static class |
TdApi.MessageAnimation |
An animation message (GIF-style).
static class |
TdApi.MessageAudio |
An audio message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageBasicGroupChatCreate |
A newly created basic group.
static class |
TdApi.MessageCall |
A message with information about an ended call.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatAddMembers |
New chat members were added.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatChangePhoto |
An updated chat photo.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatChangeTitle |
An updated chat title.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatDeleteMember |
A chat member was deleted.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatDeletePhoto |
A deleted chat photo.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatJoinByLink |
A new member joined the chat by invite link.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatSetTtl |
The TTL (Time To Live) setting for
messages in the chat has been changed.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatUpgradeFrom |
A supergroup has been created from a basic group.
static class |
TdApi.MessageChatUpgradeTo |
A basic group was upgraded to a
supergroup and was deactivated as the result.
static class |
TdApi.MessageContact |
A message with a user contact.
static class |
TdApi.MessageContactRegistered |
A contact has registered with Telegram.
static class |
TdApi.MessageCustomServiceAction |
A non-standard action has happened in the chat.
static class |
TdApi.MessageDice |
A dice message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageDocument |
A document message (general file).
static class |
TdApi.MessageExpiredPhoto |
An expired photo message (self-destructed
after TTL has elapsed).
static class |
TdApi.MessageExpiredVideo |
An expired video message (self-destructed
after TTL has elapsed).
static class |
TdApi.MessageGame |
A message with a game.
static class |
TdApi.MessageGameScore |
A new high score was achieved in a game.
static class |
TdApi.MessageInviteVoiceChatParticipants |
A message with information about an
invite to a voice chat.
static class |
TdApi.MessageInvoice |
A message with an invoice from a bot.
static class |
TdApi.MessageLocation |
A message with a location.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePassportDataReceived |
Telegram Passport data has been
received; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePassportDataSent |
Telegram Passport data has been sent.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePaymentSuccessful |
A payment has been completed.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot |
A payment has been completed; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePhoto |
A photo message.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePinMessage |
A message has been pinned.
static class |
TdApi.MessagePoll |
A message with a poll.
static class |
TdApi.MessageProximityAlertTriggered |
A user in the chat came within proximity alert range.
static class |
TdApi.MessageScreenshotTaken |
A screenshot of a message in the chat
has been taken.
static class |
TdApi.MessageSticker |
A sticker message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageSupergroupChatCreate |
A newly created supergroup or channel.
static class |
TdApi.MessageText |
A text message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageUnsupported |
Message content that is not supported
in the current TDLib version.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVenue |
A message with information about a venue.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVideo |
A video message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVideoNote |
A video note message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVoiceChatEnded |
A message with information about an
ended voice chat.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVoiceChatScheduled |
A new voice chat was scheduled.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVoiceChatStarted |
A newly created voice chat.
static class |
TdApi.MessageVoiceNote |
A voice note message.
static class |
TdApi.MessageWebsiteConnected |
The current user has connected a
website by logging in using Telegram
Login Widget on it.