# How to use TelegramBots with Eclipse ### Step 1: Install Maven To get started, you need to install the Maven-Plugin for Eclipse. Click on Help > Eclipse Marketplace. After it finished loading, search for “Maven”. Now install **“Maven (Java EE) Integration for Eclipse WTP”**. You have to restart, after the installation is completed. ### Step 2: Download the Project Now you need to get the project itself. Visit [TelegramBots - github.com][1] and choose “Download Zip”, to download the zip-file. [Here] is a direct link if you are lazy. ### Step 3: Create folder Now let’s setup the project-folder. Go to your Eclipse-Workspace and create a folder (name it whatever you want it to be called). I just named it **“TelegramBotApi”**. Afterwards copy everything from the zip-file into that folder. ### Step 4: Import project To import your project into the workspace you have to go to File > Import > (Folder) Maven > Existing Maven Projects > Next. Choose the folder, you have created in Step 3. In my case: **“TelegramBotApi”**. Click on finish and let Maven import the dependencies. ### Step 5: Setting the compliance level In this last step you need to change the Compiler compliance level. To do this right-click on your Project (in my case **“TelegramBotApi”**) > Properties > Java Compiler. Uncheck the “Use compliance from…” if necessary and set it to 1.7 *Now you are done. Everything should work fine. You need to set your Bot-Token in the BotConfig.java, afterwards you can run Main.java to check.* **For a better intstruction sheet, visit [Google Drive]** [Google Drive]:https://goo.gl/5jd40w [here]:https://github.com/rubenlagus/TelegramBots/archive/master.zip [1]:https://github.com/rubenlagus/TelegramBots/