Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.PaymentReceipt

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.PaymentReceipt extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about a successful payment.
  • Field Details

    • title

      public String title
      Product title.
    • description

      public String description
      Product description.
    • photo

      public TdApi.Photo photo
      Product photo; may be null.
    • date

      public int date
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the payment was made.
    • sellerBotUserId

      public long sellerBotUserId
      User identifier of the seller bot.
    • paymentsProviderUserId

      public long paymentsProviderUserId
      User identifier of the payment provider bot.
    • invoice

      public TdApi.Invoice invoice
      Contains information about the invoice.
    • orderInfo

      public TdApi.OrderInfo orderInfo
      Order information; may be null.
    • shippingOption

      public TdApi.ShippingOption shippingOption
      Chosen shipping option; may be null.
    • credentialsTitle

      public String credentialsTitle
      Title of the saved credentials chosen by the buyer.
    • tipAmount

      public long tipAmount
      The amount of tip chosen by the buyer in the smallest units of the currency.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentReceipt

      public PaymentReceipt()
      Contains information about a successful payment.
    • PaymentReceipt

      public PaymentReceipt(String title, String description, TdApi.Photo photo, int date, long sellerBotUserId, long paymentsProviderUserId, TdApi.Invoice invoice, TdApi.OrderInfo orderInfo, TdApi.ShippingOption shippingOption, String credentialsTitle, long tipAmount)
      Contains information about a successful payment.
      title - String Product title.
      description - String Product description.
      photo - Photo Product photo; may be null.
      date - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the payment was made.
      sellerBotUserId - long User identifier of the seller bot.
      paymentsProviderUserId - long User identifier of the payment provider bot.
      invoice - Invoice Contains information about the invoice.
      orderInfo - OrderInfo Order information; may be null.
      shippingOption - ShippingOption Chosen shipping option; may be null.
      credentialsTitle - String Title of the saved credentials chosen by the buyer.
      tipAmount - long The amount of tip chosen by the buyer in the smallest units of the currency.
    • PaymentReceipt

      public PaymentReceipt(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details