Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.PremiumGiftOption

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.PremiumGiftOption extends TdApi.Object
Describes an option for gifting Telegram Premium to a user.
  • Field Details

    • currency

      public String currency
      ISO 4217 currency code for Telegram Premium subscription payment.
    • amount

      public long amount
      The amount to pay, in the smallest units of the currency.
    • discountPercentage

      public int discountPercentage
      The discount associated with this gift option, as a percentage.
    • monthCount

      public int monthCount
      Number of month the Telegram Premium subscription will be active.
    • storeProductId

      public String storeProductId
      Identifier of the store product associated with the option.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PremiumGiftOption

      public PremiumGiftOption()
      Describes an option for gifting Telegram Premium to a user.
    • PremiumGiftOption

      public PremiumGiftOption(String currency, long amount, int discountPercentage, int monthCount, String storeProductId, TdApi.InternalLinkType paymentLink)
      Describes an option for gifting Telegram Premium to a user.
      currency - String ISO 4217 currency code for Telegram Premium subscription payment.
      amount - long The amount to pay, in the smallest units of the currency.
      discountPercentage - int The discount associated with this gift option, as a percentage.
      monthCount - int Number of month the Telegram Premium subscription will be active.
      storeProductId - String Identifier of the store product associated with the option.
      paymentLink - InternalLinkType An internal link to be opened for gifting Telegram Premium to the user if store payment isn't possible; may be null if direct payment isn't available.
    • PremiumGiftOption

      public PremiumGiftOption(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Describes an option for gifting Telegram Premium to a user.
  • Method Details