Class TdApi.ChatEventThemeChanged

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatEventThemeChanged
extends TdApi.ChatEventAction
The chat theme was changed. This event shouldn't be received until chat themes would be supported in supergroups.
  • Field Details

    • oldThemeName

      public String oldThemeName
      Previous chat theme name; empty if the previous theme was default one.
    • newThemeName

      public String newThemeName
      New chat theme name; empty if the new theme is default one.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatEventThemeChanged

      public ChatEventThemeChanged()
      The chat theme was changed. This event shouldn't be received until chat themes would be supported in supergroups.
    • ChatEventThemeChanged

      public ChatEventThemeChanged​(String oldThemeName, String newThemeName)
      The chat theme was changed. This event shouldn't be received until chat themes would be supported in supergroups.
      oldThemeName - String Previous chat theme name; empty if the previous theme was default one.
      newThemeName - String New chat theme name; empty if the new theme is default one.
    • ChatEventThemeChanged

      public ChatEventThemeChanged​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details