Class TdApi.JoinGroupCall

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.JoinGroupCall
extends TdApi.Function
Joins a group call.

Returns GroupCallJoinResponse

  • Field Details

    • groupCallId

      public int groupCallId
      Group call identifier.
    • participantAlias

      public TdApi.MessageSender participantAlias
      Identifier of the group call participant, which will be used to join the call; voice chats only.
    • payload

      public TdApi.GroupCallPayload payload
      Group join payload; received from tgcalls.
    • source

      public int source
      Caller synchronization source identifier; received from tgcalls.
    • isMuted

      public boolean isMuted
      True, if the user's microphone is muted.
    • inviteHash

      public String inviteHash
      If non-empty, invite hash to be used to join the group call without being muted by administrators.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • JoinGroupCall

      public JoinGroupCall()
      Joins a group call.

      Returns GroupCallJoinResponse

    • JoinGroupCall

      public JoinGroupCall​(int groupCallId, TdApi.MessageSender participantAlias, TdApi.GroupCallPayload payload, int source, boolean isMuted, String inviteHash)
      Joins a group call.

      Returns GroupCallJoinResponse

      groupCallId - int Group call identifier.
      participantAlias - MessageSender Identifier of the group call participant, which will be used to join the call; voice chats only.
      payload - GroupCallPayload Group join payload; received from tgcalls.
      source - int Caller synchronization source identifier; received from tgcalls.
      isMuted - boolean True, if the user's microphone is muted.
      inviteHash - String If non-empty, invite hash to be used to join the group call without being muted by administrators.
    • JoinGroupCall

      public JoinGroupCall​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details