "gA"], "C" => [18, "gA"], "D" => [77, "g_"], "E" => [18, "g_"], "F" => [77, "gb"], "G" => [18, "gb"], "H" => [77, "gd"], "I" => [18, "gd"], "J" => [77, "gf"], "K" => [18, "gf"], "L" => [77, "gg"], "M" => [18, "gg"], "N" => [77, "gh"], "O" => [18, "gh"], "P" => [77, "gl"], "Q" => [18, "gl"], "R" => [77, "gm"], "S" => [18, "gm"], "T" => [77, "gn"], "U" => [18, "gn"], "V" => [77, "gp"], "W" => [18, "gp"], "X" => [77, "gr"], "Y" => [18, "gr"], "Z" => [77, "gu"], "[" => [18, "gu"], "\\" => [0, "g:"], "]" => [0, "gB"], "^" => [0, "gC"], "_" => [0, "gD"], "`" => [0, "gE"], "a" => [0, "gF"], "b" => [0, "gG"], "c" => [0, "gH"], "d" => [0, "gI"], "e" => [0, "gJ"], "f" => [0, "gK"], "g" => [0, "gL"], "h" => [0, "gM"], "i" => [0, "gN"], "j" => [0, "gO"], "k" => [0, "gP"], "l" => [0, "gQ"], "m" => [0, "gR"], "n" => [0, "gS"], "o" => [0, "gT"], "p" => [0, "gU"], "q" => [0, "gV"], "r" => [0, "gW"], "s" => [0, "gY"], "t" => [0, "gj"], "u" => [0, "gk"], "v" => [0, "gq"], "w" => [0, "gv"], "x" => [0, "gw"], "y" => [0, "gx"], "z" => [0, "gy"], "{" => [0, "gz"], "|" => [82, "g"], "}" => [87, "g"], "~" => [130, "g"], "" => [9, "g"], "" => [94, "h0"], "" => [76, "h0"], "" => [104, "h0"], "" => [16, "h0"], "" => [94, "h1"], "" => [76, "h1"], "" => [104, "h1"], "" => [16, "h1"], "" => [94, "h2"], "" => [76, "h2"], "" => [104, "h2"], "" => [16, "h2"], "" => [94, "ha"], "" => [76, "ha"], "" => [104, "ha"], "" => [16, "ha"], "" => [94, "hc"], "" => [76, "hc"], "" => [104, "hc"], "" => [16, "hc"], "" => [94, "he"], "" => [76, "he"], "" => [104, "he"], "" => [16, "he"], "" => [94, "hi"], "" => [76, "hi"], "" => [104, "hi"], "" => [16, "hi"], "" => [94, "ho"], "" => [76, "ho"], "" => [104, "ho"], "" => [16, "ho"], "" => [94, "hs"], "" => [76, "hs"], "" => [104, "hs"], "" => [16, "hs"], "" => [94, "ht"], "" => [76, "ht"], "" => [104, "ht"], "" => [16, "ht"], "" => [77, "h "], "" => [18, "h "], "" => [77, "h%"], "" => [18, "h%"], "" => [77, "h-"], "" => [18, "h-"], "" => [77, "h."], "" => [18, "h."], "" => [77, "h/"], "" => [18, "h/"], "" => [77, "h3"], "" => [18, "h3"], "" => [77, "h4"], "" => [18, "h4"], "" => [77, "h5"], "" => [18, "h5"], "" => [77, "h6"], "" => [18, "h6"], "" => [77, "h7"], "" => [18, "h7"], "" => [77, "h8"], "" => [18, "h8"], "" => [77, "h9"], "" => [18, "h9"], "" => [77, "h="], "" => [18, "h="], "" => [77, "hA"], "" => [18, "hA"], "" => [77, "h_"], "" => [18, "h_"], "" => [77, "hb"], "" => [18, "hb"], "" => [77, "hd"], "" => [18, "hd"], "" => [77, "hf"], "" => [18, "hf"], "" => [77, "hg"], "" => [18, "hg"], "" => [77, "hh"], "" => [18, "hh"], "" => [77, "hl"], "" => [18, "hl"], "" => [77, "hm"], "" => [18, "hm"], "" => [77, "hn"], "" => [18, "hn"], "" => [77, "hp"], "" => [18, "hp"], "" => [77, "hr"], "" => [18, "hr"], "" => [77, "hu"], "" => [18, "hu"], "" => [0, "h:"], "" => [0, "hB"], "" => [0, "hC"], "" => [0, "hD"], "" => [0, "hE"], "" => [0, "hF"], "" => [0, "hG"], "" => [0, "hH"], "" => [0, "hI"], "" => [0, "hJ"], "" => [0, "hK"], "" => [0, "hL"], "" => [0, "hM"], "" => [0, "hN"], "" => [0, "hO"], "" => [0, "hP"], "" => [0, "hQ"], "" => [0, "hR"], "" => [0, "hS"], "" => [0, "hT"], "" => [0, "hU"], "" => [0, "hV"], "" => [0, "hW"], "" => [0, "hY"], "" => [0, "hj"], "" => [0, "hk"], "" => [0, "hq"], "" => [0, "hv"], "" => [0, "hw"], "" => [0, "hx"], "" => [0, "hy"], "" => [0, "hz"], "" => [82, "h"], "" => [87, "h"], "" => [130, "h"], "" => [9, "h"]], ["\0" => [94, "i0"], "\1" => [76, "i0"], "\2" => [104, "i0"], "\3" => [16, "i0"], "\4" => [94, "i1"], "\5" => [76, "i1"], "\6" => [104, "i1"], "\7" => [16, "i1"], "\10" => [94, "i2"], "\t" => [76, "i2"], "\n" => [104, "i2"], "\v" => [16, "i2"], "\f" => [94, "ia"], "\r" => [76, "ia"], "\16" => [104, "ia"], "\17" => [16, "ia"], "\20" => [94, "ic"], "\21" => [76, "ic"], "\22" => [104, "ic"], "\23" => [16, "ic"], "\24" => [94, "ie"], "\25" => [76, "ie"], "\26" => [104, "ie"], "\27" => [16, "ie"], "\30" => [94, "ii"], "\31" => [76, "ii"], "\32" => [104, "ii"], "\33" => [16, "ii"], "\34" => [94, "io"], "\35" => [76, "io"], "\36" => [104, "io"], "\37" => [16, "io"], " " => [94, "is"], "!" => [76, "is"], "\"" => [104, "is"], "#" => [16, "is"], "\$" => [94, "it"], "%" => [76, "it"], "&" => [104, "it"], "'" => [16, "it"], "(" => [77, "i "], ")" => [18, "i "], "*" => [77, "i%"], "+" => [18, "i%"], "," => [77, "i-"], "-" => [18, "i-"], "." => [77, "i."], "/" => [18, "i."], [77, "i/"], [18, "i/"], [77, "i3"], [18, "i3"], [77, "i4"], [18, "i4"], [77, "i5"], [18, "i5"], [77, "i6"], [18, "i6"], ":" => [77, "i7"], ";" => [18, "i7"], "<" => [77, "i8"], "=" => [18, "i8"], ">" => [77, "i9"], "?" => [18, "i9"], "@" => [77, "i="], "A" => [18, "i="], "B" => [77, "iA"], "C" => [18, "iA"], "D" => [77, "i_"], "E" => [18, "i_"], "F" => [77, "ib"], "G" => [18, "ib"], "H" => [77, "id"], "I" => [18, "id"], "J" => [77, "if"], "K" => [18, "if"], "L" => [77, "ig"], "M" => [18, "ig"], "N" => [77, "ih"], "O" => [18, "ih"], "P" => [77, "il"], "Q" => [18, "il"], "R" => [77, "im"], "S" => [18, "im"], "T" => [77, "in"], "U" => [18, "in"], "V" => [77, "ip"], "W" => [18, "ip"], "X" => [77, "ir"], "Y" => [18, "ir"], "Z" => [77, "iu"], "[" => [18, "iu"], "\\" => [0, "i:"], "]" => [0, "iB"], "^" => [0, "iC"], "_" => [0, "iD"], "`" => [0, "iE"], "a" => [0, "iF"], "b" => [0, "iG"], "c" => [0, "iH"], "d" => [0, "iI"], "e" => [0, "iJ"], "f" => [0, "iK"], "g" => [0, "iL"], "h" => [0, "iM"], "i" => [0, "iN"], "j" => [0, "iO"], "k" => [0, "iP"], "l" => [0, "iQ"], "m" => [0, "iR"], "n" => [0, "iS"], "o" => [0, "iT"], "p" => [0, "iU"], "q" => [0, "iV"], "r" => [0, "iW"], "s" => [0, "iY"], "t" => [0, "ij"], "u" => [0, "ik"], "v" => [0, "iq"], "w" => [0, "iv"], "x" => [0, "iw"], "y" => [0, "ix"], "z" => [0, "iy"], "{" => [0, "iz"], "|" => [82, "i"], "}" => [87, "i"], "~" => [130, "i"], "" => [9, "i"], "" => [94, "o0"], "" => [76, "o0"], "" => [104, "o0"], "" => [16, "o0"], "" => [94, "o1"], "" => [76, "o1"], "" => [104, "o1"], "" => [16, "o1"], "" => [94, "o2"], "" => [76, "o2"], "" => [104, "o2"], "" => [16, "o2"], "" => [94, "oa"], "" => [76, "oa"], "" => [104, "oa"], "" => [16, "oa"], "" => [94, "oc"], "" => [76, "oc"], "" => [104, "oc"], "" => [16, "oc"], "" => [94, "oe"], "" => [76, "oe"], "" => [104, "oe"], "" => [16, "oe"], "" => [94, "oi"], "" => [76, "oi"], "" => [104, "oi"], "" => [16, "oi"], "" => [94, "oo"], "" => [76, "oo"], "" => [104, "oo"], "" => [16, "oo"], "" => [94, "os"], "" => [76, "os"], "" => [104, "os"], "" => [16, "os"], "" => [94, "ot"], "" => [76, "ot"], "" => [104, "ot"], "" => [16, "ot"], "" => [77, "o "], "" => [18, "o "], "" => [77, "o%"], "" => [18, "o%"], "" => [77, "o-"], "" => [18, "o-"], "" => [77, "o."], "" => [18, "o."], "" => [77, "o/"], "" => [18, "o/"], "" => [77, "o3"], "" => [18, "o3"], "" => [77, "o4"], "" => [18, "o4"], "" => [77, "o5"], "" => [18, "o5"], "" => [77, "o6"], "" => [18, "o6"], "" => [77, "o7"], "" => [18, "o7"], "" => [77, "o8"], "" => [18, "o8"], "" => [77, "o9"], "" => [18, "o9"], "" => [77, "o="], "" => [18, "o="], "" => [77, "oA"], "" => [18, "oA"], "" => [77, "o_"], "" => [18, "o_"], "" => [77, "ob"], "" => [18, "ob"], "" => [77, "od"], "" => [18, "od"], "" => [77, "of"], "" => [18, "of"], "" => [77, "og"], "" => [18, "og"], "" => [77, "oh"], "" => [18, "oh"], "" => [77, "ol"], "" => [18, "ol"], "" => [77, "om"], "" => [18, "om"], "" => [77, "on"], "" => [18, "on"], "" => [77, "op"], "" => [18, "op"], "" => [77, "or"], "" => [18, "or"], "" => [77, "ou"], "" => [18, "ou"], "" => [0, "o:"], "" => [0, "oB"], "" => [0, "oC"], "" => [0, "oD"], "" => [0, "oE"], "" => [0, "oF"], "" => [0, "oG"], "" => [0, "oH"], "" => [0, "oI"], "" => [0, "oJ"], "" => [0, "oK"], "" => [0, "oL"], "" => [0, "oM"], "" => [0, "oN"], "" => [0, "oO"], "" => [0, "oP"], "" => [0, "oQ"], "" => [0, "oR"], "" => [0, "oS"], "" => [0, "oT"], "" => [0, "oU"], "" => [0, "oV"], "" => [0, "oW"], "" => [0, "oY"], "" => [0, "oj"], "" => [0, "ok"], "" => [0, "oq"], "" => [0, "ov"], "" => [0, "ow"], "" => [0, "ox"], "" => [0, "oy"], "" => [0, "oz"], "" => [82, "o"], "" => [87, "o"], "" => [130, "o"], "" => [9, "o"]], ["\0" => [94, "j0"], "\1" => [76, "j0"], "\2" => [104, "j0"], "\3" => [16, "j0"], "\4" => [94, "j1"], "\5" => [76, "j1"], "\6" => [104, "j1"], "\7" => [16, "j1"], "\10" => [94, "j2"], "\t" => [76, "j2"], "\n" => [104, "j2"], "\v" => [16, "j2"], "\f" => [94, "ja"], "\r" => [76, "ja"], "\16" => [104, "ja"], "\17" => [16, "ja"], "\20" => [94, "jc"], "\21" => [76, "jc"], "\22" => [104, "jc"], "\23" => [16, "jc"], "\24" => [94, "je"], "\25" => [76, "je"], "\26" => [104, "je"], "\27" => [16, "je"], "\30" => [94, "ji"], "\31" => [76, "ji"], "\32" => [104, "ji"], "\33" => [16, "ji"], "\34" => [94, "jo"], "\35" => [76, "jo"], "\36" => [104, "jo"], "\37" => [16, "jo"], " " => [94, "js"], "!" => [76, "js"], "\"" => [104, "js"], "#" => [16, "js"], "\$" => [94, "jt"], "%" => [76, "jt"], "&" => [104, "jt"], "'" => [16, "jt"], "(" => [77, "j "], ")" => [18, "j "], "*" => [77, "j%"], "+" => [18, "j%"], "," => [77, "j-"], "-" => [18, "j-"], "." => [77, "j."], "/" => [18, "j."], [77, "j/"], [18, "j/"], [77, "j3"], [18, "j3"], [77, "j4"], [18, "j4"], [77, "j5"], [18, "j5"], [77, "j6"], [18, "j6"], ":" => [77, "j7"], ";" => [18, "j7"], "<" => [77, "j8"], "=" => [18, "j8"], ">" => [77, "j9"], "?" => [18, "j9"], "@" => [77, "j="], "A" => [18, "j="], "B" => [77, "jA"], "C" => [18, "jA"], "D" => [77, "j_"], "E" => [18, "j_"], "F" => [77, "jb"], "G" => [18, "jb"], "H" => [77, "jd"], "I" => [18, "jd"], "J" => [77, "jf"], "K" => [18, "jf"], "L" => [77, "jg"], "M" => [18, "jg"], "N" => [77, "jh"], "O" => [18, "jh"], "P" => [77, "jl"], "Q" => [18, "jl"], "R" => [77, "jm"], "S" => [18, "jm"], "T" => [77, "jn"], "U" => [18, "jn"], "V" => [77, "jp"], "W" => [18, "jp"], "X" => [77, "jr"], "Y" => [18, "jr"], "Z" => [77, "ju"], "[" => [18, "ju"], "\\" => [0, "j:"], "]" => [0, "jB"], "^" => [0, "jC"], "_" => [0, "jD"], "`" => [0, "jE"], "a" => [0, "jF"], "b" => [0, "jG"], "c" => [0, "jH"], "d" => [0, "jI"], "e" => [0, "jJ"], "f" => [0, "jK"], "g" => [0, "jL"], "h" => [0, "jM"], "i" => [0, "jN"], "j" => [0, "jO"], "k" => [0, "jP"], "l" => [0, "jQ"], "m" => [0, "jR"], "n" => [0, "jS"], "o" => [0, "jT"], "p" => [0, "jU"], "q" => [0, "jV"], "r" => [0, "jW"], "s" => [0, "jY"], "t" => [0, "jj"], "u" => [0, "jk"], "v" => [0, "jq"], "w" => [0, "jv"], "x" => [0, "jw"], "y" => [0, "jx"], "z" => [0, "jy"], "{" => [0, "jz"], "|" => [82, "j"], "}" => [87, "j"], "~" => [130, "j"], "" => [9, "j"], "" => [94, "k0"], "" => [76, "k0"], "" => [104, "k0"], "" => [16, "k0"], "" => [94, "k1"], "" => [76, "k1"], "" => [104, "k1"], "" => [16, "k1"], "" => [94, "k2"], "" => [76, "k2"], "" => [104, "k2"], "" => [16, "k2"], "" => [94, "ka"], "" => [76, "ka"], "" => [104, "ka"], "" => [16, "ka"], "" => [94, "kc"], "" => [76, "kc"], "" => [104, "kc"], "" => [16, "kc"], "" => [94, "ke"], "" => [76, "ke"], "" => [104, "ke"], "" => [16, "ke"], "" => [94, "ki"], "" => [76, "ki"], "" => [104, "ki"], "" => [16, "ki"], "" => [94, "ko"], "" => [76, "ko"], "" => [104, "ko"], "" => [16, "ko"], "" => [94, "ks"], "" => [76, "ks"], "" => [104, "ks"], "" => [16, "ks"], "" => [94, "kt"], "" => [76, "kt"], "" => [104, "kt"], "" => [16, "kt"], "" => [77, "k "], "" => [18, "k "], "" => [77, "k%"], "" => [18, "k%"], "" => 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[0, "kI"], "" => [0, "kJ"], "" => [0, "kK"], "" => [0, "kL"], "" => [0, "kM"], "" => [0, "kN"], "" => [0, "kO"], "" => [0, "kP"], "" => [0, "kQ"], "" => [0, "kR"], "" => [0, "kS"], "" => [0, "kT"], "" => [0, "kU"], "" => [0, "kV"], "" => [0, "kW"], "" => [0, "kY"], "" => [0, "kj"], "" => [0, "kk"], "" => [0, "kq"], "" => [0, "kv"], "" => [0, "kw"], "" => [0, "kx"], "" => [0, "ky"], "" => [0, "kz"], "" => [82, "k"], "" => [87, "k"], "" => [130, "k"], "" => [9, "k"]], ["\0" => [77, "j0"], "\1" => [18, "j0"], "\2" => [77, "j1"], "\3" => [18, "j1"], "\4" => [77, "j2"], "\5" => [18, "j2"], "\6" => [77, "ja"], "\7" => [18, "ja"], "\10" => [77, "jc"], "\t" => [18, "jc"], "\n" => [77, "je"], "\v" => [18, "je"], "\f" => [77, "ji"], "\r" => [18, "ji"], "\16" => [77, "jo"], "\17" => [18, "jo"], "\20" => [77, "js"], "\21" => [18, "js"], "\22" => [77, "jt"], "\23" => [18, "jt"], "\24" => [0, "j "], "\25" => [0, "j%"], "\26" => [0, "j-"], "\27" => [0, "j."], "\30" => [0, "j/"], "\31" => [0, "j3"], "\32" => [0, "j4"], "\33" => [0, "j5"], "\34" => [0, "j6"], "\35" => [0, "j7"], "\36" => [0, "j8"], "\37" => [0, "j9"], " " => [0, "j="], "!" => [0, "jA"], "\"" => [0, "j_"], "#" => [0, "jb"], "\$" => [0, "jd"], "%" => [0, "jf"], "&" => [0, "jg"], "'" => [0, "jh"], "(" => [0, "jl"], ")" => [0, "jm"], "*" => [0, "jn"], "+" => [0, "jp"], "," => [0, "jr"], "-" => [0, "ju"], "." => [100, "j"], "/" => [110, "j"], [111, "j"], [115, "j"], [116, "j"], [118, "j"], [119, "j"], [122, "j"], [123, "j"], [125, "j"], [126, "j"], [129, "j"], ":" => [143, "j"], ";" => [148, "j"], "<" => [151, "j"], "=" => [153, "j"], ">" => [83, "j"], "?" => [10, "j"], "@" => [77, "k0"], "A" => [18, "k0"], "B" => [77, "k1"], "C" => [18, "k1"], "D" => [77, "k2"], "E" => [18, "k2"], "F" => [77, "ka"], "G" => [18, "ka"], "H" => [77, "kc"], "I" => [18, "kc"], "J" => [77, "ke"], "K" => [18, "ke"], "L" => [77, "ki"], "M" => [18, "ki"], "N" => [77, "ko"], "O" => [18, "ko"], "P" => [77, "ks"], "Q" => [18, "ks"], "R" => [77, "kt"], "S" => [18, "kt"], "T" => [0, "k "], "U" => [0, "k%"], "V" => [0, "k-"], "W" => [0, "k."], "X" => [0, "k/"], "Y" => [0, "k3"], "Z" => [0, "k4"], "[" => [0, "k5"], "\\" => [0, "k6"], "]" => [0, "k7"], "^" => [0, "k8"], "_" => [0, "k9"], "`" => [0, "k="], "a" => [0, "kA"], "b" => [0, "k_"], "c" => [0, "kb"], "d" => [0, "kd"], "e" => [0, "kf"], "f" => [0, "kg"], "g" => [0, "kh"], "h" => [0, "kl"], "i" => [0, "km"], "j" => [0, "kn"], "k" => [0, "kp"], "l" => [0, "kr"], "m" => [0, "ku"], "n" => [100, "k"], "o" => [110, "k"], "p" => [111, "k"], "q" => [115, "k"], "r" => [116, "k"], "s" => [118, "k"], "t" => [119, "k"], "u" => [122, "k"], "v" => [123, "k"], "w" => [125, "k"], "x" => [126, "k"], "y" => [129, "k"], "z" => [143, "k"], "{" => [148, "k"], "|" => [151, "k"], "}" => [153, "k"], "~" => [83, "k"], "" => [10, "k"], "" => [77, "q0"], "" => [18, "q0"], "" => [77, "q1"], "" => [18, "q1"], "" => [77, "q2"], "" => [18, "q2"], "" => [77, "qa"], "" => [18, "qa"], "" => [77, "qc"], "" => [18, "qc"], "" => [77, "qe"], "" => [18, "qe"], "" => [77, "qi"], "" => [18, "qi"], "" => [77, "qo"], "" => [18, "qo"], "" => [77, "qs"], "" => [18, "qs"], "" => [77, "qt"], "" => [18, "qt"], "" => [0, "q "], "" => [0, "q%"], "" => [0, "q-"], "" => [0, "q."], "" => [0, "q/"], "" => [0, "q3"], "" => [0, "q4"], "" => [0, "q5"], "" => [0, "q6"], "" => [0, "q7"], "" => [0, "q8"], "" => [0, "q9"], "" => [0, "q="], "" => [0, "qA"], "" => [0, "q_"], "" => [0, "qb"], "" => [0, "qd"], "" => [0, "qf"], "" => [0, "qg"], "" => [0, "qh"], "" => [0, "ql"], "" => [0, "qm"], "" => [0, "qn"], "" => [0, "qp"], "" => [0, "qr"], "" => [0, "qu"], "" => [100, "q"], "" => [110, "q"], "" => [111, "q"], "" => [115, "q"], "" => [116, "q"], "" => [118, "q"], "" => [119, "q"], "" => [122, "q"], "" => [123, "q"], "" => [125, "q"], "" => [126, "q"], "" => [129, "q"], "" => [143, "q"], "" => [148, "q"], "" => [151, "q"], "" => [153, "q"], "" => [83, "q"], "" => [10, "q"], "" => [77, "v0"], "" => [18, "v0"], "" => 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[148, "v"], "" => [151, "v"], "" => [153, "v"], "" => [83, "v"], "" => [10, "v"]], ["\0" => [94, "l0"], "\1" => [76, "l0"], "\2" => [104, "l0"], "\3" => [16, "l0"], "\4" => [94, "l1"], "\5" => [76, "l1"], "\6" => [104, "l1"], "\7" => [16, "l1"], "\10" => [94, "l2"], "\t" => [76, "l2"], "\n" => [104, "l2"], "\v" => [16, "l2"], "\f" => [94, "la"], "\r" => [76, "la"], "\16" => [104, "la"], "\17" => [16, "la"], "\20" => [94, "lc"], "\21" => [76, "lc"], "\22" => [104, "lc"], "\23" => [16, "lc"], "\24" => [94, "le"], "\25" => [76, "le"], "\26" => [104, "le"], "\27" => [16, "le"], "\30" => [94, "li"], "\31" => [76, "li"], "\32" => [104, "li"], "\33" => [16, "li"], "\34" => [94, "lo"], "\35" => [76, "lo"], "\36" => [104, "lo"], "\37" => [16, "lo"], " " => [94, "ls"], "!" => [76, "ls"], "\"" => [104, "ls"], "#" => [16, "ls"], "\$" => [94, "lt"], "%" => [76, "lt"], "&" => [104, "lt"], "'" => [16, "lt"], "(" => [77, "l "], ")" => [18, "l "], "*" => [77, "l%"], "+" => [18, "l%"], "," => [77, "l-"], "-" => [18, "l-"], "." => [77, "l."], "/" => [18, "l."], [77, "l/"], [18, "l/"], [77, "l3"], [18, "l3"], [77, "l4"], [18, "l4"], [77, "l5"], [18, "l5"], [77, "l6"], [18, "l6"], ":" => [77, "l7"], ";" => [18, "l7"], "<" => [77, "l8"], "=" => [18, "l8"], ">" => [77, "l9"], "?" => [18, "l9"], "@" => [77, "l="], "A" => [18, "l="], "B" => [77, "lA"], "C" => [18, "lA"], "D" => [77, "l_"], "E" => [18, "l_"], "F" => [77, "lb"], "G" => [18, "lb"], "H" => [77, "ld"], "I" => [18, "ld"], "J" => [77, "lf"], "K" => [18, "lf"], "L" => [77, "lg"], "M" => [18, "lg"], "N" => [77, "lh"], "O" => [18, "lh"], "P" => [77, "ll"], "Q" => [18, "ll"], "R" => [77, "lm"], "S" => [18, "lm"], "T" => [77, "ln"], "U" => [18, "ln"], "V" => [77, "lp"], "W" => [18, "lp"], "X" => [77, "lr"], "Y" => [18, "lr"], "Z" => [77, "lu"], "[" => [18, "lu"], "\\" => [0, "l:"], "]" => [0, "lB"], "^" => [0, "lC"], "_" => [0, "lD"], "`" => [0, "lE"], "a" => [0, "lF"], "b" => [0, "lG"], "c" => [0, "lH"], "d" => [0, "lI"], "e" => [0, "lJ"], "f" => [0, "lK"], "g" => [0, "lL"], "h" => [0, "lM"], "i" => [0, "lN"], "j" => [0, "lO"], "k" => [0, "lP"], "l" => [0, "lQ"], "m" => [0, "lR"], "n" => [0, "lS"], "o" => [0, "lT"], "p" => [0, "lU"], "q" => [0, "lV"], "r" => [0, "lW"], "s" => [0, "lY"], "t" => [0, "lj"], "u" => [0, "lk"], "v" => [0, "lq"], "w" => [0, "lv"], "x" => [0, "lw"], "y" => [0, "lx"], "z" => [0, "ly"], "{" => [0, "lz"], "|" => [82, "l"], "}" => [87, "l"], "~" => [130, "l"], "" => [9, "l"], "" => [94, "m0"], "" => [76, "m0"], "" => [104, "m0"], "" => [16, "m0"], "" => [94, "m1"], "" => [76, "m1"], "" => [104, "m1"], "" => [16, "m1"], "" => [94, "m2"], "" => [76, "m2"], "" => [104, "m2"], "" => [16, "m2"], "" => [94, "ma"], "" => [76, "ma"], "" => [104, "ma"], "" => [16, "ma"], "" => [94, "mc"], "" => [76, "mc"], "" => [104, "mc"], "" => [16, "mc"], "" => [94, "me"], "" => [76, "me"], "" => [104, "me"], "" => [16, "me"], "" => [94, "mi"], "" => [76, "mi"], "" => [104, "mi"], "" => [16, "mi"], "" => [94, "mo"], "" => [76, "mo"], "" => [104, "mo"], "" => [16, "mo"], "" => [94, "ms"], "" => [76, "ms"], "" => [104, "ms"], "" => [16, "ms"], "" => [94, "mt"], "" => [76, "mt"], "" => [104, "mt"], "" => [16, "mt"], "" => [77, "m "], "" => [18, "m "], "" => [77, "m%"], "" => [18, "m%"], "" => [77, "m-"], "" => [18, "m-"], "" => [77, "m."], "" => [18, "m."], "" => [77, "m/"], "" => [18, "m/"], "" => [77, "m3"], "" => [18, "m3"], "" => [77, "m4"], "" => [18, "m4"], "" => [77, "m5"], "" => [18, "m5"], "" => [77, "m6"], "" => [18, "m6"], "" => [77, "m7"], "" => [18, "m7"], "" => [77, "m8"], "" => [18, "m8"], "" => [77, "m9"], "" => [18, "m9"], "" => [77, "m="], "" => [18, "m="], "" => [77, "mA"], "" => [18, "mA"], "" => [77, "m_"], "" => [18, "m_"], "" => [77, "mb"], "" => [18, "mb"], "" => [77, "md"], "" => [18, "md"], "" => [77, "mf"], "" => [18, "mf"], "" => [77, "mg"], "" => [18, "mg"], "" => [77, "mh"], "" => [18, "mh"], "" => [77, "ml"], "" => [18, "ml"], "" => [77, "mm"], "" => [18, "mm"], "" => [77, "mn"], "" => [18, "mn"], "" => [77, "mp"], "" => [18, "mp"], "" => [77, "mr"], "" => [18, "mr"], "" => [77, "mu"], "" => [18, "mu"], "" => [0, "m:"], "" => [0, "mB"], "" => [0, "mC"], "" => [0, "mD"], "" => [0, "mE"], "" => [0, "mF"], "" => [0, "mG"], "" => [0, "mH"], "" => [0, "mI"], "" => [0, "mJ"], "" => [0, "mK"], "" => [0, "mL"], "" => [0, "mM"], "" => [0, "mN"], "" => [0, "mO"], "" => [0, "mP"], "" => [0, "mQ"], "" => [0, "mR"], "" => [0, "mS"], "" => [0, "mT"], "" => [0, "mU"], "" => [0, "mV"], "" => [0, "mW"], "" => [0, "mY"], "" => [0, "mj"], "" => [0, "mk"], "" => [0, "mq"], "" => [0, "mv"], "" => [0, "mw"], "" => [0, "mx"], "" => [0, "my"], "" => [0, "mz"], "" => [82, "m"], "" => [87, "m"], "" => [130, "m"], "" => [9, "m"]], ["\0" => [77, "l0"], "\1" => [18, "l0"], "\2" => [77, "l1"], "\3" => [18, "l1"], "\4" => [77, "l2"], "\5" => [18, "l2"], "\6" => [77, "la"], "\7" => [18, "la"], "\10" => [77, "lc"], "\t" => [18, "lc"], "\n" => [77, "le"], "\v" => [18, "le"], "\f" => [77, "li"], "\r" => [18, "li"], "\16" => [77, "lo"], "\17" => [18, "lo"], "\20" => [77, "ls"], "\21" => [18, "ls"], "\22" => [77, "lt"], "\23" => [18, "lt"], "\24" => [0, "l "], "\25" => [0, "l%"], "\26" => [0, "l-"], "\27" => [0, "l."], "\30" => [0, "l/"], "\31" => [0, "l3"], "\32" => [0, "l4"], "\33" => [0, "l5"], "\34" => [0, "l6"], "\35" => [0, "l7"], "\36" => [0, "l8"], "\37" => [0, "l9"], " " => [0, "l="], "!" => [0, "lA"], "\"" => [0, "l_"], "#" => [0, "lb"], "\$" => [0, "ld"], "%" => [0, "lf"], "&" => [0, "lg"], "'" => [0, "lh"], "(" => [0, "ll"], ")" => [0, "lm"], "*" => [0, "ln"], "+" => [0, "lp"], "," => [0, "lr"], "-" => [0, "lu"], "." => [100, "l"], "/" => [110, "l"], [111, "l"], [115, "l"], [116, "l"], [118, "l"], [119, "l"], [122, "l"], [123, "l"], [125, "l"], [126, "l"], [129, "l"], ":" => [143, "l"], ";" => [148, "l"], "<" => [151, "l"], "=" => [153, "l"], ">" => [83, "l"], "?" => [10, "l"], "@" => [77, "m0"], "A" => [18, "m0"], "B" => [77, "m1"], "C" => [18, "m1"], "D" => [77, "m2"], "E" => [18, "m2"], "F" => [77, "ma"], "G" => [18, "ma"], "H" => [77, "mc"], "I" => [18, "mc"], "J" => [77, "me"], "K" => [18, "me"], "L" => [77, "mi"], "M" => [18, "mi"], "N" => [77, "mo"], "O" => [18, "mo"], "P" => [77, "ms"], "Q" => [18, "ms"], "R" => [77, "mt"], "S" => [18, "mt"], "T" => [0, "m "], "U" => [0, "m%"], "V" => [0, "m-"], "W" => [0, "m."], "X" => [0, "m/"], "Y" => [0, "m3"], "Z" => [0, "m4"], "[" => [0, "m5"], "\\" => [0, "m6"], "]" => [0, "m7"], "^" => [0, "m8"], "_" => [0, "m9"], "`" => [0, "m="], "a" => [0, "mA"], "b" => [0, "m_"], "c" => [0, "mb"], "d" => [0, "md"], "e" => [0, "mf"], "f" => [0, "mg"], "g" => [0, "mh"], "h" => [0, "ml"], "i" => [0, "mm"], "j" => [0, "mn"], "k" => [0, "mp"], "l" => [0, "mr"], "m" => [0, "mu"], "n" => [100, "m"], "o" => [110, "m"], "p" => [111, "m"], "q" => [115, "m"], "r" => [116, "m"], "s" => [118, "m"], "t" => [119, "m"], "u" => [122, "m"], "v" => [123, "m"], "w" => [125, "m"], "x" => [126, "m"], "y" => [129, "m"], "z" => [143, "m"], "{" => [148, "m"], "|" => [151, "m"], "}" => [153, "m"], "~" => [83, "m"], "" => [10, "m"], "" => [77, "n0"], "" => [18, "n0"], "" => [77, "n1"], "" => [18, "n1"], "" => [77, "n2"], "" => [18, "n2"], "" => [77, "na"], "" => [18, "na"], "" => [77, "nc"], "" => [18, "nc"], "" => [77, "ne"], "" => [18, "ne"], "" => [77, "ni"], "" => [18, "ni"], "" => [77, "no"], "" => [18, "no"], "" => [77, "ns"], "" => [18, "ns"], "" => [77, "nt"], "" => [18, "nt"], "" => [0, "n "], "" => [0, "n%"], "" => [0, "n-"], "" => [0, "n."], "" => [0, "n/"], "" => [0, "n3"], "" => [0, "n4"], "" => [0, "n5"], "" => [0, "n6"], "" => [0, "n7"], "" => [0, "n8"], "" => [0, "n9"], "" => [0, "n="], "" => [0, "nA"], "" => [0, "n_"], "" => [0, "nb"], "" => [0, "nd"], "" => [0, "nf"], "" => [0, "ng"], "" => [0, "nh"], "" => [0, "nl"], "" => [0, "nm"], "" => [0, "nn"], "" => [0, "np"], "" => [0, "nr"], "" => [0, "nu"], "" => [100, "n"], "" => [110, "n"], "" => [111, "n"], "" => [115, "n"], "" => [116, "n"], "" => [118, "n"], "" => [119, "n"], "" => [122, "n"], "" => [123, "n"], "" => [125, "n"], "" => [126, "n"], "" => [129, "n"], "" => [143, "n"], "" => [148, "n"], "" => [151, "n"], "" => [153, "n"], "" => [83, "n"], "" => [10, "n"], "" => [77, "p0"], "" => [18, "p0"], "" => [77, "p1"], "" => [18, "p1"], "" => [77, "p2"], "" => [18, "p2"], "" => [77, "pa"], "" => [18, "pa"], "" => [77, "pc"], "" => [18, "pc"], "" => [77, "pe"], "" => [18, "pe"], "" => [77, "pi"], "" => [18, "pi"], "" => [77, "po"], "" => [18, "po"], "" => [77, "ps"], "" => [18, "ps"], "" => [77, "pt"], "" => [18, "pt"], "" => [0, "p "], "" => [0, "p%"], "" => [0, "p-"], "" => [0, "p."], "" => [0, "p/"], "" => [0, "p3"], "" => [0, "p4"], "" => [0, "p5"], "" => [0, "p6"], "" => [0, "p7"], "" => [0, "p8"], "" => [0, "p9"], "" => [0, "p="], "" => [0, "pA"], "" => [0, "p_"], "" => [0, "pb"], "" => [0, "pd"], "" => [0, "pf"], "" => [0, "pg"], "" => [0, "ph"], "" => [0, "pl"], "" => [0, "pm"], "" => [0, "pn"], "" => [0, "pp"], "" => [0, "pr"], "" => [0, "pu"], "" => [100, "p"], "" => [110, "p"], "" => [111, "p"], "" => [115, "p"], "" => [116, "p"], "" => [118, "p"], "" => [119, "p"], "" => [122, "p"], "" => [123, "p"], "" => [125, "p"], "" => [126, "p"], "" => [129, "p"], "" => [143, "p"], "" => [148, "p"], "" => [151, "p"], "" => [153, "p"], "" => [83, "p"], "" => [10, "p"]], ["\0" => [94, "n0"], "\1" => [76, "n0"], "\2" => [104, "n0"], "\3" => [16, "n0"], "\4" => [94, "n1"], "\5" => [76, "n1"], "\6" => [104, "n1"], "\7" => [16, "n1"], "\10" => [94, "n2"], "\t" => [76, "n2"], "\n" => [104, "n2"], "\v" => [16, "n2"], "\f" => [94, "na"], "\r" => [76, "na"], "\16" => [104, "na"], "\17" => [16, "na"], "\20" => [94, "nc"], "\21" => [76, "nc"], "\22" => [104, "nc"], "\23" => [16, "nc"], "\24" => [94, "ne"], "\25" => [76, "ne"], "\26" => [104, "ne"], "\27" => [16, "ne"], "\30" => [94, "ni"], "\31" => [76, "ni"], "\32" => [104, "ni"], "\33" => [16, "ni"], "\34" => [94, "no"], "\35" => [76, "no"], "\36" => [104, "no"], "\37" => [16, "no"], " " => [94, "ns"], "!" => [76, "ns"], "\"" => [104, "ns"], "#" => [16, "ns"], "\$" => [94, "nt"], "%" => [76, "nt"], "&" => [104, "nt"], "'" => [16, "nt"], "(" => [77, "n "], ")" => [18, "n "], "*" => [77, "n%"], "+" => [18, "n%"], "," => [77, "n-"], "-" => [18, "n-"], "." => [77, "n."], "/" => [18, "n."], [77, "n/"], [18, "n/"], [77, "n3"], [18, "n3"], [77, "n4"], [18, "n4"], [77, "n5"], [18, "n5"], [77, "n6"], [18, "n6"], ":" => [77, "n7"], ";" => [18, "n7"], "<" => [77, "n8"], "=" => [18, "n8"], ">" => [77, "n9"], "?" => [18, "n9"], "@" => [77, "n="], "A" => [18, "n="], "B" => [77, "nA"], "C" => [18, "nA"], "D" => [77, "n_"], "E" => [18, "n_"], "F" => [77, "nb"], "G" => [18, "nb"], "H" => [77, "nd"], "I" => [18, "nd"], "J" => [77, "nf"], "K" => [18, "nf"], "L" => [77, "ng"], "M" => [18, "ng"], "N" => [77, "nh"], "O" => [18, "nh"], "P" => [77, "nl"], "Q" => [18, "nl"], "R" => [77, "nm"], "S" => [18, "nm"], "T" => [77, "nn"], "U" => [18, "nn"], "V" => [77, "np"], "W" => [18, "np"], "X" => [77, "nr"], "Y" => [18, "nr"], "Z" => [77, "nu"], "[" => [18, "nu"], "\\" => [0, "n:"], "]" => [0, "nB"], "^" => [0, "nC"], "_" => [0, "nD"], "`" => [0, "nE"], "a" => [0, "nF"], "b" => [0, "nG"], "c" => [0, "nH"], "d" => [0, "nI"], "e" => [0, "nJ"], "f" => [0, "nK"], "g" => [0, "nL"], "h" => [0, "nM"], "i" => [0, "nN"], "j" => [0, "nO"], "k" => [0, "nP"], "l" => [0, "nQ"], "m" => [0, "nR"], "n" => [0, "nS"], "o" => [0, "nT"], "p" => [0, "nU"], "q" => [0, "nV"], "r" => [0, "nW"], "s" => [0, "nY"], "t" => [0, "nj"], "u" => [0, "nk"], "v" => [0, "nq"], "w" => [0, "nv"], "x" => [0, "nw"], "y" => [0, "nx"], "z" => [0, "ny"], "{" => [0, "nz"], "|" => [82, "n"], "}" => [87, "n"], "~" => [130, "n"], "" => [9, "n"], "" => [94, "p0"], "" => [76, "p0"], "" => [104, "p0"], "" => [16, "p0"], "" => [94, "p1"], "" => [76, "p1"], "" => [104, "p1"], "" => [16, "p1"], "" => [94, "p2"], "" => [76, "p2"], "" => [104, "p2"], "" => [16, "p2"], "" => [94, "pa"], "" => [76, "pa"], "" => [104, "pa"], "" => [16, "pa"], "" => [94, "pc"], "" => [76, "pc"], "" => [104, "pc"], "" => [16, "pc"], "" => [94, "pe"], "" => [76, "pe"], "" => [104, "pe"], "" => [16, "pe"], "" => [94, "pi"], "" => [76, "pi"], "" => [104, "pi"], "" => [16, "pi"], "" => [94, "po"], "" => [76, "po"], "" => [104, "po"], "" => [16, "po"], "" => [94, "ps"], "" => [76, "ps"], "" => [104, "ps"], "" => [16, "ps"], "" => [94, "pt"], "" => [76, "pt"], "" => [104, "pt"], "" => [16, "pt"], "" => [77, "p "], "" => [18, "p "], "" => [77, "p%"], "" => [18, "p%"], "" => [77, "p-"], "" => [18, "p-"], "" => [77, "p."], "" => [18, "p."], "" => [77, "p/"], "" => [18, "p/"], "" => [77, "p3"], "" => [18, "p3"], "" => [77, "p4"], "" => [18, "p4"], "" => [77, "p5"], "" => [18, "p5"], "" => [77, "p6"], "" => [18, "p6"], "" => [77, "p7"], "" => [18, "p7"], "" => [77, "p8"], "" => [18, "p8"], "" => [77, "p9"], "" => [18, "p9"], "" => [77, "p="], "" => [18, "p="], "" => [77, "pA"], "" => [18, "pA"], "" => [77, "p_"], "" => [18, "p_"], "" => [77, "pb"], "" => [18, "pb"], "" => [77, "pd"], "" => [18, "pd"], "" => [77, "pf"], "" => [18, "pf"], "" => [77, "pg"], "" => [18, "pg"], "" => [77, "ph"], "" => [18, "ph"], "" => [77, "pl"], "" => [18, "pl"], "" => [77, "pm"], "" => [18, "pm"], "" => [77, "pn"], "" => [18, "pn"], "" => [77, "pp"], "" => [18, "pp"], "" => [77, "pr"], "" => [18, "pr"], "" => [77, "pu"], "" => [18, "pu"], "" => [0, "p:"], "" => [0, "pB"], "" => [0, "pC"], "" => [0, "pD"], "" => [0, "pE"], "" => [0, "pF"], "" => [0, "pG"], "" => [0, "pH"], "" => [0, "pI"], "" => [0, "pJ"], "" => [0, "pK"], "" => [0, "pL"], "" => [0, "pM"], "" => [0, "pN"], "" => [0, "pO"], "" => [0, "pP"], "" => [0, "pQ"], "" => [0, "pR"], "" => [0, "pS"], "" => [0, "pT"], "" => [0, "pU"], "" => [0, "pV"], "" => [0, "pW"], "" => [0, "pY"], "" => [0, "pj"], "" => [0, "pk"], "" => [0, "pq"], "" => [0, "pv"], "" => [0, "pw"], "" => [0, "px"], "" => [0, "py"], "" => [0, "pz"], "" => [82, "p"], "" => [87, "p"], "" => [130, "p"], "" => [9, "p"]], ["\0" => [94, "q0"], "\1" => [76, "q0"], "\2" => [104, "q0"], "\3" => [16, "q0"], "\4" => [94, "q1"], "\5" => [76, "q1"], "\6" => [104, "q1"], "\7" => [16, "q1"], "\10" => [94, "q2"], "\t" => [76, "q2"], "\n" => [104, "q2"], "\v" => [16, "q2"], "\f" => [94, "qa"], "\r" => [76, "qa"], "\16" => [104, "qa"], "\17" => [16, "qa"], "\20" => [94, "qc"], "\21" => [76, "qc"], "\22" => [104, "qc"], "\23" => [16, "qc"], "\24" => [94, "qe"], "\25" => [76, "qe"], "\26" => [104, "qe"], "\27" => [16, "qe"], "\30" => [94, "qi"], "\31" => [76, "qi"], "\32" => [104, "qi"], "\33" => [16, "qi"], "\34" => [94, "qo"], "\35" => [76, "qo"], "\36" => [104, "qo"], "\37" => [16, "qo"], " " => [94, "qs"], "!" => [76, "qs"], "\"" => [104, "qs"], "#" => [16, "qs"], "\$" => [94, "qt"], "%" => [76, "qt"], "&" => [104, "qt"], "'" => [16, "qt"], "(" => [77, "q "], ")" => [18, "q "], "*" => [77, "q%"], "+" => [18, "q%"], "," => [77, "q-"], "-" => [18, "q-"], "." => [77, "q."], "/" => [18, "q."], [77, "q/"], [18, "q/"], [77, "q3"], [18, "q3"], [77, "q4"], [18, "q4"], [77, "q5"], [18, "q5"], [77, "q6"], [18, "q6"], ":" => [77, "q7"], ";" => [18, "q7"], "<" => [77, "q8"], "=" => [18, "q8"], ">" => [77, "q9"], "?" => [18, "q9"], "@" => [77, "q="], "A" => [18, "q="], "B" => [77, "qA"], "C" => [18, "qA"], "D" => [77, "q_"], "E" => [18, "q_"], "F" => [77, "qb"], "G" => [18, "qb"], "H" => [77, "qd"], "I" => [18, "qd"], "J" => [77, "qf"], "K" => [18, "qf"], "L" => [77, "qg"], "M" => [18, "qg"], "N" => [77, "qh"], "O" => [18, "qh"], "P" => [77, "ql"], "Q" => [18, "ql"], "R" => [77, "qm"], "S" => [18, "qm"], "T" => [77, "qn"], "U" => [18, "qn"], "V" => [77, "qp"], "W" => [18, "qp"], "X" => [77, "qr"], "Y" => [18, "qr"], "Z" => [77, "qu"], "[" => [18, "qu"], "\\" => [0, "q:"], "]" => [0, "qB"], "^" => [0, "qC"], "_" => [0, "qD"], "`" => [0, "qE"], "a" => [0, "qF"], "b" => [0, "qG"], "c" => [0, "qH"], "d" => [0, "qI"], "e" => [0, "qJ"], "f" => [0, "qK"], "g" => [0, "qL"], "h" => [0, "qM"], "i" => [0, "qN"], "j" => [0, "qO"], "k" => [0, "qP"], "l" => [0, "qQ"], "m" => [0, "qR"], "n" => [0, "qS"], "o" => [0, "qT"], "p" => [0, "qU"], "q" => [0, "qV"], "r" => [0, "qW"], "s" => [0, "qY"], "t" => [0, "qj"], "u" => [0, "qk"], "v" => [0, "qq"], "w" => [0, "qv"], "x" => [0, "qw"], "y" => [0, "qx"], "z" => [0, "qy"], "{" => [0, "qz"], "|" => [82, "q"], "}" => [87, "q"], "~" => [130, "q"], "" => [9, "q"], "" => [94, "v0"], "" => [76, "v0"], "" => [104, "v0"], "" => [16, "v0"], "" => [94, "v1"], "" => [76, "v1"], "" => [104, "v1"], "" => [16, "v1"], "" => [94, "v2"], "" => [76, "v2"], "" => [104, "v2"], "" => [16, "v2"], "" => [94, "va"], "" => [76, "va"], "" => [104, "va"], "" => [16, "va"], "" => [94, "vc"], "" => [76, "vc"], "" => [104, "vc"], "" => [16, "vc"], "" => [94, "ve"], "" => [76, "ve"], "" => [104, "ve"], "" => [16, "ve"], "" => [94, "vi"], "" => [76, "vi"], "" => [104, "vi"], "" => [16, "vi"], "" => [94, "vo"], "" => [76, "vo"], "" => [104, "vo"], "" => [16, "vo"], "" => [94, "vs"], "" => [76, "vs"], "" => [104, "vs"], "" => [16, "vs"], "" => [94, "vt"], "" => [76, "vt"], "" => [104, "vt"], "" => [16, "vt"], "" => [77, "v "], "" => [18, "v "], "" => [77, "v%"], "" => [18, "v%"], "" => [77, "v-"], "" => [18, "v-"], "" => [77, "v."], "" => [18, "v."], "" => [77, "v/"], "" => [18, "v/"], "" => [77, "v3"], "" => [18, "v3"], "" => [77, "v4"], "" => [18, "v4"], "" => [77, "v5"], "" => [18, "v5"], "" => [77, "v6"], "" => [18, "v6"], "" => [77, "v7"], "" => [18, "v7"], "" => [77, "v8"], "" => [18, "v8"], "" => [77, "v9"], "" => [18, "v9"], "" => [77, "v="], "" => [18, "v="], "" => [77, "vA"], "" => [18, "vA"], "" => [77, "v_"], "" => [18, "v_"], "" => [77, "vb"], "" => [18, "vb"], "" => [77, "vd"], "" => [18, "vd"], "" => [77, "vf"], "" => [18, "vf"], "" => [77, "vg"], "" => [18, "vg"], "" => [77, "vh"], "" => [18, "vh"], "" => [77, "vl"], "" => [18, "vl"], "" => [77, "vm"], "" => [18, "vm"], "" => [77, "vn"], "" => [18, "vn"], "" => [77, "vp"], "" => [18, "vp"], "" => [77, "vr"], "" => [18, "vr"], "" => [77, "vu"], "" => [18, "vu"], "" => [0, "v:"], "" => [0, "vB"], "" => [0, "vC"], "" => [0, "vD"], "" => [0, "vE"], "" => [0, "vF"], "" => [0, "vG"], "" => [0, "vH"], "" => [0, "vI"], "" => [0, "vJ"], "" => [0, "vK"], "" => [0, "vL"], "" => [0, "vM"], "" => [0, "vN"], "" => [0, "vO"], "" => [0, "vP"], "" => [0, "vQ"], "" => [0, "vR"], "" => [0, "vS"], "" => [0, "vT"], "" => [0, "vU"], "" => [0, "vV"], "" => [0, "vW"], "" => [0, "vY"], "" => [0, "vj"], "" => [0, "vk"], "" => [0, "vq"], "" => [0, "vv"], "" => [0, "vw"], "" => [0, "vx"], "" => [0, "vy"], "" => [0, "vz"], "" => [82, "v"], "" => [87, "v"], "" => [130, "v"], "" => [9, "v"]], ["\0" => [94, "r0"], "\1" => [76, "r0"], "\2" => [104, "r0"], "\3" => [16, "r0"], "\4" => [94, "r1"], "\5" => [76, "r1"], "\6" => [104, "r1"], "\7" => [16, "r1"], "\10" => [94, "r2"], "\t" => [76, "r2"], "\n" => [104, "r2"], "\v" => [16, "r2"], "\f" => [94, "ra"], "\r" => [76, "ra"], "\16" => [104, "ra"], "\17" => [16, "ra"], "\20" => [94, "rc"], "\21" => [76, "rc"], "\22" => [104, "rc"], "\23" => [16, "rc"], "\24" => [94, "re"], "\25" => [76, "re"], "\26" => [104, "re"], "\27" => [16, "re"], "\30" => [94, "ri"], "\31" => [76, "ri"], "\32" => [104, "ri"], "\33" => [16, "ri"], "\34" => [94, "ro"], "\35" => [76, "ro"], "\36" => [104, "ro"], "\37" => [16, "ro"], " " => [94, "rs"], "!" => [76, "rs"], "\"" => [104, "rs"], "#" => [16, "rs"], "\$" => [94, "rt"], "%" => [76, "rt"], "&" => [104, "rt"], "'" => [16, "rt"], "(" => [77, "r "], ")" => [18, "r "], "*" => [77, "r%"], "+" => [18, "r%"], "," => [77, "r-"], "-" => [18, "r-"], "." => [77, "r."], "/" => [18, "r."], [77, "r/"], [18, "r/"], [77, "r3"], [18, "r3"], [77, "r4"], [18, "r4"], [77, "r5"], [18, "r5"], [77, "r6"], [18, "r6"], ":" => [77, "r7"], ";" => [18, "r7"], "<" => [77, "r8"], "=" => [18, "r8"], ">" => [77, "r9"], "?" => [18, "r9"], "@" => [77, "r="], "A" => [18, "r="], "B" => [77, "rA"], "C" => [18, "rA"], "D" => [77, "r_"], "E" => [18, "r_"], "F" => [77, "rb"], "G" => [18, "rb"], "H" => [77, "rd"], "I" => [18, "rd"], "J" => [77, "rf"], "K" => [18, "rf"], "L" => [77, "rg"], "M" => [18, "rg"], "N" => [77, "rh"], "O" => [18, "rh"], "P" => [77, "rl"], "Q" => [18, "rl"], "R" => [77, "rm"], "S" => [18, "rm"], "T" => [77, "rn"], "U" => [18, "rn"], "V" => [77, "rp"], "W" => [18, "rp"], "X" => [77, "rr"], "Y" => [18, "rr"], "Z" => [77, "ru"], "[" => [18, "ru"], "\\" => [0, "r:"], "]" => [0, "rB"], "^" => [0, "rC"], "_" => [0, "rD"], "`" => [0, "rE"], "a" => [0, "rF"], "b" => [0, "rG"], "c" => [0, "rH"], "d" => [0, "rI"], "e" => [0, "rJ"], "f" => [0, "rK"], "g" => [0, "rL"], "h" => [0, "rM"], "i" => [0, "rN"], "j" => [0, "rO"], "k" => [0, "rP"], "l" => [0, "rQ"], "m" => [0, "rR"], "n" => [0, "rS"], "o" => [0, "rT"], "p" => [0, "rU"], "q" => [0, "rV"], "r" => [0, "rW"], "s" => [0, "rY"], "t" => [0, "rj"], "u" => [0, "rk"], "v" => [0, "rq"], "w" => [0, "rv"], "x" => [0, "rw"], "y" => [0, "rx"], "z" => [0, "ry"], "{" => [0, "rz"], "|" => [82, "r"], "}" => [87, "r"], "~" => [130, "r"], "" => [9, "r"], "" => [94, "u0"], "" => [76, "u0"], "" => [104, "u0"], "" => [16, "u0"], "" => [94, "u1"], "" => [76, "u1"], "" => [104, "u1"], "" => [16, "u1"], "" => [94, "u2"], "" => [76, "u2"], "" => [104, "u2"], "" => [16, "u2"], "" => [94, "ua"], "" => [76, "ua"], "" => [104, "ua"], "" => [16, "ua"], "" => [94, "uc"], "" => [76, "uc"], "" => [104, "uc"], "" => [16, "uc"], "" => [94, "ue"], "" => [76, "ue"], "" => [104, "ue"], "" => [16, "ue"], "" => [94, "ui"], "" => [76, "ui"], "" => [104, "ui"], "" => [16, "ui"], "" => [94, "uo"], "" => [76, "uo"], "" => [104, "uo"], "" => [16, "uo"], "" => [94, "us"], "" => [76, "us"], "" => [104, "us"], "" => [16, "us"], "" => [94, "ut"], "" => [76, "ut"], "" => [104, "ut"], "" => [16, "ut"], "" => [77, "u "], "" => [18, "u "], "" => [77, "u%"], "" => [18, "u%"], "" => [77, "u-"], "" => [18, "u-"], "" => [77, "u."], "" => [18, "u."], "" => [77, "u/"], "" => [18, "u/"], "" => [77, "u3"], "" => [18, "u3"], "" => [77, "u4"], "" => [18, "u4"], "" => [77, "u5"], "" => [18, "u5"], "" => [77, "u6"], "" => [18, "u6"], "" => [77, "u7"], "" => [18, "u7"], "" => [77, "u8"], "" => [18, "u8"], "" => [77, "u9"], "" => [18, "u9"], "" => [77, "u="], "" => [18, "u="], "" => [77, "uA"], "" => [18, "uA"], "" => [77, "u_"], "" => [18, "u_"], "" => [77, "ub"], "" => [18, "ub"], "" => [77, "ud"], "" => [18, "ud"], "" => [77, "uf"], "" => [18, "uf"], "" => [77, "ug"], "" => [18, "ug"], "" => [77, "uh"], "" => [18, "uh"], "" => [77, "ul"], "" => [18, "ul"], "" => [77, "um"], "" => [18, "um"], "" => [77, "un"], "" => [18, "un"], "" => [77, "up"], "" => [18, "up"], "" => [77, "ur"], "" => [18, "ur"], "" => [77, "uu"], "" => [18, "uu"], "" => [0, "u:"], "" => [0, "uB"], "" => [0, "uC"], "" => [0, "uD"], "" => [0, "uE"], "" => [0, "uF"], "" => [0, "uG"], "" => [0, "uH"], "" => [0, "uI"], "" => [0, "uJ"], "" => [0, "uK"], "" => [0, "uL"], "" => [0, "uM"], "" => [0, "uN"], "" => [0, "uO"], "" => [0, "uP"], "" => [0, "uQ"], "" => [0, "uR"], "" => [0, "uS"], "" => [0, "uT"], "" => [0, "uU"], "" => [0, "uV"], "" => [0, "uW"], "" => [0, "uY"], "" => [0, "uj"], "" => [0, "uk"], "" => [0, "uq"], "" => [0, "uv"], "" => [0, "uw"], "" => [0, "ux"], "" => [0, "uy"], "" => [0, "uz"], "" => [82, "u"], "" => [87, "u"], "" => [130, "u"], "" => [9, "u"]], ["\0" => [94, "s0"], "\1" => [76, "s0"], "\2" => [104, "s0"], "\3" => [16, "s0"], "\4" => [94, "s1"], "\5" => [76, "s1"], "\6" => [104, "s1"], "\7" => [16, "s1"], "\10" => [94, "s2"], "\t" => [76, "s2"], "\n" => [104, "s2"], "\v" => [16, "s2"], "\f" => [94, "sa"], "\r" => [76, "sa"], "\16" => [104, "sa"], "\17" => [16, "sa"], "\20" => [94, "sc"], "\21" => [76, "sc"], "\22" => [104, "sc"], "\23" => [16, "sc"], "\24" => [94, "se"], "\25" => [76, "se"], "\26" => [104, "se"], "\27" => [16, "se"], "\30" => [94, "si"], "\31" => [76, "si"], "\32" => [104, "si"], "\33" => [16, "si"], "\34" => [94, "so"], "\35" => [76, "so"], "\36" => [104, "so"], "\37" => [16, "so"], " " => [94, "ss"], "!" => [76, "ss"], "\"" => [104, "ss"], "#" => [16, "ss"], "\$" => [94, "st"], "%" => [76, "st"], "&" => [104, "st"], "'" => [16, "st"], "(" => [77, "s "], ")" => [18, "s "], "*" => [77, "s%"], "+" => [18, "s%"], "," => [77, "s-"], "-" => [18, "s-"], "." => [77, "s."], "/" => [18, "s."], [77, "s/"], [18, "s/"], [77, "s3"], [18, "s3"], [77, "s4"], [18, "s4"], [77, "s5"], [18, "s5"], [77, "s6"], [18, "s6"], ":" => [77, "s7"], ";" => [18, "s7"], "<" => [77, "s8"], "=" => [18, "s8"], ">" => [77, "s9"], "?" => [18, "s9"], "@" => [77, "s="], "A" => [18, "s="], "B" => [77, "sA"], "C" => [18, "sA"], "D" => [77, "s_"], "E" => [18, "s_"], "F" => [77, "sb"], "G" => [18, "sb"], "H" => [77, "sd"], "I" => [18, "sd"], "J" => [77, "sf"], "K" => [18, "sf"], "L" => [77, "sg"], "M" => [18, "sg"], "N" => [77, "sh"], "O" => [18, "sh"], "P" => [77, "sl"], "Q" => [18, "sl"], "R" => [77, "sm"], "S" => [18, "sm"], "T" => [77, "sn"], "U" => [18, "sn"], "V" => [77, "sp"], "W" => [18, "sp"], "X" => [77, "sr"], "Y" => [18, "sr"], "Z" => [77, "su"], "[" => [18, "su"], "\\" => [0, "s:"], "]" => [0, "sB"], "^" => [0, "sC"], "_" => [0, "sD"], "`" => [0, "sE"], "a" => [0, "sF"], "b" => [0, "sG"], "c" => [0, "sH"], "d" => [0, "sI"], "e" => [0, "sJ"], "f" => [0, "sK"], "g" => [0, "sL"], "h" => [0, "sM"], "i" => [0, "sN"], "j" => [0, "sO"], "k" => [0, "sP"], "l" => [0, "sQ"], "m" => [0, "sR"], "n" => [0, "sS"], "o" => [0, "sT"], "p" => [0, "sU"], "q" => [0, "sV"], "r" => [0, "sW"], "s" => [0, "sY"], "t" => [0, "sj"], "u" => [0, "sk"], "v" => [0, "sq"], "w" => [0, "sv"], "x" => [0, "sw"], "y" => [0, "sx"], "z" => [0, "sy"], "{" => [0, "sz"], "|" => [82, "s"], "}" => [87, "s"], "~" => [130, "s"], "" => [9, "s"], "" => [94, "t0"], "" => [76, "t0"], "" => [104, "t0"], "" => [16, "t0"], "" => [94, "t1"], "" => [76, "t1"], "" => [104, "t1"], "" => [16, "t1"], "" => [94, "t2"], "" => [76, "t2"], "" => [104, "t2"], "" => [16, "t2"], "" => [94, "ta"], "" => [76, "ta"], "" => [104, "ta"], "" => [16, "ta"], "" => [94, "tc"], "" => [76, "tc"], "" => [104, "tc"], "" => [16, "tc"], "" => [94, "te"], "" => [76, "te"], "" => [104, "te"], "" => [16, "te"], "" => [94, "ti"], "" => [76, "ti"], "" => [104, "ti"], "" => [16, "ti"], "" => [94, "to"], "" => [76, "to"], "" => [104, "to"], "" => [16, "to"], "" => [94, "ts"], "" => [76, "ts"], "" => [104, "ts"], "" => [16, "ts"], "" => [94, "tt"], "" => [76, "tt"], "" => [104, "tt"], "" => [16, "tt"], "" => [77, "t "], "" => [18, "t "], "" => [77, "t%"], "" => [18, "t%"], "" => [77, "t-"], "" => [18, "t-"], "" => [77, "t."], "" => [18, "t."], "" => [77, "t/"], "" => [18, "t/"], "" => [77, "t3"], "" => [18, "t3"], "" => [77, "t4"], "" => [18, "t4"], "" => [77, "t5"], "" => [18, "t5"], "" => [77, "t6"], "" => [18, "t6"], "" => [77, "t7"], "" => [18, "t7"], "" => [77, "t8"], "" => [18, "t8"], "" => [77, "t9"], "" => [18, "t9"], "" => [77, "t="], "" => [18, "t="], "" => [77, "tA"], "" => [18, "tA"], "" => [77, "t_"], "" => [18, "t_"], "" => [77, "tb"], "" => [18, "tb"], "" => [77, "td"], "" => [18, "td"], "" => [77, "tf"], "" => [18, "tf"], "" => [77, "tg"], "" => [18, "tg"], "" => [77, "th"], "" => [18, "th"], "" => [77, "tl"], "" => [18, "tl"], "" => [77, "tm"], "" => [18, "tm"], "" => [77, "tn"], "" => [18, "tn"], "" => [77, "tp"], "" => [18, "tp"], "" => [77, "tr"], "" => [18, "tr"], "" => [77, "tu"], "" => [18, "tu"], "" => [0, "t:"], "" => [0, "tB"], "" => [0, "tC"], "" => [0, "tD"], "" => [0, "tE"], "" => [0, "tF"], "" => [0, "tG"], "" => [0, "tH"], "" => [0, "tI"], "" => [0, "tJ"], "" => [0, "tK"], "" => [0, "tL"], "" => [0, "tM"], "" => [0, "tN"], "" => [0, "tO"], "" => [0, "tP"], "" => [0, "tQ"], "" => [0, "tR"], "" => [0, "tS"], "" => [0, "tT"], "" => [0, "tU"], "" => [0, "tV"], "" => [0, "tW"], "" => [0, "tY"], "" => [0, "tj"], "" => [0, "tk"], "" => [0, "tq"], "" => [0, "tv"], "" => [0, "tw"], "" => [0, "tx"], "" => [0, "ty"], "" => [0, "tz"], "" => [82, "t"], "" => [87, "t"], "" => [130, "t"], "" => [9, "t"]], ["\0" => [94, "w0"], "\1" => [76, "w0"], "\2" => [104, "w0"], "\3" => [16, "w0"], "\4" => [94, "w1"], "\5" => [76, "w1"], "\6" => [104, "w1"], "\7" => [16, "w1"], "\10" => [94, "w2"], "\t" => [76, "w2"], "\n" => [104, "w2"], "\v" => [16, "w2"], "\f" => [94, "wa"], "\r" => [76, "wa"], "\16" => [104, "wa"], "\17" => [16, "wa"], "\20" => [94, "wc"], "\21" => [76, "wc"], "\22" => [104, "wc"], "\23" => [16, "wc"], "\24" => [94, "we"], "\25" => [76, "we"], "\26" => [104, "we"], "\27" => [16, "we"], "\30" => [94, "wi"], "\31" => [76, "wi"], "\32" => [104, "wi"], "\33" => [16, "wi"], "\34" => [94, "wo"], "\35" => [76, "wo"], "\36" => [104, "wo"], "\37" => [16, "wo"], " " => [94, "ws"], "!" => [76, "ws"], "\"" => [104, "ws"], "#" => [16, "ws"], "\$" => [94, "wt"], "%" => [76, "wt"], "&" => [104, "wt"], "'" => [16, "wt"], "(" => [77, "w "], ")" => [18, "w "], "*" => [77, "w%"], "+" => [18, "w%"], "," => [77, "w-"], "-" 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"f" => [0, "wK"], "g" => [0, "wL"], "h" => [0, "wM"], "i" => [0, "wN"], "j" => [0, "wO"], "k" => [0, "wP"], "l" => [0, "wQ"], "m" => [0, "wR"], "n" => [0, "wS"], "o" => [0, "wT"], "p" => [0, "wU"], "q" => [0, "wV"], "r" => [0, "wW"], "s" => [0, "wY"], "t" => [0, "wj"], "u" => [0, "wk"], "v" => [0, "wq"], "w" => [0, "wv"], "x" => [0, "ww"], "y" => [0, "wx"], "z" => [0, "wy"], "{" => [0, "wz"], "|" => [82, "w"], "}" => [87, "w"], "~" => [130, "w"], "" => [9, "w"], "" => [94, "x0"], "" => [76, "x0"], "" => [104, "x0"], "" => [16, "x0"], "" => [94, "x1"], "" => [76, "x1"], "" => [104, "x1"], "" => [16, "x1"], "" => [94, "x2"], "" => [76, "x2"], "" => [104, "x2"], "" => [16, "x2"], "" => [94, "xa"], "" => [76, "xa"], "" => [104, "xa"], "" => [16, "xa"], "" => [94, "xc"], "" => [76, "xc"], "" => [104, "xc"], "" => [16, "xc"], "" => [94, "xe"], "" => [76, "xe"], "" => [104, "xe"], "" => [16, "xe"], "" => [94, "xi"], "" => [76, "xi"], "" => [104, "xi"], "" => [16, "xi"], "" => [94, "xo"], "" => [76, "xo"], "" => [104, "xo"], "" => [16, "xo"], "" => [94, "xs"], "" => [76, "xs"], "" => [104, "xs"], "" => [16, "xs"], "" => [94, "xt"], "" => [76, "xt"], "" => [104, "xt"], "" => [16, "xt"], "" => [77, "x "], "" => [18, "x "], "" => [77, "x%"], "" => [18, "x%"], "" => [77, "x-"], "" => [18, "x-"], "" => [77, "x."], "" => [18, "x."], "" => [77, "x/"], "" => [18, "x/"], "" => [77, "x3"], "" => [18, "x3"], "" => [77, "x4"], "" => [18, "x4"], "" => [77, "x5"], "" => [18, "x5"], "" => [77, "x6"], "" => [18, "x6"], "" => [77, "x7"], "" => [18, "x7"], "" => [77, "x8"], "" => [18, "x8"], "" => [77, "x9"], "" => [18, "x9"], "" => [77, "x="], "" => [18, "x="], "" => [77, "xA"], "" => [18, "xA"], "" => [77, "x_"], "" => [18, "x_"], "" => [77, "xb"], "" => [18, "xb"], "" => [77, "xd"], "" => [18, "xd"], "" => [77, "xf"], "" => [18, "xf"], "" => [77, "xg"], "" => [18, "xg"], "" => [77, "xh"], "" => [18, "xh"], "" => [77, "xl"], "" => [18, "xl"], "" => [77, "xm"], "" => [18, "xm"], "" => [77, "xn"], "" => [18, "xn"], "" => [77, "xp"], "" => [18, "xp"], "" => [77, "xr"], "" => [18, "xr"], "" => [77, "xu"], "" => [18, "xu"], "" => [0, "x:"], "" => [0, "xB"], "" => [0, "xC"], "" => [0, "xD"], "" => [0, "xE"], "" => [0, "xF"], "" => [0, "xG"], "" => [0, "xH"], "" => [0, "xI"], "" => [0, "xJ"], "" => [0, "xK"], "" => [0, "xL"], "" => [0, "xM"], "" => [0, "xN"], "" => [0, "xO"], "" => [0, "xP"], "" => [0, "xQ"], "" => [0, "xR"], "" => [0, "xS"], "" => [0, "xT"], "" => [0, "xU"], "" => [0, "xV"], "" => [0, "xW"], "" => [0, "xY"], "" => [0, "xj"], "" => [0, "xk"], "" => [0, "xq"], "" => [0, "xv"], "" => [0, "xw"], "" => [0, "xx"], "" => [0, "xy"], "" => [0, "xz"], "" => [82, "x"], "" => [87, "x"], "" => [130, "x"], "" => [9, "x"]], ["\0" => [77, "w0"], "\1" => [18, "w0"], "\2" => [77, "w1"], "\3" => [18, "w1"], "\4" => [77, "w2"], "\5" => [18, "w2"], "\6" => [77, "wa"], "\7" => [18, "wa"], "\10" => [77, "wc"], "\t" => [18, "wc"], "\n" => [77, "we"], "\v" => [18, "we"], "\f" => [77, "wi"], "\r" => [18, "wi"], "\16" => [77, "wo"], "\17" => [18, "wo"], "\20" => [77, "ws"], "\21" => [18, "ws"], "\22" => [77, "wt"], "\23" => [18, "wt"], "\24" => [0, "w "], "\25" => [0, "w%"], "\26" => [0, "w-"], "\27" => [0, "w."], "\30" => [0, "w/"], "\31" => [0, "w3"], "\32" => [0, "w4"], "\33" => [0, "w5"], "\34" => [0, "w6"], "\35" => [0, "w7"], "\36" => [0, "w8"], "\37" => [0, "w9"], " " => [0, "w="], "!" => [0, "wA"], "\"" => [0, "w_"], "#" => [0, "wb"], "\$" => [0, "wd"], "%" => [0, "wf"], "&" => [0, "wg"], "'" => [0, "wh"], "(" => [0, "wl"], ")" => [0, "wm"], "*" => [0, "wn"], "+" => [0, "wp"], "," => [0, "wr"], "-" => [0, "wu"], "." => [100, "w"], "/" => [110, "w"], [111, "w"], [115, "w"], [116, "w"], [118, "w"], [119, "w"], [122, "w"], [123, "w"], [125, "w"], [126, "w"], [129, "w"], ":" => [143, "w"], ";" => [148, "w"], "<" => [151, "w"], "=" => [153, "w"], ">" => [83, "w"], "?" => [10, "w"], "@" => [77, "x0"], "A" => [18, "x0"], "B" => [77, "x1"], "C" => [18, "x1"], "D" => [77, "x2"], "E" => [18, "x2"], "F" => [77, "xa"], "G" => [18, "xa"], "H" => [77, "xc"], "I" => [18, "xc"], "J" => [77, "xe"], "K" => [18, "xe"], "L" => [77, "xi"], "M" => [18, "xi"], "N" => [77, "xo"], "O" => [18, "xo"], "P" => [77, "xs"], "Q" => [18, "xs"], "R" => [77, "xt"], "S" => [18, "xt"], "T" => [0, "x "], "U" => [0, "x%"], "V" => [0, "x-"], "W" => [0, "x."], "X" => [0, "x/"], "Y" => [0, "x3"], "Z" => [0, "x4"], "[" => [0, "x5"], "\\" => [0, "x6"], "]" => [0, "x7"], "^" => [0, "x8"], "_" => [0, "x9"], "`" => [0, "x="], "a" => [0, "xA"], "b" => [0, "x_"], "c" => [0, "xb"], "d" => [0, "xd"], "e" => [0, "xf"], "f" => [0, "xg"], "g" => [0, "xh"], "h" => [0, "xl"], "i" => [0, "xm"], "j" => [0, "xn"], "k" => [0, "xp"], "l" => [0, "xr"], "m" => [0, "xu"], "n" => [100, "x"], "o" => [110, "x"], "p" => [111, "x"], "q" => [115, "x"], "r" => [116, "x"], "s" => [118, "x"], "t" => [119, "x"], "u" => [122, "x"], "v" => [123, "x"], "w" => [125, "x"], "x" => [126, "x"], "y" => [129, "x"], "z" => [143, "x"], "{" => [148, "x"], "|" => [151, "x"], "}" => [153, "x"], "~" => [83, "x"], "" => [10, "x"], "" => [77, "y0"], "" => [18, "y0"], "" => [77, "y1"], "" => [18, "y1"], "" => [77, "y2"], "" => [18, "y2"], "" => [77, "ya"], "" => [18, "ya"], "" => [77, "yc"], "" => [18, "yc"], "" => [77, "ye"], "" => [18, "ye"], "" => [77, "yi"], "" => [18, "yi"], "" => [77, "yo"], "" => [18, "yo"], "" => [77, "ys"], "" => [18, "ys"], "" => [77, "yt"], "" => [18, "yt"], "" => [0, "y "], "" => [0, "y%"], "" => [0, "y-"], "" => [0, "y."], "" => [0, "y/"], "" => [0, "y3"], "" => [0, "y4"], "" => [0, "y5"], "" => [0, "y6"], "" => [0, "y7"], "" => [0, "y8"], "" => [0, "y9"], "" => [0, "y="], "" => [0, "yA"], "" => [0, "y_"], "" => [0, "yb"], "" => [0, "yd"], "" => [0, "yf"], "" => [0, "yg"], "" => [0, "yh"], "" => [0, "yl"], "" => [0, "ym"], "" => [0, "yn"], "" => [0, "yp"], "" => [0, "yr"], "" => [0, "yu"], "" => [100, "y"], "" => [110, "y"], "" => [111, "y"], "" => [115, "y"], "" => [116, "y"], "" => [118, "y"], "" => [119, "y"], "" => [122, "y"], "" => [123, "y"], "" => [125, "y"], "" => [126, "y"], "" => [129, "y"], "" => [143, "y"], "" => [148, "y"], "" => [151, "y"], "" => [153, "y"], "" => [83, "y"], "" => [10, "y"], "" => [77, "z0"], "" => [18, "z0"], "" => [77, "z1"], "" => [18, "z1"], "" => [77, "z2"], "" => [18, "z2"], "" => [77, "za"], "" => [18, "za"], "" => [77, "zc"], "" => [18, "zc"], "" => [77, "ze"], "" => [18, "ze"], "" => [77, "zi"], "" => [18, "zi"], "" => [77, "zo"], "" => [18, "zo"], "" => [77, "zs"], "" => [18, "zs"], "" => [77, "zt"], "" => [18, "zt"], "" => [0, "z "], "" => [0, "z%"], "" => [0, "z-"], "" => [0, "z."], "" => [0, "z/"], "" => [0, "z3"], "" => [0, "z4"], "" => [0, "z5"], "" => [0, "z6"], "" => [0, "z7"], "" => [0, "z8"], "" => [0, "z9"], "" => [0, "z="], "" => [0, "zA"], "" => [0, "z_"], "" => [0, "zb"], "" => [0, "zd"], "" => [0, "zf"], "" => [0, "zg"], "" => [0, "zh"], "" => [0, "zl"], "" => [0, "zm"], "" => [0, "zn"], "" => [0, "zp"], "" => [0, "zr"], "" => [0, "zu"], "" => [100, "z"], "" => [110, "z"], "" => [111, "z"], "" => [115, "z"], "" => [116, "z"], "" => [118, "z"], "" => [119, "z"], "" => [122, "z"], "" => [123, "z"], "" => [125, "z"], "" => [126, "z"], "" => [129, "z"], "" => [143, "z"], "" => [148, "z"], "" => [151, "z"], "" => [153, "z"], "" => [83, "z"], "" => [10, "z"]], ["\0" => [94, "y0"], "\1" => [76, "y0"], "\2" => [104, "y0"], "\3" => [16, "y0"], "\4" => [94, "y1"], "\5" => [76, "y1"], "\6" => [104, "y1"], "\7" => [16, "y1"], "\10" => [94, "y2"], "\t" => [76, "y2"], "\n" => [104, "y2"], "\v" => [16, "y2"], "\f" => [94, "ya"], "\r" => [76, "ya"], "\16" => [104, "ya"], "\17" => [16, "ya"], "\20" => [94, "yc"], "\21" => [76, "yc"], "\22" => [104, "yc"], "\23" => [16, "yc"], "\24" => [94, "ye"], "\25" => [76, "ye"], "\26" => [104, "ye"], "\27" => [16, "ye"], "\30" => [94, "yi"], "\31" => [76, "yi"], "\32" => [104, "yi"], "\33" => [16, "yi"], "\34" => [94, "yo"], "\35" => [76, "yo"], "\36" => [104, "yo"], "\37" => [16, "yo"], " " => [94, "ys"], "!" => [76, "ys"], "\"" => [104, "ys"], "#" => [16, "ys"], "\$" => [94, "yt"], "%" => [76, "yt"], "&" => [104, "yt"], "'" => [16, "yt"], "(" => [77, "y "], ")" => [18, "y "], "*" => [77, "y%"], "+" => [18, "y%"], "," => [77, "y-"], "-" => [18, "y-"], "." => [77, "y."], "/" => [18, "y."], [77, "y/"], [18, "y/"], [77, "y3"], [18, "y3"], [77, "y4"], [18, "y4"], [77, "y5"], [18, "y5"], [77, "y6"], [18, "y6"], ":" => [77, "y7"], ";" => [18, "y7"], "<" => [77, "y8"], "=" => [18, "y8"], ">" => [77, "y9"], "?" => [18, "y9"], "@" => [77, "y="], "A" => [18, "y="], "B" => [77, "yA"], "C" => [18, "yA"], "D" => [77, "y_"], "E" => [18, "y_"], "F" => [77, "yb"], "G" => [18, "yb"], "H" => [77, "yd"], "I" => [18, "yd"], "J" => [77, "yf"], "K" => [18, "yf"], "L" => [77, "yg"], "M" => [18, "yg"], "N" => [77, "yh"], "O" => [18, "yh"], "P" => [77, "yl"], "Q" => [18, "yl"], "R" => [77, "ym"], "S" => [18, "ym"], "T" => [77, "yn"], "U" => [18, "yn"], "V" => [77, "yp"], "W" => [18, "yp"], "X" => [77, "yr"], "Y" => [18, "yr"], "Z" => [77, "yu"], "[" => [18, "yu"], "\\" => [0, "y:"], "]" => [0, "yB"], "^" => [0, "yC"], "_" => [0, "yD"], "`" => [0, "yE"], "a" => [0, "yF"], "b" => [0, "yG"], "c" => [0, "yH"], "d" => [0, "yI"], "e" => [0, "yJ"], "f" => [0, "yK"], "g" => [0, "yL"], "h" => [0, "yM"], "i" => [0, "yN"], "j" => [0, "yO"], "k" => [0, "yP"], "l" => [0, "yQ"], "m" => [0, "yR"], "n" => [0, "yS"], "o" => [0, "yT"], "p" => [0, "yU"], "q" => [0, "yV"], "r" => [0, "yW"], "s" => [0, "yY"], "t" => [0, "yj"], "u" => [0, "yk"], "v" => [0, "yq"], "w" => [0, "yv"], "x" => [0, "yw"], "y" => [0, "yx"], "z" => [0, "yy"], "{" => [0, "yz"], "|" => [82, "y"], "}" => [87, "y"], "~" => [130, "y"], "" => [9, "y"], "" => [94, "z0"], "" => [76, "z0"], "" => [104, "z0"], "" => [16, "z0"], "" => [94, "z1"], "" => [76, "z1"], "" => [104, "z1"], "" => [16, "z1"], "" => [94, "z2"], "" => [76, "z2"], "" => [104, "z2"], "" => [16, "z2"], "" => [94, "za"], "" => [76, "za"], "" => [104, "za"], "" => [16, "za"], "" => [94, "zc"], "" => [76, "zc"], "" => [104, "zc"], "" => [16, "zc"], "" => [94, "ze"], "" => [76, "ze"], "" => [104, "ze"], "" => [16, "ze"], "" => [94, "zi"], "" => [76, "zi"], "" => [104, "zi"], "" => [16, "zi"], "" => [94, "zo"], "" => [76, "zo"], "" => [104, "zo"], "" => [16, "zo"], "" => [94, "zs"], "" => [76, "zs"], "" => [104, "zs"], "" => [16, "zs"], "" => [94, "zt"], "" => [76, "zt"], "" => [104, "zt"], "" => [16, "zt"], "" => [77, "z "], "" => [18, "z "], "" => [77, "z%"], "" => [18, "z%"], "" => [77, "z-"], "" => [18, "z-"], "" => [77, "z."], "" => [18, "z."], "" => [77, "z/"], "" => [18, "z/"], "" => [77, "z3"], "" => [18, "z3"], "" => [77, "z4"], "" => [18, "z4"], "" => [77, "z5"], "" => [18, "z5"], "" => [77, "z6"], "" => [18, "z6"], "" => [77, "z7"], "" => [18, "z7"], "" => [77, "z8"], "" => [18, "z8"], "" => [77, "z9"], "" => [18, "z9"], "" => [77, "z="], "" => [18, "z="], "" => [77, "zA"], "" => [18, "zA"], "" => [77, "z_"], "" => [18, "z_"], "" => [77, "zb"], "" => [18, "zb"], "" => [77, "zd"], "" => [18, "zd"], "" => [77, "zf"], "" => [18, "zf"], "" => [77, "zg"], "" => [18, "zg"], "" => [77, "zh"], "" => [18, "zh"], "" => [77, "zl"], "" => [18, "zl"], "" => [77, "zm"], "" => [18, "zm"], "" => [77, "zn"], "" => [18, "zn"], "" => [77, "zp"], "" => [18, "zp"], "" => [77, "zr"], "" => [18, "zr"], "" => [77, "zu"], "" => [18, "zu"], "" => [0, "z:"], "" => [0, "zB"], "" => [0, "zC"], "" => [0, "zD"], "" => [0, "zE"], "" => [0, "zF"], "" => [0, "zG"], "" => [0, "zH"], "" => [0, "zI"], "" => [0, "zJ"], "" => [0, "zK"], "" => [0, "zL"], "" => [0, "zM"], "" => [0, "zN"], "" => [0, "zO"], "" => [0, "zP"], "" => [0, "zQ"], "" => [0, "zR"], "" => [0, "zS"], "" => [0, "zT"], "" => [0, "zU"], "" => [0, "zV"], "" => [0, "zW"], "" => [0, "zY"], "" => [0, "zj"], "" => [0, "zk"], "" => [0, "zq"], "" => [0, "zv"], "" => [0, "zw"], "" => [0, "zx"], "" => [0, "zy"], "" => [0, "zz"], "" => [82, "z"], "" => [87, "z"], "" => [130, "z"], "" => [9, "z"]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [92, ""], "\1" => [95, ""], "\2" => [137, ""], "\3" => [142, ""], "\4" => [150, ""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [92, ""], "\21" => [95, ""], "\22" => [137, ""], "\23" => [142, ""], "\24" => [150, ""], "\25" => [74, ""], "\26" => [90, ""], "\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [92, ""], "\1" => [95, ""], "\2" => [137, ""], "\3" => [142, ""], "\4" => [150, ""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [92, ""], "\21" => [95, ""], "\22" => [137, ""], "\23" => [142, ""], "\24" => [150, ""], "\25" => [74, ""], "\26" => [90, ""], "\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." 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[0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => 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=> [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [92, ""], "\1" => [95, ""], "\2" => [137, ""], "\3" => [142, ""], "\4" => [150, ""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [92, ""], "\21" => [95, ""], "\22" => [137, ""], "\23" => [142, ""], "\24" => [150, ""], "\25" => [74, ""], "\26" => [90, ""], "\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""], "" => [93, ""], "" => [138, ""], "" => [75, ""], "" => [91, ""], "" => [108, ""], "" => [103, ""], "" => [114, ""], "" => [14, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], 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"n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [92, ""], "\1" => [95, ""], "\2" => [137, ""], "\3" => [142, ""], "\4" => [150, ""], "\5" => [74, ""], "\6" => [90, ""], "\7" => [98, ""], "\10" => [107, ""], "\t" => [140, ""], "\n" => [146, ""], "\v" => [102, ""], "\f" => [113, ""], "\r" => [121, ""], "\16" => [128, ""], "\17" => [12, ""], "\20" => [92, ""], "\21" => [95, ""], "\22" => [137, ""], "\23" => [142, ""], "\24" => [150, ""], "\25" => [74, ""], "\26" => [90, ""], "\27" => [98, ""], "\30" => [107, ""], "\31" => [140, ""], "\32" => [146, ""], "\33" => [102, ""], "\34" => [113, ""], "\35" => [121, ""], "\36" => [128, ""], "\37" => [12, ""], " " => [92, ""], "!" => [95, ""], "\"" => [137, ""], "#" => [142, ""], "\$" => [150, ""], "%" => [74, ""], "&" => [90, ""], "'" => [98, ""], "(" => [107, ""], ")" => [140, ""], "*" => [146, ""], "+" => [102, ""], "," => [113, ""], "-" => [121, ""], "." => [128, ""], "/" => [12, ""], [92, ""], [95, ""], [137, ""], [142, ""], [150, ""], [74, ""], [90, ""], [98, ""], [107, ""], [140, ""], ":" => [146, ""], ";" => [102, ""], "<" => [113, ""], "=" => [121, ""], ">" => [128, ""], "?" => [12, ""], "@" => [92, ""], "A" => [95, ""], "B" => [137, ""], "C" => [142, ""], "D" => [150, ""], "E" => [74, ""], "F" => [90, ""], "G" => [98, ""], "H" => [107, ""], "I" => [140, ""], "J" => [146, ""], "K" => [102, ""], "L" => [113, ""], "M" => [121, ""], "N" => [128, ""], "O" => [12, ""], "P" => [92, ""], "Q" => [95, ""], "R" => [137, ""], "S" => [142, ""], "T" => [150, ""], "U" => [74, ""], "V" => [90, ""], "W" => [98, ""], "X" => [107, ""], "Y" => [140, ""], "Z" => [146, ""], "[" => [102, ""], "\\" => [113, ""], "]" => [121, ""], "^" => [128, ""], "_" => [12, ""], "`" => [92, ""], "a" => [95, ""], "b" => [137, ""], "c" => [142, ""], "d" => [150, ""], "e" => [74, ""], "f" => [90, ""], "g" => [98, ""], "h" => [107, ""], "i" => [140, ""], "j" => [146, ""], "k" => [102, ""], "l" => [113, ""], "m" => [121, ""], "n" => [128, ""], "o" => [12, ""], "p" => [92, ""], "q" => [95, ""], "r" => [137, ""], "s" => [142, ""], "t" => [150, ""], "u" => [74, ""], "v" => [90, ""], "w" => [98, ""], "x" => [107, ""], "y" => [140, ""], "z" => [146, ""], "{" => [102, ""], "|" => [113, ""], "}" => [121, ""], "~" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""], "" => [92, ""], "" => [95, ""], "" => [137, ""], "" => [142, ""], "" => [150, ""], "" => [74, ""], "" => [90, ""], "" => [98, ""], "" => [107, ""], "" => [140, ""], "" => [146, ""], "" => [102, ""], "" => [113, ""], "" => [121, ""], "" => [128, ""], "" => [12, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [0, "0"], "\1" => [0, "1"], "\2" => [0, "2"], "\3" => [0, "a"], "\4" => [0, "c"], "\5" => [0, "e"], "\6" => [0, "i"], "\7" => [0, "o"], "\10" => [0, "s"], "\t" => [0, "t"], "\n" => [73, ""], "\v" => [88, ""], "\f" => [89, ""], "\r" => [96, ""], "\16" => [97, ""], "\17" => [99, ""], "\20" => [106, ""], "\21" => [136, ""], "\22" => [139, ""], "\23" => [141, ""], "\24" => [145, ""], "\25" => [147, ""], "\26" => [149, ""], "\27" => [101, ""], "\30" => [112, ""], "\31" => [117, ""], "\32" => [120, ""], "\33" => [124, ""], "\34" => [127, ""], "\35" => [144, ""], "\36" => [152, ""], "\37" => [11, ""], " " => [0, "0"], "!" => [0, "1"], "\"" => [0, "2"], "#" => [0, "a"], "\$" => [0, "c"], "%" => [0, "e"], "&" => [0, "i"], "'" => [0, "o"], "(" => [0, "s"], ")" => [0, "t"], "*" => [73, ""], "+" => [88, ""], "," => [89, ""], "-" => [96, ""], "." => [97, ""], "/" => [99, ""], [106, ""], [136, ""], [139, ""], [141, ""], [145, ""], [147, ""], [149, ""], [101, ""], [112, ""], [117, ""], ":" => [120, ""], ";" => [124, ""], "<" => [127, ""], "=" => [144, ""], ">" => [152, ""], "?" => [11, ""], "@" => [0, "0"], "A" => [0, "1"], "B" => [0, "2"], "C" => [0, "a"], "D" => [0, "c"], "E" => [0, "e"], "F" => [0, "i"], "G" => [0, "o"], "H" => [0, "s"], "I" => [0, "t"], "J" => [73, ""], "K" => [88, ""], "L" => [89, ""], "M" => [96, ""], "N" => [97, ""], "O" => [99, ""], "P" => [106, ""], "Q" => [136, ""], "R" => [139, ""], "S" => [141, ""], "T" => [145, ""], "U" => [147, ""], "V" => [149, ""], "W" => [101, ""], "X" => [112, ""], "Y" => [117, ""], "Z" => [120, ""], "[" => [124, ""], "\\" => [127, ""], "]" => [144, ""], "^" => [152, ""], "_" => [11, ""], "`" => [0, "0"], "a" => [0, "1"], "b" => [0, "2"], "c" => [0, "a"], "d" => [0, "c"], "e" => [0, "e"], "f" => [0, "i"], "g" => [0, "o"], "h" => [0, "s"], "i" => [0, "t"], "j" => [73, ""], "k" => [88, ""], "l" => [89, ""], "m" => [96, ""], "n" => [97, ""], "o" => [99, ""], "p" => [106, ""], "q" => [136, ""], "r" => [139, ""], "s" => [141, ""], "t" => [145, ""], "u" => [147, ""], "v" => [149, ""], "w" => [101, ""], "x" => [112, ""], "y" => [117, ""], "z" => [120, ""], "{" => [124, ""], "|" => [127, ""], "}" => [144, ""], "~" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""], "" => [0, "0"], "" => [0, "1"], "" => [0, "2"], "" => [0, "a"], "" => [0, "c"], "" => [0, "e"], "" => [0, "i"], "" => [0, "o"], "" => [0, "s"], "" => [0, "t"], "" => [73, ""], "" => [88, ""], "" => [89, ""], "" => [96, ""], "" => [97, ""], "" => [99, ""], "" => [106, ""], "" => [136, ""], "" => [139, ""], "" => [141, ""], "" => [145, ""], "" => [147, ""], "" => [149, ""], "" => [101, ""], "" => [112, ""], "" => [117, ""], "" => [120, ""], "" => [124, ""], "" => [127, ""], "" => [144, ""], "" => [152, ""], "" => [11, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => 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"b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]], ["\0" => [77, "0"], "\1" => [18, "0"], "\2" => [77, "1"], "\3" => [18, "1"], "\4" => [77, "2"], "\5" => [18, "2"], "\6" => [77, "a"], "\7" => [18, "a"], "\10" => [77, "c"], "\t" => [18, "c"], "\n" => [77, "e"], "\v" => [18, "e"], "\f" => [77, "i"], "\r" => [18, "i"], "\16" => [77, "o"], "\17" => [18, "o"], "\20" => [77, "s"], "\21" => [18, "s"], "\22" => [77, "t"], "\23" => [18, "t"], "\24" => [0, " "], "\25" => [0, "%"], "\26" => [0, "-"], "\27" => [0, "."], "\30" => [0, "/"], "\31" => [0, "3"], "\32" => [0, "4"], "\33" => [0, "5"], "\34" => [0, "6"], "\35" => [0, "7"], "\36" => [0, "8"], "\37" => [0, "9"], " " => [0, "="], "!" => [0, "A"], "\"" => [0, "_"], "#" => [0, "b"], "\$" => [0, "d"], "%" => [0, "f"], "&" => [0, "g"], "'" => [0, "h"], "(" => [0, "l"], ")" => [0, "m"], "*" => [0, "n"], "+" => [0, "p"], "," => [0, "r"], "-" => [0, "u"], "." => [100, ""], "/" => [110, ""], [111, ""], [115, ""], [116, ""], [118, ""], [119, ""], [122, ""], [123, ""], [125, ""], [126, ""], [129, ""], ":" => [143, ""], ";" => [148, ""], "<" => [151, ""], "=" => [153, ""], ">" => [83, ""], "?" => [10, ""], "@" => [77, "0"], "A" => [18, "0"], "B" => [77, "1"], "C" => [18, "1"], "D" => [77, "2"], "E" => [18, "2"], "F" => [77, "a"], "G" => [18, "a"], "H" => [77, "c"], "I" => [18, "c"], "J" => [77, "e"], "K" => [18, "e"], "L" => [77, "i"], "M" => [18, "i"], "N" => [77, "o"], "O" => [18, "o"], "P" => [77, "s"], "Q" => [18, "s"], "R" => [77, "t"], "S" => [18, "t"], "T" => [0, " "], "U" => [0, "%"], "V" => [0, "-"], "W" => [0, "."], "X" => [0, "/"], "Y" => [0, "3"], "Z" => [0, "4"], "[" => [0, "5"], "\\" => [0, "6"], "]" => [0, "7"], "^" => [0, "8"], "_" => [0, "9"], "`" => [0, "="], "a" => [0, "A"], "b" => [0, "_"], "c" => [0, "b"], "d" => [0, "d"], "e" => [0, "f"], "f" => [0, "g"], "g" => [0, "h"], "h" => [0, "l"], "i" => [0, "m"], "j" => [0, "n"], "k" => [0, "p"], "l" => [0, "r"], "m" => [0, "u"], "n" => [100, ""], "o" => [110, ""], "p" => [111, ""], "q" => [115, ""], "r" => [116, ""], "s" => [118, ""], "t" => [119, ""], "u" => [122, ""], "v" => [123, ""], "w" => [125, ""], "x" => [126, ""], "y" => [129, ""], "z" => [143, ""], "{" => [148, ""], "|" => [151, ""], "}" => [153, ""], "~" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""], "" => [77, "0"], "" => [18, "0"], "" => [77, "1"], "" => [18, "1"], "" => [77, "2"], "" => [18, "2"], "" => [77, "a"], "" => [18, "a"], "" => [77, "c"], "" => [18, "c"], "" => [77, "e"], "" => [18, "e"], "" => [77, "i"], "" => [18, "i"], "" => [77, "o"], "" => [18, "o"], "" => [77, "s"], "" => [18, "s"], "" => [77, "t"], "" => [18, "t"], "" => [0, " "], "" => [0, "%"], "" => [0, "-"], "" => [0, "."], "" => [0, "/"], "" => [0, "3"], "" => [0, "4"], "" => [0, "5"], "" => [0, "6"], "" => [0, "7"], "" => [0, "8"], "" => [0, "9"], "" => [0, "="], "" => [0, "A"], "" => [0, "_"], "" => [0, "b"], "" => [0, "d"], "" => [0, "f"], "" => [0, "g"], "" => [0, "h"], "" => [0, "l"], "" => [0, "m"], "" => [0, "n"], "" => [0, "p"], "" => [0, "r"], "" => [0, "u"], "" => [100, ""], "" => [110, ""], "" => [111, ""], "" => [115, ""], "" => [116, ""], "" => [118, ""], "" => [119, ""], "" => [122, ""], "" => [123, ""], "" => [125, ""], "" => [126, ""], "" => [129, ""], "" => [143, ""], "" => [148, ""], "" => [151, ""], "" => [153, ""], "" => [83, ""], "" => [10, ""]], ["\0" => [94, "0"], "\1" => [76, "0"], "\2" => [104, "0"], "\3" => [16, "0"], "\4" => [94, "1"], "\5" => [76, "1"], "\6" => [104, "1"], "\7" => [16, "1"], "\10" => [94, "2"], "\t" => [76, "2"], "\n" => [104, "2"], "\v" => [16, "2"], "\f" => [94, "a"], "\r" => [76, "a"], "\16" => [104, "a"], "\17" => [16, "a"], "\20" => [94, "c"], "\21" => [76, "c"], "\22" => [104, "c"], "\23" => [16, "c"], "\24" => [94, "e"], "\25" => [76, "e"], "\26" => [104, "e"], "\27" => [16, "e"], "\30" => [94, "i"], "\31" => [76, "i"], "\32" => [104, "i"], "\33" => [16, "i"], "\34" => [94, "o"], "\35" => [76, "o"], "\36" => [104, "o"], "\37" => [16, "o"], " " => [94, "s"], "!" => [76, "s"], "\"" => [104, "s"], "#" => [16, "s"], "\$" => [94, "t"], "%" => [76, "t"], "&" => [104, "t"], "'" => [16, "t"], "(" => [77, " "], ")" => [18, " "], "*" => [77, "%"], "+" => [18, "%"], "," => [77, "-"], "-" => [18, "-"], "." => [77, "."], "/" => [18, "."], [77, "/"], [18, "/"], [77, "3"], [18, "3"], [77, "4"], [18, "4"], [77, "5"], [18, "5"], [77, "6"], [18, "6"], ":" => [77, "7"], ";" => [18, "7"], "<" => [77, "8"], "=" => [18, "8"], ">" => [77, "9"], "?" => [18, "9"], "@" => [77, "="], "A" => [18, "="], "B" => [77, "A"], "C" => [18, "A"], "D" => [77, "_"], "E" => [18, "_"], "F" => [77, "b"], "G" => [18, "b"], "H" => [77, "d"], "I" => [18, "d"], "J" => [77, "f"], "K" => [18, "f"], "L" => [77, "g"], "M" => [18, "g"], "N" => [77, "h"], "O" => [18, "h"], "P" => [77, "l"], "Q" => [18, "l"], "R" => [77, "m"], "S" => [18, "m"], "T" => [77, "n"], "U" => [18, "n"], "V" => [77, "p"], "W" => [18, "p"], "X" => [77, "r"], "Y" => [18, "r"], "Z" => [77, "u"], "[" => [18, "u"], "\\" => [0, ":"], "]" => [0, "B"], "^" => [0, "C"], "_" => [0, "D"], "`" => [0, "E"], "a" => [0, "F"], "b" => [0, "G"], "c" => [0, "H"], "d" => [0, "I"], "e" => [0, "J"], "f" => [0, "K"], "g" => [0, "L"], "h" => [0, "M"], "i" => [0, "N"], "j" => [0, "O"], "k" => [0, "P"], "l" => [0, "Q"], "m" => [0, "R"], "n" => [0, "S"], "o" => [0, "T"], "p" => [0, "U"], "q" => [0, "V"], "r" => [0, "W"], "s" => [0, "Y"], "t" => [0, "j"], "u" => [0, "k"], "v" => [0, "q"], "w" => [0, "v"], "x" => [0, "w"], "y" => [0, "x"], "z" => [0, "y"], "{" => [0, "z"], "|" => [82, ""], "}" => [87, ""], "~" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""], "" => [94, "0"], "" => [76, "0"], "" => [104, "0"], "" => [16, "0"], "" => [94, "1"], "" => [76, "1"], "" => [104, "1"], "" => [16, "1"], "" => [94, "2"], "" => [76, "2"], "" => [104, "2"], "" => [16, "2"], "" => [94, "a"], "" => [76, "a"], "" => [104, "a"], "" => [16, "a"], "" => [94, "c"], "" => [76, "c"], "" => [104, "c"], "" => [16, "c"], "" => [94, "e"], "" => [76, "e"], "" => [104, "e"], "" => [16, "e"], "" => [94, "i"], "" => [76, "i"], "" => [104, "i"], "" => [16, "i"], "" => [94, "o"], "" => [76, "o"], "" => [104, "o"], "" => [16, "o"], "" => [94, "s"], "" => [76, "s"], "" => [104, "s"], "" => [16, "s"], "" => [94, "t"], "" => [76, "t"], "" => [104, "t"], "" => [16, "t"], "" => [77, " "], "" => [18, " "], "" => [77, "%"], "" => [18, "%"], "" => [77, "-"], "" => [18, "-"], "" => [77, "."], "" => [18, "."], "" => [77, "/"], "" => [18, "/"], "" => [77, "3"], "" => [18, "3"], "" => [77, "4"], "" => [18, "4"], "" => [77, "5"], "" => [18, "5"], "" => [77, "6"], "" => [18, "6"], "" => [77, "7"], "" => [18, "7"], "" => [77, "8"], "" => [18, "8"], "" => [77, "9"], "" => [18, "9"], "" => [77, "="], "" => [18, "="], "" => [77, "A"], "" => [18, "A"], "" => [77, "_"], "" => [18, "_"], "" => [77, "b"], "" => [18, "b"], "" => [77, "d"], "" => [18, "d"], "" => [77, "f"], "" => [18, "f"], "" => [77, "g"], "" => [18, "g"], "" => [77, "h"], "" => [18, "h"], "" => [77, "l"], "" => [18, "l"], "" => [77, "m"], "" => [18, "m"], "" => [77, "n"], "" => [18, "n"], "" => [77, "p"], "" => [18, "p"], "" => [77, "r"], "" => [18, "r"], "" => [77, "u"], "" => [18, "u"], "" => [0, ":"], "" => [0, "B"], "" => [0, "C"], "" => [0, "D"], "" => [0, "E"], "" => [0, "F"], "" => [0, "G"], "" => [0, "H"], "" => [0, "I"], "" => [0, "J"], "" => [0, "K"], "" => [0, "L"], "" => [0, "M"], "" => [0, "N"], "" => [0, "O"], "" => [0, "P"], "" => [0, "Q"], "" => [0, "R"], "" => [0, "S"], "" => [0, "T"], "" => [0, "U"], "" => [0, "V"], "" => [0, "W"], "" => [0, "Y"], "" => [0, "j"], "" => [0, "k"], "" => [0, "q"], "" => [0, "v"], "" => [0, "w"], "" => [0, "x"], "" => [0, "y"], "" => [0, "z"], "" => [82, ""], "" => [87, ""], "" => [130, ""], "" => [9, ""]]]; self::FLAG_NO_COPY_SENSITIVE, 'cookie' => self::FLAG_NO_COPY_SENSITIVE, 'proxy-authorization' => self::FLAG_NO_COPY_SENSITIVE, 'set-cookie' => self::FLAG_NO_COPY_SENSITIVE]; private static $ffi; private static $deflatePtrType; private static $inflatePtrType; private static $nvType; private static $nvSize; private static $charType; private static $uint8Type; private static $uint8PtrType; private static $decodeNv; private static $decodeNvPtr; private static $decodeFlags; private static $decodeFlagsPtr; private static $supported; public static function isSupported() : bool { if (isset(self::$supported)) { return self::$supported; } if (!\extension_loaded('ffi')) { return self::$supported = false; } if (!\class_exists(FFI::class)) { return self::$supported = false; } try { self::init(); return self::$supported = true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { return self::$supported = false; } } private static function init() { if (self::$ffi) { return; } $header = \file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/amp-hpack.h'); try { self::$ffi = FFI::cdef($header, ''); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { self::$ffi = FFI::cdef($header, 'libnghttp2.dylib'); } self::$deflatePtrType = self::$ffi->type('nghttp2_hd_deflater*'); self::$inflatePtrType = self::$ffi->type('nghttp2_hd_inflater*'); self::$nvType = self::$ffi->type('nghttp2_nv'); self::$nvSize = FFI::sizeof(self::$nvType); self::$charType = self::$ffi->type('char'); self::$uint8Type = self::$ffi->type('uint8_t'); self::$uint8PtrType = self::$ffi->type('uint8_t*'); self::$decodeNv = self::$ffi->new(self::$nvType); self::$decodeNvPtr = FFI::addr(self::$decodeNv); self::$decodeFlags = self::$ffi->new('int'); self::$decodeFlagsPtr = FFI::addr(self::$decodeFlags); } private static function createBufferFromString(string $value) { $length = \strlen($value); $buffer = FFI::new(FFI::arrayType(self::$uint8Type, [$length])); FFI::memcpy($buffer, $value, $length); return $buffer; } private $deflatePtr; private $inflatePtr; /** * @param int $maxSize Upper limit on table size. */ public function __construct(int $maxSize = 4096) { self::init(); $this->deflatePtr = self::$ffi->new(self::$deflatePtrType); $this->inflatePtr = self::$ffi->new(self::$inflatePtrType); $return = self::$ffi->nghttp2_hd_deflate_new(FFI::addr($this->deflatePtr), $maxSize); if ($return !== 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to init deflate context'); } $return = self::$ffi->nghttp2_hd_inflate_new(FFI::addr($this->inflatePtr)); if ($return !== 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to init inflate context'); } } /** * @param string $input Encoded headers. * @param int $maxSize Maximum length of the decoded header string. * * @return string[][]|null Returns null if decoding fails or if $maxSize is exceeded. */ public function decode(string $input, int $maxSize) { $ffi = self::$ffi; $pair = self::$decodeNv; $pairPtr = self::$decodeNvPtr; $flags = self::$decodeFlags; $flagsPtr = self::$decodeFlagsPtr; $inflate = $this->inflatePtr; $size = 0; $bufferLength = \strlen($input); $buffer = self::createBufferFromString($input); $offset = 0; $bufferPtr = FFI::cast(self::$uint8PtrType, $buffer); $headers = []; while (true) { $read = $ffi->nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd2($inflate, $pairPtr, $flagsPtr, $bufferPtr, $bufferLength - $offset, 1); if ($read < 0) { return null; } $offset += $read; $bufferPtr += $read; $cFlags = $flags->cdata; if ($cFlags & 0x2) { // NGHTTP2_HD_INFLATE_EMIT $nameLength = $pair->namelen; $valueLength = $pair->valuelen; $headers[] = [FFI::string($pair->name, $nameLength), FFI::string($pair->value, $valueLength)]; $size += $nameLength + $valueLength; if ($size > $maxSize) { return null; } } if ($cFlags & 0x1) { // NGHTTP2_HD_INFLATE_FINAL $ffi->nghttp2_hd_inflate_end_headers($inflate); FFI::memset($pair, 0, self::$nvSize); return $headers; } if ($read === 0 || $offset > $bufferLength) { return null; } } return null; } /** * @param string[][] $headers * * @return string Encoded headers. */ public function encode(array $headers) : string { $ffi = self::$ffi; // To keep memory buffers $buffers = []; $headerCount = \count($headers); $current = 0; $pairs = $ffi->new(FFI::arrayType(self::$nvType, [$headerCount])); foreach ($headers as $index => list($name, $value)) { \assert($index === $current); $pair = $pairs[$current]; $nameBuffer = self::createBufferFromString($name); $valueBuffer = self::createBufferFromString($value); $pair->name = FFI::cast(self::$uint8PtrType, $nameBuffer); $pair->namelen = \strlen($name); $pair->value = FFI::cast(self::$uint8PtrType, $valueBuffer); $pair->valuelen = \strlen($value); $pair->flags = self::SENSITIVE_HEADERS[$name] ?? self::FLAG_NO_COPY; $buffers[] = $nameBuffer; $buffers[] = $valueBuffer; $current++; } $bufferLength = $ffi->nghttp2_hd_deflate_bound($this->deflatePtr, $pairs, $headerCount); $buffer = FFI::new(FFI::arrayType(self::$uint8Type, [$bufferLength])); $bufferLength = $ffi->nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd($this->deflatePtr, $buffer, $bufferLength, $pairs, $headerCount); if ($bufferLength < 0) { throw new HPackException('Failed to compress headers using nghttp2'); } return FFI::string($buffer, $bufferLength); } } #define FFI_SCOPE "amphp-hpack-nghttp2" #define FFI_LIB "" typedef struct nghttp2_hd_deflater nghttp2_hd_deflater; typedef struct nghttp2_hd_inflater nghttp2_hd_inflater; typedef struct { uint8_t *name; uint8_t *value; size_t namelen; size_t valuelen; uint8_t flags; } nghttp2_nv; int nghttp2_hd_deflate_new(nghttp2_hd_deflater **deflater_ptr, size_t deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max); ssize_t nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen); size_t nghttp2_hd_deflate_bound(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen); int nghttp2_hd_inflate_new(nghttp2_hd_inflater **inflater_ptr); ssize_t nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd2(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, int *inflate_flags, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, int in_final); int nghttp2_hd_inflate_end_headers(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater); implementation = new HPackNghttp2($tableSizeLimit); } else { $this->implementation = new HPackNative($tableSizeLimit); } } /** * @param string $input Input to decode. * @param int $maxSize Maximum deflated size. * * @return array|null Decoded headers. */ public function decode(string $input, int $maxSize) { return $this->implementation->decode($input, $maxSize); } /** * @param array $headers Headers to encode. * * @return string Encoded headers. * * @throws HPackException If encoding fails. */ public function encode(array $headers) : string { return $this->implementation->encode($headers); } }markTestSkipped(HPackNghttp2::class . ' is not supported in the current environment'); } return new HPackNghttp2(); } }createInstance(); foreach ($cases as $i => list($input, $output)) { $result = $hpack->decode($input, self::MAX_LENGTH); $this->assertEquals($output, $result, "Failure on test case #{$i}"); } } public function provideDecodeCases() : \Generator { $root = __DIR__ . "/../vendor/http2jp/hpack-test-case"; $paths = \glob("{$root}/*/*.json"); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (\basename(\dirname($path)) === "raw-data") { continue; } $data = \json_decode(\file_get_contents($path)); $cases = []; foreach ($data->cases as $case) { foreach ($case->headers as &$header) { $header = (array) $header; $header = [\key($header), \current($header)]; } $cases[$case->seqno] = [\hex2bin($case->wire), $case->headers]; } (yield \basename($path) . ": {$data->description}" => [$cases]); } } /** * @depends testDecode * @dataProvider provideEncodeCases */ public function testEncode($cases) { foreach ($cases as $i => list($input, $output)) { $hpack = $this->createInstance(); $encoded = $hpack->encode($input); $decoded = $hpack->decode($encoded, self::MAX_LENGTH); \sort($output); \sort($decoded); $this->assertEquals($output, $decoded, "Failure on test case #{$i} (standalone)"); } // Ensure that usage of dynamic table works as expected $encHpack = $this->createInstance(); $decHpack = $this->createInstance(); foreach ($cases as $i => list($input, $output)) { $encoded = $encHpack->encode($input); $decoded = $decHpack->decode($encoded, self::MAX_LENGTH); \sort($output); \sort($decoded); $this->assertEquals($output, $decoded, "Failure on test case #{$i} (shared context)"); } } public function provideEncodeCases() : \Generator { $root = __DIR__ . "/../vendor/http2jp/hpack-test-case"; $paths = \glob("{$root}/raw-data/*.json"); foreach ($paths as $path) { $data = \json_decode(\file_get_contents($path)); $cases = []; $i = 0; foreach ($data->cases as $case) { $headers = []; foreach ($case->headers as &$header) { $header = (array) $header; $header = [\key($header), \current($header)]; $headers[] = $header; } $cases[$case->seqno ?? $i] = [$headers, $case->headers]; $i++; } (yield \basename($path) . (isset($data->description) ? ": {$data->description}" : "") => [$cases]); } } protected abstract function createInstance(); }= 0 && (!isset($all[$i]) || \is_array($all[$i]) && ($all[$i][0] === T_COMMENT || $all[$i][0] === T_DOC_COMMENT || $all[$i][0] === T_WHITESPACE)); --$i) { } return $i; }; $first = true; foreach ($all as $i => $token) { if (\is_array($token) && ($token[0] === T_COMMENT || $token[0] === T_DOC_COMMENT)) { // remove all comments except first if ($first === true) { $first = false; continue; } unset($all[$i]); } elseif (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_PUBLIC) { // get next non-whitespace token after `public` visibility $token = $all[$next($i)]; if (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_VARIABLE) { // use shorter variable notation `public $a` => `var $a` $all[$i] = [T_VAR, 'var']; } else { // remove unneeded public identifier `public static function a()` => `static function a()` unset($all[$i]); } } elseif (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_LNUMBER) { // Use shorter integer notation `0x0F` => `15` and `011` => `9`. // Technically, hex codes may be shorter for very large ints, but adding // another 2 leading chars is rarely worth it. // Optimizing floats is not really worth it, as they have many special // cases, such as e-notation and we would lose types for `0.0` => `0`. $all[$i][1] = (string) \intval($token[1], 0); } elseif (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_NEW) { // remove unneeded parenthesis for constructors without args `new a();` => `new a;` // jump over next token (class name), then next must be open parenthesis, followed by closing $open = $next($next($i)); $close = $next($open); if ($all[$open] === '(' && $all[$close] === ')') { unset($all[$open], $all[$close]); } } elseif (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_STRING) { // replace certain functions with their shorter alias function name // static $replace = ['implode' => 'join', 'fwrite' => 'fputs', 'array_key_exists' => 'key_exists', 'current' => 'pos']; // check this has a replacement and "looks like" a function call // this works on a number of assumptions, such as not being aliased/namespaced if (isset($replace[$token[1]])) { $p = $all[$prev($i)]; if ($all[$next($i)] === '(' && (!\is_array($p) || !\in_array($p[0], [T_FUNCTION, T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, T_DOUBLE_COLON, T_NEW]))) { $all[$i][1] = $replace[$all[$i][1]]; } } } elseif (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_EXIT) { // replace `exit` with shorter alias `die` // it's a language construct, not a function (see above) $all[$i][1] = 'die'; } elseif (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_RETURN) { // replace `return null;` with `return;` $t = $next($i); if (\is_array($all[$t]) && $all[$t][0] === T_STRING && $all[$t][1] === 'null' && $all[$next($t)] === ';') { unset($all[$t]); } } } $all = \array_values($all); foreach ($all as $i => $token) { if (\is_array($token) && $token[0] === T_WHITESPACE) { if (\strpos($token[1], "\n") !== false) { $token = \strpos("()[]<>=+-*/%|,.:?!'\"\n", \substr($small, -1)) === false ? "\n" : ''; } else { $last = \substr($small, -1); $next = isset($all[$i + 1]) ? \substr(\is_array($all[$i + 1]) ? $all[$i + 1][1] : $all[$i + 1], 0, 1) : ' '; $token = \strpos('()[]{}<>;=+-*/%&|,.:?!@\'"' . "\r\n", $last) !== false || \strpos('()[]{}<>;=+-*/%&|,.:?!@\'"' . '\\$', $next) !== false ? '' : ' '; } } $small .= isset($token[1]) ? $token[1] : $token; } \file_put_contents($argv[1], $small);setTarget(function (string $input) { (new HPack())->decode($input, 8192); }); $fuzzer->setMaxLen(1024);decode(\file_get_contents($argv[1]), 8192);withHeader('Origin', 'http://localhost:1337'); /** @var Connection $connection */ $connection = (yield connect($handshake)); (yield $connection->send('Hello!')); $i = 0; /** @var Message $message */ while ($message = (yield $connection->receive())) { $payload = (yield $message->buffer()); \printf("Received: %s\n", $payload); if (\strpos($payload, 'Goodbye!') !== false) { (yield $connection->close()); break; } (yield new Delayed(1000)); if ($i < 3) { (yield $connection->send('Ping: ' . ++$i)); } else { (yield $connection->send('Goodbye!')); } } });send('Hello!')); $i = 0; /** @var Message $message */ while ($message = (yield $connection->receive())) { $payload = (yield $message->buffer()); \printf("Received: %s\n", $payload); if ($payload === 'Goodbye!') { (yield $connection->close()); break; } (yield new Delayed(1000)); if ($i < 3) { (yield $connection->send('Ping: ' . ++$i)); } else { (yield $connection->send('Goodbye!')); } } });{ "name": "amphp/websocket-client", "description": "Async WebSocket client for PHP based on Amp.", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "support": { "issues": "" }, "keywords": [ "async", "non-blocking", "websocket", "client", "http", "amp", "amphp" ], "require": { "php": ">=7.2", "amphp/amp": "^2.2", "amphp/http": "^1.3", "amphp/http-client": "^4", "amphp/socket": "^1", "amphp/websocket": "^1", "league/uri": "^6", "psr/http-message": "^1" }, "require-dev": { "amphp/http-server": "^2", "amphp/websocket-server": "^2-rc2", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8 || ^7", "psr/log": "^1" }, "minimum-stability": "RC", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\": "src" }, "files": [ "src/functions.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Websocket\\Client\\Test\\": "test" } } } client = $client; $this->headers = new class($headers) extends Message { public function __construct(array $headers) { $this->setHeaders($headers); } }; } public function getHeaders() : array { return $this->headers->getHeaders(); } public function getHeaderArray(string $name) : array { return $this->headers->getHeaderArray($name); } public function getHeader(string $name) { return $this->headers->getHeader($name); } public function hasHeader(string $name) : bool { return $this->headers->hasHeader($name); } public function receive() : Promise { return $this->client->receive(); } public function getId() : int { return $this->client->getId(); } public function getOptions() : Options { return $this->client->getOptions(); } public function isConnected() : bool { return $this->client->isConnected(); } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->client->getLocalAddress(); } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->client->getRemoteAddress(); } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->client->getTlsInfo(); } public function didPeerInitiateClose() : bool { return $this->client->didPeerInitiateClose(); } public function getUnansweredPingCount() : int { return $this->client->getUnansweredPingCount(); } public function getCloseCode() : int { return $this->client->getCloseCode(); } public function getCloseReason() : string { return $this->client->getCloseReason(); } public function send(string $data) : Promise { return $this->client->send($data); } public function sendBinary(string $data) : Promise { return $this->client->sendBinary($data); } public function stream(InputStream $stream) : Promise { return $this->client->stream($stream); } public function streamBinary(InputStream $stream) : Promise { return $this->client->streamBinary($stream); } public function ping() : Promise { return $this->client->ping(); } public function getInfo() : ClientMetadata { return $this->client->getInfo(); } public function close(int $code = Code::NORMAL_CLOSE, string $reason = '') : Promise { return $this->client->close($code, $reason); } public function onClose(callable $onClose) { $this->client->onClose($onClose); } }client = $client; $this->compressionFactory = $compressionFactory ?? new Rfc7692CompressionFactory(); } public function connect(Handshake $handshake, CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise { return call(function () use($handshake, $cancellationToken) { $key = Websocket\generateKey(); $request = $this->generateRequest($handshake, $key); $options = $handshake->getOptions(); $deferred = new Deferred(); $request->setUpgradeHandler(function (EncryptableSocket $socket, Request $request, Response $response) use($deferred, $key, $options) { if (\strtolower($response->getHeader('upgrade')) !== 'websocket') { $deferred->fail(new ConnectionException('Upgrade header does not equal "websocket"', $response)); return; } if (!Websocket\validateAcceptForKey($response->getHeader('sec-websocket-accept'), $key)) { $deferred->fail(new ConnectionException('Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept header', $response)); return; } $deferred->resolve($this->createConnection($socket, $options, $response)); }); $response = (yield $this->client->request($request, $cancellationToken)); \assert($response instanceof Response); if ($response->getStatus() !== Http\Status::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) { throw new ConnectionException(\sprintf('A %s (%d) response was not received; instead received response status: %s (%d)', Http\Status::getReason(Http\Status::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS), Http\Status::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, $response->getReason(), $response->getStatus()), $response); } return (yield $deferred->promise()); }); } /** * @param Handshake $handshake * @param string $key * * @return Request */ private function generateRequest(Handshake $handshake, string $key) : Request { $uri = $handshake->getUri(); $uri = $uri->withScheme($uri->getScheme() === 'wss' ? 'https' : 'http'); $request = new Request($uri, 'GET'); $request->setHeaders($handshake->getHeaders()); if (!$request->hasHeader('origin')) { $origin = $uri->withUserInfo('')->withPath('')->withQuery(''); $request->setHeader('origin', (string) $origin); } $extensions = Http\parseFieldValueComponents($request, 'sec-websocket-extensions'); if ($handshake->getOptions()->isCompressionEnabled()) { $extensions[] = [$this->compressionFactory->createRequestHeader(), '']; } if (!empty($extensions)) { $pairs = []; foreach ($extensions as list($name, $value)) { if ($value === '') { $pairs[] = $name; continue; } $pairs[] = $name . '=' . $value; } $request->setHeader('sec-websocket-extensions', \implode(', ', $pairs)); } $request->setProtocolVersions(['1.1']); $request->setHeader('connection', 'Upgrade'); $request->setHeader('upgrade', 'websocket'); $request->setHeader('sec-websocket-version', '13'); $request->setHeader('sec-websocket-key', $key); return $request; } /** * @param Response $response * * @return Websocket\CompressionContext|null */ protected final function createCompressionContext(Response $response) { $extensions = \implode(', ', $response->getHeaderArray('sec-websocket-extensions')); $extensions = \array_map('trim', \array_map('strtolower', \explode(',', $extensions))); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { if ($compressionContext = $this->compressionFactory->fromServerHeader($extension)) { return $compressionContext; } } return null; } protected function createConnection(EncryptableSocket $socket, Websocket\Options $options, Response $response) : Connection { if ($options->isCompressionEnabled()) { $compressionContext = $this->createCompressionContext($response); } $client = new Rfc6455Client($socket, $options, true, $compressionContext ?? null); return new Rfc6455Connection($client, $response->getHeaders()); } }response = $response; } public function getResponse() : Response { return $this->response; } } * * @throws HttpException Thrown if the request fails. * @throws ConnectionException If the response received is invalid or is not a switching protocols (101) response. */ public function connect(Handshake $handshake, CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise; }uri = $this->makeUri($uri); $this->options = $this->checkOptions($options); $this->setHeaders($headers); } /** * @return PsrUri Websocket URI (scheme will be either ws or wss). */ public function getUri() : PsrUri { return $this->uri; } /** * @param $uri string|PsrUri * * @return self Cloned object */ public function withUri($uri) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->uri = $clone->makeUri($uri); return $clone; } private function makeUri($uri) : PsrUri { if (\is_string($uri)) { try { $uri = Uri\Http::createFromString($uri); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new \Error('Invalid Websocket URI provided', 0, $exception); } } if (!$uri instanceof PsrUri) { throw new \TypeError(\sprintf('Must provide an instance of %s or a websocket URI as a string', PsrUri::class)); } switch ($uri->getScheme()) { case 'ws': case 'wss': break; default: throw new \Error('The URI scheme must be ws or wss'); } return $uri; } /** * @return Options */ public function getOptions() : Options { return $this->options; } /** * @param Options $options * * @return self Cloned object. */ public function withOptions(Options $options) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->options = $clone->checkOptions($options); return $clone; } private function checkOptions(Options $options = null) : Options { if ($options === null) { return Options::createClientDefault(); } if ($options->isCompressionEnabled() && !\extension_loaded('zlib')) { throw new \Error('Compression is enabled in options, but the zlib extension is not loaded'); } return $options; } /** * Replaces all headers in the returned instance. * * @param string[]|string[][] $headers * * @return self Cloned object. */ public function withHeaders(array $headers) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->setHeaders($headers); return $clone; } /** * Replaces the given header in the returned instance. * * @param string $name * @param string|string[] $value * * @return self Cloned object. */ public function withHeader(string $name, $value) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->setHeader($name, $value); return $clone; } /** * Adds the given header in the returned instance. * * @param string $name * @param string|string[] $value * * @return self Cloned object. */ public function withAddedHeader(string $name, $value) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->addHeader($name, $value); return $clone; } /** * Removes the given header in the returned instance. * * @param string $name * * @return self Cloned object. */ public function withoutHeader(string $name) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->removeHeader($name); return $clone; } protected function setHeader(string $name, $value) { if (($name[0] === ':') === ':') { throw new \Error("Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)"); } parent::setHeader($name, $value); } protected function addHeader(string $name, $value) { if (($name[0] === ':') === ':') { throw new \Error("Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)"); } parent::addHeader($name, $value); } } * * @throws \TypeError If $handshake is not a string, instance of WebsocketUri, or instance of Handshake. * @throws HttpException Thrown if the request fails. * @throws ConnectionException If the response received is invalid or is not a switching protocols (101) response. */ function connect($handshake, CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise { if (!$handshake instanceof Handshake) { $handshake = new Handshake($handshake); } return connector()->connect($handshake, $cancellationToken); }withBytesPerSecondLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withFrameSizeLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withFramesPerSecondLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withMessageSizeLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withValidateUtf8(true); /** @var Connection $connection */ $connection = (yield Client\connect('ws://')); /** @var Message $message */ $message = (yield $connection->receive()); $cases = (int) (yield $message->buffer()); echo "Going to run {$cases} test cases." . PHP_EOL; for ($i = 1; $i < $cases; $i++) { $connection = (yield Client\connect('ws://' . $i . '&agent=' . AGENT)); $message = (yield $connection->receive()); $info = \json_decode((yield $message->buffer()), true); print $info['id'] . ' ' . \str_repeat('-', 80 - \strlen($info['id']) - 1) . PHP_EOL; print \wordwrap($info['description'], 80, PHP_EOL) . ' '; $handshake = new Handshake('ws://' . $i . '&agent=' . AGENT, $options); $connection = (yield Client\connect($handshake)); try { while ($message = (yield $connection->receive())) { $content = (yield $message->buffer()); if ($message->isBinary()) { (yield $connection->sendBinary($content)); } else { (yield $connection->send($content)); } } } catch (ClosedException $e) { // ignore } catch (AssertionError $e) { print 'Assertion error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; $connection->close(); } catch (Error $e) { print 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; $connection->close(); } catch (StreamException $e) { print 'Stream exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; $connection->close(); } $connection = (yield Client\connect('ws://' . $i . '&agent=' . AGENT)); $message = (yield $connection->receive()); print $result = \json_decode((yield $message->buffer()), true)['behavior']; if ($result === 'FAILED') { $errors++; } print PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } $connection = (yield Client\connect('ws://' . AGENT)); $connection->close(); Loop::stop(); if ($errors) { exit(1); } });{ "url": "ws://", "outdir": "./reports/clients", "cases": [ "*" ], "exclude-cases": [ "12.2*", "12.3*", "12.4*", "12.5*" ] } Resolves to the used port number. * @throws SocketException */ public function createServer(Websocket $websocket) : Promise { $socket = SocketServer::listen('tcp://'); $port = $socket->getAddress()->getPort(); $server = new Server([$socket], $websocket, new NullLogger()); return call(static function () use($server, $port) { (yield $server->start()); return [$server, $port]; }); } public function testSimpleBinaryEcho() : \Generator { list($server, $port) = (yield $this->createServer(new Websocket(new class extends Helper\WebsocketAdapter { public function handleClient(Client $client, Request $request, Response $response) : Promise { return call(static function () use($client) { while ($message = (yield $client->receive())) { \assert($message instanceof Message); if ($message->isBinary()) { (yield $client->sendBinary((yield $message->buffer()))); } (yield $client->send((yield $message->buffer()))); } }); } }))); try { /** @var Client $client */ $client = (yield connect('ws://' . $port . '/')); $client->sendBinary('Hey!'); /** @var Message $message */ $message = (yield $client->receive()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $message); $this->assertTrue($message->isBinary()); $this->assertSame('Hey!', (yield $message->buffer())); $promise = $client->receive(); $client->close(); $this->assertNull((yield $promise)); } finally { $server->stop(); } } public function testSimpleTextEcho() : \Generator { list($server, $port) = (yield $this->createServer(new Websocket(new class extends Helper\WebsocketAdapter { public function handleClient(Client $client, Request $request, Response $response) : Promise { return call(static function () use($client) { while ($message = (yield $client->receive())) { \assert($message instanceof Message); if ($message->isBinary()) { (yield $client->sendBinary((yield $message->buffer()))); } (yield $client->send((yield $message->buffer()))); } }); } }))); try { /** @var Client $client */ $client = (yield connect('ws://localhost:' . $port . '/')); $client->send('Hey!'); /** @var Message $message */ $message = (yield $client->receive()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $message); $this->assertFalse($message->isBinary()); $this->assertSame('Hey!', (yield $message->buffer())); $promise = $client->receive(); $client->close(); $this->assertNull((yield $promise)); } finally { $server->stop(); } } public function testUnconsumedMessage() : \Generator { list($server, $port) = (yield $this->createServer(new Websocket(new class extends Helper\WebsocketAdapter { public function handleClient(Client $client, Request $request, Response $response) : Promise { return call(static function () use($client) { (yield $client->send(\str_repeat('.', 1024 * 1024 * 1))); (yield $client->send('Message')); }); } }))); try { /** @var Client $client */ $client = (yield connect('ws://localhost:' . $port . '/')); /** @var Message $message */ $message = (yield $client->receive()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $message); // Do not consume the bytes from the first message. $message = (yield $client->receive()); $this->assertFalse($message->isBinary()); $this->assertSame('Message', (yield $message->buffer())); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $message); $promise = $client->receive(); $client->close(); $this->assertNull((yield $promise)); } finally { $server->stop(); } } public function testVeryLongMessage() : \Generator { $options = Options::createClientDefault()->withBytesPerSecondLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withFramesPerSecondLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withMessageSizeLimit(1024 * 1024 * 10)->withoutCompression(); list($server, $port) = (yield $this->createServer(new Websocket(new class extends Helper\WebsocketAdapter { public function handleClient(Client $client, Request $request, Response $response) : Promise { $payload = \str_repeat('.', 1024 * 1024 * 10); // 10 MiB return $client->sendBinary($payload); } }))); try { /** @var Client $client */ $client = (yield connect(new Client\Handshake('ws://localhost:' . $port . '/', $options))); /** @var Message $message */ $message = (yield $client->receive()); $this->assertSame(\str_repeat('.', 1024 * 1024 * 10), (yield $message->buffer())); } finally { $server->stop(); } } public function testTooLongMessage() : \Generator { $options = Options::createClientDefault()->withBytesPerSecondLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withFramesPerSecondLimit(\PHP_INT_MAX)->withMessageSizeLimit(1024 * 1024 * 10)->withoutCompression(); list($server, $port) = (yield $this->createServer(new Websocket(new class extends Helper\WebsocketAdapter { public function handleClient(Client $client, Request $request, Response $response) : Promise { $payload = \str_repeat('.', 1024 * 1024 * 10 + 1); // 10 MiB + 1 byte return $client->sendBinary($payload); } }))); try { /** @var Client $client */ $client = (yield connect(new Client\Handshake('ws://localhost:' . $port . '/', $options))); /** @var Message $message */ $message = (yield $client->receive()); (yield $message->buffer()); } catch (ClosedException $exception) { $this->assertSame('Received payload exceeds maximum allowable size', $exception->getReason()); } finally { $server->stop(); } } }{ "name": "amphp/process", "homepage": "", "description": "Asynchronous process manager.", "require": { "php": ">=7", "amphp/amp": "^2", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.4" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^6", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master" }, "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Bob Weinand", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" } ], "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Process\\": "lib" }, "files": ["lib/functions.php"] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Process\\Test\\": "test" } }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.0.0" } }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" } } extraDataPipeWatcher = null; $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; if (!\is_resource($stream) || \feof($stream)) { $handle->joinDeferred->fail(new ProcessException("Process ended unexpectedly")); } else { $handle->joinDeferred->resolve((int) \rtrim(@\stream_get_contents($stream))); } } public static function onProcessStartExtraDataPipeReadable($watcher, $stream, $data) { Loop::cancel($watcher); $pid = \rtrim(@\fgets($stream)); /** @var $deferreds Deferred[] */ list($handle, $pipes, $deferreds) = $data; if (!$pid || !\is_numeric($pid)) { $error = new ProcessException("Could not determine PID"); $handle->pidDeferred->fail($error); foreach ($deferreds as $deferred) { /** @var $deferred Deferred */ $deferred->fail($error); } if ($handle->status < ProcessStatus::ENDED) { $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; $handle->joinDeferred->fail($error); } return; } $handle->status = ProcessStatus::RUNNING; $handle->pidDeferred->resolve((int) $pid); $deferreds[0]->resolve($pipes[0]); $deferreds[1]->resolve($pipes[1]); $deferreds[2]->resolve($pipes[2]); if ($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher !== null) { Loop::enable($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function start(string $command, string $cwd = null, array $env = [], array $options = []) : ProcessHandle { $command = \sprintf('{ (%s) <&3 3<&- 3>/dev/null & } 3<&0; trap "" INT TERM QUIT HUP;' . 'pid=$!; echo $pid >&3; wait $pid; RC=$?; echo $RC >&3; exit $RC', $command); $handle = new Handle(); $handle->proc = @\proc_open($command, $this->generateFds(), $pipes, $cwd ?: null, $env ?: null, $options); if (!\is_resource($handle->proc)) { $message = "Could not start process"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } throw new ProcessException($message); } $status = \proc_get_status($handle->proc); if (!$status) { \proc_close($handle->proc); throw new ProcessException("Could not get process status"); } $stdinDeferred = new Deferred(); $handle->stdin = new ProcessOutputStream($stdinDeferred->promise()); $stdoutDeferred = new Deferred(); $handle->stdout = new ProcessInputStream($stdoutDeferred->promise()); $stderrDeferred = new Deferred(); $handle->stderr = new ProcessInputStream($stderrDeferred->promise()); $handle->extraDataPipe = $pipes[3]; \stream_set_blocking($pipes[3], false); $handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher = Loop::onReadable($pipes[3], [self::class, 'onProcessStartExtraDataPipeReadable'], [$handle, [new ResourceOutputStream($pipes[0]), new ResourceInputStream($pipes[1]), new ResourceInputStream($pipes[2])], [$stdinDeferred, $stdoutDeferred, $stderrDeferred]]); $handle->extraDataPipeWatcher = Loop::onReadable($pipes[3], [self::class, 'onProcessEndExtraDataPipeReadable'], $handle); Loop::unreference($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher); Loop::disable($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher); return $handle; } private function generateFds() : array { if (self::$fdPath === null) { self::$fdPath = \file_exists("/dev/fd") ? "/dev/fd" : "/proc/self/fd"; } $fdList = @\scandir(self::$fdPath, \SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); if ($fdList === false) { throw new ProcessException("Unable to list open file descriptors"); } $fdList = \array_filter($fdList, function (string $path) : bool { return $path !== "." && $path !== ".."; }); $fds = []; foreach ($fdList as $id) { $fds[(int) $id] = ["file", "/dev/null", "r"]; } return self::FD_SPEC + $fds; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function join(ProcessHandle $handle) : Promise { /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher !== null) { Loop::reference($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher); } return $handle->joinDeferred->promise(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function kill(ProcessHandle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher); $handle->extraDataPipeWatcher = null; } /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher); $handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher = null; } if (!\proc_terminate($handle->proc, 9)) { // Forcefully kill the process using SIGKILL. throw new ProcessException("Terminating process failed"); } $handle->pidDeferred->promise()->onResolve(function ($error, $pid) { // The function should not call posix_kill() if $pid is null (i.e., there was an error starting the process). if ($error) { return; } // ignore errors because process not always detached @\posix_kill($pid, 9); }); if ($handle->status < ProcessStatus::ENDED) { $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; $handle->joinDeferred->fail(new ProcessException("The process was killed")); } $this->free($handle); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function signal(ProcessHandle $handle, int $signo) { $handle->pidDeferred->promise()->onResolve(function ($error, $pid) use($signo) { if ($error) { return; } @\posix_kill($pid, $signo); }); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function destroy(ProcessHandle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->status < ProcessStatus::ENDED && \getmypid() === $handle->originalParentPid) { try { $this->kill($handle); return; } catch (ProcessException $e) { // ignore } } $this->free($handle); } private function free(Handle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->extraDataPipeWatcher); $handle->extraDataPipeWatcher = null; } /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher); $handle->extraDataPipeStartWatcher = null; } if (\is_resource($handle->extraDataPipe)) { \fclose($handle->extraDataPipe); } $handle->stdin->close(); $handle->stdout->close(); $handle->stderr->close(); if (\is_resource($handle->proc)) { \proc_close($handle->proc); } } }pidDeferred = new Deferred(); $this->joinDeferred = new Deferred(); $this->originalParentPid = \getmypid(); } /** @var Deferred */ public $joinDeferred; /** @var resource */ public $proc; /** @var resource */ public $extraDataPipe; /** @var string */ public $extraDataPipeWatcher; /** @var string */ public $extraDataPipeStartWatcher; /** @var int */ public $originalParentPid; } Succeeds with exit code of the process or fails if the process is killed. */ public function join(ProcessHandle $handle) : Promise; /** * Forcibly end the child process. * * @param ProcessHandle $handle The process descriptor. * * @throws ProcessException If terminating the process fails. */ public function kill(ProcessHandle $handle); /** * Send a signal signal to the child process. * * @param ProcessHandle $handle The process descriptor. * @param int $signo Signal number to send to process. * * @throws ProcessException If sending the signal fails. */ public function signal(ProcessHandle $handle, int $signo); /** * Release all resources held by the process handle. * * @param ProcessHandle $handle The process descriptor. */ public function destroy(ProcessHandle $handle); }socketConnector->address, $this->socketConnector->port, SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE); if ($workingDirectory !== '') { $result .= ' ' . \escapeshellarg('--cwd=' . \rtrim($workingDirectory, '\\')); } return $result; } public function __construct() { $this->socketConnector = new SocketConnector(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function start(string $command, string $cwd = null, array $env = [], array $options = []) : ProcessHandle { if (\strpos($command, "\0") !== false) { throw new ProcessException("Can't execute commands that contain null bytes."); } $options['bypass_shell'] = true; $handle = new Handle(); $handle->proc = @\proc_open($this->makeCommand($cwd ?? ''), self::FD_SPEC, $pipes, $cwd ?: null, $env ?: null, $options); if (!\is_resource($handle->proc)) { $message = "Could not start process"; if ($error = \error_get_last()) { $message .= \sprintf(" Errno: %d; %s", $error["type"], $error["message"]); } throw new ProcessException($message); } $status = \proc_get_status($handle->proc); if (!$status) { \proc_close($handle->proc); throw new ProcessException("Could not get process status"); } $securityTokens = \random_bytes(SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE * 6); $written = \fwrite($pipes[0], $securityTokens . "\0" . $command . "\0"); \fclose($pipes[0]); \fclose($pipes[1]); if ($written !== SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE * 6 + \strlen($command) + 2) { \fclose($pipes[2]); \proc_close($handle->proc); throw new ProcessException("Could not send security tokens / command to process wrapper"); } $handle->securityTokens = \str_split($securityTokens, SocketConnector::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE); $handle->wrapperPid = $status['pid']; $handle->wrapperStderrPipe = $pipes[2]; $stdinDeferred = new Deferred(); $handle->stdioDeferreds[] = $stdinDeferred; $handle->stdin = new ProcessOutputStream($stdinDeferred->promise()); $stdoutDeferred = new Deferred(); $handle->stdioDeferreds[] = $stdoutDeferred; $handle->stdout = new ProcessInputStream($stdoutDeferred->promise()); $stderrDeferred = new Deferred(); $handle->stdioDeferreds[] = $stderrDeferred; $handle->stderr = new ProcessInputStream($stderrDeferred->promise()); $this->socketConnector->registerPendingProcess($handle); return $handle; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function join(ProcessHandle $handle) : Promise { /** @var Handle $handle */ $handle->exitCodeRequested = true; if ($handle->exitCodeWatcher !== null) { Loop::reference($handle->exitCodeWatcher); } return $handle->joinDeferred->promise(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function kill(ProcessHandle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ // todo: send a signal to the wrapper to kill the child instead? if (!\proc_terminate($handle->proc)) { throw new ProcessException("Terminating process failed"); } $failStart = false; if ($handle->childPidWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->childPidWatcher); $handle->childPidWatcher = null; $handle->pidDeferred->fail(new ProcessException("The process was killed")); $failStart = true; } if ($handle->exitCodeWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->exitCodeWatcher); $handle->exitCodeWatcher = null; $handle->joinDeferred->fail(new ProcessException("The process was killed")); } $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; if ($failStart || $handle->stdioDeferreds) { $this->socketConnector->failHandleStart($handle, "The process was killed"); } $this->free($handle); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function signal(ProcessHandle $handle, int $signo) { throw new ProcessException('Signals are not supported on Windows'); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function destroy(ProcessHandle $handle) { /** @var Handle $handle */ if ($handle->status < ProcessStatus::ENDED && \is_resource($handle->proc)) { try { $this->kill($handle); return; } catch (ProcessException $e) { // ignore } } $this->free($handle); } private function free(Handle $handle) { if ($handle->childPidWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->childPidWatcher); $handle->childPidWatcher = null; } if ($handle->exitCodeWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($handle->exitCodeWatcher); $handle->exitCodeWatcher = null; } $handle->stdin->close(); $handle->stdout->close(); $handle->stderr->close(); foreach ($handle->sockets as $socket) { @\fclose($socket); } @\fclose($handle->wrapperStderrPipe); if (\is_resource($handle->proc)) { \proc_close($handle->proc); } } }joinDeferred = new Deferred(); $this->pidDeferred = new Deferred(); } /** @var Deferred */ public $joinDeferred; /** @var string */ public $exitCodeWatcher; /** @var bool */ public $exitCodeRequested = false; /** @var resource */ public $proc; /** @var int */ public $wrapperPid; /** @var resource */ public $wrapperStderrPipe; /** @var resource[] */ public $sockets = []; /** @var Deferred[] */ public $stdioDeferreds; /** @var string */ public $childPidWatcher; /** @var string */ public $connectTimeoutWatcher; /** @var string[] */ public $securityTokens; }server = \stream_socket_server(self::SERVER_SOCKET_URI, $errNo, $errStr, $flags); if (!$this->server) { throw new \Error("Failed to create TCP server socket for process wrapper: {$errNo}: {$errStr}"); } if (!\stream_set_blocking($this->server, false)) { throw new \Error("Failed to set server socket to non-blocking mode"); } list($this->address, $this->port) = \explode(':', \stream_socket_get_name($this->server, false)); $this->port = (int) $this->port; Loop::unreference(Loop::onReadable($this->server, [$this, 'onServerSocketReadable'])); } private function failClientHandshake($socket, int $code) { \fwrite($socket, \chr(SignalCode::HANDSHAKE_ACK) . \chr($code)); \fclose($socket); unset($this->pendingClients[(int) $socket]); } public function failHandleStart(Handle $handle, string $message,...$args) { Loop::cancel($handle->connectTimeoutWatcher); unset($this->pendingProcesses[$handle->wrapperPid]); foreach ($handle->sockets as $socket) { \fclose($socket); } $error = new ProcessException(\vsprintf($message, $args)); $deferreds = $handle->stdioDeferreds; $deferreds[] = $handle->joinDeferred; $handle->stdioDeferreds = []; foreach ($deferreds as $deferred) { $deferred->fail($error); } } /** * Read data from a client socket. * * This method cleans up internal state as appropriate. Returns null if the read fails or needs to be repeated. * * @param resource $socket * @param int $length * @param PendingSocketClient $state * * @return string|null */ private function readDataFromPendingClient($socket, int $length, PendingSocketClient $state) { $data = \fread($socket, $length); if ($data === false || $data === '') { return null; } $data = $state->receivedDataBuffer . $data; if (\strlen($data) < $length) { $state->receivedDataBuffer = $data; return null; } $state->receivedDataBuffer = ''; Loop::cancel($state->readWatcher); return $data; } public function onReadableHandshake($watcher, $socket) { $socketId = (int) $socket; $pendingClient = $this->pendingClients[$socketId]; if (null === ($data = $this->readDataFromPendingClient($socket, self::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE + 6, $pendingClient))) { return; } $packet = \unpack('Csignal/Npid/Cstream_id/a*client_token', $data); // validate the client's handshake if ($packet['signal'] !== SignalCode::HANDSHAKE) { $this->failClientHandshake($socket, HandshakeStatus::SIGNAL_UNEXPECTED); return; } if ($packet['stream_id'] > 2) { $this->failClientHandshake($socket, HandshakeStatus::INVALID_STREAM_ID); return; } if (!isset($this->pendingProcesses[$packet['pid']])) { $this->failClientHandshake($socket, HandshakeStatus::INVALID_PROCESS_ID); return; } $handle = $this->pendingProcesses[$packet['pid']]; if (isset($handle->sockets[$packet['stream_id']])) { $this->failClientHandshake($socket, HandshakeStatus::DUPLICATE_STREAM_ID); \trigger_error(\sprintf("%s: Received duplicate socket for process #%s stream #%d", self::class, $handle->pid, $packet['stream_id']), E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (!\hash_equals($packet['client_token'], $handle->securityTokens[$packet['stream_id']])) { $this->failClientHandshake($socket, HandshakeStatus::INVALID_CLIENT_TOKEN); $this->failHandleStart($handle, "Invalid client security token for stream #%d", $packet['stream_id']); return; } $ackData = \chr(SignalCode::HANDSHAKE_ACK) . \chr(HandshakeStatus::SUCCESS) . $handle->securityTokens[$packet['stream_id'] + 3]; // Unless we set the security token size so high that it won't fit in the // buffer, this probably shouldn't ever happen unless something has gone wrong if (\fwrite($socket, $ackData) !== self::SECURITY_TOKEN_SIZE + 2) { unset($this->pendingClients[$socketId]); return; } $pendingClient->pid = $packet['pid']; $pendingClient->streamId = $packet['stream_id']; $pendingClient->readWatcher = Loop::onReadable($socket, [$this, 'onReadableHandshakeAck']); } public function onReadableHandshakeAck($watcher, $socket) { $socketId = (int) $socket; $pendingClient = $this->pendingClients[$socketId]; // can happen if the start promise was failed if (!isset($this->pendingProcesses[$pendingClient->pid]) || $this->pendingProcesses[$pendingClient->pid]->status === ProcessStatus::ENDED) { \fclose($socket); Loop::cancel($watcher); Loop::cancel($pendingClient->timeoutWatcher); unset($this->pendingClients[$socketId]); return; } if (null === ($data = $this->readDataFromPendingClient($socket, 2, $pendingClient))) { return; } Loop::cancel($pendingClient->timeoutWatcher); unset($this->pendingClients[$socketId]); $handle = $this->pendingProcesses[$pendingClient->pid]; $packet = \unpack('Csignal/Cstatus', $data); if ($packet['signal'] !== SignalCode::HANDSHAKE_ACK || $packet['status'] !== HandshakeStatus::SUCCESS) { $this->failHandleStart($handle, "Client rejected handshake with code %d for stream #%d", $packet['status'], $pendingClient->streamId); return; } $handle->sockets[$pendingClient->streamId] = $socket; if (\count($handle->sockets) === 3) { $handle->childPidWatcher = Loop::onReadable($handle->sockets[0], [$this, 'onReadableChildPid'], $handle); $deferreds = $handle->stdioDeferreds; $handle->stdioDeferreds = []; // clear, so there's no double resolution if process spawn fails $deferreds[0]->resolve(new ResourceOutputStream($handle->sockets[0])); $deferreds[1]->resolve(new ResourceInputStream($handle->sockets[1])); $deferreds[2]->resolve(new ResourceInputStream($handle->sockets[2])); } } public function onReadableChildPid($watcher, $socket, Handle $handle) { $data = \fread($socket, 5); if ($data === false || $data === '') { return; } Loop::cancel($handle->childPidWatcher); Loop::cancel($handle->connectTimeoutWatcher); $handle->childPidWatcher = null; if (\strlen($data) !== 5) { $this->failHandleStart($handle, 'Failed to read PID from wrapper: Received %d of 5 expected bytes', \strlen($data)); return; } $packet = \unpack('Csignal/Npid', $data); if ($packet['signal'] !== SignalCode::CHILD_PID) { $this->failHandleStart($handle, "Failed to read PID from wrapper: Unexpected signal code %d", $packet['signal']); return; } // Required, because a process might be destroyed while starting if ($handle->status === ProcessStatus::STARTING) { $handle->status = ProcessStatus::RUNNING; $handle->exitCodeWatcher = Loop::onReadable($handle->sockets[0], [$this, 'onReadableExitCode'], $handle); if (!$handle->exitCodeRequested) { Loop::unreference($handle->exitCodeWatcher); } } $handle->pidDeferred->resolve($packet['pid']); unset($this->pendingProcesses[$handle->wrapperPid]); } public function onReadableExitCode($watcher, $socket, Handle $handle) { $data = \fread($socket, 5); if ($data === false || $data === '') { return; } Loop::cancel($handle->exitCodeWatcher); $handle->exitCodeWatcher = null; if (\strlen($data) !== 5) { $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; $handle->joinDeferred->fail(new ProcessException(\sprintf('Failed to read exit code from wrapper: Received %d of 5 expected bytes', \strlen($data)))); return; } $packet = \unpack('Csignal/Ncode', $data); if ($packet['signal'] !== SignalCode::EXIT_CODE) { $this->failHandleStart($handle, "Failed to read exit code from wrapper: Unexpected signal code %d", $packet['signal']); return; } $handle->status = ProcessStatus::ENDED; $handle->joinDeferred->resolve($packet['code']); $handle->stdin->close(); $handle->stdout->close(); $handle->stderr->close(); // Explicitly \fclose() sockets, as resource streams shut only one side down. foreach ($handle->sockets as $sock) { @\fclose($sock); } } public function onClientSocketConnectTimeout($watcher, $socket) { $id = (int) $socket; Loop::cancel($this->pendingClients[$id]->readWatcher); unset($this->pendingClients[$id]); \fclose($socket); } public function onServerSocketReadable() { $socket = \stream_socket_accept($this->server); if (!\stream_set_blocking($socket, false)) { throw new \Error("Failed to set client socket to non-blocking mode"); } $pendingClient = new PendingSocketClient(); $pendingClient->readWatcher = Loop::onReadable($socket, [$this, 'onReadableHandshake']); $pendingClient->timeoutWatcher = Loop::delay(self::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, [$this, 'onClientSocketConnectTimeout'], $socket); $this->pendingClients[(int) $socket] = $pendingClient; } public function onProcessConnectTimeout($watcher, Handle $handle) { $running = \is_resource($handle->proc) && \proc_get_status($handle->proc)['running']; $error = null; if (!$running) { $error = \stream_get_contents($handle->wrapperStderrPipe); } $error = $error ?: 'Process did not connect to server before timeout elapsed'; foreach ($handle->sockets as $socket) { \fclose($socket); } $error = new ProcessException(\trim($error)); foreach ($handle->stdioDeferreds as $deferred) { $deferred->fail($error); } \fclose($handle->wrapperStderrPipe); \proc_close($handle->proc); $handle->joinDeferred->fail($error); } public function registerPendingProcess(Handle $handle) { // Use Loop::defer() to start the timeout only after the loop has ticked once. This prevents issues with many // things started at once, see $handle->connectTimeoutWatcher = Loop::defer(function () use($handle) { $handle->connectTimeoutWatcher = Loop::delay(self::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, [$this, 'onProcessConnectTimeout'], $handle); }); $this->pendingProcesses[$handle->wrapperPid] = $handle; } }onResolve(function ($error, $resourceStream) { if ($error) { $this->error = new StreamException("Failed to launch process", 0, $error); if ($this->initialRead) { $initialRead = $this->initialRead; $this->initialRead = null; $initialRead->fail($this->error); } return; } $this->resourceStream = $resourceStream; if (!$this->referenced) { $this->resourceStream->unreference(); } if ($this->shouldClose) { $this->resourceStream->close(); } if ($this->initialRead) { $initialRead = $this->initialRead; $this->initialRead = null; $initialRead->resolve($this->shouldClose ? null : $this->resourceStream->read()); } }); } /** * Reads data from the stream. * * @return Promise Resolves with a string when new data is available or `null` if the stream has closed. * * @throws PendingReadError Thrown if another read operation is still pending. */ public function read() : Promise { if ($this->initialRead) { throw new PendingReadError(); } if ($this->error) { return new Failure($this->error); } if ($this->resourceStream) { return $this->resourceStream->read(); } if ($this->shouldClose) { return new Success(); // Resolve reads on closed streams with null. } $this->initialRead = new Deferred(); return $this->initialRead->promise(); } public function reference() { $this->referenced = true; if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->reference(); } } public function unreference() { $this->referenced = false; if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->unreference(); } } public function close() { $this->shouldClose = true; if ($this->initialRead) { $initialRead = $this->initialRead; $this->initialRead = null; $initialRead->resolve(); } if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->close(); } } }queuedWrites = new \SplQueue(); $resourceStreamPromise->onResolve(function ($error, $resourceStream) { if ($error) { $this->error = new StreamException("Failed to launch process", 0, $error); while (!$this->queuedWrites->isEmpty()) { list(, $deferred) = $this->queuedWrites->shift(); $deferred->fail($this->error); } return; } while (!$this->queuedWrites->isEmpty()) { /** * @var string $data * @var \Amp\Deferred $deferred */ list($data, $deferred) = $this->queuedWrites->shift(); $deferred->resolve($resourceStream->write($data)); } $this->resourceStream = $resourceStream; if ($this->shouldClose) { $this->resourceStream->close(); } }); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function write(string $data) : Promise { if ($this->resourceStream) { return $this->resourceStream->write($data); } if ($this->error) { return new Failure($this->error); } if ($this->shouldClose) { throw new ClosedException("Stream has already been closed."); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->queuedWrites->push([$data, $deferred]); return $deferred->promise(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function end(string $finalData = "") : Promise { if ($this->resourceStream) { return $this->resourceStream->end($finalData); } if ($this->error) { return new Failure($this->error); } if ($this->shouldClose) { throw new ClosedException("Stream has already been closed."); } $deferred = new Deferred(); $this->queuedWrites->push([$finalData, $deferred]); $this->shouldClose = true; return $deferred->promise(); } public function close() { $this->shouldClose = true; if ($this->resourceStream) { $this->resourceStream->close(); } elseif (!$this->queuedWrites->isEmpty()) { $error = new ClosedException("Stream closed."); do { list(, $deferred) = $this->queuedWrites->shift(); $deferred->fail($error); } while (!$this->queuedWrites->isEmpty()); } } } $value) { if (\is_array($value)) { throw new \Error("\$env cannot accept array values"); } $envVars[(string) $key] = (string) $value; } $this->command = $command; $this->cwd = $cwd; $this->env = $envVars; $this->options = $options; $this->processRunner = Loop::getState(self::class); if ($this->processRunner === null) { $this->processRunner = IS_WINDOWS ? new WindowsProcessRunner() : new PosixProcessRunner(); Loop::setState(self::class, $this->processRunner); } } /** * Stops the process if it is still running. */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->handle !== null) { $this->processRunner->destroy($this->handle); } } public function __clone() { throw new \Error("Cloning is not allowed!"); } /** * Start the process. * * @return Promise Resolves with the PID. * * @throws StatusError If the process has already been started. */ public function start() : Promise { if ($this->handle) { throw new StatusError("Process has already been started."); } return call(function () { $this->handle = $this->processRunner->start($this->command, $this->cwd, $this->env, $this->options); return $this->pid = (yield $this->handle->pidDeferred->promise()); }); } /** * Wait for the process to end. * * @return Promise Succeeds with process exit code or fails with a ProcessException if the process is killed. * * @throws StatusError If the process has already been started. */ public function join() : Promise { if (!$this->handle) { throw new StatusError("Process has not been started."); } return $this->processRunner->join($this->handle); } /** * Forcibly end the process. * * @throws StatusError If the process is not running. * @throws ProcessException If terminating the process fails. */ public function kill() { if (!$this->isRunning()) { throw new StatusError("Process is not running."); } $this->processRunner->kill($this->handle); } /** * Send a signal signal to the process. * * @param int $signo Signal number to send to process. * * @throws StatusError If the process is not running. * @throws ProcessException If sending the signal fails. */ public function signal(int $signo) { if (!$this->isRunning()) { throw new StatusError("Process is not running."); } $this->processRunner->signal($this->handle, $signo); } /** * Returns the PID of the child process. * * @return int * * @throws StatusError If the process has not started or has not completed starting. */ public function getPid() : int { if (!$this->pid) { throw new StatusError("Process has not been started or has not completed starting."); } return $this->pid; } /** * Returns the command to execute. * * @return string The command to execute. */ public function getCommand() : string { return $this->command; } /** * Gets the current working directory. * * @return string The current working directory an empty string if inherited from the current PHP process. */ public function getWorkingDirectory() : string { if ($this->cwd === "") { return \getcwd() ?: ""; } return $this->cwd; } /** * Gets the environment variables array. * * @return string[] Array of environment variables. */ public function getEnv() : array { return $this->env; } /** * Gets the options to pass to proc_open(). * * @return mixed[] Array of options. */ public function getOptions() : array { return $this->options; } /** * Determines if the process is still running. * * @return bool */ public function isRunning() : bool { return $this->handle && $this->handle->status !== ProcessStatus::ENDED; } /** * Gets the process input stream (STDIN). * * @return ProcessOutputStream */ public function getStdin() : ProcessOutputStream { if (!$this->handle || $this->handle->status === ProcessStatus::STARTING) { throw new StatusError("Process has not been started or has not completed starting."); } return $this->handle->stdin; } /** * Gets the process output stream (STDOUT). * * @return ProcessInputStream */ public function getStdout() : ProcessInputStream { if (!$this->handle || $this->handle->status === ProcessStatus::STARTING) { throw new StatusError("Process has not been started or has not completed starting."); } return $this->handle->stdout; } /** * Gets the process error stream (STDERR). * * @return ProcessInputStream */ public function getStderr() : ProcessInputStream { if (!$this->handle || $this->handle->status === ProcessStatus::STARTING) { throw new StatusError("Process has not been started or has not completed starting."); } return $this->handle->stderr; } public function __debugInfo() : array { return ['command' => $this->getCommand(), 'cwd' => $this->getWorkingDirectory(), 'env' => $this->getEnv(), 'options' => $this->getOptions(), 'pid' => $this->pid, 'status' => $this->handle ? $this->handle->status : -1]; } }usingPool($pool)->followRedirects(0)->build(); // connection: close in the request disables keep-alive for HTTP/1, it's ignored on HTTP/2 $firstRequest = new Request($argv[1] ?? ''); $firstRequest->setHeader('connection', 'close'); /** @var Response $firstResponse */ $firstResponse = (yield $client->request($firstRequest)); dumpResponseTrace($firstResponse); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $firstResponse->getBody()->buffer())); $secondRequest = new Request($argv[1] ?? ''); $secondRequest->setHeader('connection', 'close'); /** @var Response $secondResponse */ $secondResponse = (yield $client->request($secondRequest)); dumpResponseTrace($secondResponse); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $secondResponse->getBody()->buffer())); print "Total connection attempts: " . $pool->getTotalConnectionAttempts() . "\r\n"; print "Total stream requests: " . $pool->getTotalStreamRequests() . "\r\n"; print "Currently open connections: " . $pool->getOpenConnectionCount() . "\r\n"; } catch (HttpException $error) { echo $error; } });usingPool($pool)->followRedirects(0)->build(); /** @var Response $firstResponse */ $firstResponse = (yield $client->request(new Request($argv[1] ?? ''))); dumpResponseTrace($firstResponse); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $firstResponse->getBody()->buffer())); /** @var Response $secondResponse */ $secondResponse = (yield $client->request(new Request($argv[1] ?? ''))); dumpResponseTrace($secondResponse); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $secondResponse->getBody()->buffer())); print "Total connection attempts: " . $pool->getTotalConnectionAttempts() . "\r\n"; print "Total stream requests: " . $pool->getTotalStreamRequests() . "\r\n"; print "Currently open connections: " . $pool->getOpenConnectionCount() . "\r\n"; } catch (HttpException $error) { echo $error; } });getUri() . '...' . PHP_EOL; try { return (yield $stream->request($request, $cancellation)); } finally { print 'Done @ ' . $request->getUri() . ' ' . PHP_EOL; } }); } }; $client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool($pool)->followRedirects(0)->interceptNetwork($logger)->build(); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $promises = []; for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { $promises[] = call(static function () use($client, $i, $j) { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $client->request(new Request("{$i}.{$j}"))); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); }); } (yield $promises); } } catch (HttpException $error) { echo $error; } });request(new Request($uri))); return (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); }; try { $promises = []; foreach ($uris as $uri) { $promises[$uri] = Amp\call($requestHandler, $uri); } $bodies = (yield $promises); foreach ($bodies as $uri => $body) { print $uri . " - " . \strlen($body) . " bytes" . PHP_EOL; } } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });withoutPeerVerification(); $connectContext = (new ConnectContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext); $client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory(null, $connectContext)))->build(); $handler = coroutine(static function (int $count) use($client, $argv) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $request = new Request($argv[2] ?? 'https://localhost:1338/'); $request->setTcpConnectTimeout(1000); $request->setTlsHandshakeTimeout(1000); $request->setTransferTimeout(1000); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $client->request($request)); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } }); do { $start = getCurrentTime(); $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $promises[] = $handler($count === 0 ? 100 : $count); } (yield $promises); $duration = getCurrentTime() - $start; print "Took {$duration} ms for " . ($count === 0 ? 100 : $count) * 10 . " requests" . PHP_EOL; \gc_collect_cycles(); \gc_mem_caches(); print "Memory: " . \memory_get_usage(true) / 1000 . PHP_EOL; } while ($count === 0); });setHeader('foo', 'bar'); // Make an asynchronous HTTP request $promise = $client->request($request); // Client::request() is asynchronous! It doesn't return a response. Instead, it returns a promise to resolve the // response at some point in the future when we've received the headers of the response. Here we use yield which // pauses the execution of the current coroutine until the promise resolves. Amp will automatically continue the // coroutine then. /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $promise); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });request(new Request($argv[1] ?? '')); // Client::request() is asynchronous! It doesn't return a response. Instead, it returns a promise to resolve the // response at some point in the future when we've received the headers of the response. Here we use yield which // pauses the execution of the current coroutine until the promise resolves. Amp will automatically continue the // coroutine then. /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $promise); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });intercept(new LogHttpArchive(__DIR__ . '/log.har'))->intercept(new MatchOrigin(['' => new SetRequestHeader('x-amphp', 'true')]))->followRedirects(0)->retry(3)->build(); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $client->request(new Request($argv[1] ?? ''))); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });addField("search", "foobar"); $body->addField("submit", "ok"); $body->addFile("foo", __DIR__ . "/small-file.txt"); $request = new Request('', 'POST'); $request->setBody($body); // Make an asynchronous HTTP request $promise = $client->request($request); // Client::request() is asynchronous! It doesn't return a response. Instead, it returns a promise to resolve the // response at some point in the future when we've received the headers of the response. Here we use yield which // pauses the execution of the current coroutine until the promise resolves. Amp will automatically continue the // coroutine then. /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $promise); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });request(new Request($argv[1] ?? ''))); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });usingPool(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory($connector)))->build(); // amphp/http-client requires a host, so just use a dummy one. $request = new Request('http://docker/info'); // Make an asynchronous HTTP request $promise = $client->request($request); // Client::request() is asynchronous! It doesn't return a response. Instead, it returns a promise to resolve the // response at some point in the future when we've received the headers of the response. Here we use yield which // pauses the execution of the current coroutine until the promise resolves. Amp will automatically continue the // coroutine then. /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $promise); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });setBody('woot \\o/'); // Make an asynchronous HTTP request $promise = $client->request($request); // Client::request() is asynchronous! It doesn't return a response. Instead, it returns a promise to resolve the // response at some point in the future when we've received the headers of the response. Here we use yield which // pauses the execution of the current coroutine until the promise resolves. Amp will automatically continue the // coroutine then. /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $promise); dumpRequestTrace($response->getRequest()); dumpResponseTrace($response); dumpResponseBodyPreview((yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });setBodySizeLimit(128 * 1024 * 1024); // 128 MB $request->setTransferTimeout(120 * 1000); // 120 seconds // Make an asynchronous HTTP request $promise = $client->request($request); // Client::request() is asynchronous! It doesn't return a response. Instead, it returns a promise to resolve the // response at some point in the future when we've received the headers of the response. Here we use yield which // pauses the execution of the current coroutine until the promise resolves. Amp will automatically continue the // coroutine then. /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $promise); // Output the results \printf("HTTP/%s %d %s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $response->getProtocolVersion(), $response->getStatus(), $response->getReason(), $response->getRequest()->getUri()); foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $field => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { print "{$field}: {$value}\r\n"; } } print "\n"; $path = \tempnam(\sys_get_temp_dir(), "artax-streaming-"); /** @var File $file */ $file = (yield Amp\File\open($path, "w")); $bytes = 0; // The response body is an instance of Payload, which allows buffering or streaming by the consumers choice. // We could also use Amp\ByteStream\pipe() here, but we want to show some progress. while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $response->getBody()->read()))) { (yield $file->write($chunk)); $bytes += \strlen($chunk); print "\r" . formatBytes($bytes) . ' '; // blanks to remove previous output } (yield $file->close()); print \sprintf("\rDone in %.2f seconds with peak memory usage of %.2fMB.\n", (getCurrentTime() - $start) / 1000, (float) \memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024); // We need to clear the stat cache, as we have just written to the file StatCache::clear($path); $size = (yield Amp\File\size($path)); print \sprintf("%s has a size of %.2fMB\r\n", $path, (float) $size / 1024 / 1024); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } });setProtocolVersions($protocolVersions); $request->setBodySizeLimit(16 * 1024 * 1024); // 128 MB $request->setTransferTimeout(120 * 1000); // 120 seconds /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $client->request($request)); print "\n"; $path = \tempnam(\sys_get_temp_dir(), "artax-streaming-"); /** @var File $file */ $file = (yield Amp\File\open($path, "w")); $bytes = 0; while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $response->getBody()->read()))) { (yield $file->write($chunk)); $bytes += \strlen($chunk); print "\r" . formatBytes($bytes) . ' '; // blanks to remove previous output } (yield $file->close()); print \sprintf("\rDone in %.2f seconds with peak memory usage of %.2fMB.\n", (getCurrentTime() - $start) / 1000, (float) \memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024); // We need to clear the stat cache, as we have just written to the file StatCache::clear($path); $size = (yield Amp\File\size($path)); print \sprintf("%s has a size of %.2fMB\r\n", $path, (float) $size / 1024 / 1024); } catch (HttpException $error) { // If something goes wrong Amp will throw the exception where the promise was yielded. // The HttpClient::request() method itself will never throw directly, but returns a promise. echo $error; } } Loop::run(static function () { yield from fetch('', ['1.1']); yield from fetch('', ['2']); });{ "name": "amphp/http-client", "homepage": "", "description": "Asynchronous concurrent HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework", "keywords": [ "http", "rest", "client", "concurrent", "async", "non-blocking" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Daniel Lowrey", "email": "" }, { "name": "Niklas Keller", "email": "" }, { "name": "Aaron Piotrowski", "email": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.2", "amphp/amp": "^2.4", "amphp/byte-stream": "^1.6", "amphp/hpack": "^3", "amphp/http": "^1.6", "amphp/socket": "^1", "amphp/sync": "^1.3", "league/uri": "^6", "psr/http-message": "^1" }, "require-dev": { "ext-json": "*", "amphp/file": "^1 || ^0.3 || ^0.2", "amphp/phpunit-util": "^1.1", "amphp/php-cs-fixer-config": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "^7 || ^8", "amphp/http-server": "^2-rc4" }, "suggest": { "ext-zlib": "Allows using compression for response bodies.", "ext-json": "Required for logging HTTP archives", "amphp/file": "Required for file request bodies and HTTP archive logging" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\Client\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Amp\\Http\\Client\\": "test" } }, "conflict": { "amphp/file": "<0.2 || >=2" }, "scripts": { "check": [ "@cs", "@test" ], "cs": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run", "cs-fix": "PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff", "test": "@php -dzend.assertions=1 -dassert.exception=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "4.x-dev" } } } */ public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : Promise; }request(...)` resolves. * * An interceptor might also short-circuit and not delegate to the `$httpClient` at all. * * Any retry or cloned follow-up request must be manually cloned from `$request` to ensure a properly working * interceptor chain, e.g. the {@see DecompressResponse} interceptor only decodes a response if the * `accept-encoding` header isn't set manually. If the request isn't cloned, the first attempt will set the header * and the second attempt will see the header and won't decode the response, because it thinks another interceptor * or the application itself will care about the decoding. * * @param Request $request * @param CancellationToken $cancellation * @param DelegateHttpClient $httpClient * * @return Promise */ public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise; } true, "content-encoding" => true, "content-length" => true, "content-range" => true, "content-type" => true, "cookie" => true, "expect" => true, "host" => true, "pragma" => true, "proxy-authenticate" => true, "proxy-authorization" => true, "range" => true, "te" => true, "trailer" => true, "transfer-encoding" => true, "www-authenticate" => true]; /** * @param string[]|string[][] $headers * * @throws InvalidHeaderException Thrown if a disallowed field is in the header values. */ public function __construct(array $headers) { if (!empty($headers)) { $this->setHeaders($headers); } if (\array_intersect_key($this->getHeaders(), self::DISALLOWED_TRAILERS)) { throw new InvalidHeaderException('Disallowed field in trailers'); } } }setProtocolVersion($protocolVersion); $this->setStatus($status, $reason); $this->setHeaders($headers); $this->setBody($body); $this->request = $request; /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */ $this->trailers = $trailerPromise ?? new Success(new Trailers([])); $this->previousResponse = $previousResponse; } /** * Retrieve the requests's HTTP protocol version. * * @return string */ public function getProtocolVersion() : string { return $this->protocolVersion; } public function setProtocolVersion(string $protocolVersion) { if (!\in_array($protocolVersion, ["1.0", "1.1", "2"], true)) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ throw new \Error("Invalid HTTP protocol version: " . $protocolVersion); } $this->protocolVersion = $protocolVersion; } /** * Retrieve the response's three-digit HTTP status code. * * @return int */ public function getStatus() : int { return $this->status; } public function setStatus(int $status, string $reason = null) { $this->status = $status; $this->reason = $reason ?? Status::getReason($status); } /** * Retrieve the response's (possibly empty) reason phrase. * * @return string */ public function getReason() : string { return $this->reason; } /** * Retrieve the Request instance that resulted in this Response instance. * * @return Request */ public function getRequest() : Request { return $this->request; } public function setRequest(Request $request) { $this->request = $request; } /** * Retrieve the original Request instance associated with this Response instance. * * A given Response may be the result of one or more redirects. This method is a shortcut to * access information from the original Request that led to this response. * * @return Request */ public function getOriginalRequest() : Request { if (empty($this->previousResponse)) { return $this->request; } return $this->previousResponse->getOriginalRequest(); } /** * Retrieve the original Response instance associated with this Response instance. * * A given Response may be the result of one or more redirects. This method is a shortcut to * access information from the original Response that led to this response. * * @return Response */ public function getOriginalResponse() : Response { if (empty($this->previousResponse)) { return $this; } return $this->previousResponse->getOriginalResponse(); } /** * If this Response is the result of a redirect traverse up the redirect history. * * @return Response|null */ public function getPreviousResponse() { return $this->previousResponse; } public function setPreviousResponse(Response $previousResponse = null) { $this->previousResponse = $previousResponse; } /** * Assign a value for the specified header field by replacing any existing values for that field. * * @param string $field Header name. * @param string|string[] $value Header value. */ public function setHeader(string $field, $value) { if (($field[0] ?? ":") === ":") { throw new \Error("Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)"); } parent::setHeader($field, $value); } /** * Assign a value for the specified header field by adding an additional header line. * * @param string $field Header name. * @param string|string[] $value Header value. */ public function addHeader(string $field, $value) { if (($field[0] ?? ":") === ":") { throw new \Error("Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)"); } parent::addHeader($field, $value); } public function setHeaders(array $headers) { /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */ parent::setHeaders($headers); } /** * Remove the specified header field from the message. * * @param string $field Header name. */ public function removeHeader(string $field) { parent::removeHeader($field); } /** * Retrieve the response body. * * Note: If you stream a Message, you can't consume the payload twice. * * @return Payload */ public function getBody() : Payload { return $this->body; } public function setBody($body) { if ($body instanceof Payload) { $this->body = $body; } elseif ($body === null) { $this->body = new Payload(new InMemoryStream()); } elseif (\is_string($body)) { $this->body = new Payload(new InMemoryStream($body)); } elseif (\is_scalar($body)) { $this->body = new Payload(new InMemoryStream(\var_export($body, true))); } elseif ($body instanceof InputStream) { $this->body = new Payload($body); } else { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ throw new \TypeError("Invalid body type: " . \gettype($body)); } } /** * @return Promise */ public function getTrailers() : Promise { return $this->trailers; } /** * @param Promise $promise */ public function setTrailers(Promise $promise) { $this->trailers = $promise; } }httpClient = $httpClient; } /** * Request a specific resource from an HTTP server. * * @param Request $request * @param CancellationToken $cancellation * * @return Promise */ public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation = null) : Promise { return $this->httpClient->request(clone $request, $cancellation ?? new NullCancellationToken()); } } true]); } /** @var string[] */ private $protocolVersions = ['1.1', '2']; /** @var string */ private $method; /** @var UriInterface */ private $uri; /** @var RequestBody */ private $body; /** @var int */ private $tcpConnectTimeout = 10000; /** @var int */ private $tlsHandshakeTimeout = 10000; /** @var int */ private $transferTimeout = 10000; /** @var int */ private $bodySizeLimit = self::DEFAULT_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT; /** @var int */ private $headerSizeLimit = self::DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE_LIMIT; /** @var callable|null */ private $onPush; /** @var callable|null */ private $onUpgrade; /** @var callable|null */ private $onInformationalResponse; /** @var mixed[] */ private $attributes = []; /** @var EventListener[] */ private $eventListeners = []; /** * Request constructor. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri * @param string $method * @param string $body */ public function __construct($uri, string $method = "GET", string $body = null) { $this->setUri($uri); $this->setMethod($method); $this->setBody($body); } public function addEventListener(EventListener $eventListener) { $this->eventListeners[] = $eventListener; } /** * @return EventListener[] */ public function getEventListeners() : array { return $this->eventListeners; } /** * Retrieve the requests's acceptable HTTP protocol versions. * * @return string[] */ public function getProtocolVersions() : array { return $this->protocolVersions; } /** * Assign the requests's acceptable HTTP protocol versions. * * The HTTP client might choose any of these. * * @param string[] $versions */ public function setProtocolVersions(array $versions) { $versions = \array_unique($versions); if (empty($versions)) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ throw new \Error("Empty array of protocol versions provided, must not be empty."); } foreach ($versions as $version) { if (!\in_array($version, ["1.0", "1.1", "2"], true)) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ throw new \Error("Invalid HTTP protocol version: " . $version); } } $this->protocolVersions = $versions; } /** * Retrieve the request's HTTP method verb. * * @return string */ public function getMethod() : string { return $this->method; } /** * Specify the request's HTTP method verb. * * @param string $method */ public function setMethod(string $method) { $this->method = $method; } /** * Retrieve the request's URI. * * @return UriInterface */ public function getUri() : UriInterface { return $this->uri; } /** * Specify the request's HTTP URI. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri */ public function setUri($uri) { $this->uri = $uri instanceof UriInterface ? $uri : $this->createUriFromString($uri); } /** * Assign a value for the specified header field by replacing any existing values for that field. * * @param string $field Header name. * @param string|string[] $value Header value. */ public function setHeader(string $field, $value) { if (($field[0] ?? ":") === ":") { throw new \Error("Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)"); } parent::setHeader($field, $value); } /** * Assign a value for the specified header field by adding an additional header line. * * @param string $field Header name. * @param string|string[] $value Header value. */ public function addHeader(string $field, $value) { if (($field[0] ?? ":") === ":") { throw new \Error("Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)"); } parent::addHeader($field, $value); } public function setHeaders(array $headers) { /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */ parent::setHeaders($headers); } /** * Remove the specified header field from the message. * * @param string $field Header name. */ public function removeHeader(string $field) { parent::removeHeader($field); } /** * Retrieve the message entity body. */ public function getBody() : RequestBody { return $this->body; } /** * Assign the message entity body. * * @param mixed $body */ public function setBody($body) { if ($body === null) { $this->body = new StringBody(""); } elseif (\is_string($body)) { $this->body = new StringBody($body); } elseif (\is_scalar($body)) { $this->body = new StringBody(\var_export($body, true)); } elseif ($body instanceof RequestBody) { $this->body = $body; } else { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ throw new \TypeError("Invalid body type: " . \gettype($body)); } } /** * Registers a callback to the request that is invoked when the server pushes an additional resource. * The callback is given two parameters: the Request generated from the pushed resource, and a promise for the * Response containing the pushed resource. An HttpException, StreamException, or CancelledException can be thrown * to refuse the push. If no callback is registered, pushes are automatically rejected. * * Interceptors can mostly use {@code interceptPush} instead. * * Example: * function (Request $request, Promise $response): \Generator { * $uri = $request->getUri(); // URI of pushed resource. * $response = yield $promise; // Wait for resource to arrive. * // Use Response object from resolved promise. * } * * @param callable|null $onPush */ public function setPushHandler(callable $onPush = null) { $this->onPush = $onPush; } /** * Allows interceptors to modify also pushed responses. * * If no push callable has been set by the application, the interceptor won't be invoked. If you want to enable * push in an interceptor without the application setting a push handler, you need to use {@code setPushHandler}. * * @param callable $interceptor Receives the response and might modify it or return a new instance. */ public function interceptPush(callable $interceptor) { if ($this->onPush === null) { return; } $onPush = $this->onPush; $this->onPush = static function (Request $request, Promise $response) use($onPush, $interceptor) { $response = call(static function () use($response, $interceptor) { return (yield call($interceptor, (yield $response))) ?? $response; }); return $onPush($request, $response); }; } /** * @return callable|null */ public function getPushHandler() { return $this->onPush; } /** * Registers a callback invoked if a 101 response is returned to the request. * * @param callable|null $onUpgrade */ public function setUpgradeHandler(callable $onUpgrade = null) { $this->onUpgrade = $onUpgrade; } /** * @return callable|null */ public function getUpgradeHandler() { return $this->onUpgrade; } /** * Registers a callback invoked when a 1xx response is returned to the request (other than a 101). * * @param callable|null $onInformationalResponse */ public function setInformationalResponseHandler(callable $onInformationalResponse = null) { $this->onInformationalResponse = $onInformationalResponse; } /** * @return callable|null */ public function getInformationalResponseHandler() { return $this->onInformationalResponse; } /** * @return int Timeout in milliseconds for the TCP connection. */ public function getTcpConnectTimeout() : int { return $this->tcpConnectTimeout; } public function setTcpConnectTimeout(int $tcpConnectTimeout) { $this->tcpConnectTimeout = $tcpConnectTimeout; } /** * @return int Timeout in milliseconds for the TLS handshake. */ public function getTlsHandshakeTimeout() : int { return $this->tlsHandshakeTimeout; } public function setTlsHandshakeTimeout(int $tlsHandshakeTimeout) { $this->tlsHandshakeTimeout = $tlsHandshakeTimeout; } /** * @return int Timeout in milliseconds for the HTTP transfer (not counting TCP connect and TLS handshake) */ public function getTransferTimeout() : int { return $this->transferTimeout; } public function setTransferTimeout(int $transferTimeout) { $this->transferTimeout = $transferTimeout; } public function getHeaderSizeLimit() : int { return $this->headerSizeLimit; } public function setHeaderSizeLimit(int $headerSizeLimit) { $this->headerSizeLimit = $headerSizeLimit; } public function getBodySizeLimit() : int { return $this->bodySizeLimit; } public function setBodySizeLimit(int $bodySizeLimit) { $this->bodySizeLimit = $bodySizeLimit; } /** * Note: This method returns a deep clone of the request's attributes, so you can't modify the request attributes * by modifying the returned value in any way. * * @return mixed[] An array of all request attributes in the request's local storage, indexed by name. */ public function getAttributes() : array { return self::clone($this->attributes); } /** * Check whether a variable with the given name exists in the request's local storage. * * Each request has its own local storage to which applications and interceptors may read and write data. * Other interceptors which are aware of this data can then access it without the server being tightly coupled to * specific implementations. * * @param string $name Name of the attribute, should be namespaced with a vendor and package namespace like classes. * * @return bool */ public function hasAttribute(string $name) : bool { return \array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes); } /** * Retrieve a variable from the request's local storage. * * Each request has its own local storage to which applications and interceptors may read and write data. * Other interceptors which are aware of this data can then access it without the server being tightly coupled to * specific implementations. * * Note: This method returns a deep clone of the request's attribute, so you can't modify the request attribute * by modifying the returned value in any way. * * @param string $name Name of the attribute, should be namespaced with a vendor and package namespace like classes. * * @return mixed * * @throws MissingAttributeError If an attribute with the given name does not exist. */ public function getAttribute(string $name) { if (!$this->hasAttribute($name)) { throw new MissingAttributeError("The requested attribute '{$name}' does not exist"); } return self::clone($this->attributes[$name]); } /** * Assign a variable to the request's local storage. * * Each request has its own local storage to which applications and interceptors may read and write data. * Other interceptors which are aware of this data can then access it without the server being tightly coupled to * specific implementations. * * Note: This method performs a deep clone of the value via serialization, so you can't modify the given value * after setting it. * * **Example** * * ```php * $request->setAttribute(Timing::class, $stopWatch); * ``` * * @param string $name Name of the attribute, should be namespaced with a vendor and package namespace like classes. * @param mixed $value Value of the attribute, might be any serializable value. */ public function setAttribute(string $name, $value) { $this->attributes[$name] = self::clone($value); } /** * Remove an attribute from the request's local storage. * * @param string $name Name of the attribute, should be namespaced with a vendor and package namespace like classes. * * @throws MissingAttributeError If an attribute with the given name does not exist. */ public function removeAttribute(string $name) { if (!$this->hasAttribute($name)) { throw new MissingAttributeError("The requested attribute '{$name}' does not exist"); } unset($this->attributes[$name]); } /** * Remove all attributes from the request's local storage. */ public function removeAttributes() { $this->attributes = []; } public function isIdempotent() : bool { // return \in_array($this->method, ['GET', 'HEAD', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], true); } private function createUriFromString(string $uri) : UriInterface { return Uri\Http::createFromString($uri); } }httpClient = $httpClient; $this->interceptor = $interceptor; } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startRequest($request)); } return $this->interceptor->request($request, $cancellation, $this->httpClient); }); } }build(); } /** @var ForbidUriUserInfo|null */ private $forbidUriUserInfo; /** @var RetryRequests|null */ private $retryInterceptor; /** @var FollowRedirects|null */ private $followRedirectsInterceptor; /** @var SetRequestHeaderIfUnset|null */ private $defaultUserAgentInterceptor; /** @var SetRequestHeaderIfUnset|null */ private $defaultAcceptInterceptor; /** @var NetworkInterceptor|null */ private $defaultCompressionHandler; /** @var ApplicationInterceptor[] */ private $applicationInterceptors = []; /** @var NetworkInterceptor[] */ private $networkInterceptors = []; /** @var ConnectionPool */ private $pool; public function __construct() { $this->pool = new UnlimitedConnectionPool(); $this->forbidUriUserInfo = new ForbidUriUserInfo(); $this->followRedirectsInterceptor = new FollowRedirects(10); $this->retryInterceptor = new RetryRequests(2); $this->defaultAcceptInterceptor = new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('accept', '*/*'); $this->defaultUserAgentInterceptor = new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('user-agent', 'amphp/http-client @ v4.x'); $this->defaultCompressionHandler = new DecompressResponse(); } public function build() : HttpClient { /** @var PooledHttpClient $client */ $client = new PooledHttpClient($this->pool); foreach ($this->networkInterceptors as $interceptor) { $client = $client->intercept($interceptor); } if ($this->defaultAcceptInterceptor) { $client = $client->intercept($this->defaultAcceptInterceptor); } if ($this->defaultUserAgentInterceptor) { $client = $client->intercept($this->defaultUserAgentInterceptor); } if ($this->defaultCompressionHandler) { $client = $client->intercept($this->defaultCompressionHandler); } $applicationInterceptors = $this->applicationInterceptors; if ($this->followRedirectsInterceptor) { \array_unshift($applicationInterceptors, $this->followRedirectsInterceptor); } if ($this->forbidUriUserInfo) { \array_unshift($applicationInterceptors, $this->forbidUriUserInfo); } if ($this->retryInterceptor) { $applicationInterceptors[] = $this->retryInterceptor; } foreach (\array_reverse($applicationInterceptors) as $applicationInterceptor) { $client = new InterceptedHttpClient($client, $applicationInterceptor); } return new HttpClient($client); } /** * @param ConnectionPool $pool Connection pool to use. * * @return self */ public function usingPool(ConnectionPool $pool) : self { $builder = clone $this; $builder->pool = $pool; return $builder; } /** * @param ApplicationInterceptor $interceptor This interceptor gets added to the interceptor queue, so interceptors * are executed in the order given to this method. * * @return self */ public function intercept(ApplicationInterceptor $interceptor) : self { if ($this->followRedirectsInterceptor !== null && $interceptor instanceof FollowRedirects) { throw new \Error('Disable automatic redirect following or use HttpClientBuilder::followRedirects() to customize redirects'); } if ($this->retryInterceptor !== null && $interceptor instanceof RetryRequests) { throw new \Error('Disable automatic retries or use HttpClientBuilder::retry() to customize retries'); } $builder = clone $this; $builder->applicationInterceptors[] = $interceptor; return $builder; } /** * @param NetworkInterceptor $interceptor This interceptor gets added to the interceptor queue, so interceptors * are executed in the order given to this method. * * @return self */ public function interceptNetwork(NetworkInterceptor $interceptor) : self { $builder = clone $this; $builder->networkInterceptors[] = $interceptor; return $builder; } /** * @param int $retryLimit Maximum number of times a request may be retried. Only certain requests will be retried * automatically (GET, HEAD, PUT, and DELETE requests are automatically retried, or any * request that was indicated as unprocessed by the connection). * * @return self */ public function retry(int $retryLimit) : self { $builder = clone $this; if ($retryLimit <= 0) { $builder->retryInterceptor = null; } else { $builder->retryInterceptor = new RetryRequests($retryLimit); } return $builder; } /** * @param int $limit Maximum number of redirects to follow. The client will automatically request the URI supplied * by a redirect response (3xx status codes) and returns that response instead. * * @return self */ public function followRedirects(int $limit = 10) : self { $builder = clone $this; if ($limit <= 0) { $builder->followRedirectsInterceptor = null; } else { $builder->followRedirectsInterceptor = new FollowRedirects($limit); } return $builder; } /** * Removes the default restriction of user:password in request URIs. * * @return self */ public function allowDeprecatedUriUserInfo() : self { $builder = clone $this; $builder->forbidUriUserInfo = null; return $builder; } /** * Doesn't automatically set an 'accept' header. * * @return self */ public function skipDefaultAcceptHeader() : self { $builder = clone $this; $builder->defaultAcceptInterceptor = null; return $builder; } /** * Doesn't automatically set a 'user-agent' header. * * @return self */ public function skipDefaultUserAgent() : self { $builder = clone $this; $builder->defaultUserAgentInterceptor = null; return $builder; } /** * Doesn't automatically set an 'accept-encoding' header and decompress the response. * * @return self */ public function skipAutomaticCompression() : self { $builder = clone $this; $builder->defaultCompressionHandler = null; return $builder; } }source = $source; $this->sizeLimit = $sizeLimit; } public function read() : Promise { if ($this->exception) { return new Failure($this->exception); } $promise = $this->source->read(); $promise->onResolve(function ($error, $value) { if ($value !== null) { $this->bytesRead += \strlen($value); if ($this->bytesRead > $this->sizeLimit) { $this->exception = new ParseException("Configured body size exceeded: {$this->bytesRead} bytes received, while the configured limit is {$this->sizeLimit} bytes", Status::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE); $this->source = null; } } }); return $promise; } }body = $body; $this->bodyCancellation = $bodyCancellation; } public function read() : Promise { $promise = $this->body->read(); $promise->onResolve(function ($error, $value) { if ($value === null && $error === null) { $this->successfulEnd = true; } }); return $promise; } public function __destruct() { if (!$this->successfulEnd) { $this->bodyCancellation->cancel(); } } }boundary = $boundary ?? \bin2hex(\random_bytes(16)); } /** * Add a data field to the form entity body. * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string $contentType */ public function addField(string $name, string $value, string $contentType = 'text/plain') { $this->fields[] = [$name, $value, $contentType, null]; $this->resetCache(); } /** * Add each element of a associative array as a data field to the form entity body. * * @param array $data * @param string $contentType */ public function addFields(array $data, string $contentType = 'text/plain') { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->addField($key, $value, $contentType); } } /** * Add a file field to the form entity body. * * @param string $name * @param string $filePath * @param string $contentType */ public function addFile(string $name, string $filePath, string $contentType = 'application/octet-stream') { $fileName = \basename($filePath); $this->fields[] = [$name, new FileBody($filePath), $contentType, $fileName]; $this->isMultipart = true; $this->resetCache(); } /** * Add each element of a associative array as a file field to the form entity body. * * @param array $data * @param string $contentType */ public function addFiles(array $data, string $contentType = 'application/octet-stream') { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->addFile($key, $value, $contentType); } } /** * Returns an array of fields, each being an array of [name, value, content-type, file-name|null]. * Both fields and files are returned in the array. Files use a FileBody object as the value. The file-name is * always null for fields. * * @return array */ public function getFields() : array { return $this->fields; } private function resetCache() { $this->cachedBody = null; $this->cachedLength = null; $this->cachedFields = null; } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { if ($this->isMultipart) { return $this->generateMultipartStreamFromFields($this->getMultipartFieldArray()); } return new InMemoryStream($this->getFormEncodedBodyString()); } private function getMultipartFieldArray() : array { if (isset($this->cachedFields)) { return $this->cachedFields; } $fields = []; foreach ($this->fields as $fieldArr) { list($name, $field, $contentType, $fileName) = $fieldArr; $fields[] = "--{$this->boundary}\r\n"; $fields[] = $field instanceof FileBody ? $this->generateMultipartFileHeader($name, $fileName, $contentType) : $this->generateMultipartFieldHeader($name, $contentType); $fields[] = $field; $fields[] = "\r\n"; } $fields[] = "--{$this->boundary}--\r\n"; return $this->cachedFields = $fields; } private function generateMultipartFileHeader(string $name, string $fileName, string $contentType) : string { $header = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$name}\"; filename=\"{$fileName}\"\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: {$contentType}\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n"; return $header; } private function generateMultipartFieldHeader(string $name, string $contentType) : string { $header = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$name}\"\r\n"; if ($contentType !== "") { $header .= "Content-Type: {$contentType}\r\n\r\n"; } else { $header .= "\r\n"; } return $header; } private function generateMultipartStreamFromFields(array $fields) : InputStream { foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $fields[$key] = $field instanceof FileBody ? $field->createBodyStream() : new InMemoryStream($field); } return new IteratorStream(new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use($fields) { foreach ($fields as $key => $stream) { while (($chunk = (yield $stream->read())) !== null) { (yield $emit($chunk)); } } })); } private function getFormEncodedBodyString() : string { if ($this->cachedBody) { return $this->cachedBody; } $fields = []; foreach ($this->fields as $fieldArr) { list($name, $value) = $fieldArr; $fields[$name][] = $value; } foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $fields[$key] = isset($value[1]) ? $value : $value[0]; } return $this->cachedBody = \http_build_query($fields); } public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success(['Content-Type' => $this->determineContentType()]); } private function determineContentType() : string { return $this->isMultipart ? "multipart/form-data; boundary={$this->boundary}" : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { if ($this->cachedLength) { return $this->cachedLength; } if (!$this->isMultipart) { return $this->cachedLength = new Success(\strlen($this->getFormEncodedBodyString())); } return $this->cachedLength = call(function () { $fields = $this->getMultipartFieldArray(); $length = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (\is_string($field)) { $length += \strlen($field); } else { $length += (yield $field->getBodyLength()); } } return $length; }); } }json = \json_encode($data, $options, $depth); if (\json_last_error() !== \JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new HttpException('Failed to encode data to JSON'); } } public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success(['content-type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8']); } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { return new InMemoryStream($this->json); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return new Success(\strlen($this->json)); } }path = $path; } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { $handlePromise = open($this->path, "r"); return new class($handlePromise) implements InputStream { /** @var Promise */ private $promise; /** @var InputStream */ private $stream; public function __construct(Promise $promise) { $this->promise = $promise; $this->promise->onResolve(function ($error, $stream) { if ($error) { return; } $this->stream = $stream; }); } public function read() : Promise { if (!$this->stream) { return call(function () { /** @var InputStream $stream */ $stream = (yield $this->promise); return $stream->read(); }); } return $this->stream->read(); } }; } public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success([]); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return size($this->path); } }body = $body; } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { return new InMemoryStream($this->body !== '' ? $this->body : null); } public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success([]); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return new Success(\strlen($this->body)); } } $interceptor) { if (!$interceptor instanceof ApplicationInterceptor) { $type = \is_object($interceptor) ? \get_class($interceptor) : \gettype($interceptor); throw new HttpException('Origin map must be a map from origin to ApplicationInterceptor, got ' . $type); } $this->originMap[$this->checkOrigin($origin)] = $interceptor; } $this->default = $default; } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise { $interceptor = $this->originMap[$this->normalizeOrigin($request->getUri())] ?? $this->default; if (!$interceptor) { return $httpClient->request($request, $cancellation); } return $interceptor->request($request, $cancellation, $httpClient); } private function checkOrigin(string $origin) : string { try { $originUri = Http::createFromString($origin); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new HttpException("Invalid origin provided: parsing failed: " . $origin); } if (!\in_array($originUri->getScheme(), ['http', 'https'], true)) { throw new HttpException('Invalid origin with unsupported scheme: ' . $origin); } if ($originUri->getHost() === '') { throw new HttpException('Invalid origin without host: ' . $origin); } if ($originUri->getUserInfo() !== '') { throw new HttpException('Invalid origin with user info, which must not be present: ' . $origin); } if (!\in_array($originUri->getPath(), ['', '/'], true)) { throw new HttpException('Invalid origin with path, which must not be present: ' . $origin); } if ($originUri->getQuery() !== '') { throw new HttpException('Invalid origin with query, which must not be present: ' . $origin); } if ($originUri->getFragment() !== '') { throw new HttpException('Invalid origin with fragment, which must not be present: ' . $origin); } return $this->normalizeOrigin($originUri); } private function normalizeOrigin(UriInterface $uri) : string { $defaultPort = $uri->getScheme() === 'https' ? 443 : 80; return $uri->getScheme() . '://' . $uri->getHost() . ':' . ($uri->getPort() ?? $defaultPort); } }hasHeader($headerName)) { $request->setHeader($headerName, $headerValues); } return $request; }); } }addHeader($headerName, $headerValues); return $request; }); } }mapper = $mapper; } public final function requestViaNetwork(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $stream) { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, $cancellation)); return (yield call($this->mapper, $response)) ?? $response; }); } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $httpClient) { $request->interceptPush($this->mapper); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $httpClient->request($request, $cancellation)); return (yield call($this->mapper, $response)) ?? $response; }); } }removeHeader($headerName); return $response; }); } }getScheme() !== '' || $locationUri->getHost() !== '') { return $locationUri->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($locationUri->getPath())); } $baseUri = $baseUri->withQuery($locationUri->getQuery()); $baseUri = $baseUri->withFragment($locationUri->getFragment()); if ($locationUri->getPath() !== '' && \substr($locationUri->getPath(), 0, 1) === "/") { $baseUri = $baseUri->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($locationUri->getPath())); } else { $baseUri = $baseUri->withPath(self::mergePaths($baseUri->getPath(), $locationUri->getPath())); } return $baseUri; } /** * @param string $input * * @return string * * @link */ private static function removeDotSegments(string $input) : string { $output = ''; $patternA = ',^(\\.\\.?/),'; $patternB1 = ',^(/\\./),'; $patternB2 = ',^(/\\.)$,'; $patternC = ',^(/\\.\\./|/\\.\\.),'; // $patternD = ',^(\.\.?)$,'; $patternE = ',(/*[^/]*),'; while ($input !== '') { if (\preg_match($patternA, $input)) { $input = \preg_replace($patternA, '', $input); } elseif (\preg_match($patternB1, $input, $match) || \preg_match($patternB2, $input, $match)) { $input = \preg_replace(",^" . $match[1] . ",", '/', $input); } elseif (\preg_match($patternC, $input, $match)) { $input = \preg_replace(',^' . \preg_quote($match[1], ',') . ',', '/', $input); $output = \preg_replace(',/([^/]+)$,', '', $output); } elseif ($input === '.' || $input === '..') { // pattern D $input = ''; } elseif (\preg_match($patternE, $input, $match)) { $initialSegment = $match[1]; $input = \preg_replace(',^' . \preg_quote($initialSegment, ',') . ',', '', $input, 1); $output .= $initialSegment; } } return $output; } /** * @param string $basePath * @param string $pathToMerge * * @return string * * @link */ private static function mergePaths(string $basePath, string $pathToMerge) : string { if ($pathToMerge === '') { return self::removeDotSegments($basePath); } if ($basePath === '') { return self::removeDotSegments('/' . $pathToMerge); } $parts = \explode('/', $basePath); \array_pop($parts); $parts[] = $pathToMerge; return self::removeDotSegments(\implode('/', $parts)); } private $maxRedirects; private $autoReferrer; public function __construct(int $limit, bool $autoReferrer = true) { if ($limit < 1) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ throw new \Error("Invalid redirection limit: " . $limit); } $this->maxRedirects = $limit; $this->autoReferrer = $autoReferrer; } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise { // Don't follow redirects on pushes, just store the redirect in cache (if an interceptor is configured) return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $httpClient) { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $httpClient->request(clone $request, $cancellation)); $response = (yield from $this->followRedirects($request, $response, $httpClient, $cancellation)); return $response; }); } private function followRedirects(Request $request, Response $response, DelegateHttpClient $client, CancellationToken $cancellationToken) : \Generator { $previousResponse = null; $maxRedirects = $this->maxRedirects; $requestNr = 2; do { $request = (yield from $this->createRedirectRequest($request, $response)); if ($request === null) { return $response; } /** @var Response $redirectResponse */ $redirectResponse = (yield $client->request(clone $request, $cancellationToken)); $redirectResponse->setPreviousResponse($response); $response = $redirectResponse; } while (++$requestNr <= $maxRedirects + 1); if ($this->getRedirectUri($response) !== null) { throw new TooManyRedirectsException($response); } return $response; } private function createRedirectRequest(Request $originalRequest, Response $response) : \Generator { $redirectUri = $this->getRedirectUri($response); if ($redirectUri === null) { return null; } $originalUri = $response->getRequest()->getUri(); $isSameHost = $redirectUri->getAuthority() === $originalUri->getAuthority(); $request = clone $originalRequest; $request->setMethod('GET'); $request->setUri($redirectUri); $request->removeHeader('transfer-encoding'); $request->removeHeader('content-length'); $request->removeHeader('content-type'); $request->removeAttributes(); $request->setBody(null); if (!$isSameHost) { // Remove for security reasons, any interceptor headers will be added again, // but application headers will be discarded. $request->setHeaders([]); } if ($this->autoReferrer) { $this->assignRedirectRefererHeader($request, $originalUri, $redirectUri); } yield from $this->discardResponseBody($response); return $request; } /** * Clients must not add a Referer header when leaving an unencrypted resource and redirecting to an encrypted * resource. * * @param Request $request * @param PsrUri $referrerUri * @param PsrUri $followUri * * @link */ private function assignRedirectRefererHeader(Request $request, PsrUri $referrerUri, PsrUri $followUri) { $referrerIsEncrypted = $referrerUri->getScheme() === 'https'; $destinationIsEncrypted = $followUri->getScheme() === 'https'; if (!$referrerIsEncrypted || $destinationIsEncrypted) { $request->setHeader('Referer', $referrerUri->withUserInfo('')->withFragment('')); } else { $request->removeHeader('Referer'); } } private function getRedirectUri(Response $response) { if (\count($response->getHeaderArray('location')) !== 1) { return null; } $status = $response->getStatus(); $request = $response->getRequest(); $method = $request->getMethod(); if ($method !== 'GET' && \in_array($status, [307, 308], true)) { return null; } // We don't automatically follow: // - 300 (Multiple Choices) // - 304 (Not Modified) // - 305 (Use Proxy) if (!\in_array($status, [301, 302, 303, 307, 308], true)) { return null; } try { $locationUri = Uri\Http::createFromString($response->getHeader('location')); } catch (\Exception $e) { return null; } return self::resolve($request->getUri(), $locationUri); } private function discardResponseBody(Response $response) : \Generator { // Discard response body of redirect responses $body = $response->getBody(); try { /** @noinspection PhpStatementHasEmptyBodyInspection */ /** @noinspection LoopWhichDoesNotLoopInspection */ /** @noinspection MissingOrEmptyGroupStatementInspection */ while (null !== (yield $body->read())) { // discard } } catch (HttpException $e) { // ignore streaming errors on previous responses } catch (StreamException $e) { // ignore streaming errors on previous responses } finally { unset($body); } } }getUri()->getUserInfo() !== '') { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, 'The user information (username:password) component of URIs has been deprecated ' . '(see and; ' . 'Instead, set an "Authorization" header containing "Basic " . \\base64_encode("username:password"). ' . 'If you used HttpClientBuilder, you can use HttpClientBuilder::allowDeprecatedUriUserInfo() to disable this protection. ' . 'Doing so is strongly discouraged and you need to be aware of any interceptor using UriInterface::__toString(), which might expose the password in headers or logs.'); } }); } }retryLimit = $retryLimit; } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $httpClient) { $attempt = 1; do { try { return (yield $httpClient->request(clone $request, $cancellation)); } catch (UnprocessedRequestException $exception) { // Request was deemed retryable by connection, so carry on. } catch (SocketException $exception) { if (!$request->isIdempotent()) { throw $exception; } // Request can safely be retried. } } while ($attempt++ <= $this->retryLimit); throw $exception; }); } }mapper = $mapper; } public final function requestViaNetwork(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $stream) { $request = (yield call($this->mapper, $request)) ?? $request; return $stream->request($request, $cancellation); }); } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $httpClient) { $request = (yield call($this->mapper, $request)) ?? $request; return $httpClient->request($request, $cancellation); }); } }setHeader($headerName, $headerValues); return $request; }); } }hasHeader($headerName)) { $response->setHeader($headerName, $headerValues); } return $response; }); } }setHeader($headerName, $headerValues); return $response; }); } }hasAttribute($start)) { return -1; } foreach ($ends as $end) { if ($request->hasAttribute($end)) { return $request->getAttribute($end) - $request->getAttribute($start); } } return -1; } private static function formatHeaders(Message $message) : array { $headers = []; foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $field => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $headers[] = ['name' => $field, 'value' => $value]; } } return $headers; } private static function formatEntry(Response $response) : array { $request = $response->getRequest(); $data = ['startedDateTime' => $request->getAttribute(HarAttributes::STARTED_DATE_TIME)->format(\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED), 'time' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_START, HarAttributes::TIME_COMPLETE), 'request' => ['method' => $request->getMethod(), 'url' => (string) $request->getUri()->withUserInfo(''), 'httpVersion' => 'http/' . $request->getProtocolVersions()[0], 'headers' => self::formatHeaders($request), 'queryString' => [], 'cookies' => [], 'headersSize' => -1, 'bodySize' => -1], 'response' => ['status' => $response->getStatus(), 'statusText' => $response->getReason(), 'httpVersion' => 'http/' . $response->getProtocolVersion(), 'headers' => self::formatHeaders($response), 'cookies' => [], 'redirectURL' => $response->getHeader('location') ?? '', 'headersSize' => -1, 'bodySize' => -1, 'content' => ['size' => (int) ($response->getHeader('content-length') ?? '-1'), 'mimeType' => $response->getHeader('content-type') ?? '']], 'cache' => [], 'timings' => ['blocked' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_START, HarAttributes::TIME_CONNECT, HarAttributes::TIME_SEND), 'dns' => -1, 'connect' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_CONNECT, HarAttributes::TIME_SEND), 'ssl' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_SSL, HarAttributes::TIME_SEND), 'send' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_SEND, HarAttributes::TIME_WAIT), 'wait' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_WAIT, HarAttributes::TIME_RECEIVE), 'receive' => self::getTime($request, HarAttributes::TIME_RECEIVE, HarAttributes::TIME_COMPLETE)]]; if ($request->hasAttribute(HarAttributes::SERVER_IP_ADDRESS)) { $data['serverIPAddress'] = $request->getAttribute(HarAttributes::SERVER_IP_ADDRESS); } return $data; } /** @var LocalMutex */ private $fileMutex; /** @var File\File|null */ private $fileHandle; /** @var string */ private $filePath; /** @var \Throwable|null */ private $error; /** @var EventListener */ private $eventListener; public function __construct(string $filePath) { $this->filePath = $filePath; $this->fileMutex = new LocalMutex(); $this->eventListener = new RecordHarAttributes(); if (!\interface_exists(Driver::class)) { throw new \Error(__CLASS__ . ' requires amphp/file to be installed'); } } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, DelegateHttpClient $httpClient) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $httpClient) { if ($this->error) { throw $this->error; } $this->ensureEventListenerIsRegistered($request); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $httpClient->request($request, $cancellation)); rethrow($this->writeLog($response)); return $response; }); } public function reset() : Promise { return $this->rotate($this->filePath); } public function rotate(string $filePath) : Promise { return call(function () use($filePath) { /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->fileMutex->acquire()); // Will automatically reopen and reset the file $this->fileHandle = null; $this->filePath = $filePath; $this->error = null; $lock->release(); }); } private function writeLog(Response $response) : Promise { return call(function () use($response) { try { (yield $response->getTrailers()); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // ignore, still log the remaining response times } try { /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->fileMutex->acquire()); $firstEntry = $this->fileHandle === null; if ($firstEntry) { $this->fileHandle = (yield File\open($this->filePath, 'w')); $header = '{"log":{"version":"1.2","creator":{"name":"amphp/http-client","version":"4.x"},"pages":[],"entries":['; (yield $this->fileHandle->write($header)); } else { (yield $this->fileHandle->seek(-3, \SEEK_CUR)); } /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ $json = \json_encode(self::formatEntry($response)); (yield $this->fileHandle->write(($firstEntry ? '' : ',') . $json . ']}}')); $lock->release(); } catch (HttpException $e) { $this->error = $e; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->error = new HttpException('Writing HTTP archive log failed', 0, $e); } }); } private function ensureEventListenerIsRegistered(Request $request) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { if ($eventListener instanceof RecordHarAttributes) { return; // user added it manually } } $request->addEventListener($this->eventListener); } }removeHeader($headerName); return $request; }); } }setTcpConnectTimeout($tcpConnectTimeout); $request->setTlsHandshakeTimeout($tlsHandshakeTimeout); $request->setTransferTimeout($transferTimeout); return $request; }); } }hasZlib = \extension_loaded('zlib'); } public function requestViaNetwork(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $stream) { // If a header is manually set, we won't interfere if ($request->hasHeader('accept-encoding')) { return $stream->request($request, $cancellation); } $this->addAcceptEncodingHeader($request); $request->interceptPush(function (Response $response) { return $this->decompressResponse($response); }); return $this->decompressResponse((yield $stream->request($request, $cancellation))); }); } private function addAcceptEncodingHeader(Request $request) { if ($this->hasZlib) { $request->setHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate, identity'); } } private function decompressResponse(Response $response) : Response { if ($encoding = $this->determineCompressionEncoding($response)) { /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */ $sizeLimit = $response->getRequest()->getBodySizeLimit(); $decompressedBody = new ZlibInputStream($response->getBody(), $encoding); $response->setBody(new SizeLimitingInputStream($decompressedBody, $sizeLimit)); $response->removeHeader('content-encoding'); } return $response; } private function determineCompressionEncoding(Response $response) : int { if (!$this->hasZlib) { return 0; } if (!$response->hasHeader("content-encoding")) { return 0; } $contentEncodingHeader = \trim($response->getHeader("content-encoding")); if (\strcasecmp($contentEncodingHeader, 'gzip') === 0) { return \ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP; } if (\strcasecmp($contentEncodingHeader, 'deflate') === 0) { return \ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE; } return 0; } }response = $response; } public function getResponse() : Response { return $this->response; } }addHeader($headerName, $headerValues); return $response; }); } }hasAttribute(HarAttributes::STARTED_DATE_TIME)) { $request->setAttribute(HarAttributes::STARTED_DATE_TIME, new \DateTimeImmutable()); } return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_START, $request); } public function startDnsResolution(Request $request) : Promise { return new Success(); // not implemented } public function startConnectionCreation(Request $request) : Promise { return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_CONNECT, $request); } public function startTlsNegotiation(Request $request) : Promise { return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_SSL, $request); } public function startSendingRequest(Request $request, Stream $stream) : Promise { $host = $stream->getRemoteAddress()->getHost(); if (\strrpos($host, ':')) { $host = '[' . $host . ']'; } $request->setAttribute(HarAttributes::SERVER_IP_ADDRESS, $host); return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_SEND, $request); } public function completeSendingRequest(Request $request, Stream $stream) : Promise { return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_WAIT, $request); } public function startReceivingResponse(Request $request, Stream $stream) : Promise { return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_RECEIVE, $request); } public function completeReceivingResponse(Request $request, Stream $stream) : Promise { return $this->addTiming(HarAttributes::TIME_COMPLETE, $request); } public function completeDnsResolution(Request $request) : Promise { return new Success(); // not implemented } public function completeConnectionCreation(Request $request) : Promise { return new Success(); // not implemented } public function completeTlsNegotiation(Request $request) : Promise { return new Success(); // not implemented } private function addTiming(string $key, Request $request) : Promise { if (!$request->hasAttribute($key)) { $request->setAttribute($key, getCurrentTime()); } return new Success(); } public function abort(Request $request, \Throwable $cause) : Promise { return new Success(); } }connectionPool = $connectionPool ?? new UnlimitedConnectionPool(); } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startRequest($request)); } $stream = (yield $this->connectionPool->getStream($request, $cancellation)); \assert($stream instanceof Stream); foreach (\array_reverse($this->networkInterceptors) as $interceptor) { $stream = new InterceptedStream($stream, $interceptor); } return (yield $stream->request($request, $cancellation)); }); } /** * Adds a network interceptor. * * Network interceptors are only invoked if the request requires network access, i.e. there's no short-circuit by * an application interceptor, e.g. a cache. * * Whether the given network interceptor will be respected for currently running requests is undefined. * * Any new requests have to take the new interceptor into account. * * @param NetworkInterceptor $networkInterceptor * * @return self */ public function intercept(NetworkInterceptor $networkInterceptor) : self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->networkInterceptors[] = $networkInterceptor; return $clone; } }request = $request; } public function getRequest() : Request { return $this->request; } }getUri(); $scheme = $uri->getScheme(); $isHttps = $scheme === 'https'; $defaultPort = $isHttps ? 443 : 80; $host = $uri->getHost(); $port = $uri->getPort() ?? $defaultPort; $authority = $host . ':' . $port; return $scheme . '://' . $authority; } private function __construct(int $connectionLimit, ConnectionFactory $connectionFactory = null) { if ($connectionLimit < 1) { throw new \Error('The connection limit must be greater than 0'); } $this->connectionLimit = $connectionLimit; $this->connectionFactory = $connectionFactory ?? new DefaultConnectionFactory(); } public function __clone() { $this->connections = []; $this->totalConnectionAttempts = 0; $this->totalStreamRequests = 0; $this->openConnectionCount = 0; } public function getTotalConnectionAttempts() : int { return $this->totalConnectionAttempts; } public function getTotalStreamRequests() : int { return $this->totalStreamRequests; } public function getOpenConnectionCount() : int { return $this->openConnectionCount; } public function getStream(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation) { $this->totalStreamRequests++; $uri = self::formatUri($request); /** @var Stream $stream */ list($connection, $stream) = (yield from $this->getStreamFor($uri, $request, $cancellation)); return HttpStream::fromStream($stream, coroutine(function (Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellationToken) use($connection, $stream, $uri) { try { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, $cancellationToken)); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->onReadyConnection($connection, $uri); throw $e; } // await response being completely received $response->getTrailers()->onResolve(function () use($connection, $uri) { $this->onReadyConnection($connection, $uri); }); return $response; }), function () use($connection, $uri) { $this->onReadyConnection($connection, $uri); }); }); } private function getStreamFor(string $uri, Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : \Generator { $isHttps = $request->getUri()->getScheme() === 'https'; $connections = $this->connections[$uri] ?? new \ArrayObject(); do { foreach ($connections as $connectionPromise) { \assert($connectionPromise instanceof Promise); try { if ($isHttps && ($this->waitForPriorConnection[$uri] ?? true)) { // Wait for first successful connection if using a secure connection (maybe we can use HTTP/2). $connection = (yield $connectionPromise); } else { $connection = (yield Promise\first([$connectionPromise, new Success()])); if ($connection === null) { continue; } } } catch (\Exception $exception) { continue; // Ignore cancellations and errors of other requests. } \assert($connection instanceof Connection); $stream = (yield $this->getStreamFromConnection($connection, $request)); if ($stream === null) { continue; // No stream available for the given request. } return [$connection, $stream]; } $deferred = new Deferred(); $deferredId = \spl_object_id($deferred); $this->waiting[$uri][$deferredId] = $deferred; $deferredPromise = $deferred->promise(); $deferredPromise->onResolve(function () use($uri, $deferredId) { $this->removeWaiting($uri, $deferredId); }); if ($this->isAdditionalConnectionAllowed($uri)) { break; } $connection = (yield $deferredPromise); \assert($connection instanceof Connection); $stream = (yield $this->getStreamFromConnection($connection, $request)); if ($stream === null) { continue; // Wait for a different connection to become available. } return [$connection, $stream]; } while (true); $this->totalConnectionAttempts++; $connectionPromise = $this->connectionFactory->create($request, $cancellation); $connectionId = \spl_object_id($connectionPromise); $this->connections[$uri] = $this->connections[$uri] ?? new \ArrayObject(); $this->connections[$uri][$connectionId] = $connectionPromise; $connectionPromise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null, Connection $connection = null) use(&$deferred, $uri, $connectionId, $isHttps) { if ($exception) { $this->dropConnection($uri, $connectionId); if ($deferred !== null) { $deferred->fail($exception); // Fail Deferred so Promise\first() below fails. } return; } $this->openConnectionCount++; if ($isHttps) { $this->waitForPriorConnection[$uri] = \in_array('2', $connection->getProtocolVersions(), true); } $connection->onClose(function () use($uri, $connectionId) { $this->openConnectionCount--; $this->dropConnection($uri, $connectionId); }); }); try { $connection = (yield Promise\first([$connectionPromise, $deferredPromise])); } catch (MultiReasonException $exception) { list($exception) = $exception->getReasons(); // The first reason is why the connection failed. throw $exception; } $deferred = null; // Null reference so connection promise handler does not double-resolve the Deferred. $this->removeWaiting($uri, $deferredId); // Deferred no longer needed for this request. \assert($connection instanceof Connection); $stream = (yield $this->getStreamFromConnection($connection, $request)); if ($stream === null) { // Reused connection did not have an available stream for the given request. $connection = (yield $connectionPromise); // Wait for new connection request instead. $stream = (yield $this->getStreamFromConnection($connection, $request)); if ($stream === null) { // Other requests used the new connection first, so we need to go around again. return yield from $this->getStreamFor($uri, $request, $cancellation); } } return [$connection, $stream]; } private function getStreamFromConnection(Connection $connection, Request $request) : Promise { if (!\array_intersect($request->getProtocolVersions(), $connection->getProtocolVersions())) { return new Success(); // Connection does not support any of the requested protocol versions. } return $connection->getStream($request); } private function isAdditionalConnectionAllowed(string $uri) : bool { return \count($this->connections[$uri] ?? []) < $this->connectionLimit; } private function onReadyConnection(Connection $connection, string $uri) { if (empty($this->waiting[$uri])) { return; } $deferred = \array_shift($this->waiting[$uri]); $deferred->resolve($connection); } private function removeWaiting(string $uri, int $deferredId) { unset($this->waiting[$uri][$deferredId]); if (empty($this->waiting[$uri])) { unset($this->waiting[$uri]); } } private function dropConnection(string $uri, int $connectionId) { unset($this->connections[$uri][$connectionId]); if (empty($this->connections[$uri])) { unset($this->connections[$uri], $this->waitForPriorConnection[$uri]); } } }stream = $stream; $this->interceptor = $interceptor; } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : Promise { if (!$this->interceptor) { throw new \Error(__METHOD__ . ' may only be invoked once per instance. ' . 'If you need to implement retries or otherwise issue multiple requests, register an ApplicationInterceptor to do so.'); } $interceptor = $this->interceptor; $this->interceptor = null; return call(function () use($interceptor, $request, $cancellation) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startRequest($request)); } return $interceptor->requestViaNetwork($request, $cancellation, $this->stream); }); } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->stream->getLocalAddress(); } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->stream->getRemoteAddress(); } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->stream->getTlsInfo(); } }socket = $socket; $this->buffer = $buffer !== '' ? $buffer : null; } public function read() : Promise { if ($this->buffer !== null) { $buffer = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = null; return new Success($buffer); } return $this->socket->read(); } public function close() { $this->socket->close(); } public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } public function write(string $data) : Promise { return $this->socket->write($data); } public function end(string $finalData = "") : Promise { return $this->socket->end($finalData); } public function reference() { $this->socket->reference(); } public function unreference() { $this->socket->unreference(); } public function isClosed() : bool { return $this->socket->isClosed(); } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->socket->getLocalAddress(); } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->socket->getRemoteAddress(); } public function setupTls(CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return $this->socket->setupTls($token); } public function shutdownTls(CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { return $this->socket->shutdownTls(); } public function getTlsState() : int { return $this->socket->getTlsState(); } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->socket->getTlsInfo(); } } */ public function getStream(Request $request, CancellationToken $token) : Promise; } Returns a stream for the given request, or null if no stream is available or if * the connection is not suited for the given request. The first request for a stream * on a new connection MUST resolve the promise with a Stream instance. */ public function getStream(Request $request) : Promise; /** * @return string[] Array of supported protocol versions. */ public function getProtocolVersions() : array; public function close() : Promise; public function onClose(callable $onClose); public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress; public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress; public function getTlsInfo(); }getLocalAddress(), $connection->getRemoteAddress(), $connection->getTlsInfo(), $requestCallback, $releaseCallback); } public static function fromStream(Stream $stream, callable $requestCallback, callable $releaseCallback) : self { return new self($stream->getLocalAddress(), $stream->getRemoteAddress(), $stream->getTlsInfo(), $requestCallback, $releaseCallback); } /** @var SocketAddress */ private $localAddress; /** @var SocketAddress */ private $remoteAddress; /** @var TlsInfo */ private $tlsInfo; /** @var callable */ private $requestCallback; /** @var callable|null */ private $releaseCallback; private function __construct(SocketAddress $localAddress, SocketAddress $remoteAddress, TlsInfo $tlsInfo = null, callable $requestCallback, callable $releaseCallback) { $this->localAddress = $localAddress; $this->remoteAddress = $remoteAddress; $this->tlsInfo = $tlsInfo; $this->requestCallback = $requestCallback; $this->releaseCallback = $releaseCallback; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->releaseCallback !== null) { ($this->releaseCallback)(); } } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $token) : Promise { if ($this->releaseCallback === null) { throw new \Error('A stream may only be used for a single request'); } $this->releaseCallback = null; return call(function () use($request, $token) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startRequest($request)); } return call($this->requestCallback, $request, $token, $this); }); } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->localAddress; } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->remoteAddress; } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->tlsInfo; } }id = $id; $this->request = $request; $this->stream = $stream; $this->cancellationToken = $cancellationToken; $this->serverWindow = $serverSize; $this->clientWindow = $clientSize; $this->pendingResponse = new Deferred(); $this->requestBodyCompletion = new Deferred(); } }getBody()->getHeaders()); foreach ($headers as $name => $header) { if (!$request->hasHeader($name)) { $request->setHeaders([$name => $header]); } } yield from self::normalizeRequestBodyHeaders($request); // Always normalize this as last item, because we need to strip sensitive headers self::normalizeTraceRequest($request); return $request; }); } private static function normalizeRequestBodyHeaders(Request $request) : \Generator { if (!$request->hasHeader('host')) { // Though servers are supposed to be able to handle standard port names on the end of the // Host header some fail to do this correctly. Thankfully PSR-7 recommends to strip the port // if it is the standard port for the given scheme. $request->setHeader('host', $request->getUri()->withUserInfo('')->getAuthority()); } if ($request->hasHeader("transfer-encoding")) { $request->removeHeader("content-length"); return; } if ($request->hasHeader("content-length")) { return; } /** @var RequestBody $body */ $body = $request->getBody(); $bodyLength = (yield $body->getBodyLength()); if ($bodyLength === 0) { if (\in_array($request->getMethod(), ['HEAD', 'GET', 'CONNECT'], true)) { $request->removeHeader('content-length'); } else { $request->setHeader('content-length', '0'); } $request->removeHeader('transfer-encoding'); } elseif ($bodyLength > 0) { $request->setHeader("content-length", $bodyLength); $request->removeHeader("transfer-encoding"); } else { $request->setHeader("transfer-encoding", "chunked"); } } private static function normalizeTraceRequest(Request $request) { $method = $request->getMethod(); if ($method !== 'TRACE') { return; } // $request->setBody(null); // Remove all body and sensitive headers $request->setHeaders(["transfer-encoding" => [], "content-length" => [], "authorization" => [], "proxy-authorization" => [], "cookie" => []]); } }socket = $socket; $this->hpack = new HPack(); } public function isInitialized() : bool { return $this->initialized; } /** * Returns a promise that is resolved once the connection has been initialized. A stream cannot be obtained from the * connection until the promise returned by this method resolves. * * @return Promise */ public function initialize() : Promise { if ($this->initializeStarted) { throw new \Error('Connection may only be initialized once'); } $this->initializeStarted = true; if ($this->socket->isClosed()) { return new Failure(new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException('The socket closed before the connection could be initialized'))); } $this->settings = new Deferred(); $promise = $this->settings->promise(); Promise\rethrow(new Coroutine($this->run())); return $promise; } public function onClose(callable $onClose) { if ($this->onClose === null) { asyncCall($onClose, $this); return; } $this->onClose[] = $onClose; } public function close() : Promise { $this->socket->close(); if ($this->onClose !== null) { $onClose = $this->onClose; $this->onClose = null; foreach ($onClose as $callback) { asyncCall($callback, $this); } } return new Success(); } public function handlePong(string $data) { $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::PING, Http2Parser::ACK, 0, $data); } public function handlePing(string $data) { if ($this->pongDeferred !== null) { if ($this->pongWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->pongWatcher); $this->pongWatcher = null; } $deferred = $this->pongDeferred; $this->pongDeferred = null; $deferred->resolve(true); } } public function handleShutdown(int $lastId, int $error) { $message = \sprintf("Received GOAWAY frame from %s with error code %d", $this->socket->getRemoteAddress(), $error); $this->shutdown($lastId, new ClientHttp2ConnectionException($message, $error)); } public function handleStreamWindowIncrement(int $streamId, int $windowSize) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $stream = $this->streams[$streamId]; if ($stream->clientWindow + $windowSize > (2 << 30) - 1) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Current window size plus new window exceeds maximum size", $streamId, Http2Parser::FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR)); return; } $stream->clientWindow += $windowSize; $this->writeBufferedData($stream); } public function handleConnectionWindowIncrement(int $windowSize) { if ($this->clientWindow + $windowSize > (2 << 30) - 1) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("Current window size plus new window exceeds maximum size", Http2Parser::FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR)); return; } $this->clientWindow += $windowSize; foreach ($this->streams as $stream) { if ($this->clientWindow <= 0) { return; } if ($stream->requestBodyBuffer === '' || $stream->clientWindow <= 0) { continue; } $this->writeBufferedData($stream); } } public function handleHeaders(int $streamId, array $pseudo, array $headers, bool $streamEnded) { foreach ($pseudo as $name => $value) { if (!isset(Http2Parser::KNOWN_RESPONSE_PSEUDO_HEADERS[$name])) { throw new Http2StreamException("Invalid pseudo header", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $stream = $this->streams[$streamId]; if ($stream->trailers) { if ($stream->expectedLength && $stream->received !== $stream->expectedLength) { $diff = $stream->expectedLength - $stream->received; $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Content length mismatch: " . \abs($diff) . ' bytes ' . ($diff > 0 ? ' missing' : 'too much'), $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } if (!empty($pseudo)) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Trailers must not contain pseudo headers", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } try { // Constructor checks for any disallowed fields $parsedTrailers = new Trailers($headers); } catch (InvalidHeaderException $exception) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Disallowed field names in trailer", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR, $exception)); return; } $trailers = $stream->trailers; $stream->trailers = null; $trailers->resolve(call(function () use($stream, $streamId, $parsedTrailers) { try { foreach ($stream->request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeReceivingResponse($stream->request, $stream->stream)); } return $parsedTrailers; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Event listener error", $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); throw $e; } })); $this->setupPingIfIdle(); return; } if (!isset($pseudo[":status"])) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("No status pseudo header in response", Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } if (!\preg_match("/^[1-5]\\d\\d\$/", $pseudo[":status"])) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Invalid response status code: " . $pseudo[':status'], $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } if ($stream->response !== null) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Stream headers already received", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $status = (int) $pseudo[":status"]; if ($status === Status::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("Switching Protocols (101) is not part of HTTP/2", Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $response = new Response('2', $status, Status::getReason($status), $headers, new InMemoryStream(), $stream->request); if ($status < 200) { $onInformationalResponse = $stream->request->getInformationalResponseHandler(); if ($onInformationalResponse !== null) { $stream->preResponseResolution = call(function () use($onInformationalResponse, $response, $stream, $streamId) { (yield $stream->preResponseResolution); try { (yield call($onInformationalResponse, $response)); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException('Informational response handler threw an exception', $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); } }); } return; } \assert($stream->preResponseResolution === null); $stream->preResponseResolution = call(function () use($stream, $streamId) { try { foreach ($stream->request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startReceivingResponse($stream->request, $stream->stream)); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Event listener error", $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); } }); $stream->body = new Emitter(); $stream->trailers = new Deferred(); $bodyCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); $cancellationToken = new CombinedCancellationToken($stream->cancellationToken, $bodyCancellation->getToken()); $response->setBody(new ResponseBodyStream(new IteratorStream($stream->body->iterate()), $bodyCancellation)); $response->setTrailers($stream->trailers->promise()); $stream->responsePending = false; $stream->pendingResponse->resolve(call(static function () use($response, $stream) { (yield $stream->requestBodyCompletion->promise()); (yield $stream->preResponseResolution); $stream->preResponseResolution = null; $stream->pendingResponse = null; return $response; })); $this->increaseConnectionWindow(); $this->increaseStreamWindow($stream); if (isset($headers["content-length"])) { if (\count($headers['content-length']) !== 1) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Multiple content-length header values", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $contentLength = $headers["content-length"][0]; if (!\preg_match('/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/', $contentLength)) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Invalid content-length header value", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $stream->expectedLength = (int) $contentLength; } $cancellationToken->subscribe(function (CancelledException $exception) use($streamId) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::RST_STREAM, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $streamId, \pack("N", Http2Parser::CANCEL)); $this->releaseStream($streamId, $exception); }); unset($bodyCancellation, $cancellationToken); // Remove reference to cancellation token. } public function handlePushPromise(int $parentId, int $streamId, array $pseudo, array $headers) { foreach ($pseudo as $name => $value) { if (!isset(Http2Parser::KNOWN_REQUEST_PSEUDO_HEADERS[$name])) { throw new Http2StreamException("Invalid pseudo header", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } if (!isset($pseudo[":method"], $pseudo[":path"], $pseudo[":scheme"], $pseudo[":authority"]) || isset($headers["connection"]) || $pseudo[":path"] === '' || isset($headers["te"]) && \implode($headers["te"]) !== "trailers") { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Invalid header values", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $method = $pseudo[":method"]; $target = $pseudo[":path"]; $scheme = $pseudo[":scheme"]; $host = $pseudo[":authority"]; $query = null; if ($method !== 'GET' && $method !== 'HEAD') { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Pushed request method must be a safe method", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } if (!\preg_match("#^([A-Z\\d.\\-]+|\\[[\\d:]+])(?::([1-9]\\d*))?\$#i", $host, $matches)) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Invalid pushed authority (host) name", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $host = $matches[1]; $port = isset($matches[2]) ? (int) $matches[2] : $this->socket->getRemoteAddress()->getPort(); if (!isset($this->streams[$parentId])) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Parent stream {$parentId} is no longer open", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } /** @var Http2Stream $parentStream */ $parentStream = $this->streams[$parentId]; if (\strcasecmp($host, $parentStream->request->getUri()->getHost()) !== 0) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Authority does not match original request authority", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } if ($position = \strpos($target, "#")) { $target = \substr($target, 0, $position); } if ($position = \strpos($target, "?")) { $query = \substr($target, $position + 1); $target = \substr($target, 0, $position); } try { $uri = Uri\Http::createFromComponents(["scheme" => $scheme, "host" => $host, "port" => $port, "path" => $target, "query" => $query]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid push URI", Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $request = new Request($uri, $method); $request->setHeaders($headers); $request->setProtocolVersions(['2']); $request->setPushHandler($parentStream->request->getPushHandler()); $request->setHeaderSizeLimit($parentStream->request->getHeaderSizeLimit()); $request->setBodySizeLimit($parentStream->request->getBodySizeLimit()); $stream = new Http2Stream($streamId, $request, HttpStream::fromStream($parentStream->stream, static function () { throw new \Error('Calling Stream::request() on a pushed request is forbidden'); }, static function () { // nothing to do }), $parentStream->cancellationToken, self::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE, 0); $stream->dependency = $parentId; $this->streams[$streamId] = $stream; $stream->requestBodyComplete = true; $stream->requestBodyCompletion->resolve(); if ($parentStream->request->getPushHandler() === null) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Push promise refused", $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); return; } asyncCall(function () use($streamId, $stream) : \Generator { $tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); $cancellationToken = new CombinedCancellationToken($stream->cancellationToken, $tokenSource->getToken()); $cancellationId = $cancellationToken->subscribe(function (CancelledException $exception) use($streamId) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::RST_STREAM, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $streamId, \pack("N", Http2Parser::CANCEL)); $this->releaseStream($streamId, $exception); }); $onPush = $stream->request->getPushHandler(); try { (yield call($onPush, $stream->request, $stream->pendingResponse->promise())); } catch (HttpException $exception) { $tokenSource->cancel($exception); } catch (StreamException $exception) { $tokenSource->cancel($exception); } catch (CancelledException $exception) { $tokenSource->cancel($exception); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $tokenSource->cancel($exception); throw $exception; } finally { $cancellationToken->unsubscribe($cancellationId); } }); } public function handlePriority(int $streamId, int $parentId, int $weight) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $stream = $this->streams[$streamId]; $stream->dependency = $parentId; $stream->weight = $weight; } public function handleStreamReset(int $streamId, int $errorCode) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Stream closed by server", $streamId, $errorCode)); } public function handleStreamException(Http2StreamException $exception) { $id = $exception->getStreamId(); $code = $exception->getCode(); $exception = new ClientHttp2StreamException($exception->getMessage(), $id, $code, $exception); if ($code === Http2Parser::REFUSED_STREAM) { $exception = new UnprocessedRequestException($exception); } $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::RST_STREAM, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $id, \pack("N", $code)); if (isset($this->streams[$id])) { $this->releaseStream($id, $exception); } } public function handleConnectionException(Http2ConnectionException $exception) { $this->shutdown(null, new ClientHttp2ConnectionException($exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode(), $exception)); } public function handleData(int $streamId, string $data) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $stream = $this->streams[$streamId]; if (!$stream->body) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Stream headers not complete or body already complete", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $length = \strlen($data); $this->serverWindow -= $length; $stream->serverWindow -= $length; $stream->received += $length; if ($stream->received >= $stream->request->getBodySizeLimit()) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Body size limit exceeded", $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); return; } if ($stream->expectedLength !== null && $stream->received > $stream->expectedLength) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Body size exceeded content-length in header", $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); return; } $this->increaseConnectionWindow(); $promise = $stream->body->emit($data); $promise->onResolve(function (\Throwable $exception = null) use($streamId) { if ($exception || !isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $this->increaseStreamWindow($this->streams[$streamId]); }); } public function handleSettings(array $settings) { foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { $this->applySetting($setting, $value); } $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::SETTINGS, Http2Parser::ACK); if ($this->settings) { $deferred = $this->settings; $this->settings = null; $this->initialized = true; $deferred->resolve($this->remainingStreams); } } public function handleStreamEnd(int $streamId) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $stream = $this->streams[$streamId]; if ($stream->expectedLength !== null && $stream->received !== $stream->expectedLength) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Body length does not match content-length header", $streamId, Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $body = $stream->body; $stream->body = null; $body->complete(); $trailers = $stream->trailers; $stream->trailers = null; $trailers->resolve(call(function () use($stream, $streamId) { try { foreach ($stream->request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeReceivingResponse($stream->request, $stream->stream)); } return new Trailers([]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->handleStreamException(new Http2StreamException("Event listener error", $streamId, Http2Parser::CANCEL)); throw $e; } })); $this->setupPingIfIdle(); $this->releaseStream($streamId); } public function reserveStream() { --$this->remainingStreams; } public function unreserveStream() { ++$this->remainingStreams; } public function getRemainingStreams() : int { return $this->remainingStreams; } public function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellationToken, Stream $stream) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellationToken, $stream) : \Generator { $this->idlePings = 0; $this->cancelIdleWatcher(); (yield RequestNormalizer::normalizeRequest($request)); // Remove defunct HTTP/1.x headers. $request->removeHeader('host'); $request->removeHeader('connection'); $request->removeHeader('keep-alive'); $request->removeHeader('transfer-encoding'); $request->removeHeader('upgrade'); $request->setProtocolVersions(['2']); if ($request->getMethod() === 'CONNECT') { $exception = new HttpException("CONNECT requests are currently not supported on HTTP/2"); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->abort($request, $exception)); } throw $exception; } if ($this->socket->isClosed()) { $exception = new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException(\sprintf("Socket to '%s' closed before the request could be sent", $this->socket->getRemoteAddress()))); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->abort($request, $exception)); } throw $exception; } $streamId = $this->streamId += 2; // Client streams should be odd-numbered, starting at 1. $this->streams[$streamId] = $http2stream = new Http2Stream($streamId, $request, $stream, $cancellationToken, self::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE, $this->initialWindowSize); if ($request->getTransferTimeout() > 0) { // Cancellation token combined with timeout token should not be stored in $stream->cancellationToken, // otherwise the timeout applies to the body transfer and pushes. $cancellationToken = new CombinedCancellationToken($cancellationToken, new TimeoutCancellationToken($request->getTransferTimeout())); } $this->socket->reference(); $onCancel = function (CancelledException $exception) use($streamId) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { return; } $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::RST_STREAM, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $streamId, \pack("N", Http2Parser::CANCEL)); $this->releaseStream($streamId, $exception); }; $cancellationId = $cancellationToken->subscribe($onCancel); try { $headers = $this->generateHeaders($request); $headers = $this->hpack->encode($headers); $body = $request->getBody()->createBodyStream(); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } $chunk = (yield $body->read()); if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } return (yield $http2stream->pendingResponse->promise()); } $flag = Http2Parser::END_HEADERS | ($chunk === null ? Http2Parser::END_STREAM : Http2Parser::NO_FLAG); if (\strlen($headers) > $this->frameSizeLimit) { $split = \str_split($headers, $this->frameSizeLimit); $firstChunk = \array_shift($split); $lastChunk = \array_pop($split); // no yield, because there must not be other frames in between $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $streamId, $firstChunk); foreach ($split as $headerChunk) { // no yield, because there must not be other frames in between $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::CONTINUATION, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $streamId, $headerChunk); } (yield $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::CONTINUATION, $flag, $streamId, $lastChunk)); } else { (yield $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::HEADERS, $flag, $streamId, $headers)); } if ($chunk === null) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } $http2stream->requestBodyComplete = true; $http2stream->requestBodyCompletion->resolve(); return (yield $http2stream->pendingResponse->promise()); } $buffer = $chunk; while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $body->read()))) { if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } return (yield $http2stream->pendingResponse->promise()); } (yield $this->writeData($http2stream, $buffer)); $buffer = $chunk; } if (!isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } return (yield $http2stream->pendingResponse->promise()); } $responsePromise = $http2stream->pendingResponse->promise(); $http2stream->requestBodyComplete = true; $http2stream->requestBodyCompletion->resolve(); (yield $this->writeData($http2stream, $buffer)); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } return (yield $responsePromise); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { if (isset($this->streams[$streamId])) { if (!$http2stream->requestBodyComplete) { $http2stream->requestBodyCompletion->fail($exception); } $this->releaseStream($streamId, $exception); } if ($exception instanceof StreamException) { $exception = new SocketException('Failed to write request to socket: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } throw $exception; } finally { $cancellationToken->unsubscribe($cancellationId); } }); } public function isClosed() : bool { return $this->onClose === null; } private function run() : \Generator { try { (yield $this->socket->write(Http2Parser::PREFACE)); (yield $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::SETTINGS, 0, 0, \pack("nNnNnNnN", Http2Parser::ENABLE_PUSH, 1, Http2Parser::MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, 256, Http2Parser::INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, self::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE, Http2Parser::MAX_FRAME_SIZE, self::DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE))); $parser = (new Http2Parser($this))->parse(); while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $this->socket->read()))) { $return = $parser->send($chunk); \assert($return === null); } $this->shutdown(); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->shutdown(null, new ClientHttp2ConnectionException("The HTTP/2 connection closed unexpectedly", Http2Parser::INTERNAL_ERROR, $exception)); } } private function writeFrame(int $type, int $flags = Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, int $stream = 0, string $data = '') : Promise { \assert(Http2Parser::logDebugFrame('send', $type, $flags, $stream, \strlen($data))); /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */ return $this->socket->write(\substr(\pack("NccN", \strlen($data), $type, $flags, $stream), 1) . $data); } private function applySetting(int $setting, int $value) { switch ($setting) { case Http2Parser::INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: if ($value >= 1 << 31) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid window size: {$value}", Http2Parser::FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR)); return; } $priorWindowSize = $this->initialWindowSize; $this->initialWindowSize = $value; $difference = $this->initialWindowSize - $priorWindowSize; foreach ($this->streams as $stream) { $stream->clientWindow += $difference; } // Settings ACK should be sent before HEADER or DATA frames. if ($difference > 0) { Loop::defer(function () { foreach ($this->streams as $stream) { if ($this->clientWindow <= 0) { return; } if ($stream->requestBodyBuffer === '' || $stream->clientWindow <= 0) { continue; } $this->writeBufferedData($stream); } }); } return; case Http2Parser::MAX_FRAME_SIZE: if ($value < 1 << 14 || $value >= 1 << 24) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid maximum frame size: {$value}", Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $this->frameSizeLimit = $value; return; case Http2Parser::MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: if ($value >= 1 << 31) { $this->handleConnectionException(new Http2ConnectionException("Invalid concurrent streams value: {$value}", Http2Parser::PROTOCOL_ERROR)); return; } $priorUsedStreams = $this->concurrentStreamLimit - $this->remainingStreams; $this->concurrentStreamLimit = $value; $this->remainingStreams = $this->concurrentStreamLimit - $priorUsedStreams; return; case Http2Parser::HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: // TODO Respect this setting from the server case Http2Parser::MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: // TODO Respect this setting from the server case Http2Parser::ENABLE_PUSH: // No action needed. default: // Unknown setting, ignore (6.5.2). return; } } private function writeBufferedData(Http2Stream $stream) : Promise { if ($stream->requestBodyComplete && $stream->requestBodyBuffer === '') { return new Success(); } $windowSize = \min($this->clientWindow, $stream->clientWindow); $length = \strlen($stream->requestBodyBuffer); if ($length <= $windowSize) { if ($stream->windowSizeIncrease) { $deferred = $stream->windowSizeIncrease; $stream->windowSizeIncrease = null; $deferred->resolve(); } $this->clientWindow -= $length; $stream->clientWindow -= $length; if ($length > $this->frameSizeLimit) { $chunks = \str_split($stream->requestBodyBuffer, $this->frameSizeLimit); $stream->requestBodyBuffer = \array_pop($chunks); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::DATA, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $stream->id, $chunk); } } if ($stream->requestBodyComplete) { $promise = $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::DATA, Http2Parser::END_STREAM, $stream->id, $stream->requestBodyBuffer); } else { $promise = $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::DATA, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $stream->id, $stream->requestBodyBuffer); } $stream->requestBodyBuffer = ""; return $promise; } if ($windowSize > 0) { // Read next body chunk if less than 8192 bytes will remain in the buffer if ($length - 8192 < $windowSize && $stream->windowSizeIncrease) { $deferred = $stream->windowSizeIncrease; $stream->windowSizeIncrease = null; $deferred->resolve(); } $data = $stream->requestBodyBuffer; $end = $windowSize - $this->frameSizeLimit; $stream->clientWindow -= $windowSize; $this->clientWindow -= $windowSize; for ($off = 0; $off < $end; $off += $this->frameSizeLimit) { $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::DATA, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $stream->id, \substr($data, $off, $this->frameSizeLimit)); } $promise = $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::DATA, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $stream->id, \substr($data, $off, $windowSize - $off)); $stream->requestBodyBuffer = \substr($data, $windowSize); return $promise; } if ($stream->windowSizeIncrease === null) { $stream->windowSizeIncrease = new Deferred(); } return $stream->windowSizeIncrease->promise(); } private function releaseStream(int $streamId, \Throwable $exception = null) { \assert(isset($this->streams[$streamId])); $stream = $this->streams[$streamId]; if ($stream->responsePending || $stream->body || $stream->trailers) { $exception = $exception ?? new ClientHttp2StreamException(\sprintf("Stream %d closed unexpectedly", $streamId), $streamId, Http2Parser::INTERNAL_ERROR); if (!$exception instanceof HttpException && !$exception instanceof CancelledException) { $exception = new HttpException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } /** @var Deferred[]|Emitter[] $deferredAndEmitter */ $deferredAndEmitter = []; if ($stream->responsePending) { $stream->responsePending = false; $deferredAndEmitter[] = $stream->pendingResponse; $stream->pendingResponse = null; } if ($stream->body) { $deferredAndEmitter[] = $stream->body; $stream->body = null; } if ($stream->trailers) { $deferredAndEmitter[] = $stream->trailers; $stream->trailers = null; } $request = $stream->request; asyncCall(static function () use($request, $deferredAndEmitter, $exception) { try { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->abort($request, $exception)); } } finally { foreach ($deferredAndEmitter as $deferredOrEmitter) { $deferredOrEmitter->fail($exception); } } }); } unset($this->streams[$streamId]); if ($streamId & 1) { // Client-initiated stream. $this->remainingStreams++; } if (!$this->streams && !$this->socket->isClosed()) { $this->socket->unreference(); } } private function setupPingIfIdle() { if ($this->idleWatcher !== null) { return; } $this->idleWatcher = Loop::defer(function ($watcher) { \assert($this->idleWatcher === null || $this->idleWatcher === $watcher); $this->idleWatcher = null; if (!empty($this->streams)) { return; } $this->idleWatcher = Loop::delay(300000, function ($watcher) { \assert($this->idleWatcher === null || $this->idleWatcher === $watcher); \assert(empty($this->streams)); $this->idleWatcher = null; // Connection idle for 10 minutes if ($this->idlePings >= 1) { $this->shutdown(); return; } if ((yield $this->ping())) { $this->setupPingIfIdle(); } }); Loop::unreference($this->idleWatcher); }); Loop::unreference($this->idleWatcher); } private function cancelIdleWatcher() { if ($this->idleWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->idleWatcher); $this->idleWatcher = null; } } /** * @return Promise Fulfilled with true if a pong is received within the timeout, false if none is received. */ private function ping() : Promise { if ($this->onClose === null) { return new Success(false); } if ($this->pongDeferred !== null) { return $this->pongDeferred->promise(); } $this->pongDeferred = new Deferred(); $this->idlePings++; $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::PING, 0, 0, $this->counter++); $this->pongWatcher = Loop::delay(self::PONG_TIMEOUT, [$this, 'close']); return $this->pongDeferred->promise(); } /** * @param int|null $lastId ID of last processed frame. Null to use the last opened frame ID or 0 if no * streams have been opened. * @param HttpException|null $reason * * @return Promise */ private function shutdown(int $lastId = null, HttpException $reason = null) : Promise { if ($this->onClose === null) { return new Success(); } return call(function () use($lastId, $reason) { $code = $reason ? $reason->getCode() : Http2Parser::GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN; $lastId = $lastId ?? ($this->streamId > 0 ? $this->streamId : 0); $goawayPromise = $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::GOAWAY, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, 0, \pack("NN", $lastId, $code)); if ($this->settings !== null) { $settings = $this->settings; $this->settings = null; $settings->fail($reason ?? new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException("Connection closed"))); } if ($this->streams) { $reason = $reason ?? new SocketException("Connection closed"); foreach ($this->streams as $id => $stream) { $this->releaseStream($id, $id > $lastId ? new UnprocessedRequestException($reason) : $reason); } } if ($this->pongDeferred !== null) { $this->pongDeferred->resolve(false); } if ($this->pongWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->pongWatcher); } $this->cancelIdleWatcher(); if ($this->onClose !== null) { $onClose = $this->onClose; $this->onClose = null; foreach ($onClose as $callback) { asyncCall($callback, $this); } } (yield $goawayPromise); $this->socket->close(); }); } private function generateHeaders(Request $request) : array { $uri = $request->getUri(); $path = $uri->getPath(); if ($path === '') { $path = '/'; } $query = $uri->getQuery(); if ($query !== '') { $path .= '?' . $query; } $authority = $uri->getHost(); if ($port = $uri->getPort()) { $authority .= ':' . $port; } $headers = [[":authority", $authority], [":path", $path], [":scheme", $uri->getScheme()], [":method", $request->getMethod()]]; foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $field => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $headers[] = [$field, $value]; } } return $headers; } private function writeData(Http2Stream $stream, string $data) : Promise { $stream->requestBodyBuffer .= $data; return $this->writeBufferedData($stream); } private function increaseConnectionWindow() { $increase = 0; while ($this->serverWindow <= self::MINIMUM_WINDOW) { $this->serverWindow += self::WINDOW_INCREMENT; $increase += self::WINDOW_INCREMENT; } if ($increase > 0) { $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::WINDOW_UPDATE, 0, 0, \pack("N", self::WINDOW_INCREMENT)); } } private function increaseStreamWindow(Http2Stream $stream) { $minWindow = \min($stream->request->getBodySizeLimit(), self::MINIMUM_WINDOW); $increase = 0; while ($stream->serverWindow <= $minWindow) { $stream->serverWindow += self::WINDOW_INCREMENT; $increase += self::WINDOW_INCREMENT; } if ($increase > 0) { $this->writeFrame(Http2Parser::WINDOW_UPDATE, Http2Parser::NO_FLAG, $stream->id, \pack("N", self::WINDOW_INCREMENT)); } } }\\d+\\.\\d+)[ \t]+\n (?P[1-9]\\d\\d)[ \t]*\n (?P[^\1-\10\20-\31]*)\n \$#ix"; const AWAITING_HEADERS = 0; const BODY_IDENTITY = 1; const BODY_IDENTITY_EOF = 2; const BODY_CHUNKS = 3; const TRAILERS_START = 4; const TRAILERS = 5; /** @var int */ private $state = self::AWAITING_HEADERS; /** @var string */ private $buffer = ''; /** @var string|null */ private $protocol; /** @var int|null */ private $statusCode; /** @var string|null */ private $statusReason; /** @var string[][] */ private $headers = []; /** @var int|null */ private $remainingBodyBytes; /** @var int */ private $bodyBytesConsumed = 0; /** @var bool */ private $chunkedEncoding = false; /** @var int|null */ private $chunkLengthRemaining; /** @var bool */ private $complete = false; /** @var string */ private $request; /** @var int */ private $maxHeaderBytes; /** @var int */ private $maxBodyBytes; /** @var callable */ private $bodyDataCallback; /** @var callable */ private $trailersCallback; public function __construct(Request $request, callable $bodyDataCallback, callable $trailersCallback) { $this->request = $request; $this->bodyDataCallback = $bodyDataCallback; $this->trailersCallback = $trailersCallback; $this->maxHeaderBytes = $request->getHeaderSizeLimit(); $this->maxBodyBytes = $request->getBodySizeLimit(); } public function getBuffer() : string { return $this->buffer; } public function getState() : int { return $this->state; } public function buffer(string $data) { $this->buffer .= $data; } /** * @param string|null $data * * @return Response|null * * @throws ParseException */ public function parse(string $data = null) { if ($data !== null) { $this->buffer .= $data; } if ($this->buffer === '') { return null; } if ($this->complete) { throw new ParseException('Can\'t continue parsing, response is already complete', Status::BAD_REQUEST); } switch ($this->state) { case self::AWAITING_HEADERS: goto headers; case self::BODY_IDENTITY: goto body_identity; case self::BODY_IDENTITY_EOF: goto body_identity_eof; case self::BODY_CHUNKS: goto body_chunks; case self::TRAILERS_START: goto trailers_start; case self::TRAILERS: goto trailers; } headers: $startLineAndHeaders = $this->shiftHeadersFromBuffer(); if ($startLineAndHeaders === null) { return null; } $startLineEndPos = \strpos($startLineAndHeaders, "\r\n"); $startLine = \substr($startLineAndHeaders, 0, $startLineEndPos); $rawHeaders = \substr($startLineAndHeaders, $startLineEndPos + 2); if (\preg_match(self::STATUS_LINE_PATTERN, $startLine, $match)) { $this->protocol = $match['protocol']; $this->statusCode = (int) $match['status']; $this->statusReason = \trim($match['reason']); } else { throw new ParseException('Invalid status line: ' . $startLine, Status::BAD_REQUEST); } if ($rawHeaders !== '') { $this->headers = $this->parseRawHeaders($rawHeaders); } else { $this->headers = []; } $requestMethod = $this->request->getMethod(); $skipBody = $this->statusCode < Status::OK || $this->statusCode === Status::NOT_MODIFIED || $this->statusCode === Status::NO_CONTENT || $requestMethod === 'HEAD' || $requestMethod === 'CONNECT'; if ($skipBody) { $this->complete = true; } elseif ($this->chunkedEncoding) { $this->state = self::BODY_CHUNKS; } elseif ($this->remainingBodyBytes === null) { $this->state = self::BODY_IDENTITY_EOF; } elseif ($this->remainingBodyBytes > 0) { $this->state = self::BODY_IDENTITY; } else { $this->complete = true; } $response = new Response($this->protocol, $this->statusCode, $this->statusReason, [], new InMemoryStream(), $this->request); foreach ($this->headers as list($key, $value)) { $response->addHeader($key, $value); } return $response; body_identity: $bufferDataSize = \strlen($this->buffer); if ($bufferDataSize <= $this->remainingBodyBytes) { $chunk = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ''; $this->remainingBodyBytes -= $bufferDataSize; $this->addToBody($chunk); if ($this->remainingBodyBytes === 0) { $this->complete = true; } return null; } $bodyData = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $this->remainingBodyBytes); $this->addToBody($bodyData); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $this->remainingBodyBytes); $this->remainingBodyBytes = 0; goto complete; body_identity_eof: $this->addToBody($this->buffer); $this->buffer = ''; return null; body_chunks: if ($this->parseChunkedBody()) { $this->state = self::TRAILERS_START; goto trailers_start; } return null; trailers_start: $firstTwoBytes = \substr($this->buffer, 0, 2); if ($firstTwoBytes === "" || $firstTwoBytes === "\r") { return null; } if ($firstTwoBytes === "\r\n") { $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, 2); goto complete; } $this->state = self::TRAILERS; goto trailers; trailers: $trailers = $this->shiftHeadersFromBuffer(); if ($trailers === null) { return null; } $this->parseTrailers($trailers); goto complete; complete: $this->complete = true; return null; } public function isComplete() : bool { return $this->complete; } /** * @return string|null * * @throws ParseException */ private function shiftHeadersFromBuffer() { $this->buffer = \ltrim($this->buffer, "\r\n"); if ($headersSize = \strpos($this->buffer, "\r\n\r\n")) { $headers = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $headersSize + 2); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $headersSize + 4); } else { $headersSize = \strlen($this->buffer); $headers = null; } if ($this->maxHeaderBytes > 0 && $headersSize > $this->maxHeaderBytes) { throw new ParseException("Configured header size exceeded: {$headersSize} bytes received, while the configured limit is {$this->maxHeaderBytes} bytes", Status::REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE); } return $headers; } /** * @param string $rawHeaders * * @return array * * @throws ParseException */ private function parseRawHeaders(string $rawHeaders) : array { // Legacy support for folded headers if (\strpos($rawHeaders, "\r\n ") || \strpos($rawHeaders, "\r\n\t")) { $rawHeaders = \preg_replace("/\r\n[ \t]++/", ' ', $rawHeaders); } try { $headers = Rfc7230::parseRawHeaders($rawHeaders); $headerMap = []; foreach ($headers as list($key, $value)) { $headerMap[\strtolower($key)][] = $value; } } catch (InvalidHeaderException $e) { throw new ParseException('Invalid headers', Status::BAD_REQUEST, $e); } if (isset($headerMap['transfer-encoding'])) { $transferEncodings = \explode(',', \strtolower(\implode(',', $headerMap['transfer-encoding']))); $transferEncodings = \array_map('trim', $transferEncodings); $this->chunkedEncoding = \in_array('chunked', $transferEncodings, true); } elseif (isset($headerMap['content-length'])) { if (\count($headerMap['content-length']) > 1) { throw new ParseException('Can\'t determine body length, because multiple content-length headers present in the response', Status::BAD_REQUEST); } $contentLength = $headerMap['content-length'][0]; if (!\preg_match('/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/', $contentLength)) { throw new ParseException('Can\'t determine body length, because the content-length header value is invalid', Status::BAD_REQUEST); } $this->remainingBodyBytes = (int) $contentLength; } return $headers; } /** * Decodes a chunked response body. * * @return bool {@code true} if the body is complete, otherwise {@code false}. * * @throws ParseException */ private function parseChunkedBody() : bool { if ($this->chunkLengthRemaining !== null) { goto decode_chunk; } determine_chunk_size: if (false === ($lineEndPos = \strpos($this->buffer, "\r\n"))) { return false; } if ($lineEndPos === 0) { throw new ParseException('Invalid line; hexadecimal chunk size expected', Status::BAD_REQUEST); } $line = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $lineEndPos); $hex = \strtolower(\trim(\ltrim($line, '0'))) ?: '0'; $dec = \hexdec($hex); if ($hex !== \dechex($dec)) { throw new ParseException('Invalid hexadecimal chunk size', Status::BAD_REQUEST); } $this->chunkLengthRemaining = $dec; $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $lineEndPos + 2); if ($this->chunkLengthRemaining === 0) { return true; } decode_chunk: $bufferLength = \strlen($this->buffer); // These first two (extreme) edge cases prevent errors where the packet boundary ends after // the \r and before the \n at the end of a chunk. if ($bufferLength === $this->chunkLengthRemaining || $bufferLength === $this->chunkLengthRemaining + 1) { return false; } if ($bufferLength >= $this->chunkLengthRemaining + 2) { $chunk = \substr($this->buffer, 0, $this->chunkLengthRemaining); $this->buffer = \substr($this->buffer, $this->chunkLengthRemaining + 2); $this->chunkLengthRemaining = null; $this->addToBody($chunk); goto determine_chunk_size; } /** @noinspection SuspiciousAssignmentsInspection */ $chunk = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ''; $this->chunkLengthRemaining -= $bufferLength; $this->addToBody($chunk); return false; } /** * @param string $trailers * * @throws ParseException */ private function parseTrailers(string $trailers) { try { $trailers = Rfc7230::parseHeaders($trailers); } catch (InvalidHeaderException $e) { throw new ParseException('Invalid trailers', Status::BAD_REQUEST, $e); } ($this->trailersCallback)($trailers); } /** * @param string $data * * @throws ParseException */ private function addToBody(string $data) { $length = \strlen($data); if (!$length) { return; } $this->bodyBytesConsumed += $length; if ($this->maxBodyBytes > 0 && $this->bodyBytesConsumed > $this->maxBodyBytes) { throw new ParseException("Configured body size exceeded: {$this->bodyBytesConsumed} bytes received, while the configured limit is {$this->maxBodyBytes} bytes", Status::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE); } if ($this->bodyDataCallback) { ($this->bodyDataCallback)($data); } } }socket = $socket; $this->localAddress = $socket->getLocalAddress(); $this->remoteAddress = $socket->getRemoteAddress(); $this->tlsInfo = $socket->getTlsInfo(); $this->timeoutGracePeriod = $timeoutGracePeriod; $this->estimatedClose = getCurrentTime() + self::MAX_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT * 1000; } public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } public function onClose(callable $onClose) { if (!$this->socket || $this->socket->isClosed()) { Promise\rethrow(call($onClose, $this)); return; } $this->onClose[] = $onClose; } public function close() : Promise { if ($this->socket) { $this->socket->close(); } return $this->free(); } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->localAddress; } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->remoteAddress; } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->tlsInfo; } public function getProtocolVersions() : array { return self::PROTOCOL_VERSIONS; } public function getStream(Request $request) : Promise { if ($this->busy || $this->requestCounter && !$this->hasStreamFor($request)) { return new Success(); } $this->busy = true; return new Success(HttpStream::fromConnection($this, $this->callableFromInstanceMethod('request'), $this->callableFromInstanceMethod('release'))); } private function free() : Promise { $this->socket = null; $this->estimatedClose = 0; if ($this->timeoutWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->timeoutWatcher); } if ($this->onClose !== null) { $onClose = $this->onClose; $this->onClose = null; foreach ($onClose as $callback) { asyncCall($callback, $this); } } return new Success(); } private function hasStreamFor(Request $request) : bool { $connectionUnlikelyToClose = $this->explicitTimeout && $this->getRemainingTime() > $this->timeoutGracePeriod; return !$this->busy && $this->socket && !$this->socket->isClosed() && ($connectionUnlikelyToClose || $request->isIdempotent()); } /** @inheritdoc */ private function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellation, $stream) { ++$this->requestCounter; if ($this->timeoutWatcher !== null) { Loop::cancel($this->timeoutWatcher); $this->timeoutWatcher = null; } (yield RequestNormalizer::normalizeRequest($request)); $protocolVersion = $this->determineProtocolVersion($request); $request->setProtocolVersions([$protocolVersion]); if ($request->getTransferTimeout() > 0) { $timeoutToken = new TimeoutCancellationToken($request->getTransferTimeout()); $combinedCancellation = new CombinedCancellationToken($cancellation, $timeoutToken); } else { $combinedCancellation = $cancellation; } $id = $combinedCancellation->subscribe([$this, 'close']); try { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } yield from $this->writeRequest($request, $protocolVersion, $combinedCancellation); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeSendingRequest($request, $stream)); } return yield from $this->readResponse($request, $cancellation, $combinedCancellation, $stream); } catch (\Throwable $e) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->abort($request, $e)); } $this->socket->close(); throw $e; } finally { $combinedCancellation->unsubscribe($id); $cancellation->throwIfRequested(); } }); } private function release() { $this->busy = false; } /** * @param Request $request * @param CancellationToken $originalCancellation * @param CancellationToken $readingCancellation * * @param Stream $stream * * @return \Generator * @throws CancelledException * @throws HttpException * @throws ParseException * @throws SocketException */ private function readResponse(Request $request, CancellationToken $originalCancellation, CancellationToken $readingCancellation, Stream $stream) : \Generator { $bodyEmitter = new Emitter(); $backpressure = new Success(); $bodyCallback = static function ($data) use($bodyEmitter, &$backpressure) { $backpressure = $bodyEmitter->emit($data); }; $trailersDeferred = new Deferred(); $trailers = []; $trailersCallback = static function (array $headers) use(&$trailers) { $trailers = $headers; }; $parser = new Http1Parser($request, $bodyCallback, $trailersCallback); $start = getCurrentTime(); try { while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $this->socket->read()))) { parseChunk: $response = $parser->parse($chunk); if ($response === null) { continue; } $status = $response->getStatus(); if ($status === Http\Status::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) { $connection = Http\createFieldValueComponentMap(Http\parseFieldValueComponents($response, 'connection')); if (!isset($connection['upgrade'])) { throw new HttpException('Switching protocols response missing "Connection: upgrade" header'); } if (!$response->hasHeader('upgrade')) { throw new HttpException('Switching protocols response missing "Upgrade" header'); } foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeReceivingResponse($request, $stream)); } $trailersDeferred->resolve($trailers); return $this->handleUpgradeResponse($request, $response, $parser->getBuffer()); } if ($status < 200) { // 1XX responses (excluding 101, handled above) $onInformationalResponse = $request->getInformationalResponseHandler(); if ($onInformationalResponse !== null) { (yield call($onInformationalResponse, $response)); } $chunk = $parser->getBuffer(); $parser = new Http1Parser($request, $bodyCallback, $trailersCallback); goto parseChunk; } foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startReceivingResponse($request, $stream)); } if ($status >= 200 && $status < 300 && $request->getMethod() === 'CONNECT') { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeReceivingResponse($request, $stream)); } $trailersDeferred->resolve($trailers); return $this->handleUpgradeResponse($request, $response, $parser->getBuffer()); } $bodyCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); $bodyCancellationToken = new CombinedCancellationToken($readingCancellation, $bodyCancellationSource->getToken()); $response->setTrailers($trailersDeferred->promise()); $response->setBody(new ResponseBodyStream(new IteratorStream($bodyEmitter->iterate()), $bodyCancellationSource)); // Read body async asyncCall(function () use($parser, $request, $response, $bodyEmitter, $trailersDeferred, $originalCancellation, $readingCancellation, $bodyCancellationToken, $stream, &$backpressure, &$trailers) { $id = $bodyCancellationToken->subscribe([$this, 'close']); try { // Required, otherwise responses without body hang if (!$parser->isComplete()) { // Directly parse again in case we already have the full body but aborted parsing // to resolve promise with headers. $chunk = null; do { /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection */ $parser->parse($chunk); /** @noinspection NotOptimalIfConditionsInspection */ if ($parser->isComplete()) { break; } if (!$backpressure instanceof Success) { (yield $this->withCancellation($backpressure, $bodyCancellationToken)); } } while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $this->socket->read()))); $originalCancellation->throwIfRequested(); if ($readingCancellation->isRequested()) { throw new TimeoutException('Allowed transfer timeout exceeded, took longer than ' . $request->getTransferTimeout() . ' ms'); } $bodyCancellationToken->throwIfRequested(); // Ignore check if neither content-length nor chunked encoding are given. if (!$parser->isComplete() && $parser->getState() !== Http1Parser::BODY_IDENTITY_EOF) { throw new SocketException('Socket disconnected prior to response completion'); } } $timeout = $this->determineKeepAliveTimeout($response); if ($timeout > 0 && $parser->getState() !== Http1Parser::BODY_IDENTITY_EOF) { $this->timeoutWatcher = Loop::delay($timeout * 1000, [$this, 'close']); Loop::unreference($this->timeoutWatcher); $this->estimatedClose = getCurrentTime() + $timeout * 1000; } else { $this->close(); } $this->busy = false; foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeReceivingResponse($request, $stream)); } $bodyEmitter->complete(); $trailersDeferred->resolve($trailers); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->close(); try { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->abort($request, $e)); } } finally { $bodyEmitter->fail($e); $trailersDeferred->fail($e); } } finally { $bodyCancellationToken->unsubscribe($id); } }); return $response; } $originalCancellation->throwIfRequested(); throw new SocketException(\sprintf("Receiving the response headers for '%s' failed, because the socket to '%s' @ '%s' closed early with %d bytes received within %d milliseconds", $request->getUri()->withUserInfo(''), $request->getUri()->withUserInfo('')->getAuthority(), $this->socket->getRemoteAddress(), \strlen($parser->getBuffer()), getCurrentTime() - $start)); } catch (StreamException $e) { throw new SocketException('Receiving the response headers failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } private function handleUpgradeResponse(Request $request, Response $response, string $buffer) : Response { $socket = new UpgradedSocket($this->socket, $buffer); $this->free(); // Mark this connection as unusable without closing socket. if (($onUpgrade = $request->getUpgradeHandler()) === null) { $socket->close(); throw new HttpException('CONNECT or upgrade request made without upgrade handler callback'); } asyncCall(static function () use($onUpgrade, $socket, $request, $response) : \Generator { try { (yield call($onUpgrade, $socket, $request, $response)); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $socket->close(); throw new HttpException('Upgrade handler threw an exception', 0, $exception); } }); return $response; } /** * @return int Approximate number of milliseconds remaining until the connection is closed. */ private function getRemainingTime() : int { return \max(0, $this->estimatedClose - getCurrentTime()); } private function withCancellation(Promise $promise, CancellationToken $cancellationToken) : Promise { $deferred = new Deferred(); $newPromise = $deferred->promise(); $promise->onResolve(static function ($error, $value) use(&$deferred) { if ($deferred) { $temp = $deferred; $deferred = null; if ($error) { $temp->fail($error); } else { $temp->resolve($value); } } }); $cancellationSubscription = $cancellationToken->subscribe(static function ($e) use(&$deferred) { if ($deferred) { $temp = $deferred; $deferred = null; $temp->fail($e); } }); $newPromise->onResolve(static function () use($cancellationToken, $cancellationSubscription) { $cancellationToken->unsubscribe($cancellationSubscription); }); return $newPromise; } private function determineKeepAliveTimeout(Response $response) : int { $request = $response->getRequest(); $requestConnHeader = $request->getHeader('connection'); $responseConnHeader = $response->getHeader('connection'); if (!\strcasecmp($requestConnHeader, 'close')) { return 0; } if ($response->getProtocolVersion() === '1.0') { return 0; } if (!\strcasecmp($responseConnHeader, 'close')) { return 0; } $params = Http\createFieldValueComponentMap(Http\parseFieldValueComponents($response, 'keep-alive')); $timeout = (int) ($params['timeout'] ?? $this->priorTimeout); if (isset($params['timeout'])) { $this->explicitTimeout = true; } return $this->priorTimeout = \min(\max(0, $timeout), self::MAX_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT); } private function determineProtocolVersion(Request $request) : string { $protocolVersions = $request->getProtocolVersions(); if (\in_array("1.1", $protocolVersions, true)) { return "1.1"; } if (\in_array("1.0", $protocolVersions, true)) { return "1.0"; } throw new InvalidRequestException($request, "None of the requested protocol versions is supported: " . \implode(", ", $protocolVersions)); } private function writeRequest(Request $request, string $protocolVersion, CancellationToken $cancellation) : \Generator { try { $rawHeaders = $this->generateRawHeader($request, $protocolVersion); (yield $this->socket->write($rawHeaders)); if ($request->getMethod() === 'CONNECT') { return; } $body = $request->getBody()->createBodyStream(); $chunking = $request->getHeader("transfer-encoding") === "chunked"; $remainingBytes = $request->getHeader("content-length"); if ($chunking && $protocolVersion === "1.0") { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, "Can't send chunked bodies over HTTP/1.0"); } // We always buffer the last chunk to make sure we don't write $contentLength bytes if the body is too long. $buffer = ""; while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $body->read()))) { $cancellation->throwIfRequested(); if ($chunk === "") { continue; } if ($chunking) { $chunk = \dechex(\strlen($chunk)) . "\r\n" . $chunk . "\r\n"; } elseif ($remainingBytes !== null) { $remainingBytes -= \strlen($chunk); if ($remainingBytes < 0) { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, "Body contained more bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request"); } } (yield $this->socket->write($buffer)); $buffer = $chunk; } $cancellation->throwIfRequested(); // Flush last buffered chunk. (yield $this->socket->write($buffer)); if ($chunking) { (yield $this->socket->write("0\r\n\r\n")); } elseif ($remainingBytes !== null && $remainingBytes > 0) { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, "Body contained fewer bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request"); } } catch (StreamException $exception) { throw new SocketException('Socket disconnected prior to response completion'); } } /** * @param Request $request * @param string $protocolVersion * * @return string * * @throws HttpException */ private function generateRawHeader(Request $request, string $protocolVersion) : string { $uri = $request->getUri(); $requestUri = $uri->getPath() ?: '/'; if ('' !== ($query = $uri->getQuery())) { $requestUri .= '?' . $query; } $method = $request->getMethod(); if ($method === 'CONNECT') { $defaultPort = $uri->getScheme() === 'https' ? 443 : 80; $requestUri = $uri->getHost() . ':' . ($uri->getPort() ?? $defaultPort); } $header = $method . ' ' . $requestUri . ' HTTP/' . $protocolVersion . "\r\n"; try { $header .= Rfc7230::formatRawHeaders($request->getRawHeaders()); } catch (InvalidHeaderException $e) { throw new HttpException($e->getMessage()); } return $header . "\r\n"; } }streamId = $streamId; } public function getStreamId() : int { return $this->streamId; } }connector = $connector; $this->connectContext = $connectContext; } public function create(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellationToken) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $cancellationToken) { foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startConnectionCreation($request)); } $connector = $this->connector ?? connector(); $connectContext = $this->connectContext ?? new ConnectContext(); $uri = $request->getUri(); $scheme = $uri->getScheme(); if (!\in_array($scheme, ['http', 'https'], true)) { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, 'Invalid scheme provided in the request URI: ' . $uri); } $isHttps = $scheme === 'https'; $defaultPort = $isHttps ? 443 : 80; $host = $uri->getHost(); $port = $uri->getPort() ?? $defaultPort; if ($host === '') { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, 'A host must be provided in the request URI: ' . $uri); } $authority = $host . ':' . $port; $protocolVersions = $request->getProtocolVersions(); $isConnect = $request->getMethod() === 'CONNECT'; if ($isHttps) { $protocols = []; if (!$isConnect && \in_array('2', $protocolVersions, true)) { $protocols[] = 'h2'; } if (\in_array('1.1', $protocolVersions, true) || \in_array('1.0', $protocolVersions, true)) { $protocols[] = 'http/1.1'; } if (!$protocols) { throw new InvalidRequestException($request, \sprintf("None of the requested protocol versions (%s) are supported by %s (HTTP/2 is only supported on HTTPS)", \implode(', ', $protocolVersions), self::class)); } $tlsContext = ($connectContext->getTlsContext() ?? new ClientTlsContext(''))->withApplicationLayerProtocols($protocols)->withPeerCapturing(); if ($protocols === ['http/1.1']) { // If we only have HTTP/1.1 available, don't set application layer protocols. // There are misbehaving sites like, see $tlsContext = $tlsContext->withApplicationLayerProtocols([]); } if ($tlsContext->getPeerName() === '') { $tlsContext = $tlsContext->withPeerName($host); } $connectContext = $connectContext->withTlsContext($tlsContext); } try { /** @var EncryptableSocket $socket */ $socket = (yield $connector->connect('tcp://' . $authority, $connectContext->withConnectTimeout($request->getTcpConnectTimeout()), $cancellationToken)); } catch (Socket\ConnectException $e) { throw new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException(\sprintf("Connection to '%s' failed", $authority), 0, $e)); } catch (CancelledException $e) { // In case of a user cancellation request, throw the expected exception $cancellationToken->throwIfRequested(); // Otherwise we ran into a timeout of our TimeoutCancellationToken throw new UnprocessedRequestException(new TimeoutException(\sprintf("Connection to '%s' timed out, took longer than " . $request->getTcpConnectTimeout() . ' ms', $authority))); // don't pass $e } if ($isHttps) { try { $tlsState = $socket->getTlsState(); // Error if anything enabled TLS on a new connection before we can do it if ($tlsState !== EncryptableSocket::TLS_STATE_DISABLED) { $socket->close(); throw new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException('Failed to setup TLS connection, connection was in an unexpected TLS state (' . $tlsState . ')')); } foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->startTlsNegotiation($request)); } $tlsCancellationToken = new CombinedCancellationToken($cancellationToken, new TimeoutCancellationToken($request->getTlsHandshakeTimeout())); (yield $socket->setupTls($tlsCancellationToken)); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeTlsNegotiation($request)); } } catch (StreamException $exception) { $socket->close(); throw new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException(\sprintf("Connection to '%s' @ '%s' closed during TLS handshake", $authority, $socket->getRemoteAddress()->toString()), 0, $exception)); } catch (CancelledException $e) { $socket->close(); // In case of a user cancellation request, throw the expected exception $cancellationToken->throwIfRequested(); // Otherwise we ran into a timeout of our TimeoutCancellationToken throw new UnprocessedRequestException(new TimeoutException(\sprintf("TLS handshake with '%s' @ '%s' timed out, took longer than " . $request->getTlsHandshakeTimeout() . ' ms', $authority, $socket->getRemoteAddress()->toString()))); // don't pass $e } $tlsInfo = $socket->getTlsInfo(); if ($tlsInfo === null) { throw new UnprocessedRequestException(new SocketException(\sprintf("Socket closed after TLS handshake with '%s' @ '%s'", $authority, $socket->getRemoteAddress()->toString()))); } if ($tlsInfo->getApplicationLayerProtocol() === 'h2') { $connection = new Http2Connection($socket); (yield $connection->initialize()); foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeConnectionCreation($request)); } return $connection; } } if (!\array_intersect($request->getProtocolVersions(), ['1.0', '1.1'])) { $socket->close(); throw new InvalidRequestException($request, \sprintf("None of the requested protocol versions (%s) are supported by '%s' @ '%s'", \implode(', ', $protocolVersions), $authority, $socket->getRemoteAddress()->toString())); } foreach ($request->getEventListeners() as $eventListener) { (yield $eventListener->completeConnectionCreation($request)); } return new Http1Connection($socket); }); } }getUri()->getHost(); }); } public static function byStaticKey(ConnectionPool $delegate, KeyedSemaphore $semaphore, string $key = '') : self { return new self($delegate, $semaphore, static function () use($key) { return $key; }); } public static function byCustomKey(ConnectionPool $delegate, KeyedSemaphore $semaphore, callable $requestToKeyMapper) : self { return new self($delegate, $semaphore, $requestToKeyMapper); } /** @var ConnectionPool */ private $delegate; /** @var KeyedSemaphore */ private $semaphore; /** @var callable */ private $requestToKeyMapper; private function __construct(ConnectionPool $delegate, KeyedSemaphore $semaphore, callable $requestToKeyMapper) { $this->delegate = $delegate; $this->semaphore = $semaphore; $this->requestToKeyMapper = $requestToKeyMapper; } public function getStream(Request $request, CancellationToken $token) : Promise { return call(function () use($request, $token) { /** @var Lock $lock */ $lock = (yield $this->semaphore->acquire(($this->requestToKeyMapper)($request))); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $this->delegate->getStream($request, $token)); return HttpStream::fromStream($stream, coroutine(static function (Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellationToken) use($stream, $lock) { try { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, $cancellationToken)); // await response being completely received $response->getTrailers()->onResolve(static function () use($lock) { $lock->release(); }); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $lock->release(); throw $e; } return $response; }), static function () use($lock) { $lock->release(); }); }); } }pool = ConnectionLimitingPool::byAuthority(\PHP_INT_MAX, $connectionFactory); } public function __clone() { $this->pool = clone $this->pool; } public function getTotalConnectionAttempts() : int { return $this->pool->getTotalConnectionAttempts(); } public function getTotalStreamRequests() : int { return $this->pool->getTotalStreamRequests(); } public function getOpenConnectionCount() : int { return $this->pool->getOpenConnectionCount(); } public function getStream(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation) : Promise { return $this->pool->getStream($request, $cancellation); } }socket = $socket; $this->processor = new Http2ConnectionProcessor($socket); } public function getProtocolVersions() : array { return self::PROTOCOL_VERSIONS; } public function initialize() : Promise { return $this->processor->initialize(); } public function getStream(Request $request) : Promise { if (!$this->processor->isInitialized()) { throw new \Error('The promise returned from ' . __CLASS__ . '::initialize() must resolve before using the connection'); } return call(function () { if ($this->processor->isClosed() || $this->processor->getRemainingStreams() <= 0) { return null; } $this->processor->reserveStream(); return HttpStream::fromConnection($this, $this->callableFromInstanceMethod('request'), $this->processor->callableFromInstanceMethod('unreserveStream')); }); } public function onClose(callable $onClose) { $this->processor->onClose($onClose); } public function close() : Promise { return $this->processor->close(); } public function getLocalAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->socket->getLocalAddress(); } public function getRemoteAddress() : SocketAddress { return $this->socket->getRemoteAddress(); } public function getTlsInfo() { return $this->socket->getTlsInfo(); } private function request(Request $request, CancellationToken $token, Stream $applicationStream) : Promise { $this->requestCount++; return $this->processor->request($request, $token, $applicationStream); } }request(...)` resolved. * * A NetworkInterceptor SHOULD NOT short-circuit and SHOULD delegate to the `$stream` passed as third argument * exactly once. The only exception to this is throwing an exception, e.g. because the TLS settings used are * unacceptable. If you need short circuits, use an {@see ApplicationInterceptor} instead. * * @param Request $request * @param CancellationToken $cancellation * @param Stream $stream * * @return Promise */ public function requestViaNetwork(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise; }{ "symbol-whitelist": [ "null", "true", "false", "static", "self", "parent", "array", "string", "int", "float", "bool", "iterable", "callable", "void", "object", "ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP", "ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE", "json_encode", "json_last_error", "JSON_ERROR_NONE", "Amp\\File\\Driver", "Amp\\File\\open", "Amp\\File\\size", "Amp\\Http\\Client\\Connection\\LimitedConnectionPool", "AMP_DEBUG_HTTP2_FRAMES" ], "php-core-extensions": [ "Core", "date", "pcre", "Phar", "Reflection", "SPL", "standard" ] } addFields(['a' => 'a'], 'application/json'); $body->addField('b', 'b', 'application/json'); $body->addField('c', 'c', ''); $body->addField('d', 'd'); $body->addFields(['e' => 'e'], ''); $body->addFields(['f' => 'f']); $this->assertSame([['a', 'a', 'application/json', null], ['b', 'b', 'application/json', null], ['c', 'c', '', null], ['d', 'd', 'text/plain', null], ['e', 'e', '', null], ['f', 'f', 'text/plain', null]], $body->getFields()); $content = (yield buffer($body->createBodyStream())); $this->assertEquals("a=a&b=b&c=c&d=d&e=e&f=f", $content); } public function testMultiPartFields() : \Generator { $body = new FormBody('ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440'); $body->addFields(['a' => 'a'], 'application/json'); $body->addField('b', 'b', 'application/json'); $body->addField('c', 'c', ''); $body->addField('d', 'd'); $body->addFields(['e' => 'e'], ''); $body->addFields(['f' => 'f']); $file = __DIR__ . '/fixture/lorem.txt'; $body->addFile('file', $file); $fields = $body->getFields(); list($fieldName, $fileBody, $contentType, $fileName) = \end($fields); $this->assertSame('file', $fieldName); $this->assertInstanceOf(FileBody::class, $fileBody); $this->assertSame('application/octet-stream', $contentType); $this->assertSame('lorem.txt', $fileName); $content = (yield buffer($body->createBodyStream())); $this->assertEquals("--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\na\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"b\"\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\nb\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"c\"\r\n\r\nc\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"d\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nd\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"e\"\r\n\r\ne\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"f\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nf\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"lorem.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\r\n--ea4ba2aa9af22673bc01ae7a64c95440--\r\n", $content); } }expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Amp\\Http\\Client\\Request does not support serialization'); \serialize(new Request('')); } public function testResponse() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Amp\\Http\\Client\\Response does not support serialization'); \serialize(new Response('1.1', 200, 'OK', [], new InMemoryStream(''), new Request('/'))); } }expectException(HttpException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('The user information (username:password) component of URIs has been deprecated'); (yield $client->request(new Request(''))); } public function testUserInfoDeprecationAllow() : \Generator { $this->markTestSkipped('causes segfaults'); $client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->allowDeprecatedUriUserInfo()->build(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $client->request(new Request(''))); $this->assertTrue(true); // no exception $this->assertNotNull($response->getPreviousResponse()); $this->assertNotNull($response->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()); $this->assertNotNull($response->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()); $this->assertNull($response->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()); $this->assertSame('', (string) $response->getRequest()->getUri()); $this->assertSame('', $response->getPreviousResponse()->getPreviousResponse()->getRequest()->getHeader('referer')); } }expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid HTTP protocol version"); new Response($invalidVersion, 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('https://localhost/')); } public function testProtocolVersion() { $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setProtocolVersion('2'); $this->assertSame('2', $response->getProtocolVersion()); } public function testPseudoSetHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('')))->setHeader(':foobar', 'foobar'); } public function testEmptySetHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('')))->setHeader('', 'foobar'); } public function testPseudoAddHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('')))->addHeader(':foobar', 'foobar'); } public function testEmptyAddHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('')))->addHeader('', 'foobar'); } public function testBody() : \Generator { /** @var Response $response */ $response = new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('')); $response->setBody(null); $this->assertSame('', (yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); $response->setBody("foobar"); $this->assertSame('foobar', (yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); $response->setBody($response->getBody()); $this->assertSame('foobar', (yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); $response->setBody(new InMemoryStream('foobar2')); $this->assertSame('foobar2', (yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); $response->setBody(143); $this->assertSame('143', (yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); $this->expectException(\TypeError::class); $response->setBody(new \stdClass()); } public function testStatus() { $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setStatus(400); $this->assertSame(400, $response->getStatus()); $this->assertSame('Bad Request', $response->getReason()); } public function testReason() { $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setStatus(400, 'Hello'); $this->assertSame(400, $response->getStatus()); $this->assertSame('Hello', $response->getReason()); } public function testRequest() { $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setRequest(new Request('')); $this->assertSame('', (string) $response->getRequest()->getUri()); } public function testPreviousResponse() { $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setPreviousResponse($response); $this->assertSame($response, $response->getPreviousResponse()); } public function testHeader() { $response = $this->createResponse(); $this->assertNull($response->getHeader('Foo')); $this->assertFalse($response->hasHeader('Foo')); $this->assertSame([], $response->getHeaderArray('Foo')); $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertSame('bar', $response->getHeader('Foo')); $this->assertSame(['bar'], $response->getHeaderArray('fOO')); $this->assertTrue($response->hasHeader('fOO')); $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); $response->addHeader('foo', 'baz'); $this->assertSame('bar', $response->getHeader('Foo')); $this->assertSame(['bar', 'baz'], $response->getHeaderArray('fOO')); $this->assertTrue($response->hasHeader('fOO')); $response->removeHeader('fOo'); $this->assertNull($response->getHeader('Foo')); $this->assertFalse($response->hasHeader('Foo')); $this->assertSame([], $response->getHeaderArray('Foo')); $response = $this->createResponse(); $response->setHeaders(['foO' => ['bar', 'bax']]); $this->assertSame('bar', $response->getHeader('Foo')); $this->assertSame(['bar', 'bax'], $response->getHeaderArray('fOO')); $this->assertTrue($response->hasHeader('fOO')); } private function createResponse() : Response { return new Response('1.1', 200, 'OK', [], new InMemoryStream(), new Request('')); } }givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n"); /** @var Response $response */ $request = $this->createRequest(); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0"]); $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $this->assertSame("", (yield $response->getBody()->buffer())); } public function testCloseAfterConnect() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse(""); $this->client = $this->builder->retry(0)->build(); $this->expectException(SocketException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches("(Receiving the response headers for '.*' failed, because the socket to '.*' @ '.*' closed early)"); /** @var Response $response */ $request = $this->createRequest(); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0"]); (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); } public function testIncompleteHttpResponseWithContentLength() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\n."); $this->expectException(SocketException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Socket disconnected prior to response completion"); /** @var Response $response */ $request = $this->createRequest(); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0"]); $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } public function testIncompleteHttpResponseWithChunkedEncoding() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n0\r"); // missing \n $this->expectException(SocketException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Socket disconnected prior to response completion"); /** @var Response $response */ $request = $this->createRequest(); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0"]); $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } public function testIncompleteHttpResponseWithoutChunkedEncodingAndWithoutContentLength() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n00000000000"); /** @var Response $response */ $request = $this->createRequest(); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0"]); $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); self::assertSame('00000000000', $body); } public function testDuplicateContentLengthHeader() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: 1\r\ncontent-length: 2\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); $this->expectException(ParseException::class); (yield $this->executeRequest($this->createRequest())); } public function testInvalidContentLengthHeader() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: foobar\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); $this->expectException(ParseException::class); (yield $this->executeRequest($this->createRequest())); } public function testFoldedHeader() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: 0\r\nfoo: hello\r\n world\r\n\r\n"); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($this->createRequest())); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $this->assertSame(['hello world'], $response->getHeaderArray('foo')); } public function testInvalidHeaders() : \Generator { $this->givenRawServerResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: 0\r\nfoo/: bar\r\n\r\n"); $this->expectException(ParseException::class); (yield $this->executeRequest($this->createRequest())); } public function testDefaultUserAgentSent() : \Generator { $uri = ''; /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request($uri))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $result = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame('amphp/http-client @ v4.x', $result['user-agent']); } public function testDefaultUserAgentCanBeChanged() : \Generator { $uri = ''; $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('user-agent', 'amphp/http-client')); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request($uri))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $result = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame('amphp/http-client', $result['user-agent']); } public function testHeaderCase() : \Generator { $this->responseCallback = coroutine(static function (Socket\Socket $socket) { $buffer = ''; while (null !== ($chunk = (yield $socket->read()))) { $buffer .= $chunk; if (\strpos($buffer, "\r\n\r\n") !== false) { break; } } $headers = \explode("\r\n", \trim($buffer)); \array_shift($headers); $buffer = \json_encode(Rfc7230::parseRawHeaders(\implode("\r\n", $headers) . "\r\n")); return $socket->write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n{$buffer}"); }); /** @var Response $response */ $request = $this->createRequest(); $request->setHeader('tEst', 'test'); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $result = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame([['tEst', 'test'], ['accept', '*/*'], ['user-agent', 'amphp/http-client @ v4.x'], ['Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate, identity'], ['host', (string) $this->socket->getAddress()]], $result); } public function testHttp2Push() : \Generator { $request = new Request(''); $request->setPushHandler(static function (Request $request, Promise $response) { self::assertSame('/image.jpg', $request->getUri()->getPath()); self::assertSame('image/jpeg', ((yield $response))->getHeader('content-type')); }); (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); } public function testGzipBomb() : \Generator { $this->markTestSkipped('Run this manually'); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request(new Request(''))); $sessionCookie = ResponseCookie::fromHeader($response->getHeader('set-cookie')); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); \preg_match('(bombme=[a-f0-9]+)', $body, $match); $request = new Request('' . $match[0]); $request->setHeader('cookie', new RequestCookie($sessionCookie->getName(), $sessionCookie->getValue())); $response = (yield $this->client->request($request)); $this->expectException(ParseException::class); if (\method_exists($this, 'expectExceptionMessageMatches')) { $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('(Configured body size exceeded: \\d+ bytes received, while the configured limit is 10485760 bytes)'); } else { /** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection */ $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('(Configured body size exceeded: \\d+ bytes received, while the configured limit is 10485760 bytes)'); } (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } public function testCustomUserAgentSentIfAssigned() : \Generator { $uri = ''; $customUserAgent = 'test-user-agent'; $request = new Request($uri); $request->setHeader('User-Agent', $customUserAgent); $request->setHeader('Connection', 'keep-alive'); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $result = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame($customUserAgent, $result['user-agent']); } public function testPostStringBody() : \Generator { $body = 'zanzibar'; $request = new Request(''); $request->setMethod('POST'); $request->setBody($body); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertEquals($body, $result['data']); } public function testPutStringBody() : \Generator { $uri = ''; $body = 'zanzibar'; $request = new Request($uri, "PUT"); $request->setBody($body); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertEquals($body, $result['data']); } /** * @dataProvider provideStatusCodes * * @param $statusCode * * @return \Generator * @throws \Throwable */ public function testStatusCodeResponses($statusCode) : \Generator { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request("{$statusCode}"))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $this->assertEquals($statusCode, $response->getStatus()); } public function provideStatusCodes() : array { return [[200], [400], [404], [500]]; } public function testReason() : \Generator { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request(""))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $expectedReason = "I'M A TEAPOT"; $actualReason = $response->getReason(); $this->assertSame($expectedReason, $actualReason); } public function testRedirect() : \Generator { $statusCode = 299; $redirectTo = "/status/{$statusCode}"; $uri = "" . \rawurlencode($redirectTo); $this->client = $this->builder->followRedirects(0)->build(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request($uri))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $this->assertEquals(302, $response->getStatus()); $originalUri = $response->getOriginalRequest()->getUri(); $this->assertSame($response, $response->getOriginalResponse()); $this->assertSame($uri, (string) $originalUri); } public function testRedirectWithFollow() : \Generator { $statusCode = 299; $redirectTo = "/status/{$statusCode}"; $uri = "" . \rawurlencode($redirectTo); $this->client = $this->builder->followRedirects()->build(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request($uri))); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $this->assertEquals($statusCode, $response->getStatus()); $originalUri = $response->getOriginalRequest()->getUri(); $this->assertSame(302, $response->getOriginalResponse()->getStatus()); $this->assertSame($uri, (string) $originalUri); } public function testClientAddsZeroContentLengthHeaderForEmptyBodiesOnPost() : \Generator { $uri = ''; $request = new Request($uri); $request->setMethod('POST'); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $result = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertEquals('0', $result['headers']['Content-Length']); } public function testFormEncodedBodyRequest() : \Generator { $body = new FormBody(); $field1 = 'test val'; $field2 = 'val2'; $body->addField('field1', $field1); $body->addField('field2', $field2); $request = new Request('', "POST"); $request->setBody($body); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertEquals($field1, $result['form']['field1']); $this->assertEquals($field2, $result['form']['field2']); $this->assertEquals('application/x-www-form-urlencoded', $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } public function testFileBodyRequest() : \Generator { $uri = ''; $bodyPath = __DIR__ . '/fixture/answer.txt'; $body = new FileBody($bodyPath); $request = new Request($uri, "POST"); $request->setBody($body); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $response); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertStringEqualsFile($bodyPath, $result['data']); } public function testMultipartBodyRequest() : \Generator { $field1 = 'test val'; $file1 = __DIR__ . '/fixture/lorem.txt'; $file2 = __DIR__ . '/fixture/answer.txt'; $boundary = 'AaB03x'; $body = new FormBody($boundary); $body->addFields(['field1' => $field1]); $body->addFiles(['file1' => $file1, 'file2' => $file2]); $request = new Request('', "POST"); $request->setBody($body); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatus()); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertEquals($field1, $result['form']['field1']); $this->assertStringEqualsFile($file1, $result['files']['file1']); $this->assertStringEqualsFile($file2, $result['files']['file2']); $this->assertEquals('multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary, $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } /** * @requires extension zlib */ public function testGzipResponse() : \Generator { $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new DecompressResponse()); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request(''))); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatus()); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertTrue($result['gzipped']); $this->assertFalse($response->hasHeader('content-encoding')); } /** * @requires extension zlib */ public function testDeflateResponse() : \Generator { $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new DecompressResponse()); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request(''))); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatus()); $result = \json_decode((yield $response->getBody()->buffer()), true); $this->assertTrue($result['deflated']); } public function testInfiniteRedirect() : \Generator { $this->builder->followRedirects(10); $this->expectException(TooManyRedirectsException::class); (yield $this->executeRequest(new Request(""))); } public function testRequestCancellation() : \Generator { $this->givenSlowRawServerResponse(100, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 1000\r\n\r\n",...\array_fill(0, 1000, '.')); $cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->executeRequest($this->createRequest(), $cancellationTokenSource->getToken())); $cancellationTokenSource->cancel(); $this->expectException(CancelledException::class); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } public function testContentLengthBodyMismatchWithTooManyBytesSimple() : \Generator { $this->expectException(InvalidRequestException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Body contained more bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request"); $request = new Request("", "POST"); $request->setBody(new class implements RequestBody { public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success([]); } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { return new InMemoryStream("foo"); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return new Success(1); } }); (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); } public function testContentLengthBodyMismatchWithTooManyBytesWith3ByteChunksAndLength2() : \Generator { $this->expectException(InvalidRequestException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Body contained more bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request"); $request = new Request("", "POST"); $request->setBody(new class implements RequestBody { public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success([]); } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { return new IteratorStream(fromIterable(["a", "b", "c"], 500)); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return new Success(2); } }); (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); } public function testContentLengthBodyMismatchWithTooFewBytes() : \Generator { $this->expectException(InvalidRequestException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Body contained fewer bytes than specified in Content-Length, aborting request"); $request = new Request("", "POST"); $request->setBody(new class implements RequestBody { public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success([]); } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { return new InMemoryStream("foo"); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return new Success(42); } }); (yield $this->executeRequest($request)); } public function testHttp2Support() : \Generator { /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request(new Request(''))); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $json = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame(1, $json['http2']); $this->assertSame('HTTP/2.0', $json['protocol']); $this->assertSame(1, $json['push']); $this->assertSame('2', $response->getProtocolVersion()); } public function testHttp2SupportBody() : \Generator { $request = new Request('', 'POST'); $request->setBody('foobar'); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request($request)); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $json = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame(1, $json['http2']); $this->assertSame('HTTP/2.0', $json['protocol']); $this->assertSame(1, $json['push']); $this->assertSame('2', $response->getProtocolVersion()); } public function testHttp2SupportLargeBody() : \Generator { $request = new Request('', 'POST'); $request->setBody(\str_repeat(',', 256 * 1024)); // larger than initial stream window /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request($request)); $body = (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $json = \json_decode($body, true); $this->assertSame(1, $json['http2']); $this->assertSame('HTTP/2.0', $json['protocol']); $this->assertSame(1, $json['push']); $this->assertSame('2', $response->getProtocolVersion()); } public function testHttp2SupportLargeResponseBody() : \Generator { $request = new Request('', 'GET'); $request->setTransferTimeout(100000); $request->setBodySizeLimit(10000000000); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request($request)); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatus()); } public function testConcurrentSlowNetworkInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new ModifyRequest(static function (Request $request) { (yield delay(5000)); return $request; })); /** @var Response $response1 */ $response1 = (yield $this->client->request(new Request(''))); /** @var Response $response2 */ $response2 = (yield $this->client->request(new Request(''))); $body1 = (yield $response1->getBody()->buffer()); $body2 = (yield $response2->getBody()->buffer()); $json1 = \json_decode($body1, true); $json2 = \json_decode($body2, true); $this->assertSame(1, $json1['http2']); $this->assertSame(1, $json2['http2']); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->builder = new HttpClientBuilder(); $this->client = $this->builder->build(); if ($this->socket) { $this->socket->close(); } $this->socket = Socket\Server::listen(''); $this->socket->unreference(); asyncCall(function () { /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ $client = (yield $this->socket->accept()); $client->unreference(); (yield ($this->responseCallback)($client)); }); } private function givenRawServerResponse(string $response) { $this->responseCallback = static function (Socket\Socket $socket) use($response) { return $socket->write($response); }; } private function givenSlowRawServerResponse(int $delay, ...$chunks) { $this->responseCallback = static function (Socket\Socket $socket) use($delay, $chunks) { return call(static function () use($socket, $delay, $chunks) { foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $socket->write($chunk); $delay = delay($delay); $delay->unreference(); (yield $delay); } }); }; } private function executeRequest(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellationToken = null) : Promise { return $this->client->request($request, $cancellationToken); } private function createRequest() : Request { return new Request('http://' . $this->socket->getAddress()); } private function givenApplicationInterceptor(ApplicationInterceptor $interceptor) { $this->builder = $this->builder->intercept($interceptor); $this->client = $this->builder->build(); } private function givenNetworkInterceptor(NetworkInterceptor $interceptor) { $this->builder = $this->builder->interceptNetwork($interceptor); $this->client = $this->builder->build(); } }parse(); $parser->send($data); } print 'Runtime: ' . (getCurrentTime() - $start) . ' milliseconds' . "\r\n";client = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault(); } public function testTimeoutDuringBody() : \Generator { $server = Socket\Server::listen("tcp://"); asyncCall(static function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ while ($client = (yield $server->accept())) { (yield $client->write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\n.")); Loop::unreference(Loop::delay(3000, static function () use($client) { $client->close(); })); } }); $this->setTimeout(2000); try { $uri = "http://" . $server->getAddress() . "/"; $request = new Request($uri); $request->setTransferTimeout(1000); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request($request)); $this->expectException(TimeoutException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Allowed transfer timeout exceeded, took longer than 1000 ms"); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } finally { $server->close(); } } public function testTimeoutDuringConnect() : \Generator { $this->setTimeout(600); $connector = $this->createMock(Socket\Connector::class); $connector->method('connect')->willReturnCallback(function (string $uri, Socket\ConnectContext $connectContext = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { $this->assertSame(1, $connectContext->getConnectTimeout()); return new Failure(new TimeoutException()); }); $this->client = new PooledHttpClient(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory($connector))); $this->expectException(TimeoutException::class); $request = new Request('http://localhost:1337/'); $request->setTcpConnectTimeout(1); (yield $this->client->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); } public function testTimeoutDuringTlsEnable() : \Generator { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withDefaultCertificate(new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . "/tls/")); $server = Socket\Server::listen("tcp://", (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(static function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $client */ while ($client = (yield $server->accept())) { Loop::unreference(Loop::delay(3000, static function () use($client) { $client->close(); })); } }); $this->setTimeout(600); try { $uri = "https://" . $server->getAddress() . "/"; $this->expectException(TimeoutException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp("(TLS handshake with '\\d+' @ '\\d+' timed out, took longer than 100 ms)"); $request = new Request($uri); $request->setTlsHandshakeTimeout(100); try { (yield $this->client->request($request)); } catch (UnprocessedRequestException $e) { throw $e->getPrevious(); } } finally { $server->close(); } } public function testTimeoutDuringTlsEnableCatchable() : \Generator { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withDefaultCertificate(new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . "/tls/")); $server = Socket\Server::listen("tcp://", (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(static function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $client */ while ($client = (yield $server->accept())) { Loop::unreference(Loop::delay(3000, static function () use($client) { $client->close(); })); } }); $this->setTimeout(600); try { $uri = "https://" . $server->getAddress() . "/"; $request = new Request($uri); $request->setTlsHandshakeTimeout(100); (yield $this->client->request($request)); $this->fail('No exception thrown'); } catch (UnprocessedRequestException $e) { $this->assertStringStartsWith('TLS handshake with \'', $e->getPrevious()->getMessage()); } finally { $server->close(); } } public function testTimeoutDuringBodyInterceptor() : \Generator { $server = Socket\Server::listen("tcp://"); asyncCall(static function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\EncryptableSocket $client */ while ($client = (yield $server->accept())) { (yield $client->write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\n.")); Loop::unreference(Loop::delay(3000, static function () use($client) { $client->close(); })); } }); $this->setTimeout(2000); try { $uri = "http://" . $server->getAddress() . "/"; $request = new Request($uri); /** @var Response $response */ $client = new InterceptedHttpClient(new PooledHttpClient(), new SetRequestTimeout(10000, 10000, 1000)); $response = (yield $client->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); $this->expectException(TimeoutException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Allowed transfer timeout exceeded, took longer than 1000 ms"); (yield $response->getBody()->buffer()); } finally { $server->close(); } } public function testTimeoutDuringConnectInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->setTimeout(600); $connector = $this->createMock(Socket\Connector::class); $connector->method('connect')->willReturnCallback(function (string $uri, Socket\ConnectContext $connectContext = null, CancellationToken $token = null) : Promise { $this->assertSame(1, $connectContext->getConnectTimeout()); return new Failure(new TimeoutException()); }); $client = new PooledHttpClient(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory($connector))); $client = new InterceptedHttpClient($client, new SetRequestTimeout(1)); $this->expectException(TimeoutException::class); $request = new Request('http://localhost:1337/'); (yield $client->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); } public function testTimeoutDuringTlsEnableInterceptor() : \Generator { $tlsContext = (new Socket\ServerTlsContext())->withDefaultCertificate(new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . "/tls/")); $server = Socket\Server::listen("tcp://", (new Socket\BindContext())->withTlsContext($tlsContext)); asyncCall(static function () use($server) { /** @var Socket\ResourceSocket $client */ while ($client = (yield $server->accept())) { Loop::unreference(Loop::delay(3000, static function () use($client) { $client->close(); })); } }); $this->setTimeout(600); try { $uri = "https://" . $server->getAddress() . "/"; $this->expectException(TimeoutException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp("(TLS handshake with '\\d+' @ '\\d+' timed out, took longer than 100 ms)"); $request = new Request($uri); $request->setTlsHandshakeTimeout(100); $client = new PooledHttpClient(); $client = new InterceptedHttpClient($client, new SetRequestTimeout(10000, 100)); try { (yield $client->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); } catch (UnprocessedRequestException $e) { throw $e->getPrevious(); } } finally { $server->close(); } } }createCallback(0), $this->createCallback(0)); $response = $parser->parse($data); while (!$parser->isComplete()) { $parser->parse(); } $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatus()); } public function testResponseWithTrailers() { $callback = $this->createCallback(1); $callback->method('__invoke')->with(['expires' => ['date']]); $data = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nTrailers: Expires\r\n\r\nd\r\nHello, World!\r\n0\r\nExpires: date\r\n\r\n"; $parser = new Http1Parser(new Request('/', 'GET'), $this->createCallback(1), $callback); $response = $parser->parse($data); while (!$parser->isComplete()) { $parser->parse(); } $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatus()); $this->assertSame('Expires', $response->getHeader('trailers')); } }createMock(Stream::class); $stream1->method('request')->willReturn(new Success(new Response('1.1', Status::MOVED_PERMANENTLY, Status::getReason(Status::MOVED_PERMANENTLY), ['location' => [$toResolve]], new InMemoryStream(), $request))); $stream2 = $this->createMock(Stream::class); $stream2->method('request')->willReturnCallback(function (Request $redirected) use($request, $expectedResult) : Promise { $this->assertSame($expectedResult, (string) $redirected->getUri()); return new Success(new Response('1.1', Status::OK, Status::getReason(Status::OK), [], new InMemoryStream(), $request)); }); $pool = $this->createMock(ConnectionPool::class); $pool->method('getStream')->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(new Success($stream1), new Success($stream2)); $client = new PooledHttpClient($pool); (yield $redirect->request($request, new NullCancellationToken(), $client)); } public function provideResolvables() : array { return [['http://localhost/1/2/a.php', '', ''], ['', '/level1/level2/test.php', ''], ['http://localhost/1/2/a.php', '../b.php', 'http://localhost/1/b.php'], ['http://localhost/1/2/a.php', '../../b.php', 'http://localhost/b.php'], ['http://localhost/', './', 'http://localhost/'], ['http://localhost/', './dir/', 'http://localhost/dir/'], ['http://localhost/', '././', 'http://localhost/'], ['http://localhost/', '././dir/', 'http://localhost/dir/'], ['http://localhost/', '#frag', 'http://localhost/#frag'], ['http://localhost/', '?query', 'http://localhost/?query'], ['http://localhost/', '', ''], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g", "http://a/b/c/g"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "./g", "http://a/b/c/g"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g/", "http://a/b/c/g/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "/g", "http://a/g"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "//g", "//g"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "?y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?y"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g?y", "http://a/b/c/g?y"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "#s", "http://a/b/c/d;p#s"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g#s", "http://a/b/c/g#s"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g?y#s"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", ";x", "http://a/b/c/;x"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g;x", "http://a/b/c/g;x"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "g;x?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", ".", "http://a/b/c/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "./", "http://a/b/c/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "..", "http://a/b/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "../", "http://a/b/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "../g", "http://a/b/g"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "../..", "http://a/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "../../", "http://a/"], ["http://a/b/c/d;p?q", "../../g", "http://a/g"]]; } } 'bar']); $payload = '{"foo":"bar"}'; $this->assertSame(['content-type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'], (yield $body->getHeaders())); $this->assertSame($payload, (yield buffer($body->createBodyStream()))); $this->assertSame(\strlen($payload), (yield $body->getBodyLength())); } public function testFailure() { $this->expectException(HttpException::class); new JsonBody(['foo' => \fopen('php://memory', 'rb')]); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new AddResponseHeader('foo', 'baz')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { // execution order is reversed $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new AddResponseHeader('foo', 'baz')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'bar')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new AddRequestHeader('foo', 'baz')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'bar')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new AddRequestHeader('foo', 'baz')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } }serverSocket->getAddress(); } protected final function givenApplicationInterceptor(ApplicationInterceptor $interceptor) { $this->builder = $this->builder->intercept($interceptor); $this->client = $this->builder->build(); } protected final function givenNetworkInterceptor(NetworkInterceptor $interceptor) { $this->builder = $this->builder->interceptNetwork($interceptor); $this->client = $this->builder->build(); } protected final function whenRequestIsExecuted(ClientRequest $request = null) : Promise { return call(function () use($request) { (yield $this->server->start()); $this->serverAddress = $this->serverSocket->getAddress(); try { /** @var ClientResponse $response */ $response = (yield $this->client->request($request ?? new ClientRequest(''))); $this->request = $response->getRequest(); $this->response = $response; (yield $this->response->getBody()->buffer()); (yield $this->response->getTrailers()); } finally { (yield $this->server->stop()); $this->serverSocket->close(); } }); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->serverSocket = SocketServer::listen('tcp://'); $this->server = new Server([$this->serverSocket], new CallableRequestHandler(static function () { return new Response(Status::OK, ['content-type' => 'text-plain; charset=utf-8'], 'OK'); }), new NullLogger()); $staticConnector = new StaticConnector($this->serverSocket->getAddress()->toString(), connector()); $this->builder = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(new DefaultConnectionFactory($staticConnector))); $this->client = $this->builder->build(); } protected final function thenRequestHasHeader(string $field, ...$values) { $this->assertSame($values, $this->request->getHeaderArray($field)); } protected final function thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader(string $field) { $this->assertSame([], $this->request->getHeaderArray($field)); } protected final function thenResponseHasHeader(string $field, ...$values) { $this->assertSame($values, $this->response->getHeaderArray($field)); } protected final function thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader(string $field) { $this->assertSame([], $this->response->getHeaderArray($field)); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'baz')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'baz'); } public function testApplicationInterceptorIfSet() : \Generator { // execution order is reversed $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetResponseHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'baz')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'baz'); } public function testNetworkInterceptorIfUnset() : \Generator { $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } public function testApplicationInterceptorIfUnset() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetResponseHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new ModifyRequest(static function (Request $request) { $request->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); })); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new ModifyRequest(static function (Request $request) { $request->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); })); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } }givenApplicationInterceptor(new ForbidUriUserInfo()); $request = new Request('https://user@localhost:13242/'); try { (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted($request)); $this->fail('Exception expected'); } catch (InvalidRequestException $e) { $exceptionRequest = $e->getRequest(); $exceptionRequest->removeAttributes(); $this->assertEquals($request, $exceptionRequest); $this->expectException(InvalidRequestException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('The user information (username:password) component of URIs has been deprecated'); throw $e; } } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'baz')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'baz'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testApplicationInterceptorIfSet() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'baz')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'baz'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testNetworkInterceptorIfUnset() : \Generator { $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testApplicationInterceptorIfUnset() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetRequestHeaderIfUnset('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new RemoveRequestHeader('foo')); $request = new Request(''); $request->addHeader('foo', 'bar'); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted($request)); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new RemoveRequestHeader('foo')); $request = new Request(''); $request->addHeader('foo', 'bar'); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted($request)); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new AddResponseHeader('foo', 'baz')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { // execution order is reversed $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new AddResponseHeader('foo', 'baz')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new RemoveResponseHeader('foo')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); $request = new Request(''); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted($request)); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { // execution order is reversed $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new RemoveResponseHeader('foo')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); $request = new Request(''); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted($request)); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } }givenApplicationInterceptor($logger); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted(new Request(''))); (yield $logger->reset()); // awaits write because of the mutex $jsonLog = \file_get_contents($filePath); $this->assertJson($jsonLog); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new AddRequestHeader('foo', 'baz')); $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new AddRequestHeader('foo', 'baz')); $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->thenResponseDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } }givenApplicationInterceptor(new MatchOrigin(['' => new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'bar')])); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted(new Request(''))); $this->thenRequestHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } public function testApplicationInterceptorDoesNotMatch() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new MatchOrigin(['' => new SetRequestHeader('foo', 'bar')])); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted(new Request(''))); $this->thenRequestDoesNotHaveHeader('foo'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new ModifyResponse(static function (Response $response) { $response->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); })); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } public function testApplicationInterceptor() : \Generator { $this->givenApplicationInterceptor(new ModifyResponse(static function (Response $request) { $request->setHeader('foo', 'bar'); })); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->thenResponseHasHeader('foo', 'bar'); } }givenNetworkInterceptor(new class($this) implements NetworkInterceptor { /** @var NetworkInterceptorTest */ private $testCase; public function __construct(NetworkInterceptorTest $testCase) { $this->testCase = $testCase; } public function requestViaNetwork(Request $request, CancellationToken $cancellation, Stream $stream) : Promise { TestCase::assertNull($stream->getTlsInfo()); TestCase::assertSame($this->testCase->getServerAddress()->toString(), $stream->getRemoteAddress()->toString()); TestCase::assertSame('', $stream->getLocalAddress()->getHost()); TestCase::assertNotSame($this->testCase->getServerAddress()->toString(), $stream->getLocalAddress()->toString()); return $stream->request($request, $cancellation); } }); // dummy interceptor to have nested network interceptors $this->givenNetworkInterceptor(new SetResponseHeader('foo', 'bar')); (yield $this->whenRequestIsExecuted()); $this->assertTrue(true); // No exception in interceptor } }expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Invalid HTTP protocol version"); (new Request(""))->setProtocolVersions([$invalidVersion]); } public function testProtocolVersionsAcceptsNoEmptyArray() { $this->expectException(\Error::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage("Empty array of protocol versions provided, must not be empty."); (new Request(""))->setProtocolVersions([]); } public function testProtocolVersionsAcceptsValidInput() { $request = new Request(""); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0"]); $this->assertSame(["1.0"], $request->getProtocolVersions()); $request = new Request(""); $request->setProtocolVersions(["1.0", "2"]); $this->assertSame(["1.0", "2"], $request->getProtocolVersions()); } public function testHeader() { /** @var Request $request */ $request = new Request(""); $this->assertNull($request->getHeader("X-Foo")); $this->assertSame([], $request->getHeaderArray("X-Foo")); $request->setHeader("x-FOO", "bar"); $this->assertSame("bar", $request->getHeader("X-Foo")); $this->assertSame(["bar"], $request->getHeaderArray("X-Foo")); $request->addHeader("x-FOO", "baz"); $this->assertSame("bar", $request->getHeader("X-Foo")); $this->assertSame(["bar", "baz"], $request->getHeaderArray("X-Foo")); $request->setHeader("x-FOO", "bar"); $this->assertSame("bar", $request->getHeader("X-Foo")); $this->assertSame(["bar"], $request->getHeaderArray("X-Foo")); $this->assertSame(["x-foo" => ["bar"]], $request->getHeaders()); $request->setHeaders(["x-hello-world" => "xx", "x-goodbye" => ["yy", "zzz"]]); $this->assertSame(["x-foo" => ["bar"], "x-hello-world" => ["xx"], "x-goodbye" => ["yy", "zzz"]], $request->getHeaders()); // Empty array deletes $request->setHeaders(["x-hello-world" => []]); $this->assertSame(["x-foo" => ["bar"], "x-goodbye" => ["yy", "zzz"]], $request->getHeaders()); } public function testPseudoSetHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Request(''))->setHeader(':foobar', 'foobar'); } public function testEmptySetHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Request(''))->setHeader('', 'foobar'); } public function testPseudoAddHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Request(''))->addHeader(':foobar', 'foobar'); } public function testEmptyAddHeader() { $this->expectExceptionMessage('Header name cannot be empty or start with a colon (:)'); (new Request(''))->addHeader('', 'foobar'); } public function testBody() { /** @var Request $request */ $request = new Request(""); $this->assertInstanceOf(StringBody::class, $request->getBody()); $request->setBody(null); $this->assertInstanceOf(StringBody::class, $request->getBody()); $request->setBody("foobar"); $this->assertInstanceOf(StringBody::class, $request->getBody()); $request->setBody(143); $this->assertInstanceOf(StringBody::class, $request->getBody()); $this->expectException(\TypeError::class); $request->setBody(new \stdClass()); } public function testPushHandler() : \Generator { $request = new Request(''); $invocationCount = 0; $pushHandler = static function () use(&$invocationCount) { $invocationCount++; }; $this->assertNull($request->getPushHandler()); $request->setPushHandler($pushHandler); $this->assertSame($pushHandler, $request->getPushHandler()); (yield call($request->getPushHandler())); $this->assertSame(1, $invocationCount); } public function testPushHandlerInterceptNull() { $request = new Request(''); $invocationCount = 0; $pushHandler = static function () use(&$invocationCount) { $invocationCount++; }; $this->assertNull($request->getPushHandler()); $request->interceptPush($pushHandler); $this->assertNull($request->getPushHandler()); } public function testPushHandlerInterceptNullReturn() : \Generator { $request = new Request(''); $invocationCount = 0; $responsePromise = null; $pushHandler = static function (Request $request, Promise $response) use(&$invocationCount, &$responsePromise) { $invocationCount++; $responsePromise = $response; }; $request->setPushHandler($pushHandler); $request->interceptPush(static function (Response $response) { $response->setStatus(512); }); (yield call($request->getPushHandler(), new Request(''), new Success(new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), $request)))); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $responsePromise); $this->assertSame(512, $response->getStatus()); } public function testRemoveNonexistentAttribute() { $request = new Request(''); $this->expectException(MissingAttributeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('The requested attribute \'foobar\' does not exist'); $request->removeAttribute('foobar'); } public function testPushHandlerInterceptNewReturn() : \Generator { $request = new Request(''); $invocationCount = 0; $responsePromise = null; $pushHandler = static function (Request $request, Promise $response) use(&$invocationCount, &$responsePromise) { $invocationCount++; $responsePromise = $response; }; $request->setPushHandler($pushHandler); $request->interceptPush(static function (Response $response) { return new Response('2', 523, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), $response->getRequest()); }); (yield call($request->getPushHandler(), new Request(''), new Success(new Response('2', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), $request)))); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $responsePromise); $this->assertSame(523, $response->getStatus()); } public function testHeaderSizeLimit() { $request = new Request(''); $this->assertSame(Request::DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE_LIMIT, $request->getHeaderSizeLimit()); $request->setHeaderSizeLimit(100); $this->assertSame(100, $request->getHeaderSizeLimit()); } public function testBodySizeLimit() { $request = new Request(''); $this->assertSame(Request::DEFAULT_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT, $request->getBodySizeLimit()); $request->setBodySizeLimit(100); $this->assertSame(100, $request->getBodySizeLimit()); } public function testIdempotent() { $this->assertTrue((new Request('https://localhost/', 'GET'))->isIdempotent()); $this->assertTrue((new Request('https://localhost/', 'HEAD'))->isIdempotent()); $this->assertTrue((new Request('https://localhost/', 'PUT'))->isIdempotent()); $this->assertTrue((new Request('https://localhost/', 'DELETE'))->isIdempotent()); $this->assertFalse((new Request('https://localhost/', 'CONNECT'))->isIdempotent()); $this->assertFalse((new Request('https://localhost/', 'POST'))->isIdempotent()); $this->assertFalse((new Request('https://localhost/', 'PATCH'))->isIdempotent()); } public function testAttributes() { $request = new Request(""); $request->setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertSame('bar', $request->getAttribute('foo')); $this->assertTrue($request->hasAttribute('foo')); $this->assertSame(['foo' => 'bar'], $request->getAttributes()); $request->removeAttribute('foo'); $this->assertFalse($request->hasAttribute('foo')); $this->expectException(MissingAttributeError::class); $request->getAttribute('foo'); } public function testRemoveAttributes() { $request = new Request(""); $request->setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); $request->setAttribute('a', 'b'); $request->removeAttributes(); $this->assertSame([], $request->getAttributes()); } }write(self::packFrame('', Http2Parser::SETTINGS, 0, 0)); (yield $connection->initialize()); $request = new Request('http://localhost/'); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $server->write(self::packFrame($hpack->encode([[":status", Status::CONTINUE], ["date", formatDateHeader()]]), Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::END_HEADERS, 1)); $server->write(self::packFrame($hpack->encode([[":status", Status::NO_CONTENT], ["date", formatDateHeader()]]), Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::END_HEADERS | Http2Parser::END_STREAM, 1)); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); $this->assertSame(204, $response->getStatus()); } public function testSwitchingProtocols() : \Generator { $hpack = new HPack(); list($server, $client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http2Connection($client); $server->write(self::packFrame('', Http2Parser::SETTINGS, 0, 0)); (yield $connection->initialize()); $request = new Request('http://localhost/'); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $server->write(self::packFrame($hpack->encode([[":status", Status::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS], ["date", formatDateHeader()]]), Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::END_HEADERS, 1)); $this->expectException(Http2ConnectionException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Switching Protocols (101) is not part of HTTP/2'); (yield $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); } public function testTrailers() : \Generator { $hpack = new HPack(); list($server, $client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http2Connection($client); $server->write(self::packFrame('', Http2Parser::SETTINGS, 0, 0)); (yield $connection->initialize()); $request = new Request('http://localhost/'); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); asyncCall(static function () use($server, $hpack) { (yield delay(100)); $server->write(self::packFrame($hpack->encode([[":status", Status::OK], ["content-length", "4"], ["trailers", "Foo"], ["date", formatDateHeader()]]), Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::END_HEADERS, 1)); (yield delay(100)); $server->write(self::packFrame('test', Http2Parser::DATA, 0, 1)); (yield delay(100)); $server->write(self::packFrame($hpack->encode([["foo", 'bar']]), Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::END_HEADERS | Http2Parser::END_STREAM, 1)); }); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatus()); /** @var Trailers $trailers */ $trailers = (yield $response->getTrailers()); $this->assertSame('bar', $trailers->getHeader('foo')); } public function testTrailersWithoutTrailers() : \Generator { $hpack = new HPack(); list($server, $client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http2Connection($client); $server->write(self::packFrame('', Http2Parser::SETTINGS, 0, 0)); (yield $connection->initialize()); $request = new Request('http://localhost/'); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $server->write(self::packFrame($hpack->encode([[":status", Status::OK], ["content-length", "4"], ["date", formatDateHeader()]]), Http2Parser::HEADERS, Http2Parser::END_HEADERS, 1)); $server->write(self::packFrame('test', Http2Parser::DATA, Http2Parser::END_STREAM, 1)); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatus()); /** @var Trailers $trailers */ $trailers = (yield $response->getTrailers()); $this->assertSame([], $trailers->getHeaders()); } }usingPool(ConnectionLimitingPool::byAuthority(1))->build(); $this->setTimeout(5000); $this->setMinimumRuntime(2000); (yield [$client->request(new Request('')), $client->request(new Request(''))]); } public function testTwoConnections() : \Generator { $client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool(ConnectionLimitingPool::byAuthority(2))->build(); $this->setTimeout(2000); $this->setMinimumRuntime(1000); (yield [$client->request(new Request('')), $client->request(new Request(''))]); } private function createMockConnection(Request $request) : Connection { $response = new Response('1.1', 200, null, [], new InMemoryStream(), $request, new Success(new Trailers([]))); $stream = $this->createMock(Stream::class); $stream->method('request')->willReturn(new Delayed(100, $response)); $stream->method('getLocalAddress')->willReturn(new SocketAddress('')); $stream->method('getRemoteAddress')->willReturn(new SocketAddress('')); $connection = $this->createMock(Connection::class); $connection->method('getStream')->willReturn(new Success($stream)); $connection->method('getProtocolVersions')->willReturn(['1.1', '1.0']); return $connection; } public function testWaitForConnectionToBecomeAvailable() : \Generator { $request = new Request('http://localhost'); $connection = $this->createMockConnection($request); $factory = $this->createMock(ConnectionFactory::class); $factory->expects($this->exactly(1))->method('create')->willReturn(new Success($connection)); $pool = ConnectionLimitingPool::byAuthority(1, $factory); $client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool($pool)->build(); $this->setTimeout(250); (yield [$client->request($request), $client->request($request)]); } public function testConnectionBecomingAvailableWhileConnecting() : \Generator { $request = new Request('http://localhost'); $connection = $this->createMockConnection($request); $factory = $this->createMock(ConnectionFactory::class); $factory->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('create')->willReturnCallback(function () use($connection) : Promise { return new Delayed(500, $connection); }); $pool = ConnectionLimitingPool::byAuthority(2, $factory); $client = (new HttpClientBuilder())->usingPool($pool)->build(); $this->setTimeout(750); (yield [$client->request($request), $client->request($request)]); } }setBody($this->createSlowBody()); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken()); $stream = null; // gc instance $this->assertNull((yield $connection->getStream($request))); } public function testConnectionBusyWithoutRequestButNotGarbageCollected() : \Generator { list($client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http1Connection($client, 5000); $request = new Request('http://localhost'); $request->setBody($this->createSlowBody()); /** @var Stream $stream */ /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $this->assertNull((yield $connection->getStream($request))); } public function testConnectionNotBusyWithoutRequestGarbageCollected() : \Generator { list($client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http1Connection($client, 5000); $request = new Request('http://localhost'); $request->setBody($this->createSlowBody()); /** @var Stream $stream */ /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); /** @noinspection SuspiciousAssignmentsInspection */ $stream = null; // gc instance (yield delay(0)); // required to clear instance in coroutine :-( $this->assertNotNull((yield $connection->getStream($request))); } public function test100Continue() : \Generator { list($server, $client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http1Connection($client, 5000); $request = new Request('', 'POST'); $request->setHeader('expect', '100-continue'); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $server->write("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\nFoo: Bar\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 204 Nothing to send\r\n\r\n"); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); $this->assertSame(204, $response->getStatus()); $this->assertSame('Nothing to send', $response->getReason()); } public function testUpgrade() : \Generator { list($server, $client) = Socket\createPair(); $connection = new Http1Connection($client, 5000); $socketData = "Data that should be sent after the upgrade response"; $invoked = false; $callback = function (Socket\EncryptableSocket $socket, Request $request, Response $response) use(&$invoked, $socketData) { $invoked = true; $this->assertSame(101, $response->getStatus()); $this->assertSame($socketData, (yield $socket->read())); }; $request = new Request('', 'GET'); $request->setHeader('connection', 'upgrade'); $request->setUpgradeHandler($callback); /** @var Stream $stream */ $stream = (yield $connection->getStream($request)); $server->write("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nUpgrade: test\r\n\r\n" . $socketData); /** @var Response $response */ $response = (yield $stream->request($request, new NullCancellationToken())); $this->assertTrue($invoked); $this->assertSame(101, $response->getStatus()); $this->assertSame('Switching Protocols', $response->getReason()); $this->assertSame([], ((yield $response->getTrailers()))->getHeaders()); } private function createSlowBody() { return new class implements RequestBody { public function getHeaders() : Promise { return new Success([]); } public function createBodyStream() : InputStream { return new IteratorStream(Iterator\fromIterable(\array_fill(0, 100, '.'), 1000)); } public function getBodyLength() : Promise { return new Success(-1); } }; } }usingPool(StreamLimitingPool::byHost(new UnlimitedConnectionPool(), new LocalKeyedMutex()))->build(); $this->setTimeout(5000); $this->setMinimumRuntime(2000); (yield [$client->request(new Request('')), $client->request(new Request(''))]); } }{ "name": "danog/madelineprototests", "minimum-stability":"dev", "require": { "danog/madelineproto": "master", "amphp/websocket-client": "dev-master as 1.0.0-rc2", "amphp/dns": "dev-master#eb0b0a2 as v1", "amphp/mysql": "dev-master", "symfony/polyfill-php71": "^1.15@dev", "symfony/polyfill-php72": "^1.15@dev", "symfony/polyfill-php73": "^1.15@dev" }, "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "/home/travis/build/danog/MadelineProto", "options": { "symlink": false } } ], "authors": [ { "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "" } ], "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.4" } } } 38382bf0535463905559326e4ca0f68a77241fcc38382bf0535463905559326e4ca0f68a77241fccQЁ̃-85'7yGBMB