Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.BackgroundTypeWallpaper

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.BackgroundTypeWallpaper extends TdApi.BackgroundType
A wallpaper in JPEG format.
  • Field Details

    • isBlurred

      public boolean isBlurred
      True, if the wallpaper must be downscaled to fit in 450x450 square and then box-blurred with radius 12.
    • isMoving

      public boolean isMoving
      True, if the background needs to be slightly moved when device is tilted.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BackgroundTypeWallpaper

      public BackgroundTypeWallpaper()
      A wallpaper in JPEG format.
    • BackgroundTypeWallpaper

      public BackgroundTypeWallpaper(boolean isBlurred, boolean isMoving)
      A wallpaper in JPEG format.
      isBlurred - boolean True, if the wallpaper must be downscaled to fit in 450x450 square and then box-blurred with radius 12.
      isMoving - boolean True, if the background needs to be slightly moved when device is tilted.
    • BackgroundTypeWallpaper

      public BackgroundTypeWallpaper(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details