Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.PaymentForm

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.PaymentForm extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about an invoice payment form.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      The payment form identifier.
    • invoice

      public TdApi.Invoice invoice
      Full information about the invoice.
    • sellerBotUserId

      public long sellerBotUserId
      User identifier of the seller bot.
    • paymentProviderUserId

      public long paymentProviderUserId
      User identifier of the payment provider bot.
    • paymentProvider

      public TdApi.PaymentProvider paymentProvider
      Information about the payment provider.
    • savedOrderInfo

      public TdApi.OrderInfo savedOrderInfo
      Saved server-side order information; may be null.
    • savedCredentials

      public TdApi.SavedCredentials savedCredentials
      Information about saved card credentials; may be null.
    • canSaveCredentials

      public boolean canSaveCredentials
      True, if the user can choose to save credentials.
    • needPassword

      public boolean needPassword
      True, if the user will be able to save credentials protected by a password they set up.
    • productTitle

      public String productTitle
      Product title.
    • productDescription

      public TdApi.FormattedText productDescription
      Product description.
    • productPhoto

      public TdApi.Photo productPhoto
      Product photo; may be null.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentForm

      public PaymentForm()
      Contains information about an invoice payment form.
    • PaymentForm

      public PaymentForm(long id, TdApi.Invoice invoice, long sellerBotUserId, long paymentProviderUserId, TdApi.PaymentProvider paymentProvider, TdApi.OrderInfo savedOrderInfo, TdApi.SavedCredentials savedCredentials, boolean canSaveCredentials, boolean needPassword, String productTitle, TdApi.FormattedText productDescription, TdApi.Photo productPhoto)
      Contains information about an invoice payment form.
      id - long The payment form identifier.
      invoice - Invoice Full information about the invoice.
      sellerBotUserId - long User identifier of the seller bot.
      paymentProviderUserId - long User identifier of the payment provider bot.
      paymentProvider - PaymentProvider Information about the payment provider.
      savedOrderInfo - OrderInfo Saved server-side order information; may be null.
      savedCredentials - SavedCredentials Information about saved card credentials; may be null.
      canSaveCredentials - boolean True, if the user can choose to save credentials.
      needPassword - boolean True, if the user will be able to save credentials protected by a password they set up.
      productTitle - String Product title.
      productDescription - FormattedText Product description.
      productPhoto - Photo Product photo; may be null.
    • PaymentForm

      public PaymentForm(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Contains information about an invoice payment form.
  • Method Details