Class TdApi.ChatActionBarReportAddBlock

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatActionBarReportAddBlock
extends TdApi.ChatActionBar
The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method blockUser, or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    boolean canUnarchive
    If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings.
    static int CONSTRUCTOR  
    int distance
    If non-negative, the current user was found by the peer through searchChatsNearby and this is the distance between the users.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method blockUser, or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact.
    ChatActionBarReportAddBlock​(boolean canUnarchive, int distance)
    The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method blockUser, or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact.
    ChatActionBarReportAddBlock​(DataInput input)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(Object o)  
    int getConstructor()  
    int hashCode()  
    void serialize​(DataOutput output)  

    Methods inherited from class it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object

    serialize, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • canUnarchive

      public boolean canUnarchive
      If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings.
    • distance

      public int distance
      If non-negative, the current user was found by the peer through searchChatsNearby and this is the distance between the users.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatActionBarReportAddBlock

      public ChatActionBarReportAddBlock()
      The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method blockUser, or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact.
    • ChatActionBarReportAddBlock

      public ChatActionBarReportAddBlock​(boolean canUnarchive, int distance)
      The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method blockUser, or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact.
      canUnarchive - boolean If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings.
      distance - int If non-negative, the current user was found by the peer through searchChatsNearby and this is the distance between the users.
    • ChatActionBarReportAddBlock

      public ChatActionBarReportAddBlock​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details