Class TdApi.LoadGroupCallParticipants

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.LoadGroupCallParticipants
extends TdApi.Function
Loads more group call participants. The loaded participants will be received through updates. Use the field groupCall.loadedAllParticipants to check whether all participants has already been loaded.

Returns Ok

  • Field Details

    • groupCallId

      public int groupCallId
      Group call identifier. The group call must be previously received through getGroupCall and must be joined or being joined.
    • limit

      public int limit
      Maximum number of participants to load.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • LoadGroupCallParticipants

      public LoadGroupCallParticipants()
      Loads more group call participants. The loaded participants will be received through updates. Use the field groupCall.loadedAllParticipants to check whether all participants has already been loaded.

      Returns Ok

    • LoadGroupCallParticipants

      public LoadGroupCallParticipants​(int groupCallId, int limit)
      Loads more group call participants. The loaded participants will be received through updates. Use the field groupCall.loadedAllParticipants to check whether all participants has already been loaded.

      Returns Ok

      groupCallId - int Group call identifier. The group call must be previously received through getGroupCall and must be joined or being joined.
      limit - int Maximum number of participants to load.
    • LoadGroupCallParticipants

      public LoadGroupCallParticipants​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details