Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    If true, notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
    If true, notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
    Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds.
    True, if message content must be displayed in notifications.
    Identifier of the notification sound to be played; 0 if sound is disabled.
    If true, disableMentionNotifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    If true, disablePinnedMessageNotifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    If true, muteFor is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    If true, showPreview is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    If true, the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead of soundId.
  • Constructor Summary

    Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
    ChatNotificationSettings(boolean useDefaultMuteFor, int muteFor, boolean useDefaultSound, long soundId, boolean useDefaultShowPreview, boolean showPreview, boolean useDefaultDisablePinnedMessageNotifications, boolean disablePinnedMessageNotifications, boolean useDefaultDisableMentionNotifications, boolean disableMentionNotifications)
    Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
    Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type

    Methods inherited from class it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object

    serialize, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • useDefaultMuteFor

      public boolean useDefaultMuteFor
      If true, muteFor is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    • muteFor

      public int muteFor
      Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds.
    • useDefaultSound

      public boolean useDefaultSound
      If true, the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead of soundId.
    • soundId

      public long soundId
      Identifier of the notification sound to be played; 0 if sound is disabled.
    • useDefaultShowPreview

      public boolean useDefaultShowPreview
      If true, showPreview is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    • showPreview

      public boolean showPreview
      True, if message content must be displayed in notifications.
    • useDefaultDisablePinnedMessageNotifications

      public boolean useDefaultDisablePinnedMessageNotifications
      If true, disablePinnedMessageNotifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    • disablePinnedMessageNotifications

      public boolean disablePinnedMessageNotifications
      If true, notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
    • useDefaultDisableMentionNotifications

      public boolean useDefaultDisableMentionNotifications
      If true, disableMentionNotifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
    • disableMentionNotifications

      public boolean disableMentionNotifications
      If true, notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatNotificationSettings

      public ChatNotificationSettings()
      Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
    • ChatNotificationSettings

      public ChatNotificationSettings(boolean useDefaultMuteFor, int muteFor, boolean useDefaultSound, long soundId, boolean useDefaultShowPreview, boolean showPreview, boolean useDefaultDisablePinnedMessageNotifications, boolean disablePinnedMessageNotifications, boolean useDefaultDisableMentionNotifications, boolean disableMentionNotifications)
      Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
      useDefaultMuteFor - boolean If true, muteFor is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
      muteFor - int Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds.
      useDefaultSound - boolean If true, the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead of soundId.
      soundId - long Identifier of the notification sound to be played; 0 if sound is disabled.
      useDefaultShowPreview - boolean If true, showPreview is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
      showPreview - boolean True, if message content must be displayed in notifications.
      useDefaultDisablePinnedMessageNotifications - boolean If true, disablePinnedMessageNotifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
      disablePinnedMessageNotifications - boolean If true, notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
      useDefaultDisableMentionNotifications - boolean If true, disableMentionNotifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead.
      disableMentionNotifications - boolean If true, notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
    • ChatNotificationSettings

      public ChatNotificationSettings(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Contains information about notification settings for a chat.
  • Method Details