static final class
Accepts an incoming call.
static final class
Accepts Telegram terms of services.
static final class
Adds server-provided application changelog as messages to the chat
777000 (Telegram) or as a stories; for official applications only.
static final class
Adds a chat folder by an invite link.
static final class
Adds a new member to a chat.
static final class
Adds multiple new members to a chat.
static final class
Adds a chat to a chat list.
static final class
Adds a user to the contact list or edits an existing contact by their
user identifier.
static final class
Adds a custom server language pack to the list of installed language
packs in current localization target.
static final class
Adds a new sticker to the list of favorite stickers.
static final class
Adds a file from a message to the list of file downloads.
static final class
Adds a local message to a chat.
static final class
Adds a message to TDLib internal log.
static final class
Adds a reaction to a message.
static final class
Adds the specified data to data usage statistics.
static final class
Adds a proxy server for network requests.
static final class
Adds a chat to the list of recently found chats.
static final class
Manually adds a new sticker to the list of recently used stickers.
static final class
Manually adds a new animation to the list of saved animations.
static final class
Adds a new notification sound to the list of saved notification
static final class
Adds a new sticker to a set; for bots only.
static final class
Sets the result of a callback query; for bots only.
static final class
Answers a custom query; for bots only.
static final class
Sets the result of an inline query; for bots only.
static final class
Sets the result of a pre-checkout query; for bots only.
static final class
Sets the result of a shipping query; for bots only.
static final class
Sets the result of interaction with a Web App and sends corresponding
message on behalf of the user to the chat from which the query
originated; for bots only.
static final class
Informs server about a purchase through App Store.
static final class
Informs server about a purchase through Google Play.
static final class
static final class
Blocks an original sender of a message in the Replies chat.
static final class
Stops the downloading of a file.
static final class
Cancels reset of 2-step verification password.
static final class
Stops the preliminary uploading of a file.
static final class
Checks whether Telegram Premium purchase is possible.
static final class
Checks whether the current session can be used to transfer a chat
ownership to another user.
static final class
Changes imported contacts using the list of contacts saved on the
static final class
Changes the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code
to the user's new phone number; for official Android and iOS
applications only.
static final class
Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.
static final class
Checks the authentication token of a bot; to log in as a bot.
static final class
Checks the authentication code.
static final class
Checks the authentication of a email address.
static final class
Checks the 2-step verification password for correctness.
static final class
Checks whether a 2-step verification password recovery code sent to
an email address is valid.
static final class
Checks the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number of
the user.
static final class
Checks the validity of an invite link for a chat folder and returns
information about the corresponding chat folder.
static final class
Checks the validity of an invite link for a chat and returns
information about the corresponding chat.
static final class
Checks whether a username can be set for a chat.
static final class
Checks whether the maximum number of owned public chats has been
static final class
Checks the email address verification code for Telegram Passport.
static final class
Checks the login email address authentication.
static final class
Checks whether a 2-step verification password recovery code sent to
an email address is valid.
static final class
Checks phone number confirmation code.
static final class
Checks the phone number verification code for Telegram Passport.
static final class
Checks the 2-step verification recovery email address verification
static final class
Checks whether a name can be used for a new sticker set.
static final class
Removes potentially dangerous characters from the name of a file.
static final class
Clears message drafts in all chats.
static final class
Clears the list of all autosave settings exceptions.
static final class
Clears all imported contacts, contact list remains unchanged.
static final class
Clears the list of recently used emoji statuses.
static final class
Clears the list of recently found chats.
static final class
Clears the list of recently used reactions.
static final class
Clears the list of recently used stickers.
static final class
Informs TDLib that a message with an animated emoji was clicked by
the user.
static final class
Informs TDLib that the user opened the sponsored chat via the button,
the name, the photo, or a mention in the sponsored message.
static final class
Informs TDLib that the user clicked Premium subscription button on
the Premium features screen.
static final class
Closes the TDLib instance.
static final class
Informs TDLib that the chat is closed by the user.
static final class
Closes a secret chat, effectively transferring its state to
static final class
Informs TDLib that a story is closed by the user.
static final class
Informs TDLib that a previously opened Web App was closed.
static final class
Confirms QR code authentication on another device.
static final class
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known basic group.
static final class
static final class
static final class
Creates a new invite link for a chat folder.
static final class
Creates a new invite link for a chat.
static final class
Creates a topic in a forum supergroup chat; requires canManageTopics
rights in the supergroup.
static final class
Creates a link for the given invoice; for bots only.
static final class
Creates a new basic group and sends a corresponding
static final class
Creates a new secret chat.
static final class
Creates a new sticker set.
static final class
Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding
static final class
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a given user.
static final class
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known secret chat.
static final class
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known supergroup or
static final class
Creates a new temporary password for processing payments.
static final class
Creates a video chat (a group call bound to a chat).
static final class
Deletes the account of the current user, deleting all information
associated with the user from the server.
static final class
Deletes all call messages.
static final class
Deletes all revoked chat invite links created by a given chat
static final class
Deletes a chat along with all messages in the corresponding chat for
all chat members.
static final class
Deletes existing chat folder.
static final class
Deletes an invite link for a chat folder.
static final class
Deletes all messages in the chat.
static final class
Deletes all messages between the specified dates in a chat.
static final class
Deletes all messages sent by the specified message sender in a chat.
static final class
Deletes the default reply markup from a chat.
static final class
Deletes commands supported by the bot for the given user scope and
language; for bots only.
static final class
Deletes a file from the TDLib file cache.
static final class
Deletes all messages in a forum topic; requires canDeleteMessages
administrator right in the supergroup unless the user is creator of
the topic, the topic has no messages from other users and has at most
11 messages.
static final class
Deletes all information about a language pack in the current
localization target.
static final class
static final class
Deletes a Telegram Passport element.
static final class
static final class
Deletes revoked chat invite links.
static final class
Deletes saved credentials for all payment provider bots.
static final class
Deletes saved order information.
static final class
Deleted a sticker set; for bots only.
static final class
Deletes a previously sent story.
static final class
Closes the TDLib instance, destroying all local data without a proper
static final class
Disables all active non-editable usernames of a supergroup or
channel, requires owner privileges in the supergroup or channel.
static final class
Disables the currently enabled proxy.
static final class
static final class
Disconnects all websites from the current user's Telegram account.
static final class
Disconnects website from the current user's Telegram account.
static final class
Downloads a file from the cloud.
static final class
Edits existing chat folder.
static final class
Edits an invite link for a chat folder.
static final class
Edits a non-primary invite link for a chat.
static final class
Edits information about a custom local language pack in the current
localization target.
static final class
Edits title and icon of a topic in a forum supergroup chat; requires
canManageTopics administrator right in the supergroup unless the user
is creator of the topic.
static final class
Edits the caption of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
static final class
Edits the content of a live location in an inline message sent via a
bot; for bots only.
static final class
Edits the content of a message with an animation, an audio, a
document, a photo or a video in an inline message sent via a bot; for
bots only.
static final class
Edits the reply markup of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots
static final class
Edits the text of an inline text or game message sent via a bot; for
bots only.
static final class
Edits the message content caption.
static final class
Edits the message content of a live location.
static final class
Edits the content of a message with an animation, an audio, a
document, a photo or a video, including message caption.
static final class
Edits the message reply markup; for bots only.
static final class
Edits the time when a scheduled message will be sent.
static final class
Edits the text of a message (or a text of a game message).
static final class
Edits an existing proxy server for network requests.
static final class
Changes content and caption of a previously sent story.
static final class
static final class
static final class
Ends recording of an active group call.
static final class
Ends screen sharing in a joined group call.
static final class
Finishes the file generation.
static final class
Forwards previously sent messages.
static final class
Returns the period of inactivity after which the account of the
current user will automatically be deleted.
static final class
Returns all active live locations that need to be updated by the
static final class
Returns all active sessions of the current user.
static final class
Returns all available Telegram Passport elements.
static final class
Returns an animated emoji corresponding to a given emoji.
static final class
Returns application config, provided by the server.
static final class
Returns the link for downloading official Telegram application to be
used when the current user invites friends to Telegram.
static final class
Returns settings for automatic moving of chats to and from the
Archive chat lists.
static final class
Returns a list of archived sticker sets.
static final class
Returns the list of all stories of the current user.
static final class
Returns a list of sticker sets attached to a file, including regular,
mask, and emoji sticker sets.
static final class
Returns information about a bot that can be added to attachment menu.
static final class
Returns the current authorization state; this is an offline request.
static final class
Returns auto-download settings presets for the current user.
static final class
Returns autosave settings for the current user.
static final class
Returns backgrounds installed by the user.
static final class
Constructs a persistent HTTP URL for a background.
static final class
Returns information about a bank card.
static final class
Returns information about a basic group by its identifier.
static final class
Returns full information about a basic group by its identifier.
static final class
Returns users and chats that were blocked by the current user.
static final class
Returns the text shown in the chat with a bot if the chat is empty in
the given language.
static final class
Returns the text shown on a bot's profile page and sent together with
the link when users share the bot in the given language.
static final class
Returns the name of a bot in the given language.
static final class
Sends a callback query to a bot and returns an answer.
static final class
Returns information about a message with the callback button that
originated a callback query; for bots only.
static final class
Returns information about a chat by its identifier; this is an
offline request if the current user is not a bot.
static final class
Returns the list of active stories posted by the given chat.
static final class
Returns a list of administrators of the chat with their custom titles.
static final class
Returns list of message sender identifiers, which can be used to send
messages in a chat.
static final class
Returns a list of service actions taken by chat members and
administrators in the last 48 hours.
static final class
Returns information about a chat folder by its identifier.
static final class
Returns approximate number of chats in a being created chat folder.
static final class
Returns identifiers of pinned or always included chats from a chat
folder, which are suggested to be left when the chat folder is
static final class
Returns default icon name for a folder.
static final class
Returns invite links created by the current user for a shareable chat
static final class
Returns new chats added to a shareable chat folder by its owner.
static final class
Returns messages in a chat.
static final class
Returns information about an invite link.
static final class
Returns list of chat administrators with number of their invite
static final class
Returns chat members joined a chat via an invite link.
static final class
Returns invite links for a chat created by specified administrator.
static final class
Returns pending join requests in a chat.
static final class
Returns chat lists to which the chat can be added.
static final class
Returns information about a single member of a chat.
static final class
Returns the last message sent in a chat no later than the specified
static final class
Returns information about the next messages of the specified type in
the chat split by days.
static final class
Returns approximate number of messages of the specified type in the
static final class
Returns approximate 1-based position of a message among messages,
which can be found by the specified filter in the chat.
static final class
Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings for new
static final class
Returns information about a newest pinned message in the chat.
static final class
Returns the list of pinned stories posted by the given chat.
static final class
Returns an ordered list of chats from the beginning of a chat list.
static final class
Returns all scheduled messages in a chat.
static final class
Returns identifiers of chats from a chat folder, suitable for adding
to a chat folder invite link.
static final class
Returns sparse positions of messages of the specified type in the
chat to be used for shared media scroll implementation.
static final class
Returns sponsored messages to be shown in a chat; for channel chats
static final class
Returns detailed statistics about a chat.
static final class
Returns all close friends of the current user.
static final class
Returns list of commands supported by the bot for the given user
scope and language; for bots only.
static final class
Returns all website where the current user used Telegram to log in.
static final class
Returns all contacts of the user.
static final class
Returns information about existing countries.
static final class
Uses the current IP address to find the current country.
static final class
Returns a list of public chats of the specified type, owned by the
static final class
Returns all updates needed to restore current TDLib state, i.e.
static final class
Returns TGS stickers with generic animations for custom emoji
static final class
Returns list of custom emoji stickers by their identifiers.
static final class
Returns database statistics.
static final class
Returns information about a tg:// deep link.
static final class
Returns default list of custom emoji stickers for placing on a chat
static final class
Returns default emoji statuses.
static final class
Returns default message auto-delete time setting for new chats.
static final class
Returns default list of custom emoji stickers for placing on a
profile photo.
static final class
Returns available emojis categories.
static final class
Returns information about a emoji reaction.
static final class
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in to the
translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements.
static final class
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the
current user on a website after clicking an HTTP link.
static final class
Returns information about an action to be done when the current user
clicks an external link.
static final class
Returns favorite stickers.
static final class
Returns information about a file; this is an offline request.
static final class
Returns file downloaded prefix size from a given offset, in bytes.
static final class
Returns the extension of a file, guessed by its MIME type.
static final class
Returns the MIME type of a file, guessed by its extension.
static final class
Returns information about a forum topic.
static final class
Returns list of custom emojis, which can be used as forum topic icon
by all users.
static final class
Returns an HTTPS link to a topic in a forum chat.
static final class
Returns found forum topics in a forum chat.
static final class
Returns the high scores for a game and some part of the high score
table in the range of the specified user; for bots only.
static final class
Returns information about a group call.
static final class
Returns invite link to a video chat in a public chat.
static final class
Returns information about available group call streams.
static final class
Returns a file with a segment of a group call stream in a modified
OGG format for audio or MPEG-4 format for video.
static final class
Returns a list of common group chats with a given user.
static final class
Returns the total number of imported contacts.
static final class
Returns a list of recently inactive supergroups and channels.
static final class
Returns game high scores and some part of the high score table in the
range of the specified user; for bots only.
static final class
Sends an inline query to a bot and returns its results.
static final class
Returns a list of installed sticker sets.
static final class
Returns an HTTPS or a tg: link with the given type.
static final class
Returns information about the type of an internal link.
static final class
Converts a JsonValue object to corresponding JSON-serialized string.
static final class
Converts a JSON-serialized string to corresponding JsonValue object.
static final class
Returns information about a language pack.
static final class
Returns a string stored in the local database from the specified
localization target and language pack by its key.
static final class
Returns strings from a language pack in the current localization
target by their keys.
static final class
Returns information about the current localization target.
static final class
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used to automatically authorize the
user on a website after clicking an inline button of type
static final class
Returns information about a button of type
static final class
Returns information about currently used log stream for internal
logging of TDLib.
static final class
Returns list of available TDLib internal log tags, for example,
["actor", "binlog", "connections",
"notifications", "proxy"].
static final class
Returns current verbosity level for a specified TDLib internal log
static final class
Returns current verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib.
static final class
Returns information about a file with a map thumbnail in PNG format.
static final class
Replaces text entities with Markdown formatting in a human-friendly
static final class
Returns the current user.
static final class
Returns memory statistics.
static final class
Returns menu button set by the bot for the given user; for bots only.
static final class
Returns information about a message.
static final class
Returns reactions added for a message, along with their sender.
static final class
Returns reactions, which can be added to a message.
static final class
Returns an HTML code for embedding the message.
static final class
Returns information about a file with messages exported from another
static final class
Returns a confirmation text to be shown to the user before starting
message import.
static final class
Returns an HTTPS link to a message in a chat.
static final class
Returns information about a public or private message link.
static final class
Returns information about a message, if it is available without
sending network request.
static final class
Returns forwarded copies of a channel message to different public
static final class
Returns information about messages.
static final class
Returns detailed statistics about a message.
static final class
Returns information about a message thread.
static final class
Returns messages in a message thread of a message.
static final class
Returns viewers of a recent outgoing message in a basic group or a
supergroup chat.
static final class
Returns network data usage statistics.
static final class
Returns the value of an option by its name.
static final class
Returns a Telegram Passport authorization form for sharing data with
a service.
static final class
Returns already available Telegram Passport elements suitable for
completing a Telegram Passport authorization form.
static final class
Returns one of the available Telegram Passport elements.
static final class
Returns the current state of 2-step verification.
static final class
Returns an invoice payment form.
static final class
Returns information about a successful payment.
static final class
Returns information about a phone number by its prefix.
static final class
Returns information about a phone number by its prefix synchronously.
static final class
Returns message senders voted for the specified option in a
non-anonymous polls.
static final class
Returns an IETF language tag of the language preferred in the
country, which must be used to fill native fields in Telegram
Passport personal details.
static final class
Returns information about features, available to Premium users.
static final class
Returns information about a limit, increased for Premium users.
static final class
Returns state of Telegram Premium subscription and promotion videos
for Premium features.
static final class
Returns examples of premium stickers for demonstration purposes.
static final class
Returns premium stickers from regular sticker sets.
static final class
Returns list of proxies that are currently set up.
static final class
Returns an HTTPS link, which can be used to add a proxy.
static final class
Returns a globally unique push notification subscription identifier
for identification of an account, which has received a push
static final class
Returns recent emoji statuses.
static final class
Returns up to 20 recently used inline bots in the order of their last
static final class
Returns recently opened chats; this is an offline request.
static final class
Returns URLs recently visited by a newly registered user.
static final class
Returns a list of recently used stickers.
static final class
Returns recommended chat folders for the current user.
static final class
Returns a 2-step verification recovery email address that was
previously set up.
static final class
Returns information about a file by its remote ID; this is an offline
static final class
Returns information about a message that is replied by a given
static final class
Returns saved animations.
static final class
Returns saved notification sound by its identifier.
static final class
Returns list of saved notification sounds.
static final class
Returns saved order information.
static final class
Returns the notification settings for chats of a given type.
static final class
Returns information about a secret chat by its identifier.
static final class
Loads an asynchronous or a zoomed in statistical graph.
static final class
Returns emoji corresponding to a sticker.
static final class
Returns stickers from the installed sticker sets that correspond to
any of the given emoji or can be found by sticker-specific keywords.
static final class
Returns information about a sticker set by its identifier.
static final class
Returns storage usage statistics.
static final class
Quickly returns approximate storage usage statistics.
static final class
static final class
Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings for
static final class
Returns viewers of a recent outgoing story.
static final class
Returns suggested name for saving a file in a given directory.
static final class
Returns a suggested name for a new sticker set with a given title.
static final class
Returns a list of basic group and supergroup chats, which can be used
as a discussion group for a channel.
static final class
Returns information about a supergroup or a channel by its
static final class
Returns full information about a supergroup or a channel by its
identifier, cached for up to 1 minute.
static final class
Returns information about members or banned users in a supergroup or
static final class
Returns localized name of the Telegram support user; for Telegram
support only.
static final class
Returns a user that can be contacted to get support.
static final class
Returns information about the current temporary password.
static final class
Returns all entities (mentions, hashtags, cashtags, bot commands,
bank card numbers, URLs, and email addresses) found in the text.
static final class
Returns up to 8 emoji statuses, which must be shown right after the
default Premium Badge in the emoji status list.
static final class
Converts a themeParameters object to corresponding JSON-serialized
static final class
Returns a list of frequently used chats.
static final class
Returns a list of trending sticker sets.
static final class
Returns information about a user by their identifier.
static final class
Returns full information about a user by their identifier.
static final class
Returns an HTTPS link, which can be used to get information about the
current user.
static final class
Returns the current privacy settings.
static final class
Returns the profile photos of a user.
static final class
Returns support information for the given user; for Telegram support
static final class
Returns list of participant identifiers, on whose behalf a video chat
in the chat can be joined.
static final class
Returns RTMP URL for streaming to the chat; requires creator
static final class
Returns an HTTPS URL of a Web App to open after a link of the type
internalLinkTypeWebApp is clicked.
static final class
Returns an HTTPS URL of a Web App to open after
keyboardButtonTypeWebApp or inlineQueryResultsButtonTypeWebApp button
is pressed.
static final class
Returns an instant view version of a web page if available.
static final class
Returns a web page preview by the text of the message.
static final class
Hides a suggested action.
static final class
Adds new contacts or edits existing contacts by their phone numbers;
contacts' user identifiers are ignored.
static final class
Imports messages exported from another app.
static final class
Invites users to an active group call.
static final class
Adds the current user as a new member to a chat.
static final class
Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible.
static final class
Joins an active group call.
static final class
Removes the current user from chat members.
static final class
static final class
Loads more active stories from a story list.
static final class
Loads more chats from a chat list.
static final class
Loads more participants of a group call.
static final class
Closes the TDLib instance after a proper logout.
static final class
Informs TDLib that the chat is opened by the user.
static final class
Informs TDLib that the message content has been opened (e.g., the
user has opened a photo, video, document, location or venue, or has
listened to an audio file or voice note message).
static final class
Informs TDLib that a story is opened and is being viewed by the user.
static final class
Informs TDLib that a Web App is being opened from attachment menu, a
botMenuButton button, an internalLinkTypeAttachmentMenuBot link, or
an inlineKeyboardButtonTypeWebApp button.
static final class
Optimizes storage usage, i.e.
static final class
Parses Markdown entities in a human-friendly format, ignoring markup
static final class
Parses Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Spoiler, CustomEmoji,
Code, Pre, PreCode, TextUrl and MentionName entities from a marked-up
static final class
Pins a message in a chat; requires canPinMessages rights or
canEditMessages rights in the channel.
static final class
Computes time needed to receive a response from a Telegram server
through a proxy.
static final class
Preliminary uploads a file to the cloud before sending it in a
message, which can be useful for uploading of being recorded voice
and video notes.
static final class
Process new chats added to a shareable chat folder by its owner.
static final class
Handles a pending join request in a chat.
static final class
Handles all pending join requests for a given link in a chat.
static final class
Handles a push notification.
static final class
Rates recognized speech in a video note or a voice note message.
static final class
Marks all mentions in a chat as read.
static final class
Marks all reactions in a chat or a forum topic as read.
static final class
Marks all mentions in a forum topic as read.
static final class
Marks all reactions in a forum topic as read.
static final class
Traverse all chats in a chat list and marks all messages in the chats
as read.
static final class
Reads a part of a file from the TDLib file cache and returns read
static final class
Recognizes speech in a video note or a voice note message.
static final class
Recovers the 2-step verification password with a password recovery
code sent to an email address that was previously set up.
static final class
Recovers the 2-step verification password using a recovery code sent
to an email address that was previously set up.
static final class
Registers the currently used device for receiving push notifications.
static final class
Finishes user registration.
static final class
Removes all files from the file download list.
static final class
Removes background from the list of installed backgrounds.
static final class
Removes a chat action bar without any other action.
static final class
Removes users from the contact list.
static final class
Removes a sticker from the list of favorite stickers.
static final class
Removes a file from the file download list.
static final class
Removes a reaction from a message.
static final class
Removes an active notification from notification list.
static final class
Removes a group of active notifications.
static final class
static final class
Removes a hashtag from the list of recently used hashtags.
static final class
Removes a chat from the list of recently found chats.
static final class
Removes a sticker from the list of recently used stickers.
static final class
Removes an animation from the list of saved animations.
static final class
Removes a notification sound from the list of saved notification
static final class
Removes a sticker from the set to which it belongs; for bots only.
static final class
Removes a chat from the list of frequently used chats.
static final class
Changes order of active usernames of the current user.
static final class
Changes order of active usernames of a bot.
static final class
Changes the order of chat folders.
static final class
Changes the order of installed sticker sets.
static final class
Changes order of active usernames of a supergroup or channel,
requires owner privileges in the supergroup or channel.
static final class
Replaces current primary invite link for a chat with a new primary
invite link.
static final class
Replaces the current RTMP URL for streaming to the chat; requires
creator privileges.
static final class
Reports a chat to the Telegram moderators.
static final class
Reports a chat photo to the Telegram moderators.
static final class
Reports reactions set on a message to the Telegram moderators.
static final class
Reports a story to the Telegram moderators.
static final class
Reports a false deletion of a message by aggressive anti-spam checks;
requires administrator rights in the supergroup.
static final class
Reports messages in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator
rights in the supergroup.
static final class
Requests to send a 2-step verification password recovery code to an
email address that was previously set up.
static final class
Requests to send a 2-step verification password recovery code to an
email address that was previously set up.
static final class
Requests QR code authentication by scanning a QR code on another
logged in device.
static final class
Resends an authentication code to the user.
static final class
Resends the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number
for the current user.
static final class
Resends the code to verify an email address to be added to a user's
Telegram Passport.
static final class
Resends the login email address verification code.
static final class
Resends messages which failed to send.
static final class
Resends phone number confirmation code.
static final class
Resends the code to verify a phone number to be added to a user's
Telegram Passport.
static final class
Resends the 2-step verification recovery email address verification
static final class
Resets all notification settings to their default values.
static final class
Resets the login email address.
static final class
Resets list of installed backgrounds to its default value.
static final class
Resets all network data usage statistics to zero.
static final class
Removes 2-step verification password without previous password and
access to recovery email address.
static final class
Revokes invite link for a chat.
static final class
Revokes invite link for a group call.
static final class
Saves application log event on the server.
static final class
Searches for a background by its name.
static final class
Searches for call messages.
static final class
Searches for a specified query in the first name, last name and
usernames of the members of a specified chat.
static final class
Searches for messages with given words in the chat.
static final class
Returns information about the recent locations of chat members that
were sent to the chat.
static final class
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already
known chats; this is an offline request.
static final class
Returns a list of users and location-based supergroups nearby.
static final class
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already
known chats via request to the server.
static final class
Searches for the specified query in the first names, last names and
usernames of the known user contacts.
static final class
Searches for emojis by keywords.
static final class
Searches for files in the file download list or recently downloaded
files from the list.
static final class
Searches for recently used hashtags by their prefix.
static final class
Searches for installed sticker sets by looking for specified query in
their title and name.
static final class
Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats.
static final class
Searches for outgoing messages with content of the type
messageDocument in all chats except secret chats.
static final class
Searches a public chat by its username.
static final class
Searches public chats by looking for specified query in their
username and title.
static final class
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of up to
50 recently found chats; this is an offline request.
static final class
Searches for messages in secret chats.
static final class
Searches for stickers from public sticker sets that correspond to any
of the given emoji.
static final class
Searches for a sticker set by its name.
static final class
Searches for ordinary sticker sets by looking for specified query in
their title and name.
static final class
Searches a user by their phone number.
static final class
Searches a user by a token from the user's link.
static final class
Returns information about a Web App by its short name.
static final class
Sends Firebase Authentication SMS to the phone number of the user.
static final class
Invites a bot to a chat (if it is not yet a member) and sends it the
/start command.
static final class
Sends debug information for a call to Telegram servers.
static final class
Sends log file for a call to Telegram servers.
static final class
static final class
Sends call signaling data.
static final class
Sends a notification about user activity in a chat.
static final class
Sends a custom request; for bots only.
static final class
Sends a code to verify an email address to be added to a user's
Telegram Passport.
static final class
Sends the result of an inline query as a message.
static final class
static final class
Sends 2-10 messages grouped together into an album.
static final class
Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing
data with the service.
static final class
Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.
static final class
Sends phone number confirmation code to handle links of the type
static final class
Sends a code to verify a phone number to be added to a user's
Telegram Passport.
static final class
static final class
Sends data received from a keyboardButtonTypeWebApp Web App to a bot.
static final class
Changes the period of inactivity after which the account of the
current user will automatically be deleted.
static final class
Succeeds after a specified amount of time has passed.
static final class
Changes settings for automatic moving of chats to and from the
Archive chat lists.
static final class
Sets the email address of the user and sends an authentication code
to the email address.
static final class
Sets the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to
the user.
static final class
Sets auto-download settings.
static final class
Sets autosave settings for the given scope.
static final class
Changes the background selected by the user; adds background to the
list of installed backgrounds.
static final class
Changes the bio of the current user.
static final class
Sets the text shown in the chat with a bot if the chat is empty.
static final class
Sets the text shown on a bot's profile page and sent together with
the link when users share the bot.
static final class
static final class
Changes a profile photo for a bot.
static final class
Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they
haven't been processed for a long time; for bots only.
static final class
Changes story list in which stories from the chat are shown.
static final class
Changes reactions, available in a chat.
static final class
Changes the background in a specific chat.
static final class
Changes application-specific data associated with a chat.
static final class
Changes information about a chat.
static final class
Changes the discussion group of a channel chat; requires
canChangeInfo administrator right in the channel if it is specified.
static final class
Changes the draft message in a chat.
static final class
Changes the location of a chat.
static final class
Changes the status of a chat member, needs appropriate privileges.
static final class
Changes the message auto-delete or self-destruct (for secret chats)
time in a chat.
static final class
Selects a message sender to send messages in a chat.
static final class
Changes the notification settings of a chat.
static final class
Changes the chat members permissions.
static final class
Changes the photo of a chat.
static final class
Changes the slow mode delay of a chat.
static final class
static final class
static final class
Changes the list of close friends of the current user.
static final class
Sets the list of commands supported by the bot for the given user
scope and language; for bots only.
static final class
Sets a custom emoji sticker set thumbnail; for bots only.
static final class
Adds or changes a custom local language pack to the current
localization target.
static final class
Adds, edits or deletes a string in a custom local language pack.
static final class
Changes the database encryption key.
static final class
Sets default administrator rights for adding the bot to channel
chats; for bots only.
static final class
Sets default administrator rights for adding the bot to basic group
and supergroup chats; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the default message auto-delete time for new chats.
static final class
Changes type of default reaction for the current user.
static final class
Changes the emoji status of the current user; for Telegram Premium
users only.
static final class
Informs TDLib on a file generation progress.
static final class
Changes the notification settings of a forum topic.
static final class
Updates the game score of the specified user in the game; for bots
static final class
Informs TDLib that speaking state of a participant of an active group
has changed.
static final class
Changes volume level of a participant of an active group call.
static final class
static final class
Changes the period of inactivity after which sessions will
automatically be terminated.
static final class
Updates the game score of the specified user in a game; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the location of the current user.
static final class
Changes the login email address of the user.
static final class
Sets new log stream for internal logging of TDLib.
static final class
Sets the verbosity level for a specified TDLib internal log tag.
static final class
Sets the verbosity level of the internal logging of TDLib.
static final class
Sets menu button for the given user or for all users; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the first and last name of the current user.
static final class
Sets the current network type.
static final class
Sets the value of an option.
static final class
Adds an element to the user's Telegram Passport.
static final class
Informs the user that some of the elements in their Telegram Passport
contain errors; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the 2-step verification password for the current user.
static final class
Changes the order of pinned chats.
static final class
Changes the order of pinned forum topics.
static final class
Changes the user answer to a poll.
static final class
Changes a profile photo for the current user.
static final class
Changes the 2-step verification recovery email address of the user.
static final class
Changes notification settings for chats of a given type.
static final class
Changes the list of emoji corresponding to a sticker; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the list of keywords of a sticker; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the mask position of a mask sticker; for bots only.
static final class
Changes the position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for
bots only.
static final class
Sets a sticker set thumbnail; for bots only.
static final class
Sets a sticker set title; for bots only.
static final class
Changes privacy settings of a previously sent story.
static final class
Changes the sticker set of a supergroup; requires canChangeInfo
administrator right.
static final class
Changes the editable username of a supergroup or channel, requires
owner privileges in the supergroup or channel.
static final class
Sets the parameters for TDLib initialization.
static final class
Changes the editable username of the current user.
static final class
Changes a personal profile photo of a contact user.
static final class
Changes user privacy settings.
static final class
Sets support information for the given user; for Telegram support
static final class
Changes default participant identifier, on whose behalf a video chat
in the chat will be joined.
static final class
Shares a chat after pressing a keyboardButtonTypeRequestChat button
with the bot.
static final class
Shares the phone number of the current user with a mutual contact.
static final class
Shares a user after pressing a keyboardButtonTypeRequestUser button
with the bot.
static final class
Starts recording of an active group call.
static final class
Starts screen sharing in a joined group call.
static final class
Starts a scheduled group call.
static final class
static final class
Suggests a profile photo to another regular user with common messages.
static final class
Fetches the latest versions of all strings from a language pack in
the current localization target from the server.
static final class
Terminates all other sessions of the current user.
static final class
Terminates a session of the current user.
static final class
Returns the received bytes; for testing only.
static final class
Does nothing; for testing only.
static final class
Returns the received string; for testing only.
static final class
Returns the received vector of numbers; for testing only.
static final class
Returns the received vector of objects containing a number; for
testing only.
static final class
Returns the received vector of strings; for testing only.
static final class
Returns the received vector of objects containing a string; for
testing only.
static final class
Forces an updates.getDifference call to the Telegram servers; for
testing only.
static final class
Sends a simple network request to the Telegram servers; for testing
static final class
Sends a simple network request to the Telegram servers via proxy; for
testing only.
static final class
Returns the specified error and ensures that the Error object is
used; for testing only.
static final class
Returns the squared received number; for testing only.
static final class
Does nothing and ensures that the Update object is used; for testing
static final class
Changes pause state of all files in the file download list.
static final class
Adds or removes a bot to attachment menu.
static final class
Changes active state for a username of a bot.
static final class
Changes the value of the default disableNotification parameter, used
when a message is sent to a chat.
static final class
Changes the ability of users to save, forward, or copy chat content.
static final class
Changes the marked as unread state of a chat.
static final class
Changes the pinned state of a chat.
static final class
Changes the translatable state of a chat; for Telegram Premium users
static final class
Changes pause state of a file in the file download list.
static final class
Toggles whether a topic is closed in a forum supergroup chat;
requires canManageTopics administrator right in the supergroup unless
the user is creator of the topic.
static final class
Changes the pinned state of a forum topic; requires canManageTopics
administrator right in the supergroup.
static final class
Toggles whether a General topic is hidden in a forum supergroup chat;
requires canManageTopics administrator right in the supergroup.
static final class
Toggles whether the current user will receive a notification when the
group call will start; scheduled group calls only.
static final class
Toggles whether current user's video is enabled.
static final class
Toggles whether current user's video is paused.
static final class
Toggles whether new participants of a group call can be unmuted only
by administrators of the group call.
static final class
Toggles whether a group call participant hand is rased.
static final class
Toggles whether a participant of an active group call is muted,
unmuted, or allowed to unmute themselves.
static final class
Pauses or unpauses screen sharing in a joined group call.
static final class
Changes the block state of a message sender.
static final class
Toggles whether a session can accept incoming calls.
static final class
Toggles whether a session can accept incoming secret chats.
static final class
Toggles whether a story is accessible after expiration.
static final class
Toggles whether aggressive anti-spam checks are enabled in the
static final class
Toggles whether non-administrators can receive only administrators
and bots using getSupergroupMembers or searchChatMembers.
static final class
Toggles whether the message history of a supergroup is available to
new members; requires canChangeInfo administrator right.
static final class
Upgrades supergroup to a broadcast group; requires owner privileges
in the supergroup.
static final class
Toggles whether the supergroup is a forum; requires owner privileges
in the supergroup.
static final class
Toggles whether all users directly joining the supergroup need to be
approved by supergroup administrators; requires canRestrictMembers
administrator right.
static final class
Toggles whether joining is mandatory to send messages to a discussion
supergroup; requires canRestrictMembers administrator right.
static final class
Toggles whether sender signature is added to sent messages in a
channel; requires canChangeInfo administrator right.
static final class
Changes active state for a username of a supergroup or channel,
requires owner privileges in the supergroup or channel.
static final class
Changes active state for a username of the current user.
static final class
Changes the owner of a chat.
static final class
Extracts text or caption of the given message and translates it to
the given language.
static final class
Translates a text to the given language.
static final class
Removes all pinned messages from a chat; requires canPinMessages
rights in the group or canEditMessages rights in the channel.
static final class
Removes all pinned messages from a forum topic; requires
canPinMessages rights in the supergroup.
static final class
Removes a pinned message from a chat; requires canPinMessages rights
in the group or canEditMessages rights in the channel.
static final class
Creates a new supergroup from an existing basic group and sends a
corresponding messageChatUpgradeTo and messageChatUpgradeFrom;
requires creator privileges.
static final class
Uploads a file with a sticker; returns the uploaded file.
static final class
Validates the order information provided by a user and returns the
available shipping options for a flexible invoice.
static final class
Informs TDLib that messages are being viewed by the user.
static final class
Informs TDLib that the user viewed detailed information about a
Premium feature on the Premium features screen.
static final class
Informs the server that some trending sticker sets have been viewed
by the user.
static final class
Writes a part of a generated file.