Class TdApi.UpdateFileGenerationStart

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.UpdateFileGenerationStart
extends TdApi.Update
The file generation process needs to be started by the application.
  • Field Details

    • generationId

      public long generationId
      Unique identifier for the generation process.
    • originalPath

      public String originalPath
      The path to a file from which a new file is generated; may be empty.
    • destinationPath

      public String destinationPath
      The path to a file that should be created and where the new file should be generated.
    • conversion

      public String conversion
      String specifying the conversion applied to the original file. If conversion is "#url#" than originalPath contains an HTTP/HTTPS URL of a file, which should be downloaded by the application.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateFileGenerationStart

      public UpdateFileGenerationStart()
      The file generation process needs to be started by the application.
    • UpdateFileGenerationStart

      public UpdateFileGenerationStart​(long generationId, String originalPath, String destinationPath, String conversion)
      The file generation process needs to be started by the application.
      generationId - long Unique identifier for the generation process.
      originalPath - String The path to a file from which a new file is generated; may be empty.
      destinationPath - String The path to a file that should be created and where the new file should be generated.
      conversion - String String specifying the conversion applied to the original file. If conversion is "#url#" than originalPath contains an HTTP/HTTPS URL of a file, which should be downloaded by the application.
    • UpdateFileGenerationStart

      public UpdateFileGenerationStart​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details