Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.CreateVideoChat

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.CreateVideoChat extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.GroupCallId>
Creates a video chat (a group call bound to a chat). Available only for basic groups, supergroups and channels; requires canManageVideoChats rights. Returns GroupCallId
  • Field Details

    • chatId

      public long chatId
      Chat identifier, in which the video chat will be created.
    • title

      public String title
      Group call title; if empty, chat title will be used.
    • startDate

      public int startDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator; 0 to start the video chat immediately. The date must be at least 10 seconds and at most 8 days in the future.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateVideoChat

      public CreateVideoChat()
      Creates a video chat (a group call bound to a chat). Available only for basic groups, supergroups and channels; requires canManageVideoChats rights. Returns GroupCallId
    • CreateVideoChat

      public CreateVideoChat(long chatId, String title, int startDate)
      Creates a video chat (a group call bound to a chat). Available only for basic groups, supergroups and channels; requires canManageVideoChats rights. Returns GroupCallId
      chatId - long Chat identifier, in which the video chat will be created.
      title - String Group call title; if empty, chat title will be used.
      startDate - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator; 0 to start the video chat immediately. The date must be at least 10 seconds and at most 8 days in the future.
    • CreateVideoChat

      public CreateVideoChat(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Creates a video chat (a group call bound to a chat). Available only for basic groups, supergroups and channels; requires canManageVideoChats rights. Returns GroupCallId
  • Method Details