Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.ForumTopic

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.ForumTopic extends TdApi.Object
Describes a forum topic.
  • Field Details

    • info

      public TdApi.ForumTopicInfo info
      Basic information about the topic.
    • lastMessage

      public TdApi.Message lastMessage
      Last message in the topic; may be null.
    • isPinned

      public boolean isPinned
      True, if the topic is pinned in the topic list.
    • unreadCount

      public int unreadCount
      Number of unread messages in the topic.
    • lastReadInboxMessageId

      public long lastReadInboxMessageId
      Identifier of the last read incoming message.
    • lastReadOutboxMessageId

      public long lastReadOutboxMessageId
      Identifier of the last read outgoing message.
    • unreadMentionCount

      public int unreadMentionCount
      Number of unread messages with a mention/reply in the topic.
    • unreadReactionCount

      public int unreadReactionCount
      Number of messages with unread reactions in the topic.
    • notificationSettings

      public TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings
      Notification settings for the topic.
    • draftMessage

      public TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage
      A draft of a message in the topic; may be null.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ForumTopic

      public ForumTopic()
      Describes a forum topic.
    • ForumTopic

      public ForumTopic(TdApi.ForumTopicInfo info, TdApi.Message lastMessage, boolean isPinned, int unreadCount, long lastReadInboxMessageId, long lastReadOutboxMessageId, int unreadMentionCount, int unreadReactionCount, TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings, TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage)
      Describes a forum topic.
      info - ForumTopicInfo Basic information about the topic.
      lastMessage - Message Last message in the topic; may be null.
      isPinned - boolean True, if the topic is pinned in the topic list.
      unreadCount - int Number of unread messages in the topic.
      lastReadInboxMessageId - long Identifier of the last read incoming message.
      lastReadOutboxMessageId - long Identifier of the last read outgoing message.
      unreadMentionCount - int Number of unread messages with a mention/reply in the topic.
      unreadReactionCount - int Number of messages with unread reactions in the topic.
      notificationSettings - ChatNotificationSettings Notification settings for the topic.
      draftMessage - DraftMessage A draft of a message in the topic; may be null.
    • ForumTopic

      public ForumTopic(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Describes a forum topic.
  • Method Details