Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.UserTypeBot

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.UserTypeBot extends TdApi.UserType
A bot (see
  • Field Details

    • canJoinGroups

      public boolean canJoinGroups
      True, if the bot can be invited to basic group and supergroup chats.
    • canReadAllGroupMessages

      public boolean canReadAllGroupMessages
      True, if the bot can read all messages in basic group or supergroup chats and not just those addressed to the bot. In private and channel chats a bot can always read all messages.
    • isInline

      public boolean isInline
      True, if the bot supports inline queries.
    • inlineQueryPlaceholder

      public String inlineQueryPlaceholder
      Placeholder for inline queries (displayed on the application input field).
    • needLocation

      public boolean needLocation
      True, if the location of the user is expected to be sent with every inline query to this bot.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UserTypeBot

      public UserTypeBot()
      A bot (see
    • UserTypeBot

      public UserTypeBot(boolean canJoinGroups, boolean canReadAllGroupMessages, boolean isInline, String inlineQueryPlaceholder, boolean needLocation)
      A bot (see
      canJoinGroups - boolean True, if the bot can be invited to basic group and supergroup chats.
      canReadAllGroupMessages - boolean True, if the bot can read all messages in basic group or supergroup chats and not just those addressed to the bot. In private and channel chats a bot can always read all messages.
      isInline - boolean True, if the bot supports inline queries.
      inlineQueryPlaceholder - String Placeholder for inline queries (displayed on the application input field).
      needLocation - boolean True, if the location of the user is expected to be sent with every inline query to this bot.
    • UserTypeBot

      public UserTypeBot(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details