Class TdApi.GroupCallParticipant

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GroupCallParticipant
extends TdApi.Object
Represents a group call participant.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    boolean canBeMutedForAllUsers
    True, if the current user can mute the participant for all other group call participants.
    boolean canBeMutedForCurrentUser
    True, if the current user can mute the participant only for self.
    boolean canBeUnmutedForAllUsers
    True, if the current user can allow the participant to unmute themself or unmute the participant (if the participant is the current user).
    boolean canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser
    True, if the current user can unmute the participant for self.
    boolean canUnmuteSelf
    True, if the participant is muted for all users, but can unmute themself.
    static int CONSTRUCTOR  
    boolean isMutedForAllUsers
    True, if the participant is muted for all users.
    boolean isMutedForCurrentUser
    True, if the participant is muted for the current user.
    boolean isSpeaking
    True, if the participant is speaking as set by setGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking.
    long order
    User's order in the group call participant list.
    int source
    User's synchronization source.
    int userId
    Identifier of the user.
    int volumeLevel
    Participant's volume level; 1-20000 in hundreds of percents.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Represents a group call participant.
    GroupCallParticipant​(int userId, int source, boolean isSpeaking, boolean canBeMutedForAllUsers, boolean canBeUnmutedForAllUsers, boolean canBeMutedForCurrentUser, boolean canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser, boolean isMutedForAllUsers, boolean isMutedForCurrentUser, boolean canUnmuteSelf, int volumeLevel, long order)
    Represents a group call participant.
    GroupCallParticipant​(DataInput input)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(Object o)  
    int getConstructor()  
    int hashCode()  
    void serialize​(DataOutput output)  

    Methods inherited from class it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object

    serialize, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • userId

      public int userId
      Identifier of the user.
    • source

      public int source
      User's synchronization source.
    • isSpeaking

      public boolean isSpeaking
      True, if the participant is speaking as set by setGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking.
    • canBeMutedForAllUsers

      public boolean canBeMutedForAllUsers
      True, if the current user can mute the participant for all other group call participants.
    • canBeUnmutedForAllUsers

      public boolean canBeUnmutedForAllUsers
      True, if the current user can allow the participant to unmute themself or unmute the participant (if the participant is the current user).
    • canBeMutedForCurrentUser

      public boolean canBeMutedForCurrentUser
      True, if the current user can mute the participant only for self.
    • canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser

      public boolean canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser
      True, if the current user can unmute the participant for self.
    • isMutedForAllUsers

      public boolean isMutedForAllUsers
      True, if the participant is muted for all users.
    • isMutedForCurrentUser

      public boolean isMutedForCurrentUser
      True, if the participant is muted for the current user.
    • canUnmuteSelf

      public boolean canUnmuteSelf
      True, if the participant is muted for all users, but can unmute themself.
    • volumeLevel

      public int volumeLevel
      Participant's volume level; 1-20000 in hundreds of percents.
    • order

      public long order
      User's order in the group call participant list. The bigger is order, the higher is user in the list. If order is 0, the user must be removed from the participant list.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupCallParticipant

      public GroupCallParticipant()
      Represents a group call participant.
    • GroupCallParticipant

      public GroupCallParticipant​(int userId, int source, boolean isSpeaking, boolean canBeMutedForAllUsers, boolean canBeUnmutedForAllUsers, boolean canBeMutedForCurrentUser, boolean canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser, boolean isMutedForAllUsers, boolean isMutedForCurrentUser, boolean canUnmuteSelf, int volumeLevel, long order)
      Represents a group call participant.
      userId - int Identifier of the user.
      source - int User's synchronization source.
      isSpeaking - boolean True, if the participant is speaking as set by setGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking.
      canBeMutedForAllUsers - boolean True, if the current user can mute the participant for all other group call participants.
      canBeUnmutedForAllUsers - boolean True, if the current user can allow the participant to unmute themself or unmute the participant (if the participant is the current user).
      canBeMutedForCurrentUser - boolean True, if the current user can mute the participant only for self.
      canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser - boolean True, if the current user can unmute the participant for self.
      isMutedForAllUsers - boolean True, if the participant is muted for all users.
      isMutedForCurrentUser - boolean True, if the participant is muted for the current user.
      canUnmuteSelf - boolean True, if the participant is muted for all users, but can unmute themself.
      volumeLevel - int Participant's volume level; 1-20000 in hundreds of percents.
      order - long User's order in the group call participant list. The bigger is order, the higher is user in the list. If order is 0, the user must be removed from the participant list.
    • GroupCallParticipant

      public GroupCallParticipant​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details