Class TdApi.PageBlockTableCell

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.PageBlockTableCell
extends TdApi.Object
Represents a cell of a table.
  • Field Details

    • text

      public TdApi.RichText text
      Cell text; may be null. If the text is null, then the cell should be invisible.
    • isHeader

      public boolean isHeader
      True, if it is a header cell.
    • colspan

      public int colspan
      The number of columns the cell should span.
    • rowspan

      public int rowspan
      The number of rows the cell should span.
    • align

      Horizontal cell content alignment.
    • valign

      Vertical cell content alignment.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • PageBlockTableCell

      public PageBlockTableCell()
      Represents a cell of a table.
    • PageBlockTableCell

      public PageBlockTableCell​(TdApi.RichText text, boolean isHeader, int colspan, int rowspan, TdApi.PageBlockHorizontalAlignment align, TdApi.PageBlockVerticalAlignment valign)
      Represents a cell of a table.
      text - RichText Cell text; may be null. If the text is null, then the cell should be invisible.
      isHeader - boolean True, if it is a header cell.
      colspan - int The number of columns the cell should span.
      rowspan - int The number of rows the cell should span.
      align - PageBlockHorizontalAlignment Horizontal cell content alignment.
      valign - PageBlockVerticalAlignment Vertical cell content alignment.
    • PageBlockTableCell

      public PageBlockTableCell​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details