Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode extends TdApi.AuthorizationState
TDLib needs the user's authentication code sent to an email address to authorize. Call `checkAuthenticationEmailCode` to provide the code.
  • Field Details

    • allowAppleId

      public boolean allowAppleId
      True, if authorization through Apple ID is allowed.
    • allowGoogleId

      public boolean allowGoogleId
      True, if authorization through Google ID is allowed.
    • codeInfo

      Information about the sent authentication code.
    • nextPhoneNumberAuthorizationDate

      public int nextPhoneNumberAuthorizationDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user will be able to authorize with a code sent to the user's phone number; 0 if unknown.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode

      public AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode()
      TDLib needs the user's authentication code sent to an email address to authorize. Call `checkAuthenticationEmailCode` to provide the code.
    • AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode

      public AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode(boolean allowAppleId, boolean allowGoogleId, TdApi.EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo codeInfo, int nextPhoneNumberAuthorizationDate)
      TDLib needs the user's authentication code sent to an email address to authorize. Call `checkAuthenticationEmailCode` to provide the code.
      allowAppleId - boolean True, if authorization through Apple ID is allowed.
      allowGoogleId - boolean True, if authorization through Google ID is allowed.
      codeInfo - EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo Information about the sent authentication code.
      nextPhoneNumberAuthorizationDate - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user will be able to authorize with a code sent to the user's phone number; 0 if unknown.
    • AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode

      public AuthorizationStateWaitEmailCode(DataInput input) throws IOException
      TDLib needs the user's authentication code sent to an email address to authorize. Call `checkAuthenticationEmailCode` to provide the code.
  • Method Details