Class TdApi.InputMessageDocument

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.InputMessageDocument
extends TdApi.InputMessageContent
A document message (general file).
  • Field Details

    • document

      public TdApi.InputFile document
      Document to be sent.
    • thumbnail

      public TdApi.InputThumbnail thumbnail
      Document thumbnail, if available.
    • disableContentTypeDetection

      public boolean disableContentTypeDetection
      If true, automatic file type detection will be disabled and the document will be always sent as file. Always true for files sent to secret chats.
    • caption

      public TdApi.FormattedText caption
      Document caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • InputMessageDocument

      public InputMessageDocument()
      A document message (general file).
    • InputMessageDocument

      public InputMessageDocument​(TdApi.InputFile document, TdApi.InputThumbnail thumbnail, boolean disableContentTypeDetection, TdApi.FormattedText caption)
      A document message (general file).
      document - InputFile Document to be sent.
      thumbnail - InputThumbnail Document thumbnail, if available.
      disableContentTypeDetection - boolean If true, automatic file type detection will be disabled and the document will be always sent as file. Always true for files sent to secret chats.
      caption - FormattedText Document caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters.
    • InputMessageDocument

      public InputMessageDocument​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details