Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.Ok>
Checks the database encryption key for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey. Returns Ok
  • Field Details

    • encryptionKey

      public byte[] encryptionKey
      Encryption key to check or set up.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey

      public CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey()
      Checks the database encryption key for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey. Returns Ok
    • CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey

      public CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey(byte[] encryptionKey)
      Checks the database encryption key for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey. Returns Ok
      encryptionKey - byte[] Encryption key to check or set up.
    • CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey

      public CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Checks the database encryption key for correctness. Works only when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey. Returns Ok
  • Method Details