# TGScraper [![License](http://poser.pugx.org/sysbot/tgscraper/license)](https://packagist.org/packages/sysbot/tgscraper) ![Required PHP Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/php-%E2%89%A58.0-brightgreen) [![Latest Stable Version](http://poser.pugx.org/sysbot/tgscraper/v)](https://packagist.org/packages/sysbot/tgscraper) [![Dependencies](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/github/Sysbot-org/tgscraper)](https://libraries.io/github/Sysbot-org/tgscraper) [![Code Quality](https://img.shields.io/scrutinizer/quality/g/Sysbot-org/tgscraper)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/Sysbot-org/tgscraper/?branch=master) A PHP library used to extract JSON data (and auto-generate PHP classes) from [Telegram bot API documentation page](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api). ## Changelog Interested in recent changes? Have a look [here](CHANGELOG.md)! ## Installation Install the library with composer: ```bash $ composer require sysbot/tgscraper --prefer-stable ``` (Optional) Install the cache package: ```bash $ composer require sysbot/tgscraper-cache ``` ## Using from command line Once installed, you can use the CLI to interact with the library. For basic help and command list: ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper help ``` ### JSON Extract the latest schema in a human-readable JSON: ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper app:export-schema --readable botapi.json ``` Or, if you want a Postman-compatible JSON (thanks to [davtur19](https://github.com/davtur19/TuriBotGen/blob/master/postman.php)): ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper app:export-schema --postman botapi_postman.json ``` ### YAML Extract the latest schema in YAML format: ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper app:export-schema --yaml botapi.yaml ``` ### OpenAPI Extract the latest OpenAPI schema in JSON format: ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper app:export-schema --openapi botapi_openapi.json ``` Or, if you prefer YAML: ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper app:export-schema --openapi --yaml botapi_openapi.yaml ``` ### Stubs _Note: since Telegram may change the page format at any time, do **NOT** rely on the automagically generated stubs from this library, **ALWAYS** review the code!_ TGScraper can also generate class stubs that you can use in your library. A sample implementation is available in the [Sysbot Telegram module](https://github.com/Sysbot-org/Sysbot-tg). Create stubs in the `out/` directory using `Sysbot\Telegram` as namespace prefix: ```bash $ vendor/bin/tgscraper app:create-stubs --namespace-prefix "Sysbot\Telegram" out ``` ## Custom format If you're interested in the custom format generated by TGScraper, you can find its schema [here](docs/schema.json).