Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.AttachmentMenuBot

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.AttachmentMenuBot extends TdApi.Object
Represents a bot added to attachment menu.
  • Field Details

    • botUserId

      public long botUserId
      User identifier of the bot added to attachment menu.
    • name

      public String name
      Name for the bot in attachment menu.
    • nameColor

      public TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor nameColor
      Color to highlight selected name of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
    • defaultIcon

      public TdApi.File defaultIcon
      Default attachment menu icon for the bot in SVG format; may be null.
    • iosStaticIcon

      public TdApi.File iosStaticIcon
      Attachment menu icon for the bot in SVG format for the official iOS app; may be null.
    • iosAnimatedIcon

      public TdApi.File iosAnimatedIcon
      Attachment menu icon for the bot in TGS format for the official iOS app; may be null.
    • androidIcon

      public TdApi.File androidIcon
      Attachment menu icon for the bot in TGS format for the official Android app; may be null.
    • macosIcon

      public TdApi.File macosIcon
      Attachment menu icon for the bot in TGS format for the official native macOS app; may be null.
    • iconColor

      public TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor iconColor
      Color to highlight selected icon of the bot if appropriate; may be null.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AttachmentMenuBot

      public AttachmentMenuBot()
      Represents a bot added to attachment menu.
    • AttachmentMenuBot

      public AttachmentMenuBot(long botUserId, String name, TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor nameColor, TdApi.File defaultIcon, TdApi.File iosStaticIcon, TdApi.File iosAnimatedIcon, TdApi.File androidIcon, TdApi.File macosIcon, TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor iconColor)
      Represents a bot added to attachment menu.
      botUserId - long User identifier of the bot added to attachment menu.
      name - String Name for the bot in attachment menu.
      nameColor - AttachmentMenuBotColor Color to highlight selected name of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
      defaultIcon - File Default attachment menu icon for the bot in SVG format; may be null.
      iosStaticIcon - File Attachment menu icon for the bot in SVG format for the official iOS app; may be null.
      iosAnimatedIcon - File Attachment menu icon for the bot in TGS format for the official iOS app; may be null.
      androidIcon - File Attachment menu icon for the bot in TGS format for the official Android app; may be null.
      macosIcon - File Attachment menu icon for the bot in TGS format for the official native macOS app; may be null.
      iconColor - AttachmentMenuBotColor Color to highlight selected icon of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
    • AttachmentMenuBot

      public AttachmentMenuBot(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Represents a bot added to attachment menu.
  • Method Details