Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.Story

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.Story extends TdApi.Object
Represents a story.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public int id
      Unique story identifier among stories of the given sender.
    • senderChatId

      public long senderChatId
      Identifier of the chat that posted the story.
    • date

      public int date
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the story was published.
    • isBeingSent

      public boolean isBeingSent
      True, if the story is being sent by the current user.
    • isBeingEdited

      public boolean isBeingEdited
      True, if the story is being edited by the current user.
    • isEdited

      public boolean isEdited
      True, if the story was edited.
    • isPinned

      public boolean isPinned
      True, if the story is saved in the sender's profile and will be available there after expiration.
    • isVisibleOnlyForSelf

      public boolean isVisibleOnlyForSelf
      True, if the story is visible only for the current user.
    • canBeDeleted

      public boolean canBeDeleted
      True, if the story can be deleted.
    • canBeEdited

      public boolean canBeEdited
      True, if the story can be edited.
    • canBeForwarded

      public boolean canBeForwarded
      True, if the story can be forwarded as a message. Otherwise, screenshots and saving of the story content must be also forbidden.
    • canBeReplied

      public boolean canBeReplied
      True, if the story can be replied in the chat with the story sender.
    • canToggleIsPinned

      public boolean canToggleIsPinned
      True, if the story's isPinned value can be changed.
    • canGetViewers

      public boolean canGetViewers
      True, if users viewed the story can be received through getStoryViewers.
    • hasExpiredViewers

      public boolean hasExpiredViewers
      True, if users viewed the story can't be received, because the story has expired more than getOption("story_viewers_expiration_delay") seconds ago.
    • interactionInfo

      public TdApi.StoryInteractionInfo interactionInfo
      Information about interactions with the story; may be null if the story isn't owned or there were no interactions.
    • chosenReactionType

      public TdApi.ReactionType chosenReactionType
      Type of the chosen reaction; may be null if none.
    • privacySettings

      public TdApi.StoryPrivacySettings privacySettings
      Privacy rules affecting story visibility; may be approximate for non-owned stories.
    • content

      public TdApi.StoryContent content
      Content of the story.
    • areas

      public TdApi.StoryArea[] areas
      Clickable areas to be shown on the story content.
    • caption

      public TdApi.FormattedText caption
      Caption of the story.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Story

      public Story()
      Represents a story.
    • Story

      public Story(int id, long senderChatId, int date, boolean isBeingSent, boolean isBeingEdited, boolean isEdited, boolean isPinned, boolean isVisibleOnlyForSelf, boolean canBeDeleted, boolean canBeEdited, boolean canBeForwarded, boolean canBeReplied, boolean canToggleIsPinned, boolean canGetViewers, boolean hasExpiredViewers, TdApi.StoryInteractionInfo interactionInfo, TdApi.ReactionType chosenReactionType, TdApi.StoryPrivacySettings privacySettings, TdApi.StoryContent content, TdApi.StoryArea[] areas, TdApi.FormattedText caption)
      Represents a story.
      id - Unique story identifier among stories of the given sender.
      senderChatId - Identifier of the chat that posted the story.
      date - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the story was published.
      isBeingSent - True, if the story is being sent by the current user.
      isBeingEdited - True, if the story is being edited by the current user.
      isEdited - True, if the story was edited.
      isPinned - True, if the story is saved in the sender's profile and will be available there after expiration.
      isVisibleOnlyForSelf - True, if the story is visible only for the current user.
      canBeDeleted - True, if the story can be deleted.
      canBeEdited - True, if the story can be edited.
      canBeForwarded - True, if the story can be forwarded as a message. Otherwise, screenshots and saving of the story content must be also forbidden.
      canBeReplied - True, if the story can be replied in the chat with the story sender.
      canToggleIsPinned - True, if the story's isPinned value can be changed.
      canGetViewers - True, if users viewed the story can be received through getStoryViewers.
      hasExpiredViewers - True, if users viewed the story can't be received, because the story has expired more than getOption("story_viewers_expiration_delay") seconds ago.
      interactionInfo - Information about interactions with the story; may be null if the story isn't owned or there were no interactions.
      chosenReactionType - Type of the chosen reaction; may be null if none.
      privacySettings - Privacy rules affecting story visibility; may be approximate for non-owned stories.
      content - Content of the story.
      areas - Clickable areas to be shown on the story content.
      caption - Caption of the story.
    • Story

      public Story(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Represents a story.
      input - Serialized input
      IOException - the deserialization failed
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object
    • serialize

      public void serialize(DataOutput output) throws IOException
      Serialize the TDLib class
      Specified by:
      serialize in class TdApi.Object
      output - output data stream
      IOException - the serialization failed
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object