Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.MessageSendingStateFailed

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.MessageSendingStateFailed extends TdApi.MessageSendingState
The message failed to be sent.
  • Field Details

    • errorCode

      public int errorCode
      An error code; 0 if unknown.
    • errorMessage

      public String errorMessage
      Error message.
    • canRetry

      public boolean canRetry
      True, if the message can be re-sent.
    • retryAfter

      public double retryAfter
      Time left before the message can be re-sent, in seconds. No update is sent when this field changes.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageSendingStateFailed

      public MessageSendingStateFailed()
      The message failed to be sent.
    • MessageSendingStateFailed

      public MessageSendingStateFailed(int errorCode, String errorMessage, boolean canRetry, double retryAfter)
      The message failed to be sent.
      errorCode - int An error code; 0 if unknown.
      errorMessage - String Error message.
      canRetry - boolean True, if the message can be re-sent.
      retryAfter - double Time left before the message can be re-sent, in seconds. No update is sent when this field changes.
    • MessageSendingStateFailed

      public MessageSendingStateFailed(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details