Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.BasicGroup

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.BasicGroup extends TdApi.Object
Represents a basic group of 0-200 users (must be upgraded to a supergroup to accommodate more than 200 users).
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      Group identifier.
    • memberCount

      public int memberCount
      Number of members in the group.
    • status

      public TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status
      Status of the current user in the group.
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive
      True, if the group is active.
    • upgradedToSupergroupId

      public long upgradedToSupergroupId
      Identifier of the supergroup to which this group was upgraded; 0 if none.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BasicGroup

      public BasicGroup()
      Represents a basic group of 0-200 users (must be upgraded to a supergroup to accommodate more than 200 users).
    • BasicGroup

      public BasicGroup(long id, int memberCount, TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status, boolean isActive, long upgradedToSupergroupId)
      Represents a basic group of 0-200 users (must be upgraded to a supergroup to accommodate more than 200 users).
      id - long Group identifier.
      memberCount - int Number of members in the group.
      status - ChatMemberStatus Status of the current user in the group.
      isActive - boolean True, if the group is active.
      upgradedToSupergroupId - long Identifier of the supergroup to which this group was upgraded; 0 if none.
    • BasicGroup

      public BasicGroup(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details