Class TdApi.CreateNewSupergroupChat

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.CreateNewSupergroupChat
extends TdApi.Function
Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate. Returns the newly created chat.

Returns Chat

  • Field Details

    • title

      public String title
      Title of the new chat; 1-128 characters.
    • isChannel

      public boolean isChannel
      True, if a channel chat needs to be created.
    • description

      public String description
      Chat description; 0-255 characters.
    • location

      public TdApi.ChatLocation location
      Chat location if a location-based supergroup is being created.
    • forImport

      public boolean forImport
      True, if the supergroup is created for importing messages using importMessage.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateNewSupergroupChat

      public CreateNewSupergroupChat()
      Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate. Returns the newly created chat.

      Returns Chat

    • CreateNewSupergroupChat

      public CreateNewSupergroupChat​(String title, boolean isChannel, String description, TdApi.ChatLocation location, boolean forImport)
      Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate. Returns the newly created chat.

      Returns Chat

      title - String Title of the new chat; 1-128 characters.
      isChannel - boolean True, if a channel chat needs to be created.
      description - String Chat description; 0-255 characters.
      location - ChatLocation Chat location if a location-based supergroup is being created.
      forImport - boolean True, if the supergroup is created for importing messages using importMessage.
    • CreateNewSupergroupChat

      public CreateNewSupergroupChat​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details