2020-11-03 01:32:26 +00:00

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package org.telegram.telegrambots.extensions.bots.commandbot.commands.helpCommand;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendMessage;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Chat;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.User;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.bots.AbsSender;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.extensions.bots.commandbot.commands.IBotCommand;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.extensions.bots.commandbot.commands.ICommandRegistry;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions.TelegramApiException;
import java.util.Collection;
* A special bot command used for printing help messages similiar to the Linux man command.
* The commands printed by this command should implement the {@link IManCommand} interface to provide an extended description.
* @author Lukas Prediger(Chase)
* @version 1.0.0
public class HelpCommand extends ManCommand {
private static final String COMMAND_IDENTIFIER = "help";
private static final String COMMAND_DESCRIPTION = "shows all commands. Use /help [command] for more info";
private static final String EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION = "This command displays all commands the bot has to offer.\n /help [command] can display deeper information";
* Returns the command and description of all supplied commands as a formatted String
* @param botCommands the Commands that should be included in the String
* @return a formatted String containing command and description for all supplied commands
public static String getHelpText(IBotCommand...botCommands) {
StringBuilder reply = new StringBuilder();
for (IBotCommand com : botCommands) {
return reply.toString();
* Returns the command and description of all supplied commands as a formatted String
* @param botCommands a collection of commands that should be included in the String
* @return a formatted String containing command and description for all supplied commands
public static String getHelpText(Collection<IBotCommand> botCommands) {
return getHelpText(botCommands.toArray(new IBotCommand[botCommands.size()]));
* Returns the command and description of all supplied commands as a formatted String
* @param registry a commandRegistry which commands are formatted into the String
* @return a formatted String containing command and description for all supplied commands
public static String getHelpText(ICommandRegistry registry) {
return getHelpText(registry.getRegisteredCommands());
* Reads the extended Description from a BotCommand. If the Command is not of Type {@link IManCommand}, it calls toString();
* @param command a command the extended Descriptions is read from
* @return the extended Description or the toString() if IManCommand is not implemented
public static String getManText(IBotCommand command) {
return IManCommand.class.isInstance(command) ? getManText((IManCommand) command) : command.toString();
* Reads the extended Description from a BotCommand;
* @param command a command the extended Descriptions is read from
* @return the extended Description
public static String getManText(IManCommand command) {
return command.toMan();
* Create a Help command with the standard Arguments.
public HelpCommand() {
* Creates a Help Command with custom identifier, description and extended Description
* @param commandIdentifier the unique identifier of this command (e.g. the command string to enter into chat)
* @param description the description of this command
* @param extendedDescription The extended Description for the Command, should provide detailed information about arguments and possible options
public HelpCommand(String commandIdentifier, String description, String extendedDescription) {
super(commandIdentifier, description, extendedDescription);
public void execute(AbsSender absSender, User user, Chat chat, String[] arguments) {
if (ICommandRegistry.class.isInstance(absSender)) {
ICommandRegistry registry = (ICommandRegistry) absSender;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
IBotCommand command = registry.getRegisteredCommand(arguments[0]);
String reply = getManText(command);
try {
} catch (TelegramApiException e) {
} else {
String reply = getHelpText(registry);
try {
} catch (TelegramApiException e) {