Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.SuggestedActionSetPassword

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.SuggestedActionSetPassword extends TdApi.SuggestedAction
Suggests the user to set a 2-step verification password to be able to log in again.
  • Field Details

    • authorizationDelay

      public int authorizationDelay
      The number of days to pass between consecutive authorizations if the user declines to set password.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SuggestedActionSetPassword

      public SuggestedActionSetPassword()
      Suggests the user to set a 2-step verification password to be able to log in again.
    • SuggestedActionSetPassword

      public SuggestedActionSetPassword(int authorizationDelay)
      Suggests the user to set a 2-step verification password to be able to log in again.
      authorizationDelay - int The number of days to pass between consecutive authorizations if the user declines to set password.
    • SuggestedActionSetPassword

      public SuggestedActionSetPassword(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Suggests the user to set a 2-step verification password to be able to log in again.
  • Method Details