Class TdApi.IdentityDocument

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.IdentityDocument
extends TdApi.Object
An identity document.
  • Field Details

    • number

      public String number
      Document number; 1-24 characters.
    • expiryDate

      public TdApi.Date expiryDate
      Document expiry date; may be null if not applicable.
    • frontSide

      public TdApi.DatedFile frontSide
      Front side of the document.
    • reverseSide

      public TdApi.DatedFile reverseSide
      Reverse side of the document; only for driver license and identity card; may be null.
    • selfie

      public TdApi.DatedFile selfie
      Selfie with the document; may be null.
    • translation

      public TdApi.DatedFile[] translation
      List of files containing a certified English translation of the document.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • IdentityDocument

      public IdentityDocument()
      An identity document.
    • IdentityDocument

      public IdentityDocument​(String number, TdApi.Date expiryDate, TdApi.DatedFile frontSide, TdApi.DatedFile reverseSide, TdApi.DatedFile selfie, TdApi.DatedFile[] translation)
      An identity document.
      number - String Document number; 1-24 characters.
      expiryDate - Date Document expiry date; may be null if not applicable.
      frontSide - DatedFile Front side of the document.
      reverseSide - DatedFile Reverse side of the document; only for driver license and identity card; may be null.
      selfie - DatedFile Selfie with the document; may be null.
      translation - DatedFile[] List of files containing a certified English translation of the document.
    • IdentityDocument

      public IdentityDocument​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details