static class |
TdApi.AcceptCall |
Accepts an incoming call.
static class |
TdApi.AcceptTermsOfService |
Accepts Telegram terms of services.
static class |
TdApi.AddChatMember |
Adds a new member to a chat.
static class |
TdApi.AddChatMembers |
Adds multiple new members to a chat.
static class |
TdApi.AddChatToList |
Adds a chat to a chat list.
static class |
TdApi.AddContact |
Adds a user to the contact list or
edits an existing contact by their user identifier.
static class |
TdApi.AddCustomServerLanguagePack |
Adds a custom server language pack to
the list of installed language packs
in current localization target.
static class |
TdApi.AddFavoriteSticker |
Adds a new sticker to the list of
favorite stickers.
static class |
TdApi.AddLocalMessage |
Adds a local message to a chat.
static class |
TdApi.AddLogMessage |
Adds a message to TDLib internal log.
static class |
TdApi.AddNetworkStatistics |
Adds the specified data to data usage
static class |
TdApi.AddProxy |
Adds a proxy server for network
static class |
TdApi.AddRecentlyFoundChat |
Adds a chat to the list of recently
found chats.
static class |
TdApi.AddRecentSticker |
Manually adds a new sticker to the
list of recently used stickers.
static class |
TdApi.AddSavedAnimation |
Manually adds a new animation to the
list of saved animations.
static class |
TdApi.AddStickerToSet |
Adds a new sticker to a set; for bots
static class |
TdApi.AnswerCallbackQuery |
Sets the result of a callback query;
for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.AnswerCustomQuery |
Answers a custom query; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.AnswerInlineQuery |
Sets the result of an inline query;
for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.AnswerPreCheckoutQuery |
Sets the result of a pre-checkout
query; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.AnswerShippingQuery |
Sets the result of a shipping query;
for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.BanChatMember |
Bans a member in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.BlockMessageSenderFromReplies |
Blocks an original sender of a message
in the Replies chat.
static class |
TdApi.CancelDownloadFile |
Stops the downloading of a file.
static class |
TdApi.CancelPasswordReset |
Cancels reset of 2-step verification
static class |
TdApi.CancelUploadFile |
Stops the uploading of a file.
static class |
TdApi.CanTransferOwnership |
Checks whether the current session
can be used to transfer a chat ownership
to another user.
static class |
TdApi.ChangeImportedContacts |
Changes imported contacts using the
list of contacts saved on the device.
static class |
TdApi.ChangePhoneNumber |
Changes the phone number of the user
and sends an authentication code to
the user's new phone number.
static class |
TdApi.ChangeStickerSet |
Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives
a sticker set.
static class |
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationBotToken |
Checks the authentication token of a
bot; to log in as a bot.
static class |
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationCode |
Checks the authentication code.
static class |
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationPassword |
Checks the authentication password
for correctness.
static class |
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationPasswordRecoveryCode |
Checks whether a password recovery
code sent to an email address is valid.
static class |
TdApi.CheckChangePhoneNumberCode |
Checks the authentication code sent
to confirm a new phone number of the user.
static class |
TdApi.CheckChatInviteLink |
Checks the validity of an invite link
for a chat and returns information
about the corresponding chat.
static class |
TdApi.CheckChatUsername |
Checks whether a username can be set
for a chat.
static class |
TdApi.CheckCreatedPublicChatsLimit |
Checks whether the maximum number of
owned public chats has been reached.
static class |
TdApi.CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey |
Checks the database encryption key
for correctness.
static class |
TdApi.CheckEmailAddressVerificationCode |
Checks the email address verification
code for Telegram Passport.
static class |
TdApi.CheckPasswordRecoveryCode |
Checks whether a 2-step verification
password recovery code sent to an
email address is valid.
static class |
TdApi.CheckPhoneNumberConfirmationCode |
Checks phone number confirmation code.
static class |
TdApi.CheckPhoneNumberVerificationCode |
Checks the phone number verification
code for Telegram Passport.
static class |
TdApi.CheckRecoveryEmailAddressCode |
Checks the 2-step verification recovery
email address verification code.
static class |
TdApi.CheckStickerSetName |
Checks whether a name can be used for
a new sticker set.
static class |
TdApi.CleanFileName |
Removes potentially dangerous characters
from the name of a file.
static class |
TdApi.ClearAllDraftMessages |
Clears draft messages in all chats.
static class |
TdApi.ClearImportedContacts |
Clears all imported contacts, contact
list remains unchanged.
static class |
TdApi.ClearRecentlyFoundChats |
Clears the list of recently found chats.
static class |
TdApi.ClearRecentStickers |
Clears the list of recently used stickers.
static class |
TdApi.Close |
Closes the TDLib instance.
static class |
TdApi.CloseChat |
Informs TDLib that the chat is closed
by the user.
static class |
TdApi.CloseSecretChat |
Closes a secret chat, effectively
transferring its state to secretChatStateClosed.
static class |
TdApi.ConfirmQrCodeAuthentication |
Confirms QR code authentication on
another device.
static class |
TdApi.CreateBasicGroupChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding
to a known basic group.
static class |
TdApi.CreateCall |
Creates a new call.
static class |
TdApi.CreateChatFilter |
Creates new chat filter.
static class |
TdApi.CreateChatInviteLink |
Creates a new invite link for a chat.
static class |
TdApi.CreateNewBasicGroupChat |
Creates a new basic group and sends
a corresponding messageBasicGroupChatCreate.
static class |
TdApi.CreateNewSecretChat |
Creates a new secret chat.
static class |
TdApi.CreateNewStickerSet |
Creates a new sticker set.
static class |
TdApi.CreateNewSupergroupChat |
Creates a new supergroup or channel
and sends a corresponding
static class |
TdApi.CreatePrivateChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding
to a given user.
static class |
TdApi.CreateSecretChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding
to a known secret chat.
static class |
TdApi.CreateSupergroupChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding
to a known supergroup or channel.
static class |
TdApi.CreateTemporaryPassword |
Creates a new temporary password for processing payments.
static class |
TdApi.CreateVoiceChat |
Creates a voice chat (a group call
bound to a chat).
static class |
TdApi.DeleteAccount |
Deletes the account of the current
user, deleting all information associated
with the user from the server.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteAllCallMessages |
Deletes all call messages.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteAllRevokedChatInviteLinks |
Deletes all revoked chat invite links
created by a given chat administrator.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteChat |
Deletes a chat along with all messages
in the corresponding chat for all chat
members; requires owner privileges.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteChatFilter |
Deletes existing chat filter.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteChatHistory |
Deletes all messages in the chat.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteChatMessagesFromUser |
Deletes all messages sent by the
specified user to a chat.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteChatReplyMarkup |
Deletes the default reply markup from
a chat.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteCommands |
Deletes commands supported by the bot
for the given user scope and language;
for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteFile |
Deletes a file from the TDLib file cache.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteLanguagePack |
Deletes all information about a language
pack in the current localization
static class |
TdApi.DeleteMessages |
Deletes messages.
static class |
TdApi.DeletePassportElement |
Deletes a Telegram Passport element.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteProfilePhoto |
Deletes a profile photo.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteRevokedChatInviteLink |
Deletes revoked chat invite links.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteSavedCredentials |
Deletes saved credentials for all
payment provider bots.
static class |
TdApi.DeleteSavedOrderInfo |
Deletes saved order info.
static class |
TdApi.Destroy |
Closes the TDLib instance, destroying
all local data without a proper logout.
static class |
TdApi.DisableProxy |
Disables the currently enabled proxy.
static class |
TdApi.DiscardCall |
Discards a call.
static class |
TdApi.DiscardGroupCall |
Discards a group call.
static class |
TdApi.DisconnectAllWebsites |
Disconnects all websites from the
current user's Telegram account.
static class |
TdApi.DisconnectWebsite |
Disconnects website from the current
user's Telegram account.
static class |
TdApi.DownloadFile |
Downloads a file from the cloud.
static class |
TdApi.EditChatFilter |
Edits existing chat filter.
static class |
TdApi.EditChatInviteLink |
Edits a non-primary invite link for
a chat.
static class |
TdApi.EditCustomLanguagePackInfo |
Edits information about a custom local
language pack in the current localization
static class |
TdApi.EditInlineMessageCaption |
Edits the caption of an inline message
sent via a bot; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.EditInlineMessageLiveLocation |
Edits the content of a live location
in an inline message sent via a bot;
for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.EditInlineMessageMedia |
Edits the content of a message with
an animation, an audio, a document,
a photo or a video in an inline message
sent via a bot; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.EditInlineMessageReplyMarkup |
Edits the reply markup of an inline
message sent via a bot; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.EditInlineMessageText |
Edits the text of an inline text or
game message sent via a bot; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.EditMessageCaption |
Edits the message content caption.
static class |
TdApi.EditMessageLiveLocation |
Edits the message content of a live
static class |
TdApi.EditMessageMedia |
Edits the content of a message with
an animation, an audio, a document,
a photo or a video, including message
static class |
TdApi.EditMessageReplyMarkup |
Edits the message reply markup; for
bots only.
static class |
TdApi.EditMessageSchedulingState |
Edits the time when a scheduled message
will be sent.
static class |
TdApi.EditMessageText |
Edits the text of a message (or a text
of a game message).
static class |
TdApi.EditProxy |
Edits an existing proxy server for
network requests.
static class |
TdApi.EnableProxy |
Enables a proxy.
static class |
TdApi.EndGroupCallRecording |
Ends recording of an active group
static class |
TdApi.EndGroupCallScreenSharing |
Ends screen sharing in a joined group call.
static class |
TdApi.FinishFileGeneration |
Finishes the file generation.
static class |
TdApi.ForwardMessages |
Forwards previously sent messages.
static class |
TdApi.GetAccountTtl |
Returns the period of inactivity after
which the account of the current user
will automatically be deleted.
static class |
TdApi.GetActiveLiveLocationMessages |
Returns all active live locations that
should be updated by the application.
static class |
TdApi.GetActiveSessions |
Returns all active sessions of the current user.
static class |
TdApi.GetAllPassportElements |
Returns all available Telegram Passport elements.
static class |
TdApi.GetApplicationConfig |
Returns application config, provided
by the server.
static class |
TdApi.GetApplicationDownloadLink |
Returns the link for downloading
official Telegram application to be
used when the current user invites
friends to Telegram.
static class |
TdApi.GetArchivedStickerSets |
Returns a list of archived sticker sets.
static class |
TdApi.GetAttachedStickerSets |
Returns a list of sticker sets attached
to a file.
static class |
TdApi.GetAuthorizationState |
Returns the current authorization
state; this is an offline request.
static class |
TdApi.GetAutoDownloadSettingsPresets |
Returns auto-download settings presets
for the current user.
static class |
TdApi.GetBackgrounds |
Returns backgrounds installed by the user.
static class |
TdApi.GetBackgroundUrl |
Constructs a persistent HTTP URL for a background.
static class |
TdApi.GetBankCardInfo |
Returns information about a bank card.
static class |
TdApi.GetBasicGroup |
Returns information about a basic
group by its identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetBasicGroupFullInfo |
Returns full information about a basic
group by its identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetBlockedMessageSenders |
Returns users and chats that were
blocked by the current user.
static class |
TdApi.GetCallbackQueryAnswer |
Sends a callback query to a bot and
returns an answer.
static class |
TdApi.GetCallbackQueryMessage |
Returns information about a message
with the callback button that originated
a callback query; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.GetChannelDifference |
Execute a channel difference.
static class |
TdApi.GetChat |
Returns information about a chat by
its identifier, this is an offline
request if the current user is not a bot.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatAdministrators |
Returns a list of administrators of
the chat with their custom titles.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatEventLog |
Returns a list of service actions
taken by chat members and administrators
in the last 48 hours.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatFilter |
Returns information about a chat filter
by its identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatFilterDefaultIconName |
Returns default icon name for a filter.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatHistory |
Returns messages in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatInviteLink |
Returns information about an invite
static class |
TdApi.GetChatInviteLinkCounts |
Returns list of chat administrators
with number of their invite links.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatInviteLinkMembers |
Returns chat members joined a chat by
an invite link.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatInviteLinks |
Returns invite links for a chat created
by specified administrator.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatListsToAddChat |
Returns chat lists to which the chat
can be added.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatMember |
Returns information about a single
member of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatMessageByDate |
Returns the last message sent in a
chat no later than the specified date.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatMessageCount |
Returns approximate number of messages
of the specified type in the chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatNotificationSettingsExceptions |
Returns list of chats with non-default notification settings.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatPinnedMessage |
Returns information about a newest
pinned message in the chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetChats |
Returns an ordered list of chats from
the beginning of a chat list.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatScheduledMessages |
Returns all scheduled messages in a
static class |
TdApi.GetChatSponsoredMessages |
Returns sponsored messages to be shown
in a chat; for channel chats only.
static class |
TdApi.GetChatStatistics |
Returns detailed statistics about a
static class |
TdApi.GetChatStatisticsUrl |
Returns an HTTP URL with the chat
static class |
TdApi.GetCommands |
Returns the list of commands supported
by the bot for the given user scope
and language; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.GetConnectedWebsites |
Returns all website where the current
user used Telegram to log in.
static class |
TdApi.GetContacts |
Returns all user contacts.
static class |
TdApi.GetCountries |
Returns information about existing
static class |
TdApi.GetCountryCode |
Uses the current IP address to find
the current country.
static class |
TdApi.GetCreatedPublicChats |
Returns a list of public chats of the
specified type, owned by the user.
static class |
TdApi.GetCurrentState |
Returns all updates needed to restore
current TDLib state, i.e.
static class |
TdApi.GetDatabaseStatistics |
Returns database statistics.
static class |
TdApi.GetDeepLinkInfo |
Returns information about a tg:// deep
static class |
TdApi.GetEmojiSuggestionsUrl |
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used
to automatically log in to the
translation platform and suggest new
emoji replacements.
static class |
TdApi.GetExternalLink |
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used
to automatically authorize the current
user on a website after clicking an
HTTP link.
static class |
TdApi.GetExternalLinkInfo |
Returns information about an action
to be done when the current user clicks
an external link.
static class |
TdApi.GetFavoriteStickers |
Returns favorite stickers.
static class |
TdApi.GetFile |
Returns information about a file; this
is an offline request.
static class |
TdApi.GetFileDownloadedPrefixSize |
Returns file downloaded prefix size
from a given offset, in bytes.
static class |
TdApi.GetFileExtension |
Returns the extension of a file,
guessed by its MIME type.
static class |
TdApi.GetFileMimeType |
Returns the MIME type of a file,
guessed by its extension.
static class |
TdApi.GetGameHighScores |
Returns the high scores for a game
and some part of the high score table
in the range of the specified user;
for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.GetGroupCall |
Returns information about a group call.
static class |
TdApi.GetGroupCallInviteLink |
Returns invite link to a voice chat
in a public chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetGroupCallStreamSegment |
Returns a file with a segment of a
group call stream in a modified OGG
format for audio or MPEG-4 format for video.
static class |
TdApi.GetGroupsInCommon |
Returns a list of common group chats
with a given user.
static class |
TdApi.GetImportedContactCount |
Returns the total number of imported contacts.
static class |
TdApi.GetInactiveSupergroupChats |
Returns a list of recently inactive
supergroups and channels.
static class |
TdApi.GetInlineGameHighScores |
Returns game high scores and some part
of the high score table in the range
of the specified user; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.GetInlineQueryResults |
Sends an inline query to a bot and
returns its results.
static class |
TdApi.GetInstalledStickerSets |
Returns a list of installed sticker sets.
static class |
TdApi.GetInternalLinkType |
Returns information about the type of
an internal link.
static class |
TdApi.GetJsonString |
Converts a JsonValue object to
corresponding JSON-serialized string.
static class |
TdApi.GetJsonValue |
Converts a JSON-serialized string to
corresponding JsonValue object.
static class |
TdApi.GetLanguagePackInfo |
Returns information about a language
static class |
TdApi.GetLanguagePackString |
Returns a string stored in the local
database from the specified localization
target and language pack by its key.
static class |
TdApi.GetLanguagePackStrings |
Returns strings from a language pack
in the current localization target by
their keys.
static class |
TdApi.GetLocalizationTargetInfo |
Returns information about the current
localization target.
static class |
TdApi.GetLoginUrl |
Returns an HTTP URL which can be used
to automatically authorize the user
on a website after clicking an inline
button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl.
static class |
TdApi.GetLoginUrlInfo |
Returns information about a button of
type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl.
static class |
TdApi.GetLogStream |
Returns information about currently
used log stream for internal logging
of TDLib.
static class |
TdApi.GetLogTags |
Returns list of available TDLib internal
log tags, for example, ["actor",
"binlog", "connections",
static class |
TdApi.GetLogTagVerbosityLevel |
Returns current verbosity level for
a specified TDLib internal log tag.
static class |
TdApi.GetLogVerbosityLevel |
Returns current verbosity level of
the internal logging of TDLib.
static class |
TdApi.GetMapThumbnailFile |
Returns information about a file with
a map thumbnail in PNG format.
static class |
TdApi.GetMarkdownText |
Replaces text entities with Markdown
formatting in a human-friendly format.
static class |
TdApi.GetMe |
Returns the current user.
static class |
TdApi.GetMemoryStatistics |
Returns memory statistics.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessage |
Returns information about a message.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageEmbeddingCode |
Returns an HTML code for embedding
the message.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageFileType |
Returns information about a file with
messages exported from another app.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageImportConfirmationText |
Returns a confirmation text to be
shown to the user before starting message import.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageLink |
Returns an HTTPS link to a message in
a chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageLinkInfo |
Returns information about a public or
private message link.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageLocally |
Returns information about a message,
if it is available locally without
sending network request.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessagePublicForwards |
Returns forwarded copies of a channel
message to different public channels.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessages |
Returns information about messages.
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageStatistics |
Returns detailed statistics about a
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageThread |
Returns information about a message
static class |
TdApi.GetMessageThreadHistory |
Returns messages in a message thread
of a message.
static class |
TdApi.GetNetworkStatistics |
Returns network data usage statistics.
static class |
TdApi.GetOption |
Returns the value of an option by its
static class |
TdApi.GetPassportAuthorizationForm |
Returns a Telegram Passport authorization
form for sharing data with a service.
static class |
TdApi.GetPassportAuthorizationFormAvailableElements |
Returns already available Telegram
Passport elements suitable for completing
a Telegram Passport authorization
static class |
TdApi.GetPassportElement |
Returns one of the available Telegram Passport elements.
static class |
TdApi.GetPasswordState |
Returns the current state of 2-step verification.
static class |
TdApi.GetPaymentForm |
Returns an invoice payment form.
static class |
TdApi.GetPaymentReceipt |
Returns information about a successful payment.
static class |
TdApi.GetPhoneNumberInfo |
Returns information about a phone
number by its prefix.
static class |
TdApi.GetPhoneNumberInfoSync |
Returns information about a phone
number by its prefix synchronously.
static class |
TdApi.GetPollVoters |
Returns users voted for the specified
option in a non-anonymous polls.
static class |
TdApi.GetPreferredCountryLanguage |
Returns an IETF language tag of the
language preferred in the country,
which should be used to fill native
fields in Telegram Passport personal
static class |
TdApi.GetProxies |
Returns list of proxies that are
currently set up.
static class |
TdApi.GetProxyLink |
Returns an HTTPS link, which can be
used to add a proxy.
static class |
TdApi.GetPushReceiverId |
Returns a globally unique push
notification subscription identifier
for identification of an account,
which has received a push notification.
static class |
TdApi.GetRecentInlineBots |
Returns up to 20 recently used inline
bots in the order of their last usage.
static class |
TdApi.GetRecentlyOpenedChats |
Returns recently opened chats, this
is an offline request.
static class |
TdApi.GetRecentlyVisitedTMeUrls |
Returns URLs recently visited by
a newly registered user.
static class |
TdApi.GetRecentStickers |
Returns a list of recently used stickers.
static class |
TdApi.GetRecommendedChatFilters |
Returns recommended chat filters for
the current user.
static class |
TdApi.GetRecoveryEmailAddress |
Returns a 2-step verification recovery
email address that was previously set
static class |
TdApi.GetRemoteFile |
Returns information about a file by
its remote ID; this is an offline
static class |
TdApi.GetRepliedMessage |
Returns information about a message
that is replied by a given message.
static class |
TdApi.GetSavedAnimations |
Returns saved animations.
static class |
TdApi.GetSavedOrderInfo |
Returns saved order info, if any.
static class |
TdApi.GetScopeNotificationSettings |
Returns the notification settings for
chats of a given type.
static class |
TdApi.GetSecretChat |
Returns information about a secret
chat by its identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetStatisticalGraph |
Loads an asynchronous or a zoomed in statistical graph.
static class |
TdApi.GetStickerEmojis |
Returns emoji corresponding to a
static class |
TdApi.GetStickers |
Returns stickers from the installed
sticker sets that correspond to a
given emoji.
static class |
TdApi.GetStickerSet |
Returns information about a sticker
set by its identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetStorageStatistics |
Returns storage usage statistics.
static class |
TdApi.GetStorageStatisticsFast |
Quickly returns approximate storage
usage statistics.
static class |
TdApi.GetSuggestedFileName |
Returns suggested name for saving a
file in a given directory.
static class |
TdApi.GetSuggestedStickerSetName |
Returns a suggested name for a new
sticker set with a given title.
static class |
TdApi.GetSuitableDiscussionChats |
Returns a list of basic group and
supergroup chats, which can be used
as a discussion group for a channel.
static class |
TdApi.GetSupergroup |
Returns information about a supergroup
or a channel by its identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetSupergroupFullInfo |
Returns full information about a
supergroup or a channel by its
identifier, cached for up to 1 minute.
static class |
TdApi.GetSupergroupMembers |
Returns information about members or
banned users in a supergroup or channel.
static class |
TdApi.GetSupportUser |
Returns a user that can be contacted
to get support.
static class |
TdApi.GetTemporaryPasswordState |
Returns information about the current temporary password.
static class |
TdApi.GetTextEntities |
Returns all entities (mentions,
hashtags, cashtags, bot commands, bank
card numbers, URLs, and email addresses)
contained in the text.
static class |
TdApi.GetTopChats |
Returns a list of frequently used
static class |
TdApi.GetTrendingStickerSets |
Returns a list of trending sticker
static class |
TdApi.GetUser |
Returns information about a user by
their identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetUserFullInfo |
Returns full information about a user
by their identifier.
static class |
TdApi.GetUserPrivacySettingRules |
Returns the current privacy settings.
static class |
TdApi.GetUserProfilePhotos |
Returns the profile photos of a user.
static class |
TdApi.GetVoiceChatAvailableParticipants |
Returns list of participant identifiers,
which can be used to join voice chats
in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.GetWebPageInstantView |
Returns an instant view version of a
web page if available.
static class |
TdApi.GetWebPagePreview |
Returns a web page preview by the text
of the message.
static class |
TdApi.HideSuggestedAction |
Hides a suggested action.
static class |
TdApi.ImportContacts |
Adds new contacts or edits existing
contacts by their phone numbers;
contacts' user identifiers are ignored.
static class |
TdApi.ImportMessages |
Imports messages exported from another app.
static class |
TdApi.InviteGroupCallParticipants |
Invites users to an active group call.
static class |
TdApi.JoinChat |
Adds the current user as a new member
to a chat.
static class |
TdApi.JoinChatByInviteLink |
Uses an invite link to add the current
user to the chat if possible.
static class |
TdApi.JoinGroupCall |
Joins an active group call.
static class |
TdApi.LeaveChat |
Removes the current user from chat
static class |
TdApi.LeaveGroupCall |
Leaves a group call.
static class |
TdApi.LoadChats |
Loads more chats from a chat list.
static class |
TdApi.LoadGroupCallParticipants |
Loads more participants of a group
static class |
TdApi.LogOut |
Closes the TDLib instance after a
proper logout.
static class |
TdApi.OpenChat |
Informs TDLib that the chat is opened
by the user.
static class |
TdApi.OpenMessageContent |
Informs TDLib that the message content
has been opened (e.g., the user has
opened a photo, video, document,
location or venue, or has listened to
an audio file or voice note message).
static class |
TdApi.OptimizeMemory |
Optimize memory.
static class |
TdApi.OptimizeStorage |
Optimizes storage usage, i.e.
static class |
TdApi.ParseMarkdown |
Parses Markdown entities in a
human-friendly format, ignoring markup
static class |
TdApi.ParseTextEntities |
Parses Bold, Italic, Underline,
Strikethrough, Code, Pre, PreCode,
TextUrl and MentionName entities
contained in the text.
static class |
TdApi.PinChatMessage |
Pins a message in a chat; requires
canPinMessages rights or canEditMessages
rights in the channel.
static class |
TdApi.PingProxy |
Computes time needed to receive a
response from a Telegram server through
a proxy.
static class |
TdApi.ProcessPushNotification |
Handles a push notification.
static class |
TdApi.ReadAllChatMentions |
Marks all mentions in a chat as read.
static class |
TdApi.ReadFilePart |
Reads a part of a file from the TDLib
file cache and returns read bytes.
static class |
TdApi.RecoverAuthenticationPassword |
Recovers the password with a password
recovery code sent to an email address
that was previously set up.
static class |
TdApi.RecoverPassword |
Recovers the 2-step verification
password using a recovery code sent
to an email address that was previously set up.
static class |
TdApi.RegisterDevice |
Registers the currently used device
for receiving push notifications.
static class |
TdApi.RegisterUser |
Finishes user registration.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveBackground |
Removes background from the list of installed backgrounds.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveChatActionBar |
Removes a chat action bar without any other action.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveContacts |
Removes users from the contact list.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveFavoriteSticker |
Removes a sticker from the list of favorite stickers.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveNotification |
Removes an active notification from
notification list.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveNotificationGroup |
Removes a group of active notifications.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveProxy |
Removes a proxy server.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveRecentHashtag |
Removes a hashtag from the list of
recently used hashtags.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveRecentlyFoundChat |
Removes a chat from the list of recently found chats.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveRecentSticker |
Removes a sticker from the list of
recently used stickers.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveSavedAnimation |
Removes an animation from the list of saved animations.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveStickerFromSet |
Removes a sticker from the set to
which it belongs; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.RemoveTopChat |
Removes a chat from the list of
frequently used chats.
static class |
TdApi.ReorderChatFilters |
Changes the order of chat filters.
static class |
TdApi.ReorderInstalledStickerSets |
Changes the order of installed sticker sets.
static class |
TdApi.ReplacePrimaryChatInviteLink |
Replaces current primary invite link
for a chat with a new primary invite
static class |
TdApi.ReportChat |
Reports a chat to the Telegram
static class |
TdApi.ReportChatPhoto |
Reports a chat photo to the Telegram
static class |
TdApi.ReportSupergroupSpam |
Reports some messages from a user in
a supergroup as spam; requires
administrator rights in the supergroup.
static class |
TdApi.RequestAuthenticationPasswordRecovery |
Requests to send a password recovery
code to an email address that was
previously set up.
static class |
TdApi.RequestPasswordRecovery |
Requests to send a 2-step verification
password recovery code to an email
address that was previously set up.
static class |
TdApi.RequestQrCodeAuthentication |
Requests QR code authentication by
scanning a QR code on another logged
in device.
static class |
TdApi.ResendAuthenticationCode |
Re-sends an authentication code to
the user.
static class |
TdApi.ResendChangePhoneNumberCode |
Re-sends the authentication code sent
to confirm a new phone number for the
current user.
static class |
TdApi.ResendEmailAddressVerificationCode |
Re-sends the code to verify an email
address to be added to a user's Telegram Passport.
static class |
TdApi.ResendMessages |
Resends messages which failed to send.
static class |
TdApi.ResendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode |
Resends phone number confirmation code.
static class |
TdApi.ResendPhoneNumberVerificationCode |
Re-sends the code to verify a phone
number to be added to a user's Telegram Passport.
static class |
TdApi.ResendRecoveryEmailAddressCode |
Resends the 2-step verification recovery
email address verification code.
static class |
TdApi.ResetAllNotificationSettings |
Resets all notification settings to
their default values.
static class |
TdApi.ResetBackgrounds |
Resets list of installed backgrounds
to its default value.
static class |
TdApi.ResetNetworkStatistics |
Resets all network data usage statistics
to zero.
static class |
TdApi.ResetPassword |
Removes 2-step verification password
without previous password and access
to recovery email address.
static class |
TdApi.RevokeChatInviteLink |
Revokes invite link for a chat.
static class |
TdApi.RevokeGroupCallInviteLink |
Revokes invite link for a group call.
static class |
TdApi.SaveApplicationLogEvent |
Saves application log event on the
static class |
TdApi.SearchBackground |
Searches for a background by its name.
static class |
TdApi.SearchCallMessages |
Searches for call messages.
static class |
TdApi.SearchChatMembers |
Searches for a specified query in the
first name, last name and username of
the members of a specified chat.
static class |
TdApi.SearchChatMessages |
Searches for messages with given words
in the chat.
static class |
TdApi.SearchChatRecentLocationMessages |
Returns information about the recent
locations of chat members that were
sent to the chat.
static class |
TdApi.SearchChats |
Searches for the specified query in
the title and username of already
known chats, this is an offline request.
static class |
TdApi.SearchChatsNearby |
Returns a list of users and location-based
supergroups nearby.
static class |
TdApi.SearchChatsOnServer |
Searches for the specified query in
the title and username of already
known chats via request to the server.
static class |
TdApi.SearchContacts |
Searches for the specified query in
the first names, last names and
usernames of the known user contacts.
static class |
TdApi.SearchEmojis |
Searches for emojis by keywords.
static class |
TdApi.SearchHashtags |
Searches for recently used hashtags
by their prefix.
static class |
TdApi.SearchInstalledStickerSets |
Searches for installed sticker sets
by looking for specified query in
their title and name.
static class |
TdApi.SearchMessages |
Searches for messages in all chats
except secret chats.
static class |
TdApi.SearchPublicChat |
Searches a public chat by its username.
static class |
TdApi.SearchPublicChats |
Searches public chats by looking for
specified query in their username and
static class |
TdApi.SearchSecretMessages |
Searches for messages in secret chats.
static class |
TdApi.SearchStickers |
Searches for stickers from public
sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji.
static class |
TdApi.SearchStickerSet |
Searches for a sticker set by its name.
static class |
TdApi.SearchStickerSets |
Searches for ordinary sticker sets by
looking for specified query in their
title and name.
static class |
TdApi.SendBotStartMessage |
Invites a bot to a chat (if it is not
yet a member) and sends it the /start
static class |
TdApi.SendCallDebugInformation |
Sends debug information for a call.
static class |
TdApi.SendCallRating |
Sends a call rating.
static class |
TdApi.SendCallSignalingData |
Sends call signaling data.
static class |
TdApi.SendChatAction |
Sends a notification about user activity
in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SendChatScreenshotTakenNotification |
Sends a notification about a screenshot
taken in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SendCustomRequest |
Sends a custom request; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.SendEmailAddressVerificationCode |
Sends a code to verify an email address
to be added to a user's Telegram Passport.
static class |
TdApi.SendInlineQueryResultMessage |
Sends the result of an inline query
as a message.
static class |
TdApi.SendMessage |
Sends a message.
static class |
TdApi.SendMessageAlbum |
Sends 2-10 messages grouped together
into an album.
static class |
TdApi.SendPassportAuthorizationForm |
Sends a Telegram Passport authorization
form, effectively sharing data with
the service.
static class |
TdApi.SendPaymentForm |
Sends a filled-out payment form to
the bot for final verification.
static class |
TdApi.SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode |
Sends phone number confirmation code
to handle links of the type internalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation.
static class |
TdApi.SendPhoneNumberVerificationCode |
Sends a code to verify a phone number
to be added to a user's Telegram Passport.
static class |
TdApi.SetAccountTtl |
Changes the period of inactivity after
which the account of the current user
will automatically be deleted.
static class |
TdApi.SetAlarm |
Succeeds after a specified amount of
time has passed.
static class |
TdApi.SetAuthenticationPhoneNumber |
Sets the phone number of the user and
sends an authentication code to the
static class |
TdApi.SetAutoDownloadSettings |
Sets auto-download settings.
static class |
TdApi.SetBackground |
Changes the background selected by
the user; adds background to the list
of installed backgrounds.
static class |
TdApi.SetBio |
Changes the bio of the current user.
static class |
TdApi.SetBotUpdatesStatus |
Informs the server about the number
of pending bot updates if they haven't
been processed for a long time; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatClientData |
Changes application-specific data
associated with a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatDescription |
Changes information about a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatDiscussionGroup |
Changes the discussion group of a
channel chat; requires canChangeInfo
administrator right in the channel if
it is specified.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatDraftMessage |
Changes the draft message in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatLocation |
Changes the location of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatMemberStatus |
Changes the status of a chat member,
needs appropriate privileges.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatMessageTtlSetting |
Changes the message TTL setting (sets
a new self-destruct timer) in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatNotificationSettings |
Changes the notification settings of
a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatPermissions |
Changes the chat members permissions.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatPhoto |
Changes the photo of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatSlowModeDelay |
Changes the slow mode delay of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatTheme |
Changes the chat theme.
static class |
TdApi.SetChatTitle |
Changes the chat title.
static class |
TdApi.SetCommands |
Sets the list of commands supported
by the bot for the given user scope
and language; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.SetCustomLanguagePack |
Adds or changes a custom local language
pack to the current localization target.
static class |
TdApi.SetCustomLanguagePackString |
Adds, edits or deletes a string in a
custom local language pack.
static class |
TdApi.SetDatabaseEncryptionKey |
Changes the database encryption key.
static class |
TdApi.SetFileGenerationProgress |
Informs TDLib on a file generation progress.
static class |
TdApi.SetGameScore |
Updates the game score of the specified
user in the game; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.SetGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking |
Informs TDLib that speaking state of
a participant of an active group has changed.
static class |
TdApi.SetGroupCallParticipantVolumeLevel |
Changes volume level of a participant
of an active group call.
static class |
TdApi.SetGroupCallTitle |
Sets group call title.
static class |
TdApi.SetInlineGameScore |
Updates the game score of the specified
user in a game; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.SetLocation |
Changes the location of the current
static class |
TdApi.SetLogStream |
Sets new log stream for internal
logging of TDLib.
static class |
TdApi.SetLogTagVerbosityLevel |
Sets the verbosity level for a specified
TDLib internal log tag.
static class |
TdApi.SetLogVerbosityLevel |
Sets the verbosity level of the internal
logging of TDLib.
static class |
TdApi.SetName |
Changes the first and last name of
the current user.
static class |
TdApi.SetNetworkType |
Sets the current network type.
static class |
TdApi.SetOption |
Sets the value of an option.
static class |
TdApi.SetPassportElement |
Adds an element to the user's Telegram
static class |
TdApi.SetPassportElementErrors |
Informs the user that some of the
elements in their Telegram Passport
contain errors; for bots only.
static class |
TdApi.SetPassword |
Changes the password for the current
static class |
TdApi.SetPinnedChats |
Changes the order of pinned chats.
static class |
TdApi.SetPollAnswer |
Changes the user answer to a poll.
static class |
TdApi.SetProfilePhoto |
Changes a profile photo for the current user.
static class |
TdApi.SetRecoveryEmailAddress |
Changes the 2-step verification recovery
email address of the user.
static class |
TdApi.SetScopeNotificationSettings |
Changes notification settings for
chats of a given type.
static class |
TdApi.SetStickerPositionInSet |
Changes the position of a sticker in
the set to which it belongs; for bots
static class |
TdApi.SetStickerSetThumbnail |
Sets a sticker set thumbnail; for bots
static class |
TdApi.SetSupergroupStickerSet |
Changes the sticker set of a supergroup;
requires canChangeInfo administrator right.
static class |
TdApi.SetSupergroupUsername |
Changes the username of a supergroup
or channel, requires owner privileges
in the supergroup or channel.
static class |
TdApi.SetTdlibParameters |
Sets the parameters for TDLib
static class |
TdApi.SetUsername |
Changes the username of the current user.
static class |
TdApi.SetUserPrivacySettingRules |
Changes user privacy settings.
static class |
TdApi.SetVoiceChatDefaultParticipant |
Changes default participant identifier,
which can be used to join voice chats
in a chat.
static class |
TdApi.SharePhoneNumber |
Shares the phone number of the current
user with a mutual contact.
static class |
TdApi.StartGroupCallRecording |
Starts recording of an active group
static class |
TdApi.StartGroupCallScreenSharing |
Starts screen sharing in a joined
group call.
static class |
TdApi.StartScheduledGroupCall |
Starts a scheduled group call.
static class |
TdApi.StopPoll |
Stops a poll.
static class |
TdApi.SynchronizeLanguagePack |
Fetches the latest versions of all
strings from a language pack in the
current localization target from the
static class |
TdApi.TerminateAllOtherSessions |
Terminates all other sessions of the current user.
static class |
TdApi.TerminateSession |
Terminates a session of the current user.
static class |
TdApi.TestCallBytes |
Returns the received bytes; for testing
static class |
TdApi.TestCallEmpty |
Does nothing; for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestCallString |
Returns the received string; for
testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestCallVectorInt |
Returns the received vector of numbers;
for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestCallVectorIntObject |
Returns the received vector of objects
containing a number; for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestCallVectorString |
Returns the received vector of strings;
for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestCallVectorStringObject |
Returns the received vector of objects
containing a string; for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestGetDifference |
Forces an updates.getDifference call
to the Telegram servers; for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestNetwork |
Sends a simple network request to the
Telegram servers; for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestProxy |
Sends a simple network request to the
Telegram servers via proxy; for testing
static class |
TdApi.TestReturnError |
Returns the specified error and ensures
that the Error object is used; for
testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestSquareInt |
Returns the squared received number;
for testing only.
static class |
TdApi.TestUseUpdate |
Does nothing and ensures that the
Update object is used; for testing
static class |
TdApi.ToggleChatDefaultDisableNotification |
Changes the value of the default
disableNotification parameter, used
when a message is sent to a chat.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleChatIsMarkedAsUnread |
Changes the marked as unread state of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleChatIsPinned |
Changes the pinned state of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallEnabledStartNotification |
Toggles whether the current user will
receive a notification when the group
call will start; scheduled group calls only.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallIsMyVideoEnabled |
Toggles whether current user's video is enabled.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallIsMyVideoPaused |
Toggles whether current user's video is paused.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallMuteNewParticipants |
Toggles whether new participants of
a group call can be unmuted only by
administrators of the group call.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallParticipantIsHandRaised |
Toggles whether a group call participant
hand is rased.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallParticipantIsMuted |
Toggles whether a participant of an
active group call is muted, unmuted,
or allowed to unmute themselves.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleGroupCallScreenSharingIsPaused |
Pauses or unpauses screen sharing in
a joined group call.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleMessageSenderIsBlocked |
Changes the block state of a message
static class |
TdApi.ToggleSupergroupIsAllHistoryAvailable |
Toggles whether the message history
of a supergroup is available to new
members; requires canChangeInfo administrator right.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleSupergroupIsBroadcastGroup |
Upgrades supergroup to a broadcast
group; requires owner privileges in the supergroup.
static class |
TdApi.ToggleSupergroupSignMessages |
Toggles sender signatures messages
sent in a channel; requires canChangeInfo administrator right.
static class |
TdApi.TransferChatOwnership |
Changes the owner of a chat.
static class |
TdApi.UnpinAllChatMessages |
Removes all pinned messages from a
chat; requires canPinMessages rights
in the group or canEditMessages rights
in the channel.
static class |
TdApi.UnpinChatMessage |
Removes a pinned message from a chat;
requires canPinMessages rights in the
group or canEditMessages rights in the channel.
static class |
TdApi.UpgradeBasicGroupChatToSupergroupChat |
Creates a new supergroup from an
existing basic group and sends a
corresponding messageChatUpgradeTo
and messageChatUpgradeFrom; requires
creator privileges.
static class |
TdApi.UploadFile |
Asynchronously uploads a file to the
cloud without sending it in a message.
static class |
TdApi.UploadStickerFile |
Uploads a PNG image with a sticker;
returns the uploaded file.
static class |
TdApi.ValidateOrderInfo |
Validates the order information provided
by a user and returns the available
shipping options for a flexible invoice.
static class |
TdApi.ViewMessages |
Informs TDLib that messages are being
viewed by the user.
static class |
TdApi.ViewSponsoredMessage |
Informs TDLib that a sponsored message
was viewed by the user.
static class |
TdApi.ViewTrendingStickerSets |
Informs the server that some trending
sticker sets have been viewed by the user.
static class |
TdApi.WriteGeneratedFilePart |
Writes a part of a generated file.