Class TdApi.ChangeStickerSet

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChangeStickerSet
extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.Ok>
Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.

Returns Ok

  • Field Details

    • setId

      public long setId
      Identifier of the sticker set.
    • isInstalled

      public boolean isInstalled
      The new value of isInstalled.
    • isArchived

      public boolean isArchived
      The new value of isArchived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChangeStickerSet

      public ChangeStickerSet()
      Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.

      Returns Ok

    • ChangeStickerSet

      public ChangeStickerSet​(long setId, boolean isInstalled, boolean isArchived)
      Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.

      Returns Ok

      setId - long Identifier of the sticker set.
      isInstalled - boolean The new value of isInstalled.
      isArchived - boolean The new value of isArchived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously.
    • ChangeStickerSet

      public ChangeStickerSet​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details