/* * Copyright (c) 1994, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package org.warp.commonutils.stream; import java.io.DataInput; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; /** * A data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data * types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent * way. An application uses a data output stream to write data that * can later be read by a data input stream. *

* DataInputStream is not necessarily safe for multithreaded access. * Thread safety is optional and is the responsibility of users of * methods in this class. * * @author Arthur van Hoff * @see java.io.DataOutputStream * @since 1.0 */ public class SafeDataInputStream extends SafeFilterInputStream implements DataInput { /** * Creates a DataInputStream that uses the specified * underlying InputStream. * * @param in the specified input stream */ public SafeDataInputStream(SafeInputStream in) { super(in); } /** * working arrays initialized on demand by readUTF */ private byte[] bytearr = new byte[80]; private char[] chararr = new char[80]; /** * Reads some number of bytes from the contained input stream and * stores them into the buffer array {@code b}. The number of * bytes actually read is returned as an integer. This method blocks * until input data is available, end of file is detected, or an * exception is thrown. * *

If {@code b} is null, a {@code NullPointerException} is * thrown. If the length of {@code b} is zero, then no bytes are * read and {@code 0} is returned; otherwise, there is an attempt * to read at least one byte. If no byte is available because the * stream is at end of file, the value {@code -1} is returned; * otherwise, at least one byte is read and stored into {@code b}. * *

The first byte read is stored into element {@code b[0]}, the * next one into {@code b[1]}, and so on. The number of bytes read * is, at most, equal to the length of {@code b}. Let {@code k} * be the number of bytes actually read; these bytes will be stored in * elements {@code b[0]} through {@code b[k-1]}, leaving * elements {@code b[k]} through {@code b[b.length-1]} * unaffected. * *

The {@code read(b)} method has the same effect as: *

	 * read(b, 0, b.length)
* * @param b the buffer into which the data is read. * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or * {@code -1} if there is no more data because the end * of the stream has been reached. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in * @see java.io.InputStream#read(byte[], int, int) */ public final int read(byte[] b) { return in.read(b, 0, b.length); } /** * Reads up to {@code len} bytes of data from the contained * input stream into an array of bytes. An attempt is made to read * as many as {@code len} bytes, but a smaller number may be read, * possibly zero. The number of bytes actually read is returned as an * integer. * *

This method blocks until input data is available, end of file is * detected, or an exception is thrown. * *

If {@code len} is zero, then no bytes are read and * {@code 0} is returned; otherwise, there is an attempt to read at * least one byte. If no byte is available because the stream is at end of * file, the value {@code -1} is returned; otherwise, at least one * byte is read and stored into {@code b}. * *

The first byte read is stored into element {@code b[off]}, the * next one into {@code b[off+1]}, and so on. The number of bytes read * is, at most, equal to {@code len}. Let k be the number of * bytes actually read; these bytes will be stored in elements * {@code b[off]} through {@code b[off+}k{@code -1]}, * leaving elements {@code b[off+}k{@code ]} through * {@code b[off+len-1]} unaffected. * *

In every case, elements {@code b[0]} through * {@code b[off]} and elements {@code b[off+len]} through * {@code b[b.length-1]} are unaffected. * * @param b the buffer into which the data is read. * @param off the start offset in the destination array {@code b} * @param len the maximum number of bytes read. * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or * {@code -1} if there is no more data because the end * of the stream has been reached. * @throws NullPointerException If {@code b} is {@code null}. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If {@code off} is negative, * {@code len} is negative, or {@code len} is greater than * {@code b.length - off} * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in * @see java.io.InputStream#read(byte[], int, int) */ public final int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) { return in.read(b, off, len); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readFully} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @param b the buffer into which the data is read. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code b} is {@code null}. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final void readFully(byte @NotNull [] b) { readFully(b, 0, b.length); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readFully} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @param b the buffer into which the data is read. * @param off the start offset in the data array {@code b}. * @param len the number of bytes to read. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code b} is {@code null}. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is negative, * {@code len} is negative, or {@code len} is greater than * {@code b.length - off}. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final void readFully(byte @NotNull [] b, int off, int len) { if (len < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); int n = 0; while (n < len) { int count = in.read(b, off + n, len - n); if (count < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); n += count; } } /** * See the general contract of the {@code skipBytes} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @param n the number of bytes to be skipped. * @return the actual number of bytes skipped. */ public final int skipBytes(int n) { int total = 0; int cur; while ((total 0)) { total += cur; } return total; } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readBoolean} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the {@code boolean} value read. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final boolean readBoolean() { int ch = in.read(); if (ch < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (ch != 0); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readByte} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next byte of this input stream as a signed 8-bit * {@code byte}. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final byte readByte() { int ch = in.read(); if (ch < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (byte)(ch); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readUnsignedByte} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next byte of this input stream, interpreted as an * unsigned 8-bit number. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final int readUnsignedByte() { int ch = in.read(); if (ch < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return ch; } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readShort} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next two bytes of this input stream, interpreted as a * signed 16-bit number. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final short readShort() { int ch1 = in.read(); int ch2 = in.read(); if ((ch1 | ch2) < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (short)((ch1 << 8) + (ch2 << 0)); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readUnsignedShort} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next two bytes of this input stream, interpreted as an * unsigned 16-bit integer. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final int readUnsignedShort() { int ch1 = in.read(); int ch2 = in.read(); if ((ch1 | ch2) < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (ch1 << 8) + (ch2 << 0); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readChar} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next two bytes of this input stream, interpreted as a * {@code char}. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final char readChar() { int ch1 = in.read(); int ch2 = in.read(); if ((ch1 | ch2) < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (char)((ch1 << 8) + (ch2 << 0)); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readInt} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next four bytes of this input stream, interpreted as an * {@code int}. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final int readInt() { int ch1 = in.read(); int ch2 = in.read(); int ch3 = in.read(); int ch4 = in.read(); if ((ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4) < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return ((ch1 << 24) + (ch2 << 16) + (ch3 << 8) + (ch4 << 0)); } private final byte[] readBuffer = new byte[8]; /** * See the general contract of the {@code readLong} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next eight bytes of this input stream, interpreted as a * {@code long}. * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ public final long readLong() { readFully(readBuffer, 0, 8); return (((long)readBuffer[0] << 56) + ((long)(readBuffer[1] & 255) << 48) + ((long)(readBuffer[2] & 255) << 40) + ((long)(readBuffer[3] & 255) << 32) + ((long)(readBuffer[4] & 255) << 24) + ((readBuffer[5] & 255) << 16) + ((readBuffer[6] & 255) << 8) + ((readBuffer[7] & 255) << 0)); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readFloat} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next four bytes of this input stream, interpreted as a * {@code float}. * @see SafeDataInputStream#readInt() * @see java.lang.Float#intBitsToFloat(int) */ public final float readFloat() { return Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt()); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readDouble} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return the next eight bytes of this input stream, interpreted as a * {@code double}. * @see SafeDataInputStream#readLong() * @see java.lang.Double#longBitsToDouble(long) */ public final double readDouble() { return Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong()); } private char[] lineBuffer; /** * See the general contract of the {@code readLine} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @deprecated This method does not properly convert bytes to characters. * As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to read lines of text is via the * {@code BufferedReader.readLine()} method. Programs that use the * {@code DataInputStream} class to read lines can be converted to use * the {@code BufferedReader} class by replacing code of the form: *

	 *     DataInputStream d = new DataInputStream(in);
* with: *
	 *     BufferedReader d
	 *          = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
* * @return the next line of text from this input stream. * @see java.io.BufferedReader#readLine() * @see SafeFilterInputStream#in */ @Deprecated public final String readLine() { char[] buf = lineBuffer; if (buf == null) { buf = lineBuffer = new char[128]; } int room = buf.length; int offset = 0; int c; loop: while (true) { switch (c = in.read()) { case -1: case '\n': break loop; case '\r': int c2 = in.read(); if ((c2 != '\n') && (c2 != -1)) { if (!(in instanceof SafePushbackInputStream)) { this.in = new SafePushbackInputStream(in); } ((SafePushbackInputStream)in).unread(c2); } break loop; default: if (--room < 0) { buf = new char[offset + 128]; room = buf.length - offset - 1; System.arraycopy(lineBuffer, 0, buf, 0, offset); lineBuffer = buf; } buf[offset++] = (char) c; break; } } if ((c == -1) && (offset == 0)) { return null; } return String.copyValueOf(buf, 0, offset); } /** * See the general contract of the {@code readUTF} * method of {@code DataInput}. *

* Bytes * for this operation are read from the contained * input stream. * * @return a Unicode string. * @see SafeDataInputStream#readUTF(SafeDataInputStream) */ public final @NotNull String readUTF() { return readUTF(this); } /** * Reads from the * stream {@code in} a representation * of a Unicode character string encoded in * modified UTF-8 format; * this string of characters is then returned as a {@code String}. * The details of the modified UTF-8 representation * are exactly the same as for the {@code readUTF} * method of {@code DataInput}. * * @param in a data input stream. * @return a Unicode string. * @see SafeDataInputStream#readUnsignedShort() */ public static String readUTF(SafeDataInputStream in) { int utflen = in.readUnsignedShort(); byte[] bytearr; char[] chararr; if (in.bytearr.length < utflen){ in.bytearr = new byte[utflen*2]; in.chararr = new char[utflen*2]; } chararr = in.chararr; bytearr = in.bytearr; int c, char2, char3; int count = 0; int chararr_count=0; in.readFully(bytearr, 0, utflen); while (count < utflen) { c = (int) bytearr[count] & 0xff; if (c > 127) break; count++; chararr[chararr_count++]=(char)c; } while (count < utflen) { c = (int) bytearr[count] & 0xff; switch (c >> 4) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: /* 0xxxxxxx*/ count++; chararr[chararr_count++]=(char)c; break; case 12: case 13: /* 110x xxxx 10xx xxxx*/ count += 2; if (count > utflen) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malformed input: partial character at end"); char2 = bytearr[count-1]; if ((char2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malformed input around byte " + count); chararr[chararr_count++]=(char)(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F)); break; case 14: /* 1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx */ count += 3; if (count > utflen) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malformed input: partial character at end"); char2 = bytearr[count-2]; char3 = bytearr[count-1]; if (((char2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((char3 & 0xC0) != 0x80)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malformed input around byte " + (count-1)); chararr[chararr_count++]=(char)(((c & 0x0F) << 12) | ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0)); break; default: /* 10xx xxxx, 1111 xxxx */ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malformed input around byte " + count); } } // The number of chars produced may be less than utflen return new String(chararr, 0, chararr_count); } }