Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.Chat

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.Chat extends TdApi.Object
A chat. (Can be a private chat, basic group, supergroup, or secret chat.)
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      Chat unique identifier.
    • type

      public TdApi.ChatType type
      Type of the chat.
    • title

      public String title
      Chat title.
    • photo

      public TdApi.ChatPhotoInfo photo
      Chat photo; may be null.
    • permissions

      public TdApi.ChatPermissions permissions
      Actions that non-administrator chat members are allowed to take in the chat.
    • lastMessage

      public TdApi.Message lastMessage
      Last message in the chat; may be null if none or unknown.
    • positions

      public TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions
      Positions of the chat in chat lists.
    • messageSenderId

      public TdApi.MessageSender messageSenderId
      Identifier of a user or chat that is selected to send messages in the chat; may be null if the user can't change message sender.
    • hasProtectedContent

      public boolean hasProtectedContent
      True, if chat content can't be saved locally, forwarded, or copied.
    • isTranslatable

      public boolean isTranslatable
      True, if translation of all messages in the chat must be suggested to the user.
    • isMarkedAsUnread

      public boolean isMarkedAsUnread
      True, if the chat is marked as unread.
    • isBlocked

      public boolean isBlocked
      True, if the chat is blocked by the current user and private messages from the chat can't be received.
    • hasScheduledMessages

      public boolean hasScheduledMessages
      True, if the chat has scheduled messages.
    • canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf

      public boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf
      True, if the chat messages can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see the messages.
    • canBeDeletedForAllUsers

      public boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers
      True, if the chat messages can be deleted for all users.
    • canBeReported

      public boolean canBeReported
      True, if the chat can be reported to Telegram moderators through reportChat or reportChatPhoto.
    • defaultDisableNotification

      public boolean defaultDisableNotification
      Default value of the disableNotification parameter, used when a message is sent to the chat.
    • unreadCount

      public int unreadCount
      Number of unread messages in the chat.
    • lastReadInboxMessageId

      public long lastReadInboxMessageId
      Identifier of the last read incoming message.
    • lastReadOutboxMessageId

      public long lastReadOutboxMessageId
      Identifier of the last read outgoing message.
    • unreadMentionCount

      public int unreadMentionCount
      Number of unread messages with a mention/reply in the chat.
    • unreadReactionCount

      public int unreadReactionCount
      Number of messages with unread reactions in the chat.
    • notificationSettings

      public TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings
      Notification settings for the chat.
    • availableReactions

      public TdApi.ChatAvailableReactions availableReactions
      Types of reaction, available in the chat.
    • messageAutoDeleteTime

      public int messageAutoDeleteTime
      Current message auto-delete or self-destruct timer setting for the chat, in seconds; 0 if disabled. Self-destruct timer in secret chats starts after the message or its content is viewed. Auto-delete timer in other chats starts from the send date.
    • background

      public TdApi.ChatBackground background
      Background set for the chat; may be null if none.
    • themeName

      public String themeName
      If non-empty, name of a theme, set for the chat.
    • actionBar

      public TdApi.ChatActionBar actionBar
      Information about actions which must be possible to do through the chat action bar; may be null if none.
    • videoChat

      public TdApi.VideoChat videoChat
      Information about video chat of the chat.
    • pendingJoinRequests

      public TdApi.ChatJoinRequestsInfo pendingJoinRequests
      Information about pending join requests; may be null if none.
    • replyMarkupMessageId

      public long replyMarkupMessageId
      Identifier of the message from which reply markup needs to be used; 0 if there is no default custom reply markup in the chat.
    • draftMessage

      public TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage
      A draft of a message in the chat; may be null if none.
    • clientData

      public String clientData
      Application-specific data associated with the chat. (For example, the chat scroll position or local chat notification settings can be stored here.) Persistent if the message database is used.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Chat

      public Chat()
      A chat. (Can be a private chat, basic group, supergroup, or secret chat.)
    • Chat

      public Chat(long id, TdApi.ChatType type, String title, TdApi.ChatPhotoInfo photo, TdApi.ChatPermissions permissions, TdApi.Message lastMessage, TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions, TdApi.MessageSender messageSenderId, boolean hasProtectedContent, boolean isTranslatable, boolean isMarkedAsUnread, boolean isBlocked, boolean hasScheduledMessages, boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf, boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers, boolean canBeReported, boolean defaultDisableNotification, int unreadCount, long lastReadInboxMessageId, long lastReadOutboxMessageId, int unreadMentionCount, int unreadReactionCount, TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings, TdApi.ChatAvailableReactions availableReactions, int messageAutoDeleteTime, TdApi.ChatBackground background, String themeName, TdApi.ChatActionBar actionBar, TdApi.VideoChat videoChat, TdApi.ChatJoinRequestsInfo pendingJoinRequests, long replyMarkupMessageId, TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage, String clientData)
      A chat. (Can be a private chat, basic group, supergroup, or secret chat.)
      id - Chat unique identifier.
      type - Type of the chat.
      title - Chat title.
      photo - Chat photo; may be null.
      permissions - Actions that non-administrator chat members are allowed to take in the chat.
      lastMessage - Last message in the chat; may be null if none or unknown.
      positions - Positions of the chat in chat lists.
      messageSenderId - Identifier of a user or chat that is selected to send messages in the chat; may be null if the user can't change message sender.
      hasProtectedContent - True, if chat content can't be saved locally, forwarded, or copied.
      isTranslatable - True, if translation of all messages in the chat must be suggested to the user.
      isMarkedAsUnread - True, if the chat is marked as unread.
      isBlocked - True, if the chat is blocked by the current user and private messages from the chat can't be received.
      hasScheduledMessages - True, if the chat has scheduled messages.
      canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf - True, if the chat messages can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see the messages.
      canBeDeletedForAllUsers - True, if the chat messages can be deleted for all users.
      canBeReported - True, if the chat can be reported to Telegram moderators through reportChat or reportChatPhoto.
      defaultDisableNotification - Default value of the disableNotification parameter, used when a message is sent to the chat.
      unreadCount - Number of unread messages in the chat.
      lastReadInboxMessageId - Identifier of the last read incoming message.
      lastReadOutboxMessageId - Identifier of the last read outgoing message.
      unreadMentionCount - Number of unread messages with a mention/reply in the chat.
      unreadReactionCount - Number of messages with unread reactions in the chat.
      notificationSettings - Notification settings for the chat.
      availableReactions - Types of reaction, available in the chat.
      messageAutoDeleteTime - Current message auto-delete or self-destruct timer setting for the chat, in seconds; 0 if disabled. Self-destruct timer in secret chats starts after the message or its content is viewed. Auto-delete timer in other chats starts from the send date.
      background - Background set for the chat; may be null if none.
      themeName - If non-empty, name of a theme, set for the chat.
      actionBar - Information about actions which must be possible to do through the chat action bar; may be null if none.
      videoChat - Information about video chat of the chat.
      pendingJoinRequests - Information about pending join requests; may be null if none.
      replyMarkupMessageId - Identifier of the message from which reply markup needs to be used; 0 if there is no default custom reply markup in the chat.
      draftMessage - A draft of a message in the chat; may be null if none.
      clientData - Application-specific data associated with the chat. (For example, the chat scroll position or local chat notification settings can be stored here.) Persistent if the message database is used.
    • Chat

      public Chat(DataInput input) throws IOException
      A chat. (Can be a private chat, basic group, supergroup, or secret chat.)
      input - Serialized input
      IOException - the deserialization failed
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object
    • serialize

      public void serialize(DataOutput output) throws IOException
      Serialize the TDLib class
      Specified by:
      serialize in class TdApi.Object
      output - output data stream
      IOException - the serialization failed
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object