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2023-10-30 01:38:03 +01:00
; Console Message, 64 bit. V1.03
NULL EQU 0 ; Constants
extern GetStdHandle ; Import external symbols
extern WriteFile ; Windows API functions, not decorated
extern ExitProcess
global Start ; Export symbols. The entry point
section .data ; Initialized data segment
Message db "Che schifo la figa.", 0Dh, 0Ah,"Meglio Windows", 0Dh, 0Ah
MessageLength EQU $-Message ; Address of this line ($) - address of Message
section .bss ; Uninitialized data segment
alignb 8
StandardHandle resq 1
Written resq 1
section .text ; Code segment
sub RSP, 8 ; Align the stack to a multiple of 16 bytes
sub RSP, 32 ; 32 bytes of shadow space
call GetStdHandle
mov qword [REL StandardHandle], RAX
add RSP, 32 ; Remove the 32 bytes
sub RSP, 32 + 8 + 8 ; Shadow space + 5th parameter + align stack
; to a multiple of 16 bytes
mov RCX, qword [REL StandardHandle] ; 1st parameter
lea RDX, [REL Message] ; 2nd parameter
mov R8, MessageLength ; 3rd parameter
lea R9, [REL Written] ; 4th parameter
mov qword [RSP + 4 * 8], NULL ; 5th parameter
call WriteFile ; Output can be redirect to a file using >
add RSP, 48 ; Remove the 48 bytes
xor ECX, ECX
call ExitProcess