TdApi.AccountTtl |
Contains information about the period
of inactivity after which the current
user's account will automatically be deleted.
TdApi.Address |
Describes an address.
TdApi.AnimatedChatPhoto |
Animated variant of a chat photo in MPEG4 format.
TdApi.Animation |
Describes an animation file.
TdApi.Audio |
Describes an audio file.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeInfo |
Information about the authentication
code that was sent.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.AuthorizationState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.AutoDownloadSettings |
Contains auto-download settings.
TdApi.Background |
Describes a chat background.
TdApi.BackgroundFill |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.BackgroundType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.BankCardActionOpenUrl |
Describes an action associated with
a bank card number.
TdApi.BasicGroup |
Represents a basic group of 0-200
users (must be upgraded to a supergroup
to accommodate more than 200 users).
TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo |
Contains full information about a basic group.
TdApi.BotCommand |
Represents a command supported by a bot.
TdApi.BotInfo |
Provides information about a bot and
its supported commands.
TdApi.Call |
Describes a call.
TdApi.CallbackQueryPayload |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallDiscardReason |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallProblem |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallProtocol |
Specifies the supported call protocols.
TdApi.CallServer |
Describes a server for relaying call data.
TdApi.CallServerType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CanTransferOwnershipResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Chat |
A chat.
TdApi.ChatAction |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatActionBar |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatAdministrator |
Contains information about a chat administrator.
TdApi.ChatEvent |
Represents a chat event.
TdApi.ChatEventAction |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatEventLogFilters |
Represents a set of filters used to
obtain a chat event log.
TdApi.ChatFilter |
Represents a filter of user chats.
TdApi.ChatFilterInfo |
Contains basic information about a chat filter.
TdApi.ChatInviteLinkInfo |
Contains information about a chat invite link.
TdApi.ChatList |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatLocation |
Represents a location to which a chat is connected.
TdApi.ChatMember |
A user with information about
joining/leaving a chat.
TdApi.ChatMembersFilter |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatus |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatNearby |
Describes a chat located nearby.
TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings |
Contains information about notification
settings for a chat.
TdApi.ChatPermissions |
Describes actions that a user is
allowed to take in a chat.
TdApi.ChatPhoto |
Describes a chat or user profile photo.
TdApi.ChatPhotoInfo |
Contains basic information about the
photo of a chat.
TdApi.ChatPosition |
Describes a position of a chat in a chat list.
TdApi.ChatReportReason |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatSource |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatStatistics |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo |
Contains statistics about administrator
actions done by a user.
TdApi.ChatStatisticsInviterInfo |
Contains statistics about number of
new members invited by a user.
TdApi.ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo |
Contains statistics about interactions
with a message.
TdApi.ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo |
Contains statistics about messages
sent by a user.
TdApi.ChatType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ClosedVectorPath |
Represents a closed vector path.
TdApi.ConnectedWebsite |
Contains information about one website
the current user is logged in with Telegram.
TdApi.ConnectionState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Contact |
Describes a user contact.
TdApi.CountryInfo |
Contains information about a country.
TdApi.Date |
Represents a date according to the Gregorian calendar.
TdApi.DatedFile |
File with the date it was uploaded.
TdApi.DateRange |
Represents a date range.
TdApi.DeviceToken |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.DiceStickers |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Document |
Describes a document of any type.
TdApi.DraftMessage |
Contains information about a message draft.
TdApi.EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo |
Information about the email address
authentication code that was sent.
TdApi.Emojis |
Represents a list of emoji.
TdApi.EncryptedCredentials |
Contains encrypted Telegram Passport data credentials.
TdApi.EncryptedPassportElement |
Contains information about an encrypted
Telegram Passport element; for bots only.
TdApi.Error |
An object of this type can be returned
on every function call, in case of an error.
TdApi.File |
Represents a file.
TdApi.FileType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.FormattedText |
A text with some entities.
TdApi.Function |
TdApi.Game |
Describes a game.
TdApi.GameHighScore |
Contains one row of the game high score table.
TdApi.GroupCall |
Describes a group call.
TdApi.GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate |
Describes a join response candidate
for interaction with tgcalls.
TdApi.GroupCallParticipant |
Represents a group call participant.
TdApi.GroupCallPayload |
Describes a payload for interaction with tgcalls.
TdApi.GroupCallPayloadFingerprint |
Describes a payload fingerprint for
interaction with tgcalls.
TdApi.GroupCallRecentSpeaker |
Describes a recently speaking user in
a group call.
TdApi.IdentityDocument |
An identity document.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButton |
Represents a single button in an inline keyboard.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InlineQueryResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputBackground |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputChatPhoto |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputCredentials |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputFile |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputIdentityDocument |
An identity document to be saved to Telegram Passport.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputMessageContent |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputPassportElement |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputPassportElementError |
Contains the description of an error
in a Telegram Passport element; for bots only.
TdApi.InputPassportElementErrorSource |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputPersonalDocument |
A personal document to be saved to Telegram Passport.
TdApi.InputSticker |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputThumbnail |
A thumbnail to be sent along with a
file; must be in JPEG or WEBP format
for stickers, and less than 200 KB in size.
TdApi.Invoice |
Product invoice.
TdApi.JsonObjectMember |
Represents one member of a JSON object.
TdApi.JsonValue |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.KeyboardButton |
Represents a single button in a bot keyboard.
TdApi.KeyboardButtonType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.LabeledPricePart |
Portion of the price of a product
(e.g., "delivery cost", "tax amount").
TdApi.LanguagePackInfo |
Contains information about a language pack.
TdApi.LanguagePackString |
Represents one language pack string.
TdApi.LanguagePackStringValue |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.LocalFile |
Represents a local file.
TdApi.Location |
Describes a location on planet Earth.
TdApi.LoginUrlInfo |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.LogStream |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MaskPoint |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MaskPosition |
Position on a photo where a mask should be placed.
TdApi.Message |
Describes a message.
TdApi.MessageContent |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageCopyOptions |
Options to be used when a message
content is copied without a link to
the original message.
TdApi.MessageForwardInfo |
Contains information about a forwarded message.
TdApi.MessageForwardOrigin |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageInteractionInfo |
Contains information about interactions
with a message.
TdApi.MessageReplyInfo |
Contains information about replies to a message.
TdApi.MessageSchedulingState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageSender |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageSendingState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageSendOptions |
Options to be used when a message is sent.
TdApi.Minithumbnail |
Thumbnail image of a very poor quality
and low resolution.
TdApi.NetworkStatisticsEntry |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.NetworkType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Notification |
Contains information about a notification.
TdApi.NotificationGroup |
Describes a group of notifications.
TdApi.NotificationGroupType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.NotificationSettingsScope |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.NotificationType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Object |
TdApi.OptionValue |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.OrderInfo |
Order information.
TdApi.PageBlock |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PageBlockCaption |
Contains a caption of an instant view
web page block, consisting of a text
and a trailing credit.
TdApi.PageBlockHorizontalAlignment |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PageBlockListItem |
Describes an item of a list page block.
TdApi.PageBlockRelatedArticle |
Contains information about a related article.
TdApi.PageBlockTableCell |
Represents a cell of a table.
TdApi.PageBlockVerticalAlignment |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PassportElement |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PassportElementError |
Contains the description of an error
in a Telegram Passport element.
TdApi.PassportElementErrorSource |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PassportElementType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PassportRequiredElement |
Contains a description of the required
Telegram Passport element that was
requested by a service.
TdApi.PassportSuitableElement |
Contains information about a Telegram
Passport element that was requested
by a service.
TdApi.PaymentsProviderStripe |
Stripe payment provider.
TdApi.PersonalDetails |
Contains the user's personal details.
TdApi.PersonalDocument |
A personal document, containing some
information about a user.
TdApi.PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings |
Contains settings for the authentication
of the user's phone number.
TdApi.Photo |
Describes a photo.
TdApi.PhotoSize |
Describes an image in JPEG format.
TdApi.Point |
A point on a Cartesian plane.
TdApi.Poll |
Describes a poll.
TdApi.PollOption |
Describes one answer option of a poll.
TdApi.PollType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ProfilePhoto |
Describes a user profile photo.
TdApi.Proxy |
Contains information about a proxy server.
TdApi.ProxyType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PublicChatType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PushMessageContent |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.RecommendedChatFilter |
Describes a recommended chat filter.
TdApi.RemoteFile |
Represents a remote file.
TdApi.ReplyMarkup |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.RichText |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.SavedCredentials |
Contains information about saved card credentials.
TdApi.ScopeNotificationSettings |
Contains information about notification
settings for several chats.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilter |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.SecretChat |
Represents a secret chat.
TdApi.SecretChatState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Session |
Contains information about one session
in a Telegram application used by the
current user.
TdApi.ShippingOption |
One shipping option.
TdApi.StatisticalGraph |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.StatisticalValue |
A value with information about its recent changes.
TdApi.Sticker |
Describes a sticker.
TdApi.StickerSet |
Represents a sticker set.
TdApi.StickerSetInfo |
Represents short information about a sticker set.
TdApi.StickerSets |
Represents a list of sticker sets.
TdApi.StorageStatisticsByChat |
Contains the storage usage statistics
for a specific chat.
TdApi.StorageStatisticsByFileType |
Contains the storage usage statistics
for a specific file type.
TdApi.SuggestedAction |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Supergroup |
Represents a supergroup or channel
with zero or more members (subscribers
in the case of channels).
TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo |
Contains full information about a
supergroup or channel.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilter |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TdlibParameters |
Contains parameters for TDLib initialization.
TdApi.TermsOfService |
Contains Telegram terms of service.
TdApi.TestInt |
A simple object containing a number;
for testing only.
TdApi.TestString |
A simple object containing a string;
for testing only.
TdApi.TextEntity |
Represents a part of the text that
needs to be formatted in some unusual way.
TdApi.TextEntityType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TextParseMode |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Thumbnail |
Represents a thumbnail.
TdApi.ThumbnailFormat |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TMeUrl |
Represents a URL linking to an internal Telegram entity.
TdApi.TMeUrlType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TopChatCategory |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Update |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.User |
Represents a user.
TdApi.UserFullInfo |
Contains full information about a user.
TdApi.UserPrivacySetting |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRule |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRules |
A list of privacy rules.
TdApi.UserStatus |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.VectorPathCommand |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.Venue |
Describes a venue.
TdApi.Video |
Describes a video file.
TdApi.VideoNote |
Describes a video note.
TdApi.VoiceNote |
Describes a voice note.
TdApi.WebPage |
Describes a web page preview.