Class TdApi.CallStateDiscarded

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.CallStateDiscarded
extends TdApi.CallState
The call has ended successfully.
  • Field Details

    • reason

      public TdApi.CallDiscardReason reason
      The reason, why the call has ended.
    • needRating

      public boolean needRating
      True, if the call rating should be sent to the server.
    • needDebugInformation

      public boolean needDebugInformation
      True, if the call debug information should be sent to the server.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • CallStateDiscarded

      public CallStateDiscarded()
      The call has ended successfully.
    • CallStateDiscarded

      public CallStateDiscarded​(TdApi.CallDiscardReason reason, boolean needRating, boolean needDebugInformation)
      The call has ended successfully.
      reason - CallDiscardReason The reason, why the call has ended.
      needRating - boolean True, if the call rating should be sent to the server.
      needDebugInformation - boolean True, if the call debug information should be sent to the server.
    • CallStateDiscarded

      public CallStateDiscarded​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details