Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.SetLoginEmailAddress

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.SetLoginEmailAddress extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo>
Changes the login email address of the user. The change will not be applied until the new login email address is confirmed with `checkLoginEmailAddressCode`. To use Apple ID/Google ID instead of a email address, call `checkLoginEmailAddressCode` directly. Returns EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
  • Field Details

    • newLoginEmailAddress

      public String newLoginEmailAddress
      New login email address.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SetLoginEmailAddress

      public SetLoginEmailAddress()
      Changes the login email address of the user. The change will not be applied until the new login email address is confirmed with `checkLoginEmailAddressCode`. To use Apple ID/Google ID instead of a email address, call `checkLoginEmailAddressCode` directly. Returns EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
    • SetLoginEmailAddress

      public SetLoginEmailAddress(String newLoginEmailAddress)
      Changes the login email address of the user. The change will not be applied until the new login email address is confirmed with `checkLoginEmailAddressCode`. To use Apple ID/Google ID instead of a email address, call `checkLoginEmailAddressCode` directly. Returns EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
      newLoginEmailAddress - String New login email address.
    • SetLoginEmailAddress

      public SetLoginEmailAddress(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Changes the login email address of the user. The change will not be applied until the new login email address is confirmed with `checkLoginEmailAddressCode`. To use Apple ID/Google ID instead of a email address, call `checkLoginEmailAddressCode` directly. Returns EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
  • Method Details