Class TdApi.ReportSupergroupSpam

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ReportSupergroupSpam
extends TdApi.Function
Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup.

Returns Ok

  • Field Details

    • supergroupId

      public int supergroupId
      Supergroup identifier.
    • userId

      public int userId
      User identifier.
    • messageIds

      public long[] messageIds
      Identifiers of messages sent in the supergroup by the user. This list must be non-empty.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ReportSupergroupSpam

      public ReportSupergroupSpam()
      Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup.

      Returns Ok

    • ReportSupergroupSpam

      public ReportSupergroupSpam​(int supergroupId, int userId, long[] messageIds)
      Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup.

      Returns Ok

      supergroupId - int Supergroup identifier.
      userId - int User identifier.
      messageIds - long[] Identifiers of messages sent in the supergroup by the user. This list must be non-empty.
    • ReportSupergroupSpam

      public ReportSupergroupSpam​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details