Class TdApi.ChatStatisticsChannel

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatStatisticsChannel
extends TdApi.ChatStatistics
A detailed statistics about a channel chat.
  • Field Details

    • period

      public TdApi.DateRange period
      A period to which the statistics applies.
    • memberCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue memberCount
      Number of members in the chat.
    • meanViewCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanViewCount
      Mean number of times the recently sent messages was viewed.
    • meanShareCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanShareCount
      Mean number of times the recently sent messages was shared.
    • enabledNotificationsPercentage

      public double enabledNotificationsPercentage
      A percentage of users with enabled notifications for the chat.
    • memberCountGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph
      A graph containing number of members in the chat.
    • joinGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinGraph
      A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat.
    • muteGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph muteGraph
      A graph containing number of members muted and unmuted the chat.
    • viewCountByHourGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountByHourGraph
      A graph containing number of message views in a given hour in the last two weeks.
    • viewCountBySourceGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountBySourceGraph
      A graph containing number of message views per source.
    • joinBySourceGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph
      A graph containing number of new member joins per source.
    • languageGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph languageGraph
      A graph containing number of users viewed chat messages per language.
    • messageInteractionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph
      A graph containing number of chat message views and shares.
    • instantViewInteractionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph instantViewInteractionGraph
      A graph containing number of views of associated with the chat instant views.
    • recentMessageInteractions

      public TdApi.ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo[] recentMessageInteractions
      Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatStatisticsChannel

      public ChatStatisticsChannel()
      A detailed statistics about a channel chat.
    • ChatStatisticsChannel

      public ChatStatisticsChannel​(TdApi.DateRange period, TdApi.StatisticalValue memberCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanViewCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanShareCount, double enabledNotificationsPercentage, TdApi.StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph muteGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountByHourGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountBySourceGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph languageGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph instantViewInteractionGraph, TdApi.ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo[] recentMessageInteractions)
      A detailed statistics about a channel chat.
      period - DateRange A period to which the statistics applies.
      memberCount - StatisticalValue Number of members in the chat.
      meanViewCount - StatisticalValue Mean number of times the recently sent messages was viewed.
      meanShareCount - StatisticalValue Mean number of times the recently sent messages was shared.
      enabledNotificationsPercentage - double A percentage of users with enabled notifications for the chat.
      memberCountGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of members in the chat.
      joinGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat.
      muteGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of members muted and unmuted the chat.
      viewCountByHourGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of message views in a given hour in the last two weeks.
      viewCountBySourceGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of message views per source.
      joinBySourceGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of new member joins per source.
      languageGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of users viewed chat messages per language.
      messageInteractionGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of chat message views and shares.
      instantViewInteractionGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of views of associated with the chat instant views.
      recentMessageInteractions - ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo[] Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages.
    • ChatStatisticsChannel

      public ChatStatisticsChannel​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details