### To version ### 1. Logging framework has been replaced by slf4j, so now you'll need to manage your own implementation. ### To version 4.0.0 ### 1. Replace removed method from AbsSender with `execute` requests. 2. Everything under "Telegrambots-meta" has been moved to package `org.telegram.telegrambots.meta`. 3. `close` method has been removed from `BotSession`, use `stop` instead. 4. All methods that are intended to upload files are using now `InputMedia` and `InputFile`. ### To version 2.4.3 ### 1. Replace `BotOptions` by `DefaultBotOptions`. 2. At the beginning of your program (before creating your `TelegramBotsApi` or `Bot` instance, add the following line: ```java ApiContextInitializer.init(); ``` 3. In `SentCallback`, update parameter types of `onResult` and `onError`. Inside those two method, you don't need to deserialize anything now, it comes already done. 3. **Deprecated** (will be removed in next version): * `org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.BotOptions`. Use `org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.DefaultBotOptions` instead. * `getPersonal` from `AnswerInlineQuery`. Use `isPersonal` instead. * `FILEBASEURL` from `File`. Use `getFileUrl` instead. ### To version 2.4.4 ### 1. Replace `ReplyKeyboardHide` by `ReplyKeyboardRemove` and its field `hideKeyboard` by `removeKeyboard` (remember getter and setters) 2. Replace usage of `edit_message` by `disable_edit_message` (see [this post](https://telegram.me/BotNews/22)) 3. Removed deprecated stuff from version 2.4.3 ### To version ### 1. Replace `BotSession.close()` by `BotSession.stop()`. ### To version ### 1. All calls to `editMessageText`, `editMessageCaption` or `editMessageReplyMarkup` in `AbsSender` return value is changed to `Serializable` 2. In `editMessageTextAsync`, `editMessageCaptionAsync` or `editMessageReplyMarkupAsync` in `AbsSender`, second parameter should become `SentCallback` due to new return type. ### To version 3.0 ### 1. In `Message` object, field `new_chat_member` was replaced by `new_chat_members` that is now an array of users. ### To version 3.0.2 ### 1. If you were using `TelegramLongPollingCommandBot`, add the new [extensions dependency](https://github.com/rubenlagus/TelegramBots/tree/master/telegrambots-extensions) to your maven and fix import statements in your project. 2. If you were using `TelegramLongPollingCommandBot`, make sure you start using constructors with username and prevent overriding `getUsername` method. ### To version 3.2 ### 1. Replace usage of all deprecated methods from AbsSender with methods `execute` or `executeAsync`. 2. If you are extending AbsSender class, implement new added methods.