*/ class TypeHintStripper extends Plugin { private const IGNORE_RETURN = 0; private const VOID_RETURN = 1; private const TYPE_RETURN = 2; /** * Stack. * * @template T as array{0: self::IGNORE_RETURN|self::VOID_RETURN}|array{0: self::TYPE_RETURN, 1: Node, 2: bool, 3: bool, 4: Node, 5: BooleanNot} * * @var SplStack */ private SplStack $stack; private ArrowClosure $converter; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->stack = new SplStack; $this->converter = new ArrowClosure; } /** * Convert a function to a closure. */ private function toClosure(FunctionLike &$func): void { if ($func instanceof ArrowFunction) { $func = $this->converter->enterClosure($func); } } /** * Generate. * * @param Variable $var Variable to check * @param (Name|Identifier)[] $types Types to check * @param boolean $fromNullable Whether this type is nullable * * @return array{0: bool, 1: Node, 2: BooleanNot} Whether the polyfilled gettype should be used, the error message, the condition */ private function generateConditions(Variable $var, array $types, bool $fromNullable = false): array { /** @var bool Whether no explicit classes were referenced */ $noOopTypes = true; /** @var string[] */ $typeNames = []; /** @var Expr[] */ $conditions = []; /** @var string Last string type name */ $stringType = ''; foreach ($types as $type) { $typeNames []= $type->toString(); if ($type instanceof Identifier) { $typeName = $type->toLowerString(); switch ($typeName) { case 'callable': case 'array': case 'bool': case 'float': case 'int': case 'object': case 'string': case 'resource': case 'null': $stringType = new String_($typeName === 'callable' ? $typeName : ($typeName === 'object' ? 'an object' : "of type $typeName")); $conditions []= Plugin::call("is_$typeName", $var); break; case 'iterable': $stringType = new String_('iterable'); $conditions []= new BooleanOr( Plugin::call("is_array", $var), new Instanceof_($var, new Name(\Traversable::class)) ); break; default: $noOopTypes = false; $stringType = $type->isSpecialClassName() ? new Concat(new String_("an instance of "), new ClassConstFetch(new Name($typeName), new Identifier('class'))) : new String_("an instance of ".$type->toString()); $conditions []= new Instanceof_($var, new Name($typeName)); } } else { $noOopTypes = false; $stringType = new String_("an instance of ".$type->toString()); $conditions []= new Instanceof_($var, $type); } } if (\count($typeNames) > 1) { $stringType = new String_(\implode("|", $typeNames)); } if ($fromNullable) { $stringType = new Concat($stringType, new String_(' or null')); $conditions []= Plugin::call("is_null", $var); } $initial = \array_shift($conditions); $condition = new BooleanNot( empty($conditions) ? $initial : \array_reduce($conditions, fn (Expr $a, Expr $b): BooleanOr => new BooleanOr($a, $b), $initial) ); return [$noOopTypes, $stringType, $condition]; } /** * Strip typehint. * * @param Variable $var Variable * @param null|Identifier|Name|NullableType|UnionType $type Type * * @return null|array{0: bool, 1: Node, 2: BooleanNot} Whether the polyfilled gettype should be used, the error message, the condition */ private function strip(Variable $var, ?Node $type): ?array { if (!$type) { return null; } if ($type instanceof UnionType && $this->getConfig('union', false)) { return $this->generateConditions($var, $type->types); } if ($type instanceof NullableType && $this->getConfig('nullable', false)) { return $this->generateConditions($var, [$type->type], true); } $subType = $type instanceof NullableType ? $type->type : $type; if (\in_array($subType->toString(), $this->getConfig('types', []))) { return $this->generateConditions($var, [$subType], $type instanceof NullableType); } return null; } /** * Strip type hints from function. * * @param FunctionLike $func Function * * @return ?FunctionLike */ public function enterFunction(FunctionLike $func, Context $ctx): ?FunctionLike { $functionName = new Method(); if ($func instanceof ClassMethod) { /** @var ClassLike */ $parent = $ctx->parents->top(); if (!$parent->name) { $functionName = new Concat(new String_('class@anonymous:'), new MagicConstFunction_()); } } $stmts = []; foreach ($func->getParams() as $index => $param) { if (!$condition = $this->strip($param->variadic ? new Variable('phabelVariadic') : $param->var, $param->type)) { break; } $param->type = null; [$noOop, $string, $condition] = $condition; $start = $param->variadic ? new Concat(new String_("Argument "), new Plus(new LNumber($index), new Variable('phabelVariadicIndex'))) : new String_("Argument $index"); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(" passed to ")); $start = new Concat($start, $functionName); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(" must be ")); $start = new Concat($start, $string); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(", ")); $start = new Concat($start, $noOop ? self::call('gettype', $param->var) : self::callPoly('gettype', $param->var)); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(" given, called in ")); $start = new Concat($start, self::callPoly('trace', new LNumber(0))); $if = new If_($condition, [new Throw_(new New_(new FullyQualified(\TypeError::class), [new Arg($start)]))]); if ($param->variadic) { $stmts []= new Foreach_($param->var, new Variable('phabelVariadic'), ['keyVar' => new Variable('phabelVariadicIndex'), 'stmts' => [$if]]); } else { $stmts []= $if; } } if ($stmts) { $this->toClosure($func); $func->stmts = \array_merge($stmts, $func->getStmts() ?? []); } if ($this->getConfig('void', false) && $func->getReturnType() instanceof Identifier && $func->getReturnType()->toLowerString() === 'void') { $this->toClosure($func); $this->stack->push([self::VOID_RETURN]); } $var = new Variable('phabelReturn'); if (!$condition = $this->strip($var, $func->getReturnType())) { $this->stack->push([self::IGNORE_RETURN]); return null; } $this->toClosure($func); $this->stack->push([self::TYPE_RETURN, $functionName, $func->returnsByRef(), ...$condition]); return $func; } public function enterReturn(Return_ $return, Context $ctx): ?Node { $current = $this->stack->top(); if ($current[0] === self::IGNORE_RETURN) { return null; } if ($current[0] === self::VOID_RETURN) { if ($return->expr !== null) { // This should be a transpilation error, wait for better stack traces before throwing here return new Throw_(new New_(new FullyQualified(\ParseError::class), [new String_("A void function must not return a value")])); } return null; } [, $functionName, $byRef, $noOop, $string, $condition] = $current; $var = new Variable('phabelReturn'); $assign = $byRef ? new AssignRef($var, $return->expr ?? new Name('null')) : new Assign($var, $return->expr ?? new Name('null')); $start = new String_("Return value of"); $start = new Concat($start, $functionName); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(" must be ")); $start = new Concat($start, $string); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(", ")); $start = new Concat($start, $noOop ? self::call('gettype', $var) : self::callPoly('gettype', $var)); $start = new Concat($start, new String_(" returned in ")); $start = new Concat($start, self::callPoly('trace', 0)); $if = new If_($condition, [new Throw_(new New_(new FullyQualified(\TypeError::class), [new Arg($start)]))]); $return->expr = $var; $ctx->insertBefore($ctx->parents->top(), $assign, $if); } /** * Get trace string for errors. * * @param int $index Index * * @return string */ public static function trace($index) { $trace = \debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2)[$index]; return ($trace['file'] ?? '').' on line '.($trace['line'] ?? ''); } /** * Get type string or object. * * @param mixed $object Object * * @return string */ public static function gettype($object) { if (\is_object($object)) { $type = \get_class($object); return \str_starts_with($type, 'class@anonymous') ? 'instance of class@anonymous' : "instance of $type"; } return \gettype($object); } /** * Runwithafter. * * @return array */ public static function runWithAfter(): array { return [StringConcatOptimizer::class]; } }