Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.SendPaymentForm

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.SendPaymentForm extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.PaymentResult>
Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.

Returns PaymentResult

  • Field Details

    • chatId

      public long chatId
      Chat identifier of the Invoice message.
    • messageId

      public long messageId
      Message identifier.
    • paymentFormId

      public long paymentFormId
      Payment form identifier returned by getPaymentForm.
    • orderInfoId

      public String orderInfoId
      Identifier returned by validateOrderInfo, or an empty string.
    • shippingOptionId

      public String shippingOptionId
      Identifier of a chosen shipping option, if applicable.
    • credentials

      public TdApi.InputCredentials credentials
      The credentials chosen by user for payment.
    • tipAmount

      public long tipAmount
      Chosen by the user amount of tip in the smallest units of the currency.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SendPaymentForm

      public SendPaymentForm()
      Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.

      Returns PaymentResult

    • SendPaymentForm

      public SendPaymentForm(long chatId, long messageId, long paymentFormId, String orderInfoId, String shippingOptionId, TdApi.InputCredentials credentials, long tipAmount)
      Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.

      Returns PaymentResult

      chatId - long Chat identifier of the Invoice message.
      messageId - long Message identifier.
      paymentFormId - long Payment form identifier returned by getPaymentForm.
      orderInfoId - String Identifier returned by validateOrderInfo, or an empty string.
      shippingOptionId - String Identifier of a chosen shipping option, if applicable.
      credentials - InputCredentials The credentials chosen by user for payment.
      tipAmount - long Chosen by the user amount of tip in the smallest units of the currency.
    • SendPaymentForm

      public SendPaymentForm(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details