Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.EditChatInviteLink

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.EditChatInviteLink extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.ChatInviteLink>
Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and canInviteUsers right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for other links. Returns ChatInviteLink
  • Field Details

    • chatId

      public long chatId
      Chat identifier.
    • name

      public String name
      Invite link name; 0-32 characters.
    • expirationDate

      public int expirationDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire; pass 0 if never.
    • memberLimit

      public int memberLimit
      The maximum number of chat members that can join the chat via the link simultaneously; 0-99999; pass 0 if not limited.
    • createsJoinRequest

      public boolean createsJoinRequest
      True, if the link only creates join request. If true, memberLimit must not be specified.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EditChatInviteLink

      public EditChatInviteLink()
      Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and canInviteUsers right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for other links. Returns ChatInviteLink
    • EditChatInviteLink

      public EditChatInviteLink(long chatId, String inviteLink, String name, int expirationDate, int memberLimit, boolean createsJoinRequest)
      Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and canInviteUsers right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for other links. Returns ChatInviteLink
      chatId - long Chat identifier.
      inviteLink - String Invite link to be edited.
      name - String Invite link name; 0-32 characters.
      expirationDate - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire; pass 0 if never.
      memberLimit - int The maximum number of chat members that can join the chat via the link simultaneously; 0-99999; pass 0 if not limited.
      createsJoinRequest - boolean True, if the link only creates join request. If true, memberLimit must not be specified.
    • EditChatInviteLink

      public EditChatInviteLink(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat. Available for basic groups, supergroups, and channels. Requires administrator privileges and canInviteUsers right in the chat for own links and owner privileges for other links. Returns ChatInviteLink
  • Method Details