This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about the period
of inactivity after which the current
user's account will automatically be deleted.
Represents a reaction applied to a message.
Animated variant of a chat photo in MPEG4 format.
Describes an animated representation
of an emoji.
Describes an animation file.
Information about the authentication
code that was sent.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains auto-download settings.
Describes a chat background.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes an action associated with
a bank card number.
Represents a basic group of 0-200
users (must be upgraded to a supergroup
to accommodate more than 200 users).
Contains full information about a basic group.
Represents a command supported by a bot.
Contains a list of bot commands.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Specifies the supported call protocols.
Describes a server for relaying call data.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about a chat administrator.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a set of filters used to
obtain a chat event log.
Represents a filter of user chats.
Contains basic information about a chat filter.
Contains a chat invite link.
Describes a chat administrator with
a number of active and revoked chat invite links.
Contains information about a chat invite link.
Describes a chat member joined a chat
via an invite link.
Describes a user that sent a join
request and waits for administrator approval.
Contains information about pending
join requests for a chat.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a location to which a chat is connected.
Describes a user or a chat as a member
of another chat.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a chat located nearby.
Contains information about notification
settings for a chat.
Describes actions that a user is
allowed to take in a chat.
Describes a chat or user profile photo.
Contains basic information about the
photo of a chat.
Describes a position of a chat in a chat list.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains statistics about administrator
actions done by a user.
Contains statistics about number of
new members invited by a user.
Contains statistics about interactions
with a message.
Contains statistics about messages
sent by a user.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a closed vector path.
Contains information about one website
the current user is logged in with Telegram.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a user contact.
Contains information about a country.
Represents a date according to the Gregorian calendar.
File with the date it was uploaded.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a document of any type.
Contains information about a message draft.
Information about the email address
authentication code that was sent.
Represents a list of emoji.
Contains encrypted Telegram Passport data credentials.
Contains information about an encrypted
Telegram Passport element; for bots only.
An object of this type can be returned
on every function call, in case of an error.
This class is an abstract base class.
A text with some entities.
Contains one row of the game high score table.
Represents a group call participant.
Contains information about a group
call participant's video channel.
Describes a recently speaking participant
in a group call.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a group of video synchronization source identifiers.
Represents a single button in an inline keyboard.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
An identity document to be saved to Telegram Passport.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains the description of an error
in a Telegram Passport element; for bots only.
This class is an abstract base class.
A personal document to be saved to Telegram Passport.
A sticker to be added to a sticker set.
A thumbnail to be sent along with a
file; must be in JPEG or WEBP format
for stickers, and less than 200 KB in size.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents one member of a JSON object.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a single button in a bot keyboard.
This class is an abstract base class.
Portion of the price of a product
(e.g., "delivery cost", "tax amount").
Contains information about a language pack.
Represents one language pack string.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a location on planet Earth.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Position on a photo where a mask is placed.
Contains information about found
messages sent on a specific day.
This class is an abstract base class.
Options to be used when a message
content is copied without reference
to the original sender.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about a forwarded message.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about interactions
with a message.
Contains information about a message
in a specific position.
Contains information about a reaction
to a message.
Contains information about replies to a message.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Options to be used when a message is sent.
Thumbnail image of a very poor quality
and low resolution.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about a notification.
Describes a group of notifications.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains a caption of an instant view
web page block, consisting of a text
and a trailing credit.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes an item of a list page block.
Contains information about a related article.
Represents a cell of a table.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains the description of an error
in a Telegram Passport element.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains a description of the required
Telegram Passport element that was
requested by a service.
Contains information about a Telegram
Passport element that was requested
by a service.
Theme colors for a payment form.
Contains the user's personal details.
A personal document, containing some
information about a user.
Contains settings for the authentication
of the user's phone number.
Describes an image in JPEG format.
A point on a Cartesian plane.
Describes one answer option of a poll.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a user profile photo.
Contains information about a proxy server.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains stickers which must be used
for reaction animation rendering.
Describes a recommended chat filter.
Represents a remote file.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about saved card credentials.
Contains information about notification
settings for several chats.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a secret chat.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about one session
in a Telegram application used by the
current user.
This class is an abstract base class.
A value with information about its recent changes.
Represents a sticker set.
Represents short information about a sticker set.
Represents a list of sticker sets.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains the storage usage statistics
for a specific chat.
Contains the storage usage statistics
for a specific file type.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a supergroup or channel
with zero or more members (subscribers
in the case of channels).
Contains full information about a
supergroup or channel.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains parameters for TDLib initialization.
Contains Telegram terms of service.
A simple object containing a number;
for testing only.
A simple object containing a string;
for testing only.
Represents a part of the text that
needs to be formatted in some unusual way.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes theme settings.
This class is an abstract base class.
Represents a URL linking to an internal Telegram entity.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains information about an unread
reaction to a message.
This class is an abstract base class.
Contains full information about a user.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
This class is an abstract base class.
Describes a web page preview.