Default group call participant identifier
to join the video chats.
Default group call participant identifier
to join the video chat; may be null.
Identifier of the user or chat who
performed the action.
Affected chat member identifier.
Identifier of the chat member.
Identifier of a user or chat that is
selected to send messages in the chat;
may be null if the user can't
change message sender.
New message sender for the chat.
New value of messageSenderId; may be
null if the user can't change message sender.
Identifier of the affected group call participant.
Identifier of the affected group call participant.
Identifier of the group call participant.
Group call participant identifier.
Identifier of a group call participant,
which will be used to join the call;
pass null to join as self; video chats only.
Identifiers of at most 3 recent repliers
to the message; available in channels
with a discussion supergroup.
Identifiers of at most 3 recent message
senders, added the reaction; available
in private, basic group and supergroup chats.
Identifier of the chat member, applied the reaction.
Identifier of the sender of the message.
Identifier of the sender of messages to delete.
Identifier of the sender of the message.
Identifier of the sender of the message.
Identifier of the sender of messages
to search for; pass null to search
for messages from any sender.
Identifier of a message sender to block/unblock.
Identifier of the sender, added the reaction.
Identifier of a message sender performing the action.
The identifier of a user or chat that
triggered the proximity alert.
The identifier of a user or chat that
subscribed for the proximity alert.
Represents a reaction applied to a message.
Adds a local message to a chat.
Chat(long id,
TdApi.ChatType type,
String title,
TdApi.ChatPhotoInfo photo,
TdApi.ChatPermissions permissions,
TdApi.Message lastMessage,
TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions,
TdApi.MessageSender messageSenderId,
boolean hasProtectedContent,
boolean isMarkedAsUnread,
boolean isBlocked,
boolean hasScheduledMessages,
boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf,
boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers,
boolean canBeReported,
boolean defaultDisableNotification,
int unreadCount,
long lastReadInboxMessageId,
long lastReadOutboxMessageId,
int unreadMentionCount,
int unreadReactionCount,
TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings,
String[] availableReactions,
int messageTtl,
String themeName,
TdApi.ChatActionBar actionBar,
TdApi.VideoChat videoChat,
TdApi.ChatJoinRequestsInfo pendingJoinRequests,
long replyMarkupMessageId,
TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage,
String clientData)
A chat member was restricted/unrestricted
or banned/unbanned, or the list of
their restrictions has changed.
A video chat participant was muted or unmuted.
A video chat participant volume level was changed.
Describes a user or a chat as a member
of another chat.
Deletes all messages sent by the
specified message sender in a chat.
Returns information about a single
member of a chat.
GroupCallParticipant(TdApi.MessageSender participantId,
int audioSourceId,
int screenSharingAudioSourceId,
TdApi.GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo videoInfo,
TdApi.GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo screenSharingVideoInfo,
String bio,
boolean isCurrentUser,
boolean isSpeaking,
boolean isHandRaised,
boolean canBeMutedForAllUsers,
boolean canBeUnmutedForAllUsers,
boolean canBeMutedForCurrentUser,
boolean canBeUnmutedForCurrentUser,
boolean isMutedForAllUsers,
boolean isMutedForCurrentUser,
boolean canUnmuteSelf,
int volumeLevel,
String order)
Represents a group call participant.
Describes a recently speaking participant
in a group call.
Joins an active group call.
Message(long id,
TdApi.MessageSender senderId,
long chatId,
TdApi.MessageSendingState sendingState,
TdApi.MessageSchedulingState schedulingState,
boolean isOutgoing,
boolean isPinned,
boolean canBeEdited,
boolean canBeForwarded,
boolean canBeSaved,
boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf,
boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers,
boolean canGetAddedReactions,
boolean canGetStatistics,
boolean canGetMessageThread,
boolean canGetViewers,
boolean canGetMediaTimestampLinks,
boolean hasTimestampedMedia,
boolean isChannelPost,
boolean containsUnreadMention,
int date,
int editDate,
TdApi.MessageForwardInfo forwardInfo,
TdApi.MessageInteractionInfo interactionInfo,
TdApi.UnreadReaction[] unreadReactions,
long replyInChatId,
long replyToMessageId,
long messageThreadId,
int ttl,
double ttlExpiresIn,
long viaBotUserId,
String authorSignature,
long mediaAlbumId,
String restrictionReason,
TdApi.MessageContent content,
TdApi.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup)
A user in the chat came within proximity alert range.
Contains information about a reaction
to a message.
Contains information about replies to a message.
Represents a list of message senders.
New message was received through a push notification.
Searches for messages with given words
in the chat.
Changes the status of a chat member,
needs appropriate privileges.
Selects a message sender to send
messages in a chat.
Changes volume level of a participant
of an active group call.
Changes default participant identifier,
on whose behalf a video chat in the
chat will be joined.
Toggles whether a group call participant
hand is rased.
Toggles whether a participant of an
active group call is muted, unmuted,
or allowed to unmute themselves.
Changes the block state of a message
Contains information about an unread
reaction to a message.
A message sender activity in the chat has changed.
The message sender that is selected
to send messages in a chat has changed.